Clinical Medical Assisting 2yr, 4th Ed
Clinical Medical Assisting 2yr, 4th Ed
Clinical Medical Assisting 2yr, 4th Ed
Australia • Brazil • Japan • Korea • Mexico • Singapore • Spain • United Kingdom • United States
Delmar’s Clinical Medical Copyright © 2010, 2006, 2002, 1997 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Assisting, Fourth Edition
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Wilburta Q. Lindh, Marilyn S. Pooler, duced, transmitted, stored, or used in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or
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iv Table of Contents
Hand Washing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Pulse Abnormalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Unit 5: Assisting
Sanitization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 Recording Pulse Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 with Specialty Examinations
Disinfection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Respiration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Bioterrorism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Respiration Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
and Procedures 314
Abnormalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Chapter 11: The Patient History Blood Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 Chapter 14: Obstetrics
Equipment for Measuring and Gynecology 315
and Documentation 231 Blood Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
The Purpose of the Medical History . . . . 233 Measuring Blood Pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 Obstetrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
Preparing for the Patient . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Recording Blood Pressure Initial Prenatal Visit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
A Cross-Cultural Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 Subsequent or Return Prenatal Visits . . . . 321
Patient Information Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Normal Blood Pressure Readings . . . . . . . 273 Disorders of Pregnancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Demographic Data Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Blood Pressure Abnormalities . . . . . . . . . . 274 Parturition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
Financial Information Form . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Height and Weight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 Postpartum Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
Privacy Information Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 Gynecology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Release of Information Form . . . . . . . . . . 236 Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 The Gynecologic Examination . . . . . . . . . 335
Medical History Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Significance of Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Gynecologic Diseases and Conditions . . . 344
Computerized Health History . . . . . . . . . 237 Measuring Chest Circumference . . . . . . . 277 Other Diagnostic Tests and Treatments
The Patient Intake Interview . . . . . . . . . . 237 for Reproductive System Diseases . . . . . . . 347
Interacting with the Patient. . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Complementary Therapy in Obstetrics
Chapter 13: The Physical and Gynecology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
Displaying Cultural Awareness . . . . . . . . . 238
Being Sensitive to Patient Needs. . . . . . . . 239 Examination 293
Approaching Sensitive Topics . . . . . . . . . . 240 Methods of Examination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294 Chapter 15: Pediatrics 365
Communication across the Life Span . . . . 240 Observation or Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
What Is Pediatrics? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
The Medical Health History . . . . . . . . . . . 241 Palpation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Preparation of Vaccines for
SOAP/SOAPER and CHEDDAR . . . . . . . 241 Percussion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
Chief Complaint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 Auscultation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Recommended Vaccination Schedule . . . 375
Present Illness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 Mensuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Considerations for Vaccine
Medical History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 Manipulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
Family History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 Positioning and Draping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Giving Injections to Pediatric Patients . . . 378
Social History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 Examination Positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Theories of Growth and Development . . . 381
Review of Systems (ROS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 Equipment and Supplies for the
Newborns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
The Patient Record and Its Physical Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
Infants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
Importance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 Basic Components of a Physical
Toddlers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
HIPAA Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
Preschoolers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
Contents of Medical Records . . . . . . . . . . 246 Patient Appearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
School-Aged Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
Continuity of Care Record . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Gait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
Adolescents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
Methods of Charting/Documentation . . . 247 Stature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Growth Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
Source-Oriented Medical Records . . . . . . 247 Posture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Measuring the Infant or Child . . . . . . . . . 386
Problem-Oriented Medical Records . . . . . 247 Body Movements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Length and Weight Measurements . . . . . . 386
Electronic Medical Records (EMR) . . . . . 248 Speech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Infant Holds and Positions . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
Rules of Charting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Breath Odors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Height and Weight Measuring Devices . . 389
Abbreviations Used in Charting . . . . . . . . 250 Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Measuring Head Circumference. . . . . . . . 390
Chart Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Skin and Appendages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Measuring Chest Circumference . . . . . . . 390
The Physical Examination Sequence . . . . 303
Infant/Child Failure to Thrive . . . . . . . . . 391
Chapter 12: Vital Signs Head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
Pediatric Vital Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
Eyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
and Measurements 257 Ears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
The Importance of Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . 258 Pulse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
Nose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 Respirations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
Mouth and Throat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Terms Used to Describe Body Blood Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
Neck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 Collecting a Urine Specimen from
Chest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Phase Out of Mercury Thermometers and an Infant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
Breast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Other Mercury-Containing Equipment . . 260 Screening Infants for Hearing
Abdomen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Types of Thermometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Impairment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
Genitals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Measuring Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 Screening Infant and Child Visual
Rectum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Recording Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 Acuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
Reflexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Cleaning and Storage of Thermometers . 265 Common Disorders and Diseases . . . . . . . 394
After the Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Pulse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 Otitis Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
Pulse Sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 The Common Cold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
Measuring and Evaluating a Pulse . . . . . . 266 Tonsillitis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
Normal Pulse Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Pediculosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
Table of Contents v
Asthma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396 Digestive System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444 Solutions/Creams/Ointments . . . . . . . . . 548
Croup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396 Signs and Symptoms of Digestive Dressings and Bandages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548
Pertussis (Whooping Cough) . . . . . . . . . . 396 Conditions and Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444 Anesthetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548
Respiratory Syncytial Virus . . . . . . . . . . . . 397 Diagnostic Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 Patient Care and Preparation . . . . . . . . . . 550
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Bariatrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454 Patient Preparation and Education . . . . . 550
Disorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397 Sensory System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457 Informed Consent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
Child Abuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397 The Eye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457 Medical Assisting Considerations . . . . . . . 551
Male Circumcision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398 The Ear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463 Postoperative Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
The Nose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466 Wounds, Wound Care, and the
Chapter 16: Male Reproductive Respiratory System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466 Healing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552
Signs and Symptoms of Respiratory Basic Surgery Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
System 410 Conditions and Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466 Basic Rules and Concepts for Setup
Testicular Self-Examination . . . . . . . . . . . 413 Diagnostic Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467 of Surgical Trays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
Disorders of the Male Reproductive Spirometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467 Surgery Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413 Peak Expiratory Flow Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . 471 Preparation for Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
Testicular Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413 Pulse Oximetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471 Using Dry Sterile Transfer Forceps . . . . . . 556
Epididymitis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413 Inhalers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
Prostatitis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414 Musculoskeletal System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472 Chapter 20: Diagnostic Imaging 589
Prostate Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414 Fractures, Casting, and Cast Removal. . . . 474
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy . . . . . . . . . 415 Radiation Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590
Neurologic System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
Sexually Transmitted Diseases . . . . . . . . . . 416 X-Ray Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
Components of a Neurologic
Balanitis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416 Contrast Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
Screening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
Infertility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416 Patient Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
Circulatory System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
Erectile Dysfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417 Positioning the Patient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
Blood and Lymph System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
Assisting with the Male Reproductive Fluoroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
Integumentary System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418 Bone Densitometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
Allergy Skin Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures . . . . . . . 419 Diagnostic Imaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
Vasectomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 Unit 6: Advanced Positron Emission Tomography (PET). . . 594
Semen Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 Techniques Computerized Tomography (CT). . . . . . . 597
Urodynamic Studies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) . . . . 598
and Procedures 522 X-Rays (Flat Plates) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599
Ultrasonography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599
Chapter 17: Gerontology 423
Chapter 19: Assisting Mammography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
Societal Bias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424 Filing Films and Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
Facts about Aging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425 with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 523
Radiation Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
Physiologic Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425 Surgical Asepsis and Sterilization . . . . . . . 525 Nuclear Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602
Senses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426 Hand Cleansing (Hand Hygiene)
Integumentary System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427 for Medical and Surgical Asepsis . . . . . . . 525
Sterile Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526 Chapter 21: Rehabilitation
Nervous System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
Musculoskeletal System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427 Methods of Sterilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527 and Therapeutic Modalities 605
Respiratory System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428 Gas Sterilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527 The Role of the Medical Assistant
Cardiovascular System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428 Dry Heat Sterilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527 in Rehabilitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607
Gastrointestinal System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429 Chemical (“Cold”) Sterilization . . . . . . . . 527 Principles of Body Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . 608
Urinary System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429 Steam Sterilization (Autoclave) . . . . . . . . 528 Posture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608
Reproductive System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429 Common Surgical Procedures Using the Body Safely and
Prevention of Complications . . . . . . . . . . 429 Performed in Providers’ Offices Effectively . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608
Psychological Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430 and Clinics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532 Lifting Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609
The Medical Assistant and the Additional Surgical Methods . . . . . . . . . . . 533 Transferring Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609
Geriatric Patient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430 Electrosurgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533 Assisting Patients to Ambulate . . . . . . . . . 611
Memory-Impaired Older Adults . . . . . . . . 431 Cryosurgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533 Assistive Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611
Visually Impaired Older Adults. . . . . . . . . 431 Laser Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534 Walkers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611
Hearing-Impaired Older Adults . . . . . . . . 431 Suture Materials and Supplies . . . . . . . . . 534 Crutches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613
Elder Abuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432 Suture/Ligature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534 Canes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616
Healthy and Successful Aging . . . . . . . . . . 433 Suture Needles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535 Wheelchairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617
Staples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535 Therapeutic Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618
Staple Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535 Range of Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618
Chapter 18: Examinations and
Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536 Muscle Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620
Procedures of Body Systems 437 Structural Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536 Types of Therapeutic Exercise . . . . . . . . . 620
Urinary System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439 Categories and Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536 Electromyography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621
Signs and Symptoms of Urinary Care of Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543 Electrostimulation of Muscle . . . . . . . . . . 621
Conditions and Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439 Supplies and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546 Therapeutic Modalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621
Diagnostic Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439 Drapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547 Heat and Cold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621
Urinary Catheterization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 Sponges and Wicks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547 Moist and Dry Heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 622
vi Table of Contents
Moist and Dry Cold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623 Chapter 24: Calculation of Medication Chapter 25: Electrocardiography 760
Ultrasound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624 Dosage and Medication Anatomy of the Heart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 762
Massage Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625
Administration 704 Electrical Conduction System
of the Heart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 762
Legal and Ethical Implications
Chapter 22: Nutrition in Health The Cardiac Cycle and the
of Medication Administration . . . . . . . . . . 705
and Disease 638 Ethical Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706 ECG Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763
Nutrition and Digestion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639 Calculation of Heart Rate on ECG
The Medication Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706
Types of Nutrients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640 Graph Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763
The Prescription . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706
Energy Nutrients (Organic) . . . . . . . . . . . 640 Types of Electrocardiographs . . . . . . . . . . 765
Drug Dosage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
Other Nutrients (Inorganic) . . . . . . . . . . . 646 Single-Channel Electrocardiograph . . . . . 765
Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
Reading Food Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654 Multichannel Electrocardiograph . . . . . . 767
Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
Items on the Nutrition Label . . . . . . . . . . 654 Automatic Electrocardiograph
Sex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
Comparing Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655 Machines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767
Other Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710
Nutrition at Various Stages of Life . . . . . . 655 Electrocardiograph Telephone
The Medication Label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710
Pregnancy and Lactation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 656 Transmissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768
Calculation of Drug Dosages . . . . . . . . . . 711
Breast-Feeding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657 Facsimile Electrocardiograph . . . . . . . . . . 768
Understanding Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711
Infancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657 Interpretive Electrocardiograph . . . . . . . . 768
Understanding Proportion . . . . . . . . . . . . 712
Childhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657 ECG Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768
Weights and Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713
Adolescence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657 Electrocardiograph Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768
Medications Measured in Units . . . . . . . . 715
Older Adults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660 Electrolyte. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768
How to Calculate Unit Dosages. . . . . . . . . 715
Therapeutic Diets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660 Sensors or Electrodes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768
Insulin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 716
Weight Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661 Lead Wires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768
Diabetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 716
Diabetes Mellitus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662 Electrocardiograph Machine . . . . . . . . . . 769
Calculating Adult Dosages . . . . . . . . . . . . 718
Cardiovascular Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 663 Care of Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 769
The Proportional Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . 718
Cancer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664 Lead Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 769
The Formula Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719
Diet and Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664 The Electrocardiograph and Sensor
Calculating Children’s Dosages. . . . . . . . . 719
Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 769
Body Surface Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719
Standard Limb or Bipolar Leads. . . . . . . . 769
Chapter 23: Basic Pharmacology 672 Kilogram of Body Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720
Augmented Leads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 769
Administration of Medications . . . . . . . . . 721
Medical Uses of Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673 Chest Leads or Precordial Leads . . . . . . . 770
The “Six Rights” of Proper Drug
Drug Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674 Standardization and Adjustment
Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 722
History and Sources of Drugs . . . . . . . . . . 674 of the Electrocardiograph . . . . . . . . . . . . . 772
Medication Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723
Plant Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674 Standard Resting Electrocardiography . . . . 773
Patient Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723
Animal Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675 Mounting the ECG Tracing . . . . . . . . . . . . 773
Administration of Oral
Mineral Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675 Interference or Artifacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773
Medications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725
Herbal Supplements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675 Somatic Tremor Artifacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773
Equipment and Supplies for
Synthetic Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 676 AC Interference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773
Oral Medications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725
Genetically Engineered Wandering Baseline Artifacts . . . . . . . . . . 774
Administration of Parenteral
Pharmaceuticals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 676 Interrupted Baseline Artifacts . . . . . . . . . . 774
Medications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726
Drug Regulations and Legal Patients with Unique Problems . . . . . . . . . 774
Hazards Associated with Parenteral
Classifications of Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 676 Myocardial Infarctions
Medications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726
Controlled Substance Act of 1970 . . . . . . 676 (Heart Attacks) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 775
Reasons for Parenteral Route
Prescription Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681 Cardiac Arrhythmias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776
Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726
Nonprescription Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 682 Atrial Arrhythmias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776
Parenteral Equipment and
Proper Disposal of Drugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 682 Ventricular Arrhythmias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777
Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727
Administer, Prescribe, Dispense . . . . . . . . 683 Defibrillation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 779
Principles of Intravenous Therapy . . . . . . 731
Drug References and Standards . . . . . . . . 683 Other Cardiac Diagnostic Tests . . . . . . . . 779
Site Selection and Injection
How to Use the PDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 684 Holter Monitor (Portable Ambulatory
Angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
Other Reference Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685 Electrocardiograph) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 779
Marking the Correct Site for
Classification of Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686 Loop ECG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 781
Intramuscular Injection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
Principal Actions of Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . 686 Treadmill Stress Test or Exercise
Basic Guidelines for Administration
Factors That Affect Drug Action . . . . . . . . 686 Tolerance ECG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 781
of Injections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737
Undesirable Actions of Drugs . . . . . . . . . . 686 Thallium Stress Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 782
Z-Track Method of Intramuscular
Drug Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 690 Echocardiography/Ultrasonography . . . . 782
Injection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 738
Forms of Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 690 Cardiac Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 783
Administration of Allergenic
Liquid Preparations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 690 Procedures for Heart Disease . . . . . . . . . . 783
Extracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 738
Solid and Semisolid Preparations . . . . . . . 690 Procedures for Arrhythmias . . . . . . . . . . . 783
Administration of Inhaled
Other Drug Delivery Systems . . . . . . . . . . 690
Medications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739
Storage and Handling of Medications . . . 692
Implications for Patient Care . . . . . . . . . . 739
Emergency Drugs and Supplies . . . . . . . . 692
Administration of Oxygen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739
Bioterrorism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693
Drug Abuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693
Table of Contents ix
Unit 9: Entry into the Certified Clinical Medical Assistant Closing the Interview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1087
Profession 1057 and Certified Medical Administrative Interview Follow-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1088
Assistant Application Process . . . . . . . . . 1066 Follow-Up Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1088
Certified Clinical Medical Assistant Follow Up by Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1088
Chapter 35: Preparing for and Certified Medical Administrative After You Are Employed . . . . . . . . . . . . 1088
Medical Assisting Credentials 1058 Assistant Examination Scheduling Dealing with Difficult People . . . . . . . . . 1088
and Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1066 Getting a Raise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1089
Purpose of Certification . . . . . . . . . . . . 1059
Certified Clinical Medical Assistant Professionalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1090
Certification Agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1060
and Certified Medical Administrative
Preparing for Certification
Examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1061
Assistant Recertification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1067 Appendix A:
Professional Organizations . . . . . . . . . . 1067 Common Medical
American Association of Medical
American Association of Medical Abbreviations and Symbols 1093
Assistants (AAMA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1061
Assistants (AAMA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1067
Certified Medical Assistant (AAMA) Appendix B:
American Medical Technologists
Examination Format and Content . . . . . 1062 Top 50 Brand Drugs for 2007
(AMT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1067
Certified Medical Assistant (AAMA)
National Healthcareer Association . . . . . 1068 by Number of U.S. Prescriptions
Application Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1062
Dispensed 1101
Certified Medical Assistant (AAMA)
Examination Scheduling and Chapter 36: Employment Appendix C:
Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1063 Strategies 1071 Occupational Analysis
Certified Medical Assistant (AAMA) Developing a Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1072 of the CMA (AAMA) 1102
Recertification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1063 Attitude and Mindset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1072 Appendix D:
American Medical Technologists Self-Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1073
(AMT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1064 Medical Assisting Task List 1105
Job Search Analysis and Research. . . . . . 1074
Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) Résumé Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075 Appendix E:
Examination Format and Content . . . . . 1064 Résumé Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075 Software Support:
Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) Clear and Concise Résumés . . . . . . . . . . 1076 The Critical Thinking
Application Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1065 Accomplishments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1076 Challenge 1108
Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1076
Examination Scheduling and Glossary of Terms 1113
Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1077
Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1065 Résumé Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1077 Glosario de términos 1143
Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) Vital Résumé Information . . . . . . . . . . . 1081 Index 1175
Recertification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1065 Application/Cover Letters . . . . . . . . . . . 1082
National Healthcareer Association Completing the Application Form . . . . . 1082
(NHA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1066 The Interview Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1084
Certified Clinical Medical Assistant The Look of Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1085
and Certified Medical Administrative Preparing for the Interview . . . . . . . . . . . 1085
Assistant Examination Format The Actual Interview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1086
and Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1066 Interviewing the Employer . . . . . . . . . . . 1087
x Table of Contents
List of Procedures
4-1 Identifying Community 15-3 Measuring the Infant: Weight, 19-3 Preparing Instruments for
Resources Length, and Head and Chest Sterilization in Autoclave
9-1 Control of Bleeding Circumference 19-4 Sterilization of Instruments
9-2 Applying an Arm Splint 15-4 Taking an Infant’s Rectal (Autoclave)
10-1 Medical Asepsis Hand Wash Temperature with a Digital 19-5 Setting Up and Covering a Sterile
(Hand Hygiene) Thermometer Field
10-2 Removing Contaminated Gloves 15-5 Taking an Apical Pulse on an 19-6 Opening Sterile Packages of
10-3 Transmission-Based Precautions: Infant Instruments and Supplies and
Donning a Gown, Mask, Gloves, 15-6 Measuring Infant’s Respiratory Applying Them to a Sterile Field
and Cap (Isolation Technique) Rate 19-7 Pouring a Sterile Solution into a
10-4 Sanitization of Instruments 15-7 Obtaining a Urine Specimen Cup on a Sterile Field
11-1 Taking a Medical History for a from an Infant or Young Child 19-8 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory
Paper Medical Record 16-1 Instructing Patient in Testicular Surgery
12-1 Measuring an Oral Temperature Self-Examination 19-9 Dressing Change
Using an Electronic 18-1 Urinary Catheterization of a 19-10 Wound Irrigation
Thermometer Female Patient 19-11 Preparation of Patient’s Skin
12-2 Measuring an Aural 18-2 Urinary Catheterization of a Male before Surgery
Temperature Using a Patient 19-12 Suturing of Laceration or Incision
Tympanic Thermometer 18-3 Fecal Occult Blood Test Repair
12-3 Measuring a Temperature 18-4 Performing Visual Acuity Testing 19-13 Sebaceous Cyst Excision
Using a Temporal Artery (TA) Using a Snellen Chart 19-14 Incision and Drainage of
Thermometer 18-5 Measuring Near Visual Acuity Localized Infection
12-4 Measuring a Rectal Temperature 18-6 Testing Color Vision Using the 19-15 Aspiration of Joint Fluid
Using a Digital Thermometer Ishihara Plates 19-16 Hemorrhoid Thrombectomy
12-5 Measuring an Axillary 18-7 Performing Eye Instillation 19-17 Suture/Staple Removal
Temperature 18-8 Performing Eye Patch Dressing 19-18 Application of Sterile Adhesive
12-6 Measuring an Oral Temperature Application Skin Closure Strips
Using a Disposable Oral Strip 18-9 Performing Eye Irrigation 21-1 Transferring Patient from
Thermometer 18-10 Assisting with Audiometry Wheelchair to Examination Table
12-7 Measuring a Radial Pulse 18-11 Performing Ear Irrigation 21-2 Transferring Patient from
12-8 Taking an Apical Pulse 18-12 Performing Ear Instillation Examination Table to Wheelchair
12-9 Measuring the Respiration Rate 18-13 Assisting with Nasal Examination 21-3 Assisting the Patient to Stand and
12-10 Measuring Blood Pressure 18-14 Cautery Treatment of Epistaxis Walk
12-11 Measuring Height 18-15 Performing Nasal Instillation 21-4 Care of the Falling Patient
12-12 Measuring Adult Weight 18-16 Administer Oxygen by Nasal 21-5 Assisting a Patient to Ambulate
13-1 Assisting with a Complete Physical Cannula for Minor Respiratory with a Walker
Examination Distress 21-6 Teaching the Patient to Ambulate
14-1 Assisting with Routine Prenatal 18-17 Instructing Patient in Use of with Crutches
Visits Metered Dose Inhaler 21-7 Assisting a Patient to Ambulate
14-2 Assisting with Pelvic Examination 18-18 Spirometry with a Cane
and Pap Test (Conventional and 18-19 Pulse Oximetry 22-1 Provide Instruction for Health
ThinPrep® Methods) 18-20 Assisting with Plaster Cast Maintenance and Disease
14-3 Assisting with Insertion of an Application Prevention
Intrauterine Device (IUD) 18-21 Assisting with Cast Removal 23-1 Proper Disposal of Drugs
14-4 Wet Prep/Wet Mount and 18-22 Assisting the Physician 24-1 Administration of Oral
Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) during a Lumbar Puncture or Medications
Prep Cerebrospinal Fluid Aspiration 24-2 Withdrawing Medication from a
14-5 Amplified DNA ProbeTec Test 18-23 Assisting the Provider with Vial
for Chlamydia and a Neurologic Screening 24-3 Withdrawing Medication from an
Gonorrhea Examination Ampule
15-1 Administration of a Vaccine 19-1 Applying Sterile Gloves 24-4 Administration of Subcutaneous,
15-2 Maintaining Immunization 19-2 Chemical “Cold” Sterilization of Intramuscular, and Intradermal
Records Endoscopes Injections
List of Procedures xi
24-5 Administering a Subcutaneous 29-1 Hemoglobin Determination 32-2 Performing Infectious
Injection Using a CLIA Waived Mononucleosis Test
24-6 Administering an Intramuscular Hemoglobin Analyzer 32-3 Obtaining Blood Specimen for
Injection 29-2 Microhematocrit Determination Phenylketonuria (PKU) Test
24-7 Administering an Intradermal 29-3 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate 32-4 Screening Test for PKU
Injection of Purified Protein 29-4 Prothrombin Time (Using CLIA 32-5 Measurement of Blood Glucose
Derivative (PPD) Waived ProTime Analyzer) Using an Automated Analyzer
24-8 Reconstituting a Powder 30-1 Assessing Urine Volume, Color, 32-6 Cholesterol Testing
Medication for Administration and Clarity 33-1 Completing a Medical Incident
24-9 Z-Track Intramuscular Injection 30-2 Using the Refractometer to Report
Technique Measure Specific Gravity 33-2 Preparing a Meeting Agenda
25-1 Perform Single-Channel or 30-3 Performing a Urinalysis Chemical 33-3 Supervising a Student Practicum
Multichannel Electrocardiogram Examination 33-4 Developing and Maintaining a
25-2 Holter Monitor Application 30-4 Preparing Slide for Microscopic Procedure Manual
(Cassette and Digital) Examination of Urine Sediment 33-5 Making Travel Arrangements with
27-1 Using the Microscope 30-5 Performing a Complete Urinalysis a Travel Agent
28-1 Palpating a Vein and Preparing a 30-6 Utilizing a Urine Transport 33-6 Making Travel Arrangements via
Patient for Venipuncture System for C&S the Internet
28-2 Venipuncture by Syringe 30-7 Instructing a Patient in the 33-7 Processing Employee Payroll
28-3 Venipuncture by Vacuum Tube Collection of a Clean-Catch, 33-8 Perform an Inventory of
System Midstream Urine Specimen Equipment and Supplies
28-4 Venipuncture by Butterfly Needle 31-1 Procedure for Obtaining a Throat 33-9 Perform Routine Maintenance or
System Specimen for Culture Calibration of Administrative and
28-5 Capillary Puncture 31-2 Wet Mount and Hanging Drop Clinical Equipment
28-6 Obtaining a Capillary Specimen Slide Preparations 34-1 Develop and Maintain a Policy
for Transport Using a Microtainer 31-3 Performing Strep Throat Testing Manual
Transport Unit 31-4 Instructing a Patient on 34-2 Prepare a Job Description
28-7 Obtaining Blood for Blood Obtaining a Fecal Specimen 34-3 Conduct Interviews
Culture 32-1 Pregnancy Test 34-4 Orient Personnel
1. StudyWARE is interactive software with learning Instructor Resources (CD-ROM) is a tool to help
activities and quizzes to help study key concepts prepare for class, deliver effective presentations,
and test your comprehension. The activity and and monitor student progress throughout the
quiz content corresponds with each chapter in course. Create a total lesson plan, which includes
the book: visual examples, computer-generated tests, and
more. Tools include:
˚ Multiple choice, true/false, and fill-in-the-blank
quizzes • A Computerized Test Bank in ExamView with
more than 1,200 questions and answers, organized
˚ Flash cards, concentration, hangman, case by chapter
• Instructor slides created in PowerPoint for each
˚ Championship game chapter, which cover key concepts presented in
˚ Visual instrument flash cards the text and includes graphics, animations, and
˚ Visual instrument concentration video clips
˚ Animations library • An Image Library of more than 700 images from
2. Audio Library: Practice pronouncing and rec- the text
ognizing medical terminology using the Audio • Complete, customizable Instructor’s Manual files
Library. Search for terms by word or body system.
Once a word is selected, it is pronounced correctly The Online Companion offers extra content for
and defined on the screen. both instructors and students.
The Workbook (Print) has been fully revised to 1. Instructors—Log on to
map closely to the book. Designed to reinforce companions to get these resources and more:
and apply concepts and develop critical thinking,
the workbook helps strengthen the knowledge ˚ CourseForward curriculum and curriculum
mapping tools
and skills presented in the book. Competency
Assessment Checklists for each procedure track ˚ Customizable Competency Assessment Check-
all of the entry-level competencies designated by lists
ABHES and CAAHEP. Crossover and conversion guides
• Assignment Sheets: ˚ Support documentation for software programs
2. Students—Log on to
˚ Incorporate a mix of review exercises and appli-
cation activities in the chapter assignment sheets dl_login.aspx and register your Access Code (located
on the tear-out card in the front of the book) to get
˚ Feature more hands-on application activities, these resources and more:
case studies, and forms practice and certifica-
tion exam practice ˚ The Competency Challenge 2.0
• Competency Assessment Checklists: ˚ Spelling Bee and Image Labeling games to
practice anatomy and physiology
˚ New source materials, scenarios, and forms
accompanying the competency assessment Link to Mobile Download Web site, to access
checklists the free mp3 downloads of Spanish terms
Preface xv
CourseForward Curriculum (on the Online Compan- Web Tutor Advantage on Blackboard or WebCT
ion) is a modular curriculum solution that breaks platforms (Online) is an online classroom man-
down content into topics for ease of learning and agement tool that takes your course beyond the
serves as a road map for course material. Course- classroom wall. Web Tutor provides rich commu-
Forward is designed for instructors to spend less nication and course management tools, including
time planning and more time teaching. Some of a Course Calendar, Chat, email, Threaded Discus-
the features of CourseForward include: sions, Web Links, and a White Board. It also con-
tains additional content to reinforce and enhance
• Equipment lists learning and test student learning, including:
• Homework assignments
• Learning Links explore health care topics through
• In-class discussion topics and suggested responses,
research on the Internet
individual and group activities
• Critical thinking questions and case studies with
• Key Concepts table mapped to activities and
video clips
• Discussion questions and quizzes for each chapter
The Competency Challenge 2.0 (on the Online Com- • Quizzes by chapter, unit, and section
panion) features interactive activities, better assess-
• A comprehensive terminal examination
ment, and a new concluding capstone element.
To help practice the competencies necessary to • PowerPoint presentations which include anima-
become a medical assistant, you are “virtually” tions and video clips
externing at a local medical office.
Web Tutor Toolbox on Blackboard or WebCT
• Days 1 through 4 focus on 26 video-based case platforms (Online) is an online classroom man-
studies with interactive exercises. agement tool that takes your course beyond the
• Day 5 is a “day in the life” capstone event that classroom wall. Web Tutor provides rich commu-
applies the competencies practiced to a realistic nication and course management tools, including
patient case study. In the case study, you will follow a Course Calendar, Chat, email, Threaded Discus-
a new patient through an office visit for a physical sions, Web Links, and a White Board. Preloaded
exam. content includes objectives, advance preparation,
• Features printable quiz scoring and competency and FAQs.
xvi Preface
Critical Thinking Challenge 2.0 Software program 10 all-new video scenarios, with several follow-on scenarios
(CD-ROM in the back Scoring, outcomes, and feedback for each decision selected
of the book)
Printable Certification of Completion at the end of the program
StudyWARE Software CD-ROM Software program StudyWARE software with games, visual instrument flash
(CD-ROM in the back cards, and quizzes
of the book) Audio Library of medical terms
Competency Challenge 2.0 Software program, web 26 video-based case studies with interactive exercises
access (on Online New capstone patient case study
Printable quiz scores and Competency Checklists
CourseForward Curriculum Web access (on Online Modular curriculum solution that breaks down content into
Companion) smaller topics
Key Concepts outline mapped to suggested activities and
homework assignments
Thanks to my husband, Jud, and to my family for their patience and under-
standing during the writing of this edition. Thanks also to Billie, Carol, and
Barbara, a great team of authors who together made this text a tremendous
learning tool for medical assistants. A special thank you to Sarah Prime for her
expertise, patience, and kindness.
Marilyn S. Pooler
Writing a textbook, even the revision of a textbook, requires the input and dedica-
tion of many individuals, especially in the field of health care where changes occur
almost daily. Collaborating with Billie, Marilyn, and Barbara has ensured that
the most recent information is included in this text. Thank you, Sarah Prime,
for your vision and guidance. My special thanks to Cecile Favreau, subject mat-
ter expert on MOSS, who provided electronic procedures as appropriate. Thanks
to Tom, my husband, who assumed many household chores and took us out to
dinner at just the right times.
Carol D. Tamparo
First and foremost I would like to thank my husband, Ed, for his support and
encouragement during this 4th edition revision. It has been a very exciting
experience—making sure our textbook is the best and most current representation
of what today’s medical assistant student needs to know to enter the profession;
covering the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains; as well as adding
current technology and new clinical diagnostics and equipment. I appreciate the
opportunity to continue working with my diversely talented team members, Billie,
Carol, and Marilyn, to create this nationally respected resource. Special thanks to
Whatcom Community College and my students for supporting me in this phase of
my professional development; to Sarah Prime, Jack Pendleton, and the Cengage
Learning team; Dan Fitzgerald; and Ferndale Family Medical Clinic, especially
Mary Kilmer, CMA (AAMA), for helping with our photo opportunities.
Barbara M. Dahl
xx Table of Contents
The Authors and Publisher would like to thank the following people and
locations for assisting with our photo shoots:
Table of Contents xxi
Melinda Parker, MA
Developing Administrative StudyWARE Content
xxii Contributors
Diane Alagna, RN, AHI, CPT Robin Kern, RN, BSN Cornelia Mutts, RN, BSN, CMA
Branford Hall Career Institute Medical Assisting Instructor (AAMA), MBA, PhD
Southington, CT Moultrie Technical College Program Director of Allied
Moultrie, GA Health
Ana T. Alvarez-Calonge, MLT, Bryant & Stratton College
RMA, AHI Claire E. Maday-Travis, MA, MBA, Virginia Beach, VA
Medical Assisting Program CPHQ
Director Allied Health Program Director Bev Philpott, BSc, CMA (AAMA)
Keiser Career College The Salter School Kirkwood Community College
Miami Lakes, FL West Boylston, MA Davenport, IA
Michelle Blesi, CMA (AAMA), Lori Malone, CMA (AAMA) Lynn G. Slack, BS, CMA (AAMA)
AA, BA Medical Assistant Program Medical Programs Director
Medical Assistant Program Clinical Lab Assistant Kaplan Career Institute—
Director Century College—East Campus ICM Campus
Century College—East Campus White Bear Lake, MN Pittsburgh, PA
White Bear Lake, MN
Sharon McSain, BS, MA Edu, Lori Starnes, CMA (AAMA), AAS
George Fakhoury, MD, DORCP, CMA (AAMA) Medical Assisting Program
CMA (AAMA) Academic Dean Director
Medical Assisting Program South Piedmont Community
Jeanette Goodwin, BSN, CMA Director College
(AAMA) Elmira Business Institute Monroe, NC
Program Chair Elmira, NY
Southeast Community College Tracy Thomas, BS
Lincoln, NE Pat Gallagher Moeck, PhD, MBA, St. Louis College of Health
CMA (AAMA) Careers
Cynthia Harms, MEd, CMA Director, Medical Assisting St. Louis, MO
(AAMA), CPC, CPC-H Program
Mildred Elley School El Centro College Lisa Wright, CMA (AAMA), MT
Latham, NY Dallas, TX (ASCP), SH
Medical Assisting Program
Shirley Jelmo, CMA (AAMA), Patricia Moseley, BS, MEd Coordinator
RMA Academic Dean Medical Support Programs
Medical Assisting Lead Instructor Concorde Career Institute Department Chair
PIMA Medical Institute Arlington, TX Bristol Community College
Colorado Springs, CO Fall River, MA
Reviewers xxiii
How to Use the Book
Icons appear throughout the book to highlight
chapter material on topics important to today’s
medical assistant:
Chapter Openers
Using Computers in the Medical Office
At the beginning
of each chapter,
you will find an
Outline, Objec-
Cultural Diversity tives, and a list of
Key Terms. Use
these as a road map
to understand the
Professionalism Patient Assessment
Procedures, Diagnoses & Treatment Plans
Referrals & Follow-up Appointments
Orders for Tests
Patient Medical History
Critical Thinking
What is your opinion of the concierge
type of medical practice? Would you Step-by-step procedures, grouped together at the end of
feel comfortable working in such an each chapter, give instruction on all important adminis-
environment? Why or why not?
trative, clinical, and general competencies. They feature
graphical illustration of the steps to be performed as well as
rationales and correct documentation.
Audio Library
Activities Practice pronouncing and recognizing medical terminology
Activities include concentration, hangman, case studies, a using the Audio Library. Search for terms by word or body
championship game, and key term flash cards. system. Once a word is selected, it is pronounced correctly
and defined on the screen.
Chapter 1
The Medical Assisting Profession
Chapter 2
Health Care Settings and the Health
Care Team
Chapter 3
History of Medicine
The Medical Assisting
Profession 1
Accreditation Historical Perspective Desire to Learn
Ambulatory Care Setting of the Profession Physical Attributes
Attribute Career Opportunities Ability to Communicate
Bachelor’s Degree Education of the Medical Ethical Behavior
Assistant American Association
Courses in a Medical Assisting of Medical Assistants
Certified Medical Assis-
tant (CMA [AAMA]) Program Certification
Practicum Continuing Education
Associate and Bachelor American Medical
Compliance Degrees Technologists
Credentialed Accreditation of Medical Assisting Registered Medical Assistant
Dexterity Programs Certified Medical Administra-
Diploma CAAHEP tive Specialist
Disposition ABHES Continuing Education
Empathy Attributes of a Medical Assistant National Healthcareer
Facilitate Professional Association
Empathy Certification
Attitude Continuing Education
Dependability Regulation of Health Care
License Initiative Providers
Licensure Flexibility Scope of Practice
Professionalism OBJECTIVES
Proprietary The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and
Registered Medical demonstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this
Assistant (RMA) chapter through written and oral communication.
Scope of Practice 1. Define the key terms as presented in the glossary.
2. Discuss the history of medical assisting.
3. Describe the practicum experience.
4. Recall two criteria for the selection of practicum sites.
5. List three benefits of the practicum to student and site.
6. Describe the profession of medical assisting and analyze its
career opportunities in relationship to your interests.
7. Identify and discuss nine attributes that are important for a
professional medical assistant to have.
OBJECTIVES (continued)
8. Describe the American Association of Medical Assistants and
discuss its major functions.
9. Discuss the role of the American Medical Technologists in the
credentialing of medical assistants.
10. Explain the purpose of the National Healthcareer Association.
11. Explain accreditation, certification, and continuing education
as they pertain to the professional medical assistant.
12. Identify the importance of the accreditation process to an
educational institution.
13. Recall at least two methods available to obtain recertification.
14. List five means of obtaining continuing education units.
15. Differentiate among certification, licensure, and registration.
16. State the importance of understanding the scope of practice for
the medical assistant.
A group of high school freshmen have come to tour They tell the high school students about medical
the medical assisting class and laboratory areas. The assisting and describe the personal and physical attri-
Program Director of Medical Assisting is showing the butes desirable for those who want to become medical
students around the department. The Program Director assistants. They explain the importance of these attri-
then takes them into the medical assisting laboratary, butes, as well as what duties a professional medical
where the senior medical assistant students are prac- assistant performs and what education is needed to
ticing their clinical skills. Each senior student pairs up pursue a career in medical assisting.
with a high school freshman, and each pair talks about Throughout the question and answer discus-
medical assisting, with the medical assistant students sions, the senior medical assistant students and the
answering questions the others may have. The medi- program director stress the importance of ethics,
cal assistant students are in uniform as part of their empathy, attitude, dependability, and teamwork as
preparation to go into various health care agencies to favorable attributes. Individuals seeking a career in
do their externship or practicum. The medical assistant medical assisting should develop and maintain these
students look professional, clean, fresh, and motivated. characteristics.
Historically, medical science has been fascinating to most than ever, because of the explosion of knowledge and high
people. Perhaps you have been drawn to medical assisting technology in medicine, medical assistants are involved
because you too are intrigued by medicine and want to in an ever-widening scope of clinical and administrative
learn about advances in health care and become involved duties. With the medical assistant’s expanded role has come
in providing care to patients. More than likely you have a the responsibility to become a well-educated and highly com-
desire to help others. petent professional dedicated to providing the highest qual-
Medical assistants have always played an integral ity of health care.
role in providers’ offices and ambulatory care settings Consumers of health care have become increasingly
such as clinics and urgent care facilities, where health care aware, primarily through the media, of the availability
services are offered on an outpatient basis. And now more of the latest advances, techniques, and discoveries in
CHAPTER 1 The Medical Assisting Profession 5
medical assistants work as phlebotomists, cod- year to complete (a total of 2 years) for an associ-
ing specialists, medical laboratory assistants, and ate’s degree or longer for a bachelor’s degree.
medical administrative specialists. The outlook for
employment of medical assistants is promising. Courses in a Medical
According to the AAMA, there are more than
one million medical assistants in the work force.
Assisting Program
The United States Department of Labor Bureau of Some of the administrative, general, and clinical
Statistics listed medical assisting as one of the fast- courses are listed in Table 1-1. Another aspect of
est growing allied health professions for the years an educational medical assisting program is the
1998 to 2012. Increased employment opportuni- practicum, a period when students participate in
ties for medical assistants result from the increased an on the job training. This provides an excel-
medical needs of an aging population, growth in lent opportunity to apply theory to practices (see
the number of health care practitioners and their Chapter 36).
desire to hire the most qualified person for the
task, increased diagnostic testing, greater volume
and complexity of paperwork and computer infor-
mation, managed care’s emphasis on ambulatory Practicum, externship, and internship are all terms
care, and the insurance-mandated shorter stay of used to define the transition period between the
patients in hospitals. classroom and actual employment. A practicum
is planned and supervised by a coordinator from Some of the benefits to the practicum site are:
the medical assisting program and the health care
• Greater alertness of staff because of their educa-
facility that agrees to become a partner in the edu-
tional responsibilities to the student
cation and employability of the student.
• Opportunity for staff to observe students who will
Practicum Sites. Sites for practicum are chosen soon be seeking employment
carefully to ensure that a variety of experiences • Possibility that staff will learn more about the pro-
is available for the student. The sites should pro- fession of medical assisting
vide the student with adequate administrative,
clinical, and general experiences. The staff at the Associate and Bachelor
various sites must be willing to make a commit-
ment to the medical assistant’s education by spend-
ing appropriate time observing and instructing Educational institutions that confer associate or
the student. bachelor degrees require general education courses
Students at their practicum site are expected for graduation in addition to the administration
to be: and clinical courses.
Some four-year institutions of higher learn-
• Professional in appearance and demeanor ing offer a bachelor’s degree to medical assis-
• Punctual tants who have graduated with an associate’s
• Willing to learn degree from a community or junior college. The
graduate is accepted as a third-year student and
• Open to criticism
can obtain a bachelor’s degree in areas such as
• Accepting of assignments health care management or health care facility
• Helpful to coworkers administrator.
• Working to the best of their ability Because of the demand for medical assistant
educators, some experienced medical assistants
• Mindful of patient confidentiality
take education courses to become allied health
Students at their practicum site are expected
not to:
• Consider asking for or taking medication samples
without permission ASSISTING PROGRAMS
• Feel entitled to any special treatment
Educational institutions seeking accreditation
• Anticipate free treatment for self, family, or for a medical assisting program must develop
friends the curricula to meet the Standards and Guide-
• Expect to be paid (this is part of the requirements lines set by the Commission on Accreditation for
of the accrediting body) Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP),
or the standards set by the Accrediting Bureau
Benefits of Practicum. The practicum experience of Health Education Schools (ABHES) to ensure
is mutually beneficial to the student and staff at the highest quality medical assistant education
the health care facility that is providing the edu- and employment preparedness.
cational experiences. Some of the benefits to the
student are the opportunity to:
• Apply classroom knowledge and skill in a real-world The Commission on Accreditation for Allied
medical setting Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) is an
• Obtain references for employment accrediting body for medical assisting programs in
• Use externship experience as part of a resume private and public postsecondary institutions and
programs that prepare individuals for entry into
• Recognize improvement in performance and
the profession.
A medical assisting program that is accred-
• Understand that there may be more than one ited by CAAHEP meets the standards as outlined
acceptable method of performance in the Standards and Guidelines for an Accredited
• Begin to establish a network of support through Education Program for the Medical Assistant. Stan-
colleagues dards are the minimum standards of quality used
8 UNIT 1 Introduction to Medical Assisting and Health Professions
The Accrediting Bureau of Health Education
Schools (ABHES) is the agency that also grants
accreditation to medical assisting programs. ABHES
is recognized by the United States Department of
Education (USDE) as an accrediting agency of pub-
lic and private schools and colleges that primarily Figure 1-1 The medical assistant should have a friendly
offer health education. This includes medical assist- disposition and communicate empathy for the patient.
ing, medical laboratory technology, and surgical
technology programs. Besides being recognized by
the USDE, recognition for ABHES comes from the It is important to realize that patients’ health
AAMA, AMT, National League for Nursing Accred- problems can have a profound effect on you, the
iting (NLNA), and National Board of Surgical Tech- medical assistant. By maintaining a balanced out-
nology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA). look, medical assistants can safeguard themselves
More information about ABHES can be from becoming too emotionally involved with
obtained through the ABHES Web site at http:// patients’ problems. Empathy is extremely impor- tant in the health care profession; however, emo-
tionalism can cloud one’s judgment.
A friendly, warm disposition and a sense of humor
Medical assistants should strive to cultivate will help patients feel more at ease. A sincere affec-
certain characteristics or personal quali- tion for people can be conveyed by actions that
ties. These are the attributes that identify facilitate open and honest communication. Your
a true professional; when caring for patients, these attitude should radiate genuine interest. Be sure all
qualities should be sincere. They will enable the contact with patients is positive.
patient to trust you, the caregiver. On occasion, difficult patients can test the
tolerance level of the most experienced medical
assistant because they seldom seem to be content
Empathy with the care or services received. But no matter
To have empathy means to consider the patient’s what the circumstances, patients should never be
welfare and to be kind. It means stepping into treated with disinterest or in an unfriendly man-
the patient’s place, discovering what the patient is ner. The medical assistant should always be pleas-
experiencing, and then recognizing and identify- ant and courteous.
ing with those feelings.
Medical assistants should treat patients as Patients should be treated equally, with
they themselves would want to be treated. A visit no reservations about their disease,
to the providers’ office is often a time of fear and race, religion, economic status, or sexual
anxiety. Patients can feel vulnerable. Apprehension orientation.
can be allayed tremendously when patients realize
that their caregiver understands their feelings and As a member of the health care delivery
desires to make their lives more pleasant and com- HIPAA team, the medical assistant needs to be
fortable (Figure 1-1). cooperative and supportive of all other
CHAPTER 1 The Medical Assisting Profession 9
members, working with the team in an honest, your adaptability and willingness to respond to new
open manner while keeping in mind the patient’s circumstances.
right to privacy and confidentiality.
Desire to Learn
Dependability A willingness to continually learn and grow is the
When providing for a patient’s well-being, it is mark of a true professional. With the growing tech-
important to focus attention on activities in the nology in medicine, there is an ongoing necessity
office or clinic environment that will demonstrate for constant learning. Medical assistants must
that you are well organized, accurate, and respon- be dedicated to high standards of performance,
sive to patients’ needs. which can be accomplished by showing a desire to
Being dependable means that employer acquire information and by constantly updating
and coworkers rely on the medical assistant to their knowledge and skills. Keeping abreast of the
be respectful of them, of patients, and of equip- latest diseases, treatments, procedures, and tech-
ment and materials. Other members of the health niques can be achieved in a variety of ways, such
care team will expect you to be accountable for as college courses, seminars, workshops, reading,
the duties and responsibilities you undertake. and simply by being observant. The sharper the
A dependable person interacts with coworkers power of observation, the more the medical assis-
in a supportive manner, is punctual, and limits tant will learn from the provider-employer and
absences from work. coworkers.
The gaining and maintaining of competency
through participation in continuing education is
Initiative the responsibility of every medical assistant. Active
The willingness and ability to work indepen- involvement and membership in the medical assis-
dently shows initiative. A person with initiative tant professional organizations allows students
is observant, notices work that needs to be done, and CMAs (AAMA) and RMAs to participate in
and then takes action to complete those tasks meetings and events that can increase professional
without being told to do them. Employers and skills. This benefits medical assistant skills as well
coworkers must be able to count on one another as future careers. Students can attend medical
to anticipate patients’ needs and be attentive to assisting meetings (usually free of charge), enjoy
work that needs to be accomplished. The success- student discounts, and network at the meetings.
ful medical assistant will be ready to pitch in and
recognize when others need assistance. Team
work and a positive work ethic are valuable char-
Physical Attributes
acteristics. Appearance is important in patients’ perceptions
By asking appropriate questions and seeking of the delivery of their care. Imparting the look of
information that will improve performance, medi- a professional requires an appearance that is clean,
cal assistants will demonstrate that they have the fresh, and wholesome—in general, an appearance
foresight and the “get up and go” needed to com- that reflects good health habits (Figure 1-2). Good
plete the numerous and varied tasks of the ambu- personal hygiene practices (daily shower, deodor-
latory care environment. ant), weight control, and healthy-looking skin,
hair, teeth, and nails all contribute to a professional
appearance. Rest, good nutrition, regular exercise,
Flexibility and recreation all promote good health. A smile
The ability to be adaptable is a trait that serves all can help alleviate some of the anxiety a patient
professionals well. When caring for ill people, unex- may be experiencing. Your smile gives a pleasant
pected situations arise daily, and medical assistants and encouraging appearance to the patient.
must be able to respond to a variety of situations Female medical assistants should wear only
(many of them emergencies and unanticipated) appropriate light daytime makeup. For the safety
without losing a sense of equilibrium. Finding solu- of both the professional and the patient, no neck-
tions to problems and developing alternative action laces or dangling earrings should be worn. The
plans demonstrates flexibility. To improvise, or only jewelry worn should be single earposts or
solve problems that arise either routinely or sponta- wedding rings. Hair should be neat and off the
neously, is a characteristic worth nurturing. Willing- collar. Fingernails should be short and mani-
ness to help with various aspects of the office offers cured. Male medical assistants should be clean-
opportunities to adjust to various situations. It shows shaven and have short hair. Colognes, perfumes,
10 UNIT 1 Introduction to Medical Assisting and Health Professions
Ability to Communicate
It is important that medical assistants learn to develop
the ability to communicate well verbally and nonver-
bally with patients, staff, and other professionals.
Compliance with the provider’s treatment
Figure 1-2 A professional, neat appearance makes plan is important for a positive outcome of patients’
patients feel at ease with their health care provider. illnesses (Figure 1-4). Also, patients will feel more
comfortable and less threatened in a medical office
or ambulatory center that encourages staff to keep
and aftershave should not be worn at work. Body them informed. Consistent kindness and concern
piercings and tattoos should not be visible. Proper help patients develop trust in you.
appearance has a positive effect on the patient.
It is important to know and follow the appro- Ethical Behavior
priate dress code for your facility. The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recom- No discussion about personal attributes is com-
mends that artificial nails and nail extenders not plete without the mention of ethics. Ethics is a sys-
be worn when caring for “high-risk” patients (inten- tem of values each individual has that determines
sive care, surgery, dialysis). Many ambulatory facili- perceptions of right and wrong. Our life experi-
ties have more stringent rules about artificial nails ences mold this set of values, which is considered a
and extenders. personal code of ethics.
Patient care can place physical demands on
medical assistants. Lifting and moving patients
is often required, and the use of correct body
mechanics will help minimize injuries to the
back. Although every reasonable accommoda-
tion is made for physically challenged medi-
cal assistants, to be mobile without assistance is
important because medical assistants move about
throughout the day while performing tasks and
procedures. It is frequently necessary to bend,
stoop, kneel, and crouch, especially when filing
and retrieving patients’ records and for other
Critical Thinking
Of all the personal attributes that your text
describes, which do you think is your most
developed attribute? Give an example of
that attribute that comes from your daily life. Figure 1-3 Measuring blood pressure is a task that
requires the medical assistant to see and hear well.
CHAPTER 1 The Medical Assisting Profession 11
Twenty-four years before the official recognition of
the medical assisting profession in 1978, a group
of medical assistants gathered to establish a pro-
fessional organization. With support, encourage-
ment, and guidance from the American Medical
Association (AMA), the American Association of
Medical Assistants (AAMA) was founded in 1956
(Figure 1-5). The first president of the organiza-
Figure 1-4 Patient education requires skill in commu- tion was Maxine Williams.
nicating instructions to patients in language appropriate
to their needs.
Medical ethics govern medical conduct or that As the profession grew and developed, some states
behavior practiced as health care providers. These came to require special licensure or certification to
ethics involve relationships with patients, their fami- perform certain tasks; in other states, health profes-
lies, fellow professionals, and society in general. sionals were challenged by the skill and broad spec-
Good ethical behavior will have a positive impact on trum of the medical assistant’s ability. To defend
the profession of medical assisting and on the medi- medical assistants whose right to practice clinical pro-
cal community as well. By adhering to the medical cedures was being challenged, the AAMA responded
assistants’ Code of Ethics, we endeavor to elevate the at their 1995 convention with the following policy:
profession to a position of dignity and
HIPAA respect. Medical assistants interact on a daily that any candidate for the AAMA Certi-
basis with patients and are entrusted fication Examination be a graduate of
with information about their medical and personal a CAAHEP-accredited medical assist-
histories. Such information must, by law, be kept ing program or a graduate of an ABHES
confidential. (A more in-depth discussion of ethics accredited program with one year of doc-
and the Code of Ethics can be found in Chapter 8.) umented work experience. Anticipated
The personal qualities of empathy, healthy benefits of the recommendation are to:
attitude, dependability, initiative, flexibility, the (1) safeguard the quality of care to the
desire to learn, a wholesome physical presence, consumer; (2) ensure the CMA’s role in
the ability to communicate well, and ethical behav- the rapidly evolving health care delivery
ior are some of the characteristics that most pro- system; and (3) continue to promote the
fessionals have and that medical assistants should identity and stature of the profession.
strive to develop. When entering into the profes-
sion of medical assisting, it is important to learn
more about these and other qualities and to begin
to use and refine them. Skills and knowledge alone
do not guarantee success. There are personal char-
acteristics that must go along with them.
Professional attitudes, attributes, and values
are important for beginning medical assistant
students to understand. Students’ behaviors can
impact the public’s opinion of the provider and
the medical assistant profession.
The public has a right to expect that the
medical assistant will be competent to practice Figure 1-5 Logo of the AAMA, a professional orga-
medical assisting in accordance with the medical nization founded in 1956. (Courtesy of the American
assistants’ Code of Ethics (see Chapter 8) and with Association of Medical Assistants.)
12 UNIT 1 Introduction to Medical Assisting and Health Professions
pharmacology, therapeutic modalities, laboratory ties that attest to their continued effort to carry
procedures, electrocardiography, and first aid. the competencies needed to maintain certifica-
RMAs have been active in legislation to pro- tion. Proof of compliance is required every three
tect medical assistants, ensuring improvement in years. To maintain the RMA credential, you
medical assistant education. must obtain 30 points in a three-year period.
The points can be earned through professional
Certified Medical Administrative education, authoring textbooks, presentations,
seminars, workshops, and conventions. Another
Specialist avenue for RMAs to earn continuing education
Another profession that the AMT certifies is the credit is through the American Medical Technol-
Medical Administrative Specialist (MAS). Individ- ogists Institute for Education (AMTIE). AMTIE
uals who successfully pass the AMT certification awards certificates of compliance and certificates
examination are conferred with the credential of of excellence to RMAs. It is a continuing education
Certified Medical Administrative Specialist (CMAS). recording system. Yearly compliance with AMTIE
The CMAS exam is given in both computerized and is sufficient to support CCP compliance. Accord-
paper and pencil format. ing to AMT, the CCP program does not change
The CMAS serves an important role in the hos- the AMTIE program. (For more information,
pital, clinic, or medical office. The CMAS is compe- call 1-800-275-1268; write to AMT, 10700 West
tent in a multitude of skills such as medical records Higgins Road, Rosemont, IL 60018; or access the
management, coding and billing for insurance, Web site at
practice finance management, information process-
ing, and fundamental management practices. The
CMAS also is familiar with the clinical and admin- NATIONAL HEALTHCAREER
istrative concepts that are required to coordinate ASSOCIATION
office functions in the health care setting.
Graduating from a program accredited by The National Healthcareer Association (NHA) is
either CAAHEP or ABHES has significant benefits, a certifying body for health care professionals
such as proof that the student has completed a pro- (Figure 1-8). Its main goals are to certify and to
gram that meets national standards, recognition of offer continuing education course development,
his or her education by professional peers, and eli- membership services for professionals, and a reg-
gibility for AMT or AAMA credentialing exams. istry for certified professionals.
Some medical assistants choose to attain both
RMA and CMA (AAMA) credentials. Neither cre-
dential is higher than the other.
It is important for graduates to know what NHA offers two ways to attain certification. The first
the employment market is when choosing a pro- is by successful completion of the national certifica-
fessional credential and that personal preference tion exam. The criteria to sit for the exam is to be a
may also be a factor. graduate of a health care training program or have
It is important to remember that credential- one or more years of full-time employment in the
ing, whether through the AAMA (CMA) or AMT profession in which certification is being sought. The
(RMA), is evidence to employers and patients alike second way to achieve certification is through the
that you want the profession of medical assisting NHA home study courses for experienced profession-
to be recognized and promoted. Also, credentials als. The courses cover the skills and competencies
safeguard patients because you will deliver health of the profession and are followed by an assessment.
care at the highest quality with the most current
techniques and procedures. Credentials help
secure the medical assistant’s role in the health
care field. (See Chapter 35 for more information
about credentialing for medical assisting).
Continuing Education
AMT encourages and promotes continuing edu- Figure 1-8 Logo of the National Healthcareer
cation. The Certification Continuation Program Association. (Courtesy of the National Healthcareer
(CCP) requires members to document activi- Association.)
14 UNIT 1 Introduction to Medical Assisting and Health Professions
NHA offers certification to the following pro- • New Jersey Department of Education
fessions as well as others: • U.S. Department of Labor National Office of Job
• Phlebotomy Technician (CPT)
• U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
• Electrocardiogram Technician (CET)
• Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) There are several more organizations as well.
A complete list can be found at the NHA Web site
• Billing and Coding Specialist (CBCS)
( See Chapter 35 for
• Medical Transcription (CMT) more about medical assisting credentials.
• Patient Care Technician (PCT)
• Patient Care Associate (PCA) REGULATION OF HEALTH
• Nurse Technician (NT)
• Pharmacy Technician (CPhT)
• Medical Laboratory Assistant (MLA) One way health care providers can be regulated is
through the process of credentialing. Credential-
ing recognizes health care providers who are pro-
Continuing Education fessionally and technically competent. Recognition
Continuing education is another goal of NHA. comes from professional associations, certifying
Courses are offered online and are worth from agencies, and the state or federal government.
1.0 to 2.0 credits, for a total of 5.0 credits yearly. By Regulation ensures:
doing so, the certification remains current. Once
the online topics are completed, they are assessed • Competence of health care providers
by NHA, and, if successfully completed, the • A minimum standard of knowledge, training, and
individual receives a “CREDITS COMPLETED” skill
sticker to affix to the certification ID card. • The limiting of the performance of certain proce-
NHA has been recognized by and has won dures to a specific occupation
approval of many organizations, including the
following: Licensure, certification, and registration are
three kinds of regulations/credentialing (Table 1-2).
• City University of New York (several campuses)
• Elsevier Publishing
Scope of Practice
• Florida Department of Education
Medical assisting is not licensed as a profession;
• Massachusetts Career Vocational Technical Edu-
however, some states require that medical assis-
tants be graduates of an accredited medical
• Massachusetts Department of Education assisting program and be certified to work as
• Mosby Publishing medical assistants.
Progress has been made in the advancement of the profession of medical assisting since the first group of
medical assistants gathered to become organized and formed the AAMA and the AMT. For example, the num-
ber of certified medical assistants has exceeded 47,500 and continues to grow since certification began in 1963.
The total number of medical assistants in the work force is approximately 387,000, and employment opportu-
nities continue to grow. Educational requirements have become increasingly important. The AAMA, the AMT,
and the NHA continue to promote standards of excellence for its members, encouraging continuing educa-
tion and awarding continuing education credits to members of AAMA, AMT, and the NHA via various means.
All of these factors are evidence of a strong professional perspective and should offer encouragement
and support to any student or graduate of medical assisting.
Becoming a professional is a gradual process and cannot be learned in its entirety from a textbook.
The challenge of becoming a professional medical assistant will require open-mindedness and a desire for
continued learning and education, certification and recertification of the CMA (AAMA) or RMA creden-
tial, and professional involvement through organizational participation.
As the scope of work done by medical assistants broadens and medical assistants seek and require for-
mal education, the professional medical assistant will gain additional respect and be in even greater demand.
Medical assistants must continuously pursue excellence, which is the hallmark of all professional behavior.
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet and complete the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on the textbook CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
CHAPTER 1 The Medical Assisting Profession 17
Multiple Choice larities. Are there any significant differences?
6. Many employers require credentialed medical assis-
1. The designation CMAS is awarded by the: tants. Give two specific reasons why they do.
a. AAMA 7. Explain two ways in which a certified or registered
b. ABHES medical assistant can remain current with changes
c. AMA in health care and technology.
d. AMT 8. Research which of the credentials is most widely
2. Increased employment opportunities for medical accepted in your geographical area. How would
assistants result from: pursuing a different professional credential affect
a. regulation of diagnostic testing your ability to be employed?
b. the volume of paperwork 9. Contact the AAMA, AMT, or NHA in the state in
c. managed care’s emphasis on ambulatory care which you live. Review newsletters and other peri-
d. “baby boomers” beginning to retire odicals about medical assisting that have been pub-
e. all of the above lished recently. What did you find that promoted
3. Ethics is:
a. a system of values each individual has that deter-
mines perceptions of right and wrong
b. a code established by an agency that has nothing WEB ACTIVITIES
to do with the medical assistant’s belief in right
1. Visit the American Medical Technologists
or wrong
(AMT) Web site at http://www.
c. making patients more comfortable
• What allied health professions other
d. willingness to work as a team member
than medical assistants and medical
4. Accreditation means:
laboratory technicians are creden-
a. meeting appropriate standards
tialed by AMT?
b. obtaining the CMA (AAMA) or RMA credential
• Does AMT have a code of ethics for
c. being listed on an official roster
the medical assistant?
d. having a curriculum with courses that are
• What are the eligibility requirements
for individuals to take the RMA
5. Licensure is:
a. voluntary and up to the individual practitioner
2. Visit the American Association of Medical Assistants
b. unrestrictive in scope
Web site at
c. conferred on an individual through a non-
• What allied health profession(s) does the AAMA
government agency
d. mandatory and legislated by states
• What are the eligibility requirements for indi-
viduals to take the CMA (AAMA) examination?
Critical Thinking • What resources are available on the Web for med-
1. Describe two benefits for medical assistants who ical assistants interested in continuing education?
join their professional organization. 3. Visit the National Healthcareer Association Web
2. Explain what opportunities are available for med- site at http://
ical assistants to improve their skills while • What are five functions of the association?
on practicum. • What is NHA’s goal?
3. Describe how certification or registration can • Describe NHA’s continuing education program.
enhance the medical assistant’s career.
4. What is the primary difference between the CMA
(AAMA) and the RMA credentials?
5. Compare the content of the CMA (AAMA) and
RMA certification examination. Explain six simi-
18 UNIT 1 Introduction to Medical Assisting and Health Professions
The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and
demonstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this
chapter through written and oral communication.
You always had thought you wanted to be a medical cal therapy assistant. What kind of research can you
assistant and work in a clinic where you would see a do to make certain you have chosen the right path?
variety of patients. But after discussing this chapter in Consider working hours, rate of pay, patient contact,
class, you are really intrigued with becoming a physi- required schooling, and job availability.
There are few professions in our society as rich and com- personality, and work preferences. For instance,
plex as the health care profession. Particularly in recent the individual practice may provide medical assis-
years, the health care environment has been very much tants with the opportunity to use their full array of
in flux as the profession seeks ways to provide quality skills, whereas in urgent care centers, the work of
care while containing costs. This effort to curtail costs the medical assistant is often more specialized in
has resulted in the rise of managed care, which, in turn, nature.
has spawned a number of medical models such as health Medical assistants should also recognize the
maintenance organizations (HMOs) and preferred pro- three major forms of medical practice manage-
vider organizations (PPOs), two well-known managed ment and how they affect salary, benefits, and liabil-
care entities. ity issues (Figure 2-1).
Many other types of networks and alliances are
also being established as providers merge to give patients Individual and Group Medical
the best of care while controlling their costs. Ambulatory
care settings, where services are provided on an outpa-
tient basis, have become increasingly pivotal to consumer For years, the most common form of ambulatory
health care as insurers direct dollars away from hospitals health care was the individual provider or group
and toward outpatient care. practice. This model competes with a variety of
Just as the medical setting continues to evolve other models such as urgent and managed care
to meet new societal needs, health care technology is centers, but many medical assistants find the indi-
ever-changing. Health care is a dynamic, stimulating vidual or group practice the most challenging
industry that requires the medical assistant and other place of employment.
professionals to constantly develop new skills if they
are to contribute to the team effort. The range of skills Individual Practices. In the individual practice,
within the health care team is astonishing and includes also called the solo practice, one primary pro-
providers in more than 25 specialties, an increasing vider sees and treats all patients. Although this
number of nontraditional alternative practitioners type of arrangement is limited in the number
licensed to practice, and more than 20 kinds of allied of people it can serve, many patients feel secure
health professionals. in this kind of health care setting because they
come to know and trust their provider. Because
they always see the same provider, they feel their
AMBULATORY HEALTH CARE health care is being managed in a personal
SETTINGS way. The solo-provider practice, however, can
be an expensive arrangement, because one pro-
Although medical assistants work in a number vider must undertake the costs of office space,
of different environments, including laboratories equipment, and personnel.
or hospitals, most are employed in an ambulatory
care setting such as a medical office or clinic (either Group Practices. Group practices are attrac-
a solo-provider or group practice), an urgent tive arrangements where two or more providers
or primary care center, or a managed care can share the costs of space, equipment, and per-
organization. sonnel. The advantages of a group practice are
Often, the medical assistant chooses to work in not solely economic, however; providers learn
one setting rather than another based on interests, from and consult one another, and patients
CHAPTER 2 Health Care Settings and the Health Care Team 21
receive the benefit of this exchange of informa- Most medical practices are still groups of
tion and knowledge. Often, a group practice has three or four providers, but in the most recent past
more than one office or clinic and some employ- a trend shows a return to one- and two-provider
ees are asked to travel between sites to cut over- practices. Merritt, Hawkins, and Associates, a staff-
head. Group practices may be formed to offer ing and recruiting firm in Texas, reports that pro-
specialized care, such as oncology or women’s viders in two-person partnerships increased from
health care. 9% in 1998 to 22% in 2002. In a 2006 survey the
In most group practices, patients may same firm reported that over 60% of primary care
request that they see the same provider for all providers practice in groups of three or more, 10%
appointments, although sometimes patients are practice in two-provider clinics, and 29% give medi-
assigned to the next available provider. For emer- cal care as solo practitioners.
gencies, group practices have the staff and flex- Many providers in small groups allowed
ibility to ensure that there is always a provider large practice management firms to acquire
on call. their assets and manage the business side of their
22 UNIT 1 Introduction to Medical Assisting and Health Professions
screenings and compare the cost of the services to have earned the MD, or Doctor of Medicine, degree.
less than a pack of cigarettes a day. Other medical degrees include the Doctor of Oste-
Providers practicing in a concierge service opathy (DO), Doctor of Dentistry (DDS), Doctor
report a greater satisfaction with their chosen pro- of Optometry (OD), Doctor of Podiatric Medicine
fession, enjoy really getting to know their patients, (DPM), Doctor of Chiropracty (DC), and Doctor of
and serve a few hundred patients rather than a Naturopathy (ND). In the medical field, the abbre-
few thousand in a traditional practice. Patients viation Dr. is used and the title doctor is addressed to
report satisfaction in receiving more time and these individuals qualified by education, training,
personal care from a provider who determines and licensure to practice medicine.
the best options for maintaining their health. In nonmedical disciplines, persons who have
achieved a doctorate conferred by a college or
university include the Doctor of Education (EdD),
THE HEALTH CARE TEAM the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), and the Doctor
of Psychology (PSYD). All three have several areas
In every kind of health care setting, the team con- of specialty and are referred to as doctor.
cept is critical to the quality of patient care. A pri-
mary care provider is most likely the main source Health Care Professionals
of health care for patients. From time to time,
however, a specialist is sought or recommended.
and Their Roles
A number of different allied health professionals, Doctor of Medicine. A doctorate degree in medi-
including the medical assistant, supply additional cine and a license to practice allows a person to
health care as ordered by the provider. Increas- diagnose and treat medical conditions. The doctor
ingly, patients are looking outside traditional med- of medicine candidate attends four years of medi-
icine for portions of their health care. The Centers cal school after receiving a bachelor’s degree. Newly
for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) 2002 graduated MDs enter into a residency program that
National Health Interview Survey revealed that consists of three to seven years of additional training
36% of adults in the United States use some form and education depending on the specialty chosen.
of complementary and/or alternative medical This residency comes under the direct supervision
(CAM) care. The survey also indicated greater of senior medical doctor educators. Family practice,
use of a CAM among women and individuals with internal medicine, and pediatrics require a three-
higher education. In 2001, the World Health Orga- year residency; general surgery requires a five-year
nization (WHO) estimated that between 65% and residency. Some refer to the first year of residency
80% of the world’s population relied on alterna- as an internship; the American Medical Association
tive medicine as their primary health care source. (AMA) no longer uses this term, however. At this
One third of all medical schools in the United point, many medical doctors choose to be board
States now have courses in alternative medicine, certified, which is optional and voluntary. Certifica-
and many people in the United States seem to tion assures the public that the doctor’s knowledge,
desire a more “natural” approach to health care experience, and skills in a particular specialty have
whenever possible. Although alternative care is been tested and deemed qualified to provide care
not always covered by medical insurance, tradi- in that specialty. Doctors of medicine can be certi-
tional and nontraditional health care practices fied through 24 specialty medical boards and in
are nonetheless blending in many areas. 88 subspecialty fields. Table 2-1 gives a partial listing
In whatever manner health care is sought, all of these fields.
members of the health care team must commu- Medical doctors must still obtain a license to
nicate, sometimes in person and sometimes just practice medicine from a state or jurisdiction of
through the medical history and record, with one the United States in which they are planning to
another to ensure quality patient care. The Patient practice. They apply for the permanent license
Education box on page 25 discusses another major after completing a series of examinations and com-
member of the health care team. pleting a minimum number of years of graduate
medical education. Medical doctors must continue
to receive a certain number of continuing medical
The Title “Doctor” education (CME) requirements each year to ensure
The public is often confused by the title doctor. The that their knowledge and skills are current. CME
term implies an earned academic degree of the requirements vary by state, professional organiza-
highest level in a particular area of study. Physicians tions, and hospital staff organizations.
24 UNIT 1 Introduction to Medical Assisting and Health Professions
Allergy and Allergist and Evaluates diseases/disorders of the immune system and problems
Immunology Immunologist related to asthma and allergy
Dermatology Dermatologist Evaluates disorders/diseases of skin, hair, nails, and related tissues
Emergency Emergency Medical Evaluates and treats medical conditions that result from trauma or
Medicine Doctor sudden illness; manages emergency department
Family Practice Family Practitioner Treats the whole family from infancy to death
Obstetrics and Obstetrician and Provides care to pregnant women, delivers babies, treats disorders/
Gynecology Gynecologist diseases of reproductive system
Ophthalmologist Provides comprehensive care of the eye and its structures and offers
vision services
Orthopedic Orthopedist Examines, diagnoses, and treats diseases and injuries of the
Surgeon musculoskeletal system
Psychiatry and Psychiatrist and Diagnoses and treats patients with mental, emotional, or behavioral
Neurology Neurologist disorders
General Surgery Surgeon Operates to repair or remove diseased or injured parts of the body
Colon and Rectal Colorectal Surgeon Operates to remove or repair diseased colon and rectal areas of the body
Neurological Neurosurgeon Treats conditions of the nervous systems, often through surgery
Plastic Plastic Surgeon Repairs and reconstructs physical defects; provides cosmetic
Thoracic Thoracic Surgeon Performs surgery on the respiratory system, chest, heart, and
cardiovascular system
college. The curriculum includes a minimum of with a history of more than 3,000 years. Oriental
4,200 hours of classroom, laboratory, and clinical medicine includes acupuncture, Chinese herbol-
experience. About 555 hours are devoted to adjus- ogy and bodywork, dietary therapy, and exercise
tive techniques and spinal analysis. This specialized based on traditional Oriental medicine principles.
education must be preceded by a minimum of 90 This form of health care is used extensively in Asia
hours of undergraduate courses focusing on science. and is rapidly growing in popularity in the West.
On successful completion of their education and Oriental medicine is based on an energetic
training, doctors of chiropractic must also pass the model rather than the biochemical model of West-
national board examination and all examinations or ern medicine. The ancient Chinese recognized a
licensure requirements identified by the particular vital energy behind all life-forms and processes
state in which the individual wishes to practice. called qi (pronounced “chee”). Oriental healing
Doctors of chiropractic frequently treat practitioners believe that energy flows along spe-
patients with neuromusculoskeletal conditions, cific pathways called meridians. Each pathway is
such as headaches, joint pain, neck pain, lower back associated with a particular physiological system
pain, and sciatica. Chiropractors also treat patients and internal organ. Disease is the result of defi-
with osteoarthritis, spinal disk conditions, carpal ciency or imbalance of energy in the meridians
tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, sprains, and strains. and their associated physiological systems. Acu-
Chiropractors also may treat a variety of other con- puncture points are specific sites along the merid-
ditions, such as allergies, asthma, and digestive dis- ians. Each point has a predictable effect on the
orders. There are obstacles to chiropractors in some vital energy passing through it. Modern science
areas, however, because states vary in what they has measured the electrical charge at these points,
authorize chiropractors to practice and may limit corroborating the locations of the meridians. Tra-
their ability to practice homeopathy or acupuncture ditional Oriental medicine uses an intricate sys-
or to dispense or sell dietary supplements. tem of pulse and tongue diagnosis, palpation of
points and meridians, medical history, and other
Doctor of Naturopathy. Naturopathy, often referred signs and symptoms to create a composite diagno-
to as “natural medicine,” is based on the belief that sis. A treatment plan then is formulated to induce
the cause of disease is violation of nature’s laws. the body to a balanced state of health.
The goal of the naturopath is to remove the under- The WHO recognizes acupuncture and tra-
lying causes of disease and to stimulate the body’s ditional Oriental medicine’s ability to treat many
natural healing processes. Naturopathic treatments common disorders, including the following:
may include fasting; adhering to natural food
diets; taking vitamins and herbs; tissue minerals; • Gastrointestinal disorders: food allergies, peptic
counseling; homeopathic remedies; manipulation ulcer, chronic diarrhea, constipation, indiges-
of the spine and extremities; massage; exercise; tion, anorexia, gastritis
naturopathic hygienic remedies; acupuncture; • Urogenital disorders: stress incontinence, urinary
and applications of water, heat, cold, air, sunlight, tract infections, sexual dysfunction
and electricity. Most of these treatment methods • Gynecological disorders: irregular, heavy, or painful
are used to detoxify the body and strengthen the menstruation; premenstrual syndrome (PMS);
immune system. infertility
In the United States, a Doctor of Naturopathy
• Respiratory disorders: emphysema, sinusitis, asthma,
(ND) or Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (NMD)
allergies, bronchitis
receives education, training, and credentials from a
full-time naturopathy college. Full-time education • Neuromusculoskeletal disorders: arthritis; migraine
includes two years of science courses and two years headaches; neuralgia; insomnia; dizziness; low
of clinical work. Naturopaths are currently licensed back, neck, and shoulder pain
to practice in 13 states, four Canadian provinces, • Circulatory disorders: hypertension, angina pectoris,
and Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The num- arteriosclerosis, anemia
ber of states licensing NDs is expected to increase. • Eye, ear, nose, and throat disorders: otitis media, sinus-
In many states, naturopaths practice independently itis, sore throats
and unlicensed, or they practice under the direc-
• Emotional and psychological disorders: depression;
tion of a physician.
anxiety; addictions to alcohol, nicotine, and drugs
Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture. Oriental • Pain: elimination or control of pain for chronic
medicine is a comprehensive system of health care and painful debilitating disorders
CHAPTER 2 Health Care Settings and the Health Care Team 27
In the hands of a comprehensively trained tive forms of treatment, such as massage therapy,
acupuncturist, patients do not find acupuncture aromatherapy, biofeedback, guided imagery,
painful. Sterile, very fine, flexible needles about hydrotherapy, hypnotherapy, and homeopathy.
the diameter of a human hair are used in treat- Furthermore, many patients are seeking the
ment. Practitioners may also recommend herbs, more integrated form of medicine that occurs
dietary changes, and exercise together with lifestyle when primary care providers are willing to refer
changes. to an alternative practitioner and vice versa.
Training for acupuncture and Oriental Table 2-2 gives a brief description of a few alter-
medicine can be obtained in schools and colleges native modalities that integrate fairly easily with
accredited by the Accreditation Commission for traditional medical practices.
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. A minimum
of two years of undergraduate study is required, and
some colleges prefer applicants to have a bachelor’s ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONALS
degree. Most of these specialized programs are AND THEIR ROLES
three years, and on completion graduates are con-
ferred with a Masters in Acupuncture and Oriental In the health care team, allied health profession-
Medicine (MAOM) or a Masters in Acupuncture als bring specific educational backgrounds and a
(MA) degree. Nearly all states regulate the prac- broad array of skills to the medical environment.
tice of acupuncture and Oriental medicine, either Medical assistants are considered allied health
through licensure or a ruling by the Board of Medi- professionals.
cal Examiners. It is likely that passing a national cer-
tification examination or other testing procedure
is required before licensure. Many doctors (MDs,
The Role of the Medical Assistant
DOs, DCs, and NDs) have become qualified to per- In the ambulatory care setting, a critical allied
form acupuncture and to use Oriental medicine in health professional is the medical assistant. The
their practices through additional education and medical assistant, performing both administra-
training. tive and clinical tasks under the direction of the
provider, is an important link between patient and
provider. The medical assistant serves in many
Future of Integrative Medicine capacities—receptionist, secretary, office manager,
There was a time when osteopaths and chi- bookkeeper, insurance coder and biller, sometimes
ropractors were not accepted by the medical transcriptionist, patient educator, and clinical
establishment and had difficulty with licensure. assistant. The latter requires the medical assistant
Naturopaths, acupuncturists, and Oriental medi- to be able to administer injections and perform
cine practitioners face similar challenges, and venipuncture, prepare patients for examinations,
states vary greatly in their regulations of any form assist with examinations and special procedures,
of alternative medicine. and perform electrocardiography and various lab-
The road may be bumpy for alternative oratory tests. Medical assistants screen and assess
practitioners, but their numbers are increasing patient needs when scheduling appointments and
rapidly. By 2010, the number of chiropractors, tests. However, although medical assistants
naturopaths, and Oriental medicine practitio- have a broad range of responsibilities, it is
ners will increase by 88%. Managed care health critical that they perform only within the
plans are offering increased access to alternative scope of their training and personal capabilities
medicine practitioners, mostly because of the and always function within ethical and legal bound-
ability to expand patient choices at a lower cost. aries and state statutes.
It is expected that states will broaden their licen- Because medical assistants are often the
sure to increased numbers of well-educated and patient’s first contact with the facility and its pro-
trained alternative practitioners. viders, a positive attitude is important. They must
Neither the growth in the number of alter- be excellent communicators, both verbally and
native medicine practitioners nor the laws and nonverbally, and project a professional image of
insurance practices that facilitate their access themselves and their employer. Medical assistants
by patients likely would have occurred without who believe in their work, who are proud of their
broad public acceptance of alternative and com- career, and who convey compassion and caring
plementary medicine. Americans seem quite provide a positive experience for patients who are
willing to pay out-of-pocket expenses for alterna- ill or in a great deal of discomfort.
28 UNIT 1 Introduction to Medical Assisting and Health Professions
Acupressure: A massage technique that applies pressure to specific acupuncture-like points on the body; pressure
encourages the flow of vital energy (qi) along the meridian pathways. It is used to control chronic pain, migraine head-
aches, and backaches.
Aromatherapy: The inhalation and bodily application of essential oils from aromatic plants to relax, balance, rejuvenate, restore,
or enhance the body’s mind and spirit. It strengthens the self-healing process by indirect stimulation of the immune system.
Biofeedback: Biofeedback machines gauge internal bodily functions and help patients tune in to these functions and
identify the triggers that evoke symptoms. Relaxation can be taught to relieve the symptoms.
Guided Imagery: Uses images or symbols to train the mind to create a definitive physiological or psychological effect;
relieves stress and anxiety and reduces pain.
Homeopathy: Healing that claims highly diluted doses of certain substances can leave an energy imprint in the body
and bring about a cure. Homeopathic remedies are made from naturally occurring plant, animal, or mineral substances
and are manufactured by pharmaceutical companies under strict guidelines.
Hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy uses the buoyancy, warmth, and effects of water and its turbulence to speed recovery after
surgery and to reduce pain and stress, spasm and discomfort. It is especially beneficial for work- or sports-related injuries
and arthritis.
Hypnotherapy: Hypnotherapy facilitates communication between the right and left sides of the brain with the patient in
a state of focused relaxation when the subconscious mind is open to suggestions. It is currently used to help people lose
weight; stop smoking; reduce stress; and relieve pain, anxiety, and phobias.
Massage: Massage reduces stress, manages chronic pain, promotes relaxation, and increases circulation of the blood
and lymph. Hand stroking on the body helps patients become more familiar with their pain.
Table 2-3 (see page 29) lists some of the allied stress and hectic pace of coordinating personnel
health professionals recognized by the Commis- and their duties at the nurses’ station. Also called
sion on Accreditation of Allied Health Education unit secretary, administrative specialist, ward clerk,
Programs (CAAHEP) and the Accrediting Bureau or ward secretary, a health unit coordinator receives
of Health Education Schools (ABHES). on-the-job training or completes a six-month to
As a medical assistant, you may not work one-year certificate program.
directly with all the identified allied health care
professionals, but you likely will have contact with
many of them by telephone and written or elec-
Medical Laboratory Technologist
tronic communication. Knowledge of the roles Medical laboratory technologists (MLTs) physically
these health professionals play enables you to and chemically analyze, as well as culture, urine,
interact more intelligently with all members of the blood, and other body fluids and tissues. They
health care team. work closely with specialists such as oncologists,
In addition to the professionals listed in pathologists, and hematologists. Knowledge of spec-
Table 2-3, you may encounter some or all of imen collection, anatomy and physiology, biochem-
the following health care professionals in daily istry, laboratory equipment, asepsis, and quality
patient care. control is essential. The American Society of Clinical
Pathology (ASCP) is a professional organization that
oversees credentialing and education in the medical
Health Unit Coordinator laboratory professions (Figure 2-2 on page 30).
Health unit coordinators (HUCs) perform non-
clinical patient care tasks for the nursing unit of a
hospital. HUCs maintain patients’ charts, schedule
Registered Dietitian
tests, order supplies, screen new patients, and give Registered dietitians (RDs) have specialized train-
directions to visitors. This profession requires a self- ing in the nutritional care of groups and individuals
motivated, mature individual who can handle the and have successfully completed an examination of
CHAPTER 2 Health Care Settings and the Health Care Team 29
Clinical Laboratory CLT Performs all routine tests in a medical laboratory and is able to discriminate
Technician Associate and recognize factors that directly affect procedures and results. Works under
Degree direction of pathologist, provider medical technologist, or scientist
Diagnostic Medical DMS Provides patient services using medical ultrasound under the supervision of a
Sonographer provider
Electroneurodiag- EEG-T Possesses the knowledge, attributes, and skills to obtain interpretable record-
nostic Technologist ings of a patient’s nervous system functions
Emergency Medical EMT-P Recognizes, assesses, and manages medical emergencies of acutely ill or
Technician— injured patients in prehospital care settings, working under the direction of a
Paramedic provider (often through radio communication)
Ophthalmic Medical OMT Assists ophthalmologists to perform diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
Technician or
Personal Fitness PFT Develops activity plans for each individual that integrates a complete approach
Trainer to fitness and wellness through exercise, strength training, and proper diet
Registered Health RHIA Manages health information systems consistent with the medical, adminis-
Information trative, ethical, and legal requirements of the health care delivery system
Registered Health RHIT Possesses the technical knowledge and skills necessary to process, maintain,
Information compile, and report patient data
Respiratory RRT Applies scientific knowledge and theory to practical clinical problems of
Therapist respiratory care
ST Works as an integral member of the surgical team, which includes surgeons, anes-
thesiologists, registered nurses, and other surgical personnel delivering patient
care and assuming appropriate responsibilities before, during, and after surgery
30 UNIT 1 Introduction to Medical Assisting and Health Professions
Phlebotomists are trained in the art of drawing
blood for diagnostic laboratory testing. Phleboto-
mists are also referred to as laboratory liaison tech-
nicians. Phlebotomists may be nationally certified
and are employed in medical clinics, hospitals, and
laboratories. Training consists of one to two semes-
ters in a community college program or on-the-job
Pharmacy Technician
Pharmacy technicians assist the pharmacist with
preparation and administration of medications;
they also perform receptionist and billing duties.
In hospitals, nursing homes, and assisted living
facilities, their responsibilities may include read-
ing patient charts and preparing and delivering
medications to patients. Pharmacists must check
all orders before delivery. The technician can copy
the information about the prescribed medication
onto the patient’s profile. Professional certifica- Figure 2-3 Pharmacy technician working with phar-
tion of pharmacy technicians varies from state to macist preparing medications.
CHAPTER 2 Health Care Settings and the Health Care Team 31
Physician Assistant
Physician assistants (PAs) receive formal educa-
tion and training to provide diagnostic, therapeu-
Figure 2-4 Physical therapist working with a patient tic, and preventive health care services delegated
requiring physical rehabilitation. by and under the supervision of providers and
surgeons. PAs take medical histories, examine and
treat patients, order and interpret laboratory tests
an Associate of Science degree from an accredited and X-rays, and make diagnoses. They also treat
program and must pass a licensure or registry minor injuries by suturing, splinting, and cast-
examination in selected states. ing. PAs write progress notes, instruct and counsel
patients, and order tests and therapy. In 48 states
and the District of Columbia, PAs may prescribe
Nurse some medications. They can supervise techni-
Neither ABHES nor CAAHEP is responsible for cians and medical assistants. PAs may be primary
nurse education or accreditation, but they are care providers in areas where the supervising
listed here as a major participant in health care. physician is not present all the time but is always
Nurses are licensed by the state in which they prac- available for conferring as necessary and required
tice. Although nurses’ education and training are by law.
oriented to bedside care, some are employed in Most PA programs are two years in length
medical offices as clinical assistants, especially in with the added requirement of at least two years
offices where surgery is performed. Nurses play a of college and some health care experience. For
number of roles on the health care team. licensure, all states require PAs to complete an
accredited, formal education program and to
Registered Nurse. In the United States, registered pass the Physician Assistant National Certify-
nurses (RNs) are professionals who have com- ing Examination administered by the National
pleted, at a minimum, a two-year course of study Commission on Certification of Physician Assis-
at a state-approved school of nursing and passed tants (NCCPA). The examination is available
the National Council Licensure Examination only to graduates of an accredited PA education
(NCLEX-RN). Employment settings most often program. Upon successful completion of the
include hospitals, convalescent homes, clinics, and examination, the credential “Physician Assistant-
home health care. Certified” can be used.
32 UNIT 1 Introduction to Medical Assisting and Health Professions
THE VALUE OF THE MEDICAL and hospital staff and between provider and any
number of allied and other health professionals.
ASSISTANT TO THE HEALTH Because they often are the first providers to see or
CARE TEAM speak with patients, they undertake responsibil-
ity for directing, informing, and guiding patient
With their broad range of competencies in both care while establishing a professional and caring
administrative and clinical areas, medical assis- tone for the entire health care team. The value of
tants are increasingly valued as health care team a competent, professional, compassionate medical
members. Medical assistants are the great com- assistant is immeasurable in today’s fast-paced and
municators, serving as liaison between provider challenging health care environment.
The health care environment is a dynamic service that changes rapidly in response to new technology and
societal needs. In an effort to provide quality care to the most individuals at a reasonable cost, some form
of managed care likely will dominate the health care industry for years to come. A strong health care team
is critical in the health care setting, as primary care providers, specialists of all disciplines, alternative care
practitioners, and allied and other health professionals collaborate on the best way to provide integrative
medicine and quality patient care. In almost any health care environment, but especially the ambulatory
care setting, the medical assistant is a vital link in the team and is responsible for a range of responsibilities,
both clinical and administrative.
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet and complete the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on the textbook CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
Multiple Choice d. includes physicians, nurses, allied health care
professionals, patients, and integrative medicine
1. Medical assistants are mostly employed in: practitioners
a. hospitals 5. Integrative health care approaches:
b. nursing facilities a. are increasingly accepted as complementary to
c. ambulatory care settings traditional health care
d. insurance companies b. are always covered by insurance
2. A health maintenance organization is one c. are seldom approved for licensure
kind of: d. are not important to understand
a. managed care operation 6. A medical assistant permitted by law to draw blood
b. individual practice for diagnostic laboratory testing performs a proce-
c. sole proprietorship dure similar to those performed by a:
d. hospital a. health unit coordinator
3. With its emphasis on controlling costs, managed b. health information technician
care is likely to affect: c. phlebotomist
a. only hospitals d. respiratory therapist
b. all health care settings 7. The “boutique” or “concierge” medical practice:
c. only providers in private practice a. is another form of managed care
d. only patients b. allows patients special privileges in their health
4. The health care team: care
a. should exclude the patient as part of the team c. is covered by all major insurance plans
b. is only important in the hospital setting d. does not require special fees for services
c. is made up of physicians and nurses
34 UNIT 1 Introduction to Medical Assisting and Health Professions
3 History of Medicine
You may recall your mom putting a mentholated salve gone by. Many still stand, however, and from them
on your chest when you had a cold. Your cousins had others have developed. Interestingly, medicine has
to take a spoonful of cod-liver oil each night before a rich history, and every culture exhibits that history
they went to bed. Grandma made chicken soup with differently. The more you know and understand of that
homemade noodles when you had the flu. An apple a history and its various cultural influences, the more
day, mustard plaster for the chest, hot or cold steam in effective and therapeutic will be your communication
a room, and many more are medical practices of years with patients.
The historical development of medicine has been driven medicine, and modern day medicine is in many
by many and varied events. These include the presence ways a reflection of this diverse and rich heritage.
of illness and injury, plagues and widespread epidem- It is certain that religion, magic, and science
ics, the dissection first of animals and then of human all played a vital part in the history of medicine.
bodies, the discovery of bacteria, and the experimentation Religion was important because it was perceived
with herbs and potions for medicinal purposes. Medicine that certain gods were to be called on for a cure
as it is known today is the result of multiple revolutions through ceremonies, prayers, and sacrifices. Magic
of thought throughout the world. The history of medicine was practiced because it was such an important part
must remind us that more than one discipline and more of many societies and was seen as an essential ingre-
than one philosophy have contributed to medicine. This dient to chase away evil spirits. The importance
is perhaps more true now than ever as our world becomes of science was demonstrated in the use of plants
smaller and our society becomes increasingly pluralistic, and minerals for medicinal purposes that is found
ethnically, culturally, and religiously. throughout medicine’s history. Unearthed clay
tablets reveal hundreds of plants, minerals, and
animal substances used for medicinal purposes in
CULTURAL HERITAGE ancient Mesopotamia and Babylon. The Chinese
IN MEDICINE pharmacopoeia was rich in the use of herbs.
Skeletal remains of prehistoric cultures show
Today’s health professional will give care advanced stages of arthritis, a nearly toothless jaw,
to individuals of varied cultures who hold and only a 20- to 40-year life span for humans.
differing philosophical beliefs toward Skull bones reveal round holes referred to as
medicine. The informed and caring health profes- trephination, believed necessary to release the evil
sional will recognize that a person’s culture and spirits thought to be causing a person’s illness.
ethnic heritage play an enormous role in any kind Mesopotamian cultures believed that illness was a
of health care. For example, if the patient’s culture punishment by the gods for violation of a moral
and history lean toward a more natural, nonmedi- code. Ancient Egyptians believed the body was
cal form of health care, treating the patient with a system of channels for air, tears, blood, urine,
prescription drugs will necessitate a careful expla- sperm, and feces. All the channels were thought
nation and rationale for the use of medications. to come together in the rectum and were believed
Otherwise, the patient may refuse to take all or to become easily clogged. Thus, emetics, enemas,
part of the medications, thus hindering recovery. It and purges of the anus were common treatments.
would be better to seek a treatment for the patient In ancient India, punishment for adultery was cut-
that embraces both the health care professional’s ting off the nose, therefore allowing practitioners
desire to heal and the individual’s wish to respect many opportunities to practice and refine the art
cultural tradition. of nose reconstruction or plastic surgery.
In every society, medicine has been an The ancient Chinese cultures examined
important element for its people. From the earli- and carefully monitored the pulse in each wrist.
est time, culture was an important influence on It was believed that the pulse had hundreds of
38 UNIT 1 Introduction to Medical Assisting and Health Professions
Medicine’s history gives early evidence of many
“specialists” in the healing arts. They were known
by various names—witch doctors, medicine men
and women, shamans or healing priests, and physi-
cians. These healers were more than ancestors of
the modern practitioner, however, for they per-
formed many functions that involved the welfare
of the entire community or village. By today’s stan-
dards, they were considered to be equivalent to
spiritual advisers, social workers, counselors, and
These medical specialists were among the
Image not available due to copyright restrictions
world’s earliest professionals. They were present
at important “rites of passage,” such as births and
deaths, puberty initiations, and marriages. The
role of the healers varied among cultures, but cen-
tral to all cultures was the belief that the healers
had the ability to draw upon some power beyond
themselves. Their goal was to help others live and
work in harmony with nature and each other.
Evidence also suggests that many ancient heal-
ers used a variety of mind-altering drugs. A mythical
drug called “soma” is reported in India’s religious
literature. Primitive tribes of Central, South, and
North America used “yage” and “peyote” to induce
trance-like experiences. Many ancient healers also
practiced certain types of what today might be called
yoga and meditation.
These healers were given special status in their
culture. Sometimes they were recognized by their
dress and the pouch or satchel they carried. They
CHAPTER 3 History of Medicine 39
were not expected to work, and their needs were human dissection, and this anatomical detail is evi-
supplied by the members of their tribe. Much later, dent in his paintings in the Sistine Chapel in the
when medical education was available, a healer was Vatican in Rome. Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519)
called “physician” if a university degree was held. made anatomical preparations from which he pro-
Surgeons were part of a lower class because they duced drawings representing the skeletal, mus-
usually had only apprentice training and included cular, nervous, and vascular systems. His accurate
the group of barbering surgeons who used their sketch of the spinal vertebrae went undiscovered
razors to cut into blood vessels to relieve infection for more than 100 years.
and fever.
Today the more common term “provider” or
“practitioner” is often used because there are so HISTORY OF ATTITUDES
many health professionals who are a part of the TOWARD ILLNESS
patient’s health care team.
From the earliest times, it appears that some Various attitudes prevailed toward the ill person.
payment was expected for medical services ren- A sick person might be excused from daily activ-
dered. In many instances, the payment was depen- ity but was likely to be shunned if the disease was
dent on the status of the practitioner, as well as the believed to be a punishment by the gods for mortal
patient. At the same time, some cultures punished sin. This forced isolation may well have been ben-
a practitioner who was not successful in treatment eficial to the community. In contrast, touching by
by forcing that practitioner to treat only those too Jesus was an important component of healing, as
poor to pay. was the faith of the individual involved. The New
Testament parable of the Good Samaritan helped
establish a nexus between the early church and a
HISTORY OF MEDICAL concern for the sick. It was believed that though
EDUCATION the body might be wasted and foul with disease,
the purity of the soul guaranteed life everlasting.
During the rise of Christianity, emphasis was This was unlike the pagan religions that tended to
placed on the soul rather than the body; there- abandon individuals thought to be ill because they
fore, early Christian monks held great control were in disfavor with the gods.
over medicine. This is evidenced by St. Benedict Native Americans had various feelings
of Nursia (480–554), who forbade the study of about illness. The ill were treated with kind-
medicine. The care of the sick was encouraged, ness among the Navaho and Cherokee,
but only through prayer and divine intervention. and some who recovered from serious illness were
Thus, Christ’s healing mission was institutional- considered to have extraordinary powers. How-
ized in a fashion that was to control medical care ever, if a tribe was faced with famine, suicide by
almost completely for the next 500 years, until the aged and infirm was considered the high-
the seventh century. est form of bravery. The Eskimos put their older
At that time the religion of Islam moved to adults unprotected onto ice floes. Neither the
preserve the classical learning that had been Romans nor the Greeks treated the hopelessly ill
achieved in medicine, and practitioners were not or deformed, and unwanted infants were disposed
only able to return to the same methods as those of quickly or left to die.
practiced by earlier Greek and Roman cultures, Some of these attitudes are seen even today.
but medical study was now encouraged. The Western medical community and the
Medical education in established universi- consumers it serves are heatedly debating
ties began in the ninth century. These universities the right to choose life or death and the ethics and
included Salerno in southern Italy, the University legality of physician-assisted death, which is accept-
of Montpelier in southern France, and the Univer- able in many other cultures. Even with our vast
sity of Paris. By the time the Renaissance was at its knowledge of medicine and the disease process,
height in the midfifteenth century, the practitio- many individuals are still fearful of any illness they
ner had become licensed, was receiving great sta- do not understand or that they perceive as threat-
tus, and was attending the ill in a velvet bonnet and ening their health—AIDS is a good example. This
fur-trimmed cloak. fear is often accompanied by public ill treatment of
Art and science were more closely related the individuals suffering from certain diseases. For
during the Renaissance than at any other period. example, until 1993, Cuba quarantined everyone
Michelangelo (1475–1564) spent years on careful who tested positive for human immunodeficiency
40 UNIT 1 Introduction to Medical Assisting and Health Professions
The Scourge of Epidemics Figure 3-3 A doctor and nurse with a patient in an
There is a saying, “Two steps forward—one step iron lung during the Rhode Island polio epidemic,
back.” At the same time giant strides are made 1960. (Courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control
in medicine for one disease, the battle rages for and Prevention.)
42 UNIT 1 Introduction to Medical Assisting and Health Professions
individuals were fully dependent on their caregiv- drugs are matched to the specific genetic code of an
ers, relying entirely for their view of the world on individual, can be designed to prevent blood vessel
a mirror suspended above their face and angled growth from surrounding tissue to a solid tumor, or
toward the rest of the room. can prevent cancer cells from multiplying and invad-
President Franklin D. Roosevelt, diagnosed ing other tissues. Recently it was discovered that
with polio in 1921, waged war on the disease. He cancers contain stem cells that produce other can-
funded polio research that eventually led to a vac- cer cells. Research now turns to identifying markers
cine. Roosevelt founded the National Foundation specific to these stem cells and to creating therapies
for Infantile Paralysis, which later became known as that can eliminate the reproducing stem cells.
the March of Dimes. Children throughout the U.S. Even with the many years of research and the
placed dimes in card folders to take to school to millions of dollars spent to cure cancer, nearly
donate to a cure for polio. Dr. Jonas Salk developed 1.5 million new cancers are diagnosed every year
the first polio vaccine in 1952, and Dr. Albert Sabin in the U.S., and more than half a million people
developed an oral polio vaccine in 1961. In 1979 the will die of cancer each year.
last case of polio in the United States was reported.
Scientists knew that children could have lifelong HIV Infection/AIDS. In 1981, a rare cancer outbreak
protection from polio with the polio vaccine given known as Kaposi sarcoma was seen in young gay men
multiple times. in New York and California. In addition, increased
Worldwide, however, polio was still a major cases of a pneumonia called pneumocystitis were
problem. Many agencies, including Rotary Inter- reported among the same demographic group. The
national, the World Health Organization (WHO), CDC later coined the term AIDS (acquired immune
United Nations International Children’s Emergency deficiency syndrome). In 1981, 1,600 cases of AIDS
Fund (UNICEF), and the U.S. Centers for Disease were reported, with close to 700 deaths. As the death
Control and Prevention (CDC), established pro- rate soared in the next few years, researchers sought
grams to vaccinate the world’s children. For 20 years, the cause of and a cure for the disease. In 1984 the
the incidences of polio decreased all around the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was discov-
world. The WHO had hoped to announce in 2005 ered to be the cause of AIDS.
that polio had disappeared from the world. Instead, HIV is a virus that slowly destroys the body’s
out of fear and superstition, leaders of a few nations immune system, thus making an individual much
began to counsel against the polio vaccine. They more susceptible to infection and other illnesses.
told mothers the vaccine would make their children There is no cure for AIDS, but with prompt and
infertile and infect them with HIV. Unfortunately, in aggressive treatment, individuals with HIV are liv-
December 2007, there were still 992 cases of polio ing long and productive lives. HIV can be transmit-
diagnosed in the world. ted through bodily fluids during sexual contact; by
sharing contaminated needles to inject drugs; by
Cancer. Cancer was an affliction long before polio accidental sticks or pokes from HIV-contaminated
was first evidenced. The earliest specimen of can- needles; by transfusion of infected blood products
cer was noted in the remains of a skull dated in the (rare since 1992); and from mother to baby during
Bronze Age (1900–1600 b.c.). The writings of Hip- pregnancy, delivery, and breast-feeding (greatly
pocrates describe cancers of many body sites. In the reduced in the last few years).
nineteenth century, the pathology of cancer was Any life-altering, life-threatening disease is
viewed with a microscope, and metastasis was first a challenge, but HIV infection and AIDS come
understood. It was believed that cancer growth was with awareness that some in society will condemn
like planting seeds to be carried through the blood- and shun those infected. Education in the United
stream into another organ that was hospitable. States has done much to calm the nerves and erase
Researchers first believed that cancer resulted some of the fear infected individuals face from
from excess bile collecting in various body sites. those who would condemn.
Some believed cancer was the result of ferment- In 2006, the CDC reported that HIV and
ing and deteriorating lymph fluid. Today, trauma, AIDS had claimed the lives of more than 22 million
chronic irritation, and viral and cellular derivations persons worldwide, including more than 500,000
are considered the primary causes of cancer. persons in the United States. In 2007, more than
Cancer is often removed through surgery. Radi- 1 million persons were living with HIV/AIDS in
ation and/or chemotherapy may also be used to rid the United States, and an estimated 40,000 new
the body of the disease. Today an individual’s DNA HIV infections were expected to occur. Although
structure is considered in treatment. Chemotherapy HIV infection and AIDS cases show decline in the
CHAPTER 3 History of Medicine 43
U.S., there are still serious challenges to be met. community based. The latter can be found in ath-
A large majority of infected persons are unaware letic locker rooms and in other areas where large
they are infected and are passing the virus on to numbers of individuals congregate. The use of anti-
others. Three quarters of new infections in women biotics completely changed medicine by providing
in the U.S. are heterosexually transmitted. Cultural the ability to cure bacterial-related disease. However,
differences sometimes create difficulty in prevent- bacteria have now evolved to be resistant to those
ing the disease if condoms are frowned upon or antibiotics. This is another example of the earlier
men have multiple heterosexual partners at the statement, “Two steps forward—one step back.” The
same time they are having sex with other men. Of challenge of medicine is as strong today as it was
the 33 million people currently living with HIV/ 100 years ago.
AIDS, 74% live in sub-Saharan Africa. It is esti-
mated that by the year 2010, Ethiopia, Nigeria,
China, India, and Russia will add 50 to 75 million SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTIONS
new cases of HIV/AIDS to the statistics. TO MEDICINE
AIDS causes serious and debilitating physical
and mental difficulties. The United Nations esti- Hippocrates (c. 460–c. 377 b.c.) is the physician
mates that by the year 2010, 25 million children most frequently recalled from the Greek culture.
will be orphaned due to the death of both parents It is not known why his name surfaces above all
from AIDS. other Greek physicians, for some were surely just
Early in the twenty-first century, we are still as prominent. His writings, however, have contrib-
quite aware of the limitations of modern medicine. uted much to today’s medical culture. Hippocrates
In developing countries torn with war and strife, is remembered by many for his well-known Hip-
cholera causes the deaths of thousands simply pocratic Oath, which established guidelines for
because there is no proper sanitation. In the micro- a physician’s practice of medicine (Figure 3-4).
bial world, new, drug-resistant strains of malaria, Although few physicians swear to this oath today
tuberculosis, and other diseases are not responding when they embark on their medical career, it
to known treatments. Health professionals in hos- is still recognized for its validity and wisdom.
pitals and health care facilities, especially nursing There are various translations of the Hippocratic
homes and dialysis centers, are very much aware of Oath, but all communicate the same fundamen-
a new type of bacteria known as methicillin-resistant tal message.
staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which is resistant It would be impossible to identify all the other
to many antibiotics. This infection is especially individuals who made significant contributions to
dangerous to individuals with weakened immune medicine in this text. However, Table 3-1 lists sev-
systems. It can come from medical facilities or be eral notable individuals in the history of medicine.
Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723) Dutch lens grinder; discovered lens magnification
Frederick G. Banting (1891–1941) Isolated and injected insulin for diabetes treatment in 1922
John Gibbon (1903–1973) First heart–lung machine used for surgery (1953)
Ian Wilmut (1944–) Cloned a Finn Dorset sheep called Dolly in 1996
Note that only a few entries are made in the most can perform a whole-body trauma scan in less than
recent years, not because no major medical discov- 10 seconds. People who have worn glasses or con-
eries are occurring, but because so many are occur- tact lenses for many years are turning to laser eye
ing that they cannot all be listed. surgery and implantable lenses.
Surgeons have performed the first successful
human larynx transplant. Consider the implica-
Women in Medicine tions of the AIDS saliva test that creates a needle-
Whereas women were accepted as healers in prim- free way to test for HIV. Needleless injections are
itive societies, later cultures reduced their status now possible. There is a flu prevention inhaler and
to that of being allowed to care only for women an osteoporosis pill.
and to assist in childbirth. In any culture that Since 2000 there has been successful use of
granted women only secondary status, women adult stem cells in the treatment of some diseases.
were also considered unqualified to become phy- Adult bone marrow stem cells are able to produce
sicians. In Chinese culture, the first reference to a multiple tissues, and adult stem cells from various
female physician mentioned by name is in docu- organs of the body have shown amazing abilities
ments from the Han dynasty (206 b.c.–a.d. 220). to develop into healthy tissue. Adult stem cells can
In Muslim society, the reluctance of Arabic physi- be stimulated to form insulin-secreting pancreatic
cians to violate social taboo and touch the genitals cells, to repair eye retinal damage, and to stimulate
of female strangers further encouraged relegat- growth in children with bone disease. There is the
ing the practice of obstetrics and gynecology to possibility that adult stem cells will also be able to
midwives. treat Parkinson’s disease and other degenerating
Women were not accepted as medical physi- neural disorders. In the meantime, the political
cians in Western culture until the nineteenth and debate continues over the use of human embry-
twentieth centuries. Italy granted women the status onic stem cells.
earlier than other cultures. In the United States, the A smooth plastic capsule with a tiny camera
first female physician was Elizabeth Blackwell, who at each end, known as the PillCam ESO, is able
was awarded her degree in 1849. Although she was to take as many as 2,600 pictures of the esopha-
snubbed by the public, she soon earned the respect gus in less that 20 minutes. This marvel makes
of her colleagues. When she refused to be absent it easier to diagnose diseases of the esophagus
from class when the male reproductive system was without sedating a patient as is normally done in
discussed, her fellow male students supported traditional endoscopy. Scientists are developing
her actions. spider silk for extraordinarily fine sutures to be
In 1860 there were nearly 200 female practi- used in nerves and eyes. The combination of the
tioners in the U.S. In 2004, 26.8% of U.S. physi- all-encompassing broadband technology and new
cians were women, and there were ten female cellular infrastructure makes it easier for health
deans in U.S. medical schools. Today women are professionals to stay in touch with patients. Medi-
represented in all areas of medicine; however, the cal Bluetooth makes an easy path for connection
majority work in internal medicine, family prac- of medical devices. For example, remote heart-
tice, pediatrics, obstetrics/gynecology, psychiatry, care diagnostics can be transmitted from a cell
and anesthesiology. phone to providers who can determine if a patient
needs to travel to the clinic for further care. Com-
puter chips are being used to create bionic eyes
FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE for patients with advanced retinal degeneration,
with implanted image sensors taking over the
There has been phenomenal growth in medicine functions of damaged retinal cells.
in the past two decades. Only a few advances are Experimentation with aromatherapy indicates
mentioned here. Much better imaging leading that some aromas actually improve brain function.
to much better diagnosis is now available. Where Research has shown that individuals suffering from
exploratory surgery might have been performed dementia often respond favorably to the odor of
in the past to determine a diagnosis, noninvasive freshly roasted coffee and bread baking. Inhaling
ultrasound, CT scans, and MRIs assist in diagno- the scents of green apple, banana, and peppermint
sis now. A 64-slice cardiac CT scan developed in stimulates positive feelings. It is thought that with
2004 can capture images of a human heart in just aromatherapy we will soon accelerate learning and
five heartbeats. In a technique known as volume speed up rehabilitation for people who have had a
computed tomography (VCT), the VCT system stroke.
CHAPTER 3 History of Medicine 47
Medicine’s history leaves us with a rich heritage and a sound basis for the future of health care. Medical
history continues to be in the making today. For example, research in gene manipulation has the poten-
tial benefit of being able to reverse the progression of many debilitating diseases. One day we will look on
medical discoveries of this decade and be impressed by how much further medicine has advanced.
48 UNIT 1 Introduction to Medical Assisting and Health Professions
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet and complete the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on the textbook CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
Multiple Choice 7. Medicine was greatly influenced by:
a. Greek and Chinese physicians
1. A pharmacopoeia is: b. Culture and science
a. a book describing drugs and their preparation c. Religion and magic
b. an ancient religious rite used in medicine d. b and c
c. a source of magic 8. Paralytic poliomyelitis
d. used only by twentieth-century physicians a. was first evidenced during the summer of 1890
2. At one time, women were typically allowed to use b. is cured by childhood vaccinations
their health care skills to: c. caused great fear in the U.S. during the 1970s
a. cure everyone in society d. has been eradicated from the world
b. care only for women and to assist in childbirth 9. Cancer
c. become physicians a. metastasis was first understood in the nineteenth
d. care only for older adults century
3. An accurate sketch of the spinal vertebrae was b. is only treated with chemotherapy
created during the Renaissance by: c. deaths will total 1.5 million in 2007
a. Leonardo da Vinci d. is the result of an inherited tendency
b. Michelangelo 10. HIV/AIDS:
c. early Christian monks a. was first known in the Bronze Age
d. Louis Pasteur b. is decreasing in the U.S. but rages on in other
4. Hippocrates is a Greek physician often called: parts of the world
a. the founder of scientific surgery c. only infects gay men
b. the inventor of the smallpox vaccine d. is caused by a bacteriaum transmitted through
c. the father of medicine bodily fluids
d. the father of preventive medicine
5. The first woman physician in the United States was:
a. Florence Nightingale
Critical Thinking
b. Clara Barton 1. With a group of peers, identify the effects of culture
c. Elizabeth Anderson on today’s medicine.
d. Elizabeth Blackwell 2. How does the role of a medical specialist today
6. The physician who introduced hand washing to compare to the role of a medical specialist in the
prevent childbed fever was: past? Consider both similarities and dissimilarities.
a. Joseph Lister 3. You are the medical assistant. Your practitioner–
b. John Hunter employer has just prescribed opiates for a young
c. Ignaz Semmelweis Asian woman suffering from migraine headaches.
d. Edward Jenner You overhear the young woman arguing with her
CHAPTER 3 History of Medicine 49
mother, who thinks that she should take non- in medicine. The section on the greatest obstacles
addictive Chinese herbs. What, if anything, faced by these women is particularly interesting.
would you do? Who inspires you the most? Explain.
4. Discuss with a peer the role of women in medicine 4. Access the Internet to compare/contrast medical
today. What difficulties, if any, might a female prac- schools and universities in the United States with
titioner face today? Compare today’s difficulties medical universities in China. What major differ-
with those of female health care practitioners ences do you note? Are there any similarities?
100 years ago.
5. Using the example of aromatherapy in Frontiers in
Medicine, identify any new frontiers using integra-
tive medicine that you know about or have seen American Cancer Society. (2007). Surveillance research.
used in patient treatment. Retrieved May 23, 2007, from http://www.rare-
American Medical Association. (2004). Women in
WEB ACTIVITIES medicine. Retrieved May 20, 2007, from http://
The Internet is an ideal place to seek evidence
of new and emerging technologies in medicine. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
One such avenue is “Medical Breakthroughs” (2006). Twenty-five years of HIV/AIDS—United
States, 1981–2006. MMWR Weekly. Retrieved
reported by Ivanhoe Broadcast News, Inc. Identify at
April 24, 2007, from
least two or three recent discoveries you find particu-
larly interesting from your research on the Internet.
D’Adesky, A. (2003). Cuba fights AIDS its own way. The
1. Do an Internet search using the keywords “penicil- Gully Online Magazine. Retrieved May 17, 2007, from
lin discovered” to find some interesting sites. Deter-
mine the reasons it took so long to put penicillin David, M. (2006). Engineers work medical miracles
into production. What kind of hurdles do new every day. Electronic design. Retrieved May 18, 2007,
medications face today before they are available on from
the market to consumers and patients? Fenster, J. M. (2003). Mavericks, miracles, and medicine.
2. Search the Internet for “Women in Medicine: An New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers.
AMA Timeline 1800s.” This publication compiled Lewis, M. A., & Tamparo, C. D. (2007). Medical law,
by the American Medical Association provides valu- ethics, and bioethics for health professions (6th ed.).
able and interesting information about women in Philadelphia: F. A. Davis.
medicine. What surprises you the most? Are female Lyons, A. S., & Petrucelli II, J. R. (1978). Medicine: An
applicants to medical school increasing or decreas- illustrated history. New York: Harry N. Abrams.
ing? By what percent? McNeil, D. G. (2007). U.N. to say it overstated H.I.V.
3. The U.S. National Library of Medicine and the cases by millions. The New York Times. Retrieved
National Institutes of Health have a Web site with a January 11, 2008, from http://www.nytimes.
section on “Changing the Face of Medicine.” This com/2007/11/20/world/20aids.html/.
site enables the reader to discover how women have Sanofi Pasteur, SA. (2006). Polio: The disease. Polio eradi-
influenced the practice of medicine and to deter- cation. Retrieved May 17, 2007, from http://www.
mine if the exhibition will be in your geographical
region any time soon. Go to the Web site http:// Until There’s A Cure. (2006). Vital statistics. Retrieved to May 17, 2007, from
view pictures and historical information on women shtm.
The Therapeutic
2 Approach
Chapter 4
Therapeutic Communication Skills
Chapter 5
Coping Skills for the Medical Assistant
Chapter 6
The Therapeutic Approach to the Patient with
a Life-Threatening Illness
Communication Skills 4
Active Listening Importance of Communication Bias and Prejudice Barriers
Bias The Communication Cycle Verbal Roadblocks to Thera-
Body Language The Sender peutic Communication
Closed Questions The Message Defense Mechanisms as
The Receiver Barriers
Feedback Barriers Caused by Cultural
Compensation and Religious Diversity
Listening Skills
Congruency Human Needs as Barriers to
Types of Communication
Cultural Brokering Therapeutic Communication
Verbal Communication
Culture Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Nonverbal Communication
Decode Establishing Multicultural
Congruency in
Defense Mechanism Communication
Factors Affecting Therapeutic Cultural Brokering
Communication Therapeutic Communication in
Encoding Age and Gender Barriers
Economic Barriers Interview Techniques
Hierarchy of Needs Point of Care Techniques
Education and Life Experience
High-Context Community Resources
Communication Barriers
Indirect Statements
Interview Techniques OBJECTIVES
The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and
Low-Context demonstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this
chapter through written and oral communication.
Open-Ended Questions 1. Define the key terms as presented in the glossary.
Perception 2. Identify the importance of communication.
Prejudice 3. List and define the four basic elements of the communication
Projection cycle.
Rationalization 4. Identify the four modes or channels of communication most
Regression pertinent in our everyday exchange.
Repression 5. Discuss the importance of active listening in therapeutic
Sublimation 6. Differentiate between the terms verbal and nonverbal
Communication 7. Analyze the five Cs of communication and describe their effec-
Time Focus tiveness in the communication cycle.
OBJECTIVES (continued)
8. Demonstrate the following body language or nonverbal commu-
nication behaviors: facial expressions, personal space, position,
posture, gestures/mannerisms, and touch.
9. Identify and explain congruency in communication.
10. Differentiate between low-context and high-context communi-
cation styles.
11. Discuss Table 4-2 and generalizations of cultural/religious effects
on health care.
12. Discuss the use of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in therapeutic
13. Recall at least four influences on therapeutic communication
related to culture and describe four common biases/prejudices
in today’s society.
14. Recall at least three steps to building trust with culturally diverse
15. Discuss cultural brokering and its use in medical facilities.
16. Recall eight significant roadblocks to therapeutic communication.
17. List and describe seven common defense mechanisms.
18. Compare/contrast closed questions, open-ended questions, and
indirect statements.
In the two-provider office of Drs. Lewis and King, four depressed and anxious. Marilyn tries to create an
medical assistants constantly interact with patients, environment where they feel free to share their con-
allaying their concerns, scheduling their appointments, cerns and anxieties.
instructing them on medications, and helping them Marilyn demonstrates therapeutic communica-
understand their insurance coverage. On any given tion by acknowledging each patient as they arrive for
day, office manager Marilyn Johnson, CMA (AAMA), is appointments and puts them at ease by providing
greeting patients warmly as they arrive for their instructions. Medical assistants who project a warm,
appointments. Some patients, such as Anna and courteous presence while maintaining composure,
Joseph Ortiz, are new to the practice. Marilyn’s warm even during difficult situations, and who ask the right
manner puts them at ease. Other patients, such as questions in a nonthreatening manner will achieve
Martin Gordon, who has prostate cancer, may be therapeutic communication.
Of all the tasks and skills required of the medical assis- Everyday, Marilyn, Ellen, and the two clinical med-
tant in the ambulatory care setting, none is quite so ical assistants at the offices of Drs. Lewis and King face
important as communication. Communication is the many communication challenges. This chapter describes
foundation for every action taken by health care pro- effective communication principles, applies those prin-
fessionals in the care of their patients. Because medical ciples to face-to-face communication, and describes the
assistants are often the liaison between patient and pro- basic roadblocks to communication. The key word to all
vider, it is critical to be aware of all the complexities of the communication in the medical setting is therapeutic. In
communication process. all conversations with patients, the more therapeutic the
CHAPTER 4 Therapeutic Communication Skills 53
conversation, the more satisfied the patient will be with them. Questions frequently asked by individuals
the care provided. seeking a new provider and clinic include: “Will
the doctor talk with me so that I understand?”
“Will the doctor listen to what I have to say?” and
IMPORTANCE “Can I talk to the doctor honestly and openly?”
OF COMMUNICATION The answer to all of these questions needs to
be “yes.” This chapter discusses these issues
Therapeutic communication differs from normal and presents specific techniques for therapeutic
communication in that it introduces an element of communication.
empathy into what can be a traumatic experience
for the patient. It imparts a feeling of comfort in
the face of even the most horrific news about the THE COMMUNICATION CYCLE
patient’s prognosis. The patient is made to feel vali-
dated and respected. Therapeutic communication All communication, whether social or therapeutic,
uses specific and well-defined professional skills. involves two or more individuals participating in
Communication in the health care setting an exchange of information. The communication
is the foundation of all patient care and is of the cycle involves sending and receiving messages even
utmost importance. Communication must be in when not consciously aware of them.
nontechnical language the patient can under- Four basic elements are included in the com-
stand, delivered with feeling for the patient’s emo- munication cycle. They are (1) the sender, (2) the
tional situation and state of mind, yet it still must message and a channel or mode of communication,
be technically accurate. The medical staff must be (3) the receiver, and (4) feedback (Figure 4-1).
alert to the patient’s state of stress and whether
defense mechanisms have taken over to the extent
that the patient has “tuned out” and is no longer
The Sender
communicating with the staff. The sender begins the communication cycle by
Patients seeking an ambulatory care service encoding or creating the message to be sent. This is
look for medical professionals with technical skills an important step, and much care should be taken
and a clinical staff capable of communicating with in formulating the message. Before creating the
message, the sender must observe the receiver to
determine the complexity of the words to be used
within the message, the receiver’s ability to inter-
Spotlight on Certification pret the message, and the best channel by which to
send the message.
RMA Content Outline
• Patient relations Encodes
• Other interpersonal relations message
The idea of minimum necessary ac- Sender: “Our bookkeeper will be glad
HIPAA cess to protected health information to work out a payment plan with
you that will fit your resources.”
(PHI) is important to job performance.
HIPAA requires that a reasonable effort be
made to limit access to PHI to only what is Active listening involves listening with a “third
necessary to accomplish the intended pur- ear,” that is, being aware of what the patient is not
poses of the use, disclosure, or request. The saying or picking up on hints to the real message
information accessed must fit the needs of the by observing body language. The health care pro-
job description and nothing more. Employees fessional should have three listening goals:
must be careful to not discuss PHI with those • To improve listening skills sufficiently so that
outside the scope of their work. For example, patients are heard accurately
a Certified Medical Administrative Specialist
• To listen either for what is not being said or for
(CMAS) scheduling appointments does not
information transmitted only by hints
need to know the diagnosis after the patient
has been seen by the provider. • To determine how accurately the message has been
CHAPTER 4 Therapeutic Communication Skills 55
So many health professionals try to “fix” every- be able to articulate by using good diction and by
thing with a recommendation, a prescription, even enunciating each word distinctly. The patient must
advice. Sometimes, none of those things is neces- be allowed time to process the message and verify
sary. The patient simply needs someone to listen, its meaning. The message must also be heard to
to acknowledge the difficulty, and to remember promote understanding.
that the patient is not helpless in finding a solution
to the problem. Concise. A concise message is one that does not
Skill in communication takes years of practice include any unnecessary information. It should be
and frequent review. It will never become perfect; brief and to the point (Figure 4-2). Patients must
we can only hope that we will become better at it not be overloaded with technical terms that may
with each passing day. Communication is and not be understood or that tend to distract them by
always will be the basis for any therapeutic relation- diverting their attention away from the balance of
ship (Tamparo & Lindh, 2008). the message.
Critical Thinking
COMMUNICATION Define in your own words the terms bias and
prejudice. Now identify one bias and one
Anything that interferes with the patient’s abil- prejudice that you have. How will these
ity to focus has a negative impact on therapeutic impact your ability to respond therapeutically
communication. The following paragraphs discuss in the medical setting? What steps can you
significant barriers. The medical assistant must take to become more accepting of the
recognize that until these barriers are dealt with uniqueness of others, thereby improving
or minimized, therapeutic communication will be therapeutic communication?
significantly affected.
Age and Gender Barriers their biases or prejudices, hostile attitudes may
Age and gender are factors with a strong influence prevail.
on communication. How and when do you com- For therapeutic communication to take place,
municate with a young child? What do you com- biases must be examined, a person’s comfort level
municate to that child? How do you impress upon with each bias determined, and measures taken to
an older gentleman who has taken few medications ensure that a hostile attitude is not present. Bias is
throughout his lifetime that he now must take his defined as a slant toward a particular belief. Prej-
pill everyday? In a culture where the husband is the udice is defined as an opinion or judgment that
authority, how does the provider discuss with the is formed before all the facts are known; preju-
female patient the inadvisability of another preg- dice is a preconceived and unfavorable concept.
nancy at this time? Common biases and prejudices in today’s society
Economic Barriers 1. A preference for Western style medicine
The influence of economics may reveal a discom- 2. Choosing providers according to gender
fort if the office staff and patients have a different 3. Prejudice related to a person’s sexual pref-
perception about how billing is managed and when erence
and how payment is expected. A discussion of bill-
4. Discrimination based on race or religion
ing and payment procedures at the first office visit
or before a major procedure will be beneficial to 5. Hostile attitudes toward people with different
all concerned parties. value systems than one’s own
6. A belief that people who cannot afford health
Education and Life Experience care should receive less care than someone
who can pay for full services
Educational and life experiences will, in part, Medical assistants must recognize such
determine how patients react to their care. Patients biases and prejudices so that their own cul-
with family members being treated for a chronic ture with its biases does not prevent them
illness will have more knowledge and understand- from responding therapeutically in communica-
ing of that illness in their own lives. Individuals tions with patients. Such recognition requires being
who have already suffered a great deal of loss and aware of the differences among human beings and
grief in their lives may handle the information of a willingly accepting the uniqueness of each person.
life-threatening illness more calmly than someone
who has experienced little grief. Verbal Roadblocks to Therapeutic
Bias and Prejudice Barriers Being sensitive to patients’ unique personalities
Personal preferences, biases, and prejudices and needs will enable the health care professional
will enter into many provider–patient relation- to avoid roadblocks to communication (Table 4-1).
ships. Such biases affect the types of communica- It must be the concern of each health
tion possible. When individuals are not aware of care professional to facilitate communication by
60 UNIT 2 The Therapeutic Approach
Roadblock Example
Reassuring clichés “Don’t worry about not having a job, Mr. McKay; you’ll find another one really soon.”
“If you were smart, Mrs. Johnson, you’d lose fifty pounds and you wouldn’t have such a
problem with your diabetes and hypertension.”
“Why would you not want to have chemotherapy, Mr. Gordon? Seeing your wife die of
Requiring explanations
cancer should surely make you want to seek treatment.”
Ridiculing/shaming “Ha, ha, Mr. Gordon! It’s not prostrate—it’s prostate cancer.”
“Mr. Marshal, I assure you the physician is very busy. He will not see you until he has finished
with his other patients.”
“Yes, Mrs. Jover, your work is very interesting, but I must ask you to sign this permission form to
Shifting subjects
test for HIV.”
Criticizing “Mrs. O’Keefe, why in the world would you stay with an abusive husband?”
Threatening “There is no way you will get rid of this cough if you do not stop smoking, Mr. Fowler.”
encouraging and enabling patients to express or her to address it without unacceptable emo-
themselves honestly without fear. Roadblocks tional pain. Excessive use of defense mechanisms
close communication and prevent quality care of or failure to address a problem even after sufficient
the total person. time has elapsed may be a sign of mental health
Defense Mechanisms Defense mechanisms are usually readily
apparent to the disaffected observer; however, they
as Barriers are difficult to analyze without knowledge of the
Therapeutic communication becomes difficult if a motive behind the behavior. The following para-
patient is in a highly emotional state. A patient who graphs describe some commonly observed defense
is frightened, ashamed, guilty, or threatened often mechanisms.
will resort to defense mechanisms as a means of Regression is an attempt to withdraw from
avoiding injury to the ego. We all use defense mech- an unpleasant circumstance by retreating to an
anisms to some limited extent, but they become earlier, more secure stage of life. It is usually used
harmful when they result in a breakdown in thera- when the person feels powerless to affect the
peutic communication. Failure by the patient to events causing the pain; it can be thought of as a
face problems often results in inability to provide desperation move. A toddler’s regression to bed-
satisfactory treatment on the part of the medical wetting or soiling himself or herself shortly after
practitioner. Recognizing common defense mecha- a new baby arrives in the family is an example of
nisms enables the medical staff to minimize the trig- this defense mechanism. Use of a security blan-
gering event and to communicate more effectively. ket by an adult or child when faced with some-
Defense mechanisms are defined as behavior thing that disrupts his or her life is another
that is used to protect the ego from guilt, anxiety, example.
or loss of esteem. Use of defense mechanisms is Denial is refusal to accept painful informa-
most often subconscious to the person using them. tion that is readily apparent to others. This defense
It is the body’s way of seeking relief from uncom- mechanism commonly is encountered in the case
fortable or painful reality. A mentally healthy per- of a person being diagnosed with a disease such as
son uses defense mechanisms to put a problem on cancer or experiencing the death of a close family
hold until sufficient time has passed to permit him member or associate. Denial has a devastating
CHAPTER 4 Therapeutic Communication Skills 61
effect on communication. The person will not Rationalization is the mind’s way of making
hear what you say, but will quite frequently unacceptable behavior or events acceptable by
acknowledge what you are saying. Careful atten- devising a rational reason. The purpose of rational-
tion to what the person is saying will reveal that he ization is to avoid embarrassment or guilt or to avoid
or she does not accept his or her situation and is obeying a directive. The rational reason is usually a
not mentally conscious that it is happening. Denial stretch of the truth and can be quite apparent to
is often the first stage of an emotional response disinterested individuals. An example is the patient
after a traumatic event. The next stage is anger who tells the provider that he or she did not take
toward the event, the medical staff, God, or oth- his or her blood pressure medication because he
ers. The stage after anger is frequently depression. or she did not have enough time before leaving for
A mentally healthy person eventually reaches the work. The medication easily could have been taken
final stage of acceptance. at home or at work. Most people rationalize things
Repression is similar to denial, but it is a to some extent, but excessive rationalization may be
totally subconscious reaction. In the case of repres- construed as unhealthy.
sion, the person seems to experience temporary Undoing is actions designed to make amends
amnesia. It is the mind’s way of defending itself or to cancel out inappropriate behavior. Shower-
from mental trauma by forgetting or wiping things ing the abused person with gifts to compensate for
out of the conscious memory. A child subcon- unacceptable actions that took place in the past is
sciously forgetting to tell parents that he or she an example.
got into trouble at school is an example. The fear
associated with the event becomes overwhelming, Barriers Caused by Cultural
causing the mind to forget. Repression should not
be confused with outright lying. In severe cases,
and Religious Diversity
repression can be related to mental illness. True therapeutic communication cannot
Projection is attributing unacceptable desires, take place without taking into consider-
impulses, and thoughts falsely to others to avoid ation the cultural and religious background
acknowledging they are actually the person’s own of the patient. Culture is a pattern of many concepts,
experiences. It is a means of defending against feel- beliefs, values, habits, skills, instruments, and art of
ings or urges the person does not want to admit a given group of people in a given period. Culture
they are experiencing. A mother who abuses her and religion influence the patient’s communication
child might accuse the medical assistant of being context, caregiving expectations, time focus, and
rough with the child while performing patient attitude toward Western medicine practiced in the
assessment to conceal her feelings of wanting to United States. Table 4-2 presents characteristics that
throttle the child. Projection is an indication of are typical of different cultural and religious groups.
mental illness.
Sublimation is the channeling of a socially Communication Context. Communication con-
unacceptable behavior into a socially acceptable text can be one of two styles: low-context or high-
behavior. An overly aggressive person directed to context. Low-context communication uses few
play football to relieve aggression is an example. environmental idioms to convey an idea. It relies
Constructive behavior is substituted for destructive on explicit and highly detailed language. High-
behavior. context communication relies on body language,
Displacement is the subconscious transfer of reference to environmental objects, and culturally
unacceptable emotions, thoughts, or feelings from relevant phraseology to communicate an idea. Nei-
one’s self to a more acceptable external substi- ther communication style is superior to the other.
tute. A patient who is angry with the provider for It is important, however, that both the speaker and
some reason slams the door as he or she leaves the the listener be cognizant of the style being used in
clinic. the conversation. In the medical office, the medi-
Compensation is a conscious or subconscious cal assistant should be aware of communication
overemphasizing of a characteristic to offset a real content and attempt to utilize the style used by
or imagined deficiency. This defense mechanism the patient to the extent that it is practical.
involves substituting strength for a weakness and Persons having different communication
may be viewed as healthy. An example is the young styles can easily develop an incorrect impression of
boy whose physical stature keeps him from being the other person. Low-context communication is
a football star, so he compensates by achieving an direct and in-your-face, whereas high-context com-
academic award. munication is indirect and seems to take forever
62 UNIT 2 The Therapeutic Approach
Western Medicine, rely on Individual, imme- Low Context, direct, eye con- Future
Caucasian, prescription medications, prac- diate family, close tact expected, not adverse
Western tice preventive medicine, may friends to therapeutic touching, may
Culture rely on holistic medicine or folk challenge medical opinions,
medicine in some rural areas. basic English, speaks loudly.
Western Medicine, rely on Extended family, rel- Low Context, direct, eye con- Present/
prescription medications, atives, close friends, tact expected, not adverse Future
African practice preventive medicine, neighbors, church to therapeutic touching, may
American, may rely on holistic medicine family. challenge medical opinions
Western or folk medicine in some rural and can distrust medical per-
Culture areas. sonnel, basic English sometimes
mixed with street language
Mixture of Western and holistic Extended fam- Low Context, eye contact Present
medicine combined with ily, relatives, close expected, highly emotional,
African, or
spiritualism friends, neighbors, basic English strongly mixed
church family, tribal with local dialect.
Mixture of Western and holis- Immediate family, High Context, indirect, avoid Present/
tic medicine combined with opinions of family eye contact, show little emotion, Past
Asian Culture
Confucian principals, i.e., mind and particularly avoid therapeutic touching,
Asian, Indian,
control of the body and main- elders are important. youth speak basic English, elders
taining a balance between may speak little English, may
natural forces and energy in the agree with what is said even
body, eating foods designated when they do not understand
Korean, Thai,
as having hot and cold proper- in order to avoid conflict or to
ties to cure illness is common, avoid losing face, speak softly.
mental illness is considered
shameful and is denied.
Native Mixture of Western and folk Extended family, rel- High Context, avoid eye con- Present
American, medicine combined with impor- atives, close friends, tact, speak softly and slowly,
South Sea tance of a balance between neighbors, tribal basic English mixed with tribal
Island the forces of nature. affiliation. dialects.
Mixture of Western and folk Extended family, High Context, be respectful Present/
medicine combined with a relatives, church and make direct eye contact, Past
strong belief in intervention by family, collective speak softly, some basic
and Latino
God, eating foods designated community English, most speak Spanish.
as having hot and cold proper-
ties to cure illness is common.
Mixture of Western and folk Immediate family, High Context, touching Future/
medicine combined with a opinions of family between men and women is Present
strong belief in intervention by and particularly prohibited for strict believers, do
Allah, match gender of care- male head of house- not discuss sexual dysfunction,
giver and client, women may hold are important. females do not make direct eye
not be permitted to be exam- contact, will not discuss many
ined by male medical profes- taboo subjects (mental illness,
sional, mental illness denied, birth defects, contraception,
do not ingest alcohol, believe hospice, those from Middle East
complete rest is proper for all ill- speak loudly to indicate the
nesses, do not eat pork. importance of what they are
to reach a conclusion. The high-context speaker is needs. It is difficult to plan for the future when basic
often thought of as mentally slow or uneducated, items in the hierarchy of needs have not been met.
and the low-context speaker is thought of as being Punctuality usually is not important to present-focus
rude or arrogant. Conclusions based on commu- persons.
nication style usually are preconceived miscon- Past time focus is associated with persons from
ceptions and should be considered at all times cultures having long-standing traditions. Tradition
when health care professionals are working with becomes the central focus of their life.
Human Needs as Barriers
Caregiving Expectations. Caregiving expecta- to Therapeutic Communication
tions refer to the arrangements for taking respon-
sibility for medical requirements. Most persons Human needs, such as those discussed in Maslow’s
from the Western culture are individualistic and hierarchy of needs, are barriers to effective ther-
take personal responsibility for their medical care. apeutic communication if they are not met. A
However, many other cultures and religions do patient who does not know where he or she will
not share this philosophy. This can result in prob- find food or shelter or who feels rejected and
lems related to privacy requirements and patient unloved will frequently put these needs first and
compliance. of primary concern in their mind. Communica-
tion regarding other concerns is nearly impossi-
Time Focus. The cultural background as well as the ble to focus upon until the basic needs have been
socioeconomic environment of the patient have met. This section discusses human needs and how
considerable impact on time focus. Time focus they can be satisfied by the medical assistant or by
relates to whether the patient’s attitude toward life referrals provided by health care professionals.
is future, present, or past. Time focus is culture
and religion related and is not necessarily related
to current circumstances.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Future time focus is found in persons whose Abraham Maslow is considered the founder of
physical needs have been met and who can sacri- humanistic psychology and is most well known for
fice immediate gratification to achieve perceived his hierarchy of needs (Figure 4-5). Webster’s Dic-
greater future returns. Future-oriented persons tionary defines hierarchy as “a group of persons or
are time conscious and plan out their daily lives in things arranged in order of rank, grade, class etc.”
considerable detail. Persons from affluent Western According to Maslow’s theory, human needs could
cultures usually are future oriented. be grouped into five levels. He also theorized that
Present time focus is found in persons who each level of need must be satisfied before one
are less assured of being able to meet their physical could move on to the next level.
64 UNIT 2 The Therapeutic Approach
and Love Needs
Safety Needs
Multicultural communication is the abil-
ity to communicate effectively with indi-
Survival or Physiological Needs
viduals of other cultures while recognizing
one’s own personal cultural biases and prejudices
Figure 4-5 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Adaptation and putting them aside.
based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs). Approximately one third of the population of
the United States comes from a culture other than
mainstream American (i.e., Caucasian, English-
The needs in the first level include physio- speaking, Judeo-Christian). Figure 4-6 illustrates
logic or survival needs. These needs include food, the percentage of various cultures living in the
water, and air to breathe—homeostasis for the United States.
body. The second level includes needs of safety Medical professionals working within a spe-
and security, that is, the need for security, stability, cific cultural community should seek further infor-
and protection. Everyone has the desire to be free mation relating to that particular culture. In many
from fear and anxiety. Safety needs also include instances, health care professionals can develop
the need for structure, law and order, and limits. rapport with their ethnically diverse patients by
The third level involves belonging and love simply demonstrating an interest in their culture
needs. This level of need involves both giving and and background.
receiving affection. Additional words that express Before multicultural or any therapeutic com-
our connectedness are roots, origins, peers, munication can begin, the patient must first be will-
friends, family, neighborhood, territory, clan, class, ing to discuss his or her health care issues, listen to
and gang. We have a basic animal tendency to the professional’s questions, and give honest answers
herd, flock, join, and belong. to those questions. The patient must trust the profes-
The fourth level, prestige and esteem needs, sional. Several steps to building trust include:
comes from a basic need for a stable, healthy self-
respect for ourselves and others. There is the desire • Risk/Trust: The need for the helping professional
for achievement, strength, and confidence. Also, to build an atmosphere of trust, making it easier
there is the need for recognition, prestige, reputa-
tion, status, and even fame. Satisfaction of these Hispanic
needs leads to feelings of self-confidence and culture
Native American/ 14%
South Sea Islander
for the patient to risk expressing feelings and atti- everyone understands each other clearly. The goal
tudes about the problem, is essential. Trust has to of cultural brokering is to increase the capacity of
be earned. Remember to promise no more than health care and mental health programs to design,
you can deliver, be honest, and carefully and thor- implement, and evaluate culturally and linguisti-
oughly explain procedures and policies. Answer all cally competent service delivery systems. Cultural
questions truthfully and honestly. and linguistic competence have been determined
• Empathy: Empathy is the ability to accept another’s to be fundamental in the goal of eliminating racial
private world as if it were your own. Empathy com- and ethnic disparities in health care.
municates identification with and understanding Cultural brokers may assume the role of
of another’s situation. It states, “I’m available to medical interpreter. An interpreter is one who
walk this road with you.” takes the spoken message in one language and
converts it to another language. Interpreters do
• Respect: Respect values another person and consid-
not provide word-to-word equivalence, but rather
ers him or her as a special individual. It is important
focus on the accurate expression of equivalent
to respect the patient’s personal space, to provide
meaning. They serve as communicators and liai-
privacy, and to use his or her full name and title
sons between the patient and the provider in
when appropriate.
health care facilities. If an interpreter is neces-
• Genuineness: This means being real and honest with sary, it is important to remember to speak directly
others. The health care professional must be able to the patient, not the interpreter. If English is
to communicate honestly with others, while being the second language or a heavy accent is involved,
careful not to blame or condemn. speaking clearly and slowly can greatly enhance
• Active listening: Active listening involves verbal and communication.
nonverbal clues that send the message you are com- In some cases, a family member may serve as
pletely involved in the communication. Sit facing the interpreter. This may not be the best solution
the patient with no barriers, such as a desk, between because the family member may not understand
you. Lean toward the patient slightly to convey gen- the medical terminology. It would also be diffi-
uine concern and interest. Establish and maintain cult for a family member to be the one to share
appropriate eye contact to elicit interest and con- a life-threatening diagnosis or a poor prognosis
cern. Maintain an open, relaxed posture to estab- report.
lish a nonthreatening environment for the patient. Understanding this hierarchy helps to assess
Listen carefully to the words the patient uses to a patient’s needs. If the most basic of needs are not
describe problems, and use those terms rather than met, it is highly unlikely that a patient can be suc-
medical terminology when discussing symptoms. cessful with any treatment protocol. Keeping this
hierarchy in mind will help to facilitate therapeu-
tic communication.
Cultural Brokering
Cultural brokering is “the act of bridging, linking,
or mediating between groups or persons through THERAPEUTIC
the process of reducing conflict or producing
change” (National Center for Cultural Compe-
tence, Georgetown University Center for Child IN ACTION
and Human Development, Georgetown Uni-
versity Medical Center, 2004). A cultural broker The following section identifies the proper com-
serves as a go-between, or one who advocates on munication techniques medical assistants should
behalf of another individual or group within the use as part of the most important communica-
health care community. The 2000 Census indicates tion function they perform: patient interview
the projected demographic trends in the United techniques.
States are more complex than ever measured pre-
viously. The belief systems related to health, heal-
ing, and wellness are diverse, with many cultural
Interview Techniques
variations in the perception of illness and disease All health professionals must be adept
and their causes. Cultural brokers respect the val- at interview techniques—knowing how
ues of diverse cultures and health care systems to encourage the best communication
and are knowledgeable of both. They are able to between themselves and the patient. It is impor-
overcome any existing language barriers, so that tant to remember that an unequal relationship
66 UNIT 2 The Therapeutic Approach
exists between the health professional and the “I’d like to know more about your exer-
patient. The health professional, whether it be the cise program.”
provider or the medical assistant, is in the power
position and has a great deal of control over the Refer to Chapter 11 for additional informa-
patient. Therefore, it is important to equalize the tion related to patient interviewing.
relationship as much as possible. That is the reason
why some professionals use the term client rather
than patient.
Point of Care Techniques
Early in the interview, the patient must feel Point of care refers to the location in which the
comfortable enough to risk being honest with the patient and provider or patient and office per-
health professional. The health professional must sonnel physically interact. This interaction may
build an atmosphere of trust by showing concern take place at the reception desk, in the labora-
for the patient. A gentle touch and a warm, car- tory, or in the examination room. The goal of
ing facial expression may be all that is necessary. therapeutic communication at the point of care
Always be honest and genuine in your responses is varied. It may be to determine the reason for
to patients. Be sympathetic and empathic and the visit, collect a blood specimen, or explain a
create an environment that is free of hypocrisy. course of treatment to the patient. The principal
When the medical assistant is interviewing the barrier to communication at the point of care is
patient for the presenting problem or chief com- emotional tension, that is, the patient is upset.
plaint, it is important to listen with a “third” ear. The patient may be upset due to fear of the ill-
Listen to what the patient is not saying but is apt to ness or diagnosis, pain, or anger as part of the
exhibit through nonverbal communication. loss of quality of life resulting from the illness.
You might choose to share your observation Other barriers to communication less frequently
of the nonverbal message with the patient, thus encountered are language, speech or hearing
encouraging the patient to verbalize more freely. impairment, or mental conditions such as low
When feelings are shared, validate and acknowl- IQ or old age and were discussed in other sec-
edge those feelings through such statements as “I tions of this chapter.
understand your distress.” You can verify the com- If the patient is delivered unpleasant infor-
munication by reflecting or paraphrasing what the mation skillfully, he or she can take in and pro-
patient has said. cess the material rather than reject it. Words and
You will be asking closed questions during the statements that promote anxiety or anger should
interview. Closed questions can be answered with a be avoided. Examples are complex medical termi-
simple yes or no. nology that the patient may not understand and
judgmental statements about lifestyle. Both can
“Are you still taking your medication?” instill fear and anger in a patient. Every effort
“Are you in pain now?” should be made to clarify the information being
communicated to the patient. Patients should be
You will also use open-ended questions with encouraged to restate the information in their
the patient. These questions encourage therapeu- own words. Under no circumstance should the
tic communication because the patient is required patient be given false reassurance. This can result
to verbalize more information. in a lack of trust if the patient perceives that he
or she is being deceived. The medical assistant
“What kind of help will you have at home should be alert to notice emotional reactions by
during your recovery?” the patient and be prepared to take appropriate
“How are you coming along on this corrective action.
diet?” Avoid familiar phrasings and mannerisms—
for example, the type we use when unsure of what
Indirect statements will also prove helpful in to say in an uncomfortable situation, such as saying
facilitating therapeutic communication. An indi- “perhaps,” rather than the more usual “maybe,” or
rect statement will elicit a response from a patient nervously clearing our throats. All of these are signs
without the patient feeling questioned. of self-protection on the part of the speaker, which
the patient may notice. Good communication skills
“Tell me what you’ve been doing since and forethought make such self-protective mecha-
you retired.” nisms less necessary.
CHAPTER 4 Therapeutic Communication Skills 67
Patient Education
There may be circumstances in which a patient will
Education of a patient or caregiver should need a referral to a community resource. These
consist of the following fundamentals regard- resources range from the more simple acts of
less of the subject: arranging with Meals on Wheels to deliver a hot
• Do not attempt to educate the client meal daily to making complex arrangements for
while he or she is emotionally upset or skilled nursing facilities or hospice care. The medi-
distressed. Under these conditions the cal assistant will need to know the patient’s name,
individual will not be communicative; address, and telephone number, as well as the par-
that is, they are listening but not hearing ticular resource needed, the diagnosis, and the
what is said to them. Make every effort to reason for the service.
calm the client. If necessary, reschedule It is helpful to have a list of community
another time for the educational session. resources readily available. The list may be com-
• Use multiple methods, such as visual, ver- puterized, or hardcopy information may be filed
bal, and action, to convey the message. in a notebook. The information should be put into
This approach ensures that your commu- categories for ease in locating it quickly. See Pro-
nication style will be versatile and meet cedure 4-1 for steps in developing a Community
the needs of the client. Convey informa- Resource reference.
tion in a clear, concise manner using
context that is relevant to the client.
• Limit the amount of material covered. If
necessary, schedule additional sessions
so that the client is not overwhelmed.
• Communicate in simple words, avoiding
medical terminology that may not be
understood by the client.
Procedure 4-1
Identifying Community Resources
PURPOSE: • Visiting nurses
To have a list of community resources readily available • Counselor/social workers at local hospitals
for referral to patients.
• Nursing home associations
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: • Local charities
Computer and printer
Following is a list of information sources to consider PROCEDURE STEPS:
when beginning to put together a Community Resource 1. Determine the type of information to be in your
Reference: database. RATIONALE: Only resources useful to
• Local Public Health Department your specific office should be maintained to save
time and space.
• Internet
2. Contact the sources listed previously and request
• Community service numbers in the local tele- any listings they may have. RATIONALE: This
phone directory will save time.
• State/federal agencies
68 UNIT 2 The Therapeutic Approach
3. Search the Internet using your favorite search by a patient and simply print it out. You may wish
engine. Enter the city, state, and community to have a notebook with the information printed
resources. You may have to modify the subject and indexed so that other office staff can sim-
of your search to obtain the desired resources. ply copy a page for a patient. Your data should
RATIONALE: This is an effective way to access include as many resources for assistance as you
information quickly. can find for each type of resource. RATIONALE:
4. Develop a database on your computer so you To have a listing of community resources readily
can search easily for the resource when needed available for office use.
Throughout this text you are reminded of the importance of effective communication techniques. Good
communication takes practice. Use the techniques identified in this chapter with your family and with your
peers. Watch for roadblocks, be aware of defense mechanisms, and remember the five Cs of communication.
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet by completing the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on the textbook CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
Multiple Choice 5. A reassuring cliché is:
a. a way of calming down a patient
1. Factors affecting therapeutic communication b. a means of rationalizing a decision
include which of the following? c. a roadblock to communication
a. age and gender barriers d. always useful in daily communications
b. education and experience barriers 6. Redirecting a socially unacceptable impulse into
c. bias and prejudice barriers one that is socially acceptable is an example of
d. all of the above which of these defense mechanisms?
2. In the cycle of communication, encoding means: a. sublimation
a. deciphering a message b. rationalization
b. creating the message to be sent c. projection
c. sending the message d. displacement
d. receiving the message 7. When using an open-ended question with a patient,
3. Body language: we expect:
a. is used to express feelings and emotions a. a yes or no answer
b. is not as important as verbal communication b. him or her to tell us the truth
c. only makes up 7% of the message c. a response that permits the patient to elaborate
d. is only used in Eastern cultures d. only the right answers
4. A comfortable social space is defined as: 8. High-context communication relies on all of the
a. touching to 11⁄2 feet following except:
b. 11⁄2 feet to 4 feet a. body language
c. 12 to 15 feet b. reference to environmental objects
d. 4 to 12 feet c. explicit and highly detailed language
d. culturally relevant phraseology
70 UNIT 2 The Therapeutic Approach
At the office of providers Lewis and King, there are four assistant, in charge of a busy reception area and an
full-time medical assistants who collaborate to make ever-ringing telephone.
the office run smoothly, both administratively and clini- On these days, Ellen is particularly careful to orga-
cally. One day a month, though, office manager Mari- nize her work so that things run as they should. Although
lyn Johnson, CMA (AAMA), is out of town, leaving Ellen Ellen cannot anticipate every emergency, she does try to
Armstrong, CMA (AAMA) the administrative medical influence the situation rather than let events control her.
Even in the most well-managed ambulatory care setting, negative events; however, each of these events can
medical assistants and other health providers are likely to result in inducing stress in the body. These events
feel the effects of stress from time to time. They may be over- are called stressors. Stressors can be divided into
worked on certain days, they may face difficult patient sit- three categories:
uations, and they may find that the administrative and
paperwork load is getting ahead of them. 1. Frustrations : Circumstances that prevent us from
This chapter helps today’s busy, multifaceted medi- doing what we want to do
cal assistant pinpoint the symptoms of stress and pro- 2. Conflicts : Incompatibility between two important
vides ideas for coping with stress as it occurs. The better things or objectives equally important to us
equipped the medical assistant is to confront and solve 3. Pressure : Demands of schedule, workload, or expec-
the sources of stress, the less likely stressors will become tations placed on us by ourselves or others
so overwhelming as to lead to burnout on the job. Goal
setting, recognizing one’s limitations and potentials, set- According to Hans Selye, who first conceived
ting priorities, and keeping a balanced perspective can the theory of nonspecific reaction as stress, the
work together to reduce stress and enable the medical body does not differentiate positively and negatively
assistant to take pleasure in working with patients and induced stress. It is only the level of the stress and its
colleagues. duration that affect the body. Short-duration stress,
sometimes called acute stress, can be beneficial.
Short-duration stress adds anticipation and a feel-
WHAT IS STRESS? ing of “being alive,” for example, when we experi-
ence a roller coaster ride or bungee jump off a cliff.
The body’s response to mental and physical The short-lived adrenaline rush brings the world
change is termed stress. What constitutes stress is into sharper focus and enhances our lives. It helps
highly individual and depends to a great extent us focus on details, achieve difficult goals, and per-
on personality type. Events that may be stressful to form at our best. When we have a last-minute rush
one person may be enjoyable to another. A delayed in the office or are hurrying to get an assignment
airplane flight may be very stressful to a person finished for school, we are experiencing short-
who worries about making another connection duration stress. Short-duration stress is experienced
or missing a meeting. Another person will simply when the telephone rings, the examination rooms
look for an alternative flight or notify the people are full, and the provider is called to the hospital on
he or she was to meet and then take the time to an emergency. Immediately, the body’s stress mode
enjoy a good book, experiencing little or no men- is activated and adrenaline is produced, enabling
tal or physical change. Adaptive behavior patterns you to make quick judgements and decisions, to
we assume in response to real physical threats or be organized and efficient, and to accomplish tasks
emotional effects result in either eustress (posi- within minimal time limits.
tive feelings) or distress (negative feelings). Mov- Longer-duration stress is sometimes called
ing to a new city or receiving a promotion usually episodic or chronic stress. Episodic stress is the result
are perceived as positive events, whereas going of events over which we have control. Examples of
through a divorce or losing a job are conversely episodic stress include taking on too many projects
CHAPTER 5 Coping Skills for the Medical Assistant 73
Critical Thinking
Checking Your Success-Oriented Attitude
Select three attitude attributes for which you are quite negative and develop a plan of action
to make them more positive. Implement your plan; after two weeks, review whether your actions
have impacted the stress level associated with that activity.
Negative Positive
Attributes 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Attributes
Bored Enthusiastic
Unhappy Joyful
Never Can do
Lethargic Energetic
Cut corners Honest
Out of control Under control
Lack of confidence Confident
Selfish Selfless
Unyielding Flexible
Loner Part of a group
Know it all Open to suggestion
CHAPTER 5 Coping Skills for the Medical Assistant 75
contribute to improving your body’s tolerance to Table 5-1 Techniques for Reducing Stress
stressors (Figure 5-2). Stress can affect sleep and at Work
appetite, but intentionally not getting enough
sleep or not eating a balanced diet makes you more Stretch or change positions.
susceptible to stress in the first place. Anything
that “bugs” you contributes to stress. Some people Slowly roll your head from side to side and forward
believe that soft background music will reduce and back.
stress, but for a job requiring intense concentra-
tion, any distraction contributes to stress. Clothes Slowly rotate your shoulders forward and backward
or shoes that are uncomfortable can “bug” you and several times.
contribute to stress. The color of the walls in your
office can contribute to stress. If the color “bugs” Turn away from the computer, or close your eyes for
you, it will contribute to stress. Telephone interrup- several seconds.
tions can result in a stressful situation. All of these
“minor” things that contribute to stress are man- Walk around and deliver charts or laboratory specimens.
ageable and should be considered as part of a plan
to manage stress. See Table 5-1 for suggested tech- Stand or sit tall and take a few deep breaths.
niques for reducing stress at work.
Maintaining a good interpersonal relation- Meditate for 30 seconds.
ship with fellow employees or fellow students and
faculty is important to achieving a satisfying work Know your limits and be aware of your body’s needs.
or school experience. Before a strong interpersonal
relationship is established with others, a positive
self-attitude is needed. The choices we make affect will affect our school and work environment, and
our positive attitude. Making positive decisions hence the level and duration of stress experienced.
Following are choices we all make in our lives:
• To be respectful of others
• To be a diligent worker
• To be willing to learn
• To be honest
• To be willing to assume responsibility for actions
• To express appropriate humor
• To have an attitude of humility
• To be goal directed
• To understand Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Stages of Burnout
• List several situations in your life that
are stressful. Select the one that is most Burnout has four stages:
• Honeymoon: Love your job and have unrealistic
• List as many things as possible about the
expectation placed on you either by your manager
situation that make it stressful to you.
or by yourself if you are a perfectionist; take work
• How would you change each of the things
home and look for all the work you can get, cannot
you have listed to make them less stressful?
say “no” to accepting additional work
• List the things you “could do” to effect the
changes you listed. • Reality: Begin to have doubts you can meet expec-
• Rank the items in your “could do” list in tations; feel frustrated with your progress, work
terms of achievability. harder to meet expectations; begin to feel pulled in
• Select one or two of the items that are many directions; may not have a role model to fol-
achievable and discuss them with a low, and established guidelines may not be defined
classmate. Now attempt to put them into • Dissatisfaction: Loss of enthusiasm; try to escape
practice for a week. Report back to your frustrations by binges of one sort or another, drink-
classmate on how effective these items ing, partying, shopping, or excessive eating or sex;
were in reducing stress in your life. fatigue and exhaustion develop
• Sad state: Depression, work seems pointless, le-
thargic with little energy, consider quitting, and
look on yourself as a failure; represents full-blown
• Workload: Continual work level beyond your capa-
bility to complete it results in frustration, and ulti-
mately burnout.
• Job complexity versus skill level: Expectation to perform All of these stages are part of the process leading to
beyond your skill level leads to long-duration stress burnout. The honeymoon stage might seem desir-
but also can lead to personal growth and increased able, and it is pleasant, however, the seeds of the ill-
job satisfaction if the individual is a high achiever. ness are present in the unrealistic expectations and
the workaholic attitude of the employee. Unless
• Responsibility delineation: Lack of delineation of
these causes are eliminated, the progression to full
responsibility leads to continual questioning of
burnout is ensured.
whom is responsible for what job and ultimately
to frustration.
• Organization size: Some individuals can get lost in a
Role of Personality and Work
large organization. Environment
• Discrimination: This illegal activity leads to bad Burnout happens to people who previously were
feelings and frustration. enthusiastic and bursting with energy and new
• Poor time management skills: The inability to priori- ideas when first hired on the job or beginning a
tize and manage time effectively can lead to work new experience. When individuals with a high
overload. need to achieve do not reach their goals, they are
apt to feel angry and frustrated and become neg-
• Technological changes: Change, even good changes,
ative toward their job. Failing to recognize these
can cause stress.
signs as symptoms of burnout, they may throw
• Not being in control of your situation: Lacking control themselves even more fully into work-related goals.
leads to frustration. Unless there is some type of revitalization outside
of the workplace, burnout occurs.
Four characteristics associated with burnout
WHAT IS BURNOUT? in the workplace include:
Burnout is the result of stress and frustration, prin- • Role conflict: When employees have conflicting
cipally brought about by unrealistic expectations. responsibilities, they feel pulled in many direc-
Fatigue and exhaustion resulting from trying to tions. The perfectionist tries to do everything
meet unrealistic expectations compound it. Because equally well without setting priorities. Fatigue
CHAPTER 5 Coping Skills for the Medical Assistant 77
setting as a practical application for coping with Examples of long- and short-range goals might
stress and burnout and to develop career objectives. include:
If your employer does not offer these outlets, seek
your own seminars for goal setting. Such an activ- Long-range goal 1:
ity not only “centers” you in your current employ- • To become proficient in all back-office clinical
ment but helps you clearly picture your future plans skills during the first year of employment.
and hopes.
What is a goal? According to Merriam-Webster’s Short-range goals necessary to achieve this:
Collegiate Dictionary, a goal is “the result or achieve- • Practice accuracy and proficiency when performing
ment toward which effort is directed.” To reach a tasks and skills.
desired goal, a person must implement planning
• Practice efficiency by planning ahead for the equip-
together with a sincere desire to work hard. Skill
ment and supplies needed for each task performed.
in goal setting allows the medical assistant to clar-
ify what must be accomplished and to develop a • Evaluate your progress on a regular basis, and iden-
strategic plan to successfully achieve the goal. tify areas that need improvement.
A goal must be specific, challenging, realis- Long-range goal 2:
tic, attainable, and measurable. Specific goals are
focused and have precise boundaries. A goal that • To add front-office administrative tasks and
is challenging creates enthusiasm and interest in skills to your routine during the second year of
achievement. Realistic goals are practical or benefi- employment.
cial for the present and for future self-actualization.
Short-range goals necessary to achieve this:
An attainable goal refers to the fact that the goal
is possible to fulfill. Measurable goals achieve some • Practice accuracy and proficiency when perform-
form of progress or success. By reflecting on the ing all front-office tasks and skills.
process, one is encouraged to establish additional • Practice efficiency by planning ahead for the
goals. equipment and supplies needed for each task
Long-range goals are achievements that may performed.
take three to five years to accomplish. Long-range
• Evaluate your progress on a regular basis, and iden-
goals give direction and definition to our lives and
tify areas that need improvement.
serve to keep us “on track,” so to speak. Much dis-
cipline, perseverance, determination, and hard Long-range goal 3:
work will be expended in accomplishing long-
range goals. Some adjustment and readjustment to • To begin to focus on office management during
your goals may be necessary, however. The rewards the third year of employment.
of goal achievement include satisfaction, pride, a Short-range goals necessary to achieve this:
sense of accomplishment, and a job well done.
Short-range goals take apart long-range goals • Develop a procedure manual for all back- and
and reassemble the required activities into smaller, front-office tasks and skills.
more manageable time segments. The time seg- • Enroll in office management classes.
ments may be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or • Focus on team-building skills.
yearly periods.
As a graduate and new employee, one of By the fourth year, you will be ready to move
your long-range goals might be to become the into the office manager position.
office manager in the ambulatory care setting in Long- and short-range goals work together
which you are currently employed. You may wish to to help make changes in our lives. Goals keep
attain this goal within the next three to five years; life interesting and give us something for which
by breaking it into three longer range goals and a to strive. We can all reach goals successfully
series of short-range goals, you will be able to mea- with some planning, hard work, discipline, and
sure progress and feel a sense of accomplishment. dedication.
CHAPTER 5 Coping Skills for the Medical Assistant 79
Stress is very much a part of the medical profession. Each individual working in a medical career experi-
ences consecutive days of demanding, emotionally and physically draining interactions with patients and
staff members. This highly technical and ever-changing career requires its professionals to maintain a high
level of skill and training and to be familiar with the newest technology.
Goal setting is one approach to reducing stress and burnout and promoting a sense of pride in the
workplace, self-actualization, and possible employment promotion. Both long-range and short-range goal
planning work together to help make changes in our lives.
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet by completing the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on the textbook CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
80 UNIT 2 The Therapeutic Approach
Multiple Choice procedures. How do you think this position will
impact your short- and long-duration stress?
1. Which answer is not true about stress? 2. Identify two long-range goals you personally would
a. It does not occur suddenly. like to attain within the next five years. How will
b. It has physical and emotional effects on the body. you achieve these goals?
c. It may be positive or negative on its effects on 3. After you have been on the job for five years, you
the body. begin to recognize signs of burnout. How will you
d. It is the body’s response to change. manage these symptoms?
2. Hans Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome theory
proposes that adaptation to stress occurs in how
many stages?
a. 2 stages
b. 3 stages
Search the Internet for additional informa-
c. 4 stages
tion about different relaxation and meditation
d. 5 stages
3. Which is not a stage in the General Adaptation
techniques useful in reducing stress. Choose
Syndrome? the technique that interests you the most and research
a. fight-or-flight it completely. Compile your information into a report
b. exhaustion for your instructor. Be sure to include a bibliography
c. burnout identifying your Web sources.
d. alarm
4. Signs and symptoms of burnout include all of the
a. emotional and physical exhaustion
Keir, L., Wise, B. A., Krebs, C., & Kelly-Arnex, C. (2008).
b. hair-trigger display of emotion
Medical assisting: Administrative and clinical competen-
c. feelings of accomplishment and pride in work
cies (6th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage
d. irritability and impatience
5. Long-range goals are easy to achieve if:
Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary (11th ed.). (1998).
a. they are not too challenging
Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster.
b. they are divided into a series of short-range goals
Milliken, M.E., & Honeycutt, A. (2004). Understanding
c. they don’t involve too much hard work
human behavior: A guide for health care providers.
d. you never change or adjust them
Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
Tamparo, C. D., & Lindh, W. Q. (2008). Therapeutic com-
Critical Thinking munications for health care. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar
1. You have just graduated from a two-year medical Cengage Learning.
assisting program and have been hired by a pediatric What you need to know about stress management. (2004).
practice as an administrative medical assistant. The Retrieved February 27, 2008, from http://stress.
practice is busy with many telephone calls daily and
many new patients who need charts created and Wilkes, M., & Crosswait, C. B. (1995). Professional develop-
information entered into the database. While in ment: The dynamics of success. San Diego: Harcourt
school you learned that you enjoyed the laboratory Brace Jovanovich.
and clinical work much more than the front-office
The Therapeutic Approach Chapter
to the Patient with a
Life-Threatening Illness 6
Durable Power of Attorney Life-Threatening Illness The Therapeutic Response to the
for Health Care Cultural Perspective on Life- Patient with End-Stage Renal
Health Care Directive Threatening Illness Disease
Psychomotor Retardation Choices in Life-Threatening The Stages of Grief
Illness Denial
The Range of Psychological Anger
Suffering Bargaining
The Therapeutic Response to the Depression
Patient with HIV/AIDS Acceptance
The Therapeutic Response to the The Challenge for the Medical
Patient with Cancer Assistant
The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and
demonstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this
chapter through written and oral communication.
You have seen the medical reports and agonize with another appointment at this time. You recognize that
your employer who must tell Suzanne Markis, a long- anything you say probably will not be remembered, so
time patient, when she comes in today that she has you focus entirely on this patient and her immediate
inoperable pancreatic cancer. When she arrives, needs. In a day or two, as instructed by your employer,
you treat her as you normally would, making certain you will make a phone call to set up an appointment
she suspects nothing from you. When she emerges for Suzanne and anyone she might want present at
from the physician’s room, you make certain to meet her visit with the physician so any questions can be
her, take her arm, and ask if you can call someone answered.
for her. You do not present her with a bill or make
Everything you learned in Chapter 4 regarding therapeu-
tic communications is heightened and considered more
difficult when the patient has a life-threatening illness. If
you were told today that your life probably would be short-
ened because of a serious illness, your perspective would
likely change. What was important yesterday may mean
little or nothing now. Something that meant nothing to
you yesterday suddenly takes on great importance to you
now. It is essential for the medical assistant to remem-
ber this difference in perspective and what is likely to be
important to patients with a life-threatening illness.
It also must be remembered that no two individuals
respond to a life-threatening illness in the same way. Some Figure 6-1 Establishing a caring and trusting rela-
respond with denial and act as if the information had never tionship can help the patient come to terms with a
been shared with them. Others alter their lives radically and life-threatening illness.
drastically change their priorities. Still others quietly con-
tinue their lives, changing little outwardly, but recognize
that their choices may now be limited (Figure 6-1). Cultural Perspective
on Life-Threatening Illness
LIFE-THREATENING ILLNESS Strong cultural manifestations will be seen
during the treatment of a life-threatening ill-
A life-threatening illness is not easily defined. ness and in anyone facing death. Culture is
Some use the word terminal; others refuse to defined as how we live our lives, how we think, how we
use that word because they believe it removes speak, and how we behave. Cultures can be accepting,
any hope from the situation. Still others believe denying, or even defying of death. Death can be con-
even the term life-threatening is too hopeless and sidered either as the end of existence or as a transi-
prefer to use the term life-limiting. Also, what is tion to another state of being or consciousness. Death
life-threatening for one individual may not be can be considered as profane or sacred. In some
for another. For our purposes, life-threatening cultures, a life-threatening illness may be viewed or
is used to imply a life that in all probability will be referred to as a “slow-motion” death because of degen-
shortened because of a serious or debilitating ill- erative diseases that often exhaust the resources and
ness or disease. It may be defined as death that is emotions of patients and their families.
imminent; it may be defined in terms of a serious Some cultures prefer that the life-threatening
illness that a person will battle for many years but illness not be shared with the patient in the begin-
will ultimately shorten his or her life. ning, but with the family who helps to prepare
CHAPTER 6 The Therapeutic Approach to the Patient with a Life-Threatening Illness 83
but patients may have a number of reasons not to power of attorney for health care). Any documents
seek treatment. Remember the earlier statement of this nature that the patient has should be cop-
indicating that family members and friends bring ied in the medical chart that goes with the patient
more influence to bear than does the health care when admitted to the hospital. At any time the
professional. patient makes a change in such a document, the
old document is to be replaced with the new one.
2. Discussion of pain management and treatment is
essential. The major fears patients have in facing 4. Finances are to be considered. What will insurance
life-threatening illness are pain and loss of inde- cover (if there is insurance)? Who makes the deci-
pendence. A frank discussion of pain control and sions in a managed care environment? What family
how that can be accomplished can alleviate a fair resources can or will be used? Finances are no one’s
amount of concern. Providers should be ready favorite subject, especially for providers. However,
to discuss loss of independence related to any such a discussion is important. Often, patients fear
life-threatening illness or to make a referral to not being able to meet their financial obligations
someone who can be helpful. Patients have con- and leaving large debts to surviving family mem-
cerns such as wanting to know how long before bers almost as much as the life-threatening illness
the disease takes its toll, how long can they drive, itself. As a medical assistant, you can help patients
what kind of care or assistance will be necessary, understand the parameters of their health insur-
whether they can remain in their own home, and ance and any restrictions there might be on partic-
how long before they must have someone make ular illnesses or treatments. Can medical insurance
decisions for them. be canceled if employment pays a portion of the
health insurance and the patient is no longer able
3. A durable power of attorney for to work? If there is a life insurance policy, help
health care allows an individual to patients determine if any portion of the policy can
make decisions related to health care be used for end-of-life expenses. Any services you
when the patient is no longer able to do so. In the can provide to the patient or family members in
best of circumstances, this document will carry relieving the financial stress can bring great relief
out the decisions the patient has already made in to everyone involved.
a health care directive regarding terminal con-
5. Emotional needs of the patient and family mem-
ditions and whether to prolong life. Advances in
bers are important. Emotional support is vital when
medicine allow patients’ lives to be sustained even
dealing with a life-threatening illness. Health care
when they are unlikely to recover from a persis-
professionals will want to determine the source
tent and vegetative state. The health care directive
of that support for the patient. Should a support
and the durable power of attorney for health care
group be suggested for the patient and family mem-
allow patients to make decisions before becoming
bers? For some patients and families, an individual
incapacitated on whether life-prolonging medical
giving spiritual guidance is seen as a member of
or surgical procedures are to be continued, with-
the family and a member of the health care team.
held, or withdrawn, as well as if or when artificial
For others, no spiritual influence is recognized or
feeding and fluids are to be used or withheld.
These documents can help providers and patients
talk about dying and open the door to a positive, It is not the responsibility of the health care
caring approach to death. The health care direc- professionals treating the individual with life-
tive and the durable power of attorney for health threatening illness to provide all these services,
care documents are legal in all 50 states. Although but a health care professional who raises these
states may vary somewhat in the wording of these issues for patients and families to deal with is
documents, they provide the same overall ben- more closely in tune with a patient’s power in the
efit to patients (see Chapter 7 for more informa- illness.
tion.) The federal government passed the Patient Life-threatening illnesses are family illnesses.
Self-Determination Act in 1990 giving all patients There are primary (the person suffering from the
receiving care in institutions receiving payments illness) and secondary (family and friends) patients.
from Medicare and Medicaid written information Stress on a spouse or partner is enormous as they
about their right to accept or refuse medical or sur- think about taking over the other person’s role and
gical treatment. The act also requires that patients as they try to deal with their own feelings. Patients
be given information about their options to create and their families and friends often feel angry.
living wills and to appoint someone to act on their The situation is especially tragic if it might have
behalf in making health care decisions (durable been avoided (for example, a long-time smoker
CHAPTER 6 The Therapeutic Approach to the Patient with a Life-Threatening Illness 85
dying of lung cancer). There needs to be time to ing what would be helpful is often beneficial. Be
grieve. Depression is common among patients with ready with a list of community resources that may
life-threatening illness and warning signs should benefit patients at this time.
be reported to the provider. Remember that how It is not the intention of this chapter to spe-
patients live their last days is just as important as the cifically identify the many life-threatening ill-
numbers on the laboratory reports. nesses and their particular needs. However, three
life-threatening illnesses are identified in the fol-
THE RANGE lowing sections with some specific information
(see Chapter 3 for additional information on
The range of suffering associated with a life- THE THERAPEUTIC RESPONSE
threatening illness is extensive. Patients feel TO THE PATIENT WITH HIV/AIDS
extreme distress. Anxiety and depression are com-
mon. At the time of diagnosis, patients’ responses Patients testing positive for human immuno-
may include denial, numbness, and inability to deficiency virus (HIV) and those with acquired
face the facts. Sadness, hopelessness, helpless- immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) feel great
ness, and withdrawal often are exhibited. stress from the infection, the disease, and the fear
The range of psychological suffering leads to of other life-threatening illnesses. Persons with
physical symptoms, such as tension, tachycardia, HIV infection may have only a short time before
agitation, insomnia, anorexia, and panic attacks. the onset of AIDS; others may have a much lon-
The provider may be so intent on treating the ger period. AIDS is a disease that can have many
physical ramifications of the illness that the psy- periods of fairly good health and many periods of
chological suffering is mostly ignored. serious near-death illnesses. Recent developments
Relationships of individuals with a life- in the treatment of HIV infection and AIDS help
threatening illness often change. Close friends patients to live longer, but their lives are greatly
may feel uncomfortable with someone who is compromised because of their suppressed immune
dying. Some fear touching or caressing the dying system.
and become aloof and distant. However, new In some cases, guilt develops about past behav-
friendships can often be made if patients meet ior and lifestyles or the possibility of having trans-
others with the same or similar life-threatening mitted the disease to others. Individuals with HIV
issues and help maintain each other’s self-esteem. infection may feel added strain if this is the first
Relationships are important because they pro-
vide support and encouragement beyond any
other source. Patients experience a loss of self-
esteem when they are ill, are in pain, and have a Complex criteria determine whether a patient’s illness is iden-
body that is failing them. When self-image is lost, tified as AIDS rather than HIV infection. Some providers prefer
not to use the term AIDS; rather, they discuss the illness as
patients feel useless, see themselves as burdens,
early or later stage HIV infection. Many providers in the United
and have difficulty accepting help from anyone. States and around the world use the term AIDS when patients’
The psychological effect of this “loss of self ” can CD4 counts (healthy T4 lymphocytes) decline to less than
even hasten death. 200. (The average healthy individual will have CD4 lympho-
It is often helpful to encourage patients to set cyte counts of 800–1,500.) Many developing countries in the
goals for themselves. These can be small goals such world, however, are unable to measure the CD4 counts. AIDS
as walking around the block, eating all their din- is then diagnosed by the symptoms and any immunodefi-
ner, and connecting with a friend. The goals may cient illnesses the patients have. Using only a CD4 count for
also be much larger, such as staying alive until a diagnosis can be quite discouraging for patients who monitor
son graduates from college, or putting all financial those counts quite closely. Also, a patient’s CD4 count can
matters in order for surviving family members. Per- decrease dramatically into the “AIDS zone” one time, and then
increase in sufficient numbers to move the patient back into
sonal goals give the patient something other than
HIV infection another time. Other criteria that may identify an
the illness to plan for and work toward. illness as AIDS are a particular type of opportunistic infection
Careful listening to patients and seeking or tumor, an AIDS-related brain or lung illness, and severe
clues for what may not be said is essential for the body wasting. Allied health professionals will need to take the
medical assistant and support staff caring for lead from their employers.
patients. Putting yourself in their shoes and ask-
86 UNIT 2 The Therapeutic Approach
knowledge their families have of any high-risk behav- be available in treatment. The fact is that many
iors they have that are associated with the transmis- patients diagnosed with cancer will die, whereas
sion of the disease. When the disease is contracted others diagnosed will live many years after diag-
by individuals who feel they are protected or safe nosis and treatment.
from the disease, anger is paramount. HIV affects The three most likely treatments of cancer are
mostly individuals who are relatively young. Thus, surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Often, treat-
they are not as likely to have substantial financial ment is a combination of the three. Patients can
resources or permanent housing. Treating HIV is experience serious side effects from both radiation
expensive, and many patients have little or no insur- and chemotherapy. Alternative practitioners have
ance coverage. shown that meditation or acupuncture can help
Patients with HIV may experience central relieve the side effects for some patients. Loss of
nervous system involvement. Forgetfulness and hair, nausea, vomiting, and pain are quite discon-
poor concentration may be followed by psycho- certing to patients trying to cope. The American
motor retardation, or the slowing of physical and Cancer Society ( has a num-
mental responses, decreased alertness, apathy, ber of resources for patients.
withdrawal, and diminished interest in work. The most common signs and symptoms of
Some patients later experience confusion and advanced cancer are weakness, loss of appetite
progressive impairment of intellectual function and weight, pain, nausea, constipation, sleepi-
or dementia. When HIV-infected patients con- ness or confusion, and shortness of breath. Make
tract other opportunistic diseases, those symp- certain your patients understand your provider’s
toms are experienced as well. willingness to relieve and treat these symptoms.
Even when there is “nothing more to do” related
THE THERAPEUTIC RESPONSE to the cancer, there is still “much to do” to main-
tain comfort and to give patients the chance to
TO THE PATIENT WITH do the things that are meaningful to them and
CANCER their families.
The first reaction patients with cancer usually THE THERAPEUTIC RESPONSE
have is the fear of loss of life. Patients think,
“Cancer equals death. Am I going to die?” After TO THE PATIENT WITH
that, issues begin to differ for each person. A few END-STAGE RENAL DISEASE
may choose no treatment and allow life to take
its course. Most, however, will wonder about what Loss of kidney (renal) function leads to serious
treatment to choose, how to make that choice, illness known as end-stage renal disease (ESRD).
and how effective will it be. Many patients are When the kidneys fail completely, patients can-
empowered by taking a major role in the decision not live for long unless they receive dialysis or a
making related to their cancer. Research can be kidney transplant. A successful kidney transplant
helpful in studying the many options that may relieves the person of kidney failure. However,
there are not enough transplants for every per-
son who needs one, and not all transplants are
appropriate or successful. Dialysis is the process
of artificially replacing the main functions of the
Critical Thinking kidneys—filtering blood to remove wastes. Choos-
ing dialysis as a treatment plan can sustain life
Many individuals in the end stages of for years and is covered by Medicare, but it does
both AIDS and cancer have lost their have complications that burden patients and their
image of themselves. Their bodies have caregivers.
been diminished; they may have lost a Depending on age, a patient’s general health,
great deal of weight from the disease or and other circumstances, some patients will opt not
gained much weight from medications to have dialysis and to let death come from kidney
taken. They may have no hair. They may failure. The by-products of the body’s chemistry
have lost their ability to speak or to control accumulate in renal failure and cause an array of
bodily functions. What can you do or say symptoms. Mild confusion and disorientation are
to help them feel like a human being? common. Upsetting hallucinations or agitation can
occur. Certain minerals concentrated in the blood
CHAPTER 6 The Therapeutic Approach to the Patient with a Life-Threatening Illness 87
can cause muscle twitching, tremors, and shakes. can be helped to express the anger in a realistic
Some patients experience mild or severe itching. and nonhurtful manner.
Appetite decreases early, and breathing can be
rapid and shallow. Many patients with kidney fail-
ure pass little or no urine. Fluid overload results in
edema, or swelling of the body, particularly of the In this stage, patients bargain with God or a higher
legs and abdomen. Patients with some urine out- being and even their providers and express their
put may live for months even after stopping dial- desire to make a certain milestone in their lives. “If
ysis. People with no urine output are likely to die you can just get me through this current crisis so I
within a week or two. Patients will lose energy and can make it to my 40th wedding anniversary, I can
become sleepy and lethargic. Typically, patients slip accept what is happening.” Goals can be very help-
into a deeper sleep and gradually lose conscious- ful to patients, and they can be encouraged to con-
ness. Kidney failure has a reputation for being a tinue to set realistic goals during their grieving.
gentle death.
THE STAGES OF GRIEF Patients who reach this stage are sad, sometimes
quiet and withdrawn. There is a feeling that they
There are a number of different philosophies on have given up. They often prefer not to be around
grief and the stages patients are apt to experience anyone. The depression can be and often is treated
when they know their lives are about to end, but so that patients’ grief is eased somewhat. This is
none is so widely known as that of Dr. Elisabeth true especially when patients remain in this stage
Kübler-Ross, who was one of the first to conduct for a very long time.
research and determine possible stages of grief.
Those stages are as follows.
This is the time that patients accept the loss. If it is
Denial death that is being faced, they often feel they are
This is the stage where patients cannot believe that ready. Everything is in place, and peace has been
this is happening. They are likely to experience made with the prognosis. If a loss is being suffered,
shock and dismay. If the grief is for the loss of a it is the time when patients begin to move on and
loved one, it is difficult for them to believe that the make other plans for their lives and their future.
loved one is dead. If the grief is for themselves and Dr. Kübler-Ross reminds health care pro-
some incident in their lives, they have a hard time fessionals that not all patients go through all five
accepting the reality of the loss. Words such as “I stages; some patients go through all five stages over
can’t believe it is true,” and “There must be some and over again, each time with a little less stress.
mistake” are common. Others get stuck in one stage, usually denial. Grief
It is difficult to help someone in denial. You and dying are very personal. No two patients will
may be able to reaffirm the reality of the circum- follow the same pattern. Family members suffering
stances, but there is little you can do to move some- grief are often in different stages; therefore, com-
one from the stage of denial. munication and help for each other often are dif-
ficult. Remember that grief work is exhausting. So
much energy is spent in the grief process that it is
Anger often difficult to carry on day-to-day tasks. Any help
Patients express anger, sometimes openly and that can be made available is appreciated.
assertively. Other times, the anger is turned inward
and is difficult to accurately express. Patients ask
the question “Why?” and often need explanations
of what is occurring. Anger is often expressed to Critical Thinking
others who have no idea what is happening in
patients’ lives. What steps would you personally take to
This type of anger should be realized for what make certain you do not burnout from caring
it is when possible and never taken personally. for patients with a life-threatening illness?
Patients are angry at the event, not at you. Patients
88 UNIT 2 The Therapeutic Approach
The acronym TEAR is fairly popular and is want up-to-date information on their disease, its
often used to describe the grieving process. It has causes, modes of transmission, treatments avail-
similarities to the five stages of grief: able, and sources of care and social support. Be
prepared to recommend support groups where
T: To accept the reality of the loss patients can discuss their feelings and express
E: Experience the pain of the loss their concerns. Treat patients with concern and
A: Adjust to what was lost compassion and assure them everything will be
R: Reinvest in a new reality done to provide continuity of care and relief from
distress. Patients also may be encouraged to call
Although the five stages of grief and TEAR dis- on a spiritual advisor.
cussed in this chapter are directed toward patients
with life-threatening illnesses, remember that family
members and loved ones of patients also will expe-
rience grief. Both of these principles can be applied Case Study 6-1
to any kind of serious loss that occurs in one’s life—
loss of a job, divorce, disaster, war, famine, loss of a Review the scenario at the beginning of the chapter. As
limb or important body function, Alzheimer’s dis- you prepare for the second visit of Suzanne Markis, you
ease, loss of a friend, even the death of a beloved make a mental note of what kind of information you will
pet. The stages of grief and the acronym TEAR can have available.
apply just as easily to these situations.
Dr. Kübler-Ross, in her final days before her CASE STUDY REVIEW
own death in 2004, reminded her co-author to
“Listen to the dying. They will tell you everything 1. What paperwork might be necessary?
you need to know about when they are dying. And 2. What questions might you have for Suzanne?
it is easy to miss.”
3. What might family members who may accom-
pany Suzanne want to know?
THE CHALLENGE 4. As the medical assistant, how does your role
FOR THE MEDICAL differ from that of your employer?
As a medical assistant, you face the chal-
lenge of caring for people with a life-
threatening illness; you can comfort those Case Study 6-2
who face great suffering and death. You will become
a source of information for patients and their sup- The extended family of Wong Lee is concerned about his
port members. Be sensitive and respectful toward illness and his care. Chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-
individuals who may be shunned by society. Exam- ease (COPD) has ravaged his body. He is on oxygen all
ine your own beliefs, lifestyle, and biases so that you the time now. He wants to remain at home to die; his fam-
can be comfortable treating all patients, no matter ily wants that, too. The family has been with him and has
what the illness is or how it was contracted. been involved in his care plan all along. However, you are
As well as assisting your employer in provid- uncertain of how much information to give to members of
ing the best possible medical care, many nonmedi- his extended family when they call.
cal forms of assistance may be required by patients
suffering from a life-threatening illness. You may CASE STUDY REVIEW
need to make referrals to community-based agen-
1. Are the questions the extended family members
cies or service groups. Health departments, social
raise intended to harm or help Mr. Lee?
workers, trained hospice volunteers, and AIDS and
cancer volunteers may also be helpful to you, your 2. Is there a durable power of attorney for health
patients, and their families. care in place?
The best therapeutic response to the patient 3. Which, if any, of the family’s desires are related to
with a life-threatening illness will build on the the culture?
person’s own culture and coping abilities, capital- 4. What can you and your employer suggest to be
ize on strengths, maintain hope, and show con- of help to everyone involved?
tinued human care and concern. Patients may
CHAPTER 6 The Therapeutic Approach to the Patient with a Life-Threatening Illness 89
Medical assistants will want to remember that when caring for patients with a life-threatening illness, hav-
ing even the slightest fear of death can undermine the ability to respond professionally, with empathy and
support. If you feel yourself losing the ability to be helpful, it is time to briefly step aside. This does not
mean withdrawal from your position or refusal to care for your patients. It means that you do whatever is
necessary so that your perspective is not lost. It may mean taking a day off from work to “fill up your psyche”
and to give yourself a rest. If the ambulatory care setting has an abundance of patients with life-threatening
illnesses, it may require that you spend some time in a support group of your own so that you are better
able to cope. Never be afraid to feel sad or weep with your patients. It is better to sense their pain and, at
times, feel the pain with them, than it is to be so clinically objective that you miss their true needs.
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet and complete the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on the textbook CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
90 UNIT 2 The Therapeutic Approach
Multiple Choice b. enables someone other than the patient to make
any decisions for the patient
1. When a practice treats patients with HIV/AIDS, c. makes certain that patients’ financial respon-
cancer, or ESRD, it is important for medical sibilities are met
assistants to: d. makes certain an attorney’s wishes are followed
a. warn other patients about the dangers of 9. The confusion, disorientation, and mental deficiency
transmission sometimes seen in patients with life-threatening
b. segregate these patient reception areas from illness:
other patient areas a. may make communication difficult or impossible
c. be supportive and free of prejudice b. is a good reason for a durable power of attorney
d. deny any information to patients regarding the for health care
seriousness of the illness c. is made easier if patients expressed earlier their
2. The Patient Self-Determination Act: desires in a health care directive
a. allows a patient to have a choice of providers d. all of the above
b. ensures a patient’s right to accept or refuse 10. Effective pain management may depend on:
treatment a. patient’s medical insurance
c. gives patients the right to formulate advance b. family wishes and patient’s needs
directives c. professional nursing criteria
d. all of the above d. all of the above
e. only b and c
3. The strongest influence on a patient with a life- Critical Thinking
threatening illness is:
a. the provider 1. Discuss with a friend what cultural influences
b. the hospital might affect each of you if you were facing a life-
c. the family threatening illness. What choices would each of
d. the patient you make?
4. Life-threatening illness may be defined as: 2. Discuss with a classmate your concerns in dealing
a. a life shortened because of serious illness or with patients with a life-threatening illness. Would
disease you choose to work where you seldom lost a patient
b. death that is imminent to a life-threatening illness? If so, what are your
c. serious illness to battle for many years but may reasons?
shorten life 3. At Inner City Health Care, Dr. Ray Reynolds is
d. all of the above known for his compassion and great warmth toward
5. Culture may be defined in part as: people. On difficult days at the center, this attitude
a. how we choose a friend holds him in good stead. Sometimes, he tends to
b. how we think and live our lives take on the more challenging cases: patients with
c. how we select a medication life-threatening diseases, often young people with
d. all of the above AIDS who should be in the prime of their lives.
6. Therapeutic communication with a patient with a Clinical medical assistant Wanda Slawson always
life-threatening illness: tries to learn from Dr. Reynolds’ example. Although
a. is no different than communicating with any she is quieter and not as outgoing as Dr. Reynolds,
patient Wanda hopes to be both courteous and comforting
b. is heightened and considered more difficult to patients, especially those who are anxious. She
c. is left to nonmedical support staff makes it a point to help patients discover a new way
d. comes naturally and requires no special skill to cope with debilitating diseases. What resources
7. Cultural influence may in part determine: might she use?
a. when/how to involve family members 4. Teri Montague, RMA, is the office manager for a
b. whether spiritual support is sought pediatric oncologist. In the past several months
c. how the illness and its pain is managed there seem to have been more patient deaths than
d. all of the above usual. She notices that the entire staff seems “low
8. Durable power of attorney for health care: and a little depressed.” She discusses this concern
a. enables someone other than the patient to make with her employer, Dr. Anita Glenn. The decision
only health care decisions is made to close the office for a 2-hour lunch on
CHAPTER 6 The Therapeutic Approach to the Patient with a Life-Threatening Illness 91
Wednesday. The lunch will be catered, and a very 2. Search the Internet for sites on grieving or grief.
good friend of Dr. Glenn will be invited to join Pay particular attention to sites that have resources
everyone. Dr. Penny Hein has a PhD in psycho- for grieving children or teens. What particular help
social nursing and years of experience in grief do you find? Do children and teens grieve differ-
counseling. Teri and Dr. Glenn believe she can give ently than adults? If so, explain.
everyone some helpful information. Is this a good 3. Using the Internet can be challenging, especially if
plan? Why or why not? you find more than a million sites to browse. That is
5. A danger in having a fair amount of knowledge what you will find if you key in “Helping the Dying.”
about life-threatening illnesses and the grief that Choose a couple of the topics that are especially
accompanies them can be that we hope to be helpful to you or might help other students study-
able to “fix” everything. With a friend, discuss ing this chapter. Write a brief paragraph on each.
the following statement made by Dr. Kübler-Ross:
“Listen to the dying. They will tell you everything
you need to know about when they are dying. And REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY
it is easy to miss.” What does she mean? Why is it
easy to miss? Kübler-Ross, E., & Kessler, D. (2005). On grief and grieving.
New York: Scribner.
Lewis, M., & Tamparo, C. (2007). Medical law, ethics,
WEB ACTIVITIES and bioethics for the health professions. Philadelphia:
F. A. Davis.
1. Using your favorite search engine, key in Purnell, L., & Paulanka, B. (1998). Transcultural health
American Cancer Society and look for care: A culturally competent approach. Philadelphia:
statistics for the current year. Pay particular F. A. Davis.
attention to the area reporting how long patients sur- Tamparo, C., & Lindh, W. (2007). Therapeutic commu-
vive after diagnosis. What are the major changes in the nications for health care. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar
last two years? Cengage Learning.
Chapter 7
Legal Considerations
Chapter 8
Ethical Considerations
Chapter 9
Emergency Procedures and First Aid
Legal Considerations 7
Administer Sources of Law Informed Consent
Administrative Law Statutory Law Implied Consent
Agent Common Law Consent and Legal
Alternative Dispute Criminal Law Incompetence
Resolution (ADR) Civil Law Risk Management
Arbitration Administrative Law Civil Litigation Process
Civil Law Title VII of the Civil Rights Act Subpoenas
Common Law Federal Age Discrimination Discovery
Act Pretrial Conference
Constitutional Law
Uniform Anatomical Gift Act Trial
Contract Law Regulation Z of the Consumer Statute of Limitations
Criminal Law Protection Act Public Duties
Defendant Occupational Safety and Reportable Diseases/Injuries
Deposition Health Act Abuse
Discovery Controlled Substances Act Good Samaritan Laws
Dispense Americans with Disabilities Act Advance Directives
Family and Medical Leave Act Living Wills/Advance
Durable Power of Attorney
for Health Care Health Insurance Portability Directives
Emancipated Minor and Accountability Act Durable Power of Attorney
Contract Law for Health Care
Expert Witness
Termination of Contracts Patient Self-Determination Act
Expressed Contract
Tort Law
Medical Practice Acts
Health Insurance Standard of Care
Portability and
Implied Consent
The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and
Implied Contract
demonstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this chapter
Incompetence through written and oral communication.
Informed Consent
Interrogatory 1. Define the key terms as presented in the glossary.
Intimate Partner 2. List and briefly describe the five sources of law.
Violence (IPV) 3. Compare/contrast civil and criminal law.
Libel 4. Identify the three major areas of civil law that directly affect the
Litigation medical profession.
Malfeasance 5. Recall at least seven of the nine administrative law acts important to
Malpractice the medical profession.
6. Compare/contrast administering, prescribing, and
dispensing of controlled substances. Mature Minor
7. Describe the measures to take for disposal of controlled Mediation
Medically Indigent
8. Recall the three main goals of HIPAA. Minor
9. Explain the differences between expressed and implied Misdemeanor
10. Identify the three main reasons for a provider/patient Negligence
contract to be terminated.
11. Define and give examples of torts.
12. Compare/contrast intentional and negligent tort. Patient Self-Determination
13. Discuss licensure renewal and revocation for physicians. Act (PSDA)
14. List and describe the 4Ds of negligence. Plaintiff
15. Discuss what constitutes battery in the ambulatory care Precedents
setting. Prescribe
16. Describe the two forms of defamation of character and Risk Management
how it might occur. Slander
17. Recall how medical assistants can help to maintain a Statutory Law
patient’s privacy. Subpoena
18. Discuss informed consent and its importance. Tort
19. Compare/contrast the types of minors. Tort Law
20. Identify at least 10 practices to help in risk management.
21. Outline the necessary steps in civil litigation and how a
medical assistant might be involved.
22. Discuss how and when subpoenas are used.
23. Recall the special considerations for patients related to
issues of confidentiality, the statute of limitations, and
public duties.
24. Describe procedures to follow in reporting abuse.
25. Discuss Good Samaritan laws.
26. Identify various forms of advance directives.
27. Recall maintenance of advance directives in the
ambulatory care setting.
28. Discuss the durable power of attorney for health care.
Gwen, the office manager in Dr. Gold’s office, is creeping into their busy activities. Gwen has heard
reviewing legal concerns in a staff meeting. Even voices of staff from the hallway discussing confiden-
though each employee is well aware of privacy, confi- tial matters, notices an occasional medical chart in
dentiality, and the many ways their actions are legally public view, and wants to review HIPAA compliance.
binding, Gwen has noticed occasional carelessness
CHAPTER 7 Legal Considerations 95
(4) the procedure to follow when harassment occurs. clients for payment of medical bills in more than
It is illegal for a supervisor or employer to ignore an four installments must be in writing and must
employee’s complaint. An employer or supervisor provide information on any finance charge. This
who does not take corrective action is liable. act is enforced by the Federal Trade Commission.
These guidelines are often seen in prearrange-
ments for surgery or prenatal care and delivery in
Federal Age Discrimination Act fee-for-service plans, because patients may not be
The Federal Age Discrimination Act of 1967 states able to pay the entire fee in one payment.
that an employer with 15 or more employees must
not discriminate in matters of employment related Occupational Safety
to age, sex, race, creed, marital status, national
origin, color, or disabilities. Some states are more
and Health Act
restrictive in their law and identify employers with The Occupational Safety and Health Act
eight or more employees. Valid reasons to decline (OSHA) of 1967 is a division of the U.S.
applicants include (1) health issues that may inter- Department of Labor. Its mission is to
fere with the safe and efficient performance of the ensure that a workplace is safe and has a healthy
job, (2) unavailability for the work schedule of the environment. Penalties can be quite high for
particular job, (3) insufficient training or experi- repeated and willful violations assessed by OSHA.
ence to perform the duties of the particular job, These guidelines make certain that all employees
and (4) someone else is better qualified. Although know what chemicals they are handling, know how
some health care settings have fewer than 15 or to reduce any health risks from hazardous chemi-
even 8 employees, it is best to follow state and fed- cals that are labeled 1 to 4 for severity, and have
eral guidelines on all employment. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) listing every
As of October 2008, 19 states have laws ban- ingredient in the product. Other sections of this
ning discrimination because of sexual orienta- law protecting medical assistants and patients
tion. Those states are California, Connecticut, are detailed in additional chapters. They include
Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massa- Clinical Lab Improvement Amendments of 1988
chusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, (CLIA) (see Chapter 26), Blood-borne Pathogens
New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Standard of July 1992 (see Chapter 10), and the
Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, and Wis- Needle Stick Prevention Amendment of 2001 (see
consin. The District of Columbia passed similar Chapter 10).
Controlled Substances Act
Uniform Anatomical Gift Act The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 became
The Uniform Anatomical Gift Act of 1968 allows effective in 1971. The act is administered by the
persons 18 years and older and of sound mind to Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) under
make a gift of all or any part of their body (1) to any the auspices of the U.S. Department of Justice. The
hospital, surgeon, or physician; (2) to any accred- Controlled Substances Act lists controlled drugs
ited medical or dental school, college, or uni- in five schedules (I, II, III, IV, and V) according
versity; (3) to any organ bank or storage facility; to their potential for abuse and dependence, with
and (4) to any specified individual for educa- Schedule I having the greatest abuse potential
tion, research, advancement of medical/dental and no accepted medical use in the United States.
science, therapy, or transplantation. The gift may This act and the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations
be noted in a will or by signing, in the presence regulate individuals who administer, prescribe, or
of two witnesses, a donor’s card. Some states allow dispense any drug listed in the five schedules. Any
these statements on the driver’s license. There is
no cost to donors or their families for gifts of all
or part of the body.
for workers and their families when they change or CONTRACT LAW
lose their jobs.
HIPAA law is identified in seven titles. They The contractual nature of the provider–
are summarized briefly as follows: patient relationship necessitates a discus-
sion of contracts, which are an important
I. Health Insurance Access, Portability, and Renewal: part of any medical practice. A contract is a bind-
Increases the portability of health insurance, allows ing agreement between two or more persons. A
continuance and transfer of insurance even with provider has a legal obligation, or duty, to care for
preexisting conditions, and prohibits discrimina- a patient under the principles of contract law. The
tion based on health status. agreement must be between competent persons to
II. Preventing Health Care Fraud and Abuse: Estab- do or not to do something lawful in exchange for
lishes a fraud and abuse system and spells out a payment.
penalty if either event is documented; improves A contract exists when the patient arrives for
the Medicare program through establishing stan- treatment and the provider accepts the patient by
dards; establishes standards for electronic trans- providing treatment. An example of a valid contract
mission of health information. occurs when a patient calls the office or clinic to
III. Tax-Related Provisions: Promotes the use of medi- make an appointment for an annual physical exam-
cal savings accounts (MSAs) used for medical ination. Assuming both provider and patient are
expenses only. Deposits are tax-deductible for competent, and that the provider performs the law-
self-employed individuals who are able to draw on ful act of the physical examination and the patient
the accounts for medical expenses. pays a fee, all aspects of the contract exist.
There are two types of contracts: expressed
IV. Group Health Plan Requirements: Identifies how
and implied. An expressed contract can be writ-
group health care plans must plan for portability,
ten or verbal and specifically describes what each
access, and transferability of health insurance for its
party in the contract will do. A written contract
requires that all necessary aspects of the agree-
V. Revenue Offsets: Details how HIPAA changed the ment be in writing. An implied contract is indicated
Internal Revenue Code to generate more revenue by actions rather than by words. The majority of
for HIPAA expenses. provider–patient contracts are implied contracts.
VI. General Provisions: Explains how coordination It is not required that the contract be written to
with Medicare-type plans must be carried out to be enforceable as long as all points of the contract
prevent duplication of coverage. exist. An implied contract can exist either by the
VII. Assuring Portability: Ensures employee coverage circumstances of the situation or by the law. When
from one plan to another; written specifically for a patient reports a sore throat and the provider
health insurance plans to ensure portability of cov- takes a swab for a throat culture to diagnose and
erage. treat the ailment, an implied contract exists by the
circumstances. An implied contract by law exists
As of April 21, 2006, all covered health care when a patient goes into anaphylactic shock and
entities were to have been in compliance of the provider administers epinephrine to counter-
HIPAA’s regulations. These regulations caused act shock symptoms. The law says that the provider
concern among providers. However, once the elec- did what the patient would have requested had
tronic codes and transactions for electronic filing there been an expressed contract.
of health insurance claims were identified and For a contract to be valid and binding, the
put in place, the required security and privacy of parties who enter into it must be competent; there-
all patient information was not so complex. Medi- fore, the mentally incompetent, the legally insane,
cal facilities and providers who were consistently individuals under heavy drug or alcohol influ-
diligent about protecting patient confidentiality ences, infants, and some minors cannot enter into
found complying with HIPAA not too difficult. a binding contract.
Many helpful Web sites are available simply by Medical assistants are considered agents of
keying in HIPAA and having your favorite search the employers they serve, and as such must be cau-
engine identify sites. Look for a site that explains tious that their actions and words may become
this public law and gives current updates. You will binding for their employers. For example, to say
see mention of HIPAA throughout this that the provider can cure the patient may cause
HIPAA text as identified by the HIPAA icon as
shown on the left.
serious legal problems when, in fact, a cure may
not be possible.
100 UNIT 3 Responsible Medical Practice
Patient Discharges Provider. When the patient Inner City Health Care
discharges the provider, a letter should be sent to the 222 S. First Avenue
patient to confirm and document the termination of Carlton, MI 11666
the contract. The notice is sent by certified mail with May 9, 20XX
return receipt requested. Keep a copy of the letter in CERTIFIED MAIL
the patient’s record (Figure 7-1).
Lenny Taylor
260 Second Street
Provider Formally Withdraws from the Case. To Carlton, MI 11666
avoid any charges of abandonment, the provider
should formally withdraw from the case when, for Dear Mr. Taylor:
You will recall that we discussed our professional relation-
ship in my office on May 6, 20XX.
Your son, George Taylor, and Bruce Goldman, my medical
assistant, were also present. As you know, the primary difficulty
LEWIS & King, MD
2501 center street
northborough, oh 12345 has been your failure to cooperate with the medical plan for
your care.
January 6, 20XX While it is unfortunate that our relationship has reached this
CERTIFIED MAIL stage, I will no longer be able to serve as your physician. I will
be available to you on an emergency basis only until June 10,
Jim Marshal 20XX. Meanwhile, you should immediately call or write
76 Georgia Avenue the Medical Society, 123 Omega Drive, Carlton, MI 11666,
Millerton, TX 43912 Tel. 123-456-7899 and obtain a list of providers. Any delay
Dear Mr. Marshal: could jeopardize your health, so please act quickly.
This will confirm our telephone conversation today in which Your physical (and/or mental) problems include hypertensive
you discharged me as your attending physician in your pres- heart disease, decreased kidney function, and arteriosclerosis.
ent illness. In my opinion your condition requires continued You could have additional medical problems that may also
medical supervision by a physician. If you have not already require professional care. Once you have found a new provider
done so, I suggest that you employ another physician have him or her call my office. I will be happy to discuss your
without delay. case with the provider assuming your care and will transfer
a written summary of your case upon the receipt of a written
You may be assured that after receiving a written request from
request from you to do so.
you, I will furnish the physician of your choice with informa-
tion regarding the diagnosis and treatment which you have Thank you for your anticipated cooperation and courtesy.
received from me. Very truly yours,
Very truly yours,
James Whitney
Winston Lewis James Whitney, DO
Winston Lewis, MD JW:kr
Figure 7-2 Letter reiterating “for the record” the
Figure 7-1 Letter confirming a physician’s discharge osteopath’s decision to withdraw from the case dis-
by the patient. cussed during a previous meeting with patient.
CHAPTER 7 Legal Considerations 101
Passing the U.S. Medi- CMEs might include appropriate medical reading, Personal or professional incapacity
cal Licensing Examina- teaching health professionals, attending conferences
tion (USMLE) and workshops
102 UNIT 3 Responsible Medical Practice
medical assistants mostly perform clerical func- from the medical assistant (or other health care
tions and noninvasive clinical duties. professional) not meeting the standard of care
Certainly, medical assistants desiring to governing their respective professions, then litiga-
use their skills must be aware of state reg- tion is a possibility. If, however, the medical assis-
ulations and always perform only within tant (or other health care professional) commits a
the scope of those regulations. Medical assistants wrongful act but the patient experiences no injury
should be as diligent about maintaining their cer- or harm, then no tort exists. If, for example, the
tification, registration, and licensure as any other medical assistant changes a wound dressing, breaks
health professional and should monitor any legis- sterile technique, and the patient suffers a severely
lation that pertains to licensure or certification. infected wound, the medical assistant has commit-
ted a tort and can be held liable, and legal action
can be taken. In contrast, if the medical assistant
Standard of Care changes a wound dressing, breaks sterile technique,
To better understand torts, we must consider the and the patient’s wound does not become infected,
standard of care and the four Ds of negligence. no harm has occurred, and a tort does not exist.
All health care providers have the responsibility If a medical assistant fails to report to the provider
and duty to perform within their scope of training an abnormal result on a blood test that causes the
and to always do what any reasonable and prudent provider to fail to make an early diagnosis of a dis-
health care professional in the same specialty or ease, the assistant’s omission of an act has caused a
general field of practice would do. That is what is breach in the standard of care.
expected of every provider when a contact is made There are two major classifications of torts:
by a patient. Failure to do what any reasonable and intentional and negligent. Intentional torts are delib-
prudent health care professional would do in the erate acts of violation of another’s rights. Negligent
same set of circumstances can be seen as a breach torts are not deliberate and are the result of omis-
of the standard of care. sion and commission of an act. Malpractice is the
Negligence is defined as the failure to exer- unintentional tort of professional negligence; that is,
cise the standard of care that a reasonable per- a professional either failed to act in a reasonable and
son would exercise in similar circumstances. prudent manner and caused harm to the patient or
Negligence occurs when someone experiences did what a reasonable and prudent person would
injury because of another’s failure to live up to not have done and caused harm to a patient.
a required duty of care. This is a primary cause There are two Latin terms that can be used to
of malpractice suits. Malpractice is professional describe aspects of negligence. These are known as
negligence. doctrines. Res ipsa loquitur, or “the thing speaks for
itself,” is the term used in cases that involve situa-
Four Ds of Negligence. The four elements of neg- tions such as a nick made in the bladder when the
ligence, sometimes called the 4 Ds, are: surgeon is performing a hysterectomy. The neg-
ligence is obvious. The other doctrine, respondeat
1. Duty: duty of care superior, “let the master answer,” expresses that pro-
2. Derelict: breach of the duty of care viders are responsible for their employees’ actions.
3. Direct cause: a legally recognizable injury occurs If a medical assistant violates the standard of care,
as a result of the breach of duty of care therein lies the basis for a suit of medical malprac-
tice. For example, the medical assistant used the
4. Damage: wrongful activity must have caused the
incorrect solution to clean the patient’s wound and
injury or harm that occurred
the patient sustained injuries to the wound. The
If an individual has knowledge, skill, or intelli- provider–employer can be sued under the doc-
gence superior to that of a layperson, that individ- trine of respondeat superior because the provider–
ual’s conduct must be consistent with that status. employer is responsible for the acts of employees
Medical assistants are held to a high standard of care committed in the scope of their employment. The
by virtue of their skills, knowledge, and intelligence. medical assistant also can be sued because individ-
As professionals, medical assistants are required to uals are responsible for their own actions.
have a standard minimum level of special knowledge Some common areas of negligence may
and ability. This is what is known as duty of care. result in torts when adherence to the
standard of care has not been carried out.
The Medical Assistant’s Role in Negligence. Med- Specific examples of common torts that can occur
ical assistants may commit a tort that may result in in the office or clinic are battery, defamation of
litigation. If it can be proven that the injury resulted character, and invasion of privacy.
CHAPTER 7 Legal Considerations 103
Battery. The basis of the tort of battery is unprivi- one other than the patient, her privacy has been
leged touching of one person by another. A patient invaded. A second situation exists when persons
must consent to being touched. When a procedure other than those providing care and performing
is to be performed on a patient, the patient must examinations and procedures (essential or nones-
give consent in full knowledge of all the facts. It does sential personnel) are allowed to be present with-
not matter whether the procedure that constitutes out the patient’s consent. Yet another example
the battery improves the patient’s health. Patients of the patient’s right to privacy being violated is
have the right to withdraw consent at any time. when the patient is asked to walk from the exami-
One example of battery is when a medical nation room across the hall to a treatment room
assistant insists on giving the patient an injection while wearing only a patient gown in full view of
that was ordered for the patient even though the other patients and personnel.
patient refuses the injection. Another example Medical assistants and other health care pro-
can be seen when a surgeon performs additional fessionals should:
surgery beyond the original procedure (the sur-
geon performed a hysterectomy, for which consent • Close a door, pull a curtain, or provide a screen when
was given, but is liable for battery for removing an looking at, handling, or examining the patient
abdominal nevus from the patient’s abdomen with- • Expose only body parts necessary for treatment
out consent). It does not matter that the surgeon (drape the patient, exposing only the part that is
does not charge for the additional procedure. It being treated)
also does not matter if the patient would have given • Discuss patients with no one except those individu-
consent if asked in advance. als involved in the patient’s care, and then discuss
only those aspects of care that relate to the needs
Defamation of Character. The tort of defamation of the patient
of character consists of injury to another person’s
reputation, name, or character through spoken or It is not an invasion of privacy to disclose
written words for which damages can be recovered. information required by a court order, subpoena,
Two kinds of defamation are libel and slander. Libel or by statute to protect the public health and wel-
is false and malicious writing about another, such fare, as in the reporting of violent crime.
as in published materials, pictures, and media. An
example can be seen when the medical assistant
writes in the patient’s record, “Mr. O’Keefe’s wife INFORMED CONSENT
and her negative attitude appear to be the cause of
his ulcer.” A copy of Mr. O’Keefe’s records were later Documentation of informed consent be-
sent to a new provider, who reviewed the record and comes an important part of the patient
read the remarks quoted by the medical assistant. care process. Every patient has a right to
Slander is false and malicious spoken words. know and understand any procedure to be per-
Slander can be seen in the following comment formed. The patient is to be told in language easily
directed by a patient to the provider, “Dr. Woo is understood:
incompetent. He should have his license revoked.”
The statement is overheard by the office adminis- • The nature of any procedure and how it is to be
trative medical assistant and other patients waiting performed
in the reception area. • Any possible risks involved, as well as expected
For a tort of defamation of character (either outcomes of the procedure
libel or slander) to exist, a third party must see or • Any other methods of treatment and those risks
hear the words and understand their meaning.
• Risks if no treatment is given
Invasion of Privacy. Invasion of privacy It is the responsibility of the health care pro-
HIPAA is another kind of tort. It includes unau- vider to make certain the patient understands. If
thorized publicity of patient information, an interpreter is necessary, the provider must pro-
medical records being released without the cure one.
patient’s knowledge and permission, and patients Often, consent forms will be signed if there is
receiving unwanted publicity and exposure to pub- to be a surgical or invasive procedure performed
lic view. For example, if a minor unmarried girl has (Figure 7-4). The medical assistant may be asked to
been examined for possible pregnancy, and the witness the patient’s signature and may be expected
medical assistant telephones the girl’s home and to follow through on any of the provider’s instruc-
inadvertently gives the laboratory results to some- tions or explanations but is not expected to explain
104 UNIT 3 Responsible Medical Practice
If any unforeseen condition arises in the course of this operation for the physician’s judgment to perform
procedures in addition to or different from those now contemplated, I further request and authorize him/her to do
whatever he/she deems advisable and necessary in these circumstances. Such additional services may include,
but are not limited to, the administration and maintenance of anesthesia and the performance of services involving
pathology and radiology.
2. The following information has been explained to me to the degree that I wish to have it discussed:
• The nature and character of the proposed treatment or procedure;
• The anticipated results;
• Possible recognized alternative methods of treatment, including non-treatment;
• Recognized serious possible risks, complications, and anticipated benefits involved in proposed and alternative
treatments, including non-treatment.
My questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I acknowledge that no guarantee, warrantee, or assurance
has been made as to the results or cure that may be obtained.
3. Federal Regulations (21 CFR Part 821) require manufacturers to track certain medical devices, and assist the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with notification to individuals in the event that a certain medical device
presents serious health risks. I authorize and agree to the release of my contact information to the manufacturer:
for this tracking purpose only.
I understand that the manufacturer may notify me, if necessary, of important safety information about my medical
device, and may release my information to the FDA if ordered to do so. I understand that this consent is valid for
the life of the medical device.
Any sections below that do not apply to the proposed treatment may be crossed out. The patient must initial any
section crossed out.
4. I consent to the administration of blood and blood products if deemed medically necessary. I understand that all
blood and blood products involve the risk of allergic reaction, fever, hives, and in rare circumstances infectious
diseases such as hepatitis and HIV/AIDS. I understand that precautions are taken by the blood bank in screening
donors and in matching blood for transfusion to minimize those risks.
5. I hereby consent to the disposal or use for research purposes any tissues, parts, or products of conception, which
may be removed.
6. I authorize and agree to the presence of observers during my surgical procedure. These observers may include
persons other than the medical staff that are considered appropriate by my health care provider during my care
and treatment. The purpose of these individuals observing would be for instruction and medical study.
I certify that I have read this form and understand its contents.
Signature of Witness
the procedure to the patient. The signed consent statutes vary. Placing a telephone call to the state
form is kept in the medical chart, and a copy also is attorney general’s office can help clarify issues,
given to the patient. questions, and concerns that involve consent and
treatment of minors.
Implied Consent
Two circumstances related to consent are worth men- RISK MANAGEMENT
tioning at this point. Implied consent occurs when
there is a life-threatening emergency, or the patient Practicing good risk management makes the medi-
is unconscious or unable to respond. The provider, cal assistant and the provider–employer less vul-
by law, is allowed to give treatment within his or her nerable to litigation.
scope of practice without a signed consent. Implied Following are some ways to avoid incidents
consent also occurs in more subtle ways. The patient that may lead to litigation:
who rolls up a shirtsleeve for the medical assistant to
• Perform only within the scope of your training and
take a blood pressure reading is implying consent
to the procedure by the action taken.
• Comply with all state and federal regulations and
Consent and Legal
• Keep the office or clinic safe and equipment in
Incompetence readiness.
Consent for treatment is not valid if the patient is • Never leave a patient unattended; if you must
legally incompetent to give consent. Legal incompe- leave, pass the responsibility for the patient’s care
tence means that a patient is found by a court to be on to another individual.
insane, inadequate, or to not be an adult. In such
• Keep all patient information confidential.
instances, consent must be obtained from a par-
ent, a legal guardian, or the court on behalf of the • Follow all policies and procedures established for
patient. Consent for treatment can be given only by the office or clinic.
the natural parent or legal guardian as determined • Document fully only facts; formally document
by the court for a minor child. A minor is a person withdrawing from a case and discharging clients.
who has not reached the age of majority (18–21 years • Log telephone calls and return calls to clients
old), depending on the laws of each state. Gener- within a reasonable time frame.
ally, a minor is considered unable to give effective
• Follow up on missed or canceled appointments.
consent for medical treatment; therefore, without
proper consent from parents or guardians, medical • Never guarantee a cure or diagnosis, and never
professionals can be held liable for battery if medi- advise treatment without a provider’s order.
cal treatment is given. Exceptions to this rule are • Secure informed consent as necessary.
in cases of emergency and for mature and emanci- • Do not criticize other practitioners.
pated minors. Emancipated minors are younger than
• Explain any appointment delays.
18 years who are free of parental care and are finan-
cially responsible, married, become parents, or join • Be particularly watchful with patients who have spe-
the Armed Forces. Mature minors are persons, usu- cial needs, such as the elderly, pediatric patients,
ally younger than 18 years, who are able to under- and those with physical and emotional disabilities.
stand and appreciate the nature and consequences • Report any error that may have occurred to your
of treatment despite their young age. Nearly every employer.
state allows minors to give consent for treatment for
pregnancy, drug or alcohol addiction, and sexually
transmitted disease. Some states have passed legisla- Critical Thinking
tion that name minors as statutory adults at 14 years
old for the purpose of receiving medical care. In Identify the suggestions in the previous risk
these states, minors may consent and be protected by management list that are most likely not
confidentiality and privacy even though their parents performed if the staff in the ambulatory care
or legal guardians may still be financially responsible setting find themselves overworked, over-
for their medical bills. whelmed, and behind. What might be done
Questions of ability to give consent related to prevent carelessness brought on by such
to minors and emancipated minors often must be circumstances?
determined on a case-by-case basis because state
106 UNIT 3 Responsible Medical Practice
documents, recall specific information, or identify ing the kinds of damages that can be considered
documentation in a medical record. in that state. A number of states have placed lim-
its on monetary awards in malpractice cases. If
Expert Witnesses. Providers and members of their the defendant’s case is successful, the case is dis-
staff may be called to testify in court to the standard missed. After a court decision, the party that has
of care. In such a case, they are usually considered lost the case can begin an appeal process. The
expert witnesses. An expert witness is one who has appeal requests an opinion from higher courts
enough knowledge and experience in a field to be that review cases usually on the basis of a faulty
able to testify to what is the reasonable and expected legal process or action.
standard of care. Expert witnesses are expected to Figure 7-5 outlines the civil case process.
tell what they know to be fact and are best counseled
to use lay terms rather than complicated medical
language. The goal is for jurors and judges to under-
Statute of Limitations
stand the nature of any medical information shared. No discussion of negligence, malpractice, or medi-
Visual aids, charts, and computer simulations often cal records is complete without a brief statement
are used to illustrate or clarify testimony given by regarding the statute of limitations that will, in
expert witnesses. part, determine how long medical records are kept.
Generally, all records should be retained until
after the statute has run, usually 3 to 6 years. Stat-
Pretrial Conference utes of limitations most commonly begin at the
A pretrial conference is generally held close to the time a negligent act was committed, when the act
trial date to decide if there is just cause for the suit, was discovered, or when the care of the patient and
to make certain that both parties are ready, and to the provider–patient relationship ended. It is easy
determine if there might be an out-of-court settle- to understand why many providers choose to keep
ment. If a trial seems imminent, alternative dispute their records indefinitely, a plan made much easier
resolution (ADR) may be suggested. ADR saves with electronic files.
money, time, and adverse publicity that can come State and federal statutes set maximum time
from a trial. periods during which certain actions can be brought
Mediation allows a neutral facilitator to help or rights enforced; there is a time limit for individu-
the two parties settle their differences and come to als to initiate legal action. The statute of limitations
an acceptable solution. If no settlement is reached, varies from one jurisdiction to another, and a law-
the case can still look to the court for satisfaction. suit may not be brought after the statute of limita-
Arbitration allows the neutral party to settle the dis- tions has run. For example, in the Commonwealth
pute. This arbitration can be binding or nonbind- of Massachusetts, the statute of limitations for an act
ing. In binding arbitration, both parties agree at of medical malpractice committed on an adult is 3
the outset to accept the neutral party’s decision as years. If harm to a patient resulted from a medical
final. In nonbinding arbitration, the case can look assistant administering the wrong dose of medica-
to the court for settlement. tion to a patient in Massachusetts, a lawsuit must be
brought within 3 years from the time the medica-
tion error was made, with the 3 years commencing
Trial at the time the negligent act was committed.
A trial can be held before a judge or before a judge
and a jury. When the trial begins, opening state-
ments outlining the details of the case are made by PUBLIC DUTIES
both sides. The plaintiff’s attorney calls witnesses
to produce evidence first. This is known as direct
Reportable Diseases/Injuries
examination. In cross examination, the defen- All medical providers have a duty to the
dant’s attorney questions the witness. When the public to report diseases and injuries
plaintiff’s case is finished, the defendant presents that jeopardize public health and welfare.
the case in the same manner. When all the infor- Transmittable or contagious diseases and injuries
mation has been presented, the case is turned over resulting from knife or gunshot are examples;
for judgment. these must be reported to the appropriate authori-
If the plaintiff’s case is successful, the judge ties. This is done without the patient’s consent
or jury may award a specific amount of money or because it is required by law. When reporting, it is
damages. The judge will instruct a jury regard- important to do so properly and according to the
108 UNIT 3 Responsible Medical Practice
Alternative Dispute
Out of court
settlement can
Defendant’s attorney files answer Parties agree to have
occur at
dispute settled by
any time
a neutral party
Evidence & Testimony Collected
Pre-trial conference
laws of the state in which one is employed. Knowl- is beneficial to society and all health care managers
edge of which illnesses, injuries, and conditions in tracking and preventing illness. The list changes
to report, to whom to report, and the appropriate as new diseases occur and are diagnosed.
forms to submit is essential. Copies of all informa- Other generally required facts to report
tion must be kept for the office or clinic. include births; deaths; childhood immunizations;
Medline Plus, a Web site sponsored by the rape; and abuse toward a child, elder, or intimate
U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National partner.
Institutes of Health, has an excellent site connected Some states have laws specific to the release
to the Medline Encyclopedia titled “Reportable of information relative to mental or psychological
Diseases” identifying guidelines for reportable dis- treatment, HIV testing, AIDS diagnosis and treat-
eases. Local, state, and national agencies such as the ment, sexually transmitted diseases, and chemical
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) substance abuse.
require such diseases to be reported when diag- Local or state health departments can provide
nosed by providers or laboratories. States may vary lists of diseases and injuries to report and will also
in the diseases that require reporting, but their lists provide the appropriate forms.
are likely to include the list of “Nationally Notifiable
Infectious Diseases” listed on the CDC’s Web site
( Some diseases require writ-
ten reports. Others require reporting electronically Child abuse, intimate partner violence, and elder
or by telephone; they include rubeola (measles) and abuse are becoming more common in our soci-
pertussis (whooping cough). Still others ask only for ety. As a result, patients experiencing such abuse
the number of cases to be reported. Such reporting may be seen in the ambulatory care setting. In
CHAPTER 7 Legal Considerations 109
all cases of abuse, medical records hold valu- Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). The term
able information if a court procedure ensues. “domestic violence” has been changed to be more
Careful documentation is critical. State laws encompassing of an escalating problem. “Intimate
are fairly specific in mandates to report child partner violence (IPV)” is now used and refers
abuse, but laws related to elder abuse and domes- to violence or abuse between a spouse or former
tic violence are not as detailed. In any case, the spouse; boyfriend, girlfriend, or former boyfriend/
rights of victims must be protected. (See Table 8-1 girlfriend; and same-sex or heterosexual intimate
for a summary.) partner or former same-sex or heterosexual inti-
mate partner. The abuse may include physical or
Child Abuse. All 50 states and the Dis- sexual violence, threats of the same, and psycho-
trict of Columbia mandate, or require, logical or emotional violence. Physical violence is
that health care professionals, teachers, a criminal act, and failure to report it is consid-
social workers, and certain others who suspect ered a misdemeanor in some states. Victims of
child abuse report the incident to the proper IPV should be treated as soon as possible after the
authorities. Confidentiality in the provider–patient assault so that evidence can be preserved for legal
relationship does not exist when children are purposes. Some forms of IPV are con-
abused. If a person has a reason to suspect abuse sidered acceptable behavior in many cul-
and reports the abuse to the police and, in the case tures, even in the United States. Some
of child abuse, to the child protective agency, this cultures believe the woman is chattel, or property,
individual is protected against liability as a result of of her spouse, that she has no rights or authority,
making the report. Failure to report could result and that she must submit to her husband’s, broth-
in criminal or civil penalties. Usually, the Child er’s, or father’s demands.
Protective Unit of the State Department of Social An individual who manages to come to the
Services is called to investigate suspected cases ambulatory care setting with signs of IPV is coura-
of child abuse. Some injuries that are commonly geous and probably is extremely frightened also,
seen in child abuse are bruises, welts, burns, frac- because reporting the violence may increase the
tures, and head injuries. Evidence of neglect, risk for continued violence and even death in some
intimidation, or sexual abuse also may be seen. instances.
If a suspicion of abuse exists, the health care Make certain that community resources are
professional should: readily available for survivers of IPV, even if they
choose to stay in the abusive situation. In many cases,
• Treat the child’s injuries the abused patient’s options are so few that leaving
• Send the child to the hospital for further treatment is more frightening than staying in the abusive rela-
when necessary tionship. Do not pass judgment on these survivors;
• Inform parents of the diagnosis and that it will be they desperately need your understanding and your
reported to the police and social services agency compassion. Your understanding and compassion
is perhaps the only door through which they
• Notify the child protective agency (keep phone
might feel comfortable enough to enter to
number posted)
leave the abusive relationship.
• Document all information
• Provide court testimony if requested
Good Samaritan Laws
Elder Abuse. Elder abuse may consist of neglect, All 50 states have laws regarding the render-
physical abuse, punishment, physical restraint, or ing of first aid by health care profession-
abandonment. Examples are seen when elders als at the scene of an accident or sudden
are overmedicated or undermedicated, physi- injury. Good Samaritan laws, although not always
cally restrained, intimidated by shouting or pro- clearly written, encourage health care profession-
fanity, sexually abused, neglected or abandoned, als to provide medical care within the scope of their
or in any other way have their rights and dignity training without fear of being sued for negligence. In
violated. The person reporting the abuse is gener- an emergency situation, medical assistants cannot be
ally a health care professional who observes or sus- held liable should an injury result from some form
pects the abuse, and the reporting agency is most of first aid rendered or from first aid they omitted
likely one of a social service or welfare nature. The to render as long as they acted in a reasonable way
majority of states have laws protecting vulnerable within the scope of their knowledge. Medical assis-
adults and the elderly from abuse. tants and other health care professionals with skills
110 UNIT 3 Responsible Medical Practice
in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) who are Persons who prefer not to remain in that state
present when CPR is needed must perform the pro- can use the living will or advance directive to
cedure on the victim or otherwise could be declared make decisions about life support and to direct
negligent. Emergencies that arise in the ambula- others to implement their wishes in that regard.
tory care setting generally are not covered by Good Such a document allows individuals to indicate to
Samaritan laws. family and health care professionals whether life-
prolonging medical or surgical procedures are
to be continued, withheld, or withdrawn, and if
ADVANCE DIRECTIVES artificial feeding and fluids are to be used or with-
held. The document allows individuals to make
Medical assistants in the ambulatory care this decision before incapacitation.
setting will be asked to attach advance To be valid, the proper and particular form,
directives or living wills to patients’ charts different in each state, must be used, and it must
(Figure 7-6). These directives are legal documents be lawfully executed. States vary in the number of
in which patients indicate their wishes in the case witnesses required and whether a Notary Public
of a life-threatening illness or serious injury. Health is required for those signatures. The form goes
care providers in many states and cities have into effect when provided to a patient’s health
adopted the Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining care provider and when the patient is no longer
Treatment (POLST) (Figure 7-7) form. This form capable of making health care decisions. Exam-
is to be completed by a health care provider based ples of incapacity include permanent uncon-
on the patient’s preferences on the type of life- sciousness, life-threatening illness in the latter
sustaining treatment wanted and medical indica- stages, and inability to communicate. The U.S.
tions. POLST is most often brightly colored (neon Legal Forms Web site (
pink or green). To be valid, the form must be signed has samples of living wills for all 50 states and the
by the proper authority. Some states may use another District of Columbia under the heading “Living
name than POLST, but the intent is quite similar. Will.” A sample from each state is available with-
POLST is appropriate for seriously ill individuals out a fee.
with life-threatening or terminal illnesses. Some
providers believe that even with an advance direc- Durable Power of Attorney
tive in place, it is advisable to complete a POLST
form. This form goes with the patient when he or
for Health Care
she is moved between care settings. For those in the Another document seen in the ambulatory care
home, it is recommended that the form be posted setting is the durable power of attorney for health
on the refrigerator where emergency responders care or Designation of Health Care Surrogate
can locate it easily. As of October 2008, 33 states (Figure 7-8). This document allows a patient to
had endorsed or are developing POLST documents name another person as the official spokesperson
( Such documents should for the patient should the patient be unable to
always accompany the patients to the hospital for make health care decisions. The documents may
any treatment or care. They may be updated from allow another person to manage finances and per-
time to time, and patients can ask to rescind such sonal matters (durable power of attorney) or just
a document at any time. Medical assistants must to make medical decisions.
remember that these documents reflect the choices Every state has a slightly different version of
of their patients and are to be respected as such. their living will, advance directive, durable power of
attorney for health care, or POLST. Most forms and
specific information can be found on the Internet by
Living Wills/Advance Directives keying in a particular state and the title of the docu-
Patients’ desire to make known in advance their ment wanted. Also, the Web site for Compassion and
choices related to health care, especially when Choices (
death is near, will have living wills, advance direc- located in Portland, Oregon, is quite helpful.
tives, or a POLST order. The title of such a docu-
ment is largely determined by the state in which
the document is made. These documents are nec-
Patient Self-Determination Act
essary because advances in medicine allow medical In 1991, the federal government passed the Patient
professionals to sustain life even if the individual Self-Determination Act (PSDA), which applies to all
will not recover from a persistent vegetative state. health care institutions receiving payments from
CHAPTER 7 Legal Considerations 111
(A) If at any time I should have an incurable and irreversible condition certified to be a terminal condition by my attend-
ing physician, and where the application of life-sustaining treatment would serve only to artificially prolong the
process of my dying, I direct that such treatment be withheld or withdrawn, and that I be permitted to die naturally.
I understand “terminal condition” means an incurable and irreversible condition caused by injury, disease or illness
that would, within reasonable medical judgment, cause death within a reasonable period of time in accordance with
accepted medical standards.
(B) If I should be in an irreversible coma or persistent vegetative state, or other permanent unconscious condition as
certified by two physicians, and from which those physicians believe that I have no reasonable probability of recovery,
I direct that life-sustaining treatment be withheld or withdrawn.
(C) If I am diagnosed to be in a terminal or permanent unconscious condition, [Choose one]
I want _________ do not want _________
artificially administered nutrition and hydration to be withdrawn or withheld the same as other forms of life-sustain-
ing treatment. I understand artificially administered nutrition and hydration is a form of life-sustaining treatment in
certain circumstances. I request all health care providers who care for me to honor this directive.
(D) In the absence of my ability to give directions regarding the use of such life-sustaining procedures, it is my intention
that this directive shall be honored by my family, physicians and other health care providers as the final expression of
my fundamental right to refuse medical or surgical treatment, and also honored by any person appointed to make
these decisions for me, whether by durable power of attorney or otherwise. I accept the consequences of such refusal.
(E) If I have been diagnosed as pregnant and that diagnosis is known to my physician, this directive shall have no force or
effect during the course of my pregnancy.
(F) I understand the full import of this directive and I am emotionally and mentally competent to make this directive. I
also understand that I may amend or revoke this directive at any time.
(G) I make the following additional directions regarding my care:
Signed: _______________________________________
The declarer has been personally known to me and I believe him or her to be of sound mind. In addition, I am
not the attending physician, an employee of the attending physician or health care facility in which the declarer is
a patient, or any person who has a claim against any portion of the estate of the declarer upon the declarer’s
decease at the time of the execution of the directive.
Witness: __________________________________
Witness: __________________________________
Figure 7-6 Sample health care directive (Reprinted by permission from WSMA, Seattle, Washington.)
Figure 7-7 Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) Form. (Reprinted by permission from WSMA,
Seattle, Washington.)
Figure 7-7 (continued)
114 UNIT 3 Responsible Medical Practice
Figure 7-8 Durable power of attorney for health care (Reprinted by permission from WSMA, Seattle, Washington.)
CHAPTER 7 Legal Considerations 115
GRANTOR __________________________________________
(COUNTY OF ________________________ )
I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the GRANTOR, ___________________________________________________________
signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his or her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument.
NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington,
residing at _____________________________________________________________
Changing societal values have contributed to an increase of lawsuits in medical practice. Patients are more
aware than ever of their rights, especially those of confidentiality and the right to privacy, consent, and
records ownership. They are likely to seek redress when they perceive their rights have been violated.
A healthy relationship between all providers and patients and between medical assistants and patients,
as well as respect for the patient’s rights, reduces the likelihood of a lawsuit.
Additional knowledge of the laws that regulate medical and business practices in your state is neces-
sary to be in compliance. Sources of information regarding state and federal laws can be obtained from the
state medical society, the provider’s liability insurance company, the state medical assistant society, the state
attorney general’s office, the Internet, or the public library.
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet and complete the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on the textbook CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
118 UNIT 3 Responsible Medical Practice
Multiple Choice c. may be ignored without consequences
d. allows the person being served to select a specific
1. The type of contract that most often exists between date or time to appear
provider and patient is: 8. The 4 Ds of negligence are:
a. expressed a. duty, danger, damage, and disaster
b. implied b. derelict, direct cause, damage, and danger
c. privileged c. danger, direct cause, damage, disaster
d. civil d. duty, derelict, direct cause, damage
2. The administrative law act that prohibits discrimi- 9. Emancipated minors:
nation, has five sections, and is enforced by the a. are considered adults and can consent to
EEOC is called the: treatment
a. Controlled Substances Act b. live on their own and are self-supporting
b. Federal Age Discrimination Act c. may be married or serve in the military
c. Americans with Disabilities Act d. all of the above
d. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability e. only b and c
Act 10. Torts:
3. Slander is defamation through: a. include battery, defamation of character, invasion
a. spoken statements that damage an individual’s of privacy
reputation b. are always intentional in nature
b. written statements that damage a person’s c. do not require that harm has occurred
reputation d. do not include malpractice
c. written falsehoods about an individual
d. a, b, and c Critical Thinking
4. Occasionally, a provider will be sued for the negli-
gence of an employee, even though the provider is 1. Chris is a 6-year-old girl who Dr. King treated for a
not guilty of any negligent act. This is done on the broken leg. Chris’ parents fail to follow Dr. King’s
basis of the doctrine of: treatment plan for Chris. What, if any, action can
a. res ipsa loquitur Dr. King take? What is the legal term for this
b. respondeat superior situation?
c. proximate cause 2. Jaime arrived in the clinic having sustained a serious
d. contract law laceration at his construction site. Dr. Woo deter-
5. The standard of care expected of a provider is held mines surgery is required. Should a consent form
by the courts to mean: be prepared? If so, by whom, and what should be
a. on a par with all other providers engaged in the included?
same medical specialty anywhere 3. Do you have a living will or advance directive? Why
b. reasonable, attentive, diligent care comparable or why not? Identify to a family member or a loved
with other providers of the same specialty or one what your wishes might be if you were seriously
general field of practice injured in an accident and were still in what appears
c. the best possible under the circumstances to be an irreversible coma after 10 months.
d. the same as the national norm 4. Discuss the medical assistant’s obligations in regard
6. Advance directives: to public duties.
a. allow patients to direct how their billing is to be 5. What is the Good Samaritan law? What must
handled a medical assistant and any other health care
b. are designed to encourage providers to render professional remember when giving first aid at the
first aid in an emergency scene of an accident?
c. indicate a patient’s wishes in life-threatening 6. Describe three types of abuse. Tell what your role
circumstances as a medical assistant is when Juanita brings her
d. are not considered legal documents 3-year-old son Henry to the clinic. Henry has
7. A subpoena: bruises on his face and chest and appears quite
a. is a court order requesting data, an appearance frightened when you approach him. While you
in court, or both prepare Henry for the pediatrician’s examination,
Juanita’s answers to your questions seem evasive.
b. is sufficient to enforce a release of any type
medical record or information
CHAPTER 7 Legal Considerations 119
8 Ethical Considerations
The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and
demonstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this
chapter through written and oral communication.
Harley Navarro is a new medical assistant in a busy Harley’s patients before he was finished with the read-
internist’s office. He finished school a few months ago ing, and the provider stepped in to take the reading.
and is awaiting the date to take his exam to become a Harley was embarrassed. His current patient is obese.
certified medical assistant. He is nervous and scared. His first attempt at getting a blood pressure reading
All the other medical assistants are female and have failed. He gets a larger cuff for his second reading. His
many years of experience. Harley wants so much to be patient complains, however, that her arm is hurting
accepted and recognized for his skills. Today, however, about halfway through the reading. Harley hurries the
he twice had a rough time taking a blood pressure process and takes a guess at the diastolic pressure
reading. In fact, the provider was ready for one of figure, but he knows it is close.
122 UNIT 3 Responsible Medical Practice
Opinions with Annotations is published every to how you might perform ethically in a medical
2 years; this document provides up-to-date infor- setting.
mation on a number of ethical dilemmas. Medical
Are you continually learning? Do you seek training, take
assistants have a code of ethics and a creed. The
classes, listen to others, learn from your peers? Are
AAMA Mission Statement, AAMA Medical Assis-
you curious? Do you realize that developing new
tant Code of Ethics, and AAMA Medical Assistant
knowledge and skills is a lifelong endeavor?
Creed appear on the AAMA Web site (http://www. Clicking on About AAMA will detail Are you service-oriented? Do you see your life as a mission
these statements for you. rather than a career? Are you generally a nurturing
There are more than 50 differing codes of individual who seeks service in the medical field?
ethics for professional organizations, and most are Can you see yourself working alongside a coworker
related to medicine. There are seven ethical codes and pulling together with that person toward a
that relate to the entire world. These include such goal? Can you put yourself in the place of others?
famous codes as the Declaration of Geneva, Dec- Do you radiate positive energy? Are you cheerful, pleasant,
laration of Helsinki, and the International Code optimistic, and positive? Is your spirit hopeful? If it
of Medical Ethics. A listing of these codes is found is, you carry a positive energy field that allows you
by searching the Internet for “world medical eth- to neutralize or sidestep a negative energy source.
ics codes.” Another fascinating Web site identifies Do you see yourself as a peacemaker or one that
the characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medi- can create harmony to undo negative energy?
cal Ethics when you use the Internet to search for Do you believe in other people? Can you keep from labeling,
“Chinese Medical Ethics.” Chinese medical ethics stereotyping, or prejudging other people? Can you
emphasizes self-cultivation and personal ethics of believe in the unseen potential of others? Can you
practitioners rather than a strict organizational keep from overreacting to negative behaviors and
code of ethics. criticism? Can you put aside any grudges?
Codes of ethics bring standards of moral and
The final characteristics of principle-centered
ethical behavior together in one place. They assist
leaders identified in Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effec-
organizations and individuals in putting words to
tive People are more personal. They can help you
their expected behaviors and actions. There is a
understand yourself and how you might make ethi-
benefit to such codes when they become reminders
cal decisions in the medical field.
to everyone regarding their conduct. Codes also
can have a limiting effect, however. For instance, Do you lead a balanced life? Do you keep up with current
if an organization does not have a code of ethics, is affairs and events? Do you know what is happening
that organization viewed as unethical? When one in the medical field and how that affects you? Do
answers that question, there also comes the under- you have at least one confidant with whom you can
standing that having a code of ethics does not nec- be transparent? Are you physically active within
essarily create an ethical organization. your limits of age and health? Do you enjoy your-
Medical assistants and medical professionals self? Do you have a good sense of humor? Are you
are asked to balance personal and professional open to communication?
areas of their lives in the middle of constant pres-
Do you see life as an adventure? Are you able to rediscover
sure and crises. At the same time, the quality of
persons each time you meet them? Are you inter-
one’s personal life is going to be shown in the qual-
ested in others? Do you listen well? Are you flexible
ity of their service to others in their professional
and unflappable? Does your security come from
life. To be effective in the medical profession, there
within rather than from without?
needs to be maturity in both the personal and the
professional selves that creates the utmost of ethi- Are you synergistic? Synergy is what happens when the
cal conduct and professionalism. whole of something is greater than the sum of
its parts. Do you know your weaknesses? Can you
complement your weaknesses with the strength of
Principle-Centered Leadership others on the team? Can you work hard to improve
Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly most situations? Are you trusting? Can you sepa-
Effective People and Principle-Centered Leadership, has rate the person from the problem?
identified eight characteristics of principle-centered Do you exercise for self-renewal? In this element, Mr. Covey
leaders. Leaders who know themselves and under- identifies four dimensions of the human personal-
stand their principles more easily abide by a code ity that need exercise: physical, mental, emotional,
of ethics. Consider the following questions as guides and spiritual dimensions. How do you keep your
CHAPTER 8 Ethical Considerations 123
body in shape? How do you keep your mind alert? is what persistence is. If you make a mistake, admit
Do patience, unconditional love, and accepting it, correct it, learn from the mistake, and move on,
responsibility for your own actions keep you emo- but never give up. An individual who is truly aware of
tionally healthy? Do you have a way to meditate, his or her personal ethical power is able to admit an
pray, or “draw away” for a period to “fill up your error, does not compromise any procedure or any
spirit”? technique, and does not ever put the patient at risk,
even if it means facing reprimand from a supervisor.
These questions and your responses to them
can give you insight into your ability to function Perspective: Keep your life and your purpose in per-
ethically and to be successful in the world of spective. Find time each day to maintain balance
medicine. in your life (perhaps looking again at the eight
Covey has another book entitled The 8th Habit: characteristics of principle-centered individuals).
From Effectiveness to Greatness that discusses how indi- Plan some quiet time, some fun time, but certainly
viduals can be more excited about their lives and some reflective time. The constant pressure and
their work when they reach beyond effectiveness the crises will become overwhelming without keep-
toward fulfillment, contribution, and greatness. ing perspective.
Individuals who feel fulfilled and excited about
their work are more apt to perform ethically than
those who do not. Ethics Check Questions
Finally, those striving to act in an ethical manner
Five Ps of Ethical Power can perform a little test each time they have a ques-
tion about ethics. This, too, comes from Blanchard
Kenneth Blanchard and Norman Vincent Peale
and Peale. The questions to ask are: (1) Is it legal?
wrote a simple but powerful little book called The
Is it against the law or any company policy? (2) Is it
Power of Ethical Management. In it they discuss the
balanced? Is this the best possible approach for all
“Five Ps of Ethical Power.” The five Ps are as follows:
concerned? Does it promote a win–win situation?
Purpose: Understand your objective or your purpose. (3) How will it make me feel about myself? Will I
Your purpose may change from time to time, but feel good if my decision is published in a newspa-
it is something that requires you to behave in a way per? Will my family and coworkers be proud of my
that makes you feel good about yourself. decision?
Ethics are not easy. Performing ethically is
Pride: Have pride in what you do. Feel good about your-
hard work. Being ethical means determining who
self and your accomplishments. Nurture your self-
you are and how you will act. Laws are more clearly
esteem while remaining humble. Be proud to be a
defined than ethics, but acting in an unethical
medical assistant.
manner can cause as much pain and difficulty as
Patience: It takes time to create an atmosphere where your can acting illegally. The ideas of Covey, Blanchard,
objective can be obtained. Strive to believe that no and Peale give guidance, thoughts to ponder, and
matter what happens, everything is going to work perhaps goals to reach. Keep them in mind as you
out. Expect results from yourself and your work, but review the next section.
refrain from demanding it “now.”
Persistence: To act in an ethical manner means to strive to
act in that manner all the time, not just when you BIOETHICS
want to or it seems easy to do. Winston Churchill
said, “Never! Never! Never! Never! Give Up!” That Bioethics brings the entire focus of ethics into the
field of health care and into those ethical issues
dealing with life. Never before in the history of
Critical Thinking medical care has bioethics been such a topic of
concern. In the past, most bioethical decisions were
With a peer, identify one or more examples made by physicians and esteemed members of the
in your life when you truly did not give up medical or legal profession. However, advancing
on attaining your goals. Describe what you technology giving patients and consumers numer-
learned from that experience. How might ous choices regarding their health care leads every-
“never giving up” help in your pursuit of a one to take an active role in bioethics.
career? Medical assistants will encounter ethical and
bioethical issues across the lifespan. In Figure 8-1,
124 UNIT 3 Responsible Medical Practice
ETHICAL ISSUES FOR CONTEMPLATION treatment for substance abuse, birth control, even abortion
without parental consent. Does this violate parents’ right to
AND DISCUSSION medical information regarding their children? Should the
adolescent, often fearful of parental reaction, have a right
Infants to treatment?
• Imperiled newborns (those who are severely disabled,
deformed, often premature and have low birth weight)
have a greater chance for survival with today’s medical • A large number of men and women find that both must be
technology. However, this ability places parents and health employed in order to provide a home for their families. How is
care professionals in an uncomfortable position to deter- it possible to balance full-time employment, full-time parenting,
mine when the costs of expensive intervention outweigh full-time housekeeping, and full-time partnering, and still take
the benefits. Often medical insurance will not pay for care of oneself?
these costs. • Many low-income women lack sufficient access to prenatal
• Vulnerability of infants can lead to negligence, rejection, and care, even though it is a cost-saving medical measure that is
even abuse. Parents also are vulnerable because they often are critical to the health of both mother and infant.
unable to cope with the needs of the entire family. How can • Adequate and quality health care is a problem. Some adults
families be helped in making a choice or in providing care for have no health care coverage; others are part of managed care
their family? programs that keep changing as employers seek lower health
insurance premiums. Many adults do not have an ongoing
Children provider–patient relationship.
• War, terrorist attacks, and an overburdened military place
• Children who are not well fed, housed, educated, and
families in very stressful circumstances. Many who serve in the
clothed exhibit great needs for preventive, curative, and
military are returning with horrendous lifelong and debilitating
rehabilitative health care. They likely do not have medi-
injuries. Lives are forever changed. How do they cope?
cal coverage, do not visit a health care provider regularly,
• Even with an advance directive or living will, a dying patient’s
and make more trips to the hospital emergency room than
wishes may not be followed. Technological advances in medi-
most children.
cine have created situations where patients may not be able to
• Obesity in children is a serious health issue. Increasing numbers
exercise their wishes.
of children receive one or two free or low-cost meals at school,
share few meals with their family members, and eat at fast-food
restaurants. Sweets are often used as reward or to express love.
Senior Adults
How are children educated to make better choices? • Elderly patients have the right to maintain dignity and privacy,
• An increasing number of children live within very dysfunctional but their dependency on others may deprive them of these
families where one or more parent is absent, is a substance basic rights.
abuser, has mental health issues, or has very little time to • Many senior adults are finding that very few providers accept
spend with their children. Many children have multiple parents new Medicare patients. The problem is even more severe when
or caregivers. Many spend large portions of the day in a day- senior adults must rely upon Medicaid for their medical care
care environment. Child abuse is a concern. Children must be because of the few number of providers who accept Medicaid.
protected, but they can be caught in a web of social services • Some elderly patients must choose between food on their
so overloaded and understaffed that only the most severe con- tables or prescribed medications they cannot afford. Although
cerns receive attention. How do health professionals protect Medicare Part D helped some, it did not help all.
these children? • Dementia is a common problem that is physically and finan-
cially exhausting and heartbreaking to the caregiver who usu-
Adolescents ally is a spouse, partner, or adult child. How do individuals cope
in the “sandwich” arrangement of caring for themselves, their
• The adolescent’s growing autonomy, need for independence,
children, and elderly parents, some who may have dementia?
changing values, and desire for peer acceptance often lead
What happens when there are insufficient funds for assisted liv-
to the decision to become sexually active, use birth control, or
ing or long-term care?
experiment with drugs and alcohol.
• Adolescents as young as 14 to 18 years of age may seek
Figure 8-1 Ethical issues across the life span. (Compiled by Carol D. Tamparo, CMA (AAMA), PhD, and Marilyn Pooler,
RN, MEd.)
CHAPTER 8 Ethical Considerations 125
(A) (B)
Figure 8-2 (A) American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) Code of Ethics. (B) AAMA Creed. (Copyright
by the American Association of Medical Assistants, Inc. Revised October 1996.)
a few issues are identified for contemplation and •Will I be able to accept the indigent, the physi-
discussion. Issues of bioethics common to every cally and mentally challenged, the infirm, the
medical clinic are the allocation of scarce medi- physically disfigured, and the persons I simply
cal resources; abortion and fetal tissue research; do not like as equal and valid human beings
genetic engineering or manipulation; and the with an equal right to service?
many choices surrounding life, dying, and death. B. Respect confidential information obtained through em-
For medical assistants to fully comprehend ployment unless legally authorized or required by respon-
a discussion of ethics and bioethics, review of sible performance of duty to divulge such information.
the Code of Ethics of AAMA (Figure 8-2) is • Will I refrain from needless comments to a col-
beneficial. league regarding a patient’s problem?
• Will I refrain from discussing my day’s encoun-
KEYS TO THE AAMA CODE ters with patients with my family and friends?
• Will I always protect a patient’s medical
OF ETHICS record and everything in it from unnecessary
Medical assistants should consider the more salient
points in the AAMA Code of Ethics and ask them- • Will I keep patients’ names and the circum-
selves the following questions: stances that bring them to my place of employ-
ment confidential?
A. Render service with full respect for the dignity of C. Uphold the honor and high principles of the profession
humanity. and accept its disciplines.
• Will I respect every patient even if I • Am I proud to serve as a medical assistant?
do not approve of his or her morals or • Will I always perform within the scope of my
choices in health care? profession, never exceeding the responsibility
• Will I honor each patient’s request for infor- entrusted to me?
mation and explain unfamiliar procedures? • Will I encourage others to enter the profes-
• Will I give my full attention to acknowledging sion and always speak honorably of medical
the needs of every patient? assistants?
126 UNIT 3 Responsible Medical Practice
still mentioned in most ethical codes and discus- suspected child abuse, to protect and care for the
sions. All medical providers have a responsibility abused, and to treat the abuser (if known) as a
to ensure that the needs of the poor in their com- victim also. This is not an easy task. Abuse is not
munities are met. Caring for the poor should be a easy to witness. Although there are specific laws
regular part of every provider’s practice and can be regarding suspected child abuse, and in most
accomplished in a number of ways. Providers can states medical assistants are mandated to report
take a certain number of patients on a reduced- abuse, the laws are vague or nonexistent for
cost basis or provide free services. Providers can older adults or in cases of IPV. However, whatever
volunteer their time and efforts to treat patients form the abuse takes, it is best to treat all forms
in reduced-cost, freestanding clinics that treat of abuse in the same manner by providing a safe
the poor and/or provide services to those in home- environment for those abused and seeking treat-
less shelters for battered and abused individuals. ment for the abused and the abuser.
Providers can volunteer their time to lobbying
and being advocates for those without medical
Guidelines for bioethical issues are even harder
Abuse to define than are guidelines for ethics, because
Abuse usually is described as neglect, physi- each of the bioethical issues calls for decisions that
cal, emotional/psychological/mental injury, directly affect a person’s life. In some instances,
or sexual. Child abuse also includes child the bioethical issue requires a choice about who
molestation, sexual exploitation, and incest. Elder lives and requires a definition of the quality of life.
abuse includes the four basic types mentioned Such dilemmas are difficult, if not impossible, to
above and adds financial abuse. Stalking and rape approach from a neutral point of view even though
are also forms of abuse. medical professionals should strive not to impose
All 50 states have legislation defining child their own moral values on patients or coworkers.
abuse and mandate who is responsible for report-
ing such abuse. The majority of states have enacted Allocation of Scarce Medical
legislation regarding the abuse of elder adults
60 years of age or older. Intimate partner (or
domestic) violence is a criminal offense in some The issue faced daily by health care workers is
states, but whether a state requires that intimate the allocation of scarce medical resources. Even
partner violence (IPV) be reported depends in part with the government’s attempts at health care
upon whether a weapon is used. reform, medical resources still are not available to
Stalking is the repeated act of spying upon, everyone. When the administrative medical assis-
following, or making contact with an individual or tant determines who receives the only available
appearing at an individual’s residence or place of appointment in a day, when patients are turned
employment after being asked not to. It is a crime away because they have no insurance or financial
in some states. Rape, also a crime of violence, is resources to pay for services, when Medicare/
forced sexual intercourse or penetration of a body Medicaid patients are denied services because
orifice with the penis or some other object. Gang of low return from state and federal insurance
rape involves several individuals. Rape is a report- programs, scarce medical resources are being
able criminal act. denied.
Medical assistants must know if their state The U.S. Census Bureau reported that 46.6
specifically names them as a reporter for abuse. million people were without health insurance cov-
A discussion should be held with medical provid- erage in 2006. The number of uninsured is esti-
ers and employers regarding who, when, and how mated to increase by one million each year. Adults
the abuse will be reported and documented. It is were more likely to be uninsured than children
unethical for a medical assistant to fail to report because a number of state and federal programs
abuse simply because an employer prefers “not to cover children. However, more than 6% of chil-
get too involved.” For a clearer understanding of dren under age 18 years have no source of health
some of the factors that constitute abuse, review care. Hispanic and non-Hispanic black children
Table 8-1. were more likely to have no health care than were
It is the responsibility of medical profes- non-Hispanic white children. Of note, the aver-
sionals and their employees to report all cases of age waiting time by new patients for a medical
CHAPTER 8 Ethical Considerations 129
Burns, unusual or severe Assault, beating, whipping, hitting, Intent to harm; hitting, pushing,
bruising, lacerations, punching, pushing, pinching, force- grabbing, biting, punching, slap-
Physical fractures, injury to inter- feeding, shaking, rough handling ping, restraining, burning; use of a
nal organs; usually during caregiving, bodily harm or weapon or one’s own strength to
obvious severe mental stress harm
Harm to child’s emo- Actions that dehumanize; social Humiliating; controlling; isolating
Emotional/ tional and intellectual isolation, name calling, humiliating, partner from friends/family, with-
psychological growth; not always insulting; threats to punish; yelling, holding funds or basic resources
obvious screaming
Using a child to engage Sexual contact without permission; Sexual contact without permission;
in any sexual activity; fondling, touching, kissing, rape, abusive sexual contact; sex with
not always obvious coerced nudity; spying while in one who is unable to say “no”
Pornography, prosti-
tution; use of child’s
image in media
appointment was 14.5 days. Even the elderly, many macroallocation of scarce medical resources. Deci-
of whom have both Medicare and supplemental sions made individually by providers and mem-
health insurance, had difficulty finding providers bers of the health care team at the local level are
who took new Medicare patients. This dilemma termed microallocation of scarce resources. No
can be particularly problematic when the elderly matter what the level, medical assistants will be
move from their home and community to be closer involved.
to their children.
Weightier decisions might include who gets Abortion and Fetal Tissue
the surgery, a kidney transplant, or the experimen-
tal bone marrow transplant. These allocations are
being made and will continue to require decisions The issues associated with abortion and
on the part of the health care team. Rationing fetal tissue research will be with us for quite
of health care may become more widespread as some time. Although the law as set forth
managed care operations try to achieve a balance in Roe v. Wade is specific on abortion guidelines, there
between providing access to care while still curtail- is a continual challenge in the courts of its validity.
ing costs. Some states are more restrictive regarding whether
Decisions made by Congress, health systems and how abortions might be performed in the sec-
agencies, and insurance companies are termed ond and third trimesters of pregnancy. However, the
130 UNIT 3 Responsible Medical Practice
current law stipulates that a woman has a right to an cord blood. Stem cells in cord blood can help
abortion in the first trimester without interference restore red blood cells in people with sickle cell
from regulations in any state. anemia, and a small group of children newly diag-
Medical professionals must decide whether nosed with type 1 diabetes who were transfused
to perform abortions within the legal parameters with their own stored cord blood showed reduced
and under what circumstances. Providers can- severity of the disease.
not be forced to perform abortions, nor can any
employee be forced to participate or assist in an Genetic Engineering/
abortion. Employees not wishing to participate in
abortions are advised to seek employment where
they are not performed. So much is possible today in the area of genetic
Many unanswered ethical questions related engineering, and new discoveries increasingly are
to abortion make the decision difficult for health being made. This biotechnology can be used in
care professionals. Should abortion be considered the diagnosis of disease, in the production of medi-
a form of birth control? If not, should birth control cines, for forensic documentation (DNA used in
be readily available to all who seek it regardless of solving crimes), and for research. Some reasons
age? Should insurance pay for birth control? Is it for continuing study in this area include deter-
ethical to deny an abortion to a woman on welfare mining if anything can be done to prevent or
but provide one to a woman who has money for cure some 4,000 recognized genetic disorders and
the procedure or whose insurance pays? Should major diseases that have large genetic components.
any abortion be legal? And, of course, the major Few individuals would not like to see a cure for cer-
unanswered question that must be considered by tain illnesses, but there is a fear among many that
every individual is: When does life begin? genetic engineering may lead to choices that should
The abortion issue raises another bioethical not be made. Deciding what should be done when
issue—fetal tissue research and transplantation. As the unborn is determined to have a severe birth
early as the 1950s, fetal tissue research led to the defect, manipulating genes to a more perfect off-
development of polio and rubella vaccines. Today, spring, and discarding defective embryos are just a
fetal cells hold promise for medical research into a few of those concerns.
variety of diseases and medical conditions, includ- If the United States moves past the dilemma
ing Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, spi- related to the use of embryonic stem cells, then a
nal cord injury, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis. number of significant medical advances might be
Some research indicates that fetal retinal trans- made. Researchers may be able to create custom-
plants may be a successful treatment of macular made organs to replace those that are defective or
degeneration, which is the leading cause of age- diseased. Although it might be a wonderful thing
related blindness in the United States. This issue to create a new pancreas or a semisynthethic liver
is political as well as bioethical, and it changes to replace an organ that is no longer performing its
with each major political shift in our government. necessary function, the greater fear of some indi-
Fetal tissue research also gets caught up in the viduals is that of cloning. Scientists already have
pro-life forces. About half of the states have laws cloned mice, sheep, rabbits, goats, pigs, and a dog.
regulating fetal research. Some ban research using Where does cloning stop? Will human beings be
aborted fetuses. Federal law prohibits the sale of cloned if science moves further into research with
fetal tissue and requires all federally funded fetal stem cells? Some countries with a different politi-
tissue research projects to comply with state and cal arena than the one found in the United States
local laws. Fetal tissue research is not to be used are advancing further into this area. It is interest-
to encourage women to have abortions; rather, the ing to note, however, that the General Assembly of
tissue would be available only after a decision had the United Nations voted to prohibit all forms of
already been made regarding abortion. human cloning in August 2005.
While the debate related to the use of fetal tis-
sues for research marches on, the door has opened
for research using umbilical cord blood. The use of
Artificial Insemination/Surrogacy
cord blood has not met with as much controversy For many individuals, artificial insemination is
as the use of fetal tissue. In 2005, President George the only means by which they can conceive a
W. Bush signed into legislation a federal program child. Providers are called on to perform artificial
to collect and store cord blood and to expand the insemination for couples, and women who want
current bone marrow registry program to include a child. If artificial insemination is performed,
CHAPTER 8 Ethical Considerations 131
it is recommended that the signed consent of ethical concerns for some and are not addressed
each party involved be obtained. It is also recom- in law.
mended that providers practicing artificial insem- A woman can have a donor’s egg fertilized by
ination by donor use many donors for semen and her husband’s sperm for implantation. A woman
that meticulous screening be performed before can receive donor embryos (embryo adoption)
the insemination. from successfully completed IVF from two unre-
Surrogacy is another bioethical issue. Men lated individuals. Couples who have successfully
have been used as surrogates, or substitutes, for had a baby through IVF are sometimes willing to
decades with the practice of artificial insemina- donate their additional embryos. A woman can
tion, but society seems to have a more difficult carry an embryo created from a donor egg and
time accepting surrogate mothers who are artifi- donor sperm that will have no genetic relationship
cially inseminated by a donor and carry the fetus to her.
to term for another parent. Men seek surrogates It is possible to screen for genetic flaws among
who are able to provide them a child who rep- embryos created by IVF; however, the latest medi-
resents half their genetic makeup. How should cal research indicates that such analysis sometimes
the rights of each individual in the exchange be causes abnormalities.
protected? For many of these issues, there is little Medical assistants who work in fertility clin-
protection or guidance under the law; therefore, ics must at all times respect the choices made by
health professionals must make decisions on the individuals seeking artificial insemination or IVF.
basis of their own belief systems. These procedures are truly private and very per-
Ethical questions are sometimes raised regard- sonal. Anyone who feels uncomfortable with such
ing artificial insemination and surrogacy. Should procedures should seek employment elsewhere.
artificial insemination be performed for individu-
als who do not fit the traditional family model?
Who will be a fit mother or father for this infant?
Dying and Death
Some religious faiths consider artificial insemina- The goal for all health professionals is to preserve
tion by donor to be the same as adultery. Who or and enhance life, thus, making death an event con-
what agency carefully protects the selection and trary to the goals of health care. Yet, death cannot
screening process of donors and surrogates? How be avoided. How death is faced can become both
are donors selected? Is there a responsibility to a legal and an ethical dilemma. Legally, individu-
make certain that individuals with the same father als can make choices about their death and are
through artificial insemination by donor do not encouraged to do so by health care professionals.
marry? Some fertility specialists recommend that When those wishes are indicated in documents
a donor be chosen from a city far from where the such as advance directives and when health profes-
potential mother lives and that formal adoption sionals disagree or refuse to honor those wishes, a
occur immediately when the infant is born. legal problem exists.
Artificial insemination and surrogacy were The legal dilemma was made famous by the
viewed as experimental and quite controversial cases of Karen Ann Quinlan and Theresa (Terri)
just 20 years ago. Today, however, the procedures Schiavo. Both were young women, without any
are widely practiced and available. Both artificial advance health care directives, whose deaths were
insemination and surrogacy are costly and can caught up in battles between family members, the
become legal tangles for all involved if careful steps medical staff, and the courts. Quinlan lived for
are not taken.
11 years in a vegetative state after much duress Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), intravenous
with health professionals and hospital staff who therapy, and feeding tubes are discouraged. Death
believed she should be kept on a respirator. The is treated as a natural end-of-life experience. Death
family members of Schiavo were in legal battles for is neither hastened nor prevented.
15 years before permission was received to remove Hospice volunteers and trainers indicate that
her feeding tube; she died 14 days later. When although most patients will choose hospice, some
there is conflict among family and those caring family members may not be as comfortable in that
for someone near death, even a well-written and choice. Family members may not be ready to let
executed advance directive can be faced with chal- go of a loved one; also, they may be uncomfort-
lenges. Then a legal dilemma becomes an ethical able if the hospice service is in the home rather
dilemma as well. than the hospital or a hospice facility. The latter
Patients continue to make decisions express- is related to how comfortable family members are
ing their choices in death. Oregon was the first in observing or being a part of the death process.
state to pass legislation allowing physicians to The expense of hospice is often covered by medi-
assist patients in death. Washington state voters cal insurance and is less expensive than inpatient
approved similar legislation November 2008. The hospital care.
Oregon law was voted upon and passed on two
separate occasions and was challenged by the U.S.
Attorney General before the U.S. Supreme Court
determined that the law could stand. Many Ore- The general public’s fear of AIDS has caused some
gonians find comfort in the law that allows them serious bioethical issues. Patients who suspect they
the right to choose the time and place for their have HIV or AIDS should be tested for the virus. In
own death; however, the number of individuals fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
who choose physician-assisted death still is small— tion (CDC) recommend voluntary screening for
less that nine per 10,000 deaths. Some make the HIV/AIDS to become a routine part of medical
choice, receive the medications from their physi- care for all patients ages 13 to 64 years. Confiden-
cian, and then do not use the medication. Oth- tiality must be protected, however, because indi-
ers receive the medication and find much relief viduals with HIV/AIDS have been denied medical
in their choice and do take the medication. Still insurance, faced loss of employment and housing,
others believe that any intervention that hastens and even suffered the loss of family members and
death is criminal. friends. It is unethical to deny treatment to indi-
Choices available to patients who are dying cre- viduals because they test positive for HIV.
ate the question, what is “quality of life”? Although Although individuals with HIV/AIDS must
the answer to that question is different for every- be protected, so must the public. Therefore, if
one, it is a question often in conflict with today’s providers suspect that an HIV-seropositive patient
medical technology that can, in many instances, is infecting an unsuspecting individual, every
keep a patient alive much longer than the patient attempt should be made to protect the individual
might prefer. The benefits of advanced technology at risk. Health professionals must first encourage
will continue to be weighed against what many con- the infected person to cease endangering any per-
sider the right to die with dignity and a minimum son. Second, if the patient refuses to notify the
of medical intervention. person at risk or wishes the provider to notify the
person, authorities can be contacted. Many states
Hospice. Hospice is the term used to describe either and cities have Partner Notification Programs that
a place of residence for those who are dying or an will anonymously notify any person at risk, keep-
organization whose medical professionals and vol- ing the source confidential. The program informs
unteers are in attendance of someone whose death them that it has been brought to their attention
is imminent. The main objective of hospice is to that they are a “person at risk” and provides them
make patients comfortable and as free from pain as with free testing. Third, the provider can notify the
possible and to allow them dignity in their deaths. person at risk.
CHAPTER 8 Ethical Considerations 133
As medical technology continues to advance, a greater need for ethical guidelines will be necessary. Pro-
viders and health care professionals at all levels must stay abreast of the issues and carefully consider all
aspects before making any decision.
Medical assistants must, however, keep the following legal and ethical guidelines in mind: (1) always
practice within the law; (2) preserve the patient’s confidentiality; (3) maintain meticulous records; (4) obtain
informed, written consent; (5) do not judge patients whose belief system differs from yours.
134 UNIT 3 Responsible Medical Practice
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet and complete the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on the textbook CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
Multiple Choice 6. Macroallocation of scarce medical resources
implies that
1. Typically, ethics has been defined in terms of: a. the local health care team makes the decisions
a. what is right and wrong b. Congress, health systems agencies, and insurance
b. whether an action is legal companies make the decisions
c. the expedient thing to do c. medical assistants will not be involved
d. professionalism in the workplace d. patients will get the benefit of the best medical
2. Bioethics has to do with: care
a. biological reproduction 7. The eight characteristics of principle-centered
b. the act of artificial insemination leaders originates from the following author:
c. genetic engineering a. James R. Jones
d. ethical issues that deal with life and health care b. Stephen R. Covey
3. The AAMA Code of Ethics: c. Francis H. Ambrose
a. is concerned with principles of ethical and d. Jason N. Diamond
moral conduct 8. The five Ps of ethical power are:
b. defines the duties the medical assistant can a. Personality, performance, purpose, pride,
perform patience
c. is intended for physicians only b. Purpose, patience, perfection, personality,
d. applies only to patient rights procrastination
4. When a provider or medical assistant suspects child c. Patience, purpose, pride, persistence, perspective
abuse, they should: d. Purpose, pride, patience, perfection, perspective
a. give the parent a warning 9. Which of the following is true?
b. report it to the proper authorities a. A provider can choose whom to serve
c. not impose their values on the parents b. A provider may charge for completing multiple
d. give the child some hints on how to protect and complex insurance claims
against abuse c. Providers and their employees cannot be forced
5. When a patient has HIV: to perform abortions
a. it is ethical for the provider not to provide d. All of the above
treatment e. None of the above
b. it is unethical for the provider not to provide 10. You are most likely to make ethical decisions
treatment correctly when:
c. other patients should be warned of the possibil- a. you have a clear picture of the situation
ity of infection b. you leave emotion out of the decision as much
d. all friends and family members of the patient as possible
should be notified
CHAPTER 8 Ethical Considerations 135
Inner City Health Care, which is located in Carlton, moderately. Fortunately, Wanda knew that one of
Michigan, has its share of cold, snowy winters, and the providers was still in the office and she led the
when the temperature drops near freezing, that snow woman back to the building, reassuring her along the
sometimes turns to ice. Last night, as Wanda Slawson, way. Once in the office, Wanda assisted Susan Rice,
CMA (AAMA), was leaving for the evening, she noticed the provider, to examine the wound. After determin-
a woman from an adjacent office slip and fall in the ing that sutures were not needed, Dr. Rice and Wanda
parking lot. Wanda immediately went over to the cleansed the wound, applied a dry, sterile dressing,
woman to lend assistance and saw that, in falling, and covered it with an elastic bandage. The patient
the woman had cut the palm of her hand. Appar- was instructed to call her own provider first thing in
ently, the woman had tried to break her fall with her the morning.
hand only to sustain a wound that was now bleeding
CHAPTER 9 Emergency Procedures and First Aid 139
A common sign that an individual has an emergency is critical to remain calm, to follow the emergency
is unusual noises, such as yelling, moaning, or cry- policies and procedures established by the ambu-
ing. A person may appear to be behaving strangely latory care setting, and to be well-versed in first-aid
when choking or if having difficulty breathing. To and be certified in CPR. The patient should not be
recognize when an emergency exists, it is important further endangered.
to have sharp senses of hearing, sight, and smell and
be acutely sensitive to any unusual behaviors.
In the ambulatory care setting, medical assis-
Responding to an Emergency
tants may encounter a range of emergency situations Once it has been determined that an emergency
requiring first-aid techniques. First aid is designed exists, it is essential to act quickly. Before making
to render immediate and temporary emergency any decisions about how to proceed, it is necessary
care to persons injured or otherwise disabled before to assess the nature of the situation. Does it include
the arrival of a health care practitioner or transport respiratory or circulatory failure, severe bleeding,
to a hospital or other health care agency. burns, poisoning, or severe allergic reaction?
Emergency situations can be minor or severe Sometimes, it is possible that more than one
and can include: type of care must be administered. In this case, it
• Choking and breathing crises is necessary to screen the situation so that treat-
ment can be prioritized. When an individual expe-
• Chest pain riences more than one illness or injury, care must
• Bleeding be given according to the severity of the situation.
• Shock When two or more patients present with emergen-
• Stroke cies simultaneously, screening helps determine
• Poisoning
which patient is treated first. The main principle
of screening states that absence of heartbeat and
• Burns breath and severe bleeding are immediate life
• Wounds threats. Table 9-1 lists the common ordering of
• Sudden illnesses such as fainting/falling screening situations.
• Illnesses related to heat and cold To identify the nature of the emergency and
respond effectively, it is critical that the patient be
• Fractures
assessed. If the patient is conscious, ask for personal
Some of these situations will be life threatening; identification and identification of next of kin.
all will require immediate care. In either case, it Try to obtain information about symptoms being
Burns on face Second-degree burns not on the neck and face Fractures (simple)
Head injuries
Figure 9-2 If the individual is not breathing, first open the airway (A) by tilting the head and lifting the chin,
for victim without head or neck trauma, or (B) by the jaw-thrust maneuver, for victim with cervical spine injury.
This involves placing both thumbs on the patient’s cheekbones and placing the index and middle fingers on
both sides of the lower jaw.
Never leave a seriously ill or unconscious patient law vary from state to state. As part of establish-
unattended. ing emergency care guidelines, every ambulatory
While waiting for EMS to arrive, continuously care setting should understand the explicit and
check the patient for the following signs: (1) degree implicit intent of the Good Samaritan law in its
of responsiveness, (2) airway/breathing ability, state (see Chapter 7 for more information on
(3) heartbeat (rate and rhythm), (4) bleeding, and legal guidelines).
(5) signs of shock. Monitor vital signs. Keep patient
warm and lying down. If there are no head injuries, Blood, Body Fluids, and Disease
the legs can be elevated on pillows.
When providing emergency care, medical
Good Samaritan Laws assistants should always protect themselves
When delivering or assisting in delivering and the patient from infectious disease
emergency care, the medical assistant may transmission. Serious infectious diseases, such as
be concerned about professional liability. hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV), and HIV,
Most states have enacted Good Samaritan laws, can be transmitted through blood and body fluids
which provide some degree of protection to the (see Chapter 10 for more detailed information).
health care professional who offers first aid. By establishing and following strict guide-
Most Good Samaritan laws provide some legal lines, the risk for contracting or transmitting an
protection to those who provide emergency care infectious disease while providing emergency care
to ill or injured persons. However, when medical is greatly reduced.
assistants or any other individuals give care during
an emergency, they must act as reasonable and pru- • Always wash hands thoroughly before (if possible)
dent individuals and provide care only within the and after every procedure or use hand sanitizer.
scope of their abilities. Remember that a primary • Use protective clothing and other protective equip-
principle of first aid is to prevent further injury. ment (gloves, gown, mask, goggles) during the
Although Good Samaritan laws give some procedure.
measure of protection against being sued for giv-
• Avoid contact with blood and body fluids, if
ing emergency aid, they generally protect off-duty
health care professionals. Also, conditions of the
142 UNIT 3 Responsible Medical Practice
Emergencies are unexpected but can and should
be anticipated and prepared for in the ambu-
latory care setting. Being properly prepared
ensures that the office has the materials and
resources needed to respond to emergencies. Figure 9-3 Medical crash cart with defibrillator.
An in-office handbook of policies and proce-
dures should be developed and should be famil-
iar to all staff members. Telephone numbers for medications should be up to date and have not
the local emergency medical services (often this reached their expiration dates.
is 911) and the poison control center (1-800-222- A smaller practice may require only a portable
1222) should be posted and kept in an established tray for emergency and first-aid supplies. Larger
place so that there is no delay in calling for outside urgent care centers may respond more frequently
assistance. Materials and supplies should be main- to emergencies and thus may need a cart that can
tained in proper inventory. All personnel should hold a larger inventory and variety of supplies.
be trained in first aid and CPR so that every staff Whether a tray or cart is used, supplies should be
member can respond to or assist the provider in customized to the facility and the type of emergen-
providing care. Proper documentation should cies frequently encountered. Remember that only
be completed after any emergency situation. The providers can order medications or treatment.
office environment itself should be a safe one Following is a brief list of some common
and as accident-proof as possible. Wipe up spills supplies found on most trays and carts (see
to prevent falls on a slippery floor, keep corri- Chapter 23 for more information on supplies
dors free of clutter, and keep medications out of and medications).
sight. These basic risk management techniques
General supplies:
will help medical personnel focus on giv-
ing emergency care and also will protect • Adhesive and hypoallergenic tape
the facility from possible litigation. • Alcohol wipes
• Bandage scissors
The Medical Crash Tray or Cart • Bandage material
Every health care facility should have a crash tray • Blood pressure cuff (standard, pediatric, large)
or cart, with a carefully controlled inventory of • Constriction band
supplies and equipment (Figure 9-3). These first-
• Defibrillator
aid supplies should be kept in an accessible place,
and the inventory should be routinely moni- • Dressing material
tored to ensure that all supplies are replaced. All • Gloves
CHAPTER 9 Emergency Procedures and First Aid 143
Trauma to the respiratory tract (trachea, lungs) that causes a reduction of oxygen and carbon
dioxide exchange. Body cells cannot receive enough oxygen.
Injury or trauma to the nervous system (spinal cord, brain). Nerve impulse to blood vessels impaired.
Blood vessels remain dilated and blood pressure decreases.
Myocardial infarction with damage to heart muscle; heart unable to pump effectively. Inadequate
cardiac output. Body cells do not receive enough oxygen.
Severe bleeding or loss of body fluid from trauma, burns, surgery, or dehydration from severe nausea
and vomiting. Blood pressure decreases, thus blood flow is reduced to cells, tissues, and organs.
Results from reaction to substance to which patient is hypersensitive or allergic (allergen extracts,
Anaphylactic bee sting, medication, food). Outpouring of histamine results in dilation of blood vessels throughout
the body, blood pressure decreases and blood flow is reduced to cells, tissue, and organs.
Body’s homeostasis impaired; acid–base balance disturbed (diabetic coma or insulin shock); body
fluids unbalanced.
Shock caused by overwhelming emotional factors (e.g., fear, anger, grief). Sudden dilation of blood
Psychogenic vessels results in fainting because of lack of blood supply to the brain. In most cases, not life threaten-
ing unless it leads to physical trauma as a result of a fall.
An acute infection, usually systemic, that overwhelms the body (e.g., toxic shock syndrome). Poison-
Septic ous substances accumulate in bloodstream and blood pressure decreases, impairing blood flow to
cells, tissues, and organs.
CHAPTER 9 Emergency Procedures and First Aid 145
Closed Wounds. Most closed wounds do not pres- (see Procedure 9-1). Then clean the wound. If
ent an emergency situation. If there is pain and there is a skin flap, reposition it. Apply a dress-
swelling, the application of a cold compress can ing, then bandage as necessary. Note that pieces
be effective. Protect the patient’s skin by placing of the body may be torn away. If possible, save
a cloth beneath the source of cold; apply the com- the body part, keep moist, and transport with the
press for 20 minutes, then remove for 20 minutes; patient.
continue for 24 hours. Then apply heat 20 minutes 3. Incisions are wounds that result from a sharp object,
on and 20 minutes off for the next 24 hours. A such as a knife or piece of glass. Incisions may need
common procedure for treating closed wounds is sutures. The wound must be cleaned with soap and
to RICE or MICE it. water and a dressing applied.
4. Lacerations tear the body tissue and can be dif-
ficult to clean; therefore, care must be taken to
• Rest • Motion or Movement avoid infection. If there is not severe bleeding,
• Ice • Ice which in itself is a cleansing mechanism, these
• C ompression • C ompression wounds may need to be soaked in antiseptic soap
and water to remove debris. If there is severe
• E levation • E levation
bleeding, it must be controlled immediately (see
Procedure 9-1). Lacerations with severe bleeding
Recently, some providers, especially those who
need suturing.
treat sport injuries, advocate motion or move-
ment as a means of treating a closed wound 5. Punctures pierce and penetrate the skin and may be
injury. They also advise ice, compression (elastic deep wounds while appearing insignificant. Usu-
bandage), and elevation (MICE). Check for pro- ally, external bleeding is minimal, but the patient
vider preference. should be assessed for internal bleeding. Because
Some closed wounds, such as hematomas, can a puncture wound is deep, the risk for infection is
be dangerous and may cause internal bleeding. great and the patient should be advised to watch
If the patient is in severe pain and was subject to for signals of infection, such as pain, swelling, red-
an injury caused by high impact, call for help and ness, throbbing, and warmth.
keep the patient comfortable until the help arrives.
Watch for symptoms of shock and monitor vital Use of Tourniquets in Emergency Care. In the
signs. past, tourniquets were regularly used in the field
to control hemorrhaging from an extremity when
Open Wounds. Open wounds can be minor tears all other attempts to control bleeding were unsuc-
in the skin or more serious skin breaks, but all cessful. However, because tourniquet application
open wounds represent an opportunity for micro- was meant to completely stop blood flow, many
organisms to gain entry and cause an infection. times the complete lack of blood flow resulted in
Some major open wounds may involve heavy bleed- the death of the arm or leg. Often, the affected
ing, which will need to be controlled, probably by extremity needed to be amputated.
suturing. A tetanus injection is indicated for an To remedy the situation, a “constriction
open wound if the patient has not had a booster in band” was substituted for the tourniquet and is
the last 7 to 10 years (see Chapter 10 for immuni- now widely used. The constriction band is made
zation information). of a material similar to that used in the tourni-
There are five common types of open wounds: quet. When the band is applied to an extremity
to control bleeding, it is applied tightly enough to
1. Abrasions are a superficial scraping of the epider- stem the rapid loss of blood but loosely enough to
mis. Because nerve endings are involved, they allow a small amount of blood to continue to flow.
can be painful. However, they are not usually seri- A pulse should be felt distally to the constriction
ous, unless they cover a large area of the body. band. The use of the constriction band applied in
Administer first aid by cleaning the area carefully this manner allows a blood supply to the remain-
with soap and water, apply an antiseptic oint- der of the extremity, unlike the tourniquet, which
ment if prescribed by a provider, and cover with cuts off all blood flow. Chapter 19 provides infor-
a dressing. mation on wounds and minor surgery.
2. In an avulsion, the skin is torn off and bleeding is
profuse. Avulsion wounds often occur at exposed Dressings and Bandages. After the provider has
parts: fingers, toes, ear. First, control bleeding treated an open wound, it is critical to dress and
146 UNIT 3 Responsible Medical Practice
41/2% 41/2%
1% superficial
Skin red, dry
9% 9%
Back 41/2%
partial thickness
18% Blistered; skin moist, pink or red
41/2% 41/2%
9% 9%
full thickness
Charring; skin black, brown, red
Figure 9-10B Classification of burn injuries.
Is skin reddened without YES ➭ Submerge in cool normal saline or ➭ Stops burning process.
blisters? water 2–5 minutes.
Does area involve: YES ➭ Have patient come to office. ➭ These are potential dan-
• hands? ger areas and require
• feet? evaluation by the
• genitals? provider.
• face?
Is skin reddened with blis- YES ➭ Submerge in cool normal saline or ➭ Stops burning process. If
ters or splitting of the skin? water 10–15 minutes if skin is intact. Use com- blisters are broken, can
NO presses if skin is broken. Do not break blisters. allow infection in burn.
Does area involve: YES ➭ Have patient come to office or go to ➭ These are potentially dan-
• hands? the emergency department. gerous areas and require
• feet? medical attention.
• genitals?
• face?
Is the area involved larger YES ➭ Have patient come to office or go to ➭ Burns of this size are sus-
than a child’s hand? the emergency department. ceptible to complications.
150 UNIT 3 Responsible Medical Practice
Is patient YES ➭ ➭
Patient in shock: Need to control shock
experiencing: Tell family to call EMS and to: caused by fluid loss.
• pallor • maintain airway.
• loss of consciousness? • maintain body temperature.
• shivering? • elevate feet if appropriate.
• monitor breathing.
Patient may need oxygen and intravenous
NO fluids while waiting for EMS to arrive.
with cool water. Remove any clothing contaminated he or she should see a provider who will cover
by the chemicals unless they adhere to the skin. If the burn area to reduce infection and protect the
clothing clings to the skin, it can be cut with scis- patient against chill.
sors. Do not attempt to pull clothing away from a
burned area.
Musculoskeletal Injuries
Electrical Burns. Electrical burns can be Most injuries to muscles, bones, and joints are
caused by power lines, lightning, or faulty not life threatening, but they are painful and,
electrical equipment in the home or work if not properly treated, can be disabling. Some
place. It is important to remember never to go near a injuries, such as those to the spinal cord, can be
patient injured by electricity until you are sure the power quite serious and can result in paralysis. These
has been shut off, because you could be injured. If there is injuries are not typically seen in the ambulatory
a downed line, call the power company and EMS. care setting.
A victim of an electricity burn may be suffer-
ing from two burns: one where the power entered Types of Injuries. A sprain is an injury to a joint,
the body, and one where it exited. Often, the burns often an ankle, knee, or wrist, that involves a tear-
themselves may be minor. Of more serious conse- ing of the ligaments. Some sprains are minor and
quence are the possibilities of shock, breathing dif- heal quickly; others are more severe, include swell-
ficulties, and other injuries. CPR often is needed ing, and may not heal properly if the patient con-
in this situation. tinues to put stress on the sprained joint. Signs of
a sprain are rapid swelling, discoloration at the
Solar Radiation. Most “sunburns,” although not site, and limited function. Many times it is difficult
advisable or good for the skin, represent minor to determine whether the patient has sustained
burns. If the patient has a severe burn, however, a sprain or a fracture because the degree of pain
CHAPTER 9 Emergency Procedures and First Aid 151
may not be a true indicator of the patient’s injury. • Colles: fracture often caused by falling on an out-
As with most closed wounds, treating the injury stretched hand; involves the distal end of the radius
with the RICE or MICE method is beneficial and and results in displacement, causing a bulge at the
determined by the proivder’s choice. wrist
A strain results from the overuse or stretching
of a muscle, tendons, or group of muscles, as with These fractures represent “major” types of frac-
improper lifting or moving heavy objects. Appli- tures. Figure 9-11 shows examples of these fractures.
cations of ice and heat (as described eariler in
“Closed Wounds”), as well as rest, are indicated for Assessing Injuries to Muscles, Bones, and Joints.
treatment of strains. Surgery is not usually required Sometimes it is difficult to determine the extent of
for sprains and strains. Significant injuries (large an injury, especially in closed fractures. There are
tears) may need surgery. Slings, crutches, and some assessment techniques to call on, however, to
removable splints help protect the injury from fur- gauge the seriousness of an injury.
ther damage and limit movement until a more spe-
cific diagnosis can be made. • Note the extent of bruising and swelling.
Dislocations are painful and involve the sepa- • Pain is a signal of injury.
ration of a bone from its normal position. These • There may be noticeable deformity to the bone or
usually occur from the kind of wrenching motion joint.
that might result from a fall, automobile accident,
• Use of the injured area is limited.
or sports injury.
Fractures involve a break in a bone and can • Talk to the patient: What was the cause of the
be caused by a fall, by a blow, from bone disease, injury? What was the sound or sensation at the
or from sports injuries. There are several types time of injury?
of fractures, but all are classified as either open
or closed fractures. An open fracture involves an Caring for Muscle, Bone, and Joint Injuries. Most
open wound and is characterized by a protruding injuries to muscles, bones, and joints are treated
bone. In a closed fracture, the skin is not broken. in a similar way; some require rest, some motion,
Signs and symptoms that occur with a fracture may elevation of the injured part, immobilization, and
include swelling, discoloration, pain, deformity, the application of ice to the injury.
and immobility of the body part. It is not unusual After calling EMS (always check for life-
for patients to tell you that they heard the bone threatening symptoms, such as breathing difficul-
break or that they sensed a grating feeling. Crepita- ties; bleeding; or head, neck, or back injuries), it
tion is the term that describes the grating sensation is important to immobilize the injured area if the
experienced or heard when bone fragments rub patient must be moved. EMS personnel use a vari-
together. Fractures are further defined as follows: ety of splints to immobilize bones and joints. Some
fractures must be treated in the hospital. Com-
• Incomplete or greenstick: fracture in which the bone pound fractures and fractures with nerve or blood
has cracked, but the break is not all the way vessel involvement are some examples. Most often,
through; frequently seen in children a fracture can be treated with outpatient care. A
• Simple: complete bone break in which there is no splint and a cast may be applied to prevent move-
involvement with the skin surface ment and to hold the fracture steady. Procedure
9-2 gives instructions for splinting an arm in the
• Compound: fracture in which the bone protrudes ambulatory care setting.
though the skin surface, creating the possibility of
• Impacted: fracture in which the broken ends are
Heat- and Cold-Related Illnesses
jammed into each other The condition of patients who have been subject to
• Comminuted: more than one fracture line and sev- extreme heat and cold can deteriorate rapidly, and
eral bone fragments are present either a heat- or cold-related illness can result in
death. Individuals especially vulnerable to extreme
• Spiral: fracture that occurs with a severe twisting exposures include the very young and very old,
action, causing the break to wind around the individuals who must work outdoors, and people
bone who suffer from poor circulation.
• Depressed: fracture that occurs with severe head
injuries in which a broken piece of skull is driven Heat-Related Illnesses. Illnesses related to heat, in
inward increasing degree of severity, include heat cramps,
152 UNIT 3 Responsible Medical Practice
(A) Greenstick (B) Closed (C) Open (D) Impacted (E) Comminuted (F) Spiral
(incomplete) (simple, complete) (compound)
heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Heat cramps, the heat stroke, the body systems are extremely taxed.
least serious, involve cramping in the legs and abdo- EMS should be alerted; until they arrive, stay with
men caused by excessive body exposure or exercise the patient, watch for breathing problems, and
in hot weather. Heat cramps should be considered attempt to reduce body temperature by applying
a signal to stop, slow down, rest in a cool place, cool, wet towels or sheets.
and drink plenty of water. Salt tablets should not
be taken. The individual should lightly stretch the Cold-Related Illnesses. Exposure to extreme
muscles. Heat cramps can progress to heat exhaus- cold for prolonged periods can lead to frostbite
tion or heat stroke, both of which are more serious or hypothermia.
conditions. Frostbite, which typically affects the extremi-
Heat exhaustion, often experienced by people ties such as fingers, toes, ears, and nose, involves
who work or exercise in extreme heat, is a more the freezing of exposed body parts. Symptoms
serious reaction and is signaled by exhaustion, cold include skin that becomes off-color, is cold, or takes
and clammy skin, profuse sweating, headache, and on a waxy appearance. Severity can range from the
general weakness. The individual should come out superficial (frostnip) to more penetrating stages,
of the heat immediately; apply cool, wet towels; and which may require amputation.
slowly drink cool water. The provider will advise the Individuals with frostbite need immediate
patient not to resume activity in the heat. medical attention. To care for frostbitten extremi-
Heat stroke is the least common but the most ties, warm the area of injury by wrapping cloth-
dangerous of heat-related illnesses and requires ing or blankets around the affected body part. Be
immediate medical attention. Heat stroke is char- careful in handling the frozen part. It is best to
acterized by red, dry, hot skin; an abnormal, weak have the patient transported as soon as possible to
pulse; and breathing that is shallow and fast. In emergency care. This type of facility is better able
CHAPTER 9 Emergency Procedures and First Aid 153
to properly rewarm the frozen part, preventing Some signs and symptoms of poisoning are
further tissue damage. dyspnea, nausea and vomiting, confusion, and
Hypothermia is a serious illness in which the convulsions. The Poison Control Center (1-800-
body temperature decreases to a perilously low 222-1222) can advise if there is an antidote for
level. It can result in death if the individual does not the poison (if poison is known). For many years,
receive care and if the progression of hypothermia the treatment of choice for ingested poison was to
is not reversed. Hypothermia occurs when a person induce vomiting by using syrup of ipecac. This is
falls through the ice or is exposed to cold tempera- no longer recommended. Activated charcoal given
tures, for example, after getting lost in the woods as soon as possible is the treatment of choice for
while hiking. Symptoms include shivering, cold ingested poison. It is quicker and more effective.
skin, and confusion. If a patient becomed unconscious, the pro-
After checking for breathing problems and vider will be concerned that the patient will vomit
alerting EMS, care for the patient. Make the indi- and aspirate vomitus into the lungs; therefore, the
vidual comfortable, provide a source of warmth, provider may insert a flexible tube into the larynx
such as a blanket, and gradually warm the body. If to alleviate that possibility.
clothing is wet or cold, remove it and put on dry In most poisoning cases, there are specific
clothing. In extreme cases, it may be necessary to antidotes. They work either by reversing the effects
provide rescue breathing. of the poison or by preventing the poison from
On occasion, there is no specific treatment
Poisoning and just the symptoms will be treated. A ventilator
Poisons can enter the body in four ways: may be needed if a patient has stopped breathing.
Medications that control convulsions are available,
• Ingestion. Ingested poisons enter the body by and sedatives can be administered if the patient is
swallowing. Swallowed poisons may include med- disturbed and restless.
ications, plant material, household chemicals, con- Whenever a patient calls regarding poisoning
taminated foods, and drugs. or there is a suspicion of poisoning, call the Poi-
• Inhalation. Poisons are inhaled into the body in son Control Center (1-800-222-1222) or the local
poorly ventilated areas where cleaning fluids, paints emergency number and ask for advice. Telephone
and chemical cleaners, or carbon monoxide may numbers of the poison control center should be
be present. posted in a familiar and accessible place.
• Absorption. Poisons absorbed through the skin in- The treatment for poisoning will vary accord-
clude plant materials such as poison oak or ivy, lawn ing to the source of the poisoning and must be tai-
care products such as chemical pesticides, and other lored to the specific incident. The provider will have
chemical powders or liquids.
• Injection. Drug abuse is the most common cause of
injected poisons. The stingers of insects inject poi-
sons into the body and can be extremely danger- Patient Education
ous and can lead to anaphylactic shock in allergic
individuals. Advise all patients with known allergic re-
actions to be particularly careful when
working or playing outdoors. Insects are
not usually aggressive until their nests are
approached; however, often these nests are
Patient Education not easy to detect, and an individual may
approach one without being aware of its
Remind patients who are parents of young presence. Patients with allergies to insects
children to remove any potential sources should always wear shoes when outside;
of poisoning from their homes or to keep wear light-colored clothing, preferably with
them in locked cabinets. Also advise them long sleeves and pant legs; look before tak-
to include the nearby poison control center ing a sip from a beverage when outdoors;
in their list of emergency phone numbers. and inspect lawn areas, shrubbery, and
They should also keep activated charcoal building walls periodically for evidence of
on hand. stinging insect nests.
154 UNIT 3 Responsible Medical Practice
may simply be the result of a fainting episode, or it time frame, however, dictate a call to emergency
may indicate a more serious medical problem such services, as does any seizure if the patient is dia-
as diabetic coma or shock. A fall during a fainting betic, pregnant, injured, or does not regain con-
incident may result in bodily harm. sciousness after the incident.
If a patient in the office or clinic “feels
faint,” indicated by lightheadedness, weak- Diabetes. Diabetes is defined by the American Dia-
ness, nausea, or unsteadiness, have the betes Society as the “inability of the body to prop-
individual lie down or sit down with head level with erly convert sugar from food into energy.”
the knees. This may prevent a fainting episode. Under normal functioning, the body pro-
The most common type of fainting episodes duces a hormone called insulin, which transports
occur when the blood pressure drops quickly in sugars into body cells. In some cases, the body does
response to a highly charged emotional or stress- not produce insulin at all or does not produce
ful situation. The name for this common fainting enough; this results in diabetes.
spell is vasovagal syncope. The individual’s skin Diabetes occurs in two major types:
feels sweaty and clammy, and lightheadedness is
common. • Type 1, or insulin-dependent diabetes
If a patient faints, gradually lower the patient • Type 2, or noninsulin-dependent diabetes, which
to a flat surface, loosen any tight clothing, check usually occurs in adults; in type II, the body pro-
breathing and for any life-threatening emergen- duces insulin in insufficient quantities
cies, and apply cool compresses to the forehead.
Elevate the legs if there is no back or head injury. Complications from diabetes, which you may
If vomiting occurs, place the patient on his or her encounter in a medical office or clinic setting,
side. Although fainting is typically not serious in include diabetic coma (acidosis) and insulin shock
itself, 911 or EMS may need to be called because or reaction. The provider will prescribe either insu-
the problem may be indicative of a more complex lin or glucose before the patient is transported to the
medical condition. hospital. Both are serious emergencies that require
immediate EMS assistance. Table 9-4 lists common
Seizures. Seizures or convulsions occur when causes and symptoms of diabetic coma or insulin
normal brain functioning is disrupted, which shock (see Chapter 24 for calculation of medication
can occur for a variety of reasons including fever, dosage and medication administration).
disease such as diabetes, infections, or injury to
the brain. Epilepsy is a common cause of convul- Hemorrhage. The different sources of bleeding
sions. Involuntary spasms or contractions of mus- determine the seriousness of hemorrhage, or
cles characterize seizures. bleeding.
To the onlooker, seizures look frightening
and painful, which may lead inexperienced indi- External Bleeding. External bleeding includes
viduals to try to stop the seizure when they see it capillary, venous, and arterial bleeding. Capillary
occurring in another individual. A patient experi- bleeding, often from cuts and scratches, usually
encing a seizure should never be restrained; simply clots without first-aid measures. Bleeding from a
care for the victim with compassion and medical vein, which is characterized by dark red blood that
understanding. The goal is to protect the patient flows steadily, needs to be controlled quickly (see
from self-injury during the episode. Do not force Procedure 9-1) to prevent excessive blood loss.
anything between the patient’s clenched teeth—an Bleeding from an artery produces bright red bleed-
individual experiencing seizures cannot “swallow” ing that spurts from the wound; this is the most seri-
the tongue. ous type of bleeding and occurs when an artery is
Most patients recover from a seizure in a few punctured or severed. Like venous bleeding, arte-
minutes. During the seizure, protect the rial bleeding requires immediate emergency care
patient from injury, cushion the patient’s because serious loss of blood and profound irre-
head, and roll the patient to the side if any fluid is versible shock can happen quickly.
in the mouth. After the seizure subsides, calm and Epistaxis, or nosebleed, may be the result of
comfort the patient. breathing dry air for a long period; result from
If a patient is known to regularly have seizures injury or blowing the nose too hard; be caused by
and the patient’s seizure subsides in a matter of high altitudes; be caused by hypertension (high
minutes, EMS personnel usually do not need to blood pressure); or result from overuse of medica-
be summoned. Repeated seizures during the same tions such as aspirin and anticoagulants.
156 UNIT 3 Responsible Medical Practice
Table 9-4 Causes and Symptoms of Diabetic Coma and Insulin Shock
Too little insulin, too much to eat, Too much insulin or oral hypoglycemic drug, too
Causes Causes
infections, fever, emotional stress little to eat, an unusual amount of exercise
To control nosebleeds, seat the patient, ele- lessness, and a feeling of anxiety. There may be
vate the patient’s head, and pinch the nostrils for at pain, tenderness, or swelling at the injury site. The
least 10 minutes. Assist the patient to sit with head abdomen may be boardlike (stiff and hard to the
tilted forward so blood running down the back of touch).
the throat will not be swallowed or aspirated. If If internal bleeding is suspected, ask another
bleeding cannot be controlled, the provider may staff member to call EMS; until they arrive, stay
request that you activate EMS. The patient’s nos- with the patient and take measures to prevent
tril may need to be cauterized or a gauze packing shock. Monitor vital signs.
inserted (see Chapter 18).
Adult—head tilt, chin lift Adult—2 breaths Child—2 breaths Adult—30 compressions center of chest
Child—head tilt, chin lift Infant—2 breaths between the nipples. Use 2 hands; heel of
one hand on chest and other hand on top.
Infant—head tilt, chin lift
Push hard and fast 11⁄2–2 inches
Child—30 compressions center of chest
between the nipples. Hands same as adult
or heel only of one hand. Push hard and
fast 1⁄3 to ½ of the depth of the child’s chest.
Infant—30 compressions just below the
nipples. Use 2 fingers. Push hard and fast
½–1 inch.
Adult—5 abdominal thrusts Adult Adult and child—one shock delivered fol-
Child—5 abdominal thrusts Child—8 years or older lowed by 2 minutes of CPR starting with com-
continuous pressions.
Infant—5 back blows, 5 chest Infant—under 8 years Infant—same as adult. Use pediatric pads
thrusts continuous on AED.
CHAPTER 9 Emergency Procedures and First Aid 159
• American Red Cross ( able due to the disaster)? Some examples are assist-
• National Safety Council ( ing your neighbors at local shelters, using your first
aid and CPR skills, helping out at a clinic, giving
• National Institutes of Health ( injections for mass immunizations, supporting over- whelmed providers, working with the American Red
Cross, giving emotional support, and filling in at a
SAFETY AND EMERGENCY In addition to mass disasters, medical assis-
PRACTICES tants should be prepared to respond to emer-
gency situations in the medical office or a home
The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health environment. For instance, if a patient goes into
Programs (CAAHEP) believes allied health students shock, or if an elderly family member has a fall,
should understand how to respond in an emergency or if the medical office needs to be evacuated
situation, as health care professionals and citizens. for a fire, are examples of these emergency
Medical assistant programs accredited by CAAHEP situations.
have within their Standards and Guidelines a new Medical assisting curriculum may include
section requirement for safety and emergency prac- courses to be certain medical assisting gradu-
tices. Provider-level CPR and basic first aid are part ates are prepared to help during an emergency
of these requirements for graduation. situation.
Health professionals recognize an obliga- In 2002, President Bush asked for teams of
tion to use their skills and knowledge in a disaster volunteers of medical and health professionals to
environment. contribute their skills during times of need in their
There are many kinds of mass disasters, natu- communities. The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)
ral and manmade. Some examples are floods, hur- was established (http://www.medicalreservecorps.
ricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, and earthquakes. gov), and the teams of volunteers within the MRC
Others are explosions, structural collapses (I-35W work with Health and Human Services of the U.S.
bridge collapse in Minneapolis in 2007), trans- government and the American Red Cross. The
portation accidents, and war or terrorism (see MRC is community based. Its goal is to organize and
Chapter 10). use volunteers who want to donate their time and
What would a large-scale disaster be like and expertise to respond to emergencies and to pro-
how could we respond? Disaster threatens pub- mote healthy living throughout the year. The MRC
lic health and safety; disrupts services (gas, water, supplements existing emergency and public health
electricity, transportation); destroys roads, bridges, resources. Volunteers include providers, nurses,
homes, and other buildings; and makes food and respiratory care therapists, massage therapists, phar-
water unsafe or impossible to obtain. Law enforce- macists, dentists, and a whole array of allied health
ment, fire departments, hospitals, and military all professionals such as medical assistants.
could be affected. There is a need for collaboration The MRC volunteer units are assigned to
between disaster experts and health professionals to specific areas. They work with and support the
plan for emergencies. country and state public health departments. The
What can medical assistants do to help? How main office is in the Surgeon General’s office in
could you use your skills without technology (unavail- Washington, DC.
160 UNIT 3 Responsible Medical Practice
Procedure 9-1
Control of Bleeding
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 6. If bleeding continues, elevate arm above heart
level (Figure 9-13B). RATIONALE: Raising the
arm above the heart level will slow the flow of
blood because it is flowing against gravity.
PURPOSE: 7. If bleeding continues, press adjacent artery
To control bleeding from an open wound. against bone (Figure 9-13C). Notify the pro-
vider if bleeding cannot be controlled. RATIO-
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: NALE: Pressing the adjacent artery against a
Sterile dressings bone provides solid pressure to help control
Sterile gloves bleeding.
Mask and eye protection 8. Apply pressure bandage over the dressing.
Biohazard waste container 9. Dispose of waste in biohazard container.
10. Remove gloves and dispose in biohazard con-
1. Wash hands.
11. Wash hands.
2. Assemble equipment and supplies.
12. Document procedure in patient’s chart or elec-
3. Apply eye and mask protection and gown if splash- tronic medical record.
ing is likely to occur.
CAUTION: If wound is large and bleeding is not con-
4. Put on gloves. trolled, the patient may go into hemorrhagic shock.
5. Apply dressing and press firmly (Figure 9-13A). Be prepared to call EMS immediately.
Figure 9-13 (A) Apply dressing and press firmly. (B) Elevate arm above heart level.
CHAPTER 9 Emergency Procedures and First Aid 161
4/4/20XX—10:00 AM Patient sustained small (1 cm)
laceration on inside left forearm. Bleeding moderately. Pres-
sure dressing applied to wound, left arm elevated above heart
level. Bleeding continued. Pressure applied to brachial artery.
Pressure bandage applied over dry sterile dressing. Bleeding
seems to have subsided. BP 118/74, P 92. Seen by Dr. King.
W. Slawson, CMA (AAMA) _________________________
Procedure 9-2
Applying an Arm Splint
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: (wrist) with gauze pads or other soft material.
RATIONALE: More comfortable for patient.
4. After splinting, check circulation (note color
and temperature of skin, note color of nails,
PURPOSE: check pulse) to ascertain that the splint is not
To immobilize the area above and below the injured too tightly applied. RATIONALE: Checks for
part of the arm in order to reduce pain, immobilize, impaired circulation.
and prevent further injury.
5. A sling will be applied to keep the arm elevated,
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: which increases comfort and reduces swelling.
Thin piece of rigid board; cardboard can be used if 6. Wash hands.
necessary 7. Document the procedure in patient’s chart or
Gauze roller bandage electronic medical record.
1. Wash hands. DOCUMENTATION
4/4/20XX—2:00 PM Splint applied to right arm above and
2. Place the padded splint under the injured area.
below injured area. Sling applied for comfort. Nail beds pink,
3. Hold the splint in place with gauze roller hand warm, radial pulse easily palpated. Seen by Dr. Woo.
bandage. Pad gaps between arm and board J. Guerro, CMA (AAMA) ___________________________
162 UNIT 3 Responsible Medical Practice
Although many of the emergencies covered in this chapter may never be seen by the medical assistant in the
ambulatory care setting, it is nonetheless important to develop a broad base of information about the vari-
ous types of potential emergency situations. This knowledge gives the medical assistant the confidence and
the preparation to manage the emergencies that do occur with speed, accuracy, and understanding until
outside emergency help arrives. Staff will need to assess their response to emergencies on a continual basis.
Was protocol followed? Were there difficulties in the delivery of care? Were staff and equipment prepared
and ready to deal with these potentially life-threatening situations? Staff meetings should be held to discuss
these and other questions that may have arisen and to allow staff the opportunity to talk about any fears or
concerns they might have. It must be stressed that this chapter is at best an introduction to the topic of emer-
gency procedures and first aid; it is essential medical assistants in all ambulatory care settings, whether large
or small, enroll in an American Red Cross, American Heart Association, American Safety and Health Insti-
tute, or National Heart Association first-aid and CPR program, attain provider-level CPR, and take refresher
courses to update skills.
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet and complete the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on the textbook CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
Multiple Choice c. depressed fracture
d. comminuted fracture
1. Good Samaritan laws: 4. To control a nosebleed, it is important to:
a. are designed to protect the public a. have the patient lie down
b. protect non–health care professionals b. tilt the patient’s head back
c. require that all individuals providing assistance act c. tilt the patient’s head forward
within the scope of their knowledge and training d. call 911 immediately
d. protect health care professionals on the job 5. Another name for a heart attack is:
2. First-degree burns: a. cerebral vascular accident
a. are the most serious and penetrate all layers b. cardiac arrest
of skin c. angina pectoris
b. affect only the top layer of skin d. myocardial infarction
c. often leave scar tissue
d. usually take more than a month to heal
3. A fracture in which the bone protrudes through
the skin is called:
a. greenstick fracture
b. compound fracture
164 UNIT 3 Responsible Medical Practice
Chapter 10
Infection Control and Medical Asepsis
Chapter 11
The Patient History and Documentation
Chapter 12
Vital Signs and Measurements
Chapter 13
The Physical Examination
Infection Control
and Medical Asepsis 10
Acquired Immunodefi- Impact of Infectious Diseases Human Immunodeficiency Virus
ciency Syndrome The Process of Infection and Hepatitis B and C
Growth Requirements for
Acyclovir Microorganisms Acute Viral Hepatitis Diseases
Airborne Transmission Chain of Infection Reporting Infectious Disease
Amoebic Dysentery Infectious Agents Standard Precautions
Antibodies Reservoir Transmission-Based
Asepsis Portal of Exit Precautions
Barrier Means of Transmission Blood and Body Fluids
Bloodborne Pathogen Portal of Entry Personal Protective Equipment
Susceptible Host Needlestick
The Body’s Defense Mechanisms Disposal of Infectious Waste
for Fighting Infection and Federal Organizations and
Cell-Mediated Immunity Disease Infection Control
Communicable The Body’s Natural Barriers OSHA Regulations
Contact Transmission Inflammatory Response The Bloodborne Pathogen
Contracting The Immune System and Standard
Coryza Immunity OSHA Regulations and Students
Cough Etiquette Stages of Infectious Diseases Avoiding Exposure to
Debris Incubation Stage Bloodborne Pathogens
Prodromal Stage Principles of Infection Control
Declination Form
Acute Stage Medical Asepsis
Droplet Transmission
Declining Stage Hand Washing
Epidemic Convalescent Stage Sanitization
Epidemiology Disease Transmission Disinfection
Excoriated Bioterrorism
Gross Contamination The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and
demonstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this
Human Immunodeficiency
Virus (HIV) chapter through written and oral communication.
Humoral Immunity 1. Define the key terms as presented in the glossary.
Immune System 2. Define and state the critical importance of infection control in
Immunoglobulins the ambulatory care setting.
Immunomodulator 3. Outline the six links in the chain of infection.
Immunosuppressed 4. Define the five classifications of infectious microorganisms.
5. Recall and elaborate on the four phases the immune system uses (continued)
to defend against infectious disease.
Infection Control
6. State the four stages of infectious diseases. Infectious Agent
7. Recall at least five infectious diseases, their agents of transmission, Inflammatory
and their symptoms. Response
8. Compare the routes of transmission of AIDS and hepatitis B and Inoculation
C and discuss the risk for infection from needlestick. Isolation
9. Describe the purpose of Standard Precautions and give six Isolation Categories
examples of ways health care providers should practice Standard Jet Injection
10. Differentiate among the three types of Transmission-Based Lymphadenopathy
Precautions, defining what they are and how they are applied.
11. List eight types of body fluids and give an example of each.
12. Describe personal protective equipment. Malaria
13. Recognize five situations in which exposure to a patient’s blood Medical Asepsis
can occur, and discuss why Standard Precautions are important.
14. Describe proper disposal of infectious waste. Morbidity
15. List human fluids that may contain HIV, HBV, and HCV. Mortality
16. Define medical asepsis. Normal Flora
17. Define bioterrorism and describe five agents that could be used Nosocomial
in a bioterrorism attack. Opportunistic
Regulated Waste
Scoop Technique
Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome (SARS)
Spill Kit
Standard Precautions
Ultrasonic Cleaner
Universal Precautions
At Inner City Health Care, a multiprovider urgent diseases, according to the National Coalition for Adult
care center, medical assistant Bruce Goldman, CMA Immunization and the CDC, can lead to hospitalization
(AAMA), assumes responsibility for all infection control or death.
measures taken in the ambulatory care setting. In Joe learned that as many as 200,000 adults
addition to his daily responsibilities related to medical die yearly of flu-related illnesses; pneumonia causes
and surgical asepsis, Bruce also makes it a point to 40,000 deaths per year; adults are 25 times more
stay current with infection control principles. Recently, likely to die of chickenpox, and most adults with hepa-
Bruce attended a workshop about infection control. titis B and C do not know that they are infected. These
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other adult vaccines are available to prevent the
discussed that adults, just like children, need immuni- flu, pneumonia, hepatitis A and B, measles, mumps,
zations to stay well. The immunizations help prevent and rubella, tetanus, diphtheria, chickenpox, pertussis,
diseases that affect millions of adults per year. The herpes zoster, and human papillomavirus.
Infectious diseases have plagued humans since the begin- single leading cause of death in the history of human-
ning of time. Recent scientific advances have changed kind, yet was drastically reduced with the discovery of
our thoughts and behaviors regarding infectious disease. antituberculosis drugs. Today, however, the tuberculosis
Advances such as antibiotic therapy and vaccination organism may be found that has adapted to the drugs,
have significantly reduced risks for mortality from some thereby becoming resistant to our only line of defense.
previously fatal or debilitating infectious diseases. Infec- Medical assistants must pay close attention to the preven-
tious diseases that once were highly feared because of their tion of infectious diseases.
likelihood of causing premature death are now prevent- This chapter addresses the principles of the process
able or treatable, causing us to forget the virulence and of infection and control measures for use in ambulatory
destructive potential of epidemics of infectious disease. The care settings. Because medical assistants deal directly
presence of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) with patients and other health care professionals, strin-
as an incurable and fatal infectious disease (although gent adherence to the principles can greatly reduce trans-
people are living with HIV and AIDS for many years), mission, or spread, of infectious disease. Continuous
as well as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), reliance on infection control measures ensures a clini-
West Nile virus, avian flu, hepatitis C virus (HCV), cal environment that is as safe as possible for employees,
and others, have caused the world to realize the enduring patients, and families. When infection control principles
impact of pathogens on the human race. are not followed, infectious diseases may be transmitted
Although these medical advances have reduced the to self, coworkers, or patients. The goals of infection con-
incidence of mortality and morbidity from infectious dis- trol are to limit the presence of infectious agents, to create
eases, humans must never underestimate the potential of barriers against transmission, and to decrease the risk to
resurgent infectious diseases. Tuberculosis has been the others for contracting infectious diseases. These goals can
172 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
nutrients, thus retarding the potential of patho- diseases will be prevented when any of the levels in
genic growth in that specific body area. A funda- the chain are broken or interrupted (Figure 10-1).
mental concept in the study of infectious disease is The steps are:
that similar steps or phases occur in all infectious
diseases; however, each specific microorganism 1. Infectious agent
causes unique characteristics and alterations in the 2. Reservoir
process of infection. Medical assistants must apply 3. Portal of exit
the theoretical process of infectious disease growth
4. Means of transmission
and transmission to relate to specific pathogens.
The goal is to reduce transmission and incidence 5. Portal of entry
of infectious diseases in patients, employees, and 6. Susceptible host
Infectious Agents
Growth Requirements
Infectious agents are microorganisms that can be
for Microorganisms grouped into five classifications: viruses, bacteria,
For microorganisms to survive and thrive, a suit- fungi, parasites, and rickettsia. For an infection to
able environment must be available to them. occur, an infectious agent or microorganism must
Following is a list of growth requirements for be present. When infectious diseases are identified
microorganisms: according to the specific disease-causing microor-
ganism, the disease may be prevented with the use
• Oxygen: An aerobic microorganism needs oxygen of antiinfective drugs or infection control practices.
to live; most pathogenic microorganisms need Each of the five classifications of infectious micro-
oxygen to survive: for example, streptococcus as in a organisms will be explored.
“strep” throat
• Lack of or no oxygen: An anaerobic microorganism Viruses. Viruses are pathogens that require a liv-
needs little or no oxygen to live; two examples are ing cell for reproduction and activity. These micro-
tetanus and gas gangrene organisms are considered intracellular parasites,
• Moisture: Microorganisms grow well in a moist because they must live inside cells to multiply.
environment; the body provides moisture They do so by altering particles of genetic mate-
rial, such as DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) or RNA
• Nutrition: The body supplies plenty of nutrients
(ribonucleic acid). Because viruses live inside
• Temperature: The body’s temperature of approxi- cells, they are protected against agents such as
mately 98.6°F is an optimum temperature for chemical disinfectants and antibiotics. To survive,
growth of microorganisms viruses have a notable characteristic of being able
• Darkness: The body’s cavities and organs provide to change specific characteristics over time. For
darkness instance, viruses can adapt to their environment
• Neutral or slightly alkaline pH: The body’s fluids are so they remain resistant to efforts to limit their
neutral when in a healthy state growth. Viral infections have only a few pharma-
cologic treatment agents, and usually these agents
Through the understanding of the optimum are palliative because they only relieve symptoms
growth requirements for microorganisms to grow of the disease instead of curing the infection.
and multiply, elimination of any or all of the fac- Some viral infections can be prevented by vacci-
tors helps keep microorganisms from growing and nation (Table 10-1). Figures 10-2A and B show
causing infection. the CDC’s recommended adult immunization
Healthy life-style
Susceptible Reservoir
Host 6. 2. or Source
Skin integrity
Covered wound Proper hygiene
Sterile technique
Hand washing Clean supplies
Proper disposal Clean equipment
of needles or sharps
Clean linen
Non-intact skin
Mucous membranes Portal of Exit Secretions
Portal of Entry 5. 3. Excretions
Systems: Reproductive from Reservoir
to Host Respiratory droplets
Digestive or Source
Respiratory Blood/body fluids
Wearing gloves, masks,
gowns, goggles
Sterile dressing over wounds
Medical or surgical
asepsis Isolation technique
Proper disposal of 4. Covering mouth and nose
contaminated objects when coughing or sneezing
Means of
Hand washing
Figure 10-1 Health care worker’s interventions used to break the chain of infection transmission.
considered spores, which are bacteria with a cov- brane areas of the body. These are known as normal
ering that protects them from many chemical flora. Nonpathogenic bacteria use nutrients and
disinfectants and higher levels of heat. The three occupy space, competing with the pathogenic bac-
classifications of bacteria are cocci (sphere or dot teria. When nonpathogenic bacteria are reduced,
shaped), bacilli (rod shaped), and spirilla (spiral the opportunity exists for pathogenic organisms to
shaped). Bacteria are either pathogenic or non- take over and cause infectious disease. A common
pathogenic. Nonpathogenic bacteria normally cause of the reduction of nonpathogenic microor-
reside on the skin of humans and in mucous mem- ganisms is the use of antibiotic drugs. Examples of
CHAPTER 10 Infection Control and Medical Asepsis 175
Herpes groups
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV-1) (Figure 10-3) Cold sores/keratitis No
Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV-2) (Figure 10-3) Genital herpes No
Herpes zoster Shingles (neurons) Yes*
*The Advisory Council on Immunization Practice (ACIP) recommended to the CDC that adults over age 60 years receive the Zestavar vaccine. The
CDC has given provisional approval.
some bacterial pathogens are listed in Table 10-2 Rickettsiae. Rickettsiae are intracellular para-
and shown in Figure 10-4. sitic, small nonmotive bacteria. They are larger
than viruses and can be seen under conven-
Fungi. Fungi are microorganisms that may be uni- tional microscopes after staining procedures.
cellular (single-cell) or multicellular (many cells). These microorganisms are susceptible to antibi-
Mushrooms and molds are examples of fungi otic therapy. Examples of rickettsial infections
that are nonpathogenic. Pathogenic fungi cause include typhus (transmitted by the body louse);
athlete’s foot, ringworm, and candida infections Lyme disease (transmitted by ticks); and Rocky
(Figure 10-5). Other pathogenic fungi include his- Mountain spotted fever (transmitted by ticks).
toplasmosis and toxoplasmosis, which are fungal Characteristic of rickettsia infections is a skin
infections spread through the air from infected rash caused by the rickettsia invading the small
fowl and bird waste. blood vessels. This appears on the skin as a small
hemorrhagic rash.
Parasites. Organisms that live in or on another
organism are classified as parasites. They may be
single-celled or multicelled. Examples include pro-
tozoa (single-cell microscopic organisms that cause The second link in the chain of infection is the
malaria, amoebic dysentery, and trichomoniasis reservoir or location of the infectious agent. Reser-
[Figure 10-6]); metazoa (multicellular organisms voirs are people, equipment, supplies, water, food,
that cause pinworms, hookworms, and tapeworms); and animals or insects (known as vectors). Methods
and ectoparasites (multicellular organisms that of infection control in the reservoir link include
live superficially on another host, such as lice and hand washing, environmental hygiene, disinfec-
scabies). tion, sterilization, and maintenance of employee
Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule
Note: These recommendations must be read with the footnotes containing number
of doses, intervals between doses, and other important information.
Figure 1. Recommended adult immunization schedule, by vaccine and age group
AGE GROUP 19–26 years 27–49 years 50–59 years 60–64 years >65 years
Varicella* 2 doses
Zoster 1 dose
Hepatitis A* 2 doses
Hepatitis B* 3 doses
Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)* Contraindicated 1 or 2 doses
1 dose TIV
Influenza * 1 dose TIV annually or LAIV
Hepatitis B* 3 doses
These schedules indicate the recommended age groups and medical indications for which administration of currently
licensed vaccines is commonly indicated for adults ages 19 years and older, as of January 1, 2009. Licensed combination Department of Health and Human Services
vaccines may be used whenever any components of the combination are indicated and when the vaccine’s other components Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
are not contraindicated. For detailed recommendations on all vaccines, including those used primarily for travelers or that
are issued during the year, consult the manufacturers’ package inserts and the complete statements from the Advisory
Committee on Immunization Practices (
Figure 10-2B Recommended adult immunization schedule, by vaccine and medical and other indications. (Courtesy of the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention.)
178 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
Portal of Exit
Although the infectious agent is housed or living
in the reservoir, it must leave the reservoir to infect
another person. The portal of exit is the method
by which an infectious agent leaves the reservoir.
Microorganisms may leave the human body with
D E F normally occurring body fluids, such as excretions,
secretions, skin cells, respiratory droplets, blood, or
Figure 10-3 Electron micrographs of various types of any body fluid. The portal of exit may be continu-
herpes simplex virus. (Courtesy of the Centers for Dis- ous, such as with respiratory droplets, or dependent
ease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA) on the body fluid exiting the body under unusual
circumstances, such as when blood leaves the body
during a surgical procedure or phlebotomy.
Figure 10-4 Bacterial forms: (A) Escherichia coli, (B) Haemophilus pertussis, (C) Vibria cholerae.
(Courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA.)
Figure 10-5 Ringworm of the foot (tinea pedis). Figure 10-6 Intestinal protozoa, Entamoeba coli.
(Courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- (Courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
vention, Atlanta, GA.) vention, Atlanta, GA.)
180 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
such as clinics and ambulatory settings. These tion can occur regardless of whether it is caused
patients are at risk for being infected with the same by an agent that is pathogenic, a trauma, a foreign
pathogens as hospital patients. body, or extremes in temperature. If a pathogen is
A number of different pathogens are pres- present, the body goes through a distinct process
ent in the hospital and other health care settings, in an attempt to destroy and eliminate the patho-
and as new patients arrive, new pathogens are genic microorganisms and their by-products and,
introduced to the facility. The overuse of antibi- if that is not possible, to restrict the amount of
otics contributes to microorganisms becoming damage done.
resistant to them. Some health care staff become The cardinal signs of inflammation are red-
carriers of these microorganisms. Table 10-3 ness, heat, swelling, and pain. These symptoms
provides information about methicillin-resistant may be slight, almost unnoticed, or quite evident.
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Remember, inflammation is a natural response and
Patients have compromised immune sys- does not necessarily indicate infection. The two
tems for many reasons. Surgery opens the body to should not be confused. Inflammation can occur
microorganisms, and radiation treatments, certain without infection, but infection does not occur
medications, catheters, and intravenous tubing all without inflammation.
contribute to the means for infection to enter the The steps in the inflammatory process are:
body of a susceptible patient.
Nosocomial infections can occur from the • Local dilation of blood vessels increases blood
hands of health care staff, equipment, and instru- flow to injured (infected) area causing redness
ments. Hand washing and other methods of or heat.
infection control and identification of vulnerable • Plasma moves into the tissue causing swelling and
patients can help control nosocomial infections. pain due to pressure on nerve endings.
• White blood cells move into injured tissue to
THE BODY’S DEFENSE fight infection and phagocytes destroy invading
Disease Agent Transmission Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Comments Patient Education
Human • Bloodborne Opportunis- CD4 T-cell level Palliative care World Health Organiza- 1. Careful infection con-
immunode- • Sexual tic infections, less than 200/ and treatment tion (WHO) estimates trol and asepsis to
Flu virus A • Infected birds Flu-like Swab of nose H5NI is resistant Virus does not usually Very rare disease in
found in spread virus cough, sore and/or throat to to two antiviral affect humans, but con- humans. Does not infect
birds to susceptible throat, fever, check for avian medications firmed human infections humans easily. Does not
birds through muscle flu using a now used for have been reported since spread easily from person
bird saliva, aches, pneu- molecular test; the flu; perhaps 1997 and of those who to person.
nasal secre- monia, severe lab may attempt two other antivi- have become infected, 1. Seasonal flu vaccina-
tions, and respiratory to grow the virus; ral medications according to the CDC, tion does not protect
feces. diseases, life- these two labora- could help treat more than 50% have against avian flu.
• Direct human threatening tory tests are best H5NI but more died; influenza viruses 2. Wash hands before
contact with and severe performed within study is needed; have ability to change and after handling raw
infected birds symptoms the first few days symptomatic their form and there is poultry and eggs.
(domesti- of illness. treatment concern that H5NI could 3. Clean cutting board
cated chick- infect humans and and utensils with soap
ens, ducks, spread from person to and water to keep raw
**Avian turkeys) or sur- person; because the poultry from contami-
influenza faces viruses do not usually nating other foods.
H5NI (bird contaminated infect humans, there is lit- 4. Cook poultry to internal
flu) with secre- tle or no immune protec- temperature of 165
tions/excre- tion in humans; scientists degrees; egg yolks and
tions of are concerned about a whites should be firm.
infected birds worldwide outbreak and 5. Practice cough
has resulted in are closely watching and etiquette.
humans con- preparing for that possi-
tracting H5NI. bility; the WHO and vac-
• Virus does not cine manufacturers are
usually infect moving toward creating a
humans but global stockpile of H5NI
can occur. avian flu vaccine; there is
a ban on imported poul-
try from countries
affected by avian flu
viruses including H5NI.
Bacteria or • Ingestion of Nausea, Culture of feces, Fluid balance Report outbreaks to 1. Teach proper food
viruses (i.e., contami- stomach vomitus, or sus- restoration, local authorities; espe- handling.
staphylo- nated food or pain, vomit- pected food or medications, cially dangerous in chil- 2. Carefully wash hands
cocci, clos- water ing, bloody water emergency dren and older adults; before handling all food.
Foodborne tridium, diarrhea, treatment as undercooked meat, 3. Report to provider all
illnesses botulinum, dehydration, required vegetables and fruits signs of dehydration.
E. coli, respiratory washed in dirty water 4. Gastroenteritis usually
shigella) failure, death can carry E.coli. communicable via
feces for up to 7 weeks
after exposure.
Streptococ- • Direct Vesicles Culture of Antibiotics Good hygiene is neces- 1. Good hygiene neces-
cus contact become pus- discharge po or IV if sary to help prevent sary to help prevent
with moist tular, rupture, severe; local transmission; gloves transmission.
discharges and form antibiotic should be worn when 2. Can be fatal to new-
of the lesions crusts; ointment cleaning lesions; expose borns if not treated
pruritus lesions to air to help dry; promptly.
can be fatal if not 3. Wear gloves when
treated properly. touching lesions.
Influenza • Inhalation Acute Tissue culture of Palliative ther- Report cases to local 1. Bed rest for 2–3 days
viruses A, B, • Aerosolized upper/lower nasal or pharyn- apy, active health authority; may be after fever declines.
or C, Hae- • Mucous drop- respiratory geal secretions immunization fatal in older adults and 2. Force fluids.
mophilus lets infection, (annual vac- children; may cause 3. Report signs of second-
(bacteria) severe cine recom- meningitis; may easily ary infections (pneu-
Influenza cough, fever, mended for become epidemic; 80% monia, otitis media).
malaise, persons at risk of elderly who contract 4. Vaccine available.
sore throat, [older adults, the flu die. 5. Practice cough
coryza heart patients] etiquette.
for complica-
Bacteria • Transmitted Rash, flu-like Presence of Antibiotics, The tick is so small and 1. Use insect repellant.
(Borrelia by the bite of symptoms, symptoms; labo- po or IV bite so mild, patients 2. Remove tick promptly
burgdorferi) infected tick headache, ratory tests may may not realized they (save for laboratory
fatigue, joint be inconclusive, were bitten for a few testing if possible).
pain taking 6 weeks or days to weeks later; bac- 3. Wear pants tucked into
Lyme more for antibod- teria spread to other socks when in wooded
disease ies to appear in sites, causing symptoms areas or where ticks are
the blood; eryth- to heart, joints, and ner- present.
rocyte sedimen- vous system; arthritis 4. Complete recovery usu-
tation rate; total develops and may ally occurs if treated
serum; Ig M level; become chronic. with antibiotics.
aspartate amino- 5. Disease has exacerba-
transferase level tions and remissions.
Table 10-3 Examples of Infectious Diseases (continued)
Bacteria • Direct skin-to- Pus-filled Culture and sensi- Good wound In the past MRSA was pri- 1. Regular hand washing
(Staphylo- skin contact boils, pimples, tivity of discharge and skin care; marily seen in hospital- helps prevent acquiring
coccus (e.g., shaking and rashes; from infected site; keep area ized patients; now, MRSA and spreading Staph,
aureus— hands, wres- same symp- blood and other clean and dry; is seen in healthy including MRSA.
“Staph”) tling, other toms as other body fluids can wear gloves younger people; these 2. Keep open sores and
commonly direct skin “Staph” be tested by and wash infections commonly are breaks in the skin cov-
found on contact) infections culture and hands after not acquired in a hospi- ered until healed.
skin and in • Shared towels sensitivity caring for site; tal but rather in the com- 3. Avoid contact with other
nose of or shared antibiotics, but munity; children in day person’s wounds or
healthy athletic MRSA is resis- care, athletes, prisoners, dressings.
persons equipment tant to many IV drug users, men who 4. Avoid sharing towels,
• Bacteria gain common have sex with men are at toothbrushes, wash-
entrance to antibiotics higher risk; can cause cloths, razors.
(MRSA skin
the body surgical wound infec- 5. Keep skin healthy to
through any tions, septicemia, help avoid Staph on skin
break in the pneumonia; use surface from causing an
skin Standard Precautions. infection in nonintact
skin and tissues.
6. Take all doses of antibi-
otic prescribed and do
not share them with
another person.
Bordetella • Direct con- Primarily Presence of DPT vaccine High rate of morbidity 1. Highly contagious
pertussis tact with dis- seen in the whooping type prevents and mortality in many 2. Adolescents and adults
(bacteria) charge from pediatric cough; nasal disease; countries; incidence in become susceptible
respiratory population; pharyngeal antibiotics U.S. has increased when immunity wanes.
mucous severe culture PCR may be given steadily since the 1980s. 3. Practice cough
membrane coughing, (polymer chain for secondary In U.S. epidemics occur hygiene****.
whooping, reaction) in infection of every 3–5 years; Increase
and vomit- patient younger pneumonia seen in adolescents and
ing; apnea, than 11 years; adults.
pneumonia, serology in
seizures patient older
than 11 years
****Bac- • Cough, Cough with Chest X-ray, Antibiotics if Elderly, immunosup- 1. Get vaccine.
teria sneeze, sputum, blood culture, bacterial; pressed, and patients 2. Practice proper respira-
****Viruses droplets in air chills, fever, sputum culture, treatment of with chronic illness are tory hygiene (cover
Fungi chest pain, CBC symptoms if more susceptible; vac- nose and mouth when
Protozoa dyspnea, viral; oxygen cine available; practice coughing or sneezing).
Rickettsia fatigue therapy, bed cough hygiene. 3. Use tissues to contain
Aspirations rest secretions and expecto-
of chemi- rations; dispose of used
cals and tissues in nearest waste
dust receptacle.
4. If no tissues available,
cover nose and mouth
with bend of the elbow.
5. Practice proper hand
Virus • Spread by Rash, fever Rubella titer; None other Rubella vaccine can pre- 1. The following individu-
Table 10-3 Examples of Infectious Diseases (continued)
Disease Agent Transmission Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Comments Patient Education
Virus • Close person- High fever, SARS serum anti- None; support- Potentially serious illness; 1. Travel to a previously
Staphylo- • Associated Sudden Presence of IV fluids and CDS says TSS could be 1. A woman who has had
coccus with use of onset of fever, symptoms, vagi- antibiotics; stopped if use of vaginal TSS is at risk for recur-
aureus tampons and chills, vomit- nal culture, CBC, management tampons ceases; men- rence and should not
Streptococ- intravaginal ing, muscle blood culture of respiratory struating women, women use tampons at all.
cus contraceptive aches, and disease, renal using barrier contracep- 2. Women should wash
Toxic shock
devices rash; pro- impairment, tives, and persons with hands carefully before
• Can occur gresses rap- gastrointestinal postoperative Staphylo- inserting a tampon.
post opera- idly to problems coccus infections are 3. Tampon should be
tionally with hypotension at risk changed every 6–8
staphylococ- and multisys- hours.
cal wound tem break-
infections down, shock,
and death
Mycobac- • Inhalation of Productive Sputum culture Antituberculosis Increase in incidence of 1. Encourage hand wash-
terium contami- cough, for M. tuberculo- agents, air- TB, especially among ing, proper sputum tis-
tuberculosis nated fatigue, fever, sis, Mantoux skin borne transmis- persons with AIDS and sue disposal.
bacillus airborne weight loss test (PPD), chest sion-based the homeless; may 2. Promote compliance
*Tuberculo- mucous (behaviorial X-ray, pleural precautions become drug resistant; with medications.
sis (TB) droplets changes, needle biopsy until drug health care professionals 3. Encourage close con-
• Possibly anorexia, agents started should have annual skin tacts to have skin tests.
ingestion weight loss), testing; report outbreaks. 4. Encourage a well-
night sweats balanced diet.
5. Practice cough
Bacteria • Direct contact VRE can Culture and sen- Antibiotics Spread directly by con- 1. Wash hands thoroughly
(entero- with blood, cause infec- sitivity of stool, other than tact with feces, urine, or after using toilet and
cocci) nor- urine, feces tions seen as: urine, and/or vancomycin blood; spread indirectly before touching food.
mally found • Indirect con- septicemia, blood from hands of health 2. Wear gloves if handling
in intestines tact with con- pelvic, neo- care workers or on con- body fluids containing
and female taminated natal, and taminated surfaces; VRE.
cus (VRE)
genital tract surfaces and urinary disor- Standard Precautions
from health ders, otitis used when caring for
care worker’s media patients.
Varicella- • Direct and Sudden- Vesicular fluid Acyclovir Vaccine (varicella virus 1. Communicable
zoster virus indirect con- onset fever, tissue culture helpful to vaccine live) available in 1–2 days before rash
tact with respi- malaise, during first 3 days reduce severity United States for children until lesions crust.
ratory droplets maculo- after eruption; of disease; zos- older than 12 months. 2. Avoid scratching
papular- serology: ter immunoglob- lesions to prevent
Varicella vesicular increased anti- ulin (ZIG) for secondary infection
(chicken- skin rash bodies 2 weeks high-risk persons and scarring.
pox) after rash; lesion only within 96 3. Benadryl and calamine
appearance hours of lotion can be used for
characteristic of exposure; pallia- itch.
varicella tive therapy 4. Acetaminophen can be
used for fever.
5. Practice cough
Virus • Infected Central ner- West Nile virus, None— Potentially serious illness; 1. Use insect repellent
mosquito vous system; IgM capture, supportive may have permanent with DEET.
fever, head- PRNT (plague only; if neurologic effects. 2. Wear long sleeves and
ache, coma, reduction neu- hospitalized pants when outside,
* Resurgent Diseases: Case rates of recent years have reversed and are now increasing.
** Emerging Diseases: Have become recognized in recent years.
*** Although meningitis can be bacterial or viral, the information in this table applies to bacterial meningitis because it is the more severe of the two.
**** Bacteria and viruses are the two main causes of pneumonia. Of the two, bacterial is more serious.
188 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
cell-mediated immunity and humoral immunity. body, the immune system recognizes the antigen
Cell-mediated immunity is usually involved in as foreign and attempts to contain and subdue
attacks against viruses, fungi, organ transplants, the foreign invader. Specific chemical antibod-
or cancer cells. This type of immunity does not ies to the antigen are produced by B cells, which
produce antibodies. Humoral immunity pro- attempt to prevent the antigen from further
duces antibodies that are capable of killing micro- growth. After the completion of the stages of that
organisms and of recognizing the pathogen infectious disease, the body retains the ability to
in the future. Generally, both types of immune produce antibodies in response to that specific
responses occur in four phases: microorganism or antigen. Therefore, immu-
nity can last for some length of time, possibly to
1. Recognition of the invader. The immune system is
provide lifetime protection against specific infec-
equipped with cells that identify agents, pathogens,
tious microorganisms. Several forms of immunity
and abnormal cell growth as foreign substances.
can occur in response to specific antigens:
Macrophages and helper T cells recognize foreign
invaders, whether they are pathogens, cancer cells, • Naturally acquired active immunity results from
or transplanted tissues. contracting an infectious agent and experiencing
2. Growth of defenses, which allows for multiplication of helper either an acute or subclinical infectious disease.
T cells and B cells. After foreign substance recognition, This immunity is usually permanent.
the immune system alerts T and B cells to multiply • Artificially acquired active immunity is achieved
and move to the site of the foreign substance. In after administration of vaccines. This immunity is
cell-mediated immunity, activation of helper T cells semi-permanent to permanent.
means that the T cells are specifically oriented to a
• Naturally, congenitally acquired passive immunity
unique antigen, a substance such as bacteria the body
occurs when antibodies pass to a fetus from the
recognizes as foreign. Activated T cells divide, form-
mother providing short-term immunity for the
ing memory T cells and killer T cells. In humoral
newborn. This immunity is temporary.
immunity, activated B cells are antigen specific and
divide into memory B cells and plasma cells. • Artificially acquired passive immunity may be
achieved through administration of ready-made
3. Attack against the infection. Cell-mediated immunity
antibodies, such as gamma globulin, used to treat
uses killer T cells and macrophages to phagocytize,
or prevent infectious diseases. This immunity is
or engulf and destroy the pathogens. Humoral
plasma cells have the ability to produce specific
antibodies that lock on to specific antigens, which Our defenses against diseases can be catego-
prevents the disease-producing characteristics of rized as specific and nonspecific. Specific defenses
the pathogen from forming. These antibodies are include those things that protect us against a
called immunoglobulins and they render the patho- specific pathogen, whereas nonspecific defenses
gen unable to reproduce or continue growth. are not so particular. Some examples of specific
4. Slowdown of the immune response after death of the defenses are:
infectious agent. After the death of the foreign sub-
• Vaccines/immunizations: Designed for specific patho-
stance, the immune response is halted. T and B
cells return to normal levels, and in the case of
humoral immunity, the presence of antibody pro- • Antibodies: Created against a specific pathogen
duction causes the immune system to resist the • Tetanus shot: Protects individuals from tetanus
specific infectious pathogen in future contacts • Active immunities: Created against a specific pathogen
with the pathogen.
• Globulin: Antibodies for exposure to a specific
Susceptibility to some infectious diseases is pathogen
closely linked to the person’s unique resistance,
Some examples of nonspecific defenses are:
or immunity. Immunity is the ability of the body
to resist specific pathogens and their toxins. • Tears: Contain chemical harmful to a variety of
Resistance occurs after an exposure to a patho- pathogens
gen, which is the antigen–antibody reaction. This
• Skin: Creates a barrier against many different
natural body defense to fight infectious disease
occurs gradually and over time as pathogens and
other foreign substances such as antigens enter • Saliva: Contains chemicals harmful to a variety of
the human body. When the antigen enters the pathogens
CHAPTER 10 Infection Control and Medical Asepsis 189
• Species resistance: being human protects us from many production. Examples of toxin vaccines include
diseases to which other animals are susceptible tetanus and diphtheria.
3. Killed pathogens. Inactivated pathogens stimulate anti-
Immunization. Immunizing individuals against body production; however, several vaccines may be
specific infectious diseases provides immunity required to provide sustained protection. Examples
with active or passive vaccines. Most of the severe include pertussis, rabies, and poliomyelitis.
childhood communicable diseases can be pre-
vented. The U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services has estimated that about 80% of STAGES OF INFECTIOUS
U.S. preschoolers younger than 2 years are fully DISEASES
vaccinated according to recommended schedules.
Several factors influence vaccination compliance Depending on the specific pathogen causing an
rates, such as access to health care, cost of vaccina- infectious disease, several stages occur from the
tions, and irregularity or confusion in maintaining time of exposure until full recovery and the absence
young children on the recommended schedule. of infection. These stages are often predictable and
There are pockets within large cities of signifi- offer guidelines for patient education and treat-
cant numbers of under-immunized children. A ment opportunities.
substantial number of these children are minor-
ity children. An outbreak could cause an epidemic
of diseases that are preventable with vaccines (see
Incubation Stage
Chapter 15). The incubation stage is the interval of time between
There is a movement by parents and exposure to a pathogenic microorganism and the
caregivers that is resisting the mandated first appearance of signs and symptoms of the dis-
childhood immunizations even though all ease. Some infectious diseases have short incuba-
states have immunization requirements for school tion stages, whereas other infections have lengthy
admission. These groups want state laws changed stages, lasting for years. If an exposure to an infec-
and feel that they, as parents and caregivers, tious agent occurs, the patient will manifest (reveal
should be allowed to decide if they want their chil- in an obvious why) the disease if the patient’s
dren immunized. immune system cannot contain the agent. If thera-
Exemptions from mandated immuniza- peutic medications are available, it can help to pre-
tions are allowed in all states if there are medi- vent disease progression. Not all infectious agents
cal reasons. Some states will exempt children are treatable or preventable.
for religious reasons and some on philosophical
In general, children would more likely suffer
Prodromal Stage
greater complications associated with childhood The prodromal stage is the initial stage of the
diseases than from the immunizations given to pre- disease. It is characterized by common, general
vent them. Because most of the vaccinations are complaints of illness, such as malaise and fever. It
administered in ambulatory health care settings, is the interval between the earliest symptoms and
medical assistants may have the responsibility to the appearance of fever or rash that suggest an
administer, document, and monitor immuniza- impending disease process is occurring.
tions (see Chapter 15).
There are various classifications of vaccines,
depending on the method of immune stimulation:
Acute Stage
Disease processes reach their peak during the acute
1. Live attenuated (changed) pathogens. These patho- stage. Symptoms are fully developed and can often
gens stimulate the body’s own antibody produc- be differentiated from other specific symptoms.
tion. However, the patient does not contract the Treatment modalities are useful to reduce patient
infectious disease (or only a mild or subclinical discomfort, to reduce possibilities of debilitation
case) because the pathogen has been altered in and adverse effects, and to promote healing and
some mechanical or chemical means by the man- recovery.
ufacturer. Examples of live attenuated pathogens The inflammatory process is the body’s natu-
include measles and varicella. ral defensive reaction to the invasion by a foreign
2. Pathogenic toxins. Some pathogens produce toxins substance such as a pathogen, and it is in this acute
(poisonous substances) that can stimulate antibody state that the response is evident.
190 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
control. These measures become even more impor- count decreases to less than 200, they are con-
tant with the increase in drug-resistant pathogens. sidered to have AIDS. There is no curative treat-
All health care professionals must consistently and ment of HIV infections, but antiviral drugs such
diligently use every infection control measure avail- as lamivudine, azidothymidine, zidovudine, stavu-
able, as well as teach our patients to do the same. dine, and others are used to slow cell processes
and weaken cell protein, which is important in
the virus’s reproduction. Many people are living
HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY for many years with HIV and AIDS. Table 10-4
VIRUS AND HEPATITIS B AND C provides information about HIV and AIDS.
• Vaginal sex
• Oral sex
• Anal sex
HIV is spread by:
• Sharing needles to inject drugs, body piercing or tattooing
• Contaminated blood products (rare)
• Infected mother to newborn
• Shaking hands
• A social kiss
• Cups
• Animals
• Hugging
HIV cannot be spread by:
• Swimming pools
• Toilet seats
• Food
• Insects
• Coughing
• Always use latex condoms during oral, vaginal, and anal sex. Latex
condoms, when used consistently and correctly, are highly effective in
preventing the transmission of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
• Use a latex barrier (dental dam or condom cut in half) on a vagina or anus
for oral sex.
• Limit or avoid use of drugs and alcohol.
Prevention • Do not share drug needles, cotton, or cookers.
• Do not share needles for tattooing or body piercing.
• Limit the number of sex partners.
• Tests are available to detect antibodies for HIV through providers, STD
clinics, and HIV counseling and testing sites.
• Notify sex and needle-sharing partners immediately if HIV infected.
*NOTE: These symptoms are not specific for HIV and may have other causes. Most persons with HIV have no symptoms at all for several years.
CHAPTER 10 Infection Control and Medical Asepsis 193
Infectious • Usually less than • Before symptoms • Before symptoms appear; lifetime if
periods 2 months appear; lifetime if carrier carrier
ALT, alanine aminotransferase; HBeHg, hepatitis Be antigen; HBIg, hepatitis B immunoglobulin; HBsAg, hepatitis B surface antigen.
194 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
WHAT IS HBV? the immunity lasts, so booster shots may be required at some
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a potentially life-threatening bloodborne point in the future.
pathogen. Centers for Disease Control estimates there are approx- The vaccine causes no harm to those who are already
imately 280,000 HBV infections each year in the United States. immune or to those who may be HBV carriers. Although employ-
Approximately 8,700 health care workers each year contract ees may opt to have their blood tested for antibodies to determine
hepatitis B, and about 200 will die as a result. In addition, some need for the vaccine, employers may not make such screening a
who contract HBV will become carriers, passing the disease on to condition of receiving vaccination nor are employers required to
others. Carriers also face a significantly higher risk for other liver provide prescreening.
ailments which can be fatal, including cirrhosis of the liver and Each employee should receive counseling from a health care
primary liver cancer. professional when vaccination is offered.This discussion will help an
HBV infection is transmitted through exposure to blood and employee determine whether inoculation is necessary.
other infectious body fluids and tissues. Anyone with occupational
exposure to blood is at risk of contracting the infection.
Employers must provide engineering controls; workers must WHAT IF I DECLINE VACCINATION?
use work practices and protective clothing and equipment to Workers who decide to decline vaccination must complete a
prevent exposure to potentially infectious materials. However, the declination form. Employers must keep these forms on file so that
best defense against hepatitis B is vaccination. they know the vaccination status of everyone who is exposed to
blood. At any time after a worker initially declines to receive the
vaccine, he or she may opt to take it.
The new OSHA standard covering bloodborne pathogens requires
employers to offer the three-injection vaccination series free to all
employees who are exposed to blood or other potentially infec- NOT YET BEEN VACCINATED?
tious materials as part of their job duties. This includes health care
If a worker experiences an exposure incident, such as a needle-
workers, emergency responders, morticians, first-aid personnel,
stick or a blood splash in the eye, he or she must receive
law enforcement officers, correctional facilities staff, launderers,
confidential medical evaluation from a licensed health care pro-
as well as others.
fessional with appropriate follow-up. To the extent possible by law,
The vaccination must be offered within 10 days of initial
the employer is to determine the source individual for HBV as well
assignment to a job where exposure to blood or other potentially
as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infectivity. The worker’s
infectious materials can be “reasonably anticipated.” The require-
blood will also be screened if he or she agrees.
ments for vaccinations of those already on the job took effect July
The health care professional is to follow the guidelines of
6, 1992.
the U.S. Public Health Service in providing treatment. This would
include hepatitis B vaccination. The health care professional must
WHAT DOES VACCINATION INVOLVE? give a written opinion on whether or not vaccination is recom-
mended and whether the employee received it. Only this informa-
The hepatitis B vaccination is a noninfectious, yeast-based tion is reported to the employer. Employee medical records must
vaccine given in three injections in the arm. It is prepared from remain confidential. HIV or HBV status must NOT be reported to
recombinant yeast cultures, rather than human blood or plasma. the employer.
Thus, there is no risk of contamination from other bloodborne
pathogens nor is there any chance of developing HBV from the U.S. Department of Labor
vaccine. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
The second injection should be given one month after the
first, and the third injection six months after the initial dose. More Single copies of fact sheets are available from OSHA Publica-
than 90 percent of those vaccinated will develop immunity to the tions, Room N3101, 200 Constitution Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C.
hepatitis B virus. To ensure immunity, it is important for individuals 20210 and from OSHA regional offices.
to receive all three injections. At this point it is unclear how long
Figure 10-7 Bloodborne Facts, published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Admin-
istration (OSHA). This publication includes facts about hepatitis B virus, declination, and steps to be taken by the
employer should exposure to blood, body fluids, or other potentially infectious material occur. (Courtesy of the U.S.
Department of Labor.)
CHAPTER 10 Infection Control and Medical Asepsis 195
DISEASE Pharmacy
According to the CDC, Standard Precautions are These airborne, contact, and droplet precau-
“designed to reduce the risk of transmission of micro- tions also list specific syndromes that can appear in
organisms from both recognized and unrecognized adult and pediatric patients who are highly suspi-
sources of infection in hospitals.” They apply to: cious for infection. They identify the appropriate
Transmission-Based Precautions to be used until a
1. Blood
diagnosis can be made. Figures 10-10, 10-11, and
2. All body fluids, secretions, and excretions regard- 10-12 provide specific information on these three
less of whether they contain visible blood Transmission-Based Precautions. Remember that
3. Nonintact skin these precautions are for specific categories of
4. Mucous membranes patients and are to be used in addition to Standard
Precautions, which are used for all patients.
To be effective, Standard Precautions must Some medical assistants’ externship experi-
be practiced conscientiously at all times. Although ences take place in a hospital setting. For example,
the Standard Precautions include many criteria the electrocardiography and clinical laboratory
specific to inpatient settings such as hospitals and departments of the hospital are areas some stu-
skilled nursing facilities, they are absolutely appli- dents rotate through during their externships. It
cable to any medical facility, including ambulatory is important for medical assistants to know and
care settings where medical assistants are more understand how to protect themselves from infec-
likely to work. tious diseases. Transmission-Based Precautions
Figure 10-9 provides a comprehensive review (isolation) reduce the risk for airborne, droplet,
of Standard Precautions. and contact transmission of pathogens. Proce-
dure 10-3 describes the use of barriers (gown,
mask, goggles, gloves, and cap) that are used when
Transmission-Based Precautions entering an isolation room to perform an electro-
When the CDC was in the process of developing a cardiogram or phlebotomy on a patient with an
new guideline for isolation precautions in hospitals, infectious disease such as tuberculosis (airborne
the agency arrived at what it terms two tiers of pre- contact), meningitis (respiratory droplets contact),
cautions. The first tier is called the Standard Pre- and wound drainage (direct contact).
cautions, discussed earlier, designed for all patients
regardless of their diagnosis or presumed infection
status. The second tier of precautions is intended
Blood and Body Fluids
for patients diagnosed with or suspected of having In all infection control efforts, it is important to
specific highly transmissible diseases. These are understand what is meant by blood and body flu-
known as Transmission-Based Precautions. ids. Specifically, they are described as the blood,
Transmission-Based Precautions reduce the secretions, and excretions of a patient. Examples
risk for airborne, droplet, and contact transmission of blood and body fluids and some of the areas in
of pathogens and are always to be used in addition to which medical assistants may become exposed to
Standard Precautions. them are:
Latex Sensitivity
• Specimens drawn during venipuncture
Health care providers should be aware that some people,
• Open wounds or lesions of any kind
including professionals and patients, can be allergic to latex
products. Some personal protective equipment (PPE) is made • Epistaxis, or nosebleeds
from latex; medical and surgical products also are often made • Vaginal bleeding, including menses (menstrua-
from this product. tion), lochia (discharge after childbirth), and
The allergic reaction can be a localized one such as
dermatitis or a more severe systemic reaction such as ana-
phylaxis (see Chapter 9), a form of shock marked by vascular • Feces and vomit or other body fluids with or
collapse, respiratory failure, hypotension, arrhythmia, and without visible blood
laryngeal edema. Vinyl gloves can be worn in place of latex for
hypersensitive individuals. Any person with an allergy to latex Vaginal secretions:
should wear a bracelet or other form of identification indicat-
• Physiologic leukorrhea (normal vaginal dis-
ing this fact because, in any emergency, medical personnel
wear latex gloves (see Chapter 9).
• Vaginitis with discharge
Figure 10-9 Standard Precautions for Infection Control issued by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention. (Courtesy Brevis Corp.)
198 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
Figure 10-11 Contact Precautions, one category of Transmission-Based Precautions, for use in hospital settings.
(Courtesy of Brevis Corp.)
• Oral mucous gland fluid in mouth during oral/
dental procedures
Hinged re-cap – after the injection, the worker, using the index finger, flips a
hinged protective cap over the needle, which locks into place. This safety feature
may be fused to the syringe or come separate and detachable from the syringe.
IV Access – Retractable – the spring-loaded needle retracts into the needle holder upon
Insertion pressing a button after use or the needle withdraws into the holder when
Equipment withdrawn from the patient’s arm.
Hemodialysis safety fistula sets (butterfly) – a protective shield slides over the
needle as it is withdrawn.
Blood-Collection Retractable needle – the spring-loaded needle is pulled into the vacuum
and Phlebotomy tube holder after use.
Shielded butterfly needle – a protective shield slides over the needle after use.
Self-blunting needle – after use, the needle is blunted while still in the patient.
Suture Needles Blunt suture needles – used for sewing internal fascia.
Lancets Retracting lancet – following skin puncture, the sharp automatically retracts back
into the device.
Surgical Retracting scalpel – after use, the blade is withdrawn back into the body of
Scalpels the scalpel.
Figure 10-16 Examples of Safety Devices published by the U.S. Department of Labor. This publication includes
information about various types of safety devises and their features. (Courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor.)
204 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
OSHA regulations are intended to ensure
that employers have a safe and healthful
work environment for their employees. They
represent requirements that employers must fol-
low to ensure employee safety and health.
There are two standards that comprise the
regulations: The Occupational Exposure to Hazardous
Chemicals in the Laboratory, an amended version of
the original standard The Hazard Communication
Standard, and The Bloodborne Pathogen Standard.
Hepatitis B vaccines will be offered to all employees. Prepared By: _______________________ Date: _______________
Employees will take a safety training program.
Figure 10-20 Sample Office Procedures Safety Form
Figure 10-19 Office Work Practice Exposure Control lists procedures, type of hazard, employee perform-
Plan indicates a sample list of precautions to take to ing procedure, employee assisting with procedure,
minimize employee risk exposure. (Courtesy of POL and personal protective equipment. (Courtesy of POL
Consultants, 2 Russ Farm Way, Delanco, NJ 08075, 856- Consultants, 2 Russ Farm Way, Delanco, NJ 08075, 856-
824-0800) 824-0800)
CHAPTER 10 Infection Control and Medical Asepsis 207
Safety/Work Practice Controls for Office Procedures
Combination mask gown
and eye shield
Face shield
Latex gloves
container that is supplied by the employer. Figure laundered at home. All other Standard Precau-
10-24 shows PPE. tions must be adhered to.
4. Cleanliness of Work Areas. The employer must main- 5. Hepatitis B Vaccine. HBV vaccine must be made avail-
tain a work site that is clean and sanitary and have able free of charge to every employee, full-time,
a written schedule for cleaning and decontami- part-time, or temporary, within 10 days of work
nating the work area after contact with blood and assignment (Figure 10-26). This refers to employ-
other potentially infectious material. Spill kits must ees who have the potential for occupational expo-
be readily accessible (Figure 10-25). sure, and who can “reasonably” be expected to have
Broken glass is placed in a sharps container skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact
after using cardboard or a dust pan and brush to with blood or other potentially infectious material.
remove it. The vaccine is given in three doses over a six-month
Laundry that is contaminated is handled period and is used to protect the employee from
with gloves and placed in a labeled container. infection with HBV. It is an intramuscular injection
If the laundry is damp or wet, gloves and other with an approximate 96% rate of effectiveness.
appropriate PPE must be worn, and the damp/ An employee has the right to decline taking the
wet laundry must be placed in a plastic bag(s) vaccine but must sign a declination form. There is
to prevent blood or other potentially infectious the option to reconsider receiving the vaccine at a
material from leaking through it. PPE cannot be later time.
CHAPTER 10 Infection Control and Medical Asepsis 209
Figure 10-25 (A) Sprinkle coagulating powder over spill wearing protective clothing and gloves. (B) Scoop up
spill with scoop from kit. (C) The spill area is then cleaned with a 10 percent bleach solution.
6. Follow-Up After Exposure. An accidental expo- the employee shall know the results (unless pro-
sure is broadly defined as one in which blood, tected by the law).
blood-contaminated body fluids, or body fluids
or tissues to which Standard Precautions apply • The employee is offered prophylaxis, gamma
are introduced into a mucous surface, into globulin, or HB vaccine after the exposure to
nonintact skin, or into the conjunctiva via a HBV or HIV according to the current recom-
needlestick, skin cut, or direct splash. If an inci- mendation of the U.S. Public Health Service.
dent exposes an employee to any of these, the • The employee is counseled regarding precau-
employer must make available a confidential tions to take to avoid possible transmission
medical evaluation in which is documented: and is provided information on potential ill-
nesses for which to be alert.
• The circumstances surrounding the event
• An OSHA 301 form must be filed.
• The route or routes of exposure
• The identification of the person who was the 7. Medical Records. Medical records of an employee
source of the exposure who has suffered an occupational exposure must
be kept for the length of employment plus 30 years,
The following procedure describes the steps to
and confidentiality must be guaranteed.
take following an exposure incident:
The following information is to be included in
• Immediately wash exposed area with soap and
the employee’s record: name and Social Security
warm water.
number, HB vaccination status with dates, results
• If mouth area is exposed, rinse with water or of any examinations or tests, a copy of the health
mouthwash. care provider’s written opinion, and a copy of the
• If eyes are exposed, flush with large amounts of information that was provided to the health care
warm water. provider.
• Report incident to a supervisor immediately for The records must be available to the employee,
documentation (Figure 10-27). to OSHA, and anyone with the written consent of
the employee, but not the employer.
In addition, OSHA requires the following
Hazard Communication for Blood. The em-
• The exposed employee must be tested for ployer is required to label containers of regulated
HBV, HCV, and HIV only if consent is given. An waste, refrigerators, freezers, and other contain-
employee may refuse or may have blood drawn ers that are used to keep or transport blood or
and stored for 90 days at which time the choice other potentially infectious material with warning
can be made whether to have the blood tested. labels that are orange or orange-red and have the
• The source individual’s blood, if permission is biohazard symbol affixed to them. Red bags can
granted, is tested for HBV, HCV, and HIV and be used in place of labels. The labeling serves to
210 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
Hepatitis B Employee Vaccination Form Post-Exposure Management Record
MEMO: To all employees with occupational exposure to blood The following employee was the subject of an infectious
or other infectious materials on an average of one or more exposure incident on (date) _______ and was examined and
times per month. treated as follows:
OSHA and the CDC have identified the potential exposure of
Employee Name: ______________ SS# ____________________
health care workers to hepatitis B virus (HBV) in the course of
performing their duties in this office. For the protection of our Type of Incident (describe) ________________________________
employees, we are offering prescreening testing and the HBV __________________________________________________________
vaccination with follow-up evaluation to all employees who Route of Exposure: ________________________________________
are exposed to blood or other potentially infectious materials
Source Patient Information:
on an average of one or more times per month. In accordance
with recommended OSHA guidelines, this vaccine and testing ____ Source patient could not be identified.
will be offered at no cost to the employee. You have the ability ____ Source patient was identified but refused to contribute
to decide whether or not you want the testing and/or vaccine. blood.
At the bottom of this memo, you may indicate your choice. ____ Source patient was identified and blood was secured
Please return this memo with your signature and date to your from such patient. Results of blood testing of source
immediate supervisor. patient’s blood are attached to this form.
[] I want to receive the prescreening (optional) Employee hereby grants permission for tests for antibodies of
[] I want to receive the vaccine and follow-up evaluation human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) and/or hepatitis B virus
testing and acknowledges that the employee has been counseled
[] I do not want the vaccine and testing and have read the concerning such tests.
following statement:
Employee Signature _______________ Date ____________
I understand that due to my occupational exposure to blood
or other potentially infectious materials I may be at risk of The following test(s) were administered under supervision of a
acquiring hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. I have been given qualified provider:
the opportunity to be vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine at no ____ Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1) Antibodies
charge to myself. However, I decline hepatitis B vaccination at ____ Hepatitis B Virus Antibodies
this time. I understand that by declining this vaccine I continue
Date(s) of Tests(s): ______________ Results of Test(s)—
to be at risk of acquiring hepatitis B, a serious disease. If in
See attached Provider’s or Laboratory statement/report.
the future I continue to have occupational exposure to blood
or other potentially infectious materials and I want to be vac- Employee hereby acknowledges that the employee was coun-
cinated with hepatitis B vaccine, I can receive the vaccination seled and a written copy(ies) of the results of the
series at no charge to me. above test(s) were furnished to such employee on (date):
_____________________________ _________________________ _________
Employee Signature _______________ Date ____________
_____________________________ _________________________
____ Additional follow-up was performed as indicated by
SIGNATURE SS# attached reports.
PRESCREENING DATE _________ RESULTS ______________ NOTE: This record should be retained for length of employment
DATE OF VACCINATIONS ___________________________________ PLUS thirty years.
DATE OF FOLLOW-UP EVALUATION _________________________
RESULTS _________________________________________________ Figure 10-27 Sample Post-Exposure Management
NOTES: Record can be used to document employee exposure to
blood, body fluids, or other potentially infectious mate-
rial; tests performed on the employee by a qualified pro-
Figure 10-26 Sample Hepatitis B Employee Vacci- vider; and test results. (Courtesy of POL Consultants,
nation Form provides employee information regard- 2 Russ Farm Way, Delanco, NJ 08075, 856-824-0800)
ing hepatitis B vaccine and space to sign indicating
whether employee declines vaccine. (Courtesy of POL
Consultants, 2 Russ Farm Way, Delanco, NJ 08075,
CHAPTER 10 Infection Control and Medical Asepsis 211
warn employees of the hazard possibility of con- They should, however, take precautions to avoid
tainer contents (Figure 10-28). contact with potentially infectious materials and
toxic chemicals wherever learning is taking place
Information and Training for Employees. Em- (Figure 10-30).
ployers must ascertain that employees take part
in training sessions during working hours at no Avoiding Exposure to Bloodborne
cost to employees. The initial session must be
provided when occupational exposure may occur
and annually thereafter. If employee tasks and Students can come into contact with blood and
job description change, training must take place other potentially infectious material during labo-
at that time. ratory practices and externships. The potential for
Training components are listed in Figure 10-29. exposure and contact increases whenever invasive
Documentation of training sessions must be avail- procedures are being performed. Some examples
able and kept for 3 years. of invasive procedures are:
• Phlebotomy, the process of withdrawing blood
OSHA REGULATIONS • Administering an injection
AND STUDENTS • Performing or assisting with medical/surgical pro-
cedures such as suturing of wounds or removal of
With the passage of the OSHA law, all students sutures; assisting with certain procedures such as
with potential exposure to chemicals and blood- Pap smears, arthroscopies, amniocentesis, thoracen-
borne pathogens should follow all safety proce- tesis, or lumbar puncture; dressing changes, colpos-
dures as outlined by OSHA. Because students are copies, vaginal exams, obstetrical care, vasectomies,
not considered employees of a health care facil- biopsies, sigmoidoscopies, and colonoscopies are
ity and are attending an educational institution, other examples in which students can contact blood
they do not fall under the OSHA guidelines. and other potentially infectious material.
Figure 10-29 Overview of The Bloodborne Pathogen Standard. (Courtesy of the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration, U.S. Department of Labor.)
CHAPTER 10 Infection Control and Medical Asepsis 213
pathologic organisms. These techniques are used • Keep contaminated equipment and supplies away
to decrease the risk for transmission to others. from clothing to prevent transmission of patho-
Objects should be medically aseptic if they are to be gens to self and others.
used in procedures that are on the external body or • Place dressing materials, gauze, cotton balls, and
if they will enter a usually contaminated body part, any other damp or wet contaminated absorbable
such as the mouth. Many things, such as our hands, material in a waterproof bag before disposal in the
cannot be sterilized or even disinfected, but they can biohazard waste container.
be rendered clean of gross contamination and most • Any break in the medical assistant’s skin should be
pathogens by simple hand washing. Many items, covered with a sterile dressing.
such as stethoscopes or telephones, do not need to
be sterile to be used on a variety of patients. These • Items that fall to the floor are contaminated. Either
items do not enter into the body or into sterile discard or sanitize then disinfect them before
areas of the body. These items should, however, be using.
either cleaned or disinfected routinely. Sphygmoma- • If uncertain whether equipment or supplies are
nometers and stethoscopes are used continuously clean or sterile consider them contaminated. Clean
throughout the day on different patients. Patients or sterilize them before use.
with hypertension, postsurgery patients, and patients
having physical examinations routinely have blood Hand Washing
pressure monitored. Both pieces of equipment
contact patient’s skin, clothing, or both, making Hand washing is the most important aspect of all
the blood pressure equipment an indirect source of the infectious control procedures. Proper hand
of pathogens. Alcohol-based wipes or a simplified washing removes gross contamination and reduces
method of detergent cleaning should be used regu- pathogens that could be transmitted by direct or
larly to decontaminate blood pressure equipment. indirect contact to others. Because hand washing
Medical asepsis also involves environmental hygiene is frequently required, the use of a good lotion
measures such as equipment cleaning and disin- is advised to reduce the possibility of skin breaks
fection procedures. Careful attention to methods caused by dryness. Infectious diseases continue
of medical asepsis greatly reduces the presence of to present serious challenges. One of the biggest
pathogens that could cause disease in others. Spe- concerns is the spread of HIV, HBV, and HCV.
cific procedures to achieve medical asepsis include In May 2007, the WHO issued nine patient safety
adherence to Standard and Transmission-Based Pre- solution recommendations. The Joint Commission
cautions. Standard Precautions and Transmission- has adopted the nine recommendations. Patient
Based Precautions are considered methods of Safety Solutions No. 9 is entitled “Improved Hand
medical asepsis. These precautions should be fol- Hygiene to Prevent Healthcare Associated Infec-
lowed stringently to provide barriers between poten- tion (HAI).” It can be applied to this chapter and
tially infectious blood and body fluids and those to others because, according to the WHO, millions
people who may come into contact with the flu- of people worldwide are suffering from hospital-
ids. Use of PPE, disinfection, and waste control are acquired infections. “Effective hand hygiene is the
crucial steps in practicing these precautions. Hand primary measure for avoiding this problem,” say
washing, sanitization, and disinfection of instru- the WHO and the Joint Commission.
ments or equipment are also essential. Hand washing is the single, most effective
Some specific examples of appropriate use of way to lower the incidence of infectious disease
medical asepsis include: transmission.
The CDC recommends that, as part of hand
• Wash hands before and after handling equipment hygiene, when hands are visibly soiled with blood
and supplies, on arrival and before leaving, and or other body fluids, they should be washed with
before and after working with each patient even either a nonantimicrobial soap or an antimicrobial
when gloves are worn. soap and water. Procedure 10-1 describes medical
• Handle all specimens as if they were contaminated. asepsis hand wash. If hands are not visibly soiled,
an alcohol-based hand rub or gel can be used rou-
• Use disposable equipment whenever possible and tinely for decontaminating hands. When decon-
dispose of it properly in a biohazard waste container. taminating hands with an alcohol-based hand rub,
All equipment is contaminated after patient use. apply to palms of one hand and rub hands together
• Use PPE as outlined in Standard Precautions and covering all surfaces of hands and fingers, palms,
wash hands after removal of any PPE, including back of hands, fingertips, and between fingers,
gloves. wrists, and thumbs until hands are dry.
216 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
Sanitization (washing) of instruments and equip- Larger items such as instrument trays or
ment rids them of gross contamination and blood, Mayo stands, stools, chairs, examination tables,
body fluids, tissue, and other contaminated debris. and lamps should also have a decontaminating
Enzymatic detergent especially designed for medi- sanitization process with thorough washing, rins-
cal instruments and a soft scrub brush are used to ing, and drying.
remove all contaminates from surfaces, crevices, See Procedure 10-4 for instrument sanitiza-
hinges, and serrations. Use of enzymatic detergents tion. Gloves contaminated with blood and body
will help break down the proteins found in body flu-
ids and tissues. Water temperature should be warm
but not hot. Heat coagulates protein, making it more
difficult to remove. A critical component to promot-
ing effective sanitization is to complete the proce-
dure as soon as possible after contamination so that
tissue or body fluids do not have the opportunity to
dry on the instruments. Dried debris is more diffi-
cult to remove and may require much scrubbing.
Instruments may be left to soak in disinfectant solu-
tion or water with a solvent if sanitization cannot be
performed immediately after use (Figure 10-31).
To avoid the risk for punctures or cuts from
sharp instruments during sanitization, heavy-duty
gloves should be worn. Some facilities use an ultra-
sonic cleaner (Figure 10-32). It uses high-frequency
sound waves and agitates the instruments (sanitizes
them) before sterilizing them. Goggles are worn to
protect eyes from splashing of contaminated debris
during the scrubbing procedure. A plastic apron
provides protection from splashing of clothing (see
Chapter 19). Hot water may be used for rinsing to
remove all residue and aid in the drying process.
Check instruments for working condition. Drying
thoroughly will prevent damage from rust or water Figure 10-32 The Branson Ultrasonic Cleaner, model
spots. 1510. (Courtesy of Branson Ultrasonics Corp.)
CHAPTER 10 Infection Control and Medical Asepsis 217
fluids should be removed carefully to contain the steel gynecologic and proctologic examination
contamination. Procedure 10-2 describes how to instruments. These instruments are not sanitized
remove contaminated gloves, thereby preventing with other instruments because of the risk for trans-
further exposure to biohazard substances. mission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
They are sterilized in the autoclave after sanitiza-
tion to eliminate transmission of microorganisms.
Disinfection Chemical disinfectant solutions must be care-
Disinfection, a third procedure used in medical fully prepared and used according to the manufac-
asepsis practices, consists of various chemicals that turer’s instructions to ensure effective disinfectant
can be used to destroy many pathogenic micro- properties. Medical offices should use the disinfec-
organisms but not necessarily their spores. Disin- tant solution that best meets the needs of the ambu-
fection chemicals are used on inanimate objects. latory care setting as to the quantity of instruments
Because of their caustic nature, these chemicals can to be disinfected, cost, preparation requirements,
irritate the skin and mucous membranes. Chemi- storage needs, and handling procedures. When
cals are used to disinfect items or equipment made choosing a chemical disinfectant solution, pay close
from materials that could be damaged by heat or attention to the manufacturer’s report of the chem-
that are too large to fit into an autoclave such as ical disinfectant properties of the product. Some
stethoscopes, percussion hammers, examination solutions are effective against a wide spectrum of
tables, and Mayo trays and stands. These and other microorganisms, whereas other solutions may be
items that are chemically disinfected are used dur- selective for certain common microorganisms.
ing external physical examination or procedures. When chemically disinfecting, items must be thor-
Boiling water (temperature 212°F) is consid- oughly sanitized and dried. Any debris or water left
ered a form of disinfection because it will kill some on the item being chemically treated will affect the
forms of microorganisms. It is important to note that chemical solution, thereby decreasing its effective-
this method cannot be considered a sterilization tech- ness and compromising the disinfecting process.
nique because the temperature is not high enough For surfaces such as countertops, the least
to kill the hepatitis virus, tuberculosis bacteria, or expensive and most readily available chemical is a
microbial spores. Articles such as nasal and ear spec- 1:10 solution of ordinary household bleach (sodium
ula can be sanitized and disinfected by vigorous boil- hypochlorite). However, besides the obvious disad-
ing for at least 15 minutes, or soaked in a disinfectant vantage of bleaching clothing, bleach is not eas-
according to manufacturer’s instructions. The only ily rinsed, and it is only effective if the solution is
reasonable use for boiling as a means of disinfection mixed fresh daily. Nevertheless, its effectiveness is
in today’s medical setting is for items that: so highly respected that many medical laboratories
depend almost entirely on bleach to chemically kill
1. Will not be used in invasive procedures pathogens on countertops.
2. Will not be inserted into body orifices nor be used In summary, medical asepsis includes pro-
in a sterile procedure cedures for which all medical assistants must be
responsible and qualified to incorporate into daily
Before either chemical disinfection or disin- work practices. The responsibility for maintaining
fection by boiling, articles must first be thoroughly medical asepsis is the combined goal of the office
sanitized and dried. Of special note are stainless staff and providers.
Sanitization X X X X X X X
Chemical disinfection X X X
by wiping
Chemical disinfection X
by soaking
Boiling X
218 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
Table 10-7 Example of Six Agents that Could Be Used in a Bioterrorism Attack
Disease Vaccine
Agent Transmission Availability Treatment
Education plays a vital role in raising aware- high risk for exposure to smallpox, a highly con-
ness and increasing the knowledge of health care tagious disease. The FDA-said the vaccine could
professionals to aid them in being better prepared be used to protect people during a bioterrorist
for threats to the public health. Protection against attack. There is no FDA-approved treatment for
the agents should be started early. PPE and high- smallpox.
efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters will filter According to the CDC, the threat that bio-
most biologic agents from the air. Antibiotics given logic agents will be used is more likely now than it
even before the agent is identified helps protect has been throughout history. The WHO, the CDC,
people, as do vaccines. the Department of Homeland Security, and state
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and local public health departments are excellent
has approved a new smallpox vaccine. The FDA resources for more information about bioterrorism
said it is intended to inoculate people who are at (see Chapter 9).
Procedure 10-1
Medical Asepsis Hand Wash (Hand Hygiene)
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 3. Never allow your clothing to touch the sink; never
touch the inside of the sink with your hands.
RATIONALE: The sink is considered contami-
nated at all times (NOTE: Sinks must be sanitized
and disinfected at the end of each day).
To reduce pathogens on the hands and wrists, thereby 4. Turn on the faucet with a dry paper towel (Fig-
decreasing direct and indirect transmission of infec- ure 10-33A). Discard paper towel after adjusting
tious microorganisms. Average duration is 1 minute water temperature to lukewarm. RATIONALE:
before beginning to work with patients, 15 seconds Lukewarm water is best for hand washing
(CDC Hand Hygiene recommendation) following because excessively hot water may overdry the
each patient contact. skin.
5. Wet hands and apply soap using a circular
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: motion and friction; rub into a lather (Figure
Sink (preferably with foot-operated controls) 10-33B). RATIONALE: This initial hand wash is
Soap (preferably liquid soap in foot-operated container; to remove visible soil and some microorganisms.
bar soap discouraged) Interlace fingers to clean between them (Figure
Water-based antibacterial lotion 10-33C).
Disposable paper towels
6. Use an orange stick or brush at the first hand
Nail stick or brush
washing of each day (Figures 10-33D and E).
PROCEDURE STEPS: RATIONALE: Nails harbor microorganisms.
1. Remove all jewelry (plain wedding band is only Even with trimmed nails, this step must be per-
acceptable jewelry). Push watch up on arm or formed on a daily basis.
remove. RATIONALE: Jewelry harbors microor- 7. Rinse hands with hands pointed down and lower
ganisms on the hands. than elbows (Figure 10-33F). RATIONALE:
2. Prepare disposable paper towel (if using pull- When hands are held lower than elbows, patho-
down dispenser, prepare the amount of paper gens and contaminated water run off the hands
towel necessary for drying hands after wash; if and not up on the forearms.
using folded towels, have accessible). RATIO- 8. Repeat soap application and lather; interlace fin-
NALE: After the hand washing, you may not touch gers well; wash with vigorous, circular motions
any contaminated surface, such as the handle on all parts of hands including wrists; wash for
a paper-towel dispenser or the water faucets. at least one minute or longer depending on
220 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
Figure 10-33 (A) Prepare towels for use. Turn on the faucet and adjust water to a lukewarm temperature.
(B) Wet hands. Let water flow downward off hands and fingertips. (C) Use a circular motion to create friction
and wash the palms and backs of hands. Interlace the fingers to clean between them. (D) Use an orange stick
to clean under fingernails. (E) A hand brush may also be used to clean under fingernails. (F) Rinse hands
thoroughly, letting the water flow downward off your hands and fingertips.
degree of contamination. RATIONALE: Appro- towel to turn off water faucet. RATIONALE:
priate length of hand washing is required to Touching the towel dispenser contaminates the
provide enough friction to remove soil and hands. Blotting the hands dry reduces drying
microorganisms. of the skin. Turning faucet off with paper towel
9. Rinse well, keeping hands pointed downward. prevents recontamination from dirty faucet.
RATIONALE: Rinsing removes microorganisms, 12. Discard paper towel in waste container. Do not
contaminated water, and soap from the hands. leave contaminated towels for repeated use.
10. Repeat hand washing for the first hand washing NOTE: Repeat hand washing procedure before
of the day or if necessary for contaminated or and after each patient contact, procedure, or
visibly soiled hands. Lather wrists using a circu- meal. RATIONALE: Hand washing must be per-
lar motion and friction. Rinse arms and hands. formed on a regular and frequent basis to ensure
RATIONALE: When the hands are excessively the reduction of microorganisms transmitted by
contaminated or soiled, two hand washings may hands.
be necessary to remove microorganisms from Water-based antibacterial lotion can be
the hands. applied to prevent chapped, excoriated skin.
11. Dry hands and wrists with disposable paper If skin is excoriated, the medical assistant may
towel; do not touch towel dispenser after hand not be able to work because of breaks in the
washing; blot instead of rubbing with towel; if skin or may have to wear gloves during any
sink is not foot operated, use a clean disposable patient contact.
CHAPTER 10 Infection Control and Medical Asepsis 221
Procedure 10-2
Removing Contaminated Gloves
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: pointed downward (Figure 10-34A and B).
RATIONALE: Holding the hands away from the
body will further prevent exposure to biological
PURPOSE: 2. Turn the used left glove inside out and hold it in
To carefully remove and dispose of contaminated the right gloved hand. Be careful not to touch
gloves to contain exposure. your bare left hand on the contaminated right
glove (Figure 10-34C–E). RATIONALE: Turn-
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: ing the glove inside out helps isolate the biologi-
Biohazard waste container cal contaminants.
3. Holding the glove that has been removed with
the hand that still has the glove on, insert two fin-
1. Grasp the palm of the used left glove with the
gers of the ungloved hand between your arm and
right hand to begin removing the first glove.
the inside of the dirty glove (Figure 10-34F).
Notice hands are held away from the body and
Figure 10-34 (A) Grasp the palm of the used glove with the right hand. (B) Begin removing the first glove.
(C) Glove is turned inside out as it is being removed. Take care to not touch bare skin on the contaminated
glove. (D) Inverted glove is completely removed into the contaminated glove. (E) Contain the inverted glove
completely in the gloved hand. (F) Insert two fingers of the ungloved hand inside the back of the contaminated
glove and turn it inside out over the other.
222 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
(G) Invert the second glove over the first. (H) One glove is now inside the other.
4. Turn the right dirty glove inside out over the 5. Dispose of the inverted gloves into a biologi-
other. One glove is inside the other and you cal waste receptacle. RATIONALE: All biologi-
can handle the gloves because the dirty, con- cal waste should be placed into a red biohazard
taminated area is inside the gloves (Figure bag.
10-34G and H). RATIONALE: Both gloves 6. Wash hands thoroughly. RATIONALE: Immedi-
are inverted with the biological contaminates ate washing of hands is an additional precaution.
Procedure 10-3
Transmission-Based Precautions: Donning a Gown, Mask, Gloves,
and Cap (Isolation Technique)
CHAPTER 10 Infection Control and Medical Asepsis 223
4. Wash hands and don disposable clothing: 5. Enter patient’s room with all gathered supplies.
a. Apply cap to cover hair and ears completely. RATIONALE: Prevents trips into and out of the
patient’s room and keeps supplies clean.
b. Apply gown to cover outer garments com-
pletely. Hold gown in front of body and place 6. Assess vital signs and perform other functions
arms through sleeves (Figure 10-35A). Pull (ECG, phlebotomy) of care to meet the needs of
sleeves down to wrist. Tie gown securely at the patient. Record assessment data on a piece
neck and waist (Figure 10-35B and C). of paper, avoiding contact with any articles in
the patient room. RATIONALE: Allows for data
c. Don nonsterile gloves and pull gloves over collection and the performance of patient care.
the cuff to cover completely.
7. Dispose of soiled articles in the impermeable
d. Apply mask by placing the top of the mask biohazard bags, which should be labeled cor-
over the bridge of your nose (top part of rectly according to contents. If soiled, reusable
mask has a metal strip) and pinch the metal equipment is removed from the room; label bag
strip to fit snugly against the skin of the nose. accordingly. RATIONALE: Impermeable biohaz-
RATIONALE: Disposable garments act as a bar- ard bags prevent the leakage of contaminated
rier in preventing the transmission of microor- materials, thereby preventing the transmission
ganisms from medical assistant to patient and of infection. Labeling is a warning to other per-
protect the medical assistant from contact with sonnel that the contents are infectious.
Figure 10-35 (A) Medical assistant has put on a mask and is donning the gown, pulling on the sleeves.
(B) The neck of the gown is tied first and (C) the back of the gown, last.
224 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
Exiting the Isolation Room: Removing 3. Untie neckties of gown (Figure 10-36C). Wash
Gown, Gloves, Mask, and Cap hands. RATIONALE: Removes microorganisms
1. Remove contaminated gloves (see Procedure from hands before proceeding.
10-2). Wash hands and then untie waist tie of 4. Slip fingers of one hand inside cuff (Figure
gown (Figure 10-36A). 10-36D) of the other hand. Pull the gown over
2. Remove mask by untying bottom ties first, then the hand, being careful not to touch the out-
top ties (Figure 10-36B). Holding mask by ties, side of the gown.
place in contaminated waste.
Figure 10-36 (A) When finished in the isolation room, the medical assistant removes the contaminated gloves
(see Procedure 10-2), washes hands (see Procedure 10-1), and then unties waist tie of gown. Remove mask by
untying bottom ties first, then top ties. (B) Holding mask by ties, place in biohazard container. (C) Untie neck
ties of gown. Wash hands.
CHAPTER 10 Infection Control and Medical Asepsis 225
5. Using the hand covered by the gown, pull down 7. Dispose of gown in biohazard container.
the gown over the other hand (Figure 10-36E). 8. Wash hands thoroughly.
6. Pull gown off your arms. Hold gown away from 9. Document procedures performed on patient
yourself and roll into a ball with the contami- (vital signs, EKG, phlebotomy) in patient record
nated side inside (Figure 10-36F). RATIONALE: or electronic medical record.
The gown is removed and folded, touching only
the inside of the gown to prevent transmission of
microorganisms to yourself.
Figure 10-36 (continued) (D) Slip fingers of one hand inside cuff of the other hand. Pull gown over the hand,
being careful not to touch the outside of the gown. (E) Using the hand covered by the gown, pull down the gown
over the other hand. (F) Pull gown off arms and hold away from body and clothing. Roll into a ball with the con-
taminated side of gown on the inside. Wash hands thoroughly.
226 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
Procedure 10-4
Sanitization of Instruments
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: could quickly dry onto the instrument, making
sanitization more difficult.
3. If contaminated instrument must be carried
from one place to another for sanitization, place
PURPOSE: the instrument in a basin labeled “Biohazard.”
To properly clean contaminated instruments to RATIONALE: Do not carry contaminated instru-
remove tissue and debris. ments in your hands. Biohazard basins must be
sanitized and disinfected daily according to pro-
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: cedures for Standard Precautions.
Sink (or ultrasonic cleaner: follow manufacturer’s 4. Scrub each instrument well with detergent and
instructions) water; scrub under running water, and be sure
Sanitizing agent (low-sudsing detergent, approved chem- to scrub inside any edges, serrations, and all
ical disinfectant, or blood solvent) surfaces. RATIONALE: Thorough scrubbing
Brush removes tissue and debris from all areas of the
Disposable paper towels contaminated instrument. If all tissue is not
Plastic apron removed with scrubbing, the instrument may
Disposable gloves, heavy-duty if cleaning sharps not be sterilized during sterilization procedures.
5. Rinse well with hot water. RATIONALE: Tissue
Biohazard waste container
and debris, as well as detergent, must be com-
PROCEDURE STEPS: pletely removed. Hot water will help remove all
1. Wear heavy duty gloves, goggles, and apron. residue and aid in the drying process while rust
RATIONALE: Contaminated instruments pose a and water spots will be eliminated.
blood and body fluid precaution as indicated by 6. After they are rinsed, place instruments on mus-
OSHA standards. Disposable gloves must always lin or disposable paper towel until all instruments
be worn to sanitize instruments. Wear heavy-duty have been scrubbed and rinsed. RATIONALE:
gloves if cleaning sharp instruments. Goggles Often more than one instrument is sanitized; do
are worn to protect eyes from splashing of con- not place sanitized instrument in the bottom of
taminated debris during scrubbing procedure. the sink or on a countertop without a disposable
A plastic apron provides protection from splash- paper towel or muslin towel.
ing of clothing.
7. Dry instruments with muslin or disposable
2. As soon as possible after a procedure in which paper towels. RATIONALE: Wet instruments
an instrument is contaminated, rinse the instru- may rust or corrode. Check instruments for
ment in water and disinfectant solution; rinse working condition.
again under running water. RATIONALE: Rins-
8. Remove gloves and wash hands.
ing contaminated instruments as soon as pos-
sible after use removes debris and tissue that
CHAPTER 10 Infection Control and Medical Asepsis 227
Effective infection control measures are the first defense against the transmission of infectious diseases in
the ambulatory care setting. Reliance on Standard and Transmission-Based Precautions, protective barri-
ers, and basic principles of disinfection promotes professional and responsible clinical care for patients.
When the processes of infection control are applied to all clinical procedures, the chain of infection may
be broken by many varied means. Remember that an infectious disease will not spread to another person if
the chain is sufficiently broken at any stage.
Infectious diseases spread and accidents occur through lack of education and carelessness. Medical
assistants must understand the importance of the regulations and guidelines set forth by the federal gov-
ernment and follow through by helping employers and fellow employees implement them. In doing so, the
health and safety of patients and health care workers can be protected, the spread of infectious diseases
can be kept under control, and the risk for contracting a serious infectious disease such as HIV, HBV, or
HCV will be greatly minimized.
Every medical office and ambulatory care setting must, by law, have clearly written and readily avail-
able manuals containing information about Standard Precautions and OSHA for the safe handling, stor-
age, and disposal of blood, body fluids, and chemicals.
Through consistent use of Standard Precautions and adherence to OSHA laws, health care providers
can acquire the behaviors and techniques needed to safeguard themselves and their patients.
Because of frequent changes in the laws, it is necessary for medical assistants and all other health care
providers to keep abreast of the government mandates.
228 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet and complete the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on the textbook CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
Multiple Choice Critical Thinking
1. Standard Precautions are issued by: 1. Analyze the importance of infection control and
a. Health and Human Services give five examples of how a medical assistant would
b. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention practice responsible infection control in the ambu-
c. Food & Drug Administration latory care setting.
d. Occupational Safety and Health Administration 2. Your patient has a draining wound. After you
2. The Bloodborne Pathogen Standard is primarily con- change the dressing, explain how to prevent the
cerned with: transmission of the microorganisms from the
a. reducing the transmission of HIV, HBV, and wound and dressing to you or another patient.
HCV infections 3. Give an example of how the proper disposal of con-
b. protecting the employer from lawsuits taminated objects can break a link in the chain of
c. regulating the use of personal protective infection.
equipment 4. You notice a coworker sanitizing surgical instru-
d. taking blood samples from patients ments in preparation for sterilization. He or she
3. In the chain of infection, the location of the infec- did not scrub the serrations on the instruments
tious agent is known as the: well. What will be the result of his or her improper
a. reservoir sanitization technique? Explain your answer.
b. portal of exit 5. Describe eight procedures/techniques that you
c. portal of entry could be performing on a patient that could
d. means of transmission expose you to bloodborne pathogens.
4. The stage in infectious disease in which symptoms 6. What becomes of the biohazard containers once
are vague and undifferentiated is called the: they are full?
a. incubation stage 7. What alternative do you have if you do not have
b. prodromal stage access to soap and water after performing a proce-
c. acute stage dure on a patient?
d. onset of disease stage 8. Explain the differences between sanitization and
9. Considering the growth requirements for pathogens,
describe how to discourage bacterial growth in the
patient examination room.
CHAPTER 10 Infection Control and Medical Asepsis 229
The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and
demonstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this
chapter through written and oral communication.
OBJECTIVES (continued)
7. Recall at least four circumstances to address in displaying cul-
tural awareness.
8. Develop a strategy for communicating across the life span with
9. Identify the components of the medical health history and their
10. Obtain a medical history from a patient.
11. Restate the function and meaning of SOAP/SOAPER and
CHEDDAR charting.
12. List the characteristics of the patient’s chief complaint and the
present illness.
13. Compare/contrast the patient’s medical, family, and social histories.
14. Discuss the rationale for including adult immunizations in health
15. Explain how the review of systems is obtained and documented.
16. State five reasons why the medical record is important.
17. Identify three areas of concern regarding HIPAA compliance
and the patient’s chart.
18. Recall the rules for charting and documenting in the patient’s chart.
19. Compare/contrast SOMR and POMR.
20. List the advantages of electronic medical records.
21. Review common charting abbreviations.
22. Describe the organization of a medical record.
When clinical medical assistant Joe Guerrero, CMA and sometimes will rearrange the order of the ques-
(AAMA), of Drs. Lewis and King takes a patient his- tions if necessary. Although Joe is adept at gathering
tory, he typically uses a form custom designed for the specific and necessary patient information, he also is
office. Joe uses the form as a guideline to be sure aware of patient concerns and sensitivities and adapts
he gathers all pertinent information. However, he has his approach to accomplish the task while making the
learned that he must tailor his questions to the patient patient feel at ease.
A patient’s medical record and all information in it, will have information updated upon each visit. Essential
including the medical history, is key to competent medi- components of a complete medical record include present
cal care. Ideally, from the first encounter with the patient and past medical history, family and social history, chief
to any subsequent visits, all information regarding a complaints or problems, medications, allergies, laboratory
patient’s medical care is kept in one location—with the results, summaries from other practitioners seen, and a
primary care provider. host of other data related to the patient’s health. A patient’s
A record created for all new patients will include a record will also include demographic data, address, next
number of vital pieces of information. Established patients of kin, and current insurance information.
CHAPTER 11 The Patient History and Documentation 233
Spotlight on Certification
RMA Content Outline
• Oral and written communications
Before the patient’s visit and obtaining the medi-
cal history, perform the following:
• Charts
• Problem oriented records
1. Make certain the examination room is clean, tidy,
CMA (AAMA) Content Outline and ready for the patient.
• Recognizing and responding to verbal 2. Check to see that all necessary supplies are available.
and nonverbal communication 3. Review the patient’s chart. Note the age, any pos-
• Professional communication and sible need for assistance, and identified reason for
behavior appointment.
• Evaluating and understanding
communication When everything is ready, go to the recep-
• Interviewing techniques tion area for the patient. It is preferable to
• Medical records call the patient’s full name (John Nichols
• Documentation/reporting or Mr. Nichols) unless the patient previously
• Performing telephone and in-person requested the use of the first name or a nickname.
screening Speak clearly and plainly, making certain that your
• Patient history interview patient will be able to hear. When the patient stands,
• Organization of patient’s medical quickly determine if assistance is necessary. (The
record physical assessment has begun.) If assistance is war-
ranted, make that offer and accompany the patient
CMAS Exam Outline to the examination room, remembering later to
• Basic health history interview note in the chart the assistance provided. A friendly
• Basic charting greeting is appreciated and helpful; a greeting such
as, “How are you today?” may not be appropriate.
234 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
Figure 11-1 Sample patient demographic form. (Courtesy of Bibbero Systems, Inc., Petaluma, CA.)
236 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
providers to obtain past medical records and in suited to the provider’s specialty. Health history forms
some cases can be used to allow sharing of infor- can be printed in other languages, such as Spanish.
mation with family members at the request of the
If the patient has several providers, the exam- COMPUTERIZED HEALTH
ining provider will encourage the patient to choose HISTORY
one person to manage primary medical care so that
all medical care and records are concentrated in Health care facilities may use totally com-
one location. Under most managed care insurance E HR puterized health histories. These can be of
policies, patients have one primary care provider two types: patient-generated and provider-
(women may also have an obstetrician/gynecologist) generated. In patient-generated health histories,
who coordinates the patient’s health care. the patient responds on the computer to various
questions and then reviews information with the
medical assistant for completeness. Patients who
Medical History Form do not want to use a computer should be given
The medical health history form can be as short the option of answering questions face to face.
as one page (81⁄2 11) or as long and detailed When using a provider-generated health history,
as six to eight pages. This form includes informa- the medical assistant completes the information
tion on: on the screen during or after the patient interview.
These programs are user-friendly and save time for
1. Present health history, including why the patient is both the patient and medical assistant. The medi-
being seen cal assistant should remember to interact with the
2. Health history, personal and family patient by looking up from the computer from time
3. Social history including marital status, sexual ori- to time during the entry of information. It is easy to
entation, and occupation forget to look at patients as you ask them questions
and enter the information. This habit can make the
4. Military service, including dates and assignment
patient feel disconnected to the process.
(alerts provider to screen for common veteran ill-
nesses and inquire about Agent Orange exposure)
5. Body systems review/questionnaire THE PATIENT INTAKE
6. Medications currently being taken, including over- INTERVIEW
the-counter and prescription medications
Interacting with the Patient
7. Provider’s review of systems (ROS) (completed by
the provider) When the medical assistant takes the medical his-
tory, the first responsibility is to put the patient at
The best form is neither too long nor too ease (Table 11-1). A comfort level must be devel-
complicated. Patients may feel overwhelmed with oped as the medical assistant guides the conver-
a long form and may not finish it, stating they can- sation, keeps it on track, and obtains the most
not remember all the information. The form that information for the provider. Allowing conver-
is simple and brief can provide adequate informa- sation to wander, talking about other people, or
tion in many instances. Some patients find a his- letting the patient tell anecdotes does not help
tory form intimidating. It is often easier for these to complete the history. Explaining a term or
patients to talk directly with the medical assistant concept that the patient does not understand
or the provider about the history, feeling a one-to- is helpful. The medical assistant must remain
one exchange is more personal and private. professional and not be embarrassed or made
Many samples of health history forms can be uncomfortable by the patient’s answers
viewed on the Internet. Facilities often ask patients regarding illness, actions, or personal
who regularly use a computer and have Internet choices (Figure 11-4).
access to go online and print their health history If the patient is already an established
form for completion prior to their appointment. patient but has not seen the provider for several
Depending on the ambulatory care setting, this form months or longer, update the medical history by
can be tailored to include vaccines and immuniza- asking if any illnesses have occurred in the time
tions, usage of recreational drugs, exercise and diet elapsed, if any new allergies to any medications
regimens, accident information (especially if patient or other substances have occurred, and the reac-
was hurt on the job), and any other information tion to each. Document the chief complaint for
238 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
Referrals Pharmacy
Patient Assessment
Procedures, Diagnoses & Treatment Plans
Scheduling Referrals & Follow-up Appointments
Patient Demographics Prescriptions
Insurance Information Orders for Tests
Patient Authorizations Patient Medical History
Figure 11-5 TPMS diagram illustrating the relationship between reception and clinical care activities to a patient’s
medical record.
the medical practice by listening and communi- is to be taken, permission is not given, and the read-
cating with both the patient and the provider. ing must not be done at that time.) This is charted
as “patient refused.”
Trying to get information from a reluctant
Being Sensitive to Patient Needs patient can be difficult and requires patience and
Some patients are frightened, hostile, or depressed. understanding. If the patient is hesitant to discuss
It is important to be open to nonverbal and ver- a problem, it is better not to press for information.
bal communication in answer to questions. Some Pressing for information may make the patient
patients react positively to a hand placed gently on become defensive or angry and can impair commu-
the forearm; it calms and reassures them. Others nication altogether.
have a negative response, pulling away from any A patient may come to the clinic upset and
such contact. Maintaining a professional bound- crying. This patient must be made to feel more in
ary with the patient is essential. Boundaries respect control, that no one is going to rush care being
the patient’s needs for privacy, nurturing, valida- given. Sometimes just taking a few moments to
tion, and separation (see Chapter 4 for additional sit with such patients until they feel more settled
information). is enough to calm them and enable the history-
The medical assistant will know when to taking interview to proceed.
touch the patient appropriately, always with Uncommunicative patients require special
permission either expressed or implied. questioning techniques. The medical assistant
(If the medical assistant tells the patient a blood may have to supply a sample of problems to get
pressure reading is next and reaches for the these patients to acknowledge the health con-
patient’s arm and the patient extends an arm, per- cerns they have. Or they may shrug their shoul-
mission to take the reading is implied. If, however, ders at every question and be unresponsive.
the patient pulls away and states no blood pressure Some patients may simply say, “I don’t know. I just
240 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
Walter Pethokoukis
Date of Birth: 01/22/1949
Visit Date: 04/04/20XX
S: Patient returns after undergoing upper GI; not in as much discomfort as last
visit. States he has been taking clear liquids and soft foods. Says he is
O: Lab results are back. Chem 7 shows slightly elevated glucose at 133. CBC
and UA normal. Upper GI shows two small areas of ulceration.
A: Gastric ulcer.
P: Reduce omeprazole to 10 mg every day. Recheck glucose at return visit in 4 weeks.
E: Patient was advised not to smoke or chew tobacco, limit alcohol intake, and
avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. Try acetaminophen instead. No diet
restrictions indicated.
R: Patient was relieved; indicates there is no problem following the above plan
and recommendation. MM/tim
indicate if there is something other than the chief on the summary page, to alert clinic providers and
complaint about which they have concerns. staff members of possible allergies. The information
• What medications are you taking? Even though the needs to be updated at least annually.
patient’s chart will indicate some of this informa- If possible, update immunizations for adults
tion, this is not the case for a new patient. Most at this time. Childhood immunizations are regu-
patients do not include any over-the-counter medi- larly checked in pediatric examinations. Not all
cations or alternative therapies they may be using. adults recall their records, but some questions can
Some facilities will ask the patients to bring every help providers determine if any immunizations are
medication they are currently taking with them to be given. Refer to Chapter 10 for the immuniza-
to the first visit. Be certain to ask about over-the- tion schedule for adults.
counter items such as vitamins, pain medications,
herbal remedies, and so on. Family History
• Are you allergic to anything? Again, the medi-
The family history can provide clues to the
cal chart may note any allergies, but this ques-
patient’s present condition. By asking open-
tion alerts the staff to any potential problems and
ended questions about medical problems of sib-
updates the chart. It is a safety measure important
lings, parents, and grandparents, the provider is
to both the patient and provider.
alerted to hereditary and familial diseases and
Medications and allergies should be reviewed disorders such as coronary artery disease, hyper-
each time the patient is seen in a medical facility. All tension, breast cancer, and so forth. Present ages
medications are to be listed. Some patients will ben- of siblings, parents, and grandparents or causes of
efit from specific questions about over-the-counter their death and age at time of death are noted.
medications. If there are no known allergies, it should For instance, a family history of diabetes together
be noted so the provider knows the topic has been with the patient’s symptoms of frequent urination
discussed. When there are allergies, they usually are and thirst may make a diagnosis of diabetes mel-
listed on every page of progress notes or on the sum- litus a possibility. Be sensitive to cultural variances,
mary page in an EMR. Some facilities have begun however (see the Patient Education box).
the practice of printing out the list of all medications
and allergies to give to the patient who might want to
provide it to any other practitioners.
Social History
The social history of patients includes their spouse/
partner status; sexual habits; occupation; hob-
Medical History bies; and use of alcohol, tobacco, and recreational
The medical history includes all the patient’s
health problems, major illnesses, and surgeries.
If not included under present illness, all current
medications are noted, including dosages and rea-
sons for taking them, as well as all allergies to any Patient Education
medications and the specific allergic reaction to
each. These are important to the medical history, In some cultures (e.g., Chinese, some Native
because many health problems can overlap and Americans), it is disrespectful to speak of
affect the patient in several areas. A patient with a the dead. Thus, the patient may be reluctant
long history of diabetes mellitus may present with to provide detailed information on the fam-
an ulcer on his foot. Whereas the same ulcer in an ily health history of dead relatives. In these
otherwise healthy patient will heal with little inter- cases, you can ask the patient if there has
vention, the diabetic patient may require major been any history of specific diseases in the
treatment and attention including debridement family and not focus on the specific individ-
(removal of dead or damaged tissue or foreign ual if that person is deceased. The patient
debris), antibiotics, and close monitoring. may be willing to share in which previous
Medications have side effects and contraindi- generation and which side of the family
cations that can affect patients. Allergies to medi- the condition existed. If these approaches
cations can be serious and need to be noted in a are unsuccessful, explain to the patient the
readily visible part of the chart. A red sticker is often importance of this information, because it
placed in a conspicuous area on the inside cover of may provide clues to the patient’s current
the paper chart noting allergies. In a similar fashion, health conditions.
notations will be made in the electronic chart usually
244 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
drugs or other chemical substances. This part of orderly and systematic check of each part of the
the history includes those lifestyles and behaviors body is recorded. The provider asks questions con-
that may put the patient at greater risk for injury cerning each organ and system of the body during
or disease than would normally be found from fac- the examination of the patient. The ROS, in conjunc-
tors in the family history and medical history. tion with the physical examination, helps elicit infor-
Patients may not want to answer questions mation that is essential to the diagnosis of disease.
pertaining to sexual history; attempt to return to The provider usually begins with an overall assess-
these questions later. Ask if a medical assistant of ment and proceeds to check each body system in an
a different sex would make the patient more com- organized manner. The order in which this is done
fortable in discussing sexual practice. may vary by providers, but all will check the cardio-
The adolescent patient may refuse to answer vascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, genitourinary,
questions of a sexual matter or may provide false and neurologic systems, as well as the extremities, the
answers if the parent or caregiver is present. It may musculoskeletal system, and the skin.
be best to ask the caregiver to leave the room at the Both positive and pertinent negative findings
completion of the health history so that you can ask are documented in the ROS. When a response is
the patient if there is anything else to note in the positive, the patient is asked to describe it as com-
sexual history. pletely as possible. Table 11-2 lists some symptoms
Be alert for cues that demonstrate the and diseases that can be ascertained during the
patient’s desire for knowledge on sexual matters, ROS. Many ambulatory care settings have pre-
such as questions or requests for written infor- printed ROS sheets. These are convenient, as pos-
mation. Answer the patient’s questions, provide itive findings can be circled and noted. Negative
educational materials, and refer the patient to a responses are not circled. In the EMR, the same is
specialist when indicated. available as point and click.
It may be necessary to inquire about the By the completion of this portion of the his-
patient’s home environment. Be attentive for tory, the provider usually has an idea about the
clues that signal the necessity of performing an in- patient’s condition.
depth home environment assessment. Some clues To complete the examination, laboratory tests
include, but are not limited to, poor hygiene, fre- may be ordered depending on the findings and the
quent infections, smoke inhalation, burns, mal- probable diagnosis. These results, together with
nutrition, and falls (especially in older adults). the history, examination, and patient symptoms,
help to determine a clinical diagnosis.
Each piece of the patient’s medical history
Review of Systems (ROS) documents integral parts of the patient’s health. If
Once the medical history has been taken, it is time any part is lacking, the current understanding of
to prepare the patient for the examination. Note the patient’s health is not complete.
for the provider any questions for which you were Procedure 11-1 gives the steps for taking a
unable to get a complete answer from the patient paper medical history.
or any areas where you have concerns. Thank the
patient for his or her time and information during
the interview. In clear terms and not speaking too THE PATIENT RECORD
rapidly, explain to the patient the need to disrobe, AND ITS IMPORTANCE
put on a gown, and be seated on the examination
table. (Chapter 21 describes how to transfer a patient The patient’s record is a collection of confiden-
in a wheelchair to the examination table.) Always ask tial information that concerns the patient, care
if the patient needs assistance in disrobing. It is also given to the patient, patient progress, and labo-
wise to let the patient know that you can return in a ratory and other diagnostic test results that have
few minutes to assist him or her onto the examina- been completed. This information is secured in a
tion table if necessary. This allows you to see that the file folder or binder. The EMR is secured
patient is comfortably settled and to give him or her E HR in appropriate computer storage, is viewed
an estimate of how long it will be before the provider at the computer screen, and can be printed
is coming in for the examination. in part or whole for the provider as necessary. It
The ROS is performed during the physi- is used for a variety of purposes, but primarily the
cal examination. When a patient is seen on a fairly record provides a foundation for planning patient
regular basis, only the pertinent body system will be care and making decisions about patient care.
reviewed. In a complete physical examination, an Other purposes for a medical record include using
CHAPTER 11 The Patient History and Documentation 245
Patient’s perception of general state of health at the present time; difference from usual state; vitality
and energy levels
Irritability, nervousness, tension, increased stress, difficulty concentrating, mood changes, suicidal
thoughts, depression
Rashes, itching, changes in skin pigmentation, black and blue marks, change in color or size of mole,
Skin sores, lumps, change in skin texture, odors, excessive sweating, acne, loss of hair, excessive growth of
hair or growth of hair in unusual locations, change in nails, amount of time spent in the sun
Blurry vision, visual acuity, glasses, contact lenses, sensitivity to light, excessive tearing, night blindness,
Eyes double vision, drainage, bloodshot, pain, blind spots, flashing lights, halos around objects, glaucoma,
Ears Hearing deficits, hearing aid, pain, discharge, lightheadedness, ringing in the ears, earaches, infection
Nose and Frequent colds, discharge, itching, hay fever, postnasal drip, stuffiness, sinus pain, polyps, obstruction,
Sinuses nosebleed, change in sense of smell
Toothache, tooth abscess, dentures, bleeding/swollen gums, difficulty chewing, sore tongue, change in
taste, lesions, change in salivation, bad breath
Throat/Neck Hoarseness, change in voice, frequent sore throats, difficulty swallowing, pain/stiffness, enlarged thyroid
Shortness of breath, shortness of breath on exertion, phlegm, cough, sneezing, wheezing, coughing up
blood, frequent upper respiratory tract infections, pneumonia, emphysema, asthma, tuberculosis
Shortness of breath that wakes patient up in the night, chest pain, heart murmur, palpitations, fainting,
sleep on pillows to breathe better, swelling, cold hands/feet, leg cramps, myocardial infarction, hyper-
tension, valvular disease, pain in calf with walking, varicose veins, inflammation of a vein, blood clot in
leg, anemia
Change in appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, usual bowel habits, black and tarry
Gastrointestinal stools, vomiting blood, change in stool color, excessive gas, belching, regurgitation or heartburn,
difficulty swallowing, abdominal pain, jaundice, hemorrhoids, hepatitis, peptic ulcers, gallstones
Change in urine color, voiding habits, painful urination, hesitancy, urgency, frequency, excessive
Urinary urination at night, increased urine volume, dribbling, loss in force of stream, bed-wetting, change
in urine volume, incontinence, pain in lower abdomen, kidney stones, urinary tract infections
Musculo- Joint stiffness, muscle pain, back pain, limitation of movement, redness, swelling, weakness, bony
skeletal deformity, broken bones, dislocations, sprains, gout, arthritis, osteoporosis, herniated disc
Vaginal discharge, change in libido, infertility, sterility, pain during intercourse, menses (last menstrual
period, age period started, regularity, duration, amount of bleeding, premenstrual symptoms, intermen-
strual bleeding, painful periods), menopause (age of onset, duration, symptoms, bleeding), obstetrical
(number of pregnancies, number of miscarriages/abortions, number of children, type of delivery,
complications), type of birth control, estrogen therapy
246 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
Male Repro- Change in libido, infertility, sterility, impotence, pain during intercourse, age at onset of puberty, testicular
ductive pain, penile discharge, erections, emissions, hernias, enlarged prostate, type of birth control
Nutrition Present weight, usual weight, food intolerances, food likes, food dislikes, where meals are eaten
Bulging eyes, fatigue, change in size of head, hands, or feet, weight change, heat/cold intolerances,
Endocrine excessive sweating, increased thirst, increased hunger, change in body hair distribution, swelling in the
anterior neck, diabetes mellitus
it as a basis for communi-cation among caregivers, Protection of the patient’s EMR means that
for statistical analysis in research, and for reporting E HR computer workstation terminals should
infectious diseases to the health department. It is have directional screen filters if they are
also a legal document and belongs to the located in areas where unauthorized individuals
provider or the agency in which the pro- may view the screen. Automated screen time-out
vider is employed. Chapter 7 discusses features should be installed to protect information
legal guidelines and medical records. Because it from passersby. If the office connects to the Inter-
is a legal document, the medical record can be net, telecommuters, or hospital networks, a com-
used to determine if patient care has been given mercial-grade network firewall should be installed,
according to the standards of care that the law tested, and maintained to ensure security. Anti-
recognizes; therefore, it must be complete, con- virus software should be in place and updated
cise, accurate, and understandable. Many impor- regularly.
tant items of information must be placed in the Faxing is a growing vulnerability to the threat
patient record and the medical assistant will be of unintended disclosure of patient confidential
one of the professionals making chart entries. information. Unintentional human, software, and
telecommunication carrier code errors contrib-
ute to the security problem. Faxes are easily mis-
HIPAA Compliance directed or intercepted by individuals for whom
HIPAA regulations focus on three vulnerable areas access was neither intended nor authorized. Only
with respect to medical records and the patient’s authorized personnel should have access to the fax
chart: machine area, and patient information should be
faxed only with assurance that the same security is
• Paper record storage and computer/server areas afforded where the fax is being sent.
• Fax machines
• Workstations Contents of Medical Records
A patient’s paper chart must be stored in Each patient has his or her own medical record.
HIPAA secure and locked areas. It is important All patients’ records hold standard information.
that only those persons with need for In addition to the patient information forms
access to charts have a key to the stoage area. previously mentioned, other important compo-
Locks should be changed periodically to ensure nents of the record include:
security. Sprinkler and fire detection systems
should be installed and tested annually to protect • Informed consent forms
paper records. Patients will respect and appre- • Physical examination outcomes
ciate all procedures and policies to keep their
history and medical records confidential and pro- • Laboratory and diagnostic test results
tected from harm. • The provider’s diagnosis and plan of treatment
CHAPTER 11 The Patient History and Documentation 247
List of Surgeries
Surgical Procedure When
Family History: Parents deceased, father died of heart attack, mother of breast cancer.
Social History: Divorced, no children
Habits: Smokes 2 ppd, Several beers daily
Allergies: Penicillin ________________________________________________
Physical Examination
GENERAL: Well developed and well nourished gentleman in no distress. No jaundice, cyanosis, clubbing, or
VITALS: Weight = 192, Temp = 97.6, Pulse = 78, R = 18, BP = 152/88
HEENT: Normocephalic and without evidence of trauma, tympanic membranes and external auditory canals are
normal. Pharynx and mouth are normal.
NECK: supple, no masses or thyromegaly.
NODES: No cervical nodes palpable. No axillary or inguinal adenopathy.
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: Heart sounds: no murmurs, rubs or gallops, carotids with good upstrokes, no bruits
heard. Peripheral pulses including radials, brachials, and femorals intact. Posterior tibial, and dorsalis
pedis pulses intact.
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: resps 18/min, trachea central, expansion, fremitus, resonance, and breath sounds normal.
ABDOMEN: soft, no masses, organomegaly, or tenderness. No loin or costo-vertebral angle tenderness. Inguinal
canals are intact without herniae. Bowel sounds active.
GENITOURINARY: Penis without lesions or discharge, scrotum, testicles, epididymis and cords all normal
RECTAL: no masses, tenderness, or hemorrhoids. Soft brown stool in vault. Prostate normal in size, and shape
without nodules or tenderness.
MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM: Joints with full ROM, no joint tenderness or swelling. Muscle bulk symmetric and
SKIN: without masses, skin tags, rash, blisters or ulcerations. Nails are normal without splinter hemor-
NEUROLOGICAL SYSTEM: Alert and oriented to place, person, and time. Communicates with good word recognition
and appropriate word usage. Cranial nerves and spinal nerves grossly intact.
Leo McKay
Table 11-3 Charting Rules
Visit Date: 04/04/20XX
Paper Records Electronic Records
Symptoms: Feeling somewhat better. Always write in black Keyboarding must be accu-
Abdominal pain is less on the Omeprazole. or blue ink rate and appropriate.
Exam: Weight = 185 BP = 150/84
Patient had barium swallow showing two areas After charting, sign Type personal or electronic
of ulceration. Lab tests show normal findings with first initial, last signature after each chart
for CBC and UA. Chem 7 shows slightly elevated name, and title. activity.
glucose at 133.
Leave no space Leave no empty spaces
Assessment Plan between chart entry between chart notes and
Gastric Omeprazole 10 mg every day and initial/ handwrit- electronic signature.
ten signature.
ulcer Recheck glucose at
return visit.
Do not erase or oblit- Do not erase or obliterate
Follow-up appointment: 4 weeks. erate any entry. any entry.
Mark Woo, MD
If an error is discov- Errors made at the moment
ered, draw a single of entry are corrected as
Figure 11-10 Sample of follow-up visit note in EMR. line through the mis- usual. Errors discovered
take and write the later require a new docu-
correct information ment identifying the error,
above it.“Corr” or the correction, the date, and
there can be a tendency to rely too much on tech- “Correction” is written signature of the person mak-
nology, causing providers to become careless in by the entry, which is ing the correction. This docu-
their entries. In any medical record, there is never dated and initialed. ment is added to the original
room for inattention to detail and accuracy. Red pen can be used document with a note. EMR
Keep in mind the standard accepted rules for for the correction and software programs have vari-
notation. Follow your able time lockouts to prevent
charting in both the paper medical record and the clinic policy. tampering with the chart.
EMR. Many of the rules are pertinent to both types
of records.
Table 11-4 Charting Rules That Apply to Both Paper and Electronic Charting
Leave no blank lines in the chart. Enter your data in the next available line.
Use only standard abbreviations that have been determined are not easily misinterpreted. See Abbreviations Common to
Medical Charting (Table 11-5).
Avoid medical terminology unless absolutely certain of spelling and definition. Legal authorities advise keeping medical
terminology to a minimum. The record must be understandable to the patient and to any authorized user.
Use present tense. Never use future tense, such as “patient to be given a tetanus shot”; instead, wait until the injection is
given, then chart the event.
Never chart for another person; chart only what you know, not what someone else has told you.
Describe events and behaviors; do not label them.“Patient was really angry” does not describe the event as well as
“Patient yelled and threw the pencil on the counter.”
Be as specific as you can. Charting “Patient complained of shoulder pain” is not as clear as “Patient complains of right
shoulder pain when reaching overhead.”
Procedure 11-1
Taking a Medical History for a Paper Medical Record
PURPOSE: 4. Ask each question clearly. Be sure patient under-
To obtain a medical history from a patient new to the stands all questions. Ask about allergies.
ambulatory care setting. 5. Repeat patient answers when needed to confirm.
Be specific when documenting answers. Do not
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: just write “yes” for tobacco use. List “2 packs per
Patient history forms
day.” Be specific.
Pen 6. Write legibly using dark ink (blue or black).
7. Recheck the medical history form to be sure all
PROCEDURE STEPS: parts are complete. Note any additional informa-
1. Introduce yourself to the new patient. Confirm tion provided by patient. Make sure numbers,
identity of the patient and escort to the examina- dates, spelling, and other information are accu-
tion room or private area. rate and legible. RATIONALE: Ensures that all
2. Make eye contact and use positive body language. components of the medical history have been
RATIONALE: Puts patient at ease. completed.
3. Explain the purpose and importance of obtain- 8. Prepare the patient for the review of systems and
ing the patient information. Ask the questions physical examination if this is indicated.
on the form, trying to get as much information 9. Document the procedure. RATIONALE: Iden-
as possible without letting the patient wander tifies person responsible for taking the medical
from the subject. history.
CHAPTER 11 The Patient History and Documentation 253
254 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
The patient’s medical history and the information that appears in the medical chart form the base for any
and all treatment given to a patient. An efficient and effective medical chart tells the patient’s story. It is
critical that all information be accurate, documented appropriately, and complete in every way. Taking the
medical history, maintaining the patient’s chart, and documenting information is a major task for medical
assistants. Increased use of the EMR makes charting easier and quicker for clinic staff personnel and pro-
viders. Errors are less likely in the EMR, and information is more readily available when needed. Changing
from the paper medical chart to the electronic medical chart is time consuming and often seems over-
whelming, but medical personnel using the EMR cannot imagine functioning without them.
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet and complete the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on the textbook CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
CHAPTER 11 The Patient History and Documentation 255
Multiple Choice c. computer skills in medical note taking
d. a major portion of the receptionist’s time and
1. If the patient has difficulty with English, the medi- energy
cal assistant should: 8. The CCR was developed:
a. make the appointment for the patient and obtain a. by medical groups including the American
the services of an interpreter to be present Academy of Family Physicians and the American
b. set the appointment after contact is made with Academy of Pediatrics
the interpreter b. to reduce errors and ensure certain information
c. speak more loudly so the patient will understand is shared among providers
d. suggest that the patient find a provider who c. for input from all health care providers, nurses,
speaks his or her first language and medical assistants
2. A helpful question to ask the returning patient is: d. all the above
a. Are you feeling bad today? 9. Progress notes include:
b. Didn’t you get better with the treatment pre- a. medical history and results of laboratory tests
scribed last visit? b. the provider’s plan for treating the patient
c. Have you noticed any changes in your condition c. the CC, problems, conditions, treatment, and
since your last visit? responses to care
d. Do you realize you have gained six pounds since d. a and c
your visit last week? 10. Subjective, objective, assessment, and plan charting
3. When the patient reports not feeling well, the is sometimes referred to as:
medical assistant should: a. SOAP
a. mark the chief complaint as “patient not feeling b. POMR
well” c. SOMR
b. ask helpful questions to help the patient express d. CCRP
specific problems or symptoms
c. pin down the symptoms by guessing what the Critical Thinking
problem could be
d. let the provider work with the patient 1. Recall your last visit to your personal medical care
4. Source-oriented medical records: provider. How well was the medical history taken?
a. are chronologic notes beginning with the Was it done on paper or electronically? What was
patient’s first visit particularly helpful about the encounter? What
b. have four major components was not helpful? Are there any ways in which you
c. are the best for finding information quickly would like it to be changed? If so, describe the
d. are best when many providers see the patient changes.
5. Name, address, telephone numbers, birth date, 2. Compare and contrast the patient’s chief concern
Social Security number, insurance information, with the provider’s chief concern in the cross-
and person to contact in an emergency is informa- cultural model. How can those concerns be
tion referred to as: brought together into one focus?
a. demographic data 3. A male patient you are interviewing denies that he
b. CCR of patient information smokes, but his fingers are darkened with tobacco
c. social history stain and he reeks of the tobacco odor. What ques-
d. none of the above tions might you ask to clarify his response?
6. The chief complaint: 4. The health and well-being of family members con-
a. often is referred to as the CC in the chart tributes what kind of information to a patient’s
b. is a statement of objective findings made by the medical history? When that information is essen-
staff tially unknown for one reason or another, how is
c. is subjective data as expressed by the patient that information addressed in the chart?
d. a and c 5. There are two major “patient examples” of histo-
7. Interviewing patients for their medical history ries in this chapter: Mr. Leo McKay and Mr. Harvey
requires: DiAntonio. From the social and family history,
a. special credentials such as CMA or RMA identify how that information may or may not
b. cross-cultural interviewing and communication relate to the presenting problem.
256 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
OBJECTIVES (continued)
8. Describe the appropriate equipment and procedure for obtain-
ing a blood pressure measurement.
9. Identify normal and abnormal blood pressure, including fac-
tors affecting blood pressure.
10. Describe the procedures for obtaining height, weight, and chest
measurements of adults.
11. Accurately record measurements on the patient’s chart or elec-
tronic medical record.
12. Explain two reasons why a professional individual shows respon-
sibility by learning about the dangers of mercury.
The medical office of Drs. Lewis and King, clinical under control. In reviewing Abigail’s chart, Joe notices
medical assistant Joe Guerrero, CMA (AAMA), assists that her blood pressure has been quite stable for the
both providers in taking patients’ vital signs. One of his last few visits. He also checks her weight and notices
favorite patients is Abigail Johnson, a friendly woman that Abigail is slowly losing weight. Abigail’s chart, with
in her 70s who always has a kind disposition despite its history of blood pressure and other measurements,
her financial and medical difficulties. Abigail is over- informs Joe’s perspective and is a helpful record when
weight and has hypertension, so her blood pressure evaluating the progress Abigail has made since she
is monitored on a regular basis to be certain that it is became a patient 3 years ago.
One of the most important and commonly performed before taking vital signs will assist in preventing cross con-
tasks of a medical assistant is obtaining and recording tamination of patients. Refer to the discussion on Standard
patient vital signs and body measurements. Vital signs, Precautions and medical asepsis in Chapter 10. Also, emo-
also sometimes referred to as cardinal signs, include tem- tional factors of patients must be recognized and addressed.
perature, pulse, respiration, and blood pressure, abbrevi- Explaining procedures and allowing the patient the oppor-
ated TPR B/P. They are indicative of the general health tunity to relax will ease apprehension that may affect vital
and well-being of a patient and, with regular monitoring, sign readings.
may measure patient response to treatment. Vital signs,
in total or in part, are an important component of each
patient visit. Height and weight measurements, although THE IMPORTANCE
not considered vital signs, are often a routine part of a OF ACCURACY
patient visit.
Patients will exhibit vital sign readings that are Vital signs may be altered by many factors. Medi-
uniquely their own. As a result, baseline assessments of cal assistants must recognize and correct factors
vital signs are usually obtained during the patient’s ini- that may produce inaccurate results. For example,
tial visit. These baseline results are used as a reference patients may exhibit anxiety over potential test
point for future readings, differentiating between what is results or findings of the provider. They may
normal and abnormal for the patient. be angry or may have rushed into the office. A
Two important habits must be developed by the patient may have had something to eat or drink
medical assistant before taking a patient’s vital before the visit or may have had a long wait in the
signs: aseptic technique in the form of hand reception area. Patient apprehension and mood
washing and recognition and correction of factors that must always be considered by the medical assis-
may influence results of vital signs. Proper hand washing tant, because these factors can affect vital signs.
CHAPTER 12 Vital Signs and Measurements 259
Spotlight on Certification
RMA Exam Outline
• Vital signs and measurements CLINICAL CARE
CMA (AAMA) Content Outline Patient Assessment
Procedures, Diagnoses & Treatment Plans
• Equipment preparation and operation Referrals & Follow-up Appointments
• Principles of operations Orders for Tests
Patient Medical History
• Vital signs
CMAS Exam Outline
• Vital signs and measurements
Test Results
Schedules and Tickler Files
Patient Medical History
Medication Administration
Patient Education
Graphical Patient Data Displays
The medical assistant may be required to take
vital signs more than once during an office visit
to ascertain a baseline and obtain an impression
of overall well-being of the patient. Body measure-
ments such as weight may be influenced by what
the patient is wearing; height may be influenced RECORDS
by the patient’s shoes and how his or her posture
is while being measured.
Accuracy in taking vital signs is necessary
Figure 12-1 In a total practice management system,
because treatment plans are developed according
the patient’s vital signs are often entered by the medi-
to the measurement of the vital signs (Figure 12-1).
cal assistant during clinical care. Many programs have
Variations can indicate a new disease process or
the ability to output vital signs data in a graph format,
the patient’s response to treatment. They may also
so a provider can easily note fluctuations in a patient’s
indicate the patient’s compliance with a treatment
weight, blood pressure, normal temperature, etc.
plan. Although taking vital signs is a task commonly
performed by the medical assistant, it is never to
be taken casually or lightly, and it should never be The body loses heat by a combination of
rushed or incompletely performed. Concentration five processes:
and attention to proper procedure will help ensure
1. Convection. The process by which heat is lost
accurate measurements and quality care of the
through the skin by being transferred from the
patient. The following text discusses procedures
skin by air currents flowing across it, such as a fan
used to measure the vital signs of children and
used on a hot day for cooling purposes.
adults. Procedures used for infant examinations
are discussed in Chapter 15. 2. Conduction. The transfer of heat from within the body
to the surface of the skin and then to surrounding
cooler objects touching the skin, such as clothing.
TEMPERATURE 3. Radiation. Body heat lost from the surface of the skin
to a cooler environment, much like a cool room
Body temperature is maintained and regulated by becoming warm when occupied by many people.
two processes functioning in conjunction with one 4. Evaporation. A heat loss mechanism that uses heat
another: heat production and heat loss. absorption through vaporization of perspiration.
Body heat is produced by the actions of
5. Elimination. Heat that is lost through the normal
voluntary and involuntary muscles. As the mus-
functioning of the intestinal, urinary, and respira-
cles move, they use energy, which produces heat.
tory tracts.
Cellular metabolic activities, such as the pro-
cess of breaking down food sugars into simpler The delicate balance between heat produc-
components (catabolism), are another source tion and heat loss is maintained by the hypothal-
of heat. amus in the brain. The hypothalamus monitors
260 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
blood temperature and will trigger either the heat • Continuous: a fever that remains above the baseline;
loss or heat production mechanism with as little as it does not fluctuate but remains fairly constant
0.04°F change in blood temperature.
Body temperature is measured in degrees and Figure 12-2 depicts types of fever.
is influenced by several factors, including:
Phase Out of Mercury
• An increase in temperature may result from a bac-
terial infection, increased physical activity or food
Thermometers and Other
intake, exposure to heat, pregnancy, drugs that Mercury-Containing Equipment
increase metabolism, stress and severe emotional Glass mercury thermometers have been used for
reactions, and age. Age becomes a factor in that decades and have been common in health care
infants have an average body temperature that is agencies as well as the home. In recent years, con-
one to two degrees higher than adults. cerns have arisen about mercury toxicity when
• Decrease in temperature may result from viral mercury thermometers or other equipment con-
infections, decreased muscular activity, fasting, a taining mercury breaks and spills mercury into the
depressed emotional state, exposure to cold, drugs environment.
that decrease metabolic activities, and age. Age in This can create a mercury vapor in the indoor
this instance refers to older adults, in that older air, which is a serious problem. The mercury also
adults have decreased metabolic activity resulting can cause environmental damage if it enters lakes
in a decrease in body temperature. and rivers where it can contaminate fish, which are
• Another factor that can increase or decrease body part of the food chain. Even small amounts of mer-
temperature is time of day. During sleep and early cury can do great harm. The fetus is at risk because
morning, the temperature is at its lowest, whereas its developing nervous system is susceptible to mer-
later in the day with muscular and metabolic activ- cury toxicity if a pregnant woman eats fish contami-
ity, the temperature increases. nated with mercury. When thermometers break or
are disposed of improperly, the mercury can enter
Because of the many factors influencing body the atmosphere, especially if the mercury waste is
temperature and the uniqueness of individuals, burned in an incinerator.
there is no “normal” temperature. The medical If spilled mercury is not cleaned up (perhaps
assistant must think of temperatures in terms of the the individual using the thermometer is unaware
“average,” which for an adult is 98.6°F, or 37.0°C. that it is broken, and the mercury has seeped into
a carpet or crevice), the mercury will evaporate and
Terms Used to Describe can reach dangerous levels in indoor air. There is
medical literature that illustrates some cases of
Body Temperature serious illnesses and even death from exposure to
The following terms are used to describe body tem- mercury from broken thermometers. Most cases
perature: involved young children. According to the Envi-
ronmental Protection Agency (EPA), a 32-month-
• Afebrile: absence of fever old child who was exposed to mercury became ill
• Febrile: fever is present with hypertension, tachycardia, apathy, pulmonary
edema, and coma. The mercury from a broken
• Fever: body temperature increased beyond normal
thermometer had not been cleaned up.
range; pyrexia is another term for fever
Even small mercury spills should be cleaned
• Onset: time when fever begins up as soon as possible. Becton-Dickinson, a
• Lysis: body temperature gradually returns to nor- thermometer manufacturer, makes the follow-
mal after a period of fever ing recommendations for cleaning up a broken
• Crisis: body temperature decreases suddenly to thermometer:
normal levels; the patient may perspire profusely
(diaphoresis) • Pick up the mercury with an eyedropper or scoop
up the beads of mercury with a piece of heavy
• Intermittent: a fluctuating fever that returns to or paper (cardboard, index card, or playing card).
below baseline, then increases again
• Place mercury, the dropper, heavy paper, and any
• Remittent: a fluctuating fever that does not return to broken glass in a plastic resealable bag. Place this
the baseline temperature; it fluctuates but remains bag into two more resealable bags, zipping each
increased within the other, finishing up with the contents
CHAPTER 12 Vital Signs and Measurements 261
T 105°
M 104°
P 103°
R 102°
A 101°
R 99°
(A) Continuous
T 105°
M 104°
P 103°
R 102°
A 101°
R 99°
(B) Intermittent
T 105°
M 104°
P 103°
R 102°
A 101°
R 99°
(C) Remittent
Figure 12-2 Types of fevers. (A) Continuous—remains above baseline. Does not fluctuate. (B) Intermittent—a
fluctuating fever. Returns to or below baseline, then rises again. (C) Remittent—a fluctuating fever but does not
return to baseline temperature. Remains elevated, but fluctuates.
262 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
bagged three times. Place this into a wide-mouth, temperature. They are used once and then dis-
sealable plastic container. carded. There are strips for use on the forehead
• Call the local health department for the nearest mer- and others for oral use. Although strips are easy
cury disposal location. If no disposal location is avail- to use and prevent patient cross contamination,
able, dispose of the container according to local and accuracy is questionable.
state regulations. The health department can inform
you regarding how to obtain the information. Electronic and Digital Thermometers.
Electronic thermometers are widely used,
• Leave windows open for about 2 days to ensure
handheld, battery-operated or plug-in units
complete ventilation.
that have easy-to-read electronic display screens
These recommendations can be applied to indicate results (Figure 12-3). Electronic ther-
to mercury spillage caused by other mercury- mometers in Fahrenheit or Celsius scales are avail-
containing equipment. Do not do the following: able. Probes are attached and are color-coded blue
for oral and red for rectal. The probes have dis-
• Do not use household cleaning products. Combi- posable plastic covers. The plastic cover acts as a
nations of some cleansers with mercury can release barrier to prevent contamination of the probe and
toxic gases. is replaced for each patient to prevent cross con-
• Do not use a broom or brush to clean up mercury; tamination. An accurate result can be obtained in
they only spread it around. approximately 10 seconds.
• Do not use a vacuum cleaner or shop vacuum. The Inexpensive digital thermometers are widely
mercury vapor escapes into the air and increases available for home use (Figure 12-4). They are
exposure to individuals in the area. quick, easy to use, and accurate. Encourage your
patients to switch to these from the mercury glass
In 1998, the American Hospital Association thermometers. These lightweight thermometers
signed an agreement with the EPA to eliminate do not require recharging; their small imbedded
mercury from their hospitals’ waste systems. Hos- batteries last for years but are not replaceable.
pitals and other health care agencies are phasing Suggest patients watch for “Turn in Your
out the use of mercury thermometers and other Mercury Thermometer Days.” Some communi-
medical equipment that contain mercury, such as ties, in conjunction with local pharmacies, set
sphygmomanometers, among others. Many states aside a day or two each year for residents to take
have recalled mercury thermometers and replaced mercury thermometers to their local pharmacy.
them with digital ones. In exchange for the mercury thermometers, free
The best alternative is use of nonmercury digital thermometers are given as replacements.
thermometers, such as digital and electronic. These
can be used orally, rectally, or axillary. Also available
are tympanic (ear canal) a temporal artery, and flex-
ible, disposable, forehead, or oral thermometers Plastic holder containing digital thermometer Box of disposable Power
probes and rechargeable battery probe covers source
(less accurate). There are no known risks with any
of the above thermometers.
Disposable Thermometers. Disposable ther- Figure 12-3 Electronic thermometers have inter-
mometers are individually wrapped strips with changeable oral and rectal probes attached to a
heat-sensitive dots that change color to indicate battery-operated portable unit.
CHAPTER 12 Vital Signs and Measurements 263
sites include the radial, carotid, temporal, bra- the head. It is rarely used to obtain a pulse rate but
chial, femoral, popliteal, and dorsalis pedis arter- may be used to monitor circulation, control bleed-
ies (Figure 12-7). An apical pulse, located at the ing from the head and scalp, and to take a tempo-
apex of the heart, may also be taken. Although the ral artery temperature.
radial, brachial, and carotid arteries are the most • The femoral pulse is located in the groin area. It is a
frequently used sites for pulse rates, it is important deep artery and must be compressed firmly to be felt.
to recognize pulse beats because circulation may
be monitored by palpating the other sites. Pulse • The popliteal pulse is located at the back of the knee.
sites are also used when necessary as pressure The patient must be in a supine position with the
points for controlling severe bleeding. knee flexed for it to be felt because the artery is deep
within the knee. This artery is used for leg blood
• The radial pulse is located at the thumb side of the pressure measurements and to monitor circulation.
wrist approximately 1 inch above the base of the • The dorsalis pedis pulse is felt on the top of the foot
thumb. This is the most commonly used site for slightly to the side of midline next to the extensor
obtaining a pulse rate. ligament of the great toe, between the first and
• The carotid pulse, used during emergency situations second metatarsal bones. It is commonly used to
and when performing cardiopulmonary resuscita- monitor lower limb circulation.
tion (CPR), is found between the larynx and sterno- • Apical pulse is found at the apex of the heart,
cleidomastoid muscle in the front side of the neck located at the fifth intercostal space left side, mid-
on either side of the trachea. When measuring the clavicular line, that is, between the fifth and sixth
pulse at the carotid site, compress only one side at a ribs perpendicular to the middle of the clavicle,
time. left of the sternum. A stethoscope is required to
• The brachial pulse is found in the inner aspect of obtain an apical pulse. Apical pulse is used for car-
the elbow called the antecubital space. This pulse diac patients and patients with an arrhythmia, and
site is the most commonly used site to obtain blood to obtain infant pulse rates because they are diffi-
pressure measurements. cult to obtain by the usual methods.
• The temporal pulse is located at the temple area of
a regular rate and yet have a variation in intensity or reported to the provider; for example: P 72 irreg-
volume. Volume should be noted and reported. ular 2 minutes.
Condition of the arterial wall can be felt as Procedure 12-7 describes measuring a radial
the pulse is taken. The normal artery feels soft and pulse; Procedure 12-8 describes measuring an api-
elastic. The abnormal artery may feel hard, knotty, cal pulse.
wiry, or a combination of these. These should be
noted and reported because they may indicate car-
diac disease. RESPIRATION
The function of respiration (breathing) is the
Normal Pulse Rates exchange of the gases oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Average pulse rates vary from birth to adulthood. External respiration occurs when oxygen is drawn
At birth, the pulse rate is much higher; as we age, it into the lungs when breathing in and carbon diox-
generally decreases. ide is expelled from the lungs when breathing out.
Internal respiration occurs when oxygen is used
by the cells for cellular function. Carbon dioxide
is a by-product of cellular function and is expelled
via exhalation as a waste product. Respiration is an
NORMAL PULSE RATES involuntary act controlled by the medulla oblon-
Birth 130–140 beats per minute gata of the brain. The medulla oblongata measures
Infants 110–130 beats per minute blood levels of carbon dioxide and triggers a respi-
Children 1 year 110–130 beats per minute ration when the level of carbon dioxide increases.
2 years 96–115 beats per minute Although it is an involuntary act, respiration may
3 years 86–105 beats per minute be altered by holding the breath or when hyper-
7–14 yerars 76–90 beats per minute ventilation occurs. One inspiration (inhalation)
Adults 60–80 beats per minute
drawing in of air and one expiration (exhalation)
expelling air together equals one respiration.
Abnormalities in the characteristics of respi-
Pulse Abnormalities ration, such as rate, rhythm, and depth, are noted
when measuring respiration.
Abnormalities may occur in the rate, rhythm, Respiratory rate is the number of respirations
and feel of the arterial wall. Common pulse rate per minute. The normal respiratory rate, eupnea,
abnormalities include bradycardia, a pulse rate varies with age, activities, illness, emotions, and
less than 60 beats per minute, and tachycardia, a drugs. The average respiration rate to pulse rate is
pulse rate greater than 100 beats per minute. Com- 1:4, one respiration to four pulse beats.
mon arrhythmias include a pulsation felt before Respiratory rhythm refers to the pattern of
expected, which is called a premature contrac- breathing. It can vary with age, with adults having
tion, and sinus arrhythmia. An occasional prema- a regular pattern, but infants having an irregular
ture contraction can occur in response to stress, pattern. Rhythm may be altered by laughing and
caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, or lack of sleep. Sinus sighing.
arrhythmia may occur during respiration and can
be found in some children and young adults. The
rate increases with inspiration and decreases with
expiration. It usually does not require treatment.
When any pulse rate abnormalities or arrhyth- Newborns 44 respirations per minute
mias are felt, take the pulse for 1 full minute, note Infants 20–40 respirations per minute
the frequency of the abnormality, record the abnor- Children (1–7 years) 18–30 respirations per minute
Adults 12–20 respirations per minute
mality, and alert the provider. The provider may
want you to take an apical pulse (see Chapter 25).
sleep, being unable to move, but can still breathe. elasticity, condition of the muscle of the heart, genet-
The cause may be genetic. ics, diet and weight, activity, and emotional state.
The diagnosis is made by ruling out sleep
apnea (through sleep studies) and by the history • Blood volume is the amount of blood within the
of repeated episodes of daytime sleeping for a few arteries. Increased volume of blood increases blood
seconds to half an hour. The disorder is not under pressure, whereas a decrease in blood volume
the patient’s control. decreases blood pressure, as in the case of a hemor-
rhage or severe dehydration.
Breath Sounds. The presence or absence of breath • Peripheral resistance is the resistance to blood flow
sounds can be indicative of respiratory problems. within the arteries. The resistance is in direct relation
Sounds should be listened for and noted when tak- to the lumen of the arteries. The smaller the lumen,
ing the patient’s respiratory rate. the more pressure needed to push blood through.
Rales (pronounced “rawles”) are rattling The reverse is also true: the larger the lumen, the
sounds heard during inspiration and expiration less resistance and less pressure needed to push the
when the lung passageways contain secretions. The blood through. The size of the lumen can become
provider uses a stethoscope to auscultate or listen smaller from deposits of fatty cholesterol (plaque),
for rales, which are associated with some lung dis- resulting in an increase in blood pressure.
eases. Rhonchi are sounds similar to snoring, usu- • Vessel elasticity refers to the ability of arteries to
ally produced by a rattle in the throat. These are expand and contract to provide a steady flow of blood.
also heard by auscultation. As a person ages, elasticity of the vessels is reduced.
Wheezes are high-pitched musical sounds Atherosclerosis can cause an increase in arterial wall
heard on expiration. They can be the result of resistance, resulting in an increase in blood pressure.
an obstruction in the bronchi and bronchioles of
• The condition of the heart muscle is extremely
the lungs. Wheezes are commonly associated with
important to blood flow and blood pressure. A
asthma and emphysema, a chronic pulmonary dis-
strong heart muscle provides a forceful pump result-
ease characterized by dilated and damaged alveoli.
ing in efficient blood flow and normal blood pres-
Stridor is a crowing sound heard on inspira-
sure. A weak heart muscle results in an inefficient
tion as a result of an obstruction of the upper air-
pumping action of the heart leading to a decrease in
way. It is associated with laryngitis, a foreign body
blood pressure and blood flow (see Chapter 25).
obstruction, and croup in children.
Stertorous respiration is described as a snoring The viscosity of the blood also is a factor in
sound with labored breathing. The sound usually is blood pressure. Viscosity refers to how sticky a sub-
created by partial obstruction of the upper airway. stance is, in this case, the blood. If the blood is sticky,
it acts thicker. Imagine holding a bottle of thin syrup
upside down over your pancakes. The thin syrup
BLOOD PRESSURE comes out of the bottle quite readily. Now imagine
holding a bottle of thick molasses over the pancakes.
Blood pressure measures cardiovascular function Being very viscous, the molasses is thicker and much
by measuring the force of blood exerted on periph- more difficult to pour. So it is with viscous blood; it
eral arteries during the cardiac cycle or heartbeat. is thicker and requires a lot more work for the heart
The measurement consists of two components. muscle to move it through the vessels, thus increasing
The first is the force exerted on the arterial walls the pressure inside the walls of the arteries. In fact, it
during cardiac contraction and is called systole. may be so viscous that it might not be able to reach
The second is the force exerted during cardiac the tiniest capillaries of the kidney, eyes, and other
relaxation and is called diastole. They represent areas without substantial increase in blood pressure.
the highest (systole) and lowest (diastole) amount
of pressure exerted during the cardiac cycle. Blood Equipment for Measuring
pressure is recordedas a fraction, with the systolic
measurement written, followed by a slash and then
Blood Pressure
the diastolic measurement. Blood pressure is measured by the auscultatory (lis-
tening) method using a sphygmomanometer and
Example: systole/diastole or 120/80 a stethoscope (Figure 12-8). Three types of sphyg-
momanometers are commonly used in the ambula-
Blood pressure may be affected by many factors, tory care setting: mercury, aneroid, and electronic
including blood volume, peripheral resistance, vessel (digital) manometers (Figures 12-9 to 12-12).
270 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
Figure 12-12 (A) Mobile aneroid sphygmomanometer. (B) Wall-mounted aneroid sphygmomanometer. (Courtesy
of Welch-Allyn.)
of mercury thermometers; therefore, information cause health and environmental problems. Mercury
about the mercury sphygmomanometers is provided manometers need to be cleaned and checked regu-
in this chapter. larly for accuracy by a professional technician. Care
The mercury manometer consists of a cuff con- in handling and storage is important to prevent air
taining a rubber bladder attached by rubber tubing bubbles and dirt from forming in the column or
to a glass column of mercury. The blood pressure is breaking the glass containing the mercury.
read at the meniscus of the mercury as it descends The aneroid manometer is a cuff containing a
the column. Mercury manometers are the most rubber bladder attached to a dial. The blood pres-
accurate method of blood pressure measurement sure is read at the point of the needle descending
and are considered the standard because blood the dial. Aneroid manometers need to be calibrated
pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury. regularly because they do not maintain calibration
Although the most accurate, mercury manometers easily. Care in handling and storage will decrease
do have disadvantages: they are not as portable as the loss of calibration. Although not as accurate as a
aneroid manometers, and there is always the danger mercury manometer, aneroid manometers are easily
of a mercury spill should the glass column break and portable and there is no danger of a mercury spill.
272 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
Hypertension. There are five types of hyperten- Hypotension. Hypotension is blood pressure per-
sion: primary or essential, secondary, benign, and sistently less than normal, usually less than 90/60,
malignant. although this may be normal for some healthy
adults. Hypotension is defined as a blood pres-
• The most commonly seen form of hypertension sure so low that the patient is unable to function
is primary or essential. It is hypertension with no normally. It is usually a result of various shocklike
apparent cause or cure but is treatable. Treatment conditions such as hemorrhage, traumatic or emo-
is designed to control hypertension and is a life- tional shock, central nervous system disorders, or
long process. It will not be cured, just controlled. chronic wasting diseases. With successful treatment
The American Heart Association (AHA) suggests of the underlying problems, the blood pressure
that to diagnose hypertension, the diagnosis is usually will be in the range of normal readings.
based on the average of three readings at each of Orthostatic hypotension, sometimes called
three visits to the provider’s office after the initial postural hypotension, occurs when a person rapidly
baseline screening. According to the AHA, normal changes position from supine to standing, when
Patient Education
Hypertension is at epidemic proportions in have inherited hypertensive tendencies. With
the United States, and many patients are not the provider’s advice, there are steps to take
treated because they do not know that they include: eating plenty of produce, grains, and
have the problem. It is known as the “silent low-fat dairy foods; cutting back on salt; stop-
epidemic” because most people do not expe- ping smoking; exercising regularly; maintain-
rience any symptoms over a span of years. ing a healthy weight; limiting alcohol intake;
However, untreated or poorly treated hyperten- and reducing stress. It is easy to see that these
sion over time can damage the heart, cause recommendations all are lifestyle changes.
myocardial infarction, cause a stroke (cerebrol They can significantly reduce blood pressure if
vascular accident), or lead to kidney failure. practiced daily. Blood pressure must be moni-
There are several nondrug ways to tored regularly by your provider.
reduce blood pressure, even for people who
CHAPTER 12 Vital Signs and Measurements 275
To measure a patient’s height, a scale with a mea- The patient is asked to step on the scale and face
suring bar is necessary (Figure 12-16A). A paper away from the measuring bar. Assist patient onto
towel is placed on the scale because the patient’s the scale; the scale platform is movable and the
shoes should be removed for accurate measuring. patient could fall.
There are two reasons for having the patient’s
back to the scale. When the measuring bar is lifted,
it could cause face or eye injuries if the patient were
Critical Thinking facing the bar. Lifting the measuring bar prior to
Discuss the normal vital signs differences the patient stepping on the scale can also lead to
expected between an infant and an adult. eye and face injuries in that the patient could inad-
Why do they occur? vertently walk into the bar. Another reason to have
the patient’s back to the scale is if the patient does
276 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
Small Weight 45 Large Weight Balance Bar
Indicator Indicator
Figure 12-17 The upper bar indicates small pound weights (from 0−50 lb). The weight shown on the lower bar is
measured in 50-lb increments. The lower measurement is added to the upper bar amount that is shown. The upper
bar shows 22 lb; the lower bar measures 100 lb. Upper bar 22 lb plus lower bar 100 lb equal total weight 122 lb.
CHAPTER 12 Vital Signs and Measurements 277
130 pounds divided by
2.2 59.09 kg
Figure 12-18 An electronic scale.
To convert from kilograms to pounds:
Take the number of kilograms and
multiply by 2.2
ration. A comparison is then made to ascertain
Example: chest capacity. To perform the procedure, ask the
patient to disrobe from the waist up. Place a tape
50 kilograms multiplied by measure around the chest at nipple level. Instruct
2.2 110 lb.
the patient to inhale deeply while you measure,
then ask the patient to exhale completely while you
take the second measurement. Record the results
Significance of Weight as inspiration number and expiration number (see
The careful monitoring of a patient’s weight may Chapter 18).
provide an insight into metabolic, nutritional, and
emotional problems.
Procedure 12-1
Measuring an Oral Temperature Using an Electronic Thermometer
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 8. Cover with probe cover (Figure 12-19).
RATIONALE: To prevent microorganism cross
9. Insert under the tongue to either side of the
PURPOSE: mouth (Figure 12-20). RATIONALE: Under
To obtain an oral temperature. the center of the tongue is the frenulum, which
impedes placement in this area.
Electronic thermometer 10. Instruct patient to close mouth without placing
Probe covers teeth on thermometer. RATIONALE: To prevent
Biohazard waste container air leakage.
11. Leave in place until the beep is heard.
1. Wash hands and follow Standard Precautions. 12. Remove thermometer after appropriate time
has elapsed.
2. Assemble equipment.
13. Read the results on the digital display window.
3. Identify patient.
14. Discard probe cover in biohazard waste container.
4. Position the patient in a comfortable position.
15. Replace electronic thermometer in the base
5. Determine if the patient has ingested hot or holder, if required for recharging.
cold drinks or food or has been smoking within
the previous half hour. RATIONALE: Ingesting 16. Wash hands.
hot or cold substances or smoking can result in 17. Record temperature in patient’s chest or elec-
an arbitrary increase or decrease in temperature tronic medical record.
6. Explain the procedure. RATIONALE: To obtain DOCUMENTATION
patient cooperation and consent. 5/26/20XX 11:00 AM T 99.2°F, P 96, R 14. C. McInnis,
RMA _________________________________________
7. Select blue (oral) probe.
Figure 12-19 Slide the probe into the disposable Figure 12-20 Insert the thermometer under tongue
cover, adjusting if necessary. to either side of mouth.
CHAPTER 12 Vital Signs and Measurements 279
Procedure 12-2
Measuring an Aural Temperature Using a Tympanic Thermometer
To obtain an aural temperature using a tympanic 5/26/20XX 4:00 PM T 99.6° F (Tym), P 100, R 20. C. McInnis,
thermometer. RMA _________________________________________
Tympanic thermometer (Figure 12-21)
Probe covers or ear speculum
Waste container
1. Wash hands following Standard Precautions.
2. Assemble equipment.
3. Identify the patient.
4. Explain procedure. RATIONALE: This will help
gain patient’s cooperation and consent.
5. Place cover on thermometer (Figure 12-22).
6. Set thermometer to start.
7. Gently straighten ear canal up and back for adults Figure 12-22 Attach the disposable speculum or
and place probe into ear canal to seal the area and cover to the tympanic thermometer to prevent spread
activate the system (Figure 12-23). RATIONALE: of microorganisms between patients.
Air leaks will occur if the ear canal is not sealed.
8. Wait until the temperature is displayed on the
9. Remove from the ear.
10. Discard cover into waste container by pressing
the release button.
11. Wash hands.
12. Replace thermometer.
Procedure 12-3
Measuring a Temperature Using a Temporal Artery (TA) Thermometer
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 6. Hold the probe in the center of patient’s fore-
head flush against the skin. RATIONALE:
Probe must be centered properly for accurate
reading over area.
PURPOSE: 7. Press the scan button and hold while sliding the
To obtain a temporal artery temperature using a tem- thermometer slowly across the forehead to the
poral artery (TA) thermometer. temple area hair line. There will be a tapping or
clicking sound that will stop when the tempera-
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: ture has been reached.
Temporal artery thermometer
8. Release the button and remove the thermom-
Alcohol wipes, probe cap or cover, or sheath
eter from the forehead.
PROCEDURE STEPS: 9. Read the display for temperature measurement.
1. Wash hands and follow Standard Precautions. 10. Turn upside down and wipe probe with alcohol
2. Assemble equipment. Clean probe with alcohol wipe. Let dry. Return to holder. RATIONALE:
or attach a probe. RATIONALE: The lens of the TA thermometer must be dry to work effectively.
thermometer must be clean to work properly.
11. Wash hands.
3. Identify the patient. RATIONALE: To be cer-
12. Record temperature in patient’s chart or electronic
tain you have the correct patient.
medical record, indicating TA temperature.
4. Explain the procedure. RATIONALE: Gain
patient’s cooperation and permission. PRECAUTIONS:
5. Remove perspiration from forehead, remove Check the manufacturer’s manual. Some models
hat, push back hair from forehead. RATIO- cannot be used when oxygen is being used or when in
NALE: False readings can occur from moisture close proximity to aerosols.
(perspiration) on forehead cooling the skin or
from a hat or hair covering forehead, raising DOCUMENTATION:
the temperature. 8/31/20XX T. 99.8° F (TA) C. McInnis, RMA ___________
Procedure 12-4
Measuring a Rectal Temperature Using a Digital Thermometer
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: Lubricating jelly on a 4 x 4 gauze or in packet
Biohazard waste container
CHAPTER 12 Vital Signs and Measurements 281
4. Explain procedure to patient. RATIONALE: 11. Hold in place until the beep is heard.
Ensures understanding and gains patient coop- 12. Read results on digital display window.
eration and consent.
13. Remove from rectum.
5. Remove patient’s clothing from the waist down;
14. Discard probe cover into biohazard waste con-
drape as necessary. RATIONALE: Maintains
tainer by pushing the release button.
patient’s modesty, privacy, and warmth.
15. Replace thermometer on holder base.
6. Position patient in Sims’ position.
16. Remove gloves, discard in biohazard waste con-
7. Place probe cover on red probe (rectal). RATIO-
tainer, and wash hands.
NALE: To prevent microorganism cross contami-
nation. Red probe indicates rectal thermometer. 17. Offer tissue to patient to wipe anus. Assist patient
in dressing and position as necessary.
8. Lubricate with lubricating jelly. RATIONALE: Eas-
ier insertion of thermometer and safety for patient. 18. Record temperature in patient’s chart or elec-
tronic medical record, indicating a rectal tem-
9. Spread buttocks and gently insert thermometer
perature (R).
into the rectum past the sphincter (1½ inches)
for adult.
10. Hold buttocks together while holding the ther- 5/28/20XX 8:00 AM T 99.6° F (R), P 104, R 20. C. McInnis,
mometer. Do not let go of thermometer. RATIO- RMA _________________________________________
NALE: Holding buttocks together prevents air
leaks and inaccurate recording. Holding onto
thermometer ensures patient safety.
Procedure 12-5
Measuring an Axillary Temperature
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 4. Explain procedure. RATIONALE: This elicits
patient cooperation and consent.
5. Ask patient to remove clothing to provide access
to axilla.
6. Cover patient with gown as necessary to maintain
To obtain an axillary temperature using a digital ther-
patient modesty and warmth.
7. Wipe axillary area with dry towel or towelette to
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: remove moisture. RATIONALE: Moisture in the
Digital thermometer axilla will cause inaccurate reading.
8. Place thermometer in axilla (Figure 12-24).
Paper towels 9. Ask patient to fold arm against chest or abdomen.
10. Leave in place for appropriate time according to
PROCEDURE STEPS: manufacturer’s instructions, usually 10 minutes.
1. Wash hands following Standard Precautions.
11. Carefully remove.
2. Assemble equipment; place sheath on ther-
mometer. 12. Remove sheath and discard.
282 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
4/30/20XX 2:00 pm T 97° F (A), P 64, R 12. J. Guerra,
CMA (AAMA) __________________________________
Procedure 12-6
Measuring an Oral Temperature Using a Disposable Oral Strip
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: half hour. RATIONALE: Ingesting hot or cold
substance or smoking can result in an arbitrary
increase or decrease in temperature results.
6. Explain the procedure. RATIONALE: To obtain
PURPOSE: patient cooperation and consent.
To obtain an oral temperature. 7. Apply gloves.
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: 8. Insert disposable oral strip thermometer under
Oral strip thermometer (Figure 12-25) the tongue to the side of the mouth. RATIO-
Gloves NALE: Under the center of the tongue is the
Biohazard waste container frenulum, the fold of mucus membrane that
attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth,
PROCEDURE STEPS: which impedes placement in this area.
1. Wash hands following Standard Precautions.
9. Instruct patient to close mouth tightly.
2. Assemble equipment. RATIONALE: To prevent air leakage.
3. Identify patient. 10. Leave in place for 60 seconds.
4. Position the patient in a comfortable position. 11. Remove thermometer after appropriate time
5. Determine if the patient has ingested hot or cold has elapsed.
drinks or food or has smoked within the previous
CHAPTER 12 Vital Signs and Measurements 283
12. Wait 10 seconds to read the dots. 17. Record temperature in patient’s chart or elec-
13. Read temperature by locating the last dot that tronic medical record.
has changed color (Figure 12-26).
14. Discard strip in biohazard waste container. DOCUMENTATION
4/16/20XX 3:15 PM T 101°F, P 100, R 22 (disposable oral
15. Remove gloves and discard in biohazard waste thermometer reading) J. Guerra, CMA (AAMA) ________
16. Wash hands.
.0 .2 .4 .6 .8
Figure 12-25 Disposable oral strip thermometer.
Procedure 12-7
Measuring a Radial Pulse
To obtain a radial pulse rate.
Watch with second hand
1. Wash hands.
2. Identify patient.
3. Explain procedure. RATIONALE: Ensures pa-
tient cooperation and consent.
4. Position patient with the wrist resting either on a
table or on lap (Figure 12-27).
5. Locate the radial pulse with the pads of your first
three fingers. Do not use thumb; it has its own
6. Gently compress the radial artery enough to feel
the pulse.
7. Count the pulsations for 1 full minute.
8. Note any irregularities in rhythm, volume, and
condition of artery. Figure 12-27 Position patient with wrist resting on
table or lap.
9. Wash hands.
10. Record pulse in patient chart or electronic med-
ical record after the temperature, noting any
2/10/20XX 3:00 pm T 98.2˚F P 80, regular and strong. D. Kolter,
RMA _________________________________________
CHAPTER 12 Vital Signs and Measurements 285
Procedure 12-8
Taking an Apical Pulse
7/8/20XX 12 PM T 98.6°F, P (AP) 96 reg. (radial) 100
slightly irregular. Dr. King notified. D. Kolter, RMA ________
PURPOSE: Mid-clavicular
To obtain an apical pulse rate.
Watch with second hand
Alcohol wipes 2
1. Wash hands.
2. Assemble equipment. 5
Procedure 12-9
Measuring the Respiration Rate
3. Position patient in a comfortable position.
4. Watch the rise and fall of the chest wall for
1 minute, or while holding the patient’s arm,
place it across the chest and feel for the rise and
NOTE: The respiration rate is normally taken immedi- fall of chest wall. Alternatively, place a hand on
ately before or after the pulse rate. It should be taken the patient’s shoulder and feel and watch for the
without patient knowledge because respiration can rise and fall of the chest wall.
voluntarily be altered. While counting respirations, 5. Note depth, rhythm, and breath sounds while
it is best to continue grasping the wrist as if still tak- counting.
ing the pulse. This procedure will assist in preventing
6. Wash hands.
alteration of breathing by the patient.
7. Record respiration rate in patient’s chart or elec-
PURPOSE: tronic medical record, noting any irregularities
To obtain an accurate respiratory rate. and sounds.
Watch with second hand 8/7/20XX 2:00 PM T 98.6°F, P 84. Rate and rhythm regular.
PROCEDURE STEPS: J. Guerra, CMA (AAMA) ___________________________
1. Wash hands.
2. Identify the patient.
Procedure 12-10
Measuring Blood Pressure
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 3. Clean earpieces of stethoscope with alcohol wipe.
4. Identify patient.
5. Explain procedure. RATIONALE: May be the first
instance where blood pressure is measured; to allay
PURPOSE: anxiety and ensure cooperation and consent.
To measure blood pressure.
6. Position patient comfortably; feet flat on the
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: floor, arm resting at heart level on the lap or a
Stethoscope table. RATIONALE: Legs crossed may arbitrarily
Sphygmomanometer increase blood pressure; arm above heart level
Alcohol wipes may result in inaccurate reading.
7. Bare the right upper arm. If clothing is restricting,
have patient remove it. RATIONALE: Tight cloth-
1. Wash hands.
ing on the arm can produce inaccurate results.
2. Assemble equipment, making sure that cuff size Right arm is used for consistency, but if one arm
is correct. RATIONALE: Inappropriate cuff size measures a higher reading, then that arm is used
will result in inaccurate measurement. consistently to measure the blood pressure.
CHAPTER 12 Vital Signs and Measurements 287
Procedure 12-11
Measuring Height
1. Wash hands.
2. Identify patient.
3. Explain the procedure to patient to ensure
understanding, cooperation, and consent.
4. Instruct patient to remove shoes and stand on
paper towel on scale with back against scale,
looking straight ahead. RATIONALE: Back
against scale aids patient safety.
5. Assist patient onto scale. RATIONALE: Scale
platform is movable, and patient may become
unsteady and lose balance and fall.
6. Lower measuring bar until firmly resting on top
of head (Figure 12-31).
7. Assist patient’s steping off the scale. Allow patient
to sit and help with shoes if necessary. Figure 12-31 To measure height, have the patient
8. Read line where measurement falls. stand with back against scale and keep head level.
CHAPTER 12 Vital Signs and Measurements 289
Procedure 12-12
Measuring Adult Weight
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 8. Slowly slide the upper bar until the balance
beam point is centered (Figure 12-32).
9. Read the weight by adding the upper bar mea-
surement to the lower bar measurement (see
PURPOSE: Figure 12-17).
To obtain the weight of the patient. 10. Assist the patient in stepping off the scale.
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: 11. Provide a chair for the patient to sit and put on
Balance beam or digital scale shoes. Return objects to the patient.
Paper towels 12. Return the weights to zero.
PROCEDURE STEPS: 13. Wash hands.
1. Wash hands. 14. Record weight in patient’s chart or
2. Identify patient. E HR electronic medical record.
3. Explain the procedure to patient to ensure
understanding and cooperation. DOCUMENTATION
4. Place a paper towel on scale. RATIONALE: 5/2/20XX 3:00 PM Wt. 142 lbs. B. Abbott, RMA __________
Paper towel protects patient’s feet from micro-
5. Instruct the patient to place heavy objects on the
area provided, including heavy objects that may
be in pockets.
6. Instruct the patient to remove shoes, jacket, and
heavy sweater and step on the scale. Assist patient
to the center of the scale. RATIONALE:The scale
platform is movable, and the patient may become
unsteady, lose balance, and fall. The platform on
the digital scale is stationary, but assist the patient
onto the scale platform and read the digital read-
ing. If using a balance beam scale, continue with
Steps 7 through14.
7. Move the lower weight bar (measured in 50-
pound increments) to the estimated number
(the patient may be asked for approximate Figure 12-32 When weighing the patient, slide the
weight). upper bar until the balance beam point is centered.
290 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
Throughout life, a patient will undergo various measurements to ascertain growth, development, and gen-
eral health and well-being. The normal range for each of these measurements will vary according to the
stage of life of the patient at the time of examination. The medical assistant must be aware of what to
expect when measuring a patient in each life stage. Awareness of normal expectations for each stage of life
will help the medical assistant to perform the procedures in a more effective and efficient manner and aid
in observing any abnormal signs and measurements.
Together with differences seen with age, the medical assistant will see differences in patients because
each patient has unique medical problems.
The medical assistant has a great responsibility when performing patient measurements
and must ensure accuracy, patient safety, comfort, and confidentiality while obtaining accurate HIPAA
CHAPTER 12 Vital Signs and Measurements 291
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet by completing the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on your student CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor section
• View and discuss the DVD situations
Multiple Choice 3. Discuss the reasons that a professional must be aware
that mercury thermometers and other mercury-
1. This type of thermometer measures the tempera- containing equipment are being phased out of use.
ture of the skin surface over the temporal artery: 4. Demonstrate the procedure for converting tempera-
a. aural tures from Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa and
b. TA calculate the following conversions:
c. tympanic a. 98.6°F = _________________________ °C
d. axillary b. 39.1°C = _________________________ °F
2. The artery commonly used for taking a patient’s 5. Discuss the rationale for not using the thumb for
pulse is: taking the pulse rate of a patient.
a. carotid c. radial 6. Discuss the reasons for taking the respiratory rate
b. brachial d. popliteal of a patient without the patient’s knowledge.
3. A blood pressure cuff that is too small for the 7. Discuss the importance of using the appropriate
patient’s arm will: blood pressure cuff size when measuring a patient’s
a. have no effect on the results blood pressure.
b. give an arbitrarily low result 8. Describe the following:
c. give an arbitrarily high result a. hypertension c. apnea
d. have an effect on certain patients only b. tachycardia d. remittent fever
4. The term used to indicate a pulse rate significantly
above the average is:
a. bradycardia c. arrhythmia
b. tachycardia d. sinus rhythm WEB ACTIVITIES
1. Using a search engine, access information
Critical Thinking on the Internet from the American Heart
1. Discuss the responsibilities of the medical assistant Association regarding essential hyperten-
when measuring vital signs. sion and answer the following:
2. Describe the care and use for each of the various a. What population of people in the United States
types of thermometers. is at greatest risk for essential hypertension?
292 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and
demonstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this
chapter through written and oral communication.
At the multiprovider Inner City Health Care facil- Bruce also coordinate with each other and with
ity, five providers are employed on a rotating basis, office managers Jane O’Hara and Walter Seals,
with two or three working at any one time. Clinical both CMAs, to ensure patient comfort. Depending
medical assistants Wanda Slawson, CMA (AAMA), on the patient and the type of examination, Wanda
and Bruce Goldman, CMA (AAMA), have developed will often assist with patient preparation when the
a clear understanding of what each provider prefers patient is female and Walter will assist when the
in both room and patient preparation. Wanda and patient is male.
Physical examinations are performed to obtain a pic- assistant adheres to the principles of medical asepsis
ture of the health and well-being of the patient. An and Standard Precautions as required by Occupational
initial examination will provide a baseline reference Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The effec-
for future examinations. The examination follows a tive medical assistant establishes an efficient but flexible
standard routine, usually starting at the head and routine providing for the needs of both the patient and
following through the entire body, including all major the provider.
organs and body systems. Although the sequence of
events for the physical examination is relatively stan-
dard, variations occur according to provider preference, METHODS OF EXAMINATION
type of practice, and patient’s chief complaint. Diag-
nostic procedures such as laboratory tests and X-rays There are six methods used by the provider to
may be ordered or performed in the facility or sent to examine the body. They include observation or
an outside laboratory. At the conclusion of the physical inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation,
examination, the provider will have an impression of
the patient’s general health, a diagnosis if possible, and
treatment plans. The provider uses information from
three major sources to aid in making a diagnosis: the
health history, the physical examination, and labora-
Spotlight on Certification
tory tests and diagnostic procedures.
RMA Content Outline
The role of the medical assistant throughout the
physical examination greatly depends on the provider. Some • Vital signs and measurements
providers delegate many duties to the medical assistant, • Medical history
whereas others require little assistance. Commonly per- • Patient positions
formed clinical medical assisting duties related to physical • Methods of examination
examinations can be divided into two categories: patient • Specialty examinations
preparation and room preparation. Patient preparation
includes patient explanation and preparation, position- CMA (AAMA) Content Outline
ing, draping, vital signs, specimen collection such as urine • Patient instruction
and blood, and electrocardiogram (ECG). Room prepara- • Treatment area
tion includes assembling the appropriate instruments and • Equipment preparation and operation
equipment for the provider and ensuring patient privacy • Principles of operation
and comfort.
• Patient preparation and assisting the
Additional medical assisting duties include
supporting the patient, handing the provider instru-
ments and equipment as required, and taking notes CMAS Content Outline
to be entered into the electronic medical record (EMR). • Examination preparation
Throughout and after the examination, the medical
CHAPTER 13 The Physical Examination 295
Observation or Inspection
Observation or inspection is the process of observ-
ing the patient. The general health, posture, body
movements, skin, mannerisms, and care in groom-
ing are noted. Closer observation focuses on body
symmetry (correspondence in shape and size of
body parts located on opposite sides of the body)
and contour. Deformities and skin rashes are
observed. Skin color is noted (Figure 13-1).
Palpation is an examination of the body using
touch and may be used to help verify observations. Figure 13-2 For palpation, the provider uses the
A body part or organ is felt for size and condi- hands and fingers to feel various body parts.
tion. Abdominal masses may be felt through the
abdominal wall. Skin texture, moisture, and tem-
perature can be felt. The contour of limbs and
rigidity and position of bones and joints may be being checked. Healthy structures that are dense,
felt. Palpation may be performed with the use of such as the liver, produce a dull sound. Hollow
fingertips, one or both hands, or the palm of the structures such as the lungs should produce a more
hand (Figure 13-2). hollow sound. There are two methods used to per-
form percussion. The direct method is performed
by tapping directly on the surface of the skin. The
Percussion indirect method is performed by placing a finger
Percussion is the process of eliciting sounds from or hand on the surface of the skin and tapping the
the body by tapping with either a percussion ham- hand (Figure 13-3).
mer or fingers. The vibrations and sounds from
underlying organs and cavities can be felt and
heard. Using this method can determine the pres-
ence of air or solid material in the organ or cavity
Auscultation is the process of listening directly
to body sounds, normally with a stethoscope.
The provider listens for lung and heart sounds
such as murmurs, rales, or bruits, which gener-
ally are abnormal sounds heard on auscultation
of an organ or vessel such as a vein or an artery.
The abdomen is examined for bowel sounds that
include the clicks and gurgles of normal bowel
activity, the sounds that occur with peristalsis
(Figure 13-4).
The mensuration method of examination uses
the process of measuring. The measurements
of height and weight, the length of a limb, and
the amount of flexion and extension of an
extremity are all forms of mensuration (Figure
13-5). Measurements of chest and infant head Figure 13-5 A tape measure may be used to measure
circumference are also forms of mensuration. the circumference of the calf of the patient’s leg or
In most instances, a tape measure is used to per- other body part. This method of physical examination
form mensuration of an infant’s head or circum- is known as mensuration.
ference of a body part.
right to privacy by offering a gown or drape. Supine (Horizontal Recumbent). The supine
Older adults will need assistance with undressing position is assumed when lying flat facing up
and draping. Care must be taken to provide as (Figure 13-6). It is used for examination of the
much modesty and privacy as possible as you anterior surface of the body from head to toe.
assist patients of all ages. When the provider performs a physical exami-
Never turn your back on seriously ill or nation on a female patient that includes a breast
disoriented patients or young children. examination, the patient should be provided with
Ensure patient safety at all times. a gown and instructed to wear it with the opening
in the front. A drape is then placed over the lap
or from the waist down.
Examination Positions
A number of positions may be required of patients Dorsal Recumbent. Patients lie on their back (dor-
during the physical examination. The position sal) face up, legs separated, knees flexed with feet flat
used depends on the type of examination. Seven on the table (Figure 13-7). This is the most comfort-
positions can be used. able position for patients with back and abdominal
problems. Examinations performed in this position
1. Supine (horizontal recumbent)
include rectal, genital, head, neck, and chest, as well
2. Dorsal recumbent as abdominal palpation. It can also be used for uri-
3. Lithotomy nary catheterization. Preteen and early teen girls
4. Fowler’s requiring a pelvic examination may be placed in this
position and will require careful instructions and
5. Knee-chest
procedure explanations. The patient is covered with
6. Prone a drape that is diamond shaped. One edge of the dia-
7. Sims’ mond can be lifted to examine the genitalia without
exposing the rest of the body.
the sigmoidoscopy, proctoscopy, or pelvic exam A pillow may be placed under the knees. This
can be done in this position for these patients. position is used for patients having cardiovas-
A modification of the dorsal recumbent posi- cular or respiratory problems to facilitate their
tion is often used for female external genitalia breathing, and for examination of the upper
examinations, especially female urologic examina- body and head.
tions, some gynecologic examinations, and exami-
nations during pregnancy. This position consists of Knee-Chest. The knee-chest position is rarely
the patient lying on the examination table on her used. In this position, patients kneel on the
back, with her knees bent. The feet are together examination table with buttocks elevated, back
with the heels pulled up toward the buttocks. Dur- straight, and chest resting on the table. It is an
ing the examination, the knees are relaxed apart. uncomfortable position to get into, even with
The provider may stand to the side of the patient assistance, and it is difficult to maintain. Not
during the examination. This position has many only is it uncomfortable, but it is embarrassing
advantages over the lithotomy position if a full pel- and risky to place patients in the knee-chest posi-
vic examination is not required. tion. The position has been used for proctologic
examinations and sigmoidoscopy procedures;
Fowler’s. Patients sit in a position with the back of however, the proctologic table (Figure 13-11) has
the examination table raised to either 45 degrees made the position unnecessary. The table is used
(semi-Fowler’s; Figure 13-9) or 90 degrees (high- in specialty offices, such as gastroenterology and
fowler’s; Figure 13-10). Legs rest flat on the table. proctology.
Figure 13-9 Semi-Fowler’s position (45-degree
Prone. The patient is instructed to lie face down Sims’ (lateral). The patient is instructed to lie
on the table with head turned to side; arms may on the left side; the left arm and shoulder may be
be placed above the head or along the side of the drawn back behind the body (Figure 13-13). The
body (Figure 13-12). The drape must cover from left knee is slightly flexed to support the body, and
the mid-chest area to the legs. This position may the right knee is flexed sharply. A small pillow is
be used for examining the posterior aspect of the provided for placement under the patient’s head.
body, including the back or spine and legs. A pillow may also be placed between the patient’s
legs if it will not interfere with the examination
being performed. The drape should be large
enough to cover the patient from the shoulders to
the knees (triangle or diamond shape to expose
rectum). This position may be used for vaginal or
rectal examination, for obtaining a rectal tempera-
ture, for sigmoidoscopy, or for administering an
Patient Assessment
Procedures, Diagnoses & Treatment Plans
Scheduling Referrals & Follow-up Appointments
Patient Demographics Prescriptions Test Reports
Insurance Information Orders for Tests Quality Assurance & Controls
Patient Authorizations Patient Medical History Safety Standards
Figure 13-16 The provider uses the health history, physical examination, and lab tests to make a diagnosis. These com-
ponents are integrated in a total practice management system.
302 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
ground; drag-to, in which the feet are dragged for- from diabetes mellitus, starvation, or renal disease.
ward rather than lifted and moved; and spastic, in A musty odor may indicate liver disease, and an
which the legs are held stiffly together and the feet ammonia odor may indicate uremia.
are slightly dragged forward. Each of these gaits Poor oral hygiene results in gingivitis (gum
can indicate a disease process or health problem disease), caries (cavities), tooth loss, and foul
associated with poor neurologic functioning. breath odors. Gum disease and caries encourage
the growth of microorganisms in the mouth and
throat. Because of the vascularity of the oral cav-
Stature ity, microorganisms can enter into the circulatory
The height of the patient is measured. The provider system and travel to the heart, causing endocar-
looks for height, trunk, and limb proportion. ditis. The importance of good oral health is nec-
essary for general health and well-being. Regular
dental checkups, cleaning, and daily flossing pro-
Posture mote good health.
Because normal posture is erect with the head held
up, a patient in pain may exhibit postural differ-
ences. The spine might be in a fixed position, or
there may be limited motion in an extremity. The Various published charts contain guidelines for
provider observes spine movement and alignment normal weight established by height and age.
as the patient performs prescribed movements. Overweight and underweight are defined as being
Abnormalities can include kyphosis (humpback), above or below the published charts. Obesity and
which may be seen in older adult patients, particu- underweight are discussed in Chapters 12 and 22.
larly women with osteoporosis; lordosis, abnormal Edema, which is excessive accumulation of fluids
curvature of the lumbar area; and scoliosis, curva- in the body tissues, causes weight gain. To test for
ture of the upper spine. edema, the provider presses a finger against the
skin of the patient in an area over a bony promi-
nence such as the ankle. If edema is present, pit-
Body Movements ting will be evident when the finger is removed. Fat
Body movements may be either voluntary or invol- tissue will not leave an indentation when pressed.
untary. Voluntary body movements describe those
movements intended to be made by the patient.
Involuntary body movements are movements not
Skin and Appendages
controlled by the patient. Tremors are a form of invol- Skin problems include abnormal skin color such
untary movement that may be seen in the mouth, fin- as redness, pallor, cyanosis, jaundice, and vitiligo.
gers, hands, arms, and legs of a patient. Tremors can Pallor is defined as lack of color or paleness often
indicate a neurologic health problem. Involuntary seen with anemia; cyanosis is a slightly blue or gray
body movements usually are easily observed. discoloration of the skin, often seen in patients
with respiratory or cardiac problems; jaundice is a
yellowing of the skin, often caused by obstructed
Speech bile ducts or liver disease; and vitiligo is character-
The patient’s speech may indicate abnormal condi- ized by white patches on the skin, observed against
tions. Abnormalities include aphonia, loss of voice normal pigmentation. Other skin conditions are
usually because of laryngitis, but which may have lesions, ulcers, bruises, and cancer. Texture may be
other causes; aphasia, the inability to express one- smooth, rough, and scaly and have loss of elastic-
self through speech or writing, which may indicate ity. These findings may indicate health problems
brain injury or disease; and dysphasia, an inability or excessive exposure to the sun. The nails can also
to use appropriate speech patterns, such as using indicate some forms of health problems. Infec-
words in the wrong order. This may indicate a tions, either local or systemic, may be observed
brain lesion or disorder. in nails that are brittle, grooved, or lined. The
appearance of the fingertips can be indicators of
disorders as seen in clubbing, which may indicate
Breath Odors congenital heart disease, and spooning, which may
Breath odors may be detected when speaking with be seen in severe iron deficiency anemias. Abnor-
the patient or when obtaining vital signs. A sweet mal hair distribution, as in facial hair on a female
fruity odor may indicate acidosis. This may result patient, may indicate hormonal changes.
CHAPTER 13 The Physical Examination 303
Provider’s Findings
Supine or semi- Ophthalmo- Inspection Snellen test shows Poor visual and color
Fowler’s or sitting scope Mensuration accurate visual acu- ability; dull-
on edge of table ity; able to identify appearing eyes;
color plates; no tear- drainage; unequal
ing; pupillary reaction pupils; clouded lens;
to light equal; retina unequal pupillary
pink and blood ves- reaction; intraocular
sels healthy; measure- pressure increased;
ment of intraocular torturous, unhealthy
pressure within nor- retinal blood vessels;
mal limits; no bulging bulging eyeballs
of eyeballs
Supine or semi- Nasal speculum Inspection Mucous membranes Dry, red, swollen
Fowler’s or sitting Flashlight moist and pink; mucous membranes;
on edge of table Aromatic able to detect spe- unable to detect
Nose substance cific odors; septum odors; deviated sep-
straight; nostrils equal tum; nostrils flaring;
in size; no abnormal discharge, polyps
discharge; no lesions noted
Supine or semi- Flashlight Inspection Gag reflex present; No gag reflex; tongue
Fowler’s or sitting Tongue depres- mucous membranes rough; pallor of
Mouth on edge of table sors moist and pink; teeth mucous membranes;
and intact, pink tongue; dental caries; swollen
throat tonsils nonswollen, pink tonsils
CHAPTER 13 The Physical Examination 305
Provider’s Findings
Supine or semi- Percussion ham- Inspection Good muscle tone; Poor muscle tone;
Fowler’s or sitting mer Palpation normal range of poor range of motion;
on edge of table Percussion motion; nails pink, nails cyanotic; brittle,
Arms and smooth; ability to ridged nails; abnormal
hands squeeze provider’s reflexes
hands with equal
strength; normal
Supine Stethoscope Inspection Liver, spleen not pal- Liver, spleen enlarged;
Measuring tape Palpation pable; symmetry to asymmetric abdo-
abdomen; no abnor- men; increased or
mal bowel sounds; decreased bowel
Mensuration no abnormal sounds sounds; unusual
Percussion from organs in abdo- sounds elicited
Abdomen men; abdomen soft; from percussion of
no abdominal or abdominal organs;
inguinal hernias abdominal distention;
ascites; presence of
abdominal, umbilical,
or inguinal hernia
306 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
Provider’s Findings
Lithotomy or dor- Vaginal specu- Inspection External genitalia Lesions, sores, ulcer-
sal recumbent lum Palpation without lesions, sores, ations; discharge from
or Sims’ Examination ulcerations; vaginal vagina, cervix; painful
light mucosa pink and ovaries; cervix ulcer-
Slides for occult without discharge; ated, inflamed; poor
Female blood (Hemoc- nontender ova- muscle tone in peri-
genitalia cult) ries; cervix smooth, neal and rectum floor;
and noneroded, nonin- prolapse of uterus or
rectum flamed; good muscle bladder into vagina;
tone in perineal floor hemorrhoids; positive
and rectum; negative hemoccult; enlarged
stool for occult blood; inguinal lymph nodes
nonpalpable lymph
nodes in groin
Supine Percussion ham- Percussion Normal reflexes; ori- All reflexes disori-
mer Inspection ented to time and ented; inappropriate
Neuro- Safety pin place; appropriate responses; dulled
logic Cotton ball responses; normal response to pain and
examina- responses to sensa- sensation; lethargic;
tion tion; alert; steady gait; unsteady gait; poor
no vertigo or syncope coordination; vertigo;
Nose Breast
The nasal cavity is visualized by the provider with the The patient is placed in a supine position and
use of a nasal speculum and flashlight. Discharge instructed to place the hand behind the head on
from the nose may indicate a postnasal drip in the side on which the examination is taking place.
which the sinuses may be draining into the nose and The provider examines the breast for masses by
throat. Other abnormalities may include obstruc- using a circular motion, starting at the outer edge
tion because of a deviated septum. Polyps and ulcer- of the breast and working toward the center. The
ations may be found in the nasal cavity. Epistaxis or nipple is gently squeezed to see if there is any dis-
nosebleed may be seen when the capillaries rupture charge. The patient is then instructed to change
on the surface of the nasal mucosa. arm positions so that the other breast can be exam-
ined. With the patient in a sitting position, the pro-
vider observes the breasts for symmetry. Female
Mouth and Throat patients should be instructed on the procedure
The provider uses a tongue blade or depressor and for performing monthly breast self-examination.
a light source. The teeth and gums are checked This may be an embarrassing procedure for the
for dental hygiene such as caries and the gums are female patient. Maintain as much patient modesty
checked for signs of pyorrhea (discharge of pus as possible by carefully draping and giving emo-
from the gums around the teeth). If the tonsils are tional support (see Chapter 14 for more detailed
present, they are checked for signs of infection, such information on breast examination and breast self-
as redness or white pockets of pus. The floor of the examination).
mouth is examined both visually and by palpation
for indications of swollen glands and ulcerations.
The patient is placed in a dorsal recumbent or supine
Neck position with the arms at the sides for examination of
The provider palpates the neck, looking for swol- the abdomen. The drape is lowered to just above the
len lymph nodes. The thyroid gland is palpated pubic hair. The female patient wears a gown open
anteriorly and posteriorly for size, symmetry, and in the front that can be pulled to the sides while still
texture. The patient is asked to swallow several covering the breasts. The provider normally stands
times while the provider feels the thyroid gland. on the right side of the patient while performing this
A small glass of water may be given to the patient part of the examination. The abdomen is examined
to aid in swallowing. Range of motion is checked by palpation, percussion, and auscultation. Following
by having the patient turn the head in each direc- the quadrants of the abdomen, the provider gently
tion. Care must be taken with older adult patients. palpates the organs in each quadrant, working from
The patient should be instructed to move the head side to side. The provider feels for organ size and
slowly to avoid syncope. location, as well as the presence of masses; percusses
the abdomen listening for sounds from abdominal
organs; uses the stethoscope to listen for abdominal
Chest sounds; and visually inspects the abdominal area for
The symmetry of the chest is observed, both changes in skin color, scars, or other abnormalities.
anteriorly and posteriorly. Chest measurement The contour of the abdomen may be flat or slightly
may have been performed before the examina- convex. The presence of hernias is checked in both
tion. The chest of a patient with emphysema will the supine and the standing positions. Patients with
appear barrel-like in shape. While the patient is abdominal disorders may give a history of dyspepsia,
sitting, the provider listens to the lungs with a dysphagia or excessive flatulence, nausea, vomiting,
stethoscope. The patient may be instructed to bloating, and pain.
take several deep breaths during this process.
Carefully monitor the patient, particu-
larly the older adult patient, because
deep breathing may cause dizziness. The Refer to Chapters 14 and 16 for more detailed
provider is listening for abnormal lung sounds. The information about genitalia examinations.
provider may examine the lungs by percussion.
Heart sounds will be auscultated both anteriorly and Female Genitals. The patient is placed in the
posteriorly. lithotomy position. The provider examines both
308 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
the external genitalia and the reproductive organs. AFTER THE EXAMINATION
The rectum may be examined and a Hemoccult test
done at the conclusion of the pelvic examination. Once the examination has been com-
(See Chapters 18 and 32 for information regarding pleted the patient is instructed to dress.
the Hemoccult slide test.) After the examination, The patient should be given privacy while
the patient is instructed to slide toward the head dressing. Assist the patient as needed. Do not
of the table and may be allowed to sit up slowly. Sit- remain in the room to clean it while the patient
ting up quickly may cause orthostatic hypotension is dressing. Remain in the room if the patient
and dizziness. requires assistance. Further instructions regarding
other testing procedures and treatment plans will
Male Genitals. Care must be taken to protect all be given by the provider. Be specific with instruc-
patients’ modesty and privacy. The provider begins tions to patients regarding what they should do
the examination by inspecting and retracting the after they are completely dressed.
foreskin of the penis if the patient is uncircum- Once the examination is finished and the
cised. The glans penis is inspected for discharge patient has left the examination room, the equip-
and redness. The penis and scrotum are palpated ment and supplies (including the examination
for possible tenderness and masses. Because of the table) should be sanitized, disinfected, and steril-
seriousness of testicular cancer, the patient will be ized as appropriate.
instructed, usually by the provider, on the proce-
dure for performing monthly testicular examina-
tions (see Chapter 16).
Patient Education
Throughout the physical examination, from
The provider may examine the rectum as a part
the time the patient arrives until the patient
of the male and female genitals examination. The
leaves, there are many opportunities for
patient may be placed in the Sims’ position. The
patient education. Written instructions should
provider performs a manual examination. The pros-
be given when necessary, and provider
tate gland is examined by digital rectal palpation.
information should be clarified if needed
The provider inserts the gloved index finger into
(Figure 13-17).
the rectum and palpates the prostate gland for any
masses or swelling (see Chapter 16). A lubricated Opportunities for teaching the patient
rectal speculum may then be inserted for visual how to adopt a healthy lifestyle are abun-
examination. Because this is uncomfortable for the dant. Regular exercise, no smoking, weight
patient, emotional support is important. The pro- control, limiting alcohol consumption, and
vider can visualize the rectum for bleeding, fissures, using stress reduction techniques, such as
polyps, or other lesions. meditation, yoga, massage therapy, and so
forth, all help to decrease blood pressure and
reduce risk for heart attack, stroke, and other
Reflexes illnesses.
The patient’s reflexes in both the supine and sit-
ting positions are observed by the provider. A per-
cussion hammer is used. While sitting with the arm
flexed, the elbow is lightly tapped to elicit move- Critical Thinking
ment from the biceps. The patellar or knee-jerk
reflex is tested by tapping the area just below the At the conclusion of the physical examina-
patella at the knee. The Achilles reflex or ankle- tion, the provider will have an impression of
jerk is tested by tapping the Achilles tendon. The the patient’s general health. What specific
Babinski reflex is tested on the sole of a relaxed information can the provider obtain from the
foot (the great toe will flex) with the patient in a examination? From what sources other than
supine position. Reflexes determine the integrity the physical examination does the provider
of the neurologic system. gain information to help in making a
Procedure 13-1 outlines the steps in assisting diagnosis?
with the physical examination.
CHAPTER 13 The Physical Examination 309
Figure 13-17 Patient education forms can be printed from an electronic medical records software and given to the
patient right in the exam room.
Procedure 13-1
Assisting with a Complete Physical Examination
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: Safety pin Specimen bottles/slides—
Gloves request forms
Tissues Biohazard and regular
Lubricant waste containers
Emesis basin
Gauze sponges
To assist provider with a complete physical exami-
1. Wash hands. Adhere to Standard Precautions.
Balance beam, digital, or Otoscope 2. Assemble equipment.
electronic scale Tuning fork 3. Place instruments in easily accessible sequence
Patient gown Ophthalmoscope for provider use. RATIONALE: Efficient use of
Drape Penlight time and space.
Thermometer Nasal speculum 4. Greet and identify patient.
Stethoscope Tongue depressor
Sphygmomanometer Percussion hammer 5. Explain procedure to patient. RATIONALE:
Alcohol wipes Tape measure To obtain patient cooperation, allay appre-
Examination lights Cotton balls hension, and gain consent.
310 UNIT 4 Integrated Clinical Procedures
6. Review medical history with patient (see Chapter 23. Gynecologic examination may then be per-
11 for obtaining patient history). RATIONALE: formed (see Chapter 14). Assist female patient
To ensure complete history has been obtained into lithotomy position for gynecologic exami-
and is current. nation. Male genitals are examined.
7. Take patient vital signs, test visual acuity, and 24. If rectal examination is necessary, assist patient
check hearing ability. into Sims’ position.
8. Obtain a urine specimen (see Chapter 30 for 25. Place patient in prone position for examination
urine collection procedures). of posterior aspect of body.
9. Obtain all required blood samples (see Chapters 26. On completion of the examination, assist
28 and 29 for blood specimen collection proce- patient to sitting position and allow patient to
dures). sit at end of table for a few minutes. RATIO-
10. Perform electrocardiogram (ECG) if directed by NALE: Allows patient to recover from potential
provider (see Chapter 25 for ECG procedure). dizziness.
11. Provide patient with appropriate gown and 27. Ensure patient stability (check color of skin,
drape. pulse) before allowing patient to stand up.
RATIONALE: Prevents the patient from faint-
12. Assist patient to disrobe completely; explain ing due to orthostatic hypotension.
where the opening for the gown is to be placed.
RATIONALE: To assist patient in maintaining 28. Assist patient with dressing; provide privacy.
modesty, privacy, and warmth. 29. Enter any notes or patient instructions
13. Assist patient in sitting at the end of the table; E HR on computer in patient’s EMR per pro-
vider orders.
drape patient across lap and legs. RATIONALE:
Always drape patient to maintain modesty. 30. Escort patient to provider’s office for discussion
14. Inform provider when patient is ready. of examination results.
15. When the provider arrives, remain by the patient 31. Put on disposable gloves.
ready to assist the patient and provider. 32. Dispose of gown and drape in biohazard waste
16. Position patient in a sitting or supine position container. RATIONALE: Prevents microorgan-
for the head, throat, eye, ear, and neck examina- ism cross-contamination; gown and drape may
tion. have body secretions on them.
17. Lights may be turned off to allow pupils to dilate 33. Dispose of contaminated materials in biohazard
for retinal examination. container. RATIONALE: Prevents microorgan-
ism cross-contamination of bloodborne patho-
18. Hand the provider instruments as required gens and other potentially infectious materials
(some providers do not require the medical (OPIM).
assistant to hand the instruments).
34. Remove table paper and dispose in biohazard
19. The sitting position is maintained for ausculta- waste container. RATIONALE: Prevents micro-
tion of the chest and heart. organism cross-contamination.
20. Assist the patient into a supine position and 35. Disinfect counters and examination table with a
drape for examination of the chest. Breast exam- solution of 10% bleach. RATIONALE: Prevents
ination is discussed in Chapter 14. microorganism cross-contamination by blood
21. Maintain a quiet atmosphere to enhance the and OPIM.
ability of the provider in listening to heart and 36. Clean, disinfect, or sterilize reusable instru-
lung sounds. RATIONALE: Quiet is necessary to ments as appropriate (see Chapters 10 and 19).
hear heart and chest sounds accurately. RATIONALE: Prevents microorganism cross-
22. Position patient in supine position and drape for contamination.
examinations of abdomen and extremities.
CHAPTER 13 The Physical Examination 311
A complete physical examination will be performed during the patient’s initial visit. Findings at this exami-
nation, both normal and abnormal, provide a baseline for future examinations.
The role of the medical assistant throughout the examination is twofold. The assistant assembles the
necessary instruments and may hand them to the provider when requested. The medical assistant will also
prepare the patient and obtain specimens as required by the examination and provider. Responsibilities
to the patient include explanations and careful positioning, protecting modesty by careful draping, and,
most important, providing comfort, emotional support, and safety. By performing these duties, the medi-
cal assistant can ensure patient compliance and provider efficiency.
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet by completing the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on your student CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
Multiple Choice c. body movement
d. speech
1. The method of examination that is the process of 4. When the patient asks a question of the medical
listening directly to body sounds is called: assistant, the medical assistant should:
a. percussion a. refer all questions to the provider
b. auditory b. try to answer all questions, even if uncertain
c. auscultation c. answer questions to the extent of knowledge;
d. the direct method refer others to the provider
2. The supine position is also known as: d. ask the patient to please hold all questions until
a. horizontal recumbent the examination is complete
b. dorsal recumbent 5. When the abdomen is being examined, the patient
c. knee-chest is typically in a:
d. Sims’ a. supine position
3. During the physical examination, ataxia might be b. prone position
observed, which relates to: c. Fowler’s position
a. stature d. Sims’ position
b. posture
CHAPTER 13 The Physical Examination 313
Chapter 14
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Male Reproductive System
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Examinations and Procedures
of Body Systems
and Gynecology 14
Abortion Obstetrics Gynecology
Amniocentesis Initial Prenatal Visit The Gynecologic Examination
Amniotomy Subsequent or Return Gynecologic Diseases and
Bartholin Gland Prenatal Visits Conditions
Disorders of Pregnancy Other Diagnostic Tests and
Bimanual Examination
Parturition Treatments for Reproductive
Braxton–Hicks System Diseases
Postpartum Period
Candidiasis Complementary Therapy in
Carcinoma in situ Obstetrics and Gynecology
Cervical Punch Biopsy
Cesarean Section
The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and
demonstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this
Condylomata chapter through written and oral communication.
Congenital Anomalies
Coupling Agent 1. Define the key terms as presented in the glossary.
Cryosurgery 2. Explain the importance of prenatal care, and discuss what
Diethylstilbestrol (DES) examinations will be performed as part of the initial visit.
Dilation 3. Explain why the initial prenatal visit is important.
Dysmenorrhea 4. List 12 conditions or diseases that can cause a pregnant woman and
Dyspareunia her fetus to be at greater risk for problems during the pregnancy.
Dysplasia 5. List signs and symptoms and their possible corresponding
conditions that the provider searches for during the prenatal his-
tory and physical examination.
6. Calculate an expected date of confinement (EDC) or expected
Effacement date of birth (EDB) using Nägele’s Rule.
7. Calculate an EDC (EDB) using a gestation wheel.
8. Explain the purpose of ultrasonography and amniocentesis.
9. List and describe six types of abortion.
Fulgarated 10. Explain what occurs in each of the three stages of labor.
Genitalia 11. Describe what takes place during the postpartum examination.
Gestation 12. List and describe the diseases and disorders that can affect the
Gestational Diabetes female patient.
Gravidity 13. Describe the laboratory tests and procedures that can help
diagnose the diseases and disorders that can affect the female
Human Chorionic
Gonadotropin patient.
14. Describe seven sexually transmitted diseases. (continued)
15. Explain the medical assistant’s responsibilities with a gynecologic Hyperemesis Gravidarum
examination. Hypoxia
16. Describe breast self-examination and method of teaching patient Hysterosalpingogram
breast self-examination.
17. Discuss menopause. Involution
18. Describe the findings and concerns surrounding hormone Lamaze
replacement therapy.
19. Describe several methods of contraception. Meconium
20. Explain reasons for impaired fertility. Metrorrhagia
21. Describe three therapies that assist in reproduction. Multigravida
Nägele’s Rule
Pelvic Inflamma-
tory Disease
Placenta Abruptio
Placenta Previa
Sickle Cell Anemia
Supine Hypotension
Wet Mount
CHAPTER 14 Obstetrics and Gynecology 317
In the obstetrics department at Inner City Health Pap smear, and breast examinations scheduled for
Care, Wanda Slawson and Bruce Goldman, both certi- the afternoon. Wanda is responsible for assisting the
fied medical assistants, are preparing for the day’s provider with each of them. She is careful to follow all
appointments. Both take responsibility for being safety precautions before, during, and after assisting
certain all rooms have appropriate equipment and with examinations and procedures. She is careful to
supplies needed for today’s patients. There are three explain procedures to the patients and to direct any
ultrasonograms in addition to the pelvic examinations, questions to the provider.
Obstetrics is the medical specialty in which the provider
treats the female patient from the prenatal period through Spotlight on Certification
labor, delivery, and during the 6-week postpartum period.
Gynecology is the specialty that treats the medical and RMA Content Outline
surgical disorders and diseases of the female reproduc- • Anatomy and physiology
tive tract. Both specialties are usually combined, and the • Patient education
provider who practices them is known as an obstetrician/
• Obstetrics and gynecology
gynecologist, or simply, an OB/GYN provider. Knowledge
of the female anatomy, the laboratory tests and procedures CMA (AAMA) Content Outline
for both specialties, the diseases and disorders that affect • Medical terminology
the female patient during her nonpregnant and pregnant • Anatomy and physiology
states, and patient education are essential for the medical
• Patient instruction
assistant who will care for these patients. The goal of the
OB/GYN specialty is to promote the health and well-being • Patient preparation and assisting the
of the woman and her baby. provider
• Collecting and processing specimens;
diagnostic testing
• Medical terminology
Obstetrics is the branch of medicine that pro-
vides care to the mother and fetus during preg- • Anatomy and physiology
nancy, labor, delivery, and the postpartum period • Examination preparation
known as the puerperium. Pregnancy is a period of
approximately 40 weeks from the day conception
takes place (Figure 14-1). The puerperium is the used as a baseline on which to compare future tests
period of 6 weeks after delivery when the mother’s and procedures. It is a risk assessment of maternal
body is returning to its prepregnant state. Visits to health for identification and prevention of compli-
the provider for prenatal and postnatal care are cations. For example, blood pressure measurement
the initial prenatal visit, return visits, and the 6- performed prepregnancy and not during the first
week postpartum checkup. trimester can rule out pregnancy-induced hyperten-
sion. The prenatal visit is a time of health promotion
for the expectant mother and her baby. It is also the
Initial Prenatal Visit time for diagnosis and treatment of maternal disor-
The initial prenatal visit is of utmost importance and ders that may have been present before the preg-
usually occurs after a woman has missed a second nancy or that may have developed during the course
menstrual period or after an at-home pregnancy test of the pregnancy. Growth and development of the
result is positive. Some obstetricians recommend pre- fetus are followed and identification of problems
pregnancy or preconception physical examinations. that may impede a normal labor are sought. There
The information guide at this appointment can be is ongoing assessment of the expectant mother
318 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Umbilical cord
Cervix and
cervical os (opening)
Rectum Vagina
and the fetus. Any abnormalities can indicate a prob- communication by health care providers are some
lem or complication necessitating further testing of the reasons that some women do not participate
and assessment. Early detection and management of in prenatal care. Modesty may deter some women
conditions such as gestational diabetes, urinary tract from seeking prenatal care. Exposing the body to
infections, anemia, and preeclampsia can prevent a man is viewed as a major violation of modesty in
serious complications. some cultures. This is why protecting the privacy of
The initial visit requires more time than subse- all patients is critical.
quent visits because a thorough history and physical
examination are done, including breast, abdomi-
nal, pelvic, and vaginal examinations. Pelvic mea- HIPAA
surements are taken to help ascertain if the pelvis is
adequate for a fetus to be delivered vaginally. Cultural differences are another
The initial visit is followed by monthly visits and
then weekly visits beginning at the 28th week, weeks
HIPAA reason to keep the Health Insur-
ance Portability and Account-
29–36 every 2 weeks, and at weeks 37–40 weekly. The ability Act (HIPAA) regulation in mind. During
routine visits consist of checking weight, measuring pregnancy, some women’s cultures demand
blood pressure, and testing blood and urine; educa- modesty, and protecting their privacy is critical.
tion about nutrition, activity, and rest; and prepar- Infertility is a stigma in some cultures. Maintain-
ing for childbirth (see Procedure 14-1). Data are ing confidentiality is a requirement of HIPAA for
entered into the computer each time the patient has all patients.
an appointment (Figure 14-2). They include find- The patient’s partner may be unaware of
ings from the provider’s examination, vital signs, the patient’s obstetrical history such as previ-
weight, blood and urine tests, and patient education ous pregnancies, abortion, or sexually trans-
for preparing for childbirth. Data are retrievable for mitted diseases. Confidentiality is of utmost
comparison purposes and treatment options. importance, and it is best to be alone with the
Many groups of women do not receive patient when obtaining this type of medical
prenatal care. Lack of financial resources, information.
insurance, or transportation and poor
CHAPTER 14 Obstetrics and Gynecology 319
Results from
Regional/ Results to Outside
Pharmacy National Labs Providers
Figure 14-2 Clinical care and laboratory arms of the total practice management system data flow.
Laboratory Tests. The laboratory tests and proce- Patient Education. Patient education includes
dures that may be part of the initial prenatal visit such topics as nutrition, dental care, rest, and exer-
are described in Table 14-1. cise, as well as discussion about over-the-counter
320 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Complete blood count (CBC), hemoglobin, and hematocrit To detect anemia or infection
Urinalysis with microscopic examination (pH, specific gravity, To screen for diabetes mellitus, renal disease,
color, glucose, albumin, proteins, white and red blood cell counts, infection, hypertensive disease, pregnancy
casts, acetone, human chorionic gonadotropin [HCG])
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) with patient permission To screen for HIV antibodies
Cardiac evaluation electrocardiogram (ECG), chest radiograph, To evaluate cardiac function in women with history
or echocardiogram of heart disease or hypertension
Vaginal, cervical, or rectal smear or culture for gonorrhea, To check for gonorrhea, chlamydia, human
chlamydia, and Streptococcus group B papilloma virus (HPV)
pathogenic diseases of the respiratory and gastro- total number of pregnancies, including the pres-
intestinal tracts. Close contact between mother ent pregnancy, regardless of duration. The history
and newborn is certain with breast-feeding, also includes the parity, the number of pregnan-
and bonding can readily take place. Breast-fed cies carried to the point of viability regardless of
infants seem to have fewer allergic reactions. For whether the baby was born alive or dead. Multiple
the mother, one benefit of breast-feeding is that births, twins, and triplets count as one pregnancy
the uterus involutes, or returns more quickly (gravida) and one delivery (para). For example, a
to the nonpregnant state. Breast-feeding is the woman pregnant for the first time is referred to as
optimal way to feed a newborn. The services of Gravida 1, Para 0. After this woman delivers, regard-
a lactation consultant (available in most women’s less if the baby is born alive or dead, if it reached
hospitals and some pediatric offices) can be help- the age of viability, the history of the woman is
ful especially during the initial phase of breast- Gravida 1, Para 1. Viability is the ability to grow and
feeding. The consultant can provide hands-on develop after birth. The term multigravida refers to
instructions to the patient to optimize the experi- a woman who has been pregnant more than once.
ence for the mother and baby. Nullipara describes a woman who has not carried a
Formal childbirth education classes given in pregnancy to viability.
various languages teach the fundamentals of labor, Para sometimes has four letters that can be
delivery, and newborn care and feeding. used to give more information about past deliver-
ies. It does not include the present pregnancy. The
Prenatal History. The prenatal history will be four letters are FPAL:
comprehensive and include much of the same
information that is obtained during the taking of a F—number of full-term deliveries (37–40 weeks’
regular medical history. However, emphasis will be gestation)
on identification of the high-risk patient. Particu- P—number of preterm or premature deliveries (20–
lar attention is given to women who have a history 36 weeks’ gestation)
of one or more of the following situations or con- A—number of abortions (induced or spontaneous
ditions because they may place a woman and her terminations before 20 weeks’ gestation)
fetus at greater risk during pregnancy: L—number of living children born to the patient who
are still alive at the time of history data collection
• Use of legal drugs (OTC, prescription, tobacco, caf-
feine, alcohol), illegal drugs (marijuana, cocaine), For example, a woman has had four term pregnan-
and herbal products cies, delivered four live infants, but lost a child to
• Age under 16 or over 35 years leukemia at 7 years of age. This women is considered
• Rh-negative blood to be 4-0-0-3.
The present prenatal history includes infor-
• A history of repeated premature labors and
mation about the present pregnancy. The provider
deliveries, abortions, or stillbirths
searches for problems indicative of high-risk factors.
• Genetic diseases in the family Identifying high-risk patients helps to limit mater-
• Previous Cesarean section nal and newborn deaths and diseases. Some factors
• Diabetes that indicate a patient is at high risk are inadequate
nutrition; use of drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, or
• Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism
cocaine; existing medical conditions such as high
• Sexually transmitted disease blood pressure or diabetes; sexually transmitted
• Hypertension disease; and poverty. The provider watches for signs
• Nutritional deficiencies and symptoms that indicate a potentially serious
condition. Examples are listed in Table 14-2.
• Cardiac problems
• Kidney conditions
Subsequent or Return
• Epilepsy
Prenatal Visits
• Headaches
Subsequent visits include weight, blood pressure,
Any of these conditions or diseases can place the urinalysis, complete blood count with hemoglobin
woman and fetus at risk for serious complications. and hematocrit, measurement of the height of the
During the initial prenatal visit, an obstetri- uterine fundus (a tape measure is used by placing
cal history is taken, which includes the gravidity, or it on the anterior symphysis pubis and the crest of
322 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Signs and
Symptoms Possible Condition
Headaches Preeclampsia
Hypertension Preeclampsia
Vision changes Preeclampsia
Edema Preeclampsia
Vaginal infection, sexually trans- Figure 14-5 Fundal height is measured by placing the
Chills, fever
mitted disease, other infections end of the tape at the symphysis pubis and extending it in
either a (A) curved or (B) straight pattern to the fundus.
the uterus) (Figure 14-5), and fetal heart measure- reasonably accurate. Nägele’s rule is to add 7 days
ments (Figure 14-6). Generally, it is not possible to to the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP),
determine with accuracy the exact date of concep- subtract 3 months, and add 1 year. An example is:
tion. Many formulas have been used for calculating
the EDB (expected date of birth) or EDC (expected The first day of LMP July 10, 2007
date of confinement). Although none is foolproof, Add 7 days July 17
Nägele’s rule is the usual method used because it is Subtract 3 months April 17
Add 1 year April 17, 2008
Tubal Another method to calculate EDB or EDC is
to add 7 days to LMP and count forward 9 months.
Most women give birth within 7 days before or
after the EDB or EDC.
Pregnancy wheels help determine the EDC.
Line up the arrow of the first day of the LMP, then
Peritoneal read off the date that corresponds to the 40-week
designation (Figure 14-7).
Vaginal examinations are only done periodically
up to 2 to 3 weeks before the EDB or EDC. Patients
are encouraged to attend classes in the Lamaze
method of childbirth, as well as classes in the care of
Figure 14-4 Sites of ectopic pregnancy. the newborn (Figures 14-8 through 14-10).
CHAPTER 14 Obstetrics and Gynecology 323
Figure 14-10 Urine is tested for glucose and protein at each visit. (A) Client provides a urine sample. (B) Medical
assistant uses dipstick to check for glucose and protein.
of fluid should be consumed 1 hour before the Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS),
test and finished within 15 or 20 minutes.) A also known as cordocentesis, is another procedure
full bladder is essential to a good-quality ultra- that can be done. It accesses fetal circulation by aspi-
sound because it supports the uterus in position rating blood from the fetal umbilical cord vessels.
for good imaging. This procedure may be used Because the procedure is invasive, it is performed
to identify the number of fetuses, check the age in conjunction with ultrasound. Many blood stud-
of the fetus (number of weeks gestation), and ies can be performed, and many conditions can be
detect some fetal abnormalities (e.g., Down syn- diagnosed using fetal cord blood, such as chromo-
drome; Figure 14-11). somal abnormalities, infections within the uterus,
A high-resolution three-dimensional ultraso- and fetal hypoxia. Drug therapy and transfusions
nographic test is used more and more frequently can be given through the umbilical vein in the fetal
to check for Down syndrome. The test is useful umbilical cord.
because it can detect chromosomal abnormalities. Fetal heart rate is another test. Monitoring
It can be done sooner in a pregnancy than blood can be done in one of two ways: a nonstress test
testing and could minimize the need for CVS or monitors the fetus’s heart rate while it is moving
amniocentesis, both of which create risks to the spontaneously, or a stress test monitors the fetal
mother and fetus. heart rate while the mother is stimulated with
An amniocentesis is the surgical punctur- medication to have mild uterine contractions. Nor-
ing, with a long, thin needle, of the amniotic sac mally, the fetal heart rate will accelerate to a higher
through the woman’s abdomen. The purpose of but safe limit while it is being stressed.
this test is to obtain, by aspiration, a sample of amni- Entering data electronically during each
otic fluid that contains fetal cells. The procedure E HR visit allows immediate access to the patient’s
can be done as early as 14 weeks and helps to diag- medical record and comparisons of vital
nose genetic problems, congenital anomalies (pres- signs, laboratory values, ultrasounds, amniocente-
ent at birth), and chromosomal defects. It also can sis, and all other diagnostic tests and procedures
be used to determine the lung capacity of the fetus to previous data entries. Baseline values are impor-
(Figure 14-12). tant, and timing of certain laboratory tests is crucial
Ultrasonography is performed while the pro- for accurate evaluation. Providers can refer back to
vider is doing the amniocentesis to identify the it throughout the pregnancy. The electronic medi-
position of the fetus and placenta, thereby avoid- cal record (EMR) is a communication mechanism
ing injury to either. There can be bleeding, leaking for organizing a patient’s care. All data entry should
of amniotic fluid, and infection. be dated and include the time and your signature.
Figure 14-11 (A) Abdominal ultrasound. (B) Transducer for transvaginal ultrasound.
326 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Uterine Amniotic
wall cavity
Figure 14-12 (A) An amniocentesis setup. (B) During amniocentesis, a sample of amniotic fluid is aspirated for evalu-
ation. An ultrasonogram is done simultaneously with an amniocentesis to avoid possible injury to the fetus or placenta.
therapy are essential to avoid fetal and neonatal nausea and vomiting, inability to eat, and exhaus-
(newborn) illness and death. tion from inability to sleep. Severe dehydration can
A blood glucose is drawn 1-hour after the result and starvation may ensue. This complication
patient is given a high-glucose drink. If the test is usually not fatal, but it is a severe problem that
result is elevated, than a 3-hour glucose tolerance warrants immediate treatment. Treatment includes
test is done. Prenatal visits for the patient with ges- intravenous fluids to replace those lost through
tational diabetes requires more frequent visits to vomiting and mild sedation to aid rest and sleep.
the provider. The fetus is evaluated at each visit.
Ultrasound evaluation of fetal growth is performed Placenta Previa. Placenta previa occurs when the
more often. The patient must control her diet and placenta implants low in the uterus and partially or
monitor blood glucose levels at home several times completely covers the cervical os. It is an emergency.
daily. A nutritionist will help by teaching the patient The cause is unknown. When labor ensues and the
about a diabetic diet. The appropriate number of cervix begins to dilate, the placenta is pulled away
calories and percent of carbohydrates, proteins, from the wall of the uterus and causes bleeding. On
and fats are calculated to keep the blood glucose occasion, the bleeding, which comes on suddenly
as close to 100 mg/dL as possible. If the diabetic and is painless, will stop spontaneously. If it continues,
diet does not control blood glucose levels, insulin significant maternal blood is lost, and the fetus may
therapy is started. Usually the patient is admitted suffer anoxia and die when the placenta separates
to the hospital if she has poorly controlled diabetes from the blood supply (Figure 14-13B).
and has the additional factor of hypertension. Ultrasonography can determine where the pla-
Pregnant women with gestational diabetes centa is attached, at which time the diagnosis can
have a strong possibility of developing diabetes be made and treatment begun. Treatment depends
within their lifetime. The provider will order a on the gestational age of the fetus and the percent
blood glucose (1-hour glucose tolerance) when of placenta that covers the cervical os. Cesarean sec-
the woman is 6 to 8 weeks postpartum. The results tion may be necessary to remove the placenta, con-
will determine whether or not the patient’s blood trol bleeding, and deliver the fetus safely.
glucose level has dropped to the normal range. Some of the factors associated with placenta
previa are advanced maternal age, maternal smok-
Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Hyperemesis gravi- ing, and cocaine use. Maternal exposure to passive
darum, or excessive vomiting during pregnancy, smoke and use of tobacco by the woman have been
can be harmful and is more than morning sickness, shown to be risky to the fetus, resulting in lower
which is a common complaint during the first tri- birth weight, premature birth, and infant death.
mester. The cause of the condition is not known, but
it is thought to be related to the cells that become Placenta Abruptio. Placenta abruptio occurs
the placenta and to the production of pregnancy when the placenta prematurely and abruptly sep-
hormones. The symptoms include uncontrollable arates from the uterine lining (Figure 14-13A). It
pulled away
from uterus
Placenta positioned
over cervical
Placenta abruptio
A B Placenta previa
can result in fetal distress and death and maternal in life when fertility is naturally lower. The increase
shock and death. It usually occurs late in preg- in the incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease
nancy but can occur during labor. (PID), endometriosis, substance abuse, and envi-
Factors that contribute to this complica- ronmental factors such as pesticides and lead all
tion are multiple pregnancies, chronic hyperten- can contribute to impaired fertility.
sion, trauma to the uterus, and sudden release of Diagnosis and treatment of impaired fertility
amniotic fluid. Delivery as soon as possible either requires a physical, emotional, and financial invest-
vaginally or by Cesarean section is indicated. The ment over a long period. To diagnose impaired
prognosis of the newborn depends on the extent fertility in the female patient, a complete history
of hypoxia suffered during labor and delivery. and physical examination are performed. Endo-
The infant should begin to cry and its color crine system and anatomic and physiologic abnor-
turn pink (hands and feet may remain blue for malities are sought. Laboratory tests on urine and
about a week). Abnormalities, if any, are docu- blood are performed. Proof of ovulation can be
mented. The Apgar score is an indication of the determined by retrieving an ovum from the uter-
newborn’s well-being. Assessments, in numbers ine tube, performing an endometrial biopsy, assess-
from 1 to 10, are made at 1, 5, and 15 minutes. ing mucus characteristics, and taking the basal
Five aspects of the newborn are evaluated: respi- body temperature. Levels of estrogen, progester-
ratory ease, heart rate, skin color, reflexes, and one, follicle-stimulating hormone, and lutenizing
muscle tone. Each is assigned a number, which hormone are also measured. A hysterosalpingo-
added together determines the newborn’s Apgar gram, a radiograph of the uterus and tubes after the
score. The closer to 10 the score is, the closer the injection of dye, reveals defects in either the uterus
newborn is adapting to life outside the uterus. or tubes.
A lower score indicates a problem with the new- Laparoscopy can be performed to visual-
born’s respirations, heart rate, color, and muscle ize the internal pelvic structures. Tubal patency,
tone. Oxygen and other measures may be nec- endometriosis, pelvic adhesions, or polycystic
essary to stabilize a newborn with a low Apgar ovaries can be seen. Endometrial biopsy is done
score. to examine the tissue and determine whether the
endometrium is capable of accepting a fertilized
Impaired Fertility. The inability to conceive and ovum for implantation. Ultrasonography, either
bear a child after a period of unprotected sex is abdominal or transvaginal, can assess pelvic
known as impaired fertility. One reason for this organs for abnormalities.
problem is that couples delay pregnancy until later Tests that can be performed on a male to
diagnose impaired fertility are semen analysis, hor-
mone analysis, and biopsy of a testicle.
Once a diagnosis of impaired fertility has
been made, a number of therapies are available
Patient Education to assist in reproduction. This is known as assisted
reproductive technology (ART).
Alcohol Exposure
• In vitro fertilization (IVF), indicated for fallo-
Alcohol along with tobacco exposure dur- pian tube blockage and endometriosis: Eggs are
ing pregnancy is common. Drinking during retrieved from the woman’s ovaries, fertilized with
pregnancy is the leading cause of childhood sperm from her partner in the laboratory, then
mental retardation. Two or more drinks a day transferred to her uterus.
while a woman is pregnant increases the risk
of the newborn being born with fetal alcohol • Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT): Eggs are
syndrome (FAS). Birth defects include small retrieved from the woman’s ovaries. An egg and
brain size, growth retardation, specific facial sperm from her partner are aspirated into a spe-
deformities (e.g., flat middle of the face, wide cial catheter, then placed into the fallopian tube
bridge of the nose, thin upper lip), and heart, where fertilization may occur naturally.
kidney, and eye abnormalities. Behavioral • In vitro fertilization and gamete intrafallopian
problems (e.g., learning and attention difficul- transfer (IVF + GIFT) with donor sperm: Eggs
ties, hyperactivity) occur. No safe amount of are retrieved from the woman’s ovaries, fertilized
alcohol can be consumed during pregnancy, with donor sperm in the laboratory, aspirated into
so abstention from all alcohol is necessary. a special catheter, then placed into the fallopian
tube where fertilization may take place naturally.
CHAPTER 14 Obstetrics and Gynecology 329
New technology allows retrieval sperm level of other hormones decreases. When the oxy-
from the testicles if ejaculation is impossi- tocin is released, it causes the muscles of the uterus
ble. Sperm can be injected into the ovum, to contract. Braxton–Hicks contractions, often
embryos can be frozen, and surrogate pregnancies referred to as false labor, can usually be differenti-
are possible. With technology come the ethical and ated from real labor because of their irregularity
legal questions of donor eggs and embryos, preg- and tendency to disappear when the woman moves
nancies in older adult women, how to define who about and changes positions. When the woman is
the parents are, what to do with frozen embryos lying in supine position, the heavy, large uterus can
after death or divorce, and other issues such as dis- press on the inferior vena cava and aorta, reducing
posal of unused (extra) embryos. blood flow back to the heart. The patient becomes
In some cultures, a woman is deemed pale, sweaty, and dizzy, and blood pressure drops.
the responsible party for impaired fertil- The condition is known as supine hypotension.
ity, and the impairment is thought to be When the patient is turned onto her side, the pres-
caused by her sins, evil spirits, or her own deficien- sure on the vena cava is removed and the hypoten-
cies. The virility of a male is questioned unless he is sion resolves.
able to manifest his sexual potency by having a child. If fetal membranes do not spontaneously rup-
ture during labor, an amniotomy (artificial rupture
Incompatibility. The pregnant woman’s blood of the membranes) can be done. The procedure
type and Rh factor are determined at the first pre- uses a sterile amniohook, and it may shorten the
natal visit. If the woman has Rh-negative blood length of labor (Figure 14-14).
and the fetus has Rh-positive blood, problems can Signs and symptoms to watch for during
occur. When the fetus’s blood (red blood cells) labor that indicate complications are heavy vaginal
leak into the woman’s body during birth, an Rh- bleeding, sudden increase or decrease in blood
negative woman may develop antibodies against pressure, increased activity by the fetus, headache,
the fetus’s Rh-positive blood. The antibodies can extreme restlessness, and visual changes. Meco-
pass through the placenta and kill the RBCs in nium, the first stool of the newborn, in the vaginal
the fetus. The fetus becomes anemic and jaun- discharge can indicate fetal distress.
diced. Death of the fetus is possible if too much
fetal blood is destroyed. When an injection of Rh-
immune globulin (RhoGAM) is given at around
Postpartum Period
the 28th week of pregnancy and 72 hours postpar- The postpartum period is the time known as the
tum, and after percutaneous umbilical blood sam- puerperium during which the body returns to its
pling (PUBS), CVS, abortion, or amniocentesis, nonpregnant state. It is usually 4 to 6 weeks after
then sensitization is prevented. Rh incompatibility
should not occur with any subsequent pregnancy. A
RhoGAM must be given after every birth, abortion,
miscarriage, amniocentesis, CVS, and PUBS to pre-
vent sensitization.
Parturition, or labor, is the process during which
the uterus, through contractions, expels the fetus
and placenta. There are three stages of labor:
• Stage I—Dilation: from onset of labor until com-
plete dilation (expansion) and effacement (thin-
ning and shortening) of cervix
• Stage II—Expulsion: from complete dilation and
effacement through the birth of fetus (expulsion)
• Stage III—Placental: from birth of fetus through
expulsion of the placenta B
Labor is believed to be triggered by the Figure 14-14 (A) Disposable amniohook used to
release of oxytocin and prostaglandins after the rupture membranes. (B) Amniotomy technique.
330 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
delivery. The body undergoes changes during this device made of copper or progesterone-medicated
time. The uterus involutes (returns to normal size) plastic; see Procedure 14-3); and vaginal rings.
and healing of any injuries takes place. Sterilization is a surgical procedure that ren-
A vaginal discharge, known as lochia, appears ders the individual infertile. The woman’s uterine
during the puerperium. It consists of tissue, blood, tubes are fulgarated (destroyed by means of an elec-
white blood cells, mucus, and bacteria. It can be tric current) or bands and clips are placed around
described by its appearance. Lochia rubra is bright the tubes to block them (ligation). Both fulgara-
red and appears the first 3 days after delivery. tion and ligation are considered to be permanent
Lochia serosa is pink or brown and is indicative of methods. Female sterilization can be performed
less blood. By about 10 days, the flow decreases, immediately after giving birth or any time afterward
becomes whitish-yellow, and is known as lochia during any phase of the menstrual cycle. Laparo-
alba. Lochia usually disappears by the third week scopic surgery is the usual approach. Tubal ligation
postpartum but may last for up to 6 weeks. Men- and oral contraceptives are the top contraceptive
struation usually begins in a nursing mother 3 to choices in the United States (Figure 14-20).
6 months after delivery, 2 months for nonnursing The surgical procedure performed on a male
mothers. The mother is told to avoid heavy lift- to render him sterile is a vasectomy. It can be per-
ing, not to become fatigued, to eat a well-balanced formed on an outpatient basis under localanes-
diet, and to continue to take her prenatal tablets. thesia. Small incisions are made into the scrotum
Report any feelings of depression as soon as pos- above and to the side of each testicle. Each vas def-
sible. An appointment in 6 weeks will evaluate the erens is identified, ligated twice, and then severed
mother’s general health, and the provider will dis- (Figure 14-21). It is important for the patient to
cuss infant care, breast-feeding, the importance realize that sterility is not immediate because some
of exercise, good nutrition, and birth control. sperm remain in the sperm ducts after vasectomy.
The medical assistant can stress the importance One week to several months may elapse before the
of yearly Pap smears and of monthly breast self- ducts are sperm free. Some form of contraception
examinations because these are important aspects is necessary until two consecutive sperm counts
of patient education. are zero.
Another method of contraception approved
Contraception. Voluntary prevention of preg- by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a
nancy is known as contraception. The opportune medication known as RU-486, which is used to cause
time to discuss contraception with the mother is or induce an abortion. It’s safety has been ques-
soon after delivery and before discharge from the tioned by experts. Injectable contraceptives are avail-
hospital. She should know what method of con- able. Depo-Provera® is given intramuscularly every
traception she and her partner will use before 3 months. Lunelle® is given intramuscularly monthly.
resuming sexual activity. To discuss contracep- These injectables are best given within the first
tion at the 6-week postpartum checkup can be too 5 days of the menstrual cycle to be certain the woman
late. Sexually transmitted disease (STD) protec- is not pregnant. The majority of states mandate that
tion should also be reviewed before discharge. health insurance cover the cost of contraception.
Written instructions about methods of contra-
ception are important and help the patient under-
stand options that are available. GYNECOLOGY
Some nonprescription kinds of contraception
are the various barrier methods: condoms; male Gynecology is the specialty that studies diseases of
(latex) and female (nonlatex); contraceptive foam; the female reproductive tract and the breasts. The
spermicide (nonoxynol-9) used with a condom to gynecologic examination is routinely performed in
help prevent STDs; vaginal sponges that contain a an office or clinic. It usually includes abdominal,
spermicide; and abstinence. pelvic, and breast examination and a Pap smear.
Many types of prescription contraceptives are It can be done as part of the female’s complete
available (see Figures 14-15 to 14-19 and Table 14- physical examination, or it can be a separate exam-
3). They include hormonal contraception in the ination performed in the gynecologist’s office or
form of oral birth control pills; Implanon®, a surgi- gynecology clinic. Early diagnosis and treatment of
cal implant of progestin in the upper arm, which problems associated with the female reproductive
provides up to 3 years of contraception; a dia- organs help the female to achieve optimum health
phragm used with a spermicide; a cervical cap to of these organs and is the goal of the OB/GYN
fit over the cervix; an intrauterine device (a small provider (Figure 14-22).
Figure 14-15 (A) Female condom. (B) Proper insertion of female condom.
Figure 14-16 (A) Diaphragm with contraceptive jelly. (B) Various sizes of diaphragms. They must be fitted by the
Figure 14-17 (A) Cervical cap. (B) Proper insertion of cervical cap.
332 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Method Description Effectiveness of Action
Male and female condoms Less effective than hormonal Inhibits sperm from
available. Male condoms are latex; methods or IUD. entering the vagina.
female condoms are nonlatex. Use with spermicide. Used only once.
Barrier (over-the-
counter condom) Use to protect from STDs. To prevent STD
(see Figure 14-15) and pregnancy, use
a condom and
another method
of contraception.
Made of rubber. Fitted to cover Moderately effective if used Provides rubber barrier
Cervical cap the cervix. Folded to insert into the correctly, similar to diaphragm. between sperm and
(must be fitted vagina. Must be applied to cervix. Potential for infection because opening to cervix.
by provider) Suction keeps the cap in place. Use cap can be left in place up to
(see Figure 14-17) with spermicide. 2 days. Must remain at least
6 hours after intercourse. (continues)
CHAPTER 14 Obstetrics and Gynecology 333
Method Description Effectiveness of Action
Chemical known as nonoxynol-9. When used alone, failure rate Destroys sperm cells.
is high compared to other
methods. Used with condom,
Spermicide sponge diaphragm, or cervical cap, it
foam cream/gel is more effective. No bathing or
(over the counter) douching for 6 hours after inter-
(see Figure 14-18) course. Must allow 15 minutes
before engaging in intercourse.
Reapply spermicide with
repeated intercourse.
Hormonal pills (pre- Various combinations of estrogen Highest effectiveness rate Prevents ovulation
scription needed and progestin or progestin only. when taken correctly. Can every month.
for all hormonal help reduce dysmenorrheal
contraceptives) and heavy menses.
Intramuscular injection (Depo- Highly effective. One of most Prevents ovulation for
Provera®) every 3 months. effective contraceptives. Best 3 months.
Injection given within first 5 days of Stops ovulation for
Lunelle®, injected once per month. menstrual period to be sure 1 month.
patient is not pregnant.
Applied to body and contraceptive Highly effective. Worn for Prevents ovulation
is absorbed through the skin. 1 week and then replaced for 1 month.
Patch same day of week for 3 con-
secutive weeks. Fourth week
patch free.
Small flexible ring inserted into the Highly effective. Prevents ovulation.
vagina. Releases steady flow of
Vaginal ring
hormones. Left in for 3 weeks.
Removed for 1 week.
334 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Method Description Effectiveness of Action
Device known as Implanon® is Highly effective. One of the Inhibits ovulation and
composed of one rod that is most effective contraceptives. changes the cervi-
implanted. Lasts up to 3 years. cal and endometrial
Minor surgical procedure is required mucus.
to implant and remove.
Implantable Becomes more effective as Implanted device
(must be implanted Essure® is a spring-like device scar tissue grows thicker. Use causes scar tissue to
by provider) implanted in fallopian tubes via another form of contraceptive build up within the
the cervix. for at least 3 months. fallopian tubes, even-
tually blocking them.
When blocked, neither
sperm nor ovum can
pass through.
Urethral orifice
file to remind patients who “forget.” Women may ization into the role of a woman. Surgery is usually
believe that because they have had a hysterectomy, performed by a lay midwife, and a razor or broken
they no longer need their annual examination and glass is used; infections and hemorrhages are com-
Pap smear. Every woman should have an annual mon. If an infibulation is performed, the two sides
(or regular) examination even if the Pap test is not of the vulva are sewn together. Scar tissue forms
included. A woman who has had a hysterectomy over the vagina. A small opening for urination and
because of cancer should continue to have Pap menstruation is made by inserting a foreign object
smears on a regular basis. Many women are not until the area heals. The most common reason given
aware of this and need to be educated. for this procedure is that it follows customs and tra-
Other gynecologic problems may arise between dition. During childbirth, the infibulation is cut to
annual gynecologic examinations and require an allow for delivery, then resutured after delivery.
appointment. They include symptoms and prob- Always view patients as individuals whose cul-
lems such as severe dysmenorrhea (painful men- tural beliefs and practices may differ greatly from
ses), lower abdominal pain, metrorrhagia, bleeding your own. Treat them as you do all patients, with
between menstrual periods, dyspareunia (painful respect and empathy (see Chapters 15 and 16 for
intercourse), sexual dysfunction, infertility, and dis- male circumcision).
comfort from menstrual symptoms. Women expe-
riencing these problems should have a gynecologic Breast Examination. The provider performs a
examination, and the provider will determine a diag- breast examination on the patient as part of a
nosis based on the examination, the patient’s history, gynecologic examination. Looking for redness,
symptoms, signs, and laboratory data. The data from dimpling, and puckering, each breast is palpated
previous appointments are available to the provider and the axilla felt for lumps or thickening. Part
via the computer. Comparisons can be made quickly of the medical assistant’s responsibility is to teach
with previous entries, saving time and possibly pre- patients how to perform the breast self-examina-
venting errors. tion (BSE). Figure 14-23 provides illustrations for
It is important to realize that patients’ performing the BSE. The provider may supply
health practices related to culture, values, several pamphlets and a breast model with lumps
and belief systems are deeply ingrained and thickening for enhancing patient educa-
and not easily changed. Being aware of some of tion and awareness about the importance of the
these practices and beliefs will benefit both you and examination (Figure 14-24A and B).
your patients. You will have a better understanding
of their cultural heritage and beliefs that are dif- Breast Self-Examination (BSE). Provide the patient
ferent from yours, and this will help patients to be with these steps to follow:
more comfortable. At times, it might be necessary
to modify care according to the patient’s cultural 1. Examine your breasts when they are not tender or
background and practice. swollen and at the same time each month, about 1
week after menses.
Female Circumcision. Female circumcision is an 2. Women who are breast-feeding or pregnant or
ancient cultural custom that has been practiced have breast implants can do a BSE.
worldwide for more than 2,000 years. Between 100 3. Ask the medical assistant to review your tech-
and 130 million women in 40 countries have had nique when you have your yearly examination.
female circumcisions. Central Africa is one of the
4. Lie on your back and put your right arm behind
main areas where various forms of the procedure
your head. This spreads out the breast tissue, mak-
are performed.
ing it easier to feel all of the tissue (Figure 14-23A).
There are four different types of female cir-
cumcision: (1) removal of the prepuce of the cli- 5. Using your left hand and the finger pads of the
toris; (2) clitoridectomy, removal of prepuce and three middle fingers (Figure 14-23B), feel for
clitoris; (3) removal of prepuce, clitoris, upper labia lumps or abnormalities in your right breast.
minora, and some labia majora; and (4) infibulation, 6. Use three degrees of pressure—light, medium,
removal of all external genitalia (prepuce, clitoris, and strong (or firm)—to feel all of the tissue.
labia majora, labia minora). Some reasons given for Light pressure is used for skin and tissue just
this practice are that it is a right of passage, a sign beneath the surface, and medium pressure is used
of purity, marriage availability, sexual faithfulness, for tissue in the middle of the breasts, strong pres-
protection from rape and abortion, and for social- sure is used to feel the tissue closest to the ribs
338 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
A B Finger pads C
Figure 14-23 Breast self-examination.(A) Lie on your back and put your right arm behind your head. (B) Use the
finger pads of your three middle fingers, making an up and down pattern to examine the breast. (C) Look in a mir-
ror and observe the breasts for abnormalities.
CHAPTER 14 Obstetrics and Gynecology 339
tests and procedures, prescriptions, and previous warmth from the light bulb can warm the specu-
data entry. lum. The provider may hold the speculum under
In preparation for the examination, have the warm running water just before use. Whichever
patient undress and don a patient gown with the method is used, the provider will test the specu-
opening positioned in the front (for the breast lum to make sure it is not too hot before use.
examination) and a drape sheet. The patient This is often done by touching the speculum on
is seated on the examination table. Provide the the patient’s inner thigh to determine if the tem-
patient with privacy during the undressing. Ensure perature is comfortable.
the patient’s comfort by providing her with a blan- During the examination, the medical assis-
ket if she is cold and have her leave her socks on if tant will support the patient, hand the provider
her feet are cold. supplies as needed, and adjust the light source
During the breast and abdominal examina- as needed. When the provider has obtained the
tions, the patient is placed into the supine or dorsal appropriate cervical cells, the medical assistant will
recumbent position. Provide a pillow for comfort. take the cytology broom or brush and uncap the
For the pelvic examination, the patient is placed ThinPrep container, swish the broom or brush vig-
into the lithotomy position. Assist the patient into orously in the ThinPrep solution until all the speci-
this position, providing leg and back support as men has been deposited, dispose of the broom or
needed. brush in a biohazard container, reapply the cap,
During the pelvic examination and the Pap and complete the container label. If the patient is
smear, the medical assistant assists the provider “status post hysterectomy,” the provider will scrape
as needed (Figure 14-28). The tray of supplies cells (using the spatula) from the inner walls of the
should be at an appropriate height and posi- vaginal vault rather than from the cervix, which
tion for access by the provider while seated. The will no longer be present. Those cells are depos-
vaginal speculum (metal or plastic) should be ited into the ThinPrep solution in the same man-
warmed to body temperature. Some examina- ner as a cervical specimen.
tion tables are equipped with warming drawers After the Pap test is performed, the provider
for storing the specula so that they are warm and will examine the internal organs. This is done using
ready for use. The medical assistant may set up the bimanual (two-handed) examination (Figure
the pelvic exam/Pap smear supplies on a Mayo 14-29). By inserting two fingers into the vagina and
tray and position the gooseneck lamp so that the pressing on the outside abdominal wall, the shape,
Vagina Bladder
Speculum Fallopian
Speculum tube
Cytology brush
A B of uterus
Figure 14-28 Use of speculum, cytology brush, and spatula to obtain material for a Pap smear. (A) The provider
uses a spatula to obtain cells from the cervix. (B) The provider uses a cytology brush to obtain cells from the cervix.
342 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
incidence of cervical cancer in women who have b. Squamous Interepithelial Lesions (SILs). There are
HPV, and the test can help identify these women. low- and high-grade SILs. All patients in this
Vaginal cancer can also be detected by a Pap category require a colposcopy. High-grade SILs
smear. There is an increased risk for both cervical can develop into cancer if not treated. Treat-
and vaginal cancer in daughters of women who ment can cure both high- and low-grade SILs
used diethylstilbestrol (DES) during pregnancy. and prevent cancer from developing. The Pap
Some advocate “at home” testing. The test does not identify which SIL the patient has;
woman collects her cervical cells by inserting a rather, it shows that the results fit into one of
small plastic applicator into the vagina up the the abnormal categories.
cervix (as far as she can comfortably insert appli- c. Squamous Cell Carcinoma. This test result shows
cator) and moving it around to collect cells. The that the woman likely has an invasive squamous
applicator is placed in a special container to pre- cell carcinoma. Further testing, colposcopy,
serve cells that will be tested by a laboratory. The and biopsy are needed to be certain of the diag-
ACS does not endorse “home” testing. Perhaps nosis. If the biopsy proves positive, the provider
in the future “home” testing will become accu- will recommend surgery, radiation, and/or
rate for scientific use and accepted by the medi- chemotherapy.
cal community.
d. Adenocarcinomas. These carcinomas are abnor-
One system for cytologic reporting of a Pap
malities of glandular cells. If a clear deci-
smear is a descriptive report that tells the pro-
sion can not be made by the pathologist as to
vider exactly what cellular changes have taken
whether the cells are malignant, the term used
place. The classification includes the grades of
is atypical glandular cells (AGS). Further test-
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN).
ing is done to decide on a treatment plan.
CIN 1 mild dysplasia (abnormal tissue Category 3 other malignant neoplasms, including
development) malignant melanoma, carcinoma, and lymphoma.
CIN 2 moderate dysplasia These malignant neoplasms affect the cervix very
CIN 3 severe dysplasia or carcinoma in situ rarely compared to squamous cell carcinoma and
Another system used to report Pap test results
is the Bethesda System (TBS). The Bethesda System Pap Smear Results. The Pap smear usually is
for reporting results of Pap tests has three main cat- sent to a reference laboratory where a pathologist
egories, some of which have subcategories: examines it and records the results on the cytol-
ogy report form and in the computer. The form
Category 1 negative for intraepithelial lesion or
is returned to the provider, and the report can be
malignancy. These are known signs of cancer
accessed on the computer. Figure 14-31 lists some
or precancerous cells or other abnormalities
of the terms used on the cytology report form.
Category 2 epithelial cell abnormalities. The cells
of the lining of the cervix show changes that might
Gynecologic Diseases
be cancer or precancerous. There are several sub- and Conditions
groups within this group for squamous cells and The female reproductive system is affected by
glandular cells. many diseases and conditions caused by hormonal
imbalance, cysts, infection, and tumors. Some of
1. Atypical Squamous Cells (ASCs). The name given to
the more common disorders and diseases are cov-
what the cells look like under a microscope. It
ered here.
is difficult to determine whether the abnormal
cells are caused by an infection, an irritation, or
a precancerous condition. This group is divided
Infertility. Most women, with unprotected inter-
course, will be able to conceive within a year. The
inability to conceive can be caused by a problem
a. Atypical Squamous Cells of Uncertain Significance with either the male or the female individual.
(ASC-US) and atypical squamous cells where high- Some common causes of infertility in a female
grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (SILs) can- patient are:
not be excluded. A repeat Pap test is done; biopsy
and/or colposcopy and HPV DNA testing may • Endometriosis
be recommended. • Certain medications
CHAPTER 14 Obstetrics and Gynecology 345
Figure 14-32 Endometriosis—common sites of endometrial implants.
CHAPTER 14 Obstetrics and Gynecology 347
Ovarian Cysts. Cysts that appear on the ovary are caused by scar tissue that forms in the pelvis and
relatively common. As part of the menstrual cycle, organs. Delayed treatment can cause septic shock,
the ovarian follicles enlarge and become graafian which can be life-threatening. Infertility and ecto-
follicles. Only one graafian follicle ruptures at the pic pregnancy are long-range problems that also
time of ovulation. The follicles that do not rupture, can occur (Tables 14-4, 14-5, and 14-6).
but remain, are filled with fluid. They may enlarge
and become cysts (Figure 14-33).
Ultrasonography will aid in viewing the ova- Other Diagnostic Tests
ries. Most ovarian cysts resolve without treatment. and Treatments for Reproductive
Laparoscopy can be done to either drain or remove
the cyst. Contraceptive therapy many times is help-
System Diseases
ful in resolving the cyst without surgery. Colposcopy. Colposcopy is examination of the
Direct viewing of the ovaries and surgery may vagina and cervix by means of a lighted instru-
be necessary because cancer of the ovary must be ment that has a three-dimensional magnifying lens
ruled out. called a colposcope. The examination is done to
determine if areas in the vagina or the cervix con-
Ovarian Cancer. Because the symptoms of ovarian tain precancerous cells or tissue. The procedure is
cancer do not appear until the disease has become performed after an abnormal Pap test. It can also
established, it is difficult to make a diagnosis early be performed to evaluate a lesion noted during
in the disease process. Therefore, if a woman has a pelvic examination and to follow up after treat-
any symptoms, the cancer usually has been present ment of cervical cancer. Because the instrument
for some time. Symptoms may be pressure in the has the ability to magnify tissue, the cervix can be
pelvis, lower abdominal discomfort, weight loss, more readily examined and a biopsy taken.
bloating, and fluid in the abdomen. Diagnosis can The patient is placed in lithotomy position
be made by laparoscopic surgery and a biopsy. Hys- and is prepared as she would be for a gyneco-
terectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy logic examination. A nonlubricated speculum is
are done, followed by radiation therapy or chemo- inserted into the vagina. The vagina is swabbed
therapy. The cause is not known. with a long cotton-tipped applicator that has
been moistened with saline. (This provides better
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). PID involves visualization of the cervical tissue.) The cervix is
some or all of the female reproductive tract and then swabbed with acetic acid to dissolve mucus
can be a serious infection. The causative microor- and provide a good contrast between normal and
ganism is usually a sexually transmitted pathogen abnormal tissue. A staining medium can be used
such as gonorrhea or chlamydia. The microorgan- as another means of identifying abnormal cells.
ism enters through the vagina and ascends through If the provider finds an area of abnormal tissue,
the cervix into the body of the uterus. It can spread a biopsy can be performed using cervical punch
out through the fallopian tubes into the pelvic cav- biopsy forceps (Figure 14-34). The specimen is
ity. Culture and sensitivity of the vaginal discharge examined by a pathologist to determine whether
are performed, and appropriate antibiotics are malignant cells are present.
prescribed. Early treatment helps to lessen damage
Endometrial Biopsy/Sampling. An endome-
trial biopsy/sampling is often performed when
patients are experiencing postmenopausal bleed-
Fallopian ing. It is a fairly simple procedure. The sampling
device is housed in a long strawlike tube that slides
through the cervical os quite easily. Once the end
of the tube is inside the uterus, a plunger is pulled
back. The action of pulling the plunger suctions
a sampling of the endometrial tissue. This is a
sterile procedure and requires an application of
a cleansing solution (such as Betadine) to the cer-
Uterus vix before performing the biopsy. Endometrial
biopsy/sampling is quick and almost painless for
the patient. The patient might experience slight
Figure 14-33 Ovarian cyst. cramping.
Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Table 14-4 Female Reproductive System Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests
Pelvic Bartholin gland Exudate culture and sensitivity Incision and drainage
examination infection
examination with potassium hydroxide and/or
saline (1 drop)
Trichomoniasis Urinalysis
Pelvic Wet mount: direct vaginal smear
examination with isotonic saline (1 drop) and/or
potassium hydroxide (KOH)
350 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Bartholin Gland Infection. Infection of the mucous gland(s) that open near the vaginal opening.
Breast Cancer. Most common diagnosed cancer in females. A genetic cause has been identified for some breast
cancers. Some symptoms are lump, thickening, swelling, dimpling, pain, and nipple discharge.
Cervical Cancer. A carcinoma of the cervix of the uterus caused by a progressive cervical dysplasia. Most common in
women aged 30 to 40 years. A significant risk factor is seen in women who become sexually active early in their lives and
who have multiple sex partners. Presence of HPV poses greater risk.
Cystocele. Herniation of the urinary bladder into the vagina. May cause urgency and frequency. Injury to the bladder
during delivery of the fetus is one cause.
Endometriosis. Presence of endometrium in sites other than inside the uterus. May be found on the ovaries, fallopian
tubes, large bowel, lungs, and pleura. Causes pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, and infertility.
Fibrocystic Breasts. Benign cysts in breast tissue that increase or decrease in size during menses. Thought to be a normal
variation in breast tissue due to monthly hormonal influence.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). Pelvic reproductive organs become inflamed and infected by bacteria, viruses,
or parasites. An ascending infection can ensue involving the vagina, cervix of uterus, body of uterus, fallopian tubes,
and ovaries. Symptoms include vaginal discharge, pain, fever. May cause infertility. Majority caused by sexually
transmitted disease (Neisseria gonorrhea, chlamydia).
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). Cluster of symptoms that occur monthly before the onset of menses thought to be caused
by progesterone–estrogen imbalance. Symptoms include fluid retention, weight gain, irritability, and mood swings.
Rectocele. Herniation of the posterial wall of the vagina with the anterior wall of the rectum through the vagina.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). Diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, and protozoa that are transmitted through
sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal, oral).
– Chlamydia. An invasion by an intracellular parasite causing urethritis, cervicitis, PID, proctitis, infant pneumonia, and
– Condylomata (HPV). Genital warts caused by a virus. Grow around the external genitalia, rectum, and cervix.
Associated with abnormal Pap smears.
– Neisseria gonorrhoeae. An infection by a bacterium that can involve the cervix, urethra, fallopian tubes and ovaries,
rectum, and mouth.
Vaginitis. Inflammation of the vagina that may be caused by bacteria, fungus, protozoa, chemical irritants, irritation from
foreign bodies, vitamin deficiency, uncleanliness, and intestinal worms.
– Candidiasis. A yeast (fungal) infection of the vagina caused by prolonged antibiotic therapy, pregnancy, or diabetes,
which can change the normal vaginal flora leading to overgrowth of the fungus.
– Trichomoniasis. An infection by a protozoan most commonly spread through sexual intercourse or may come from
fecal contamination of the vagina.
CHAPTER 14 Obstetrics and Gynecology 351
Milky white, frothy, malodorous Wet mount for Oral Flagel®: partner(s) must also
Trichomonas discharge with genital burning microscopic be treated
and itching examination
Cervical Punch Biopsy. The cervical punch biopsy poscope is being used, it illuminates and magni-
is usually done in conjunction with a colposcopy fies the cervical tissue. The provider takes several
to obtain a sample of cervical tissue for pathologic tissue samples using the cervical punch biopsy
examination. The specimen is examined for malig- forceps. If bleeding ensues, it can be controlled
nant cells and the biopsy usually follows an abnor- with a vaginal packing, or the area can be cauter-
mal Pap smear report. ized to stop the bleeding. The specimen is placed
The procedure is performed with the patient in a container with formalin, a completed req-
in lithotomy position and with a vaginal specu- uisition form is attached to the container, and it
lum in place. The provider may stain the cervix is sent to the pathology laboratory for examina-
to aid in identifying abnormal tissue. If the col- tion. The patient may expect a small amount of
352 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Patient Education
Post Cervical Biopsy and Cervical Cone Biopsy
1. Rest for 24 hours after the procedure.
2. Do not lift heavy objects for two weeks.
3. Leave packing in place for 24 hours or as
directed. Do not insert another tampon
unless told to do so by the physician.
4. Report any bleeding greater than a
normal menstrual period.
indicate an infection. Healing usually takes 4 to tains preservative, swabs (one large swab and one
6 weeks. small Mini-Tip Culturette Swab), and instructions.
This test needs to be performed on the female
Wet Prep/Wet Mount for Yeast, Bacteria, and patient before the digital/bimanual examina-
Trichomonas. The wet prep or wet mount is tion so that no lubricating jelly is present. Using
an office procedure to determine the cause of the large swab, the provider will clean the cer-
vaginitis in women and urethritis in men. The vix of any mucus, blood, and cellular debris and
provider takes a sample of the discharge on a discard the swab. The Mini-Tip Culturette Swab is
cotton-tipped applicator, the medical assistant then inserted into the cervical canal and rotated
rinses it vigorously in a test tube containing a for 15 to 30 seconds. Immediately it is placed into
few drops (about 0.5 mL) of normal saline press- the transport tube. If the ProbeTec Wet Transport
ing the swab against the inside of the test tube tube is used (Figure 14-35), the swab is broken
to express all the specimen, places a drop of the off into the liquid before recapping. This test
solution onto a microscope slide, and covers it also may be used to test for chlamydia and
with a coverslip; then the provider views it micro- gonorrhea in a urine specimen, following the man-
scopically for the following: ufacturer’s instructions for collection and testing
(see Procedure 14-5).
• If a yeast infection is present, budding yeast will
be seen. Laparoscopy. Laparoscopy is a procedure in which
• If a bacterial infection is present, clue cells will be a lighted instrument is used to view the inside of the
seen. Clue cells are vaginal epithelial cells that pelvic cavity. It can be helpful in diagnosing endome-
appear fuzzy with no clear cell edge. They appear triosis and ovarian cysts or other abnormalities in
this way because the outside edge is covered with the pelvic cavity. A tubal ligation, severing of the
bacteria. fallopian tubes, and an oophorectomy can be done
laparoscopically. Laparoscopy can be done abdomi-
• If trichomonas are present, they appear as motile nally or vaginally (Figure 14-36).
single-cell protozoa. Movement will be noted.
The trichomonas are sometimes identified in a Dilation and Curettage. Dilation and curettage
microscopic portion of the urinalysis as well (see (D&C) is a surgical procedure that involves dilat-
Procedure 14-4). ing and scraping the cervix of endometrial tissue.
It is commonly performed to remove any remain-
Potassium Hydroxide Prep for Fungus. After ing tissue after an incomplete abortion or to
performing the previously mentioned test, a few
drops of 10% potassium hydroxide (KOH) may
be added to the remaining solution in the test
tube and examined microscopically for fungi.
The KOH destroys bacteria and vaginal epithe-
lial cells, leaving only the cell walls of the fungus,
which makes visualization easier. This slide is
prepared in the same way as the wet prep: Place
a drop of the solution onto a clean slide, cover
with a coverslip. Dispose of all glass slides, cover-
slips, and test tubes into a sharps container (see
Procedure 14-4).
Procedure 14-1
Assisting with Routine Prenatal Visits
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 9. Assist patient onto examination table and drape
her. RATIONALE: The patient may be off balance
and unsteady on her feet because of the enlarge-
ment of the abdomen. Provide for her safety.
PURPOSE: 10. Assist the provider as the examination is per-
To monitor the progress of the pregnancy. formed.
• Hand the provider the tape measure to
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: measure height of fundus
Scale Doppler fetoscope
• Hand the provider the Doppler fetal pulse
Disposable gloves and coupling agent
detector for measurement of fetal heart
Patient gown Urine specimen container
rate. The medical assistant may spread the
Tape measure Urinalysis testing supplies
coupling agent onto the patient’s abdomen.
Sphygmomanometer Biohazard waste container
Stethoscope 11. After the examination, assist patient to sit for
a few moments. Assess her color and pulse.
PROCEDURE STEPS: RATIONALE: Orthostatic hypotension can occur
1. Wash hands. when a patient rises from a recumbent position.
2. Set up equipment. Give the patient time for the blood pressure
to go back to normal so she will not experience
3. Identify patient.
dizziness from decreased blood pressure.
4. Obtain urine specimen. RATIONALE: A urine
12. Provide towel to patient to wipe off coupling
specimen for analysis is necessary for two reasons.
An empty bladder facilitates the examination and
is more comfortable for the patient. The urine 13. Provide any instruction or clarification of provid-
sample will be tested. er’s orders.
5. Weigh patient. RATIONALE: Assesses gain or loss 14. Apply gloves. Discard disposable supplies per
of weight to help determine fetal development OSHA guidelines. Disinfect equipment used.
and maternal nutrition. 15. Remove gloves.
6. Measure blood pressure. 16. Wash hands.
7. Have patient disrobe from waist down and put 17. Set up for the next patient.
on a gown open in the front. RATIONALE: An
18. Record all information in patient’s chart or
open gown facilitates access to the abdomen for
electronic medical record.
examination and measurement of the fundal
8. Test the urine specimen while waiting for the 4/14/20XX 2:30 PM Wt. 148 3/4 lbs., T 98.8°F, P 82, R 16,
provider. RATIONALE: Urinalysis is done for BP 118/72L sitting. Urine dipstick negative for glucose
detection of glucose and protein, which may and protein. Fundal height at 22 wks. FHR 120. Says she
indicate disease. feels well and is sleeping and eating well. C. McInnis, CMA
(AAMA) ______________________________________
356 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Procedure 14-2
Assisting with Pelvic Examination and Pap Test (Conventional
and ThinPrep® Methods)
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: specimen container if ordered by provider.)
RATIONALE: An empty bladder facilitates
examination of the uterus and a urine speci-
men is frequently used for a urinalysis.
PURPOSE: 3. Provide patient with gown and request her to
To assist the provider in collecting cervical cells for completely undress.
laboratory analysis for early detection of malignant 4. Explain procedure to patient.
cells of the cervix and to assess the health of the 5. Instruct patient to sit at end of table when ready
reproductive organs to detect diseases leading to for pelvic examination. Drape patient for pri-
early diagnosis and treatment. vacy. If performing conventional Pap test, label
the frosted end of the slide with a marking pen-
cil. Include patient’s name on slide. Indicate site
Nonsterile gloves (2–3 pair)
from where specimen is collected: c = cervix, v =
Vaginal speculum, disposable or nondisposable
vagina, e = endocervical.
Warm water or warming light
Light source 6. Assist patient into lithotomy position. Patient’s
Drape sheet knees should be relaxed and thighs rotated out
Patient gown as far as comfortable. Drape for privacy and
Tissues warmth.
Vaginal lubricant 7. Encourage patient to breathe slowly and deeply
Lab requisition (see Figure 14-30) through the mouth during examination.
Urine specimen container RATIONALE: Allows for relaxation of pel-
Urine testing supplies vic muscles and easier insertion of vaginal
Biohazard specimen bag speculum.
Biohazard waste container
8. Warm vaginal speculum with either warm water
Adjustable stool for provider
or under heat lamp or place on a heating pad.
Supplies for the Pap test according to the method used NOTE: Do not lubricate speculum. Lubricant
for ThinPrep® Pap: obscures exfoliated cervical cells when Pap test
• Cervical spatula is being performed.
• Brush and broom 9. Hand speculum and spatula, cytology brush, and
• ThinPrep® container with solution broom to the provider as needed.
10. Apply gloves.
For conventional Pap test:
• Microscope slides 11. For conventional Pap test, hold slides for pro-
vider to apply smear of exfoliated cells, one for
• Fixative and/or specimen bottle
vaginal (v), one for cervical (c), and one for
• Cervical spatula endocervical (e), in that order. If spraying Pap
• Cytology brush fixative, spray it over the slide within 10 seconds
at a distance of about 6 inches. Allow to dry
PROCEDURE STEPS: for at least 10 minutes. If using Pap fixative in
1. Wash hands and assemble necessary supplies a bottle, place slide directly into bottle. If using
near patient. ThinPrep®, swish the cytology broom vigorously
2. Request that patient empty her bladder. (Instruct in the ThinPrep® solution until all the speci-
patient to save urine specimen and provide men has been deposited. Dispose of brush into
CHAPTER 14 Obstetrics and Gynecology 357
biohazard container. RATIONALE: This main- RATIONALE: Some patients, especially older
tains cell appearance and avoids contamina- adult patients, can experience orthostatic hypo-
tion of cells. Avoid getting too close to slide with tension.
spray because this may destroy or damage cells. 17. Discard disposable supplies per OSHA guide-
Slides must be fixed before they dry to protect lines. If stainless steel speculum was used, soak
the appearance of the cells. in cool water. Sanitize and sterilize as soon as
12. For ThinPrep® Pap test, hand the speculum and convenient.
cytology broom to the provider. Open the Thin- 18. Remove gloves and wash hands.
Prep® solution container. When the cells have
been obtained, take the broom and vigorously 19. Assist patient down and off the table if necessary.
swish it into the container of solution until all 20. Instruct patient to dress. Inform patient of how
the cells have been deposited. Replace the cap and when test results will be reported to her.
and label. Dispose of the broom into biohazard 21. Prepare laboratory requisition (cytology request)
waste. RATIONALE: The ThinPrep® procedure form. Include provider name and address, date,
requires that all cells obtained from the cervix be source of specimen, patient’s name and address,
presented in the solution for complete testing. date of LMP, and hormone therapy if any. Place
13. Place lubricant on provider’s gloved fingers slides in slide container or ThinPrep® container
without touching gloves, for bimanual and rectal into biohazard specimen bag. Place requisition
examinations. The provider will insert the index into outer pocket of bag and send to laboratory.
and middle fingers into the vagina. The other 22. Wash hands.
hand is placed on the lower abdomen. The size,
23. Document procedure in patient’s chart or elec-
shape, and position of the uterus and ovaries are
tronic medical record.
14. The provider will insert one gloved finger into DOCUMENTATION
the rectum to check the ovaries and the tone of 4/14/20XX 11:00 AM Wt. 138 lbs., T 98°F, P 68, R 20,
the rectal and pelvic muscles. Hemorrhoids, rec- BP 138/72L sitting. Urine dipstick negative for protein and
tal fissures, or other lesions may be palpated. glucose. Pap smear performed by Dr. Woo. Slides of vagi-
15. Give the patient tissues to wipe genitalia and nal, cervical, endometrial cells sent to lab with requisition.
rectum. Pelvic and rectal exams performed by Dr. Woo. Patient
16. Help patient to a sitting position, allowing her expressed no complaints of discomfort. BP 142/78 P 80. C.
to rest a while. Check her pulse and skin color. McInnis, RMA __________________________________
Procedure 14-3
Assisting with Insertion of an Intrauterine Device (IUD)
Nonsterile gloves (2−3 pair)
Sterile gloves
Vaginal speculum
Light source and stool for provider
Drape and gown
To assist the provider with the insertion of an intrauter-
ine device (see Figure 14-19).
358 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Prepackaged IUD the patient can feel for the string through her
Biohazard waste container vagina after every period. The provider will have
Local anesthetic the patient check the string after the procedure.
Syringe and needle RATIONALE: Ensures that patient knows how to
Antiseptic such as Betadine® solution or swabs check for and find the string.
Emesis basin for used items such as speculum 16. Place disposable speculum in biohazard waste
container. Place nondisposable speculum into
emesis basin.
1. Wash hands and assemble necessary supplies
near patient. 17. Help patient into sitting position and allow her
to remain seated while you check her pulse,
2. Draw up local anesthetic into syringe as directed
skin color, and blood pressure if needed.
by provider.
RATIONALE: Some patients can experience
3. Ask patient to empty her bladder. Save urine for orthostatic hypotension and become dizzy if
pregnancy test. RATIONALE: If patient is preg- they rise too quickly.
nant, the IUD will not be inserted.
18. Discard disposable supplies according to OSHA
4. Ask patient to undress from the waist down and guidelines. If stainless steel speculum was used,
put on a gown. soak in cool water. Sanitize and sterilize later
5. Explain procedure to patient. when convenient.
6. Give medication to patient for pain as prescribed 19. Remove gloves. Dispose in biohazard waster con-
by provider. tainer. Wash hands.
7. Help patient into lithotomy position. Drape for 20. Assist patient off table if she needs help.
warmth and privacy. 21. Tell patient she can get dressed.
8. Hand speculum to provider. 22. Explain to patient that she may experience light
9. The provider does a pelvic examination after cramping and perhaps spotting for 1−2 days.
donning nonsterile gloves. 23. Make an appointment in 4−6 weeks for patient.
10. The provider checks for pelvic infection and posi- Inform patient to make a yearly appointment
tion of the uterus. RATIONALE: An IUD cannot thereafter for a check-up.
be inserted if the woman has a pelvic infection 24. Document procedure in patient’s chart or elec-
because the procedure can carry microorgan- tronic medical record.
isms into the uterus. The position of the uterus is
important for the provider to know before inser- DOCUMENTATION
tion. 8/23/20XX 10:30 AM Pregnancy test negative. 1.0 mL
11. The provider swabs the cervix with an antiseptic of lidocaine injected into cervix by Dr. King. Pelvic exami-
and may inject a local anesthetic into the cervix. nation done by Dr. King, and a copper IUD was inserted
12. The provider puts the IUD into the insertion after anesthetic took effect. Small amount (approximately
device. The arms of the IUD flatten (the top of 15 mL) of bright red blood noted after insertion. Patient
the “T”) states she is “having slight cramping.” BP 134/88, P 100
immediately after procedure. Patient able to feel string com-
13. The provider inserts the IUD with the insertion ing out of cervix into vagina. Explained to patient to call
device through the cervix into the uterus. the office if she cannot feel the string, that sometimes the
14. The insertion tube is withdrawn completely. string tangles around the cervix and is hard to find. Told
15. Dispose of insertion device into biohazard waste the patient that an ultrasound, if necessary, will show
container or emesis basin. The provider short- whether the IUD is still in place. Instructed patient to
ens the string on the IUD to 1−2 inches from the use another form of contraceptive until placement of IUD
cervix and then removes speculum. Dispose of is confirmed. Blood pressure 10 minutes after procedure
speculum into waste container or emesis basin. 124/82, P 92, color good. Patient left accompanied by her
RATIONALE: The string is left long enough so sister. C. McInnis, RMA ___________________________
CHAPTER 14 Obstetrics and Gynecology 359
Procedure 14-4
Wet Prep/Wet Mount and Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) Prep
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: vagina and hands it to the medical assistant.
RATIONALE: The provider will complete the
examination of the patient while the medical
assistant prepares the sample for viewing.
PURPOSE: 5. Rinse the swab vigorously in the test tube con-
To test a vaginal specimen to determine the cause of taining saline, pressing the cotton tip against
vaginitis. The wet prep/wet mount tests for yeast, bac- the inside of the test tube to express all the
teria, and trichomonas; the KOH prep tests for yeast. specimen. RATIONALE: It is important to get as
much of the sample as possible for a more accu-
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: rate diagnosis.
Cotton-tipped applicator 6. Dispose of the cotton-tipped applicator into a
Small test tube biohazard container. RATIONALE: All body
Normal saline (0.5 mL, or a few drops) fluid–contaminated supplies should be handled
10% potassium hydroxide (KOH; 0.5 mL, or a few with care and disposed of according to Standard
drops) Precautions.
Two microscope slides and coverslips
7. Apply a drop on a microscope slide and cover
with a coverslip. Hand the slide to the provider
Vaginal speculum
for the microscopy examination. RATIONALE:
Patient drape
Only a provider may perform the PPMP (Phy-
sician Performed Microscopy Procedure) for
Other equipment as necessary for a vaginal examination
diagnosis, according to CLIA regulations.
PROCEDURE STEPS: 8. Assist the patient back to a sitting position.
1. Prepare the patient for a pelvic examination as Instruct her to dress and offer to assist if needed.
outlined in Procedure 14-2 (Figure 14-37). RATIONALE: While the provider is viewing the
2. Place several drops of normal saline into a small slide, your responsibility is the safety and com-
test tube. RATIONALE: Preparing the test tube fort of the patient.
for the specimen. 9. In the laboratory, the provider will view the slide
3. Put on gloves. for yeast, bacteria, and trichomonas. RATIO-
NALE: The provider will take the slide to the
4. Using the cotton-tipped applicator, the pro-
laboratory where the microscope is located.
vider obtains a sampling of discharge from the
10. After completion of the wet prep/wet mount,
apply a few drops of KOH into the remaining
solution in the test tube, place a drop on a fresh
slide, and cover with a coverslip. RATIONALE:
This is the second part of the microscopy test
that can be performed on the vaginal secretion
to diagnose the cause of vaginitis.
11. The provider will perform a microscopic exami-
nation for yeast. RATIONALE: This is a PPMP.
12. Dispose of all slides and the test tube into a
sharps container. RATIONALE: As stated in Stan-
Figure 14-37 Supplies for wet mount and KOH dard Precautions, all sharps must be disposed of
prep: Pipette, cotton-tipped swabs, small test tube, in a sharps container.
and microscope slide with coverslip (not shown:
saline and KOH solution).
360 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
13. Disinfect the laboratory area and equipment. the provider examined the specimen. The pro-
RATIONALE: As stated in Standard Precau- vider will add his or her findings to the patient’s
tions, all biohazard contaminated surfaces must electronic medical record. Be sure you sign the
be disinfected after contamination. entry.
14. Return to the patient and assist as needed.
RATIONALE: The patient may need assistance DOCUMENTATION
and direction. 6/10/20XX 2:15 PM Wet mount and KOH prep done.
Candidiasis identified. Patient given prescription for Gyne-
15. Remove gloves. Wash hands.
Lotrimin 3 Vaginal suppositories (200 mg) at bedtime for
16. Document procedure in patient’s chart or three consecutive nights. J. Woo, MD.Patient will call on
electronic medical record. Input that a pelvic Monday to tell us how she feels. C. McInnis, RMA ________
examination and wet prep were done, and that
Procedure 14-5
Amplified DNA ProbeTec Test for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: waste must be handled carefully and disposed
of properly.
5. Hand the small Mini-tip Culturette Swab to
the provider, who will insert the swab into the
PURPOSE: cervical os and rotate it for 15 to 20 seconds.
To test a vaginal specimen for diagnosis of chlamydia RATIONALE: Accurate test results require
and gonorrhea and as a screening tool for the same obtaining adequate endocervical cells and
for a pregnant woman. secretions.
6. Immediately place the swab into the transport
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: tube and recap. RATIONALE: The specimen
Amplified DNA ProbeTec Kit (pink): must to be placed in the tube with preservative
• Transport tube containing preservative immediately to preserve it.
• Swabs (one large and one small Mini-Tip Culturette) 7. If using the ProbeTec Wet Transport tube, break
Vaginal speculum the tip of the swab off into the the liquid before
Patient drape recapping. RATIONALE: The tip of the swab is
Gloves scored and will snap off easily. This allows the
Other equipment as necessary for a vaginal examination entire specimen to be transported in a small
amount of preservative.
8. Remove gloves. Wash hands.
1. Prepare the patient for a pelvic examination as
outlined in Procedure 14-2. 9. Attach requisition to specimen.
2. Put on gloves. 10. Attend to your patient.
3. Hand the large swab to the provider, who will 11. Document the procedure in the patient’s chart
use it to clean the cervix. RATIONALE: Mucus or electronic medical record.
or blood on the cervix will interfere with the
purity of the specimen. DOCUMENTATION
4. Discard the large swab into the biohazard waste
6/10/20XX 10:00 AM DNA ProbeTec test done by Dr. Woo.
container. RATIONALE: According to Stan-
Entire specimen transported to laboratory. C. McInnis,
dard Precautions, all biohazard contaminated
RMA _________________________________________
CHAPTER 14 Obstetrics and Gynecology 361
Obstetrics and gynecology are two specialties that are usually practiced by the same provider. The OB/GYN
provider will care for the health and well-being of the female patient in her pregnant and nonpregnant
states. Knowledge of the numerous tests and procedures that are performed to diagnose and treat prob-
lems in the female patient are essential. Health promotion and patient education are of extreme impor-
tance whether the patient is an obstetric patient and scheduled for her initial prenatal visit or a gynecologic
patient scheduled for yearly pelvic, Pap, and breast examinations.
362 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet and complete the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on the textbook CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
Multiple Choice 5. Ultrasonography is done to check for which of the
1. Which of the following conditions or diseases that
a. gestational diabetes
an obstetrics patient experiences is considered to
b. preeclampsia
place her in the high-risk category?
c. degree of effacement
a. urinary tract infection
d. number of weeks of gestation
b. 19 years of age
6. After a cervical punch biopsy, it is normal for the
c. both partners Rh negative
patient to experience which of the following?
d. poor nutritional habits
a. bleeding greater than a normal menstrual
e. poor hygiene
2. Using Nägele’s Rule, calculate the expected date of
b. no odor to vaginal discharge
birth of the baby of a patient whose last menstrual
c. malodorous vaginal discharge
period was August 20, 2005.
d. severe abdominal cramps
a. November 27, 2006
7. To make the diagnosis of trichomoniasis, the med-
b. December 13, 2006
ical assistant will need to prepare for which of the
c. May 27, 2006
d. April 20, 2006
a. Pap smear
3. The primary test performed at about the 16th
b. ultrasonography
week to check the fetus for neural tube defects is
c. wet mount
known as:
d. culture and sensitivity
a. alpha-fetoprotein test
e. blood glucose
b. amniocentesis
8. To diagnose pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), the
c. chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
provider may order which of the following?
d. rubella titer
a. culture and sensitivity
e. Rh factor
b. Pap smear
4. The release of which of the following hormones is
c. urinalysis
thought to cause labor to begin?
d. rubella titer
a. progesterone
e. ultrasonography
b. estrogen
c. oxytocin
d. thyroxine
CHAPTER 14 Obstetrics and Gynecology 363
National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 4.21. Human pap- Web MD, Birth Control Health Center by Kelly Coli-
illomavirus (HPV) vaccines: Questions and answers. han, reviewed by Louise Change, MD,
Retrieved October 5, 2008, from August 13, 2008. “More women ask for birth con-
cancertopics/factsheet/prevention/HPV-vaccine. trol.” Retrieved October 5, 2008.
Spratto, G. R., & Woods, A. L. (2009). 2008/9 edition Web MD, Medical News Women’s Health, Cervical
nurse’s drug handbook. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cancer Vaccine by Miranda Hitti, reviewed by
Cengage Learning. Louise Chany, MD, September 12, 2008. “Gardisil
Taber’s cyclopedic medical dictionary (21st ed.). (2002). approved to target more cancers.” Retrieved
Philadelphia: F. A. Davis. October 5, 2008.
Tamparo, C., & Lewis, M. (2005). Diseases of the human
body (4th ed.). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis.
Pediatrics 15
Aerosolyzed What Is Pediatrics? Infant/Child Failure to Thrive
Cochlear Implantation Preparation of Vaccines for Pediatric Vital Signs
Exudate Administration Temperature
Fontanel Recommended Vaccination Pulse
Schedule Respirations
Considerations for Vaccine Blood Pressure
Myringotomy Administration Collecting a Urine Specimen
Neonate Giving Injections to Pediatric from an Infant
Organomercurial Patients Screening Infants for Hearing
Phenylketonuria (PKU) Theories of Growth and Impairment
Sensorineural Development Screening Infant and Child Visual
Suppurative Newborns Acuity
Tympanostomy Infants Common Disorders and
Toddlers Diseases
Preschoolers Otitis Media
School-Aged Children The Common Cold
Adolescents Tonsillitis
Growth Patterns Pediculosis
Measuring the Infant or Child Asthma
Length and Weight Croup
Measurements Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
Infant Holds and Positions Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Height and Weight Measuring Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Devices Disorder
Measuring Head Child Abuse
Circumference Male Circumcision
Measuring Chest
The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and
demonstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this chapter
through written and oral communication.
OBJECTIVES (continued)
4. Explain the process of collecting a urine specimen.
5. Explain the process of screening for hearing and visual
6. Describe common pediatric diseases and disorders.
7. Explain the importance of immunizations and scheduling of them.
8. Describe infant holds for injections and procedures.
At Inner City Health Care, clinical assistant Bruce immunizations for long-term health protection and the
Goldman, CMA (AAMA), is responsible for encouraging importance of following recommended vaccination
parents to keep track of their children’s immunization schedules for maximum benefit.
records. Bruce teaches parents the importance of
New techniques and developments occur frequently in
medicine, and medical assistants must refine existing
skills and learn new ones to be knowledgeable and profi-
cient and to provide the most current, up-to-date quality
care to patients. The medical assistant who works in a Spotlight on Certification
pediatrician’s office or a pediatric ambulatory care set-
ting that treats infants and children will need additional RMA Content Outline
skills when providing pediatric care to patients. • Anatomy and physiology
Knowledge of the developmental stages, knowledge
• Patient education
of diseases of infants and children, and the ability to gain
the child’s confidence and trust and the caregivers’ coop- • Vital signs and mensurations
eration are all skills required to provide for the physiologi- • Pediatrics
cal, emotional, and psychological needs of the pediatric • Parenteral medications
patient. This chapter covers the specialty examination • Drugs
and the appropriate clinical procedures in pediatrics. • Minor surgery
• Surgical supplies
• Surgical procedures
CMA (AAMA) Content Outline
Pediatrics is the branch of medicine that cares • Psychology
for newborns, infants, children, and adolescents. • Adapting communication to an
Pediatricians are providers who diagnose and treat individual’s ability to understand
health problems and diseases specific to these age (e.g., patients with special needs)
groups. This patient population has special needs, • Equipment preparation and operation
and medical assistants must be knowledgeable
• Patient preparation and assisting the
about the growth and development phases of life
and diseases unique to pediatric patients. Children
form judgments and have fears about health care CMAS Content Outline
providers. They need an atmosphere that is com- • Anatomy and physiology
fortable and one in which their physiological, emo- • Vital signs and measurements
tional, and psychological needs are recognized and
• Examination preparation
CHAPTER 15 Pediatrics 367
Medical assistants must gain the confidence determine the neonate’s physical condition at 1, 5,
and trust of the child and parent(s), allay fear, and and 15 minutes after birth. It is known as the APGAR
help to promote positive relationships between (appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respira-
the child and the provider and must themselves tion) score. Muscle tone, skin color, respiration, heart
develop a positive relationship with the child. Chil- rate, and response to stimuli are given a score 0, 1,
dren are likely to be cooperative when being exam- 2, and so on, with the highest score 10. Infants with
ined or during a procedure if good rapport has low APGAR scores need immediate attention, such
been established. It is important to be honest with as stimulation, oxygen, medication, and so on. Their
young patients and approach them at their level of condition is monitored closely (see Chapter 14).
understanding. Allow children to touch and hold Tests are done to detect problems the neonate
a “safe” instrument, such as a stethoscope, and may have. Phenylketonuria (PKU), iron deficiency
explain its purpose to them. Doing so can reduce anemia, lead poisoning, and hypothyroidism are
anxiety and fear (Figure 15-1). It is important also problems for which neonates are screened shortly
for the medical assistant to recognize pediatric after the APGAR scoring is done.
patients by their names no matter what their ages. Many patients seen in the pediatric setting
Taking a history of the child; assessing the are babies or children who are not ill. They are
child; measuring vital signs, height, weight, vision, considered “well-baby” or “well-child” patients and
and hearing; laboratory work; administration of are having routine checkups. Ill babies or children
injections; observing the parent–child interac- are often called “sick-child” or “sick-baby” patients.
tions; and noting the child’s development level Well-baby appointments are regularly scheduled
are all responsibilities in which a medical assistant appointments during which time the provider
takes part. examines the child and evaluates the growth and
The first physical examination of a newborn development of the child. Most offices schedule
is performed immediately after delivery. The pedia- well-baby appointments after birth according to
trician assesses the neonate’s ability to exist outside the following time frame: 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24
of the mother’s uterus. A scoring system is used to months, and yearly thereafter.
The goal of well-baby visits or checkups is pre-
vention of health problems and diseases. Typically,
immunizations are given during these appoint-
ments. The charts shown in Figures 15-2, 15-3, and
15-4 include immunization schedules from the
National Immunization Program. The program
urges that all children be immunized because the
vaccines provide the best defense against many dan-
gerous childhood diseases. Immunizations protect
children against hepatitis A and B, polio, measles,
mumps, rubella, pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, Hae-
mophilus influenza type b, pneumonia, chicken pox,
influenza, rotavirus, meningitis, and human papil-
lomavirus (HPV) (see Chapter 14). Immunizations
are given by mouth, injection, and intranasal spray.
All of these need to be given before age 2 when chil-
dren are most susceptible to infectious diseases. Vac-
cines protect children during these periods. HPV is
the exception. It is given between ages 13 to 18 with
the minimum age 9 years.
Preparation of Vaccines
for Administration
Careful attention to both proper storage of vaccines
and thorough patient preparation for immunization
Figure 15-1 The medical assistant allows the child to will promote effective vaccination results. Access to
touch the stethoscope and “listen” to her heartbeat to vaccination should be available to all patients, espe-
gain the child’s cooperation. cially to families with young infants and children.
368 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Figure 15-2 The recommended immunization schedule for persons aged 0−6 years is approved by the Advisory
Committee on Immunization Practices (, the American Academy of Pediat-
rics (, and the American Academy of Family Physicians (
CHAPTER 15 Pediatrics 369
Figure 15-3 The recommended immunization schedule for persons aged 7−18 years is approved by the Advisory
Committee on Immunization Practices (, the American Academy of Pediat-
rics (, and the American Academy of Family Physicians (
370 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Figure 15-4 Catch-up immunization schedule for persons aged 4 months−18 years who start late or who are more than
one month behind. Information about reporting reactions after immunization is available at the VAERS Web site (http:// or by telephone via the VAERS national toll-free information line (800-822-7967). Suspected cases of
vaccine-preventable diseases should be reported to the state or local health department. Additional information, includ-
ing precautions and contraindications for immunization, is available from the National Center for Immunization and
Respiratory Diseases Web site ( or by telephone (800-CDC-INFO).
CHAPTER 15 Pediatrics 371
Measles, Measles can cause otitis Do not give if Fever, mild rash, Two doses:
mumps, rubella media, pneumonia, allergic to swelling of glands 12–15 months and
seizures, brain damage, gelatin or the in cheeks and 4–6 years (or any
death; mumps can antibiotic neo- neck, seizures, age if longer than
cause fever, swollen mycin, moder- temporary pain in 28 days from first
glands, deafness, menin- ate to severe joints, severe aller- dose)
gitis, swelling of testicles acute illness, gic reaction
or ovaries, death; rubella breast-feeding,
can cause pregnant pregnancy,
women to have miscar- immunosup-
riages or babies born pressed
with severe anomalies individuals
Chicken pox Severe skin infection, Do not give if Soreness and 12–18 months or
pneumonia, brain dam- allergic to swelling at site, any age if never
age, death; shingles gelatin or the fever, mild rash, had chicken pox
Varicella (herpes zoster) may antibiotic neo- seizures,
occur years later mycin, moder- pneumonia
ate to severe
acute illness
Hepatitis A Liver disease with flu-like Allergic reac- Soreness at site, 1 month before
symptoms, jaundice, tion to prior headache, severe traveling or when
nausea and vomiting, dose, tell doc- allergic reaction at risk for infection
abdominal pain tor if pregnant (two doses
HAV (safety of vac- needed 6 months
cine during apart); children
pregnancy 12–24 months with
has not been second dose 6
determined) months later
Influenza Influenza (flu) Fever, cough, chills, Do not give to Soreness, redness, All children
Inactivated aches, death pregnant fever, aches, aller- 6–23 months
(I.M.) Live, women, egg gic reaction
intranasal allergy, history
(I.N.) of Guillain-
Ages 5–49 Barré syndrome
Meningitis Infection of the brain Severe allergic Allergic reaction, Not for children
and coverings of the reaction to redness or pain at younger than
spinal cord, septicemia, prior dose site, fever 2 years (two doses
mental retardation, needed
seizures, stroke, death 3 months apart)
Most of the recommended vaccines are administered rations require refrigeration or protection from
in the child’s first 15 to 18 months of life. Access light.
involves cost of vaccines, appointment requirements, Vaccines have trade names, and manufactur-
and time required to receive vaccines. Some offices ers have been tested for safety. The package insert
permit walk-in vaccination administration with free of each vaccine describes the vaccine including
or low co-payment fee only. Routine well-infant its route of administration, purpose, contrain-
examinations should be scheduled according to the dications, and possible side effects (see Table
recommended vaccination schedule to promote and 15-1). Because some vaccines are grown in bird
facilitate maintenance of the schedule. eggs weakened by addition of chemicals or are
Vaccine storage should follow specific made from animals, it is essential to know what
manufacturer’s guidelines. Some vaccine prepa- allergies a child has. For example, a child who is
allergic to eggs cannot receive an MMR, varicella,
or influenza vaccine because of the possibility of
Patient Education the child being allergic to the egg protein that
is used in the manufacturing of the vaccine
Encourage parents to be aware of different (Figure 15-5). Symptoms of side effects, con-
vaccines and to keep track of vaccina- traindications, and allergies must be known by
tion schedules. By posting recommended the medical assistant, who will ensure that the
schedules in visible locations in the ambula- parents are informed and have given written con-
tory care setting, parents can be reminded. sent before the vaccines are given. After admin-
istration of vaccines (see Procedure 15-1), the
Figures 15-2 and 15-3 illustrates the rec-
medical assistant is responsible for documen-
ommended vaccination schedule for chil-
tation of the types of vaccines, site of adminis-
dren and adolescents, which is supported
tration, manufacturer’s lot number, and side
by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the
effects, if any have been reported by the parents
Advisory Committee on Immunization Prac-
(Figure 15-6). The provider will report any clini-
tices (ACIP), the Committee on Infectious
cally significant adverse reactions to the Vaccine
Diseases (COID), the Commission of Public
Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and
Health and Scientific Affairs (COPHSA),
will file a VAERS Events Form for the National
and the American Academy of Family
Immunization Program. Vaccine records can be
Physicians (AAFP).
kept electronically. All children must have a
374 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
• If itching and swelling are confined to the injection site where the vaccination was given,
• If symptoms are generalized, activate the emergency medical system (EMS; call
911) and notify the on-call provider. This should be done by a second person, while the
vaccinator assesses the airway, breathing, circulation, and level of consciousness of the
single dose in children and 0.5 mg maximum in a single dose for a pediatric patient.
either orally or by intramuscular injection. The standard dose is 1 mg/kg body weight, up
• Monitor the patient closely until EMS arrives. Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(CPR), if necessary, and maintain airway. Keep patient in supine position (flat on back)
blood pressure is low, elevate legs. Monitor blood pressure and pulse every 5 minutes.
• If EMS has not arrived and symptoms are still present, the provider will repeat dose of
• Record all vital signs; medications administered to the patient, including time, dosage,
response; name of the provider who administered the medication, and other
Figure 15-5 Emergency treatment for children and teens experiencing an allergic reaction to a vaccine
Figure 15-6 Immunizations recorded in (A) a patient’s electronic medical record and (B) in the practice’s global
immunization log for that vaccine.
• Manufacturer name
Recommended Vaccination
• Lot number and expiration date
• Site and route of administration
The recommended vaccination schedule for infants
• Name, address, and title of health care provider
and children is based on the premise that repeated
giving the vaccine
doses of several vaccines are required and vaccine
• Source of vaccine, (F) federal, (S) state, (P) private manufacturers recommend administering only
compatible vaccines at any one visit to avoid drug
Immunization recordkeeping is mandated by interactions. If no contraindications are present at
state and federal laws. Total practice management the various ages, vaccines should be administered
systems include immunization recordkeeping as according to the schedule to ensure complete vac-
part of clinical care (Figure 15-7). Procedure 15-2 cination by the age of 15 to 18 months, with booster
gives more information about maintaining immu- vaccines on school entry and again every 10 years
nization records. throughout adult life. Should any vaccine be missed
Vaccines stimulate the immune system to pro- for any reason, vaccine “catch-up” schedules are
duce antibodies against pathogens (see Chapter available to ensure adequate vaccine administra-
10). Some patients may have conditions or preex- tion (see Figure 15-4).
isting conditions that would contraindicate vaccine
administration. Safe vaccine administration requires Considerations for Vaccine
assessment and recognition of conditions that would
contraindicate vaccine administration at any specific
time. When any vaccine is not given because of an • Infection control. Health care providers should fol-
existing contraindication, careful documentation low Standard Precautions to minimize the risks of
and notification of the provider are required. spreading disease during vaccine administration.
376 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
administration, not for vaccine storage. In certain two IM vaccines into the same muscle would not
circumstances, such as in large influenza clinics, exceed any suggested volume ranges for either
more than one syringe can be filled. One person the vastus lateralis or the deltoid muscle in any
should prefill only a few syringes at a time, and the age group. The option to also administer a sub-
same person should administer them. Any syringes cutaneous vaccine into the same limb, if neces-
left at the end of the clinic day should be discarded. sary, is acceptable because a different tissue site
Under no circumstances should measles, mumps, is involved. If a vaccine and an immune globu-
and rubella (MMR), varicella, or zoster vaccines lin preparation are administered simultaneously
ever be reconstituted and drawn prior to the imme- (e.g., Td/Tdap and tetanus immune globulin
diate need for them. These live virus vaccines are [TIG] or hepatitis B vaccine and hepatitis B
unstable and begin to deteriorate as soon as they immune globulin [HBIG]), a separate anatomic
are reconstituted with the diluent. site should be used for each injection. The loca-
• Labeling. Once a vaccine is drawn into a syringe, the tion of each injection should be documented in
content should be indicated on the syringe. There the patient’s chart or electronic medical record
are a variety of methods for identifying or labeling (Figure 15-8).
syringes (e.g., keep syringes with the appropriate • Nonstandard administration. Deviation from the rec-
vaccine vials, place the syringes in a labeled parti- ommended route, site, and dosage of vaccine is
tioned tray, use color coded labels or preprinted strongly discouraged and can result in inadequate
labels). protection.
• Multiple vaccinations. When administering mul- • Needle gauge. 22- to 25-gauge needle.
tiple vaccines, never mix vaccines in the same • Needle length. For all IM injections, the needle
syringe unless approved for mixing by the Food should be long enough to reach the muscle mass
and Drug Administration (FDA). If more than and prevent vaccine from seeping into subcutane-
one vaccine must be administered in the same ous tissue, but not so long as to involve underly-
limb, the injection sites should be separated by ing nerves, blood vessels, or bone. The vaccinator
1 to 2 inches so that any local reactions can be should be familiar with the anatomy of the area
differentiated. Vaccine doses range from 0.2 to into which the vaccine will be injected. Decision
1 mL. The recommended maximum volume of on needle size and site of injections must be made
medication for an intramuscular (IM) site varies for each patient based on the size of the muscle,
among references and depends on the muscle the thickness of adipose tissue at the injection site,
mass of the individual. However, administering the volume of the material to be administered,
IPV (SC) Varicella (SC)
Figure 15-8 (A) An example of one way to give five doses at one visit. (B) An example of one way to give seven
doses at one visit.
378 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
the injection technique, and the depth below the (60–118 kg), a 1- to 1½-inch needle is needed. For
muscle surface into which the material is to be women weighing more than 200 pounds (90 kg)
injected. or men weighing more than 260 pounds (118 kg),
• Infants (younger than 12 months). For the majority a 1½-inch needle is required.
of infants, the anterolateral aspect of the thigh
is the recommended site for injection because Figure 15-9 gives information on administer-
it provides a large muscle mass. The muscles of ing vaccines.
the buttock have not been used for administra-
tion of vaccines in infants and children because Giving Injections to Pediatric
of concern about potential injury to the sciatic Patients
nerve, which is well documented after injection
of antimicrobial agents into the buttock. If the Infants and toddlers who have injections must be
gluteal muscle must be used, care should be held in such a way that they cannot move. This is
taken to define the anatomic landmarks. If the done for two reasons: to protect the child from
gluteal muscle is chosen, injection should be adminis- injury and to provide access to an injection site.
tered lateral and superior to a line between the poste- For a child from birth to about 2 years of age,
rior superior iliac spine and the greater trochanter or in the vastus lateralis muscle is the preferred site. It is
the ventrogluteal site, the center of a triangle bounded readily accessible when the infant is lying supine
by the anterior superior iliac spine, the tubercle of on the examination table.
the iliac crest, and the upper border of the greater Children who are 2 to about 4 years old
trochanter. are not emotionally developed enough to
understand the need for cooperation. You
• Injection technique. This is the most important fac-
will need help from the parent or another staff mem-
tor to ensure efficient intramuscular vaccine
ber to hold the child securely, thus avoiding injury.
delivery. If the subcutaneous and muscle tissue
The deltoid is the preferred site for this age group.
are bunched to minimize the chance of striking
One method used to restrict the child’s movement
bone, a 1-inch needle is required to ensure intra-
is to seat the child on the parent’s lap. The parent
muscular administration in infants. For the major-
wraps his or her legs around the child’s legs to limit
ity of infants, a 1-inch, 22- to 25-gauge needle is
movement. The parent or staff member holds down
sufficient to penetrate muscle in an infant’s thigh.
the noninjection arm. The injection can be given
For newborn (first 28 days of life) and premature
once the child is securely immobilized.
infants, a 5⁄8-inch needle usually is adequate if the
Keep the syringe and needle out of the
skin is stretched flat between thumb and forefin-
child’s sight, because pediatric patients learn
ger and the needle is inserted at a 90-degree angle
quickly that doctor office visits many times mean
to the skin.
an injection, and with the injection is some
• Toddlers and older children (12 months to 10 years). degree of fear and pain.
The deltoid muscle should be used if the muscle Do not tell the child that the injection will
mass is adequate. The needle size for deltoid site not hurt; rather, explain that it will sting for a short
injections can range from 22 to 25 gauge and from while, but it will help to keep him or her strong
⁄8 to 1 inch based on the size of the muscle and the and healthy. A cartoon character adhesive strip
thickness of adipose tissue at the injection site. A applied to the site after the injection helps direct
⁄8-inch needle is adequate only for the deltoid the child’s attention away from the discomfort.
muscle and only if the skin is stretched flat between Although the vastus lateralis is the preferred
thumb and forefinger and the needle is inserted site for intramuscular injections, the deltoid is used
at a 90-degree angle to the skin. For toddlers, the for subcutaneous pediatric injections (see Figures
anterolateral thigh can be used, but the needle 15-10 and 15-11).
should be at least 1 inch long. Sick-baby or sick-child visits are appointments
• Adolescents and adults (11 years and older). For that have been arranged for ill babies or children
adults and adolescents, the deltoid muscle is rec- who will be examined by the pediatrician to deter-
ommended for routine IM vaccinations. The mine a diagnosis and appropriate treatment for a
anterolateral thigh can also be used. For men and particular problem.
women weighing less than 130 pounds (60 kg), a Clinical responsibilities for medical assistants
⁄8 to 1-inch needle is sufficient to ensure IM injec- during either type of visit include the same or simi-
tion. For women weighing 130 to 200 pounds lar procedures as the adult examination. The instru-
(60–90 kg) and men weighting 130 to 260 pounds ments used for the pediatric physical examination
CHAPTER 15 Pediatrics 379
Figure 15-9 Administering vaccines: dose, route, site, and needle size. (From the Immunization Action
380 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Figure 15-10 Administering intramuscular injections. The usual site for vaccine administration in infants is the
vastus lateralis muscle of the upper thigh. (From the Immunization Action Coalition,
are similar to those used for an adult physical exam- containing compound) has been used as a preser-
ination. Vital signs are taken, visual acuity is mea- vative in multidose vials of vaccine. It was added
sured, a urine specimen may be obtained, blood in very small amounts to kill bacteria that could
may be drawn and processed, height and weight be or were introduced into the multidose vial
measurements are taken, and head circumference is through improper sterile technique when draw-
measured. To gain the child’s confidence, begin the ing the vaccines into a syringe. Fatalities from
examination at the feet and work up to the head. septicemia after vaccine administration using a
These are some of the skills and procedures medical multiple-dose vial have been reported.
assistants will perform or with which they will assist There has been growing concern that the thi-
during the pediatric office or clinic visit. merosal in the vaccine is related to problems such
It is important for the medical assistant to as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
know that parents may ask about vaccine safety autism, and speech or language delays.
and preservatives. The following information is Many studies have been done over the last
helpful; however, the provider is the best individ- 30 years. The Institute of Medicine, the Immuniza-
ual to answer specific questions parents may have. tion Safety Committee, the FDA, the CDC, and the
Preservatives have been used in vaccines National Institutes of Health (NIH) were involved
for more than 70 years. According to the CDC, throughout the studies. All have determined that
Thimerosol (an organomercurial, i.e., a mercury- there is no relationship between thimerosol and
CHAPTER 15 Pediatrics 381
Figure 15-11 Administering subcutaneous injections. Subcutaneous tissue can be found all over the body. The
usual sites for vaccine administration are the thigh (for infants) and the upper outer triceps of the arm (for children
older than 12 months). If necessary, the upper outer triceps area can be used to administer subcutaneous injections
to infants. (From the Immunization Action Coalition,
neurotoxicity from vaccine administration. The nant women, infants, and children. Perhaps over
latest study in 2004 again investigated the situation time all vaccines will be preservative-free.
and rejected the relationship between thimerosol
and vaccines as a cause of neurotoxicity.
In 2000, the CDC, FDA, NIH, and the THEORIES OF GROWTH
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) told the AND DEVELOPMENT
CDC to have thimerosol removed from all vac-
cines or to reduce it to trace amounts as soon as Before providing more indepth information about
possible. There had been a movement by parents the various stages of growth and development in
to remove all the preservatives. Parents still are children, it is important to review the major theo-
involved in ongoing discussion about “reduced rists who contributed to understanding human
to trace amounts” in all routine vaccines for chil- growth and development.
dren 6 years and under. An exception, however, There are at least eight or nine theories of
is inactivated flu vaccine. It contains thimerosol. human development put forth by Freud (psycho-
A limited supply of preservative-free inactivated sexual), Erickson (psychosocial), Sullivan (inter-
flu vaccine is available, but it is used for preg- personal), Piaget (cognitive), Kohlberg (moral),
382 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Bronfenbrenner (ecology), Pavlov, Skinner (behav- be kept on newborns whenever they are on top of
ioral), and Bandura (social learning). Each theory any object because they can easily roll off. The saf-
focuses on particular aspects of human develop- est place is in a crib with the sides raised.
ment and its principles, strengths, and weaknesses. It is important to note the vital signs at dif-
No single theory can explain human devel- ferent ages will vary according to size, age, and
opment. The medical assistant can apply the the- gender. Comparisons can be made by
ory or theories with relevance and understanding E HR finding values within the electronic med-
to each individual child or adult. This will allow ical record.
for an inclusive approach to human development
that is appropriate for children and families
(Figure 15-12).
The following sections provide more informa- The infant stage is from 1 month to 1 year. Gross
tion about growth and development at the various and fine motor skills develop starting at the head
stages of a child’s life (Figure 15-13). and moving toward the feet.
The infant usually doubles his or her birth
weight during the first 6 months; by 12 months,
Newborns birth weight has tripled. Height increases about
Even at a few days old, a newborn can imitate facial 1 inch per month. By 12 months, the infant’s height
and manual gestures that adults make and can show a has slowed, and there can be a 50% increase from
preference for certain colors (red, black, and white). the birth length.
The newborn can respond to auditory stimuli and Head size changes quickly to accommodate
is sensitive to being touched and handled. Respira- fast brain growth. By 1 year old, the infant’s brain is
tory rate is usually 30 to 60 breaths/min; breaths about 66% of the size of an adult brain, but growth
are somewhat irregular in depth and rhythm, shal- does slow during the second 6 months of the first
low and abdominal. The heart rate ranges from 110 year. The fontanels (anterior and posterior) close
to 130 beats/min depending on whether the infant by 2 months old (anterior) and 12 to 18 months
is awake or asleep. Urinary output is about 1 to old (posterior). The infant cannot control head
3 mL/hour or about 2 to 6 voidings a day. movement until about 4 months old. This is known
Newborns can move and wiggle and as “head lag,” and the amount of head lag can be
can place themselves into dangerous or determined by pulling the infant by the arms from
unsafe positions. One hand should always a supine to a sitting position. Because the infant
cannot control the head, it will fall back until about
4 months old, at which time the infant has no head
d) exua
So andu
cia ra
(Fr chos
lL )
yc on
Ps riks
ive u
ct uct
pe tr
Pe itive
Figure 15-12 The eclectic nature of human devel- quickly, and is verbal and inquisitive. Environmen-
opment. tal dangers are of utmost concern because of the
CHAPTER 15 Pediatrics 383
toddler’s rapid development of motor skills and walk by 12 to 15 months old and climb stairs by
lack of judgment. This is a time for discipline and 18 months old.
guidelines but also for encouraging independence Bladder and bowel control usually occur dur-
and natural curiosity. Most injuries and deaths ing this period. Vital signs move closer to adult
occur as a result of airway obstruction, poisoning, norms, respiration (25–30 breaths/min awake) and
drowning, falls, burns, and auto accidents. pulse rates (96–105 beats/min) slow, and blood
During the 2 years that the toddler is devel- pressure increases to greater than 90/50 mm Hg.
oping, his or her physical growth slows. Height Serum lead levels are checked during this time.
gain averages about 3 inches per year; weight It is during the toddler period that rapid onset
gain is about 5 pounds per year. Most toddlers of respiratory distress can occur, and there is an
384 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
increase in tendency for airways to collapse. Otitis profile. This age group suffers from otitis media,
media, tonsillitis, and upper respiratory infections upper respiratory infections, and common stom-
are common. ach viruses. Teaching children the importance of
Often parents or caregivers are concerned good hand washing techniques and its significance
their toddlers are eating little or they focus only on in preventing illness is important.
one particular food. Most toddlers eat when they Some preschoolers may refuse to eat for a few
are hungry and caregivers worry unnecessarily. days or prefer one particular food everyday. Par-
The toddler is less interested in food because of his ents and caregivers should avoid issues over these
or her slowdown in growth, thus fewer calories are matters. Instead, spend mealtimes in a pleasant
needed. way.
Eating habits are established during the first Regular physical activity is beneficial because
2 to 3 years of life, and good eating habits with chil- it helps develop lifetime habits of exercise, lead-
dren should start when they are toddlers. The early ing to disease prevention and health promotion.
years are the time to teach lifelong healthy eating Sports are an ideal way to get preschoolers active
habits together with regular exercise. These two and to have fun. Noncompetitive activities such as
factors will significantly add years and quality of life dance, T-ball, karate, gymnastics, and bicycling also
because of disease prevention and maintenance keep children active and healthy. Love of reading
of health. Many children in the United States are can be established now, especially when parents/
obese, perhaps because their parents are. A 2004 caregivers read to their youngsters.
study reported in Annals of Human Biology found Playing near the road is an area of great con-
that almost half of children who were overweight cern for these children. They will listen to adults
at 1 year old were obese by 21 years old. The earlier who set limits for their safety.
that one can prevent obesity, the healthier one’s
children will be. Parents are their children’s role
School-Aged Children
The school-aged group encompasses children
from 6 to 12 years of age. A steady progression in
Preschoolers children’s rate of growth occurs during these years.
The preschool years include ages 3 to 6 years. The Weight increases by about 5 pounds per year, and
child now has control over bowel and bladder, can height increases about 2 inches per year. Muscle
dress and feed himself or herself, and can interact size increases, and the following motor skills con-
with others. During this period, preschoolers gain tinue to improve: climbing, running, jumping,
about 2 pounds of weight per year and 3 inches throwing, catching, and balancing.
in height per year. Visual acuity rates decrease The circulatory and respiratory functions
slightly. develop. The pulse and respiration rates slow. The
The Denver Developmental Screening Test pulse rate in this age group is about 90 beats/min;
can be used to determine motor skills develop- the average respiration rate is about 20 breaths/
ment levels. Running, jumping, skipping, jumping min. Both rates are while the children are at rest.
rope, and bike riding with training wheels usually This period shows relatively few infectious dis-
occur in this time period. Preschoolers may begin eases because of the immunity the children devel-
to tie shoelaces. oped to microorganisms during their preschool
Sexual curiosity is displayed, and questions years.
about body parts, including genitalia, should be The last years of the school-aged period are
answered honestly. Children learn at this age that known as prepuberty. Breast development, axil-
“private” body parts should not be touched by lary and pubic hair, and body odor may appear as
strangers. early as 9 or 10 years of age.
Preschoolers learn through play and by imi- Peers begin to play a major role, and children
tating adult behaviors. It is now that children will seek support from their peers to begin gaining inde-
play well with others and share. Preschoolers are pendence from their parents and family. Children
creative and use their imaginations well. have a sense of accomplishment when they focus
During preschool years, a yearly physical their energy on sports, hobbies, and schoolwork
examination should be done to note growth, and see themselves succeed in these activities.
vision, hearing, and blood pressure. Laboratory Language is the way to communicate, and
work includes a test for lead exposure, a tuberculo- children use their language skills to socialize with
sis test (once before beginning school), and a lipid their family and peers.
CHAPTER 15 Pediatrics 385
Usually school-aged children experience excel- body temperature than boys; girls’ systolic blood
lent health, and when they do become ill, it is usu- pressure is a bit less. Respiration rates in both sexes
ally a minor illness. The AAP recommends routine average about 16 to 20 breaths/min.
physical examinations about every 2 years, at ages Adolescents direct their energy to nonfamily
5, 6, 8, 10, 11, and 12 years old. Height, weight, vital relationships and career goals. It is a time of con-
signs, physical examination, vision and hearing tests, flict as adolescents try to become independent from
review of nutrition, scoliosis screening, and tubercu- their parents and establish their own identities.
losis testing are checked. Use of recreational drugs, The Department of Adolescent Health of the
tobacco, and alcohol is addressed. American Medical Association urges annual health
Booster immunizations of DPT (diphtheria, screenings that focus not only on the physiologi-
pertussis, tetanus) and MMR (measles, mumps, and cal and psychological health of the adolescent,
rubella) are typically given between 4 and 6 years of but also on such matters as physical activity, birth
age. Tetanus and diphtheria (Td) is usually repeated control, recreational drugs, alcohol, depression,
every 10 years. suicide ideation, injury prevention, and school
Nutrition education is an ongoing process accomplishments.
and children should be taught to eat breakfast Laboratory tests include human immuno-
daily and to make intelligent, healthy food choices. deficiency virus (HIV) and other sexually
Good nutrition and physical activity are essential transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis,
for their physical and emotional well-being and for chlamydia, and hepatitis B and C if sexually
long-range health maintenance and disease pre- active). Tuberculosis testing is also recommended.
vention. The physical examination is comprehensive and
Accidents in this age group are the leading includes vital signs, height and weight, vision and
cause of death. The increased independence, need hearing testing, urinalysis, and complete blood
for their peer’s approval, and increased involve- count (CBC). At this time, the provider discusses
ment in physically challenging activities are some issues of injury prevention (wearing seat belts, hel-
of the reasons. Most injuries are related to auto mets for biking, no drinking and driving, contact
accidents and firearms. Violent crimes against chil- sports, among others), violence prevention (gang
dren in this age group have increased dramatically memberships and anger management), nutrition
in the last 20 years. (fast foods, high-sodium and fatty foods), how
School-aged children comprehend rules to avoid becoming overweight and obese, and
about safety with regard to automobiles, bikes, regular physical activity. Motor vehicle accidents
swimming, and firearms, but they frequently resist cause 50% of teenage deaths between ages 16 and
these rules. 19 years, and they are common in drivers who use
This group of children suffers from not looking alcohol or other drugs.
the “same” as their peers, bullying, stress (peer pres- To be effective at all stages of growth and
sure, divorce, drugs), and both parents/caregivers development, the medical assistant must under-
working and not being home when the children go stand the age and maturity level of pediatric
home after school (latchkey children). patients, the psychological changes that occur,
and the psychosocial aspects of the child at various
Adolescents Communication with pediatric patients
The adolescent period of growth and development needs to be individualized, showing accep-
is noticeable for its wide range of physiological tance, empathy, honesty, and openness.
changes. It is the period between 11 and 21 years Confidentiality must be maintained regard-
of age. During adolescence, there is a large growth HIPAA less of age. Parents and caregivers are
spurt with gains in weight and height that occur involved with the care of their youngsters;
rapidly. Boys can gain up to about 14 pounds and therefore, they have the legal right to know the
grow as much as 6 inches; girls gain up to about medical matters relating to their minor children.
10 pounds and grow up to 5 inches. Girls usually Adolescents may share information with the medi-
attain their adult height about 1 year before onset cal assistant that they do not want their parents or
of menses; boys reach their adult height at about caregivers to know. It is important to stress that
13 years old, after axillary and pubic hair appear. some matters may need to be shared with parents
The average heart rate is about 60 to 70 beats/ or caregivers, especially when adolescents are living
min; average blood pressure is 100/50 to 120/ at home (certain matters pertaining to birth con-
70 mm Hg. Girls have a slightly higher pulse and trol, abortion, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted
386 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
diseases pose special problems). Some states allow tiles of other children the same age. To determine
minors to give their consent under these circum- into which percentile the infant falls in relation to
stances (see Chapter 7). other infants of the same age, follow the line (per-
Medical assistants can teach parents and care- centile) upward to the percentage values along the
givers in various ways. Handouts, demonstrations, edge of the graph. The National Center for Health
videos, and one-on-one instruction are helpful in Statistics (NCHS) growth charts become a perma-
keeping children safe and healthy. nent record of the child’s development. These give
The medical assistant must be caring, the provider a quick way to check the child’s growth
respectful, supportive, and nonjudgmental in relation to that of other children the same age.
of all patients. The caregiver to pediatric Growth charts aid in the diagnosis of growth abnor-
patients must reflect these values. Family beliefs malities and nutritional disorders and disease.
and values also must be taken into account. This Hereditary factors also influence growth patterns;
will foster care for pediatric patients that is compli- therefore, having the family’s history is important.
ant and in the best interest of all.
Infant Holds and Positions
GROWTH PATTERNS Lifting and carrying infants must be done safely.
The medical assistant should be especially careful
Growth patterns provide valuable information to of the infant’s neck. It should be supported when-
the pediatrician regarding the infant’s physical ever the infant is lifted or held. About the age of
progress. They are also used to calculate pediat- 4 months, an infant begins to be able to hold up its
ric doses of medication. Height, weight, and head head without support. (Each infant’s growth and
circumference are measured at each regularly development is unique; therefore, 4 months is an
scheduled appointment at the pediatric facility. approximate age.)
The measurements are then plotted on a physical There are two primary positions that the
growth percentile chart that is part of the patient’s medical assistant uses when lifting or carrying an
permanent record (Figure 15-14). infant. The first is the upright position in which
the anterior surface of the infant’s body is held
against the medical assistant’s body with one hand,
MEASURING THE INFANT which supports the infant’s buttocks. The other
OR CHILD hand is placed behind the head and neck of the
infant for support (Figure 15-16). This position
Careful measuring of the infant or child and moni- can be used to carry the infant and to place him or
toring of growth patterns are essential and should her on the scale or examination table. The second
be done in a consistent and accurate manner. position is called the cradle position; the medical
assistant holds the infant under his back and neck
with one arm, and the other arm supports the but-
Length and Weight Measurements tocks and legs (Figure 15-17). This position is com-
To record or plot length and weight measure- monly used by mothers when feeding their babies.
ments, you must first locate one growth value, It is comforting to infants when they are able to
either length or weight, in the vertical columns see the parent or the familiar person. A third posi-
of the physical growth percentile chart shown in tion that is used less often is the “football” carry or
Figure 15-15. Find the child’s age in months in the position. The posterior of the infant lays across the
horizontal rows. Locate the area where the growth medical assistant’s dominant outstretched arm and
value lines intersect on the graph and plot the hand, and the infant’s legs straddle the medical
length and weight by marking with a dot. Connect assistant’s arm. The medical assistant supports the
dots from previous values with a ruler to provide head, neck, and back of the infant with the domi-
a neat and accurate graphic recording. The date, nant hand and arm and keeps the infant close to
age, measurements, and comments should also be the body (Figure 15-18). If transporting the infant
indicated at the bottom of the chart. in this position, the medical assistant uses the non-
The curved lines printed across the growth dominant hand to protect the back and top of the
charts show the normal range of growth of infants infant’s head. When the medical assistant is station-
and children in the United States. The numbers ary, the nondominant hand can be used if needed.
on the right side of the chart, in the vertical boxes When done properly, this position keeps the infant
between age 34 and 35 months, show the percen- safe and secure.
CHAPTER 15 Pediatrics 387
Birth 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 Birth 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36
in cm cm in in cm AGE (MONTHS)
cm in
41 41 41 41 L
40 40 E 40 95 40 E
100 95 100 100 90 100 N
39 90 39 N 39 39
75 G
38 G 38 38
75 38 95 T
95 95 T 50 95
37 50 37 37 37 H
H 25
36 25 36 36 36
90 90 90 10 90
35 10 35 35 5 35
34 34
85 85
33 33
32 38 32 95 38
80 95 17 80 17
31 31
L 90 36
L 30 36 30
E 75 90 16 E 75 16
29 N
N 34 34
28 75
G 28 G 70 15
70 75
T 27 T 27
32 32
H H 26
26 65 65 50
25 50 30 W 25 30 W
24 E 24 25 E
60 13 60 13
I 23 28 I
23 25 28
G 10 G
22 12 22 55 12 H
55 10 H 5 26
21 26 21 T
5 T
20 50 20 50 11
11 24 24
19 19
18 45 10 22 18 45 10 22
17 17
16 40 20 16 40 9 20
15 15
18 8 18
16 16 16 16
kg lb kg lb
12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36
14 14
Mother’s Stature Gestational 6 Mother’s Stature Gestational
6 W
Father’s Stature Age: Weeks Comment Father’s Stature Age: Weeks Comment
E 12 E 12
Date Age Weight Length Head Circ. Date Age Weight Length Head Circ.
I 5 I 5 Birth
Birth G
G 10 10
4 T
T 8
3 3
6 6
2 2
lb kg lb kg
Birth 3 6 9 Birth 3 6 9
Published May 30, 2000 (modified 4/20/01). Published May 30, 2000 (modified 4/20/01).
SOURCE: Developed by the National Center for Health Statistics in collaboration with SOURCE: Developed by the National Center for Health Statistics in collaboration with
A the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2000). B the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2000).
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Mother’s Stature Father’s Stature cm in Mother’s Stature Father’s Stature cm in
Date Age Weight Stature BMI*
AGE (YEARS) 76 Date Age Weight Stature BMI*
190 95
74 74
185 S
185 S
72 75
180 T 180 T
70 A 50 70 A
175 T 175 T
68 U 25 68 U
170 R 170 R
75 66 10 66
165 E 165 E
in cm 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 50
in cm 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5
64 64
160 25 160 160 160
62 62 62 62
155 10 155 155 155
60 5 60 S 60 60
150 150 T 150 150
58 A 58
145 T 145
56 U 56
140 105 230 140 105 230
54 54
S 135 100 220 E 135 100 220
T 52 52
A 130 95 210 130 95 95 210
50 50
T 125 90 200 125 90 200
U 90
48 190 48 190
R 120 85 120 85
E 95 180 46 180
115 80 115 80
44 170 44 170
110 90 75 110 75
160 42 160
105 70 105 50 70
150 W 150 W
40 75
100 65 140 E 100 65 140 E
38 I 38 I
95 60 130 G 95 60 130 G
50 10
36 H 36 90 5 H
90 55 120 55 120
25 T T
34 34 50 110
50 110 85
32 80
45 100 32 80 45 100
30 30
40 90 40 90
80 80 80 35 35 80
35 35
W 70 70 W 70 70
30 30 30 30
E 60 60 E 60 60
I 25 25 I 25 25
G 50 50 G 50 50
H 20 20 H 20 20
40 40 40 40
15 15 15 15
30 30 30 30
10 10 10 10
lb kg AGE (YEARS) kg lb lb kg AGE (YEARS) kg lb
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Published May 30, 2000 (modified 11/21/00). Published May 30, 2000 (modified 11/21/00).
SOURCE: Developed by the National Center for Health Statistics in collaboration with SOURCE: Developed by the National Center for Health Statistics in collaboration with
C the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2000). D the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2000).
Figure 15-14 (A) Growth chart for girls’ height and weight, age birth to 36 months. (B) Growth chart for boys’
height and weight, age birth to 36 months. (C) Growth chart for girls’ height and weight, age 2 to 20 years.
(D) Growth chart for boys’ height and weight, age 2 to 20 years. (Note that the growth charts shown in (A) and
(B) provide space at bottom right of chart for date, age, weight, length and head circumference.) (Courtesy of the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.)
388 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Figure 15-15 Sample growth chart with information plotted at birth, 3, 6, and 9 months. Sections in this figure
are highlighted to help you locate the values: length (yellow), weight (pink), age (green), and percentiles (white).
(Courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.)
CHAPTER 15 Pediatrics 389
Height and Weight Measuring should be placed on the scale before weighing the
infant or child, to avoid the transfer of microorgan-
Devices isms from bare skin. (The scale is sanitized and dis-
Various devices are available for measuring height infected between patients.)
and weight in children. Infants and small children Infant length can be measured using an
are weighed on an infant platform scale, which pro- infant measuring board, which consists of a
vides a measurement in pounds and ounces and rigid headboard and movable footboard. Place
kilograms and grams (Figure 15-19). The scale has the measuring board on a table and position
a platform with curved sides in which the child may the infant on his or her back on the board, with
sit or lie. Weigh the infant or child in as few clothes the head touching the headboard. Move the
as possible, removing the diaper and shoes or slip- footboard up until it touches the bottom of the
pers. A small sheet, cloth diaper, or paper towel infant’s feet (Figure 15-20).
390 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Measuring Head
Head circumference measurement is routinely
recorded on an infant’s chart to alert the pro-
vider to any abnormal development. This proce-
dure should be performed during routine visits
until the child is 36 months old. Thereafter, it
should be measured on a yearly basis until the
age of 6 years. Head circumference measure-
Figure 15-20 Measuring the recumbent length of an
ment requires a flexible paper or metal mea-
infant, from the vertex of the head to the heel.
suring tape. A cloth tape may stretch and give
a false measurement. Head circumference is
An infant can also be measured on a pad by plotted similarly to height and weight but on
placing a pin into the pad or making a pencil mark separate growth percentile charts for head mea-
at the top of the head and a second pin or mark surements (Figure 15-22). Generally, head and
at the heel of the extended leg. The length is the chest circumference are equal at about 1 to
distance between the two pins. A tape measure can 2 years of age. Rapid growth above the normal
also be used. NOTE: 1 inch = 2.54 cm. percentile may indicate hydrocephalus, a disor-
A stature-measuring device can be used to der in which excessive fluid accumulates around
measure height once the child is able to stand erect the brain causing an increase in intracranial pres-
without support. The device consists of a movable sure and possible brain damage. This could lead
headpiece attached to a rigid measuring bar and to mental and physical problems. Conversely, the
platform (Figure 15-21). A paper towel should be growth of the head that falls below the normal
percentile may indicate microencephaly caused
by a premature closure of the fontanels. In this
instance, there is not enough room for the devel-
opment of the brain, and mental retardation
can result. Head circumference for a newborn
should be between 12.5 and 14.5 inches or 31.75
and 36.83 cm.
Measuring Chest
Measuring the chest circumference of an infant
is not normally performed during routine exami-
nations. It may be performed and monitored
when there is a suspicion of overdevelopment or
underdevelopment of the heart or lungs or cal-
cification of rib cartilage. To measure the chest
of an infant, snugly wrap the measuring tape
around the chest at nipple level. It is preferable to
read the measurement during the resting phase
between respirations.
Occasionally it is necessary for the medical
assistant to convert measurement results into inches
or centimeters. To accomplish the task accurately,
note that 1 inch equals 2.54 cm. (Procedure 15-3
gives steps for measuring infant chest and head cir-
Figure 15-21 Measuring height in children. cumference, weight, and height.)
CHAPTER 15 Pediatrics 391
Figure 15-22 (A) Growth chart for girls’ head circumference, birth to 36 months. (B) Growth chart for boys’ head
circumference, birth to 36 months. (Courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.)
Age Respiratory Rate (breaths/min) Table 15-4 Normal Blood Pressure Ranges
for Children
Newborn 30–60
1 year 20–40 Age (mm Hg) Diastolic (mm Hg)
Measuring the visual acuity of an infant is difficult
and is not usually performed unless visual impair-
ment is suspected. Newborns will respond to light by Figure 15-24 Measuring distance visual acuity of a
tightly shutting their eyes and keeping them closed child using a kindergarten vision screening chart.
CHAPTER 15 Pediatrics 395
Otitis Media
Otitis media is a commonly occurring disorder in
infants and young children. It is characterized by
inflammation of the middle ear. Fluid accumu-
lates behind the tympanic membrane, resulting
in a degree of temporary hearing loss. It is com-
monly known as a middle ear infection. Because
of the infant and young child’s eustachian tubes’
connection to the nose and throat, bacteria that
causes throat and respiratory infections can easily
access the inner ear via the eustachian tube. The
fluid in the middle ear can become infected by
the bacteria present in the nose and throat. The
fluid turns to pus and is known as suppurative oti-
tis media. Pain and loss of hearing are common
symptoms. Many young children have eustachian
tubes that are horizontal and narrow, which pre-
disposes them to otitis media. As children develop
physically, they can outgrow otitis media.
The provider can diagnosis otitis media by visu-
ally examining the tympanic membrane with an oto-
scope. The membrane will be bulging and appear
red and inflamed (Figure 15-26). If exudate or an
oozing of pus is present, a culture and sensitivity can
be done. The treatment for otitis media is antibiot-
ics. To prevent antiobiotic overuse and pathogen
resistance, providers attempt to prescribe antibiotic
therapy only when necessary. Decongestants are
helpful in some children. For chronic otitis media,
a myringotomy, incision into the tympanic mem-
brane, may be necessary to prevent rupture of the
tympanic membrane and the scarring that results.
Scarring can cause permanently impaired hearing
Tympanostomy is a surgical procedure in
which pediatric ear tubes are placed through the
tympanic membrane to promote ongoing drain-
age. Chronic otitis media that is left untreated can
result in permanent hearing loss.
Hearing loss causes serious major problems in
a child’s development. Treatment of hearing loss
depends on its cause. Hearing aids may be helpful
Figure 15-25 Snellen E or Big E chart for testing dis-
to amplify sounds if the loss is caused by sounds
tance visual acuity of children.
not being conducted to the inner ear. Sensorineu-
ral hearing loss does not improve with hearing
aids. Cochlear implantation, approved by the FDA
since 1990, is a procedure that can help children
Immunizations, together with their own develop- with bilateral sensorineural deafness.
ing immune system, give them protection from
dangerous childhood diseases. Many life-threat-
ening illnesses have been controlled because of
The Common Cold
scheduled immunization, the child’s own devel- The common cold is aptly named because it is
oping immune system, and the wise use of antibi- the most common and frequent disease that
otics for infections. young children experience. Viruses are the usual
396 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Figure 15-26 Comparison of (A) normal tympanic membrane and (B) acute otitis media.
become serious, especially in infants. Infected Stimulant medications (e.g., Adderall, Ritalin,
infants are at risk for pneumonia, seizures, brain Concerta) and behaviorial therapy help control
diseases, and death. After about 2 weeks, the the symptoms.
child has numerous rapid coughs that can last for
months. Vaccines are available to prevent the dis-
ease. In recent years there have been outbreaks of
Child Abuse
pertussis in college-age individuals and adults. The Child abuse has increased significantly
thinking by providers is that these people have lost in recent years. By law, health care pro-
their immunity to pertussis and need to be revac- fessionals, including medical assistants,
cinated with a booster vaccine. as well as others, must report suspected child
abuse. The individual reporting the suspected
abuse is protected against liability as a result of the
Respiratory Syncytial Virus reporting. If suspicion of abuse exists, the provider
In most children, the virus causes mild cold-like and health care professional should:
symptoms. Death can occur in high-risk babies,
such as premature infants, infants with a sup- • Treat the child’s injuries
pressed immune system, and infants with conges- • Send the child to the hospital if necessary
tive heart failure. It is the most common cause of • Inform parents of the diagnosis
pneumonia in children under 1 year.
• Inform parents that the incident will be reported
The virus spreads easily and rapidly through
to the public and social service agency
the air and can survive for 1 hour on hands and
clothes and for several hours on toys, counter- • Notify child protective agency
tops, and other surfaces. There is no vaccine, but • Document all information
the infection can be treated with antiviral drugs • Provide court testimony if requested
such as ribavirin in aerosolized form. The drug
inhibits the virus from replicating, so the sooner Child abuse is any physical or mental injury,
it is given, the better the results. This treatment sexual abuse, negligence, or mistreatment of a
is recommended only for severely ill and high-risk child under 18 years of age. Some child abuse
patients. signs are:
• Bruises
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity • Broken bones
• Lacerations
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a con- • Burns (cigarette, rope, and burns from being
dition in which children have difficulties paying immersed in scalding water)
attention and focusing on the task at hand. Parents
• Poor hygiene
question whether the disorder is overdiagnosed.
Many researches believe that the increase in diag- • Malnutrition
noses comes from improved techniques to detect • Head injuries
the condition. There are three types of symptoms: • Neglected well-baby appointments
hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention. Symp-
toms range from mild to severe. The AAP recommends parents be taught to
The cause is uncertain, but researchers note monitor television, videos, DVDs, and other types
that ADHD runs in families, with a possible genetic of media to limit viewing time and exposure to vio-
link. There also may be a link between ADHD and lence. Children 2 years and younger should not be
tobacco and alcohol use during pregnancy. exposed to any of these media.
Diagnosis is made when a child is about 6 to The cultural background of the family
12 years old. Observation of the child’s behavior should be taken into consideration, as
is documented by parents, teachers, pediatrician, should some folk medicine practices. Latin
family care provider, psychologist, and psychia- American and Russian cultures treat headaches
trist. Tests are done to identify other medical or abdominal pain by placing a cup on the skin,
problems that can help explain the child’s symp- creating a vacuum, and placing a small amount
toms such as hearing or vision impairment, lead of burning material on the skin. These children
exposure, anemia, and thyroid disease. Symp- may present with burns. To treat minor ailments,
toms can be controlled, but there is no cure. Southeast Asians rub a coin or spoon in hot oil and
398 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
rub it onto the child’s neck, spine, and ribs, and a feel pain, thus accomplishing a means of averting
burn may occur. masturbation.) Scientists have shown that during
circumcision, without analgesia, the infant’s heart
rate and blood pressure rise. There is a risk of hem-
MALE CIRCUMCISION orrhage, sepsis, and laceration.
Advocates for not circumcising male infants
Circumcision of the male is the surgical removal claim there is no medical reason to perform the
of the foreskin (prepuce) of the penis. Female procedure. Research has shown that urinary tract
circumcision includes a variety of surgical pro- infections and sexually transmitted diseases are
cedures performed on a female’s genitalia (see no more common in noncircumcised infants
Chapter 18). than in circumcised infants. Some view the sur-
Male circumcision is a religious rite in the gery as a profit-driven surgery. According to the
Jewish and Muslim religions. It is performed on a AAP about 80% of American male babies are cir-
majority of males in the United States for hygienic cumcised yearly. At one time the AAP had a pro-
reasons. The belief is that male circumcision is a circumcision stance, but in 1975 it reversed its
prophylaxis against urinary tract infections and position stating there is “no absolute medical indi-
sexually transmitted diseases, especially HIV. cation for routine circumcision of newborns.” If
Most circumcisions usually are performed it is performed, the AAP recommended that pain
in the hospital shortly after birth. Some con- relief be provided.
sider the procedure to be “cultural” surgery. It Furthermore, those who are adverse to the
has become a tradition, and the majority of male surgery say that a child is normal when born and
babies are circumcised. According to the CDC, it that circumcision results in loss of a body part, is
is the most commonly performed neonatal surgi- unnecessary, leaves a scar, and removes a func-
cal procedure in the United States. tioning body part in the name of custom or tra-
The practice of circumcision arose during the dition. It is viewed as a nonessential, pathologic
nineteenth century when circumcision was deemed procedure and a violation of basic human rights
necessary for male infants. The belief was that not because infants are too young and helpless to
being circumcised resulted in males who habitually consent or refuse.
masturbated and/or suffered from insanity. How can parents decide what to do? Circum-
Proponents of circumcision say it is impor- cision or not? It is a choice they will make, and it
tant for male babies to have penises that resemble will take courage. Deeply rooted cultural and tra-
their fathers’, for improved hygiene, and for males ditional customs can be difficult to sort through.
to conform socially with peers. With courage, education, and research, parents
Although circumcision is generally safe, it is can gain perspective about whether or not to cir-
not harmless surgery. The infant is restrained in a cumcise their sons. The AAP has information avail-
specially designed device on a table, and the sur- able on its Web site (
gery is performed using sterile technique with anal- Some believe that elective circumcisions of
gesia. (In the nineteenth century it was advocated males and females should not be accepted by con-
that no analgesic be given so that the male would scientious health care providers.
CHAPTER 15 Pediatrics 399
Procedure 15-1
Administration of a Vaccine
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 10. Select the correct needle size (see Figure 15−9).
11. Shake the vial and/or reconstitute powder medi-
cation using all of the diluent. RATIONALE:
Ensures medication is mixed properly.
PURPOSE: 12. Invert the vial and withdraw the correct dose of
To administer a vaccine. vaccine. Recheck the label on the vial and the
medicine note. RATIONALE: Ensures you have
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: the correct vaccine.
Vaccines ordered by provider 13. Wash hands and, if office/clinic policy, put on
Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) disposable gloves. RATIONALE: Gloves must be
Medication note worn if the medical assistant has any openings in
Appropriate syringe needles the skin or on the hands.
Alcohol wipes
Gloves (if office/clinic policy) 14. Restrain the child with parent’s help. RATIO-
Sharps container NALE: Avoids injury to child.
15. Locate the appropriate site for administration.
PROCEDURE STEPS: Cleanse the site with alcohol wipe and let dry.
1. Check the provider’s order. Write out a medica- RATIONALE: The alcohol is an antiseptic and
tion note. RATIONALE: Helps eliminate giving will lower the number of bacteria at the site. Let-
an incorrect medication or dose. Writing the vac- ting the area dry lessens the sting when needle is
cine order on the note prevents giving vaccine to inserted.
the wrong patient.
16. Inject the vaccine quickly and steadily at the
2. Follow the six “rights” (see Chapter 24). appropriate angle.
3. Perform medical asepsis hand washing following 17. Withdraw needle and syringe at angle of inser-
OSHA guidelines. tion. Immediately dispose of needle and syringe
4. Work in a well-lighted, quiet, clean area. in sharps container.
5. Select the appropriate equipment (see Figure 18. Apply gentle pressure to injection site. Rub gen-
15-9). RATIONALE: The appropriate size nee- tly. RATIONALE: Vaccine will be distributed
dle and syringe for the vaccine being given are evenly.
important to prevent patient injury. 19. Wash hands.
6. Give parents/guardians the Vaccine Informa- 20. Fully document each immunization in the
tion Statement (VIS) for the intended vaccine patient’s chart or electronic record and on
and give them time to read the VIS and ask the vaccine administration record. Include lot
questions. number, manufacturer, site, VIS date, and your
7. Select the appropriate vial of vaccine. Check the name and initials.
label three times and check the medication note. 21. Update child’s record of immunizations and
RATIONALE: Safeguards patient from incorrect remind parent or guardian to bring it to each
medication, dose, and route. visit.
8. Check for expiration date on vial. RATIONALE: 22. Be aware of the location of the emergency drugs
Expired medication is not safe to give. (epinephrine and others). RATIONALE: Medi-
9. Maintain sterile techniques throughout. RATIO- cation must be readily available to counteract an
NALE: Compromising the vaccine or syringe allergic reaction.
and needle by poor technique can introduce 23. Remove gloves (if worn) and wash hands.
microorganisms into the patient or vaccine with
serious consequences.
400 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Procedure 15-2
Maintaining Immunization Records
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: (Figure 15-27) according to which vaccine you
administered. Note the headings, type of vac-
cine (use generic abbreviations, not the brand
name), date given, month, day, year, dose,
route, site, vaccine lot number and manufac-
PURPOSE: turer, VIS; date on VIS, date given (VIS), and
To establish and maintain a record of preventive your initials as the individual who administered
immunizations against childhood diseases for the the vaccine.
provider and parent or legal guardian. 4. The immunization record is kept by the provider
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: and the parent or legal guardian. NOTE: Remind
Vaccine Administration Record parent or legal guardian to keep immunization
Vial of vaccine as ordered records safe and readily accessible for proof of
immunization for daycare and school.
PROCEDURE STEPS: 5. The data can be entered into the computer man-
1. Give the parent or legal guardian the most recent ually by the medical assistant and provider.
copy of the Vaccine Information Statement
(VIS). The statements explain risks and benefits DOCUMENTATION
of vaccines for each dose of vaccine given. 5/2/20XX DTaP 0.5 mL IM (R) vastus lateralis. Recorded
2. After the administration of a scheduled vaccine on vaccine administration record. Parent given Vaccine
for the child, document in the patient’s chart or Information Statement. W. Slawson CMA (AAMA) _______
electronic medical record and on the Vaccine
Administration Record.
3. Using the medicine note and the vaccine vial,
fill out the Vaccine Administration Record
CHAPTER 15 Pediatrics 401
Figure 15-27 Vaccination Administration Record. (From the Immunization Action Coalition, http://www.
402 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Procedure 15-3
Measuring the Infant: Weight, Length, and Head and Chest
To obtain an accurate measurement of an infant’s
weight, length, and head and chest circumference
for medical records and to screen for growth abnor-
Infant scale Pen
Paper protector Ruler
Flexible measuring Biohazard waste
tape without elasticity container
Growth chart
Measuring infant weight: Figure 15-28 Infants who are unable to sit erect
1. Wash hands. Explain procedure to parent(s). should be weighed on their back on the scale.
2. Undress infant (including the diaper).
3. Place all weights to left of scale to check
10. Discard used protective paper towel per Occupa-
4. Place a clean utility towel on scale and check bal- tional Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
ance scale for accuracy, being sure to compensate guidelines.
for the weight of the towel. RATIONALE: The
protection that the paper utility towel affords 11. Sanitize scale.
helps to reduce transmission of microorganisms 12. Wash hands.
and provides warmth because the scale is cool. 13. Document results according to office policy
5. Gently place small infant on her back on the (pounds and ounces or kilograms) on growth
scale. Larger infants can sit on the scale. Place chart, in patient’s chart or electronic medical
your hand slightly above the infant’s body to record, and parent’s booklet if available. Con-
ensure safety (Figure 15-28). RATIONALE: This nect dot from previous examination with a ruler
will safeguard the infant from falling. to complete graph.
6. Place the bottom weight to its highest measure- Measuring infant length:
ment that will not cause the balance to drop to 1. Wash hands. Explain procedure to parent(s).
the bottom edge. 2. Remove infant’s shoes.
7. Slowly move upper weight until the balance bar 3. Gently place infant on his or her back on the
rests in the center of the indicator. A balanced examination table. If the pediatric table has a
scale will provide an accurate weight. Read the headboard, ask parent to hold infant’s head
infant’s weight while he or she is lying still. against headboard (end) of table at zero mark of
8. Return both weights to their resting position to ruler while you place infant’s heels against foot-
the extreme left. board. Gently straighten infant’s back and legs to
9. Gently remove infant and apply diaper. (Parent line up along ruler. If there is no footboard (to
can help with diapering and holding infant.) place infant’s feet against), use your right hand
CHAPTER 15 Pediatrics 403
Figure 15-29 Measuring the recumbent length of 5. Document results in patient’s chart or electronic
an infant. medical record.
404 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
3/10/20XX 4:00 pm 6 months of age, wt. 15 lbs. Recorded on
growth chart. C. McInnis, RMA __________________
3/10/20XX 4:00 pm 6 months of age, length 26 inches long.
Recorded on growth chart. C. McInnis, RMA ___________
3/10/20XX 4:00 pm 6 months of age, head circumference
43 centimeters. Recorded on growth chart. C. McInnis, RMA
3/10/20XX 4:00 pm 6 months of age, chest circumference
Figure 15-31 Measuring infant’s chest 30 centimeters. Recorded on growth chart. C. McInnis, RMA
Procedure 15-4
Taking an Infant’s Rectal Temperature with a Digital Thermometer
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 6. Position infant in a prone (Figure 15-32A) or
supine (Figure 15-32B) position having parent
or another medical assistant safeguard infant.
7. Place sheath on thermometer. RATIONALE: Pre-
PURPOSE: vents microorganism cross contamination.
To obtain a rectal temperature using a digital ther- 8. Lubricate with lubricating jelly. (Place lubricant
mometer. on a 4 × 4 gauze sponge and place tip of ther-
mometer in lubricant.) RATIONALE: Easier
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: insertion of thermometer.
Digital thermometer (red probe) and probe cover
9. Apply gloves.
Lubricating jelly
4 × 4 gauze sponges 10. Spread buttocks, insert thermometer gently into
Gloves the rectum past the sphincter; for an infant this
Biohazard waste container is 0.5 inch (Figure 15-32B).
11. Hold buttocks together while holding the ther-
PROCEDURE STEPS: mometer. If necessary, restrain infant movement
1. Wash hands.
by placing your arm across infant’s back. Par-
2. Assemble equipment. ent can immobilize infant’s legs. RATIONALE:
3. Identify patient. Ensure infant’s safety and comfort.
4. Explain procedure to parent(s). RATIONALE: 12. Hold in place until beep is heard. Do not let go
Gain cooperation and assistance in disrobing of the thermometer. RATIONALE: Movement
infant and positioning properly. by infant can cause thermometer to move and
injure the infant.
5. Remove infant’s diaper.
CHAPTER 15 Pediatrics 405
Procedure 15-5
Taking an Apical Pulse on an Infant
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 8. Locate the fifth intercostal space, midclavicular
line, left of sternum. RATIONALE: Location of
apex of heart.
9. Place warmed stethoscope on the site and listen
PURPOSE: for the lub-dub sound of the heart.
To obtain an apical pulse rate. 10. Count the pulse for 1 minute; each lub-dub
equals one heartbeat or pulse.
11. Wash hands.
Watch with second hand 12. Assist parent as needed.
Alcohol wipes 13. Clean earpieces and diaphragm of stethoscope
with alcohol wipes. RATIONALE: Prevents cross
PROCEDURE STEPS: contamination of microbes between patients.
1. Wash hands.
14. Record the pulse in the infant’s or chart or elec-
2. Assemble equipment.
tronic medical record with the designation of
3. Identify patient. (AP) to denote method of obtaining the pulse.
4. Explain procedure to parent. RATIONALE: Note any arrhythmias.
Gain co-operation an assistance. 15. Wash hands.
5. Assist in disrobing infant if necessary.
6. Provide a drape for infant’s warmth if necessary.
3/10/20XX 4:00 PM Pulse 140 (AP). Regular. W. Slawson, CMA
7. Position the infant in a supine position or sitting (AAMA) ________________________________
in the parent’s lap. RATIONALE: The supine
position may offer easier access to apex of heart
if the child is calm.
406 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Procedure 15-6
Measuring Infant’s Respiratory Rate
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 3. Position infant in a supine position.
4. Place hand on the chest to feel the rise and fall
of the chest wall for 1 minute.
5. Note depth, rhythm, and breath sounds while
PURPOSE: counting.
The respiratory rate is normally taken immediately 6. Wash hands.
before or after the pulse rate to obtain an accurate
respiratory rate. 7. Record respiratory rate in patient’s chart or elec-
tronic medical record. Note any irregularities
Watch with second hand
PROCEDURE STEPS: 3/10/20XX 4:00 PM Respirations 22. Regular. W. Slawson,
1. Wash hands. CMA (AAMA) _____________________________
2. Identify the patient and explain the procedure
to the parent. RATIONALE: To gain cooperation
and assistance.
Procedure 15-7
Obtaining a Urine Specimen from an Infant or Young Child
1. Wash and glove hands following Standard Pre-
2. Assemble equipment.
PURPOSE: 3. Identify patient and explain procedure to
To obtain a specimen of urine from an infant or parent(s). RATIONALE: To gain cooperation
young child. and assistance.
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: 4. Instruct parent to remove diaper.
Urine collection bag 5. Wash and dry perineal area. RATIONALE:
Urine cup Cleaning area reduces microorganism level and
Laboratory request form provides better quality urine specimen.
Biohazard transport bag 6. Apply collection bag, secure with adhesive tabs
Gloves (see Figure 15-22).
Cleansing cloth
Towel a. Girls: spread perineum, place bag over labia.
Biohazard waste container b. Boys: place bag over penis and scrotum.
CHAPTER 15 Pediatrics 407
Caring for the health and well-being of infants and children throughout their various developmental stages
and into adolescence is the responsibility of the pediatric practice.
Careful observation of the parent or caregiver and the child is helpful to the treatment and care
given to the child. The medical assistant is responsible for reporting to the provider any suspicion of child
Opportunities abound for educating parents about topics that will keep their children healthy
throughout life and include nutrition, sleep, immunizations, and exercise. Pamphlets, videos, and demon-
strations are available to share with parents and caregivers.
Children need respect and should be treated with empathy, love, and honesty; in doing so, a positive
relationship can be developed with the child.
408 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet by completing the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on your student CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
Multiple Choice c. Fifth intercostal space on the left side
d. Sixth intercostal space on the left side
1. At what age should the first polio vaccine be given?
a. birth Critical Thinking Questions
b. 1 month
c. 2 months 1. You notice when you undress a 2-year-old child
d. 3 months to prepare for a physical examination that there
e. 6 months are bruises on the buttocks and what appear to be
2. One procedure to treat otitis media is: burns on the feet. What course of action do you
a. suppuration take?
b. tympanostomy 2. Explain the importance of head circumference
c. ear irrigation measurement.
d. otoscopy 3. Explain the importance of growth charts.
e. myringectomy 4. Describe the appropriate positions in which to
3. The pathogen usually responsible for causing place an infant for obtaining a rectal temperature.
tonsillitis is: 5. Describe the appearance of the pediatric urine col-
a. Staphylococcus aureus lector bag. What is the best way to make certain it
b. meningococcus will adhere to the child’s body?
c. beta-hemolytic streptococcus group A 6. Explain the type of chart used to test visual acuity in
d. beta-hemolytic streptococcus group B young children.
4. Head circumference is measured on the child 7. When is it appropriate to use the tympanic ther-
until what age? mometer when taking a child’s temperature?
a. 12 months 8. When taking an infant’s rectal temperature, what
b. 24 months precautions should be taken?
c. 36 months 9. Chest circumference measurements on an infant
d. 72 months are performed for what purpose?
5. An apical pulse is taken over which of the following 10. What do the curved lines printed across growth
sites? charts indicate?
a. Third intercostal space on the left side
b. Fourth intercostal space on the left side
CHAPTER 15 Pediatrics 409
Joe Guerro, CMA (AAMA), finds many situations daily the Internet to obtain the latest information from the
to educate patients because he knows how impor- American Cancer Society about prostate cancer and
tant it is. He keeps abreast of the latest techniques as a resource for people with prostate cancer. With
and procedures about diseases and problems of Dr. Woo’s permission, Joe shares that information
the male reproductive system. He attends lectures, with patients.
workshops, and seminars when possible, and uses
The male reproductive system consists of a pair of testes release a protein into the bloodstream. This protein is an
suspended in the scrotum, in which sperm and hormones antigen called prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Checking
are produced. The scrotum can contract and relax the PSA level can help the provider determine if there is
to help regulate temperature of the testes for optimum some pathology of the prostate gland. It is important that
spermatogenesis. blood be drawn for the PSA test before the digital rectal
A system of tubes (the epididymis) transports the examination of the prostate, which can irritate the prostate
sperm to the outside of the body, and a penis transports gland, thus causing a slight increase of the PSA level.
the sperm into the female reproductive tract through the Diseases, disorders, conditions, diagnostic tests, pro-
urethral opening. There are glands such as the prostate cedures, and treatments common to the male reproductive
that secrete fluid that becomes part of the semen. system are listed in Table 16-1.
The male reproductive system is closely related to the
male urinary system; thus, diseases and disorders of one
system will naturally affect the other. Because the prostate
gland encircles the male urinary urethra, any enlarge-
ment can cause urinary problems. The prostate gland is Spotlight on Certification
located directly next to the rectal wall. This location enables
the provider to palpate the posterior of the prostate gland RMA Content Outline
through the anterior rectal wall and, if necessary, perform • Anatomy and physiology
an ultrasound and biopsy of the prostate using the rec-
• Medical terminology
tal route. It is recommended that men have their prostate
gland routinely evaluated at age 40 years, and then annu- • Patient education
ally after age 50 years. During the annual examination • Physical examinations
of the prostate gland, the provider can assess the gland for • Laboratory procedures
enlargement, nodules, and other abnormalities. When the • Diseases and disorders
prostate becomes inflamed or irritated in any way, it can CMA (AAMA) Content Outline
• Medical terminology
• Anatomy and physiology
• Patient instruction
Patient Education • Patient education
• Examinations
1. Testicular cancer is one of the leading
causes of death in men younger than • Procedures
40 years. • Collecting and processing specimens;
diagnostic testing
2. Risk factors include an undescended
testicle, cryptorchidism, and childhood CMAS Content Outline
mumps. • Medical terminology
3. Prognosis is good when found in the • Anatomy and physiology
early stages. • Examination preparation
Table 16-1 Male Reproductive System Diseases and Disorders
Radiography and Medical/Surgical
Disease/Disorder Laboratory Diagnostics Technical Diagnostics Diagnostics Treatments
Complete blood count; urinaly- Urodynamics (if not caused Digital rectal examination Long-term treatment with
Prostatitis (inflammation of
sis and culture; analysis of pros- by a bacterium) antibiotics Increase fluid intake
the prostate gland)
tate secretion
Prostatic-specific antigen (PSA); Intravenous pyelogram Digital rectal examination; Medications; transurethral
PSA; urinalysis; acid IVP; pelvic ultrasound Digital rectal examination; Prostatectomy; hormone
Prostate cancer phosphatase (blood) cystoscopy; ultrasound manipulation; chemotherapy,
and biopsy radiation, or both
Complete blood count; Urinaly- IVP; pelvic ultrasound Physical examination Antibiotics, scrotal support
Epididymitis (inflammation
sis and culture and sensitivity;
of the tubes on the testis)
culture and sensitivity of urethra
Erectile dysfunction (ED) Complete blood count; Angiogram, rarely; Physical examination; Oral medications; localized
(inability of male to achieve fasting blood sugar; lipid profile; magnetic resonance neurological examination; injected medication; penile
erection) testosterone level; urinalysis imaging of the brain, rarely psychological evaluation implant; penile pump
Balanitis (inflammation of Culture, rarely Physical examination; skin Localized soaks and frequent
the glans of the penis) culture cleansing; antibiotics
Figure 16-2 Testicular self-examination patient teaching forms can be printed in the exam room via the total prac-
tice management system and given to a patient.
can be seen on an ultrasonogram. It is primarily symptoms, if present, are similar to urinary obstruc-
caused by a sexually transmitted disease (STD) such tion, difficulty urinating, frequency of urination,
as chlamydia, gonorrhea, or syphillis. Other causes and inability to urinate. It is of value to check the
are urinary tract infections, trauma, prostatectomy, blood level of PSA. A PSA blood level greater than
and prolonged indwelling Foley catheter. Treatment 2.5 mg/mL is the cutoff for normal values. Younger
consists of antibiotics, scrotal support, and bed rest. men have smaller prostates and lower PSA values.
Any elevation of PSA level greater than 2.5 mg/mL
in younger men is cause for concern.
Prostatitis The PSA is not a perfect test. Most men with
Prostatitis, or inflammation of the prostate, occurs elevated PSA levels have benign prostate enlarge-
primarily in men older than 50 years. The prostate ment, a normal part of aging. Low levels of PSA do
may enlarge and cause pain and discomfort, such not rule out possible prostate cancer.
as burning while urinating. There can be pain in At age 50 years, a PSA level and digital rectal
the back, muscle aches, and urinary frequency. The exams should be done annually, and at age 40 years
cause may be bacterial, such as from gonorrhea, for African-American men with a family history of
or it may be caused by another pathogen that pro- prostate cancer.
duced a urinary tract infection. Urinalysis, urine cul- A new blood test for prostate cancer devel-
ture, and digital rectal examination (to palpate the oped by Johns Hopkins University seems to be
prostate) help in making a diagnosis. Treatment is much more accurate than the PSA. The test mea-
usually medication, such as penicillin and pain med- sures blood levels of the protein and early prostate
ication, and the patient will be told to force fluids by cancer antigen–2 (EPCA-2). According to a report
increasing fluid intake significantly. in the periodical Urology, the new test shows a false-
positive rate of only 3%. The majority of PSA tests
performed show high PSA levels. When biopsies of
Prostate Cancer prostates from these men are done, 80% turn out
Prostate cancer is the third leading cause of can- to be benign. A biopsy is necessary to be certain.
cer death in men, after lung and colon cancer. An ultrasonogram and computed axial tomogra-
Metastasis to the spine or pelvis is not unusual. The phy (CAT) scan can help to determine if metastasis
CHAPTER 16 Male Reproductive System 415
has occurred. Treatment may consist of prostatec- diminished flow of urine, and difficulty starting
tomy, hormonal therapy, radiation, chemotherapy, to urinate. Hesitancy and nocturia can occur. It is
and brachytherapy (internal radiation “seeds”). thought that the cause is aging and may be related
A prostatic ultrasound consists of a short to hormonal changes. The prostate enlarges and,
probe inserted into the rectum. High-frequency because it surrounds the urethra, it causes con-
sound waves are produced by the probe, and an striction of the urethra and the associated symp-
image (either a photo or a video) of the prostate toms. The provider can palpate the enlarged
is recorded. A biopsy of the prostate can be done prostate gland when performing a rectal examina-
in conjunction with the ultrasound. The provider tion. This helps in making a diagnosis. Other tests
uses the ultrasound to guide a needle through may include the PSA, a urinalysis, and an intrave-
the rectum into areas of the prostate that showed nous pyelogram (IVP); excretory urograph—(a
abnormalities on the ultrasound. The needle col- radiograph of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder
lects cells from the prostate through the rectum using a contrast medium). The enlarged prostate
wall. The specimen is sent to the laboratory for blocks urine flow and if residual urine stays in the
analysis. Medical assistants are responsible for bladder, infections can develop. The kidneys
patient instruction and preparation and assisting may cease functioning because they cannot drain
with an ultrasound and biopsy of the patient. urine properly into the bladder when it is full
A prostatectomy is major surgery done for (Figure 16-3). Catheterization may be necessary
prostate cancer and is performed through the abdo- (see Procedure 18-2).
men or the perineum (the external region between The PSA blood test is used to detect abnormally
the scrotum and the anus). Urinary incontinence, high levels of a protein substance that may indi-
impotence, or both are possible complications. cate prostate cancer. The American Cancer Society
If the cancer has metastasized, orchidectomy recommends that men aged 50 years and older have
may be recommended because the surgery alters an annual PSA blood test.
hormone production (loss of testosterone). Less Ultrasound can be used to view the prostate,
testosterone can slow the metastasis but can lead bladder, or kidneys. A biopsy of the prostate,
to loss of muscle mass, osteoporosis, and sexual done in conjunction with an ultrasound, can help
dysfunction. diagnose either BPH or cancer.
An additional treatment consists of small In some cases, treatment of BPH consists of
pellets (“seeds”) of a radioactive substance that medication that can relax prostate muscles, hor-
are implanted in the prostate tissue through a mones that block prostate growth, or bladder
small incision (brachytherapy). The seeds of relaxants. Transurethral resection of the prostate
radiation are concentrated in the prostate and (TURP), removal of prostate tissue using a device
destroy the prostate without harming surround- inserted through the urethra, is the most com-
ing tissue as external beam radiation does. Vari- mon surgical treatment. Instruments are inserted
ous medications such as those that reduce or through the penis and laser or radio waves can
suppress the production of testosterone may be be used to remove the excess tissue (Figure 16-4).
helpful when combined with radiation or sur- Possible risks of TURP include impotence and uri-
gery, but they have the same possible side effects nary incontinence. BPH does not cause or lead to
as orchidectomy. cancer.
Patients who have been tested for prostate
cancer are monitored for progression of the can-
cer, which includes PSA every 3 months to 1 year,
CAT and bone scans, and monitoring of the signs Critical Thinking
and symptoms that indicate cancer progression
such as bowel and bladder function impairment, Describe brachytherapy. What is it used for?
weight loss, pain, and fatigue.
Vas deferens
Urinary bladder
Seminal vesicle
Ejaculatory duct Prostate gland
Cowper's glands
Glans penis
Prepuce (foreskin)
A Scrotum
B hypertrophy
Figure 16-3 Normal and enlarged prostate. (A) Normal. (B) Enlarged.
Balanitis Infertility
Balanitis is usually caused by poor hygiene in When couples regularly have unprotected sexual
uncircumcised men. Bacteria, fungi, viruses, intercourse, the majority of them usually conceive
caustic soaps, and improper rinsing of soap while within 1 year. The inability or diminished ability to
bathing also are causes. Symptoms and signs that conceive is known as infertility.
occur include redness of the foreskin or of the An insufficient number or diminished motil-
penis, rashes on the head of the penis, malodor- ity of sperm can cause infertility. Other causes
ous discharge, and pain in the penis and foreskin. include an infection in the genitourinary tract or the
CHAPTER 16 Male Reproductive System 417
presence of an STD, either of which can block the A complete physical examination and medi-
tract and prohibit sperm from being fully ejaculated. cal history (including childhood illnesses such
An injury to the blood or nerve supply in the area, as parotitis [mumps]), semen analysis for count
radiation exposure, stress, and hormonal imbal- and motility, and tests for endocrine disorders
ances are other factors that can promote infertility. can help determine the cause of infertility.
Treatment of a male patient with infertility
depends on the cause. Treatments include surgery
to remove a blockage, antibiotics to treat an infec-
Resectoscope tion, use of artificial insemination, or use of phar-
maceuticals to treat the infertility.
Prevention of the factors that may cause infer-
tility is preferable because the percentage of cou-
ples treated for infertility who successfully become
pregnant is relatively low.
Patient Assessment
Procedures, Diagnoses & Treatment Plans
Scheduling Referrals & Follow-up Appointments
Patient Demographics Prescriptions Test Reports
Insurance Information Orders for Tests Quality Assurance & Controls
Patient Authorizations Patient Medical History Safety Standards
Figure 16-5 Clinical care, laboratory, and reception arms of a total practice management system.
CHAPTER 16 Male Reproductive System 419
Vas deferens
Glans penis
Figure 16-6 Vasectomy (one side).
420 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Procedure 16-1
Instructing Patient in Testicular Self-Examination
PURPOSE: 5. Locate the epididymis. Provide a chart to the
To provide a patient with information concerning tes- patient that illustrates the testes and epididymis.
ticular screening for the presence of a painless mass RATIONALE: A lump can be similar in size to
in the scrotum. the epididymis and needs to be distinguished
from the epididymis.
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: 6. Look for swelling or changes in the scrotal area.
Testicular self-examination card
Anatomy illustration 7. Encourage the patient to report anything unusual
to the provider.
PROCEDURE STEPS: 8. Document the education provided in the patient’s
1. Identify yourself and explain the procedure. chart or electronic medical record.
2. Instruct patient to examine his testicles in a
warm shower. RATIONALE: The warmth causes DOCUMENTATION
the scrotal skin to relax. 11/4/20XX Patient instructed on how to perform testicu-
3. Examine each testicle separately with both hands. lar self-exam. Patient returned the demonstration and had no
4. Place the index and middle fingers underneath
questions. Joe Guerro, CMA (AAMA) _______________
the testicle and the thumbs on top. Roll the tes-
ticle gently between the fingers.
A thorough knowledge of the diseases and disorders of the male reproductive system and the diagnostic
tests and procedures that are performed for this specialty will enhance the quality of care given by the
medical assistant.
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet by completing the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on your student CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
Multiple Choice 3. Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) is thought to
be caused by:
1. Cancer of the prostate may be detected early by a. excessive consumption of alcohol
which of the following? b. aging and hormonal changes
a. prostate-specific antigen c. recurrent epididymitis
b. transurethral resection of the prostate d. chronic chlamydia infections
c. semen analysis 4. Which of the following is a symptom of
d. urine culture prostatitis?
2. The best preventive measure for testicular cancer is a. painful urination
which of the following? b. low sperm count
a. yearly physical examination c. eruptions on the scrotum
b. yearly intravenous pyelogram d. high testosterone level
c. monthly self-examination
d. monthly urinalysis with cultures
422 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
5. The most definitive way to diagnose cancer of the 3. Find two other disorders or diseases of the male
prostate is by which of the following? reproductive tract (other than those in the text)
a. ultrasonography and (a) describe what they are, (b) how they are
b. intravenous pyelogram diagnosed, and (c) how they are treated.
c. biopsy of the prostate 4. Discover what contraindications exist for some men
d. semen analysis whose provider is considering prescribing Viagra or
one of the other medications for ED treatment.
Critical Thinking
1. Describe how a testicular self-examination should
2. What is the purpose of severing the vas deferens?
3. List several symptoms of BPH and explain why the Common male sexual problems—erectile dysfunction.
symptoms occur. Retrieved May 26, 2007 from http://www.webmd.
4. Describe the blood test that is helpful to diagnose com/sexual-conditions/guide/mens-sexual-prob-
prostate cancer. lems.
5. At what PSA level does the provider consider the Shuman, T. (ed.). (2006). Sexual conditions guide.
possiblity that the patient may have cancer of the Taber’s cyclopedic medical dictionary (20th ed.). (2005).
prostate? Philadelphia: F. A. Davis.
6. Explain why BPH is more common in men aged Tamparo, C., & Lewis, M. (2005). Diseases of the human
50 years and older. body (4th ed.). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis.
7. What age group is afflicted by testicular cancer, and Warner, J. (Ed.). (2007). Erectile dysfunction. Retrieved
how can the patient take action to detect it? May 29, 2007, from
8. How is a rectal examination on a patient useful conditions/guide/mens-sexual-problems.
to the provider in determining a diagnosis for a
patient who has nocturia?
Navigate the Internet to find a medical Web
site, then answer the following questions:
Andropause Societal Bias Prevention of Complications
Arteriosclerosis Facts about Aging Psychological Changes
Cognitive Functioning Physiologic Changes The Medical Assistant and the
Cystitis Senses Geriatric Patient
Dementia Integumentary System Memory-Impaired Older
Nervous System Adults
Musculoskeletal System Visually Impaired Older Adults
Respiratory System Hearing-Impaired Older
Gerontology Adults
Cardiovascular System
Hyperthermia Gastrointestinal System Elder Abuse
Hypothermia Urinary System Healthy and Successful Aging
Incontinence Reproductive System
Macular Degeneration
Pernicious Anemia
The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and
demonstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this
Residual Urine chapter through written and oral communication.
Transient Ischemic 1. Define the key terms as presented in the glossary.
Attack (TIA) 2. Identify expected physiologic changes that occur as part of the
aging process.
3. List five common functional changes that can occur.
4. Describe prevention techniques for complications arising from
age-related disorders.
5. Explain two myths about aging.
6. Explain the importance of communication with older adults.
7. Identify several techniques or strategies to communicate with
visually and hearing-impaired older adults.
8. Describe strategies for healthy and successful aging.
Mrs. Johnson is an 82-year-old patient of Dr. King, and to medication. She has become a volunteer at the gift
she is scheduled for an appointment in the cardiac shop at St. Louis Hospital. She is an example of an
clinic. She is being evaluated for congestive heart older adult with chronic illnesses who has changed
disease and has had hypertension for many years. Her some long-time behaviors that were harmful to her
condition was difficult to control, but now she responds health.
Gerontology is the scientific study of the problems asso-
ciated with aging. Geriatrics is the branch of medicine
that specializes in all aspects of aging: physiologic, patho-
logic, psychological, economic, and sociologic. The impor- Spotlight on Certification
tance of studying gerontology is becoming more recognized
because the expected life span is increasing. Thousands of RMA Content Outline
people are living to be 100 years old or older. The aging • Conditions of states of health
population is growing rapidly, and according to the U.S. • Health-related syndromes
Census Bureau, by 2030, there will be 60 million people • Patient education
in the United States older than 65 years. The 80 and
o Identify age-group specific responses
above age group is currently the fastest growing group. As
and support
a medical assistant, you will be experiencing the impact
o Understand and properly apply
on the health care system of this growing population of
people. communication methods
Through knowledge of the physical and psychologi- • Employ active listening skills
cal changes that occur as an individual ages, as a medi- CMA (AAMA) Content Outline
cal assistant you will be better able to recognize the special
• Developmental stages of the life cycle
needs of this group of people. You will draw on and use
effective communication skills and provide quality health • Hereditary, cultural, and environmental
care to geriatric patients. influences or behaviors
• Adapting communication to an
individual’s ability to understand
SOCIETAL BIAS (e.g., patients with special needs:
blind, deaf, elderly)
In our culture, there is a deeply ingrained bias • Instructing individuals according to
about aging. Older adults are stereotyped, and their needs
there is much discrimination because of age. Myths • Empathy
and stereotypes are common, and the medical assis- • Evaluating and understanding com-
tant can be an advocate for older adults and can be munication, observation, active listen-
sensitive to these myths and stereotypes. Accurate ing, feedback
information and useful concepts about aging must • Resource information and community
be communicated to the general public. Older services
adults oftentimes are viewed as sick, frail, power- • Patient advocate
less, sexless, and burdensome. As a society, we are
obsessed with the negative, rather than the positive, CMAS Content Outline
aspects of aging. The most popular myth is, “To be • Use human relations skills appropriate
old is to be sick.” Recent studies indicate that older to the health care setting
adults in the United States are generally healthier • Use effective written and oral
than their counterparts of nearly a decade ago. communication
Even in advanced old age, a majority of the older
CHAPTER 17 Gerontology 425
Critical Thinking
What do you consider common myths about
older adults? What are your thoughts about
these myths?
Nervous System
The brain shrinks in size as an individual ages
because brain cells do not continue to divide
throughout life as other cells do. Some loss of
memory or delay in memory can be expected in
many, but not all, aging people. Mental compe-
tence is the rule rather than the exception for
older adults. Sudden loss of memory accompanied
by confusion and inability to do tasks once able to
be performed could be an indication of an organic
problem, such as transient ischemic attack (TIA), a
temporary interference of the blood supply to the
brain, or a brain lesion.
Problems with balance, temperature regula-
tion, diminished pain sensation, and insomnia can
occur as part of the physical changes of aging that
affect the nervous system.
Chronic illnesses from which many older
people suffer often require several different med-
ications to keep under control. Side effects of Figure 17-4 Older adults should be instructed to take
medication (over-the-counter, prescription, and their time when sitting, standing, and walking.
428 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
makes these individuals more susceptible to pain adult may be dyspneic, short of breath (SOB), and
and fractures in these and other bones. New medi- more prone to pneumonia.
cations (Fosamax, Actonel, Evista) plus 1500 mg of As people age, there is a gradual decline in
calcium daily helps to slow the progress of osteo- the muscle structure of the respiratory system,
porosis. Vitamin D is essential for utilization of leading to a diminished ability to breathe deeply;
calcium. A deficiency of vitamin D in older adults thus, development of cough and pneumonia is not
occurs either because it is insufficient in their diets uncommon. Regular exercise can help to maintain
or because of insufficient exposure to sunlight. the ability to breathe and cough effectively. In peo-
Vitamin D is added to milk. ple who have been active throughout their lives,
Physical activity and a nutritional diet, includ- there is greater lung capacity.
ing dairy products, can stall the development
of bone and muscle loss; therefore, older adults
should be encouraged to keep active by walking,
Cardiovascular System
gardening, swimming, bicycling, golfing, and so Heart disease and blood vessel disorders are the
on. The pace of these activities should be suited to major cause of death in the United States. Lifestyle
the individual’s level of ability (Figure 17-5). has been implicated as the most significant cause
of cardiovascular disease. Blood vessels lose their
elasticity, become narrower, and build up with
Respiratory System plaque, and the arteries harden. This is known as
Breathing capacity diminishes with age, and oxy- arteriosclerosis. The myocardium loses some of its
gen and carbon dioxide exchange is lessened. The ability to pump effectively. This, together with nar-
rib and chest muscles become smaller and less rowed and plaque-filled arteries, causes the heart
efficient. Lungs lose their elasticity, and the older to pump harder. Hypertension, or sustained high
Figure 17-5 (A) A regular exercise program helps promote successful aging. (B) Gardening is a beneficial form of
CHAPTER 17 Gerontology 429
blood pressure, is a direct result of these factors. pelvic floor, cystitis, hypertrophy of prostate gland,
Hypertension can contribute to the accumulation and diabetes.
of plaque in artery walls. Congestive heart failure
is the inability of the heart to pump effectively to
meet the body’s demand for blood. Myocardial
Reproductive System
infarction, or heart attack, is another result of arte- Women experience menopause at about age
riosclerotic heart disease. Regular exercise and a 55 years. Estrogen produced by the ovaries
healthy diet are the most beneficial activities for ceases, and changes in the female are noticeable
older adults in order to maintain adequate cardiac with shrinking of vulva and genitalia. Hot flashes
output throughout their life spans. are not uncommon because of blood vessel dila-
tion and contraction. Vaginal secretions dimin-
ish, the vagina becomes smaller, and infections
Gastrointestinal System are more likely. Estrogen replacement therapy
Stomach secretions and motility slow as part of helps to lessen symptoms but is used only for
aging. Peristalsis slows, and food moves through short-term therapy in women who experience
the gastrointestinal tract more slowly. Pernicious severe menopausal symptoms. Long-term use of
anemia is a disorder that can occur when cells of estrogen and progesterone has been proved to
the stomach lining fail to secrete the intrinsic fac- increase the risk for heart disease and breast can-
tor. Associated with the absence of hydrochloric cer (see Chapter 14 for information about hor-
acid, pernicious anemia affects the nervous system mone therapy).
and red blood cell formation. Men continue to produce sperm well after
Fewer calories are needed during this time 50 years of age; however, testosterone levels dimin-
because metabolism slows. Many overeat if they are ish and midlife changes occur in men. This is
lonely, gain weight, and may become obese. Eating known as andropause. It is about this time that
is a social as well as a physiologic event, and if they many men older than 50 years experience benign
have no one to eat with, many older adults will not hypertrophy of the prostate (see Chapter 16).
prepare a meal or eat properly to have good nutri- Medication may help in some cases; otherwise, sur-
tion. Loss of vigor and vitality occur. Malnourish- gery, a prostatectomy, may be performed.
ment is not uncommon. Aging men and women maintain their sexual
Poor eating habits, poor nutrition, overeat- desires, and many enjoy sexual intercourse more
ing, or undereating can lead to dental problems. when children are no longer in the home. They
Poor dental hygiene leads to gum disease and loss have more privacy and time to relax.
of teeth, many times making the chewing of food
difficult and discouraging. Sometimes cardiac
problems, such as endocarditis and myocardial PREVENTION
infarction, occur from gum disease due to the inva- OF COMPLICATIONS
sion of pathogens and inflammation.
Older adults are at risk for complications as a result
of changes in the structure and function of their
Urinary System body systems.
With aging, the kidneys decrease in size, resulting Accidents can happen because of impaired
in less urine production and output. With cardio- vision or the inability to hear a warning sound,
vascular arteriosclerosis, blood flow to the kidney such as a fire alarm.
is less. Filtering of waste products from the blood is Malnutrition and anemia can develop because
impaired. Medications are not excreted as quickly of poor nutrition or poor absorption of food. This
as they are in a young, healthy person. Levels of can be caused by lack of interest in food because of
medication may increase to a dangerous level lack of sense of taste or smell.
with impaired kidney filtration. The bladder walls Older adults may have diminished sensi-
become more inelastic, and the ability to empty tivity and lack the ability to feel pain as well as a
the bladder completely becomes difficult. Residual younger person does. Heat and cold applications
urine remains in the bladder, and microorganisms can injure an aging person if not watched care-
can cause an infection. Cystitis is infection and fully. Simple fractured bones may go unnoticed
inflammation of the bladder. Urinary incontinence, for some time. Loss of balance, disorientation,
the uncontrollable loss of urine, can be the result of and confusion may be signs of impaired nervous
many factors, such as relaxed muscles in the female system function.
430 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Because many older adults suffer from osteo- Dementia affects memory, personality, and cog-
porosis, bones are more easily fractured. Falls nitive functioning (awareness, reasoning, judgment,
are more common because of a loss of vision and intuition) and is permanent. Alzheimer’s disease is
balance. a common form of dementia. Some research has
Respiratory tract infections are not unusual. shown that there may be a genetic, as well as envi-
Pneumonia is a serious complication in this group ronmental, link to the cause of Alzheimer’s disease.
of people. Encourage fluid intake and activity to People who have had a stroke, which inter-
keep the lungs healthy. feres with blood circulation to brain cells, may suf-
Urinary infections are more common. Ade- fer from dementia, impairing brain functioning.
quate fluid intake (eight 8-ounce glasses of liquid Other forms of dementia include Parkinson’s dis-
per day) help keep infections at bay. Incontinence ease, caused by a deficiency of dopamine, a chem-
occurs when pelvic floor muscles are relaxed after ical in the brain; syphilis, caused by a bacterium
childbirth. that causes brain damage (which manifests about
Circulatory problems because of cardiovas- 20 years after initial infection); and Hunting-
cular disease can cause poor circulation to the ton’s disease, a genetic disease. When caring for
extremities, especially the legs. Fluid retention patients with dementia, protect them from injury,
with noticeable edema are a common complica- allow them to be independent if possible, and do
tion, together with hypertension and congestive not be critical or judgmental of their behaviors (it
heart failure. is unintentional) or what they say. Scientists have
Vaginitis is more common because of vaginal not determined what is in the minds of patients
dryness and irritation caused by lack of estrogen. with dementia.
The prostate gland enlarges, making urination dif- Depression in older adults can occur from
ficult for men. loss of a spouse, chronic illness, or financial prob-
It is especially important for older adults to lems. When caring for older adults, look for signs
alert and consult with their providers when con- and symptoms of depression such as poor hygiene,
suming an alternative substance or when consid- insomnia or excessive sleep, crying, depressed mood
ering engaging in an alternative therapy. Many (sad every day, most of the day), inability to concen-
older adults take prescription drugs for a variety trate, and increased alcohol consumption. Personal-
of health problems, and there could be harmful ity seems to help determine how individuals adapt
effects because of the interactions of the prescribed to changes that they experience as they grow older.
medications with the alternative substance. Tai chi,
massage therapy, yoga, art therapy, music therapy,
and meditation are examples of some alternative THE MEDICAL ASSISTANT
or complementary therapies in which as older AND THE GERIATRIC PATIENT
adult patients can participate. Balance, mobility,
strength, creativity, and stress reduction are some Many older adults experience dementia,
of the benefits for older adults who choose to add mental illness, depression, stress, boredom,
these alternatives to enhance their health and fear of the unknown, loss of independence,
well-being. feelings of rejection and worthlessness, low self-
esteem, loneliness, dependence, failed expectations,
and disappointments. All of these factors coupled
There is a great deal of variation in the psycho- HIPAA
logical functioning of older adults. Among the
factors that contribute are the person’s health; Be cautious to limit access to patient
psychosocial history; race; sex; and environmen-
tal aspects, such as education, support system, and
HIPAA health records only to those who need
them to perform their jobs. Be sure to
social class. use passwords to safeguard databases and
The level of decline in an older adult’s intelli- keep computer screens facing away from.
gence can be affected by social factors. People who patients Disclosure of suspected pa-
maintain their intelligence tend to be in better tient abuse is necessary to prevent
health, have had more education, are in a higher serious threats or injuries to older
socioeconomic group, and are involved with oth- adult patients and is required by law.
ers and in their community.
CHAPTER 17 Gerontology 431
with the physiologic changes that can occur offer a 9. Give clear and simple instructions.
special challenge to the medical assistant caring for 10. Ask the person to do one task at a time.
the health and needs of this group of patients. Allow
11. Listen actively. If you do not understand, apologize
patients time to ventilate and express their con-
to the person by saying that you did not understand
cerns, allow for private and confidential discussion,
exactly what was said. It is extremely important to
and empathize with their situation by being aware
phrase responses in a way that does not damage
of their feelings, emotions, and behavior. Good
the self-esteem of the older adult.
communication is essential for quality care of older
adults. Do not talk to older adults as if they were chil- 12. Avoid asking direct questions that require the per-
dren. Speak slowly and clearly. Face the individual son to remember a fact.
while talking. Write instructions in addition to ver- 13. Focus on well behavior or things that you know the
balizing them. patient can still do.
14. Use humor when appropriate. If expressed naturally,
Memory-Impaired Older Adults humor brings much needed laughter, a dimension
that is often lost in the health care setting.
Geriatric care poses challenges when attempting
15. Let the person know when you leave and if you are
to communicate with impaired older adults. The
inability to communicate on a meaningful level
can be frustrating and challenging, especially for 16. When discussing a case with another staff
the older person who is struggling to communi- HIPAA member, do so in private to protect patient
cate but cannot find the right words. Following are confidentiality.
some techniques that can be effective in improving
verbal communication with older people experi- Visually Impaired Older Adults
encing memory impairment:
Visually impaired people need to know you are
1. Talk to the person in a nondistracting place. It can present, but do not approach the individual until
be difficult for an older adult to concentrate or to you make your presence known. Help by explain-
sort things out when there are environmental dis- ing his or her location, and identify others who
tractions, such as other conversations, equipment may also be present (Figure 17-6).
noises, or people walking by.
2. Begin conversations with orientating information. Hearing-Impaired Older Adults
Identify yourself, and call older adults by their pre-
ferred names. Explain the purpose of your visit. For the hearing-impaired older adult to communi-
cate and understand instructions, there are some
3. Use short words and short, simple sentences with
techniques the medical assistant should keep in
no pronouns.
mind. These strategies will be beneficial and will
4. Speak slowly and say individual words clearly. facilitate communication and understanding. These
5. Never “talk down” or be condescending. techniques include:
This is demeaning. Speak in an adult man-
1. Face the hearing-impaired person directly and on
ner as you would to a coworker or friend.
the same level when possible. (If he or she is stand-
Provide the dignity and respect you wish
ing, the medical assistant should stand; if the patient
to receive yourself.
is seated, the medical assistant should be seated).
6. Lower the tone (pitch) of your voice. A raised
2. Keep your hands away from your face while talking.
pitch is a signal that one is upset. A lower pitch is
also easier for people with hearing impairments to 3. Reduce background noises when talking. Move to
understand. a quieter room away from extraneous sounds and
7. Talk to the person in a warm and pleasant manner.
Use nonverbal cues, such as facial expression, tone of
voice, or touch, to show your feelings of affection and
concern. Smiling, taking the older person’s hand, or
touching the person on the arm can vividly commu-
Critical Thinking
nicate that you are interested and really care.
Describe strategies for communicating with
8. When giving instructions, allow plenty of time for hearing-impaired patients.
the information to be absorbed.
432 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Pace Doors
When approaching a closed door, tell the patient its position
The pace should be comfortable for both of you. If the patient tight-
when open. For example,“The door opens away and to the left.”
ens his grip or pulls on your arm, slow down; your pace may be too
Or say,“Take the door with your left hand.” After you open the
fast or he may be anxious.You should alert the patient to obstacles
door and begin to walk through, the patient will have his hand
such as curbs, stairs, doors, and thresholds. Be specific, but do not
ready to help hold it open as you walk through together. The
confuse him with too much information.
patient will move his arm across the front of his body to find the
door with the palm of his hand. He should close it behind you if
Stairs it is not a self-closing door. Use the narrow passage technique
When approaching stairs, tell the patient. Let him know whether in addition to this technique if the doorway is narrow.
you are going to go up or down. Be sure you approach the stairs
directly, not at an angle. Have the patient stand next to the hand- Narrow Passage Technique
rail if there is one.
When coming to a narrow passage, tell the patient. Move your
Pause at the top (or bottom) of the stairs and describe any-
guiding arm to the center of your back. Slow your pace. He will
thing unusual about them. The patient will find the handrail and
move behind you and extend his arm, placing you in a single-file
reach forward with his foot to locate the edge of the first step.
position. Once you pass through the narrow passage, bring your
Start down (or up) the stairs, keeping yourself one step ahead.
arm forward and return to the normal stance.
Keep a steady pace.
When you reach a landing, stop immediately. (Do not take an
extra step.) Doing so lets the patient know that there are no more
steps, and he can then match his stride with yours.
homemakers, licensed home health care aides, For information, contact elder protective ser-
and many others may be required to report abuse. vices programs in the Yellow Pages of your phone
Agencies are also liable. Any person required book, or contact the Eldercare Locator toll free at
to report abuse who fails to do so is subject to a (800) 677-1116 or via their Web site (http://www.
fine. Anyone who has reasonable cause to believe
an older adult has been abused may report it and
has a moral obligation to protect older adults. In
most states, the department responsible for elder HEALTHY AND SUCCESSFUL
affairs has established an elder abuse hotline to AGING
receive reports of abuse. Reports may also be
made to the designated protective service agency Older adults are enjoying longer, healthier lives.
in your community. Once reports are received by Some reasons for healthy aging are the increase
the elder protective services program, if appropri- in the number of gerontologists (specialists who
ate, a caseworker will assess the situation to deter- provide medical care only to older adult patients),
mine the nature and extent of the abuse. If abuse greater awareness and involvement of older adults
is confirmed, services will be provided to eliminate with their health care, improved nutrition, regular
or alleviate abuse. Many social services are usually exercise, new medications, and advancing medical
available. Mental health, legal, homemaker ser- technology (Figure 17-7).
vices, and alternative living arrangements may be Some tips for healthy aging according to the
provided (see Chapter 7). National Institute on Aging of the National Insti-
Some signs and symptoms of mistreatment or tutes of Health are:
abuse include:
1. Eat a balanced diet.
Psychological Physical 2. Exercise regularly.
Signs and Symptoms Signs and Symptoms
3. Get regular checkups.
• Increasing depression • Lack of personal care 4. Don’t smoke.
• Anxiety • Lack of supervision 5. Wear a seatbelt when in the car.
• Withdrawn/timid • Bruises 6. Practice safety to avoid falls and fractures.
• Hostile • Welts 7. Keep in contact with family and friends and stay
• Unresponsive • Lack of food active through work, community, and recreation.
• Confused • Beatings 8. Avoid overexposure to the sun and cold.
Critical Thinking
What are some strategies that older adults
can do to keep mentally and physically
Many aging people live well into their 80s, 90s, and even to 100 years of age. They remain physically and
mentally stimulated. They learn a foreign language, learn to play a musical instrument, love to read, gar-
den, and volunteer. Older people are more aware today than ever before of the importance of a healthy
lifestyle and of its significant contribution to their long and healthy life span.
Other older adults, because of genetic inheritance, wear and tear, and stress, and loss of chemicals
and hormones, seem to age quickly and have little control over these factors.
Many others practice poor health habits, some by choice and others by circumstance. These habits
contribute to chronic diseases, disability, and a shorter and unhealthy life span.
Above all, dispel myths about older adults. Be patient, kind, consistent, and thoughtful.
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet by completing the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on your student CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
436 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
9. Explain the medical assistant’s role in cast application and cast (continued)
removal and the guidelines for cast care. Nocturia
10. List items required by a provider for a neurologic examination Nystagmus
and explain the medical assistant’s role in the examination. Occluder
11. Explain oxygen administration using a nasal cannula. Oliguria
12. Describe how to perform a nasal irrigation. Opticokinetic Drum Test
13. Identify patient education information for sputum collections. Otoscope
At Inner City Health Care, a number of specialty exami- patients. Clinical medical assistants Wanda Slawson,
nations are scheduled for Tuesday the eighth. Admin- CMA (AAMA), and Bruce Goldman, RMA, take respon-
istrative medical assistant Jane O’Hara, who is office sibility to ensure that all supplies and equipment are
manager, is careful to schedule patients requiring spe- assembled, that both provider and patient are comfort-
cialty procedures so that times do not overlap; before able with the physical environment, and that all safety
she schedules, Jane makes certain examination rooms precautions are followed before, during, and after the
are available with an extra margin of time between examination or procedure.
New techniques and developments occur fre- the provider with a multitude of clinical procedures
quently in medicine, and medical assistants that are an integral part of each specialty examination.
must refine existing skills and learn new ones This chapter covers specialty and body system
to be knowledgeable and proficient and to provide the examinations and the appropriate clinical procedures in
most current, up-to-date, quality care to patients. The urology; endoscopy; and the sensory, respiratory, muscu-
medical assistant who works in a specialist’s office or an loskeletal, neurologic, circulatory, blood and lymph, and
ambulatory care setting that treats a variety of patient integumentary systems.
problems needs additional skills when providing spe- Each specialty description includes tables that con-
cialty care to patients. Patients with conditions specific tain information on diseases, disorders, and diagnostic
to a particular body system or body part need special- tests and procedures used to confirm diagnoses. Other
ized care such as urinary catheterization or assisting diseases and disorders and procedures related to each
with a lumbar puncture. The medical assistant assists specialty are addressed in the body of the chapter.
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 439
Diagnostic Tests
URINARY SYSTEM The most commonly performed test to diagnose
urinary system disorders is a urinalysis. Many differ-
The urinary system includes the kidneys, ureters, ent disorders of the urinary system can be identified,
and bladder. The main function of the kidneys making this test extremely valuable. A specimen of
is to form and excrete urine, which contains urine can be analyzed for many components such
waste products harmful to body tissues. The kid- as pH, specific gravity, protein, glucose, leukocytes,
neys also regulate water balance in the body and and blood. The specimen can be further analyzed by
help maintain the acid–base balance of body examination under the microscope to look for bac-
fluids. teria, white and red blood cells, crystals, and casts.
Collecting and processing urine for labo- Urine culture and sensitivity can be per-
ratory analysis is covered in Chapter 30. Several formed and will indicate if a UTI is present so the
other clinical and diagnostic procedures of the appropriate antibiotic can be prescribed by the
urinary system are covered in this section, includ- provider. To obtain a urine specimen for culture,
ing urinary catheterization and an overview of there are two ways to collect the specimen: clean
performing a urine drug screen and a diagnostic catch or by catheterization (insertion of sterile
X-ray known as an intravenous pyelogram (IVP) tube into urinary bladder; see Procedures 18-1 and
or excretory urography used to diagnose disor- 18-2 and Chapter 30).
ders of the urinary tract. Blood tests can be done to determine whether
Diagnostic tests, procedures, disorders, and waste products are being adequately filtered out of
conditions common to the urinary system are the circulatory system. A test for kidney function
given in Tables 18-1 and 18-2. confirms the status of glomeruli function.
Table 18-1 Urinary System Disorders
Laboratory/Diagnostic Tests
Disease/ Medical Tests
Disorder Blood Urine Radiography Surgery or Procedures Treatment
Complete blood Urinalysis including micro- Intravenous pyelogram Cystoscopy Appropriate antibiotic
count scopic examination therapy
Culture and sensitivity of
Cancer of urinary bladder. Linked to cigarette smoking, industrial chemicals, and ingested toxins. Microscopic hematu-
ria is one of the first Signs.
Cystitis. Inflammation of the urinary bladder. More common in female patients due to the short length of the urethra. E.coli
may travel from the rectum to the bladder. Infectious organisms can invade the bladder during sexual intercourse. Fre-
quency, burning, dysuria, and urgency are common symptoms.
Glomerulonephritis. Seen in children and young adults after streptococcal infection; strep throat, scarlet fever. Causes
degenerative inflammation of glomeruli. Chills, fever, weakness are common symptoms. Edema and albumin in urine are
common. Hypertension occurs.
Polycystic kidneys. A congenital anomaly. Kidneys contain multiple cysts and greatly dilated tubules do not open into
renal pelvis. Hypertension, kidney failure, and death can result.
Pyelonephritis. Caused by pyogenic bacteria such as E. coli, streptococci, staphylococci, pregnancy, or calculi. May origi-
nate in the bladder and ascend to the kidneys. Pyuria, chills, fever, sudden back pain are symptoms. Dysuria is common.
Tenderness in suprapubic area.
Renal calculi. May be present with or without symptoms. Cause intense pain when they lodge in the ureter(s). Formed by
certain salts (perhaps calcium). Urinary urgency, nausea and vomiting, fever.
Two nitrogenous waste products normally fil- Patient Preparation for IVP. In studies of the
tered from the blood are urea and creatinine. A urinary system, the IVP requires that the patient
blood urea nitrogen (BUN) test checks the levels prepare with laxatives, enemas, and fasting (Table
of these two wastes. High levels of waste products 18-3). The IVP consists of an intravenous injection
can result in uremia (waste products in the blood), of an iodine-based contrast medium that is used to
a toxic condition of the blood that, if not reversed, define the structures of the urinary system. A ret-
leads to death (see Chapter 30). rograde pyelogram is a study of the urinary tract
An IVP, kidney-ureter-bladder (KUB) radio- done by inserting a sterile catheter into the urinary
graph, and cystogram are radiologic examinations meatus. Radiopaque contrast medium then flows
of the urinary tract. upward into the kidneys. This diagnostic test
is usually done in conjunction with cystoscopy.
Intravenous Pyelogram (Excretory Urography). Patients should have iodine-sensitivity tests before
An IVP is used to examine the urinary tract (kid- the examination to determine the possibility of
neys, ureters, and bladder) for blockage, narrowing, an allergic reaction. A voiding cystogram may be
growths, and calculi. This urinary tract diagnostic ordered in conjunction with an IVP. In this case,
radiograph is also used to diagnose disorders such the contrast medium is instilled into the bladder
as lesions, hydronephrosis (collection of urine in by catheter and no special patient preparation is
renal pelvis), and polycystic (many cysts) kidneys. needed (see Chapter 20).
To examine the uri- 1. Light evening meal night before Contrast medium of iodine used for visualization
nary tract—kidneys 2. Cathartic (laxative) (check with patient regarding seafood or iodine
ureters, bladder—for allergies)
3. NPO after 9:00 PM
blockage, narrowing, Warn patients of possible warm flushed sensation
growths, and calculi. 4. Cleansing enema(s) in AM
when dye is injected and that they may experi-
ence a metallic taste.
442 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Water cord
Urinary Catheterization
Prostate gland
In some states medical assistants can either
perform or assist with urinary bladder catheter-
ization, which is the introduction of a sterile
catheter (tube) through the urethra into the
bladder for withdrawal of urine. Figure 18-2
Rectum shows male and female anatomy for catheteriza-
tion. There are basically four reasons to cathe-
terize patients:
1. To obtain a sterile urine specimen for analysis
Figure 18-1 Cystoscopy.
2. To relieve urinary retention
3. To instill medication into the bladder, after the
Cystoscopy. Cystoscopy is a sterile procedure that bladder is emptied
uses a lighted scope (cytoscope) to view the ure- 4. To measure the amount of post-void residual urine
thra and bladder. Inflammation, bladder calculi
(stones), polyps, and tumors can be seen using a In some cases, this procedure is done by a
cystoscope. A biopsy of the bladder can be done urologist; however, some providers in obstetrics/
while performing a cystoscopy (Figure 18-1). gynecology and general and family practice
Vas deferens
Glans penis
A Scrotum
Figure 18-2 (A) Cross-sectional view of male anatomy showing urethra and bladder for catheterization.
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 443
Urethral orifice
Vaginal orifice
Figure 18-2 (continued) (B) External genitalia of the female. (C) Cross-sectional view of female anatomy showing
urethra and bladder for catheterization.
perform or have the medical assistant perform Procedure 18-1 gives steps for performing a
the catheterization. Catheterizing male patients is urinary catheterization of a female patient and
generally performed by a male provider. The pro- Procedure 18-2 for a male patient.
vider may order a culture and sensitivity of the
urine obtained from catheterization if the patient Catheterization Equipment. Urinary catheters
is experiencing dysuria, frequency, hematura, and are sized according to a system of French sizes.
urgency. This is done to determine if microor- A common size catheter is Fr 12. The higher the
ganisms are present and, if so, what the causative number the larger the diameter of the catheter.
microorganism is and which medication would The provider orders the catheter size when order-
irradicate it, in order to prescribe the appropriate ing the catheterization procedure. Urethral cathe-
antibiotics. ters, sometimes called straight catheters, are used
Sterile technique must be maintained through- when the catheter is removed after the procedure.
out the catheterization. Contamination of any items The Foley catheter is used when the catheter will
during the procedure requires discarding the items remain in the urinary bladder (indwelling cathe-
and obtaining new sterile equipment before con- ter). A suprapubic catheter (indwelling) is placed
tinuing the procedure (Figure 18-3). in the bladder during a surgical procedure. An
444 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Figure 18-4 Types of urinary catheterizations: (A) Straight catheter. (B) Indwelling catheter. (C) Suprapubic
Table 18-4 Digestive System Disorders
Laboratory/Diagnostic Tests
Disease/ Medical Tests or
Disorder Blood Urine Other Radiography Surgery Procedures Treatment
Complete blood Urinalysis Electrocardiography Replacement of fluids and
Anorexia count electrolytes if needed
nervosa Electrolytes Psychiatric care
Blood glucose
Complete blood Urinalysis Abdominal ultra- Rectal Appendectomy
Appendicitis count Pregnancy sound examination
Complete blood Urinalysis Electrocardiography Replacement of fluids and
count electrolytes if needed
Bulimia Electrolytes Care of esophagus and
teeth erosion
Psychiatric care
Complete blood Urinalysis Cholecystogram Cholecystectomy
count (oral or intravenous)
Serum bilirubin Ultrasound of gall
mentation rate
Table 18-4 Digestive System Disorders (continued)
Laboratory/Diagnostic Tests
Complete blood Breath test Upper gastro- Biopsy duo- Upper endoscopy Medication: gastric
count H. pylori intestinal series denum Esophagogastric secretion–blocking agent
duodenoscopy Antibiotics
Duodenal Occult
ulcer blood test Lifestyle changes
Small, frequent meals
Gastrectomy if perforation
Complete blood Stool sample Perianal examination Medication
Enterobiasis count for ova and
Complete blood Guaiac test Upper gastro- Biopsy stom- Upper endoscopy Medication: gastric
count H. pylori intestinal series ach lining secretion–blocking agent
Serum albumin Abdominal radio- Antibiotics
Gastric ulcer Transferrin graphs
stomach Lifestyle changes
secretions Small, frequent meals
Breath test Gastrectomy if perforation
Complete blood Stool culture Upper gastro- Upper endoscopy Usually self-limiting
count intestinal series Maintain electrolyte balance
Gastroenteritis Electrolytes Antibiotics if indicated
Infection control
Complete blood Samples of Upper gastro- Biopsy of Gastroscopy Antacid medications (Prilo-
Gastritis count gastric intestinal series stomach sec, Tagamet, Zantac)
content Antibiotics if needed
Gastro- Esophageal ultraso- Medication
esophageal nography Esophageal
reflux disease Diet modification
Gastroscopy Weight loss
pH studies Upper gastro- Biopsy Gastroscopy Elevate head of bed for sleep
of gastric intestinal series Antacid medications (Prilo-
Hiatal hernia secretions Chest radiograph sec, Tagamet, Zantac)
(Figure 18-6) Avoid foods that irritate stom-
ach and esophagus
Avoid overeating
448 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Anorexia nervosa. An eating disorder of psychological origin. The individual does not eat and becomes emaciated
(extremely thin) and malnourished because of the need to avoid weight gain.
Appendicitis. Acute inflammation of the appendix usually caused by infection or obstruction. Characterized by pain, nau-
sea, vomiting, and fever.
Bulimia. A syndrome in which an individual binges on food and then purges by inducing vomiting. Laxative abuse is com-
mon. The reason individuals engage in this behavior is to avoid weight gain; it is of psychological origin.
Cholecystitis. Inflammation of the gallbladder. Usual cause is gall stones, but other causes may be bacteria or chemical
Colon cancer. Common malignancy characterized by change in bowel habits, diarrhea or constipation, and abdominal
discomfort as tumor grows.
Crohn’s disease. Chronic disease that exhibits inflammation of the ileum resulting in diarrhea, right lower quadrant pain,
and attacks of diarrhea and frequent blood in the stools.
Diverticulitis. Inflammation of diverticula usually caused by impacted feces or bacteria in the sacs. Pain, cramplike, usu-
ally in left side of abdomen. Obstruction can develop.
Drug-induced ulcers. Ulcers of the stomach or duodenum caused by taking salicylates (aspirin), corticosteroids, antiin-
flammatory medications (ibuprofen, naproxen), iron, and Methotrexate.
Duodenal ulcer. Lesion in the mucous membrane of the small intestine usually caused by hyperacidity or
Helicobacter pylori.
Enterobiasis (pinworms). Intestinal parasites causing intestinal and rectal infection. Pruritus of the anus is a symptom.
Gastric ulcer. Caused by Helicobacter pylori, a bactrium, salicylates, smoking, and alcohol.
Gastritis. Inflammation of the stomach lining usually caused by an undefined irritant including alcohol, bacteria, or
viruses. It can result in stomach discomfort, nausea, or vomiting.
Gastroenteritis. Inflammation of the stomach and intestinal tract. Causes nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. May be caused
by ingestion of pathogen.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). A small valve in the lower esophagus (between the stomach and esophagus)
leaks causing stomach acid to back up from the stomach to the esophagus. There is frequent heartburn and discomfort
behind the sternum.
Hepatitis. Inflammation of the liver caused by infection from a virus resulting in hepatomegaly, anorexia, and jaundice.
Hepatitis A. Spread by fecal contamination of food or water.
Hepatitis B. Spread by blood and body fluids contamination through sexual contact, contaminated needles, perinatal
fluids, semen.
Hepatitis C. Spread by blood (i.e., transfusion), contaminated needles, and sexual contact.
Refer to Chapter 10 for more information about hepatitis.
Hiatal hernia. Congenital or traumatic protrusion of stomach through the diaphragm into the chest cavity (Figure 18-6).
Pancreatic cancer. Cancer of the pancreas (usually the head). One of the leading causes of cancer deaths in the United
States. Most commonly seen in the 60- to 70-year age group.
Pancreatitis (acute and chronic). Inflammation of the pancreas. Acute: can be a life-threatening event; pancreatic
enzymes begin to digest the pancreas causing necrosis and hemorrhage. Chronic: a slow, progressive destruction of the
pancreas thought to be from enzymes digesting the pancreas as seen in acute pancreatitis. May be idiopathic or related
to alcoholism. Diabetes can be a complication of pancreatitis.
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 449
Gastric ulcer
Parotid gland
Perforation 18%
Administering an enema to a patient in the for the patient’s convenience when you administer
medical office or clinic is not a common proce- an enema. Your patience and understanding are
dure, but it is sometimes necessary for the suc- needed, because many patients are embarrassed to
cessful completion of a sigmoidoscopy or other have an enema administered to them.
rectal examination. Even though a patient may Some examinations, such as diagnostic sig-
have received proper instructions and carried them moidoscopy and X-rays, require the use of laxa-
out before the scheduled appointment, there is no tives by the patient the day before or the morning
guarantee that the patient achieved success. In the of the examination. This may present a problem in
event that the patient comes in for the appoint- the patient’s personal or employment schedule if
ment and the colon is not sufficiently evacuated of instructions are not made clear before the appoint-
feces for a sigmoidoscopy, the physician may order ment is made. Most patients are fearful of what
a cleansing enema so that the examination can the diagnostic examination will disclose. Helping
be completed. It is generally best to proceed with them choose a convenient appointment time and
the planned procedure, even with the delay of the explaining the reasons for the preparations they
enema. Usually this works out well for patient and must undergo is usually appreciated.
staff, because rescheduling presents difficulties for Proper positioning of the patient during the
everyone. sigmoidoscopy is important for both the provider’s
Often the patient did follow the list of instruc- viewing of the rectum and sigmoid colon and the
tions but was not able to retain the enema solu- patient’s comfort. Proctology tables are designed
tion long enough to get satisfactory results. You especially for this procedure (refer back to Fig-
will more likely be able to encourage the patient ure 13-11). They provide support of the patient’s
to retain the contents of the enema longer. You chest and head with the arm resting against the
may want to explain that the longer the contents headboard as the table is tilted to the knee-chest
are retained, the more successful the results will position. Patients who cannot tolerate this position
be. Otherwise, it may have to be repeated, or the are assisted into Sims’ position for the examina-
examination rescheduled. Be certain that you use tion. Many providers find this acceptable and it is
an examination room that is close to the rest room more comfortable for the patient. You should ask
Patient Education
With the provider’s direction, you may discuss 4. Inform patients who are 40 years and older
with your patients the following topics about that they should routinely test their stool for
their digestive health. occult blood every two years for screen-
1. Remind them that laxatives and enemas ing of cancer of the colon, or more often
should only be used by direction of the if advised by the provider (if family history
provider. indicates). All patients older than 50 years
should test annually for occult blood and
2. Constipation may be avoided/relieved by
have a colonoscopy.
including fresh fruits and vegetables, cere-
als, and grains in the diet; drinking plenty 5. Advise patients to include high-fiber foods
of liquids (water); and getting regular exer- in their diets, avoid fat (especially satu-
cise. rated fats) and cholesterol, and eat red
meats sparingly.
3. Instruct them that if they have any of the
following symptoms persistently it could 6. Urge patients to eat a variety of foods
mean that a disease or an abnormal (from the food pyramid) and to eat four
condition is present and consulting the to six small meals rather than one or two
provider is strongly advised: heartburn or large meals daily to promote better utiliza-
indigestion, nausea or vomiting (especially tion of nutrients and more energy.
if coffee grounds consistency), constipa- 7. Suggest to patients that they select snacks
tion or diarrhea, excessive gas or bloating, and beverages wisely such as fruits,
stool that is tarry (black), or other than a vegetables, and juices over coffee/tea/
normal brown color. soda and high-calorie sweets or chips.
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 453
Patient Education colon 5%
Millions of people in the United States are obese
A and are ill with or at serious risk for diabetes, heart
disease, hypertension, certain cancers, stroke, sleep
apnea, and many other conditions. Obesity affects
Negative Smears every body system in a negative way. Emotional prob-
Sample report: negative
No detectable blue on or at the edge of lems such as depression, rejection, low self-esteem,
the smears indicates the test is negative
for occult blood.
isolation, and chemical substance abuse are com-
mon. Bariatrics is the field of medicine that treats
obesity and conditions associated with obesity.
Some obese patients decide, with their provid-
Negative and Positive Smears Positive Smears
er’s recommendation, to undergo bariatric surgery
because of the physical and emotional problems
caused by their obesity. Prior to surgery, patients
(with their provider’s guidance) must bring their
Sample report: positive
Any trace of blue on or at the edge of one or more of the smears indicates the test is existing medical problems, such as uncontrolled
B positive for occult blood. diabetes, severe hypertension, hyperlipidemia,
Figure 18-14 (A) Place the required number of and gall bladder disease, under control. Stabiliza-
drops of developing solution on the exposed guiac tion is important to prevent serious complications
paper. (B) A change in color indicates that blood may before, during, and after surgery.
be present in the stool. Bariatric surgery is performed to treat obe-
sity and to help the patient lose weight. It can be
test slides, and then how to care for and store the
slides until they are returned to the office by the
patient (see Procedure 18-3). Biohazardous mate-
rial (feces) cannot be sent through the United
States Postal Service.
For patients who have daily bowel move-
ments, this will not be a problem. For patients who
have difficulty with daily elimination, collecting
the samples may take several days. Patients should
not use laxatives unless directed by the provider.
Positive tests for occult blood require further
testing, because occult blood testing is a screen-
ing tool only. Sigmoidoscopy and/or colonoscopy
help to identify the source of bleeding. If a lesion
is found in either the rectum or colon, a biopsy
can be performed and the sample sent to the labo-
ratory for examination of cells for malignancy (see
Procedure 18-3).
Radiographic Studies of the Digestive System. Figure 18-15 In a barium swallow test, barium sulfate
Endoscopic procedures are done routinely but is swallowed and radiographs are taken of the esopha-
have not replaced the need for radiographic stud- gus, stomach, and small intestine. This is also known as
ies of the gastrointestinal tract. There are several an upper gastrointestinal series.
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 455
Table 18-6 Patient Preparation and Procedure for Radiographic Studies of the Digestive System
To study the Clear liquid 1 day prior (allowed: 1. The colon is filled with a 1–2
colon for disease non-carbonated beverages, clear barium sulfate mixture hours
(polyps, tumors, gelatin, clear broth, coffee and tea 2. The patient is turned in
lesions) with sugar) various positions to allow
No milk or milk products the barium to fill the colon.
Air is injected to move the
8 oz water every hour until bedtime barium along the colon
3. When the colon is full,
Prep kit: to include bottle of mag- radiographs are taken
nesium citrate, Dulcolax tab(s)
Day before radiograph:
1. Late afternoon drink bottle of
Barium enema magnesium citrate
(lower GI series) 2. Early evening take Dulcolax
tab(s) as prescribed
3. Light evening meal. NPO except
water, after dinner
Morning of procedure:
1. NPO
2. Cleansing enema
Postprocedural instructions:
1. Increase fluid intake and dietary
2. Report to provider if no bowel
movement within 24 hours of test
To study the 1. Evening before test fat-free dinner 1. A series of radiographs is 1 hour
gall bladder 2. Take dye tablets with 8 oz water taken
for disease 2. A fatty meal may be given
3. Cathartic or cleansing enemas
(stones, duct to stimulate the gall blad-
Cholecystogram may be prescribed
obstruction), der to empty
inflammation 4. NPO after dinner and tablets
3. Other radiographs can
then be taken to check
gall bladder function
accomplished with a standard abdominal inci- abdomen controls the tightness of the band or sta-
sion or laparoscope. Two procedures that can be ples. In gastric bypass surgery, the surgeon creates
performed are “banding” or “stapling” and gas- a pouch out of a small portion of the stomach and
tric bypass surgery (Figure 18-16). With banding attaches it directly to the small intestine, thereby
or stapling, the bottom of the esophagus (where passing the stomach and duodenum. As a result,
it enters the stomach) is banded or stapled, thus absorption, which occurs in the small intestine, is
shrinking the stomach. An adjustable port in the reduced. Before surgery, patients are counseled
456 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Figure 18-16 Gastric bypass and stomach banding are bariatric surgical procedures.
Patient Education
Follow specific package instructions. bleeding that can mask bleeding from
The following steps should be followed 2 days a lesion.
before the fecal occult blood test and contin- 4. Consume a high-fiber diet. Fiber provides
ued until three slides have been roughage to promote bowel movement
prepared: and encourage bleeding from any lesion
1. Avoid red meats, processed meats, and that may be present.
liver. These release hemoglobin that can 5. Do not begin test during menses, for three
produce a false-positive result. days after menses, or if bleeding from
2. Avoid turnips, broccoli, cauliflower, and hemorrhoids.
melons. These foods may contain a sub- 6. Drink plenty of fluids to help prevent
stance, peroxibase, that will cause a false- constipation.
positive result. 7. Store slides at room temperature and
3. Avoid aspirin, iron supplements, and large protect from heat, sun, and fluorescent
doses of vitamin C for 7 days before the lights.
test. These substances may cause gastric
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 457
about possible side effects, such as malabsorption, organs that contain specialized receptor organs.
anemia, vomiting, diarrhea, hernias, and blood Table 18-7 lists diseases and disorders and diagnos-
clots. tic tests and procedures for eyes and ears.
The surgery is considered for patients who are
morbidly obese who have tried numerous weight
loss and exercise regimens without results and are
The Eye
at serious risk for heart disease, stroke, cancer, The eye is the primary organ for sight and is one
and other conditions. Body mass index (BMI) is of the few organs of the body externally exposed.
another factor considered when providers evaluate Its accessory structures—the eyelids, eyelashes,
patients for surgery. A BMI around 30 to 40 (a gen- lacrimal ducts, and extrinsic muscles—provide
eral guideline) is one of the criteria used to deter- protection for the eye. The anterior portion of the
mine which patients are candidates for the surgery eyeball protrudes outward and the remainder is
(normal BMI is 18.5−24.9). The presence of other protected by the orbit.
diseases is also a factor in the evaluation. The intraocular structures consist of some
Caring for bariatric patients is challeng- parts of the eye visible externally and parts visible
ing. Their emotional health is important. Being only through an ophthalmoscope. The intraocular
nonjudgmental and showing empathy for these structures include the following:
patients is very important. They suffer from dis-
crimination, prejudice, and isolation. Obesity • Sclera: white area covering the outside of the eye
is a chronic illness that requires patience and except over the pupil and iris
understanding. • Cornea: clear tissue covering the pupil and iris
• Iris: round disk of smooth and radial muscles giv-
ing the eye its color
SENSORY SYSTEM • Pupil: round opening in the iris that changes size
as the iris reacts to light and dark
The special senses of vision, hearing, equilibrium
(balance), smell, touch, and taste permit the body • Anterior chamber: space between cornea and iris/
to detect information about the environment. The pupil filled with clear fluid called aqueous humor
eyes, ears, nose, taste buds, and skin are all sense • Posterior chamber: space between the iris and lens
that is filled with aqueous humor
• Lens: clear fibers enclosed in a membrane that
refract and focus light to the retina
Patient Education • Posterior cavity: space in the posterior part of the
eyeball filled with thick, gelatinous material called
Several Web sites (e.g., CDC, Mayo Clinic,
vitreous humor
Weight Watchers) can automatically calcu-
late BMI after inputting the patient’s height • Posterior sclera: white opaque layer covering the
and weight measurements. The following posterior part of the eyeball
are formulas for determining BMI: • Choroid layer: layer between the sclera and retina
1. Multiply weight, in pounds, by 0.45 containing blood vessels
(130 pounds × 0.45 = 58.5). • Retina: inside layer of the posterior part of the eye
2. Multiply height, in inches, by 0.025 (5 feet that receives the light rays (visual stimuli)
6 inches or 66 inches × 0.025 =1.65).
The mechanism of vision occurs after impulses
3. Multiply the answer from step 2 by itself
leave the retina and travel through the optic nerves
(1.65 × 1.65 = 2.72).
to the brain. At the optic chiasm, the nerve fibers
4. Divide the answer from step 1 by the cross and continue to the thalamus. These fibers
answer from step 3 (58.5 ÷ 2.72 = 21.48). synapse with other neurons that send the impulses
5. If the BMI is less than 21, the individual is to the right and left visual area of the occipital lobe
underweight. of the brain. Because the tracts cross at the optic
6. If the BMI is equal to or greater than 25, chasm, the stimuli coming from the right visual
the individual is overweight. fields are translated in the visual area of the left
7. A BMI equal to or greater than 30 indi- occipital area, and the stimuli coming from the left
cates obesity. visual fields are translated in the visual area of the
right occipital lobe. Table 18-8 describes common
458 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Laboratory/Diagnostic Tests
Ophthalmologic Phacoemulsification
Cataract examination Surgical extraction
Slit lamp
Chalazion Excision
Ophthalmologic Laser
examination Intraocular injections
Macular Angiography
degeneration Intravenous
Amsler grid medication
Some untreatable
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 459
Laboratory/Diagnostic Tests
Motion Medication
Audiometry Stapedectomy
Rinne test
Anterior chamber
(aqueous humor)
Posterior chamber
(aqueous humor) Optic
Suspensory ligament
Choroid coat
Ciliary body and muscle
Vitreous body Sclera
Occipital lobe
Visual cortex
Figure 18-18 The visual pathways of the eye. Figure 18-20 Conjunctivitis.
462 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Light rays focus
on multiple areas Critical Thinking
of the retina
List the steps the medical assistant must follow
when performing a visual acuity test on a
Figure 18-22 (A) Normal eye vision. (B) Myopia. 9-year-old child and on a 3-year-old toddler.
(C) Hyperopia. (D) Presbyopia. (E) Astigmatism.
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 463
Figure 18-23 (A) The ophthalmoscope is used to identify eye disorders. (B) The provider uses the ophthalmoscope
to view the interior of the patient’s eye.
identifying disease-related problems. The interior ment of the head. The semicircular canals assist
of the eye can be examined. the body to adjust to changes in direction. The
Procedures 18-4 though 18-9 list the steps for movement of fluid in this area can cause symptoms
specialty procedures for the eye. of dizziness. The cochlea is the organ of hearing.
The outer ear (auricle/pinna) picks up sound
waves that are sent through the external auditory
The Ear canal to the tympanic membrane. The membrane
The structures of hearing and equilibrium are vibrates in reaction to the sound striking it. These
divided into the external ear, the middle ear, vibrations pass through the three tiny middle ear
and the inner ear. The external ear includes the bones through the oval window and into the fluid
pinna (auricle) and the external auditory canal. in the cochlea. Receptor cells respond and trans-
The pinna is mostly cartilaginous tissue with a fer the sounds into electrical impulses that travel
small amount of adipose tissue in the earlobe. to the brain via the acoustic nerve. The receiving
The external auditory canal is about 1 inch in area of the brain for auditory impulses is in the
length and contains hair and wax (cerumen)- temporal lobe (Figure 18-24).
producing glands. The external ear and middle Diseases or conditions of the ear, if left
ear are separated by the tympanic membrane untreated, can cause damage to nerves and tissues
(eardrum). and can result in some degree of hearing impair-
The middle ear, also called the tympanic cav- ment, from mild to deafness. Table 18-9 describes
ity, is a small space containing three bones, the mal- common diseases of the ear.
leus (hammer), incus (anvil), and stapes (stirrup).
Next to the stapes is the oval window that leads to Measuring Auditory Ability. The simple methods
the inner ear. The eustachian tube connects the of measuring hearing (gross hearing) are usually
middle ear to the throat. performed by the provider. The patient may be
The inner ear is the most sophisticated part instructed to place a finger in one ear while the
of the ear. It is responsible for both hearing and provider whispers one or two words in the other.
equilibrium (balance). The inner ear consists of a The patient is then asked to repeat the words. A
fluid-filled sterile space housing the vestibule, the ticking watch may be placed by the patient’s ear
semicircular canals, the round window, and the to ascertain hearing. A vibrating tuning fork may
cochlea. The structures in the vestibule are respon- be placed on the mastoid process behind the ear
sible for maintaining equilibrium during move- and then on top of the head. The patient is asked
464 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Malleus Semicircular
Branches of
Auricle nerve
Round window
(eustachian) tube
if the sound vibrations could be heard or felt. This the canal and become impacted (pressed firmly
procedure will identify nerve or conduction deaf- against the tympanic membrane). The sound
ness (Figure 18-25). Conduction deafness occurs waves cannot pass through the hardened cerumen
when the sound wave is not transmitted to the mid- to the middle ear, and hearing loss (conduction
dle ear. This type of deafness may be a result of the hearing loss) results.
presence of impacted ear wax (cerumen) in the To remove impacted cerumen, the provider
ear canal or a scarred tympanic membrane. may use a curette. The patient may have had ear
Cerumen, or ear wax, is a substance secreted drops prescribed before the physical removal of
by glands at the outer third of the ear canal. In the impacted cerumen. The drops are instilled
some individuals it can accumulate and block in an effort to soften the cerumen to facilitate its
removal. An ear irrigation may be performed by
flushing the ear canal with warm water or a solu-
Table 18-9 Ear Disorders tion ordered by the provider. Commercial solu-
tions are available for patients to use at home (see
External otitis (swimmer’s ear). Inflammation of ear Procedure 18-11).
canal. Symptoms are itchiness and crusting of
ear canal.
A scarred tympanic membrane can occur
from a ruptured or perforated tympanic mem-
Otitis media. Acute infection of the middle ear usually
brane. This can occur from untreated acute oti-
caused by bacteria. Symptoms are pain, fever, dis- tis media or traumatic rupture. With acute otitis
charge, and decreased hearing acuity. media, the tympanic membrane is red and bulges
from accumulation of serous or purulent fluid
Otosclerosis. Conduction deafness caused by hard- behind it. The pressure of the fluid on the tym-
ening of the stapes. panic membrane may be so great that the mem-
brane ruptures and drainage can be seen in the
Ménière’s disease. Characterized by deafness, ver- ear canal. The perforation or rupture will prob-
tigo, nausea, and tinnitus. Probable cause is edema ably heal, but a small scar on the membrane will
of the labyrinth. remain. Repeated ruptures from acute otitis
media will cause repeated scarring and dimin-
Impacted cerumen. Caused by accumulation of ished hearing function (conduction hearing loss).
hardened cerumen that has built up against the
tympanic membrane. Impaired hearing and
A culture and sensitivity of the drainage (purulent
tinnitus can result. or serous) will indicate the antibiotic to which the
microorganism is sensitive.
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 465
Figure 18-25 (A) The provider holds the tuning fork against the crown of the patient’s head to determine which
ear can hear the sound. (B) To check air conduction of sound, the provider holds the tuning fork 1 inch from the
patient’s auditory meatus. (C) The provider places the tuning fork on the bony prominence (mastoid bone) behind
the patient’s ear to check bone conduction of sound.
A myringotomy is a surgical incision into the tested in an alternating fashion to ensure accuracy
tympanic membrane made to remove accumulated (see Procedure 18-10 and Figure 18-26).
fluid caused by infection. Because the procedure is The medical assistant employed in an indus-
surgical in nature, the tympanic membrane can be trial medical facility may be required to monitor
incised to allow the fluid to drain. Scarring is mini- hearing of some employees. In this case, care must
mized because the incision is made with a scalpel be taken to have the hearing test performed before
in a controlled location and will heal with less scar- the employee goes to work for the day. Hearing loss
ring. Tubes may be placed in the opening (tympa- may result from the day’s activities in some noisy
nostomy) made by the myringotomy to equalize facilities even when ear plugs are worn.
pressure and prevent fluid from accumulating (see Tympanometry is a procedure used to
Chapter 15). ascertain the ability of the middle ear to trans-
Nerve deafness is a result of injury along the mit sound waves and is commonly performed on
course of the nerves leading from the inner ear to children to diagnose middle ear infections. A
the auditory centers of the brain.
A more complex procedure for measuring
hearing may be performed by the medical assistant
but more often by an audiologist, using an audiom-
eter. A quiet room with no distractions is required
for the procedure to be accurate. The patient is
seated facing away from the medical assistant and
the audiometer, then ear phones are placed over
the ears. The patient is instructed to raise a hand
when a sound is heard. The audiometer has two
dials, one for the various wavelengths and the other
for wave intensity. Starting at the lowest pitch, the
intensity is increased until the patient responds to
the sound. The next pitch is then tested in the same
manner. This process continues until the highest
pitched sound is tested. The results are obtained by
noting the number of intensity at which the sound
was heard. When performing the procedure, the
medical assistant must not develop a pattern that Figure 18-26 Manual audiometer. (Courtesy of
can be detected by the patient. The ears should be Welch-Allyn.)
466 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
The respiratory process is all important to the life
process. External respiration allows for the exchange
of carbon dioxide and oxygen across the cell walls
into the airspaces of the lungs. Internal respiration
is the exchange of these gases at the cellular levels
of the organs.
The respiratory process begins with air enter-
ing the nose or mouth, where it passes through the
pharynx, down into the trachea, into the bronchi,
and then enters the lungs. Gas exchange takes
place when the blood filters through the alveoli
(smallest air sacs in the lungs) (Figure 18-29).
Table 18-10 lists diagnostic procedures for respira-
tory diseases and disorders. Table 18-11 discribes
respiratory disorders.
Figure 18-27 A portable tympanometric instrument
with charger. A printout of the tympanogram can be Signs and Symptoms
seen. Testing is done in 1 second and is useful for diag-
nosing otitis media and other middle ear conditions, of Respiratory Conditions
such as patency of tympanostomy tubes and otosclero- and Disorders
sis. (Courtesy of Welch-Allyn.)
If a patient’s chief complaint indicates a respira-
tory condition or disorder, medical attention is
essential. Some signs and symptoms include:
• Dyspnea
• Chest pain
• Fatigue
• Hemoptysis
• Chills and fever
• Hoarseness
Figure 18-28 The otoscope is used to examine the • Wheezing
patient’s tympanic membrane. • Cough, productive or nonproductive
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 467
Air sucked in
Airways of respiratory tree
Air blown out
Internal respiration
Blood in (gas exchange between tissue cells
systemic capillaries and blood in systemic capillaries)
Blood flow
Irrigations of the nose, collection of sputum describe specialized respiratory examinations and
specimens, and assisting with pulmonary tests are procedures.
the roles of the medical assistant.
Diagnostic Tests The measurements of air flow, volume, and capac-
A fundamental test, auscultation of the chest, is ity are known as pulmonary function tests (PFTs).
used to check for abnormalities in breathing rate The patient’s height, age, and sex are used in the
and quality. Lung function tests can be done. Chest PFT. Many times the provider requests the PFT be
X-rays are useful in helping to diagnose tuberculo- perfomed before the administration of a broncho-
sis (Figure 18-30), lung lesions, pneumonia, and dilator and again after the bronchodilator. This is
other respiratory conditions. Cultures of sputum useful in evaluating the effectiveness of the medi-
can help diagnose infections in the respiratory cation (see Procedure 18-18).
tract. Bronchoscopy is used to take a sample of A commonly used tool in the medical office
lung tissues (biopsy) for help in the determination or clinic, spirometry (test to measure lung capac-
of lung cancer and for culture of lung abcesses, ity) assists the provider in the evaluation of signs
washing, and irrigation. A spiral CT scan produces and symptoms of pulmonary disease by measuring
a sharper image of the lungs than a conventional the air capacity (air flow and volume) of the lungs
CT scan. (Figure 18-31). Many components of lung func-
Arterial blood gases measure the amount of tions are measured including the following three
oxygen and carbon dioxide in the arterial blood. components:
Higher amounts of carbon dioxide and lower
amounts than normal of oxygen indicate poor 1. Forced virtual capacity (FVC), which represents
lung functions. the volume of air that can be exhaled from the
Pulmonary function tests such as spirom- lung after the lung is filled with air to meet its total
etry are helpful. Procedures 18-16 through 18-19 capacity
Table 18-10 Respiratory System Disorders
Laboratory/Diagnostic Tests
Complete blood Sputum analysis Chest radiograph Pulmonary func- Medication (bronchodilators)
count Peak expiratory tion tests Metered-dose inhaler
Arterial blood gases flow rate Skin testing for Treatment of hypersensitivity
Complete blood Sputum culture Chest radiograph Bronchoscopy Antibiotics if secondary bacte-
count and analysis rial infection occurs
drome (SARS) Serum antibodies of
Complete blood Sputum culture Chest radiograph Biopsy of lung Tuberculin skin Multiple anti-tuberculosis medi-
Tuberculosis count Acid fast smear Bronchoscopy tissue test: Mantoux cations
of sputum intradermal
470 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Acute or adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). A life-threatening condition that occurs when there is severe fluid
buildup and hemorrhage in the lungs. ARDS is breathing failure that can occur in critically ill patients with underlying
illnesses. There is a high mortality rate. Patients may be placed on isolation precautions (see Chapter 10).
Asthma. Inflammation and spasm of the smooth muscle of the bronchi brought on by an allergen or emotional upsets.
Characterized by dyspnea and wheezing.
Bronchitis. Inflammation of the bronchi, caused by viral or bacterial infection with a dry, painful cough, progressing to a
productive cough of greenish yellow sputum. Symptoms include cough, slight fever, chills, malaise, and soreness under
the sternum.
Emphysema. Enlargement of the alveoli due to lost elasticity, usually brought on by a long-time irritant, such as cigarette
smoking. Results in dyspnea, chronic cough, weight loss, and the appearance of a “barrel chest.”
Epistaxis. A nosebleed. May be caused by trauma, chronic sinus irritation, drug abuse (esp.“snorting” drugs), hypertension,
blood disorders, and high altitude.
Influenza. A viral infection of various strains of the upper respiratory tract. Sudden onset of chills, fever, cough, sore throat,
gastrointestinal disorders are common. Can range from mild to life-threatening.
Lung cancer. Cancer that may appear in trachea, air sacs, bronchi, and other lung tissues and cells.
Nasal polyp. A tumor of the nose that can bleed easily. Should be removed surgically.
Pharyngitis. Inflammation of the pharynx caused by a bacteria, virus, or an irritant. Difficulty in swallowing, pain, redness,
and inflammation of the pharynx are some of the symptoms. Streptococcus is the most common bacterial infection;
influenza virus and the common cold virus are the most common viral agents involved. May be accompanied by fever,
malaise, and headache.
Pleurisy. Inflammation of the pleura caused by bacteria or viruses. Symptoms include pain, fever, cough, chills, and
Pneumonia. Inflammation of the lungs caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and chemical irritants. Usually has sudden onset
and is characterized by chills, fever, chest pain, cough, and purulent sputum. Symptoms include sore throat, fever, and
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). An acute viral respiratory illness that begins with fever, headache, body aches,
general malaise, and diarrhea. There may be mild respiratory symptoms at the onset. Most patients will develop pneumo-
nia. The virus is spread by close person-to-person contact (i.e., kissing, hugging, sharing eating or drinking utensils, talking
to someone within 3 feet [respiratory droplets], and touching someone directly). The patient will be placed on isolation
precautions (see Chapter 10).
Sinusitis. Inflammation and infection of a sinus or sinuses. May be caused by allergies, bacteria, viruses, or polyps.
Tonsillitis. Inflammation of the tonsils usually caused by streptococcus.Tonsils become red and enlarged causing severe
pharyngitis and fever.
Tuberculosis. Inflammatory infiltrations, formation of tubercles, abscesses, fibrosis, and calcification. Can lead to infection
of other body systems. Is highly infectious. Airborne Precautions necessary to prevent transmission of the disease.
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 471
Patient Education
Instruct Patient on Use of Peak Flow Meter
1. Slide the indicator to the bottom of the
scale (may be done by the medical
2. Sit up straight or stand.
Figure 18-30 Tuberculosis. 3. Hold the peak flow meter upright.
4. Inhale as deeply as you possibly can.
5. Form a tight seal around the mouth-
piece with your lips.
6. Blow out as quickly and as hard as you
can to exhale all of the air out of your
7. The force of your exhalation will cause
the indicator to rise in the meter.
8. The medical assistant will have you use
the peak flow meter twice more and will
record the highest number.
NOTE: For accurate results, it is very impor-
tant to inhale and exhale as completely as
Figure 18-31 The spirometer is used to measure pul-
monary function.
The muscular and skeletal systems interact to coor-
dinate the supporting framework and movements
of the body. The musculoskeletal system includes
bones, joints, muscles, and surrounding tissue. The
Figure 18-32 Apply the sensor to the selected site—in skeletal system provides support; protects vital
this case, the finger. organs; and allows for the attachment of ligaments,
tendons, and muscles. The muscular system gives
the body form and shape and is responsible for the
coordination of movement.
Inhalers Bones of the skeletal system store minerals for
Inhalers are devices that are used to deliver medi- later use by the body. They are classified according
cation into the lungs and are most often used to to their shape. Bones provide for the attachment of
treat asthma. A number of different types of inhal- muscles and joining of another bone, which allows
ers are available: metered dose inhaler (MDI), for the passage of nerves and blood vessels. The skel-
metered dose inhaler with spacer (MDIS), dry etal system is divided into two parts: the appendicu-
powder inhaler (DPI), and nebulizer. lar skeleton (126 bones) and the axial skeleton (80
The MDIS is the preferred method. A tube bones).
that attaches to the inhaler and holds the medi- One of the top four reasons a patient visits a
cation until the patient can breathe it in is called provider is for back pain. During the visit, the pro-
the spacer. It makes the MDI easier to use and helps vider evaluates the patient for contributory factors
get the medication into the lungs better. A mask for the pain by assessing the patient for deformi-
can be attached to the spacer for children or for ties, asymmetry, and signs of restricted motion.
an individual who has difficulty inhaling correctly The provider performs a functional assessment
with a conventional spacer. However, an MDI can by observing the patient’s gait (manner of walk-
be used without a spacer. ing) for indications of decreased mobility and
Some medications for asthma are in the form postural changes associated with aging or injury.
of a powder and can be taken with a handheld Flexion tests with a goniometer detect the degree
device known as a DPI. This device delivers medica- of resistance applied to a given force, thus defin-
tion to the lungs when the patient inhales through ing restricted motion and the amount of discom-
the device. However, some patients cannot inhale fort associated with movement. Supine straight leg
through the device with sufficient force to breathe raising (SLR) tests detect the amount of hamstring
in the medication well. flexibility and can assess sciatic nerve damage.
A nebulizer is an apparatus that changes the There are more than 600 muscles in the body.
medication for asthma from a liquid form into a Muscles are composed of bundles of muscle fibers,
mist for ease of inhaling the medication into the each with the ability to contract and relax. Any dis-
lungs. Nebulizers work well for infants and young ease process that disrupts the balance between the
children and for any person who is unable to use muscular and skeletal systems severely hampers a
an MDIS. The different types of nebulizers all work person’s ability to move effectively and painlessly
in essentially the same way. The nebulizer hose is (Tables 18-12, 18-13, and 18-14).
connected to an air compressor. The medicine cup Diagnostic procedures involving the skeletal
is filled with the appropriate dose of liquid along system involve the extensive use of various forms of
with saline. If a single dose, the contents of the vial radiographs and visual examination techniques. A
the are squeezed into the medicine cup. The hose bone biopsy may be ordered when additional diag-
and mouthpiece are attached to the medicine cup. nostic data are required.
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 473
Laboratory/Diagnostic Tests
Disease/ Tests or
Disorder Blood Other Radiography Surgery Procedures Treatment
Uric acid Synovial fluid Skeletal x-rays Bed rest when severe
Complete analysis Ice to affected joint(s)
blood count Urinalysis Antiinflammatory
Gout Erythrocyte agents
sedimentation Analgesics
Antigout drugs
Laboratory/Diagnostic Tests
Disease/ Tests or
Disorder Blood Other Radiography Surgery Procedures Treatment
Muscular system diseases and disorders can ambulatory care setting. Table 18-15 lists types of
be treated by electromyostimulation (EMS). Elec- fractures (see Chapter 9).
trical current directly stimulates motor nerves. Types of casting materials used are the plaster
A low frequency charge of electricity is given to (the mainstay for casting), synthetic or plastic cast,
muscle(s) through electrodes placed on the skin and the air cast. Plaster casts are formed by wetting
to elicit muscle contraction. The therapy improves bandage rolls impregnated with calcium sulfate and
muscle strength and is used to help strengthen molding them to the injured body part. Synthetic casts
atrophied muscles caused by surgery or injuries. are formed by using tape embedded with a polyester/
EMS therapy can re-educate muscles that have cotton combination, fiberglass, or plastic resin. Air
become paralyzed. It can be used in sports training casts are a type of inflatable immobilizer and are used
to improve muscle strength. for sprains and postcast support. The type of casting
Therapeutic treatment of muscular system material used is dependent on provider preference
injuries caused by trauma is clinically handled by and the body part to which a cast is being applied.
the use of cold and hot therapy and physical ther- Synthetic casts are lighter, stronger, and more water
apy including ultrasound therapy. These proce- resistant, but they have less room for swelling.
dures are discussed in Chapter 21.
• Short arm cast (SAC): extends from the fingers to
just below the elbow (fracture or dislocation of
Fractures, Casting, and Cast wrist and forearm)
Removal • Long arm cast (LAC): extends from the fingers to
Closed fractures of the wrist, forearm, fingers, the axilla, with a bend at the elbow (fracture of the
lower legs, or upper arm are often treated in the upper arm)
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 475
Laboratory/Diagnostic Tests
Note: Physical therapy should be encouraged from the onset. Patient can prevent further damage. Provide patient education.
476 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Carpal tunnel syndrome. Causes pain and weakness of hand and fingers. May cause paresthesia of hand and fingers.
Caused by compression of the median nerve against the carpal bones. Usually results from repetitive tasks (such as using
computer keyboard or mouse or rolling hair).
Cleft palate. Congenital disorder caused by nonunion of the maxillary bones. Surgical repair needed to close palate.
Fractures. Break in a bone classified according to angle, usually caused by trauma or pathology.
Herniated disk. A rupture of the cushioning mass between two intervertebral disks of the spine most often caused by injury
or osteoarthritis. Causes back pain that may radiate into buttock(s) and down leg.
Osteoporosis. Diminished bone mass caused by lack of calcium deposits in the bone, predisposing patients to fracture.
Paget’s disease. Chronic disease marked by a high rate of bone destruction and irregular bone repair. The new bone frac-
tures easily. Cause unknown but may be hereditary.
Rickets. Abnormal bone softening caused by inadequate utilization of vitamin D, inadequate intake or loss of calcium. One
symptom is night fever (known as osteomalacia in adults).
Spinal curvatures. Spinal defects with exaggerated curves caused by diseases of the spine, faulty posture, or congenital
Scoliosis: right or left sideway curvature of the spine
Lordosis: inward curvature of the lower spine (swayback)
Kyphosis: outward curvature of the upper spine (hunchback)
Dislocation. A bone forcibly displaced from its joint usually caused by trauma.
Gout. Form of arthritis caused by metabolic disturbances in purine metabolism resulting in uric acid crystal deposits in the
joints. Causes periodic attacks of arthritis pain and joint inflammation.
Osteoarthritis. Common, chronic inflammatory process of the joints, with overgrowth of bone and spur formation. Accom-
panies aging. Causes swollen joints and pain.
Rheumatoid arthritis. More serious and crippling form caused by inflammation of the synovial tissues of several joints,
may be caused by antigen–antibody reaction. Systemic symptoms include fatigue, temperature elevation, sensory distur-
bances, pain, and joint deformities.
Muscle Disorders
Back pain. Localized discomfort usually in the lumbar area caused by stretching or straining of muscles.
Bursitis. Inflammation of the cavity found in connective tissue of a joint that is lined with synovial fluid usually caused
by trauma.
Fibromyagia. Discomfort of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and soft tissues brought on by trauma, strain, and emotional stress.
Table 18-15 Types of Fractures • Long and short leg casts: extend from the thigh to
the toes (LLC) or from below the knee to the toes
Fractures can be simple, or closed, so called because (SLC) and usually include a walking heel
the bone is broken with no penetration of the skin; or
they can be compound, or open, so called because the The medical assistant’s role in cast applica-
broken bone has protruded through the skin and there tion and removal consists of setting up supplies
is an open wound in addition to the fracture. and assisting the provider. Patient teaching of cast
care is also a primary function of the medical assis-
Two of the most common fractures are both simple frac- tant. Procedures 18-20 and 18-21 outline steps in
tures: Colles fracture and Potts fracture. Colles fracture
applying a plaster cast and assisting in cast removal
is a fracture of the lower end of the radius. Potts fracture
is a fracture of the lower part of the fibula and the mal- (Figures 18-33, 18-34, and 18-35).
leolus of the tibia.
Figure 18-33 Ask the patient if she can feel you touch- Figure 18-35 Cast cutter, cast splitter, and bandage
ing the extremities distal to the immobilized area. scissors.
478 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Patient Education
Cast Care Guidelines when bathing. If the cast gets wet, dry it
The medical assistant should instruct the patient with a hair dryer.
on managing and caring for a cast. • Cleaning a cast can be accomplished by
• Allow the casting material to dry by expos- using a damp cloth.
ing it to the air and keeping it uncovered, • When decorating a cast, use only water-
even during the night. Applying pressure to soluble paints or marking pens. This allows
the cast before drying can result in tissue the cast to breathe, thus preventing tissue
damage under the pressure area. damage.
• Elevate the casted extremity to aid in reduc- • Do not cut or trim the cast. Use masking
ing swelling and pain. This allows for a bet- tape if there is a sharp edge, or use a nail
ter fitting cast, and thus less discomfort. file to smooth a rough edge.
• Observe the fingers or toes for changes • Notify the provider if any of the following
in color; temperature changes; and occurs:
decreased sensation, pain, or tingling. This 1. A bad odor coming from the cast. This
is called nerve and circulation assessment may indicate an infection.
and could indicate the cast is too tight.
2. Numbness, tingling, severe pain, difficulty
• Do not place objects into the cast to
moving, severe swelling, or cold fingers or
scratch irritated skin. A break in the skin will
toes. The cast may be too tight.
provide a breeding ground for bacteria. Do
not use powder or creams. 3. A burning sensation over a bony area.
The cast may be too tight.
• Do not get the cast wet. This could lead to
malformation of the cast, resulting in mis- 4. Bleeding or pink to red discoloration on
alignment of the extremity and breakdown the cast. There may be bleeding from a
of the skin. Cover with waterproof covering wound under the cast.
Laboratory/Diagnostic Tests
Disease/ Tests or
Disorder Blood Other Radiography Surgery Procedures Treatment
CT Electroenceph- Antiepilepsy
Epilepsy alography medication
Laboratory/Diagnostic Tests
Disease/ Tests or
Disorder Blood Other Radiography Surgery Procedures Treatment
Biopsy of Analgesics
Tic doulou- trigeminal
reux Surgery to dissect the
nerve trigeminal nerve
• Bell’s palsy. Paralysis of seventh cranial nerve caused by an acute inflammation. Usually characterized by unilateral
facial paralysis and pain, but it can be bilateral.
• Cerebral vascular accident (CVA). Loss of blood supply to the brain (anoxia). May be caused by a ruptured or
clogged blood vessel or clot in the brain. Symptoms include sudden loss of consciousness and paralysis. Also referred
to as a stroke.
• Epilepsy. Episodes of seizures caused by changes in electrical brain potentials that result in disturbed brain impulses
or function.
• Headache. Diffuse pain in different parts of the head. May be acute or chronic with varying degree of pain and may
be caused by a variety of reasons.
• Herpes zoster. An acute infectious viral disease caused by varicella-zoster virus. Painful vesicular eruptions. Known as
• Meningitis. Inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord or brain. Symptoms include a stiff neck, headache,
anorexia, and irregular fever. Caused by either a bacterium or a virus.
• Multiple sclerosis. Chronic progressive disease characterized by demyelination (destruction of nerve covering) of
nerve fibers. The cause is unknown. First symptoms are visual disturbances and muscle weakness.
• Parkinson’s disease. A slowly progressive disease, usually occurring in later life, caused by a degeneration of brain
cells due to lack of dopamine in the brain. Muscle rigidity and akinesia are common symptoms.
• Rabies. Caused by a virus and transmitted to humans by scratches or bites from animals infected with the virus. The
disease infects the brain and spinal cord and causes acute encephalitis. It can be fatal.
• Reye’s syndrome. A neurologic illness usually seen in young children after a viral infection such as influenza, varicella,
Epstein–Barr. There may be a connection between the viral infection and aspirin. Cause is unknown, but characteristic
symptoms include vomiting, rash, lethargy and neurologic involvement, seizures, and coma.
• Sciatica. Severe pain in the leg along the course of the sciatic nerve felt at the back of the thigh and running down
the inside of the leg. Caused by compression of the nerve by a ruptured intervertebral disk or osteoarthritis. Character-
ized by sharp, shooting pain running down back of thigh. Leg movement aggravates the pain.
• Tic douloureux. Degeneration of or pressure on the trigeminal nerve (fifth cranial) causing severe stabs of pain that
radiate from the angle of the jaw along one of the branches. Pain may be felt in the eye, lip, nose, tongue. Pain may
come and go for hours.
• West Nile virus. A potentially serious illness that affects the central nervous system. Symptoms may include headache,
stupor, disorientation, tremors, convulsions, and coma. Spread by bite of infected mosquitoes.
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 481
Laboratory/Diagnostic Tests
Laboratory/Diagnostic Tests
circulatory system disorders and diagnostic proce- Lymph is important because of its filtering
dures. Table 18-19 describes disorders of the circu- properties. The body’s immune system relies heav-
latory sysem. ily on the fact that the lymph passes through the
The variety of diagnostic procedures used to lymph glands and bacteria and other substances
determine the patient’s diagnosis are necessary are filtered out. Table 18-20 describes diseases and
because of the complexity of the cardiovascular disorders diagnostic procedures for the blood and
system. The medical assistant assists with and per- lymphatic system; Table 18-21 describes certain
forms some of the procedures used for clinical blood and lymph system disorders.
diagnosis. Electrocardiography (ECG) is explained Common laboratory and diagnostic proce-
in Chapter 25. dures requested by the provider include some of
the following:
BLOOD AND LYMPH SYSTEM • Complete blood count (CBC). A routine test that
includes a hemoglobin, hematocrit, and red and
The blood and lymph are excellent indicators of white blood cell count.
many underlying diseases. As blood circulates • Differential. Distinguishes among the various types
through body tissues and organs, it deposits nutri- of white blood cells.
ents and removes wastes. Failure to accomplish
this leaves the body in a disease state. Blood cells • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) (sedimentation
include erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets, and rate). Done to time the speed of red blood cells
each has its own function. Studying the results of settling to the bottom of a test tube.
laboratory findings assists the provider in making • Platelet count. The number of platelets in a blood
a diagnosis. specimen.
484 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
• Angina pectoris. Chest pain caused by lack of oxygen to the myocardium. Usual cause is coronary arteriosclerosis.
• Congestive heart failure. A syndrome characterized by the heart’s inability to pump blood adequately to the body tissues.
Characterized by congestion in the lungs, or edema of lower extremities, dyspnea on exertion, cough, and related edema.
• Coronary artery disease. Arteriosclerosis of the coronary arteries leading to impaired blood flow to the myocardium.
Complete occlusion leads to myocardial infarction. May also be caused by thrombus in a coronary artery. Angina pec-
toris is the name of the chest pain that occurs due to lack of oxygen to the myocardium.
• Mitral valve stenosis. Narrowing of mitral valve obstructing flow from atrium to ventricle. Usual cause is a rheumatic heart
disease as a result of a streptococcal infection (throat or scarlet fever). Thrombi can form. Atrial fibrillation possible.
• Myocardial infarction. Death of myocardial tissue caused by anoxia to the myocardium. Symptoms include dyspnea,
chest pain, nausea, vomiting, and diaphoresis.
• Pericarditis. Inflammation of the pericardium. Caused by tuberculosis, pyogenic organisms, uremia, and myocardial
infarction. Characterized by fever, dry cough, dyspnea, and palpitations.
• Rheumatic fever. A systemic disease affecting the heart, joints, and central nervous system after a group A beta-
hemolytic streptococcal infection. May occur without symptoms. Symptoms include fever, migratory joint pain,
pericarditis, and heart murmur.
• Thrombophlebitis. An inflammation of a vein with thrombus formation, may be caused by trauma. Symptoms include
pain and swelling in affected vein.
• Varicose veins. Enlarged, twisted, and engorged veins, commonly occurring in the saphenous veins but may occur in
any vein in the body. Caused by conditions that hamper venous return, such as pregnancy, standing for long periods of
time, and obesity. Symptoms include pain in feet and ankles, swelling, and leg ulcers.
• Liver function studies. Measure coagulation factors, • Epidermis is the outer layer of the skin that is com-
prothrombin, and fibrinogen necessary for blood posed of squamous epithelium and produces kera-
coagulation. tin and the pigment melanin.
• Schilling test. Radioactive vitamins B12 and intrinsic • Dermis is the inner layer of the skin made up of con-
factor measured in 24-hour urine specimen. nective tissue and contains blood vessels, nerve end-
ings, and glands. Provides strength and elasticity.
Procedures to collect blood specimens and
• Subcutaneous connective tissue (hypodermis) is
venipuncture are explained in Chapter 28; hema-
the layer on which the skin and muscles lie and
tology is discussed in Chapter 29.
consists of elastic and fibrous connective tissue and
adipose tissue. Guards against heat loss and pro-
vides insulation.
Skin disorders frequently produce a lesion
The integumentary system consists of the skin (injury or wound) unique to a specific skin dis-
and its associated structures, such as hair, nails, ease, thus allowing for the diagnosis to be based
nerve endings, and the sebaceous (oil) and on the appearance of the lesion, the patient’s his-
sudoriferous (sweat) glands. This system pro- tory, allergies, emotional well-being, and inher-
vides protection for the body against invasion ited diseases. If the lesion appears suspicious, the
of microorganisms and trauma and helps regu- provider may perform a biopsy for tissue analysis.
late body temperature. Nerve endings sense This procedure aids in the diagnosis and treat-
pressure, touch, and pain. Structurally, the skin ment of specific skin disorders. Table 18-22 lists
consists of two layers (Figure 18-37), which func- integumentary system diseases and diagnostic
tion differently from one another to perform procedures. Table 18-23 describes skin disorders
specific activities. of the integumentary system.
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 485
Laboratory/Diagnostic Tests
Lymphangiog- Antibiotics
Lymph- raphy Surgery
edema Lymphedema
Anemias. All anemias are manifested by a reduction in circulating red blood cells and the amount of hemoglobin, which is
the volume of packed red blood cells per 100 mL blood. Symptoms include pallor of the skin, nailbeds, and mucous mem-
branes; weakness; vertigo; headache; drowsiness; and general malaise.
• Iron deficiency. Lack of reserve iron in the body and in red blood cells that lack hemoglobin resulting from inadequate
dietary intake of iron, iron malabsorption (poor absorption of nutrients), blood loss, or pregnancy.
• Pernicious anemia. Lack of intrinsic factor in the stomach secretions (hydrochloric acid). Vitamin B12 cannot be absorbed.
Red cells cannot develop properly.
• Sickle cell anemia. A hereditary chronic anemia characterized by abnormal red blood cells causing lysis of the cells and
the formation of clumps in the blood vessels, impairing circulation. Not curable.
Hodgkin’s disease. An idiopathic malignancy of the lymphatic system causing enlargement of lymphatic tissue, spleen, and
liver. Symptoms include fever and night sweats. Often curable.
Leukemia. Overproduction of abnormal and immature white blood cells. Cause is unknown. Symptoms include anemia,
fatigue, fever, and joint pain.
Lymphedema. Abnormal accumulation of lymph in the extremities caused by obstruction of the lymphatics. Symptoms
include edema in arms or legs.
486 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Sweat pore
Hair shaft
Sensory nerve
ending for touch
Arrector pili muscle
Diagnostic procedures involving the skin There can be a broad range of inflammatory
range from the simple to the complex. Simple responses to allergens. Some responses include
observations such as skin color, texture, size and urticaria (hives), swelling at the injection site, pruri-
shape of a lesion, and patient history can lead tus (itchiness), and redness. A response or reaction
to a quick diagnosis. Confirmatory procedures can be immediate, life-threatening, and systemic in
such as clinical studies of urine and blood, cul- nature. The allergen reaches the circulatory system
ture of a purulent lesion, radiographs, and biop- triggering a massive release of substances (hista-
sies of the affected tissues can further delineate mine) that can produce severe airway obstruction,
the disease. vasodilation, hypotension, laryngeal edema, and
The clinical procedures for the skin most shock (anaphylactic). See Chapter 9.
commonly performed by the medical assistant
are obtaining wound cultures, applying a ster- Three Kinds of Skin Tests. The scratch test, the
ile dressings to the wound site, and allergy skin patch test, and intradermal test are the three
testing. skin test procedures the provider can perform on
patients to evaluate for allergies. Together with the
patient’s medical history, laboratory values, physi-
Allergy Skin Testing cal exam, and the skin test results, the provider
Medical assistants often perform allergy skin test- compiles the data to determine the substances to
ing. When performing allergy skin tests, severe which the patient is allergic (Figure 18-38).
allergic reaction is a distinct possibility. Emer-
gency treatment must be available immediately Scratch Test. The back and arms are used for
and consists of the following: (1) notify provider the scratch test. The skin surface is numbered in
immediately; (2) have patient lie down; (3) have rows approximately two inches apart so that they
epinephrine, benadryl, and corticosteroid injec- can be identified. A small scratch is made on the
tions ready to be administered; and (4) check surface of the skin and the allergen (a substance
patient’s vital signs. that causes allergy) is placed on the scratch. As
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 487
Laboratory/Diagnostic Tests
Disease/ Radio- Tests or
Disorder Blood Other graphy Surgery Procedures Treatment
Culture of Antibiotics
Acne skin lesions Steroids
many as 50 allergens can be used at one time an allergy-free fluid. The provider reads the
(Figure 18-39). A reaction to the allergen usually results, which are graded on a scale from 2 to 4.
occurs within a half-hour. If the patient is allergic A number 2 reaction indicates a wheal larger than
to a substance, a wheal (a hive) will develop at the the control scratch reaction (which is minimal).
scratch site. The site is compared with a scratch A number 3 is given to a larger reaction, and a
test with no allergens introduced into it, but just 4 is given to a reaction in which the wheal extends
488 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Abscess. Furuncle “Boil.” Acute circumscribed infection of the subcutaneous tissues and surrounding tissues caused by
staphylococci. Carbuncle. A circumscribed inflammation and infection of the skin and deeper tissues accompanied by
fever, leukocytosis, and sometimes prostration. Caused by staphylococcus and common in patients with diabetes.
Acne. Chronic inflammatory disease caused by blocked sebaceous glands, characterized by comedones (blackheads),
papules, and pustules.
Corn and callus. Thickening and hyperplasia of the stratum corneum (outermost skin layer) caused by pressure or friction to
the affected area.
Dermatophytosis. A highly contagious infectious fungus infection of the skin. Common on hands and feet. When feet are
infected, it is known as athlete’s foot or tinea pedis.
Herpes zoster. An acute infectious disease caused by varicella-zoster virus. Characterized by inflammation of the ganglia of
the spinal or cranial nerves. Painful, vesicular eruptions occur along the course of the nerves.
Impetigo. Contagious small pustules caused by a staphylococci or streptococci or a combination of both and spread by
direct contact.
Melanoma. A malignant pigmented mole. Virulent and invasive. Can be caused by ultraviolet light exposure.
Psoriasis. Chronic, genetically determined dermatitis, characterized by flat, reddened areas with silvery scales.
Scleroderma. Progressive thickening of the skin involving collagen tissue. Systemic involvement occurs. Cause is unknown.
Skin cancer. Malignant lesions on the skin surface caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays.
Patient Education
beyond the usual circumscribed area of the injec-
tion. The allergen extract should be wiped away Teach patients that the following may be warn-
from the scratch area that is exhibiting a number 4 ings of skin cancer (melanoma, basal cell, and
reaction (see Chapter 10). squamous cell carcinoma):
1. Change in size, shape, or color of mole or
Patch Test. The suspected allergen is placed on wart
the skin and is covered with a square of cellophane 2. Scaliness
and held in place by tape. As many as 25 tests can
be done at one time and results are read in 24 to 3. Oozing or bleeding
96 hours (Figure 18-40). 4. Pain
Teach patients to avoid exposure to the sun and
Intradermal Test. A small dose (0.1 mL) of an to use a high number sunscreen even during
allergen is injected intradermally into the forearm. winter months and overcast days. Early detec-
Ten to fifteen tests can be done simultaneously on tion is necessary for successful treatment. Treat-
each arm, and the patient can experience a severe ment is by surgical excision or electrosurgery
reaction more quickly. This test is always done on (see Chapter 19).
the patient’s forearm.
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 489
Patient Assessment
Procedures, Diagnoses & Treatment Plans
Referrals & Follow-up Appointments
Orders for Tests
Patient Medical History
Adhesive patch
Test Results Cellophane
Schedules and Tickler Files
Patient Medical History Linen or blotting
Medication Administration paper patch
Patient Education
Graphical Patient Data Displays
Single patch
Anaphylaxis is life-threatening and can be fatal if is attached to the patient’s waist. The patient swal-
emergency measures are not taken immediately. lows a pill about 1 inch long and ½ inch wide that
Urticaria (hives), anxiety, weakness, pruritus, and has a camera within it. The camera takes up to
dyspnea are signs and symptoms of impending 57,000 color images (two photos per second) of the
anaphylaxis. small intestine while the patient goes about normal
activities. The camera “sees” areas overlooked by
Medical Assistant Responsibilities. Common conventional endoscopy and small bowel X-rays. It
procedures with which the medical assistant photographs all 25 to 30 feet of the small intestines
can assist the provider are the cutaneous punch for evaluation of the patient’s unexplained rectal
biopsy and wart and mole removal. The prime bleeding, intermittent abdominal pain, and diar-
responsibilities of the medical assistant are to fol- rhea. It can help diagnose polyps, cancer, Crohn’s
low the principles of surgical aseptic technique, disease, and other disorders and diseases. The
infection control, and standard precautions; PillCam does not view the colon. The patient
provide the required supplies as needed; safely returns after 8 hours and drops off the equipment
handle and transport the biopsy specimen; and and the data receiver.
document in the patient record that the biopsy The data from the recorder are downloaded
was sent to the laboratory. onto a computer, and the photos are compressed
The electronic medical record maintains into a video. The provider views the photographed
E HR patient history, including a list of aller- images on a monitor.
gies, test results, and the times, amount, The FDA approved the capsule endoscopy
and serum extract given. (PillCam) in 2001. The FDA said the PillCam is
safe and has few side effects. The patient excretes
Endoscopic Procedures. An endoscope is an the camera in a bowel movement. A PillCam Colon
instrument or device that is used to observe the is being used in Europe but has not been approved
inside of a hollow organ or cavity (to view within). for use in the United States. A PillCam ESO, which
Using an endoscope, procedures can be done on was approved by the FDA in 2004, is used to look
many internal organs without surgical interven- for abnormalities in the esophagus.
tion. These are known as fiberoptic endoscopic Another type of colonoscopy is known as vir-
procedures or endoscopy, and they can be per- tual colonoscopy. It requires the same preparation
formed through a natural body opening or a small as a conventional colonoscopy and can be used for
incision. A light source (fiberoptics) at the end patients who want a procedure they consider to be
of the endoscope permits the provider to observe quicker and less painful.
within the body cavity for disorders such as polyps, The patient lies on the CT table, first on the
tumors, cysts, stenoses, calculi, and malignancies. back and then on the abdomen. A probe is inserted
Biopsies and cultures can be taken during the through the rectum into the colon. The probe
procedure. Small lesions, such as polyps, can be inflates the colon with air. Computerized tomogra-
totally removed during endoscopy. Photos can be phy and X-rays take three-dimensional pictures of
taken for documentation also. the colon and software provides the radiographer
An endoscopic procedure known as capsule with images on a monitor.
video endoscopy (CVE), wireless capsule endos- According to some gastroenterologists, vir-
copy (WCE), or PillCam (all three are the same tual colonoscopy is not as good as a conventional
type of endoscopy) can be performed. The patient colonoscopy because of the lower quality of images
must fast for 10 hours before the procedure and of the colon.
needs a bowel preparation similar to a colonos- The medical assistant must be certain that the
copy preparation. When the patient arrives at patient has signed a consent form before the pro-
7:30 am at the gastroenterology clinic, sensor-like cedure and that the patient has followed the pre-
wires are attached to the abdominal wall (they paratory instructions. Table 18-24 lists endoscopic
look similar to electrocardiogram sensors) and procedures, their importance in diagnosis, and
an 8-hour battery-operated data recording device patient preparation.
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 491
Bronchoscopy (examines bronchial Detects lesions, obstructions, malignancies. NPO for 12 hours before examination
tree) Can take cultures and biopsies.
Detects polyps, tumors, bleeding, malig- Clear liquids for 2 days before
nancies. NPO after 10:00 PM
Colonoscopy (views entire colon)
Can take biopsies, remove polyps, take Night before bowel preparation:
photos, take cultures. laxatives and enemas
Colposcopy (examines the cervix and Biopsy lesions for abnormal cells. No dietary restrictions
vagina after an abnormal Pap test) Empty bladder
Cystoscopy (examines the urethra Identify lesions in the bladder, urethra; No dietary restrictions
and bladder) enlarged prostate gland. Biopsy
Endoscopic retrograde cholangio- Helps diagnose problems in the liver, gall NPO after 10:00 PM
pancreatography (ERCP) (examines bladder, bile ducts, and pancreas, such as
the liver, gall bladder, bile ducts, and cholelithiasis, stenoses, and malignancies
pancreas) of these organs and structures.
Procedure 18-1
Urinary Catheterization of a Female Patient
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 10. Ask patient to keep knees apart. RATIONALE:
This position provides good visualization of the
urinary meatus.
11. Apply sterile gloves.
PURPOSE: 12. Pour Betadine over three cotton balls in appro-
To obtain a sterile urine specimen for analysis or to priate compartment of the kit or open Betadine
relieve urinary retention. swabs.
13. Open urine specimen container.
Catheter kit (commercially available) containing: 14. Apply sterile lubricant to a gauze sponge and
Sterile gloves place tip of catheter in lubricant.
Betadine® solution or swabs 15. Instruct patient to breathe slowly and deeply
Lubricant during procedure. RATIONALE: This helps the
Sterile fenestrated drape patient relax the abdominal and pelvic muscles
Sterile cotton balls and facilitates easier insertion of the catheter.
Sterile urine container with label
16. Spread labia with nondominant hand. Domi-
Sterile 2 ⫻ 2 gauze sponges
nant hand remains sterile. With dominant hand
Forceps (sterile)
and sterile forceps, wipe genitalia with each of
Sterile absorbent plastic pad
the three antiseptic soaked cotton balls, with a
Additional items needed:
front to back motion. First, wipe the right labia
Sterile catheter (size and type as ordered by provider)
using front to back motion. Discard cotton ball
Biohazard waste container
into waxed paper bag that is placed away from
Laboratory requisition form
sterile area. Second, wipe the left labia repeating
Waxed paper bag
procedure, and last, wipe down the center, dis-
PROCEDURE STEPS: carding cotton ball after each wipe. Discard for-
1. Identify the patient and explain the procedure. ceps. Continue to hold labia apart until catheter
is inserted. RATIONALE: Holding labia open
2. Wash hands and assemble supplies.
will keep urinary meatus from becoming con-
3. Place unopened catheter kit on Mayo stand near taminated from labia while inserting catheter.
the patient.
17. Place sterile catheter tray between the patient’s
4. Provide good lighting. legs, touching only the sterile surfaces of tray.
5. Have patient disrobe below the waist; provide a 18. Using sterile gloved hand, pick up catheter and
drape. hold it about 3 to 4 inches from lubricated end.
6. Position patient into a dorsal lithotomy position The other end of the catheter should go into the
on an examination table. RATIONALE: This sterile catheter tray.
allows for access to the urinary meatus. 19. Gently insert lubricated tip of catheter into uri-
7. Drape patient with sheet exposing only external nary meatus approximately 6 inches or until
genitalia. urine begins to flow.
8. Open outer wrapping of sterile kit. This becomes 20. Interrupt urine flow by clamping or pinching
a sterile field. off. RATIONALE: Stop flow of urine while speci-
men container is positioned.
9. Place sterile absorbent plastic pad under
patient’s buttocks. Touching only the corners, 21. Position end of catheter into urine specimen
empty contents of tray onto sterile field. Drape container.
perineal area with fenestrated drape. Add sterile 22. If analysis is needed, wait until catheterization is
catheter to field. complete and pour urine into sterile container.
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 493
23. Collect specimen by releasing clamp and collect- requisition form. Place in biohazard transporta-
ing approximately 60 mL urine. tion bag.
24. Allow remaining urine to flow into basin until 34. Assist patient from examination table.
flow ceases. Pinch catheter closed. 35. Remove gloves. Wash hands.
25. Remove catheter gently and slowly. 36. Don gloves.
26. Dry area with remaining cotton balls. 37. Clean room and table. Remove gloves and dis-
27. Tighten lid on the urine specimen container. card in biohazard waste container.
28. Remove procedure items. 38. Wash hands.
29. Position patient for comfort. 39. Document procedure in patient’s chart or elec-
30. Assist patient in sitting up or relaxing in a hori- tronic medical record, noting the amount of
zontal recumbent position. Offer tissues and sink urine collected. Document that specimen was
for hand cleansing. sent to outside laboratory (if appropriate).
31. Help patient to sit on edge of table. Check DOCUMENTATION
patient’s color and pulse. 9/07/20XX 10:15 AM Catheterized with straight catheter
32. Discard disposable items per Occupational Safety to relieve urinary retention and to obtain specimen for uri-
and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines. nalysis. 700 mL clear urine obtained. Urine specimen sent to
33. If collecting specimen for analysis, label specimen
laboratory with requisition for urinalysis. W. Slawson, CMA
container and attach to completed laboratory
(AAMA) ______________________________________
Procedure 18-2
Urinary Catheterization of a Male Patient
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: Additional items needed:
Sterile catheter (size and type as ordered by provider)
Biohazard waste container
Laboratory requisition form
Waxed paper bag
To obtain a sterile urine specimen for analysis or to PROCEDURE STEPS:
relieve urinary retention. 1. Identify the patient and explain the procedure.
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: 2. Instruct patient to breathe slowly and deeply
Catheter kit (commercially available) containing: during procedure. RATIONALE: This helps the
Sterile gloves patient relax the abdominal and pelvic muscles
Fenestrated drape (sterile) and facilitates easier insertion of the catheter.
Betadine solution, or Betadine swabs 3. Wash hands and assemble supplies.
Lubricant 4. Place unopened catheter kit on Mayo stand near
Sterile cotton balls the patient.
Sterile urine container with label
Sterile 2 ⫻ 2 gauze sponges 5. Provide good lighting.
Forceps 6. Have patient disrobe below the waist; provide a
Sterile absorbent plastic pad drape. Cover from umbilical area to pubic hairline.
494 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Figure 18-41 (A) First, have patient bend knees and separate legs. Then, place sterile underpad between patient’s
legs. (B) Open fenestrated drape. Be careful not to contaminate sterile underpad or drape. Place over penis.
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 495
Figure 18-43 (A) With the dominant hand, take catheter out of lubricant. With the nondominant hand, hold
the head of the penis so that the penis is in an upright, straight position. Insert the catheter about 6 inches until
urine flows into the sterile kit. (B) Obtain a specimen if ordered.
15. With the dominant hand, take catheter out of 21. Assist patient from examination table.
lubricant; while holding the head of the penis 22. Remove gloves and wash hands.
upright and straight with the nondominant hand,
insert the catheter approximately 6 inches until 23. Don gloves.
the urine flows into the sterile kit (Figure 18-43). 24. Clean room and table. Remove gloves and dis-
RATIONALE: Holding the penis by the head so card in biohazard waste container.
that the penis will be upright and straight facili- 25. Wash hands.
tates insertion of the catheter. CAUTION: Do
26. Document procedure in patient’s chart or elec-
not force catheter. If problems arise attempting
tronic medical record, noting the amount of
insertion, do not continue with procedure. Notify
urine collected. Document that specimen was
sent to outside laboratory (if appropriate) with a
16. After urine flow ceases, remove catheter gently completed laboratory requistion.
and slowly.
17. Dry penis with remaining cotton ball(s). DOCUMENTATION
9/07/20XX 10:15 AM Catheterized with straight catheter
18. Position patient for comfort. to relieve urinary retention. 700 mL clear urine obtained.
19. Discard disposable items per OSHA guidelines. W. Slawson, CMA (AAMA) _________________________
20. If collecting specimen for analysis, pour urine
from sterile kit into sterile urine container.
496 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Procedure 18-3
Fecal Occult Blood Test
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: b. Place date on front flap, then open it.
c. Use one end of the wooden applicator to
apply a thin smear of the stool sample from
the toilet to Box “A.” NOTE: Do not collect dur-
PURPOSE: ing menstrual cycle or if hemorrhoids are present.
To test feces for occult blood. d. Repeat the procedure using the other end of
the applicator, taking a specimen from a dif-
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: ferent section of the same stool and applying
Three occult slide test kits containing three slides, a thin smear to Box “B.” RATIONALE: Occult
applicators, and envelope blood may be distributed differently through-
out a bowel movement.
1. Check expiration dates on occult slides. RATIO- e. Dispose of the applicator in a waste container.
NALE: Outdated slides can give an inaccurate f. Close the cover after air drying overnight.
g. Repeat the process with the next two bowel
2. Identify the patient. movements, on subsequent days.
3. Fill out all information on the front flap of all 5. Provide the patient with an envelope to return
three slides (Figure 18-44). the slides to the provider’s office. Review with
4. Explain the stool collection process; the patient patient instructions on diet and medication
will need to: (Figure 18-45). Caution patient not to mail slides
to the office. RATIONALE: Slides are considered
a. Keep slides at room temperature, away from
biohazardous material.
sunlight. RATIONALE: Sunlight destroys ef-
fectiveness of guaiac paper and could result 6. Record that the test kit and instructions were
in an inaccurate result. given to patient.
Figure 18-44 The medical assistant writes the Figure 18-45 The medical assistant explains the
patient’s name, the date, and the specimen number process to the patient.
on each occult slide.
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 497
Prepared fecal slides from patient
Good lighting
Occult blood developer
Reference card that accompanies kit
Biohazard waste container
Figure 18-46 The medical assistant places
PROCEDURE STEPS: developing solution on the slides.
1. Wash hands and check the expiration date on
the developer.
9. Remove gloves and dispose in biohazard waste
2. Apply gloves and lay a surface protector (paper
10. Wash hands.
3. Open the window flap on the back of the slide.
11. Document results in patient’s chart or electronic
4. Apply two drops of the developer to each Box “A”
medical record.
and “B,” directly over each smear (Figure 18-46).
RATIONALE: Paper contains the chemical guaiac,
which will help identify occult blood.
1/14/20XX 2:00 PM Given 3 occult slides, 3 wooden appli-
5. Interpret the results within 30 to 60 seconds or per cators, and an envelope with instructions. Instructed patient
manufacturer’s instructions. Record the results. on dietary restrictions, collection of the stool specimens, and
6. A positive reaction consists of a blue halo appear- need to keep the slides at room temperature, away from sun-
ing around the perimeter of the specimen. Any light. Patient instructed to bring specimens to office. J. Guerro,
blue color is positive. CMA (AAMA) __________________________________
7. Perform the quality-control procedure by pro-
cessing the positive and negative monitor strip on 5/12/20XX 3:00 PM Three hemoccult slides returned.
each slide to confirm the test system is functional. Results: all three slides negative. Reported to Dr. Woo.
RATIONALE: Failure of the positive strip to turn Dr. Woo wants patient notified of results and to remind
blue or of the negative strip to remain neutral patient to make an appointment with her gastroenterolo-
indicates faulty supplies. Recheck expiration dates gist for a colonoscopy. Spoke to patient. Understands slides
on slide and developer. Repeat test if necessary. were negative for hidden blood in the stool. She will make
an appointment for a colonoscopy. W. Slawson, CMA
8. Dispose of all supplies according to OSHA (AAMA) ______________________________________
498 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Procedure 18-4
Performing Visual Acuity Testing Using a Snellen Chart
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: the left eye open under the occluder and not
to apply pressure to the eyeball. RATIONALE:
Closing of the eye not being tested may cause
the person to squint when reading the chart.
PURPOSE: 5. Stand next to the chart, point to row 3, and
To perform a visual screening test to determine a instruct the patient to read each letter with the
patient’s distance visual acuity. left eye, verbally identifying each letter read
(Figure 18-48). If unable to read line 3, go to
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: line 2 or 1. RATIONALE: Pointing to each row
Snellen eye chart placed at eye level (appropriate for helps the patient to focus on one row of letters
age and reading ability of patient) at a time. Beginning at row 3 saves time.
Pointer 6. Record the results at the smallest line the patient
Occluder can read with two or fewer errors. Vision is
Alcohol wipes recorded as right eye, left eye, both eyes.
PROCEDURE STEPS: Examples: Right eye 20/25; Left eye
1. Wash hands and assemble equipment. 20/20; Both eyes 20/20
2. Prepare a well-lit room, free from distractions
and with a distance mark 20 feet from the eye
chart. Be certain there is no glare on the chart.
3. Explain the procedure to the patient. Patients
should be tested with their glasses or contact
lenses, unless otherwise indicated by the provider.
4. Instruct the patient to stand behind the mark
and cover the right eye with the occluder
(Figure 18-47). Instruct the patient to keep
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 499
RATIONALE: Visual acuity is recorded as a frac- 8. When finished with the examination of the left
tion. The number above the line on the chart eye, use the same procedure to test the right eye.
is the distance the patient is standing from the 9. Disinfect occluder. Wash hands. Record the
chart. The number below the line on the chart results in patient’s chart or electronic medical
is the distance from which a person with normal record.
vision can read that row of letters.
7. Record the patient’s reaction during the test. DOCUMENTATION
RATIONALE: Leaning forward, squinting or 4/14/20XX 1:15 PM Visual acuity checked using Snellen
straining, or tearing from the eye may indicate chart. Results: right 20/30; left 20/20; both 20/20. B. Abbott,
eye problems. RMA _________________________________________
Procedure 18-5
Measuring Near Visual Acuity
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 7. Have patient read the paragraphs printed on the
8. Once patient has reached a line where more
than two mistakes are made, note the visual acu-
PURPOSE: ity for that eye (allow the patient to repeat the
To measure the near vision of the patient. line to verify acuity).
9. Repeat the process to measure the left eye.
10. Repeat the process to measure both eyes.
Appropriate near visual acuity chart (Jaegar)
3 ⫻ 5 cards or occluder 11. Record the result in the patient chart. Results
are charted 14/14 for normal near visual acuity.
PROCEDURE STEPS: 12. Discard the 3 ⫻ 5 card or disinfect the occluder.
1. Wash hands.
RATIONALE: To prevent microorganism cross-
2. Identify patient. contamination.
3. Explain procedure to patient; provide occluder. 13. Wash hands.
RATIONALE: To obtain patient cooperation.
14. Record results in patient’s chart or electronic
4. Position patient in a comfortable position. medical record.
5. Position the near visual acuity card 14 inches
from the patient by measuring with a tape mea- DOCUMENTATION
sure. RATIONALE: To obtain accurate results. 7/22/20XX 4:00 PM Near visual acuity checked. Results:
6. Have patient lightly (no pressure) cover the left
14/14. J. Guerro, CMA (AAMA) _______________________
eye with the occluder. RATIONALE: Pressure
will cause blurring of the other eye.
500 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Procedure 18-6
Testing Color Vision Using the Ishihara Plates
1. Wash hands and assemble the equipment in a
room lighted by daylight. RATIONALE: Direct
sunlight or electric light may produce errors in
the results because of an alteration in the appear-
ance of shades of color.
To assess a patient’s ability to distinguish between the
colors red and green. 2. Hold each plate 75 cm or 30 inches from the
Patient education: patient and tilted so that the plane of the plate is
1. Explain that the purpose of the test is to deter- at a right angle to the line of the patient’s vision.
mine if the patient has a color vision deficiency. 3. Record the number given by the patient on each
2. Show patient plate number 12 as an example of plate.
the test process. 4. Assess the patient’s readings and record. RATIO-
NALE: If 10 or more plates are read correctly,
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: the color vision is regarded as normal.
Ishihara plates (1–12) (Figure 18-49) Source for error: Test plates should be kept covered
when not in use. Undue exposure to sunlight
causes a fading of the color plates, thus leading
to inaccurate test interpretation
5. Document results in patient’s chart or electronic
medical record.
3/12/20XX 11:00 AM Color vision test performed using
Figure 18-49 Ishihara plates are used to assess the Ishihara plates. Twelve plates read correctly. L. Carlson,
patient’s ability to distinguish between the colors red RMA _________________________________________
and green.
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 501
Procedure 18-7
Performing Eye Instillation
To treat eye infections, soothe irritation, anesthetize,
and dilate pupils. Ophthalmic medication is supplied
in liquid or ointment form. Use separate medication
for each eye, if both are affected. Medication is sterile.
Sterile eye dropper for single use
Sterile ophthalmic medication, either drops or
ointment, as ordered by the provider Figure 18-50 When medication is being instilled
Sterile cotton balls into the patient’s eye, the patient should look up to
Sterile gloves the ceiling and the medical assistant should pull down
Tissues on the lower lid. Contact with the eyeball should be
1. Wash hands.
2. Assemble supplies using sterile technique. ointment in the lower surface of the eyelid being
3. Check medication carefully as ordered by the careful not to touch the eyelid, eyeball, or eye-
provider, including expiration date. Read lashes with the tip of the medication applicator.
label three times. RATIONALE: Verifies cor- Carefully replace cover on bottle. Discard drop-
rect medication and ensures medication has per. RATIONALE: A new dropper each time pre-
not expired. vents contamination.
4. Identify patient. 11. Have the patient close the eye and roll the eye-
5. Explain procedure to the patient and inform ball. RATIONALE: Movement distributes the
the patient that instillation may temporarily blur medication evenly.
vision. RATIONALE: Blurring may occur due to 12. If drops instilled, gently press on tear duct so
medication. medication will remain.
6. Position the patient in a sitting or lying position. 13. Blot excess medication from eyelids with cotton
7. Instruct the patient to stare at a fixed spot dur- ball from inner to outer canthus. RATIONALE:
ing instillation of the drops. RATIONALE: Wipe from cleaner to dirtier.
Allows for easier instillation. 14. Dispose of supplies.
8. Prepare medication using either drops or 15. Wash hands.
ointment. 16. Record procedure in patient’s chart or elec-
9. Have the patient look up to the ceiling and tronic medical record.
expose the lower conjunctival sac of the affected
eye by using fingers over a tissue to pull down DOCUMENTATION
(Figure 18-50). 9/12/20XX 11:30 AM Ophthalmic drops (two) instilled
10. Place the number of drops ordered in the cen- in right eye. Eye red and swollen. No exudate noted. J. Bloom,
ter of the lower conjunctival sac or a thin line of RMA _________________________________________
502 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Procedure 18-8
Performing Eye Patch Dressing Application
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 5. Instruct the patient to close both eyes during the
application of the patch. Prepare sterile area by
opening the sterile package and using the inside of
the package as a sterile field. Apply sterile gloves.
PURPOSE: 6. Place the patch over the affected eye using ster-
To apply a sterile eye patch. ile gloves.
7. Secure the patch with three to four strips of
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: transparent tape diagonally from mid-forehead
Tape to below the ear.
Sterile eye patch
8. Remove gloves.
Sterile gloves
9. Wash hands.
PROCEDURE STEPS: 10. Document the procedure in patient’s chart or
1. Wash hands and assemble supplies.
electronic medical record and provide verbal
2. Identify patient. and written care instructions to the patient.
3. Explain the procedure. Ascertain if patient has a
ride home. RATIONALE: Monovision is mislead- DOCUMENTATION
ing, and the patient cannot see well enough to 8/1/20XX 2:30 PM Sterile eye patch applied to right
drive. eye. Eye appeared red. No exudate seen. Patient instructed
4. Position the patient in a sitting or supine position.
not to drive with eye patch on. Wife to drive patient home.
RATIONALE: Easier to apply patch.
J. Bloom, RMA ___________________________________
Procedure 18-9
Performing Eye Irrigation
Sterile irrigation solution as ordered by the
Sterile bulb syringe (rubber)
Kidney-shaped basin to catch irrigation solution
Sterile cotton balls
To irrigate the patient’s affected eye.
Sterile gloves
a. To cleanse debris
Biohazard waste container
b. To cleanse discharge Towel
c. To remove chemicals Pillow
d. To apply antiseptic
e. To apply warmth for comfort
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 503
1. Wash hands and assemble supplies. NOTE: If
both eyes need to be irrigated, use separate
equipment for each eye. RATIONALE: Prevents
cross contamination.
2. Identify patient.
3. Explain the procedure to the patient.
4. Position the patient in a supine position.
5. Check expiration date on solution bottle.
6. Check label three times. Warm solution to body
temperature (98.6°F). RATIONALE: More com-
fortable for patient.
7. Tilt head toward affected eye. Place towel on
patient’s shoulder. RATIONALE: Avoid cross
contamination of unaffected eye by allowing the
solution to flow from the affected eye into the
kidney basin and away from unaffected eye.
8. Place the basin beside the affected eye. RATIO-
NALE: Allows for the solution to drain into a Figure 18-51 The medical assistant irrigates the
catch receptacle. patient’s eye. Note that the solution will go from inner
to outer canthus. The patient is turned toward the
9. Put on sterile gloves.
affected eye.
10. Moisten two to three cotton balls with irrigation
solution and clean the eyelids and eyelashes of
14. After irrigation, dry the eyelid and eyelashes with
the affected eye from inner to outer canthus.
sterile cotton balls. The provider may add a stain-
Discard after each wipe. RATIONALE: Wipe
ing solution to check for corneal abrasion.
from cleaner to dirtier.
15. Discard supplies in biohazard container.
11. Expose the lower conjunctiva by separating the
eyelid with your index finger and thumb. RATIO- 16. Remove gloves.
NALE: To facilitate flowing of solution. 17. Wash hands and document procedure in patient’s
12. Have the patient stare at a fixed spot. RATIO- chart or electronic medical record.
NALE: More likely patient will blink less.
13. Irrigate the affected eye with sterile solution by DOCUMENTATION
resting the sterile bulb syringe on the bridge of 11/26/20XX 10:00 AM Right eye irrigated with 100 mL
the patient’s nose, being careful not to touch the sterile normal saline (100°F). Eye appears slightly red. No exu-
eye or conjunctival sac with the syringe tip. Allow date noted. Fluorescein stain (stain strip used for diagnosis
the stream to flow from the inside canthus to the and detecting foreign bodies or lesions on the cornea) instilled
outer corner of the eye (Figure 18-51). RATIO- into right eye by Dr. Woo. Patient seemed to tolerate procedure
NALE: Prevents a flow of solution into the unaf- well. Says she has “no discomfort.” K. Bloom, RMA _________
fected eye causing cross contamination.
504 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Procedure 18-10
Assisting with Audiometry
To assist in testing patient for hearing loss.
Patient education:
1. Explain the use and purpose of the audiometer
and that the test measures frequency of sound
waves and ability of patient to hear various
frequencies of sound waves (one frequency at
a time).
2. When the patient hears a new frequency, signal
the tester.
Audiometer with headphones
Quiet room
1. Wash hands and assemble equipment and sup- Figure 18-52 The patient raises her hand each time
plies. she hears a sound.
2. Prepare room. Test must be held in a room
without outside noises. RATIONALE: Outside
interference may cause inaccurate test results,
especially in the lower frequencies, which are 7. The frequencies gradually increase until com-
more difficult to hear. pleted.
3. Identify and explain procedure to patient. 8. The other ear is checked in the same manner.
4. Position patient in a comfortable sitting posi- 9. The results are given to the provider for inter-
tion. pretation.
5. Have patient put on headphones. The procedure 10. Equipment is cleaned following manufacturer’s
is done on each ear separately. RATIONALE: To instructions.
test each ear for hearing loss. 11. Wash hands.
6. If the medical assistant has been thoroughly 12. Document procedure in patient’s chart or elec-
trained to do the procedure, the provider will tronic medical record.
authorize the medical assistant to perform the
audiometry. The audiometer is started at low fre- DOCUMENTATION
quency. The patient indicates when the sound is 4/12/20XX 2:00 PM Audiometry performed. Results given
heard and the medical assistant plots it on the to Dr. Woo. B. Abbott, RMA __________________________
graph (the audiogram) (Figure 18-52).
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 505
Procedure 18-11
Performing Ear Irrigation
To remove impacted cerumen, discharge, or foreign
materials from the ear canal as directed by the provider.
Irrigation solution as ordered by the provider, warmed
to 98.6–103°F
Ear irrigation syringe or bulb
Ear basin or emesis (catch) basin
Basin for warmed solution
Cotton balls
1. Wash hands and assemble equipment.
2. Identify patient.
3. Explain the procedure and inform the patient
that during the procedure a minimal amount
Figure 18-53 When irrigating the patient’s ear, tip
of discomfort and dizziness may be experienced
the affected ear to facilitate the flow of solution. The
caused by solution coming into contact with the
tip of the syringe does not occlude the opening to
tympanic membrane. Be sure provider has exam-
the external auditory canal.
ined the ear before irrigation. RATIONALE:
Ensures irrigation needed.
4. Place the patient in a sitting position and use 10. Check label of solution three times for correct-
an otoscope to visualize the affected ear. Have ness and also check the expiration date of the
patient tilt head toward affected ear. solution.
5. Cleanse the outer ear with a wet cotton ball 11. Pour the solution into a basin and fill the syringe
moistened with irrigation solution. with the warmed irrigation solution as prescribed
by the physician. Use about 30 to 50 cc solution at
6. Gently pull the auricle upward and back to a time to warm the instrument. (Repeat Step 5.)
straighten the ear canal. RATIONALE: Allows
better access to external ear canal. 12. Straighten the external auditory canal by pulling
back and upward on the auricle for adults.
7. Tilt the patient’s head slightly forward and to
the affected side (Figure 18-53). RATIONALE: 13. Expel air from syringe and gently insert the
This position allows the solution to flow into the syringe tip into the affected ear, being careful
basin by gravity. not to insert too deeply. Do not occlude exter-
nal auditory canal. Direct the flow of the solu-
8. Place towel on the patient’s shoulder of the tion upward toward roof of canal. RATIONALE:
affected side. Avoids injury to the tympanic membrane and
9. Place the ear basin under the affected ear and prevents occlusion of external auditory canal,
have the patient hold the basin in place. allowing solution to drain out.
506 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
14. Repeat the irrigation, allowing the solution to 20. Provider will examine the tympanic membrane.
drain from the ear, noting the return. Allow for 21. Dispose of supplies.
free flow of return each time. Check with the
22. Wash hands.
patient about any discomfort or pain. Do not
continue if pain is present. 23. Document the procedure in patient’s chart or
electronic medical record, noting return and
15. Dry the outer ear and visualize the inner ear
amount. Provide postcare instructions:
with the otoscope to verify the procedure has
removed or dislodged the foreign body. a. Report any pain or dizziness to the provider.
16. Notify the provider the procedure has been com- b. Do not insert any foreign object (i.e., cotton
pleted. applicator) into the ear canal.
17. When the procedure is completed, remove the
ear basin and towel. DOCUMENTATION
6/4/20XX 3:30 PM Left ear irrigated with normal saline
18. Have patient lie on affected side on examination (100°F). Three pieces (size of pencil eraser) of cerumen in solu-
table for ear to continue draining. tion returns. No complaints of pain or dizziness. Inner ear and
19. Provide dry cotton balls to the patient to catch tympanic membrane appear clear. Dr. King notified of results.
any further drainage if directed by the provider. Examined by Dr. King. W. Slawson, CMA (AAMA) _________
Procedure 18-12
Performing Ear Instillation
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: RATIONALE: Facilitates flow of medication.
5. Check otic medication three times against the
provider’s order and check expiration date of
the medication. RATIONALE: Only otic medi-
PURPOSE: cation can be used in the ear. Checking the
To soften impacted cerumen, fight infection with anti- medication three times minimizes medication
biotics, or relieve pain. error.
6. Draw up the prescribed amount of medication.
7. Gently pull the top of the ear upward and back
Otic medication as prescribed by the provider
(adult) or pull earlobe downward and backward
Sterile ear dropper
(child) (Figure 18-54).
Cotton balls
Gloves 8. Instill prescribed dose of medication (number
of drops) by squeezing rubber bulb on dropper
PROCEDURE STEPS: into the affected ear.
1. Wash hands and assemble supplies.
9. Have the patient maintain the position for about
2. Identify patient. 5 minutes to retain medication.
3. Explain procedure to the patient. 10. When instructed by the provider, insert moist-
4. Ask patient either to lie on unaffected side or ened cotton ball into external ear canal for
to sit with head tilted toward unaffected ear. 15 minutes. RATIONALE: Moistened cotton
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 507
12/10/20XX 4:00 PM Otic solution (four drops) instilled
into patient’s right ear. Moistened cotton ball inserted in ear.
No exudate noted. W. Slawson, CMA (AAMA) ___________
Procedure 18-13
Assisting with Nasal Examination
1. Wash hands and assemble supplies.
2. Identify patient.
3. Explain the procedure to the patient.
PURPOSE: 4. Place the patient in a sitting position.
To assist the provider with the nasal examination
5. Reassure the patient.
when looking for polyps and engorged superficial
blood vessels, and to assist in the possible removal of 6. Hand the provider equipment and supplies as
a foreign body. needed.
Patient education: 7. Clean equipment and dispose of supplies per
When a foreign object is involved, instruct the patient OSHA guidelines.
not to blow the nose or to attempt to remove the 8. Wash hands.
object because this could cause tissue damage or push 9. Document procedure in patients’s chart or elec-
the object deeper into the nasal passage. tronic medical record, noting foreign object if
Nasal speculum
Gloves 2/4/20XX 4:30 PM Nasal examination done by Dr. Woo. Small
Bayonet forceps polyp noted in left nostril. Arrangements made with Bayside
Kidney basin Surgery for polyp removal on 2/10. B. Abbott, RMA __________
508 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Procedure 18-14
Cautery Treatment of Epistaxis
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 5. Assist the provider by handing the supplies and
instruments as directed.
6. Assist the provider with applying the anesthetic
(a syringe and needle may be used to remove
PURPOSE: Xylocaine from the vial and inject it into the
Patient education: medicine cup). The cotton balls or gauze are
Depending on the location and severity of the nose- then soaked in the anesthetic and applied to the
bleed, the provider will either pack the nasal canal or nasal membranes.
chemically cauterize the vessel. Generally, chemical 7. Assist the provider and the patient after the
cautery is attempted first; if that fails, nasal packing anesthetic has taken effect.
or a nasal balloon is inserted. If cauterization is per- 8. The provider will apply an epinephrine (vaso-
formed, the patient should be instructed to not blow constrictor)-soaked gauze to the site of bleed-
the nose or otherwise irritate/disturb the scab that ing and will use pressure on the outside of the
will form. Cautery will sting, and the patient should nose to try to control the bleeding. This may be
be appropriately prepared. followed with electrocautery or silver nitrate.
If not effective, a nasal packing may be needed
if bleeding is not controlled well. The packing
Patient gown and drapes
must be kept in place for 24 to 48 hours. The
Syringes and needles
patient who has a nasal packing is instructed
Vienna nasal speculum
to make an appointment with an ear, nose,
Light source (hands free)
and throat specialist and to avoid aspirin and
Gloves, and other PPE if bleeding severe
antiinflammatory medications. The provider
Bayonet forceps
will order an antibiotic for the patient.
Silver nitrate sticks 9. Instruct the patient on postprocedure care.
Cotton balls or gauze 10. Clean the equipment and dispose of contami-
Medicine cups nated supplies according to Standard Precau-
Local anesthetic (such as Xylocaine [lidocaine] with tions and OSHA guidelines.
epinephrine or cocaine 4%)
11. Wash hands.
Antibiotic/antiseptic ointment (such as triamcino-
lone) 12. Document the procedure in the patient’s chart
or electronic medical record.
1. Wash hands, assemble equipment/supplies, and DOCUMENTATION
apply gloves. 8/6/20XX 2:45 PM Patient treated for epistaxis with epi-
2. Identify the patient and explain the procedure. nephrine and pressure on the exterior of nose and silver nitrate
cautery was also used. Bleeding finally controlled with a nasal
3. Give the patient a kidney basin and tissue and
packing . Instructions given to avoid blowing nose or otherwise
have the patient seated.
irritate/disturb the scab and to call/return immediately if nose
4. Assist the provider to visualize the area of begins to bleed again. J. Guerro, CMA (AAMA) ____________
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 509
Patient Education
Nasal Irrigation (1/2 teaspoon to a pint). Use a bulb-type
Advise the patient that commercial nasal syringe for irrigation. Instruct patient not to blow
irrigation kits are available at the pharmacy nose for 5 minutes after the irrigation. This could
or department store, or the patient can make force the solution into the sinuses or ears and
her own solution of salt and warm water possibly cause an infection in either or both.
Procedure 18-15
Performing Nasal Instillation
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 6. Place the dropper over the center of the outside
of the affected nostril. Ask patients to inhale us
you administer the drops. Care should be taken
not to touch the inside of the nostril. RATIO-
NALE: Touching the inside of the nostril will
PURPOSE: lead to contamination of the dropper.
To provide medication to the nasal membranes as
ordered by the provider. 7. Repeat the procedure for the other nostril if
Patient education: required. Dispose of dropper; recap medication
1. Instruct the patient to keep the head tilted back container using sterile technique.
slightly during the procedure to allow the medi- 8. Instruct the patient to remain in position for 2 to
cation to cover the nasal tissues. 3 minutes. RATIONALE: Allow time for medica-
2. Do not blow nose immediately after treatment. tion to be absorbed by the nasal membranes.
Medication could be forced out of nose. 9. Provide cotton balls or gauze sponges to the
patient when the patient returns to a sitting posi-
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: tion. RATIONALE: Medication may drain from
Medication, drops or spray, as ordered by provider the nostrils.
Medicine dropper (sterile) 10. Dispose of the supplies per OSHA guidelines.
11. Wash hands.
PROCEDURE STEPS: 12. Document the procedure in patient’s chart or
1. Wash hands and assemble equipment. electronic medical record.
2. Identify patient.
3. Explain procedure to the patient.
4/13/20XX 6:00 PM Neosynephrine nasal drops (three drops)
4. Position the patient with the head tilted back instilled into each nostril. W. Slawson, CMA (AAMA) _______
5. Draw medication into dropper after checking
medication three times and checking expira-
tion date.
510 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Procedure 18-16
Administer Oxygen by Nasal Cannula for Minor Respiratory Distress
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 3. Open the cylinder one full turn, counter-
4. Check the pressure gauge. RATIONALE: This
will determine the amount of pressure in the
PURPOSE: cylinder.
To provide a low dose of concentrated oxygen to a
5. Attach the nasal cannula to the tubing, and then
patient during periods of respiratory distress (e.g.,
to the flowmeter.
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
Patient education:
1. Demonstrate the position of the nasal prongs of
the cannula into the nose. They face upward and
the tab rests above the upper lip.
2. Describe how to clear the oxygen cylinder valve
by turning it counterclockwise.
3. Oxygen supports combustion and a fire can start
with oxygen in use. Friction, static electricity, a
spark, or a lighted cigarette or cigar can cause
Portable oxygen tank with stand
Disposable nasal cannula with connecting tube
Flowmeter Figure 18-56 Adjust tubing.
Pressure regulator
1. Wash hands.
2. Identify patient, and explain procedure to the
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 511
6. Adjust the flow rate according to the provider’s NOTE: Oxygen is usually humidified to prevent dry-
order (oxygen is a medication). ing of respiratory mucosa (Figure 18-57).
7. Check for oxygen flow through the cannula.
8. Place the tips of cannula into the nares no more DOCUMENTATION
than 1 inch (Figure 18-55). 4/19/20XX 2:45 PM Oxygen 3 L/minute by nasal can-
nula. Color slightly improved. Less cyanosis. J. Guerro, CMA
9. Adjust the tubing around the patient’s ears (AAMA) _______________________________________
(Figure 18-56) and secure it under the chin.
10. Answer patient’s questions.
11. Wash hands.
12. Document the procedure in patient’s chart or
electronic medical record.
Procedure 18-17
Instructing Patient in Use of Metered Dose Inhaler
Handheld inhaler with mouth piece, and pressurized
canister of medication as ordered by provider
PURPOSE: 1. Wash hands and assemble equipment (Figure
To instruct patient on the use of a handheld device 18-58).
known as a metered dose inhaler. The device deliv-
ers medication to the respiratory tract including the 2. Identify patient.
lungs. It is used to treat asthma, COPD, and other 3. Check medication order three times.
respiratory diseases and/or conditions. 4. Demonstrate use of equipment to the patient
Patient education: and then have the patient repeat the demon-
1. Remind the patient to inhale slowly. stration.
2. Close the mouth and lips around the mouth- 5. Remove cap from metered dose inhaler (MDI)
piece. and shake well. RATIONALE: To mix medica-
3. Clean the inhaler by rinsing the mouthpiece in tion thoroughly.
warm water. 6. Instruct patient to sit upright, tilt head back
4. Adhere to prescribed dose. slightly, and exhale fully. RATIONALE: Allows
medication to reach all of the respiratory tract.
512 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Procedure 18-18
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 3. Explain the procedure and equipment to the
patient. Allow the patient to breathe into the
machine to become acquainted with the equip-
ment (see Figure 18-31).
PURPOSE: 4. Measure patient’s height and weight. Enter data
To prepare a patient for a spirometry to obtain opti- into spirometer.
mum test results. To assist with diagnosis of asthma 5. Place the patient in a comfortable position
and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). (sitting/standing). Loosen tie or collar. RATIO-
Patient education: NALE: Helps patient take as large an inhalation
1. Reinforce the importance of good posture dur- and exhalation as possible.
ing the process. RATIONALE: Good posture 6. Instruct the patient not to bend at the waist when
expands lungs more fully. blowing into the mouthpiece.
2. When blowing into the mouthpiece, the lips 7. Reinforce the inhalation process (deep breaths
must seal tightly around it. to fill the lungs to maximum capacity).
3. Explain the parameters needed for successful 8. Instruct the patient to continue to blow into the
completion of the test. mouthpiece until instructed to stop. RATIO-
Parameters: NALE: Provides more accurate result.
1. Patient must refrain from the use of 9. Be supportive and encouraging throughout the
bronchodilators and tobacco for 24 hours test.
before test. 10. Attend to patient’s needs.
2. Explain to the patient that maximum effort is 11. Discard disposable mouthpiece into biohazard
required for accurate test results. container. Disinfect and sanitize equipment.
3. Patient must inhale deeply and quickly and 12. Wash hands.
exhale quickly and forcibly until no air can
be expelled. 13. Document the test results in the patient’s chart
or electronic medical record after they are
reviewed by the provider.
Disposable mouthpiece DOCUMENTATION
12/22/20XX 4:00 PM Spirometry performed. Results given to
PROCEDURE STEPS: Dr. Woo. J. Guerro, RMA _____________________________
1. Wash hands and assemble equipment.
2. Identify the patient.
514 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Procedure 18-19
Pulse Oximetry
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 7. Apply sensor (finger is placed within a clip) (see
Figure 18-32).
8. Connect sensor to oximeter with a sensor cable.
9. Turn on oximeter. A tone and a pulse fluctuation
PURPOSE: can be heard. Adjust volume.
To measure arterial oxyhemoglobin saturation within 10. Alarms can be set to alert medical assistant to lev-
seconds by using an external sensor. els either too high or too low.
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: 11. Check pulse manually and compare with oxim-
Pulse oximeter eter. They should be the same.
Sensor 12. Note results per manufacturer’s instructions.
Soap and water or alcohol wipe
13. Notify supervisor of abnormal results (less
Nail polish remover, if needed
than 95%).
PROCEDURE STEPS: 14. Document procedure in patient’s chart or elec-
1. Wash hands and assemble equipment. tronic medical record, noting type of sensor
2. Identify the patient. used, site of application, and results.
3. Explain the procedure. 15. Plug in oximeter for recharging when not in use
so that the battery does not get low. NOTE: When
4. Select a site for the sensor (finger commonly
measuring, cover the sensor with a towel to elimi-
nate sensor’s exposure to light. It could interfere
5. If patient has poor circulation, use another site with the sensor and give incorrect results.
(bridge of nose, earlobe, or forehead).
6. Clean site with alcohol wipe. Remove nail polish DOCUMENTATION
if necessary. Wash with soap and water. RATIO- 3/16/20XX 4:00 PM Pulse oximetry 98%. G. Underwood,
NALE: Fingernail polish inhibits infrared light CMA (AAMA) ___________________________________
from passing through the oximeter.
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 515
Procedure 18-20
Assisting with Plaster Cast Application
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: NALE: A stockinette that is too large will form
creases, thus allowing for injury to tissues.
9. Provide provider with correct width of webril
rolls. RATIONALE: Webril (soft cotton ban-
PURPOSE: dage) provider protection to the patient’s skin,
To assist provider in cast application. preventing pressure sores. Folds in the padding
could lead to irritation of the skin.
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: 10. Place the bandage in the container of warm
Cast material: water for 5 seconds. Remove from water and
Plaster bandage roll or synthetic tape gently squeeze to remove excess water. Do not
Container of warm water, which is lined with plastic or wring.
cloth to catch loose plaster
11. Assist with application of the cast material as
requested by the provider.
Stockinette (3-inch width for arms, 4-inch width for
leg casts) 12. Reassure patient as needed.
Webril (sheet wadding) padding rolls 13. After cast application, clean any plaster off
Bandage scissors patient, review cast care instructions, and pro-
Rubber gloves vide written instructions for cast care and iso-
Sponge rubber for padding metric exercises (if prescribed by the provider).
Reinforce any precautions given by the provider.
PROCEDURE STEPS: RATIONALE: Reviewing possible complications
1. Identify the patient and explain of the proce-
with the patient enhances the immediate report-
dure to patient.
ing of circulatory impairment and infection.
2. Answer any questions about the injury or cast
14. Discard water down the sink drain, being cau-
tious to keep plaster from going down the drain.
3. Wash hands and assemble the equipment and (Allow plaster to settle to bottom of basin first.)
supplies. Discard plaster into trash receptacle.
4. Position the patient in a sitting position or as 15. Clean work area.
required by the provider. Proper alignment must
16. Remove gloves and wash hands.
be maintained. RATIONALE: Proper alignment
ensures fracture heals properly. 17. Schedule patient for next appointment to have
cast checked.
5. Put on gloves and drape patient.
18. Document the procedure in patient’s chart or
6. Clean and dry the area to be casted, as directed
electronic medical record.
by the provider. Chart any areas of bruising, red-
ness, or open areas. RATIONALE: Appropriate
documentation of skin condition is needed to
12/14/20XX 2:00 PM Plaster cast applied to left arm by
assist in evaluation of the extremity at a later
Dr. King. Fingers warm to touch. Patient says there is no tin-
gling or numbness in her fingers. Instructed about cast care,
7. Pad bony prominence with sponge rubber. exercises, and reporting of circulatory impairment and infec-
RATIONALE: Protects from pressure. tion. Sling applied. Next appointment 12/28/20XX. S. Walsh,
8. Provide the correct width of stockinette for the RMA __________________________________________
area on which cast is being applied. RATIO-
516 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Procedure 18-21
Assisting with Cast Removal
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 4. Reassure the patient that skin color and muscle
tone will improve with therapy.
5. Hand the provider the equipment as requested.
6. After the procedure, provide written instructions
PURPOSE: for postcare.
To assist the provider with removal of a cast. 7. Clean equipment.
Cast cutter 9. Document in patient's chart or electronic medi-
Cast spreader cal record cast removal and appearance of body
Bandage scissors part from which cast was removed. RATIONALE:
Bag for disposing of cast materials Condition of the patient’s arm size, skin appear-
Drape ance, and color are important factors to note for
future evaluation.
1. Wash hands.
2. Drape patient and area. 6/12/20XX 2:45 PM Cast removed from left arm by Dr. King.
3. Explain the cast removal process to the patient. The Arm seems slightly atrophied. Skin color good, circulation seems
cutter vibrates and does not spin. Some pressure good. Patient given skin care instructions. Appointment for
and warmth may be experienced. RATIONALE: physical therapy scheduled for 6/14/XX at 3:00 PM. W. Slawson,
Explaining the procedure reduces apprehension CMA (AAMA) ___________________________________
and fears about being cut with the blade.
Procedure 18-22
Assisting the Physician during a Lumbar Puncture or Cerebrospinal
Fluid Aspiration
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 517
Procedure 18-23
Assisting the Provider with a Neurologic Screening Examination
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: during the history taking, note if behavior is
appropriate for the circumstances.
3. The provider checks reflexes using the percus-
sion hammer.
PURPOSE: 4. The provider checks the patient’s sensory abili-
To determine a patient’s neurologic status. ties; responses to skin sensations using a safety
pin or sensory wheel and cotton ball; patient’s
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: ability to recognize the form of solid objects by
Percussion hammer touch (key, coin, paper clip); and patient’s abil-
Safety pin or sensory wheel ity to identify specific odor. The provider also
Material for odor identification checks cranial nerves, performs finger to nose
Cotton ball test, and checks patient’s ability to touch heel to
Tuning fork shin and ability to run the heel down opposite
Flashlight shin.
Tongue blade
5. Assist the patient as needed during and after the
PROCEDURE STEPS: 6. Document procedure in patient’s chart or elec-
1. Wash hands. tronic medical record.
2. The mental status examination can be done by
the medical assistant when taking the patient’s DOCUMENTATION
medical history by observing the following: 8/22/20XX 3:20 PM Assisted Dr. Woo with neurologic
When taking patient’s history, pay special atten- screening examination. Made appointment for patient to see
tion to level of awareness, memory, cognition, Dr. Sullivan, neurologist, on 9/4/XX at 3:00 PM. J. Backus,
and mood. When the patient answers questions RMA __________________________________________
Medical assistants are a vital link in the health care team. A thorough knowledge and understanding of the
various body system examinations and clinical procedures routinely performed as part of patient care will
enhance the quality of care given.
Some of the specialty procedures are performed on a routine basis in the ambulatory care setting;
others are performed occasionally and perhaps only in larger settings that offer specialized and primary
care. Sometimes, to feel comfortable assisting with the less common procedures, medical assistants may
need to broaden their base of knowledge by conducting independent research. Medical assistants who are
willing to constantly expand their clinical understanding will not only fine-tune their professional skills but
will derive greater satisfaction from their job performance.
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet by completing the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on your student CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
520 UNIT 5 Assisting with Specialty Examinations and Procedures
Multiple Choice 5. What is the medical assistant’s role when assisting
in spirometry?
1. What is the name of the elevated skin lesions 6. What are the cast care guidelines that the medical
affecting the epidermis caused by the assistant gives to the patient?
papillomaviruses? 7. When a mental status examination is given, what
a. scleroderma five areas are being reviewed?
b. moles 8. Explain the medical assistant’s role when assisting
c. calluses with a lumbar puncture.
d. warts 9. Bariatrics is a relatively new specialty. Explain why
2. What is the disorder that is characterized by dis- obese patients might decide with their provider to
comfort of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and undergo bariatric surgery. What are some medical
soft tissues brought on by trauma, strain, and emo- problems that must be addressed before surgery?
tional stress? What are physical and emotional difficulties or
a. carpal tunnel syndrome problems bariatric surgical patients may have prior
b. bursitis to surgery?
c. gout
d. fibromyalgia
3. What type of fracture has its bone fragments driven
into each other?
a. greenstick
b. impacted Use the Internet to search for information
c. oblique from a medical site to find answers to the
d. comminuted following:
4. What disease is caused by a degeneration of brain 1. Using a search engine of your choice, go to Web
cells caused by lack of dopamine, bringing about MD and gather information about the following
muscle rigidity and akinesia? conditions:
a. multiple sclerosis kidney stones
b. Bell’s palsy polycystic kidneys
c. Parkinson’s disease Describe the etiology and treatment of each.
d. tic douloureux 2. Search for possible treatments for sleep apnea.
5. An acute circumscribed infection of the subcutane-
ous tissues caused by staphylococcus is a:
a. comedone 3. What are some long-term harmful effects of ciga-
b. carbuncle rette smoking?
c. verruca Check this Web site for information:
d. psoriasis
4. The National Digestive Diseases Clearinghouse is a
Critical Thinking useful source for learning about acute and chronic
1. Is there an advantage to catheterizing a patient for
What are the signs and symptoms of acute
urinalysis and culture and sensitivity? Why or why
pancreatitis? How is a diagnosis made by the
provider? What is the most common cause of
2. What is the use and purpose of the audiometer?
chronic pancreatitis?
How is the test administered?
5. Adolescent cases of bacterial meningitis have
3. Explain the rationale when doing an eye irrigation
increased since the 1990s.
that the flow of the irrigating solution is from the
Is a particular group of adolescents at greater
inside canthus to the outer canthus of the eye.
risk than other groups? How can meningitis be
4. Differentiate among bronchitis, emphysema, and
CHAPTER 18 Examinations and Procedures of Body Systems 521
Altman, G. B. (2004). Delmar’s fundamental and advanced Neighbors, M., & Tannehill-Jones, R. (2006). Human
nursing skills (2nd ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar diseases. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage
Cengage Learning. Learning.
Asthma guide, overview and facts, treatment and self-care. Roe, S. (2003). Delmar’s clinical nursing skills and concepts.
Retrieved from Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overview and treatment Section 4, Managing asthma long term overview. (2007).
overview. Retrieved October 4, 2008, from http:// Retrieved October 11, 2008, from http://www. (pp. 277−280).
Delaune, S. C., & Ladner, P. K. (2002). Fundamentals Spotlight on John McGuire, mobile spirometry unit. (2008).
of nursing standards and practice (2nd ed.). Clifton Retrieved October 11, 2008, from www.
Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning. 2(2).
Examinations and tests for COPD. Retrieved September 7, Taber’s cyclopedic medical dictionary. (2003). (22nd ed.).
2007, from Philadelphia: F. A. Davis.
Metered dose inhalers and how to use them correctly. Retrieved Tamparo, C., & Lewis, M. (2005). Diseases of the human
October 11, 2008, from body (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
Miller-Keane. (1997). Encyclopedia and dictionary of medi-
cine, nursing and allied health. (5th ed.). Philadelphia:
W. B. Saunders.
Chapter 19
Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery
Chapter 20
Diagnostic Imaging
Chapter 21
Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Modalities
Chapter 22
Nutrition in Health and Disease
Chapter 23
Basic Pharmacology
Chapter 24
Calculation of Medication Dosage and Medication
Chapter 25
Assisting with Office/
Ambulatory Surgery 19
Allergy Surgical Asepsis and Sterilization Categories and Uses
Anesthesia Hand Cleansing (Hand Care of Instruments
Antibacterial Hygiene) for Medical and Supplies and Equipment
Approximate Surgical Asepsis Drapes
Sterile Principles Sponges and Wicks
Methods of Sterilization Solutions/Creams/Ointments
Gas Sterilization Dressings and Bandages
Dry Heat Sterilization Anesthetics
Caustic Chemical (“Cold”) Sterilization Patient Care and Preparation
Cautery Steam Sterilization Patient Preparation and
Contamination (Autoclave) Education
Dressing Common Surgical Procedures Informed Consent
Epinephrine Performed in Providers’ Offices Medical Assisting
and Clinics Considerations
Additional Surgical Methods Postoperative Instructions
Electrosurgery Wounds, Wound Care, and the
Cryosurgery Healing Process
Hibeclens® Laser Surgery Basic Surgery Setup
Hydrogen Peroxide Suture Materials and Supplies Basic Rules and Concepts for
Infection Suture/Ligature Setup of Surgical Trays
Inflammation Suture Needles Surgery Process
Informed Consent Staples Preparation for Surgery
Isopropyl Alcohol Staple Removal Using Dry Sterile Transfer
Ligature Instruments Forceps
Liquid Nitrogen Structural Features
Mayo Stand/Instrument
Silver Nitrate The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and
demonstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this
Sitz Bath
chapter through written and oral communication.
Sodium Hydroxide
Sterile Field 1. Define the key terms as presented in the glossary.
Strictures 2. Define surgical asepsis and differentiate between surgical asepsis
Suppurant and medical asepsis.
Surgery Cards 3. List eight basic rules to follow to protect sterile areas.
Surgical Asepsis 4. State four methods of sterilization.
Suture 5. List supplies and equipment necessary to achieve surgical asepsis
when using an autoclave.
6. Explain competent wrapping and operation of the autoclave. (continued)
7. State storage measures and expiration periods for autoclaved Swaged
8. Explain the sizing standards of suture material and the criteria
used to select the most appropriate type and size.
Unsterile Field
9. Given a variety of surgical instruments, be able to identify each
and describe its intended use.
10. Demonstrate the ability to select the most appropriate type of
dressings for a given situation.
11. State advantages and disadvantages of Betadine®, Hibeclens®,
isopropyl alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide when each is used as
a skin antiseptic.
12. Define anesthesia, and explain the advantages and disadvan-
tages of epinephrine as an additive to injectable anesthetics.
13. List five preoperative concerns to be addressed in patient prep-
aration and education.
14. List five postoperative concerns to be addressed with the patient
and the caregiver.
15. Demonstrate applying sterile gloves.
16. Demonstrate setting up a surgical tray, including laying the
field, applying supplies and instruments, pouring a sterile
solution, using transfer forceps, and covering the sterile tray.
17. Explain what is meant by alternative surgical methods.
It might be instructive to compare two different maintains two special rooms for minor surgery and
ambulatory care settings. At the multiprovider Inner has a large selection of instruments. At the smaller
City Health Care, minor surgery is performed on a two-provider practice of Lewis and King, however,
routine basis. Certain days are dedicated to certain minor surgical procedures are less frequent and are
procedures. Because of the high volume of patients conducted in the patient examination rooms.
and different provider preferences, Inner City
Office/ambulatory surgery differs from hospital sur- lar surgical procedure. These particular instruments are
gery not only in complexity, but in the supplies, equip- generally not used by the other providers.
ment, instruments, and personnel needed. Some office/ The equipment and supplies used in office/ambulatory
ambulatory surgery is performed by the provider alone; surgery are usually portable and easily maintained. Larger
some surgeries require the assistance of the medical assis- practices that perform many office/ambulatory surgeries
tant. Most ambulatory care settings do not need a large generally can afford the space and expense of maintaining
variety of surgical instruments but often need more than a special room just for that purpose. Often patient exami-
one of the more frequently used instruments. As a personal nation rooms serve as small surgical suites with portable
preference, special instruments may be purchased and Mayo stands/instrument trays, supplies, and equipment
maintained for a specific provider to use during a particu- brought into the room for the procedure.
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 525
Table 19-1 Differences between Medical and Surgical Hand Cleansing (Hygiene)
Liquid soap and water sufficient for most rou- Performed before any surgical or invasive procedure.
tine clinical activities.
Wash hands and wrists. Wash hands, wrists, and forearms to the elbows. Brush may be used.
Hands should be held down during rinsing. Hands should be held up during washing and rinsing.
Scrub nails with brush; clean under nails with Scrub nails with brush and clean under each nail with cuticle stick.
cuticle stick.
Alcohol-based preparations are practical Alcohol-based hand wash can be used after pre-washing hands to
alternatives to soap and water on visibly remove debris.
clean hands.
*The use of lotions is encouraged to help prevent chafing of the skin, especially with frequent hand cleansings. Nevertheless, studies have deter-
mined that lotions containing petroleum or mineral oil can break down latex and should be avoided if latex gloves are going to be worn within
1 hour after applying the lotion. If lotions are applied immediately before gloving, the use of water-based lotions is recommended. Of special
interest to persons with latex sensitivities (see Chapter 10) is the fact that using lotions and creams containing petroleum products actually
increases the amount of latex protein that is transferred from the gloves into the skin, thereby increasing the symptoms of latex sensitivity.
cleansing for surgical asepsis consists of meticu- any direct patient contact. See Chapter 10 for
lously scrubbing hands, wrists, and forearms information on medical asepsis and Standard
before applying sterile gloves. Both medical and Precautions.
surgical aseptic hand cleansing techniques are
designed to prevent exposing patients, health
care workers, and the public to potentially harm- STERILE PRINCIPLES
ful microorganisms. A brushless/waterless surgi-
cal hand cleanser can be used after prewashing Sterile principles are a set of guidelines designed
hands to remove debris from hands and nails. to designate what items and areas are considered
The brushless cleansing agent has an antimicro- sterile and what actions cause contamination.
bial additive that contains alcohol. The agent Some areas are logical and clear, some are subtle
must be completely dry before donning gown and less clear. Some surfaces, such as skin, can-
and gloves. not be sterilized. Large items such as instrument
Proper protocol when assisting with surgery stands and their trays cannot fit into an autoclave
requires the use of surgical hand cleansing at for sterilization. To create sterile areas and sur-
the beginning of each workday, as well as before faces where sterility is not possible, sterile barriers
every sterile technique, with the complementary should be used; sterile gloves can be worn over
use of medical hand cleansing before leaving the the hands. Sterile drapes can be applied to trays
office and when returning and between patients once they have been washed, rinsed, dried, and
and procedures. Any opening in the medical disinfected.
assistant’s skin should be covered with a sterile Guidelines to protect sterile items and areas
adhesive dressing, and gloves are worn during include:
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 527
During the cleaning process, attention should Autoclave Wrapping Material and Packaging
be given to inspecting the rubber seal for cracks Supplies. Wrapping or otherwise packaging sur-
or wear. An extra replacement rubber seal should gical instruments and other surgical and medical
always be kept on hand. The seals are available articles before placing them in the autoclave will
through medical supply sources. Refer to the man- extend their shelf life. Before these articles are
ufacturer’s instructions for regularly scheduled wrapped, they must first be sanitized, rinsed, and
replacement of the rubber seal and other recom- dried. Several materials are available for wrapping.
mended maintenance procedures. Cost, convenience, visibility, time, space, and ease
of use will help determine which to use. Many
Quality Control and Assurance for Autoclave. offices use a combination of materials.
Quality control when using an autoclave consists
of proper maintenance, proper operation, and • Muslin is a cloth wrap available in several sizes and
observation of the temperature and pressure colors. Even with the cost of the initial purchasing,
gauges. Equally important is the regular use of occasional replacements, autoclave tape, and laun-
sterilization indicators and culture tests. Several dering, muslin is still an economical option. Besides
types of sterilization indicators and culture meth- these cost-effective advantages, many surgical instru-
ods are available: ments can be wrapped together in muslin, making
• Sterilization strips. The strips contain a thermolabile up a convenient surgery/procedure set. One of the
dye that darkens when exposed to steam at the main disadvantages of muslin is the inability to view
proper temperature and pressure for the proper the contents. Another disadvantage is the need for
amount of time. These indicators are placed in the constant examination for holes, tears, and wearing
center of the wrapped article (Figure 19-3). out of the cloth. Patching is not a reasonable option
because iron-on patches impede penetration of
• Culture tests. These are available as a culture strip
steam and sewn-on patches create their own set of
containing heat-resistant spores. The strip is placed
perforations. A defective muslin cloth should be dis-
in the center of a wrapped article and placed in a
carded. Wrapping space and training of personnel
fully loaded autoclave. After processing is complete,
are necessary when using cloth. Special autoclave
the article is unwrapped and the strip is placed into
tape is required to seal the package.
a culture medium. If the autoclave is functioning
properly and the medical assistant has followed • Paper sterilization wrapping squares are available
proper operating procedure, no growth should in many different sizes and types. This disposable
occur. type of material requires that a new paper be used
each time items are sterilized, but it eliminates the
Also available through Becton-Dickinson Mi-
need for laundering. Similar to cloth wrapping,
crobiology Systems is an ampule called the Kilit
paper wraps also lend themselves to larger sets
Ampule. These biological indicators are ampules
of articles being wrapped together for surgery or
that contain spores of the thermophile “Bacillus
procedural packs. As with muslin cloth, wrapping
stearothermophilus.” After being processed through
space and some personnel training are necessary.
the autoclave, the Kilit Ampule is sent to a coop-
Paper wraps are opaque, making viewing of the
erating laboratory for week-long observation for
contents impossible. Autoclave tape is required to
survival of the bacilli spores. A written report of the
seal the package.
results is generated by the laboratory and sent to
the office for its records. The CDC recommends • Sterilization pouches or bags may be plastic, paper,
biological indicators. or a combination (Figure 19-4). They are fairly inex-
pensive and very easy to use. Because no wrapping
is involved, additional work space is not required.
Another advantage of bags is the visibility of the
items inside. Some pouches are packaged on a con-
tinuous roll and are available in a variety of widths.
This allows the medical assistant to cut the bag to
fit the article. Because both ends must to be taped
closed, it is difficult to remove the article while main-
taining its sterility. Probably the best bag-type option
is individual bags with the top end open for instru-
ment placement and the bottom end factory closed
Figure 19-3 Types of sterilization indicators. with a peel-apart seal. The article is inserted into the
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 531
ease of use and item visibility and are probably the
preferred method for most medical offices today.
Autoclave Tape. Autoclave tape is chemically A
treated to appear “striped” when exposed to heat.
The striped pattern indicates exposure to high
temperature but does not measure pounds of pres-
sure or duration of exposure. Because of these
Critical Thinking
What is the purpose of OSHA’s standards for
Figure 19-5 The medical assistant is placing a sani- bloodborne pathogens and whom does it
tized instrument into a sterilization bag for autoclaving cover?
by inserting the tips of the instrument in first.
532 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Additional surgical methods are those methods
not requiring the use of a surgical knife or scalpel
but using other methods of cutting or destroying,
such as electric current, heat, freezing, chemicals,
or laser beam. The method used is determined by
the provider’s preference.
Electrosurgery uses an electric current in a con-
centrated area to either cut or destroy tissue when-
ever pathologic examination is not required. The
equipment for electrosurgery consists of a power
source, usually a small boxed unit, and a detach-
able handheld applicator with removable tips. The
Figure 19-8 Electrosurgical equipment is used to
tips are available in various sizes and are removable
destroy tissue, such as warts, or to coagulate blood
for cleaning and sterilizing.
vessels to decrease bleeding during surgery.
Electrosurgery is useful in removing benign
skin tags and warts. The main advantage of elec-
trosurgery is that the bleeding is controlled
through the cauterization of the blood vessels Liquid chemical caustic agents such as sodium
as the electric current is applied. The terms elec- hydroxide are used to permanently destroy the
trocoagulation, electrofulguration, electrodessication, growth plates of toenails whenever total and per-
electroscission, electrosection, and eletrocautery all manent removal of the toenail is necessary.
refer to various uses of electric current to either
coagulate blood vessels, destroy tissue either with
a spark or by drying, or cut tissue. Disposable
battery-operated units designed for one-time use Cryosurgery refers to the destruction of tissue by
are available. freezing. Some types of tissues react differently
to heat than cold in the rate of healing and level
Cautery. The word cautery comes from the term of scarring. The cryogenic substance most often
caustic and means the application of a caustic chem- used to destructively freeze tissue is liquid nitro-
ical or destructive heat. Electrosurgery, cautery, gen. Liquid nitrogen, often incorrectly referred
and electrocautery are often used interchange- to as dry ice, is extremely volatile (easily evapo-
ably. The burning of tissue, either chemically or rated) and must be kept in a covered insulated
electrically, is known as cauterization. Sometimes canister. Liquid nitrogen is obtained when nitro-
during surgical procedures unnecessary bleeding gen gas is compressed under cold temperatures
can be controlled by use of electrosurgical equip- into a liquid. It is most often used to destructively
ment (Figure 19-8). Tissues that do not need to “freeze” warts. Liquid nitrogen can be applied to
be pathologically examined, such as benign skin cervical erosions to facilitate healing and growth
tags, can be destroyed using cauterization. Some of normal tissue, to remove lesions on the anus,
common chemicals used to destroy tissue and stop and for cataract extraction, retinal detachment,
bleeding are silver nitrate, liquid nitrogen, and prostate gland destruction, and removal of super-
sodium hydroxide. ficial lesions in the nose and throat. Some units
are single purpose use. There is less trauma,
Chemical Tissue Destruction. Silver nitrate is more control of bleeding, and less pain with
available in a solid form, impregnated on the end cryosurgery.
of a wooden applicator stick. Silver nitrate is espe- Many patients experience pain with liquid
cially useful inside the nose to cauterize friable, nitrogen because it is colder than other chemi-
easily broken, blood vessels in the treatment of cal cryosurgery options. Liquid nitrogen is usu-
epistaxis (nosebleed). ally kept in a large canister in a central location
534 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
in the office and carefully transferred to a small • When the laser beam is focused on the target tis-
thermos for transport into the treatment room. sue, the cells explode and vaporize. Care should be
The medical assistant must take care to keep the taken not to inhale the vapors.
canister and thermos covered because of the vol- • Whenever high levels of electricity are used, care
atile properties (evaporation rate) of the liquid should be taken to avoid burns and to ensure that
nitrogen. the equipment is always in good working order.
The cryogenic properties of solid liquid nitro-
• Safety glasses should be worn by the provider, med-
gen make it useful for freezing warts and nevi.
ical assistant, and, if possible, the patient.
Nitrous oxide is another chemical used in cryo-
surgery. Nitrous oxide requires a gas cylinder, a • If the patient’s skin has been prepared with flam-
regulator, a pressure gauge, and a cryogun with mable products such as alcohol-based antiseptics,
assorted tips. Nitrous oxide is applied in a more the skin must be dry with no pooling of liquid.
direct and controlled pattern because of the pre- Read the product label for alcohol and other flam-
cision of the probes, and nitrous oxide does not mable substances.
evaporate as readily as liquid nitrogen. The tank, • Sterile water should be readily available to extin-
probes, and other supplies can be expensive. guish any fire if the laser beam accidently ignites
Nitrous oxide is not as cold as liquid nitrogen; cloth or paper in the area.
therefore, although it is not so uncomfortable for
the patient, it is not as destructive. It is not appro-
priate for use with cancerous lesions, which must SUTURE MATERIALS
be completely destroyed. Because nitrous oxide is AND SUPPLIES
a carcinogen, the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) requires that all nitrous
oxide systems have outside venting. It is not practi-
cal for most ambulatory clinics. The word suture can be used as a verb to describe
All volatile gases are dangerous to inhale, and the motion of sewing or as a noun to describe the
appropriate ventilation must be used. Refer to the material used to sew. Suturing, or sewing, a wound
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) information is a common procedure in provider’s offices. The
(available in printed form or on the manufactur- purpose is to approximate, or bring together, the
er’s Web sites) for specific cautions. edges of a wound. Suturing hastens healing and
lessens scarring. Whether the wound is an acciden-
tal laceration or a surgical incision, the suturing
Laser Surgery process is basically the same. When suture material
Laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by is used for tying off the ends of tubular structures
Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The laser during surgery, it is termed ligature. The terms
instrument converts light into an intense beam. By suture and ligature both refer to suture material, but
focusing the laser beam onto the target, the appli- they are named according to their uses.
cation can be extremely precise without damag- Most suture material used in office/ambu-
ing surrounding tissue. Over the past 2 decades, latory surgical procedures comes already fused,
laser surgery has become less expensive, more or swaged, to a needle and packaged in vari-
readily available, and consequently much more ous lengths (Figure 19-9). These are also called
widespread as a treatment of choice for surgery in atraumatic. Eighteen inches is a preferred length
dermatology, ophthalmology, nerve surgery, vascu- because it is short enough to be manageable yet
lar surgery, plastic surgery, and others. Most spe- long enough to complete most suturing proce-
cialty surgery uses laser in various ways. Because dures. Combinations of sizes and types of suture
many providers use laser technology in the ambu- materials and sizes and shapes of needles are end-
latory care setting, medical assistants must be less, but most providers use a select few. Selection
familiar with the dangers involved with laser sur- from among the many different suture materi-
gery, and safety precautions must be implemented. als and needles is based on the needs of the tis-
Attending a laser education and safety workshop sue and tissue healing. Suture ranges in size on a
is recommended for all personnel intending to scale from the smallest gauge below 0 (aught) to
work with lasers. the largest gauge above 0. The scale from 6–0 to 4
The following precautions are designed to includes all sizes from the smallest to the largest:
heighten awareness and serve as a safety
guide: 6–0, 5–0, 4–0, 3–0, 2–0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 535
Many surgical incisions can be approximated
using staples (made of stainless steel or titanium)
and a stapler made for this purpose (Figure 19-
10). The length, width, and number of staples
depend on the tissue. They are safe to use, reduce
blood loss, and reduce the length of time of the
surgery. Wound healing is quicker, and there is
Figure 19-9 A variety of pre-packaged suture materials less trauma. Staplers are made for specific types
with needles of various sizes and shapes. of tissues (e.g., blood vessels, skin, gastrointestinal
tract, and so forth). It is more difficult to remedy
Sometimes 2–0 is labeled 00, 3–0 labeled 000, 4–0 incorrectly placed staples than it is for manually
labeled 0000, and so on. Ambulatory care settings placed sutures.
use sizes 6–0 to 3–0.
If the tissue being sutured is delicate, as on the
face or neck, smaller suture material such as 6–0 is
Staple Removal
used; the finer the stitch, the less scarring. Some Staple removal (see Procedure 19-17) is done
sutures are made from materials that dissolve when wearing sterile gloves and using sterile instru-
they come in contact with the tissue enzymes. These ments. The staples are removed using a sterile
are referred to as absorbable sutures. The original prepackaged staple remover (Figure 19-11).
absorbable suture was called surgical gut or “cat The staple remover is carefully positioned under
gut.” It was made from sheep intestinal tissue. Left the staple and, when the handle is squeezed, the
“natural” or uncoated, it is called plain gut suture. staple flattens out and it can be carefully lifted
It dissolves or is absorbed in about 1 to 2 weeks. If out. Cleanse with an antiseptic solution such
more time is needed to heal, surgical gut may be as Betadine® and pat dry. Be certain all staples
coated with chromion salts and is called chromion have been removed by verifying the number
gut. It allows for a longer period of healing before that were inserted with the number you have
dissolving. Absorbable gut suture is used for under- removed.
lying tissues where removal is not reasonable and
areas where suture removal is inconvenient.
Individual body chemistries influence the exact
absorption rate of both plain and treated gut
suture. Surgical gut is rarely used now, having been
replaced by man-made absorbable suture (such as
Vicryl® and PDS® II). Suture is also made of nonab-
sorbable materials such as stainless steel, silk, cot-
ton, nylon, and Dacron. Some are natural (cotton,
silk) and some are synthetic/manmade (Dacron®,
Ethilon®, Prolene®). Each type of suture material A
comes in a variety of options such as different col-
ors for ease of visualization, braiding for additional
elasticity and strength, and coatings for lubrica-
tions and to lessen irritability to tissues.
Suture Needles B
The needles swaged (atraumatic) to the suture
material are also varied (see Figure 19-9). For Figure 19-10 Disposable prepackaged skin stapler
office/ambulatory surgery, the needles are usually (A) in package and (B) out of package.
536 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Figure 19-11 Disposable staple remover (A) in pack- Scissors and Scalpels. Most of the cutting instru-
age and (B) out of package. ments are scissors. Scissors have ring handles and
two blades and vary in size, shape, and function.
Because scissors have two blades, the word scissors is
INSTRUMENTS always plural. Bandage scissors have one rounded
tip to allow insertion under a bandage without
causing injury to the patient. Bandage scissors do
Structural Features not have to be sterile to use. The two most com-
Rarely does the phrase “form determines function” mon styles are the Lister bandage scissors and the
have as much meaning as when discussing surgi- finer finger bandage scissors (Figure 19-13).
cal instruments. One can almost always correctly Operating scissors are used to cut tissues and
imagine function simply by close examination of generally have very sharp blades. The blades may
the instrument’s design. Handles designed to be be curved or straight, and the tips may be sharp,
squeezed between the thumb and finger are called blunt, or a combination of each. They are described
“thumb” handles. “Ring” handles are designed for as sharp/sharp (s/s), blunt/blunt (b/b), or sharp/
the insertion of the thumb and finger into rings. blunt (s/b) (Figure 19-14). A special type of scis-
Ratchets are locking mechanisms located between sors, the Mayo dissecting scissors, may be straight or
the rings of the handles and are used for locking curved, with curved more often used, but are never
the instrument closed. Ratchets are designed to described as sharp or blunt because the tips are spe-
close in varying degrees of tightness. Serrations cifically designed to be neither but have a beveled
are the crevices etched into the surfaces of the jaws edge with slightly rounded points (Figure 19-15).
of hemostats, some forceps, and needle holders. Useful, delicately bladed scissors are iris scissors, orig-
The serrations provide a more secure grip during inally named for usefulness in eye surgery but now
use with slippery tissues without actually punctur- widely used in many procedures. Iris scissors may be
ing the tissue. For the purposes of puncturing tis-
sue, forceps with teeth are an option. Teeth may
be numerous or few but are always sharp and
should approximate tightly when the instrument Categories of Instruments
is closed. To help delicate tips match up properly, Cutting Scissors and scalpels
some thumb instruments have a guide pin built Grasping/Clamping Hemostats, forceps, clamps, and
into the handle. The box-lock is a special type of needle holders
hinge found on most ring-handled instruments, Dilating/Probing Specula, scopes, probes, retractors,
especially grasping instruments such as hemostats, and dilators
forceps, and needle holders. Because the box-lock
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 537
Guide pins
Ring handle
A Ratchet B
Heavy Teeth
teeth Delicate
C Hook
Sharp Loop
Figure 19-12 Structural features of instruments include (A) ratchets, box-locks, pins, and ring handle; (B) serrations;
(C) teeth; and (D) prongs, hooks, and loops. (Courtesy of Miltex, Inc.)
538 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Lister Finger bandage scissors with #11 often referred to as a “stab blade” because
of its sharp point (Figure 19-19A). Handles vary in
size, but the most popular are the sturdy #3 and #3L
(long) and the more delicate #7 (Figure 19-19B).
Straight Curved
Straight Curved
Suture removal
scissors B
Figure 19-17 Suture or stitch removal scissors. Figure 19-19B Scalpel handles: #3, #7, #3L. (Courtesy
(Courtesy of Miltex, Inc.) of Miltex, Inc.)
540 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
A Standard Delicate B
C Straight Curved
Figure 19-20 Hemostatic forceps include (A) mosquito hemostat forceps; (B) Kelly hemostat forceps; and
(C) toothed hemostatic forceps. (Courtesy of Miltex, Inc.)
Thumb forceps do not have ring handles or ratch- duckbill ear alligator-type forceps, and the Hart-
ets but are more like the common tweezers. Thumb man nasal dressing forceps have ring handles but
forceps with teeth are called tissue forceps because also are bent for ease in ear and nose procedures.
of their ability to grasp tissue. Dressing forceps Figure 19-21 shows examples of each.
(plain) do not have teeth and are useful for dress- Splinter forceps do not have teeth and are
ing wounds and applying sterile skin closure strips. used for pulling splinters. Many splinter forceps
Dressing forceps are also used to insert sterile gauze such as the plain splinter forceps and the Walter
packing strips into wounds to facilitate drainage. are of the thumb-handled style, but the physician’s
The Adson, a special type of thumb forceps, is easily splinter forceps have ring handles and the Virtus
differentiated by the shape. Adsons may have teeth have a spring-type handle (Figure 19-22).
or be plain and have a finer tip. Sponge forceps such as the Foerster may have
The Lucae bayonet-type forceps, used in rings on the tips and, as the name implies, are
nose and ear procedures, have a thumb handle used to hold surgical gauze sponges. Sponge for-
and are curved to allow the simultaneous use of ceps may have long handles, making them useful
other instruments and scopes and to facilitate for gynecologic procedures, and are called uterine
viewing. In contrast, the Hartman ear forceps, sponge forceps. Many medical offices use uterine
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 541
Allis tissue forceps ear forceps
Dressing or thumb Tissue forceps
forceps plain with teeth Adson Adson
dressing forceps tissue forceps
Bayonet shape
Alligator type
Serrated jaws
Delicate Regular
sponge forceps as transfer forceps (Figure 19-23). jaw. Often called needle drivers, they are designed
(see Basic Surgery Setup later in this chapter). to hold the needle firmly without crushing it while
Towel clamps are used to attach surgical suturing. Most needle holders have a vertical ditch
field drapes to each other and in some situations, in the center of the jaw to disperse tension and
such as when bisecting the vas deferens in a vasec- help prevent slipping of the needle. Needle hold-
tomy, to clamp onto dissected tissue. In the case ers such as the Crile-Wood may have a special groove
of a vasectomy, the Backhaus towel clamp is used in which to place the needle during suturing. Some
to hold the dissected section of the vas deferens needle holders come in various sizes and some are
(Figure 19-24). equipped with a cutting edge that eliminates the
Needle holders are ratcheted instruments sim- need for a separate scissors to cut the suture mate-
ilar to hemostats but with a wider and more stout rial (Figure 19-25).
542 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Specula, Scopes, Probes, Retractors, and Dilators. canal and eardrum, has a small light aimed into
The category of dilators and probes includes spec- an ear speculum. Ear specula may be disposable
ula that are designed for enlarging and exploring or reuseable. If reused, they are sanitized, chemi-
body orifices (Figure 19-26). The vaginal speculum cally disinfected, rinsed, and dried between uses.
is available in various lengths and widths and may Proctoscopes, anoscopes (Figure 19-27), and rigid
be made of metal or disposable plastic. The most sigmoidoscopes are used for viewing the rectum,
common instrument for enlarging the nostril is the anus, and the sigmoid portion on the large intes-
Vienna nasal speculum. This instrument is used with tine and have guides called obturators to ease
the Lucae bayonet forceps to perform procedures insertion. The light source for the proctoscopes
within the nose. and anoscopes is usually a separate lamp. Although
Scopes are lighted instruments used for the light sources cannot be sterilized, they can be
viewing. The otoscope, used to visualize the ear meticulously disinfected. The speculum portion
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 543
Crile-Wood needle holder Needle holder with cutting edge Mayo-Hegar needle holder
Figure 19-26 Specula and scopes are used to explore body openings by widening for better viewing. (Courtesy of Miltex, Inc.)
Hirschman anoscope
Hirschman proctoscope
Figure 19-27 Scopes and specula are used to expose body orifices by opening for better viewing. (Courtesy of Miltex, Inc.)
• Soak solutions should be about room temperature • Heavy-duty rubber gloves should be worn when
and contain a neutral pH detergent with a pro- cleaning instruments to lessen the likelihood of
tein/blood solvent. The proteins in the body fluids being stuck or cut with the sharp points and edges.
will not coagulate on the instruments in cool water • Goggles should be worn to protect eyes from
and the neutral pH detergent will help prevent splashes.
spotting and corrosion of the metals. Solvents will
help break up the blood and proteins in the body • Delicate instruments should be separated from
fluids. heavier instruments to prevent the delicate instru-
• Soak basins should be plastic to prevent damag- ments from being bent or otherwise damaged.
ing points and edges. If a metal soak basin is used, • Sharp instruments should be carefully separated
placing a towel on the bottom as padding will help from the other instruments and washed with
prevent damage to the instruments. extreme caution. The danger of being cut or
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 545
Rake Retractor
Figure 19-28 Uterine sound. (Courtesy of Miltex, Inc.) Hand Held
Hegar dilators
Figure 19-30 Two types of dilators. Hegar dilators arranged smallest to largest. Pratt dilators arranged largest to
smallest. (Courtesy of Miltex, Inc.)
Follow manufacturer’s directions for use and care Chemical “Cold” Sterilization. This type of steriliza-
of the ultrasonic cleaner (see Chapter 10). tion is sometimes referred to as “cold” sterilization,
Sanitization by use of an ultrasonic cleaner which indicates that heat-sensitive items such as fiber-
eliminates cleaning instruments by hand, optic endoscopes and delicate cutting instruments
thereby reducing the risk for contamination can be immersed in a chemical solution. The chemi-
to the medical assistant. cals used are reliable and capable of destroying bac-
teria and their spores and, used in strict accordance
• Instruments should be processed in the cleaner for with the manufacturer’s instructions regarding
the full recommended cycle time, usually 5 to 10 length of immersion time, can ensure sterility.
minutes. Procedure 19-2 gives steps for chemical
• Place instruments in open position into the ultra- (“cold”) sterilization.
sonic cleaner. Make sure that sharps blades and
points do not touch other instruments.
• All instruments must be fully submerged.
• Do not place dissimilar metals (stainless, copper, The supplies necessary for office/ambulatory sur-
chrome plated) in the same cleaning cycle. gery are often disposable and should be replen-
• Change solution frequently—at least as often as ished as needed. Most medical/surgical supply
the manufacturer recommends. companies have catalogs and Web sites available for
ordering, and many companies have sales represen-
• Rinse instruments thoroughly with distilled water tatives who make regular stops or are available by
after ultrasonic cleaning to remove ultrasonic telephone or email to assist in the ordering process.
cleaning solution. Sales representatives are familiar with the products
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 547
Drapes are used during surgery to create a sterile
field over and around the surgical site. They are
applied using sterile technique after the skin prep-
Drapes are of different sizes and materials. A
fenestrated drape is often used because it has an
opening at the site of the surgery to be performed.
is cut to the desired length using sterile scissors, and ing out the wound. Sterile tongue blades are handy
the lid is applied without compromising the sterility to apply the Silvadene® cream to large area burns.
of the remaining wicking material in the bottle. Silvadene should be thoroughly removed and reap-
plied fresh with each dressing change. Silvadene is
available by prescription only and comes in small
Solutions/Creams/Ointments tubes for individual use as well as larger jars for
Many different soaps and solutions are available multiple use. Silvadene is fairly expensive. When
and effective as skin cleansers, preoperative scrubs, using a multiple-use jar, as with any multiple-use
paints, soaks, and antiseptics. Betadine® (povidone- container, extreme caution must be taken to avoid
iodine) is a well-known antiseptic and is available contamination of the product.
as a surgical soap called a “scrub” and as a non-
soap solution for preoperative skin preparation/
paint. Betadine® comes in multiple-use bottles,
Dressings and Bandages
in single use, and in individually packaged swabs. Dressings are the sterile material applied directly
Hibeclens® is another effective antiseptic that onto the surface of a wound or surgical site. Ban-
does not have the staining tendencies of iodine. dages are the supportive material applied over the
Medical/surgical supply companies have names top of dressings and are not sterile. A dressing, being
and samples of other products. Consideration sterile, should be handled with care to avoid con-
should be made to cost, effectiveness, ease of use, tamination of the wound. Often a sterile nonstick
shelf life, and personal preferences. Isopropyl alco- pad or topical medication is applied to the wound to
hol, a 70% alcohol solution, is of limited medical/ prevent the dressing from adhering to the wound.
surgical use, although because of its rapid volatility Dressings are usually made of gauze and need
rate and its ability to dissolve oils, it is still preferred to completely cover the wound. Dressings must be
for skin preparation before injections and veni- adequately absorbent for any wound drainage.
puncture. Isopropyl alcohol is available in bottles Bandages are used to keep dressings in place,
for use with cotton/rayon balls or in convenient to provide padding and protection, and to immobi-
individually packaged pledgets. Isopropyl alcohol lize. Bandaging may consist of rolled gauze wrapped
can be irritating and is not effective as a preopera- around the wound area with an additional sturdier
tive skin preparation. Hydrogen peroxide is a non- wrap applied overall. An elastic bandage may pro-
caustic mildly effective skin antiseptic. It bubbles on vide additional support, and a triangular bandage,
contact with mucous membranes and other moist sling, brace, or splint provides even more. A unique
skin surfaces, dissolving blood and proteins, and type of bandage is the tubular gauze bandage.
has a mechanical cleansing action. Hydrogen per- Tubular gauze bandages are used to cover append-
oxide is ineffective as a skin prep before surgery ages such as fingers, arms, toes, and legs and come
but is useful for cleaning after surgery. Many pro- in various sizes according to the size of the body
viders do not recommend using hydrogen per- part being covered. Chapter 9 provides information
oxide on surgical wounds because of its abrasive about wounds and bandages. Figure 19-33 illus-
“scrubbing action,” which can cause increased trates various bandage-wrapping techniques.
scarring and irritations. Do not use or recommend
the use of hydrogen peroxide without consulting
your provider.
Antibacterial creams and ointments are some- The word anesthesia means the loss of feeling or
times applied topically on wounds to aid healing. sensation. An anesthetic is any mechanism that
Antibacterial creams are usually white, water-based, causes this loss of feeling. The application of
and nongreasy. Antibacterial ointments are usually extreme cold can be an anesthetic because it causes
clear and oil based. If a wound requires thorough numbness to nerve endings and thus the loss of
cleaning between dressing changes, an antibacterial feeling. Anesthetics may be inhaled, topically
cream is preferred because of the ease of removal. applied or sprayed, or injected directly into a vein
Some examples of sterile solutions are sterile (intravenously), the spinal column (intrathecally),
saline, sterile distilled water, and Betadine® solution. or locally (subcutaneously) into the tissues at the
Silvadene® is the brand name of a sterile site of the surgical procedure.
cream used on burns and other abrasion wounds.
It is an excellent antibacterial cream but must be Injectable Anesthetics. Most anesthetics used
applied 1 ⁄8 - to 1 ⁄4 -inch thick to help ensure that the in office/ambulatory surgery are administered
dressing does not absorb all the cream, thus dry- locally through injection into the subcutaneous
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 549
Figure 19-33 Bandage-wrapping techniques illustrating the circular, spiral, and figure-eight turns. (A) Circular
turns are wrapped around a body part several times to anchor a bandage or to supply support. (B) Spiral turns begin
with one or two circular turns, then proceed up the body part, with each turn covering two-thirds the width of the
previous turn. (C) Reverse spiral turns begin with a circular turn. Then the bandage is reversed or twisted once each
turn to accommodate a limb that gets larger as the bandaging progresses. (D) Figure-eight turns crisscross in the
shape of a figure eight and are used on a joint that requires movement.
tissues. The nerves exposed to the anesthetic Anesthetics with epinephrine should not be
become temporarily unable to conduct sensations used on fingers, toes, noses, or earlobes because
and feelings to the brain, thereby causing a lack of of their vasoconstriction. Patients with circulatory
pain sensation in the area during the surgery. All complications may have even more restrictions/
synthetic local anesthetics have names that end in cautions on the use of epinephrine. This is one
-caine. Some of the most common are Xylocaine reason why it is important to bring the vial into the
(lidocaine), Novacaine (procaine), Marcaine, and procedure room with the patient.
Carbocaine. Local anesthetics are available in single-
dose vials or ampules of 10 mL, but most medical Drawing Techniques. If the provider plans to
offices prefer the cost-effectiveness of multiple-dose inject the anesthesia before applying sterile
vials containing 30 to 50 mL. Local anesthetics are gloves, either the medical assistant or the provider
also available in varying strengths such as 0.5%, may draw up the medication. The filled syringe is
1%, and 2%. then placed on the side, rather than directly on
Injectable anesthetics may contain an additive the sterile field. This allows the provider to anes-
called epinephrine. It has a red label. Epinephrine thetize the patient before beginning the sterile
causes vasoconstriction and is used when reduced procedure. After the anesthesia has taken effect,
blood flow to the area is desired. The medical the provider performs a surgical hand cleansing,
assistant is often delegated the responsibility of applies sterile gloves, and begins the surgery.
filling the syringe with the prescribed amount and When the provider applies sterile gloves
strength of the ordered anesthesia or may assist the before injecting the anesthesia, the sterile syringe
provider in drawing up the medication. Be sure to may be placed directly on the sterile field either
identify the drug and dose for the provider. empty or filled. One person wearing sterile gloves
Anytime the medical assistant draws up a med- may handle the syringe and draw up the medi-
ication for the provider or pours a solution into a cation while another person not wearing sterile
prep basin on the sterile tray, the original vial or gloves holds the vial. This method requires that
bottle that the medication or solution comes from the syringe and needle either be applied directly
should be brought into the procedure room with to the sterile tray or be handed directly to a
the surgical/procedure tray and other supplies. “sterile” person. The medical assistant may draw
The provider should check the vial and container up the anesthesia under sterile process when
before using the medication or solution to be sure the sterile tray is set up. As stated previously, if
it is exactly what has been ordered. A good practice the tray contains a filled syringe, the vial from
is to set the vial or container on the counter within which it was drawn should accompany the
plain view for the provider to see. Often the pro- tray into the procedure room and be set on the
vider verbally confirms what medication is in the counter for the provider to verify. Chapter 24
syringe or what solution is in the prep basin before discusses the specific techniques for drawing up
using them. medications.
550 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Item Use/Description
A mechanism used to cause the loss of feeling. May be inhaled, topically applied, sprayed, or
Anesthetics injected directly into a vein, the spinal column, or locally into the tissues at the site of the surgical
Nonsterile supportive materials applied over dressings to keep the dressing in place. May be rolled
gauze, elastic bandage, or tubular gauze bandage.
Creams and Antibacterial. May be used topically on wounds to promote healing. Creams are water-based; oint-
ointments ments are oil-based.
Used to create a sterile field over and around the operation site. They are made in various sizes
and different materials. A fenestrated drape is commonly used in surgery.
Sterile material applied directly onto surface of a wound or surgical site. Usually made of gauze. Must
be adequately absorbent and completely cover the wound.
Used as skin cleansers, preoperative scrubs, paints, soaks, and antiseptics. Most common are
Betadine®, an antiseptic often used in soap form as a scrub; Hibeclens®, an effective antiseptic with-
Solutions out iodine’s staining properties; isopropyl alcohol, a 70% alcohol solution favored for skin preparation
before injections and venipuncture but not effective as a preoperative skin preparation; and hydro-
gen peroxide, a mildly effective abrasive skin antiseptic.
Used in wound cleansing, skin preparation, as absorbable sponges during surgery, as dressings and
Sponges coverings, and for padding. Also called 4 × 4s. Typically made of folded gauze, though some have
cotton or rayon pads embedded in them to increase absorption.
Used when an infected wound needs to remain open for drainage. Wicking material is made of
Wicks narrow strips of gauze packaged in long lengths in opaque glass bottles, which should be opened
using sterile technique (see Figure 19-32).
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 551
determine the cause of the wound and the date of go above a certain amount. It is always a good idea
the last tetanus injection. Chapters 10 and 23 pro- to discuss financial arrangements with all patients
vide specific information about tetanus and immu- before an elective procedure or surgery. In some
nization schedules. The medical assistant must also offices, the bookkeeper or office manager comes
check to determine whether the patient has aller- into the examination room, sits down with the
gies or sensitivities of any kind, particularly to medi- patient, and goes over the forms and financial
cation and medically related substances. arrangements. Any questions the patient has about
Diet modifications include abstaining from the surgery should be answered completely by
eating and drinking for several hours before the the provider, and an assessment should be made
surgical procedure, as well as restricting the types that the patient understands the answers. Even in
and amounts of certain foods or liquids consumed the best of circumstances, results cannot be guar-
before and directly after the procedure. When anteed. Most of the difficult situations between
patients are aware of special dietary needs after providers’ practices and patients come from mis-
surgery, they can shop early and be prepared. An understandings about unexpected outcomes. If
example of a medication treatment includes pre- patients are informed completely, even unplanned
scribing an antibiotic to be taken as a precaution results are better tolerated.
against acquiring an infection after surgery or
adjusting anticoagulant medications to prevent
excessive bleeding during surgery. Each clinic,
Medical Assisting Considerations
provider, procedure, and patient has individual The general health and condition of the patient
requirements and preferences. The patient might before surgery is important when planning the recov-
be required to obtain special supplies for the ery. A frail, weak man living alone may need home
convalescent period. For instance, immediately health care after even a simple surgical procedure.
after a vasectomy a scrotal support is usually rec- Some people may not be able to follow standard pre-
ommended. Crutches or special foot coverings operative or postoperative instructions. The recovery
might be necessary after foot or leg surgery. Spe- may depend on the availability of supplies beyond
cific wound dressing and bandages might need to what the patient can financially afford. If difficult
be purchased before the surgery in anticipation circumstances can be identified before the surgery,
of the postoperative need. Having another person arrangements can be made with home health care
accompany the patient to the clinic for the surgery services, community assistance services, or friends
is required for the safe return home. Knowing the and family. This can help avoid complications. Prior
planned period for recovery allows the patient to medical history should also be established and ques-
make the necessary arrangements for work, child tions should be asked regarding allergies and sen-
care, and other personal situations. sitivities to medications and medical substances. A
patient who has received a general anesthetic must
be watched carefully for cardiopulmonary problems
Informed Consent that can arise from the anesthesia. An elderly, weak
Before a surgical procedure, the patient’s patient who received a general anesthetic (inhala-
written consent must be obtained. For many tion or intravenous) may experience hypotension or
medical and all surgical procedures, a written, hypoxia. A pulse oximeter is applied to the patient to
informed consent form must be signed. An informed monitor blood oxygen percentage (see Chapter 18).
consent is a document that may be created specifi- Vital signs are watched carefully.
cally for a particular procedure or that may be an
established document available for duplication. An
informed consent document informs the patient of
Postoperative Instructions
the medical or surgical procedure to be performed, Postoperative instructions should be written and
describes the actual procedure in lay terms, cites clearly understood by the patient. If the patient
alternative treatments, and lists the possible undesir- has a caregiver at home, the postoperative instruc-
able outcome and risks involved in the procedure. tions should be clearly understood by the caregiver
Chapter 7 provides additional information about as well. The telephone number of the clinic and an
informed consent and a model consent farm. after-hours number should be written on the post-
The cost of the procedure is important infor- operative instructions and brought to the attention
mation. Some insurances companies and Medicare of the patient and caregiver. It is good practice to
require patients to sign an Advanced Beneficiary plan to call patients within the first postoperative
Notice (ABN) if their out-of-pocket expenses will day to check on their condition.
552 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Epidermis Epidermis
Dermis Dermis
Subcutaneous Subcutaneous
A Laceration B Incision
Epidermis Epidermis
Dermis Dermis
Subcutaneous Subcutaneous
C Avulsion D Puncture
Figure 19-34 Open wounds. (A) Lacerations are accidental tearing of the body tissue usually made by sharp
objects. The torn flesh may be smooth or jagged and often is difficult to clean and suture properly. There may be
extensive bleeding. A cut from a sharp knife is an example of a laceration. (B) Incisions are intentional cuts typically
made with a scalpel for surgical procedures. (C) Avulsions are accidental tearing away of a part or structures of the
skin. (D) Punctures are holes or wounds made by a pointed object and can be either accidental or intentional. Punc-
ture wounds have little bleeding because the point of entry is small. These wounds typically are not much larger than
the instrument entering the skin. A puncture wound may also be the result of stepping on a nail.
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 553
Basic Rules and Concepts list only and does not include all the specific details
necessary for each surgery. Refer to the individual
for Setup of Surgical Trays surgical procedures that follow for more details.
In addition to basic sterile principles, the guide-
lines in Table 19-3 will help ensure the sterile field
The following procedures are used in preparation
SURGERY PROCESS for minor surgery:
• Applying Sterile Gloves (Procedure 19-1)
For ease in understanding the individual tasks
involved in office surgery, Table 19-4 provides generic • Setting Up and Covering a Sterile Field (Proce-
steps for setting up the surgical tray, preparing the dure 19-5)
room, preparing the patient, assisting with the sur- • Opening Sterile Packages of Instruments and
gery, and the terminal care process of the room and Supplies and Applying Them to a Sterile Field
equipment. Table 19-4 is intended as a quick check- (Procedure 19-6)
Set up the sterile surgery tray just before the surgery to minimize the chance of accidental contamination.
Immediately after the tray is set up, cover it with a sterile drape.
Once the tray is prepared and covered, move it directly into the surgery area rather than leaving it in a common area.
Inform the patient and others in the surgery room that the tray is sterile and should not be touched. Patients are often
curious about instruments and may attempt to look under the cover if not cautioned against it.
If the medical assistant is interrupted while preparing the tray and it becomes necessary to leave the tray unattended,
cover the tray and move it out of traffic paths to prevent it from being bumped.
Tray Setup
1. Wash hands. 8. Apply sterile gloves or use sterile transfer forceps.
2. Reference surgery card, manual, or computer. 9. Arrange instruments and supplies in an organized and
logical manner.
3. Gather equipment and supplies.
10. Medication may be drawn up with assistance (optional)
4. Sanitize and disinfect Mayo instrument tray.
(Figure 19-36).
5. Wash hands.
11. Recheck tray for accuracy and completeness.
6. Set up sterile field.
12. Remove gloves.
7. Place sterile instruments and supplies on the ster-
13. Cover and transport tray.
ile field.
14. Add sterile solution (skin antiseptic) to tray if required.
Room Preparation
In preparing a room for a surgical procedure, all equipment should be clean and in good working order. Be certain to
have spare parts such as light bulbs and filters readily available. Turn on equipment before the procedure to make sure all
is working properly.
1. Check room equipment (light, stool, equip- 3. Arrange accessory supplies on the side counter in a
ment, examination table, waste receptacle). logical order (pathology specimen bottle containing
2. Check room supplies (tissue, extra gloves, preservative, laboratory requisition, sterile glove package,
and so on) dressings/bandages, postoperative medications, and
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 555
Patient Preparation
1. Wash hands. 6. Review postoperative instructions.
2. Greet patient and ensure identity. 7. Check for signed informed consent form and financial
3. Escort the patient to the procedure room and
offer restroom facilities. 8. Have the patient remove appropriate clothing and posi-
tion the patient on the examination table. Offer a drape,
4. Discuss the patient’s compliance to preopera-
gown, pillow, and blanket for comfort.
tive instructions.
9. Prepare the skin for the surgical procedure (see
5. Explain the procedure again and address any
Procedure 19-11).
NOTE: During most surgical procedures, if tissue is excised, it is placed in a biopsy specimen jar containing formalin (a preservative) and sent to the
pathology laboratory with an appropriately completed requisition (Figure 19-37).
Critical Thinking
You are setting up a sterile surgical tray and
Figure 19-38 (A) If sterile gloves have been removed,
have already applied your sterile gloves
use dry sterile transfer forceps to apply or rearrange
before you realize you forgot to place the
sterile items on the Mayo stand. (B) Instruments and
suture package on the tray. You have several
supplies can be moved around using dry sterile transfer
options. What are they, and what are the
forceps if necessary.
advantages and disadvantages of each?
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 557
Procedure 19-1
Applying Sterile Gloves
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 6. With the index finger and thumb of the non-
dominant hand, grasp the inner cuffed edge of
the opposite glove. The glove should be picked
straight up off the package surface without drag-
ging or dangling the fingers over any nonster-
PURPOSE: ile area. RATIONALE: Picking up the glove by
Because hands cannot be sterilized, everyone per-
grasping the inner cuff prevents the outer glove
forming sterile procedures must wear sterile gloves.
from becoming contaminated. Strict adherence
This procedure provides direction on how to apply
must be made to the sterile principles listed in
sterile gloves without compromising sterility.
the beginning of this chapter.
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: 7. With the palm up on the dominant hand, care-
Packaged pair of sterile gloves of appropriate size fully slide the hand into the glove. Do not allow
Flat, clean, dry surface the outside of the glove to come in contact with
anything and stand away from sterile package.
PROCEDURE STEPS: Always hold the hands above the waist and away
1. Remove rings and watch. Wash hands using sur- from the body with palms up (Figure 19-39C).
gical asepsis. RATIONALE: Rings and watches RATIONALE: Keeping the palm up allows the
can snag and tear gloves, and therefore interfere glove to remain sterile in the palm area if it rolls
with barrier protection. slightly on the back of the hand.
2. Inspect glove package for tears or stains (Figure 8. With the gloved hand, pick up the glove for
19-39A). RATIONALE: Tears and stains indicate the remaining hand by slipping four fingers
that the gloves are no longer considered sterile under the outside of the cuff. Lift the second
and must be disposed of or used for a nonsterile glove up, keeping it held above the waist and
purpose. away from the body. Do not allow the glove to
3. Place the glove package on a clean, dry, flat sur- drag across the package or touch nonsterile sur-
face above waist level. RATIONALE: Using a con- faces (Figure 19-39D). RATIONALE: The out-
taminated surface could compromise the sterility side of the second glove is sterile and may only
of the sterile package. be touched by another sterile surface.
4. Peel open the package taking care not to touch 9. With the palm up, slip the second hand into the
the sterile inner surface of the package. Do not glove. Do not allow the outside of the gloves to
allow the gloves to slide beyond the sterile inner touch nonsterile skin and be especially mindful
border (Figure 19-39B). RATIONALE: Care must of the thumb (Figure 19-39E).
be taken to maintain the sterility of the gloves. 10. Adjust the gloves on the hands as needed, but
5. The gloves should be opened with the cuffs toward avoid touching the wrist area. Keep gloved hands
you, the palms up, and the thumbs pointing out- above the waist and away from the body. Do not
ward. If the gloves are not positioned properly, touch nonsterile surfaces with the gloved hands
turn the package around, being careful not to (Figure 19-39F and G).
reach over the sterile area or touch the inner sur-
face or the gloves. RATIONALE: Sterile gloves are
packaged in this position for ease in application.
558 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Figure 19-39 (A) Sterile gloves often are packaged with right and left clearly marked. (B) Using only the
fingertips, reach in from each side and grasp the edges of the paper. Pull out and lay paper flat without touch-
ing any area except the very edges. (C) With the nondominant hand, grasp the inner cuffed edge of the opposite
glove. Pick the glove up and step away from the sterile area, keeping your hands above your waist and away from
your body. With palm up on the dominant hand, slide the hand into the glove. (D) Step back to the sterile area.
With the gloved hand, pick up the glove for the remaining hand by slipping four fingers under the outside of
the cuff. (E) With palm up, slip the second hand into the glove. Keep the gloved thumb in a “hitchhiking” posi-
tion. (F) Keeping hands above the waist and away from the body, pull on the second glove. (G) Adjust gloves if
desired, staying away from the wrist area. Keep gloved hands above the waist and away from the body.
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 559
Procedure 19-2
Chemical “Cold” Sterilization of Endoscopes
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: and germicidal properties; choose the solution
that best fits the needs of the ambulatory care set-
ting. Keep the solution in its original container to
reduce chances of accidental poisoning.
PURPOSE: 3. Put on gloves. RATIONALE: Heavy-duty gloves
To sterilize heat-sensitive items such as fiber-optic help protect from sharp items puncturing the
endoscopes and delicate cutting instruments using skin. Chemicals are harsh on the skin.
appropriate chemical solution. 4. Prepare solution as indicated by manufacturer;
place the date of opening or preparation on the
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: container and initial it. RATIONALE: Follow-
Chemical solution Timer ing manufacturer’s instructions ensures sterility.
such as Cidex Sterile water Note the expiration date of solution.
Steris System® Gloves (heavy-duty)
5. Pour solution into a container with an airtight lid;
(percacetic acid) Sterile towel
avoid splashing (Figure 19-40A and B). RATIO-
Airtight container Plastic-lined sterile drapes
NALE: Chemicals should not be left exposed
PROCEDURE STEPS: to open air to prevent evaporation and loss of
1. Sanitize items that require chemical sterilization. potency, exposure to environmetal contaminants,
Rinse and dry. RATIONALE: Recall that debris accidental inhalation, or poisoning. Splashing
and body proteins must be scrubbed from items may cause skin or mucous membrane contact and
before sterilization. Ultrasonic cleaning is best. result in injury.
2. Read manufacturer’s instructions on original 6. Place sanitized and dried items into the solution,
container of chemical sterilization solution. completely submerging item(s). Avoid splash-
RATIONALE: Each brand of chemical steriliza- ing when placing items into airtight container.
tion solution has specific preparation instructions RATIONALE: Total immersion is necessary for
sterility to be achieved.
Figure 19-40 (A) Medical assistant pours chemical sterilization solution into a large soaking container. Note
the use of heavy-duty gloves and face shield. (B) Medical assistant adds the endoscope to the chemical steriliza-
tion solution in the container.
560 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
7. Close lid of container, label with name of solu- the container interrupts the sterilization process
tion, date, and time required per manufacturer, and limits the effectiveness of the chemical.
and initial (Figure 19-40C). RATIONALE: Expo- 9. Following the recommended processing time,
sure time is the required time indicated by the lift item(s) from the container using sterile
manufacturer to achieve sterility. Initialing work gloved hands or sterile transfer forceps. Care-
ensures accountability and responsibility. fully hold item above sterile basin and pour
8. Do not open lid or add additional items during copious amounts of sterile water over it and
the processing time. RATIONALE: Adding to through it (endoscopes) until adequately rinsed
of chemical solution. RATIONALE: Item(s)
once processed are sterile and must be handled
appropriately. Using sterile gloved hands or ster-
ile transfer forceps ensures sterile-to-sterile con-
tact and no contamination of the item(s). Sterile
water is poured through the inner channels of
endoscopes to rinse chemicals from the inside,
as well as the outside.
10. Hold item(s) upright for a few seconds to allow
excess sterile water to drip off.
11. Place the sterile item on a sterile towel (which
has been placed on a sterile field) and dry it with
another sterile towel. The towel used for drying
is removed from sterile field. The use of sterile
drapes that have a plastic polylined barrier layer
between two layers of paper is recommended for
the sterile field. RATIONALE: Plastic-lined ster-
C ile drapes create a barrier to prevent moisture
from drawing contaminants from the metal sur-
Figure 19-40 (continued) (C) Medical assistant
gical instrument tray or countertop up into the
secures lid tightly, then records the date, time of
sterile area.
day, and her initials.
Procedure 19-3
Preparing Instruments for Sterilization in Autoclave
PURPOSE: Autoclave wrapping tape
To properly wrap sanitized instruments for sterilization Permanent marker or felt-tip pen (Figure 19-41A)
in an autoclave.
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: 1. Prepare a clean, dry, flat surface of adequate size
Sanitized instruments to lay the wrapping material. RATIONALE: A
Wrapping material (muslin or disposable wrapping clean area reduces risk for contamination. Ade-
paper) quate space is required for proper wrapping.
Sterilization indicator 2. Select two wraps of adequate size in which to
2 × 2 gauze or cotton balls (if instrument has hinges) wrap instruments.
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 561
3. Place one square of wrapping material at an 7. Fold one side edge toward the center line;
angle in front of you on the dry surface with one fan-fold back to side, and crease (Figure 19-41D).
corner pointed directly toward you. 8. Repeat step 7 for the other side edge (Figure
4. Place the sanitized instrument or articles to be 19-41E).
placed in the autoclave just below the center 9. Fold the package up from the bottom (Figure
of the wrap. Open instruments with hinges as 19-41F).
wide as possible and place a 2 × 2 gauze or cot-
ton ball in the opening (Figure 19-41B). RATIO- 10. Fold the top edge down and over the entire pack-
NALE: Instruments with hinged parts that are age (Figure 19-41G). RATIONALE: Final edge
not spread open before autoclaving may not be should wrap entire package for assurance of ade-
properly sterilized. quate coverage and protection once contents
are sterilized. If wrap does not cover adequately,
5. Place one sterilization indicator with the instru- unwrap and start over with larger wrapping
ment. RATIONALE: Sterilization indicators inside material.
packages ascertain sterilization of each individual
package. Indicators change colors when the 11. To “wrap twice,” place this package into the cen-
required temperature has been reached, docu- ter of a second wrap (Figure 19-41H). Repeat
menting the effectiveness of the sterilization. Steps 7 through 10. RATIONALE: Double wrap-
NOTE: Quality control for autoclave operation ping allows more control of multiple instruments
can be evaluated with sterilization indicators. when setting up a surgical tray.
6. Bring the corner of the wrap closest to you up 12. Tape with autoclave tape across the point left
and over the article toward the center. Bring exposed. RATIONALE: Autoclave tape indicates
the tip of the same corner back toward you whether the package has been through the auto-
until it reaches the folded edge, creating a clave; it is not a form of sterilization indicator or
fan-fold effect. Smooth the edges of the fold. quality control.
The article should remain completely covered 13. Label the tape with the name of the instrument
(Figure 19-41C). or type of pack (i.e., laceration repair pack), date
of sterilization, and your initials (Figure 19-41I).
wrapping tape
Cotton ball
Sterilization material
A indicator B C
Figure 19-41 (A) Equipment needed to wrap surgical instruments or equipment for sterilization in an
autoclave. (B) Place a cotton ball between the hinge joints of instruments to keep them open. Do not ratchet
instruments closed. Pad the tips of sharp instruments. Put a sterilization indicator in with the instruments to be
wrapped. (C) The wrapping paper is folded toward center. A small corner is turned back on itself.
562 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
RATIONALE: Proper instrument labeling is re- 14. Place wrapped instruments in autoclave.
quired to identify wrapped sterilized instruments. RATIONALE: If wrapped instruments are not
Instruments wrapped and sterilized in paper or to be immediately autoclaved, do NOT date
cloth wrappers are considered sterile for four the package. Leave the package on a clean, dry
weeks from the date of sterilization. Initialing pack- surface and date the package just before auto-
ages ensures accountability and responsibility. claving.
Figure 19-41 (continued) (D) Fold one side toward center, leaving small corner turned back on itself. (E) Fold
other side toward center, leaving small corner turned back on itself. (F) The package is folded up from the bottom
and secured. (G) Fold corner back on itself. (H) Wrap first package in another wrap. Double wrapping allows
more control of multiple instruments when setting up a surgical tray. (I) Wrapped package is secured with heat-
sensitive autoclave tape and labeled with the date, contents, and medical assistant’s initials.
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 563
Procedure 19-4
Sterilization of Instruments (Autoclave)
PURPOSE: 3. Load packages into autoclave tray; allow room for
To rid items of all forms of microbial (microorgan- steam to circulate (Figure 19-42). RATIONALE:
isms) life for use in invasive procedures. Steam circulates in predictable patterns in an
autoclave. When packages are loaded too closely
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: or improperly, proper sterilization will not occur
Steam sterilizer (autoclave) in individual packages.
Autoclave manufacturers instructions
a. Load jars of dressings or cups on their sides,
Wrapped sanitized instrument package(s) with
with tops ajar or loosely in place. RATIO-
sterilization indicators placed inside package (or
NALE: Steam is trapped within a jar when it
unwrapped item if removed with sterile transfer
is right side up; containers and goods will not
be sterilized if loaded sitting up vertically.
PROCEDURE STEPS: b. Load unwrapped instruments flat with handles
1. Check water level in the autoclave reservoir opened, exposing all surfaces. RATIONALE:
and add distilled water to fill line if necessary. Steam must reach all surfaces.
RATIONALE: Not enough or too much water 4. Close autoclave door and seal. RATIONALE: Pres-
will impair the efficiency of the autoclave. Dis- sure cannot be achieved without a proper seal.
tilled water will not leave deposits (tap water
leaves deposits) inside the autoclave. Deposits 5. Turn on autoclave. When the temperature dial
can impair the efficiency of the autoclave. indicates 270°F (118°C) and 15 pounds of pres-
sure has been achieved inside the autoclave,
2. Depending on your autoclave, turn the knob to begin necessary exposure time by setting timer.
“fill” line and allow water into the chamber until RATIONALE: Proper heat, pressure levels, and
it reaches the “fill” line. Turn the knob to the exposure time must be achieved to kill all micro-
next position. This stops water from continuing organisms within the autoclave. Careful note
to enter the chamber. should be given to setting exposure time only
after the proper temperature and pressure set-
tings have been achieved.
Item Exposure Time
Wrapped instrument 30 minutes
packages or trays
Unwrapped items 15 minutes
Unwrapped items 20 minutes
covered with cloth
564 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
aware that steam burns can occur when opening they are to be used immediately in a sterile pro-
the door. Use caution. cedure. Place onto sterile surface.
8. Allow the contents to completely dry, approxi- 11. Perform quality control on a regular basis, based
mately 30 to 45 minutes; do NOT touch contents on usage. RATIONALE: Quality control and
until completely dry. RATIONALE: If packages maintenance of an autoclave is critical to assur-
are still wet or damp, microorganisms can enter ance of proper operation. Accountability and
a wrapped package, rendering it contaminated. responsibility to monitor quality control should
Liquids travel along paper or cloth by capillary be the responsibility of the medical assistant(s)
action and will be contaminated by microorgan- most often responsible for sterilization.
isms on countertops or from hands. a. Monitor sterilization indicators with each use
9. Remove wrapped contents with dry, clean of sterilized instruments.
hands and store in clean, dry closed cupboard b. Weekly perform quality control by document-
or drawer. RATIONALE: Sterilized wrapped ing sterilization indicator outcome on a log;
packages can be held with clean hands, because date and initial quality-control log entries.
only the interior contents require maintenance
of sterility. If the outer wrapper is required to 12. Clean and service the autoclave regularly accord-
remain sterile, remove with sterile transfer for- ing to the manufacturer’s guidelines. When ster-
ceps and place on a sterile field or in sterile stor- ilization is not being achieved, take equipment
age areas. out of service and contact a service agency for
repair. RATIONALE: It is the responsibility of
10. Remove unwrapped contents with sterile trans- the medical assistant to take out of service any
fer forceps; resanitize and resterilize the transfer equipment that is not operating properly as a
forceps following use. RATIONALE: Sterile trans- component of risk management.
fer forceps must have been sterilized immediately
prior to or along with the unwrapped item if 13. Keep a log of cleaning, services, and quality-
control measures performed.
Procedure 19-5
Setting Up and Covering a Sterile Field
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: NOTE: A variety of materials, both disposable and
nondisposable, can be used to set up and cover a ster-
ile field. All material has certain criteria to be safe for
use and all have advantages and disadvantages. For
example, woven textile fabrics are moisture retardant
PURPOSE: and are effective barriers to microbial penetration.
Disposable sterile field drapes or sterile towels are Polylined paper disposable drapes are excellent barri-
used to isolate a sterile area or field, as well as to ers against microorganisms and moisture. Many times
cover the sterile field for use in surgery and sterile medical office preference is determined by financial
procedures. They are available in convenient peel- consideration.
apart packages, fanfolded for ease of use, and often
are two-tone in color to aid in differentiating one
Disposable sterile polylined field drapes (two) or
side from the other. Cloth drapes may be packaged
reuseable sterile towels (two) (muslin or linen with
separately and sterilized fanfolded.
water-repellent finish)
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 565
Mayo instrument tray/stand positioned above the 5. With thumb and forefinger of one hand, carefully
waist with stem to the right grasp the top cut corner without touching the rest
Sterile transfer forceps (if needed) of the drape or towel and pick the drape or towel
up high enough to ensure that as it unfolds it does
PROCEDURE STEPS: not drag across a nonsterile area (Figure 19-43B).
1. Wash hands. RATIONALE: The drape or towel will naturally
2. Sanitize and disinfect a Mayo instrument tray. unfold as it is lifted, so care must be taken to ensure
Adjust tray to above waist level and have the stem that it is lifted quickly and allowed to unfold with-
to the right. out touching a nonsterile surface.
3. Select an appropriate disposable sterile field 6. Holding the drape or towel above waist level and
drape and place the drape package on a clean, away from the body, grasp the opposing corner
dry, flat surface. so that both corners along the long edge of the
4. Open the package exposing the fanfolded drape are being held (Figure 19-43C).
drape. Ensure that the cut corners of the drape 7. Keeping the drape or towel above waist level and
are toward you; turn the package if necessary away from the body, reach over the Mayo tray
(Figure 19-43A). RATIONALE: Sterile field with the drape or towel. Take care that the lower
drapes are fanfolded and positioned within the edge of the drape or towel does not drag across
package to facilitate ease of use. the tray (Figure 19-43D). RATIONALE: Sterile
Figure 19-43 (A) Open the sterile drape package onto a flat, dry surface 90 degrees perpendicular to the Mayo
tray. Grasp the corner of the sterile drape. (B) Pull the drape straight up, allowing it to unfold. Do not shake it out.
(C) Carefully grasp another corner of the drape and apply the drape to the Mayo tray by pulling it toward you. Do not
reach over the field; do not allow the “top” surface to touch anything. (D) Continue laying the drape as a sterile field.
566 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
principles state that sterile items should be kept 10. To cover the sterile field with a second sterile
above the waist and not touch other objects. drape or towel, follow Steps 4 through 7; then
8. Gently pull the drape or towel toward you as it is instead of pulling the drape or towel toward
laid onto the tray. If adjustment is needed to cen- you (as described in Step 8), which would
ter the drape or towel, do not touch the center necessitate reaching over the sterile field, apply
of the drape or towel, or reach over the sterile the covering drape or towel by holding it up in
field. Walk around or reach underneath the tray front of the field. Adjust the lower edge so it
to move it or make adjustments. RATIONALE: is even with the lower edge of the field drape
The corners/edges that hang over the tray are or towel (see Figure 19-44H). With a forward
no longer considered sterile. motion, carefully lay the cover over the sterile
field (see Figure 19-44I). RATIONALE: Reach-
9. After setting the instruments and supplies on the ing over the sterile field would contaminate
tray, it must be covered. the tray.
Procedure 19-6
Opening Sterile Packages of Instruments and Supplies
and Applying Them to a Sterile Field
1. Assemble supplies.
2. Wash hands and set up sterile field (see Proce-
dure 19-5).
NOTE: Sterile instruments and supplies are pack-
aged in a manner that allows them to be opened and 3. Position package of surgical instruments on
accessed without compromising sterility. Refer to palm of nondominant hand with outer envelope
other sections of this chapter for the specific steps of flap on top. (Figure 19-44A). RATIONALE: This
wrapping techniques, sterile gloving, and setting up will facilitate opening the pack while protecting
sterile fields. The “wrapping twice” method of double its sterile contents.
wrapping was used in preparing the surgical packs 4. Grasping the taped end of the top flap, open the
for this procedure. Prepackaged items such as gauze first flap away from you. Do not touch the inside
squares should be in peel-apart packs. of the flap (Figure 19-44B).
PURPOSE: 5. Grasping just the folded back tips of the side
To open sterile packages of surgical instruments and flaps, pull the right-sided flap to the right. Then
supplies and place them onto a sterile field using ster- pull the left-sided flap to the left, taking care
ile technique. not to reach over the package (Figure 19-44C).
RATIONALE: Pulling the tips of the flaps toward
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: each side allows the inner portion of the pack-
Mayo instrument tray draped with sterile field age to be exposed without contamination.
Sterile gloves 6. Pull the last flap toward you by grasping the
Wrapped-twice sterile surgical instruments folded-back tip taking care not to touch the
Prepackaged sterile surgical supplies inner contents of the package (Figure 19-44D).
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 567
RATIONALE: Pulling the last tip toward you 8. Open peel-apart packages using sterile technique
allows you to avoid reaching over the inner con- by grasping both edges of the flaps and pulling
tents of the package. them apart in a rolling down motion, keeping
7. Gather all of the loose edges together to obtain both hands together. The sterile item should be
a snug covering over your nondominant hand. exposed gradually between the two peel-apart
Close your covered hand over the inner package edges (Figure 19-44F). The sterile inner contents
and carefully apply the inner package to the ster- may then be offered to the sterile-gloved provider
ile field (Figure 19-44E). RATIONALE: Gather- or applied to the sterile field using a flipping
ing the loose edges prevents them from being motion, or dropped as shown in Figure 19-44G,
dragged across the sterile field. taking care not to contaminate either the pack-
age contents or the field.
Figure 19-44 (A) To open a twice-wrapped pack, grasp the taped end of the top flap and open the first
flap away from you. You should have the Mayo tray at or above waist height. Stand back from the sterile field.
(B) Allow the pack to unroll on your hand. Do not touch the inside of the flap. Notice the medical assistant’s
thumb is under the flap, where she can securely grasp the inner pack. (C) Grasp just the folded back tips of
the side flaps. First pull the right-sided tip to the right, then, reaching around or under, pull the left-sided tip
to the left. Do not reach over the package. (D) Gather the loose edges together to form a snug covering over
your nondominant hand. Securely grasping the wrapped inner pack, step toward your sterile field, and invert
your hand. (E) Release (drop) the inner pack onto the center of the sterile field. Step back. (F) Open peel-
apart packages using sterile technique, exposing sterile items slowly and gradually. Continue to peel back the
sides of the package while securely holding onto the tip of the instrument.
568 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
9. Apply sterile gloves. Arrange instruments and 10. Apply the sterile field cover (Figure 19-44H, I,
supplies in an organized and logical manner and J) (see Procedure 19-5). RATIONALE: A
according to the provider’s preference. RATIO- sterile cover will need to be applied if the surgi-
NALE: Instruments should be arranged in the cal tray will not be used immediately, needs to
order of use. All handles should be pointed be moved, or if the medical assistant leaves the
toward the user. Instruments should be sepa- tray unattended.
rated as much as possible within the space of
the field so entanglement of instruments is not a
Figure 19-44 (continued) (G) Hold the sides of the package over your hand, step toward the Mayo tray, and
apply the instrument, handle first, onto the sterile field. Apply other supplies as needed. Arrange instruments
and supplies according to provider’s preference using sterile gloves or sterile transfer forceps. (H) Apply the
sterile drape cover to the surgical tray in a similar manner as the field was set up, except apply drape away from
you. (I) Be sure the edges of the cover align with the edges of the field drape before letting go and applying the
cover. (J) Do not adjust cover after it has been laid.
Critical Thinking
You have removed a double-
wrapped instrument pack from the
autoclave and notice a small tear
in the outermost wrap. The inner-
most wrap appears to be intact.
What would your action be? Why?
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 569
Procedure 19-7
Pouring a Sterile Solution into a Cup on a Sterile Field
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: RATIONALE: This action will cleanse the lip of
the container.
NOTE: If the surgical tray is set up in a surgical area,
the solution can be poured before covering the surgi-
NOTE: Occasionally, sterile solutions need to be cal tray with a sterile drape or towel.
poured into a sterile cup that has been placed onto 6. Carefully pull back the upper right corner of the
the sterile tray. The solution is sterile, but the outside tray cover to expose the cup. Take care to only
of the container is not; therefore, special precautions touch the corner tip of the cover and not reach
need to be taken to pour the solution into the cup over the exposed field. RATIONALE: Touching
without contaminating the sterile field. The solution the underside of the cover or reaching over the
is always poured after the tray has been moved into exposed sterile field will contaminate the sterile
the surgical area to avoid spilling during transport. surgical tray.
7. Approaching from the corner of the tray and using
PURPOSE: the cleansed side of the lip of the container, pour
To pour a sterile solution into a cup on a sterile tray in the needed amount of solution into the sterile
a sterile manner. cup (Figure 19-45). Precaution should be taken to
avoid splashing, spilling, reaching over the field,
or touching any of the sterile surfaces. RATIO-
Covered sterile surgical tray with a sterile cup in upper
NALE: Splashing or spilling of the solution would
right corner
cause the sterile field drape to become wet, which
Container of sterile solution (as ordered)
may cause contaminants to “wick” from the metal
PROCEDURE STEPS: tray into the sterile field. Use of a polylined sterile
1. Wash hands. field drape will create a barrier to avoid wicking.
2. Transport the surgical tray into the surgical area 8. Replace the corner of the drape cover using sterile
before pouring the solution; or, the surgical tray technique or cover with a sterile drape or towel.
can be set up for immediate use in the surgical 9. Replace the cap of the solution container using
area. RATIONALE: The solution may tip and sterile technique.
spill during transport. 10. Read the label again.
3. Read the label of the solution container three
times and check the expiration date. RATIO-
NALE: To eliminate the possibility of pouring
the wrong solution or an outdated solution.
4. Remove the cap from the solution container,
taking care not to touch the inner surface of the
cap. Place the cap upside down on a nonsterile
surface to avoid touching the inner surface of
the cap with a nonsterile surface. When the cap
is held in the hand, hold it right side up. RATIO-
NALE: Touching the inside of the cap with either
your hand or a nonsterile surface will contami-
nate the inside of an otherwise sterile container.
5. Read the label again to ensure accuracy. Place Figure 19-45 Approaching from the corner of the
palm over the label to protect the label from Mayo stand, pour the needed amount of solution into
stains. Pour a small amount of the solution into a the sterile cup. Use the clean side of the container lip
bowl, cup, or sink that is outside the sterile field. for pouring.
570 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Procedure 19-8
Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 9. Cover the sterile field with a sterile towel if not
being used immediately.
10. Identify patient, explain the procedure, and pre-
pare the patient. Refer to patient preparation in
Table 19-4.
11. Prepare patient’s skin (see Procedure 19-11).
12. Remove the sterile cover from the sterile setup as
PURPOSE: the provider applies sterile gloves. Lift the towel
To maintain sterility during surgical procedures that by grasping the tips of the corners farthest away
require surgical excision. from you and lifting toward you. Do not allow
arms to pass over sterile field. RATIONALE:
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: Avoids crossing over sterile field.
Mayo stand: Side table (unsterile
Needles and syringe for field): 13. Assist the provider as necessary, being certain to
anesthesia follow the principles of surgical asepsis.
Sterile gloves (in
Prep bowl/cup package) • The medical assistant holds the vial of
Gauze sponges Labeled biopsy con- anesthesia while the provider withdraws the
Scalpel and blade tainers with formalin appropriate dose.
Operating scissors Appropriate laboratory • The provider injects the local anesthetic,
Fenestrated drape requisition applies Betadine® or other antiseptic to the
Hemostats (curved and Anesthesia vial surgical site, applies sterile drapes, and begins
straight) Alcohol wipes the surgery.
Thumb dressing forceps Dressing, tape, • Adjust the instrument tray and equipment
Thumb tissue forceps bandages around the provider.
Needle holder Biohazard container
• Ensure a good light source.
Suture pack Betadine ® solution
• Comfort and support patient emotionally.
Transfer forceps
• Assist with the surgery as directed by the
PROCEDURE STEPS: provider (sterile gloves must be worn).
1. Check room and equipment for readiness and • Hand instruments to the provider and receive
cleanliness. used intruments from the provider and place
2. Wash hands. in a basin or container out of patient’s sight.
3. Set up side table of nonsterile items. RATIO- • If necessary, hold biopsy container to receive
NALE: Nonsterile items cannot be placed onto a specimen being excised. Do not contaminate
sterile field because they will contaminate it. the inside of the container. Hold the cover
4. Perform surgical asepsis hand cleansing. facing down. Tightly place cover on the
container. Assist with or apply sterile dressing
5. Set up sterile field on a sanitized and disinfected
to the operative site.
Mayo stand or on a clean, dry, flat surface (see
Procedure 19-5). 14. Assist patient as necessary. Refer to Assisting the
Patient after Surgery in Table 19-4.
6. Add sterile items (see Procedure 19-6).
15. The specimen container must be tightly cov-
7. Apply sterile gloves or use sterile transfer forceps.
ered; labeled with the patient’s name, date,
Arrange instruments according to use. Remove
type, and source of specimen; and sent to the
gloves and forceps from area.
laboratory accompanied by the appropriate
8. Wash hands. laboratory requisition.
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 571
Procedure 19-9
Dressing Change
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: Cotton-tipped applicators
Adhesive strips
Antibacterial ointment/cream as ordered
Sponge forceps
NOTE: After most surgical procedures have been com-
Bandage scissors
pleted, the wound is usually covered with a dry sterile
Waterproof waste bag
dressing (DSD) that may need to be removed periodi-
Biohazard waste container
cally so that the wound can be checked for healing or
for suture removal. Another dry sterile dressing may PROCEDURE STEPS:
then be applied. Burns require daily dressing changes. 1. Check provider’s order.
PURPOSE: 2. Wash hands.
To remove a wound dressing and apply a dry sterile 3. Prepare sterile field. Add gauze sponges, bowl
dressing. with solution, and forceps.
572 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
11. Remove dressing, taking care not to cause stress or sterile gloves, apply sterile gauze sponge(s) to
on the wound (Figure 19-46A). wound (Figure 19-46C).
a. If stuck to the wound, pour small amounts of 19. Remove gloves, dispose of in waterproof bag.
sterile water over dressing; allow to soak for Wash hands.
a short time. Remove dressing when loose
20. Secure dressing with roller bandage and adhe-
enough to remove without resistance. Note
sive tape (Figure 19-46D and E) or elastic ban-
type and amount of drainage if present.
12. Place used dressing in waterproof bag without
21. Dispose of waterproof bag in biohazard
touching inside or outside of bag. RATIONALE:
Dirty (used) dressing can contaminate outside container.
of bag. 22. Wash hands.
13. Assess wound and note any drainage or signs of 23. Document procedure in patient’s chart or
infection. Remove and discard gloves in water- electronic medical record, describing wound
proof bag. appearance (i.e., discharge, signs of infection,
14. Wash hands. healing, and so on).
15. Apply sterile gloves.
16. Clean the wound with antiseptic solution as 11/24/20XX 10:30 AM Dressing change to laceration left fore-
ordered (Figure 19-46B). Gauze may be held arm. Small amount (dime-size) of serosanguinous discharge
with forceps, or use swabs. noted. No signs of redness or swelling in incisional area. DSD
17. Dispose of used gauze in waterproof bag. applied. Says she “feels fine and that my arm hurts very little.”
18. Using sterile cotton-tipped applicators, apply J. Guerro, CMA (AAMA) _______________________
cream/ointment as ordered. Using sterile forceps
Figure 19-46 To change a dressing: (A) Gently remove dressing. Do not cause stress on wound. (B) Clean
wound with Betadine® solution using sponge forceps. (C) Using dressing forceps, new sterile sponge forceps, a
hemostat, or sterile gloves, apply sterile gauze sponge(s) to wound. (D, E) Secure dressing with elastic bandage
and adhesive tape or roller bandage.
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 573
Procedure 19-10
Wound Irrigation
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 5. Position the patient in such a way that directs the
flow of the solution into the wound. The basin
catches the flow from the wound.
6. Don nonsterile gloves, remove the dressing, and
dispose into waterproof waxed bag.
To irrigate a wound to remove the accumulation of 7. Note the wound’s appearance, color, amount of
exudate that impairs and delays healing. discharge, and odor to the discharge. RATIO-
NALE: Allows ongoing assessment of the wound.
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: 8. Remove and discard gloves into biohazard con-
On Mayo tray: tainer.
Sterile gloves in package
9. Wash hands.
Sterile irrigation kit (irrigating syringe, basin, and
container for solution) 10. Maintaining sterile technique, open the sterile
Sterile dressing material in package irrigation tray and the dressings. Use the inner
Side area/unsterile field: kit wrapping as a sterile field.
Waterproof pad 11. Pour the irrigation solution into the sterile solu-
Sterile solution for irrigation (per provider’s order) tion bowl or container. (Should be at least room
Nonsterile gloves temperature.) RATIONALE: Room temperature
Waterproof waste bag solution is more comfortable for the patient.
PROCEDURE STEPS: 12. Don sterile gloves.
1. Check the provider’s order. Select the correct 13. Place the sterile basin against the edge of the
solution and appropriate solution strength. It wound. RATIONALE: The basin will collect the
should be at least body temperature. (Solutions irrigation solution.
kept in warming closet.) 14. Fill the irrigating syringe (or bulb syringe) with
2. Identify the patient and explain the procedure. the solution and carefully wash out the wound
3. Wash hands. with the flow of solution (Figure 19-47A and B).
4. Place the waterproof pad under the body part 15. Continue to fill the syringe and continue to wash
that will be irrigated. out the wound until the solution becomes clear
and there is no drainage noted.
Figure 19-47 (A) Flush the wound gently. (B) Hold the syringe close to the wound, but do not
touch the wound with the syringe.
574 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Procedure 19-11
Preparation of Patient’s Skin before Surgery
To remove as many microorganisms as possible from
patient’s skin immediately before surgery.
NOTE: The skin and hair contain many microorgan-
Absorbent pads
isms, and the patient’s skin must be prepared before
surgery to remove as many of the microorganisms as
Disposable prep kit (includes antiseptic solution,
possible. Wound infection results when microorgan-
several sponges, razor, and a container for water,
isms enter the body. The patient may be told to scrub
or self-contained skin prep unit)
the site of the surgery using antimicrobial soap on
Sterile water
the night before surgery. Because it is impossible to
Sterile bowl
sterilize the skin, the operative site and an area sur-
Sterile gloves for medical assistant and provider
rounding it are scrubbed, shaved (hair harbors micro-
(two pair)
organisms), washed, and painted with an antiseptic
If kit is unavailable, equipment needed is:
such as Betadine® solution. A skin prep self-contained
Sterile bowls (two)
unit is a sponge applicator with a cylinder of antiseptic
Antiseptic solution
solution inside. One brand is known as DuraPrep. It
Sterile gauze sponges
contains iodophor and isoprophyl alcohol. The medi-
Sterile razor
cal assistant can use the unit with nonsterile gloves.
Basin for soiled sponges
The unit is compressed, the seal to the inner cylinder
Sterile transfer forceps
is broken, and the sponge end becomes the applica-
tor. The mixture is thick and should be allowed to PROCEDURE STEPS:
dry and not be blotted. Because it contains alcohol, 1. Wash hands.
which can be a fire hazard, the site must be dry before
2. Assemble equipment.
draping. The chemical action decontaminates the
patient’s skin.
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 575
Procedure 19-12
Suturing of Laceration or Incision Repair
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: face, neck, or a bend of a body part; or extends deep
into underlying tissue. Suturing facilitates healing
by approximating the edges of the wound. Suturing
decreases scarring, helps decrease the likelihood of
infection, and promotes healing. The wound and the
surrounding area must be meticulously cleaned of any
dirt and debris. Many providers have standard orders
for wound cleaning before suture repair of either a
PURPOSE: laceration or incision-type wound such as a 10-minute
Suturing is recommended if a laceration or incision is soak in Hibeclens® solution and sterile water.
gaping; is bleeding uncontrollably; is located on the
576 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Procedure 19-13
Sebaceous Cyst Excision
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: Fenestrated drape (a drape with an opening) in
Antiseptic solution as ordered
Gloves (sterile and nonsterile)
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Anesthesia as directed
Dressing, bandages, tape
Biohazard waste container
Safety razor (optional)
NOTE: A sebaceous cyst is a benign retention cyst,
Alcohol pledgets
sometimes called a “wen.” Sebaceous cysts are caused
Sterile culture tube (if needed)
by an oil duct becoming “plugged,” which causes the
Biohazard specimen transport bag
sebum (oil) to accumulate in the gland. Eventually
the oil gland becomes distended. Sebaceous cysts that PROCEDURE STEPS:
become inflamed or infected need to be removed. 1. Wash hands.
The patient may also elect to have a noninflamed
2. Identify the patient and explain the procedure.
sebaceous cyst removed if it is unsightly or located in a
bothersome area. Incision and drainage of sebaceous 3. Reassure and comfort the patient as needed.
cysts is usually not the treatment of choice because 4. Determine any known allergies and last tetanus
they tend to recur if the entire cyst is not completely booster.
excised. Ideally, the entire cyst sac is removed intact, 5. Check for signed consent form.
but occasionally the sac ruptures during removal and
large amounts of malodorous biohazardous sebum 6. Identify any health concerns to avoid possible
can be expelled. In preparation for this occurrence, complications.
extra gauze sponges, gloves, and goggles should be 7. Position the patient comfortably, lying down.
available. 8. Perform the skin preparation as directed (see
Procedure 19-11).
To remove an inflamed or infected sebaceous cyst. 9. Wear appropriate PPE including goggles if cyst
To remove a sebaceous cyst that is not inflamed or is infected. RATIONALE: Purulent material may
infected but is located on an area of the body where drain out of the wound and splash.
the cyst is unsightly or where it may become irritated 10. Assist provider to inject the anesthesia by holding
from rubbing. the vial while the provider withdraws the appro-
priate amount of anesthesia. Continue to assist
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: while the provider excises the cyst and sutures the
Sterile field: surgical incision.
Syringe/needle for anesthesia
Iris scissors (curved) 11. Support patient during surgery.
Mosquito hemostat (curved) Give postoperative care:
Scalpel blade and handle 12. Apply sterile gloves.
Needle holder 13. Clean area around the wound.
Suture material with needle
14. Dress and bandage as directed.
Tissue forceps (two)
Mayo scissors (curved) 15. Dispose of items per OSHA guidelines. Remove
Side area (unsterile field): gloves.
Skin prep supplies 16. Wash hands.
Gauze sponges (many) (sterile, unopened)
17. Check the patient’s vital signs.
578 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Procedure 19-14
Incision and Drainage of Localized Infection
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: under the Johnson & Johnson brand name of Nu
Gauze (see Figure 19-32). Care must be taken when
removing the desired length from the bottle to avoid
contaminating the remaining gauze. To accomplish
this, the medical assistant might hold the bottle and
remove the lid to allow the provider to reach into the
bottle with a sterile thumb dressing forceps and pull
out the desired length. Sterile scissors are then used
NOTE: An abscess is a localized accumulation of pus to cut the strip without contaminating the remaining
surrounded by inflamed tissue. The body attempts to wick. The Iodoform is packed into the wound with
isolate pus into a pocket or abscess as a means of pro- a short length exposed. After several hours or days
tecting itself by walling off the pathogens and pre- of continued draining, the wick may be removed,
venting them from spreading throughout the body. and the wound allowed to heal without sutures. The
Incision and drainage is the procedure of cutting patient may be prescribed an appropriate antibiotic.
into an area (often an abscess) for the purposes of The medical assistant should exercise caution
draining the fluid/material. A culture of the exudate by wearing appropriate PPE including goggles
can be done to identify microorganisms. Rather than when assisting with this procedure because the exu-
suturing or otherwise closing the wound, the provider date can be heavy and contains pathogenic micro-
may place a gauze wick or a latex Penrose drain into organisms.
the wound to facilitate continued drainage. The most
commonly used type of wick is Iodoform. Iodoform is PURPOSE:
available in 5-yard lengths and widths of 1 ⁄4 , 1 ⁄2, 1, and To incise and drain an abscess or other localized
2 inches. Iodoform is packaged sterile in glass bottles infection.
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 579
Procedure 19-15
Aspiration of Joint Fluid
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 3. Reassure and comfort the patient as needed.
4. Determine any known allergies, last tetanus
booster, and which joint will be aspirated.
5. Check for signed consent form.
6. Identify any health concerns to avoid possible
7. Position the patient comfortably, lying down.
NOTE: The most common reason for aspirating fluid
8. Put on PPE if needed.
is to remove excess fluid from a joint, often the knee.
A long, sterile, sturdy needle is inserted into the joint 9. Perform the skin preparation as directed (see
capsule and fluid is removed. Often a long-acting anes- Procedure 19-11).
thetic and cortisone are injected at the same time. The 10. Assist the provider by holding the vial as anesthe-
fluid can be diagnostically examined for blood, pus, sia is aspirated. The provider injects anesthesia,
and fatty substances and also cultured for pathogens. inserts a long, sturdy needle into the synovial sac,
After surgery the patient may be placed on antiinflam- and aspirates fluid with a large syringe. The aspi-
matory medications to treat the inflammation and rated fluid is put into a sterile bowl as the syringe
antibiotics if the culture is positive for pathogens. fills with fluid. A hemostat is used to remove the
syringe from the needle, leaving the needle in
PURPOSE: the joint. The syringe is reapplied to the needle,
To remove excess synovial fluid from a joint after injury. and the process continues until excess fluid is
Surgical tray: 11. Support the patient as needed.
Syringe/needle for anesthesia Give postoperative care:
Gauze sponges 12. Apply sterile gloves.
Sterile basin for aspirated fluid
13. Clean area around the wound with sterile 4 × 4s
Fenestrated drape (optional)
or sterile towels.
Syringe/needle for drainage
Sturdy hemostat or needle driver 14. Dress and bandage as directed.
Side area (unsterile field): 15. Dispose of items per OSHA guidelines. Remove
Skin prep supplies gloves.
Gloves (sterile and nonsterile) 16. Wash hands.
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Anesthesia as directed 17. Check the patient’s vital signs.
Cortisone medication as directed 18. Explain wound care to the patient (and care-
Culture tube giver) and provide written instructions including
Pathology requisition symptoms of infection.
Specimen container 19. Assist the patient with any concerns or ques-
Biohazard waste container tions.
Extra gauze sponges (sterile, unopened)
20. Arrange for follow-up appointment and medica-
Dressing, bandages, and tape
tion as ordered.
Biohazard specimen transport bag
21. Apply gloves and eye/mouth protection if send-
PROCEDURE STEPS: ing specimen to laboratory. Place aspirated fluid
1. Wash hands. into a sterile container and cover tightly.
2. Identify the patient and explain the procedure.
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 581
Procedure 19-16
Hemorrhoid Thrombectomy
To incise inflamed hemorrhoids and remove thrombus.
To remove hemorrhoids with laser, electrosurgery, cryo-
surgery, or banding.
Surgical tray:
Syringe/needle for anesthesia
NOTE: Hemorrhoids are dilated or varicose veins in Mosquito hemostat (curved)
the rectum, either internal or external. Sometimes a Sterile basin
blood clot can form in a protruding portion of the Gauze sponges
hemorrhoid and the vessel can become inflamed. Rubber bands
The hemorrhoid is incised with a scalpel blade and Fenestrated drape
the clot removed with a hemostat forceps. Suturing is Side area (unsterile field):
not usually necessary. Soaking the area in a sitz bath Skin prep supplies
can aid in healing. Hemorrhoidectomy can be per- Gloves (sterile and nonsterile)
formed in much the same manner as a hemorrhoid Personal protective equipment (PPE)
thrombectomy, and the supplies and equipment are Anesthesia as directed
similar. The anal sphincter is dilated, the hemor- Biohazard waste container
rhoid pedicle is tied, and then each hemorrhoid is Extra gauze sponges
removed with either laser, electrosurgery, or cryosur- Soft absorbent pad, similar to sanitary napkin
gery. Another alternative is to ligate the internal hem- T-bandage (to hold pad in place)
orrhoids after visualizing the area with an anoscope.
Two rubber bands are placed around the pedicle of
1. Wash hands.
each hemorrhoid. They will slough off after a week
to 10 days because of the loss of blood supply to them 2. Identify the patient and explain the procedure.
(avascularized hemorrhoid). 3. Reassure and comfort the patient as needed.
582 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
4. Determine any known allergies and last tetanus 17. Explain wound care to the patient (and care-
booster. giver) per provider. Sitting in a tub of warm
5. Check for signed consent form. water is soothing and aids healing. Provide writ-
ten instructions including signs of complications
6. Identify any health concerns to avoid possible such as excessive bleeding or pain.
18. Assist the patient with any concerns or questions.
7. Position the patient comfortably, according to
provider’s preference; usually on a proctologic 19. Arrange for follow-up appointment and medica-
table. tion as ordered.
8. Assist with adequate draping for patient com- 20. Document procedure in patient’s chart or elec-
fort. tronic medical record.
9. Apply PPE if necessary.
10. Perform the skin preparation as directed (see 3/17/20XX 1:00 PM
Procedure 19-11). A. Thrombus removed from hemorrhoid. Perineal pad
11. Assist the provider to aspirate the appropriate applied and secured with a T-binder. Patient seemed
amount of local anesthesia. After administer- to tolerate the procedure well. BP 110/70, P 88. Postop-
ing the anesthesia, the provider either bands or erative instructions, verbal and written, given to patient.
excises the hemorrhoids with a scalpel. Suturing Prescription for Percodan, 1 tab PO q 4-6 h prn given
is usually not necessary. to patient. Return appointment made for 4/4/20XX.
12. Support the patient as needed. W. Slawson, CMA (AAMA) ___________________
Give postoperative care: B. Internal hemorrhoids removed with electrosurgical
equipment. Very little bleeding noted. Perineal pad and
13. Assist the provider in placing the soft absorbent T-binder applied. Patient seemed to tolerate the procedure
pad against the wound. It may be held in place
well. BP 110/68, P 72. Postoperative instructions given to
with a T-shaped bandage.
patient (verbal and written). Prescription for Percodan 1
14. Dispose of used items per OSHA guidelines. tab. PO q 4-6 h prn given to patient. Return appointment
Remove gloves and wash hands. made for 4/4/20XX. W. Slawson, CMA (AAMA) ________
15. Assist the patient as needed.
16. Check the patient’s vital signs.
Procedure 19-17
Suture/Staple Removal
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: promote healing. Because these sutures or staples
are nonabsorbable, they must be removed when the
wound has healed. The patient returns to the office
or clinic to have the sutures or staples removed. The
medical assistant removes the dressing and checks
NOTE: Many minor surgical procedures require that the wound. The provider also checks the wound for
suturing be done to approximate the skin edges to degree of healing and determines that the sutures/
staples can be removed.
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 583
To remove sutures from a healed surgical wound
(as per provider).
(See Figure 19-48)
Gauze sponges
Bandage scissors
Biohazard waste container
Suture removal kit (suture scissors or staple remover,
thumb forceps, and 4 × 4s)
Sterile latex gloves
Antibiotic cream if ordered Figure 19-48 Equipment and supplies for suture
1. Identify patient.
cutting suture as close to skin as possible, the
2. Wash hands.
suture will be pulled out from under the skin,
3. Glove and remove bandage. Dispose in biohaz- avoiding contamination of the wound.
ard container.
8. If removing staples: Gently apply instrument to
4. Wash hands. staple. Gently squeeze handle of staple remover
5. Open suture or staple removal kit. until staple is pinched outward and upward.
6. Apply sterile gloves. Pull up.
7. If removing sutures: Using thumb forceps, gently 9. Remove all sutures/staples in the same man-
pick up one knot of a suture. Gently pull upward ner, noting number of sutures/staples removed.
toward suture line. RATIONALE: Less pressure Dispose of the sutures/staples on a sterile gauze
is exerted on suture line. sponge.
Using suture removal scissors, cut one side of the Examine the wound to be certain all sutures have
suture as close to skin as possible (Figure 19-49). been removed.
RATIONALE: Holding knot with forceps and 10. Apply antibiotic cream to area as ordered.
Figure 19-49 To remove sutures: (A) Grasp suture knot with thumb forceps. Place curved tip of suture removal
scissors right next to the skin under the suture. Clip. (B) Gently pull the suture knot up and toward the incision
with thumb forceps to remove.
584 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Procedure 19-18
Application of Sterile Adhesive Skin Closure Strips
1. Identify the patient and explain the procedure.
2. Position patient comfortably.
3. Wash hands and apply gloves.
NOTE: On occasion, a superficial wound does not
4. Remove bandages and dressings (see Proce-
require sutures. However, the edges of the wound can
dure 19-9).
be drawn together and sterile strips of adhesive used
to hold the edges of the wound together to facilitate 5. Dispose in waterproof bag.
healing. 6. Remove gloves.
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 585
In assisting with surgery in the ambulatory care setting, the medical assistant needs to know sterile principles
and understand the difference between medical and surgical asepsis. Knowledge of suture materials, instru-
ments, and other supplies such as dressings and bandages is also critical. In preparing for surgical proce-
dures, the medical assistant’s communication skills will be needed, because patients can be apprehensive
and will require both reassurance and education. In addition to understanding the basic process and prep-
arations for assisting with minor surgery, the medical assistant should be aware of the steps involved in some
of the more common surgical procedures.
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet by completing the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on your student CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
CHAPTER 19 Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery 587
Multiple Choice 2. While you are preparing a patient for surgery,
he confides in you that he doesn’t have anyone
1. Which of the following describes the primary pur- to drive him home, but he only lives three miles
pose of surgical asepsis? away and plans to drive himself. How do you
a. to prevent microorganisms from collecting on respond?
the Mayo stand 3. You have thoroughly explained the postopera-
b. to prevent microorganisms from causing tive instructions to the patient and caregiver.
inflammation Are written instructions also necessary? Why or
c. to prevent microorganisms from entering the why not?
body during an invasive procedure 4. While pouring a sterile solution into a bowl on
d. to prevent microorganisms from multiplying the sterile field, you accidentally splash a very tiny
2. A basic rule to follow to protect sterile items is: amount of the solution onto the field. What is your
a. a sterile object can touch a nonsterile object next step? Explain your actions.
under certain circumstances 5. During an incision and drainage of a localized
b. it is safe to turn your back on the sterile field if you infection you notice a large amount of exudate
leave plenty of room between you and the field from the site. What precautions should you take.
c. provide the provider a separate container for
contaminated instruments
d. gloved hands are held at the same height as the
3. Which of the following is the smallest size suture Search the Internet to explore the most cur-
material? rent ambulatory surgical procedures for vari-
a. 0 cose veins, cataracts, and cholelithiasis.
b. 2–0 1. Using a search engine of your choice, go to a Web
c. 4–0 site about ambulatory care.
d. 1 a. Look for the criteria that the patient must meet
4. Which of the following is an example of absorbable to be discharged after surgery.
suture material? b. What are some common complications that can
a. vicryl occur in the ambulatory center after any surgi-
b. nylon cal procedure?
c. silk c. Name two other surgeries other than those
d. cotton listed in your book that can be performed in an
5. What is the purpose of adding epinephrine to the ambulatory center. Discuss them.
local anesthetic? d. List three to four advantages and disadvantages
a. to prevent an allergic reaction of ambulatory surgery.
b. to reduce blood flow in the operative site
through vasoconstriction
c. to reduce patient discomfort during the proce-
d. to maintain patient vital signs Association of Surgical Technologists, Inc. (2008).
6. Which of the following actions might the physician Surgical technology for the surgical technologists. Clifton
take if a sebaceous cyst were infected? Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
a. remove the cyst Diversified health occupations. (6th ed.). (2004). Clifton
b. do a biopsy of the cyst Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
c. perform cryosurgery on the cyst Phillips, N. (2004). Barry and Kohn’s operating room tech-
d. incise and drain the cyst nique (10th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.
Taber’s cyclopedic medical dictionary (20th ed.). (2005).
Critical Thinking Philadelphia: F. A. Davis.
1. What would be the rationale behind leaving a
wound open rather than suturing it? On what basis
would the provider make the decision?
588 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Diagnostic Imaging 20
Cathode Radiation Safety Computerized Tomography
Claustrophobia X-Ray Machine (CT)
Doppler Contrast Media Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Patient Preparation (MRI)
Positioning the Patient X-Rays (Flat Plates)
Esophageal Varices Fluoroscopy
Fluoroscope Bone Densitometry
Filing Films and Reports
Implantable Cardioverter- Diagnostic Imaging
Radiation Therapy
Defibrillator (ICD) Positron Emission Tomogra-
Nuclear Medicine
Ionizing Radiation phy (PET)
Oscilloscope OBJECTIVES
Palliative The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and
Radioactive demonstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this
Radiograph chapter through written and oral communication.
1. Define key terms as presented in the glossary.
2. Describe safety precautions for personnel and patients as they
Radiopaque relate to ionizing radiation treatments.
3. Explain how fluoroscopy is used and explain its benefits.
4. Describe the various positions used during X-ray procedures.
5. Describe four X-ray procedures that require patient preparation.
6. Discuss the uses of ultrasonography, positron emission tomog-
raphy, computerized tomography, magnetic resonance, and
flat plates.
7. Discuss how radiographs are stored.
8. Explain the differences among radiology, radiation therapy, and
nuclear medicine.
9. Recall four possible side effects of radiation.
In the radiology department of Inner City Hospital, tain that Mr. Waite has been properly prepared for the
several patients are waiting to have their procedures procedure. She does not want the procedure to have to
performed. Wanda Slawson, CMA (AAMA), brings Don be repeated because of the inconvenience and anxiety it
Waite to the department for an excretory urogram known may cause Mr. Waite, nor does she want there to be addi-
as an intravenous pyelogram. She is careful to make cer- tional expense and time spent repeating the procedure.
Radiology is a branch of medicine concerned with radio- as an excretory urography (intravenous pyelogram [IVP])
active substances, including radiographs, radioactive or a computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan, require
isotopes, and ionizating radiation. There are three spe- special preparation.
cialties into which radiology can be classified: diagnostic
radiology, radiation therapy, and nuclear medicine. All
the specialties are extremely valuable tools that can be used RADIATION SAFETY
to diagnose and treat diseases.
X-rays were named when a German physicist, X-rays, though invisible to the human
Wilhelm Roentgen, discovered them in 1895. He re- eye, are extremely powerful, and they can
ceived the first Nobel Prize in physics for his discovery. be beneficial or they can be dangerous
Roentgen noticed while working with a cathode ray and harmful. Exposure to radiation can destroy
tube that the rays of energy emitted could pass through tissue and permanently damage the eyes, bone
skin, paper, wood, and other solid materials. Because he marrow, and skin. They are harmful to the devel-
didn’t know what the rays were, he called them X-rays. oping embryo and fetus, causing severe anomalies
Radiologic procedures are not often performed in an and death.
office setting; rather, they are performed in the radiology The benefit of X-rays is the ability to use the
department of a hospital, clinic, or a freestanding facility information obtained from them to diagnose and
outside of the hospital or clinic. manage a patient’s disease. The diagnostic benefits
Some radiographs, such as those looking for a frac- outweigh the risks that may result from X-ray expo-
tured bone, require no preparation, whereas others, such sure. Radiographers are educated to be certain
that patients receive as low a dose of radiation as
possible but still obtain a useful radiograph, and
that they and patients are protected from expo-
Spotlight on Certification sure to radiation that is not necessary. Radiation
is rarely used during pregnancy because of the
RMA Content Outline danger it poses to the fetus and embryo. The first
• Anatomy and physiology trimester is the most critical because severe con-
• Patient education genital anomalies can be the result of the fetus’s or
CMA (AAMA) Content Outline embryo’s exposure to radiation. Women are rou-
tinely asked if there is a possibility of their being
• Anatomy and physiology pregnant. X-rays of fertile women should be taken
• Medicolegal guidelines and legal only when necessary and with a minimal exposure
requirements to the fetus or embryo. If a radiologic examination
• Scheduling and monitoring appointments is necessary, a radiologic physicist calculates the
• Performing selected tests dosage of radiation to estimate how little radiation
to which the fetus or embryo should be exposed.
CMAS Content Outline The past guideline stated that X-rays of fertile
• Anatomy and physiology women should not be taken until 10 days after the
• Legal and ethical considerations onset on their last menstrual period. The thinking
• Examination and preparation was that women were unlikely to be pregnant dur-
• Appointment management and scheduling ing these 10 days. This guideline is now considered
to be outdated because the ovum for the next
CHAPTER 20 Diagnostic Imaging 591
tube of the machine through the body and onto The process produces excellent images with-
the film. After the film is processed, an image is out film. It makes film storage unnecessary, thereby
created (see Figure 20-4A and B). Bone is denser reducing costs. Transmission of patient data is
than skin and other soft tissues, and therefore can quicker.
absorb more X-rays. The image of the hand bones CR equipment is costly, and technologists
on the X-ray film is white due to absorption of the who use the equipment require training on its
X-rays. operation.
Radiologic procedures can be done without
E HR using X-ray film (Figure 20-2). The tech-
nique, known as computed radiography CONTRAST MEDIA
(CR), uses similar equipment. Computers and
laser technology are used to obtain and process Various body structures are of different densi-
digital images. CR images can be recorded on an ties. Bone is denser than skin and, therefore, can
imaging plate that is put through a computer scan- absorb more X-rays, leaving fewer to be picked up
ner, which reads and digitalizes the images. by the X-ray film. Thus, an X-ray film of bone will
The technique provides clear images that appear white. A lung is less dense, and the X-rays
assist the provider in making a diagnosis. The CR can penetrate lung tissue. The lung appears black
images can be sent to providers on the computer on the radiograph. If X-rays do not penetrate a
network for consultation or referral. Images are structure easily, it is termed radiopaque; if they
accessible in 3 minutes. penetrate readily, it is termed radiolucent. Con-
trast media are radiopaque and help to obtain
a radiographic image of an internal organ or
structure that ordinarily would be difficult to see
because the contrast media cause the organs or
structures of the body to absorb more radiation
(Figure 20-3A–C).
CLINICAL CARE Some commonly used contrast media are
barium sulfate, iodine compounds, air, and carbon
Patient Assessment dioxide. Barium is a chalky compound and, when
Procedures, Diagnoses & Treatment Plans
Referrals & Follow-up Appointments mixed with water, can be swallowed by the patient
Prescriptions or administered as an enema by a radiologic tech-
Orders for Tests
Patient Medical History nician. It is not absorbed by the body. It is used
for upper and lower gastrointestinal (GI) series of
X-rays (Figure 20-4A and B). The patient is told to
drink extra fluids to flush out barium after the pro-
Test Results cedure. Iodine salts are radiopaque and are used
Schedules and Tickler Files
Patient Medical History
for kidney, gall bladder, and thyroid examinations.
Medication Administration Some individuals are allergic to the iodine salts
Patient Education
Graphical Patient Data Displays
used as contrast media. Patients are asked whether
they have any allergies, particularly allergies to
foods that contain iodine, such as fish.
ELECTRONIC Air and carbon dioxide are used to visualize
the spinal cord and joints but have been replaced
Figure 20-2 The clinical care arm of total practice
management system data flow. Data about diagnostic By law, without special education and train-
imaging procedures are stored electronically. Examina- ing about X-rays, the medical assistant’s
tion reports and images are immediately available to role in X-ray procedures in most states is
providers on demand. Images can be sent to providers limited to giving patient preparation informa-
on the same network for consultation or referral. tion and explanations about what the patient
CHAPTER 20 Diagnostic Imaging 593
Figure 20-4 (A) Barium swallow showing esophageal varices. (B) Barium swallow showing duodenal ulcer.
594 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
can anticipate. A thorough knowledge of the and the fluoroscope. Fluoroscopy is used for pro-
procedure ordered by the provider is essen- cedures such as cardiac catheterization and for
tial, and the medical assistant must be certain viewing the function of the stomach and intestinal
that patients understand the preparation they structures to detect any abnormalities. A television
are about to undergo. Verbal explanations screen and camera are available so that the radiog-
should be followed up with written instructions. rapher can watch and take photos of the body
Many patients, fearful of what the ordered system(s) in operation (Figure 20-6). Most fluo-
X-ray will show, are anxious and frightened and roscopes have radiographic properties and can be
can easily forget verbal instructions. Proper used for both fluoroscopy and X-rays. X-rays can
preparation is essential for the best results on be taken and recorded during fluoroscopy.
the radiographs. Repeating a procedure because
of inadequate preparation results in increased
patient anxiety, time, expense, and inconven- BONE DENSITOMETRY
ience (Table 20-1).
An enhanced form of X-ray technology (low dose) is
used during bone densitometry. X-rays check areas
POSITIONING THE PATIENT of the body (hip, hand, spine, foot) for signs of min-
eral loss and bone thinning. The test determines
The correct patient position is important for the density of bone and is used to diagnose osteo-
obtaining the best quality radiograph, and the type porosis, often found in women after menopause. It
of examination that is necessary determines patient can occur in men as well. Bone densitometry can
position. Some basic views are: assess an individual’s risk for fractures. It is a pain-
less procedure.
• Anteroposterior view (AP): the anterior surface The patient is told to refrain from taking
of the body faces the X-ray tube and X-rays are calcium supplements for 24 hours prior to the exam-
directed from the front toward the back of the ination, to wear loose clothing without metal zippers
body. or buttons or a belt, and to remove jewelry and any
• Posteroanterior view (PA): the posterior surface of the metal objects. These items can interfere with the
body faces the X-ray tube and X-rays are directed X-ray images.
from back to front (Figure 20-5A and B). Most machines have software that computes
• Lateral view: X-rays pass through the body from one and displays the bone density on a computer moni-
side to the opposite side. tor. The test takes from 10 to 30 minutes. The lower
the density, the greater the risk for fractures.
• Right lateral view (RL): X-rays are directed through
the body from the left to the right side. The right
side of the body is next to the film. DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING
• Left lateral view (LL): X-rays are directed through
the body from the right to the left side. The left Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
side of the body is next to the film. PET is a radiographic procedure that uses a com-
• Oblique view: the body is positioned at an angle. puter and a radioactive substance. The radioactive
• Supine view: the body is lying face up, on the substance is injected into the patient’s body and
back. gives off charged particles. They combine with par-
ticles in the patient’s body to produce color images
• Prone view: the body is lying face down, on the that reveal the amount of metabolic activity in an
abdomen. organ or structure.
PET is primarily a diagnostic medical imaging
modality. It makes use of specialized, intravenously
FLUOROSCOPY injected radiopharmaceuticals that emit positrons,
which can be detected out of the body due to high-
Fluoroscopy is the process of using a fluoroscope energy releases. Specialized detectors arranged
to view internal organs and structures of the body around the patient sense the energy and map the
so that they can be seen in motion immediately by location from which it originated inside the body.
the radiologist. The patient is usually given a con- These radiopharmaceuticals can be chemically
trast medium and placed between the X-ray tube designed to localize in the heart, brain, or certain
CHAPTER 20 Diagnostic Imaging 595
Table 20-1 Examples of Diagnostic Procedures, their Purpose, Patient Preparation, and the Procedure
To study the esopha- Day prior: Light evening meal. NPO 1. The patient is asked to drink a
gus, stomach, duo- after midnight. Day of test: NPO. flavored barium mixture while
denum, and small Postprocedural: Increase standing in front of the fluoro-
intestine for disease fluid intake. Take laxative as scope.
(ulcers, tumors, hia- prescribed. 2. The radiologist observes the pas-
swallow (upper
tal hernia, esopha- sage down the digestive tract.
geal varices) (see
[GI] series) 3. The patient is turned to various
Figure 20-4).
positions to allow good visualiza-
tion of the intestines.
4. Radiographs are taken.
To study the colon Prep kit (usually supplied by provid- 1. The colon is filled with a barium
for disease (polyps, er’s office), which includes bottle of sulfate mixture.
tumors, lesions). magnesium citrate and Dulcolax 2. The patient is turned in various
tablet(s). Day prior: positions to allow the barium to fill
1. Clear liquid allowed: carbonated the colon. Air is injected to move
beverages, clear gelatin, clear the barium along the colon.
broth, coffee and tea with sugar. 3. When the colon is full,
No milk or milk products. radiographs are taken.
2. 8 oz. of water every hour until
3. Late afternoon, drink bottle of
Barium enema magnesium citrate.
(lower GI series)
4. Early evening, take Dulcolax
tablet(s) as prescribed.
5. Light evening meal. NPO except
water after dinner.
Morning of procedure: NPO,
cleansing enema
1. Increase fluid intake and dietary
2. Report to provider if no bowel
movement within 24 hours of test.
To view the bile May have cleansing enema 1 hour Contrast medium injected and
Cholangiography ducts for possible before examination. Meal preced- radiograph of bile ducts is taken.
calculi or lesions. ing examination is withheld.
To study the 1. Evening before test, fat-free dinner. 1. A series of radiographs is taken.
gall bladder for 2. Patient takes dye tablets with 2. A fatty meal may be given
disease (stones, 8 oz. of water. to stimulate the gall bladder
Cholecystography duct obstruction), to empty.
3. Cathartic or cleansing enemas
may be prescribed. 3. Other radiographs can then be
4. NPO after dinner and tablets. taken to check gall bladder
596 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
To view the urinary Day prior: Light evening meal. Contrast medium injected and
Cystography bladder for lesions, Laxative in evening. radiograph of the urinary bladder
calculi. NPO after midnight. is taken.
To view the uterus Laxative evening before. Cleansing Contrast medium injected and
and fallopian tubes enema day of exam. Meal prior to radiographs taken of uterus and fal-
for blockage and examination is withheld. lopian tubes. Carbon dioxide may
lesions. To check for also be used.
pelvic masses.
Visualization of Eat a light evening meal and noth- A contrast medium of iodine salts is
Excretory kidneys, ureters, and ing after midnight. A laxative and given intravenously after it has been
urography bladder to detect enema are used to clean out the determined that the patient is not
(intravenous kidney stones, intestines to prevent a blocked view allergic to iodine (see Chapter 18).
pyelogram) [IVP]) lesions, strictures of of the ureters behind the intestines.
urinary tract.
To detect abnormal- Do not wear lotion, deodorant, Breast is positioned on the mammo-
ities in the breast, or powders. graph and compressed to flatten it.
Mammography especially breast Two radiographs are taken of each
Remove clothing from waist up.
cancer. No contrast medium required. breast, from the side and from above.
To view the kidneys Drink four to five glasses of water Contrast medium injected and
and urinary tract for before examination unless sedated, radiographs taken of the kidneys
abnormalities. then NPO. and urinary bladder.
Figure 20-5 (A) Posteroanterior (PA) view of a hand. Note the dark spaces between the bones. This is because the
bones (denser) pick up X-rays (absorb them) and appear white. The soft tissue (less dense) does not absorb X-rays
and appears dark. (B) PA hand.
CHAPTER 20 Diagnostic Imaging 597
Figure 20-6 Fluoroscopy room ready for upper Computerized Tomography (CT)
gastrointestinal study. CT uses a small amount of radiation. The beams
penetrate body tissues to produce a series of cross-
sectional images of the body part being examined.
types of tumors (breast) throughout the body. A It allows images of structures that cannot be seen
clinical image is formed by the accumulation of with regular X-rays. It is a noninvasive test that
positron emissions in a target organ. The patient’s usually requires no preparation.
emission pattern forms a clinical image. This image The CT machine has software and hard-
is compared with the normal distribution by the E HR ware for storing and managing inform-
nuclear medicine provider. ation. The images can be examined on a
598 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
computer monitor, and hard copies of the images rior for visualizing the brain. It shows more detail
can be made. It rotates 360 degrees around the than CT. The examiner can see through fluid-
patient to obtain cross-sectional images that are filled tissue with exceptional detail using an MRI
processed by a computer and can be viewed on a machine. The computer forms the visual image.
monitor and on film. It can also be used to guide A noninvasive test, magnetic resonance an-
biopsies, plan surgery, and identify internal organ giography (MRA), evaluates arteries and veins
injury due to trauma. It is ideal for early detec- throughout the body and is very useful for showing
tion of tissue tumors such as childhood cancers neck and brain blood flow. The computer converts
and abdominal tumors, and it helps in direct- the data into digital images of slices. No catheter-
ing radiation therapy for tumor masses. The car- ization is needed, but a contrast medium may be
diac CT is more useful for diagnosing coronary given intravenously. The procedure helps diagnose
artery disease than cardiac stress testing. On occa- blood vessel and heart disorders as well as strokes.
sion, a contrast medium is injected for a better Another imaging technique, functional MRI, mea-
view of internal structures. If contrast medium sures split-second nerve cell activity of the brain.
is used, the patient must be NPO (have noth- Another application of the technology is
ing by mouth) for 4 hours before being placed breast imaging using an MRI that is linked to the
onto a motorized table that moves the body part computer. Hundreds of detailed pictures of the
to be examined into a scanner that surrounds breast are taken from several angles. The patient
that part of the patient. An entire body can lies on the table on her abdomen, and the breasts
be scanned in 15 to 20 minutes (Figures 20-8A drop into a hollow in the table. Breast MRI is
and B). Newer multislice CT scanners produce not used for routine breast cancer screening. It
thinner slices in a shorter time with greater detail. is primarily used to evaluate breast implants for
leaks and to assess abnormalities seen on a con-
Magnetic Resonance Imaging ventional mammogram. Breast MRI does not
(MRI) take the place of conventional mammography
and ultrasonography and is not routinely used to
Images produced by MRI are of exception- diagnose breast cancer.
E HR ally high quality. No ionizing radiation For MRI, the patient lies on a table. The
is used, and it is a noninvasive, safe, and machine has an electromagnet. Three types of
painless procedure that can produce computer- MRI machines are available: closed MRI, open-
processed images. All body areas can be viewed by air MRI, and open MRI (Figure 20-9).
MRI, but it is especially helpful for soft tissues. It is The conventional closed MRI has high mag-
good for the spine, pelvis, and joints and is supe- netic strength. According to Lexington Medical
Figure 20-8 (A) Computed tomography (CT) scanning. Instruct patient to lie still. (B) This axial CT scan demon-
strates a meningioma surrounded by edema.
CHAPTER 20 Diagnostic Imaging 599
Figure 20-9 Three types of MRI machines: (A) closed MRI, (B) open-air MRI, and (C) open MRI.
Center, nine of ten MRI machines used in hospitals damaged during testing. Controlled studies inves-
and clinics are the closed MRI. It produces high- tigating whether patients with implantable devices
quality images. such as a pacemaker and/or an ICD can undergo
The open-air type MRI has open sides and CT and/or MRI are inconclusive. The FDA has
ends. Most open machines have low-strength not approved either procedure for these patients.
magnets and are not as powerful as the closed Some researchers found that newer CTs and
MRI. Images are of lesser quality. MRIs did not cause difficulties for patients with
The open type MRI is an advanced MRI implantable-devices compared with earlier mod-
machine that is completely open on all sides. It els, which did cause minor difficulties in some
eliminates patient claustrophobia and can accom- patients. An MRI is not as useful as conventional
modate obese patients. It has a powerful magnet radiographs or a CT scan for diagnosing fractured
that is much stronger than the magnet used in bones.
open-air type MRIs. Greater image detail results Patients are asked to remove all objects that
in information providers need to make a diagnosis have metal (watches, belts, hairpins, rings, other
(Figure 20-10). metal jewelry) and credit cards because of the
A drawback to MRI and CT is that they strong magnet in the MRI machine. Loose, com-
cannot be used in patients with a pacemaker; fortable clothing without zippers or snaps should
an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD); or be worn. The procedure takes about 45 minutes to
metal clips, pins, or other permanent hardware left an hour, during which time the patient must remain
in place on an internal organ or structure as part still. The technician, although not in the room with
of a surgical procedure. The metal may become the patient, has a camera and microphone with
which to communicate with the patient. An inter-
mittent tapping sound can be heard throughout
the procedure, and earphones are available if the
patient wants them.
Ultrasonography, CT, and MRI allow for greater
imaging detail than conventional radiographs.
Ultrasonography, or ultrasound, has been avail-
able longer than the other technologies. High-
frequency sound waves (inaudible to the human
Figure 20-10 A sagittal MRI of the head. (Courtesy ear) are used to image internal soft tissues. It can be
of GE Healthcare.) used to help diagnose problems in the abdominal
600 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
organs, liver, gall bladder, uterus, ovaries, and During ultrasound, a transducer is used with
spleen (Figure 20-11). It cannot be used for skel- a coupling agent, and sound waves are emitted
etal structures or the lungs. from the head of the transducer. The transducer is
Doppler ultrasonography is a noninvasive placed firmly on the patient’s body over the organ
technique used to evaluate blood flow through to be examined. The sound waves pass through
the major arteries and veins of the neck, arms, the skin and bounce off the body’s tissues and are
and legs. It can reveal blockages such as plaque reflected back to the transducer. These echoes are
or thrombi (blood clots). An echocardiogram, an displayed on an oscilloscope, showing a visual pat-
ultrasound of the heart, can view the heart and tern or picture. The image or record produced is
determine its size, shape, and position and the known as a sonogram or echogram. A permanent
motion made by the valves opening and closing film for the patient’s record and videotape can also
(Figure 20-12). Ultrasound has advantages over be made.
other methods of viewing internal organs and Integration of ultrasonography with a com-
structures in that it uses no X-rays and allows for E HR puter stores data and then produces three-
continuous viewing while organs and structures dimensional images. Ultrasonography can
are in motion. be used to guide the provider while performing a
Ultrasonography, because it is noninvasive
(procedure does not puncture skin or enter the
body), is widely accepted for obstetrical use. Gesta-
tional age can be determined, congenital anomalies
detected, multiple fetuses noted, ectopic pregnancy
Patient Education
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
1. Determine if the patient has followed the
preparation instructions, if there were
2. Explain the procedure and what the
Figure 20-11 Sonogram of gall bladder with gallstones. patient can expect.
3. Have patient remove all metal objects
(jewelry, watch, and so on). The magnet
in the MRI machine is strong, and metal
can disrupt images.
4. Have patient empty bladder before
the procedure because it takes about
45 minutes and patient cannot move
during that time.
5. Explain to patient that machine makes
humming and tapping noises.
6. Tell patient that the intravenous contrast
medium may be slightly uncomfortable
when injected into vein.
7. Remind patient to lie still and not to
8. Tell patient that there is a microphone
Figure 20-12 Echocardiograph machine. (Photo by for communication between the patient
Marcia Butterfield. Courtesy of W.A. Foote Memorial and technician.
Hospital, Jackson, Michigan.)
CHAPTER 20 Diagnostic Imaging 601
diagnosed, and fetal size and position determined mogram to see if any of the highlighted areas
(see Chapter 14). were missed on the initial review and require fur-
Ultrasound takes 15 to 45 minutes, and the ther investigation. CAD technology may improve
preparation depends on the body part being the accuracy of a screening mammogram. Re-
examined. An obstetrical ultrasound may require searchers continue to seek ways to reduce the
the patient to have a full bladder to push aside the exposure of X-rays to the patient even further.
intestines. An ultrasound of the gallbladder and Chapter 14 provides more information on mam-
liver requires the patient to have had nothing to eat mography.
or drink for 8 to 12 hours before the examination.
The patient must remain still unless requested to
change positions. Therapeutic ultrasonography is
Filing Films and Reports
discussed in Chapter 21. Because radiographs are part of the patient’s
permanent record, they must be safeguarded
from the environment. Conditions such as heat,
Mammography moisture, light, and radiation can damage them.
More than any other X-ray, the mammogram must Processed films are stored in special envelopes
be of the highest resolution and contrast. High res- with the patient’s name, date, and identification
olution and contrast call for an increase in expo- number marked on the outside. They are stored
sure to radiation, but mammography currently is in a cool, dry place. The films are the property of
safer than ever because of strong regulations (the the hospital or other facility where the films were
only fully regulated radiography examination by taken and usually remain where they were taken.
the federal government) and improved technol- Storage on-site makes them accessible for future
ogy. The machines used for mammography must use for comparison purposes and eliminates the
meet stringent requirements. They are used with possibility of their being lost if they were allowed
special screens, film, and cassettes. Currently, to be taken away from the facility where they
the equipment can produce high-resolution and were processed. Written reports of the findings
extremely high-contrast images with exposures are prepared by the radiologist and sent to the
that are lower than ever. Digitalization helps patient’s provider(s) (Figure 20-13). Com-
improve images. Although some newer mammog- E HR puted radiography eliminates the need for
raphy equipment is digitalized, according to some film storage (hard copy).
experts, it produces images that are only slightly
better than those produced by nondigi-
E HR talized equipment. Imaging techniques RADIATION THERAPY
help providers perform biopsies of the
breast, especially of abnormal areas that cannot Radiation therapy is generally used to treat tumors
be felt but are seen by conventional mammogra- that cannot be surgically removed or are inacces-
phy or with ultrasound. A type of needle biopsy, sible for surgical removal, and for treatment of a
stereotactic-guided biopsy, involves the exact loca- malignant tumor that was surgically excised but
tion of the abnormal area in three dimensions a portion of the tumor remains. It is a specialty
using conventional mammography. (Stereotatic re- within cadiology. When used to treat inaccessible
fers to use of a computer and scanning devices to or inoperable tumors, the treatment is considered
create three-dimensional images.) A sterile needle is palliative treatment. The treatments shrink the
inserted into the precise location, and tissue or cell tumor, thereby lessening the symptoms. The treat-
samples can be obtained. The samples are exam- ments can be either external, with direct radia-
ined by a pathologist who looks for cancer cells. tion aimed through the surface of the skin to an
area within the body, or internal, using various
Computer-Aided Detection (CAD). Computer-
aided detection uses the computer to bring suspi-
cious areas on a mammogram to the radiologist’s
attention. The CAD scans the mammogram with
a laser beam and converts it into a digital signal Critical Thinking
that is processed by the computer. The image is
displayed on a video monitor, with the suspicious Describe how radiation therapy helps to
area highlighted. The radiologist can compare destroy malignant neoplasms.
the digital image with the conventional mam-
602 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Figure 20-13A Radiograph showing patient identifi-
cation information. Figure 20-13B Sample requisition form.
applications of radioactivity such as seeds or beads If the radionuclide is in an area that is abnor-
that are planted inside the body and left there mal, such as a tumor, the area is referred to as
for a certain amount of time. The radiation is the “hot.” If the radionuclide does not concentrate in
same as X-rays, with doses carefully calculated. the abnormality, but surrounds it instead, the area
The aim of radiation therapy is to interfere with is refered to as “cold”. Both hot and cold areas are
cell growth and to disrupt the DNA. The object is suggestive of abnormalities.
to destroy as many of the malignant cells as pos- The provider may order a nuclear medicine
sible without harming healthy cells surrounding E HR scan for the following reasons: to analyze
the tumor. Possible side effects are nausea, vomit- kidney function, image blood flow through
ing, hair loss, anorexia, bone marrow suppression, the heart, scan lungs, measure thyroid function, iden-
and stomatitis. tify bleeding into the colon, determine the spread of
cancer, bone scan, brain scan, and others. Nuclear
imaging techniques use a camera and a nearby com-
NUCLEAR MEDICINE puter to detect emissions of the rays, measure the
amount of radioactivity, and provide a digitalized
Nuclear medicine is the branch of medicine image of the organ (e.g., the thyroid gland).
involved with the use of radioactive (emits rays or Data gathered from all of these diagnostic
particles from nucleus) substances for diagnosis, imaging devices are stored electronically in a hos-
therapy, and research. Specific training is neces- pital information system (HIS). Picture archiving
sary for this speciality. and communication systems (PACS) store all
Radioactive substances are administered to radiologic exam results and are available online
the patient either by mouth or by injection. The to providers on demand. The level of access to the
radioactive compounds, known as radionuclides, data can be defined by each system. The benefits of
travel to an organ or area in the body that attracts these systems are that the examination reports and
them and creates an image of that area. The images will not become lost and no time is spent
gamma rays omitted are detected by camera. waiting for a report.
CHAPTER 20 Diagnostic Imaging 603
Radiology and diagnostic imaging are helpful in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and conditions
because procedures can be done to visualize internal structures and their functions. Radiation is not
without its risks to personnel and patients, but by following specific safety precautions, the health and
safety of all involved can be safeguarded.
The three specialty areas are radiology, radiation therapy, and nuclear medicine.
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet by completing the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on your student CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
604 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
OBJECTIVES (continued)
10. Explain the importance of joint range of motion and the
method used to measure joint movement.
11. Explain the importance of therapeutic exercise and the types
of therapeutic exercises used in patient rehabilitation.
12. Describe electromyography and its purpose.
13. Explain the purpose of the electrostimulation of muscle.
14. Explain the body’s physiologic reactions to heat and cold
therapeutic modalities.
15. Be able to identify and describe the various types of hot and
cold modalities, and describe how ultrasound works.
16. Describe various conditions for which massage therapy is used.
In a large urgent care center such as Inner City Health tion area to the examination room and from wheelchair
Care, a team of therapists is responsible for providing to examination table. Although acutely aware of the
patients with a high level of rehabilitative care. How- needs and safety of the patient, Wanda and Bruce also
ever, the clinical medical assistants at Inner City also make sure they protect themselves by using proper
are involved on a daily basis in the care of patients who body mechanics, by observing good posture, by using
have experienced injuries such as fractures or severe their arm and leg muscles and not their back muscles,
back pain. Clinical medical assistant Wanda Slawson, and by always bending from the hips and knees, not
CMA (AAMA), MLT, and clinical medical assistant Bruce the waist. Wanda’s and Bruce’s observation of these
Goldman, CMA (AAMA), are often responsible for trans- important principles protects their health and ensures
ferring patients and getting them safely from the recep- the safety of their patients.
Physical disability affects millions of people in the United of ability, it seeks to find practical substitutions for that
States, regardless of age, race, or socioeconomic status. loss, thereby assisting patients to make the most of their
Every year thousands of people survive strokes, head or remaining abilities.
spinal cord injury, or other debilitating illness or injury Most rehabilitation services are prescribed by the pro-
that leaves them unable to perform complete independent vider in charge of a patient’s care and, depending on the
function. Some of these individuals recover completely. patient’s condition, can include a recommendation to one
Others recover to their fullest ability, living the rest of their or several rehabilitation specialists. Most likely, that spe-
lives with some type of disability. Still other patients expe- cialist will be a physical therapist, occupational therapist,
rience chronic conditions such as arthritis or severe back speech therapist, or sports medicine specialist, although the
pain that incapacitates them to the extent they cannot field of rehabilitation medicine is certainly not limited to
work or completely care for themselves. these four areas of specialty.
Rehabilitation medicine is a field of medical dis- Professional rehabilitation therapists, in whichever
ciplines that uses physical and mechanical agents to aid field they practice, are specifically trained and licensed
in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases in their field of expertise to assess, plan, and execute the
or bodily injuries. Its goal is to aid in the restoration of patient’s treatment in an overall effort to restore that
those functions that have been affected by the patient’s patient to the highest level of physical and social indepen-
condition. For those who have experienced permanent loss dence possible. The medical assistant, as a member of an
CHAPTER 21 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Modalities 607
THE ROLE OF THE MEDICAL Table 21-1 Some of the Specialized Fields
ASSISTANT IN REHABILITATION of Rehabilitation Medicine
As a medical assistant, you may find yourself work- The treatment of disorders
ing in one of the rehabilitation fields. Such oppor- with physical and mechanical
Physical Therapy/
agents and methods to restore
tunities might include an ambulatory care setting Physiotherapy
normal function after injury or
with a specialty in physical therapy or sports medi- illness.
cine, an orthopedic surgeon’s practice, the occu-
pational or speech therapy department of a large The use of activities to help
suburban hospital, or other outpatient clinic or restore independent function-
medical office. For the more chronically ill, nurs- ing after an injury or illness.
ing homes and rehabilitation hospitals also focus
on restoring patients to as much independence as Speech Therapy
The diagnosis and treatment of
possible. speech disorders.
Even if you do not work in the field of reha-
bilitation and therapeutic modalities, you may A branch of medicine that spe-
cializes in the treatment and
be referring patients for treatments and perhaps Sports Medicine
prevention of injuries caused by
even performing insurance coding or rehabilita- athletic participation.
tive and therapeutic modalities. Either way, a good
608 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Figure 21-1 (A) A medical assistant demonstrating poor posture. (B) Good posture not only looks more profes-
sional but can prevent back injuries.
CHAPTER 21 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Modalities 609
carrying heavy objects, bending over or bending • Pivot the entire body instead of twisting it.
down, or moving patients. • Use the body’s weight to push or pull any heavy
It is important to keep several basic rules in object.
mind whenever performing any task:
• Obtain help if unable to move a patient or object
• Keep the back as straight as possible and feet that is too heavy.
shoulder-width apart to provide a good base of • Hold heavy objects close to the body (Figure 21-4).
support (Figure 21-2). • Make sure the path is clear and the area to receive
• Always bend from the hips and knees, which enables the object is ready before lifting or moving it.
the largest muscles of the legs to do the hard work, • Get into the habit of wearing a body support if a
but never bend from the waist (Figure 21-3). job includes much lifting.
Lifting Techniques
When lifting patients or moving or lifting heavy
objects, certain techniques should be used to pre-
vent back injury:
Figure 21-4 (A) When carrying heavy objects, hold Procedure 21-1 gives the proper steps
them close to the body. (B) Never carry heavy objects for transferring patients from a wheelchair to
out in front. an examination table. Procedure 21-2 outlines
steps for transfer from examination table to
CHAPTER 21 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Modalities 611
• Legs have wheels • Good for patients who need walker only for balance and not
Rolling • Otherwise same as support
regular walker
• Platform affixed to a • Best for patients with severe arthritis or poor use of hands
crutch • Does not require as much upper body strength
• Patient bears weight on • Requires good balance
• Single leg • Good for patients with only one good arm, lateral instability, or
Standard • Curved handle balance conditions
• Rubber tip
• Single cane resting on a • Better for patients with more severe conditions
Quad (four-point) platform with four legs • Does not require as much coordination, but still requires
• Rubber tips on legs balance and upper body strength in one arm
• Has four legs that come • Provides most stability of all canes
Walkcane or all the way up to a • Best for hemiplegic patients who require extra support on one
Hemiwalker handlebar side
• Rubber tips on all legs
when patients are standing or walking. They pro- tips on the legs (stationary walkers), and those with
vide patients with the ability to ambulate indepen- wheels on the bottom of the legs (rolling walkers).
dently with confidence. To use one, patients must Walkers that have wheels can be easily pushed ahead
be strong enough to be able to hold themselves by the patient while walking and are best for patients
upright while leaning on the walker. who primarily need a walker for balance.
Various styles of walkers are available. The two Most walkers are made of aluminum and are
most widely used walkers are those that have rubber lightweight; most can be easily folded for storage
CHAPTER 21 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Modalities 613
Crutches provide the ambulating patient with a
great deal more mobility and flexibility. They pro-
vide good stability and support, therefore allowing
for a broad range of gait patterns and ambulating
Three basic types of crutches are prescribed,
depending on the patient’s physical limitations
and abilities: axillary crutches, forearm crutches
(also called Lofstrand or Canadian crutches), and
platform crutches (Figure 21-7).
Axillary crutches are made of wood or aluminum
and are used primarily for individuals who need Figure 21-8 Patient using axillary crutches.
614 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Patient Education
When instructing patients in the use of axillary on crutches. Remind them to have such haz-
crutches, impress on them the importance of ards removed. Teach patients to examine
putting all their weight on their hands, not on crutches daily for the following:
the axillae. Many patients using crutches for • Check that the wing nuts that adjust the
the first time mistakenly put the pressure on crutches are tight.
their axillae, which can damage the axillary • Check the crutch tips for wear and tear.
nerve. Also reinforce the need for wearing flat,
nonskid shoes when using crutches. • Check the foam pads of the hand grips and
axilla rests for tears.
Throw rugs and other obstacles in the
home or work area are a danger to patients
1 2 3 4
Figure 21-14 Three-point gait. The left leg is the weaker leg and
bears no weight.
1 2 3 4
Figure 21-15 Four-point gait. The patient is bearing weight on both legs.
the chair, grasps the armrest with the hand on the Canes come in three basic types, are made of
weaker side, then pushes up to a standing posi- either aluminum or wood, and have rubber tips.
tion. Some are adjustable and some are not (Figure
21-16). The first type of cane is called a standard, or
single-tipped, cane (Figure 21-17). It has a curved
Canes handle for gripping, and the newer canes have a
A cane is used when the patient has one weak hand grip attached. The standard cane is used for
side and will need this assistive device for a longer patients with less severe walking conditions who
period than crutches. It is also useful for patients need a small amount of support.
who have a general but minor weakness on one The second type of cane is a four-legged,
side or those who have poor balance. or quad, cane. It is a single cane that rests on a
CHAPTER 21 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Modalities 617
Wheelchairs are mobile chairs that enable patients
with severe ambulation conditions, or no ability
to ambulate at all, to otherwise get around. Some
must be moved manually, either by the patient or by
someone else. Others are motorized and can be con-
trolled completely by the patient (Figure 21-18).
With the many advancements in wheel-
Figure 21-16 Types of standard canes: quad canes chair design, patients with chronic conditions
and single-tip canes. no longer are restricted to a home or hospital
environment. Today, all public buildings and
many private ones have handicapped access
ramps as an alternative to stairs, remote-controlled
doors, elevators that can accommodate a wheel-
chair, and other amenities that enable wheelchair
patients to get around almost as well as if they were
Many types of wheelchairs can be modified
to suit a patient’s particular disability and lifestyle.
There are even wheelchairs that enable patients to
participate in sports activities. Many car manufac-
turers can modify a van to accommodate a wheel-
chair, and some are equipped to allow wheelchair
patients to drive.
Patients who will be using a wheelchair for
a long time are taught how to maintain it.
Depending on their abilities, they check it
regularly to make sure all the parts are working
correctly, and, if they are able, to make any neces-
sary repairs. Patients are taught to use the wheel-
chair safely and how to maneuver into and out of
difficult spaces.
If a patient is being pushed by someone else,
that individual must learn basic safety rules for
transporting a patient:
• Make sure that the brakes are locked when trans-
ferring a patient into and out of a wheelchair, and
Figure 21-17 A standard cane being used by a hemi- if a patient must be left alone in the wheelchair
plegic patient. for any length of time, lock the brakes (Figure
four-legged platform, provides stability and a wide • Make sure the patient’s feet are placed on the foot-
base of support, and is for patients with more rests when the wheelchair is in use.
severe walking difficulties. • Be certain the patient feels safe.
The third type of cane is a walkcane. It has • Always back into and out of elevators.
four legs and a handlebar for gripping and pro-
vides the best support of all canes. This type of • Stay to the right in corridors.
cane is also referred to as a Hemiwalker because • Back down slanted ramps.
618 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Flexion, extension,
Lateral flexion Rotation hyperextension
Flexion, extension,
Lateral flexion Rotation hyperextension
Figure 21-20 Joint mobility is measured against Abduction
standard ranges of motion and is always expressed in
Adduction Flexion, extension,
inward hyperextension
Pharmacy Hip
Abduction Rotation:
Flexion, extension,
Patient Assessment Adduction hyperextension
Procedures, Diagnoses & Treatment Plans
Referrals & Follow-up Appointments
Prescriptions Elbow Flexion
Orders for Tests
Patient Medical History Pronation
Supination Extension
Test Results
Schedules and Tickler Files
Patient Medical History Extension
Medication Administration
Patient Education
Graphical Patient Data Displays
Figure 21-21 Clinical care arm of the total practice Fingers Toes Adduction Extension
management system (TPMS). Patient rehabilitative Adduction
procedures and therapeutic modalities treatment plans
ordered by the provider are part of the TPMS data
flow. Treatment plans, progress notes, and follow-up
appointments are recorded in the patient’s medical Abduction Extension Abduction Flexion
record and readily accessible to the provider for
continuity of patient care. Figure 21-22 Range of motion (ROM) exercises for
specific joints.
620 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
3. Assisted exercises, which help the patient voluntarily which take advantage of the properties of heat,
move weakened muscles with the use of an assistive cold, electricity, light, and water to improve circu-
device, such as a therapy pool lation, minimize pain, and correct or alleviate mus-
4. Active resistance exercises, which provide volun- cular and joint malfunction.
tary movement against various types of manual Many modalities have been around for cen-
or mechanical pressure to increase muscle turies, and some can easily be performed by the
strength patient or caregiver at home. Modalities can be used
locally to treat a small area at a time or systemically to
Electromyography alter a patient’s temperature or soothe many groups
of painful muscles or joints. The patient’s condi-
Electrical activity of muscles can be recorded on a tion and rehabilitation program both influence the
graph or film to help determine how well muscles modality or combination of modalities used.
contract. An electromyograph is the instrument A provider order is required for any therapeu-
used to test the electrical activity of a muscle. An tic modality.
electrode (using a small gauge needle) is inserted
through skin into the muscle, and measurements
of muscle strength are made.
Heat and Cold
Heat, or thermotherapy, acts on the body by caus-
Electrostimulation of Muscle ing vasodilation (dilation of the blood vessels).
The effect of heat increases circulation to an area
An electric current of low voltage can help stimu- and acts to speed up the repair process. Heat can
late muscles to exercise by innervating the sensory be used to:
and motor nerves for that muscle. It is helpful for
a patient who has nerve damage to the muscle • Relax muscle spasms
and cannot voluntarily move the muscle. The pur- • Relieve pain in a strained muscle or sprained joint
pose is to prevent atrophy of the muscle and help • Relieve localized congestion and swelling
restore muscle function. • Increase drainage from an infected area
The low current of electricity passing through
the patient’s muscle acts similarly to the patient’s • Increase tissue metabolism and repair
own nerves causing the muscle to contract and • Combat local infection
relax. The stimulation is helpful to retrain a patient • Increase circulation
after experiencing an injury to a muscle or muscle • Improve mobility before exercise
group. Disposable gel electrodes are applied, and
low-voltage current stimulates muscles to prevent However, because heat dilates the blood ves-
atrophy of muscle. sels and increases circulation, it also acts to speed
A method of using electric current to stimu- up the inflammatory process, which can lead to
late nerves is known as transcutaneous electric nerve more serious problems, such as increased bleeding
stimulation (TENS). It is used for patients who and swelling. Heat should not be used longer than
have severe pain, for example, chronic lower back its prescribed length of time.
pain from an injury. In this method, electrodes Cold applications, or cryotherapy, are used to
are attached to the patient’s skin over a painful constrict blood vessels and slow or stop the flow of
area. It causes interference with the transmission blood to an area. This process, also called vasocon-
of painful stimuli, thus reducing the patient’s striction, slows down the inflammatory process,
pain sensation. Many patients with chronic severe which can reduce or prevent swelling of inflamed
pain need narcotics to ease the pain. However, tissues, reduce bleeding, numb the pain sensation
TENS can control the pain and lesson the need by acting as a topical anesthetic, and reduce drain-
for addictive drugs. TENS can be used by patients age to an area.
at home. By understanding how heat and cold affect
the body, it is easier to observe whether they are hav-
ing the desired therapeutic effect. Because heat and
THERAPEUTIC MODALITIES cold modalities can be extremely effective, they are
widely used for treating certain physical conditions.
Sometimes, therapeutic exercise is not the best or However, the effects of heat and cold modalities
only way to restore injured or painful joints and depend on several conditions: the type of modality
tissues. A patient’s condition may respond equally used, the length of time it is applied, the patient’s
well to certain physical agents, called modalities, condition, and the area or areas being treated.
622 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Precautions for Heat and Cold medicated water no hotter than 110°F (44°C) for a
Applications. When applying either heat short time, usually no more than about 15 minutes.
or cold modalities, you need to take cer- The patient should be positioned to be comfort-
tain precautions to avoid injury. If misused, any able. Observe the patient’s skin for excessive redness
therapeutic modality can actually cause more and, if noticed, remove the limb at once. Always dry
damage to the site it is trying to heal. Before start- the skin carefully by patting, not rubbing, it.
ing any treatment, keep the following precautions Total body immersion in water 104–113°F
in mind: can be administered in a whirlpool bath or special
Hubbard tank. This treatment is often prescribed
• Infants and patients who cannot report a burning
to promote relaxation, circulation, and movement
sensation should be watched carefully. Infants and
of limbs in preparation for exercise. The mechani-
older adults are particularly susceptible to burns.
cal action of agitating water moving over the body
• Heat and cold sensitivity varies with patients; check in a whirlpool is called hydromassage and can both
patients frequently and never leave them alone. relax muscles and stimulate circulation. The Hub-
• Never have a patient lie on a heating pad because bard tank is a bit larger and provides room for
severe burning can result. Place a rubber cover limited body exercise without the effects of gravity.
over the heating pad if using with moist dressings.
• Always wrap appliances, whether warm or cold, Sitz Bath. A sitz bath is a bath of warm water in
with cloth before applying them to the skin. which only the hips and buttocks (perineum) are
immersed for relief of pain and discomfort from
• Only soak or immerse patients in water between
conditions such as rectal surgery and episiotomy.
104°F and 113°F (40–45°C). Temperatures of
It is therapeutic and cleansing and will help relieve
116°F (47°C) or greater can cause burning.
discomfort by reducing swelling and improve heal-
• Never use heat within the first 48 hours of an acute ing by stimulating blood flow.
inflammatory process and never apply heat to
newly burned skin. Warm Wet Compresses and Packs. A warm
• Watch carefully persons with impaired circulation; wet compress is usually applied to a small area. It
cardiovascular, renal, sensorineural, or respiratory is prepared by soaking and wringing out either a
conditions; or osteoporosis. Tell patient to report square of gauze or other absorbent material (such
pain or numbness. as a clean washcloth) and applying it for a limited
• Excessive cold can damage tissues. time to the affected area (Figure 21-23). Warm
compresses can be administered easily at home. A
• Lack of sensation to a therapy may mean impaired
warm pack is used for a larger area and generally
circulation to an area, and the patient may be
involves the use of a professional warm pack (hydro-
unable to report a burning sensation.
collator) administered in the clinical setting. This
• Heat concentrates in metal materials, so have type of warm pack is soaked in water 150–170°F,
patients remove all jewelry and other metal objects, removed with tongs and drained, and placed over
and administer the treatment on nonmetal tables larger areas such as the back or shoulders. Check
and chairs. color of patient’s skin frequently.
• Document in the patient’s chart or elec-
E HR tronic medical record the type of modality,
length of time applied, color of patient’s
Paraffin Wax Bath. This type of treatment is
most often used for chronic joint disease, such as
skin, and any discomfort. rheumatoid arthritis. The bath mixture of seven
parts paraffin to one part mineral oil is heated to
melting (about 127°F) and the body part is dipped
Moist and Dry Heat in the mixture several times until a thick coat of
Moist Heat Therapies. Moist heat refers to heat wax builds up. The body part is then wrapped in
modalities that feel moist against the skin. Moist foil, cloth, or plastic wrap to help insulate the heat,
heat penetrates better than dry heat and aids in then left on for 30 minutes or less. Once peeled
improving circulation, relaxation, and mobility. off, the circulatory effects of this treatment can last
up to several hours. It is an excellent modality for
Warm Soaks. Warm soaks are generally used for warming up joints before ROM or other exercises.
soaking the extremities and can be administered This modality, ordered by the provider, will be car-
easily at home by the patient or caregiver. The ried out in the physical therapy department by a
patient’s body part is gradually immersed in plain or professional therapist (Figure 21-24).
CHAPTER 21 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Modalities 623
be covered with a cloth before applying against
Figure 21-23 (A) Dip warm compresses frequently into the skin. Never let a patient lie directly on a heat-
a basin of warm water to keep them warm. (B) Apply com- ing pad because burns can result. Set the switch
presses directly to the skin. NOTE: Limb will be wrapped on the heating pad to a low or medium setting
in a towel that will then be covered with a blue plastic and observe the proper time of exposure.
wrap. This helps keep the compresses warm. An Aquamatic K-Pad® is a commercial pad
that is safer to use than a heating pad or commer-
cially prepared pack because you can maintain
a constant temperature and regulate that tem-
Dry Heat Therapies. Dry heat applications feel dry perature more carefully. It is a pad with tubes that
against the skin and do not penetrate like moist are filled with distilled water and heated by a
heat. They are used more to improve circulation control unit. The pad must be covered and
for the purposes of relieving swelling and healing left on the patient for no more than about
wounds, as well as to relax muscles and reduce mus- 30 minutes. The temperature usually is set
cle spasms. Most dry heat modalities can be per- between 95 and 100°F.
formed easily by the patient or caregiver at home.
near the surface, because their waves are capable pist to be licensed in order to practice the
of concentrating in one area and causing damage. profession.
Because ultrasound waves cannot be con- History shows massage therapy is one of the
ducted through air, a special gel is applied to the earliest practices for helping the body restore
skin surface that acts as a conduit. The sound waves healthy functioning. It is used to relieve minor aches
are generated through an applicator that is rubbed and pains, thus helping patients feel relaxed and
over the gel. This applicator must be kept moving refreshed. Massage therapy is safe and advantageous
to prevent any internal damage caused by too high for most individuals, from infants to older adults.
a concentration of sound waves. The duration of Some physiologic benefits include increased
treatment lasts anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes, metabolism, promotion of healing, soothing of
depending on the condition being treated and muscles, relief of discomfort and pain, and im-
the recommendation of the physician or other proved circulation. Massage therapy can be used to
health care provider. It is important to note that, manage the pain associated with conditions such as
because of its potential dangers, ultrasound treat- whiplash injury, muscle spasm, sciatic nerve pain,
ment should only be administered if the medical arthritis, and many other health problems.
assistant or other caregiver is specially trained in its Therapists use their hands to handle or touch
safe and effective use. the soft tissues of the patients’ body. The move-
ments stimulate the patients’ circulation, help
relieve discomfort, improve range of motion, and
Massage Therapy relax muscles. Some of the movements include
Massage therapy has become recognized as percussion (tapping), rubbing, pressing, petris-
a modality that is basic to physical therapy. sage (kneading), and effleurage (stroking) of the
The majority of states require a massage thera- soft tissue (Figure 21-26).
Figure 21-26 (A) The therapist applies long strokes up along the muscles on each side of the spine. (B) Effleurage
strokes are used up the back and over the shoulders. Effleurage or gliding strokes are applied in the direction of venous
blood and lymph flow. (C) The muscles of the back are stroked outward. (D) Fan stroking is applied to the back.
626 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Figure 21-26 (continued) (E) Vibration movements are applied to the vertebrae, and vibrations go back and forth
as the therapist moves down along the spine. (F) Petrissage is applied to the entire side opposite the therapist.
Massage therapy is inappropriate for patients the patient thereby lessening fatigue; and regener-
with open wounds, neuropathies, shock, severe ates energy.
upper respiratory illnesses, varicose veins, phlebi- Massage therapy has been accepted and
tis, high blood pressure, and often patients with recognized by the medical community and the
osteoporosis (bones can easily break). community-at-large as a complementary or alter-
There are psychological benefits as well. Mas- native form of medicine.
sage therapy relieves stress and tension; refreshes
Procedure 21-1
Transferring Patient from Wheelchair to Examination Table
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: nearest the examination table should be the
patient’s stronger side to allow the patient to bal-
ance on that leg during the transfer.
4. Place the gait belt snugly around the patient’s
PURPOSE: waist and tuck the excess end under the belt
To move a patient safely from a wheelchair to the (Figure 21-27A).
examination table. 5. Move the footrests up and out of the way. Have
the patient place feet on the floor. Newer wheel-
chairs have removable footrests. Taking them off
Stool with rubber tips and a handle for gripping
enables you to put the wheelchair closer to the
Gait belt
examination table. There is also less chance of
PROCEDURE STEPS: being bumped or bruised by the wheelchair.
1. Wash hands. 6. Position the stool in front of the examina-
2. Identify the patient and introduce yourself. tion table as close to the wheelchair as possible
Explain to the patient what you are going to do. (Figure 21-27B).
3. Place the wheelchair next to the examination 7. Have the patient move to the edge of the wheel-
table and lock the brakes. CAUTION: The side chair.
CHAPTER 21 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Modalities 627
Figure 21-27 (A) The gait belt is always applied snugly around the patient’s
waist before attempting to move or ambulate with the patient. (B) Position
the long-handled stool in front of the examination table and as close to the
wheelchair as possible.
8. Stand directly in front of the patient with your 13. Position the patient on the examination table as
feet slightly apart. Bending at the hips and knees, necessary.
grasp the gait belt and have the patient place his 14. Move the wheelchair and stool out of the way.
or her hands on the armrests of the wheelchair
so he or she can push up when you give the sig- Modification: Two-Person Transfer
nal (Figure 21-27C). If the patient does not have 1. Place the gait belt snugly around the patient’s
the upper body strength to push off, simply let waist and tuck the excess end under the belt.
the arms rest in front of him or her. 2. Have one person stand in front of the patient
9. Give a signal and lift the gait belt upward, push- and the other to the side.
ing with your knees. If the patient has the 3. Both persons should grasp the gait belt from
strength in the legs, he or she should push underneath. Have the patient place the hands
with the legs in addition to pushing up with on the armrests of the wheelchair.
the arms.
4. On one person’s signal, both persons pull the
10. Still grasping the gait belt, have the patient patient straight up. The patient should also push
step onto the stool with the foot closest to the up with the hands, but if there is little upper
examination table, and pivot so the back is to the body strength to push off, simply let the arms
examination table (Figure 21-27D). Make sure rest in front (Figure 21-28).
the buttocks are lifted slightly higher than the
5. The person nearest the examination table moves
bed. Support the patient’s weaker, outer leg with
the wheelchair out of the way, whereas the other
your leg furthest from the examination table.
pivots the patient and has the patient place his
11. Have the patient grasp the stool handle and or her stronger leg on the stool. If the patient has
place the other hand on the examination table. the upper body strength, he or she should also
12. Gently ease the patient to a sitting position on grasp the handle of the stool.
the examination table.
628 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
6. On one person’s signal, both persons lift the 7. Position the patient on the examination table as
patient onto the examination table. necessary.
Figure 21-27 (continued) (C) Before lifting, observe proper body Figure 21-28 A two-person trans-
mechanics to avoid injuring yourself or the patient. (D) Check that fer is used when the patient does not
the patient’s foot is firmly placed on the stool before completing the have the upper body strength to help
transfer. move himself or herself.
Procedure 21-2
Transferring Patient from Examination Table to Wheelchair
1. Wash hands.
2. Identify the patient and introduce yourself.
Explain to the patient what you are going to do.
PURPOSE: 3. Position the wheelchair next to the examination
To move a patient safely from the examination table table and lock the brakes. NOTE: Place the
to a wheelchair. wheelchair so it is closest to the patient’s stron-
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: ger side so the patient can transfer weight onto
Stool with rubber tips and a handle for gripping the stronger foot as he or she gets down.
Gait belt 4. Position the stool next to the wheelchair.
CHAPTER 21 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Modalities 629
5. Assist the patient to rise to a sitting position. 9. On your signal, pull the patient slightly toward
Place the gait belt snugly around the patient’s you so the feet come down onto the stool. The
waist and tuck the excess end under the belt. patient should push off the examination table
6. Place your arm under the patient’s arm and and grasp the stool handle for support.
around the shoulders, and your other arm 10. Still grasping the gait belt, have the patient step
under the knees. Pivot the patient so the legs onto the floor with the strong leg, and pivot at
are dangling over the side of the examination the same time so the back is to the wheelchair.
table. 11. Have the patient grasp the armrests of the wheel-
7. Keeping a hand on the patient, move so you are chair.
directly in front. 12. Bending from your knees and hips, gently lower
8. Grasp the patient by placing your hands under the patient into the wheelchair and make sure
the gait belt. Plant your feet shoulder’s width the patient is comfortably seated.
apart and bend your knees so you will have a 13. Lower the footrests and place the feet on them.
strong base of support.
Procedure 21-3
Assisting the Patient to Stand and Walk
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: stand on your signal. At the same time, have
the patient push up on the armrests of the
7. Steady the patient momentarily and watch for
PURPOSE: balance, strength, and skin color. If necessary
To help a patient ambulate safely. have patient sit back in wheelchair and take his
or her pulse and/or blood pressure.
8. If the patient appears steady and has balance,
Gait belt
strength, and good skin color, proceed by stand-
PROCEDURE STEPS: ing slightly behind and to the side of the patient’s
1. Wash hands. weaker side.
2. Identify the patient and introduce yourself. 9. Grasp the gait belt with one hand and place
Explain to the patient what you are going to do. the other hand on the patient’s bent arm for
support. Note the gait belt is grasped with your
3. Lock the brakes on the wheelchair, if the patient
fingers under the belt, palm up and elbow bent
is using one. Place the patient’s feet on the floor
(Figure 21-29).
and move the foot plates out of the way.
10. Start with the same foot as the patient and keep
4. Instruct the patient to slide forward in the chair.
in step with him or her.
5. Place the gait belt around the patient’s waist and
11. Document the procedure in the patient’s chart
tuck the excess end under the belt.
or electronic medical record, including date,
6. Standing directly in front of the patient, grasp time, duration of ambulation, response of
the gait belt from underneath and assist to patient, and instructions given.
630 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Figure 21-29 Firmly grasp the gait belt from under- Figure 21-30 When two persons are assisting with
neath, with the palm up and elbow bent. ambulation, they should stand on either side of the
7/14/20XX 2:30 PM Patient states she has been doing 7/14/20XX 2:30 PM Patient has been to physical therapy a
“fairly well” in physical therapy. She says she walks short total of 15 times. Dr. Woo wants patient to ambulate to see her
distances, about 10 feet. Assisted with ambulation. Seems progress. Assisted patient to ambulate with another person
steady on her feet. Says she feels “very good.” W. Slawson, assisting. Did very well. Walked about 100 feet. Color remained
CMA (AAMA) __________________________________ good. P 100. B. Beckus, RMA _________________________
CHAPTER 21 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Modalities 631
Procedure 21-4
Care of the Falling Patient
To help the patient fall safely to prevent injury.
Gait belt (should already be on patient)
1. Keep a firm hand on the gait belt. CAUTION:
Never grab clothing, because it can shift and
become unstable.
2. If the patient falls backward, widen your stance
to become a more stable base of support to fall
against (Figure 21-31). Gently guide the patient
to the floor, call for assistance, and take pulse
and blood pressure.
3. If the patient falls to either side, steady back onto Figure 21-32 Ease the falling patient to the floor and
the feet. To do this, you will need to move your try to protect the head.
foot in the direction of the fall. Inquire whether
the patient would like to terminate the ambu-
lation session and check for signs of fatigue. If necessary, call for assistance. Check blood pres-
sure and pulse.
4. Should the patient fall forward, support him or
her around the waist. Step forward with your
outer leg and gently lower to the floor, mak-
ing sure to protect from injury (Figure 21-32).
Call for assistance and take blood pressure and
5. Have the patient examined by the provider
before moving patient again.
6. Document the fall in an incident report and
in the patient’s chart or electronic medical
1/21/20XX 11:30 AM While walking to exam room with
assistance the patient suddenly began to fall forward with
knees buckling. Says she feels “faint.” Eased to the floor gen-
tly. Did not strike any body parts during fall. BP 110/60,
P 108 (lying on floor). BP and pulse rechecked when patient
placed in wheelchair. BP 120/78, P 92. Dr. King notified.
Figure 21-31 Support a falling patient with a wide B. Abbott, RMA __________________________________
base of support.
632 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Procedure 21-5
Assisting a Patient to Ambulate with a Walker
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 8. Position yourself behind and slightly to the side
of the patient.
9. Have the patient lift the walker and place all four
legs of the walker in front so the back legs are
PURPOSE: even with the patient’s toes.
To allow a patient to ambulate independently and 10. Instruct the patient to lean forward and trans-
safely with a walker. fer the weight and step into the walker, first
with the stronger leg, then the weaker leg.
Make sure the stronger leg is brought past the
weaker leg.
Gait belt
11. Monitor the patient carefully. Be alert for signs
PROCEDURE STEPS: of fatigue and be ready to assist the patient to fall
1. Wash hands. without injury.
2. Identify the patient and introduce yourself. 12. If the walker has rollers, the patient simply rolls
Explain to the patient what you are going the walker ahead a comfortable distance, then
to do. walks into it. The patient can also walk normally
3. Apply the gait belt snugly around the patient’s with a rolling walker by simply rolling it in front
waist and tuck the excess end under the belt. and leaning into the gait, using the walker for
4. Check the walker to be sure the rubber suction
tips are secure on all the legs. Check the hand- 13. Document the date, time, duration of ambula-
rests for rough or damaged edges that could cut tion, response of patient, and instructions given
or pinch the patient. The adjustments should be in the patient’s chart or electronic medical
tightened so they will not slip. record.
5. Be sure the patient is wearing good walking DOCUMENTATION
shoes with a rubber sole. 2/12/20XX 1:35 PM Patient assisted with ambulation
6. Check the height of the walker. The handrests using a walker for the first time. Walked approximately
should be level with the tip of the patient’s 50 feet. Did well. Walked to reception desk and back. No
femur, and the elbows should be flexed at a change in color. P 100. J. Guerro, CMA (AAMA) _________
30-degree angle.
7. Position the patient inside the walker, and
instruct the patient to hold onto the handles
while keeping the walker in front.
CHAPTER 21 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Modalities 633
Procedure 21-6
Teaching the Patient to Ambulate with Crutches
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 4. Check the measurement of the crutches. Pedi-
atric crutches must be used for pediatric
5. Apply the gait belt and assist the patient to stand
PURPOSE: and place the crutches under the axillae.
To teach the patient how to ambulate safely using 6. Instruct the patient to carry the weight com-
crutches. pletely on the hands and not on the axillae.
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: 7. Have the patient put all the weight on the good
Crutches leg, and bend the weak leg slightly so it will not
Gait belt drag on the floor.
8. Assist the patient with the required gait.
1. Wash hands. 9. Wash hands.
2. Identify the patient and introduce yourself. 10. Document the date, time, duration of ambula-
Explain to the patient what you are going to do. tion, and instructions given in patient’s chart or
electronic medical record.
3. Assemble the crutches and be sure they are in
good working order. Make sure there are rubber DOCUMENTATION
suction tips on the bottom ends, and that they
3/24/20XX 4:45 PM Crutches adjusted to patient’s height.
are not worn or torn. Check the bar and hand-
Three-point gait used. Tolerated well. J. Guerro, CMA
rest to be sure they are covered with padding,
and that the padding is not cracked or worn. Be
(AAMA) _______________________________________
sure the wing nuts are tight.
Procedure 21-7
Assisting a Patient to Ambulate with a Cane
1. Wash hands.
2. Ascertain what type of cane the provider or
therapist indicates your patient is to use and
PURPOSE: assemble the equipment.
To teach patients how to walk safely with a cane.
3. Identify the patient and introduce yourself.
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: Explain to the patient what you are going to do.
Appropriate cane for patient 4. Check the cane to be sure the bottom has a
Gait belt rubber suction tip that is not worn. If a quad
634 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
4/17/20XX 10:30 AM Standard cane adjusted to patient’s
hip joint. Ambulated about 100 yards and seemed to tolerate it
well. W. Slawson, CMA (AAMA) ______________________
Rehabilitation medicine is a field of medical disciplines that specializes in both preventing disease or injury
and restoring physical function. It uses a combination of physical and mechanical agents to aid in the diag-
nosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases or bodily injury, including exercise and a variety of treatment
Much of what a medical assistant might do on the job in this field involves some form of lifting or
moving of heavy objects. It is important to remember to use good body mechanics to prevent back or other
injury. When transferring patients, good body mechanics ensures the safety of both caregiver and patient.
If necessary, get someone to help with the transfer.
Helping patients to ambulate safely after a period of sedentary recuperation is an important part of a
rehabilitation program. If they are not able to ambulate on their own, patients can be fitted for a variety of
assistive walking devices, including walkers, crutches, and canes. Crutch walking, by far the most common
use of an assistive device, can be done using one of several walking patterns, or gaits, depending on the
patient’s condition, strength, and stability. Whatever assistive device is used, it is important that the patient
be measured correctly for that device and taught how to periodically check it for safety.
In addition to ambulation, there are a number of other types of therapeutic exercises. Depending on
the patient’s condition, an exercise program can be prescribed after evaluating the patient’s joint ROM
and muscle strength. Joints and muscles must be exercised regularly to prevent muscle atrophy or joint
contractures, as well as improve circulation and maintain or improve overall health. ROM and other exer-
cises can be performed by the caregiver, the patient, or a combination of the two.
In addition to exercise, a variety of therapeutic modalities might be used as part of the patient’s reha-
bilitation program. The various properties of heat, cold, light, electricity, and water act on the body to
improve circulation, minimize pain, or correct or alleviate joint and muscle malfunction. Heat dilates the
blood vessels, thereby increasing circulation to an area and speeding up the repair process. Cold constricts
636 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
the blood vessels, slowing circulation and therefore the inflammatory process. Ultrasound and other elec-
trical diathermies use an electrical current to create heat in the deeper tissues of the body. It is important
to understand how each modality affects the physiologic functioning of the body and observe certain safety
precautions to avoid injuring the patient.
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet by completing the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on your student CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
Multiple Choice Critical Thinking
1. Brushing teeth, getting dressed, and eating are 1. Define rehabilitation and explain its importance in
referred to as: patient care.
a. rehabilitation medicine 2. If a patient should fall to the side, what action
b. activities of daily living would you take to ensure safety?
c. assistive behaviors 3. Describe the procedure for measuring for axillary
d. occupational therapy crutches.
2. Hemiplegia is defined as: 4. What kind of patient would need a forearm crutch?
a. inability of the patient to ambulate properly 5. In crutch-walking gaits, what is a point?
b. severe back pain 6. Describe the five different types of crutch gaits.
c. paralysis of one side of the body 7. List the six safety rules for transporting a patient in
d. confinement to a wheelchair a wheelchair.
3. Ambulatory assistive devices include: 8. What is joint range of motion, how is it measured,
a. gait belts and how is the measurement expressed?
b. walkers, canes, and crutches 9. Describe how ultrasound works and identify the
c. wheelchairs patient conditions for which it is an effective
d. stools with handholds treatment.
4. Motion away from the midline of the body is called: 10. Explain how to avoid internal damage to the
a. adduction patient when an ultrasound treatment is being per-
b. pronation formed.
c. extension
d. abduction
5. Supination involves:
a. placing the patient in the supine position
b. moving the arm so the palm is up
c. bending a body part
d. straightening a body part
CHAPTER 21 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Modalities 637
Trace Mineral
This morning at Inner City Health Care, clinical medical Corey Boyer, who is in the prime of adolescence and
assistant Wanda Slawson, CMA (AAMA), was conferring capable of eating large quantities of food with little nutri-
with Dr. Rice on three of the center’s patients whose diets tional value; and Annette Samuels, who recently discov-
needed modification. With the help of Dr. Rice, Wanda ered she was pregnant. All these patients have different
was putting together dietary plans for patients Edith nutritional requirements, and Wanda wants to encourage
Leonard, who is in her early 70s and is losing weight all to review and modify their diets.
because she is not eating well enough or often enough;
The human body is in a constant state of fluctuation. The recognize the role of nutrition in maintaining health and
outside environment is constantly changing, and the body will use a knowledge of nutritional principles to encourage
requires homeostasis, or a continual internal environ- patients to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
ment, which, in turn, gives us a requirement for nutri-
ents. The nutrients we take into our bodies replenish the
materials we have used. In this way, homeostasis is main- NUTRITION AND DIGESTION
tained, and our bodies have a relatively balanced inter-
nal environment. Nutrition is the study of the taking of Nutrition includes ingestion, digestion, absorp-
nutrients into the body and how the body uses them. tion, and metabolism of food. Good nutrition
The normal healthy individual will consume and results in longer life spans and healthier individu-
use close to what the body needs to stay healthy. However, als through the control of preventable diseases.
some individuals either do not consume enough nutri-
ents or consume too much of a particular type of nutri-
ent. These are poor diets that can cause particular disease Spotlight on Certification
states, and the diet must be modified to return the patient
to good health. In addition, specific disease states, such as RMA Content Outline
diabetes mellitus, warrant a change from a normal diet to • Disorders and diseases
control the progress of the disease. The human body also • Health and wellness
goes through many changes in a lifetime and with these
• Nutrition
changes come new nutritional needs. Protecting health
requires paying attention to strategies to prevent disease. CMA (AAMA) Content Outline
The choices made regarding foods consumed and the qual- • Developmental stages of the life cycle
ity of nutritional intake have a significant impact on the • Patient instruction
quality and longevity of life. Healthy food choices contrib-
• Basic principles (food pyramid)
ute to living longer and preventing major health issues.
This chapter explores the balance of nutrients required • Special needs (diets)
for good health and examines therapeutic modifications to CMAS Content Outline
the diet that should take place at various life stages or in • Know various disorders and diseases
the presence of disease. The astute medical assistant will
640 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
The food eaten by an individual is used to build Nutrients also provide building blocks so that pro-
and repair cells and tissues of the body. Therefore, teins or phospholipids can be made within the
it is important to have knowledge and informa- body, or they can act as catalysts to help processes
tion about nutrition and to make appropriate food such as the clotting mechanism proceed at a faster
choices for optimum health. A well-nourished indi- rate. Essentially, ingested substances that help the
vidual is less susceptible to infection and disease. body stay in its homeostatic state can be called
Patient education is important especially nutrients.
when the normal diet must be modified to treat the Nutrients can be divided into two groups:
patient’s illness. The medical assistant can answer those that provide energy and those that do
patient questions only through a knowledge of not. Both groups are necessary for good health.
good nutrition and what constitutes the therapeu- Table 22-1 lists examples of each of these two
tic diets prescribed by the provider. groups. Those that provide energy are composed
Digestion involves the physical and chemical of three types: carbohydrates, fats (lipids), and
changes to food that the body makes to make it proteins. Each of these three substances is used
absorbable. Absorption is the transfer of the nutri- in ways other than making energy, but it is impor-
ents from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood- tant to remember that these are the only sub-
stream. Without absorption, the body would not stances from which the body can derive energy.
receive the nutrients. Figure 22-1 shows the diges- Nutrients that do not provide energy are also
tive system and its basic functions. important and perform other vital functions as
described previously. These nutrients include
vitamins, minerals, water, and fiber.
Nutrients serve many purposes in the body. Some
Energy Nutrients (Organic)
nutrients provide energy for the body to perform The three energy nutrients—carbohydrates, fats,
activities such as the pumping of the heart, the and proteins—have one thing in common: all can
division of cells, or the contraction of muscles. be converted into energy.
efficiently, thus most ingested sugar is broken down Minutes after glucose ingestion
in the intestines and converted to glucose in the
liver. Fructose is found largely in fruits, whereas
Complex carbohydrate
galactose is a product of lactose digestion. Examples
of disaccharides are lactose, maltose, and sucrose. Simple sugar
Lactose is found primarily in milk or milk products.
Maltose is a product of starch breakdown. Sucrose Figure 22-2 This graph shows how complex carbo-
is one of the sweetest sugars and is what we com- hydrates (red broken line) and simple sugar (black
monly refer to as table sugar. It occurs naturally in line) are used by the body (in minutes) after glucose
many fruits and vegetables, as well as sugar cane ingestion. Simple sugar peaks to approximately
and the sugar beet, which are commercial sources 120 to 160 mg/dL in 60 minutes and returns to a
of refined sugar. normal level within 120 minutes. Complex carbohy-
Polysaccharides are also known as complex drates (red broken line) never increase to more than
carbohydrates. They are made up of many units approximately 130 to 140 mg/dL during a 60-minute
of sugar connected together. The most common period; that level is maintained for the next
polysaccharides are starches, glycogen, and fiber. 180 minutes and then returns to normal.
642 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Figure 22-3 The need for carbohydrates is constant whether you are (A) active or (B) at rest.
potato chips, cookies, crackers, and cakes are high quantities. A complete protein is so named because
in trans fats. Margarine, fast foods, cereal, dough- it has all eight of the essential amino acids. An incom-
nuts, and french fries are also examples. Experts plete protein does not contain all of these. The best
recommend that the daily amount of trans fats be sources for complete proteins are meats and animal
as close to zero as possible. The FDA requires that products such as milk and eggs. Most plants provide
all food packaging labels show the amount of trans only incomplete proteins and must be combined
fats per serving in the product. Table 22-2 lists with complementary incomplete proteins to obtain
some common foods and their grams of total fat all eight amino acids (Figure 22-5).
and trans fat per serving. Although protein is described as an energy
nutrient, its main function is not to provide energy
Proteins. Although protein is also composed of car- but to provide amino acids to be used as building
bon, hydrogen, and oxygen, it contains one more components of body proteins, which can be used
important element: nitrogen. The basic structural as enzymes, hormones, and as the basic structural
unit of protein is the amino acid. There are 22 amino unit in all body tissues and cells. The body uses car-
acids in proteins. Eight of these are needed in the bohydrates and fats as its primary energy sources;
diet for the body to function normally. One more, however, when these are in short supply, the body
histidine, is essential only during childhood. The diverts its use of protein for structural purposes to
rest of the amino acids can be synthesized from the use it as an energy source. This has detrimental
eight, provided that they are present in adequate effects on the body.
Source: Food and Drug Administration Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition; U.S. Department of Agriculture National Nutritional Database.
644 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Patient Education
Trans Unsaturated Fatty Acids • Make foods from scratch to avoid trans
• Use a margarine that is soft at room tem- fats. Foods such as breads, dips, salad
perature; it is lower in trans fat. Some mar- dressings, cereals, and soups can be
garines are available that are entirely trans made without hydrogenated fats.
fat free. If a food label lists hydrogenated oil or
• Olive oil is a wise choice for salads and for shortening as one of its main ingredients
dipping bread, and butter is a better option (usually one of the first listed ingredients), it
than margarine. has a large amount of trans fats in it. Avoid
the product altogether, or eat only small
• Olive oil and canola oil are best for sauté-
ing and frying.
+ 10 g 4 Calories
= × = 40 Calories
protein 1 gram of protein
Fats, in comparison, yield nine Calories for
Amino acids Amino acids from All essential
dairy products amino acids for
every gram of fat. Fats, therefore, are a more energy-
from grains
complete protein rich food source than carbohydrates or proteins
because they give more Calories for every gram used.
Figure 22-5 Some foods, such as grains and dairy If 10 g fat were used, it would yield 90 Calories.
products, may not have all the essential amino acids
when considered separately. Combined, however, these 10 g × 9 Calories = 90 Calories
form a complete protein and therefore are considered fat 1 gram of fat
complementary. The total of all changes, chemical and physi-
cal, that take place in the body is called metabolism.
The metabolic rate concerns itself with the changes
Deficiencies in protein usually occur together in the body with respect to energy. It is the balance
with deficiencies in total Calories. Failure to thrive between the energy that is brought into the body and
is caused by a lack of protein in infants and young the energy used by the body. Energy is used during
children. every action of the body, including voluntary activi-
ties such as walking or riding a bicycle and involun-
Energy Balance. Although all of the energy tary activities such as breathing and cellular repair.
nutrients are capable of supplying energy to The level of energy required for activities
the body, they do so in different ways and in vary- that occur when the body is at rest is called basal
ing amounts. The amount of energy that a sub- metabolism. The basal metabolic rate (BMR) var-
stance is able to supply can be measured in large ies according to several factors. For example, the
Calories. Nutrition is discussed in terms of the BMR is higher in individuals with leaner body mass
large Calorie, which is always capitalized to dis- (muscle) because more energy is needed to fuel
tinguish it from the small calorie. The large Calo- the muscles than to store fat. BMR also is higher
rie (abbreviation: C or Cal) is also expressed as in individuals during periods of high growth rate,
a kilocalorie (abbreviation: kcal). One thousand such as in children and pregnant women.
small calories equal one large Calorie or one Ideally, an individual will take in as many
kilocalorie. Calories as the body will use each day. When a per-
Carbohydrates and proteins both give four Cal- son takes in more Calories than will be used, the
ories for each respective gram. So, if 10 g pure carbo- body will store the excess energy in the form of fat.
hydrate were ingested, it would yield 40 Calories. When a person uses more energy than is brought
into the body, the body breaks down these stores.
10 g × 4 Calories = 40 Calories When the stores of fat are depleted, the body will
carbohydrate 1 gram of carbohydrate start to break down its protein structures.
CHAPTER 22 Nutrition in Health and Disease 645
For an optimal energy balance in the body, the have available great amounts of food from the dairy
largest percentage of Calories in the diet should and meat groups. Unfortunately, dairy products
come from carbohydrates. Ideally, the percentage and meats, although containing many good nutri-
should be 50% to 60% of total calories consumed. ents, also contain a great deal of fat. Studies have
The percentage of Calories attributable to fat shown that many Americans are obese (as defined
should not be greater than 30%, with a percent- as weight being at least 20% greater than what their
age closer to 20% being preferred. Proteins should ideal weight should be). The U.S. diet is too high
make up 10% to 20% of Calories in the diet. in fat, has too many calories, has too much salt and
Take note that these values are the percent- cholesterol; and has insufficient amounts of com-
age of the total Calories derived from each energy plex carbohydrates and fiber. As a result, many ill-
nutrient—not the percentage of grams. This dis- nesses and diseases occur, such as heart disease,
tinction is important because of the difference in high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer.
Calories derived from each energy nutrient. Figure Because obesity in the United States has become
22-6 gives an example of these calculations. Note such a serious problem, there has been much interest
the percentages of fat, carbohydrate, and protein in modifying the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s
found in the “mystery” food. All fall outside of the pyramid for ideal weight. Health experts believe that
recommended percentages for each. the emphasis on 6 to 11 servings from the bread,
In many cultures outside of the United cereal, rice, and pasta groups (carbohydrates) is a
States, rice, bread, and noodles are the contributing factor to obesity. Ongoing studies and
basis of the diet. In the United States, we research has led to redesign of the pyramid with
less emphasis on the carbohydrate group and more
emphasis placed on the fruits, vegetables, whole
grains, legumes, and nuts (Figure 22-7).
The new food pyramid has specific information
about portions and calories. It can help individuals
Label for Mystery Food: Amount Per Serving
get individualized nutrition and exercise advice.
Calories 149 Each color on the pyramid represents a food
Total Fat 9g group:
Total Carbohydrate 14g
Total Protein 3g • Orange represents grains. The recommendation
is to eat 5–8 ounces of grain per day, 3 of which
should be from whole grain breads, pasta, rice,
The first calculation to make is one that converts grams to cereal, or crackers.
• Green represents vegetables. For a low calorie per
9 Calories day intake, 21⁄2 cups of vegetables should come
9 grams of fat × = 81 Calories due to fat
gram from all five vegetable groups several times a week.
14 grams of 4 Calories 56 Calories due to • Red represents fruits. Two cups daily is the recom-
× = mended intake.
carbohydrate gram carbohydrate
• Yellow represents oils. Most oil should come from
3 grams of 4 Calories 12 Calories due to nuts, fish, and vegetable oil, while limiting butter,
× =
protein gram protein lard, stick margarine, and shortening.
The next calculation is to find the percentage of total Calories • Blue represents milk. Three cups per day of fat-free
due to each of the energy nutrients. or low fat milk or milk products is recommended.
• Purple represents beans and meat. Choose lean
81 Calories due to fat
= 54% meat and poultry and use fish, beans, nuts, seeds,
149 total Calories
and peas.
56 Calories due to carbohydrate • The action figure represents physical activity
= 38%
149 total Calories (Table 22-3).
12 Calories due to protein The new government Web site (http://www.
= 8%
149 total Calories allows individuals to input their
age, gender, and activity level. By doing so, they
Figure 22-6 Calculations of percentages of total get a recommendation about their personal daily
calories from fat, carbohydrate, and protein. calorie intake and physical activity level.
646 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Figure 22-7 The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s guide to a balanced diet takes the shape of a pyramid. The
foundation of a good diet is made up of a balance between food and physical activity. (Courtesy of U.S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture.)
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Vitamins are divided into two classes based on water solubility: fat soluble and water-soluble vitamins.
648 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Water-Soluble Vitamins
There are four fat-soluble vitamins, which of vitamin K include fats, fishmeal, oats, alfalfa,
include vitamins A, D, E, and K. The first one, vita- wheat, and rye.
min A, has two forms. The form that is used by the
body is retinol, which is found in animal foods. The Antioxidants. Antioxidants are an important topic
form found in plants is carotene. Carotene is con- in nutrition. Some think they are as important as
verted into retinol in the body. Vitamin A is part the discussion about fats. Antioxidants are pow-
of the pigment rhodopsin found in the eye and erful and beneficial to us. The four primary anti-
is responsible in part for vision, especially night oxidants are betacarotene (vitamin A), vitamin C,
vision. Vitamin A also gives strength to epithelial vitamin E, and selenium.
tissue and is required for healthy skin and mucous When our bodies use oxygen to burn (oxi-
membranes. It is also an antioxidant. Sources of dize) food for energy, the process results in the for-
vitamin A include animal fats, butter, and cheese. mation of free radicals. Most times our bodies take
Vitamin D, also called cholecalciferol, is care of the free radicals by producing enzymes to
the fat-soluble vitamin involved in the metab- fight them.
olism of calcium in the body. It not only helps If free radicals are excessive, health can be
with absorption of this important mineral, but seriously impaired. Evidence has shown that excess
also with formation and maintenance of bone free radicals cannot be fought successfully and the
tissue. Vitamin D can be made in the body with body cannot get rid of them.
exposure to sunlight. Rickets, osteomalacia, and The radicals attack the cells’ DNA and blood
osteoporosis are diseases caused by a deficiency vessel cells, contributing to cardiovascular disease,
in vitamin D. When deficiencies occur, especially strokes, arthritis, cataracts, and other diseases that
during childhood, malformation of the skeleton may be degenerative in nature. These are seen in
is seen. Sources of vitamin D include milk, cod older adults.
liver oil, and egg yolk. Free radicals are not only a by-product of oxi-
Another fat-soluble vitamin is vitamin E, or dation, they form with exposure to environmental
tocopherol. It too is an antioxidant, possibly reduc- influences such as water and air pollution, ciga-
ing the likelihood of oxidation of substances. This rette smoke, and certain foods, like fried foods.
ability to reduce oxidation has recently led to sug- Antioxidants fight free radicals through those
gestions that vitamin E may slow the aging process, enzymes in our bodies, those we ingest in food,
but its true effectiveness is yet to be demonstrated. and those we take as supplements. Vitamins A (as
Vitamin E is found in lettuce and other green leafy betacarotene), C, E, and selenium provide power-
vegetables, wheat germ, and rice. ful benefits because they fight against oxidation
Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin required that produces free radicals.
for the production of prothrombin. Prothrombin Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble
is one agent responsible for the clotting of blood. vitamin. Vitamin C is a constituent of connective
Deficiencies can result in prolonged blood clotting tissue and acts to hold cells together. A deficiency
time and hemorrhage. Vitamin K is synthesized of vitamin C causes scurvy, in which the walls of the
by intestinal bacteria, and bile is required for capillaries become so weakened that they burst.
its absorption. About half of the body’s require- Vitamin C also helps with wound healing and with
ment for vitamin K is fulfilled in this way. Sources the absorption of iron. Sources include most fresh
CHAPTER 22 Nutrition in Health and Disease 651
fruits (especially citrus fruits) and vegetables (espe- Most patients who are healthy and eat a nutri-
cially tomatoes). tious diet do not need a supplement in the form of
The last group of water-soluble vitamins is a multivitamin. A balanced diet is the best overall
the B-complex vitamin. It is important to remem- source of nutrients. Some people may need a sup-
ber that each vitamin in the B-complex is a sepa- plement because they are at risk for disease such
rate vitamin with distinct functions. Vitamin B1, as cancer and heart disease. Examples of people
or thiamin, helps in the conversion of glucose to at high risk are patients who have a chronic illness
energy. The disease beriberi is caused by thiamin such as AIDS or cancer; who have gastrointestinal
deficiency and is characterized by neuritis, edema, problems that impair digestion or absorption; who
and cardiovascular changes. Sources include whole are dieting; who are vegans or vegetarians; preg-
grain cereals, peas, beans, vegetables, and brewer’s nant and breast-feeding women; and patients older
yeast. Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, is also involved than 50 years (many older than 50 years have dif-
in energy production. It is important in the pro- ficulty absorbing B vitamins from food, and their
duction of proteins and is necessary for normal level of vitamin D may be low because of lack of
growth. Sources include eggs, liver, milk, brewer’s sunshine and eating poorly).
yeast, and green vegetables. A third B-complex Patients should check with their provider
vitamin, niacin, works with both thiamin and ribo- before beginning to take multivitamin supplements.
flavin in the production of energy. Lack of niacin
results in gastrointestinal and central nervous sys- Herbal Supplements. Herbs are medicinal plants
tem disturbances. All three of these vitamins are and are also known as botanicals or phytomedi-
important throughout the body. cines. Many have been used as far back as Roman
Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, has an important times and used as traditional herbal medicine.
role in protein metabolism, especially the synthe- Many patients use herbs for the treatment of ill-
sis of proteins. It is also important in the metabo- nesses and diseases and to maintain health. It is part
lism of fats and carbohydrates. Vitamin B6 is found of a movement toward alternative or complementary
in rice, beans, and yeast. Another B-complex vita- therapy. The herbal supplements can be found in
min, folic acid, is involved in the formation of health food stores, pharmacies, supermarkets, large
DNA and the formation of red blood cells. Folic outlet stores, through the mail, and on the Internet.
acid is found in liver, yeast, and green leafy vegeta- Herbs are made from dried plants and plant
bles. Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, is another vitamin juices. Herbal teas are made by placing the herb
important to the functioning of red blood cells. into boiling water. Natural hormones can be found
This vitamin is responsible for the synthesis of the in soy products.
heme portion of hemoglobin, and deficiencies in Some supplements are helpful; other supple-
vitamin B12 result in the disease pernicious ane- ments are harmful and are banned in several coun-
mia. Because vitamin B12 is only found in animal tries but may be available in the United States. The
foods such as liver, kidney, and dairy products, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is exempt
pernicious anemia may be a problem for some from having authority over dietary supplements,
vegetarians. Pernicious anemia may also occur although under the Dietary Supplement Health
when there is decreased production of a factor and Education Act of 1994, the FDA must prove
within the stomach that is required for vitamin a product is unsafe before it can order its removal
B12 absorption. Other B-complex vitamins, panto- from store shelves. An example of a potentially
thenic acid, vitamin B5, and biotin, are generally unsafe herbal supplement that the FDA removed
responsible for energy metabolism. from the shelves in 2004 is ephedra. It was used as
Multivitamin supplements may help reduce the an anorectic and a bronchodilator, acts as a stimu-
risk for certain diseases, especially in individuals who lant, and can increase blood pressure and pulse to
do not eat nutritionally sound diets. Individuals who dangerous levels. In 2005, a federal judge struck
may be more likely to suffer vitamin deficiencies down the FDA’s year-long ban on ephedra and sup-
because of poor nutrition include the elderly, men- plements containing ephedra. A Utah supplement
tally challenged individuals, young children without company challenged the ban that prompted the
proper care, alcoholics, and patients with chronic judge’s ruling. In 2006, the ruling was appealed to
diseases such as Crohn’s disease, cystic fibrosis, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit in
celiac disease. Some studies show a reduced risk for Denver, Colorado, and the Appeals Court upheld
coronary artery disease in patients who take a multi- the FDA’s ban on ephedra. Sale of ephedra or
vitamin coupled with antioxidants. Researchers supplements containing ephedra are illegal in the
believe that B vitamins and antioxidants may help United States. Although ephedra is an illegal and
keep plaque from forming in arteries. banned substance, it is widely used by athletes.
652 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Be sure to ask patients about all substances 2002, estrogen has not been given as a preventive
or remedies they may be using, including herbs, measure because a large study by the Women’s Health
vitamins, teas, or others. Most patients do not con- Initiative showed an increased risk for heart disease,
sider supplements to be medicines and may not stroke, cancer, and breast cancer in postmenopausal
think to mention them when asked what medica- women who took estrogen.
tions they are taking. Herbs can interact unfavor- Phosphorus (P) is another mineral important
ably with certain prescription and over-the-counter in bone formation. Phosphorus also is involved in
medications. numerous activities associated with energy metab-
olism, as well as maintaining a proper pH balance
Minerals. Minerals differ from vitamins in two in the blood.
distinct ways. Whereas vitamins are complex mole- Sodium (Na) and potassium (K) are two min-
cules, minerals are singular elements. Another way erals that act as electrolytes. Together they work
that minerals differ from vitamins is that although to maintain proper water balance. They also help
vitamins are only required in minute quantities, in maintenance of proper pH balance and are
some minerals are required in larger amounts. involved in nerve and muscular conduction and
The foundation of the classification of minerals excitability. In addition, potassium is involved in
falls into two groups: major and trace minerals. No protein synthesis and release of insulin from the
matter how small the quantity required of either a pancreas.
mineral or vitamin, all are vital to a healthy body. Magnesium (Mg) is another mineral that is
Some minerals are considered electrolytes, in that involved with energy metabolism. It also functions in
they become ionized and carry a positive or nega- nerve and muscle excitability and is stored in bone.
tive charge. The levels of these minerals in the Chloride (Cl) is important in pH balance and
bloodstream must be carefully balanced for the is the major extracellular (outside the cell) anion.
body to function in a healthy state. It is also a major component of gastric secretions
There are seven major minerals (Table 22-5). in the form of hydrochloric acid.
They are calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, The last major mineral is sulfur (S). It is a
magnesium, chloride, and sulfur. component of one of the amino acids, and there-
Calcium (Ca) is the mineral present in the fore is found in protein. It is also involved in energy
largest quantity in the body because of its involve- metabolism.
ment in the structure of bone and teeth. It is also The trace minerals are required in smaller
important in blood clotting, muscle contraction, quantities but are as important as the major minerals.
and nerve conduction. Its levels in the blood must Some of the more important trace minerals include
be kept at narrow limits to ensure that the nervous iron, copper, chromium, molybdenum, selenium,
and muscular tissues can function. This is espe- manganese, iodine, zinc, cobalt, and fluorine.
cially important for the beating heart tissue. When Iron is vital to life because of its role in the
there is a deficiency of calcium in the diet, calcium heme molecule, which carries oxygen to every cell
is taken from the bones to keep the blood calcium in the body. Iron-deficiency anemia results when
levels constant. The resulting deficient peak bone the diet is low in iron and is characterized by small,
mass may put a person at risk for osteoporosis. This pale red blood cells. Iron is also part of the mol-
condition develops when there is not enough cal- ecule myoglobin, found in muscle cells, and is
cium in the bones and the bones become porous involved in a number of metabolic reactions.
and easily broken. Copper, chromium, molybdenum, selenium,
Women older than 60 years are at greater risk and manganese are trace minerals important as
for osteoporosis than are men. There are no symp- factors in a number of metabolic reactions. Sele-
toms of the disease, and the first indication for the nium acts as an antioxidant and has been receiving
patient is when he or she sustains a fracture caused much of the recent publicity that vitamin E has.
by weakened bones. Iodine is also involved in metabolism but is unique
Most adults in the United States older than in that the only place that iodine is found is in the
60 years do not consume enough calcium in their thyroid hormone produced by the thyroid gland.
diets and risk development of osteoporosis. Dairy Without it, the thyroid gland would be unable to
products contain high amounts of calcium, as regulate the overall metabolism of the body.
do sardines, figs, oranges, almonds, greens, and Zinc is an important constituent of many parts
beans. of the body but most notable is its involvement with
Supplemental estrogen for menopausal women the immune system and growth of tissues. Deficien-
was once a common preventative for bone loss. Since cies lead to decreased ability to heal and reduced
CHAPTER 22 Nutrition in Health and Disease 653
Table 22-5 The Seven Major Minerals and Their Food Sources
immune resistance. Cobalt is part of vitamin B12 medium in which most biochemical reactions of the
and is therefore important for the functioning of body take place. As a solvent, water is essential for
red blood cells. Fluorine is involved in calcified tis- the removal of toxic waste from the body. In addi-
sues. Its involvement in strengthening teeth has led tion, it is an important component of many struc-
to the fluoridation of most public water supplies. tures; the body is composed of 50% to 60% water.
Its role in the prevention of osteoporosis has been Being the major component of blood, water serves as
suggested but is still under investigation. a transporter. Another function of water is its lubri-
cating role, especially in joints and in the digestive
Water. Water is an important nutrient. The human system. In addition, water helps control temperature
body can go far longer without food than it can with- within the body by eliminating excess heat through
out water. Water has a multitude of functions in the the evaporation of water secreted in the form of
body. It is the major solvent of the body and is the perspiration.
654 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Because the body cannot efficiently store water, The government also wants to prevent food
water that is lost daily must continually be replen- companies from fooling people into thinking
ished. Water is lost through perspiration, feces, something has good nutrition when it really does
urine, and respiration. Water can be replenished not. Food companies often put words on their
in part from foods that are ingested, but additional labels to make people believe a product is healthy.
water should also be consumed. It is suggested that Words like “healthy” and “light” or “lite” are not
six to eight glasses of water be taken in per day. adequately descriptive. To discover what is in the
Although other beverages are important sources package and if it is healthy, it is important to read
of water, it should be considered that caffeine and the nutrition label (Figure 22-8).
alcohol are diuretics and may cause the body to lose
water through increased urinary output.
Items on the Nutrition Label
Fiber. Although most fiber is carbohydrate in com- Serving Size. The nutrition information given is
position, it is included in its own section because for one serving of the food. In this case, one serving
of its special characteristics. Fiber comes only from is one-half cup of the food. The package contains
plant sources. An adequate supply of fruits, vegeta- four servings.
bles, and grains is necessary to ensure enough fiber
in the diet. Fiber cannot be digested and therefore Calories. The label lists the number of calories
is not absorbed into the body. Although fiber is not per serving, as well as the number of calories
digested, it is important for the proper functioning from fat per serving. This number should be less
of the gastrointestinal tract because it adds bulk to than 30% of the total calories. For example, if the
feces as it is passed through the intestines; there- total calories is 100, the calories from fat should
fore, it gives the muscles of the tract something be 30 or less.
against which to work. Lack of fiber in the diet has
been implicated in such gastrointestinal disorders The Percentage (%) Daily Value. The percent-
as diverticulitis, constipation, and colorectal cancer. age (%) daily value is the amount of a nutrient
There are several types of fiber. Most are car- obtained by eating one serving of the product. The
bohydrates and include cellulose, gums, mucilages, amount is given in a percentage based on a diet of
algal polysaccharides, pectins, and hemicellulose. 2,000 calories a day. For example, if the packaged
Another important fiber, lignin, is not a carbo- food has 3 g fat, the total fat from eating one serv-
hydrate. It is recommended that the diet contain ing is 5% of the total fat that should be ingested in
20 to 35 g of fiber per day. The U.S. diet tends to an entire day.
be far below this recommendation (approximately
11 g), in part because of the consumption of pro- Fat and Cholesterol. Because it is important to
cessed foods. During processing, fiber is often eat a low-fat diet, nutrition labels list both the
removed. Fiber levels should be increased gradu- total amount of fat and the amount of saturated
ally to prevent gastrointestinal distress, which can
include diarrhea or flatulence.
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size ½ cup (130g)
Servings Per Container About 4
Amount Per Serving
or ingredients added. We rely on the labels on the *Percent Daily Values are based on a
2,000 calorie diet.
cans, bottles, and boxes to tell us what nutrients
are inside. The government wants to make it easier Figure 22-8 Labels on food packages give facts about
for people to understand the labels. the ingredients and nutrition of the food in the package.
CHAPTER 22 Nutrition in Health and Disease 655
Patient Education
Encourage patients to read and evaluate food • Low sodium content. Total sodium should
labels.Typically, they should look for: be less than 2,400 mg per day.
• The lowest amount of fat, saturated fat, and • High fiber. Fiber intake should be as high as
trans fat. Calories from fat should not be possible.
more than 30% of total calories. • Vitamins and minerals. Some vitamins and
• No cholesterol or low cholesterol. Total minerals occur naturally and sometimes
cholesterol should be less than they are added to food during processing.
300 milligrams (mg) per day.
656 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 oz. (28g/About 15 chips)
Servings Per Container About 12
Figure 22-9 Examples of food label from (A) potato chips, (B) wheat crackers, and (C) pretzels.
the mother has good nutritional habits during preg- why pediatricians prescribe infant liquid iron sup-
nancy and breast-feeding. A baby born to a mother plement. Because of the high rate of growth, espe-
who is malnourished may suffer from mental retar- cially of the nervous system, infancy is an important
dation and be of lower birth weight. Lower birth time to be sure nutritional requirements are met.
weight babies (less than 5.5 pounds) have a greater However, according to some pedintricians, over-
mortality rate than do babies of normal weight. feeding in infancy might lead to childhood doesity.
Breast-Feeding Childhood
There are several reasons why breast-feeding is Good eating habits develop during childhood. One
encouraged. The nutrition the infant receives from way parents who have good eating habits can teach
breast milk is a perfect combination of water, lac- their children how to eat healthfully is by example.
tose (sugar), fat, and protein. There are more than Family eating habits, physical activity, and lifestyle
100 ingredients in breast milk that are not found help children to adopt healthy habits. Poor habits
in formula milk. There are no allergic reactions to are established during childhood and are often dif-
mother’s milk. (On occasion, if the mother eats a ficult to alter. This can lead to lifelong health prob-
particular food, the infant may react by being fussy.) lems, such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular
Breast-feeding is nutritionally sound, economical, diseases. The affects of poor nutrition not only are
and sterile. Breast milk is easily digested and does physical but can be emotional as well. When an
not easily cause gastrointestinal upsets. Breast-fed obese child is “picked on” in school, anxiety, low
babies receive temporary antibodies to many dis- self-esteem, depression, and irritability can result.
eases from their mothers. Mother and infant bond Childhood obesity is a serious problem, lead-
during breast-feeding. Breast-feeding helps con- ing to type 2 diabetes because the disease is related
tract the uterus and bring it back to its nonpregnant to being overweight and having a poor diet. Obese
state, thus helping to control postpartum bleeding. children have a greatly increased chance of becom-
While breast-feeding, the mother will con- ing obese as adults if they are obese before becom-
tinue to require nutritious foods taken from the ing a preteen (around age 11 years). Osteoporosis
food pyramid and will need to increase her intake and cardiovascular diseases are other problems
of Calories. If she consumes inadequate Calories, obesity can cause.
the amount of milk produced will be decreased. The availability of electronic devices, such as
When the mother terminates the period of breast- computers, video games, and television, contrib-
feeding (6 months is recommended for the great- ute greatly to a child’s reluctance to be active. Bike
est benefit to the infant), caloric intake should be riding, jumping rope, swimming, and running are
reduced to avoid gaining weight. activities that most children enjoy if encouraged to
engage in them.
Fast foods and carbonated sodas contribute
Infancy to obesity because of their high fat and Calorie
Infancy is a time of continuous growth, and many of content. They are even banned from some schools
the mother’s nutritional requirements during preg- because they are consumed readily and are poor
nancy are still required by the baby after birth. In choices at any age.
the first year of life, the baby will triple birth weight. Clearly, parental education (and therefore
The infant will need two to three times more Calo- of their children) about exercise and good nutri-
ries per kilogram (kg) of body weight than the nor- tion is an excellent way to stop childhood obesity
mal adult. This is true for protein as well, and most and type 2 diabetes. By following MyPyramid for Kids
of the vitamins and minerals are required at greater and MyPyramid for Adults, parents and children can
levels per kilogram. Most of these can be furnished learn to be active every day and to make healthy
with breast milk or formula; however, once iron food choices. The government Web site (http://
stores have been used up, usually in 3 to 6 months, gives ideas on how everyone
the infant will require an iron supplement, which is in the family can eat better and exercise more (Fig-
ures 22-10 and 22-11).
Figure 22-10 The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s MyPyramid for Kids reminds children to be physically active
every day, or most days, and to make healthy food choices. (Courtesy of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.)
Nutrition in Health and Disease
Figure 22-11 The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Guide to a balanced diet for children. It takes the shape of a pyramid. A good diet is made up of a
balance between food and physical activity. (Courtesy of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.)
660 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Results from
Regional/ Results to Outside
Pharmacy National Labs Providers
Patient Assessment
Procedures, Diagnoses & Treatment Plans
Referrals & Follow-up Appointments
Prescriptions Test Reports
Orders for Tests Quality Assurance & Controls
Patient Medical History Safety Standards
Figure 22-12 The clinical care and laboratory arms of the total practice management system (TPMS). Laboratory
test results and mensurations are tracked in the patient’s electronic medical record and are accessible to providers
when determining an appropriate treatment plan.
one type of nutrient can be restricted or encouraged. Individuals will gain weight if they consume
The consistency, texture, and spiciness of food can more Calories than they need. Conversely, indi-
be varied. The frequency of eating can be increased viduals will lose weight if they use more Calories
or decreased. When counseling patients, remember than they ingest. In either case, the individual
that habits are hard to change. The medical assistant must bring the amount of Calories ingested into
should be supportive and encouraging. balance with the amount used. For the overweight
individual, this means either decreasing Calorie
consumption or increasing Calorie usage, or both.
Weight Control For the underweight individual, it usually entirely
Overweight and underweight are both weight dis- involves increasing Calorie consumption.
orders. The problem in defining overweight or Weight loss has become a big business. How-
underweight stems from the fact that there is no ever, individuals do not need to spend tremendous
ideal weight for an entire population. There is only amounts of money to lose weight; patient education
an ideal weight for the individual. Ideal weight can about low-Calorie, low-salt foods and a moderate
depend on many factors including age, sex, lean exercise program are basic starting points for weight
muscle mass, bone structure, and physical activity. loss. Because losing more than 1 to 2 pounds a week
Obesity is generally considered more than 20% can put an individual into nutritional deficiency,
overweight. Underweight is weight 10% to 15% goals should not be set higher than this. Modifica-
below average. Height–weight tables now generally tions made to the diet should then be maintained
give ranges that vary more than 20 pounds. The even after the weight is lost and should be continued
ratio of fat tissue to lean muscle mass is a better throughout life. Losing weight takes much effort,
indicator of whether individuals are at their ideal and the patient needs constant encouragement and
weight than a specific weight. support from medical personnel and family.
662 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Obesity has become a serious health prob- imately 5% of the population has diabetes mellitus
lem. It is defined as severely overweight and having (type 1 or type 2) in some form. Most patients with
a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or above. BMI uses this disease are not dependent on insulin and can
height and weight to calculate an individual’s total control their condition by monitoring diet, exer-
amount of body fat. cise, and weight (type 2 diabetes).
Genetics may play a role in obesity. Several Normally, after a meal, the body secretes the
genes affect the rate at which the body burns calo- hormone insulin, which makes its way to all cells of
ries. Playing a major role in obesity are family eat- the body. Insulin signals the cells that the glucose
ing habits, other lifestyle habits, physical activity is available and should be brought in so that it can
levels, and psychological factors such as stress and be converted to energy. If the cells do not receive
depression. Major causes are lack of physical exer- this signal, or do not respond to it, their ability to
cise, oversized portions of high-fat foods, and the use glucose is markedly reduced. Because the body
accessibility of fast foods. Many people eat more uses glucose as its main energy source, the ramifica-
food than their bodies need. tions of this affect almost every tissue of the body.
Obesity causes increased risk for hyperten- In addition, the high levels of glucose that remain
sion, heart and lung disease, hip and knee prob- in the bloodstream put a tremendous strain on
lems, certain cancers, and diabetes, and it shortens the kidneys and other major body organs, causing
the life span. problems such as myocardial infarction, vascular
Parents can be role models and teach their diseases, neuropathy, and infections.
children to eat nutritious foods and not to con- The effects of diabetes mellitus can be con-
sume more calories than their bodies need. Parents trolled with a general goal of maintaining a regular
should provide nourishing foods, limit inactiv- level of glucose in the bloodstream, avoiding large
ity such as television and computer time, engage fluctuations between high and low levels. There
the entire family in regular exercise, eat at regular are several ways suggested to accomplish this. Total
mealtimes at the table, and encourage the family Calories need not be altered, unless the diabetic
to drink plenty (six to eight glasses) of water daily. patient is overweight. However, the ratio of car-
By parents setting good examples when their chil- bohydrate, fat, and protein must be closely moni-
dren are young, the children will learn that healthy tored. Total carbohydrates should be increased, but
eating habits and regular exercise will improve the simple sugars should be avoided. Because of the
quality of life (fewer illnesses) and prolong the longer rate of digestion and absorption of complex
length of life. carbohydrates, these will be released over a longer
The American Heart Association and the period and prevent a sudden high level of glucose
American Cancer Society are community resources in the bloodstream, and these are the type of car-
available with information about reducing the bohydrates diabetics need. Increasing fiber content
risk for heart disease and cancer. Keeping weight also increases the time of absorption and decreases
under control and regular exercise helps prevent the likelihood of sudden increases in glucose levels
heart attacks, hypertension, and certain cancers. in the bloodstream. Regular snacks may be added
Because there has been a great deal of media between meals to maintain levels of glucose. The
attention given to the problem of obesity and the trend is for patients to take charge of their own
diseases it can cause, many people are looking for care. The role of educator for the medical assistant
a quick fix to lose weight. There are many claims will be an important one to facilitate patient self-
that people can lose weight without exercising or management.
eating healthy foods. Most claims about weight loss
products are deceptive or false. Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity. Obesity has become
Individuals who want to lose weight must epidemic in the last 10 years and is the most signif-
strive to eat a healthful diet over time. A health- icant factor in the increase in diabetes. Children
ful diet together with regular exercise can reduce and young people who are obese are being diag-
their risk for hypertension, coronary artery disease, nosed with type 2 diabetes at an extremely high
and certain cancers (colon and breast). rate. The longer individuals have diabetes, the
greater their risk for development of the complica-
tions of the disease, heart disease, stroke, kidney
Diabetes Mellitus disease, blindness, and infections. Diabetes is a
Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which there is either major cause of death.
reduced or no production of insulin, or in which Prevention of type 2 diabetes is of utmost
there is reduced or no response to insulin. Approx- importance. Changes in lifestyle such as weight loss,
CHAPTER 22 Nutrition in Health and Disease 663
regular exercise, and a nutritious diet can prevent although it should be started slowly and under a
type 2 diabetes. If a patient has type 2 diabetes, it physician’s guidance. Atherosclerosis and arte-
can be controlled by diet and exercise and by medi- riosclerosis often occur together. Smoking and
cation (see Chapter 24 for more information about hypertension will increase the likelihood of devel-
diabetes and insulin). opment of both of these conditions.
The conditions of atherosclerosis and arte-
riosclerosis facilitate each other. The fatty depos-
Cardiovascular Disease its associated with atherosclerosis tend to occur at
Cardiovascular disease is currently the leading points of damage to the inner walls of the artery.
cause of death in the United States. The unfortu- One of the causes of this damage is high pressure
nate aspect is that much of it is preventable. Cardio- at points where there may be narrowing because
vascular disease encompasses a variety of problems. of deposits that are already there, or because of
Two of these problems, hypertension and athero- the constriction of blood vessels due to nicotine.
sclerosis, often work hand in hand to perpetuate Carbon monoxide brought into the bloodstream
one another until a myocardial infarction occurs. during smoking also causes damage to the arterial
It is important to remember that the conditions walls. The deposits and hardening increase the
leading up to a myocardial infarction do not occur blood pressure, which, in turn, causes more dam-
overnight. They have been developing slowly over age and more deposits. It is a cycle that is difficult
many years, often asymptomatically. These condi- to stop. The best solution is prevention.
tions can be reduced or prevented with lifestyle Fats and cholesterol in the diet have been
modifications such as a healthy diet, moderate strongly implicated in atherosclerosis. It is not
exercise, cessation of smoking, and weight man- only total fat that is important, but also types of
agement. This section focuses on a healthy diet to fat ingested. The effect of high levels of fats and
prevent cardiovascular disease. cholesterol in the diet will vary among individu-
Hypertension, or increased blood pressure, is als, and the factor in atherosclerosis is the levels
often of unknown cause. Sometimes it has a famil- of these substances in the bloodstream. Some
ial connection. When the blood pressure is only individuals are able to ingest high amounts of
moderately increased, certain diet modifications fat and cholesterol without the body maintain-
can be used to reduce it. If it is severe, drug therapy ing high levels of it in the blood. Unfortunately,
may be used in conjunction with diet therapy. One this is not the case for everyone, and fat and cho-
of the largest diet factors in controlling increased lesterol levels in the bloodstream must be closely
blood pressure is restricting sodium, because it monitored. Fat levels are measured by looking at
can play such an important role in maintenance triglycerides and lipoproteins. Lipoproteins are
of water levels in the body. Some individuals are a complex made of fatty acids and proteins and
salt sensitive. An increased volume of blood and are used to carry fat and cholesterol in the blood-
water will increase the pressure on the blood ves- stream. LDLs are used by the body to transport
sel walls. Eliminating sodium includes more than fats and cholesterol to the body tissues. These are
simply eliminating use of table salt. Foods that are the lipoproteins more likely to deposit choles-
particularly high in sodium include smoked meats, terol and fat into the arterial wall. HDLs carry fats
luncheon meats, olives, pickles, chips, crackers, cat- and cholesterol to the liver to be broken down
sup, and cheese. In some cases, eliminating foods and used. These lipoproteins are more likely to
with only moderate salt levels may be indicated. remove fats and cholesterol from the deposits in
These may include certain meats, breads contain- the arterial walls. HDL levels can be increased by
ing baking powder or baking soda, shellfish, and exercise.
some vegetables. The Nurses’ Health Study, done by Harvard
Atherosclerosis is another condition that University, showed an association between the
can lead to a myocardial infarction. Atherosclero- intake of hydrogenated fats (trans fats) and heart
sis is hardening of the arteries because of depos- disease. The women who consumed high levels of
its of fatty substance. It should not be confused foods that contained hydrogenated fats experi-
with arteriosclerosis, which is a hardening of the enced a much greater risk for having a heart attack
arteries because of loss of the elasticity of the arte- than did the women who consumed few hydro-
rial wall. Atherosclerosis leads to arteriosclerosis, genated fats. Harvard School of Public Health
which generally occurs because of a lack of exer- researchers have found that hydrogenated fats are
cise and increased blood cholesterol levels. The responsible for the thousands of premature heart
elasticity can be regained by increasing activity, disease deaths in the United States every year.
664 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Trans fats have also been implicated in increasing the new growth has the ability to divert nutrients to
the risk for type 2 diabetes. itself, the result is the body receives fewer nutrients.
If total serum cholesterol and LDL levels are It will then break down its own tissue. In addition,
found to be increased, the individual must modify there is an increased need for nutrients to supply
the diet, and, if severe enough, drug therapy may the immune system with energy and nutrients in its
be indicated. The percentage of Calories from fat attempt to destroy the cancerous cells.
should be kept to less than 20% to 30% of total The patient who is receiving chemother-
daily dietary intake, with less than a third of these apy or radiation treatment has an even greater
coming from saturated fats. Cholesterol consump- need for increased nutrients. These therapies
tion should be less than 200 mg per day. are directed at killing cells that are rapidly divid-
If a person experiences a myocardial infarc- ing. This includes not only the cancerous cell but
tion, it is important that the heart muscle be also healthy cells such as those of the lining of the
allowed to rest to facilitate proper healing. This gastrointestinal tract and hair follicles. Increased
includes bed rest, initially with a gradual progres- nutrients are needed for repair and replacement
sion to limited activity over about a 2-week period. of the lost cells, and protein levels in particular
Then the patient is allowed to resume full activity. should be increased. Because of the disturbance of
Rehabilitation consists of cessation of smoking; the gastrointestinal lining, digestion and absorp-
control of hypertension; weight reduction through tion may also be decreased. It is important that the
a low-fat, low-calorie diet; and a program of exer- patient maintain as healthy a nutritional status as is
cise. All help to improve myocardial function. possible rather than having to make up for nutri-
tional deficiencies.
The patient may experience loss of appetite,
Cancer as well as nausea and vomiting. There are several
Some substances ingested or inhaled are thought ways to cope with this. First, food should be made
to be carcinogenic. For example, nitrites that are as appealing as possible. If the patient has difficulty
found in foods such as smoked ham or bacon are swallowing, food can be liquefied in a food proces-
thought to cause cancer of the stomach and esoph- sor. Generally, food will be better tolerated if it is
agus. Smoking tobacco, although not a food, has slightly chilled; extremes of temperature should
been implicated in cancers of the mouth, larynx, be avoided. Several smaller meals may be easier to
esophagus, and lungs. High fat in the diet has been eat than three large meals.
shown to be associated with cancer of the breast, If patients lose large amounts of weight
uterus, and colon. because of worry or concern or as a result of che-
High fiber in the diet may protect from colon motherapy and/or radiation, they may become
cancer. Foods with vitamins A and C protect from cachectic. In such cases, a tube is passed into
cancer of the stomach, lung, and bladder. Fruits the patient’s stomach or duodenum through the
and vegetables, legumes, and foods with soy may nose, and liquid feedings are given through the
protect from certain cancers. tube. Another method for providing nutrition
Wise choices of foods from the food pyramid, to a patient who is unable to take in necessary
avoiding foods with known carcinogens, keeping amounts of food is through a catheter (sterile
weight under control, and practicing a healthy life- tube) inserted into the subclavian vein to the
style will improve the quality and length of life. superior vena cava, known as total parenteral
Cancer is a disease that comes in a variety of nutrition (TPN). Feedings via the catheter pro-
forms. It generally means that normal regulatory vide very good nutrition and can be given for pro-
mechanisms within a cell have broken down. The longed periods.
result is that cells continue to grow in an unre-
strained manner, diverting energy and nutrients
from the patient’s body to the cells’ uncontrolled DIET AND CULTURE
growth. There are many stages through which these
cells may go, and they will go through them at vary- Medical assistants are likely to come into
ing rates. The ramifications of this new growth will contact with patients from many different
vary depending on what types of cells are affected. ethnic groups. Many of these patients will
For these reasons, each cancer patient will have have diets based on traditional cultures, and some
varying nutritional requirements. However, there of the foods they eat, or the way they combine
are some generalities that can be made. First, there foods, may be unfamiliar to the medical assistant.
is definitely a need for increased Calories. Because Often, diets in other cultures are sensible, with
CHAPTER 22 Nutrition in Health and Disease 665
foods chosen or combined to make up a com- sometimes associated with vegetarian diets that do
plete protein. The medical assistant who has some not contain enough animal product (see the section
knowledge of ethnic food choices can help reas- on vitamins in this chapter). One type of vegetarian,
sure patients that the dietary changes they need to vegan, does not eat any product associated with ani-
make are within the parameters of their own cul- mals, including milk or eggs. This type of diet is par-
tures. Table 22-6 presents some highlights of the ticularly susceptible to nutritional deficiencies.
food choices of different ethnic groups. In speaking with patients about diet and
Vegetarian diets are fairly common around the dietary changes, it is important to remember that
globe, including in the United States. With a good patients choose their diets for a variety of reasons,
variety of grains, vegetables, fruits, and dairy prod- including cultural, religious, or ethical beliefs. The
ucts, a vegetarian diet can supply an individual with medical assistant should respect the patient’s rea-
all the required nutrients. Pernicious anemia, a dis- sons for following a certain diet while encouraging
ease caused by lack of cobalamin (vitamin B12), is any modifications.
Table 22-6 Sample Food Choices of Various Cultural, Religious, and Ethnic Groups
Group Diet and Food Choices
It is thought that approximately half of the edible plants commonly eaten in the United States
today originated with the Native Americans. Examples are corn, potatoes, squash, cranber-
ries, pumpkins, peppers, beans, wild rice, and cocoa beans. In addition, they used wild fruits,
game, and fish. Foods were commonly prepared as soups and stews, and dried. The original
Native American
Native American diets were probably more nutritionally adequate than their current diets,
which frequently consist of too high a proportion of sweet and salty, snack-type, empty
calorie foods. Native American diets today may be deficient in calcium, vitamins A and C,
and riboflavin.
Hot breads such as corn bread and baking powder biscuits are common in the U.S. South
because the wheat grown in the area does not make good quality yeast breads. Grits and
rice are also popular carbohydrate foods. Favorite vegetables include sweet potatoes,
squash, green beans, and lima beans. Green beans cooked with pork are commonly served.
U.S. Southern
Watermelon, oranges, and peaches are popular fruits. Fried fish is served often, as are barbe-
cued and stewed meats and poultry. There is a great deal of carbohydrate and fat in these
diets and limited amounts of protein in some cases. Iron, calcium, and vitamins A and C may
sometimes be deficient.
Mexican food is a combination of Spanish and Native American foods. Beans, rice, chili pep-
pers, tomatoes, and corn meal are favorites. Meat is often cooked with the vegetable as in
chili con carne. Corn meal is used in a variety of ways to make tortillas and tamales, which
Mexican serve as bread. The combination of beans and corn makes a complete protein. Although tor-
tillas filled with cheese (called enchiladas) provide some calcium, the use of milk should be
encouraged. Additional green and yellow vegetables and vitamin C–rich foods would also
improve these diets.
Rice is the basic carbohydrate food in Puerto Rican diets. Vegetables commonly used
include beans, plantains, tomatoes, and peppers. Bananas, pineapple, mangoes, and papa-
Puerto Rican
yas are popular fruits. Favorite meats are chicken, beef, and pork. Milk is not used as much as
would be desirable from the nutritional point of view.
Pastas with various tomato or fish sauces and cheese are popular Italian foods. Fish and
highly seasoned foods are common to Southern Italian cuisine, whereas meat and root veg-
Italian etables are common to northern Italy. The eggs, cheese, tomatoes, green vegetables, and
fruits common to Italian diets provide excellent sources of many nutrients, but additional milk
and meat would improve the diet.
Northern and Western European diets are similar to those of the U.S. Midwest, but with a
Northern and Western greater use of dark breads, potatoes, and fish, and fewer green vegetable salads. Beef and
European pork are popular, as are various cooked vegetables, breads, cakes, and dairy products.
666 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Table 22-6 Sample Food Choices of Various Cultural, Religious, and Ethnic Groups (continued)
Group Diet and Food Choices
Citizens of Central Europe obtain the greatest portion of their calories from potatoes and
grain, especially rye and buckwheat. Pork is a popular meat. Cabbage cooked in many
Central European
ways is a popular vegetable, as are carrots, onions, and turnips. Eggs and dairy products are
used abundantly.
Grains, wheat, and rice provide energy in these diets. Chickpeas in the form of hummus are
Middle Eastern popular. Lamb and yogurt are commonly used, as are cabbage, grape leaves, eggplant,
tomatoes, dates, olives, and figs. Black, very sweet (Turkish) coffee is a popular beverage.
The Chinese diet is varied. Rice is the primary energy food and is used in place of bread. Foods
are generally cut into small pieces.Vegetables are lightly cooked, and the cooking water is
Chinese saved for future use. Soybeans are used in many ways, and eggs and pork are commonly
served. Soy sauce is extensively used, but it is salty and could present a problem with patients
on low-salt diets.Tea is a common beverage, but milk is not.This diet may be low in fat.
Japanese diets include rice, soybean paste and curd, vegetables, fruits, and fish. Food is fre-
Japanese quently served tempura style, which means fried. Soy sauce (shoyu) and tea are commonly
used. Current Japanese diets have been greatly influenced by Western culture.
Many Indians are vegetarians who use eggs and dairy products. Rice, peas, and beans are
Southeast Asian frequently served. Spices, especially curry, are popular. Indian meals are not typically served
in courses as Western meals are. They generally consist of one course with many dishes.
Rice, curries, vegetables, and fruit are popular in Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.
Meat, chicken, and fish are used in small amounts. The wok (a deep, round fry pan) is used
Vietnamese, Laos, and
for sautéing many foods.
A salty sauce made from fermented fish is commonly used.
Interpretations of the Jewish dietary laws vary. Those who adhere to the Orthodox view con-
sider tradition important and always observe the dietary laws. Foods prepared according
to these laws are called kosher. Conservative Jews are inclined to observe the rules only at
home. Reform Jews consider their dietary laws to be essentially ceremonial and thus mini-
mize their significance. Essentially the laws require the following:
• Slaughtering must be done by a qualified person, in a prescribed manner. The meat or
poultry must be drained of blood, first by severing the jugular vein and carotid artery, then
by soaking in brine before cooking.
• Meat or meat products may not be prepared with milk or milk products.
• The dishes used in the preparation and serving of meat dishes must be kept separate from
those used for dairy foods.
• A specified time, 6 hours, must elapse between consumption of meat and milk.
• The mouth must be rinsed after eating fish and before eating meat.
• There are prescribed fast days—Passover Week, Yom Kippur, and Feast of Purim.
• No cooking is done on the Sabbath—from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday.
These laws forbid the eating of:
• The flesh of animals without cloven (split) hooves or that do not chew their cud
• Hind quarters of any animal
• Shellfish or fish without scales or fins
• Fowl that are birds of prey
• Creeping things and insects
• Leavened (contains ingredients that cause it to rise) bread during the Passover
Generally, the food served is rich. Fresh smoked and salted fish and chicken are popular, as
are noodles, egg, and flour dishes. These diets can be deficient in fresh vegetables and milk.
CHAPTER 22 Nutrition in Health and Disease 667
Group Diet and Food Choices
Although the dietary restrictions of the Roman Catholic religion have been liberalized, meat
Roman Catholic
is not allowed its adherents on Ash Wednesday and Fridays during Lent.
Followers of this religion include Christians from the Middle East, Russia, and Greece.
Eastern Orthodox Although interpretations of the dietary laws vary, meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products are
restricted on Wednesdays and Fridays and during Lent and Advent.
Generally, Seventh Day Adventists are ovolacto-vegetarians, which means they use milk
products and eggs, but no meat, fish, or poultry. They may also use nuts, legumes, and
Seventh Day Adventist
meat analogues (substitutes) made from soybeans. They consider coffee, tea, and alco-
hol to be harmful.
Mormon (Latter Day The only dietary restriction observed by Mormons is the prohibition of coffee, tea, and
Saints) alcoholic beverages.
Adherents of Islam are called Muslims. Their dietary laws prohibit the use of pork and alco-
Islamic hol, and other meats must be slaughtered according to specific laws. During the month of
Ramadan, Muslims do not eat or drink during daylight hours.
To the Hindus, all life is sacred, and small animals contain the souls of ancestors. Consequently,
Hindus are usually vegetarians. They do not use eggs because they represent life.
There are several vegetarian diets. The common factor among them is that they do not
include red meat. Some include eggs, some fish, some milk, and some even poultry. When
carefully planned, these diets can be nutritious. They can contribute to a reduction of obesity,
Vegetarians high blood pressure, heart disease, some cancers, and possibly diabetes. They must be
carefully planned so they include all needed nutrients.
Lacto-ovo vegetarians use dairy products and eggs but no meat, poultry, or fish.
Lacto-vegetarians use dairy products but no meat, poultry, or eggs.
Vegans avoid all animal foods. They use soybeans, chickpeas, and meat analogues made
from soybeans. It is important that their meals be carefully planned to include appropri-
ate combinations of the nonessential amino acids to provide the needed amino acids. For
example, beans served with corn or rice, or peanuts eaten with wheat, are better in such
combinations than any of them would be if eaten alone. Vegans can show deficiencies of
calcium; zinc; vitamins A, D, and B12; and, of course, proteins.
The macrobiotic diet is a system of 10 diet plans developed from Zen Buddhism. Adherents
progress from the lower number diet to the higher, gradually giving up foods in the follow-
ing order: desserts, salads, fruits, animal foods, soups, and ultimately vegetables, until only
cereals—usually brown rice—are consumed. Beverages are kept to a minimum, and only
organic foods are used. Foods are grouped as Yang (male) or Yin (female). A ratio of 5:1
Zen macrobiotic diets
Yang to Yin is considered important. Most macrobiotic diets are nutritionally inadequate.
As the adherents give up foods according to plans, their diets become increasingly inad-
equate. These diets can be especially dangerous because avid adherents promise medical
cures from the diets that cannot be attained, and thus medical treatment may be delayed
when needed.
668 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Procedure 22-1
Provide Instruction for Health Maintenance and Disease Prevention
PURPOSE: examination, Pap smear, mammogram,
To instruct patients about how to exercise more occult blood testing, colonoscopy, urinalysis,
responsibly and take control of their health in order electrocardiogram, chest X-ray, blood tests
to extend their lives and enjoy healthy years. for anemia, chemistry profiles, hearing and
With the provider’s permission, medical assistants vision tests.
have many opportunities on a daily basis to educate • Avoid tobacco.
patients about ways to stay healthy and r educe the
• Get regular exercise at least 30 minutes
risk of disease. Patient education boxes throughout
most days (walk dog, bicycle, rake leaves, do
the textbook relate specific behaviors patients can
housework, swim).
adopt to prevent diseases and measures they can take
to preserve health. • Eat a balanced diet (see myPyramid worksheet at
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES • Practice safety to prevent injuries (make sure
Discussion smoke detectors work, wear seat belts, don’t
DVDs drink and drive).
Print material • Control weight, blood pressure, and cho-
Authentic Web-based interactive information lesterol.
Community resources directories • Watch sun exposure and use a sun block
Seminars factor of at least SPF 30 all year.
Classes (self-directed and self-paced) • Keep vaccine immunizations current.
PROCEDURE STEPS: • Practice food safety by preparing food with
1. Gather materials being used for guidelines for clean hands and on clean surfaces.
health and disease prevention. 6. Instruct patients who do not have a computer that
2. Arrange a quiet area for patient and medical they may be able to gain online access at a pub-
assistant. lic library. Some Web sites they can visit to learn
more about strategies to prevent disease are:
3. Assess patient’s learning style and preference.
RATIONALE: The patient’s age, physical limita- • General health: http://www.healthfinder. gov
tions, and learning preferences need to be taken • Cancer:
into consideration by the medical assistant. It is • Osteoporosis:
important to communicate clearly and at the level
of the patient’s understanding and knowledge. • Nutrition:
4. Include the patient’s family if appropriate. • Nutrition:
RATIONALE: The patient’s family will learn • Alcohol and drug abuse: http://www.niaa.
along with the patient and provide instruction
and encouragement to the patient at home. • Depression:
5. Teach patients to take an active role in their topics/depression/index.html
health. Tell them that prevention is an impor- • Heart and lung:
tant aspect in maintaining health. Instruct
them to: • Product safety:
• Get regular screenings for cancer when 7. Document the education session in the patient’s
age appropriate, such as yearly physical chart or electronic medical record.
CHAPTER 22 Nutrition in Health and Disease 669
Seven types of nutrients are required by the body for maintenance of good health. Carbohydrates, fats, and
proteins provide energy for the body. Vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water cannot provide energy but are
responsible for many vital processes within the body.
Some individuals take herbal supplements. Making the provider aware of which supplements is an
important responsibility of the medical assistant.
Nutritional needs change at various points in the life cycle. During pregnancy, lack of nutrients can
be detrimental to the development of the fetus and the health of the expectant mother. The need for
nutrients is great during infancy and childhood, with the greatest need for total nutrients occurring dur-
ing adolescence. During adulthood, the requirement for Calories decreases. With the decrease in basal
metabolism that occurs with aging, the requirement for Calories decreases even more.
At times of disease, the diet of the individual must be modified to help relieve stress put on the body
by the disease, to give energy to fight the disease, and, in cases where the disease is diet related, to decrease
the severity of the disease.
It is important to have adequate nutritional intake during every stage of life. The healthier one is, the
better one feels and enjoys a good quality of lfe. Nutritional status should be examined and adjustments
made if necessary with the goal of helping patients maintain a healthy body.
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet by completing the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on your student CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
Multiple Choice c. a catalyst
d. an antioxidant
1. The transfer of nutrients from the gastrointestinal 4. What is the significance for the provider in deter-
tract into the bloodstream is: mining the patient’s use of herbal supplements?
a. ingestion a. The FDA has authority over these dietary supple-
b. digestion ments, therefore they are safe.
c. absorption b. They are unsafe if bought in a supermarket.
d. elimination c. They may interact with over-the-counter and
2. Fats are considered a(n): prescription medications.
a. mineral d. They are not considered medicines. It is not
b. vitamin significant to inform the provider.
c. energy nutrient 5. Another name for vitamin C is:
d. fiber a. tocopherol
3. The total of all chemical and physical changes that b. carotene
take place in the body is called: c. biotin
a. homeostatis d. ascorbic acid
b. metabolism
CHAPTER 22 Nutrition in Health and Disease 671
Critical Thinking 2. Explore the FDA’s site and find the amount of trans
1. For each of the following vitamins and minerals, fats in one serving of:
suggest some symptoms that might appear if there a. apple pie
were a deficiency: b. a jelly doughnut
vitamin A c. shredded wheat
vitamin K d. ice cream
vitamin C 3. Explore the National Center for Chronic Disease
thiamin Prevention and Health Promotion and Physical
riboflavin Activity at Web site (
cobalamin (vitamin B12) dnpa/index.htm) and discuss with your classmates
calcium four diseases that can be prevented through nutri-
2. Consider the functions of the various regions of the tion and exercise. Explain how and why.
digestive system, and look up in a medical diction- 4. Using a search engine, find a site for discussion
ary each of the following procedures. Describe the about anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Describe
problems that might exist with the following proce- these eating disorders. Is there any treatment for
dures if diet modifications do not take place: them?
colostomy 5. Visit to calculate
gastrectomy your body mass index (BMI) and decide if it is
3. Explain why a breakfast high in complex carbohy- within a healthy range.
drates is an important goal. 6. Use the government Web site (http://www.
4. Figure 22-6 shows calculations of percentages of to help you determine how your
total calories from fat, carbohydrate, or protein. dietary habits rate according to the food pyramid.
Are the percentages healthy or unhealthy? What 7. Use
are the recommended percentages of total calories to access information on how to use food labels
from fat, carbohydrate, and protein? of pasta. How much cholesterol and saturated fat
5. What are some things to consider when assessing is there? Look at nutrition facts on a box.
the diet of an older adult?
6. Find five things a person can do to decrease the
risk for heart disease. Compile a list from the class. REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY
How many of the items are associated with diet?
How many of the items involve you? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2007).
7. Describe how the diet can be used to control dia- Overweight and obesity. Retrived May 24, 2007, from
betes mellitus. When a person becomes dependent
on insulin, should the diet continue to be used? Ephedra. (2007). Retrieved May 25, 2007, from http://
Richardson, M. (2004). Calcium absorption in post-
WEB ACTIVITIES menopausal women. Harvard Women’s Health Watch,
5, 1–3.
1. Search community agencies on the Web Roth, R. A. (2007). Nutrition and diet therapy. (9th ed.).
for information about the following dis- Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
eases and the role nutrition plays in pre- Spratto, G. R., & Woods, A. L. (2004). PDR nurses
vention of the disease: drug handbook. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage
a. diabetes mellitus Learning.
b. arteriosclerotic heart disease Taber’s cyclopedic medical dictionary. (20th ed.). (2006).
c. hypertension Philadelphia: F. A. Davis.
23 Basic Pharmacology
The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and
demonstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this
chapter through written and oral communication.
OBJECTIVES (continued)
9. Describe the principal actions of drugs and three undesirable reactions.
10. Describe routes of drug administration and drug forms.
11. Describe handling and storing of drugs.
12. List emergency drugs and supplies.
13. Recall commonly abused drugs and describe their physical and emo-
tional effects.
14. Critique the legal role and responsibilities of the medical assistant.
Policy at Drs. Lewis and King dictates that a patient container) that they are currently using. When taking
medication history is taken on the first appointment, or updating a patient history, clinical medical assis-
routinely updated, and reviewed whenever medica- tants Audrey Jones, CMA (AAMA),and Joe Guerrero,
tion is prescribed, dispensed, or administered. Both CMA (AAMA), ask a number of questions of patients
administrative and clinical medical assistants work regarding medications, prescription, over-the-
together to ensure that this policy is carried out. counter, and herbal supplements, and gently probe
When making a patient appointment, administra- to ensure that patients include all medications in
tive medical assistants ask patients to bring with the history and describe any allergy or hypersensi-
them any medications (keeping them in the labeled tivity they may have to certain drugs.
Spotlight on Certification
Pharmacology is the study of drugs, the science that is RMA Content Outline
concerned with the history, origin, sources, physical and • Anatomy and physiology
chemical properties, uses, and effects of drugs on living
• Medical law
organisms. Medical assistants in the ambulatory care
setting need to understand basic pharmacology includ- • Medical ethics
ing the uses, sources, forms, and delivery routes of drugs; • Patient education
must know and be able to implement the intent of the • Asepsis
law regarding controlled substances and other medica- • Clinical pharmacology
tions; and must have a knowledge of drug classifications
CMA (AAMA) Content Outline
and actions to be able to caution patients when taking
prescription or nonprescription drugs. In addition, the • Anatomy and physiology
medical assistant must be able to educate patients about • Medicolegal guidelines
a drug’s intended purpose and the correct way to take the and requirements
drug for maximum effectiveness. • Principles of infection control
This chapter provides an overview of pharmacol- • Pharmacology
ogy; it is considered a review for medical assistants who • Emergencies
have had a formal course in the subject. Information on
dosage, calculation, and medication administration can CMAS Content Outline
be found in Chapter 24. • Anatomy and physiology
• Apply principles of medical law
and ethics to the health care setting
MEDICAL USES OF DRUGS • Asepsis in the medical office
• Recognize and respond to emergencies
A drug is defined as a medicinal substance that may
• Understand basic pharmacological
alter or modify the functions of a living organism.
concepts and terminology
There are five medical uses for drugs:
674 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
• Therapeutic. Used in the treatment of a condition to the patient. To reduce costs, some insurance com-
relieve symptoms. An example is an antihistamine panies pay for only generic brands. Sometimes,
that may be used in the treatment of an allergy. providers specify drugs by their trade names.
• Diagnostic. Used in conjunction with radiology Some states allow patients to request that their
and other diagnostic imaging procedures to allow pharmacist dispense the generic drug equivalent
the physician to pinpoint the location of a disease unless the provider has specified that the drug be
process. An example is dye tablets used in the dispensed by its trade name. Also, in some states, a
X-ray study of the gallbladder. pharmacist may select a generic form of a drug if
not specifically directed otherwise by the provider.
• Curative. Used to kill or remove the causative agent
Generic and trade name drugs have the same
of a disease. An example is an antibiotic.
chemical composition and must adhere to identi-
• Replacement. Used to replace substances normally cal FDA standards; therefore, according to most
found in the body. Hormones and vitamins are state laws, they can be used interchangeably. The
examples of replacement drugs. drug label reflects the drug products dispensed.
• Preventive or Prophylactic. Used to ward off or lessen
the severity of a disease. Examples are immunizing
agents such as vaccines. HISTORY AND SOURCES
DRUG NAMES Drugs prepared from roots, herbs, bark,
and other forms of plant life are among
Most drugs have three types of names: chemical, the earliest known pharmaceuticals. Their
generic, and trade or brand name. origin can be traced back to primitive cultures
where they were first used to evoke magical pow-
• The chemical name describes the drug’s molecular ers and to drive out evil spirits. Having discovered
structure and identifies its chemical structure. that certain plants were pharmacologically useful,
• The generic name is the drug’s official name and is a search was begun for sources of drugs.
assigned to the drug by the U.S. Adopted Names Today this search continues. In addition to
Council. A generic drug can be manufactured by plants, drugs are derived from animals and miner-
more than one pharmaceutical company. When als and are produced in laboratories using chemi-
this is the case, each company markets the drug cal, biochemical, and biotechnologic processes.
under its own unique trade or brand name. Generic
names begin with a lowercase letter.
Plant Sources
• A trade or brand name is registered by the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office and is approved by The leaves, roots, stems, or fruit of certain plants
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). may contain medicinal properties. For example, the
The ® symbol following a drug’s trade or brand dried leaf of the foxglove plant (Digitalis purpurea) is
name indicates that the name is registered and a source of digitalis, a cardiac glycoside used in the
protected for 17 years. No other manufacturer can treatment of certain heart conditions.
make or sell the drug during that time. Once the Herbals fit into this plant source category. The
patent expires, any manufacturer can sell the drug disadvantage of many natural herbals on the mar-
under its generic name or a new trade name. The ket today is that some drugs derived from plants
original trade name cannot be reused. The brand may not be standardized. In any given crop, there
name begins with a capital letter. may be plants that are more or less potent than
their neighboring plants. This lack of consistency
Example: is related to the amount of sunshine and water a
particular plant receives, as well as the nutrients
Chemical name: 1, 4, 3, 6-dian hydrosorbitol-2, 5 dinitrate in the soil. Another disadvantage of natural plant
Generic name: isosorbide dinitrate drugs is the pesticides that may be present. These
Trade/Brand name: Sorbitrate® may be man-made pesticides applied to the plants
or taken up by the plant through the environment
When providers prescribe a drug, they may (soil, water, and air); they may also be natural pes-
use either the generic or trade name. It is not ticides originating from the plant itself to defend
uncommon for providers to prescribe the generic itself from molds, insects, and other threats. These
form of a drug because it is usually less costly for pesticides all pose biologic threats to our chemical
CHAPTER 23 Basic Pharmacology 675
and biologic functions. These foreign chemicals The DSHEA gathers and thoroughly reviews
can be interpreted by our bodies as irritants, free evidence about the pharmacology of a product,
radicals, antigens, and antagonists. Patients should uses peer-review scientific literature on safety and
be cautioned to purchase only reputable, standard- effectiveness, examines adverse event reports, and
ized, natural herbal products for these reasons. includes public comments for information about
associated health risks.
Self-medication with herbal products is less in
Animal Sources the United States than worldwide, but sales in the
A few drugs are obtained from tissues such as the United States have been increasing yearly. There
adrenal glands of animals. Examples of drugs has been an abundance of interest by the public
obtained from animals are adrenaline and corti- in herbal products because of the media attention
sone, extracted from the adrenal glands of animals. given to them and their benefits.
Adrenaline is used for allergic reactions and corti- Many providers combine herbal products
sone is an antiinflammatory. Premarin® is another (together with nutrition) in their practice(s), and
example. It is derived from urine produced by certain herbal treatments have become part of the
pregnant mares. It is used for treating menopausal practitioner’s treatment regimen.
symptoms in some women. Some examples of herbs and their uses are as
follows: cascara—laxative; feverfew—headaches;
garlic—antibacterial; licorice—gastritis, cough,
Mineral Sources menopause; St. John’s wort—depression and anxi-
Some naturally occurring mineral substances are ety; and saw palmetto—prostate health.
used in medicine in a highly purified form. One There are risks associated with self-
such mineral is sulfur, which has been used as a key medication with herbal products. Patients
ingredient in certain bacteriostatic drugs. It is now need to be informed that taking certain
prepared synthetically and used in the treatment medications together with herbal products can pro-
of urinary and intestinal tract infections. duce dangerous interactions. It is important for you
as the medical assistant to gather information about
all medications, prescriptions, over-the-counter
Herbal Supplements medications, and herbals. Pregnant patients should
With the increased interest in alternative or com- inform their provider about what they are taking
plementary medicine, many patients and some and should be cautioned about possible harm to the
practitioners use herbal products for treatment, fetus (see Chapter 14). It is important to remem-
prophylaxis, and maintenance of health and ber that any medication and any herb can cause an
care of disease. Phytomedicine is the term used to allergic reaction and have side effects.
describe the use of plants to promote optimum The dietary supplement ephedra, also known
health. as Ma huang, had been prohibited from being sold
Native cultures since ancient times had great since April 2004 because, according to DSHEA
respect for their medicine men and women of 1994, ephedra presented an unreasonable risk
because they knew about plants and herbs for for illness and injury. The herbal supplement had
medicinal purposes. Such diseases and conditions as been promoted for use in weight loss and control
cardiac arrhythmia, pain, blood thinning, digestive and for enhancing performance in sports activities.
upsets, and increased urinary output (diuresis) have Evidence showed modest effectiveness for weight
been treated with success with herbal medicine. loss with no clear health benefit. It was confirmed
European providers use herbal medicines that, in many instances, the substance increased
routinely in their practices and have had classes on blood pressure and caused tachycardia, chest pain,
the topic throughout medical school. myocardial infarction (MI), cerebral vascular acci-
In the United States, it was not until dents (CVA), seizures, psychosis, and death.
1974 that the FDA passed an act known In 2005, the ban on ephedra was lifted
as the Dietary Supplement Health and because it had been challenged in court, and the
Education Act (DSHEA). The act examines any judge ruled for the company that manufactures
dietary supplement such as herbal products and ephedra. During 2005 and 2006, ephedra was sold
may remove it from the market if it presents a sig- again. In August 2006, the FDA’s ban on all ephe-
nificant or unreasonable risk for illness or injury dra and ephedra-like drugs was upheld. It now is
when used according to its labeling or under illegal in the United States. In October 2006, the
ordinary conditions of use. manufacturing company filed a petition for a
676 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
If you want to use herbal therapy, you should OF DRUGS
find a qualified herbalist and work with him or
her and your practitioner. Herbal products are Qualified medical practitioners
not regulated or standardized by an agency who prescribe, dispense, or admin-
or organization (see earlier for information ister drugs must comply with
about DSHEA). Report at once symptoms that federal and state laws. The laws govern the manu-
seem unusual. Herbal products should be facture, sale, possession, administration, dispens-
used for the shortest amount of time needed ing, and prescribing of drugs. All drugs available
to obtain results. Keeping track of herbs taken, for legal use are controlled by the Federal Food,
for what purpose they are being taken, and Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The law protects the
the effect on symptom control is important public by ensuring the purity, strength, and com-
and provides information about which position of foods, drugs, and cosmetics. It also
products are helpful and those that are not. prohibits the movement in interstate commerce of
Journals, newsletters, and the Internet can altered and misbranded food, drugs, devices, and
provide information about herbal medicine. cosmetics. Enforcement of the act is the responsi-
These publications can be explored for bility of the FDA, which is part of the Department
information and are a valuable resource. of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
Relevent publications include Herbalgram,
Phytomedicine, Alternative Medicine Alert, and Controlled Substance Act of 1970
Alternative and Complementary Medicine.
One category of drugs—those with potential for
abuse or addiction—is regulated by the Controlled
Substance Act of 1970. It controls the manufacture,
rehearing on the issue. Ephedra remains illegal importation, compounding, selling, dealing in,
and is likely to remain so. Congress is rewriting and giving away of drugs that have the potential for
laws so it will be easier for the FDA to take action abuse and addiction. The drugs are known as con-
and ban substances they believe are harmful. trolled substances and include heroin and cocaine
and their derivatives, other narcotics, stimulants,
and depressants. The Drug Enforcement Agency
Synthetic Drugs (DEA) of the U.S. Justice Department monitors and
Synthetic drugs are artificially prepared in phar- enforces the act, which is also known as the Com-
maceutical laboratories. By combining various prehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control
chemicals, scientists can produce compounds that Act. Under federal law, providers who prescribe,
are identical to a natural drug or create entirely administer, or dispense controlled substances must
new substances. An advantage of synthetic drugs register with the DEA and renew their registration
over natural is the ability to standardize doses. as required by state law (Form DEA 224).
Thousands of drugs are now produced syntheti- Applications for registration are available
cally. Examples are Motrin® (ibuprofen), Feldene® online ( A
(piroxician), and Prilosec® (omeprazole). licensed provider is issued a registration that must
be renewed at regular intervals (Figure 23-1).
Genetically Engineered The renewal form is sent approximately 2 months
before the expiration date.
Scientists are now capable of creating new strains Controlled Substances Schedules. Controlled sub-
of bacteria using a technique known as gene splic- stances are classified according to five schedules:
ing. Through this process, hybrid forms of life have
been created that benefit human beings by provid- • Schedule I specifies drugs that have a high poten-
ing an alternative source of drugs, such as Humu- tial for abuse and are not accepted for medical use
lin® (insulin) for the diabetic patient and interferon within the United States. Examples are heroin,
for use in treatment of cancer. These drugs can be lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), and marijuana.
manufactured in large quantities; thus, they are less • Schedule II drugs include those that also have a high
expensive than natural substances. abuse potential but have an accepted medical use
CHAPTER 23 Basic Pharmacology 677
MAIL-TO ADDRESS Please print mailing address changes to the right of the address in this box.
Name 2 (First Name and Middle Name of individual - OR- Continuation of business name)
Street Address Line 1 (if applying for fee exemption, this must be address of the fee exempt institution)
Address Line 2
INFORMATION Social Security Number (if registration is for individual) Tax Identification Number (if registration is for business)
Check all that apply Schedule II Non-Narcotic Schedule III Non-Narcotic Schedule V
Check this box if you require official order forms - for purchase or transfer of schedule 2 narcotic and/or schedule 2 non-narcotic controlled substances.
NEW - Page 1
Figure 23-1 Licensed providers who prescribe, administer, or dispense controlled substances must register with
the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) of the U.S. Justice Department. The registration must be renewed at regular
intervals. Shown here is Form 224 for a new application for registration with the DEA. Form 224(A) is for registration
678 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
SECTION 4 You MUST be currently authorized to prescribe, distribute, dispense, conduct research, or otherwise handle the controlled substances
in the schedules for which you are applying under the laws of the state or jurisdiction in which you are operating or propose to operate.
Be sure to include both State Expiration
state license numbers License Number Date / /
if applicable (required) (required)
What state was this license issued in?
1. Has the applicant ever been convicted of a crime in connection with controlled substance(s) under state or federal law,
LIABILITY or is any such action pending?
Date(s) of incident MM-DD-YYYY:
2. Has the applicant ever surrendered (for cause) or had a federal controlled substance registration revoked, suspended,
All questions in restricted, or denied, or is any such action pending?
this section must
be answered. Date(s) of incident MM-DD-YYYY:
3. Has the applicant ever surrendered (for cause) or had a state professional license or controlled substance registration
revoked, suspended, denied, restricted, or placed on probation, or is any such action pending?
Date(s) of incident MM-DD-YYYY:
4. If the applicant is a corporation (other than a corporation whose stock is owned and traded by the public), association,
partnership, or pharmacy, has any officer, partner, stockholder, or proprietor been convicted of a crime in connection with
controlled substance(s) under state or federal law, or ever surrendered, for cause, or had a federal controlled substance
registration revoked, suspended, restricted, denied, or ever had a state professional license or controlled substance
registration revoked, suspended, denied, restricted or placed on probation, or is any such action pending?
Date(s) of incident MM-DD-YYYY: Note: If question 4 does not apply to you, be sure to mark 'NO'.
It will slow down processing of your application if you leave it blank.
"YES" ANSWERS Liability question # Location(s) of incident:
Applicants who have
answered "YES" to Nature of incident:
any of the four questions
above must provide
a statement to explain
each "YES" answer.
The undersigned hereby certifies that the applicant named hereon is a federal, state or local government official or institution,
and is exempt from payment of the application fee.
Signature of certifying official (other than applicant) Date
Provide the name and
phone number of the
certifying official Print or type name and title of certifying official Telephone No. (required for verification)
Sign if paying by Signature of Card Holder
credit card
SECTION 8 I certify that the foregoing information furnished on this application is true and correct.
Signature of applicant (sign in ink) Date
Sign in ink
within the United States. Examples are amphet- Record keeping applies only to persons
amines and cocaine. Because of their high poten- E HR who administer or dispense controlled
tial for abuse, a special DEA form must be used to substances. Record-keeping data can be
order these drugs. The form is not necessary for stored electronically.
Schedule III and IV drugs. A written prescription is Controlled substances (Schedule II) stored
required for Schedule II drugs and the prescription and used on the premises must be counted at the
cannot be renewed. Examples of Schedule II drugs end of each workday, verified by two individuals for
are morphine, codeine, Ritalin, and Percocet. accuracy of count, and recorded on an audit sheet.
• Schedule III drugs have a low-to-moderate potential An inventory record of Schedule II drugs must be
for physical dependence, yet have a high potential submitted to the DEA every 2 years.
for psychological dependency. Some examples are Because of the increase in office and clinic
barbiturates and various drug combinations con- drug theft and substance abuse, as well as the
taining codeine and paregoric. Prescriptions for stringent federal laws that apply to storing, dispens-
Schedule III drugs can be either written or oral. ing, and administration of controlled substances,
They can be refilled, but only five times within 6 many offices and clinics do not keep controlled
months. Schedule III drugs are accepted for medi- substances on the premises. However, agencies
cal use in the United States. that do have controlled substances on the prem-
ises must comply with the DEA disposal policy.
• Schedule IV drugs have a lower potential for abuse
and have an accepted use in the United States.
Examples of these drugs include chloral hydrate
Controlled Substance Disposal Policy (per DEA).
The DEA Disposal Policy for Controlled Substances
and diazepam. Prescriptions for Schedule IV drugs
requires that controlled substances be accounted for
may include refills, but refills are limited to five
when they are disposed of. One option is the com-
times within 6 months.
pany Universal Solutions, which is contracted with
• Schedule V drugs have the lowest abuse potential of the DEA and will dispose of expired or unused con-
controlled substances. Some examples from this trolled substances. Certain forms (DEA Form 41)
schedule are Lomotil® and Donnagel®. Some drugs must be completed, and the provider must have cur-
from Schedule V may include refills, but refills are rent certificate of registration (DEA Form 222) with
limited to five times within 6 months. the DEA. Records of disposed controlled substances
must be kept for 2 years. Application forms are com-
On occasion, the DEA will reclassify drugs pleted and signed by the provider. A copy of the pro-
and move them from one schedule to another. vider’s DEA certificate of registration is included and
So that they can be readily identified, con- sent to Universal Solutions (controlled substances
trolled substances are labeled with a large C with are not sent at this time). Shipping instructions from
a Roman numeral inside it to indicate from which Universal Solutions will be sent along with a label.
schedule the drug has come; for example, C II
repre- Follow the instructions provided and ship to Uni-
sents a Schedule II drug. versal Solutions. The company will confirm receipt
The provider’s DEA number must appear on of the material and its eventual destruction. Cop-
each prescription for controlled substances. ies of application and confirmation of destruction
A copy of the federal law and a complete list must be sent to the DEA. Applications for forms for
of controlled substances and their schedules are disposal of controlled substances are available from
available from any DEA office or online. the nearest DEA office or online (http://www.usdoj.
Storage of Controlled Substances. Federal law
requires that all controlled substances be kept sepa- Medical Assistant Role and Responsibilities.
rate from other drugs. They must be stored in a well- Medical assistants are required to know the le-
constructed metal box or compartment that has a galities that surround controlled sub-
double lock. Controlled substances must be pro- stances. Medical assistant responsibilities
tected from possible misuse and abuse, and persons may include:
who administer controlled substances must record
them in a separate record book. The record must be 1. Monitor the provider’s DEA registration renewal
maintained on a daily basis and kept for a minimum date.
of 2 to 3 years, depending on state laws. Patient name, 2. Maintain legally designated records and
address, date of administration of the controlled sub- E HR inventories of all drugs (Figure 23-2),
stance, drug name, dose, and route and method of including samples. This can be done
administration must be included in the record. electronically.
680 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Figure 23-2 It is important to maintain patient medication records both for the safety of the patient and to
protect the practice. (A) A paper-based patient medication record. (B) The patient medication record as part
of the patient’s electronic medical record.
CHAPTER 23 Basic Pharmacology 681
3. Provide security for all drugs, in particular con- Medical assistants need to advise patients after
trolled substances (Schedule II). the provider prescribes a drug. Patients should also
4. Provide security for prescription pads. read warning labels on medication containers (Figure
23-3). Prescription drugs are also called legend drugs.
5. Properly destroy expired drugs and document.
The July 20, 2007, issue of Medical Econom-
6. Know and understand federal and state laws that
regulate drugs, including all controlled substances
E HR ics, a periodical for providers and other
medical professionals, reported the results
and samples. of a survey they conducted, which showed physicians
ranked computer systems high on timely access to
The computer and its software have the records, better quality of care, and better documen-
E HR capability of storing information regard- tation. E-prescribing is a feature many providers
ing the due date for the provider’s DEA appreciated (Figure 23-4). Providers have instanta-
registration renewal, maintaining legal records and neous and remote access to records, in addition to
inventories on all drugs including samples, keep- many other capabilities. Some are:
ing track of expiration dates of drugs and when
• Automatically alerts to allergies and drug
they are destroyed, accessing the latest informa-
tion regarding new DEA laws, and e-prescribing.
• Automatically calculates doses of medication
Since 2006, the DEA has been reluctant to
according to the patient’s age and weight
approve regulations covering e-prescribing of con-
trolled substances. The reluctance and lack of DEA • Recommends brand and/or generic drug sub-
policies have been a hurdle to widespread adop- stitutions
tion of e-prescribing. Presently, some providers • Prints prescriptions and faxes them to the patient’s
can e-prescribe medications other than controlled pharmacy
substances (which require handwritten and signed
prescriptions). This requires two separate systems,
e-prescribing and handwritten prescriptions, and
providers object, viewing this as time-consuming.
A proposal known as the Medicare Electronic
Medication and Safety Protection Act, if approved,
would penalize providers who write prescriptions
by hand after 2011. The government is offering a
one-time grant to help offset the costs to providers
who implement e-prescribing technology.
The DEA is preparing to allow e-prescribing
of controlled substances as of 2008. It has sent a
proposed rule to the Department of Justice (DOJ).
The rule requires review from the DOJ and the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) before
the rule can be enacted.
E-prescribing of medications is safe, efficient,
and effective. It can improve patient safety. The
next section on Prescription Drugs discusses how
e-prescribing is beneficial to providers and patients.
Prescription Drugs
State laws require that licensed practitioners who
prescribe drugs must write and sign an order for
the dispensing of drugs. This process is known as
writing a prescription. Some examples of drugs
that require a prescription are all of the controlled
substances, except for Schedule I, which is not
accepted for medical use in the United States, and Figure 23-3 Warning labels are placed on prescription
other categories such as digoxin, a cardiac drug, medication containers, and patients should be advised to
and epinephrine, a vasoconstrictor. read and adhere to the precautions or instructions.
682 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Patient Education
Guidelines for patients who take prescription
CLINICAL CARE medications include:
Patient Assessment 1. Take exactly as directed.
Procedures, Diagnoses & Treatment Plans
Referrals & Follow-up Appointments 2. Inform the provider or the medical
Prescriptions assistant of unusual or adverse
Orders for Tests
Patient Medical History reactions.
3. Continue to take the medication for the
duration of the prescribed number of
days, weeks, and so on.
Test Results 4. If you want to discontinue the
Schedules and Tickler Files
Patient Medical History medication, inform your provider or the
Medication Administration medical assistant.
Patient Education
Graphical Patient Data Displays 5. Do not take other medications or herbs
concurrently without checking with your
400 TABLETS 81mg EACH Net quantity of contents
Front of label
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: (in each tablet) List of active
Aspirin 81mg.................................................... Pain reliever ingredients
Figure 23-6 Medication labels contain valuable information essential to the safe and effective use of the drug.
Web, and for PDAs. The PDR is one of the most tants (PDAs), hand-held electronic devices that
widely used reference books and is found in most give them the information they need. The PDR
offices and clinics. It is divided into sections of comes with a CD-ROM, and an individual can
drug information, which are followed by other register online to access medications information
useful drug information such as a list of products, (
poison control 800 telephone numbers, conver-
sion tables, and a guide to management of drug
overdose (Figure 23-7).
How to Use the PDR
Providers use electronic technology to The five most commonly used sections of the PDR
assist them when they need references list drugs according to:
to drugs, their interactions, brand and
generic names, and doses according to patient’s • Brand name and generic name index, section 2
needs. Some providers use personal digital assis- • Classification or category, section 3
CHAPTER 23 Basic Pharmacology 685
Zithromax (Pfizer)
Note all the information provided for a drug.
• Description. Gives the origin and chemical composi-
tion of the drug.
• Clinical Pharmacology. Indicates the effect of the
drug on the body and the process by which the
drug exerts this effect.
• Indications and Uses. States the various conditions,
diseases, types of microorganisms, and so on, for
which the drug is used.
• Contraindications. States when the drug should not
be given to a specified person.
• Warnings. Gives the potential dangers of the drug.
• Precautions. States the possible unfavorable effects
Figure 23-7 The Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) is a
that the drug may have on a patient.
valuable resource for the medical assistant who wishes
to obtain information about a specific medication. • Adverse Reactions. Lists the undesired side effects or
toxicity of the drug.
• Dosage and Administration. States the amount
(usual daily dose for adults and children) and
• Product identification guide, section 4 time sequence of administration.
• Product information and alphabetical arrange- • How Supplied. Lists the various forms of the drug
ment by manufacturers, section 5 and their dosages.
Section 2 of the PDR is the alphabetized section 2. If you know the classification of the drug, turn to
used for finding the page numbers for generic and section 3 and locate the category of the drug.
brand name drugs. Each drug, whether generic
or brand, has a page number listed to enable you
to locate a specific drug. Each time a brand name Antibiotics
appears, it is followed by the manufacturer’s name Macrolide
and page number to check for more information. Zithromax® capsules (Pfizer)
When more than one page number appears, the
first number refers to the photo section (Product NOTE: All controlled substances listed in the PDR
Identification Guide), section 4; the last num- are indicated with the symbol C with the Roman
ber refers to the prescribing category, section 3 numeral II, III, IV, or V printed inside the C to
(Product Category Index). Generic named drugs designate the schedule in which the substance is
are underlined; brand names are not. classified.
The PDR has many other sections within it,
such as the Key to Controlled Substances category, Example:
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration telephone Duramorph® C, morphine sulfate USP
The package insert that most manufacturers Other drugs may have what is known as:
provide with their products is an important source
of information about a particular drug. This is a • Local action. The drug acts on the area to which it is
brief description of the drug, including its clini- administered.
cal pharmacology, indications and usage, contra- • Remote action. A drug affects a part of the body that
indications (any symptom or circumstance that is distant from the site of administration.
indicates that the use of a particular drug is inap-
propriate when it would otherwise be advisable), • Systemic action. The drug is carried via the blood-
warnings, precautions, drug interactions, adverse stream throughout the body.
reactions, overdose, dosage, and administration. • Synergistic action. One drug increases or counter-
The package insert can be a valuable source of acts the action of another.
information about drugs that might not be listed
elsewhere, or if a PDR is unavailable.
Information about some older medications, Factors That Affect Drug Action
such as digoxin, can be found in the package insert The four principal factors that affect drug action
because they may have been deleted from the cur- are: absorption, distribution, biotransformation,
rent PDR. You or your employer can become reg- and elimination. These factors depend on the indi-
istered to use the PDR. A version of the PDR is vidual patient, the form and chemical composition
available. of the drug, and the method of administration.
1. Absorption is the process whereby the drug passes
CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS into the body fluids and tissues.
2. Distribution is the process whereby the drug is
Drugs can be classified (arranged in groups) in a transported from the blood to the intended site
number of ways. Some examples are: of action, site of biotransformation, site of storage,
and site of elimination.
• Drugs used to treat or prevent disease (examples
are hormones and vaccines) (see Chapter 10) 3. Biotransformation is the chemical alteration that a
drug undergoes in the body, usually in the liver.
• Drugs that have a principal action on the body (ex-
amples are analgesics and antiinflammatory 4. Elimination is the process whereby the drug is
drugs) excreted from the body. Elimination occurs via
the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, skin,
• Drugs that act on specific body systems or organs
mucous membranes, and mammary glands.
(examples are respiratory and cardiovascular
• Drug preparation (examples are suppository, Undesirable Actions of Drugs
Most drugs have the potential for causing an action
Table 23-1 lists common drug classifications. other than their intended action. For example:
See Appendix B for the 50 top prescribed brand
name medications, or visit the following Web site: 1. Side effect. An undesirable action of the drug that may limit the usefulness of the drug.
Look under facts and figures for the top 200 brand 2. Drug interaction. Occurs when one drug potentiates—
name drugs for 2007. increases or diminishes the action of another drug.
These actions may be desirable or undesirable. Drugs
may also interact with various foods, alcohol, tobacco,
PRINCIPAL ACTIONS and other substances.
OF DRUGS 3. Adverse reaction. An unfavorable or harmful unin-
tended action of a drug, such as an allergic reaction.
In general, drugs can be grouped as follows: those
that act directly on one or more tissues of the body; A patient may experience an allergic reaction
those that act on microorganisms; and those that to a drug after administration. It is often mild and
replace body chemicals. may exhibit itself in the form of a rash, urticaria, or
Certain drugs have selective action, such as pruritus. On occasion, a severe reaction or anaphy-
stimulants, which increase cell activity, and depres- laxis can occur, which is hypersensitivity to a drug
sants, which decrease cell activity. or other foreign protein. It is the least common
CHAPTER 23 Basic Pharmacology 687
Antacid (ant-as'id) An agent that neutralizes acid Amphojel, Gelusil, Mylanta, Milk of Magnesia
Antiarrhythmic An agent that controls cardiac Lidocaine HCl (Xylocaine), propranolol HCl
(an"te-a-rith'mik) arrhythmias (Inderal)
Bronchodilator An agent that dilates the bronchi Isoproterenol HCl (Isuprel), albuterol (Proventil)
Muscle relaxant An agent that produces Robaxin, Norflex, Paraflex, Skelaxin, Valium
(mus'el re-lak'sant) relaxation of skeletal muscle
allergic reaction but can become severe quickly and the provider immediately so that appropriate emer-
result in dyspnea and shock. Loss of consciousness gency treatment can be given. One or two injections
and death can result. To help prevent an allergic of epinephrine usually reverses the life-threatening
reaction or minimize its risk, the medical assistant symptoms of anaphylaxis and is followed by admin-
should attempt to ascertain before administration istration of an antihistamine such as Benadryl®. In
of every drug whether the patient has any known severe cases that do not respond to this treatment,
allergies. The medical assistant should be aware of oxygen and immediate transfer to the emergency
signs and symptoms of allergic reaction and notify department is necessary.
690 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Backing layer
Drug reservoir
Figure 23-10 (A) The multilayer unit comprising
Figure 23-8 Drugs are manufactured in various TransdermNitro® delivers nitroglycerin into the blood-
forms, including solid preparations such as tablets stream in a consistent, controlled manner for 24 hours.
and capsules. (A) Tablets, scored and unscored. The thin unit contains a backing layer, a reservoir of
(B) Enteric-coated tablets. (C) Capsules and nitroglycerin, a unique rate-limiting membrane, and
gelatin-coated capsules. (D) Timed-release capsules. an adhesive layer that has a priming dose of nitroglyc-
erin. (B) The patch is applied to the skin. (Courtesy
of Novartis.)
Verapamil (ver-ap'a-mil)
The ambulatory care setting should maintain a For cardiac arrhythmia, stable and unstable
tray, box, cabinet, or crash cart (see Chapter 9 angina.
for contents of crash cart) especially and solely
NOTE: Ipecac syrup, no longer used to induce vomiting, has proven to
for drugs and supplies needed in an emergency be cardiotoxic, and several cases of aspiration have occurred.
such as anaphylaxis or other form of shock.
The drugs listed in Table 23-2 are a sample of
CHAPTER 23 Basic Pharmacology 693
some general drugs to keep readily available for for infectious diseases, and Chapter 24 for infor-
emergencies. mation on antibiotics.)
Other supplies and equipment to keep together
with the drugs on the emergency cart are:
• Intravenous (IV) materials such as IV fluids, nee-
dles, tubing, syringes, alcohol, swabs, constriction There has been an enormous
band, and tape increase in the abuse, or misuse,
• Sphygmomanometer of legal and illegal drugs. Any
drug can be abused, whether it is penicillin, alco-
• Stethoscope
hol, or a controlled substance such as cocaine.
• Oxygen and mask Medical assistants, while caring for patients, may
• Airways unexpectedly come in contact with patients who
• Defibrillator abuse or misuse drugs.
• Suction equipment (nasopharyngeal) Medical assistants must be able to recog-
nize the symptoms of drug abuse in a patient or
• Personal protective equipment
coworker and report it to the provider. Health pro-
Check the tray on a regular basis (weekly, fessionals, including providers, are among individ-
monthly, depending on use) according to need. uals who can have a problem with drug or alcohol
Check the oxygen tank and gauge. Replace items abuse, and it must be reported to the proper pro-
that have been used as soon as possible, and dis- fessional association (see Chapter 7 for more infor-
card drugs and supplies that have reached their mation on drug abuse).
expiration dates. Document that the tray has been There are many programs available for treat-
checked and updated. (See Chapter 9 for more ment of drug abuse. Detoxification and rehabili-
information about emergencies and emergency tation are examples of treatment programs. The
drugs used in the office and other ambulatory National Institute on Drug Abuse, which is part
areas.) of the National Institutes of Health of the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services,
provides information, treatment options, and
Bioterrorism specific programs for drug abuse on their Web site
Bioterrorism is the name given to the use of biologic (
weapons (pathogenic microorganisms) to create html).
fear in people. There are many biologic agents that Table 23-3 gives examples of drug types most
can be used in an attempt to cause serious diseases. commonly abused.
Most diseases can be treated with pharmaceutical In addition to the drugs of abuse listed in
agents such as antibiotics and antitoxoids. Table 23-3, another drug of abuse is dextrometho-
The most dangerous disease threats are rphan. It is an antitussive (cough suppressant)
anthrax, botulism, pneumonic/bubonic plague, that has been an over-the-counter medication for
smallpox, and tularemia. more than 30 years and is a component of several
Anthrax, pneumonic/bubonic plague, and cough medications. One of the drugs is coricidin
tularemia can all be treated with antibiotics. Botu- HBP (cough and cold tablets), also known as “ccc,”
lism is treated with botulism antioxides supplied “robo,” or “red devils.” Primarily it is used by youths
by public health authorities. Smallpox is treated as a recreational drug for its euphoric effects, but an
by early vaccination (within four days). The Cen- overdose can result in coma and death. The cough
ters for Disease Control and Prevention has the and cold medications are easily available and often
vaccine. are shoplifted by persons who abuse them.
Education plays a vital role in raising aware- The same social pressures that influence
ness and increasing the knowledge of health care young people to try alcohol are responsible for
professionals to aid them in being better prepared introducing people of all ages to the previously
for threats to the public health. The World Health mentioned drugs and other chemical substances.
Organization, the Centers for Disease Control Because it is easier to prevent drug abuse than it is
and Prevention, and state and local public health to break an established habit, most efforts to com-
departments are excellent resources for more bat drug abuse are directed at the young. However,
information about bioterrorism. (See Chapter 9 people of all ages, including older people, may be
for information about emergencies, Chapter 10 or become abusers.
694 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Yes 3−4 Injected, Euphoria, drowsiness, Slow and shallow Watery eyes, runny
snorted, respiratory depression, breathing, clammy nose, yawning, loss
smoked constricted pupils, nausea skin, convulsions, of appetite, irritabil-
coma, possible ity, tremors, panic,
death cramps, nausea,
chills, sweating
Yes 3−12 Oral, injected Same as above Same as above Same as above
Yes 3−4 Oral, injected Same as above Same as above Same as above
Yes 3−4 Oral, injected Same as above Same as above Same as above
Yes Variable Oral, injected, Same as above Same as above Same as above
Yes 3−6 Oral Slurred speech, disorien- Shallow respiration, Anxiety, insomnia,
tation, drunken behavior clammy skin, dilated tremors, delirium,
without odor of alcohol, pupils, weak and convulsions, possible
impaired memory of events, rapid pulse, coma, death
interacts with alcohol possible death
Yes 1−8 Oral, injected Same as above Same as above Same as above
696 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Substance I, II, III PCP, Angel Dust, Hog, Anesthetic Possible High
Phencyclidine Loveboat, Ketamine (ketamine)
and Analogs (Special K), PCE,
*Not regulated
CHAPTER 23 Basic Pharmacology 697
Yes 2−6 Oral Slurred speech, disorien- Shallow respiration, Anxiety, insomnia,
tation, drunken behavior clammy skin, dilated tremors, delirium,
without odor of alcohol, pupils, weak and convulsions, possible
impaired memory of events, rapid pulse, coma, death
interacts with alcohol possible death
Yes 1−2 Snorted, Increased alertness, excita- Agitation, increased Apathy, long periods
smoked, tion, euphoria, increased body temperature, of sleep, irritability,
injected pulse rate and blood pressure, hallucinations, convul- depression,
insomnia, loss of appetite sions, possible death disorientation
Yes 2−4 Oral, injected, Same as above Same as above Same as above
Yes 2−4 Oral, injected, Same as above Same as above Same as above
Yes 4−6 Oral, snorted, Heightened senses, teeth Increased body Muscle aches,
smoked grinding, dehydration temperature, drowsiness,
electrolyte imbalance, depression, acne
cardiac arrest
Yes 8−12 Oral Illusions and hallucinations, Longer, more intense None
altered perception of time “trip” episodes
and distance
Yes 1−12 Smoked, oral, Illusions and hallucinations, Unable to direct Drug-seeking
injected, altered perception of time movement, feel pain, behavior*
snorted and distance remember
Yes 2−4 Smoked, oral Euphoria, relaxed inhibitions, Fatigue, paranoia, Occasional reports
increased appetite, possible psychosis of insomnia,
disorientation hyperactivity,
decreased appetite
698 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Anabolic Steroids
Amyl and Butyl Pearls, Poppers, Rush, Angina (amyl) Unknown Unknown
Nitrite Locker Room
CHAPTER 23 Basic Pharmacology 699
Yes 2−4 Smoked, oral Euphoria, relaxed inhibitions, Fatigue, paranoia, Occasional reports
increased appetite, possible psychosis of insomnia,
disorientation hyperactivity,
decreased appetite
Yes 2−4 Smoked, oral Same as above Same as above Same as above
Unknown Variable Oral, injected Same as above Same as above Same as above
Yes 1−3 Oral Impaired judgments, uncoor- Motor vehicle acci- Anxiety, shakiness,
dinated movements, slurred dents, gastritis, liver depression, hal-
speech, blurred vision damage, brain lucinations, sweats,
damage, domestic increased blood
violence pressure, seizures
700 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Procedure 23-1
Proper Disposal of Drugs
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 3. Only if the label or accompanying patient infor-
mation specifically instructs flushing drugs
down the toilet or sink can you do so. RATIO-
NALE: The FDA advises that only a certain few
PURPOSE: drugs can be flushed or thrown into the trash.
To properly dispose of drugs that have reached their The label or accompanying information will give
expiration dates. instructions.
Drugs (oral and parenteral) that have reached their 5. Document instructions in the computer that the
expiration dates drugs with expired use by dates were disposed of
either by returning them to the pharmacy or by
PROCEDURE STEPS: having the contracted agency incinerate them.
1. Gather expired drugs, either prescription or Be sure to save receipts.
over-the-counter. RATIONALE: Expired drugs
NOTE: Patients can be instructed to determine
cannot be dispensed nor administered because
if their communities have pharmaceutical
they can be harmful to patients.
take-back programs or hazardous waste dis-
2. According to agency policy and state law, the posal programs that allow them to bring
drugs can be taken to the pharmacy or drug sup- unused drugs to a central location for proper
ply company from which they were ordered, and disposal.
the pharmacist can make arrangements to have
expired drugs incinerated. Another option is for DOCUMENTATION
the provider to contract with an outside company 2/17/XX Drugs from the crash cart, drugs in the medica-
to incinerate the expired drugs. RATIONALE: tion closet, and drug samples all checked for expiration dates.
Disposal of drugs into the sewage system, either Expired medications were removed and returned to the phar-
by flushing down the toilet or down the sink, is
macy for incineration. Drugs inventoried and restocked with
discouraged and is prohibited in some states
new replacements. C. McInnis, RMA __________________
(medication substances have been found in some
municipal water supplies).
CHAPTER 23 Basic Pharmacology 701
Medical assistants must know state and federal laws that govern the distribution and administration of medi-
cations and understand their role and responsibilities in light of these laws. Knowledge of drug regulations;
the legal classifications of drugs, including controlled substances; and prescribing, administering, and dis-
pensing of drugs is essential to ensure compliance with the law.
Available resources and reference books will provide valuable information about pharmaceutical
products, their classifications, routes, forms, storage and handling, and side effects.
Emergency drugs and supplies should be available on a crash cart or a tray or cabinet for the sole use
in an office emergency.
With the increase of drug abuse and misuse, it is important for medical assistants to recognize the
signs of drug abuse in patients and coworkers and to report abuse to the provider or supervisor.
702 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet by completing the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on your student CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
Multiple Choice Critical Thinking
1. Which of the following drugs is commonly used in 1. Drugs are derived from various sources. List five
an emergency such as anaphylactic shock? sources of drugs.
a. lomotil 2. How does the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
b. interferon Act protect the public?
c. cytoxan 3. The _________ is recognized by the U.S. govern-
d. epinephrine ment as the official list of standardized drugs.
2. Which of the following types of drugs do providers 4. Describe the principal factors that affect drug action.
prescribe most frequently? 5. While preparing an injection of Demerol® (meperi-
a. generic dine), you accidentally drop and break the ampule,
b. official spilling its contents. Describe what actions you would
c. chemical take.
d. brand 6. Name five emergency drugs that may be found on a
3. An example of a drug that can be obtained from crash cart or emergency tray. Describe the use and
an animal is: actions of each.
a. digitalis 7. Under what circumstances can a medical assistant
b. cortisone dispense stock medication?
c. imferon 8. Audrey Jones is considering taking a new position
d. sulfur with a provider who is opening an office in another
4. Which of the following is an example of a state. Audrey will be responsible for the clinical
controlled substance? aspect of the practice. Where can Audrey find infor-
a. Nembutal mation about laws that apply to her in regard to
b. Keflin administering medications? Where can she get in-
c. Inderal formation about the storage and handling on the
d. Aldomet premises of narcotics?
5. After you have poured a medication and taken it to 9. List several drug references and briefly describe the
the patient, he refuses to take it. You should: contents of the PDR.
a. give it to another patient who has the same 10. After lunch, a newly hired medical assistant is help-
medication prescribed ing you get Lenore McDonell back into her wheel-
b. return the refused medication to its original chair after her physical examination. You strongly
container suspect that the medical assistant has been drinking
c. save it for the next time the patient is due for alcohol, because she is uncoordinated in her move-
another dose ments and there is a strong odor of what seems to be
d. dispose of it by returning it to the pharmacist to alcohol on her breath. Describe your next action.
dispose of. Document.
CHAPTER 23 Basic Pharmacology 703
WEB ACTIVITIES Facts & figures. (2007). Retrieved October 15, 2008,
from http://www.drugtopics.modernmedicine.
Explore on the Internet for information regard- com.
ing the Drug Enforcement Agency. Rice, J. (2006). Principles of pharmacology for medical
assisting (4th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar
1. Print a copy of Schedules I–V of the controlled Cengage Learning.
substances. Spratto, G. R., & Woods, A. L. (2007). Physician’s desk
2. Find to which schedule the following controlled reference—nurses drug handbook. Clifton Park,
substances belong: phencyclidine (PCP), amphet- NY: Cengage Delmar Learning.
amines, cocaine, and heroin. Taber’s cyclopedic medical dictionary (22nd ed.). (2003).
3. Using a search engine of your choice, gather infor- Philadelphia: F. A. Davis.
mation about over-the-counter (OTC) analgesics United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).
such as aspirin and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory (2007). Drugs of abuse publication chart. Retrieved
drugs (NSAIDs). February 16, 2008, from
a. What risks can be associated with taking these dea/pubs/abuse/chart.htm.
drugs? U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Department of
b. Look for surveys that have been done by the Health and Human Services. (2004, February 6).
National Consumers League on adults who used FDA issues regulations prohibiting sale of dietary supple-
an OTC pain reliever in the past year. ments containing ephedrine alkaloids and reiterates—it
c. What percentage exceeded the recommended advises that consumers stop using these products. Retrieved
dose? September 11, 2007, from http://www.cfisan.fda.
d. What percentage had not spoken to a health gov/~lrd/fpephed6.html.
care professional about possible risks associated WebMD Health. (2006). Crash carts and their typical con-
with these products? tents and indications. Retrieved October 15, 2008,
REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY Wooten, J. M. (2003, April). Medicine cabinet staples
Broderick, M. (2003, September). Spotting drug abuse. are not without risks. RN Magazine, 66(4), 96.
RN Magazine, 66(9), pp. 48–53. World Health Organization. (n.d.). Health aspects
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2007). of biological and chemical weapons. Retrieved
Public emergency preparedness and response. Retrieved September 10, 2007, from
September 11, 2007, from
Calculation of Medication
Dosage and Medication
24 Administration
Legal and Ethical Implications Medication Errors Administering
of Medication Administration Patient Assessment Apnea
Ethical Considerations Administration of Oral Body Surface Area (BSA)
The Medication Order Medications Compounding
The Prescription Equipment and Supplies for
Drug Dosage Oral Medications
Age Administration of Parenteral
Medications Meniscus
Sex Hazards Associated with Nomogram
Other Factors Parenteral Medications Parenteral
The Medication Label Reasons for Parenteral Route Phytomedicines
Calculation of Drug Dosages Selection Port
Understanding Ratio Parenteral Equipment and Precipitate
Understanding Proportion Retrolental Fibroplasia
Principles of Intravenous Therapy
Weights and Measures Status Asthmaticus
Medications Measured in Units Site Selection and Injection
Angle Taut
How to Calculate Unit
Marking the Correct Site for Unit Dose
Intramuscular Injection
Basic Guidelines for Administra-
tion of Injections
Calculating Adult Dosages
Z-Track Method of Intramuscular
The Proportional Method
The Formula Method
Administration of Allergenic
Calculating Children’s Dosages
Body Surface Area
Administration of Inhaled
Kilogram of Body Weight
Administration of Medications
Implications for Patient Care
The “Six Rights” of Proper
Administration of Oxygen
Drug Administration
The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and
demonstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this
chapter through written and oral communication.
OBJECTIVES (continued)
3. Describe the medication order.
4. Describe the parts of a prescription.
5. Define drug dosage.
6. State what information is found on a medication label.
7. Understand ratio and proportion.
8. Use the metric, household, and apothecary systems of
measurement and convert between metric and apothecary
9. Understand units of medication dosage.
10. Correctly calculate dosages for adults and children.
11. List the guidelines to follow when preparing and administering
12. Describe safe disposal of syringes, needles, and biohazard
13. Understand intravenous therapy.
14. Describe site selection for administration of injections.
15. Understand allergenic extracts.
16. Describe inhalation medication and its administration.
At Drs. Lewis and King’s practice, office policy card contains the patient’s name, the provider’s
dictates that a medicine card must be written out order, and the date, time, and route the medication
before the administration of any medication to a is to be administered. After giving the medication
patient. Clinical medical assistant Joe Guerrero, to the patient, Joe documents the fact in the patient
CMA (AAMA), is careful to check the provider’s order, file, and then, according to procedure, tears and dis-
then prepare the medicine card before preparing cards the medicine card.
and administering medication. He notes that the
706 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
DEA# 8669046
Parts of a Prescription lewis & king, md
1. The physician’s name, address, telephone [1] L&K 2501 center street
northborough, oh 12345
and fax numbers, and DEA registration number. PHONE:
413-682-8591 FAX: 413-682-7330
2. The patient’s name, date of birth, address, and the date on
which the prescription is written.
[2] Name Juanita Hansen DOB 7/8/XX
3. The superscription that includes the symbol Rx (“take
Address 143 Gregory Lane, Apt. 43 Date 4/7/XX
4. The inscription that states the names and quantities of [3]
ingredients to be included in the medication.
5. The subscription that gives directions to the pharmacist [4] Furadantin 50 mg Tabs
for filling the prescription. [5] #56
6. The signature (Sig) that gives the directions for the
patient. [6] Sig 50 mg p.o. qid 14 days
7. The physician’s signature blanks. Where signed,
indicates if a generic substitute is allowed or if the [7] Generic Substitution Allowed Susan Rice M.D.
medication is to be dispensed as written. Dispense As Written
8. REFILL 0 1 2 3 p.r.n. This is where the physician [8] REFILL 0 1 2 3 p.r.n. M.D.
Figure 24-2 Prescriptions are written legal documents that give directions for compounding, dispensing, and
administering a medication. Prescriptions have eight distinct elements.
The purpose of a prescription is to control the the-counter (OTC) medicines. The prescription is
sale and use of drugs that can be safely and effectively written by the provider and signed with an ink pen
used only under the supervision of a licensed pro- or e-prescribed. The pharmacist fills the prescrip-
vider. Federal law divides medicines into two main tion according to the provider’s order. Once the pre-
classes: prescription or legend medicines and over- scription has been filled, the assigned prescription
number and all other information can be entered
into a computer. The hard copy of the prescription
HIPAA is filed and kept for a minimum of 7 years. Schedule
II controlled substances prescriptions (see Chap-
E-prescribing is the process of elec- ter 23 for a description of schedule II medications)
HIPAA tronically accessing the patient’s med- are kept separate from other prescriptions and are
ical history, prescribing a medication, stamped with a red C (C for controlled) and filed
and selecting a pharmacy. separately. Schedule III through V prescriptions are
The Medicare Prescription Drug, Im- stamped with a red C and filed.
E HR provement and Modernization Act
(MMA) of 2003 and the Health Insur- Prescriptions for Controlled Substances. Federal
ance Portability and Accountability Act laws require that the provider follows specific pro-
(HIPAA) of 1996 have recommended e- cedures when prescribing controlled substances
prescribing standards. Medications han- (Table 24-1).
dled electronically have reduced the prob- All prescriptions for controlled substances
lems of medication errors. Patients enjoy the must be dated and signed on the date issued, bear-
ease of e-prescriptions because they do not ing the full name and address of the patient and the
have to drop off the prescription and then name, address, and Drug Enforcement Administra-
return to pick it up. Some states already tion (DEA) number (see Chapter 23) of the pro-
have e-prescriptions in patients’ electronic vider. The prescription must be written in ink or
medical records. However, the possibility of typewritten and signed by the provider’s own hand.
a breach in confidentiality exists whenever
electronic medical records are used. Prescription Abbreviations and Symbols. It is im-
portant to be knowledgeable of the most common
708 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Verbal Abbreviation
Order or Written or Symbol Meaning
Prescription Prescription Refills
aa of each
ac before meals
Schedule II No Yes No
ad lib as desired
Yes Yes 5 × within
Schedule III aq water
6 months
bid twice a day
Yes Yes 5 × within
Schedule IV –
6 months c with
dil dilute
ss one-half Weight
The average adult dosage is based on 150 pounds
stat at once
(about 68 kilograms). Individuals who weigh less
tab tablet or more than this should have the dosage based
on body surface area (BSA) or kilogram of body
Tbs tablespoon weight.
tsp teaspoon
tid three times a day
Many medications are contraindicated during preg-
tr tincture nancy and breast-feeding. It is important that these
ung ointment
two factors be known before any dose of medication
is prescribed.
U (for unit) Mistaken for a four (4), zero (0), or cc Write out the word “unit”
IU (for international unit) Mistaken for IV or ten (10) Write out “international unit”
Decimal point is missed and dose is Do not write a zero by itself after the
Trailing zero (X.0 mg)
either too much or not enough decimal point (X mg)
Lack of preceding zero
Always use zero before a decimal point
(.X mg)
(0.X mg)
Table 24-4 Additional Abbreviations, Acronyms and Symbols that May Be Misinterpreted
(for Possible Future Inclusion in the Official “Do Not Use” List)
> (greater than) Can be misinterpreted as number seven (7) or the letter “L” Write out “greater than” and “less
< (less than) Confused for one another than”
cc Mistaken for U (units) when written poorly Write out “mL” or “milliliters”
μg Mistaken for mg (milligrams) causing 1,000 × overdose Write out “mcg” or micrograms
Table 24-5 Sound-alike, Look-alike 5. Patient’s medical history, allergies, and idiosyn-
Medications crasies
Aciphex (heartburn, 6. Safest method, route, time, and amount to effect
Accupril (hypertension)
ulcers) the desired maximum result
The preparation and administration of CLINICAL CARE
medications is one of the most important
Patient Assessment
and critical tasks that medical assistants Procedures, Diagnoses & Treatment Plans
perform. Today, drugs are more potent and more Referrals & Follow-up Appointments
likely to cause physiologic changes in the body; Orders for Tests
therefore, anyone who administers medications Patient Medical History
must do so with extreme care.
Incorrectly calculated or measured dosages
are the leading cause of error in the administra-
tion of medications. A drug error is a violation of Test Results
Schedules and Tickler Files
a patient’s rights. It is important that medical assis- Patient Medical History
tants develop a working knowledge of mathemat- Medication Administration
Patient Education
ics to calculate or measure accurately a medication Graphical Patient Data Displays
that is to be administered to a patient.
According to the Institute of Medicine
(IOM), each year medications kill several
thousands of hospital patients and injure
another 1.5 million. About half of these deaths
and injuries result from side effects; the other RECORDS
half result from errors. Because the majority of
prescriptions are written in the provider’s offices,
the figures are likely to be proportionately higher. Figure 24-3 The clinical care arm of the total prac-
E-prescribing will reduce the number of errors. tice management system (TPMS). Medication errors
Hospital prescriptions and all OTC medications, can be minimized when prescriptions are written elec-
vaccines, and blood will require standardized and tronically. The computer calculates the dose according
universal bar codes to help prevent medication to the patient’s height and weight and can send the
errors. Reading the bar code with a scanner can prescription to the pharmacy.
correlate the medication bar code with a patient
identification bar code.
The IOM states that only a small percent of
Understanding Ratio
health care agencies use a bar code medication Ratio is a method of expressing the relation-
system. Studies have shown that use of bar codes ship of a number, quantity, substance, or degree
(bar code on medication matches bar code on between two similar components. For example,
patient’s wrist) results in far fewer errors. the relationship of one to five is written 1:5. Note
The IOM wants health care agencies, that numbers are side by side and separated by a
E HR especially hospitals, to computerize their
prescription systems by 2008 and to begin
In mathematics, a ratio may be expressed as a
using them by 2010. According to the IOM, quotient, a fraction, or a decimal.
fewer than 10% of hospitals have computerized
prescriptions systems. The system works when a Ratio Expressed as a Quotient. A quotient is the
provider inputs data on the computer. For exam- number found when one number is divided by
ple, the patient’s height and weight and medica- another number. The ratio one to five written as a
tion are entered and the computer calculates the quotient is 1 5.
dose. There is no paper, illegible handwriting,
or miscalculation of the dose. The computer fills Ratio Expressed as a Fraction. A fraction is the
in the correct dose as part of the prescription process of dividing or breaking a whole number
(Figure 24-3). into parts. The ratio one to five written as a frac-
Additionally, the IOM recommended to the tion is 1⁄5 or 51 .
FDA that they lessen the confusion about sound-
alike medications and simplify look-alike labels Ratio Expressed as a Decimal. A decimal is
and packaging. a linear array of numbers based on 10 or any
712 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Patient Education
Patients should: 5. Have the provider or pharmacist explain
1. Question the provider, pharmacist, and the name and purpose of each new medi-
staff administering the drug about the cation that is being prescribed. Be sure you
drug and its possible side effects. understand.
2. Be sure the prescription has been writ- 6. Keep an updated list of all medications,
ten legibly. Many drugs sound alike prescriptions, OTC vitamins, minerals, and
(e.g., Ambien® for insomnia and Amen® phytomedicines.
for menstrual cycle control; Xanax® for 7. Take medications as directed, and do not
anxiety and Xantac® for heartburn and discontinue use until the appropriate date
ulcers; Fosamax® for osteoporosis and as indicated by the provider.
Flomax® for enlarged prostate). 8. Store medicines away from heat and
3. Always check the label at the pharmacy to humidity in their original containers.
make sure it is clearly written. 9. Ask the provider or pharmacist what you
4. Always check your medication at the should do if you miss a dose.
pharmacy to be certain that the medica-
tion and directions are what you expect.
extremes (8) (2)
6 :4 3 :2 16 × 1 16 (means)
8 × 2 16 (extremes)
Six is to four equals three is to two.
Solving for ×. The proportion is a useful math-
ematical tool. When a part, share, or portion of
The four terms of a proportion are given the problem is unknown, then x represents the
special names. The means are the inner num- unknown factor. You can determine the unknown
bers or the second and third terms of the by solving for x. The unknown factor x may appear
proportion. any place in the proportion.
CHAPTER 24 Calculation of Medication Dosage and Medication Administration 713
Now solve for x in the problem: 3 : 4 x : 12. 5. The abbreviation for gram should be capital-
ized (Gm) or written as (g) to distinguish it from
1. Multiply the term that contains the x and place the grain (gr).
product to the left of the equal sign (4x). 6. The abbreviation for liter is capitalized (L).
2. Multiply the other terms and place the product to 7. Prefixes are written in lowercase letters, e.g., milli,
the right of the equal sign (36). centi, deci, deka.
3. To find x, divide the product of x into the product 8. Capitalize the measurement and symbol when it is
of the other terms. named after a person, e.g., Celsius (C).
4 x 36 9. Periods are no longer used with most abbreviations
or symbols.
x 36 or 36 4
4 10. Abbreviations for units are the same for singular
x9 and plural. An s is not added to an abbreviation to
indicate a plural.
After finding the unknown factor, check your
mathematical skills by determining if you have a The Seven Common Metric Prefixes. It is im-
true proportion. This technique is called proof or portant to know common metric prefixes to have
proving your answer. To prove your answer: a solid foundation for determining metric equiva-
lents. When a metric prefix is combined with a root
1. Place the answer you found for x back into the for- of physical quantity, you arrive at multiples or sub-
mula where x was. multiples of the metric system.
3 : 4 9 : 12 Example:
2. Now multiply the means by the means, and the • milli (prefix): one-thousandth of a unit
extremes by the extremes. meter (root): a measure of length
3. The results will equal each other. millimeter: one-thousandth of a meter
• kilo (prefix): one thousand units
liter (root): a measure of volume
Formula: 3 : 4 x : 12
kiloliter: one thousand liters
Proof: 3 : 4 9 : 12 • micro (prefix): one-millionth of a unit
gram (root): a measure of mass and/or weight
microgram: one-millionth of a gram
4 9 36
3 12 36
micro (mi’kro) one millionth of a unit written
Weights and Measures as 0.000001
milli (mil’i) one-thousandth of a unit
Two systems of measurement are used in pharma-
written as 0.001
cology to calculate dosages: metric and household.
centi (sen’ti) one-hundredth of a unit
The metric system is used throughout the world as
written as 0.01
the official language of communication in scien-
deci (des’i) one-tenth of a unit written as 0.1
tific and technical fields. It is based on the decimal
deka (dek’a) ten units written as 10
system: the number 10 or multiples of 10.
hecto (hek’to) one hundred units written as 100
kilo (kil’o) one thousand units written as
Metric System Guidelines. The following guide- 1000
lines are helpful when learning basic facts about
the metric system: Fundamental Units:
1. Arabic numbers are used to designate whole num- Following are the fundamental units of the metric
bers, e.g., 1, 250, 500, 1,000. system:
2. Decimal fractions are used for quantities less than meter (m) length
one, e.g., 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001. liter (L) volume
3. To ensure accuracy, place a zero before the deci-
gram (Gm, g) mass and/or weight
mal point, e.g., 0.1, 0.001, 0.0001.
4. The Arabic number precedes the metric unit of The meter is the fundamental unit of length
measurement, e.g., 10 grams, 2 millimeters, 5 liters. in the metric system and originally formed the
714 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Gram (Gm, g) Mass and Weight 3 teaspoons is equal to: 1 tablespoon (T or tbsp)
1 microgram (mcg) 0.000001 gram (tsp)
1 milligram (mg) 0.001 gram 2 tablespoons is equal to: 1 ounce (oz)
1 centigram (cg) 0.01 gram (tbsp)
1 decigram (dg) 0.1 gram
1 gram (Gm, g) 1 gram 8 ounces (oz) is equal to: 1 measuring cup (c)
1 dekagram (dag) 10 grams
16 tablespoons is equal to: 1 measuring cup (c)
1 hectogram (hg) 100 grams or 8 ounces
1 kilogram (kg) 1,000 grams
2 cups (c) is equal to: 1 pint (pt)
The metric equivalents most frequently used
in the medical field are: 2 pints (pt) is equal to: 1 quart (qt)
Length 4 quarts (qt) is equal to: 1 gallon (gal)
21⁄2 centimeters (cm) = 1 inch
Drop (gt) = approximate liquid measure depending on kind
Volume of liquid measured and the size of the opening from which it is
1,000 milliliters (mL)= 1 liter (L) dropped.
CHAPTER 24 Calculation of Medication Dosage and Medication Administration 715
Step 4.
Table 24-7 Approximate Equivalents Among
Metric and Household Systems Now that you have the left side of the equation, set up the
right side by using the designated metric value 1,500 mg :
Metric Household x g. Always write the smallest equivalent as to the largest
equivalent, for example, mg : g. By being consistent, it is less
DRY likely errors will occur.
1,000 mg : 1 g 1,500 mg : x g
60 mg
Step 5.
1 Gm 1
⁄4 tsp
Note that you have an equal equation:
15 Gm 1 tbsp (3 tsp)
mg : g mg : g
1 oz (2 tbsp)
30 Gm The first values on either side of the equal sign are milligrams,
1 lb (16 oz) and the second values on either side are grams.
1 kg 2.2 lb Step 6.
LIQUID Now solve for the unknown (x) by multiplication and division.
Multiply the means by the means and the extremes by the
1 gt extremes. NOTE: Once the proportion is correctly set up, simply
use the numbers as you multiply and divide.
1 mL 15 gtt
1,000 : 1 1,500 : x
5 mL 1 tsp
15 mL 1 tbsp (3 tsp)
1,000x 5 1,500 1.5
30 mL 1 fl oz (2 tbs) x 5 1,500 4 1,000 1,000)1,500.0
x 5 1.5 1,000
500 mL (1 pt or 2 cups) 500.0
1,000 mL 4 cups (1 qt)
LENGTH Step 7.
2.5 cm 1 in To make sure the answer is correct, prove the work: Place the
answer 1.5 g into the formula where x once was. Now multiply
1m 39.37 in the means by the means and the extremes by the extremes.
5 1 1 1 12 minims
Administer 12 minims (of 5,000 Units/mL for correct dose of
4,000 Units) to the patient.
The National Diabetes Data Group of the National
Institutes of Health organized the various forms of
diabetes into the following categories:
The Formula Method
Type 1 Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Example: (IDDM)
The provider orders 450,000 Units of Bicillin 1M. On hand is Type 2 Noninsulin-dependent diabetes
Bicillin 600,000 Units per milliliter. mellitus (NIDDM)
Type 3 Women who developed glucose
Step 1. intolerance in association with
Use the following formula to calculate the dose: pregnancy (gestational)
Dose ordered
Type 4 Other types of diabetes associated
(desired) Quantity with pancreatic disease, hormonal
Amount to give changes, adverse effects of drugs, or
Dose on hand (per mL)
450,000 units / / / 0/ units 45 3
450,00 genetic or other anomalies
1 mL
600,000 units / / / / units 60 4
3 3
Individuals with type 1 diabetes (IDDM) must
1 mL mL take insulin on a regular basis to maintain life.
4 4
Other insulin delivery devices besides the syringe
Step 2.
and the needle can be used for injection. With
You may convert to minims. If you do, multiply 3⁄4 by 16. an insulin pen, the patient can turn a dial on the
4 top until the correct dose of insulin is displayed
12 minims
through a small window. Once the correct dose is
4 1 chosen, the dial “locks” itself to prevent the pen
from losing insulin or from the dial moving for-
The patient will receive 12 minims of Bicillin 600,000 ward to give an unintended larger dose. The pen
Units for the ordered dose of 450,000 Units. has a needle similar to the insulin syringe, and the
patient presses the plunger and the dose of insulin
is delivered under the skin.
Insulin Another delivery device is a jet injector. High-
Insulin is a chemical substance (hormone) secreted pressure air sends a fine mist of insulin through
by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in the the skin. No needles are required. This device may
pancreas. Insulin is necessary for the proper metab- be suitable for patients who dislike needles.
CHAPTER 24 Calculation of Medication Dosage and Medication Administration 717
Step 3.
Now use the following proportion to calculate the dosage.
Figure 24-4 Sites and rotation for insulin administration. Remember that 0.2 g was converted to 200 mg.
CHAPTER 24 Calculation of Medication Dosage and Medication Administration 719
Height SA Weight
cm in For children of M2 lb kg
normal height
for weight
90 180 80
1.30 160
80 1.20 70
2.0 140
240 70 1.10 1.9 130 60
90 1.8 120
220 60 1.00 1.7 110 50
1.6 100
200 80 0.90 1.5 90
50 40
190 75 1.4
0.80 80
180 70 1.3
170 40 1.2 70
65 0.70 30
1.1 60
60 1.0 25
150 30 0.60 50
140 55 0.9
0.55 45 20
0.8 40
100 40 15 0.35
0.5 10
20 9.0
90 35 18
0.30 8.0
1 0.4
80 10 14
30 6.0
9 0.25
28 12
70 8 5.0
26 0.3 10
24 9 4.0
60 6 0.20 8
22 7
5 3.0
50 20 0.2 6
19 2.5
4 0.15 5
17 2.0
16 4
40 3
15 1.5
13 0.10
2 0.1
12 1.0
Figure 24-5 Body surface area (BSA) is determined by drawing a straight line from the patient’s height (1) in
the far left column to his or her weight (2) in the far right column. Intersection of the line with BSA column (3) is
the estimated BSA (m2). For infants and children of normal height and weight, BSA may be estimated from weight
alone by referring to the enclosed area. (From Behrman, R. E., Kleigman, R. M., & Arvin, A. M. (1996). Nelson
textbook of pediatrics (15th ed.). Philadelphia: W. B Saunders, Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.)
0.7 (m2) 50 35
1.7 (m2)
20.5 mg 20.5 or 21 mg Kilogram of Body Weight
Now use the formula
Quantity to convert mg
It may be the responsibility of the medical assis-
to mL.
Have tant to calculate the amount of dosage ordered
by the provider according to the patient’s body
21 mg
1 x mL weight. Today, many medications are ordered
50 mg
in this manner; therefore, it is essential that you
21 learn how to calculate dosage according to this
0.42 mL administered in a tuberculin syringe
method. The following example will guide you
CHAPTER 24 Calculation of Medication Dosage and Medication Administration 721
Correct injection sites are illustrated later in Figure 24-8 Medicine cups: (A) glass; (B) plastic.
this chapter.
Therefore, medications ordered for parenteral use Nondisposable glass and plastic syringes are
are often ordered by both weight and volume. available in sizes from 1 to 50 milliters. They may
The parenteral route of drug administration be used by providers to perform special procedures
offers an effective mode of delivering medication to such as paracentesis, thoracentesis, thoracotomy,
a patient when a rapid and direct result is desired. and tracheotomy.
The effect of a parenteral medication is faster than
one given by the oral route; however, the accuracy Combination Disposable/Nondisposable Car-
of dosage calculation for both is important. tridge-Injection Syringes. A cartridge-injection
system, such as the plastic Carpuject® (Figure
Parenteral Equipment 24-11) or the metal Tubex®, consists of a dispos-
able cartridge-needle unit and a nondisposable
and Supplies cartridge-holder syringe. The cartridge-needle
Syringes. Syringes are classified as disposable, unit is factory sealed and sterile and contains a
nondisposable, or a combination of these two precisely measured unit dose of medicine. The
types. Most syringes used are plastic. They also cartridge-holder syringe may be made of durable
may be classified according to their intended use. chrome-plated brass or of plastic. These reusable
In addition to the standard hypodermic syringes syringes are designed for quick and safe loading
that are in general use, there are special-purpose and unloading of cartridge-needle units, which
syringes for irrigations or oral feedings, tuberculin are manufactured in various sizes and dosage
syringes, and insulin syringes. capacities and contain a wide range of medica-
tions (Figure 24-12).
Disposable Syringes. Disposable syringes are The combination of disposable/nondispos-
those that are sterilized, prepackaged, nontoxic, able syringe system is easy to use and convenient.
nonpyrogenic, and ready for use. They are available When using this system, be careful to read the
as a syringe-needle unit and are generally enclosed label and compare the medication order with the
in individual peel-apart packages of durable paper label. For example, the provider may order Dem-
or clear plastic. They are available in sizes from 1 erol® 25 mg and the cartridge is 50 mg/mL. Give
to 60 milliters. The 1-, 3-, and 5-mL syringes are the 1
⁄2 mL and properly discard the other 1⁄2 mL
ones most often used when parenteral medications according to office policy. Another person must
are administered. witness the disposal of the Demerol®, which is a
A disposable syringe-needle unit consists controlled substance.
of a syringe with an attached needle. The
needle is covered by a hard plastic sheath Parts of a Syringe. The component parts of a
to prevent it from accidentally penetrating the syringe consist of a barrel, plunger, flange, tip
package or sticking the user. The unit may be (Figure 24-13), and a safety shield on a safety
sealed within a peel-apart package or encased in syringe.
a rigid plastic container that has been heat sealed
to ensure sterility. Labeling usually includes the • The barrel is the part that holds the medication and
manufacturer’s name, type and size of the syringe, has graduated markings (calibrations) on its sur-
gauge and length of the needle, and a reorder face for use in measuring medications.
number. Packages are usually color coded for ease
of identification. Always read the label. Disposable
syringes are generally preferred for the administra-
tion of parenteral medications because they ensure
sterility and sharp needles. Also, disposable syringes
eliminate the need for resterilizaton, which is costly,
time-consuming, and possibly unsafe if not done
Plunger rod
Rubber collar
Disposable sterile
Figure 24-12 (A) Reusable cartridge holder with disposable sterile cartridge needle unit. (B) Turn ribbed collar
to open position. (C) Insert the sterile cartridge-needle unit into the open end of the injector. The ribbed collar is
firmly tightened. The plunger of the injector and the plunger of the cartridge-needle unit are tightened and ready
for use. (D) The medical assistant prepares to dispose of the cartridge-needle unit. The needle is not recapped.
The plunger rod is disengaged by unscrewing. The ribbed collar is loosened. (E) The medical assistant holds the
cartridge-needle unit over a sharps container, and the unit drops into the container.
• The plunger is a movable cylinder designed for • The tip is at the end of the barrel where the needle
insertion within the barrel; it provides the mecha- is attached.
nism by which a medication (or other substance) is • The safety shield is pulled over the needle while
drawn into or pushed out of the barrel. withdrawing it. Safety needles have a mechanism
• The flange is at the end of the barrel where the to either sheath the needle, retract it, or blunt it.
plunger is inserted. It forms a rim around the end (Figure 24-14).
of the barrel where the plunger is inserted and has
appendages against which one places the index The parts of a syringe that must remain ster-
and middle fingers when drawing up solution for ile during the preparation and administration of
injection. The flange also prevents the syringe a parenteral medication are the inside of the bar-
from rolling when laid on a flat surface. rel, the section of the plunger that fits inside the
CHAPTER 24 Calculation of Medication Dosage and Medication Administration 729
Luer-Lok tip
stopper Rubber
Flange Flange
Figure 24-13 Parts of a syringe. (A) A 5-mL syringe separated and unseparated with
Luer-Lok® tip. (B) A 3-mL syringe separated with plain tip.
Table 24-9 The Most Frequently Used Table 24-10 Syringe-Needle Combinations for
Syringes for Parenteral Various Parenteral Routes
Subcutaneous Intramuscular Intradermal
Type of Size and Injection Injection Injection
Syringes Calibration Typical Uses
3-mL syringe/ 3-mL syringe/ 1-mL syringe/25G,
3 milliliter Intramuscular and 25G, 5⁄8 inch 23G, 1 inch 5
⁄8 inch needle
Calibrated 0.1 subcutaneous needle needle
Hypodermic injections
15/16 minims/
milliliters 3-mL syringe/ 3-mL syringe/ 1-mL syringe/26G,
26G, 3⁄8 inch 22G, 11⁄2 inch 3
⁄8 inch needle
5 milliliter Venipuncture and needle needle
Hypodermic Calibrated 0.2 intramuscular
injections 3-mL syringe/ 3-mL syringe/ 1-mL syringe/27G,
27G, 1⁄2 inch 21G, 11⁄2 to 2 inch 1
⁄2 inch needle
Larger sizes Medical/surgical needle needle
(10, 30, and treatments, aspira-
60 milliliter) tions, irrigations, U-100 (1 mL)/26G,
Hypodermic 1
⁄2 inch needle
gavage (tube-to- for insulin
stomach) feedings
Patients who are unconscious, uncooperative,
experiencing severe nausea and vomiting, have
had severe burns, or have a significant amount
of blood loss may need an intravenous infusion.
All of these situations result in the patient losing
body fluids, resulting in loss of homeostasis. The
provider will order the fluids to be replaced by
intravenous infusion according to the patient’s
condition or disease. The fluids will be specific
Figure 24-17 Place used needles, point down, in for the needs of a particular patient. Some infu-
puncture-proof sharps containers. sions maintain the patient’s water (fluids) and
732 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
electrolyte needs. For example, some elderly be programmed to a specific drop per minute rate.
people who live alone and do not feel well, per- The device has an alarm that signals if there is a
haps have pneumonia, may not eat well or drink problem and signals when the infusion is finished.
enough liquid to maintain the body’s balance of Equipment for an IV comes in a sterile kit.
fluids and electrolytes. If the situation goes on for Within the kit are the needle and cannula for enter-
a few days, during which time the patient becomes ing the vein, the tubing to attach to the needle and
dehydrated, the patient will need IV fluids. Symp- cannula (shielded), and a plastic (usually) or glass
toms of dehydration are dry mouth, dark urine, container of the prescribed fluid. The equipment
and lightheadedness. It can lead to changes in the institutes a “basic” administrating set and is what is
body’s chemistry and become life-threatening. generally seen in ambulatory care (Figure 24-18).
Severe nausea and vomiting can quickly dehy- The tubing has a roller-type clamp for adjusting the
drate an individual and eventually can lead to drop rate. Some tubing is made with a port that gives
kidney failure. The patient needs replacement of ready access for addition of other fluids by using
fluids and electrolytes through an intravenous infu- another infusion set simultaneously. The tubing can
sion. (If a patient is vomiting, any attempt at taking become kinked and slow down the flow of fluid. If
in fluids orally is not likely to be successful.) the needle is not securely attached to the tubing,
When a patient is prescribed intravenous the fluid may leak out at the attachment site.
fluids, the provider takes into consideration the IV therapy or infusion is ordered by the pro-
patient’s age, weight, height, and clinical labora- vider for a variety of patient conditions. It provides
tory results. for medication to be given for a rapid response,
When patients are receiving an intravenous replaces fluids and electrolytes, helps to raise blood
infusion, they must be watched carefully. The flow pressure when the patient suffers from shock due to
rate is ordered by the provider. Blood pressure blood or fluid loss, and can be used for nutritional
should be monitored. Breathing and chest tight- supplements. Access to a vein when needed will have
ness should be reported. Excessive volume (too
much fluid too quickly) can result in overhydra-
tion and possible serious adverse cardiac and pul-
Piercing pin
monary consequences.
Inserting a needle or cannula into a vein for Flange
purposes of an infusion is an invasive procedure,
and the possibility exists for microorganisms to Drip chamber Drop orifice
enter the patient’s body. Everything must be sterile
because microorganisms can enter the bloodstream Luer
and cause serious problems. Infection at the site of slip
needle entry is possible. Phlebitis (inflammation of
the vein) can occur from the patient moving about Close Open
and causing the needle to irritate the vein. The IV Slide clamp
fluid can infiltrate the tissues around the needle
site, causing pain, swelling, and possibly tissue dam-
age. The IV must be terminated and a new site used
to restart it. Monitor the skin around the injection
site for swelling and redness. Standard Precautions
must be used to avoid exposure to the patient’s
blood and/or body fluids. The fluid is infused into
the patient drop by drop. The flow of the solution is Injection port
Flow control
carefully monitored. The rate of the IV flow is cru- clamp
cial, and the number of drops per minute must be
accurate. Other essential factors for IV infusion are
that the prescribed fluid amount and the amount
of time required for the infusion to finish are cor-
rect, and that the drop factor is calculated using a
mathematical formula.
Electronic devices for IV infusion are battery
operated, electronically operated, or a combination
of both. The devices are safe and accurate and can Figure 24-18A Basic IV administration set.
CHAPTER 24 Calculation of Medication Dosage and Medication Administration 733
Figure 24-21A Injection technique for dorsogluteal site, adult and pediatric (2 years and older).
Figure 24-21B Injection technique for ventrogluteal site, adult and pediatric (2 years and older).
iliac spine. Then spread your middle finger as Deltoid Muscle. The deltoid muscle is a small but
far from the index finger as possible. Place an adequate site for certain intramuscular injections.
x in the center of the triangle formed by the These intramuscular preparations include vac-
middle and index fingers to mark the correct cines, narcotics, sedatives, and vitamin prepara-
injection site. tions. The site should not be used for an infant. To
736 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
locate the deltoid injection site, place your fingers Vastus Lateralis Site. The vastus lateralis is the pre-
on the shoulder and find the acromion (lateral ferred site for intramuscular injections in infants
triangular projection of the spine of the scapula and children. It is also used for intramuscular injec-
forming the point of the shoulder) and the del- tions in adults (Figure 24-21D). This site generally
toid tuberosity that lies lateral to the side of the accommodates the majority of intramuscular injec-
arm, opposite the axilla (Figure 24-21C). The cor- tions ordered and is a relatively safe site because the
rect injection site is 1 to 2 inches (about the width nerves and vessels supplying the area are not gener-
of three fingers) below the acromion. ally endangered. The vastus lateralis is a part of the
CAUTION: Do not inject medicine into the quadriceps femoris. The muscle is located on the
upper and lower aspects of the deltoid muscle. anterolateral aspect of the patient. For infants and
Care should be taken to avoid brachial and axillary children, the site lies below the greater trochanter
nerves and blood vessels, the radial nerve, acro- of the femur and within the upper lateral quadrant
mion, and the humerus. of the thigh (Figure 24-21E).
Figure 24-21C Injection technique for deltoid site, adult and pediatric (15 months and older).
Figure 24-21D Injection technique for vastus lateralis site, adult and pediatric (2 years and older).
CHAPTER 24 Calculation of Medication Dosage and Medication Administration 737
Free of major nerves and vascular branches.
Figure 24-21E Injection technique for vastus lateralis site, pediatric (newborn to 2 years of age).
For the adult patient, the correct injection 8. Once the needle is inserted, gently pull back on
site is within the middle third of the muscle. the plunger (aspirate) to ensure that the needle is
not in a blood vessel.
BASIC GUIDELINES CAUTION: If blood appears in the syringe on aspi-
ration, smoothly withdraw the needle, properly dis-
FOR ADMINISTRATION card the used unit, and prepare another injection
OF INJECTIONS for administration. Repeat the preceding steps.
9. Slowly inject the medication into the patient.
Regardless of the type of injection, basic
guidelines must be followed to safeguard 10. With a quick, smooth motion, remove the needle
the patient. These guidelines are presented from the injection site. Immediately activate the
according to the sequence of the events to which safety mechanism and discard the syringe–needle
they relate: unit in a puncture-proof container. Cover the injec-
tion site with a dry, sterile cotton swab and gently
1. Adhere to the “Six Rights” of proper drug massage the site.
administration. CAUTION: Do not massage the site when adminis-
2. Always evaluate each patient as an individual. tering insulin, Imferon, or heparin.
3. Select a needle–syringe unit that is the appropriate 11. Remove the cotton swab and check for bleeding.
size for the proper administration of a parenteral If bleeding occurs after applying pressure for
medication. 30 seconds, apply a sterile adhesive strip to the
4. Correctly prepare the appropriate parenteral injection site.
equipment and supplies for use. Wash hands and 12. Remove gloves.
put on gloves. Always use OSHA guidelines and 13. Observe the patient for any signs of hypersensitiv-
follow standard precautions. ity. Take precautions to ensure the patient’s safety.
5. Select the correct site for the intended injection. 14. Properly and immediately discard the used equip-
6. Prepare the patient properly for the injection. ment and supplies.
7. For subcutaneous and intramuscular injections, 15. Wash hands.
use a smooth, quick, dartlike motion to insert the 16. Follow documentation procedures in patient’s
needle into the patient’s skin. Use the correct angle chart or electronic medical record, noting admin-
of insertion (45 or 90 degrees) for the injection. istration of the medication (Figure 24-22).
738 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Figure 24-22 Document all injections. This screen shows the medication documented in the patient’s electronic
medical record. (Synapse EHR screen shot courtesy of E. S. Butler).
17. Before releasing the patient, wait the appropriate is a good reference source for help in determining
amount of time and make sure the patient is given the correct route technique for injections.)
proper instructions and is not experiencing any The Z-track technique is similar to an intramus-
unusual effects. cular injection, except that the skin is pulled to the
18. Return medications to shelf/storage. side before needle insertion. This causes a displace-
ment of the tissues and the medication enters in a
Procedures 24-1 through 24-9 provide steps manner that will not allow it to seep back into the
as follows: subcutaneous tissues and up to the skin’s surface.
Because the medications are irritating, for the com-
• Procedure 24-1: Administration of Oral Medications
fort of the patient, change the needle on the syringe
• Procedure 24-2: Withdrawing Medication from after aspirating the medication from the ampule or
a Vial vial before injecting the patient with the medication
• Procedure 24-3: Withdrawing Medication from an (see Procedure 24-9).
• Procedure 24-4: Administration of Subcutaneous,
Intramuscular, and Intradermal Injections
• Procedure 24-5: Administering a Subcutaneous OF ALLERGENIC EXTRACTS
It may be the responsibility of the medical assistant
• Procedure 24-6: Administering an Intramuscular
to administer allergenic extracts. It is important to
observe the following:
• Procedure 24-7: Administering an Intradermal
Injection of Purified Protein Derivative (PPD). • Allergic extracts are always given in subcutaneous
tissue, never in the muscle.
• Procedure 24-8: Reconstituting a Powder Medica-
tion for Administration • Use a tuberculin syringe with a 25G, 5⁄8-inch needle,
26G, 3⁄8-inch needle, or 27G, 1⁄2-inch needle or 1-mL
• Procedure 24-9: Z-Track Intramuscular Injection
allergist syringe (Figure 24-23).
• Use a site rotation system for each injected extract.
• Correctly document the procedure and dosage.
Z-TRACK METHOD • Allergenic extracts should be refrigerated; they
OF INTRAMUSCULAR should retain potency for 10 to 12 weeks.
INJECTION • Adverse reactions such as itching, swelling, and red-
ness should be reported immediately to the provider.
Imferon is an example of a medication that is • Severe reactions such as anaphylactic shock have
administered using the Z-track method. This medi- occurred; therefore, emergency equipment and
cation and others that are irritating to the subcuta- supplies must be available for use. Epinephrine
neous tissues and may discolor the skin are given in and Benadryl must be readily accessible. (See
this manner. (The Physician’s Desk Reference [PDR] Chapters 9 and 23 for emergency supplies.)
CHAPTER 24 Calculation of Medication Dosage and Medication Administration 739
Figure 24-26 Medical assistant adjusts nasal cannula Figure 24-27 Oxygen masks: (A) without tubing;
around patient’s ears for oxygen administration. (B) with tubing.
Procedure 24-1
Administration of Oral Medications
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 7. Compare the medication label with the medi-
cation note (first time). RATIONALE: Reading
from a medicine note helps prevent errors while
pouring the medication.
PURPOSE: 8. Check the expiration date. RATIONALE: Out-
Correctly administer an oral medication after receiv- dated medication may be deteriorated or altered
ing the provider’s order and assembling the necessary in some way and be harmful to the patient.
equipment and supplies. 9. Calculate dosage if necessary.
10. Correctly prepare (a, b, or c) (Figure 24-29B
and C).
Proper medication
Medication note a. Multiple-dose solid medication
Medicine cup b. Unit dose medication
Water, milk, or juice for patient
c. Liquid medication
PROCEDURE STEPS: 11. Compare medicine label with medication note
1. Verify the provider’s order. (second time).
2. Follow the “Six Rights” (Figure 24-29A). 12. Properly transport the medicine.
3. Perform medical asepsis handwash. 13. Identify the patient. Explain the procedure.
4. Work in a well-lighted, quiet, clean area. 14. Assess patient. Take vital signs if indicated.
5. Assemble equipment and supplies. RATIONALE: RATIONALE: Always assess the patient for body
A well-lighted area for preparing medications is size, physical condition, age, and gender to be
important because you must be able to see well certain the dose and route are appropriate prior
to accurately pour medications. A quiet area is to administration of certain medications. BP or
free from distractions, and medical asepsis helps pulse may need to be taken to ascertain if the
fight transmission of microorganisms. vital signs are within normal limits.
6. Obtain the correct medication using the medi- 15. Assist patient to a comfortable position.
cine note. 16. Check medication label a third time.
Figure 24-29 (A) Medical assistant checks for right drug, right dose, right route, and expiration date before
pouring medication. (B) Medical assistant pours capsules from the cover of the medicine container into a medi-
cine cup before administering medicine to patient. The medication is poured into cover to avoid contamination
of medicine. (C) Medical assistant administers the medication, being certain that patient takes the medicine.
CHAPTER 24 Calculation of Medication Dosage and Medication Administration 743
17. Administer the medication. Provide water. Be 19. Care for equipment and supplies according to
certain that the patient takes the medicine. OSHA guidelines.
RATIONALE: Some patients, for various reasons, 20. Document administration of the medication
may deliberately not swallow their medication. in patient’s chart or electronic medical record.
18. Provide for the patient’s safety: Observe the (Figure 24-29D and 24-29E).
patient for any adverse reactions. 21. Return the medication to the shelf/storage area.
Figure 24-29 (continued) (D) Example of medication administration record for patient’s chart.
744 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Figure 24-29 (continued) (E) The computer makes a graph when the appropriate patient data is input. The
patient’s white blood cell count (WBC), temperature (in Celsius), and antibiotic (Vancomycin) are shown. The
patient has an infection, and the computer-generated graphic shows the patient’s response to the antibiotic.
The WBC and temperature climb over a period of 4 days, then began to drop in response to the antibiotic.
The provider has access to the information on demand.
Procedure 24-2
Withdrawing Medication from a Vial
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 5. Remove the metal or plastic cap from the vial.
If the vial has been opened previously, clean the
rubber stopper by applying an alcohol wipe in a
circular motion (Figure 24-30A).
PURPOSE: 6. Remove the needle cover by pulling it straight off.
Medication is supplied in a variety of packaging. Med- 7. Inject air into the vial as follows:
ication from a vial must be drawn into a syringe for a. Hold the syringe pointed upward at eye level.
parenteral injection. Pull back the plunger to take in a quantity
of air that is equal to the ordered dose of
Medication order Vial of medication
Medication note Alcohol wipes b. Leave vial on tabletop/countertop.
Appropriate syringe Disposable gloves c. Insert the needle through center of the rub-
and needle with cover Sharps container ber stopper of the vial. Inject the air by push-
ing in the plunger (Figure 24-30B).
1. Read the medication order and assemble equip- 8. Invert the vial. Hold the vial and the syringe
ment. Check for the “Six Rights.” Read the vial steady. Pull back on the plunger to withdraw the
label by holding it next to the medicine card measured dose of medication. Measure accu-
(first time). rately. Keep the tip of the needle below the surface
of the liquid; otherwise, air will enter the syringe.
2. Wash hands. Apply gloves.
Keep syringe at eye level (Figure 24-30C).
3. Select the proper size needle and syringe for the
9. Check the syringe for air bubbles. Remove them
medication and the route (e.g., for subcutane-
by tapping sharply on the syringe. Push the
ous injection of insulin, 100-U insulin syringe
air bubbles back into the vial (Figure 24-30D).
and 25G, 5⁄8-inch needle). If necessary, attach the
Check measurement for accuracy, and draw
needle to the syringe.
more medication if needed.
4. Check the vial label against the medication note
10. Remove the needle from the vial. Replace the
(second time).
sterile needle cover (Figure 24-30E) using “scoop”
CHAPTER 24 Calculation of Medication Dosage and Medication Administration 745
Figure 24-30 (A) Disinfect the rubber stopper on the medication vial with an alcohol wipe. (B) Keeping
the bevel of the needle above the fluid level, inject an amount of air equal to medication quantity to be with-
drawn. (C) Hold syringe pointed upward at eye level and with the bevel of the needle in the medication. Pull
back plunger and aspirate the quantity to be withdrawn. (C) Hold syringe pointed upward at eye level and
with the bevel of the needle in the medication. Pull back plunger and aspirate the quantity of medication
ordered. (D) Tap syringe to eliminate air bubbles. Hand should hold syringe while tapping it. (E) After the
correct dose has been withdrawn, recover the sterile needle using “scoop” method. Place medicine on a tray
with medication note, the medication vial, and an alcohol wipe and safely transport to the patient.
method. RATIONALE: The needle cover can be 13. If medication is a tissue irritant, change to another
replaced because it is sterile and has not been sterile needle. RATIONALE: Tissue irritants can
used on a patient. cause tissue necrosis. Activate safety mechanism.
11. Check the vial label against the medication note 14. Immediately after the injection, activate the
(third time). safety mechanism. Discard the syringe-needle
unit into a sharps container.
12. Place the filled syringe and medication vial on a
medicine tray with an alcohol wipe and the medi- 15. Remove gloves and dispose in biohazard waste
cation note. The dose is now ready for injection. container.
746 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Procedure 24-3
Withdrawing Medication from an Ampule
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: cation remains trapped above the neck in the
top of the ampule, some medication will not be
available for use and it is possible to give an incor-
rect dose, especially if the patient is to receive the
entire contents of the ampule.
Medication is supplied in a variety of packaging. An 5. Thoroughly disinfect the neck with an alcohol
ampule is a sterile, glass, single-dose container of liquid swab. Check label (second time). RATIONALE:
medication. It is aspirated into a syringe for injection. The needle will enter the opening of the ampule
and wiping the neck of the ampule before
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: removal of the top ensures disinfection of the
Medicine tray and medication note neck or opening of the ampule.
Ampule of medication 6. With a sterile gauze, wipe dry the neck of
Alcohol wipes the ampule. Completely surround the ampule
Sterile gauze sponges with the gauze and forcefully snap off the top of
Sharps container the ampule by pulling the top toward you
Sterile filter needle and syringe (Figure 24-31B). RATIONALE: Ensure medical
Gloves assistant safety from possible injury from bro-
ken glass. Discard top in sharps container.
1. Check the provider’s order. Write out medica- 7. Place opened ampule down on medicine tray.
tion note. Check label (third time).
2. Wash hands and gather equipment. Put on 8. With a prepared sterile syringe-needle unit that
gloves. has a filter on the needle, aspirate the required
dose into the syringe (Figure 24-31C). Cover
3. Select ampule of medication. Read label and needle with sheath using scoop method and
check medication note for correct medication, transport it with medication ampule to patient
dose, route, and time (first time). Check medica- on the medicine tray. RATIONALE: Filtered
tion expiration date. needles prevent glass particles from being aspi-
4. Flick ampule of medication (medication will often rated with medication.
get “trapped” above the neck of the ampule). A a. There is another method used to aspirate
sharp flick of the wrist will help force all of the the contents of an ampule. The needle and
medication down below the neck of the ampule syringe unit can be inserted into the open
into the body of the ampule (Figure 24-31A). ampule and then inverted. The medication
RATIONALE: This is important to ensure all can be drawn into the syringe because sur-
medication is available in the body of the ampule face tension prevents the medication from
to calculate the correct dose. If some of the medi- leaking out of the ampule.
CHAPTER 24 Calculation of Medication Dosage and Medication Administration 747
Figure 24-31 (A) Hold ampule by the top and force all the medication into the bottom of the ampule by
a snap of the arm and wrist. (B) Remove top from ampule. Snap away from you by pulling top toward you.
(C) Draw the required dose into syringe.
Procedure 24-4
Administration of Subcutaneous, Intramuscular, and Intradermal Injections
Medicine tray
Medication as ordered by the provider and medication
Appropriately sized needle and syringe
Alcohol wipes
To properly administer subcutaneous, intramuscular,
Disposable gloves
and intradermal injections.
Sharps container
Cotton ball
748 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Figure 24-32 Preparing syringe–needle unit for use. (A) Assemble the equipment and supplies needed to
draw up medication from a vial. (B) Open the sterile syringe and needle from packages. (C) Secure the needle
by twisting it clockwise.
CHAPTER 24 Calculation of Medication Dosage and Medication Administration 749
Procedure 24-5
Administering a Subcutaneous Injection
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 4. Work in a well-lighted, quiet, clean area.
5. Select the appropriate equipment and supplies.
6. Select the correct medication.
7. Compare the medication label with the medica-
PURPOSE: tion note (first time).
Correctly administer a subcutaneous injection after
checking the provider’s order and assembling the 8. Check expiration date on medicine.
necessary equipment and supplies. 9. Calculate dosage, if necessary.
10. Correctly prepare the parenteral medication.
Medication ordered Alcohol wipes 11. Compare medication label with the medication
by provider Gloves note (second time).
Medication note Sharps container 12. Correctly transport the medicine to the patient
Appropriately sized Adhesive strip on the tray, with the vial and medication
needle and syringe Medicine tray note.
750 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Procedure 24-6
Administering an Intramuscular Injection
Medication ordered by provider with medication
Appropriately sized needle and syringe
Alcohol wipes
Correctly administer an intramuscular injection after
Sharps container
receiving a provider’s order and assembling the nec-
Medicine tray
essary equipment and supplies.
Adhesive strip
CHAPTER 24 Calculation of Medication Dosage and Medication Administration 751
1. Verify the provider’s order. Write out a medica-
tion note.
2. Follow the “Six Rights.”
3. Perform medical asepsis handwash. Adhere to
OSHA guidelines.
4. Work in a well-lighted, quiet, clean area.
5. Obtain the appropriate equipment and sup-
6. Obtain the correct medication.
7. Compare the medication label with the medica-
tion note (first time).
8. Check expiration date.
9. Calculate dosage, if necessary.
10. Correctly prepare the parenteral medication.
11. Compare medicine label with the medication
note (second time). Figure 24-34 Using deltoid muscle, insert needle to
12. Transport the medicine to the patient on tray, the hub at a 90-degree angle.
with the vial.
13. Identify the patient. Explain the procedure. 25. Quickly remove the needle and syringe and acti-
14. Assess the patient. Put on gloves. vate safety mechanism.
15. Prepare the patient for the injection (drape, 26. Immediately dispose of needle and syringe in a
position, allay apprehension). sharps container.
16. Compare the medication note with the medica- 27. Cover site. Massage (unless contraindicated as
tion (third time). with insulin, Imferon, and heparin).
17. Select an appropriate injection site. 28. Dispose of equipment. Remove gloves.
18. Correctly cleanse the site with an alcohol wipe 29. Wash hands.
using a circular motion and covering a 2-inch 30. Observe the patient for signs of difficulty.
diameter. Allow the skin to dry.
31. Provide for patient’s safety. Return medication
19. Remove needle guard. vial to storage.
20. Stretch the skin taut, pulling it tight. 32. Document procedure in patient’s chart or elec-
21. Using a dartlike motion, insert needle to the hub tronic medical record. Destroy the medication
at a 90-degree angle (Figure 24-34). note.
22. Release the skin.
23. Aspirate to check for blood.
12/16/20XX 10:00 AM Demerol 75 mg IM (L) deltoid.
24. Slowly inject the medication. S. Jones, CMA (AAMA) ____________________________
752 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Procedure 24-7
Administering an Intradermal Injection of Purified Protein Derivative (PPD)
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 8. Check expiration date.
9. Calculate dosage, if necessary.
10. Correctly prepare the parenteral medication.
11. Compare medication label with the medication
PURPOSE: note (second time).
Correctly administer an intradermal injection of PPD
after receiving a provider’s order and assembling the 12. Correctly transport the medication to the patient
necessary equipment and supplies. on tray with medication vial.
13. Identify the patient. Explain the procedure.
14. Assess the patient. Put on gloves.
Medication as ordered by provider with medication
note 15. Prepare the patient for the injection (drape,
Appropriately sized needle and syringe position, allay apprehension).
Alcohol wipes 16. Check medication note with medication (third
Disposable gloves time).
Sharps container 17. Select an appropriate injection site (see Figure
Medicine tray 24-19B).
Adhesive strip
18. Correctly cleanse the site with an alcohol wipe
PROCEDURE STEPS: using a circular motion and covering a 2-inch
1. Verify the provider’s order. Write out a medica- diameter. Allow the skin to dry (Figure 24-35A).
tion note. 19. Remove needle guard.
2. Follow the “Six Rights.” 20. Pull the skin tissue taut.
3. Perform medical asepsis handwash. Adhere to 21. Carefully insert the needle at a 10–15-degree
OSHA guidelines. angle, bevel upward to about 1⁄8 inch (Figure
4. Work in a well-lighted, quiet, clean area. 24-35B). Do not aspirate. Release skin.
5. Organize the appropriate equipment and 22. Steadily inject PPD to form a wheal (Figure
supplies. 24-35C).
6. Select the correct medication (PPD). 23. Correctly remove the needle after a brief delay.
7. Compare the medication label with the medica- RATIONALE: Minimizes leakage.
tion note (first time). 24. Activate safety mechanism.
Figure 24-35 (A) Cleanse the injection site with alcohol and allow area to air-dry. (B) Insert the needle at a
10 to 15–degree angle, bevel upward about 1⁄8 inch. (C) Steadily inject the medicine, allowing a wheal to form.
CHAPTER 24 Calculation of Medication Dosage and Medication Administration 753
25. Immediately dispose of needle and syringe in a 32. The injected area should be read in 48 to 72 hours
sharps container. for the amount of induration (hardness) to deter-
26. Blot site. Do not massage. Remove gloves. mine tuberculosis exposure. Measure the indura-
tion. If injection area is hardened and elevated
27. Wash hands. 10 mm or larger, the test is positive and the pro-
28. Observe the patient for signs of difficulty. vider should be notified.
29. Provide for patient’s safety.
30. Caution patient not to rub wheal.
10/14/20XX 10:00 AM 0.1 mL PPD intradermallY (L) forearm.
31. Return vial to storage and document procedure Pt given appointment to return 10/16/20XX to have PPT read.
in patient’s chart or electronic medical record. S. Jones, CMA (AAMA) ____________________________
Destroy the medication note.
Procedure 24-8
Reconstituting a Powder Medication for Administration
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: amount of air in it equal to the amount of dilu-
ent to be withdrawn (Figure 24-36B).
4. Withdraw the appropriate amount of diluent
to be added to the powder medication (Figure
PURPOSE: 24-36C).
Drugs for injection may be supplied in a powdered 5. Inject the diluent into the powder medication
(dry) form and must be reconstituted to a liquid for vial (Figure 24-36D).
injection. A diluent (usually sterile water) is added to 6. Remove needle from vial and discard into sharps
the powder, mixed well, and the appropriate dose is container (Figure 24-36E).
drawn up to be administered.
7. Roll the vial between the palms of the hands to
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: completely mix together the powder and dilu-
Medication as ordered by the provider and medication ent (Figure 24-36F). Label the multiple-dose vial
note with the dilution or strength of the medication
Diluent prepared, the date and time, your initials, and
Two appropriately sized needles and syringes the expiration date.
Alcohol wipes 8. With a second sterile needle and syringe, with-
Disposable gloves draw the desired amount of medication (Figure
Sharps container 24-36G).
PROCEDURE STEPS: 9. Flick away any air bubbles that cling to side of
1. Prepare the needle–syringe unit in preparation syringe (Figure 24-36H).
for reconstituting powder medication. 10. The medicine tray with reconstituted medica-
2. Remove tops from diluent and powder medica- tion and medication note are ready for transport
tion containers and wipe with alcohol swabs to the patient.
(Figure 24-36A). 11. Proceed as in Steps 11 to 32 of Procedure 24-6,
3. Insert the needle through the rubber stopper on Administering an Intramuscular Injection.
the vial of diluent. The syringe should have an
754 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Figure 24-36 (A) Remove top from diluent and powdered medication. Wipe top of each with an alcohol
wipe. (B) Inject air in an equal amount to diluent being removed from the vial. (C) Prepare to remove the
needle from the vial after withdrawing diluent. (D) Inject diluent into vial containing powdered medication.
(E) Discard safety needle–syringe unit. (F) Roll vial of solution medication between palms of hands to mix
well. Label vial with date, amount of diluent added, strength of dilution, time mixed, and your initials. (G) Use
a second sterile needle–syringe unit to draw the prescribed dose of medication ordered by the provider. (H)
Flick away any air bubbles that cling to the side of the syringe. Withdraw more medication if needed. Labeled,
reconstituted medication will be taken to the room with the syringe and placed on the shelf or in the refrigera-
tor according to the manufacturer’s instructions after the injection is given.
Procedure 24-9
Z-Track Intramuscular Injection Technique
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 20. Pull the skin laterally 11⁄2 inch away from the
injection site. RATIONALE: Prevents medica-
tion from leaking.
21. Insert needle quickly, using a dartlike motion
PURPOSE: at a 90-degree angle. Maintain Z position
Correctly administer a Z-track intramuscular injection (Figure 24-37).
after receiving a provider’s order and assembling the 22. Aspirate to check for blood.
necessary equipment and supplies. 23. Slowly inject medication.
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: 24. Wait 10 seconds before removing needle to allow
Medication ordered by provider and medication note medication to begin to be absorbed.
Appropriately sized needle and syringe 25. Remove needle and syringe at same angle of
Alcohol wipes insertion.
Disposable gloves 26. Immediately release traction of the Z position to
Sharps container seal off the needle track. This prevents medica-
Medicine tray tion from reaching the subcutaneous tissues and
Adhesive strip the surface of the skin.
PROCEDURE STEPS: 27. Immediately activate safety mechanism and
1. Verify the provider’s order. Write out a medica- dispose of needle–syringe unit in a sharps con-
tion note. tainer.
2. Follow the “Six Rights.” 28. Cover site. Do not massage.
3. Perform medical asepsis hand cleansing. Adhere 29. Remove gloves. Wash hands.
to OSHA guidelines. 30. Observe patient for signs of difficulty.
4. Work in a well-lighted, quiet, clean area. 31. Provide for patient safety.
5. Organize the appropriate equipment and supplies. 32. Return medication vial to storage.
6. Select the correct medication. 33. Document procedure in patient’s chart or elec-
7. Compare the medication label with the medica- tronic medical record.
tion note (first time).
8. Check expiration date.
12/01/20XX 2:00 PM Interferon 1,000,000 International
9. Calculate dosage, if necessary. units IM (R) Dorsogluteal muscle using Z-track technique.
10. Correctly prepare the parenteral medication. J. Guerro, CMA (AAMA) ___________________________
11. Compare medicine label with the medication
note (second time).
12. Correctly transport the medicine to the patient.
13. Identify the patient. Explain the procedure.
Skin pulled taut Skin released
14. Assess the patient. Put on gloves.
15. Prepare the patient for the injection (drape,
position, allay apprehension).
16. Recheck medication note with the order and the
syringe (third time).
17. Select an appropriate injection site.
18. Correctly cleanse the site with an alcohol wipe
Figure 24-37 With client supine, grasp and pull the
using a circular motion and covering a 6-inch
muscle laterally before injecting medication. Inject med-
diameter. Allow the skin to dry.
ication. Keep skin pulled taut for 10 seconds. Quickly
19. Remove needle guard. withdraw the needle and release the skin to seal the site.
756 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Administering medications is one of the most important and essential responsibilities that the medical
assistant performs. This chapter reviewed of some of the fundamental elements of pharmacology, dosage
calculations, and medication administration.
Each state has enacted laws governing the practice of medicine, nursing, and pharmacy. These laws vary
from state to state; therefore, it is essential that medical assistants become familiar with the laws of the state in
which they are employed before administering any medication.
Under the law, those administering medications are expected to be knowledgeable about the drugs
that they administer and the effects the drug may or will have on the patient. They are responsible for their
own actions.
CHAPTER 24 Calculation of Medication Dosage and Medication Administration 757
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet by completing the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on your student CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
Multiple Choice Critical Thinking
1. A written legal document that gives directions for 1. Describe the process to follow to determine the
compounding, dispensing, and administering med- state law regarding a medical assistant administer-
ication to a patient is a: ing medications.
a. medication note 2. What is a medication order? Describe its purpose.
b. prescription 3. List nine parts of a prescription and define each
c. medication order part.
d. subscription 4. Name and describe factors that can affect medica-
2. An abbreviation symbol that means nothing by tion dosage. Explain why and how the dosage is
mouth is: affected.
a. non rep 5. List the fundamental units of the metric system.
b. NPO 6. Name two methods used to calculate children’s
c. IM dosages of medication.
d. mm 7. List and describe the “Six Rights.”
3. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is: 8. A fellow student tells you that she accidentally gave
a. Type 1 a patient the incorrect dose of medication. Explain
b. Type 2 in detail what should be done.
c. Type 3 9. You accidentally stick yourself with a used needle.
d. Type 4 What are the steps to take?
4. Body surface area is used: 10. Discuss allergenic extracts. What are they? What
a. when calculating children’s dosages safeguards are needed after administration?
b. when calculating adult dosages 11. List two reasons for the provider to prescribe
c. when determining an injection site oxygen for a patient. Describe how oxygen is
d. when selecting an appropriately sized needle administered and oxygen safety.
5. An injection given just below the surface of the skin
at a 15-degree angle is called a(n):
a. intramuscular injection
b. intradermal injection
c. subcutaneous injection
d. parenteral injection
758 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
25 Electrocardiography
The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and (continued)
demonstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this
chapter through written and oral communication.
1. Define the key terms as presented in the glossary. Repolarization
2. Follow the circulation of blood through the heart starting at the Rhythm Strip
vena cavae. Sensor
3. Describe the electrical conduction system of the heart. Sonographer
4. State three reasons why patients may need an electrocardiogram Stylus
(ECG). Syncope
5. Identify the various positive and negative deflections and Systole
describe what each represents in the cardiac cycle. Tachycardia, Sinus
6. Explain the purpose of standardization of the ECG. Test Cable
7. Identify the 12 leads of an ECG and describe what area of the Thallium Scan
heart each lead represents. Tracing
8. State the function of ECG graph paper, electrodes (sensors), and Transducer
9. Describe various types of ECGs and their capabilities. Unipolar
10. Explain each type of artifact and how each can be eliminated.
11. Name and describe the purposes of the various cardiac diagnos-
tic tests and procedures as outlined in this chapter.
12. Identify the placement of Holter monitor electrodes.
13. Describe the reason for a patient activity diary during ambulatory
14. Identify six arrhythmias and explain the cause of each.
15. Explain how to calculate heart rates from an ECG tracing.
16. Identify a common coding system used to code each lead on an
ECG tracing.
17. Describe the procedure for mounting an ECG tracing.
Wanda Slawson, CMA (AAMA), clinical medical assis- ing an ECG. These included feelings of fear that the test
tant at Inner City Health Care, recently had her own may be abnormal; a cold feeling because even though
physical examination that included her first electro- the room temperature was normal, she was partially
cardiogram (ECG). This is now Wanda’s baseline ECG, uncovered and the pads were cold when applied; and
which provides a basis for future ECG readings to be anxiousness because she found it difficult to stay
compared. Because Wanda currently has no heart completely still through the entire tracing. Wanda could
problems, future tests will indicate differences from her empathize more with her patients after she had the
normal baseline ECG. It was different for Wanda to be test than she did before her test. Wanda now makes a
the patient versus the person performing the ECG. Hav- more concerted effort to allay patient fears and make
ing the test performed on her, Wanda can now relate to patients comfortable during ECGs.
feelings many of her patients must have felt when hav-
762 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Many providers include an electrocardiogram (ECG or mounting, and labeling the ECG; and maintenance and
EKG) as part of a complete physical examination, especially care of the instrument.
for patients who are 40 years or older, for patients with a
family history of cardiac disease, or for patients who have
experienced chest pain. It is a noninvasive, safe, and pain- ANATOMY OF THE HEART
less procedure that can provide valuable information about
the health of the patient’s heart or suspected cardiac symp- The heart has four chambers: two upper chambers
toms. A graphic representation of the heart’s electrical activ- known as atria, and two lower chambers known
ity, an ECG measures the amount of the electrical activity as ventricles. Deoxygenated blood enters the
produced by the heart and the time necessary for the electrical right atrium from the superior and inferior vena
impulses to travel through the heart during each heartbeat. cavae and passes through the tricuspid valve into
Some reasons for electrocardiography are to: the right ventricle. In a healthy heart, the blood
(1) detect myocardial ischemia, (2) estimate damage between right and left sides cannot mix together.
to the myocardium caused by a myocardial infarction, It then travels to the lungs via the pulmonary arter-
(3) detect and evaluate cardiac arrhythmia, (4) assess ies. The deoxygenated blood gives off the carbon
effects of cardiac medication on the heart, and (5) deter- dioxide and picks up oxygen in the capillary bed
mine if electrolyte imbalance is present. An ECG cannot of the lungs. Oxygenated blood is pumped through
always detect impending heart disease or cardiovascular the pulmonary vein into the left atrium, through
disease. The ECG is used in conjunction with other labo- the mitral valve, into the left ventricle. The oxygen-
ratory and diagnostic tests to assess total cardiac health. ated blood then passes through the aortic valve
An ECG alone cannot diagnose disease. into the aorta and from the aorta to all cells, tis-
In a medical office or ambulatory care set- sues, and organs of the body (Figure 25-1). The
ting, it is the medical assistant who records the cycle begins with each heartbeat.
ECG; therefore, special knowledge and skills On its external surface, the heart is sur-
are necessary and include these aspects of the correct elec- rounded by coronary arteries that supply the myo-
trocardiography procedures: patient preparation; opera- cardium with its blood supply, from which oxygen
tion of the electrocardiograph; elimination of artifacts, and nutrients are obtained (see the section on the
circulatory system in Chapter 18).
veins Pulmonary veins
(carry oxygenated blood)
Right ventricle
Figure 25-1 Oxygenated blood passing through the heart and then to the rest of the body.
from the SA node are the atria. From the atria, the are either deflecting upward, known as positive
electrical impulses travel along the conduction deflection, or deflecting downward, known as nega-
system toward the ventricles, to the atrioventricular tive deflection from the baseline.
(AV) node, located at the base of the right atrium. The P, QRS, and T waves, recorded during the
From here, the electrical impulses are transmitted ECG, represent the depolarization (contraction)
to the bundle of His. The bundle of His divides and repolarization (recovery) of the myocardial
into right and left bundle branches that continue cells. The P wave represents atrial depolarization
the electrical impulses on to the Purkinje fibers. and is recorded as a positive deflection. The QRS
These fibers disperse the electrical impulses to the complex represents ventricular depolarization and
right and left ventricles, causing them to contract. is measured from the beginning of the first wave
The heart recovers electrically (repolarization), of the QRS to the end of the last wave of the QRS
then relaxes briefly (polarization), and then a new complex (see Figure 25-2). The T wave represents
impulse is begun by the SA node and the cycle ventricular repolarization and is a positive deflec-
begins again (Figure 25-2). This cycle is known as tion. The recovery of the atria is so slight, it is lost
the cardiac cycle and it represents one heartbeat. behind the QRS complex.
The electrocardiograph records the electrical Each complete cardiac cycle takes about
activity that causes the contraction (systole) and 0.8 second, with each wave taking an appropriate
the relaxation (diastole) of the atria and ventricles. amount of time if the heart is healthy. By observ-
The ECG cycle is the recording or the graphic rep- ing and measuring the size, shape, and location of
resentation of the cardiac cycle. These electrical each wave on an ECG recording, the provider can
impulses can be recorded on special ECG paper analyze and interpret the conduction of electricity
or displayed on an oscilloscope. through the cardiac cells, the heart’s rhythm and
rate, and the health of the heart in general.
THE CARDIAC CYCLE Calculation of Heart Rate
The baseline, or isoelectric, line is the flat line ECG graph paper is divided into 1-mm squares
that separates the various waves. It is present when (small squares) and 5-mm squares (large squares).
there is no current flowing in the heart. The waves Each large square consists of 25 small squares and is
764 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
(SA) node
(AV) node Bundle of His
Purkinje fibers
Atrial Ventricle
depolarization repolarization Cycle
V begins
(contraction systole) (recovery diastole)
O again
G U-wave
Q occurs in
S some patients
(contraction systole)
Figure 25-2 The heartbeat is controlled by electrical impulses that comprise the continuous
cardiac cycle.
5 mm high and 5 mm wide. On the horizontal line, time of each deflection on the horizontal line and
one small square represents 0.04 second. On the ver- cardiac electrical activity (voltage) on the vertical
tical line, one small square represents 1 mm of volt- line to help determine cardiac health.
age. Because a large square is five small squares wide Because all cardiac complexes consist of P,
and five deep, each small square represents 0.2 sec- QRS, and T waves, and the electrocardiograph
ond horizontal and 5 mm vertical. NOTE: Every fifth paper measures time on the horizontal line, it is
line, both horizontally and vertically, is darker than possible to calculate heart rate. Count the num-
the other lines, making squares that are 5 ⫻ 5 mm ber of 5-mm boxes (number within the dark lines)
(Figure 25-3). These measurements are accepted between two R waves. Divide this number into 300.
worldwide and enable the provider to interpret the The result is the heart rate in beats per minute.
CHAPTER 25 Electrocardiography 765
3 sec 3 sec
O Small square
G Large square
0.2 sec
1 mm
0.5 mV 5 mm
0.04 sec
Figure 25-3 Electrocardiogram graph paper measurements allow medical professionals to determine the time
and voltage of heartbeats. (A) The small square is 1 mm wide and 1 mm high. One small square ⫽ 0.04 second.
(B) The large square consists of 25 small squares and measures 5 mm wide and 5 mm high. One large square ⫽
0.04 second ⫻ 5, or 0.2 second.
Example: TYPES
One small square (1 mm) ⫽ OF ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHS
0.04 second in time
One large square (5 mm) ⫽ Single-Channel
0.04 ⫻ 5 ⫽ 0.2 second
Divide 60 seconds (1 minute) by
0.2 second 60 ⫼ 0.2 ⫽ 300 A conventional 12-lead single-channel electro-
Example: cardiograph can be used in either manual mode
or automatic mode. When using automatic mode,
There are three large squares between two R waves. the 12-lead ECG tracing is complete in less than
300 ⫼ 3 ⫽ 100 40 seconds. With a single-channel machine, only
The heartrate is 100 beats per minute. one lead can be recorded at a time. If not automatic,
the single-channel ECG requires manually turning
the lead selector on and off between each of the 12
leads. It may also require the leads to be coded so that
Critical Thinking they can be identified later and properly mounted.
Lead coding and mounting are explained more fully
Explain the significance of the small and later in this chapter. The ECG tracing from a single-
large boxes on ECG paper. There are 2.5 large channel machine will need to be cut and mounted
boxes between each cardiac cycle. What is onto special forms for filing into the patient record.
the heart rate in beats per minute?
Figure 25-4 shows a sample of a single-channel elec-
trocardiograph machine and tracing.
766 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
V1 V2 V3
V1 V2 V3
V4 V5 V6
V4 V5 V6
Figure 25-4 (A) Single-channel 12-lead electrocardiograph machine. (B) Supplies for single-channel 12 lead
electrocardiograph. (C) Mounted single ECG tracing or recording.
CHAPTER 25 Electrocardiography 767
Figure 25-5 Example of three-channel electrocardiogram recording in which three leads are recorded simultane-
ously. (Courtesy of Quinton Cardiology, Inc.)
768 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Because the skin is a poor conductor of electric-
ity, there are various types of conductive electrolyte
substances applied with each electrode to pick up Figure 25-6 Alligator clip and disposable sensor.
CHAPTER 25 Electrocardiography 769
or bipolar Electrodes Marking Recommended positions for
limb leads connected code multiple chest leads
(Line art illustration of chest positions)
1 2
Lead III LA & LL 3 dots 3
4 5 6
unipolar Dash—1 dot
1 dash V1 Fourth intercostal
limb leads
space at right
aVR RA & (LA-LL) margin of sternum
V2 Fourth intercostal
2 dashes space at left
margin of sternum
aVL LA & (RA-LL) V3 Midway between
position 2 and
3 dashes
position 4
aVF LL & (RA-LA) V4 Fifth intercostal space
at junction of left
midclavicular line
V5 At horizontal level of
Chest or position 4 at left anterior
precordial axillary line
leads V6 At horizontal level of
position 4 at left
V C & (LA-RA-LL) (See data on right) midaxillary line
Figure 25-7 Example of a common coding system for electrocardiogram leads that must be manually coded on
older electrocardiographs. Accurate coding is accomplished by pressing the lead marker button appropriately.
(Courtesy of Quinton Cardiology, Inc.)
foot (or leg). These are unipolar leads. Lead record the heart’s electrical impulse from a central
aVR records electrical activity from the mid- point within the heart to one of six predesignated
point between the left arm added to the left leg, positions on the chest wall where an electrode is
directed to the right arm. Lead aVL records elec- attached. The correct position must be used for
trical activity from the midpoint between the each lead recording.
right arm added to the left leg, directed to the left The anatomic positions for placement of the
arm. Lead aVF records electrical activity from the chest or precordial leads are:
midpoint between the right arm added to the left V1: fourth intercostal space at right margin of
arm, directed to the left leg. Because these three sternum
leads produce such small electrical impulses, V2: fourth intercostal space at left margin of sternum
the electrocardiograph machine augments, or V4: fifth intercostal space on left midclavicular line
increases, their size to record them. Figure 25-8B V3: midway between V2 and V4 (NOTE: This is correct
will help you visualize the augmented process. order, V3 after V4.)
V5: horizontal to V4 at left anterior axillary line
V6: horizontal to V4 at left midaxillary line
Chest Leads or Precordial Leads When using an electrocardiograph with one
The remaining six leads of the standard 12-lead chest wire, the chest electrode must be moved
ECG are the chest leads or precordial leads (Fig- manually one by one to each of the six chest lead
ure 25-8C). These are unipolar leads and are positions. This necessitates stopping the instrument
designated V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, and V6. These leads between each chest lead to move the electrode to the
CHAPTER 25 Electrocardiography 771
Electrodes Connected
Lead I LA and RA
V1 V2 V3
V5 V4 V5 V6
V1 V2 V3 V4
Precordial leads
Figure 25-8 Lead types, connections, and placement. (A) Standard limb or bipolar leads. (B) Aug-
mented limb leads. (C) Precordial or chest leads.
772 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
next appropriate position on the chest wall. Some the 10-mm standardization at the beginning of
electrocardiographs have six lead wires allowing all each row.
six chest leads to be applied at one time; therefore, On occasion, R waves may be large and go off
there is no interruption between chest lead record- the paper. Repositioning the stylus may not correct
ings (see Figure 25-18C in Procedure 25-1). the situation. In such instances, the medical assis-
tant can record the lead(s) in which the R wave is
STANDARDIZATION large at one-half sensitivity. This action will record
all ECG cycles at half their normal amplitude.
AND ADJUSTMENT OF THE Conversely, the waves of the ECG cycles may
ELECTROCARDIOGRAPH be small, making it difficult to interpret. In this
circumstance, the medical assistant can record the
The value of an ECG recording depends on it ECG cycles at twice the normal standard. This action
being performed accurately. To ensure a precise will record ECG cycles at twice their normal ampli-
and reliable recording, you must standardize the tude. Whenever a change is made from a normal
ECG instrument before every ECG performed. standardization (10 mm high) to either a one-half
The standardization of the machine is a quality- standardization (5 mm high) or a double standard-
assurance check to determine if the machine is ization (20 mm high), the medical assistant must
set and working properly. Standardization mea- include the adjusted standardization mark with that
surements have been adopted internationally particular lead to alert the provider to the change in
as a means of accurate calibration according to standard. The standard must be returned to normal
universal measurements. The universal standard to prevent accidentally running the next
is that 1 mV (millivolt) of cardiac electrical activ- lead at a standard other than normal.
ity will deflect the stylus exactly 10 mm high. The paper is usually run at a speed of
This is the equivalent of 10 small squares on 25 mm/second. If cycles are too close together, the
the ECG paper. Figure 25-9 shows an example of paper speed can be adjusted to 50 mm/second.
Standardization quality
checks 10 mm
Rhythm strip
Standard speed
Figure 25-9 An electrocardiogram showing all 12 leads recorded in minutes at one time with no interruption.
(Courtesy of Quinton Cardiology, Inc.)
CHAPTER 25 Electrocardiography 773
Make a note on the ECG paper if paper speed or baseline, and interrupted baseline. The medical
amplitude is changed. assistant should understand the causes of each type
of artifact and know how to eliminate them. The
newer machines have filters, which will automati-
STANDARD RESTING cally filter out the artifact.
Regardless of the type of electrocardiograph used,
Somatic Tremor Artifacts
the basic components of the standard electrocar- Somatic tremor artifact is also known as muscle
diography procedure remain the same. Patient tremor. It is characterized by unnatural baseline
preparation, placement of limb and chest leads, deflections such as jagged peaks or irregularity
attachment of lead wires, and elimination of arti- of spacing and height. The tracing appears fuzzy
facts vary little from one electrocardiograph to (Figure 25-10A). Somatic tremor occurs when the
another. Procedure 25-1 explains a 12-lead ECG patient is apprehensive or uncomfortable, result-
using a multiple-lead channel electrocardiograph. ing in involuntary muscle movement. Voluntary
Before performing the procedure, medical assis- muscle movement occurs when the patient moves,
tants must be familiar with the electrocardiograph talks, coughs, and so on. Parkinson’s disease, a ner-
machine in their facility and should thoroughly vous system disorder, is an example of involuntary
review the manufacturer’s instruction manual that somatic tremor. It is not possible for the patient to
accompanies the machine. Knowledge of the basic control the muscle tremors. (Often, involuntary
procedures included here can be adapted for all somatic tremor can be minimized somewhat by
other electrocardiographs. having the patient slide the hands under the but-
tocks during the recording.)
It is natural for the patient to feel apprehen-
MOUNTING THE ECG sive before and during the ECG tracing. Reassur-
TRACING ance and an explanation of the procedure will
allay apprehension and relax muscles. Be certain
Commercially prepared mounting forms are avail- the patient is comfortable. Use pillows for the head
able, and the medical assistant should mount the and under the knees; be sure the temperature of
completed tracing after the provider has reviewed the room is comfortable. These simple techniques
the entire recording. The mounting of the ECG will help to minimize somatic tremor.
recording depends on the machine. Some machines
produce a strip already printed on a durable paper
record. Some machines produce a long strip that
AC Interference
will need to be cut apart and adhered to a mount- The AC interference artifact is caused by electrical
ing paper or card. There are many options within interference and appears as a series of small reg-
these two varieties. Included with any ECG record- ular peaks (Figure 25-10B). Electricity present in
ing should be the patient’s name, date, address, medical equipment or wires in the area can leak a
age, sex, blood pressure, height and weight, and small amount of energy into the room in which the
cardiac medications on the mounting form. ECG is being recorded. The current can be picked
up by the patient’s body and it will be detected by
the ECG tracing as an AC artifact.
Common Causes of AC Interference Artifacts.
The ECG is a valuable diagnostic aid to the provider Some common causes of AC interferences are:
and must be performed accurately. The medical
assistant is responsible for obtaining a recording that 1. Improper grounding of electrocardiograph. The
can be easily read and interpreted by the provider. three-pronged plugs in the newer electrocar-
There can be unusual and unwanted activity diographs should be inserted into a properly
in the tracing not caused by the electrical activity grounded three-receptacle outlet. This reduces
of the heart. These defects in the ECG tracing are AC interference from improper grounding.
known as artifacts, and their appearance can make 2. Presence of other electrical equipment in the
the ECG tracing difficult to read and interpret. Four room. Unplug other electrical equipment in the
of the more common artifacts are somatic tremor, room (electrical examination tables, lamps, auto-
alternating current (AC) interference, wandering claves, and so on).
774 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
For a patient with a limb amputation or a cast, Table 25-1 Behaviors to Adopt for
the medical assistant should apply the sensors as a Healthy Heart
close to the preferred site as possible, higher on
the limb. Place the sensor in a similar position on The provider may want the medical assistant to
remind patients of the following healthy behaviors:
the other limb.
Do not place sensors on wounds, open areas,
1. Avoid tobacco
sutures, or staples. Try to situate the sensors as
close as possible to the preferred site.
2. Take medications as prescribed
If the patient has dyspnea, the ECG can be
taken with the patient in semi-Fowler’s position
3. Report any unusual symptoms or problems to the
(see Chapter 13 for positions). provider
If you have difficulty performing an ECG
on patients with certain medical problems or con- 4. Eat a low-fat, low-cholesterol, low-sodium diet
ditions, ask for assistance from your supervisor/
delegator. 5. Exercise regularly with provider’s permission
Patient Education
Atherosclerosis is the buildup of fatty depos- Treatment of angina consists of rest and
its on the lining of coronary arteries causing medication. Nitroglycerin may be prescribed
narrowing and obstruction of the arteries. in tablet or patch form. Change in lifestyle
Blood flow to the heart muscle is diminished and other suggestions (Table 25-1) may be
particularly when the heart is called on to recommended. Tests that the provider may
work harder, for example, during increased order include a 12-lead ECG, a stress ECG
physical activity, emotional stress, exposure to (stress test), blood tests, chest radiograph,
cold temperatures, and after a heavy meal. and coronary angiogram.
The heart’s muscle tissue responds to these Pain that does not subside after rest may
conditions by symptoms of pain or discomfort indicate a more serious condition such as a
beneath the sternum, into the neck, jaw, left complete obstruction of the coronary arteries
arm and shoulder, and throat. Rest usually and no blood flow to the heart muscle, a myo-
relieves the pain. This condition is known as cardial infarction, or heart attack. Seek imme-
angina pectoris. diate medical attention if pain persists.
776 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Figure 25-11 (A) Heart rate shown is 50 beats/min, known as sinus bradycardia because it is less
than 60 beats/min. One large square ⫽ 0.2 second; 1 minute (60 seconds) ⫼ 0.2 ⫽ 300. There are
six large squares between R waves: 300 ⫼ 6 ⫽ 50 beats/min. (B) Sinus tachycardia is a heart rate
faster than 100 beats/min. There are three large squares between R waves: 300 ⫼ 3 ⫽ 100 beats/min.
CHAPTER 25 Electrocardiography 777
P wave
R wave
Figure 25-12 Atrial arrhythmias. (A) Premature atrial contractions. (B) Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia.
(C) Atrial fibrillation.
artery disease, or mitral valve prolapse. It is charac- in patients with hypertension, coronary artery dis-
terized by extremely rapid, incomplete contractions ease, and lung disease. In healthy individuals, PVCs
400 to 500 beats/min resulting in small, irregular, can be caused by tobacco, anxiety, alcohol, and med-
and uncoordinated complexes that are difficult to ications that contain epinephrine (Figure 25-13A).
measure accurately because the P waves cannot be PVCs are seen on ECG tracings fairly frequently
distinguished (Figure 25-12C). and are considered common disturbances in the
rhythm. They are characterized by a beat that comes
early in the cycle, has no P wave, a wide QRS com-
Ventricular Arrhythmias plex, and a different T wave. The PVC is followed by
Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs). This a pause before the occurrence of the next normal
arrhythmia can be seen in healthy individuals and cycle.
778 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Figure 25-13 Ventricular arrhythmias. (A) Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs). (B) Ventricular tachycardia.
(C) Ventricular fibrillation.
Ventricular Tachycardia. This arrhythmia is seen cardia is life threatening and can rapidly deterio-
in patients with cardiac disease, both acute and rate into fibrillation and cardiac standstill.
chronic. It is common in patients with coronary
artery disease, and frequently the patient experi- Ventricular Fibrillation. This arrhythmia is seen
encing a myocardial infarction will have ventricu- in patients experiencing a myocardial infarction
lar tachycardia as a result of the infarction (Figure or in patients with existing cardiac disease. It
25-13B). The arrhythmia is manifested by three or may be preceded by PVCs or ventricular tachy-
more PVCs that occur at a rate ranging from 150 to cardia, or it may begin as ventricular fibrilla-
250 beats/min. There are no P waves, and the tion. It is a life-threatening arrhythmia (Figure
QRS complexes are distorted. Ventricular tachy- 25-13C).
CHAPTER 25 Electrocardiography 779
Figure 25-14 The CardioVive DM AED. (Courtesy of Figure 25-15 Holter monitor and supplies needed
Quinton Cardiology, Inc.) for application.
780 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
mV5 Right clavicle, just lat- Medical Assistant’s Role. The medical assistant is
B (white)
eral to sternum responsible for preparing the patient, instructing
the patient, checking and replacing the battery,
C (brown)
mV1 Left clavicle, just lateral and applying and removing the monitor.
to the sternum
Holter Monitor Electrode Placement. Special
mV5 Fifth intercostal space at disposable electrodes, which are round plastic and
D (red)
left axillary line have a strong adhesive backing, are available for the
Holter monitor. These disposable electrodes con-
E (green) Ground Lower right chest wall tain an electrolyte gel. There may be either four or
five electrodes depending on whether the monitor
has a built-in ground. Notice that the leads for the
Holter monitor are applied to different locations
flash card reader that can download information in from the electrodes of a resting ECG. Table 25-2 lists
90 seconds. It can hold up to 48 hours of ECG infor- the locations for lead placement.
mation. The tracing is interpreted and sent back
by computer. It can be accessed and printed. The Holter Monitor Attachment. Once the Holter
electrode placement is the same for a digital Holter monitor has been attached to the patient, the mon-
monitor as it is for a magnetic tape Holter monitor, itor should be checked for effectiveness by attach-
but both digital and magnetic tape electrode place- ing the test cable to the monitor and the other
ment is not the same as it is for a standard 12-lead end to an ECG instrument. A baseline strip can
resting ECG. be recorded to verify the correct wave activity and
Other computerized continuous cardiac mon- lack of artifact. If there are inaccurate readings,
itoring devices are available and are prescribed for the monitor may not have been applied properly.
patients according to the patient’s symptoms and The medical assistant can reconnect the leads to
the practitioner’s preference. The tracing can be the electrodes or reposition the electrodes and
read over the telephone or is computerized. Trans- reconnect the leads (see Procedure 25-2). The
telephone monitor devices are frequently used skin should be cleansed with an alcohol wipe and
by patients with a pacemaker and or implantable rubbed with gauze to roughen it. Males should be
cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). These patients shaved so that the electrodes adhere well.
Patient Education
When preparing patients to wear a 24-hour 3. Do not shower, bathe, or swim while
Holter monitor, instruct them in the following: wearing the monitor because the
1. Keep a diary of daily activities, symptoms, recording could be interrupted or the
and emotions, and note the time of monitor could be damaged.
occurrence. 4. Do not handle the electrodes. Doing so
2. Depress the event marker only briefly and could cause artifacts.
only when experiencing a significant 5. Do not remove the recorder from its case.
symptom. Overuse of the marker can 6. Do not use an electric blanket. This can
mask the ECG tracing. cause interference.
CHAPTER 25 Electrocardiography 781
sonographer. The provider views the results later Other cardiac procedures that can be per-
and informs the patient. formed for heart disease are atherectomy and laser
angioplasty. In atherectomy, the provider uses a
very small device on the end of the catheter to cut
CARDIAC PROCEDURES away the blocked area inside the coronary artery.
In laser angioplasty, the provider uses a laser beam
The following section discusses cardiac procedures to destroy the blockage in the artery.
performed for heart disease and arrhythmias. Some Coronary artery bypass is a procedure in
cardiac procedures for diagnosing diseases of the which a portion of a vein (typically the saphenous)
heart are computerized (Figure 25-17), and the transplanted into one or more of the heart’s coro-
results are stored in the patient’s electronic medi- nary arteries. The transplanted vein circumvents or
cal record. The data are accessible on demand. bypasses the blocked coronary artery, thus reestab-
lishing blood supply to that portion of the heart.
A catheter with a large balloon can be used
Procedures for Heart Disease to open a standard (normal) valve. The balloon is
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty inflated and, as in the angioplasty, the valve can be
(PTCA) is a procedure that widens a narrowed loosened. The catheter with balloon is removed
or blocked coronary artery. One type of PTCA is after the procedure.
balloon angioplasty. A catheter with a deflated bal- A heart valve can be repaired or replaced. In
loon is inserted into the patient’s femoral artery a replacement procedure, a tissue or mechanical
and threaded up into the heart. The small balloon valve replaces the heart’s damaged valve.
is inflated inside the blocked coronary artery and
opens the blocked area. A stent is often placed
within the artery to increase blood flow to the myo-
Procedures for Arrhythmias
cardium. The stent remains in the artery perma- A cardiac electrophysiologist is a specialist who
nently, keeping the artery open. provides care to patients with arrhythmias. After a
study by the cardiac electrophysiologist determines
the source of the patient’s arrhythmia within the
electrical conduction system of the heart, a cathe-
ter is inserted into the femoral artery and a special
device with radio waves is “aimed” at the source of
the abnormal heart rhythm. This is known as cardiac
CLINICAL CARE ablation. The tiny scar produced prevents the elec-
Patient Assessment trical conduction system from traveling through the
Procedures, Diagnoses & Treatment Plans
Referrals & Follow-up Appointments
scarred area, resulting in normal rhythm.
Prescriptions A permanent battery-operated pacemaker
Orders for Tests
Patient Medical History
can be surgically implanted into the patient’s chest
wall for treatment of certain types of arrhythmias.
Wires from the pacemaker are inserted into the
heart to provide a steady, regular heartbeat.
Test Results An implantable cardioverter defibrillator
Schedules and Tickler Files (ICD) is a device surgically implanted into the
Patient Medical History
Medication Administration patient’s chest wall with wires leading into the
Patient Education heart. When the patient’s heart rate is extremely
Graphical Patient Data Displays
low or the patient’s heart stops beating, the defi-
brillator delivers a small electric shock to jar the
ELECTRONIC heart back into a normal rhythm (works like the
AED; see section on defibrillation and Chapter 9).
Procedure 25-1
Perform Single-Channel or Multichannel Electrocardiogram
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: tion table with arms and legs supported. Pillows
can be used under the knees and head. RATIO-
NALE: All four limbs and chest must be uncov-
ered for proper electrode placement.
PURPOSE: 4. Explain that the procedure is painless and why
To obtain an accurate, graphic, artifact-free reading it is necessary not to move or talk during the
of the electrical activity of the patient’s heart to iden- procedure. RATIONALE: Patient cooperation
tify arrhythmias, estimate damage caused by myocar- ensures good quality tracing.
dial infarction, assess effects of cardiac medication, 5. Place the electrocardiograph with the power
determine if electrolyte imbalance is present, identify cord pointing away from the patient. Do not
cardiac ischemia, and determine the effects of hyper- allow the cable to go underneath the table.
tension or other disorders on the heart. RATIONALE: Helps reduce AC inter ference.
6. Apply the limb electropads (sensors) first. Apply
the sensors to the fleshy parts of the four limbs.
Examination or ECG table with pillow and sheet or
If the sensor does not adhere well, use an alcohol
wipe on the skin, let it dry, and apply a new sen-
Patient gown (open in front)
sor. Shave sites if necessary. RATIONALE: Skin
Automated electrocardiograph with patient cable
oils can be removed by alcohol, thus improving
the adherence of the sensor. By removing excess
Alligator clips
hair on the chest, the sensor will adhere bet-
Electropads (sensors)
ter. Place sensors on a nonbony, nonmuscular
ECG paper
(fleshy) area of the upper arms and lower legs.
Alcohol wipes
Arm sensors should have tab pointing down, leg
Gauze squares
sensors point upward. RATIONALE: Artifact can
Mounting form/card
be reduced if sensors are placed on nonbony,
nonmuscular areas of the limbs. Directing tabs
PROCEDURE STEPS: properly reduces tension on the electrodes.
1. Perform tracing in a quiet, warm, and comfort- 7. Place the sensors on the chest wall on the appro-
able room away from electrical equipment that priate intercostal spaces with sensors pointing
may cause artifacts. RATIONALE: Patient is less downward. Shave chest sites if necessary.
apprehensive in a quiet atmosphere. AC inter-
8. Attach lead wires from the ECG machine to each
ference is minimized when ECG is performed
sensor using alligator clips, special clips applied
away from other electrical equipment.
to the ends of the lead wires (Figure 25-18 A and
2. Wash hands, gather equipment, identify the B). Be sure to connect lead wires to the correct
patient, and explain the procedure to the sensors. Lead wires are labeled with abbreviations
patient. RATIONALE: Following these universal (RA, LA, RL, LL, and V or C) and are color-coded
steps minimizes transmission of microorganisms as follows: RA ⫽ white; LA ⫽ black; RL ⫽ green;
and reassures patient. LL ⫽ red, V or C ⫽ (chest) ⫽ brown or multicol-
3. Have the patient remove clothing from the waist ored depending on machine model. The lead
up and uncover lower legs; nylon stockings must wires should follow the patient’s body contour
be removed; socks can be worn. RATIONALE: (Figure 25-18C–D). RATIONALE: Following body
Electropads must be placed on bare skin for contour prevents sensors from being pulled off.
optimum conductivity of electricity. Provide a 9. The patient cable is supported either on the
sheet or blanket for privacy and warmth. Place table or on the patient’s abdomen. Plug the
the patient in supine position on the examina- patient cable into the electrocardiograph.
CHAPTER 25 Electrocardiography 785
Figure 25-18 (A) Lead wires with nothing attached. (B) Alligator clip attached to top of lead wires. (C) Lead
wires attached to the patient’s chest and arms. (D) Lead wires attached to the patient’s legs. (E) The machine
prints each lead sequentially on a strip of ECG paper.
10. Turn the instrument to ON. Somatic tremor artifact may be lessened when
11. Enter information (patient name, date of birth, the patient’s hands are slid under the buttocks.
age, height, weight, sex, identification number, 13. Press AUTO and the machine will automatically
and cardiac medications the patient is presently record and standardize the tracing. RATIO-
taking). RATIONALE: The ECG machine auto- NALE: Standardization ensures a dependable
matically prints the information entered onto and accurate ECG.
the ECG printout. 14. The single-channel machine prints each lead
12. Remind the patient not to talk and to try not to sequentially on a strip of ECG paper (Figure
move. (If the patient has a neuromuscular con- 25-18E). A multichannel machine prints the
dition such as Parkinson’s disease and cannot tracing on an 8 1⁄2- ⫻ 11-inch sheet of paper.
remain still, try having the patient slide his or 15. Check the quality of the tracing (artifacts, low
her hands under the buttocks.) RATIONALE: voltage) before disconnecting lead wires. If it
786 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
is necessary to repeat the tracing, first correct 19. If the tracing is a single-channel tracing, cut and
the problem that is causing a poor quality trac- mount it, remembering to handle it carefully.
ing. RATIONALE: Checking the tracing before Place in patient’s record.
removing the electropad sensors will save time if 20. Document procedure in patient’s chart or elec-
the ECG must be repeated. tronic medical record.
16. Disconnect lead wires and remove the electro-
pad sensor from the patient. DOCUMENTATION
17. Assist patient as needed. 4/19/20XX 2:00 PM Twelve-lead ECG completed. Tracing
given to Dr. Woo. Patient cooperative and seemed comfortable
18. Be certain the patient information is on the trac- throughout procedure and says she “feels fine” after tracing.
ing before giving it to the provider to read.
W. Slawson, CMA (AAMA) _________________________
Procedure 25-2
Holter Monitor Application (Cassette and Digital)
4. Identify the patient and explain the procedure.
RATIONALE: Adherence to patient guidelines
helps ensure an accurate tracing.
PURPOSE: 5. Have patient remove clothing from the waist up.
To detect sporadic cardiac arrhythmias, to determine 6. Have patient sit on the examination table or
correlation of symptoms with activity, and to evaluate chair. RATIONALE: This allows for patient com-
chest pain and cardiac status after pacemaker implan- fort and relaxation and for the medical assistant
tation or after acute myocardial infarction. to place the electrodes appropriately.
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: 7. Locate the correct electrode placement sites.
Holter monitor Alcohol wipes The skin must be prepared in the following way:
Patient activity diary Gauze a. Dry shave patient’s chest at each electrode
Blank magnetic tape or Carrying case site if chest is hairy.
flash memory card Belt or shoulder strap
b. Cleanse the shaved area with an alcohol wipe.
Disposable electrodes
Let area dry.
c. Abrade the skin slightly with a dry 4 ⫻ 4 gauze.
PROCEDURE STEPS: Areas should be red. RATIONALE: Shaved
1. Wash hands and assemble equipment. site and abraded skin help the electrodes to
2. Prepare the equipment by removing old (used) adhere better to the skin and facilitate easier
battery from the monitor and replacing it with a removal.
new battery. Insert a blank magnetic tape or flash 8. Take the electrodes from the package and peel
card into the monitor. RATIONALE: Installing a away the backing from one of them (electrode
new battery each 24-hour period will ensure the should be moist). Continue to remove elec-
monitor will function because it will have suffi- trodes one by one and attach as in Step 9.
cient power.
CHAPTER 25 Electrocardiography 787
Electrocardiography is a noninvasive, painless procedure that is helpful in diagnosing heart arrhythmias,
ischemia, and effects of cardiac medications. Wires with sensors are attached to the patient’s arms, legs,
and chest. The electrocardiograph amplifies the electrical currents generated by the electrical cells of
the heart. A series of deflections (waves) is recorded on special ECG paper when a heated stylus on the
electrocardiograph moves across the paper. The cardiac cycles that appear are then interpreted by the
provider. The recording or tracing, known as an ECG, represents the heart’s rate, rhythm, and other myo-
cardial actions. Each of the 12 leads of the recording becomes part of the patient’s permanent record.
In addition to a resting ECG, other types of electrocardiography can be done. Cardiac stress testing
is done while the patient is physically challenged to perform increasingly strenuous exercises. The heart’s
tolerance to the increased demands placed on it during exercise can be observed and recorded while the
patient is being closely monitored. This type of electrocardiography helps determine cardiac health and
arrhythmias that would not be evident if a resting ECG were done.
Holter electrocardiography or ambulatory cardiac monitoring is an ECG test done as the patient goes
about normal daily activities. The patient wears chest leads and carries a small recording device on a belt or
on a strap over the shoulder for a period of 24 hours and documents activities in the patient activity diary.
This type of electrocardiography helps diagnose cardiac arrhythmias that occur sporadically and may be
difficult to capture on a resting ECG because of their unpredictability. Echocardiography is a diagnostic
test that uses ultrasound to image the internal structures of the heart. Myocardial function, valvular func-
tion or defects, and chamber size can be determined.
In most cases, the medical assistant is responsible for patient preparation; patient education; opera-
tion of the electrocardiograph; elimination of artifacts; mounting, labeling, and placing ECG readings into
the patient’s file; and maintenance and care of the equipment. The diagnostic value of the test depends on
the medical assistant’s accuracy and skill.
• Consider the Case Studies and discuss • Apply your knowledge in the Student Work-
your conclusions book activities
Multiple Choice 2. Which of the following may cause somatic tremor?
a. too much electrolyte
1. Which of the following is the most common type of b. cable across patient’s lap
artifact? c. corroded sensors
a. somatic tremor d. Parkinson’s disease
b. AC interference
c. wandering baseline
d. interrupted baseline
790 UNIT 6 Advanced Techniques and Procedures
Laboratory Procedures 7
Chapter 26
Safety and Regulatory Guidelines
in the Medical Laboratory
Chapter 27
Introduction to the Medical Laboratory
Chapter 28
Phlebotomy: Venipuncture
and Capillary Puncture
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Basic Microbiology
Chapter 32
Specialty Laboratory Tests
Chapter Safety and Regulatory
Guidelines in the Medical
26 Laboratory
At Inner City Health Care, Dr. Susan Rice ordered a for Dr. Rice to examine under the microscope. While
complete urinalysis for patient May Pankey. Dr. Rice’s Wanda is waiting for the doctor, she examines the slide
medical assistant, Wanda Slawson, CMA (AAMA), has to see if she can identify any abnormalities. She will
obtained the specimen from the patient, has performed compare her findings with Dr. Rice’s findings to see how
the physical examination and the chemical examination closely she comes to correctly identifying the cellular
of the urine, and has documented her findings on the components in the urine sediment.This is one way for
lab report form. She has also spun a test tube of urine in Wanda to continue her education on a daily basis while
the centrifuge and has prepared a slide of the sediment performing her clinical duties.
Laboratory safety is a concern for all—management, States Public Health Service, is an agency that investi-
staff, and patients. An unsafe work environment and gates various diseases in an attempt to control them and
work practices can threaten the emotional and physical makes recommendations on how to prevent the spread
health of the health care worker, as well as the patient. of disease. The CDC issued the system of seven isolation
Injuries are costly on many levels: personally to the categories for patients with infectious diseases and rec-
injured individual, lost work days, workers’ compen- ommended the guidelines known as Universal Precau-
sation, medical treatment, potential legal action, and tions. In 1996, the CDC released Standard Precautions,
potential fines from regulatory agencies. These situa- which represent the most current and comprehensive
tions have a direct effect on the individuals involved, approach to infection control. The CDC Guidelines for
but they also have an indirect effect by lowering staff Standard Precautions and Universal Precautions are
morale, ultimately resulting in less productivity. Man- covered thoroughly in Chapter 10. This chapter focuses
agement’s response to safety is the key. Appropriate ori- on the federal regulations of the Clinical Laboratory
entation, annual reviews, periodic drills, and consistent Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA ’88) and
enforcement of staff adherence to policy are all part of a the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
successful laboratory safety program. (OSHA) in relation to the providers’ office laboratory
All health care providers continually come into (POL).
contact with patients who are ill. Some patients have CLIA ’88 and OSHA, together with the CDC, regu-
communicable or contagious diseases; others may have late the safety of patients and health care workers. CLIA
a suppressed immune system that does not protect them ’88 comes under the aegis, or protection, of the Centers for
from infection. In the course of performing your duties Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), formerly known
as a medical assistant, you will be in contact with blood as the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA)
and body fluids that may be highly infectious. It is of of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
extreme importance that your health and safety, as well as (DHHS) of the federal government. OSHA comes under
the health and safety of your patients, be protected. the U.S. Department of Labor. Both agencies require
There are a number of infection control measures that health care settings, including clinical laboratories,
that can be used to reduce the transmission of bloodborne adhere to the strict regulations that they set forth.
and other pathogens. Medical asepsis, also known as The purpose of CLIA ’88 is to safeguard the pub-
infection control, consists of procedures and practices lic by regulating all testing of specimens taken from the
that health care professionals use to prevent the spread human body. The purpose of OSHA is to require employ-
of infection (see Chapter 10). State and federal agencies ers to ensure employee safety in regard to occupational
also have established policies, procedures, and guide- exposure to potentially harmful substances.
lines for health care providers and employers to follow CLIA ’88 and OSHA guidelines are discussed sepa-
to reduce the risk for transmission of infectious diseases. rately in this chapter. Keep in mind as you go through
This chapter, as well as Chapter 10, examines the major this chapter that CLIA ’88 is designed to protect patients,
guidelines. and OSHA regulations are designed to protect workers.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Table 26-1 summarizes the guidelines and purposes of
(CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia, a division of the United CDC, CLIA ’88, and OSHA.
794 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Centers for Disease Control Issued in 1996 to augment and synthesize Universal
and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Precautions and techniques known as body substance
Standard Precautions Public Health Service isolation (BSI). Standard Precautions contain measures
intended to protect all health care providers, patients, and
visitors from infectious diseases.
CDC Designed to reduce the risk for airborne, droplet, and con-
Transmission-Based tact transmission of pathogens. These are used in addi-
Precautions tion to Standard Precautions and are intended for specific
categories of patients.
Universal Blood and CDC Released in 1985 to assist health care providers to greatly
Body Fluid Precautions reduce the risk for contracting or transmitting infectious
(Universal Precautions) diseases, particularly AIDS and hepatitis B.
Centers for Medicare & Safeguards the public by regulating all testing of speci-
Clinical Laboratory Medicaid Services (CMS), mens taken from the body.
Improvement Amend- U.S. Department of Health
ments of 1988 (CLIA ‘88) and Human Services
Occupational Safety OSHA, U.S. Department of Requires employers to ensure employee safety in regard
and Health Administra- Labor to occupational exposure to potentially harmful sub-
tion (OSHA) Guidelines stances.
Spotlight on Certification IMPROVEMENT AMENDMENTS
RMA Content Outline OF 1988
• Medical law
CLIA ’88 was designed to set safety policies
• Asepsis
and procedures that protect patients.
• Laboratory procedures (safety) In 1988, there was a public outcry as a
• First aid result of articles published in the Washington Post
CMA (AAMA) Content Outline and the Wall Street Journal and televised reports of
deaths that were attributed to misread Pap smears.
• Medicolegal guidelines and
The public wanted action taken to ensure its
safety, particularly in regard to laboratory testing.
• Principles of infection control The outcry prompted the federal government to
• Processing specimens become more involved in regulating laboratories.
• Quality control Although CLIA had been enacted into law
• Preplanned action in 1967, the issue of the misread Pap
CMAS Content Outline smears caused Congress to reexamine the
regulations it had set forth in 1967. Thus, CLIA ’88
• Legal and ethical considerations was passed and included amendments to the origi-
• Asepsis in the medical office nal law. The amended regulations took effect on
• Medical office emergencies September 1, 1992.
• Safety States can seek exemptions from the CLIA
• Supplies and equipment standards if they have regulations that are com-
parable to those imposed by CLIA. If the federal
CHAPTER 26 Safety and Regulatory Guidelines in the Medical Laboratory 795
government grants the state an exemption, labo- ity of the test method; thus, the more complicated
ratories in that state are under the control of state the test, the more stringent the requirements.
standards and applicable fees, not federal stan- Three categories of tests have been established:
dards and fees. Few states have exempt status. waived; moderate complexity, including the sub-
category of Provider-Performed Microscopy Proce-
dure (PPMP); and high complexity. CLIA specifies
The Intention of CLIA ’88 quality standards for proficiency testing (PT),
The intent of CLIA ’88 is to protect the pub- patient test management, quality control, person-
lic by regulating all laboratory tests performed nel qualifications, and quality assurance as appli-
on specimens taken from the human body, that cable. Because problems in cytology laboratories
is, tissue, blood, and body secretions and excre- were the impetus for CLIA, there are also specific
tions, which are used in the diagnosis, treatment, cytology requirements.
and prevention of disease. Previous regulations CMS is charged with the implementation of
(Medicare, Medicaid, and CLIA ’67) were based CLIA, including laboratory registration, fee col-
on the site and scope of the laboratory testing. lection, surveys, surveyor guidelines and training,
CLIA ’88 regulates laboratory testing regardless enforcement, approvals of PT providers, accrediting
of site, scope, volume, or frequency. As of June organizations, and exempt states. The CDC is respon-
2007, registered CLIA laboratories total more sible for test categorization and CLIA studies.
than 200,600, with POL making up more than To enroll in the CLIA program, laboratories
50% of the total. The regulations require that must first register by completing an application,
all laboratories in the United States and its ter- pay fees, be surveyed if applicable, and become
ritories meet performance requirements that are certified. CLIA fees are based on the certificate
based on how complex a test is and the risk fac- requested by the laboratory (i.e., waived, PPMP,
tors that are associated with incorrect test results. accreditation, or compliance) and the annual vol-
Laboratories must comply with the requirements ume and types of testing performed. Waived and
to be certified by the DHHS. PPMP laboratories may apply directly for their
It is necessary to understand what the certificate because they are not subject to routine
CLIA ’88 regulations encompass and how inspections. Those laboratories that must be sur-
they impact medical assistants and other veyed routinely—that is, those performing mod-
health care workers who participate in testing erate- or high-complexity testing—can choose
human specimens. It is important because all labo- whether they wish to be surveyed by CMS or by a
ratories, including POLs, must abide by the CLIA private accrediting organization. The CMS survey
law. process is outcome-oriented and uses a quality
CLIA ’88 regulations are based on the com- assurance focus and an educational approach to
plexity of tests performed and they affect all aspects assess compliance (Table 26-2).
of the laboratory. They specify the type of test per-
formed, personnel involved in testing, and quality
Table 26-2 How to Tell What Level of CLIA Is
General Program Description
Congress passed CLIA in 1988, establishing quality If these tests This type of certificate
standards for all laboratory testing to ensure the are performed and/or survey is needed
accuracy, reliability, and timeliness of patient test
results regardless of where the test was performed. Waived tests only Certificate of Waiver
A laboratory is defined as any facility that performs
laboratory testing on specimens derived from PPMP Certificate of PPMP
humans for the purpose of providing information
for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of dis- Certificate of Registration, CLIA
Tests of moderate
ease, or impairment or assessment of health. CLIA survey, and Certificate of Com-
is user-fee funded; therefore, all costs of adminis-
tering the program must be covered by the regu-
Certificate of Registration, sur-
lated facilities. Tests of high com-
vey by an accrediting agency,
The final CLIA regulations were published on plexity
and Certificate of Accreditation
February 28, 1992, and are based on the complex-
796 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Data indicate that CLIA has helped to improve Contents of the Law
the quality of testing in the United States. The 1. All laboratories are required to register with
total number of quality deficiencies has decreased CLIA ’88 even if just one test is performed,
significantly from the first laboratory survey to the regardless of whether there is Medicare and
second. Medicaid reimbursement and regardless in
Work is currently in progress with the CDC and which of the categories the test is found.
CMS to develop a final CLIA rule that will reflect all
2. The regulations apply to all laboratories.
comments received and new technologies.
3. The regulations are specific to the complexity of
the test. The waived tests are the simplest with the
Categories of Testing fewest regulations. Standards become more strin-
CLIA ’88, under the aegis of the CMS of the DHHS, gent as the complexity of the test increases.
has designated three categories of testing: 4. A laboratory must obtain a certificate to perform tests.
An initial filing for a certificate is made on CMS form
1. Waived tests 116. One of five certificates can be obtained. (There
2. Moderate-complexity tests, including PPMP can be a state exemption as previously mentioned.)
3. High-complexity tests a. Certificate of Waiver. This certificate is issued to a
laboratory to perform only waived tests.
Each of these categories has different require- b. Certificate for PPMP. This certificate is issued to
ments for personnel and quality control. a laboratory in which a provider, midlevel prac-
Waived tests are simple, are unvarying, and titioner, or dentist performs no moderate com-
require a minimum of judgment and interpre- plexity tests other than the PPMP procedures
tation. Test error carries minimal hazard to the (Table 26-3). This certificate permits the labo-
patient. Waived tests represent the lowest percent- ratory to also perform waived tests.
age of the total number of tests performed. c. Certificate of Registration. This certificate enables
PPMP tests are moderate-complexity tests the entity to conduct moderate- and high-
but represent a subcategory that was added at the complexity laboratory testing until the entity is
request of providers. determined by survey to be in compliance with
The following criteria are used to categorize CLIA regulations.
moderate- and high-complexity tests.
d. Certificate of Compliance. This certificate is issued
• The degree of operator intervention needed to a laboratory after an inspection finds the lab-
oratory to be in compliance with all applicable
• The necessary knowledge and experience the
CLIA requirements.
operator possesses
• The degree of maintenance and troubleshooting
needed to perform the tests
Table 26-3 Examples of Provider-Performed
Even though most of the tests medical assis- Microscopy Procedures
tants perform fall into the waived category, POLs All direct wet-mount preparations for the presence or
will often perform moderate tests, including the absence of bacteria, fungi, parasites, and human cellular
PPMP tests. POLs are not limited to any category elements
as long as they have sufficiently trained and cre-
All potassium hydroxide (KOH) preparations
dentialed personnel, equipment, and approval.
Manufacturers of self-contained test kits apply Pinworm examinations
for and receive Food and Drug Administration
Fern tests
(FDA) approval for their particular test to be on
the CLIA waived list. To find out if your particu- Postcoital direct, qualitative examinations of vaginal or
lar brand of self-contained test kit is on the CLIA cervical mucus
waived list, access an up-to-date listing at the FDA Urine sediment examinations
Web site and use the key search
term “currently waived analytes” (be forewarned, Nasal smears for granulocytes
though, the list is very long). You can obtain a list Fecal leukocyte examinations
of categories and the complete CLIA ’88 guide-
lines from the CDC Web site ( Qualitative semen analysis (limited to the presence or
absence of sperm and detection of motility)
and use key search term “CLIA”).
CHAPTER 26 Safety and Regulatory Guidelines in the Medical Laboratory 797
rate so errors are negligible, or pose no reason- The findings of errors in processes at Certificate of Waiver
able risk for harm to the patient if performed (COW) laboratories and PPMP certificate laboratories are of
incorrectly. concern. Both COW and PPMP laboratories currently have
2. The tests performed must be on CLIA’s waived virtually no oversight. Results of studies indicate that, even
test list. though COW laboratories have the least amount of complexity
to their tests, there are huge gaps in quality of the tests per-
3. The manufacturer’s instructions for performing formed. It was discovered that POLs are lacking in the areas of
the tests must be followed. following instructions, quality assurance, and quality control.
4. Minimal scientific and technical knowledge PPMP laboratories were lacking in the areas of inappropriate
is required to perform the test, or knowledge certificates, not documenting personnel competency, and
required to perform the test may be obtained not evaluating test accuracy. Although these findings are
through on-the-job instruction. of concern to the CLIA program, no patient harm has been
documented as a result of these errors. Personnel performing
5. Minimal training is required for preanalytic, analytic, the tests at COW laboratories surveyed were mostly nurses
and postanalytic phases of the testing process, or lim- and physicians. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
ited experience is required to perform the test. (CMS) confirmed that lack of routine oversight in COW and
6. Reagents and materials are generally stable and PPMP laboratories continues to be a significant challenge to
reliable, or reagents and materials are prepack- ensuring quality testing. They recommend the following:
aged; premeasured; or require no special han- • Institute educational programs for COW and PPMP
dling, precautions, or storage conditions. laboratories
7. Operational steps are either automatically exe- • Validate the effectiveness of this educational program
cuted (such as pipetting, temperature monitor- • Survey a percentage of COW and PPMP laboratories
ing, or timing of steps) or are easily controlled. annually
8. Calibration quality-control materials are stable • Develop a self-assessment for PPMP laboratories
and readily available, and external proficiency • Provide educational material as part of the CLIA enrollment
testing materials, when available, are stable. process
9. Test system troubleshooting is automatic or self- • Have state survey agencies contact COW and PPMP
correcting, clearly described, or requires minimal laboratories to verify test menus
judgment, and equipment maintenance is pro-
vided by the manufacturer, is seldom needed, or
can be performed easily.
eter that will be performed on a patient’s sample.
10. Minimal interpretation and judgment are required These quality-control checks must be performed
to perfom preanalytic, analytic, and postanalytic before the patient’s sample is tested. The results for
processes, and resolution of problems requires lim- quality-control samples must fall within two stan-
ited independent interpretation and judgment. dard deviations of the expected mean value for that
In addition to calibrations and control sam-
CLIA ’88 Regulation ple testing, an ambulatory care setting that uses
for Quality Control in automated hematology instruments must enroll
Automated Hematology in a proficiency testing program with a reference
laboratory that is CLIA ’88 approved.
CLIA ’88 regulations require that three different
procedures be performed in the quality-control
protocol for automated hematology instruments.
Aftermath of CLIA ’88
The procedures are calibration, control sample There are many individuals who have serious con-
testing, and proficiency testing. CLIA’s regulations cerns about whether CLIA has led to improved
require that the automated hematology instru- testing as was intended, or if the law has just pro-
ment be calibrated at regularly scheduled intervals duced an overload of paperwork and problems.
with either a calibrator sample or a normal con- Some question if the law will be fully implemented
trol sample testing. Many manufacturers of auto- or even eliminated altogether.
mated hematology instruments recommend or Important developments help to put the
may require that the instrument be recalibrated law into perspective. CMS has postponed
at shorter intervals than are required by CLIA the date that Medicare payments would be
’88. CLIA ’88 mandates that two levels of control cut off for failure to register. The deadline has been
samples be tested first each day on any param- postponed at least three times. The American Medical
800 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Association (AMA) complained that unannounced Medical assistants are the only health care
inspections of POLs would disrupt patient office vis- professionals trained specifically for the ambula-
its. As a result, the Secretary of DHHS declared that tory setting, including the POL procedures. Lack-
POL inspections would be announced. ing a medical laboratory technician or medical
The category of PPMP was added as another technologist in the POL, the burden of quality
certificate and testing category because providers performance of the waived tests falls to the person
argued that the microscopic tests were essential to specifically trained in that area, the medical assis-
their practice. Already the PPMP has expanded to tant. Because laboratory training of the medical
include midlevel practitioners such as nurse practi- assistant focuses primarily on CLIA waived tests,
tioners, nurse midwives, and physician assistants. it is of major concern that medical assisting pro-
The law states that CLIA must be self- grams offer the best training possible in the areas
supporting. However, far fewer laboratories reg- of quality assurance, quality control, and following
istered than was originally anticipated, and the manufacturer’s instructions. Keep in mind that
result is a significantly lower amount of revenue the medical assistant may be the only health care
than had been expected. professional in the POL who has formal training
It is interesting to note that the CDC has pro- in the performance of the waived laboratory tests.
posed easing CLIA regulations by adding another Add that to the received findings of errors in pro-
category of testing. It would fall between the waived cesses at COW and PPMP laboratories and medical
tests and the moderately complex tests. The tests assistants are definitely on the front lines of ensur-
within this new category would be subject to mini- ing the best quality for test results performed in
mal regulation. This proposal is under consider- the POLs.
ation. Many question whether CLIA will have any Because CMS has received only a fraction of
value if this event occurs. the money that they expected to collect from appli-
cation fees, there is little money to carry the CLIA
Impact of CLIA ’88 program forward. Medical assistants must real-
ize that CLIA ’88 is the law even though a number
on Medical Assistants of laboratories have not seen inspectors nor felt
CLIA ’88 requires every facility that tests human any impact from the CLIA ’88 regulations. Some
specimens for diagnosis, treatment, and preven- laboratories are delaying concern about CLIA ’88
tion of disease to meet specific federal require- rules and do not understand the law and, there-
ments. The law applies to any facility that performs fore, have not fully implemented the regulations.
tests for the preceding purposes. This includes Medical assistants must know and comply with the
any POLs and ambulatory care setting, two typical law and be prepared for a CLIA inspection. Pen-
areas where medical assistants are employed. The alties are imposed on laboratories that are not in
law covers all facilities even if only one test or a few compliance with the law.
basic tests are done and even if there is no charge Medical assistants who perform clinical labo-
for the testing. ratory procedures must keep up with government
Medical assistants may be responsible not changes.
only for performing the tests but also for
maintaining personnel records, including Where to Find More Information
such information as workers’ college diplomas,
state licenses, national certifications, employ-
Regarding CLIA ’88
ees’ continuing education, and recredentialing. The original CLIA ’88 guidelines and updates are
Employee hepatitis B status must also be on file. available from the Federal Register for a fee. See
Medical assistants may be involved with compil- the appendices for ordering information or visit the
ing a procedures manual on how to perform every CMS Web site (
test done; these must be reviewed every year. An
instrument log must be available for each piece of
equipment. Systems must be in place for calibra- OSHA REGULATIONS
tion, quality control, quality assurance test record-
ing, and proficiency testing (if higher than waived OSHA regulations are intended to ensure employ-
category tests are performed). Documentation ers have a safe and healthy work environment for
by medical assistants is of utmost importance; for their employees. This applies to all workers, not
instance, a quality-control plan may be in action, just health care workers. Some of the regulations
but it may not be written down in detail. include hard hats and steel-toed shoes for con-
CHAPTER 26 Safety and Regulatory Guidelines in the Medical Laboratory 801
struction workers, safety switches for machinery, included. OSHA standards are not optional, and
fire prevention equipment in restaurants, and, of penalties are imposed for noncompliance with the
course, safety equipment and supplies for health standard. Employers must meet the requirements
care workers. Two OSHA standards have the great- not only to be in compliance with the law but to
est impact: The Occupational Exposure to Hazardous protect employees as well.
Chemicals (revised from The Hazard Communication All laboratories and ambulatory care set-
Standard) and The Bloodborne Pathogen Standard. tings, including providers’ offices, must
The Bloodborne Pathogen Standards is reviewed in comply with a chemical hygiene plan to
Chapter 10. This chapter discusses the standard meet the OSHA regulations. The only laboratories
for Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals. exempt from compliance are those that exclusively
It is important to note that states have their own use methods that do not place employees at risk
worker safety standards. Those state standards are for exposure to chemicals that are hazardous. For
required to be as strict or greater than the federal example, some POLs perform only dipstick tests
OSHA standards. or use other commercially prepared kits in which
reagents are not exposed and, as a result, they are
exempt from compliance. The primary compo-
The Standard for Occupational nent of the OSHA standard is that a written chemi-
Exposure to Hazardous cal hygiene plan and program must be operational
Chemicals in the Laboratory if chemicals are stored in a facility and handled by
employees. Some examples of chemicals include,
In an effort to reduce the number of chemically
but are not limited to, stains, ethyl alcohol, sodium
related illnesses and injuries in the workplace,
hypochlorite (household bleach), formaldehyde,
OSHA published its Hazard Communications Stan-
fixatives, preservatives, injectables such as chemo-
dard in 1983. This led many states to develop right-
therapeutic agents, and acetone. Many laboratory
to-know laws. In 1992, OSHA expanded the Hazard
accidents result in chemical-related illnesses rang-
Communications Standard, and published The Occu-
ing from eye irritations to pulmonary edema.
pational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in the Labo-
There are three primary goals that an employer
ratory Standard, which specifically addressed clinical
must accomplish to be in compliance with the
OSHA standard for chemical exposure. The first
The intention of this law is to heighten
is that there must be an inventory taken and a list
employee awareness of risks linked with chemi-
compiled of all chemicals considered hazardous.
cal dangers. It serves to improve work practices
The following information must be documented
through employee training and identification of
(Figure 26-1): the quantity of chemical stored per
hazardous chemicals that exist in the workplace.
month or year; whether the substance is gas, liquid,
The use of protective equipment is utilized to pro-
or solid; the manufacturer’s name and address; and
tect employees from harmful chemicals.
the chemical hazard classification.
Second, a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Chemical Hygiene Plan (Figure 26-2) manual must be assembled. The
MSDS statements are provided by the manufacturer
The Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) on hazard-
when the chemicals are purchased and give detailed
ous chemicals is the core of the OSHA safety stan-
information about the chemicals and whether they
dard on hazardous chemicals. A written plan must
are a health hazard. The MSDS statements should
specify the training and information requirements
be organized into a notebook for employee use and
of the standard. Certain specific control mea-
located in an area of immediate access by employ-
sures such as fume hoods and glove boxes must be
ees. Every employee who is exposed to or works with
included in the plan. A designated employee is the
chemicals must read the MSDS about those chemi-
chemical hygiene or safety officer. Provisions for
cals and know where the manual is kept. The vari-
housekeeping and maintenance of the facility are
ous chemicals are labeled using the National Fire
Protection Association’s color and number method
(Figure 26-3). There are four colors, each signifying
Critical Thinking a warning to the person handling the chemical(s)
(Figure 26-4). They are:
Compare whom CLIA protects with whom
• Blue signifies a health hazard
OSHA protects. Do they have similar missions?
• Red signifies a flammability hazard
802 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Office of ____________________________________________________
Date _______________________________________________________
Chemical Name Catalog # Quantity Stores Physical Hazard Class Manufacturer Comments
L./gm. (monthly) State
Figure 26-1 Sample chemical inventory form for listing chemicals on the premises, including quantity, physical
state, hazard class, manufacturer, and comments. (Courtesy of POL Consultants, 2 Russ Farm, Delanco, NJ 08075.)
• Yellow signifies reactivity or instability hazard cals, how to read and understand the labels on the
• White signifies a special hazard and the use of per- chemicals, where the MSDS manual is kept, when
sonal protective equipment (PPE) to use PPE, and procedures to follow for chemical
spills. The training sessions must be documented,
The numbers 0 to 4 are used in conjunction signed by the employer, and permanently retained
with the colors to indicate the level of risk for each in the employee record (Figure 26-6B).
product and are assigned by the manufacturer
using the rating system. The numbers can be found Requirements of Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP).
on the MSDS (Figure 26-5). The requirements for a CHP include:
Third, the employer is required to provide a
hazard communication educational program to the • Employers must have an operational written plan
employee within 30 days of employment and before (a manual) relevant to the safety and health of
the employee handles any hazardous chemicals (Fig- employees.
ure 26-6A). The training program should consist of • Written instructions on the use of PPE must be
the location and identification of hazardous chemi- available.
CHAPTER 26 Safety and Regulatory Guidelines in the Medical Laboratory 803
According to the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29CFR 1910.1200, N/A N/A N/A
this product contains no hazardous ingredients.
Extinguishing Media: The product is not flammable or combustible. Use media appropriate for the primary source of fire.
Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Use caution when fighting any fire involving chemicals. A self-contained breathing
apparatus is essential.
Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: None Known
Incompatibility: Contact of carbonates or bicarbonates with acids can release large quantities of carbon dioxide and heat.
Hazardous Decomposition Products: In fire situations heat decomposition may result in the release of sulfur oxides.
Figure 26-2 Example of a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) listing product name, hazardous ingredients, physi-
cal data, fire and explosion data, reactivity data, health hazard data, emergency and first aid procedures, spill or leak
procedures, protection information/control measures, and special precautions. (Courtesy of POL Consultants,
2 Russ Farm, Delanco, NJ 08075.)
804 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
EYES: In case of contact, flush thoroughly with water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention if irritation persists.
SKIN: Flush any dry Spotfree from skin with flowing water. Always wash hands after use.
INGESTION: If swallowed, drink large quantities of water and call a physician.
Waste Disposal Methods: Dispose of in accordance with federal, state and local regulations.
Ventilation: Normal
Precautions to be taken in Handling and Storing: Avoid contact with eyes. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin.
Wash thoroughly after handling. Keep container closed when not in use.
Additional Information: Store away from acids.
Manufacturer Requirements: Chemical manufacturers are required to evaluate chemicals, determine status as hazards, provide
material safety data sheets (MSDS), and label all shipped chemicals properly. Manufacturer labels must never be removed. The best
way to determine the hazards of the chemical is to read the MSDS, obtain an OSHA designated list or State Hazardous Substance list.
For most mixed chemicals, it is necessary to contact the manufacturer for MSDS.
Office Chemicals: Search through your office and write down all chemicals you have in the office. Most pharmaceuticals and com-
mon household products do not come under this standard. Ingredients can then be compared to a list of regulated substances or
MSDS sheets will provide necessary information.
Employer’s Responsibility: Any hazardous chemical used in the workplace that is not in its original container must be labeled with
the identity of the chemical and hazards. “Target Organ” chemical labels may be used. The label must include the chemical and com-
mon name, warnings about physical and health hazards, and the name and address of the manufacturer. The employer is to compile
a chemical inventory list that is to be updated as needed. MSDS information should be located in a place where it is accessible to all
employees. Label and MSDS information should be provided during the safety training program.
Identity: The term identity can refer to any chemical or common name des-
ignation for the individual chemical or mixture, as long as the term used is also Chemical Name
used on the list of hazardous chemicals and the MSDS.
Common Name
NOTE: If a chemical is poured into another container for immediate use, it
does not need to be labeled.
Figure 26-3 Chemical warning label determination indicates necessary information for labels, including manu-
facturer’s requirements, office chemicals, employer’s responsibility, and identity of chemical or its common name.
(Courtesy of POL Consultants, 2 Russ Farm, Delanco, NJ 08075.)
• Fume hoods or biohazard hoods must be checked • Instruction must be provided regarding disposal of
regularly. hazardous waste produced in the workplace. (Usu-
• Training sessions must be held for employees ally a hazardous waste company is contracted by
regarding their right to know what hazardous the employer.)
chemicals are in their work environment. • Each employee’s record must have a written state-
• It is the employer’s legal responsibility to provide ment, signed by the employer, stating the employ-
medical attention for an employee should an acci- er’s responsibility to arrange for employee training
dental chemical spill occur. and a safe work environment.
• The responsibility for executing training sessions,
keeping manuals current, and documentation is Importance of Chemical Standard to
designated to an employer. Medical Assistants. Meeting the require-
ments set forth by OSHA is not optional.
All must comply or face penalties. All employees,
Critical Thinking including medical assistants, have the right to know
and be given information and be educated regard-
Name three other professions beside health ing chemical hazards that they are exposed to in
care that should abide by OSHA regulations. their place of employment. Medical assistants can
For each profession, list four rules that should be exposed to hazardous chemicals through skin
be in place. Do you think they are in place? contact, injection, or inhalation. Because many
laboratory accidents result in chemical-related
806 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
4 Danger: Flammable gas or extremely flammable liquid
3 Warning: Flammable liquid
2 Caution: Combustible liquid
1 Caution: Combustible if heated Figure 26-5 Four containers are marked using the
0 Noncombustible National Fire Protection Association’s color and num-
ber method for identifying and warning of chemical
hazards. (A) Distilled water: Presents no health, flam-
mability, or reactivity/instability hazard and requires
YELLOW: REACTIVITY/INSTABILITY no PPE when used (all areas are zero). (B) Sodium
hypochlorite: Does not promote a flammability hazard
4 Danger: Explosive at room temperature
(red is zero), is harmful if inhaled (blue is 2), and may
3 Danger: May be explosive if spark occurs or if heated
react or become unstable if heated or mixed with water
under confinement
(yellow is 1). (C) Acetone: Flammable (red is 3), may
2 Warning: Unstable or may react if mixed with water
cause irritation (blue is 1), and is stable/nonreactive
1 Caution: May react if heated or mixed with water
when mixed with water (yellow is zero). (D) Ethyl alco-
0 Stable: Nonreactive when mixed with water
hol: Flammable (red is 3), no unusual health hazards
(blue is zero), and is stable/nonreactive when mixed
with water (yellow is zero).
A Goggles
B Goggles, gloves
C Goggles, gloves, apron
D Face shields, gloves, apron OSHA REGULATIONS
E Goggles, gloves, mask AND STUDENTS
F Goggles, gloves, apron, mask
X Gloves With the passage of the OSHA laws, all students
with potential exposure to chemicals and blood-
Figure 26-4 National Fire Protection Association’s borne pathogens should follow all safety proce-
color and number method. dures as outlined by OSHA. Because students are
not considered employees of a health care facil-
ity and are attending an educational institution,
they do not fall under the OSHA guidelines. They
should, however, take precautions to avoid con-
illnesses, it is important for medical assistants to tact with potentially infectious materials and toxic
understand how the law affects them, their place chemicals wherever learning is taking place.
of employment, and their employer. Medical
assistants and other health care providers should
know what hazards they face, and know the proper
Avoiding Exposure to Chemicals
technique for handling, storing, and disposing of Students may come into contact with harmful
hazardous chemicals. Medical assistants in admin- chemicals when doing procedures that can cause
istrative positions must use their knowledge and such problems as burns to the skin and eyes. Stu-
skills to provide a safe work environment for them- dents will be made aware of these through infor-
selves and their staff. mation packaged with kits and the MSDS. As a
CHAPTER 26 Safety and Regulatory Guidelines in the Medical Laboratory 807
and identification of hazardous chemicals just as published its first standard, Ergonomic Hazards,
employees are. in 1991. At the heart of these guidelines is the
It is of utmost importance that students learn prevention of cumulative trauma disorders.
about and understand the OSHA standards and Cumulative trauma disorders are injuries involv-
comply with them. In so doing, they will safeguard ing the musculoskeletal or nervous system, such
themselves from harmful chemicals and blood- as carpal tunnel syndrome and trigger finger.
borne pathogens. They are the result of long-term, repetitive work
actions, such as gripping, keyboard use, pipet-
ting, and microscopy. Limiting or preventing
CUMULATIVE TRAUMA repetitive work actions is the key to minimizing
DISORDERS cumulative trauma disorders. Use of ergonomi-
cally correct equipment and supplies, proper
OHSA has been focusing its attention on a new work site design, staff training, and job rotation
threat to the workplace: ergonomic hazards. are essential in creating an ergonomically sound
Ergonomics is the study of the workplace. OSHA workplace.
Infectious diseases and accidents occur through lack of education and carelessness. Medical assistants must
understand the importance of the regulations and guidelines set forth by the federal government and
follow through by helping employers implement them. In doing so, the health and safety of patients and
health care workers will be protected, the spread of infectious diseases can be kept under control, and the
risk for contracting an infectious disease such as AIDS or hepatitis B will be greatly minimized.
Every medical office and ambulatory care setting must, by law, have clearly written and readily avail-
able manuals containing information about Standard Precautions, CLIA ’88, and OSHA for the safe han-
dling, storage, and disposal of blood, body fluids, and chemicals.
Through consistent use of Standard Precautions and adherence to the CLIA and OSHA laws, health
care providers can acquire the behaviors and techniques needed to safeguard themselves and their
Because of frequent changes in the laws, it is necessary for medical assistants and all other health care
providers to keep abreast of the government mandates.
CHAPTER 26 Safety and Regulatory Guidelines in the Medical Laboratory 809
° Multiple Choice
° Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet by completing the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on the CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
Multiple Choice c. orientation, periodic drills, and consistent
1. Standard Precautions were issued by: enforcement of policy
a. DHHS d. potential fines from regulatory agencies
b. CDC 6. CLIA regulations specify all the following except:
c. CMS a. the type of test performed
d. OSHA b. the personnel involved in testing
2. CLIA ’88 was made law to regulate: c. quality control
a. the disposal of infectious waste d. the methods used in testing
b. the use of chemicals in the workplace 7. The agency charged with implementing CLIA is:
c. laboratory tests performed on specimens taken a. CDC
from the human body b. United States Public Health Service
d. the transmission of the human immuno- c. CMS
deficiency virus (HIV) d. OSHA
3. The core of the OSHA safety standard for chemical 8. Which is not an approved provider for PPMP?
exposure is: a. a physician
a. the dipstick test b. a nurse practitioner
b. the chemical hygiene plan c. a dentist
c. the quantity of chemical stored per month d. a medical assistant
d. the MSDS manual 9. The standard published by OSHA to prevent cumu-
4. The agency that requires employers to ensure lative trauma disorders is:
employee safety concerning occupational exposure a. Workplace Standard
to potentially harmful substances is: b. Standard for Prevention of Cumulative Trauma
a. CDC c. Ergonomic Hazards
b. U.S. Public Health Service d. Ergonomic Standard
c. CMS 10. Match the chemical warning color with the hazard
d. OSHA represented.
5. Successful laboratory safety programs include: 1. Blue a. Reactivity or instability
a. threats to the emotional and physical health of 2. Red b. Use PPE
health care workers 3. Yellow c. Health
b. lost workdays and increased workers’ compen- 4. White d. Flammability
sation claims e. Disaster
810 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
10. List 10 pieces of information required on a written laboratory
requisition. Qualitative Test
11. Explain the rationale behind proper patient preparation before Quantitative Test
laboratory testing. Reagent
12. Explain where accurate and reliable information might be Reference Laboratories
obtained about proper procurement, storage, and handling of
Reference Values
laboratory specimens.
13. On a diagram, label the parts of a compound microscope.
14. Explain the function of a compound microscope.
Therapeutic Drug
15. Demonstrate the proper use of a compound microscope. Monitoring (TDM)
16. List six rules to ensure proper care of a compound microscope. Toxicology
Dr. Susan Rice’s patient, Annette Samuels, has come it, transfers a portion of the urine into a urine transport
into the Inner City Health Care clinic complaining of tube, places the tube into a biohazard transport bag,
lower abdominal cramps and burning when she uri- and completes a lab requisition for a culture and sen-
nates. After discussion of her symptoms and a brief sitivity test. The requisition and lab specimen are then
examination, Dr. Rice’s clinical diagnosis is urinary ready to be sent to the outside lab for testing. Wanda
tract infection. She asks Wanda Slawson, CMA (AAMA), performs a urinalysis on the remaining urine sample,
to obtain a urine sample for a urinalysis and culture and the test confirms Dr. Rice’s clinical diagnosis of
with sensitivity. The urinalysis is to be performed in the a urinary tract infection. Dr. Rice is able to prescribe
physician’s office laboratory (POL) within the Inner City an antibiotic for Annette while waiting for the culture
Health Care clinic, and a portion of the sample will results. The culture will determine what type of bacteria
be sent to an outside independent lab for the culture is in the urine, and the sensitivity will assure Dr. Rice
and sensitivity testing. Wanda gives Annette specific that the proper antibiotic was prescribed. The culture
instructions on how to prepare for the urine test and will take 24 to 48 hours, so Wanda assures Annette
how to collect the urine. She asks Annette if she has that she will contact her the next day when the report
any questions and she has Annette repeat the instruc- is received. A return appointment is made for Annette
tions to be sure she understands them. When Annette for a follow-up check and urinalysis in about 10 days.
returns with the specimen, Wanda immediately labels
Providers use laboratory tests to diagnose illnesses, assess patient preparation, obtaining specimens, and testing
patients’ health, and manage chronic diseases such as or sending specimens to an independent laboratory. It is
diabetes and arthritis. Medical assistants in providers’ important for medical assistants to be aware of laboratory
offices, clinics, and laboratories may be responsible for procedures to ensure accurate testing.
CHAPTER 27 Introduction to the Medical Laboratory 813
simple strep test is performed to confirm the clin- To Prevent Diseases/Disorders. Protection of the
ical diagnosis. public, families, and coworkers can warrant labo-
ratory tests. An example is protecting an unborn
To Differentiate between Two or More Diseases. child from contracting genital herpes through the
Sometimes, a patient presents with a combination birthing process. A culture of the mother’s cervi-
of symptoms that can be related to more than cal and vaginal mucosa helps to determine if the
one condition. For the provider to diagnose accu- child is at risk. If the culture is positive, perform-
rately, a laboratory test is performed. In situations ing a caesarean section is the treatment of choice
such as these, the provider chooses to perform to protect the newborn from contracting herpes.
the simplest and least invasive laboratory test to Because a newborn’s immune system is not fully
rule out a particular disease before requiring developed, contracting herpes can cause serious
more extensive testing. This is known as a differ- illness and even death.
ential diagnosis. For example, if the child in the
preceding case had a negative strep test but per- To Prevent the Exacerbation of Diseases.
haps exhibited other more systemic symptoms, Patients with chronic conditions require regular
a blood test might confirm mononucleosis or blood tests to prevent exacerbation of the disease.
another condition. The provider is then able to When the results of the blood test are obtained,
differentiate between the two diagnoses—strep the provider or patient determines whether it is
throat and mononucleosis. necessary to adjust the diet or medication. For
example, a patient with diabetes tests his or her
To Diagnose. If symptoms are vague, thereby mak- blood regularly to measure the blood sugar, or glu-
ing the clinical diagnosis difficult for the provider, cose, level. If the blood sugar level is too high or
a series of laboratory tests may be required. Some- too low, the patient may adjust the insulin dosage
times a panel, or group of related tests, is ordered. or have something to eat to return the blood sugar
This helps narrow the field for diagnosis. For level to normal.
example, a patient presents with reports of severe
fatigue, but preliminary testing does not indicate
a diagnosis. Further testing will eventually either
Types of Laboratories
lead the provider in a specific direction or at least There are many different types and locations of
eliminate a wide variety of conditions. medical laboratories. They are identified by their
size, capabilities, and affiliations. Independent lab-
To Determine the Effectiveness of Treatments. oratories may be located within medical centers or
After a patient has been diagnosed and has begun large clinics. They often have small satellite patient
treatment, the provider monitors the patient’s service centers located near more isolated medi-
health to be sure that the treatment is therapeu- cal facilities or in areas of convenience to patients.
tic. For example, a patient diagnosed with epi- Satellite laboratories facilitate patients’ specimens
lepsy must take an effective amount of antiseizure being obtained closer to their neighborhoods and
medication. A blood test is used to check the level ambulatory care settings. The specimens are usu-
of medication in the patient’s system. Sometimes ally couriered back to the independent central
the provider wants to know the highest and low- laboratory for processing.
est ranges of medication in the patient’s blood to Hospital-based laboratories perform most of
determine if the levels are within a therapeutic the tests required by that hospital area, but even
range, called therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM), large hospitals use reference laboratories for spe-
and to check for drug toxicity (if the drug level is cialized testing. Reference laboratories are indepen-
too high). To measure the highest level of medi- dent, regionally located laboratories that service
cation in the patient’s blood serum (called the larger areas. Reference laboratories are used by
peak), the specimen is taken about a half hour hospitals and providers for complex, expensive, or
after the patient has taken his or her regular dose specialized tests.
of medicine. To measure the lowest level (called In a business sense, medical laboratories
the trough), the specimen is taken just before the are quickly becoming more and more
patient takes his or her next scheduled dose of competitive. Growth and profitability
medicine. A periodic blood test can also be used to depend on community relations and service,
determine the effectiveness of dietary and lifestyle convenience, efficiency, cost, location, and even
changes in reducing blood cholesterol levels. reputation. Competition often places the medi-
CHAPTER 27 Introduction to the Medical Laboratory 815
cal assistant and other medical personnel in a contained kits, tests for strep throat, pregnancy,
position of being asked to recommend a particu- blood sugar (serum glucose) levels, and hidden
lar medical laboratory over another. Unless the (occult) blood in stool can be performed quickly.
provider has a valid reason for using a particular Other kits are being developed daily. Patients may
laboratory or not referring to a particular labo- use a kit that can be purchased without a prescrip-
ratory, the patient should choose the laboratory. tion at home. Some of the home kits available to
The patient’s insurance plan may also be a factor the general public are “just as accurate” as the kits
in determining which laboratory is used. Many used in medical offices. The major difference is
insurance plans require the patient to use a par- that the person performing the test may not be
ticular laboratory or to choose a laboratory from trained, which may affect the accuracy of the test
those participating in the plan to guarantee pay- results. Consistent quality control measures might
ment for the tests. The medical assistant is then not be used by the nonmedical person (see Qual-
a resource for options rather than a referral ser- ity Control/Assurances in the Laboratory section).
vice. The law is clear that a provider may not have For example, a pregnancy test kit may be exposed
a financial interest in the laboratory to which he to extreme temperatures while in the patient’s care,
or she refers patients. on a grocer’s shelf, or in the patient’s home. These
extreme temperatures may invalidate the chemical
Point-of-Care Testing (POCT). With the many reaction in the test kit. More training, education,
changes in health care delivery and managed care, and credentialing are required as the complexity
the clinical laboratory is also experiencing changes of the testing and equipment increases. (See CLIA
to improve clinical services in the laboratory area. ’88 in Chapter 26 for specific testing parameters.)
On the forefront of change in the laboratory is If the results are not within normal limits, the pro-
POCT, also referred to as near-patient testing or vider needs to be consulted for confirmation and
bedside testing. Medical conditions, location of diagnosis/treatment.
the patient, and treatment methods often require
laboratory results as quickly as possible so proper Laboratory Personnel
medical care can be administered without delay.
POCT uses small instruments that provide rapid, All independent medical laboratories must be
accurate results when used correctly. managed by a pathologist, a physician who special-
Medical personnel can be trained to do lab- izes in disease processes. Additional staffing con-
oratory tests of moderate complexity (as defined sists of clinical laboratory scientists, technicians,
by CLIA ’88) during POCT. The laboratory staff, clinical laboratory assistants, phlebotomists, and
because of their education, knowledge, and expe- medical assistants. Many agencies certify labora-
rience in this area, are responsible for advice and tory personnel.
management of the quality control and various Table 27-1 gives specific information about
aspects of this new area of testing. The extension laboratory personnel, their titles, training required,
of this laboratory service demands cooperation and duties performed within the clinical lab.
and cross-departmental efforts from all nontradi-
tional personnel in the health care facility. POCT
also has provided new career tracks for the labora-
Laboratory Departments
torian, together with multiple skills for several dis- Laboratories are usually divided into departments
ciplines of health care providers. and may even be subdivided, depending on the size
and specialties within the laboratory (Figure 27-1).
POLs. POLs are those laboratories physically set The various departments perform special tests cat-
within the office. Some of the more commonly per- egorized within their expertise (Table 27-2). Cat-
formed medical laboratory tests can easily and inex- egorization becomes evident when test results are
pensively be performed in the office by the medical requested over the telephone or whenever there
assistant. With a simple fingerstick and a few read- is a need to converse with laboratory personnel.
ily available medical supplies, a patient’s blood glu- Through knowledge of the various departments
cose levels can be determined. Another commonly within the laboratory, information can be more
performed test in the ambulatory care setting is readily obtained.
urinalysis, in which urine is physically, chemically,
and microscopically examined for irregularities. Hematology Department. The hematology depart-
With the availability of the many varieties of self- ment tests the formed (cellular) elements of the
816 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Medical Laboratory Techni- Usually has associate’s degree or cer- Performs routine tests
cian (MLT) tificate from an accredited MLT/CLT Performs microscopic exams and utilizes
Clinical Laboratory Techni- program other lab equipment
cian (CLT) May be certified by ASCP or NCA May specialize in one area in the lab
Phlebotomist/Phlebotomy High school and additional phle- Performs venipuncture and skin puncture
Technician (PBT)–ASCP botomy training through a certificate May perform CLIA waived testing
Registered Phlebotomy program or on-the-job training
Collects specimens
Technician (RPT)–AMT May be certified through ASCP, AMT,
Processes specimens for transport
Certified Phlebotomy ASPT, or NCA, and registered under
Technician (CPT)–ASPT state law
Clinical Laboratory
Phlebotomist (CLP)–AMT
Credentialing Associations: AAMA: American Association of Medical Assistants; ABHES: Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools; ASCP:
American Society of Clinical Pathologists; ASPT: American Society for Phlebotomy Technicians; AMT: American Medical Technologists; CAAHEP:
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs; CAP: College of American Pathologists; DHHS: Department of Health and Human
Services; ISCLT: International Society of Clinical Laboratory Technology; NCA: National Credentialing Agency for Medical Laboratory Personnel; NRM:
National Registry of Microbiologists.
blood. These tests may be quantitative or qualitative. the components, such as the size, shape, and maturity
The quantitative tests involve actual number counts of the cells. In addition, the hematology department
such as counting the number of white blood cells tests the ability of the blood components to perform
(WBC), red blood cells (RBC), or platelets. The qual- their individual tasks correctly. An example is testing
itative tests focus on the quality or characteristics of the coagulation ability of clotting factors in blood.
CHAPTER 27 Introduction to the Medical Laboratory 817
Laboratory Manager
Chief Technologist
Laboratory Manager
Cytology Histology Routine Routine Immunohematology Bacteriology
Hematology Chemistry (Blood Bank) Processing
Urinalysis Department. Urinalysis is the physical, against one’s own body (autoimmune), as in rheu-
chemical, and microscopic examination of urine. matic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and
Required cultures are sent to the microbiology or lupus erythematosus. Diseases such as AIDS have
bacteriology department. In a large laboratory, helped move laboratory evaluation of the cellular
the urinalysis department is often located under immune system out of the research setting and into
hematology because of the microscopic examina- the diagnostic setting of the medical laboratory.
tions performed on urine (Figure 27-2). Molecular biology and flow cytometry are becom-
ing commonplace in today’s medical laboratory.
Clinical Chemistry Department. The clinical Traditionally, serology has been an area within the
chemistry department analyzes the chemical com- microbiology department, but with the introduc-
position of blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and joint tion of many new immunologic techniques, most
fluid. Some of the procedures within this depart- medical laboratories now include a separate immu-
ment include assay of enzymes in the serum, serum nology department.
glucose, or electrolyte levels. Toxicology, including
TDM and identification of drugs of abuse, is also Toxicology. The toxicology department tests for
performed in this department. toxic substances in a person’s blood and monitors
any drug usage, therapeutic levels of medication
Immunohematology (Blood Bank) Department. prescribed, or toxicity to the drugs being used.
Immunohematology is a special area that deals with Medications commonly monitored for toxicity are
blood typing procedures, cross-matching, and the digoxin, phenobarbital, lithium, and pain manage-
separation and storage of blood components for ment drugs. Blood tests also determine levels of
transfusion, as well as antibody-antigen reactions. occupational exposure to metals and chemicals in
the course of one’s employment. Testing for drug
Serology (Immunology) Department. The serol- usage/toxicity is now required in a growing num-
ogy (immunology) department is the area of the lab- ber of pre-employment physical examinations.
oratory that performs tests to evaluate the body’s Toxicity levels for chemicals and metals include
immune response, both production of antibodies lead, zinc, iron, copper, arsenic, and carbon diox-
and the cellular immune response. Procedures ide. The Department of Social and Health Services
in this area include the detection of antibodies to requires toxicology tests in child protection cases.
bacteria and viruses, as well as antibodies produced Drug testing is often required for special assistance
818 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Glucose Potassium
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) Bilirubin
Creatinine Cholesterol
Total protein Triglycerides
Albumin Uric acid
Globulin Lactate dehydrogenase, LD (LDH)
Calcium Aspartate aminotransferase, AST (SGOT)
Inorganic phosphorus Alanine aminotransferase, ALT (SGPT)
Chloride Alkaline phosphatase
Sodium Phospholipids
Syphilis detection tests (VDRL, RPR) Rheumatoid Arthritis factor (RA factor)
C-reactive protein test (CRP) Mono test
ABO blood typing Heterophil antibody titer test
Rh typing Hepatitis tests
Rh antibody titer test HIV tests: ELISA and Western blot
Cross-match Antistreptolysin O (ASO) titer
Direct Coombs’ test Pregnancy tests
Cold agglutinins
Candidiasis Pneumonia
Chlamydia Streptococcal sore throat
Diphtheria Tetanus
Gonorrhea Tonsillitis
Meningitis Tuberculosis
Pertussis Urinary tract infection
Amebiasis Scabies
Ascariasis Tapeworm disease (cestodiasis)
Hookworm disease Toxoplasmosis
Malaria Trichinosis
Pinworm disease (enterobiasis) Trichomoniasis
Chromosome studies
Pap test
Tissue analysis
Biopsy studies
in low-income housing and other public financial Microbiology Department. The microbiology
assistance programs. The reasons for drug testing department is the area in the laboratory where
are wide and varied and are growing every year, microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi are
making this department larger than in the past. grown in an appropriate medium, cultured, and
then identified. Sensitivity tests are then performed
DNA. The second area within the medical laboratory to identify which antibiotics can effectively eradi-
growing larger each year is the DNA department. cate the pathogenic organisms. The combination
With the advent of DNA tests for proving paternity of culturing and identifying the best antibiotic is
and maternity of children and the growing use of called culture and sensitivity (C&S). Mycology is an
DNA testing for criminal cases, DNA testing is quickly area within the microbiology department where
becoming a major focus in many laboratories. fungi are studied. Virology is an area within the
820 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Table 27-3 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Approved Organ- and Disease-
Oriented Panels (with Current Procedural Terminology [CPT] Codes), Updated October 2008
CBC w/manual differential (80054) or CBC w/automated Syphilis test, qualitative (e.g., VDRL, RPR) (86592)
differential (85025) Antibody screen, RBC (86850)
Hepatitis B surface antigen (87340) Blood typing, ABO (86900) and Rh (D) (86901)
Rubella antibody (86762)
Courtesy Copy/Comments
Insurance Information
Patient Information
Mailing Address
Medicare Number
ICD.9 Diagnosis Code(s) Physician Notice: For reimbursement, Medicare requires ABN signature
review (see reverse side) be made for the following tests in bold, that may NOT
REQUIRED be covered under “Medical Necessity”.
STAT Phone Results # Fasting Last Dose Collected By Date
Comments/Additional Tests
FAX Report # hrs
Date/Time ID REQUIRED Time
Alphabetical Test Listing CODE Alphabetical Test Listing CODE Alphabetical Test Listing CODE Alphabetical Test Listing CODE Microbiology
ABO 50100 Rh 50200 R Creatinine 30570 S Hepatitis Panel, Acute 40781 S Prolactin 40450 S Indicate Exact Specimen Source
Albumin 30590 S Creatinine, Urine, 24hr 32100 U • Hep A Ab (IgM) • HBcAb (IgM) Protein, Urine U
Alkaline Phosphatase 30670 S Creatinine, Urine, Ran 32081 U • HBsAg • Hep C Ab RAN 32180 24hr 32200 AFB Culture with Smear 64450
Alpha-fetoprotein 41150 S Creatinine Clearance 32240 S,U HIV-1 & -2 Antibody 42007 S PSA, Diagnostic 42158 S C. difficile Toxin 68016
ALT (SGPT) 30680 S C-Reactive Protein (CRP) 58200 S HIV-1 RNA, PCR, Quant 42015 L PSA, Screen 41954 S Chlamydia Only, Amplified 68361
Amylase 31710 S CRP, Cardiac Risk 43575 S Homocysteine 43600 L PSA Ratio, Free & Total 42147 S Chlamydia/GC, Amplified 68395
ANA (with Reflex) 69107 S Digoxin 33060 S Iron 30720 S PT (Protime w/INR) 25000 B Fungal Culture 64300
Anitbody Screen 50500 R Electrolytes 31310 S Iron, TRF Sat., (TIBC) 44210 S PTH (Whole Molecule) 40571 L Giardia Antigen 67031
AST (SGOT) 30700 S • Na • K • Cl • CO2 LDH 30710 S PTT, Activated 25100 B Gram Stain, Direct 60050
B12 41250 S Electrophoresis, Serum 48010 S LDL Direct 43571 S Reticulocyte Count 21150 L Herpes simplex Virus Culture 68263
B12/Folate 41311 S Electrophoresis, Urine 48310 U LH 40500 S Rheumatoid Factor 44480 S Herpes/Varicella Virus Culture 68277
Basic Metabolic Panel 31307 S ESR (Sed Rate) 21050 L Lipase 31740 S RPR 58800 S Influenza A & B, Direct Exam 65092
• Na • K • Cl • CO2 Estradiol 41600 S Lipid Panel 1 43560 S Rubella 58681 S KOH Prep 64200
• BUN • Creat • Gluc • Ca Ferritin 41350 S • Chol • HDL • Trig • LDL Semen, Post Vasectomy 23540 Se Ova & Parasite 67002
BNP 31379 L Folate 41300 S • Chol/HDL • LDL/HDL T3, Free 40070 S Pinworm Prep 67200
BUN 30560 S FSH 40400 S Rflx Direct LDL, Trig> 400 43562 T3, Total 40200 S Polys (WBC’s) 67455
Bilirubin, Total 30640 S GGT 30690 S Lithium 33320 S T4 (Thyroxine) 40000 S Rapid Strep-A Antigen,
Bilirubin, Direct 30650 S Glucose 30550 S Lymphocyte T-Cell Subsets 29100 LGN T4, Free 40050 S Culture if Negative 65100
CA 125 41050 S Glucose Tolerance Test hrs S Lymphocytes, T-Helper 29150 LGN Free Thyroxine Index, S Rotavirus 68073
CA 19.9 42900 S Glucose 2hr PP 31820 S Magnesium 31280 SS FTI (T4 + TU) 40025 Trichomonas Wet Mount 60103
CA 27.29 41061 S hCG-beta, Quantitative 41100 S Microalbumin, Urine U Thyroid Peroxidase Ab 34720 S Culture, Bacterial
Calcium 30610 S hCG-beta, Tumor Marker 41110 S Ran 43980 24hr 42101 Theophylline 33430 S Anaerobic 61653
Carbamazepine (Tegretol) 33050 S HCV RNA, PCR, Quant 40738 L Timed hrs min 42100 Total Protein 30580 S Blood 60250
Cardiolipin Abs, IgG, IgM 27500 S H. pylori, lgG 58322 S Microalbumin/Creat Ratio 43985 U Triglycerides 30730 S CSF 60450
CBC w/auto differential 20000 L Hemoglobin AIC (Glycol) 42550 L Monotest 58550 S Troponin I 31378 S Catheter Tip 60420
Hemogram Only 20150 Hepatic Function Panel 31306 S Occult Blood Screen 67100 F TSH 40250 S E. coli – 0157, Only 61227
CEA 41000 S • Alk Phos • Alb • DBil • TBil • TP Occult Blood Diagnostic 67105 F TSH with Reflex 40012 S GC Only 60750
Cholesterol 30740 S • ALT (SGPT) • AST (SGOT) Phenytoin (Dilantin) 33360 S Testosterone 40550 S Genital, Full Culture 60800
CK, Total 31350 S Hep A Ab, IgM 42114 S Phenytoin, Free & Total 87060 R Uric Acid 30630 S Group-B Strep Only, Genital 60217
Comp Metabolic Panel 31305 S Hep B Core Ab, IgM 42141 S Phosphorus 30620 S UA & Microscopic 24080 U MRSA Screen, Nares 60867
• Na • K • Cl • CO2 • Gluc Hep C Ab 40711 S Potassium/NA 30510 S UA & Microscopic, Reflex U Sputum/Trach/Bronch 61100
• BUN • Creat • Ca • AST • ALT Hepatitis B Immunity Scrn 40770 S Prealbumin 44470 S with C&S if Indicated 11850 Stool, Full Culture 61150
• TP • Alb • A/G • Alk Phos • TBil HBsAg 42127 S Progesterone 41750 S Strep-A Screen, Throat 60207
Throat Culture 61350
Urine Culture 61500
Lab Use Only Wound, 61657
Veni A 95370 C 95372
NH 99561
Hfee 1 2 3
Many payors (including Medicare and Medicaid) have a necessity requirement for the diagnosis and treatment of the patient,
therefore, only those tests which are medically necessary should be ordered.
are extremely important, especially if the patient The clinical diagnosis may also alert the labora-
does not live with the subscriber. Some patients tory personnel to any possible special consid-
have secondary insurance coverage. Be sure to erations of which to be aware. For example, if
include that data also. The laboratory would pre- diabetes is suspected, the laboratory will give
fer to receive an additional sheet of information special consideration to the glucose value. The
than to have incomplete insurance records in its diagnosis or preferably the ICD-9 code is also nec-
business office. essary for billing.
• Unique patient identifier. This can be an identifica- • Urgency of results. Sometimes the provider needs
tion number that is hospital or laboratory gener- a test to be performed immediately (STAT) or
ated. In the outpatient setting, this can be the would like a result as soon as possible (ASAP). The
patient’s Social Security number or date of birth. provider’s orders need to be clearly stated on the
requisition. Additional space is also provided for
• Patient’s age/date of birth and sex. Age and sex both
other special instructions if necessary.
influence the results of some tests and should not
be assumed. • Special collection/patient instructions. Examples in-
clude fasting specimens, timed collections, and
• Source of specimen. This information is especially
“do not collect from a specific area” instructions.
important when dealing with tests such as cultures
and biopsies. In the case of cultures, knowing the • If copies of the results are to be sent to a second pro-
source of the specimen aids the laboratory in vider, the medical assistant must include the provid-
determining whether the specimen contains nor- er’s full name, address, and fax number. Be careful
mal flora or is abnormal for that area of the body. to print the fax number clearly so that the patient’s
results are not sent to the wrong place in error.
• Time and date of the specimen collection. Some tests
require that the specimen be tested fairly quickly
after leaving the body; other tests must be per- The laboratory will send back a written
formed after a certain period has elapsed. The time report (Figure 27-4) that will contain the follow-
and date of the specimen collection are important ing information:
because accuracy can be compromised if the speci-
men is not sent to the laboratory in a reasonable • Name, address, and telephone number of the lab-
amount of time. oratory
• Test requested. This is usually a matter of putting a • Referring provider’s name, address, and identifica-
check mark in the appropriate box on the requi- tion numbers
sition, but it is surprising how often laboratories • Patient’s name, identification number, age, and
receive specimens with nicely completed requisi- sex
tions and no indication of the test desired.
• Date the specimen was received by the laboratory
• Medications the patient is taking. Because medica-
• Date and time the specimen was collected
tion can influence some test results, it is important
that the laboratory be provided this information. • Date the laboratory reported the results
Patients are often asked to refrain from taking • The test name, results, and normal reference
certain medications before testing. Be sure to ranges if applicable
consult with the provider to verify orders. If a
medication is not discontinued before testing, Lab requisitions may be electronically gen-
the type of medication, the dosage amount, and
the time of the last dose must be included on the E HR erated using an electronic health record
(EHR) program and completed on screen
and then either printed for the patient to take to
• Clinical diagnosis. The provider’s tentative diagno- the outside lab or sent electronically to the lab.
sis is useful to the laboratory in helping to differ- Occasionally a requisition will be faxed to a lab
entiate between diagnoses or confirm a diagnosis. if the EHR is not available. Interestingly, today’s
medical clinic staff may perform a combination
of electronic and manual communication with
Many offices copy both sides of the patient’s insurance card and
outside labs. Eventually the electronic format will
attach the copies to the laboratory requisition. This ensures the replace all manual methods.
laboratory will have all the insurance information it needs to bill Reports are sent to the provider by fax (Fig-
for its services. ure 27-5), manually delivered to the clinic, or sent
electronically using EHR software (Figure 27-6).
CHAPTER 27 Introduction to the Medical Laboratory 825
Abnormal test results are always flagged in tories often send results via computer-generated
some way, either in a different color, a different col- reports directly to the provider’s office or hospital.
umn, or perhaps designated by a star or simply by H
(for high) or L (for low). Critical values (results that
may indicate serious medical conditions) are alerted
to the provider by a phone call from the laboratory.
When the results are received, the medical
assistant should attach them to the patient’s chart
for the provider to review and initial before fil-
ing them. The provider should be alerted to any
abnormal test results as soon as possible. Labora-
If a patient wants a copy of the results
HIPAA for his or her own records, the provider
must send permission or the patient
will need to sign a release form.This is required Figure 27-5 The computerized laboratory report
by HIPAA. is transmitted directly from the reference lab to the
provider’s office.
826 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Patient Education
The patient will often need to be instructed
on a specific preparation before a specimen
is taken. Because food and medication
can greatly influence test results, a patient
may need to be instructed not to eat for
several hours before having the specimen
taken or drawn. Fasting means the patient
may not have anything except water for
the 12 hours before the test. NPO means
the patient may not have even water. The
patient may need to refrain from taking a
routine dosage of medication before the
test is performed. Sometimes the patient
preparation instructions will include a special
diet for a few days. Regardless of how simple
instructions may seem, it is important to give
the patient clear, written directions. Take
the time to go over any instructions with
the patient (and sometimes other family
members). Your patients will welcome the
opportunity to ask questions and to have a
written set of instructions to take home.
bacteria, clearly. An oil-immersion lens is needed Another type of microscope is the electron
to view bacteria closely. microscope (Figure 27-10). Special training is
The oil-immersion lens give the ability to mul- required to operate this sophisticated instrument.
tiply the ocular lens magnification (10x) by one The electron microscope is large (several feet tall)
hundred (100x) to reach a possible total magnifi- and expensive; therefore, it is only found in larger
cation of one thousand times normal life size (10x regional and hospital laboratories. An electronic
⫻ 100x ⫽ 1,000x). Because more light is needed to beam, rather than light, is passed through the
actually see this amount of magnification, the lens specimen. The image is projected onto a fluores-
is immersed in oil. This prevents the scattering and cent screen and may then be photographed and
loss of light rays, which naturally occurs when light enlarged. The electron microscope provides views
travels through air, consequently increasing the of extremely small organisms, such as viruses, in
efficiency of the magnification. great detail and in three dimensions. Figure 27-11
Other types of microscopes have been shows blood cells seen using an electron micro-
developed especially for specific uses. The phase- scope.
contrast microscope is specifically designed
for viewing specimens that are transparent and
unstained. Some microscopic specimens must be
How to Use a Microscope
stained with a fluorescent dye to be examined in Besides being able to adjust a microscope’s mag-
detail (e.g., when detecting specific bacteria). A nification, it may be necessary to adjust focus. The
fluorescent microscope is the instrument best microscope contains a coarse adjustment and a
suited for viewing those specimens. In dark-field fine adjustment. The coarse adjustment is to be
microscopy, the light is reflected from an angle, used with the low-power (short) objective only.
which causes the specimen to appear as a bright The coarse adjustment is used to bring the object
object on a dark field. into view. The fine adjustment may then be used to
sharpen the image. Depending on the individual
microscope, the coarse and fine adjustments may
raise and lower the nosepiece, which houses the
objectives, or they may raise and lower the stage, or
platform, on which the slide rests.
It is important always to remember to raise
the platform of the lower objectives using the
coarse adjustment and the low-power objective
while viewing the slide from the side. This allows the
lens to come close to the slide without actually
touching it. If the slide is not viewed from the side
How to Care for a Microscope Figure 27-12 The proper way to carry a microscope.
Procedure 27-1
Using the Microscope
Hand disinfectant
Microscope (monocular or binocular)
Lens paper
Lens cleaner
PURPOSE: Prepared slides (commercially available)
To properly use a microscope to view microscopic Immersion oil
organisms using the coarse and fine adjustments, as Surface disinfectant
well as the low- and high-power and oil-immersion NOTE: Procedure will vary slightly according to micro-
objectives. scope design. Consult the operating procedure in
the microscope manual for specific instructions.
CHAPTER 27 Introduction to the Medical Laboratory 831
832 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
30. Clean the oculars, 10x objective, and 403 objec- 34. Position the eyepiece in the lowest position using
tive with clean lens paper and lens cleaner. the coarse adjustment.
31. Clean the 100x objective with lens paper and 35. Center the stage so that it does not project from
lens cleaner to remove all oil. either side of the microscope.
32. Clean any oil from the microscope stage and - 36. Cover the microscope and return it to storage.
condenser. 37. Clean the work area; return slides to storage.
33. Turn off the microscope light and disconnect. 38. Wash hands.
If disease did not exist, we would have little need for clinical laboratories. If we were not susceptible to viral
illnesses, if bacteria never infected our bodies, if our bodies always operated in their healthiest state regard-
less of what we did to them, and, perhaps most important of all, if we chose our parents wisely, there would
be little that a clinical laboratory would be asked to do. The fact that our bodies are susceptible to disease
necessitates the existence of clinical laboratories.
Together with clinical laboratory personnel, medical assistants play an important role in laboratory
testing. They prepare patients for tests, obtain specimens, and perform simple, routine tests or send speci-
mens to the appropriate laboratory. Medical assistants are educated to perform these tasks in a manner
that ensures the accuracy of the test and safeguards the health of patients and health care personnel.
CHAPTER 27 Introduction to the Medical Laboratory 833
° Multiple Choice
° Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet by completing the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on the textbook CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
Multiple Choice c. the patient’s file
1. All of the following statements concerning point-of- d. an insurance form
care testing are true except: 6. The most commonly used microscope in the clinic
a. performed at the patient’s bedside is the:
b. must be performed by certified laboratory a. fluorescent microscope
professionals b. electron microscope
c. provides for rapid, accurate results c. phase-contrast microscope
d. the medical laboratory’s role includes training d. compound microscope
and management of quality control
2. Independent medical laboratories must be man- Critical Thinking
aged by a: 1. A patient asks you to recommend a laboratory for
a. clinical laboratory technologist the tests ordered by the provider. How will you
b. pathologist respond to the request? What are some factors that
c. clinical laboratory technician will influence your response?
d. medical assistant 2. A patient performed a pregnancy test at home, but
3. The hematology department of a laboratory: her provider has requested a pregnancy test in the
a. studies microorganisms and their activities office. Explain to the patient why the home test
b. studies blood and blood-forming tissues may not be as accurate as the test performed in the
c. detects the presence of disease-producing office.
human parasites or eggs present in specimens 3. The provider has ordered a metabolic panel for a
taken from the body patient. What is a panel, and how will it help the
d. detects the presence of abnormal tissues provider to diagnose the patient’s condition?
4. The quality of patient test results is maintained by: 4. Explain why it is important to handle and process
a. instrument calibration procedures specimens, test kits, and chemicals properly.
b. preventative maintenance procedures 5. The time and date of specimen collection were not
c. quality control testing included on the requisition form. Why are these
d. all of the above data always important to the laboratory?
5. When a patient or specimen is sent to a laboratory 6. Explain how a compound microscope is able to
for testing, the medical assistant also sends: magnify.
a. a written requisition
b. a report
834 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
OBJECTIVES (continued)
3. Explain why the medical assistant has a special responsibility to
present a neat, pleasant, and competent demeanor.
4. Differentiate between serum and plasma.
5. State the relationship between diameter and the gauge of the
6. Explain the principle of the vacuum tube system.
7. State the manner in which anticoagulants prevent coagulation.
8. Name the anticoagulant associated with the various color-coded
vacuum tubes.
9. State the purpose of additives to vacuum tubes.
10. Explain the three skills used in collecting blood specimens.
11. Explain the importance of correct patient identification; com-
plete specimen labeling; and proper handling, storage, and
12. Describe the step-by-step procedure for drawing blood with a
syringe, vacuum tube system, butterfly, or capillary puncture.
13. Explain how to handle the various reactions a patient might
have to venipuncture.
14. List two items commonly used in phlebotomy that may cause a
problem with a patient who has a latex sensitivity or allergy.
At Inner City Health Care, medical assistant Bruce dent and professional in his interactions with patients.
Goldman often performs venipunctures. Bruce is per- He is always well-groomed, and he treats patients with
sonable and has an easy-going manner that makes respect. Using his social, technical, and administrative
patients feel comfortable with him. He takes time to skills, Bruce is usually able to collect the necessary
talk to patients before performing a venipuncture to blood samples while providing a positive experience
determine their feelings about the procedure and to for patients.
learn about their previous experiences. Bruce is confi-
The task of collecting blood samples from patients for cross trained to do phlebotomy and other tasks. Many
diagnostic testing is known as phlebotomy. The health health care settings do not have enough patients to jus-
care professional who performs this duty varies at tify having a phlebotomist available at all times. There-
each health care setting. The task of phlebotomy is not fore, the medical assistant may be designated to perform
restricted to one individual. A variety of individuals are phlebotomy procedures.
CHAPTER 28 Phlebotomy: Venipuncture and Capillary Puncture 837
3. Allow the specimen to clot with the tube in the be specified by the laboratory or testing require-
upright position in a rack for at least 30 minutes ments. Preparing the plasma specimen for trans-
but no longer than an hour. port or testing is similar to serum preparation:
4. Centrifuge the tube at 2,500 g for 15 minutes. 1. Perform venipuncture by the preferred method.
5. Store the tube upright or transfer the serum to a 2. Invert the tube 8 to 10 times to mix the blood with
plastic transport vial for pickup by the laboratory. the anticoagulant.
These are usually frozen specimens and require a
3. Centrifuge the tube at 2,500 g for 10 minutes.
stat pickup. Check the manual to see indications.
4. Transfer the plasma to a plastic transport vial for
There will be different requirements for differ- pickup by the laboratory. Do not allow any blood
ent laboratories. NOTE: Do not use serum separa- cells to mix with the plasma specimen. Indicate
tor tubes for therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)
or toxicology studies. The gel has a tendency to
absorb the drugs, thereby decreasing the accuracy Uncoagulated Clotted
of the test results. Collect these samples in a plain Blood Blood
red-top vacuum tube. Remove the serum immedi-
ately (if indicated in the test requirements) after
centrifugation and place it in a plastic transport
vial. Indicate if the specimen is a serum specimen
or for type and cross match. (Usually Hazy) Serum
(Contains Fibrinogen)
the specimen as a plasma specimen and what type for venipuncture is the antecubital space, which is
of anticoagulant was used. There will be different located anterior to the elbow on the inside of the
requirements for different laboratories. Refer to arm. The veins are near the surface and are large
your laboratory user manual for the appropriate enough to give access to the blood (Figure 28-4).
test requirements. The median cubital vein is the vein that is used the
majority of the time. When this vein is not avail-
To prepare whole blood specimens for trans- able, any of the other veins that can be felt may be
port or testing: used. These veins include the basilic, cephalic, and
1. Perform venipuncture by the preferred method. median veins. When necessary, veins on the dorsal
surface of the hand or wrist may be used for veni-
2. Invert the tube 8 to 10 times to mix the blood with
puncture, but they are more painful for the patient
the anticoagulant.
and may require a smaller needle or the use of a
3. Maintain the tube at room temperature unless butterfly apparatus.
otherwise instructed. Never freeze a whole-blood The veins of the feet are an alternative when
sample unless specifically instructed to do so. the arms are not available. The provider’s permis-
sion is needed before drawing blood from the veins
of the legs and feet. The provider may not want
Collection of Blood Specimens the patient’s leg or foot veins punctured because
The most commonly used method for blood col- the act of drawing blood may cause clots to form.
lection is venipuncture. To obtain a blood sample, These clots then have the possibility of dislodging
the medical assistant must locate a vein that is and causing a blockage elsewhere in the body. It
acceptable for blood collection. The preferred site would be extremely rare for a medical assistant
Radial Artery
Ulnar Artery
Figure 28-4 Superficial veins of the arm. Figure 28-5 Arteries of the arm.
CHAPTER 28 Phlebotomy: Venipuncture and Capillary Puncture 841
to use this location. The provider should be con- a blood sample. The three methods used to per-
sulted before a foot puncture is considered. The form venipuncture are the syringe method, the
person performing a foot draw must be specially vacuum tube method, and the butterfly method.
trained for that procedure. Each method has advantages and disadvantages
The arteries in the arm consist of the brachial (Table 28-1). It is important that the well-trained
artery in the brachial region of the arm and the medical assistant have options when attempting
radial and ulnar arteries in the wrist (Figure 28-5). to draw blood from a wide range of patients in a
Special techniques are necessary to puncture arter- variety of situations. There will be times in one’s
ies to obtain a blood specimen for the examination career when one method will be preferred over
of gases absorbed by the blood. Arterial punctures another. Regardless of which method is chosen to
and the techniques used to draw blood from these perform the blood draw, the blood will probably
locations for blood gas testing are not generally be transferred into a vacuum tube eventually. This
done by a medical assistant. Refer to individual is because vacuum tubes contain the chemicals
state laws for specific training and certification/ and substances necessary for the blood tests to be
registration requirements. performed.
Small or fragile veins Least likely to collapse vein Syringe not as safe because tube
Difficult draws Less painful to patient transfer is necessary
Small children or older Can attach syringe Specimen may be hemolyzed
Butterfly adult patients Not good for large amounts of
assembly Can attach tube adapter
Least likely to pass through small
Good specimen quality
Size Comments
Another type of needle used in venipuncture is
Figure 28-6 (A) Safety syringes with needles, before the special needle, designed for use with the vacuum
and after safety mechanisms are engaged. (B) Pull tube method. This needle has a double end—the
entire casing over the needle to engage this type of longer needle to puncture the vein and the shorter
safety mechanism. Once engaged, it is locked into needle to puncture into the vacuum tube (Figure
place. (C) With the thumb and forefinger, press the 28-7). These needles also come in a variety of gauges
safety mechanism over the needle; or, an even safer and lengths; the most common is the same as the
technique is to press it against a hard surface such as standard needle described previously: 20, 21, and
the edge of the counter. Be sure to listen for the click. 22 gauge, 1 to 1.5 inches in length. When selecting a
Once engaged, the safety mechanism should be firmly double-ended needle for use with the vacuum tube,
locked in place. you will use a multidraw needle, which enables draw-
ing of more than one tube of blood. The multidraw
needles come with a rubber sheath over the shorter
and coloring, thus there is really no significance needle, which goes into the vacuum tube. This rub-
related to the color and design of syringes. Most ber sheath prevents blood from leaking out of the
syringes used in venipuncture will be 5 and 10 mL needle during tube changes. Multidraw needles are
in size. Some syringes are designed with a Luer- sometimes referred to as multisample or multiple
Lok tip. This tip allows the needle to be securely sample needles.
twisted onto the syringe. The Luer-Lok tip may be
preferred to the push-on tip for additional safety
for the user. Vein puncturing Tube puncturing
Needles attached to syringes and used for end end
venipuncture do not necessarily differ in function
and design from needles used for injections (Fig-
ure 28-6). They come in a wide variety of lengths
and gauges. Most common sizes for venipuncture Bevel Shaft Hub Rubber sleeve
covering needle
are 20, 21, and 22 gauges and about 1 or 1.5 inches
in length (Table 28-2). Sixteen-gauge needles are
often used for blood banking procedures. Remem- Figure 28-7 Multidraw needle for vacuum tube
ber, the larger the number, the smaller the gauge. blood collection system.
CHAPTER 28 Phlebotomy: Venipuncture and Capillary Puncture 843
Figure 28-8 (A) Winged infusion set (butterfly) with Figure 28-9 Puncture Guard is one type of safety
safety needle. (B) Butterfly attached to syringe. needle. (Courtesy of BioPlexus, Inc., Tolland, CT)
Another type of needle used in venipuncture Guard system (Figure 28-9). Before withdrawing the
is on a “winged” infusion set called the butterfly needle from the patient’s vein, a cannula is clicked
collection system (Figure 28-8). Because of the rea- into place. The cannula fills the inside of the nee-
sons for using the butterfly collection system, the dle, virtually blunting the tip. Another option is the
needles are smaller, usually 21 or 23 gauge. Eclipse system by Becton-Dickinson (Figure 28-10),
More details about each collection method which requires the medical assistant to snap a cover
are discussed later in this chapter. over the needle after it is removed from the vein.
A third option, called the Safety-Lok, also manu-
factured by Becton-Dickinson, requires the medi-
Safety Needles and Blood cal assistant to slide the cover over the needle until
Collection Systems it locks into place. Whichever system you choose,
The Occupational Safety and Health Administra- always combine the safest equipment with the saf-
tion (OSHA) requires that safety needles be made est practices for the best all-around benefit for you,
available to employees to prevent on-the-job needle- your coworkers, and your patients. Many accidents
stick injuries. The huge variety of safety needles and occur when we become distracted or hurried in our
blood collection systems currently available greatly tasks.
reduces the risks for accidental needlesticks. The
main issue is deciding which to select for use in Vacuum Tubes and Adapters/
your clinic based on personal preferences. OSHA
requires that employers make purchasing decisions
based on formal feedback from front-line employ- The vacuum tube system is often called the Vacu-
ees rather than costs and administrative contracts. tainer system. Vacutainer can be a misnomer
This means that you have a great deal of choice because the term Vacutainer ® is a brand name for
about what systems you select to use. It is recom- the vacuum tube system manufactured by Becton-
mended that you examine a variety of safety systems Dickinson. Medical assistants often say Vacutainer
on a regular basis to determine which one gives you when they are using another company’s product.
the greatest protection from accidental needlestick Vacuum tubes are vacuum-packed test tubes
injury. These systems are often referred to as needle- with rubber stoppers. The safest ones are made
stick prevention devices (NPDs). Among the avail- of plastic and have screw-on caps. They are avail-
able systems are passive systems in which the needle able in a variety of sizes for a variety of uses (Figure
is automatically covered when withdrawn and sys- 28-11). Vacuum tubes come plain or with added
tems that require the medical assistant to activate chemicals or substances necessary for the appropri-
a mechanism of covering the needle. Within each ate test to be run. The color of the rubber stopper
type are many options and brands. This chapter dis- designates the additive inside the tube. Although
cusses and shows a few currently available options in most colors are universal regardless of manufac-
no particular order. The first is the Plexus Puncture turer, the shades may vary and can be confusing
844 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Anticoagulants, Additives,
and Gels
Different tests require different types of blood
C specimens. Some specimens require a serum
sample and need to be drawn in a tube that allows
Figure 28-10 Three Eclipse safety needles for use the blood to clot. Others require a whole-blood
with vacuum tubes. (A) Needle capped, safety mecha- or plasma specimen and need to be drawn in a
nism not engaged. (B) Needle exposed, safety mecha- tube that does not allow the blood to clot. Addi-
nism not engaged. (C) Safety mechanism engaged. tives are put into the tubes during manufacturing.
1. Uncoagulated blood
2. Calcium utilized
5. Clot forms
Effects on Blood clots, and the serum is separated by Anticoagulants with lithium heparin:
Effects on
Specimen: centrifugation plasma is separated with PST gel at the
bottom of the tube
Chemistries, Immunology and Serology,
Blood Bank (Crossmatch) Uses: Chemistries
Gold Top
Light Blue Top
Contains: Separating gel and clot activator
Contains: Sodium citrate (Na Citrate)
Serum separator tube (SST) contains a gel
Effects on Effects on
at the bottom to separate the blood from
Specimen: Forms calcium salts to remove calcium
serum on centrifugation Specimen:
Serology, endocrine, immunology, including Uses: Coagulation tests (PT, PTT, TCT, CMV),
HIV tube must be filled 100%
Figure 28-14 Collection tubes and their additives for phlebotomy (continues).
846 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Effects on Effects on
Inactivates thrombin and thromboplastin Complement inactivation
Specimen: Specimen:
Clot activators consists of silica (small glass) tops have clot activators in them. The glass red top
particles on the sides of the tubes that initiate the vacuum tubes do not.
clotting process. The silica particles work as a cata- Serum and plasma tubes can also be pur-
lyst for the clotting process by promoting the clot- chased with a thixotropic separator gel (Figure 28-
ting process. The plastic vacuum tubes with the red 15). The gel is an inert material that undergoes a
temporary change in viscosity during centrifuga-
tion. When centrifuged, the gel changes to a liquid
and moves up the sides of the tube to create a bar-
rier between the blood cells or clot and the liquid
Actions of Additives portion of the blood. The gel then forms a solid
Potassium oxalate Binds calcium plug and separates the cells/clot from the plasma/
Sodium fluoride Inhibits glycolysis serum (Figure 28-16).
Sodium citrate Binds calcium
EDTA Binds calcium
Lithium heparin Inhibits prothrombin to thrombin Order of Draw
No additive Clot naturally forms
Sodium Binds calcium The order in which blood is drawn or mixed with
polyanetholesulfonate the additives is important. Sterile collection bottles
(SPS) (for blood cultures) need to be filled first to prevent
Glass particles/silica Promotes clotting any contamination. After the sterile culture tubes
Ammonium heparin Inhibits prothrombin to thrombin are drawn, the order for the other tubes is related
to the additives in them. It does not matter whether
CHAPTER 28 Phlebotomy: Venipuncture and Capillary Puncture 847
Figure 28-15 Standard vacuum tubes. (A) SST (red/ Lavender top, then pink, white,
EDTA tubes
gray or “speckled top”) top tube contains clot activa- or royal blue
tors and thixotropic gel. (B) Standard red top (glass)
tube contains no anticoagulant but might contain glass Glycolytic inhibitor Gray top
particles/silica on the inside walls to irritate the throm-
bocytes to promote clotting. FDP Dark blue
Serum or Serum or
Plasma Serum or
Plasma Plasma
Gel Gel
Gel Cells Cells
blood pressure should be taken first, and then the Table 28-5 Steps in Venipuncture
cuff should be maintained slightly below the dia-
stolic pressure (average: 40 mm Hg). 1. Identify the patient.
Results from
6 mL
Regional/ Results to Outside
National Labs Providers
244866 3857748 2005-12
REF./Best Nr: LOT/Ch.-8: Exp./Verw bis:
Test Reports
Quality Assurance & Controls
Safety Standards
labels for identifying specimen tubes from one patient.
(B) The medical assistant applies a computer-
generated label to the patient’s specimen tube.
Safety Box
If you accidentally puncture an artery, you will see
Figure 28-21 Applying a tourniquet. (A) Wrap the that the blood is a brighter color. This is due to the
oxygenation of arterial blood versus venous blood.
tourniquet around the arm 3 to 4 inches above the veni-
Go ahead and calmly fill the tubes. Often the laboratory can run
puncture site. Keeping the tourniquet flat to the skin the blood tests on arterial blood just as with venous blood. After
will help minimize the discomfort felt by the patient. the needle is removed, pressure needs to be held for a full 3
(B) Stretch the tourniquet tight and cross the ends. minutes (longer if the patient is taking a blood thinner such as
(C) While holding the ends tight, tuck one portion of Coumadin). As with any phlebotomy procedure, make sure the
the tourniquet under the other. (D) The tourniquet bleeding has stopped before the patient leaves your care. While
should not be loose and the ends should be secure. The the patient is still there, check with the lab. If the test requires
ends of the tourniquet should be pointed upward and venous blood, you will need to repeat the procedure.
not hanging into the intended venipuncture site.
CHAPTER 28 Phlebotomy: Venipuncture and Capillary Puncture 853
Serum Red 5
Figure 28-25 Vacuum tubes should be inverted several times (not shaken) to mix the addi-
tives well.
samples, syringes do not need to be changed; only wings. Six or twelve inches of tubing leads from the
the tubes need to be changed. needle. On the other end of this tubing is a hub
The similarity between the vacuum tube sys- that can attach to a syringe. A needle covered by a
tem and the syringe system is that the holder and rubber sleeve can also be attached to the tubing.
needle are held in the same manner (Figure 28- The covered needle screws into an evacuated tube
26). The syringe is held in a manner that allows holder (Figure 28-27).
the medical assistant access to pull on the plunger. The butterfly system is used for small veins
Access must be left in the vacuum tube system for that are difficult to puncture with the vacuum
one tube to be pulled out and another inserted. tube system and standard vacuum tube system
The hand that pulled on the plunger of the syringe needle. The system also facilitates drawing from
is the hand that changes tubes with the vacuum veins that have a tendency to collapse. The winged
tube system. needle of the butterfly needle will slide into a
The procedure for venipuncture with the small surface vein in the back of the hand, wrist,
vacuum tube system follows the same steps as the or foot. Instead of entering the vein at the usual
syringe method with only slight variations. 15-degree angle, the winged needle is inserted at
a 5- to 10-degree angle, and then threaded into
the vein. This procedure anchors the needle in
Butterfly Needle Collection the center of a small vein that is inaccessible by
System other methods. If the patient moves, the tubing
The butterfly collection system combines the ben- gives flexibility so the needle will stay anchored
efits of the syringe system and the vacuum tube
system. The butterfly collection system has on one
end a 21- or 23-gauge needle with attached plastic
Immediately remove the tourniquet, then the needle, and stop the patient from falling. Lower
the patient’s head and arms. Wipe the patient’s forehead and back of the neck with a cold
Syncope (fainting)
compress if necessary. If the patient does not respond, notify the provider, move the patient to
the floor, and place a pillow under the patient’s legs
If a patient becomes nauseated, apply cold compresses to the patient’s forehead. Give the
Nausea patient an emesis basin, and have facial tissues ready if the nausea does not diminish. Deep,
slow breathing through the mouth may help
The first signs of insulin shock are a cold sweat and pallor similar to the signs of syncope. The
Insulin shock or patient becomes weak and shaky, sudden mental confusion may follow, and it appears as
hypoglycemia though the patient’s personality changes instantly. Call the provider if the patient loses con-
sciousness. This can happen especially to patients having a fasting blood sugar test
The patient loses consciousness and exhibits violent or mild convulsive motions. Do not try to
restrain the patient. Move objects or furniture out of the way to prevent the patient from striking
Convulsions objects and being hurt. Help the patient to the floor and into a reclining position. The patient
usually recovers within a few minutes. Notify the provider about the patient’s reaction. The pro-
vider will determine when to release the patient
Criteria for Rejection all inclusive. The type of specimen that is accept-
of a Specimen able and the volume required are determined by
the procedure ordered. The quality-control checks
The primary goal of the medical assistant is to pro- done by the laboratory may indicate the results are
vide an acceptable specimen for laboratory testing as valid. If the results do not agree with what the pro-
required by the provider. Certain general criteria must vider believes is the patient’s diagnosis, the blood
be met for a specimen to be acceptable. If the crite- specimen may need to be redrawn to confirm the
ria are not met, the specimen is rejected and another results. This is accomplished by either retesting
venipuncture of the patient must be performed. the specimen or collecting another sample. This
Table 28-8 lists quality-assurance controls for will either reconfirm that blood was drawn from
specimen collection and processing. The list is not the correct patient or that the patient’s test results
changed significantly.
Table 28-8 Quality Assurance for Specimen Table 28-9 Factors Affecting Laboratory
Collection and Processing Results
1. Each specimen must have its own label attached to Factor Effect
the specimen’s primary container.
2. Each specimen must have a laboratory requisition label. When drawing a specimen for
blood alcohol testing, a nonalco-
3. Labels must have the patient’s complete name and hol-based antiseptic should be
Blood alcohol
identification number, date of birth, date and time, and used to clean the venipuncture site.
your signature. The cleansing alcohol may falsely
elevate the test result.
4. Specimens in syringes with needles still attached are
unacceptable. Some specimens must be drawn at
timed intervals because of medica-
5. All specimens must be in the appropriate anticoagu- Diurnal
tion or diurnal (daily) rhythm. The
lant. rhythm
exact time of collection must be
noted on the specimen.
6. Blood collection tubes with anticoagulant must be at
least 75% full. All blood collection tubes for coagula-
tion testing must be at least 90% full. Strenuous short-term exercise can
make the heart work harder and
7. Uncoagulated blood specimens must be free of clots. increase the heart enzymes. Long-
Exercise term exercise such as that per-
8. Certain tests require specimens to be free of hemolysis formed by highly trained runners
and lipemia, a milky appearance due to lipids. can cause erroneous results due to
runner’s anemia.
9. The specimen may need to be recollected if the results
do not agree with what the provider believes is the
diagnosis of the patient.
Patient not in fasting state when
Fasting fasting is required. Results of tests
10. Do not combine partially filled tubes. will not be accurate.
11. Do not mix tubes of different additives. Destruction of red blood cell mem-
brane and release of intercellular
12 As soon as possible, invert tubes 8 to 10 times to pre- contents into serum/plasma can
vent microclots from forming (see Figure 28-25). be caused by not allowing alco-
hol to air-dry at venipuncture site,
13. Mix tubes gently to prevent hemolysis of specimen. using a needle that is too small
(less than 22 gauge), forcing the
blood into a vacutainer tube from
a syringe, or shaking the vacutainer
the patient should not be billed for the second col- tube instead of mixing by gentle
lection. Patient physiologic factors may also con- inversion when mixing tubes with
tribute to inaccurate results. Other factors that can
alter results are listed in Table 28-9.
Incorrect heparin used that
Occasionally, a specimen requires protection Heparin interferes with tests being run on
from light, incubation, refrigeration, or chilling patient.
immediately after collection. Any delay in these
requirements will alter the results. The laboratory In children, violent crying before a
manual will direct you as to which specimens need Stress specimen is collected can increase
to be chilled. See Table 28-10 for examples of spe- the white blood cell count.
cial handling requirements.
The medical assistant is not the only person Tourniquet on Hemoconcentration, change in
who can affect test results. The patient can know- too long chemical concentration.
ingly or unknowingly alter the results by certain
Not enough blood will cause a dilu-
actions. For example, a patient has consumed a
tion factor, which can change the
cup of coffee but claims not to have had anything Volume
size of the cells and therefore pro-
to eat or drink. The patient is often under the mis- duce a variation in test results.
conception that black coffee without sugar will
not be a problem. Caffeine and smoking affect the
metabolism and can affect the test results.
CHAPTER 28 Phlebotomy: Venipuncture and Capillary Puncture 859
Acid phosphatase Deliver to laboratory within 1 hour. Separate, freeze serum after clotting
Complement, total (CH50) Let clot in refrigerator, separate immediately and freeze immediately
Complement, total (CH100) Let clot in refrigerator, separate immediately and freeze immediately
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA-B27) Do NOT refrigerate or freeze, record date and time collected
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT) Refrigerate, test within 4 hours of drawing specimen
Prostate-specific antigen Deliver to laboratory within 1 hour, separate, freeze serum after clotting
Prostatic acid phosphatase Deliver to laboratory within 1 hour, separate, freeze serum after clotting
Not this
Venipuncture is the most frequently performed
phlebotomy procedure, but it is not the procedure
of choice in all circumstances. An alternative to
venipuncture is capillary puncture, also known as
dermal puncture or skin puncture. B
Capillary puncture is a method of obtaining
one to several drops of blood for a variety of tests.
With proper instruments, tests such as a complete
blood count, RBC count, white blood cell (WBC)
count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit can be run.
One drop of blood can be used to test glucose A
blood levels, a few drops of blood can fill capillary
tubes, and several drops can complete a phenylke- Figure 28-29 (A) Capillary blood collection sites. (B)
tonuria (PKU) test card. Tests that cannot be run Correct direction of capillary puncture.
on capillary blood specimens are sedimentation
rates, blood cultures, coagulation studies, and any
other tests requiring large amounts of serum or Preparing the Capillary
plasma. Puncture Site
Capillary puncture is the method of choice The area selected for a capillary puncture must be
with two types of patients: when patient blood vol- carefully prepared. The puncture site will be warm
ume is a concern, such as with infants, and when if blood circulation is adequate. Coolness of the
vein access is difficult, such as with burned or skin indicates decreased circulation. To increase
scarred patients. Capillary puncture should not be circulation, the site can be gently massaged, or a
used when a patient is edematous, dehydrated, or warm, moist towel, face cloth, or warm pack (at a
has poor peripheral circulation. temperature not higher than 100°F) can be placed
on the site for 3 to 5 minutes.
Alcohol-soaked gauze or cotton should be
Composition of Capillary Blood used to cleanse and disinfect the puncture site. The
Blood obtained via capillary puncture is a mix- site should then be allowed to air-dry, or dry with
ture of blood from arterioles, venules, capillaries, a gauze pad. A cotton ball is not recommended
and interstitial fluid. In most instances, a capillary because the tiny cotton fibers can stay on the punc-
puncture specimen most resembles arterial blood. ture site, assisting in clotting, which is not desirable
There may be significant differences between at this point. When the puncture is complete, a cot-
specimens obtained by capillary puncture and ton ball can be used as a compress. Residual alco-
those collected by venipuncture. For example, the hol at the puncture site results in hemolysis of the
glucose level may be increased in capillary blood, specimen, which may affect test results, as well as
whereas the potassium, calcium, and total protein cause a burning sensation to the patient. Betadine®
levels may be decreased. It is therefore important (povidone-iodine) should not be used to clean the
to always note on the specimen when capillary puncture site. Blood contaminated with iodine may
blood has been obtained. falsely increase certain blood chemistries.
longer point may be used. Capillary punctures are tubes to check hematocrit levels. When capillary
performed using semiautomated devices such as the tubes are used for hematocrit tests, they are called
disposable Microtainer ® Brand Safety Flow Lancet ®. microhematocrit tubes.
The BD Microtainer ® Genie Lancet is shown It may be necessary to massage the finger to
in Figure 28-30. After cleansing the puncture site, increase the blood flow. It is best to massage the
twist off the indicator as directed on the tab. Press whole hand, taking care not to apply direct pres-
the safety lancet firmly against the puncture site. sure near the puncture site. Squeezing the fingertip
Hold the lancet between your fingers and press the should be avoided; this forces tissue fluid into the
white button with your thumb. The lancet should blood sample and dilutes it or may cause hemolysis.
not bounce off the skin. The puncture should be Do not use a scooping technique when collecting
performed in one quick, steady movement. Once blood from the puncture site. Scooping can break
you have depressed the plunger, the button will the RBC membranes, leading to hemolysis.
lock into the housing and the needle will be per- Figure 28-31 shows the basic steps to follow
manently encapsulated. Practice working the lan- when filling a capillary tube. Allow well-rounded
cets until you are comfortable with the action. drops of blood to form at the puncture site. Hold-
ing the capillary tube at a horizontal position, gen-
Collecting the Blood Sample tly touch the tip of tube to the top of the blood
drop. The blood will enter the tube through “capil-
The first drop of blood is wiped away with dry, ster- lary action” caused by surface tension. Take care to
ile gauze because it contains tissue fluid, which not tilt the tube downward, which can cause air to
dilutes the blood drop and can also activate clot- enter the tube, nor upward, which can cause blood
ting. The second and following drops of blood are to come out of the tube. Continue to fill the tube
used for test samples. Depending on the tests to until it is two-thirds to three-quarters full. When the
be performed, the blood may be collected in cap- tube is sufficiently filled, remove it from the drop
illary tubes or other capillary collecting devices. and, at the same time, place your gloved finger
Capillary tubes are small-diameter glass or plastic over the opposite end of the tube. This will prevent
tubes that are open at both ends. Capillary tubes the blood from flowing out of the tube. Keep your
are extremely fragile and care should be taken to gloved finger over the end of the tube and, using
prevent breakage. The tubes have a colored line your other hand, wipe off any residue blood from
around one end. A red or black line indicates the outside of the tube with a gauze pad. Gently
that the tube contains heparin, an anticoagulant, place the end of the tube into the sealing clay. Seal-
and will yield a nonclotted specimen. A blue line ing clay trays are specially made for this purpose.
indicates that the tube contains no anticoagu- They have numbered sections to help identify the
lant and will yield a clotted specimen. When tak- samples. Some capillary tubes have plastic caps.
ing the blood sample directly from the puncture Carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions
site, a capillary tube that contains anticoagulant for the type of tube you are using.
would be used; when taking blood from a vacuum During the filling of the tubes, if the flow
tube that already has anticoagulant in it, the plain of blood begins to slow, rewipe the puncture site
capillary tube would be used. Capillary tubes are firmly with dry gauze (not a cotton ball). This
used for many tests, depending on the equipment action will dislodge the platelet plug and allow the
available. Chapter 29 explains how to use capillary blood to flow freely. Be sure the patient is relaxed.
Have the patient take a deep breath. After filling
the required number of tubes, apply a cotton ball
compress to the puncture site. The patient can
usually help hold the compress. The compression
should be held in place for 1 to 3 minutes, depend-
ing on the patient. If the patient is taking aspirin,
Coumadin, or other anticoagulants, compression
should be for at least 5 minutes.
In many ways the procedure for capillary
puncture is similar to the other collection proce-
dures discussed in this chapter (e.g., patient iden-
Figure 28-30 Microtainer brand lancets are available tification, safety precautions, specimen labeling).
in different types for various purposes. They are color Procedure 28-5 provides a detailed description of
coded and have specific information on their packaging. capillary puncture.
862 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Figure 28-31 Collecting a specimen into a capillary tube through capillary puncture. (A) Assemble the necessary
equipment and supplies and examine the finger for the best puncture site. (B) Clean the site with alcohol and allow
the area to dry. (C) Perform the puncture. (D) Discard the lancet into a nearby sharps container. (E) Wipe off the
first drop (not shown) and allow a well-rounded drop to form. (F) Holding the capillary tube horizontally, touch
the end to the drop and allow the tube to fill. (G) Carefully wipe the residue blood off the tube. (H) Gently place
the end of the tube into the sealing clay. Repeat to collect a second tube. Draw at least two tubes; some laboratories
require three. Follow your laboratory manual instructions.
CHAPTER 28 Phlebotomy: Venipuncture and Capillary Puncture 863
Procedure 28-1
Palpating a Vein and Preparing a Patient for Venipuncture
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: allow the patient to pump his or her hand.
RATIONALE: Having the patient close his or her
hand and positioning the arm below the heart
causes enlargement of the vein, allowing for an
PURPOSE: easier, more successful puncture. Pumping of
To palpate a vein and assess patient preparation prior the hand can lead to excessive engorgement of
to performing venipuncture. the vein, causing blood to leak into surrounding
tissue during the puncture, which will cause a
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: hematoma to occur.
Gloves 5. Palpate the antecubital space of the arm, feel-
Tourniquet ing for the basilic or cephalic vein with the tip of
your middle or ring finger. Feel for a soft bounce
PROCEDURE STEPS: and a roundness to the vein. RATIONALE: The
1. Identify the patient and explain the procedure. Ask
tip of the middle or ring finger is less callused
the patient’s name and verify it with the computer
and more sensitive than the tip of the index fin-
label or identification number. If a fasting speci-
ger. Veins will have a soft round feel.
men is required, verify that the patient has not had
anything to eat or drink except water for 12 hours. 6. After locating an acceptable vein, mentally map
RATIONALE: Proper identification of the patient the location. Visualize the puncture site. Follow
and specimen and ensuring that the patient has the direction of the vein with your finger tip,
properly prepared for the blood tests are quality- making a mental note of any turns, dips, and
control and quality-assurance measures. twists. RATIONALE: Mentally mapping the loca-
tion and visualizing the puncture site will help in
2. Wash hands. Put on gloves.
planning a successful direction.
3. Apply tourniquet 3 to 4 inches above the veni-
7. If a vein cannot be found in the antecubital
puncture site. Apply tightly enough to slow
space of either arm, then the hand veins must
venous blood flow but not so tight that blood
be checked following the same procedure. The
flow in arteries is stopped (see Figure 28-21).
butterfly technique is more successful for hand
RATIONALE: Applying the tourniquet too
venipuncture. RATIONALE: Butterfly is more
tightly can lead to excessive engorgement of the
successful because the hand veins have a greater
veins, causing blood to enter the tissues during
tendency to roll and are smaller than the veins in
puncture, further causing a hematoma.
the arm.
4. Have the patient close the hand and place the
patient’s arm in a downward position. Do not
864 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Procedure 28-2
Venipuncture by Syringe
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: agulants and check the expiration dates. Arrange
them in a holding rack in proper order. RATIO-
NALE: Having the supplies ready and in the rack
saves confusion later. The rack is a safety item so
PURPOSE: you are not holding the tube while transferring
To obtain venous blood acceptable for laboratory test- the specimen. Tapping the tubes ensures that all
ing as requested by the provider. the additive is dislodged from the stopper and
wall of the tubes. Checking expiration dates is a
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: quality-assurance measure.
Gloves Cotton balls 6. Apply the tourniquet (Figure 28-32A) and select
Goggles and mask Adhesive bandage or a site. See Procedure 28-1. RATIONALE: Apply-
10 mL syringe, tape ing the tourniquet causes the vein to enlarge for
21-gauge needle Sharps container and easier venipuncture.
Vacuum tube(s) or biohazard red bag
7. Ask the patient to close the hand. The patient
special collection Test tube rack
must not pump the hand. Place the hand in a
tube(s) Biohazard transport
downward position. RATIONALE: Closing the
Tourniquet bag (optional)
hand and placing the arm in a downward posi-
70% isopropyl alcohol Lab requisition
tion further enlarges the vein, allowing for easier
swab (optional)
venipuncture. Pumping the hand can damage
PROCEDURE STEPS: the quality of the specimen collected.
1. Assemble the supplies. RATIONALE: Organizing 8. Select a vein, noting the location and direction
supplies before the procedure ensures a more of the vein. RATIONALE: This allows you to pre-
timely and professional process. pare mentally for the venipuncture.
2. Position and identify the patient. Ask the 9. Cleanse the site with an alcohol swab with one
patient’s name and verify it with the tests firm swipe (Figure 28-32B). Avoid touching
ordered and the computer label or identifica- the site after cleansing. RATIONALE: Alcohol
tion number. If a fasting specimen is required, removes body oils, sweat, and other contami-
verify that the patient has not had anything to nants. The site should stay as clean as possible.
eat or drink except water for 12 hours. RATIO- 10. Draw the skin taut with your thumb by placing
NALE: Proper identification of the patient and it 1 to 2 inches below the puncture site. RATIO-
the tests ordered and ensuring that the patient NALE: This will anchor the vein.
is properly prepared for the blood tests are all
quality-control and quality-assurance measures. 11. With the bevel up, line up the needle with the direc-
tion of the vein and perform the puncture (Figure
3. Wash hands and apply gloves and goggles/mask. 28-32C). The point of the needle should enter the
RATIONALE: Clean hands further protect the skin about 1⁄4 inch below where the vein was pal-
patient. Gloves protect you. Goggles/mask should pated. With experience, a sensation of entering the
be worn if there is a possibility of blood splatter. vein can be felt. Once the vein has been entered,
4. Open the sterile needle and sterile syringe packages do not move the needle from side to side. Do not
and assemble if necessary. Pull the plunger halfway push down or pull up the needle. The needle can
out and push it all the way in again. RATIONALE: be moved in or out gently if needed to locate the
Preparing the equipment ahead of time ensures a vein. RATIONALE: Lining up the needle with the
smoother process. Syringes can stick when new, so vein is a mental exercise to help enter the vein in
pulling once on the plunger prevents it from stick- the proper direction. Entering the skin a fraction
ing during the venipuncture. of an inch below the palpated site will aid in enter-
5. Select the proper vacuum tubes for later transfer ing the vein at the correct site. This will align the
of the specimen; tap all tubes containing antico- needle so that it will enter the vein.
CHAPTER 28 Phlebotomy: Venipuncture and Capillary Puncture 865
Figure 28-32 Performing a venipuncture with the syringe method. (A) Apply tourniquet and find vein. (B)
Apply alcohol in one with motion and allow with to dry. Area can be wiped with a clean 2 ⫻ 2 gauze (do not use
a cotton ball). (C) Draw skin taut (not shown) and insert needle. (D) Let go of skin and use that hand to pull
back on the plunger. (E) Withdraw blood slowly, until the syringe is full. (F) Release tourniquet. (G) Apply a
clean cotton ball immediately after withdrawing needle. (H) Have patient apply pressure to the site until a clot
forms. (I) Apply a bandage over the site.
12. Let go of the skin and use that hand to pull Holding the cotton ball above the site allows for
back on the plunger (Figure 28-32D). Pull gen- immediate pressure to be applied once the nee-
tly and only as fast as the syringe fills (Figure 28- dle is removed.
32E). If the vein collapses, stop pulling on the 15. Apply pressure to the site for 2 to 3 minutes, or lon-
plunger and let the vein refill. RATIONALE: ger if the patient is taking prescribed anticoagulants
Pulling too rapidly or too hard can cause the (blood thinners) such as warfarin (Coumadin) or
vein to collapse. is taking aspirin or an herbal blood thinner such as
13. When the syringe is full, have the patient open ginkgo biloba. Let the patient assist by holding the
the hand. Remove the tourniquet (Figure 28- pressure if desired (Figure 28-32H). The patient
32F). RATIONALE: Opening the hand and can elevate the arm but should be instructed not
removing the tourniquet releases the pressure so to bend the elbow. RATIONALE: Two to three
the needle can be removed. minutes is usually enough time for the bleeding
14. Lightly place a cotton ball above the puncture to stop. Elevating the arm while holding pressure
site and remove the needle in the same direc- aids in the clotting. Bending the elbow can cause a
tion as inserted (Figure 28-32G). RATIONALE: hematoma to form.
866 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
16. Aliquot blood into the appropriate tubes in the 23. When sufficient pressure has been applied to
rack in the proper order (see Table 28-4). During stop the bleeding, apply a small pressure ban-
transfer, hold each tube at the base only. RATIO- dage by pulling a cotton ball in half, applying
NALE: Having the tubes in the rack and holding it to the puncture site, and placing an adhesive
the tubes at the base protects your hand from acci- bandage or tape over it (Figure 28-32I). Instruct
dental needlestick during the transfer process. the patient to remove the bandage in 20 min-
17. Puncture the vacuum tube through the rub- utes. If the patient is sensitive or allergic to latex,
ber stopper with the syringe needle and allow be sure to use nonlatex paper tape. If the bleed-
the blood to enter the tube until the flow stops. ing has not stopped after 2 to 3 minutes, have
Never push on the plunger or force blood into the patient continue to hold direct pressure on
the tube. RATIONALE: Pushing on the plunger the site for another 5 minutes with his or her
and forcing blood into the vacuum tube can arm elevated above the heart. He or she can
cause the rubber stopper to pop off, splashing do this by lying down with his or her arm on a
blood. pillow. Recheck after 5 minutes. RATIONALE:
The patient should not leave your care until the
18. Implement safety mechanism or devices on the bleeding has stopped.
needle immediately. RATIONALE: Immediate
implementation of safety mechanisms will pro- 24. Disinfect tray and supplies and dispose of all
tect from accidental needlesticks. contaminated items properly. Remove gloves
using proper technique. RATIONALE: Proper
19. Mix any anticoagulant tubes immediately. disposal and disinfection of all contaminated
RATIONALE: Mixing the anticoagulants right supplies and equipment protects from exposure
away minimizes the chance of miniclots forming. to biohazardous substances.
20. Discard the syringe and needle into a sharps 25. Wash hands, record the procedure, and com-
container and the contaminated cotton ball and plete the laboratory requisition. RATIONALE:
other contaminated waste into a red biohazard Washing hands after removing gloves further pro-
bag. RATIONALE: Proper disposal of sharps and tects from biohazardous substances and lessens
biohazard waste protects all personnel. the chance of cross contamination to the patient’s
21. Label all tubes before leaving the room. If any chart and the laboratory requisition. Completing
special treatment is required for the specimens, the documentation and requisition as soon as pos-
institute the handling protocol right away. sible after the procedure improves accuracy.
RATIONALE: Labeling the tubes right away less-
ens the chances of a mix-up error. Proper handling DOCUMENTATION
of specimens ensures an accurate test result. 11/13/XX 2:54 PM Venipuncture performed right arm
22. Check the patient. Observe him or her for signs for CBC and sed rate. Specimen sent to Inner City Lab. Identi-
of stress. RATIONALE: Venipuncture can be fication #987654321. Patient tolerated the procedure well and
stressful for some patients. will call back tomorrow for the test results. Joe Guerrero, CMA
(AAMA) ________________________________
CHAPTER 28 Phlebotomy: Venipuncture and Capillary Puncture 867
Procedure 28-3
Venipuncture by Vacuum Tube System
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 6. Select a site and apply the tourniquet (see Pro-
cedure 28-1). RATIONALE: Applying the tour-
niquet causes the vein to enlarge for easier
PURPOSE: 7. Ask the patient to close the hand. The patient
To obtain venous blood acceptable for laboratory test- must not pump the hand. Place the hand in a
ing as requested by a provider. downward position. RATIONALE: Closing the
hand and placing the arm in a downward posi-
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: tion further enlarges the vein, allowing for easier
Gloves 21-gauge multidraw venipuncture. Pumping the hand can damage
Goggles and mask needle the quality of the specimen collected.
Vacuum tube Vacuum tube(s) or special
8. Select a vein, noting the location and direction
adapter/holder collection tube(s)
of the vein. RATIONALE: This allows you to pre-
Lab requisition (optional) Tourniquet
pare mentally for the venipuncture (Figure 28-
70% isopropyl Adhesive bandage or tape
alcohol swab Sharps container and
Cotton balls biohazard red bag 9. Cleanse the site with an alcohol swab with one
Biohazard transport bag firm swipe. RATIONALE: Alcohol removes body
(optional) oils and contamination (Figure 28-33B).
10. Avoid touching the site after cleansing. RATIO-
PROCEDURE STEPS: NALE: The site should stay as clean as possible.
1. Place specimen and requisition into biohazard
transfer bag. 11. Draw the skin taut with your thumb by placing
it 1 to 2 inches below the puncture site. RATIO-
2. Position and identify the patient. Ask the NALE: This will anchor the vein.
patient’s name and verify it with the tests
ordered and the computer label or identifica- 12. With the bevel up, line up the needle with the
tion number. If a fasting specimen is required, direction of the vein and perform the puncture.
verify that the patient has not had anything to The point of the needle should enter the skin
eat or drink except water for 12 hours. RATIO- about 1⁄4 inch below where the vein was palpated.
NALE: Proper identification of the patient and With experience, a sensation of entering the
the tests ordered and ensuring that the patient vein can be felt. Once the vein has been entered,
is properly prepared for the blood tests are all do not move the needle. RATIONALE: Lining
quality-control and quality-assurance measures. up the needle with the vein is a mental exercise
to help enter the vein in the proper direction.
3. Wash hands and apply gloves and goggles/mask. Entering the skin a fraction of an inch below the
RATIONALE: Clean hands further protect the palpated site will aid in entering the vein at the
patient. Gloves protect you. Goggles/mask should palpated site (Figure 28-33C).
be worn if there is a possibility of blood splatter.
13. Let go of the skin and use that hand to grasp the
4. Break the seal on the shorter needle; thread the flange of the vacuum tube holder and push the
shorter needle into the holder/adapter. Select tube forward until the needle has completely
the first tube and gently place it into the holder/ entered the tube (Figure 28-33D). Do not change
adapter (do not puncture the tube yet). RATIO- hands while performing venipuncture. The hand
NALE: Preparing the equipment ahead of time performing the venipuncture is the hand that is
ensures a smoother process. holding the vacuum tube holder. The other hand
5. Tap all tubes containing anticoagulants and check is free for tube insertion and removal. RATIO-
the expiration dates. RATIONALE: Tapping the NALE: Using the flange of the adapter helps you
tubes ensures that all the additive is dislodged hold the needle steady while changing tubes.
from the stopper and wall of the tubes. Checking Changing hands while performing venipuncture
expiration dates is a quality-assurance measure. could cause the needle to move.
868 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
14. Fill the tube until the vacuum is exhausted and 16. Immediately mix the blood in the anticoagulant
the blood flow stops. Rotate tubes so the label tubes by gently inverting them several times.
is down. RATIONALE: Letting the tubes com- RATIONALE: Mixing the anticoagulant tubes
pletely fill will ensure the right ratio of blood to right away minimizes the chance of miniclots
additive. Positioning the label down enables you forming.
to see the tube filling. 17. Insert the second tube onto the needle by using
15. When the blood ceases, gently remove the vac- the same motion as the first tube (Figure 28-33F).
uum tube from the needle and holder. Do this Let it fill; then remove it with the same motion as
by grasping the tube with the fingers and palm the first tube. Invert it several times if it contains
of your spare hand and using your thumb to anticoagulants. RATIONALE: Mixing the addi-
push off from the flange of the holder (Figure tives prevents the blood from coagulating.
28-33E). RATIONALE: Using the flange will help 18. When the last tube has filled, remove it from
steady the needle. the needle. Ask the patient to open his or her
Figure 28-33 Performing a venipuncture with a vacuum tube assembly. (A) After tying the tourniquet, pal-
pate the vein. (B) Cleanse the site with alcohol. Allow area to dry or wipe with a clean 2 ⫻ 2 gauze. (C) While
holding the skin taut, hold needle with bevel up and penetrate the vein with a smooth rapid movement. (D)
Grasp the flange of the vacuum tube holder to push the vacuum tube onto the needle. (E) When the tube has
stopped filling, remove it gently from the needle and holder using the flange to push from. Invert it several
times to mix the additives. (F) Place another tube onto the needle and let it fill. (G) When the last tube has
filled, gently remove it from the holder. Release the tourniquet (not shown) and smoothly remove the needle
from the vein, immediately applying pressure with the cotton ball. Mix well by inverting several times. (H) Dis-
pose of the needle and holder into a nearby sharps container. (I) Properly label the tubes.
CHAPTER 28 Phlebotomy: Venipuncture and Capillary Puncture 869
Figure 28-33 (continued) (J) Check the patient, apply a bandage. (K) Package the specimens properly for
transport (be aware of special storage or treatment needed, such as centrifugation or refrigeration). (L) Com-
plete the laboratory requsition and document the procedure in the patient’s chart or electronic medical record.
hand and release the tourniquet. RATIONALE: RATIONALE: Proper disposal of sharps and bio-
Removing the last tube from the needle pre- hazard waste protects all personnel.
vents any residual suction from drawing blood 23. Label all the tubes before leaving the patient
through the tissues when the needle is removed (Figure 28-33I). If any special treatment is
from the vein. Opening the hand and removing required for the specimens, institute the han-
the tourniquet relieves pressure so the needle dling protocol right away. RATIONALE: Label-
can be removed without causing excessive blood ing the tubes right away lessens the chances of a
loss through the puncture site. mix-up error. Proper handling of the specimens
19. Lightly place the cotton ball above the puncture ensures accurate test results.
site and smoothly remove the needle from the 24. Check the patient. Observe him or her for signs
arm in the same direction of insertion. RATIO- of stress. He or she should stop bleeding within
NALE: Holding the cotton ball above the site 2 to 3 minutes. If the bleeding has stopped,
allows for immediate pressure to be applied once apply a small pressure bandage by pulling a cot-
the needle is removed. ton ball in half, applying it to the site, and plac-
ing an adhesive bandage or tape over it (Figure
20. Immediately activate the safety device. RATIO-
28-33J). The patient should be instructed to
NALE: Activating the safety device protects you
remove the bandage in about 20 minutes. If
from accidental needlesticks (Figure 28-33H).
the patient is sensitive to latex, be sure to use
21. Apply pressure on the site for 2 to 3 minutes. Let a nonlatex paper tape. If the bleeding has not
the patient assist by holding the pressure. Ask him stopped, have the patient continue to hold
or her not the bend his or her arm, but he or she direct pressure another 5 minutes with his or
can elevate his or her arm while applying pressure. her arm elevated above his or her heart level.
RATIONALE: Two to three minutes is usually Have him or her lie down with his or her arm
enough time for bleeding to stop. Hold pres- up on a pillow. Recheck the site after 5 minutes
sure for longer if the patient is taking prescribed of additional direct pressure. RATIONALE:
anticoagulants (blood thinners) such as warfarin Check the patient for signs of distress because
(Coumadin) or taking aspirin or an herbal blood venipuncture can be stressful for some people.
thinner such as ginkgo biloba. Elevating the arm The patient should not leave your care until the
while holding pressure aids in the clotting. Bend- bleeding has stopped.
ing the elbow can cause a hematoma to form. 25. Disinfect all surfaces and supplies/equipment.
22. Dispose of the needle into a sharps container Remove gloves using proper technique. Dispose
and the contaminated cotton ball and other of contaminated items appropriately. RATIO-
contaminated waste into a biohazard red bag. NALE: Proper disposal and disinfection of all
870 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
contaminated supplies and equipment protects tion and requisition as soon as possible after the
from exposure to dangerous biohazard substances. procedure improves accuracy.
26. Wash hands, record the procedure, and complete
the laboratory requisition. Place specimen and DOCUMENTATION
requisition into biohazard transport bag (Figures 4/27/XX 8:36 AM Venipuncture performed left arm for
28-33K and L). RATIONALE: Washing hands CBC, Hgb & Hct, and thyroid panel. Specimen sent to Inner
after removing gloves further protects from bio- City Lab. Patient ID # 56776523. Patient tolerated the pro-
hazard substances and lessens the chance of cross cedure well and will return on 4/30/XX for a recheck. Joe
contamination to the patient’s chart and the labo- Guerrero, CMA (AAMA) ______________________
ratory requisition. Completing the documenta-
Procedure 28-4
Venipuncture by Butterfly Needle System
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 2. Position and identify the patient. Ask the
patient’s name and verify it with the computer
label or identification number. If a fasting speci-
men is required, verify that the patient has not
PURPOSE: had anything to eat or drink except water for 12
To obtain venous blood acceptable for laboratory test- hours. RATIONALE: Proper identification of
ing as requested by a provider. the patient and the tests ordered and verifying
that the patient is properly prepared are quality-
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: control and quality-assurance measures.
3. Wash hands. Put on gloves, as well as goggles and
Goggles and mask
mask if there is a potential for blood splatter.
Vacuum tube holder if using a vacuum tube
RATIONALE: Clean hands further protect the
patient. Gloves and goggles/face shield protect
A 10- to 15-mL/cc syringe if using a syringe
you from any potential splatters.
Butterfly needle system with 21-gauge needle (use 4. Open the package of butterfly needle system. If
a multisample needle system with a Luer-lok using the multisample needle, connect the nee-
adapter for attaching to the vacuum tube and a dle to the vacuum tube holder/adapter. If using
hypodermic needle for syringe attachment) the hypodermic needle and syringe, connect the
Vacuum tubes if appropriate needle to the syringe (Figure 28-34A). If using a
Tourniquet syringe, set the vacuum tubes in a rack for later
70% isopropyl alcohol swab use. RATIONALE: The more organized you are
Gauze before the venipuncture; the smoother the pro-
Adhesive bandage or tape cedure will go.
Sharps container and biohazard red bag 5. Tap the vacuum tubes to be sure any additive
Lab requisition (optional) is dislodged from the stopper and sides of the
tube. Check the expiration dates. RATIONALE:
PROCEDURE STEPS: Dislodging the additive will ensure proper ratio
1. Assemble the supplies. RATIONALE: Organizing in the specimen. The tubes should not be older
supplies before the procedure ensures a more than their expiration date.
timely and professional process.
CHAPTER 28 Phlebotomy: Venipuncture and Capillary Puncture 871
6. Apply the tourniquet. Select a vein. RATIONALE: and removing the vacuum tubes. RATIONALE:
Applying a tourniquet enlarges the vein, making Changing hands can cause the needle to change
it more accessible. position.
7. Ask the patient to close his or her hand (Figure 17. If you are collecting directly into vacuum tubes,
28-34B). The patient should not pump his or her remove and replace the vacuum tubes as explained
hand. If possible, place the arm in a downward in Procedure 28-3 until you have drawn the nec-
position. RATIONALE: Pumping of hand can essary amounts. If you are drawing into a syringe,
lead to excessive engorgement of the vein, which you will be limited to the size of the syringe being
can cause blood to enter the tissues during the used. RATIONALE: You do not have the option of
puncture, causing a hematoma. removing and replacing the syringe during a draw.
8. Select the vein, noting the direction and location 18. When the syringe is filled, ask the patient to
of the vein. RATIONALE: You will want to enter open his or her hand and release the tourniquet.
the vein in the same direction it is going. RATIONALE: Opening of the hand and releasing
9. Cleanse the site with an alcohol swab using one the tourniquet takes the pressure off the vein and
swift firm swipe and allow to dry (Figure 28- allows the blood to flow freely through the arm.
34C). RATIONALE: Alcohol removes body oils 19. Lightly place a cotton ball above the puncture site
and other contaminations. Puncturing the skin and smoothly remove the needle from the arm in
through wet alcohol can cause stinging and the same direction of insertion (Figure 28-34F).
hemolysis of the specimen and will contaminate RATIONALE: You are getting the cotton ball
the specimen. ready so you can apply pressure on the puncture
10. Avoid touching the site after cleansing. RATIO- site immediately on removing the needle.
NALE: Touching the skin will recontaminate it. 20. Activate the safety device of the butterfly needle
11. Draw the skin taut by placing your thumb 1 to immediately (Figure 28-34G). RATIONALE: The
2 inches below the site and pulling down firmly. safety devices are better able to protect if activated
RATIONALE: This will anchor the vein. immediately.
12. Hold the wings of the butterfly together with the 21. Apply pressure on the site. Let the patient assist
bevel up, line up the needle with the vein, and by holding the pressure (Figure 28-34H). Ask
smoothly insert it into the vein at about a 5- to him or her not the bend his or her arm. He or
10-degree angle (Figure 28-34D). RATIONALE: she can elevate his or her arm while applying
This process will cause the least amount of dis- pressure though. RATIONALE: Applying pres-
comfort and provide the greatest success. sure and elevating the arm lessens the chance of
bruising, whereas bending the elbow increases
13. Remove your hand from holding the skin taut. the chance of the patient forming a hematoma.
RATIONALE: You will need one hand free to
handle the other equipment. 22. If using a syringe, aliquot blood into the appro-
priate tubes as outlined in Procedure 28-2.
14. If you are connected to a vacuum tube holder, RATIONALE: Following proper procedure when
grasp the flange of the vacuum tube holder and transferring blood from the syringe into the vac-
push the tube forward until the needle has com- uum tubes ensures the best specimens for testing.
pletely entered the tube. RATIONALE: Using
the flange when inserting and removing vacuum 23. Dispose of the needle into a sharps container (Fig-
tubes will help the needle stay in position. ure 28-34I). RATIONALE: Immediate disposal of
contaminated needles is the safest practice.
15. If you are connected to a syringe, pull gently on
the syringe (Figure 28-34E). RATIONALE: Pull- 24. Label all the tubes. RATIONALE: Not labeling
ing too rapidly can cause the vein to collapse. the tubes right away increases the likelihood of a
mix-up error.
16. Do not change hands while performing veni-
puncture. The hand performing the venipunc- 25. Check the patient. Observe him or her for signs
ture is the hand that is holding the vacuum of stress. RATIONALE: Patient safety is a primary
tube holder. The other hand is for inserting concern. Venipuncture can be difficult for some
872 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Figure 28-34 Performing a venipuncture with the butterfly needle system. (A) Open the package with the but-
terfly needle system and assemble the needle. In this case, the needle is connected to the syringe. (B) Apply the
tourniquet and ask the patient to close his hand. (C) Cleanse the site with using one swift wipe and allow to air dry.
(D) Draw skin taut. While holding the wings of the butterly together, line up the needle with the vein, and insert at
a 5- to 10-degree angle. (E) Pull gently on the syringe, allowing it to fill. (F) When filled, have the patient open his
hand, and release the tourniquet. Place a cotton ball above the puncture site and remove the needle. (G) Activate
the safety device of the butterfly needle. (H) Apply pressure on the site, and ask the patient to continue holding
the pressure. (I) Dispose of the needle into a sharps container. (J) Apply a bandage to the site.
CHAPTER 28 Phlebotomy: Venipuncture and Capillary Puncture 873
26. The patient should stop bleeding within 2 to 3 nated supplies and equipment protects from
minutes. If the bleeding has stopped, apply a exposure to biohazard substances.
small pressure bandage by pulling a cotton ball 28. Wash hands, record the procedure, and com-
in half, applying it to the site, and placing an plete the laboratory requisition. Place speci-
adhesive bandage or tape over it (Figure 28-34J). men and requisition into biohazard transfer
The patient should be instructed to remove the bag. RATIONALE: Washing hands after remov-
bandage in about 20 minutes. If the patient is ing the gloves further protects from biohazard
sensitive to latex, be sure to use a nonlatex paper substances and lessens the chance of cross con-
tape. If the bleeding has not stopped, have the tamination to the patient’s chart and laboratory
patient continue to hold pressure another 5 requisition. Completing the documentation and
minutes with his or her arm elevated above his requisition as soon as possible after the proce-
or her heart level, then recheck. RATIONALE: dure improves accuracy.
The patient should not be released from your
care until the bleeding has stopped. DOCUMENTATION
27. Clean up tray and supplies; dispose of contami- 11/13/XX 2:54 PM Venipuncture performed right arm for
nated cotton ball. Remove gloves using proper CBC and sed rate. Specimen sent to Inner City Lab. Identifi-
technique. Discard gloves into biohazard con- cation #987654321. Patient tolerated the procedure well and
tainer and disinfect goggles. RATIONALE: will call back tomorrow for the test results. Joe Guerrero, CMA
Proper disposal and disinfection of contami- (AAMA) ________________________________
Procedure 28-5
Capillary Puncture
1. Assemble the supplies. RATIONALE: Organiz-
ing the supplies before the procedure ensures a
more timely and professional process.
PURPOSE: 2. Identify the patient, introduce yourself, explain
To obtain capillary blood acceptable for laboratory the procedure, and recheck the provider’s
testing as requested by a provider. orders. RATIONALE: Introducing yourself and
explaining the procedure will establish a profes-
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: sional relationship with the patient and might
Gloves help put him or her at ease. Identifying the
70% isopropyl alcohol swab patient and rechecking the provider’s orders will
Microcollection tubes or capillary tubes ensure the proper tests will be performed on the
Safety lancet right patient.
Gauze 2 ⫻ 2
Adhesive bandage or tape 3. Wash hands and apply gloves. RATIONALE:
Sharps container Washing your hands protects the patient, and
Cotton balls applying gloves protects you.
Biohazard red bag 4. Select the puncture site on the fleshy part of the
Laboratory requisition (optional) ring or middle finger, avoiding the very tip and
Biohazard transport bag (optional) the extreme sides. RATIONALE: The ring and
874 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
middle fingers generally will have fewer calluses hematocrit; see Chapter 32 for PKU, glucose,
and less scarring. The tip and sides are more sen- and other specialty tests performed on capillary
sitive than the fleshy part. blood).
5. Have the patient wash his or her hands in very 10. Have patient hold firm, direct pressure on the
warm water; if necessary, apply a warming pack site with a cotton ball for at least 2 minutes. If
to the fingertip, encourage the patient to relax, the bleeding has stopped, an adhesive strip can
and provide a comfortable, professional atmo- be applied. If the bleeding has not stopped yet,
sphere. RATIONALE: The patient washing his hold firm, direct pressure on the site for another
or her hands in very warm water provides two 5 minutes and then recheck. Adhesive strips
benefits: his or her hands will be cleaner and are not recommended for patients younger
warmer, which encourages better blood to the than 2 years. RATIONALE: A cotton ball is used
area. Appling a warming pack to the fingertips because the cotton fibers further encourage clot-
will further encourage blood flow. A relaxed ting at the puncture site. The bleeding should
patient in a comfortable, professional atmo- be stopped before the patient leaves your care.
sphere is more likely to provide a better sample. Adhesive strips for children younger than 2 years
6. Clean the selected puncture site with alcohol are not recommended because they are a chok-
swab and allow it to air dry or dry it with a gauze ing hazard.
pad. RATIONALE: Alcohol will remove any resi- 11. Disinfect the area and equipment, remove gloves,
due soap or debris. Allowing the alcohol to dry and dispose of them into a biohazard waste con-
will prevent irritation and stinging. If the site is tainer/red bag. Wash hands. RATIONALE: Bio-
wiped dry, the irritation of the gauze pad will fur- hazard waste should be controlled for everyone’s
ther encourage blood to the area. protection. Hand washing after removing gloves
7. Holding the distal phalange firmly, perform the further protects you.
puncture across the lines of the fingerprint rather 12. Record the procedure and complete the labora-
than along the lines. RATIONALE: Holding the tory requisition or test. The laboratory requisi-
distal phalange firmly will add support to the fin- tion is completed in the presence of the patient
ger and prevent the patient from pulling back on if possible. RATIONALE: Documentation is criti-
the finger during the puncture. Puncturing across cal for good patient records. Completing the lab-
the fingerprint will assist the blood to form a drop oratory requisition in the presence of the patient
rather than flow across the fingertip. provides accurate insurance and personal infor-
8. Using a gauze pad, wipe away the first drop. mation if needed for the insurance forms and
RATIONALE: The first drop usually contains for your medical records.
contamination from the alcohol and tissue fluid
and would not be a good representation of the DOCUMENTATION
blood sample needed. Using gauze rather than 4/27/XX 8:15 AM Capillary puncture performed left ring
cotton to wipe it away lessens the likelihood of it finger for Hgb A1c. Patient tolerated the procedure well. Dr.
clotting too quickly. Lewis is scheduled to see the patient today to discuss progress.
9. Collect the specimen according to the test being Joe Guerrero, CMA (AAMA) ____________________
performed (see Chapter 29 for hemoglobin and
CHAPTER 28 Phlebotomy: Venipuncture and Capillary Puncture 875
Procedure 28-6
Obtaining a Capillary Specimen for Transport
Using a Microtainer Transport Unit
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 5. Discard the first drop of blood. Wipe it away with
a gauze square. RATIONALE: The first drop can
contain mostly alcohol residue and tissue fluid
and would not be a good representation of the
PURPOSE: blood sample needed. Using gauze rather than
To obtain a specimen of capillary blood for transport cotton to wipe it away lessens the likelihood of it
to a laboratory for testing, using a Microtainer. clotting too quickly.
6. Allow a good size drop to form. RATIONALE:
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: Allowing a good size drop to form is a good idea
Capillary puncture supplies: with any capillary specimen; the blood is more
Gloves likely to stay in a drop and not flow over the finger.
70% isopropyl alcohol swab 7. Scoop the drop into the Microtainer (Figure 28-
Gauze 35A). RATIONALE: This is the method used to
Safety lancet get the specimen into the tip of the Microtainer.
Cotton balls
Adhesive bandage 8. Tip the Microtainer, allowing the drop to slide
Sharps container and biohazard waste receptacle into the tube (Figure 28-35B). RATIONALE: As
Microtainer transport unit soon as a drop is obtained on the scoop it should
Laboratory requisition be moved into the tube where it can mix with the
Small sturdy container with a tightly fitting lid (such additive.
as a urine specimen cup or red top vacuum tube) 9. Gently agitate the tube. RATIONALE: Agitat-
Biohazard specimen transport bag ing the tube allows the additive to mix with the
PROCEDURE STEPS: 10. Continue collection of blood until the tube is
1. Determine the appropriateness of submitting a filled (Figure 28-35C). RATIONALE: The tube
capillary specimen for the specific test you are must be filled to the fill line to ensure the proper
performing. RATIONALE: Not all tests can be ratio of blood to additive.
performed on capillary specimens.
11. Provide the patient with a cotton ball and ask
2. Assemble the supplies. RATIONALE: Organiz- him or her to hold pressure on the puncture
ing the supplies before the procedure ensures a site. RATIONALE: The pressure with a cotton
more timely and professional process. ball will encourage the wound to clot.
3. Identify the patient, introduce yourself, explain 12. Remove the scoop from the Microtainer and dis-
the procedure, and recheck the provider’s card the scoop into the sharps container (Figure
orders. RATIONALE: Introducing yourself and 28-35D). RATIONALE: The scoop is contami-
explaining the procedure will establish a profes- nated with blood and therefore is considered to
sional relationship with the patient and might be biohazard waste. Being hard plastic, it is capa-
help put him or her at ease. Identifying the ble of scratching someone, so the sharps con-
patient and rechecking the provider’s orders will tainer is safer than the red bag waste receptacle.
ensure the proper tests will be performed on the
13. Remove the colored cap from the back of the
right patient.
Microtainer and place it securely onto the open-
4. Wash hands, apply gloves, and perform the cap- ing. RATIONALE: Placing the cap securely onto
illary puncture according to Procedure 28-5. the Microtainer will ensure the specimen will
RATIONALE: Washing your hands protects the stay in the Microtainer during handling and
patient, and applying gloves protects you. transport.
876 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Figure 28-35 Collecting a capillary specimen for transport. (A) After wiping away the first drop (not shown),
allow drop to form. Touch the scoop on the collection Microtainer tube to the blood droplet. (B) Tip the col-
lection Microtainer tube up so that the blood flows into the tube. Agitate it gently to mix the anticoagulant
with the blood. (C) Continue collecting the blood until the collection Microtainer tube is filled to the marked
level. (D) Remove the scoop from the collection Microtainer tube and dispose of the scoop into a nearby
sharps container.
14. Place the capped Microtainer into a small sturdy any questions the patient has, and release the
container with a tight-fitting lid. RATIONALE: patient. RATIONALE: Caring for the patient
Placing the Microtainer in another container both physically and emotionally shows a profes-
protects it from being uncapped and (because of sional dedication to your job.
its small size) lost in transport. The Microtainer 18. Document procedure in patient’s chart or elec-
is also not large enough for adequate labeling. tronic medical record. RATIONALE: Documen-
15. Label the container. RATIONALE: Proper label- tation ensures that the proper information is
ing ensures the proper tests on the right speci- recorded into the patient’s chart or electronic
men. medical record.
16. Fill out the laboratory requisition while the
patient is present. Place the specimen and the DOCUMENTATION
requisition into the biohazard transport bag in 3/3/XX 4:15 PM Capillary puncture was performed for
their separate compartments. RATIONALE: Any a CBC. Specimen (Microtainer) sent to Inner City Laboratory.
questions about the patient’s address and insur- Patient tolerated the procedure well and will call in on Friday
ance can be answered immediately if the patient (3/6/XX) for the results. No return appointment scheduled.
is present while you complete the form. W. Slawson, CMA (AAMA) _____________________
17. Check the patient’s puncture site. If bleeding
has stopped, apply an adhesive strip, answer
CHAPTER 28 Phlebotomy: Venipuncture and Capillary Puncture 877
Procedure 28-7
Obtaining Blood for Blood Culture
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: one anaerobe) from each site. Occasionally,
three sites will be necessary. Expired supplies
and culture bottles must not be used.
5. Place the culture bottles on a flat surface within
PURPOSE: reach during the procedure. Mark the correct fill
While performing venipuncture from two separate line on both bottles at 10 mL per bottle (1–3 mL
sites, prepare two culture bottles of blood from each per bottle for pediatric patients). RATIONALE:
site for culture (four total). Marking the fill line helps in viewing the proper
amount during the procedure.
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: 6. Prepare the venipuncture site with isopropyl
Nonsterile gloves for use with povidone-iodine alcohol and allow to dry, then apply povidone-
solution iodine in progressively larger concentric circles
Sterile gloves from the inside outward (Figure 28-36B). The
Laboratory requisition iodine must remain on the skin for 1 full minute
Blood culture bottles, anaerobic and aerobic (usually and be allowed to dry naturally. The venipunc-
four: two bottles each for two sets of cultures) ture site should not be touched after the skin is
70% isopropyl alcohol disinfected. RATIONALE: Alcohol removes oils
Povidone-iodine solution swabs or towelettes and other debris, the povidone-iodine is a more
Venipuncture supplies (according to method used) thorough antiseptic. One full minute is required
for two separate sites to ensure antisepsis. Touching the site may
Biohazard red bag recontaminate it.
Sharps container 7. Cleanse the bottle tops with alcohol and povi-
Labeling pen done-iodine solution. RATIONALE: The bottle
tops need to be disinfected to remove contami-
PROCEDURE STEPS: nation. NOTE: Some laboratory guidelines state
1. Identify the patient, introduce yourself, and that iodine can disintegrate the rubber stopper
explain the procedure. and therefore should not be used. Follow your
2. Ensure that the patient has not initiated anti- laboratory guidelines as stated in your laboratory
microbial therapy. RATIONALE: Antibiotic manual.
therapy can interfere with the culture results. If 8. Remove the preparation gloves and apply the
the patient has started antibiotics, the name and sterile gloves using sterile procedure. RATIO-
strength of the antibiotic, dosage, duration, and NALE: Sterile gloves will ensure the procedure
last dose must be documented clearly on the lab- will be as sterile as possible.
oratory report.
9. Perform venipuncture according to method
3. Wash hands and put on gloves. RATIONALE: used. Insert the aerobic culture bottle onto the
Washing hands before any laboratory process needle (Figure 28-36C). Fill to the appropriate
prevents contamination of the specimen. Glov- line, usually 10 mL per bottle (1–3 for pediatric
ing provides personal protection. patients). Remove the first bottle, invert 8 to 10
4. Assemble equipment and supplies according to times, and apply the second (anaerobic) bottle.
the venipuncture procedure being used and the Fill. Remove the second bottle and invert 8 to
laboratory requirements (Figure 28-36A). Check 10 times. RATIONALE: Follow your laboratory
expiration dates on all collection and culture manual guidelines. The aerobic bottle should be
supplies. RATIONALE: Organizing your work filled first because there will be some residual air
area prevents confusion and error due to miss- in the needle. The anaerobic bottle will then col-
ing supplies. Usually two separate sites are used lect only blood. Inverting the bottles ensures the
for collection, with two bottles (one aerobe and culture media will be well mixed with the blood.
878 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
With a little practice, the medical assistant will become an expert at phlebotomy. The skills of phlebotomy
cannot be learned primarily from a textbook; continuous practice will develop the skill to perfection. It
may take months before the medical assistant feels comfortable and is able to obtain a sample without dif-
In all phlebotomy, safety is of the utmost consideration. Dispose of all sharps properly and separately
from the noncontaminated trash. Proper hand cleansing between patients and wearing gloves, goggles,
and masks with each phlebotomy will ensure safety for both the patient and the medical assistant.
Proper specimen collection and handling of the specimen after collection by the medical assistant
will ensure that the patient obtains the most accurate result. The specimen must be treated in such a way
that the integrity of the specimen is maintained. The quality of the sample must be the same when col-
lected as when tested. Correct method of draw, order of draw, and the correct handling of the sample
after collection will reduce the number of factors affecting the sample and give the most accurate result
880 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
° Multiple Choice
° Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet by completing the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on the CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
Multiple Choice b. hand washing
1. Drawing blood with a 25-gauge needle increases c. always wearing masks
the chance for: d. avoid breathing on clients
a. vein collapse 6. Under Standard Precautions, all used needles are
b. hematomas to be disposed of in the following manner:
c. hemoconcentration a. recapped
d. hemolysis b. discarded intact in a sharps container
2. An anticoagulant is an additive placed in vacuum c. bent
tubes to: d. broken or cut off
a. dilute the blood before testing 7. When drawing multiple specimens in vacuum
b. ensure the sterility of the tube tubes, it is important to fill which of the following
c. make the blood clot faster color-stoppered tubes first?
d. prevent the blood from clotting a. light blue
3. When collecting a blood sample with a vacuum b. green
tube system, the last tube drawn is withdrawn from c. lavender
the holder before removing the needle from the d. red
patient to: 8. The anticoagulant of choice when drawing coagula-
a. avoid hematoma at the venipuncture site tion studies such as PT and APTT is:
b. avoid dripping blood out the end of the needle a. (red) no anticoagulant
c. prevent clotting of the blood b. (light blue) sodium citrate
d. cause the blood to clot c. (lavender) EDTA
4. Leaving the tourniquet on a patient’s arm for an d. (green) heparin
extended length of time before drawing blood may 9. When the medical assistant cannot perform a veni-
cause: puncture successfully after two attempts, the medi-
a. hemoconcentration cal assistant should:
b. specimen hemolysis a. try at least two more times
c. stress b. notify the provider
d. bruising c. ask another medical assistant to try
5. The single most important way to prevent the d. request the test for the next day
spread of infection from patient to patient is:
a. gowning and gloving
CHAPTER 28 Phlebotomy: Venipuncture and Capillary Puncture 881
10. If the blood is drawn too quickly from a small vein, 4. Discuss how clots are formed and what can be done
the vein has a tendency to: to stop the clotting process.
a. collapse 5. You have calmed the crying patient and successfully
b. bruise drawn the patient’s blood. What will you do next?
c. disintegrate Why is this step important? Describe the skills you
d. roll have used.
11. What is OSHA’s policy about choosing the safest 6. The patient cries out in pain when you insert the
needle systems to prevent accidental needlestick needle into the vein. What will you do to make
injuries? the patient more comfortable? If you decide to try
a. The clinic administrators can choose whatever is another site, how will you locate it?
most cost effective.
b. The clinic administrators should carefully
choose the safest system for their staff.
c. The clinic administrators must select the safest 1. Visit the CDC and other government Web
equipment based on feedback from the people sites for the most current information on
who are using the needles. Standard Precautions and proper protection
d. OSHA is not interfering with the clinics’ rights during blood draws.
to use any system they choose. 2. Search the keywords “phlebotomy” and “puncture”
on the Web. What organizations can you find that
Critical Thinking offer information for medical assistants?
1. A frightened patient begins crying when you enter 3. Search the Internet for the laws in your state gov-
the room to perform a venipuncture. How will you erning phlebotomy training.
handle the situation? What is your responsibility to
the patient? Why are your demeanor and appear-
ance important in this type of situation?
2. Explain the difference between serum and plasma. Walters, N. J., Estridge, B. H., & Reynold, A. P. (2008).
Describe how serum and plasma samples are col- Basic medical laboratory techniques (5th ed.). Clifton
lected. Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
3. How can vein collapse be avoided in a geriatric
882 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Hematology 29
Anisocytosis Hematologic Tests Using Erythrocyte Indices to
Basophil Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Diagnose
C-Reactive Tests Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rates
Protein (CRP) Hemoglobin (ESR or SED Rate)
Complete Blood Hematocrit Wintrobe Method
Count (CBC) White and Red Blood Cell Counts Westergren Method
Eosinophil (ESP) White Blood Cells and Using the ESR to Screen
Erythrocyte Differential C-Reactive Proteins
Erythrocyte Indices Red Blood Cells Coagulation Studies
Erythrocyte Platelets Automated Hematology
Sedimentation Erythrocyte Indices
Rate (ESR) Understanding RBC Indices
The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and dem-
onstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this chapter
Hemoglobin through written and oral communication.
Hypochromic 1. Define the key terms as presented in the glossary.
Leukocyte 2. Describe the process of hematopoiesis.
Lymphocyte 3. Discuss how the clinical science of hematology and the complete
Macrocytic blood count (CBC) are used in the diagnosis and treatment of
4. Compare the normal versus abnormal values of the CBC param-
5. Describe which blood tests and methods are within the scope of
practice and training of the medical assistant performing under
Normocytic a CLIA Waived Test Certificate.
Protime 6. Discuss how the hemoglobin and hematocrit are used to diag-
Reticulocyte (Retic) nose anemia.
Thrombocyte 7. Describe how the erythrocyte indices are used in the differential
diagnosis of anemias.
8. Perform the calculations necessary to derive the erythrocyte indi-
ces mean corpuscular cell volume, mean corpuscular hemoglo-
bin, and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration.
9. List the five types of normal white blood cells and give the identi-
fying characteristics of each.
OBJECTIVES (continued)
10. Describe the differences in the procedures for the Wintrobe
and Westergren erythrocyte sedimentation rates.
11. Recognize the physiologic reasons why the erythrocyte sedi-
mentation rate varies with different states of health and disease.
12. Describe CRP and its uses as a screening test for general infec-
tion and inflammation.
13. List the two general types of automated hematology instru-
ments used in the ambulatory care setting and describe their
14. Perform the laboratory procedures included in this chapter in a
manner acceptable for entry-level employment.
The providers in the office of Drs. Lewis and King often ogy analyzer or performing tests manually because
order hematologic tests to assist them in diagnosing she understands the purposes and procedures of the
and treating patients. As she performs the tests in the tests. She always follows all safety and quality-control
physician’s office laboratory, medical assistant Audrey guidelines to protect herself and others and to ensure
Jones uses her knowledge of hematology every day. the accuracy of test results.
Audrey is comfortable using an automated hematol-
Hematology is the study of the blood cells and coagula- in the yolk sac, liver, and spleen. After we are born, the
tion in both normal and diseased states. The two main primary site for the production of erythrocytes, granulo-
components of the blood are plasma (the liquid portion) cytes, and platelets is the bone marrow. Lymphocytes are
and cells. Cells of the blood are also known as the formed also produced in the bone marrow, as well as in the lymph
elements of the blood. The study of hematology is usually nodes. At birth, most of the bone marrow in the body is
limited to the cellular components of the blood and does capable of producing blood cells. This process is confined
not include the chemistry of the blood. See Chapter 32 for
the chemistry of blood and tests related to blood chemistry.
The cellular components of blood include erythro-
cytes (red blood cells [RBCs]), leukocytes (white blood Spotlight on Certification
cells [WBCs]), and thrombocytes (platelets). Blood has
many different functions. RBCs are responsible for sup- RMA Content Outline
plying oxygen to all the cells of the body and removing • Asepsis
the waste products of the cells: carbon dioxide. WBCs are • Laboratory procedures
involved in fighting infection, as well as producing anti-
bodies for the immune system to defend against foreign CMA (AAMA) Content Outline
antigens. There are five basic types of WBCs and they • Principles of infection control
all have specific disease-fighting functions. Platelets are • Processing specimens
involved in homeostasis, the control of bleeding. Figure • Quality control
28-2 shows the cellular elements of blood. • Performing selected tests
Hematopoiesis is defined as the formation of blood
cells (Figure 29-1). The process of hematopoiesis, as well CMAS Content Outline
as the blood-forming tissues of the body, is included in the • Asepsis in the medical office
study of hematology. In the embryo, hematopoiesis occurs
CHAPTER 29 Hematology 885
Figure 29-1 Hematopoiesis showing blood cells and platelet formation starting with
hematopoietic stem cell.
Test Reports e
Safety Standards
Table 29-1 Normal Hemoglobin Values Table 29-2 Normal Hematocrit Values
or Reference Ranges by Age or Reference Ranges by Age
and/or Sex and/or Sex
Newborn 15–20 g/dL Newborn 45–60%
Age 3 months 9–14 g/dL 1-year-old child 27–44%
Age 10 months 12–14.5 g/dL Adult female 36–46%
Adult woman 12–16 g/dL Adult male 40–55%
Adult man 13–18 g/dL
Eosinophils: 1–3%
Eosinophils increase with allergic reactions, hay fever,
and parasitic infections.
Table 29-5 Normal Erythrocyte Counts
Basophils: 0–1%
Age Reference Range Basophils increase in polycythemia vera, chicken pox,
and ulcerative colitis.
Newborn 5.0–6.5 106/mm3
Adult woman 4.0–5.5 106/mm3 Table 29-6 Normal Values for the Erythrocyte
Adult man 4.5–6.0 106/mm3
MCV 80–100 fL
MCH 27–33 pg
Capillary tube
Buffy coat
incision and drainage surgery for the purpose die if our leukocytes lost their ability to perform
of incising and draining an abscess. Antibiotics this process.
are useful in some cases to help the leukocytes Detoxification is a neutralizing process that
fight off the bacteria and remove the infection. is effective against poisons and other harmful sub-
When leukocytes travel into the tissues, most stances. Eosinophils use detoxification to control
of them do not return to the bloodstream. The allergic reactions and histamine production.
lymphocyte is the only type that does; it travels Inflammation is a general process that occurs
to the lymphatic system where it is specialized as a sequence of events. Chapter 10 explains the
and matured (hence, its name), then returns to inflammatory process in more detail. The leuko-
the bloodstream to await a mission. The normal cyte most actively involved in inflammation is the
values for white blood cells vary with age. Babies basophil, which releases histamine into injured tis-
need more, because they have not yet built up sue to increase inflammation (antihistamines work
antibody protections (Table 29-3). to reduce inflammation). Basophils also contain
WBCs or leukocytes can be divided into two the anticoagulant heparin. The basophil synchro-
basic groups: granulocytes, which contain granules nizes the entire inflammatory process; thus, the
within their cytoplasm, and agranulocytes, which poison is rendered harmless, the offending agents
do not contain granules. The presence of granules are eliminated, and the area is cleaned up of all
can be visualized by the trained eye after a staining the necrotic tissue and is ready for repair.
process during the manual WBC count. Even dur- Immune response is a series of complicated
ing the automated method, the leukocyte is identi- and involved specific antigen–antibody reactions.
fied by the contents of the cytoplasm and the shape Simply stated, when a harmful substance enters
of their nuclei. The granulocytes are the neutro- the human body, the adaptive immune response
phils, basophils, and eosinophils (notice they all provided by the lymphocyte destroys the harm-
end in -phil, which will help you remember their ful substance. A “memory” is created so that the
cytoplasm is “filled” with granules). The agranulo- next time the body is exposed, it recognizes the
cytes are the lymphocytes and the monocytes. intruder and is better able to prevent the illness
The nuclei of the leukocytes differ from each again. This is called immunity. Immunity can be
other, as well as the cytoplasm. All three of the permanent or temporary, passively acquired or
granulocytes contain nuclei that are multilobed or actively acquired. Passively acquired immunity is
segmented (sometimes they are even called segs).
They are described as being polymorphonuclear
cells (poly means “many,” morpho means “shape,”
and nuclear means “nucleus”). The immature neu- LEUKOCYTE IDENTIFICATION GUIDE
trophil has a nucleus that has not yet formed lobes Cell Types Functions
and is called a band cell (or stab cell) because its
nucleus looks sort of like a comma. The agranu-
locytes do not form lobed nuclei; their nuclei are Neutrophils Phagocytosis of bacteria
rounded in a single mass. Because of their single Mature are segmented cells/segs Destruction by enzymes
nuclei, the aganulocytes are sometimes called Immature are bands or stabs
mononuclear (meaning one nucleus). Because so Eosinophils Detoxification of toxins
many different names can be confusing, this chap- and harmful substances
ter provides an identification guide and pictures
Neutralize histamine
for you (see Table 29-4, Leukocyte Identification
Guide box, and Figure 29-8). Destroy parasitic worms
Each of the five types provide specialized pro- Basophils Mediate inflammation
tection. Some of their methods include phagocy- Release histamine to
tosis, detoxification, inflammation, and immune increase inflammation
response. Release heparin to inhibit
Phagocytosis is an engulfing process per- blood clotting
formed by all leukocytes, but especially the neu- Agranulocytes
trophils and the monocytes. Once the bacteria or
Monocytes Phagocytosis to clean up
particles are engulfed, the material is destroyed by
enzymes present in the leukocyte. Phagocytosis is Lymphocytes Destruction of viruses
so important as a means of protection, we would Immune response
892 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
gifted to us either in utero (congenital or natu- This is what can happen in an allergic reaction.
ral) or through an injection (artificial). Actively Eosinophils are especially well suited to battle the
acquired immunity requires us to actively fight off inflammation accompanying allergic-type reactions
a disease, and because we take active part in creat-
ing the immunity, it is usually permanent. Passively
acquired immunities do not make us sick, but they
Some examples of blood cell changes associated with disease
usually do not last longer than 6 months. states are:
Not only do the leukocytes fight off patho-
gens/toxins in a variety of ways, they also are fairly 1. When a patient is experiencing an acute appendicitis,
specific in the types of pathogens they do battle the white blood cell count increases rapidly with a high
with (see Table 29-4). Neutrophils are the most percentage of neutrophils. There is also an increase in the
numerous of all leukocytes and for good reason. number of early or younger forms of these cells.
They are there to destroy bacteria, which is our 2. Patients who are suffering from a viral infection, especially
most common enemy. The second largest group is adults, frequently experience a reduction in white blood
cells and an increase in the percentage of lymphocytes.
the lymphocytes, and they fight our second most
Patients with infectious mononucleosis have increased
common enemy: viruses. Lymphocytes are also numbers of lymphocytes, many of which are atypical.
involved in immune responses, which explains why 3. When patients have iron deficiency anemia, their indices
we have immunity to viruses and not to other sub- demonstrate red blood cells that show marked reduction in
stances or microbes. Basophils release histamine to hemoglobin content. Their erythrocytes appear hypochro-
increase inflammation into injured tissues. Inflam- mic, lacking or low in color, because they lack the normal
mation usually is our friend, but sometimes the amount of hemoglobin in the red blood cells.
inflammation is too severe.
CHAPTER 29 Hematology 893
needed to calculate all three indices are the RBC of all the balloons in our basket, then divide that
count, the hematocrit, and the hemoglobin. The number by the number of balloons in the basket.
erythrocyte indices values are important in the This gives us the average (mean) mass (volume),
diagnosis or classification and treatment of differ- or MCV.
ent types of anemia. Table 29-6 shows normal val- If we use MCH in the above example, we are
ues for the erythrocyte indices. measuring the average amount/concentration of
Before the automated hematology instrument water in the balloons. To measure this, we would
became commonly used in the ambulatory care pop each balloon, measure the total amount of
setting, the erythrocyte indices were not included water, and then divide by how many balloons
as a part of the CBC because the RBC count was there were. This would give us the average (mean)
not an accurate measurement. amount of red water (hemoglobin), or MCH.
The following formulas are used to calculate Using the same water balloon comparison for
the erythrocyte indices: explaining the MCHC, it would be the intensity
of the red water within all the balloons. Some of
MCV Hematocrit
RBC (in millions) 10
the balloons might contain light red water, some
might contain dark red water. The average of the
The result is reported in femtoliters (f L), a intensity would give us the average (mean) inten-
unit of volume 1015 L, formerly reported in cubic sity (concentration), or the MCHC.
microns (m3). This index gives the average vol- All of these numbers together tell us about
ume of RBCs in the sample. how many balloons (RBC) there are in the basket/
sample, their average size (volume), how much
Hemoglobin (in grams)
MCH 10 they contain (amount hemoglobin/water), and
RBC (in millions) the average concentration/intensity of the red
The result is expressed in picograms (pg), a water (hemoglobin) within all of them.
micro microgram, or 1 1012 g. This index esti- Understanding the relationship between the
mates the weight of hemoglobin in RBCs of the MCV, MCH, and MCHC helps to better understand
sample. what is happening when a patient is anemic due to
low hemoglobin within each RBC versus a patient
Hemoglobin (in grams) who is anemic due to low RBC count and so forth.
This result is expressed in grams/deciliter Using Erythrocyte Indices
(g/dL). The MCHC is the average concentration to Diagnose
of hemoglobin in a given volume of packed RBCs
(hematocrit). The MCH and MCV are increased in megaloblas-
tic anemias such as vitamin B12 and folate deficiency
anemias. They also are increased in acute blood
Understanding RBC Indices loss anemia, chronic hemolytic anemias, aplastic ane-
If we think of the red blood cells as water bal- mias, hypothyroidism, and liver disease. The MCH
loons filled with red-colored water, we might bet- and MCV are decreased in hypochromic and micro-
ter understand the indices: The red-colored water cytic anemias, including iron deficiency anemia, thal-
signifies the hemoglobin inside the red blood cell. assemias, and occasionally in hyperthyroidism.
We have a basket of water balloons to signify our The MCHC is increased in hereditary sphero-
blood sample. cytosis. It is normal in macrocytosis. The MCHC is
Because each water balloon is a different size decreased in iron deficiency anemia. The stained
(as are our red blood cells), we would need to mea- blood smear of a person with iron deficiency ane-
sure the size of all of them to get the average vol- mia demonstrates RBCs that are both hypochro-
ume or mass. We would add together the size/mass mic and microcytic.
If the patient’s hematocrit is 37 and the RBC
count is 5 million, what would the MCV be? The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), as
the name implies, is a measurement of the rate
CHAPTER 29 Hematology 895
at which the RBCs in a well-mixed, anticoagu- Two ways to perform an ESR test are the
lated blood sample will fall, or settle, toward the Wintrobe method and the Westergren method.
bottom when it is placed in a vertical tube. This Both methods will provide the same information.
test is commonly referred to in the laboratory as Because of the simplicity in setting up the Wester-
a “sed rate” (see Procedure 29-3). The ESR has gren ESR, it has become the more widely used
been used for many years in the diagnosis and method in the ambulatory care setting’s POL.
treatment of many disease states of the body.
It is an inexpensive, accurate, and easy test to
perform. Two factors that influence the sedi- Wintrobe Method
mentation rate are the condition of the surface
An EDTA venous blood sample is thoroughly
membrane of the RBC and changes in the level
mixed. With the use of a Pasteur pipette, the blood
of fibrinogen in the plasma of the blood. During
is transferred to a Wintrobe tube. The blood is
disease conditions in the body, the surface mem-
added to the left zero mark at the top of the tube.
brane of the RBC is altered, as well as the levels
It is important that no air bubbles are present in
of fibrinogen, and this affects the rate at which
the blood column. The tube is placed exactly ver-
the RBCs fall in the tube. RBCs will demonstrate
tical in a rack and allowed to stand for exactly 60
this change even after the disease has subsided
minutes. The test is read by determining the num-
because RBCs have an average life of 120 days.
ber of millimeters (mm) the red cells have settled.
For this reason, the ESR is a more accurate tool
The tube has a total capacity of 100 mm. The test
in diagnosing the onset of a disease than in
is reported in millimeters per hour (Figure 29-9).
checking the progress of treatment.
Table 29-7 lists normal values for the Wintrobe
method of ESR.
Westergren Method
0 10
0 10 The Westergren method differs from the Win-
Plasma Distance
trobe method in that the blood sample is mixed
1 9 erythrocytes with 3.8% sodium citrate solution before the tube
have fallen is filled. The blood and sodium citrate are mixed
and the tube is filled to the zero mark and placed
2 8 exactly vertical in a rack. The tube is read after
1 9
exactly 60 minutes, and the test is reported in mil-
3 7 limeters per hour. Table 29-8 gives normal values
for the Westergren method of ESR.
The Polymedco company produces a
4 6
Sediplast® system to perform a Westergren ESR
that is self-filling. It is a completely closed system
5 5 that protects laboratory personnel from the risks
Blood associated with blood handling. The Sediplast®
ESR System is shown in Figure 29-10.
6 4
The following guidelines should be followed
when performing Wintrobe and Westergren ESR
7 3 procedures to ensure accurate test results:
Persons prone to forming blood clots often are
medicated with anticoagulants (blood thinners)
such as Coumadin or heparin. While a patient is
taking an anticoagulant, it is important to deter-
mine the blood is able to clot within a reasonable
amount of time, which ensures that the patient is
taking the correct dosage. The method of monitor-
ing coagulation time is called the prothrombin time
(PT), or, more commonly the protime. The pro-
time is reported in the time (seconds) it takes for
the patient’s blood to clot and in the international
normalized ratio (INR). We still refer to both tests as Figure 29-12 ProTime coagulation analyzer. (Cour-
protime. Currently the INR is more useful because it tesy of ITC, Edison, NJ.)
is standardized, that is, it can be universally applied,
in contrast to the timing test, which can vary quite a
bit from facility to facility. Normal blood will clot in
about 11 to 13 seconds. The provider will want the testing under CLIA and therefore is not within
patient taking anticoagulant medication to have a the medical assistant’s scope of practice without
protime of approximately 16 to 18 seconds and INR further education and training. Many medical
of 2.0 to 2.6 (sometimes higher). If blood clots too assistants have obtained additional education and
soon, the anticoagulant medication is not at a ther- training and are performing moderately complex
apeutic level. If the blood clotting takes too long tests under additional credentials. All procedures
(prolonged clotting), then the patient is taking too performed with automated instrumentation are
much medication. An INR of 1.0 is considered inef- modifications of manual methods. Automated
fective; 5.0 is considered dangerous. hematology procedures have many advantages
Because activities of daily living, such as diet, over the manual methods. They are faster, less
can interfere with clotting factors, the protime usu- expensive, simple to operate, and accurate. The
ally is tested on a regular basis, weekly at the begin- instruments can be calibrated and lend them-
ning of treatment, then monthly or less frequently selves to control testing. Most are equipped with
as treatment progresses. If the patient experiences printers that produce hard copy results. Many can
frequent unusual bruising or bleeding that might store quality-control results and print out quality-
indicate an imbalance in clotting ability, then the control data summary sheets.
protime test can be run “on demand.” Some foods In addition to performing a wide variety of
rich in vitamin K (e.g., dark leafy vegetables), alco- hematologic tests, many automated hematology
hol, vitamins and supplements, aspirin, and many instruments also calculate part or all of the RBC
other medications can interfere with anticoagulant indices and print the results. Some automated
therapy. Health care professionals must interview hematology instruments can be connected to other
the patient carefully about what is being taken. computers in the medical facility.
Patient education and patient compliance both The hematologic parameters that are avail-
are important components of effective treatment able on different automated office hematology
with anticoagulants. instruments are:
The protime test is also used as a screening
test for people who have liver disease or clotting • RBC count
factor disease or who are vitamin K deficient. • WBC count
The protime is a simple CLIA waived test that
• Hemoglobin
is performed on a drop of blood (Figure 29-12).
Procedure 29-4 describes the step-by-step process. • Hematocrit
• Platelet count
Use of the automated or semiautomated hema- • MCHC
tology instruments is not categorized as waived • Percentage of granulocytes
898 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Procedure 29-1
Hemoglobin Determination Using a CLIA Waived Hemoglobin Analyzer
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS that you have the right patient. Explaining the
procedure reassures the patient and gains his or
her cooperation with the procedure.
5. Select the site, prepare the site, and perform
PURPOSE the capillary puncture (see Chapter 28). Wipe
Properly and safely perform an automated hemoglo- away the first drop with gauze. RATIONALE:
bin determination to evaluate the oxygen-carrying The first drop may be contaminated with tissue
capacity of the blood. fluid. Using gauze rather than a cotton ball will
discourage a clot from forming.
6. Apply the second drop of blood into the slide
reservoir using the appropriate technique for
Biohazard container
the analyzer (Figure 29-13B). RATIONALE:
Sharps container
Each machine has a slightly different applicator
Capillary puncture equipment
device and technique.
70% isopropyl alcohol
Safety lancet 7. Apply a cotton ball to the puncture site and
Cotton ball ask the patient to hold pressure for 2 minutes.
Gauze 2 2 RATIONALE: Cotton will assist the site to clot
Adhesive bandage during the 2 minutes the pressure is held.
CLIA waived hemoglobin analyzer with test slides 8. Place the slide into the analyzer and perform
appropriate steps as required by the manufactur-
PROCEDURE STEPS er’s instructions. RATIONALE: Each manufacturer
1. Assemble and organize equipment and supplies. has specific processes for use with its analyzer.
RATIONALE: Being organized helps the process
go more smoothly and professionally. 9. Read and make a note of the test results (Figure
29-13C). RATIONALE: Making a note helps you
2. Wash hands and put on gloves. RATIONALE: retain the results until they can be charted in the
Hand washing and gloving protects the patient patient’s medical record.
and you.
10. Assess the patient and apply a bandage strip to
3. Turn on the analyzer and calibrate or standard- the puncture site. RATIONALE: The patient
ize according to the manufacturer’s instructions should not leave your care until the bleeding
(Figure 29-13A). RATIONALE: Turn on analyzer has stopped. Do not apply a fingertip bandage to
to warm machine up, calibrate to maintain qual- an infant or young child because it could pose a
ity controls. choking hazard.
4. Identify the patient and explain the procedure. 11. Disinfect analyzer according to manufacturer’s
RATIONALE: Identifying the patient ensures instructions. Discard all contaminated equip-
CHAPTER 29 Hematology 899
Figure 29-13 (A) Turn on the machine and perform control testing if necessary. Always follow the manu-
facturer’s instructions. (B) Place the patient’s drop of blood into the slide reservoir. (C) Read and record the
hemoglobin value.
ment and supplies into appropriate biohaz- Accurate and timely documentation are impor-
ard waste receptacles. Disinfect counter space. tant in medical laboratory procedures.
RATIONALE: Using disinfectants not recom-
mended by the manufacturer could harm the DOCUMENTATION
analyzer. Use sharps containers for sharp sup- 08/06/20XX Capillary puncture performed for hemoglo-
plies and red bags for contaminated cotton ball bin determination. Specimen tested in our lab. Results lab
and gloves. report filed. Patient tolerated the procedure well and Dr.
12. Discard note, remove gloves and discard into Rice discussed results with her. Joe Guerrero, CMA (AAMA)
biohazard container, and wash hands. RATIO-
NALE: Washing hands removes residual contam- Laboratory Report
Patient Name Diane Pankey Date 08-06-20XX
13. Document the procedure in the patient’s medical
record in the progress notes charting section and Hematocrit — % Hemoglobin 14.5 gm/dL
complete a lab report. File the lab report in the
lab section of the patient record. RATIONALE: Joe Guerrero, CMA (AAMA)
MA signature
Procedure 29-2
Microhematocrit Determination
Capillary puncture equipment
70% isopropyl alcohol
Safety lancet
PURPOSE Cotton ball
Properly and safely perform a microhematocrit deter- Gauze 2 2
mination. Adhesive bandage
Microhematocrit tubes (heparinized, plastic, self-
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES sealing or use sealing clay)
Gloves Microhematocrit centrifuge and reader
Biohazard container
900 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Figure 29-14 (A) Perform the capillary puncture, and wipe away the first drop
with gauze. Allow the second drop of blood to form on the patient’s finger. (B)
Holding the microhematocrit tube horizontally, touch the end onto the top of
the blood drop and let the tube fill by capillary action until it is approximately
⁄4 full. (C) Seal the microhematocrit tube with sealing clay.
CHAPTER 29 Hematology 901
reader or accompanying graph, determine the 14. Document the procedure in the patient’s medi-
hematocrit level. Read and make a note of the cal record in the progress notes charting section
test results. RATIONALE: A spinning centrifuge and complete a lab report. File the lab report
is very dangerous and can cause a friction burn in the lab section of the patient record. RATIO-
if touched. Making a note helps you retain the NALE: Accurate and timely documentation are
results until they can be charted in the patient’s important in medical laboratory procedures.
medical record.
12. Discard all contaminated equipment and sup- DOCUMENTATION
plies into appropriate biohazard waste recep- 08/06/20XX Capillary puncture performed for hemato-
tacles. Disinfect counter space and centrifuge crit determination. Specimen tested in our labs. Results in lab
according to manufacturer’s instructions. report filed. Patient tolerated the procedure well and Dr. Rice
RATIONALE: Using disinfectants not recom- discussed results with her. Joe Guerrero, CMA (AAMA) ___
mended by the manufacturer could harm the
analyzer. Use sharps containers for sharp sup-
Laboratory Report
plies and red bags for contaminated cotton ball Patient Name Diane Pankey Date 08-06-20XX
and gloves.
Hematocrit 38 % Hemoglobin — gm/dL
13. Discard note, remove gloves and discard into
biohazard container, and wash hands. RATIO- Joe Guerrero, CMA (AAMA)
NALE: Washing hands removes residual contam- MA signature
Procedure 29-3
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: Long-stem Pasteur-type pipette with rubber bulb
Biohazard disposal container
PURPOSE: Acrylic face shield or goggles and mask
Properly and safely examine a blood sample by using Sharps container
either the Sediplast® (Westergren) or Wintrobe NOTE: Consult the manufacturer’s package insert for
method to record the ESR. specific instructions for the ESR kit being used.
902 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Replace stopper and invert vial several (5) Return blood sample to proper storage.
times to mix (or mix using pipette). (If no other laboratory work is scheduled,
(2) Place sedivial in Sediplast® rack on a level remove gloves, discard appropriately, and
surface. wash hands. Reglove before handling test
(3) Gently insert the disposable Sediplast®
pipette through the pierceable stopper (6) Measure the distance the erythrocytes
with a twisting motion and push down have fallen (in mm): after exactly 1 hour,
until the pipette rests on the bottom of use the scale on the tube to measure the
the vial. The pipette will autozero the distance from the top of the plasma to
blood and any excess will flow into the the top of the RBCs.
sealed reservoir compartment. (7) Record the sedimentation rate:
(4) Set timer for 1 hour. ESR (Wintrobe, 1 hr) ___ mm
(5) Return blood sample to proper storage. (8) Disinfect and clean equipment and
(If no laboratory work will be performed return to storage.
during the incubation, remove gloves, NOTE: If disposable equipment is used, dis-
discard appropriately, and wash hands. pose of in biohazard container.
Reglove before handling test materials.) 5. Clean work area with surface disinfectant.
(6) Let the pipette stand undisturbed for 6. Remove gloves and discard into biohazard con-
exactly 1 hour, and then read the results tainer.
of the ESR: Use the scale on the tube to
measure the distance from the top of the 7. Wash hands.
plasma to the top of the RBCs. 8. Document the procedure in the patient’s medi-
(7) Record the sedimentation rate: cal record in the progress notes charting section
ESR (Mod. Westergren, 1 hr) ___ mm and complete a lab report. File the lab report
in the lab section of the patient record. RATIO-
(8) Dispose of tube and vial in appropriate NALE: Accurate and timely documentation are
biohazard container. important in medical laboratory procedures.
b. Wintrobe method:
(1) Place tube in Wintrobe sedimentation DOCUMENTATION
rack. 08/06/20XX ESR performed. Results filed in patient’s chart.
(2) Check the leveling bubble to ensure that
Patient tolerated the procedure well and Dr. Rice discussed
the Wintrobe rack is level.
results with him. Joe Guerrero, CMA (AAMA) _________
(3) Fill Wintrobe tube to the zero mark
with well-mixed blood using the Pasteur Laboratory Report
pipette and being careful not to overfill.
NOTE: Tube must be filled from the bot-
Patient Name George Pankey Date 08-06-20XX
tom to avoid getting air bubbles in the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate 17 mm/hr
(4) Set timer for 1 hour. Be certain the tube Joe Guerrero, CMA (AAMA)
is vertical and left undisturbed for the MA signature
entire hour.
CHAPTER 29 Hematology 903
Procedure 29-4
Prothrombin Time (Using CLIA Waived ProTime Analyzer)
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS 6. Fill the Tenderlett lancet cup to the fill line then
place it onto the cuvette, which was placed into
the machine in Step 3. Be sure it is snapped into
place. Press the start button. RATIONALE: The
PURPOSE Tenderlett cup is calibrated for the analyzer and
Properly and safely perform an automated prothrom- must be properly placed for the test to run cor-
bin time determination to evaluate the clotting time rectly.
of a drop of blood. 7. Apply a cotton ball and ask the patient to hold
pressure for 3 to 5 minutes. RATIONALE: A
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES patient having this test performed usually has a
Gloves delayed clotting time. Assess that the bleeding
Biohazard container has stopped and apply bandage. RATIONALE:
Sharps container A patient should never leave your care until the
Capillary puncture equipment bleeding has stopped.
70% isopropyl alcohol
8. Stay by the analyzer and await a prompt to
Safety lancet
remove the Tenderlett lancet device. When
Cotton ball
prompted, immediately remove the device and
Gauze 2 2
discard it into a nearby sharps container. RATIO-
Adhesive bandage
NALE: The device must be removed as soon as
CLIA Waived ProTime Analyzer (ITC ProTime-3)
the clot has formed. This must be done very
with accessories
quickly, within seconds. The Tenderlett device
PROCEDURE STEPS contains a lancet and must be discarded into a
1. Assemble and organize equipment and supplies. sharps container.
Check expiration dates. RATIONALE: Being 9. Read the clotting time in seconds and the INR.
organized helps the process go more smoothly Record the results. RATIONALE: Results should
and professionally. be recorded as soon as possible to decrease the
2. Wash hands and put on gloves. RATIONALE: chance of error.
Hand washing and gloving protects the patient 10. Notify the provider immediately if the results
and you. fall within a critical range. RATIONALE: If the
3. Turn on the ProTime-3 and follow the prompts. patient has a seriously delayed clotting time, the
Insert the test cuvette into the analyzer. RATIO- risk of serious event occurring (such as a stroke)
NALE: Turn on analyzer to warm up machine, is greater. The provider must be notified imme-
calibrate to maintain quality controls. diately in order to adjust the anticoagulant dos-
age and/or prescribe other treatment.
4. Identify the patient and explain the procedure.
RATIONALE: Identifying the patient ensures 11. Disinfect analyzer according to manufacturer’s
that you have the right patient. Explaining the instructions, discard all contaminated equip-
procedure reassures the patient and gains his or ment and supplies into appropriate biohazard
her cooperation with the procedure. waste receptacles, and disinfect counter space.
Remove gloves and wash hands. RATIONALE:
5. Select the site, prepare the site, and perform the
Using disinfectants not recommended by the
capillary puncture using the Tenderlett lancet.
manufacturer could harm the analyzer. Use
Remember to use gauze to wipe away the first
sharps containers for sharp supplies and red bags
drop. RATIONALE: The Tenderlett lancet con-
for contaminated cotton ball and gloves. Wash-
tains the reservoir required for use with the Pro-
ing hands removes residual contamination.
904 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
12. Document the procedure in the patient’s medi- lab report filed. Patient tolerated the procedure well and
cal record in the progress notes charting section Dr. Rice discussed results with her. Joe Guerrero, CMA (AAMA)
and complete a lab report. File the lab report
in the lab section of the patient record. RATIO-
NALE: Accurate and timely documentation are
Laboratory Report
important in medical laboratory procedures. Patient Name Cynthia Januszewski Date 08-06-20XX
Protime 16 seconds INR 2.0
08/06/20XX Capillary puncture performed for pro- Joe Guerrero, CMA (AAMA)
time determination. Specimen tested in our lab. Results in MA signature
Hematology tests are the second most frequently performed tests in the ambulatory care setting. Only uri-
nalysis is performed more frequently. Medical assistants must have a knowledge of hematology to accurately
and efficiently perform the tests. The study of hematology includes hematopoiesis, which is the formation of
the blood elements, as well as the hematologic tests and their relation to the pathology of the body.
This chapter introduced the more common hematologic tests that are performed in the ambulatory
care setting, including all the parts of the CBC, the ESR methods, and the erythrocyte indices. All of these
tests are used by the provider in the diagnosis and treatment of disease.
Most of the hematology procedures performed in today’s ambulatory care setting use some type of
automated instrumentation. Some automated hematology instruments require a diluted blood sample,
whereas others do not. Both methods of automated instrumentation are discussed in this chapter.
Blood specimens used in the sampling of hematologic procedures are biohazardous material.
Be sure to follow Universal and Standard Precautions when you work with these specimens (see
Chapter 10).
CHAPTER 29 Hematology 905
Multiple Choice 6. The erythrocyte indices are used for the diagnosis,
1. Which of the following is not a cellular component classification, and treatment of different:
of blood? a. infections
a. erythrocytes b. anemias
b. leukocytes c. inflammatory diseases
c. thrombocytes d. neoplasms
d. erythropoietin 7. Which hematologic test result shows an increase
2. The formation of blood cells is defined as: with infections, inflammatory disease, acute stress,
a. erythropoietin and tissue destruction?
b. hematopoiesis a. hemoglobin
c. mean corpuscular volume b. MCV
d. hemoglobinopathy c. hematocrit
3. Sickle cell anemia, a hereditary disease, has which d. ESR
type of hemoglobin? 8. The most frequent hemoglobin disease seen in the
a. hemoglobin S ambulatory care setting is:
b. hemoglobin A a. iron deficiency anemia
c. hemoglobin E b. sickle cell anemia
d. hemoglobin C c. leukemia
4. The volume of packed red cells compared with the d. anisocytosis
total volume of the sample is calculated for which 9. Which test within a CBC is within the scope of prac-
test? tice of a medical assistant under CLIA’s waived test
a. hematocrit category?
b. hemoglobin a. Using a HemoCue® to determine a hemoglobin
c. MCH level
d. MCV b. Using a hemacytometer to count WBCs manu-
5. The most common white cell type found in the ally
granulocytic series is the: c. Using the Unopette system to count RBCs man-
a. lymphocyte ually
b. monocyte d. Using an automated blood analyzer that requires
c. neutrophil calculations and mixing of reagents
d. basophil
906 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
10. The highly sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP) test 4. How does aspirin interfere with clotting?
is used for detecting: 5. What test would have elevated results if a patient
a. any type of protein in the blood had systemic arthritis? Why?
b. vascular inflammation
c. very specific diseases such as lupus
d. anemia and leukemia
1. Visit the CDC’s Web site to review Standard
Critical Thinking Precautions required during blood
1. What hematologic factors do the erythrocyte indi- collection.
ces provide information about? List one example 2. Does the American Heart Association’s Web site
for each index in which a disease causes an eleva- offer parameters for different blood counts and
tion or decrease. hematology values? Are guidelines and tips on
2. You are serving your practicum in a local clinic. A specimen collection outlined?
provider has made a tentative diagnosis of appendi-
citis for a patient. In addition to the urinalysis, what
single hematologic test is most likely to confirm the
diagnosis? Walters, N. J., Estridge, B. H., & Reynolds, A. P. (2008).
3. List the guidelines that must be followed to ensure Basic medical laboratory techniques (5th ed.). Clifton
accurate sed rate results. Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
Urinalysis 30
Acid/Base Balance Urine Formation Urine Collection
Amorphous Filtration Urine Specimen Types
Bilirubin Reabsorption Collection Methods
Bilirubinuria Secretion Examination of Urine
Casts Urine Composition Physical Examination of Urine
Chain of Custody Safety Chemical Examination of
Circadian Rhythm Quality Control Urine
Creatinine Clinical Laboratory Improvement Microscopic Examination of
Amendments of 1988 Urine Sediment
Critical Values
(CLIA ’88) Urinalysis Report
Urine Containers Drug Screening
Culture and
Sensitivity (C&S)
Glucosuria The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and dem-
Hematuria onstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this chapter
Hyaline through written and oral communication.
Ketoacidosis 1. Define the key terms as presented in the glossary.
2. Explain the process of urine formation.
3. Discuss the importance of safety procedures and quality control
when working with urine.
Leukocyte Esterase
4. Describe the importance of proper collection and preservation
Midstream Collection
of 24-hour urine specimens.
5. Identify the proper technique for examining the physical charac-
Quality Control (QC)
teristics of a urine specimen.
6. Explain pathologic and nonpathologic causes of abnormal physi-
Reagent Test Strip
cal characteristics of urine.
7. Describe methods for chemical examination of a urine speci-
Specific Gravity
8. Identify the proper method of preparing urine sediment for
microscopic examination.
9. Identify normal and abnormal structures found during the
microscopic examination of urine sediment.
Urinary Tract
Infection (UTI)
At Inner City Health Care, clinical medical assistant before collecting the urine sample, and she provides
Wanda Slawson performs many urinalyses. Although written instructions for easy reference. When she per-
urinalysis is a routine procedure, Wanda recognizes forms the urinalysis,Wanda follows safety and quality-
its importance as a diagnostic tool, and she performs control guidelines. By paying attention to the details
each test carefully to ensure accurate results. Wanda of the procedure, Wanda does her best to ensure the
takes time to instruct patients in the proper collection quality of the urinalysis results.
procedures. She encourages patients to ask questions
Examination of the urine (urinalysis) as a diagnostic fluid volume, acidity and alkalinity (acid/base bal-
tool for many diseases has been performed for centuries ance), composition, and pressure.
by medical practitioners. Urinalysis refers to the study There are two kidneys, one on each side of
of urine as an aid in patient diagnosis or to follow the the body. They are about 11 to 12 cm long and 5
course of disease. The urine examination is a routine part to 6 cm wide. Kidneys are shaped like a lima bean
of most physical examinations. with their concave border directed toward the mid-
The routine urinalysis is one of the most frequently line of the body. The left kidney is slightly higher
performed procedures in the medical office laboratory. than the right.
Many tests can be performed on one urine sample. This
procedure is often ordered because urine is easily obtained,
and much information about the body’s metabolism may
be gained from the results of this testing. The kidney filters waste products, salts, and excess
When providers order a “routine urinalysis,” they fluid from the blood. The filtering unit of the kid-
expect timely and accurate results. Results can indicate a ney is called the glomerulus. The part of the kidney
systemic disease process or renal (kidney) or urinary tract
Practice, experience, and attention to detail are the
most important tools in achieving quality results. Follow-
ing Standard Precautions when working with any body
Spotlight on Certification
fluid is mandatory. RMA Content Outline
• Anatomy and physiology
URINE FORMATION • Patient education
• Asepsis
Before discussing the analysis of urine, it is helpful • Laboratory procedures
to understand how urine is formed in the human
body. The formation and excretion of urine is the CMA (AAMA) Content Outline
principal way the body excretes water and gets rid • Systems, including structure, function,
of waste. These waste products, if not removed, related conditions and diseases
rapidly can become toxic. • Patient instruction
The kidney is a highly specialized organ that • Legislation
eliminates soluble (dissolved in water) waste prod- • Principles of infection control
ucts of metabolism. Urine is formed in the kidney • Collecting and processing specimens;
and is excreted from the body by way of the urinary diagnostic testing
tract system (Figure 30-1). The kidney also regulates
the fluid outside the cells of the body by eliminating CMAS Content Outline
certain fluids and returning other fluids, maintain- • Asepsis in the medical office
ing a careful balance (homeostasis). In this man- • Communication
ner, the body is protected from dramatic changes in
CHAPTER 30 Urinalysis 909
Medulla Efferent
Left kidney
Right kidney Collecting Interlobular
Ureter tubule vein
Henle’s loop
Descending (ascending
limb of loop limb)
Urethra While passing through the kidney, some substances
may need to be reabsorbed by the blood. Approx-
imately 180 L of filtrate is produced daily by the
body, but only 1 to 2 L of urine is eliminated from
the normally functioning human body. Therefore,
Figure 30-1 The urinary system. much of the filtrate, including water, sodium, chlo-
ride, potassium, bicarbonate, glucose, calcium,
and amino acids, is reabsorbed into the body.
Under normal conditions, blood cells and most
that concentrates the filtered material is called the proteins stay in the blood plasma because they are
tubule. Together, the glomerulus and the tubule too large to pass through the walls of the capillaries
combine to form the nephron (Figure 30-2). of the glomerulus. If blood cells and excess protein
Most of the work of the kidney is done by the are found in the urine, the provider is alerted that
nephrons. There are approximately one million the kidney is not filtering properly due to an irregu-
nephrons in each kidney. Each minute, more than lar condition affecting the urinary tract.
1,000 mL of blood flows through the kidney to be As long as the concentration of glucose in the
cleansed. In the glomerulus, certain substances are blood is less than 180 mg/dL (milligrams per deci-
filtered out of the blood. The remaining filtrate liter), the glucose will be completely reabsorbed.
then passes into the tubule where various changes If the level increases to more than 180 mg/dL,
occur. Substances filtered out from the body can the glucose is not reabsorbed. Substances such as
include water, ammonia, electrolytes, glucose, glucose that are reabsorbed in relation to their
amino acids, creatinine, and urea. These wastes concentration in the blood are known as thresh-
leave the body in the eliminated urine. old substances. The needs of homeostasis call for
For example, when diabetics have excess sugar sugar and protein to be almost completely reab-
in their blood, the body attempts to eliminate the sorbed, whereas other threshold substances such
excess glucose through the urine. Routine urinaly- as creatinine, amino acids, potassium, sodium, and
sis testing will reveal the excess glucose, alerting chloride are only partially reabsorbed.
the provider to the presence of too much glucose.
In this manner, diabetes can be diagnosed, and it
can be determined that a patient with diabetes is
not taking enough insulin to control the glucose Near the end of the blood’s journey through the
in the blood. kidney, specifically in the distal convoluted tubule,
910 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Urea Bile
Precautions To Use When Handling
Uric acid Blood
Urine Specimens
Creatinine Fat • Treat all specimens as if they were infectious, handling
them with gloved hands.
Sodium Glucose • Avoid splashes or creation of aerosols when handling or
disposing of urine specimens. Wearing face shields will
Potassium Protein prevent splashes from getting into the eyes, nose, or mouth.
• Process urine specimens as soon as possible.
Ammonium White blood cells
• Store urine specimens appropriately in a designated refrig-
erator that contains no food or drink items.
Sulfate Urobilinogen
• Dispose of urine appropriately, possibly in a designated sink
(run water to wash the specimen into the drain) or toilet.
Chloride Microorganisms (bacteria, parasites)
CHAPTER 30 Urinalysis 911
Critical Thinking
1. What criteria does CLIA use to determine
which tests are in each category?
2. In a urinalysis, which part is not in CLIA’s
waived category? Figure 30-3 Urine collection containers should be
calibrated, clear, and have a secure lid.
912 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
When using electronic medical records, viders may require an overnight fast. Others may
E HR computer-generated labels can be ask the patient to have a meal and then urinate
four hours later.
printed. One label can be applied
to the cup and other labels used for additional It is up to the medical assistant to give the
tests ordered, if appropriate. An example of an patient proper instruction as to how to collect a
additional lab test is a culture and sensitivity of the fasting, or timed, specimen. Written directions
urine as explained later in this chapter. given to the patient in addition to oral instructions
Occasionally, a patient will bring a sample are best. A regular urinalysis container can be used
with him or her in a generic container from home. for a fasting specimen. It does not require a sterile
General recommendations are to provide the container.
patient with a new urine specimen cup and request
a fresh sample. The exception to this rule would Twenty-Four-Hour Specimen. Urine varies in its
be if the patient has brought a “first morning void” concentration of certain substances at different
specimen in an appropriate container. times during any 24-hour period because of circa-
dian rhythm and the intake of food and water. For
instance, the amount of water excreted is greatest
URINE COLLECTION from 10 am to noon and 4 to 6 pm. Chloride is in its
highest concentration from noon to 2 pm. There-
fore, a 24-hour specimen is sometimes requested
Urine Specimen Types when quantitative tests (measuring the amount)
Patients may have questions about how a specimen for different substances are desired. The results
should be collected. The medical assistant must of this type of collection then will be expressed
be able to give proper instructions using common in units per 24 hours. Some commonly tested sub-
terms that the patient will be able to understand. stances include sodium, potassium, calcium, and
Following are common types of urine specimens creatinine.
that might be ordered frequently by providers. The container used to collect this amount of
urine should be of adequate size. Usually a one-
Random (Spot) Specimen. Random (spot) urine gallon, dark-colored plastic bottle is used. For
samples are specimens that can be obtained at any measuring urine constituents, preservatives need
time and are the most common collection per- to be added to the bottle before the collection
formed in the outpatient setting. Random simply begins. Without the preservative, these substances
means that there is no particular time placed on the may break down and be impossible to quantify.
collection. Patients are requested to give a specimen Preservatives include thymol, toluene, and cer-
whenever they are present for their appointment. If tain acids.
the patient has already voided, not knowing a speci- Urine collected over a 24-hour period may be
men would be required, the medical assistant may refrigerated between collections. After the collec-
offer the patient several cups of water in an attempt tion is complete, it must be returned to the medi-
to procure another specimen. Because the kidneys cal laboratory as soon as possible.
constantly produce urine, the patient should be Many 24-hour urine bottles contain pre-
able to provide another specimen within 15 to 20 servatives. Some preservatives are strong
minutes of drinking several cups of water. acids or bases. As with all laboratory
chemicals, the medical assistant and the patient
First Morning Void Specimen. The first morning should avoid contact between the preservative
void is typically the most concentrated specimen and the skin. The urine specimen should be col-
and has a higher acid pH (which helps preserve lected into a smaller container and then poured
the cellular components). It is preferred, but carefully into the main container. Vapors must not
because it is less convenient, it is seldom ordered be inhaled when adding the specimen to the con-
unless the patient is an inpatient or is in a con- tainer. The patient’s written instructions should
trolled setting. contain a warning about avoiding contact with pre-
Fasting/Timed Specimens. A fasting (going with- Providers sometimes choose to have a 2-hour
out food and drink except water) urine specimen or a 12-hour specimen instead of the usual 24-
is ordered less often than a random specimen. The hour collection. All of the collection steps for a 24-
provider may want to measure a urinary substance hour specimen apply. Recording the time of day is
without interference from food intake. Some pro- important.
CHAPTER 30 Urinalysis 913
Collection Methods
In addition to ordering the type of urine speci-
Patient Education
men desired (random, fasting, 24-hour), the pro- 24-Hour Urine Collection
vider might also order a certain type of collection
method to collect the specific sample. These meth- 1. When giving a patient any type of
ods include clean-catch midstream and catheter- instructions, make sure that the patient
ized collection. understands the importance of each
step. Always provide written instructions
Clean-Catch Midstream Collection. To avoid as well. Emphasize that failing to follow
as much contamination as possible when collect- the instructions will cause the results to be
ing a specimen, providers prefer that the patient invalid, requiring another collection.
cleanse the genital area before collection. The 2. The patient begins a 24-hour collection by
clean-catch order means that cleansing towelettes emptying the bladder and not keeping the
are provided in addition to a urine container. Male specimen. The container is then labeled
patients are directed to cleanse the urethral open- with the time of bladder emptying. Patients
ing twice with cleansing towelettes, and female generally start the collection between
patients are directed to cleanse the urethral area 6 and 8 PM, but any 24-hour period is
with three swipes, using three separate towelettes. acceptable.
(See Patient Education box and Procedure 30-7
for complete instructions.) Female patients should 3. Explain that each time the patient urinates
also be instructed to notify the medical assistant if within the 24-hour period, the urine is
they are menstruating during the collection. transferred into the collection container.
After cleansing, the patient should begin to 4. Instruct the patient to refrigerate the
urinate into the toilet. The patient begins urinat- container between urinations if required.
ing, pulls the cup into the urine stream and col- 5. Explain that at the end of the 24-hour
lects the sample, then removes the cup from the period, the patient should urinate and
stream and voids the rest of the urine into the toi- transfer the urine into the container. The
let. This is called a midstream specimen. The mid- exact time should be written on the label
stream urine should be as free of contamination as as the “ended” or “completed” time.
possible. 6. The most common errors in the 24-hour
urine specimen collection are the inclusion
Catheterized Collection. Urinary catheterization of the first voided specimen and the
involves insertion of a sterile flexible tube into the discarding of one or more of the voided
urinary bladder through the urethra. Although specimens during the 24-hour period. Be
urinary catheterization is performed for many rea- sure the patient understands these steps.
sons, this section discusses only the use of cathe-
terization as a way to obtain a urinary sample (see
Procedures 18-2 and 18-3).
Obtaining a urine specimen by catheteriza- introduced into the patient’s bladder, which can
tion is required when a completely sterile speci- cause a bladder infection.
men is needed or when the patient is unable to
follow cleansing instructions. The patient may not Culture and Sensitivity of Urine. Occasionally, the
understand the language, may be mentally unable provider orders a culture and sensitivity (C&S) of
to comprehend the instructions, or may be physi- a urine specimen. The medical assistant is respon-
cally unable to perform the process. It is the medi- sible for preparing the sample for transport. A
cal assistant’s responsibility to determine if the commonly used system is the Urine Culture and
patient understands the instructions for obtaining Sensitivity Transport kit (see Procedure 30-6).
a clean-catch midstream urine sample and is able
to perform the process.
Catheterization is a sterile procedure and EXAMINATION OF URINE
is only performed under a provider’s order and
only by health care professionals who have been Urine should be examined in a fresh state, prefer-
adequately trained. Because the urinary bladder is ably while still warm if possible. However, on rare
considered a sterile environment, if the catheter- occasion the urine sample cannot be tested imme-
ization is not performed properly, bacteria may be diately. If immediate testing is not possible, the
914 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
urine should be refrigerated at about 4°C (39°F) or tals and casts begin to break down after 2 hours.
stored on ice. The urinalysis should be performed Any time delay allows bacteria to multiply and can
as soon as possible, preferably within 2 hours. Crys- lead to inaccurate microbiology results.
Patient Education
Clean-Catch, Midstream Urine Specimen Collection Instructions
1. The patient should be provided with a clean or sterile covered urine cup, a pair of gloves, and
adequate cleansing towelettes (three for female patients, two for male patients). The cup should
be labeled with the patient’s name and the date. Caution the patient not to contaminate the
inside of the cup. A shelf near the toilet is extremely helpful for patients, allowing them to have the
towelettes and cup within reach during collection of the specimen.
2. Instruct the patient in proper cleansing of the genital area. It is best to give the patient written
instructions as well. Men and women should have separate instructions. The written instructions
should be posted next to the toilet for reference by the patient during the procedure. Logically,
the female instructions should be posted on the wall beside the toilet at reading level while she is
sitting, and the male instructions should be posted on the wall behind the toilet at reading level
while he is standing. Laminating the instruction documents protects the writing from any sprays or
• Men: After thoroughly washing his hands, the male patient should retract the foreskin on the
penis (if not circumcised). A cleansing towelette should be used to cleanse the urethral
opening with a single stroke directed from the tip of the penis toward the ring of the glans. The
cleansing procedure should be repeated again using a new towelette.
• Women: After thoroughly washing her hands, the female patient should position herself
comfortably on the toilet seat and spread her knees as far apart as she can. She should spread
the outer vulval folds and hold them open with one hand. With the other hand, using the first
towelette, the patient should cleanse on one side from front to back with one swipe, disposing
of the towelette into the toilet. With the second towelette, she should wipe on the other side front
to back with one swipe, disposing of that towelette into the toilet. While still holding the vulval
folds open, she should use the third towelette to wipe the urethral opening front to back with
one swipe. She may dispose of that towelette into the toilet, too. She should continue to hold the
vulval folds open until she has completed the collection of the urine specimen.
3. Instruct the patient also about the midstream collection technique. Explain why it is necessary.
These instructions should also be written and included with the clean-catch written directions.
• After cleansing the area using the clean-catch directions, the patient should begin to void
into the toilet. The specimen cup should then be held into the stream until it is about half full,
then the cup should be removed from the stream. Assure the patient that urinalysis can be
performed on a small amount of urine if they are unable to give half a cup. The patient may
finish urinating into the toilet. Only the middle portion of the urine flow is included in the sample.
After the specimen has been collected, the container should be capped. After securely
capping the urine cup, the patient may cleanse the outside of the cup if desired. The patient
should always avoid touching the inside of both the container and the lid.
4. The patient should be instructed on where/how to return the specimen to the medical assistant.
Some physicians’ office laboratories (POLs) have a special shelf with a small door opening into the
laboratory, whereas other offices prefer the patient actually hand the specimen to the medical
assistant directly. Either way, the specimen should be taken immediately into the laboratory by the
medical assistant.
5. All surface areas in the restroom should be immediately decontaminated in preparation for the
next patient.
CHAPTER 30 Urinalysis 915
The routine urinalysis procedure is composed bladder infection, is requested, then a full test tube
of three parts: is needed as well as some extra urine for a culture.
These tests are thoroughly discussed later in this
• Physical examination of the urine chapter.
• Chemical examination of the urine The provider should be consulted for further
• Microscopic examination of urine sediment direction if the amount of urine submitted is less
than needed for the complete urinalysis. The uri-
The medical assistant should wash hands, nalysis report should reflect that the quantity was
put on gloves, and follow all the safety not sufficient for complete testing. The medical
guidelines when performing any of the fol- assistant should write “QNS” (quantity not suffi-
lowing procedures. Some facilities require eye cient) where applicable or follow clinic protocol.
protection when pouring urine or performing If the patient is able to give less than 10 mL of
any procedure where splashing of urine into the urine for the test tube, the medical assistant should
eye could occur. All surface areas in the restroom make a note of the amount of urine used. For
should be decontaminated immediately after pro- example, if the patient provides 5 mL, the medical
curing or testing urine specimens. assistant may go ahead with the microscopic exam-
ination of urine but should note on the report that
Physical Examination of Urine the specimen was only 5 mL. The rationale for this
notation becomes clear when you understand that
When the medical assistant begins the process of the amount of a substance found in 10 mL of urine
performing a urinalysis, the first step is perform- will be less in a smaller sample. In other words, if
ing the physical examination. This examination the patient has five white blood cells in 10 mL of
consists of: urine, he or she might only have two to three white
blood cells in 5 mL of urine. Unless the notation
• Assessing the volume of the urine specimen, mak- is made that the sample was smaller, the provider
ing sure that the amount is sufficient for testing may diagnose incorrectly.
• Observing and recording the color, appearance, Most clinics/POLs do not require that the
and transparency of the specimen urine volume be noted unless it is less than ade-
• Noting any unusual urine odor quate for a complete urinalysis.
• Measuring the specific gravity of the specimen
Urine Color. There is a wide range of color in nor-
Procedure 30-1 describes how to assess the mal urine, usually ranging from a pale yellow to
volume, color, appearance, transparency, and odor a dark yellow or amber (Figure 30-4). The range
of urine. Procedure 30-2 discribes testing for the of color usually is the result of the concentration
specific gravity. of the urine. A darker color generally indicates
a more concentrated urine. The color of urine
Specimen Volume. The first step in performing a
urinalysis is to determine if the sample’s volume is
adequate for testing.
The medical assistant must have enough
urine to fill a test tube with at least 10 mL (about
two teaspoons) of urine with enough leftover in
the specimen cup to completely insert and wet a
chemical reagent strip and to culture if ordered.
The volume usually requested of the patient is
a half cup, but patients should be assured that sam-
ples of much less volume can be tested. If the patient
is only able to submit a small volume of urine, which
tests can be performed are determined, depending
on the priority set by the provider according to the
patient’s suspected diagnosis. For example, if only a
test for protein and glucose is requested, then only Figure 30-4 Normal urine can range in color from
enough urine to process the chemical reagent strip straw and yellow, to amber. Abnormal urine (depend-
portion is needed. However, if a test for microscopic ing on it constituents) can be red, brown, fluorescent
examination of the urine, such as to diagnose a orange, and more.
916 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
comes from normal metabolic processes, the end be contributed to contamination from vaginal dis-
products of which are deposited in the urine. charges, white blood cells, bacteria, or yeast. As
After assessing the adequacy of the urine urine cools, sometimes crystals form that may give
volume, the medical assistant then observes and urine a cloudy appearance.
records the color of the urine (see Procedure 30-1).
The diet and certain drugs can add sub- Urine Odor. With experience, the medical assistant
stances to the urine that give it a specific color. The will recognize certain odors in the urine that can
medical assistant should be familiar with common indicate specific conditions. Odors, though not
reasons for abnormally colored urine and whether recorded on the final laboratory urinalysis report,
they are pathologic (due to a disease process) or should not be disregarded. For example, the
nonpathologic abnormalities. For example, the urine of a diabetic patient who may have a condi-
most common pathologic cause of red urine is the tion known as ketoacidosis may have a sweet odor.
presence of red blood cells, known as hematuria. Urine full of bacteria will have a foul odor that is
Red blood cells in urine may indicate bleeding in easily recognized.
the urinary tract either because of a bladder infec-
tion or a kidney stone. A nonpathologic example Urine Specific Gravity. Specific gravity is defined
of abnormally colored urine is the medication as the ratio of the weight of a given volume of a sub-
phenazopyridine (Pyridium), which can turn the stance to the weight of the same volume of distilled
urine bright orange. Table 30-2 lists several urine water at the same temperature. Distilled water used
color variations and possible causes. as the reference point has been given the specific
gravity value of 1.000. The specific gravity of urine
Urine Transparency. In order to assess transpar- indicates the concentrations of solids such as phos-
ency, the urine should be viewed through a clear phates, chlorides, proteins, sugars, and urea that
cup or tube. Urine is considered clear if a line are dissolved in urine.
of print can be read through it. Urine transpar- Variations in urine specific gravity can give the
ency normally is not significant by itself. However, provider diagnostic information. In uncontrolled
it may be helpful when included with the rest of diabetes, glucose in released into the patient’s
the urinalysis information. Transparency of urine urine. Glucose molecules are dense and may give
usually is recorded as clear, cloudy, hazy, or tur- the urine a high specific gravity. Another reason
bid (opaque) (Procedure 30-1). These descriptive for high specific gravity readings is dehydration,
terms may vary in different facilities. because less fluid is being released by the body in
There are many causes of cloudy urine, most relation to whatever chemicals are in the urine. The
of which are considered normal. Cloudiness could color of this urine will also probably be darker. In
a well-hydrated patient, the specific gravity is low,
meaning that the urine is mostly water. The normal
Table 30-2 Urine Colors and Possible Causes range of specific gravity for urine is from 1.005 to
1.030. Specific gravity is highest in the first morning
Color Possible Cause samples because the urine is more concentrated.
Specific gravity is often tested by using either
Straw to yellow Normal
a test strip, urinometer, or refractometer. A uri-
Orange to amber Concentrated urine nometer is a calibrated, floating device. A refrac-
tometer measures the amount of light that is bent
Colorless Dilute urine by particles suspended in a liquid. A specific gravity
reading is also available in conjunction with chem-
Deep yellow Vitamin intake
ical testing on some reagent strips. The urinom-
Drugs, usually eter is the least accurate method and perhaps the
Bright orange most difficult; therefore, it is being replaced by the
phenazopyridine (Pyridium)
refractometer or reagent test strips in most POLs.
Orange-brown Urobilin
liquid’s upper surface when the liquid is placed ability. This instrument only needs a drop or two of
in a container. The medical assistant reads the urine, and the result does not have to be adjusted
specific gravity of the urine from the stem at the for temperature as long as the temperature is
meniscus. However, the temperature of the urine between 60° and 100°F (see Procedure 30-2).
must be taken into account if it differs from 70°F,
which is normal room temperature. The buoyancy Reagent Test Strips. Reagent test strips that
of a liquid changes with the temperature. If the include specific gravity are available through many
urine is allowed to come to room temperature, the medical laboratory supply companies. Look for
medical assistant risks the physical and chemical SG in the name, such as brands MultiStix 10 SG
changes that can occur to urine when left for more or Chemstrip 10 SG (the “10” designates there are
than 20 minutes. It is because of these and other 10 tests included on those particular test strips).
conflicting processes (such as human error) that Keep in mind that the more tests available on the
the urinometer is not recommended as the best reagent test strips, the more expensive the product
option for measuring the weight (specific gravity) will be.
of urine.
GMS/100 ml 180
T/C 8
PR/N RATIO 6.54 160
1.035 120 (N-No) ⫻ 104
1.025 4
1.020 3
T/C 1.015 50
1.005 20
1.000 0
Figure 30-5 (A) Refractometers. (B) Specific gravity as viewed through a refractometer.
918 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
sugars. This can happen whenever there is a low infection [UTI]), irritation of the urinary tract from
intake of carbohydrates/sugars such as in dieting a kidney stone, or, rarely, a neoplasm. Many chemi-
and in certain metabolic disorders such as diabe- cal reagent test strips differentiate between hemo-
tes. In diabetes, the body lacks insulin or is unable globin and intact red blood cells. Hemoglobin
to use sugar properly for energy, so it uses fatty in urine is called hemoglobinuria and can indicate
acids. Insulin is a chemical that helps the body use pathogenic conditions such as severe infectious
sugar for energy, so some diabetics replace their diseases, transfusion reactions, and hemolytic ane-
insulin. As fats are broken down, ketone bodies mias. A nonpathogenic cause of hemoglobinuria
form and “spill” into the urine. The presence of occurs when the urine is allowed to sit too long, so
ketones in urine is called ketonuria. The burning any RBCs present start breaking down, thus releas-
of fats for energy is called ketosis or sometimes lipoly- ing their hemoglobin. Sometimes the chemical
sis. Persons on carbohydrate-careful diets often use reagent test strips indicate the presence of blood
chemical reagent test strips to check if their urine in the urine, but no blood cells are seen during the
contains ketones, thus indicating that their bodies microscopic examination. This is an example of
are burning fats. Ketosis should not be confused hemoglobin being present rather than the intact
with ketoacidosis, which is a dangerous condition RBCs. The presence of blood in urine is combined
for diabetics and alcoholics. with the patient symptoms and other tests to arrive
• Bilirubin is a yellow-orange substance that comes at a diagnosis.
from the breakdown of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin • Urobilinogen is a substance formed when bacteria
is contained within the red blood cells. Because in the digestive tract breaks down bilirubin. A very
individual RBCs live for only 120 days, they are con- small percentage is excreted in the urine and is
stantly breaking down and being replaced. When increased in liver disease. Urobilinogen gives color
the RBCs “die,” the “heme” part of the hemoglobin to feces.
circulates in the blood until the liver filters it out. • Nitrite forms in urine when certain pathogenic bac-
The liver is responsible for changing the heme into teria are present. These specific bacteria convert
a water-soluble substance called bilirubin. Before it normal nitrate in urine to abnormal nitrite; thus,
gets to the liver, it is called “indirect” or “free” biliru- nitrite in urine is always indicative of the presence
bin. After it leaves the liver, it is called direct or con- of these pathogenic bacteria in sufficient quanti-
jugated bilirubin. The liver sends the conjugated ties to cause a bladder infection. Whenever nitrite
bilirubin to the gall bladder where it is released with is positive in a urine sample, white blood cells, bac-
bile into the small intestine. When there is a block- teria, and often red blood cells also will be seen.
age in the liver or gall bladder ducts or when there The provider often orders a urine culture to deter-
is a disorder or disease of the liver, the bilirubin can- mine the type of bacteria and the best medication
not get past the gall bladder to the small intestine, to eradicate it.
so it continues to circulate in the blood. This excess • Leukocytes are white blood cells. They may be either
of bilirubin in the blood can lead to yellow-orange granulocytes or agranulocytes. Either type can fight
skin called jaundice. The body will try to get rid of urinary tract infectious bacteria, and either type
extra bilirubin through the urine. Hence, any detec- may be present in infected urine. You will learn
tion of bilirubin in the urine (bilirubinuria) can more about specific WBCs in another chapter. The
be indicative of a problem in the liver and/or gall chemical reagent test strips will only detect esterase
bladder. Newborn babies can be jaundiced because from granulocytes and will not detect the presence
their systems are not mature enough to rid the bile. of agranulocytes, so a microscopic examination is
Because bilirubin breaks down in sunlight, we treat still important as well as a urine culture and sensitiv-
jaundiced babies with special “bili-lights” to help ity. These results along with the patient’s symptoms
them break down the bilirubin in their skin. Know- will help the provider diagnose and treat the UTI.
ing that bilirubin is so unstable, we need to protect
• Specific gravity (SG) has been discussed previously
it from light in our urine samples, another good
in this chapter and is available as a test option on
reason to test urine samples immediately. Keep in
many brands of chemical reagent test strips. The
mind that further testing is required before a diag-
normal SG for urine is between 1.005 (very dilute
nosis can be made, because bilirubinuria is a symp-
urine) to 1.030 (concentrated urine).
tom, not a disease.
• Blood in urine is called hematuria. If the blood in the
urine is not from a nonpathogenic source, such as Reagent Test Strip Quality Control. Reagent
a contaminate from menstruation, it is indicative test strips are easy to use, but the complexity of the
of a bladder infection (often called a urinary tract chemical testing should not be overlooked. As with
920 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
any chemical reaction, each test involves multiple test strip container. Employees performing this test
steps that are sensitive to temperature, time, dilu- should be tested for color blindness as many of the
tion, and other factors. Outdated strips or reagents color changes are subtle.
should never be used, so be sure to check the expi- Reagent test strips are ready to use directly
ration date every time. To get optimum results, a from their container. Correct QC procedures
certain amount of care must be taken when han- should be followed as required by CLIA ’88 and
dling and storing the reagent strips. They must not the facility where the testing is performed. This
be exposed to moisture, volatile substances, direct usually includes using a QC urine sample (with
sunlight, or excess heat. The strips should not be predetermined results). All that is needed for this
removed from their original container except at testing are the strips, QC specimen, and patient
the time of use. Always follow the manufacturer’s specimens. Procedure 30-5 explains how to per-
instructions for storage. Test results are repre- form a urinalysis chemical examination.
sented by a color change. The test result is com- Automated urine analyzers (Figure 30-7)
pared with a color chart on the label of the reagent capable of timing and reading the test strip are
Figure 30-7 Automated urine analyzers are used frequently because of their accuracy. (A) The reagent strip is
immersed in the urine specimen and then tapped lightly on a paper towel to remove excess urine. (B) The strip is
placed into the machine. (C, D) The test is selected, and the machine pulls the strip into the machine to be ana-
CHAPTER 30 Urinalysis 921
Test Range Value
pH 5–9 5–8
Negative to Negative
⬎1,000 mg/dL
Negative to Negative
⬎80 mg/dL
Figure 30-9 (A) Squamous epithelial cells. (B) White blood cells. (C) Renal epithelial
cells. (D)Bacteria in urine sediment. (E) Yeasts and squamous epithelial cells. (Courtesy of
Bayer Healthcare.)
ate, or many. If both rod-shaped and round bac- atlas will show illustrations of artifacts. If in doubt,
teria are seen in the same specimen, they may be get an expert opinion (Figures 30-11B and C).
reported as mixed bacteria. Mixed bacteria more
often indicate a contaminated specimen rather Crystals in Urinary Sediment. Crystals make
than an infection. up unorganized urine sediment. Because crystals
• Yeast. Yeast cells (Figure 30-9E) may be present are big, the tendency of the novice examiner is
in urine, possibly indicating a yeast infection
in the urinary tract. Yeast cells are smaller than
red blood cells but may appear similar to them.
Yeasts are round and can be observed to be bud-
ding. To distinguish between yeast and red blood
cells, a drop of dilute acetic acid is added to the
urine sediment. The red blood cells will lyse, but
the yeast will not. The most common yeast found
is Candida albicans. Yeasts are reported as the
amount per HPF.
• Parasites. The most frequently seen parasite in
urine is Trichomonas vaginalis (Figure 30-10). Tricho-
monas is a parasite that can infect the urinary tract.
It is often recognized by the movement of its tail
(flagella). Always check with a provider or some-
one more familiar with these organisms before
reporting this organism.
• Sperm. Sperm is reported when seen in male and
female urine. Sperm have oval bodies with one
long, thin flagella (Figure 30-11A).
• Artifacts. Hair, fibers, powder, and oil are among
the substances that may appear in urine sediment
as a result of contamination during collection or
later. If a structure cannot be identified using a
good urine atlas, it probably is an artifact. A urine Figure 30-10 Trichomonas in stained urine sediment.
924 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Figure 30-11 Crystals and miscellaneous structures that can appear in urine. (A) Spermatazoa. (B) Starch gran-
ules. (C) Cotton fibers. (D) Triple phosphate. (E) Calcium oxalate. (F) Ammonium biurate. (Courtesy of Bayer
to pay attention to them. However, they are the stances observed inside them. Some casts include
most insignificant part of the urinary sediment. debris as they are forming and may appear cellular
These crystals include calcium phosphate, triple or granular.
phosphate, calcium oxalate, amorphous phos- The most common cast seen in urine sedi-
phates and urates, and calcium carbonate. These ment is the hyaline cast. Rare hyaline casts can be
crystals generally form as urine specimens stand, seen in normal urine but increase with any kidney
especially when refrigerated. Many laboratories disease. They can also be seen as a result of fever,
do report these crystals. Refer to a urine color emotional stress, or strenuous exercise. Hyaline
atlas to identify crystals. Figures 30-11D–F illus- casts are nearly transparent and can be difficult
trates several kinds of crystals that can be found to see under the microscope without some light
in urine. adjustment.
Some specific crystals in urine that should be Other types of casts include granular casts,
particularly noted if seen because they may indi- containing remnants of disintegrated cells that
cate disease states are uric acid, cystine, and sulfa appear as fine or coarse granules. Cellular casts
drug crystals. Refer to a urine atlas for the shape of may contain epithelial cells, red blood cells, or
these crystals. white blood cells. Figure 30-12 illustrates hyaline,
granular, and cellular casts.
Casts in Urinary Sediment. Casts are impor- Identification of casts in urine requires an
tant to see and identify in urine sediment. It takes experienced eye (see Procedures 30-4 and 30-5).
a great deal of experience and expertise to recog-
nize the many different kinds of casts that can be
in sediment.
Urinalysis Report
Casts are formed when protein accumu- When reporting the results of a urinalysis, you may
lates and precipitates in the kidney tubules. The use a ready-made form, or your clinic may create
casts are then washed into the urine. Most casts a form specifically for your practice. When using
are made from a particular type of protein called electronic medical records, test results are entered
Tamm-Horsfall mucoprotein. Other proteins can directly into the patient’s medical record on the
also form casts. Serum proteins can form waxy computer (Figure 30-13). No printed report is
casts. The presence of casts in the urine may indi- needed unless the patient requires a hard copy
cate kidney disease. (printed document). The report should contain the
Casts are cylindrical with rounded or flat patient’s name, the type of urine specimen (voided
ends. They are classified according to the sub- or catheterized and if it was a clean-catch midstream
CHAPTER 30 Urinalysis 925
Figure 30-12 Casts in urine sediment. (A) Hyaline. (B) Granular. (C) Cellular. (Courtesy of Hycor Biomedical
Inc., Garden Grove, CA.)
Test Reports
Quality Assurance & Controls
Safety Standards Testing for drugs is becoming more common
during the job interview process. Some clinics
specialize in occupational health, offering pre-
Orders for Tests
employment physicals including drug screening.
Safety Standards The actual test is simple and is CLIA waived, but
there are detailed protocols and legal documenta-
tions that need to be strictly adhered to. The POL
should be certified to perform drug testing, and all
ELECTRONIC clinical personnel should receive special training.
A chain of custody must take place so that the spec-
RECORDS imen is guarded against tampering and to guaran-
tee the integrity of the specimen.
Some basic criteria in the process are as fol-
Figure 30-13 The laboratory arm of the total practice
management system (TPMS). The patient’s urinalysis • When the patient arrives, he or she must show
results are entered directly into the electronic medical photo ID, which is copied. The copy is signed
record, which automatically compares the data to nor- • The patient signs a consent form for the testing
mal values. and completes a questionnaire.
Patient: May Pankey Chart # 567-89 MA: W. Slawson, CMA (AAMA) URINALYSIS
City Health Care
Date/Time Date
Req. by: Dr. Rice Spec. Rec’d: 3-3-XX 10:15 AM Test Completed: 3-3-XX 10:18 AM
Color Yellow It yellow Protein Neg neg. WBC 0–2 Bact. Trace tr.
Glucose Neg neg. Nitrite Neg neg. RBC 0–2 Mucus None
Ketone Neg neg. Leuk Neg neg. Epith. Few rare Casts Occ
Sp. Gr. 1.005-1.030 1.010 Cryst. None
HAZY Blood Neg neg. OTHER:
CLEAR Ph 5–8 6.0
Figure 30-14 A sample of a completed urinalysis report.
926 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
• The urine collection cup has a built in thermom- • After the sample is collected, the temperature is
eter to ensure the urine is fresh and is at body tem- recorded and the sample is sealed and secured for
perature. transport to a testing facility. The patient signs to
verify that the sample is his or hers.
• The patient is asked to leave coats and bags with
the clinic personnel, and these items should be • If a CLIA waived test kit is used in the POL, a test
secured. strip is dipped into the urine, and the reagent will
react qualitatively (positive, negative, or sometimes
• The bathroom and patient are inspected for chem-
inconclusive) for various substances during a spe-
icals and/or urine samples that do not belong to
cific amount of time. Inconclusive samples must be
the patient.
tested further.
• In the case of a legal court ordered drug test, the
donation of the urine is monitored. Monitoring
may occur in all drug testing, depending on clinic
Procedure 30-1
Assessing Urine Volume, Color, and Clarity
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 4. Examine the specimen for proper labeling. Any
unlabeled specimen is not to be tested. If the
missing, unlabeled specimen cannot be identi-
fied, the patient should be notified to submit
PURPOSE: a new specimen. The provider ordering the
Determine and document the volume of a urine sample. test should be notified of the delay. The speci-
men should be labeled on the cup, not the lid.
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: RATIONALE: An unlabeled specimen cannot
Gloves Biohazard container be proven to come from any particular patient
Urine container Disinfectant cleaner and we should never guess or assume whose
Laboratory report form specimen it is. The provider should be noti-
fied so that he or she is kept informed about
PROCEDURE STEPS: the processing of laboratory tests he or she
1. Wash hands and put on gloves. RATIONALE: orders. The specimen should be labeled on the
Washing hands before any laboratory process cup rather than the lid, because the lid can be
prevents contamination of the specimen. Glov- removed from the specimen and mixed up with
ing provides personal protection. other lids.
2. Assemble equipment and supplies. RATIO- 5. Ensure the lid is securely tightened and mix the
NALE: Organizing your work area prevents con- urine thoroughly. RATIONALE: Securing the lid
fusion and error caused by missing supplies. will prevent leaking of urine while mixing. Mix-
3. Follow all safety guidelines, being careful not ing the specimen will suspend all particles and
to splash the urine specimen. Wipe up all spills cellular components in the specimen so that the
immediately with disinfectant cleaner. RATIO- urine that is poured into the centrifuge tube
NALE: Preventing splashes and spills will prevent contains a good sampling of the specimen.
exposure to biohazardous substances. Cleaning 6. Measure and note the amount of urine in the spec-
any spill immediately prevents further contami- imen if it is less than 10 mL. The amount of the
nation and risk for exposure. specimen does not have to be noted if it is more
CHAPTER 30 Urinalysis 927
than 10 mL. RATIONALE: If the sample is less than color names should come only from accepted
10 mL, the sample is considered an inadequate color descriptors, not from arbitrary names.
amount. If unable to obtain an adequate amount, 8. After the volume and color have been assessed
the testing may still be run on the sample, but and recorded, assess the clarity of the urine. Hold-
the exact amount of the specimen should be well ing the urine against a white background with
noted on the laboratory report form, and the test good lighting, observe it for cloudiness. If you
should be run according to the priority set by the can clearly see print through the urine, it is said
provider. For example, he or she may request only to be clear. If the urine appears cloudy, it is said
a C&S be performed or only chemical testing using to be slightly cloudy, cloudy, or very cloudy/tur-
chemical reagent test strips rather than a complete bid. Record the description on the report form.
urinalysis. Samples that are not of adequate quan- RATIONALE: The clarity of the urine is useful in
tity to perform the test ordered should be marked predicting the presence of contaminants such as
as QNS (quantity not sufficient). skin cells, mucus, and other debris.
7. Note and assess the urine color. Many medi- 9. Dispose of the specimen into the toilet or des-
cal assistants find it helpful to assess the color ignated sink and all supplies into appropriate
against a white background. Be sure to have biohazard containers. Disinfect all reusable
good lighting. In the practice setting, comparing equipment and all surfaces. RATIONALE: Using
a variety of urine specimens with each other will appropriate disposal techniques and disinfecting
help with learning about color assessment (see all surfaces according to Standard Precautions
Table 30-2 for appropriate urine color descrip- safely controls all biohazard substances.
tors). RATIONALE: The color of urine is helpful
in predicting the concentration of the specimen. 10. Remove gloves. Wash hands.
The white background helps with assessment of 11. Document procedure in patient’s chart or elec-
the color; good lighting also is helpful. Urine tonic medical record.
Procedure 30-2
Using the Refractometer to Measure Specific Gravity
1. Wash hands and put on gloves. RATIONALE:
Washing hands before any laboratory process
prevents contamination of the specimen. Glov-
PURPOSE: ing provides personal protection.
Measure and record the specific gravity of a urine 2. Assemble equipment and supplies. RATIO-
specimen. NALE: Organizing your work area prevents con-
fusion and error caused by missing supplies.
Refractometer Lint-free tissues 3. Follow all safety guidelines, being careful not
Urine sample Biohazard container to splash the urine specimen. Wipe up all spills
Gloves Disinfectant cleaners immediately with disinfectant cleaner. RATIO-
Pipettes Laboratory report form NALE: Preventing splashes and spills will prevent
Distilled water exposure to biohazardous substances. Cleaning
any spill immediately prevents further contami-
nation and risk for exposure.
928 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
4. QC must be performed on the refractometer results on your QC sheet and proceed to test
before every use. This is accomplished by check- the urine specimen (Step 5). If the QC test
ing the specific gravity of a drop of distilled water: shows the refractometer to be inaccurate
a. Clean the surface of the prism and the cover with (the refractometer does not measure the sec-
lint-free tissue and distilled water. Wipe dry. ond sample of distilled water accurately), the
instrument is not calibrated properly. Use the
b. Depending on the type of refractometer used, small screwdriver to adjust the calibration. Do
you may either apply the drop and then close this adjustment using distilled water until the
the cover, or close the cover and apply the drop gauge reads 1.000.
of distilled water to the notched portion of the
cover so it flows over the prism. (Figure 30-15A). 5. Test the urine specimen exactly as the distilled
water was tested and record the specific gravity
c. With the instrument tilted to allow light to on the urinalysis report form (Figure 30-15C).
enter, view the scale and read the specific
gravity number (Figure 30-15B). It should be 6. Dispose of the specimen into the toilet or des-
exactly 1.000. ignated sink and all supplies into appropriate
biohazard containers. Disinfect all reusable
d. If the QC test shows the refractometer to equipment and all surfaces. RATIONALE: Using
be calibrated properly, you may record the appropriate disposal techniques and disinfecting
all surfaces according to Standard Precautions
safely controls all biohazard substances.
7. Remove gloves. Wash hands.
8. Document procedure in patient’s chart or elec-
tronic medical record.
T/C 1.015
1.010 290
1.005 13
1.000 240
GMS/100 ml 180
T/C 8
PR/N RATIO 6.54 160
1.035 120 (N-No) ⫻ 104
1.025 4
1.020 3
T/C 1.015 50
1.005 20
1.000 0
Figure 30-15 (A) A pipette or dropper may be used to fill the refractometer with urine. (B) The medical assistant
looks through the refractometer. The instrument is held toward a light source. (C) The specific gravity readout.
CHAPTER 30 Urinalysis 929
Procedure 30-3
Performing a Urinalysis Chemical Examination
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: because the lid can be removed from the speci-
men and mixed up with other lids.
5. Ensure the lid is securely tightened and mix the
urine thoroughly. RATIONALE: Securing the lid
PURPOSE: will prevent leaking of urine while mixing. Mix-
Detect any abnormal chemical constituents of a urine ing the specimen will suspend all particles and
specimen. cellular components in the specimen so that the
urine that is poured into the centrifuge tube
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: contains a good sampling of the specimen.
6. If you are planning to perform a complete uri-
Urine test strips
nalysis, label a urine centrifuge tube with the
Urine specimen
patient’s name and pour 10 mL into the tube for
Biohazard container
the microscopic examination. Set aside in the
Disinfectant cleaner
centrifuge. RATIONALE: Setting this portion of
Laboratory report form
the sample aside ensures that it is not contami-
PROCEDURE STEPS: nated by the chemicals of the test strips or the
1. Wash hands and put on gloves. RATIONALE: process of the chemical examination.
Washing hands before any laboratory process 7. Read and follow the manufacturer’s instruc-
prevents contamination of the specimen. Glov- tions exactly. The following procedure is a basic
ing provides personal protection. guideline. RATIONALE: Each manufacturer
2. Assemble equipment and supplies. RATIO- will provide specific instructions related to their
NALE: Organizing your work area prevents con- product. Even manufacturers whose test strips
fusion and error caused by missing supplies. you are already familiar with could change their
instructions. The package insert should be read
3. Follow all safety guidelines, being careful not
carefully every time a new package is used.
to splash the urine specimen. Wipe up all spills
immediately with disinfectant cleaner. RATIO- 8. Remove a test strip from the container and
NALE: Preventing splashes and spills will prevent replace the cap tightly. RATIONALE: Strips are
exposure to biohazardous substances. Cleaning adversely affected by light and moisture and
any spill immediately prevents further contami- should always be kept sterile in the original con-
nation and risk for exposure. tainer with the lid securely on.
4. Examine the specimen for proper labeling. Any 9. Immerse the test strip completely in the well-mixed
unlabeled specimen is not to be tested. If the urine and remove it immediately (Figure 30-16A).
missing, unlabeled specimen cannot be iden- While removing the test strip from the cup, tap it
tified, the patient should be notified to submit gently onto a paper towel to remove excess urine
a new specimen. The provider ordering the (Figure 30-16B). RATIONALE: Removing the
test should be notified of the delay. The speci- excess urine prevents the specimen from cross con-
men should be labeled on the cup, not the lid. tamination of adjacent chemical pads on the strip,
RATIONALE: An unlabeled specimen cannot be which can cause inaccurate results.
proven to come from any particular patient and 10. Properly time the test for each test pad. RATIO-
we should never guess or assume whose speci- NALE: Proper timing is essential for accurate
men it is. The provider should be notified so that results. The manufacturer’s instructions will
he or she is kept informed about the process- clearly list the proper time for each test.
ing of laboratory tests he or she orders. The cup 11. Holding the test strip close to the container (or
should be labeled on the cup rather than the lid, chart) but not touching it, compare the color of
930 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
the pads on the test strip with the color guides 15. Document procedure in patient’s chart or elec-
on the container (or chart) (Figure 30-16C). tronic medical record.
RATIONALE: Touching the chart or container
with the wet test strip will contaminate the
chart/container with urine. If this accidentally
happens, be sure to disinfect the surface well.
12. Record the results on the laboratory report
13. Dispose of the specimen into the toilet or des-
ignated sink and all supplies into appropriate
biohazard containers. Disinfect all reusable
equipment and all surfaces. RATIONALE: Using
appropriate disposal techniques and disinfecting
all surfaces according to Standard Precautions
safely controls all biohazard substances.
14. Remove gloves. Wash hands. A
Figure 30-16 Performing a chemical examination of urine. (A) Immerse the reagent strip into the urine. (B)
Remove the strip and tap it lightly on a paper towel to remove excess urine. (C) Read the strip by matching the
color on the strip to the color chart. Take care not to touch the strip onto the color chart.
CHAPTER 30 Urinalysis 931
Procedure 30-4
Preparing Slide for Microscopic Examination of Urine Sediment
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 5. Ensure the lid is securely tightened and mix the
urine thoroughly. RATIONALE: Securing the lid
will prevent leaking of urine while mixing. Mix-
ing the specimen will suspend all particles and
PURPOSE: cellular components in the specimen so that the
Prepare slide for a microscopic examination of urine urine poured into the centrifuge tube contains a
sediment. good sampling of the specimen.
6. Label a urine centrifuge tube with the patient’s
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: name and pour 10 mL into the tube. Set into the
Gloves Sharps container centrifuge. Balance the centrifuge, securely close
Microscope Centrifuge tubes and holder and lock the lid, and spin at 1,500 g (revolutions
Centrifuge Urine atlas guide per minute) for 5 minutes. RATIONALE: The
Microscope slides Disinfectant cleaner urine sediment will be forced to the bottom of
Coverslips Biohazard container the test tube and then will be placed on a slide
Disposable pipettes Sedi-Stain® (optional) for microscopic examination.
PROCEDURE STEPS: 7. After centrifugation, pour off the supernatant,
1. Wash hands and put on gloves. RATIONALE: leaving about 1 mL in the bottom of the tube.
Washing hands before any laboratory process Add two drops of Sedi-Stain® if desired. Remix
prevents contamination of the specimen. Glov- the sediment by tapping gently on the counter or
ing provides personal protection. with your fingernail. RATIONALE: The test will
be performed on the sediment only so the excess
2. Assemble equipment and supplies. RATIO-
supernatant is not needed. Sedi-Stain® colors the
NALE: Organizing your work area prevents con-
cells and other elements for easier viewing.
fusion and error caused by missing supplies.
8. Place a drop of the well-mixed sediment onto
3. Follow all safety guidelines, being careful not
a clean microscope slide. Cover with a cover-
to splash the urine specimen. Wipe up all spills
slip by holding the coverslip at an angle to the
immediately with disinfectant cleaner. RATIO-
drop, bringing the edge close to the drop until
NALE: Preventing splashes and spills will prevent
the urine spreads along the edge of the cover-
exposure to biohazardous substances. Cleaning
slip, and then gently lower the coverslip onto the
any spill immediately prevents further contami-
drop. Keep the tube. RATIONALE: Using this
nation and risk for exposure.
technique to place the coverslip onto the speci-
4. Examine the specimen for proper labeling. Any men will prevent air pockets from forming. Keep
unlabeled specimen is not to be tested. If the miss- the tube in the event that a fresh slide needs to
ing, unlabeled specimen cannot be identified, be prepared.
the patient should be notified to submit a new
9. Place the slide onto the microscope stage but
specimen. The provider ordering the test should
do not leave the light on. RATIONALE: Do not
be notified of the delay. The specimen should be
leave the light on because this will heat the slide
labeled on the cup, not the lid. RATIONALE: An
and destroy the specimen.
unlabeled specimen cannot be proven to come
from any particular patient and we should never 10. Alert the provider that the slide is ready for
guess or assume whose specimen it is. The pro- viewing. RATIONALE: The microscopic exam-
vider should be notified so that he or she is kept ination is considered by CLIA to be in the
informed about the processing of laboratory tests moderately complex test category of PPMP.
she or he orders. The cup should be labeled on You are encouraged to view and discuss the
the cup rather than the lid, because the lid can be microscopic examination with the provider
removed from the specimen and mixed up with as part of your professional development and
other lids. continuing education. If you do view the slide
932 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
before the provider views it, do not leave on the objective (400⫻ magnification) to identify
light. If the slide dries before the provider can the casts.
view it, prepare a fresh slide. d. Scan the slide using the 40⫻ objective (400⫻
11. NOTE: The following steps are included so the 5 high magnification) for other cells and
medical assistant can learn to examine urine formed elements. The count is obtained by
microscopically even though the provider must averaging the number of each formed ele-
perform the actual assessment. ment or cell in 10 to 15 visualized fields.
a. When examining urine sediment, it is impor- 12. After the provider is finished with the speci-
tant to keep the light subdued by lowering men and the patient has left the clinic, dispose
the condenser and to constantly vary the fine of the specimen into the toilet or designated
focus adjustment to view the structures that sink and all used supplies into appropriate bio-
are faint. Proper lighting and focus adjust- hazard containers. Disinfect all reusable equip-
ments take a great deal of practice. ment and all surfaces. Remove gloves and wash
b. Scan the sediment using a 100⫻ (low-power) hands. RATIONALE: Using appropriate disposal
magnification. A 100⫻ magnification is achieved techniques and disinfecting all surfaces accord-
by using the 10⫻ objective lens (10⫻ ⫻ 10⫻ ⫽ ing to Standard Precautions safely controls all
100⫻). biohazard substances. Remember that micro-
scopic slides and coverslips are glass and should
c. View 10 to 15 fields and around the edges of
be placed into an appropriate biohazard sharps
the slide for casts. Casts are often forced to
the edges. It may be necessary to use the 40⫻
Procedure 30-5
Performing a Complete Urinalysis
NOTE: The following procedure is a compilation and
summary of the physical, chemical, and microscopic
examination of urine (see Procedures 30-1, 30-2, 30-
PURPOSE: 3, and 30-4). For details within each step, refer to the
Perform a complete urinalysis, including the physi- specific procedure as referenced.
cal, chemical, and microscopic examination within 30 1. Wash hands and put on gloves.
minutes of obtaining the specimen. 2. Assemble equipment and supplies.
CHAPTER 30 Urinalysis 933
7. While the sample is being centrifuged, assess and 13. Dispose of the specimen into the toilet or des-
record the color and clarity. ignated sink and all supplies into appropriate
8. Perform the specific gravity test using a refrac- biohazard containers. Disinfect all reusable
tometer if specific gravity is not included in the equipment and all surfaces. Remember that
chemical test strip. microscopic slides and coverslips are glass and
should be placed into an appropriate biohaz-
9. Perform the chemical examination following the ard sharps container. Remove gloves and wash
manufacturer’s instructions. Record the results. hands.
10. After centrifugation, pour off the supernatant, 14. File the completed laboratory report form into
leaving about 1 mL in the bottom of the tube. the laboratory section of the patient’s chart or
Add two drops of Sedi-Stain® if desired. Remix electronic medical record and document the
the sediment by tapping gently on the counter procedure.
or with your fingernail.
11. Place a drop of the well-mixed sediment onto a DOCUMENTATION
clean microscope slide. Cover with a coverslip. 11/13/XX 4:15 PM Complete urinalysis performed on random
12. Place the slide onto the microscope stage and alert voided specimen. Report filed. Joe Guerrero, CMA (AAMA) _
the provider that the slide is ready for viewing.
Procedure 30-6
Utilizing a Urine Transport System for C&S
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 3. Follow all safety guidelines, being careful not
to splash the urine specimen. Wipe up all spills
immediately with disinfectant cleaner. RATIO-
NALE: Preventing splashes and spills will prevent
PURPOSE: exposure to biohazardous substances. Cleaning
Prepare a urine specimen for transport using a Cul- any spill immediately prevents further contami-
ture and Sensitivity Transport Kit. nation and risk for exposure.
4. Examine the specimen for proper labeling.
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: RATIONALE: The specimen cup must be prop-
Gloves erly labeled to ensure QC.
Sterile urine cup and specimen
5. Check the urine C&S Transport kit expiration
Urine Culture and Sensitivity Transport kit
date. RATIONALE: If the kit has expired, the
Laboratory requisition
contents cannot be guaranteed sterile.
Paper towel
6. Open the urine C&S Transport kit package (Fig-
PROCEDURE STEPS: ure 30-17B). Remove the cap from the specimen
1. Wash hands and put on gloves. RATIONALE: cup, placing the lid upside down on the paper
Washing hands before any laboratory process towel. RATIONALE: The cap must be placed
prevents contamination of the specimen. Glov- upside down to maintain the sterile inner sur-
ing provides personal protection. face.
2. Assemble equipment and supplies (Figure 30- 7. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions exactly:
17A shows one type of system). RATIONALE: a. Place the urine tube in the tube adapter (Fig-
Organizing your work area prevents confusion ure 30-17C) and the specimen straw into the
and error caused by missing supplies.
934 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Figure 30-17 The urine transport kit for culture and sensitivity. (A) Packaged as a kit. (B) The components
of the kit. (C) The tube is connected to the straw and adapter. (D) The end of the straw is placed in the urine
(the vacuum tube is not pushed completely onto the adapter until the straw is submerged in the urine). (E) The
vacuum in the tube draws up the urine.
CHAPTER 30 Urinalysis 935
urine within the specimen cup (Figure 30- Labeling with the required information prevents
17D). mix-ups of specimens and ensures a quality time-
b. Advance urine tube into the adapter, pushing line.
the tube onto the needle while keeping the 9. Dispose of all contaminated supplies, disinfect
specimen straw submerged in the urine. all surfaces, remove gloves, and wash hands.
c. Allow the vacuum in the urine tube to draw RATIONALE: Using appropriate disposal tech-
up the urine. Fill to the exhaustion of the vac- niques and disinfecting all surfaces according to
uum within the tube (Figure 30-17E). Standard Precautions safely controls biohazard
d. Remove the tube and the specimen straw/
adapter unit and dispose of it into a biohaz- 10. Complete the laboratory requisition and docu-
ard container. ment procedure in patient’s chart or electronic
medical record. RATIONALE: Proper docu-
e. Gently invert the tube 8 to 10 times to mix the mentation ensures the laboratory will have the
preservative within the tube. necessary information and the patient’s medical
8. Label the tube with patient’s name, date, time, record will be accurate and complete.
and other required information. RATIONALE:
Procedure 30-7
Instructing a Patient in the Collection of a Clean-Catch,
Midstream Urine Specimen
PURPOSE: RATIONALE: Identifying the patient ensures
To instruct a patient on the proper technique of col- that the right patient will have the right proce-
lecting a urine specimen suitable for urinalysis testing. dure. Intoducing yourself provides for a profes-
sional rapport with the patient. Providing for a
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: private area ensures that the patient will have the
Gloves freedom to ask questions and that confidentiality
Urine cup with a secure lid will be maintained. Being in an area that is free
Cleansing towelettes (two for males, three for from distractions allows you to use a moderate
females) voice volume and still be heard and understood
Marking pen by the patient.
PROCEDURE STEPS: 3. Provide the patient with a capped urine cup
1. Wash hands and assemble the supplies. RATIO- labeled with his/her name, a pair of gloves, and
NALE: Always wash hands before working with the cleansing towelettes. RATIONALE: The
each patient as a means of preventing disease cup should be labeled (not the cap) prior to
transmission. Being organized ensures that the giving it to the patient so there is not a chance
procedure will be performed in a professional of a mixup. Gloves will protect the patient’s
manner. hand from contamination from the urine and
from the genital area. The towelettes will be
2. Identify the patient, introduce yourself, and used for cleansing the area prior to obtaining
provide for a private area free from distractions. the sample.
936 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
4. Show the patient the written instructions posted 8. Explain the process of obtaining the midstream
in the bathroom. RATIONALE: The patient specimen: For both the male and the female
should always have written instructions in case he patient, he or she is to bring the cup into the
or she forgets a step. The instructions should be stream and obtain about half a cup before remov-
posted at a level that can be read by the female ing the cup from the stream. RATIONALE: The
patient while sitting and by the male patient mid-stream catch is used to further prevent epi-
while standing. thelial cells from entering the sample. If the
5. Explain to the patient why the urine sample patient were to stop and start the urine flow, the
should be a clean-catch midstream sample and chances of epithelial contamination increases.
what that means. RATIONALE: When the patient 9. Explain to the patient that he or she should
understands the reasons behind the instructions, secure the cap onto the cup. RATIONALE: The
he or she is much more likely to follow the steps secure lid will prevent spillage.
completely. 10. The patient may rinse the outside of the capped
6. Ask the patient to first wash his or her hands and cup if needed and towel dry it. RATIONALE:
apply the gloves. RATIONALE: Gloves are worn Rinsing and drying the outside of the cup will
to protect the patient’s hands from contamina- remove any urine that may be present.
tion. 11. The patient is to then remove the gloves, dis-
7. Explain the cleansing process for a clean-catch: pose of them into the red bag waste recepticle,
For the male patient, explain that he is to cleanse and wash his or her hands. RATIONALE: Con-
the urethral opening twice, using two separate taminated waste should always go into red bag
towelettes before he begins to urinate. For the recepticles. Hands should be washed to remove
female patient, explain that she will need to any residual powder from the gloves and/or con-
spread her labia and cleanse from front to back tamination that may have touched the hands.
first on one side, then the other, and lastly, in the 12. Using a paper towel as a barrier, the cup may be
middle. Explain that she is to hold her labia apart returned to the medical assistant or placed in
until the urine sample is obtained. RATIONALE: the lab recepticle as directed. RATIONALE: The
Cleansing the urethral opening ensures that the POL often has a shelf or designated area for the
sample will have no or few epithelial cells from patient to place the urine sample onto. If not,
the skin. Epithelial cells are quite large and can the sample may be handed to the medical assis-
make the urine difficult to evaluate microscopi- tant. The paper towel creates a barrier between
cally because the bacteria and other cells can be the specimen and the hand.
hidden behind them.
CHAPTER 30 Urinalysis 937
This chapter summarizes the basics of the urinalysis. Providers order a variety of tests on urine to help them
determine or rule out certain abnormalities to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
Urine is formed as blood is filtered through the kidney. Substances such as by-products of metabo-
lism, mineral excesses, cells, bacteria, parasites, crystals, and casts can be found in the urine during exami-
It is important for the medical assistant to:
• Understand the proper collection techniques for urine specimens. Medical assistants often are called on to
instruct patients on the proper collection procedures.
• Understand the safety guidelines involved with collecting and handling specimens, preservatives, and reagents.
These guidelines must always be observed.
• Understand the importance of and the procedures for maintaining a consistent quality-control program.
• Understand how to properly perform the urinalysis, following up with proper confirmatory tests when neces-
• Understand and be constantly aware of factors that may interfere with the accuracy of a urinalysis.
938 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet by completing the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on the CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
Multiple Choice 5. What is the most common way of doing a chemical
analysis of urine in a provider’s office?
1. What safety guideline is important to follow during
a. reagent test strip
a routine urinalysis?
b. microscopic examination
a. use the same pipette for all patients’ urine sam-
c. culture test
6. Which substance or structure is automatically con-
b. allow urine to sit at room temperature to fer-
sidered abnormal when found in urine?
ment the urine properties
a. phosphates
c. once tested, urine can be disposed of by the jani-
b. urea
torial service
c. blood
d. treat all specimens as if they were infectious
d. salt
2. What are the three basic parts of a typical urine
a. volumetric, chemical, and macroscopic
Critical Thinking
b. pathologic, chemical, and confirmatory 1. What is the importance of proper urine collection?
c. physical, chemical, and microscopic 2. When is a urine preservative necessary?
d. random, 24-hour, and catheterized 3. Why is the first morning specimen preferred for
3. What is the specimen of choice for routine urinaly- routine urinalysis?
sis? 4. What would give a urine sample a cloudy appear-
a. sterile ance?
b. clean-catch
c. catheterized
d. timed
4. A diabetic patient will normally have an excess of 1. Search for CLIA information on the Inter-
what substance in the urine? net. Are guidelines posted for specimen
a. hemoglobin collection? When were these guidelines last
b. glucose updated?
c. insulin 2. According to CLIA, which tests are waived in
d. sodium regard to urinalysis and which tests are not?
CHAPTER 30 Urinalysis 939
3. Visit the CDC’s Web site and review the Standard REFERENCE/BIBLIOGRAPHY
Precautions that apply to urine collection and anal-
ysis. Walters, N. J., Estridge, B. H., & Reynold, A. P. (2008).
4. Using your favorite search engine, search for Basic medical laboratory techniques (5th ed.). Clifton
images that show specific cells and bacteria in Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
urine. You might even find some video clips that
show cells or bacteria in action.
31 Basic Microbiology
4. List and describe the equipment used in the physicians’ office
laboratory (POL). Stab Culture
5. Explain how to safely handle microbiology specimens. Taxonomy
6. Describe the importance of and steps involved in quality con- Virology
trol in the POL. Wet Mount
7. Explain the types of microbiology specimens collected in the Wood’s Lamp
POL and how they are collected.
8. List different types of stains used to microscopically observe
9. List the different classifications of media used in the POL and
microbiology laboratory.
10. Describe how organisms are inoculated onto various media.
11. Describe the significance of sensitivity testing.
12. List two parasites and two fungi that can be observed in the
To aid in diagnosing and treating patients, the provid- medical assistant Joe Guerrero follows all Safety
ers at Drs. Lewis and King’s office order tests to identify Precautions when handling specimens. He checks the
disease-causing bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites. test manufacturer’s or laboratory’s procedures and
Some of these tests, such as the quick tests for group carefully completes each step. By following all safety
A Streptococcus, are performed in the office laboratory, guidelines and test procedures, Joe ensures his and
whereas other tests are sent to a reference labora- others’ safety. He also obtains a high-quality specimen
tory. Regardless of where the test will be performed, for testing.
The field of microbiology encompasses the study of all THE MEDICAL ASSISTANT’S
microorganisms, living structures that can be seen only
with the powerful magnification of a microscope. The ROLE IN THE MICROBIOLOGY
word microbiology comes from the Greek words micro LABORATORY
(“small”) and bios (“living”). The field of microbiology
includes the study of such organisms as bacteria, fungi, The role of the medical assistant in microbiology
viruses, parasites, and algae (Table 31-1). within the physicians’ office laboratory (POL) is to
Many medical textbooks in microbiology include obtain specimens, test specimens within the Clini-
extensive study of all of the preceding organisms, includ- cal Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA) waived
ing lesser known species in each category. It is the goal of categories, and prepare slides and cultures for
this chapter to introduce the student to the field of micro- microscopic examination by the provider or for
biology with emphasis on bacteria, fungi, and parasites. transport to an outside laboratory.
Safety while working with microorganisms in the labora- This chapter discusses cultures in detail. Sim-
tory is emphasized. The relation of bacteria to diseases ply put, a culture is a sample of a body secretion that
also is explored. is placed on special media to allow the bacteria to
942 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
(study of viruses) (study of protozoa)
(study of bacteria) (study of algae)
(study of resistance) (study of fungus)
CHAPTER 31 Basic Microbiology 943
which test kits are within their waived category and talized. The second name is the species name,
therefore appropriate for the medical assistant which is not capitalized. These names may reflect
and other nonlaboratory medical personnel to a characteristic of a bacterium or names of places
perform. What used to take days and required the or persons associated with the discovery of the
expertise of a laboratory technologist now takes microorganism. For example, Salmonella typhi was
minutes and can be performed within the POL discovered by an American microbiologist named
and sometimes even within patients’ homes. The Salmon. The bacterium causes typhoid fever.
at-home pregnancy tests were probably the first test Individuals who study bacteria are referred to as
kits available over the counter, but now there are bacteriologists or microbiologists. These individuals
literally hundreds. The test kits range from urine have taken extensive courses in the field of microbiol-
testing for cocaine and other drugs to cholesterol ogy. In most laboratories, clinical laboratory scientists
and cancer screening tests. or assistants help perform microbiology procedures.
The job of these individuals is to quickly and effi-
ciently identify the organism in a given culture that
MICROBIOLOGY has been properly obtained and brought to the labo-
ratory within a reasonable time frame.
Classification Together with routine bacteriologic cultures,
many microbiology departments, especially in
Taxonomy deals with the classification of living larger health care facilities, perform parasitology
organisms. procedures for the identification of parasites; virol-
A common system divides living organisms ogy procedures for the identification of viruses;
into kingdoms. Before the discovery of the micro- and mycology procedures for the identification of
scope in the sixteenth century, there were two fungi. If an institution such as a clinic or POL is too
known kingdoms, animal and plant. A new king- small to properly identify many microorganisms,
dom of microscopic organisms, the Protista, was cultures often are sent to a reference laboratory.
developed because most microbes are neither These laboratories are specialized laboratories with
plant nor animal. The members of this kingdom up-to-date equipment to handle large amounts of
are called protists and are one-celled organisms complex tests. In today’s health care environment,
(Table 31-2). it is cost-effective to centralize expensive and com-
The microorganisms of importance in medi- plex procedures. Instead of 10 small laboratories
cal microbiology are divided into two groups: the each having their own specialized equipment, one
lower protists, or prokaryotes (including blue-green laboratory buys the equipment and runs the spe-
algae and bacteria), and the higher protists, or cialized test for all 10 laboratories.
eukaryotes (including protozoa, algae, and fungi). The microbiology department works closely
with the infection control department of a hospi-
Nomenclature tal to determine if certain organisms are causing
infections throughout the hospital. These infec-
The system used for naming bacteria is a two-part tions can be acquired by an immunosuppressed
system of names. Two Greek or Latin names are patient and become a serious problem. Infections
used, the first name being a genus, which is capi- acquired in hospitals are referred to as nosoco-
mial infections and should be closely monitored.
Some common nosocomial infections are caused
Table 31-2 Kingdom Protista by bacteria such as Staphylococcus, Serratia, and
Candida (a yeast).
I. Lower protists Certain types of bacteria and yeasts that
1. Prokaryotic—nuclear material not organized are identified and grown in the laboratory
A. Bacteria must be reported to the Department of
B. Blue-green algae Public Health in your county or state because they
are communicable diseases. These diseases vary
II. Higher protists from city to city and state to state. Some of the com-
1. Eukaryotic—true nucleus mon bacteria that are reported are Salmonella;
A. Algae Shigella; and those organisms that cause sexually
B. Slime molds transmitted diseases (STDs), such as gonorrhea,
C. Fungus syphilis, chlamydia, and herpes. The state and
D. Protozoa county you work in will have a list of reportable dis-
eases that the clinic or POL will have posted.
944 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Cell Structure spores are so resistant they can live 150,000 years
and can survive in dust. Tetanus is an example of
All living forms are alike in that their cells contain
bacteria that create spores.
a nuclear material referred to as DNA (deoxy-
ribonucleic acid), which carries special genetic
information. The main structural difference of
eukaryotes and prokaryotes is the arrangement of EQUIPMENT
the nucleus. A eukaryote has a well-defined or true
nucleus and is a higher form of microorganism. Basic equipment needed in a microbiology depart-
The prokaryote is a lower form of microorganism ment of a clinic or a POL varies depending on the
and has a simple nucleus that is not well-defined. size of the facility. Most laboratories have some of
The bacterial cell, classified as a lower protist, the following equipment.
is a single-celled organism with a cytoplasmic cell
membrane, cell wall, and nucleus. The nucleus is
not well-defined. The cell grows by taking in mate-
rials from the environment. After a certain amount An autoclave (Figure 31-2) is used in the laboratory
of growth, the bacteria reproduce by division of to sterilize equipment that may have been contam-
the cell. Certain conditions are required for this inated while processing specimens. It can be used
reproduction to take place. to sterilize contaminated materials as well. The set-
Figure 31-1 illustrates a basic bacterial cell. ting of 15 pounds per square inch and a tempera-
Not all bacteria possess flagella for motility, as some ture of 121°C for 15 to 20 minutes is sufficient to
are not motile. Some bacteria can encapsulate kill infectious agents, spores, viruses, and contami-
themselves in protein, providing protection from nants. Many laboratories no longer use autoclaves
antibiotic penetration and white blood cell attack. because of the use of presterilized and disposable
Once encapsulated they are called spores, an inac- equipment. (See Chapter 10 for more information
tive state that can help bacteria resist chemicals, on the autoclave.)
freezing, drying, radiation, and heating. Bacterial
An important piece of equipment for the POL
Capsule or clinic is the microscope. This instrument is
used to view organisms that cannot be seen with
Cell wall the naked eye on a prepared slide. Skill in using
the microscope is necessary to gain information
Cytoplasmic membrane from studying the slide. The microscope is a deli-
cate instrument and should be cared for properly
Nucleoid material
as stated by the manufacturer (see Chapter 27 for
more information on the microscope).
Figure 31-1 Basic bacterial cell. Figure 31-2 Small laboratory autoclave.
CHAPTER 31 Basic Microbiology 945
Incineration is the quickest method of steriliz-
ing the inoculating loop and needle. This can be
accomplished by using an electrical incinerator
(Figure 31-8) or a Bunsen burner (less popular
today because of the open flame danger). When
doing cultures, the inoculating needle or loop
must be sterilized before and after it is used. This
is done by placing the loop in the incinerator or
passing through the flame of the Bunsen burner.
Specimen Handling
Some microbiology specimens will be brought to
the POL or clinic to be processed, so the medical
assistant should look for leaks and contamination
on the outside of the transporting containers. It is
a good practice always to wear gloves when receiv-
Figure 31-9 Various types of media tubes and plates. ing specimens. Most specimens will arrive in an
“outside” plastic bag to avoid danger to laboratory
personnel. When sending specimens to an outside
laboratory to be cultured, it is important to use
SAFETY WHEN HANDLING the appropriate container to avoid contamination
MICROBIOLOGY SPECIMENS of others. Remember, if there is a possibility of an
aerosol specimen, the specimen must be cultured
Safety should be practiced in every area of under a safety hood. All specimens should be han-
the clinical laboratory at all times. Micro- dled as if they were contaminated (see Chapter 10
biology specimens can be dangerous for more information on Standard Precautions).
because of potential pathogens. Following safety
rules will reduce danger to all personnel con-
cerned. Some important safety measures follow. Disposal of Waste and Spills
Detailed discussions can be found in Chapters 10 Most facilities have a plan for disposal of danger-
and 26. ous biohazardous waste that should be strictly fol-
lowed. Biohazardous waste generally is placed in
Personal Protective Equipment red bags marked with the universal biohazard sym-
bol (Figure 31-10). Most clinics or POLs employ an
Personal protective equipment should be worn outside agency to dispose of waste. It is extremely
at all times when processing microbiology speci- important that biohazardous waste is not placed
mens. It should be removed when leaving the work with the regular waste and disposal guidelines are
area. When processing microbiology specimens, followed.
the medical assistant wears a buttoned laboratory
coat or apron, safety goggles, and gloves. At times,
personnel performing microbiology testing work
behind a shield or use a safety hood to avoid inha-
lation of aerosol pathogens and to avoid splashes BIOHAZARD
and spatters of blood and body fluids.
There is never any eating, smoking, drinking,
or putting objects into the mouth while working
with microbiology specimens or in the laboratory
area itself. Contact lenses should not be touched,
nor should makeup be applied. The practice of
washing hands several times should be a habit.
Washing hands after glove removal is important.
Work Area
The counters where specimens are processed and
set up should be cleaned with a strong germicide Figure 31-10 Biohazard symbol.
948 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Figure 31-11A In a total practice management system (TPMS), quality control docu-
mentation can be entered into electronic logs. (SynapseEHR screen shot courtesy of E.S.
taken from the site of the infection, not the sur- 8. Specimen collected before the administration of
rounding area. antibiotics
Once the specimen is collected correctly, it 9. Specimen inoculated onto proper media and
should be placed in the appropriate container and placed in correct atmosphere to ensure growth
delivered to the laboratory soon after collection.
Many organisms will die if not kept moist. Trans- When collecting specimens, it is important that
port media can have a moistening agent to keep the medical assistant carefully follow the instruc-
the specimen from drying out. tions as designated in the laboratory manual. Stan-
If a specimen comes into the laboratory in dard Precautions must be strictly adhered to while
an improper container or has not been delivered obtaining and processing specimens and everyone
within a reasonable period soon after collec- (including couriers, receptionists, and laboratory
tion, it must be rejected and another specimen assistants) handling specimens should wear gloves
obtained. The container in which the specimen to protect themselves from leakage of the container
has been placed should be sterile, and the right and contamination with a pathogenic organism.
type should be used for a specific culture (Figure
31-12). Sterile containers are used for most collec- Specific Collection Requirements
tions, with the exception of stool collection con-
tainers, which do not have to be sterile. Culturette for Cultures
cultures are from swabs and should be kept moist. Urine. Patients should be instructed to obtain a
This system is a plastic tube that has a sterile swab clean-catch urine specimen in a sterile container.
used to collect the specimen and then is placed A clean-catch midstream specimen is obtained by
back into the tube. The tube contains a medium first cleaning the genital area and then urinating
which keeps the swab moist and preserves the midstream into a specimen container. Details of
specimen. this procedure are found in Chapter 30. Patients
The laboratory’s success in isolating the caus- should be given strict instructions so that a quality
ative pathogens depends on the following factors: specimen for culturing can be obtained.
Sometimes a catheterization is done to col-
1. Proper collection from infection site
lect a sterile urine specimen for culture. The urine
2. Collection of specimen during infectious period must be collected into a sterile container.
3. Sufficient amount of specimen
4. Appropriate specimen container Throat. When taking a throat specimen for cul-
ture, explain to the patient that a throat culture is
5. Appropriate transport medium
necessary to identify certain organisms. Be sure to
6. Specimen labeled properly tell the patient that there may be some momentary
7. Specimen delivered to the laboratory in a minimal discomfort in obtaining the specimen, especially if
amount of time his or her throat is sore. Answer all questions about
the process of obtaining the specimen. Throat cul-
ture specimens are taken using the culturette. As
mentioned in the previous section, the culturette
contains a sterile swab and growth medium for
moisture to keep the bacteria viable.
Once you have gathered all the necessary sup-
plies (see Procedure 31-1) and put on gloves and a
face shield, have the patient open his or her mouth
and say “ah.” This will lower the back of the tongue
for better viewing (Figure 31-13A). Be sure to have
a good light source available. Use a sterile tongue
depressor to help hold the tongue down. While
avoiding the tongue and inside of the cheeks, take
the specimen directly from the affected area with
the sterile swab. Once the specimen is obtained on
the swab, place the swab back into the culturette
(Figure 31-13B). The culturette is now ready for
Figure 31-12 Various collection and transport con- labeling and transport to the laboratory for testing
tainers for bacteriologic specimens. (Figure 31-13C). As with any culture test ordered,
950 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Patient Education
As you obtain throat cultures from patients,
you may want to give them some helpful
advice concerning their condition. Generally
when a person has a sore throat, it is
associated with other respiratory symptoms
as well. The following suggestions may
provide some relief from discomfort and help
patients toward better health.
1. Advise patients to drink plenty of liquids,
especially water, and to eat sensibly from
the basic food groups. A
2. Urge patients to get extra rest and dress
comfortably (according to the weather/
temperature outside).
3. Suggest use of gargles or throat lozenges
(or both) to relieve painful sore throat.
4. Remind patients to avoid tobacco/
5. Instruct patients to cough/sneeze into
tissue and discard into proper waste
container wherever they are to prevent the
spread of microorganisms. Because sewer
waste is treated and disinfected, flushing
a contaminated tissue is an effective
method of disposal.
6. Remind patients to refrain from sharing
drinking glasses and tableware and from B
intimate contact such as kissing while they
are infected and still contagious. All eating
utensils should be sanitized in hot water
after use to avoid the spread of contagious
diseases. Perhaps the most important
educational advice is reminding patients
to wash their hands frequently.
on a thin wire. A separate swab may be used for 18-22). The fluid generally is dispersed in several
each nostril. The patient tilts back the head, and departments of the clinical laboratory. Generally,
each swab is gently inserted into each of the nos- the fluid goes first to the microbiology laboratory
trils. The swab is then placed into a sterile tube for a culture before it becomes contaminated by
and kept at room temperature for transport to the doing other tests. Before the culture set up, the
laboratory. tube should be placed in an incubator or left at
room temperature. Refrigeration of spinal fluid
Wound. When culturing a wound, a sterile needle can kill two common meningitis-causing bacteria,
might be used to aspirate pus-filled fluid from the Haemophilus influenzae and Neisseria meningitidis.
wound, or a swab is used. It is important to get the CSF culture is a STAT order for processing, and
swab deep into the wound without touching the the medical assistant is responsible for calling the
surrounding skin. Specimens for wound cultures laboratory for immediate pickup.
often are placed in anaerobic transport medium,
especially if the wound is not superficial. Blood. Human blood is free from bacteria in a
healthy human. If blood does become contami-
Sputum. To collect this specimen correctly, the nated with bacteria, septicemia (septic blood infec-
patient should cough deeply and expectorate into tion) can result. Blood cultures are collected by
the sterile container (Figure 31-14). The specimen the same means as regular blood collection, with
should be a first morning specimen and placed special considerations to avoid any contamination
into a sterile container designed to protect all who of the blood. A variety of collection devices are
handle the specimen from contamination. available for collecting blood cultures, all requir-
ing careful sterile techniques (see Procedure 29-4
Stool. Stool specimens are brought to the labora- for blood culture).
tory for various tests. If the stool is to be examined
for ova (eggs) or parasites, the specimen should
be as fresh as possible. Special containers often are MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION
used for ova and parasites. Stool specimens must OF BACTERIA
be kept at between room temperature and body
temperature. Refrigeration may destroy the para- There are usually two procedures involved in prop-
sites within the specimen. erly identifying bacteria: the microscopic examina-
For bacterial cultures of stool (as well as for tion and the culture. The microscopic examination
ova and parasites), several different specimens involves viewing stained or unstained bacteria
may be sent for testing at different times. The col- through the microscope.
lection containers for stool cultures do not have to Culturing is a means of isolating a disease-
be sterile, but they must be clean and have a tight- causing microorganism for identification. A speci-
fitting lid (see Procedure 31-4). men is obtained and placed in a culture medium,
which contains nutrients comparable to human tis-
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF). The provider obtains sue to encourage growth of microorganisms. The
CSF by doing a lumbar puncture (see Procedure medium is agar, a gelatin-like substance, mixed
with nutrients. The nutrients mixed in the agar
will vary according to what each particular bacte-
rium prefers. The section on Culture Media later
discusses in detail the types of nutrients each type
of bacterium prefers. Table 31-4 lists the more com-
mon bacteria and their growth requirements.
Microscopically identifying bacteria is not in
CLIA’s waived categories; therefore, although the
medical assistant will not actually perform these
tests, the staining information is included here to
aid in understanding the staining and examination
processes that culture specimens go through. It is
important for medical assistants to be familiar with
the processes and the terminology related to stain-
ing and microscopic identification of bacteria to bet-
Figure 31-14 A patient gives a sputum sample. ter serve their patients, employer, and colleagues.
952 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Bacilli (rod)
Cocci (round)
Diplococcus Staphylococcus
Figure 31-15 (A) Cocci (round). (B) Cocci, as seen Figure 31-16 (A) Bacilli (rod). (B) Bacilli, as seen
through a microscope. through a microscope.
CHAPTER 31 Basic Microbiology 953
Spirilla (spiral)
Differential Stain
A differential stain is more complex than a simple
stain. It is known as a differential stain because the
stain result varies. A common differential stain is
the Gram stain.
The Gram stain was developed in 1884 by Dr.
Hans Christian Gram. More than 100 years later,
Spirilla Spirochete this famous stain is still in use with little variation.
A This staining procedure differentiates bacteria by
their Gram stain ability of being either negative
or positive. A bacterium is Gram negative or posi-
tive by the nature of the cell wall and the ability
of it either to retain or lose color through decol-
orization. This identification of Gram-positive or
Gram-negative bacteria aids in identification of an
organism. Gram-positive bacteria have a lower lipid
(fat) content and are not decolorized as compared
with Gram-negative bacteria, which have a higher
lipid content and are readily decolorized.
The reagents used in the Gram stain are gen-
tian or crystal violet, a purple stain that is the pri-
mary stain. Iodine, which acts as a mordant, holds
B the purple stain. Alcohol-acetone is the decolor-
izer that removes the purple color. Safranin is the
Figure 31-17 (A) Spirilla (spiral). (B) Spirilla, as seen
red counterstain. When stained according to the
through a microscope.
manufacturer’s directions, the Gram-positive bac-
teria stain purple, and the Gram-negative bacteria
stain pink. Sometimes an organism will appear
Simple Stain Gram-variable. This is found with Gram-positive
A simple stain uses a single stain on a fixed slide organisms that have been exposed to acidic media,
for a given period of time. A simple stain shows the that are often old and lose their ability to retain
arrangement and structure of the bacterial cell. It the gentian violet, or the proper procedure has
is fast, taking no more than 3 minutes to stain, but not been followed (Figure 31-18).
it does not give much information. The Gram stain is one of the most important
procedures in the microbiology laboratory, giving
valuable information by identifying Gram-positive
bacteria such as Staphylococcus and Streptococcus or
Gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli and
Table 31-3 Stains and Their Uses
The morphologic arrangement, shape, and
Stain Example Gram stain characteristic will begin to help iden-
tify the bacteria. Sometimes this is all the physician
needs to know to start treatment for a pathogenic
Gentian violet organism. For example, the bacteria causing gon-
Methylene blue orrhea (Neisseria gonorrhoeae) is a distinctive organ-
Safranin ism, having a characteristic diplococci shape that
resembles a coffee or kidney bean. These organ-
Gram isms are found in and outside of white blood cells
Acid-fast (Ziehl-Neelsen, Kinyoun) and can be identified by a Gram stain.
Capsule (Welch negative)
Acid-Fast Stain
Flagella (Leifson)
Special Another differential stain, which is often referred
Nuclei (Feulgen)
Spore (Doerner) to as a specific stain, is the acid-fast stain. This stain
is either differential or specific in that it allows
954 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Rinse slide
Rinse slide
Rinse slide
Rinse slide
microscopic examination of acid-fast organisms. Characteristics that can be studied by this method
This group of organisms does not respond well to include motility, shape, and arrangement of organ-
the Gram stain and is difficult to stain under ordi- isms. This technique requires the microorganisms
nary circumstances because of a waxy capsule cell to be in a liquid suspension. The medical assis-
wall that resists staining. tant often is responsible for setting up the slide
To stain these organisms, heat or a powerful for microscopic examination by the provider.
dye is used in the procedure to stain the bacteria. Although microscopy is not a CLIA waived test,
The bacteria, once stained, resist decolorization the medical assistant can certainly view the slides
with an acid alcohol, giving them the acid-fast microscopically and discuss the finding with the
name. The bacteria that causes tuberculosis is an provider as a learning exercise.
acid-fast organism. For vaginal secretions, a swab of the vaginal
Two methods commonly used to stain acid- discharge is placed in a sterile tube containing 1
fast organisms are the Ziehl–Neelsen stain, which mL normal saline and mixed. Then the suspension
uses heat, and the Kinyoun stain, a cold method is viewed under a microscope. For stool or other
that does not include a heating process. Either of bacterial specimens, a small amount of specimen
these stains is satisfactory. is mixed with a drop of normal saline, then viewed
under a microscope. These methods are known as
the wet-mount preparation and the hanging drop
Special Techniques preparation (see Procedure 31-2).
There are several special situations when more The wet-mount preparation is a valuable diag-
than the Gram stain or the shape and arrangement nostic tool in determining the cause of vaginosis.
of an organism is needed to aid in the identifica- Bacterial vaginosis is identified by the presence of
tion. Such situations would be the demonstration “clue cells,” epithelial cells covered by coccobacil-
of the presence of flagella, spore, capsule, or nuclei lary bacteria. Motile trichomonads are seen with
of cells. Trichomonas vaginalis. The presence of pseudohy-
There also are microscopic examinations phae indicates a yeast infection. In many cases,
of organisms in a living state, without staining. an accurate diagnosis can be made from the wet-
CHAPTER 31 Basic Microbiology 955
mount preparation, thus making more complex bility. Some bacteria require a specialized medium
techniques unnecessary. to grow and multiply. Aerobic bacteria grow only
in the presence of oxygen. Anaerobic bacteria live
and grow in the absence of oxygen. Examples of
Potassium Hydroxide Preparation common bacteria and their growth requirements
Another type of wet preparation is using 10% solu- are listed in Table 31-4.
tion of potassium hydroxide (KOH) in a wet prepa- When specimens are collected for the labo-
ration for the study of fungi and spores. The slide is ratory, the microorganism’s growth requirements
prepared by using fragments of human hair, skin, must be considered. No matter how good the
or nails that could have fungus. KOH wet mounts specimen, if an anaerobic organism is kept in an
are also useful for examining other body fluids aerobic atmosphere while being transported to
such as vaginal swabs. These specimens are placed the reference laboratory, it will probably not sur-
on a slide with a drop of 10% KOH and a cover- vive. Special anaerobic transport systems must be
slip on top. The KOH will clear debris. The slide used.
should sit at room temperature for about a half Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the causative agent of
hour before examination for debris settlement. the STD gonorrhea, requires special media and an
The direct examination of specimens is best atmosphere of reduced oxygen and increased car-
viewed with a phase or dark-field microscope bon dioxide. Therefore, the specimen must be col-
rather than a bright-field microscope because of lected from the patient and immediately placed on
reduced illumination. If using a bright-field micro- a special media in a reduced oxygen atmosphere.
scope, lower the condenser to reduce transmitted Medical assistants who send bacterial speci-
light. Proper disposal of these specimens is impor- mens to a reference laboratory must be familiar
tant because the organisms are alive and possibly with the transport media the reference laboratory
pathogenic. provides. Your laboratory manual explains how
and when to use the various microbiology trans-
port systems.
CULTURE MEDIA Media can be a solid, liquid, or semisolid sub-
stance that has the required nutrients to support
After the proper collection of the specimen, the the growth of bacteria. Such ingredients include
material collected must be inoculated on a proper vitamins, sugar, salt, minerals, and amino acids.
culture medium. This is necessary for growth and Some media have the addition of special products
eventual identification of an organism. such as egg, potato, meat, milk, blood, and dyes.
The results of culture, the growing of an The solid form of media is called agar. Agar
organism on special media in the laboratory, are has an appearance similar to gelatin and is made
only as reliable as the method used in collecting of seaweed. When heated, agar is a liquid; when
the specimen. In addition, growth requirements cooled, it solidifies. Agar is poured into a petri dish
of different organisms must be considered, such (a plastic dish used to grow bacteria) so the bacte-
as moisture, temperature, oxygen, carbon dioxide, ria can be studied for gross morphology (form and
and essential nutrients. Organisms that are sensi- structure). Agar can also be placed in tubes.
tive to drying must be put into transport medium Semisolid media is made by adding less agar.
immediately after collection to prevent loss of via- Media in a liquid broth form is stored in tubes
Organism Disease Medium Requirements
Escherichia coli Urinary tract infection Blood agar, eosin methylene blue (EMB), MacConkey O2
956 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
called broth tubes and allows for the observation • Enriched. This type of medium contains substances
of gas production, change in pH, and odor. Fig- that inhibit certain bacteria from growing. These
ure 31-9 shows many different types of media that media work well with cultures from sites that pos-
can be used to identify bacteria. Media can be pur- sess normal flora, such as the throat. The normal
chased already prepared, or it can be produced flora is inhibited and pathogenic bacteria are
from ingredients in the laboratory. Charts listing encouraged to grow. Blood agar and chocolate
the proper media to set up for specific types of cul- agar are examples of enriched media.
tures generally are prominently displayed in the All media that are used should first be
setup area of most microbiology laboratories. checked with known organisms for quality control
and for contaminants. The manufacturer will usu-
Media Classification ally suggest a list of organisms for a quality-control
There are several classifications of media, including: check. A check for contaminants involves a thor-
ough visual check of the plate before using it. It
• Basic. Basic media are used for general purposes is also important to store media according to the
and do not contain added nutrients. They will sup- manufacturer’s direction. Never use outdated media.
port the growth of many Gram-negative and Gram- Table 31-5 lists common media by classifica-
positive organisms. tion and use. Table 31-6 lists media that might be
• Differential. Differential media contain substances selected for specific sources. All laboratories vary
that alter the appearance of some types of organ- slightly in their recommendations of media to set
isms and not other types. An eosin methylene blue up on specimens.
(EMB) plate for lactose and nonlactose fermenters
is an example of differential media. The lactose
fermenter can use lactose and looks different on
the agar.
• Selective. Selective media support the growth of one
Inoculating the Media
type of organism while inhibiting the growth of After selecting the correct medium for the culture
another. This is done by the addition of a salt, dye, and observing the specimen to make sure it is prop-
chemical, or antibiotic. A hektoen enteric (HE) erly collected, the specimen is inoculated onto the
plate for the growth of salmonella and shigella is a medium. If the specimen is on a swab, the swab is
selective type of medium. rolled directly onto the upper quadrant of the agar
Hektoen Enteric
Methylene Blue
and Shigella
Blood agar
Specimen Source Potential Pathogens
Neisseria gonorrhoeae x x x x x x x
Haemophilus species
Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcus pyogenes
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Moraxella species
Neisseria meningitidis x x x x
Cerebrospinal fluid Streptococcus pneumoniae
Haemophilus influenzae
Escherichia coli x x x
Urine Proteus
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Staphylococcus x x x x x x
Anaerobic bacteria
Salmonella x x x x
Pathogenic E. coli
Yersinia species
plate. If the specimen is a sputum or liquid, it is because of gas production by some organisms that
inoculated onto the plate with a loop. can break the tube.
The inoculum is spread back and forth in a
sweeping motion with a flamed loop or needle.
After the agar plate has been inoculated and
Other Types of Streaking
properly labeled, it should be turned upside down Other types of streaking include the lawn streak.
and placed in the proper environment for growth. This streaking technique is used to place an organ-
By turning the agar upside down, any condensa- ism over an entire area of an agar plate for sensi-
tion that forms from bacterial growth will be on tivity testing. The bacteria is spread over the entire
the inside lid. plate using a swab (Figure 31-19), streaking over the
Liquid broths and agar slant tubes have screw entire area several times from different angles. After
caps. These caps must not be screwed on too tightly the streaking has been completed, disks saturated
958 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Primary Culture
After the media has been incubated for 24 to 48
hours, the initial or primary culture is read.
When working with bacterial cultures, there can
be more than one pathogen growing in the cul-
ture. For instance, a wound culture may have both
Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms grow-
ing. To identify each organism, you must separate
these bacteria to other media (Figure 31-21). It is
also necessary at times to separate the pathogenic
bacteria from the normal flora, as in the throat and
sputum cultures. Some initial cultures do achieve
Figure 31-19 Lawn or spread streak.
excellent isolation without having to subculture.
coccus group A), the causative agent of a serious sore sure there is no infection present. Latex aggluti-
(strep) throat. It is important to identify this Gram- nation kits can give false readings, and it is best to
positive Streptococcus as soon as possible because the follow up with the throat culture. A list of all the
bacteria can cause serious damage (i.e., kidney and CLIA waived rapid tests is available at the CDC
heart valve damage) if not treated immediately with Web site ( using the search
antibiotics. words Waived Tests.
This test is sensitive and eliminates false-
positive results. The directions should be fol-
lowed strictly to produce an accurate test result. SENSITIVITY TESTING
The results are based on color development of a
spot on the test filter. Test results are available in Antibiotic sensitivity testing often is ordered on the
minutes. pathogenic organisms recovered from the cultur-
A latex agglutination test for group A Strepto- ing process. By setting up an antibiotic sensitivity
coccus is based on an antigen and antibody agglu- test, the laboratory can identify which antibiotics
tination. A throat swab is placed directly on the destroy the pathogen, and the provider will be
antibody-coated slide, and the presence of a posi- able to set up antibiotic treatment for the patient.
tive test is seen by the appearance of agglutination Today’s health care environment demands that
(clumping). Although these tests are quick and this information be made available to the provider
convenient, the following rules should be followed as soon as possible.
strictly: When a patient has had multiple bacterial
infections and the provider is concerned with pre-
• Read and understand the manufacturer’s instruc- scribing an ineffective antibiotic, or when the bac-
tions and directions before starting the test. terial infection is not responding to the currently
• Never use outdated materials. prescribed antibiotic, the provider will order a cul-
ture and sensitivity (C&S). The antibiotic that is
• Observe all safety guidelines and precautions.
effective against the culture bacteria is reported as
• Use the correct swab in taking the throat culture. “sensitive to,” and the antibiotics that are not effec-
Some cottons and chemicals on swab will interfere tive will be reported as “resistant to,” meaning that
with the test reagents. If possible, use the swabs the bacteria will be sensitive to some antibiotics
provided with the kit. and resistant to others.
• Always run the positive and negative control To determine which antibiotic will destroy
together with the patient’s actual test. the culture bacteria, the technician places small
discs on the culture plate. The discs contain vari-
If a patient has symptoms of an infected ous antibiotics. The antibiotic to which the bacte-
throat and the slide test is negative, the provider ria is sensitive will eventually become surrounded
will also order a regular throat culture to make by an area of no growth (Figure 31-22).
960 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Examination Methods
The most common methods of fecal specimen
examination for parasitic identification in a clinic
or POL is the direct wet-mount slide.
Specimen Collection
Fecal specimens for identification of ova and para-
sites should be collected in wide-mouth containers
with a tight lid to prevent leakage. The container
should be put in a biohazard transport bag to
avoid contamination and sent for examination
immediately. The patient should be instructed not
to contaminate the specimen with urine because it
Figure 31-22 Culture plate showing antibiotic discs could interfere with testing. Special vials contain-
on bacteria. Note the one antibiotic disc in the top left ing formalin are also available for ova and parasite
area that the bacteria are totally “resistant to.” Most of testing that are preferred by some laboratories.
the other antibiotics have carrying degrees of effective- Refer to the laboratory user’s manual for specific
ness and would be labeled “sensitive to.” The one just instructions.
right of the center area is barely effective and would be The laboratory procedure for collection and
reported as “intermediate.” processing of the parasite specimen should be
strictly followed to provide an accurate testing of
the specimen. The collection time of the specimen
PARASITOLOGY should be followed as directed by the provider.
Three specimens may be ordered over a speci-
With the age of travel and more public aware- fied period. Provider’s offices will have specific
ness, we are beginning to see more parasitic infec- instructions and containers with a preservative
tions. The field of parasitology is a vast one with in them when an ova and parasite examination is
many different types of parasites. They range from requested.
extremely small microscopic ones to those that When the specimen is sent for testing, it
are large and macroscopic in size. Parasites have should be labeled correctly with the patient’s name,
varying life cycles. The degree of severity of illness date, and time of the specimen. It is important to
depends on which parasite enters the human body know if the patient has been traveling, to what area
and infects it. Parasites can be found in the blood, of the world, and what is suspected by the provider
urine, or feces. The more common ones are found to help aid in identification (see Procedure 31-4).
in the feces.
Different geographic areas have different
types of parasites that are seen. Resettled immi-
Common Parasites
grant populations may be infected with a parasite Some of the more common parasites identified in
previously unseen in a geographic area. World trav- the POL are Enterobius vermicularis, the causative
elers can also bring back rare parasitic infections organism of pinworm infection, and Trichomonas
from their adventures. vaginalis, a parasite that infects the urogenital
Even though parasitology tests are performed tracts of men and women.
by medical technologists rather than medical assis-
tants, the medical assistant must be able to prop- Enterobius vermicularis. This nematode (round
erly obtain the sample (such as a throat culture worm) is found worldwide, predominantly in chil-
or wound culture), instruct the patient on how to dren. The adult worm is shaped like a pin, wide at
properly obtain the sample (such as a stool sam- one end and pointed at the other end. The female
ple), and make sure the patient is prepared prop- worm is larger than the male. Infection with pin-
CHAPTER 31 Basic Microbiology 961
insomnia, depending on the severity of the infec-
tion. The adult female worm migrates to the anus
at night, depositing ova (eggs) that cause itching A
during hatching. At times, the adult worm can be Slide with tape and label
found around the anus and on the stool. The adult
worm measures approximately 7 to 12 mm long.
The egg is the infectious stage of the parasite (Fig-
ure 31-23).
To diagnose the presence of the parasite,
either the adult worm or ova has to be located in
the specimen. A negative test should be confirmed
by as many as six negative tests performed. The test
is performed by taking a cellophane tape swab and
Loop tape over end of
placing the sticky side down to the skin around the tongue depressor to
anal area. The tape is placed on a slide and brought expose sticky surface
to the laboratory for examination (Figure 31-24).
Trichomonas vaginalis. This parasite is found
in both men and women, but its presence is five
times higher in women (men can harbor the
organism for years without symptoms). Because
men can harbor this parasite and have no symp-
toms, it is recommended that both partners be
treated. This will prevent the ongoing reinfection
of the female patient. The organism belongs to the
flagellate (possesses flagella) class and is extremely
motile. Infection with this flagellate causes a puru-
lent yellowish green discharge and dysuria. The C
organism is recovered from the discharge or urine Press sticky surfaces against perianal areas
and is transmitted sexually.
Procedure 31-1
Procedure for Obtaining a Throat Specimen for Culture
Tongue depressor
Culture tube with applicator stick or commercially
prepared culture collection system (culturette)
PURPOSE: Label and requisition form
To obtain secretions from the nasopharnyx and tonsil- Gloves and face shield
lar area for means of identifying a pathogenic micro- Good light source
CHAPTER 31 Basic Microbiology 963
PROCEDURE STEPS: 8. Place the swab back into the culturette using
1. Identify yourself and explain the procedure to sterile technique and crush the glass capsule
the patient. RATIONALE: Identifying yourself containing the culture media. (NOTE: Some cul-
helps establish professional trust and rapport turettes require a puncturing action to release
with the patient. Explaining the procedure the media. Follow the manufacturer’s instruc-
allows the patient to understand the process and tions.) RATIONALE: Using sterile technique
encourages cooperation. avoids contaminating the specimen and hav-
2. Have an emesis basin and tissues ready. RATIO- ing the specimen contaminate any other area.
NALE: You will want to be prepared in case the Crushing the glass capsule (or piercing the cul-
patient spits up or vomits. ture membrane) releases the culture medium,
which will maintain the optimum environment
3. Have the patient in a sitting position. RATIO- for the specimen until it is tested at the regional
NALE: The patient in a sitting position will facili- laboratory.
tate better visualization of the throat area.
9. Label the culturette according to the POL policy
4. Wash hands, gather supplies, and apply gloves and requirements. RATIONALE: Proper and timely
and face shield. RATIONALE: Washing hands labeling of all specimens ensures that samples will
before any patient contact will eliminate con- not be mixed up with other patient samples.
tamination. Gathering equipment before begin-
ning the procedure ensures less chance of errors 10. Ensure patient comfort and answer any ques-
caused by missing supplies. Gloves and a face tions related to the testing. RATIONALE: Ensur-
shield will offer personal protection in case the ing patient comfort and answering questions will
patient coughs, spits up, or vomits. establish professional rapport.
5. Ask the patient to open his or her mouth wide 11. Discard contaminated supplies into a biohaz-
and then adjust the light source. RATIONALE: ard waste container. Disinfect all work surfaces.
A widely opened mouth and properly adjusted Remove gloves and face shield and discard
light source will facilitate better visualization of appropriately. RATIONALE: Following Standard
the throat area. Precautions when disposing of contaminated
supplies and disinfecting work surfaces will elim-
6. Remove the swab from the culturette using ster- inate biohazard contaminations.
ile technique. RATIONALE: Using sterile tech-
nique maintains the sterility of the swab, which 12. Wash hands. RATIONALE: Gloves protect hands
results in a quality specimen for culture. from most but not all infectious microorganisms.
Washing hands will remove residual powders and
7. Ask the patient to say “ah.” Depress the tongue latex.
with the tongue depressor and swab the back of
the throat and tonsillar area. Concentrate pri- 13. Complete the laboratory requisition and record
marily on any red, raw areas and pustules. Take procedure in patient’s chart or electronic medi-
care to not touch the swab on the inside of the cal record. RATIONALE: Completing the labora-
cheeks or on the tongue. RATIONALE: Hav- tory requisition properly and in a timely manner
ing the patient say “ah” lowers the back of the will give the regional laboratory accurate infor-
tongue. Depressing the tongue reminds the mation regarding the patient and the specimen.
patient to keep the mouth opened and assists in Charting the procedure will establish a timeline
keeping the back of the tongue down. Swabbing and document the procedure.
only the tonsillar area and the back of the throat
without touching the inside of the cheeks or the DOCUMENTATION
tongue ensures that the specimen will contain 1/12/20XX 10:11 AM Throat culture specimen obtained
mostly the bacterial infectious agent (strepto- and sent to Inner City Laboratory for C&S. Patient tolerated
cocci), if present, and not normal mouth flora the procedure well and will return for a follow-up visit and
or other contaminants. The red, raw areas and medication reevaluation in 2 days per Dr. King’s request. Appt
pustules will most likely contain the greatest con- scheduled 1/14 at 3:30 PM. Joe Guerrero, CMA (AAMA) ___
centration of streptococci.
964 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Procedure 31-2
Wet Mount and Hanging Drop Slide Preparations
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 3. For wet-mount slide preparation:
a. Place a drop of the bacterial suspension onto
a clean glass slide (Figure 31-26A). RATIO-
NALE: The suspension of bacteria in a drop
PURPOSE: facilitates viewing.
Prepare a slide for viewing live organisms for motility b. Place petroleum jelly around the edges of
and identifying characteristics. the coverslip (Figure 31-26B) and place the
coverslip on top of the bacterial suspension
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: (Figure 31-26C). RATIONALE: The petro-
Gloves Coverslips leum jelly cuts down on air currents and
Laboratory coat Petroleum jelly keeps the slide from drying out.
Clean glass slide Dropper 4. For hanging drop slide preparation:
Glass slide with concave well Bacterial suspension a. Place the bacterial specimen (in suspension)
in the center of the coverslip with petroleum
PROCEDURE STEPS: jelly around the edges (Figure 31-27A).
1. Wash hands and apply gloves. RATIONALE: RATIONALE: For the suspended drop to be
Washing hands before any procedure helps to formed properly, this technique is used.
eliminate contamination. Gloves will offer per- b. Invert the slide and place the concave well of the
sonal protection. slide over the specimen drop on the cover slip
2. Assemble equipment and supplies. RATIONALE: (Figure 31-27B). RATIONALE: This method
Gathering equipment before beginning the pro- allows the slide well to protect the drop.
cedure ensures less chance of errors caused by c. The slide is then carefully turned right side up
missing supplies. for microscopic examination (Figure 31-27C).
RATIONALE: The slide must be handled care-
fully to avoid slippage and disruption of the
NOTE: After the smear is prepared properly, it can
be observed microscopically at any power. Viewing
the slide is considered by CLIA to be a provider-
performed microscopy procedure.
Figure 31-26 Wet-mount slide. (A) Specimen
placed on a glass slide. (B) Coverslip with petroleum Figure 31-27 Hanging drop slide. (A) Specimen
jelly on edges. (C) Coverslip placed directly on top of placed on coverslip. (B) Slide placed over coverslip.
slide with specimen. (C) Slide turned right side up for examination.
CHAPTER 31 Basic Microbiology 965
Procedure 31-3
Performing Strep Throat Testing
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: cotton-tipped applicator. RATIONALE: The
tongue blade will assist in keeping the mouth
opened for ease in obtaining the specimen with-
out contaminating it on the tongue, cheek, or
PURPOSE: roof of the mouth.
To test for streptococcus infection of the throat for 5. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions exactly to
diagnostic purposes. The following steps are inten- perform the strep throat test. Be sure to also run
tionally general, so a variety of kits can be used. the controls tests. RATIONALE: Each manufac-
turer’s kit varies slightly in the method used. The
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: controls are to ensure quality results.
6. Properly dispose of all waste in biohazard con-
Commercial (CLIA waived) strep throat testing kit:
tainer. Disinfect the equipment and the area.
Controls and reagents
RATIONALE: Standard precautions are used to
Sterile cotton-tipped swabs
prevent disease transmission.
Test tubes and holder or receptacles (depending
on the kit used) 7. Complete the laboratory report form and notify
Tongue blade the provider of the results. RATIONALE: The
Adjustable light source provider will treat the disease as soon as it is con-
PROCEDURE STEPS: 8. Document procedure in patient’s chart or elec-
1. Wash hands and apply personal protective equip- tronic medical record. RATIONALE: Proper
ment (PPE). RATIONALE: Hands should always documentation ensures good recordkeeping.
be washed prior to working with patients to avoid
transferring pathogens. PPEs protects you from DOCUMENTATION
the patient in case he or she coughs or vomits
04/27/20XX Strep throat test performed in office. Patient
during the procedure.
tolerated procedure well. Dr. Lewis notified of results. Ini-
2. Assemble and organize equipment and supplies. tialed report on file. Joe Guerrero, CMA (AAMA) _______
RATIONALE: Organization presents a more
professional image.
3. Introduce yourself, identify the patient, and Laboratory Report
explain the procedure. RATIONALE: Introduc- Patient Name Lisa Car ter Date 04-27-20XX
ing yourself and explaining the procedure to
the patient will gain his or her cooperation and Strep Throat Test negative
establish a good rapport. Identifying the patient
ensures that the right patient will receive the test. Joe Guerrero, CMA (AAMA)
4. Using the tongue blade and light source, obtain MA signature
the specimen from the patient’s throat on the
966 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Procedure 31-4
Instructing a Patient on Obtaining a Fecal Specimen
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: onto it. RATIONALE: Labeling the container
rather than the lid will ensure that the specimen
will not be mixed up with another patient’s sam-
ple in the laboratory. The sturdy lid will prevent
PURPOSE: leakage of the specimen during transport.
To instruct a patient in the correct collection of a 4. Caution the patient to avoid contaminating the
fecal sample. stool specimen with urine. RATIONALE: Urine
may interfere with the test.
5. Give the patient a biohazard transport bag and
instructions on which pocket to put the speci-
Biohazard container
men into and how to secure the bag. The medi-
Sturdy, opaque, waterproof specimen container with
cal assistant can place the laboratory requisition
a securely fitting lid
into the other pocket. RATIONALE: Using a bio-
Special laboratory manual instructions if needed
hazard transport bag and properly sealing it will
(depending on the test being performed)
prevent contamination during transport to the
PROCEDURE STEPS: laboratory. Keeping the requisition in a separate
1. Assemble and organize equipment and supplies. pocket from the specimen further prevents con-
RATIONALE: Being organized helps the process tamination of the paperwork.
go more smoothly and professionally. 6. The patient should be prepared to transport the
2. Identify the patient and explain the procedure. specimen to the laboratory as soon as possible
Give the patient written instructions as well. while keeping the specimen at or just below body
RATIONALE: Identifying the patient ensures that temperature. RATIONALE: If the stool is being
you have the right patient. Explaining the proce- tested for parasites and their eggs (ova and para-
dures reassures the patient and gains his or her site, commonly called O&P), the laboratory will
cooperation with the procedure. Written instruc- want to test the parasites while they are still viable.
tions helps the patient to remember better. 7. Document that the instructions were given to the
3. Hand the patient the labeled specimen con- patient, both orally and written. RATIONALE:
tainer, instructing him or her to deposit a sam- Proper documentation serves as a record for future
ple of stool into the cup then securely set the lid reference.
The field of microbiology is vast. Many microorganisms are pathogenic and can cause serious infection in
patients. The successful culturing and identification of such organisms is an important aspect of the suc-
cessful treatment of patients. All specimens that are processed in the POL should be handled carefully, and
all safety guidelines should be followed.
For the pathogen to be identified correctly, the utmost care must be taken in obtaining the culture.
Sterile equipment must be used. When the culture is processed, the correct microscopic examination,
media, incubation, and confirmatory tests must be used correctly to identify the pathogen.
Often a sensitivity test will be requested together with the culture. The information from this test will
guide the physician in selecting the appropriate treatment for the patient.
POLs vary in the type and number of cultures that are performed on the premises and those that are
sent out to be performed in a reference laboratory. It is important to provide the best care for the patient
by doing only those tests that a POL can reasonably handle given equipment, personnel limitations, and
CLIA regulations.
In addition to performing bacterial identification, some POLs perform parasitology and mycology
tests on a limited basis. When performing parasitology tests, it is important to obtain the proper specimen
in the correct manner. When performing mycology tests, it is important to work under a safety hood to
minimize the risk for exposure to spores from the fungal specimens.
Of utmost importance is the careful adherence to Quality Control guidelines. These procedures
ensure the integrity of test results.
° Multiple Choice
° Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet by completing the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on the CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
Multiple Choice 2. An example of nonselective media would be media
1. A structure that is not part of all bacterial cells is that:
the: a. contain a substance that alters the appearance of
a. nucleus some organisms
b. ribosome b. will support the growth of all organisms and
c. spore does not alter their appearance
d. cell wall c. support the growth of one type of organism and
inhibit the growth of other types of organisms
d. identify the biochemical activity of some
968 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
3. When a CSF culture cannot be set up immediately, 4. A patient is given a requisition slip for a stool cul-
it should be placed in the incubator or remain at ture, ova, and parasite examination. How would
room temperature as opposed to being placed you instruct this patient to collect the specimen?
in the refrigerator because some organisms are 5. Explain why pinworm specimens are collected at a
affected by a low temperature. An example of this certain time of the day.
type of organism would be:
a. Beta streptococci
b. Neisseria meningitidis
c. Streptococcus pneumoniae Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
d. Staphylococcus aureus vention’s Web site and other Web sites to review
4. The best method of taking a specimen for the guidelines on reportable diseases for your state.
recovery of anaerobic organisms is to:
a. swab deep and place into an anaerobic con-
b. aspirate purulent fluid and place into a test tube
Department of Health and Human Services, Centers
c. swab around the wound and place into an anaer-
for Disease Control and Prevention. (2008). Dis-
obic container
eases and Conditions. Retrieved October 2008,
d. take as any other specimen for culture
U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2008). Databases
Critical Thinking on the FDA Website. Retrieved October 2008, from
1. Name two ways to identify whether an organism is
motile. Walters, N. J., Estridge, B. H., & Reynold, A. P. (2008).
2. Define an aerosol and explain how protection is Basic medical laboratory techniques (5th ed.). Clifton
provided when working with an aerosol. Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
3. Identify one potential pathogen and list the
specimen source, media for culture, microscopic
appearance, and the disease it causes.
The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and dem-
onstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this chapter Rh Factor
through written and oral communication. Semen
1. Define the key terms as presented in the glossary. Triglycerides
2. List the three main precautions to be observed during all tests Tuberculosis (TB)
and the collection of samples included in this chapter. Wheal
3. Collect samples and perform and interpret all tests included in
this chapter.
4. Discuss factors to be considered when evaluating test results.
5. Discuss transmission, incubation period, and symptoms of
Epstein–Barr virus/infectious mononucleosis.
6. List the blood group antigens and antibodies found in each of
the four ABO groups and the Rh factors.
7. Explain the cause of phenylketonuria (PKU) and the symptoms
caused by untreated PKU.
8. Indicate normal and increased levels of phenylalanine and the
dietary restrictions to be observed by PKU patients.
9. Discuss the cause of tuberculosis and some major characteristics
of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
10. Discuss the role of insulin in the regulation of blood glucose
11. List and discuss differences among the normal values for fasting
blood glucose, 2-hour postprandial glucose, and the glucose tol-
erance test.
12. Explain the importance of cholesterol and triglyceride testing
to identify patients at high risk for coronary heart disease.
13. Give the desirable values of cholesterol for adults.
14. Give the acceptable level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in
persons with or without coronary heart disease, and discuss the
role of high-density lipoprotein and LDL in coronary heart dis-
15. Give the normal values of urea nitrogen for adults, children,
infants, and newborns, and discuss the significance of increased
blood urea levels.
Audrey Jones, CMA (AAMA), has worked at Drs. Lewis for testing is just as important as being skillful in col-
and King’s office for more than 5 years. In that time, lecting and testing the specimens. Audrey has found
Audrey has become proficient in obtaining specimens that when she explains the reason the specimen is
from patients for various laboratory tests. Audrey needed in terms patients can understand, they are
enjoys the work and finds it extremely challenging. She often less fearful, which helps them relax. This can be
also realizes that communicating with patients to help especially helpful when collecting blood specimens.
them understand why their specimens are necessary
CHAPTER 32 Specialty Laboratory Tests 971
Spotlight on Certification
An increasing number of tests are performed in the ambu- RMA Content Outline
latory care setting, many of them by the medical assistant.
• Medical law
To meet these new demands, the medical assistant must
have a strong background in a variety of areas includ- • Patient education
ing medical terminology, Clinical Laboratory Improve- • Laboratory procedures
ment Amendments (CLIA) regulations, laboratory safety CMA (AAMA) Content Outline
procedures, and specimen collection. Because many pro-
• Patient instruction
cedures require collection of a blood specimen, the medi-
cal assistant must also be an excellent phlebotomist. Good • Medicolegal guidelines and
recordkeeping and communications skills round out the requirements
requirements. A quality-control program is necessary to • Collecting and processing specimens;
ensure that the results are accurate and reliable (Figure diagnostic testing
32-1). This will require a commitment on the part of CMAS Content Outline
the medical assistant to maintain the highest standards
• Legal and ethical considerations
throughout the process.
A variety of specialty tests are covered in this chapter, • Communication
including testing for pregnancy, infectious mononucleosis,
tuberculosis (TB), and phenylketonuria (PKU), as well as
blood types, hemoglobin A1c, and protime. This chapter
also discusses the chemistry of blood, including chemistry Results from
Regional/ Results to Outside
panels, blood glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, and other National Labs Providers
specialty laboratory tests such as semen analysis.
IM is commonly called “mono” or “kissing available, some important work in that direction is
disease.” The disease is a result of infection of the ongoing.
lymphocytes by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). EBV
is common in our population. By 5 years of age,
approximately 50% of the population is infected, Diagnosis of IM
increasing to 90% to 95% in adults. After the pri- To properly diagnose IM, the provider must con-
mary infection, the virus establishes a lifelong sider blood and serology test results together with
latency. The infectious virus may be isolated from the patient’s symptoms.
saliva for several months, whereas antigens may be
detected for life. In addition to causing IM, EBV Blood Test for IM. The hematologic tests for IM
has been implicated in other diseases such as naso- include white blood cell count and evaluation of
pharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) and chronic fatigue the patient’s lymphocytes. In IM, lymphocytosis, or
syndrome. increase in lymphocytes, usually occurs, and large
numbers of lymphocytes (greater than 20%) have
Transmission of EBV an unusual or atypical appearance.
Transmission of EBV IM is primarily by saliva, Serologic Test for IM. Persons with IM produce
which is why it is often referred to as “the kissing antibodies called heterophile antibodies by the
disease.” EBV may also be spread by the sharing of sixth to tenth day of the illness. Heterophile anti-
drinking glasses and less often by blood transfu- bodies are antibodies that react with similar anti-
sion. The disease is moderately contagious and is gens in more than one species. They are usually of
transmitted approximately 10% to 38% of the time the IgM class.
in close social groups. In the home or in the hos- Detection of heterophile antibodies com-
pital, careful handwashing will help prevent trans- bined with the blood tests and patient symptoms
mission of the virus. provide the basis for the diagnosis of IM. The sero-
logic test is usually positive after the first week of
Symptoms of IM illness. However, if test results are negative, the test
should be repeated after 1 week if clinical symp-
Mononucleosis is seen most often in children and toms are still present.
young adults. Incubation may vary from 4 to 50
days; however, 7 to 14 days is the average. Infec-
tion in younger children is usually asymptomatic CLIA Waived IM Tests
or manifests minor symptoms such as pharyngitis,
otitis media, bronchitis, and other upper respira- Several manufacturers have produced CLIA waived
tory discomforts. test kits suitable for use by the medical assistant in
Classic symptoms usually occur when the pri- the POL.
mary infection is delayed until the second decade Kits for IM usually provide all the necessary
of life. IM is most often observed in the 15- to 25- reagents, materials, and controls. The laboratory
year-old age group. Symptoms usually begin with must obtain only the specimen to be tested, which
a fever and swollen glands lasting for 3 to 5 days. is usually a small sample of the patient’s plasma or
Over the next 7 to 20 days, the patient may develop serum or a drop of capillary blood.
a headache; malaise; chest pain; a cough; tonsilli-
tis; a rash; soft, swollen lymph nodes; and a swollen
spleen. While the spleen is enlarged, the patient is
Prothrombin Time/ProTime/INR
advised to curtail activity, especially contact sports Prothrombin time, which is also called protime, PT,
and rough activities, to prevent the rare, but seri- and international normalized ratio (INR), is a test
ous, rupture of the spleen. Symptoms usually per- for blood’s clotting ability. It is used often for peo-
sist for 2 to 4 weeks and in more serious cases may ple who are taking anticoagulant medications such
last for more than 1 month. as Coumadin (warfarin). Monitoring is needed
to maintain a careful balance that must be moni-
tored between the blood clotting too readily and
Treatment of IM the blood being so thin it will not clot. The desired
Because there are currently no effective drugs levels of INR are 2.0 to 3.0. Refer to Chapter 28 for
available for EBV IM, treatment is primarily pala- more information on coagulation tests and Proce-
tive, or supportive. Although a vaccine is not yet dure 28-4 for the process of running a protime test.
974 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Blood typing is based on the presence or absence
of certain antigens on the surface of red blood cells
(RBCs). These antigens are carbohydrate molecules
that react with antibodies specific to them to cause A NTI-A Red blood cells SE RUM
SE RUM to be tested
agglutination of the RBCs. Antibodies are protein
molecules that are found in serum; they are also
referred to as immunoglobulins (Ig). When RBC
antigens and antibodies react, they cause the RBCs
to agglutinate. This process is called hemagglutina-
tion. Hemagglutination reactions are used in the ANTI-B
typing of blood. The two major categories of blood ANTI-A
typing are for the ABO blood group and the Rh fac-
tor. The ABO blood group consists of type A, type B,
type AB, and type O. Within each of these types are
the Rh factors, either Rh-positive (factor present) or
Rh-negative (no factor). Figure 32-2 illustrates how
RBCs are tested for blood type. In the example, type
O blood would have no reaction to either anti-A or Type O
anti-B, whereas type AB blood would have a reaction
to both. By process of elimination, one can deter- No agglutination No agglutination
mine which type the specimen is.
The ABO and Rh systems place certain
restrictions on how blood can be transfused from
Type A
one individual to another. Depending on their
blood type, individuals with a particular RBC anti-
gen may have antibodies against the other types Agglutination No agglutination
(Table 32-1). An incompatible blood transfusion
results when the antigens of the donor RBCs react
with the antibodies of the recipient RBCs. This is a Type B
potentially life-threatening situation that varies in
severity from mild fever to anaphylaxis with severe
No agglutination Agglutination
intravascular hemolysis. Although ABO and Rh
typing does not completely rule out the possibility
of reaction, it greatly reduces the chances.
Type AB
Table 32-1 Antigens and Antibodies in ABO the amount of oxygen to his or her tissues and
and Rh Blood Systems organs. The baby responds by trying to make
more RBCs in his or her liver and spleen. This
Blood Antigen Serum overuse can cause these two organs to become
Group/Type on RBC Antibodies enlarged. The new RBCs are usually immature
(called erythroblasts) and are not able to do the
None Anti-A and work of the mature RBC. Also, when the RBCs
O (universal donor)
Anti-B are destroyed, bilirubin is formed. Babies cannot
rid the body of bilirubin, which can builds up in
A A Anti-B the blood, tissues, and body fluids of the baby.
This condition is called hyperbilirubinuremia
B B Anti-A (too much bilirubin in the blood). Bilirubin is
pigmented and causes a yellowing or jaundice of
AB A and B None the newborn’s skin and tissues.
This jaundice is not to be confused with the
Rh⫹ D No anti-D* jaundice many newborns have, which is caused by
a similar process but to a much less degree and
Rh⫺ None No anti-D* with mild consequences. Hemolytic disease can
be determined by evaluating the quantity of bili-
*There are no naturally occurring antibodies to the Rh system. rubin in the amniotic fluid and in the newborn’s
HDN can cause severe complications for the
newborn, ranging from the enlarged liver and ane-
covery. The Rh factor is found on the surface of mia to seizures, brain damage, and even death.
RBCs. People possessing the Rh factor are said to Treatment before the baby is born can include
have Rh-positive (Rh⫹) blood. Those without the intrauterine blood transfusions and early delivery
Rh factor have Rh-negative (Rh⫺) blood. if the baby is mature enough to survive. After the
About 85% of North Americans are Rh-posi- baby is born, blood transfusions, intravenous flu-
tive; 15% are Rh-negative. Neither Rh-negative ids, and help with respiration and oxygen intake
nor Rh-positive people have naturally occuring Rh may be necessary.
antibodies in their blood. However, if an Rh-nega-
tive individual receives a transfusion of Rh-positive
blood, he or she will develop antibodies to it. The
antibodies take 2 weeks to develop. Both blood
type and Rh factor must be taken into account for Patient Education
safe and successful transfusions.
Rh blood typing is also performed on preg- When a woman gives birth (or has a
nant women to determine the mother’s Rh blood miscarriage or abortion), some of the fetal
type. During the patient’s initial prenatal care blood can mix with the mother’s as the
examination, blood typing is usually performed placenta tears away from the uterus. When
as part of the prenatal panel. In situations where the Rh-negative woman is exposed to the
the mother is Rh-negative, the mother’s blood is baby’s Rh-positive blood (there is an 85%
tested for the presence of Rh antibodies. If the chance that the baby is Rh-positive), she
test is negative, then there is no risk to the fetus. builds antibodies against the Rh factor.
A negative test should be repeated at weeks 30 Consequently, during the next pregnancy,
and 36. If the test is positive, then the mother has her antibodies (which cross the placental
been exposed to Rh-positive blood and has pro- barrier) would attack the next Rh-positive
duced antibodies. A positive reaction also means baby’s RBCs. Giving the woman an injection
that maternal hemolysis of fetal RBCs can occur. of RhoGAM after each exposure to the Rh
This condition is also called hemolytic disease antigens prevents her from building the
of the newborn (HDN, also known as erythro- antibodies. Rh-negative women will need
blastosis fetalis). When the mother’s antibodies RhoGAM each time they are exposed to the
attack the baby’s RBCs, the RBCs are destroyed. Rh factor.
This will make the baby anemic, which limits
976 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
With the progression of managed health care, Total count 50–200 million
more primary care providers are performing
semen analysis in their offices to determine sperm % normal sperm At least 80%
cell counts before referring patients to fertility spe-
cialists. Examination of semen is also performed as % motility At least 60%
part of a complete fertility work-up, to evaluate the
effectiveness of a vasectomy, to determine pater-
nity, and to substantiate rape cases. for instructions to give to the male patient before
When semen analysis is performed as part semen analysis.
of a fertility work-up, the procedure involves
macroscopic and microscopic analysis of semi- Altering Factors in Semen
nal fluid for determination of total sperm count,
percentage of motility, presence of agglutina- Analysis
tion, and percentage of normally formed sperm Many factors can alter the results of semen analysis.
cells (Table 32-2). All male individuals will have Several drugs such as cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan)
variable sperm counts; therefore, a single analy- and nitrogen mustard reduce sperm count, as well
sis is insufficient. To achieve a reasonable esti- as certain conditions such as orchitis (inflammation
mate of these factors, the seminal analysis should of the testes), testicular atrophy, testicular failure,
be repeated at least three times over a 2-month and obstruction of the vas deferens. Cigarette smok-
period. A complete analysis will also include an ing is associated with a decrease in the volume of
evaluation of the partner’s cervical secretions semen, whereas coffee drinking results in increased
and sperm survival. This involves determining sperm density and an increase in the percentage of
the ability of sperm to penetrate the mucus and cells with abnormal morphology. Fever may tempo-
maintain motility. rarily suppress the count. Although research sug-
Postvasectomy semen analysis is evaluated gests that consumption of alcohol does not affect
a few weeks after surgery. If sperm are seen at sperm function as measured by semen analysis, the
that time, then follow-up analysis is required. patient is instructed to avoid alcohol for several days
The patient is not considered sterile until he has before testing as a precaution.
returned two samples, at least 1 week apart, that Although research suggests that fertility is
demonstrate no sperm, viable or dead. This typi- most closely correlated with motility and morphol-
cally will take several weeks. Until that time, an ogy, men with very high (⬎200 million/mL) or
alternative method of birth control must be used. very low (ⱕ20 million/mL) counts are likely to
be infertile. Patients with aspermia (no sperm) or
Semen Composition oligospermia (low sperm count, ⱕ20 million/mL)
should be endocrinologically evaluated for pitu-
Semen is a composite solution produced by the itary, testicular, adrenal, or thyroid abnormalities.
testes and the accessory male reproductive organs.
It consists primarily of spermatozoa suspended in
seminal plasma. Because there is considerable vari- PHENYLKETONURIA TEST
ation in composition between different portions of
the fluid as ejaculated, it is important to collect the Phenylketonuria (PKU) is an inherited condi-
entire sample. Refer to the Patient Education box tion in which the baby cannot metabolize protein
CHAPTER 32 Specialty Laboratory Tests 977
Diagnosis of TB
Patient Education TB diagnosis differentiates between active and
Current Family Practice inactive TB, and the treatments differ. Active TB
is a serious and contagious condition that requires
Recommendations for TB Testing
isolation of the patient and aggressive treatment
TB screening is recommended for: with several drugs over several months.
• Close contacts of those with known or Patients exhibiting a positive or questionable
suspected TB. purified protein derivative (PPD) reaction should
• Persons infected with HIV. have a chest X-ray to examine for tubercles, and
• Intravenous drug users or users of other a sputum sample should be stained to search for
illicit drugs. acid-fast rods. The presence of acid-fast rods in the
sputum confirms active TB. Reasons for a positive
• Chronically ill patients with conditions
reaction to PPD are varied. First and most obvious
or diseases that increase the risk for
is that the patient has been exposed to TB or has
progressing from latent to active TB. Risk
an active case of TB. Persons with an old, inactive
factors include diabetes, high-dose steroids,
case will also give a positive skin test, as will per-
immunosuppressive therapy, chronic
sons who have been vaccinated with BCG. BCG
renal failure, lymphoma, leukemia, other
(the bacille of Calmette and Guerin) is a vaccine
cancer, weight loss to more than 10% below
made from live, avirulent Mycobacterium bovis. The
ideal weight, silicosis, gastrectomy, and
vaccine is used in Europe and South America to
jejunoileal bypass.
help prevent childhood cases of TB. Persons who
• Foreign-born persons and those arriving receive BCG will give a positive skin reaction for
within the last 5 years from countries that a minimum of 4 years and much longer in many
have had a high incidence of TB. cases. Many immigrants will show positive PPD
• Residents and employees of high-risk because of a BCG vaccination. The chest X-ray is
institutions, such as correctional facilities, an important second step for those individuals.
nursing homes, mental institutions, and
homeless shelters.
• Health care workers, especially those Screening for TB: Skin Testing
caring for patients at high risk.
Screening for TB may be performed as part of a
• Medically underserved and low-income routine medical examination or as a prerequisite
populations. for school or employment. In states where medical
• Infants, children, and adolescents exposed assistants can legally perform injections, they may
to adults at high risk. be responsible for administration and interpreta-
tion of the skin test. The most accurate method
used is the Mantoux test. The tine test, which is a
multiple-puncture test, may still be used in some
bial agents, patients take two or three drugs for a areas but is no longer recommended by the Ameri-
period of 6 to 9 months. The most common drug can Academy of Pediatrics. Both the Mantoux and
used to fight TB is isoniazid (INH). Other drugs the tine methods use tuberculin, also referred to
used are rifampin, pyrazinamide, ethambutol, and as PPD, which is a filtrate of tuberculin cultures
streptomycin. that are used for skin testing. Persons who have
been exposed to TB will develop a hypersensitive
response to PPD resulting in the formation of an
Transmission of Infectious TB induration. An induration is a hard, red spot on
Infectious TB is highly contagious. Seventy-five the skin that is the result of sensitized lymphocytes
percent of new cases occur by inhalation of cough- migrating to the site of the injection. It is important
produced airborne droplets from symptomatic or to keep in mind that a positive skin test does not
asymptomatic persons. Crowded conditions con- distinguish between active or inactive cases of TB.
tribute to this transmission. TB often is associated Again, a positive skin test will require further diag-
with poverty, poor nutrition, and crowded con- nostic testing including an X-ray for lung lesions
ditions such as what is often seen in prisons and and an acid-fast stain of sputum to examine for the
mental health hospitals. A recent increase in TB is presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Because of
related to the increase in AIDS cases. the severity of the reaction, do not administer the
980 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
skin test to persons who have had a positive reac- allowed to dry before administering the PPD. The
tion in the past. left arm is the standard arm.
Figure 32-5 Gently inspect and measure the indura-
Figure 32-4 (A) Gently insert the needle just under tion (the elevated firm area, not the area of redness
the skin surface at about a 5-degree angle. Imbed the or erythema) in response to the tuberculin test within
entire bevel. Slowly and carefully inject the medication. 48 to 72 hours after administration. Some patients will
(B) A wheal should appear as a whitish raised bump. have no induration.
CHAPTER 32 Specialty Laboratory Tests 981
Doubtful reaction: 5–10 mm induration: (considered positive among persons who have
had recent contact with active TB; HIV-positive persons; persons with a chest X-ray con-
sistent with healed TB)
Figure 32-6 The size of the induration (raised and firm area, not the redness) is measured and recorded as shown.
than 72 hours in returning to the clinic for the test Blood glucose concentrations rise after a
reading, the test cannot be accepted. meal and are regulated by the action of several hor-
Some patients may show swelling, itching, or mones including insulin and glucagon. Both insu-
localized, raised hives when injected with the PPD. lin and glucagon are produced by the pancreas.
This is not a true induration but rather an aller- Insulin is secreted by pancreatic cells in response
gic reaction to the protein derivative, and should to increased glucose levels and aids with the entry
not be misinterpreted as a positive response. Do of glucose into cells for conversion into energy.
not repeat the Mantoux test if an allergic reaction Insulin is also required for proper storage of glu-
occurs. If you are unable to get a wheal, repeat the cose (which is first converted into glycogen) in
test at least 2 inches from the first attempt. the liver and in muscle cells. Glucagon is secreted
by the pancreas when blood sugar levels decrease
and triggers the breakdown of glycogen to help
BLOOD GLUCOSE increase and regulate blood sugar levels.
by insulin deficiency (or no insulin) and a state Table 32-3 Reference Values For Blood
of hyperglycemia (hyper means “too much,” glyc Glucose Level
means “sugar,” and emia means “blood”).
The normal fasting value of glucose ranges Glucose
from 70 to 110 mg/100 mL (mg/dL). Table 32-3 Test Concentration (mg/dL)
lists reference glucose values. A value of 120 mg/
dL glucose is the dividing point between healthy Fasting
and hyperglycemic individuals. Generally, truly Serum 70–110
increased glucose levels indicate diabetes mellitus. Whole blood 60–100
Other causes of hyperglycemia include Cushing’s
syndrome and acute stress response. Increased Two-hour postprandial ⱕ110
blood glucose levels should be further evaluated
using the glucose tolerance test. Glucose tolerance
(oral, serum)
Fasting 70–110
Two-Hour Postprandial Blood
1 hour 20–50 above fasting
Glucose 2 hour 5–15 above fasting
The 2-hour postprandial (after eating) evaluation 3 hour Fasting level or below
of blood glucose levels is used to screen for dia-
betes and to monitor insulin dosage. After fasting Values vary slightly between laboratories depending on
from midnight the night before, the patient eats a testing method used.
prescribed meal containing 75 to 100 g carbohy-
Patient Education
Let your patient know there are more than 25 glucose meters available for them to choose from. All
of them use the typical process of a drop of blood applied to a disposable “test strip” and inserted
into the meter. The unit measures how much glucose is in the sample. All the meters display the
result. Some meters allow a much smaller sample to be used and allow the sample to be taken from
sites other than the fingertip (alternate site testing). Some meters record and store a number of test
results, and some meters can connect to a personal computer to store results and print them out.
Some new models have automatic timing, error codes and signals, or barcode readers to help with
calibration. Some meters have a large display screen or spoken instructions for people with visual
impairments. In choosing a meter, the patient should consider the following:
• Cost per strip
• Number of tests required per day
• Amount of blood needed for testing
• Testing speed
• Overall size and portability
• Cost of the meter
• Ability to store test results in memory
• Ability to test sites other than fingertip
• Other personal preferences
Many manufacturers offer free meters with the purchase of the test strips. Your clinic may be
given free meters to give to patients together with a few sample strips in hopes the patient will
continue to use that meter and purchase the strips. Unfortunately, the meters given to patients might
not be the best choice for them, but they will continue to use it because their doctor gave it to them.
Be sure to let patients know that there are many choices, and that the free meter you are giving
them is not necessarily an endorsement of one meter over another.
CHAPTER 32 Specialty Laboratory Tests 983
drate or consumes a 75 to 100-gram glucose test sometimes 6 hours) after ingestion of the glucose
load solution such as Glucola®. Two hours later, a solution and are tested for glucose level. These
blood specimen is collected and tested for glucose measurements help determine the patient’s abil-
concentration. Glucose levels will return to or fall ity to deal with increased glucose. During the test,
below the fasting level within 2 hours in individuals the patient must not ingest anything (other than
without diabetes. Increased glucose levels should the solution) except water. The patient must also
be further examined using the GTT. abstain from smoking, because smoking acts as a
According to the standards of the American stimulant and increases blood glucose levels. The
Diabetes Association, a normal blood glucose is patient must also refrain from chewing gum, which
defined as less than 100 mg/dL in a fasting plasma stimulates the digestive process and also may add
glucose test and a 2-hour postload (75 g glucose sugar to his or her system. Physical activity should
load solution) value of less than 140 mg/dL. be strongly discouraged because activity can acti-
A fasting plasma glucose test of 126 mg/dL vate sugar utilization in the body and affect the test
or greater indicates a need for further testing, and results. Sedentary activity level is suggested.
a 2-hour postload value of 140 mg/dL or greater During the second and third hours of the
is a diagnosis of having “prediabetes” indicating a test, the patient may experience weakness, slight
relatively high risk for development of diabetes. faintness, and perspire. These are all normal
A 2-hour postload value of 200 mg/dL or symptoms. If, however, the patient develops a
greater is a positive test for diabetes and should be headache, faints, or displays irrational speech or
confirmed on another day. behavior, he or she may be experiencing hypogly-
cemic shock and the provider should be notified
Glucose Tolerance Test The blood glucose level of patients without
The GTT provides more detailed information used diabetes usually peaks 30 to 60 minutes after con-
to assess insulin response to glucose and to diag- sumption of the test load at 160 to 180 mg/dL
nose diabetes. and returns to the fasting level after 2 to 3 hours.
When the patient arrives, he or she should be Patients with diabetes will still have increased glu-
fasting (nothing but water) for at least 10 hours. cose levels at the end of the test.
A capillary specimen is drawn to determine the
fasting blood sugar (FBS) level. If the FBS level is Automated Methods of Glucose
less than 200 mg/dL, then a venous specimen and
urine specimen are obtained. These are labeled as
fasting specimens with the date and time noted. If Several types of glucose analyzers are available that
the results of the capillary test shows the FBS level are suitable for POLs or small clinical laboratories.
greater than 200 mg/dL, the provider should be Many of these operate on the principle of reflec-
notified immediately. Hyperglycemia after fasting tance photometry and use adaptations of the enzy-
is abnormal and not an appropriate condition for matic methods of glucose analysis. One example of
further loading with additional glucose and may an instrument suitable for small laboratories is the
be dangerous to the patient. HemoCue® blood glucose analyzer.
After providing the fasting urine and blood Dozens of small, inexpensive, handheld glucose
specimens, the patient consumes a glucose test meters are also made and are designed for home use
solution containing 1.75 g glucose/kilogram of by patients with diabetes. See the Patient Education
body weight, or the standard adult dose of 75 to box for some criteria for patients to consider when
100 g. The patient must consume the entire glu- purchasing an at-home testing method. Most of these
cose solution within a 5-minute time frame. The are suitable for use in point-of-care (POC) testing or
test timing starts immediately after the patient in the provider’s office (Figure 32-7).
has finished drinking the solution. If the patient Glucose controls can be purchased to check
should vomit within the first 30 minutes after instrument performance. It is always necessary to
drinking the solution, the test will be stopped and use test materials that are made for a particular
rescheduled on a different day. It is probably best instrument only with that instrument.
not to mention this to the patient, though, because All of these analyzers are designed to be easy
it is a rare occurrence and it is best not to have the to use and to give rapid results. With all instru-
patient worried about the possibility of vomiting. ments, it is necessary to use consistent proper spec-
Blood and urine specimens are typically collected imen collection and testing technique to avoid
at 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, and 3 hours (and variations in results.
984 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Figure 32-8 The HemoCue Blood Glucose System. (A) The patient’s blood specimen in placed on the microcu-
vette. The microcuvette is inserted into its holder and pushed into the photometer. (B) Specimen is allowed to
remain in the analyzer until test is completed. (C) When the analyzer has completed the testing, the results are dis-
played and recorded.
Specialty Laboratory Tests
Figure 32-9 Laboratory panels are combinations of tests related to a specific function, body organ, or organ system.
986 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
viders can use this test to determine if patients with cies such as the American Heart Association and the
diabetes are consistently adhering to their diet and National Cholesterol Education Program advise that
health guidelines or are adhering to their diet only fats make up no more than 30% of the total intake of
for a day before their office visit. calories daily, and that the concentration of choles-
Glycosylated hemoglobin is a stable molecule terol in blood not exceed 200 mg/dL. Cholesterol of
formed when sugar and hemoglobin bind together 240 mg/dL or greater is considered to present a high
on the RBC. An increased finding of glycosylated risk for heart disease. Cholesterol levels between 200
hemoglobin indicates poor glucose control in the and 239 mg/dL are considered borderline (see Pro-
assessment of the diabetic patient. cedure 32-6).
When the RBC is first formed, it contains
no glucose. If glucose is present at increased The Chemistry of Cholesterol
levels in the blood, the excess enters the RBC
and attaches (glycates) to the hemoglobin. The The cholesterol molecule consists of carbon,
more glucose is present, the more hemoglobin hydrogen, and oxygen. Cholesterol is a saturated,
becomes glycated. fatty acid. Saturated refers to the number of hydro-
The A1c measures the percentage of the gly- gen atoms attached to the molecule. The more
cated hemoglobin. This offers us an average of the saturated the fat, the harder it is at room tempera-
glucose in the blood over about 3 months. Most ture. Fats of animal origin, for example, butter and
RBCs live about 120 days and maintain the glycated animal fat, are saturated and are solid at room tem-
state. perature. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated
What hemoglobin A1c does not do is indicate fats are liquid at room temperature. Research into
whether the patient has experienced hyperglyce- coronary artery disease has shown that saturated
mia or hypoglycemia over that time frame because fats tend to increase levels of blood cholesterol.
day-to-day readings of glucose levels are not pro- Monounsaturated fats (olive and peanut oils) do
vided; thus, it is not useful in adjusting insulin. not change blood cholesterol levels, and poly-
Having the patient monitor his or her blood glu- unsaturated fats (corn, safflower, sunflower, and
cose level with a meter and keep a daily diary is a many fish oils) tend to reduce those levels.
good way to look at his or her day-to-day blood glu-
cose levels. Both tests are useful tools in helping Functions of Cholesterol
manage diabetes.
The advantage of hemoglobin A1c not being The human body is efficient at manufacturing cho-
affected by day-to-day variations in blood glucose lesterol. Most cells are capable of doing so, espe-
levels is that the patient does not need to be fasting
for this test.
Patient Education
Let your patients know that several factors
Cholesterol is a fatty compound that is essential for can influence their blood cholesterol levels:
many vital life functions and is a normal constituent
• Age and sex: Cholesterol levels naturally
of blood. Although it is required for life, excess cho-
increase as we age, and women
lesterol is not a necessary part of the diet, except in
experiencing menopause often will
babies and children. Sufficient quantities are manu-
experience an increase in their LDL levels.
factured by the body from carbohydrates and other
fats. Cholesterol has been linked to coronary artery • Heredity and family history: High cholesterol
disease. According to the American Heart Associa- often runs in families. Studies are still in
tion and the National Institutes of Health, cholesterol process about the role genetics play in
should not be restricted in babies and toddlers. Fats cholesterol levels.
and cholesterol are important for normal growth and • Weight: Gaining weight increases
development. Babies and very young children should cholesterol levels in the blood, and losing
be on healthy diets, though, containing unsaturated weight helps to reduce cholesterol levels.
and polyunsaturated oils and fats. From about 4 or • Exercise: Regular physical exercise may
5 years old, they can be transitioned to heart-healthy reduce the LDL level, as well as increase
foods such as nonfat milk. To help reduce the risk the HDL levels.
for coronary artery disease, nutritionists and agen-
CHAPTER 32 Specialty Laboratory Tests 987
Patient Education
The Simple Scoop on Cholesterol
Cholesterol can be a confusing subject to try to explain to patients. Here is a very basic explanation
that may help them:
Our bodies need cholesterol and we get it in two ways. We eat it and our liver manufactures it.
Our liver manufactures plenty of cholesterol, so we do not need to eat it (except as babies and young
children). There is only one source of cholesterol in our food: animal products (meat, eggs, and dairy).
Vegetables, fruits, and grains naturally contain no cholesterol, although they may contain oils.
Our bodies have cholesterol transporters called high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) and low-
density lipoproteins (LDLs).
HDLs (sometimes called “healthy lipoprotein”) carry cholesterol to the liver where it can be
released into the stool as bile. We want high levels of HDLs so we can get rid of excess cholesterol.
LDLs (sometimes referred to as the “lousy lipoprotein”) carry cholesterol to our tissues and blood
vessels where it is stored and can cause problems such as blocked arteries, fatty liver, and obesity.
We want low levels of the LDLs so we can have less risk for heart disease and arterial disease.
Fats and oils can also be confusing. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature and come from
animal fats and butter and from manufactured products such as hydrogenated fats.These are the worst
fats. Unsaturated fats, which are liquid at room temperature, may be in two forms: monounsaturated fats
(mono means “single”) and polyunsaturated fats (poly means “many”). Monounsaturated fats such as
olive and peanut oils do not affect blood cholesterol levels, whereas polyunsaturated fats such as corn,
safflower, sunflower, and fish oils will actually reduce blood cholesterol levels.
Triglycerides are a type of lipid found in our blood that provides energy. If we have too much in
our blood, it is also stored in our tissues as fat. The liver converts some of our foods (fatty acids and
glycerol) into triglycerides.
988 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein erides by the liver. When triglyceride levels in the
(LDL). Cholesterol bound to HDL is transported blood are excessive, they are deposited in tissues as
to the liver where it is excreted in the form of bile. adipose tissue. Triglycerides are transported within
HDL is sometimes referred to as good cholesterol. the bloodstream by LDL and very low-density lipo-
LDL cholesterol is deposited in the tissues as fat and proteins (VLDLs).
inside the walls of blood vessels, and it is referred to Many factors influence serum triglyceride lev-
as bad cholesterol. High levels of LDL are associated els. Serum triglyceride concentration will increase
with an increased risk for coronary artery disease. moderately after ingesting a meal containing fat,
Persons with coronary artery disease should have peaking 4 to 5 hours later. Increased concen-
levels of less than 100 mg/dL LDL, whereas those trations of triglycerides are associated with an
without the disease should have levels of less than increased risk for coronary and vascular disease.
160 mg/dL. Desirable values for HDL and LDL
are shown in Table 32-4. Levels of HDL and LDL
are influenced by many factors, both genetic and BLOOD CHEMISTRY TESTS
environmental. It is possible to increase HDL levels
through a combination of weight loss, a diet low in There are many natural chemicals in blood. The
saturated fats, exercise, and cessation of smoking. amounts of those chemicals are controlled by the
Blood cholesterol may be reported as total cho- efficiency of the body’s organs and organ systems
lesterol or as total cholesterol and the HDL and LDL and certainly by environmental factors such as
fractions. Cholesterol screening is used to help iden- diet, smoking, drugs, and activity, as well as genetic
tify patients who are at a high risk for heart disease. composition.
Cholesterol testing is part of a lipid profile The provider can order a general chemistry
that also evaluates lipoproteins and triglycerides to panel (BMP or CMP) or specific panels. A panel
help identify patients at a high risk for heart dis- is a series of tests related to a body system, organ,
ease. Figure 32-9 shows tests performed for lipid or function. In interpreting a chemistry panel,
profiles on the laboratory form. the provider can determine pathology within the
organ or malfunctions.
Triglycerides This chapter discusses each of the compo-
nents briefly and explains some of the conditions
Triglycerides are a type of lipid found in the blood and diseases that can cause these chemical tests
that serve as a source of energy. Fatty acids and to be abnormal. Keep in mind that all laboratory
glycerol from the diet are converted into triglyc- chemistry tests can vary slightly from laboratory
to laboratory. Also remember that no one test,
just like no one symptom, will make a diagnosis
Table 32-4 Values for Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, independent of other clues. The provider is con-
and Triglycerides sidering laboratory tests together with the clinical
picture, patient symptoms, and many other data in
Total finalizing a diagnosis or diagnoses.
Cholesterol (with no other risk factors
such as hypertension and/or diabetes) Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)
Desirable ⬍200 ALT is an enzyme found in liver tissue. A high level
Less desirable 200–239 indicates liver damage. A normal ALT level is less
At risk ⬎240 than 45 units/L.
HDL (good cholesterol)
Desirable ⬎60 Albumin
At risk for women ⬍50 Most of the protein in plasma is albumin. It is
At risk for men ⬍40 responsible for transporting many small molecules
(such as calcium, drugs, and bilirubin). It is synthe-
LDL (bad cholesterol)
sized in the liver; thus, low levels of albumin may
Optimal ⬍100
indicate liver disease. It may also result from kidney
Borderline risk 130–160
disease, because the kidney is allowing too much
High risk ⬎190
albumin to spill into the urine. Low albumin may
All values are measured in milligrams per deciliter also be caused by malnutrition or a low-protein diet.
(mg/dL). A normal albumin level is 3.4 to 5.4 mg/dL.
CHAPTER 32 Specialty Laboratory Tests 989
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) is part of the hepatic panel. Some types of general
blood problems can cause high levels of bilirubin
ALP is an enzyme. It is present in all our body tis-
because more blood cells are breaking down than
sues but mostly in the liver and bone. When levels
usual. Normal bilirubin ranges are as follows:
are high in the blood, liver or bone disease must be
suspected. A normal ALP level is 44 to 147 Interna- Total bilirubin 0.1–0.2 mg/dL
tional Units/L. Indirect bilirubin 0.1–0.7 mg/dL
Direct bilirubin 0.1–0.3 mg/dL
Newborn total bilirubin 1–12 mg/dL
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST)
AST is found in the muscle cells (heart and skeletal Blood Urea Nitrogen Test
muscles) and in the liver. High levels cannot indi-
cate specifically liver disease, but it is considered The blood urea nitrogen (BUN) test measures the
together with other liver enzymes. It is also used to concentration of urea in blood. The amount of
monitor patients who have had heart muscle dam- urea in blood reflects the metabolic function of
age (such as heart attacks), but it is not the best the liver and the excretory function of the kidneys.
or only enzyme tested for that purpose. A normal Most renal diseases result in inadequate excretion
AST level is 10 to 34 International Units/L. of urea from the body; therefore, increased con-
centrations of urea appear in the blood. BUN is
one of several tests, including creatinine, that are
Bilirubin, Total and Direct used to screen for renal disease and is especially
useful for evaluating glomerular function.
Bilirubin is a yellow-orange substance that comes Excess protein in the diet is not stored in the
from the breakdown of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin body but is metabolized (catalyzed) for energy pro-
is contained within the RBCs. Because individual duction. Urea is the nitrogenous end product of
RBCs live for only 120 days, they are constantly protein catabolism and is produced in the liver. It is
breaking down and being replaced. When the deposited in the blood and carried to the kidneys for
RBCs “die,” the “heme” part of the hemoglobin excretion. Surplus urea is measured as BUN. Normal
circulates in the blood until the liver filters it out. values of urea vary but in adults range between 8 and
The liver is responsible for changing the “heme” 25 mg/dL; concentrations greater than 100 mg/dL
into a water-soluble substance called bilirubin. indicate serious impairment of renal function. A
Before it reaches the liver, it is called “indirect” or slightly elevated BUN can indicate dehydration.
“free” bilirubin. After it leaves the liver, it is called
“direct” or “conjugated” bilirubin. The liver sends
the conjugated bilirubin to the gall bladder where Calcium
it is released with bile into the small intestine. All the cells in the human body need calcium for
When there is a blockage in the liver/gall bladder many functions. It is a critical element for bones,
ducts or a disorder/disease of the liver, the biliru- muscles, and the nervous system. Too much cal-
bin cannot get past the gall bladder to the small cium can cause the muscles and nerves to become
intestine, so it continues to circulate in the blood. hyperactive, whereas too little calcium can cause
This excess of bilirubin in the blood can lead to the muscles and nerves not to function at all.
a yellow-orange coloring of the skin called jaun- Muscle cramps (Charlie Horses) are often
dice. The body will try to get rid of extra bilirubin caused by low calcium. Calcium needs to be main-
through the urine. Hence, any detection of biliru- tained within certain levels in the blood. If we eat
bin in the urine (bilirubinuria) can be indicative more calcium than we need, the excess is stored in
of a problem in the liver or gall bladder. When the bones. If our diets are low in calcium, the needed
the bilirubin level increases, it causes the skin and amount is pulled from the bones. The storage of
whites of the eyes to become yellow. This change to excess calcium becomes less efficient as women lose
yellow is called jaundice. Newborn babies can be estrogen, hence the need to take in adequate daily
jaundiced because their systems are not sophisti- calcium to prevent osteoporosis as we age. A normal
cated enough to get rid of the bile. Because biliru- calcium level is 8.5 to 10.2 mg/dL.
bin breaks down in sunlight, babies with jaundice
are treated with special “bili-lights” to help them
break down the bilirubin in their skin. The total
bilirubin test will indicate problems in the liver and Chloride is an electrolyte. Its main function is to
the hepatic system. Notice the total bilirubin test is help with the electrical impulses of the cells. Chlo-
in the general panel and the direct bilirubin test ride works closely with sodium. Changes in either
990 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
sodium or chloride levels usually affect each other. ment of calcium levels and to detect endocrine
A normal chloride level is 96 to 106 mEq/L. and kidney disorders. Phosphorus levels are
related to uncontrolled diabetes and malnour-
ished conditions. A normal phosphorus level is
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 2.4 to 4.1 mg/dL.
Measuring CO2 actually is measuring bicarbonate.
This test is part of an arterial blood gas analysis. Potassium (K)
The kidneys are the main organs responsible for
balancing CO2. Anything that throws off the body’s K is an electrolyte and is critical to muscle and
metabolic balance (excessive vomiting and diar- nerve function and for the transportation of nutri-
rhea) can affect the CO2 levels. The CO2 levels in ents and cellular wastes across cellular membranes.
the blood are influenced by kidney and lung func- Abnormal levels of K can cause heart muscle irreg-
tion. Normal CO2 is 20 to 29 mEq/L. ularities and, if severe, can lead to cardiac arrest. K
is controlled by aldosterone, a hormone. Uncon-
trolled diabetes or excessive vomiting/diarrhea
Creatinine can cause abnormal K levels. Patients taking cer-
Creatinine forms when muscle (creatine) breaks tain diuretics (such as Lasix) should be observed
down. Logically, these levels will vary depending for low K. A normal K level is 3.7 to 5.2 mEq/L.
on the patient’s size and muscularity. This test is
used to determine kidney function, and is espe- Sodium
cially important for patients on diabetic or hyper-
tension medications. A normal creatinine level is Sodium is an electrolyte and works closely with
0.8 to 1.4 mg/dL. chloride. Dietary intake of sodium is usually suf-
ficient, and the kidney can excrete the excess.
Sodium is closely related to fluid balance and
Gamma Glutamyltransferase retention. Normal sodium is 135 to 145 mEq/L.
The highest concentrations of GGT are in the Total Protein
liver and kidney. Abnormal levels usually indicate
diseases of the liver, kidney, or bone. It is used in Total protein is a measurement of protein in the
conjunction with other enzymes, especially ALP, to blood serum and can reflect the nutritional state
diagnose diseases. A normal GGT level is 0 to 51 of the body, liver, kidneys, and many other condi-
International Units/L. tions. If the total protein is abnormal, then fur-
ther, more specific tests will need to be performed
to find out exactly the source of the problem. Of
Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) course, if the total protein is abnormal, other tests
LDH is an enzyme found in many organs, espe- might show some abnormal levels, too. A normal
cially the liver, heart, kidneys, brain, skeletal mus- total protein level is 6.0 to 8.3 mg/dL.
cles, and lungs. Abnormal levels indicate tissue
damage but are not specific by themselves. Like Uric Acid
all enzymes, LDH is examined in conjunction with
other tests. A normal LDH level is 105 to 133 Inter- Uric acid is created when purine is metabolized.
national Units/L. It is usually secreted by the kidneys, but too much
can build up as crystals in the body and seem to
settle in the largest dependent joint, the great toe.
Phosphorus (Phosphate) This is known as gout. A normal uric acid level is
Phosphorus works closely with calcium, another 3.0 to 7.0 mg/dL.
electrolyte. It is used to assist in the proper assess-
CHAPTER 32 Specialty Laboratory Tests 991
Procedure 32-1
Pregnancy Test
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: general so a variety of kits can be used. RATIO-
NALE: The manufacturer’s instructions will
differ from kit to kit. It is important, as a quality-
assurance measure, for the instructions to be
PURPOSE: read and understood thoroughly. Any questions
To perform the enzyme immunoassay or agglutina- must be directed to the manufacturer.
tion inhibition test to detect hCG in urine to deter- a. Determine materials are at room tempera-
mine positive or negative pregnancy results. ture.
b. Apply urine to the test unit using dispenser
provided (Figure 32-11A ).
Urine specimen c. Wait appropriate time interval (use stopwatch
Stopwatch to time test).
Disinfectant (10% chlorine bleach solution) d. Apply first reagent/antibody to test unit using
Biohazard container dispenser provided.
hCG negative and positive urine control e. Observe color development after appropriate
Pregnancy test kit time interval.
PROCEDURE STEPS: f. Stop reaction.
1. Wash hands and put on gloves. RATIONALE: g. Consult manufacturer’s package insert to
While working with body fluids, such as urine, interpret test results (Figure 32-11B).
gloves should be worn as personal protection.
4. Record the results of the test on a laboratory report
2. Assemble all equipment and supplies. RATIO- form following laboratory policy. RATIONALE:
NALE: Organizing all equipment and supplies Interpretation of results may differ from kit to
before running the test will eliminate errors kit according to the manufacturer’s design, and
caused by missing supplies. even though laboratory processes are the same,
3. Perform the test following the manufacturer’s policies and forms will differ from laboratory to
instructions. The following steps are intentionally laboratory.
Figure 32-11 (A) Urine is place in the test unit according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
(B) The package instructions specify how the test is to be interpreted. A common interpretation
is with a negative sign (left) and a positive sign (right).
992 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
5. Repeat steps with both positive and negative 08/06/20XX Urine HCG test performed for pregnancy deter-
urine controls (Figure 32-11C). RATIONALE: mination. Specimen tested in our lab. Results filed in lab
Controls are performed to ensure the quality section. Patient tolerated the procedure well and Dr. Rice dis-
of the reagents and testing supplies. If a positive cussed results with her. Audrey Jones, CMA (AAMA) _____
control test does not show a positive result, then
something is wrong with the reagent or the test-
ing supplies. If the control test is not accurate, Laboratory Report
the patient’s test will not be accurate either. Patient Name Lynn Engle Date 08-06-20XX
6. Disinfect reusable equipment. Discard dispos-
able supplies into biohazard container. Dispose Urine Pregnancy Test negative
of specimen per laboratory policy. Clean work
Audrey Jones, CMA (AAMA)
area with disinfectant. RATIONALE: Follow
Standard Precautions and laboratory policies for MA signature
Procedure 32-2
Performing Infectious Mononucleosis Test
Serum or plasma specimen
Stopwatch or lab timer
PURPOSE: Surface disinfectant (10% chlorine bleach solution)
To perform an accurate test of serum or plasma to Test kit for IM
detect the presence or absence of antibodies of infec- Biohazard container
tious mononucleosis (IM).
CHAPTER 32 Specialty Laboratory Tests 993
Procedure 32-3
Obtaining Blood Specimen for Phenylketonuria (PKU) Test
To obtain a blood specimen using a PKU test card or
“filter paper” to determine phenylalanine levels in
newborns who are at least 3 days old.
994 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Figure 32-12 (A) Capillary blood collections sites on an infant’s heel. (B) The infant’s foot should be held
securely with the nondominant hand while the dominant hand uses the pediatric lancet to perform the capillary
heelstick. (C) Drops of blood are transferred from the capillary heelstick puncture site to the PKU filter card,
completely filling all the circles.
CHAPTER 32 Specialty Laboratory Tests 995
heel while exerting gentle pressure on the heel 11. After the test card is dry, complete the PKU test
(Figure 32-12C). The drop of blood should be card with all patient and provider information.
large enough to completely fill and soak through RATIONALE: Allowing the blood to dry thor-
the circle. Do not layer the multiple blood drops oughly before further handling lessens the chances
within a single circle. Completely fill all of the of contaminating other parts of the form.
circles on the test card. RATIONALE: Failure to 12. Place the test card in the mailer envelope and
do so will require a retest. send it to the laboratory within 2 days. RATIO-
7. Hold a cotton ball over the puncture and apply NALE: It is important that the completed card
gentle pressure until the bleeding stops. Do not be mailed as soon as possible to eliminate the
apply a bandage. RATIONALE: The bleeding breakdown of the contents within the specimen
should be stopped before the patient is released and to obtain the results as soon as possible to
from your care. Bandages are discouraged begin treatment if necessary.
because they can be a choking hazard for infants 13. Document the procedure in patient’s chart. When
and toddlers. test results are returned, they should be initialed
8. Properly dispose of all waste in biohazard con- by the provider and be placed in the lab section
tainer. RATIONALE: Follow Standard Precau- of patient’s chart. RATIONALE: Documentation
tions and laboratory policies for disposal of should refer the reader to the test result in the
biohazard substances and disinfection of sup- laboratory section of patient’s chart.
9. Remove the gloves and wash hands. RATIO- 6/27/20XX 10:54 AM Capillary puncture performed on lat-
NALE: Gloves protect hands from most but not eral aspect of left heel for PKU testing. Patient is 12 days old,
all microorganisms. Hands should always be currently taking no medication, and is not ill. Patient toler-
washed after removal of gloves to ensure com- ated the procedure well and adequate specimen was obtained.
plete protection and to remove glove powders PKU card completed and mailed. Audrey Jones, CMA (AAMA)
and latex residue.
10. Allow the PKU test card to completely dry on
a nonabsorbent surface at room temperature. 7/10/20XX PKU test results received and initialed by Dr.
This will take about 2 hours. If collecting more King and filed in the laboratory section of the patient’s medi-
than one card, do not lay one card on another cal record. The patient’s parents were notified of the nega-
when drying. RATIONALE: This could cause tive results per Dr. King’s instructions. Audrey Jones, CMA
cross contamination of blood between the cards. (AAMA) ________________________________
Procedure 32-4
Screening Test for PKU
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: newborns who are at least 6 weeks old. This is a quick
screening test only.
PURPOSE: 10% ferric chloride for the diaper test
Test a urine specimen using the diaper test or the or
Phenistik test to determine phenylalanine levels in Phenistik for the Phenistik Method Test
Biohazard waste container
996 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
Procedure 32-5
Measurement of Blood Glucose Using an Automated Analyzer
Gloves Control solutions for
Goggles glucose analyzer
Safety lancet Test strips for glucose
PURPOSE: Alcohol swabs analyzer
To measure blood glucose. Glucose analyzer Laboratory tissue
Adhesive strip Cotton balls
CHAPTER 32 Specialty Laboratory Tests 997
Procedure 32-6
Cholesterol Testing
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS: 28). RATIONALE: Always read and follow the
manufacturer’s instructions to ensure accurate
4. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to per-
PURPOSE: form the cholesterol test. Be sure to run the
To measure cholesterol and triglyceride for monitor- controls also. RATIONALE: Following all man-
ing purposes. For cholesterol, HDL, LDL, or triglyc- ufacturer’s instructions will assure accurate test
eride monitoring. NOTE: The following steps are results. Controls are performed to ensure the
intentionally general so a variety of kits can be used. quality of the reagents and testing supplies. If
The manufacturer’s instructions will differ from kit the control test is not accurate, the patient’s test
to kit. It is important, as a quality-assurance measure, will not be accurate either.
for the instructions to be read and understood thor- 5. Properly dispose of all waste in biohazard con-
oughly. Any questions must be directed to the manu- tainer. RATIONALE: Follow Standard Precau-
facturer. tions when disposing of sharps and biohazard
and contaminated waste.
Gloves 6. Record the results of the test on a laboratory
Blood collecting equipment report form and document the procedure in the
Pipettes with disposable tips patient’s chart. After the provider has initialed
Chlorine bleach the report, file it in the patient’s chart. RATIO-
Commercial kit for manual determination of NALE: The chart note should refer the reader to
cholesterol the laboratory section of the patient’s chart.
Controls and standards
Biohazard container 08/06/20XX Fingerstick performed for serum cholesterol.
Specimen tested in our lab. Initialed results filed in the lab
PROCEDURE STEPS: section of the chart. Dr. Rice discussed the results with the
1. Assemble all necessary equipment and materi- patient. Audrey Jones, CMA (AAMA) _______________
als. RATIONALE: Organizing all equipment and
supplies before running the test will eliminate Laboratory Report
errors caused by missing supplies and will show
the patient a more professional process.
Patient Name Jennifer Yu Date 08-06-20XX
2. Wash hands; apply gloves. RATIONALE: Wash- Serum Cholesterol 150 mg/dL
ing your hands ensures that your skin is clean
before gloving and decreases contaminants. Audrey Jones, CMA (AAMA)
Applying personal protection equipment when MA signature
working with body fluids will lessen the chances
of exposure to dangerous biohazard substances.
3. Obtain a blood sample from the patient, either
by fingerstick or venipuncture, depending on
the manufacturer’s instructions (see Chapter
CHAPTER 32 Specialty Laboratory Tests 999
CLIA has identified many rapid test kits and automated methods for use in the ambulatory care setting in
the waived category. For all of the tests discussed in this chapter, it is important for the medical assistant
to have a basic understanding of the principles involved and the proper sampling procedures required.
Safety procedures and Standard Precautions must be observed at all times and include the proper disposal
of infectious materials and reagents. Gloves and goggles are always used when obtaining samples and while
performing the actual test. Careful documentation by the medical assistant will help the provider in the
diagnosis of the patient.
1000 UNIT 7 Laboratory Procedures
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet by completing the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on the CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
Multiple Choice d. Type AB RBCs have both A and B antigens on
1. In addition to pregnancy, a positive hCG test can be the cell.
found in the following pathologic conditions except: 6. Which of the following is a true statement about the
a. ectopic pregnancy Rh factor?
b. hydatidiform mole of the uterus a. Rh factor is a rare blood type.
c. pelvic inflammatory disease b. Rh factor is present on all RBCs.
d. cancer of the lung c. Rh factor was discovered by experiments on rhe-
2. If a urine sample for a pregnancy test cannot be sus monkeys.
tested immediately, it may be stored in the follow- d. People without the Rh factor on their RBCs have
ing way for 24 hours: naturally occurring antibodies called anti-D in
a. room temperature, 25°C their plasma.
b. body temperature, 37°C 7. When instructing a patient in the correct collection
c. frozen of a specimen for semen analysis, all of the follow-
d. refrigerated at 4°C ing should be considered except:
3. The kissing disease is synonymous with the disease: a. avoid the consumption of alcohol several days
a. tuberculosis before the test
b. infectious mononucleosis b. collection of semen into a condom is unacceptable
c. hemolytic anemia c. specimen should be transported to the labora-
d. hypoglycemia tory at 37°C within 30 minutes of collection
4. Serum or blood would be the specimen for all but d. avoid the consumption of fats several days before
the following test: the test
a. ABO typing 8. Testing for PKU is done on:
b. testing for EBV a. newborns
c. cholesterol b. children 1 to 3 years of age
d. hCG hormone c. teenagers
e. all of the above d. adults older than 40 years
5. Which of the following statements is incorrect 9. The best site location for a tuberculin Mantoux
regarding blood type: test is:
a. Type A RBCs have A antigens on the cell. a. back of the hand
b. Type B RBCs have B antigens on the cell. b. forearm 3 to 4 inches from bend of arm
c. Type O RBCs have A and B antigens on the cell. c. 1⁄2 inch above the back of the knee
d. upper part of the arm in the deltoid muscle
CHAPTER 32 Specialty Laboratory Tests 1001
Chapter 33
The Medical Assistant as Office
Chapter 34
The Medical Assistant as Human
Resources Manager
The Medical Assistant as
Office Manager 33
Agenda The Medical Assistant as Office Procedure Manual
Ancillary Services Manager Organization of the Procedure
Authoritarian Qualities of a Manager Manual
Manager Office Manager Attitude Updating and Reviewing the
Benchmark Professionalism Procedure Manual
Benefit Management Styles HIPAA Implications
Bond Authoritarian Style Travel Arrangements
Participatory Style Itinerary
Management by Walking Time Management
Conflict Resolution
Around Marketing Functions
Embezzle Risk Management Seminars
Fringe Benefit Importance of Teamwork Brochures
“Going Bare” Getting the Team Started Newsletters
Itinerary Using a Team to Solve a Press Releases
Liability Problem Special Events
Malpractice Planning and Implementing a Records and Financial
Management by Walk- Solution Management
ing Around (MBWA) Recognition Electronic Health Records and
Marketing Supervising Personnel the Office Manager
Mentor Staff and Team Meetings Payroll Processing
Minutes Conflict Resolution Facility and Equipment
Harassment in the Workplace Management
Assimilating New Personnel Administrative and Clinical
Participatory Inventory of Supplies and
Manager Employees with Chemical
Dependencies or Emotional Equipment
Practicum Administrative and Clinical
Procedure Manual Evaluating Employees and Equipment Calibration and
Professional Liabil- Planning Salary Review Maintenance
ity Insurance Dismissing Employees Liability Coverage and Bonding
Profit Sharing Legal Issues
Risk Management
Salary Review
Self-actualization OBJECTIVES
Shadow The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and dem-
Subordinate onstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this chapter
Teamwork through written and oral communication.
Work Statement
1. Define the key terms as presented in the glossary.
2. Describe the qualities of a manager.
OBJECTIVES (continued)
3. Discuss characteristics of managers and leaders.
4. Differentiate between authoritarian and participatory manage-
ment styles.
5. Describe management by walking around and its usefulness in
ambulatory care settings.
6. Recall a minimum of four common risks and risk-control measures.
7. List three benefits of a teamwork approach.
8. Discuss the importance of a meeting agenda.
9. Describe appropriate evaluation tools for employees.
10. Recall effective methods of resolving conflict.
11. Identify the steps required to make travel arrangements.
12. Define the term itinerary and list important information the
itinerary should contain.
13. List three methods of increasing productivity and efficient time
14. Describe the purpose of a procedure manual.
15. Discuss the impact of HIPAA’s privacy policy in ambulatory care
16. Describe the general concept of marketing and recall at least
three marketing tools.
17. Describe the purpose and benefit of marketing.
18. Discuss the steps involved in the inventory of administrative and
clinical supplies and equipment.
19. Discuss the steps involved in administrative and clinical equip-
ment calibration and maintenance.
Marilyn Johnson has been employed by Drs. Lewis and a nearby suburb. Marilyn has a baccalaureate degree
King’s office for the past 8 years. Three years ago, she in business administration. Her responsibilities at Drs.
was promoted to the position of office manager when Lewis and King’s office include various duties involving
the facility added the second office for its associates in personnel, finances, and office efficiency.
The drive to improve the productivity of the medical medical assistants to advance to the position of office
office, precipitated by managed care, Medicare, and manager.
insurance limits placed on fees, have broadened the In small offices, the position of office manager may
scope of employment options and job marketability for include the duties of the human resources (HR) repre-
medical assistants. This has created an opportunity for sentative; in larger clinics, these positions will be inde-
CHAPTER 33 The Medical Assistant as Office Manager 1007
pendent. This book treats them as separate positions (see This does not mean work should be one big
Chapter 34). In the larger facilities, the office manager party. It means developing ownership for the work,
and HR representative must coordinate their personnel- pride in doing the job well, and a sense of teamwork.
related functions into a seamless organization. There will be times when employees will not like
having to stay late to meet important deadlines, but
through developed self-actualization, they will take
THE MEDICAL ASSISTANT enjoyment from even the most undesirable task.
AS OFFICE MANAGER A good office manager needs to be two persons
in one body: leader and manager. The two functions
The manager of a medical office or ambulatory are different, and the good manager will use some
care facility can have vast and diverse responsibili- of each characteristic in meeting objectives. Table
ties. This chapter covers the following office man- 33-1 lists the differences between an authoritarian
ager duties: style manager and a leader/manager.
Good managers are leaders, providing their
1. Make travel arrangements and prepare an itinerary coworkers with vision, guidance, and a feeling of
2. Arrange and maintain practice insurance and ownership in the process. They do these things
develop risk management strategies without threats, usually through the power of their
1008 UNIT 8 Office and Human Resources Management
failures in delivery before they have a negative Efficiency of a team results from collectively
impact and supplies can be obtained from a sec- working together to plan how to “work smarter”
ond source. Have a list of secondary sources. and how to dovetail tasks and support each other so
• Accidental disclosure of confidential information through that wasted effort is avoided. To achieve all of these
error or unauthorized entry. Have protocols in place things, a team not only must be given the respon-
regarding breach of confidentiality and defin- sibility and the authority to plan and execute their
ing steps to be taken in the event information is plan to solve a problem, but they must know your
compromised. Define protocols to patients alert- expectations for them. Sometimes this means that
ing them to the unlikely but potential possibility of you, the office manager, must stick your neck out
accidental disclosure. Notify patients immediately for them. They will reward you handsomely for
if confidential information is compromised and doing so.
work with them for resolution.
• Computer failure. Back up the system regularly. Have Getting the Team Started
a secondary system that permits the office to oper-
ate until repairs are effected. Have a maintenance A successful teamwork approach is not a myste-
contract in place with a reputable firm permitting rious event that just happens; it is the result of
overnight repair. clear vision, specific goals, and a well-planned
strategy on the part of the team leader. For team-
• Injury to a staff member or nonemployee. Continually
work to be successful, individual team members
review safety procedures and conduct safety sur-
must understand and support the specifics of
veys. Have adequate liability insurance for the
the problem they are being asked to solve. This
medical office.
is probably the most significant task of the team
• Managerial position change. Continuously network leader or the office manager. It is helpful in tak-
with friends and associates to permit you to rapidly ing this important step to let the team develop its
seek a new position before experiencing a job loss. own work statement, for in this way they assume
It’s always easier to get a job while you still have a job. ownership of the goals and objectives you want
them to achieve. The work statement frequently
Incident reports are required to notify manag- outlines specific tasks and their sequential order
ers of events involving injuries to patients, visitors, of accomplishment. Its purpose is to ensure that
or staff, medical errors or omissions, breech of con- everyone is working toward the team goals and
fidential information, and potentially dangerous objectives.
conditions associated with facilities or equipment. A major pitfall at this stage may be diverse
This report signals the risk manager to implement opinions that can lead to a work statement that
existing protocols to minimize risk. Medical inci- does not meet the manager’s goals and objectives
dent reports are confidential and cannot be released for the team. It is your job as office manager to try
to anyone without a signed release of information to direct the team back to what you want them to
agreement. The medical incident report form is work on without undermining their team spirit.
an administrative document and is not considered Take care at this stage not to begin making assign-
part of the medical record. Procedure 33-1 provides ments or to let team members start solving the
steps for completing a medical incident report. problem until the work statement is complete.
Under some circumstances, it may be necessary for
you, the office manager, to exercise your author-
IMPORTANCE OF TEAMWORK ity in defining the work statement, but be careful,
because this approach could harm the team’s col-
The use of teamwork to improve the efficiency lective spirit.
of the office at first may seem incongruent to The next step in team development is to
your desire to improve office efficiency, because establish a timetable for achieving results and
it seems that several people are now involved in identifying the standards that must be main-
solving a problem that you as the manager should tained. Without a timetable a team feels no sense
solve and explain. Teamwork builds morale and of urgency and tends to lose direction. You also
actually results in getting more accomplished with have to paint a clear picture of the standards that
the resources you have because the team members must be maintained as you attempt to solve the
develop ownership of the solution to a problem problem. You should let the team develop both the
and want to make it work. When it works, it flatters standards and the timetable, but with your leader-
them and builds their esteem. ship and support.
1012 UNIT 8 Office and Human Resources Management
A successful team should not be disbanded until
it is acknowledged for its efforts and physical rec-
ognition is given in the case of an important prob-
lem that was solved. In some cases, a dinner or
luncheon is in order. This is the most important
phase of team development, because it is respon-
sible for developing a team spirit or sense of
self-actualization within the organization. Once Figure 33-2 Consistently scheduled staff meetings
this spirit is implanted into an organization, it promote communication and harmony among the
becomes infectious. health care team.
CHAPTER 33 The Medical Assistant as Office Manager 1013
Conflict Resolution
AGENDA A good human resources manager is a master at
conflict resolution, solving problems between any
STAFF MEETING Wednesday, February 16, 20XX
two parties. The most difficult task is to prevent
2:00 PM — Conference Room
or solve conflicts that occur between employees
1. Read and approve minutes of last meeting and supervisors or providers. Most conflict occurs
because of poor communication or a misunder-
2. Reports standing; thus effective communication is a goal
A. Satellite facility — Marilyn Johnson for any manager.
Volumes of materials have been written about
B. Patient flow — Joe Guerrero
successful conflict management. One can probably
C. never get enough material on the subject. Some
3. Discussion of new telephone system guidelines that may be helpful in preventing con-
flicts include the following:
4. Unfinished Business
A. Review new procedure manual pages • Listen to your employees. What do they say? What
do they communicate nonverbally?
• Manage by walking around and talking to your
5. New Business employees.
A. Appoint committee for design of new marketing • Do not tolerate negative comments or actions
brochure among employees.
B. • Encourage an open-door policy for concerns and
6. Open discussion and/or topics for next meeting’s
• Be a role model for all employees.
• Keep confidences.
7. Set next meeting time
8. Adjourn An office manager who cares about each
employee, who “carries water for the workers in
the trenches,” and who administers fairly and hon-
Figure 33-3 Sample meeting agenda. estly creates an environment where conflict is at a
When conflicts arise, do not avoid taking
immediate action to resolve the issue even if it
appears to be superficially resolved. It will resur-
face at the first instance of stress between the
A written record in the form of minutes individuals. Conflicts usually are the result of
should be maintained and sent to all team mem- misunderstanding. In some cases the manager
bers regardless of whether they attended the can mediate the issue and resolve the conten-
meeting. This policy keeps all members informed tious behavior, but this places you with the role
about policy changes and decisions that impact of judge and jury, and one party will feel injured
the office operations. The minutes also trigger a or abused regardless of the outcome. Mediation
reminder for any new procedures or revisions to is the only approach when the conflict is between
be made in the procedure manual. a provider or supervisor and an employee. In
The minutes for a staff and team meeting all other instances the best approach is to use a
should record action plans under each agenda confrontational approach. The two persons hav-
topic. Summarize all action items agreed to in ing a conflict are brought together and asked to
the meeting in one section of the minutes. This express their conflicting opinions without inter-
facilitates easy access to information at a later date ruption. The purpose is to communicate what
should it be required. each perceives to be the problem. If an obvious
The date, time, and place of the next meet- solution that is acceptable to both parties does
ing should be included. The person preparing the not appear, the manager must insist that the par-
minutes should always sign them. A copy of the ties come up with an acceptable solution to the
minutes should always be maintained in a book for conflict. (This latter step is not appropriate for
easy reference. conflicts between an employee and a superior in
1014 UNIT 8 Office and Human Resources Management
the organization.) In doing so both parties have sentative usually assume this task jointly, with the
ownership of the resolution. office manager being responsible for orientation
in medical protocols and procedures, and the HR
representative handling orientation regarding
HARASSMENT IN THE medical practice rules and regulations and any
WORKPLACE legal implications.
Harassment consists of verbal or physical behav- New Personnel Orientation. The new personnel
ior/conduct that is (a) unwelcome, (b) based on a orientation process consists of orienting and train-
protected class (e.g., race, sex, age, national origin, ing new employees in the medical protocols and
veteran status, or sexual orientation), (c) severe or procedures unique to the practice. If the proce-
pervasive, and (d) has a negative impact or cre- dure manual is detailed and accurate, this manual
ates a hostile environment. As a manager, you are now becomes a guide for new employees.
legally responsible for ensuring nondiscrimination It is important to introduce new employees to
and preventing harassment. You, as a manager, other staff members and to assign a mentor who
may be innocent of any kind of sexual harassment can respond to questions that new employees may
yourself, but if the workplace you manage is con- raise. Sometimes the individual leaving a position
strued as hostile by any one of your employees and still is present and is asked to assist in the orienta-
you do not take appropriate action, you and your tion process. This is especially beneficial if there is
company can be held liable in a court of law. a good working relationship between the employee
When an employee contacts you or you who is leaving and the management of the prac-
become aware of harassment, you should tice. Depending on the responsibilities of the new
immediately contact your Human Re- employee, a supervisor may be asked to monitor
sources Equal Opportunity Office (EOO). If your all procedures for a period for accuracy, safety, and
facility does not have an EOO, you should collect facts patient protection.
and confront the offending individuals or group, The orientation should clearly present what
clearly notifying them that the offensive behavior must is expected of new employees and explain that, at
stop immediately. A report of the incident should be the end of their probationary period, their perfor-
placed in the file of the offending individuals, with a mance will be evaluated to determine if full-time
written warning that a future incident will result in employment will be offered. The same procedures
termination. followed for new employees should be followed for
The manager must carefully evaluate the facts student practicums, with the exception that expec-
surrounding an incident. It is not uncommon for tations and the evaluation process may vary.
innocent events to be perceived as harassment.
When there is conflict between people who are in Probation and Evaluation. It is common for a new
some way different from each other, simple misun- employee to be placed on probation for 60 to 90
derstandings can be perceived as harassment. Bla- days. During this period, both the employee and
tant harassment is far less common than this kind supervisory personnel determine if the position is
of muddled interaction. Although some situations a suitable match for both employer and employee.
do involve malicious intent, many are largely the Near the end of the probation period, the employee
result of poor communication, and it is the manag- should be officially evaluated to determine how
er’s responsibility to differentiate between the two. competently he or she is performing the assigned
Every employer needs a comprehensive policy tasks/duties. The employee should also be given
that prohibits all types of harassment. The policy an opportunity to express their personal thoughts
needs to include a definition of what could con- relative to job satisfaction. Figure 33-4 shows a sam-
stitute harassment or create a hostile work envi- ple probationary employee evaluation form. The
ronment, information on who to report to, and a evaluation becomes part of the employee’s person-
nonretaliation provision. This policy must be made nel record at the end of the probation period.
available to all employees.
Supervising Student Practicums. The student
practicum is a transitional stage that provides
Assimilating New Personnel opportunity for the student to apply theory learned
The goal in the assimilation of new personnel into in the classroom to a health care setting through
the workplace is to make it happen as seamlessly practical, hands-on experience. Some institutions
as possible. The office manager and HR repre- use the term externship or internship, and still oth-
CHAPTER 33 The Medical Assistant as Office Manager 1015
judgment while under the influence of alcohol or The evaluation may take many forms; it can
controlled substances. If chemical dependency be formal or informal; it may involve more than
treatment is necessary, make accommodation as one person. The results of the evaluation, how-
seems appropriate or is warranted. Everyone occa- ever, must be a part of the employee’s personnel
sionally feels discouraged and distressed. Hope- record. For that reason, a formal evaluation is pre-
fully, the provider–employer and the manager are ferred. Many practices use a written evaluation that
able to recognize problems before they become requires that the employee evaluate himself before
too serious. meeting with the office manager (Figure 33-5).
It has been said that one in four individu- The office manager uses the same form for evalu-
als will experience some form of mental health ation. During the meeting, notes are compared as
problem during the course of a year. Work- the evaluation is conducted.
related stress is the base cause of a significant The climate of the performance evaluation
degree of mental ill health. Plan for and create should be comfortable and provide privacy (Fig-
a work environment that reduces as much stress ure 33-6). The meeting should be friendly, but the
as possible. Actions to consider may include the employee must sense the importance of the evalua-
following: tion. Do not allow any disagreements to escalate into
arguments during the evaluation. Without reading
1. Properly educate and train all employees for their the employee’s self-evaluation, ask the employee
positions. to tell about the self-assessment. Acknowledge the
2. Encourage teamwork and reward those who help employee’s point of view and identify when you
each other. agree or differ from the self-assessment. Be pre-
3. Mandate “break periods” in the day for each pared to describe specific examples of positive per-
employee. formance and negative performance.
When negative performance is identified,
4. Create a pleasant work environment (plants,
ask the employee for possible solutions. Then
water, music, and so on).
a plan can be determined to alter the negative
5. Establish a blowing off steam place for when performance. In this way, a trusting atmosphere
employees are especially frustrated. is established in that both of you are working
6. Take everyone out for lunch at least once a quar- together for a solution that will benefit the medi-
ter. cal practice. Always look for and seek a win-win
7. Have regular staff meetings to discuss employee situation whenever possible. The action plan
concerns and office improvements. determined should then be evaluated at the next
performance evaluation.
8. Celebrate birthdays and special occasions (i.e.,
At the close of the evaluation, always express
length of service).
your confidence in the individual to make any
Keep in mind that a happy employee who changes necessary, offer assistance where needed,
feels valued in his or her position will stay much and thank the employee for participating. End any
longer than someone who is unhappy and does evaluation with a positive statement about some
not feel valued. portion of the employee’s performance.
There are occasions when reviews are per-
formed more frequently than annually. A review
Evaluating Employees and would occur 2 to 3 months after a significant pro-
Planning Salary Review motion to measure how things are progressing.
It is important that all employees know whether Reviews occur more often when general perfor-
they are performing their job as expected and mance falls well short of past efforts or a serious
know how they can improve their performance if error in judgment has been made. This type of
necessary. review may end with a reprimand, a warning to
correct the problem by a given date, or possibly,
Performance Evaluation. Not only is evaluation of immediate dismissal. Document any steps to be
employees necessary during the probation period, taken to correct a problem and any reason that is
but it is necessary for current employees as well. cause for dismissal.
Evaluations should be performed no less than once
a year on the anniversary of the hire date. Some Salary Review. Although the practice is common in
office managers may wish to evaluate an employee some areas, it may be better not to tie salary increases
more often, especially if a problem has surfaced in or bonuses with the annual performance evalua-
an evaluation. tion. Conduct the salary review at the beginning
CHAPTER 33 The Medical Assistant as Office Manager 1017
(office use only) FINAL RATING: CHECK ONE (office use only)
EVALUATION SUMMARY ______ Merit Increase Recommended
Total I ______ ______ No Merit Increase—Satisfactory Performance/No Growth
+ Total II _____ ______ No Merit Increase (Probationary/Special Evaluation)
______ No Merit Increase (Performance Probation)
Re-evaluate in 90 Days for Unsatisfactory or in 180 Days for Needed Improvement
JOB-SPECIFIC CRITERIA RATING (PART II) (To be used with Job Description attached)
Responsibility and Standard Rating Comments Supporting Rating
Complete a section for each responsibility
listed on the employee’s job description.
Subtotal II ____________ + ____________ = ____________
# job duties
Contributions made since last review:
Dismissing Employees
Figure 33-6 A comfortable, private setting encour- Most human resources managers do not enjoy rat-
ages discussions during an employee performance ing the performance of other employees, particu-
review. larly when difficult topics are involved and it may
be necessary to dismiss an employee. However,
the written performance evaluation actually estab-
of the new year separate from performance evalua- lishes the format for such a dismissal when neces-
tions. sary and is more likely to remove the emotion from
Salary review is important. Unfortunately, in the situation. Involuntary dismissal is still difficult
smaller medical offices and ambulatory care set- when it is necessary.
tings, the review of salary may have to be raised by
the employee. Provider–employers tend to forget Involuntary Dismissal. Involuntary dismissal results
that their employees have been with them for over from two primary causes: poor performance or
a year without a raise or a discussion of financial serious violation of office policies or job descrip-
reimbursement. If this is the case, it is perfectly tions. When it becomes apparent to the office
acceptable for the employee to raise the issue on manager that the effectiveness of an employee is
a yearly basis. However, the best approach is for dropping well below expectations, it will be known
the office manager to conduct salary reviews at the in the review or a performance review may be called.
beginning or end of each calendar year. The review allows the employee to be informed
Data should be collected before a salary of the shortcomings, to explain any reasons for
review. The office manager should network with the present situation, and to determine a plan to
other office managers to determine wages and alleviate the problem. If the problem is a serious
salaries for comparable individuals with compa- one, probation is usually invoked and any lack of sig-
rable skills. Remember, also, that it is far more nificant improvement in the time provided results
cost-effective to reward good employees with a in immediate dismissal.
salary increase than it is to train a new employee When the problem is a violation of either
who commands a lesser salary than current office policy or procedures, both a verbal and a
employees. Reward employees well and provide written warning are given to the employee. Invol-
benefits that encourage them to stay with the untary dismissal follows if the situation persists. Dis-
practice. Employees who stay with the practice missal may be immediate if the action is a serious
for a long time not only fully understand how violation of policy. Serious violations depend on
best to serve their provider–employers, they the office practice, but some causes for immediate
have established a relationship with patients that dismissal include theft, making fraudulent claims
is beneficial. against insurance, placing the patient in jeopardy
How much of a raise is to be awarded at the by not practicing safe techniques, and breach of
time of salary review is difficult to determine and patient confidentiality.
depends on many factors that might include the Some key points to keep in mind when dis-
profits of the year, the patient load, the workload, missal is necessary are:
and the current cost of living.
1. The dismissal should be made in privacy.
The critical shortage of health care employ-
ees today is reflected in the shortage of medical 2. Take no longer than 10 minutes for the dismissal.
assistants across the country. Newspapers adver- 3. Be direct, firm, and to the point in identifying
tising for individuals to work in the ambula- reasons.
1020 UNIT 8 Office and Human Resources Management
4. Do not engage in an in-depth discussion of perfor- istrative and clinical sections with subdivisions for
mance. each primary task performed (Figure 33-7).
5. Explain terms of dismissal (keys, clearing out area To facilitate using the procedure manual, a
of personal items, final paperwork). consistent format should be developed and used
throughout the manual. Each procedure should
6. Listen to employee’s opinion and emotions; it is
be a step-by-step outline or list of steps to be taken
not necessary to agree.
to complete a task as desired in that facility. Pro-
7. Accompany the employee to his or her desk to viding the rationale for a step, when appropri-
pack his or her belongings. ate, enhances the learning process, especially for
8. Escort the employee out of the facility; do not new staff members. Material Safety Data Sheets
allow him or her to finish the work of the day. (MSDSs) are required to be maintained in the
clinic and available for personnel to reference at
Voluntary Dismissal. Other reasons for dismissal any time. MSDS must be compiled for all chemi-
may be more pleasant. Changes in personnel occur cals considered hazardous and maintained in an
for many good reasons, and people voluntarily appropriate manual. Some offices opt to maintain
leave their jobs. They may relocate, seek advance- these records in a separate tabbed section of the
ment in another facility, or simply have personal procedure manual. Others choose to maintain a
reasons for leaving. These employees will give separate MSDS manual. The information must be
their manager proper notice and will be able to reviewed and updated on a regular basis. See Chap-
turn their current projects and duties over to their ter 26 for detailed information regarding MSDS.
replacements. They have time to say good-bye to Procedure 33-4 provides steps for developing and
their friends and leave with a good feeling about maintaining a procedure manual.
their employment.
Updating and Reviewing
the Procedure Manual
When new procedures are added to the office rou-
The procedure manual provides detailed informa- tine, a new procedure page should be developed
tion relative to the performance of tasks within the immediately. The new page is useful as an edu-
facility in which one is employed. Each procedure cational tool or job aid while team members are
manual should be designed for that specific office learning new techniques.
setting and should satisfy its requirements. An annual page-by-page review should be
The procedure manual serves as a guide to the done to ascertain if each procedure is still being
employee assigned a specific task and may also be used and to ensure that each page is correct in
useful in evaluating the employee’s performance. each detail and satisfies all criteria established by
If a temporary employee is assigned the task, the the staff personnel. This contributes to an efficient
procedure manual will be invaluable in assuring
that each procedure is completed as outlined.
The provider(s) and the office manager Administrative Section Clinical Section
should have copies of the procedure manual, and
all employees should have access to the proce- Personnel Management Physical Examinations
dure manual. Copies of individual sections may be Communication Infection Control
given to the employee responsible for the task; the (oral and written) Collecting Specimens
employee should be instructed to follow these guide- Patient Scheduling Laboratory Procedures
lines and told that they may be used as employee Records Management Surgical Asepsis
evaluation tools. If all employees have access to the Financial Management Emergencies
office computer system, the procedures manual can Facility and Equipment Material Safety Data Sheets
be made available in electronic format. Management (MSDS)
CLIA ’88
Organization of the
Procedure Manual Figure 33-7 Many offices find that dividing the pro-
It is best to use a loose-leaf binder with separator cedure manual into tabular sections helps organize the
pages denoting each procedure. Many office man- material. A table of contents with page numbers helps
agers find it helpful to divide the binder into admin- locate information easily.
CHAPTER 33 The Medical Assistant as Office Manager 1021
office and gives all employees a sense of pride and • Name of travel agents used in the past (ranked by
satisfaction that they are performing within the reputation and recommendation)
scope of their training and to their greatest poten- • Provider’s or office credit card numbers
tial. The procedure manual should be reviewed by
• Car rental preference
personnel performing the various tasks, and their
suggestions should be evaluated and incorporated • Preferred airline, class of travel, seating choice
into the revisions when appropriate. All new pro- • Hotel/motel accommodations (bed size, suite, stu-
cedure pages and revisions should be dated (Rev. dio, connecting rooms, price range, amenities)
02/15/XX). • Shuttle service
James Whitney, MD
Inner City Health Care
400 Inner City Way
Seattle, WA 98400
30 Sept-Saturday
Alamo 1 Compact 2/4 DR Drop-101CT Confirmed
Pickup-Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Airport Chg-USD .00
Rate- 59.98 Baserate Guaranteed Extra Hr 10.00-UN
01 Oct Sunday
USAIR 1419 Coach Class Equip-Boeing 737 Jet
LV: Pittsburgh 3:05P Nonstop Miles-2125 Confirmed
AR: Seattle 5:27P Elapsed time-5:22
Lunch Seat-20A
Ticket Number/s:
Whitney/James 3570933 BA Card $461.00
Air Transportation $416.36 Tax 44.64 TOTAL $461.00
Sub Total $461.00
Credit Card Payment $461.00-
Amount Due 0.00
Newsletters are effective communication tools
because they encourage regular contact with
patients and other readers. Newsletters are a ver-
satile medium; they can contain patient education
articles, updates on staff changes, awards, informa-
tion on insurance carriers, calendars of events, and
even recipes that are consistent with a healthful
Most newsletters can be written and pro-
duced in the office. Like brochures, they should
be simple in design and format. An additional
factor in newsletter production is mailing; an
up-to-date database must be maintained, postal
regulations followed, and costs of mailing consid-
Press Releases
Figure 33-10 Brochures and handouts should be Press releases are simple, inexpensive marketing
accessible and inviting to patients and office visitors. tools. Use them to announce new staff, promote
a new service, or publicize a series of seminars. If
a professional, courteous relationship is developed
programs. When writing these brochures, always with the local press, most will be happy to receive
research material carefully, request permission for and publish releases. When writing releases, always
copyrighted materials, and present the informa- follow proper format, which includes a date of
tion in a manner that is accessible to your patient release, a contact person’s name and telephone
population. number, and a short headline. Releases are best
kept to one double-spaced typed page. At the end
Office Brochures. A brochure on the practice can of the release, type “30” or a number sign (#).
provide a wide range of information and orient the Maintain an active list of local newspapers and edi-
new patient to the practice. One way to determine tors’ names so that you can mail or fax the release
what information to include is to develop a list of to the appropriate editor.
frequently asked patient questions. Once this list is
compiled, it can serve as the beginning of the bro-
chure outline. Issues to consider might include:
Special Events
• Brief history of the practice
Although they can be time-consuming to organize
• Brief résumés or credentials of providers and participate in, special events are rewarding
• Philosophy of the practice because they present an opportunity to interact
• Scope of services with the community. They have high visibility; often
a group of community organizations collaborate to
• How to reach the practice in case of emergency
cosponsor an event such as a walk-a-thon, blood
• Insurances accepted pressure clinic, health fair for seniors, or wellness
• Rights of patients day for children and families. Sponsorship can be
• Policies regarding the release of information as simple as a donation to the cause; other times,
staffing a booth or offering a service such as blood
• Scheduling information: how to schedule an
pressure checks is appropriate.
appointment, cancellation policies
Like all marketing efforts, special events
• Amenities on the premises, such as parking, phar- require organizational skills and teamwork, but
macy, laboratory they often result in heightened communication
• Location, map if necessary, and location of satellite with the community and provide an educational
offices service to patients and their families.
1026 UNIT 8 Office and Human Resources Management
Cut here and give Form W-4 to your employer. Keep the top part for your records.
5 Total number of allowances you are claiming (from line H above or from the applicable worksheet on page 2) 5
6 Additional amount, if any, you want withheld from each paycheck 6 $
7 I claim exemption from withholding for 2008, and I certify that I meet both of the following conditions for exemption.
● Last year I had a right to a refund of all federal income tax withheld because I had no tax liability and
● This year I expect a refund of all federal income tax withheld because I expect to have no tax liability.
If you meet both conditions, write “Exempt” here 7
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this certificate and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete.
Employee’s signature
(Form is not valid
unless you sign it.) Date
8 Employer’s name and address (Employer: Complete lines 8 and 10 only if sending to the IRS.) 9 Office code (optional) 10 Employer identification number (EIN)
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 2. Cat. No. 10220Q Form W-4 (2008)
Figure 33-11 Form W-4 indicates the number of exemptions claimed by the employee for income tax purposes.
CHAPTER 33 The Medical Assistant as Office Manager 1027
RECORDS Equipment
and supplies
Issue purchase orders, autho-
rize payment of invoices, secure
Financial & Billing Reports requests, and vendors and suppliers, negoti-
Staffing Requirements and Reports inventory data ate maintenance contracts
Equipment & Supply Requests
Receiving Hiring
Progress reviews, salary reviews,
W-4 forms, corrective actions,
Personnel data
licenses, malpractice insurance
Figure 33-12 Data flow between the total practice contracts
management system and the office manager.
1028 UNIT 8 Office and Human Resources Management
c Employer’s name, address, and ZIP code 3 Social security wages 4 Social security tax withheld
e Employee’s first name and initial Last name Suff. 11 Nonqualified plans 12a See instructions for box 12
14 Other 12c
Do Not Cut, Fold, or Staple Forms on This Page — Do Not Cut, Fold, or Staple Forms on This Page
Figure 33-13 Form W-2 summarizes all earnings and deductions for the year and must be prepared for each
employee by January 31.
regarding printed and electronic filing forms, go to ee’s earnings. Many ambulatory care settings that
the Internal Revenue Service Web site (http://www. operate on a manual bookkeeping system find that for detailed instructions. It is a good idea to the write-it-once system is the most efficient way to
have employees update their W-4 form each year in accurately maintain these records. Payroll records
case they want to adjust their deductions or make should include:
any other change. To accomplish this, many payroll
managers include a new W-4 form with the first pay- • Employee name, address, and telephone number
check at the beginning of each year. Every employee • Social Security number
file should contain Social Security number, number • Date of employment
of exemptions claimed on the W-4 Form, employ-
ee’s gross salary, and all deductions withheld for all Each paycheck stub should contain:
taxes, including Social Security, federal, state, local,
and unemployment tax (where applicable), and dis- • Number of hours worked, including regular and
ability insurance (where applicable). overtime (if hourly)
To process payroll, the provider’s office must • Dates of pay period
have a federal tax reporting number, obtained • Date of check
from the Internal Revenue Service. In some states,
• Gross salary
a state employer number also is needed.
• Itemized deductions for federal income tax, Social
Preparing Payroll Checks. When preparing payroll Security (FICA) tax, state tax, city or local tax
checks, it is important to keep a record of all tax • Itemized deductions for health insurance and dis-
and insurance amounts deducted from an employ- ability insurance
CHAPTER 33 The Medical Assistant as Office Manager 1029
• Other deductions such as uniforms, loan pay- sibility of each staff member to report to the office
ments, and so on manager any facility repairs that require atten-
• Net salary (gross earnings minus taxes and deduc- tion and suggest replacement or recommend new
tions) pieces of equipment as required by the practice to
support the health care needs of its population.
Procedure 33-7 provides steps for processing The office manager usually is responsible for
payroll. maintenance of the office and may hire ancillary
services to provide janitorial and laundry services,
Figuring Employee Taxes. When figuring federal dispose of hazardous materials, and maintain
income taxes and Social Security taxes, use the “Cir- aquariums or plants that may enhance the environ-
cular E” tables provided by the Internal Revenue ment of the facility. The office manager must be
Service. Federal tax is based on amount earned, cognitive of the importance of patient confidenti-
marital status, number of exemptions claimed, and ality when ancillary services are present. Ancillary
length of pay period. State and city or local taxes are services must not view confidential material. A
typically a percentage of the gross earnings. signed Business Associate agreement must be on
All federal and state taxes withheld must be file for each ancillary service contracted.
paid on a quarterly basis to the appropriate govern- Magazine subscriptions and health-related
ment offices. These monies should be accompanied literature for the reception area are the responsi-
by the required reporting forms. It is important to bility of the office manager. Selections should be
observe deposit requirements for withheld income made carefully, keeping in mind the interests of
tax and Social Security and Medicare taxes. These the patients and their cultures. These materials
requirements, which change frequently, are listed should not be kept once they become dog-eared,
in the Federal Employer’s Tax Guide, available from torn, and outdated. The use of plastic protectors
the U.S. Government Printing Office, Internal Rev- and appropriate storage shelving aid in keeping
enue Service (or online at the area and materials tidy.
The office manager, together with the pro-
Managing Benefits and Other Responsibilities. vider, is responsible for facility improvements,
Benefits, or additional remuneration to the salary including any necessary repairs, decorating and
earned by full-time employees, must be man- color scheme, and floor plan suggestions. The
aged and records maintained for each employee. wise office manager does not make these deci-
Examples of benefits include paid vacation, paid sions independently but asks for suggestions from
holidays, health/dental insurance, disability, staff members. Remember, the team-building
profit-sharing options, and complimentary health approach adds a cohesive element to any office
care. Some ambulatory care settings may refer to environment.
all or some of these benefits as fringe benefits.
Other responsibilities of the office man-
ager include maintaining a personnel file for each Administrative and Clinical
employee providing his or her history with the facility, Inventory of Supplies and
application for the current position, evaluations, pro- Equipment
motions, problems, awards, entitlements, legal forms
required by state and federal agencies, and so on. All administrative and clinical supplies and equip-
All Occupational Safety and Health Administration ment in the facility must be inventoried. Maintain-
(OSHA) data, hazard material training and documen- ing a sufficient inventory of administrative and
tation, HIPAA training documentation, cardiopulmo- medical supplies requires implementation of a
nary resuscitation (CPR) certifications, immunization system for taking inventory of supplies frequently
records, AIDS education, and confidentiality agree- enough to permit placing and receiving an order
ment must be recorded and maintained. before a shortage occurs. Large facilities frequently
use the TPMS to inventory items that normally
would be billed as part of a procedure, but this will
FACILITY AND EQUIPMENT not identify routinely used medical and adminis-
MANAGEMENT trative supplies.
Medical offices operate on a budget, so com-
The physical plant or building must be parison shopping is prudent. Many companies
observed and maintained with safety being have online catalogs with full descriptions and
a key ingredient. It should be the respon- prices of their products. The cost of an item is not
1030 UNIT 8 Office and Human Resources Management
attention. Many medications must be stored at option of purchasing personal and professional
certain temperatures, kept dry, or stored in dark, insurance through the organization at corporate
airtight containers. All medications, including rates.
samples, must be kept out of patient access areas. Some providers carry the names of their
Narcotics should always be stored in a separate employees on their policies. If this is the case,
locked cabinet. Dispensing requires two individu- always ask to see the policy and verify that your
als to sign off when narcotic supplies are used. A name is printed on the policy—no name indi-
daily inventory should be maintained. cates no coverage. The manager may need to see
that professional liability insurance has been pur-
chased, all appropriate names are listed, and the
LIABILITY COVERAGE premiums are paid in a timely fashion.
AND BONDING Professional liability insurance is important if
the provider–employer is sued. In this event, the
Negligence is performing an act that a rea- provider and the medical assistant could be named
sonable and prudent provider would not in the suit. If the case were lost, both the provider
perform or failure to perform an act and the medical assistant could be liable.
that a reasonable and prudent provider would Individuals who are responsible for handling
perform. The common term used to describe pro- financial records and money in the medical office
fessional liability or legal responsibility today is mal- may be bonded. A bond is purchased for a cash
practice. It is much easier to prevent malpractice value in an employee’s name that ensures that the
than to defend it in litigation; therefore every effort provider will recover the amount of loss in the event
should be taken to prevent negligence. Events that that an employee embezzles funds. It is the office
could result in a malpractice litigation invariably will manager or the HR manager’s responsibility to ask
occur from time to time in even the best of medical prospective employees if they are bondable. Indi-
offices. When such an incident occurs, complete viduals who are not bondable may not be the best
honesty with the patient and insurance carrier is candidates for the position.
the best policy. Protocols should be implemented
or existing ones revised to prevent any future occur-
rences, and all steps necessary to minimize risk to LEGAL ISSUES
the patient should be taken.
Insurance policies specifically designed to The office manager must be aware of
protect the provider’s assets in the event a liabil- and follow all state and federal regulations
ity claim is filed and awarded in the patient’s favor impacting the practice. Information related
are available. Any provider not carrying such insur- to Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments
ance is said to be “going bare” and would person- of 1988 (CLIA ‘88) and Occupational Safety and
ally be responsible for any court costs, damages, Health Administration (OSHA) can be found in
and attorney fees if a malpractice suit were lost. Chapter 26. Federal regulations related to pro-
Practicing medical assistants should carry pro- vider office laboratories (POLs) are discussed in
fessional liability insurance for protection. Medi- Chapter 26. The Centers for Medicare and Med-
cal assistants who are members of the American icaid Services Web site also is helpful (http://www.
Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) have the
1032 UNIT 8 Office and Human Resources Management
Procedure 33-1
Completing a Medical Incident Report
PURPOSE: This ensures the most accurate recording of the
To complete a medical incident report and submit it incident.
in a timely manner. 3. Each section of the form must be completed.
The incident description should be a brief nar-
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: rative consisting of an objective description
Appropriate medical incident report form
of the facts but should not draw any conclu-
Computer with Incident Report Software
sions. Quotes should be used when appropriate
PROCEDURE STEPS: with any unwitnessed incidents (e.g., “Patient
1. Complete the office-approved Medical Inci- states...”). The name(s) of any witnesses should
dent Report form. A single-sheet, multiple-copy be included on the report as well as employees
form is best. The form should contain basic directly involved in the incident. RATIONALE:
patient identification data, a checklist of differ- To provide unbiased information without mak-
ent incidents, and a space for written comments. ing judgments.
RATIONALE: Ensures that all information 4. Incident reports must be submitted in a timely
needed is documented. manner to the appropriate administrator or
2. The person completing the incident report office following protocol identified in the Pro-
form should be the individual who witnessed cedure Manual for the office. RATIONALE:
the incident, first discovered the incident, or is Ensures that appropriate documentation and
most familiar with the incident. RATIONALE: action is taken for follow-up.
Procedure 33-2
Preparing a Meeting Agenda
PURPOSE: 2. Collect information for meeting agenda by pre-
To prepare a meeting agenda, a list of specific items viewing the previous meeting’s minutes for old
to be discussed or acted on, to maintain the focus of business items, checking with others for report
the group and allow business to be transacted in a items, and determining any new business items.
timely fashion. RATIONALE: Ensures that all old and new busi-
ness items have been identified.
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: 3. Prepare a hard copy of the agenda and have it
List of participants
approved by chair of the meeting. RATIONALE:
Order of business
Confirmation by the chair of the agenda content
Names of individuals giving reports
ensures that agenda is correct and complete.
Names of any guest speakers
Computer and paper to print agendas 4. Send agenda to meeting participants a few days
in advance of the meeting. RATIONALE: Per-
PROCEDURE STEPS: mits participants to prepare for the meeting by
1. Reserve proposed date, time, and place of meet- completing any tasks required and preparing
ing. RATIONALE: Ensures that the facilities are any necessary documentation.
available for the meeting.
CHAPTER 33 The Medical Assistant as Office Manager 1033
Procedure 33-3
Supervising a Student Practicum
PURPOSE: 6. Begin orientation for the student as soon as he
To prepare a training path for a student extern being or she arrives at the office. Include a tour of the
assigned to the office. To make the involved office office and introduction to the staff. RATIONALE:
personnel aware of their responsibilities. To preplan Orients student and staff to each other and estab-
which jobs the student extern performs and in what lishes guidelines for procedures.
sequence they will be assigned. To make the practi- 7. Give the student a copy of the Office Policy
cum successful by providing as much supervision and Manual and the work schedule for the entire
assistance as necessary. practicum. Answer any questions the student
might have. RATIONALE: Orients student and
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: staff to each other and establishes guidelines
None needed
for procedures.
PROCEDURE STEPS: 8. Maintain an accurate record of the hours the
1. Review the clinical practicum contract or agree- student works. Also log the date and reason for
ment between your agency and the educational any missed days, late arrivals, or early dismissals.
institution. RATIONALE: Guidelines and proce- RATIONALE: Provides necessary documenta-
dures are reviewed and refreshed in your mind. tion for the hours completed by the student.
2. Determine the amount of supervision the stu- 9. Check with the student frequently to be sure the
dent will require. RATIONALE: Prepares you student is receiving meaningful training from
to speak with the student and site supervisor the work experience. RATIONALE: Verifies that
regarding supervision. necessary training is being provided.
3. Identify the supervisor who will be immedi- 10. Consult providers and staff members with whom
ately responsible for the student. RATIONALE: the student has worked for their opinion of the
Establishes a person who knows he or she is to student’s capabilities. Follow up on any problems
supervise the student and be responsible for the that might be identified. RATIONALE: Verifies
practicum procedures. that necessary training is being provided.
4. Plan what tasks the student will be allowed or 11. Report the student’s progress to the medical
encouraged to perform. RATIONALE: The assisting supervisor from the educational institu-
office may or may not permit the student to per- tion. This person usually visits once or twice each
form invasive procedures. Determining tasks the rotation. RATIONALE: Verifies that necessary
student can and cannot perform beforehand training is being provided.
promotes a better relationship. 12. Prepare the student evaluation report from com-
5. Create a schedule outlining the time the student ments provided by the supervisor assigned and
will be assigned to each unit. RATIONALE: Estab- each employee who worked with the student.
lishing a schedule keeps everyone appraised of RATIONALE: Provides necessary documenta-
what is happening and when. tion for the practicum experience.
1034 UNIT 8 Office and Human Resources Management
Procedure 33-4
Developing and Maintaining a Procedure Manual
PURPOSE: ers, and patients. Provide a listing in each area
To develop and maintain a comprehensive, up-to-date with contact information and services provided.
procedure manual covering each medical, technical, RATIONALE: The procedures and instruc-
and administrative procedure in the office, with step- tions listed in the Procedure Manual should
by-step directions and rationale for performing each provide supporting documentation needed for
task. accomplishing each task. For example, if the
clinic requires that local public transportation
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: resources be given to each patient who needs
Computer or electronic typewriter (electronic storage transportation, the Procedure Manual has a list-
allows changes and revisions to be made easily) ing of all transportation available in the area
Binder, such as a three-ring binder with telephone numbers and schedules. This
Paper document could either be printed from the
Standard procedure manual format computer or photocopied from the manual and
provided to the patient.
1. Write detailed, step-by-step procedures and 5. Include basic rules and regulations, state and
rationales for each medical, technical, and federal, which are related to processes per-
administrative function. Each procedure is formed in both clinical and office/business
written by experienced employees close to areas. RATIONALE: Having a listing of the rules
the function and then reviewed by a super- and regulations assists in performing those regu-
visor and office manager. Rationales help lated duties correctly and legally.
employees understand why something is done. 6. Include the clinic procedures and flow sheets for
RATIONALE: Establishes consistent guidelines taking inventory in each of the areas and instruc-
to be followed. tions on ordering procedures. RATIONALE:
2. Include regular maintenance instructions and When a clinic has processes clearly written for
flow sheets for cleaning, servicing, and cali- managing inventory and ordering of equip-
brating of all office equipment, both in the ment and supplies, the clinic is less likely to run
clinical area and in the office/business areas. out of needed items and may even be able to
RATIONALE: Equipment needs to be cleaned take advantage of discounts offered by manu-
and maintained on a regular basis to ensure it facturers.
is working properly and that it lasts as long as 7. Collect the procedures into the Office Proce-
needed. Some manufacturer guarantees and dure Manual. RATIONALE: Provides a refer-
service contracts require regular cleaning and ence guide with step-by-step instructions and
maintenance, especially on new and leased examples where appropriate.
equipment. Instructions are necessary so that 8. Store one complete manual in a common library
the task can be performed properly. The flow area. Provide a completed copy to the provider–
sheets provide documentation of dates the employer and the office manager. Distribute
equipment was cleaned, serviced, and/or cali- appropriate sections to the various departments.
brated and the person who performed the task. RATIONALE: Provides a reference guide with
3. Include step-by-step instructions on how to step-by-step instructions and examples where
accomplish each task in the office/clinic in both appropriate.
the clinical area and in the office/business areas. 9. Review the procedure manual annually and add
RATIONALE: Clear and concise instructions any new procedures, delete or modify as neces-
ensure that each task is consistently performed sary, and indicate the revision date (Rev. 10/12/
to the clinic standards. XX). RATIONALE: Maintains current office
4. Include local and out-of-the-area resources protocols.
for clinical staff, office/business staff, provid-
CHAPTER 33 The Medical Assistant as Office Manager 1035
Procedure 33-5
Making Travel Arrangements with a Travel Agent
PURPOSE: 3. Pick up tickets or arrange for their delivery.
To make travel arrangements for the provider. 4. Check to see that ticket arrangements are accu-
rate (dates, times, places).
5. Check to see that car rental and lodging
Travel plan
accommodations are accurate and confirmed.
Telephone and telephone directory
RATIONALE: Avoid inaccuracies and confusion
with schedule.
Provider’s or office credit card to pay for reservations
6. Make additional copies of the itinerary or create
PROCEDURE STEPS: the itinerary if making arrangements via com-
1. Confirm the details of the planned trip: dates, puter. The itinerary should list date and time of
time, and place for departure and arrival; pre- departures and arrivals, including flight numbers
ferred mode of transportation (plane, train, bus, and seat assignments. Note mode of transporta-
car); number of travelers; preferred lodging type tion to lodging (shuttle, bus, car, taxi). Include
and price range; and whether travelers checks name, address, and telephone number of lodg-
are required. RATIONALE: Confirming perti- ings and meeting places.
nent travel details ensures that correct arrange- 7. Maintain one copy of the itinerary in the office
ments will be made. file.
2. Make travel and lodging reservations by calling 8. Give several copies of the itinerary to the pro-
travel agent or using the computer for online vider. RATIONALE: Ensure that a copy is on file
ticket services. RATIONALE: Ensure that space with the office and that there are sufficient cop-
for provider is reserved at desired times. ies for the traveler(s) and their families.
Procedure 33-6
Making Travel Arrangements via the Internet
PURPOSE: are required. RATIONALE: Confirming perti-
To make travel arrangements for the provider using nent travel details ensures that correct arrange-
the Internet. ments will be made.
2. Go to the computer and access the Internet.
3. Select a search engine to locate Web pages using
Travel plan
the key term “air fares.” Web pages may provide
links to air fares, auto reservations, and hotel/
Provider’s or office credit card to pay for reservations.
motel reservations. Follow Web page instruc-
PROCEDURE STEPS: tions for making arrangements. Review and copy
1. Confirm the details of the planned trip: dates, confirmation of your transaction. RATIONALE:
time, and place for departure and arrival; pre- The Internet can be a time saver and a cost-
ferred mode of transportation (plane, train, bus, effective way of securing travel arrangements.
car); number of travelers; preferred lodging type 4. Pick up tickets or arrange for their delivery, if
and price range; and whether travelers checks necessary. Tickets purchased on the Internet can
1036 UNIT 8 Office and Human Resources Management
be mailed or picked up at an airport, or they can taxi). Include name, address, and telephone
be electronic tickets. number of lodgings and meeting places.
5. Make additional copies of the itinerary or create 6. Maintain one copy of the itinerary in the office file.
the itinerary. The itinerary should list date and 7. Give several copies of the itinerary to the pro-
time of departures and arrivals, including flight vider. RATIONALE: Ensure that a copy is on file
numbers and seat assignments. Note the mode with the office and that there are sufficient cop-
of transportation to lodging (shuttle, bus, car, ies for the traveler(s) and their families.
Procedure 33-7
Processing Employee Payroll
PURPOSE: tion. Be sure to document any that may be found
To process payroll compensating employees, calculat- and action taken.
ing all deductions accurately. 3. Calculate the salary or hourly wages due the
employee for the work period. RATIONALE: To
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: determine the amount owed each employee.
Computer and payroll software or checkbook
4. Calculate any deductions that must be withheld
Tax withholding tables
from the paycheck. These may include federal,
Federal Employers Tax Guide
state, and local taxes; Social Security withhold-
PROCEDURE STEPS: ings; Medicare withholdings; insurance; savings;
1. Verify copies of the employee’s Social Security or donations. RATIONALE: To ensure compli-
card and current I-9 and W-4 forms are in each ance with all federal, state, and local laws and sat-
employee file. RATIONALE: Provides verification isfy all proper deductions are made.
that employee is eligible to work in the United 5. Use computer and payroll software or hand write
States and to calculate withholding amounts that the payroll check and explanation of deductions.
should be deducted from paychecks. 6. Distribute individual payroll checks in envelopes
2. Review time cards looking for any tardiness, according to office protocol. RATIONALE:
early dismissals, or absences. RATIONALE: To Ensures compliance and confidentiality issues
access any problems that could lead to termina- are maintained.
CHAPTER 33 The Medical Assistant as Office Manager 1037
Procedure 33-8
Perform an Inventory of Equipment and Supplies
PURPOSE: 3. Repeat the previous step for each storage loca-
To develop an inventory of expendable administrative tion on the inventory printout sheet.
and clinical supplies in a medical office. 4. After completing the inventory, enter the new
inventory information, including date of inven-
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: tory, quantity, and date of reorder request, into
Printout of most recent inventory spreadsheet,
the computer database. RATIONALE: To deter-
listing items by storage location, name and
mine what needs to be ordered.
identification code, number of items, minimum
quantity requiring reorder, date and quantity of 5. Forward the reorder forms to the person respon-
last reorder, and expiration date of items if any. sible for purchasing. RATIONALE: To forward
Clipboard, pad of reorder forms, pen or pencil. information to the person responsible for reor-
dering supplies and equipment.
1. Compare number of items on hand corresponding NOTE: If the office or clinic uses handheld computers
to each name or code identification number with on a wireless network, all of the printouts and reor-
the printout, and write in the new inventory num- der forms can be entered directly into the computer
ber on the printout. RATIONALE: To determine record while doing the inventory, making unneces-
what is on hand and what needs to be ordered. sary the reentry and preparation of reorder forms. If
2. If the number of any item is less than the mini- the handheld computer is not networked, it will be
mum quantity, fill out a reorder form listing necessary to download or sync the data after complet-
completely the name, identification number, ing the inventory.
and quantity required.
Procedure 33-9
Perform Routine Maintenance or Calibration of Administrative
and Clinical Equipment
PURPOSE: 2. Check equipment for cleanliness and clean thor-
To ensure the operability and calibration of adminis- oughly if required. RATIONALE: Equipment
trative and clinical equipment. works more efficiently when clean; this is a safety
issue as well.
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: 3. Perform visual safety check for electrical and
Equipment list with maintenance or calibration
mechanical integrity. RATIONALE: Visual
inspection quickly determines deficiencies.
Clipboard, pen, maintenance record sheets, and
deficiency tags 4. Tag any equipment with safety hazards and
Access to operation and service manuals of equipment report the deficiency. RATIONALE: Equipment
to be serviced with safety hazards should not be used until
Access to any necessary maintenance tools and supplies repaired to protect operators.
5. Check for operability using procedures defined
PROCEDURE STEPS: in the operation manual.
1. Date the maintenance record. RATIONALE:
Documents when equipment was last checked 6. Check to ensure the equipment meets opera-
and serviced. tional/calibration standards as defined in the
1038 UNIT 8 Office and Human Resources Management
operation and service manual. Recalibrate the 8. Fill out and sign the maintenance record sheet
equipment following the instructions in the man- if the equipment meets operations standards.
ual if required. RATIONALE: Calibration stan- RATIONALE: Documents routine maintenance
dards must be maintained for correct results. was performed.
7. Tag any equipment not meeting operational stan- NOTE: The equipment list, maintenance records, and
dards and report the deficiency. RATIONALE: deficiency reports may be included in the TPMS of
Equipment must be either replaced or repaired many practices.
to ensure proper results.
The office manager is the glue that holds the office together and keeps it running smoothly. When the
manager sets a positive example for others and is considerate and aware of the diversity of others, a positive
environment is created for teamwork. A teamwork approach enables the entire office to be more produc-
tive, provide the best health care, and foster an enjoyable work relationship.
CHAPTER 33 The Medical Assistant as Office Manager 1039
The role of office manager varies greatly depending on the size of the medical practice, the provider’s
trust in the manager’s competency level, and the provider’s comfort in delegating authority to others. An
effective office manager is a tremendous asset to providers. The personal and financial rewards are worth-
while to the medical assistant who desires a new dimension to explore and enjoys a challenge.
˚ Multiple Choice
˚ Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet by completing the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on the textbook CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
Multiple Choice b. they do not need supervision when working with
1. For teamwork to be successful, individual team a patient
members must: c. they are experienced with working on real
a. do as they are told by the office manager patients
b. not ask why they are doing something a certain d. they have much to learn
way 4. Which of the following statements is not correct
regarding a student practicum?
c. understand and support the task
a. It is a transitional stage that provides oppor-
d. think independently and solve the problem on
tunity for students to apply theory learned in
their own
the classroom to a health care setting through
2. Meeting minutes:
hands-on experience.
a. should address each agenda topic and include
b. It assumes that the student is an employee who
a brief summary of discussions, actions taken,
does not need to be introduced to patients.
name of each person making a motion, the exact
c. It may require the student to shadow another
wording of motions, and motion approval or
medical assistant for a few days.
d. It involves an evaluation of the student’s
b. are a detailed plan for a proposed trip progress.
c. include information regarding mode of trans- 5. The procedure manual:
portation and lodging reservations a. is a detailed plan for a proposed trip
d. must follow parliamentary procedures b. provides detailed information regarding mode
3. When working with practicum students, it is impor- of transportation and lodging reservations
tant to remember that: c. provides detailed information relative to the per-
a. they should have expert knowledge about their formance of tasks within the health care facility
field d. summarizes action details of staff meetings
1040 UNIT 8 Office and Human Resources Management
6. Developing relationships outside the office is often 4. Describe how a procedure manual for a single-
called: provider practice would differ from a procedure
a. marketing manual for a multiprovider practice.
b. benchmarking 5. Describe how a procedure manual could become
c. advertising outdated and need revision.
d. sales
7. Record and financial management involves all of
the following except:
a. payroll processing Use the Web sites given in the text or alterna-
b. preparing payroll checks tive sites you know about to plan a trip between
c. figuring taxes two cities within the United States. Compare
d. equipment and supplies maintenance the fares for Sunday departure and Friday return dates
8. Controlled substances must: with the fares for low-volume days as obtained from
a. be kept separate from other drugs the site. Also compare fares on flights
b. be stored in a separate locked cabinet purchased within 1 week of departure with fares on
c. be recorded in a book that is maintained daily flights purchased 1 month before departure. Follow the
d. all of the above instructor’s instructions on completing and turning in
your results.
Critical Thinking
1. How would you, as the office manager, handle
someone who is spreading a harmful rumor about
another employee in the office? Colbert, B. J. (2000). Workplace readiness for health occupa-
2. How can the office manager promote open and tions. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
honest communication? ingenix. (2003). HIPAA tool kit. Salt Lake City, UT:
3. The student practicum can be a stressful time for St. Anthony Publishing/Medicode.
the extern. As an office manager, how can you help Krager, D., & Krager, C. (2005). HIPAA for medical office per-
the extern feel more at ease the first day of “work”? sonnel. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
The Medical Assistant Chapter
as Human Resources
Manager 34
Exit Interview Tasks Performed by the Human Orienting New Personnel
Involuntary Dismissal Resources Manager Dismissing Employees
Job Description The Office Policy Manual Exit Interview
Letter of Reference Recruiting and Hiring Office Maintaining Personnel Records
Personnel Complying with Personnel Laws
Letter of Resignation
Job Descriptions Special Policy Considerations
Recruiting Temporary Employees
Preparing to Interview Smoking Policy
Applicants Discrimination
The Employment Interview Providing/Planning Employee
Selecting the Finalists Training and Education
The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and dem-
onstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this chapter
through written and oral communication.
Jane O’Hara, CMA (AAMA), is the office manager at for a new medical assistant; welcome a new pro-
Inner City Health Care. She also functions in the role of vider to the practice, being sure she completes all
the human resources manager. Part of her responsibili- the necessary employment forms; and meet with
ties includes recruiting, hiring, and orienting employees. another staff member to evaluate her continuing
In one day Jane may meet with Dr. Rice to education.
update the policy manual; begin the hiring process
The medical assistant’s employment responsibilities are climate in which there are too few persons for
many and varied. As you learned in Chapter 33, often the positions to be filled and the delivery meth-
they become office managers and assume a quite dif- ods for health care are changing almost daily,
ferent function in the medical setting. The size of the productivity, service, and quality are essential to
ambulatory care setting and the number of employees a successful practice. It becomes the responsibil-
likely determines if a human resources (HR) manager is ity of the HR manager to see that every employ-
a part of the practice. Whether the HR manager heads ee’s productivity level is high, that the service
an HR department in a large, corporate medical set- is A+, and that quality is at the highest level.
ting with the title Human Resources Manager or is a Today’s customers, the patients, often choose
medical assistant/office manager who serves as the HR their health care provider on the basis of service
representative, there are some common tasks assigned as and quality.
specific HR duties. The position of HR manager now requires
a higher level of education and experi-
ence to better grasp the legal and regula-
TASKS PERFORMED tory aspects of personnel management. The HR
BY THE HUMAN manager also must have excellent people skills, a
Tasks usually assigned to the HR manager include
Spotlight on Certification
determining job descriptions for, hiring, and ori-
RMA Content Outline
enting employees; maintaining employee person-
nel records that include credentials and continuing • Medical law
education units (CEUs); and managing employee • Medical ethics
separations. With today’s quest for greater office • Human relations
efficiency and the tremendous increase in fed- CMA (AAMA) Content Outline
eral and state regulatory requirements, the skills
required of an HR manager have greatly broad- • Basic principles (psychology)
ened. Former responsibilities have been expanded • Interview techniques
to include preparing the policy manual, schedul- • Medicolegal guidelines and
ing employee evaluations, preventing and investi- requirements
gating discrimination and harassment claims, and • Maintaining the physical plant
complying with regulatory agencies. The HR man- • Office policies and procedures
ager also assists in providing training and educa-
tional opportunities for employees so they are up CMAS Content Outline
to date in all aspects of quality patient care. • Legal and ethical considerations
Increasingly, HR managers are expected to • Professionalism
be able to support the organization’s efforts that • Human resources
focus on productivity, service, and quality. In a
CHAPTER 34 The Medical Assistant as Human Resources Manager 1043
strong sense of fairness, and the ability to resolve The policy manual identifies clear guidelines
conflicts. None of this is accomplished in a vac- and directions required of all employees. It also
uum. It requires working in close cooperation with defines appropriate expectations and boundaries of
the office manager and the employer(s). the employment relationship. Having written poli-
This chapter discusses these responsibilities in cies means not having to determine a policy on a
the following separate but overlapping functions: case-by-case basis. Policy manuals will vary by the
size of the practice or problems to be addressed, but
1. Creating and updating the office policy manual some topics include the mission statement of the
2. Recruiting and hiring office personnel practice, biographic data on each provider, employ-
3. Orienting new personnel ment policies, wage and salary policies, benefits to
4. Scheduling salary reviews be awarded, and employee conduct expectations.
Establishing and stating the mission of the
5. Conducting exit interviews practice clearly identifies the goals and objectives
6. Maintaining personnel records to be sought by each employee. Having biographic
7. Complying with all state and federal regulations data of each provider helps employees to respond
regarding personnel to queries from patients about a provider’s experi-
8. Planning/providing employee training and edu- ence, education, and interests.
cation Employment policies might include statements
on equal employment opportunity, job requirements
9. Maintaining records of credentials, licensure, cer- for particular positions and to whom the person
tifications, and CEUs such as cardiopulmonary reports, recruitment and selection procedures, ori-
resuscitation (CPR) entation of new employees, probation, and dismissal.
Wage and salary policies should be in writing. How
are employees classified, what are the working
THE OFFICE POLICY MANUAL hours, how is overtime compensated, how are sal-
ary increases determined, what benefits (medical,
The procedure manual described in Chapter 33 retirement, vacation, holidays, sick leave, profit shar-
identifies specific methods of performing tasks. ing) does the practice have? The answers to such
The policy manual provides more general guide- questions are part of the policy manual. Employee
lines for office practices (Table 34-1). conduct is another piece of the policy manual. A state-
ment regarding the confidentiality of all information
received in the practice is essential in this area of
Table 34-1 Possible Content of Policy the policy manual. Guidelines should be established
and Procedure Manuals about uniforms, dress codes, appearance, and per-
sonal hygiene. Can an employee hold a second job
Policy Manual Procedure Manual outside the practice? Is smoking allowed? Are staff
members responsible for housekeeping duties?
Details of procedures When the policy manual is computerized,
Mission statement
performed changes and updates are easily made (Figure 34-1).
Any changes made are to be shared with employees so
Employer(s) biographic Administrative proce- that everyone is up to date on policies. Having a policy
data dures manual with clearly written directives helps employ-
ees understand the expectations and boundaries of
Employment issues Clinical procedures the employment relationship. The policy manual is
reviewed with each new employee and updated on a
Wages, salaries, and Safety issues regular basis. Procedure 34-1 provides details on devel-
oping and maintaining a policy manual.
Employee conduct Asepsis
Material Safety Data
Confidentiality guidelines
HIPAA compliance Emergency protocol The majority of employees in the ambulatory
care center are full-time, part-time, or occasional
1044 UNIT 8 Office and Human Resources Management
letter perfect. An individual who is careless in this Suggested items for the interview worksheet
respect is likely to be careless on the job. are:
Some applications will be discarded when
• Applicant’s name
compared to the preceding guidelines. With the
remaining candidates, determine who is to be • Telephone number
interviewed and make telephone calls to estab- • Education and training
lish interviews. You may make note of the quality • Work experience
of speaking skills, especially if this person will be
• Special skills
using the telephone on the job. Make an interview
appointment date with only those who seem truly • Professional demeanor
interested in the position during your telephone • Voice and mannerisms specific to position
conversation. • Questions and responses
• Ability to problem solve when given a scenario
The Employment Interview • Any health-related or work-related problems appli-
The employment interview is usually conducted cant discloses
by only one person if second interviews are antici- • Interviewer’s personal impressions and recom-
pated. The provider–employer, office manager, mendations
or another employee may be present in either
the first or the second interview, however (Figure Conduct interviews in a quiet and private set-
34-3). The interviewer(s) will want to review the ting. Do not schedule interviews back to back with-
application and résumé before the interview for out time to collect your thoughts or to allow you
particular points to ask the candidate. Before the to compare notes with others participating in the
interview, those doing the interviews should estab- interview. Ask job-related questions. For example,
lish a set of questions for the applicants. These Describe your last job. What did you like best about
predetermined questions will help alleviate one it? What did you like least? What is most important
applicant being given privileges over another and to you about a job? Describe your administrative
will help ensure continuity throughout all the and clinical skills. Figure 34-4 shows some sample
interviews. An interview worksheet is an excellent questions. Let the applicant do the most of the
tool to use to make certain that you are fair and talking.
equitable with each candidate. The worksheet Any questions related to age, sex, race,
should provide enough room for notes taken dur- religion, or national origin are inappropri-
ing the interview. ate. Inquiries about medical history,
drug use, or arrest records may not be made (see
Chapter 7). Keep your questions related to per-
formance on the job. If you may want to bond this
employee, you may ask candidates if they have
been bonded before or are willing to be bonded. It
may be best to leave salary discussions for a second
interview, but it can also be helpful to determine
if applicants’ salary expectations are in line with
what you can offer. A question such as “What salary
are you expecting?” is appropriate. Do not make a
job offer until all the candidates selected for inter-
view have been interviewed, and do not prejudge
someone on any factor during or after the inter-
view, except the person’s qualifications.
At the close of the interview, let the applicant
know when a decision will be made or whether a
second interview will be conducted and how notifi-
cation will be made. A tour of the facility and intro-
Figure 34-3 The interview can be conducted on a duction to key staff members may be offered but
one-to-one basis with only the applicant and one staff are not necessary at the time of the first interview.
member or with several staff members meeting with the Finally, thank the applicant for participating in the
applicant at once. interview and being interested in the position.
CHAPTER 34 The Medical Assistant as Human Resources Manager 1047
Selecting the Finalists • Given the opportunity, would you rehire? Why or why
Shortly after the final interview is completed, the not?
HR manager should compare notes with all the
others involved in the interviews to select the top • Why did this individual leave the job?
candidates. This is done by comparing notes and
impressions from the interviews and by taking • Describe personal and professional growth this indi-
into consideration the ability of a candidate to vidual made while in your firm.
work with patients and colleagues who might have
a variety of problems and cultural backgrounds.
The next step is to check references from former • Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
employers, supervisors, coworkers, and instructors.
A large corporate medical practice may even have Reference call made by ________________________
a consent form each candidate is asked to sign that Date ______________________
gives permission to check references and call for-
mer employers and instructors. You may need to
recognize, however, that even with a release from Figure 34-5 Sample form to use for telephone
a potential new employee, many organizations references.
and businesses restrict the release of reference
information to only name, dates of employment,
and title of position served. Telephone checks for assessment of the candidate. All reference informa-
references are an excellent strategy before you tion is to be kept confidential. A sample telephone
receive an immediate response. If you stress con- reference check form is shown in Figure 34-5.
fidentiality when you make the contact, it will be A checklist of questions to ask might include:
easier for the person to respond to your questions.
When possible, always check with more than one 1. What were the dates of employment of (name of
reference and former employer to get an accurate applicant) in your firm?
1048 UNIT 8 Office and Human Resources Management
2. Describe the job performed. staff members, assigning a mentor who can
3. Reason for leaving the job? respond to questions, and making the employee
aware of the procedures to be performed in this
4. Strong points of the employee? new position. If the procedure manual is detailed
5. Limitations of the employee? and accurate, this manual now becomes the daily
6. Can you comment on attendance and depend- guide for the new employee. Sometimes the indi-
ability? vidual leaving a position may still be present and
7. Would you rehire? is asked to assist in the orientation process. This
is especially beneficial if there is a good working
8. Anything else we should know about this candi- relationship between the employee who is leaving
date? and the management of the practice. Depend-
ing on the responsibilities of the new employee,
Offer the position when a first-choice can- a supervisor may be asked to monitor all proce-
didate has been determined and indicate when a dures for a period for accuracy, safety, and patient
response is needed. Be prepared with a second- protection. During the probation period, the
choice candidate should the preferred candidate employee should be officially evaluated by the
respond negatively. At the time of the offer, the office manager.
candidate should understand the salary offered,
the starting date, the practice policies, and the
benefits. When a candidate has accepted the posi-
tion, a confirmation letter should be written that
clearly spells out details discussed earlier. Give
The function of employee dismissal or separation
specific instructions on when and where the new
falls mostly to the office manager; however, in a
employee should report the first day on the job. If
large facility with an HR representative, discuss-
practical, the employee should be given the policy
ing dismissal or separation with that individual can
and procedure manuals to read. Employers are
be quite beneficial. Such a discussion ensures that
required by federal law to verify that all employees
all the information necessary is in place before a
are authorized to work. This is done by having the
separation. There are voluntary and involuntary
candidate complete an Eligibility Verification (I-9)
dismissals or separations.
form (see Case Study 34-2).
Voluntary separations usually occur when an
For the unsuccessful applicants, send a letter
employee is relocating, advancing to another posi-
explaining that “we have selected another candi-
tion elsewhere, retiring, or leaving for personal
date whose qualifications and experience more
reasons. A letter of resignation is usually submit-
closely meet our needs at this time. We would like
ted to both the office manager and the HR repre-
to keep your résumé on file should another suit-
sentative. These employees will give their manager
able position become available.” Copies of these
proper notice and may be able to turn current proj-
letters, as well as the interview checklists, should be
ects and duties over to their replacement. There is
kept for a minimum of 6 months should any ques-
also time to say good-bye to their colleagues and
tions arise regarding your choice of candidates.
have a good feeling about their employment.
Procedure 34-3 provides details on interviewing.
Involuntary dismissals or separations usually
occur when an employee’s performance is poor
or there has been a serious violation of the office
ORIENTING NEW PERSONNEL policies or job description. The office manager is
aware of poor performance through the proba-
Orienting new employees is usually the responsibil- tionary reviews. Verbal and written warnings must
ity of both the office manager and lead personnel be given to the employee and are to be well docu-
who are most likely to work the closest with the new mented. Dismissal can be immediate if there is a
employee. It is common for a new employee to be serious breach of office policy. The HR director
placed on probation for 60 to 90 days, during which can provide necessary detail to the office man-
time both the employee and supervisory personnel ager regarding when and if immediate dismissal is
may determine if the environment and the position recommended. If an office manager expects any
are satisfactory for the employee. Procedure 34-4 serious difficulties with an employee during an
outlines how to orient personnel. immediate dismissal, the HR director should be
Important elements to orientation include present when the employee is notified. (see Chap-
the introduction of the new employee to other ter 33 for a more detailed discussion).
CHAPTER 34 The Medical Assistant as Human Resources Manager 1049
hibiting discrimination against a “qualified indi- that employees receive a continuing and constant
vidual with a disability” in regard to employment. update in their area of employment.
Someone with a disability who satisfies the skills Training and education may be accomplished
necessary for the job; has the experience, educa- within the practice or outside the practice. When
tion, and any other job requirements; and who, an employee is a member of a professional organi-
with reasonable accommodation, can perform zation such as the American Association of Medical
the job cannot be discriminated against. Employ- Assistants, many monthly meetings include con-
ers often find that persons with disabilities are tinuing education opportunities. Numerous semi-
their finest employees. nars and conferences held throughout the country
Persons who are HIV-positive or have AIDS may be beneficial to employees. Local hospitals
are included in the guidelines set forth by the often have continuing education opportunities
ADA. Persons with HIV/AIDS cannot be discrimi- that may be beneficial. Managers will keep abreast
nated against. It can be assumed that if a safe work- of these opportunities and encourage employees
ing environment is provided when all employees to attend. Any continuing education opportunity
follow the rules for Standard Precautions; then that may benefit the employee on the job and
reasonable accommodation has been made for the the medical practice itself should ideally be paid
person with HIV or AIDS. for by the employer(s). Credentialed employees
An employer cannot refuse the job to a qual- will always need to update skills and earn CEUs
ified person based on the belief that in the future to maintain their credentials in active status. An
the employee may become too ill to work. The important function of HR is to make CEU oppor-
hiring decision must be based on the individual’s tunities available to employees.
ability to perform the functions of the position at It is often best to provide training and educa-
the present time. If a current employee reveals tion within the facility when the training necessary
to the manager that he or she is HIV positive or is specific to the medical practice. For instance,
has AIDS, that information must be kept confi- training on new computer software is apt to be spe-
dential and must be kept apart from the general cific to the particular setting. When sophisticated
personnel file. The manager may choose to hold new equipment is purchased, companies often
a discussion at that time of what accommodations provide in-house training for the individuals who
might be needed in the future. will be using the equipment. Take advantage of as
many of those opportunities as are available and
PROVIDING/PLANNING for as many of your employees as possible. When
the training is quite expensive or time consum-
EMPLOYEE TRAINING ing, make certain one person receives the training.
AND EDUCATION Then have that individual train others. Whenever
possible, provide training outside of regular hours
Health care changes daily; new procedures are when patients are not being seen—before the
established, a better technique is discovered for office opens or after the office closes or during a
performing a particular task. Major changes reg- lunch period. Always pay employees for any time
ularly occur in medical insurance. Computer sys- served over their regular working hours. Offer cer-
tems are updated or new software is added. A more tificates for any inservices.
sophisticated telephone system is installed to make Careful attention to continuing education
certain patients are responded to promptly. New and training for employees will pay for itself many
state or federal regulations mandate additional times over again. The more confident and secure
training or compliance in safety. New medications employees feel in the skills they are expected to
become available that providers may prescribe perform, the more satisfied the practice’s patients
and employees must understand. All this demands will be.
1052 UNIT 8 Office and Human Resources Management
Procedure 34-1
Develop and Maintain a Policy Manual
PURPOSE: 2. Identify procedures for reimbursing overtime,
To develop and maintain a comprehensive, up- preventing discrimination and harassment, cre-
to-date policy manual of all office policies relating ating a safe working environment, and allowing
to employee practices, benefits, office conduct, and for jury duty.
so on. 3. Include a policy statement related to rules of
Computer 4. Identify steps to follow should an employee be-
Binder, such as a three-ring come disabled during employment.
Paper 5. Determine what employee opportunities for
Standard policy manual format continuing education, if any, will be reimbursed;
include requirements for recertification or licen-
1. Develop precise, written office policies detailing
all necessary information pertaining to the staff 6. Provide a copy of the policy manual for each
and their positions. The information should employee. RATIONALE: Each employee is made
include benefits, vacation, sick leave, hours, dress aware of facility policies.
codes, evaluations, rules of conduct, and grounds 7. Review and update the policy manual regularly.
for dismissal. RATIONALE: Well-defined policies Add or delete items as necessary, dating each
clearly outlined for each employee are necessary revised page. RATIONALE: Policy manual will
for efficient and effective staff operations. always be current.
Procedure 34-2
Prepare a Job Description
PURPOSE: 2. List special medical, technical, or clerical skills
To provide a precise definition of the tasks assigned to a required.
job, to determine the expectations and level of compe- 3. Determine the level of education, training, and
tency required, and to specify the experience, training, experience required for the position.
and education needed to perform the job for purposes
4. Determine where the job fits in the overall struc-
of recruiting and performance evaluation.
ture of the practice.
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: 5. Specify any unusual working conditions (hours,
Computer locations, and so on) that may apply.
Paper 6. Describe career path opportunities.
Standard job description format
1. Detail each task that creates the job. RATIO-
NALE: A detailed job description identifies clear
expectations for each employee.
CHAPTER 34 The Medical Assistant as Human Resources Manager 1053
Procedure 34-3
Conduct Interviews
PURPOSE: 9. Ask questions about the applicant’s work expe-
To screen applicants for training, experience, and rience and educational background using the
characteristics to select the best candidate to fill the résumé and interview worksheet as a guide.
position vacancy. 10. Provide the most promising applicants addi-
tional information on benefits and a tour of the
PROCEDURE STEPS: office if practical.
1. Review résumés and applications received.
11. Applicant’s general salary requirements may be
2. Select candidates who most closely match the
discussed, but avoid discussion of a specific sal-
education and experience being sought.
ary until a formal offer is tendered.
3. Create an interview worksheet for each candi-
12. Inform the applicants when a decision will be
date listing points to cover.
made and thank each for participating in the
4. Select an interview team; this team should always interview.
include the HR or office manager and the imme-
13. Do not make a job offer until all the candidates
diate supervisor to whom the candidate will
have been interviewed.
14. Check references of all prospective employees.
5. Call personally to schedule interviews. RATIO-
NALE: This allows you to judge the applicant’s 15. Establish a second interview between the pro-
telephone manners and voice. vider–employer(s) and the qualified candidate if
6. Remind the interviewers of various legal restric-
tions concerning questions to be asked. 16. Confirm accepted job offers in writing, specify-
ing details of the offer and acceptance. RATIO-
7. Conduct interviews in a private, quiet setting.
NALE: Written document provides proof of
RATIONALE: Careful interviewing of potential
hiring and employment details.
employees is an important step in hiring the best
candidate for the position. 17. Notify all unsuccessful applicants by letter when
the position has been filled. RATIONALE:
8. Put the applicant at ease by beginning with an
Makes a positive statement to those not hired
overview about the practice and staff, briefly
and keeps the doors open for future employ-
describing the job, and answering preliminary
ment possibilities.
Procedure 34-4
Orient Personnel
PURPOSE: 2. Complete employee-related documents and ex-
To acquaint new employees with office policies, staff, plain their purpose.
what the job encompasses, procedures to be per- 3. Explain the benefits programs.
formed, and job performance expectations.
4. Present the office policy manual and discuss its
PROCEDURE STEPS: key elements.
1. Tour the facilities and introduce the office 5. Review federal and state regulatory precautions
staff. for medical facilities.
1054 UNIT 8 Office and Human Resources Management
6. Review the job description. 9. Assign a mentor from the staff to help with the
7. Explain and demonstrate procedures to be per- orientation. RATIONALE: Without proper ori-
formed and the use of procedure manuals sup- entation and training, the best new employee
porting these procedures. can fail.
8. Demonstrate the use of any specialized equipment.
As shown in this discussion, HR management is a challenge. It is, however, a rewarding one. While provider–
employers are responsible for patients’ physical care, the management team is responsible for hiring and
maintaining the employees in the organization. The HR manager who is successful will hire the right peo-
ple for the jobs and monitor employees in a way that enables and encourages them to give the best patient
care possible. The medical assistant who has good communication skills and acquires additional training in
HR management will always have variety on the job and will have the satisfaction of watching a health care
team run smoothly and efficiently.
° Multiple Choice
° Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet and complete the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on the textbook CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
Multiple Choice 4. Overtime hours in the medical facility:
1. HR managers: a. are to be expected as part of the job
a. need no special training for the job b. do not require prior authorization
b. are responsible for hiring and orienting personnel c. are usually paid at no less than one and one-half
c. often work longer hours than other employees times the regular pay rate
d. both b and c d. are paid only to managers
2. The following questions may be asked in an inter- 5. The HR manager will work closely with:
view: a. the provider–employer(s)
a. How old are you? b. the office manager
b. Have you ever been arrested? c. all employees
c. Can you supply a birth certificate or a Social d. all of the above
Security card? 6. OSHA:
d. Do you plan to start a family soon? a. requires employers to verify an employee’s right
3. When a candidate has been accepted for a position, to work in the United States
the HR manager should: b. protects employees who have disabilities from
a. call the candidate to determine what salary is employment discrimination
preferred c. protects employees with chemical dependencies
b. write a letter defining the position details or emotional problems
c. check references listed by the candidate d. protects employees from unsafe or unhealthy
d. notify patients of a staff change working conditions
1056 UNIT 8 Office and Human Resources Management
7. The best area for hiring medical employees comes C stands for “change.” What would you recommend
from: we change? Discuss the merits of both forms for an
a. students in a business college exit interview.
b. newspaper advertisements 4. Do a simple comparison of salaries in your com-
c. networking sources munity. Compare the hourly wages of a secretary,
d. the state’s unemployment office a medical assistant, a plumber, your automobile
8. Employees receiving training or education neces- mechanic, and a person working in a fast-food
sary to the job: restaurant. How might you use this material when
a. will seek that training after hours and not expect seeking salary increases?
reimbursement 5. What might employers and HR managers do to
b. will be current and up to date in the health care make certain they keep valued employees? Is salary
field really the most important issue?
c. should always be paid for any time served over
regular working hours
d. both b and c
9. Personnel records: 1. Research the Centers for Medicare &
a. are usually kept for 3 to 5 years after employ- Medicaid Services Web site (http://www.
ment ends and may include payroll data for information related to
b. are not available for everyone to view and must the prohibition of discrimination on the basis of
be kept confidential sexual orientation. What do you find? Are there
c. include all papers related to employment and other sources on this subject that are helpful? Can
personal data the manager choose not to hire a person who is
d. all of the above otherwise qualified on the basis that he or she is
10. Dismissal: gay? Why or why not?
a. may be voluntary or involuntary 2. “NOLO Law for All” has a helpful Web site with
b. should always be documented many topics in their directory. Research the area
c. is a good time for an exit interview related to personnel policies and practices. What
d. all of the above suggestions do they make for establishing goals and
standards for employee evaluations? Do they iden-
Critical Thinking tify any helpful evaluation tips? If so, outline them
1. You have just accepted a position to work in a for your instructor.
larger, more specialized clinic where you will be 3. Research the ADA Web site to determine if there
able to use skills you are not currently able to exer- are any examples of accommodations made in
cise. Identify two or three main points for a letter of the medical setting. If yes, describe them. Are all
resignation you will prepare. provider–employers covered by the ADA? If not,
2. An employee approaches you, the HR manager, how might discrimination be prevented?
identifying that he or she has just become responsi-
ble for the care of an aging parent and may require
occasional time away from work. You have no policy
about how this absence should be treated. What Fallon, Jr., F. L. (2007). Human resource management in
kind of policy might be helpful? Where would you health care: Principles and practice. Bowling Green,
look for suggestions? OH: Bowling Green State University.
3. An exit interview form has been introduced in this Mathis, R. L., & Jackson, J. H. (2004). Healthcare human
chapter. Another simple form for an exit interview resource management (10th ed.). Cincinnati, OH:
is to use the ABCs. A stands for “awesome.” What South-Western College Publishing.
do we do that is awesome? B stands for “better.” McWay, D. C. (2008). Today’s health information manage-
What could we do better in our organization? ment. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
Entry into the
Profession 9
Chapter 35
Preparing for Medical Assisting
Chapter 36
Employment Strategies
Preparing for Medical
35 Assisting Credentials
OBJECTIVES (continued)
3. State when the certified medical assistant (AAMA) certification
examination is offered and the registration deadlines.
4. List the necessary qualifications to sit for the registered medical
assistant examination.
5. State when the registered medical assistant examination is
offered and the registration protocols.
6. Differentiate between being certified and being registered.
7. Discuss the National Healthcareer Association and its options
for medical assisting certification.
8. Identify the benefits of certification and registration.
9. Describe several methods for continuing education opportunities.
10. Explain when recertification must take place for the CMA
11. Describe the procedure for recertification for the registered
medical assistant.
Dr. Ray Reynolds currently is the senior provider at came with experience from another medical office, the
Inner City Health Care, a multiprovider urgent care cen- procedures still required retraining.
ter. When he began his practice 32 years ago, however, Dr. Reynolds finds that when he needs to replace
he had a private practice and employed one full-time a medical assistant now, he looks at the applicants’
and two part-time medical assistants. Dr. Reynolds felt résumés and interviews only those candidates who
the office ran smoothly, except when an assistant had are Certified Medical Assistants or Registered Medical
to be replaced. Retraining a new person consumed a Assistants. The office is too busy to spend time training
great deal of valuable time. Even if the new employee and retraining new people.
Forty years ago, medical assistants were trained on the job ing numbers of career-oriented candidates enter
by the practitioner with whom they were employed. Qual- this profession annually. Certification acknowledges
ity control of training varied because there were no estab- the professional has standard entry-level knowledge
lished criteria for evaluating such training. This chapter and skills. Successfully passing a certification exami-
will present the purpose of certification, certifying agen- nation also builds personal self-esteem and confi-
cies, and preparation for certification examinations. dence in performing the responsibilities assigned.
Other reasons for certification include help in
your career advancement and compensation. Hir-
PURPOSE OF CERTIFICATION ing providers view these credentials as professional
and an indication of proficiency in entry-level skills.
Certification is intended to set a consistent mini- Individuals who are competent and interested in
mum standard for evaluating an individual’s pro- continued learning experiences are more apt to
fessional competence as a medical assistant. The be rewarded with promotions and salary increases.
medical assisting profession continues to be one of Maintaining the credential demonstrates a life-long
the fastest growing in the U.S. economy. Because of commitment to professional development. The
the demand for skilled medical assistants, increas- graduate medical assistant has a goal and challenge
1060 UNIT 9 Entry into the Profession
Certification Details
accredited program and having successfully passed Outline accompanying the application. Other
the AAMA certification examination, will perform groups review/study only those areas in which they
medical assisting services. feel less confident. A plan that meets the needs
RMA certificants may use the term “certified of each group member and that all can agree to
medical assistant” in a descriptive sense to describe works best.
the credentialing services offered by AMT’s Reg- Meeting once or twice a week helps the group
istered Medical Assistant program or to describe stay focused and on task. Independent study
individuals who have been awarded the RMA cer- should be done throughout the week. During the
tification. When responding to advertisements or independent study time, each group member may
during the interview process, “certified medical be asked to write 10 multiple choice questions rel-
assistants” who are AMT certificants must make evant to the weeks’ study topic. Answers to these
clear to the prospective employer that they are cer- questions should be on a separate page. Some find
tified by AMT as a Registered Medical Assistant. it helpful to also provide the rationale or textbook
page number that supports their answer. When the
group meets, a discussion of the study topic could
take place and copies of the questions could be dis-
PREPARING FOR tributed for answering. The questions could then
CERTIFICATION be corrected and discussion of any questionable or
EXAMINATIONS missed answers could take place.
Once a schedule has been established and
Preparation for the examination requires plan- agreed on, discipline is required. It is critical that
ning, scheduling, and discipline. It is important each group member spend time individually prepar-
to plan well in advance to ensure confidence and ing for the next group meeting. Someone should
a passing score to earn your credential. If you are be put in charge of each group meeting to keep the
sitting for the examination immediately on gradu- event from turning into a social time. To help with
ation, your preparation time for the examination this, it is a good idea to set a specific time limit for
may only allow 2 to 3 months. If you have been out the study/review session. If individuals want to visit
of school for some time or your work experience after the session, they are free to do that without
has been very specialized, you may need longer to disrupting the purpose of the session. All members
prepare for the examination. should be committed to being prepared and attend-
During the planning stage, determine the ing each scheduled review/study session.
date you want to sit for the examination. Check
with the appropriate Web site or call the appro- AMERICAN ASSOCIATION
priate examination department to obtain the
current application form. The application form OF MEDICAL ASSISTANTS
contains information such as dates, times, and (AAMA)
locations of test sites; policies regarding dead-
lines; incomplete applications; examination veri- The AAMA is an organization whose objective is
fication information; and information regarding to promote skills and professionalism, protect the
study guides. medical assistants’ right to practice, and encour-
It is important to consider having a study age consistent health care delivery through pro-
group or partner. The right study environment can fessional certification. The AAMA is a sponsoring
be invaluable to your success for several reasons. member of the Commission on Accreditation of
First, it is important to select a study partner or Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP).
group who shares your commitment to a successful CAAHEP establishes the standards for medical
outcome and who plans to sit for the examination assisting programs and is the issuing body of the
on or near the same date you have selected. A study accreditation for AAMA.
partner can also give you some accountability for Only graduates of CAAHEP- and Allied
keeping to the planned schedule. Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES)-
Once it has been determined when and where accredited medical assistant programs may sit for
you will sit for the examination and who your study the Certified Medical Assistant exam. To locate
partner(s), if any, will be, a meeting should be either CAAHEP or ABHES medical assisting pro-
scheduled to discuss the review/study approach. It grams, go to and click
may be that your group will decide to review/study on About AAMA. Follow the drop-down menu for
each subject provided in the Curriculum Content specific information.
1062 UNIT 9 Entry into the Profession
Eligibility categories and documentation re- medical assistants, providers, and medical assist-
quirements to sit for the Certified Medical Assis- ing educators from across the United States. The
tant exam include the following: TFTC updates the examination annually to reflect
changes in medical assistants’ day-to-day responsi-
• Category 1: The candidate must be a CAAHEP or bilities, as well as the latest developments in medi-
ABHES graduating student or recent graduate. cal knowledge and technology.
A transcript-to-date with the institution’s seal or The three major areas tested include:
registrar’s signature, or an official transcript and
verification of graduation date, are required as 1. General: Medical Terminology, Anatomy and
documentation. Physiology, Psychology, Professionalism, Com-
• Category 2: The candidate may be a CAAHEP or munication, and Medicolegal Guidelines and
ABHES nonrecent graduate. A nonrecent gradu- Requirements
ate is one with a graduation date more than 12 2. Administrative: Data Entry, Equipment, Records
months prior to the examination date. An official Management, Screening and Processing Mail,
transcript and verification of graduation date are Scheduling and Monitoring Appointments,
required documentation. Resource Information and Community Services,
• Category 3: The candidate may be a recertificant, a Managing the Office, Office Policies and Proce-
Certified Medical Assistant® applying for the CMA dures, and Practice Finances
Examination to recertify his or her credential. 3. Clinical: Principles of Infection Control, Treat-
ment Area, Patient Preparation and Assisting the
The AAMA Endowment is a not-for-profit cor- Provider, Patient History Interview, Collecting and
poration that provides funding for two purposes: Processing Specimens; Diagnostic Testing, Prepar-
ing and Administering Medications, Emergencies,
• Awarding of scholarships to students in CAAHEP-
First Aid, and Nutrition
accredited medical assisting education programs
• Accreditation of medical assisting education pro- Students must enroll as an AAMA member
grams through CAAHEP
before their graduation date to be eligible for the
reduced student rate. Once they are a student
The Medical Assisting Education Review member they may stay at the student rate for 1
Board (MAERB) operates under the authority of year after graduation if they do not choose to be
the endowment and evaluates medical assisting an active or associate member and pay the higher
programs according to standards adopted by the dues amount. The additional year of member-
endowment and the CAAHEP. The MAERB recom- ship at the reduced rate helps the recent gradu-
mends programs to CAAHEP for accreditation. The ate maintain membership while finding a job and
MAERB also reviews standards for medical assisting becoming established in a career.
curricula, conducts accreditation workshops for
educators, and provides medical assisting educators
with current information about CAAHEP, accredi- Certified Medical Assistant
tation laws, policies, and practices. CAAHEP’s (AAMA) Application Process
purpose is to accredit entry-level, allied health edu-
cation programs. Candidates should read all instructions carefully
before completing the application form. Incom-
plete or incorrect applications will not be processed
Certified Medical Assistant and will be returned to the candidate. Postmark
(AAMA) Examination Format deadlines for applications, cancellations, and exam-
ination location changes are strictly enforced.
and Content Applications are available from the AAMA
The AAMA certification examination is a com- Certification Department, 7999 Eagle Way, Chi-
prehensive test of the knowledge actually used in cago, IL 60678-1079. The application may also be
today’s medical office. The content is drawn from downloaded from the AAMA Web site (http://
an in-depth analysis of the numerous tasks medical
assistants perform on a daily basis. It is recommended that the application be
Examination questions are formulated by the sent by certified mail, return receipt requested to
Certifying Board’s Task Force for Test Construc- verify delivery. The application must be typewritten
tion (TFTC). This group is composed of practicing or printed using black ink only. Be sure the appli-
CHAPTER 35 Preparing for Medical Assisting Credentials 1063
cation is signed and dated properly and the eligi- Photo identification is required for admission
bility category section is completed appropriately. to the examination. Candidates are not permit-
Applications take up to 45 days after the postmark ted to bring any items except identification in the
date to process. examination area. Candidates are allowed 3 hours
Tear off the application page from the instruc- and 15 minutes to complete the exam, which
tion pamphlet. Do not mail the instructions back includes a 15 minute tutorial.
with the application. Keep this information for All exam candidates will receive an unofficial
future reference together with a copy of everything pass/fail result immediately upon completion of
submitted, including a copy of your completed pay- the exam. An official report of your scores will be
ment check or money order. If you are paying by mailed within 6 to 10 weeks after the exam date.
VISA or MasterCard, provide the requested infor-
mation at the top of the application.
A guide for the certification examination enti-
Certified Medical Assistant
tled A Candidate’s Guide to the AAMA Certification Exam- (AAMA) Recertification
ination provides explanations of how to approach the Effective January 2005, all newly certified and
types of questions used on the examination and tips recertifying CMAs (AAMA) will be current through
on how to study for the content that will be tested. A the last day of their birth month in the sixth calen-
sample 120-question examination is included to help dar year following their last certification/recertifi-
assess your knowledge of the categories tested and cation. In other words, if you were born on August
the format used to formulate the questions. 6th and certified in June 2004, you would be due
to recertify by the end of August 2010.
Certified Medical Assistant Recertification can be achieved either by
reexamination or by the continuing education
(AAMA) Examination Scheduling method. Recertification credits are evaluated on
and Administration supportive documentation and on their relevancy
The AAMA certification examination is made up of to medical assisting as defined by the AAMA Med-
200 multiple choice questions, covering topics listed ical Assistant Role Delineation Study or the Con-
on the Content Outline for the CMA (AAMA) Certi- tent Outline for the Certification/Recertification
fication/Recertification Examination. As of January Examination.
2009, the CMA (AAMA) certification examination A total of 60 points is necessary to recertify the
is now offered via computer-based testing (CBT). CMA (AAMA) credential. A minimum of 10 points
Candidates whose applications are accepted will is required in each category: general, administra-
receive a Scheduling Permit containing instructions tive, and clinical. The remaining 30 points can be
for making a testing appointment, and are able to accumulated in any of the three content areas or
select locations and flexible testing times at Promet- from any combination of the three categories. At
ric test centers throughout the United States. To least 30 of the required 60 recertification points
schedule examination appointments, candidates must be accumulated from AAMA-approved con-
may call 800-853-6761 or go to www.prometric. tinuing education units (CEUs). If desired, all 60
com and select a test center and appointment test points may be AAMA CEUs.
time. Centers are open 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Mon- CMAs (AAMA) applying for recertification
day through Saturday. An email confirming your must also provide documentation of current
appointment will be sent to you.
On successfully passing the Certification Examination and
earning the CMA (AAMA) credential, one should begin to
Critical Thinking document all CEUs earned. It is important to have the follow-
ing information for CEU documentation:
• Complete date of the activity
You will graduate from a CAAHEP-accredited
• Sponsor (group or organization issuing the credit for the
program in June and want to sit for the CMA continuing education activity)
examination the last Saturday of June (the • Program title
same month in which you graduate). Go • Amount and type of credit earned (e.g., CEU, CME, contact
to the AAMA web site and determine when hour or college credit)
your application must be postmarked for • Recertification points (AAMA CEUs or other credit)
acceptance for this test date. • Points per content area (general, administrative, clinical)
1064 UNIT 9 Entry into the Profession
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certifica- formed in health care settings. Each individual
tion for health care professionals or providers. state decides the scope of practice for the CMAS,
Acceptable courses of CPR include the American with most states not requiring licensure.
Red Cross and the American Heart Association. Additional information regarding CMAS edu-
The components of certification must include cation requirements, duties performed, working
adult and pediatric CPR and obstructed airway conditions, employment outlook, and estimated
training and Automated External Defibrillator earnings can be found online at http://www.amt1.
(AED) instruction. com. Simply click on Certified Medical Adminis-
Applicants who accumulate all 60 points trative Specialist to access the information.
through AAMA CEUs, and in the correct con-
tent areas, can order a recertification over the
telephone. Application fees still apply; however, Registered Medical Assistant
an application form is not required. All CMAs (RMA) Examination Format
employed or seeking employment must have and Content
current certified status to use the CMA (AAMA)
credential. AMT certification examinations are intended to
Continuing education courses are offered by evaluate the competence of entry-level practitio-
local, state, and national AAMA groups. Guided ners. The Education, Qualifications, and Standards
study programs are also available through AAMA’s Committee of American Medical Technologists
“Quest for Excellence” program. CMA Today, the develop registered medical assistant (RMA) exami-
official bimonthly publication of AAMA, provides nations. The medical assistant committee writes
articles designated for CEUs. test questions and reviews questions submitted
A CMA (AAMA) need not be a member of from other sources (e.g., instructors, experts, prac-
the AAMA nor currently employed to recertify. titioners, and other individuals associated with
The entire recertification by continuing education the medical assistant profession). The medical
instructions and application can be downloaded assistant committee also determines certification
from AAMA’s Web site ( requirements and addresses standard-setting issues
Review of recertification applications can take up related to the credential. Once test construction
to 90 days. If all criteria are met, recertification has been completed, the examination is reviewed
is granted. The date that the application is post- and approved by the AMT Board of Directors.
marked to the AAMA Executive Office will be the The AMT registration examination consists
date of recertification. of 200 to 210 four-option multiple-choice ques-
On meeting recertification requirements, the tions. Examinees are required to select the single
applicant receives an identification card, which best answer; multiple answers for a single item are
indicate the year of recertification and the expira- scored as incorrect. Test questions may require
tion date. examinees to recall facts, interpret graphic illus-
trations, interpret information presented in case
studies, analyze situations, or solve problems. The
AMERICAN MEDICAL approximate percentages of questions in content
TECHNOLOGISTS (AMT) areas are as follows:
1. General Medical Assisting Knowledge—41.0%
The American Medical Technologists (AMT) awards
the registered medical assistant (RMA) credential to • Anatomy and physiology
individuals graduating from an ABHES-accredited • Medical terminology
medical assisting program who successfully passes • Medical law
their examination. ABHES is recognized by the U.S.
• Medical ethics
Department of Education for accreditation of post-
secondary schools offering traditional instruction as • Human relations
well as instruction by distance delivery. • Patient education
The AMT also offers certification for the certi- 2. Administrative Medical Assisting—24.0%
fied medical administrative specialist (CMAS). The
• Insurance
CMAS is employed primarily in the “front office”
of provider offices, clinics, or hospitals. They must • Financial bookkeeping
understand and use medical terminology prop- • Medical secretarial-administrative medical assis-
erly and be skilled in all administrative tasks per- tant
CHAPTER 35 Preparing for Medical Assisting Credentials 1065
3. Clinical Medical Assisting—35.0% 5. The AMT Board of Directors has further deter-
• Asepsis mined that applicants who have passed generalist
medical assistant certification examination offered
• Sterilization by another medical assisting certification body
• Instruments (provided that examination has been approved
• Vital signs for this purpose by the AMT Board of Directors),
• Physical examinations who have been working in the medical assisting
field for the past 3 of 5 years, and who meet all
• Clinical pharmacology other AMT training and experience requirements
• Minor surgery may be considered for RMA (AMT) certification
• Therapeutic modalities without further examination.
• Laboratory procedures Applications can be downloaded from AMT’s
• Electrocardiography Web site ( either in print
• First aid and fill-in format or as online fill-in format.
points. Certification will be suspended following tification examination receive NHA Study Guides.
a 30-day grace period if proper documentation is Separate tests are taken for each healthcareer
not submitted. certification. The CCMA and the CMAA test is
Each RMA is required to accumulate 30 composed of multiple choice questions and takes
points, which must be turned in every 3 years for approximately 90 minutes to complete.
recertification. A Compliance Evaluation Work- The examination is offered in traditional
sheet and Attestation will be mailed close to the pencil-and-paper formats or can be taken online at
3-year mark. This worksheet must be completed, any of the specified approved locations. For details
signed, and returned to AMT by the due date. regarding testing, contact the NHA by telephone
Retaking the RMA examination is not an option at 1-800-499-9092 or email them at http://www.
for reinstatement or recertification. You will receive a confirmation
notice of your seating including the date and loca-
tion of the examination.
ASSOCIATION (NHA) Certified Clinical Medical
The National Healthcareer Association (NHA) Assistant and Certified Medical
also offers national certification examinations for Administrative Assistant
health care professionals. NHA works with educa- Application Process
tional institutions throughout the country on cur-
riculum development, competency testing, and There are four ways to apply or register for the
preparation and administration of their examina- NHA national certification examination.
tion and offers a continuing education (CE) pro-
gram. The NHA is dedicated to the following: • Online using Go directly
to the secured registration page and submit the
• Set guidelines for national certification competen- registration form using Visa, MasterCard, Discover,
cies/standards American Express, or school voucher.
• Ensure a high level of performance among health- • The registration form can be downloaded and
care professionals printed. Once it is filled out completely, it can be
• Establish educational/continuing education require- mailed along with payment. Address and mail to:
ments National Healthcareer Association
• Adhere to the highest ethical standards 7 Ridgedale Ave, Suite 203
Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927
Certified Clinical Medical • The completed registration form can be faxed
Assistant and Certified Medical to NHA with credit card information or school
voucher. The fax number is 1-973-644-4797.
Administrative Assistant
• Telephone the Customer Service Department at 1-
Examination Format and Content 800-449-9092. You can then complete the registra-
The NHA certifies the Certified Clinical Medi- tion over the phone. You will need your credit card
cal Assistant (CCMA) and the Certified Medical number and expiration date or school voucher
Administrative Assistant (CMAA) among other accessible for payment information.
health career professions. Criteria for taking the
NHA certification examinations include one of the
following: The applicant must have a high school Certified Clinical Medical
diploma and have recently successfully completed Assistant and Certified
an NHA-approved training program, or the appli- Medical Administrative Assistant
cant must have either a high school diploma or
equivalency and have recently worked in the field of
Examination Scheduling
certification for a minimum of 1 year as a full-time and Administration
employee. Work experience must be documented The NHA examination can be scheduled at any of
in writing and signed by the director or employer. the specified approved locations:
The NHA offers several methods to help pre-
pare candidates for their national certification • Training Schools/Colleges—Check with your school
examination. All students applying for NHA cer- for details
CHAPTER 35 Preparing for Medical Assisting Credentials 1067
• Testing Sites—Over 950 NHA testing sites nation- American Association of Medical
wide Assistants (AAMA)
• Experienced individuals can take examinations at The AAMA was instrumental in defining the scope
their place of employment of training required for the profession and devel-
NOTE: All examinations are required to have oped standards and guidelines by which programs
an exam proctor present. could become accredited and the medical assistant
credentialed. Membership in the AAMA offers
Certified Clinical Medical many benefits, which include, but are not limited
Assistant and Certified to, the following:
Medical Administrative • Medical assisting news and health care informa-
Assistant Recertification tion through the bimonthly magazine CMA Today
NHA offers a Continuing Education (CE) Pro- • CEUs for AAMA activities entered in the Continu-
gram to make the process of continuing education ing Education Registry and access to your tran-
more convenient for the health care professional. script online
Courses in this program can be taken at your con- • Educational events provided by local chapters,
venience at home. state societies, and national meetings
New industry standards require that each • Answers to legal questions regarding job-related
NHA-certified health care professional complete issues
at least 5.0 CE credits per year to keep certifica-
• If eligible, application for the prestigious CMA
tion current. These CE credits are obtained by
examination at a reduced fee
completing three of the six minor topics at 1.0
credit each and one of two major topics worth • Discounts on car rentals, conventions, workshop
2.0 credits each from the NHA curriculum, which and seminar fees, and self-study courses
is updated annually. • Opportunity to network with other practicing
If certification has expired, the entire pro- medical assistants
gram must be completed; all six CE minor topics
and two CE major topics. Candidates are required
to pay the cost of the 10 credits plus a reinstate- American Medical
ment fee. Technologists (AMT)
Applicants who pass the examination will
be nationally certified as recognized by the NHA. The AMT is another nonprofit certification agency
They will receive a certification certificate suitable and professional membership association repre-
for framing and a wallet-size ID certification card senting allied health care individuals. It certifies
containing their national certification number. CE medical assistants by awarding the RMA national
credits will be reviewed by NHA, and a sticker to credential to those candidates successfully satisfy-
apply to the certification ID card will be mailed if ing requirements. AMT has many local chapters,
the credits are accepted. 38 state societies, and a Uniform Services Com-
mittee. Each of these societies meets regularly and
annually for a national convention.
PROFESSIONAL AMT benefits and services include:
ORGANIZATIONS • Continuing education through the Journal of Con-
tinuing Education Topics & Issues published three
Professional organizations have evolved times a year
to establish standards by which medical
• AMT’s Institute for Education (AMTIE), which
assistants and medical assisting programs
monitors continued education credits and sends a
are evaluated. Programs accredited by agencies
“report card” each year
must meet certain criteria, and students must pass
national examinations to become certified. Medi- • Four scholarships available to members who want
cal assistants are not licensed and need not be cer- to return to school and five scholarships for cur-
tified to meet employment requirements; however, rent students enrolled in allied health care pro-
those certified are viewed as professionals with grams
entry-level skills and a commitment to continued • State societies that offer opportunities for contin-
education. ued education, activities, and networking
1068 UNIT 9 Entry into the Profession
• Peer recognition through AMT’s prestigious RMA NHA benefits and services include:
• National certification
• Personal discount programs
• Continuing education opportunities
• Collaboration with educational institutions in cur-
National Healthcareer riculum development and competency testing
Association • Annual Continuing Education Program
The NHA serves as a reliable resource for up-to- • Elite Membership Program that puts you in touch
date information on health career opportunities, with a team of placement specialists to expand job
training programs, education opportunities, and opportunities
industry forecasts. The NHA newsletter The NHA
Today is well respected and provides current trends
and information regarding the health care field.
Many advantages for certification/recertification and registration have been discussed in this chapter.
Although certification examinations are not legally required for practicing medical assistants, it is the goal
of CAAHEP- and ABHES-accredited institutions to encourage graduates to sit for and maintain their cre-
dentials. Membership in the AAMA or in the AMT is also encouraged.
With nearly 400 local AAMA chapters and 51 affiliate state societies, there is the benefit of networking
with others in the profession. As an information source for both professional and association issues, the
executive staff at the AAMA’s national headquarters is available to answer questions at a toll-free number
AMT currently has 38 chapters that meet regularly and allow networking with other RMAs plus other
allied health professionals registered through the AMT, including phlebotomists, medical laboratory tech-
nicians, and dental assistants.
The NHA offers national certification examinations for CMAAs and CCMAs among other health care
professionals. NHA offers CE programs and encourages recertification.
CHAPTER 35 Preparing for Medical Assisting Credentials 1069
° Multiple Choice
° Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet and complete the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on the textbook CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
Multiple Choice 6. The RMA was established by the:
1. The goal and challenge of each graduating medical a. ABHES
assistant should be to: b. CAAHEP
a. find employment c. AMT
b. have a good benefit package d. AAMA
c. possess entry-level skills 7. The NHA offers medical assisting certification for
d. earn the CMA/RMA credential and maintain it which of the following:
2. The certification examination is: a. CMA
a. a comprehensive test based on tasks medical b. RMA
assistants perform daily c. CCMA and CMAA
b. all true/false questions d. CMAS
c. developed by the AMTIE 8. RMA examinations:
d. developed by the NBME a. are offered at Pearson Vue locations
3. Benefits of membership in a professional organi- b. are offered twice a year
zation such as AAMA or AMT include all of the fol- c. are offered three times a year
lowing except: d. are offered six times a year
a. discounted rates on legal representation
b. legal advice
c. nationwide networking opportunities Critical Thinking
d. professional journal publications 1. You are a recent high school graduate and have
4. Recertification of the CMA (AAMA) credential decided to pursue medical assisting as a career.
options include: What will you do to find a school offering an
a. submit work experience accredited program? Is accreditation important?
b. reexamination or CEU method How might your school selection impact your
c. submit on-the-job training future as a professional medical assistant?
d. submit military training 2. After graduation you plan to sit for the certification
5. To keep the RMA credential current, an individual examination. How will you prepare for the exami-
must earn: nation to ensure a positive outcome and earn your
a. 5 credits each year CMA/RMA credential?
b. 30 points every three years 3. After graduating from an accredited program, you
c. 30 points every five years immediately went to work as an medical assistant.
d. 60 points every five years Now that you have been working several years
1070 UNIT 9 Entry into the Profession
you decide to become credentialed. How will you cal assistants. Retrieved February 10, 2008, from
achieve this?
American Association of Medical Assistants. (n.d.).
FAQs on CMA (AAMA) certification. Retrieved Janu-
WEB ACTIVITIES ary 29, 2009, from
Using the Internet, search your local and state American Medical Technologists. Allied Health Profes-
AAMA or AMT Web sites. Print and turn in to sionals Association for Certification as a Registered
your instructor the location, meeting sched- Medical Assistant. (n.d.). Retrieved February 10,
ules, and any upcoming events planned for your state. 2008, from
Review the certification process that applies to your National Healthcareer Association. (n.d.). NHA
program. national certification examination. Retrieved Septem-
ber 9, 2007, from
Simmers, L. (2004). Diversified health occupations (6th
REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY ed.). Clifton Park: NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
American Association of Medical Assistants. (2008).
AAMA certification/recertification examination for medi-
Employment Strategies 36
Accomplishment Developing a Strategy The Interview Process
Statements Attitude and Mindset The Look of Success
Application/ Self-Assessment Preparing for the Interview
Cover Letter Job Search Analysis and Research The Actual Interview
Application Form Résumé Preparation Interviewing the Employer
Benefits Résumé Specifications Closing the Interview
Bullet Point Clear and Concise Résumés Interview Follow-Up
Career Objective Accomplishments Follow-Up Letter
Chronologic Résumé References Follow Up by Telephone
Contact Tracker Accuracy After You Are Employed
Direct Skills Résumé Styles Dealing with Difficult People
Vital Résumé Information Getting a Raise
Application/Cover Letters Professionalism
Functional Résumé
Completing the Application
Interview Form
Power Verbs
Résumé The student should strive to meet the following performance objectives and dem-
Targeted Résumé onstrate an understanding of the facts and principles presented in this chapter
Transferable Skills through written and oral communication.
Eun Mee Soo is a graduate of an accredited medical and beginning her job search. Eun Mee plans to move
assisting program and recently passed the certification out of state (she always dreamed of moving north),
examination. While attending school, Eun Mee was so she will also be looking for a new apartment. All of
employed part-time as a sales representative (clerk) in these changes are a bit unsettling for Eun Mee. She is
one of the city’s prestigious clothing stores. She has no beginning to wonder if she should defer relocating at
medical work experience except her practicum at Inner this time and stay close to home until she feels more
City Health Care. She is now preparing her résumé secure.
So you are about to graduate from the medical assistant 1. Taking direction
program! This time is often unsettling because many 2. Seeking excellence or doing just enough to get by
changes are occurring; the loss of security the classroom
3. Meeting employer’s needs, not just looking for-
environment provided, loss of contact with fellow class-
ward to payday
mates, and loss of a structured schedule are just a few
changes. Questions such as: Am I ready for my first job? 4. Assuming responsibility for your actions versus con-
How do I find a job? What do I say at the interview? sidering your problems to be someone else’s fault
begin to surface. If you find yourself having a negative attitude
The focus on employment may represent apprehen- in any of the ways mentioned in the preceding list,
sion and doubt or be sparked with anticipation and a you need to make an effort to change while you
sense of fulfillment. This chapter provides direction and are still in training. An employer will zero in on a
answers some of the questions related to the job search. negative attitude and eliminate you as a candidate
almost immediately. Your formal training is impor-
tant and you can be retrained to do things the way
DEVELOPING A STRATEGY a new employer desires, but your attitude takes
time to change and requires a willingness to make
It is best to begin developing your job search strat- the change. Develop a strategy to evolve a positive
egy early in your training as a medical assistant. If attitude while you are still in school because this is
you have not started this phase, determine to begin a time when you will have professional guidance
today. and resources, as well as excellent models.
The first step in developing a strategy is to look
at reality. You and maybe a hundred other medical
assistants may be applying for the same job posi- Spotlight on Certification
tion. How are you different from every other person
applying for this job? The following sections will RMA Content Outline
help make you stand out, be different, and hopefully • Medical law
be successful in your job search.
• Human relations
• Oral and written communications
Attitude and Mindset CMA (AAMA) Content Outline
One important quality an employer looks for in • Displaying professional attitude
employees is their attitude. Your attitude is not • Job readiness and seeking employment
something you turn on and off or learn in school.
It is the result of your innate personality combined CMAS Content Outline
with the events that mold you during your life. Your • Legal and ethical considerations
instructors and acquaintances have a significant • Professionalism
impact over who you are. Your attitude is reflected • Communication
by how you react to:
CHAPTER 36 Employment Strategies 1073
Figure 36-1 Self-evaluation work sheets can help determine a person’s strengths, weaknesses,
and preferences before the job search begins.
1074 UNIT 9 Entry into the Profession
like to work in and what position you would find JOB SEARCH ANALYSIS
most satisfying. AND RESEARCH
Before you begin a self-assessment, review
what a medical assistant does, determine what level The job analysis and research phase of your job
pay can be expected, and compare that with your search should start before graduation. Telephon-
personal skills and financial requirements. In some ing or visiting various clinics and asking questions
practices you may specialize in administrative or to determine what the duties of a medical assis-
clinical duties: in others you may be expected to tant are in different types of practices will help to
function in both specialties. further clarify where you would like to work and
A medical assistant is salaried, with yearly will help you become acquainted with a potential
earnings varying between $20,160 and $38,800, employer or identify a possible site for practicum
inflation adjusted to 2008. Entry-level salaries will experience. If you visit the facility, dress appropri-
be closer to the lower figure but will vary depend- ately just as you would for an interview. You want to
ing on credentials, practicum performance, and impress the clinic personnel just as if it were a for-
geographic location. Medical assistants who can mal interview. Remember to send a letter thanking
show proficiency in both administrative and clini- the person taking time on the telephone or autho-
cal capability command higher salaries in some rizing the visit.
medical settings. Based on the self-assessment you completed
As part of the self-assessment you should evalu- and the preliminary job analysis, you know what
ate what direct and transferable skills you have that type of clinic or practice you want to work in,
will make you a contributing member of the medi- so now is the time to compile a list of potential
cal team. Direct skills are the medical procedures employers in the geographic area where you want
you have acquired in school and in which you are to work. Begin your job search by networking with
proficient. Transferable skills are those skills that students who have graduated before you and are
would be useful in a wide variety of professions and successfully employed. Statistics tell us that 80% of
may have been perfected during the education positions are filled through networking contacts.
process or learned in other employment settings. Next compile a list from the Yellow Pages, Job
Leadership, communication, writing, computer Expositions, the Internet, Want Ads for your spe-
literacy, keyboarding, linguistics, and spelling are cialty in the local papers, American Association of
some examples of transferable skills. Medical Assistants (AAMA) or American Medical
When you have completed this portion of the Technologists (AMT) publications, and contacts
self-assessment, you will be in a better position to acquired through attending state and local meet-
determine what type of job to seek. You will also ings. Other sources are your program director and
have identified the skills that you can highlight instructors and the network of contacts at the site
as you prepare your application/cover letter and where you did your practicum. A practicum site
résumé. is frequently your best prospect because they will
The final part of your self-assessment is con- know your capabilities and your attitude and have
ducting a budgetary need analysis to determine expended time and resources in your training. If
how much income you need to make per month to the site is hiring and you performed well, experi-
meet your living expenses. ence has shown that most sites will frequently hire
The budgetary analysis should include a list the extern.
of the benefits you find necessary, such as medi- Candidate job sites can also be found through
cal, dental, and vision insurance, 401k program, employment agencies. These agencies usually
and stock options. You also might need to consider charge a fee, although sometimes the employer
work schedule, location/travel, and childcare leave pays the fee. Extreme caution should be exercised
policies. in dealing with agencies because fees are some-
To accomplish this, begin to keep a diary of times excessive. Fees should only be paid after suc-
all purchases and payments. By reviewing your cessfully obtaining a job and never for getting an
checkbook register, you should be able to item- interview.
ize basic expenditures, such as rent, utilities, pay- Prioritize the list based on your assessment
ments (car, credit card), food, clothing, insurance, of chances of employment. Sites where you have
and taxes. Once a monthly expenditure record is personal contacts or where you have done your
established the amount of money needed to meet practicum should be at the top of the list, with sites
living expenses can be calculated. advertising for help wanted next. Further down the
CHAPTER 36 Employment Strategies 1075
Figure 36-2 A simple contact tracker such as this can help organize all communi-
cation you have with potential employers.
1076 UNIT 9 Entry into the Profession
Use a word processing program to produce plishment statements begin with power verbs and
your résumé. It allows you the freedom to experi- give a brief description of what you did and the
ment with placement and create a picture-perfect demonstrable results that were produced. Figure
résumé or to individualize the résumé for a partic- 36-3 provides a list of sample power verbs. Some
ular position or facility. accomplishment statement examples are “Uti-
lized computer skills to schedule and reschedule
patient appointments” and “Demonstrated skills
Clear and Concise Résumés in setting up sterile trays and assisting with sterile
Your résumé must be concise and easy to read procedures.”
and understand. Use statements that are positive,
reflect confidence, and portray you as a problem References
solver. Be sure that any information given within
your résumé or application form is not misleading Select a variety of references to be included with
or exaggerated. Leave out the word I when writing your résumé. References should be listed on a
your résumé. This is your personal résumé, and it separate sheet of paper that matches your résumé.
is understood that you are referring to yourself. Remember to include the same letterhead as on
your résumé on the references page. An individ-
ual who knows you or has worked with you long
Accomplishments enough to make an honest assessment and recom-
Use accomplishment statements if you have them mendation regarding your background history is
from your practicum or work experience. Accom- an excellent reference person. Use only nonre-
Figure 36-3 These sample power verbs may help you define your previous job responsibilities.
CHAPTER 36 Employment Strategies 1077
September, 1999-Present GROUP HEALTH COOPERATIVE
Directed support for a dermatology/surgery practice.
Patient preparation.
Medical and surgical asepsis.
Assist with sterile procedures.
Patient follow-up.
June, 1997-August, 1999 VALLEY INTERNAL MEDICINE
Clinical responsibilities.
Assisted with surgeries in ambulatory care setting.
Patient preparation.
Medical and surgical asepsis.
Assisted with sterile procedures.
Medical Assistant Practicum
Administrative duties and clinical responsibilities utilizing all medi-
cal assisting skills, including patient induction, chief complaint, vital
signs, patient preparation, EKGs, medical and surgical asepsis, and
sterile procedures.
Associate in Applied Science degree, June, 1997, Highline Community College,
Des Moines, Washington, 98198-9800.
Certified Medical Assistant (AAMA), June, 1997.
The chronologic résumé is advantageous • You have been in the same job for many years
when: • You are looking for your first job
• You are reentering the job market after an absence The functional résumé is not advantageous
• Your career path or growth is not clear from a when:
chronologic listing
• You want to emphasize a management growth
• You have had a variety of different, apparently
unconnected work experiences
• Your most recent employers are highly prestigious
• Much of your work has been volunteer, freelance,
and the specific employers are of paramount
or temporary
• You want to eliminate repetition of descriptions of
job duties A sample of a functional résumé for a person
• You have extensive specialized experience reentering the job market is shown in Figure 36-5.
Instructed community groups on issues related to child abuse.
Taught volunteers how to set up community program for victims of domestic violence.
Conducted workshops for parents of abused children.
Instructed public school teachers on signs and symptoms of potential and actual
child abuse.
Consulted with parents for probable child abuse and suggested courses of action.
Worked with social workers on individual cases, in both urban and suburban settings.
Counseled single parents on appropriate coping behaviors.
Handled pre-take interviewing of many individual abused children.
Coordinated transition of children between original home and foster home.
Served as liaison between community health agencies and schools.
Wrote proposal to state for county funds to educate single parents and teachers.
1998–2000 Community Mental Health Center, Tacoma, Washington
Volunteer Coordinator—Child Abuse Program
2000–2003 C.A.R.E.—Child-Abuse Rescue-Education, Trenton, New Jersey
County Representative
1998 B.S. Sociology, Douglass College, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Figure 36-5 Sample functional résumé. This style is useful for a person
reentering the job market.
1080 UNIT 9 Entry into the Profession
Targeted Résumé. The targeted résumé is best • The text résumé is not vulnerable to viruses and
for focusing on a clear, specific job target. It is compatible across computer programs and plat-
should contain a career objective and list your forms.
skills, capabilities, and any supporting accomplish- • The text résumé is versatile and can be used for:
ments related to that objective. This résumé style • Posting on job boards
enables graduating students to list classes related
• Pasting piece-by-piece into the profile forms of
to their career objective, grade point average, stu-
job boards, such as
dent awards, and achievements. This information
adds substance to a résumé when work experience • Pasting into the body of an email to be sent to
is minimal and should be at the beginning of the prospective employers
résumé because it is your most significant asset. • Converting to a Web-based HTML résumé
The targeted résumé is advantageous when: • Sending as an attachment to prospective
• You are very clear about your job target employers
• You have had a variety of experiences that appear • Conversion to a scannable résumé
unrelated to each other but that include skills that Employers are often inundated with résumés
you can use in a skills list related to your job target
from job seekers each time they advertise a position
• You can go in several directions and want a differ- opening. Therefore, in an effort to save time and to
ent résumé for each determine the best-qualified candidates for the posi-
• You are just starting your career and have little tion, employers digitize the résumés to create an elec-
experience but know what you want and are clear tronic résumé. Using software to search for specific
about your capabilities keywords that relate to the position, the numbers of
• You are able to keep your résumé on a computer candidates can quickly be narrowed. If you apply for
disk a job with a company that searches databases for key-
words and your résumé does not conform, you may
The targeted résumé is not advantageous when: not be considered for the position.
How do you determine keywords? Begin
• You want to use one résumé for several different scrutinizing employment ads and list keywords
applications repeatedly mentioned in association with jobs that
• You are not clear about your abilities and accom- interest you. Nouns that relate to the skills and
plishments experience the employer is looking for will quickly
surface. Keywords may include:
Figure 36-6 shows a sample targeted résumé.
• Job-specific skills/profession-specific words (e.g.,
E-Résumé. An electronic résumé, also known as specialty experience, bilingual, scheduling, data
an e-résumé, is electronically delivered via email, entry, insurance verification, telephone and com-
submitted to Internet job boards, or placed on munication skills, laboratory/X-ray experience)
Web pages. When employers post jobs on their
• Technologic terms and descriptions of technical
own Web sites, they generally expect job seekers to
expertise (including hardware and software in which
respond electronically.
you are proficient, e.g., PRISM, DEXA experience)
Special care must be taken when preparing
the e-résumé because many employers place résu- • Job titles, certifications (e.g., MA, CMA [AAMA],
més directly into searchable databases. The follow- RMA, CMAS, Biller, Coder)
ing points should be considered: • Types of degrees, names of colleges (e.g., AAS, BA)
• Formatting must be removed before the résumé • Awards received, professional organization mem-
can be placed in a database. Submitting a format- berships (e.g., Dean’s list, scholarships, certificates,
ted résumé may cause it to be eliminated. AAMA or AMT member)
• Submit a text résumé, also known as a text-based Keywords should be used throughout the
résumé, plain-text résumé, or ASCII text résumé. résumé, but they should be front loaded. Front
These variations are preferred when submitting loaded means to use as many keywords as possible
résumés electronically. in the first 100 words of the résumé. A good goal is
• The e-résumé is not visually appealing. Eye appeal to aim for 25 to 35 keywords. This may be achieved
is not required because its main purpose is to be by using synonyms, various forms of the keyword,
placed into one of the keyword-searchable data- and using both the spelled-out and acronym ver-
bases. sions of common terms. If a person reviews the
CHAPTER 36 Employment Strategies 1081
Figure 36-6 Sample targeted résumé. This style is useful when focusing on
a specific job target.
résumé, he or she will see enough keywords to pro- one you are confident will be answered in a profes-
cess it through the software search. sional manner. Always include the area code with
the number.
Vital Résumé Information • Your email address.
All résumé styles must contain certain vital infor- • Your education. Begin with the most recent school
mation about the job applicant. Essential informa- attended and include the name, address, and grad-
tion includes: uation date with the diploma, certificate, or degree
• Your full name and credential, address including • Work experience. List company name and ad-
street number, city, state, and zip code. dress. Do not underestimate the value of any
• Your telephone number or a number where a mes- job; relate transferable skills to your career
sage can be left. The telephone selected should be objective.
1082 UNIT 9 Entry into the Profession
• Skills that are necessary for the job. The list can should not give as a reason “in response to a
be completed from your program curriculum. Be help wanted ad.”
careful not to list course titles that have no mean- 4. The second paragraph should identify how your
ing to the reader. It is much better to list the skills education, experience, and qualifications relate
obtained in courses. to the job and refer to the enclosed résumé.
The following are the top errors found in 5. The last paragraph should close with a request for
résumés: an interview.
6. Have someone with management experience
• Typographical and grammatical errors review your cover letter. This could be your practi-
• Lack of specifics on work training or history cum supervisor, an instructor, a friend, or an
• Use of same résumé for all job applications (résumé acquaintance who is in a supervisory position.
should be tailored to specific job) 7. Do not reproduce cover letters. An original letter
• Emphasizing what you did instead of highlighting should be sent to each individual.
your accomplishments 8. The cover letter should be placed on top of the
• Stating objectives that do not focus on the needs of résumé and mailed in a business size envelope
the employer that matches its contents or in an 81⁄2 ⫻ 11 manila
envelope containing your return address.
• Lack of power verbs and keywords
9. Do not staple the cover letter to the résumé.
• Not mentioning jobs that gave you transferable
skills A sample of an application/cover letter is
• Lying or exaggerating about skills and experience shown in Figure 36-7A.
• Eliminating key accomplishments in order to meet An alternate example of an application/
a one-page goal cover letter using Information Mapping® to high-
light and draw attention to specific information in
your letter is shown in Figure 36-7B. This format
APPLICATION/COVER LETTERS is considered easier to read because the focus is
on specific blocks of information. In addition, its
The application/cover letter is a means of intro- uniqueness draws attention to your letter and may
ducing yourself and submitting your résumé to a result in your being selected when competition is
potential employer with the goal of obtaining an keen.
interview. A well-written cover letter highlights your
qualifications and experience for employment and
enhances the information contained within your COMPLETING THE
résumé. It should reflect how your skills satisfy the APPLICATION FORM
employer’s needs. The letter should follow a stan-
dard business style and should not be more than Sooner or later during the job search you will
one page in length. It should be printed on the be asked to complete an application form. How
same paper as the résumé. well you complete this task may be a key factor in
Because this may be your first contact with a obtaining an interview and that first job.
potential employer, the letter should sell you and Reading through the application form ques-
describe your intentions regarding employment, tions, you may be tempted to write in “See résumé”
display your personality, and create an interest in rather than repeat pertinent information already
reading your enclosed résumé. contained within your résumé. Do not fall into this
Some guidelines to follow in writing the appli- pitfall. Answer every item completely. The appli-
cation/cover letter include: cation is organized in the manner that suits the
clinic, whereas individual résumés are organized
1. Address your letter to a specific individual when-
in a variety of ways. Finding specific information
ever possible. You may need to make a telephone
on a résumé is more time consuming for the clinic,
call to obtain the name, title, and correct spelling.
whereas finding the same information on the job
2. Keep the letter concise, use correct grammar and application is easy and quick because they know
spelling, and follow standard business letter format where to look for it. Read all the directions care-
(formality is key). fully. Look for seemingly insignificant directions
3. The first paragraph should state your reason placed at the top or bottom of the page that state
for writing and focus the reader’s attention. It “Print Carefully,” “Complete in Your Own Hand-
CHAPTER 36 Employment Strategies 1083
I will be available Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. I will
call you next Thursday to set up an appointment for an interview.
Yours truly,
Enclosure, Résumé
writing,” or “Please Type.” Employers may use this increasingly the preferred method. All of the con-
to assess your ability to read and follow directions cerns relative to care in following instructions, pro-
and pay attention to detail. viding complete and accurate information, and
If the application is to be handwritten, use proofreading the application for any errors before
black ink to complete the form. Black ink is consid- sending are applicable.
ered legal and often is an indelible (permanent) If you are asked to list experience but the
ink and is more legible if the form must be dupli- application does not specify “paid experience,” be
cated. Concentrate when completing the form and sure to list any volunteer or practicum experience
be sure to print clearly and make no errors. When that relates to the position you are seeking. Part-
possible, copy the application before beginning in time employment can be important as an indicator
case an error is made. of your willingness to work, your ability to serve the
The current trend is toward online applica- public, and your organizational skills.
tion forms. These forms are prepared by keying You may be asked to complete the applica-
information into the appropriate spaces or blocks tion form “on the spot.” Plan ahead for this event
by using a computer. The completed forms are and carry a completed copy of your résumé, ref-
printed and mailed to the perspective employer erence list, and application/cover letter with you.
or sent electronically. Sending electronically is Also carry with you information not included in
1084 UNIT 9 Entry into the Profession
Yours truly,
Enclosure, Résumé
your résumé, such as which years you attended an interview. An interview is a meeting in which
high school and your salary history. A pocket spell- you and the interviewer discuss the employment
ing wordbook or dictionary may be a useful tool opportunities within that particular organization.
to carry for those who find spelling challenging. It is the interviewer’s responsibility to determine if
These documents should provide all the informa- you have the personality, education, and skills to
tion needed to complete the application form and perform the job. The interviewer uses the inter-
may be submitted with the application form. This view process to assess appearance, attitude, and
demonstrates to the potential employer your seri- dependability. The interviewer also tries to verify
ousness and preparedness for finding a job. that you have been honest in the skills you claim to
have mastered. You, on the other hand, are selling
your qualifications and assessing if this is an orga-
THE INTERVIEW PROCESS nization in which you want to be employed.
Being well prepared for the interview will
If your application/cover letter, résumé, and increase your self-confidence and ability to focus
application form have made a favorable impres- during the actual interview. Knowing that your
sion with the organization, you may be invited for application/cover letter, résumé, and references
CHAPTER 36 Employment Strategies 1085
Select three or four questions that will help you interviewing you. The letter should be written in
the most. standard business format and printed on the same
Questions about the organization are excel- paper as your application/cover letter and résumé.
lent choices. Examples are: Be sure that all spelling and grammar are correct.
The follow-up letter provides another opportu-
• “What are the opportunities for advancement with nity to express your interest in the organization and
this organization?” the position. You can briefly emphasize the experi-
• “I read that your organization has educational ben- ence and skills you have to offer and again request
efits. Could you explain briefly how that program being considered a candidate for the position.
works?” Record the mailing date on your contact
• “You mentioned in-house training programs for tracker and keep a copy of the letter in a file with
employees. Could you give one or two examples?” other information about the organization. Figure
36-11 shows a sample follow-up letter.
You may also have some questions about the
job itself. Examples of these types of questions are:
Follow Up by Telephone
• “Is this a newly created position? If so, what results
are you hoping to see?”
Allow a few days for your follow-up letter to reach
the interviewer. If you do not hear from the inter-
• “Was the last person in this position promoted? viewer within a week or by the designated time
What contributed to their advancement?” established during the interview, you may call to
• “What do you consider the most difficult task on ask if you are still being considered for the position
this job?” or if a decision has been made.
• “What are the lines of authority for this position?” Speak directly into the mouthpiece of the tele-
phone using good diction and voice volume. Iden-
Do not use this question time to ask about sal- tify yourself and provide some information to aid
ary, sick leave, vacations, or retirement benefits. At the interviewer in recalling who you are. Perhaps
this point, your focus should be on the value and mentioning the date you interviewed will suffice. Be
skills you can contribute to the organization. These polite and professional, and remember to thank the
questions may be asked during a second interview individual for speaking with you. At the end of the
or when a position is offered. conversation say good-bye and wait until the other
Before you leave, thank the interviewer for person hangs up before you break the connection.
taking time to discuss the position with you. If Log the telephone call and its response on your
you definitely are interested in the position, ask contact tracker for future reference.
to be considered as a candidate for the position.
If follow-up procedures have not been explained,
now is the time to ask when the final selection AFTER YOU ARE EMPLOYED
will be made and how you will be notified. A firm
handshake as you leave, a pleasant smile, and You are now a newly employed medical assistant.
confidence as you exit will leave a professional What do you do now to advance your career? Fol-
picture in the interviewer’s mind. lowing are some suggestions:
• Make sure your workstation is set up and you have
INTERVIEW FOLLOW-UP what you need to do the job
• Practice good time management skills
Following up after the interview is essential. This is
the time to telephone your references to let them • Try to allow time for emergencies, which will occur
know the name of the organization and the per- • Do not be a know-it-all; ask other employees how
son’s name with whom you interviewed, something they do things around here
about the position, and your qualifications. Share • Get to know colleagues and be part of the team
any information that will help your references sup-
• Seek feedback on how you are doing your job
port you in obtaining the position.
• Create a professional image
Follow-Up Letter
Take time to write a follow-up letter or handwrit-
Dealing with Difficult People
ten note to the interviewer a day or two after your Sooner or later you will encounter coworkers who
interview to thank him or her for the time spent could be described as just plain “jerks.” Jerks may
CHAPTER 36 Employment Strategies 1089
Thank you for scheduling a personal interview with me last Wednesday, August 26,
at 9:45 AM. I enjoyed discussing the medical assistant position open in one of your
dermatology surgery practices. I would like to be considered for the position.
After talking with you, I feel my qualifications match closely with those you
requested. My communication and interpersonal skills are excellent and a neces-
sary ingredient for any medical assistant.
I look forward to hearing from you September 5 as you mentioned during the inter-
view. If there are any questions I may answer, please telephone me.
Ashley Jackson
Ashley Jackson, CMA (AAMA)
(206) 255-1365
be defined as persons who use power to belittle three quarters received a raise or promotion. After
and ridicule people who work under them. These taking into consideration the wages of persons
people may be foul-mouthed, power hungry, bul- with similar job descriptions and experience, if
lies, uncouth, or unethical. There are several ways your salary appears to be lagging you should not
to free yourself from jerks. feel uncomfortable asking for a raise at your next
favorable performance review.
• Check out emotionally (attempt to ignore the com-
ments); indifference is an underrated virtue
• Try to move to a different position within the orga- Critical Thinking
• If all else fails, change jobs As you begin to prepare for a job interview,
how can you prepare yourself to reflect a
professional image, attitude, demeanor,
Getting a Raise verbal and nonverbal communication skills,
One of the main reasons people do not get a raise as well as articulately describe your skills
is because they do not ask. This is particularly true and abilities to fit the position to which you
of professional women. It has been reported that are applying? Develop a complete written
less than half ask for a raise or promotion within checklist and review it before each interview.
a 12-month period. Of those that did ask, almost
1090 UNIT 9 Entry into the Profession
Finding your first job is your first job. How well you research, plan, prepare, and implement your tasks will
make the difference between being hired and not being hired. Learn from each interview session. Recall
the questions that were asked and formulate answers that you feel would be appropriate for your next
interview. Tell everyone you are looking for a job and solicit their help. Follow up on all leads and do not
become discouraged.
Once you have been hired at that first job, continue your learning experience. Ask appropriate ques-
tions and try not to ask the same question a second or third time. Pay attention to details and learn indi-
vidual preferences. Become a team player and look for ways you can help others. Carry your share of
responsibility and do not be afraid to admit you are unfamiliar with certain aspects of the office. Employ-
ers need to know you can be trusted to work within the scope of your education and not beyond. Practice
being an asset to your employer.
CHAPTER 36 Employment Strategies 1091
° Multiple Choice
° Critical Thinking
• Navigate the Internet by completing the Web Activities
• Practice the StudyWARE activities on the textbook CD
• Apply your knowledge in the Student Workbook activities
• Complete the Web Tutor sections
• View and discuss the DVD situations
Multiple Choice b. requires you to think before answering ques-
1. The résumé: tions, listen carefully, and ask for clarification if
a. is a summary data sheet or brief account of your uncertain of the question
qualifications and progress in your career c. provides time to ask questions about salary, vaca-
b. is also known as a contact tracker tion, and benefits
c. always includes references d. does not require any follow-up
d. is used to introduce yourself and identify 6. Preparing for the interview:
qualifications a. bathe yourself, groom your hair and fingernails,
2. References: and wear clean and pressed conservative busi-
a. must always be listed on the résumé ness attire
b. should be a relative b. allow adequate time to get to the interview
c. should be someone who likes you and your work c. prepare a packet to give the interviewer contain-
but may not be a good communicator ing certificates, letters of recommendation, a list
d. should be someone who knows you or has of references, and your list of questions
worked with you long enough to make an honest d. all of the above
assessment of your capabilities and integrity 7. Job analysis should include:
3. The targeted résumé is advantageous: a. compiling a list of potential employers
a. when prior titles are impressive b. gathering information about employers in
b. when reentering the job market after an absence whom you have interest
c. when you are just starting your career and have c. preparing a budgetary needs analysis
little experience d. all of the above
d. when you have extensive specialized experience 8. The best source for job search data is:
4. The application/cover letter: a. the Internet
a. is a detailed data sheet describing your vital b. friends and acquaintances
information, education, and experience c. the Yellow Pages and classified ads
b. introduces you to a prospective employer and d. all of the above
captures their interest in you as a candidate for
the position Critical Thinking
c. lists individuals who can vouch for you 1. Discuss the various résumé styles with a class-
d. should be lengthy and detailed mate and how to determine which style best pre-
5. The interview: sents your knowledge and skills to a prospective
a. does not require much thought or preparation employer.
1092 UNIT 9 Entry into the Profession
2. After reading the section discussing methods of questions that specifically discriminate against you
researching a prospective employer, how will you on the basis of:
proceed with your research? • Age
3. Review Figure 36-9, which lists reasons for employ- • Color
ers not hiring, with a classmate. How will you • Disability
prevent the 15 biggest gripes from being an • Sex
employment stumbling block for you personally? • National origin
4. How will you prepare a budget for living expenses • Race, religion, or creed
to determine job salary requirements? Using your favorite search engine, research these inap-
5. Sometimes employers may ask illegal or inappro- propriate questions and ways in which you might han-
priate questions during an interview in true inno- dle them appropriately. Compile a list of questions and
cence, or true ignorance. Give a legal reason why your personal appropriate response to each. Discuss
an employer might need the following information these with a classmate and role-play responding to the
once you have been hired. questions.
a. Are you married?
b. How many kids do you have?
d. Where were you born? Farr, M. (2000). Quick resume & cover letter book.
Indianapolis, IN: JIST Works, Inc.
WEB ACTIVITIES Keir, L., Wise, B. A., Krebs, C., Kelley-Arney, C. (2008).
Medical assisting: Administrative and clinical competen-
1. Being prepared to answer and discuss inter- cies (6th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage
view questions is critical in the selection for Learning.
the position opening. Using, or Nobel, D. F. (2000). Gallary of best resumes for people with-
your favorite search engine, search job interview out a four-year degree. Indianapolis, IN: JIST Works,
questions. Many sites provide sample questions and Inc.
appropriate answers. Study them and prepare a list Sindell, M., & Sindell, T. (2006). Sink or swim. Avon,
of questions with personal responses you feel are MA: Adams Media Publishing.
appropriate. Washington, T. (2000). Resume power selling yourself on
2. There are some illegal interview questions based on paper in the new millennium. Indianapolis, IN: JIST
Federal Discrimination Laws enforced by the Equal Works, Inc.
Employment Opportunity Commission. They are Zedlitz, R. H. (2003). How to get a job in health care.
Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
PM after noon (post meridiem) RBC/hpf red blood cells per high power field
post mortem (after death) RBCM red blood cell mass
PMN polymorphonuclear neutrophils RBCV red blood cell volume
PMP past menstrual period RBRVS Resource-Based Relative Value Scale
PMS premenstrual syndrome REM rapid eye movement
PNC penicillin resp respiration
PO postoperative Rh rhesus (factor)
po by mouth Rh- rhesus negative
POB place of birth Rh+ rhesus positive
POLST physician orders for life-sustaining treatment RHD rheumatic heart disease
POMR problem-oriented medical record RLQ right lower quadrant
POS point-of-service plan RMA Registered Medical Assistant
pos positive RNA ribonucleic acid
poss possible R/O rule out
postop postoperative ROA received on account
PP present problem ROM range of motion
postprandial read-only memory
PPB positive pressure breathing ROS review of systems
PPBS postprandial blood sugar ROTA rotavirus
PPD purified protein derivative RT radiation therapy
PPO preferred provider organization RUQ right upper quadrant
preop preoperative RVUs relative value units
primip woman bearing first child Rx prescription
prn as the occasion arises, as necessary
procto proctoscopy S subjective data (POMR)
prog prognosis s̄ without
PROM premature rupture of membranes S&A sugar and acetone (urine)
pro-time prothrombin time SA sinoatrial
PRSP penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumonia SARS severe acute respiratory syndrome
PSA prostate-specific antigen SBE shortness of breath on exertion
PSRO Professional Standards Review Organization subacute bacterial endocarditis
PT physical therapy SE standard error
prothrombin time sed rate sedimentation rate
pt patient segs segmented neutrophils
PTA prior to admission seq sequela
PTT partial thromboplastin time SF scarlet fever
pulv powder spinal fluid
PVC premature ventricular contraction SG specific gravity
px physical examination SH social history
prognosis SIDS sudden infant death syndrome
sig instructions, directions
q each; every sigmoid sigmoidoscopy
q AM every morning SIL squamous interepithelial lesion
QA quality assurance SMA 12/60 Sequential Multiple Analyzer (12-test serum
qh every hour profile)
q (2, 3, 4)h every 2, 3, or 4 hours SOAP subjective data, objective data, assessment, and
qid four times a day plan
QISMC Quality Improvement System for Managed SOAPER subjective, objective, assessment, plan, educa-
Care tion, response
qns quantity not sufficient SOB shortness of breath
qs of sufficient quantity SOF signature on file
qt quart sol solution
solv solvent
R registration SOMR source-oriented medical record
right SOP standard operating procedure
RAM random access memory SOS if necessary
RBC red blood cell spec specimen
Appendix A Common Medical Abbreviations and Symbols 1099
Drug Topics. (2008). Top 200 brand-name drugs by retail dollars in 2007. Retrieved July 24, 2008, from http://
Text not available due to copyright restrictions
Appendix C AAMA 2007–2008 Occupational Analysis of the CMA (AAMA)* 1103
• Telephone: 1-800-648-7450
• Email: [email protected]
Follow-on Situations
In some cases, if you do not select the best decision
in the first instance, you will be presented with a
follow-on situation that directly resulted from the
action (or lack of action) that you chose.
In these situations, the maximum point value
you are awarded is less than what you would have
received in the original scenario. Remember, these
situations could have been avoided if you had
taken the most appropriate action at first, even if it
seemed difficult to do.
Points are awarded in follow-on situations as
• You will receive 7 points for selecting the best action.
• You will receive 3 points for selecting the next-best
• You will not receive any points for selecting the
least desirable solution.
Appendix E Software Support: The Critical Thinking Challenge 1111
Glossary of Terms
Note: The equivalent Spanish word follows in parentheses in acetone (acetona) colorless, inflammable liquid. Found in
green. the blood and urine of diabetics as a result of the breakdown
of fatty acids (Ch. 38).
A acid/base balance (equilibrio ácido-básico) condition that
occurs when the net rate at which the body produces acids or
abduction (abducción) motion away from the midline of the bases is equal to the net rate at which acids or bases are excre-
body (Ch. 33). ted (Ch. 42).
ABO blood group (grupo sanguíneo ABO) genetically deter- acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) (síndrome
mined system of antigens found on the surface of erythrocytes. de inmunodeficiencia adquirida [SIDA]) disorder of the
The population can be divided into four ABO blood groups: A, immune system caused by a human immunodeficiency virus
B, AB, and O (Ch. 44). (HIV), a retrovirus that destroys the body’s ability to fight
abortion (aborto) expulsion of the products of conception infection. As the disease progresses, the individual becomes
before viability (Ch. 26). overcome by disorders, including cancers and opportunistic
abuse (abuso) misuse; excessive or improper use, especially infections. There is no known cure for AIDS (Ch. 22).
of narcotics or psychoactive drugs (Ch. 17, 35). active listening (escucha activa) received message is para-
accession record (numeric system) (registro de entrada [sis- phrased back to the sender to verify the correct message was
tema de ordenación por número]) logbook used to assign decoded (Ch. 4).
numbers to correspondence or patients (Ch. 14). activities of daily living (ADL) (actividades de la vida diaria
accomplishment statements (declaraciones de logros) state- [AVD]) activities usually performed during a typical day that
ments that begin with a power verb and give a brief descrip- involve caring for oneself, such as eating and brushing teeth
tion of what you did, and the demonstrable results that were (Ch. 33).
produced (Ch. 48). acupuncture (acupuntura) treatment to relieve pain and
accounting (contabilidad) system of monitoring the finan- disease by puncturing the skin with thin needles at specific
cial status of a facility and the financial results of its activities, points (Ch. 2).
providing information for decision making (Ch. 21). acyclovir (aciclovir) antiviral drug used in some herpes
accounts payable (cuentas por pagar) sum owed by a busi- infections (Ch. 22).
ness for services or goods received (Ch. 19); also unwritten additive (aditivo) any material placed in a tube that maintains
promise to pay a supplier for property or merchandise pur- or facilitates the integrity and function of the specimen (Ch. 40).
chased on credit or for a service rendered (Ch. 21). adduction (aducción) motion toward the midline of the
accounts receivable (cuentas por cobrar) amount owed to a body (Ch. 33).
business for services or goods supplied (Ch. 19). adjustments (ajustes) increases or decreases to patient
accounts receivable (A/R) ratio assets (relación de cuentas por accounts not due to charges incurred or payments received
cobrar a activos) outstanding accounts receivable divided (Ch. 17, 19).
by the average monthly gross income for the past 12 months administer (administrar) to give a medication (Ch. 7, 35, 36).
(Ch. 20, 21).
administrative law (derecho administrativo) establishes agen-
accreditation (acreditación) process whereby recognition cies that are given the power to make laws and enact regulations
is granted to an educational program for maintaining stan- (Ch. 7).
dards that qualify its graduates for professional practice; to
provide with credentials (Ch. 1). aegis (auspicio) sponsorship or protection (Ch. 38).
Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) aerobic (aerobio) organism that requires oxygen for growth
(Junta de Acreditación de Escuelas de Educación en Salud (Ch. 43).
[ABHES]) entity accrediting private, postsecondary institu- aerosolyzed (aerosolizado) dispensed by means of a mist
tions in the U.S. which offer allied health education programs (Ch. 27).
as well as programmatic accreditation of medical assistant, aerosols (aerosoles) particles from potentially infectious
medical laboratory technician and surgical technology pro- materials that may be released in the air (Ch. 22, 43).
grams (Ch. 1, 47).
afebrile (afebril) without fever (Ch. 24).
accrual basis accounting (contabilidad según el principio del
devengo) reports income at the time charges are generated agar (agar) a gelatin-like substance extracted from red algae
(Ch. 21). that contains nutrients and moisture for bacteria growth
(Ch. 43).
1114 Glossary of Terms
agenda (orden del día) printed list of topics to be discussed amplified (amplificado) made larger or enlarged. The
during a meeting, sometimes giving time allocation (Ch. 15, 45). amplifier of the electrocardiograph enlarges the electrical
agent (agente) person representing another (Ch. 7). impulse activity and the recording can be read more easily
(Ch. 37).
agglutination (aglutinación) antigen–antibody reaction in
which a solid antigen clumps with a solid antibody (Ch. 44). amplitude (amplitud) amount, extent, size, abundance, or
fullness (Ch. 37).
airborne transmission (transmisión por aire) spread of
disease-causing microorganisms over long distances through Amsler grid (cuadrícula de Amsler) a grid of lines used in
the air (Ch. 22). testing for macular degeneration (Ch. 30).
algorithm (algoritmo) a special method for solving a specific anaerobic (anaerobio) organism that needs little or no oxy-
kind of problem (Ch. 11). gen for growth (Ch. 43).
aliquot (alícuota) part of the whole specimen that has been anaphylaxis (anafilaxia) hypersensitive state of the body to a
taken off for use or storage (Ch. 40). foreign protein or drug (Ch. 9, 35).
allergen (alérgeno) any substance that causes signs of allergy; ancillary services (servicios auxiliares) professional occupa-
examples are inhalants such as dust and pollen, foods such as tional companies hired to complete a specific job (Ch. 45).
wheat and strawberries, drugs, penicillin, chemicals, heat, bac- andropause (andropausia) midlife changes in a male (Ch. 29).
teria (Ch. 30). anesthesia (anestesia) loss of feeling or sensation; an anes-
allergy (alergia) acquired hypersensitivity to a substance (aller- thetic is any mechanism that causes anesthesia (Ch. 31).
gen) that does not normally cause a reaction (Ch. 23, 31). angiogram (angiograma) series of X-rays of a blood vessel(s)
allopathic (alopático) method of treating disease with reme- after injection of a radiopaque substance (Ch. 37).
dies that produce effects different from those caused by the anisocytosis (anisocitosis) marked variation in the size of
disease itself. Most traditional practitioners today are conside- cells (Ch. 41).
red allopathic practitioners (Ch. 3).
anorexia (anorexia) loss of appetite (Ch. 22).
alternative dispute resolution (ADR) (resolución alternativa de
conflictos [RAC]) an alternative to trial that encourages the answering services (servicios de respuesta) services emplo-
parties to settle their differences out of court (Ch. 7). yed to answer the calls of an ambulatory care setting after
hours; unlike an answering machine, a live operator answers
amblyopia (ambliopía) disorder of the eye characterized by the call and forwards it appropriately (Ch. 12).
dimness of vision (Ch. 30).
antibacterial (antibacteriano) capable of destroying bacte-
Ambu Bag™ (Ambu Bag™) a brand name for a bag placed ria, often applied to a wound in the form of an ointment or
over nose and mouth to assist in providing artificial ventila- cream (Ch. 31).
tion to the lungs (Ch. 9).
antibody (anticuerpo) specific chemical produced by
ambulation (ambulación) ability to walk (Ch. 33). B cells of the immune system in response to an antigen
ambulatory care setting (entorno de atención ambulatoria) (Ch. 22, 44).
health care environment where services are provided on anticoagulant (anticoagulante) chemical in a blood tube that
an outpatient basis. Ambulatory is from the Latin and means prevents the clotting of the blood by removing the calcium from
“capable of walking.” Examples include the solo-provider’s the blood or by stopping the formation of thrombin (Ch. 40).
office, the group practice, the urgent care center, and the
health maintenance organization (Ch. 1, 2). antigen (antígeno) substance such as bacteria or other agents
that the body recognizes as foreign; the stimulus for antibody
American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) (Asocia- production (Ch. 22, 44).
ción Estadounidense de Asistentes Médicos [AAMA]) pro-
fessional organization dedicated to serving the interests of antiglare screen (pantalla antirreflejo) a filter put over the
Certified Medical Assistants (Ch. 47). screen of a computer monitor to reduce glare (Ch. 11).
American Medical Technologists (AMT) (Tecnólogos Médi- antioxidant (antioxidante) something that prevents oxida-
cos Estadounidenses [AMT]) national organization which tion (Ch. 34).
credentials health care professionals, including Registered antiserum (antisuero) serum containing antibodies (Ch. 44).
Medical Assistants (RMA) and Certified Medical Administra- apical (apical) pertaining to the apex of the heart. A site for
tive Specialists (CMAS)(Ch. 1, 47). measuring heart rate with a stethoscope (Ch. 24).
amino acid (aminoácido) basic structural unit of protein apnea (apnea) cessation or absence of normal spontaneous
(Ch. 34). breathing (Ch. 24, 36).
amniocentesis (amniocentesis) surgical puncture of the amnio- appendicular skeleton (esqueleto apendicular) skeleton that
tic sac to remove fluid for laboratory analysis (Ch. 22, 26). consists of the pectoral and pelvic girdles and the upper and
amniotomy (amniotomía) artificial rupture of the amniotic lower extremities. The pelvic girdle attaches the upper extre-
sac (Ch. 26). mities to the trunk (Ch. 30).
amoebic dysentery (disentería amébica) infectious intestinal application/cover letter (solicitud/carta de presentación)
disease caused by amoebas and characterized by inflammation letter used to introduce yourself and your résumé to a pros-
of the mucous membrane of the colon (Ch. 22). pective employer with the goal of obtaining an interview
amorphous (amorfo) shapeless; possessing no definite form (Ch. 48).
(Ch. 42).
Glossary of Terms 1115
application form (formulario de solicitud) form devised automated external defibrillator (AED) (desfibrilador externo
by a prospective employer to collect information relative to automatizado [DEA]) portable, self-contained, automatic
qualifications, education, and experience in employment device with voice instructions on use for individuals in cardiac
(Ch. 48). arrest. It is used externally to electronically “shock” the myocar-
application software (software de aplicación) software that dium into contracting again. Same as cardioversion (Ch. 9).
performs a specific data-processing function (Ch. 11). automated routing unit (ARU) (enrutador automático
approximate (aproximar) to bring together the edges of a [ARU]) telephone system that answers a call and uses a
wound (Ch. 31). recorded voice to identify departments or services (Ch. 12).
arbitration (arbitraje) a form of dispute resolution that autopsy report (informe de autopsia) also called an autopsy
allows a neutral party to settle the dispute (Ch. 7). protocol, a necropsy report, or a medical examiner report.
Autopsies are performed to determine the cause of death or
arrhythmia (arritmia) deviation from the normal pattern or to ascertain and confirm disease presence (Ch. 16).
rhythm of the heartbeat (Ch. 24, 37).
avascularization (avascularización) expulsions of blood from
arteriosclerosis (arteriosclerosis) hardening of the arteries tissues. Leaves the tissues with no blood supply (Ch. 31).
caused by buildup of plaque, a deposit of fatty substances on
the artery lining (Ch. 29). axial skeleton (esqueleto axial) consists of bones that lie
around the center of the body (Ch. 30).
articulating (elocuente) expressing oneself clearly and dis-
tinctly (Ch. 12).
artifact (artefacto) anything artificially produced (Ch. 37).
bachelor’s degree (licenciatura) four-year academic degree
ascorbic acid (ácido ascórbico) vitamin C (Ch. 34). conferred by colleges and universities (Ch. 1).
asepsis (asepsia) protecting against infection caused by backup (hacer una copia de seguridad) copying or saving
pathogenic microorganisms (Ch. 3). data to a secure location to prevent loss of data in the event of
aseptic (aséptico) freedom from any infectious material; a disaster (Ch. 11).
absence of microorganisms (Ch. 22, 30). balance (balancear) amount owed (N); to verify posting accu-
aspirate (aséptico) to remove by suction (Ch. 22). racy (V); records difference between debit and credit columns
assay (ensayo) analysis of a substance to determine consti- (Ch. 19).
tuents and relative proportion of each (Ch. 39). balance sheet (balance general) itemized statement of assets, lia-
assets (activos) properties of value that are owned by a busi- bilities, and equity; a statement of financial condition (Ch. 21).
ness entity (Ch. 21). bandage (venda) nonsterile gauze or other material applied
assignment of benefits (asignación de beneficios) sig- over a sterile dressing to protect and immobilize (Ch. 9, 31).
ning over of benefits by the beneficiary to another party bariatrics (bariátrica) the branch of medicine that deals with
(Ch. 17). prevention, control, and treatment of obesity (Ch. 30).
Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity (AHDI) barrier (barrera) obstacle that exists to protect an indivi-
(Asociación para la Integridad de la Documentación del Cui- dual from contact with blood or other potentially infected
dado de la Salud [AHDI]) professional organization in the materials. Called personal protective equipment (PPE),
field of medical transcription/editing (Ch. 16). barriers include gloves, masks, face shields, laboratory coats,
asymptomatic (asintomático) without symptoms (Ch. 39). protective eyewear, and gowns (Ch. 22).
ataxia (ataxia) defective muscular coordination, primarily seen Bartholin gland (glándula de Bartolino) one of two small
when attempting voluntary muscular movements (Ch. 25). mucous glands located at the vaginal opening at the base of
the labia majora (Ch. 26).
atherosclerosis (aterosclerosis) a form of arteriosclerosis
marked by calcium deposits in the arterial linings (ch. 24). basal metabolic rate (BMR) (índice metabólico basal [IMB])
level of energy required when the body is at rest (Ch. 34).
attribute (atributo) inherent characteristic (Ch. 1).
baseline (valor de referencia) known or initial measurement
auditor (auditor) a person responsible for determining the against which future measurements are compared (Ch. 24,
final content of a document and the document’s correctness 39); also, flat, horizontal line that separates the various waves
in every aspect (Ch. 16). of the ECG cycle (Ch. 37).
augment (aumentar) to add or increase (Ch. 37). basophil (basófilo) granulocytic white blood cell with dark
auscultatory gap (brecha auscultatoria) while measuring purple cytoplasmic granules. It is the least common of the
blood pressure, the tapping sounds heard may disappear bet- white blood cells (Ch. 41).
ween the Korotkoff phases of sound (Ch. 24). benchmark (comparador de rendimiento) making a com-
auricle (aurícula) the external ear, also called pinna (Ch. 30). parison among different organizations relative to how they
authentication (autenticación) dictating provider signs or accomplish tasks, such as office computerization, organizing
authenticates the document indicating that the information file systems, and employee remuneration (Ch. 11, 45).
was accurate and complete at the time of signing (Ch. 16). beneficiary (beneficiario) person under a policy eligible to
authoritarian manager (gerente autoritario) operates on receive benefits (Ch. 17).
the premise that most workers cannot make a contribution benefit (beneficio) remuneration that is in addition to the
without being directed (Ch. 45). salary (Ch. 45, 48).
1116 Glossary of Terms
benefit period (período de beneficios) the specified time of nitrogen in the blood is an indicator of kidney function
during which benefits will be paid under certain types of (Ch. 44).
health insurance coverages (Ch. 17). Bluetooth® (Bluetooth®) a technical industry standard that
beriberi (beriberi) disease caused by a deficiency in vitamin B facilitates communication between wireless devices such as
(thiamin), characterized by headaches, depression, anorexia, personal digital assistants, handheld computers, and wireless-
constipation, tachycardia, edema, and heart failure (Ch. 34). enabled laptop computers or desktop computers (Ch. 11).
Betadine® (Betadine®) brand of povidone-iodine solution body fluid (líquido corporal) any secretion or excretion
used as a skin antiseptic. Betadine® is also available in a scrub from the human body such as vaginal, cerebrospinal, synovial,
(soap) solution (Ch. 31). pleural, pericardial, peritoneal, amniotic, sputum, and saliva
bias (sesgo) slant toward a particular belief (Ch. 4). (Ch. 38).
bilirubin (bilirrubina) orange–yellow pigment that forms body language (lenguaje corporal) nonverbal communica-
from the breakdown of hemoglobin in damaged red blood tion that includes unconscious body movements, gestures, and
cells. Bilirubin usually travels in the bloodstream to the liver, facial expressions that accompany verbal messages (Ch. 4).
where it is converted to a water-soluble form and is excreted body mechanics (mecánica corporal) practice of using cer-
into the bile (Ch. 42, 44). tain key muscle groups together with correct body alignment
bilirubinuria (bilirrubinuria) the presence of bilirubin in to avoid injury when lifting or moving heavy or awkward
urine (Ch. 42). objects (Ch. 33).
bimanual examination (examen bimanual) an examination body surface area (BSA) (área de superficie corporal
performed by the provider using two hands to examine the [ASC]) a highly accurate method for calculating medica-
internal pelvic organs. Two fingers of one hand are inserted tion dosages for infants and children up to 12 years of age
into the vagina and the other hand presses on the outside of (Ch. 36).
the abdominal wall. Shape, consistency, and position of the bond (fianza) binding agreement with an employee ensuring
pelvic organs can be determined (Ch. 26). recovery of financial loss should funds be stolen or embezzled
biochemical tests (análisis bioquímicos) tests that show bio- (Ch. 45).
chemical properties and reactions of bacteria to achieve iden- bond paper (papel bond) durable, strong paper usually used
tification of microorganisms; often performed in solid and for correspondence (Ch. 15).
liquid media (Ch. 43). booting (arranque) everything that happens between the
bioethics (bioética) branch of medical ethics concerned with time the computer is turned on, performs the operations
moral issues resulting from high technology and sophisticated necessary to get all components functioning, and the opera-
medical research. Social issues such as genetic engineering, ting system loaded (Ch. 11).
abortion, and fetal tissue research raise important bioethical bradycardia (sinus) (bradicardia [sinusal]) slow (less than 60
questions (Ch. 8). beats per minute), but regular heartbeat (Ch. 24, 37).
biohazard (riesgo biológico) material that has been in con- bradypnea (bradipnea) abnormally slowed respiratory rate
tact with body fluid and is capable of transmitting disease (Ch. 24).
(Ch. 22).
brainstorming (tormenta de ideas) process of developing
biometric (biometría) a type of electronic signature that ideas through a synergistic interaction among participants in
may use alphanumeric computer key entries as identification; an environment free of criticism (Ch. 45).
an electronic writing device; or a biometric system using voice,
fingerprints, or the retina of the eye (Ch. 16). Braxton–Hicks (Braxton–Hicks) irregular, intermittent,
and painless uterine contractions; also known as false labor
biopsy (biopsia) removal of a small piece of living tissue (Ch. 26).
from an organ or other part of the body for microscopic exa-
mination to confirm or establish a diagnosis (Ch. 30, 39). bronchi (bronquios) bifurcates from the trachea into each
lung that terminate in the bronchial tubes (Ch. 30).
bipolar (bipolar) having two poles or processes (Ch. 37).
bronchodilator (broncodilatador) a drug that expands the
birthday rule (regla del cumpleaños) method to determine bronchial tubes (Ch. 30).
which of two or more policies covering a dependent child will
be primary; that parent with the birthday falling first in the broth tubes (tubos de caldo) tubes filled with a broth subs-
calendar year has the primary policy (Ch. 17). tance that will support the growth of certain microorganisms
(Ch. 43).
blind copy (copia oculta) protects the privacy of email.
Other recipients cannot identify who else may have received bruits (ruidos) sound of venous or arterial origin heard on
the transmitted message (Ch. 15). auscultation (Ch. 25).
bloodborne (transmisión sanguínea) means of transmission bubonic plague (peste bubónica) infectious disease with a
of an infectious disease (such as HIV and HBV) via human high fatality rate transmitted to humans from infected rats
blood (Ch. 22). and ground squirrels by the bite of the rat flea (Ch. 3).
bloodborne pathogen (patógeno transmitido por la sangre) buffer words (palabras de relleno) expendable words used
microorganism capable of causing disease found in blood or while answering the telephone (Ch. 12).
components of blood (Ch. 22). buffy coat (capa leucocitaria) layer of white blood cells and
blood urea nitrogen (BUN) (nitrógeno ureico en sangre platelets that forms at the interface between the plasma and
[BUN]) nitrogen in the blood in the form of urea. The level
Glossary of Terms 1117
red blood cells in a tube of blood containing an anticoagulant career objective (objetivo profesional) expresses your career
(Ch. 40). goal and the position for which you are applying (Ch. 48).
bullet point (viñeta) asterisk or dot followed by a descrip- carotene (caroteno) vitamin A (Ch. 34).
tive phrase; helps the reader identify important points easily carrier (portador) person who harbors a pathogenic orga-
(Ch. 48). nism and who is capable of transmitting the organism to
bundled codes (códigos agrupados) a grouping of several others (Ch. 22).
services that are directly related to a specific procedure and cash basis accounting (contabilidad de caja) reports income
are paid as one (Ch. 18). at the time money is collected (Ch. 21).
burnout (agotamiento profesional) a state of fatigue or frustra- cashier’s check (cheque de caja) bank’s own check drawn
tion brought about by a devotion to a cause, a way of life, or a against the bank’s account (Ch. 19).
relationship that failed to produce the expected reward (Ch. 5).
casts (cilindros) tiny structures usually formed by deposits of
protein or other substances on the walls of renal tubules; in
C urine, they can indicate kidney disease (Ch. 42).
cachectic (caquéctico) describes a state of ill health, malnu- catalyst (catalizador) substance that allows a chemical reac-
trition, and wasting (Ch. 34). tion to proceed at a much quicker rate and without as much
calibration (calibración) determination of the accuracy of energy input (Ch. 34).
an instrument by comparing the information provided with catheterization (cateterismo) insertion of a catheter tube
an accepted standard known to be accurate (Ch. 37, 38). into the body for evacuating fluids or injecting fluids into
calorie (caloría) unit of heat. The large Calorie (which is body cavities. In urinary catheterization, the tube is inserted
always capitalized) is used in discussion of human nutrition. through the urethra into the bladder for withdrawal of urine
The large Calorie is also expressed as the kilogram calorie (Ch. 25).
(kcal), equal to 1,000 small calories (Ch. 34). cathode (cátodo) a negative electrode from which electrons
candidiasis (candidiasis) infection of the skin or mucous are emitted (Ch. 32).
membrane with any species of Candida (Ch. 26). caustic (cáustico) corrosive and burning; destructive to
cannula (nasal) tubing (cánula) used to deliver oxygen living tissue (Ch. 22, 31).
(Ch. 36); also, the blunting member in a Bio-Plexus Punctur- cauterize (cauterizar) to destroy tissue through application
Guard® needle (Ch. 40). of a caustic agent, a hot instrument, an electric current, or
capitation (capitación) use of the number of members enro- other agent (Ch. 9).
lled in a plan to determine salary of the provider; the provider cautery (cauterio) destruction of tissue by burning (Ch. 31).
is paid a fixed fee for each member no matter how many times
that member is seen by the provider (Ch. 17). cell-mediated immunity (inmunidad mediada por células) the
regulatory activities of T cells during the specific immune res-
caption (leyenda) method of designation used on file guides ponse (Ch. 22).
(Ch. 14).
cellular telephones (teléfonos celulares) a short range
carbuncle (ántrax) necrotizing infection of skin and tissue portable device used for voice or data communication over
composed of a cluster of boils (Ch. 30). a network of base stations known as cell sites. The cell sites
carcinoma in situ (carcinoma in situ) cancer that does not are interconnected to the public switched telephone network
extend beyond the basement membrane (Ch. 26). (Ch. 12).
cardiac catheterization (cateterismo cardíaco) passage of a cellulose (celulosa) type of indigestible fiber made of carbo-
catheter into the heart through an arm or leg vein and blood hydrates found in plants (Ch. 34).
vessels leading into the heart. The purpose is to obtain car- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) (Centros
diac blood samples, detect abnormalities, and determine de Servicios de Medicare y Medicaid [CMS]) formerly known
intracardiac pressure. Contrast medium can be injected and as HCFA. CMS is a federal agency within the U.S. Department
a coronary artery angiogram can be performed (Ch. 37). of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The agency admi-
cardiac cycle (ciclo cardíaco) period from the beginning of one nisters Medicare, Medicaid, and the State Children’s Health
heartbeat to the beginning of the next succeeding beat, inclu- Insurance Program (SCHIP). CMS also administers the
ding systole and diastole. One complete heartbeat (Ch. 37). Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) (reanimación cardio- (HIPAA) and Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act of 1988
pulmonar [RCP]) combination of rescue breathing and (CLIA ’88) (Ch. 17).
chest compressions performed by a trained individual on a central processing unit (CPU) (unidad de procesamiento cen-
patient experiencing cardiac arrest (Ch. 9). tral [CPU]) brain of the computer that performs instruc-
cardioversion (cardioversión) conversion of a pathological tions defined by software (Ch. 11).
cardiac rhythm (arrhythmia), such as ventricular fibrillation, centrifuge (centrifugador) device that spins tubes using cen-
to normal sinus rhythm (Ch. 9, 37). trifugal force to separate the fluid portion of blood from the
cardioverter/defibrillator (cardioversor/desfibrilador) an formed elements (Ch. 40).
implantable device used for life-threatening arrhythmias.Its certification (certificación) guarantees as being true or as
purpose is to shock the heart out of the arrhythmia and into a represented by or as meeting a standard (Ch. 1).
more normal sinus rhythm (Ch. 37).
1118 Glossary of Terms
certification examination (examen de certificación) stan- choriocarcinoma (coriocarcinoma) rare malignant neo-
dardized means of evaluating medical assistant competency plasm, usually of the uterus or of an ectopic pregnancy. The
(Ch. 47). exact cause is unknown (Ch. 34, 37, 44).
certified check (cheque certificado) depositor’s own check chronologic résumé (curriculum vitae cronológico) ré-
that the bank has indicated with a date and signature to be sumé format used when you have employment experience
good for the amount written (Ch. 19). (Ch. 48).
Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) (Asistente Clín- circadian rhythm (ritmo circadiano) pattern based on a 24-
ico Médico Certificado [CCMA]) an NHA certification for a hour cycle emphasizing the repetition of certain physiologic
clinical medical assistant. (Ch. 47). phenomena such as eating and sleeping (Ch. 42).
Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA) (Asistente circumduction (circunducción) circular motion of a body
Administrativo Médico Certificado [CMAA]) an NHA certi- part (Ch. 33).
fication for a medical administrative assistant (Ch. 47). cirrhosis (cirrosis) a chronic liver disease in which normal
Certified Medical Administrative Specialist (CMAS) (Espe- functioning liver tissue is replaced with nonfunctioning scar
cialista Administrativo Médico Certificado [CMAS]) an tissue (Ch. 22).
AMT certification for a medical administrative specialist civil law (derecho civil) law related to actions between indi-
(Ch. 47). viduals (Ch. 7).
Certified Medical Assistant (CMA [AAMA]) (Asistente Médico clinical email (correo electrónico clínico) type of email esta-
Certificado [CMA (AAMA)]) a certified medical assistant blished using defined protocols as a means of communication
who has successfully completed the AAMA’s national certifica- between providers and established patients (Ch. 12).
tion examination (Ch. 1, 47).
claim register (registro de reclamaciones) diary or register
Certified Medical Transcriptionist (CMT) (Transcriptor of claims submitted to each insurance carrier. When payment
Médico Certificado [CMT]) completion of a two-part cer- is received, the date and amount of payment is entered in the
tification examination administered by the Association for register (Ch. 18).
Healthcare Documentation Integrity (AHDI) (Ch. 16).
claustrophobia (claustrofobia) fear of being confined in any
cervical punch biopsy (biopsia cervical en sacabocados) a space (Ch. 32).
biopsy of the uterine cervix using an instrument, the end of
which is a punch (Ch. 26). clinical chemistry (química clínica) analysis and study of
blood, body fluids, excreta, and tissues in the diagnosis and
cesarean section (operación cesárea) delivery of fetus treatment of disease (Ch. 39).
through surgical incision into the uterus (Ch. 26).
clinical diagnosis (diagnóstico clínico) identification of
chart notes (notas clínicas) (also called progress notes) a disease by history, laboratory studies, and symptoms
provider’s formal or informal notes about presenting pro- (Ch. 23, 39).
blem, physical findings, and plan for treatment for a patient
examined in the office, clinic, acute care center, or emergency closed fracture (fractura cerrada) uncomplicated fracture
department (Ch. 16). in which the bone does not break the skin (Ch. 30).
check register (registro de cheques) record of checks closed questions (preguntas cerradas) questions answered
written; categorized into separate and identified columns with a yes or no (Ch. 4).
(Ch. 21). clustering (agrupación) a grouping together of nonverbal
cheilosis (queilosis) caused by a deficiency of vitamin B2 messages into statements or conclusions. Can also be used
(riboflavin) and characterized by sores on the lips and cracks to describe a scheduling system where patients with similar
in the corners of the mouth (Ch. 34). complaint/conditions are scheduled consecutively (example
is scheduling all the allergy injections for 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
chemotherapeutic agents (agentes quimioterapéuticos) every Tuesday and Thursday) (Ch. 4).
agents used in the treatment of diseases; the application of che-
mical reagents that are toxic to pathogenic microorganisms. CMS 1500 (08/05) (CMS 1500 [08/05]) formerly known as
Commonly used to describe agents (chemicals) used in the the HCFA 1500 form that is the office health insurance claim
treatment of certain malignancies (Ch. 38). form for Medicare and Medicaid (Ch. 18).
Cheyne–Stokes (Cheyne–Stoke) regular pattern of irregular cobalamina (cobalamina) vitamin B12 (Ch. 34).
breathing rate often seen in children and that may be seen in cochlear implantation (implante coclear) an electrical
brain dysfunction (Ch. 24). device that receives sounds and transmits the resulting signal
chief complaint (CC) (queja principal [QP]) specific to electrodes implanted in the cochlea. The signal stimula-
symptom or problem for which the patient is seeing the provi- tes the cochlea and the individual is able to perceive sound
der today (Ch. 16, 23). (Ch. 27).
chlamydia (clamidia) a bacterium that causes one of the coenzyme (coenzima) substance that enhances a catalyst
most prevalent sexually transmitted diseases (Ch. 26). (Ch. 34).
cholecalciferol (colecalciferol) vitamin D (Ch. 34). cognitive functioning (funcionamiento cognitivo) awareness
with perception, reasoning, judgment, intuition, and memory
cholesterol (colesterol) sterol lipid that is widely distributed (Ch. 29).
in animal tissues. Cholesterol is produced in the liver and is a
component of bile (Ch. 44). coinsurance (coseguro) that percentage paid by the com-
pany or that paid by the insured (Ch. 17).
Glossary of Terms 1119
collection ratio (relación de cobranza) gross income divided constitutional law (derecho constitucional) consists of laws
by the amount that could have been collected less disallowan- that are made by constitutions of the United States or indivi-
ces (Ch. 20, 21). dual states (Ch. 7).
colonoscopy (colonoscopia) visual examination of the colon constrict (constreñirse) to become smaller in diameter
with a lighted scope (Ch. 30). (Ch. 40).
colposcopy (colposcopia) visual examination of vaginal and constriction band (banda de constricción) term used to
cervical tissues using a colposcope following abnormal Pap replace tourniquet (no longer used) in emergencies. A band
smear. A magnifying lens and powerful lights are used (Ch. 26). of material used to control severe bleeding in an extremity
comedone (comedón) blackhead; usually the result of bloc- that has been injured due to trauma. The band is applied
ked sebaceous glands caused by acne (Ch. 30). above the source of bleeding, but not so tight that it restricts
the flow of blood completely. Some slight trickling of blood
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Pro- should be evident. This action avoids loss of an extremity
grams (CAAHEP) (Comisión de Acreditación de Programas because of complete blood flow restriction. Complete blood
Educativos Asociados a la Salud [CAAHEP]) entity accre- flow restriction results in no blood flow to the extremity’s cells
diting over 2,000 educational programs in 20 health sciences and tissues; therefore, the cells, tissues and body part receive
professions (Ch. 1, 47). no oxygen and die (Ch. 9).
common law (derecho consuetudinario) refers to laws deve- consultation report (informe de consulta) document that
loped in England and France and brought to the United Sta- reports the findings and advice of another provider requested
tes by the early settlers; sometimes referred to as judge-made to see a patient by the attending provider (Ch. 16).
law (Ch. 7).
contact tracker (seguidor de contactos) form used to keep
communicable (transmisible) contagious. Capable of being track of employment contact information such as name of
transmitted from one person to another either directly or employer, name of contact person, address and telephone
indirectly (Ch. 22, 38). number, date of first contact, résumé sent, interview date,
compact disk (CD) (disco compacto [CD]) see optical disk follow-up information, and dates (Ch. 48).
(Ch. 11). contact transmission (transmisión por contacto) spread
compensation (compensación) overemphasizing of charac- of disease-causing microorganisms by directly or indirectly
teristics to make up for a real or imagined failure or handicap touching the source of the infection or by touching an object
(Ch. 4). or environmental surface (Ch. 22).
competency (competencia) legally qualified or adequate contaminate (contaminar) to make something unclean;
(Ch. 1). often used to describe a sterile area being made “unsterile” or
complete blood count (CBC) (recuento sanguíneo completo exposing a clean area to a pathogenic substance (Ch. 22, 31).
[RSC]) battery of hematologic tests consisting of hemo- continuing education units (CEU) (unidades de educación
globin, hematocrit, total white blood cell count including continua [UEC]) method for earning points toward recerti-
differential, total red blood cell count, including indices, and fication (Ch. 47).
platelets (Ch. 41). contract law (derecho contractual) law that refers to agree-
compliance (cumplimiento) conformity in fulfilling official ments between individuals and entities that are binding (Ch. 7).
requirements (Ch. 1). contracting (contraer) acquiring an infection from patho-
compounding (composición) combining two or more subs- gens (Ch. 22).
tances in definite proportions (Ch. 36). contraindication (contraindicación) any symptom or cir-
condenser (condensador) in a microscope, directs a beam cumstance indicating that the use of a particular drug is
of light from the source to the specimen (Ch. 39). inappropriate when it would otherwise be advisable. For
condylomata (condiloma) a wartlike lesion of viral origin example, the use of alcoholic beverages is a contraindication
found on external genitalia or perianal region (Ch. 26). when the drug Flagyl® is prescribed (Ch. 35).
confidentiality (confidencialidad) ethical and legal rules in control test (prueba de control) test of a sample of known
regard to patient privacy (Ch. 16). results used to compare with the results of a patient’s sample
(Ch. 39).
confidentiality agreement (acuerdo de confidencialidad)
when signed, the agreement signifies that the medical coordination of benefits (COB) (coordinación de beneficios
transcriptionist is committed to keep all patient informa- [COB]) the provision of an insurance contract that limits
tion confidential (Ch. 16). benefits to 100% of the cost (Ch. 17).
conflict resolution (resolución de conflictos) solving pro- co-payment (copago) payment required when seen by the
blems between coworkers or any two parties (Ch. 45). provider (Ch. 17).
congenital anomalies (anomalías congénitas) being born coryza (coriza) acute inflammation of the membranes of the
with; existing at time of birth (Ch. 26). nose accompanied by profuse drainage (Ch. 22).
congruency (congruencia) the verbal message and the non- cost analysis (análisis de costos) procedure that determines
verbal message must agree (Ch. 4). the costs of each service (Ch. 21).
consecutive or serial filing (archivado consecutivo o en cost ratio (relación de costos) formula that shows the cost
serie) numeric filing method where numbers are considered of a procedure or service and helps determine the financial
in ascending order using the entire set of figures (Ch. 14). value of maintaining certain services (Ch. 21).
1120 Glossary of Terms
cough etiquette (protocolo de manejo de la tos) coughing/ cultures (cultivos) microorganisms cultivated in a nutrient
sneezing into a tissue to prevent microorganisms from sprea- medium (Ch. 42, 43).
ding to others. Includes properly disposing of tissue into a waste Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) (Terminología Actual
receptacle and washing hands as soon as possible (Ch. 22). sobre Procedimientos [TAP]) standard codes for procedu-
countershock (contrachoque) application of an electric res and services. Used by most ambulatory care settings in
current to the heart directly or indirectly to alter a disturbance encoding the claim form and recognized by most insurance
in cardiac rhythm (Ch. 37). carriers (Ch. 19).
coupling agent (agente de acoplamiento) an agent used current reports (informes actuales) reports such as history
when ultrasonography is used; enhances penetration of sound and physical examinations that should be complete within
waves through tissue (Ch. 26). 24 hours (Ch. 16).
crash tray or cart (bandeja o carro de parada) tray or por- Cushing’s syndrome (síndrome de Cushing) hypersecretion
table cart that contains medications and supplies needed for of the adrenal cortex producing excessive glucocorticoids.
emergency and first aid procedures (Ch. 9). The condition may be caused by a tumor or hyperfunction of
creatinine (creatinina) waste product formed in muscle that the anterior pituitary (Ch. 44).
is excreted by the kidneys; increased in blood and urine when cyanosis (cianosis) discoloration of the skin due to abnor-
kidney function is abnormal (Ch. 42). mal amounts of reduced hemoglobin in the blood caused by
credentialed (acreditado) testimonials showing that a per- decreased oxygen and increased carbon dioxide in the blood
son is entitled to credit or has a right to exercise official (Ch. 25).
power (Ch. 1). cyberspace (ciberespacio) reference to the nonphysical
credit (crédito) decreases balance due; column used for space of binary computer communication (Ch. 11).
entering payments (Ch. 19). cystitis (cistitis) inflammation of the bladder (Ch. 29).
crepitation (crepitación) grating sound heard on movement cytology (citología) science that deals with the formation,
of ends of a broken bone (Ch. 9). structure, and function of cells (Ch. 39).
criminal law (derecho penal) law related to wrongs commit-
ted against the welfare and safety of society as a whole (Ch. 7). D
critical values (valores críticos) test results that indicate data storage device (dispositivo de almacenamiento de datos)
a potentially life-threatening or greatly debilitating situa- device capable of permanently or temporarily storing digital
tion that must be reported to the provider immediately data (Ch. 11).
(Ch. 42). data storage memory (memoria de almacenamiento de
cross-reference (referencia cruzada) notation in a file to datos) permanent memory not part of the motherboard.
direct the reader to a specific record that may be filed under Uses any suitable data storage device. Can be read-only or
more than one name/subject (e.g., married name/maiden read-write type of memory (Ch. 11).
name or foreign names) where the surname is not easily day sheet (hoja diaria) form used with pegboard system to
recognizable (Ch. 14). record daily patient transactions (Ch. 19).
cryopreservation (crioconservación) storage of biologic debit (debe) used for entering charges and description of
materials (sperm, embryo, tissue, plasma) at extremely cold services; column is on the left (Ch. 19).
temperature for use at a later time (Ch. 8).
debris (detritos) remains of broken down or damaged cells
cryosurgery (criocirugía) the destruction of tissue by appli- or tissues (Ch. 22).
cation of extreme cold, silver nitrate, and carbon dioxide
declination form (formulario de rechazo) written formal
(Ch. 26).
refusal (Ch. 22).
cryotherapy (crioterapia) use of cold to treat a physical
decode (decodificar) to translate into language that is easily
condition (Ch. 33).
understood; to interpret (Ch. 4).
cryptorchidism (criptorquidia) undescended testicle (Ch. 28).
deductible (deducible) that amount of incurred medical
crystals (crystals) found in normal urine sediment having expenses that must be met before the insurance policy will
no particular significance; should be noted because they may begin to pay (Ch. 17).
indicate disease states (Ch. 42).
defendant (demandado) person who defends action brought
cultivate (cultivar) to foster the growth of (Ch. 1). in litigation (Ch. 7).
cultural brokering (intermediación cultural) the act of Defense Enrollment Eligible Reporting System (DEERS)
bridging, linking, or mediating between groups or persons (Sistema de Informes de Elegibilidad para la Inscripción en
through the process of reducing conflict or producing change Defensa [DEERS]) a system operated by the Department of
(Ch. 4). Defense and used by TRICARE contractors to determine and
culture (cultura) the attitudes and behavior that are charac- confirm the eligibility of beneficiaries (Ch. 17).
teristic of a particular social group or organization (Ch. 4). defense mechanism (mecanismo de defensa) behavior that
culture and sensitivity (cultivo y sensibilidad) often referred protects the psyche from guilt, anxiety, or shame (Ch. 4).
to as C&S. The sample is cultured for bacteria and then is defibrillation (desfibrilación) stopping fibrillation of the
exposed to various antibiotics to determine what the bacteria heart by use of drugs or by physical means (Ch. 37).
is sensitive (and resistant) to (Ch. 39, 42).
Glossary of Terms 1121
defibrillator (desfibrilador) a machine that delivers an elec- digital video disk/digital versatile disk (DVD) (disco de
tric current to alter a disturbance in cardiac rhythm (Ch. 37). video digital/disco versátil digital [DVD]) an optical disk
defragmentation (desfragmentación) reorganization of infor- that holds 4.7 to 9.0 gigabytes of data depending on format
mation on a hard disk to store files as continuous units rather (Ch. 11).
than as small packets. A computer with little fragmentation of dilate (dilatarse) to enlarge in diameter (Ch. 40).
files will operate at a higher speed (Ch. 11). dilation (dilatación) expansion of an orifice or organ
dementia (demencia) impairment of intellectual func- (Ch. 26).
tion that is progressive and interferes with normal activities diploma (diploma) a document bearing record of gradua-
(Ch. 29). tion from or of a degree conferred by an educational institu-
demyelination (desmielinización) destruction of the myelin tion (Ch. 1).
sheath; often a factor in multiple sclerosis (Ch. 30). direct skills (habilidades directas) skills that are job specific.
denial (rechazo) rejection of or refusal to acknowledge Skill in taking a blood pressure reading would be specific to the
(Ch. 4). medical field (Ch. 48).
deoxygenated (desoxigenada) blood that is high in carbon discharge summary (DS) (resumen de alta médica [DS]) me-
dioxide, low in oxygen, and pumped through the heart to dical reports that document the hospitalization history of a
the lungs where the carbon dioxide is exchanged for oxygen patient (Ch. 16).
(Ch. 37). discovery (exhibición de pruebas) the time in which both
depolarize (despolarizar) process of reducing to a nonpola- parties are allowed access to all information and evidence
rized condition. Generation of an electrical current is enhan- related to a case; follows the subpoena process (Ch. 7).
ced. Electrical activity generated when the atria or ventricles disinfection (desinfección) use of chemicals or boiling water
contract (Ch. 37). to free an item from infectious materials but not its spores
deposition (declaración) oral testimony given by an indivi- (Ch. 22).
dual with a court reporter and attorneys for both sides pre- dislocation (luxación) displacement of a bone or joint from
sent; often used as part of the discovery process (Ch. 7). its normal position (Ch. 30).
dermatophytes (dermatofitos) category of fungi causing dispense (dosificar) prepare and give out a medication to be
infections of hair, skin, and nails (Ch. 43). taken at a later time (Ch. 7, 35, 36).
dexterity (destreza) skill and ease in using the hands (Ch. 1). displacement (desplazamiento) displacing negative feelings
diabetes mellitus (diabetes mellitus) chronic disorder of car- onto something or someone else with no significance to the
bohydrate metabolism characterized by hyperglycemia and situation (Ch. 4).
resulting from inadequate production or utilization of insulin disposition (temperamento) temperament, character, per-
(Ch. 44). sonality (Ch. 1).
diagnosis (diagnóstico) determination of disease or condi- diuretic (diurético) substance that causes less water to be
tion (Ch. 39). reabsorbed by the kidney and therefore causes water to be
diaphragm (diafragma) a lens or other object that opens excreted from the body (Ch. 34).
and closes to increase or decrease the amount of light on the DNA (ADN) deoxyribonucleic acid; important nuclear
object being illuminated. This refers to optic diaphragm such material that carries genetic codes (Ch. 39, 43).
as in a microscope (diaphragms are used in birth control and
also the large respiratory muscle) (Ch. 39). doctrine (doctrina) principle of law established through past
decisions (Ch. 7).
diastole (diástole) one component of blood pressure mea-
surement representing the lowest amount of pressure exerted documentation (documentación) written material that
during the cardiac cycle; the force exerted on the arterial walls accompanies purchased software containing the information
during cardiac relaxation (Ch. 24, 37). necessary for using the software appropriately; sometimes
known as the manual (Ch. 11, 22); also, providing factual
diathermy (diatermia) the therapeutic use of high-frequency support through written information (Ch. 22).
current to generate heat within some part of the body without
damaging tissues (Ch. 33). Doppler (doppler) a noninvasive technique used with ultra-
sonography to evaluate blood flow through major arteries and
diethylstilbestrol (DES) (dietilestilbestrol [DES]) a synthetic veins of the arms, legs, and neck. It can reveal blood clots or
hormone used therapeutically in menopausal disturbances. blockages (Ch. 32).
It should not be given during pregnancy. It has been related
to cervicovaginal malignances in daughters of mothers who dorsiflexion (dorsiflexión) moving the foot upward at the
had it prescribed for them to treat a threatened abortion. DES ankle joint (Ch. 33).
has been related to reproductive disorders in males whose dosimeter (dosímetro) a device for measuring X-ray output
mothers took it during pregnancy (Ch. 26). (Ch. 32).
differential diagnosis (diagnóstico diferencial) diagno- down-coding (baja de codificación) insurance carriers down-
sis based on comparison of symptoms of similar diseases code if documentation or codes are ambiguous and reimburse
(Ch. 39). for the lowest possible fee (Ch. 18).
digestion (digestión) breaking down of food into smaller donut hole (período sin cobertura) within the Medicare Part
particles. It can be either physical or chemical (Ch. 34). D prescription drug program, the donut hole is the phase of
1122 Glossary of Terms
coverage in which all costs are covered by the enrollee rather electrolyte (electrolito) substances that conduct electricity
than CMS (Ch. 17). whose components are important in maintaining fluid and
dressing (apósito) sterile gauze or other material applied acid–base balance (Ch. 34, 37, 39).
directly to a wound to absorb secretions and to protect electrocochleography (electrococleografía) diagnostic
(Ch. 9, 31). tool used to help diagnose Meniere’s disease. It records
driver (controlador) computer program designed to convert the electrical activity of the inner ear in response to sound
data output from one device to a format compatible with ano- (Ch. 30).
ther device (Ch. 11). electronic health record (EHR) (registro de salud electrónico
droplet transmission (transmisión por gotitas) method of [RSE]) a patients’ electronic medical records from multiple
spreading disease from respiratory secretions through the sources combined into one master database (Ch. 11).
air. Spread is usually confined to within 3 feet of the infected electronic medical record (EMR) (registro médico electrónico
patient (Ch. 22). [RME]) patient medical record from a single medical prac-
durable power of attorney for health care (poder legal dura- tice, hospital, or pharmacy (Ch. 11, 16).
dero para atención médica) legal form that allows a designa- emaciation (emaciación) state of being extremely lean
ted person to act on another’s behalf in regard to health care (Ch. 30).
choices (Ch. 6, 7). emancipated minor (menor emancipado) persons under
dysmenorrhea (dismenorrea) painful menses (Ch. 26). age 18 years who are financially responsible for themselves
dyspareunia (dispareunia) painful intercourse (Ch. 26). and free of parental care (Ch. 7).
dysplasia (displasia) abnormal development of tissue embezzle (malversar) to appropriate fraudulently to one’s
(Ch. 26). own use (Ch. 45).
dyspnea (disnea) shortness of breath or labored/difficult Emergency Medical Services (EMS) (Servicios Médicos de
breathing (Ch. 24). Emergencia [SME]) a local network of police, fire, and
medical personnel trained to respond to emergency situa-
dysuria (disuria) painful or difficult urination (Ch. 30). tions. In many communities, the system is activated by calling
911 (Ch. 9).
E empathy (empatía) ability to be objectively aware of and
E codes (códigos E) ICD-9-CM codes for the external causes have insight into another’s feelings, emotions, and beha-
of injury, poisoning, or other adverse reactions that explain viors, and to be aware of the significance and meaning of
how the injury occurred (Ch. 18). these to the other person (Ch. 1, 29).
echocardiogram (ecocardiograma) noninvasive diagnostic emphysema (enfisema) chronic pulmonary disease charac-
method that uses ultrasound to visualize internal cardiac terized by dilated and damaged alveoli (Ch. 24).
structure, including valves (Ch. 32).
EMR (RME) see electronic medical record (Ch. 11).
eclampsia (eclampsia) complication of pregnancy that inclu-
encode (encoding) (codificar [codificación]) creating a mes-
des general edema, hypertension, proteinuria, and convulsions
sage to be sent (Ch. 4).
(Ch. 26).
encounter form (formulario de visita) formerly known as a
ectopic pregnancy (embarazo ectópico) implementation of
charge slip or superbill. A copy of the encounter form is given
the fertilized ovum outside of the uterine cavity (Ch. 26, 44).
to the patient after seeing the provider. It identifies the pro-
edematous (edematoso) abnormal accumulation of fluid in cedures performed, diagnoses, charges, and when to return
the tissues resulting in swelling (Ch. 40). (Ch. 18, 19).
editing (corrección) the process of manipulating text to avoid encrypted email (correo electrónico cifrado) the process
inaccuracies and inconsistencies within a document (Ch. 16). of coding email to render the transmission essentially secure
editor (corrector) see auditor (Ch. 16). (Ch. 12).
effacement (borramiento) thinning and shortening of encryption technology (tecnología de cifrado) converts
the cervical canal during labor to permit passage of fetus information into code; used to protect privacy and confiden-
(Ch. 26). tiality of individuals in computer software (Ch. 13).
effleurage (effleurage) deep or gentle stroking massage endemic (enfermedad endémica) disease that occurs conti-
(Ch. 33). nuously or in cycles with a certain number of cases expected
EHR (RSE) see electronic health record (Ch. 11). for a given period (Ch. 22).
electrocardiogram (electrocardiograma) record of the electri- endometriosis (endometriosis) tissue that resembles the
cal activity of the heart; showing P, QRS, and T waves (Ch. 37). endometrium invades various locations in the pelvic cavity
and elsewhere (Ch. 26).
electrocardiograph (electrocardiografío) instrument for
recording the electrical activity of the heart (Ch. 37). endoscopy (endoscopia) visual examination of body cavities
with a lighted scope (Ch. 22).
electrocardiography (electrocardiografía) process of recor-
ding the electrical activity originating in the heart (Ch. 37). engineering controls (controles de ingeniería) physical or
mechanical devices that isolate or remove health hazards from
electrode (electrodo) also known as a sensor. Used to con- the workplace (Ch. 22).
duct electricity from the body to the electrocardiograph
(Ch. 37).
Glossary of Terms 1123
enunciation (dicción) speaking clearly; articulating (Ch. 12). eupnea (eupnea) normal breathing (Ch. 24).
enzyme immunoassay (inmunoensayo enzimático) measure- evaluation (evaluación) assessment of an employee’s job
ment of reaction of antigen with specific antibody (Ch. 44). performance (Ch. 46).
eosinophil (eosinófilos) granulocytic white blood cell with eversion (eversión) moving a body part outward (Ch. 33).
red eosin-stained granules in the cytoplasm. It is elevated in exclusion (exclusión) specific disease or condition listed in
cases of allergies (Ch. 41). an insurance policy for which the policy will not pay (Ch. 17).
epidemic (epidemia) an infectious disease that attacks many exclusive provider organization (EPO) (organización de pro-
persons at the same time in the same location (Ch. 22). veedor exclusivo [EPO]) a closed-panel preferred organiza-
epidemiology (epidemiología) field of science that stu- tion (PPO) plan where enrollees receive no benefits if they
dies the history, cause, and patterns of infectious diseases opt to receive care from a provider who is not in the EPO
(Ch. 22). (Ch. 17).
epinephrine (epinefrina) used to treat allergic reactions excoriated (excoriación) abrasion of the epidermis by
(Ch. 9); also, hormone also known as adrenaline. Epinephrine trauma, chemicals, burns, or other causes (Ch. 22).
is manufactured as a chemical (pharmaceutical preparation) excretion (excreción) waste matter. The elimination of waste
and is often mixed with local anesthetics for use as a vasocons- products from the body (Ch. 22, 38).
trictor in minor surgery (Ch. 31).
exfoliated (exfoliación) the shedding of something such as
epistaxis (epistaxis) nosebleed (Ch. 22). cervical cells (Ch. 26).
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) (virus de Epstein-Barr [VEB]) virus exit interview (entrevista de salida) opportunity for depar-
that is believed to be the cause of infectious mononucleosis and ting employees to provide their positive and negative opinions
is implicated in such conditions as African Burkitt’s lymphoma of the position and facility (Ch. 46).
and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (Ch. 44).
expectorate (expectorar) act of coughing up material from
e-résumé (curriculum vitae electrónico) electronic résumés airways that lead to the lungs (Ch. 22, 43).
may be delivered electronically via e-mail, submitted to Inter-
net job boards, or placed on Web pages (Ch. 48). expert witness (testigo experto) individual with highly spe-
cialized knowledge and skills in a particular area who testifies
ergonomics (ergonomía) scientific study of work and space, to a standard of care (Ch. 7).
including factors that influence worker productivity and that
affect workers’ health (Ch. 11). explanation of benefits (EOB) (explicación de beneficios
[EDB]) insurance report that is sent with claim payments
erythema (eritema) redness or inflammation of the skin or explaining the reimbursement of the insurance carrier
mucous membranes that is the result of dilatation and conges- (Ch. 18).
tion of superficial capillaries (Ch. 30).
explicit (explícito) fully revealed or expressed without ambi-
erythrocyte (eritrocito) red blood cell, one of the formed guity or vagueness, leaving no question as to intent (Ch. 9).
elements of the blood (Ch. 40, 41).
expressed contract (contrato explícito) written or verbal
erythrocyte indices (índices de eritrocitos) three equations contract that specifically describes what each party in the con-
that provide information about the sizes and hemoglobin con- tract will do (Ch. 7).
tent of red blood cells. These include the mean corpuscular
cell volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, and mean cor- extension (extensión) straightening of a body part (Ch. 33).
puscular hemoglobin volume (Ch. 41). external respiration (respiración externa) ventilation of the
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (velocidad de eritrosedimen- lungs when the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes
tación) measurement of how far the red cells in a sample of place (Ch. 30).
blood settle in one hour (Ch. 41). externship (práctica laboral) transition stage between the
erythropoietin (eritropoyetina) hormone that causes pro- classroom and actual employment; may also be referred to as
duction of new red blood cells (Ch. 41). internship or practicum (Ch. 1, 24, 45).
esophageal varices (várices esofágicas) tortuous dilation of extracellular (extracelular) pertaining to the environment
the esophageal vein associated with any condition that causes outside of a body cell (Ch. 34).
obstruction of drainage from the esophageal veins into the exudate (exudado) accumulated fluid in a cavity; an oozing
portal vein of the liver. Seen in cirrhosis of the liver and alco- of pus; matter that penetrates through vessel walls into adjo-
holism (Ch. 32). ining tissue (Ch. 22, 27, 31).
Ethernet (Ethernet) references the networking of compu-
ters using metallic conductors or hard wires (Ch. 11). F
ethics (ética) defined in terms of what is morally right and facilitate (facilitar) to make an action or process easier
wrong; ethics will differ from person to person; often defined (Ch. 1).
by a code or creed as in the Code of Ethics from the American Fair Debt Collection Practice Act (Ley sobre Prácticas Justas
Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) (Ch. 8). para el Cobro de Deudas) 1977 federal law that outlines
ethyl alcohol (alcohol etílico) alcohol, used to make a solu- collection practices (Ch. 20).
tion (Ch. 38). fat-soluble (soluble en lípidos) pertaining to substances
etiquette (etiqueta) manners, politeness, proper behavior that are hydrophobic and therefore dissolve better in fat
(Ch. 12). (Ch. 34).
1124 Glossary of Terms
fax (facsimile) (fax [facsímilx]) machine that sends docu- fracture (fractura) break in a bone. There are several types
ments from one location to another by way of telephone lines of fractures, but all are classified as either open or closed frac-
(Ch. 12). tures (Ch. 9).
febrile (febril) having a fever (Ch. 24). fraud (fraude) deliberate misrepresentation of facts (Ch. 17).
Federal Register (Registro Federal) federal government frenulum (frenillo) of the tongue, a fold of mucous mem-
agency from which written CLIA ’88 documents may be ob- brane located under the tongue attaching the tongue to the
tained (Ch. 38). floor of the mouth (Ch. 24).
felony (delito mayor) a serious crime such as murder, frequency (frecuencia) urinating frequently (Ch. 30).
larceny (thefts of large sums of money), assault, and rape friable (friable) easily broken (Ch. 31).
(Ch. 7).
fringe benefit (beneficio complementario) benefit above
fenestrated (fenestrado) having openings. A sterile, fenes- and beyond salary to which an employee may be entitled.
trated drape is used in surgery. It has an opening (round) in it Examples include health and life insurance, paid vacation,
to expose only the operative site. The remainder of the drape sick days, personal days, and tuition reimbursement for cour-
covers the patient and is a sterile area (Ch. 31). ses related to employment (Ch. 2, 45).
fenestrated drape (paño fenestrado) a type of drape with an fulgarated (fulgurado) destroyed by electric current
opening, usually round, that can be placed with the opening (Ch. 26).
over a particular body area; used in surgery and for proctolo-
gic examinations (Ch. 25). full block letter (carta de bloque completo) major letter
style in which all lines begin flush with the left margin. This
firewall (cortafuegos) hardware device or software program style is suggested for offices desiring a contemporary-looking,
designed to prevent unauthorized access to a computer sys- efficient letter (Ch. 15).
tem (Ch. 11).
fume hood (campana de humo) type of hood or barrier
first aid (primeros auxilios) immediate (or first) care pro- used in the laboratory to capture chemical vapors and fumes
vided to persons who are suddenly ill or injured; first aid is and move them away from health care workers and into a
typically followed by more comprehensive care and treatment building’s exhaust fan system (Ch. 38).
(Ch. 9).
functional résumé (curriculum vitae funcional) résumé for-
fiscal intermediary (intermediario fiscal) local administra- mat used to highlight specialty areas of accomplishment and
tor for Medicare (Ch. 17). strengths (Ch. 48).
fixed cost (costo fijo) cost that does not vary in total as the furuncle (forúnculo) localized, suppurative staphylococcal
number of patients vary (Ch. 21). skin infection originating in a gland or hair follicle (Ch. 30).
flag (indicador de mensaje) method of identifying a blank
space or a question regarding dictator’s meaning by attaching G
a note or marker to indicate the question (Ch. 16).
gait (marcha) manner or style of walking including rhythm
flash drive (unidad flash) solid-state data storage device and speed (Ch. 33).
(Ch. 11).
gait belt (cinturón de marcha) safety belt worn by the patient
flexion (flexión) bending of a body part (Ch. 33). around the waist that provides a firm handhold for the caregi-
fluent (fluido) able to write or speak easily or flowing smoo- ver when transferring the patient or when assisting in ambula-
thly (Ch. 12). tion (Ch. 33).
fluoroscope (fluoroscope) a device consisting of a screen; gallium (galio) a nontoxic metal, similar to mercury
mounts separately or with an X-ray tube that shows the ima- in appearance, that can be used in place of mercury for
ges of objects interposed between the table and the screen fever thermometers. It is not yet widely available for use
(Ch. 32). (Ch. 24).
folic acid (ácido fólico) one of the B-complex vitamins galvanometer (galvanómetro) mechanism in the electrocar-
(Ch. 34). diograph that changes the voltage into a mechanical motion
fomite (fómite) substance that absorbs and transmits infec- for recording purposes (Ch. 37).
tious material; for example, contaminated items such as equip- genetic engineering (ingeniería genética) alteration, mani-
ment (Ch. 22). pulation, replacement, or repair of genetic material (Ch. 8).
fontanel (fontanela) soft spot lying between the cranial genitalia (genitales) the reproductive organs, internal and
bones of the skull of a fetus, newborn, and infant (Ch. 27). external (Ch. 26).
forensic (forense) applying scientific knowledge to legal genus (género) first Greek or Latin name given to a microor-
issues (Ch. 38). ganism; always capitalized (Ch. 43).
form letter (carta tipo) letter containing the same content geriatrics (geriatría) the branch of medicine concerned with
in the body but sent to different individuals (Ch. 15). the problems of aging (Ch. 29).
formaldehyde (formaldehído) colorless gas combined with gerontology (gerontología) the scientific study of the pro-
methanol and used as a solution, such as a disinfectant, astrin- blems associated with aging (Ch. 29).
gent, or a preservative for histologic specimen (Ch. 38). gestation (gestación) period of development from fertiliza-
formalin (formalina) an aqueous solution of 37% formalde- tion to birth (Ch. 26).
hyde (Ch. 26).
Glossary of Terms 1125
gestational diabetes (diabetes gestacional) diabetes that first [HIPAA]) government rules, regulations, and procedures
manifests clinically during pregnancy. It usually subsides after resulting from legislation designed to protect the confidentia-
delivery (Ch. 26). lity of patient information (Ch. 16).
gestures/mannerisms (gestos/ademanes) movement of health maintenance organization (HMO) (organización de
various body parts while communicating (Ch. 4). mantenimiento de la salud [HMO]) type of managed care
glucose (glucosa) simple sugar that is a major source of operation that is typically set up as a for-profit corporation
energy in the human body; monitoring of blood glucose levels with salaried employees. HMOs “with walls” offer a range of
in urine and blood is a vital diagnostic test in diabetes and medical services under one roof; HMOs “without walls” typi-
other disorders; also a test on a reagent strip (Ch. 39, 42). cally contract with providers in the community to provide
patient services for an agreed-upon fee (Ch. 2, 17).
glucosuria (glucosuria) the presence of glucose in urine
(also correct is glycosuria) (Ch. 42). Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS)
(Sistema de Códigos de Procedimientos Comunes de la Aten-
glycogen (glicógeno) carbohydrate form used for storage of ción Médica [HCPCS]) a coding system consisting of the CPT,
sugar in the body (Ch. 34). national codes (level II), and local codes (level III); previously
goal (meta) result or achievement toward which effort is direc- known as HCFA Common Procedure Coding System (Ch. 18).
ted (Ch. 5). Heimlich maneuver (maniobra de Heimlich) abdominal
“going bare” (“estar desprotegido”) said of a provider who thrusts designed to overcome breathing difficulties in indivi-
does not carry professional liability insurance (Ch. 45). duals who are choking (Ch. 9).
goniometer (goniómetro) instrument used to measure the hematocrit (hematocrito) percentage of red blood cells
angle of a joint’s range of motion (Ch. 33). within a specimen of anticoagulated whole blood (Ch. 41).
goniometry (goniometría) measurement of joint motion hematology (hematología) study of blood and the blood-
(Ch. 33). forming tissues (Ch. 39, 41).
Good Samaritan laws (leyes del Buen Samaritano) laws hematoma (hematoma) a large bruise, accumulation of
designed to protect individuals from legal action when rende- blood around the venipuncture site during or after venipunc-
ring emergency medical aid, without compensation, within the ture caused by the leakage of blood from where the needle
areas of their training and expertise (Ch. 12). punctured the vein (Ch. 31, 40).
Gram stain (tinción de Gram) named for its inventor, Hans hematopoiesis (hematopoyesis) formation of blood cells
Christian Gram, and is, therefore, always capitalized; most (Ch. 41).
common stain used in microbiology to observe gross mor- hematuria (hematuria) abnormal presence of blood in
phologic features of bacteria; a differential stain, allowing urine, symptomatic of many disorders of the genitourinary
differentiation between Gram-negative and Gram-positive system and renal diseases (Ch. 30, 42).
organisms (Ch. 43).
hemiplegia (hemiplejía) paralysis of one side of the body
gravidity (gravidez) total number of pregnancies a woman (Ch. 33).
has had regardless of duration, including a present one
(Ch. 26). hemoconcentration (hemoconcentración) pooling of blood
at the location of the venipuncture caused by leaving the tour-
gross contamination (contaminación importante) highly niquet on the arm longer than one minute, resulting in inac-
infectious material present (Ch. 22). curate blood samples (Ch. 40).
gross examination (examen macroscópico) viewing speci- hemoglobin (hemoglobina) molecule within the red blood
mens with the naked eye (Ch. 16). cell that transports oxygen (Ch. 41).
guarantor (garante) the person identified as responsible for hemoglobinopathy (hemoglobinopatía) inherited disease
payment of the bill (Ch. 19). resulting from the formation of an abnormal hemoglobin
Guthrie screening test (prueba de detección de Guthrie) molecule (Ch. 41).
also known as newborn screening test; diagnostic test for the hemolysis (hemólisis) rupturing of the red blood cells
detection of phenylketonuria (PKU) (Ch. 44). during the process of blood collection. The serum or plasma
becomes contaminated and has a reddish color (Ch. 40).
H hemoptysis (hemoptisis) spitting up of blood arising from
hard drive (disco duro) a nonvolatile storage device that sto- the mouth, larynx, trachea, bronchi, or lungs characterized by
res digitally encoded data on rapidly rotating rigid disks with a sudden attack of coughing with production of bloody spu-
magnetic surfaces. The capacity is approximately 100 GB. The tum (Ch. 30).
device is either permanently installed within the computer
heterophile antibody (anticuerpo heterófilo) antibody that
case or can be portable (Ch. 11).
reacts with other than the specific antigens as seen in infec-
hardware (hardware) physical equipment used by the com- tious mononucleosis (Ch. 44).
puter system to process data (Ch. 11).
Hibeclens® (Hibeclens®) brand of antiseptic soap solution
hard-wired networks (redes con cableado físico) networks (Ch. 31).
connected by metallic conductors or cables; under some cir-
hierarchy of needs (jerarquía de necesidades) needs that are
cumstances, optical cables could be used (Ch. 11).
arranged in a specific order or rank; sequential arrangement.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Associated with Abraham Maslow (Ch. 4).
(Ley de Portabilidad y Responsabilidad de Seguros de Salud
1126 Glossary of Terms
implicit (implícito) capable of being understood from some- inner-directed people (personas con autodeterminación)
thing else though unexpressed; implied (Ch. 9). people who decide for themselves what they want to do with
implied consent (consentimiento implícito) consent assu- their lives (Ch. 5).
med by the health care provider, typically in an emergency inoculate (inocular) to place colonies of microorganisms
that threatens the patient’s life. Implied consent also occurs onto nutrient media (Ch. 43).
in more subtle ways in the health care environment; for exam- inoculation (inoculación) injection (Ch. 22).
ple, when a patient willingly rolls up the sleeve to receive an
injection (Ch. 7). input device (dispositivo de entrada) a device used to input
data into a computer (Ch. 11).
implied contract (contrato implícito) contract indicated by
actions rather than words (Ch. 7). instrument tray (bandeja de instrumentos) see Mayo stand
(Ch. 31).
improvise (improvisar) to make, invent, or arrange in an
unplanned or spontaneous manner (Ch. 1). insulin (insulina) hormone secreted by beta cells of the islets
of Langerhans of the pancreas essential for the proper meta-
incinerate (incinerar) to destroy by fire (Ch. 22). bolism of glucose (Ch. 44).
income statement (estado de resultados) financial statement integrate (integrar) to incorporate into a larger unit; to form
showing net profit or loss (Ch. 21). or blend into a whole (Ch. 1).
incompetence (incompetencia) legally, a person who is integrated delivery system (IDS) (sistema de prestación de
insane, inadequate, or not an adult (Ch. 7). servicios médicos integrado [IDS]) a health care organi-
incontinence (incontinencia) uncontrollable loss of urine or zation of affiliated provider sites combined under a single
feces (Ch. 29). ownership that offers the full spectrum of managed health
increment (incremento) an increase or addition in number, care (Ch. 17).
size, or extent (Ch. 24). integrative medicine (medicina integradora) bringing toge-
independent physician association (IPA) (Asociación Inde- ther of two or more treatment modalities so they function as a
pendiente de Médicos [IPA]) independent network of phy- harmonious whole, as seen in alternative forms of health care
sicians in private practice who contract with the association to (Ch. 2).
treat patients for an agreed-upon fee (Ch. 2). internal respiration (respiración interna) passage of oxygen
indexing (indexar) selecting the name, subject, or number from the blood into the cells (Ch. 30).
under which to file a record and determining the order in International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical
which the units should be considered (Ch. 14). Modification (ICD-9-CM) (Clasificación Internacional de Enfer-
indirect statements (declaraciones indirectas) means of eli- medades, 9.ª Revisión, Modificación Clínica [CIE-9-MC]) stan-
citing a response from a patient by turning a question into a dard diagnosis codes used to identify a patient’s medical
statement of interest (Ch. 4). problem. Used by most ambulatory care settings in encoding
the claim form and recognized by most insurance carriers
infarction (infarto) area of tissue in an organ or part that (Ch. 18).
becomes necrotic (dead) after cessation of blood supply
(Ch. 37). internship (pasantía) transition stage between classroom
and employment (Ch. 1).
infection (infección) invasion of pathogens into living tissue
(Ch. 31). interrogatory (interrogatorio) a written set of questions that
must be answered, under oath, within a specific time period;
infection control (control de infecciones) methods to elimi- part of the discovery process (Ch. 7).
nate or reduce the transmission of infectious microorganisms
(Ch. 22). interview (entrevista) meeting in which you and the inter-
viewer discuss employment opportunities and strengths you
infectious agent (agente infeccioso) pathogen responsible can contribute to the organization (Ch. 48).
for a specific infectious disease (Ch. 22).
interview techniques (técnicas de entrevista) methods of
infectious mononucleosis (mononucleosis infecciosa) acute encouraging the best communication between the applicant
infectious disease primarily affecting the lymphoid tissue, cau- and the interviewer (Ch. 4).
sed by the Epstein–Barr virus (Ch. 44).
intraepithelium (intraepitelial) within the epithelium
infectious waste (residuos patógenos) items that have come (Ch. 26).
in contact with patient blood or body fluids. Contaminated
items (Ch. 22). intravenous pyelogram (pielograma intravenoso) radiogra-
phic studies of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder using a con-
inflammation (inflamación) the normal nonspecific immune trast medium (Ch. 28).
response by the body to any type of injury (trauma, bacterial,
viral, and temperature extremes) (Ch. 31). invasive procedure (procedimiento invasivo) surgical techni-
que or a procedure that requires penetration of the skin or a
inflammatory response (respuesta inflamatoria) body’s body opening. The potential for pathogenic microorganisms
defense against the threat of infection or trauma. Characteri- to enter the body exists (Ch. 22, 39).
zed by redness, pain, heat, and swelling (Ch. 22).
inversion (inversión) moving a body part inward (Ch. 33).
informed consent (consentimiento informado) consent
given by the patient who is made aware of any procedure to involuntary dismissal (despido involuntario) termination of
be performed, its risks, expected outcomes, and alternatives employment based on poor job performance or violation of
(Ch. 7, 31). office policies (Ch. 46).
1128 Glossary of Terms
involution (involución) return of the uterus to normal size keywords (palabras clave) words that relate to a job-specific
and shape after childbirth (Ch. 26). position. Keywords may be job-specific skills or profession-
ionizing radiation (radiación ionizante) X-ray beams (Ch. 32). specific words (Ch. 48).
ischemia (isquemia) local and temporary lack of blood to an kinesics (cinésica) study of body language (Ch. 4).
organ or part caused by obstruction of circulation (Ch. 37).
isoelectric (isoeléctrico) having equal electrical potentials.
It is represented on the ECG as the flat horizontal line, the labyrinthitis (laberintitis) inflammation of inner ear or
baseline (Ch. 37). labyrinth (Ch. 25).
isolation (aislamiento) separating a patient with certain lackluster (deslucido) dull, lacking in sheen (Ch. 9).
infections or communicable diseases from other individuals Lamaze (Lamaze) technique consisting of breathing exerci-
(Ch. 22). ses to facilitate delivery (Ch. 26).
isolation categories (categorías de aislamiento) system of latex beads (perlas de látex) tiny latex beads coated with
seven categories developed by the Centers for Disease Control antibodies or antigens that react with antigens or antibodies
(CDC) that isolates patients according to known infections. in the test sample in an agglutination reaction. The latex
These categories have been condensed into three Transmission- beads may be colored to make the reaction easier to visualize
Based Precautions based on air, contact, and droplet routes of (Ch. 44).
transmission (Ch. 22).
lead wire (alambre guía) a conductor attached to an electro-
isopropyl alcohol (alcohol isopropílico) commonly called cardiograph. Consists of limb leads and chest leads (Ch. 37).
rubbing alcohol; 70% alcohol solution commonly used as a
ledger (libro mayor) record of charges, payments, and
cleaner (Ch. 31).
adjustments for individual patient or family (Ch. 19).
isotope (isótopo) a chemical element (Ch. 32).
lesion (lesión) injury or wound. A circumscribed area of
itinerary (itinerario) detailed written plan of a proposed trip tissue that has been altered pathologically (Ch. 22, 30).
(Ch. 45).
letter of reference (carta de referencia) letter usually writ-
ten by an employee’s past employer describing the employee’s
J performance, attitude, or qualifications. This letter is pre-
jargon (jerga) words, phrases, or terminology specific to a sented to a potential employer when applying for a new job
profession (Ch. 12). (Ch. 46).
jaundice (ictericia) yellow discolorization of the skin and letter of resignation (carta de renuncia) letter informing the
sclera caused by excess bilirubin in the blood (Ch. 22, 25). current employer of the employee’s decision to resign from a
jet injection (inyección a chorro) an injection given under current position (Ch. 46).
the skin without a needle, using the force of the liquid under leukocyte (leucocito) white blood cell, one of the formed
pressure to pierce the skin (Ch. 22). elements of blood (Ch. 40, 41).
job description (descripción del trabajo) outline of tasks, leukocyte esterase (esterasa leucocitaria) test on a reagent
duties, and responsibilities for every position in the office strip that indicates the presence of white blood cells in the
(Ch. 46). urinary tract (Ch. 42).
Joint Commission (Comisión Conjunta) formerly the Joint leukorrhea (leucorrea) whitish or yellowish mucus dischar-
Commision on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, ged from the cervical canal or vagina. Usually normal unless
a commission established to improve the quality of care and there is an increase in amount or variation in color (Ch. 22).
services provided in organized health care setting, through liability (pasivo) debts and financial obligations for which
a voluntary accreditation process (Ch. 16). one is responsible (Ch. 21); legal responsibility (Ch. 45).
libel (calumnia) false and malicious writing about another
K constituting a defamation of character (Ch. 7).
keratitis (queratitis) inflammation of the cornea (Ch.22). libido (libido) sexual drive (Ch. 28).
ketoacidosis (cetoacidosis) accumulation of ketones in the license (licencia) permission by competent authority (the
body, occurring primarily as a complication of diabetes melli- state) to engage in a profession; permission to act (Ch. 1);
tus; if left untreated, it could cause coma (Ch. 42). permission statement authorizing the use of copyrighted com-
ketone (cetona) chemical compound produced during puter software (Ch. 11).
an increased metabolism of fat; also, test on a reagent strip license (matrícula) granting of licenses to practice a profes-
(Ch. 42). sion (Ch. 1).
ketonuria (cetonuria) having ketones in urine (Ch. 42). ligature (ligadura) length of suture thread without a needle,
ketosis (cetosis) a condition of the body burning fatty acids for used for tying off vessels during surgery (Ch. 31).
energy in the absence of appropriate glucose/carbohydrates; lipemia (lipemia) excessive amount of fat (lipids) in the
may be referred to as lipolysis (Ch. 42). blood, resulting in a blood sample that has a milky appea-
key (keyed) (mecanografiar) to input data by keystrokes on a rance (Ch. 40).
computer keyboard (Ch. 15). liquid nitrogen (nitrógeno líquido) commonly and incor-
key unit (unidad clave) first indexing unit of the filing seg- rectly referred to as dry ice, liquid nitrogen is a volatile
ment (Ch. 14).
Glossary of Terms 1129
freezing agent used to destroy unwanted tissue such as warts magnetic drive (disco magnético) memory storage device
(Ch. 31). that uses the magnetic state of a ferrous coating to record data
lithotripsy (litotricia) procedure using shock waves directed (Ch. 11).
at calculi to crush them (Ch. 30). mainframe computer (computadora central) large com-
litigation (litigio) court action (Ch. 7). puter system capable of processing massive volumes of
data (Ch. 11).
litigious (pleiteador) prone to engage in lawsuits (Ch. 1).
major mineral (mineral principal) mineral that is required
living will (testamento en vida) document allowing a person in large amounts by the body (Ch. 34).
to make choices related to treatment in a life-threatening ill-
ness (Ch. 6). malabsorption (malabsorción) inadequate absorption of
nutrients from the intestinal tract (Ch. 30).
local area network (LAN) (red de área local [LAN]) network
of computers usually in one office or building (Ch. 11). malaise (malestar) discomfort, uneasiness, or indisposition,
often indicative of infection (Ch. 22, 30).
lochia (loquios) discharge from the uterus of blood, mucus,
and tissue during the period after childbirth (Ch. 22, 26). malaria (paludismo) acute infectious disease caused by the
presence of protozoan parasites within the red blood cells;
long-range goals (metas a largo plazo) achievements that usually comes from the bite of a female mosquito (Ch. 3, 22).
may take three to five years to accomplish (Ch. 5).
malfeasance (fechoría) conduct that is illegal or contrary to
low-context communication (comunicación de bajo contexto) an official’s obligations (Ch. 7).
communication style that uses few environmental or cultural
idioms to convey an idea or concept. Ideas are spelled out malpractice (mala praxis) professional negligence (Ch. 7, 45).
explicitly (Ch. 4). managed care operation (establecimiento de atención
low-density lipoprotein (LDL) (lipoproteína de baja densidad administrada) any health care setting or delivery system
[LDL]) lipoprotein in the blood composed primarily of cho- that is designed to reduce the cost of care while still providing
lesterol. The cholesterol carried by LDL may be deposited in access to care (Ch. 2).
peripheral tissues and is associated with an increased risk for managed care organization (MCO) (organización de atención
heart disease (Ch. 44). administrada [MCO]) a health insurance organization that
lumbar puncture (punción lumbar) surgical puncture of the adheres to the principles of strong dependence on selective
lumbar area of the intervertebral spaces to aspirate cerebro- contracting with providers, the use of primary care physicians,
spinal fluid for laboratory analysis (Ch. 22, 43). prospective and retrospective utilization management, use
of treatment guidelines for high cost chronic disorders, and
lumen (luz) the space within an artery, vein, intestine, nee- an emphasis on preventive care, education, and patient com-
dles, and catheter or tube (Ch. 24). pliance with treatment plans (Ch. 17).
lymphadenopathy (linfadenopatía) a disease of the lymph management by walking around (MBWA) (gestión itinerante
nodes (Ch. 22). [MBWA]) a technique for keeping managers informed
lymphocyte (linfocito) white blood cell with a dense non- about the health of their organization (Ch. 45).
segmented nucleus and lacking granules in the cytoplasm mandate (mandato) formal order to obey certain rules and
(Ch. 41). regulations (Ch. 38).
lyophilized (liofilizado) the process of rapidly freezing manifest (manifestar) to reveal in an obvious way (Ch. 22).
a substance at extremely low temperatures and then
dehydrating the substance in a high vacuum (freeze drying) manometer (manómetro) device for measuring a liquid or
(Ch. 27). gaseous pressure. The measurement is expressed in millime-
ters of mercury or water (Ch. 24).
M Mantoux test (prueba de Mantoux) test for tuberculosis
involving the intracutaneous injection of purified protein
M codes (morphology codes) (códigos M [códigos mor-
derivative (see PPD) (Ch. 44).
fológicos]) found in the ICD-9-CM and used primarily
with cancer registries. M codes further identify behavior marketing (comercialización) process by which the provider
and the cell type of a neoplasm (Ch. 18). of services makes the consumer aware of the scope and quality
of those services. Marketing tools might include public rela-
macroallocation (macroasignación) of scarce medical re-
tions, brochures, patient education seminars, and newsletters
sources; decisions are made by Congress, health systems
(Ch. 45).
agencies, and insurance companies (Ch. 8).
masking (ocultamiento) attempt to conceal or repress true
macrocytic (macrocítico) term that describes a larger than
feelings or the message (Ch. 4).
normal cell (Ch. 41).
matrix (matriz) to establish an appointment matrix, a
macular (macular) pertaining to a discoloration of a patch
provider’s unavailable time slots are marked with an X.
of skin, neither elevated nor depressed, of various colors, sizes,
Patients are not scheduled during those times (Ch. 13).
and shapes (Ch. 22).
mature minor (menor maduro) a person, usually younger
macular degeneration (degeneración macular) degenera-
than 18 years, who is able to understand and appreciate
tion of the macula area of the retina caused by aging; a lea-
the consequences of treatment despite their young age
ding cause of visual impairment in people older than 50 years,
(Ch. 7).
making it difficult to do fine work (Ch. 29).
1130 Glossary of Terms
Mayo stand (mesa de Mayo) portable metal tray table used microorganism (microorganismo) microscopic living crea-
for setting up small sterile fields for minor surgery and proce- ture capable of transmission and reproduction in specific cir-
dures (Ch. 31). cumstances (Ch. 22).
meconium (meconio) first feces of newborn (Ch. 26). microscopic examination (examen microscópico) viewing a
mediation (mediación) dispute resolution that allows a faci- specimen with the aid of a microscope (Ch. 16).
litator to help the two parties settle their differences and come microscopy (microscopia) inspection with a microscope
to an acceptable solution (Ch. 7). (Ch. 38).
medical asepsis (asepsia médica) clean and free from infec- midstream collection (recolección de mitad de micción)
tion (Ch. 22, 38). urine sample collected in the middle of a flow of urine
medically indigent (médicamente indigente) refers to those (Ch. 42).
individuals unable to pay for their own medical coverage minicomputer (minicomputadora) one of the four catego-
(Ch. 7). ries of computers based on size: larger than a microcomputer
Medicare Part A (Medicare Parte A) benefits covering inpa- and smaller than a mainframe (Ch. 11).
tient hospital and skilled nursing facilities, hospice care, and minor (menor) person who has not reached the age of majo-
blood transfusion (Ch. 17). rity, usually 18 years (Ch. 7).
Medicare Part B (Medicare Parte B) benefits covering out- minutes (actas) written record of topics discussed and
patient hospital and health care provider services (Ch. 17). actions taken during meeting sessions (Ch. 15, 45).
Medicare Part C (Medicare Parte C) commonly referred to misdemeanor (contravención) a lesser crime; misdemeanors
as Medicare advantage plans. These plans are approved by vary from state to state in their definition. Punishment is usua-
Medicare and are run by private companies (Ch. 17). lly probation or a time of public service and a fine (Ch. 7).
Medicare Part D (Medicare Parte D) prescription drug cove- misfeasance (irregularidad) a civil law term referring to a
rage by Medicare (Ch. 17). lawful act that is improperly or unlawfully executed (Ch. 7).
Medigap policy (póliza de Medigap) an individual plan modalities (modalidades) physical agents such as heat, cold,
covering the patient’s Medicare deductible and co-pay obli- light, water, and electricity used to treat muscular or joint mal-
gations that fulfills the federal government standards for function (Ch. 33).
Medicare supplemental insurance (Ch. 17). modified block letter, indented (carta estilo bloque modi-
memorandum (memorándum) interoffice correspondence, ficado, con sangría) modified letter style with indented
usually referred to as a memo (Ch. 15). paragraphs. Paragraphs in this style of letter may be indented
memory (memoria) refers to storage of computer data. five spaces (Ch. 15).
Memory can be volatile (lost when computer is turned off) modified block letter, standard (carta estilo bloque modi-
or nonvolatile (permanently written to storage device) ficado, estándar) major letter style where all lines begin at
(Ch. 11). the left margin with the exception of the date line, compli-
meniscus (menisco) curvature appearing in a liquid’s upper mentary closure, and keyed signature. The exceptions usual-
surface when a liquid is placed in a container (Ch. 24, 36). ly begin at the center position or a few spaces to the right of
center (Ch. 15).
menses (menstruación) menstruation (Ch. 22).
modified wave scheduling (planificación en olas modificada)
mentor (mentor) person assigned or requested to assist in system where multiple patients are scheduled at the beginning
training, guiding, or coaching another (Ch. 45). of each hour, followed by single appointments every 10 to 20
metabolism (metabolismo) total of all changes, chemical minutes the rest of the hour (Ch. 13).
and physical, that take place in the body (Ch. 34). modifier (modificador) an additional code that may be
metastasis (metástasis) in cancer, malignant cells spread added to a five-digit CPT code to further explain the service
from the primary growth to a new location (Ch. 28). provided (Ch. 18).
metered dose inhaler (inhalador de dosis medida) a device modulated (modulado) speech that varies in pitch and
used to deliver a prescribed amount of medication to the res- intensity (Ch. 12).
piratory tract, especially the lungs (Ch. 30). money market savings accounts (cuentas de ahorro del mer-
metrorrhagia (metrorragia) uterine bleeding at irregular cado monetario) bank accounts that pay a higher interest
intervals (Ch. 26). rate (money market rate) than standard savings accounts and
microallocation (microasignación) of scarce medical resour- permit writing a limited number of checks (Ch. 17).
ces; decisions are made by providers and individual members monocyte (monocito) white blood cell without cytoplasmic
of the health care team (Ch. 8). granules that has a large convoluted nonsegmented nucleus
microbiology (microbiología) branch of biology dealing with (Ch. 41).
the study of microscopic forms of life (Ch. 39, 43). morbid obesity (obesidad mórbida) obesity so severe that it
microcomputer (microcomputadora) personal or desktop can result in serious diseases (Ch. 30).
computer. Also, a handheld or laptop model (Ch. 11). morbidity (morbilidad) number of cases of disease in a spe-
microcytic (microcítico) term describing a smaller than nor- cific population (Ch. 22).
mal cell (Ch. 41). mordant (mordiente) substance that causes dye to adhere to
an object; iodine is a mordant in Gram stain (Ch. 43).
Glossary of Terms 1131
morphology (morfología) form and structure of an orga- nonconsecutive filing (archivado no consecutivo) numeric
nism (Ch. 22, 43). filing method where numbers are considered in ascending
mortality (mortalidad) the ratio of the number of deaths to order using subsets of figures within a number; for example,
a given population (Ch. 22). in the number 574 19 2863: 2863 is unit 1, 19 is unit 2, 574 is
unit 3 (Ch. 14).
motherboard (placa madre) printed circuit board on which
the CPU, ROM, and RAM chips and other electronic circuit ele- nonfeasance (omisión) a civil law term referring to the
ments of a digital computer are frequently located (Ch. 11). failure to perform an act, official duty, or legal requirement
(Ch. 7).
mounting (montaje) process of applying in sequence a por-
tion of each of the 12 leads of the ECG recording onto a com- noninvasive procedure (procedimiento no invasivo) a proce-
mercially prepared mounting form or plain sheet of paper as dure that does require penetrating the skin or a body opening
part of the patient’s permanent record (Ch. 37). (Ch. 37).
moxibustion (moxibustión) ancient Chinese method of normal flora (flora normal) microorganisms that are normal-
treatment that uses a powdered plant substance on the skin to ly present in a specific site (Ch. 22, 43).
raise a blister (Ch. 3). normal saline (solución salina normal) a solution of sodium
multigravida (multigrávida) a woman who has been preg- chloride (salt) and distilled water. It has the same osmotic
nant more than once (Ch. 26). pressure as blood serum. It is also known as isotonic or physio-
logic saline (Ch. 9).
mycology (micología) study of fungi (Ch. 39, 43).
normal sinus rhythm (ritmo sinusal normal) term used to
myringotomy (miringotomía) incision into the tympanic describe the heart’s rhythm when it is within the normal range
membrane; part of the treatment for otitis media (Ch. 27). (Ch. 37).
N normochromic (normocrómico) of normal color, in this
case, when referring to red blood cells (Ch. 41).
Nägele’s rule (regla de Nägele) usual method for calculating
normocytic (normocítico) term that describes a normal-
expected date of birth (Ch. 26).
sized cell (Ch. 41).
National Healthcareer Association (NHA) (Asociación Nacio-
nosocomial (intrahospitalaria) infection acquired in a health
nal de Profesiones de Salud [NHA]) an association that
care setting (hospital, clinic, nursing home) (Ch. 22).
offers national certification examinations for health care pro-
fessionals. NHA works with educational institutions on curri- notary (notary public) (escribano público) someone with
culum development, competency testing, and preparation and the legal capacity to witness and certify documents; can take
administration of their examination for certification (Ch. 47). depositions (Ch. 19).
negligence (negligencia) failure to exercise a certain stan- nullipara (nulípara) a woman who has not carried a preg-
dard of care (Ch. 7, 45). nancy to the stage of viability (Ch. 26).
nematode (nematodo) round worm (Ch. 43). nutrient (nutriente) ingested substance that helps the body
stay in its homeostatic state (Ch. 34).
neonatal (neonatal) pertaining to newborn (Ch. 26).
nutrition (nutrición) study of the bringing of nutrients into
neonate (neonato) newborn.
the body and how the body uses these nutrients (Ch. 34).
nephrolithotomy (nefrolitotomía) incision into the kidney
nystagmus (nistagmo) continuous involuntary movement of
to remove stones (Ch. 30).
the eyes (Ch. 30).
network interface (interfaz de red) software, servers, and
cable connections used to link computers (Ch. 11). O
networking (conexión en red) connecting two or more com- obfuscation (ofuscación) making things clouded or confu-
puters together to share files and hardware. The system is sed (Ch. 12).
called a network (Ch. 11); process in which people of similar
interests exchange information in social, business, or profes- objective (objetivo) a patient sign that is visible, palpable,
sional relationships (Ch. 46). or measurable by an observer (Ch. 23); also, magnifying lens
that is closest to the object being viewed with a microscope
neutrophil (neutrófilo) the most common type of granulocy- (Ch. 39).
tic white blood cell (Ch. 41).
obturator (obturador) tool that obstructs or closes a cavity or
nevus (nevo) a mole (Ch. 29). opening. The internal portion of an examination instrument
niacin (niacina) one of the B-complex vitamins (Ch. 34). that facilitates the entry of the instrument into the body; it is
nitrogenous (nitrogenoso) pertaining to waste products in then withdrawn, permitting visualization of the internal area
the blood indicating kidney disease (Ch. 30). (Ch. 30).
nocturia (nocturia) excessive urination during the night occluder (oclusor) instrument used to obstruct or close off
(Ch. 28, 30). vision or light (Ch. 30).
nomogram (nomograma) graph that shows the relation occlusion (oclusión) closure of a passage (Ch. 9).
among numeric values. Body surface area (BSA) of a patient old reports (informes anteriores) reports such as a discharge
can be estimated by its use (Ch. 36). summary that should be completed within 71 hours (Ch. 16).
noncompliant (inobservancia) failure to follow a required oliguria (oliguria) decrease in urine output (Ch. 30).
command or instruction (Ch. 7).
1132 Glossary of Terms
open-ended questions (preguntas abiertas) questions that oxytocin (oxitocina) a pituitary hormone that stimulates
encourage verbalization and response; questions that seek a the muscles of the uterus to contract, thus inducing labor
response beyond a simple yes or no (Ch. 4). (Ch. 26).
operating system (OS) (sistema operativo [SO]) software
used to control the computer and its peripheral equipment. P
Also referred to as system software (Ch. 11). pagers (localizadores) also known as beepers. One-way
operative report (OR) (informe quirúrgico [OR]) medical paging systems often used inside hospitals and by providers on
report that chronicles the details of a surgical procedure call. Pagers only receive signals (Ch. 12).
(Ch. 16). palliative (paliativa) measures taken to relieve symptoms of
opportunistic infection (infección oportunista) an infec- disease (Ch. 22, 32).
tion that results from a defective immune system that cannot pallor (palidez) lack of color, paleness (Ch. 25).
defend itself from pathogens normally found in the environ-
palpate (palpar) to feel with fingertips, to search for a vein
ment (Ch. 22).
with a pressure and release touch (Ch. 40).
optical character reader (OCR) (lector óptico de caracteres
pandemic (pandemia) a disease affecting the majority of the
[OCR]) U.S. Postal Service’s computerized scanner that
population of a large region; is epidemic at same time in many
reads addresses printed on letter mail. If the information
parts of the world (Ch. 22).
is properly formatted, then the OCR will find a match in its
address files and print a bar code on the lower right edge of panel (panel) a series of tests related to a particular organ
the envelope (Ch. 15). or organ system of body function. For example, a liver panel
would check many different functions of the liver. Previously
optical disk (disco óptico) portable and transferable read-
called a “profile” (Ch. 39).
write or read-only data storage device. Sometimes called a
CD-ROM, CD-RW, or compact disk. Capacity is 1 to 8 gigabytes papular (papular) pertaining to a small, red, elevated area of
of data. Optical drive unit is required to read-write data from the skin, solid and circumscribed (Ch. 22).
the disk (Ch. 11). paracentesis (paracentesis) puncture of a cavity for removal
opticokinetic drum test (prueba del tambor optocinético) of fluid (Ch. 22).
test used to help diagnose nystagmus (Ch. 30). parasitology (parasitología) study of organisms (parasites
orchidectomy (orquidectomía) surgical excision of a testicle and their eggs) that live within or on another organism and at
(Ch. 28). the expense of that organism (Ch. 39, 43).
organomercurial (compuestos organomercuriales) any parasympathetic nervous system (sistema nervioso para-
mercury-containing organic compound (Ch. 27). simpático) part of the autonomic nervous system that
returns the body to its normal state after stress has subsided
orthopnea (ortopnea) difficulty breathing in any position
(Ch. 5).
other than an upright position (Ch. 24).
parenteral (parenteral) injection of a liquid substance
oscilloscope (osciloscopio) an electronic device used for
into the body via a route other than the alimentary canal
recording electrical activity of the heart, brain, and muscular
(Ch. 22, 36).
tissues (Ch. 32, 37).
paresthesia (parestesia) a sensation of numbness, prickling,
otoscope (otoscopio) instrument used to examine the exter-
or heightened sensitivity (Ch. 30).
nal ear canal and tympanic membrane (Ch. 30).
parity (paridad) carrying a pregnancy to the point of viabi-
out guide or sheet (señalador o marcador) card, folder,
lity regardless of the outcome (Ch. 26).
or slip of paper inserted temporarily in the files to replace a
record that has been retrieved from the files (Ch. 14). participatory manager (gerente participativo) operates on
the premise that the worker is capable and wants to do a good
outer-directed people (personas influenciables) people who
job (Ch. 45).
let events, other people, or environmental factors dictate their
behavior (Ch. 5). parturition (parir) the process of giving birth (Ch. 26).
output device (dispositivo de salida) a device used to output patch (parche) modification to software to fix deficiencies
data from a computer. Includes printers, faxes, data storage in the software. Frequently downloaded from the software
drivers, screens, and plotters (Ch. 11). supplier’s Web site or from floppy disks provided by the
supplier (Ch. 11).
ova (óvulos) eggs, in this case, eggs of a parasite (Ch. 43).
patent (permeable) open, not blocked (Ch. 26).
overtime (horas extra) money paid at a rate of not less than
one and one-half times the regular rate of pay after a 40-hour pathogen (patógeno) disease-producing microorganism
work week is completed (Ch. 46). (Ch. 22, 43).
owner’s equity (patrimonio neto) amount by which business pathology report (informe de patología) medical reports
assets exceed business liabilities. Also called net worth, pro- generated to describe the gross and microscopic examina-
prietorship, and capital (Ch. 21). tions performed during a surgical procedure (Ch. 16, 31).
oxidation (oxidación) process of a substance combining Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA) (Ley de Autodeter-
with oxygen (Ch. 34). minación del Paciente [PSDA]) the Act that includes the
Advance Directive giving patients the right to be involved in
oxygenated (oxigenado) containing high levels of oxygen
their health care decisions (Ch. 7).
(Ch. 40).
Glossary of Terms 1133
patient service centers (centros de servicio al paciente) sate- amino acid phenylalanine. If not discovered and treated
llite laboratory facilities located in convenient areas for patients early, brain damage can occur, causing severe mental retar-
where specimens can be collected or dropped off (Ch. 39). dation (Ch. 27, 44).
payee (beneficiario) person named on check who is to phlebotomy (flebotomía) process of collecting blood
receive the amount indicated (Ch. 19). (Ch. 22, 40).
peak (pico) the opposite of “trough,” this is the point at physician’s directive (directiva a los médicos) another name
which a drug is at its highest level in the body, usually about for a living will (Ch. 6).
30 minutes after administration. In lab tests, the peak would physicians’ office laboratories (POL) (laboratorios del consul-
tell the provider the strongest influence the drug would have torio de los médicos [POL]) laboratories within physicians’
on the body at that particular dose (Ch. 39). offices where common office laboratory tests are performed
pegboard system (sistema de tablero de clavijas) most (Ch. 39).
commonly used manual medical accounts receivable system phytomedicines (fitomedicinas) herbs used as medicinal
(Ch. 19). plants. They contain plant material as their active ingredient
pellagra (pelagra) disease caused by a deficiency in vitamin (Ch. 36).
B3 (nicotinic acid) characterized by sores on the skin, diarr- placenta abruptio (desprendimiento de la placenta) sudden
hea, anxiety, confusion, and death if not treated (Ch. 34). and abrupt separation of the placenta from uterine wall
pelvic inflammatory disease (enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica) (Ch. 26).
infection of uterus, fallopian tubes, and adjacent pelvic structu- placenta previa (placenta previa) placenta lies low in uterus
res; most common causes are gonorrhea and chlamydia, spread and can partially or completely cover the cervical os (Ch. 26).
as sexually transmitted diseases (Ch. 26).
plaintiff (demandante) person bringing charges in litigation
perception (percepción) conscious awareness of one’s own (Ch. 7).
feelings and the feelings of others (Ch. 4).
plantar flexion (flexión plantar) moving the foot downward
peripheral (periférico) away from the center of the body at the ankle (Ch. 33).
(Ch. 24).
plasma (plasma) fluid portion of blood from a tube contai-
pernicious anemia (anemia perniciosa) chronic anemia cau- ning anticoagulant. This fluid contains fibrinogen (Ch. 40).
sed by lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach; weakness, fati-
gue, tingling of extremities, and even heart failure can result; pluralistic (pluralism) (pluralista [pluralismo]) society where
vitamin B12 injections are the treatment for this condition there are several distinct ethnic, religious, or cultural groups
(Ch. 29). that coexist with one another (Ch. 3).
personal computer (PC) (computadora personal [PC]) any point-of-service (POS) device (dispositivo de punto de servi-
computer whose price, size, and capabilities make it useful cio [POS]) device allowing direct communication between a
for individuals to use with no intervening computer operator. medical office and the health care plan’s computer (Ch. 18).
Also known as a microcomputer (Ch. 11). point-of-service (POS) plan (plan de punto de servicio
personal digital assistant (PDA) (asistente personal digital [POS]) a plan that allows direct communication between a
[PDA]) an electronic tool for organizing data, a handheld medical office and the health insurance company (Ch. 17).
computerized personal organizer device (Ch. 11). polyp (pólipo) tumor with a stem found in nose, uterus,
petri dish (placa de Petri) plastic dish into which agar is pla- bladder, colon, or rectum (Ch. 30).
ced for the purpose of growing bacteria (Ch. 43). port (puerto) shortened term for portal—an entry way.
petrissage (petrissage) a kneading movement in massage When related to intravenous therapy, it is a type of adapter
(Ch. 33). that can serve as additional means for infusing fluids or medi-
cations. The port can be attached to the primary tubing. The
petty cash (caja chica) small sum kept on hand for minor or port has a needleless entry site (Ch. 36).
unexpected expenses (Ch. 19).
portfolio (cartera) notebook or file containing examples of
pH (pH) scale that indicates the relative alkalinity or acidity materials commonly used (Ch. 15).
of a solution; measurement of hydrogen ion concentration
(Ch. 42). postcoital (poscoital) period of time following (after) inter-
course (Ch. 26).
phacoemulsification (facoemulsificación) treatment for
cataracts. An ultrasonic device is used to disintegrate the cata- posting (asiento) recording financial transactions into a
ract of the lens of the eye, which is then aspirated and remo- bookkeeping or accounting system (Ch. 19).
ved (Ch. 30). potassium hydroxide (KOH) (hidróxido de potasio [KOH])
pharmacology (farmacología) study of drugs; the science 10% solution placed on vaginal smears, as well as skin scra-
concerned with the history, origin, sources, physical and che- pings, hair, and other dry substances, to dissolve excess debris.
mical properties, and uses of drugs and their effects on living This clears the vision field for better viewing of fungi and
organisms (Ch. 35). spores (Ch. 26, 43).
pharmacopoeia (farmacopea) book describing drugs and power verbs (verbos de acción) action words used to des-
their preparation or a collection or stock of drugs (Ch. 3). cribe your attributes and strengths (Ch. 48).
phenylketonuria (PKU) (fenilcetonuria [FCU]) a here- practicum (práctica) transitional stage providing oppor-
ditary disease caused by the body’s inability to oxidize the tunity to apply theory learned in the classroom to a health
1134 Glossary of Terms
care setting through practical, hands-on experience (Ch. charting; for example, bronchitis is #1, a broken wrist is #2,
1, 45). and so forth (Ch. 14, 23).
preauthorization (autorización previa) obtaining an insu- procedure manual (manual de procedimientos) manual
rance carrier’s consent to proceed with patient care and treat- providing detailed information relative to the performance of
ment. Unless authorization is obtained, insurance carriers tasks within the job description (Ch. 45).
may not pay benefits for specific problems (Ch. 17). processed food (alimentos procesados) food that is no lon-
precedents (precedentes) refers to rulings made at an ear- ger in a whole, natural state; cooked or packaged with parts
lier time and include decisions made in a court, interpreta- removed or ingredients added (Ch. 34).
tions of a constitution, and statutory law decisions (Ch. 7). professional liability insurance (seguro de responsabilidad
precipitate (precipitado) substance in the form of fine par- profesional) insurance policy designed to protect assets in
ticles that separates from a solution if allowed to stand for a the event a claim for damages resulting from negligence is
time (Ch. 36). filed and awarded (Ch. 45).
precordial (precordial) pertaining to the area on the professionalism (profesionalismo) the qualities that cha-
anterior surface of the body overlying the heart (Ch. 37). racterize or distinguish a professional person who conforms
preeclampsia (preeclampsia) a complication of pregnancy to the technical and ethical standards of the profession
characterized by generalized edema, hypertension, and pro- (Ch. 1).
teinuria (Ch. 26). proficiency testing (prueba de aptitud) sample tests perfor-
preexisting (preexistente) injury or disease that occurs med in a clinical laboratory to determine with what degree of
before a certain date (Ch. 22). accuracy tests are being performed. Testing samples are chec-
ked in the same manner as patient specimens (Ch. 38).
preferred provider organization (PPO) (organización de pro-
veedor preferido [PPO]) organization of providers who net- profit sharing (participación en las ganancias) sharing in
work together to offer discounts to purchasers of heath care the financial profits, gains, and benefits of an organization
insurance (Ch. 2, 17). (Ch. 45).
prejudice (prejuicio) opinion or judgment that is formed progress notes (notas de evolución) also called chart notes.
before all the facts are known (Ch. 4). Provider’s formal or informal notes about presenting pro-
blem, physical findings, and plan for treatment for a patient
prenatal (prenatal) time period between fertilization and examined in the office, clinic, acute care center, or emergency
birth (Ch. 26). department (Ch. 16).
presbycusis (presbiacusia) progressive loss of hearing cau- projection (proyección) act of placing one’s own feelings on
sed by the normal aging process (Ch. 29). another (Ch. 4).
present problem (PP) (problema presente [PP]) see chief pronation (pronación) moving the arm so the palm is down
complaint (CC) (Ch. 16). (Ch. 33).
prescribe (recetar) to order or recommend the use of a pronunciation (pronunciación) saying words correctly
drug, diet, or other form of therapy (Ch. 7, 35). (Ch. 12).
preservative (conservante) chemical added to food to keep proofread (revisar) to read a document to verify the accu-
it fresh longer or added to urine to preserve it for testing racy of content and that correct grammar, spelling, punctua-
(Ch. 34, 42). tion, and capitalization were used (Ch. 15, 16).
primary care physician (PCP) (médico de atención primaria proprietary (empresa de propiedad privada) privately owned
[PCP]) primary care physician for a patient; all care is coor- and managed facility, a profit-making organization (Ch. 1).
dinated through the PCP (Ch. 17).
prostaglandin (prostaglandina) modulator of biochemical
primary container (recipiente principal) container that activity in tissues (Ch. 26).
directly contains the specimen (Ch. 40).
proteinuria (proteinuria) protein in the urine (Ch. 30).
primigravida (primigrávida) a woman pregnant for the first
time (Ch. 26). protozoa (protozoos) one-celled animals divided into four
groups: amoebae, flagellates, ciliates, and coccidia (Ch. 43).
privileged (privilegiada) confidential information that may
only be communicated with the patient’s permission or by provider performed microscopy procedure (PPMP) (procedi-
court order (Ch. 16). miento de microscopia realizada por el proveedor [PPM]) a
CLIA term for those microscopic examinations that require
probate court (tribunal sucesorio) court that administers the expertise of a physician or mid-level provider qualified in
estates and validates wills (Ch. 20). microscopic examinations. The PPMP is part of the CLIA’s
probation (período de prueba) period during which the moderately complex category of tests (Ch. 38).
employee and supervisory personnel may determine if both pruritus (prurito) itchiness (Ch. 22, 35).
the environment and the position are satisfactory for the
employee (Ch. 46). psychomotor retardation (retraso psicomotor) slowing of
physical and mental responses; may be seen in depression
problem-oriented medical record (POMR) (historia clínica (Ch. 6).
orientada al problema [POMR]) a type of patient chart
recordkeeping that uses a sheet at a prominent location in puerperium (puerperio) the period from the end of the
the chart to list vital identification data. Patient medical pro- third stage of labor until involution of uterus is complete,
blems are identified by a number that corresponds to the usually three to six weeks (Ch. 26).
Glossary of Terms 1135
pulmonary edema (edema pulmonar) accumulation of random access memory (RAM) (memoria de acceso aleatorio
serous fluid in the air vesicles and interstitial tissues of the [RAM]) a type of computer memory that can be written to
lungs (Ch. 38). and read from. The word random means that any one location
pulse oximeter (oxímetro de pulso) a device (similar to a can be read at any time. RAM commonly refers to the inter-
clip) that can be attached to a finger or bridge of the nose. It nal memory of a computer. RAM is usually a fast, temporary
measures oxygen concentration in the blood (Ch. 24). memory area where data and programs reside until saved or
until the power is turned off (Ch. 11).
purging (purga) method of maintaining order in the files by
separating active from inactive and closed files (Ch. 14). range of motion (ROM) (amplitud de movimiento
[ROM]) amount of movement that is present in a joint
purified protein derivative (PPD) (derivado proteico purifi- (Ch. 33).
cado [DPP]) filtrate obtained from Mycobacterium cultures
used for intradermal testing for tuberculosis (Ch. 44). ratchets (trinquetes) locking mechanisms on the handles of
many surgical instruments (Ch. 31).
purulent (purulento) forming or containing pus (Ch. 22).
rationalization (racionalización) act of justification, usually
pyorrhea (piorrea) discharge of pus from the gums, around illogically, that one uses to keep from facing the truth of the
the teeth (Ch. 25). situation (Ch. 4).
pyrexia (pirexia) fever (Ch. 24). read-only memory (ROM) (memoria de sólo lectura
pyridoxine (piridoxina) vitamin B6 (Ch. 34). [ROM]) permanently stored computer data that cannot be
pyuria (piuria) pus in the urine (Ch. 30). overwritten without special devices. Stores instructions requi-
red to start up the computer. Located on the motherboard
Q (Ch. 11).
qualitative test (prueba cualitativa) analysis to identify qua- reagent (reactivo) chemical substance that detects or syn-
lity or characteristics of components, such as size, shape, and thesizes other substances in a chemical reaction; used in labo-
maturity of cells (Ch. 39). ratory analyses because it is known to react in a specific way
(Ch. 39, 42, 43).
quality assurance (QA) (aseguramiento de calidad [QA]) pro-
cess to provide accurate, complete, consistent health care reagent test strip (tira de prueba reactiva) narrow strip of
documentation in a timely manner while making every rea- plastic on which pads containing reagents are attached; used
sonable effort to resolve inconsistencies, inaccuracies, risk in the urinalysis chemical examination to detect glucose,
management issues, and other problems (Ch. 16, 38). bilirubin, ketones, specific gravity, blood, pH, urobilinogen,
nitrites, and leukocyte esterase (Ch. 42).
quality control (control de calidad) measures used to moni-
tor the processing of laboratory specimens. Includes proper recertification (nueva certificación) documentation admit-
use, storage, handling, stability, expiration dates, and indica- ted to support continued education for maintaining a profes-
tions for measuring precision and accuracy of analytic proces- sional credential (Ch. 47).
ses (Ch. 38, 42, 43). redundant array of independent disk (RAID) (matriz redun-
quantitative test (prueba cuantitativa) analysis that can iden- dante de discos independientes [RAID]) a data storage scheme
tify quantity or actual number counts such as counting the that uses multiple hard drives to share or replicate data among
number of blood cells (Ch. 39). the drives (Ch. 11).
reference laboratories (laboratorios de referencia) indepen-
R dent, regionally located laboratories used by hospitals for com-
plex, expensive, or specialized tests (Ch. 39).
radioactive (radioactivo) emits rays or particles from nucleus
(Ch. 32). reference values (valores de referencia) also referred to
as normal value, normal range, or reference range; range of
radiograph (radiografía) the film on which an image is pro- values that includes 95% of test results for a normal healthy
duced through exposure to X-rays (Ch. 32). population (Ch. 39).
radiology and imaging reports (informes de radiología y de references (referencias) individuals who have known or
diagnóstico por imágenes) medical reports that describe the worked with a person long enough to make an honest assess-
findings and interpretations of the radiologist (Ch. 16). ment and recommendation regarding the person’s back-
radiolucent (radiolúcido) allowing X-rays to pass through. A ground history (Ch. 48).
dark area appears on the radiograph (Ch. 32). referral (remisión) term used by managed care facilities for
radionuclides (radionúclidos) atoms that disintegrate by authorization for someone other than the patient’s primary
emitting electromagnetic radiation (Ch. 32). care provider to treat the patient (Ch. 17).
radiopaque (radiopaco) impenetrable to X-rays. A light area refractometer (refractómetro) instrument that measures
appears on the radiograph (Ch. 32). the refractive index of a substance or solution; used in the uri-
radiopharmaceuticals (sustancias radiofarmacéuticas) radio- nalysis physical examination to measure the urine specimen’s
active chemicals used in testing the location, size, outline, or specific gravity (Ch. 42).
function of tissue, organs, vessels, or body fluids (Ch. 32). Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) (Asistente Médico Matri-
rales (estertores) abnormal bubbling or crackling sound culado [RMA]) credential awarded for successfully passing
heard by auscultation during the inspiratory phase of respira- the AMT examination (Ch. 1, 47).
tion (Ch. 24).
1136 Glossary of Terms
regression (regresión) moving back to a former stage to rosacea (rosácea) a chronic skin condition characterized by
escape conflict or fear (Ch. 4). pustules, papules, erythema, and hyperplasia. Its cause is un-
regulated waste (residuos regulados) any waste that contains known (Ch. 30).
infectious material that would pose a threat due to possible rotation (rotación) turning a body part around its axis
transmission of pathogenic microorganisms (Ch. 22). (Ch. 33); also, opportunity to spend 2 or 3 weeks in a variety
rehabilitation medicine (medicina de rehabilitación) field of health care settings (Ch. 40).
of medical disciplines that seeks to restore an individual or
body part to normal or near-normal function after an illness S
or injury using physical and mechanical agents (Ch. 33). salary review (revisión de salario) informing the employee
reimbursement (reembolso) payment (Ch. 38). of his or her revised base pay rate (Ch. 45).
repolarization (repolarización) reestablishment of a polari- salicylates (salicilatos) aspirin-type drugs that can cause
zed state in a muscle after contraction (Ch. 37). ulcers because of their irritation to the gastrointestinal tract
repression (represión) coping with an overwhelming situa- (Ch. 30).
tion by temporarily forgetting it; temporary amnesia (Ch. 4). sanitization (higienización) cleaning or scrubbing conta-
requisition (solicitud) request form sent with a specimen minated instruments or fomites to remove tissue, debris, or
specifying tests to be performed on the specimen; most com- other contaminants (Ch. 22).
mon tests are separated into logical categories with additional saturated fat (grasa saturada) fats that are typically solid
space for writing special requests (Ch. 38, 39). at room temperature, most commonly found in animal pro-
rescue breathing (respiración de rescate) performed on ducts, such as butter, milk, cream, and eggs as well as coconut
individuals in respiratory arrest, rescue breathing is a mouth- and palm oils (Ch. 34).
to-mouth (using appropriate protective equipment) or scabies (sarna) infectious skin disease caused by the itch
mouth-to-nose procedure that provides oxygen to the patient mite (Sarcoptes scabiei), which is transmitted by direct contact
until emergency personnel arrive (Ch. 9). with infected persons (Ch. 22).
residual urine (orina residual) amount of urine remaining scleroderma (esclerodermia) slowly progressing disease
in bladder immediately after voiding; seen with hyperplasia of characterized by deposition of fibrous connective tissue in the
prostate (Ch. 28, 29). skin and in internal organs (Ch. 25).
resistance (resistencia) ability of the immune system to resist scoop technique (técnica de una sola mano) a one-handed
or withstand an infectious disease (Ch. 22). technique used to “scoop” up and cover a used needle only if
resource-based relative value scale (RBRVS) (escala de valores a sharp’s container is not immediately available, the covering
relativos basada en recursos [RBRVS]) basis for the Medi- (cap) over the needle is not manipulated in any way; it is
care fee schedule (Ch. 17). then disposed of in the nearest sharps container (Ch. 22).
résumé (curriculum vitae) written summary data sheet or scope of practice (ámbito de práctica) the range of clinical
brief account of qualifications and progress in your chosen procedures and activities that are allowed by law for a profes-
career (Ch. 48). sion (Ch. 1).
retention (retención) urine held in the bladder; inability to screening (prueba de detección) evaluating patient
empty the bladder (Ch. 28). symptoms to determine emergent needs. Sometimes used to
determine the next best course of action when assisting a pro-
retrolental fibroplasia (fibroplasia retrolenticular) disease of vider in giving appropriate patient care (Ch. 42).
blood vessels of retina in newborns (Ch. 36).
scurvy (escorbuto) a deficiency in vitamin C characterized
review of systems (ROS) (revisión de sistemas [ROS]) inqui- by the abnormal formation of bones and teeth. Signs of hemor-
res about the system directly related to the problems identi- rhage can appear, such as bruising (Ch. 34).
fied in the history of the present illness (Ch. 16).
secretion (secreción) substance produced by the cells of
Rh factor (factor Rh) blood factor indicating the presence glandular organs from materials in the blood (Ch. 22, 38).
or absence of the Rh antigen on the surface of human erythro-
cytes (Ch. 44). sediment (sedimento) insoluble material that settles to the
bottom of a liquid; material examined in the urinalysis micro-
rhythm strip (tira de ritmo) ECG recording of a single lead, scopic examination (Ch. 42).
usually lead II, that is used to determine the rhythm of the
heart beat. An arrhythmia can more easily be seen in a rhythm self-actualization (autorealización) being all that you can be;
strip because it is run longer per provider’s request (Ch. 37). developing your full potential and experiencing fulfillment
(Ch. 5, 45).
riboflavin (riboflavina) vitamin B2 (Ch. 34).
self-insurance (autoseguro) insurance carried by large com-
risk management (gestión de riesgos) techniques adhered panies, nonprofit organizations, and government to reduce
to in the ambulatory care setting that keep the practice, its costs and gain more control of their finances. Each plan differs
environment, and its procedures as safe for the patient as pos- in coverage and claim filing requirements (Ch. 17).
sible. Proper risk management also reduces the possibility of
negligence that leads to torts and malpractice suits (Ch. 7, 9, semen (semen) thick, viscid secretion discharged from the
16, 45). urethra of males at orgasm. It is a mixed product containing
various fluids and spermatozoa. In postvasectomy males, sper-
roadblocks (obstáculos) verbal or nonverbal messages that matozoa is absent in semen (Ch. 44).
block communication (Ch. 4).
Glossary of Terms 1137
senile (senil) mental and physical weakness sometimes asso- slander (calumnia) false and malicious words about another
ciated with aging (Ch. 29). constituting a defamation of character (Ch. 7).
sensitivity (sensibilidad) test in which an organism is placed SOAP (SOAP) acronym for patient progress notes based on
with antibiotics to determine which antibiotic will effectively subjective impressions (S), objective clinical evidence (O),
kill the organism with the smallest dose (see also culture and assessment or diagnosis (A), and plans for further studies (P)
sensitivity) (Ch. 43). (Ch. 14, 23).
sensor (sensor) term used to describe a metallic-coated sodium hydroxide (hidróxido de sodio) chemical used to
paper tab that is applied to the patient’s body in preparation chemically burn and destroy tissue; usually in a liquid state
for an ECG (also known as electrode). Sensors are placed on when used in minor surgery (Ch. 31).
specific locations on the skin, then attached to the ECG with sodium hypochlorite (hipoclorito de sodio) household
wires. The sensors conduct electricity from the patient to the bleach (Ch. 22).
ECG machine (Ch. 37).
software (software) equivalent of a computer program or
sensorineural (neurosensorial) permanent hearing loss that programs (Ch. 11).
results from damage or malformation of the middle ear and
auditory nerve (Ch. 27). solvent (solvente) producing a solution, dissolving (Ch. 22).
septicemia (septicemia) invasion of pathogenic bacteria into sonographer (ecografista) professionally trained individual
the bloodstream (Ch. 3). capable of performing the ultrasound examination (Ch. 37).
serum (suero) liquid portion of blood obtained after blood source-oriented medical record (SOMR) (historia clínica
has been allowed to clot (Ch. 39, 40). orientada a la fuente [SOMR]) a type of patient chart record
keeping that includes separate sections for different sources
server (servidor) computer with massive hard drive capacity of patient information, such as laboratory reports, pathology
that is used to link other computers together so that data can reports, and progress notes (Ch. 14, 23).
be shared by multiple users. A computer system in an ambu-
latory care facility is likely to be linked or networked with a species (especie) second Greek or Latin name given to
central server (Ch. 11). microorganisms; the species name is not capitalized (Ch. 43).
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) (síndrome respira- specific gravity (densidad específica) ratio of weight of a
torio agudo y grave [SARS]) a viral outbreak of a respiratory given volume of a substance to the weight of the same volume
illness first reported in Asia in 2003; spread by close person- of distilled water at the same temperature; test often perfor-
to-person contact and characterized by fever and respiratory med during the urinalysis physical examination (can also
symptoms (Ch. 22). appear on the reagent strip) (Ch. 42).
shadow (aprendizaje por observación) follow a supervisor spermatogenesis (espermatogénesis) the formation of
or delegated subordinate to learn facility protocol (Ch. 45). mature sperm (Ch. 28).
sharps (objetos filosos) needles or scalpels or other sharp spill kit (kit para derrames) commercially packaged mate-
instruments that are capable of causing a penetrating or punc- rials containing supplies and equipment needed to clean up a
ture wound of the skin (Ch. 22). spill of a biohazardous substance (Ch. 22).
shock (shock) potentially serious condition in which the spirometry (espirometría) test to measure the air capacity of
circulatory system is not providing enough blood to all parts the lungs (Ch. 30).
of the body, causing the body’s organs to fail to function pro- splint (férula) any device used to immobilize a body part.
perly (Ch. 9). Often used by EMS personnel (Ch. 9).
short-range goals (metas a corto plazo) long-range goals are spores (esporas) an inactive state of some bacteria in which
dissected and reassembled into smaller, more manageable they are capsulated in protein. The encapsulation protects
time segments (Ch. 5). them from heat, chemicals, freezing, desiccation, and radia-
sickle cell anemia (anemia drepanocítica) an inherited tion. Spores can live for tens of thousands of years with no
blood disorder that may shorten life span (Ch. 26). nutrient. When they are placed onto fertile soil (such as
human tissue), they can become activated and grow. Tetanus
silver nitrate (nitrato de plata) caustic astringent antiseptic. is one type of bacteria that creates spores (Ch. 43).
As a weak liquid, it is applied to the eyes of newborns to prevent
infections at birth. In the medical office, it is most often seen sprain (esguince) injury to a joint, often an ankle, knee, or
as a solid substance impregnated onto the end of a wooden wrist, that involves a tearing of the ligaments. Most sprains are
applicator. Silver nitrate applicator sticks contain hydrochloric minor and heal quickly; others are more severe, include swel-
acid and other chemicals and are commonly used to cauterize ling, and may not heal properly if the patient continues to put
small blood vessels in the nose or other mucous membranes stress on the sprained joint (Ch. 9).
(Ch. 31). sputum (esputo) substance from the respiratory tract expel-
simplified letter (carta simplificada) major letter style led by coughing (Ch. 22).
recommended by the Administrative Management Society stab culture (cultivo por punción) culture where the micro-
that omits the salutation and complimentary closure. All lines organism is stabbed for deep penetration into tubed solid
are keyed flush with the left margin. In medical offices, this media (Ch. 43).
style is most often used when sending a form letter (Ch. 15). standard (patrón) rules established to measure quality,
sitz bath (baño de asiento) a warm water bath, in which only weight, extent, or value (Ch. 22, 38).
the hips and buttocks are immersed (Ch. 31).
1138 Glossary of Terms
Standard Precautions (Precauciones Estándar) precautions subpoena (citación) written command designating a per-
developed in 1996 by the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- son to appear in court under penalty for failure to appear
vention (CDC) that augment universal precautions and body (Ch. 7).
substance isolation practices. They provide a wider range of supercomputer (supercomputadora) fastest, largest, and
protection and are used any time there is contact with blood, most expensive of the four classes of computers currently
moist body fluid (except perspiration), mucous membranes, being manufactured (Ch. 11).
or nonintact skin. They are designed to protect all health care
providers, patients, and visitors (Ch. 9, 22). supernatant (sobrenadante) urine that appears above the
sediment when centrifuged; poured off before sediment is exa-
status asthmaticus (estado asmático) severe episode of mined in the urinalysis microscopic examination (Ch. 42).
asthma that does not respond to ordinary treatment (Ch. 36).
supination (supinación) moving the arm so the palm is up
statute of limitations (ley de prescripción) statute that (Ch. 33).
defines the period in which legal action can take place
(Ch. 20). suppressed immune system (sistema inmunitario con
inmunosupresión) term used to describe an immune sys-
statutory law (derecho estatutario) refers to the body of laws tem unable to function normally due to the presence of a
established by states (Ch. 7). disease such as AIDS (Ch. 38).
sterile field (campo estéril) an area that is considered ste- suppurant (supurante) an agent causing pus formation
rile, usually designated by a sterile drape. The area contains (Ch. 31).
sterile supplies and instruments needed for a particular sterile
procedure or surgery (Ch. 31). suppurative (supurativo) producing or associated with the
generation of pus (Ch. 27).
stertorous (estertoroso) snoring sound heard with labored
breathing (Ch. 24). surge protection (protección contra sobretensiones) protec-
tion of the fragile electronics from spikes in electrical voltage
stigma (estigma) a social condition marked by attitudinal that occur on electric distribution lines (Ch. 11).
devaluing or demeaning of persons who, because of disfigure-
ment or disability, are not viewed as being capable of fulfilling surgery cards (tarjetas de cirugía) written reference for sur-
valued social roles (Ch. 26). geries and procedures (Ch. 31).
stomatitis (estomatitis) inflammation of the mouth associa- surgical asepsis (asepsia quirúrgica) procedures that ren-
ted with chemotherapy. Can include swelling, redness, halito- der objects sterile; techniques to maintain sterile conditions
sis, ulcerations (Ch. 32). during invasive procedures (Ch. 22, 31).
strabismus (estrabismo) disorder of the eye in which surrogate (sustituto) substitute; someone who substitutes for
optic axes cannot be directed to the same object (cross-eye) another (Ch. 8).
(Ch. 30). suture (sutura) surgical material or thread; may describe the
strain (distensión) injury to the soft tissue between joints act of sewing with the surgical thread and needle (Ch. 31).
that involves the tearing of muscles or tendons. Strains often swaged (estampada) a surgical needle attached, during
occur in the neck, back, or thigh muscles (Ch. 9). manufacturing, to a length of suture material (Ch. 31).
stream scheduling (programación ininterrumpida) system symmetry (simetría) correspondence in shape, size, and
where patients are seen on a continuous basis throughout position of body parts on opposite sides of the body
the day; for example, at 15-, 30-, or 60-minute intervals, each (Ch. 25).
patient having a distinct appointment time (Ch. 13). sympathetic nervous system (sistema nervioso simpático)
stress (estrés) body’s response to change; can be manifested large part of the autonomic nervous system that prepares the
in a variety of ways, including changes in blood pressure, heart body for fight-or-flight (Ch. 5).
rate, and onset of headache (Ch. 5). syncope (síncope) fainting (Ch. 9, 37).
stressors (factores estresantes) demands to change that system software (software de sistema) see operating system
cause stress (Ch. 5). (Ch. 11).
strictures (estenosis) narrowing of a tubelike structure such systemic (sistémico) pertaining to the whole body (Ch. 9).
as the esophagus or urethra (Ch. 31).
systole (sístole) one component of blood pressure measure-
stridor (estridor) crowing sound heard on inspiration, the ment representing the highest amount of pressure exerted
result of an upper airway obstruction (Ch. 24). during the cardiac cycle; the force exerted on the arterial
stylus (estilete) heated slender wire of the electrocardio- walls during cardiac contraction (Ch. 24, 37).
graph that melts the wax off of the ECG paper during the
recording (Ch. 37). T
subjective (subjetivo) symptom that is felt by the patient but tachycardia, sinus (taquicardia sinusal) abnormally rapid
not observable by others (Ch. 23). heartbeat greater than 100 beats/minute. A type of cardiac
sublimation (sublimación) redirecting a socially unaccepta- arrhythmia (Ch. 24, 37).
ble impulse into one that is socially acceptable (Ch. 4). tachypnea (taquipnea) abnormal increased rate of breathing
subordinate (subordinado) in an organization, a person (Ch. 24).
under the direction of (reporting to) a person of greater tape drive (unidad de cinta) data storage device that uses
authority (Ch. 45). magnetic tape as the storage media (Ch. 11).
Glossary of Terms 1139
targeted résumé (curriculum vitae dirigido al objetivo) ré- time focus (enfoque en el tiempo) defines the period of
sumé format utilized when focusing on a clear, specific job time that is important and to which an individual’s actions are
target (Ch. 48). directed or oriented (Ch. 4).
Task Force for Test Construction (TFTC) (Fuerza de Tareas tinnitus (tinnitus) ringing or buzzing sound in the ear
para la Elaboración de Exámenes [TFTC]) committee of (Ch. 25).
professionals whose responsibility is to update the CMA exa- titer (título) measurement of amount of antibody present
mination annually to reflect changes in medical assistants’ against a particular antigen (Ch. 26).
responsibilities and to include new developments in medical tocopherol (tocoferol) vitamin E (Ch. 34).
knowledge and technology (Ch. 47).
tort (agravio) wrongful act that results in injury to one per-
taut (tirante) to pull or draw tight a surface, such as skin son by another (Ch. 7).
(Ch. 36).
tort law (derecho de responsabilidad civil) laws that stem
taxonomy (taxonomía) classification of organisms into from torts, or wrongful acts that cause harm to one person, by
appropriate categories (Ch. 43). another (Ch. 7).
Tay–Sachs (Tay–Sachs) an inherited disease that is usually Total Practice Management System (TPMS) (Sistema de Ges-
fatal (Ch. 26). tión de Prácticas Total [TPMS]) a category of software that
teamwork (trabajo en equipo) persons synergistically wor- deals with all the day-to-day operations of a medical practice
king together (Ch. 45). (Ch. 11).
test cable (cable de prueba) accessory device that attaches tourniquet (torniquete) device used to facilitate vein promi-
between the Holter monitor and the electrocardiograph to nence (Ch. 40).
check for correct waveform and lack of artifact (Ch. 37). toxicity (toxicidad) the level at which a drug or chemical
thalassemia (talasemia) a hereditary anemia that may be becomes poisonous or toxic. Some substances, such as certain
fatal (Ch. 26). metals, are considered toxic at any level of accidental expo-
thallium scan (gammagrafía con talio) chemical element sure (Ch. 39).
given intravenously and used in cardiac stress tests. The radio- trace mineral (oligomineral) mineral required by the body
isotope localizes in the myocardium, and a scanning device in small amounts (Ch. 34).
picks up the distribution of the thallium and can identify bloc- tracing (trazado) graphic record usually of an event that
kages in the coronary arteries. An accurate test for coronary changes with time, as with the electrical activity of the heart
artery disease (Ch. 37). (Ch. 37).
therapeutic communication (comunicación terapéutica) use transcriber (transcriptor) device that makes it possible to
of specific and well-defined professional communication skills transform voice recordings into a transcript or printed docu-
to create a feeling of comfort for patients even when difficult ments (Ch. 16).
or unpleasant information must be exchanged (Ch. 4).
transducer (transductor) device that converts one form of
therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) (monitoreo de fármacos energy to another. During an ultrasound procedure, the trans-
terapéuticos [TDM]) periodic blood tests to determine the ducer picks up echoes and converts them to electrical energy.
effectiveness of a particular drug. Drugs will have a therapeu- The energy is transformed into digitalized images that can be
tic level that must be attained in order for the drug to be the- viewed and printed. Photographs of the image can be taken
rapeutic or effective. If the blood level of the drug is below the (Ch. 32, 37).
range of therapeutic effectiveness, the provider will probably
increase the dosage. Likewise, if the drug is above the thera- transferable skills (habilidades transferibles) skills that
peutic range, the provider will probably lower it (Ch. 39). would be used in a host of different and unrelated occupa-
tions. Keyboarding skill is an example of a transferable skill.
thermolabile (termolábil) easily affected by heat (Ch. 22). It could be used by a secretary, data entry clerk, medical assis-
thermophile (termófilo) resistant to destruction by heat. tant, or clothing manufacturer (Ch. 48).
Characteristic of some bacteria (Ch. 31). transient ischemic attack (ataque isquémico transitorio) tem-
thermotherapy (termoterapia) use of heat to treat a physical porary interference with blood flow to brain; may last only a
condition (Ch. 33). few moments or several hours; neurologic symptoms occur
thiamin (tiamina) vitamin B1 (Ch. 34). (Ch. 29).
thixotropic separator gel (gel separador tixotrópico) gel transilluminator (transiluminador) instrument used to inspect
material capable of forming an interface between the cells a cavity or organ by passing a light through the walls (Ch. 28).
and fluid portion of the blood as a result of centrifugation transmission (transmisión) spread of infectious disease by
(Ch. 40). direct contact, indirect contact, inhalation, ingestion, or blood-
thoracentesis (toracentesis) surgical puncture of the thora- borne contact (Ch. 22).
cic cavity to aspirate fluid (Ch. 22). Transmission-Based Precautions (Precauciones Basadas en la
thrombocyte (trombocito) (platelet) cellular fragment of Transmisión) second tier of Centers for Disease Control and
megataryocyte; plays an important role in blood coagulation, Prevention (CDC) guidelines that applies to specific catego-
hemostasis, and clot formation (Ch. 40, 41). ries of patients and that include air, contact, and droplet pre-
cautions. Transmission-Based Precautions are always used in
tickler file (archivo de recordatorios) system to remind of
addition to Standard Precautions (Ch. 22).
action to be taken on a certain date (Ch. 14).
1140 Glossary of Terms
transurethral resection (resección transuretral) removal of transformed into a picture on a monitor or printed on paper.
prostate tissue using a device inserted through the urethra Photographs of the images can be taken and become part of
(Ch. 28). the patient’s permanent record (Ch. 26, 37).
traveler’s check (cheque de viajero) often used in place of ultrasound (ultrasonido) use of high-frequency sound
cash when traveling; available in denominations of $20 to waves for therapeutic reasons to generate heat in deep
$100; requires a signature at place of purchase as well as signa- tissue (Ch. 33).
ture at the time the check is used (Ch. 19). unbundling codes (códigos de desagregación) refers to sepa-
TRICARE (TRICARE) formerly the Civilian Health and rating the components of a procedure and reporting them as
Medical Program for Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS). billable codes with charges to increase reimbursement rates
TRICARE offers HMO, PPO, and fee-for-service medical (Ch. 18).
insurance for dependents of active duty and retired military undifferentiated (no diferenciada) a change in the charac-
personnel and dependents of personnel who died while on ter of a cell(s) toward a malignant state (Ch. 22).
active duty (Ch. 17).
undoing (reparación) actions designed to make amends to
trichomoniasis (tricomoniasis) infestation with a Trichomo- cancel out inappropriate behavior (Ch. 4).
nas parasite, which may be transmitted through sexual inte