Betavib Vibworks Data Collector, Analyzer, and Balancer - Information Brochure

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At BETAVIB, we do one thing and we do it well. We don’t sell boxes, we pro-

vide solutions. Our message is simple, and our vision is reflected through all our products:

don’t adapt yourself to our way of doing, let the software learn how to do it your way!

We are aware that we are bringing several new features with no equivalent on

the market. We are certain that these tools will help you enhance efficiency in all your daily

tasks, increase assets uptime, and most importantly, get the best ROI of your PdM pro-

gram, do not hesitate to reach our Engineering team for assistance to see how we can help.

Adopting a new technology, a new vision, a new approach is not that

easy; but when you know that our solutions will LITERALLY work for you, it be-

comes a lot easier: we will create databases “for you”, we will configure measure-

ment parameters “for you”, we will adjust alarms levels “for you” … AUTOMAT-

ICALLY. Tasks that used to take weeks and months can now be done in minutes.

Have peace of mind knowing that a BETAVIB engineer is always

one click away from you, to assist you DIRECTLY on your collector with Vibra-

tion expertise, software updates, setup of special applications. Our instantane-

ous remote support is available from the device and embedded to all our products.

Our message is simple, BETAVIB has what it takes to improve your program,

make your diagnosis more reliable and provide you with free time for more valuable tasks.

So Keep Calm and Call a BETAVIB Engineer.

Bechir BADRI (Ph.D; M.Ing;)

BETAVIB President


VibWorks COLLECTOR ANALYZER is BETAVIB’s portable solution for assets health monitoring. Featuring several
software modules, VibWorks allows you to perform reliable diagnosis and monitoring on rotating machines, in
less time with less effort.

Improve Reliability

Enhance Condition Monitoring

Extend Machine Uptime

Boost Components Efficiency

We exceed your expectations

Within the same Rugged hardware platform, VibWorks
COLLECTOR is fully compatible with VibWorks Balancer,
Vibworks Analyzer and Supervisor to reach higher levels
of performances in your industry.

How fast we are

5 seconds per point (3 Axis) are enough to analyze
machines running at conventional speeds (Around
1800 CPM).

Increase Efficiency
Ultra HD Monitoring is a unique feature offering simul-
taneously the widest range of tools. On 40’’ to 60’’ 4K
(4096px) display for unmatched monitoring efficiency.

Gain Productivity
Thanks to its revolutionary acquisition process. Route
acquisition is 5 to 10 times faster than any other con-
ventional collector WITHOUT ANY LOSS of Data.

Improve Performance
Create databases for your assets, kinematic param-
eters, assign analysis configurations, machines and
routes, take readings, perform a complete analysis and
generate reports. Using our ClickOnce™ technology.

Time Traveler
After taking measurements you can change your analy-
sis configuration, VibWorks will reprocess old vibration
data and reconstruct machine history, you have the
right to make mistakes and/or change your mind.

3 Axis Vibration acquisition

1 Channel Vibration acquisition Machines state monitoring 3 Axis Vibration acquisition
Machines state monitoring Machines Creation Machines state monitoring
Machines Creation Extended Bearing Database Machines Creation
Extended Bearing Database Analysis report generation Extended Bearing Database
Analysis report generation Basic/Advanced signal processing Analysis report generation
Basic/Advanced signal processing Long Time waveform collector Basic/Advanced signal processing
Long Time waveform collector Automated Fault Frequencies Long Time waveform collector
Automated Fault Frequencies Multi Channels Analyzer Automated Fault Frequencies
Multi Channels Analyzer Run-Up and Coast down Multi Channels Analyzer
Run-Up and Coast down Impact Testing Run-Up and Coast down
Impact Testing Anomalies Report Generation Impact Testing
Automatic Database creation (Excel) Anomalies Report Generation
S.A.M Smart Alarms Module Automatic Database creation (Excel)
History Reprocess S.A.M Smart Alarms Module

KN IGH T Balancing Module History Reprocess

Ultra HD Monitoring (4K Analysis) Balancing Module
Interactive Color-Coded Dashboard
Direct Bluetooth Audio from sensor

Engineered to Perfection
• Change analysis parameters on past measurements
and reconstruct your history
• Change parametrization with no consequences
on your historical data
• Re-Process machines, departments, plants and routes.

• Real time or Post Processing
• Basic and Advanced Tools
• Customizable for each Point
• OverAll Levels, Filters, Narrow and wide Bands,
Envelop Spectrum,Octaves, STFT, Orbits...
• Spectral lines > 1.000.000

• All parameters are measured in the same time
• TRUE embedded Simultaneous Triax capabilities
• Vibration measurements –raw data and analysis- in
3 axes in a true simultaneous sampling

• All historical Data Available on

the field
• No need for an Analysis Desktop
• Create, Configure, Analyze on the
• Data Always safe with sync roots

EMBEDDED DATABASE • RealTime Audio from vibration Sensors

• Embedded digital Camera
• Manual process trending parameters
• Machine recognition with Bar code reader
• Direct Real time Audio from sensors

Valuable Tools,
INNOVATIVE • ClickOnce™ Technology
At your Disposal. • Reports generated in a single click (Word®, PDF®)
VibWorks Collector features • Available Reports: Kinematics, Analysis,
Anomalies, superposed Spectra, Over All parameters,
revolutionary embedded
technologies, allowing
faster route acquisition, AUTOMATED REPORTS • Share all Data between VibWorks Collectors
faster diagnosis and more • Centralization and/or backup operations
effective monitoring. • Sync your Data with Network or Cloud Server
(Provided by BETAVIB)
• Keep your data safe



Building a new database for your assets is one of the Our solution will boost your efficiency, will help you save
most time-consuming and challenging tasks. That’s time for more valuable tasks, ensure reliable diagnosis and
why BETAVIB developed special tools in order to help you increase your machine uptime.
achieve full deployment.

Optimized and user-friendly machine definition interfaces,

allow you to interact with all parameters of your assets
(Components names, Points names, Nominal Speed, Local
points speeds, Bearing faults frequencies, Speed Ratios,
Harmonic Events) in ONE single screen thanks to our
ClickOnce™ technology.


Save more than 82% of U.H.D.M Workstation is VibWorks Collector
start-up Costs, thanks to 75% more efficient than is 77% faster than all
our quick deploy tools. conventional HD Analysis conventional collec-
methods. tors on the market.

“We are also able to deliver your system with your Data-
base already loaded and ready to measure from day 1.”

VibWorks DAQ Lite VibWorks Server

DAQ Lite is Betavib’s high end collector module, designed VibWorks Server responds to the need of Reliability
to do more jobs in less time with less efforts, thanks engineers, supervisors, maintenance staff to share
to its advanced integrated features. DAQ Lite enables valuable and up-to-date information enterprise wide.
Comfortable vibration measurements, on a stunning
FullHD Touchscreen with gloves, on direct sunlight.

Easier Visualization of machinery state with

Real-time over-all indicators color-coded tanks VibWorks Server Transforms your Collector into an OCA
according to alarms (Occasionally Connected App.), Allowing you to access
all the databases while off-line, on the field and sync the
Advanced Analysis Ability to perform real-time
data with a central DB and/or with other users while on-
line. This means you can generate reports, analyze data
analysis on raw data coming from the Sensor.
and perform all your daily tasks even when you are of-
fline, and as soon as a connection to the server becomes
Higher accuracy with real-time waveform, available, all your data will be synchronized to the server
customizable velocity and acceleration spectrum. and immediately become visible to supervisors/reliabili-
ty leaders/higher enterprise management.


Multichannels functions will provide you with a better understanding of your

machines’ dynamic behaviour, deflection modes can be deducted using cross
channel phase analysis. Orbits can be obtained from all kinds of sensors
(proximity probes, accelerometers...).

Perform simultaneous Frequency Response functions on up to 32

channels, coherence calculation and properly averaged FRF’s.
Export Data to Universal Files, Excel, Matlab...Analyze FRF
in bode Diagram, Nyquist Diagram, Real and Imaginary
diagram. 100% Me’scope compatible. IMPACT

Load Run-up or Coast Down Signal and the Analyzer
will guide you to obtain speed profile with special
algorithms applied on trigger signal. Extract Time Designed for Expertise
Waveform for specific or multiple orders, analyze
and save the extracted Data.. ORDER ANALYSIS Jobs, VibWorks ANA-
LYZER comes in 4, 8, 16
or 32 Channels, with less
Multichannel Data Logger, customizable
by channel to take Long Time readings machine shutdowns.
with iterative specific delay, The
system acts as a temporary
online system..
Auto Regressive Moving Averages is an advanced signal processing VibWorks Multi-channel analyzer is the perfect
technique used to perform Frequency Response Functions (FRF) example to emphasize how BETAVIB’s vision is
without an impact hammer. Unlike simple FFT function, this method reflected on our solutions interfaces: interaction
does not simply point potential natural frequencies, but goes further is clean and simple while providing more power
by decomposing all the components of the transfer function, including on demand whenever it’s needed.
stability coefficients, leading to a cleaner FRF, and more importantly,
providing values of Natural frequencies AND correspondent damping
VibWorks is able to detect the slightest changes
in the vibration signature of your machines,
but sometimes you may require multichannel
functions to analyze more in-depth their dynamic
behaviour, like Cross Phase analysis and deduce
the operational deflection shapes, FRF with
or without hammer and Run up-Coast down
algorithms in order to get the natural frequencies
and the damping ratios, or even a quick acceptance
test to generate a vibration .

VibWorks Multi-channel analyzer also comes

with an amazing channel count spreading
from 4 channels (standard) up to 32 Channels.
Your imagination is the only limitation when
it comes to its Scope of application since it’s
built to accommodate a wide variety of sensors
(Accelerometers, Impact Hammers, current
clamps, Tachometers, Voltage, 4-20mA sensors,


VibWorks ANALYZER provides you with all needed expertise tools and All the tools required to investigate structural
scalable according to your needs. The product is fully compatible dynamic behaviour are embedded within VibWorks
with BETAVIB SUITE Hardware. ANALYZER as well as Long-time data Logger for

Tachometer processing
EMBEDDED speed profile
ISO Overall levels combined with




We made sure to include multiple features
TESTING required to the investigation of structural REPORTS FILTERS


When you have the right tools at your disposal you can VibWorks Supervisor is available as a network
increase assets uptime, protect your investments and application, uses up to date vibration data from your
maintain economic operations. servers -available plant wide- to help you in several
Aware that reliability leaders and plant managers have
different needs than vibration analysts, BETAVIB developed Criticality Classification
a revolutionary solution designed to provide reliability staff Failure Analysis
with statistical data describing the GLOBAL health of the
monitored assets. Assets Overview

Vibration management

VibWorks Supervisor contains a wide range of v
tools, to help you make informed decision, and qu
impact on your assets health.
Take your PdM to the next level by adopting f
classification, Failure distributions, Failure cost
Assets Health Overview…

Precise Analysis Vibration is stored in the local database

Vibration is acquired to the local
located in your collector. Data can be
database located in your collector. Data
You have the opportunity to see accessed locally to analyze machine
can be accessed locally to analyse
detailed analysis over departments, behavior, review historical data even on
machine behavior, review historical data
machine types, criticality and date the field -if required- without the need to
even on the field if required without the
download your data to a PC or to upload
need to download your data to a PC or
Global Overview routes to a collector…
to upload routes to a collector…

Make informed decisions thanks to

the enterprise wide access to the data
offered by VibWorks Supervisor.

Action’s impact
Quantify the result of your
management actions and choices and
measure the impact of your strategies
based on up-to date information.

VW Supervisor contains an extended Criticality Classification

Module, using risk assessment matrices, you will be able to count
for impact on production, impact on health and environment,
spare parts availability, repair time …

Reliability staff can have hundreds of machines and equipment’s We are aware that machinery reliability is a major concern to
under their responsibilities. All the assets do not have the same industry from both an economic and productivity standpoint.
importance from a reliability point of view, a special treatment is Failure analysis insures a proper management of the assets as
always reserved to the most Critical equipments. supervisors.

vibration management
uantify your decision’s

features like Criticality

t-analysis, Plant-Wide

Back to the office, data can be analyzed VibWorks Supervisor is an application

on our U.H.D.M workstation, locally running on any device connected to your
from your collector. You can also sync network, this can be a reliability leader
your collector to central database, PC, a projector in a meeting room, or even
on your server. Data are moved from a screen showing vibration as a KPI to
your collector to the network and are the plant personnel. Reliability Staff can
accessible enterprise wide. Thus, ,then, make informed decisions based
valuable information is shared through on valuable trends and indicators, and
the company. quantify the impact of their decisions on
the health of their assets.


Simple, VibWorks Balancer is an add-on module to the

BETAVIB Suite. Running on the same hardware

Powerful platform as VibWorks Collector and Analyzer.

Single Shot
EASE OF USE, Guaranteed! VibWorks Balancer will save shaft
Like all BETAVIB products, VW Balancer sensitivities coefficients, future
comes with user-friendly interface, simple balancing of machinery are made with
yet powerful. Thanks to the 4 available a single shot measurement without a
trial runs.
physical channels, balancing jobs are
performed faster thanks to simultaneous
Dynamic Vectors
Real-time phase stability is indicated
on polar graphs during measurements,
to ensure proper balancing conditions.

Report Generation
Balancing reports are generated
automatically and available in several
universal formats (PDF, Doc, HTML...).

Balancing very low speed can be achieved In some particular cases, balancing condi-
with a better precision when using displace- tions are not gathered to do the job properly,
ment sensor instead of accelerometers (using phase stability is the key factor for a quick
velocity). Vibworks can use proximity probes and precise balancing. VibWorks Balancer
to help you achieve better balancing results comes with real time phase indication with
for particular applications. dynamic vectors on polar graphs. Phase is
calculated with high precision using cross
correlation algorithms.

Proximity Phase
Probes Stability

1/2 Planes Normalized

Balancing Balancing

VibWorks balancer uses 4 simultaneous VibWorks Balancer is written according to

channels and allows you to perform 1 plan ISO 1940 Standard, residual unbalance, trial
and 2 plans balancing, with all the tools need- weight suggestion, balancing grades and bal-
ed: balancing grades, weights split. ancing reports are embedded to help you do
an optimal balancing job.

Efficiency: not just a Motto!

Using our One-shot Balancing, we offer you
the opportunity to enhance your efficiency,
reduce your costs and save time. Using one-
Shot, balancing a machine can take only one
single run (one machine start). One shot uses
previous balancing results and saves shaft
sensitivities, future balancing are just trim runs
of the last balancing, and correction weights
can be adjusted in every periodic shut down to
achieve optimal operating conditions.

Range ± 5V Standard, Optional ±30V
IEPE Software Selectable On/Off, 0mA or 2.1mA optional 4.1mA
Channels 4 Channels,Simultaneous sampling software handled Accel. or Volt
Accelerometer input 50g / optional 300g (with a 100mV/g sensor)
Dynamic Signals 4 channels,
A/D conververter 24 Bits
Sampling Frequency 51.2 Khz (Optional 102.4 Khz)
Frequency Units Hz, CPM
Fmax 20 Khz or optional 102.4 Khz
Dynamic Range -103 dB
Number of averages Up to 10240
Resolution 200 lines to 104200 lines
Fault Frequencies Overlay fault frequencies cursors on spectra
Kinematics Smart definition of transmissions, bearing frequencies, pulley belt,
Customized Freq Event Function of Rotational Speeds
Variable Speed OneClick Kinematics Update of all frequencies for variable speed equipment
Cursors Spectrum Unlimited harmonics and side bands cursors, Magnet cursors
High Pass Frequency User defined from DC to 100 Hz
Scaling Linear/Logarithmic
Window Functions 14 embedded window Types
Data Storage Capacity
Internal memory SSD 256 Go, 500Go standard
Physical Dimensions
Dimensions 10.8” (L) X 10.6” (W) X2.3” (H)
Weight 2.5 lbs/(1.1 kg)
Screen 10.1” X GA sunlight-viewable LED 1920x1200, Dual touch (touch-scrren and digitizer)
TransflectivePlus and Panasonic Circulumin ™ technology with up to 6000 nits under direct
Docking station 2 USB, Ethernet, Power Supply, Charger Slots for spare Battery
Digital Camera Integrated 3 Mpx Digital camera
Operating Temperature -20°F to 140 °F (based on MIL-STD-810G)
Ruggued Features MIL-STD-810G and Ip65 certified
6 foot drop rating Magnesium alloy chassis with shock-mounted flex connect hard drive
Fanless, sealed design reinforced locking port covers
Battery and Charging
Battery Type 2x Li-Ion Hot Swappable, virtually unlimited autonomy
Lithium ion battery pack (10.65V, 5700mAh)
AC adapter: AC 100V-240V 50/60Hz, autosensing /switching worldwide power supply
Wireless Intel®centrino® Advanced-(N 6205 802.11a/b/g /n Bluetooth® class 1)
Optional integrated 4G LTE mobile broadband
Optional integrated 3G Gobi ™ mobile broadband, Optional GPS receiver

Subject to change without prior notice


Single Axis and Triax route measurement
Long Time recorder
BlueTooth Real Time Audio from Accelerometers
Data Acquisition Real Time Color Coded Alarm Levels
Embedded Camera
RealTime Velocity Spectrum, Acc, Spec.,
5 OverAll levels and Time Waveform
OneClick Fault frequencies calculation/update for variable speed equipments
Smart Harmonic and lateral Cursors
Bearings Faults cursors
Kinematics Variable Speed Machinery Analysis
Gear mesh cursors
Harmonic Events Cursor
8 Levels Database Architecture
Color coded Treeview
Efficient Machines definition (cloning process)
Embedded Bearing Database
ClickOnce Machines definition by templates
OverAll Time Indicators (Peak, RMS, Kurtosis, Crest Factor, Velocity)
Spectrum, Spectrum Env.,Narrow Bands, Octaves, Filters, Cepstra, Hilbert...
Time frequency spectrogram
Signal Processing Spectrum superposition (Waterfall,3D, 2D) , by point or by machine)
High Pass, Low Pass, Band Pass, and Band Stop Filters
Customizable Analysis configurations
Narrow Band Alarms
Alarm Properties Baseline, Pre-Alarm, Alarm & Danger parameters
Self-Adaptative Alarm settings by Machine/Department/Plant/Site
Units conversion (Hz-CPM, ISO metric-Imperial)
Integrated ISO standards
UltraHDMonitoring analysis on 4K screen
Interactive Color coded Dashboard
Custom Report Generation : Analysis, Kinematic, Anomalies by Machine/Plant
Backup and restore modules
Other Features
Remote Synchronization to other VibWorks Units
Trending Forecast by curve fitting
Polynomial and linear Trending Forecast
ClickOnce Alarm definition (Site/Plant/Department/Machine/Comp)
Server Mode
Reprocess History data per machine or per plant
Units ISO or Imperial Trigger range Up to 25 feet (Class 3R Visible Laser)
1 and 2 Planes, simultaneous acqui- Trigger TTL Pulse output
Speed 5 RPM to 200 000 RPM
Speed 120 RPM to 300 000 RPM
Cross Spectrum, Magnitude Phase,
RT Analyzer
Split Wheights 3 to 50 Points Overall Level With Filter
Rotor Parameters Sensitivity Calculation and Storage, FRF by impact testing, Bode Diagram,
Impact Texting
Nyquist Diagram, Export to Excel...
ISO Standard Embedded ISO 1940
Phase Cross Correlation Based Method
According to ISO 1940 with trial
Residual Unbalance
Weight calculation A/D Converter 24 Bits
Generated automatically with Email Sampling Frequency 51.2 Khz (optional 102.4 Khz)
Balancing report
Frequency Units Hz, CPM
Real Time Polar Diagram with Vector
Indication Fmax 20 Khz (optional 102.4 Khz)
Using proximity probes and accelerom-
Phase Cross Correlation based method Orbits
A/D Converter 24 Bits
Harmonic and non harmonic Order
Order Extraction
Sampling Frequency 51.2 Khz (Optional 102.4 Khz) analysis and extraction
Frequency Units Hz, CPM Test Bench mode Intuitive Pass Fail setup

Subject to change without prior notice

Imagine the Possibilities!
Phones E-Mail Website
Sales: (514) 788-3630 #601 [email protected]
Support: (514) 788-3630 #602 [email protected]
[email protected]

Copyright © 2016 BETAVIB Inc. By Noursen Houidhek All Rights Reserved.

This Brochure or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without permissions. The contents of this publication are presented for informational
purposes only, all sales are governed by our terms and conditions, which are available on request. Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.

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