Engl 1302 Assignment 2

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1. How do the ideas and information in your sources address your research question?

What answers do they give? What information do you find the most relevant, useful, and
● The ideas and information in my sources directly address my research question by
providing insights, evidence, and perspectives relevant to the topic. They offer various
answers and viewpoints, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the research
question. The most relevant, useful, and persuasive information is that which aligns
closely with the main arguments or supports the central themes of my research.

2. How do they support your tentative thesis? Do they suggest reasons or ways that you
should expand, qualify, or otherwise revise it?
● The sources support my tentative thesis by providing evidence, data, or arguments that
validate or reinforce my position. Some sources may also suggest reasons or avenues
for expanding, qualifying, or revising the thesis by presenting alternative perspectives,
counter arguments, or new evidence that challenge or nuance the initial thesis

3. What viewpoints in your sources do you most agree with? Disagree with? Why?
● Among the viewpoints presented in my sources, I find myself most agreeing with those
that are supported by strong evidence, logical reasoning, and align with my own
experiences or beliefs. Conversely, I may disagree with viewpoints that lack sufficient
evidence, have flawed reasoning, or contradict my own understanding or values. It is
important to critically assess the credibility, validity, and coherence of each viewpoint to
determine agreement or disagreement.

4. What conclusions can you draw from the ideas and information you've learned from your
sources? What discoveries have you made in studying these sources, and what new
ideas have they led you to?
● Based on the ideas and information gathered from my sources, I can draw conclusions
that reflect the synthesized knowledge and insights gained from the research. These
conclusions may include patterns, connections, or relationships identified across the
sources. In studying the sources, I may have made discoveries that shed light on
previously unexplored aspects of the topic or revealed new perspectives. These
discoveries can generate new ideas or prompt further inquiry.

5. Has your research changed your own views on your topic? Do any of your sources raise
questions that you can pursue further?
● Research can certainly influence and shape one's views on a topic. Through the process
of gathering information and analyzing the sources, it is possible to encounter new
perspectives, evidence, or arguments that challenge or refine one's initial viewpoint.
Some sources may raise intriguing questions or gaps in knowledge that warrant further
investigation, offering opportunities for future research or exploration.

6. Have you encountered any ideas that you would like to build on or challenge?
● During the research process, it is common to come across ideas that inspire further
exploration or development. These ideas may serve as foundations for future research
projects or contribute to the expansion of existing knowledge. Additionally, encountering
ideas that challenge existing beliefs or theories can stimulate critical thinking and the
pursuit of alternative perspectives or interpretations.

7. From everything you've read, what is the significance of the topic you're researching?
Who cares, and why does it matter?
● Based on a comprehensive analysis of the sources, it becomes possible to evaluate the
significance of the researched topic. Understanding who cares about the topic and why it
matters involves considering its broader implications, applications, or contributions. The
significance can stem from its impact on individuals, communities, industries,
policy-making, or academic disciplines. By identifying the stakeholders and their vested
interests, we can gain insights into why the topic holds importance and how it can drive
change, inform decision-making, or advance knowledge in relevant domains.

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