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IJLECR (International Journal of Language Education and Cultural Review) E-ISSN: 2461-131x

E-Jurnal: P-ISSN: 2406-8586

Volume 8 Number 2, December 2022, Page: 99 -116

Received: 5 August 2022
Revised: 24 October 2022
Accepted: 6 December 2022
Published: 23 December 2022

Students’ Perceptions on the Roles of YouTube in Improving

English Speaking Skill

Sufi Alawiyah
(Corresponding Author)
Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]

Imam Santosa
Universitas Media Nusantara Citra, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]


The roles of YouTube in learning, especially language learning had been receiving numbers of attention recently.
In the rencent years, numbers of researchers had been interested in using YouTube and its many beneficial roles
in improving English speaking skills. A lot of research concluded that with many English speaking videos that
YouTube could provide students, they can learn grammar, vocabulary, pronunciations, and other English-
speaking related skills, and a number of teachers and students all across the world shared a positive perceptions
regarding the roles of YouTube in improving English-speaking skills. Therefore, this study aimed to know the
perception of English Department Students of Bunda Mulia University Serpong about the roles of YouTube in
improving English speaking skills. The research was conducted using questionnaire with 22 questions regarding
the roles of YouTube in improving English speaking skills. There are 51 respondents who participated in the study.
Likert scale was utilized in this research, where the participants were asked to rate their perception using 4 points
metric scales, Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree. The result of the study indicated that the
participants had a positive perception regarding YouTube in improving students’ English-speaking skills, and
they all agreed with all the roles of YouTube in this regard.

Keywords: YouTube, English speaking skills, student perception

The role of YouTube in learning has received increased attention across a number of
disciplines in recent years. More recently, there has been an interest in YouTube as a platform
for learning, and students are seeing the role of the aforementioned platform in a positive light.
It has previously been observed that YouTube as a learning medium meets the needs of 21st-
century skills, and YouTube is currently regarded as an intriguing learning medium. YouTube
as learning material not only offer knowledge or theory about the subjects being studied but
also offer practice opportunities for students to improve their speaking skills (Sari & Margana,
2019). Additionally, during the pandemic, YouTube is known to be an effective tool in
learning, as it is accessible anywhere, and the broad study materials can be adjusted to students’
needs and psychological development (Rahmatika et al., 2021). It is also said that YouTube
could enrich the student's general knowledge and the relationship between academic settings,
and YouTube itself is shown to be leaning towards the positive side with various benefits for
the students (Mady & Baadel, 2020). This is in line with Duffy, (2007) who concluded from
IJLECR (International Journal of Language Education and Cultural Review) E-ISSN: 2461-131x
E-Jurnal: P-ISSN: 2406-8586
Volume 8 Number 2, December 2022, Page: 99 -116

his research that video or the materials from YouTube could be an effective tool for education
and motivation.
One of the most significant current discussions on the role of YouTube in learning is
the role of the said platform in English language learning. In the recent years since the platform
launched, YouTube has become one of the most useful platforms for language learning for
students all across the world, especially English, which is one of the most spoken languages in
the world. Students who are studying a second language can find a variety of videos to aid in
their learning of English. As a result, YouTube can assist students in developing their language
skills (Kristiani & Pradnyadewi, 2021). The existing body of research on the role of YouTube
in language learning suggests that YouTube is beneficial for students to improve their
knowledge about the language, providing real-world experience, as well as cultural competence
(Balcikanli, 2009). Even more so, research conducted with first-year Korean international
students studying in America as the subject and informant, concluded that the educational
usage of YouTube could encourage those students to pursue academic interests and
involvement while they are studying outside of their home country by improving their English
language proficiency and subject-matter expertise. Aside from this benefit, in the field of social
and academic’s progress, YouTube is also said to smoothen their transitional phase from their
home country to the new countries they are staying in (Kim & Kim, 2021).
With that said, the role of YouTube in language learning has been a crucial concept in
learning speaking skills. Using YouTube as a medium for learning or even improving speaking
skills in the field of language learning has long been a great interest in a wide range of fields.
An observer, Anggraini, (2021), has already drawn attention to using YouTube in learning the
speaking skill, with the result of the study claiming that YouTube could improve students’
motivation in learning, as well as enable them to train their pronunciation, enrich their
vocabulary, find ideas to produce sentences, and even improve their grammar while speaking
automatically. During the pandemic, where most learning activities are done online, it is
observed that using YouTube videos while doing online learning in course Covid-19 can help
students' speaking abilities (Syafiq et al., 2021). Aside from the basic concept of languages
such as vocabulary and grammar, YouTube also significantly improved students’ motivation
and confidence while speaking in English. As Meinawati et al., (2020) concluded in their
research, YouTube could allow students to speak with more confidence and expression because
of the authentic learning materials provided by the platform. They can directly see and learn
how native English speakers speak and behave through various videos, thus decreasing their
anxieties regarding using the right phrases because they have natives as their examples.
Based on the discussion above, the role of YouTube in learning is essential. The area
of this study covers the role of YouTube as a medium for learning a language, as well as the
platform’s influence on students’ ability to improve their English-speaking skills. So far,
however, there have been very few studies that assessed how higher education students
perceived the role of YouTube in improving one’s speaking skills. Therefore, this research
attempts to show the perception of the role of YouTube in improving the English-speaking
skills according to higher education students. This study will reveal the perception of higher
education students’ role of YouTube in improving English speaking skills.
The Roles of Technology-Based Media
The growth of information and telecommunications technologies is now occurring on a
worldwide scale. In recent years, it has become increasingly significant and useful in human
life on a global scale. For instance, people use their cellphones or computers to access a variety
of information from the internet, a global network. There is no doubt that the global
advancement of information technology (IT) may be utilized for educational purposes
(Gunada, 2017),

IJLECR (International Journal of Language Education and Cultural Review) E-ISSN: 2461-131x
E-Jurnal: P-ISSN: 2406-8586
Volume 8 Number 2, December 2022, Page: 99 -116

Media is a vehicle for delivering the information needed by the students, and a well-
prepared or chosen media will be beneficiary for the students to learn and understand the
learning materials properly. He then continues by stating that in this modern era, the media
used for students to learn are progressing quite significantly, and using technology as a
combination for learning to take place is something very common nowadays. One of the
technology-based media that students can use is the internet, as it is vast and could speed up
access to and distribution of knowledge (learning materials) so that the information used in
teaching and learning is always up to date. Using technology as a medium for learning to
smoothen the process of learning and optimizing the final results (Muhson, 2010). Also, using
technology-based media can be useful to improve students’ motivation in learning as well as
improve the eventual achievements of the students (Firmadani, 2020).
Users can upload, share, and view videos on the database platform on the internet known
as YouTube, which is one of technology-based medium. In the field of education, YouTube
can be utilized as an e-learning platform that enables instructors and students to share videos
that show a grasp of a subject, thereby fostering the development of a social and digital
community that specializes in a certain ability. Students' understanding of the facts and skills
they are learning will improve as a result of watching an educational video on YouTube, which
gives them the freedom to learn things procedurally (Prastiyo et al., 2018). Alkathiri, (2019)
did specific research on the influence of one of the technology-based mediums, which is
YouTube, in improving student motivation, and the findings showed that using YouTube in a
classroom is a fun technique that encourages students to participate in lectures. As previously
mentioned, YouTube offers a wide variety of video content, including lessons for learning
English. YouTube as technology-based media has a significant influence on learners’
vocabulary development, grammar, fluency, and improvement in pronunciation (Gunada,
In conclusion, technology-based media has a role in improving students’ motivation to
learn and their eagerness in the classroom. One of the technology-based media is YouTube,
which can also improve students’ English skills, such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary
development, and fluency.
The Roles of Social Media in Improving English Speaking Skill
Studies on the use of social media in improving English speaking skills are widely
conducted by many researchers all across the world, including a group of researcher, Ravindran
et al., (2022), who did a study regarding the impact of social media on the teaching and learning
of EFL speaking skills during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using qualitative analysis, the
researchers used both EFL teachers and students as the subjects to conduct the research. The
research proved that social media has roles in improving their speaking skills, which are:
motivating shy students to participate more in class through online learning platforms; helping
them gain confidence while speaking because they can repeat the same materials over and over
again without worrying about it; providing them with a friendlier environment to learn; helping
them study before the lesson by looking up vocabularies and sentence structures; lessening the
pressure to perform and speak, thus making them more comfortable, and last, providing each
student learning materials that they preferred. The findings of this research also indicate that
social media can make them study more enthusiastically, as social media is less threatening to
Additionally, Devi et al., (2020) did research investigating the use of social media
Instagram in teaching EFL, and its effect on students' speaking ability. The subject of this study
was the fourth-semester students of the Communication Science Study Program of Baturaja
University in the year 2019/2020, with an overall number of populations of 50 students. The
result of the study found that Instagram as social media has several impacts on students’

IJLECR (International Journal of Language Education and Cultural Review) E-ISSN: 2461-131x
E-Jurnal: P-ISSN: 2406-8586
Volume 8 Number 2, December 2022, Page: 99 -116

speaking ability, which include: First, Instagram helps them construct their speeches properly,
and they feel less pressured before posting their videos on Instagram. They have time to prepare
their speech, and this time was used to help them look up related materials they want to include
in their speech. Second, the video that they need to upload on Instagram helps them learn how
to construct their speech properly and eventually improve their overall performance. Third,
students can watch their as well as their friends’ videos to do self-reflection for future reference.
Fourth, students can gain confidence by preparing their videos first, later than do an impromptu
speech in the class; this could useful for shy students to participate in the lesson. Next, with a
relaxing learning environment, Instagram provides them with a chance of language acquisition
and improves their communication abilities. Last, Instagram gives them the motivation to
improve their English abilities by watching their videos again.
In conclusion, social media has a role in improving English speaking skills such as:
motivating shy students to participate more in class; providing them with a friendlier
environment to learn; helping them study before the lesson; lessening the pressure to perform
and speak, and last, providing each student learning materials that they preferred. Social media
can also make them study more enthusiastically, construct their speeches properly and improve
their overall performance.
The Roles of YouTube in Improving English Speaking Skill
Research on the value of YouTube in improving English speaking skills have been done
by many researchers, one of them is Meinawati et al., (2020), who did a research on 10th graders
at SMA IT Rahmaniya, with qualitative descriptive method in conducting the research. The
study's findings showed that YouTube can help students become more fluent in English while
also increasing their willingness to learn the language. YouTube also helps students pay
attention in class longer because it is more engaging than a typical classroom setting. In
addition to this, YouTube offers them videos where students may watch, learn from, and even
mimic native speakers' speech in order to have suitable facial expressions, tones, and body
language while speaking. Additionally, YouTube could help them attain confidence when
speaking. Last, because they have access to learning from native speakers, students are better
able to employ proper vocabularies, grammar, maintain conversations, organize ideas, and
overall, they are more fluent because by watching natives speak, they do not have to worry
about using the correct phrases.
Also, Saed et al., (2021) did a study about the use of YouTube in developing English-
speaking skills in Jordanian university students. The research was done by separating
participants into two groups, control and experimental, with the former taught by traditional
classroom teaching and the latter by YouTube. From this research, the researcher found that
the roles of YouTube in developing English speaking skills are: developing students’ eagerness
and enthusiasm to learn and practice speaking in English after they watch YouTube videos, as
well as participating in the discussion; providing students with videos in which they can see,
learn, and imitates native speakers and thus encouraging them to speak more; improving their
listening and speaking skills; improving students’ fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation,
grammar, and content while speaking, and last but not least, allowing students to speak with
confidence and more expression.
Furthermore, Binmahboob, (2020) conducted a study of the use of YouTube in improving
English speaking skills in Saudi Arabia by distributing a questionnaire to 30 EFL teachers to
see how they think about using YouTube in developing their students' speaking skills. The
result showed that YouTube is favorable among them because the platform is very beneficial
for the students. YouTube’s role in improving English speaking skills, according to this
research are: helping students guess unfamiliar words when speaking, keeping their attention
while they speak and listen to the videos, helping them lower their anxiety while speaking, and

IJLECR (International Journal of Language Education and Cultural Review) E-ISSN: 2461-131x
E-Jurnal: P-ISSN: 2406-8586
Volume 8 Number 2, December 2022, Page: 99 -116

helping them learn English faster during class. The participants also think that YouTube could
provide them with various materials for them to teach.
Additionally, Carolinaliwati et al., (2021), did research about using YouTube in
improving speaking skills among Non-English Major of the Faculty of Economics at the
University of Palangka Raya. The result of the study was obtained by analyzing the speeches
submitted by 15 participants of the research talking about the topic they were choosing, which
were their dream jobs and managing finances. The result showed that YouTube makes it easier
for them to speak in English because the participants had access to native speakers, where they
can see them pronounce the words, thus correcting and improving the participants’
pronunciation by imitating them. Next, the result showed that the participants had an
improvement in terms of the vocabulary they used in their major, which is economics.
YouTube enables them to learn vocabulary and its meaning, such as “interest” and “banking
portfolio.” Overall, YouTube helps them to visualize how to communicate and speak fluently
and easily.
Next, Fata & Marhaban, (2021) did a study on the effectiveness of implementing
YouTube media in improving speaking skills. The researchers did an experimental research
design with pretest and posttest control groups that were analyzed later on. The participants of
this research are young English teachers and English students. The result showed that YouTube
plays a significant role in improving their speaking skills in terms of pronunciation, fluency,
grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension, as seen from the participants’ pretest and posttest
scores. With the help of subtitles, direct screening, and assisting teachers as secondary material,
YouTube could provide authentic learning materials for them to study, and the participants
could listen to native speakers and mimic them as their models. This, as result, could help them
improve their speaking aspects. In this research, the aspect that was impacted the most was
comprehension. The researcher concluded that, in terms of comprehension, using videos from
YouTube could aid the participants to understand the materials more compared to the
traditional classroom.
In addition, Kristiani & Pradnyadewi, (2021), did a study observe the effectiveness of
YouTube as learning media in improving learners’ speaking skills? The research was
conducted by analyzing related papers and studies and drawing a conclusion from them. The
result was that the roles of YouTube in improving speaking skills are: offering flexibility so
students can still practice their speaking skills regardless of where they are; providing authentic
materials, so students can learn from native speakers through videos; allowing an interesting
and fun atmosphere in the classroom, as well as enabling students to learn pronunciation,
vocabularies, and gestures; motivating students to learn more; helping students deliver or speak
their opinions with comment features, and last but not least, providing them broad English
speaking sources that they can use in their daily life.
Last, Jalaluddin, (2016) did research on using YouTube to enhance speaking skills in
ESL classrooms. Basing his research on nine related articles, he concluded that YouTube is a
great resource for improving communication, listening, and pronunciation skills. He also
discusses the benefits and drawbacks of using YouTube in the classroom as a learning tool. In
addition, he described the methods and resources that instructors might use when using
YouTube as their primary platform; he presented several instances, one of which was the use
of TED talk videos to improve and impart speaking abilities. The roles of YouTube that he
emphasizes here are mainly improving vocabulary and motivating students to speak because
YouTube is more interactive and because students can find various videos that they might like.
YouTube could attract them to learn more, compared to traditional classrooms. In the end, he
comes to the conclusion that, when used properly by the instructor, YouTube is a very effective
tool for teaching speaking skills.

IJLECR (International Journal of Language Education and Cultural Review) E-ISSN: 2461-131x
E-Jurnal: P-ISSN: 2406-8586
Volume 8 Number 2, December 2022, Page: 99 -116

Based on those previous researches, it is safe to say that YouTube has a significant role,
if not many, on improving English speaking skills for students. The roles of YouTube in
improving speaking skills are: First, YouTube can assist pupils in improving their English
fluency (Carolinaliwati et al., 2021; Fata & Marhaban, 2021; Meinawati et al., 2020); YouTube
could also help them attain confidence when speaking, employ proper grammar, maintain
conversation, and organize ideas (Meinawati et al., 2020; Saed et al., 2021); YouTube can help
students employ proper vocabularies (Carolinaliwati et al., 2021; Fata & Marhaban, 2021;
Jalaluddin, 2016; Kristiani & Pradnyadewi, 2021; Meinawati et al., 2020; Saed et al., 2021;
Santosa et al., 2021), as well as helping students employ proper pronunciation (Fata &
Marhaban, 2021; Jalaluddin, 2016; Kristiani & Pradnyadewi, 2021). Next, YouTube can help
students to speak with more expressions and help students in terms of participating in the
discussion (Saed et al., 2021). Additionally, YouTube can help students learn gestures, as well
as offering flexibility so students can still practice their speaking skills regardless of where they
are and provide students with broad English speaking sources that they can use in their daily
life (Kristiani & Pradnyadewi, 2021). Moreover, YouTube can help students guess unfamiliar
and lower their anxiety while speaking, as well as help them learn English faster during class
(Binmahboob, 2020). Next, YouTube can also help students visualize how to communicate and
speak fluently and easily (Carolinaliwati et al., 2021). YouTube, in terms of comprehension
could aid the participants to understand the materials more compared to the traditional
classroom (Fata & Marhaban, 2021). Furthermore, YouTube can help students improving their
listening skills (Jalaluddin, 2016). In addition, YouTube can increase their willingness to learn
the language and develop students’ eagerness and enthusiasm to learn and practice speaking in
English (Jalaluddin, 2016; Saed et al., 2021). Also, YouTube can motivate students to learn
more (Jalaluddin, 2016; Kristiani & Pradnyadewi, 2021). Last but not least, YouTube can
provide students with videos where they can learn from, and even mimic native speakers’
speech in order to have suitable facial expressions, tones, and body language while speaking
(Carolinaliwati et al., 2021; Fata & Marhaban, 2021; Kristiani & Pradnyadewi, 2021;
Meinawati et al., 2020; Saed et al., 2021).
These studies, however, have not been sufficient to understand the perspectives of
University's English Department students. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to learn
how Bunda Mulia University Serpong English Department students perceived the contribution
of YouTube to the development of English-speaking abilities.

The aim of this study was to know English Department students' perception on the role
of YouTube in improving English speaking skills. Qualitative research was utilized to conduct
this research. Qualitative research, as Creswell, (2014) stated, is a method for investigating and
comprehending the meaning that certain people or groups give to social or human problems.
Inductively growing from specifics to broad themes, data analysis, data interpretation, and
emergent questions and processes are all part of the research process. Data are often acquired
in participant settings and the final report's structure is adaptable. In a qualitative study, data
are produced by asking questions in focus groups or personal interviews, seeing things and
taking notes, potentially taking part in an event and reflecting on it, or shooting pictures.
Typically, open-ended questions are posed, and the researcher makes an effort to acknowledge,
then discard, prior assumptions regarding the question's possible outcomes (Magilvy &
Thomas, 2009). In order to answer the research question, which was to know higher students’
perception on the role of YouTube in improving speaking skills, descriptive analysis was
employed. According to Magilvy & Thomas, (2009), qualitative descriptive analysis is a

IJLECR (International Journal of Language Education and Cultural Review) E-ISSN: 2461-131x
E-Jurnal: P-ISSN: 2406-8586
Volume 8 Number 2, December 2022, Page: 99 -116

research analysis with constrained in the scope of the research question, sample size, data
generation and analysis methods, and interpretation.
To collect the data for the study, a questionnaire using Google Forms with close-ended
questions was utilized. The questionnaire will contain 22 questions that were based on previous
research regarding the roles of YouTube in improving English speaking skills. After
summarizing from seven previous research and articles, the researcher concluded that YouTube
as a social media platform provides 22 roles in improving English speaking abilities, which are
helping students to be more fluent in English, attain confidence when speaking, employ proper
vocabularies, grammar, and pronunciation. YouTube could also help students to maintain
conversation, organize ideas, and speak with more expressions. Students can also learn gestures
and guess unfamiliar words when they speak in English. YouTube can also help them to learn
English faster during class, and help them visualize how to communicate easily and fluently in
English, as well as improving their listening skills. It has also been observed that in terms of
comprehension, YouTube could aid the participants to understand the materials more compared
to the traditional classroom. YouTube can increase students’ willingness to learn the language.
YouTube could develop students’ eagerness and enthusiasm to learn and practice speaking in
English. YouTube can help students in terms of participating in discussions, as well as lower
their anxiety when speaking in English. YouTube could also offer flexibility so students can
still practice their speaking skills regardless of where they are and motivate them to learn more.
Last but not least, YouTube could provide them with broad English speaking sources that they
can use in their daily life and provide students with videos where they can learn from, and even
mimic native speakers’ speech in order to have suitable facial expressions, tones, and body
language while speaking (Binmahboob, 2020; Carolinaliwati et al., 2021; Fata & Marhaban,
2021; Jalaluddin, 2016; Kristiani & Pradnyadewi, 2021; Meinawati et al., 2020; Saed et al.,
The responders of the research consist of 51 English Department major students from
Bunda Mulia University Serpong. The reason why English Department students were chosen
was that they have experience in learning English in and out of the classroom, and they
understand basic English. This is in line with Magilvy & Thomas, (2009), where they stated
that the participants of the qualitative descriptive study need to experience the phenomenon
discussed in the study and communicate with the researcher, thus English Department students
from Bunda Mulia University Serpong was a suitable participant. The sampling technique used
in this study is purposive sampling which involved English Department students from Bunda
Mulia University Serpong. Purposive sampling is a sampling method nonrandom where the
researcher determined the samples to be in line with the research purpose so the research
objective could be achieved (Lenaini, 2021). English Department students from Bunda Mulia
University Serpong are a suitable purposive sample because they have experienced learning
and speaking English as a requirement to study in this major. Moreover, their age ranges from
20-23 years old, so they are also familiar with YouTube as a popular social media to watch
videos from all across the world. Therefore, their perception regarding YouTube’s role in
improving English speaking skills will answer the objective of this study.
To collect the data, the researcher spread a Google Form questionnaire, collected the
data, and classified them using the Likert Scale, which is a scale that was designed to measure
perception or attitude, ideas around an object or beliefs, in a scientifically acceptable way.
Likert Scale offered to quantify the subjective attitudes, which could be affected by social
interactions, in an acceptable and reliable manner (Joshi et al., 2015). Participants in this study
were asked to rate their agreement with several claims about the benefits of YouTube for
developing their English-speaking abilities on a metric scale. In this study, four scales—

IJLECR (International Journal of Language Education and Cultural Review) E-ISSN: 2461-131x
E-Jurnal: P-ISSN: 2406-8586
Volume 8 Number 2, December 2022, Page: 99 -116

"Strongly Disagree," "Disagree," "Agree," and "Strongly Agree"—were employed (Joshi et al.,


There were 51 students of English Department of Bunda Mulia University, Serpong who
participated in this research. 68.6% of them were females and 31,4% are males. 23,5% of the
participants were from the most recent batch of students, 2022; 37,3% of them were from
2021’s batch, and the rest 39,2% were from 2020’s batch. Most of the participants, mainly
41,2% of them, watched YouTube for 1-3 hours per day. 23,5% of them watched YouTube for
more than 5 hours a day. There were 19,6% of participants spent 3-5 hours a day, and the rest,
15,7% participants, spent less than an hour watching YouTube videos.
This research used 4 points Likert Scale, with the following conditions: 4 represents
strong agreements, 3 represents agreement, 2 represents disagreement, and 1 represents strong

Chart 1. The Results of the Learning Instrument for the First Question Which Asked
Whether YouTube Could Help Students Learn English More Quickly

First, according to the results from the study instrument to the first question, which asked
whether YouTube could help students learn English more quickly, 55% of the students strongly
agreed, 41% agreed, and 4% disagreed. The total average score for this context is 3,5, which
indicates that participants agreed with the idea and had a positive perception of using YouTube
to assist students learn English more quickly.
Next, according to the responses of the second question from the research instrument,
69% of the students strongly agreed that YouTube can help them become more fluent in
English, followed by 41% of students who agreed, and none of the students disagreed or
strongly disagreed with the role of YouTube in this situation. The overall average score for this
context is 3, which indicates that participants agreed with the idea and have a positive
perception of using YouTube to assist students improve their English fluency. There is
evidence that using YouTube videos can help students become more fluent in English.
Furthermore, according to the data collected from the research instrument in response to
the third question, 37% of the students highly agreed that YouTube can help them boost their
willingness to learn English, while 47% agreed, 14% disagreed, and 2% severely disagreed.
IJLECR (International Journal of Language Education and Cultural Review) E-ISSN: 2461-131x
E-Jurnal: P-ISSN: 2406-8586
Volume 8 Number 2, December 2022, Page: 99 -116

The total average score for this context is 3,19, which indicates that the participants agreed
with the idea and had a positive perception on the usage of YouTube to encourage kids to learn
Next, according to the responses of the fourth question from the research instrument,
31% of the students strongly agreed that YouTube can drive them to study more, 47% agreed,
and 18% disagreed with the question about encouraging students to learn English more. The
remaining 4% were vehemently opposed to the idea. The total average score for this context is
3,05, which indicates that participants agreed with the idea and have a positive perception of
using YouTube to encourage kids to study English more.
In addition, according to the data collected from the research instrument for the fifth
question, 51% of the students strongly agreed that YouTube may help them develop their
listening abilities, 49% agreed, and no one voted neither disagreed nor strongly disagreed. The
overall average score for this context is 3,5, which indicates that participants agreed with the
idea and had a positive perception of using YouTube to assist kids develop their listening
Then, according to the response to the sixth question from the study instrument, 29% of
the students strongly agreed that YouTube may help them use good vocabularies, while 53%
of them agreed and 18% disagreed with the statement. The total average score for this context
is 3,11, indicating that participants agreed with the idea and had a favorable opinion of using
YouTube to help pupils utilize appropriate vocabularies.

Chart 2. The Research Instrument's Answers to the Seventh Question

About YouTube Can Help Them Use Grammar

Next, according to the research instrument replies to the seventh question, 18% of the
students strongly agreed that YouTube may help them use good grammar, 61% agreed, while
19% disagreed, and only 2% of the participants overall strongly opposed. The total average
score for this context was 2,94, which indicated that participants agreed with the idea and have
a positive perception of using YouTube to assist students use good grammar.
Next, according to the response on the eighth question from the study instrument, 29%
of the students strongly agreed that YouTube can help them use good pronunciation, 53%
agreed, and 18% disagreed with the statement. The participants had a positive perception of
using YouTube to help students learn English more quickly, as seen by their overall average
IJLECR (International Journal of Language Education and Cultural Review) E-ISSN: 2461-131x
E-Jurnal: P-ISSN: 2406-8586
Volume 8 Number 2, December 2022, Page: 99 -116

score of 3.11, which indicated that they agreed with the idea that YouTube may assist students
in using good pronunciation when speaking.
Furthermore, according to the answer to the ninth question about how YouTube helps
students maintain conversations from the research instrument, 26% of the students strongly
agreed, and 47% of the participants agreed. Participants who disagreed made up 27% of the
total. The participants had a positive perception of the usage of YouTube in assisting students
in maintaining dialogues, which indicated that they agreed with the idea, as seen by the
context's overall average score of 2,98.

Chart 3. The Research Instrument's Responses to the Tenth Question

About YouTube Can Help Them Organize Ideas

Moreover, according to the research instrument's responses to the tenth question, 24% of
the students strongly agreed that YouTube may help them organize their ideas, while over half
of the participants, primarily 51%, agreed. 4% of them disagreed, despite the bulk of them
being in agreement. The total average score for this context was 3,05, which indicates that
participants agreed with the idea and had a positive perception of using YouTube to help
students organize their ideas.
In addition, according to the responses of the eleventh question from the study
instrument, the students who strongly agreed and agreed that YouTube can help them learn
English faster are in equal value, which is 45%, while the remaining 10% disagreed with the
statement. The total average score for this context was 3,35, which indicates that participants
agreed with the idea and had a positive perception of using YouTube to encourage pupils to
utilize more expressions when speaking.
Next, according to the results from the research instrument for the twelfth question, 23%
of the students strongly agreed that YouTube can help them understand gestures. The majority,
namely 63% agreed, while 4% opposed. The total average score for this context was 3,09,
which indicates that participants agreed with the idea and had a positive perception of using
YouTube to assist students learn gestures more quickly.
Then, according to the response to the twelfth question from the research instrument,
27% of the students strongly agreed and 58% agreed with the statement that YouTube can
assist students guess unfamiliar words when speaking. 15% of the remaining pupils were in
IJLECR (International Journal of Language Education and Cultural Review) E-ISSN: 2461-131x
E-Jurnal: P-ISSN: 2406-8586
Volume 8 Number 2, December 2022, Page: 99 -116

disagreement. The total average score for this context was 3,05, which indicated that
participants agreed with the idea and had a positive perception of using YouTube to help
students predict unknown words when speaking.
The next is, according to the responses to the fourteenth question, 30% of the students
strongly agreed that YouTube can help them visualize how to communicate and speak fluently
and easily, and 51% agreed, while 19% of them disagreed, about how students can visualize
how to communicate and speak fluently and easily. The total average score for this context was
3.15, which indicated that participants agreed with the idea and had a positive perception on
the usage of YouTube to assist students in visualizing how to speak and communicate
Additionally, according to the responses to the fifteenth question, 35% of the students
strongly agreed and 48% of the students agreed that YouTube can help them understand the
materials more in terms of comprehension, while the remaining 17% disagreed. The
participants had a positive perception of using YouTube to help students learn English more
quickly, as indicated by their average score of 3,11, which indicates that they agreed with the

Chart 4. Responses to the Sixteenth Question Concerning How YouTube Can Help Students
Increase Students' Enthusiasm and Desire to Learn to Speak ENGLISH

Next, according to the responses to the sixteenth question which concerned how
YouTube can help students increase students' enthusiasm and eagerness to learn speaking in
English, 26% of the students strongly agreed that YouTube can help them increase students'
enthusiasm and eagerness to learn speaking in English, and 54% of them agreed. The remaining
20% of the students disagreed with this statement. The participants had a positive perception on
the usage of YouTube in boosting students' enthusiasm and readiness to learn speaking in
English, which indicates that they agreed with the idea, as evidenced by the context's overall
average score of 3,11.
Furthermore, ccording to the results for the seventieth question from the research
instrument, just 14% of the students strongly agreed that YouTube can help them participate in
discussions, but the majority of 59% of the students agreed. 25% of the individuals
expressed disagreement, and 2% of them acknowledged a strong disagreement. The total
average score for this context was 2,84, which indicated that participants agreed with the idea
IJLECR (International Journal of Language Education and Cultural Review) E-ISSN: 2461-131x
E-Jurnal: P-ISSN: 2406-8586
Volume 8 Number 2, December 2022, Page: 99 -116

and had a positive perception of using YouTube to assist students in contributing to

Moreover, according to the response to the eighteenth question regarding the roles of
YouTube in assisting them lessen their anxieties while speaking, 14% of the students highly
agreed and 43% of students were evenly divided between those who agreed and those who
disagreed with the idea. The total average score for this context was 2,70, which indicated that
participants agreed with the idea and had a positive perception of using YouTube to assist
students feel more at ease when speaking.
Then, according to the responses to the nineteenth question regarding YouTube
offering flexibility so students can learn speaking regardless of where they are, a significant
portion of participants, mainly 45% of them, strongly agreed that YouTube can help them learn
English more quickly, and the ones who agreed are almost of equal value, which was 51%. The
remaining 4% were in disagreement. The total average score for this context was 3,41, which
indicated that participants agreed with the idea and had a positive perception of using YouTube
to give students flexibility in their learning of speaking skills regardless of their location.
In addition, according to the responses of the twentieth question regarding YouTube
provides videos where they can study from and even mimic native speakers' speech in order to
have appropriate facial expressions, tones, and body language while speaking, 33% of the
students strongly agreed that YouTube can help them learn English more quickly, and 59% of
the students agreed with the idea. The remaining 6% of students disagreed, and the final 2%
strongly disagreed. The participants gave this context an overall average score of 3.23,
indicating that they agreed with the idea and had a positive perception of using YouTube to
help students by providing them with lessons and even videos where they can mimic native
speakers' speech in order to have appropriate facial expressions, tones, and body language
while speaking.
Furthermore, according to response to the twenty-first question about YouTube giving
students access to English resources they can use in their everyday lives, 45% of the students
strongly agreed that YouTube can provide them with broad English sources that they can learn
from in their daily lives. None of the participants disagreed with the idea, and the percentage
of students who agreed with it was virtually equal (55%). Based on the responses from the
research instrument, the participants had a positive perception regarding the use of YouTube
in providing students with diverse English sources that they can learn from in their daily lives,
which indicated that they agreed with the notion. The overall average score for this context
was 3,45.
Last, according to the response to the twenty-second question on how YouTube may help
students get confidence while speaking, 20% of the students strongly agreed that YouTube
could help them achieve confidence when speaking, and 53% agreed. 25% of the participants
voiced their disagreement, and 2% of them did so vehemently. The total average score for this
context was 3,5, which indicated that participants agreed with the idea and had a positive
perception of using YouTube to assist students build their speaking confidence.
Based on the findings, all of the participants from Bunda Mulia University, Serpong had
a positive perception and overall agreed with the roles of YouTube in improving speaking
skills. First, in the context of YouTube can help students learn English faster, based on the
findings, students had positive perception regarding the notion, which means they agree that
YouTube can help them learn English faster. This is in line with Binmahboob, (2020) where,
in addition to other advantages, one of YouTube's benefits for speaking abilities is that it helps
students learn English more quickly.
Second, in the context of YouTube can help students become more fluent in English,
based on the findings, students also had positive perception regarding the notion, which means

IJLECR (International Journal of Language Education and Cultural Review) E-ISSN: 2461-131x
E-Jurnal: P-ISSN: 2406-8586
Volume 8 Number 2, December 2022, Page: 99 -116

they agree that YouTube can help them become more fluent in English. This is in line with
Carolinaliwati et al., (2021); Fata & Marhaban, (2021); and Meinawati et al., (2020) where
they all came to the same conclusion after conducting their research: YouTube videos can assist
students improve their English fluency.
Third, in the context of YouTube can increase their willingness to learn the language,
based on the findings, students had positive perception regarding the notion, and they agree
that YouTube can help them be more willing to learn the language. This is in line with
Meinawati et al., (2020), where she came to the conclusion from her research that one of
YouTube's advantages for enhancing speaking abilities is raising students' motivation to learn.
Fourth, in the context of YouTube can motivate students to learn more, based on the
findings, students had positive perception and agree with the notion that YouTube can give
them motivation to learn speaking more. This is in line with 3 researchers, which are Kristiani
& Pradnyadewi, (2021) and Jalaluddin, (2016) where they both reached the same conclusion:
YouTube can motivate students to learn.
Fifth, in the context of YouTube can help students improving their listening skills, Based
on the findings, students had positive perception, which means they agree that YouTube can
improve their listening skills. This is in line Jalaluddin, (2016), where he came to the conclusion
through his studies that YouTube videos can help with listening skills. Next, in the context of
YouTube can help students employ proper vocabularies, based on the findings, students had
positive perception and in agreement with the notion that YouTube can help their vocabularies
choices. This result is in line with Meinawati et al., (2020), Saed et al., (2021), Carolinaliwati
et al., (2021), Fata & Marhaban, (2021), and Jalaluddin, (2016). In their individual studies, they
all came to the same conclusion: YouTube can assist children in using appropriate vocabulary.
Furthermore, in the context of YouTube can help students employ proper grammar, based on
the findings, the students had positive perception and in agreement with the notion that
YouTube can help them with grammar. This result is in line with Meinawati et al., (2020) and
Saed et al., (2021) where the results of their study suggested that YouTube could aid students
in using good grammar.
Additionally, in the context of YouTube can help students employ proper pronunciation,
based on the findings, students had positive perception and in agreement with the notion that
YouTube can help them with pronunciation. This finding is in line with Fata & Marhaban,
(2021), Jalaluddin, (2016), and Kristiani & Pradnyadewi, (2021). They came to the conclusion
that YouTube can assist pupils in speaking with accurate pronunciation. Then, in the context
of YouTube can help students employ proper maintain conversations, based on the findings,
students agreed and had positive perception regarding the use of YouTube in helping students
maintain conversations. This result is in line with Meinawati et al., (2020) and Saed et al.,
(2021). They both concluded from their individual research that YouTube videos can help
students learn how to carry on conversations using English.
Moreover, in the context of YouTube can help students organize ideas, based on the
findings, students had positive perception regarding the use of YouTube in helping students
organize ideas. This is in line with Meinawati et al., (2020) and Saed et al., (2021). They both
came to the conclusion that using YouTube to develop English speaking abilities has several
advantages, including assisting students in organizing their ideas when speaking.
Next, in the context of YouTube can help students to speak with more expressions, based
on the findings, students had positive perception regarding the notion that YouTube can help
them speak with more expressions. This result is in line with Saed et al., (2021), who concluded
in his research that YouTube can help students with expressions while speaking. Next, in the
context of YouTube can help students learn gestures, based on the findings, students had
positive perception regarding the notion that YouTube can help them learn gestures. This result

IJLECR (International Journal of Language Education and Cultural Review) E-ISSN: 2461-131x
E-Jurnal: P-ISSN: 2406-8586
Volume 8 Number 2, December 2022, Page: 99 -116

is in line with Kristiani & Pradnyadewi, (2021) who came to a conclusion in her research that
YouTube can help students learn gestures.
In addition, in the context of YouTube can help students guess unfamiliar words when
speaking, based on the findings, students had positive perception and were in agreement with
the notion that YouTube can help them guess unfamiliar words when speaking. This result is
in line with Binmahboob, (2020) who came to a conclusion in his research that YouTube can
help students guess unfamiliar words. Then, in the context of YouTube can help students
visualize how to communicate and speak fluently and easily, based on the findings, students
agreed and had positive perception that YouTube can help them visualize how to communicate
and speak fluently and easily. This finding is in line with the research of Carolinaliwati et al.,
(2021), who also came to the conclusion that one of the benefits of using YouTube to improve
English speaking skills is helping students with visualization on how to speak English properly.
Additionally, in the context of YouTube, in terms of comprehension could aid the
participants to understand the materials more compared to the traditional classroom, based on
the findings, students agree and had positive perception regarding the notion that YouTube
could aid them to understand materials more compared to the traditional classroom. This
finding is in line with research done by Fata & Marhaban, (2021), who concluded that YouTube
could aid students to understand the materials more in terms of comprehension.
Furthermore, in the context of YouTube can develop students’ eagerness and enthusiasm
to learn and practice speaking in English, based on the findings, students agreed and had
positive perceptions regarding the notion that YouTube can develop their eagerness and
enthusiasm to learn and practice speaking in English. This finding is in line with Saed et al.,
(2021) and Jalaluddin, (2016) who both came to the conclusion that YouTube can develop
eagerness and enthusiasm for them to learn speaking.
Next, in the context of YouTube can help students in terms of participating in the
discussion, based on the findings, students had positive perception and agreed with the notion
that YouTube can help them to participate in discussions using English. This result is in line
with Saed et al., (2021) who did a research and concluded that YouTube can help students in
terms of participating in the discussion.
Moreover, in the context of YouTube can help students lower their anxiety while
speaking, based on the findings, students had positive perception and were in agreement with
the notion that YouTube can lower their anxiety while they are speaking in English. This result
is in line with the research done by Binmahboob, (2020), who concluded in his research that
YouTube can lower student’s anxiety while they speak.
Then, in the context of YouTube can offer flexibility so students can still practice their
speaking skills regardless of where they are, based on the finding, students agreed and had
positive perception regarding the use of YouTube in helping them practice their speaking skills
by providing them flexibility to learn from anywhere. This result is in line with the research
from Kristiani & Pradnyadewi, (2021) who concluded that YouTube can offer students
flexibility to practice speaking regardless of where they are.
Additionally, in the context of YouTube can provide students with videos where they can
learn from, and even mimic native speakers’ speech in order to have suitable facial expressions,
tones, and body language while speaking, based on the findings, students had positive
perception and agreed with the notion that YouTube can provide them with authentic materials
so they can mimic and learn from native speakers. This finding is in line with the research from
several other reseacrhers, which include Meinawati et al., (2020), Saed et al., (2021),
Carolinaliwati et al., (2021), Fata & Marhaban, (2021), and Kristiani & Pradnyadewi, (2021).
They all concluded that out of other benefits of YouTube, providing students with authentic
materials where they can learn from natives is one of them.

IJLECR (International Journal of Language Education and Cultural Review) E-ISSN: 2461-131x
E-Jurnal: P-ISSN: 2406-8586
Volume 8 Number 2, December 2022, Page: 99 -116

Next, in the context of YouTube provide them broad English speaking sources that they
can use in their daily life, based on the finding, students had a positive perception and agreed
with the notion that YouTube can provide them with wide arrange of English-speaking sources
that they can use in their life. This result is in line with the research from Kristiani &
Pradnyadewi, (2021) who concluded that YouTube offered students broad learning sources for
students to practice their English.
Last but not least, in the context of YouTube could helping them attain confidence when
speaking, based on the finding, the students agreed and had positive perception regarding the
notion that YouTube can help them be more confident while speaking in English. This finding
is in line with 2 researchers, Meinawati et al., (2020) and Saed et al., (2021), who came to the
conclusion that YouTube can help students be more confident while speaking in English.

Many scholars have been studying the functions of YouTube in education and language
learning in recent years. Students can benefit from using YouTube to improve their English
fluency, gain speaking confidence, use appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation,
and maintain conversations. Additionally, YouTube can assist students with organizing their
thoughts, speaking more expressively, learning gestures, figuring out unknown terms when
speaking, learning English more quickly in class, and visualizing how to communicate and
speak effortlessly and fluently. Next, YouTube could help participants comprehend the topics
more than they would in a typical classroom in terms of understanding. Furthermore, YouTube
can assist students in developing their listening abilities, increasing their desire to learn the
language, developing their eagerness and passion to learn and practice speaking English,
participating in the discussion, and reducing their speaking nervousness. Another advantage of
using YouTube for education is the flexibility it offers students to learn wherever they are.
Students also concur that YouTube may inspire them to learn more by giving them access to
videos that they can study from and even emulate in order to talk with the appropriate body
language, tones, and facial emotions. Last but not least, YouTube can give kids access to a
variety of English-speaking resources they can use on a daily basis.
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to learn how students from Bunda Mulia
University Serpong's English Department perceived YouTube's contribution to the
development of their English-speaking abilities. The findings indicated that students agreed
with all of YouTube's functions in enhancing English-speaking abilities and had positive
perceptions of those functions. All of the participants concurred that YouTube is a useful tool
for teaching pupils how to speak English.
The researcher still needed to solve other shortcomings, such as the small number of
selected participants. The researcher suggested that additional future research with a larger
sample size as the study's subject is feasible. Given that YouTube is a successful instrument
for teaching English speaking abilities, the study's findings may be applied to the usage of
YouTube in Bunda Mulia University Serpong's classrooms.

IJLECR (International Journal of Language Education and Cultural Review) E-ISSN: 2461-131x
E-Jurnal: P-ISSN: 2406-8586
Volume 8 Number 2, December 2022, Page: 99 -116


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