European Journal of Education Studies: Shoukot Ali

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European Journal of Education Studies

ISSN: 2501 - 1111

ISSN-L: 2501 - 1111
Available on-line at:

doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3244393 Volume 6 │ Issue 3 │ 2019



Shoukot Alii
Daffodil International University,

The study sought to analyse the effects of educational videos on university students’
academic activities and performance. This research is useful for educators and video
makers who utilize and/ or make free or commercial videos for educational purposes.
The research was based on the quantitative method and data had been collected
through a sample survey. The semi-structured questionnaire was utilized and 342
responses were retrieved. The study revealed that watching educational videos affected
the academic activities and performance of the respondents positively. The majority of
the respondents used mobile phones and laptops to watch videos. The study further
confirmed that most of the respondents preferred short length videos and animated
educational videos.

Keywords: videos, academic performance, higher education, university, Bangladesh

1. Introduction

Educational videos are now widely available thanks to cheap internet and video content
creators. In the 1980s, videos started to enter the teaching world. Development of
information and communication technology (ICT) has made a good resource with huge
possibilities (Nagy & Bernschütz, 2015). Moreover, with the rapid advancement of
computer and software technology, the opportunity to produce, change and share
videos have increased in university level (Kay and Kletskin, 2012). Many researchers
have already confirmed the effectiveness of video in education, focusing its usefulness
as a training instrument (Rajadell & Garriga-Garzón, 2017). People can find topics
ranging from mathematics to politics. Video learning is changing the world education
system (Vander Ark, 2012).
In the last ten years, due to the invention of social media, people can easily share
feelings, information, ideas, images, and videos and it has changed the online world

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Shoukot Ali

rapidly (Oberst, 2010). YouTube, established in 2005, is the most popular internet video
sharing website (Cheng, Dale, & Liu, 2008). In recent years, massive open online courses
also known as MOOCs (Coursera, EdX, Udacity, Udemy) have become eminent trends
in higher education. Video-based instructional contents are freely available in these
online educational platforms (Baturay, 2015). For online education, videos are now
considered as a widely-used type of resource (Guo, Kim, & Rubin, 2014). Therefore,
nowadays, students are using video learning websites at an increased rate.
In the early 1990s, personal computers (PC) became popular in Bangladesh
because of its user-friendliness and affordability. In 1998, the use of computers and
software increased both in public and private sectors in Bangladesh because there was
an exemption of taxes of computers and ICT related accessories and price reductions in
the global market (Islam & Selim, 2006). The government of Bangladesh has recently
taken ICT friendly initiative called Digital Bangladesh to make the government service
easily available to the doorsteps of general people (Khan, Hossain, Hasan, & Clement,
2012). The government has launched several initiatives (for example, Multimedia
Classroom system by a2i Bangladesh) for making online learning easier. The
government tries to control the price of internet and mobile, computer devices.
Therefore, it is now easier for students to have and use technology for their education.
However, in this study, the term video includes the recording, copying, or broadcasting
of moving visual images.

2. Statement of the Problem

Educational institutions have made continuing calls for change and innovation in
tertiary education, where information and knowledge have been communicated mainly
through conventional lectures despite regular quality concerns (Arum et al., 2012). The
concept of education and learning has recently changed from old aged instructor-
centered approach to learner-centered education modes. With this change, teachers can
act as knowledge givers, as well as learning promoters who motivate learners to build
knowledge (Hwang, Lai, & Wang, 2015). The rapid advancement of information
technology, telecommunications and media are changing the process of transferring
information. These technologies have a big influence on the way people select what
types of knowledge they are interested in and where to find it (Nagy & Bernschütz,
Using videos for learning were instrumental in professors’ teaching
productiveness and video brought the maximum level of enjoyment (Tang & Austin,
2009). Furthermore, YouTube is the 2nd most visited website in the world, just behind
Google (Alexa, 2019). YouTube, a valuable instructional resource and a teaching
supplement, can motivate and engage students and assist their digital learning. As a
free teaching and learning resource, YouTube is a significant consideration for
educational budgets (Burke & Snyder, 2008).
However, parents and guardians are concerned that students spend too much
time on mobiles and computers and don’t have much time for studying (Owusu-

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Acheaw & Larson, 2015). Due to the increased use of video learning, academicians and
practitioners are questioning whether students’ activities and performance will
positively be affected by online and offline videos. There are a number of researches on
the influence of YouTube videos on the education sector. But there are shortages of
research aimed at investigating university students’ use of videos and their effects on
academic performance in a developing country like Bangladesh. This research is a
practical contribution to video learning literature.

3. Literature Review

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have become an indispensable

part of the education system. The system allows incorporating digital technology in a
variety of teaching and learning process in higher education (Johnson, Becker, Estrada,
& Freeman, 2014). Teaching and learning are changing because of information
technology which is the change agent and provided rich sources of information for
faculty and students in academic institutions. Many educational institutions around the
world have utilized different information and communication technologies in
education, e.g., multimedia classroom (Schmid, 2008). Some scholars and professors
also encourage the implementation of updated computer technology, online learning,
and social media in classrooms (Tang & Austin, 2009).
The uses of modern multimedia equipment and advances in displaying videos
on a computer monitor have increased due to the decrease price and recent
improvements in multimedia computing and digital video instruments. These
advantages allow instructors and students to record their own experiential videos they
themselves performed (Escalada & Zollman, 1997).
Videos engage students and generate a higher amusement value than other
technologies (Caudron, 1997; Salomon, 1984). People like videos and consider videos as
having more enjoyment than other technologies (Fulk et al., 1995). Videos can have a
powerful impact on the human mind and senses. Videos can be downloaded from the
internet or bought CDs from shops so people can watch videos over and over again
(Berk, 2009). Videos can be replayed and reused so many times as well as mashed-up
with other content after its creation (Bonk, 2011).
Online videos have the advantages of accessibility, versatility, breadth of content
and up-to-date materials which help teachers and students to form and contribute to
course content and improve student engagement in classroom activities. In higher
education teaching and learning, people are increasingly using online videos. For
faculty and students, YouTube has become one of the leading examples of video-
sharing resources that can empower students in their education, engaging classroom
discussion, and achieve learning goals effectively inside as well as outside of the
classroom (Sherer & Shea, 2011). Renowned universities in the world are using their
own YouTube channels with different subject areas (Orús et al., 2016). Khan Academy,
a non-profit educational organization, has videos of different subjects that enable

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learners to learn online according to their own pace and review unknown content
(Khan, 2015).
Mobile, a valuable form of technology, has become common among the younger
generations. Videos using cell phones are good instruments that teach students on
proper skills and improve learning outcomes. It can also lead to a significantly higher
level of learning motivation, confidence in learning a skill and class satisfaction(Lee et
al., 2016).
Online video resources and materials can boost a traditional course (Bonk, 2011).
The research findings by Tan & Pearce (2011) indicated that the use of video in
education was an effective way to engage students and support their understanding.
The benefits would be providing different ideas and opinions on subjects, several
delivery mechanisms, and getting regular examples to explain points. Furthermore, the
question numbers were decreased profoundly due to the growing capacity of self-
learning among students (Bravo, Amante, Simo, Enache, & Fernandez, 2011).
To use video as a learning tool, Brame (2016) focused on the following principles
to be considered by an instructor. • Keeping videos short and targeting learning goals.
• conveying right parts of an illustration. • Focus on important concepts and idea. •
Utilize an enthusiastic and conversational style to increase engagement. • Embed
videos in a context of active learning by interactive elements, using guiding questions,
or associated homework assignments.

4. Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study was to find out the impact of educational videos on
academic performance among university going students. The specific objectives of the
study were as follows:
1) To identify what types of benefits students got from watching educational
2) What were the drawbacks of watching the videos?
3) To know the most preferred style and length of videos.
4) What could be done to improve the videos for the betterment of students?

5. Methodology

The research was based on the quantitative method and data had been collected
through a sample survey using a semi-structured questionnaire. A social survey is an
objective approach for studying the social processes within a well-defined area at a
given time by means of a questionnaire, an interview schedule, and information
statistically (Kumekpor, 2002). Using Google Forms, the questionnaire was designed by
the researcher to collect information from a sample of undergraduate students of
Daffodil International University (DIU) in 2018. DIU is one of the top ranking private
universities in Bangladesh. After the distribution of the questionnaire, 342 responses
were collected. Purposive sampling technique was adopted to sample the respondents

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as the intention of the study was to find out the impact of video learning. After
obtaining data, the results were analyzed with the MS Excel.

6. Discussion of Findings

6.1 Advantages of Watching Educational Videos

It was found in this research that 90.1% of respondents liked the ICT favoured
multimedia classroom system in their classroom where videos could be shown for
teaching and learning. These students found their lessons useful because they watched
and learnt by watching PowerPoint slides, videos on the projector screen. According to
Mishra and Koehler (2006), technology acts as a determinant for improving quality
teaching. Incorporating Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the
classroom motivates students and increases their performance.

Discussion by questions and answers 75.4

Discussion showing videos 68.1

Discussion showing power point 60.8

Only discussion in the classroom 10.8

Others 2.1

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Figure 1: The methods students liked for getting information

in the classroom (in percentage)

According to figure 1, Students were more attentive in the classroom if teachers

made students empowered by questions and answers session (75.4%). In the class, the
respondents also loved to watch educational videos (68.1%). Inside the class, outside the
class, or assigned to students to view, online video was the frequently used and 80% of
faculty used some form of online video in class for better education(Moran, Seaman, &
Tinti-Kane, 2011).
Out of the total respondents, 96.5% saw videos for academic purposes and 78.4%
said they got many benefits by watching educational videos. In other research, students
viewed educational videos as additional materials which supplemented conventional
methodologies and supported self-learning as well as providing flexibility at no extra
cost (Rajadell & Garriga-Garzón, 2017).

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Others 1
Easier to get expert opinion 38.2
Learning in my own way 54.1
Easy to get video contents 34
no need to buy books or other educational materials 25.1
It reduces my dependency on teachers 25.4
Group study gets easier 25.7
I can remember my lessons for many days 59.5
It creates my eagerness to learn more 49.7
I can learn quickly 48.2
Easy to judge myself 17.2
Easy to share video contents 22.5
I understand my lessons easily 73.1

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Figure 2: Types of benefits for watching

educational videos (in percentage)

According to Figure 2, among many advantages, respondents could understand

their lessons easily (73.1%) and remembered them for a long time (59.5%). The result is
also confirmed by several researchers. The use of videos had a positive impact on
students’ perception regarding the improvement of their learning interest, satisfaction
and motivation (Bravo, Amante, Simo, Enache, & Fernandez, 2011). Educational videos
helped students to get a good view, or have a new addition to the course. Moreover, it
offered different ways than traditional notes (Rajadell & Garriga-Garzón, 2017).
Another advantage of using videos was cost-effectiveness and a video file could be
copied to any computer (Escalada & Zollman, 1997). Berk (2009) also mentioned 20
potential outcomes of video learning in the classroom to consider:

Table 1: Twenty potential outcomes

1. Grab students’ attention 11. Foster creativity
2. Focus students’ concentration 12. Stimulate the flow of ideas
3. Generate interest in the class 13. Foster deeper learning
4. Create a sense of anticipation 14. Provide an opportunity for freedom of
5. Energize or relax students for a learning exercise 15. Serve as a vehicle for collaboration
6. Draw on students’ imagination 16. Inspire and motivate students
7. Improve attitudes toward content and learning 17. Make learning fun
8. Build a connection with other students and 18. Set an appropriate mood or tone
9. Increase the memory of the content 19. Decrease anxiety and tension on scary topics
10. Increase understanding 20. Create memorable visual images

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The research found that a majority of the respondents (81.6%) perceived their academic
result was getting better for watching video content. Moran, Seaman, & Tinti-Kane
(2011) found that in classes, educational videos from any online video websites had the
greatest value for use.

6.2 Problems with Watching Educational Videos

When respondents were asked why they hadn’t got any benefits from watching videos,
some respondents replied: videos were not informative (43.3%); language in the video
was hard (38.4%); sound problem in the video (32.3%); and video resolutions were not
good (28%). Furthermore, 65.8% of respondents faced eye problem for watching videos.

6.3 How to Make Educational Videos?

The study found that mobile (78.9%) and laptop (65.8%) were the most used devices for
watching the videos. According to Buzzetto-More (2014), many students surfed online
video sharing services from their cell phones. Other research also confirmed that mobile
learning using a video clip was successful in skill training and education (Lee et al.,
2016). Lecturers and video makers should keep in mind these findings for developing
websites and creating videos.

35 30.4
25 21.9
20 17.8
13.5 14.9
5 0.3 1.2
1-59 seconds 1-2 minutes 7-8 minutes 11+ minutes 3-4 minutes 9-10 minutes 5-6 minutes

Figure 3: Ideal length of videos for

better learning (in percentage)

The figure 3 showed that respondents liked short-length videos (5-6 minutes)
most. Actually, if videos are long, they will get bored and it will be hard for them to
keep eyes on them. Furthermore, respondents liked the videos that were explained with
examples (74%). According to Buzzetto-More (2014), video length had an influence on
student decision makings whether to watch a video or not.

Table 2: How educational videos should be made?

Suggestions for making videos Percentage
i. Making videos with animation. 62.9
ii. Videos using whiteboard 33.3
iii. Live videos 30.4
iv. Videos that combine voice and pictures 63.7
v. Videos like khan academy 12
vi. Others 1

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The respondents were asked to provide ideas about how educational videos should be
made. They mentioned several ways to make the videos and most students (62.9%)
emphasized on making videos with animation. People love animation videos which
help them to engage and keep the learning in the memory for a long time.

7. Recommendations

Based on the research findings, some recommendations had been made to make
educational videos more useful to the learners. Animated videos, videos using a
whiteboard, live videos, videos combining voice and pictures, and khan academy like
videos should be taken into account for creating videos as these types of videos were
loved most. Short-length videos should be created because long videos can cause
boredom and distraction. It is further recommended that videos should be made
compatible with mobile, laptop and other updated devices. For helping students and
making educational videos, educators, content creators and video makers should keep
these recommendations in mind.

8. Conclusion

Higher Education institutions are facing increasing pressure for transformation and
modernization of education delivery methods. Information and communication
technology (ICT) has now become an essential part of the student experience in
educational institutions. Students certainly make good uses of ICTs that work best for
their studies (Henderson, Selwyn, & Aston, 2015). New technologies can motivate
students and assist in information transmission to students. Furthermore, educational
videos provide more rapid explanations comparing to verbal or written forms. As there
are the potentialities of videos to allow, expand and even boost student learning, the
research was conducted to investigate the impact of university students’ use of
educational videos on their academic performance.
The study revealed that students loved to watch educational videos and they
saw videos for academic purposes. They got so many advantages by watching
educational videos in the classroom and outside the classroom. As a result, a majority of
the students thought their academic result was improving for watching educational
videos. In addition, the study disclosed that most students liked short-length videos
and videos with examples. Since the education sector needs to be adapted in ways that
meet the needs of our time, the educational institutions should properly consider videos
learning inside and outside the classroom with other technologies.

I thank Mahmudul Hassan (Studying European Master in Social Work with Families
and Children under Erasmus Mundus Scholarship) and Muntashir-Al- Arefin (Research
Assistant, a2i Programme) who helped me develop the questionnaire.

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About the Author

Shoukot Ali is a lecturer at the Department of Development Studies in Daffodil
International University, Bangladesh. His research interests include policy,
development, migration, politics, and governance. He also tries to focus on the
education and health sectors.


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