What Is Information Technology

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What is information technology?

Information technology (IT) is the use of any computers, storage, networking and other
physical devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process, store, secure and
exchange all forms of electronic data. Typically, IT is used in the context of business
operations, as opposed to technology used for personal or entertainment purposes. The
commercial use of IT encompasses both computer technology and telecommunications.

Information technology (IT) involves the study and application of computers and any type
of telecommunications that store, retrieve, study, transmit, manipulate data and send information. Information
technology involves a combination of hardware and software that is used to perform the essential tasks that
people need and use on an everyday basis.

Why IT is important?
Information technology helps to build and grow the commerce and business sector and generate the maximum
possible output. The time taken by different sectors to generate business is now minimized with advancements
in Information technology. It provides electronic security, storage, and efficient communication.
To conduct the work, Information technology needs computer applications. Computers connect IT to the
different organizations of the world. It helps the employees to maintain records of their numerous clients of
various companies. It helps patients to contact physicians online and take advice regarding their health
problems. Also, records of patients can be managed properly by the system.
The use of computers and the internet increases the quality of education. The pedagogical method of teaching
and learning has been improving and IT contributes to improving school systems, student activities, and
teaching practices.
Students are more open to learning with modern technologies and focusing on online teaching more. Their
learning methods are depending on live interaction with the teachers and special classes for special children.
Students are not bound to use the same old traditional method of learning. And all this is made possible by the
introduction of Information Technology in the education field and the importance of technology can be seen.
Uses Of Information Technology
We can see the uses and role of information technology in our society in many fields:
1. Business
2. Education
3. Finance
4. Healthcare
5. Security
6. Communication
7. Employement

Information technology in education


Information Technology is a worldwide accepted educational instrument designed to

increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the educational system. Computers are mainly
used to improve the learning system. Online learning and remote training are among new
education forms. Also, the institutions should use the technology-friendly, not just for the
students and also for the parents as well. They don’t want to waste precious time for the fee
payment they can use the online app or web portal and they can have a day-to-day report of
students online itself. 

Benefits information technology in education

1.The role of information technology in education
The role of information technology has proven the widening of educational access, giving
the chance for the people who are interested to study for a qualification or a new career
opportunity. Information technology has played a major role in the education sector. Most
of the institutions are instructed to place their teaching materials online so that the students
can access them outside of regular lectures and tutorials. Anyone who has a computer and
they will learn or can study for a degree as well as for career change. Search engines on the
internet make the research easier and provide all information in a quick deliverable way.

2.Learning resources on the internet

Internet is full of learning materials. The learner can access and use whatever. Mainly there
are eBooks to learn and revision guides to revising syllabus and all past examination papers
available on the website itself. Students can access it whenever they want to learn.

3.Using audio and visual in the learning process

The main use of information technology in education for tutors they can easily teach a
lesson to students much more easily by using audio and visual materials. 

4.Distance learning

Nowadays we can change physical classroom learning into digital learning by using
internet facilities. Now it is possible to attend overseas university education without getting
out of the home country.

5.Online discussion forums

Students can share their knowledge by using online discussion forums. And helping
students to review material prior to an assignment or exam. 

6.Record keeping and video conferencing tool

We can keep student's records more systematic and secure manner using technology. And
retrieving the records information has become easier.  

Teachers can easily conduct virtual classes and deliver a high-quality learning experience to
students. The institution can conduct meeting, conferences easily from anywhere at any

7.Computer-Aided Learning

Today, computers have improved the quality of teaching and enhance the learning process
with the help of various tools such as multimedia projectors, PowerPoint presentations, etc.
Traditional methods of teaching can be boring the students start getting frustrated. But
information technology makes the learning process more interested in games, animated
graphics, etc.
Benefits of Using Technology in the Classroom
We might not completely recognize them yet, but the benefits of using technology in education are
exponential. Since we live in a fast-moving world, incorporating technology in the classroom is not
just an option, but a necessity. 

Students have grown up in an environment dominated by innovation and apps. Because of this, every
gadget they own is their window into the real world. From learning to social life, students of all ages
rely on technology for so many things. 

10 Benefits of Technology in the Classroom

In this day and age, technology seems to have overtaken every aspect of our lives. We tend to use
gadgets daily, from work and school requirements to our social interactions and everything in
between. While there have been many opinions on whether our dependence on technology is
beneficial or not, it’s clear to see how many opportunities it opens up, especially within the classroom

That being said, discover the top 10 benefits of using technology in the classroom…

1. It Enhances Student Interaction and Engagement

Compared to old textbooks, many experts believe that technology can increase student interaction and
engagement. By this point, technology is already well-integrated into every student’s life. Because of
this, they feel much more comfortable and confident using devices that they’re familiar with.

In addition, when schools promote a 1:1 device-to-student ratio, every student can have equal
opportunities to participate. With the availability of various interactive programs and software,
students can share their thoughts and respond to questions in more ways than one.

What’s more, teachers can further enhance their curriculum by gamifying learning. They can offer
incentives like earning badges or going through levels of competencies to encourage more fun and
engaging student participation.

2. It Offers New Learning Techniques

In relation to the previous point, technology opens doors to new learning techniques. There are several
educational mobile apps that offer new ways of teaching students a broad spectrum of principles,
ranging from English, literature, and science to math and problem-solving. 

According to several learning theories, puzzles, word searches, and other games can stimulate brain
activity that can allow students to look at and solve problems from different perspectives. The best
part is, many of these apps and programs are free, so teachers and students alike can benefit from
more engaging learning techniques without the added cost. 

3. It Encourages Differentiation
By now, we know that not all students learn the same way. Likewise, not all students are stimulated
by the same topics. Through technology, they can have access to a wide range of programs and
research sources with just a simple click of a button. Teachers, on the other hand, can further
encourage their students to write about topics that they’re interested in to expand their knowledge. In
doing so, they can ensure that the students get to do what they love while learning substantial
information in the process. 
4. It Encourages More Collaboration
In addition, technology allows for more convenient collaboration. Software and programs like Google
docs, Google slides, Canva, etc. make it easier for students to share their work with their peers and
allow anyone with access to either comment, edit, or suggest. What’s impressive about this innovation
is that it can save work in real-time. This means that the students can keep track of all the changes and
check if everything is in order.

5. It Boosts Productivity and Creativity

Because of its built-in digital tools, it comes as no surprise that technology can boost productivity for
teachers and students alike. On the one hand, it enables teachers to manage and keep track of all the
school requirements with so much more ease. On the other hand, it allows students to create high-
quality presentations and well-researched papers with utmost convenience.

Not only that, but technology can also boost creativity. It encourages teachers to find new ways to
deliver their lectures in a way that will grab (and retain) their students’ attention. Likewise, it inspires
students to explore a wide range of content to enhance their education. 

Whether they are interested in arts, music, history, videos, sports, or virtually any other topic, they can
easily find plenty of helpful resources online like editing software, podcasts, educational videos, and
so much more. As a result, they can venture into different creative outlets to discover something
interesting and hone their skills, which can be used in and out of the classroom.

6. It Makes Mobile Learning More Accessible

Students spend only a limited time in a day in the classroom. During their time there, they can only
learn so much. But what if they get the chance to extend their learning time after school? There are so
many more learning opportunities outside of the classroom that students can benefit from. 

The world is their oyster, and they can gain so much valuable knowledge just from searching through
the web or downloading educational apps. 

Many of these apps have embedded audio or video footage that can explain a topic more clearly than
perhaps traditional textbooks can. That said, they can learn even on the go, which is a great way to
maximize their time and also boost their productivity. Plus, having an app conveniently stored in a
mobile device is more portable, making it nearly impossible to leave behind (unlike textbooks that are
bulky and heavy).

Since apps can be accessed through any device, so long as the student has a device on hand, they can
actively learn at any time, any place.

7. It Decreases Paperwork for Teachers

As a teacher, doing paperwork is arguably one of the most time-consuming responsibilities you have
to accomplish. Not only do you need to sift through hundreds of papers regularly, but you also need to
organize them and ensure that they’re filed properly. 

By leveraging technology for this administrative task, you can reduce the amount of time spent
rummaging through hundreds of papers and divert your time and attention to tasks that matter more. 

What’s great about having technology’s help in this endeavor is that it does a lot more than organize
papers. It has smart features that can analyze the data from all your students and give you a
comprehensive report. In doing so, you can better gauge student progress or learning difficulties and
modify your program to fit their current level. This information allows you to customize their
education to see better results in the future. 

8. It Collects Essential Data

In the same light, classroom apps like Google Drive, OneDrive, and other cloud-based software can
easily collect data for easy access. Depending on your institution’s plan, you can have almost
unlimited storage space for hundreds — if not thousands — of documents per school year. 

These apps allow you to organize paperwork in a way that boosts efficiency. For example, you can
assign separate folders for separate grade levels. Alternatively, you can assign different folders for
different subjects. And, if you want to, you can even grant limited access to your students.

When you give them homework, they can submit their papers or presentations directly in the folder
for easier organization. This will make your job as a teacher that much simpler. 

9. It Helps the Staff and Students Stay Updated

Should there be an urgent announcement or an emergency, institutions can use the online platform or
apps to update staff and students alike. They can use either social media, email blasts, websites, or a
combination of all three to alert all parties involved about certain events, important information, and
the latest news. This is the fastest way to keep everyone informed and connected.

If students or parents have any concerns, they can directly reach out to their respective teachers or
administrators for quick responses. This will decrease communication gaps between the school and
the students so everyone is in the know, should anything occur.

But besides special events and announcements, these platforms can be used for daily activities.
Teachers can share class calendars so all the students are aware of homework assignment due dates
and in-class activities. Having this essential information can help them plan ahead of time and prepare
properly for school. As a result, they can avoid extra stress and make sure that they’re on top of all
their requirements.

10. It Prepares Students for their Future Workplaces

Another great reason why technology is beneficial in the classroom is that it can prepare students for
the real world. Gadgets offer so many features that can teach students new life skills. From digital
collaboration and productivity to gaining leadership and effective communication skills, there are so
many lessons that every student can learn with the help of technology that traditional methods cannot

These practical life skills, while useful inside the classroom, can be applied even outside of it. They
can use their new-found knowledge in other aspects of their life such as networking, researching,
presenting, and connecting with other people. These skills will help them prepare for the future when
they venture into their different career paths. 

The advances in technology are coming in strong and fast. It’s important for teachers to adapt their
classroom settings to meet these ever-changing behaviors and help students prepare for what is ahead
of them.

Now, information technology is important in every walk-in life. Mainly, computer and
information technology great impact on our education system. Various technologies have
been used to improve the teaching and learning process. Information technology makes
our education system interested and effective. Students can learn better without getting
bored and frustrated. 

Benefits or advantages Of Information Technology

Information technology has changed our lives drastically. You are only a single click away from everything. So
here is a list of the benefits of information technology in our lives also there is a need for Information
Technology in every field.
1. Improve general knowledge
2. Build a superior identity
3. Empowering self-skills
4. Facilitate communication
5. Increase income
6. Save time in various matters
1. Access to Information
Abbreviated as www, the World Wide Web has turned the world into a social village. That is because, all kinds
of information are available on the internet widely from around the globe. Although much of the news you get
to see on social media is simply factual, images for specific news can also be seen. Not only is there more news
available, but access to all these information is also straightforward.
All thanks to modern technology and computer companies like Dell, IBM, Apple, etc. In the comfort of their
bed, one can get to read a book and have a cup of coffee. For this reason, eBooks are available on the internet.
Modern technology has also replaced television radios, and even televisions have now been digitized to
“LCD’s” and “LED’s.”
2. New Jobs
The increasing demand of IT professionals around industries generates new opportunities every day. Several
emerging economies around the world are setting new records now by enhancing their competence in this field.
A greater number of people are now interested in jobs such as computer programming, system analysis, testing,
developing software and hardware, and designing web applications.
3. Saves Time
Ever faced navigation issues in an unfamiliar city? Sure, as we move to a new location we’ve all faced these
issues. If it’s a business trip or a holiday; the new technology helps you to enjoy your trips by helping you
navigate anywhere easily. One can search for a specific place, and then even identify its particular route. The
program does rest itself. It won’t even allow you to miss a single turn and it also shows you the traffic situation
on your route.

4. Entertainment
Widespread internet use on laptops, tablets, smartphones, iPods, and other devices has provided us unrestricted
access to diverse entertainment channels. Remember the days when people had to wait on television for the
Friday night broadcast or special telecast! Now you can easily and conveniently download and buy music,
movies, TV shows, and games.

5. Communication
Modern technology has replaced old technology, it’s a fact. And without that replacement we cannot imagine
our lives. Letters were less than a century ago the most common form of communication, but now no one will
even think of writing a letter because why would you want a paperwork over a video call?
Instant messaging and photo and video sharing has never been so easy. We have to understand that it’s only the
use of technology that makes it harmful otherwise nothing can beat the level of comfort in our lives that is
because of technology.

Businesses are gaining maximum benefit from this and employees distributed across a wide range can now stay
connected via internal chat rooms or open source apps.

6. Ease of Mobility
Have you ever imagined your life without a car or a motorbike? Certainly not because technology has brought
such things under our feet. It is easy to judge the value of a vehicle from the fact that the distance between the
United States of America and Australia is approximately 15,187 kilometers but you can fly in only 16-17 hours.

Much less than in a day and trust me, these 16-17 hours of your life you will not ever regret. All this has been
made possible by planes, electric trains and vehicles that are being invented every single day.
7. Cost Efficient
Some of the technology’s key objectives is making it more affordable and cheaper for people. Thanks to
technology, people are seeing cost-efficiency these days. The equipment of such value is available at so much
lower price we can’t imagine. Most frequently, there is competition between two or more industries which leads
to even lower prices.
8. Learning Techniques
Bring a little fun into your classroom. You can develop your teaching skills and incorporate research approaches
that will offer your students inspiration. Most apps and electronic devices are implemented to help educate the
students. An individual can be amazed by the simplest example of a calculator. The solution comes with only
one click, with several calculations and different binary operations.
9. Disabled are Empowered
Nowadays modern science and technology has made almost everything possible. Recently, brails were
discovered that operate on the electronic pulses. Artificial foot, smart sticks, and what not. Handicapped people
are no longer disabled. They are certainly alongside the normal ones in the long run of success.
10. Globalization

Digital technology has eliminated the physical barriers between nations through their mutual ideas and
opportunities. The rise of social media has encouraged communication, and the use of Facebook, Twitter and
many other social networking platforms has allowed culturally diverse people to connect with each other. Users
on the social media are now becoming ‘global ‘people.

11. Improved Banking

No one ever imagined, less than a decade ago, that they would pay in bitcoins rather than dollars. Thanks to its
usefulness, Cryptocurrency has recently become viral. Now no one will have to wait in a long line only to pay
their utility bills.
12. AI (Artificial Intelligence)
The new paradigm of artificial intelligence is quickly growing, and gaining prominence. The explanation behind
this is that it will usher about a whole new age of change. No more people will have to worry as the chances are
that an AI system will worry about how it can be enhanced. It will give the human race a break and potentially
one of modern technology’s greatest favor on humanity.


1. Reduction in available job opportunities for humans

Organizations consider technology a better “employee” when it’s utilized in the production
processes of the business. Not only can work be finished on time, but also certain processes
can be automated for ease of operation. Hence, software tools have the capacity to perform
tasks that are meant for human employees. The implication of this is that they have become a
competition for humans as companies don’t see the need to hire as many individuals for jobs
that can be carried out by fewer employees and a smart software.

While this decrease in the demand for human labour may be good news to business
employers, it is however not advantageous to human workers. When technology is employed
instead of humans, business ventures see no essence of hiring them. Consequently, the rate of
unemployment increases and the society has more people who are struggling to feed their
household and pay their bills. It is thus important that companies understand how to employ
human workers instead of simply laying them off as a result of technological advancements.

For instance, it’s better if business enterprises can retrain their workers, and after the
training, the employees should be reassigned to execute other roles and occupy new positions
that machines cannot. Moreover, it’s pertinent to remember that technological devices will
only function optimally when they are operated by skilled human employees.

2. Advancement in technology has made employees anti-social

Technology has introduced channels for individuals to communicate with each other without
necessarily having to be within the same region. This is possible thanks to several
communication tools such as Skype. As a result, business colleagues can hold conference
meetings from different parts of the world.

As wonderful as this is, the problem is that the bulk of human communication has moved
online. Meanwhile, employees who have adopted the use of technological devices for the vast
majority of their communications experience a deterioration in their social skills. There’s
been a change in individual behaviors because they are used to spending most of their time
using technological devices like laptops and mobile phones.

But there is something businesses can do to resolve the issue. Not all conferences and
communications should be carried out online. Business owners should organize particular
periods in the year when their employees can meet physically and interact.

3. Excessive dependence on technological devices

As we all know, technological devices are useful in the automation of complicated enterprise
processes. This is great for your company. However, all machines can breakdown at any point
due to several factors. When that happens, production operations are suddenly halted and this
can throw your business into a state of panic.

When work is automated, people tend to depend too much on technological devices. As a
result, they feel it is unnecessary to understand how these processes can be carried out
manually. The entire business operation comes to a halt whenever there’s a problem with the
technological devices. This is why as a business owner, you should not allow your operations
to be solely dependent on technological applications.

Train your workers so they know what to do whenever the technological applications are
malfunctioning. In addition, you should have full manuals that specify what should be done to
get the company and business operations ruining in the unforeseen case of a device failure.

4. Costs of implementation and regulatory compliance

It takes time and money to get new solutions implemented. Typically, business services
become interrupted as new phases of the operations are implemented. Extra employee training
is needed and customers may have to endure a decline in the quality of service during the
process of the implementation.

Organizations typically hire external contractors to execute the implementation of new

hardware and software solutions. While Information Technology solutions have become less
expensive with the improvements in technology, organizations that have extensive
compliance requirements must ensure that they adhere by all regulations or they will stand the
risk of legal actions and penalties.

5. More and more data regulations

In the modern world, information is huge business. This is why data protection and ethical
usage of it are of paramount significance to regulatory authorities and lawmakers. Enterprise
owners can not afford to be ignorant of what is involved in client data protection. Some
sectors have much higher regulations than others, such as the financial services and healthcare
industries, because in their day-to-day business operations, these businesses accumulate
private and sensitive information from patients and clients.

Why do we need information technology?

We need information technology in today’s world to establish faster communication, maintain
electronic storage and provide protection to records. In a simple way, IT makes a system of electronic
storage to provide protection for the company’s records. Customer demands for secured maintenance
files and all are made possible by IT.
Why is information technology important in our daily lives?
Information technology is important in our lives because it helps to deal with everyday dynamic
things. Technology offers various tools to boost development and exchange information. Both these
things are the objective of IT to make tasks easier and to solve many problems.

Is information technology a good career?

A career in Information Technology offers a secured job and growth with a good salary. Getting a
degree in information technology does not only prepare specialists in IT with a good salary and job
security as well.
What kind of degree is information technology?
To be an Information Technology professional, students need to obtain a bachelor’s degree in IT
whether it is in computer science or other tech-related sectors. The Bachelor of Science in IT is a
common degree pathway every student must have.
What is the role of information technology in education?
Information Technology enables the sharing of knowledge throughout the world. With IT today, not
only students but teachers too are taking advantage and staying up-to-date. For accurate sharing of
knowledge and information, teaching and learning, information technology is important.
In conclusion, information and communication technology (ICT) that is integrated into the
field of education can bring a positive change to educators and students. At the same time,
it is able to produce technology-savvy teachers and students in the future. Through the
integration of information and communication technology in the teaching and learning
process, a medium such as text, audio, video, graphics and animation can be delivered to
students effectively through more effective sensory stimulation. Educators are also able to
use information and communication technology as a vehicle to access and share teaching
materials with other students and teaching communities.
Information and communication technology is also clearly able to make a daily lesson
plan interesting and effective with the application of an appropriate teaching design model.
The selection of a suitable and appropriate design model can make the teaching and
learning process run smoothly. The ASSURE model is suitable for classroom learning
planning and teachers need to be skilled in integrating this model into their teaching and
learning process. 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional materials are also seen to be able to
make the teaching and learning process more interesting and facilitate students'
understanding of concepts and facts. Teachers again need to play a role in the effective
handling of these two materials. In addition, videos are also able to make the P&P process
interesting. These videos are inserted into the daily lesson plan as appropriate. Effective
video production is based on established procedures.


1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050910004370
2. https://www.techfunnel.com/information-technology/5-advantages-of-information-and-
3. https://www.digitalclassworld.com/blog/importance-of-information-technology/
4. https://fedena.com/blog/2015/11/the-uses-of-information-technology-in-
5. https://chargetech.com/10-benefits-of-using-technology-in-the-classroom/
6. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/use-information-technology-education-sathya-guna

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