Dereje Technology Bull Float PDF

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DoreniTVET College

Project title: Bull float

Sector: Economic Infrastructure

Department: Basic Building construction work

Prepared By: Dereje Mulatu kumsa

Address: Doreni, Oromia,


Phone No. +251936063636

Date: 10/06/2015 EC

I would like to thank Ins. Yaikob Kebede, for their assistance with this project.

In addition I would like to thank Doreni TVET College Industry Extension

Service Process Ins. Fikru Asefa, for his help, support, and patience

throughout this project. I would also like to thank the SME members who took

the time to speak with me, as well as the mason man who I interviewed. Lastly,

I would like to thank the all Doreni TVET College management members that

helped publish the resource.

ii | P a g e
Table of Contents:
Table Of Contents: .............................................................................................................................................. III

Abstract ................................................................................................................................................................... IV

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 5

1. Brief Description Of The Technology ............................................................................................................. 5

2. Project Description ............................................................................................................................................. 5

3. Statement Of The Problem ............................................................................................................................... 7

4. Objective .............................................................................................................................................................. 7

4. 1 GENERAL OBJECTIVE ....................................................................................................................................... 7

4.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE ....................................................................................................................................... 7

5. Mission .................................................................................................................................................................. 8

6. Significance Of The Study............................................................................................................................... 8

7. Scope Of The Project ....................................................................................................................................... 8

8. Value Chain Of Current System/ As Is Construction ................................................................................. 9

8.1 VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS AS IS ...................................................................................................................... 9

8.1 VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS TO BE ..................................................................................................................... 9

8.3. VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS GAP ...................................................................................................................... 10

9. Design ................................................................................................................................................................... 10

10. Resource And Estimated Budget .................................................................................................................. 12

11. Technical Competency That The Technology Cover ................................................................................. 12

12. Schedule .......................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

13. Project Operation/ Steps/Procedures ....................................................................................................... 13

14. Raw Materials Required For The Production Of Bull Float .................................................................... 14

15. Production Cost /Total Cost .......................................................................................................................... 14

16. Tools And Machines Required For The Production Of Bull Float.......................................................... 15

17. The Process Of Bull Floats Production Up To Customer Hand .............................................................. 15

18. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................................... 15

19. Recommendations ............................................................................................................................................ 16

20. Reference ....................................................................................................................................................... 16

iii | P a g e
The purpose of this manual was to design bull float at Doreni TVET College to

make level and smooth construction slab and screed. This technology can be

used to increasing work at time, to decreasing worker. The design was prepared

by using AUTO Cad 3D view, front view, top view and any other detail drawing

was specified. The project also used to prevent wastage cement, mortar, and

concrete and improve the quality. The materials that used to prepare Sprit

Level include sheet metal, pipe, pipe fitting, reinforcement bar and etc. was


iv | P a g e
Bull float a tool is used to spread out and smooth concrete before it

has taken it’s initial set. Normally a large, magnesium or aluminum tool that

is affixed to hand poles and is pushed back and forth across the horizontal

surface of wet concrete. A concrete float is a tool used to finish a concrete

surface by making it smooth. A float is used after the surface has been made level

using a screed. In addition to removing surface imperfections, floating will compact

the concrete as preparation for further steps.

1. Brief description of the technology

The project design in our TVET college to transferring technology to micro and

small enterprise (SME) is Work of construction production, adopting this

technology is beneficiary to familiar or practice dismantling the import product

(100%copying ) the trainee must know the strategy and be producer of the project

2. Project description
The Floats and Hand Tools are used to smooth and improve the surface of the

concrete. Just twist the long handle and swivel head angles the blade for pushing

and pulling across the surface

The project is made up of Aluminum/sheet metal, plain bar/angle iron, & different

metal structure. it has different components and operated manually, in built with

easy assembly’s parts, this has been designed specifically to be constructed in the

work place that have only a basic construction capability, such as those that are to

be found in construction working area,

standard metric size of metal are specified in this project details .but other sizes

can be substituted according to availability, providing some consideration is given

to the strength and durability which the components require the machine, tools

and equipment that the necessary to construct this machine are, welding machine,

,and their equipment ,drilling machine ,grinding machine ,and hand general tools

such as hacksaw ,files, tape, rules, protractor engineering square ,chisel etc. the

machine is a very use in addition to any construction enabling new and better

products to be made in industry and workshop.

Smooth/leveling work materials, making machine is a simple and low-cost machine

for welding machine and makes the necessary shape.

The number of plate metal, plain bar that can be produced per day is limited by

the skill of the person work on the machine. Factors like not working hard these

tend to prevent the development of improved technology, and time-consuming, and

laborious tasks.

As my decided to design and produce locally this smooth / leveling work tool

making tool since it was been proven successfully at was already introduction in the

market, as improving technologies to manufacturing sector as labor saving devices

and as means of generating income and allow the worker operates faster and with

less strain. Micro-enterprises would be one of the beneficiaries in my project as it

will be successful and functional as completed.

Conditions may vary in various developing countries, but have same thing in common

that is to save time and with ease in operation. We are hoping that our micro-

enterprise, as we designed and manufacture the said project will be benefited even

with different culture and level of acceptance. Whenever, the welding technology

exists, it can help to bring appropriate

Technology and pave the way for other related machinery or appropriate

technologies that would be helpful and can complement with the other sector. as

we ensure as well to use our skill and to master our competence

3. Statement of the problem

The purpose of this study was to determine the needs and the slowly uses of

Technology in Ethiopia and also to show the preparation sample of simple value


4. Objective
The purpose of darbying or bull floating concrete is to level ridges and fill voids

left by the screening operation. It should also slightly embed the coarse

aggregate to make subsequent finishing operations easier.

4. 1 General objective

 The study will be focusing on main actors (MSEs, privet owners, NGOs and

governmental organizations) construction work to be persistently competent

in the market through qualitative, on time and low cost products with their

effective and efficient production and organizational system finally they

became active participant for the development of our country.

4.2 Specific objective

 To identifies the task and responsibilities of main actors and stack holders.

 To aware the relationship of participants in the value chain and recognize

the gap or bottle neck to improve the value on each activities.

 Training or skill (human ware) documents (info ware) introducing better

technology than before and organize them for coordination and managing


 To use all the benefits’ of the study for succession achievement of the goal.

5. Mission
 To design and fabrication according to measuring tools and to distribute the

quality product and fair price Good quality and with low delivery time satisfy


6. Significance of the study

Since smooth/leveling tools is basic equipment in construction and which involves

increasing the capacity of the structure level it will create job opportunity for

SME and to generate income the beneficiaries form this project the following

parties are come in to beneficial:-

 Macro and small enterprise

 Individual micro enterprise

 Individual persons.

7. Scope of the project

The project will focus on the design and smooth of a construction, a hand-operated

machine for straight and level the plate metal parts by flat and making

smooth/level with appropriate shape pattern. It easy operations provide ease to

the operations increasing workers’ likewise, the project may provide easier

availability to any government, private TVET colleges and institute even macro and

small enterprise since it’s a locally developed tools with ease in operations and

easier to maintain.

8. Value chain of current system/ As Is construction

8.1 Value Chain Analysis AS IS

Raw Collection of Finishing Market

Material Project material

Design Design and

hand body Decoration Sale
Material sketch

8.1 Value Chain Analysis TO BE

Project Design Collection of Finishing Market

Raw Material

Whole Sale
Fixing & Design
Design Testing decoration
machine Component
Material diagram
bar,e.t.c Decoration Distribute
Part in retailer
Design and
Propose Process
Assembling with handle

8.3. Value Chain Analysis gap

Project Product bull Finishing Market

Row Material float

Design machine Fixing & Decoration
Selected Sale
diagram Testing
Material Component

Design decoration Distribute
Design and Propose in retailer
Process Assembling
doll gourd

with handle

9. Design
The bull float design takes into consideration as well as the Type and shape

construction work given. The design of the float is determined by the client

interest, depend local material and environmental situation. We should understand

our client attention maybe customer interest is rectangle, round, square and oval

shape etc. Detail drawing with all designs parameters Sub assembling drawing with

detail part list. Three dimensional drawing with it’s measurement. It can move

easily from place to place

10 | P a g e
(30cmx50cm) 1pcs ( 1/2inchx300cm)1pcs

Bull floats Design

11 | P a g e
10. Resource and estimated budget
The purpose of the project is budget description to bring about a better allocation

of resources, leading to enhance income for asset or consumption. Economic

analysis is used to choose the means using the least resource for a given output

11. Technical competency that the technology cover

Unit of Competence:-

EIS SCW1 01 0322 Work Safely in the Construction Industry

EIS SCW1 02 0322 Prepare Technical Drawings,

EIS SCW1 09 0322 Prepare and Mix Mortar, Cast, and Level Concrete Work

EIS SCW1 10 0322 Lay Masonry Unit

EIS SCW1 11 0322 Lay Smooth and Rough cement screed

EIS SCW2 03 0322 Perform leveling for structural work

EIS SCW2 08 0322 Repair and Rectify Structural construction work

EIS SCW3 01 0322 Use Computer Aided Drafting Systems to Produce Basic

Engineering Drawings

EIS SCW3 07 0322 Install and Decorate structural walls

EIS SCW3 13 0322 Construct and Install Floor Frames, Planks and Sheets

EIS SCW4 03 0322 Produce labor and material schedules for ordering

EIS SCW4 11 0322 Prepare Job Estimation and Costing

12 | P a g e
12. Schedule

Weeks Weeks Weeks

No Activity 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 Collecting


2 Design/drawing

3 production

4 Assemble/weldi


5 Decorative

6 Transfer to


Table 1: Schedule

13. Project Operation/ Steps/Procedures

 Prepare working drawing

 Select raw materials

 Transferring the dimension to the work piece

 Prepare the components as per the job specification.

 Join the parts accordingly.

 Assemble the parts according to the drawing

 Apply polishing and paint ant rest

 Assure quality standards

13 | P a g e
14. Raw materials required for the production of bull float
Table 2: Raw material

Raw materials required for the production of bull float

Measureme Specificati Unit Total
S/n Name of materials Qty
nt on price price
1 Sheet metal 1x30x96 1 150 150
2 Bar Berga/kg 10 dia g 60 60
3 Pipe Dia 1/2dia 1 50 50
4 Electrode Pcs - 10 4 40

15. Production cost /Total cost

Total cost for l bull float production cost

Raw Material = 300br

Overhead cost = Raw Material x 10% of Overhead cost = 300x10/100 =


Depreciation = Raw Material x 2.5% of Depreciation =300x2.5/100 = 7.5br

Labor Cost = Raw Material x 12% of Labor Cost = 300x12/100 = 36br

Profit = Raw Material x 25% of Profit = 300x25/100=75br

Market cost = 300br + 30br + 7.5br +36br +75br = 448.5br

14 | P a g e
16. Tools and machines required for the production of bull float
Table 5: Tools and machines required

S/ Measuremen
Name of tools and machines Qty Remark
N t

Hand Tools

1 Try-square Pcs 1
2 Knife Pcs 1
3 Brush Pcs 1
4 Sponge Pcs 1
5 Tape rule Pcs 1
6 Die Pcs 1
7 Tap Pcs 1
8 Die holder Pcs 1
9 Tap holder Pcs 1

17. The Process of bull floats Production up to Customer Hand

Site Selection→ Design → Preparing Site→ marketing → material Selection→

purchasing material → Transportation→ preparing store →measuring → cutting

→production→ Assembling or Joining → Finishing → Supply to market

18. Conclusion
This manual explains the details of the bull float and I decide which have been

yields through the application of this bull float. This bull float was design to ease

solve the problem of construction from the Mettu town SMS. The absence of

training on the bull float in Mettu Polytechnic College had the effect of making

construction Mettu town for the last few years. Based on decide from the self

15 | P a g e
about the stated above problem, I comes up with solution to design bull float to

make construction in the Mettu town for customer satisfaction.

19. Recommendations
As my discussion in the privies section; the proposal / manual strongly puts forward

the following recommendation.

 The Mettu Polytechnic College management should be facilitating to

production of this bull float technology on the specified SMS which is in

Mettu town and local.

 The Mettu town SMS should be training depending bull float technology.

 All SMS should be use bull float for the purpose it intended only, which is

for project.


1. EIS SCW1 11 0322 Lay Smooth and Rough cement screed

2. EIS SCW2 03 0322 Perform leveling for structural work

3. EIS SCW1 09 0322 Prepare and Mix Mortar, Cast, and Level Concrete Work




7. Research Decorative Concrete "screed". Construction Dictionary. Website

Upgrades Inc. 2000. Retrieved 2007-05-21. "screed, n. 3" and "screed, v.

4.", Oxford English Dictionary 2nd ed. 2009. CD-ROM.

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