Triplett 1898 - The Dynamogenic Factors in Pacemaking and Competition

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The Dynamogenic Factors in Pacemaking and Competition

Author(s): Norman Triplett

Source: The American Journal of Psychology , Jul., 1898, Vol. 9, No. 4 (Jul., 1898), pp.
Published by: University of Illinois Press

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By NORMAN TRIPILETT, Indiana University.

This paper gives some facts resulting from a study in dy

ogenic stimulation carried on in the Psychological Labo
of Indiana University and their application to expla
subject of Pacemaking and Competition.
The work has been done under the direction of Dr. W. L.
Bryan and Dr. J. A. Bergstrom, to both of whom I am greatly
indebted for the help rendered throughout its progress.
A copy of the official bicycle records made up to the close of
the season of I897 was obtained from the Racing Board of the
League of American Wheelmen, and from these records certain
facts are given, which, with the help of the chart showing the
times made for certain distances by professionals in the three
kinds of races principally dealt with, will make clearer the
discussion following. The lower curve of the chart represents
the record for the distances given in the unpaced efforts against
time. The middle curve the paced race against time, and the
upper curve the best time made in competition races with
The definition of these races may be given as follows: The
unpaced race against time is an effort by a single individual
to lower the established record. No pacemaker is used; the
only stimulation of the rider being the idea of reducing his
own or some other man's former time. The paced race against
time is also a single effort to make a record. It differs only in
the fact that a swift multicycle, such as a tandem or " quod "
"makes the pace" for the rider. If he has well trained
pacers and is skillful in changing crews as they come on, so as
to avoid losing speed, the paced man may reduce the mark for
the distance ridden. The two kinds of efforts described are
not really races but are called so for convenience. Both are
run with a flying start.
The third or paced competition race is a real race. Here,
besides keeping up with the pacemaker, is the added element
of beating the other contestants. No records are given for the
unpaced competition race. This race will, however, be
referred to in the course of this paper. It is often called a
" loafing " race from the fact that the riders hang back and

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try to make pacemakers of each other, well knowing t

contestant starting out to make the pace can not win.
In presenting these records it is with the feeling that they
have almost the force of a scientific experiment. There are,
it is computed, over 2,000 racing wheelmen, all ambitious to
make records. The figures as they stand to-day have been
evolved from numberless contests, a few men making records
which soon fall to some of the host who are pressing closely
behind. Reductions now made, however, are in general
small in amount. Were all the men engaged in racing to
make an effort to reduce the time in the kinds of races named,
it is probable that the records already made would stand or be
but very little reduced while the present leaders and their
closest competitors would again assert their superiority, each
in his own style of race. Regarding the faster time of the
paced races, as derived from the records, it may be asked
whether the difference is due to pacing or to the kind of men
who take part; and whether the argument ascribing the
difference noted to pacing or competition should have less
validity from the fact that different men hold the records in
the different races. Men fast at one kind of racing are found
to be comparatively slow at another. It is for this reason,
perhaps, that Michael refuses to meet any one in an unpaced
contest. The racer finds by experience that race in which he
is best fitted to excel and specializes in that. The difference
in time, therefore, between the paced and unpaced race, as
shown by the records, is a measure of the difference between
the experts in the two classes of racers. It seems probable
that the same amount of difference exists relatively between
the averages of the classes they represent. A striking practi-
cal proof that the difference between the paced and unpaced
trials noted in the records is due to pacing, is found in the
paced and unpaced time of some individual racers, given later,
in which the difference in time corresponds closely to that of
the records. The fact may be mentioned, too, that wheelmen
themselves generally regard the value of a pace to be from 20
to 30 seconds in the mile.

Since the records of unpaced efforts against time, shown on

the lower curve of the chart, are given only to 25 miles, com
parisons with the other races are made for the same distance.
As is readily seen the time made here is much slower than
in the paced race against time. The various factors advanced

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C H A T I.

M 5.


/ Ito

/ -sO0.


Lower curve, unpaced -against time. Middle curve, paced -against time. Up

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in explanation are given in detail in the following pages but

the fact itself deserves attention at this point.
It has been stated that the value of a pace is believed by
racing men to be worth to the racer from 20 to 30 seconds in
the mile, depending on the individual. The difference between
the paced and unpaced race against time is, it is seen from these
figures, somewhat greater.
Average time Gain over Gain per cent. Gain per cent.
per mile. unpaced. over unpaced. competition
over paced.
Min. Sec. Sec.
25 miles unpaced against time, 2 29.9
" " paced 4 I 55.5 34.4 22.9
" paced competition, I 50.35 39.55 26.4 3.5

The paced record from the 3rd to th

held by Michael. His average gain per
paced champion, is 34 seconds. From
different man, Lesna, holds the pace
pace is not worth so much to him for
is only 29.7 seconds, and a portion
really due to the increasing exhaustio
That the ability to follow a pace varies with the individ-
ual is well known. As a rule the rider who is fast with a pace
is slow without it,- and the converse is believed to be true.
This is the reason why the same man can never hold records
in both paced and unpaced races. Walter Sanger is one of the
fastest unpaced riders on the track, but he can ride only a few
seconds better with the very best pacemakers, while Michael,
whose ability as a " waiter" is almost marvellous, would fall
a comparatively easy victim, his rivals think, in an unpaced
race. Success in paced racing presupposes a well trained force
of pacers. The last named rider has confessedly enjoyed
greater advantages than his competitors in this respect.
The regularity with which he rides is seen in his paced record
from 3 to io miles. His average rate for these 8 miles was i
min. 53 sec. with a mean variation of less than .8 second.
Other evidences of the constancy of the gain from a pace may
be seen through all the records, the time for
20 miles professional, unpaced is 49 min. 20 sec.
25 4 paced " 49" 8.4"
20 " amateur, unpaced " 52 I7
25 " paced " 5I " 57.2
8o " professional, unpaced" 3 hr. 54 " 53
Ioo ( paced " 3 ( 52 14
Showing in these cases a gain i
cally 25 %. However, ratios bet
men, even though they are th
entitled to great consideration,

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that the paced and unpaced time of the same man

Data on this point is difficult to obtain, however,
seldom follow both kinds of racing but specialize
which they are best fitted. The best times for on
prominent racers who are good at both games ha
been secured and are here given.
Arthur Gardiner, one mile, unpaced, 2 min. 3.8 sec.
.. ..t " " paced by 2 quods, I " 39.6 "
Earle Kiser, " " unpaced, 2 " IO "
ct" " " " paced, I " 42 "
The gain, in the case of th
unpaced, is 24.2 seconds, nea
28 seconds, nearly 22 per ce
per cent. of the difference b
paced records made by differ
Dr. E. B. Turner, F. R. C.
scientific study of the Phy
races, lasting over three yea
and in his investigations m
others. Some figures showin
him at different distances,
comparing them with the re
bered that the wheel then used was heavy and fitted with
cushion tires so that the time made in trials is slow as com-
pared with the time made with the modern pneumatic wheel
and in consequence the value of the pace expressed in per
cent., appears small. It is seen that as between distances
paced and unpaced, his average gain per mile for the different
trials varies all the way from 11.8 seconds to 20 seconds.
The upper curve of the chart shows the records made in
paced competition races. Here, besides beating the record,
the racer is intent on defeating his rivals. This race is started
from the tape and in consequence is slightly slower for the
first two or three miles than the time in the paced race against
time with flying start. Thereafter the better time made
witnesses to the power and lasting effect of the competitive
stimulus. For 25 miles the time in this race averages 5.I5
seconds per mile, or 3.5 per cent. faster than the paced race
against time. From the 3rd to the loth mile the same man,
Michael,' holds the record in both races. His time in the
competition miles averages over 5 seconds faster than his
I Since this article was written Michael's time in paced competi-
tion racing has been lowered. On June 17, 1898, E. A. McDuffie in
his race with Taylor broke all records up to 30 miles. His time was
55:09 I-5, which is I min. 23 4-5 seconds faster than Michael's time
for that distance. This increases the gain over the paced race against
time to 8 seconds per mile.

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in Miles. Details of Pacing. Time. Gains for paced o
unpaced trial. pe

Min. Sec. Min. Sec. S

I 4 Pacemakers 2 37.6
I No 2 49.4 11.8 11

3 5 8 6.6
3 No ( 8 57.8 51.2 I7
3 No ( 9 7. I .4 20

4 I tandem " I 31.

4 No 12 2.4 .53 13

5 Several " 14 5.8

5 13 50.4
5 No 15 23.8 I .I8 15
5 No 15 37.2 I 31.4 18
5 Alt. laps " I6 38.4 2 32.6 30

IO Several " 31 I8.4

I0 No " 33 17.2 I 58.8 11

25 Numerous " 71 I5.8

25 Shared " 85 21.8 I4 6. 36
(C it
25 81 I6.4 Io .6 24.

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paced miles against time. The fact that the same ra

crews were used in both races suggests that in the latte
they also were responsive to the competition stimulus.
In his treatise on the "Physiology of Waiting and Pace-
making in Speed Competitions," Dr. Turner asserts that the
causes operating to produce the differences noted between
paced and unpaced races are directly due to the physiological
effects of bodily and mental exercise. Stated briefly: the
man who in a given distance does the greater amount of mus-
cular work burns up the greater amount of tissue and in
consequence his blood is more loaded with waste products
and he excretes more urea and uric acid than the man who
does a less amount in the same time. This excretion of
nitrogenous products as shown by his experiments is dir
proportional to the amount of work done. The blood
charged with the poisonous matter, benumbs the brai
diminishes its power to direct and stimulate the mus
and the muscles themselves, bathed by the impure blood
largely their contractile power. He asserts further, t
phosphoric acid is the principal product of brain work,
that carbonic acid, lactic acid and uric acid are excreted in
greater quantities during brain work. Therefore, the man
racing under conditions to produce brain worry will be most
severely distressed.
The production of phosphoric acid by brain work is, how-
ever, in dispute. Some observers have found the phosphates
diminished, whilst others have found them present in larger
quantities during intellectual labor. As James says it is a
hard problem from the fact that the only gauge of the amount
is that obtained in excretions which represent other organs as
well as the brain. Dr. Turner's tables of results bear him
out, however, in the assertion that a less amount of waste
matter was excreted on days when little or no exercise was
taken, a greater amount when pacers were used, and the great-
est amount when he made his own pace.
Basing his position on these physiological facts he states his
thesis thus: "Given two men of equal calibre, properly
trained and racing on a fair course, it is impossible (bar falls
and similar accidents) for one of them to lead, make fast run-
ning and win the race; and the easier the track, the lighter
and better the machines ridden, and the faster the time of the
race-the longer the distance by which the one following will
win." This is known by every rider and accounts for the
"loafing" in unpaced competition races, as no man, unless
decidedly superior to his competitors, dares to set the pace.

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Of the seven or eight not wholly distinct theories which

have been advanced to account for the faster time made in
paced as compared with unpaced competitive races and paced
races against time as against unpaced races against time, a
number need only be stated very briefly. They are grouped
according to their nature and first are given two mechanical
Those holding to this as the explanation assert that the
vacuum left behind the pacing machine draws the rider follow-
ing, along with it. Anderson's ride of a mile a minute at
Roodhouse, Ill., with the locomotive as pacemaker, is the
strongest argument in its favor. Those maintaining this
theory believe that the racer paced by a tandem is at a dis-
advantage as compared with the racer paced by a quod or a
larger machine, as the suction exerted is not 'so powerful.
This is closely related to the foregoing. Dr. Turner accepts
it as a partial explanation of the aid to be gained from a pace,
holding that the pacemaker or the leading competitor serves as a
shelter from the wind, and that "a much greater amount of
exertion, purely muscular, is required from a man to drive a
machine when he is leading than when he is following, on ac-
count of the resistance of the air, and the greater the amount
of wind blowing the greater the exertion, and conversely, the
greater the shelter obtained the less the exertion."
This is the theory held, in general, by racers themselves.
One of the champion riders of the country recently expressed
this common view in a letter, as follows: "It is true that
some very strong unpaced riders do not have any sort of suc-
cess in paced racing. The only reason I can give for this is just
simply that they have not studied the way to follow pace so
as to be shielded from the wind. No matter which way it
blows there is always a place where the man following pace
can be out of the wind."

The presence of a friend on the pacing machine to encourage
and keep up the spirits of the rider is claimed to be of great
help. The mental disposition has been long known to be of
importance in racing as in other cases where energy is ex-
pended. It is still as true as in Virgil's time that the winners
"'can because they think they can. "

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This theory shows why it is difficult for the leader in an un-
paced competition race to win. For "'a much greater amount
of brain worry is incurred by making the pace than by wait-
ing" (following). The man leading "is in a fidget the whole
time whether he is going fast enough to exhaust his adversary;
he is full of worry as to when that adversary means to com-
mence his spurt; his nervous system is generally strung up,
and at concert pitch, and his muscular and nervous efforts act
and react on each other, producing an everincreasing exhaus-
tion, which both dulls the impulse-giving power of the brain
and the impulse-receiving or contractile power of the muscles."
A curious theory, lately advanced, suggests the possibility
that the strained attention given to the revolving wheel of the
pacing machine in front produces a sort of hypnotism and that
the accompanying muscular exaltation is the secret of the en-
durance shown by some long distance riders in paced races.
Notice that Michael was able to make the last mile of his great
30 mile competition race the fastest of all and one of the fastest
ever ridden.
This is also a factor which favors the waiting rider, and gives
him a marked advantage. The leader, as has been noted, must
use his brain to direct every movement of his muscles. As he
becomes more distressed it requires a more intense exertion of
will power to force his machine through the resisting air. On
the other hand, the "waiter" rides automatically. He has
nothing to do but hang on. "His brain having inaugurated
the movement leaves it to the spinal cord to continue it and
only resumes its functions when a change of direction or speed
is necessary."-(Lagrange.) When he comes to the final
spurt, his brain, assuming control again, imparts to the muscles
a winning stimulus, while the continued brain work of the
leader has brought great fatigue.
These facts seem to have a large foundation in truth. The
lesser amount of fatigue incurred in paced trials is a matter of
general knowledge. It is a common experience with wheel-
men, and within that of the writer, that when following a lead
on a long ride the feeling of automatic action becomes very
pronounced, giving the sensation of a strong force pushing
from behind. Of course the greater the distance ridden the
more apparent becomes the saving in energy from automatic
riding, as time is required to establish the movement. It may
be remembered, in this connection, that while the average gain

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of the paced over the unpaced record is 34.4

ference between them for the first mile is only
As between the pacer and the paced, every
to rest with the latter. The two mechanical factors of suction
and shelter, so far as they are involved, assist the rider who
follows. So the psychological theories, the stimulation from
encouragement, the peculiar power induced by hypnotism, and
the staying qualities of automatic action, if of help at all, directly
benefit the paced rider. The element of disadvantage induced
by brain action, on the contrary, belongs more especially to
the rider who leads.


The remaining factors to be discussed are those which the
experiments on competition, detailed in the second part hereof,
attempt to explain. No effort is made to weaken the force of
the foregoing factors in accounting for the better time of paced
races in comparison with unpaced races of the same type, but
the facts of this study are given to throw whatever additional
light they may.
This theory of competition holds that the bodily presence of
another rider is a stimulus to the racer in arousing the com-
petitive instinct; that another can thus be the means of releas-
ing or freeing nervous energy for him that he cannot of
himself release; and, further, that the sight of movement in
that other by perhaps suggesting a higher rate of speed, is
also an inspiration to greater effort. These are the factors that
had their counterpart in the experimental study following;
and it is along these lines that the facts determined are to find
their interpretation.

A few brief statements, mostly quoted from Dr. Turner's

treatise, are given to show the value of a pacemaker in other
forms of racing: ' Foot racing differs from cycle racing in that
it involves a much greater muscular effort. At each stride the
whole body must be lifted and projected seven feet or more. The
exertion is much the same whether the competitor makes his
own pace or follows." So the " leader " and " waiter" com-
mence their final spurt under more equal conditions than those
which obtain in a cycle race, and a much smaller degree of
superiority in the leading man enables him to run the spurt
out of his opponent and win.
In ice skating the conditions are closely similar to those in
wheel races, and a pacemaker is of nearly as much use as on
the cycle track.
In a boat race the crews do not wait behind each other, but

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struggle for the lead, and when they have obtained it "
in front." The reasons for this are good:
(I) If a boat be clear in front it may take its oppon
water and wash it.
(2) The crew leading can see the others and regulate its
pace accordingly.
(3) The actual physical labor involved in propelling a boat
is very great, and therefore the laws of exercise already treated
of apply.
(4) The length of a racing eight is 50 feet or more, and
the time necessary to pass is too great to permit of waiting.
For similar reasons there is not the slightest advantage in
waiting in a swimming race.
In horse racing a pacemaker is of use, but is not the over-
whelming advantage it is in cycle racing. A good horse can
run out an inferior, just as a good man can on foot; but in big
races a stable companion is generally started to make running,
when the favorite is a good stayer, in order that he may have
a fast run race, without being put to the disadvantage of him
self making the pace. This is especially true of distance

Kolb, from his study of the respiration and

resulting from a maximum effort in the various k
asserts that in cycling and skating, where grea
tained by the use of special groups of muscles,
rate that is largely increased, while in boat rac
wrestling and heavy gymnastics, the respira
affected. If this claim is established it may fur
why the pacemaker or competitor has greatest
and skating races. In these, where the ratio b
and speed is high, the outflow of nervous energ
spurting has large expression. In the other c
energy made available by the competitive instin
the same, it is limited in its results by the res


From the laboratory competitions to be described, a

was made of nearly all the forces above outlined.
seconds the average trial lasted, no shelter from the
required, nor was any suction exerted, the only bra
incident was that of maintaining a sufficiently high
speed to defeat the competitors. From the shortnes
time and nature of the case, generally, it is doubtfu
automatic movements could be established. On the ot
the effort was intensely voluntary. It may be likened
yard dash - a sprint from beginning to end.

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The apparatus for this study consisted of two fishing reels

whose cranks turned in circles of one and three-fourths inches
diameter. These were arranged on a Y shaped frame work
clamped to the top of a heavy table, as shown in the cut. The
sides of this frame work were spread sufficiently far apart to
permit of two persons turning side by side. Bands of twisted
silk cord ran over the well lacquered axes of the reels and were
supported at C and D, two meters distant, by two small pulleys.
The records were taken from the course A D. The other course
B C being used merely for pacing or competition purposes.
The wheel on the side from which the records were taken com-
municated the movement made to a recorder, the stylus of
which traced a curve on the drum of a kymograph. The direc-
tion of this curve corresponded to the rate of turning, as the
greater the speed the shorter and straighter the resulting line.
A subject taking the experiment was required to practice
turning the reel until he had become accustomed to the machine.
After a short period of rest the different trials were made with
five-minute intervals between to obviate the possible effects of
A trial consisted in turning the reel at the highest rate of
speed until a small flag sewed to the silk band had made four
circuits of the four-meter course. The time of the trial was
taken by means of a stop-watch. The direction of the curves
made on the drum likewise furnished graphic indications of
the difference in time made between trials.

Frequent trials of the machinery showed very small errors.
In each regular trial the flag travelled 16 meters. For ten test
trials the average number of turns of the reel necessary to send
it over this course was found to be 149.87, with a mean varia-
tion of .I5, showing that the silk band did not slip to any ap-
preciable extent. If 40 seconds be taken as the average time
of a trial (which is not far wrong), .15 of a turn will be made
in .04 second.
Care was also exercised to have the kymograph maintain, so
far as possible, a uniform rate of turning. When fully wound
up it would run for nearly three hours. The actual running
time in taking the six trials of a subject was about 4 minutes,
or 40 seconds per trial. In testing, the drum was rota-
ted during 4 minutes. The time necessary to repeat this
amount of rotation was found, by trials, to be 4 minutes and

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3 seconds, thus showing a retardation in each trial o

one-eightieth of the former trial as shown on the d
direct time of trials was taken with a stop-watch. It
records thus taken that the tables given are comp
drum curves, however, are important as giving a gra
resentation of whatever changes occurred during the
of the trial. The stylus, responding immediately
change in rate of turning, gives clearly : indications of t
of competition, of the effects of adverse stimulation
and other phenomena. The tendency of the retardati
drum would be to diminish all these effects by one-e
an amount not appreciable to the eye.

In the course of the work the records of nearly 225 persons

of all ages were taken. However, all the tables given below,
and all statements made, unless otherwise specified, are
based on the records of 40 children taken in the following man-
ner: After the usual preliminaries of practice, six trials were
made by each of 20 subjects in this order: first a trial alone,
followed by a trial in competition, then another alone, and
thus alternating through the six efforts, giving three trials
alone and three in competition. Six trials were taken by 20
other children of about the same age, the order of trials in this
case being the first trial alone, second alone, third a competi-
tion trial, fourth alone, fifth a competition, and sixth alone.
By this scheme, a trial of either sort, after the first one, by
either of the two groups, always corresponds to a different trial
by the opposite group. Further, when the subjects of the two
groups come to their fourth and sixth trials, an equal amount
of practice has been gained by an equal number of trials of the
same kind. This fact should be remembered in any observa-
tion of the time made in trials by any group.
During the taking of the records, and afterwards in working
them over, it was seen that all cases would fall into two classes:
First. Those stimulated-
I to make faster time in competition trials,
2 in such a way as to inhibit motion.
Second. The small number who seemed little affected by
the race.
The three tables which follow are made up from the records
of the 40 subjects mentioned. The classification was in gen-
eral determined by the time record as taken by the watch.
The first table gives the records of 20 subjects who, on the
whole, were stimulated positively. The second table contains
io records of subjects who were overstimulated. The third
table shows the time of io subjects who give slight evidence of
being stimulated.

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The probable error used in the tables is that for a si

servation: r=.6745s--Vv2
Its magnitude is large f
nature of the case. To ascertain how large this should prop-
erly be, the individual differences of the subjects of Group A
in Table I were eliminated in the following manner: The
average of the six trials made by each subject was taken as
most fairly representing him. With this as a basis the six
trials were reduced to percentages-thus doing away with
peculiarities due to age and disposition. By this means the
probable errors of this group for the six trials in order were
2.57, I.43, I.8I, 2.24, I.II, I.55. A similar reduction should
be made in the probable error of all the tables.
In the tables, A represents a trial alone, C a trial in compe-
Subjects Stimulated Positively.

Age. A. C. A. C. A. C.

Violet F. o1 54.4 42.6 45.2 41. 42. 46.

Anna P. 9 67. 57. 55.4 50.4 49. 44.8
Willie H. I2 37.8 38.8 43. 39. 37.2 33.4
Bessie V. II 46.2 4I. 39. 30.2 33.6 32.4
Howard C. II 42. 36.4 39. 41. 37.8 34.
Mary M. II 48. 44.8 52. 44.6 43.8 40.
Lois P. II 53. 45.6 44. 40. 40.6 35.8
Inez K. 13 37. 35. 35.8 34. 34. 32.6
Harvey L. 9 49. 42.6 39.6 37.6 36. 35.
Lora F. II 40.4 35. 33. 35. 30.2 29.
Average II 47.48 41.88 42.6 39.28 38.42 36.3
P. E. 6.18 4.45 4.68 3.83 3-74 3.74
Gains 5.6 .72 3.32 .86 2.12

Age. A. A. C. A. C. A.

Stephen M. 13 51.2 50. 43. 41.8 39.8 41.2*

Mary W. I3 56. 53. 45.8 49.4 45. 43-*
Bertha A. Io 56.2 49. 48. 46.8 41.4 44.4
Clara L. 8 52. 44. 46. 45.6 44. 45.2
Helen M. 10 45. 45.6 35.8 46.2 40. 40.
Gracie W. 12 56.6 50. 42. 39. 40.2 41.4
Dona R. 15 34. 37.2 36. 41.4 37. 32.8
Pearl C. I3 43. 43. 40. 40.6 33.8 35.
Clyde G. 13 36. 35. 32.4 33. 3I. 35.
Lucile W. Io 52. 50. 43. 44. 38.2 40.2

Average 11.7 48.2 45.68 41.2 42.78 39. 39.82

P. E. 5.6 4. 3.42 3.I7 2.89 2.84
Gains 2.52 4.48 I.58 3.78 .82
* Left-handed.


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Subjects Stimulated Adversely.

Age.| A. C. A. C. A. C.

Jack R. 9 44.2 44. 41.8 48. 44.2 41.

Helen F. 9 44. 51. 43.8 44. 43. 41.2
Emma P. 11 38.4 42. 37. 39.6 36.6 32.
Warner J. 11 4I.6 43.6 43.4 43. 40. 38.
Genevieve M. 12 36. 36. 32.6 32.8 31.2 34.8

Average 1O.4 40.84 43.32 39.72 41.48 39- 37.4

P. E. 2.41 3.57 3.25 3.85 3.55 2.52


Age. A. A. C. A. C. A.

Hazel M. II 38. 35.8 38.2 37.2 35- 42.

George B. 12 39.2 36. 37.6 34.2 36. 33.8
Mary B. 11 50. 46. 43.4 42. 48. 36.8
Carlisle B. 14 37. 35.4 35. 33.4 36.4 3I.4
Eddie H. II 3I.2 29.2 27.6 27. 26.8 28.8

Average 11.8 39.08 36.48 36.36 34.76 34.4 34.56

P. E. 4.6i 4.07 3.89 3-7I 5-33 3-45

Subjects little affected by competition.

Age. A. C. A. C. | A. C.

Albert P. 13 29. 28. 27. 29. 27. 28.6

Milfred V. 17 36.4 29. 29.4 30.2 30.2 32.2
Harry V. 12 32. 32. 32.6 32.6 32.6 31.6
Robt. H. I2 31.4 3I.4 32.2 35.4 35. 32.4
John T. 11 30.2 30.8 32.8 30.6 32.8 3I.8
Average I3 3I.8 30.24 30.8 31.56 31.5 31.3
P. E. 1.9 1.13 .71 I .7 2.o6 I.05

Age. A. A. C. A. C. A.

Lela T. 10 45. 37.4 36.8 36. 37.2 38.

Lura L. 11I 42. 39. 38. 37. 37- 38.
Mollie A. I3 38. 30. 28. 30. 30.2 29.6
Anna F. II 35. 31.8 32.4 30. 32. 30.4
Ora R. 14 37.2 30.- 29. 27.8 28.4 26.8

Average 11.8 39.44 33.64 32.84 32.I6 32.96 32.16

P. E. 3.II 2.88 3.03 2.75 2.69 3.7r

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The 20 subjects given in Group A and Group B, o

in nearly all cases make marked reductions in the com
trials. The averages show large gains in these trials and
small gains or even losses for the succeeding trials alone.
The second trial for Group A is a competition, for Group B a
trial alone. The gain between the first and second trials of
the first group is 5.6 seconds, between the first and second
trials of the second group, 2.52 seconds. The latter represents
the practice effect-always greatest in the first trials, the
former the element of competition plus the practice. The third
trial in Group A-a trial alone-is .72 seconds slower than
the preceding race trial. The third trial in Group B-a
competition-is 4.48 seconds faster than the preceding trial
alone. The fourth trials in these two groups are on an
equality, as regards practice, from an equal number of trials of
the same kind. In the first case the gain over the preceding
trial is 3.32 seconds. In the latter there is a loss of 1.58
seconds from the time of the preceding competition trial. In
like manner there is an equality of conditions in regard to the
sixth trial of these groups, and again the effect of competition
plainly appears, the competition trial gaining 2.12 seconds,
and the trial alone losing .82 seconds with respect to the pre-
ceding trial. These are decided differences. Curve No. I in
Chart II is a graphical representation of them.
The Io subjects whose records are given in Table II are of
interest. With them stimulation brought a loss of control.
In one or more of the competition trials of each subject in
this group the time is very much slower than that made in the
preceding trial alone. Most frequently this is true of the first
trial in competition, but with some was characteristic of every
race. In all, 14 of the 25 races run by this group were equal
or slower than the preceding trial alone. This seems to be
brought about in large measure by the mental attitude of the
subject. An intense desire to win, for instance, often result-
ing in over-stimulation. Accompanying phenomena were
labored breathing, flushed faces and a stiffening or contraction
of the muscles of the arm. A number of young children of
from 5 to 9 years, not included in our group of 40, exhibited
the phenomena most strikingly, the rigidity of the arm pre-
venting free movement and in some cases resulting in an almost
total inhibition of movement. The effort to continue turning
in these cases was by a swaying of the whole body.
This seems a most interesting fact and confirmatory of the
probable order of development of the muscles as given by Dr.
Hall and others. In the case of those sufficiently developed
to have the fast forearm movement, fatigue or overstimulation
seemed to bring a recurrence to the whole arm and shoulder

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C4 .


35' cM--...N
C $'

c40 . ,,j ,

movement of early childhood, and

was sufficiently intense, to the w
younger children easily fell into t
affected by either of the causes nam
It reminds one of the way in wh
cle used in ergographic work, will
to draw on his larger muscles, or

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the city and acquires the upright carriage and springi

the city-bred man, who, when greatly fatigued, i
falls into the old " clodhopper " gait. This tendency
to earlier movements and also old manners of speech,
ner has shown in his " Fatigue of School Children,"
mon, when, for any reason, the centers of control are in
with. It may be said, therefore, that in the work un
sideration the chief difference between this group and
group in Table I, was a difference in control; the sti
inhibiting the proper function of the motor centers
case, and reinforcing it in the other. This, at leas
apparent from the characteristics exhibited by the tw
Observation of the subjects of this class under trial,
ful scrutiny of their graphic records, show how deci
were sometimes lost by the subject " going to pieces
critical point of the race, not being able to endure th
strain. Yet there exists no sharp line of division between
subjects stimulated to make faster time and those affected in
the opposite way. In some instances the nervous excitement
acted adversely in every race trial, while in others, a gain in
control, enabled the subject to make a material reduction in
the last competition. A. B., one of three adults affected ad-
versely, is an athletic young man, a fine tennis and hand-ball
player, and known to be stimulated in contests of these kinds.
It was noticed that in his competition trials time was lost be-
cause of his attempt to take advantage of the larger muscles of
the arm and shoulder. After many trials and injunctions to
avoid the movement he gained sufficient control to enable him
to reduce the time in the competitions.
A. V., an adult of nervous organization, went half through
his race with a great gain over his trial alone, but seeing his
antagonist pushing him closely, broke down and lost the most
of the gain made in the first half. The time of the trial alone
was 38.6 seconds, that of the competition was 37.2 seconds. A
comparison of the time in which the halves of the trials were
made was computed in the following way: On the ordinate of
the graph is measured the distance the stylus travels across
the drum during 150 turns of the reel-the number in a trial.
The distance on the abscissa between the ordinates running
through the ends of the curve of any trial gives the time of the
Parallel abscissas were drawn at the extremities of the
curves, and a third one-half way between them. Half of the
turns made in a trial were thus on each side of this middle line,
and the times in which these turns were made were propor-
tional to the segments of this line made by the curve intersect-
ing it. By this means it was found that A. V. made the first

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75 turns in his competition trial in i5 seconds, the second half

in 22.2 seconds. By the same means, each half of the preced-
ing trial alone was I9.3 seconds-an exception to the rule that
the last half is slower because of fatigue.
Other curves when worked out in this way gave similar
results. The time record, therefore, it must be seen, is not
always a true index to the amount of stimulation present.
Had the trials consisted of but half as many turns the effect of
competition as it appears in the tables would have been shown
much more constantly. Table II would have been a smaller
group if indeed any necessity existed for retaining it.
A comparison of the time made by the different groups
shows that the subjects of Table I are much slower than
those of Table II, and that a still greater difference exists be-
tween this group and the subjects found in Table III. It may
be said that they are slower because of greater sluggishness of
disposition, and that the reductions made are largely a result of
the subjects warming up. This,indeed, may be a part of the cause
for it, but as the larger reductions coincide with the competition
trials this cannot be held to completely account for it. A
glance over the individual records discovers some facts which
furnish a plausible partial explanation, when taken in connec-
tion with the following fact. The age at which children
acquire control of the wrist movements, a large factor in turn-
ing the reel with speed, was found to be about i years in
general, although a few of 9 and io years had this power.
Now, of the 20 subjects composing Table I, 7 are io years of
age or younger, while two others, age 13, are left-handed and
being compelled to use the right hand are slow in consequence.
So, here are 9 subjects, a number nearly equal to the group in
Table II or Table III, who had a reason for being slow. Were
these omitted from the count, the time of the initial trial
would be found not to vary materially from that of Table II.
Besides the lack of muscular development of the younger
subjects mentioned above, many of the subjects of Table I
seemed not to have proper ideals of speed. The desire to beat,
if it did nothing else, brought them to a sense of what was
possible for them. The arousal of their competitive instincts
and the idea of a faster movement, perhaps, in the contestant,
induced greater concentration of energy.
The subjects in Table III, are a small group who seemed
very little affected by competition. They made very fast time,
but they are older than the average; their muscular control was
good, and they had the forearm movements. Practice gains
while somewhat apparent at first in some cases, are, as shown
by curve No. 3 of the chart, on the whole, less in amount.

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Their drum records show fewer fluctuations and ir

and less pronounced fatigue curves at the end.
There sems to be a striking analogy between the
and those racing men who are fast without a pace
little or no better in a paced or competition race.

Energy Fluctuations. Among the many personal differences

shown by the various subjects, nervous peculiarities were of
great interest. A number exhibited the marked periodicity of
energy discovered by Dr. Lombard, and described by him in the
inent in the cases of L. P. and H. F., both bright children of
an exceedingly nervous temperament, a rapid period being
succeeded by one of apparent fatigue, thus alternating to the
end of the trial. It was noticeable both in trials alone and in
competition. In both subjects the phenomenon became less
marked in the course of the trials. Both were much affected
by the stimulation. The first making gains in her races, the
second, almost helpless from nervous agitation in her first
competition, does better in the second, and succeeds in making
a substantial reduction in her third race, although a large
part of the gain made in the first half of the trial is lost in the
Kolb in his " Physiology of Sport " asserts that in every
physical contest involving a maximum effort there will be
fluctuations of energy, and says that all oarsmen are familiar
with the " hills " in the boat race, one being encountered in
the second minute, the other at the end of the sixth minute.
Long distance runners also experience the ebb and flow of
strength markedly.
Effects from Age. It seems probable that one who is ame-
nable to the stimulation of competition in childhood will be
susceptible during his whole life; like the race horse that
retains his desire to run long after the ability is lacking. The
age at which the instinct develops was not ascertained. Two
boys of 5 years possessed it to a marked degree. The one
defeated in their race, according to his mother, felt badly
about it all day. Adult subjects displayed the same differ-
ences of stimulation as in the case of children. It might be
inferred from the records taken that the effect is greatest in
early life and diminishes with advancing years. The practice
effect, however, is greatest among the young, as they do not
have the skill in the use of the hand that comes later. With
adults, owing to their greater muscular control, practice
counts for much less. So it was that the latter more surely
made reductions in their competition trials, but smaller ones.

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People differ greatly, as was noted, in the degre

they are stimulated, but for the same individual it
a constant force.
Two girls who were trained till the gain from practice was a
small matter, in a ten days' trial showed remarkable uniformity
in making reductions in their race trials. From the shortness
of the period, in these cases, half the usual number of turns,
and the skill acquired, the reductions were, however, small in
amount. The averages for the ten days are as follows:
a c a c a c

Bessie V. I5.8 I4.9 I5.3 I4.65 I5.3 I4.55

Helen F. I8.45 17.75 18.52 17.22 i8.02 I6.77
Each subject had 30 competitions. Out of this num
time for the first subject was reduced in 24 or four-f
the entire number. It was equal to the preceding trial
cases. The second was faster in her race trials in 25 of
or five-sixths of all, and in two cases equalled the pre
record. Of the three remaining trials, the pain from a
on the hand caused one to be made in slower time.
In the race trials of the 40 subjects a portion of the reduc-
tion when made might in some cases be attributed to encour-
aging remarks. For instance, the racer would be told to
"keep on, you are ahead," or "just one more round," in
order to steady him. In the extended trial of the two subjects
under discussion, however, some preliminary words to arouse
the desire to beat were used, but after the start not a word was
spoken. Whatever effect appeared was purely that of competi-

Some small differences were found in the motor rate between
the sexes, corresponding in general to the results exhibited in
Dr. W. L. Bryan's study of "Motor Ability." For this group-
ing, the averages only for which are given, all cases were
taken in which a trial alone was succeeded by a trial in com-
At io years of age the boys begin faster than the girls, but
both sexes are practically together on the competition trial.
The greater speed of the boys, as Dr. Bryan has pointed out,
is largely a result of their greater knack or skill in doing
things, attributable to their more active life.
At 11 the boys are distinctly ahead, and, as noted before, a
year's time has brought a large increase in speed, as at about
this age a free use of the wrist movement is gained. At 12 the
boys are slower than at I, and have no advantage over the

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With this table the mean variation was used.


Cases. A. C. Cases. A. C.

IO 5 41.88 41.6 13 46.83 4I.4

4-34 5.52 3.76 2.98
II I4 35.76 34.36 25 40.3 37.89
4.37 5.I 5.2 4.47
12 14 38.I 35.7 19 38.39 35.77
3.92 2.75 6.II 4.
13 7 34. 32.94 15 39.65 36.24
7.I3 4.8I 5.3 5.I
Adults 45 3I.35 29. 14 32.77 29.24
3.I7 3.29 2.8 2.56

girls. A difference appears a

In the case of adults a slight
of the males is seen.
As to the amount of stimulation the odds are apparently
with the female sex. The proportion of girls influenced by
competition is greater. Of the 40 subjects, 14 or 36.6 per
cent. were boys, 26 or 63.4 per cent. were girls. In the group
of those who were susceptible and influenced positively were
28.6 per cent. of the boys and 61.5 per cent. of the girls. In
the group influenced negatively were 35.7 per cent. of the
boys and I9.2 per cent. of the girls, and in the group not
influenced 35.7 per cent. of the boys and 19.2 per cent. of the
girls were found. These figures are deduced from the group-
ing made on the basis of the time record. An inspection of
the graphs indicates that six in Table III were somewhat
stimulated, although it is not made evident from the watch
record. Were these subjects, consisting of 5 girls and I boy,
to be transferred to their proper table the result would show
that Ioo per cent. of the girls and 71 per cent. of the boys
showed stimulation.
The gross amount of the effect of competition is also greater
in girls. When they were stimulated and had control they
made greater gains than the boys and when over-stimulated
their losses were greater than those made by the boys. The
16 girls of Table I gained the average sum of 10 seconds in
their competition trials, while the four boys of this group
gained an average sum of 8.15 seconds. In Table II the 5
girls lost 3 seconds each, in the course of their competition
trials, while the 5 boys lost less than i second each.
It is a well-knwn fact, that some wheelmen, who in private
practice can go very fast, fail to distinguish themselves when

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the real race is run in the presence of the public. The weak-
ening effect of nervous agitation has been ascribed as the cause.
On the other hand, Manouvrier, in his dynamometric studies
found that this subject increased the energy of his movement
when spectators were present. This is a a common observation.
The boy can turn better handsprings when wishing to impress
the girls with a sense of his accomplishments. The football team
play better ball under the stimulation of the home crowd.
Other examples could be instanced showing how people respond
to various social stimulations.
In the records of the 40 subjects found in the three groups
discussed above, there are 80 cases wherein a competition trial
is followed by a trial alone. Of these, 45 were made in faster
time than the preceding competition trial. Several facts seem
to contribute to this result.
First, greater facility in turning naturally follows from the
practice gained in former trials. In general, spectators were
not permitted during the trials alone, but in a few cases visitors
were present. The effect of this would be to stimulate the
subject in a trial alone. Then, too, the competition element
entered into the trials alone and it was found advisable in some
cases to keep from the subject the time made, as there was a
constant desire to beat his own or his friend's records, and thus
make all the trials competitive. The competition feeling seemed
present all the time. It is felt, therefore, that succeeding trials
alone are not really non-competitive trials.
In addition, the competition trial was a pattern for after
trials, giving a higher ideal of speed and a hint of what was
possible for the subject. Fere remarks that it was his own
experience, and that of a majority of experimenters in dyna-
mometrie, " that the second trial was in general stronger than
the first, the first trial having the effect of reinforcing the idea
of the movement." The same thing seems peculiarly true of
the kind of work under discussion. The subject comes to a
succeeding trial alone with a reinforced image of the move-
ment. The over-excitement of the former race is gone, but
somewhat of its stimulating effect, it may be, remains and in
consequence more than half of the cases equal or exceed the
former competitive trial.

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We are led to believe that in the laboratory competitions

detailed in Part II of this article, besides the bodily presence
of a competitor, the idea of his movement, whether gained
from sight or sound, had a stimulating effect on the racer.
Some subjects followed with the eyes the course of the flags
during the race and directed their exertions accordingly.
Others seemed to be spurred on by the sound of the other
machine, gaining some idea of the speed from the noise it made.
Either seemed to possess equal power as a stimulus.
A favorite psychological principle with Fere, whose " Sen-
sation et Mouvement" describes the most important work done
in the field of Dynamogeny, is that " the energy of a move-
ment is in proportion to the idea of that movement." He
gives an experiment illustrating the subject as follows:
" If we ask the subject to look attentively at the movements
of flexion, which we make with our hand, at the end of a few
minutes he declares that he has the sensation of the same
movement being made in his own hand, even though it ma
be entirely unmoved. And soon, indeed, his hand begins
irresistibly to execute rhythmic movements of flexion. Or, if
instead of letting the experiment come to this point, the sub-
ject is stopped at the moment where he commences to have
the sensation of movement, and a dynamometer is placed in
his hand, it is shown that the energy of his effort is increased
one-fourth to one-half." Before the experiment the normal
dynamometric force of the right hand was 23 kg., of the left,
15 kg. After seeing the experimenter make 20 flexions, the
pressure for the subject's right hand was 46 kg., or double
the former record. The left hand showed a slightly dimin-
ished force. An attempt was made to verify Fere's work
with the ergograph. The subject was required to make
maximum finger lifts corresponding to the beats of a metro-
nome. After a series of lifts, the signal was given by the
operator raising the index finger as if with the effort of lifting.
Of 12 subjects tried, 8 made an increase when taking the time
from the finger. The amount of increase seemed to be in
proportion to the attention bestowed on the lifted finger of the
operator. Two, who noticeably gave little attention to the
straining of the finger except as a mere signal for lifting,
made no gain whatever. Five maximum lifts of E. J., imme-
diately preceding the substitution of the finger movement,
averaged I7.2 millimeters in height, with a mean variation of
.6 m. m. The first five efforts made at the sight of the finger
movement averaged I9. m. m.., mean variation .7 m. m., a

This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Sep 2022 16:39:25 UTC
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gain of I I per cent. P. M. G., toward the end of an exhaus-

tion curve, of which the last five lifts averaged 7.2 m. m.,
made five lifts, taking the cue from the finger, of an average
height of II.4 m. m., after which the energy of his efforts
again began to decrease.

An experiment on vocalization was made wherein a higher

rate was suggested to the subject.
Ten subjects took the work described below on six succes-
sive days. Each was required to count aloud from i to 20
and repeat, as rapidly as articulation permitted, for 5 seconds.
Three trials were made. The operator now counted at a
faster rate and asked the subject to follow that rate. Three
trials of this kind were made. This may be called Programme
Programme B differed from this merely in the one particu-
lar that the operator did no counting, but the three pre-
liminary trials alone were followed instead by three similar
trials alone-the intervals between trials, however, remaining
the same.
Five subjects began with Programme A and five with Pro-
gramme B, alternating each day, so that in the course of the
six days each person had three experiences with each pro-
gramme. The average sum counted by each subject during
the series of trials is given below. Dividing by nine will give
the average number counted in a single trial of that kind.

Cases. No. alone. After a higher Gain. No. aloe. Alone. No Gain.
rate is given. rate given.

IO 288.4 307.6 19.2 287. 288.5 1.5

The difference between the averag

umns, I9.2, is the average gain of th
have had given them the idea of a f
Under this programme each individu
the other, where no higher rate is g
gains, three lose, and the average ga
The principle of ideomotor action h
human life. In the cases cited the observance of motion in
another became a stimulus to greater effort. It may, how-
ever, have the opposite effect. A correspondence of rhythm
of movement seems necessary to make it of aid. Two boys
jumping together, or one following immediately at the sight
of the other's jump, will not cover the distance possible in

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jumping alone, because the swaying of the body, an

ing of the arms, not being synchronous or rhythm
a distraction. So one soon becomes fatigued when
with a person out of step.
From the above facts regarding the laboratory races we
infer that the bodily presence of another contestant participat-
ing simultaneously in the race serves to liberate latent energy
not ordinarily available. This inference is further justified by
the difference in time between the paced competition races and
the paced races against time, amounting to an average of 5.15
seconds per mile up to 25 miles. The factors of shelter from
the wind, encouragement, brain worry, hypnotic suggestion,
and automatic movement, are common to both, while the com-
petitors participate simultaneously in person only in the first.
In the next place the sight of the movements of the pace-
makers or leading competitors, and the idea of higher speed,
furnished by this or some other means, are probably in them-
selves dynamogenic factors of some consequence.

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