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English  Form 4  Answers 



1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B
Reading 6. A 7. D 8. A

PART 1-SHORT TEXTS (MCQs) Practice 5

Practice 1 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. A
1. B 2. B 3. C 4. B 7. B 8. A
5. A 6. A 7. C 8. A PART 4-GAPPED TEXTS
Practice 2 Practice 1
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 1. E 2. H 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. G
5. A 6. C 7. A 8. C Practice 2
Practice 3 1. E 2. C 3. B 4. G 5. D 6. A
1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A Practice 3
5. B 6. A 7. B 8. C 1. C 2. F 3. A 4. G 5. B 6. E
Practice 4 Practice 4
1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 1. C 2. F 3. B 4. G 5. E 6. A
5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C
Practice 5
PART 2-MULTIPLE-CHOICE CLOZE 1. D 2. H 3. F 4. C 5. B 6. E
Practice 1
1. B 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. A PART 5-Matching and INFORMATION TRANSFER
6. D 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. A Practice 1
1. A
Practice 2 2. B
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B 3. D
6. D 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. A 4. F
5. effectively
Practice 3 6. accomplish
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C 7. time
6. A 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. B 8. recreational
Practice 4 Practice 2
1. A 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. D 1. E
6. C 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. C 2. F
Practice 5 3. C
1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. A 4. D
6. D 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. C 5. cultural
6. leisurely
PART 3-LONGER TEXTS 7. exploring
8. itinerary
Practice 1
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C Practice 3
6. A 7. A 8. D 1. E
2. B
Practice 2 3. A
1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 4. D
6. C 7. C 8. A 5. volcano
Practice 3 6. unforeseen
1. A 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. B 7. harrowing
6. A 7. B 8. B 8. rumbling

A1 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  English  Form 4  Answers

Practice 4 Practice 3
1. E 5. relax To: [email protected]
2. C 6. rare
3. D 7. imagination Subject: Part-time job
4. F 8. stitches Hi Johari,
Practice 5
It’s a great idea to get a part-time job and I think I’d
1. A 5. future
like to join the job hunt with you. To begin, we’d look for
2. E 6. dreams
an online employment site and browse part-time jobs
3. B 7. aspire
suitable for fresh school-leavers. I think positions such
4. C 8. self-satisfaction
as store assistants or front-counter helps are the best as
on-the-job training will be provided. Anyhow, let’s focus
on jobs in department stores or fast food restaurants.
After that, we should prepare our resumes. I can’t wait
(Suggested answers)
to hear from you.
Practice 1
To: [email protected] Romesh
Subject: Community Arts Centre play Practice 4
Dear Krishna, Dear Harin,

I think you should give it a try. It doesn’t matter Yes, I remember our conversation very well and I
that you’ll be up against experienced performers. What’s think it’s a great idea. There are online courses but most
important is that you try because you love performing of them have expensive tuition fees. Since we’re on a
on stage. If you don’t audition, you won’t have a chance tight budget, I’d suggest we buy a language book with a
to be in the play at all. Even if you aren’t successful, CD. This is the best introduction to a new language. We
at least you gain some experience from the process. can learn words and useful phrases as well as practise
Besides, you can learn by watching the other performers our pronunciation using the CD. Importantly, we can
and build your confidence for future auditions. Good learn at our own pace. What do you think? Please share
luck! your view.

Your loving cousin, Your friend,

Anita Dennis
Practice 2 Practice 5
To: [email protected] Hello there,
Subject: Sunday’s activities
Hello Jodie! First, start training several times a week. This will
help you condition your body for the race. Remember to
I’ve a lot of plans for us. After breakfast, we’ll go have a positive attitude so you’ll stay on track with your
to Cheshire Mall because your favourite store is having training. Get enough sleep especially a few days before
a sale. Then, I’ll treat you to lunch at a new seafood the race. On race day, remember to stretch. Then, start
restaurant there. The restaurant has many good reviews slow and pace yourself. After that, slowly increase your
so I think we’ll enjoy the food. I’ve invited two friends speed until you start running at your normal training
over for tea in the afternoon. We can chat, play board pace. Finally, drink water during and after the race. All
games and watch a movie. Could you bring some board the best!
games, please? I guarantee we’ll have a lot of fun.
Your friend,
Bye! Putri

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A2

English  Form 4  Answers 

Practice 6 I am familiar with working in a library. In addition, I am

To: [email protected] an avid reader so I can help library goers with book
recommendations if required.
Subject: Party ideas Please contact me if you have any questions about my
Dear Rohan, application. I am free any day for an interview. I look
forward to hearing from you.
If I were you, I’d make it a potluck. You can make
a few main dishes and ask your guests to bring some Yours faithfully,
of their favourite dishes. This way there’ll be a wide   Joe
selection of food. Second, organise some fun outdoor (JOE LIM)
games or a scavenger hunt. You’ve a big garden for
these activities Finally, put mats or bean bags in the
Practice 3
garden and set up a projector and screen. Then, you can
During the holidays, I spent a few days with my
screen a movie. Have lots of fun!
cousins. One day, we went boating. At first, I was nervous
but it eased after the safety briefing and I put on a life
Your cousin,
Suhan My excitement grew as we cruised down the river
lined with lush greenery. Then, something in the water
PART 2: GUIDED Writing
caught my eye. It looked like someone was in it. I panicked
(Suggested Answers)
and screamed. My cousins rushed to my side but I could
Practice 1 only point to the water. Everyone looked hard and the
Many students face exam-related stress. They worry boatman intermediately manoeuvred the boat to the
about not doing well and needing more time to prepare spot.
are among the top causes. Everyone remained silent as we got closer to the
Thankfully, there are ways to deal with it. First, follow spot. Then, the boatman used a long pole to poke at the
good study habits. Make a study plan and concentrate object. My heart beat frantically as I waited. Suddenly,
during your study session so you can retain what you have the boatman shouted that it was an old tyre caught in a
studied. Next, reward yourself after achieving your study submerged tree. Everyone cheered and I let out a big sigh
goals. Watching a movie, reading or going for a walk can of relief.
help you relax between study sessions.
Practice 4
Besides that, get help to tackle a difficult topic. More
Paying cash is the best method to manage your
often you will understand a topic better when a peer
money effectively and there are many reasons to support
explains it to you. Finally, get enough sleep. Your body and
this statement.
mind need sufficient rest every day in order to function
To start with, paying cash prevents overspending.
well during the day.
You are more aware of your spending when you have to
In conclusion, stress is part of life. It can help
take money out of your wallet. You will be able to stop
motivate and push you to work harder. But if it gets too
yourself before bursting your budget. In addition, you can
much, the above suggestions will help you deal with it.
save money. Paying cash forces you to think twice before
spending. Also, if you use a credit card, you spend money
Practice 2 on annual fees.
Besides that, paying cash eliminates possible
From: [email protected] security breaches. Cash payments do not require your
To: [email protected] personal details. Therefore, your personal or bank details
will be safe. Finally, it reduces your exposure to marketing
Dear Sir/Madam, practices. Usually retailers ask credit-card users for contact
I am writing to apply for the position of library assistant details. However, you can avoid getting phone or email
as advertised on your website. I am 18 years old and messages when you pay cash.
waiting for my SPM results. In my opinion, paying cash helps you manage your
I am proficient in using the computer. I am money effectively. It not only allows you to track your
organised as well as can follow instructions well. I money but also safeguards it.
understand the importance of completing tasks in
a timely manner so I am not afraid of hard work and Practice 5
putting in long hours to complete my tasks.. E-sports involves multiplayer video games played
I am able to work weekdays as well as weekends competitively in front of spectators. Many believe gaming
and public holidays. I was a former school librarian so isn’t an ideal activity but others disagree.

A3 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  English  Form 4  Answers

There are many benefits of e-sports. Firstly, you Practice 2

can gain valuable skills. You can improve hand-eye Articles wanted!
coordination, concentration and problem-solving Most Malaysians are active social media users which
skills. Secondly, you can boost your thinking skills and include students who deem social media as one of the
confidence. Finally, student-gamers can enjoy improved necessities in their daily life. Considerably, there are both
academic performance. As student-gamers have a higher positive and negative effects of social media for students.
interest in STEM subjects, they are likely to achieve better One good advantage of scrolling through the
results. various social media such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok,
E-sports has several drawbacks, too. To begin, it YouTube or Twitter is that students can be exposed to
poses several health risks. For example, back and neck current news, events and information which are shared by
pain and heart-related diseases are connected with a friends through the medium. They can also find tutorials
sedentary lifestyle. Besides that, it can cultivate bad habits and various food recipes or join online classes and
such as poor posture. Lastly, gaming is highly addictive. In seminars via social media.
fact, this addiction can slow down brain development and However, students who are attached to the
disrupt sleep. telephones most of the time have little time to
To sum up, e-sports has many pros and cons. communicate face-to-face with other people. Some of
However, I believe you can enjoy the benefits when you these students can become less confident to talk to people
don’t let it consume your life. which can cause a detrimental effect for their future.
A study has discovered that too much exposure to
PART 3: EXTENDED Writing TASK social media may cause some harm to the health of the
(Suggested Answer) students as well as increase the risk of mental illness. As
most of the social media users post the best things to be
shared, some friends who are watching might feel envious
Practice 1 and inadequate with their life. There are also many cases of
Food Wastage cyber bullying which result in the victims feeling stressed
Have you ever heard that rice will cry if you do not and worse, depressed.
finish eating it? The message is that children should not Students should learn about responsibility.
waste food because there are many others who are badly Therefore, they should limit the time to browse their
off for sustenance. accounts in social media. Instead, they should put in effort
Here are some ideas that you can practise to avoid to communicate face-to-face with friends and family. It is a
food wastage. One way is by planning your meals ahead simple act that can change your life.
of time for at least one week. With your menu, list down all
Practice 3
the ingredients needed for the meals. Before shopping for
Sustaining the Environment
new groceries, check for anything that you already have
Over the years, attempts have been made towards
in your kitchen. Therefore, you only need to buy items
conserving natural resources of the Earth and also
which are only out of stock and an adequate amount of
protecting its global ecosystems. Hence, with good
perishable items.
management and up-to-date knowledge, we can hope to
You can also try to portion your food smartly. While
venture further in sustaining the environment.
ensuring you have enough food on the table can be
Going green or practising environment
daunting, you can learn through trial and error. At the
sustainability, needs some effort but it is neither time nor
beginning, you may make a guesswork out of portion
money consuming. The simplest thing that you can do is
size to know the amount that your family members will
to switch off electrical appliances and lights when they
consume. After some time, you can even save more
are not in use. As Malaysia relies on fossil fuel as the main
money on your food budget instead of the food becoming
source of energy, saving electricity reduces the use of the
leftovers and later trashed into the bins.
non-renewable resources.
You do not need to have green fingers to grow your
You must avoid the use of plastic bags in your
own food successfully. Just put in some effort and later
everyday life by taking along your own bags when going
you get to eat fresh fruit and vegetables which are devoid
shopping. It is common knowledge that plastics are non-
of chemicals as well.
biodegradable and take a long time to decompose. They
In conclusion, it is imperative for all of us to step up
pollute the environment and some plastics find their way
to the plate in order to avoid food wastage, in whatever
into our ocean and harm precious marine life.
ways that we can do.
Going paperless certainly helps in saving more trees.
As such, modern technologies also contribute towards
sustaining the environment. Application forms, utility
bills, surveys and even catalogues, flyers and leaflets are

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English  Form 4  Answers 

made available online to replace paper. Another step you can get rebates when you make purchases using
you can take is to buy things that are reusable instead of these e-wallets.
disposable items. Bring your own tumblers and containers One disadvantage of using e-wallets is the
when buying food and drinks. Use metal straws, cloth probability of an incompatibility of the e-wallets between
napkins and practising the 3R’s will go far in achieving our the customers and the shops. You use a certain type of
goal. e-wallet whilst the outlet where you buy things from
The effort may bring a snowball effect but they can utilises another. Despite the widely used of modern
be the baby steps taken to show that we care. technology, not all shops offer this cashless application,
especially at the wet markets or night markets.
2. REVIEW I really recommend using e-wallets as the benefits
outweighs the disadvantages. I hope that in the future,
Practice 1
e-wallets application will be more developed and all
Recently, my family and I flew to Sabah for a holiday.
traders can approve all kinds of e-wallets for the comfort
We stayed at a hotel in Kota Kinabalu, a bustling town
of the consumers.
about 8km from the airport. The capital of the state is also
a gateway to various natural splendours in the state. Practice 3
There are so many activities that you can do in My favourite restaurant is a famous Korean
Sabah. One of the attractions you must visit include the restaurant called Kohyangi Dak which means the home
Filipino Handicraft market, jam-packed with small stalls of chicken. The place is located in Setia Alam, Selangor,
offering dried local produce and handicrafts from Sabah, about 3 km from my house. As the name suggests, chicken
Philippines and Indonesia. Just before sun set, you can go makes up the menu being served there.
to the famous Waterfront and have dinner in one of the I love its fried chicken which are coated in a variety
restaurants there so you can capture the breathtaking of flavours and fried until crisp. Although deep-fried, the
sunset over the South China Sea. You can go island chicken is not oily but crunchy on the outside. Yet, the flesh
hopping which transports you to paradise beaches where is succulent and juicy. You can have your choice of chicken
you can enjoy parasailing, swimming and snorkelling. parts that you like whether they are wings, drumettes,
If you love nature, you can visit Tunku Abdul Rahman breasts or thighs, and they still have the same scrumptious
National Park which is made up of five islands. taste. Besides fried chicken, other dishes include kimchi
A trip to Sabah will not be complete without a hiking fried rice, japchae which is fried glass noodles, and spicy
trip up the highest mountain in South-east Asia. However, rice cakes that are famous as street food in Korea called
not everyone can climb the mountain so you can go to tteokbokki.
Kundasang and visit the cow farm there. You get to taste The service provided by the restaurant is quite slow
the ice creams made from fresh milk which come from the especially during a full house which is usually from noon
farm. to 2 p.m. However, you can avoid the peak hours so you
I would definitely recommend Sabah as a place will be served faster when there is less crowd.
to go for a holiday. However, Sabah is a large state that I would say that the high-end food is a bit costly
one cannot travel to all the interesting places, try out but you can give yourself a treat once in a blue moon!
exotic food and learn about the indigenous customs and It is recommended for friends and family to go to this
traditions in a few days’ time. restaurant to celebrate birthdays or anniversaries. The
restaurant has a pleasant, elegant ambience where
Practice 2
having a small gathering will be a relaxing, comfortable
Nowadays, paying via e-wallets is becoming one of
the fastest growing payment trends in Malaysia. Some of
the e-wallets applications available are Touch ‘n Go, Boost,
FavePay and GrabPay.
I use MAE, an e-wallet produced by Maybank. I can Practice 1
use it easily as I only need to scan the code provided. Everyone was suddenly quiet when they heard the
Furthermore, it also comes with some helpful features that announcement made by the pilot. He was telling everyone
help me to manage my money, budget and save. Using to keep calm and be prepared for an emergency landing.
MAE also enables me to track and control my spending by He said that one of the wheels was stuck and he had to try
transferring only my monthly budget to MAE in order to his best to land the plane with one missing wheel.
prevent overspending. The flight attendants started moving among the
By using e-wallet, cash is redundant but you need passengers telling us not to panic. They instructed us to
a smart phone. It will be safer because chances of losing keep our seat belts on and adopt the brace position. I bent
the money are almost nil. You save time as you can avoid forward and put my hands over my head, getting ready
queuing to withdraw money from the ATM machine and for the crash impact. I could feel the eerie surrounding as

A5 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  English  Form 4  Answers

everybody was probably praying that the plane would successfully. The bouquets of pink roses to convey the
land safely. meaning of gratitude, grace and joy were delivered to our
Then, there was a loud sound as the plane hit the houses without their knowledge. Then, I read out a special
ground, sliding down at a high speed. It bounced up and poem that I specially dedicated to them. Father and I were
down a few times before it slammed the ground again both very grateful that all the ladies have stuck with us
and came to a stop. It was chaos in the cabin. I could hear through thick and thin.
people screaming and children crying. As soon as the As it was a special day, my father wanted my
plane stopped moving, the crew went to the emergency mother to relax so we went out for lunch at our favourite
exit and began to get the passengers down the chute. restaurant. The management of the restaurant had
I was lucky that I was not hurt. The medical team provided a secluded corner, specially decorated for the
quickly took care of the few who were injured and the event. Out of the blue, the manager of the restaurant came
unhurt passengers were given a check-up. Everybody was to greet every lady in the restaurant and presented each of
thankful that the plane did not catch fire and most of the them with a beautiful cupcake.
passengers were safe and unhurt. Nevertheless, it was an We should be in favour of singing praises of our
ordeal that would be unforgettable in our whole life. loved ones, not only on birthdays but also other days to let
them know how we cherish and hold them in high regards.
Practice 2
I strongly believe that all women should be appreciated.
My father decided to take the family to Pulau
Perhentian which was located near Terengganu for a Practice 4
weekend in August. We drove to Kuala Besut to the jetty “How I Met My Best Friend”
where we took an approximately 40 minutes boat ride to My best friend and I have known one another for
reach the island. a very long time. Currently, we are attending different
The island is well known as a marine paradise and schools but we still get in touch through social media.
popular amongst snorkellers, divers and beach lovers. Once in a while, I call her and then, we will talk for hours!
Blessed with crystal-clear water, fine sand beaches, the I first met her on the first day of pre-school where
island is the perfect place to just relax and spend hours the teacher seated both of us next to each other. At the
at the beach. We stayed at the Perhentian Island Resort, a beginning, we were shy and just sat gloomily waiting for
resort surrounded by lush greenery, facing the beach and any instructions from the teacher. It was only after a few
the blue sea. After checking in, we did not waste time and days that I felt comfortable in my own skin that I began
headed straight to the beach for a swim. to draw the attention of the girl by my side. I shared my
The next morning, we took a jungle trail which was macaroni and cheese with her and she gave me some
less than 100 metres away from our resort. We trekked up chocolates. From that day, we were almost inseparable!
the hills under a canopy of large trees, and saw some wild Syamira is a beautiful, understanding and helpful
birds as well as some monkeys and bats. In the afternoon, person. She is quiet but she smiles all the time! For all the
we had so much fun swimming in the sea. We also went ten years that I know her, Syamira has been my backbone
snorkelling to see the marine life. Although it was said that and a driving motivator to most of successful ventures.
the green turtles would come to lay eggs between June She has always been my greatest supporter in my sports
and September, we were not lucky enough to see any of and academic activities. Likewise, I have done the same
them on the beach. thing for her, too.
It was a leisurely family holiday in which my parents On my last birthday, she surprised me by appearing
and I really enjoyed ourselves. The island is such a beautiful at my house bearing a bouquet of chocolates and balloons.
and peaceful place, which seems just like a paradise. We It was an unexpected gesture from her that brought tears
had such a memorable experience that we could never to my eyes. I hope that we would continue to have an
forget. everlasting friendship so we can cherish our nostalgic
memories right into our old age.
Practice 3
Celebrating Women’s Day 4. REPORT
It was a memorable occasion for the three
Practice 1
generations of women in the family when my father and
Date: 14th May 2023
I held a surprise celebration for them in conjunction with
To: Encik Daniel bin Muhammad
the International Women’s Day. My grandmother, mother
Title: Sports Day
and sisters were caught unaware when we presented each
It was a fun-filled Sports Day for the students of SMK
of them with a bouquet of roses after our breakfast that
Gunung Pauh last Saturday. Everyone had been excited
since sports practices started and the day before the actual
Grandma was struck dumb and tearfully hugged
date was a significant time. A full-dressed rehearsal was
my father and I. Mother and my two sisters expressed
held in the morning whereas in the afternoon, members of
their gratitude and applauded us for keeping a secret

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English  Form 4  Answers 

the four sports houses went all out decorating their tents We were pleased with how everything has turned
to vie for the best decorated tent. out. The English teachers and the committee members
The day started with the arrival of Tuan Haji Hashim deserved the accolade for all their effort to make the event
bin Maarof as the honoured guest. First, there was a march a success and we also wish to express our gratitude to all
past by representatives of the Red House, Green House, participants who put their heart out to join the various
Blue House and Yellow House and the final sports events activities organised. It is hoped that this programme would
started after the official speech. The running events were motivate students into learning English and improve their
400 metres, 200 metres, 100 metres including the relay confidence level into speaking the language.
and hurdles for all categories. There were also events for
teachers and the Game Officials. Prepared by,
The highlight of the day was during the Syamil Ahmad
announcements of the results for all the competitions (Secretary of Eng. Lgg. Society)

on that day. The overall champion was the Red House,
followed closely by the Yellow and Green Houses. The Blue Practice 3
House grabbed the trophy for the best decorated tent and Date: 22nd May 2023
the best mascot. The best athletes, male and female were To: Puan Syarifah binti Khairul
both from the Red House. The event ended at half-past Title: Donation Drive for School
noon after the presentation of all medals and trophies. The Entrepreneur Club of SMK Desa Tanjung
Students showed a great level of sportsmanship as organised a Donation Drive to collect funds for the school
well as learning teamwork skills which will benefit them to carry out various projects and to buy more books for
in future interactions with other people in society. Indeed, the school library. The school alumni association, teachers,
teachers and students should celebrate Sports Day with parents and students have been exceptionally generous
vigour and great enthusiasm! in their support towards this purpose. We raised a total
amount of RM18,350.00 just through donations from staff,
Prepared by, parents and alumni. An additional RM5,644.50 was raised
Syarifah Amira by having a Canteen Day where we opened a few booths
(Secretary of Sports Committee) to sell food and things. The school Canteen Day was held
in the field on Saturday morning 27th August 2023. The
Practice 2
total amount collected after everything was wrapped up
Date: 13th April 2023
came to RM23,994.50.
To: Puan Asyikin binti Ali
About RM6,000 will be given to the library and the
Title: English Language Week
rest will be used for school projects such as to buy paints
The English Language Society of SMK Jelai organised
for murals and plants to beautify the school compound.
its annual English Language Week from 2nd of April until
The money will be put to good use and managed wisely
6th of April 2023. Using the slogan “ English is Fun”, the
by the teachers in charge.
objective of the programme is to encourage the use of the
We are grateful to the alumni association for
language among students and for students to show their
giving a large contribution, especially by the successful
abilities in using English Language.
entrepreneurs and corporations. We are also indebted to
The event kicked off on Monday, 2nd April 2023,
parents and students who volunteered their services to
with the assembly in the Open Hall. After the official
ensure the success of the Canteen Day. Besides having
announcement, the Form 1 students entertained the
fun, the students gained entrepreneurial, planning and
audience with choral speaking and the Form 2 students
organisational skills. Some of the students also gained
performed a medley of melodious songs.
valuable interpersonal skills when interacting with all
Meanwhile, contests and other activities that
walks of life. The donation drive is a valuable experience
have been held throughout the week were the poem
for the students if they were to organise another charity
recitations, scrabble games, spelling bee, public speaking
drive in the future.
and crossword puzzles. On the last day, students had the
opportunity to watch the animated film “Pixie and Friends”.
Prepared by,
Tickets were sold at RM1.00 per student. The money raised
Safiah binti Saidin
will go to the English Language Society fund to be used for
(Secretary of Entrepreneur Club)
future programmes.
The closing ceremony of English Language Week
was held on Friday at 10.30 a.m. The Principal, Puan Maria
Samad presented books and hampers as gifts to the
winners and awarded certificates to all the participants.

A7 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  English  Form 4  Answers

Part 1
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B
7. A
Part 2
8. A 9. C 10. C 11. C 12. A 13. B
14. B 15. A
Part 3
Speaker 1 – D
Speaker 2 – G
Speaker 3 – A
Speaker 4 – E
Speaker 5 – C
Part 4
21. hike
22. plants
23. river
24. waded
25. pollution
26. decreasing
27. logged
28. machinery
29. murky
30. thirty

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A8

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