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Answer Key for the 8 Exam Preparation Units & 2 Practice Tests.

Audioscripts for all the Listening sections of the 8 Preparation


Units and the 2 Practice Tests

SIMPLY LanguageCert C1
Answer Key - Units 1 - 8
1.c 2.a 3.a 4.c 5.a 6.b 7.a 8.b
Unit 1 Step Two Exercise 5
The conversation is about a friend who’s
Section A - Vocabulary Conversational context

1.invaluable 2.subsequent late and might cause the man (and woman)
Exercise 1

3.globalisation 4.tuition 5.postgraduate to miss a train, as a result. The man is obvi- 1.commute 2.congested 3.hospitable
Exercise 6

6.intensive 7.covered a lot of ground ously anxious due to the situation, shown 4.mountainous 5.scenery 6.transportation
8.comfort zone 9.interaction by his comment ‘I wouldn’t mind but…
10.master’s degree
1.horizons 2.for 3.fumes 4.further
Exercise 7
a) Context: in the run-up to an exam. The 5.hands 6.transport
Before you practise

1.intensive 2.master’s degree 3.invaluable speaker is friendly, wanting to co-operate

Exercise 2

4.interaction 5.subsequent 6.postgraduate with the other speaker in the dialogue.

7.comfort zone 8.Globalisation 9.covered a b) Context: both speakers have put a lot of 1.b 2.b 3.a 4.a 5.a 6.b
Exercise 8

lot of ground 10.tuition effort into something that was probably suc-
cessful, as one of the speakers thinks they
deserve a reward. ‘...we’ve earned one.’ The 1.a 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.c
Exercise 9

1.lined up 2.voluntary 3.relocate speaker seems tired from the effort since
Exercise 4

4.recruitment agency 5.enhanced she believes they deserve a reward.

6.notoriously 7.head start 8.pursue c) Context: an exam or some form of test is Across: 3.mode 4.iceberg 6.fulfil
Exercise 10

9.vacancies approaching. The speaker is expressing 7.hospitality 10.cater 11.aboard

some anxiety: ‘Let’s hope the next one Down: 2.scenic 3.mountainous
isn’t too difficult.’ 5.exhaust 8.itinerary 9.afield
1.relocation 2.invaluable 3.pursuit
Exercise 5

4.volunteered 5.vacant 6.enhancement

7.interact 8.intensively 1.b 2.c 3.a 4.a 5.b 6.c
LISTENING - Exam Practice - Part 1 Section B - Exam Preparation

1.a 2.b 3.b 4.c 5.b 6.c

LISTENING - Exam Practice - Part 2

1.b 2.a 3.b 4.c 5.a 6.c 7.c 8.b

Exercise 6 READING - Part 1

1. False Key information in question states

Step Two READING - Part 2
that women and men find retirement
Step Three

1.out 2.covered 3.give 4.up 5.between equally difficult. Key information in text The correct gap-fill is b) since only in this
Exercise 7 More detailed analysis states that retirement is more diffi- cult, sentence is it clear what is being referred to
‘even harder’ for women than men. by the subject pronoun, ‘they’ i.e cameras.
2. True Key information in question states In sentence a) the demonstrative pronoun
1.b 2.a 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.b that women found retirement ‘this’, being singular, cannot refer to the
Exercise 8
easier in the past. Key information in text plural subject ‘people’ or plural object
agrees with statement in the question, since ‘cameras’. For the same reason, sentence
1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.F women were ‘relatively unaffected’ by re- c) beginning with the singular pronoun ‘it’
Exercise 9
tirement (as compared to today’s situation is incorrect. Sentence d) is also incorrect,
referred to in para.1, where they find it as the definite article ‘the’ assumes prior fa-
Across: 1.pursue 2.master’s 3.tuition ‘harder to adjust than men.’ miliarity with the topic, (the hobby of pho-
Exercise 10

6.globalisation 7.changing 8.recruitment 3. True Key information in question states tography) although this is not the case here.
Down: 1.postgraduate 4.head start that women who have recently retired do
5.vacancy 6.ground not adjust well to being at home. Key in-
formation in the text agrees with statement 1.E 2.A 3.H 4.C 5.G 6.B
READING - Exam Practice - Part 2
in the question, saying newly-retired
women ‘now…hitting retirement age’ are
Section B - Exam Preparation
‘struggling’ with ‘domesticity’.
LISTENING - Part 1 Unit 3
Step One Section A - Vocabulary

In a) there is a sense of urgency implied by 1.stigma 2.compatible hard

Placing the questions in context Exercise 1

the use of better + verb. The need to call 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F feelings 5.trial period 6.nurture
READING - Exam Practice - Part 1

again suggests urgency and since the per- 7.blind date 8.flirting 9.flattering
son who is going to be called is obviously the flesh
absent, they are likely needed for an urgent
Unit 2
reason e.g. a work crisis etc. the flesh 3.flattering
Section A - Vocabulary
In b) something has happened to upset the
Exercise 2
1.broaden your horizons 2.go further afield 4.stigma 5.trial period 6.flirt
Exercise 1
speaker, although by implication, the other 3.mountainous 4.hospitality 5.scenic
person in the conversation is not so upset, 7.compatible 8.blind date 9.nurture
6.fulfil my dream 7.itinerary 8.catered for hard feelings
since the speaker exclaims ‘I’ find it an- 9.aboard 10.iceberg
noying. Possibly the speaker is upset over
someone’s behaviour, it could be a parent
annoyed about a child etc. 1.turned against 2.stand up to
Exercise 4
1.fulfil my dream 2.mountainous 3.cyberbullying 4.confided in
Exercise 2
In c) the two people in the conversation are 3.broaden, horizons 4.aboard 5.go further
obviously expecting someone who has not 5.self-esteem 6.isolated 7.campaign
afield 6.itinerary 7.hospitality 8.caters for 9.bully 10.worthless
turned up. Since the speaker is trying to re- 9.iceberg 10.scenic
assure the other person, it would suggest
that the latter is more concerned than the
speaker. It is possible the situation is a 1.compatibility 2.confidence 3.confidential
Exercise 5

meeting that has been organised. 4.isolation 5.stigmatised 6.worth

1.congestion 2.transportation 3.slowed to
Exercise 4

a crawl 4.ease 5.exhaust fumes

6.take your life in your hands 7.modes 1.a 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.b 6.b 7.a 8.b
Exercise 6
8.commuters 9.flow 10.infrastructure

3 3.hard 4.up 5.against 1.ahead 2.fair 4.from 5.has 6.back
Exercise 7 Exercise 8 SPEAKING - Part 1

Suggested answers:
Step One

1.Have you ever considered studying

1.attached 2.went on 3.launched 4.low 1.a 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.b abroad? (present perfect)
Exercise 8 Exercise 9

5.offers 2.Would you drop out of college if you

were offered a good job?
Across: 7.otherwise 9.contestants (future conditional)
Exercise 10

1.a 2.a 3.b 4.b 5.a 6.b 10.dozens 3.Do you think university helps you get a
Exercise 9
Down: 1.consumption 2.torch good job? (present simple)
3.authentic 5.fair 6.booked 8.feast 4.In your opinion, are exams getting easier?
Across: 2.flesh 3.nurture 4.flirting (present continuous)
Exercise 10

5.cyberbullying 7.trial 8.stand

Down: 1.flattering 2.feelings 6.bully
Section B - Exam Preparation


Suggested answers:
Step Two Unit 5
Question 1:
Section A - Vocabulary

lost popularity = became unpopular/unfash- 1.perpetrator 2.genocide 3.defendant

Section B - Exam Preparation Exercise 2

1.more (rigorous) research 2.7.5 hours a ionable 4.come before the court 5.atrocities
LISTENING - Exam Practice - Part 3

day 3.strengthen their relationships/ huge crowds = loads/masses/throngs of 6.crimes against humanity 7.jurisdiction
interact with friends and acquaintances people, packed (with people) account 9.prosecute 10.take the stand
4.decline in well-being 5.9 out of 10 certain periods = peak times/periods
6.sleep loss 7.light (emitted) from phones continually crowded = constantly packed
Question 2: 1.stand trial 2.innocence 3.on suspicion of
Exercise 3

shipwrecked = cast ashore/stranded on the 4.evidence 5.try 6.DNA 7.calling

1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.A beach 8.verdict 9.imprisonment 10.reinstate
READING - Exam Practice - Part 3
chase = pursue/follow in pursuit
sunk = submerged
storm = gale 1.verdict 2.tried 3.innocence 4.DNA
SPEAKING - Part 4 Exercise 4

Suggested answers: Question 3: 5.evidence 6.on suspicion of 7.stand trial

Step Two

1.I reckon that it is acceptable if humans spoilt = ruined, destroyed 9.reinstate 10.imprisonment
are willing to volunteer for tests. In a way it natural = unspoilt, unaltered/unchanged
is probably more ethical than testing on an- man-made appeal = artificial attraction
imals that aren’t given the choice to partici- destroyed by Man = ruined, spoilt 1.reinstatement 2.suspect 3.defend
Exercise 5

pate in the first place. 4.tried 5.imprisoned 6.perpetrator

2.Personally I wouldn’t be too happy vol- 7.innocent 8.prosecution
unteering to be a human guinea pig. If we 1.b 2.c 3.b 4.b 5.a 6.c 7.a
LISTENING - Exam Practice - Part 4

need to test medicines on animals before

using them ourselves, how can it be safe to 1.b 2.a 3.c 4.c 5.a 6.c 7.b 8.c
Exercise 6

be a human guinea pig?

READING - Part 4

3.In my opinion I think it is unethical to test Suggested answers:

Step One

cosmetics on animals. Whilst testing medi- Question 1: They can concentrate better. 1.give 2.under 3.held 4.before 5.took
Exercise 7

cines on animals can be justified, since Question 2: Alternating languages over a 6.stand
medicines save lives, cosmetics are merely lifetime.
a beauty aid and non-essential.
1.reach 2.committed 3.analyse
Exercise 8 search for opportunities elsewhere 4.protesting 5.stand 6.held

READING - Exam Practice - Part 4

2.anxiety 3.African and Indian

4.the reclaiming of freedom 5.welcome to
Unit 4
their home 6.her ancestry/ancestors 1.b 2.a 3.b 4.c 5.b 6.c
Section A - Vocabulary Exercise 9

1.more than its fair share 2.have their roots 7.racism, sexism and cultural marginali-za-
Exercise 1

in 3.plays host to 4.dozens 5.traced back tion 8.satisfying

6.onlookers 7.contestants 8.participants 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.F 8.T
Exercise 10

9.torches 10.authentic WRITING - Part 2

Suggested answer:
Step Three Section B - Exam Preparation

1.torches 2.traced back 3.more than its fair I walked past the market where pungent-
Exercise 2 LISTENING - Part 1

share 4.contestants 5.onlookers smelling/fresh/oily fish, vibrant/aromatic/ 1.d 2.b 3.f 4.a
Exercise 2

6.has its roots in 7.dozens 8.authentic eye-catching flowers and fresh fruit were
9.played host to 10.Participants sold. I could hear the haunting/piercing/
ear-splitting cries of market-sellers as I 1.c 2.a 3.c 4.a 5.b 6.b
LISTENING - Exam Practice - Part 1

moved through the bustling crowd.

1.excess 2.derived from 3.feast
Exercise 4

4.upmarket/pricy 5.anticipates 1.An enormous old grey Indian elephant.

READING - Part 1

6.otherwise 7.flamboyant 8.consumption 2.A magnificent large new brick mansion. 1.True as key information in the question
Exercise 2

9.pricy ahead 3.A gorgeous antique silver French mirror. states that victims are psychologically im-
4.A dilapidated old grey concrete factory. pacted. Key information in the text says
that victims suffered mental anguish.
1.b 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.c 6.b 2.True as key information in the question is
Exercise 5

Word box: All the adjectives can be applied the desire for an easy target. Key informa-
Step Four

to both a person and a thing, except for the tion in the text is that thieves are oppor-
1.b 2.a 3.b 4.b 5.b 6.a adjective ignored which can only be applied tunists so they won’t go for the difficult
Exercise 6

to people. option.
3.False as key information in the question
1.anticipation 2.authenticity 1. irritating 2. exhausted 3. liberated says wear your valuables with pride. Key
Exercise 7

3.consumption 4.contestants 4. delighted, astonished, overwhelmed information in the text says keep valuables
5.flamboyance 6.participate 5. perplexed 6. inspiring out of sight; do not flaunt them i.e. be dis-
7.derivation 8.excessive creet, don’t show off your valuables.

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