Under The Radar 2023 en

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Under the radar:

20 climate tech
innovations you
may have missed
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developments in climate technology and discover
innovative solutions to the global climate crisis.



James Gifford Michael van der Meer

Head of Sustainable & Head of Sustainable
Impact Investing Advisory Investment Analysts
Credit Suisse Credit Suisse

There is ongoing debate about whether the technology available today can mitigate the
worst effects of climate change. Some experts believe no new technologies are needed
and the only thing lacking is the political will to allow available innovations to gain market
traction and mature. They cite the rapid growth of cheap renewable energy and the success
of energy efficiency technologies as evidence.

Others, however, argue that current low-carbon technologies are expensive and unreliable,
and that cheaper and better solutions are needed to tackle climate change. They argue the
pace of innovation needs to increase with entirely new technology approaches.

Regardless of where you may stand in this debate, the good news is that thousands of
companies are developing and deploying technologies that can move the world toward a
more sustainable economy in the coming decades.

While innovations in electricity production and storage are crucial to achieving the climate
goals, other sectors and technologies with significant emissions should not be overlooked.
For example, innovations in plant-based and cultivated meat, fertilizer replacement,
sustainable crop protection and precision agriculture can help reduce emissions from the
agriculture sector while increasing productivity.

There is also an increasing focus on climate adaptation solutions that can help cities and
regions adapt to changing weather patterns and natural disasters, such as early warning
systems and resilient infrastructure.

A deeper understanding of the climate challenge is also critical, and a plethora of

technologies support research into its causes and effects. They include satellite imagery
and advanced modeling tools that enable researchers to collect and analyze huge volumes
of data on the climate system.

In summary, climate change needs to be tackled from all angles. There is no silver bullet to
solve the climate crisis. We believe all technologies should be explored. In this spirit, our
whitepaper outlines 20 lesser-known innovations that, taken together, we believe could
make a significant contribution to combating climate change in the coming decades.

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 3

While government regulation and policy can play a

significant role in addressing climate change, the
adoption of low-carbon technologies on a global
scale will ultimately depend on their cost-effective-
ness and reliability compared to traditional,
carbon-intensive options. This is especially true in
developing countries, where support for climate
action and the implementation of carbon pricing and
other climate policies may be limited by short-term
growth and employment priorities. By advancing and
promoting low-carbon technologies, such as
cheaper clean energy and precision agriculture,
investors can create a landscape where clean and
green solutions are the most attractive options for

The transition to a low-carbon economy will The rapid pace of technological innovation can
require a range of technologies from electric make it difficult to keep up with the latest
mobility to renewable energy generation and developments. In this whitepaper, we examine
storage. Many of the technologies to address 20 different “under the radar” technologies
these challenges are still in development, across key sectors where decarbonization is
although significant progress has been made and necessary. Within each sector, these “branches
many will reach maturity in the near future. By of decarbonization” point to new and existing
investing in these technologies, investors can technologies that can help us transition to a
accelerate the transition to a low-carbon econo- low-carbon economy (see page 7 for a graphical
my. At the same time, many of these technolo- representation). These technologies range from
gies will also deliver cost savings, increased advanced software and energy storage to
productivity and economic security. fertilizer replacement and cultivated meat. Not all
these technologies are at the same level of
According to the International Energy Agency development – some are already commercially
(IEA), rapid technological innovation will play a available while others are still in the lab.
crucial role in achieving net-zero emissions by
2050. In its “Faster Innovation Case” scenario, We focused on lesser-known solutions to
the IEA projects that 45% of all emission highlight new perspectives on the technological
reductions in 2050 will come from technologies challenges in the fight against climate change.
that are not yet commercially available. This However, looking at their broader combined
highlights the need for continued investment in impact, we believe these technologies have the
and support for the development and deployment potential to not only help address the climate
of new energy technologies. challenge, but deliver a broad range of additional
benefits across the economy, society, and the
Venture capital (VC) investment in climate environment.
technologies has surged in recent years, driven by
investors with a long-term perspective. According
to Climate Tech VC (CTVC), a data-sourcing firm,
the volume of assets under management (AUM)
dedicated to private climate investments increased
by USD 94 billion in 20221 – an impressive
achievement given last year’s challenging market

Private wealth can be a crucial source of funding

for these early-stage companies, as VC funds
that specialize in sectors may be more attractive
to patient private investors who do not have the
same constraints as large institutional investors.
Private investors who have developed expertise
in these technologies are also well positioned to
gain access to investment opportunities that may
not be sufficiently de-risked for institutional

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 5



Energy 08 15
Iron-air batteries Plastic membrane filters
01 22 36
Interferometric satellites
09 Mobility
Heat-ray drilling
02 24 16
Virtual power plant Green methanol
10 38
The tokamak stampede
03 26 17
Energy harvesting Electro-extraction
12 40
04 11 Agriculture
Wind yield enhancement Meta scaling systems
14 28 18
Microbiomic agriculture
05 12
Modular sodium reactors Desiccant space cooling
16 30 19
Cultivated meat on a veggie diet
06 13
Perovskite solar cells Electrochemical cement
18 32 20
Treeless wood
07 14
High-temperature Digital twins for
superconductors climate adaption
20 34




07 13


06 20 19




Tech readiness

Research Development Deployment

Note: In this visual representation, the maturity of various technologies is depicted through their placing along the
length of the branches. The further along the branch, the less mature the technology. The hanging fruits on the tree
represent technologies that we have identified as being crucial for efforts to achieve net-zero emissions. While this
visualization only depicts a small portion of the larger picture, it is important to note that each technology will play a
crucial role in reducing carbon in the atmosphere.

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 7
01 Energy

If you can’t see it,
you can’t manage it
The availability of enhanced satellite imaging of Earth
is key to our ability to manage natural phenomena and
anthropogenic activities. The analysis of frequent and
high-resolution pictures with advanced techniques
such as interferometric imaging is now being used for
identifying deforestation and monitoring greenhouse
gas emissions. The deployment of this technology is
enabled by smaller satellites as well as cheaper access
to space due to innovations such as reusable rockets.

Both governmental space agencies and commer- started to tackle the issue by investing in
cial operators are increasingly specializing in the methane monitoring from space using interfero-
development of low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites, metric imaging. Interferometric satellites use
resulting in an expansion of earth observation interferometry to measure methane emissions.
applications. The proximity to the planet surface They send a beam of light towards the Earth’s
and the multiple orbits completed per day (1.5 to surface and measure the amount of light
3-hour orbits) are the two features that make absorbed by methane in the atmosphere. This
such satellites an optimal solution for capturing technique allows the satellites to create detailed
high-resolution images. Spurred on by the maps of methane emissions on the planet’s
adoption of small-scale CubeSats, which can be surface, including from specific sources.
cheaply deployed using reusable rockets, the
number of satellites has grown rapidly, along with A number of for-profit and non-for-profit organi-
an increasing risk of collision.2 zations are bringing these satellite-based
solutions to market.5 Satellite sensors’ capability
Recent satellite data suggests that greenhouse to see across the wavelengths of the spectrum
gas emissions (GHG) from oil and gas production yields a vast amount of data. Artificial intelligence
are significantly underreported and may be as (AI) algorithms are now in development to
much as three times higher than reported.3 One identify, assess and measure a variety of
of the challenges is that methane emissions are emissions. For example, the Methane Alert and
difficult to detect without sophisticated equip- Response System from the UN’s International
ment. Moreover, given the high global warming Methane Emissions Observatory and the Global
potential of methane compared with carbon Emission Inventory from Climate TRACE are
dioxide (84 times more potent on a 20-year analyzing this data and detecting methane
timescale),4 independent GHG monitoring helps emissions with satellite-based systems in real
to enforce regulations but operators also have time.
their own inherent incentives to reduce gas
leaks. Some industry initiatives such as the Oil & Other applications of Earth observation technolo-
Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) have already gies include AI-powered vegetation management
systems to support the reliability and safety of
electricity grids. Given the increase in frequency
Increase in orbital objects larger than 10 cm in diameter and severity of wildfires and the damage they
Payloads into orbit have grown exponentially in recent years – can cause to transmission lines, satellites allow
Cumulative objects electrical utilities to assess tree-level data on
vegetation height and proximity to power lines.
25,000 Satellites can also be used to monitor the health
and growth of forests, allowing for early detec-
tion of illegal logging and deforestation. The
same satellite imagery can be used to create
accurate maps of forested areas, which can aid
15,000 in the enforcement of protected areas and
conservation efforts.



1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2021

Debris  Payloads  Rocket bodies

Source: 18th Space Defense Squadron, United States Space Force, Credit Suisse

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 9
02 Energy

Virtual power plant—

The distributed energy
platform adapted to
Virtual power plant (VPP) is a digital platform that
brings together numerous distributed generation
and storage sources to provide reliable electricity
with profit sharing incentives for the participants.
VPPs can leverage electricity from distributed
energy resources such as rooftop solar generation
and in privately-owned storage to distribute power
during peak grid price periods.

Utility-scale power plants generate large Individually, the DERs (e.g., a house owner with
quantities of energy at centralized locations and a solar and battery system or electric car) do not
distribute it via the electric grid. As energy have sufficient capacity, flexibility and control to
systems evolve, renewables such as solar and make it cost-effective or technically feasible to
wind, alongside batteries, are playing an increas- interact with the grid in a sophisticated way. At
ingly important role in energy generation. present, they can sell their power to the grid in
However, the output of renewables fluctuates some markets at a fixed, low price that does not
and there needs to be a way to manage this allow them to profit when energy prices are high.
variability that optimizes incentives for storing By pooling many thousands of diverse small-
and releasing electricity at optimal times. scale participants through a software platform,
VPPs can help DERs more actively participate in
Alongside centralized energy utilities, the the energy markets and add capacity and
widespread adoption of renewables and batteries flexibility to the system. Importantly, VPPs to the
has catalyzed what is called distributed energy grid can help to reduce the infrastructure costs
resources (DERs). These comprise mainly needed to mitigate the variability of renewable
small-scale, decentralized energy generation and energy sources while maximizing the returns for
storage capacity for commercial or residential participants’ investment into electricity production
use, including leveraging the capacity of electric and storage. In California, a VPP was activated
vehicle batteries. However, while this small-scale for the first time in 2022, connecting the storage
capacity has mitigated consumption of grid-sup- system of approximately 50,000 households.
plied power, it has not meaningfully added to the When the electricity grid is stressed, customers
capacity of centralized systems. This is because who choose to participate are paid USD 2/kWh
the grid operators have no visibility around DER for electricity exported to the grid.
production and have limited options for distribut-
ing it. As DER assets increase, however, it will VPPs are not without their drawbacks. There
become increasingly important to integrate them remains a lack of government regulation in most
into the energy grid in a more effective manner. jurisdictions to support small DERs in coordinat-
ing their participation in the energy market. They
A VPP effectively functions as a connected also add complexity to the system, requiring the
generation plant with its own capacity comprised development of new infrastructure, accurate
of DERs that are centrally managed by a virtual monitoring and system controls. Nevertheless,
operator. The assets within the DERs can VPP is a promising technology that allows the
individually generate, store, or consume electrici- optimization of a segment of the market that
ty. The VPP provides a platform for DERs to is currently underutilized.
offer their aggregated generation or storage
capacity to power markets. They can also curtail
their demands by reducing the electricity used by
connected appliances. The key to VPPs is
sophisticated software interfaces that can
monitor and control customer-based assets such
as home solar panels or battery systems. Some
VPPs go further and incorporate predictive tools
for anticipating power generation and usage. The
VPP brings a real-time control system that can
aggregate the flexible capacity of thousands or
millions of home or business-based renewable
power systems and help the system better
manage demand.

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 11
03 Energy

Energy harvesting—
Creating smart dust
Nikola Tesla demonstrated wireless power transfer
more than a century ago in his famous Tesla coil
experiment. The promise of wireless power is to
make electricity available where conventional wires
are inconvenient to deploy, but the technology
never progressed due to its size and safety limita-
tions. However, recent developments based on the
same principles, known as Radio Frequency (RF)
energy harvesting, have renewed the promise of
wireless power.

Ambient RF energy is available all around us – in one cell. Like old-fashioned Christmas lights,
from our natural environment as well as surplus when one panel is shaded the entire series will
energy from mobile phones, wireless networks not produce power. Large obstacles such as
and radio towers. An ambient RF system uses buildings or clouds can block sunlight from
this wasted energy in a process that can be reaching solar cells and even small objects such
described as energy scavenging. This energy can as leaves, snow, or dust can also create prob-
be used in low-power applications where energy lems.
sources such as single-use batteries or solar are
not viable. One potential application is in the This cascading effect can be overcome by
development of “smart dust” – tiny sensors that integrating a wireless power transfer system
can be dispersed in large numbers to monitor a directly into PV panels. Instead of cutting off all
wide range of conditions, such as temperature, PV cells in a chain, the system can “skip” over
humidity, pressure, or air quality. Another possible shaded cells and transmit their power to subse-
application is in the field of medical implants, quent cells. This wireless power transfer is made
such as pacemakers or insulin pumps. Low- possible by newly commercialized complementa-
powered devices to interact directly with human ry-metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) devices.
tissue can be used to monitor physiological CMOS chips can both transmit and receive
parameters. RF energy harvesting would allow all energy transferred in either direction without
these devices to operate indefinitely without the physical hardware or wires. These chips can
need for regular battery replacement. even send relevant data to the central load
management to make system signal adjustments
The alternative to ambient energy harvesting is in real time across the network of sensors.
dedicated RF energy harvesting, which transfers
electricity between a dedicated power transmitter Trials suggest that panels deployed in this way
and its receiver(s). A novel way that this dedicat- harvest on average 40% more power and reduce
ed energy harvesting is being applied is in the costs of energy by 30%, while freeing up
photovoltaic (PV) panels. A solar PV array is installations from conventional limitations such as
optimized by wiring several solar cells in a series wiring and additional electronics like inverters,
and connecting them in parallel. The disadvan- optimizers and diodes. If efficiency and scaling
tage is that the interconnected solar PV cells challenges can be overcome, future use cases
become vulnerable to power loss if there is shade may include wireless charging for EVs and
cell-based battery management.

Overcoming the shading cascade in solar cells

Individual wireless transmission frees cells from classic constraints

Solar cells illuminated Solar cells

but blocked from illuminated and
contributing current by can transmit
the shaded cells their electricity

Solar cells producing energy = 5 Solar cells producing energy = 10

Source: Credit Suisse

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 13
04 Energy

Wind yield enhancement—

Boosting the effectiveness
of wind turbines
Superconducting magnets hold the promise of making wind
turbine generators more compact. The reduction in weight
allows for lightweight supporting structures and decreases
construction costs. When combined with software that
places these turbines at an optimal location, efficient and
powerful turbines can take greater advantage of available
wind resources.

Wind energy continues to expand at a breakneck One alternative technology being developed is
pace across the world. As one of the main clean superconducting magnets. Discovered in 1911,
energy sources, it is a key ingredient in decar- superconductivity is a remarkable phenomenon
bonizing the electrical grid. Wind accounted for whereby certain materials below a critical
around half of the 522 TWh increase in renew- temperature carry an electric current without any
able energy generation in 2021.6 The trend in resistance. These resistance-free, flowing
offshore and (to a lesser extent) onshore wind currents can produce a powerful magnetic field
turbines has been to make them larger and more using significantly less energy than could be
powerful. To maintain the growth in wind deploy- produced using normal copper coils.
ment, the industry needs to develop generators
that are lighter and cheap – and a new genera- An advantage of superconductor-based turbines
tion of magnets hold the key. is that they can decrease the size and weight of
the generator further. This would allow them to
A conventional generator in a wind turbine be made more powerful, improving their eco-
converts the rotation of the blades into electricity. nomic value. In addition, this technology can
It consists of coils moving inside a magnetic field substantially reduce the average rare earth
which together create an electric current. While material content from 6 tons in a permanent
the most common approach is to use copper magnet generator to 10 kg in a superconducting
coils, these cannibalize electric power to gener- version. The engineering challenge is to effec-
ate the magnetism, thereby reducing the tively integrate the superconducting material and
efficiency of the turbine. keep it at very low temperatures. Some working
prototypes have been built, but the technology is
In recent years, permanent magnet-based not yet widely available.
generators have become increasingly popular as
they do not require an external power source to Concurrently, software can further increase wind
initiate the magnetic field. Permanent magnet turbine performance by optimizing its yield. New
generators are lighter, which in turn allows for a developments in data analysis, showing distanc-
lighter support structure that is advantageous in es to energy demand centers that can then be
offshore applications. However, they need large overlayed with meteorological and geographical
quantities of rare earth minerals. data, increases the effectiveness of wind
turbines through careful planning of the location.
This will positively impact both the power
generation capabilities (maximize wind power)
and construction (minimize costs by having a site
with optimal access).

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 15
Source: TerraPower

05 Energy

Modular sodium reactors—

Nuclear goes
back to the future
The nuclear energy industry is seeking to counter the
high cost of large-scale nuclear power by developing
small modular reactors (SMRs). The hope is that a
smaller form factor can drive down costs by reaping
economies of scale through the standardization of
production process. Additional innovations, such as
sodium fast reactors can also utilize spent fuel rods
from traditional nuclear generation, thereby turning
nuclear waste into additional energy.

According to the IEA, nuclear power generated The nuclear industry is now seeking to drive
about 10% of the world’s electricity in 2020 down costs through economies of scale in
through 439 (mostly large-scale) power plants.7 production and modular deployment. While the
small form factor of the new SMR reactors harks
Given the need to dramatically reduce fossil fuel back to the 1950s, some reactors now rely on
use, the IEA expects that nuclear power will hold convective cooling of the reactor core rather than
its global market share over the coming decades the traditional design of actively pumping water
despite the proliferation of renewables. The past the reactor to cool it down and generate
energy crisis in 2022 sparked renewed interest steam. Convective cooling involves using air or
in nuclear power, which proponents believe will water to transfer heat away from an object by
lead to a renaissance for the industry. creating a circulation of fluid around the reactor.
Proponents argue that the increased safety of
During the industry’s early days, nuclear power these “passive” systems allows for a more
plants were relatively small. As the industry widespread deployment of such reactors,
developed, operators started building significantly including closer to populated areas.
larger nuclear plants to gain economies of scale.
Since the 1950s, typical reactors grew from Another old nuclear technology – sodium fast
60 megawatts electrical (MWe) to more than reactors – has been reimagined. These reactors
1,600 MWe in order to make the most of land, use liquid sodium instead of water to extract heat
equipment and expertise.8 Over time, regulation, from the nuclear reaction, and can use spent fuel
political opposition and permit challenges in- rods from conventional light-water nuclear
creased, alongside a reduced appetite in many reactors. Moreover, the reactor can be operated
countries for large-scale infrastructure projects in a way that stores thermal energy to provide
that often ended in delays and cost overruns. electricity on-demand, which may be leveraged
Security also became a concern after incidents for district heating. The spent fuel from sodium
such as the Fukishima accident in Japan in 2011, reactors has fewer long-lived isotopes at the end
which highlighted the need to increase the safety of its use, making it easier to dispose of.
of nuclear plants.
Several challenges still need to be overcome
before modular sodium reactors can be widely
deployed. In the past, reactors using sodium
have been vulnerable to sodium fires, while the
reactor design has an enhanced risk of nuclear
Extracting energy from a nuclear reactor proliferation, requiring higher levels of physical
Coolant alternatives for transferring reactor heat security and political stability. If these challenges
can be overcome, a reinvigorated nuclear power
Primary coolant Heat storage Secondary coolant sector may bring back the atomic future that was
once promised.
Steam generator
Heat exchanger

Heat exchanger

Contain- tricity


Coolant pump (active) Coolant pump

or convection (passive)

Primary coolant Heat storage Secondary coolant

Pressurized water Pressurized water – Water/steam
Sodium fast reactor Liquid sodium Molten salt Water/steam

Source: Credit Suisse

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 17
06 Energy

Perovskite solar cells—

Pushing solar panel
efficiencies to new limits
Perovskites is a family of materials that has shown
potential for high performance and low production
costs in solar cells. Perovskites may be used on their
own but may also be able to significantly boost the
efficiency of conventional silicon-based solar cells
with minimal added costs.

Silicon-based solar photovoltaics (PV), from bandgap to efficiently capture light from the sun.
which conventional solar panels are made, have However, the process is indirect, which makes it
been optimized and improved over decades. As a less probable and requires a layer of active
result, solar power is a rapidly expanding industry material a few hundred microns thick. With
that is achieving economies of scale. However, perovskites, a current can be created directly in
existing silicon technology cannot continue to one step. This allows for the perovskite solar
increase its efficiency indefinitely, and it is already cells to be made much thinner (a few microns),
close to the hard, theoretical limit of around 30% which makes it flexible. The perovskites can be
solar energy to electricity conversion. Moreover, used alone or combined with other materials into
the production of silicon cells is energy intensive layers. The layers can be combined with other
as they must be treated at high temperatures to perovskites of differing bandgaps or with
achieve high purity, as energy conversion traditional silicon solar cells as a thin coating on
efficiency plumets with any defects. the top of the solar panel in order to increase the
spectrum of light that can be converted. The
In the decade since their emergence, perovskite multi-layered perovskite solar cells could in time
solar cells have advanced rapidly and increased more than double the efficiency of the current
the efficiency of silicon-only solar cells by around silicon PVs, and may be also more cost effective
20%. Perovskites share a common crystal on a per kWh basis.
structure. They can often be synthesized from
a wide variety of cheap and readily available Perovskites still face some challenges, such as
elements using low-temperature fabrication with their use of lead, degradation when exposed to
a relatively small carbon footprint. light and humidity and their industrial scaling up.
Work is underway to mitigate the use of lead
The ability to modify the perovskite using without compromising the cell’s efficiency and
different elements allows scientists to tune its stability. In terms of longevity, recent accelerated
“bandgap,” which is the minimal amount of ageing tests show perovskite cell stability of
energy required to liberate an electron and create 30 years or more. A number of companies are
an electric current. Visible light has slightly more planning to bring perovskites to market within the
energy than the silicon gap and so it can produce next few years.
an electric current. Silicon has the right size of

Silicon versus Perovskite

Perovskites generate an electric current more readily through a direct rather than two-step process

High-energy state:
conducting electron

Bandgap: Light energy Non-conducting electron Light energy Non-conducting electron

minimum light becomes conducting becomes conducting
energy to when it receives enough when it receives enough
create an light energy as part of a light energy
electric current two-step process

Low-energy state:
non-conducting electron

Source: Credit Suisse

Silicon photocell Perovskite photocell

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 19
07 Energy

Renewable energy
is a dish best served cold
Global renewable energy capacity is set to dominate the
world’s energy mix by the end of the decade. In order to
unleash its full potential, electricity generated from
diverse renewable sources and locations needs to be
transmitted in a more effective way over long distances.
Power lines using high-temperature superconductors
could be a solution: Carrying high current densities with
no resistance, this would minimize losses and increase
grid resilience.

Long-distance energy transmission is particularly Superconducting materials that transfer electricity
important for renewables where resources may over long distances may offset some of these
be geographically spread out (e.g., wind resourc- challenges. Effective transmission of power is
es off the coast), or available at different times essentially related to the resistivity of the conduc-
and seasons. Connecting renewables across tor, which in turn is affected by temperature.
different locations increases reliability, reduces When cooled to a sufficiently low temperature,
the need for storage and enables a more con- the resistivity of some materials drops to zero.
stant and effective power provision. For example, High-temperature superconductors (HTS) are
linking solar projects along an east-to-west defined as materials that behave as supercon-
corridor extends the amount of daytime solar ductors of electricity at temperatures above 77 K
electricity available to the grid. Studies show (-196.2°C), the boiling point of liquid nitrogen.
inverse relationships between wind speed and The temperatures for HTS are therefore still
solar irradiance in Northern European regions incredibly low, but their relative advantage could
such as Britain.9 deliver substantial operating efficiency gains
when successfully applied for transmitting
However, current technologies for transmitting electricity on a large scale.
electricity over long distances result in significant
electricity loss due to inefficiencies, such as high Challenges remain to keep cables equipped with
resistivity and inadequate equipment.10 In HTS cooled at a stable operating temperature as
addition, developing new transmission systems needed for effective power transmission applica-
to integrate renewable energy into the grid is tions. Solutions include applying subcooled liquid
often costly and time-consuming. nitrogen along the cable system. However, this
entails the need for mechanic subcooling
equipment on the lines every few kilometers,
which makes long-distance applications burden-
some, expensive and energy intense.

Potential developments include the design of

alternative cryogenic cooling systems to enhance
Superconductivity below critical temperature the efficiency of the process. This could reduce
Transmitting electricity without resistance the flow of nitrogen needed to maintain the
cables at the desired temperature, and/or help
minimize the large amount of energy needed to
Liquid nitrogen temperature

Critical temperature

cool the cryogenic agent. Provided that tempera-

Superconductor ture stability can be managed over large distanc-
es, superconducting power lines can result in a
Metal substantial increase in the flow of power. This
technology could also be implemented in small-
er-scale electricity transmission lines. Besides
Electrical resistance

mitigating losses from lower resistivity, this

greater efficiency also helps the grid become
Room temperature

more resilient through the rerouting of power in

a timelier manner.

No resistive losses
in superconductor

Source: Credit Suisse

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 21
Source: Form Energy

08 Energy

Iron-air batteries—
Long-duration storage
that should rust in peace
Iron-air batteries are a promising alternative chemistry
for storing energy at scale. This technology could make
a renewables-dominated grid more viable by providing
cheap, longer-duration and potentially even seasonal

Solar and wind have become the cheapest form gen from the air. In the process, iron is oxidized
of electricity generation. Yet the variability of as rust during which an electron is freed and
renewables is often cited as a limiting factor for creates a current. To store energy, the reverse
their widescale adoption. The cost of large-scale process is to “unrust” the iron back to its original
storage determines whether excess electricity form in a process that draws electricity.
produced by renewables can be stored for later
use. To store electrical energy, it needs to be Using cheap and abundant non-toxic materials,
converted to another form of energy. In the case the cost per energy stored could be a factor of
of batteries, it is chemical energy. Different types ten lower than lithium-ion batteries. This would
of batteries can have different applications make iron-air batteries highly attractive in energy
depending on the needed capacity, responsive- grid storage for renewables, allowing energy to
ness and energy density (energy that can be be stored for days – and perhaps even seasons –
stored per unit weight of the battery). Lithium-ion rather than for a few hours, as is the case with
batteries offer high-performance energy storage, existing batteries.
as they work well and are efficient with a fast
frequency response. Although relatively expen- However, the oxidation process is slow in
sive for larger-scale energy grid storage, they are comparison to lithium-ion, meaning charging and
increasingly used to shift hourly excess electricity discharging takes longer. The energy densities
generation to peak demand periods. Unfortu- achieved are low and this is unlikely to change
nately, economical multi-day storage solutions soon. The battery charge-discharge efficiencies
remain elusive. are also lower at around 50% compared to
lithium-ion rates of above 80%. This means half
The iron-air battery was first conceived in the of the energy to be stored will be lost. The
1970s, but has recently resurfaced as demand number of charge/discharge cycles that can be
for a low-cost solution to energy storage has achieved before the battery degrades remains
become more pressing. Iron-air batteries store limited. Therefore, numerous technical hurdles
their energy through the reaction of iron with oxy- still need to be overcome for the technology to
be market-ready.

If these technical issues are achieved, iron-air

batteries will play an important role in supporting
the power output variability of renewable energy
Rusting and de-rusting stores energy sources. That said, they are unlikely to com-
Using abundant, non-toxic elements can create an pletely replace lithium-ion batteries, which have
effective battery other grid stabilization advantages, but are likely
to be a complementary technology that enhanc-
Store energy es the availability of longer-duration energy
Oxygen out
Oxidized iron (rust)


Oxygen in


Release energy

Source: Credit Suisse

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 23
09 Energy

Heat-ray drilling—
Finding the sun
beneath our feet
The Earth’s core, which is about as hot as the surface
of the sun, is a major source of energy. Capturing even
a fraction of the energy embodied below the Earth’s
crust could provide all of the world’s energy needs.
Heat ray drilling adopts a nuclear fusion technology to
vaporize rock and reach depths not considered
feasible until recently. If successful, heat-ray drilling
may make reliable geothermal energy abundant
almost anywhere.

The natural geothermal heat that radiates from For this technology to go beyond the lab, several
the Earth’s inner core originated billions of years hurdles need to be overcome. The deepest
ago along with the formation of the solar system. borehole ever drilled reached 12.2 km on the
Heat dissipates to the surface, with tempera- Kola peninsula in Russia. To take advantage of
tures up to hundreds of degrees a few kilometers previously untapped geothermal resources, wells
below homes and factories. Sometimes, it of anywhere from 5-20 km depth would be
breaks through the Earth’s crust; for thousands required, according to current estimates. More
of years, humans have harnessed geothermal precise cost and viability projections are also
energy through hot springs, fumaroles and needed, including the frequency and size of
geysers. The last century also saw the develop- holes necessary to generate power at scale, and
ment of geothermal electricity production and the corresponding energy used to power the
distributed heating and cooling applications. If gyrotron.
successfully harnessed, this energy is practically
limitless as the decay of naturally occurring The application of gyrotrons for drilling could
radioactive materials in the Earth’s core continu- avoid costly replacements of mechanical equip-
ously replenishes the heat, a process that could ment, creating an incentive to adopt the technol-
last billions of years. ogy in traditional extractive industries. At 20 km
depth, temperatures are expected to reach
However, this enormous resource potential between 350°C and 500°C depending on the
remains largely untapped mainly due to the cost location. This allows water to reach a supercritical
of drilling. At present, geothermal energy state, carrying it back up at high temperature and
represents less than 1% of the global power pressure. Drilling holes near existing power plants
provision. Naturally occurring hydrothermal could help old fossil-fuel facilities extend their
resources are relatively rare and location specific. useful lifetimes, adapting them to use geothermal
About 90% of the current accessible geothermal steam while retaining the generating turbines and
energy is present in the form of hot dry rock as power management infrastructure that was
cold water needs to be injected into the rock to previously used for fossil fuel generation.
create energy. In addition, many locations require
boreholes that are several kilometers deep in Finally, given the near 100% capacity factor of
order to achieve sufficiently high temperatures geothermal resources, they can provide reliable
for geothermal power generation (e.g., at least baseload power and grid balancing services,
150°C for flash or dry steam technologies). This further paving the way toward 100% renewable
is not technically or economically viable with power.
current mechanical drilling technologies. Re-
searchers believe record-breaking depths could
be achieved by using a gyrotron beam. A
gyrotron is a wave generator developed for fusion
research that produces millimeter waves that are
capable of melting or vaporizing rock.

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 25
Source: Commonwealth Fusion Systems LLC

10 Energy

The tokamak stampede—

Trapping million-degree
plasma with magnets
A tokamak reactor is a doughnut-shaped device
that produces power using magnetic fields to
confine plasma in order to ignite and sustain a
fusion reaction. The promise of fusion power is to
provide virtually limitless clean energy without
many of the disadvantages of conventional
nuclear power, such as long-lived nuclear waste.

A few grams of hydrogen-type fuel could be As a result, an increasing number of private
sufficient to supply enough energy for one fusion companies have entered the race to try to
person in a developed country for 60 years.11 shorten the path to a net positive fusion energy
This is the dream of clean, abundant fusion output. We might call this a repeat of the
energy. However, achieving fusion is difficult as it “tokamak stampede” seen in the latter half of the
requires overcoming the very strong repulsion of 20th century. Central to this renewed momen-
positively charged hydrogen-type atoms (plasma) tum, has been magnet development – but this
for a sufficiently long period of time and in high time around small-scale private companies willing
enough densities with minimal interaction with to iterate fast are advancing this technology.
the surrounding environment. While research into
fusion began in the 1950s, no fusion reactor has Stronger magnetic fields allow for better confine-
managed to generate more energy than it ment of the plasma and smaller tokamak
consumes to date. Tokamak-based reactors have reactors. In addition to the economic benefits,
come the closest. A tokamak is designed to this approach allows for more rapid prototyping
tightly confine and heat plasma fuel to a few of the technology. To create strong magnetic
hundred million degrees using very strong fields, commercial high-temperature supercon-
magnetic fields to sustain a continuous fusion ducting (HTS) magnets have emerged. HTS
reaction from which theoretically limitless clean magnets have remarkable properties that allow
electricity can be extracted. This remains the them to conduct much higher currents and
preferred approach for public and private fusion generate much higher magnetic fields than more
reactors being built today. The largest of these is traditional low-temperature superconductors
the flagship ITER project, a collaboration be- (LTS). The latter are made from a metallic-like
tween 35 countries to build a fusion reactor material that is easy to make into wires, whereas
costing upwards of EUR 18 billion, which has HTS magnets consist of a ceramic-like material
been under construction in France since 2013. that is challenging to make into the required
However, the lengthy and costly construction of windings. Overcoming this technological hurdle
such large-scale reactors could make them will bring the strongest possible magnetic fields
economically unattractive. to the tokamak.

Traditional vs new fusion reactors

Startups are making smaller reactors with HTS magnets

Low-temperature High-temperature
superconducting magnets superconducting magnets
Tokamak size


Fusion energy output


ITER reactor

Tokamak fusion start-ups

Magnetic field strength

Source: Credit Suisse

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 27
11 Industrials

Meta scaling systems—

Underpinning a
sustainable metaverse
A new type of processor, the data processing unit
(DPU), is improving power consumption and reducing
costs – both critical benefits given the pressure to
make energy-intensive data centers more efficient.
As cloud services have disproportionally driven up
the load on host central processing units (CPUs),
offloading these “housekeeping” functions onto
specialized DPU processors helps ensure data
centers are optimized for data-intensive services.

Data center infrastructure accounts for between In the same way as graphics processing units
2% to 3% of global electricity use, and is expect- (GPU) have been added for graphics computa-
ed to continue to grow due to increased digitali- tion and AI application processing, the new
zation ranging from streaming services to DPUs will take a range of functions away from
increasingly sophisticated metaverse applica- the CPU and execute them more efficiently.
tions.12 While data-intensive processes such as
artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning DPUs are programmable processors designed
(ML) use vast amounts of energy, they are also with dedicated hardware capabilities for acceler-
critical enablers of the clean energy transition.13 ating networking, data encryption/decryption and
More efficient chips and the increasing use of offloading tasks that previously would have run as
low-carbon energy by data centers have so far software on generalized CPUs, and by running
helped to mitigate the environmental impact. the tasks in hardware there is potential for
However, growth in data-intensive workloads significant power savings. An independent review
such as big data, AI/ML, and virtual collabora- of commercialized DPUs demonstrates that
tion, entertainment and education will require power savings of up to 34% can be achieved.14
new approaches to energy efficiency.
The DPU also reduces the load on the CPU so
As the internet evolves into a more spatially that more processing cycles are available to run
immersive 3D experience, networking and applications. With key data and control functions
storage risk becoming bottlenecks, and current isolated in a separate domain on the DPU, the
architectures will need to become more efficient server infrastructure is more secure in case the
to accommodate increased data-intensive CPU or its software is compromised. Hyperscale
workloads. This can be achieved by offloading cloud providers and telco/data communications
these services from CPUs, where they are applications will be the key markets.
consuming a growing percentage of processing
capacity, to a new class of dedicated processors.

Meta-scale performance with optimized processors

Data processing unit (DPU) specialization unlocks new data center efficiencies

DPU: Data Centric Computing, analyzing data

on the go, saving power and increasing
energy efficiency in the data center

 10s of cores
centric  Ideal big data processing

 Handles 1000s of operations at scale

CPU: General Purpose Computing GPU: Accelerated computing

 Several cores  Many cores
centric  Ideal for serial processing  High throughput

 Handles fewer operations concurrently  Ideal for parallel processing

Control centric Data centric

Source: Credit Suisse

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 29
12 Industrials

Desiccant space cooling—

Solving indoor
climate change
Desiccant cooling has the potential to significantly reduce
the energy consumption of buildings. It achieves this
through highly efficient cooling and dehumidification
through the absorption of moisture in the air. Unlike heat
pumps, no harmful refrigerants are used and desiccant
cooling uses less energy than better-known heat-pump
systems that are already considered highly efficient.

According to the IEA, space cooling today An alternative technology to improve the energy
accounts for around 20% of the total electricity efficiency of air conditioning systems is to utilize
use in buildings.15 Air conditioners globally use heat-driven liquid (or solid) desiccant cooling
more than 2,200 TWh of electricity every year, systems. The main process in these devices is
which is equivalent to almost all the nuclear the absorption of water from the air by a liquid
energy produced. Rising standards of living and desiccant, such as a concentrated salt solution.
technological advances are further driving In parallel, an indirect evaporative process
demand. Most air conditioners are a type of heat provides cooling. The absorption of water
pump that is among the most effective forms of reduces the salt concentration in the desiccant.
cooling (and heating) available. However, the A heat source is used to heat the liquid to
efficiency depends on internal and external evaporate the water and thereby regenerate the
temperatures: the bigger the difference, the lower salt concentration, which is circulated back. The
the efficiency. This means that performance is advantage of this approach is that the efficiency
worst on the hottest days when air conditioning is of the system is highest when the external
most needed. The air conditioning units also rely temperature is the highest – exactly when it is
on hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants that most needed. The liquid desiccant can be heated
have often a very high greenhouse warming to a high concentration but only used to absorb
potential (GWP), which is several thousand times moisture to cool later when needed – making it
higher than carbon dioxide over a 100-year time well suited for storing renewable energy.
period. The risk is that these chemicals gradually
leak into the environment during the device’s Despite these compelling advantages, some
operation, when inappropriately disposing of the challenges need to be overcome for the technol-
equipment at the end of its life, or during the ogy to become widespread. One such challenge
manufacturing process. As a result, regulations in is the high cost of the system. Additionally, the
the USA and Europe are gradually tightening to system can be complex to install and maintain.
eliminate the highest GWP refrigerants, which is The desiccants can potentially corrode metal
leading to innovation to find more energy efficient alloys such as pipes and ducts of the system.
and environmentally friendly technologies. In closed, indoor environments, this can corrode
the ducts and ventilation systems, and can
potentially be harmful to the occupants.

Dehumidification and cooling

Buildings use a desiccant to absorb moisture and cool down the interiors

Evaporation of
water by heating

Absorption of

Desiccant liquid

Source: Credit Suisse

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 31
13 Industrials

Electrochemical cement—
Electrifying low carbon
cement production
Substantially reducing emissions in the cement sector is
prohibitively expensive with current technology. However,
several solutions are in development, from capturing CO2
emissions to reformulating ingredients. A promising
alternative is to produce electrochemical cement using
an electrolytic process to convert limestone to lime.
Electrifying the production process using low-carbon
sources could result in cement production with close
to zero carbon emissions.

The production of cement is energy intensive and hydroxide powder. The process then releases a
requires vast resources. It is responsible for 8% stream of pure carbon dioxide, oxygen and
of the world’s carbon emissions – the single hydrogen. The carbon dioxide can be captured
largest source of industrial emissions globally.16 relatively easily and used as an industrial gas.
If it were a country, cement production would be The oxygen and hydrogen by-products can then
the third-biggest emitter in the world after China be used to generate electrical power to replace
and the US.17 fossil fuels used to heat the kilns to create the
chemical reaction combining calcium hydroxide
Cement production requires breaking down power with sand and clay.18 The output is
limestone in kilns under temperatures of up to identical to regular cement, and the hope is that
1,450°C (often powered by fossil fuels such as this process will be cost competitive with
coal). Emissions are released both from the traditional processes over time.
limestone heating and from the burning of fossil
fuels to power the kilns. Efforts to reduce carbon As with many new technologies in the carbon
emissions today are often centered around transition space, scalability remains a challenge,
carbon capture and storage, or recycling con- and some skepticism remains that the electro-
struction and demolition waste. However, these chemical cement production process can be
options only partially reduce emissions and scaled to the levels required to make a meaning-
simply add to the cost of the cement. ful impact on the existing cement industry.
Modern rotary kilns in cement plants have a
The electrochemical cement process takes a production capacity of over 200 tons per hour,
different approach, using an electrochemical while electrochemical cement pilot plants can
reactor that breaks calcium carbonate into lime currently operate at a rate of only several
powder at room temperature, replacing the kilograms per hour. Nevertheless, if these
energy intensive process used in traditional kilns. processes can be successfully scaled, the
It first breaks calcium carbonate into a calcium potential for emission reductions in this industry
is significant.

Electrochemical cement production

Electrolysis significantly decreases carbon dioxide emissions

Renewable electricity


Limestone Cement
+ Slaked lime

Carbon dioxide Hydrogen and oxygen

(captured) (for heating)

Source: Credit Suisse

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 33
14 Industrials

Digital twins for climate

Creating mirror worlds to
achieve climate resilience
A digital twin is a dynamic virtual representation of an
object, machine, or an entire process. In manufac-
turing, Digital twin (DT) technology has already been
widely adopted to optimize industrial processes. DT
technology is now being applied to build a replica of
Earth. A sophisticated replica of the Earth’s systems
enables different users to interact with vast amounts
of socio-economic and natural data.19 This allows
companies, investors and policymakers to formulate
more robust adaptation and mitigation strategies.

While pledges to mitigate climate change have Destination Earth (DestinE) is an ambitious
gained significant traction, integrating assess- European Union-led initiative launched in early
ments of adaptation into investment decision- 2022 to build a platform to host digital replicas of
making remains a challenging process since the Earth’s systems and natural phenomena
modeling and understanding climate-related using DT technology. At the heart of DestinE is
risks is incredibly complex. a cloud-based, high-performance computing
platform, a data lake of scientific data sets such
Using a DT to simulate location-specific climate as the Copernicus Earth Data, other real-time
scenarios, impacts of extreme weather events satellite data streams and sensor-based environ-
can be modeled and mitigation strategies mental data.
developed. The creation of such a platform has
become possible due to the convergence of In this context, the early focus of DT technology
exascale20 computing, cloud and data-fusion will be on weather induced and geophysical
techniques. These models can now provide hazards, which will aid in climate change adapta-
reliable and granular information on how climate tion. If the DT technology can reach planetary
change will impact specific assets such as scale, it will become an important tool for
properties, households and geophysical features planners in identifying the specific areas of the
including flood-defenses, landslides, or coastal Earth that are most vulnerable to various chang-
erosion. As the solution is scaled to cover more es in the climate, and allow these communities to
regions, machine learning (ML) algorithms can respond and adapt in a timely manner.
be used to fill in areas where less data is
available. The development team of one start-up,
Climate X, suggests that current models have an
accuracy rate of more than 95% based on over
one trillion data points tied to millions of locations
for the UK alone. However, for planet-wide DTs
to be fully realized, several challenges need to be
overcome. These include incomplete access to
accurate data to model the past, present and
future state of the earth dynamically, as well as a
lack of comprehensive collaboration platforms.

Accurate climate simulation at a planetary scale

Digital twin of Earth guides solutions today by predicting the future

Physical world Digital twin Physical world

Data Predict

Information Prescribe

Today Future

Source: Credit Suisse

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 35
15 Industrials

Plastic membrane filters—

Making separation
processes more energy
Separating chemicals on an industrial scale by using
processes such as distillation is a highly energy-
consuming process. Innovative polymer membrane
materials could achieve high throughput and filtering
efficiency while substantially reducing energy use.

Chemical separation is a critical and common strong membranes that are mechanically stable
industrial process that is used to separate and heat resistant while retaining their properties
components of a mixture of chemical compounds for a prolonged period.
or gases into their purer forms. By some esti-
mates, distillation accounts for 10%–15% of the Recent advancements in microporous hydrocar-
world’s energy consumption.21 Uses include the bon ladder synthesis that can be carefully tuned
extraction of gases from the air using an air show promise for the separation of industrially
separation unit (ASU). These work by cooling the important gas mixtures. It can provide high
air to cryogenic temperatures below the boiling selectivity without compromising high permeabili-
point of the gas. Since each atmospheric gas has ty, dramatically improving the performance of
slightly different boiling points, this distillation these separation processes. The technology can
process produces high-purity nitrogen, oxygen be used in separating carbon dioxide and
and argon – but uses significant amounts of hydrogen molecules with applications in ener-
energy in doing so. Other gas or chemical gy-efficient carbon capture and processing of
separation methods also need to heat the natural gas and biogas. It was found to be two
mixtures – an energy intensive process. orders of magnitude more permeable and three
times more selective for the removal of hydrogen
Membranes can serve a similar function by letting from methane compared with currently available
certain molecules or gases pass while blocking systems.22 The membranes have also been
others. Without requiring heating or cooling shown in the laboratory to effectively separate
processes, the membrane technology can oxygen and nitrogen – a formidable challenge as
reduce energy consumption by up to a factor of the two molecules differ in size by about a
ten. However, there is usually a trade-off billionth of a meter.
between how selective the membrane can be
versus how fast the gases can penetrate through As with other membrane technologies, a major
the material. The existing membrane technology obstacle to commercialization is the scaling up
is largely either underdeveloped or too expensive of laboratory-sized devices to full industrial
to scale up to handle industrial quantities of production while maintaining the same level of
compounds. The challenge is to develop cheap, performance.

Distillation versus filtration

Membrane filtration saves energy as it can work without heating or cooling to separate substances

Cooling or heating to Filtration using membranes

separate chemicals

Separated high-purity gases

Separated high-purity gases

Gas mixture

Source: Credit Suisse

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 37
16 Mobility

Green methanol—
Compacting hydrogen into
an effective energy carrier
Methanol is a key ingredient in many industrial
processes and products, as well as a potential energy
carrier. The current challenge is to obtain and combine
these elements in a sustainable way to produce green
methanol. While we often hear about the “hydrogen
economy,” hydrogen derivatives such as methanol
may ultimately underpin a transition to more sustain-
able molecules due to their beneficial properties in
terms of energy density and easier handling.

Methanol is an important substance in chemicals, Different green methanol technologies exist
construction, and plastics to make polymer fibers today with bio-methanol and e-methanol among
for use in textiles, plastics for packaging, glues, the most common. Bio-methanol uses biomass
and solvents. It can also serve as a fuel or fuel or biogas as feedstock. The former uses a
additive in sectors such as long-haul shipping, gasification-type method in the way that coal is
where the technology to decarbonize the sector used to produce methanol but instead uses
does not yet exist or remains prohibitively forestry or agriculture waste. The latter uses
expensive. As a fuel it holds several advantages. manure or waste-water sludge and a similar
First, it burns with lower GHG emissions than steam methane reformer process to that used
diesel or gasoline. Second, the transportation with natural gas. The reliance on organic matter
and shipping of methanol is far simpler and can presents a challenge in terms of the scalability
use much of the existing infrastructure compared of the process.
to some of the alternative fuels. For example,
using hydrogen directly requires cryogenic E-methanol is most often created by obtaining
cooling and has very low volumetric energy hydrogen from water through electrolysis using
densities. alkaline water or proton exchange membrane
electrolysis. However, it has a slow start-up,
Methanol is conventionally produced from syngas corrosion issues and complex maintenance
(synthesis gas) which is composed of carbon drawbacks. The proton exchange membrane
monoxide and hydrogen. According to the IEA, electrolysis has fast start-up, which makes it
around 99% of hydrogen today is made from easier to combine with the variability of renewable
fossil-fuel sources 23 – often natural gas that energy sources, while its maintenance is simple
releases 9 kg of CO2 for every 1 kg of hydrogen. and there are no corrosion issues. However, the
Currently less than 0.2% of methanol comes manufacturing costs are high, mainly due to the
from renewable sources.24 Green methanol costs use of precious metals in the system.
will always be benchmarked against natural
gas-based methanol, the balance of which has The other required feedstock for methanol is
so far been heavily in favor of using fossil fuels. CO2, which could be captured from industrial
However, changes in policies and volatility in gas processes. For renewable CO2, biological
prices may change this. sources such as the conversion of biomass with
carbon capture or potentially direct air capture are
needed. Locking the CO2 into methanol does not
eliminate it. However, provided the CO2 can be
obtained in a sustainable manner alongside green
hydrogen, it comes close to being carbon neutral.

The green fuel adoption challenge

Ammonia and hydrogen need twice the storage capacity of liquefied natural gas

Diesel 1.0

LNG 1.5

Methanol 2.1

Ammonia 2.9

Liquid H2 3.7

Source: Credit Suisse

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 39
17 Mobility

the circular economy
To meet the growing demand for critical minerals
needed for electric vehicles and energy storage we
need to recycle batteries. But batteries can only be
made sustainable if a circular economy infrastructure
is created to ultimately “close the loop” on mineral
use. While current approaches to battery recycling
are often harmful for the environment, new
approaches such as electro-extraction are showing
that significantly reducing refining emissions and
long-term demand for virgin materials is possible.

The electrification of the transportation system extraction of critical minerals from used batteries
currently consumes the majority of global and mining material. The technology works by
lithium-ion battery capacity, with demand for applying electricity to passing dissolved metal
lithium expected to exceed two million tons by ions from e-waste (comprising crushed and
2030.25 Nickel, cobalt, manganese and graphite shredded end-of-life battery materials) through
are also critical materials for the manufacturing an anode. There, the metal precipitates onto a
of batteries. Without recycling these materials, it cathode as a solid. Once the substrate reaches a
is unlikely that mining and refining will be able to certain level of saturation, the pure metal can be
keep up with demand. collected from the cathode. Eventually, the
metals can be re-used for new batteries. The
With car batteries lasting 10–20 years on technology can currently recover over 90% of
average, it is estimated that there will be several the target critical minerals.26 By adding electricity,
million tons of batteries available for recycling by electro-extraction technology makes it possible
2030. Hydrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy are to extract a large range of metals from various
currently the main technologies used for metals input sources (e.g., end-of-life batteries and
processing. However, traditional hydrometallurgy mining materials, such as low-grade ores), with
uses harmful chemicals to process the used less chemical waste and energy than traditional
batteries and creates large amounts of environ- pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy facilities that
mentally damaging chemical waste. Pyrometal- are currently being used to recycle used
lurgy uses high heat to process materials, which or scrapped batteries.
is very carbon intensive, and has the further
disadvantage of not being suitable to extract To date, electro-extraction has only been
lithium or manganese. demonstrated in the lab, and further research is
required before it can be scaled up for commer-
Electro-extraction is an innovative new technolo- cialization. But if it can be commercialized, the
gy to recycle used batteries. It combines three supply chain risks around sourcing materials for
key processes: electrowinning (passing an batteries would be reduced. Recycling batteries
electrical current through solutions); precipitation where they are used reduces transportation
(pulling solids out of a solution); and filtration costs and emissions while making battery supply
(isolating the material) – into a single unit for the chains more secure.

Closing in on a closed-loop process
Critical metals

Output examples:
Renewable  Transition metals (nickel, manganese, iron, etc.)
electricity  Rare-earth metals (caesium, neodymium, etc.)
 Nobel metals (gold, silver, etc.)


Water Input examples:

 Lithium-ion batteries
 Catalytic converters
 Stainless steel
 Mine tailings

By-products and Filtration


Source: Credit Suisse

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 41
18 Agriculture

Microbiomic agriculture—
Gene-edited microbes pave
the way for more environ-
mentally-friendly fertilizers
Microbiomic agriculture uses synthetic biology to create an
alternative to traditional fertilizer that mitigates negative
environmental impacts. It uses modified microorganisms
that enhance the ability of the soil’s bacteria to naturally fix
critical nutrients to plants, thereby improving overall soil
fertility and reducing the need for fossil fuel-based fertilizers.

Emissions of N2O, a greenhouse gas that is Legumes such as peas and beans already have
300 times more potent than CO2, have increased a symbiotic relationship with these bacteria,
by 30% over the last 40 years. Its growing which colonize their roots and provide plants with
concentration in the atmosphere is due to the high levels of organic nitrogen in exchange for
use of fertilizers in agriculture. Farming is carbohydrates that the microbes use as food.
vulnerable to climate change, which directly Scientists have now recreated the phenomenon
influences rainfall patterns, animal health and, with cereal grain crops, which do not naturally
overall agricultural productivity. The Intergovern- pair up with microbes. Leveraging genome
mental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) editing technologies, researchers can now
estimates that even if global warming can be improve the capacity of selected soil microorgan-
kept to just below 2°C, up to 8% of the world’s isms to make nutrients available to cereal grain
farmland may be unsuitable for agriculture by crops, creating a natural fertilizer. Unlike tradi-
2100.27 Additionally, a growing, affluent global tional fertilizers, these microbes stay in the soil
population will increase demand for food includ- and do not wash away with irrigation or heavy
ing meat. At the same time, hundreds of millions rains.
of people suffer from food insecurity and
malnutrition. Even if the global population peaks Challenges remain in fully replacing synthetic
at between 10 to11 billion, the global food fertilizers with nitrogen-producing microbes,
system needs to become significantly more including scaling up production and making them
productive and less environmentally damaging. effective for a wide range of crops. Nonetheless,
as the science progresses, the modification and
Recent advances in molecular biology and improvement of nitrogen-fixing microbes and
gene-editing techniques have the potential to their application to a broad range of crops could
revolutionize agricultural production practices, promote a lower-carbon, more productive and
drive productivity and reduce reliance on fossil more sustainable agricultural industry.
fuel fertilizers. Biotechnology is finding ways to
enhance natural mechanisms that support plant
growth. Nitrogen, a critical element for plant
growth, is naturally abundant in the atmosphere
in its gaseous form (N2). However, plants cannot
directly absorb atmospheric nitrogen; it must first
be converted into organic compounds by
nitrogen-fixing organisms, such as the Rhizobia
bacteria. Derivative compounds such as ammoni-
um can then be taken up by plants, providing
them with a key building block to develop

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 43
19 Agriculture

Cultivated meat
on a veggie diet—
Beyond lab-grown meat
Producing meat in a high-tech factory has both environ-
mental and animal welfare benefits. “Cultivated meat,”
as it is now called by the industry, is part of the transi-
tion to a sustainable food system. However, the tech-
nology has several critical hurdles to overcome before
a juicy cultivated burger appears on every dinner table.

As demand for food has increased with the While a cultivated chicken product is already on
growing global population, the consumption of the shelves in Singapore, many challenges
resource intensive, animal-based food has remain before other types of lab-grown meat
surged. According to the Food and Agriculture reach supermarket shelves across the world.
Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 26% Scaling up production requires advanced
of the world’s vegetated land is used for livestock biotechnology capacities and high-cost inputs.
grazing, and 33% of farmlands are used for Reaching industrial scale remains the key
livestock feed production.28 Indeed, the contin- challenge, and global bioreactor capacity
ued expansion of land used for livestock has represents a tiny proportion of the volume of
become one of the largest threats to the climate. animal meat consumed annually.
Research has shown that the livestock industry is
responsible for almost 18% of the world’s GHG Another challenge is keeping these large
emissions.29 Moreover, livestock farming bioreactors sterile, as a few microbes can spoil
accounts for nearly 20% of freshwater con- an entire batch, thereby halting production. The
sumption globally,30 and is also one of the main process is also highly energy intensive, and
drivers of deforestation. meaningful reductions in GHG emissions require
low-carbon sources of energy for these facilities.
Cultivated meat, also referred to as cellular or Finally, there is a risk that these products fail to
lab-grown meat, could help address some of gain a broader acceptance among consumers,
these sustainability challenges. Instead of who may perceive this lab-grown meat as
slaughtering animals, stem cells of animals are unnatural and potentially unhealthy.
cultivated in bioreactors. During this process,
nutrients and oxygen are optimized for greater The biotechnology around cultivated meat contin-
cell expansion in order to form muscle tissue ues to address these challenges. Modifying
that is shaped into edible scaffoldings. essential nutrients such as vitamins or minerals,
or controlling fats can make cultivated meat
This makes it possible for cells to keep growing healthier than animal meat. Nutrients for lab-
several times more than in live animals, while grown cells can now be based on vegetarian
mitigating the negative environmental and ingredients rather than fetal bovine serum or
welfare impacts of animal farming. Besides those animal proteins, which further improves animal
benefits, growing food in a sterile environment welfare, reduces costs and mitigates the
avoids animal diseases and associated antibiotic potential for zoonotic diseases. We are also
use. seeing plant-based “scaffolding” used to create
more realistic fibers and textures. Together,
these innovations could eventually make cultivat-
ed meat increasingly appealing, accessible and

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 45
20 Agriculture

Treeless wood—
Avoiding deforestation
with lab-grown timber
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT) have developed a pioneering
plant-cell cultivation technique in their lab to
generate conditions for a plant-based, wood-like
culture that can be cultivated to grow timber and
timber-derived products.

Wood is a renewable resource and offers an A novel approach is to create plant-based
alternative to plastics, cement and steel. Humans products which can be cultured and grown on
have felled and replanted trees for thousands of demand. In contrast to the bioengineering of
years. However, demand for timber is exceeding animal tissue which has been of scientific
the ability to regrow forests quickly, and primary interest for 50 years, the engineering of plant-
forests continue to be exploited. Trees are a slow cell cultures has just started. Using 3D printing
growing crop, sensitive to climate change, techniques, researchers have shown that the
disease and pests, and certain types of trees can plant material could be grown in exactly the
only grow in specific regions. In addition, illegal required shape and size, thus removing the need
logging accounts for 15%–30% of global wood to do any subtractive manufacturing (sawing,
consumption. Although the rate of deforestation milling) and reducing waste and energy.
has slowed globally by around 29%, an area of
forest approximately twice the size of Switzerland Future applications could include bioengineering
was lost annually between 2015 to 2020.31 New valuable rare wood, products such as resins and
afforestation and natural forest expansion has oils. Today an entire tree might be processed to
failed to compensate for these losses, not only yield only 0.5 liters of the final product, whereas
from a climate perspective but also in terms of a bioreactor could be used to grow only the
biodiversity and other benefits.32 The need for useful part to improve the yield.
transportation, milling and processing leads to
further waste and energy use in the timber Further improvements in development and
supply chain.33 manufacturing are needed to take this concept
from the lab into production. Early use cases
could include lower value, higher volume
plant-based products such as cellulose pulp used
in textiles and paper. As a next step, researchers
plan to replicate the cell structures of commercial
usable woods, eventually growing plant cells in
the final form for furniture, ready-made beams,
or other typical uses. Initially this process is likely
to be more expensive than traditional wood.
However, lab grown plant tissue will grow consid-
erably faster, and may find interesting markets in
specialist areas.

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 47

Climate Tech VC, New dry powder for a new climate, 2022.
Boley, Byers, Satellite mega-constellations create risks in Low Earth Orbit, the atmosphere and on Earth,
Nature Scientific Reports (2021).
Climate TRACE, More than 70,000 of the highest emitting greenhouse gas sources identified in largest
available global emissions inventory, 2022
European Commission, Methane emissions (2022).
Lauvaux et al, Global assessment of oil and gas methane ultra-emitters, Science (2022).
Renewable Electricity – Analysis – IEA
Nuclear Electricity – Analysis – IEA
Small nuclear power reactors – World Nuclear Association (world-nuclear.org)
Bett and Thornton, The climatological relationships between wind and solar energy supply in Britain,
Renewable Energy, 2016
Electricity – Sustainable Recovery – Analysis – IEA
IAEA – Chatzis and Barbarino, What is Fusion, and Why Is It So Difficult to Achieve?, IAEA, 2021
Data Centres and Data Transmission Networks – IEA (2022)
Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to Accelerate the Energy Transition, World Economic Forum (2021)
Economics and the inevitability of the DPU, The Next Platform (2022)
The Future of Cooling – Analysis – IEA
Ellis et al., Toward electrochemical synthesis of cement-An electrolyzer-based process for decarbonating
CaCO3 while producing useful gas streams, National Library of Medicine, 2019
(World Resources Institute, 2020) Ge, Friedrich and Vigna, 4 Charts Explain Greenhouse Gas Emissions
by Countries and Sectors, 2020
(Urquhart, 2019) – James Urquart, Electrochemistry can cut cement’s carbon footprint to virtually zero, 2019
Initiative to create digital twin of our planet is launched | ECMWF
i.e. one quintillion calculations every second
Seven chemical separations to change the world, Nature (2016)
Hydrocarbon ladder polymers with ultrahigh permselectivity for membrane gas separations | Science (2022)
Hydrogen – Analysis – IEA
Innovation Outlook: Renewable Methanol (irena.org)
Projection total lithium demand globally 2030 | Statista
Technologies of lithium recycling from waste lithium ion batteries:
a review – Materials Advances (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D1MA00216C
IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, 2022
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Livestock and Landscapes, 2012
Tropical forests have big climate benefits beyond carbon storage (nature.com)
Illegal logging | WWF (panda.org)


James Gifford
Michael van der Meer

Angela Saxby
Peter Babkevich
Francesco Mazzeo
Karim Sayyad
Mette Gahr
Davide Paliaga
Anita Bhagat
Riccardo Cavinato
Timothy Oehmigen
Richard Bettermann
Sophia Bieri

Editorial Support
Catherine McLean Trachsler

Project management
Camilla Damm Leuzinger
Laurence Lam
Serhat Günes

Editorial deadline
12 January 2023

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Studio Blyss, Zurich

More information

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 49

Under the radar: 20 climate tech innovations you may have missed 51

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