Dessertation 3002156shineyvarghese
Dessertation 3002156shineyvarghese
Dessertation 3002156shineyvarghese
Dissertation Submitted To
AT CHENNAI 2013 – 2014.
R.N., R.M., M.Sc.(N)., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
Madha College of Nursing,
Chennai - 600 069, Tamil Nadu.
Dissertation Submitted To
AT CHENNAI 2013 – 2014.
Medical Guide :
MD, DCH (Senior Consultant
Mount Poonamallee road,
Chennai – 600 089.
Dissertation Submitted To
To say that ‘I’ have done this work up to its fulfillment is never solitary is to
defy Aristotle’s social fact that ‘man is a social animal’. Everybody in this world
strives for success with every person’s help and therefore to just submit this work
with ink’s note of thanks and graciousness for the help I was provided over the years
of my research. Firstly I would like to thank God almighty for always blessing me
throughout my life.
I convey my deep and sincere thanks to Dr. Mrs. Tamilarasi. B, R.N., R.M.,
M.Sc.(N)., M.Phil., Ph.D., Principal, Madha College of Nursing, who has been a
great inspiration for me throughout my studies in this college. Her meticulous
attention and thoroughness provides a careful presentation of any project initiated.
She is the pillar beyond every wall of accomplishment.
I also thank the students of Madha Matriculation School for their valuable
time and space in the sampling work.
No. No.
Need for the study 4
Statement of the problem 7
Objectives 7
Hypothesis 7
Operational definitions 7
Delimitations 8
Review of related literature 10
Conceptual framework 22
Research approach 26
Research design 26
Research variables 26
Setting of the study 27
Population 27
Sample 27
Sample size 27
Sampling technique 27
Criteria for sample selection 27
Description of the instrument 28
Validity 29
Reliability 29
Ethical consideration 29
Pilot study 30
Data collection procedure 30
Data analysis 31
Frequency and percentage distribution of demographic
variables of school age children.
Frequency and percentage distribution of pre test level of
attention among school age children.
Frequency and percentage distribution of post test level of
attention among school age children.
No. No.
A Instruments i
B Certificate of ethical clearance ii
C Certificate for content validity iii
D Permission letter iv
E Certificate for editing v
F Activity module vi
Attention is the concentrated direction of the mind, especially to a problem or
task. Concentration is the ability to keep one’s attention on a particular object or
domain. We use our attention and concentration skills every day, often with little
effort and without really noticing them. Attention and concentration cause problems
with everything from maths test to social relationships to motivation for learning. In
order to function effectively, one needs to be able to concentrate on and pay attention
to the task at hand.
A study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of concentration
enhancement activity on attention and concentration among school age children. The
hypothesis formulated was that there is a significant association between
concentration enhancement activity on attention and concentration among school age
children. The review of literature included studies which provided a strong foundation
for the study including the basis for conceptual framework and formation of tool.
The research design used for this study was pre experimental one group pre
test post test design. It was carried out with 30 samples those who fulfilled the
inclusion criteria. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the sample. A
modified attention profile and card game was used to assess the pre test and post test
level of attention and concentration. Concentration enhancement activity was
conducted for the duration of 30 minutes for six days. The post test was assessed on
seventh day by using same tool.
The analysis revealed that the pre test level of attention mean score was
29.83 with the standard deviation of 6.73 and the post test level of attention mean
score was 18.53 with standard deviation of 5.14. The pre test level of concentration
mean score was 21.57 with standard deviation of 4.78 and post test level of
concentration mean score was 13.83 with standard deviation of 3.60. The paired‘t’
test value of attention was 9.72 and concentration was 6.71 which showed very high
significant at the level of p<0.001. The Karl Pearson correlation coefficient value of
r = 0.56 at the level of p<0.01 which showed moderate correlation between post test
level of attention and concentration among school age children. Hence it indicates the
effectiveness of concentration enhancement activity on attention and concentration
among school age children. So the research hypothesis was accepted for the study.
-Willie Sutton
Attention is taking possession of the mind, in clear and vivid form, of one out
of what may seem several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thoughts. It
implies withdrawal from some things in order to deal effectively with others (James,
1890). Concentration is the ability to keep one’s attention on a particular object or
domain. Moreover, concentration is a prerequisite for common daily behavior such as
reading and listening. Whether an individual reads the newspaper or listens to the
news, he or she needs to stay focused in order to understand the information around
Attention allows tuning out information, sensations and perceptions that are
not relevant at the moment and instead helps to focus energy on the information that
is important. Concentration is a behavior of the mind that selects and constructs the
contents of the mind. In other words, concentration is the mechanism that manipulates
the focus in a desired way and can be seen as a meta cognition. Moreover,
concentration involves not only focusing on an object but also avoiding those stimuli
that are not part of the focus. Mikulas (2002) stated that the individuals shift attention
in more complex ways and usually without conscious control. A person can learn to
refocus when one’s attention drifts away, one can learn to sustain the focus in the
presence of less salient stimuli, and can learn to skillfully shift one’s attention from
one object to another without getting stuck or caught up in irrelevant objects.
Every individual use attention and concentration skills, often with little effort
and without really noticing them. These skills help us to select and focus on what is
important as to what the teacher is saying, ignore irrelevant or distracting things that
is not needed to pay attention, for example what is happening outside the classroom
window, and maintain or sustain our effort or attention over time such as concentrate
for the whole period. Sometimes we need to pay attention to two or more important
things at the one time, and may need to switch back and forth between activities
quickly like copy work from the board while the teacher goes through the information
and explains it.
Having good attention and concentration helps children to learn. Most skills in
life need to be learnt through repeated practice, things like tying shoelaces, writing,
using scissors, riding a bike. Children need to be able to focus on a task and practice
an activity to improve their skills. Learning to concentrate and complete activities
helps reduce impulsive behavior and can lower activity levels.
Attention and concentration are greatest in short activities. Frequent and brief
drills or lessons covering small chunks of information will result in greater learning.
Attention may flag on the second presentation of a task. Attention can be maximized
by presenting the material in slightly different ways or with different applications or
resources. A consistent routine, with an organized format to complete activities is
ideal for learning. Well planned activities and smooth transitions from one activity to
the next should enhance the learning environment.
Attention and concentration cause problems with everything from maths test
to social relationships to motivation for learning. While basic attention abilities may
be inborn, the good news is that many attention skills can be learned. These core
abilities are rooted in the physiology of the brain, but home and school environments
have a great deal to do with how a child learns to use his particular attention
mechanisms. These days children are distracted because of the presence of a lot of
technology around them. They play games on information pads and tablets, instead of
actually going out and playing in the parks. They prefer to sit and watch kids
television than playing the solitary games with blocks.
Although, this technology and highly educational television is good for them
in more than one way but, there are no doubts in the fact that it is killing their natural
instinct to observe and practice concentration. Everything is readily available for
them, they do not have to work for it, is just a click away, which means that there is
absolutely no need for their minds to work hard or think hard over anything.
This leads to the mind losing its capacity to comprehend and come up with
solutions. This is why scientists and psychologists say that, spending more time on
television and computers leads to a dumb child. It also makes children non social and
lethargic. Parents are very concerned about this situation with their children. It is an
important concern as it affects the quality of rest of their life.
“Concentrate all the thoughts on the task at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until
brought to a focus.”
Attention is a term given to a perceptual process that selects certain inputs for
inclusion into our conscious experience or awareness in a given period of time
(Mishra, 2008). From the external environment, some information is selected, filtered
and taken into the centre of consciousness while other information remains in the
background. Attention develops over one’s lifespan and assists a person to regulate
his or her behavior and adapt to environmental demands. Attention processes improve
with age and develop rapidly during infancy and early childhood. Infants and young
children remember information and consciously try to attend to tasks, especially those
that are novel in nature.
Attention and concentration problems are one of the most prevalent and
widely recognized problems in children. Worldwide about 140 millions of students
are affected by attention and concentration. The possible causes in children are lack of
sleep, personal circumstances, motivation and interest, surrounding conditions like
school environment, distracted teens, teacher trouble, health problems, lack of
exercise, family environment, diet, neglected children and ineffective child rearing
Attention changes with age such as a normal lack of inhibition in a four year
old become a serious problem in a ten year old. Moreover, a regularly bumptious
child usually a boy may seem very much out of place in an overly restrictive and
stressful classroom. When normally active youngsters are condemned to desks and
routine pencil and paper tasks all day, we should not be surprised if they show up with
problems. Many schools are increasingly restricting children's free play time, children
who need to work off physical energy don't have much of a chance. Moreover, many
of today's children are so heavily scheduled that they are actually sleep deprived. All
these factors may masquerade as an attention problem.
Attention difficulties are also found in many children with language or reading
problems, sometimes treating the underlying condition makes it easier to focus on
learning. Too much time with television and video games also exacerbates attention
difficulties. A recent study linked that the amount of preschool television exposure
enhanced later symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It was found that
violent entertainment doubled the possibility of development of attention problem five
years later.
Most children suffer with poor memory and attention difficulty almost every
day. This affects many areas of their life. It is difficult for them to do well in school,
perform required activities and even participate in normal conversations due to their
attention and concentration problems. Students are particularly in need of good
attention skills. They must be able to attend to instructions, focus on the details of
assignments, and stay on task until an assignment is completed. Children with
attention difficulties frequently experience problems in studies and with their peers.
They may be seen as flighty, disorganized and irresponsible. They don’t pay
attention to details, make careless mistakes, have trouble staying focused, are easily
distracted, experience difficulty in remembering things and following instructions,
have trouble staying organized, get bored with a task before it gets completed, get
frustrated easily, have mood swings, find it difficult to complete assignments and
frequently tend to lose or misplace homework, books, toys, or other items (Fowler,
2004). Issues such as enthusiasm and skill for task in hand, motivation, emotional and
physical state and surrounding environment affect the child’s ability to concentrate
(Blerkom, 2009).
Peck. et al., (2005) reviewed that intervention can help students with attention
and concentration problems by improving their ability to concentrate and also to
reduce anxiety, headaches, general tension and stress symptoms, and development of
positive attitude towards oneself. The incidences in 2004 at India reported that about
68% of children with lack of attention and concentration don’t pay attention to details
and they often accompany academic skill disorder and can seriously interfere with
academic performance.
The result of a study in 2006 stated that regular habit of eating breakfast had
beneficial influence of attention and concentration, memory and school achievement.
Children are often unmotivated to pay attention in class, as they find the lessons
uninteresting and dull. The way the teacher manages the class and school environment
have significant impact on attention and concentration ability of children. In order to
function effectively, one needs to be able to concentrate on and pay attention to the
task at hand.
In a longitudinal study on video game use and attention problems, video game
play predicted children’s attention problems 13 months later, even while controlling
for other relevant variables such as earlier attention problems, television viewing, and
gender. A 3-year longitudinal study of more than 3000 children found evidence of a
bidirectional relation between attention problems and videogame playing, and found a
stronger relation between the amount of gaming and later attention problems than for
the content of gaming.
activities are essential like letter cancellation, storytelling, dots joining, missing
numbers, tongue twisters etc to improve the attention and concentration in children.
When the investigator noticed the children in the neighborhood and also
during school visit, she observed lack of attention and concentration among school
children due to various reasons and thus leading to poor performance in academics
and in extracurricular activities. Considering these facts, the investigator felt it as a
strong need to provide concentration enhancement activity to improve the attention
and concentration among school children.
1. To assess the pretest level of attention and concentration among school age
2. To assess the post test level of attention and concentration among school age
3. To determine the effectiveness of concentration enhancement activity
regarding attention and concentration among school age children.
4. To correlate the post test level of attention and concentration among school
age children
5. To associate the post test level of attention and concentration among school
age children with their selected demographic variables.
Concentration: Refers to enhancing the mind to focus on a single task for a while.
School Age Children: Refers to children who are in the age of 10 years in Madha
Matriculation School.
childhood to adolescence in the general population. The study was conducted from 7
and 8 years to 16 years where the teacher reported attention deficit symptoms and
parents reported body mass index via clinical examination and physically active play.
The results showed that childhood attention deficit symptoms significantly predicted
adolescent inattention. The study concluded that child attention deficit symptoms are
at increased risk of becoming obese and physically inactive adolescents.
Becker. K., et al., (2013) conducted a study on age, task complexity, and sex
as potential moderators of attention focus effects. The study tested whether age, sex,
or task complexity moderate the effect of attention focus on motor learning. Children
were assigned to an internal or external attention focus and were timed while riding
either a double pedalo with handles or without handles over a distance of seven
meters. The study result showed that for simpler task, no time difference due to
attention focus emerge but with the complex task an external focus resulted in faster
times in retention than an internal focus, but only for males. The study suggested that
attention focus affects children but task complexity and sex moderate these effects.
Dodge. K. A., et al., (2013) has conducted a study on attention problems and
academic achievement. The study examined a negative association between children’s
attention difficulties and their academic functioning. The study was classified into
four attention problem groups based on the presence versus absence of attention
problems in first and second grade. The study result showed that those
with attention problems in both grades showed a decline in reading and math
achievement during the K-5 interval relative to children with attention problems in
first grade only. Both groups of inattentive first graders also performed worse than
comparison children. In contrast, children whose attention problems emerged in
second grade did not differ from comparison children on any achievement outcome
performed significantly better than inattentive first graders.
Julia. D. I., et al., (2013) has conducted a study to evaluate whether the
perceptual learning requires consciousness or attention. A textured figure ground
stimuli and manipulated report ability either by masking or inattention was presented.
24 hours later, learning was assessed visually and behaviorally via differences in
figure ground and detection task. The results suggested that learning requires
consciousness and not attention, and further strengthens the idea that consciousness is
separate from attention.
Lynda. M., et al., (2013) has conducted a study to examine whether age and
developmental differences in selective attention influence young children’s
differential responses to interactive and passive distractions. Totally 65 three to six
year old children were assessed by a test of selective attention and parents completed
ratings of attention. The results showed that children benefited more from interactive
distraction than from passive distraction. The study concluded that younger
preschoolers can benefit from interactive distraction, provided that the distraction
activity is developmentally appropriate
Oosterlaan. J., et al., (2013) had conducted a study on executive function and
intelligent quotient mathematical and attention problems in very preterm children.
The participants included 200 preterm and 230 term children without severe
disabilities. Mathematics was assessed with Dutch pupil monitoring system, parents
and teachers rated attention problems using standardized behavior questionnaires.
Interactions with group were examined. The analysis was conducted separately for
two subsamples for children in preschool and primary school. The results revealed
that preterm children performed poorer on tests for mathematics and had more parent
teacher rated attention problems than controls (p<0.01). The result concluded that
impaired executive function is over and above impaired intelligent quotient is an
important predictor for poor mathematics and attention problems following preterm
between 6 and 11 years were selected from four schools in Coimbatore district and
were assessed by using Conner’s abbreviated rating scale given to parents and
teachers. The children identified as attention deficit were assessed for the presence of
any co morbid factors by administering children’s behavioral questionnaire to
teachers and personal information questionnaire to the parents. The prevalence was
found to be 11.32% and was found to be higher among the males 66.7% as compared
to that of females 33.3%, also highest in the age group of 9 and 10 years. The study
showed a high prevalence of attention deficit among primary school children
especially among males than in females.
Linda. S., et al., (2012) has conducted a study to evaluate whether words cue
children’s attention in a visual search task. The children were assessed using a
computer touch screen and tested the prediction that words can cue children’s
attention to the shape of objects. The result suggests that nouns rapidly cue attention
to shape in children, providing a stepping stone to mechanic account of how words
organize attention and early word learning.
Richard. M., et al., (2012) has conducted a cohort study to evaluate the
influence of relative age on diagnosis and treatment of attention deficit children. A
total of 9, 37,943 children in the age group of 6 to 12 years were included in the
study. The absolute and relative risk of receiving a diagnosis of attention deficit was
evaluated. The results showed that boys were 30% and girls were 70% more likely to
receive a diagnosis of attention deficit. The results interpreted that there was a relative
age effect in diagnosis and treatment of attention deficit. The findings also raised
concerns about the potential harms which include sleep, appetite and growth.
Shrensen. L., et al., (2012) had conducted a study on the impact of inattention
and emotional problems on cognitive control in primary school children. The samples
were 241 children from primary school. The cognitive control was measured by
functions of set shifting and working memory was assessed by behavior rating
inventory of executive function and performance based tests. Inattention and
emotional problems were measured with parent and teacher reports on Swanson
Nolan and Pelham questionnaire, strengths and difficulties questionnaire respectively.
The result showed that clinical symptoms of inattention and emotional problems
explained the child’s performance on test measures, however symptoms of inattention
made a significant contribution on all the selected measures of cognitive control. The
result concluded that valid information on cognitive control function in primary
school children should include information concerning problems of inattention and
Hispanic population of 603 children aged 10 to14 years. The tool used for attention
behavior problems was child behavior checklist and poor school performance was
measured by grade point average. The result found that internal factors such as male
gender, antisocial traits, family environment and anxiety best predicted attention
problems. Television and video game use whether total time spent using or exposure
to violent content specifically, did not predict attention problems. The result
concluded that television and video game use do not appear to be significant
predictors of childhood attention problems.
Swanson. H., et al., (2011) has conducted a study to examine the role of
working memory in children’s growth in mathematical problem solving. Totally 127
elementary school children were assessed by a battery of tests that included problem
solving, achievement, working memory and cognitive processing in grade 1, 2 and 3.
The results showed that grade 1 predictors contributed unique variance to grade 3
problem solving performance. The study concluded that growth in the executive
system of working memory is an important predictor of growth in children’s problem
solving beyond the contribution of cognitive measures of inattention, inhibition and
processing speed.
Pelham questionnaire. The result showed that children defined as inattentive showed a
high risk of being defined as high scores on emotional symptom subscale, a high
score on both inattention and emotional symptoms subscale was associated with a
high impact score.
Tanya. E., et al., (2007) had conducted a cross sectional study to determine
the United States national prevalence of attention deficit and whether prevalence,
recognition and treatment vary by socio economic group. The samples included 3,082
eight to fifteen year old children from national health and nutrition examination
survey. The children were assessed by diagnostic and statistical manual of mental
disorders criteria. The results showed that 8.7% of children met the criteria for
attention deficit. The results concluded that half of the children meeting the criteria
reported receiving a diagnosis of attention deficit.
Courtney. H., et al., (2011) has conducted a study to evaluate the effect of
cartoons on children’s concentration and memory. The samples included 10 children.
They were assessed by cognitive capability test that included counting backwards and
solving puzzles. The results showed that watching cartoons had an immediate effect
on kids.
Ong. L.C., et al., (2010) had conducted a cross sectional study on factors
associated with poor academic achievement among urban primary school children in
Malaysia. Socio demographic and medical data were obtained from questionnaires
and interviews. All students underwent raven’s standard progressive matrices test as a
general measure of cognitive ability. The results showed that out of 1470 eligible
children, 206 had poor achievement. Out of 919 children who participated in the
study, 111 had poor achievement compared with 95 of the 551 non participants and
the factors were found to be independently associated with poor academic
achievement (p<0.001). The study concluded that cognitive ability, gender,
prematurity and social factors contributed to poor academic achievement during the
early school years.
Andrea. F., et al., (2009) has conducted a study to evaluate the concentration
level of children after the effect of walk in the park. A total of seventeen children
aged 7 to 10 years old experienced each of three events like a city park and two other
well kept urban settings via individually guided 20 minute walks. The concentration
level was measured using digit span backwards. The result showed that children
concentrated better after walk in the park than after the downtown walk or the
neighborhood walk, p=0.229. The study concluded that twenty minutes in a park
setting was sufficient to evaluate concentration performance relative to the same
amount of time in other settings.
Gajre. N. S., et al., (2008) conducted a study on breakfast eating habit and its
influence on attention and concentration, immediate memory and school achievement.
The samples were 379 urban 11 to 13 year old school children. Data was collected
using letter cancellation test, immediate memory from PGI memory scale, school
marks of the previous year and nutritional status. The result showed a significant
difference in the letter cancellation total score with the regular breakfast group
achieving the highest mean scores compared to the no breakfast group, p<0.05. The
results concluded that regular habit of eating breakfast as opposed to irregular
consumption or skipping breakfast altogether had beneficial influence on attention
and concentration, memory and school achievement.
Alice. W., et al., (2013) has conducted a study to evaluate the effects of
mindfulness training and children’s attention skills. Totally 24 children aged 9 to 12
years were selected for the study. The child was assessed on the attention network
task interference and attention control task, executive function was rated by parents
filled in questionnaires. The measurement was assessed before and immediately after
five to six week training. The results showed that the performance on the attention
network task interference and on the attention control task showed a significant main
effect for training group. The results concluded that mindfulness training in children
enhanced their attention control.
Ramon. M., et al., (2013) has conducted a study on randomized clinical trial
of cogmed working memory training in school age children with attention deficit
hyperactive disorder. A total of eighty five seven to eight year school age children
were randomized to memory training and evaluated before and after three weeks of
treatment. The result showed that active participants demonstrated significantly
greater improvements in verbal and non verbal working memory stage. The results
concluded that cogmed memory training can be considered as a viable treatment for
children with attention deficit.
Brian. J., et al., (2012) had conducted a study to examine the effect of a
single bout of moderate intensity aerobic exercise on preadolescent children with
attention deficit. The task performance and event related brain potentials were
assessed while participants performed on attention control task following a bout of
exercise or seated during two separate, counter balanced sessions. The results showed
that children exhibited greater response accuracy and performance in the areas of
reading and arithmetics. The study concluded that single bouts of moderately intense
aerobic exercise may have positive implications for aspects of inhibitory control in
children with attention deficit.
Saskia. O., et al., (2012) had conducted a study to evaluate the effectiveness
of eight week mindfulness training for children with attention deficit and mindful
parenting for their parents. Parents were assessed by questionnaires including their
own attention deficit symptoms, parenting stress, parental overacting, permissiveness
and mindful awareness before, immediately after the eight week training and at eight
week follow up. The teachers reported attention deficit behavior of the child. The
results showed the effectiveness of mindfulness for children with attention deficit and
their parents.
Hill. L., et al., (2010) conducted a study on exercising attention within the
classroom. A cross over design trial was conducted in six main stream primary
schools of age 8 to 11 years. Children received a teacher directed, classroom based
programme of physical exercise, delivered approximately 30 minutes after lunch for
15 minutes during one week and no exercise programme during the other. At the end
of each school day, they completed one of five psychometric tests so that each test
was delivered once after exercise and once after no exercise. The results demonstrated
a significant interaction between intervention and counter balance group (p<0.001),
showing that exercise benefited cognitive performance.
Pfeiffer. B., et al., (2008) conducted a study on effectiveness of disc ‘o’ sit
cushions on attention to task in second grade students with attention difficulties.63
second grade students participated in the study with 31 in treatment group and 32 in
control group. The treatment group used disc ‘o’ sit cushion throughout the school
day for a two week period. The teachers completed the behavior rating inventory of
executive functioning for each participant before and after intervention. The study
result showed a statistically significant difference in the attention to task before and
after the intervention for the treatment group. The study provided preliminary
evidence for the use of this intervention to improve attention in school setting.
Edward. H., et al., (2006) had conducted a study on neuro feedback of two
children with learning, attention, mood, social and developmental deficits. The
samples were administered twenty minute session of neuro feedback training for
approximately six months. The samples were assessed by a parent rating scale and
symptom assessment questionnaire. The results showed that both the boys improved
in all tracked symptoms without adverse effects and also in academic functioning,
home behavior and peer relationships. The results concluded that neuro feedback was
successful treatment for the multi symptomatic diagnosed boys.
Piek. J.P., et al., (2004) conducted a study on the relationship between motor
co-ordination, executive functioning and attention in school aged children. The study
included samples of 238 children, 121 girls and 117 boys, aged between 6 and 15
years. Motor ability was assessed using the McCarron assessment of neuromuscular
development, level of inattention using the child behavior checklist, and verbal
intelligent quotient was estimated using subtests of Wechsler intelligence scale for
children. A reaction time task measuring response inhibition, working memory and
the ability to plan and respond to goal directed tasks were administered. The results
revealed that motor ability significantly accounted for variance in tasks measuring
speed of performance, whereas inattention appeared to influence performance
The conceptual framework for this study is based on Imogen King’s goal
attainment model (1971). Conceptual models deal with concepts that are used as
building blocks and provide a conceptual perspective regarding interrelated
phenomena which are closely structured.
The central focus of Imogen King’s frame work is man as a dynamic human
being whose perception of objects, persons and events influence his behavior, social
interaction, and health. Imogene King’s conceptual frame work includes three
interacting systems which each system having its own distinct group of concepts and
characteristics. These systems include personal systems, interpersonal systems, and
social systems.
The personal system refers to the individual. The concepts within the personal
system in understanding human beings are perception, self, body image, growth and
development, time and space. Imogen King (1981) viewed perception as the most
important variable because perception influences behavior. An individual’s perception
of self, body image, time and space influence the way he or she responds to persons,
objects and events in his or her life. As individuals grow and develop through the life
span, experience with changes in structure and function of their bodies over time
influence their perception of self and interpersonal systems involve individuals
interacting with one another. King refers to two individuals as small or large groups.
The theory is based on the concepts of the personal and interpersonal systems
including interaction, perception, transaction and action. A basic theory for
conceptual framework, which is aimed to assess the effectiveness of concentration
enhancement activity on attention and concentration among school age children in
Madha Matriculation School at Chennai. This involves interaction between the
researcher and the school children, the seven major concepts are described as follows.
researcher perceives that the school children have lack of attention and concentration
due to their age and playful mind, so they need to improve the level of attention and
The judgment is a decision made by the researcher and the school children.
Here the researcher judges that the school children have lack of attention and
concentration. So, the investigator planned to provide concentration enhancement
activity to improve the level of attention and concentration. The school children judge
to utilize the enhancement activity to increase the level of attention and concentration.
This refers to the changes that have to be achieved. The researcher’s action is
to implement concentration enhancement activity in order to improve attention and
concentration and the children were ready to increase their level of attention and
Goal setting
Reaction means decision to act. In this study the researcher developed a tool
such as modified attention profile and card game to assess the level of attention and
concentration among school children.
Perception: School children have lack of Reaction: (pre test)
attention and concentration. The investigator develops the tool
to assess the level of attention and Rarely inattentive and
concentration by using modified good concentration
attention profile and card game. (Goal Attained)
Judgment: Concentration enhancement
Investigator activity can improve the level of attention
and concentration
The methodology is the back bone for any investigation. It is a guideline system
for solving a problem with specific components such as phases, tasks, methods, 25
techniques and tools. The successes of any research depend largely upon the suitability of
the tools and the technique that the investigator follows to gather adequate data. This
design was used to assess the effectiveness of concentration enhancement activity on
attention and concentration among school children in Madha Matriculation School at
This chapter deals with a research design, setting of the study, population, sample,
sample size, sampling techniques, criteria for sample selection, description of tools and
data collection procedure.
The design selected for study was pre experimental one group pre test post test
The population consists of school age children in the age group of 10 years in
Madha Matriculation School.
The sample consists of school age children who fulfilled the inclusion criteria.
Inclusion Criteria
¾ Children who scored 50% or below during their previous academic performance.
Exclusion Criteria
Extensive review of literature, discussion and guidance from experts enhance the
development of tools. The tool consists of four parts:
Part I
It consists of demographic variables like sex of the child, type of family, religion,
family income, family structure, educational status of mother, educational status of
father, type of diet, type of hobby and previous exposure to meditation.
Part II
A game developed by ERIC HARSH BARGER was used to assess the level of
concentration among school age children.
Part – III
Validity of the tool was assessed using content validity. Content validity was
determined by experts from nursing and medical field. They suggested certain
modifications in the tool. After the modifications they agreed this tool for assessing
effectiveness of concentration enhancement activity on attention and concentration
among school age children.
The reliability of the tool was assessed by using inter rater method, its correlation
coefficients r values was 0.83 and 0.88. The correlation coefficient was high, so the tool
was appropriate and used to assess the effectiveness of concentration enhancement
activity on attention and concentration among school children.
The study was conducted after the approval of dissertation committee. Formal
written permission was obtained from the Chairman of Madha group of Academic
Institution and the Principal of Madha Matriculation School. The school children were
clearly explained about the study purpose and procedures. The formal oral consent was
obtained from the subjects. The usual assurance of anonymity and confidentiality was
The refined tool was used for pilot study to test the feasibility, appropriateness
and practicability. The pilot study was conducted in Madha Matriculation School at
Chennai from the duration of 01.11.2013 to 09.11.2013. A formal permission from higher
authorities and oral consent from the students was obtained. The pilot study was carried
out with 3 children who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The samples were selected by
purposive sampling technique.
The brief self introduction was given by the investigator and explained the
purpose of the study to the children to gain their co-operation. The tool was explained in
detail to the participants. On the first day modified attention tool and card game was used
to assess the pre test level of attention and concentration. On next day concentration
enhancement activity was given to the children for duration of 30 minutes for six days.
The post test was conducted by using the same tool on the seventh day.
A formal written permission was obtained from the Chairman of Madha group of
Academic Institutions and the Principal of Madha Matriculation School, Chennai. The
data was collected over a period of 4 weeks duration from 15.11.2013 to 15.12.2013. The
study was carried out among 30 school children who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. An
oral informed consent was obtained from each participant. Self introduction was followed
by adequate explanation about the purpose of the study to ensure better cooperation.
for six days. Then the investigator conducted the post test on seventh day by using same
The data was analyzed in term of the objectives of the study by using both
descriptive and inferential statistics. Demographic variables of school children were
analyzed in terms of frequency and percentage. Mean and standard deviation was used to
determine the level of attention and concentration among school age children. Paired‘t’
test was used to assess the effectiveness of concentration enhancement activity on
attention and concentration among school age children. Karl Pearson correlation
coefficient was used to correlate between the post test level of attention and concentration
among school age children. Chi square test was used to associate the post level of
attention and concentration among school age children with their selected demographic
Pre experimental one group pre test and post test design
Research design
Oral consent, pre test, concentration enhancement activity and post test as
Data collection procedure
Fig. 2: Schematic representation
of research methodology
The findings are based on the descriptive and inferential statistics analyzed and
presented under the following sections.
Section B : Frequency and percentage distribution of pre test level of attention and
concentration among school age children.
Section C : Frequency and percentage distribution of post test level of attention and
concentration among school age children.
Section D : Comparison of frequency and percentage distribution of pre test and post
level of attention and concentration among school age children.
Section E : Comparison of mean and standard deviation of pre test and post test level
of attention and concentration among school age children.
Section F : Correlation between post test level of attention and concentration among
school age children.
Section G: Association of post test level of attention and concentration among school
age children with their demographic variables.
With regard to their family structure all 30 (100%) children were living with their
parents. With regard to educational status of mother, 1 (3.3%) had non formal education,
2 (6.7%) went to primary school, 25 (83.3%) has completed school and 2 (6.7%) were
graduates. With regard to educational status of father, 1 (3.3%) went to primary school,
24 (80.0%) has completed school and 5 (16.7%) were graduates. In relation to the type of
diet, 4 (13.3%) were vegetarian and 26 (86.7%) were non vegetarian.
Type of diet
Non vegetarian
Fig 12: Percentage distribution of previous exposure to meditation among school children
Pre test
Level of attention
Frequency Percentage
Rarely inattentive 3 10
Sometimes inattentive 6 20
Often inattentive 21 70
Table 2 depicts the frequency and percentage distribution of pre test level of
attention among school age children. It reveals that 3 (10%) children were rarely
inattentive, 6 (20%) children were sometimes inattentive and 21 (70%) children were
often inattentive.
Fig. 13: Percentage distribution of pre test level of attention among school age children 47
Post test
Level of attention
Frequency Percentage
Rarely inattentive 18 60
Sometimes inattentive 12 40
Often inattentive 0 0
Table 3 depicts the frequency and percentage distribution of post test level of
attention among school age children. It reveals that 18 (60%) children were rarely
inattentive, 12 (40%) children were sometimes inattentive and none of the children
were often inattentive.
Fig. 14: Percentage distribution of post test level of attention among school age children 49
Pre test
Level of concentration
Frequency Percentage
Good 4 13.3
Fair 7 23.3
Poor 19 63.4
Table 4 depicts the frequency and percentage distribution of pre test level of
concentration among school age children. It reveals that 4 (13.3%) children had good
concentration, 7 (23.3%) children had fair concentration and 19 (63.4%) children had
poor concentration.
Fig. 15: Percentage distribution of pre test level of concentration among school age children
Post test
Level of concentration
Frequency Percentage
Good 19 63.3
Fair 11 36.7
Poor 0 0.0
Table 5 depicts the frequency and percentage distribution of post test level of
concentration among school age children. It reveals that 19 (63.3%) children had good
concentration, 11 (36.7%) children had fair concentration and none of them had poor
Fig. 16: Percentage distribution of post test level of concentration among school age children
Table 6: Comparison of frequency and percentage of pre test and post test level
of attention among school age children.
Fig 17: Percentage distribution of pre test and post test level of attention among school children
Table 7: Comparison of frequency and percentage of pre test and post test level
of concentration among school age children.
Fig 18: Percentage distribution of pre test and post test level of concentration among school children
Table 8: Comparison of mean and standard deviation of pre test and post test
level of attention among school age children.
Assessment of
Mean Standard Deviation Paired ‘t’ test
Pre test 29.83 6.73
Post test 18.53 5.14
*** p<0.001
Table 8 shows the comparison of mean and standard deviation between pre
test and post test level of attention. Analysis reveals that the pre test level of attention
mean score was 29.83 with the standard deviation of 6.73 and the post test level of
attention mean score was 18.53 with the standard deviation of 5.14. The paired’ test
value of 9.72 was very high significant at the level of p<0.001. The difference
between pre test and post test level of attention score is high and it is statistically very
high significant. Thus, it indicates the effectiveness of concentration enhancement
Fig 19: Mean and Standard deviation of pre test and post test level of attention among school age children.
Table 9: Comparison of mean and standard deviation of pre test and post test
level of concentration among school age children.
Assessment of
Mean Standard Deviation Paired ‘t’ test
Pre test 21.57 4.78
Post test 13.83 3.60
*** p<0.001
Table 9 shows the comparison of mean and standard deviation between pre
test and post test level of concentration regarding among school age children.
Analysis reveals that the pre test level of concentration mean score was 21.57 with the
standard deviation of 4.78 and the post test level of concentration mean score was
13.83 with the standard deviation of 3.60. The paired’ test value of 6.71 was very high
significant at the level of p<0.001. The difference between pre test and post test level
of concentration score is high and it is statistically very high significant. Thus, it
indicates the effectiveness of concentration enhancement activity.
Fig 20: Mean and Standard deviation of pre test and post test level of concentration among school age children. 61
Table 10: Correlation between post test level of attention and concentration
among school age children.
Karl Pearson
Standard Correlation
Assessment Mean score
deviation Coefficient
Attention 18.53 5.14 r =0.56
Concentration 13.83 3.60 S**
** p<0.01
Table 10 depicts the correlation between post test level attention and
concentration among school age children. The analysis reveals that the correlation
between post test level of attention and concentration were moderately correlated at
the level of p<0.01.
Table 11: Association of post test level of attention among school age children
with their demographic variables.
Sex χ2 =4.54
1 Boy 8 44.4 10 55.6 df= 1
Girl 10 83.3 2 16.7 S*
2 Type of family χ2 =0.69
Nuclear family 17 58.6 12 41.4 df= 1
Joint family 1 100.0 0 0.0 NS
3 Religion
Hindu 17 65.4 9 34.6 χ2 = 5.48
Christian 0 0.0 3 100.0 df= 2
Muslim 1 100.0 0 0.0 NS
4 Monthly income χ2 = 0.62
<Rs.5,000 7 70.0 3 30.0 df= 1
Rs.5,000-10,000 11 55.0 9 45.0 NS
5 Family structure χ2 =0.0
df= 0
Parents living together 18 60.0 12 40.0 NS
Educational status of
mother χ2 =0.83
Non formal 1 100.0 0 0.0 df= 3
Primary school 1 50.0 1 50.0 NS
Higher secondary 15 60.0 10 40.0
Graduate 1 50.0 1 50.0
Educational status of
father χ2 =1.56
Primary school 0 0 1 100.0 df= 2
Higher secondary 15 62.5 9 37.5 NS
Graduate 3 60.0 2 40.0
8 Type of diet χ2 =0.43
Vegetarian 3 75 1 25 df= 1
No Non vegetarian 15 57.7 11 42.3 NS
9 Type of hobby χ2 =3.69
Listening to music 3 100.0 0 0.0 df= 1
Sports 5 50.0 5 50.0 NS
Watching TV 3 42.9 4 57.1
Playing video games 7 50.0 3 30.0
Previous exposure to χ2 =5.00
10 meditation df= 1
6 100.0 0 0.0
Yes S*
12 50.0 12 50.0
NS- Non significant, S- statistically significant, *p<0.05
The chi square value of 4.54 showed that there was a significant association
between the sex of school children and post test level of attention after concentration
enhancement activity at the level of p<0.05. The chi square value of 5.00 showed that
there was a significant association between previous exposure to meditation and post
test level of attention after concentration enhancement activity at the level of p<0.05.
Table 12: Association of post test level of concentration among school age
children with their demographic variables.
Sex χ2 =6.91
1 Boy 8 44.4 10 55.6 df= 1
Girl 11 91.7 1 8.3 S*
2 Type of family χ2 =0.59
Nuclear family 18 62.1 11 37.9 df= 1
Joint family 1 100.0 0 0.0 NS
3 Religion
Hindu 17 65.4 9 34.6 χ2 = 1.78
df= 2
Christian 2 66.7 1 33.3
Muslim 0 0.0 1 100.0
4 Monthly income χ2 = 1.12
<Rs.5,000 5 50.0 5 50.0 df= 1
Rs.5,000-10,000 14 70.0 6 30.0 NS
5 Family structure χ2 =0.0
df= 0
Parents living together 19 63.3 11 36.7 NS
Educational status of
mother χ2 =0.89
Non formal 1 100.0 0 0.0 df= 3
Primary school 1 50.0 1 50.0 NS
Higher secondary 16 64.0 9 36.0
Graduate 1 50.0 1 50.0
Educational status of
father χ2 =1.43
Primary school 1 100.0 0 0.0 df= 2
Higher secondary 14 58.3 10 41.7 NS
Graduate 4 80.0 1 20.0
8 Type of diet χ2 =2.67
Vegetarian 4 100.0 0 0.0 df= 1
No Non vegetarian 15 57.7 11 42.3 NS
9 Type of hobby 33.3 χ2 =2.33
Listening to music 2 66.7 1
40.0 df= 1
Sports 6 60.0 4 NS
Watching TV 6 85.7 1
Playing video games 5 50.0 5
Previous exposure to χ2 =4.34
10 meditation 6 100.0 0 0.0 df= 1
Yes 13 54.2 11 45.8 S*
NS- Non significant, S- statistically significant, *p<0.05
The chi square value of 6.91 showed that there was a significant association
between the sex of school children and post test level of concentration after
concentration enhancement activity at the level of p<0.05. The chi square value of
4.34 showed that there was a significant association between previous exposure to
meditation and post test level of concentration after concentration enhancement
activity at the level of p<0.05.
This chapter deals with discussion of the result obtained from the statistical
analysis. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of concentration enhancement
activity on attention and concentration among school age children in Madha
Matriculation School at Chennai.
The conceptual framework for this study was developed based on Imogen
King’s goal attainment theory. The research design used in the study was pre
experimental one group pre test and post test design. It was carried out with 30
participants who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Purposive sampling technique was
used to select the sample.
A modified attention profile and concentration test was used to assess the pre
test level of attention and concentration among school age children. Concentration
enhancement activity was conducted to the participants for the duration of 30 minutes
for six days. The post test was conducted on seventh day by using the same tool.
The collected data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
The distribution of demographic variables of study showed that the majority of
children 18 (60.0%) were boys and 12 (40.0%) were girls. With respect to type of
family, 29 (96.7%) were in nuclear family and 1(3.3%) were in joint family.
Regarding religion the majority of the children, 26 (86.7%) were Hindus, 3 (10.0%)
were Christians, 1(3.3%) was Muslim. Considering the monthly income, 10 (33.3%)
were within the family income of less than Rs.5, 000 and 20 (66.7%) were within the
family income of Rs. 5, 000- 10,000.
With regard to their family structure all 30 (100%) children were living with
their parents. With regard to educational status of mother, 1 (3.3%) had non formal
education, 2 (6.7%) went to primary school, 25 (83.3%) has completed school and
2 (6.7%) were graduates. With regard to educational status of father, 1 (3.3%) went to
primary school, 24 (80.0%) has completed school and 5 (16.7%) were graduates. In
relation to the type of diet, 4 (13.3%) were vegetarian and 26 (86.7%) were non
The first objective was to assess the pre test level of attention and concentration
among school age children.
In pre test, 3 (10%) children were rarely inattentive, 6 (20%) children were
sometimes inattentive and 21 (70%) children were often inattentive, with regard to
concentration, it reveals that 4 (13.3%) children had good concentration, 7 (23.3%)
children had fair concentration and 19 (63.4%) children had poor concentration.
The study correlates with Ong. L. C., et al., (2010) who conducted a study on
factors associated with poor academic achievement among urban primary school
children in Malaysia. Socio demographic and medical data were obtained from
questionnaires and interviews. All students underwent raven’s standard progressive
matrices test as a general measure of cognitive ability. The results showed that out of
1470 eligible children, 206 had poor achievement. Out of 919 children who
participated in the study, 111 had poor achievement compared with 95 of the 551 non
participants and the factors were found to be independently associated with poor
academic achievement (p<0.001). The study concluded that cognitive ability, gender,
prematurity and social factors contributed to poor academic achievement during the
early school years.
The study correlates with Silveria. A., et al., (2014) who conducted a study on
relationship between learning problems and attention deficit in childhood. The
samples included in the study were 774 children from selected elementary schools.
The child was assessed by his teacher using a standardized scale. The attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder scale of teacher’s version was used to evaluate attention deficit
hyperactive disorder symptoms and learning problems. The result indicated that a
very strong association was found between attention deficit and learning problems.
The second objective was to assess the post test level of attention and concentration
among school age children.
The study correlates with Shrensen. L., et al., (2012) who conducted a study
on the impact of inattention and emotional problems on cognitive control in primary
school children. The samples were 241 children from primary school. The cognitive
control was measured by functions of set shifting and working memory as assessed by
behavior rating inventory of executive function and performance based tests.
Inattention and emotional problems were measured with parent and teacher reports on
Swanson Nolan and Pelham questionnaire, strengths and difficulties questionnaire
respectively. The result showed that clinical symptoms of inattention and emotional
problems explained the child’s performance on test measures, however symptoms of
inattention made a significant contribution on all the selected measures of cognitive
control, whereas reports concerning emotional problems uniquely explained the
variance on the shift scale.
The study correlates with Murray. D. W., et al., (2011) who reviewed a study
on teacher management practices for first graders with attention problems. The
sample included a total of 36 teachers who completed the teacher management
questionnaire for 92 students in five predominantly low income, minority schools.
Additional teacher and student background data were collected on the inattentive
sample, including behavior ratings and academic test. The result indicated that
teachers reported variable implementation of different management strategies, with
more frequent use of class wide structure and organizational interventions, and less
frequent assignment modifications and individual behavior plans.
In comparison of mean and standard deviation between pre test and post test
level of attention among school age children. Analysis reveals that the pre test level of
attention mean score was 29.83 with the standard deviation of 6.73 and the post test
level of attention mean score was 18.53 with the standard deviation of 5.14. The
paired ‘t’ test value of 9.72 was very high significant at the level of p<0.001. The
difference between pre test and post test level of attention score is high and it is
statistically very high significant.
In comparison of mean and standard deviation between pre test and post test
level of concentration among school age children. Analysis reveals that the pre test
level of concentration mean score was 21.57 with the standard deviation of 4.78 and
the post test level of concentration mean score was 13.83 with the standard deviation
of 3.60. The paired ‘t’ test value of 6.71 was very high significant at the level of
p<0.001. The difference between pre test and post test level of concentration score is
high and it is statistically very high significant. Thus, it indicates the effectiveness of
concentration enhancement activity among school age children.
The study correlates with Saskia. O., et al., (2012) who had conducted a study
to evaluate the effectiveness of eight week mindfulness training for children with
attention deficit and mindful parenting for their parents. Parents were assessed by
questionnaires including their own attention deficit symptoms, parenting stress,
parental overacting, permissiveness and mindful awareness before, immediately after
the eight week training and at eight week follow up. The teachers reported attention
deficit behavior of the child. The results showed the effectiveness of mindfulness for
children with attention deficit and their parents.
The fourth objective was to correlate the post test level of attention and
concentration among school age children
The study correlates with Gajre. N. S., et al., (2008) who has conducted a
study on breakfast eating habit and its influence on attention and concentration,
immediate memory and school achievement. The samples were 379 urban 11 to 13
year old school children. Data was collected using letter cancellation test, immediate
memory from PGI memory scale, school marks of the previous year and nutritional
status. The result showed a significant difference in the letter cancellation total score
with the regular breakfast group achieving the highest mean scores compared to the
no breakfast group, p<0.05. The results concluded that regular habit of eating
breakfast as opposed to irregular consumption or skipping breakfast altogether had
beneficial influence on attention and concentration, memory and school achievement.
The fifth objective was to associate the post test level of attention and concentration
among school age children with their selected demographic variables.
In association with the post test level of attention, there was a significant
association found with their demographic variables. The chi square value of 4.54
showed that there was a significant association between the sex of child and post test
level of attention after the conduction of concentration enhancement activity at the
level of p<0.05. The chi square value of 5.00 showed that there was a significant
association between previous exposure to meditation and post test level of attention
after the conduction of concentration enhancement activity at the level of p<0.05.
The heart of the research lies in reporting the finding of the study. This is most
creative and demanding part of study. This chapter gives a brief account of the present
study including the conclusion drawn from the finding, recommendations, limitation
of the study, suggestions for the study and nursing implications. The present study
was to assess the effectiveness of concentration enhancement activity on attention and
concentration among school children in Madha Matriculation School at Chennai.
1. To assess the pretest level of attention and concentration among school age
2. To assess the post test level of attention and concentration among school age
3. To determine the effectiveness of concentration enhancement activity
regarding attention and concentration among school age children.
4. To correlate the post test level of attention and concentration among school
age children
5. To associate the post test level of attention and concentration among school
age children with their selected demographic variables.
foundation for the study including the basis for conceptual frame work and formation
of tool.
The conceptual framework for this study was developed based on Imogen
King’s goal attainment theory. The research design used in the study was pre
experimental one group pre test and post test design. It was carried out with
30 participants who fulfilled the inclusive criteria. Purposive sampling technique was
used to select the subjects.
A modified attention profile and card game was used to assess the pre test
level of attention and concentration among school age children. Concentration
enhancement activity was conducted to the participants for the duration of
30 minutes for six days. The post test was conducted on seventh day by using the
same tool.
The collected data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
The distribution of demographic variables of study showed that the majority of
children 18 (60.0%) were boys and 12 (40.0%) were girls. With respect to type of
family, 29 (96.7%) were in nuclear family and 1(3.3%) were in joint family.
Regarding religion the majority of the children, 26 (86.7%) were Hindus, 3 (10.0%)
were Christians, 1(3.3%) was Muslim. Considering the monthly income, 10 (33.3%)
were within family income of less than Rs.5, 000 and 20 (66.7%) were within family
income of Rs. 5, 000- 10,000.
With regard to their family structure all 30 (100%) children were living with
their parents. With regard to educational status of mother, 1 (3.3%) had non formal
education, 2 (6.7%) went to primary school, 25 (83.3%) has completed school and
2 (6.7%) were graduates. With regard to educational status of father, 1 (3.3%) went to
primary school, 24 (80.0%) has completed school and 5 (16.7%) were graduates. In
relation to the type of diet, 4 (13.3%) were vegetarian and 26 (86.7%) were non
In comparison of mean and standard deviation between pre test and post test
level of attention and concentration among school age children, the pre test level of
attention mean score was 29.83 with the standard deviation of 6.73 and the post test
level of attention mean score was 18.53 with the standard deviation of 5.14. The
paired‘t’ test value of 9.72 was very high significant at the level of p<0.001. The
difference between pre test and post test level of attention score is high and it is
statistically very high significant. In comparison of mean and standard deviation
between pre test and post test level of concentration among school age children, the
pre test level of concentration mean score was 21.57 with the standard deviation of
4.78 and the post test level of concentration mean score was 13.83 with the standard
deviation of 3.60. The paired‘t’ test value of 6.71 was very high significant at the
level of p<0.001. The difference between pre test and post test level is high and it is
statistically very high significant. Thus, it indicates the effectiveness of concentration
enhancement activity among school age children.
The correlation between post test level of student’s attention and concentration
were moderately correlated at the level of p<0.01. Hence it indicates the effectiveness
of concentration enhancement activity among school age children.
Attention and concentration is very essential for all students in order to control
the disturbing and intruding thoughts. Most children suffer with poor memory and
attention difficulty almost every day. This affects many areas of their life. Through
this enhancement activity students can learn and focus better in their academics and
prevent the problems from maths test to social relationships to motivation for
learning. Hence the investigator found that there was a significant difference in the
level of attention and concentration after giving concentration enhancement activity
among school age children.
The findings of the study have implications in various areas of nursing service,
nursing education, nursing administration and nursing research.
Nursing Practice
Nursing Education
Nurse educators have a role to educate the children and parents regarding
various methods to improve attention and concentration. The educational institution
should include various concentration enhancement activity in the curriculum to
educate the nurses and identify the needs of the children regarding lack of attention
and concentration. Various continuing nursing education and in service education
regarding methods to improve attention and concentration should be explained to
nurses to help them to become aware of attention and concentration problems in
Nursing Administration
Nursing Research
She should publish the study findings and communicate the findings regarding
the concentration enhancement activity to enhance evidence based practice. She
should encourage and conduct further researches to create awareness of concentration
enhancement activity.
¾ The same study can be conducted in large samples to generalize the finding.
¾ The similar study can be conducted with control group.
¾ A comparative study can be done between rural and urban school children.
¾ A similar study can be conducted among adolescent children.
¾ A descriptive study on assessing the level of attention and concentration among
school children can be done.
During the period of study the investigator faced the difficulties of lack of
attention from the students while conducting activity and the study sample was small
and sample were selected by purposive sampling method limiting the generalize
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¾ Melissa. L. et al., (2014). Trends in the parent report of health care provider in
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• www.
2. Type of family
a) Nuclear family
b) Joint family
3. Religion
a) Hindu
b) Christian
c) Muslim
d) Others
5. Family structure
a) Single parent
b) Parents living together
c) Divorced parents
d) No parents
e) Step mother/step father
9. Type of hobby
a) Listening to music
b) Sports
c) Watching TV
d) Browsing
7. Argumentative or stubborn
18. Disorganized
There are 9 pairs of cards given for children. In each pair, name of any occupation
is given. These cards are shuffled and spread on the table as upside down. The child has
to take two cards at a time and check whether the occupation is same for both cards. If
not, keep both cards upside down and take any other two cards. The cards can be taken
out if both are same. The number of attempts to finish the game is considered as the
score. The child who completes the game with less attempts is considered as having more
Miot International,
Task I
Cancel both capital and small letter ‘a’ from the paragraph within 2 minutes
i. Choppers chop
Droppers chop