Time 2190 Product Data Sheet

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Standard Delivery

●Main unit 1
●5MHz double element transducer 1
●Couplant 1
●TIME certificate 1
●Warranty card 1
●Instruction manual 1

Optional Accessory
●Standard block
●Optional transducers (see next page)
●Dataview software

Technical Specification

Measurement range 0.20~508mm (depend on probe)

Velocity range 508m/s~18699m/s
●A-scan waveform can be displayed for echo analysis and
measurement of complex workpiece Display screen Color TFT LCD, 320x240 pixels
●Compatible with many types of transducers, both single
Adjustable Square Wave Pulse
and dual element transducers Pulse generator
●Users can set blanks to shield aftershocks or clutter
●Echo-echo measures the true metal thickness while Resolution 0.001mm or 0.01 or 0.1mm optional
ignoring the thickness of coating layer.
Emission voltage 60V, 110V, 150V, 200V optional
●Thru-coat technology measures metal and nonmetallic
coating thickness. Emission pulse width varies with transducer frequency
●Signal auto-amplification function
●Adjustable voltage variable pulse width square wave pulse Gain range 0-99dB, 1dB step
Frequency range 0.5 Mhz~20Mhz
●Single value B-scan display function
●Fast measurement mode up to 20 times per second Measurement rate standard (4Hz), fast (20Hz)
●Set upper and lower limits and alarm
●Data can be output to a removable MicroSD memory 10 sets of fixed transducer setting
card. Can store up to 500,000 measured values and Transducer settings and 22 sets of custom transducer
500 data files, each capable of
Data Storage storing 1000 measurements and

Working temperature 0°C~40°

TIME 2190
Power three AA battery or NiMH batteries

Dimensions (mm) 187mm×87 mm×43 mm


Transducers of TIME2190

Measuring Range
Transducer Type Frequency Picture Remark
in Steel(mm)

DK537EE 1-508 Standard delivery
Double element

2MHz Field application case:

DC250 2.5-508
Double element Measure 225mm with coating

Field application case:
DLK1025 0.5- 12.7 Single element with
Measure 0.8mm with coating
delay block

DCC110 7.62-508 Measure FRP material
Single element

DLK1225 0.5-5.08 Measure very small workpiece
Single element

DHT-537 1-508 High temperature up to 500℃
Double element

DEFM2-SE 0.15-20 Measure thin workpiece
Single element

SZ2.5P 3-300
Double element

TSTU32 5-40(cast iron) Cast iron
Single element

ZW5P 4-80 High temperature up to 300℃
Double element
Detecting Modes
●The standard echo detection mode measures the thickness based on the time interval between the excitation pulse and the first back
wall echo. User can measure uncoated materials in this mode.
●Automatic echo-echo detection mode allows thickness measurement of materials with paint or coating because the time interval
between two successive back-wall echoes eliminate paint or coating thickness.
●Paint thickness measurement can simultaneously display layer thickness and substrate thickness.
●The instrument includes three detection modes (Mode 1, Mode 2, and Mode 3)
Mode 1: Measures the time interval between the main pulse signal and the first back-wall echo with direct contact transducer.
Mode 2: Measure the time interval between the interface echo (or delay line echo) and the first back-wall echo with a delay line or
immersion transducer.
Mode 3: Measure the time interval between two successive back-wall echoes with a delay line or a immersion transducer.

Measuring Mode Echo 1 Echo 2

The back echo is usually the negativeelectrode.

However, in specialapplications where low
Mode 1 uses contact acousticimpedance materials bonded to
Not applicable
transducer highacoustic impedance materials aremeasured
(eg, plastic or rubber isadhered to the metal),
the echoes appearto be phase inverted.

When measuring materials with highimpedance The back-wall echo is typicallythe negative
Mode 2 uses a delay line such as metals andceramics, the interface echo electrode unless it isfrom an interface between
transducer or a immersion is usuallypositive, while when measuring low- a lowacoustic impedance material anda high
transducer impedance materials like most plastics,the echo acoustic impedancematerial that are bonded
is negative. together.

The back echo is usually thenegative electrode.

However, inspecial measurementapplications
Mode 3 uses a delay line for some irregulargeometry materials, the
For high impedance materials, the interface
transducer or a immersion bottomecho is set to the positiveelectrode due to
echo is usually positive.
transducer the phasedistortion causing the positiveelectrode
of the bottom echo tobe clearer than the


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