Grade 6 Term 1 Revision Booklet

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Present Simple (I do)

The present tense is the base form of the verb:

I work in Istanbul.

But with the third person singular (she/he/it), we add “–s”:

He works in Kadıköy.

We use “do” and “does” to make questions with the present simple. We use “does” for the third person
singular (she/he/it) and “do” for the others.

Do you play an instrument?

Does Johnny play football?

We use “do” and “does” with question words like where, what and when:

Where do Johnny and Mary live?

What does Mark do?
When does Andrew usually visit his grandparents?

Questions with who often don't use “do” or “does”:

Who lives in Istanbul?

Who plays tennis on the weekend? NOT “Who does live in Istanbul?”
Who works at the library?

We use “do” and “does” to make negatives with the present simple. We use “doesn't” for the third
person singular (she/he/it) and “don't” for the others.

I like football but I don't like rugby. (don't = do not)

I don't live in Antalya now.
I don't play the piano but I play the drums.
They don't work in the evening.
John doesn't live in New York City. (doesn't = does not)
Jonathan doesn't drive to work. He takes the train.

A. DIRECTIONS: Add -s, -es or -ies to the verbs.

1. see 7. kiss 13. play 19. help

2. take 8. call 14. study 20. cut

3. brush 9. give 15. watch 21. cry

4. carry 10. match 16. fly 22. choose

5. wake 11. teach 17. lose 23. catch

6. buy 12. pass 18. come 24. fight

B. DIRECTIONS: Rewrite the sentences with the correct subject. Look at the

1. Johnny likes to eat ice cream. (I)

I like to eat ice cream.
2. We go to the cinema every Friday. (Richard)
3. The girls know how to organize well. (Tina)
4. My sister speaks English perfectly. (They)
5. I play computer games every afternoon. (You)

C. DIRECTIONS: Write “Do” or “Does”.

1. _________ Crystal help her mom every evening?

2. _________ you listen to rap music?
3. _________ Tom know everything about science?
4. _________ she go to the office every day?
5. _________ you like to read comic books?
6. _________ the boys love to play?
7. _________ your mom help you often?
8. _________ you always work this late?

D. DIRECTIONS: Write “don’t” or “doesn’t”.

1. My best friend _________ like sports.
2. We _________ live here.
3. She _________ work here.
4. Theresa _________ wear long dresses.
5. I _________ want to eat ice cream tonight.
6. It _________ sleep all day.

E. DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions in complete sentences.

1. Where do you live?
2. Who do you like to play with?

Present continuous (I am doing)

Study this example situation:

Pauline is in her car. She is on her way to work.
She is driving to work.
This means: She is driving now, at the time of speaking.
The action is not finished.
am/is/are + -ing is the present continuous:

I am (= I’m) driving
he/she/it is (= he’s etc.) working
we/you/they are (= we’re etc.) doing etc.

I am doing something = I am in the middle of doing it; I’ve started doing it and I
haven’t finished yet.
We can use the present continuous with now / at the moment / today / this week / this
year / etc. (periods around now).

We can also use this tense to talk about future arrangements.

Examples: What are you doing on Saturday evening?

What time is Cathy arriving tomorrow?
Ian isn’t playing football next Sunday.

A. DIRECTIONS: Complete the conversations.

1. A: I saw Brian a few days ago.
B: Oh, did you? _______________________ (what / he / do) these days?
A: He’s at university.
B: _______________________ (what / he / study)?
A: Psychology.
B: _______________________ (he / enjoy) it?
A: Yes, he says it’s a very good course.
2. A: Hi, Liz. How _______________________ (you / get on) in your new
B: Not bad. It wasn’t so good at first, but _______________________ (things / get)
better now.
A: What about your dad? Is he OK?
B: Yes, but _______________________ (he / not / enjoy) his work at the
moment. He’s been in the same job for a long time and
_______________________ (he / begin) to get bored of it.

B. DIRECTIONS: Write what is happening in each photo.

1. ______________________________________________.

2. ______________________________________________.

3. ______________________________________________.

4. ______________________________________________.

5. ______________________________________________.

6. ______________________________________________.

C. DIRECTIONS: Complete the sentences with the verbs below in the correct form.

drive / watch / take / get / work / use

1. A: You ______________________ hard today.
B: Yes, I have a lot to do.
A: How about this weekend? Have you made any plans?
B: In fact, I’ve just talked to dad on the phone. He ______________________ me to our
summer house on Friday evening. We’re going to have a garden party with our
A: Sounds fun! ______________________ your dog with you?
B: Of course I am! He loves being there and playing with the neighbour’s dog.

2. A: It ______________________ dark. Shall I turn on the light?

B: Yes, please. Also, if you ______________________ your iPad right now, can I play a
game on it?
A: I’m sorry, but I ______________________ a YouTube video at the moment. I’ll give it
to you when I’m done.

Past Simple (I did)

When do we use Past Simple?

1. To talk about a completed action in the past.

Ex: I started school two weeks ago.
He broke his arm last week.

2. To talk about events that were true for some time in the past, but not now.
Ex: They lived in Russia for three years.

3. To talk about a list of completed actions in the past.

Ex: He sat down, took his pen and started writing his letter.

We use did to ask questions about the past.

Ex: Did you eat breakfast yesterday?
Did she do her homework?

We use didn’t / did not to say something that didn’t happen in the past.
Ex: I didn’t go to the supermarket last week.

TIME WORDS: yesterday

last (week, month, year, etc.)
ago (a few minutes ago, two weeks ago, etc.)
in (2021, summer, etc.)
when (When I was a little baby …)

A. DIRECTIONS: Write the past form of the following verbs.

Ex: eat - ate

1. be - 9. meet - 17. lead -

2. begin - 10. read - 18. drive -

3. break - 11. spend - 19. buy -

4. drink - 12. teach - 20. freeze -

5. fall - 13. think - 21. speak -

6. feel - 14. understand - 22. tell -

7. forget - 15. win - 23. grow -

8. leave - 16. bring - 24. build -

B. DIRECTIONS: Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the verbs
in the parantheses. Be careful with negatives and questions.
1. My brother and I _____________ (finish) our weekly project a few minutes ago.
2. Where _____________ you _____________ (leave) your coat?
3. Suzy ____________ (go) to school yesterday because she ____________ (be) ill.
4. What _____________ she _____________ (have) for breakfast?
5. Tim _____________ (make) a big chocolate cake a few hours ago.
6. Mr. Arable _____________ (kill) Wilbur because Fern _____________ (tell) him not to.
7. Templeton _____________ (eat) the rotten egg. He _____________ (know) it was bad.
8. Charlotte _____________ (write) ‘SOME PIG’ on her web.
9. Wilbur _____________ (win) a bronze medal and $25 at the county fair’s best pig

C. DIRECTIONS: Each sentence below has a mistake. Underline the mistake, then
write each sentence correctly.

1. Did you knew the answer to the last question?

2. He didn’t went to Paris last week.
3. Was she buy a new car yesterday?
4. He weren’t at home last night.
5. Did you in class yesterday?

D. DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions about you.

1. What time did you wake up this morning?

2. How many Achieve articles did you read last month?
3. Where did you go last summer?
4. How much money did you spend last week?
5. Did it rain yesterday?

Past Continuous (I was doing...)

When do we use Past Continuous?

1. To talk about a longer action which is interrupted by a shorter one
in the past.
Ex: I was watching TV when she called.
When the telephone rang, she was writing an email.

2. To talk about two or more events happening at the same time in the
Ex: They were playing a game while their parents were preparing lunch.
Were you listening while he was talking?

We use was / were to ask questions about the past.

Ex: Were you dancing when you broke your leg?
Was she singing at eight o’clock last night?

We use wasn’t / weren’t to say something that wasn’t happening in the past.
Ex: I wasn’t walking to the supermarket when I saw the accident. I was walking to

TIME WORDS: When / While

A. DIRECTIONS: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs.

What were your relatives doing at your house last Sunday at 7 o’clock?

1. My mom ______________________ (cook) dinner for everyone.

2. My dad ______________________ (wash) the car in front of our house.
3. My grandmother ______________________ (help) my little brother with his homework,
but my little brother ______________________ (listen) to her carefully - he
______________________ (drawing) pictures.
4. My grandfather ______________________ (read) his Sunday newspapers.
5. Our cat Fluffy ______________________ (chase) another cat in the garden.
6. My cousins _______________________ (fly) their new drone at the park across from our
7. Our dogs ______________________ (run) around the house.
8. I _____________________ (do) anything, I _____________________ (watch) other people.

B. DIRECTIONS: For each question, circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Herman __________ a mistake while he __________ the problem.

a) made / solved b) made / was solving
c) makes / will solve d) was making / solved

2. When I __________ home, they __________ in the bedroom.

a) was coming / were playing b) came / played
c) was coming / were playing d) came / were playing

3. While I __________ the plants, he __________ his bike.

a) watered / was cleaning b) was watering / cleaned
c) was watering / was cleaning d) watered / cleaned

4. Melinda __________ a black dress when I __________ her at the restaurant.

a) wore / meet b) was wearing / meet
c) was wearing / met d) wore / was meeting

5. The students __________ in the garden when the bell __________.

a) played / rings b) were playing / rang
c) was playing / ring d) was playing / rang

C. DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks with when or while.

1. I was reading a book __________ I suddenly heard a noise.

2. __________ Mike was preparing dinner, his wife went shopping.

3. __________ Suzy and Katherine were talking in the kitchen, the doorbell rang.

4. __________ I was cycling, the rain started.

5. My mum came home __________ my brother was playing video games.

6. __________ Caroline got home, her sister was making some coffee.

7. They were sleeping __________ the burglars broke in.

8. We were having a lesson __________ we heard a terrible noise.

We use “used to” + infinitive to talk about a past situation that is no longer true. It tells us
that there was a repeated action or state in the past which has now changed.

Positive: She used to be shy when she was younger but now she is very

Negative: I didn't use to sleep very well, but then I started doing yoga and it
really helped.

Question form: Did you use to live in Canada as a child?

A. DIRECTIONS: Complete the text with the correct form of “used to”.

1. I __________________ play football but an injury stopped me from playing.

2. I __________________ go to school by bus but two weeks ago I got a bike so now I ride it
to school everyday.
3. Didn’t she __________________ have long hair? She must have changed her hair style.
4. My father __________________ work for Tesla, now he works for Apple and is designing
the new Apple car.
5. I __________________ study hard but now I study all the time because I want to get
accepted into a good university.
6. He __________________ exercise and was overweight but now he is fit and exercises five
days a week.
7. There __________________ be a gas station in our neighborhood but it closed only last
8. Didn’t Bill Gates __________________ be the richest person in the world? Now, Elon Musk
is the richest.
9. Jonathan __________________ drive to work, but last week he bought a car and he says
he is never taking the bus again.
10. Cindy has always been interested in cars. Even as a child, she __________________ play
with toy cars more than she did with Barbie dolls.

B. DIRECTIONS: Rewrite the sentences below using the correct form of “used to”.
Don’t change the meaning.

1. Last year I lived in Paris, but now I live in Rome.

I ______________________________________________________________________

2. He had a lot of money, but now he doesn’t.

He ____________________________________________________________________

3. Peter stopped playing the guitar two years ago. Now he plays the violin.

Peter __________________________________________________________________

4. He went to the cinema regularly, but now he doesn’t.

He ____________________________________________________________________

5. When I was a young boy, I always ate a lot of junk food, but now I eat healthy food.

I ______________________________________________________________________

6. When Sarah was a child, she played on the school soccer team, but now she plays tennis.

Sarah __________________________________________________________________

7. My mom always drank coffee at breakfast but now she drinks tea because it is healthier.

My mom ________________________________________________________________

8. There were a lot of trees in the park, but they were all cut down.

There __________________________________________________________________

C. DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions using “used to”.

1. What did you use to watch on TV when you were younger?


2. What games did you use to play but don’t play now?

3. How did people use to travel before cars were invented?


4. How did people use to communicate before email was invented?


5. What did people use for entertainment before the TV was invented?


Conditionals describe the result of a certain condition. The if clause tells you the condition
(If you study hard) and the main clause tells you the result (you will pass your exams).
You can change the places of the clauses and the meaning will stay the same.

If you study hard, you will pass your exams. = You will pass your exams if you study hard.

We studied three types of conditional sentences this term.

Zero conditional (TYPE 0)

We use the zero conditional to talk about things that are generally true, especially for
laws, rules and scientific facts.

If you heat ice, it melts. (It is a fact.)

First conditional (TYPE 1)

We use the first conditional to talk about future situations we believe are real or possible.

If it snows tomorrow, we will stay at home. (This will probably happen.)

Second conditional (TYPE 2)

The second conditional is used to imagine present or future situations that are impossible
or unlikely in reality.

If we had a dog, we would take him swimming, too. (We don’t have a dog, so we won’t take
him swimming.)

A. DIRECTIONS: Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the verbs
in the parentheses. Be careful with negative and question forms.

1. When we go back to school, I ____________________ (see) my friends and my teachers.

2. If I had a sister, I ____________________ (play) with her every day.
3. When I stare at a screen all day, I ____________________ (get) a headache at night.
4. If Charlotte didn’t live in the barn, Wilbur ____________________ (have) no friends.
5. If I see my friends this week, we ____________________ (play) Among Us online, we will go
outside and play in the park.
6. If you look at the sun directly, it ____________________ (hurt) your eyes.
7. If you could read one book every day, which books ____________________ (you / read)
next week?
8. If you download too many apps, your computer ____________________ (work) properly and
will be very slow.

B. DIRECTIONS: Match the sentence halves in “Column A” to the ones in “Column B”
to make meaningful sentences. There is ONE extra in “Column B”.


1. If you eat too much sugar, + ____ A. you wouldn’t feel lonely.
2. If you had a dog, + ____ B. people go to the beach.
3. He talks very loudly + ____ C. we will go without her.
4. If you go to bed earlier, +____ D. if you heat it.
5. If she doesn’t call, + ____ E. you won't get lost.
6. If you had something to eat, + ____ F. you wouldn’t be hungry.
7. Ice melts + ____ G. you'll feel better in the morning.
8. When it’s hot and sunny, +____ H. if there are other people in the
I. you’ll be unhealthy.
C. DIRECTIONS: Read the situations and choose the correct words to complete the
1. If I see Paul, I _________ him to call you.

a) will tell b) would tell c) tell d) wouldn’t tell

2. My mom gets upset if I _________ early because she says it’s unhealthy.

a) sleep b) would sleep c) will sleep d) don’t sleep

3. If I lived in another city, I _________ my family.

a) would miss b) will miss c) am missing d) used to miss

4. If they don’t have time tonight, they _________ my gift tomorrow morning.

a) give b) wouldn’t give c) will give d) would give

5. My friends would help me if they _________ here.

a) are b) will be c) were d) was

6. We won’t invite Jen and Sam to the concert if we _________ them.

a) will see b) see c) don’t see d) have seen

7. Joe will talk to his dad today if he _________ home early.

a) comes b) will come c) came d) has come

8. If my aunt hears your voice, she _________ very happy.

a) will be b) is c) would be d) has been

9. Will you go if Jamie _________ you to his birthday party?

a) invites b) will invite c) invite d) would invite


The scientist had nobody to talk to.

Did you see anything interesting during the expedition?
I discovered something, but I don’t know what it is exactly.
We lived somewhere in a rural area for ten years.

DIRECTIONS: Write the correct word to complete the rule.

We use __________ and __________ to talk about people, __________ to talk about objects
and __________ to talk about places.

A. DIRECTIONS: Read the story and circle the correct choice.

B. DIRECTIONS: Complete the sentences with one of the words in the box.

everybody somebody anybody nobody

everything something anything nothing

everywhere somewhere anywhere nowhere

1. This bag is empty, there isn’t _______________ in it.

2. I’m lonely. I have _______________ to talk to.

3. I lost my watch. I’ve looked for it _______________.

4. She said _______________, but I didn’t understand her.

5. Did you go _______________ interesting for your vacation?

6. I like the people here. _______________ is very friendly.

7. “What are you doing here?” “I’m waiting for _______________, but they’re late.”

8. It’s a secret. Don’t tell _______________.

9. We don’t go out very much, because there’s _______________ to go.

10. “How much does it cost to visit the museum?” “_______________. It’s free.”

11. They live _______________ in the south of France.

12. It’s a nice hotel. It’s comfortable and _______________ is clean.

C. DIRECTIONS: Rewrite the following sentences using “anybody”, “anywhere” or

“anything”. Keep the same meaning.
Example: There was no one at the park when I arrived.
There wasn’t anyone at the park when I arrived.

1. I’ve got nothing in my bag.

2. Tim likes nobody.
3. I want nothing to eat.
4. There is nowhere to go.

A/AN and THE

Study this example:

Joe says ‘a sandwich’, ‘an apple’ because

this is the first time he talks about them.

Joe now says ‘the sandwich’, ‘the apple’ because David

knows which sandwich and which apple he means - the
sandwich and the apple that he had for lunch.

a It is used in front of a singular countable noun.

We don’t use it before plural nouns or uncountable nouns.
If a noun starts with a consonant sound (b, c, d, f, etc.), it comes before the noun.

an It is used in front of a singular countable noun.

We don’t use it before plural nouns or uncountable nouns.
If a noun starts with a vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u), it comes before the noun.

the It is used in front of all nouns to describe someone or something specific or unique.
It is used before the names of rivers (the River Thames), mountain ranges (the Alps),
oceans (the Pacific Ocean), seas (the Mediterranean Sea), deserts (the Sahara),
rainforests (the Amazon Rainforest), gulfs (the Gulf of California), and peninsulas (the
Iberian Peninsula).
It is used before plural country names such as the Philippines, the Bahamas, etc.
It is used before superlative adjectives such as the best, the most attractive, etc.

A. DIRECTIONS: Put in a/an, the or - (no article).

1. This morning I bought ...a... newspaper and _______ magazine. _______ newspaper is in my
bag, but I can’t remember where I put _______ magazine.
2. _______ Statue of Liberty is at the entrance to _______ New York Harbour.
3. I saw _______ accident yesterday. _______ car crashed into _______ tree. _______ driver of
the car wasn’t hurt, but _______ car was badly damaged.
4. There are two bikes parked outside: _______ white one and _______ red one. _______ white
one belongs to my neighbors. I don’t know who _______ owner of _______ red one is.
5. I’d like to go to _______ China and see _______ Great Wall.
6. Two of my best friends live in _______ old house in _______ small village. There is _______
beautiful garden behind _______ house. I would like to have _______ garden like that.
7. Have you ever been to _______ British Museum?
8. _______ species is a group of animals or plants that have the same characteristics.
9. _______ Hyde Park is _______ very large park in central London.
10. _______ police are all looking for the criminal.
11. _______ university degree is one of the most important qualifications in today’s world.
12. I can’t go camping in the woods. What if I see _______ insect?
13. I like living in this house, but it’s a pity that _______ garden is so small.
14. He is such _______ unique man with many interesting traits and skills.
15. My grandfather schedules a checkup once _______ year.
16. Where did you have _______ lunch?
17. Did you have _______ nice holiday?
18. Do you often listen to _______ radio?

B. DIRECTIONS: Add a, an or the where necessary.

1. Milan is in north of Italy. ____________________.
2. Africa is much larger continent than Europe. ____________________.
3. Last year I visited Mexico and United States. ____________________.
4. Jim has travelled a lot in Middle East. ____________________.
5. Give me hour and I’ll be ready for our trip. ____________________.
6. Highest mountain in Africa is Kilimanjaro (5895 meters). ____________________.
7. Chicago is city on Lake Michigan. ____________________.
8. Would you like apple? ____________________.
9. How often do you go to dentist? ____________________.
10. Is your dad engineer? ____________________.

C. DIRECTIONS: Choose the right answer from one of the boxes and ONLY write “the”
if necessary. You do not need to use all the names in the boxes.

continents countries oceans and seas mountains rivers and canals

Africa Canada Atlantic Alps Amazon

Asia Denmark Indian Ocean Andes Danube
Australia Indonesia Pacific Himalayas Nile
Europe Sweden Black Sea Rockies Rhine
North Thailand Mediterranean Urals Thames
America United Red Sea Volga
South States Suez Canal
America Panama Canal

1. What do you have to cross to travel from Europe to America? ______________

2. What is the longest river in Africa? ______________
3. Stockholm is the capital of which country? ______________
4. What is the name of the largest mountain range in North America? ______________
5. What is the name of the sea between Africa and Europe? ______________
6. Which is the smallest continent in the world? ______________
7. What is the name of the ocean between North America and Asia? ______________
8. Which river flows through London? ______________
9. What connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans? ______________
10. Where is Argentina? ______________


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