How To Build Self Confident

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Honorable judges, respect the audience and everyone here today


First of all i’d like to thank the Almighty god. It is because of him we are all able to attend this
contest. Secondly may shalawat and salam always be delivered to our Prophet Muhammad
SAW who had brought us from the darkness to this bright modern era that we live in today.
And last but not least i’d like to thank the judges for giving me this very special opportunity to
complete in this contest. Ladies and gentlemen good [morning/afternoon] My Name is Naurah
and i’m from Junior High School 3 Pringsewu standing here before you all to deliver my speech.
I hope you all are feeling as amazing as i am right now though to be honest i am little bit
nervous but i’m not here to tell you about what i’m feeling instead i will tell you about


Everyone has their own abilities but not everyone can realize them or some don't even feel
confident in their abilities. But you know that confidence can be trained. Let's get a closer look
at this confidence thing.

Confidence is the ability to be confident in the abilities we have or the ability to develop
positive judgments for either ourselves or the surroundings.

Factors that affect confidence

There are many factors that can affect a person's self-confidence from both external and
internal factors. Here are some factors that can affect confidence:

Physical condition

It is the most common factor, unexpected physical changes can cast a poor picture on oneself.

Life experiences

Disappointing life experiences can be a source of low self-worth. If an individual does not feel
secure, the individual's lack of care and affection will also feel disattached
Family environment

Family and upbringing are the most important things in character building to confidence in a
person. A parent who shows attention, acceptance, love and affection and genuine emotional
closeness to the child engenders confidence in the child.

The benefits of having confidence

Confidence is vital because it reduces fear, especially when performing social interactions.
Some benefits that can come to us when we are confident:

Fearless in the face of challenges

Confidence can make us think positive and calm all the time when we face challenges because
we feel able and trust that we can get through them.

Can accept flaws

By being confident, we can accept the flaws in ourselves and maximize the advantages we
have. We can use that surplus to achieve our goals.

Make life more fun

Having confidence can make life much more positive. This is because confidence teaches not to
compare ourselves with others.

As previously explained, confidence has many benefits. But that did not come about by

For some of us, raising our hands to ask questions, answer questions, or express our opinions in
class is already a tremendous achievement. For one thing, lack of confidence! Are you
experiencing that too

There are various factors that can lead to our lack of confidence. Look, maybe one of the
reasons this is on us.
1. Trusting others' opinions about ourselves

Why do they know about you better than you do? Will someone else be with you for 24 hours
and 7 days? Of course not. So whatever you hear about yourself from others, don't be so quick
to believe it. What they say is not necessarily a fact. They may simply be expressing their

2. Pinning the blame on others

We're in control of our life. There are things in life that are actually under our control. Want
your results at the end of the semester good? Do your homework, attend class, fight your finals
- can't all this be done? Rushing into mismanagement of professors, for example, can only make
us feel helpless.

3. Have no aptitude for things

You guys good at drawing? Always got any fun ideas to do in a crowd? Do you often help your
friends study chemistry? Each of us must possess certain abilities or expertise. It's the skills that
help boost our confidence. So find and develop your special skills, guys!

4. Can't really afford anything.

How would you have reacted if the professor said, "let's quiz" or the teacher said, "today's
math test?" Without study or preparation, it's easy to lose confidence instantly. Similarly,
outside the classroom, our confidence is affected by how well we prepare and strive. Not
another season for dregs, man!

5. Negative Suggestions to yourself

"No. I can't do it." How often do we say this? It's as if we're ruling ourselves out. Do not be
surprised, then, that we simply cannot do or accomplish something! Not because of limited
abilities or skills, but because we suppress the self-urge to start trying.

6. Unsupportive environment

It is only natural to expect the support of the people around us. But what if they tend to ignore
her, even bully us? A joke is a joke, but there's a limit to it. Only if we gradually feel inferior
because of their attitude may we be in a bad circle of association.

7. Safe in the comfort zone

Why is it called comfort zone? Because it is difficult! Yet any ease enjoyed within these comfort
zones has left us dulled, undeveloped. No challenge should cause us to squeeze our strength
and our mind to serve a purpose. We won't come to our full potential without go head to head
against resistance.


Building confidence is not easy. But understanding how to build proper confidence can help you
to shine in all places!

How, then, can you develop confidence that easily? This is some way to boost confidence!

1. Get up mindset positive

How to build your first confidence is to think positively all the time. If you feel like you're failing
at something, then that action will lead to failure because of your lack of confidence. So from
now on, try to build a positive mindset by saying "I can if I want to" whenever you hesitate.

2. Learn gratitude
In turn, the way to develop confidence is to learn gratitude. Being grateful means that you have
appreciated everything that you have. Ranging from perfect physical with complete physical,
talented to a chance to learn. Even if you feel inadequate all of a sudden, remember that there
is an advantage to wanting. So, let's grow up and learn how to be more grateful everyday.

3. Learn new things

Begin building confidence by learning new things. The more insight you have, the more insight
you grow into a person who has confidence in self-worth.

4. Excess evaluations and deficiencies

When you do something new, there is a risk of failure that makes you confident. Things like
that shouldn't go unanswered, senka friend. Instill in yourself that everyone has their strengths
and weaknesses. What needs to be done is to evaluate and correct those wrongs. Also, focus on
the strengths you have. By praising and valuing yourself over their strengths, you can help
boost your confidence.

5. Engage in hobbies

Yes, express yourself through a hobby you enjoy. Like, you can take a yoga lesson, violin, piano,
theater, basketball, and so on. Doing what you like increases your self-satisfaction and
confidence, especially when it is a pleasure.

6. Focus on goal

Senka friend, it's important to have a purpose. Because doing so can engender a feeling of
optimism in the body. If you don't have a goal yet, just think for a second what you want to do
but don't start out afraid. Then make your desire your goal a motivation for achieving it, which
will boost your confidence.

7. Be yourself

Often, feelings of insecurity make us imitate others and make ourselves uncomfortable. In fact,
the only way to build good confidence is to be yourself and accept whatever is lacking in you.
Reassure yourself that you are unique and precious. You don't have to worry about what
people think. As long as you're comfortable, so will confidence over time!
Finally ladies and gentlemen that’s all for my speech i hope we have learned something new
from it and enjoyed it. Thank you very much for your attention. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

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