How To Be More Confident

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How to be More Confident

1. Don't listen to self-limiting beliefs 

Whether they were instilled in us by parents or other adult figures in our lives,
our limiting beliefs might have convinced us to focus on what we can’t do or
what might never be possible. Remember, though, that at one time we were
enthusiastic children who believed we could be or do anything! 

Wherever possible, it's important to quiet those negative thoughts that are

providing reasons why you can't do something. Instead, take on an
uncomfortable situation or try something new and see what happens. Should
you succeed at it, you can permanently shut down many self-limiting beliefs. 

2. Don't always rely on your memory for accurate

Our memory does serve us well in certain situations. However, it can also be our
own worst enemy. That's because it comes with confirmation bias already built-

Our brain’s memory does not store information in the same way it was
originally presented. What we see and remember is based on our pre-existing
beliefs, values and self-perception. 

If you have low self-esteem, then your brain tends to confirm those ideas,
bolstering your lack of confidence. Every time you remember a certain event,
you think of the bad aspects of it, such as the mistakes you made. 

To counteract that reaction, improve your self-image and build confidence, it is

important to get other perspectives on these situations. These perspectives are
best obtained from someone you respect and admire, such as a family member,
friend, colleague or mentor. Your trust and respect for the person offering
perspective will help you see past your own thoughts on the matter. These
external impressions can be invaluable in helping you rethink things and refocus
on the positives. 
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3. Talk yourself out of negative self-talk

Negative thoughts do damage to confidence, but you can boost your self-esteem
by using positive affirmations to transform your mindset. There is a lot to be
said about the power of positive self-talk as a way to work past challenges and
barriers, including those you put in front of yourself. 

You can talk yourself out of fear, self-doubt, and fixation on past mistakes by
reminding yourself of your capabilities and accomplishments. These "pep" talks
can also help you work through a challenge by reflecting on what you can do or
how you can find a possible solution. Through proactive discussions with
yourself about what can be done, you stop focusing on the fear that you won't be
able to solve a problem. 

4.  Counter negative thoughts with positive ones

A lack of confidence often originates from negative thoughts that chip away at
us. These thoughts destroy our self-image and self-worth. They are not easy to
get rid of, either. To do so, you will need to stifle each negative thought with
multiple positive thoughts. Have positive affirmations ready to say to yourself
or out loud. Reflect on each positive notion before saying or thinking another

Don't think of it as ignoring or suppressing negative thoughts, because they will

still be there to take a swipe at your self-confidence later on. Instead,
acknowledge the bad thoughts and lack of self-confidence before replacing them
with an inner dialogue composed of positive ideas, including your
accomplishments and capabilities. 

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5. Be curious
Curiosity helps you grow. More importantly, it can motivate you to try new
things and be open to fresh perspectives and ideas. Going through the process of
experiencing these new things, perspectives and ideas can help boost
Being curious can give your mind something to actively focus on so it stays
busy on positive things. It also can point you in new directions that you didn't
know were possible. In doing so, you can change your life for the better. Any
positive results you create will, in turn, help build your self-confidence.

6. Gain control by facing your fears

When we feel we are in control, there is a sense of confidence and comfort that
surrounds us. It's when we are afraid that we feel the most out of control. While
it may seem counterintuitive, this is the time to move closer to what scares us or
makes us feel threatened. By doing so, we are actively going after what scares
us. And, when we do, we can eliminate the threat and fear. 

The result of taking such action makes us more confident because we feel more
capable. Plus, provided that nothing bad happened to us when we went after
what was scaring us, it's a win to add to our confidence scorecard. 

Related: How to Become a Better Leader Through a Crisis

7. Identify where you lack confidence and what can

give you confidence
It's also important to identify and define the specific areas where you don't feel
confident. Does it relate to your knowledge and experience in doing things
related to your business? Is it your body image? Or, do you struggle with public
speaking and making eye contact with strangers?

Building confidence can still be challenging even when you know where you
are lacking, but it does help you put your energy into the right areas. You can
also bolster your effort to become more confident by concentrating on those
areas where you are already confident. Thinking about the situations where you
felt empowered can help you re-tap those emotions or actions to use for the
areas where you still feel self-doubt. 

8. Don't compare yourself

When you see others and their accomplishments on social media, it's easy to
lose confidence. Comparing yourself to others, you might think you have failed
or lack worth because it looks as though others have so much more money,
admiration and success. 

Nothing good comes out of comparing yourself. Those other people are not you.
Their stories are different. You also don't know how many times they might
have failed or made mistakes. It doesn't make sense to make judgments based
only on the visible, highly edited parts of someone else’s life when your path
and life are completely different. 

If you must compare, then use yourself as the measuring stick. When you do,
you may be able to see just how far you have come, including wins and
improvements. Those accomplishments are what should keep you striving to do

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9. Get new skills and experience

Make changes in those areas where you feel you are lacking by taking classes
that will help you acquire new skills. Then, put those skills to work and gain
new experiences. As you get better at those skills and expand your capabilities,
your confidence will organically grow. Turn to other resources like podcasts,
conferences, books and mentors to further build confidence. 

Confidence starts with you

Becoming more confident starts and ends with you, because you can make
decisions and choices. Reminding yourself that you can choose to be confident
goes a long way toward actually being confident. Once you start believing what
you tell yourself, confidence levels can rise along with success, happiness and

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