Service New V24N02

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VOL. 24, NO.


Service News


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Service News
Turning the Page
here is nothing in life as inevitable as change, and this applies to organizations
SYSTEMS SUPPORT COMPANY T just as it does to individuals. At the Airlift Field Service Department of Lockheed
Martin Aeronautical Systems Support Company, recent milestones have includ-
ed the retirement of C. R. “Charlie” Kelley, who was supervisor of our C-130/L-100
Support Section, and J. N. “Joe” Coker, who headed up our C-5 /C-141 Support
Editor Section. Both served with professionalism and distinction, and earned the enduring
Charles I. Gale respect of their colleagues as well as Lockheed Martin customers throughout the
world. We wish them the very best in their retirement years.
Vol. 24, No. 2, October–December 1997
2 Focal Point
F. D. “Don” Greene, Manager
Airlift Field Service Department

3 New Emergency Exit Lights

The C-130’s new emergency lighting
system provides more reliable illumina-
tion when you need it most.

9 Emergency Exit Light Battery Charger

This computer-controlled discharger-
charger unit helps ensure maximum
performance and long service life from Airlift Field Service Manager Don Greene, with Glenn Bender and Tom Zembik.
emergency exit light nicads.
It is never easy to replace seasoned professionals, but we are pleased to announce
the appointment of two individuals ideally suited to lead these key organizations into
12 APU Access Door Update
the 21st century. T. J. “Tom” Zembik has been appointed to the position of
Water accumulation between the outer
skin and interior stiffener can be cured C-130/L-100 Support Section Supervisor, which includes support of the new C-130J.
by a simple modification. Tom first joined Lockheed Martin as an aircraft mechanic over 20 years ago. Since
then, he has held positions of increasing responsibility with Lockheed Martin at loca-
14 On Board the C-130J tions all over the world, including nearly 15 years as a Field Service Representative.
More power, longer range, and
improved high-altitude operation are The responsibilities of the C-141/C-5 Support Section have been assigned to G. N.
just a few of the advances offered by “Glenn” Bender. Glenn, who began his Lockheed Martin career as a C-5 Avionics
the C-130J. Field Service Representative, has broad experience in all aspects of airlift mainte-
nance, including the administrative and financial sides of the business.
Covers: Rugged, versatile, and every
inch a Hercules, the C-130J is the pre- As we welcome Tom and Glenn to their new posts, we are confident that our cus-
mier airlifter for the 21st century. tomers will continue to enjoy the expert, full-service professional support that has
long been the hallmark of Lockheed Martin Field Service.
Photographic support by John Rossino
and Rita King. Sincerely,

Digital PrePress and Printing support by

Video & Publication Services, O/46-C4, F. D. “Don” Greene
Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space
Manager, Airlift Field Service
Sunnyvale, CA (408)742-4870

Service News is published by Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems

LOCKHEED MARTIN AERONAUTICAL Support Company, a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation. The
SYSTEMS SUPPORT COMPANY information contained in this issue is considered to be accurate and author-
itative; it should not be assumed, however, that this material has received
approval from any governmental agency or military service unless specifi-
cally noted. This publication is intended for planning purposes only, and
must not be construed as authority for making changes on aircraft or
equipment, or as superseding any established operational or maintenance
FIELD BUSINESS procedures or policies.

G. M. LOWE Copyright 1997, Lockheed Martin Corporation. Written permission must be obtained from Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems
Support Company before republishing any material in this periodical. Address all communications to Editor, Service News, Lockheed
Martin Aeronautical Systems Support Company, 2251 Lake Park Drive, Smyrna, GA 30080-7605. Telephone 770-431-6544;
Facsimile 770-431-6556. Internet e-mail may be sent to [email protected].

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New Emergency
Exit Lights

by Phillip J. Gammell
Design Engineer, Specialist
C-130H/C-130J Lighting Systems
Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems Better Light When You Need It Most

One of the problems with the older system is that

he emergency exit lights (EELs) that are
installed on Lockheed Martin C-130H aircraft the EELs are powered by ordinary D-cell flashlight bat-
serial number 5421 and up are of a more modern teries. This not only makes the individual EEL units
design than their predecessors, and offer a number of heavy and relatively large in size, but subjects them to
advantages that improve both their performance and chemical leakage and corrosion if the batteries are left
maintainability. Now provided as standard equipment
on all new-production C-130J Hercules aircraft, the The new EELs are lightweight, compact, and designed for
long, trouble-free service.
improved units are manufactured by Soderberg
Manufacturing Company of Walnut, California, and
have been assigned PN S2320-101.

The new design incorporates many features that

were lacking in the earlier lights, but the new units still
retain a high degree of functional similarity with those
of the older type. In both emergency lighting systems,
arming power is supplied from the essential DC bus and
disarming power is supplied from the battery bus. Also
as in the older system, the new EELs can be disarmed
by using the emergency exit light extinguish switch
located on the exterior lighting control panel in the
overhead console of the flight station.

Solving EEL Problems

Although the old emergency lighting served ade-

quately for many years, reports from the field showed
that there were a number of continuing nuisance prob-
lems with the older units. This, together with the advent
of improved technology, have combined to make an
update of the system appropriate.

Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V24N2 3

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the new features is that the D-cell batteries used in the
existing EELs have been eliminated and replaced with
nickel-cadmium (nicad) batteries. Nicad batteries are
rechargeable and, if handled correctly, have a long ser-
vice life. A trickle charge is automatically applied to the
nicads whenever the aircraft is powered. This helps
keep the new batteries fully charged and ready for use.

Another change is that the new system removes the

internal inertia switches from the individual units and
transfers this function to two new inertia switches
installed on the airframe. One is located forward, at FS
238; the other is aft, at FS 927. The flow of 28 VDC to
the EELs may be interrupted by the activation of either
of these inertia switches. When this occurs, all of the
Two small, rechargeable nicads in each unit (top) replace
the four heavy, bulky D-cells that power the older EELs. EEL units will illuminate.

installed too long. The old EELs are also internally The arm/disarm/test switches have also been elim-
complex, containing inertia switches, latching relays, inated from the individual EEL units in the new system.
and arm/disarm/test switches. This not only increases A test switch located outside of the EELs and mounted
the cost, but introduces other disadvantages as well. For on the bulkhead at FS 241 serves not only to function-
example, if the arm/disarm/test switch on one of the ally test the entire EEL system, but also acts as an
units is left in the disarm position prior to flight, some- enable/disable switch.
one will have to climb a ladder to arm the light.
The New EEL Units
In With the New
The new PN S2320-101 EEL consists of a mount-
The improvements built into the new EEL design ing base and the EEL unit. The lens of the EEL lamp is
are intended to solve these kinds of problems and make dark green on aircraft that have Night Vision Imaging
the EELs more reliable and easier to maintain. One of System (NVIS) equipment installed so that the EEL
Aircraft emergency exit light wiring.

4 Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V24N2

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system will not interfere with the NVIS in case a light Each EEL unit has three contacts that mate to the
unit is accidentally activated during flight. aircraft wiring via the EEL base contactors. The three
contacts are identified as ARM, DISARM, and
Each EEL base is mounted to the aircraft using GROUND by labels molded into the back of the base
three fasteners, and is installed so that its lamp illumi- unit. As noted above, the arm contact receives 28 VDC
nates an exit. The base now utilizes plunger-type con- power from the essential DC bus. This energizes a
tacts, unlike earlier versions of this light, which had leaf spring-loaded relay mounted on a circuit board inside
spring-type contacts. Experience has shown that the the EEL and pulls a latching relay to the “arm” position.
leaf-spring contacts eventually lose tension and Applying 28 VDC to the disarm contact returns the
become bent backwards. This results in poor latching relay to the disarm position. The ground con-
electrical contact and causes the affected EEL tact is used to ground the EEL to the aircraft structure.
unit to malfunction. Efforts to restore the electri-
When the latching relay is in the arm position and
the spring-loaded relay in the energized position, the
nicad batteries are disconnected from the EEL lamp.
Upon a loss of power to the arm contact, the spring-
loaded relay deenergizes. This connects the nicad bat-
teries to the lamp, which then illuminates.

As long as 28 VDC is applied to the arm contacts

of the EELs, all of the EELs will be armed. This means
that they are ready for use, but their lamps remain extin-
guished. The lamps will not come on until something
happens to remove 28 VDC from the arm contacts.
The original leaf-type contactors on the light base have When this occurs, the circuit connecting the lamps in
been replaced by rugged plunger-type contactors.
EEL units to their batteries will close, and their lamps
will illuminate.
cal connection by bending the contactors back upward
may break them, as happened in the case of the center Lighting the Lamps
contactor in the illustration above.
The 28 VDC power that arms the EEls can be lost
The plunger-type contactors eliminate this problem in several ways. One is the loss of power to the essen-
by incorporating a small coil spring in the plunger tial DC bus. This occurs every time power is removed
assembly. This ensures that good physical contact is from the aircraft, and the flight station crew must
maintained between the base unit and the light unit at remember to disarm the EEL unit circuitry by operating
all times. The plungers use screw terminals on the back the overhead emergency exit light switch in the flight
side of the light base to attach to the aircraft wiring. station or the lights will illuminate as soon as aircraft
power is shut down.
System Operation
Each EEL unit has three contact points designed to mate
with the plunger contactors on the light base.
There are eight EELs installed in all recently pro-
duced C-130 aircraft. Each EEL is mounted so that its
light illuminates a normal or an emergency exit. The
arm contact for all of the EELs is supplied with 28 VDC
power from the essential DC bus. The power is first
routed to the forward inertia switch located on the FS
241 bulkhead. From this point, it flows through the
enable/disable-test switch, also mounted on the forward
bulkhead, and then through the aft inertia switch
installed below the aft emergency exit light. From there,
power is applied to the arm contact of each of the EELs.

Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V24N2 5

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Electrical schematic, PN S23200-101 Emergency Exit Light, shown energized (+28 VDC) and armed.

Another way to remove 28 VDC power from the disarm an EEL once it has been armed. The first is to
arm contacts of the EEL units is to place the enable/dis- apply 28 VDC to the disarm contact.
able-test switch at FS 241 in the disable-test position.
This is a two-position switch used both as a master The disarm contact of each of the EEls is wired to
enable and disable-test switch. If the switch is placed in the emergency light extinguish switch located on the
the disable-test position with aircraft power applied, the flight station exterior lighting control panel. This switch
EELs will activate and their lamps will illuminate. is connected to the “hot” battery bus, and has 28 VDC
When the switch is returned to the enable position, the available to it as long as the main aircraft battery is con-
EELs will rearm, thereby extinguishing the lamps. nected. When the switch is operated with aircraft power
shut down, 18-24 VDC is applied to the disarm contact
The third way to remove arming power from the of all the EELs, driving the latching relay inside the
EELs and cause the lamps to illuminate is for either of EEL to the disarm position.
the system’s inertial switches to be activated by a for-
ward deceleration of 2Gs or greater. If the EELs are Battery voltage is not critical in this application. It
activated this way, the inertia switches may be reset by can be as low as 12 VDC and the EELs will still disarm
pressing the reset button on the forward side of each properly. If the aircraft battery is to be disconnected for
inertia switch.
The principal internal components of the unit include a
Lastly, an EEL is activated when its red handle is PR-2 lamp, electrical circuit board, and nicad batteries.
pulled down and the EEL is removed from its base. This
interrupts the 28 VDC circuit to the arm contacts and
also closes an internal switch, allowing the lamp to illu-
minate. The unit can be deactivated by returning the red
handle back to the up position, which opens the internal
switch and turns off the lamp.

Disarming the EELs

Disarming an EEL ensures that it will not illumi-

nate automatically when, for whatever reason, power is
removed from the arm contact. There are two ways to

6 Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V24N2

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any reason, it is important to ensure that the emergency
exit light extinguish switch has been used and the
enable/disable-test switch placed in the disable-test
position. This prevents the EELs from being activated
under circumstances where 28 VDC arming power is
not available and it will not be easy to deactivate them.

The second way to disarm the EEL is to remove the

EEL from its mounting base by pulling the red handle
down. Doing so discharges a capacitor inside the light
to disarm the coil of the latching relay and breaks the
connection between the nicad batteries and the main

Of course, if the handle is pulled down far enough

after removing the EEL from its base, the lamp will illu-
minate. This is because further movement of the handle
closes a mechanical switch between the nicad batteries
and the lamp. This switches on the light and allows the
EEL to be used as a portable source of illumination.
Returning the handle to the up position breaks the con-
nection and switches the EEL off.


A properly charged EEL should continue to provide

illumination for a minimum of 30 minutes when the
lamp is turned on. Some have even lasted as long as 1.5
hours. On the other hand, improperly charged EELs
may last as little a 1 second, even after a full charge
cycle. A light that illuminates only briefly demonstrates
the memory effect in nicad batteries.

Even though a nicad battery cannot have a true Moving the handle to full down position switches on the
EEL and allows it to be used as a portable light source. For
memory since it is not a computer chip, this term is
this service, the EEL is usually carried “upside down.”
used to describe an effect in which the nicad battery’s
power output is reduced to the point where the EEL is The way to overcome the memory effect in nicad
useless. The memory effect can develop over a period batteries is to properly discharge and then recharge
of time if, for example, the EELs are repeatedly acti- them. This can best be accomplished by periodically
vated for more than a few seconds during aircraft power placing the nicads in a special discharger/charger unit
shutdowns. Deep discharge of nicad batteries must also (DCU). This device automatically discharges the nicads
be avoided. They can even reverse polarity if left to dis- to the proper voltage and then carefully recharges them
charge for extended periods. to the proper level. For best results the nicads should be
placed in the discharge/charge unit at least once every
If EELs are left on overnight, their nicads are like- 90 days, or just before a critical mission in which a dis-
ly to discharge well below 0.5 volt. This will cause a charger/charger unit will not be available.
significant reduction in battery service life, even after
just one occurrence. Multiple occurrences of this type Discharger/Charger Unit
of abuse will completely destroy nicad batteries.
Although the damage is not physically evident from the The PN ES125122-1 Emergency Exit Light Battery
outside, the length of time the nicad can illuminate the Charger was designed and built by Lockheed Martin
lamp may become negligible, or even nonexistent. Aeronautical Systems Company. Its features are

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described in detail in the following article. The DCU is approximately 1.0 VDC per cell. This helps prevent the
computer-controlled and very carefully monitors the development of the memory effect in the nicad cells.
discharge and charge states. Power for the DCU is 28
VDC, supplied via a connector that will mate to the 28 The discharge cycle may take as long as 45 minutes
VDC receptacle in the aircraft or 28 VDC available in for fully charged nicads, and as little as one second for
any aircraft maintenance shop. batteries that are fully discharged. Once the discharge
button is pressed, the discharge lamp flashes until the
In order to use the DCU, both nicad batteries must voltages drops to less than 1.0 VDC per cell. At that
be removed from the EEL unit by taking off its back point, the lamp illuminates steadily and removes the
cover, loosening the battery clip that holds the batteries, discharger resistor from the circuit. If a problem with
removing both nicads, and placing them both in one of the nicads is detected at any point after the discharge
the battery holders in the DCU. Note that the screws for switch is depressed, the DCU discharge lamp will extin-
fastening back of the EEL are captive screws, but the guish and the operation will terminate. If this occurs,
screw for the battery holder inside the EEL is small and the nicad batteries are defective and should be replaced.
not a captive screw. Be careful not to lose it when the
nicads are removed. There are two important things to remember in con-
nection with proper handling of the EEL batteries: The
The batteries should be removed and placed in the first is to extinguish the EELs immediately if they illu-
DCU in pairs. Make sure that the DCU power switch is minate upon shutting off aircraft power or after
in the OFF position prior to installation of the nicad bat- disabling the system. They can be left connected to
teries. aircraft power to trickle-charge for extended periods
without ill effect.
The DCU discharges the nicads only when the dis-
charge button is pressed; otherwise, the DCU will start The second is to maintain them properly through
charging the nicads when power to the DCU is switched periodic, carefully controlled discharge and recharge
on without first discharging them. The DCU monitors cycles, such as provided by the DCU. Paying attention
the voltage across each pair of nicads (one EEL’s worth) to these two simple procedures will greatly increase the
during both the discharge and charge cycles. The DCU life of the nicads in your aircraft and help ensure that
places a resistor across the nicad pair to discharge the the EEls will prove a reliable source of lighting when
nicads until the voltage across the nicads drops below you need it most. ❑

The nicads should be removed from the EEL and recharged in pairs. Be sure to keep track
of the small battery clip and its retaining screw and washer while the unit is disassembled.

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Top Performance From EEL Nicads:



he PN ES125122-1 Emergency Exit Light
Battery Charger is designed to simultaneously
test, discharge, and fast-charge up to eight pairs
by Don Coia, Staff Engineer of the ½ C-cell batteries used in the aircraft emergency
Electronic Support Equipment Department lights installed in current-production C-130Js. Similar
Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems batteries also equip the emergency exit lights in C-141
and C-5 aircraft. This new battery charger incorporates
eight independent microprocessor-controlled charging
circuits. The advanced design of the circuitry ensures

Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V24N2 9

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that operators will obtain top performance and maxi- The battery charger has a built-in peak voltage-
mum service life from EEL nicads. detect cutoff circuit designed to fast-charge the battery
to 100% of its capacity and then terminate the charging
Purpose and Function process before any overcharge can occur. The charger
may be used either at the airplane, or in any aircraft
When nicad batteries are subjected to shallow maintenance shop with a 28 VDC power source capable
charge-discharge cycles, they tend to display what is of supplying 3 amps.
commonly referred to as “memory.” The symptoms
include a temporary loss in the ability of the battery to Capabilities
accept a full charge, and a depression in voltage that
they are able to produce. This voltage depression short- Nicad cells to be recharged are placed in the charg-
ens the operating life of the emergency exit lights or er in pairs. After proper connections are made to 28
other nicad-operated devices that may be powered by VDC power, the operator inserts the pair (or pairs) of
the affected cells. batteries to be charged, turns the power switch on the
charger to ON, and depresses the START/DIS-
To defeat this effect, the PN ES125122-1 CHARGE button. The charger will automatically per-
Emergency Exit Light Battery Charger is designed to form a diagnostic test, a complete discharge, and a
discharge a nicad battery fully, to below approximately fast-charge recharge of the installed batteries.
1 volt per cell, before any attempt is made to recharge
it. After completion of the discharge cycle, the battery Any abnormal conditions will be reported to the
is then automatically recharged in a fast-charge cycle. operator through front-panel LEDs. A safety timer in

The battery charger has the capacity to test, discharge, and recharge eight pairs of ½ C-cell nicads simultaneously.

10 Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V24N2

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each microprocessor will stop the charging if the bat- List of Items Furnished
teries being charged have still not reached their peak
voltage after four hours have elapsed. The PN ES125122-1 Emergency Exit Light Battery
Charger is complete as shipped. No additional items are
Detail Description required to perform the nicad battery testing, discharge,
or charge functions. In addition to the battery charger
The battery charger is housed in an aluminum case. itself, the following items are provided with the set:
The functions of the front panel items are as follows:
ES121506-7 Cable Assy., 28 VDC Service Outlet
Start/Discharge Switch – Used for starting the battery ES121506-9 Cable Assy., Banana Plug
discharge cycle. When the discharge is complete for ES121508-1 Operation/Maintenance Instructions
any pair of batteries, the charge will automatically
switch that pair of batteries to fast charge. Storage Data and Test Equipment
ON/OFF Switch – Used for switching 28 VDC to the
No special storage instructions are applicable to the
charging circuits.
battery charger, except that reasonable care should be
exercised. Like all electronic test equipment, the unit
Power-On Lamp – Indicates that power is applied to
should be stored in a dry, salt-free environment. The
the charger and switch S2 is in the ON position.
original shipping container (or equivalent) is suitable
Banana Jacks – Provides an alternate method to input for any extended storage periods.
28 VDC to the battery charger.
The battery charger is ruggedly built and designed
DISCHG LEDs (8 each) – These LEDS are amber in with high-quality, stable components. No periodic ser-
color and flash to indicate that the associated pair of vicing or calibration is required.
batteries are discharging. The LEDs stop flashing and
illuminate steadily when the discharge is complete. Information

CHG LEDs (8 each) – These LEDs are green in color For procurement information, contact:
and flash to indicate that its associated pair of batteries
are charging. The LEDs stop flashing and illuminate Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems
steadily when the charging is complete. Customer Supply Business Management Dept.
D/65-11, Z/0577
Note that the LEDs will remain extinguished if an Marietta, GA 30063-0577
abnormal condition exists for its associated pair of bat- Telephone: 770-494-4214
teries. If the CHG LEDs fail to illuminate at battery Fax: 770-494-7657
charger power-on, an open cell is indicated. Loss of the Telex: 542642
flashing CHG LED after discharge is complete (a
steadily lit DISCHG LED) indicates a shorted cell. For technical information, contact::

Dimensions, Weight, and Power Requirements Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems

Electronic Support Equipment Eng. Dept.
The dimensions and weight of the PN ES125122-1 Attn: Don Coia
battery charger (cover closed) are as follows: D/73-F3, Z/0730
Marietta. GA 30063-0730
Height: 5 inches (12.7 cm) Telephone: 770-916-2631
Width: 12 inches (30.5 cm) Fax: 770-916-2641
Depth: 9 inches (22.9 cm) ❑
Weight: Approximately 7 lbs (3.2 kg)
Power required: 28 VDC, 3 amps

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UPDATE by Tom Scoggins, Field Support Analyst
Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems Support Company
and Mike Smith, Principal Engineer, Design
Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems

12 Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V24N2

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Condensation appears to be the only way water can

recent design change in the Left-Hand Main
Landing Gear Fairing APU Access Door, Part gain access to the interior of this panel, but whatever
Number 3311011-17, enhanced the bonding the source, it is a relatively simple matter to keep any
between the inner and outer skins of this component. moisture that does happen to penetrate into these spaces
from accumulating and possibly causing problems.
One of the purposes of this improvement to the Lockheed Martin Engineering recommends that the 5
bonding was to help prevent corrosion by keeping water previous drain holes be put back in, and an additional 4
from entering the spaces between the outer skin and the be added in accordance with drawing 3311011, revision
interior stiffener. As a further step to seal this structure, J, shown in reduced scale below. The locations of the 5
and to ensure that moisture originating in the ambient air previous drains are marked with P symbols, the 4 new
was excluded from the panel’s interior spaces, the drain holes with N symbols.
holes were deleted from the interior skin.
This will change the access panel to the preferred
While this concept was plausible in theory, it has configuration and prevent the accumulation of water
not turned out to be successful in practice. Several within the panel. Be sure to treat all affected areas in
instances have been reported in which varying quanti- accordance with the appropriate corrosion protection
ties of water have been found entrapped in the measures listed in the approved structural repair manu-
redesigned panel. al for your aircraft. ❑

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On Board

by Julius Alexander
Public Relations Representative, Senior
Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems C-130J
each flat-rated at 4591 prop shaft horsepower. They

ypically, a turboprop transport cruises at altitude
ranges from 17,000 to 25,000 feet. The C-130H, generate 25% more thrust and have 15% greater fuel
depending on load, temperature, and mission, efficiency than earlier C-130 propulsion systems. The
can comfortably cruise in the mid twenty-thousands by new engines are coupled to advanced, all-composite,
stair-stepping, periodically climbing and leveling out at six-blade Dowty Aerospace R391 propellers that are
intermediate altitudes as the fuel load is burned off. lighter in weight and have fewer moving parts than the
propeller systems used on previous Hercules airlifters .
The C-130J, however, can climb directly from
takeoff to 29,000 feet, and on to 35,000 feet, right along The new propulsion system achieves these benefits
with the pure jets. The airplane has even been flown to through improvements in several areas. One is that the
an altitude of 42,000 feet during testing. This means core engine on the new Hercules can support the same
that C-130J is capable of taking advantage of the lower torque output at higher altitudes and on hotter days
fuel consumption, greater payload, and longer range without exceeding temperature limits. Another factor is
offered by flight at these higher altitudes. It all adds up that the new Dowty propeller is more efficient, and
to significantly lower operating costs, and pays big div- therefore able to deliver more thrust for the same
idends in operational capability. torque. It is the combined effect of the new propulsion
system gives the C-130J its capability to cruise at
This improved performance of the new C-130J was 35,000 feet and beyond early in a mission.
predicted by program engineers, and is now being ver-
ified in an extensive test program by a team of more Flight Station Technology
than 300 personnel that includes engineers, test pilots,
mechanics, and technicians. The team is working to The heart of the C-130J’s advanced technology is
gather essential data that will provide the basis for the its modern flight station, with four multifunction liquid-
aircraft operational flight manual and verify that all crystal displays and two holographic head-up displays.
design objectives are met. The displays present formats for primary flight infor-
mation, aircraft system status, crew alerts, navigational
Digital Propulsive Power awareness, radar, and engine performance monitoring.

The C-130J’s state-of-the-art, digitally controlled All of these displays are Night Vision Imaging
propulsion system consists of four AE 2100D engines, System (NVIS) compatible. The NVIS system enables

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the crew to operate the C-130J in nearly total darkness and changed its mass distribution. As a result, testing
with the aid of special night-vision devices, should was required to establish that the C-130J with its lighter
operational requirements dictate. wing is free of flutter throughout the entire speed and
altitude envelope. This was accomplished through
Two mission computers and two backup bus inter- ground vibration and flight flutter testing. The propeller
face units provide vital operational redundancy for the was tested to show that the composite propeller blades
J-model. These computers also provide for an integrat- operate within design strain limits and that stresses in
ed diagnostics system to advise the crew of the status of the prop shaft are not exceeded.
the aircraft’s various systems.
Such a thorough testing program inevitably
An Expanding Envelope involves operating the aircraft in regimes that would
never be encountered during normal flight. For exam-
Although in outward appearance the C-130J is very ple, the new C-130J has already reached speeds as high
similar to the C-130H and earlier models of the as .67 mach in dives out of 37,000 feet, and has also
Hercules, its advanced propulsion system, instrumenta- been flown at speeds as slow as 70 knots per hour in
tion, and avionics, all driven by mission computers and deliberate power-on stalls.
sophisticated software, made testing this aircraft every
bit as complex as testing a new fighter. All the tests conducted to date have confirmed the
theoretical studies with regard to the improved perfor-
All new or modified C-130J systems are thorough- mance of the airplane in terms of takeoff thrust, inflight
ly flight-tested to ensure that they meet all functional performance, and landings using reverse thrust.
and operational design requirements. Those systems Continuing C-130J flight evaluations are expected to
which are part of the civil aircraft configuration are test- further confirm the new aircraft’s improvement in per-
ed for compliance with the appropriate FAA regulations formance and reliability over earlier models of the
as well. Approval by the FAA is crucial to obtaining a Hercules. Among the expected C-130J improvements
Type Certificate for the commercial version of the are 40% greater range, 40% higher cruise ceiling, 50%
Hercules II. decrease in time-to-climb, 21% increase in maximum
speed, and a 41% decrease in maximum-effort takeoff
A limited amount of structural testing is being per- run. It’s a combination that helps make the C-130J the
formed on the new airlifter. The incorporation of lighter all-purpose airlifter of choice for the 21st century.
engines and propellers reduced the weight of the wing ❑

Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V24N2 15

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Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems Support Company
Airlift Field Service Department
2251 Lake Park Drive
Smyrna, GA 30080-7605

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