Service New V22N01

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L O C K H E E D Focal
Field Support Looks to the Future
These are exciting times for everyone
A SERVICE PUBLICATION OF who has any association with the Hercules
LOCKHEED MARTIN airlifter. This spring saw the delivery of the
AERONAUTICAL SYSTEMS 2100th C-l 30 to roll off the assembly line at
Marietta, and the assembly line itself will soon
mark 41 years of continuous, uninterrupted
Editor production. Records like these would in
Charles I. Gale themselves be more than enough cause for
celebration, but late 1995 will open yet
Art Direction another chapter in the Hercules success story.
Anne G. Anderson Before the year is out, the first C-130J is
scheduled to take to the skies. It is no
Vol 22, No.1 January-March 1995 exaggeration to say that this is an event that
will quite literally propel the Hercules program
CONTENTS into the 2 1 st century.

2 Focal Point A modern aircraft development effort

Field Support Looks to the Future such as the one that is creating the C-l 30J is
typically a long and painstaking process. It
3 Oil Cooler Augmentation incorporates input from all of the many and
Powered oil cooling ensures better varied support elements that are part of the
control of T56 engine temperatures program-spares, manuals, training, and field
during ground operations. support-right from the very outset. This is as
it should and must be if the greatest value to
7 Corrosive Materials Cleanup the customer is to be realized. But there finally
Timely cleanup of corrosive con- comes the day when the program evolves
taminants can pay big dividends in beyond being just another paper project, and
terms of reduced cost and extended becomes a real airplane with real operational
aircraft service life. and support requirements.
Jim Adams and Don Greene
10 Hercules Operators Update With so many exciting challenges ahead for our Field Support team, it was only
HOC ‘95, a new winch, plus up- appropriate that we review our capabilities and fine-tune our organizational
dates on weight compensation structure to ensure that we are ideally prepared to meet whatever demands the
during maintenance, NESA future may hold. Thanks to recent promotions and reassignments, we in Field
windows, and more. Support believe we have now made the world’s best-qualified team of Hercules
aircraft support specialists even better. In the following paragraphs, we would like
to introduce a few of our key people to you. First, let’s meet the leaders of the

Front Cover: A U.S. Coast Guard Leading the Team

HC-130H stationed in Kodiak, Alaska,
patrols the islet-dotted waters along the Jim Adams is Vice President of Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Support
shoreline of the Gulf of Alaska. Company (LASSC), and Manager of Field Support for Lockheed Martin Aeronautical
Systems (LMAS). Jim has responsibility for providing all field support services,
Back Cover: The setting sun backlights including technical representatives as well as field modification activity for all LMAS
the C-l 30 flight line of the 167th Airlift aircraft. These include the C-130 Hercules, C-141 StarLifter, C-5 Galaxy, P-3 Orion,
Group at Martinsburg, West Virginia. S-3 Viking, L-101 1 TriStar, and JetStar aircraft. Jim joined Lockheed in September
of 1963 after five years in the U.S. Marine Corps as a KC-1 30 aircrew member. He
was later assigned to Military Marketing and moved to his current position in 1989.
Cover photographs by John Rossino (Please turn to page 15)




J. D. Adams J. L. Bailey G. M. Lowe H. D. Hall S. S. Clark

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by Ed Wright, Regional Service Manager
Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Support Company

H istorically, the Hercules airlifter has been required

to operate in some of the most diverse weather
conditions known to man, and has performed superbly
This all sounds fairly routine, but it isn’t always
quite so simple. The engine oil cooler requires sufficient
air flow through it to properly cool the scavenge oil, and
from the frigid South Pole to the burning sands of the there are only two sources of air flow available. One is
Sahara Desert. For an aircraft to be able to function the airflow created by the positive blade angle of the
under any and all climatic conditions requires special propeller; the other is the aircraft’s forward motion.
attention to system design. It must include the capability
to meet the all of the demands that conducting airlift During flight, of course, cooling air is abundant.
operations anywhere and anytime may impose. Unfortunately for the oil system, however, the aircraft
must spend at least some time on the ground with the
As manufacturer of the C-130/L-100 Hercules, engines running. Such ground operations can pose a
Lockheed Martin constantly pursues new ways of problem for the oil cooling system when the ambient
improving the efficiency, versatility, and utility of this temperature is above 20°C (68'F), and particularly on
prime transport aircraft. One result of this ongoing a true “hot day,” when the temperature exceeds 29°C
commitment is the new oil cooler augmentation system. (84°F). Under such conditions, the air flow is both
warmer and much less than it would be in flight.

Each T56 power plant incorporates two separate An engine running in ground idle on a hot day often
lubrication systems, which are supplied by a common, causes the engine oil temperature to rise above the
nacelle-mounted oil tank. Each of these two systems, the 100°C (212°F) maximum limit, resulting indegradation
engine power section and the reduction gearbox of the oil, increased maintenance or, in the worst case,
lubrication systems, has its own pressure pumps which engine damage. Attempts to cool the oil by increasing
feed the oil to the many internal surfaces of the engine throttle settings and propeller blade angle are often
that must be lubricated and cooled. Oil is recovered counterproductive because they can result in accelerated
from the various lubrication points by scavenge deterioration of other aircraft systems. In particular, the
components within both systems. It is then filtered, increased braking required to maintain the aircraft’s
cooled by the engine oil cooler, and returned to the oil position on the ground at higher power settings can lead
tank to be recirculated. to excessive wear on the braking system.

Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V22N1 3

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Figure 1. Engine oil cooler augmentation system nacelle components.

A much better approach is to devise a way of Oil Cooler Operation - Augmented System
increasing the efficiency of the oil cooler while the
aircraft is operating on the ground, and eliminate the The oil cooler in the augmented system is mounted
need for high power settings. The engine oil cooling in the same location as that of the unaugmented system
augmentation system does just exactly that, and so and generally operates according to the same principles.
successfully that it has been incorporated as standard In the augmented system, however, high-velocity bleed
equipment on all new-production Hercules aircraft air is injected into the oil cooler duct aft of the cooling
beginning with Lockheed serial number LAC 5070. radiator. This creates a low-pressure area which induces
a greater flow of air through the cooler core.
Oil Cooler Operation - No Augmentation
The major engine nacelle components of the T56
The engine oil cooler is mounted in the lower engine oil cooler augmentation system include a multi-
portion of each engine nacelle, as shown in Figure 1. nozzle ejector, an electrically controlled pneumatic
The oil cooler radiator is a shell assembly with a core shutoff valve, a pneumatic pressure switch, and a
consisting of a system of tubes or a series of hollow, specially designed engine bleed air manifold. System
horizontal plates separated by an air space and cooling components located in the flight station are four control
fins. Heat is transmitted from the oil flowing through the valve switches, four throttle beta switches, and four
passages in the plates to the fins and the air flowing indicator lights.
through the unit.
System Operation
The cooling capacity of the oil cooler is governed by
the rate of air flow through the cooler. The air flow is Operation of the system requires that engines be
also governed by the position of the oil cooler flap, operating and that essential 28VDC bus power is
which is controlled by a switch on the oil cooler flap available to energize the augmentation valve. To
control panel. Indicators on the engine instrument panel complete the circuit, the following conditions must be
indicate the oil cooler flap position. satisfied.

An oil cooler regulator valve thermostatically l Ground start interlock relay energized.
regulates the temperature of the oil leaving the cooler. l Ground start switch off.
The valve senses the temperature of the incoming l Augmentation control switch on.
scavenged oil and directs the oil to the cooler core or l Throttle position below flight idle.
bypasses the cooler altogether as necessary to maintain l Oil cooler flap position open 90% or greater.
the proper oil temperature.

4 Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V22Nl

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When the shutoff valve solenoid is energized, it
allows pressure from the engine bleed air manifold to
open the shutoff valve. Bleed airflow is directed through
the valve to the ejector assembly located in the aft
section of the oil cooler duct. The bleed air is injected
into the duct at a high velocity to create a low-pressure
area behind the oil cooler assembly. This action causes
an increase in the volume of air that passes through the
oil cooler, thereby allowing more heat to be transferred
to the air flow.

Placing the control switch to the off position

deenergizes the augmentation valve, stopping the flow
of bleed air to the ejector assembly. Advancing the
throttle to flight idle or above opens the beta switch, also
deenergizing the valve. The same thing occurs when the
oil cooler flap is closed to the less than 90% open

An amber indicator light for each engine is installed Figure 2. Oil cooling augmentation system indicator light
on the engine instrument panel above and to the right of locations.
the oil cooler flap position indicator (see Figure 2).
Illumination of the light is controlled by a pressure
switch in the line upstream from the ejector assembly. one for each engine, are used to operate the
When the pressure in the line increases above 20 psi, the augmentation valves which control the flow of bleed air
switch closes to illuminate the light, indicating that the to the ejector.
system is on. When pressure decreases to less than 12
psi, the switch opens and extinguishes the light, In USAF C-130 aircraft of recent manufacture
indicating that the system is off. equipped with night-vision imaging systems (NVIS), the
oil cooler augmentation control panel and the oil cooler
The oil cooler augmentation control panel, located flap control panel have been deleted. A single oil
beneath the interphone control panel on the flight station cooling control panel is provided instead. Located on the
overhead panel, contains four two-position (on-off) flight station overhead panel, this new panel combines
toggle switches, as shown in Figure 3. These switches, most of the functions of the other two panels, except that

Figure 3. Overhead oil cooler augmentation control panel.


Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V22N1

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Figure 4. Oil cooling augmentation control
panel--recent NVIS-equipped USAF : C-130H

no separate OFF position for the oil cooler augmentation operation, thereby eliminating the need for higher
valves is available (Figure 4). The cooler augmentation throttle settings and reducing the stress placed on
system operates automatically in the “on” mode various aircraft systems.
whenever the oil cooler flap control switches are set for
automatic operation. Also in these aircraft, the indicator This modification is one of many aircraft
lights are included in the main caution/advisory panel enhancements resulting from Lockheed Martin’s
located in the center instrument panel. continuing effort to improve the utility and versatility of
its transport products. Please contact the following for
There are four throttle-actuated beta switches further information about the C-130 Oil Cooling
located inside the center pedestal. With the throttle set Augmentation Kit:
at the ground idle position, the beta switch will allow
activation of the augmentation system for that engine. Technical/Engineering Information:
Movement of the throttle out of the beta range will
deactivate the system for that engine. Also, a switch on Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems
the oil cooler flap prevents opening of the shutoff Airlift Derivative Programs
control valve if the flap is not extended at least 90 Department 93-20
percent. Marietta, GA 30063-0492 USA
Telephone l-404-494-2793
Engine Oil Cooling Augmentation Kit Fax 404-494-7784

As we noted above, the oil cooling augmentation Proposal/Procurement Information:

system has been incorporated into production version of
the aircraft beginning with Lockheed serial number (U.S. Government)
5070. Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems offers the Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems
augmentation system in kit form for retrofit installation Customer Supply Business Management
on those Hercules aircraft (except A-models) manu- Department 65- 11
factured prior to the production line incorporation. The Marietta, GA 30063-0577
kit is applicable to aircraft prior to Lockheed serial Telephone: 404-494-7529
number 5070. Fax: 404-494-7657

Modifications include installation of cooling and (International and Commercial)

support structure in the existing QEC nacelle, modi- Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Support Co.
fication of wire harnesses, installation of an additional P.O. Box 121
nacelle overheat detector, an oil cooler flap actuator Marietta, GA 30061-0121
containing a 90% switch, addition of controls and Telephone 404-43 l-6664
indicators at the flight station, modification of the center Fax 404-43 l-6666
pedestal, and revision to the aircraft wiring.
The author and Service News wish to extend special
Summary thanks to Jeff Osterlund for his generous assistance in
the preparation of this article.
The oil cooler augmentation system is a proven
modification which has been adapted for retrofit on in- Ed Wright can be reached at 404-431-6544 (voice) or
service C-130 aircraft, as well as for production line 404-431-6556 (fax).
installation. The integration of a cooling augmentation
system into an existing C-130 QEC provides more
efficient engine oil cooling during hot-day ground

6 Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V22N1

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by Everett Smith, Specialist Engineer
Producibility, Materials, and Processes Engineering

T his article concerns a subject which historically has

been a major problem within the airplane main-
tenance community; namely, the timely cleanup of
good many others, however, are very active chemically
and can quickly produce severe corrosion. Foam
products and bromochloromethane (CB) and, to a
corrosive contaminants. Being the workhorse that it is, slightly lesser degree, dibromodifluoromethane (DB)
the Hercules aircraft comes into contact with many agents are the most notable offenders in this regard.
corrosive materials, ranging from spilled cargo such as
battery acid and cement, to waste from live animals and Many of the more commonly used dry-powder
fluids leaking from packaged fish, meat, etc. agents, such as potassium bicarbonate (PKP) are in
themselves only mildly corrosive, but after exposure to
The Hercules is also subjected to other contaminants heat the residue may convert to potassium hydroxide, a
which can be just as destructive to the airplane as any of product which is very corrosive to aluminum. To make
the corrosive materials listed above; namely, firefighting a bad matter worse, both of these salts are hygroscopic;
agents, sand and volcanic ash, and soot. Several that is, they will absorb moisture from the atmosphere,
incidents over the past few years have shown that there creating a corrosive poultice on airplane surfaces.
is a significant amount of confusion about the corrosivity
of these contaminants and the need for prompt cleanup Sand and volcanic ash particles can be trouble
when they come in contact with the airplane. anywhere, but they are particularly destructive in
connection with aircraft operations. One of the major
Invitations to Corrosion problems during the recent Desert Storm war was
blowing sand, which impeded the function of oil and air
Some firefighting agents used to extinguish airplane filters, caused erosion to leading edges, and settled into
fires pose little risk to aluminum airframe structure. A every accessible area of the airplane.

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The abrasive and obstructive nature of sand particles Firefighting Agents
is only part of the problem, however. Even though the
dryness of the climate might appear to offer an On the Hercules, CB or DB extinguishing agents are
acceptable environment for aluminum structure, most used in the engine and APU areas. CB is also used in
deserts are the sites of ancient sea beds and the sand some fuselage hand-held fire extinguishers. Both of
often contains a significant amount of salt. these materials are in themselves corrosive, and their
corrosive action is increased if moisture is present.
Volcanic ash provides an even more exotic mix of When enough heat (900°F) is added to the mix they will
abrasive and corrosive elements. In recent years, there turn acidic, making them even more likely to cause
has been a spate of volcanic eruptions which spewed ash corrosion damage. In addition to the corrosive effect on
into the air for great heights. Samples of volcanic ash metal surfaces, both products will also damage paint,
taken from the Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Pinatubo sealant, and adhesives within the contaminated area.
eruptions were analyzed and found to contain significant
quantities of corrosive materials such as sulfuric acid The critical importance of a prompt cleanup after a
and chloride salts. fire cannot be overemphasized. Besides water, fire
trucks generally use aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF)
Last, but not least, there is the problem of soot. The or a dry powder (PKP) extinguishing agents. In a recent
soot generated by an airplane fire is carbon that is incident, protein foam, Aero-Foam 3%, was used to
contaminated by a variety of combustion products, extinguish an engine fire. An unfortunate fact about
depending on what has been burned. Soot is both protein foam from the standpoint of metallic surfaces is
corrosive and hygroscopic, no matter whether the soot that it is usually made from animal blood, which
is generated by a fire or from normal engine operation. contains salt and is extremely corrosive. In this case, the
post-fire cleanup was not done for over a week, and as
A problem with all of these corrosive agents is that a consequence the engine and surrounding structure
determining just when the airplane may be subjected to were severely corroded.
them normally cannot be predicted. What is important,
however, is that the cleanup begin as soon as possible To clean up CB and DB, follow this procedure:
after contact, and knowing the correct cleanup
procedures to prevent further damage. With a few l Ventilate the area
variations, cleanup of firefighting agents, sand, and
volcanic ash is accomplished in the same manner. l Remove the residue with dry rags or sponges

From firefighting agents to animal waste: prompt cleanup is the kev to preventing corrosive materials damage.

8 Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V22Nl

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l Clean with Stoddard solvent, PD-680, type II, crushed walnut shells or 30/40-grit plastic media. The
or equivalent use of walnut shells is not recommended where
entrapment may occur since walnut shells will absorb
l Apply a 10% solution of sodium bicarbonate or a water and rot. The decay process releases acids, which
three parts alkaline cleaning compound to 1 part will result in corrosion of adjacent surfaces.
water (3:l) to the contaminated areas until the
bubbling stops. On the other hand, plastic media are inert and will
not cause corrosion if trapped. When using this method
l Rinse with clean water and dry the surface. to remove soot, keep the blast pressure at the lowest
level which will do the job so as not to damage the
This procedure can also be used to clean up the protein airplane. It is best to start at 30 psi, and if it is necessary
foam by omitting the Stoddard solvent and removing the to increase the pressure, do it slowly until an optimum
residue left by the foam with the 3: 1 solution of alkaline pressure not exceeding 50 psi is reached.
cleaning compound.
Media blasting should only be done on metallic
Sand, PKP, and Volcanic Ash structure, and should be used with caution. This process
may be used prior to repainting since it will remove
For removal of sand, PKP, and volcanic ash, apply paint degraded by the soot. Be especially careful on thin
the following procedure: sheets (0.032” and thinner) and clad parts: there is a
possibility of oil-canning of thin sheets and roughening
l Gain access to areas of the airplane where the the surface of the clad.
material may be trapped.
After the blasting process is complete, vacuum up
l Vacuum up all of the residue. A soft bristle brush any stray media and clean, prime, and paint the affected
may be required to dislodge some debris while surface to match the surrounding structure. The
vacuuming. inorganic finish (chemical conversion coating, sulfuric
acid anodize, etc.) may be removed by aggressive
l Clean with a 3: 1 solution of alkaline cleaning blasting. If this occurs, apply a chemical conversion
compound; rinse with clean water and dry the coating prior to applying the primer and paint topcoat.
Some exterior areas of the airplane that may be
Note in particular that volcanic ash is usually quite contaminated by impingement of engine soot can be
acidic; therefore, watch for bubbling during the cleaning protected with the use of a soil barrier. After the wash,
process. If necessary, reapply the cleaning compound and before the airplane dries, apply a thin coat of Cee-
until the bubbling stops. Bee A-6 or Eldorado PC 1020 (or equivalent) soil
barrier. If the area was just repainted, wait until the
Soot paint has cured and spray the surface with water before
application of the soil barrier.
As we have previously noted, soot is carbon, which
by itself is extremely corrosive to aluminum surfaces. The typical Hercules airlifter is subjected to many
However, soot also contains byproducts of the burned corrosive influences in the course of completing its
material that produced it, which significantly increases everyday tasks. Preventing potential corrosion from
the corrosivity. turning into real corrosion is one of the most important
and worthwhile maintenance activities that any aircraft
Of all the materials we have discussed, soot is operator can perform.
without a doubt the most difficult to clean up. Not
surprisingly, cleaning crews do not always do a Any time spent in protecting your aircraft from the
thorough job removing it, which results in future destructive effects of strong chemicals, sand, ash, and
corrosion. In cleaning up soot, there are two options. soot will pay big dividends in terms of cost savings and
Option one is to use stiff bristle brushes and a 3: 1 safety. Looked at another way, removing corrosive
solution of alkaline or solvent-type cleaning compound, materials in a timely manner helps extend the working
followed by rinsing with clean water and drying the life of the Hercules aircraft. Conscientious application
area. of the techniques described in this article will assist you,
the operator, in your efforts to fly a well-maintained
Option two involves some initial equipment costs, airplane in the most economical way.
but the efficiency and ease of cleaning will make up the
difference in labor cost savings. This option is to Everett Smith has recently retired. Questions concerning
remove the soot by the abrasive blast method, using a this article may be directed to Scott Jones at 404-494-
Vat-U-Blast or similar type of machine and either 3849 (voice) or 404-494-9610 (fax).

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During the week of 16 October, 1995, representatives of Hercules owners and

operators, Hercules Service Centers, major Hercules vendors, and Lockheed Martin will
assemble at the Atlanta Marriott Northwest to discuss matters of common interest
relative to the operation of world’s most famous airlifter. This important conference was
established in 1982 to provide a forum wherein Hercules owners and operators could
exchange ideas with each other and Lockheed personnel. Attendance has grown from
just fifteen in 1982 to more than 250 in 1994. The attendees at HOC 1994 represented
82 owners and operators from every corner of the globe. Lockheed expects another
productive and record-setting meeting during HOC 95. Don’t miss it!


Problems with the procurement of the PN 41750-3041 BG cargo winch have made it
necessary to establish a new source for this important piece of accessory equipment.
The PN 9440-I 1 cargo winch, manufactured by the Teleflex Corporation, meets all the
requirements for use in Hercules aircraft and now has been approved as an alternate.

A number of important improvements have been included in the new winch. Among
these are increased reliability, a level-cable mechanism, and remote control capability.
Other features offered by the new unit are the following:

l Single-cable pull limit of 6500 pounds, and up to 13,OOO pounds capacity (with some
restrictions) when utilizing a snatch block.

l A control pendant equipped with a three-position toggle switch attached to the end
of a 105-foot cable.

l A powerful 115/200 VAC, 400 Hz, 3-phase motor.

l Essentially one-man operation.

l A level-wind mechanism capable of directing the cable onto the drum evenly.

l A load-limit device.

10 Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V22Nl

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The Cargo Winch

The new winch is now the preferred spare. Customers who are interested in procuring
this improved unit should use their normal supply channels, or contact the following:

(U.S. Government) (International and Commercial)

Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Support Co.
Customer Supply Business Management P.O. Box 121
Dept. 65-l 1 Marietta, GA 30061-0121
Marietta, GA 30063-0577 Telephone 404-431-6664
Telephone: 404-494-7529 Fax: 404-431-6666
Fax: 404-494-7657


Maintenance Questions.

1. Question: Is there a replacement fastener for the fuel tank upper access panels? The
NAS585 screws are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain.

Answer: We at Lockheed Martin have been utilizing NAS1 580A5T- * ( * = length

in 1 /1 6-inch increments) fasteners as replacements for NAS585 screws.
Note that the “T” denotes Torq-Set. We are currently installing these
fasteners on production aircraft. They are close-tolerance tension screws
that have a Torq-Set head design and should provide longer life than the
coin-slot design. A Torq-Set adapter and bit are required for installation.

2. Question: We have noticed rust and corrosion on our flap tracks. How can we deal
with this?

Answer: First, clean the tracks with PD-680 or equivalent safety solvent and wipe
them dry. Then remove all corrosion and rust completely, using 400-grit
sandpaper, Briteboy, or a 3M-type abrasive wheel, depending on the
severity of the problem. Then apply dry-film lubricant MIL-L-46147 to the
installed track and air-cure. The lubricant should be reapplied periodically.

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3. Question: How can we compensate for the removed weight when engines or
propellers are removed from one side of the aircraft only?

Answer: Because of main strut friction, removing a propeller or even both

propellers on one side may or may not cause the airplane to tilt slightly.
However, it should be anticipated that removing a QEC will cause the
airplane to tilt. Thus all personnel must be kept clear, and work stands or
other equipment should be moved from under the opposite wing before
removing a propeller or QEC.

The tilt angle which results depends on the weight of the airplane, the
amount of fuel on board, and the weight and c.g. of any cargo on board.
Thanks to the main strut load-stroke characteristics, a light airplane will
tilt more that a heavy airplane with the same fuel load. When the airplane
does tilt in response to the removal of engines and/or propellers, the fuel
within each internal wing tank will shift in the direction of the lower wing
tip, thereby further increasing the unbalance and thus the tilt. If cargo has
been loaded with an off-center c.g. (not on BL 0), this unbalance will add
to the unbalance that resulted from the removal of a propeller or QEC on
the opposite side.

When lateral unbalance is created by the removal of one or both propellers

and/or engines from one side, a possible solution to the problem is to
transfer fuel to the lighter side of the aircraft. Several factors must be
considered in determining if it is necessary to transfer fuel to restore
lateral balance.

I. If the airplane is parked outside, what winds are anticipated? Lateral

unbalance reduces the wind speed the aircraft can withstand without
tipping sideways. If a storm that may have wind speeds of 48 knots
and above is approaching, fuel should be transferred to restore lateral
balance, or wing mooring cables should be installed, making sure that
there is no slack in the cable attached to the light wing.

2. The ground handling and servicing manual defines the reduction in

allowable weight for jacking if the airplane is not laterally balanced.

3. Tilting of the airplane will not cause excessive stresses on the

airframe. However, it is not recommended that a condition of large
unbalance be allowed to exist for periods of several days.

The following moments may be used to determine the amount of fuel

which needs to be transferred to restore lateral balance if this is judged to
be necessary. Bear in mind that the fuel unbalance limits given in the flight
manual-which specifies a limit of 1000 pounds difference between
symmetrical tanks-apply while the airplane is being flown or taxied, but
not during maintenance activities, including towing. Be sure to keep
personnel, workstands, etc. away from the wings when transferring fuel,
and remember to transfer the fuel back when the engines and/or propellers
are reinstalled.

ITEM MOMENT(inch-pounds)

No. 1 or No. 4 propeller 426,400

No. 2 or No. 3 propeller 208,940
No. 1 or No. 4 QEC (including propeller) 1,620,OOO
No. 2 or No. 3 QEC (including propeller) 793,800

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Fuel asymmetry for each 1000 difference:

Between tanks No. 1 and No. 4 534,000”

Between tanks No. 2 and No. 3 284,000”
Between auxiliary tanks 120,000”
Between external tanks 302,000

* With wings level

Example: Determine the weight of fuel which must be transferred from tank
No. 3 to tank No. 2 to restore lateral balance after removal of the No. 2 QEC.

Fuel weight difference = x 1000 = 2795 pounds

The fuel which must be transferred is 1/2 of 2795; i.e. about 1400 pounds.

4. Question: Can you give us an update on windshields?

Answer: Yes. We are pleased to advise that new windshields are available for the
pilot, copilot, and center positions. The new design replaces the integral
PVB bumper around the perimeter with cast-in-place polysulfide sealant.
This design reduces the stresses that act on the glass edge, thereby
reducing the number of incidents of cracking. The new PN 337279-l 1
and PN 338124-I l/l 2 panel assemblies should be the preferred spares
for the PN 337279-9 and PN 338124-9/l 0 panels, although all are inter-
changeable. The organizations shown in the address blocks in the middle
of page 11 can provide price and availability information about the new
panels if desired.

5. Question: Can we install forward fuselage windows and windshields with the
aircraft on jacks?

Answer: Windshields and windows should not, repeat, not be installed while the
aircraft is supported on jacks. Jacking can strain-load the panels and
result in premature failure. However, the windshields may be installed
while the aircraft is supported on contoured cradles in accordance with
the applicable maintenance manual. In this situation, the nose jacks

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should be snugged up only (no upload applied), with the weight of the
fuselage on the cradles.

6. Question: Speaking of windows and windshields, how can one differentiate between
bubbles and delamination when inspecting the panels? We feel we are
changing too many windows.

Answer: Bubbles are identified as air pockets trapped between the glass panel and
vinyl interlayer. Bubbles may also occur in the vinyl interlayer, which may
be cause for rejection. Delamination is usually a larger separation and
extends to the edge of the windshield. Acceptable delamination is
separation between the outer glass and vinyl interlayer (see drawing
below). Be sure to refer to the maintenance manual when inspecting
windshields and windows.



-- G
Bubble Is between and vinyl
Interlayer. This I s permlsslble.

Bubble larger than 0.1 Inch In diameter

and closer than 1 Inch to adjacent bubble
Is cause for replacement.
Bubble within 1 inch of the metal insert
frame is cause for replacement.

0.1 iii


Questions on Hercules aircraft maintenance topics should be addressed to: HOU Hotline,
Airlift Field Service, Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Support Company, P.O. Box 121,
Marietta, GA, 30061-0121. Faxes are also welcome, and may be sent to 404-431-6556.
All inquiries will receive responses. The questions and answers considered to be of the
broadest interest to Hercules operators worldwide will be published in this section of
Service News magazine.

14 Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V22Nl

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(Continued from page 2) L. R. Webb is based in Marietta, Ga.
He has held numerous field assignments and supervisory and and covers Africa, the Middle East, and
management positions in Field Support. selected countries in the Far East. L.R.
became a valued member of Lockheed
Don Greene is our new manager of Airlift Field Service. Field Service after retiring from the U.S.
Don joined Lockheed in 1978 upon his retirement from the Marine Corps. His extensive Hercules
U.S. Navy, where he accumulated over 5000 hours as a flight experience has been utilized in many and
engineer. Before signing on with Field Service, he held various varied important Field Service assignments
supervisory and management positions with Lockheed in since he joined Lockheed in 1981. L. R. W ebb
Greece, Saudi Arabia, and the Yemen Arab Republic. Since
joining Field Service, Don has assisted Hercules operators in Ed Wright provides support to Latin
Africa and the Far East, in addition to the U.S. Navy, U.S. American Hercules owners and operators,
Coast Guard, and the Air National Guard. Prior to his traveling as required from his base in
promotion to manager of Airlift Field Support, Don was Marietta. Ed is a Georgia native, and joined
Regional Service Manager for South America. Lockheed in 1979 after completion of 27
years of service in the U.S. Marine Corps.
The Regional Service Managers Following completion of Lockheed’s Field
Service Representative School, he was
Many Hercules operators make certain that their aircraft Ed Wright assigned to Airlift Field Service, and has
receive the very best in product support by contracting to provided support for Hercules aircraft in Venezuela, Zaire,
have their own dedicated Field Service Representatives, or Chad, Italy, and Canada, as well to Navy and Marine units in
“Tech Reps” on-site. Not all operators feel that they need various locations in the U.S.
such regular, professional assistance, however. Our Regional
Service Managers provide worldwide technical support W e are particularly proud of our Regional Service
services to these customers, as well as to our other Managers for the contribution they make to the success of our
customers through their Tech Reps. They also supply the on-site Field Service Representatives, as well as to all
factory with important feedback on aircraft maintenance and Hercules operators in every corner of the globe. Now that you
support issues. In addition, these uniquely qualified service have been introduced, please feel free to call on the Service
specialists help advise other Lockheed personnel assigned Manager covering your area. You will find his telephone and
within their areas. They are truly special people, and we fax numbers listed below. Remember that each of these
would like you to meet them. professionals is there to support you!

Chuck Foster is based in Marietta, but

operates from England. He assists
Hercules operators throughout Europe and
Morocco. Chuck, a native of Tennessee, Airlift Field Service
joined Lockheed in 1953 as a flight line Regional Hercules Service Managers
electrician and has held several production,
supervisory, and management positions. Telephone and Fax Numbers
In 1971, he joined Field Service and was
Chuck Foster assigned to the Hercules program in Libya. Chuck Foster (Europe)
Chuck’s extensive Hercules aircraft
maintenance expertise have proven invaluable in his many
Tel. 44-l -763-208-282
important field assignments throughout the world.
Fax 44-l-733-208-040
Fred Kasell covers the Pacific region
from his base in Australia, maintaining Fred Kasell (Pacific/Far East)
close contact with Lockheed’s many
customers throughout the region. Fred’s Tel. 61-2-976-2401
service with Lockheed began in 1955, Fax 61-2-976-2401
after his discharge from the U.S. Air Force.
During his career in C-130 maintenance,
Dan Miller (North America)
Fred has worked with the U.S. Air Force
and Navy, in addition to various Fred Kasell
assignments in Australia, New Zealand, Tel. 404-431-6547
Africa, the Middle East, and the Far East. Fax 404-431-6556

Dan Miller, Regional Service Manager L. R. Webb (Africa/Middle East/Far East)

for North America, operates from our
Marietta office in support of domestic U.S. T e l . 404-431-6559
Government and commercial Hercules
Fax 404-431-6556
operators. A native of North Carolina, Dan
has an extensive background in aircraft
maintenance. He joined Lockheed in Ed Wright (Latin America)
September of 1980, following a 21-year
Dan Miller career in the U. S. Marine Corps. Prior to T e l . 404-431-6554
his present assignment, Dan served as Field Service Fax
Representative in Gabon, Kuwait, Sudan, and then as the
Regional Service Manager for Europe.

Lockheed Martin SERVICE NEWS V22Nl 15

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