Laila Kamal Abd Al-Hadi Essa

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An-Najah National University

Faculty of Graduate Studies

Evaluation of Yield and Energy Budget

of Muskmelon Grown in Horizontal
Hydroponic System under
Different Nutrient Input

Laila Kamal Abd Al-Hadi Essa

Prof. Dr. Marwan Haddad

This Thesis is Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree of Master of Environmental Science, Faculty of Graduate
Studies, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine.

I dedicate this thesis to my father who has always been my nearest and has
been so close to me that I wherever I need .
And to you, mother , thank you for your constant Empowerment . you are

the most positive person I know . I love you both .

To my loved husband who has always been patient with me and gave me a
great support from the beginning of this thesis .

To my children , for their patience and suffering .

To my dear brothers and sisters .
To science students in every time and place .

And I also dedicate this thesis to all who care about this .

All praise to Allah for this accomplishment .Then I send my sincere thanks
and gratitude to my influential teacher, Prof.Dr. Marwan Haddad, who
oversaw this letter and made a lot of effort which has had the greatest

impact in the output of this message to come into the light.

And special thanks to my family , husband and children.
Finally I convey all the feelings of love and gratitude for all those who

helped me and gave me the help in the completion of this study, perhaps
beneficial to our institutions.

God grant success.



:‫ الرسالة التي تحمل العنوان‬,‫ة أدناه‬/‫أنا الموقع‬

Evaluation of Yield and Energy Budget of Muskmelon

Grown in Horizontal Hydroponic System under
Different Nutrient Input

‫ باستثناء ما تمت اإلشارة إليو‬,‫ إنما ىي نتاج جيدي الخاص‬,‫أقر بأن ما اشتممت عميو ىذه الرسالة‬
,‫ أو لقب عممي‬,‫ أو أي جزء منيا لم يقدم من قبل لنيل أية درجة‬, ‫ وان ىذه الرسالة كميا‬,‫حيثما ورد‬

.‫ أو بحثية أخرى‬,‫أو بحثي لدى أية مؤسسة تعميمية‬


The work provided in this thesis, unless otherwise referenced is the

researcher's own work, and has not been submitted elsewhere for any other

degree or qualification.

Student's Name: : ‫اسم الطالبة‬

Signature: : ‫التوقيع‬

Date: :‫التاريخ‬
List of Contents
No. Subject Page
Dedication III
Acknowledgements IV
Declaration V
List of Contents VI
List of Tables VIII
List of Figures X
Abstract XII
Chapter one 1
1 Introduction 1
1.1 The Objectives of this Study are to Determine 4
1.2 Research Question 4
1.3 Motivation 5
1.4 Beneficiaries From the Research 5
Chapter Two 7
2 Literature Review 7
2.1 Muskmelon Identification 7
2.2 Muskmelon Distributions 7
2.3 Muskmelon Nutrients 8
2.4 Specific Fertigation Application 10
2.4.1 Nitrogen Application 10
2.4.2 Phosphorus Application 11
2.4.3 Potassium Application 12
2.5 Total Dissolved Solid (SALT) 13
2.6 Muskmelon Planting Under Hydroponic System 13
2.7 Summary 16
2.8 Why this Research is Needed ? 16
Chapter Three 18
3 Materials and Methods 18
3.1 Experimental Set Up 20
3.2 Experimental Program 20
3.2.1 Muskmelon Plants 22
3.2.2 Hydroponic Experiment 22
3.2.3 Nutrient Absorption in Pot Experiment 22
3.2.4 Measurement Conductivity 24
3.2.5 Yield Evaluation and Energy Budget 26
3.2.6 Nutritional Quality 27
Chapter Four 28
4 Results and Discussion 28
4.1 Growth of Muskmelon 28
4.2 Energy Budget 36
4.3 Fertigation 37
4.3.1 Nitrogen 37
4.3.2 Phosphorus 38
4.3.3 Potassium 39
4.4 Total Dissolved Salts (SALT ) 40
4.5 Comparative Analysis 40
4.5.1 Growth of Muskmelon 40 Height 40 Leaves 43 Fruits 46
4.5.2 Total Sugar Concentration 47
4.5.3 Fertigation 48 Nitrogen 48 Stem and Leaves 48 Roots 49 Fruits 49 Phosphorus 50 Stem and Leaves 50 Roots 50 Fruits 51 Potassium 52 Stem and Leaves 52 Roots 52 Fruits 53
4.5.4 Total Dissolved Solid (SALT) 54 Stem and Leaves 54 Roots 54 Fruits 55
4.6 Statistical Analysis 56
4.6.1 Paired Samples (t- Test) 56
4.6.2 ANNOVA Test 59 Nitrogen ANNOVA Test 60 Phosphorus ANNOVA Test 61 Potassium ANNOVA Test 63 Salinity ANNOVA Test 64 Total Sugar ANNOVA Test 65
4.7 Summary 66
Chapter Five 69
5 Conclusions 69
References 71
‫الملخص‬ ‫ب‬
List of Tables
No. Table Title Page
Table 1 The Amount of Nutrient Per Canal 24
Height, No. of Leaves and No. of Fruits before
Table 2 29
Fertigation for Canal 1
Height, No. of Leaves and No. of Fruits before
Table 3 30
Fertigation for Canal 2
Height, No. of Leaves and No. of Fruits before
Table 4 31
Fertigation for Canal 3
Height, No. of Leaves and No. of Fruits before
Table 5 31
Fertigation for Canal 4
Height, No. of Leaves and No. of Fruits after
Table 6 33
Fertigation for Canal 1
Height, No. of Leaves and No. of Fruits after
Table 7 34
Fertigation for Canal 2
Height, No. of Leaves and No. of Fruits after
Table 8 35
Fertigation for Canal 3
Height, No. of Leaves and No. of Fruits after
Table 9 36
Fertigation for Canal 4
Table 10 Total Sugar Concentrations Using Refractrometer 37
Table 11 Nitrogen Percent (N%) by Kjeldahl Method 37
Table 12 Phosphorus Concentrations in Plants (ppm) 38
Standard with Different Concentration to Measure the
Table 13 38
Table 14 Potassium Concentration in Plant (ppm) 40
Table 15 Conductivity Test by Electrical Meter(µs) 40
Paired Samples (t-Test ) to Illustrate the Differences in
Table 16 56
the First Canal before and after Fertilization
Paired Samples ( t-Test ) to Illustrate the Differences in
Table 17 57
the Second Canal before and after Fertilization
Paired Samples (t-Test ) to Illustrate the Differences in
Table 18 58
the Third Canal before and after Fertilization
Paired Samples (t-Test ) to Illustrate the Differences in
Table 19 59
the Fourth Canal before and after Fertilization
The Result of the Analysis of Variance for the
Table 20 Significance of Differences Between Canals in the 60
Examination of Nitrogen
L.D.S Test Result for the Significance of the
Table 21 61
The Result of the Analysis of Variance for the
Table 22 61
Significance of Differences Between Canals in the
Examination of Phosphorus
L.D.S Test Result for the Significance of the
Table 23 62
The Result of the Analysis of Variance for the
Table 24 Significance of Differences Between Canals in the 63
Examination of Potassium
L.D.S Test Result for the Significance of the
Table 25 64
The Result of the Analysis of Variance for the
Table 26 Significance of Differences Between Canals in the 64
Examination of Salinity
L.D.S Test Result for the Significance of the
Table 27 65
The Result of the Analysis of Variance for the
Table 28 Significance of Differences Between Canals in the 65
Examination of Total Sugar
L.D.S Test Result for the Significance of the
Table 29 66
List of Figures
No. Figure Title Page
Figure 1 The Hydroponic System 21
Figure 2 Seedling of Muskmelon in Hydroponic Canals 22
Seedling in Hydroponic Canals after Adding
Figure 3 23
Figure 4 Mature Muskmelon 27
Standard with different concentration to measure the
Figure 5 39
absorbance of phosphorus.
Height (cm) in Week (1) before Fertigation for Four
Figure 6 41
Height (cm) in Week (2) before Fertigation for Four
Figure 7 41
Height (cm) in Week (3) before Fertigation for Four
Figure 8 42
Height (cm) in Week (1) after Fertigation for Four
Figure 9 42
Height (cm) in Week (2) after Fertigation for Four
Figure 10 43
No. of Leaves in Week (1) before Fertigation for Four
Figure 11 44
No. of Leaves in Week (2) before Fertigation for Four
Figure 12 44
No. of Leaves in Week (3) before Fertigation for Four
Figure 13 45
No. of Leaves in Week (1) after Fertigation for Four
Figure 14 45
No. of Leaves in Week (2) after Fertigation for Four
Figure 15 46
No. of Fruits in Week (3) before Fertigation for Four
Figure 16 46
No. of Fruits in Week (1) after Fertigation for Four
Figure 17 47
No. of Fruits in Week (2) after Fertigation for Four
Figure 18 47
Comparison Between the Four Canals about the Total
Figure 19 48
Sugar Concentration
Comparison Between the Four Canals about the
Figure 20 48
Nitrogen Percent in Stem and Leaves
Comparison Between the Four Canals about the
Figure 21 49
Nitrogen Percent in Roots
Comparison Between the Four Canals about the
Figure 22 49
Nitrogen Percent in Fruits
Comparison Between the Four Canals about the
Figure 23 50
Phosphorus Value in Stem and Leaves
Comparison Between the Four Canals about the
Figure 24 51
Phosphorus Value in Roots
Comparison Between the Four Canals about the
Figure 25 51
Phosphorus Value in Fruits
Comparison Between the Four Canals about the
Figure 26 52
Potassium Value in Stem and Leaves
Comparison Between the Four Canals about the
Figure 27 53
Potassium Value in Roots
Comparison Between the Four Canals about the
Figure 28 53
Potassium Value in Fruits
Comparison Between the Four Canals about the Total
Figure 29 54
Dissolved Solid in Stem and Leaves
Comparison Between the Four Canals about the Total
Figure 30 55
Dissolved Solid in Roots
Comparison Between the Four Canals about the Total
Figure 31 55
Dissolved Solid in Fruits
Evaluation of Yield and Energy Budget of Muskmelon Grown in
Horizontal Hydroponic System under Different Nutrient Input
Laila Kamal Abd Al-HadiEssa
Prof. Dr. Marwan Haddad

The current research aimed at evaluating yield and energy budget of
muskmelon grown in horizontal hydroponic system under different nutrient
input conducted in a greenhouse in the new An-Najah National University

campus. The hydroponic system consisted of four rectangular metal canals

(28 cm wide, 22 cm high, 27m long) filed with non-growing media.
Muskmelon seedlings were planted in the hydroponic canals and fertigated
with different nutrients (Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus - NPK-) and
salinity levels. The extents of nutrient and salinity uptake and impact on
plant growth , yield and energy budget were evaluated for one growing

Experiment started in 26th of March, 2013 as follows:
• Three canals were filled with a nutrient solution containing:
Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium with different amount of
concentration for each canal ((1/4) copper, (1) copper and (1) copper
+1000 ppm salts (NaCl)) respectively.

• The fourth canal was used as a reference, so no additions were

• Fresh water was allowed to enter the system from a tank that filled
the champers in each canal.

• Excessive water was discharged from the end of the canal to a

drainage tank.
After the completion of the experiment, nutrient solution was stored at −20
◦C for nutrient analysis. Ion nitrate was determined by the Kjeldahl

method. Macronutrients (P and K) were measured directly and

simultaneously from nutrient solution using emission spectrometry. Results
were expressed as mg dry weight plant−1 day.−1

Results for all nutrients used in the fertigation process indicated that:
1. Nitrogen percentage in stem and leaves had the largest percentage
compared with roots and fruit, because nitrogen is concentrated in

plant leaves. And it is observed that canal (2) had the largest value of
nitrogen percentage compared with canals (1,3 and blank) .
2. Phosphorus concentrations in stem and leaves had the largest

percentage compared with roots and fruit, because this element has a
role in plant photosynthesis that concentrates phosphorus in plant
leaves. It is observed that canal(2) had a large value of phosphorus in

comparison with canals (1,3 and blank).

3. Potassium concentrations, roots had the large percent compared with
(stem and leaves) and fruit, because these elements should be added

to plant in the fruiting stage, for this reason adding more potassium
before this stage or after it made potassium accumulate in roots .But it
was observed that canal(2) had a large value for potassium compared

with canals (1,3 and blank).


Results of total sugar for canals 1 and blank were approximately equal and

differ from canal (2 and 3) that had larger percent of total sugar in the
plant. This was due to large amounts of fertilizer added to these two canals
(2 and 3).

Conductivity results indicated that stems and leaves had the largest
conductivity value in the same canal while roots and fruits had the least
value . But making a comparison between the four canals , canal 3 had the

largest value, because (NaCl) salt was added to this canal.

As an outcome of this research it was concluded that:
1. Plant growth increased when Adding more fertilizer like canals 2 and

3 compared with canal 1and blank .

2. Energy budget increased when more fertilizer added to the plant like
canals 2 and 3.

3. The presence of salt (NaCl) in canal (3) prevents plant from

absorbing water and all nutrients from canal which leads to a
decrease in plant productivity.

Chapter One
1. Introduction
Muskmelon (Cucumismelo) is an important horticultural crop that is grown
throughout the world, mainly in Asia, America and Europe, with an overall

production of 27.7 million tones and about 1.3 million hectares planted
(FAOSTAT, 2011). Muskmelon is round, yellow-tan netted rind with
salmon, white, or green flesh weighing about 2 to 3 pounds (0.9-1.3 kg).

Very sweet taste and aromatically perfumed flesh. Sweet tasting and
aromatic. (Albert ,2009).
Muskmelon is a perfect summer fruit. Its high water content can help in

preventing the fluid loss that our bodies go through due to perspiration in
this season. It also helps to combat the heat in the body and thus, prevents
heat-related disorders during summer. If you are someone who is

constantly counting calories then you should go the muskmelon way. This
fruit is good for people who want to lose weight because it isn't high in
calories or sugar, and can work as a great snack for those in-between-

mealtimes when hunger tugs you towards unhealthy food items (Albert,
2009 ).
Muskmelon offers a decent dose of fiber, which helps in filling you up. As

a snack for dieters, muskmelons can't be beaten. Muskmelon's juicy

sweetness is a satisfying substitute for high-calorie snacks and desserts.
The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that most people

eat 1.5 to 2 cups of fruit per day. Muskmelon is a great-tasting way to

fulfill that recommendation (Amaro etal , 2012).

Muskmelon is rich in potassium, a nutrient that may help control blood

pressure, regulate heartbeat, and possibly prevent strokes. The 2005

Dietary Guidelines state that a potassium-rich diet helps keep salt from
raising blood pressure and may also reduce the risk of developing kidney

stones and possibly age-related bone loss. The guidelines encourage adults
to consume 4,700 milligrams per day (while keeping sodium to less than
2,300 milligrams per day, which is one teaspoon of salt) (Melo et al, 2000).

Muskmelons are also abundant in vitamin C, one arm of the now-famous

disease-fighting antioxidant trio. Another arm that's well represented is
beta-carotene. Researchers believe that beta-carotene and vitamin C are

capable of preventing heart disease, cancer and other chronic conditions.

No matter which way you slice them, when it comes to nutrition,
muskmelons are a cut above (Ismail, 2010 ).

Muskmelon crop production in dry climates is particularly sensitive to

deficiencies in soil moisture and N (Panagiotopoulos, 2001; Silva et al.,
2007; Cabello et al., 2009).Nitrogen (N) is an important nutrient for

muskmelon production. However, there is scanty information about the

amount necessary to maintain an appropriate balance between growth and
yield(Castellanos, 2011).The uptake of N and its accumulation in the parts

of muskmelon plants over the growing season have been studied by

researchers for some cultivar groups of muskmelon such as Reticulatus
(Purqueiro et al., 2003; Kirnak et al., 2005), Cantalupensis (Pérez- Zamora

and Cigales-Rivero, 2001; Fagan et al., 2006), and the results are different
and sometimes contradictory. In most cases, these researchers show

experiments located in greenhouses and in greenhouse hydroponics

(Fukutoku et al., 2000; Fogaça et al., 2008). These authors gave

information about the dynamics of N uptake but, in most cases, the
optimum application rates were not determined.

Potassium is the second most abundant macro-nutrient element after

nitrogen in terms of amounts found in plant tissues except seeds. Potassium
(K), a well-known quality element, is involved in numerous biochemical

and physiological processes vital to plant growth and quality. Insufficient

or excessive potassium level adversely affects fruit quality, while adequate
K nutrition is associated with increased yields, fruit size, increased soluble

solids and ascorbic acid concentrations, improved fruit color, increased

shelf life, and shipping quality of many horticultural crops. However,
potassium levels in previous nutrient solution culture studies varied

considerably, and much confusion exists regarding the benefit of K

fertilization due to different K forms utilized, soil vs. foliar applications,
the environment (season), plus frequency of applications during fruit

growth and development stages(Bidwell, 1974; Marschner, 1995).

Phosphorus is classified as a major nutrient, what means that it is
frequently deficient for crop production and is required by crops in

relatively large amounts. It is involved in several key plant functions,

including energy transfer, photosynthesis, transformation of sugars and
starches, nutrient movement within the plant and transfer of genetic

characteristics from one generation to the next.(Zekri, 2009) .


Hydroponics is a method of growing plants in a soil-less environment. The

nutrient source is provided directly to the plant roots in a solution. Jones in

(1983) defines hydroponics as a nutrient solution delivery system which
does not contain any organic or inorganic media for plant support.

Hydroponics minimizes problems such as clogged irrigation nozzles,

cleaning of culture media between crops and allows for more precise
control of the root zone environment (Yaakov et al,1983).

1.1 The Objectives of this Study were to determine:

 Evaluation of yield and sugar concentration of Muskmelon using
different nutrient concentration and salinity in a hydroponic growing

 Determination of the nutrient removal capacity of the system and
nutritional quality of muskmelon under hydroponic growing system.

1.2 Research Questions :

1- What are the quantitative amount of (NPK) fertilizer should be
applied ?

2- What are the effects of excessive amount of irrigation on plant ?

3- How much does the growth of the plant become when we add the
fertilizer ?

4- Does the fruit taste and sugar concentration changes during adding
the fertilizer ?
5- What is the effect of adding salts on plant growth and sugar

concentration ?

1.3 Motivations :
This research was carried out for many reasons such as:
1. This study has a relationship with the environment and the problem
related to it during a little farmers' knowledge .

2. This study benefits many groups in Palestine .

3. This summer fruit all people like it .
4. This fruit has many benefits for the body .

5. To inform the farmers about the better condition for growing melon
and the dosage of fertilizer that we should add .
6. Finally, no researchers in Palestine have addressed this topic .

1.4 Beneficiaries from the Research:

Several groups will benefit from this research:
1- Government ministries (Ministry of Agricultural ,Ministry of

Environment, Ministries of Health and Palestinian Water Authority)

that can develop many monitoring programs and legislations to help
framers manage their agricultural activities to prevent and control

water and excessive fertilizing .

2- Non-governmental organizations (NGOs): they can develop many

monitoring programs to help framers manage their agricultural

activities, and can fund and support many researches in these

3- Researchers who need previous studies and data about such theses

topics can use it.


4- Farmers will recognize that the use of excessive fertilizers in

uncontrolled ways, and the use of excessive water in irrigation have

significant effect on plant growth and thus can affect human health
so they can be careful and take more precautions when using


Chapter Tow
2. Literature Review
2.1 Muskmelon Identification
Muskmelon (CucumismeloL.) is a commercially important crop in many

countries. It is mostly cultivated in the temperate regions of the world due

to its good adaptation to soil and climate. (Villanueva et al., 2004).
Muskmelon grow best in sandy, well-watered soil and in weed-free

conditions. Fertilizer is the major cost in agriculture sector in the world. In

fertigation system, the plants are fed by water including fertilizer by drip
system in soilless media. Usually the fertilizer consumption on fertigation

system is not specific to the optimal electrical conductivity (EC) but a

certain range is used. There is a lack of information on the influence of the
microbes and specific EC on fruit weight and fertilizer consumption in the

appropriate dose of melon plant (Zulkarami et al., 2010).

Muskmelon are warm-season crops requiring a long growing season of 80
to 100 days from seed to fruit. Most present varieties are not well suited to

small gardens because of the space requirement (Abend et al, 2010).

Muskmelons are well suited for growing on black plastic mulch. The black
plastic absorbs heat readily, allowing the soil to warm quickly.(Virginia

Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2009)

2.2 Muskmelon Distributions

Based on genetic studies, crossing attempts, and distribution, the origin of

melon appears to be Africa. The division of Cucumismelo into ssp. melo

and ssp. agrestis must have developed from wild muskmelons spread by

man to Asia. The sweet wild melon found today is probably a result of

domestication and cultivation as hybridization of muskmelon occurs

frequently in nature (Kerje, 2000).

2.3 Muskmelon Nutrients

Plants require nitrogen in large amounts. Nitrogen promotes rapid growth,
increases leaf size and quality, hastens crop maturity, and promotes fruit
and seed development. Because nitrogen is a constituent of amino acids,

which are required to synthesize proteins and other related compounds, it

plays a role in almost all plant metabolic processes.Nitrogen is an integral
part of chlorophyll manufacture through photosynthesis.(Photosynthesis is

the process through which plants utilize light energy to convert

atmospheric carbon dioxide into carbohydrates) (Tucker, 1999).
Nitrogen fertilizer is available in both organic (manures) and inorganic
forms. Nitrogen-deficient plants exhibit slow stunted growth, and their
foliage is pale green . Deficiency symptoms generally appear on the bottom
leaves first. In severe cases , the lower leaves have a “fired” appearance on
the tips, turn brown, usually disintegrate, and fall off (Barbara,
2011).Visual symptoms are seen first on older leaves as a yellowing
(chlorosis) from the leaf tip and along the midrib, whilst the edges remain
green. Because( N) is mobile in the plant, deficiency usually occurs first in
older tissues. Distinct symptoms are not always obvious. The main effect of
deficiency is retarded growth. Older leaves may turn yellow and eventually
die back from tips and along margins (Better, 1999)

In contrast, too much nitrogen causes excessive vegetative growth, delays

maturity, increases lodging, fosters disease and poses an environmental

threat to surface and ground water. Fertilization with nitrogen is generally

very prompt, depending on the source of nitrogen, stage of plant growth,

rainfall and temperature (Johnson, 2012).
Normal plant growth cannot be achieved without phosphorus. It is a

constituent of nucleic acids, phospholipids, the coenzymes DNA and

NADP, and most importantly ATP. It activates coenzymes for amino acid
production used in protein synthesis; it decomposes carbohydrates

produced in photosynthesis; and it is involved in many other metabolic

processes required for normal growth, such as photosynthesis, glycolysis,
respiration, and fattyacid synthesis (Syunarti, 2008). It enhances seed

germination and early growth, stimulates blooming, enhances bud set, aids
in seed formation, hastens maturity and provides winter hardiness to crops
planted in late fall and early spring (Rebafka,1993).

Phosphorus deficient plants are characterized by restricts root and top

growth but appear normal. With more severe deficiency, the root system is
poorly developed and stems are thin and erect with few branches and small,

narrow leaves, stunted growth, dark green leaves with a leathery texture,
and reddish purple leaf tips and margins. Symptoms usually occur on
young plants when the soil temperature is below 60 F.

Deficiency symptoms may appear when soil phosphorus levels are

adequate and When soil is cool. Phosphorus occurs in organic fertilizers
(manures); inorganic blended fertilizers; and high phosphate materials such

as mono-and diammonium phosphate ,triple superphosphate (Tucker,


Potassium has many functions in plant growth. It is essential for

photosynthesis, activates enzymes to metabolize carbohydrates for the

manufacture of amino acids and proteins, facilitates cell division and
growth by helping to move starches and sugars between plant parts, adds

stalk and stem stiffness, increases disease resistance, increases drought

tolerance, regulates opening and closing of stomates, gives plumpness to
grain and seed, improves firmness, texture, size and color of fruit crops and

increases the oil content of oil crops (James, 2012).

The lowest amount of potassium is found in sandy coastal plain soils where
it is subject to leaching. The higher concentrations are found in the clayey

soils of the piedmont and mountain regions. High potassium is also found
in areas where animal and poultry wastes have been applied. Potassium-
deficient plants exhibit chlorosis (loss of green color) along the leaf

margins or tips starting with the bottom leaves and progressing up the
plant. In severe cases, the whole plant turns yellow, and the lower leaves
fall off. As with other nutrients, lack of potassium causes stunted plants

with small branches and little vigor (Tucker ,1999).

2.4 Specific Fertigation Application

2.4.1 Nitrogen Application
A study of nitrogen fertilisation levels to investigate the effect on fruit
quality at harvest time and during storage. Experiments were performed in
an open field using muskmelon plants . Nitrogen (N) was applied through

fertigation using four fertilization levels. The results indicate that nitrogen
increased yields by increasing fruits/plant, seeds/fruit and seed weight, had

no effect on fruit weight, size and husk, and increased leaf area through leaf

number and leaf size. (Ferrante, 2008) .

Another study evaluate the influence of different N amounts on the growth,
production of dry matter and fruit yield of a melon 'Piel de sapo' type.
Muskmelons were subjected to an irrigation depth of 100% crop
evapotranspiration and to 11 N fertilization rates. The results showed that
dry matter production of leaves and stems increased as the N amount
increased. The dry matter of the whole plant was affected similarly, while
the fruit dry matter decreased as the N amount was increased. Excessive
applications of N increase vegetative growth at the expense of reproductive
growth (Panagiotopoulos, 2001; Silva et al., 2007; Cabello et al., 2009).
A study on maize (Zea mays L.) in southern Nigeria was evaluated. It
showed that application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers increases

growth and grain yield in maize production (Onasanya ,2009).

Field studies were conducted at the Teaching and Research farm, to
determine the individual and combined levels of nitrogen (N) and

phosphorus (P) fertilizers required for optimum growth and seed yield of
muskmelon which subjected to 4 levels of N and 4 levels of P in order to
investigate the main and interactive effects of N and P. The results showed

that various levels of individual and combined N and P fertilizers

significantly (P # 0.05) influenced the growth and seed yield of muskmelon
(Olaniyi, 2008).

2.4.2 Phosphorus Application

Phosphorus (P) is vital to plant growth and is found in every living plant
cell. It is involved in several key plant functions, including energy transfer,

photosynthesis ,transformation of sugars and starches, nutrient movement

within the plant and transfer of genetic characteristics from one generation
to the next (Better, 1999).

2.4.3 Potassium Application

Potassium is second to nitrogen in plant tissue levels with ranges of 1 to
3% by weight .Potassium is the only essential plant nutrient that is not a
constituent of any plant part. Potassium is a key nutrient in the plants

tolerance to stresses such as cold/hot temperatures, drought, wear and pest

problems. Potassium acts as catalysts for many of the enzymatic processes
in the plant that are necessary for plant growth to take place (Ashley and

Grabov, 2006 ).
Another key role of potassium is the regulation of water use in the
plant(osmoregulation). This osmoregulation process affects water transport

in the xylem,maintains high daily cell turgor pressure which affects wear
tolerance, affects cell elongation for growth and most importantly it
regulates the opening and closing of the stomates which affect

transpirational cooling and carbon dioxide uptake for photosynthesis

(James, 2012).
Potassium uptake is most rapid on warm, moist soils that are well aerated

and have a slightly acidic to neutral pH. As soil temperature increases,

plant metabolic activity increases which in turn increases root growth and
root activity. Warmer soil temperatures also increase the diffusion rate of

potassium in the soil solution which increases potassium uptake by the root
system. Excess soil moisture can lower soil oxygen levels which in turn

decrease the respiration rate for the plants root system and thus lowers

potassium uptake (Schalau, 2008).

A field study was conducted to determine the response of cowpea to
potassium fertilizer treatment in three levels 0 , 33.75 , 67.50 kg K ha-1.

Results had shown that the potassium fertilizer treatment in 33.75 ( kg K

ha-1 ) level has significant increase in plant weight , pods number and the
yield of plant. (Bidwell, 1974 ; Marschner, 1995 ).

2.5 Total Dissolved Solid (SALT).

Muskmelon is a crop with high potential in arid and semi arid areas having
salinity problems (Botia et al, 2005).Generally, although muskmelon is

known to be moderately tolerant to salinity, it has been reported that salt

tolerance in muskmelons depends on the cultivars and there are sensitive
cultivars as well as tolerant ones (Kuşvuran et al, 2007).
Astudy was carried out in hydroponic conditions in growth chamber using
salt tolerant. Plants were subjected to 100 mMNaCl for 12 days. Fresh and
dry weights were decreased by salinity. (Kaya et al, 2007; Tavakkoli et al,
Another study about tolerance to stress conditions for stomatal and leaf
characteristics of 14 hybrid genotypes. The results revealed that in saline
condition, the number of stomata in unit area increased; however, the size
of stomata decreased. Also leaf area, width and length were decreased
when compared to control (Hakan, 2011).

2.6 Muskmelon Planting Under Hydroponic System

Hydroponics is a subset of hydroculture and is a method of growing plants
using mineral nutrient solutions, in water without soil.

Researchers discovered in the 18th century that plants absorb the essential

mineral nutrients as inorganic ions in water. In natural conditions, soil acts

as a mineral nutrient reservoir but the soil itself is not essential to plant
growth. When the mineral nutrients in the soil dissolve in water, plant roots

are able to absorb them. When the required mineral nutrients are introduced
into a plant's water supply artificially, soil is no longer required for the
plant to thrive. Almost any terrestrial plant will grow with hydroponics.

Hydroponics is also a standard technique in biology research and teaching

(Joe, 1974).
The earliest published work on growing terrestrial plants without soil was

the (1627 book Sylva Sylvarum by Francis Bacon), printed a year after his
death. Water culture became a popular research technique after that. In
1699, John Woodward published his water culture experiments with

spearmint. Solution culture is now considered a type of hydroponics where

there is no inert medium (Stout, 1966).
In 1929, William Frederick Gericke of the University of California at

Berkeley began publicly promoting that solution culture would be used for
agricultural crop production. He first termed it aquaculture but later found
that aquaculture was already applied to culture of aquatic organisms.

(Gericke, 1929).
Reports of Gericke's work and his claims that hydroponics would
revolutionize plant agriculture prompted a huge number of requests for

further information. Gericke refused to reveal his secrets claiming he had

done the work at home on his own time. This refusal eventually resulted in

leaving the University of California. In 1940, he wrote the book, (Complete

Guide to Soilless Gardening).( Gericke, 1940).

One of the early successes of hydroponics occurred on Wake Island, a
rocky atoll in the Pacific Ocean used as a refueling stop for Pan American

Airlines. Hydroponics was used there in the 1930s to grow vegetables for
the passengers. Hydroponics was a necessity on Wake Island because there
was no soil, and it was prohibitively expensive to airlift in fresh vegetables

(Gericke, 1940).
This system has many Advantages and Disadvantages :
1. All plants require water. The amount they use depends on how much
energy (sunlight) is available to cause them to evaporate water, as well
as the amount of water supply available to the roots.
2. A major function of a hydroponic system's is to provide freely
available water to the root system. This cannot be done as easily as in
soils because too much water will cut off the oxygen supply, which
kills the roots . As soils dry out between irrigations, some stress is
unavoidable . Maximum amounts of water can be supplied in the usual
types of hydroponic mixtures because pore space is large and their
water holding capacity is usually low.
3. All the necessary elements for growth can theoretically be provided in
correct amounts. In practice, it is difficult to supply a constant ratio
and concentration of essential elements without expensive
analyticalequipment. It is desirable to make some provision for adding
small amounts of elements to replace those exhausted by the plants
during growth. It is also difficult to supply plant requirements as to

correct element ratios, acidity, and tolerance to salts, because these

vary with light, water, temperature, and other factors.( Hoagland,
4. Not all plants require the same environment. For example, the
greenhouse environment for roses is deliberately manipulated to
reduce water requirements .The response of commercial roses grown
directly in gravel is usually comparable to roses grown directly in
good soil.In many regions of the world, hydroponics may be utilized
because there is no soil or the available soil is unsuitable.
5. If the water supply has high sodium ,hydroponics may be the only
acceptable system since excessive sodium causes soil structure to
break down and lose its desirable characteristics. Obviously,
hydroponics may be the only practical solution in space flights or for
moon inhabitants.
6. In the final analysis, under suitable climatic conditions, and with all
other factors being equal, hydroponics may offer a 20 to 30 percent
yield increase over comparable soil culture. The important point to
keep in mind is that good soil will usually forgive most mistakes while
hydroponics systems will not .For instance root media will be un
buffered, too much fertilizer can easily burn the plants, and neglected
watering systems may damage plants and spread disease (Joe, 1974).

2.7 Summary
Muskmelon are warm-season crops requiring a long growing season of 80
to 100 days from seed to fruit. It is mostly cultivated in the temperate
regions of the world due to its good adaptation to soil and climate.
muskmelons grow best in sandy, well-watered soil and in weed-free

conditions. Muskmelon are well suited for growing on black plastic mulch.

The black plastic absorbs heat readily, allowing the soil to warm quickly.
The origin of muskmelon appears to be Africa.
Muskmelon require nitrogen in largest amounts, which promotes rapid

growth ,increases leaf size and quality, hastens crop maturity, and promotes
fruit and seed development ,Because nitrogen is a constituent of amino
acids, which are required to synthesize proteins and other related

compounds, it plays a role in almost all plant metabolic processes and it is

an integral part of chlorophyll manufacture through photosynthesis .
Phosphorus requires normal plant growth, because it is a constituent of

nucleic acids, phospholipids, the coenzymes DNA and NADP, and most
importantly ATP. It activates coenzymes for amino acid production used in
protein synthesis; it decomposes carbohydrates produced in photosynthesis;

and it is involved in many other metabolic processes required for normal

growth, such as photosynthesis, glycolysis, respiration, and fatty acid
synthesis. It enhances seed germination and early growth, stimulates

blooming, enhances bud set, aids in seed formation, hastens maturity and
provides winter hardiness to crops planted in late fall and early spring .
Potassium is essential for photosynthesis, activates enzymes to metabolize

carbohydrates for the manufacture of amino acids and proteins, facilitates

cell division and growth by helping to move starches and sugars between
plant parts, adds stalk and stem stiffness, increases disease resistance,

increases drought tolerance, regulates opening and closing of stomata's,


gives plumpness to grain and seed, improves firmness, texture, size and

color of fruit crops and increases the oil content of oil crops.
Many works investigate the effect of fertilization nutrients (NPK) on the
plant growth, production of dry matter and fruit yield of a muskmelon and

reach to the result that fertilization increased yields by increasing

fruits/plant, seeds/fruit and seed weight.
Studies which used to determine the effect of salinity on plant growth ,

stomata and leaf characteristics indicated that, fresh and dry weights
decreased by salinity, number of stomata in unit area increased; whereas,
the size of stomata decreased, also leaf area, width and length decreased.

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient

solutions, in water, without soil .The word "hydroponics" was coined many
years ago to describe plant culture in inert soils where nutrients and water

are supplied from storage tanks, saved, and recalculated as needed.

2.8 Why this Research is Needed ?

This research has addressed an important horticultural growth aspects of

an economic and food crop in Palestine: muskmelon . Previous studies

about muskmelon varied considerably and much variability existed in
obtained results .

This research is needed due to the following reasons:

1. Few studies about muskmelon and nutrient in Palestine compared to
other plants .

2. There was no research for studying the effect of these three elements
(NPK) together and salt tolerant .

3. The previous studies determine the effect of nutrient on plant and

yield but no studies have determined the optimum rate of these

nutrients to obtain a large yield with good quality.
4. The uptake of N and its accumulation in the parts of muskmelon

plants over the growing season have been studied by researchers ,

but results are different and sometimes contradictory.
5. Researchers gave information about the dynamics of N uptake but, in

most cases , the optimum application rates were not determined .

6. Potassium levels in previous nutrient solution culture studies varied
considerably, and much confusion regarding the benefit of K

fertilization due to different K forms exists.


Chapter Three
3. Materials and Methods
3.1 Experimental Set Up
This study was carried out during 2013/2014 academic year in a

hydroponic system existing in water and environmental studies at An-

Najah National University.
The experiment set up consisted of the following :

1. Water-feed system : Fresh water was allowed to enter the system

from a tank that fills the champers in each canal.
2. Hydroponic canals: each canal is 27m long 28 cm wide and 22 cm

high, with three chambers filled with water and fertilizer(Fig.1),

three canals were filled with a nutrient solution containing: Nitrogen
,Phosphorous and Potassium, the fourth canal was used as a

reference, so no additions were inserted.

3. Drainage system :Excessive water was discharged from the end of
the canal .

Fig.1 (The hydroponic system).


3.2Experimental program
3.2.1 Muskmelon Plants
Seedling of muskmelon was planted in 26th of march,2013 in four canals
used 210 seedlings (Fig.2) to be evaluated in this study. This seedling when

planted was (6-7) cm in height with (3-4) leaves and we planted it in the
canal of the hydroponic system ,we put (52-53) seedling for each canal and
the space between one seedling and the others is 50 cm.

Fig.2 (seedling of muskmelon in hydroponic canals).

3.2.2 Hydroponic experiment

The efficiency of hydroponic system with specific nutrients was evaluated
to optimize yield and quantify nutritive value at different maturity stages

.Three canal will be filled with a nutrient solution containing: Nitrogen

,Phosphorous and Potassium.Adding fertilizer started at 28th of April
,2013.But before this date ,the change in height , leaves number and fruit

number per week were recorded to compare these numbers with the

number when adding fertilizer(Fig.3).

Fig.3 (Seedling in hydroponic canals after adding fertilizer).

There were four canals which filled with nutrients solutions : 1/4 copper
(copper is a fertigation system that was chosen) was added to the first canal
(Table.1) shows the amount of nutrients in mg/l) of (NPK) which equals
45.3222g , 12.474g, 62.37g respectively. The following materials were
added to the second canal: 1 copper of (NPK) which equals in gram
181.2888g , 49.896g , 249.480g in order . Same amount of (NPK) was

added to the third canal with a difference by adding (1000ppm)of sodium

chloride (NaCl) which equals (20g) of this salt .The fourth canal was blank
where no fertilizers were added to it. Each plant separated into root and
aerial parts(stem, leaves and fruit) to determine fresh and dry weights.
Table .1: The amount of Nutrients Per Canal
The canal Copper Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium
(mg/l) (218mg/l) (60mg/l) (300mg/l)
The first canal 1/4copper 45.3222g/l 12.474g/l 62.37g/l
The second canal 1 copper 181.2888g/l 49.896g/l 249.480g/l
The third canal 1copper +NaCl 181.2888g/l +20g 49.896g/l 249.480g/l
The fourth canal Blank 0 0 0

3.2.3 Nutrient absorption in pot experiment

Nutrient solution were stored at −20 ◦C for nutrient analysis. Ion nitrate
was determined by the Kjeldahl method (Bremner, 1965).The following
were the procedures :
1. Samples preparations : (1g )of each sample from root parts & aerial
parts (stem , leaves and fruit ) was taken, after burning them in an
oven at 550 C for 8 hours.
2. Digestion procedure : (2) kjeltabs (Cu 3.5 ) and 15 ml of
concentrated H2SO4 were added to the burning samples and shook
gently to wet the sample , then put in aspirator to digest for 60
minutes . Then the rack with exhaust was removed and left to cool
for 15 minutes .
3. Distillation procedure : dilute cooled digest and put them in a flask to
add to them 50 ml Boric acid , then 50 ml (40% Na OH) were added
to dilute digest waiting to allow the reaction to settle (delay ) and
making titration with standardized titrant (0.05N).
4. Calculation : % Nitrogen =(T-B)*14.007 *N*100/Weight of sample
after drying (mg).
T=Sample titration , B =Blank titration , N=Normality of titrate .
Macronutrients (P and K) measuring them directly and simultaneously
from nutrient solution using emission spectrometry. Results were expressed

as mg dry weight plant−1 day−1. Potassium was determined by following

these procedures :
1. Samples preparations : (1g) of sample from roots parts and aerial
parts (stem , leaves and fruit )were taken after burning the sample in
an oven at 550 C for 8 hours .
2. Dilution : 250 ml of distilled water was added and shake them gently
, and waiting for settling .
3. Filtration : making filtration for each sample by filter papers,to take
the solution without any impurities .
4. Flamephotometer : Flamephotometer was used for each solution
obtained from step 3 , to used the number that appear in the
calculation to measure the % of potassium in each sample.
5. Calculations : this equation was used to make the calculations :
K (ppm)= the number that appear in the flamephotometer *volume
total (250ml)/weight before drying *10000 Measurement the other
macronutrient phosphorus (p) by following these procedures :
1. Samples preparations : (1g) of sample from root parts and aerial parts
(stem , leaves and fruit )were taken after burning the sample in an
oven at 550 C for 8 hours .
2. Dilution : 250 ml distilled water was added and shake them gently
,and added 3 ml H2SO4 and amount of (NaOH) to adjust the PH=5.0 .
3. Filtration : making filtration for each sample by filter papers, to take
the ashes that settle in the filter paper and complete the volume to 250
ml by adding Distilled Water.
4. Reagent Preparation :Combined ascorbic reagent was added to 5 ml of
the solution, the developed blue color was read at (880)nm (Manual

laboratory analysis for soil and plant ,Jon Rayen, et al 2003). The
combined ascorbic reagent contains Ammonium molybdate , antimony
potassium tartrate, sulfuric acid and ascorbic solution.
5. Standard Preparation : Stock phosphorus standard solution was
prepared from Potassium phosphate monobasic (KH2PO4), nine
standard phosphorus concentrations were prepared from stock solution
and treated as same as the samples. These nine concentrations were
used to plot absorbance versus phosphate concentration to give a
straight line ,and they were: 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, and 8.0
ppm .
6. Spectrophotometric Determination: 5 ml from the sample in the step 3
were taken , and 4 ml from the reagent were added to it and the
volume was increased to 25 ml by distilled water to detect the
absorbance for each dilution at which wavelength it read max
(880nm).after that different concentrations with a different volume
were taken from standard and added to 4 ml from reagent to increase
the volume to 25 ml by distilled water , to detect the absorbance for
each dilution to make a calibration curve.
7. Calculation : The following equation was used :
phosphorus concentration(p%)= 0.225 X , X =sample absorption .
3.2.4 Measurement conductivity
Six random samples from each canal were taken and separated to three
parts: root, (stem and leaves) and fruit. Then, the samples were dried in an
oven at 105 C for 2 hours .After that, 5 grams from each sample were taken
and 50 ml of distilled water were added to them and tested in an electrical

conductivity meter .The following equation was used to measure the

Conductivity (µs/cm)= the number that appears in electrical conductivity
meter *weight before drying g / 50 ml .
3.2.5 Yield evaluation and energy budget
Mature muskmelons fruits (Fig.4) were evaluated after being harvested
and weighed from five random plants for each canal as kg fruit plant-1.

Fig .4 (mature muskmelon).

3.2.6 Nutritional quality

10 ml were taken from the center of the fruit to make 20 samples.
The samples were tested with five random plants for each canal to
determine total Sugar concentrations with a hand-held refractometer.

Chapter Four
4. Results and Discussion
Results of muskmelon were taken after a week of plantation to observe the
growth of plant by measuring the height, number of leaves and number of

fruits for each plant and for five weeks; three weeks before adding nutrient
and two weeks after adding nutrient .Then Mature muskmelon fruits were
harvested and weighed, total yield were evaluated as kg fruit plant -1for

determining the yield .After that Sugar concentrations from samples were
taken from the centre of the fruit and determined with a hand-held
refractometer to measure the energy budget of the plant . Ion nitrate was

determined by the Kjeldahl method (Bremner, 1965) for both the aerial
parts of plants and the roots .Results of Macronutrients (P and K) were
measured directly and simultaneously from nutrient solution using

emission spectrometry .Finally; results about muskmelon uptake of salt

(total dissolved solid ) were measured and recorded using the electrical
conductivity meter .

4.1 Growth of Muskmelon

From Table.(2,3,4,5) plants height, number of leaves and number of fruit
increased continuously from week (1) , (2) to week (3) before adding the

fertilizer. The height and the number of leaves in the same week for the
same canal increased with the distance due to some reasons :1.the distance
between the plant was more adjacent to the other in the beginning of the

canal compared with others in the middle and in the end of the canal .2.

The slope of the canal makes the plant in the beginning of the canal had

less opportunity to obtain water like the plants in the rest of the canal.

Table.2: (Height ,No. of leaves and No. of fruits before fertigation for
canal 1).
Distance Height (cm) No. of Leaves No. of Fruits
(m) Week1 Week2 Week3 Week1 Week2 Week3 Week1 Week2 Week3
5 12.7 31.9 44.6 8.6 17.5 23.8 0 0 1
10 13.9 34.7 46.1 10.5 17.3 24.7 0 0 1
15 15 36.6 47.7 11.1 20.3 28 0 0 1
20 14.9 34.6 47.7 12.4 20.6 20.8 0 0 0
25 16.2 37.7 48.7 14.4 19.3 33 0 0 1

Regarding the Height, before Fertigation in canal (1) table (2) shows that

total height of the plant was least in the first week reached (12.7) on

distance of (5 meters) and the total height of the plant highest in the first

week was (16.2) on distance (25 meters), the highest reading for plant

height with total height was (48.7) in the third week, on distance (25


Regarding the number of leaves of the plant before Fertigation in canal (1)

Table (2) shows that the total number of leaves of the plant was least in the

first week where it reached (8.6) on distance of (5 meters) and the total

number of leaves of the plant highest in the first week was (14.4) on

distance (25 meters), the highest reading for number Leaves of the plant

with total was (33) in the third week, on distance (25 meters).

Regarding the number of Fruit before Fertigation in canal (1) table (2)

showed that there was one fruit on the plant in the third week on distances

(5.10, 15, 25) meters, but there's no Fruit on the Plant on Distance (20).

Table .3: (Height, No. of leaves and No. of fruits before fertigation for
canal 2)
Distance Height(cm ) No. of Leaves No. of Fruits
(m) Week1 Week2 Week3 Week1 Week2 Week3 Week1 Week2 Week3
5 12.6 31.9 46.9 10.5 22.2 29.8 0 0 1
10 13.6 43.1 46.7 13.2 28.2 38.4 0 0 1
15 16.6 36 49.2 16.1 33.1 42 0 0 1
20 15.2 36 47 14.6 30.6 39.5 0 0 1
25 15.3 35.9 46.3 15.2 31.6 41.2 0 0 1

Regarding the Height, before Fertigation in canal (2) table (3) showed that

total Height of the plant was least in the first week reached (12.6) on

distance of (5 meters) and the total Height of the plant highest in the first

week was (16.6) on distance (15 meters), the highest reading for plant

height with total Height was (49.2) in the third week, on distance (15


Regarding the number of leaves of the Plant before Fertigation in canal (2)

table (3) showed that total number of Leaves of the plant was least in the

first week reached (10.5) on distance of (5 meters) and the total number of

Leaves of the plant Highest in the first week was (16.1) on distance (15

meters), the highest reading for number Leaves of the plant with total was

(42) in the third week, on distance (15 meters).

Regarding the number of Fruit before Fertigation in canal (2) table (3)

showed that there was one fruit on all plant in the third week on distances

(5.10, 15, 20, and25) meters.

Table.4: (Height ,No. of leaves and No. of fruits before fertigation for
canal 3).
Distance Height (cm) No. of Leaves No. of Fruits
(m) Week1 Week2 Week3 Week1 Week2 Week3 Week1 Week2 Week3
5 13 33.8 47.1 10.7 18.9 26.7 0 0 1
10 13.9 35.6 47.6 14.1 25.9 33.7 0 0 1
15 13.3 33.9 47.2 13.7 25.6 35.1 0 0 1
20 14.3 35 47.7 13.1 26.7 38.5 0 0 1
25 16.3 37.6 50 13.7 27.4 39.8 0 0 1

Regarding the Height, before Fertigation in canal (3) table (4) showed that
total Height of the plant was least in the first week reached (13) on distance
of (5 meters) and the total Height of the plant highest in the first week was
(16.3) on distance (25 meters), the highest reading for plant height with
total Height was (50) in the third week, on distance (25 meters).
Regarding the number of leaves of the Plant before Fertigation in canal (3)
table (4) showed that total number of Leaves of the plant was least in the
first week reached (10.7) on distance of (5 meters) and the total number of
Leaves of the plant Highest in the first week was (14.1) on distance (10
meters), the highest reading for number Leaves of the plant with total was

(39.8) in the third week, on distance (25 meters).

Regarding the number of Fruit before Fertigation in canal (3) table (4)
showed that there was one fruit on all plant in the third week on distances
(5.10, 15, 20, 25) meters.

Table .5: (Height ,No. of leaves and No. of fruits before fertigation for
canal 4).
Distance Height (cm) No. of Leaves No. of Fruits
(m) Week1 Week2 Week3 Week1 Week2 Week3 Week1 Week2 Week3
5 12.8 31.7 44.2 8.8 17.5 24.8 0 0 1
10 13.8 34.5 45.1 9.5 17.5 23.7 0 0 1
15 14.9 36.6 46.7 10.1 18.3 25.2 0 0 1
20 14.9 35.6 47.2 11.4 19.6 21.8 0 0 0
25 16 36.7 47.7 12.4 19.2 26.7 0 0 1

Regarding the Height, before Fertigation in canal (4) table (5) showed that

total Height of the plant was least in the first week reached (12.8) on
distance of (5 meters) and the total Height of the plant highest in the first
week was (16) on distance (25 meters), the highest reading for plant height

with total Height was (47.7) in the third week, on distance (25 meters).
Regarding the number of leaves of the Plant before Fertigation in canal (4)
table (5) showed that total number of Leaves of the plant was least in the

first week reached (8.8) on distance of (5 meters) and the total number of
Leaves of the plant Highest in the first week was (12.4) on distance (25
meters), the highest reading for number Leaves of the plant with total was

(26.7) in the third week, on distance (25 meters).

Regarding the number of Fruit before Fertigation in canal (4) table (5)
showed that there was one fruit on the plant in the third week on distances

(5.10, 15, 25) meters, but there's no Fruit on the Plant on Distance (20).
From Table.(6,7,8,9) plants height, number of leaves and number of fruit
increase continuously from week (1) to week (2) and compared with other

plants before adding fertilizer , but the difference appeared from the
beginning of the canal to the end due to the same reason that concentrates
the water and fertilizer away from the beginning. But the reason for

increasing the length of the plant at a rate of more than the number of
leaves was that, this period of growth was the length of the night more than
a day and thus a period of a few lighting so the plant is trying to move

towards the light and the increase in longitudinal growth.

Table.6: (Height ,No. of leaves and No. of fruits after fertigation for
canal 1).
Distance Height(cm) No. of Leaves No. of Fruits
(m) Week1 Week2 Week1 Week2 Week1 Week2
5 35.8 97.1 46.5 67 1 2
10 60.3 101.1 48.8 70.2 1 1
15 61.9 102.3 50 71.4 1 2
20 61.1 101.1 49.1 70.6 1 1
25 61.6 102.4 50.2 72.2 1 2

Regarding the Height, after Fertigation in canal (1) table (6) shows that

total Height of the plant was least in the first week reached (35.8) on

distance of (5 meters) and the total Height of the plant highest in the first

week was (61.9) on distance (15 meters), the highest reading for plant

height with total Height was (102.4) in the Second week, on distance (25


Regarding the number of leaves of the Plant after Fertigation in canal (1)

table (6) showed that total number of Leaves of the plant was least in the

first week reached (46.5) on distance of (5 meters) and the total number of

Leaves of the plant Highest in the first week was (50.2) on distance (25

meters), the highest reading for number Leaves of the plant with total was

(72.2) in the second week, on distance (25 meters).

Regarding the number of Fruit afterFertigation in canal (1) table (6)

showed that there was one fruit on the plant in the first week on distances

(5.10, 15, 20 and 25) meters, and there were (2) fruits on the plant in the

Second week on distances (5, 15, and 25) meters, while it remained one

fruit in the second week on distances (10 and 20) meters.

Table.7: (Height ,No. of leaves and No. of fruits after fertigation for
canal 2).
Distance Height(cm) No. of Leaves No. of Fruits
(m) Week1 Week2 Week1 Week2 Week1 Week2
5 62.6 124.4 52.2 65 1 1
10 67.4 129.8 55.2 72 1 1
15 72.5 134.2 58 75 1 1
20 70.1 133.1 59.3 76.8 1 1
25 72.3 136 62.3 81.5 1 1

Regarding the Height, after Fertigation in canal (2) table (7) shows that

total Height of the plant was least in the first week reached (62.6) on

distance of (5 meters) and the total Height of the plant highest in the first

week was (72.5) on distance (15 meters), the highest reading for plant

height with total Height was (136) in the Second week, on distance (25


Regarding the number of leaves of the Plant after Fertigation in canal (2)

table (7) showed that total number of Leaves of the plant was least in the

first week reached (52.2) on distance of (25 meters) and the total number of

Leaves of the plant Highest in the first week was (62.3) on distance (25

meters), the highest reading for number Leaves of the plant with total was

(81.5) in the second week, on distance (25 meters).

Regarding the number of Fruit after Fertigation in canal (2) table (7)

showed that there was one fruit on the plant in the first week on distances

(5.10, 15, 20 and 25) meters, while it remained one fruit in the second week

on all distances.
Table.8: (Height ,No.of leaves and No.of fruits after fertigation for
canal 3).
Distance Height(cm) No. of Leaves No. of Fruits
(m) Week1 Week2 Week1 Week2 Week1 Week2
5 68.2 138.3 57.8 69.2 1 1
10 68.8 138.4 58.7 69.4 1 1
15 68.7 138.5 58.8 71.5 1 1
20 68.2 138.5 58.1 67.7 1 1
25 71.3 140.4 60.3 71.7 1 1

Regarding the Height, after Fertigation in canal (3) table (8) showed that

total Height of the plant was least in the first week reached (68.2) on

distance of (5 and 20 meters) and the total Height of the plant highest in the

first week was (71.3) on distance (25 meters), the highest reading for plant

height with total Height was (140.4) in the Second week, on distance (25


Regarding the number of leaves of the Plant after Fertigation in canal (3)

table (8) showed that total number of Leaves of the plant was least in the

first week reached (57.8) on distance of (5 meters) and the total number of

Leaves of the plant Highest in the first week was (60.3) on distance (25

meters), the highest reading for number Leaves of the plant with total was

(71.7) in the second week, on distance (25 meters).

Regarding the number of Fruit after Fertigation in canal (3) table (8)

showed that there was one fruit on the plant in the first week on distances

(5.10, 15, 20 and 25) meters, while it remained one fruit in the second week

on all distances.
Table.9: (Height, No. of leaves and No. of fruits after fertigation for
canal 4).
Distance Height (cm) No. of Leaves No. of Fruits
(m) Week1 Week2 Week1 Week2 Week1 Week2
5 35.1 95.1 44.5 65 1 1
10 58.8 98.3 46.8 68.2 1 1
15 57.4 97.9 48 68.9 1 1
20 59.6 101.1 47.1 70.6 1 1
25 60.1 100.5 49.8 69.9 1 1

Regarding the Height, after Fertigation in canal (4) table (9) showed that

total Height of the plant was least in the first week reached (35.1) on
distance of (5) and the total Height of the plant highest in the first week
was (60.1) on distance (25 meters), the highest reading for plant height
with total Height was (101.1) in the Second week, on distance (20 meters).
Regarding the number of leaves of the Plant after Fertigation in canal (4)
table (9) showed that total number of Leaves of the plant was least in the
first week reached (44.5) on distance of (5 meters) and the total number of
Leaves of the plant Highest in the first week was (49.8) on distance (25
meters), the highest reading for number Leaves of the plant with total was
(70.6) in the second week, on distance (20 meters).
Regarding the number of Fruit after Fertigation in canal (4) table (9)
showed that there was one fruit on the plant in the first week on distances

(5.10, 15, 20 and 25) meters, while it remained one fruit in the second week
on all distances.
4.2 Total Sugar (Energy Budget )
Table (10) showed make the total sugar in Refractrometer test, the result
view increased in total of Sugar Concentrations in canal (2) and (3), and the
result are equal in the channel (1) and the Blank canal, because more

fertilizer were added to these two canals (2 and 3), and the addition of

macronutrient (K) is an important element that produces sugar in the plant

and concentrates it.

Table .10: (Total Sugar Concentrations using Refractrometer).

Distance(m) Canal (1) Canal (2) Canal (3) Canal (blank)
5 3.2% 6.12% 6.23% 3.55%
10 3.2% 6.5% 6.475% 3.47%
15 3.5% 5.9% 5.93% 3.3%
20 3.55% 6.15% 6.3% 3.2%
25 3.375% 6.6% 6.125% 3.4%

4.3 Fertigations
4.3.1 Nitrogen
FromTable.(11) making a test for nitrogen Proportion in different parts of
the plant with different concentrations of fertilizer, indicated that the stem
and the leaves had the large proportion of nitrogen, then roots, and finally
the fruits.
The Nitrogen concentrates in the leaves when added to the plant. Another
indication about nitrogen results was, blank canal has the less proportion of
nitrogen than canal 1, after that canal 3 and canal 2 with the
largeproportion . Adding salt(NaCL) to canal 3 prevents the plant from
absorbing all the nutrient found in water, which lead to decrease in
nitrogen proportion found in the plants in this canal .

Table .11: (Nitrogen Percent (N%) by Kjeldahl method).

No. of Stem and No. of Stem and
Roots Fruits Roots Fruits
Canals leaves Canals leaves
1-section 1 0.2268 0.1371 0.1094 3-section 1 0.7983 0.1986 0.1615
1-section 2 0.2365 0.1298 0.1098 3-section 2 0.8798 0.1945 0.1707
1-section 3 0.2412 0.1325 0.1121 3-section 3 0.7854 0.1848 0.1620
2-section 1 1.7556 0.2976 0.2654 4-section 1 0.1875 0.1225 0.1069
2-section 2 1.8432 0.2854 0.2725 4-section 2 0.1872 0.1221 0.1055
2-section 3 1.7984 0.2901 0.2810 4-section 3 0.1871 0.1243 .1038

4.3.2 Phosphorus
From Table .(12) stem and leaves had the large value of phosphorus
because this element has a role in plant photosynthesis which concentrate
it in the leaves, but comparison between the canals indicate that, canal (2)

had the largest value because more fertilizer was added to this canal than
canals (1) and blank. The same amount of fertilizer was added to canal (3)
but adding the salt (NaCl) to it decreased the absorption of phosphorus

from water.

Table .12: (Phosphorus concentrations in plants (ppm).

No. of Stem and No. of Stem and
Roots Fruits Roots Fruits
Canals leaves Canals leaves
1-section 1 0.458 0.273 0.125 3-section 1 0.632 0.433 0.298
1-section 2 0.451 0.278 0.131 3-section 2 0.618 0.438 0.295
1-section 3 0.457 0.271 0.129 3-section 3 0.625 0.429 0.291
2-section 1 0.830 0.587 0.395 4-section 1 0.412 0.210 0.110
2-section 2 0.876 0.598 0.393 4-section 2 0.398 0.205 0.109
2-section 3 0.877 0.587 0.389 4-section 3 0.401 0.212 0.115

Table.13: (Standard with different concentration to measure the

Standard concentration .4 .6 .8 1 2 3 4 6 8
Standard Volume(ml) 1 1.5 2 2.5 5 7.5 10 15 20
Reagent volume(ml) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Table (13) Showed that Standard Concentration are increased, and the

Standard Volume are increased, on the other hand Reagent Volume are
Equal, and Figure ( 1 ) Show that .

Fig.5: (Standard with different concentration to measure the absorbance of phosphorus).

4.3.3 Potassium :
Table.(14) shows that amount of absorbed potassium differs in different

parts of the plant, roots have the largest value compared with the( stem and
leaves) and fruits , this is because this element should be added to the plant
in the fruiting stage since adding more potassium before this stage or after

it makes potassium accumulate in a different part of the plant especially in

the roots .But making a comparison between four canals indicate that
canal (2) had the largest values, because more fertilizer added to this canal

comparing with canals (1) and no fertilizer is added to blank , but the
difference appears in canal (3) to which the same amount of fertilizer was
added to it like canal (2) but the presence of salt (NaCl) prevents the

absorption of potassium from water.


Table .14: (Potassium concentrations in plants (ppm).

No. of Stem and No. of Stem and
Roots Fruits Roots Fruits
Canals Leaves Canals Leaves
1-section1 0.2650 0.5049 0.2050 3-section1 0.3150 0.6982 0.2400
1-section2 0.2750 0.5058 0.2000 3-section2 0.3160 0.6899 0.2350
1-section3 0.2690 0.5047 0.2050 3-section3 0.3180 0.6987 0.2400
2-section1 0.3950 0.8519 0.2850 4-section1 0.1950 0.3759 0.1900
2-section2 0.3980 0.8521 0.2850 4-section2 0.1960 0.3768 0.1850
2-section3 0.3970 0.8524 0.2900 4-section3 0.1980 0.3761 0.1900

4.4 Total Dissolved Solids ( SALT )

From Table.(15) results for measuring conductivity indicate that, stem and
leaves had the largest value than roots and fruits which is least one. But

making a comparison between the four canals; canal 3 has the largest value,
because salt (NaCl) was added to this canal, but the remain canal just
fertilizer were added to them, except the blank no fertilize add to it .

Table .15: (Conductivity test by electrical conductivity meter(µs/cm).

No. of Stem and No. of Stem and
Roots Fruits Roots Fruits
Canals leaves Canals leaves
1-section1 0.169 0.1080 0.0538 3-section1 0.301 0.1723 0.1095
1-section2 0.161 0.1005 0.0520 3-section2 0.307 0.1790 0.1121
1-section3 0.165 0.1012 0.0512 3-section3 0.310 0.1785 0.1113
2-section1 0.244 0.1486 0.0743 4-section1 0.101 0.0947 0.0499
2-section2 0.251 0.1422 0.0778 4-section2 0.103 0.0889 0.0521
2-section3 0.248 0.1432 0.0775 4-section3 0.106 0.0958 0.0498

4.5 Comparative Analysis

4.5.1 Growth of Muskmelon Height
From (Fig.6) making a comparison between four canals about the height in
the first week before adding fertilizer indicates that, the same growth in the

plant height in all the canals were observed .


Plant Height

Fig .6: Height (cm) in week (1) before fertigation for four canals.

From (Fig.7) making a comparison between four canals about the plant
height in the second week before adding fertilizer indicates that, the same

growth in the plants height in the four canals.

Plant Height

Fig .7: Height(cm)in week (2) before fertigation for four canals.

From (Fig.8) making comparison between four canals about the plant
height in the third week before adding fertilize indicates that, the same
growth in the plants height in the four canals.

Plant Height

Fig.8 : Height (cm) in week (3) before fertigation for four canals

From (Fig.9) ,after adding fertilizer, the canals to which more fertilizer are
added to them appear with more plant height like canals (2)and (3) .But

canal (1) had less length growth because a little amount of fertilizer is
added to it ,while the blank has no fertilizer been added .
Plant Height

Fig .9: Height(cm)in week (1) after fertigation for four canals.

From (Fig.10) , in the second week of adding fertilizer, more growth in

plant height compared with the first week was seen. The canals which
more fertilizer added to them appear with more plant height like canals
(2)and (3). But canals (1) has less growth because a little amounts of

fertilizer is added whereas no fertilizers are added to the blank canal .

Plant Height

Fig.10 : Height(cm)in week (2) after fertigation for four canals. Leaves
From (Fig.11) ,leaves number in week (1) for the same canal increased

with distance due to some reason:1.the distance between the plant is more
adjacent to the other in the beginning of the canal compared with the others
in the middle and the end of the canal . 2.the slope of the canal making the

plant at the beginning had less opportunity to obtain water.


Leaves No.

Fig .11: No. of leaves in week (1) before fertigation for four canals .

From (Fig.12): leaves number in week (2) before fertigation for four canals
increased with the distance, like canals (2)and(3), but canals (1) and(blank)

had less leaves number .

Leaves No.

Fig .12: No. of leaves in week (2) before fertigation for four canals .

From (Fig.13) the number of leaves in week(3) increased with the distance,
like canals (2)and (3), but canals (1) and(blank) had less leaves number.

Leaves No.

Fig .13: No. of leaves in week (3) before fertigation for four canals .

From (Fig.14) . After adding fertilizers, canals with more fertilizer had
more plant leaves like canals (2)and (3). But canals (1) had less plant

leaves because little amount of fertilizer is added while blank canal wasn't
fertilized .
Leaves No.

Fig .14: No. of leaves in week (1) after fertigation for four canals .

From (Fig.15), in the second week after adding fertilizer, number of plant
leaves for all canals increased .

Leaves No.

Fig .15: No. of leaves in week (2) after fertigation for four canals . Fruits
In weeks 1 and 2 the number of fruits in the four canals was zero.

From (Fig.16) the number of fruits in the four canals in week (3) before
adding fertilizer was nearly the same .
Fruits No.

Fig .16 :No. of fruits in week(3) before fertigation for four canals .\

From (Fig.17) the number of fruits in the four canals in week (1) after
adding fertilizer are the same .

Fruits No.

Fig .18 : No. of fruits in week(1) after fertigation for four canals .

From (Fig.17) the number of fruits in the four canals in week (2) after
adding the fertilizer was nearly the same.
Fruits No.

Fig .18 : No. of fruits in week(2) after fertigation for four canals .

4.5.2 Total Sugar Concentrations

From (Fig.19), the results of total sugar for canals 1 and blank were
approximately equal and differ from canal (2 and 3) that have larger
percent of total sugar in the plant. This was due to large amounts of
fertilizer added to these two canals (2 and 3).

Sugar con.(%)

Fig .19 :Comparison for total sugar concentration between four canals.

4.5.3 Fertigation Nitrogen Stem and Leaves
From (Fig.20) Nitrogen percentage in stem and leaves had the largest
percentage compared with roots and fruit, because nitrogen is concentrated

in plant leaves. And it is observed that canal (2) had the largest value of
nitrogen percentage compared with canals (1,3 and blank) .
Nitrogen con.(%)

Fig .20: Comparison for nitrogen percent in stem and leaves between four canals.
49 Roots :
From (Fig 21) Results for nitrogen percentage in roots indicated that,
canal (2) had the largest value of nitrogen percentage compared with canals
(1,3 and blank) .
Nitrogen con.(ppm)

Fig .21: Comparison for nitrogen percent in roots between four canals. Fruits
From (Fig.22)Results for nitrogen percentage in fruits indicated that, canal
(2) had the largest value of nitrogen percentage compared with canals (1,3
and blank) .
Nitrogen con.(ppm)

Fig .22 :Comparison for nitrogen percent in fruits between four canals.
51 Phosphorus Stem and Leaves
From (Fig.23) Phosphorus concentrations in stem and leaves, they had the
largest percentage compared with roots and fruit, because this element has

a role in plant photosynthesis that concentrates phosphorus in plant leaves.

And it is observed that canal(2) had a large value of phosphorus in
comparison with canals (1,3 and blank).
Phosphorus con.(ppm)

Fig .23: Comparison for phosphorus concentrations in stem and leaves between four

canals. Roots
From (Fig.24)Results for phosphorus concentrations in roots indicated that,

canal (2) had the largest value of Phosphorus compared with canals (1,3
and blank) .

Phosphorus con.(ppm)

Fig .24 : Comparison for phosphorus concentrations in roots between four canals. Fruits
From(Fig.25) Results for Phosphorus concentrations in fruits indicated that,

canal (2) had the largest value of phosphorus compared with canals (1,3
and blank) .
Phosphorus con.(ppm)

Fig .25: Comparison for phosphorus concentrations in fruits between four canals.
52 Potassium Stem and Leaves :
From(Fig.26) Results for potassium concentrations in stem and leaves
indicated that, canal (2) had the largest value of potassium compared with

canals (1,3 and blank) .

Potassium con.(ppm)

Fig .26 : Comparison for potassium concentrations in stem and leaves between four

canals. Roots
From(Fig.27) Potassium concentrations, roots have the large percent
compared with (stem and leaves) and fruit , because these elements should
be added to plant in the fruiting stage for this reason adding more

potassium before this stage or after it make potassium accumulate in roots

.But it is observed that canal(2) had a large value for potassium compared
with canals (1,3 and blank).

Potassium con.(ppm)

Fig. 27: Comparison for potassium concentrations in roots between four canals. Fruits
From(Fig.28) Results for potassium concentrations in fruits indicated that,

canal (2) had the largest value of potassium compared with canals (1,3 and
blank) .
Potassium con.(ppm)

Fig .28: Comparison for potassium concentrations in fruits between four canals.

4.5.4 Total Dissolved Solid ( SALT ) Stem and Leaves :
From (Fig.29) Conductivity results indicated that stems and leaves have
the largest conductivity value in the same canal while roots and fruits have

the least value . But making a comparison between the four canals , canal 3
has the largest value, because salt (NaCl) added to this canal.
Conductivity con.(µs/cm)

Fig .29 : Comparison for conductivity in stem and leaves between four canals. Roots :
From(Fig.30) Results for conductivity value in roots indicated that, canal
(3) had the largest value of conductivity compared with canals (1,2 and
blank) .

Conductivity con.(µs/cm)

Fig .30 : Comparison for conductivity in roots between four canals. Fruits
From(Fig.31) Results for conductivity value in fruits indicated that, canal

(3) had the largest value of conductivity compared with canals (1,2 and
blank) .
Conductivity con.(µs/cm)

Fig .31 : Comparison for conductivity in fruits between four canals.


4.6 Statistical Analysis

4.6.1 Paired Samples (t-test)
To compare and see the differences in fruit, leaves and plant's height
between the three channels before and after fertilization (Paired samples t-

Test) was used as an evident in the following table:

Table .16: (Paired samples t-Test) to illustrate the differences in the

first channel before and after fertilization.
Mean Standard Degree of Statistical
Type Dimensions t value
value deviation freedom significance
No. of Before .2667 .14907
-10.633- 4 .000
Fruits After 1.3000 .27386
No. of Before 10.1333 1.10428
-113.294- 4 .000
Leaves After 59.6000 1.72952
Before 29.1867 2.26073
Height -19.308- 4 .000
After 78.4700 6.74552

Table (16) shows that there were statistically significant differences

between mean of number of fruit before using fertilization and after using

fertilization in canal (1), where (t) value was (-10.633) with Significant at
level (0.05). The significant Differences were in favor to Number of Fruits
after using fertilization.
And Table (16) shows that there were statistically significant differences
between mean of number of leaves before using fertilization and after using
fertilization, where (t) value was (-113.294) with significance at level

(0.05). The significant differences were in favor to Number of leaves after

using fertilization.
Table (16) Shows that there were statistically significant differences

between mean of height before using fertilization and after using


fertilization, where (t) value was (-19.308) with significance at level (0.05).

The significant differences were favor to height after using fertilization.

Table .17: (Paired samples t-Test) to show the differences in the second
canal before and after fertilization.
Mean Standard Degree of Statistical
Type Dimensions t value
value deviation freedom significance
No. of Before .3333a .00000
000 4 .000
Fruits After 1.0000a .00000
No. of Before 27.0800 3.76435
-33.447- 4 .000
Leaves After 65.7300 4.98543
Before 32.8200 1.54912
Height -41.024- 4 .000
After 100.2400 4.32802

Table (17) Shows that there were statistically significant differences

between mean of number of fruit before using fertilization and after using

fertilization in canal (2), where (t) value was (0.000) with significance at

level (0.05). The significant differences were in favor to Number of Fruits

after using fertilization.

And Table (17) Shows that there were statistically significant differences

between mean of number of leaves before using fertilization and after using

fertilization, where (t) value was (-33.447) with significance at level (0.05).

The significant differences were in favor to number of leaves after using


Table (17) Shows that there were statistically significant differences

between mean of height before using fertilization and after using

fertilization, where (t) value was (-41.024) with significance at level (0.05).

The significant Differences were favor to Height after using fertilization.


Table .18: (Paired samples t-Test) to illustrate the differences in the

third canal before and after fertilization.
Mean Standard Degree of Statistical
Type Dimensions t value
value deviation freedom significance
No. of Before .3333 .00000
.000 4 .000
Fruits After 1.0000a .00000
No. of Before 24.2400 3.21216
-30.769- 4 .000
Leaves After 64.3200 1.25230
Before 32.4200 1.32970
Height -321.721- 4 .000
After 103.9300 1.08432

Table (18) Shows that there were statistically significant differences

between mean of number of fruit before using fertilization and after using
fertilization in canal (3), where (t) value was (0.000) with significance at
level (0.05). The significant differences were in favor to Number of Fruits
after using fertilization.
And Table (18) Showed that there were statistically significant differences
between mean of number of leaves before using fertilization and after using

fertilization, where (t) value was (-30.769) with significance at level (0.05).
The significant Differences was favor to Number of leaves after using
Table (18) Shows that there were statistically significant differences
between mean of Height before using fertilization and after using
fertilization, where (t) value was (-321.721) with significance at level

(0.05). The significant differences were in favor to Height after using


Table .19: (Paired samples t-Test) to illustrate the differences in the

fourth canal before and during fertilization.
Mean Standard Degree of Statistical
Type Dimensions t value
value deviations freedom significance
No. of Before .2667 .14907
-11.000- 4 .000
Fruits During 1.0000 .00000
No. of Before 17.7667 1.01297
-65.133- 4 .000
Leaves During 57.8800 1.94216
Before 31.8933 1.55124
Height -19.392- 4 .000
During 76.3900 6.41652

Table (19) Shows that there were statistically significant differences

between mean of number of fruit before using fertilization and during using
fertilization in canal (4), where (t) value was (-11.000) with significance at
level (0.05). The significant differences were in favor to Number of Fruits
during using fertilization.
And Table (19) Shows that there were statistically significant differences
between mean of number of leaves before using fertilization and during
using fertilization, where (t) value was (-65.133) with significance at level
(0.05). The significant differences were in favor to Number of leaves
during using fertilization.
Table (19) Shows that there were statistically significant differences
between mean of Height before using fertilization and during using
fertilization, where (t) value was (-19.392) with significance at level (0.05).
The significant differences were in favor to Height during using
4.6.2 ANNOVA Test
To find out the differences between the canals in the examination of
nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, salinity, and sugar ANNOVA test was
used and the following tables show the results of the examination.
61 Nitrogen ANNOVA test

Table .20: (The results of the analysis of variance for the significance of
differences between canals in the examination of nitrogen).
Sum of
Source of Degree of Average (f) The level of
Scale squares of
variation freedom squares value significance
5.062 3 1.687
Leaves groups
1469.469 .000
and Within the
.009 8 .001
stems groups
Total 5.071 11
.054 3 .018
692.240 .000
Roots Within the
.000 8 .000
Total .054 11
.055 3 .018
Within the 787.697 .000
groups .000 8 .000

Total .055 11

Statistically significant at the level of (0.05) ANOVA *

From Table (20) shows that there were Significance Statistically
Differences between Leaves and stems, Roots, and Fruits Due to Canals, F

Values was (1469.469, 692.240, 787.697) and it's Significance at level of

(0.05) Respectively.
And to identify the differences were in favor of any Category of canals, the

Researcher Used LSD test to identify these differences and table (21) show

Table .21: (L.S.D test results for the significance of the differences).
The level of
Scale Canal 1 Canal 2 Canal 3 Canal 4
Canal 1 -1.56423-* -.58633-* .04757 .124
Leaves and Canal 2 .97790* 1.61180* .000
stems Canal 3 .63390* .000
Canal 4
Canal 1 -.15790-* -.05950-* .01017* .040
Canal 2 .09840* .16807* .000
Canal 3 .06967* .000
Canal 4
Canal 1 -.16253-* -.05430-* .00503 .235
Canal 2 .10823* .16757* .000
Canal 3 .05933* .000
Canal 4

From Table (21) data indicate that the differences between four canals
depending on the examination of nitrogen on plant (leaves and stems , roots
and fruits ) when making a comparisons is favor to second canal then favor
to third Canal. phosphorus ANNOVA Test

Table .22: (The results of the analysis of variance for the significance of
differences between canals on the examination of phosphorus .
Sum of
Source of Degrees of Average (f) Level of
Scale squares of
variation freedom squares Value significance
.382 3 .127
Leaves 607.941 .000
Within the
and stems .002 8 .000
Total .384 11
.263 3 .088
4045.829 .000
Roots Within the
.000 8 .000
Total .263 11
.165 3 .055
5316.839 .000
Fruits Within the
.000 8 .000
Total .165 11

Statistically significant at the level of (0.05) ANOVA *

From Table (22) shows that there were Significance Statistically

Differences between Leaves and steams, Roots, and Fruits Due to Canals
on the examination of phosphorus, (F) Values was (607.941, 4045.829,

5316.839) and it's Significance at level of (0.05) Respectively, and to

know for which canals is the benefit ,L.S.D was used and Table (23) shows
the results.

Table .23: (L.S.D test results for the significance of differences).

Level of
Scale Canal 1 Canal 2 Canal 3 Canal 4
Canal 1 -.40567-* -.16967-* .05167* .002
Leaves and Canal 2 .23600* .45733* .000
stems Canal 3 .22133* .000
Canal 4
Canal 1 -.31667-* -.15933-* .06500* .000
Canal 2 .15733* .38167* .000
Canal 3 .22433* .000
Canal 4
Canal 1 -.26400-* -.16633-* .01700* .000
Canal 2 .09767* .28100* .000
Canal 3 .18333* .000
Canal 4

From Table (23) data indicate that the differences between four canals

growth for phosphorus examination on plant (leaves and stems , roots and
fruits ) when making a comparisons is favor to second canal then favor to
third Canal then favor to first canal.

From Table (23) data indicate that the differences between four canals
depending on the examination of phosphorus on plant (leaves and stems ,
roots and fruits ) when making a comparisons is for the benefit for the

second canal .
63 Potassium ANNOVA Test

Table .24(The results of analysis of variance for the significance of
differences between canals on the examination of potassium) .
Sum of
Source of Degrees of Average (f) Level of
Scale squares of
variation freedom squares Value significance
.064 3 .021
Leaves 2618.704 .000
Within the
and stems .000 8 .000
Total .064 11
.395 3 .132
groups 20998.35
Roots Within the 3
.000 8 .000
Total .395 11
.017 3 .006
687.000 .000
Fruits Within the
.000 8 .000
Total .017 11

Statistically significant at the level of (0.05) ANOVA*

From Table (24) shows that there were Significance Statistically
Differences between Leaves and stems, Roots, and Fruits Due to canals on
examination of potassium, (F) Values was (2618.704, 20998.353, 687.000)
and it's Significance at level of (0.05) Respectively. and to know for
which canals is the benefit ,L.S.D was used and Table (25) shows the

Table .25: (L.S.D test results for the significance of differences).

Level of
Scale Canal 1 Canal 2 Canal 3 Canal 4
Canal 1 -.12700-* -.04667-* .07333* .000
leaves and Canal 2 .08033* .20033* .000
stems Canal 3 .12000* .000
Canal 4
Canal 1 -.34700- -.19047-* .12887* .000
Canal 2 .15653* .47587* .000
Canal 3 .31933* .000
Canal 4
Canal 1 -.08333-* -.03500-* .01500* .000
Canal 2 .04833* .09833* .000
Canal 3 .05000* .000
Canal 4

From Table (25) data indicate that the differences between four canals
growth for examination of potassium on plant (leaves and stems , roots and
fruits ) when making a comparisons is favor to second canal then favor to
third canal then favor to first canal. Salinity ANNOVA Test.

Table .26: (The results of analysis of variance for the significance of

differences between canals on the examination of salinity).
Sum of
Source of Degrees of Average (f) Level of
Scale squares of
variation freedom squares Value significance
.072 3 .024
Leaves 1721.429 .000
Within the
and fruits .000 8 .000
Total .072 11
.013 3 .004
314.756 .000
Roots Within the
.000 8 .000
Total .013 11
.007 3 .002
1058.760 .000
Fruits Within the
.000 8 .000
Total .007 11

Statistically significant at the level of (0.05) ANOVA*

FromTabl (26) shows that there were Significance Statistically Differences
between Leaves and stems, Roots, and Fruits Due to Canals on the
examination of salinity, (F) Values was (1721.429, 314.756, 1058.760) and
it's Significance at level of (0.05) Respectively and to know for which
canals is the benefit ,L.S.D was used and Table (27) shows the results.

Table.27: (L.S.D test results for the significance of differences).

Scale Canal 1 Canal 2 Canal 3 Canal 4 Level of significance
Canal1 -.08267-* -.14100-* .06167* .000
Leaves and Canal2 -.05833-* .14433* .000
stems Canal3 .20267 .000
Canal1 -.04143-* -.07337-* .01010* .011
Canal2 -.03193-* .05153* .000
Canal3 .08347* .000
Canal1 -.02420-* -.05863-* .00173 .159
Canal2 -.03443-* .02593* .000
Canal3 .06037* .000

From Table (27) data indicate that the differences between four canals
growth for examination of salinity on plant (leaves and stems , roots and
fruits ) when making a comparisons is favor to third canal then favor to
second canal. Total Sugar ANNOVA Test
Table .28: (The results of analysis of variance for the significance of
differences between channels on the examination of sugar total).
Source of Sum of squares of Degrees of Average (f) Level of
variation deviation freedom squares value significance
40.860 3 13.620
groups 319.6
Within the 42
.682 16 .043
Total 41.542 19
Statistically significant at the level of (0.05) ANOVA*

From Table (28) shows that there were Significance Statistically

Differences between Leaves and stems, Roots, and Fruits Due to Canals on
the examination of sugar total, (F) Values was (319.642) and its
Significance at level of (0.05) and to know for which canals is the benefit

,L.S.D was used and Table (29) shows the results.

Table.29: (L.S.D test results for the significance of differences)

Level of
Scale Canal 1 Canal 2 Canal3 Canal 4

Canal 1 -2.889-* -2.847-* -.019- .886

Sugar Canal 2 .042 2.870* .752
Canal 3 2.828* .000
Canal 4

From Table (29) data indicate that the differences between four canals
growth for examination of sugar on plant (leaves and stems , roots and
fruits ) when making a comparisons is favor to third canal then favor to

second canal., but the third canal is approximately similar to the second
canal .

4.7 summary
In summary the following results obtained :

1. Paired Samples (t-test)

To compare and see the differences in fruit, leaves and plant's height

between the three channels before and after fertilization (Paired samples t-
Test) was used.
results shows that there were statistically significant differences between

means of growth ( height, number of leaves and number of fruit) before


using fertilization and after using fertilization in canals(1,2,3)with

Significant at level (0.05). The significant Differences were in favor to

growth after using fertilization.

2- ANNOVA Test
To find out the differences between the canals in the examination of
nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, salinity, and sugar ANNOVA test was

2.1 Nitrogen ANNOVA test.

Results shows that there were Significance Statistically Differences
between (Leaves and stems), Roots, and Fruits Due to Canals, F Values

was (1469.469, 692.240, 787.697) and it's Significance at level of (0.05)

Respectively. Data indicate that the differences between four canals
depending on the examination of nitrogen on plant (leaves and stems , roots

and fruits ) when making a comparisons is favor to second canal then favor
to third Canal.

2.2 phosphorus ANNOVA Test.

Results shows that there were Significance Statistically Differences
between (Leaves and stems), Roots, and Fruits Due to Canals on the
examination of phosphorus, (F) Values was (607.941, 4045.829, 5316.839)

and it's Significance at level of (0.05) Respectively. Data indicate that the
differences between four canals depending on the examination of
phosphorus on plant (leaves and stems , roots and fruits ) when making a

comparisons is for the benefit for the second canal .


2.3 Potassium ANNOVA Test.

Results shows that there were Significance Statistically Differences
between Leaves and stems, Roots, and Fruits Due to canals on examination
of potassium, (F) Values was (2618.704, 20998.353, 687.000) and it's
Significance at level of (0.05) Respectively. Data indicate that the
differences between four canals growth for examination of potassium on
plant (leaves and stems , roots and fruits ) when making a comparisons is
favor to second canal then favor to third canal then favor to first canal.
2.4 Salinity ANNOVA Test.
Results shows that there were Significance Statistically Differences
between Leaves and stems, Roots, and Fruits Due to Canals on the
examination of salinity, (F) Values was (1721.429, 314.756, 1058.760) and
its Significance at level of (0.05) Respectively. Data indicate that the
differences between four canals growth for examination of salinity on plant
(leaves and stems , roots and fruits ) when making a comparisons is favor
to third canal then favor to second canal.
2.5 Total Sugar ANNOVA Test
Results shows that there were Significance Statistically Differences
between Leaves and stems, Roots, and Fruits Due to Canals on the
examination of sugar total, (F) Values was (319.642) and its Significance at
level of (0.05). Data indicate that the differences between four canals
growth for examination of sugar on plant (leaves and stems , roots and
fruits ) when making a comparisons is favor to third canal then favor to
second canal., but the third canal is approximately similar to the second
canal .

Chapter Five
5. Conclusion
The current study was aiming at evaluating yield and energy budget of
muskmelon grown in horizontal hydroponic system under different nutrient

input conducted in a greenhouse in the new An-Najah National University

campus. The study reached to many results that contributed to solve the
study problem described in chapters one, answering the questions and

hypotheses of the study. The main results are:

1. Plant growth in horizontal hydroponic system increased when
Adding more fertilizer like canals (2) and (3) compared with canal

1and blank .
2. Energy budget increased when more fertilizer added to the plant like
canals (2) and (3).

3. The presence of salt (NaCl) in canal (3) prevents plant from

absorbing water and all nutrients from canal which leads to a
decrease in plant productivity.

4. There was a significant positive effect after adding fertilizer on plant

growth (height ,leaves number and fruits number ) at level (α ≤0.05).
5. There was a significant positive effect of adding Nitrogen fertilizer

in plant growth in canal (2) compared with other canals in which

(N) is accumulate with large percent in stem and leaves then roots
and after that fruits at level (α ≤0.05).

6. There was a significant positive effect of adding Phosphorus

fertilizer in plant growth in canal (2) compared with other canals in

which (P) is accumulate with large percent in stem and leaves then

roots and after that fruits at level (α ≤0.05).

7. There was a significant positive effect of adding Potassium
fertilizer in plant growth in canal (2) compared with other canals in

which p) is accumulate with large percent in roots hen stem and

leaves and after that fruits at level (α ≤0.05).
8. There was a significant positive effect of total sugar test in canal (3)

and canal (2) compared with other canals at level (α ≤0.05).

9. There was a significant positive effect of conductivity results in
canal (3) compared with other canals in which salt (NaCl)

accumulate with large percent in stem and leaves then roots and after
that fruits at level (α ≤0.05).
From this starting point we had found that there is a relationship links

between the plant growth in horizontal hydroponic system and energy

budget of the plant with adding fertilizer without salt (NaCl) which lead to
increaseplantproductivityandefficiencyofthesystem. .

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‫جامعة النجاح الوطنية‬
‫كمية الدراسات العميا‬

‫تقييم العائد وميزانية الطارقة لنبات الشمام المزروع في نظام‬

‫مائي أفقي تحت نسب مغذيات مختمفة‬

‫ليمى كمال عبد الهادي عيسى‬

‫أ‪.‬د مروان حداد‬

‫رقدمت هذه األطروحة استكماال لمتطمبات الحصول عمى درجة الماجستير في العموم البيئية بكمية‬
‫الدراسات العميا في جامعة النجاح الوطنية في نابمس‪ -‬فمسطين‪.‬‬
‫تقييم العائد وميزانية الطارقة لنبات الشمام المزروع في نظام مائي أفقي تحت نسب مغذيات‬
‫ليمى كمال عبد الهادي عيسى‬
‫أ‪.‬د مروان حداد‬

‫ييدف ىذا البحث إلى تقييم المحصول و ميزانية الطاقة لنبات الشمام والتي تم زراعتيا في نظام‬
‫(الزراعة الما ئية األفقية) تحت نسب مختمفة من المغذيات التي أجريت في دفيئة بالستيكية في‬
‫الحرم الجديد لجامعة النجاح الوطنية‪.‬‬
‫يتألف نظام (الزراعة المائية) من أربع قنوات مستطيمة معدنية (‪ 28‬سم العرض‪ 22,‬سم االرتفاع و‬
‫‪ 37‬م طول القناة )‪.‬تم زراعة أشتال الشمام في القنوات المائية مع اضافة نسب مختمفة من‬
‫المغذيات (النيتروجين والبوتاسيوم والفسفور) ونسبة من المموحة ‪ .‬وبعد انتياء موسم زراعي واحد‬
‫تم دراسة تأثير المغذيات والمموحة عمى نمو النبات وتقييم المحصول وميزانية الطاقة ‪.‬‬
‫بدأت التجربة في ‪ 26‬مارس ‪ 2013‬كما يمي‪:‬‬
‫تم مأل ثالث قنوات بالمغذيات ( النيتروجين و الفسفور و البوتاسيوم ) بنسب مختمفة من التراكيز‬
‫لكل قناة ((‪)4/1‬كوبر‪)1( ,‬كوبر و(‪ )1‬كوبر‪1000 +‬جزء من المميون من ممح كموريد الصوديوم‬
‫‪.‬أما القناة الرابعة فتم استخداميا كمرجع ولم يتم إضافة أي من المغذيات إلييا ‪ .‬تم السماح لممياه‬
‫العذبة الموجودة في خزان بالدخول لمنظام ومأل القنوات األربعة ‪ ,‬أما الماء الزائد فتم تصريفو في‬
‫نياية كل قناة من خالل خزان الصرف ‪.‬‬
‫بعد االنتياء من التجربة تم تخزين المغذيات عمى درجة ح اررة ‪ 20-‬إلجراء التحاليل الالزمة عمى‬
‫كافة أجزاء النبتة من ساق وأوراق وجذور وثمار‪ ,‬حيث تم تحديد نسبة أيون النيتروجين باستخدام‬
‫طريقة كمدال‪ ,‬وتم قياس تراكيز المواد الغذائية األخرى (البوتاسيوم والفسفور ) مباشرة في وقت‬
‫واحد باستخدام مطياف االنبعاث‪.‬‬
‫وأشارت النتائج التي استخدمت في عممية التسميد لجميع المواد الغذائية عمى ما يمي ‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬لوحظ أن أعمى نس بة لمنيتروجين تركزت في الساق واألوراق تمييا الجذور ثم الثمار‪ ,‬وتبين‬
‫أيضا أن القناة الثانية كانت تمتمك أعمى القيم من النيتروجين مقارنة بالقنوات األولى‬
‫والثالثة والرابعة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬تركز الفسفور في الساق واألوراق التي كانت تمتمك أعمى القيم تمييا الجذور ثم الثمار‪,‬‬
‫ألنو من المعرف ان عنصر الفسفور ضروري لعممية البناء الضوئي لذلك يتركز في‬
‫األوراق‪ .‬وتبين أن القناة الثانية كانت تحمل أعمى القيم من الفسفور مقارنة بالقنوات األولى‬
‫والثالثة وال اربعة ‪.‬‬
‫لوحظ أن أعمى نسبة من عنصر البوتاسيوم تواجدت في الجذور مقارنة بالساق واألوراق‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫والثمار ‪ ,‬ويعود السبب في ذلك إلى أن ىذا العنصر يجب أن يضاف لمنبات في مرحمة‬
‫اإلثمار‪ ,‬لذلك إضافة المزيد من البوتاسيوم قبل أو بعد مرحمة اإلثمار تجعل البوتاسيوم‬
‫يتراكم في الجذور‪.‬ولكن عند إجراء المقارنة بين القنوات األربعة تبين أن القناة الثانية تحمل‬
‫أعمى القيم من البوتاسيوم ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬لوحظ من نتائج السكر أن القناة األولى والرابعة تقريبا ليا نفس القيم أما القناة الثانية‬
‫والثالثة كانت تحمل أيضا قيم متقاربة ولكنيا عالية ويعود السبب في ذلك إلى إضافة‬
‫كميات كبيرة من المغذيات لمقناتين الثانية والثالثة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .5‬وأشارت نتائج نسبة المموحة إلى أن الساق واألوراق كانت تمتمك أعمى القيم مقارنة‬
‫بالجذور والثمار‪ .‬أما عند إجراء المقارنة بين القنوات األربعة فكانت القناة الثالثة تحمل‬
‫أعمى القيم وذلك بسبب إضافة ممح كموريد الصوديوم إلييا دونا عن باقي القنوات األخرى‪.‬‬
‫ومن النتائج التي تم التوصل إلييا في ىذا البحث ما يمي ‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬يزداد نمو النبات عند إضافة كمية كبيرة من المغذيات وىذا يظير واضحا في القناتين‬
‫الثانية والثالثة مقارنة بالقناتين األولى والرابعة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬يزداد نسبة ميزان الطاقة (نسبة السكر في النبات ) بزيادة كمية المغذيات المضافة كما‬
‫في القناتين الثانية والثالثة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬وجود ممح كموريد الصوديوم قمل من قدرة النبات عمى امتصاص المغذيات من النظام‬
‫وبالتالي انخفضت إنتاجية النبات وكان ىذا واضحا في القناة الثالثة‬

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