Manual CamQuix EN
Manual CamQuix EN
Manual CamQuix EN
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Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the
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Part 1 Quick Start 2
1 Producing
a new Program 3
2 Enter
a new Job 5
3 Enter
a new Bar 7
4 Enter
a new Cut 10
5 New
Work 13
Part 1 Programs 40
1 Work
Types 41
Drilling ......................................................................................................................................................... 42
Circle Pocket
......................................................................................................................................................... 44
Slot ......................................................................................................................................................... 46
Pocket 47
Counter Sink
......................................................................................................................................................... 48
Tapping ......................................................................................................................................................... 49
Notch-out .........................................................................................................................................................
/ saw ing 51
Free Milling
......................................................................................................................................................... 59
DXF Im port......................................................................................................................................................... 65
Text ......................................................................................................................................................... 68
Patterns ......................................................................................................................................................... 70
Macro header
data 76
Unify Works......................................................................................................................................................... 78
2 General
work data 82
Side Dialogue
......................................................................................................................................................... 83
The global..................................................................................................................................................
coordinate system 84
Side Dialogue.................................................................................................................................................. 85
Standard sides
.................................................................................................................................................. 86
Free sides.................................................................................................................................................. 89
Fixed Tool.........................................................................................................................................................
Assignm ent 93
Depth Chart......................................................................................................................................................... 94
Priority ......................................................................................................................................................... 97
Milling direction
......................................................................................................................................................... 98
Broach ......................................................................................................................................................... 99
Index 169
2 camQuix Manual Ver. 1.44
1 Quick Start
This quick start introduces you into camQuix functions and in how programming with
camQuix works. For more detailed information please see the relevant chapter.
open the File menu and select New or click the corresponding Tool Bar button
Because the single parts are always being saved with an accompanying order and
an accompanying profile Bar, camQuix is now creating a new order with a Bar
(BAR) and one part (CUT). When working with a machine that supports several
clamping positions, there is an additional field for entering the details for the position
of the workpiece on the machine (Origins) and operation side of the workpiece.
Multiple clamping can be selected over "Options > Paths & Organization >
The new component comes with default values: 1000mm length, 60 by 60mm square
After each important change of the program the actual state is automatically
being saved on the hard disk. This means that even in the case of a sudden
power failure, the work remains saved.
Nevertheless, you should save your program in regular intervals.
When saving a program for the first time a file name is to be chosen. Afterwards you
can save your program with the chosen name.
Every Job may include a set of profiles and parts and is used to enter details like
order number, client name etc. This information consists of text which is shown later
in the NC program as note or which can be printed on labels depending on the
defined setting. It is possible to create several Jobs in one program.
All Job details consist of management data, which are important for printing the
barcode or a setup sheet, but do not influence if the generated NC code will run.
In part, these management data are used in the post processor as file name of the
NC program.
and enter the Bar Values into the input area that is shown below:
The selected material determines the range of suitable tools for your selection. A
Bar refers to the total length of the profile. It is possible to produce several parts out
of one Bar.
However, the Cut Values are partly used by in the post processor for the name of the
NC program.
By changing the Cut value "Horizontal", you define the inclination angle of the saw.
By changing the Cut value "Vertical (Shift)" you define the turning angle of the saw.
The field "CutLoss" displays the length of the Bar wasted in miter cuts. The first data
field displays the theoretical (relating to the Cut surface) Cut loss. The second data
field displays the real outer edge (relating to the profile contour).
The length of the Cuts is being measured as theoretical maximum tip length. In the
case of miter Cuts, due to the shape of the profile cross-section, there may be no
material at the position of the theoretical tips. The real length of a Cut is therefore
shorter. This difference is being calculated automatically based upon the profile
cross section, if such exists, and displayed as Cut-loss for the left or right side.
These values are important for the correction of the X-positions in case the Cuts are
processed with a separate saw and in a next step positioned at a plate.
The optional field "Assembly" (not shown in the graphic) is displayed when you
process groups of Cuts. These groups are defined as assembly, which are clamped
on the machine at the same time. The value –1in the "Assembly" field indicates that
no assembly has been assigned for this Cut.
The zero point indicates in which clamping position the Cut is later clamped on the
machine. The offset function allows to calculate cauls (supports and spacers) at the
fixing plate.
1. Drilling
2. Tap
3. Countersink
4. Notch out
5. Free Milling
6. Engraving
7. Circle-pocket
8. Slot
9. Rectangular hole
10. Keyhole (e.g. olive type)
11. Measurement
12. DXF import
13. Macro
The various Work types are described in more detail in the chapter Work Types.
In our example we choose a simple drilling.
In the data input area, you can enter data like: side, position, depth, etc.
The intrusion-direction of a work is always in the opposite direction to
the direction of the Z-axis of the side.
(See also chapter Side Dialogue).
II. Definition of position (X , Y and Z)
After the side has been determined, all positions regarding this side are
determined. This means one is working as with a piece of paper which one
would put on this side. So, we are always working in X and Y coordinates,
and set the height of a Work (Z coordinate), if necessary.
The depth of the Works in the NC-output are automatically addition of
an additional intrusion, and drilling are corrected by addition of a tailing
both set in the options dialogue. Drillings are also corrected by addition
of the tip length of the drill bit.
IV.Optional information:
These values will influence the generation of the NC program at a later stage.
1) Assigned Tools:
2) Priority:
Additionally, all Works can have a so called priority assigned to them. The
order optimization during NC program generation is influenced according to
the following rules:
· No works with a lower priority will be set before a work with a higher
(e.g. all operation with Priority “1” must be finished BEFORE any
operation with Priority “2” will be done)
· Works with priority 0 can be optimized at any position.
· Works with priority -1 will stay in the (unoptimized) listed order, they are
building an unbroken chain.
· Rem. : The system sorts „Drillings, Countersinks and Tappings
automatically into this order, there’s no need to define that by the Priority.
3) Broach:
Has the pocket to be only processed by the outer shape for the web of a profile
or has the whole area of the shape of the pocket to be milled?
4) Tailing
The value set in menu Options > NC > Pocket Tailing is added to the Cut
depth. This will be used only when cutting through the entire material thickness.
6) Milling Direction:
7) Suppress Towing:
Activate for parallel processing of several parts, if you don't want the machine
to pull apart the single workpieces. (When several cuts are clamped on the
machine, it pulls them apart to reach between the workpieces for working).
8) Finishing Cycle:
The contour is proceeded twice. The distance between the rough cut and the
fine cut can be defined in the options under “NC”
9) Measure Z:
If a measuring device is installed for measuring the profile height, the height will
be measured before the Works are processed. Depends on the post
10) Measuring:
Displays measuring points which are important for the work. Therefore the
measuring points have to be set previously. Requires a 3D probe (with radio
transmission) and a corresponding post processor.
When processing free contours with a starting point OUTSIDE of the Material,
the mill may plunge in the fast mode. Attention: Risk of collision!
With pushing centers enabled, priorities will be considered only for
processes in the same field.
The command that a Bar may not be pushed back, will be executed first.
22 camQuix Manual Ver. 1.44
2 Program Surface
This chapter explains all elements for the user interface, such as the windows, input
areas and dialog, menus and the tool bar. Various windows and input input areas
can be resized.
By using the Tool Bar you can access the main functions directly. The Tool Bar exists
of five single Tool Bars which can be individually shown or hidden. To do so, click the
Tool Bar with the left mouse button or the menu bar with the right mouse button and
select the separate Tool Bars you would like to have visible in the pop-up menu.
All Tool Bars can be moved to any side of the main window by dragging them.
1. New program
2. Open existing program
3. Import PBZ file
4. Import XML file
5. Save
6. Save as
New Job
New Operation
Search profiles and works
Shift Operation
Statistics about bars and cuts in use and remaining material
Start CAD
Construction View (if supported by import format)
Rotate bar, part or work (90° rotation about the X-axis)
Mirror bar, part or work
Discard simulation order
Create NC program
Create setup sheet
With the button, you can select if you’d like to see the model as
wireframe or solid. With the slider you can change the transparency of the solid or
wireframe model.
2.2 3D-Window
Within the 3D-window a Cut (part) with all Works is displayed three-dimensionally.
Allows real-time inspections of the changes made to the Works.
The view on the graphical surface can simply be turned, moved or zoomed.
With the mouse the view of a component (or later the simulation) can be navigated:
The right mouse button opens a pop-up menu with all commands for zooming and
These hot keys work only if the last mouse click was made inside of the 3D-window.
There is an origin displayed as a red ball for each Cut at (0, 0 , 0), to help with
orientation.The actual origin on the machine can differ depending of factors such as
special clamps, programmed offsets, several zero points, etc.
The orientation of the profile is derived automatically from the profile cross-
section drawing data (DXF-file).This cross-section is used to generate a 3D
profile from the LEFT end, as placed on a machine. The cross section of the
profile is therefore the view of the profile if one has a look on the machine
from the left.
The tree view has been built just like the standard explorer from Windows:
The single branches of the tree are:
As in the explorer the blocks can be fold in or out (click or double click), complete
blocks can be deleted or copied.
With the right mouse button the context menu can be opened:
zoom operation Zoom in the 3D view to the active operation (work) zoom
Plunge Direction
zoom operation Zoom in the 3D view to the active operation (work) in X-zoom
side Direction
New Job Inserts a new order / a new profile / a new part or a new work
New Bar Inserts a new profile (Bar)
New Cut Inserts a new Cut (part)
Work Select a new work (drilling,
circle pocket etc.)
Delete Delete Deletes the active work, Bar, Cut etc.
Cut Cuts the active entry
Copy Copies the active entry
Paste pastes the copied or Cut entry
rework operations Slicing of one long rectangle pocket in several pieces
Rectangle (pockets)
Shift + copy Copies and moves the active work at the same time
Mirror in X Mirror active work along the X axis
Mirror in Y Mirror active work along the Y axis
Push through Moves active work to opposite Standard side
Put in a Macro this generates a new Macro and puts the active work into this
new macro.
Put in a Pattern Active work is created as pattern.
GeneratedThis calculates automatically the optimal depth-
Depth Table steps in the depth-table
Depending on the profile-shape, the operation works only when
there’s an intersection with material, else it moves rapidly!
fold to selected levelAll tree entries are being folded
Note: Sometimes the window containing the job variables is hidden by the
profile window. In this case drag the profile window down.
Each order has variables that can be freely determined (10 are already created, the
volume however is not restricted),The values of the variables can be used for all
further information.
In one order, a door, completely door with frame and wing is being programmed.
In the variables, the door height, door width and pusher height is being determined
as variable.
The length of the separate parts and position for all operations do not need to be
fixed programmed, but is being calculated from height, width and pusher height.
All part length and works are then being calculated with the
new values and the NC-program can then simply be generated newly.
This window always describes the profile in the view from the left and the actual
Here, the positioning and processing (i.e. correct approach height) and the
parameter of the work can be easily controlled (i.e. correct depth, Correct diameter).
The usage in the window side view is similar as in the OpenGL- window,with the
difference that the profile can not be turned. Zoom and move is being controlled via
the mouse buttons.
To fit size to window, press spacebar.
Depending on which line is currently active in the tree view, in here the correct
window with the input fields (Fitting to „JOB”-Order data, “BAR” – Profile Data,
“CUT” part data and “WORK”- Work Data) appears.
40 camQuix Manual Ver. 1.44
3 Programs
Here you find more information of the program functions and options.
A local system of coordinates in which the negative Z-direction corresponds with the
penetration direction of the tool is always defined for all sides. Due to that the
position of the information of the X-position, Y-position and height exists in all works
(also see chapter 3.1.2 "Side Dialogue").
The according absolute-coordinates are displayed in the lower section of the input-
In addition to the position all works have the information of the depth in common,
which is always declared positive as direction of penetration
3.1.1 Drilling
The drilling is the easiest of all operations. In addition to the information to the
position and depth it requires the diameter.
Position Y
Position Z (High)
Depth of processing (value relative to Z, positive value along
the plunge direction)
Opens the depth chart dialogue
In the tool assignment function a driller or a miller can be assigned to the
drilling operation provided that for the drilling with miller is the activation in
the tool data base of "tool eligible for drilling"
In case the miller is smaller than the drilling, a circle pocket with the size of
the drilling is being milled.
Circle pockets are always proceeded with millers.
Text Input field for the name of the Work (Pure text will be generated.
Therefore it is not relevant for the NC code)
Position X
Position Y
Position Z (High)
Helix Z
Cutting depth per turn. Enabled: Disabled:
Absolute coordinates
Absolute coordinates of th opposite end of the part
Opens the work input area, where you can assign a tool directly
to this working.
Activates the technology window
In the tool assignment function a driller or a miller can be assigned to the
drilling operation Circle pockets are always proceeded with millers.
3.1.3 Slot
The slot is defined by the width, length and the angle and can be processed also with
tools which are smaller than the width.
The contour will be processed. If the width is equal to the diameter of the mill only a
simple straight movement will be processed.
Text Input field for the name of the Work (Pure text will be generated.
Therefore it is not relevant for the NC code)
Position X
Position Y
Position Z (High)
Text Input field for the name of the Work (Pure text will be generated.
Therefore it is not relevant for the NC code)
Position X
Position Y
Position Z (High)
Text Input field for the name of the Work (Pure text will be generated.
Therefore it is not relevant for the NC code)
Position X
Position Y
Position Z (High)
3.1.6 Tapping
Regarding the information the tapping corresponds with the drilling. If there is no tool
assigned,the automatic tool assignment searches for a tapping tool with matching
diameter in the data base.
Due to the various types of tapping (different pitch, core diameter…) and
different types of tapping tools (tapping drill, mill, combi-tapper…), the
tapping tool should always be assigned fixed.
Position Y
Position Z
Depth of processing (value relative to Z, positive value along
the plunge direction)
Opens the depth chart dialogue
Changing the open side of the notch (top, front, bottom, back) is done by pressing
To differentiate on which side of the plane the sawing-blade is moving, one side of
the plane is full color painted and one side is only painted with a wire frame. The full
painted side is where the saw moves (wastage side).The wire framed side is where
the material is trimmed (material side).
The enclosed angle turns the green plane around the sawing edge.
In the next two pictures the sawing edge is turned by different angles.
Both planes will be turned by changing the angle in the input field plane.
By setting the enclosed angle to 0°, the notch his changing to a simple sawing Cut.
With an enclosed angle of 0° it is possible to edit the width value, thus will determine
the width of the sawing gap.
Depending on the saw blade thickness several Cuts will be proceeded with a slight
Position Y
Position Z (High)
Depth of processing (value relative to Z, positive value along
the plunge direction)
opens the depth chart dialogue
Contour Dialogue
Change between line with every click:
The fields are form fields and can therefore be filled with
variables and calculations.
X coordinates
Y coordinates
Create or change the contour of the toolpath by clicking and the contour
list is displayed instead of the tree view.
The orientation the mill follows the contour with, does not change the contour itself,
but only the result of the milling. Please see the 3D graphics below. Unlike in the
case of a pocket, a slot or a hole, a free milling path which is defined as center path
requires necessarily a tool with the exactly fitting diameter.
After preparing the DXF drawing as described, start the import with the following
New Work and click on
Now a file selection window appears where you can select the file to be imported:
Now you can determine the standard values for the single works:
Every layer of the imported works are put into a new macro:
These macros are fit automatically to the origin of the side top. Using these macros
3.1.10 Text
The work type text allows you to engrave serial numbers or other descriptions on a
Text Input field for the name of the Work (Pure text will be generated.
Therefore it is not relevant for the NC code)
Position X
Position Y
Position Z (High)
3.1.11 Patterns
All work types can be converted into a pattern (duplicated).As well as a macro also
the pattern has an insert point which the position of the subordinated work is related
to. Work parameters such as number and area or distance for the run are defined in
the input area of the pattern. Unlike the copy and move command patterns allow the
use of variables. I.e. if the value of the variables changes, the position or the distance
of the repetitions.
To select a pattern for a work right click on an existing work and select "Put in a
Line (fixed Divide work piece from start to the end point by a fixed number
number) (Distances derive)
Line (fixed Divides work piece from start point by a fixed distance and
distance) number (end point derives)
Line (min Divides work piece from start to end point by a fixed number
distance) with a minimum distance
Line (max Divides work piece from start to end point by a fixed maximum
distance) distance
Matrix Divide Matrix Field in X and Y direction by fixed distance
Note: The position of the work gets added to the circle pattern position.
You want to set holes into a work piece. Every 250mm you want your work piece to
get a hole. The first hole as well as the last hole shall have a distance of 100mm from
the beginning respective end of your work piece. To do so, define the first hole at
X=100mm. Than choose 'New pattern' in the context menu of the tree view and
choose in the input area Line (max distance). Then insert for 'Distance in X' 250mm
and for 'End Point in X' the variable for the Cut length minus 100 (please see chapter
Programming with variables). Every time the Cut length changes, the position and
number of the works change, too.
To select a macro for a work right click on an existing work and select "Put in a
Mirrow Works Mirrors the works of the macro along the insert position in X
Creating an outer contour out of several standard works (only
for macros)
Auto Depth Table Calculates automatically the depth chart of the works while
loading a macro.
Auto Height Calculates automatically the material height of the work.
Position Y
Position Z (height)
You want to create a macro with two holes located in an offset manner Program the
holes as usual. Click in the tree view on one of the holes and then in the context
menu on New geometrical macro Now you move the second hole into the macro,
select a recognizable name and click save macro in data base Completed!
Changes made to the macro, the macro variables or the works belonging to
this macro, are only being taken over into the macro database when saving.
For further information about the use of the macro variables see chapter (5.2
The macro variables)
Set two workings to your bar for example a circlepocket and a longhole:
Select the two workings while "Ctrl" is hold down, then right-click and choose "Put in
a Macro":
Afterwards the two workings are unified to a single working with a free milling
The zero point (red point) lies on the left hand in the front under the profile.
The X coordinate corresponds to the direction of the profile on the plane and arrows
to the right side (red arrow).
The longer red coordinate-axis is the new X-axis. The new Y-axis is blue and is
embedded in the plane as does the X-axis.
The new Z-axis is also blue but points away from the level.
Side top:
Side front:
Side back:
Side left:
Side right:
Side bottom:
With this direct control, common mistakes in sign of the A- and C-axis-angle and the
new coordinates of the new zero-point can be avoided. As an example a new free
side with the angles A = -45°and C = 45° is now being defined:
After setting all the values, you can set the origin to work position, or pick a face from
the profile to adjust it to its angle.
The coordinates belong always to the center of working.
With the button in the work dialogue the automatic tool assignment can
be influenced and a tool can be assigned fixed. Next to the fixed assignment of a
specific tool there is also the possibility to only restrict the minimal and maximal
diameter and the minimal and maximal length of the tool. In addition the technology-
data such as speed, milling feed-rate and intrusion feed rate can be determined
fixed previously.
With this, very deep works which work through several materials can also be
exeCuted with tools with relatively short Cutting-length, as long as the blade is at
least as long as the deepest part-depth.
In addition, the processing time is being minimized due to the lower force on the tool
it can be worked with a higher feed-rate. In full-material, forces on the tools can be
clearly lowered due to many directly following processing-steps due to that some
works are only possible since otherwise the miller would grease because of a too-
low feed-rate.
Next to the manual input of the single depths there is the possibility after entering the
total-depth at full-material to divide this into equal directly conseCutive steps or for
profiles to automatically divide them according to the profile cross-section
The input-area which is displayed in the following illustration appears when pressing
in the work dialogue. In this example the depth chart for a profile has
automatically been calculated.
Example:In this example the depth chart for a profile has automatically been
calculated. The work is defined from side up and
was defined with a length of more than 55 mm. After the automatic calculation of the
depth chart the following result appears:
The first step in the depth-chart goes down to 29,9 mm and no material is ticked on.
This means that up to this depth, less a created safety-distance set in the program
options,the tool intrudes with a high feed-rate. Up to the second step the tool intrudes
with the feed-rate that was assigned in the tool database and is then exeCuting the
according milling-movement depending on the work and so on.
With the speed factor its possible to manipulate the speed with a factor that is
multiplied with the speed of the tool set in the tool data base.
If supported by the post processor and the target machine, after every
step you can determine a pause in seconds.
Also its possible to activate "lift up", so the tool will get back to start position after
every step, before executing the next.
3.2.4 Priority
The order of processing can be controlled by the priority.
The default priority is 0.This means the order of processing can be changed freely by
the algorithms for order optimization. Priority -1 means that this step has to follow
directly the step before. Processings with priority 1 up to 9 are grouped. That means
the processing starts with all works with priority 1, followed by the works with priority
2 and so on. Works with the same priority do not have a fixed processing order.
Processings with priority 0 are queued freely in between, before or after all other
Defining Priorities:
In repeating sequences the use of priority 1-9 instead of priority -1 is
recommended since otherwise the tools might be changed plenty of times.
The sequential priority -1 should only be used for works which may never be
3.2.6 Broach
With this button you can select if the actual pocket is broached or not. According to
the machine capabilities the milling steps are generated by the machine or by
camQuix. If the values are calculated by camQuix, the single steps (G01, G02, G03)
will be sent to the machine.
3.2.7 Tailing
102 camQuix Manual Ver. 1.44
4 Macros
The following sections is use macros and macro the different variants.
Macro database:
Edit Macro
Copy Macro
Depending on the application or where the macros are saved camQuix differentiates
between three different types of macros. (Geometry macros), (Machine macros) and
(Post processor macros)
In principle and if possible only geometry macros should be used since only
when using them the programs remain independent from the machine.
Geometry macros do always have an insert point which the coordinates of the
contained works are related to.
If you change the X coordinates of the insert point, all contained works change in X.
In order to create a macro, program the preferred work first as usual. Then select in
the tree view the work which you want to use as insert point for the macro and click
with the right mouse button on it.
select Put in a macro and the active work is moved automatically into a new macro.
Copy or move the remaining works into the new macro and select a recognizable
name Save the macro in the input area of the macro via
The application of machine macros has the effect that your program is
dependant on a specific machine. These programs are generally not
exeCutable on another machine as long as the identical macros are existent
The application of machine macros has the effect that your program is
dependant on a specific machine. These programs are generally not
exeCutable on another machine or with another Post processor as long as
the identical sub-programs are existent in the post processor.
110 camQuix Manual Ver. 1.44
The freely determinable name can be changed at any time by the user.
It acts for a better differentiation of the variables. However it must only consist of the
letter a-z and A-Z and of the numbers 0-9 as well as the underscore_ All other signs
like special characters (+ - = # ä ö),
punctuation marks (,:!?...) or blanks are not allowed. This name can then be used in
the yellow input fields in the input area. As a numerical value for the variables all
integers as well as numbers with decimal places are allowed. This name can then be
used in the yellow input fields in the input area. As a numerical value for the variables
all integers as well as numbers with decimal places are allowed.
The numeration of the internal names starts with 0 and not with 1!
It is only possible to add or delete variables in the last line of the chart.
List of Variables:
The numeration of the internal names starts with 0 and not with 1!
It is only possible to add or delete variables in the last line of the chart.
Cut.CAngleRH The right twisting angle of the sawing-blade of the Cut (right to
the horizontal plane).
The left turning angle of the sawing-blade of the Cut (left to the
Cut.CAngleRV vertical plane).
Entered Variable:
Entered Variable:
118 camQuix Manual Ver. 1.44
6 Tool Database
In the tool database all tools are managed, including their identifiers, descriptions,
dimensions, tool holder dimensions, valid sides and technology values.
Note: With the two buttons in the right upper corner you can store created tools in the
tool locker.
This might be useful, if you want to delete a position and create a new tool and
you want to load an old one.
Each tool has a position in the machine stack (T-number), an identification number
and can have an optional description.
The ID number can exist only once. The number of the T-numbers is selectable in the
The input fields for dimensions, diameter and angles are located in the sketch. Thus
the meanings of the values can be recognized easily for every tool.
The side restrictions hold information about which processing sides are allowed for
this specific tool.
Free side
If „free side“ is chosen you can additionally adjust the minimum and maximum angles
regarding the a-axis and c-axis as well as security distances.
The technology values hold information about speed, feed rate and feed rate
inwards as well as kind of cooling medium and cooling settings.
With Bar pushing centers you can add an offset and the maximal movement range in
X-direction as well as a correction value.
In the input area 'Extended' an additional condition for the use of a tool can be
entered. These parameters should be used only by experts. The preset value is 1.
In the input area angle head holds information about the tool (if it is fitted in an angle
head), angle values of this head, offset from the spindle to the tool and what collision
bodies this angle head can be simulated with.
Angle Head:
128 camQuix Manual Ver. 1.44
7 Profile Database
In the profile data base which can be opened by profiles are managed by their
DXF name, a description, the cross sections, the allowed positions on the CNC
machining center,the saw and the offset.
With the import of these files the profiles saved in these files will be rotated/mirrored
automatically as well as activated and deactivated. Also the values for the support
and the cauls are entered. These values are valid always for the active target
machine and is saved for every target machine separately.
Mirror profile
In addition to the profile data base there is a spacer
data base (for the cauls).There in addition to certain
cauls blocks (for simulation and collision control)
also certain clamp parameter can be defined
(maximum distance, offset Y or Z, ...) With this button
you assign one or several special cauls to a profile
including the special defined parameters. If this
profile is used later for programming
these special parameters are used instead of the
original values.
Standard is the rotation of the profile (e.g. in case
works have been programmed from the profile
bottom) during the NC program by 180°.
Nevertheless, the same zero points and offsets as in
the original position are valid. If necessary multiple
zero points for the work of the profile can be
delete profile
2. If this option IS active, it’s normally not allowed any more to define the offset
manually, EXCEPT you want to detach the Offset-definition from the profile-DB just
for this program…
That means:
If you want to define the Offset ONLY over the profile-DB, just activate the option in
the IMPORT-tab ()
7.2 Spacer
Spacer can be found in the Profile Database (some Infos where given in the chapter
If you leave the red marked fields blank, camquix will use the standard spacer.
In the Field below named "Clamp Description by Rectangle Blocks" you can add or
delete new blocks, name them, and after you marked one,
you can change the color, position and size. The values refer to the zero-point of the
profile. If you want to check your spacers,
you can switch to the machine overview by pressing the hook, then press F5, and
then okay.
Attention: The now defined blocks will be additionial to them set in settings->clamps!
138 camQuix Manual Ver. 1.44
In the top chart of the view all programmed processes (possibly with supplemented
with the automatically generated like saw Cuts) are listed, including following data:
Working type, position, working side, stipulated minimal Cut- / stretch length of tool
and possible manually assigned tools.
In the following columns the possible tools for the specific work are listed. As well as
the optimized allocations of the available tools.
In the bottom chart of the view all tools available on the actual machine are listed.
The line appears red colored, if no tool was allocated. This can be due to the
following reasons:
In addition to the possibility, that a specific tool type isn’t available, wrong
stretch length, wrong edge length or wrong diameter are the main reasons
for not finding a fitting tool.
Another reason could be, that processing sides are locked for specific
clamp locations for example in the case of double-clamping.S0 or F0 in
material technology field means this tool isn’t adapted for this material. Thus
steel- and aluminum-tools can be easily managed in parallel. For additional
For additional functions regarding the tool database, please see (Tool data base).
In the tree view all works are listed in the order of NC-output. You have to step
through this order to check for collisions.
The works of the list can be set into a new order manually by drag and drop of the
different works in the list.
If the option 'Time Calculation' is activated, after the post processor run the time
calculation is being displayed in the editor and can freely be changed and saved.
146 camQuix Manual Ver. 1.44
Partly these files contain a major part of your work effort. Therefore you are
recommended to use a drive which is backed up regularly!
camQuix generates files (orders) with the .NCX extension and saves them
separately from the NC files ('File \ Save as')..This path is suggested for the
repeated opening of the files.
Machine depending paths for the files which the active machine (control) needs.
9.3 Optimization
In the Register Optimization all information for tool and order optimization for
standard machines and pushing centers is given.
Enter here the machine speed of the machine which then will
be used as basis for the time calculation and the optimization.
For pushing centers and machines that a standard value for off-
Cuts at the edges of the Bar and between the parts is defined.
Will distribute rest between parts up to entered value
9.4 Clamp
In the register "Clamps" the clamps are defined and all parameters for automated
clamp setting are explained.
1) The maximum profile length outside the first and the last
1) With some machines only the starting and end position of the
clamps can be set.(Applies to machines that are operated
manually or pneumatically)
2) The left clamp position should be standard
3) If the machine supports rotation along the X axis, the function
can be displayed within the simulation (important only for
4) Set a check mark if you want a special clamping position, in
order to stabilize the Bar during the work.
5) (similar to point a) Activate if only certain step positions are
allowed. In this case you may enter the number.
6) Only for complete Bars: Activate, if the edges of the profile
are outside the clamps (important for collision control !)
7) Only for work of multiple parts: set an additional free zone in
front of and behind a single part to avoid collision. (standard :
8) Accuracy: 1° = Very accurate, but slow when it comes to a
high work volume, 45° very fast!
All other fields define the pposition and the dimension of the
The zero point and the coordinates are defined as shown in the
graphic below.
9.5 Machine
In the register machine all additional machine bodies such as spindle, table,
headstocks and if existing different loading zones are defined.
9.6 NC
In the register NC all parameters for the NC-generation are made.
9.7 Import
In the register Import you can set the parameters for DXF file conversion.
9.8 Origins
In the register one or more Origins (zero points) of the machine are defined.
Machine Position
Index 143
automatische Werkzeugzuordnung 139
Automatisches Drehen 160
-3- -B-
3D-Ansicht 85, 89 Bar - Durchlaufanlage 150
3D-Fenster 147, 150 Barcodeausdruck 10
Baumansicht 147
-A- Baumstruktur 32
Baumübersicht 32
A 85, 89 Bearbeitung 13, 32
A-Achse 118 Bearbeitung durchschieben 32
A-Achsenwinkel 85, 89 Bearbeitung Seite zoomen 32
Abfallseite 51 Bearbeitung verschieben und/oder kopieren 27
abhängig von Formel 76 Bearbeitung zoomen 32
Abmessungen 118 Bearbeitungen 38, 139
Absolut Koordinaten 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 68 Bearbeitungsdaten 38
Absolutkoordinaten 84 Bearbeitungsreihen 70
Aktion Iconleiste 27 Bearbeitungsseite 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 65, 68,
aktiv 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 68, 76 76, 139
Allgemeine Bearbeitungsdaten 82 Bearbeitungsseiten 118
allgemeine Programmeinstellungen 147 Bearbeitungstiefe 13
Alt-N 13 Bearbeitungstyp 139
Angabe der Parameter 13 Befehlssequenzen der Maschine 108
Angabe der Position 13 Beilage 128
Angabe der Seite 13 Beilage in Y 7
Angaben zur NC-Erzeugung 160 Beschreibung 76, 103
Anschlagplatte 10 bestehendes Programm öffnen 24
Arbeitsvorschub 118 Bestückung 10
Assembly 10, 32 Bezeichnung 118
Aufnahmen 150 Bezeichnung der aktuell gewählten Zielmaschine
aufteilen 94 147
Auftrag 5, 32 Bild 103
Auftragsdaten 38 Bilder 147
Auftragsvariablen 111 Bohrer 118
Ausführungsreihenfolge 97 Bohrerspitze 42, 68
Ausgabe 150 Bohrung 13, 42
Ausgabepfad 150 Breite 13, 46, 47, 51
13, 46, 47, 99
Ausschneiden 32
Austauchen 94 C 85, 89
Auszugsrichtung 84 C-Achse 118
automatische Kernlochbohrungen für Gewinde 163 C-Achsenwinkel 85, 89
automatische Senkung für Bohrungen 163 CAD 147
automatische Tiefentabellenaufteilung 94 CAD starten 27
automatische Vorbohrungen für große Löcher 163 CAD-Programm 147
CamQuix 2 Endpunkt 51
Ergebnis 113
-D- erweiterte Bedingungen 118
-J- -M-
Job 5 Macrobilder 150
Job.JVar 111 Macros 147
Magazinplatz 118
-K- Makro 13, 65, 76
Makro Datenbank 103
Kernlochdurchmesser 49 Makro Datenbankmaske 103
Klinkung 13, 51 Makro erstellen 32
Klinkungen 160 Makro Variablen 76
Kollision 143 Makrodatenbank 76, 103, 105, 150
Kollisionsansicht 143 Makrodatenbank öffnen 25
Kollisionskörper 118 Makroeingabemaske 76
Kombigewindebohrer 118 Makroname 107
Kombigewindefräser 118 Makros 102, 163
Kommissionsnummer 10 Makrovariableliste 76
Konstruktionsansicht 27 Makrovariablen 76, 112
Kontextmenu 113 manuell zugeordnete Werkzeuge 139
Kontextmenü 32 Manuelle Werkzeugzuordnung 13
Konvertierung 163 Maschine 107, 128, 158
Koordinatensystem 83 Maschinen Makros 107
Kopfverschnitt 153 Maschinen PP 150
Kopieren 32 Maschinen- und PP-Makros 103
Kopieren + Verschieben 32 Maschinenbestückung 144
Korrektur 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 68 Maschinenbett 158
Korrekturformel 118 Maschinendatei 144
Kreis 70 Maschinendateien 150
XML-Dateityp 163
Y 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 68, 70, 76
Y-Achse 85, 89
Z 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 68, 70, 76
Z-Achse 85, 89
Zahlenwert 111, 112
Zeichnungsobjekte 65
Zeitberechnung 144, 153, 160
Zielmaschine 26, 128, 147
Zielmaschine Iconleiste 26
zurück 94
Zusammenfassungen 103
Zusätzliche Eintauchtiefe 100, 160
Zusätzliches eintauchen des Sägeblattes 160
Zweige 32