Lecture Sheet-Intro of Power BI
Lecture Sheet-Intro of Power BI
Lecture Sheet-Intro of Power BI
What is Power BI?
Power BI is a collection of software services, apps, and connectors that work together to turn your
unrelated sources of data into coherent, visually immersive, and interactive insights. Your data may
be an Excel spreadsheet, or a collection of cloud-based and on-premises hybrid data warehouses.
Power BI lets you easily connect to your data sources, visualize and discover what's important, and
share that with anyone or everyone you want.
These three elements—Power BI Desktop, the service, and the mobile apps—are designed to let you
create, share, and consume business insights in the way that serves you and your role most effectively.
• Power BI Report Builder, for creating paginated reports to share in the Power BI service.
• Power BI Report Server, an on-premises report server where you can publish your Power BI
reports, after creating them in Power BI Desktop.
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Advanced Excel Vs Power BI
“ADV Excel” and “Power BI” are built on top of the exact same engine!
• Power BI takes the same data shaping, modeling and analytics capabilities and adds new
reporting and publishing tools
• Transitioning is easy; you can import an entire data model directly from Excel!
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Power BI Pricing
Analytics for every organization
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Few Examples of Power BI Reports
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Key Components of Power BI
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Power Query
Power Query is one of the important components of Power BI. This can be included in your Excel or
can be used as a component of the Power BI Desktop. Using Power Query, you can import data from
numerous data sources and extract data from a wide range of different databases like Oracle, SQL
Server, MySQL, and other different databases. You can also fetch data from records like text files, CSV
files, or Excel files.
Power Pivot
Power Pivot is a data modeling and calculation engine. It is used for creating relational data model. In
Power Pivot, you can set or create relationships between different tables and calculate values that can
be viewed in Pivot tables.
You can also do various calculation using Data Analysis Expression (DAX), which is a strongly functional
language, and all your calculations are done here.
Power BI Desktop
Power BI Desktop is a new component in the Power BI suit. It is an integrated development tool for
Power Query, Power Pivot, and Power View. It lets you build advanced queries, models, and reports.
With Power BI Desktop, it is easy to advance your skills in BI and your experience in data analytics.
Power View
Power View is the fundamental data visualization component of Power BI. It is an interactive
component that connects to data sources and retrieves metadata that can be utilized for data analysis.
There are many blueprints for visualization in the Power View lists. With Power View, you can filter
data for each visualization component or even for the entire report. Slicers can be used for better
slicing and dicing of data.
Reports in Power View are interactive; the user can highlight some part of the data or different
components in Power View to interact with each other.
Power Map
Power Map is used to visualize geospatial data in 3D mode. As soon as the visualization renders in 3D
mode, it provides another dimension to it. In Power Map, you can assume one attribute as the length
of a column in 3D and another attribute as a heatmap view. Based on a geographical location, the data
can be highlighted. Geographical locations can be a country, state, city, or street address.
To get the best visualization, Power Map works with the Bing Maps based on the geographical latitude
or longitude or a country, state, city, or street address data.
Power Q & A
Power BI Q&A is an ordinary language motor for your data model’s questions and answers. After
assembling your data model and updating it on Power BI Website, you or your users can ask questions,
if any, and get solutions to those questions. There are some shortcuts and hints for the construction
of your model so that it can answer questions in the best possible way. For data visualizations, Power
Q&A works with Power View so that users can ask questions, like the number of customers by state,
and the question is answered in the form of a map view with numbers represented as bubbles by
Power Q&A.
Power BI Website
The solutions of Power BI can be published to Power BI Website. You can create dashboards for your
reports and share with others, and you can also create reports directly on the Power BI Website.
With Power BI Website, you can perform slice and dice operations on data online using a web browser,
and it doesn’t even require any other tool.
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Power BI Mobile Apps
Power BI Mobile Apps have three mobile operating system (OS) providers: Android, iOS, and Windows.
These applications provide you an interactive view of reports and dashboards on the Power BI site.
You can even share them from your mobile app. A portion of the reports can be featured, and a note
can be composed on it and shared with others.
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What is Power BI Desktop?
Power BI Desktop is a free application you can install on your local computer that lets you connect to,
transform, and visualize your data. With Power BI Desktop, you can connect to multiple different
sources of data, and combine them (often called modeling) into a data model that lets you build
visuals, and collections of visuals you can share as reports, with other people inside your organization.
Most users who work on Business Intelligence projects use Power BI Desktop to create reports, and
then use the Power BI service to share their reports with others.
Get Data
The Power BI Desktop makes discovering data easy. You can import data from a wide variety of data
sources. After you connect to a data source, you can shape the data to match your analysis and
reporting needs.
Create Relationships and Enrich Your Data Model with New Measures and Data Formats
When you import two or more tables, oftentimes you'll need to create relationships between those
tables. The Power BI Desktop includes the Manage Relationships dialog and the Relationships view,
where you can use AutoDetect to let the Power BI Desktop find and create any relationships, or you
can create them yourself. You can also very easily create your own measures and calculations or
customize data formats and categories to enrich your data for additional insights.
Create Reports
The Power BI Desktop includes the Report View. Select the fields you want, add filters, choose from
dozens of visualizations, format your reports with custom colors, gradients and several other options.
The Report View gives you the same great report and visualizations tools just like when creating a
report on PowerBI.com.
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Click on Download button. Then you have to choose the download option.
Select the first option “PBIDesktopSetup_x64.exe” and click Next. Then select the location and
download the file. After downloading successfully, install Power BI Desktop like regular software
For viewing system type 64 bit or 32 bit; go to This PC > Properties > Search “About This PC”
After installing Power BI Desktop, you can be ensured the software installed successfully from the
windows start button
After few seconds the following screen will be opened. Close the form that showing at the front.
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Then the following screen will be shown that is actually Power BI Desktop window. You have to work
on this window.
Power BI Report View
Visualization-4 Visualization-5
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Power BI Report : Project-1
Source data for the Project are as follows:
There Are two dimension tables. 1) Country_Mapping and 2) Date Mapping
Botswana Africa Botswana Rakib Khan 1-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
Ethiopia Africa Ethiopia Rakib Khan 2-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
Ghana Africa Ghana Mahbub Alam 3-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
Kenya Africa Kenya Mahbub Alam 4-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
Canada North America Canada Mustafa Azad 5-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
Mexico North America Mexico Mustafa Azad 6-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
Costa Rica North America Costa Rica Mustafa Azad 7-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
Cuba North America Cuba Mustafa Azad 8-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
Brazil South America Brazil Devashish Choudhury 9-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
Argentina South America Argentina Devashish Choudhury 10-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
Peru South America Peru Devashish Choudhury 11-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
Uruguay South America Uruguay Devashish Choudhury 12-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
Bangladesh Asia Bangladesh Hassan Kamal 13-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
Malaysia Asia Malaysia Shazzad Hassan 14-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
Nepal Asia Nepal Shazzad Hassan 15-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
Pakistan Asia Pakistan Shazzad Hassan 16-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
Belgium Europe Belgium Mustafa Azad 17-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
Denmark Europe Denmark Mustafa Azad 18-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
France Europe France Mustafa Azad 19-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
Germany Europe Germany Mustafa Azad 20-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
Australia Oceania Australia Rakib Khan 21-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
New Zealand Oceania New Zealand Rakib Khan 22-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
Papua New Guinea Oceania Papua New Guinea Rakib Khan 23-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
24-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
25-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
26-Jan-17 2016/17 2016 Q3 7
There is also another table for country wise sales data that is called Sales table
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From the above tables, we will prepare the following automated dashboard report using Power BI.
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Importing Data from Data Sources:
Open Power BI Desktop then Home > Get Data. Now list of data sources will be shown with a list. Click
on More…. Then you will see the full data sources. Since we want to import data form Excel, Choose
Browse the source Excel workbook. Navigator dialog box will be open. From Navigator dialog box
choose the tables those you want to link to Power BI Desktop through Power Query.
Now click on Transform Data to process and re-shape the raw data through Power Query. From this
Power Query window you can add/remove columns, filter data and can make various calculation to
present data to Power BI. Actually Power Query is a big chapter but we will learn few highlights so that
we can prepare our required report.
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Adding Custom Column in Power Query:
Sometimes we may need to add new custom columns that we want to present on our report. That
column may be static or calculated. To add a new columns in the Sales table follow the following steps:
1. Select the Sales table from the left side of the Power Query window
2. Click on Add Column
3. Click on Custom Column. Then the Custom column dialog box will be appeared
4. Write the New Column name
5. Write the custom Column formula. From the available columns list you can select by double
clicking and manually writing the operators ( + - * / )
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By the same way add columns as many you require. According to our project we have added 3 columns
in the Sales Table.
1) Sales : = [Total Units]*[Sale Price]
2) Cost : = [Total Units]*[Cost Price]
3) Gross Profit : = [Sales]-[Cost]
After processing data from Power Query window click on Close & Apply Form the top-left corner of
the power query window. Then Power Query window will be closed, and Power BI window will be
opened. It may take few seconds on the basis of the data volume.
On the Power BI window, at the top-right corner the table/query names will be shown
Queries from PQ
Now we are almost good to create Power BI report. Now we have to think what type summary report
we want to generate then we have to reshape the data again from Power BI window, if required we
have to build relationship then we will insert the visualizations.
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Building Relationship among Tables in Power BI Window
Click on Relationship tool from the top-right corner of the Power BI window. When you import
multiple tables, chances are you’re going to do some analysis using data from all those tables.
Relationships between those tables are necessary in order to accurately calculate results and display
the correct information in your reports. Power BI Desktop makes creating those relationships easy. In-
fact, in most cases you won’t have to do anything, the Autodetect feature can do it for you. However,
in some cases you might have to create relationships yourself, or you might need to make some
changes to a relationship. All tables will be shown with all columns in the relationship view. Build the
relationship manually if required by dragging and dropping the fields.
1. Drag COUNTRY from Sales_Manager_Mapping table to Country of Sales table
2. Drag COUNTRY from Country_Mapping table to Country of Sales table
3. Drag Date from Date_Mapping table to Date of Sales table
Drag Sales from Sales query and drop on Value and drag FY MONTH from Date_Mapping query and
drop on Trend Axis. On the Power BI report the summary value of the last month will be shown.
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Visualization-2: Inserting a Column Chart to present Continent and Chain
1. Click anywhere on the blank space of Power BI report
2. Click on the clustered column chart
3. X-axis = Continent, Legend = Chain and Y-axis = Sales
Then the chart will be shown as follows
Visualization-3: Inserting a Column & Line Chart to Show Quarter wise Sales and Gross Profit
1. Click anywhere on the blank space of Power BI report
2. Click on the clustered column chart
3. X-axis = FY QTR, Column y-axis = Sales, Line y-axis = Gross Profit
Then the chart will be shown as follows
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Visualization-4: Inserting a Pie Chart to Show the Chain wise Sales
1. Click anywhere on the blank space of Power BI report
2. Click on the Pie chart
3. Place Legend = Chain, Values = Sales
The chart will be shown as follows
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Visualization-6: Inserting a Bar Chart to Show the Chain and Category wise Sales
1. Click anywhere on the blank space of Power BI report
2. Click on the Clustered Bar Chart
3. Y-axis = Category, Legend = Chain and X-axis = Sales
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Adding Slicer for Financial Year on the Power BI Report:
1. Click anywhere on the blank space of Power BI report
2. Click on Slicer to insert a slicer.
3. Choose Financial Year from the Date_Mapping table from the right side
Project Output:
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