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Volume 5 Issue 3 www.radiosai.

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Pranams at the Lotus Feet


Prashanti Nilayam
& S.N. Informatics

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Volume 5 Issue 3
1 March 2007







THE CHENNAI CITIZENS’ CONCLAVE …Divinity Diffuses All Differences 12








MANSION OF LOVE - The Revolutionary Sri Sathya Sai Heart Hospital at Rajkot 57





- Conversation with Dr. Keki Mistry - Part 1

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 001
Volume 54 Issue 34

Contents 1 March
1 May 2007







Incredible Experiences of Santoor Maestro Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma















002 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)
It was three score and five years ago, India's could not be achieved with decades of deliberations and
independence was still in the womb of time. The state of thousands of confrontations since India's independence
Tamil Nadu never existed and most of South India was was happening that day. Pure love was flowing in
part of British India's Madras Province. In fact, both Chennai [see our Photo Album] and it was absolutely
Puttaparthi and Madras City (now Chennai, the capital of irresistible; it had submerged and soothed everyone with
Tamil Nadu) were part of the composite Madras. And for its coolness and sereneness.
Bhagavan, who was just sixteen years then, Madras was
almost like an extension of Puttaparthi, given the scores And it is not only Chennai, it is happening in various
of visits He made very frequently. Not many will know corners of India and the world in different forms - we just
that Swami visited this city as early as 1942, and what have to look around. If you thought Baba's Hospitals in
happened in those years is really fantastic. In the first year Puttaparthi and Bangalore, which provided the best
of His visit, He cured the asthma of Sri Parthasarathy, who tertiary health care absolutely free of charge, were role
happened to visit Him in a neighbour's house, by creating models only in theory and could never be replicated
an apple for him! And his mother's cataract was cured elsewhere, then you must visit Rajkot, a town in
amazingly in ten days when the young Sathya applied on Saurashtra, the least developed region of the state of
her eyes a bandage of jasmine petals! What happened in Gujarat. It is incredible how more than six hundred
1943 is even more astounding. Sri Lokanatha Mudaliar completely free premium cardiac surgeries have been
had become completely mentally challenged when an performed in the Sri Sathya Sai Heart Hospital of Rajkot,
illegal occupant of his land, who was also a notorious silently and selflessly. And they are now adding operation
occultist, cast evil spells on him. The doctor had, in fact, theatres, conducting Heart-Camps in the remotest and
advised his family to admit him in a mental hospital. And severely under-developed settlements in search of the
then, suddenly something wonderful happened. Swami most hapless ones to be operated upon, creating
appeared in Mudaliar's dream and gave him 'Thulasi hundreds of dedicated workers and inching towards the
(basil) water' saying, “Take this. You will be alright”. Next thousand-surgery-mark at great pace. When did this
morning, his madness had vanished. hospital start? Who is managing this 'fairy tale of a
hospital'? How did this miracle come about? Read our
Cut to January 19, 2007, after more than six decades, the story in the Sai Seva section and you will have a dozen
Lord played a similar drama, although in a totally myths about modern healthcare shattered by the time
different scale and dimension. Now it was not 'Thulasi you complete it. When pure love takes over, 'impossible'
water' for one Mudaliar, but the torrential flow of Sai becomes a redundant word.
Ganga for multitudes, which cured the “madness of
disunity and malaise of disbelief in God” that How else do you explain devotees dedicating their lives in
unfortunately had plagued this holy state. And the cure caring service in gratitude and love from a tiny triangle
came not via a 'dream' but a dream-visit of the Lord to this shaped country nestled in the shores of South Atlantic
'land of temples', after a hiatus of ten years. Now, to heal Ocean thousands of miles away from Puttaparthi? How
the current 'cataract of narrow vision', it was the 'jasmine Sai has entered Uruguay and brought about a U-turn in
of joy' that the divine enveloped the whole city with for the lives of hundreds of its citizens is truly fascinating.
ten days. Just as Mudaliar had then fallen at His Feet and This is our twelfth story covering Latin America in the
cried, “Lord, You are my all” when Swami visited his features section and there seems to be no end to His
house the next day of that dramatic dream, the Chief unfathomable ways.
Minister of the State was completely bowled over. While In the just concluded Shivarathri celebrations, Swami
his wife touched His Feet, Dr. Karunanidhi, casting aside said, “Consider love as your everything. It is only then that
completely his six-decade-long sworn atheistic image, you will have a fruitful life”. When you will read the
said, “The question is not whether God exists or not, but experiences of Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma, world
whether our deeds are pleasing to Him." He continued, renowned Santoor Maestro, or the sweet anecdotes
“For me…the blessed Sai Baba…is equal to God.” And narrated by a little girl, Ms. Vaishnavi, from Chennai, in
Swami, the ever-compassionate one, referring to the SwaMi and Me section, you will see live examples of
Karunanidhi said, “I give him My heart”. Imagine the this. If you want more, there is the revealing interview
charismatic and outspoken Union Railway Minister Sri with Dr. Keki Mistry, an eminent orthodontist from
Lalu Prasad Yadav declaring, “He is not just Baba…He is Mumbai, in the H2H Special section. This will not only
Bhagavan.” In fact, the modern world needs no more startle you but also tell you how beautiful and blissful life
testimonies of the transmuting power of pure love. What can become when real love becomes its only pursuit.
happened on January 21, 2007 in the 40,000-seater
Nehru Stadium packed with the who's who of Tamil Nadu Dear reader, this is the month of March, and it's time for
and Chennai, is something which history will cogitate on us to march! As we see Sai's glory manifesting in a million
for years to come. ways every moment all over the world (incidentally, the
Chinese just finished their grand New Year celebrations at
Imagine four Chief Ministers, three Union ministers and His Lotus Feet; you will find reports and lots of pictures of
two governors all belonging to different political this in Prasanthi Diary), let us tune ourselves to this
affiliations with their party ideologies miles away from Universal Consciousness that is Sai, feel His love, plunge
each other, seated on the dais next to Swami in a rare into The Mission and redeem our lives. Opportunities
demonstration of bonhomie and talking about such as these come rarely in history and let us not let the
cooperation, sharing and unity to solve the country's diamond slip from our hands. Let us make our life His
problems! When you read our cover story you will not message. Let us become just that Pure Love; completely
only get a complete overview of the grand proceeding of in harmony with Him.
that day but also get a deep insight into the background
and the sequence of events that led to the landmark Loving Regards,
– Heart2Heart Team
occasion that the Chennai Citizens' Conclave was. What

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 003


Seek Oneness And Bliss
Through Ramayana

Ramayana is the joint epic of Rama and Sita

The term "Rama" means one who is pleasing and lovable.

"Ayana" means movement or journey. "Ra" refers to Atma
and "Ma" refers to Mind. The Rama Principle means
merging the mind in the Atma. "Ramayana" means
suffusing the world with the bliss of the Rama Principle.
But it is not Sri Rama alone that is involved in this process, bow of Siva with astonishing ease. Struck by this feat,

Sita is also an epic personality. "Rama" is another name for Janaka decided that Sita should be given in marriage only

Sita. The Ramayana is thus a joint epic of Rama and Sita or to one who could handle Siva's bow and be worthy of

Sita-Rama Ramayanam. Sita's hand. With this resolve, he invited princes for Sita's
svayamvara (self-selection of a husband by the bride
Rarely in the world do we see married couples who are
herself). Rama arrived and lifted Siva's bow as lightly as
identical - man and wife - in their physical features, their
Sita had done. Janaka realised that Rama and Sita were
qualities, behaviour, thoughts and capacities. But in the
well matched in every respects - beauty, character and
case of Rama and Sita the similarity was complete in every
respect. There were no differences in features, qualities or
other aspects. The truth of this is evident from what Sita was no ordinary woman. She was the embodiment of

Hanuman experienced. Once Hanuman happened to look Maha Maya (supreme divine illusion). Rama acquired

at Sita when she was alone. He got a doubt whether Maha Maya as his consort. Sita, for her part, sought

Rama Himself had assumed a feminine form. Looking at oneness with the Atma principle represented by Rama.

Sita, he thought it was Rama himself. Hence Rama and The marriage of Rama and Sita represents the association

Sita should be regarded as one identical entity and not as of the Atma and the Maya. It is in this combined form of

separate beings. Atma and Maya that Rama entered Ayodhya.

"Ayodhya" means "invincible". Its ruler was Dasaratha.

Role of Three Cities in Ramayana
The inner significance of the Sita-Rama story will be clear Dasaratha means one who has made his ten indriyas

when we consider the role of the three cities in the (sense organs) the five organs of action and the five

Ramayana. First comes Mithila. Emperor Janaka was its organs of perceptionhis chariot. Allegorically, this means

ruler. He was a Brahmajnaani (one who possesses that Dasaratha represents the body, with its ten organs.

knowledge of identity of individual self with the cosmic These sense organs are related to the three gunas

being) who had renounced everything. Like water on a (qualities) Satwa, Rajas, Tamas (goodness, passion,

lotus leaf, he was completely detached, with no concern ignorance). Dasaratha's three wives - Kausalya, Sumitra

for worldly things. Having no children of his own, he and Kaikeyi - symbolise these three attributes.

brought up with great love a foundling (Sita). There were

Dasarata's four sons represent four Vedas
two powerful entities in his kingdom - Siva's bow and When one is influenced by gunas, he develops desires.
Sita. Once, while engaging in play, Sita lifted the giant The four sons of Dasaratha were the embodiments of his

004 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)
SATHYA SAI SPEAKS - Seek Oneness and Bliss Through Ramayana

desires. Rama, Lakshmana, Bharatha and Satrughna was in Chitrakuta, Bharatha came there to entreat him to
symbolise the four Vedas Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharvana. return to Ayodhya and reign as the legitimate heir to the
The Rig Veda figures in the Yajur and Sama Vedas to throne. Rama refused to return, saying that Bharatha
varying extent. It is the embodiment of Dharma. Yajur- should rule over Ayodhya in accordance with the promise
Veda embodies mantras (sacred formulae). Lakshmana given by Dasaratha. The argument between the two was
was continually engaged in contemplating about Rama ultimately resolved by Sage Vasishta who told Bharatha:
and immersing himself in the Rama mantra. Bharata was “Do not cause any pain to Rama, who is Divinity itself and
one who could not bear separation from Rama and who who has come down to protect the good and uphold
was ever dwelling on Rama's name and form. He was the Dharma."
embodiment of Sama Veda.
Bharatha pleaded for taking Rama's sandals and
Shatrughna was one who had mastered all the sciences administering the kingdom in Rama's name till he
and used his powers for protecting his brothers. He was returned to Ayodhya. There are a series of episodes in the
skilled in the use of all kinds of weapons. Thus the four Ramayana to show how deep was the love between the
Vedas, taking the form of the four brothers, were four brothers and how devoted were the younger
sporting in Dasaratha's palace brothers to Rama. Such fraternal love is an example to the
world for all time. The Ramayana is a guidebook on the
Ramayana is a guide on human relationships
ideal relations between mothers and children, between
Among the four brothers there was boundless love and
husband and wife, between brothers, between the ruler
regard for each other. When Rama went to the forest and
and the people, between the master and the servants and
many other human relationships. Rama showed
compassion to the dying eagle Jatayu, which had fought
with Ravana when he was carrying Sita away to Lanka and
Rama gave refuge to Vibhishana, even against the fears
expressed by Lakshmana. These are examples of Rama's
supreme benevolence and magnanimity towards anyone
who revered him or sought his protection. Rama declared
to Lakshmana: "Anyone who comes to me in a spirit of
surrender, whoever he might be, is mine and I am his. I
shall give him asylum. This is my vow." Rama was a man
pledged to one word, to one wife and to a single arrow.

Devotees should install Rama in their hearts and celebrate

Rama Navami for achieving Atmic bliss. Going through
the Ramayana epic they should reach the state of "Atma-
Rama" (oneness with the Universal Spirit). In such a state
there is no Ahamkara (ego-sense).

- Divine Discourse on Rama Navami, April 7, 1987

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 005

The Importance of a Straight Spine

CONVERSATIONS SAI: To sit straight is important. Between the 9th and
WITH SAI - Part 30 12th vertebrae is the life-force. If the spine is injured at
(Continued from previous issue) this point, paralysis occurs. If the body is in a straight
position, as if it were wound around a straight pole, the

Meditation on Light life force may rise up through the straight body and give
the quality of intense concentration to the mind.
SAI: (To a group of westerners) Any doubts or questions?
Moreover, just as a lightning rod attached to the roof of a
Spiritual questions only.
building attracts lightning, in like fashion, a perfectly
A Visitor: Why a lamp in meditation?
straight body provides a conductor, so to speak, for divine
SAI: Why a light? From the sand, if one takes, it will be power to enter the temple of your body and give you the
depleted. From the water tank, if each one takes, the tank strength to accomplish your task and reach your goal. As
will go dry. But a thousand people can take the flame of another example, the divine power is always here, just as
one candle to light their candles and the flame is in no radio signals are here. But to hear the radio music there
way diminished. must be an antenna. Further, if the tuning device is not
Light a lamp or a candle. properly adjusted, there will just be some sound but no
Gaze straight ahead at the music. In like fashion, the divine power, which is always
flame. Then take the present, may flow into you if the meditation is correct and

candle flame, the Jyothi, the body straight.

into your heart and see it A Visitor: How about the Brahma Muhurta meditation?
in the midst of the petals
SAI: Brahma Muhurta means early morning, between 3 -
of the heart. Watch the
6 a.m. It means that the senses are quiet, not yet agitated
petals of the heart unfold
by the day and mind is quiet from sleep. But the hour
and see the light illumine
should not be taken and changed around, taking one
the heart. Bad feelings
time today and another time tomorrow. A half hour in the
cannot remain. Then move the flame to the hands and
morning and a half hour in the evening is enough for
they can no longer do dark deeds. In turn move the
sitting meditation. If done all day along, it will lose its
flame in like fashion to the eyes and ears so they may
attraction after a couple of years. The spiritual practice
henceforth take in only bright and pure sensations.
should be varied for interest. Some bhajan, some
Then move the light outward and into your friends,
repetition of the Name of the Lord, some time spent in
relatives and enemies, and then into animals, birds
the company of spiritual people and so on. Just as in daily
and other objects so that all are illumined by the same

Christ said, 'All are one, be alike to everyone'. In this way

you will no longer be limited to this body, but will expand
throughout the universe. The world which is now so big,
will become very, very small. To expand beyond self and
see that your light is the light of the universe is liberation.
Liberation is not different from this.

A Visitor: To keep sitting straight is certainly not easy to


006 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

life some variety makes the day interesting. good things. Everyone

H (Hislop): Swami, how should the period of meditation has self-confidence.

on the Jyothi be brought to a close? H: That is very good.

SAI: First you are in the light. Then the light is in you. SAI: Yes, it is important.
Finally, you are the light and the light is everywhere. Enjoy The self-confidence is
for a while, then bring the light back to the heart and hold already there. If there is
it there for all the day. The form of God may also be the interest in the good
included. Krishna, Rama, Jesus, Sai, as you wish. The form things, the self-
of God selected may be seen in the centre of the flame confidence is already
wherever it is carried, and, then you are with God there to carry them out.
everywhere. People go to America
and charge various amounts for spiritual information
Other Meditations
which belongs to everyone and for which no charge
A Visitor: At the meeting it was mentioned, people
should be made. The information should not be sold and
doing other kinds of meditation should not join the
the Americans should not buy.
Sathya Sai Baba Centre.

SAI: This yoga and that yoga is not the answer. Yes, they
Liberation Through the Jyothi Meditation
may join even if doing other meditations. Let all unite in H: Swami, in the description of the light meditation, I

the one goal. God is reached only through love. was not quite sure how Swami said it had liberation as the

Pranayama subjects the heart and the lungs to strain and result.

pressure. The health must be good. Bhakthi yoga is best. SAI: You are the light. The same light is found in others
A big mixture will only create confusion. The meditation also. The body drops away and you are the light. That is
on light is safe and sure and leads directly to the goal. liberation.

A Visitor: But if one has been initiated into another H: Does Swami mean that by means of light one expands
meditation, Swami's book says it is a sin to change. through the entire universe and is no longer limited by

SAI: The goal remains the same. There is just some change body?

in the pathway, method employed. Meditation on light is SAI: 'My' falls away. There is no longer 'My'.
real meditation. Light is formless, eternal, divine. It is the H: Here is a meditation given by the Lord Himself and it
safe way and the sure way. But above all is love. Love is the takes one direct to liberation. Why would a person wish
royal highway to God. God is love. At the beginning we to bother with any other meditation?
should carefully consider and investigate the meditation
SAI: Some sensory pleasure, some body result.
or sadhana that we propose to adopt. Who is the guru?
What is the result? If then we have full confidence that it H: Yesterday, Swami, people got the idea that any kind of

will take us to our spiritual goal, then go ahead and stay meditation could be used at a Center.

with it. But it is a spiritual goal that we aim for, not a SAI: Don't worry about that. After a little while they will
physical goal, not a goal at the sensory level. feel how great is the 'light meditation' and change to this.
Do not force them. Give them some time.
How to Attain
Self-Confidence H: Swami says that it is a benefit of the highest order if an
A Visitor: But how can I get that self-confidence that I do
individual's life is such that he merits God's love. How to
not have?
directly experience that divine love?
SAI: To do the bad things, you have the self-confidence to
SAI: In the kitchen is a sweet. Now, you must come from
go ahead. The same self-confidence is also there to do
afar to the kitchen to enjoy the sweet. Only when you eat

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 007

the food is the hunger relieved. To enjoy the sweetness of When in meditation, concentrate on the form chosen
divine love, you must attempt to experience it direct. How by you, then pass into contemplation and then into
to get the ability to experience the divine love directly? meditation. Only by the three states will you get
Our ancient Rishis enjoyed bliss by going to solitude and there. From concentration, one must cross the field of
sitting with their bodies stiff and apparently lifeless. On contemplation to enter meditation. There are three
the other hand, people are all the time shaking their things: the meditator, the chosen form, and the
heads and bodies. Such people cannot get concentration. process of meditation. The three should merge and
The body is described as a temple containing the Lord. If become one, and this is the state of meditation. But, if
this part of our body keeps on shaking, the contents, the all the time you feel you are meditating, this cannot
mind, will also be shaking. That is why in meditation be called meditation. When there is complete
certain postures are described, and they must be attention on the form chosen, that will lead to
maintained. meditation. The attention of the mind is totally

When in meditation take the mind deep so as not to be removed from the body and totally concentrated on

distracted. The deeper the mind is taken, the less it is the form chosen as the object of your meditation.

disturbed by the surrounding noise. In the Gita it is said H: The other day, Swami, not only were the college boys
that concentration precedes wisdom. If in sitting for delighted at the return to Brindavan, but they were very
meditation, you keep on scratching your head or your much surprised. I also was, because Swami had said He
back you will not be doing the right kind of meditation. would definitely stay at the ashram.
Some people sit for meditation. They simply sit, but then
SAI: Baba made the decision to stay in Prasanthi Nilayam
they are wondering how soon they can move from that
through Sivarathri. That was His sankalpa. His will is as
iron. On the third day of the festival, the boys at
Brindavan decorated the cows and had a procession, and
their longing for Swami was so strong that Swami made a
sudden decision and came to Brindavan. It might be
asked, Swami's Sankalpa is as iron, how could that be
changed? Well, devotion is as fire. Fire will melt iron. God
is moved by devotion.

Swami's Advice on Vibhuti

and Physical Ailments
H: Swami, people are making conflicting statements
about the use of Vibhuthi. Should a devotee of Swami use
Vibhuthi as the only treatment for sickness and injury?

SAI: Do not give

any importance to
minor sickness
and injury. In more
serious matters, it
is best that prayer
be made to
Swami. This is
Vibhuthi may or may not be used, but there should be

008 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

prayer. H: In finding out about oneself, Swami advises that we

H: How about the help that is ordinarily available? Should ask if we are the body, the mind or the intellect.

a person try that first before calling to Swami? SAI: You are the witness of all these.

SAI: Some people have faith in doctors, and some have H: One notices other things. Every desire announces itself
faith in Swami. as "I" even though exactly contradicted by past and future

H: But Swami, that is exactly the problem. People are desires.

afraid that if they do anything except use vibhuthi they SAI: Really, there are only two “I”s. One is the ego; which
are demonstrating lack of faith in Swami. is always identifying itself as "I", and the other "I" is the

SAI: Actually, both can proceed together. The doctors can eternal witness, which is Swami. If there is awareness of

be consulted, and Vibhuti can also be used. But, the witness, the ego "I" will not bother, it does not much

regardless of the degree of faith, it is best to pray to matter.

Swami for His Grace. H: In self-inquiry, Swami, a person may notice that while

H: Some devotees go to the extreme. No matter how his idea is that he is a free agent, yet in fact he is pushed

serious the disease or trouble, they declare they will use around and made to act by all sorts of influences. Actually

vibhuti only and will never go to a doctor. one is not all free, he is like a prisoner, is he not?

SAI: If they wish to do that, they may. Swami's preference SAI: That you are not free is wrong. Only up to a certain

would be that ordinary means of help be given their due stage is one's life according to the influences that bear

place. upon him - such as heredity, circumstances, tendencies

and so on. Later on, one is superior to and free from
The Importance of Self-Inquiry influences.
H: Swami says that self-inquiry is three-quarters and
H: But Swami, if one is a prisoner that is the fact at the
meditation one quarter. What is skillful self-inquiry?
moment. If one observes this fact about himself he may
Action can be either skillful or unskillful.
then develop a very deep interest in freedom?

SAI: Very few people have these deep levels of self-

inquiry. As yet they have not gone deeply into the matter.
Ripeness is a factor here. In talks with devotees, these
aspects of Sadhana should be brought forward and their
importance indicated by your own experience.

Restraining the Show of Negative Emotions

H: One observes many emotions in himself. Swami, some
are damaging - such as anger, hatred, jealousy,
depression, fear and so on. These are very strong and they
come up despite one's best intentions.
SAI: The devotee may not have any particular skill, but all
SAI: This is a very important topic. It is important in
can inquire for themselves if what they propose to do is
America where emotions are strong and lead to violent
right or wrong.
H: But are we not to take inquiry as meaning self-
H: There seems to be a possibility, Swami, that a person
knowledge, knowing about what goes on within oneself?
can curb these dangerous emotions from going on into
SAI: Self-knowledge certainly is about oneself, not about action.
the outside.
SAI: The problem is that people have some knowledge

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 009

wavering mind that is lacking in one-pointedness.

H: Swami, one more question, please, about household

pests. The housewife is in a constant battle with ants,
mosquitoes, cockroaches, etc. Unless she fights, these
insects take over home.

SAI: it is all right, they must be dealt with.

H: People are afraid they may be committing a sin against

Swami if they kill these small creatures.

SAI: There is nothing wrong in keeping the home free

from the assault of these small creatures. But only where
from books, but they do not have the general knowledge you are, your area. Not outside.
of life that comes with spiritual power. With discipline,
prayer to God and steady sadhana there is a spiritual
power which comes up within a person, and the strength
of dangerous emotions is reduced.

But, even apart from that, people can and should try to
restrain these harmful emotions from outward
expression. There may be anger, hatred, depression
raging within, but the person's outward behaviour
should remain peaceful. His smile should be calm. With all
his strength he must resist any show of these harmful
emotions. This is a topic of the highest importance. Self- The Soul is One
inquiry, and this matter of emotions are of the greatest H: Swami, if one ant out of a colony of ants is killed, is
importance. When talking to devotees at centres you that killing an individual Jiva? Or, is there a sort of group
must deal with these two aspects of spiritual sadhana Jiva whose body is the colony of ants?
clearly and emphatically.
SAI: There are no individual Jivas. Jiva is one only. Only
(On previous occasions, Swami has said that dangerous one. Jiva is never injured, never killed. Bodies are many.
and harmful impulses and emotions will vanish Minds are changeable and may be affected. Bodies may
automatically in the Presence of God; that evil forces are be killed, may die. But Jiva is unaffected. Jiva is one and
products of grief, and cannot exist where there is Ananda, eternal.
the happiness that arises when one loves God with all
The rule for spiritual life is to be cautious. Start care fully,
one's heart and sees Him everywhere).
drive carefully and arrive safely.
H: Another puzzling thing that may be observed is the
(On a previous occasion, Swami said, "Be steady; be
falling away from one's goal. For example, a person may
resolved. Do not commit a fault or take a false step, and
show the most steadfast determination to hold to the
then repent! Have the deliberation, the decision, the
Lotus feet of the Lord. Then a year or so later, that person
discipline first; that is better than regret for the mistake
has left Swami.
SAI: The reason for this is a weakness of mind in the initial
stage. In the first perception of his goal, the person's mind (To be continued)
was wavering. Had he been one-pointed and clear at first,
he would not fall away from his goal. The fault lies in a

010 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)
CHINNA KATHA - Baratha's Adoration of Rama

the preceptor and everyone in Ayodhya had towards him,

CHINNA KATHA for had they loved him, they would not have pressed him

Bharatha's to commit such a mean sin. Bharatha stood before

Vasishta with folded palms.
Adoration Of Rama
He prayed, “Is it just, is it fair, that you should burden me
A Little Story From Bhagavan
with the sovereignty over a kingdom, which slew my
father, widowed my mothers, exiled my dearest brother,
The Rama Principle is the Principle of Love that descended whom I value more than my very breath, to the demon-
from Heaven as the Gift of the Gods, as a result of the ridden jungle, with his dearly beloved queen and which
Great Sacrifice. Rama means Delight! Nothing delights finally brought indelible disgrace on my mother? My
more than one's own innate self, and so, Rama is also empire is the realm which Rama rules over, namely, my
known as Atma Rama. How then could Bharatha agree to heart, which is too small to contain His glory.” Bharatha's
usurp the throne, of which Rama is the rightful heir? He name itself signifies that he is saturated with love of
and Satrughna were at the Kekaya capital, when Rama Rama. (Bhameans, Bhagavanthe Lord, Rama;
was exiled and Dasaratha died, heartbroken at the rathameans, pleased by, happy over, attached to).
separation. News was sent to him, and when he entered
the palace, unaware of the double tragedy that had cast
its gloom over the City, he sensed some calamity.
Vasishta, the family preceptor, advised him to ascend the
throne, for the empire was suffering an interregnum!
Bharatha appealed that he be allowed to go to “the God
of my prayers, the Lord who receives the homage of my
unceasing adoration.” Vasishta told him that it was his
father's command, and his preceptor's counsel that he sit
enthroned as ruler. Bharatha replied that the request was
proof of the extreme hatred that the parents, the people,

Let the Love for the Lord grow in you, as it did in Bharatha.
Let that sense of adoration, which discarded even a
throne, flourish in you. Then, you can be of great use to
your country, your culture, your society, your religion and
your community. Or else, all this bother that you have
undergone, to attend Sathsanga (good company), to
listen to spiritual discourses, study spiritual texts, etc. will
be a colossal exercise in futility.
- Baba

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 011

Chennai. This meeting, formally called Chennai Citizens'

THE CHENNAI CITIZENS’ Conclave, was held in order to express the gratitude of
the people of the city to Bhagavan for saving this huge
CONCLAVE... metropolitan city from the misery of its drinking water
Divinity Diffuses All shortage. Before I start describing the proceedings of the
Differences Conclave, I ought to, for the record, first say a few words
about the age long drinking water problem Chennai had,
and what part Swami played in solving the problem.
Sai Ram. As devotees are well aware, Swami made an Chennai, formerly known as Madras, came into existence
eleven day trip to Chennai in January 2007. While the thanks to the British. Not many are aware that it was in
journey was primarily for attending the Ati Rudra Madras that the British first landed in India. It is only later
Maha Yagnam that Swami Himself had commanded that they went to Bengal, founded the city of Calcutta,
be conducted in Chennai starting 19th January, which remained the capital of British India till New Delhi
Swami fulfilled many other engagements. An came into existence to mark the coronation of King
important one was gracing the Chennai Citizens George V as the Emperor of India. Interestingly, the Dutch
Conclave held on 21st January in the Nehru Indoor landed around the same time at a coastal village about 65
Stadium. km south of Madras, and that village is known as Sadras.
Because the Dutch had to retreat, Sadras continues to
remain a small fishing village to this day. In the case of
Madras, the story is very different.
Normally, major habitations take root near a source of
water like a river. Madras on the other hand came into
existence simply on account of a historical reason the
British landed there. Right from the beginning, the British
recognised that drinking water was a problem. The first

Chennai, in the state of Tamil Nadu, The Fort St. George -

Southern India once the seat of British power

Prof G Venkataraman who went with Swami took

extensive notes, based on which he gave two talks
over Radio Sai. We reproduce below the transcripts of
those two talks combined into one composite text,
and supplemented with many pictures.
In future issues, Prof. Venkataraman will cover other
aspects of Swami's trip, including the yagna and the
trip itself.
I wish to present a report on a historic public meeting that
took place on 21st January, during Swami's recent trip to Chennaipattinam of the 17th century...

012 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

attempt to deal with this was to erect a small dam across solutions, and soon it became clear that the only way to
a river known as Kosasthalayar. This was not much of a solve the drinking water problem was to somehow bring
river in the sense water flowed in it only when there were water from the Krishna river flowing up north in Andhra
rains, which usually came during the North East Monsoon Pradesh. This realisation came quite early, even in the
[generally during October to December]. Unlike the South fifties. Conceptually, there was no difficulty in solving the
West Monsoon [June to September], the NE Monsoon problem all it needed was a good long canal. As
does not always deliver that much rain, at least in the mathematicians would say, a solution existed. In fact a
Tamil Nadu [TN] region so, water was always a problem. statement was made in Parliament many, many years ago
The water from the dam across Kosasthalayar was taken that the Government would do something to solve the
via a canal to a tank known as Red Hills Lake. By the way, problem of drinking water for Madras by taking Krishna
in the very early days, Swami often used to go with His water to the city.
hosts for a picnic to the Red Hills area. But then the human Mind that is so very capable of
The Basic Problem of Water finding solutions to problems is equally capable of
In due course other water storage tanks were added, and obstructing solutions. What I mean is that the three
they were all inter-connected. Initially, the water was States through which Krishna flows, had an argument
used both for drinking and for agriculture. Later, most of among themselves as to who has rights over Krishna
the water was reserved purely for supplying drinking water. The States concerned are: Maharashtra where
water, even as the city began to grow. As early as the Krishna rises, Karnataka through which Krishna then
fifties of the twentieth century, it became clear that flows, and Andhra Pradesh [AP] through which Krishna
growing as it was, and with no major source of water then makes its way to the sea, namely the Bay of Bengal.
nearby, Madras was going to face a huge drinking water
Water Rights
problem. Indeed, every time the rains failed, this problem The issue of sharing river waters is always a very sensitive
became a harsh reality, the problems getting one. A tribunal was set up to address the issue of how
compounded as the city grew bigger and bigger. Krishna water should be shared and fix the quantum of
Concerned citizens and officials did try to think of water to be made available. The Tribunal gave its verdict.

... Becomes the city of Madras...

...And now the booming metropolis - Chennai The three southern states with
the perennial water sharing problem

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 013

Known as the Bachawat Award after the Chairman of the decades, it was his duty to come to its help in its hour of
Tribunal, it was agreed that together, the three riparian distress.
States would contribute 15 TMC of water from the
An Agreement is Reached
Krishna river to Madras city to meet its need of drinking Thanks to the bonds created by the tinsel world, MGR and
water. One TMC by the way stands for a thousand million NTR came to an agreement regarding the details of the
cubic feet, a term used by the British to quantify water supply of Krishna water to Madras. At that time, NTR was
supply for agriculture purposes. It is roughly equal to 30 engaged in launching an ambitious scheme to make
million cubic metres of water. massive use of Krishna waters to enhance enormously
One million cubic metres can be visualised by imagining a agricultural production in his State. He was seeking to do
tank that is 100 metres long, 100 metres wide and 100 this via a grand scheme known as Telugu Ganga, a
metres high. One TMC is equal to 30 such tanks, and network of canals that would carry Krishna waters to
Madras was to get 15 TMC. every nook and corner of the State. As a part of the larger
By the way, it was felt that of the 15 TMC released at the and grand Telugu Ganga scheme, NTR agreed to build a
source, about 3 TMC would be lost in transit and the city canal from a reservoir in AP, known as Kandaleru reservoir
would end up with 12 TMC which was good enough for to the border of Tamil Nadu, for bringing Krishna water to
meeting its needs. Well, that was what was decided way Madras.
back in the sixties or seventies, I do not remember exactly.
As everyone knows, there is always a huge gap been
intensions and implementations. The Tribunal had given
its verdict but now it was up to the administrations in the
various States to come together and get going. As is to be
expected, there were many hiccups, even as governments
came and went, thanks to uncertainties of election
politics. Meanwhile, the TN Government floated a big
scheme called the Veeranam Project, intended to bring
water to the city from the river Kaveri flowing in the
South. There was a lot of fanfare, and I was serving then
in the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research in
Inauguration of the Krishna Water Supply
Kalpakkam this was in the early seventies. The Veeranam Project in May, 1983 at the Nehru Stadium
Project was a high profile affair but it died in a scandal
without a whimper. So, the cloud of uncertainty over the
water supply situation in Madras remained as dark as
Finally, several years and many discussions later, in 1983,
an agreement was reached to bring Krishna waters to
Madras. This was largely through the personal initiatives
of the Chief Ministers of Tamil Nadu and of Andhra
Pradesh, both of whom happened to be famous film stars
before they entered politics. In Tamil Nadu, the man at the
helm was the charismatic M.G. Ramachandran, popularly The then Prime Minister of India,
known as MGR, who played Robin Hood in all his films Mrs. Indira Gandhi with Sri NT Rama Rao,
and endeared himself to the masses. In Andhra the top and Sri MG Ramachandran
man was N.T. Rama Rao who too was quite popular as a
cine star, and absolutely unorthodox where politics was This canal was to serve a dual purpose; on the one hand, it

concerned. Interestingly, NTR as the Andhra Chief would bring 12 TMC of water to Madras, and on the

Minister [CM] was known, had started his career in other, it would serve as a major irrigation canal for the

Madras, because in those days Madras was the only major southern Districts of AP. Of course, NTR was not doing it

film city in the South. He thus had a soft corner for the for free; TN had to shell out a hefty five hundred odd

city, and declared that having drunk the water the city for crores of rupees for the execution of this canal as its

014 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

share. At that time, the exchange rate was roughly thirty was the paucity of rain, but the real culprit was the canal
rupees to the dollar, and five hundred crores translates itself. It was substandard and it simply could not carry the
roughly as $ 160 million, not a small amount by any water released without losses all the way to Madras. It
means. was essentially mud work and therefore there were losses
In the NTR/MGR scheme, the canal from Kandaleru to due to leakage and seepage. In addition, in many places,
Poondi would cross the inter-State border at a point the canal walls had eroded badly. In short, the canal was
called the Zero Point, and from there the TN Government no canal at all; at best, it was one long, lousy ditch!
was to construct a 25 km link canal to take the water to Meanwhile, the NE Monsoon failed repeatedly, and
Poondi. So, on May 25, 1983, amidst much fanfare, the Madras, by now renamed Chennai, was really reeling. I
construction of the Kandaleru-Poondi canal, was formally believe that H2H has graphically described all this and so I
inaugurated by Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of shall not repeat the painful details here. But this much I
India. have to say; the rich and the middle class managed to
Years passed, and after many crores were spent, on survive by purchasing water but the poor were left high
September 29, 1996, the Kandaleru Poondi canal was and dry. They had to scrounge as best as they could and
deemed to have been formally completed and this was often had to use gutter water in sheer desperation. That
recognised with a formal function at the Zero Point with was the stark reality of a city that had recently become a
Mr. Chandra Babu Naidu, CM of Andhra and Mr. M. big destination for IT.
Karunanidhi, CM of TN doing the honours. God Decides to Dismiss the Distress
Man thinks it is God who sends trouble, but God is not
Long Canal, But No Water
The shouting and the cheering was over and all was set like that. He does not add to man's burden; rather, He
for water to flow from Krishna to TN. However, in helps when man is in distress. Where Chennai residents
practice, the water that flowed to Chennai was much less were concerned (by this time, Madras had become
than what everyone hoped for and what the Bachawat Chennai), on January 19, 2002, something dramatic
accord had awarded. Where was the problem? In part, it happened. It was the first anniversary of the Super
Speciality Hospital in Bangalore and Swami went to
Bangalore specially to attend the Health Meet arranged
to mark the occasion. There were of course speeches
galore and at the end of it all, there was as expected a
Divine Discourse. In the course of the Discourse, Swami
made a most unexpected announcement. He declared,
“Today I have made a new
resolve. Madras is
suffering from acute
shortage of drinking
water. The rich can buy
water sold by the tanker
services but what about
The poorly functioning canal...
the poor? They have to
depend on rain water that
has collected in puddles
and ditches, thus spoiling
Divinity thunders, their health. I have
"I have willed to therefore decided to work
give drinking water towards bringing
to the city of Madras."
drinking water to Madras,
no matter how difficult and costly the task is. This
wish of mine will fructify without fail. Success always
springs from deep conviction.”
The result... No water...
By the way, January 19, is the anniversary of Sundaram

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 015

(Swami's residence) in Chennai; it was on this day, in

1981, I believe that Sundaram was blessed and formally
inaugurated by Swami. The people of Chennai had not
formally come to Puttaparthi to pray to Swami for
drinking water. But already on October 19, 1997, at the
time of handing over the Anantapur Drinking Water
Supply Scheme to the people of Andhra Pradesh, Swami
had declared that He had no differences of caste, creed,
nationality, etc., and was ever ready to help one and all.
This day, January 19, 2002, He was telling the people of
Chennai: “Why fear when I am here?”
Work started soon. As all of us know, Swami becomes
very keen once He gets set on a project. Thus, Bhagavan
The work progressing at war footing...
instructed the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust to get busy and
do all it can to make the Kandaleru-Poondi canal world documentary on the Chennai Water Project, wherein we
class, so that Krishna water if available, can freely flow to have captured the highlights of the manner in which the
Chennai. Now this canal extends about 150 km on the project was executed in a most professional manner,
Andhra side, and about 25 km on the Tamil Nadu side using the best technology available. When Swami does
before connecting with the Poondi reservoir near something, it is always nothing but the best.
Chennai. Swami instructed the Trust to fix all the
problems on the Andhra side, and, as usual, sparing no
cost and wasting no time.

Politics Obstructs Solutions

You might ask what about the TN side. Well, Swami
wanted to fix that part also, but the then Chief Minister of
TN, Ms. Jayalalitha, was, for her own reasons, not
enthusiastic about this project. She was floating an
alternate project to bring water from Kaveri. Actually, she
was trying to resurrect the Veeranam project even though
Kaveri water had in the meantime become a huge
question mark, besides being much less in quantity. In ... Becomes the city of Madras...
short, Ms. Jayalalitha was preoccupied with her own
The latest technology used for the project
project, and bothered little about this solution, though it
was promising.
Anyway, under Swami's Divine guidance, work proceeded
swiftly on the Andhra side, and the best technology was
employed this time. Some of you might have seen our

...Finishing touches

At this point I should share with you some statistics to

give you a feel for the quantum of work involved.

The Divine Sankalpa unfolds...

016 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

Naidu on May 7 2002, just about a year later.

The Statistics Involved in the
Unfortunately, there was hardly a response from TN side
Chennai Drinking Water Project
to this letter, which is not surprising since Ms. Jayalalitha
1. Soil Excavation 17,00,000 CM was busy with her own solution to the Chennai Drinking
2. Silt Removal 110, 000 CM Water Problem. Be that as it may, I would like you to note
3. Hard Rock Excavation 76,000 CM at this point, one important fact. The Kandaleru-Poondi
4. Stone Masonry Work 18,000 CM Canal took the Andhra Government 13 long years to
5. Rough Stone Revetment 80,500 CM construct but here was the Central Trust making it world
6. Cement Concrete Guniting 170,000 CM class in just around 13 months! That speaks volumes,
7. Cement Concrete Lining 194,000 CM does it not?
8. Project Duration 1 Year
9. Total Project Cost $60 million

I should also quote from an important letter written by

Mr. Chandra Babu Naidu, then Chief Minister of Andhra
Pradesh dated 7 May, 2002, and addressed to Ms.
Jayalaitha, then Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. Please note
the date. Swami made the announcement on January 19,
2003 and this letter was written by Mr. Chandra Babu

Letter by the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh to Newspapers share the

His counterpart in Tamil Nadu on May 7 2002. much awaited good news...
In 2003, we all thought that after He returns
from Kodai, Swami would at some time go to
Chennai for a grand inauguration of the Sai
Dear Dr. Jayalalithaa Garu, Ganga. Nothing like that happened. Instead,
Bhagavan, as a part of His unfathomable Leela,
I have just reviewed the works undertakers for improvement of the suffered his first fracture. We fast forward and
Kandaleru-Poondi Canal by Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust to facilitate
drinking water supply to Chennai. come to November 23, 2004, the day of Swami's
79th Birthday. On that day, water was formally
I am happy to inform you that with the blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya
Sai Baba, the progress of Canal lining work has been both extremely fast released from Kandaleru to Chennai. A few days
and of high-quality. With technical support from the Government of later, water reached the zero point crossing on
Andhra Pradesh, the Trust has not spared any effort in making this
section of the Canal most efficient for free flow of water. Swami's Birthday date according to the Telugu
It has been my pleasure to have overseen the completion of drinking water calendar. This was a happy event, with Sai
projects executed, in record time, by the Trust in the Districts of Krishna getting the Krishna water released on
Anantapur, Medak and Mahbubnagar in my State.
His birthday according to one calendar and
Based on the above experience and track record, I am confident that the reaching that same water on His birthday
concrete lining work on the Kandaleru-Poondi Canal in vulnerable
reaches will be completed by early August 2OO3. according to another calendar! Soon after this,
With the completion of the lining works, Tamilnadu would be able to bus loads of Chennai residents converged on
draw water more effectively and I request you to take appropriate Prashanti Nilayam to express their gratitude and
measures, in the meantime, at your end.
some of you might recall that Radio Sai
Members and representatives of the Trust will be most happy to apprise
broadcast excerpts from that thanks giving
you about the Project at a time and date convenient to you.
With regards, All that was in 2004. We fast forward again, and
Yours sincerely, three years and one election later, Swami finally
N. CHANDRABABU NAIDU went to Chennai, because this time, the climate
was congenial, shall I say! Swami, of course,
went primarily for blessing the Yagna that He

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 017

The Sai Ganga Flows... ...In ample measure

His Glory covers... ...the hills and dales

Himself had asked to be performed. However, it was Doctor Kalaignar [a reference to the fact that he is a
widely expected that when Swami does go to Chennai, distinguished writer and honoured with a doctorate,
the city would for sure find a suitable way of expressing honoris causa]. Mr. Karunanidhi, now eighty plus, started
gratitude. Many leading citizens came together, and one off fifty years ago as not only a firebrand activist in the
thing led to another. Soon, the Government entered the Dravida Kazhakam, a party with a strong anti-caste, and
act. The first indication we had of that was when Mr. anti-Hindu stance, but also as a gifted author and screen-
Durai Murugan, Minister for Public Works in the DMK play writer. Karunanidhi shot to instant fame and became
Government of TN came to Puttaparthi for Swami's a household name in the early fifties, thanks to the
Darshan. He not only had Darshan but also went to the powerful dialogues he wrote for the film Prashakti, that
Hospital to look around personally. He was bowled over. It became a blockbuster, aided by superb acting of Shivaji
looks like when he went back, he told his boss, the Chief Ganesan, who too shot to fame via the same film. It
Minister about it. At this point, I should say something almost seemed that Karunanidhi wrote the film for Shivaji
about this Chief Minister, because he has contributed his and that Shivaji was waiting for Karunanidhi to give him
own share to make this recent visit of Swami a historic 'The Film' he wanted to start with.
one. I make this digression because it would help not only The Dravida Kazhakam, started by social activist E. V.
the younger generation but also people in places Ramaswamy Naicker, popularly known as Periyar, was
elsewhere to appreciate the background of the Chennai very popular, since it gave many angry young men a
Citizens' Conclave better. platform to ventilate their feelings of dissatisfaction with
The Dynamic Karunanidhi many aspects of society. But Periyar, for reasons of his
and the Rise of DMK own, stayed out of politics; this, however, did not please
People in South India are very familiar with the Chief the young Turks, that included Karunanidhi. At one stage,
Minister [CM] Mr. M. Karunanidhi, popularly known as when Periyar, then seventy plus married a young woman

018 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

in her mid twenties, it gave a chance for the young Turks unobtrusively shifts gears and effects changes in a subtle
to breakout and form their own party, though Periyar manner.
continued to be their father figure. This party, known as
The Story Behind the Exceptional Conclave
Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam or DMK for short, entered You will recall, the meeting in Chennai was really
politics and in 1967 created a sensation by not only supposed to be a gathering where grateful citizens of the
sweeping the polls in Tamil Nadu, but, in the process, city expressed gratitude to Bhagavan. The question is:
edged out the Congress which for decades had ruled the “How come the TN Government came into the picture?”
State. Since then, Congress has slipped into oblivion That is an interesting question. At a higher level, the
while the DMK and its splinter group ADMK took turns in answer is obvious; the time had come, and Swami
ruling the state of Tamil Nadu. I should at this point
mention that Ms. Jayalalitha leads the ADMK. In
earlier times, she was a well known film star, and was
the protégé of another famous film star, M.G.
Ramchandran, whose name I have already referred

The Unique Chennai Citizens' Conclave

Many, especially those who are not from Tamil Nadu,
might wonder why I am spending so much time
discussing politics and all that. There is an important "There is only one God... He is Omnipresent "
reason for it. Though the meeting held on January 21,
obviously made things happen the way they were
2007 was labelled Citizens' Conclave, all the people on the
supposed to according to His Divine Drama.
dais that day, Swami excepted of course, were people
from the world of politics. It was a strange coming Thus, a series of events took place. No one would know all
together of various shades of political opinion [indeed the details, except Swami of course, but in brief, the
from all across the country] and Divinity. As such, it is sequence of events is as follows. Firstly, the TN Minister
important to put the event in its proper perspective, for Public Works, the department that is in charge of
instead of merely cataloguing who spoke first and who water supply, etc., came to Puttaparthi. He came, he saw
spoke next, etc. and he was conquered. He went back and reported to his
boss. After this, the realisation dawned that Baba is the
It was not merely a case of
greatest benefactor on earth and that it would not be
people with different
appropriate for anyone, be it an individual or even a state
shades of political opinion
government, to ignore Him. The TN government began to
participating in the
feel that it would help a lot if gratitude is expressed to
function. The real
Swami for what He has already done, and maybe request
sensation was the
Him also to do something to get the TN section of the
presence of four people
Kandaleru-Poondi canal done up to the high quality that
from the DMK on the
is now a reality in the Andhra segment.
platform - four people
from a party that was Meanwhile, Swami Himself announced that the next Ati
supposed to be atheistic, Rudra Maha Yagna would take place in Chennai. He did
Honourable Chief and highly critical of not say He was attending it. Everyone
Minister of Tamil Nadu - religion as well as various expected Swami would, and acting on that assumption,
Dr. Kalaignar Karunanidhi religious practices. In people began to make all sorts of arrangements to receive
particular, given his track Swami, and to pay their respects to Him. That was when
record for pungently expressing atheistic sentiments, the idea of the Citizens' Conclave took shape. The Tamil
Karunanidhi, sharing the dais with Swami, raised many Nadu Government naturally came to know about it
an eyebrow not only in Chennai, but became a national because the Conclave planners applied to the
news story. It is therefore important to have a proper government to hire the huge indoor stadium near Central
background to the entire sequence of events, so that one Station for the function. Almost immediately, the TN
can understand better how, when the time is ripe, Swami Government got into the act extending full support in

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 019

nearly fifty years and

more, TN, a region seeped
for centuries in the
tradition of Bhakti
(devotion) in all its
aspects, had been facing
some kind of turmoil,
thanks to an aggressive
socio-active movement,
which, in the process of
crying out loud for much-
needed social reform, took
The Grihalakshmi offers her obeisances... a strong atheistic stand in
order to highlight evils The invitation card to
perpetrated in the name of the Felicitation Function
religion. Such protest
movements have come about in all parts of the world, but
where TN was concerned, it imposed great hardship on
the genuine believers. The appearance of Karunanidhi
and Swami on the same stage was an event that few
would have forecast as late as end of 2006. Yet it did
happen and this was the way Swami sent a signal to all His
devotees, that in the end, God does give protection to the
faithful. As I mentioned earlier, a climate of hostility to
Sai Blesses them at their
Gopalpuram residence religion had been created in Tamil Nadu, initially by social
activists. When later many of these activists entered
many ways, including in the matter of security, etc. Not politics and came to power, the tension and the pressures
just that; the Government very much wanted to be a part on the faithful increased manifold. But now, with people
of the action, which is how so many TN ministers were in power with strong anti-religious establishment feeling
present on the dais that day and so many officials were to openly accepting and applauding Baba, at least Sai
be seen all around, facilitating the function in every devotees can function and go about their spiritual work
possible way. And to cap it all, on the evening of January without much fear or opposition. That the present
19, if I am not mistaken about the date,
soon after we arrived in Sundaram, the
members of the Mr. Karunanidhi's family
came to Sundaram to personally invite
Bhagavan to visit their home, which He
graciously did on the 20th, stunning not
only Tamil Nadu but indeed the whole of

Pure Love Conquers All

As Swami says, in His Divine Drama, things
happen when samyam and sandarbham
are right, that is, when the time and the
circumstances are just what they ought to
be. Thus came the unexpected visit of
Swami to Karunanidhi's house on January
20th which completely changed the tone of
the Conclave held on the following day. For The historic function presided over by the Lord...

020 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

Government extended not only much courtesy but also national profile rather that the stature of a mere state
made elaborate police arrangements both to manage politician. Astute, shrewd, very calculative in his moves,
vehicle movement and for crowd control, is sufficient and never given to rabble rousing, he is widely seen as
indication that Swami has won the hearts of the so-called one who would not have any truck with anything that
non-believers, a clear demonstration that Love can and even remotely smacks of religion or spirituality. Yet here
does always triumph. he was, playing the leading role in expressing thanks to
To get back to the story of the Conclave, soon after the Swami, almost three years after water started flowing
Tamil Nadu Government got wind of Swami's visit to into the parched lakes of Chennai. He was daring to do
Chennai, it entered into the act and the Conclave took a something his predecessor, the actress-turned politician
sharp turn, acquiring an altogether new complexion. and mercurial personality Ms. Jayalalitha, refused to do,
Firstly, the people who were invited to speak were almost namely express gratitude to a towering benefactor, but
without exception all drawn from politics. In fact, there for whose help at a critical moment, Chennai would still
were only Chief Ministers, Governors, Ministers from be in trouble. So it is no surprise that there was a great
Delhi and Ministers from the States who gathered on the interest in the Conclave. Attendance was strictly
stage to honour Swami! This was hardly expected in the regulated, partly on account of the limited seating
beginning and yet it happened! capacity and partly on account of security reasons with
so many VVIPs gathering on one stage in one hall, one
The Attractions at the Conclave should not underestimate the headaches the security
As far as the proceedings themselves are concerned, they
people were having.
took place in a large completely air-conditioned indoor
stadium named Nehru Stadium built and owned by the The Indecisive Hours Before the Conclave
Government. Interestingly, this stadium is located not far Commenced
from the place where in 1983, the construction of the With that background, I am now ready to start describing
Kandaleru Poondi canal was inaugurated with much the events of the January 21, 2007 morning. All of us in
fanfare, and 13 years later was a huge flop, after much Swami's party were staying in Sundaram, which is where
expenditure, of course. Prior to the event, I have been Bhagavan also was staying. Our daily routine was roughly
hearing from many weeks, all kinds of reports about the as follows. We would all get ready early and await
hectic preparations for this event, and it became clear instructions from Swami's room. When the word was out
that it would be a star function attracting attention not that He was going to the dining hall, all of us would go
only in Chennai and Tamil Nadu but indeed in the whole there too. We sort of had our places earmarked I shall tell
country. you all about that later and we would take our seats
when given the signal.
There were three important reasons for this. First, of
course, was the fact that the gathering included such a After that, breakfast, in silence, of course. That morning,
wide spectrum of political celebrities belonging to all the daily newspapers had been duly lined up at
political parties with
diverging views on almost
everything. Secondly, there
were at least two charismatic
figures on the stage, each a
celebrity in his own right; we
had the ever ebullient Mr.
Lalu Prasad Yadhav of Bihar,
who never failed to be the
centre of any event he
participated in, with his
unique style of speaking and
inimitable personality. Then
there was Mr. Karunanidhi,
Do your duty... The press
once a firebrand and now an Duty is God expresses their gratitude
elder statesman with a

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 021

Swami's table, since they were full of news and pictures to follow Swami to the Conclave later that morning.
about Swami's historic visit to the residence of Mr. Meanwhile, Swami enquired about the morning
Karunanidhi the previous evening. People tried to program, which was His way of getting things into
compete with each other in drawing attention to the motion. He was respectfully informed that it being a
exciting news, but Swami did not show much interest; in Sunday, there was, as expected, a huge crowd awaiting
a way, that was to be expected. the Lord in the Yagna site. Accordingly, Swami decided to
Breakfast was soon over and we were all wondering what go to Yagna site first; after all, He had come to Chennai for
next. The Conclave was due to start only at 11 am and the the Yagna, had He not? When Swami came out to go to
big question was: Would Swami visit the Yagna Salai (the the Yagna site, there was a huge crowd in front of
Yagna site) first and then go or simply go direct from here. Sundaram and thus, a jam. While Swami's car managed
Meanwhile, Mr. Venu Srinivasan, the CEO of TVS Motors, to speed away, most of us got caught in the jam and were
who was to deliver the welcome address at the Conclave, thus left behind. Later we made our way to Yagna site;
came to Sundaram to seek Swami's blessings. Having however, it was a difficult exercise since there was no
received that, he pushed off. Meanwhile, Mr. Shiv Raj police escort for us! And the Home Minister of India who
Patil, the Union Home Minister, and of course a long-time normally gets a lot of attention from the Police was in our
devotee and Mr. Gokuldas of Bombay showed up in “left-behind” party and he too had to struggle through
Sundaram, and Swami asked them also to have breakfast. traffic lights and all that, as we did! Democracy at work!
It was interesting that Mr. Patil, a lead speaker in the Anyway we finally caught up with Swami and reached the
Yagna site.

Arriving at The Venue

Swami stayed there for some time, and our party left for
the Conclave venue at 10.30 am. En route, our convoy
was briefly stopped. I was amazed since Swami was at the
head of our convoy and He was supposed to get all sorts
of traffic priority. However, at this particular junction, it
turned out that the Governor of the State was headed in a
convoy of his own for the Conclave. And by sheer force of
habit, the Governor's convoy was given priority! However,
the hold up was just about a few seconds, and we were
on our way.
Installing the Sai Sundareshwara Lingam

The Nehru Stadium packed to capacity

The Saguna with the Nirguna... For the first time in this trip, we were driving along roads
close to the beach. It being a Sunday, a holiday, traffic was
generally light. As we drove towards the site, I saw many
morning function, chose to come to Sundaram rather
sights familiar to me; at the same time, I also saw how
than go to the Governor's residence, which he was
much things had changed. Soon we were driving along
entitled to do according to protocol.
the road adjoining the famous Marina Beach of Chennai.
Swami invited both Mr. Patil and Gokuldas and spoke to
Near the Madras Medical College, which I guess must be
them for a few minutes. These two were apparently asked

022 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

space was reserved for Swami. Behind the chairs was a

backdrop, simple in concept, and with the words 'Water-
the Elixir of Life”. There was, of course, also a picture of
Swami, nothing else. Later, a Chennai resident told me
that this was the first occasion when a Public Meeting
addressed by the Chief Minister Karunanidhi did not have
a huge picture of him adorning the stage. I took a quick
look around and I could see not only people seated
everywhere but also a lot of posters. I could not quite read
them my eyes have become a bit weak for that but I
could easily make out that they all depicted Swami's
sayings and Seva. One by one the people meant to be
The who's who of the city at the seated on the stage showed up and were escorted to the
Felicitation function
seat. Obviously, Swami who was already in the building,
close to a century old, we made a turn towards the venue, was resting somewhere behind stage in a private room.
going past the Central Station and the Rippon Building And as the VIPs took the stage, they greeted each other
towards the Nehru Stadium. Interestingly, this venue was and exchanged pleasantries.
barely a stone's throw away from the venue of the Most of the faces up there I could recognise, and soon all
inauguration of Kandaleru-Poondi canal in 1983. the seats were taken except for one, and that was the seat
As we drove towards to the Stadium, I saw many banners, to the left of Swami, meant for Chief Minister Mr.
all in praise of, or welcoming the Chief Minister of Tamil Karunanidhi. Swami then came in His pink Porte car-chair,
Nadu. I was not surprised, given the nature of politics accompanied by a couple of His boys, and there was
these days, especially in States dominated by a tall figure, naturally a loud applause as He did so. Even as He was
but certainly pained. Finally, as if to soothe me, there being steered to the centre-spot, Karnanidhi walked in,
appeared a banner hailing Swami as the Saviour who assisted by two people. Age had obviously had its say, and
came to the rescue at a desperate moment. it was obvious he was having difficulty in moving about.
When the vehicles stopped, we were whisked away by His arrival too was greeted with loud applause.
volunteers who were waiting for us. The place was The Historic Occasion Commences…
swarming with security personnel, and soon we entered All the VIPs having assembled and with Swami too taking
the hall where the function was to be held. Swami says His position, it was time to get the proceedings under
that zeros becomes heroes when they are with the Divine; way. The Master of Ceremonies was P. C. Ramakrishna, a
that was certainly true of us that day, because we were fitting choice. I know PCR, once a popular TV newsreader
seated in the first row! and now a television commentator. His forte was his
The Nehru Stadium In A New Avathar wonderful voice, that he so graciously has lent to us for
When we arrived, I saw in the dais before me a row of many of our documentaries. Tall and with a good bearing,
chairs with a gap in the centre. It was clear that the centre PCR, dressed in simple clothes matching the occasion,

The Lord A dream come true for the citizens of Chennai -

arrives... Bhagavan at the felicitation function

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 023

Govindarajan a noted singer, centred around Swami. It

was sung with great feeling, to match the eloquence of
the words, pregnant with meaning. The basic theme was:
We will see God in the smiles of the poor, and the poor
will smile when we follow Sai's teachings and adopt
His methods. In essence, the song conveyed the
teachings repeated so often to us by Baba: “Love all, Serve
all. Service to man is service to God.”
After the song came the speeches, one after another, by
all the dignitaries. It was a bit tiresome to sit through
them all, but in another sense, they were all revealing.
Here is a gist of the more important ones covered by the
Sri Venu Srinivasan of the TVS Group newspaper The Hindu:
welcomes the Chief Minister
with a shawl in the traditional custom
CHENNAI: Union Home
Minister Shivraj Patil on
moved the mike to take charge; and with Sunday stressed the
what grace and finesse he conducted the need for adopting a
broad-minded approach
proceedings! to find a lasting solution to
As is inevitable in Tamil Nadu, the inter-state water disputes.

proceedings commenced with what is called Addressing a meeting

here organized by
“honouring the guests on the stage”. Swami Chennai Citizen’s
was first offered a rose, which was done by Conclave to felicitate Sri
Sathya Sai Baba for his
XXX. Thereafter, it was a ceremony of contribution to the Telugu
presenting shawls to the politicians. For each Ganga project, Mr. Patil
said that although the
politician, there was a specially designated country was blessed with
VIP who would walk up to the VIP concerned, perennial rivers, people in
some areas faced water
pick up a shawl form a silver tray and then scarcity.
wrap it around the guest. This way, the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister
organisers gave a chance to many a M. Karunanidhi drew a
parallel between the
prominent citizen of Chennai to come to the humanitarian assistance
stage and be associated, even if briefly, with extended by the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust (SSSCT) and the benefits
extended by the DMK Government to the poor. When the Krishna water
the proceedings. The shawl-presentation scheme was envisaged, Sri Baba had promised assistance to ensure
ceremony naturally started off with uninterrupted supply. Mr. Karunanidhi wanted the SSSCT to bear a part of
the cost of the project for cleaning the Cooum.
Karunanidhi being the first to be so
Explaining his sharing a platform with Sri Baba, he said many might raise
honoured and went on for some time with their eyebrows as to how an atheist could sit next to a spiritual leader. “ I
PCR reading out the names one after the always respect genuinely saintly persons who uphold the principle that
service to man is service to God,” Mr. Karunanidhi added.
other of the VIP to be honoured. I noticed
Railway Minister Lalu Prasad and Union Minister for Communication and
that PCR had the right words to describe Information Technology Dayanidhi Maran thanked Sri Baba for expediting
every one of the VIPs being honoured. the project to ensure supply of water to the residents of Chennai.
Tamil Nadu Governor Surjit Singh Barnala commended Sri Baba for
Obviously, the VIPs must have enjoyed extending help for the canal work.
receiving the shawls, for they were quite Maharashtra Governor S.M. Krishna stressed the need for giving a thrust to
expensive ones obviously, but for us on the projects for supplying water to the people.
floor, the proceedings seemed endless. Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh said the Telugu Ganga
project was a shining example of promoting cordial relations with
Finally it was all over and the real proceedings neighbouring States.
started, with an invocation song. Normally, Chief Minister of Karnataka H.D Kumaraswami referred to the age-old ties
invocation is done via a song in praise of the between the people of Tamil Nadu and his State…
Lord. But this song, specially composed for Replying to the felicitations, Sri Baba appealed to the people not to
entertain hatred of any kind. “Never hate any religion; never hate any
the occasion, and rendered in Tamil by Dr. individual,” he said.
Sirgazhi Chidambaram, son of late Sirgazhi

024 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

Nadu namely Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra all had water

[for which the Tamil word is 'tanner'] while Tamil Nadu
had water shortage leading to people shedding tears [for
which the Tamil word is 'kanneer']. However, through
mutual understanding and co-operation promoted by
Baba, Tamil Nadu was being blessed with water.
Understanding and co-operation alone get us ahead and
not fighting, said Karunanidhi. Naturally, there was a very
loud applause, when Karunanidhi concluded.
After Karunanidhi finished - by the way, he spoke sitting
down - it was Swami's turn. As in Prashanti Nilayam, He
was the last speaker. We were wondering whether Swami
would speak sitting even as the CM of Tamil Nadu had
The Chief Minister confesses, "He wiped our
'kanneer'(tears) and gave us 'tanneer' (water)" done; no, He was going to do so standing. The special
podium used at the time of the Convocation had been
The last one to speak was the Chief Minister Karunanidhi, thoughtfully brought, and Swami stood. For a moment
and that was the speech everyone in the audience was there was a flutter as Prof. Anil Kumar, who was patiently
eagerly looking forward to, including the Media, of waiting on the back stage, came to take his place next to
course. How was this man, once a virulent atheist and Bhagavan. The TV cameramen could not see Swami and
who spared no words when it came to attacking religion kept on saying, “Translator sir, please move backward; we
and religious practices, and poured scorn over religious cannot see Baba!” Prof. Anil Kumar head their plea and
heads, going to justify his sharing the platform with Sai promptly obliged and thereafter, the proceedings went
Baba. True, Sai Baba had visited his house the previous
evening, but being seen with Him in a public function
how was he going to handle it? We did not have to wait
for long to know the answer. Karunanidhi answered
precisely the question that was uppermost on all minds,
and in a typical fashion, with measured words and careful
logic. He started by pointing out to a poster in the hall and
said that the poster reminds us that service to man is
service to God. If that is the way of pleasing God, then he
had no quarrel with anyone who tried to do that. In fact,
Sai Baba was doing it in a particular way and he was
doing it in his own manner. While Baba was combining
service with spiritual teaching, he was combining service
with governance. As such, there was no contradiction;
same goal but different routes, that is all. In this context,
he drew particular attention to the river Kaveri, which
near the town of Trichy splits temporarily into two
branches, one known as Kollidam and the other known as
Kaveri. Karunanidhi pointed out that while the two
branches have different names, both carry water which
help to irrigate fields and assist the growing of crops from
which we get food. Ultimately, said Karunanidhi, it is
getting food that it is important and it does not matter
whether the water came from the Kaveri branch or the
Kollidam branch.
Karunanidhi then made a specific reference to Swami's
effort to help Chennai. In this context, playing on words
Swami fittingly rises to the occasion
he first said that the three States that surround Tamil

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 025

tape. How orderly the crowds always are!

Love and Sacrifice - The Powerful Panacea

That macro order is evidence that the Divine can quell
undesirable passions if only we would give it a chance.
Divine force exerts itself in two ways; one is through
direct presence and the other is through subtle presence.
Swami's physical form is the direct presence, and we
know what wonderful scenes are witnessed when He is
physically around. It happens every time and everywhere.
But the Divine cannot, at the human level, be present
everywhere all the time. So Swami says, allow the God
within to manifest and take charge of your mind and
"Paropkarartham Idam Shariram"
body; then all would be OK. In fact, that was the theme of
forward smoothly.
His message to the Conclave too. What is the expression
After Swami finished, noted film director Mr. K. of Prema except the manifestation of Divine Love latent
Balachander proposed a vote of thanks, following which within? If that Love is allowed to express itself, a good
there was the National Anthem. It all started at 11.xx and many of the problems we face, both at the individual level
by the time it was all over, I guess it was around xxxx. After as well as the collective level would vanish. Why? Because
that was the ride back, then lunch and all that. So you can with Prema comes Tyaga or sacrifice. If there is any one
imagine how tiring it must have been for Swami that day. teaching we have to absorb from the life of the Avatar, it
A Rare Sight of Crowd Discipline is that Love without sacrifice is meaningless and that
And now for some reflections. I have many observations sacrifice without Love is impossible.
to make, but since I do not have the time and space here Today's world is full of problems, and most of those
to make all of them, I shall confine myself to just a few; problems have been caused by the aberrations of the
the others would come later at an appropriate time.
The first point I would like to make is how smoothly the
function went off. For us who are very much used to the
serene atmosphere of Prashanti Nilayam, it is impossible
to think of any other alternative, but the sad fact is that
public meetings in India, especially where many
politicians are present and the media is gathered in full
force, are seldom smooth affairs. The best comment on
this was offered by Karunanidhi himself. I have it on
reliable authority that later that evening, the Chief
Minister said to the State Police Chief, “We organise so
many meetings but they seldom are peaceful. How come
this meeting went on like clock work, with every one
He goes onto the their hearts
seated, none going about here and there, people all
sitting silently and listening carefully, with the Police
having so little work to do? Why can't the meetings we
organise be like that? Wherein lies the difference?” Now
that says a lot, does it not?
Karunanidhi asked about the difference. That difference
is made entirely by Bhagavan. When He is present,
disorder always gives way to order; and even if there is a
bit of crowding or jostling, it is marginal. Somehow, the
Divine spell cast by Swami keeps everyone, unknown to
themselves, in check. If any proof is needed, just recall
some of the recent Sivarathri events, all captured on video Bountiful blessings...

026 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

human mind. If the human mind can be held in check and

made subservient to the Divinity latent within, then peace
can reign on earth. Swami's trip to Chennai in 2007
provided any proof if needed that the Divine Love does
conquer and prevail. That proof was provided by Swami's
external form. All that is needed now is to unleash the
Swami within each one of us. If even 1 % of the world's
population were to do it, believe me, most of the
problems would disappear like the mist before the
morning Sun.

Unity to Divinity Through the Heart

The second point is the strong emphasis Swami laid on is love and more love all the time
Unity. Most of us understand the word unity in a physical
sense, meaning people sinking their differences and When Krishna went to the court of King Dhritarashtra in a
coming together. This has been tried umpteen times and last attempt to prevent the disastrous war between the
has never succeeded on a long-term basis. So people tend Kauravas and the Pandavas, there came a stage when
to get tired of the call for unity, preferring to go their own Duryodhana tried to arrest Krishna and tie Him down. You
ways creating more trouble. When Swami talks of Unity, know what happened then? Krishna made Himself into
He is calling for Unity based on recognising our oneness many and the palace guards saw forms of Krishna
with God. Unless we realise that not only are we the everywhere. The guards then simply gave up. In the same
children of the same God but are, in fact, aspects of the way, if we reveal the Divinity within us by becoming
same God, we would never achieve Unity. united spiritually, the enemies of the human mind would
just throw in the towel and beat a hasty retreat. Thus,
Swami's call for Unity is of a qualitatively different kind as
compared to the calls we regularly hear from politicians
and statesmen. That call is not based on the Heart. The
only one who speaks the language of the Heart is Swami.
So, if the Heart is to be our guide, then we had better
listen to Swami!

The magic of His darshan...

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 027

Universe had a radius of roughly 10 billion km [or one

IN QUEST OF INFINITY - thousandth of a light year]; for comparison, the distance

of Pluto from the Sun is roughly 6 billion km. Today, the
Part 3
By Prof. G Venkataraman size of the Universe is about 15 billion light years. Just to
remind you, one light year equals a distance of 10 trillion
km; so today, the radius of the Universe is ten trillion
The Birth and Death Of Stars times fifteen billion km! That is a real WOW, is it not? And
Sai Ram and warm greetings again. I hope you are finding
so, at one second, the Universe was really small compared
this journey exciting. Last time, I introduced you to some
to what it is today.
facts relating to the birth of our Universe. Today, I would
OK, now what was the Universe made up of when it was
like to tell you something about the birth and death of
just one second old? Were there stars, planets, etc? None
stars. Stars may not have life the way we have, but there is
of these. The Baby Universe was made up of electrons and
such a thing as coming into existence of a star, and the
atomic nuclei, that is to say nuclei of simple elements like
end of life as a star. Believe it or not, like us humans, stars
hydrogen and bit of helium, that is all. For the next several
too have rebirth! So, there is a fascinating exploration
thousand years or so, nothing much happened except
ahead of us.
that the baby kept on growing, and while this expansion
In the Beginning…. took place, the Universe was basically filled with gas of
Where humans are concerned, the Bible says it all began
hydrogen and a bit of helium. Of course, the distribution
with Adam and Eve. In the same way, we must start by
of the gas was not uniform; in some places there was
discussing how the very first stars in the Universe came
more and in others there was less; even so, it was gas
into existence. For this purpose, we have to go back to the
everywhere, though with varying density.
very beginning of the Universe, namely the so-called Big
Bang. I shall skip for the moment the complex sequence Gravity Takes Hold
About a million or so years after the birth [by this time the
of events that took place within the first one second after
Universe was much bigger] in some places where there
birth. This first one second is extremely important and
was a big concentration of gas, the gas cloud began to
incredibly fascinating but for our present purposes, it is
shrink. How come? Because of gravity. I suppose you
better to start after the first one second. So what was the
know that gravitational force, discovered by Newton, is
Universe like, when it was a one-second old baby?
an attractive force. Matter attracts matter, and that is
First about the size. At the age of one second, the
what gravity is all about. Now a hydrogen gas cloud is
made up of hydrogen atoms and atoms being matter, can
attract each other. True, the hydrogen atom is extremely
small and therefore its pulling power too is very, very
small. And when two atoms are say a million km apart,
the attraction may seem nothing to write home about.
But this is where Nature stuns us. Thanks to sheer
numbers, the little pulls all add up, and eventually the gas
cloud behaves as if someone is massively squeezing it
from outside. No one really is; what is actually happening
is that every atom pulls every other atom and the net
result is that all of them start coming closer and closer
together. To someone outside, this might seem as if there
is a squeeze that is being applied; it is just self-squeeze,
operated by gravity.
Artisit's rendition of the Big Bang For the record, I should mention that while gravity pulls

028 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

inwards, the cloud does try to diffuse due to gas pressure driven by high temperature, it is often called thermo
like all clouds do. I am sure you have seen fluffy clouds in nuclear fusion. The important and interesting thing
the sky becoming bigger through diffusion caused by about this nuclear fusion is that it is accompanied by the
outward gas pressure and then sort of melting away. release of a lot of energy. This energy then flows outwards
However, this gas pressure is peanuts and gravity simply towards the outer surface which is cooler I guess you are
overwhelms it. Gravity is really amazing. It appears weak aware that heat always flows from a region of high
and insignificant but on the scale of the Universe, it calls temperature to a region of low temperature. From the
the shots because its reach is so long! surface of the cloud, the energy is radiated into space as
OK, so the big hydrogen cloud is getting squeezed more heat and light.
and more. What happens? Does it get crushed into a To repeat, first there is gravitational compression of the
point? Not really, because something starts happening hydrogen gas cloud. This leads to heating, especially at
when the cloud really begins to shrink. You see, the the centre. When very high temperatures are attained,
shrinking process is accompanied by a heating process there is thermo-nuclear ignition. This is a process where
also, the heating being greatest at the centre of the small nuclei fuse to form bigger nuclei, and in the process
cloud. Now when I say the cloud is getting hot, do not heat is also released. This process is sustained and a star is
imagine temperatures like what we experience during a born. This sequence of events is schematically illustrated
hot summer day. Believe it or not, at the centre of the in Fig. 1.
cloud, the temperature can become as high as a MILLION Question: Initially, there was compression that then led
degrees! WOW!! Now that is some temperature, is it not? to thermo-nuclear ignition. Does compression continue
Of course it is, and sure enough things start happening. after the ignition is triggered?

Devices for Thermo-Nuclear Fusion No! What happens is that while gravity tries to compress
I must clarify that when I say that the temperature in the the gas cloud, radiation flowing outwards exerts an
compressed gas cloud can go as high as a million degrees, outward pressure that tries to expand the gas cloud. So
what I mean is that it does so at the core of the cloud. As there is a tussle between the inward force due to gravity
one moves away from the centre, the temperature starts that tries to compress the gas cloud and the outward
falling. However, the fact that the temperature rises to a force due to radiation [that is substantial] that tries to
million degrees and above near the centre, makes expand the gas cloud. A balance is reached, then we then
interesting things
happen. Basically, the
astronomically high
temperature makes
hydrogen nuclei to fuse
together to form the
nuclei of helium. I will
skip the details, which
belong to the realm of
nuclear physics; but this I Fig 1. This shows a schematic of a huge gas cloud in the Universe when it was about a million years
must say this coming old, and how the cloud shrinks due to the force of gravity. True even as the cloud shrinks, there is a
tendency for gas , especially in the outer regions to diffuse away due to gas pressure. But soon gravity
together of hydrogen
simply overwhelms outward acting gas pressure, and the cloud shrinks and shrinks. In the process,
nuclei to form helium the core becomes astronomically hot. When that happens, nuclei of hydrogen atoms (read protons)
nuclei is called nuclear come together and FUSE to form helium nuclei (this is a complex process that involves several
stages). Nuclear fusion triggered by extreme heat is called thermo-nuclear fusion. In this process, heat
fusion, and because this
is liberated which flows towards the outer, cooler surface of the cloud from where it is radiated into
fusion of light nuclei to space. Thus, a star is born! In the case of the Sun, while the surface temperature is about 6000
become bigger nuclei is degrees, the temperature in the core is around a million degrees or more!

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 029

have a gas cloud of stable size that is hot at the centre and there is some wood left, so also a star would burn as long
radiates energy into space. as there is fuel. When the fuel supply starts running
So that is how a star is born out of a gas cloud that is large down, the temperature starts coming down and cooling
and cold to start with. By the way, in a hydrogen bomb, starts. Then a whole new ball game starts. That story next.
enormous energy is released via thermo-nuclear fusion. The Stellar Cycle: Birth, Death And Rebirth
However, in the bomb, it is all over in less than a millionth I said that when the fuel gets exhausted, burning or
of a second, whereas a star keeps releasing thermo- thermo-nuclear ignition stops and the star starts cooling
nuclear energy for millions if not billions of years. Our Sun down. Two things happen then. First in the inner regions
is thus nothing but a self-sustaining thermo-nuclear of the burnt out star, where density is high, gravity begins
device! to dominate and a contraction process sets in. The outer

OK, a star is born. Will it burn forever or does it have a layers on the other hand try to diffuse away like a cloud.

finite life? If the latter is indeed the case, then how long So the net result is that the cloud as a whole appears very

does a star live? The answer to that is simple. A star is like large from the outside; however, the inner region starts

a burning fire; just as a log of wood would burn as long as contracting and getting hot once again. By the way, when

Fig 2. Various stages of the formation of Red Giant. When a star with a mass similar to our Sun starts burning hydrogen at
the centre and finally runs out of fuel to burn, it enters an interesting phase. The object as a whole begins to cool. And while
this is happening, in the inner regions, gravity asserts itself and starts crushing the core. The outer regions on the other
hand, expand since gravity is weak out there. For an observer outside, the object as a whole would look like a giant object,
dell red in colour. Such an object is called a Red Giant. One day, our Sun would end up as a Red Giant and when it does, it
would become so huge as to swallow even the Earth! Stars go through stellar cycles of birth, death, rebirth, death again and
so on. Astronomers track the successive evolution of a star through a diagram called the H-R (short for Hertzsprung-
Russell) diagram. The birth and death recycling does not go on forever, and there is an end point as discussed in the text.

030 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

our Sun “dies” and

starts expanding, it is
expected to become so
large as to extend all
the way close to Earth;
it would become a real
giant with a dull red
glow when seen from
outside. See Fig.
2.Astronomers have
detected many red
giants, and that is why
the hypothesis is
OK, so we have this red
giant, large and thin on
the outside but the
core contracting and
getting hot again. Fig 3. This figure shows the periodic table that is the backbone of both chemistry and physics. it depicts
the elements found in Nature arranged in a certain manner, convenient for chemists and physicists. For
What happens next? our purposes we might note: Hydrogen(H) is the lightest element and Uranium(U) is the heaviest. The
That is an interesting Universe initially started off with mostly hydrogen and a bit of Helium(He). In the course of time, the stars
acted as cauldrons in which the elements were cooked and transformed through nuclear fusion. This
story. You see, in the enabled heavier elements to be formed, all the way up to iron [ in the Table, iron is represented by the
first generation stars, symbol Fe, drawn from the Latin word for iron]. As is explained in the text, elements up to iron can form in
the core of stars. The question arises. There are many elements heavier than iron, gold and uranium for
hydrogen nuclei fused example. How were they formed? Ah, that is a different story and a very thrilling one too! But you must
to form helium nuclei wait for that!!

and when the supply of

hydrogen runs down,
thermo-nuclear Massive star near the end
of its lifetime has
burning stops. That is an "onion-like" structure
just prior to exploding
when the star becomes as a supernova
a red giant with the
core again contracting
and getting hot. Any
likelihood of ignition?
Yes there is, and this
time the temperature
must rise to a level
where helium can act
as the fuel.
So you see, in the first
attempt, the star is a
Nuclear burning occurs at the
cauldron in which boundries between zones Example of nuclear reaction
that build neutron-rich isotopes
hydrogen is converted
into helium. After a

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 031

“rest” period it starts frontiers of

all over again, with knowledge.
the same sort of story Thus far, what I have
repeating. First there told you is the
is a contraction due to following: For the
the influence of first million years or
gravity, then the core so, there were no
heats, and when the stars. Thereafter, the
temperature is right, first stars were born.
A red giant star many times A massive star
bigger than our sun there is thermo- They lived for some with a core of iron
nuclear ignition once time and stopped
more, this time helium nuclei fusing to make up a slightly burning fuel inside when the supply of hydrogen became
heavier nucleus, releasing energy in the process. This small. After a “rest” period, another sequence of burning
energy flows outwards and is finally radiated into space. started, this time helium [produced in the first generation
This is the daughter star so to speak. From the daughter is stars] acting as the fuel. After helium is burnt out, there is
born another star, the grand-daughter so to speak, and so again a rest period, and a rebirth in which helium
on it goes, generation after generation. becomes a slightly heavier element and so on, it is
In short, a star is born, it burns, dies, is reborn, dies, is punarapi jananam stuff playing out here in the Cosmos!
reborn, dies and so on. Every time the star becomes a Question: “What happens to a star when it finally ceases
cauldron where elements get cooked, light elements get to burn?” This is exactly where the story becomes even
fused into heavier elements [see Fig. 3 prev. page], and in more interesting!
this way, newer and newer elements that chemistry
The Prodigious
students learn about came into existence in the Universe. Subramanyan Chandrasekhar
That story is connected with a famous scientist who
Discovering What Happens Next
Any end to this process of stars being born, dying, being started it all when he was a mere eighteen-year old
born again, etc? Yes there is, and that is when the core, college student. His name is S. Chandrasekhar. He later
after having evolved through many stages is substantially became a world famous scientist, and won the Nobel
made of iron. Thereafter, thermo-nuclear ignition with Prize too. But as someone said, he did not become great
continuous release of energy is ruled out by the laws of with the Prize; already he was so renowned that it was the
nuclear physics, and the birth-death-rebirth process stops Nobel Prize that gained in prestige by getting awarded to
- there is no more chance of heavier elements being him. There is, by the way, a NASA satellite carrying an x-
formed through stellar cycles. ray observatory in space named CHANDRA, launched in

You might wonder: “But on earth we find silver, gold, 1996, that has provided spectacular images and insight

uranium etc., all of which are much heavier than the iron into stellar physics.

nucleus; where from did they come?” That is a very The story of the discovery that young Chandra made goes
interesting question to which we shall return may be in as follows. In the late twenties of the twentieth century,
the next issue. By the way, I hope you would have noticed Chandra was a Physics Honours student in Presidency
how nuclear physics is helping astrophysics. All this College in Madras. His uncle, Sir. C.V. Raman, who had
understanding of stellar physics through the injection of studied earlier in the same college, had become world
nuclear physics that I am now describing started famous with his discovery of the Raman Effect for which
happening in the period between 1930 and 1940. This is he won the Nobel Prize in 1930. Chandra was clearly out
one remarkable aspect of the development of modern of the ordinary, and even when he was a student, he had
physics. Different specialisations often come together in already published a scientific paper, unusual in India then,
an amazing and unexpected way to push forward the and indeed even now.

032 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

Schematics of X-Ray Telescope
Solar Array Spacecraft
module Sunshade Door

Aspect Camera
Stray Light Shade


High Resolution
Intergrated Science Cylindrical X-Ray
Instrument Mirror Assembly
Module (HRMA)
(ISIM) Transmission Thrusters (4)
CCD Imaging Gratings (2)
Spectrometer Low Gain
(ACIS) Antenna (2)

Chandra was totally On Raman's invitation, a

focussed on physics and famous German Physicist
received as a prize a book named Arnold Sommerfeld,
entitled The Internal who was a master teacher
Constitution of Stars, and who nursed nearly half a
written by the famous dozen Nobel winners [!] in
English astrophysicist, Munich, was visiting India in
Arthur Eddington. The best 1928, and giving lectures in
way of describing various places. One of his Dr. Arnold Sommerfeld

Eddington's stature would stopovers was Madras, and there in the Presidency
Sir. C.V. Raman be to say that he was then College, Sommerfeld gave a lecture on the newly
emerging quantum physics and its implications. Chandra
of course was present in the audience, but one wonders
whether anyone in the audience, Chandra being the
exception, followed what Sommerfeld spoke about.

Leaving for Cambridge

After the lecture, Chandra who was then thinking a lot
about stars had a meeting with Sommerfeld and asked
him many questions. There was one particular problem
that preoccupied him most and when, after studies were
over, his father asked him to appear for a competitive
The Prestigious Presidency College, Madras examination that would qualify him for a big government
job, Chandra flatly refused thank God he did! Instead, he
the David Beckham of
headed for Cambridge, then the Mecca of Physics. And
astrophysics! This book
Cambridge, by the way, was where Eddington was at that
made a deep impact on
young Chandra and got
The year was 1930. In those days, there were no jet
him to think intensely
planes, and one had to travel to England by ship. The
about stars and problems
journey took about two weeks, and to keep passengers
in astrophysics. That was
engaged, the Captain of the ship usually organised all
when an event happened
Professor kinds of games and parties. Young Chandra, however,
that was to change his life.
Arthur Eddington

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 033

25 Elephants

Tennis Ball size
sphere of
White Dwarf

Fig 4. This schematic is intended to show how dense the matter making up a typical White Dwarf is.
One sphere of White Dwarf material of the size of a tennis ball would weigh as much as 25 elephants!

High density of White Dwarfs in the Globular Cluster of M4

The very first White Dwarf to be discovered was the companion of Sirius, a bright star in the
constellation Canis Major. The arrow in the figure identifies the White Dwarf companion of Sirius.
Thanks to the Hubble Telescope, we now have identified a number of White Dwarfs. The small circles
in the Hubble image Globular Cluster M4 represent White Dwarfs.

kept himself busy thinking about what happens to stars Chandra was interested in the physics of White Dwarfs.
when they finally end their lives. The interesting thing about a White Dwarf is that matter
Now there are a class of astro-objects known as White there is very dense. You want to know how dense?
Dwarfs. They are supposed to be dead stars, that is, stars Imagine taking a small piece of material from the White
where thermo-nuclear ignition has totally ceased; in Dwarf, about the size of a tennis ball. That small piece
other words, a White Dwarf is really a stellar corpse. would weigh as much as 25 elephants! That is some
density, is it not?

034 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

What Chandra did on board was to think hard about the Now words like a geometrical point, infinity, etc. are OK in
physics of White Dwarfs, and this he did via his favourite mathematics, but in physics, they are not good words.
way, writing down complex mathematical equations and After all, matter is made up of atoms and atoms have a
cracking them. In the process, Chandra made a discovery. finite size. What then does it mean to say that all atoms
It was kind of weird, and Chandra was not too sure. He are crushed together to be reduced to a point? Physicists
would have to analyse more carefully, and then check and were not at all comfortable with the idea of matter
cross check; all that was going to take time. getting crushed to a geometrical point. But then, if one
accepts classical physics, that fate is inevitable. It was
The Problem of White Dwarfs
around this time that quantum mechanics had been
discovered [1925-1930], and people said, “Ah, we cannot
trust classical physics entirely when it comes to physics in
small scales of length. We have to look to quantum
physics. Maybe, quantum physics would somehow save
White Dwarfs from being crushed to a geometric point.”
Guess what? It did and the way that happened was
pointed out by Fowler of Cambridge. Fowler used Fermi-
Dirac statistics [that Sommerfeld explained to Chandra in
Madras] to argue that quantum physics did intervene and
save the dead star from the fate of being ruthlessly
crushed to a geometric point. By the way, the term Fermi-

A white dwarf slightly smaller than Jupiter Dirac statistics is shorthand for the mathematical
next to the Earth description of how electrons in large number behave,
when huddled close to each other. Fowler pointed out
Chandra landed in England and enrolled in Cambridge as
that thanks to the quantum nature of electrons and their
a student. In between his regular work as a student,
allegiance to Fermi-Dirac statistics, when matter is
Chandra kept himself busy with his obsession,
crushed to very high densities [as happens in a White
constructing a proper theory for White Dwarfs. Now
Dwarf], a pressure is generated due to the electrons in the
White Dwarfs are not fictitious objects. Astronomers had
White Dwarf. This quantum mechanical pressure is called
detected such objects in the sky, and they suspected that
degeneracy pressure and acts outwards. In other words,
these White Dwarfs were the corpses of stars that had
in the dead star, while gravity pulls inwards, degeneracy
finally come to rest. There arose a question. From the
pressure pushes outwards, and there is a tussle.
classical physics point of view, when a star finally dies and
Eventually equilibrium settles in, and the dead star
there is no burning of any sort within, then, given the
assumes a finite size; it is saved from being reduced to a
mass of the star, gravity ought to dominate. If it does,
point - see Fig 5. That was Fowler's finding, and everyone
then the star would slowly get crushed more and more
breathed a sigh of relief. Except young Chandra!
and start shrinking. This shrinking would go on
relentlessly till the star is crushed to almost a point with Chandra began having doubts about the total validity of
infinite density. It seemed as if there was nothing to stop Fowler's theory, even when he was a student. Remember
the dead star from shrinking to a point. But the White his discussions with Sommerfeld as a student of
Dwarfs, which everyone agreed represented stellar Presidency College? Chandra essentially asked
remains, did not have point size. So clearly, something Sommerfeld: “In a White Dwarf, the density of electrons is
was stopping gravity in its relentless crush. What was that very, very high. At such densities, the electrons no doubt
force and how did it operate? That was one of the major obey Fermi-Dirac statistics. But since the density is high,
problems of the day. the electrons must also obey Einstein's Relativity;
however, Fowler's analysis ignores the relativistic aspect

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 035

Surface of White Dwarf

Quantum Gravity acts

degeneracy inwards
pressure acts

Fig 5. This figure shows schematically the two pressures acting in a White Dwarf, according to Fowler's theory. First
there is the force of gravity, crushing the dead star. However, when the electrons in the stellar corpse come very close
together, they generate a quantum mechanical pressure called 'degeneracy pressure' that pushes outwards. Initially,
degeneracy pressure is low and gravity wins, but when the dead star is crushed too much, degeneracy pressure
begins to assert itself. Thereafter, the White Dwarf stops shrinking, and settles down to a finite size. It is through the
quantum degeneracy pressure that Fowler was able to explain the first time why White Dwarfs had a finite size, as
observed experimentally.

of electron behaviour. Should not the application of was that he also was going to speak, and about Chandra's
quantum statistics be combined with appropriate theory!
relativistic considerations?” It would seem that The day was January 11th, and Chandra went to London
Sommerfeld said yes, adding that such an analysis would fully charged up. He spoke, a young unknown Indian, and
be worthwhile. That was the line of investigation Chandra sat down. I suppose there was just a smattering of polite
started and kept at for years, even while he was going applause, though the discovery was phenomenal. I must
through the mill, to meet his routine obligations as a now say a few words about Chandra's discovery before I
student. go on the rest of the drama surrounding the London

Chandra Unveils His Masterpiece meeting.

In Madras, Chandra was alone; there was no one there You will recall that Fowler's investigations showed that
other than him interested in astronomy and physics nor dead stars were saved from the fatal destiny of being
understood it in depth. In Cambridge, however, it was crushed to the totally unacceptable state of a geometrical
very different; all the top shots were there, including the point. Chandra's finding showed that if relativity was
great hero, Eddington, and of course, Fowler too. So included in the analysis and there was no way it could be
Chandra worked hard for five years, perfecting his theory kept out then if the collapsing object had a mass less
of White Dwarfs, checking every detail - he was always than 1.44 times the mass of our Sun [the mass of our Sun
like that, perfect and ever meticulous - and finally had his is called a solar mass], the dead star would indeed
theory all ready. All that now remained was to formally collapse to a finite size. But if the mass of the dead star
unveil the theory. And the opportunity for it came in was 1.44 solar mass, then according to Chandra's
January 1935. analysis, nothing can save that dead corpse; it had no
That month, there was to be a meeting of the Royal option but to shrink to a point, whatever that meant!
Astronomical Society in London. These meetings were big One might ask: “OK, agreed that a dead star of mass 1.44
affairs, with top experts attending and presenting the times the solar mass shrinks to a point. What happens if
outcomes of their scholarly researches. Chandra was the dead star has a mass greater than 1.44 solar mass, say
given half an hour; that was arranged by Eddington five times or ten times the solar mass. After all, such stars
himself. But what Eddington had failed to tell Chandra do exist. What would their corpses be like?” Chandra

036 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

himself anticipated this question in his lecture and said, America where he said, speaking in Harvard,
“A star of large mass cannot pass into the White Dwarf “All seemed well until certain researches by
stage, and one is left speculating on other possibilities.” Chandrasekhar brought out the fact that the relativistic
At this point, the physics of dead stars becomes mighty formula put the stars back in precisely the same difficulty
interesting, but let me put that on hold, till I finish with from which Fowler had rescued them. The small stars
the great drama of 11th January, 1930. cooled down alright and ended their days as dark stars in

Opposition to the Theory Grows a reasonable way. But above a critical mass, …heaven
After the “kid” finished giving his paper and sat down, knows what becomes of it [the star]. That did not worry
Eddington, the “giant” stood up with much relish, and Chandrasekhar; he seemed to like stars to behave that
started to tear down the “stupid” theory. Actually, way, and believes that that is what really happens.”
Eddington relied on his stature and rhetoric rather than Let us get back to the rest of the story of the fateful
on hard science. But people listened to him because he January 11th meeting. As I told you, after the meeting,
was a top shot. Mercilessly he tore down Chandra's young Chandra felt utterly demolished, with a few
theory, cracking many jokes in the process. The audience sympathising with him, some very critical, and most
roared with laughter. Along the line, Eddington even cast astronomers totally indifferent. Let us hear Chandra recall
aspersions on quantum mechanics. He could get away those moments. He says:
with it then, because quantum mechanics was still new
“I had gone to the meeting thinking I would be
and even Einstein was suspicious of it at that time.
proclaimed as having found something very important.
Getting back to Chandra, he was completely shattered by Instead, Eddington made a fool of me. I was distraught. I
the experience. He simply did not expect that Eddington didn't know whether to continue my career.
would demolish him down like that in public. They had
I returned to Cambridge late that night, probably around
met so many times back in Cambridge; why did he not
one o'clock. I remember going to the common room.
discuss his reservations then? Where was the need to
There was still a fire burning, and I remember standing in
humiliate a young student like that in public?
front of it and repeating to myself, “This is how the world
ends, not with a bang but with a whimper.”

A True Frontiersman
The story does not quite end here, though round one
certainly went to the giant, Eddington. Chandra got his
degree and had to decide what to do next. He wanted to
stay in England and work perhaps as a lecturer
somewhere, but the shadow of Eddington would stretch
everywhere and he was not sure if he would get a job. So
he decided to leave England and go to America, where he
was offered a position at the University of Chicago. There
he stayed for the rest of his life, and rose to become a
Sir Arthur Eddington with
Sir Albert Einstein at Cambridge Distinguished Professor. Later, the University actually
created a Chair named after Chandra. Reflecting on his
After the meeting, Chandra talked to a few who had
migration, Chandra later said,
attended the meeting. Some sympathised, while some
“I had to make a decision. Am I going to continue the rest
others preferred to side with Eddington; few cared to
of my life fighting or change to other areas of interest? I
examine the scientific merits of the two arguments.
said, well, I will write a book and then change my interest.
Chandra then wrote to many big shots all over Europe;
So I did.”
most sympathised privately but refused to come out in
the open and do so. Meanwhile, Eddington went to In fact, this became Chandra's style throughout his life.

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 037

He would enter an admiring the medals. She then asked, “General! How did
unknown area, literally you win all these?” The General smiled, pointed to a tiny
create a new subject, medal in the middle and said, “Do you see this medal? I
write a scholarly book was awarded this by mistake, and after that, all the others
on his research, and followed!” That was Chandra, very focussed on his work
move on to discover a and making light of his awards.
new field. He did this Chandra lived to eighty plus and worked hard till the very
time and again, blazing end, preoccupied with frontier problems in astrophysics.
trails all the time. He Almost single handed, he built up the famous journal,
A young
was basically a loner, Astrophysical Journal, a peer journal in the field of
very disciplined, very Chandrasekhar Astrophysics. When he stepped down from the
meticulous, very Editorship, there was a small party at which the man in
thorough in everything he did, including in the way he charge of the Press [a typical, no-nonsense, hard-core
dressed, the way he ordered meals in a restaurant [he was American] said, “We have printed many papers dealing
a vegetarian till the end], and in the way he “enjoyed” with the so-called Chandrasekhar limit. I do not know
music. Martin Schwarzchild, an astrophysicist at the what that means, but as far as I am concerned, this Prof
Princeton University says: has no limits where work is concerned.”
“Chandrasekhar's concentration is unbelievable. He
The Birth Of A New Physics
combines sheer mathematical intelligence and So much for the interlude about the great drama
phenomenal persistence. There is not one field in which involving Chandra and what followed. Let us get back to
he has worked where we are not now daily using some of the science before we wrap up this segment of our joint
his results.” quest. To understand this, we must take a look at Fig. 6
Chandra collected innumerable awards, and about how that places Fowler’s result and Chandra’s results together.
he got them, he once narrated a story. It seems there was There are two graphs, both showing how the radius of
a General who had won many awards and medals. As you the final object varies with the mass of the collapsing
know military officers wear their medals over their object. We start with a star that is dead; there is this
uniform; so did this General. Once when the General corpse and it has a certain mass. It now starts shrinking in
went to a party, a young lady came by and started size, crushed relentlessly by gravity.

Fig 5. This graph compares the result obtained by Fowler

with that obtained by Chandra. What is shown is a graph of
size verses the mass of a collapsing object (a dead star). For
dead stars of small mass, both theories predict a similar
result - the object settles down to a finite size. In the case of
Fowler's theory, no matter what the mass of a dead star is, the
final size is not only finite but beyond a point, is more or less

the same. Chandra's theory which went beyond that of

Fowler by taking relativity into account [which Chandra felt
was a must], predicts that when the corpse has a mass 1.44
times the solar mass, it would collapse to an object of zero
size! Of course in physics we cannot have that; Chandra
Final Mass Final Mass
knew that and cautiously observed that some new physics
Chandra Fowler
would probably prevent the star from collapsing to an object
Chandrashekar Limit = 1.44 Solar Mass of point size. Indeed that has proved to be the case. Thus,
Chandra opened the door, which has lead to the discovery of
neutron stars and their origin, and to the black hole too.

038 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

Question: “What would be the radius of the final Getting back to our young hero who was badly bruised
object?” Classical physics said zero, a result when he made his shy debut, way back in 1930, few
unacceptable. Then came Fowler of Cambridge who said believed in Chandra and those who did, did not dare or
that quantum degeneracy pressure would save the care to speak out openly because of Eddington's stature.
corpse from the fate of vanishing to a geometrical point. When the Pope says NO, who can stand up to the Pope
True, the larger the mass, the smaller would be the size of even if he is wrong? But TIME proved that the Pope was
the end object, but beyond a certain mass, the final size utterly wrong and that Chandra had actually opened a
would be more or less the same, irrespective of the mass new door leading to a fascinating vista [all that next
of the collapsing object. Everyone breathed a sigh of time]. Before I conclude, I must get back to the
relief. And then along comes a young upstart from India, relationship between Chandra and Eddington.
and sitting there in Cambridge, right under the nose of You will recall, when Chandra was still a mere college
the famous Eddington, he dares to say, “Ah, but you see, student, he won Eddington's book as a prize which did
Fowler forgot to build relativity into his analysis. If that is much to stir his interest in astronomy and astrophysics.
included, we get a different story altogether.” Later in Cambridge, Eddington actually stood in the way
Chandra's finding was, yes, the star starts shrinking to a of Chandra's research and literally drove him out of
smaller and smaller radius, once “it runs out of gas.” The England. However, Chandra and Eddington continued to
larger the mass, the smaller is the radius of the final exchange letters, mostly of a personal nature and when
object/corpse. That was the finding of Fowler too; but Eddington died in 1944, Chandra said, speaking in a
here is where Chandra and Fowler differ. Whereas Fowler memorial meeting in the University of Chicago:
said that beyond a point, all dead stars, no matter what “I believe that anyone who has known Eddington will
their mass is to start with, settle down to more or less the agree that he was a man of the highest integrity and
same final radius. character. I do not believe, for example, that he ever
Chandra said NO! thought harshly of anyone. That was why it was so easy to
When the dead star has disagree with him on scientific matters. You can always
1.44 solar mass to start be certain that he would never misjudge you on that
with, the final radius account. That cannot be said of others.”
actually becomes zero. In 1982, Cambridge University invited Chandrasekhar to
Maybe Nature will not deliver a series of lectures on the occasion of Eddington's
tolerate a zero radius centenary. Chandra titled his lectures: Eddington: The
corpse and many other Most Distinguished Astronomer of His Time. Isn't that
things might intervene amazing that the very person who suffered most at the
to prevent the corpse hands of Eddington was asked to give these lectures? But
from having that fate. it is not surprising that Chandra praised Eddington
But Chandra asserted handsomely; for him, the disappointment of the past was
Chandra’s investigations
opened the door to a that Fowler's version is over and done with a long time ago.
new age of physics not the end of the story,
Well this is where we must part company until we meet
that relativity has a role
again. Meanwhile I invite you to reflect on the wonderful
to play and that his version of the story of stellar corpses is
mysteries the Lord has packed into our beautiful
the first chapter in a new and exciting story in the life and
Universe. I am sure you would agree that the Lord is
death of stars. I shall reserve for later narration what
stunningly beautiful and so also is His Universe, every bit
happens to stars with large mass when they die. But this
of it. Jai Sai Ram.
much I can say at present Chandra's investigations
started a whole new and most exciting ball game; watch
out for all that in the next issue!

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 039

forests and captivating hilly interiors?; or could it be

THE because of its interesting capital, Montevideo, a city with

SAI MOVEMENT a quality of life enviable even in the developed world?; or

is it just its magical climate with no extremes of
temperature coupled with an absence of natural
calamities, abundant supply of water and miles and miles
Unique Uruguay of greenery? Well….it is not any one of these, not even
It may be the second smallest country in South America the sum of all these; it is all these together and much
(with less than one hundredth of the continent's area), more. And what is that 'extra' that makes Uruguay
but it attracts more visitors per capita than any other exceptional? In two words the People.
South American state. There is something truly unique
Yes, the indomitable sense of freedom, fiery spirit and at
about this tiny state, Uruguay, located in the south east of
the same time the warmth and large-heartedness that the
the continent on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Maybe
inhabitants of this land have demonstrated for centuries
it is the 500 km pristine coastline which is one white long
is rare to find. When Spanish invaders came to occupy it in
sandy beach, occasionally interrupted by dunes, pine,
1516, they were repelled bravely by the people of this
acacia and eucalyptus trees; or could it be its fashionable
land and Spain could succeed only in having very limited
summer resorts and tranquil beach-towns?; or is it its
settlements. This gallantry in combat is what has made
charming colonial towns and fortresses?; or its vibrant
the Charrúa Indians (Uruguay's most important
art, music and jazz festivals which draw large crowds?; or
indigenous tribe) famous. In fact, even today one can find
is it the pull of its inviting hot springs, serene natural
war-weapons and utensils used by the original

Scenic beaches.. Serene greenery...Rocha, Uruguay

Charming cities... ...and Montevideo - its pride

040 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

inhabitants in the National Historic Museum in people has shifted its focus into the IT sector and now has
Montevideo, the country's capital. One of the noteworthy become an important software exporter and outsourcing
facts about this nation (officially called the Eastern hub in Latin America. On the education front, in 1875
Republic of Uruguay) is that since 1825, when it gained itself, it had public schools which offered free, secular
independence from Brazil, the country has remained a education for the first nine years, a program which
democratic republic, apart from a very small intermission continues even to this day. Between 1965 and 1985, the
of few years. By far, it is the most politically stable republic enrollment in secondary school grew from 44% to 70%.
in Latin America. Today its universities are known for their high quality of

Dynamic Development education, notable among them being the University of

This political stability has bestowed it great benefits the Republic, Uruguay.
starting with a progressive economic prosperity to a rich Spirit of Liberty
and lively sustained cultural activity. It is for this reason W i t h a l l t h e s e
that the country has become home to thousands of developments, Uruguay is
immigrants. 94% of its population is of white European still a country of soft gentle
descent comprising of Spaniards, Italians, British and hills and large green
German to Croatians, Greek and Armenians. Over the pastures. Gifted with four
river basins or deltas,
agriculture has always
been the country's
mainstay. Uruguayan rice is
a major export commodity.
Apart from this, given its
temperate climate and
predominantly gently
The Gaucho (cowboy) -
undulating landscape, the national character
cattle-raising and wool-
harvesting are among its principal occupations. There is
no doubt that the “gaucho” (cowboy) is the character
that has had the greatest influence on Uruguayan society.
His origin is found in the 18th century from the white or
“mestizo” (half-breed) that used to live free in the plains,
surviving from nature's abundance. They were excellent
riders that became famous for their independent spirit.
No wonder that the gaucho has became the symbol of
this country which has as its motto “Liberty or Death”.
This idea of liberty flows to every field of activity in
Uruguay, including music and sports. Its music is a grand
confluence of African beats, Spanish guitars and
years the country has grown in every sense. American rock and jazz. The country shares with
Demographically, it has a large middle class and a literacy Argentina, the credit of creating the Tango, the
rate of 97%, comparable to any developed country in the scintillating dance-and-song art style which has become
world. Economically, it is very resilient with its an indelible part of the its culture. And in sports, football
investment-grade sovereign bond rating staying intact in rules the roost, though rugby and basketball are also
spite of severe trade shocks. And in recent years, Uruguay, popular. The country has two Olympic gold medals in
tapping its advantage of nearly three million literate football. In fact, the First World Cup in football which was

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 041

commendable. To its credit, it is the second least corrupt

country in Latin America (the first being Chile).

Sathya Sai and the Uruguayans

Having said all this about this beautiful country, it would
be facinating now to know how and when did Sai enter
this principled nation? And what impact did it have in the
lives of Uruguayans?
In was in 1980 that the first Sai Group began to function
in Barra de Carrasco in Montevideo. Sometime later, in
September, 1985, Mr. Leonardo Gutter and Mrs. Mónica
Socolovsky from Argentina came to Uruguay and gave
A love of dancing... official sanction to create the first Sai centre.

“How Sai Came Into My Life”

There were not many
devotees in Uruguay
then, but slowly and
steadily the immense
love of Sai was finding
place in the hearts of
the people who had
taken the first steps
towards Him. To give
an instance, here is Ms.
Julia Salas's story; she
“It was the year 1987.
The Lord's hands were
over me. I had just lost
...and football
my elder daughter and
was searching for some
therapeutic help for my younger daughters to help them
held in a specially constructed stadium in its own capital,
overcome this difficult moment. During those times I
Montevideo. It would be interesting to mention here that
assisted at the Sivananda Centre, a master whom I still
Montevideo, incidentally, is the capital, largest city, as
adore. Still, somehow my heart longed for something
well as the chief port of Uruguay. In fact, it is considered
beyond, for someone who would be “the Master” for me,
as a 'primate city' (just like London, Paris or Tokyo) given
though my love for Sivananda has not diminished since.
that it is more than twice as large as any other city in the
country. The doctor who attended on my daughter Florencia,
spoke constantly of Sai Baba to her in my absence and
But more than all these achievements and fascinating
when I went to meet him eager to know about my
facts, the most salient fact about this nation is that,
daughter's progress, he spoke fondly about Sai Baba to
though it is pint-sized, its people are large-minded and
me too for a long time. Reluctantly I agreed to visit the
warm-hearted. This is precisely the reason why it attracts
newly inaugurated Sai Centre of Montevideo. My first
hordes of tourists every year. Even grander than this is its
visit to the Centre happened to be during the devotional
spiritual dimension. The commitment to ethical principles
group singing session and the moment I entered the
in this sixty-percent Roman Catholic country is
place and saw an image of Baba, I fell at His feet. I can say

042 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

Spiritual meetings at theSai Centre

in Montevideo, the country's capital
where the Sai Movement began... Reaching out to the poor and neglected...

age home, helping poor and impoverished children of the

streets, donating clothes, food, etc. In fact, for the past
seven years, Narayana Seva (offering food to the poor)
has been going on every Sunday for people living on the
streets by the devotees of the Montevideo Sai Centre.
One of the youth who is an active participant in this
service says: “It's not only about taking food to them, they
often prefer to talk with us rather than eat. It is then that I
realized the basis of everything is Love - the Sai Love we
take to them is all that matters. Without that Love, there
that I just fell in love with Sai in the best sense of the word is no service at all. One day Mr. Olmedo, who lives in his
and my heart was full of love. From then on, not only had I little cardboard house, told us, 'I would like to tell you that
found the Master of Masters, but also Him who would I hope you'll always be present in my life.' In those
soothe my sufferings. moments, we realized that we needed him as much as he
Some time after this incident a devotee of Uruguay was needed us.”
traveling to India and I wrote and sent a letter to Baba. Many years ago, when a long standing devotee of Swami,
What I wished and requested in that letter, was fulfilled Dr. Fanibunda, a dentist from Mumbai, asked, “Swami,
within a few years and was also confirmed by Him in a what is the role of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization in
darshan in the year 2002.” Your mission?” To his utter amazement, Bhagavan said,

Sai Inspired Service “Nothing.” He was startled. Looking at Swami, he

As more and more such Uruguayans found 'their master' continued, “Swami…nothing?” Swami confirmed,
and 'their refuge' in Sai, the number of devotees only “Yes…nothing.” Dr Fanibunda couldn't help but ask the
grew and now they wanted to transform their devotion question: “Swami, then why is there such a huge
into service for the needy. That is this best way they organization setup?” Swami explained, “It is only for your
thought they could express their gratitude to their chitta shuddhi - purifying your heart.”
beloved Swami. When Montevideo's Centre was formally And this is exactly what was happening in Uruguay. The
registered with the name “Centro Sai de Montevideo people who were served were being benefited more than
Este” at the corresponding Culture Ministry of Uruguay the people who were served. The transformation it was
on January 29, 1988, it only helped the devotees to bringing in the hearts and minds of people was
organise themselves better in offering selfless service. heartening. The devotees helped anybody who asked for
They started with a few activities like assisting at an old help without any distinction. When a priest sought the

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 043

Today we have legal standing and twenty three people
are being served by the teachers; there is a technical team
to provide help in the areas of sociology, social assistance,
physiotherapy, singing, physical education, yoga,
handiwork and painting - all by His grace.
In the year 2001, the Sai Group in Juan Lacaze was formed
after my return from seeing the beloved Avatar in my
Centre for Disabled in Juan Lacaze, third trip to India, and today the people who form the
learning to live and create...
group, work with me in the Centre for Help to the
help of Zulma, a Sai devotee from the Sai group of Juan Disabled. With the help of the Sai Centre we attend to
Lacaze (a city in the Colonia department of Uruguay), she the needs of the physically and mentally challenged
lovingly obliged. And in the process she was greatly based on the teaching of Sai: Service to Man is Service to
rewarded. Recounting her experience, she says, God. And the activities received greater momentum
“In 1990 a priest saw the need of a centre for the when, in 2006, the Sai group gained official status.”
physically and mentally handicapped in our community. I
was called with three other people to select those who
really needed to be served and would remain as the users
of the Centre. We started to face all the difficulties one
generally encounters in such work from monetary
constraints to lack of specialised expertise in handling
such type of disabilities.
Thanks to three institutions
who gave us all possible
help, we realized that we
would have to rehabilitate
the disabled persons at the So happy with what they have done

social as well as the

functional level. We had to
give some kind of
occupation to the members
of the institution. We were
contacted by someone who The finished
had perfected the art of top standard brushes
making of brushes and assembling of notebooks. We
chose the workshop on construction of brushes for
sweeping floors. After years of hard work, we managed
to sell these to various co-operatives and businesses. The disabled with their creativity fully enabled

In 1996, I had a meeting with Sai Baba in my first trip to Another important initiative taken up by the Sai devotees
India, at a time when the work had receded a lot due to was the setting up of the Sathya Sai Baba Blood Donors
various circumstances. But at the end of my trip, I had Club in February 2004. Done in arrangement with the
become transformed with love and energy flowing National Blood Service in Montevideo Sai Centre, this has
towards the need to serve. It is then that my life-force played a great role in saving many lives and has provided
was turned towards the Centre for Help for the Disabled. a beautiful opportunity for the volunteers to offer “Liquid
For me, it was the third time that the Divine presence was Love”.

044 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

EHV Takes Roots, Ennobles Minds We know, one of the principal theories on which the EHV
While the Seva activities were gathering momentum in programme's work is 'practice and then preach'. It invites
the late eighties and early nineties, the Education In the teachers and EHV trainers to first live the message
H u m a n Va l u e s ( E H V ) p r o g r a m m e t o o g r e w before advocating it to others, because Youth and
simultaneously. The earliest introduction to EHV for the children learn more from what they observe than what
Uruguayans was in 1987, when a Sai brother from they hear. And Swami is always there guiding the teachers
Argentina came to Montevideo and presented the Sri and goading them to perfection in His own inimitable
Sathya Sai Human Values Programme. There were many way. Sharing her inner transformation steered by Sai, Ms.
teachers, directors and supervisors who were very Maria Delia, says,
interested then in the Program, but at that time there was
Transformation from Within
no possibility to have a course for them as there were no “I remember the month of March 1990 as something a
trained devotee-teachers for the Program. But their long time ago. I was immersed in a profound depression,
enthusiasm was high and it found expression in seemed like drowning in a never ending well of thoughts.
conducting Bal Vikas classes for small children. In the I questioned myself many a time, what was my role in this
early nineties, there was a cohesive Bal Vikas Group in the life? Why did I exist? Who needed me and who cared
Centre of Montevideo. This program gradually expanded about me? I had lost my self-esteem and was seeking, but
through presentations and workshops in various with my heart closed. One day, I pleaded 'for a sign' to
institutes and everywhere the program went it received something superior - and that is when Sai Baba appeared
an encouraging response. In the meantime, the divine in in my life.
His own incredible way was preparing personnel who at Surprisingly enough, a
the right time would steer this programme to its glorious handout of the Sai Baba
heights. Centre landed in my
hands. One Sunday I
decided to visit that place.
The devotional songs in
Sanskrit and Indian
languages touched my
heart profoundly and even without understanding a
word, I knew a lot of positive energy vibrated around the
devotees who had so lovingly revived me that day. I
discovered that here was 'the sign' that I had asked. I just
wanted to be there, and then return again and again to
that vibrant energy which was so loving and sublime -
and till today I enjoy the same.
The Sai Centre at Montevideo Since then, feeling that divine nectar that is the presence
of God, knowing little by little about my own errors, my
In her first trip to India, one Uruguayan devotee was mistakes, working on them and eradicating them has
listening to a Divine Discourse in Prasanthi Nilayam. As been my way. Now I know that discipline, order,
usual, Swami's discourse was in Telugu. But, this devotee responsibility, being non-violent, and having love for all,
could understand Bhagavan's golden words. It was a real blesses us to transform for the better. These qualities
miracle! And she was so amazed and inspired by this expand our consciousness internally to receive benefits of
blessing, that from that moment on, she dreamt of great peace and harmony.
accomplishments in Sai Education, which were finally Many years passed and sharing in the activities of the
organized in Uruguay and benefited several South Centre I learnt a lot. But there was something that I had to
American countries. work on and that was my anger. I spent a lot of years

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 045

trying to eradicate it from my life, I suffered, cried and since then many teachers have been qualified in the EHV
after various intents of trying to surmount this defect, programme.
when I believed that I had overcome it, Swami had a test
ready for me and 'zap' there it would re-appear.
When I said, 'Swami, I give You my anger', my temper
went on disappearing; I hurt many and repented later. I
thought I could control this weakness, but nothing
worked until I gave it away to Swami. In His messages,
Swami says 'Give me all your miseries and doubts'. I
realized that until I understood this and practiced the
same, I wasn't going to be without my anger.
In another period I had be operated upon and risked
losing my life. I dedicated my life to Him and said, 'Lord,
You know why this is happening to me, what you decide
will be the best for me, whatever be the result.' It so An EHVworkshop session in progress...

happened that my recovery was a total success, nobody The experience of the educators who have contacted the
ever wanted to believe that I had been operated and SSSHVE has been universally positive. They say, “We are
successfully sent home. During all of the treatment of able to live in their own lives the truth of Baba's words
three and a half months, I would repeat the Gayatri that we can transform ourselves only by the practice of
mantra and after five years the medications were human values.”
stopped. Ten years have passed since this incident and I
But 'who gives and who receives?' This is the question the
am hale and healthy. Remembering Him at all times, let's
egoless brothers and sisters who facilitated the course
always be happy.”
ask. Their inner growth is so intense that it is difficult to
Creating Human Values Endowed Teachers discern who is the giver and who is the receiver. The
As such personal transformations were taking place in the
whole concept of EHV is based on love, unity and service,
minds and hearts of people, it only created the right
and the trainers were 'living examples' of these principles.
people the EHV program needed to take it to the next
As the EHV movement grew on the shoulders of such
level. The quantum jump in EHV development came in
inspired souls, the need for EHV teachers increased
2000, when a group of motivated devotees decided to
manifold. It was therefore decided to have a sustained
prepare themselves to instruct various teachers in the Sri
two year course on Human Values Program training for
Sathya Sai Education in Human Values Program. And
teachers, which was conducted in the Montevideo Centre
in the year 2000. In the same year, when information
arrived about a Human Values Conference being held in
Prasanthi, the Uruguayan Sai Organization sent a well
known school teacher, Mr. Héctor Florit, to attend the
It would be interesting to mention that it was also the
year when Swami inaugurated the Sri Sathya Sai Mirpuri
College of Music and contributions of typical instruments
for the Music Museum were welcome from all countries.
Uruguay took this opportunity and sent three different
drums (Afro-Uruguayan) for the Museum. Not only that,
one of the musicians from Uruguay, a symphonic
percussionist, was also part of the Worldwide Orchestra
SSSEHV Teacher Training Programme

046 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

Sri Sathya Sai Mirpuri College of Music

The Teen Youth Sai Program
which performed in the divine presence in Prasanthi
Nilayam on Bhagavan's 75th birthday.
When an Educare Conference was held in Prasanthi
Nilayam in 2001, the National Coordinator of Uruguay,
Mrs. Ada Fernández, participated in it on behalf of the
Uruguay Sai devotees. Inspired by Swami's emphasis and
direction, the devotees in the same year started the
second Human Values Program teachers' training Course.
The graduates of these EHV courses have become
invaluable resource-persons who have implemented this
unique program to great success. Success begets success,
they say. And this is exactly what has happened with the
EHV program in Uruguay. The last training course held
They do things differently
was in May 2005 in which more than 70 people
participated and learnt the principles and practices of nowadays) for children up to four years old every first
Human Values over three months. Sunday of the month and spent time with them singing
and playing, apart from giving snacks and gifts. The
Sai Youth Leading the Way
Be it the EHV program, the service activities or any other Manual for the Teen Youth Sai Program that the Youth
spiritual activity, if all of these are flourishing today in brought out was considered comprehensive and special,
Uruguay, it is primarily because it is ably supported and at and therefore was translated into Spanish in 2001 and
times steered by the energetic Sai Youth. The Uruguayan 2002. Once in Spanish, it helped youth in many countries
Sai Youth are known for their dedication and sincere of Latin America to adopt similar kind of service activities.
adherence to Swami's teachings. Since the first Latin Always enthusiastic, the Uruguayan Sai Youth, in 2001,
American Sai Youth Camp organized in Argentina in hit upon a novel idea. They decided to create unique
1997, the Sai Youth of Uruguay have been active 'Human Value Post Cards' and distribute freely to
participants of all Youth Camps and Retreats. In fact, the disseminate Swami's teachings. Funded by the members
fourth Latin American Sai Youth Camp in 1999 was of the Youth Program, these cards were placed by the
organized in Uruguay itself. Two years later, when the Youth in specific places (previously authorized) where
Camp was held in Paraguay in 2001, more than 20 youth young people would normally be found, like universities,
attended and benefited from it. colleges, discotheques, pubs, etc. The youth had selected
One of the important programmes handled by the youth appropriate Sai messages, which emphasized universal
is the Teen Youth Sai Program. During 1999 and 2000, the love and human values accompanied by suitable images,
youth visited a State National Home (INAME, INAU which made the cards compelling to look at. A massive

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 047

4,140 post cards were delivered in Montevideo, and other

parts of the country, during the months of October and
November. If one were to document what inner changes
and transformations these little messages of love and
peace brought about in the lives of the chance-recipients
of these cards, we are sure, it would be a fascinating tale.
The Youth have been always in the forefront in all the
activities of the organization. After the Sai Latin American
Youth Camp in Peru in 2000, many Youth committed
themselves to become trainers in the Sathya Sai Human
Values Education Program. By end of 2001, every youth in
the Program had finished the training and were ready to
The youth - always planning
work with children and adults. Later, Ms. Ada Fernandez to serve their Lord
Chagas, was trained in the Institute of Sathya Sai
Education, Malaysia to coordinate the Teen Youth
Program in Latin America.
When she returned from Malaysia, the Sathya Sai Youth
Program formed five groups to collaborate in the
translation of the Manual of the Sathya Sai Teen Youth
Program at the Sai Centre Montevideo, having the
support of adult devotees. In 2002 this extraordinary
Program was presented to people through the practice of
the different techniques with a group of non-devotee
youth from La Floresta resort in Canelones.
On His birthday,
they celebrate with songs and music

Youth also conduct other service activities like the 'Sai

Orchard Project' where in 2003 a technique of organic
gardening was practiced which had as its goal the
development in Sai youth of family unity, the value of
work, self sufficiency, ceiling on desires and health. This
experience was held for a whole year in the Sai Centre in
Montevideo, and some of the youth members even
succeeded in implementing it in their homes.

Sai Meetings for a Peaceful Uruguay

While all these activities are going on at the level of the Sai
The energetic and lively Sai Youth Centres and Sai groups, there are other projects being
The Sai Youth Program is always live and active. Since undertaken at the national level. In the beginning of
2004, the youth hold meetings every last Sunday of the 2003, work began on creating the Manual de Apoyo para
month for teens in the Montevideo Sai Centre. And every Grupos Sai (MAGS), (or Supporting Manual for Sai
passing year there are more inspired youth joining the Groups) which could help newly starting Sai groups in
Human Values Education course held in Montevideo to be their activities. This was the first service project at
trained as Human Values Educators. National level and was a very important one too with Sai
Apart from dealing with teens and human values, the Centres proliferating in all parts of the country. Though it
took two years to complete, once done, it helped as an

048 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

It took place in the Centre of Montevideo, and

many speakers from the main religions of the
world gave spirited talks emphasising the
commonalties of world religions. Another
similar 'National Encounter on Religion' was
held at the Sai Centre Montevideo in 2004. All
these conferences and workshops were
coordinated by devotees and non-devotees
representing these religions. One important
facet of all these meetings was the heartening
unity that reigned among all the speakers.
There was a perceptible atmosphere of
The ‘First Conference Supporting Manual tolerance and peace and one could feel His
of Religions’ for Sai Groups' logo
presence throughout.
invaluable support material not only for Uruguay, but After the Latin American Sai Meeting in Buenos
also for the whole of Latin America. Aires, Argentina on May 8 and 9, 2004, which was
The first half of this decade (2000-2005) saw many public attended by many Uruguay devotees, Baba inspired these
meetings being organised by the devotees in Uruguay to devotees to repeat in their cities the wonderful
spread peace and harmony. In 2003 the National experience they had in Buenos Aires. And with the energy
Coordination Committee together with the Sai Centre of of the unforgettable event held in their neighbouring
Montevideo organized the 'First Conference of Religions'. country, the devotees in Uruguay organized a National
Sai Meeting in Montevideo, the capital city, in September
2004. This would be the last of the series of Sai Public
Meetings in the cities where Sai Groups exist before the
80th birthday celebrations of Bhagavan in 2005.

The Immeasurable Glory

Meetings or no meetings, bhajans or no bhajans, the Sai
movement in this small tiny Spanish speaking nation has
only grown in greater pace in recent times, thanks to the
mysterious ways of the divine. Though located thousands
of miles away from Puttaparthi, and comprised of
A Sai Public Meeting...
devotees who may not have seen Swami physically even
the speaker projected on a big screen
once till now, the way divine love touches the hearts of so
many simultaneously is unfathomable. It would be
difficult to put in words what fills devotees' beings with
ceaseless inspiration and propels them to dedicate their
lives in His service. Just like the Lord who is only One,
without a second, the Sai Movement in Uruguay too is
unique, exceptional and divinely inspiring.

We are grateful to Mr. John Benher and many devotees of

Uruguay who made this article possible.

- Heart2Heart Team
Time for refreshments after a
Sai Centre meeting ...

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 049


Part 27
(Continued from previous issue)


One day, as the boys are walking to School, they decide to have a splash in the river.

BOY: Come Raju, let's all swim.

SATHYA: Please no, I don't want to.

BOY: You are always like this!

BOY 2: In that case, You look after our books while we go swimming.

050 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

Sathya watches, while others enter the water and start having fun. Meanwhile, another gang of boys come there. These

boys are jealous of Sathya and do not like Him.

ONE BOY IN THE GANG: [to Sathya] Raju, all those boys are swimming. Come let's join them.

SATHYA: I'm not interested.

ANOTHER BOY: [irritated] He is always like that, different from us. Spoilsport.

BOY: [to Sathya] Today also we could not answer the Teacher's questions. Why did You have to answer when we could


ANOTHER BOY: Was it to get us scolded by the Teacher?

SATHYA: I knew the answer and I gave it. What's wrong with that? You couldn't answer and that's why the Master

scolded you.

BOY: The Teacher called us 'Ignorant fools!'

ANOTHER BOY: Listen, in future if the Teacher asks a question, You should say that You don't know the answer.

THIRD BOY: If You dare to answer, see what I'll do to You!

SATHYA: What will you do?

BOY: What will I do? I'll push You in the sand and drag You!

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 051

SATHYA: Is that all?

Annoyed, the boys try to push Sathya down.

ANOTHER BOY: What should we do now?

THIRD BOY: We'll pelt Him with thorny nuts.

YET ANOTHER BOY: Come! Let's go and collect the nuts.

The rowdy gang start flinging thorny nuts at Sathya. Meanwhile, Sathya's friends who are in the water, see what is going


BOY: Hey! They are throwing nuts at Raju!

SATHYA: [to the attackers] By throwing these at My head, only your arms will ache! I don't feel any pain. The nuts are very

soft like sponge

052 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

One of the attacking boys touches a nut to see if it is soft; it is not!

BOY: Ouch! The thorns hurt!

ANOTHER BOY: Yes, it hurts!

THIRD BOY: This is strange! The nuts hurt us but Raju finds them soft like a cushion! ……Yes, it is true it hurts!

BOY: Hey! What do you think? Raju is not just another student like us. There is Divine Power in Him.

ONE OF THE ATTACKERS: Raju, I did something wrong. Forgive me please! I'll never again do such a thing.

SATHYA: You were not the one who did wrong; rather, it was the bad qualities of anger and jealousy in you that did it. If

you want to get rid of those bad qualities, you must cultivate Love, Forbearance, and the spirit of Sacrifice. Since I'm one

of you, I love every one of you. Not only that I'll never get angry with any of you. To err may be a human tendency but real

humanness consists in correcting oneself. That is the essence of the Love Principle. Try and understand it!

The boys cheer and lift Sathya on their shoulders.

(To be continued)

- Heart2Heart Team

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 053

distortions of Love. I have left room for such distortions to

GITA FOR CHILDREN - add spice to My Leela!'

Part 26
(Continued from previous issue) 53. 'Let Me now explain why I created man. Consider a
tigress. You know how fiercely the tigress protects its
cubs. That protective instinct is born of motherly love. But
Chapter 13 the tigress cannot know anything about the original
source of this love. So, in My Creation, I decided that there
46. Arjuna says, 'Krishna, please may I ask You a few more should be one species that is capable of higher
questions? Why did You create the Universe in the first consciousness. A monkey may love its kids but it is not
place? Why did You create man? What is the purpose of evolved enough to be aware of Me, and to Love Me as the
human life? I hope You would be kind enough to explain.' Supreme Creator. That is why I created man. In fact, I
created him in My own image, blessing him with
innumerable treasures, making it easy for him to
47. Krishna replies, 'Arjuna, at last you are beginning to
recognise Me.'
think! Let Me start with the question about why I created
the Universe. I have already told you that I exist even
when the Universe does not. I am then in a state of sheer
oneness and absolute bliss. It is not easy for ordinary
mortals to understand that state but elevated souls can,
especially when they go into a trance.'

48. 'Arjuna, you may not believe this, but like humans, I
also enjoy sport. Devotees refer to My sport as Leela.
Creation is a Leela of God! I created diversity so that I
could play with Myself, appearing in numerous forms!

' 49. 'You might have sometimes seen children play with
dolls. They hold the doll and talk to it. And they speak as if
the doll is talking back to them. They try to feed and even
spank the doll if they think it is misbehaving. My Leela is

50. 'In one line: I separated Myself from Myself so that I

could Love Myself! A mother shows love to her child. That
is what your eyes see. In reality it is I, acting as the mother,
who is showing love to Myself acting as the child! Feel
dizzy? Don't worry! You will soon get used to this kind of
54. 'Among the various species, the human form is not
only the highest, but also the most sacred. Jantunam,
51. Arjuna says, 'Krishna, I have a problem here. If You
Narajanmam Durlabham. The human form is very
say that all the action one sees in the Universe is just a
precious because it is in this form alone that an entity in
manifestation of You loving Yourself, then how come
Creation can truly cognise Me and become one with Me.'
there is desire, attachment, etc., all of which You
disapprove of?'
55. 'This automatically brings Me to the Purpose of Life.
This purpose is very simple. From God you have come,
52. Krishna replies, 'Well, that is an interesting point you
and to God you must return; that is all!'
have brought up. You see Arjuna, what you call
attachment, desire, etc., are, truly speaking, merely

054 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

56. 'People, may shake their heads and declare, “This is the battle and cannot be chanting My Name
impossible! How can one make God the only object of continuously. But no problem. Just think of Me for a
life? What about family and relatives? What about work moment before you start. Say a small prayer like, “Lord, I
and relaxation? Should life become one long, dull and am going to be busy for a while. But it is Your work I shall
monotonous pilgrimage to something we do not be busy with. Please bless it and accept that as a humble
understand?” Let Me answer this doubt.' offering from me to You.” After that short prayer, you can
go about your business.'

57. 'Arjuna, you should remember that it is I who created

Society, building diversity into it. Therefore, I know very 61. 'When the task is completed, you can once again say
well that Society needs all kinds of services for it to exist a small prayer offering thanks and expressing gratitude.
and carry on. I am not asking anyone to walk away from So, a little prayer before, work in between and a short
life. But, and this is an important point, no matter who prayer on completion a spiritual sandwich if you like!
one is and to what strata one belongs, everyone can That will do the trick, converting work into worship!'
follow his or her vocation in life in such a manner that
life's purpose is also duly fulfilled.'
62. 'Arjuna, the essential point is this. I have given man a
body and a mind to discover Me and to come back to me.
58. 'How is that? Here is the answer. First, quietly chant That is why I confer the human form on a select few. That
My Name while going about your work. Let us say you are opportunity ought to be properly used and not wasted.'
sweeping the floor. It is quite easy to sweep the floor and
also chant My Name at the same time.' 59. 'By the
63. Arjuna asks, 'Lord, You say few but there are so many
way, there are no restrictions when it comes to Name
people on this earth! There is something here that I am
selection. I am known by many Names and you can pick
any one that pleases you. Just make sure that when you
chant My Name, you do so with feeling and with Love in
your Heart.' 64. Krishna replies, 'If you
look at the human
population alone, it might
60. 'Sometimes, chanting may not be possible while you
seem large. But remember,
are working. For example, pretty soon you would be busy
there are 8.4 million living
fighting. Obviously, you would have to concentrate on
species! Compare the
human population with the
total population of all the
other species put together,
including the innumerable
tiny insects. You will then
realise that very few indeed are at the top of the evolution
ladder, just one step away from God. Surely you would
concede that is indeed a rare opportunity.'

65. 'So the big question before man is whether man

should waste this wonderful opportunity, living like an
animal or a demon. Instead, why not follow My simple
three-point formula, which is:
1) Always think of me
2) Always think you are doing my work, whatever it be
3) Dedicate all your actions to me
Stick to this magic formula and you would be home in no
time at all.'

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 055

66. Arjuna responds, 'Krishna, I have a little problem with be rapid progress. And when there is progress, tests
Your observation that we should think we are working for would also become less frequent.'
You. Let us say there is a farmer who has employed a
servant. The farmer pays the wages and therefore the
74. Arjuna is not ready
servant is working for the farmer and not You. How can
to give up and raises a
the servant think he is working for You? This point is not
new question. He says,
clear to me.'
'Something is still
missing. I can think of
67. Krishna laughs and says, 'Arjuna, if you understand many noble souls who
what the Cosmic Drama is all about, you would not be in spite of being very
asking this question. True, the servant is working for the pure face a lot of
farmer but that is so only in a worldly sense. In reality, suffering. How do You
who is that farmer but Me in disguise? That is the feeling explain that?'
of Oneness that you ought to have.'

75. Krishna replies,

68. Arjuna replies, 'You are in effect saying I must see God 'Oh, you have noticed
in all, aren't You? But I still have a problem. Let us say this that, have you? Well, the answer to that so-called
farmer is stingy and cruel. How can I think he is You? You paradox is the following: It is true that those noble people
are Purity, Compassion and Love whereas that farmer is you are referring to do not require any quality check. Yet I
mean, dishonest and wicked. See my difficulty?' put them through the grind as a part of My Master Plan!'

69. Krishna replies, 'Arjuna, if you look merely at the 76. A shocked Arjuna asks, 'Your give them suffering as a
surface, you would only see a mean and wicked person as part of Your Master Plan? What on earth for?'
you describe him. But go a bit deeper and what do you
find then? You will discover that the so-called wicked
77. Krishna replies, 'Arjuna, you must remember that
farmer is indeed God in disguise giving you a test! Test is
everything that God does has a purpose. In this world,
taste for God, you know!'
there are any number of bad guys who keep on setting
the wrong example. Don't you think the world also needs
70. Arjuna is unconvinced. He shrugs and says, 'Krishna at least a few good role models for Kshama or
this is just too much! You are supposed to be God. You forbearance? Once again, God does everything with a
know everything. Then why must You test a person and purpose. If a blade of grass moves, that too is a part of My
make him suffer in the process? Just why do You have to Master Plan. You must have that deep faith.'
do that?'
(To be continued)

71. Krishna says in reply, 'You have got it all wrong. When – Heart2Heart Team
did I tell you that I test a person in order to find out what
exactly he is like? I know for sure everything about every
person of the past, the present and also the future. When
I test you, it is merely for helping you to know where
exactly you are on the spiritual ladder.'

72. 'A smart devotee would say, “This is a test that God
has given me. And I have done just the opposite of what
He expects from me, which means I have flunked! Let this
be a lesson. Next time, let me get my act together
properly and not fail like now.”'

73. 'If people introspect like this all the time, there would

056 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

generous amounts from

MANSION OF LOVE - friends and relatives to
maintain their hand-to-
The Revolutionary Sri mouth existence. The
Sathya Sai Heart Hospital new adversity was like
at Rajkot being cursed even while
being in hell. But, Ramesh
and Lila loved their
daughter too much to
Jyoti - The 'Light' of Ramesh and Lila
Jyoti, just as her name just succumb to the
suggests, is the light of the terrible twist of fate. They
Kannadiga couple, Ramesh would knock at every
and Lila Gowda. Though door and pray at every
shrine, they decided. The light had gone
living in Ahmedabad,
Through the municipal out of her ebullient self
thousands of miles away
from his home-state of school where Jyoti was studying, they applied for relief
Karnataka, Ramesh had no under various schemes to the Government of India. More
qualms, as this is the air he than a year passed since they sent all the relevant
had breathed right from his documents, there was no hint of any help whatsoever.
Jyoti - the joy of birth. Right from the time Little did they know then that their daughter would one
the family his father moved into this day be brimming with life and fill their lives with
city many decades ago for better opportunities, it has rediscovered joy and inexplicable happiness, the panacea
become the family's de facto home. And it is here that materializing not in their 'city of hope', Ahmedabad, but
Ramesh grew up, got married to Lila and was blessed from a serene milieu located at more than hundred miles
with Jyoti, their beautiful daughter. A little later, came to the east of this five million plus city. When Ramesh read
Vasudev, the couple's only son. But the family's a news article about a Heart Camp being organized by Sri
connection with Karnataka remained; Jyoti spent many Sathya Sai Seva Organisation of Ahmedabad in August
years of her childhood in Hassan, a town in South 2005, he saw a ray of hope; not because he was a devotee
Karnataka, where her maternal grandparents lived. of Sai Baba, it was the incredible fact about the news that
It was during this time Ramesh got an inkling that their 'all heart surgeries would be done free of cost at the Sri
'light' was not shining as brightly as it should. Jyoti, in Sathya Sai Heart Hospital at Rajkot.' He found it difficult
spite of all the efforts of her grandparents, was always to believe; nevertheless, he decided to give it a try and
skinny; nothing could increase her body weight. The had Jyothi registered at the camp. They received a pre-
concerned Ramesh, brought her daughter to screening appointment on September 4, 2005.
Ahmedabad; this city, he thought, being the largest in the After doing a series of tests, the doctors confirmed that
state, will surely find a remedy for Jyoti. And it did. After Jyothi had a heart defect. The Gowdas were now given a
three trips and many tests at the Sharadaben Hospital (a date in the next month to arrive at the Heart Hospital for a
community hospital for treatment and diagnosis), she
now had a definite diagnosis. She was declared to be
having a Congenital Heart Defect, in simple terms, a hole
in the heart. The only solution was surgery.

Hope for Jyoti Begins to Fade

It was as if light had gone out of their lives. The operation
would cost Rs. 75000 and Ramesh did not even have Rs.
1000 in his pocket then. For one who worked as a pin boy
in a mill, it was unthinkable, dreadful. Moreover, the mill
was no more there. It had shut down in 1996 and since
then it has been a continuous struggle for Ramesh to
make ends meet. With odd jobs fetching very little and at
disconcerting irregularity, Ramesh had already borrowed A Heart Camp in the city of Ahmedabad...

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 057

Swami's Hospitals Inspires Imitation

It all started in the early nineties when a group of Sai
devotees from Rajkot, inspired by the news of the Super
Specialty Hospital being set up in Puttaparthi, wanted to
do something similar, even if the scale was much smaller.
They came to Puttaparthi, had blissful darshan of their
lord and were even blessed with an interview.
They wanted to start a diagnostic centre and had come
fully prepared, complete with the blueprints of their plan.
Swami spoke to them, instructed and inspired them
lovingly to go ahead with their selfless work. Their joy was
tempered with sadness; happy for the blessings received,
but sad because one of their wishes was still not fulfilled
This one is in Godhra, a district in eastern Gujarat Swami did not bless their draft proposal to construct a

final preoperative check-up. It all seemed so

soothing and life-giving for Ramesh and he
looked forward to the appointment date,
but all this changed, when a relative
dropped by for a few hours at his home, a
couple of days after this event. “Ramesh, be
prepared,” he warned. “All this free surgery
service is only show; they are going to
demand you money during the operation.”
This was the last thing Ramesh wanted to
hear; his fears now were only confirmed.
The Super Specialty Hospital in Puttaparthi
“Yes, how could it be possible? Why would
a n y b o d y health centre for reasons which nobody could guess then.
operate free of charge?” he But then they did not let this deter their enthusiasm.
seemed to say himself. “It is
Once they returned, they set up a make-shift diagnostic
too good to be true. I do not
health center immediately which pre-screened patients
know if I should risk the life
and referred the patients for further medical care.
of my dear daughter.”
Recalling those days, Mr. Kanubhai Patel, who has been
Ramesh just could not come associated with the hospital right from its inception, says,
to terms that there could be "We wanted a bigger space where we could handle
an absolutely free hospital. patients in a better way. We approached the
Why Ramesh alone? Even the management of Khira Hostel which used to be a hostel for
Ramesh - despondent then Chief Minister of students. Their management was extremely skeptical to
and in doubt Gujarat, Sri Keshubhai Patel, give the hostel on rental basis, more so, after they learnt
at the time of the that we were to offer our services completely free of cost.
inauguration of the Sri Sathya Sai Heart Hospital, had They thought it was fanciful and even if it happened, it
said, “It is unbelievable. In my forty years of public life, I would be short-lived”. Well, the hostel management's
have not seen anything like this. I wonder how it is apprehensions were understandable in this age when
possible. Now that the building is ready and everything everything is measured only in terms of money. So it was a
seems to be in its place, I am forced to believe.” We will difficult proposition for the devotees to convince the
return to Jyothi's story later, but for now let us turn to the hostel officials and the idea fructified, says Mr. Kanubhai,
creation of the Sri Sathya Sai Heart Hospital at Rajkot. The “Only when we gave them a local guarantor. And then
saga of the Hospital is, indeed, one implausible story within no time we commenced our center's services.
comprised of one staggering tale followed by another, be There was a deluge of patients as there was no hospital in
it the initiation of the idea, the execution of the plan or the vicinity of that area. Initially, we had no machinery
the day-to-day running of the hospital.

058 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)
MANSION OF LOVE - The Revolutionary Sri Sathya Sai Heart Hospital at Rajkot

Mr. Kanubhai Patel - the Lord's instrument referred her to the leading surgeon in Ahmedabad. Even
he gave up, seeing the risky situations involved. But, God
and were completely dependent on outside support. But
had not given up on her. During this time, Dr. T. Lebroy, a
we never lost hope. Swami's golden assertion: 'If anyone
British Surgeon, was in Ahmedabad for a day to address a
tries to do good to others with a selfless motive, take this
conference on the latest surgical practices offered
assurance from Me, all his needs will be taken care of,'
abroad. The Ahmedabad based prominent surgeon
always rang in our ears and we had rock-like faith.” And
referred the case to Dr. Lebroy. After studying the case
what happened later might be an extraordinary
carefully, Dr. Lebroy said, “I will do the operation,
coincidence for a casual observer, but they knew it was
provided it can be done tomorrow.” And so, immediately
the divine working as ever in His mysterious ways.
arrangements were made. On call, the devotee from
“One day in the morning when the hostel was being London provided the financial assistance of Rs. 75,000
cleaned,” Mr. Kanubhai recalls, “a gentleman from within 24 hours, which took care of the hospitalization
Singapore came in and had a look at the center. He was expenses, valve costs, etc. Moved by the selfless motive of
flabbergasted to know that all the medical services in Sai volunteers who were helping the hapless lady out, Dr.
here were offered absolutely free, with good intentions Lebroy did not charge a rupee for the operation. The
and no expectations. He was surprised, and at the same surgery, by the Almighty's grace, was a success. With her
time sad because it did not have adequate equipment. He values replaced and repaired, Kalpanaben now was
immediately offered to donate machinery worth Rs.1.2 ecstatic. She could now lead a normal life. It is amazing
million, and in no time the centre saw itself in a how so many events connected themselves so beautifully
completely new visage. The doctors could now treat more to rewrite Kalpana's destiny, who did not know anybody
people with less trouble.” Miracles in every sphere of even within the range of 40 kms of the city of Rajkot,
work of this diagnostic centre was nothing unusual, it where she lived. Somebody has rightly said,
was there everyday for people to see. Just consider “Coincidences are occasions when God chooses to be
Kalpanaben. anonymous.”
The Case of Kalpanaben The Divine Exceeds Expectations
Kalpanaben was diagnosed to be suffering from twin Everyday experiences of such 'divine designs' only raised
problems; she needed valve replacement as well as valve the devotees' zeal to its zenith. They wanted to do more
surgery. Rajkot, at that time (early nineties), had little but what they had was still a small diagnostic centre. They
assistance for such problems. Hailing from a very poor wanted a bigger and better equipped health centre for
background and living with her two kids, aged two and diagnosis. They waited for the opportunity to present
four, there was no way she could afford the surgery. But their desire before Bhagavan. And the breakthrough did
finance was not really an issue because a London-based come shortly, in a manner and scale they had never
Sai devotee had promised to cover whatever the expense. anticipated.
The main concern was the complexity of the case. She
It all happened in 1994 when Mr. Kanubhai Patel on a visit
needed the surgery urgently but no surgeon was
to Puttaparthi, offered to Bhagavan three crores in
prepared to take the chance. Nothing could save her
reverence and gratitude for the three sons that God had
except prayer, it seemed.
blessed him with. The merciful Bhagavan, who only
Dr. Rajesh Teli, one of the doctors at the diagnostic centre, knows to give, told Him He does not need his money but

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 059

you hear…will you make the hospital?]

Kanubhai, a little taken aback, responded, “Karega,
Swami, Baroda Mein” [Yes, Swami we will do in Baroda,
(the city in Gujarat where Kanubhai lived)].
Swami wanted a full-fledged hospital, not just a big
diagnostic centre. It was clear now. And Kanubhai had
now suggested the location too: the city of Baroda.
But Swami had more surprises in store for them that day.
He asked, “Saurastra accha nahi hai? Kya Rajkot hamara
nahi hai?” [Is the region Saurastra not good enough? Is
Rajkot (a city in the Saurastra region of Gujarat) not
Incidentally, the region of Saurastra is among the least
developed regions in the state of Gujarat. With poor
infrastructure and sparse availability of right manpower
and other resources, it would be a challenge to run a
hospital in this region. A little concerned Kanubhai asked,
“Swami, how will we manage in Rajkot?” And then came
the mighty divine assurance: “Swami will manage.”
suggested that the amount could be spent to build a
hospital for the poor and the neglected in Gujarat itself. And that is how it exactly happened. He, in His incredible
way, arranged everything. When the devotees asked
This was the memorable moment… the beginning of the
Swami, “How would we get land for hospital in our
amazing Sri Sathya Sai Heart Hospital of Rajkot, which
meager budget?” He replied, “Woh patel ko jaake
has now become a 'fairy tale of a health centre' for the
poocho” [Go and ask Patel for that (Patel here referring to
poor. Immediately after the divine expressed this wish, a
Mr. Keshubhai Patel who was then Chief Minister of
contingent of devotees started working 24/7 and within
Gujarat]. And sure enough, when the Chief Minister
days they were in Puttaparthi with blueprints of the
heard their proposal, he called the collector and asked
proposed building. When they arrived, it was as if Swami
him to expedite the organization's request for land. After
was waiting for them, for He immediately asked a senior
going through the few sites shown, the devotees zeroed
staff of the Super Specialty Hospital at Puttaparthi to give
down to a one lakh acre plot near Virani Science College
them a comprehensive tour of the hospital.
in Rajkot City, around four kms from the Railway Station,
Once they were done, He called them in for an interview as the spot for the future hospital.
and at length explained all about the human heart, its
But from where is the money going to come from to buy
functions and features, types of cardiac surgeries and
the land? [Kanubhai's generous donation was earmarked
their procedures, what really constitutes treatment, what
completely for construction] Government charges about
should be the approach towards healing and so on. For
50% of the land cost if it were to be used for charitable
nearly half an hour, Swami was the expert surgeon-cum-
purposes. But taking cognizance of the 'completely free
hospital administrator, spelling out nuances of ethical
treatment plan' of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization,
and moral medical care and curing. “I consider myself and
the government waived another 25%. Yet, the remaining
others who were there extremely fortunate as we
25% was no small amount. The trustees of the proposed
received directions direct from divinity Himself,” says Dr.
hospital deliberated on various avenues for good amount
Rajesh Teli who was present in that interview. It was a
of time in Mumbai and then returned to their respective
blissful session, no doubt, but towards the end of it the
cities. They knew they had only one channel open now:
devotees started getting nervous. For some reason, in
beseeching their Lord through prayer.
spite of all the guidance that Swami was giving, He did
not bless the blueprints they had brought. The plans they Babubhai's Donation Straight From the Heart
had drawn were for a large diagnostic centre but Baba's One of the trustees, Mansukhbhai Rindani, who was also
goal for them was even grander. Beckoning Kanubhai a leading Chartered Accountant of Rajkot, was returning
Patel near who was sitting at the back of the room, Swami to his city in an Indian Airlines flight after this meeting,
asked, “Patel, tune suna…Hospital banaiga?” [Patel, did concerned all the time about the land. To his pleasant

060 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)
MANSION OF LOVE - The Revolutionary Sri Sathya Sai Heart Hospital at Rajkot

surprise, when he turned his head he

found seated next to him an old
acquaintance, Mr. Babubhai, who was
now settled in South Africa.
Mansukhbhai learnt that this friend
had recently lost his wife and was
despondent. Babubhai's mission now
was to look out for a noble cause and
These kids are all under His care... new hopes, new lives, new dreams....
donate some money in the memory of
his late wife which would probably bring some solace to then International Chairman of Sai Organisations, to do
his soul. And as you have already guessed, Babubhai was the honours. On this D-Day were also present the Chief
the right man the yet-to-be-born hospital needed. So Minister of Gujarat, Sri Keshubhai Patel, and along with
inspired he was about the cause that, once he returned to him the whole cabinet. After the unique edifice started
functioning, Swami's involvement never diminished, in
fact, it only increased.
He constantly kept guiding the doctors and
administrators at every available opportunity. “The
patient should always be seen as Narayana-Swarupa (a
likeness of God) and under no circumstance shall the
The Sri Sathya Sai Heart Hospital at Rajkot treatment be compromised” This was His constant
message. Another important aspect that He always
South Africa, he donated not stressed was: “There should be no bill book.” It is these
only what he had originally two principles which like unequivocal guideposts have
intended but 5½ times more! shaped the philosophy of the Sri Sathya Sai Heart Hospital
Just as promised, Swami was at Rajkot. The mission of the hallowed health centre says,
indeed 'managing' the whole “Our philosophy is to provide free access to exemplary
endeavour. standards of heart care supported by state of the art
Whenever teams from the equipments to patients primarily from the weaker
hospital came to His physical sections of the society (irrespective of caste, creed, race
presence during its and religion), who would, otherwise, be deprived of such
construction phase, be it The Hospital's expensive heart care owing to lack of financial resources.”
trustees, architects, 'manager'
It is Swami who gave this noble vision and it is again He
contractors, doctors, administrators or volunteers, who was making it materialize. How reputed Cardiac
Swami always called them in and gave them much- surgeons from UK, who are not even devotees of Swami,
needed guidance and enlivened their enthusiasm. And on fly down every year to serve at this Hospital voluntarily for
August 4, 2000, the inauguration day of the hospital, He weeks is amazing. Dr. Chandrasekhar, a surgeon from St.
sent Dr. Safaya, the director of His Super Specialty George's Hospital, UK says, “The pace at which the
Hospital at Puttaparthi, as well as Sri Indulal Shah, the patients recover here is something extraordinary. What
would take 2-3 days else where, heals in 12 hours here! It
is a joy and a privilege to work here.” From a hospital, it
has transformed itself into a 'Temple of love and Healing'.
Thanks to the hospital, today Rabiya and her family are
more convinced than ever that Allah is looking after

Hope for Rabiya in Rajkot

When Rabiya, the daughter of a tea stall owner married to
a daily wager, developed heart complications, the family
was devastated. Her husband, Rashid could not even go
The dedicated doctors of the hospital
in the interview room in Prasanthi Nilayam when for his daily earnings as he had to help Rabiya at home.
He blessed the Hospital Project on January 4, 1995 Their economic condition deteriorated to dismal levels

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 061

Pramukh Swami Maharaj,

spiritual leader of the Swaminarayan
Mohammed at his tea stall sect blesses the patients
and Rabiya now returned to her father's home. For
Mohammed, the father of six children including Rabiya, it
was as if somebody had placed a 100 kilo stone in his
heart. Apart from financial distress, the whole situation
had triggered unpleasant family repercussions. He
wanted to do something at the earliest and on the advise
of a physician, he approached the Civil Hospital,
Ahmedabad. After a number of tests, the doctors gave
their verdict: Rabiya had a hole in her heart. The family
was stunned. Mohammed visited the hospital again, now
looking for a possible cure. “Operation is mandatory,” the
doctors said. “It would cost at least a lakh.” The family Swami Ramdev, renowned yoga guru
sharing love with the patients
now went into unknown depths of depression. With such
a terrible trauma on his head, Mohammad now moved
from pillar to post, to find a possible way out. He found
out the Government of Gujarat through the Chief
Ministers Relief Fund provided a 33% subsidy for poor
people. But the hospital would not take up the case
unless he deposited the balance Rs. 60000. Mohamed
talked to his friends and relatives, but in vain. As if this
was not cruel enough, now there were fresh family

Sri Ramesh Bhai Oja, who entralls audiences

with his talks on Bhagvat Purana,
on a courtesy visit

problems with Rabiya and her in-laws. Mohammed was

deeply distraught and the family sunk further into
despair. How much worse can it get? Allah was their only
refuge now. Rabiya's mother prayed with tears coursing
down her cheeks.
Mohamed, the family's patriarch and only hope, decided
to go to the hospital one more time. He met the senior
cardiologist and explained to him this pitiable
predicament. He begged if he could be given more time
Mohammed with his dear Rabiya to make the payments. The cardiologist did not give him

062 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)
MANSION OF LOVE - The Revolutionary Sri Sathya Sai Heart Hospital at Rajkot

more time, in fact, he removed all the burden from The Hospital - A Testimony to Selfless Love
Mohammed's head. He told him, “Go to the Sri Sathya Sai Where selfless love is, there God is. The hospital today
Heart Hospital in Rajkot. All operations there are stands as a testimony to the whole world what pure love,
conducted totally free of cost and there is no when expressed in service, can do. Over the years, many
discrimination of any kind.” Mohamed for a moment felt distinguished personalities, national and international,
as light as a feather, but slowly doubts started unsettling have stepped into the portals of this 'mansion of love';
him. “How is it that the operations are done totally free? some came as curious visitors, some as willing-to-learn
There must be a catch.” His mind was never at rest. social workers and some as inquisitive investigators. All of
On the next Thursday Mohamed and his wife took Rabiya them witnessed the unbelievable and left humbled
to Rajkot, a distance of 216 kms from their home-city, paying homage to this 'savior of the poor'. When the
Ahmedabad. Rabiya again went through a multitude of former Chief Minister visited the place a couple of years
tests and the hole in the heart was confirmed. She was ago, he left with the hospital a cheque with a generous
advised medication to increase her weight and the amount from his relief fund. Very recently, the Rajkot
hospital informed them that they would soon receive an Municipal corporation, as a mark of gratitude,
intimation giving them the date of operation. contributed a large sum to the hospital's coffers.
Mohammed and family returned home, relieved and
happy. But friends and relatives took away his peace. One
of them said, “There should be some kind of 'underhand
dealing' to get the operation done”.

Swami seeing the report of

the Hospital in February 2007

Sri Morari bapu, holy man known for his beautiful

exposition of the Ramayana, in the hospital

“Or, maybe they might force you to change your

religion,” said another. For another 4-5 days, the family's
distress and Mohammed's mental trauma continued, that
is, until they received a postcard from the hospital. “Our
operation is scheduled on February 6, 2006,” the letter
said. Rabiya checked into the hospital two days in
advance for preoperative examinations and three days
after the surgery she was on her way home, serene and
...and blessing Sri Manoj Bhimani,
smiling. The family's ordeal was finally over. Dr. Mansuri, one of the trustees
one of the physicians who had seen Rabiya earlier, was
moved to tears seeing the new Rabiya. He said, “In today's Till 2006, more than six hundred and forty such Rabiyas
time when all - families, community, relationships - and Rashids have found hope, health and happiness, and
abandon each other in time of need, Sai Baba has by 2008, the hospital targets it will rise to surely one
embraced us”. The family was jubilant. “Allah has thousand. And these are patients not only from in and
answered our prayers,” is all they say with smiles around Rajkot or from the city of Ahmedabad, they come
brimming on their cheeks.

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 063

Swami Satchidananda, A group of Jain monks

a revered saint of Gujarat see the operation theatre

Sri Uday Kotak of Kotak Mahindra Bank Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma, renowned
and Sri Parimal Nathwani, Head of Reliance Santoor maestro, sharing God's love during a
Industries, Gujrat taking a tour of the hospital recent visit to the hospital

from all over the state of Gujarat. At times, you will even
find patients from the far-north of India. Pandit Shiv
Kumar Sharma, the world renowned Santoor maestro, on
his visit to the hospital, was surprised to find a patient
from his home-state of Jammu and Kashmir. Selfless love
has become so scarce in the present times, any amount of
distance or ordeal is welcome once you are convinced it is

Healing the Poor through Service

But the hospital's Sai volunteers do not wait for patients
to find the hospital (in some cases, it might be too late);
Registration and examinations at a
instead in their zeal to reach out, they go into the villages,
Heart-Camp organized by Sai devotees
into habitations that are obscure and poor. They organize
Heart-Camps, identify people who need cardiac help,
listen to their complaints, register them, answer their
queries and then clearly direct them to the hospital. These
camps are moving for all the volunteers. “Sometimes, the
economic condition of the patients is so pitiable that we
even have to give them money for their auto charge or
bus ticket to enable them to make that one and only visit
to the hospital for the operation,” says Sri Lalit Advani, a
spirited Sai volunteer. The whole exercise is as fulfilling as

064 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)
MANSION OF LOVE - The Revolutionary Sri Sathya Sai Heart Hospital at Rajkot

Mehta Institute of Cardiac Research and Hospital which

gave them an estimate of Rs. 1.25 lakhs, out of which
33% would be subsidized by the government. Daulatram
tried accumulating the remaining Rs. 83,750 but all
efforts proved futile. The diagnostic tests itself had
drained his resources to a great extent.
Just like Rabiya's family, this family too was in a state of
utter helplessness. But here fortunately there were no
misguiding friends or relatives. In fact, it was a good
friend, a sevadal of the Sathya Sai organization, who
informed them about the Heart-Camp to be conducted in
It is Heart Camps like this conducted in cities, their area very shortly. Daulatram saw a ray of hope as he
towns and in remote villages which offer a recollected having donated blood many a times for the
chance to the poor and sick to rebuild their lives blood donation camps conducted by the organization.
Now, he knew there was a solution. Soon, Hema was
registered, tests conducted and duly operated. All her
stress evaporated, she was now smiling, shining and her
active self. When H2H asked her father-in-law what he
thinks he will do for his lord, without a second thought in
an asserting voice he said, “Jaan hazir hain!”(I am ready to
give my life!) That is how much the Heart-Camps have
done to connect people to the hospital and heal their
desperate lives.

Ramesh and Jyoti Receive a Second Chance

If you recall, even Ramesh
Gowda, (the story with
it can be, as they reach out to people whose existence which we started this
society does not even acknowledge, let alone be article) learnt about the
concerned about their welfare. hospital only after he read
Love Heals Hema Motwani about a Heart-Camp in a
In one such medical camp in local newspaper. He even
2005 conducted in the got registered and did
outskirts of Ahmedabad receive his scheduled date
c i t y, t h e v o l u n t e e r s for Jyothi's operation. But
encountered Hema the 'free hospital' doubts
Motwani. Her husband, were dancing so Jyoti continued
Daulatram's small shop had dangerously on his head to be sick...
to cater to the needs of their that he let go of that
family, which apart from opportunity. [This is something he could never forgive
their own two children, also himself for in the days to come.]
The Hospital - had Daulatram's parents. In the meantime, Jyothi's condition only worsened, it was
Hema's heaven Hema was a diligent as if the 'light of his life' was getting enveloped with
of hope woman taking care of all increasing darkness every passing day. In a state of
the house-hold chores as well as needs of her in-laws. But desperation, Ramesh contacted some of the people who
suddenly, due to some financial constraints when were present with him at the first Heart Camp. He wanted
Daulatram sold his shop, the stress for her was too much to know: Were their surgeries successful? Was it really
to bear and she suffered from chest pains. Daulatram first free? What did the hospital demand? He was shocked to
took her to a hospital named Shantiprakash where after hear the responses. All were operated successfully barely
undergoing tests, she was declared to be a heart patient. fifteen days after the camp and they were happy, with no
Surgery was unavoidable. They approached the U. N. complaints whatsoever. He realized that all his fears were

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 065

completely unfounded. Immediately a wave of guilt The Gowdas, today, are a changed family. When H2H
gnawed his entire being. He felt, “I am responsible for my visited the Gowdas on the eve of Bhagavan's Swami's 81st
daughter's pathetic situation.” He could barely speak to birthday, they were in a great mood, celebrating the
his wife, Lila. His transformation was immediate and occasion distributing sweets to the neighbors. They have
repentance was paramount on his mind. In no time, he never seen Swami physically; they just know His ashram is
managed to get a photo of Baba and decided to pray till in Andhra Pradesh. Nevertheless, for them, now Sai Baba
He did something to improve Jyoti's health. is all. When asked about visiting Puttaparthi, the
Something interesting happened now. Within a few days, enthused and energetic Jyothi says, “Mai Zaroor Jaongi" (I
the unemployed Ramesh got a small job. They had now a will surely go) with a smile and the spirit of somebody
means of living. In another two months, there was a beyond her years.
bonus: additional part-time work supplementing his The Sri Sathya Sai Heart Hospital Stands as a
income. The family was getting fed now, but Jyoti's heart Beacon of Love
was still left to its creator's grace. As they prayed and If this not a miracle, then what is! The Sri Sathya Sai Heart
cursed themselves of the missed opportunity, a wave of Hospital has not only healed the physical hearts of
joy swept out all the melancholy when Ramesh noticed hundreds but also allowed them access to that 'colossus
the date of another Heart Camp to be held in his area. His store of positive energy and inspiration' by awakening
only worry now was whether he will be given another and enlivening each one's spiritual hearts. While these are
chance. The doors of pure love are always open. In fact, the individual effects on each patient and their near and
they say, God is waiting like the early morning warm rays dear ones, on the global level, it has magnificently
of the Sun to enter our beings if only we make at least a demonstrated what many medical administrators and
tiny hole in the wooden door of our heart. other health professionals think is far-fetched or utopian.
The general conclusion
w h e n p e o p l e
contemplate on
Swami's Super
Specialty Hospitals,
both in Bangalore and
Puttaparthi, is that,
“These hospitals are
running completely
free because of Swami's
physical involvement
and to replicate these is simply unthinkable in current
times.” Sometime ago, when the editor of SWISSMED
(Swiss Review for Medicine and Medical Technology), Mr.
With Jyothi smiling - happiness has Felix Wust, asked Dr. Safaya, the Director of Swami's
returned to the family, thanks to His grace Hospital at Puttaparthi, the same question - if such 'free
hospitals' can be replicated in the West - he said, “Why
Jyoti's New Life Shines
So without any objections, Jyothi was registered and even not? I do not think Westerners are devoid of sympathy for
given the date of operation then and there. The Gowdas people. I do not think the West is lacking in the type of
reached Rajkot from people who think serving man is serving God.” There lies
Ahmedabad, a day the key. Before the developed world has even
earlier to the operation. contemplated on such an idea, it is there for the whole
The next day Jyothi was world to see in one of the poorest regions of developing
operated upon and the India! With pure love anything is possible. There is
day after she was nothing in the world that selfless love cannot achieve and
discharged. The ailing if anybody wants more proof, the resplendent Sri Sathya
heart had found its Sai Heart Hospital at Rajkot stands as a beacon,
Swami now rests perm- embracing one and all into its bosom of love.
anently in their hearts and solace and Jyothi, a new
in the family shrine life. - Heart2Heart Team

066 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)


Adilabad Parthi Yatra, February 10, 2007

The beauty radiated by the ochre robed Lord was
soothing thousands of souls in the huge hall. Sai Kulwant
State of
Hall was filled with bustle and life. Thousands from Andra Pradesh

Adilabad, a remote district of Andhra Pradesh, had come

to have a glimpse of their dear Lord. Booking a special INDIA

twenty two compartment train and thirty three

additional buses, 3,200 devotees arrived to savor the
beauty of their beloved Master. We now bring you the
whole event from the eyes of a current student pursuing Adilabad, my beloved district - the sparkling waters of
his Masters degree in the Institute who hails from this Godavari, the roar of Kuntala falls, the peace and
district of Adilabad: solemnity of Basara Sarawathi, the mechanized hum of
Singareni coal mines, the chemical odor of Khagaznagar
“As I saw them, thoughts swelled from the depths of
paper mills, the gloom of communist uprisings….. once
memories. Thoughts that wondered, thoughts that
appeared too far to be touched by Sai. But Sai spread
questioned, thoughts that admired, thoughts that
forth in this district, slowly and steadily, pockets of
bestowed insights… …..thoughts and more thoughts.
bhajana mandalis chanted His name here and there,
vibhuthi appeared on photos, amrit emerged out of
idols….people flocked to watch these sights. Some
folded their palms in awe and wonder while many
dismissed them as 'only farce'. Yet all discussed about this
phenomenon called Sai. Some called Sai a mystique
monk; for some Sai was a chosen instrument of a holy
God; some thoughtfully remarked “an active social
worker”; while many said, “He must be one of those
tricksters….and he will be exposed shortly.” But when the
rational minds exposed His TRUE nature they thronged to
Him in thousands.
Rajanarsu is a respected employee of Singareni coal
mines of Bellampalli. His entire family plunged itself into
Lord Sai ... various service activities conducted by the local Satya Sai
samithi. In his house amrit would miraculously flow from
Swami's photographs, vibhuthi would appear overnight
in the shape of foot prints leading to the altar. Hundreds
would stream in day and night to witness these unusual
happenings. This flurry challenged the rational belief of
the associates of the district atheist committee. The
committee nominated a president and provided him able
associates to firmly disprove these bizarre occurrences.
The president and the accomplices with trademark unruly
behavior entered Rajanarsu's house and with despicable
language disrupted the entire proceedings.
In celebration of this 'victory', the president called a party
...with His devotees from Adilabad
and invited all the associates to his house. With all the

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 067

dead man shouted 'Sairam' and sat up as if he had a bad

dream. The whole village was muted into a stunning
silence, later they all raised their arms in prayer towards
the heaven and cried, “The Lord of Elijah, Jesus of the
Bible, God of Heavens has come again as Sai.” The entire
village was there in multitudes seeing their God whose
mere name brought back dead to life.
Each face had a different story to tell, each group had a
unique experience to narrate. Yet all of them shared a
common feeling 'Sai is our God and we Love Him.'
As they sat for Darshan on February 10, 2007, in the
morning, Sai came out and enquired lovingly from their
God exists… for you and me
young and dynamic district president, P.Venkat Rao, as to
gaiety and pomp the arrangements were made and in how many people had come. He blessed the brochure,
mockery he even had kept a photograph of Swami in a permitted them to hold the programme and made a
corner. The associates lauded this act as an 'innovative special reference regarding the drama to be staged. In the
insult'. They raised their drinks and praised their 'reason'. evening Swami distributed special prasadam to His
It was then that Sai struck the death knell. The president devotees from Adilabad. Late in the evening Prof.
noticed a few droplets on the photo but dismissed them Gangadhar Shastry of Sri Sathya Sai University delivered
to be beverage sprinkled by one amongst them. But an inspiring and thought-provoking speech.
slowly the droplets turned into a trickle. It was duly wiped Next day, the compassionate Lord showered His
away. Yet again the mysterious liquid flowed from the boundless love. He allowed them to enthrall Him with
photo. It was wiped neat and clean, but, alas, the liquid melodious songs. In return He created three chains and
oozes again. The photo was washed with hot blessed those gifted singers. Swami then addressed the
water….Gosh! The liquid flows again!! Two days later the gathering for an hour. He said:
locality was agog with another surprise. The president
“Be truthful in life. Adhere to the human values. Let
visited the Bellampalli Sai temple and made a special
them guide all your actions. Satya gives raise to
request to hold a bhajan in his house. He said, “I would
Dharma, which brings Shanthi. Be humane in all your
like to sanctify my house with the name of Sai.” He was
actions and be worthy of the human life. Each of you
one among those multitudes from Adilabad seated in the
is divine, realize this truth and lead your life in
Sai Kulwant hall. As he saw Swami during Darshan, his
accordance to this.”
eyes were moist and he quipped, “God exists, and today I
have seen him”. He then lighted a lamp, the 'Chaitanya Jyothi' which the
devotees wished to carry back to their district and light
Kunchavelli is a small village with 800 households located
in a corner of Adilabad. But that day there was something
unusual in the village. Villagers gathered around a house
and were watching in mute silence. All that was heard
were loud voices of the family members singing bhajans.
The sole bread winner of the family died that morning. He
was in his late thirties. He died in the hospital of a nearby
town called Bellampalli. After the doctors gave the final
verdict and announced him dead, the body was brought
back home. One long hour of journey almost stiffened the
body. When the members of the family saw their sole
support dead, they did not despair nor collapse in endless
sorrow. They brought a picture of Swami and placed it
near the body. Then they sat around and started bhajans.
All the villagers flocked to see this strange sight. Thirty Special compositions rendered soulfully
minutes passed by and suddenly the body shook. The in Telugu

068 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

Gold chain for His golden devotee

every home with the name of Sai. Then He beckoned four

kids and was enraptured with their vedic chanting.

Adilabad Displays Its Rich Heritage To Its Lord

Vedam boys of Adilabad with the Veda purusha

Lighting every home: ‘The Chaitanya Jyothi’

District President said, 'They will flow ceaselessly till

In the afternoon, the devotees displayed the diverse
eternity. These are our offerings to our beloved God. Our
cultural heritage of Adilabad in different traditional
lives too are a part of this flow ….. Lord they shall flow to
dances: Batakamma, Gussadi, Dhimsa, Chekka bhajana
touch the hem of Your robe and be sanctified forever.'
and many other items displayed in His presence. The

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 069

After a spectacular cultural display the district youth

staged a drama entitled 'Sai Hain Jeevan'. The drama was
about the role played by the youth in social service.

... ‘Sai Hain Jeevan’ in action

and granted individual padanamaskar to all the actors
including the organizers. He told them,
The actors take divine blessings...
'Your character is very good. I will come to your place
in a special train. I will build schools and colleges for
you. Your children will be educated there. You will
take care of them in future.'
This boundless shower of Love was a reflection of all
those youth activists had done. They would rise early in
the morning and would circumambulate the Sai temple
in Bellampalli 108 times. This went on for nearly two
months uninterrupted. I saw their bleeding heels, their

... before commencing the drama

Through powerful dialogues and melodious poems, the

presentation succinctly pointed out the miraculous
presence of Sai in all their activities. Very aptly it ended on
the note: 'Sai is our everything. With Him we are heroes
and without him we are mere zeroes.'
Their talent was admirable and their feelings
commendable. The Lord was, beyond doubt, moved. His
tears said it all. He blessed them with a group photograph
A group photograph...

The drama... ... nay, an emotional reunion

070 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

Timeless Moments Cherished For Eternity

swollen feet and when enquired, they all said, 'We love the multitudes that thronged to Him. Many of them,
our Swami and we want to stage a drama in His presence.' referring to these youth said, 'He came to us through you
These fiery youth of Adilabad mobilzed hundreds to and called us to Him. Today we came to Him.'
undertake seva activities. With an able support of the Sai filled their hearts and minds with His Darshan on
district elders, they served 405 villages of the district. On February 12 and all of them left for their homes in the
the particular day of grama seva, each village would rise evening. As they walked out of the mandir, some were
early in the morning with the name 'Sai' being echoed by choked with emotion, some dug their faces in their palms
the youth. Sai sevaks would then conduct high quality and wept, some were lost in the thought of Sai. One
veterinary and medical camps. These camps are attended amongst them remarked, 'We are carrying Prashanthi
by the reputed medical wizards of Andhra Pradesh. They Nilayam in our hearts and Sai in our breath. None can be
would then hold an awareness camp for all the children ever separate us from His breath and His heart.'
and their parents. Later they would undertake strenuous One day prior to their arrival, Swami called the authorities
physical labour cleaning the drains, building water tanks and said, 'My devotees are coming from Adilabad.
and schools, laying roads and much more. They built Give them proper accommodation and food. Take
three elementary schools and connected eight highly good care of them.' Later Swami called the district
inaccessible hilly areas to the main stream of economic president and enquired about the status of drinking
life. Evenings would witness a grand procession of Sai in a water and the number of rivers that flow in the district. He
palanquin. Almost each of the households, irrespective of said that a direct train to the district would be provided
their religion would receive Him with Aarthi and offer very soon.
their heartfelt prayers. In the night the youth would stage
After the music programme, He called the music director
a drama entitled 'Maarpu Raavaali - We should Change'
of the group and said, 'These are My children. Teach
and thus subtly but powerfully conveying the message 'Be
them good music.' He called a kid and patting his cheek
good, Do good and See good. This is the way to God.'
said, 'Learn music well. Visualize me always in your
Hundreds of these innocent villagers too were seated in

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 071

eyes. In your next trip you will sing very nicely' and Now just think for a moment how fortunate you would be
immediately the whole group was excited for there if you happen to visit the nearby Shiva temple to sing
would be another trip to Puttaparthi!” bhajans and are blessed by a vision of Lord Shiva Himself.
Well, this is exactly what every devotee in Prasanthi
Shivarathri Celebrations: 16th February
The eve of every new Nilayam experienced on this blessed night of Shivarathri.
moon night is Tears rolled down the eyes of many a devotee as they saw
considered an their Lord Sai Shiva amidst them blessing them with His
auspicious night for darshan while they sang His glory. As Puttaparthi
Lord Siva and is known metamorphosed into the mystical mount Kailasa and the
as Sivaratri. The new ashram donned a festive look, huge crowds of devotees
moon night in the from all parts of the globe were pouring in to actively
vedic month of Magha participate in singing the glory of God all night long.
(February-March), The Master of Blessed indeed are the devotees who stood for hours
however, is more Mount Kailasa - Lord Shiva together in long queues to enter the Sai Kulwant Hall to
auspicious because as legend has it, Lord Siva performs witness the festival of Mahasivarathri. Their long wait
the Cosmic dance of creation, preservation and was over as Bhagavan graced the Sai Kulwant hall in the
destruction, and hence, is known as Mahasivaratri. The morning at around 8 a.m. When the first rain lashes
temples perform Rudra Abhisekham (chanting sacred across the dry lands, the Earth expresses its joy by
hymns in praise of Lord Shiva) starting in the evening and spreading the fragrance of its soil far and wide. The same
all through the night. Devotees fast all day and the night was true on that beautiful morning. Parched hearts which
of Mahasivaratri and break the fast the next day morning. lay hard and dry received the shower of His love as He
People gather together and sing praises or bhajans of moved amongst His devotees.
Lord Siva. Some take the opportunity to chant the mantra
"Om Namah Sivaya" all night. It is also common to
congregate at the nearby Siva temple and perform
abhishekam (worship) with water and milk upon the
Lingam. Many women worship Siva for the welfare of
their husbands and the unmarried women make
offerings in the hope of getting a good husband.
In His Shivarathri discourse of 1969 Baba explained the
following details about the Lingam:
“The Linga is just a
symbol, a sign, an
illustration, of the
beginningless, the
endless, the limitless - for It's a cake! - Can you believe it?
it has no limbs, no face,
The Nadaswaram and the chantings of Vedic hymns
no feet, no front or back,
seemed further to electrify the atmosphere. As Bhagavan
no beginning or end. Its
entered the verandah the overseas devotees and the
shape is like the picture
students stood eagerly awaiting His presence to cut the
one imagines the
specially made “Shivarathri cake” they had prepared with
Niraakaara (Formless) to
great care and affection for Bhagavan. After cutting the
be. In fact, linga means -
The Lingam - cakes, Bhagavan went to the dais for the morning
leeyathe (that in which all
a symbol of divinity proceedings.
forms and names merge)
and gamyathe (that towards which all names and forms The senior students rendered a musical programme that
are proceeding, to attain fulfillment). It is the fittest lasted for nearly fifty minutes. Songs that glorified
symbol of the All-pervasive, the All-knowing, the All- Eashwara were offered at the Lotus Feet of the same
powerful.” Eashwara who is now in the form of our Saishwara. The

072 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

music program was intertwined with commentaries that

spoke of the greatness and grandeur of the Lord of
Mount Kailasa. The students declared “You are the
Puppeteer and the world dances at Your tunes… You are
Sambasiva, our Divine Mother and Father, we take refuge
in You”. Towards the end prasadam was distributed and
Bhagavan returned to His residence at 9:30 a.m. after
receiving the mangala arathi.
The evening session made the Sai Kulwant hall appear
very small. People hailing from different lands and
speaking many languages, thronged the Sai Kulwant hall
to listen to the nectarine flow of wisdom in the form of
Sri Ajit Popat shares
the Divine discourse.
his thoughts with the audience

Stand up: We should stand up to the conviction Aham

Brahmasmi I am Brahma. We are verily God.
Dress up: We have to make up our mind. Let us seek
everything from God. Let us offer everything to God with
no sense of doership.
Look up: When I go back home and touch the Lotus Feet
in the shrine of my room at Prem Kutir (in London), I
should feel and think that I am really touching Bhagavan's
Feet at Prasanthi Nilayam and look up to God with
Reach up: We have to reach up to the poor and hungry.
Sri A.V.S. Raju entertains the audience
Recently in Chennai in a Discourse, Bhagavan said that
with Telugu poems
when we see a hungry person, we should ourselves feel
Devotees were accommodated in the hall from noon the pangs of hunger and rush to feed him. Bhagavan was
itself. Bhagavan arrived in the evening at 4:15 p.m. Sri reaching to the people by going in the roads near
A.V.S. Raju, a senior devotee of Bhagavan was the Sundaram so that they could also experience Bhagavan's
recipient of the Divine benediction to render his telugu Love.
compositions on Bhagavan.
Lift up: Let us lift our brothers and sisters. Is it not our duty
This poetic rendering was followed by exhilarating, to bring people to Bhagavan so that they can also
inspirational rhetoric excellence by Sri Ajit Popat from the experience the warmth of Bhagavan's love and bask in His
United Kingdom. His inspirational speech, a fine blend of glory?
Divine teachings, poetic verses from the spiritual classics
Shut up: We are only a witness. Bhagavan wants us to
suffused with wit and wisdom, was indeed a treat to the
become the eternal witness. In all our actions, we should
huge gathering. In his potent forty minute speech, he
have 100% involvement and 0% attachment. We should
said, “We are all assembled here with a purpose and the
punctiliously follow His teachings. The excellent speaker
purpose is to contemplate on the journey ahead… and
ended his speech with a prayer to Swami to help
that journey is a journey Onward, Forward, Upward and
humanity walk the path of truth and righteousness.
Godward, and not Outward but Inward… and that is our
Now came the moment all hearts hearts eagerly awaited
for. Bhagavan with a lilting smile rose to deliver His
Sri Popat in his own inimitable way gave seven tenets for
benedictory address at 5:55 p.m.
life that he preferred to call 'seven ups'.
Bhagavan declared, “Truth is all pervasive...It is
Wake up: We should wake up with the spirit of God. Let us
everywhere”...and lo! He materialised a golden ring
listen to the 'BBC' 'Baba Broadcasting Corporation' as
substantiating His statement... “Everything originates
soon as we wake up which is “Sathya Sai Speaks”.
from Truth. Righteousness emerges from Truth. When

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 073

Speaking on the acronym of the word Hindu, Bhagavan
said that the five letters represent five sheaths and five
human values. " H – Humility...... I – Individuality..... N –
Nationality.... D - Divinity.... U – Unity."
When once there is Unity, you can develop Divinity. We
should uphold Nationality. So, it is the individual who
safeguards Nationality.
On the free education being given to students, Bhagavan
said that not a pie is taken from students with respect to
their education, be it examination fees or library fees.
"Everything originates from Truth " - Baba

Enrapturing one and all with His sweet voice “You are no longer Russians,
you belong to Bhagavan" - Baba
Truth and Righteousness come together Peace emerges
Bhagavan made an announcement that very soon He
and this is followed by Love. It is Love that brings
would go on trips round the world and that there are lots
everyone together. From Love comes Bliss. With Love,
of devotees in Africa and Russia. “You are no longer
there is no room for hatred and this makes way for Non-
Russians, you belong to Bhagavan. Russians, Japanese,
violence”, said Bhagavan. Exhorting the students to
Americans, Italians, all belong to Me. We have to learn
follow the culture of Bharat, Bhagavan declared that very
many things from them. These overseas devotees go to all
soon all would recognise the culture of Bharat.
places that Bhagavan goes. They even came to Chennai in
Acknowledging the devotion of devotees from overseas
spite of all difficulties and expenditure.”
countries, Bhagavan resounded, “All are one”. The
Bhagavan left for Yajur Mandiram at 7:15 p.m. and then
Russian blocks, both men and women in the
Prasanthi Nilayam became suffused with the joyful
congregation were the recipients of a special Divine
appreciation and the group cheered back with raised
hands in reverence to the Divine remark.
Pointing to the array of bulbs in the Hall Bhagavan said,
“Bulbs are many, but current is one.” Speaking on the
manifestation of Linga, Bhagavan said that He had
received many letters from devotees and the doctors
were also of the view that the manifestation of Linga
strains His body and that His body was very important for
everyone. All have prayed to Bhagavan to save His energy.
They were all of the view that Bhagavan should not strain
His body to give this temporary joy to the devotees and
that Bhagavan should retain this energy to confer bliss on The Russian devotees raise their hands...

074 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

Shivarathri Morning, February 17:

The next morning the devotees staying awake the whole
night singing bhajans were eagerly awaiting the darshan
of their dearest Lord Sai. It was nearing 8:00 a.m. All eyes
were glued to the pathway leading from Bhagavan's
Residence…and then the moment arrived. The dazzling
red clad Divine Form emerged out of Yajur Mandiram and
foregoing the car, Bhagavan went through the
assemblage of devotees onto the dais.
As Bhajans were still continuing, Bhagavan asked Prof.
G.Venkataraman, former Vice Chancellor of the Institute
to address the gathering.
... with love and gratitude to Bhagavan

Akhanda Bhajan. One of the bhajans often sung in

Prasanthi Nilayam is: “Sada Nirantara Hari Guna Gao”
verily meaning “Sing the praises of God continuously and
incessantly” and this is what happened that holy night.
Devotees from all corners of the globe participated
passionately, with many of them staying awake the whole
night, singing the name of the Lord. Groups from various
parts of India and the overseas devotees led the bhajans
in turns, thus keeping the Sai Kulwant hall reverberating
with divine vibrations throughout the night. Many
devotees renounced hunger and sleep on this holy night
and immersed themselves wholeheartedly in the Akanda
Bhajan. Bhagavan gives Himself completely...

The long night is shortened... His children

Thanking Bhagavan for the rare privilege of the most

exhilarating and elevating experience of Maha Shivarathri
in the Divine Presence, Prof. Venkataraman made
mention of the recently concluded Divine visit to Chennai.
Referring to the official function organised by the
Chennai Citizen's Conclave, Prof. Venkataraman said that
the meeting was indeed a most extraordinary one as
luminaries from the political scene were sharing the dais
with Bhagavan sinking ideological differences and continuosly chanting the holy name
offering themselves at His Divine Lotus Feet. Making a

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 075

where instead of calling out God for help as Mother

(Amma) or Father (Appa), who preferred to yell 'ayyo'
helplessly, Bhagavan said, “The divine Mother is ever
ready to come running to you. Mother is God; there is no
other God beyond the Mother; once we forget this fact
we will have problems.” Bhagavan further exhorted the
gathering to respect every woman with gratitude and
serve them.
“Greatness does not lie in the number of books read;
instead, it depends on how one conducts himself. By
virtue of humility, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar attained a
great name…” Bhagavan went on to narrate instances
Prof. G. Venkataraman speaks from the life of this great man who stood as an ideal for
about Swami's recent Chennai visit
modern youth.
special mention about the youth, Prof. Venkataraman After the Divine Discourse bhajans continued as
observed that it was time for the youth to come forward instructed by Bhagavan and by the time the bhajans
with Bhagavan's Divine Message to save the world that concluded the students had the prasadam vessels neatly
was in peril. Speaking on behalf of the older generation, arranged in one of the corners of the Sai Kulwant hall,
he prayed to Bhagavan for a New Role, New Vision and waiting for the Divine command to start the distribution.
New Action…to rejuvenate and move ahead. He pleaded A few students went to Bhagavan with the prasadam
Bhagavan to help them, the senior devotees, to take the containers, one had tamarind rice and the other laddus
Youth forward. (sweet delicacy).
After Prof. Venkataraman's short speech, the most sacred
moment of the morning arrived when Bhagavan
beckoned for the microphone.
“Man is estimating himself to be great; without being
human he cannot be a human being; if he understands
the qualities and manifests human nature, he can be
called a true human,” exhorted Bhagavan. “Ego and
attachment are the two worst enemies of man today.
Man will loose everything because of the poison called
“Think of Mother and Father with gratitude”. Narrating
the story of a person who was in danger of being killed,

The neatly arranged prasadam vessels

The distribution commenced immediately after Bhagavan

graciously blessed the prasadam. The devotees on the
other hand, displayed an excellent example of discipline.
They were seated in neat rows which facilitated a smooth
distribution. The students and staff served the entire
gathering. A special announcement was made
requesting the assembled devotees not to leave the
mandir premises without partaking the prasadam. You
could see the joy on their faces as they relished the hot
and sweet prasadam. It really was rejuvenating after the
nightlong fast and physical strain.

“Think of Mother and Father Bhagavan retired to Yajur Mandiram at 9:50 a.m. leaving
with gratitude” - Baba His children overwhelmed with His love-filled blessings.

076 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

Students serve the Mahasivarathri prasadam Presenting a card

to one and all to Bhagavan

Students and devotees in neat rows Expressing their feelings

partaking the sanctified food in the form of songs

Tera Pyaar Teri Yaadein - A presentation by “Bhagavan, lessons learnt at Your lotus feet are lessons
X and XII class students on February 21st. that remain etched in my heart. One of the most
This joyful and touching occasion was staged by the tenth important lessons that I have learnt is that irrespective of
and twelfth standard of the Sri Sathya Sai Higher my age at every step you are always there, caring for me
Secondary School who presented a programme entitled and guiding me.
Tera Pyaar Teri Yaadein, a combination of songs and
It was after the sports meet in my second standard that I
speeches through which the students expressed their
fell seriously ill and in spite of all medications, my health
love and gratitude to Bhagavan.
showed no sign of improvement. I used to repeatedly
Bhagavan arrived in the Sai Kulwant hall at 4:15 pm and vomit and was very weak. My parents and teachers were
straight away came to the portico. He called one of the
boys and enquired about the programme, giving His
permission for it to start straight away.
The programme lasted for about fifty five minutes and
was a moving experience for one and all. Speeches were
made in different languages such as English, Sanskrit,
Telugu, Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, Malayalam, Oriya,
Bengali and Nepali. In their own style through poetry,
speeches or conversations, boys expressed their love and
gratitude to Bhagavan. The boys shared with the
audience the intimate moments they had with Bhagavan.
Bhaskar Sai Krishna, a student of the twelfth standard
said, Sharing his experiences...

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 077

very anxious and asked me to pray to you. It was a few The songs, speeches and poems were all drenched with
days later that one morning You blessed us all with this theme. Their education, their health, their life…
Padanamaskar. While giving Padanamaskar You asked me everything they attributed to His love. Recounting a
how I was and I spontaneously replied, 'I am fine'. But, all miraculous incident when Swami gave him a new life, Sri
knowing that You are, You, with the love of a thousand, Chakra Sai, said, “When I was a little boy barely 5 years
nay, infinite mothers looked into my eyes and said, 'No, old, I was extremely sick. I was always running with a
you are not fine.' Creating vibhuti for me You asked me to fever and cough. No ice creams, no fruits, no sweets. My
take it. life was terrible. Then one fine day, our family came to
I took the vibhuti and my health took a 'U'-turn for the Brindavan for Swami's darshan.
best. Bhagavan, I am so grateful to you, for all that You He blessed everyone, except us. That day was Narayan
have done for me, for all that You have taught me and, for Seva day. Swami again came out and walking straight to
all that You are To Me.” me picked up a fistful of chocolates and showered them
on me. One chocolate touched my chest and lo! My heart
boosted. I was absolutely fine from that moment
onwards. No fever. No cough. Added to it, that year I was
blessed to join the Primary school and the first special
item I got was an ice cream! Swami you miraculously
cured me and you saved my mother's life too. On a solitary
night when my mother was all alone, You came in the
guise of an auto driver and brought her home safely. In
every step our family has taken we have always felt Your
presence. We are ever grateful to You Swami.”
Sri Chakra Sai then sang a poignant couplet that reflected

A vibrant dance performance

For them, hostel is their home Pouring their hearts....

and Sai is their mother

The undercurrent of the entire programme was love and

gratitude. K. Dhananjay of the twefth standard recalled
how he missed the opportunity to join Bhagavan's school
in the first standard, but then it was Bhagavan's
assurance “Come in your eleventh and I shall give you a
seat” - made ten years ago which blessed him with the
unique opportunity to become His student in 2005! With
a heart overflowing with gratitude and love, he said,
“Swami, if anyone would ever ask me what love does, I
would tell them that love can touch just one time, but it
...with love and gratitude.
would last forever and forever and forever….”

078 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

not only his feelings but the emotions of every student

gathered there:
“Mother of mine You gave to me
All of my life to do as I please
All that I am is just cause of You
Mother sweet Mother of mine.”
The students dressed up in their traditional attire
rendered heartwarming speeches in their mother-tongue
and dedicated it as an offering to their Mother Sai. Apart
from short speeches in various languages covering the
whole geographic span of India, ranging from Nepali to
A video presentation on the laptop -
Punjabi, and Tamil to Marathi, the presentation also Connecting science and spirituality
included a vibrant dance that expressed the joyous
moments the students spent under the compassionate
care of Bhagavan. Interspersed with speeches were
scintillating songs in different tongues - Telugu, Hindi and

The Lord pleased with their presentation

materialises Vibhuti

A student from A student from

Maharashtra speaks the hills of Nepal
in his mothertongue shares his feelings
Marathi in Nepali

He blesses the pens for their examinations

emanating from their devotion-filled hearts. So pleased

was the Lord that He beckoned them near and
materialized vibhuti for the mainstays of the program. He
then spent some time with them, keenly looking at their
extremely innovative card that had a laptop encased
within it. Bhagavan, who looked fascinated by the
Expressing his love A poem for the lord creativity, saw the entire video presentation that relived
in Bangali in Hindi the intimate moments the boys shared with their Mother
Needless to say, Bhagavan was extremely touched with In the end, Swami blessed the pens the boys held for
the presentation so suffused with pure feelings success in their forthcoming board examinations and

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 079

assured them good results. At the same time, He said,

Offering Sacred Symbols of Chinese Tradition
“Develop good character and live up to it when you go
outside.” All in all, it was a very memorable evening not
only for the school boys but for everyone present who
could witness the sweet relationship that always exists
between Bhagavan and His students.

Chinese New Year Celebrations:

23rd & 24th February, 2007
Thousands of Chinese devotees hailing from six South
East Asian countries of Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore,
Thailand, Taiwan and Hong Kong assembled at the Lotus
Feet of their Beloved Lord Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba to
begin their new year on an auspicious note. The whole
ashram was beautifully decorated with many festoons,
traditional Chinese red buntings, and photos and sayings
of Bhagavan. Large colorful hoardings contained many
quotes on the theme of the Chinese New Year
celebrations: 'Filial Piety'.

The Chinese New Year theme: Filial Piety

The Buddhist monks at home with Sai Buddha

The festivities began on the evening of 23rd February. to pay their obeisance to Lord Sai Buddha. After
On this holy occasion, 36 Buddhist monks from the four Bhagavan granted darshan, He permitted the
major sects of Tibetan Buddhism namely Nyingma, programme to commence. Two children offered flowers
Kagyu, Sakya and Gelug assembled in Prasanthi Nilayam to Bhagavan. Then, a monk from each of the sects

080 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

presented 'Kata' to Bhagavan. The Kata is a sacred cloth The mantra seeks to have an eternal vision of the
and an auspicious symbol that is presented to Lord beautiful form of Lord Sai. This was followed by recitation
Buddha praying for His grace in successful chanting of of the Gayathri Mantra. At the end of the chanting
mantras. They also presented other sacred and auspicious session, as is the Buddhist custom, the merits accrued by
symbols like 'Dharmachakra' (symbolising the wheel of the chanting of all the mantras and all the good deeds
transformation wrought by Buddha Dharma), 'Amitayu involved in the holy activity were dedicated for the
Tanka' (a painting of a deity who bestows long life), greater health and happiness of all beings in the universe.
'Stupa' (a replica of the religious monument that is in the
shape of Lord Buddha seated in a meditative posture) and
'Chenrizig Mandala' (a three-dimensional geometrical
representation of the universe).
Then the monks commenced the chanting of the sacred
mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum”. This six-syllable mantra
is supposed to contain all aspects of the 84,000 sections
of Lord Buddha's teachings and is believed to generate
love, compassion and positive feelings that will uplift the

Captain Ong delivers

his speech in the divine presence

Following this, Capt. Ong, a devotee from Singapore

addressed the gathering. Elaborating on the significance
of the mantra 'Samantabhadra', he said that it is a
compilation of teachings received by a person named
Sudana, as he progresses on his spiritual journey through
52 masters culminating in his finding the realized master
Samantabhadra. Captain Ong said that perhaps he too
Chanting the ‘King of Prayers’...
would have passed under the tutelage of 52 such masters
in his past lives, as a result of which he has now found
refuge at the lotus Feet of his Samantabhadra, Bhagavan
Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The evening programme concluded
with Bhajans and Bhagavan graciously granted
photographs to all the monks and participants of the
24th February, 2007 heralded the beginning of the
Chinese New Year - the year of the pig as per the
Chinese zodiac. At 8.30 a.m., Bhagavan was led in to Sai
Kulwant Hall in a procession by grand and colourful
... 'Samantabhadra' and other holy hymns pageantry of lion dancers and men dressed in Chinese
regal attire to the accompaniment of drum beats. He then
The second mantra that was chanted was came on to the dais and lit candles kept on a table that
'Samantabhadra' or the 'King of Prayers'. This mantra also had a statue of Lord Buddha and other traditional
helps in awakening the mind and guiding it on the path of Chinese items laid out such as tea cups and mandarins.
enlightenment towards Buddhahood, and also for Then Mr. Billy Fong Goon Poy, the Organising Chairman of
universal peace. Following this, the monks chanted a the Chinese New Year Celebrations 2007, addressed the
special mantra dedicated to Bhagavan composed by His gathering. He began by saying that though the people of
Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje. China and India look different, there are many similarities

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 081

year to Prasanthi Nilayam to celebrate the Chinese New

Year, so much so that not just the Sai Kulwant Hall but
even the Hillview Stadium should be filled with Chinese
After the speech, items like tea, mandarin, a special kind
of cake, etc., considered auspicious in the Chinese
tradition were offered to Bhagavan. Bhagavan also
blessed and released a commemorative book on this
Then a group of students from the Sri Sathya Sai
Education in Human Values Programme from the
participating countries recited Vedic mantras and also

The procession begins... selected stanzas from “Di Zi Gui” that lays down the code
of conduct for children and students. Each of those
Chinese stanzas was followed by its meaning in English
and depicted through dialogues from day to day
happenings in our lives. The sweet voices of the little ones
and the catchy melody were a treat to everyone's ears.
This was followed by a choir presentation by the youth

...the ‘Chinese lions’ welcome the Lord

in their culture and beliefs. There are many parallels to the

Hindu pantheon of gods like the Monkey-God Hanuman
(who is immortal and known for his super-human
strength) and Goddess Lakshmi (who bestows prosperity
and welfare) in Chinese belief.
But by far the most striking
Young EHV students from Malaysia
aspect of commonality is recite the Vedic mantras
the emphasis both cultures
place on filial piety, the love
and respect that one
should have for one's
parents. While Indian
culture declares “Matha,
Pitha, Guru Daivam”, that
one should worship one's
parents, teachers and guru
as God, the Chinese declare
Mr. Billy Fong Goon 'Xiao' or filial piety as the
Poy addresses paramount virtue every
the gathering human should possess. He
An entertaining fusion of the teachings
concluded by praying to Bhagavan that He should bless of Bhagavan Baba and Confucius
the Chinese people that more and more will come each

082 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

The choir enthralls the audience...

The dragon dances in the Sai Kulwant hall.

man faces in his daily life the conflict between the age-
old wisdom of profound ancient cultures and on one
hand and the modern convenient material lifestyle on the
other hand. At the end of the drama, Bhagavan granted
photographs to all the participants. The evening
concluded with Bhajans and Arati.
Bhagavan's love brings people together in the spirit of
unity. The month of February witnessed this in the form of
Maha Shivarathri and Chinese New Year where devotees
from different parts of the globe gathered at the lotus
Feet. This serene ever-flowing saga of love will continue
... with Prasanthi Mandir bhajans in Chinese
to flow in all its grandeur, month after month, sanctifying
members. They sang traditional New Year Day songs and the entire year. As we march into the month of March, we
also some Bhajans in Chinese language. shall see for ourselves how devotees, like honeybees get
attracted to the eternally blooming flower that is Sai to
The afternoon programme consisted of a drama titled
cherish the nectar of bliss. The pages of the Prasanthi
'My Parents, My Treasure'. The story revolved around a
Diary will be extremely joyous to share with you a
businessman Mr. Chin Keong, a widower with four young
complete account next month. Till then, Sairam. Jai Sai
children and an aging father, and how each day he
struggled to attend to their needs in addition to his
professional responsibilities. One day he feels that he will
no longer be able to devote his time and energy to all of – Heart2Heart Team
them and so decides to send his aged father to an old age
home. Apart from the loneliness and isolation that he
would have to face, Keong's father is shocked that his son
is going against the age-old Chinese practice and
fundamental virtue of filial piety. Kim Leng, one of his
grandsons, realises the trauma that his grandfather is
going through, and the conversation between them
beautifully brings out the importance of upholding filial
piety through epic tales and the folklores of Chinese
tradition and culture.
The drama concludes on an emotional, yet happy note
where Kim convinces his father to keep his grandfather at
home. The drama vividly captured the dilemma that every

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 083

size of a golf ball!

HOW I BECAME Every time I lay down I could not breathe properly, neither
could I talk. The lump was so big that it interfered with
my speech. I have been in practice since 1957, thought
A Conversation With
from 1961, I practiced as specialized orthodontist. When
Dr. Keki Mistry - Part 1 this happened in 1965, it meant the end of my
professional life. Because every parent who brings their
This is the transcript of the conversation between Dr. child for treatment wants to ask me questions and I just
Keki Mistry, an eminent consultant orthodontist and a wasn't able to answer them. The very fact that I am
long standing devotee from Mumbai, and Prof. G talking to you is a miracle of Baba.
Venkataraman aired on Radio Sai a few weeks ago. I was brought up in a scientific environment; most of my
Prof. Venkatraman (GV): Sai Ram Doctor. It is very nice relatives were doctors, scientists, professionals, lawyers,
to see you here in the studio, which is a new Avatar of the some of them leading lawyers in the city of Mumbai. The
building you have been used to long ago, when it was background in which I brought up had taught me that
first constructed. [Earlier the Studio building was the EHV anything to do with any Baba or any person like that was
centre] It is a wonderful Studio, blessed by Swami and a crutch. That was the bane of India. This was my
from this Studio, we have brought the experiences of so thinking.
many devotees to people all over the world. It is now my In 1964 somebody gave me a picture of Baba and some
pleasure to have you chat with us here. Could you vibhuti. I was ill then. This was six months prior to my
introduce yourself briefly, tell us all about yourself, your meeting Baba. I respectfully turned it down and said, “I
professional career and how you came to Swami? All our don't know who he is”. In 1965, I read Prof. Kasturi's book
listeners would be very happy to learn that. “Sathyam Shivam Sundaram” and I read it with a lot of
“To Be Able to Speak is Itself a Miracle” interest. In fact, I read it through the whole night. I was
Dr. Keki Mistry (KM): thinking I was really grasping the stories.
Sai Ram to all of you. At
'Baba is Calling You'
the outset can I start by I said to myself, 'maybe I
saying how I am very should meet Baba, maybe
proud and privileged to that miracle can happen
be here with you to me.' Then I heard that
Professor and in a He was in Mumbai. And I
program that bears was walking down the
Swami's name. I am really honored to be here. My name Hanging Gardens in
is Dr. Keki Minochia Mistry. I am an Orthodontist Malabar Hills, when a
practicing in the city of Mumbai for the last 45 years. I am young boy came and told
in practice, I am in teaching, and I am in research. I have me, “Baba is calling you.”
been Professor and Head of the Department at the I said, “Who, Baba?” Just
Government Dental College, Mumbai. I have also been before that I must tell you
Dean and Director of Dental Studies of the D. Y. Patil six months ago when somebody gave me the picture of
University. Somewhere in 1965, I suddenly found I was Baba, I had said to myself, “Who is this man with the red
losing my voice and I developed a very bad cough. I was dress and fuzzy hair?”
coughing almost every second. I just couldn't sleep or lie So when this boy said to me, “You know that Baba with
down. I had to spend nights sitting up just like this. Then that big hair and red dress.”
I got myself examined, because a dry cough like that can
I said, “Yes, I know Him.” The he told me, He says to you,
be scary! They found that I had a lump in my throat the

084 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)
HOW I BECAME FASCINATED WITH SAI - A Conversation With Dr. Keki Mistry - Part 1

“Come to me.” I went there and it was in the house of Mr. actually a flow of water,
P. K. Savant. This was around 12 o clock in the afternoon. like a river. Swami was
And it was a Ministers House, so police were there. standing and looking at
I had no knowledge of Baba or His routine. Baba had me sweetly. Tears fell at
already given darshan and retired there. Police stopped His feet. I felt very
me from going. I said, 'Baba has called me.' They said comfortable with Him.
“Who?” I turned around and said, 'this boy…' I turned He was at the verandah,
around and looked, there was no boy! at a height of 3-4 feet,
I told the policeman, “Please let me go inside.” The police and I was on the
looked at me and said, “You look like an cultured man, downstairs.
why are you doing this? Everybody wants to go inside.” And then He takes a look
Somehow I wanted to stay. Half an hour passed and at me, talks to me and
some policemen came to me and said, “You look like an says “Kal Ma ko Leke Aana Maa ka thabeeyath teek nahi
educated person, why are you waiting here? Baba will hai. [Get your mother and come tomorrow. Her health is
not come out now. You go to Gwalior garden darshan at 4 not good].” My Mother has not been well, being a chronic
o-clock. Baba is not going to come here just now, before 4 asthmatic. So I said, “OK.”
p.m.” “Tomorrow 9 o'clock, please come,” he said again. I said,
Still I waited. It was May, very, very hot. And it used to be “Swami nobody is allowing me to come.” He, then, spoke
very hot in Mumbai. I waited, somehow or other. About to someone and they gave me permission for two people
at quarter to 2, I decided that I will wait till 2 p.m. If - myself and my mother. I went home and Mother was
Bhagavan Baba doesn't come out, then I will go back very happy. She was spiritually very involved all the time.
home. So if Swami had called me, he had called 200 other people
It was too hot then and I stayed in the sun for almost two too. And it was a huge gathering of 200 other people all
hours, and I wasn't keeping well. About 5 minutes to 2 in stages of sickness.
p.m, Baba came out of the window on the first floor. He “He is my boy” - Swami
looked directly at me and said, “Come.” Now, the I distinctly remember one girl of 11 or 12, moaning away,

policemen's back was to the window and I was there because she is supposed to have a tumour in her head.

across the road. I rushed. Around me there were two We were all sitting down. When Swami came out in a

other ladies. I thought they were widows because they room and He called us inside, like in the interview room, I

had white sarees on. They also came. They also saw had no knowledge of all this. I thought it would be like a

Baba. I didn't know whom Baba called me or them? But I doctor's room. I was called in fourth and I went with my

went. mother.

The policemen again told me, “What is this nonsense?” I Swami stood there

said, “Baba really called me, from the window.” But Baba and He talked to my

was no more there. I looked around. Again no one! But mother and said,

Swami came downstairs to the ground floor. Then of “ Yo u have got

course the policemen let me inside! asthma. You have

The ground floor was on a level, slightly higher than the difficulty in

floor of the compound wall. And I stood there, when I breathing.” Anyone

saw Him for the first time, I was not crying. But then tears looking at Mummy

coming down my eyes, just flowing. I was embarrassed. could tell she had

There were those ladies who followed with me inside and asthma. She had the

in front of these women, I am crying or what? It was asthmatic build,

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 085

gasp for breath and everything else. But she wasn't you that some of the leading cancer specialists had all
interested about herself at all. seen me and it was documented that they should get this
So she said, “Swami, What about him?” Now look, I was lump out. “It will interfere with your breathing.” “We
looking normal. The throat wasn't showing anything. But don't know if it is cancer.” “We can tell that only after the
He said, “I know Ma. Upar Lump hai. (yes, there is a lump biopsy.” “It is getting bigger.” “You must get it out.”
on the top). Negative, Positive thoughts. Operation kare, I didn't show myself to any doctor after Swami left. Six
na kare? (whether to do operation or not?)” months passed, I was completely cured, symptoms had
So mother asked Him the million dollar question: “Does all disappeared. I had no physical checkup, no
he have cancer or not?” authenticity whether that tumor was there or not.
With great authority Baba said “Cancer? He cancer? He is Approximately six months later, I had a severe coughing
not your son, He is my boy. He has only come through bout. I spat blood. I was very scared. I went to the ENT
you. No Cancer. He cannot have cancer.” surgeon, who is still alive at the age of 90 plus. I said, “Dr
Then Swami waved his hand and materialized a lot of ash Heeru, Please see me.”
in mother's hand. She said, “What should I do?” We have He said, “You are very tense, I can't examine you. Have you
never seen anything like this sacred ash before. He said, had anything since the morning?” “No, I just woke up and
“Kha Jao.” (“Eat!”) She gulped all of it. He took me aside came here. I haven't even had a cup of tea.” After that he
and said, “Do not worry. You go and pray, in 3 days you administered me anasthesia, a small induction, and then
will be alright.” said, “Tell me what has happened? This is beautiful.
I was very spiritual that way. I used to believe in prayers There is nothing there, there is no tumor. How did you
and divinity a lot, except that I could not believe in any get it removed? What did you do? Who did you show
human being divine. to?”

GV: When you say you pray a lot, you mean you prayed in Then I told him the whole story. He listened to this very
the Parsi way? intently and said, “Yes, I have heard cures about him. You

KM: Yes, according to the faith I was brought up. I had a are very lucky. I have seen cures like this. Go, you are a

thing about going to the fire temple. I used to go 3-4 very blessed man!”

times a week even as a school boy. This was my nature. So, that was my authenticity.

When I say prayer, I didn't really know any formal A Change Occurs Both Inside and Out
language nor the Avestan language, and I didn't like to GV: At that point you believed it was a sort of

pray in a language which I didn't know. I used to just go psychosomatic phenomena, how did you change your

to the temple and communicate. view? How did the full faith and confidence come to you?

He said go on KM: I am glad you asked me this. That same evening I

praying. Then He saw Baba, I went to the temple after I went to Baba. I

dismissed us. We prayed to Zoroaster, said,

went away. I went “Show me a sign? Is this

home and realized really someone who saved

all this time coming me or is it a fluke? I want

from Swami and to see a sign.”

reaching home, for And then in the evening, I

30 minutes, I had not coughed. I suddenly became all went to His darshan
right. My cough stopped, I could sleep.I thought meeting in Gwalior Palace.
psychology or hypnosis was at work. Two-three days later, It was a huge gathering
Swami left Mumbai. and from where I sitting

I didn't show myself to a doctor. At this stage I must tell Swami was looking like a

086 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)
HOW I BECAME FASCINATED WITH SAI - A Conversation With Dr. Keki Mistry - Part 1

tiny speck and I was hoping that He would come towards my son was born.
me. But I was almost at the last row and in a place where GV: Amazing!
Swami would normally not come. And Swami came KM: I went to visit my son in the hospital on the 3rd day
almost half way into the crowd and then He turned back and my son's bilirubin had shot up to 10-11. If bilirubin
towards the podium. But suddenly He turned. And made shoots up, it can cause the brain to be damaged. They
a beeline towards me. There was a rock there towards the were taking the blood from the skull of the infant and
end of the ground and I was sitting on the rock. He came seeing the count. My wife almost fainted watching this.
very near me, put His hand on my shoulder and said, She didn't know what was wrong and in her mind she
“Don't push too hard.” I did not know what that meant said, “They are taking blood from the skull”. It upset her
but I took it as a sign. I said, “Why among the entire huge but at the same time she was strong. The bilirubin
crowd He asked me?” All the other people started asking sometimes went up to 10-13, but she said, “Don't worry.
me, “Does he know you? Do you know him?” I said, “It Swami told you Chiranjeevi (Long life). He will live.”
was my first time.” Whatever that incident meant, I took When Swami had said Chiranjeevi, I had thought it was a
it as a sign! kind of casual blessing. Now I knew the significance. So
From then on, many things happened. My wife was we kept the confidence and he recovered. They found
pregnant with my first child, nobody in the family knew that in Parsis, the G6PD blood deficiency is common. He
about it, except her mother and my mother. And with was born with the blood deficiency. This incident almost
only three months into the family way, she wasn't strengthened our faith quite a bit.
showing. I went to Puttaparthi. Sometimes He used to My wife was no way near Swami and she was 700 miles
call doctors (1965-66) and speak to us. Swami used to away, no one knew that she was pregnant. We did not
ask few questions. I normally listen. He looked at me and discuss this with anyone. But He said everything. I wasn't
asked, “Aapko kuch bolna hai? Kuch poochna hai? (Do even thinking about her pregnancy during that interview.
you want to ask or say something?”) GV: Your narration is so fascinating, I have to ask you for
I said, “Nothing”. But I must tell you, my wife had more.
developed a funny problem of spitting. Every second she
Life-Giving Sai
used to spit and that used to drive her crazy. She had KM: I have seen so many
tremendous salivation and it used to flow. So suddenly I things now, being with
remembered about my wife and said, “My wife…” Swami for 40 years. I
Swami cut me immediately and said, “Malum hai, Sir, saw a person, a Sindhi
Garbh” (I know, Sir, she is pregnant) Mind you, she was gentleman, who was a
700 miles away. He said, “Do not worry, August 22, you printer from Madras,
will have a son.”I didn't ask Him anything. Then He said being declared dead.
something else. “Chiranjeevi - Long Life!” Swami used to ask me to go and work in the general
Then all the doctors went away. I went home and my wife hospital in Puttaparthi whenever I used to come here.
said, “I want to tell you something. I am not spitting, One night, Dr Bhaskar Rao from Andhra Pradesh and
salivating.” I asked her went did it stop and I traced out myself were sleeping, as part of our duty near the bed of a
that exactly at the moment I talked to Swami, she patient. This person was almost declared dead. The whole
stopped. family was called from Madras (now Chennai). At about
To cut a long story short, I got a son. Swami did 12 o clock in the night, Dr. Bhaskar Rao wakes me and
materialize a fruit during that conversation. It was a dry says, “Did you smell something very fragrant?”
date. “A few hours before your wife goes for the hospital, [Incidentally, this incident has been written about in
you make her eat that fruit,” He had said. We religiously Sanathana Sarathi, in the late 1960s.]
did that for her and on August 22, just as Baba had told, Dr. Bhaskar Rao woke me up. It was a very strong

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 087

fragrance of vibhuti - it was very fascinating. This was the her death was extremely peaceful, but not before that.
man almost dead! But nothing happened, we just got She was neither here nor there. She wouldn't allow
the smell. The next morning we went for our bath. And anyone to touch her, except me. She kept on saying, “My
when we returned it must be about 6 o'clock in the Prince,” and asked me all funny things. She asked,
morning - we saw this man sitting up on the bed and “Without a dog, can a man enter the kingdom of
singing Raghupathi Raghava Raja Ram! I almost fainted. heaven?” I told her the vedic story of how the king and
It was so funny, it was so fascinating. This man who is the dog were refused entry. It was completely out of blue.
almost dead, singing Raghupathi Raghava Raja Ram! She used to sing, say some hymns and things like that,

The Divine Blesses The Dutiful which completely befuddled us. She had no knowledge.
Now, to tell you another interesting tale, my mother had She was talking in tongues, which was totally new to us
absolute devotion to Baba. For her, Baba was 'the thing'. and completely new to her as an individual. I remember
Nothing was in between her and Baba. One day while I during her last moments, I was standing at the foot of her
was talking with her, she stood up and turned to go to the feet. She was lying there, raised her hands and then
kitchen. I saw a big red blob on her backside. It was blood. waived as if she was bidding goodbye and then closed her
I said, “What is this?” “I have been bleeding often,” she eyes. She had a peaceful death.
said. I got very upset. “You don't even tell me, how would I told later to Swami about her end. I said that Mother was
I know you are bleeding from your rectum?” We found talking in all kinds of languages and her end was very
out that she had cancer of the rectum. She told me, “Go peaceful. Swami took it as a matter of course. But let me
and tell Swami”. So I went to Baba. I went to Whitefield tell you, Swami had visited Bombay during her illness. She
but Baba was in Kodaikanal. I said, “OK, I will stay here for was admitted in the Parsi General Hospital. And I was one
a while and then go back”. But Mr. Ramabrahman, the of those persons Swami asked to be with Him whenever
caretaker of Whitefield ashram, told me, there was a He came to Bombay (now Mumbai). There were a few
phone call from Swami. “Dr. Mistry is there, tell him not to others like Inamdar and Satheesh, and Swami used to
go, I will come in the evening” that was the message allow us to be in His room. We did everything - draw His
from Him. So I stood by. When He came, I told Swami water, take out His clothes, serve Him food, etc. all things
about mother's cancer. Swami then looked at me directly an attender would do. We were on duty and I was staying
in the eye and said, “What doctor, should people live in Dharmakshetra (Swami's residence in Mumbai) itself,
forever?” I, then, realized that it was His way of saying she full 24 hours. I didn't go anywhere.
was going to die. Other people used to ask me, “What about your
Then I said, “Swami, as a son, I would request you that she practice?” But I used to feel very happy doing this and He
should have a peaceful death.” “Peaceful death mangtha used to allow me to do this. Now, one night - it was a
hai? Jao Milega,” [You want for her a peaceful death? Go, Friday, I remember at 8 o clock - mother was very ill and
you will get that] He said, as if it was something He was she was in the hospital. A call came from my father that
giving out. the doctor says she is very serious and may not live
You should know through the night. So I asked my father, “Is she asking for
how to talk to me?” He said, “No. She is not conscious at all.” I said, “If
Bhagavan Baba. We she is not asking for me father, do you feel that I should be
ask him what we there with you, because I am on duty.” Swami retired at 8
think we need. I just pm. I cannot leave without Swami's permission. I don't
asked for a feel like leaving, I haven't spoken to Baba and I can't knock
peaceful death. I on the door now. I wouldn't do that.
should have asked My sister came on the phone and she said, “What,
for a peaceful whole life towards the end. The last week of nonsense?” I got a firing from her. I said, “Fine, give the

088 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)
HOW I BECAME FASCINATED WITH SAI - A Conversation With Dr. Keki Mistry - Part 1

and you are wasting your time here.”

Swami then knocked me and said, “See, this is called
bhakthi (devotion)”. Swami was showing me what true
devotion is!
She said, “You left all the thousands of people for darshan
and you have come to see old lady.” At the same time, she
was very conscious of herself as a host. “Please seat
yourself,” she said and then took some coconut water.
Swami said, “I am not the patient” and asked her lie down
immediately. She had been operated upon - Colostomy
was done and Swami created and applied vibhuti on her.
phone back to father.”
He talked to her for 10-15 minutes.
I asked Father, “Do you need me there?” He said, “No!” So
I decided I will stay at Dharmakeshtra and pray for her. If
she was asking for me, then it would be something else.
Her doctor, who was a leading surgeon of Mumbai, too
came on the phone and said, “Keki, I don't think she will
make it through the night. It is up to you, it is your
mother. Folks are asking me to talk to you.” I said, “Ok”.
But then, this is the stand I took - I will stay at Baba's
Swami was not there and I could not leave without His
permission - particularly when she was not asking for me.
Next morning at 7, Swami opened His door and I went
inside. Swami sat down and was looking at some paper. I
said, “Swami there was a call. Mother is not very well, can
I have your permission to go?”

A Special Visit with Swami

Now, this was Saturday morning. He said, “Wednesday I
am visiting Savant's house and your mother is in the
Now imagine this. Doctor said, “Come immediately, she
hospital close by. Let us go together to visit her.” She lived
will not live through the night.” But Swami said, “We will
four days. I took it as a sign that I should not go. My
see her on Wednesday.” My mother came home from the
family had a reaction, not my father. By that time, she
hospital and lived for another one and half years after
recovered consciousness. Mother said, “No, let him be
that. She died in our home.
with Baba.”
GV: You seem to have a fund of astonishing stories.
On Wednesday, Swami went to the Hospital - the Parsi
KM: This is only a tip of the iceberg!
General Hospital - to see her with me. Normally, I used to
travel in the car with Him wherever He went. I would sit in GV: We would like to learn about more of the iceberg.

the front and Sri Indulal Shah would sit next to Swami at Please tell us more stories.

the back. So, I went with Him.

When mother saw Swami in the hospital, she looked at
(To be continued in next issue)
Swami and asked,
“What is the matter with you? You, coming to see this old
lady? Thousands of people are waiting for your darshan

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 089


A Revealing International
Conference in the
Department of Physics,

Each year, the month of

November draws several
thousand devotees from
around the globe and all
corners of India to
Prasanthi Nilayam. The The President of India delivering
the 25th Convocation address
week of November 23,
2006 which marked As Divinely ordained, and on the heels of President’s
Bhagawan’s 81st birthday exigency to open doors to nanotechnology, the
celebrations, was no department of physics at the SSSU hosted an
different. Devotees thronged Prasanthi Nilayam to international workshop at Prashanti Nilayam on “Science
witness the 25th annual convocation of Sri Sathya Sai and Applications of Nanostructured Materials” from 29
University (SSSU) - a deemed university, and the November to 1t December, 2006. Because of its
inauguration of Sri Sathya Sai International Centre for multidisciplinary nature, the workshop attracted
Sports - an indoor stadium of international standards, participants researching in diverse fields ranging from
and a momentous gift from Bhagawan to His students. physics, chemistry, biosciences, engineering, to business
The indoor stadium was built in a record four months and management studies. Twenty invited speakers and
time and inaugurated on November 22, 2006 by His about fifty participants from various Indian institutions
Excellency President of India, Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam. participated in this workshop. Most of them were making
Offering his reverential pranams at the Lotus Feet of their first visit to Prasanthi Nilayam, and understandably
Bhagawan, the President praised the value-based their curiosity was two-fold – scientific, and about
education offered at Bhagavan’s institutions saying it Prasanthi Nilayam itself. As one of the invited speakers
combines spirituality with social responsibility. The from Cambridge University wrote in his email ahead of
president also emphasized the importance of emerging the event - "I have heard a lot about Baba's work. Being
technologies to the students and faculty of SSSIHL and invited (to Prasanthi Nilayam) gives me an opportunity to
said, see it for myself." The students and faculty of the
“From the university website, I found that SSSIHL is Brindavan campus (Bangalore) also participated via
attracting faculty members from many parts of the teleconferencing from the Sri Sathya Sai Multimedia
world. This resource can definitely be utilized for Learning Center inaugurated by Bhagavan earlier in
providing courses to the students in the emerging August, 2006.
field of “Convergence of Technologies”. Every student of the SSSU is trained in the practice of
The information technology and communication "Atithi devo bhava" (Revere the Guest as God) and this
technology have already converged leading to often involves learning lessons from Bhagavan directly.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Events in Prasanthi Nilayam where first-time visitors are
Information Technology combined with bio- introduced to Bhagavan's philosophy, message and work
technology has led to bio-informatics. Now, Nano- present both opportunities and challenges to the
technology is knocking at our doors. It is the field of students of Bhagavan. These events are verily “practical
the future that will replace microelectronics and laboratories” where the student is put to test. The three-
many fields with tremendous application potential in day international workshop on nanostructured materials
the areas of medicine, electronics and material was one such event. Besides being curious knowledge-
science.” seekers, the students played the role of hosts, organizers

090 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

the curative effect of trace amounts of copper

present in the human body was thoroughly
analyzed. For example, copper is an essential
element of an enzyme necessary for the production
of cartilage lining in human bones. This scientific
fact justified the ancient practice of Indian sages
who habitually drank water stored overnight in
copper vessels. After further deliberation on the
curative effects of silver and gold particles, it was
unanimously concluded that Bhagavan’s vibuthi
(sacred ash) which has the most therapeutic benefits
for the human body, could work in ways much
subtler than these and remain beyond the
understanding of our limited minds.
For some of the participants, the impact of their
interaction with the students came shortly after the
The spectrum of experts and event ended. One of the invited speakers called a
participants invited for the workshop
member of the faculty at the SSSIHL and said he was
and caretakers during this event. They organized moved by the warmth and love of the students he
themselves into small groups to efficiently attend to the interacted with. Recalling later the last few moments
needs of each visitor and more importantly, introduce when the students requested him to visit again in near
them to Prasanthi Nilayam and help them discover on future, he said, “I was touched by the genuineness of
their own about Bhagavan's work, philosophy and feeling. It is customary to say a few these words when a
message. guest leaves. I hear this everywhere. But I felt that here
the words were suffused with love." Another professor
As a part of this workshop,
from the United States wrote, "It will be a pleasure if some
the visitors were also shown
of Bhagavan's students chose to work with me in the
an hour long video on
Bhagavan's mission and
work, courtesy of Prasanthi
Digital Studio. This began
their introduction to His
Work. At their own
convenience the visitors
visited the Super Specialty
Vibuthi confers the most Hospital to absorb the
therapeutic benefits
magnitude of His Work. To
for the human body
many of the visitors,
especially those from overseas, the presence of a
university of this nature in a rural setting was a miracle.
One of the professors of Indian origin, presently residing
in the United States, said, "To establish a university in this Expression of a participant’s humbling experience
country, in a rural setting is a wonder. Usually students during the workshop
from rural areas move to the universities located in cities.
Here, it is just the other way round and this trend is more future. Their sincerity is remarkable."
than a miracle." And what impressed them most was the His love flowed through the young minds. Love of science
import of a value-based education system. It was a stark brought the participants to the workshop which provided
contrast to what they usually see in most academic them an opportunity to worship at the shrine of science.
circles. The workshop not only enhanced education for Those who came to share their love of science were
the students but also served as a platform for the indeed touched by the signs of love. It is indeed amazing
participants to forge international collaborative research what the touch of divine love can do to man, mind and
in nanoscience and nanotechnology. Progress and matter.
current issues related to the synthesis and properties of – Organisers of the Workshop,
nanostructured materials were discussed, in particular, Deparment of Physics, SSSU

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 091


“Education is for life and not for mere living

A flashing reminder for every human being

So peep at the precincts of value education

And apply its lessons at life's every station

'EDUCARE' is that holistic education for all Abu Dhabi - properous and beautiful
It is a must to learn from early per divine call

Good character is the reward of this education

So be it the syllabi at every school in a nation.”

A Modern Desert City

Abu Dhabi (Arabic: literally "Father of Gazelle") is the
eponymous capital of the largest of the seven emirates
which constitute the South-West Asian nation of United
Arab Emirates. Located in the North Central region of the
country, this city lies on a T-shaped island jutting into the
Persian Gulf from the Central Western Coast. More than
Fascinating sand dunes...
80% of its 1.8 million population (according to 2006
census) is made of expatriates.
expatriate workers and professionals from India,
Pakistan, Egypt, Bangladesh, Philippines, the United
Kingdom, and elsewhere. The native-born populations
are Arabic-speaking, Gulf Arabs who are part of a clan-
based society, while the rest speak English, Urdu or

It is interesting that though a desert strip, Abu Dhabi city

is known in the region for its greenery. With numerous
parks and gardens, unspoiled beaches, the tranquility of
the desert, rugged mountain scenery and lush green
oases all in a clean and safe environment Abu Dhabi is an
amazing Arabian adventure, mystifying and lively. But
what is more heartening in the recent times is the
blossoming of a unique bloom: the Sathya Sai Educare

Abu Dhabi is one of the most modern cities in the world. EHV in Abu Dhabi -
With headquarters of most of the emirates oil operating An Educational Inspiration
companies as well as other national embassies based In Abu Dhabi, we find Education in Human Values classes
here, this city is, truly, the center of government and imparting value instruction and inspiration to more than
business life in the UAE. The architecture of its modern 150 children by scores of Sai teachers every week at eight
buildings and skyscrapers is the finest in the Middle East. centers; training workshops for Bal Vikas teachers;
Located in the oil-rich and strategic Persian Gulf region, seminars on 'Dynamic Parenting' for school teachers and
the majority of the inhabitants of Abu Dhabi are Parent's Contact Programs held in the Sai centers

092 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

The Chancellor of
Swami's blessings for the centre
Abu Dhabi University lights the lamp
regularly; a two-day discussion on Human Values in 2000
attracting 350 teachers besides leading local luminaries
like H.E .Sheikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister
of Higher Education and Scientific Research and
Chancellor of the Higher Colleges of Technology, and
Indian ambassador HE. K. C. Singh.

In addition to the above, later in the same year, Dr Art-ong

Jumsai Na Ayudhya, Director of Institute of Sathya Sai
Education, Thailand, was invited to address the Zayed
University officials and teaching staff; two volumes of
'Divine Stories' books containing over 200 stories on
Human Values published in 2003 were accepted to be Human Values Songs by EHV students
published by the Books and Publications Trust, Prasanthi
Abu Dhabi University, lit the lamp to inaugurate the
Nilayam, since 2005, and the generation of a masive
conference, and as the flame flickered, EHV students of
amount of material on Human Value education and its
the Sai Organization sang human values songs in melody
aids, the Human Values programme in operation in this
and harmony. Later, the chairman of the Abu Dhabi Sai
prosperous cosmopolitan city by dedicated Sai volunteers
Centre gave the welcome address.
in the decade old Abu Dhabi Sai Centre is an inspiration
for the rest of the world. This was followed by informative and revealing lectures
by EHV trainers from the Sathya Sai Organisation of
The First EHV Workshop
Oman. Topics on which they elaborated included 'Why
One of the greatest moments of jubilation for the 350
Value Education?'; 'Role of Teachers and Inculcation of
odd members of the Sai centre (which swells to 800 on
Human Values'; 'The Psychological Impact of SSEHV on
special occasions) was in 15 March, 2006 when Bhagavan
Children'; 'Value Inculcation across Curriculum and Co-
Baba accepted their prayer, submitted in a letter, to
curriculum', etc
extend the Education in Human Values programme to
English Medium schools in the city and gave His blessings Teaching and Leading by Example
to go ahead with the proposal. This added benediction An eminent child psychologist from Dubai, Dr. Onita
put the whole programme in a new gear, and the Nakra, PhD, who is also a Sai devotee, gave an
motivated devotees, on June 2, 2006 organized the First enlightening lecture on 'The Teacher as Counselor' with
Workshop on Education in Human Values in the solutions for common child and adolescent problems in
Auditorium of the Indian Embassy. schools. She added that Sathya Sai EHV is conveyed
primarily by example and experiential exercises, rather
Hon. Guest Prof. Dr. Reynold Macpherson, Chancellor,
than academic study, and explained that everyday events

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 093

school. “The training modules were organized very well

to depict one of the five values and the way it has been
presented using the five teaching components was
excellent. This programme has made a positive impact on
my personal and family life”.

“EHV... the future of the world.”

Thoroughly impressed with the lecturers as well as the
excellent presentation of a skit 'Five Elements' depicting
how value erosion leads to deterioration of life, staged by
the EHV children during the lunch recess, all the 200 odd
participants which included many Head teachers and
Principals lauded the SSEHV Programme and placed their
Dr. Onita Nakra, Child Psychologist
requests for PowerPoint EHV lectures, training, follow-up
and on-going support revolving around human values
teaching tools in their schools. They expressed their

“Sathya Sai Education in Human Values Programme is a

much needed tool that provides a structured, well
thought out methodology for providing value based
education. These works are much needed, are to be held
more frequently taking local issues for deliberations”.

Ms. Akhila, EHV Trainer

occurring in the classroom can be used directly to

illustrate the values.

Teaching fraternity from 15 schools and one University

participated in the conference and at the end of the day-
long conference, one of the participant teachers said,

“Many behavioral problems in society are mirrored in

schools, through bullying, drug abuse, theft and
vandalism, which all make a teacher's work more difficult Teachers during lunch break
and less satisfying. In addressing this need, the SSEHV
Programme, in conjunction with inspirational teachers,
seeks to improve the moral quality of young people
leaving school and make teaching more satisfying to
those in the profession.”

That the whole event was a fulfilling experience for every

teacher and educator who participated, was evident from
their countenance and encouraging words during and at
the end of the conference.

“Thank you to all of you who have put in so much time

and effort to make the Sathya Sai EHV training so
educative and inspiring,” said a teacher from an Indian Five Elements' skit by EHV children

094 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

But the icing on the cake was the message of Prof. into human values which are intrinsic in every one of us,
Reynold Macperson, Chancellor Abu Dhabi University, and which I am now trying to put into practice every day.
Abu Dhabi, who said, “Education in Human values is The methods of teaching that were used were especially
the ultimate in education and the future of the world. efficient as they were geared for people from all walks of
I will readily give my auditorium in the newly coming life. How can I admit my children?” This was what a
up campus to hold EHV seminars in the future and Muslim lecturer from the Higher College of Technology
also I will involve all my teaching faculty and enquired.

An Eagerly Awaited Follow-up

That was the overwhelming impact the Conference had.
In fact, the request for holding another workshop was so
compelling from teachers and principals that the Sai
devotees organized a follow-up workshop within four
months. And this time, the Conference was held in the Y
auditorium of the Zayed University, Abu Dhabi campus on
September 22, 2006. Again more than 200 turned up for
the workshop but there were now three colleges and two
universities apart from ten English medium schools.
Clearly the word had spread and it was being increasingly Delegates in full attention
admired by all concerned with education.
Another salient facet of this workshop was the invitation
“I thoroughly enjoyed attending the Sathya Sai EHV given to administrative staff of educational institutions
workshop. The Programme gave me an excellent insight and also to parents. The SSEHV Programme is most
successful only when the whole environment of a student
is comprised of value-conscious adults, and to help
achieve that, increasing the value-awareness of the entire
school staff and parents is paramount. Among the
audience members were Muslims, Christians of various
nationalities and Arab nationals belonging to United
Arab Emirates.

“I appreciate the strong stand SSEHV takes on society's

values. A child can switch on a television and see images
that imply greed and selfishness is good, that physical

During National Anthem, Zayed University

Delegates including
Prof. Macperson in the front row
Counselor Reema Menon

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 095

attractiveness is more important than inner worth, and

that only youth matters. I am sure children who go
through the SSEHV programme will help to transform
society, walking the path of values into a better world,"
said Reema Menon, a counselor.

EHV Trainer, Dubai Centre

Lighting of lamp by Indian Ambassador

Commencement of workshop -
Master of Ceremony

issues like Traditional and Family values; Importance of

Human values in education and society; Human values-
the heart of dynamic parenting; Integration of Human
values through curricular and extra curricular activities;
and Value Education at the university level.
HE Mr. C M Bhandari delivering his talk At the end of the conference, the head teacher of a school
After inaugurating the Conference, HE Mr. C. M.
“This was a very positive and revitalizing course. SSEHV
Bhandari, Indian Ambassador to UAE, said, “While
states the teacher's role is the most important and that we
commending the service activities carried by Sai
can really make a difference to the pupil and to society. As
Organisation and the transformation being brought by
teachers for such long periods this subject of human
Bhagavan's teachings, Education in Human Values is one
values has been a powerful, enriching and uplifting
important tool for all educational institutions to adopt to
message. Participating in the course as an experienced
produce useful, serviceable and productive human
teacher, I have felt renewed and as a part of a community
resources. He urged that parents and teachers have the
that shares my vision for education.”
responsibility to be good role models for their children,
which means that they must practice what they want Rejuvenated Enthusiasm for Teachers -
them to follow. If parents and teachers set the right A Quiet Revolution for Students
It was the same feeling of rejuvenated enthusiasm that
example, the students will automatically blossom into
echoed from every teacher who went through the course.
models of excellence and become good citizens”.
A teacher from ARS said, “Teachers who have tried EHV
In the 8-hour long workshop, two speakers from Dubai program have found that it does work, particularly with
Centre and four from Abu Dhabi, dealt on pertinent the aid of the Silent Sitting exercise. Silent sitting helps to

096 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

quiet children's' minds, make them less hyperactive, Love's Success

improve memory and concentration, and overall, With requests pouring in to the Sai Organisation to
improve receptivity and standards in all areas of conduct similar programs as frequently as possible, the
learning.” Sai volunteers knew by the Lord's grace, the programme
was a success. What really touched every participant's
A silent revolution of ideal learning was on. “Children will
heart was the sincerity and the genuineness of purpose
internalize the messages in the songs and quotations,
with which the whole event was conducted. It was great
and develop in their understanding. The stories offer
teamwork and you could see love everywhere, as a school
opportunities for improving communication skills
supervisor from OWES said, “My overall assessment is
through discussion, group work and role-play,” said a
that it is an excellent Programme. It is very well
Christian teacher.
structured, can easily be integrated into any school's
curriculum and help to improve its ethics through the five
values i.e. Truth, Love, Peace, Right Conduct and Non-
Violence. The love generated amongst the participants
was very profound”.

Delegates exchanging views

EHV songs by students, Abu Dhabi Centre

Ultimately it was love which did the trick and that is truly
the 'heart and soul' of EHV. As Swami says, “A person with
no love in his heart is no man at all.” And the lead that the
devotees of Abu Dhabi have taken in spreading this
message of love through the principles and practices of
Education in Human Values is commendable. We, at
During a break
Heart2Heart, wish that with time the desert-city of Abu
Dhabi transforms itself into a divine-city pulsating with
In the midst of all these 'paradigm shifts' in the minds of
love and compassion.
teachers on teaching methodology, there were lighter
moments too when EHV students sang value songs and – Heart2Heart Team
the Chancellor of Abu Dhabi University, Professor
Macperson, gave away certificates to EHV students and
felicitated them. The chancellor also made an enthralling
Power Point presentation on 'Implementing Education in
Human Values at University level'. He said that EHV
prepared students for the opportunities, responsibilities
and experience of a meaningful adult life.

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 097

By Ms. Vaishnavi Nair

This article was sent to us by a young reader, Ms.

Vaishnavi Nair, a class XI student at Chennai who has
completed her courses in Sathya Sai Bal Vikas. She,
along with her parents, were able to participate in
the recently held Athi Rudra Maha Yajna in Chennai,
in January 2007, and here is a first hand report of her
So many await the Lord at Sundaram
'A Trail Of Inexplicable Happiness' in Chennai
A tsunami is unnoticeable in the open ocean a long, low
wave whose power becomes clear only when it reaches
shore and breaks. Spotting the wave while it is still
crossing the ocean is tricky, which explains why so few are
aware of the one that is approaching.

He comes to fill the devotees' hearts

Being the last quarter of the academic year my school was
not ready to grant a week of leave of absence at a stretch.
But the Lord took care. My duties were arranged on week-
ends. As an ex-balavikas student, I was fortunate to be
The ritwiks performing the asked to serve in the balavikas stall set-up near the ARMY
Athi Rudra Maha Yagna in Chennai site. Many parents along with their kids visited our stall.
On 19 Jan 2007, the city of Chennai was hit by another When they realized that even these teachings are
tsunami. But this time around, with a huge difference! It imparted absolutely free, they were blown off their feet.
left a trail of inexplicable happiness and indescribable joy. Several of them wanted to enroll their children
Such was the impact of the torrent of love. immediately.
When Swami declared that the second Athi Rudra Maha Meanwhile, news of the Yagna spread like wildfire. The
Yagnam (ARMY) will be performed in Chennai, the gathering crowd swelled in numbers. People from far off
hundreds of thousands of devotees in Tamil Nadu were towns, cities and villages began thronging the Yagna site
elated. The last time Swami graced the city was nearly ten as well as Sundaram (where Swami was residing). They
years ago. All of sudden, ARMY became the buzzword realized that this Yagna is not a common occurrence.
everywhere - be it at the ex-Balavikas conference or the Conducted after a few millenniums for the prosperity and
Sevadal meeting. peace of humanity, only an Avatar can manifest such
abundant blessings.
It goes without saying the Lord's mission moves on with
clockwise precision as per His sankalpa. But to be a small But apart from participating in the Yagna, the milling
instrument in the divine scheme of things, one needs to crowd prayed for a glimpse of the Lord. And Swami in His
be really blessed. For all us in Chennai, especially the Sai infinite love knows the yearnings of His devotees. To the
youth, this was a tremendous opportunity to participate great delight of all the devotees He went around the
in His work and partake divine grace. And participate we entire stretch of the hall. Thousands who witnessed this
did. With divine guidance behind us this is no great experienced a unique happiness. Even long-time
devotees of Swami confessed to have experienced a

098 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

higher intensity of His presence. The 'Sun' Provides Shady Shelter

Thousands continued to pour in. The unique feast of Though the numbers increased everyday, the crowd
bhajans, rudram chanting, devotional and instrumental behaved the same - calm, cheerful and patient eagerly
music, all in the presence of the Lord Himself is a once in a awaiting the Lord's darshan. Swami fulfilled their wishes
life time opportunity. And nobody wanted to miss it. by going around every little path way, even into the street
far outside Sundaram. Observing that his devotees are
Such Close Darshan of the Lord waiting in the hot sun, the merciful Lord's kind heart
The ever merciful Lord too, started giving even more. I melted. He asked his attendants not to hold the umbrella
have never seen Swami giving so much Darshan at such over Him. Instead, He directed the organizers to erect
close quarters before. And the crowd behaved in a very shamianas inside Sundaram compound.
orderly way which is unusual when it comes to such large
gatherings. Swami Acknowledges the Seva
The hot sun kept us, the water-girls, busy. Most people
sought for more than just one glass of water. As the
crowd kept increasing this was not an easy task; it was
turning to be an arduous job. Tried and clueless, I thought
I should at least attempt what Draupadi did to Krishna
when faced with the situation of having to feed
thousands. Praying to Swami, I too imagined offering
Him a cup (somehow the color of the cup happened to be
red) of water hoping that it will quench the thirst of
everyone present. Though I felt stupid trying to be like
Draupadi, it made me feel good. Thereafter, I got along
with my work. After the crowd disbursed, we all returned
Swami even gives Darshan outside on the road! home.
The next day, an akka
(elder sister) of mine, came
rushing to me after
Darshan. It seems she had
a dream. She saw Swami
accepting water from me
in a red cup! The eyes of
everyone around welled
with tears of happiness
and wonderment when I
told them about my quiet The Embodiment of Peace
little offering. Look at the
Devotees longingly look upon their Lord
mercy of the Lord. Even in such trivial things, He has taken
care to indicate to us that He has seen and heard the
As the numbers starting swelling outside Sundaram, prayer. Truly, we were all blessed to have this wonderful
more sevadals were drafted into service. I was again opportunity.
fortunate. I too was called in. As the proverbial squirrels,
The profound impact of Swami on ordinary Chennaites
two of us were given the role of distributing drinking
was overwhelming and beyond words. Devotees like me
water and assisting elderly ladies on to their chairs.
were able to know a little more the “ways of Sai”.
Going around the crowd was a great revelation. It opened Inscrutable are HIS ways. Quietly without any fanfare, He
up another facet of Swami to me. The experiences gained brought in Sai Ganga to quench the thirst of Chennai.
were truly memorable. Then He set about transforming and energizing barren
Noticing the polite and calm countenance of Sevadals, hearts with love and spirituality and guiding all of us to
the police officials on duty changed their tack. They also cross the samsara sagara (ocean of life) the righteous
took to the Sai way. It looked like one big family vasudeva way! As He left on 31 January, the assembled sea of
kuthumbhakam! People, who could not get inside humanity realized what swept them off their feet and
Sundaram, waited patiently outside singing bhajans and warmly wrapped them up. It was the infinite tsunami of
chanting Sai Gayathri. Total strangers were greeting each love!
other with 'Sairam!'

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 099

one who fulfills all the aspirations of the heart; to that

Mother I supplicate and pray to Her to grant me alms.
She is the one who resides in the sacred cave of Kailasha
SWAMI? Moksha Dwara Kapatapatana Kari the one who flings
By Sri Sanjay Mahalingam open the gates of liberation; to that Divine, Benevolent
Mother I supplicate and pray to Her to grant me alms.

This is the transcript of a talk delivered by Sri Sanjay And what do we seek from Her?
Mahalingam in the divine presence of Bhagavan Baba Annapurney, Sadaapurney, Shankara Prana
during the Dasara celebrations on October 1, 2006. Vallabhey
Jnana, Vairagya, Sidhyartham; Bikshamdehi Cha
From that Mother I seek the boon of Renunciation and
It was about three years back in His Gurupurnima
Discourse, Bhagavan said:
“I am willing to grant anything to anybody; but
nobody asks! And even those who ask; ask for grass;
but don't ask for Grace!”
In His second Discourse; during these celebrations
Bhagavan said so poetically and mentioned such a
sublime and profound Truth! He said:
“You all breathe impure air! But I breathe the Pure air
Sri Sanjay Mahalingam speaking in His presence
which consists of the prayers of My devotees. I inhale
Offering my loving salutations at the Lotus Feet; the air of the aspirations of My near and dear ones;
revered elders, sisters and brothers. and what do I exhale? I exhale Blessings! 'Yes! Yes!
Yoganandakari Ripukshayakari Yes! Tathastu! Tathastu!' - What you ask; I will grant!”
Dharmarthanishthakari When we are in association with such a Benevolent
Mother; it is all that much more important for us to know
Chandrarkanala Bhaasamaonanalahiri
what to ask? What to ask from Swami?
Sarveshwarya Samasthavaanchithakari 'Grant Me Renunciation and Wisdom'
Kashipuradhishwari Jnana, Vairagya Sidhyartham; Bhiksham Dehi Cha
Bhikshamdehi Kripaavalambanakari Mata
Annapurneshwari Oh Lord of Lords! Grant me if anything Renunciation and
Drishyaadrishya Prabhoota Vaahanakari
Bramhaandabhaandodari What is Vairagya? Many
great seers describe it in
Leelananatakasutrabhedhanakari various ways - let me quote
Vigyanadeepankuri from Swami's Discourse
Shri Vishweshamanaprasaadanakari Swami says: “Vairagya is
Kashipuraadhishwari the ABC of sadhana. It is
Bhikshamdehi Kripaavalambanakari Mata the very first sign of a
Annapurneshwari spiritual life.”

These scriptures declare the most Benevolent Mother as What is Vairagya? Vairagya
the one who grants the bliss of yoga. is the absence of raga or
attachment. It is
The destroyer of foes - Ripukshayakari;
detachment from the
The protector of all the three worlds - pleasures of this world and
Trayalokyarakshakari; also from those obtainable in heaven after attaining the
The one who grants all prosperity and auspiciousness; the firm conviction that they are evanescent and fraught with

100 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

grief. Vairagya is not necessarily abandoning family ties floating down

and fleeing into the loneliness of the jungle; but giving up the stream and
the false idea, the false notion that objects are would have
permanent; and can yield real joy. continued in its
Bhagavan adds that no object is without fault; no joy course had you
unmixed with pain; no action untainted by selfishness. not interrupted
Therefore be warned develop detachment and save it. You swam to
yourself from grief. it, gleefully
grasped it,
Letting Go claimed it as yours, then to save your own life you let it go
There was once a sadhu, who was a sadhu only by if I may and now you say you lost your vessel? When was it yours?
say so vocation; but not by thought, word and deed; for Is not all this sorrow your own making?”
he had donned the ochre robe not because he had any
Sisters and Brothers, like the anchorite of our story
immortal longings for liberation from the thralldom of
Bhagavan says that we too come to have a flawed, a
perennial plurality; but because this life suited his laziness
mistaken relationship with the objects of this world. First
and indolence.
we painstakingly strive to possess them and then
This fake sadhu had a small hut by the Ganges; the water madly wrestle to preserve them all the while
of the Ganges quenched his thirst and the generosity of forgetting the fundamental fact that everything in
the gullible pilgrims satiated his hunger enviable was his this prapancha (world) follows the law of movement
position. and change. The only constant is change they say - we
One day, while sitting forget that everything is in a state of flux.
on the banks of the As Bhagavan always says, “This prapancha is nothing but
Ganges as he was reaction, reflection and resound. That is all it is!”
entertaining his idle Therefore the dictum is: “Welcome all that comes to you,
curiosity; he saw a stand not in the way of that which departs you.”
shiny object floating
down the stream. Real Renunciation
Without a second Bhagavan further adds that real renunciation is to be
thought, he plunged into the water; swam with deft totally contented, perfectly happy with what is here and
strokes; reached the shiny object; retrieved it out of the now. For what is, will be. What is not, will never be! Then
water; held it close to his bosom; claimed it as his and to why grieve? To be completely at ease, relaxed and
his utter amazement and joy he saw that it was a contented with what is is real renunciation.
beautiful silver vessel. With that vessel held in one hand, But then why does the mind get attracted to temporary
he started swimming back to the bank. objects? Because it has not seen the Permanent. The mind
But all was not well runs after these fleeting objects because it has not yet
man proposes; God seen what is real joy. It has not yet dissolved itself in God
disposes. He realized even for a glimpse of what is real bliss what is true
that the current was so contentment. That is why it runs madly after these so
strong that the more he called objects.
tried to extricate Doesn't Lord Krishna say in the Geeta?
himself, the more
Vishaya Vinivartantey Niraharasya Dehinah
viciously it sucked him
to its center; for he had only one hand to save himself! Rasavrajam Rasopyasya Param Drishtva Nivartatey

After a desperate struggle, the instinct of self- For a man who turns away from objects; the objects also
preservation gained the better of his greed. He let go of will turn away from him that is the law. But the essential
the vessel and with both his hands and with a Herculean craving still remains, which too vanishes when 'Param
effort, he swam back to safety. On reaching the land he Drishtva Nivartatey', when the Supreme is beheld!
looked back and saw the shiny object floating away from Bhagavan mercifully commanded me just now to say
him. He couldn't bear the anguish and burst out into tears something on Ramatatwa the essence of Lord Rama. Just
and wept and wailed: “Oh! I lost my silver vessel!” a thought that comes to my mind and let me think aloud
A real sage a man of genuine dispassion and in Telugu 'Ra' means to come. Ra Randi. And in Tamil
renunciation - was seeing all this panorama, all this which happens to be my mother tongue 'Ma' is a word
drama. He came to him and said: “Friend! That vessel was used to connote Love. What I understand of the word

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 101

'Rama' is: 'Come to me, oh my dear!' Immortality.

“Come to me, oh my dear! Come and fill me for I have Yallabdhava Puman Siddho Bhavati; Amrito
come to realize this much after so many lives of arduous Bhavati; Tripto Bhavati
struggle that all happiness and misery is only black and Once having attained the Love of God Bhagavan says:
white. Real color, real beauty, real happiness is only union “Love is his own reward, He is completely satisfied, totally
with God. Therefore; please come to me! With a devoted satiated.”
heart, on my knees and with tears strolling down my eyes,
I supplicate before Thee and pray to Thee to come to me!” Yat Prapya Na Kinchid Vanchhati

What is Devotion? Devotion is often mistaken to be Na Shochati; Na Dveshti; Na Ramatey; Na Uthsahi

foolish sentimentality and weak emotionalism. Devotion Bhavati
is as far from emotionalism as is darkness from light; as is After having attained that he doesn't desire anything else
sun from the moon. he doesn't grieve; he doesn't hate; no enthusiasm is left in
him to seek anything else.
Devotion is Intense Sacrifice
Bhagavan in one of His china kathas (little stories) Ya gyatva Matto Bhavati; Sthabhdho Bhavati; Atma Ramo
mentions how once the great sage Narada went to teach Bhavati
the gopis (devoted cowherd folk of the Lord) the secret of After attaining which, after knowing which,
wisdom. And he was so taken aback - so to say stunned automatically without any effort or without any spiritual
into silence by their phenomenal devotion for Lord discipline - just by the intensity of his Love - unconsciously
Krishna. Krishna was the taste of their tongues; the sight he gets pushed into deep meditations. He gets sucked so
of their eyes; the sound of their ears; the touch of their to say into the quietness of his soul and comes to enjoy
skin - that he went back and composed what is known to the bliss of his Self.
be one of the most authoritative texts on the doctrine of
This is how Bhakti is
Devotion - The Narada Bhakti Sutras.
explained in the scriptures.
Let me present before So we see, Bhakti, though in
you the first six sutras of the beginning maybe so,
the Narada Bhakti but, in its culmination, it is
Sutras. not mere emotion, mere
Athato Bhaktim feeling - but an intense
Vyakhyasyamah sacrifice.

Let us now expound the Na Karmana, Na Prajaya;

Doctrine of Bhakti. The Dhaney; Na Tyagey;
second one says: Naikey Amritatvo
Sa Tasmin Parama
Prema Rupa Once while talking of the Bhagavat Gita, Sri Ramakrishna
Parmahansa said, “Gita! Gita! Gita!” and suddenly he
It is of the nature of
started saying, “Tagi! Tagi! Tagi!” He then explained:
Supreme Love - where
“Reverse of the word 'Gita', That is 'Tagi'. And that is the
there is no one else but
very essence of the entire Bhagavat Gita - Sacrifice!
God; nothing else but God; nothing is as dear to the heart
Sacrifice! Sacrifice!”
as God.
Amrita Swarupa Cha Giving Up Everything
What to sacrifice? There was once a great King who got
It is also of the nature of Immortality - because the stung if I may say so by the serpent of renunciation. He
devotee is so saturated with the thought of the Lord, that wanted to renounce everything. He sought out his
his entire realm of preceptor and said, “Master! Show me the way of
existence shifts from the renunciation. I want to give up.” The Master asked,
changing Universe to the “What will you give up?” He said, “I will give up all my
changeless Achyuta, to the wealth and distribute it amongst the poorest of the poor
changeless Divine of my kingdom.” The Master then said, “Really? But does
therefore he comes to the wealth belong to you? You have collected it by the
experience the Supreme taxes of your subjects. How can you distribute it and
Bliss of the Lord - which is renounce it my son?”
of the nature of

102 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

He said, “Master, I will renounce the throne. I will leave

the kingdom and walk into the forest.” He said, “Really?
The throne is entrusted to you. You are only a trustee you
don't own it; how can you renounce it?”
He then said, “Master, I will renounce this very body. I will
give up my life.” He said, “This body belongs to the
Nature. It is made up of five elements. Who did ever say
that it belongs to you? How can you give that up?”
In frustration he said, “Master, then what do I give up?”
He said, “The one who wants to renounce; give him up.
Who wants to renounce? 'I'! Give that 'I' up. Once that 'I' is into a marriage party you know, in Hindu marriages, we
given up; nothing would remain to be renounced. have feasts for four or five days. The bridegroom's party
Nothing would remain to be attained.” thought that he's the bride's best man, so they lavished all
“Show Me your mind! kinds of hospitality on him and treated him with special
I will tell you how to control it.” - Baba
About three years back, The bride's party - on observing this - thought that he was
while Swami was walking a very important near one of the bridegroom's party, so
here, suddenly one they too lavished their hospitality. So altogether, this
brother got up and said, guest without belonging to anybody, was having a nice
“Swami! Help me control time. One day, there was a point when both the parties
my mind.” Swami said, came together. This man sensed danger and vanished.
“Really! I will help.” At first They searched for him but could not find him anywhere
He joked - He patted him because he had vanished!
on his cheek and said, Bhagavan says, “Same is the case with the Ego!” What
“Your grandfather could is the ego? It is nothing but a so-called feeling that
not control his mind either, there is a distinct individual entity - separate from
what will you control!” others - who has a birth, who has a death, who has
There was a burst of bondage and finally has to be liberated. Giving up of
laughter! Then Swami this idea - Swami says, is real Jnana; is real Wisdom.
became serious; He said: “I will help you. I will definitely
help you. Show Me your mind! I will tell you how to The Grace to Attain Wisdom
control it.” And walked away. When a strong breeze is blowing, all that is required is to
unfurl the sails. The boat will be automatically taken to its
He said, “Show Me your mind; I will tell you how to
destination no rowing, nothing is required. A strong
control it.” Nobody understood anything - we all sat,
spiritual breeze of Bhagavan's Grace is blowing. He
Swami walked His way.
assures active assistance - not passive witnessing - but
The scriptures say: “Find the ego, destroy it, stamp it, active assistance to whoever wishes to tread the
annihilate it and finish it - but first find it! Where is it?” Godward path - all that we need to do is unfurl the sails of
Sometimes walking alone on a street in the night, when bhakti, jnana and vairagya!
suddenly we think that there is a ghost behind us - on Uthishtha, Jagrita, Prapya Varani Bodhata
close observation we find out that what we thought was
says the Katha Upanishad:
a ghost was nothing but a play of shadows. It was a
shadow of a big lamp-post or a big tree. Arise, awake, seek out the learned Masters; sit at their
feet and know the Truth!
What was required was close observation. If it had not
been closely observed; this shadow in the form of a We have found Swami, we have sat at His Feet. He has
ghost would have terrified us, would have scared us inculcated in us real understanding. It is up to us to
and would have made our lives miserable. But on wander about like a vagabond, or to sincerely tread the
close observation, we conclude that it never was path and seek His Grace.
there! In the second chapter of the Gita, Arjuna asks Lord
The Vanishing Guest
Bhagavan tells us in a chinna katha of that guest who Stithatpragnasya Ka Basha Samadhisthasya
vanishes. There was a man who gate-crashed so to say Keshava

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 103

What is the mark of an others? What is their opinion? Attachment to the world,
enlightened man? How to the society to the opinion of others.
does he walk? How does The second they say is attachment to the body.
he stand? How does he
And the third it is said is attachment to intellectual
smile? How does he sit?
knowledge. In the New Testament it is said that a camel
The Lord replies in the can go through the eye of a needle you know that a
next seventeen verses needle has a small hole at its head, through which we put
and He says: the thread. The New Testament says that a camel can go
Prajahati Yada through the eye of a needle but a wealthy man cannot go
Kaaman Sarvaan through the gates of heaven. In one of His Discourses
Paartha Manogataan Swami quoted this and then said: “Even the rich man can
Atmanyevatmana go through the gates of heaven, but a scholar cannot!”
Tushtaha Stithatpragnyastadochyatey The most difficult attachment to give up is the
attachment to intellectual knowledge.
One who has given up all desires of his heart, and is able
to satisfy himself totally by the joy of his own Self, he is a Attachment to the opinion of others: A very famous
real man of established wisdom! story is told of Mullah Nassirudin - he was moving along
with his son on a journey. The son was sitting on a mule
Kurmonganeeva Sarvashah and he was walking by its side. A passerby came and he
Like a tortoise who is able to withdraw his limbs, the man said: “Mullah! What is this? This is real kali-yuga! The son
who is able to withdraw his senses and fix his mind on the is comfortably sitting on the mule, and you're walking by
steady current of God, he is a man of renunciation. its side. What irreverence! What disrespect!”
He further adds that he, in whom all the desires enter, but The Mullah told the son
make no difference like all the rivers flow into an ocean to get down, and he got
he is the man eligible for Supreme Peace. None else! on the mule. As they
But what is this established Wisdom? The scriptures say p r o c e e d e d f u r t h e r,
three words: The Knowledge of the Self! another passerby came:
“Oh my God! This is real
There is a very paradoxical verse in the Kena Upanishad. It
kali-yuga! Look at those
says, 'He who says that he knows Brahman, doesn't know!
small, tender feet of that
He who says that he doesn't know Brahman, doesn't
little boy! You're making
know! But he who says that he knows not, but yet he
him walk on this rough
knows; he alone knows!'
road and you're
So what is the Knowledge of the Self? Anybody - for that comfortably sitting on
matter even a Sadguru can never tell us what is the Truth! the mule! You're the Mullah Nassirudin
For, it cannot be known because it is the final Ultimate father who's supposed to
Absolute Knower of all that is known! It cannot be seen take care of him. Very bad!”
because it is the final, Ultimate Absolute Seer of all that is
The Mullah said, “Neither of us will sit!” They both started
seen! It cannot be heard because it is the final Ultimate,
walking - each on the either side of the mule. A few
Absolute Hearer of all that is heard!
minutes later another passerby came and he said,
How can the fire ever feel its heat? How can the water “Mullah! What is this foolishness? For what did you buy
ever feel its own dampness? How can the eye ever see this mule? To give it a walk? It is walking happily and both
itself? How can I ever know myself? I can only be myself! of you are walking by its side!” So both of them sat on the
And to subjectively experience that state of Pure Being, mule! They went a few meters, another passerby came
where there is nothing known, nothing heard, nothing and he said, “What is this Mullah! You want to kill this
seen but there is only Pure Being that alone is Wisdom! mule? I agree you bought it, but so what? Don't burden it
And the only thing that prevents us from reaching that so much!”
state is attachment.
The Upanishads say, what can a thousand tongues do to
The Chains of Attachment you? Seek the Inner Voice, hear it clearly, and follow the
Attachment it is said is of various types. But there are Inner Guidance. Let the world say what it has to say and
primarily three strong fetters that bind a man. enjoy Itself!
Attachment to the society: What will they say? What will Finally - the attachment to the body. There is Swami's
the world think? What will this action have an impact on chinna katha again. An orthodox Brahmin lady who set

104 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

about on a journey, and was very particular about the My presence!” The presence is presence; existence is
purity of the water, the food that she consumes, who existence!
cooks it, etc. All said and done, brothers and sisters, about Vairagya,
It was a very dry area and in those areas, bags were made Jnana, Self, Brahman - they really have their place; but
of animal skin - they were very clean - they were well what we have to understand is that there is nothing
washed; but they were made of animal skin. And water greater than the Love for Swami.
used to be given to thirsty people from those bags. So If we were ever to see an experience, even for a fraction of
when the man came, the lady asked, “Is that bag clean?” a second the Love that Bhagavan feels for all of us - this
The man was a man of real wisdom. He said, “Madam! body will fall away like a dry leaf! We will not be able to
The bag which contains this water is far cleaner than the even bear the Love that Bhagavan feels for all of us - each
bag into which it will be poured! The so called body - and every second!
which you are so fond of - if only you could see the inside,
Bhagavan says, “Day and night I think of My devotees!” -
all your fondness will disappear! Because the mirror only
and it is not a mere statement!
shows the face, it doesn't show what is inside!”
“Day and night I'm thinking of you how can I help you;
The amount of time that we spend before the mirror,
how can I alleviate your misery; how can I show you what
watching our own face - if only half that time was spent
is Real joy; how can I wean you away from these
watching our soul, God will be our constant companion!
ephemeral, transient attractions that take away your
That is the third most difficult attachment to give up.
mind? How can I get your mind to My Lotus Feet and
Aham Mameti Bhavodehakshaadaa Vanatmani show you what is true contentment?”
Adhyasoyam Nirastavyo Vidusha Swatmanishtayah Santushtah Satatam yogi - A real yogi is a man of
Gyatva Sam Pratyagatmaanam Budhitat Vriti contentment!
Sakshinam “How do I show you I am the Prince of Dancers; I alone
Soham Ityevya Sadvritya Anaatman Yatmamatim know the pain of teaching you each and every step!” says
Foolish people identify themselves and get this feeling of
Aham Mameti - 'I' and 'Mine' in this body and these Ramana Maharishi used to say that there are only two
organs, etc. Put an end to it! ways to God: “Either inquire into the Self with entire
concentration and with a completely Integrated Being
'Your presence is My presence' - Baba find the Self and destroy your mind; or give me your mind
completely and I will destroy it for you!”
Adhyasoham Nivarstabhyo
I have heard Swami say something to this effect:
How? “Complete self-surrender is the end to spiritual
Vidhusha Svatmanishtaya sadhana!”

By constantly identifying And what is self-surrender? Not to want anything; not to

ourselves with our own fear anything; not to be anxious about anything; not to
Pure Being which is Pure be curious about anything to be completely contented
Existence at the very only in the Love of God and to leave oneself entirely in His
presence - by identifying hands that is true self-surrender.
oneself with it, put an end With these few words I seek Bhagavan's permission to
to it! conclude. Jai Sai Ram!
Once, some ex-students
who are currently working
in Delhi, came for
Bhagavan's Darshan and
Swami was very kind to call
them for an interview. One
of the boys complained to
Swami, “Swami, I am not able to feel Your presence in
Delhi what should I do?” Swami said, “Oh! You're not
able to feel My presence? But are you able to feel your
presence?” The boy said, “Yes Swami! I am able to feel my
presence.” Swami said, “Feel it well, for your presence is

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and was very keen that I get Bhagavan's blessings.


Incredible Experiences Of We went to Vile Parle, a suburb of Mumbai, where this
Santoor Maestro devotee of Baba lived. I saw a big framed photograph of
Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma
Baba there, completely covered with Vibhuthi. In our
presence this man wiped away the entire Vibhuthi and

A Skeptical Musician collected it in a small container. I sat in front of Baba's

photograph and started playing my santoor. After an
hour or so, when I had finished playing, I got up and went
closer to Baba's photograph. To my astonishment, the
entire glass frame of the photograph was fully covered by
Vibhuthi! I could not believe my eyes, but what I saw was
a fact. This was my first indirect experience of Baba.

After a year, when Baba

again visited Mumbai, I
received an invitation to
visit Dharmakshetra and
play my santoor in a
special programme. I
Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma
believe this was again
I first came to know of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba from
organized by the efforts
my family doctor, Dr. M.L. Shukla, in 1968. Initially, I was a
of Dr. Shukla who knew
bit skeptical about Baba's miraculous powers and I used
some people at
to have arguments with Dr. Shukla. In those days,
Dharmakshetra. The
Bhagavan Baba used to visit Mumbai twice a year and
programme took place
used to stay at Dharmakshetra, Andheri.
inside a room, where
One day, Dr. Shukla told me to stop these arguments and
Baba stays when He comes to Mumbai.
invited me to Dharmakshetra to have the Darshan of
There were a selected number of people; amongst them
Bhagavan. Both of us went to Dharmakshetra. I had
were Manoj Kumar, a film actor and director, Mahendra
carried my instrument (Santoor) in the car, just in case I
Kapoor, a playback singer and many others. I performed
was called upon to play there. There were thousands of
first, followed by Mahendra Kapoor's song, and then a
men and women of all age groups there, sitting and
few other musicians performed. After the programme,
waiting for Swami to come. We too sat there, waiting,
Swami talked to different people; I was sitting there
but Baba had been held up somewhere else. After waiting
watching and listening. In the end, Baba spoke to me. He
for more than an hour, we had to leave as I had some
said, ''I liked your playing, I want to speak to you, come
other engagement that evening.
tomorrow morning.'' Next morning I was not free, but
After a few days, Dr. Shukla asked me again to accompany
before I could say anything, Baba again said, ''Tomorrow
him to the residence of a devotee of Baba, where there
you are not free, but day after you are free, so come the
was a constant manifestation of Vibhuthi from Baba's
day after.'' I could not believe it; He was reading my mind. I
photograph. Here, I would like to mention that, in those
said, ''Yes Baba, I will come the day after'' to which He
days, I was still struggling very hard to establish my
replied, ''Bring your wife also with you.''
instrument (Santoor) in the classical field and it was a real
challenge in my life. Dr. Shukla was a fatherly figure to me

106 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)
IN TUNE WITH THE DIVINE - Incredible Experiences Of Santoor Maestro Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma

'My Home is in Your Heart' - Baba thoughts, this had happened. Thoroughly disappointed

M y w i f e and dejected, I kept standing near the wall of the terrace.

Manorama and I After a while, I looked down at the parapet and I could see

r e a c h e d some shining object there. It was Baba's golden bust! By

Dharmakshetra no means was it possible that while I was sleeping in the

early in the middle of the terrace, the golden bust of Baba that I had

appointed day. seen before going to sleep could have come off my ring

After the Bhajan and landed on the parapet. I retrieved the golden bust

and Darshan, we from the parapet with great difficulty and tried to fix it

were asked to go up to His residence and wait there. After back on the ring, but it did not work. I kept it with the ring

a while, Baba called us inside His room. We were sitting in in a small silver container and used to take it with me

front of Baba with no one else in the room. Baba started wherever I was traveling.

talking! He told us everything about our lives, about my In 1971, when I was
career, my struggle, the difficulties I was facing and then, in Sweden for some
he blessed us. Then, suddenly Baba asked, ''What do you concerts, I saw Baba
want?'' I said, ''Baba! I just want your blessings.'' in my dream telling
Immediately, my wife said, ''Baba, give him something.'' me, ''Why don't you
With a wave of his hand Baba materialized a ring with a put on that ring?''
golden bust of Baba embossed on it. He put the ring on When I woke up in
my finger and said, ''From today, this is your home; come the morning, I took
to me any time you want and my home is in your heart.'' I out that silver container from my bag and tried once
cannot express in words the feelings I experienced at that again to fix the golden bust on that ring with an adhesive.
moment. It was love personified in the form of Baba, the To my amazement this time it fixed! I came back to India
kind of love that I had never experienced before. We came after the concerts. A few months later, Baba came to
out of that room quite dazed with that experience. Mumbai and I received a message that Baba would like

From then onwards, a new chapter began in my life; I had me to play at Dhamakshetra next evening. I was very

many experiences of Baba's omnipresence, and above all, happy to have this invitation, but, the problem was that I

His divine love which He always showered on us like a had earlier already accepted a concert at Churchgate in

Divine Mother. After Baba gave me the ring, occasionally Mumbai for that same evening and also, there was no

people would ask me, ''After getting this ring, have you tabla player available to accompany me. After a while, I

experienced a change for the better in your life?'' One got another message from Dharmakshetra, that Baba

night, when I was visiting Jammu, my birthplace, before would like me to come even late and to play without a

going to bed I told myself, ''Actually speaking, there is not tabla player.

much change in my life.'' With this thought, I went to bed. I was very happy. After finishing my concert at
In the morning, when I woke up, I touched the ring to my Churchgate, we directly drove to Dharmakshetra. Baba
forehead, and my eyes, as I used to do every morning. To was sitting in the hall with some devotees and I played
my dismay and shock, I noticed that the golden bust of santoor without any tabla accompaniment. After I
Baba was missing from the ring. Naturally, I was very finished my performance, Baba asked the other devotees
upset. Since I was sleeping on the terrace of my house, I to leave. Now, only my wife, Dr. Shukla, my elder son
started searching for the missing bust of Baba in my bed, Rohit, a couple of my friends and I were there. Baba
under the cot and all over the terrace, but, it was not asked, ''how was your tour abroad?'' I said, ''Baba, with
found anywhere. your blessings the tour went off well, but my ring.... ''

Suddenly, I realized that, because of my doubtful Before I could even finish the sentence, Baba said, “Yes,

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when you got that ring people started asking you

questions. What benefit did you derive from this?"
Although you believe in Baba, one day the doubt did
come into your mind and the golden bust of Baba came
off. Then Baba came in your dream one day and told you
to put it on and since then, the ring is fine. Now, what is
the problem?" After speaking to us thus, Baba blessed us
and we experienced the same Divine Motherly love once

A Name Recited by the Divine

On Bhagavan's
Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma in Swami's
60th Birthday in immediate presence in Prasanthi Nilayam
1985, I had the
privilege of being
invited to give a
Santoor recital.
That evening's
programme was
taking place in the huge open area at the Hill View
Stadium. The schedule of the programme was that I
would give a performance on the Santoor first, followed
by Baba's Discourse. But, in the evening, Baba changed
the order. It was first Baba's Discourse and then SrimySathya Sai Insitute of Higher Learning
Santoor recital. I was very worried, thinking that after
distance and we had no conversations at all. Maybe Baba
Baba's discourse, who would stay there for my
teaches us in this way so that we should not get attached
programme? After the discourse, suddenly Baba said,
to His physical form. But, He never leaves His devotees,
''Now Shiv Kumar Sharma will play Santoor, and he is a
wherever they may be.
longtime devotee of Swami. So, if you want to experience
divinity listen to his music, don't go.'' I was completely The Eternal Guardian
overwhelmed and tears started following from my eyes. I On November 13-14 in 1998, my son Rahul and I had

could not take it. I was unable to get up or move. I could gone to Dubai for a concert. My wife was also with us,

not believe my ears, for in all these years Baba had never along with Shafat Ahmed Khan, our tabla player. A day

called me by my name. This was the first time I was before the concert our hosts planned to take us for a sand

hearing my name in the divine voice of Bhagavan. With dune safari. We left Dubai in two cars, my wife and I,

great effort, I could get up and go on the stage. accompanied by three other people, while my son Rahul,

Emotionally I was in no position to play. Baba, who was Shafat, our host, as well as a couple of people were in the

already on the stage, put His arm lovingly on my shoulder. Land Cruiser, a brand new car. The Land Cruiser was a few

That had an electrifying effect on me and I became totally cars behind us as we made our way on the highway. After

normal and started playing. After the concert, Baba a couple of minutes there was a call on the mobile phone

materialized a diamond ring and put it on my finger. in our cars, asking us to go back. We drove back not
knowing what had happened, till we arrived at a spot on
It is not possible to understand Baba's Leelas. I have also
the highway where the driver stopped the car. Then, we
undergone a period where, for a few years, Baba did not
realized that the car in which my son Rahul and others
pay any attention to me. He just gave me blessings from a

108 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)
IN TUNE WITH THE DIVINE - Incredible Experiences Of Santoor Maestro Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma

Performing at Swami's 80th Birthday Celebrations

were traveling, was lying upside down in the middle of me, "Where is son?" Rahul was sitting next to me and so I
the highway and was totally smashed. There was an said, "Baba, he is here." Baba asked again, "Where is son?"
ambulance and a few police vehicles surrounding the Baba kept on repeating the same question. Suddenly I
smashed land cruiser. My wife had become hysterical and realised and said, "Swami gave him a new life." Swami
it was difficult to control her. Looking at the condition of said, "Yes, I know," and then left. On the morning of
the car, it was obvious that nobody would have survived. November 24, during the interview, Swami narrated the

Suddenly, we saw Rahul standing on one side along with entire episode, how the accident happened, how Rahul

the other passengers. Later, we came to know that their shouted 'Baba... Baba, Baba, Baba,' and Swami said, "That

car was traveling at 135 km/hour when one of the tyres time somebody was sitting with Me here, and I told him

burst. The driver tried his best to control the car, but it hit Shiv Kumar's son has met with a very serious accident but

the railing on the side and flipped upside down and he has been saved."

started spinning. Rahul, who was sitting next to the “We Always Feel His Presence”
driver, shouted, "Baba.... Baba, Baba, Baba," while the car Thirty years have passed since I had my first Darshan of
landed with a thud on its roof. For a few minutes, there Bhagavan Baba at Dharmakshetra, Mumbai in 1969 and
were no vehicles coming from behind, as if somebody had the opportunity of giving a Santoor recital in His
had stopped all of traffic. After a while, some cars came presence. Since then, hundreds of Santoor recitals have
and stopped. The people helped the passengers out of been given in the presence of large audiences at several
the smashed car. Nobody could believe that all the places in India and also abroad. By Baba's Grace, my son
passengers traveling in the car were unharmed through Rahul too had joined me in giving Santoor recitals with
this entire ordeal. Some of them had little bruises, but me in the Divine presence as well as at other places. We
Rahul, who was in the front seat was without any bruises! can count ourselves among the few fortunate ones, who
They were all taken to a doctor's clinic in Dubai for a check have had the opportunity of giving vocal and
up. As soon as they entered the clinic, they saw a big instrumental music recitals in the presence of Baba at
photograph of Baba smiling and looking at them! Baba Prashanthi Nilayam, where the audience is in thousands
gave the message that He had saved the lives of my son belonging to various parts of India and several other
Rahul and all the other passengers. countries. Everywhere, in India and abroad, we have
On 21 November, 1998, we went to Puttaparthi to attend always felt the presence of Bhagavan Baba and His Grace
Bhagavan's Birthday celebrations. The first day Baba did and Blessings pouring on us in abundance.
not talk to us. But on November 22, Baba came and asked Courtesy: “Baba Is God”

Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3) 109

food. The four-year-old watched it all in silence.

One evening before supper, the father noticed his son
playing with wood scraps on the floor. He asked the child
sweetly, "What are you making?" Just as sweetly, the boy

A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, responded, "Oh, I am making a little bowl for you and

and a four-year old grandson. The old man's hands mama to eat your food from when I grow up." The four-

trembled, his eyesight was blurred, and his step faltered. year-old smiled and went back to work. The words so

The family ate together nightly at the dinner table. But struck the parents that they were speechless. Then tears

the elderly grandfather's shaky hands and failing sight started to stream down their cheeks. Though no word

made eating rather difficult. Peas rolled off his spoon was spoken, both knew what must be done. That evening

onto the floor. When he grasped the glass often milk the husband took grandfather's hand and gently led him

spilled on the tablecloth. back to the family table.

The son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the

mess. "We must do something about grandfather," said
the son. “I've had enough of his spilled milk, noisy eating,
and food on the floor.”
So the husband and wife set a small table in the corner.
There, grandfather ate alone while the rest of the family For the remainder of his days he ate every meal with the
enjoyed dinner at the dinner table. Since grandfather had family. And for some reason, neither husband nor wife
broken a dish or two, his food was served in a wooden seemed to care any longer when a fork was dropped, milk
bowl. Sometimes when the family glanced in spilled, or the tablecloth soiled. Children are remarkably
grandfather's direction, he had a tear in his eye as he ate perceptive. Their eyes ever observe, their ears ever listen,
alone. Still, the only words the couple had for him were and their minds ever process the messages they absorb. If
sharp admonitions when he dropped a fork or spilled they see us patiently provide a happy home atmosphere
for family members, they will imitate that attitude for the
rest of their lives. The wise parent realizes that every day
building blocks are being laid for the child's future.
Let us all be wise builders and role models. Take care of
yourself...and those you love... today, and everyday!

Illustrations: S B Sai Krishna, SSSIHL

– Heart2Heart Team

110 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

"Maybe he can come up with a way for us to get a larger

So one evening after work he went up the hill to the
Rabbi's home. "Good evening Rabbi," said Mr. Cohen.
"Good evening, Mr. Cohen" said the Rabbi. "Can I help you
A long, long, time ago there was a farmer named Mr.
with something?"
Cohen who lived with his wife and two daughters. The
house was very small but very clean. Mr. Cohen did not "Yes," said Mr. Cohen. "Rabbi, as you know, we are not
have much land, but he was able to keep a few cows, rich. We have a small house, which we are able to take
sheep, a goat or two, some chickens, a donkey and a care of with the small amount of money we receive from
horse. selling our crops, eggs and milk. But my wife is jealous of
our neighbour's wealth - of their larger house, maids,
servants and riding horses. Day in and day out she nags
me to get a larger house. But we can't afford a larger
house. Rabbi, do you have any suggestions for what I can
do to please her?"
The Rabbi thought for a few moments. Then he looked at

The donkey and horse were used to plough the land. His
wife kept a small vegetable garden. Mr. Cohen was not
rich, but the family always made enough money from
selling milk, cheese, eggs, and vegetables.
You would think that
M r. C o h e n w a s
content. However, Mr. Mr. Cohen and said, "You have chickens, do you not?"
Cohen's neighbour "Yes, Rabbi, we have chickens," said Mr. Cohen. "Well,
was very rich. He lived then, bring them into your house this evening."
in a great big house Mr. Cohen just stared at the Rabbi. Then he thought to
with his wife and himself, "The Rabbi is the town's most learned man. If the
children and maids Rabbi thinks that bringing the chickens into the house
and servants. He had will help, then I will not question him."
horses, but these
So Mr. Cohen returned home and told his wife what the
horses were not
Rabbi said. Then he brought the chickens into the house.
working houses. They were only for riding. Mrs. Cohen
The chickens proceeded to squawk and complain, and
was jealous of the neighbour's large house, of the maids
flew around the house. Chicken feathers were
and servants, and of the horses that were only used for
everywhere! And in the morning, there were chickens
riding. She nagged Mr. Cohen constantly. She wanted a
everywhere, scrambling this way and that. Mrs. Cohen
larger house, she wanted maids and servants, she wanted
complained, "I don't understand how bringing the
fine horses which were only used for riding. With all this
chickens into the house will get us a bigger house. Maybe
nagging, Mr. Cohen had no peace of mind.
you misunderstood the Rabbi. Go back and ask him
Mr. Cohen knew he couldn't afford a larger house, but he again."
was tired of his wife's constant nagging. He decided to
So that evening, Mr. Cohen went to the Rabbi's house.
consult the Rabbi, the learned man of his village. "I am
"Good evening, Rabbi," he said.
going to speak to our Rabbi," Mr. Cohen told his wife.

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"Good evening, Mr. Cohen," said the Rabbi. "Can I help happy which made Mr. Cohen even more unhappy.
you with something?" "Go back to the Rabbi," Mrs. Cohen said, "and ask him
"Yes, Rabbi," said Mr. Cohen. "Yesterday I asked you to again. I am sure that you are misunderstanding what he is
suggest a way I could please my wife's wish for a bigger saying."
So the next evening Mr. Cohen went up the hill to see the
The Rabbi told him to bring the cows into his house! And
the next night he brought in the sheep, and the next night
the donkey, and the next night the horse!
The house was so crowded that the family couldn't find a
place to sit or sleep. It was so noisy that they couldn't hear
themselves think! And you can imagine how it smelled.
Mrs. Cohen was beside herself, and Mr. Cohen didn't
know what to do. The Rabbi had never given them bad
advice before!
So Mr. Cohen went up the hill back to the Rabbi. "Rabbi,"
he said. "Far be it for me to question a man of your
knowledge and learning, but it has become impossible to
live in our house. And the noise - Rabbi - you can't imagine
how noisy it is! Please Rabbi, you have got to help me!"
house and you told me to bring the chickens into the
The Rabbi thought for a moment. Then he said, "Tonight
house. Now we have chicken feathers everywhere and my
take the horse out and put him back in the field. "Thank
wife is not happy. Rabbi, can you help me please?"
you Rabbi," said Mr. Cohen. And he bounded down the
The Rabbi thought for a moment. Then he said, "You have hill and let the horse go back outside. But of course the
goats, don't you?" house was still crowded. So the following night Mr.
"Yes, Rabbi" we have goats." Cohen went back up the hill to the Rabbi, and again asked
"Well then, bring them into the house tonight," Mr. Cohen for his help. And the Rabbi told him to take the donkey
stared at the Rabbi for a minute, then proceeded down out of the house. The next night the Rabbi told him to
take out the sheep, and the next night, the cows, and the
next night the goat, and finally the next night the
After the chickens were gone, Mrs. Cohen looked around
at her large house. "How peaceful it is,” she said, “and
how nice and roomy." And she proceeded to clean up her
large, peaceful house and never again complained to her
husband about her life!
Swami says, “Contentment is the most precious treasure”
and “He who has greatest satisfaction in life is the richest
man”. Let us be grateful to the Lord for what we are
bestowed with and make the most of it rather than
compare ourselves with others and feel ever miserable.
When we trust Him completely, He will provide us with
the right things at the right time.

the hill to his home and brought the goats into his house. Illustrations: Ms Vidya, Kuwait
And the goats started whining, which made the chickens
complain. Then the goats started to chew on everything, – Heart2Heart Team
making a real mess. Needless to say, Mrs. Cohen was not

112 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

wonderful family, but realized his father was very old, and
thought perhaps he should go to him. He had not seen
PACKED BLESSINGS him since that graduation day. Before he could make
arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his
father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions
A young man was getting ready to graduate college. For to his son. He needed to come home immediately and
many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a take care of things. When he arrived at his father's house,
dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well sudden sadness and regret filled his heart.
afford it, he told him that was all he wanted.

As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited

signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the
morning of his graduation his father called him into his He began to search his father's important papers and saw
private study. His father told him how proud he was to the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With
have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages.
him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped gift box. As he read those words, a car key dropped from an
Curious, but somewhat disappointed the young man envelope taped behind the Bible.
It had a tag with the dealer's
name, the same dealer who
had the sports car he had
desired. On the tag was the
date of his graduation, and the
words...'paid in full.'
How many times do we miss
God's blessings because they
are not packaged as we
expected? Let us not forget
that whether we realize it or
not, know it or not, feel it or
not, God is there for us at every
moment, doing all that is
opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible. necessary for growth and well
Angrily, he raised his voice at his father and said, "With all being. Let us be open to Him. Let us be in tune with Him
your money you give me a Bible?" and stormed out of the and live in the conscious feeling that 'He is there for us
house, leaving the holy book. doing all that is good for us at every moment'.
Illustrations: Sai Aditya, SSSIHL
Many years passed and the young man was very
successful in business. He had a beautiful home and – Heart2Heart Team

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6. 27th March is Rama Navami, the birthday of

Lord Rama. With just one more day remaining
MULTI-FAITH QUIZ to Lord Rama's fourteen years of exile, He
stopped His aerial chariot in sight of the holy
city of Ayodhya and was greeted by Guha,
1. With which every day situation does Bhagavan chief of the tribesmen. What did Lord Rama
illustrate the sadhaka's journey of: knowing do before reaching Ayodhya?
God, Jnaathum; then seeing God, Dhrashtum;
a. Lord Rama Himself went in disguise to inspect
and ultimately merging in God, Praveshtum?
the city and check on his brother, Bharatha's
a. Procuring some mangos in the market. welfare.
b. Completing an exam at school. b. Lord Rama sent Hanuman in disguise to his
c. Finding a lost coin on the road. brother Bharatha, to inform him of His arrival.
d. Jumping over some hurdles in a race. c. Lord Rama organised a yagna for the successful
completion of the fourteen years of exile.
2. In Islam, what is the significance of the Cave of
d. Lord Rama went to visit sage Agastya and paid
Hira? It was there that -
His respects to him.
a. Prophet Muhammad hid from his enemies.
b. Prophet Muhammad received the Koran. 7. Which religion celebrates Noruz as their new
year festival, which begins on 22nd March this
c. the first Koran was written.
d. the stones to make the first mosque were
a. Islam
b. Shinto
3. Who gave the name Krishna to the divine child?
c. Zoroastrianism
D Lord Krishna's foster mother, Yashoda.
d. Jainism
E Lord Krishna's real mother, Devaki.
8. One day, a devotee of Shirdi Baba cooked a
c. Sage Garga
sumptuous feast as an offering to her Lord. But
d. Lord Krishna's father, Vasudeva.
while she was preparing the fare, a dog came
4. If you have read Prasanthi Diary this month you and begged for food. Rather irritated she chased
will be aware that devotees from many the dog away and carried on with her cooking.
countries celebrated Chinese New Year, on the Later, she approached Shirdi Baba and asked
23rd- 24th February in Prasanthi Nilayam. What Him to accept her offering. What happened
was the theme and moral message for the next?
celebrations? a. Shirdi Baba refused to accept the food.
a. 'Leave the fruits to God' b. The dog returned and sat at Shirdi Baba's Feet.
b. 'Filial Piety' c. The lady dropped the plate before she could
c. 'Faith in adversity' give it to Shirdi Baba.

d. 'Love and tolerance' d. Shirdi Baba threw the food away.

5 In Sikhism, what is a sakhi? 9. 31st March is the birthday of Mahavira, the last
of the Jain teachers, who lived 2,500 years ago.
a. The place where the holy book of the Guru
The followers of Jainism are called Jaina what
Granth Sahib is kept.
does this word mean?
b. The lead singer of the kirtans or bhajans.
a. Disciple
c. A traditional story.
b. Sadhaka
d. The free food kitchen operated by Sikh
c. Servant
d. Conqueror

114 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

10. With which analogy does Bhagavan illustrate the Bhagavan informs us about this event as follows:
Mahahvakya, or profound saying, of Tat Twam Garga was highly respected
Asi, which means 'I Am That'? by both the Pandavas and the
a. The river and the ocean. Kauravas. He was the Kula
b. Milk is one colour, compared to the many Guru (family preceptor) of
colours of the different cows. Nanda and the Yadavas. He
was a great scholar replete
c. The seed and the tree.
with knowledge and
d. The honey bee and the flowers.
wisdom. He went to the
house of Nanda and Yashoda
ANSWERS TO QUIZ for the naming ceremony of
the two babies. There are a few esoteric matters that are
not widely known. Incarnations generally occur in three
Procuring some mangoes in the market. categories of Shukla (white), Aruna (orange) and Pita
Swami explains that knowing God can be compared to (yellow). But here was a baby who was black. Hence,
first finding out that there are sweet mangos in the Garga considered and found the name Krishna (black) as
market. Seeing God is akin to the joy of buying them and most appropriate. After the naming, Garga narrated
having them in our hands. Lastly, mergence is analogous several episodes that were to take place in the life of the
to tasting and enjoying the fruits. child and, after staying on to experience and enjoy some
of them, he departed.
Divine Discourse 11.08.2001
It was there that Prophet Muhammad received
the Koran. 4. ANSWER B:
Filial Piety
During the
Chinese New Year
festival there
were many
human value
sayings on
display in the
ashram which
carried the words 'Filial Piety the Cornerstone of Chinese
Civilisation and Progress'. Another saying by the ancient
Chinese sage, Confucius, who influenced countless
Chinese people over many centuries is as follows: 'Behave
The Cave of Hira lies about three miles away from Mecca, in such a way that your father and mother have no
and is found on the Mount of Hira. It was there that concern about you, except for your health.'
Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) used to pray in solitude and
where the first revelation of the Koran was made to him
by the angel Gabriel. At first, Prophet Muhammad was
A traditional story
fearful of the angel who showed him the verses of the
Koran; moreover he protested that he was illiterate. After A sakhi refers to accounts of historical events in Sikhism. It
a short time, he found that he was given the ability to is a tale usually from the era of the times of the Gurus
read and thereafter the revelation of the Koran continued which often have a moral lesson and highlight important
with the angel Gabriel revealing the Koran to Sikh principles. An example of a short sakhi is as follows:
Muhammad. Baba Amar Das served Sri Guru Angad Dev with utmost
devotion and dedication. Besides fetching water from the
3. ANSWER D: River Beas for the Master's bath every day, he would serve
Sage Garga in the free food canteen. Every year the Guru

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2007 (Vol. Issue5,3)Issue 1) 115

lasts six days. The sixth day, Great Noruz, is remembered

as the birthday as Prophet Zoroaster. People celebrate it
by spring cleaning their houses, wearing new clothes and
by jumping over bonfires as a purificatory rite. This year
the celebration of prophet Zoroaster's birth falls on 26TH

Shirdi Baba refused to accept the food.
Shirdi Baba told
her that the dog
that came to her
begging for food
acknowledged his services by conferring upon him the had been Him in
robe of honor which the Great Guru wrapped around his another form.
head. Baba Amar Das was decorated with the Siropi seven Therefore,
times. Seva is one of the main tenets of Sikhism, having been
exemplified through the lives of Gurus. refused the food
one time He did not want to accept it now. Thus, Shirdi
Baba taught a valuable lesson on the oneness of all beings
Lord Rama sent Hanuman in disguise to and how we must show universal compassion to all of
Bharatha to inform him of His arrival. God's creation.
Swami tells us about Hanuman's meeting with Bharatha
in the following passage:
Hanuman was thrilled at
the condition of Bharatha. Jaina is derived from the Sanskrit Jina
His body had been very which means conqueror and refers to
much reduced, he was the overcoming of our inner foes and
worn down by anxiety. His advancement on the spiritual path
hair had become matted. towards nirvana.
His eyes had become
perennial streams of
The seed and the tree
tears. He was repeating
the name of Rama Bhagavan describes how the seed looks at the tree from
without intermission. which it came and declares 'I am that'. Just as the different
Hanuman was full of joy parts of the tree such as the branches, leaves, flowers,
at the sight of such a seeds, trunk and roots are all born from the single tree so
dedicated soul. The hairs of his body stood on end the entire universe is one though it seems to contain an
because of the ecstasy. His thoughts ran in several infinitude of parts.
directions. But he remembered his mission and poured
the nectarine news he had brought into the thirsty ears of
Ramakatha Rasavahini II p,271-272

Noruz is an ancient Zoroastrian festival going back
thousands of years. It begins on the vernal equinox (when
the day and night are of equal length) and the celebration

116 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

b. All those upholding Dharma.

QUIZ ON HEART 2 HEART c. The Vedas, the Upanishads and scriptures.

d. The monks and Rishis.

1. In our series packed full of Unforgettable

4. In our January 2006 issue we told you of a moving
Moments With Sai, H2H readers could savour
account of service to a poor and neglected
the divine memories of Mr Chidambaram
paralyzed lady; how Swami's seva dal restored her
Krishnan which went back to the 1960's. In our
home and galvanized the villagers to help her too.
May 2006 issue we carried his recollection of
At one point the district held a bhajan at the lady's
driving Swami from Puttaparthi to Chennai
house and while all were immersed in the divine
when he unfortunately suffered a double blow
vibrations a miracle happened. What was this
of getting lost and running out of petrol. As
the car ground to a halt Swami got out and
told him off! What happened next? D The paralyzed lady stood up and started to
a. Swami disappeared into thin air only to
reappear in Madras. E Amrit and Vibhuti started to come from all the
pictures of Sai.
b. Swami created more petrol in the tank.
F A bus crashed into the house but none were
c. A car pulled over driven by the Raja of
G A ring materialized mysteriously on the lady's
d. Mr Chidambaram Krishnan and Bhagavan had
to spend the night in a nearby temple.

5. On Swami's 65th birthday He declared that there

2. H2H regularly features the mammoth drinking
would be a Super Specialty Hospital in
water projects that Bhagavan has executed.
Puttaparthi, built and operational in one year.
Totaling all the schemes, such as Anantapur,
What was noteworthy about the last few days
Chennai, Godavari, Medak and Mehboobnagar
before the Hospital's opening?
how many people have been benefited from the
projects? D Many patients lined up outside the gates.

a. One million people E The necessary doctors to perform the surgeries

appeared in the nick of time.
b. Three million people
F None could understand how the remaining work
c. Seven million people
on the Hospital was able to be completed in time.
d. Ten million people3.
G Despite heavy rains in the surrounding areas,
Puttaparthi received no rain fall to disrupt the
3. In our February 2007 cover story we brought you
building work.
the amazing tale of Sanathana Sarathi - its divine
creation and sustenance by the Lord Himself. In
the inaugural issue Bhagavan gave His first
message to the magazine, praising Sanathana
Sarathi as: “at the head of the spiritual cohorts”.
How did Bhagavan describe these spiritual

a. The five human values.

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ANSWERS TO QUIZ The full text of the message is:

1. ANSWER B: From this day, our Sanathana Sarathi is on the march, at

the head of the spiritual cohorts the Vedas, the
Swami created more petrol in the tank.
Upanishads and scriptures to subdue the evil ego brood
Let us turn to the account in H2H, May 2006: injustice, anarchy, falsehood and license. “May this
When I got out of the car, Swami also got out. He then 'Charioteer' fight for world prosperity and, by making the
said to me, “Open the tank.” I said in reply, “Swami, the drum of victory sound and resound, spread joy among all
fuel gauge shows the tank is empty. I can of course open mankind.
the tank, but it is not easy to see inside.” To that Swami
said, “Does not matter; you just open the tank; I want to
see for Myself.” I removed the cap and opened the tank, The paralyzed lady stood up and started to dance.
after which Swami peered inside. His hands were on the Let us read the account from an eye witness:
car and He was gently tapping even as He looked deep At that golden moment something momentous,
inside. He then said, “No petrol inside, and also no something miraculous, something totally unexpected,
prospects for getting petrol now, right?” Meekly I began to happen. That 50 year old lady who had no
responded, “That's how it looks, Swami.” Swami then sensation in her hands and legs and had been confined to
said, “Doesn't matter. You get in and just turn on the her bed for the past 20 years, suddenly, without the help
switch and look at the meter again. Maybe you did not of anybody or without anyone being conscious of it,
read the gauge properly.” raised herself up to sit on the bed. Slowly, she put her feet
I obeyed and got into the car and turned on the switch. I down and stood up! She moved her hands as well. She
saw the meter and it showed the tank was full. I was moved towards the place where bhajans were being sung
puzzled and said, “Swami, I think something is wrong in front of Bhagavan's picture. The whole village was
with this meter.” Swami rejected my analysis and said, immersed in the bhajans and did not know of the miracle
“How can that be? This is a new car. I think the meter is that was taking place inside the house. All at once, they
right. You just turn the key and see what happens.” I did saw her coming to the front of the house unaided and
that, and wonder of wonders, the car started! raising her hands in homage to the visible Lord and
Meanwhile, Swami started laughing, and that was when I beginning to dance in ecstasy.
realized that by tapping the tank from the outside, in a
flash He had actually filled the tank.
None could understand how the remaining work
2. ANSWER D: on the Hospital was able to be completed in time.
Ten million people Let us read about this amazing tale from the director of
Let us look at how Prof Venkataraman puts this in our the Hospital himself, Dr. Safaya:
December 2005 issue on The Sri Sathya Sai Godavari It seems like a miracle. The hospital was to be inaugurated
Drinking Water Project: on the 22nd. Two days before that date, I gave up. I fell
If one counts all the people benefited by Sai Drinking down on my bed at 12 O' clock in the night, telling myself,
Water Projects [including the seven million or so in “I cannot go any further, because the hospital will not be
Chennai], then in the last one decade, Swami has ready to be inaugurated on the due date. Surgical
provided drinking water to about ten million people! operations have to be done. The conditions are not
To give you an idea of what this means, please note that sterile. Scientifically we are not ready.” I told my wife that
the population of New Zealand is about 3.8 million, the I had failed my Master and started weeping, which I never
population of Belgium is about 10.3 million, the did, at least in presence of my wife. She got alarmed and
population of Hungary is about 9.8 million, and the encouraged me saying, “Swami is a God. He will do
population of Sweden is about 8.9 million. something, don't worry. Bhagavan's Sankalpa has to be
realised and it will be for sure.” Lo and behold, so it was;
Just think about it: Has any private charitable trust
everything got completed miraculously just before the
anywhere in the world done anything like this? And
inauguration. Thus on 22nd November, 1991, when the
please note, every single project done by Swami is given
inauguration was scheduled, exactly at 9 o' clock,
away free to the state concerned. The State may get it free
precisely as HE had predicted, the surgeon's knife did
but Swami's Central Trust has spent hundreds of millions
touch the skin of the patient. That is what exactly
of dollars.
The Vedas, the Upanishads and scriptures.

118 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

Love Flows...
In Chennai

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Love Flows...
In Chennai

120 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

Love Flows...
In Chennai

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Love Flows...
In Chennai

122 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)



Gift of life…
In the Viveka chudamani by Sri Adi Shankaracharya the
opening verse begins with the phrase “Jantunam
narajanama durlabham…” Of all forms of life, it is most
difficult to attain that of a human being….The word
Durlabha generally connotes rare or difficult to attain.
'Health is wealth' is an aphorism that we are taught right
from kindergarten but how many of us honestly take it
seriously? The onslaught of globalization and the
opening up of economic frontiers have revved up the
speed of life to levels where parents have to be taught by
counselors how to bring up children and couples meet Gift of God…
consultants to know how to be man and wife. In this age Monirul Haque Khan and Ashrafun Nahem were a happily
of frenzied rat racing…it does not come as a surprise that married couple blessed with a daughter. Their joy
good health has been reduced to the level of a increased manifold when they were blessed with a son.
commodity and has been commercialized. Since he was a gift from God they valued tremendously,
they named him Durlabh Khan. Life seemed to be on track
for the family of six that included the couple, their two
children and the grand parents. But pleasure is an interval
between two pains. For this family, the shock came when
they found that their little boy Durlabh was born with a
heart problem. They learnt about the illness when the
child was one year old.

It did strike an ironic note that the child named 'rare gift of
God' suffered from a disease while being blessed with a
human birth that is 'difficult to attain'. That is why
philosophers who don't question the ways of the Lord say
Durlabh khan and Ashrafun Nahem in distress 'Inscrutable are the ways of God.'
With money (read income) becoming the deciding factor,
They Came from Bangladesh…
quality medical care is beyond the reach of common man.
Hailing from the Rajbari district of Bangladesh, the family
It becomes Durlabha difficult to attain. To add insult to
was from the lower income group. Mohammad Khan ran
the injury were one to be born into the cold cruel world
a small private business while his wife, Nahem was a
with a malady…life definitely becomes bitter and every
gifted seamstress. She would beautifully embroider
dawn brings with it another day of sorrow and suffering.
sarees which her husband would arrange to be sold at

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Sai's e-Journal, MarchJanuary 20075,(Vol.
2007 (Vol. Issue5,3)Issue 1) 123

solution. When the child was four years old they traveled
to Calcutta in search of medical help. With the kind of
economic background they came from, they found it
really difficult to stretch their resources to cover

God Reached Out...

Examples of Bangladesh's garments
It is when we least expect, that God makes his presence
and their jubilant children
Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. Despite sustained felt. In Calcutta, they were informed of a hospital in South

domestic and international efforts to improve economic India that offered free medical care. They could hardly

and demographic prospects, Bangladesh remains an believe their ears but when the news was confirmed by

underdeveloped and overpopulated nation. The country many others, they made bold to come down to Bangalore

has made impressive progress in human development by their resources were already at dangerously low levels

focusing on increasing literacy, achieving gender parity in when they came to the SSSIHMS at Whitefield.To their

schooling, and reducing population growth. utmost surprise they found that what they had heard at

Jute was once the economic engine

of the country. But the use of
polypropylene dealt a fatal blow to
that industry. Although two-thirds
of Bangladeshis are farmers, more
than three quarters of Bangladesh's
export earnings come from the
garment industry which began
attracting foreign investors in the
1980s due to cheap labour and low
conversion cost. The industry now
employs more than three million
workers, 90% of whom are women.
A large part of foreign currency SSSIHMS at Whitefield

earnings also comes from the Calcutta was absolutely true and indeed all the facilities at
remittances sent by expatriates living in other countries. the SSSIHMS were provided to patients free of cost.

They Struggled… The Problem and the Solution…

The couple had none of the advantages of the select few Their son was admitted for cardiac surgery. The clinical
but could still manage a decent standard of living. But tests were performed and the final diagnosis was that
with a sick child in the family it was painful. Considering Durlabh was suffering from Tetralogy of Fallot - a
the fact that the entire district had hospitals barely condition where the heart has four anomalies in one. A
equipped to handle tertiary care they were looking at a Ventricular Septal Defect (a hole in the lower chambers of
bleak future. At the onset of the symptoms they the heart), Pulmonary Stenosis (obstructed pulmonary
approached local doctors who directed them to higher artery that channels impure blood to the lungs),
centres in the capital city Dhaka. There too they found no Overriding Aorta (the aorta that supplies pure blood to

124 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

the rest of the body is right on top of the ventricular

septal defect) and right ventricular hypertrophy (the walls
of the right lower chamber of the heart begin to thicken
because of increased blood pressure caused by the above
three conditions. Also the patient looks blue in color at
times because the blood is not properly oxygenated).

The surgical procedure followed to palliate this problem

is called Intra Cardiac Repair. Durlabh underwent the
surgery and emerged without any complications.
Everything went smoothly and with the grace of the God
to whom the parents diligently prayed. His pallor
changed from the unnatural blue to a rich pink.

Gratitude Finds Words and Action!

After surgery when he was recovering in the ward his
mother who was his constant companion said, “He is a
very intelligent boy, he grasps things very quickly and
thanks to Baba we will see him achieve his ambitions.
He is a cheerful boy and very brave. Of course he was
angry at why he had to suffer while his classmates A happy mother and son
were normal. But when he came here and saw all this
loving service…” the mothers eyes misted and she ones that suffer and emerge from the flames with a smile

bowed her head in gratitude to “Baba”. “He knows that on their lips are the ones that are dear to god. Gold is

he is more special than all his friends to be blessed by purified only when it passes through flames. Likewise all

Baba in this hospital. I am eternally grateful to Baba for of us in different ways are refined by our maker. But to

having given my son a new life.” The son was far more in those that come to the home of their 'Father', their '

command of himself. Firm of voice and eye; “I want to Baba'…the lyrics of a song in praise of Sai Baba of Shirdi

come back here as a sevak”, said Durlabh. His voice come to mind…

steady with conviction. “I loved the food and the way Tere Ghar pe jo bhi aaya

people treated me here. I want to share it with Oh mere sai baba

others.” He loves games and music and finds relaxation
Khushyon se tune sabki
in music. And like his parents, he does not forget to thank
god every moment of his existence for the gift of life. His Hain jholi bhari hain!!!
cheerful and optimistic disposition was really
encouraging. He now looks forward to whatever
Oh my Lord Sai,
challenges life has to offer with a new vigor. Both mother
and son asked for Swami's picture and vibhuti. You have filled everyone

Life is a Gift of God… who comes to Your doorstep

This is just one example that goes to prove that love, with ultimate happiness.
service and devotion are not limited to the privileged few.
Just as every saint has a past and ever sinner a future. The – Heart2Heart Team

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2007 (Vol. Issue5,3)Issue 1) 125

Thanking You,


[Dear Shanmukha, we now have two quizzes every
month, one on multi-faith and the other on H2H H2H
Responses to the Cover Story in
February Issue, “Sanathana Sarathi -
Recreating A Prashanti in Every Home” Sai Ram,
When I first looked at this article I thought, "Oh no, this
Sai Ram, physics stuff is way over my head." But Prof.
We read with interest all Venkataraman's mix of storytelling and science is a
articles in the current delight to read, and I look forward to more by him. As
issue of the web journal. always, I love your H2H daily quotes and links.
Of special mention, I Sai Love, Christiane, Santa Barbara, Calif.
would talk of the article
related to the history of
Sanathana Sarathi. It was Sairam,
amazing to read about I recently sent you writing about Sai Baba as a teacher. I
Sri. Kasturi and his team just finished reading the excellent article about Bolivia
going from Puttaparthi and I remembered my favourite Baba-teacher story.
and back to make the
magazine ready for I was isolated twenty-five years ago from Baba devotees.
mailing to the readers. Yet I expected Vibhuti to be sent to me whenever I ran
Once again we are out. I prayed and I received packets somehow. However,
indebted to H2H team for at the beginning of one semester no Vibhuti arrived. The
bringing Bhagavan to our doorstep. first day of classes I needed to fix a student enrolment
problem at the Registrar's Office. The Office was
Regards, Kartik crowded. A student waved her computer punch card.
Her name was, "Vibhuti." I wanted tell her that although
enrolled in another class, she belonged in my class, but I
Thanks for the wonderful article and beautiful pictures of
didn't. Instead I found her in my class later that day. The
Swami and the history of Sanathana Sarathi. It's a great
ash arrived that week, but I learned sacred Vibhuti was
informative and interesting publication.
my students and my duty as their teacher. Baba was
Sairam, Karur Krishnan teaching as always.
Mary Hoffman
Responses to the February Issue Articles
General Responses
Sai Ram!
Again I have been touched by a new article "Rays of Virtue Sairam,
and Grace" by Mataji Indra Devi, who was my Yoga I think I haven't adequately expressed how thankful and
teacher after she moved from the States to Argentina till grateful I am to the Radio Sai, H2H and Sai Inspires
her death. Thanks very much for bringing us the beautiful services. Only last year I came to know about Radio Sai
stories. and since then it has been a joy to sit at the computer. It is
Nora, Argentina like having satsang everyday. It was wonderful to listen to
all the interviews in the 'listen again' section- the good old
days of Mrs. Geetha Ram with Swami, the enlightening
Sairam, talks of Dr. Sandweiss, Dr. Hislop, Prof. Venkataraman,
The quizzes which have been in the Radio Sai website are the students of Swami who went to the US and the like. I
very good and I know some new things from that benefited immensely from the Bhagavad Gita chants as I
wonderful spiritual quiz. Please post some more had to take a balavikas class for the students of Sri Sathya
questions and update that quiz once in a week or twice in Sai school near my town.
a month. The Sai Inspires service is our daily tonic and the h2h

126 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

articles and stories are a grand feast. Spiritually Ignore all comments,
undernourished as we were all these years, with the lead a life full of bliss
advent of Radio Sai we are bubbling with spiritual energy and tranquility and
or Sai energy. Wonder why no one thought of all this love. Hate none for his
years before? lack of knowledge, as
My heartfelt thanks to all your team members. With the he has not been
blessings of Bhagavan may you live long and continue fortunate to know
your priceless service to humanity. Swami in this lifetime!

Sairam, with love and regards, Latha, TN , India. Sairam, Maistry, Nerven

Dear Sir,
Responses to Sai Inspires
What a soothing and
convincing article
Dear H2H,
dispelling the clouds of
I have just read your hostile criticism against
most inspiring article Swami. Thanks for the
about the Sai timely messages of this
movement in kind given by H2H
Guatemala and it
Sai Ram, Badri
really gladdens my
soul to know how
Baba is spreading his
love throughout the
world. I am Vasigaren
Pather of South Africa and am truly inspired and look
forward to the daily messages that you send out from
H2H. The daily inspirations from Swami really have the
power to uplift our souls and guide us along the spiritual Responses to the Sunday Special Article Jan
path to Him. I would like to see every school in the world 21st 2007 - “Mastering The Art Of Living”
practice the EHV programme of education that Swami
has instituted. I believe that it is the only way that we will Sai Ram dearest friends,
begin to realise that we are all one. My wish is to come to
Thank you so much for that lovely - and very pictorial
Puttaparthi and meet Swami or at least be in his presence
speech from the student. I enjoyed reading it very much,
this year. Please keep up the good work that you are all
as it teaches a lot in the practical sense of the world on
doing. Sai Ram.
'how to create our own happiness and success in daily
life', and also the colourful story of the father and son,
teaching us all about the richness in our hearts and
Responses to the Sunday
everything around us, but that we don't realize,
Special Article Feb 11th 2007
sometimes...Lovely! Definitely a very illustrative and
simply told story to remind us all how to really put into
practice what Swami is teaching all along!
Thank you for the discourse. I appreciate what your team
has aimed to do, and it is clearly accepted. However, we Thank you very much. I would love to read more...
the Sai devotees around the world are not affected by Sincerely, Prema Ram
these comments and remarks of the ignorant and less
informed. It is our task as the Sai organization to reinforce
continuously the teachings of Bhagavan until we Sairam,
understand at a deeper and deeper level, until nothing Thank you. Just as I sat and wondered about some things,
(no remarks, comments, insults or stones) thrown at the poems in this note of -'mastering the art of living' was
Swami or ourselves can harm us. My request to all Sai so beautiful - If God in person came to spend some time
devotees: Draw from the Master, look deeply and yearn with us too. Discipline in one's life is to do the things we
for a deeper and better understanding and Swami will do, knowing that God is watching us all day long and
teach you how to become stronger, to the point that night too. This poem was an answer to my question.
people will start seeing the force within the different
nations, the force that is the Sai Force within ourselves. Love and Gratitude, Srilatha

001 Heart2Heart
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Sai's e-Journal, MarchJanuary 20075,(Vol.
2007 (Vol. Issue5,3)Issue 1) 127

Dear H2H, convey the message so crisply.

I find the talks and articles by Swami's students inspiring I would also like to mention that the effort by the team to
because they are living in the Lord's presence and coping put together the messages is amazing and impacts the
with a demanding and very high standard of required lives of so many who subscribe to it in a big way. I am a
behaviour and study. Their's is a practical application of humble devotee of Swami based in Singapore and the
Swami's teachings from which we can all learn. Not all of messages make sure that we are in constant communion
us can be at Swami's Feet for months at a time or receive with Swami's message for our lives daily.
His undivided attention over many evenings. I thank you one and all!
Jai Sai Ram, Stefania Sairam, Niranjan Rao

Sai Ram Heart2Heart Team, Sairam,

First, let me say you are doing such an excellent job with The Chicagoland devotees were blessed yesterday, to
the production of the listeners' journal and the Sai hear a nectarine talk dripping with Swami's Love and
Inspires emails. Second, I wanted to say I was quite struck Message given by our dear Sister Geetha Ram. The article
and impressed by the student's article and enjoyed it very "Mastering the Art of Living" by Swami's young student
much. I would look forward to other such articles in the took off where she left off! It is exquisite in its rendering -
future if you found it to be appropriate to add them on, hopefully we can take it to Heart and reflect and restore
either as Sai Inspires attachments or in the journal itself. our mundane life to its pristine glory. Thank you from
Thank you and Sai Ram, Ben Chicago. I am sending this article to our SSE (Sai Spiritual
Education) children and families. I Pray to Swami to
Sai Ram, inspire them as He has inspired me.

I just read the above titled article and I am so spellbound. I Sincerely, Sandhya Mirmira,
love it so much and I am aspiring to also master the art of SSE Coordinaor W Suburb Chicago Sai Center
living. Please continue to send us such beautiful articles.
Thank you so much.
Om Sai Ram!
Regards, Tilaka
The article is so inspiring...(I have to take time to reflect...)
Swami's students are indeed Golden. And yes, I would
Sairam, very much like more such contributions from students of
I read this article written by a Student of Swami. It was Swami's University. Thank you for all your efforts.
excellent. In fact I was not happy and was worried after I Om Sai Ram, Tina Hribar, Trifunovic, Slovenia
had some arguments with an individual in our housing
society. I was unable to "let it go" and this was bothering
me. After I read this article, I thought that it is sent by
Swami just for me. Thanks a ton to that student who
made it possible for me to "let go" a past event.
Jai Sairam, Varadharajan (kumar)

To the Heart 2 Heart team, Sairam!

I just thought I would drop this note back to the team
who has been behind the daily awe-inspiring messages
from Swami and thank them profusely. I was going
through a phase in my life with a lot of questions and
constant dialogue with Swami on why things happen the
way they were happening with me. I was reading the Sai
Inspires message daily to make sure I am on the path that
Swami wants me on.
The issue on 21st January with the title "Mastering The Art
Of Living" was an instant answer to so many of my
questions. My sincere thanks to the student who put
together these thoughts from Swami in a manner that

128 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, March 2007 (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

a daily inspirational
e-mail service from the

One’s body is derived from the flesh and blood of the mother. How much sacrifice
is involved in giving birth to a child and rearing that child with continuous care
and love beyond description. The food you eat, the clothes you wear, the life you lead
are all the gift of your parents. One’s primary duty, therefore, is to please one’s
parents – only thus can one’s debt to them be discharged. Nor is that all, for the
debt to one’s parents can also only be fully discharged by rendering service also to

- Divine Discourse, 3rd April 1990

001 Heart2Heart
Heart2Heart - Radio- Radio Sai's e-Journal,
Sai's e-Journal, MarchJanuary 20075,(Vol.
2007 (Vol. Issue5,3)Issue 1) 129
Love all Serve all

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