Periyasamy's Performance Appraisal - Self Assessment
Periyasamy's Performance Appraisal - Self Assessment
Periyasamy's Performance Appraisal - Self Assessment
Please be sincerely advised that there can be fair and comprehensive review of your progress and
accomplishments (since your last performance review) only with your thorough and timely participation in
this self-review process.
Deduplication -
1. Performed deduplication, many a times using fuzzy matching on big size
databases with a large number of records. The data deduplication exercises
sometimes included text fields like Organization title, presentation title etc. For
such fuzzy matching MS SQL Business Intelligence tools were used.
2. Designed and implemented master table for state, country, role type. This enabled
frontend team to implement dropdowns for these fields. This removed possibility of
manual error, leading to significant reduction in data corruption for these fields.
Tweaked existing master tables like Presentation type, degree format, current
phase, etc. This ensured that possibility of duplication from occurring is reduced in
3. Preformed deduplication directly at database by modifying duplicate profile-
presentation association, profile-publication association and so on.
4. Deduplication exercise often involved generating reports, interacting with KOL, DM
and SCIT team to confirm correct associations and creating scripts to make
correction at the database level
Scalability improvement –
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Pharmaspectra Informatics Pvt Ltd
Performance Appraisal Self-Assessment
Manager Comments
2. Since the last appraisal period, have you successfully performed any new tasks or
additional duties outside the scope of your regular responsibilities? If so, please
ETL bugs -
1.The subscription name was displayed with spaces because of the ETL migration so
I've investigated the ETL process and corrected it on the subscription
ETL Security
1.On the ETL side, has hard-coded many things like credentials, IP addresses, etc..
I've changed into organization credentials instead of a personal one and the same for the
DNS name instead of IP,
Manager Comments
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Pharmaspectra Informatics Pvt Ltd
Performance Appraisal Self-Assessment
Manager Comments
4. Please list any challenging projects that you were part of during the past year.
Manager Comments
5. Describe your professional development experience while you were leading and / or
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Pharmaspectra Informatics Pvt Ltd
Performance Appraisal Self-Assessment
Manager Comments
Manager Comments
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Pharmaspectra Informatics Pvt Ltd
Performance Appraisal Self-Assessment
7. Evaluate yourself on all factors that apply to you since your last performance appraisal.
Indicate N/A if any item does not apply to you.
Rating Scale: 4 - Outstanding/Role Model 3 - Very Competent
2 - Satisfactory 1 - Inexperienced or Improvement Needed
Category Self-Rating Manager Rating
4. Utilization or Productivity 4
5. Business Development 4
7. Technology Skills 4
Thank you for taking the time to complete your Self-Assessment. Your manager would do a
review of the same and would provide his / her inputs during the review discussion.
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