Primary School Newsletter 30 - Friday - 9 June 2023

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Newsletter 30, Friday, 9 June 2023

Dear parents,

With the restrictions lifted on outdoor activities this week, students have enjoyed the opportunity to move and explore
around the school in their lessons and at break times. As part of the guidelines for the resumption of outdoor activities,
it is now required that parents confirm that they are happy for their child to participate. As such, I would be grateful if
you could complete this short Google Form by Monday, 14 June to confirm your child is able to participate in outdoor
lessons and breaks.

Learning in the Primary School

A few weeks ago, Year 3 learners enjoyed their first residential at KTJ! This internal residential involved indoor
camping in the Room of Possibilities (ROP) and included many fun activities that developed many of the learner
characteristics! This was the perfect opportunity for them to experience the joys of a night away while in the safety
and comfort of a familiar setting. The Year 3s loved creating House banners and we cannot wait to use these later in
the term! One of the children’s favourite moments was telling stories and singing songs together around a fake
campfire. Well done, Year 3!

Primary School Speech Day

This morning, parents were emailed an invitation to our upcoming Speech Day that takes place on Saturday, 24 June
in the Tuanku Ja’afar Auditorium (Secondary School). We hope to see as many parents as possible to celebrate the
learning and achievements of our students over the past year. Following the event, we will be holding a marquee
brunch for all parents, students and staff at the nearby Dining Hall. Parents can request up to four tickets per student
and we would be grateful if you could RSVP by next Friday, 16 June to help us with our planning and preparations.

Saturday Enrichment Day 8 - ‘Decent Work and Economic Growth’

A reminder that tomorrow is our final Enrichment Day of the year. This is a compulsory school
day for all learners in Years 1-6 where we will be exploring SDG 8, ‘Decent Work and Economic
Growth’. Students should arrive at school from 8:00 am and be collected at 12:30 pm.
Student and Class Photographs

We will be taking individual, class and whole-school photographs on Wednesday, 14 and Thursday, 15 June next
week. Our whole-school photograph will take place at 8:30 am on Wednesday so parents should ensure that children
are dropped off in time by 8:25 am at the latest. Class teachers will notify parents via Seesaw with details about their
child’s scheduled slot for class and individual photographs.

In the final week of term, we hope to make these photographs available for parents to view and purchase - look out for
further details next week.

Swimming Galas

With the resumption of outdoor activities announced, we are pleased to share details of our end-of-year swimming
galas which will take place in the Secondary swimming pool. Mr Richard and the PE team will be communicating with
students in the coming days to coordinate this and whilst children may not have had as much practice as they would
like, I am sure they will be excited to participate in the event! Mr Richard will send a letter explaining more details about
each event early next week.

● Thursday 22 June - Key Stage 1 Swimming Gala (9:00 am - 11:00 am)

● Tuesday, 27 June - Key Stage 2 Swimming Gala (9:00 am - 12:00 pm)

Arriving at and Leaving School

As you know, drop off and pick up can be a busy time of the day in the Primary School and so it is important that we
all help to keep children safe as they arrive at, and leave school. Please help with this by following the designated drop
off route by the hardcourt and ensure that children remain seated in their car with seatbelts fastened until they can be
received by our duty staff.

On some days, it may be necessary for parents to visit a member of staff in school and drop their child off through the
main foyer. If this is the case, please park in the external car park and accompany the children into school until they
reach the main reception. Students should not be dropped off outside the school and walk in without being
supervised by an adult without prior agreement with the School.

Thank you for your help and understanding with this.

House Points

Hibiscus were delighted to learn in assembly this morning that their treat for winning Term 2’s House Point competition
can now go ahead since the restrictions on outdoor activity have been lifted. Their chosen activity of a pool BBQ party
will take place next Friday, 16th June at the Secondary swimming pool. Children will need to bring their swimming kit
for the treat and make sure they have applied sun cream. We have arranged for additional covered areas to be added
at the poolside to allow them to eat out of the sun.

The battle for this term’s house point competition continues and it is Orchid who are leading the way at the top of the
table. Their maximum four-point haul, after being the top house point earners this week, has meant that they now have
a four-point lead at the top of the chart. There are only two more weeks worth of points to be collected. Can anyone
catch them?
House This Week’s Points Termly Points Total Overall Position

Orchid 4 23 1

Hibiscus 3 19 2

Frangipani 2 17 3

Rafflesia 1 11 4

Wishing everyone a safe and happy weekend and I look forward to seeing the students in Years 1 - 6 tomorrow.

Best wishes,

Kris Davis


Upcoming Dates for Your Diary

Week 7

Saturday, 10 June
- Enrichment Day - compulsory school day for Years 1-6

Week 8

Wednesday, 14 & Thursday, 15 June

- Individual, class and whole-school photographs

Week 9

Thursday, 22 June
- Key Stage 1 Swimming Gala (9:00 am - 11:00 am) - parents invited

Friday, 23 June
- Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly and Exit Point - Year 6 parents invited

Saturday, 24 June
- Primary School Speech Day - compulsory for students in Y1-6; All parents invited. Please note that EY
students are also welcome at this event.

Week 10

Tuesday, 27 June
- Key Stage 2 Swimming Gala (9:00 am - 12:00 pm) - parents invited

Thursday, 29 June
- Public holiday - SCHOOL CLOSED

Friday 30 June
- End of Term 3

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