RHPS Newsletter - Week 10, Term 2 - 2024

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Rouse Hill Public School Respectful

Newsletter Resilient
Wednesday 3 July 2024
Phone: 8824 7330
Email: [email protected]
Week 10, Term 2 Website: www.rousehill-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
Facebook: www.facebook.com/rousehillpublic/
Rouse Hill PS P&C Email: [email protected]
Download the Rouse Hill PS School Enews app
Calendar Dates
Week 10, Term 2
Semester 1 reports sent home
Thursday 4 July Stage 2 Community Event – STEM
Premier’s Debating Challenge – Round 3
Friday 5 July
Last day of Term 2
Week 1, Term 3
Monday 22 July School Development Day
Tuesday 23 July Students return for Term 3
Wednesday 24 July 100 Days of Kindergarten Celebration
Thursday 25 July Hills Festival Choir Rehearsal 2 (Senior Choir)
Friday 26 July Winter PSSA Round 9
Week 2, Term 3 – Parent Teacher Interviews this week
Thursday 1 August P&C Meeting, 6:30 pm
Friday 2 August Winter PSSA Round 10
Week 3, Term 3 – Public Education Week
Public Education Week Open Day
Tuesday 6 August
Pedlars Parade
Wednesday 7 August Peer Support Training Day – Year 6
Thursday 8 August School Readiness Workshop for 2025 Kindergarten Families, 6:00 pm
Friday 9 August Winter PSSA Round 11
Week 4, Term 3
Monday 12 August K-2 Olympic Day
9:45 am Early Stage 1 Public Speaking Finals
Tuesday 13 August
12:15 pm Stage 1 Public Speaking Finals Parents of the finalists will be notified
9:45 am Stage 2 Public Speaking Finals closer to the date.
Wednesday 13 August
12:15 pm Stage 3 Public Speaking Finals
Thursday 15 August Stage 2 Rocks Walking Tour Excursion
Friday 16 August Ridges PSSA Zone Athletics Carnival
Week 5, Term 3
Monday 19 August Stage 2 Rocks Walking Tour Excursion
Wednesday 21 August Kinder Golden Ridge Animal Farm Excursion
Thursday 22 August Kinder Golden Ridge Animal Farm Excursion
Friday 23 August Winter PSSA Round 12

From the Principal and Deputy Principals

Term Dates
Term 3
Monday 22 July – Friday 27 September (students return Tuesday 23 July, Monday 22 July is a School
Development Day)
Term 4
Monday 14 October – Wednesday 18 December (Thursday 19 December and Friday 20 December are
School Development Days)

Public Education Week Open Day and Pedlars Parade

Public Education Week 2024 will be held from Monday 5 to Friday 9 August (Week 3,
Term 3). This year’s theme is ‘Proud to belong’ and focuses on learning from our past,
celebrating our achievements and embracing the future with confidence.
We hope many parents and carers are able to visit on Tuesday 6 August for our Public
Education Week Open Day and Pedlars Parade. A note with further details was sent out
on the school app last week.

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher Interviews will take place in Week 2 of Term 3, apart from 3K and 5-6D, which will take
place in Week 4. A note will be sent out via the school’s Enews app in the second week of the holidays
with information about how to book an interview online. We encourage you to book a time to meet with
your child’s teacher and we invite you to bring your child along.

Thank You!
A big thank you to our wonderful P&C Committee for purchasing new jerseys for our Winter PSSA teams.
Here are our Junior and Senior Netball Teams and our Junior Rugby League Team.

Festival of Instrumental Music

Well done to our violin students who participated in the Festival of Instrumental Music last Wednesday
evening at the Sydney Opera House: Nanda from 4F, Aalia from 5F, Annalise from 6C and Una from 6W.
Thank you to Mrs Foscholo and our violin tutor, Ms Danielle, for taking the girls to rehearsals and the
concert, and to the girls’ parents for supporting their participation. The performances on the night,
including the Combined Strings Group that the girls were part of, were amazing and left a lasting
impression on the audience.
Students who are interested in learning the violin, as well as any students in grades 3-6 who currently
play and wish to take part in the 2025 performance, are encouraged to contact the school office to arrange
a meeting with Mrs. Foscholo.
Kindergarten Enrolments for 2025
We are now taking Kindergarten enrolments for 2025. If you have a child who will be enrolling next year,
please assist us by completing an online enrolment. The link can be found on our school website.
Proof of address, your child’s birth certificate/passport and immunisation documents can be uploaded or
brought into the office. Your assistance in this matter greatly helps our planning for next year.
If you are aware of a family in the area with a child who will be enrolling in Kindergarten next year, please
ask them to contact the school office. Prospective families are most welcome to book in for one of our
school tours, which are held each term.

Happy Holidays
On behalf of the Rouse Hill Public School staff, we wish all of our students and families a safe and
enjoyable holiday. Stay warm and enjoy the break.

Rob Jarvis, Jess Pintado and Kim Cook

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

Each week we focus on different aspects of PBL with our students. Our focus area for Weeks 7 and 8

Week 9
PBL focus: Bike and Scooter Expectations
PBL award for the week: Teacher choice
Teachers will be looking for students who display our school
expectations of being Respectful, Responsible and Resilient in a
variety of different ways.

Week 10
PBL focus: Morning Expectations
PBL award for the week: Wearing school uniform with pride
Wearing school uniform with pride shows that respect for our school
and its expectations and sets a positive example for others. By
wearing school uniform proudly, we demonstrate our commitment to
representing Rouse Hill Public School.

RHPS Wellbeing Committee

Multicultural Public Speaking Finals

Last Wednesday our Stage 2 finalists, Aashvi from 3J and Urvish
4T, and our Stage 3 finalists, Taksheel from 5HM and Saagnik
from 6K, competed in the Multicultural Public Speaking Finals at
John Palmer Public School. They were up against strong
competitors from other local schools and faced the challenge of
presenting an impromptu speech. Even so, they bravely got up
and proudly represented our school. They are grateful to have
had the opportunity to express their perspectives and share their
message. Well done to all of our finalists.

Ms Wan and Mrs Machan – Coordinators

Class News
Every few days we’re sharing some class news with you via our Facebook page, as well as in our
fortnightly newsletters. This fortnight it’s 2O and 4R’s turn.

Students in 2O have been participating in many fun and engaging learning
experiences throughout Term 2. During creative arts lessons, students participated
in creating many amazing artworks to display at the Stage 1 Art Show. We also love
participating in different science experiments. We learnt about push and pull forces
and created objects out of recyclable materials to show these forces.

Miss Ou

Term 2 has been a big for 4R. The class have loved reading our text ‘Ned Kelly and
the Green Sash’. We have completed a variety of tasks to help improve our reading
and writing while also learning about this Australian hooligan. We held a big debate
to decide whether Ned Kelly was a hero or a villain. The class was split with each
side giving interesting persuasive responses to argue their point. The last two
weeks in maths we’ve been construcitng models of 3D shapes, classifying then and
drawing them from different viewpoints. We’re finishing the term by learning about
different types of angles and seeing them in different everyday contexts.

Mr Roberts
PBL Awards – Respectful Responsible Resilient
Kindergarten Award Winners

Year 1 Award Winners

PBL Awards – Respectful Responsible Resilient
Stage 2 Award Winners

PBL Chocolate Wheel Winners

Library News

Mrs Brahmbhatt – Teacher Librarian

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