The Bad Seed

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How social media affects everyday lives

What is social media

 Social media is an online platform where we can share out
thoughts, information, pics etc
 We all use it in our day-to-day life
 If has become an integral part of our lives
 There are various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram etc.
 Everyone uses them to communicate and socialise locally as
well as globally
 Social media plays vital role in this modern time.
 Social media includes social networking, book marking, social
news, media sharing, microblogging, and online forum sites.
 The statistics shows that Facebook continues to reign strong as
the long of social media, with 2.96 billion users on 2023. That is
4.89 billion social media users across the world are active users
of Facebook.

Feeling accepted

 It can be difficult to feel like you are different to other people

or you can’t connect with those around you. It can also feel
very lonely. Social media gives you the opportunity to find
other people like you.

 It allows you to join communities of people who have similar

experiences and similar interests. This can be especially
important for people who feel like they are different to
everyone else, people who are dealing with body image issues
by learning about body positivity, or for people who are
struggling with their identity or sexuality.

 The internet can be a space where you can find people who
accept you for who you are, and can give you a sense of
belonging, which can be very important for your mental health.
Feeling accepted is positive for our wellbeing.

Expressing creativity online

 Social media sites such as Instagram and YouTube offer a space
where you can express your creativity online. Whether you’re
interested in art, drama, singing, dancing, make up, writing, or
other kinds of activities, you can share what you’re doing
online, provide progress updates, and find a community of
people who can support you in what you’re doing.
 It’s also a great place to get inspiration and motivation to keep

Be entertained
 One of the reasons we spend so much time on social media is
because it can be fun.

 Social media provides entertainment when we’re bored,

something to do when we’re commuting or waiting around,
and funny memes or videos to share with friends.

 Apps like YouTube or TikTok give us hours of entertainment

and it can be a great way to de-stress and relax too, which can
also be positive for your mental health and wellbeing. 

 Almost every person on the planet has at least one social media
account, whether that to stay connected with family of friends,
make money as an influencer, or share their ideas. Social media
is a technology that helps link people, ideas and thoughts
together,building communities and networks in the virtual

 The biggest benefit of social media is that we can share our
thoughts and ideas with people across the world. Now even
common person can express his or her opinions on any national
or international issues
 Its a free source if information
 Here people can showcase their talent, many have gained fame
and use this platform also help to earn money.
 People with good knowledge about health and nutrition use
this platform to create awareness amongst people.
 It lets people find thier subcultural groups
 Convenient way of accessing educational website and school
 Convenient way to shop and access online banking
 For businesses, social media has become a key tool. Companies
use the platform to find and engage with customers, drive sales
through advertising, and promotion, gauge consumer trends,
and offer customer service or support.

 Addiction is the biggest drawback of social media. Like people
have got to use to checking their accounts every now and then.
Spending lot of time on social media can also bring a lot of
heath disorders, like stress anxiety, sleeplessness, obesity.
 We cannot trust all information given there social media sites,
some can be true but some can be fake and at times fake news
can spread like wildfire through the platform
 Our personal information becomes easily available to many on
the net. Apart from this cyberbullying is another major
drawback and some people post negative and hate crime on
other accounts and harassment.
 Addiction to gambling via games and spending.
 The more time spent on social media can lead to cyber
bullying , social anxiety , depression and exposure to content
that is not age appropriate.
 Watching inappropriate websites, easy access to guns,drugs
and alcohol.
 Social media can feel like a comparison trap. One hour a day
helped anxious teens and young adults feel better about thier
body image and their appearance.
 Too much social media can be bad for our health and more
than two hours per day, as twice as likely to report social
isolation as those spend less than half an hour per day using
social media.
 Social media has both its advantages and disadvantages. The
advantages like socializing have made our life simpler and
 But there are some disadvantages too, so important that we
use this platform wisely and in limited ways that we can make
the most out of this platform.
 It can increase online bullying
 It can be misused to spread misinformation

NHS website
 1 in 6 young people has a probable diagnosable mental health
disorder, according to NHS Digital.
 Increased use of social media among young people in recent
years has caused some mental health challenges
including increased levels of anxiety, depression and low self-
 We have our own personal brand, and the content that we
share on social media reflects our identities. So it no surprise
that 68% if people say they share on social media to
communicate who they are and what they care about.

Questions/ Answers


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