Unit 1

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Operating System

Unit – 1
Introduction of
Operating System

Subject Faculty: Prof. Aanchal Phutela

Computer Science & Engineering
[email protected]

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 1

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Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 2

Reference Books
1. Operating Systems: Internals & Design Principles, 9th Edition,
William Stallings, Pearson Education India
2. Operating System Concepts, 9th edition Peter B. Galvin, Greg
Gagne, Abraham Silberschatz, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. Modern Operating Systems-By Andrew S. Tanenbaum (PHI)

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 3

Topics to be covered
▪ Computer system overview and architecture
▪ Definition Operating System (OS)
▪ Objectives / Goals of Operating System (OS)
▪ Operating Systems (OS) services
▪ Generations of Operating Systems (OS)
▪ System calls
▪ Views of Operating Systems
▪ Types of Operating Systems (OS)
▪ Multiprogramming v/s Multiprocessing v/s Multitasking
▪ Structures of OS
Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 4
Basic elements of computer

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 5

Computer system architecture

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 6

What is Operating System (OS)?
An Operating System is a program that acts as an
intermediate/interface between a user of a computer and the
computer hardware.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 7


It manages hardware resources and provides various service

to users

It provides a user-friendly environment in which a user

may easily develop and execute programs.

Otherwise, hardware knowledge would be mandatory for

computer programming.

So, it can be said that an OS hides the complexity of hardware

from uninterested users.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 8

Where does the OS fit in?

• OS lies between hardware and user program.

• It acts as an intermediary between the user and the hardware.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 9

Modes of operation of computer
1. Kernel Mode
• has complete access to all the
• here OS have complete access to
all the hardware and can
execute any instruction on that a
machine is capable of executing.
• has high privileged (rights)
2. User Mode
• can execute only subset (few) of
the machine instructions
• has less privileged (rights)

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 10

Flow of Communication

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 11

Functions/Services/Tasks of OS


Process Memory File Security Resource Communication

Management Management Management management Management management

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 12

Functions/Services/Tasks of OS

• By process management OS
manages many kinds of
1. Process • All process from start to
Management shut down i.e. open, save,
copy, install, print.
• Creation and deletion of
user and system processes.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 13

Functions/Services/Tasks of OS

• The major activities of an

operating regard to
memory-management are:
• Decide which process are
2. Memory loaded into memory when
Management memory space becomes
• Allocate and deallocate
memory space as needed.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 14

Functions/Services/Tasks of OS

• The file management system

allows the user to perform such
3. File • Creating files and directories
• Renaming files
• Coping and moving files
• Deleting files

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 15

Functions/Services/Tasks of OS

• By security management
OS manages many tasks
such as:-
4. Security • Alert messages
Management • Virus protection
• Dialogue boxes
• Firewall
• Passwords

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 16

Functions/Services/Tasks of OS

• To manage Resources, OS
perform many tasks such as:
5.Resource • Install drivers required for
input and output, memory,
Management power.
• Coordination among

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 17

Functions/Services/Tasks of OS

• For proper coordination OS

performs communication
6. • Communication between
Communication user-application software-
Management hardware.
• One computer to another via

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 18

Different views of OS

Views of OS

OS as a User/Computer OS as a Resource
Interface manager

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 19

Different views of OS
▪ OS as a User/Computer Interface:


Utilities Operating-

Computer Hardware
Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 20
Different views of OS

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 21

Different views of OS

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 22

Different views of OS

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 23

Different views of OS

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 24

Different views of OS

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 25

OS as a Resource Manager
OS as a Resource manager (OS from
system view)

• A computer is a set of resources which preform

the function such as store, process and transfer
the data.
• If a computer system is used by multiple
application(or users),then they will compete for
these resources.
• OS is responsible for managing the resources to
control this functions.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 26

Goals/objective of OS

Control/execute user/application programs.

Make the computer system convenient to use.

Ease the solving of user problems.

Use the computer hardware in an efficient manner.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 27

Generations of Operating systems

First Generation

Second Generation

Third Generation

Fourth Generation
Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 28
History of OS (First generation)
▪ First generation (1945-1955)
• Vacuum tubes and plug-boards are used in these systems.

Vacuum tubes
Plug board

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 29

First generation

First Generation (1945-1955)

• Technology : Vacuum Tubes

• Operating System : Not present
• Language : Machine language

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 30

First generation

Components are
replaced by Electronic
Components (Vacuum

Vacuum Tubes

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 31

First Generation Computers

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 32

coding by cable connections (plug board)

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 33

Punch Card

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 34

First Generation

• Computer run one job at time. Programmers have to enter

the plug board or punch card into the computer, run it,
record the result. (might require rewiring!).


• lots of wasted computer time!

• CPU was idle during first and last steps
• Computers were very expensive!

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 35

First Generation
Features of First Generation Computers
• They used vacuum tubes as main electronic
• They were large in size, slow in processing and had
small storage capacity.
• They consumed lots of electricity and produced
excessive heat.
• They were less reliable than
later generation computers
• They used machine level language for

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 36

History of OS (Second generation)
▪ Second generation (1955-1965)
• Transistors are used in these systems
• The machine that are produced are called mainframes.
• Batch systems was used for processing.

Programmers 1401
cards batch
to 1401
of jobscarries
onto tape
to 7094 1401
carries output prints
tape output
to 1401

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 37

Second Generation

Second Generation (1955-65)

• Technology : Transistors
• Operating system : Present
• Language : Assembly and High level

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 38

Second Generation

Around 1955, Transistors were


Operating systems were designed

which is know as FMS (Fortran
Monitor System) and IBMSYS.

Used assembly language. Used Transistors

FORTRAN as high level language.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 39

Second Generation

Batch system
• To reduce the time new methodology is
adopted know as batch system.
• To execute the program two computers
were used IBM 1401 for reading cards,
copying tapes, and printing output, and
IBM 7094 for real computing (numerical

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 40

Batch system: Working
• Collect a tray full of jobs and read them onto magnetic
tape using small computer such as IBM 1401.
• Then magnetic tapes are mounted on a tape drive.,
operator load special program which read the first job
from tape and run it.
• Output was written onto second tape, after each job
finished, the OS automatically read next job from the
• Output tape inserted into IBM 1401 for printing.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 41

Second Generation
Features of Second Generation Computers
• Second generation computers used transistors as their
main electronic component.
• These computers were much smaller, reliable and more
• Apart from machine language, assembly language were
developed and used in this generation
• Some high level languages like COBOL & FORTRAN
were introduced towards the end of second generation
• Printers, tape storage, disk storage, memory were started
from second generation of computers
• Processing speed improved to microseconds

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 42

History of OS (Third generation)
▪ Third generation (1965-1980)
• Integrated circuits (IC's) are used in place of transistors in these computers.
• It provides multiprogramming (the ability to have several programs in
memory at once, each in its own memory partition).

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 43

Third Generation

Third Generation(1965-80)

• Technology : Integrated Circuits

• Operating Systems : Present
• Language : High level language


Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 44

Third Generation

Third Generation Computers

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 45

Third Generation

Job 3

Job 2
partitions Job 1 • Partition the memory into several pieces
with different job in each partition.
Operating • While one job was waiting for I/O to
system complete, another job could use CPU.
• whenever running job finished, the OS
load new job from the disk into the
empty partition of memory. This is know
as SPOOLING (Simultaneous
Peripheral Operation On Line).

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 46

History of OS (Fourth generation)
▪ Fourth generation (1980-present)
• Personal Computers
• LSI (Large Scale Integration) circuits, chips containing thousands of
transistors are used in these systems.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 47

Fourth Generation

Fourth Generation(1980-90)

• Technology : LSI
• Operating systems : Present
• Language : High level language


Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 48

Fourth Generation

Large Scale Integrated Circuits (LSIC’s) were


Intel came out with 8080, first

microcomputer with a disk.

Kindall wrote disk based OS called CP/M LSIC

(Control Program for Microcomputers).

Tim Paterson had developed OS know as Disk

Operating System (DOS). Microsoft revised 49
system and was known as MS-DOS.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 49

Generations of Operating systems: Summary

Fourth generation:
Third generation:
• 1980 – present
• 1965 – 1980 • Large scale integration,
• Integrated circuits,
Second generation: Personal computers
• 1955 – 1965
• Transistors, Batch
• 1945 – 1955
• Vacuum tubes, Plug

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 50

Types of Operating Systems
Batch OS

Multi-programming OS

Multi-Tasking OS

Multi-processing OS

Distributed OS

Real Time OS

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 51

Multiprogramming v/s Multiprocessing v/s Multitasking

Multiprocessing Multitasking


Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 52

Multiprogramming v/s Multiprocessing v/s Multitasking

Multiprogramming Multiprocessing Multitasking

The concurrent residency The availability of more The execution of more
of more than one than one processor per than one task
program in the main system, which can execute simultaneously is called as
memory is called as several set of instructions multitasking.
multiprogramming. in parallel is called as
Number of processor: one Number of processor: Number of processor: one
more than one
One process is executed More than one process One by one job is being
at a time. can be executed at a time. executed at a time.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 53

Real Time OS
▪ A system is said to be Real Time if it is required to
complete it’s work & deliver it’s services on time.
▪ A real time OS defines the completion of job within the
rigid time constraints otherwise job looses its meaning.
▪ Example – Flight Control System, Air line reservation
• All tasks in that system must execute on time.
▪ The Real Time OS is of two types:
1. Hard Real Time OS
2. Soft Real Time OS

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 54

Real Time OS
▪ Hard Real time
• It ensures the complication of critical tasks within the well defined
• It can not afford missing even a single deadline, single miss can lead
to the critical failure.
• Example: Flight controller system.

▪ Soft Real Time

• Late completion of jobs is undesirable but not fatal( does not leads
to any critical failure) .
• System performance degrades as more & more jobs miss deadlines.
• Example: Online Databases, DVD player cannot process a frame.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 55

Distributed Operating System
▪ “A Distributed system is collection of independent computers
which are connected through network.”
Systems processors
are differ in size and


Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 56

Examples of Distributed OS
▪ Web Search Engines:
• Major growth industry in the last decade.
• 10 billion per month for global number of searches.
• e.g. Google distributed infrastructure

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 57

Distributed OS

Feature Description

Resource sharing Improves resource utilization

Reliability Availability of services and resources
Computation speed Parts of communication system can be
up execute in different computer system.
Communication Provides means of communication between
remote entities.
Incremental Growth Processing power can be enhanced.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 58

User Mode vs. Kernel Mode

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 59

System Call
A system call is a request that a program makes to the OS.

OS and user program communicate with help of system

call. System call are provided by the OS.

Example : User program needs to read the file from the

hard disk but as the user program is working in the user
mode it can not have direct access to any computer hard
ware, thus program makes system call instruction to
transfer control to the operating system.

Then OS process the system call and returns control to the


Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 60

System Call
Read system call

• count = read (fd, buffer, nbytes);

• Where
• fd specifies the file,
• Buffer tells where the data are to be put,
• nbytes specifies number of bytes to read
• Count will have number of bytes which actually read by
this system call.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 61

Read System Call
Return to caller Library
Trap to the kernel procedure
5 Put code for read in register read
6 10
User Call to library proc
space Increment SP 11

Call read User

3 Push fd program
parameter 2 Push &buffer calling read
onto stack 1 Push nbytes

Kernel 7 8
Sys call

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 62

Read System Call
▪ Step-1,2,3 calling program first pushes the parameters onto the
stack The first and third parameters are called by value, but the
second parameter is passed by reference, meaning that the
address of the buffer (indicated by &) is passed, not the contents
of the buffer.

▪ Step-4 Then comes the actual call to the library procedure. This
instruction is the normal procedure call instruction.

▪ Step-5 The library procedure, possibly written in assembly

language, typically puts the system call number in a place where
the operating system expects it, such as a register.
Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 63
Read System Call
▪ Step-6. Then it executes a TRAP instruction to switch from user
mode to kernel mode and start execution at a fixed address within
the kernel.
▪ Step-7. The kernel code that starts examines the system call
number and then dispatches to the correct system call .
▪ Step-8. At that point the system call handler runs.
▪ Step-9. Once the system call handler has completed its work,
control may be returned to the user-space library procedure .
▪ Step-10. This procedure then returns to the user program in the
usual way procedure calls return.
▪ Step-11. To finish the job, the user program has to clean up the
stack, as it does after any procedure call.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 64

System Call

System Call

System Calls System Calls System Calls

for Process for File for Directory
System Calls
Management Management Management

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 65

System Calls for Process Management

Systems call for process


• pid = fork()
• pid = waitpid(pid, &statloc, options)
• s = execve(name, argv, environp)
• exit(status)

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 66

System Calls for Process Management
pid = fork()
• Fork is the only way to create new process in POSIX.
• Creates an exact duplicate of the original process.
• It will return PID which id of child.

pid = waitpid(pid, &statloc, options)

• After creation of the child process parent waits for the
child to execute the command,
• Then read the next command when child terminates.
• Pid is the id of child,
• Statloc will set to the child’s exit status,
• Various options can be specified with help of the third

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 67

System Calls for File Management
fd = open (file, how,...)
• Open a file for reading, writing or both.
• Specifies the file name to be opened and any of the
following code O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, or O_RDWR,

s = close(fd)
• Close an open file.

n = read(fd, buffer, nbytes)

• Read data from a file into a buffer.

n = write(fd, buffer, nbytes)

• Write data from a buffer into a file.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 68

System Calls for File Management
position = lseek(fd, offset, whence)
• Move the file pointer for reading or writing thus it can
begin anywhere in the file.
• Fd is file descriptor
• Offset shows the file position
• Whence tells whether the file position is relative to
beginning, or current position, or end of the file.

s = stat(name, &buf)
• Get a file’s status information such as type of file, size,
time of last modification and other information.
• Name is the file name
• Pointer to structure where this needs to be put.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 69

System Calls for Directory Management

s = mkdir(name, mode)

• Create a new empty directory.

s = rmdir(name)

• Remove an empty directory.

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System Calls for Directory Management

s = unlink(name)

• Remove a directory entry

s = mount(special, name, flag)

• Allows two file systems to be merged into one.

• It mounts a storage device or file system, making it
accessible and attaching it to an existing directory
• Special is the name of block special file for drive.
• Name is destination space where we want to mount file.
• Flag is Mode of mount read-write or read only.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 71

Miscellaneous System Calls
s = chdir(dirname)

• Change the working directory

s = chmod(name, mode)

• Change a file’s protection bits.

• Name is the name of the file
• Mode includes the read-write –execute bits for
user, owner, group.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 72

Miscellaneous System Calls
s = kill(pid, signal)

• Send a signal to a process. The kill system call is the way

users and user processes send signals. If a process is
prepared to catch a particular signal, then when it arrives, a
signal handler is run.
• If the process is not prepared to handle a signal, then its
arrival kills the process (hence the name of the call).
• Common uses are : to kill the process with pid, or to force
process N to read its configuration file.

seconds = time(&seconds)

• Returns current time in second.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 73

System Calls: Interrupts
An interrupt is a signal to the processor emitted by hardware
or software indicating an event that needs immediate

The processor responds by suspending its current

activities, saving its state, and executing a function
needed by interrupt.

This interruption is temporary, and, after the interrupt

handler finishes, the processor resumes normal activities.

There are two types of interrupts: hardware interrupts and

software interrupts.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 74


Hardware interrupt Software interrupt

pressing a key on the errors or events occurring

keyboard or moving the during program execution
mouse triggers hardware that are cannot be handled
interrupts that cause the within the program itself.
processor to read the
keystroke or mouse position. For example, if the
processor's arithmetic logic
unit is commanded to divide
a number by zero.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 75

Operating system structures
1. Simple Structure
2. Monolithic systems
3. Layered systems
4. Microkernel structure
5. Modular structure

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 76

Simple Structure
▪ MS-DOS is an operating system created for personal computers. It
was developed by Microsoft. It is a classic example of an operating
system with a layered structure.
▪ MS-DOS operating system is split into various layers and each of
the layers have different functionalities.
▪ Layering provides a distinct advantage in the MS-DOS operating
system because all the layers can be defined separately and
interact with each other as required.
▪ Also, it is easier to create, maintain and update the system if it is
done in the form of layers. Change in one layer specification does
not affect the rest of the layers.
▪ However, the layers in MS-DOS are not that sharply defined and
the layer specifications often bleed into each other.
Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 77

Fig: MS-DOS layer Structure

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 78

Monolithic Structure
▪ Monolithic systems – basic structure:
 the entire operating system is working in kernel space.
 A set of primitives or system calls implement all operating system
services such as process management, concurrency, and memory
 Device drivers can be added to the kernel as modules.
 user services and kernel services are implemented under same
address space. As both services are implemented under same
address space, this makes operating system execution faster.
 If any service fails the entire system crashes, and it is one of the
drawbacks of this kernel. The entire operating system needs
modification if user adds a new service.
 Acts as a virtual machine which controls all hardware parts
 Examples: Linux, Unix like kernels, BSD, OS/360

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 79


Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 80
Layered Structure
 A layered system consists of a series of layers, each of which depends
only on the correct operation of the layer immediately beneath it.
 The lowest layer represents the hardware interface, and the highest
layer the application interface.
 All the layers can be defined separately and interact with each other as
required. Also, it is easier to create, maintain and update the system if it
is done in the form of layers.
 Change in one layer specification does not affect the rest of the layers.
 A key problem in a layered system is deciding on the ordering of the
layers. (This is critical because of the requirement that each layer can
ultimately only use services provided by layers below it - so the ordering
cannot have anycycles.)
 In a strictly-layered structure, efficiency can also become a problem
because when a higher-level layer requires a lower-level operation the
request must work its way down layer by layer.
 Examples OS/2, window NT

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 81


Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 82

Microkernel Structure
 Kernel is made as small as possible only the most important services are put
inside the kernel and rest of the OS service are present in the system application
 The user can easily interact with those not-so important services within the
system applications kernel is solely responsible for the three most
important services ofoperating system namely:
 Inter-Process communication
 Memory management
 CPU scheduling
 Microkernel and system applications can interact with each other by message
passing as and when required.
 This is extremely advantageous architecture since burden of kernel is reduced
and less crucial services are accessible to the user and hence security is
improved too. It is being highly adopted in the present-daysystems.

 MacOSX, Eclipse IDE is a good example of Microkernel Architecture.

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Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 84


Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 85

Modular Structure
▪ A modular operating system is built with its various functions
broken up into distinct processes, each with its own interface.
▪ The primary benefit of the modular approach is that each process
operates independently, and if one of them fails or needs an
update, it won’t affect any of the other functions.
▪ The main elements of a modular operating system are a kernel
and a set of dynamically loadable applications with their own
discrete memory spaces. The kernel is protected from service and
application failures.
▪ The Linux kernel is modular, which means it can extend its
capabilities through dynamically-loaded kernel modules.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 86


Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 87

Questions asked in GTU Exams
1. What is Operating System? Discuss role/functions of OS as a resource
2. Write different operating system services and describe it with suitable
3. Enlist various generations of operating system and explain them with
advantages and disadvantages in detail.
4. Describe RTOS its types and DOS with suitable examples.
5. Identify the differences between Multi-Programming, Multi-tasking,
and Multiprocessing System.
6. What are System Calls? Explain various types of system calls with
appropriate examples.
7. What is an interrupt and context switching? How it is handle by
operating system.
8. Explain Monolithic, Micro Kernel and Layered system of Operating
System Structure.

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 88

Unit- 1 Introduction (Prof. Aanchal Phutela) 89

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