Advanced Operating Systems

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Advanced Operating Systems

Article  in  Computer · November 1984

DOI: 10.1109/MC.1984.1658969 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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3 authors, including:

Walter Tichy
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


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Advanced Operating Systems
Design, Implementation, and Real Time

Stanley A. Wileman, Jr.

University of Nebraska at Omaha

This is an incomplete work-in-progress. It is primarily intended for the students in Computer

Science 8530 at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.
Copyright, 2007, Stanley A. Wileman, Jr.

Table of Contents (Topics) — Not Nearly Final
Table of Contents (Topics)

Table of Contents (Detailed)

List of Figures

List of Tables


Part I – The Tempo Operating System

1. Introduction

2. The Tempo Operating System

3. Processes

4. Interrupt Handling

5. Memory Management

6. System Services

7. Input/Output

8. File Systems

9. Ethernet Services

10. TCP/IP

11. CIFS (Common Internet File System)

Part II – Real-Time Systems and Programming

12. Introduction to Real-time

13. POSIX Real-time Extensions

14. It’s About Time

15. Signals

16. Semaphores

17. Messages

18. Memory, Sharing and Locking

19. Real-time Input/Output

20. Real-time Scheduling

21. Priority Inversion, Solutions

A. Obtaining and Installing Tempo

B. Tempo Development Environment: Cygwin and Bochs

C. Device/Chipset Details (Datasheet abstractions)

C.1 Intel 8237 DMA Controller
C.2 Intel 8254 Programmable Interval Timer
C.3 Intel 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller
C.4 Maxim 14285 Real-Time Clock
C.5 XXX – 6845 Video Controller
C.6 XXX – 16550 UART
C.7 XXX – Parallel port
C.8 XXX – NatSemi DP8390 NIC
C.9 XXX – Intel 8042 (keyboard)

D. References
XXX – Books
XXX – Manuals
XXX – Web Sites



Introduction 1

These notes are provided for those individuals who need to gain a more complete understanding
of operating systems than is provided by a typical undergraduate course. The notes are currently
a “work in progress” and suggestions to the author are welcome.

1.1 Background and Prerequisites

All undergraduate computer science curriculum recommendations include a course on operating
systems. This required course is not one in which the user is taught how to enter commands,
create and list directories, and install and maintain the operating system. These are certainly
appropriate skills, but don’t provide the understanding of operating systems expected by the
designers of computer science curricula.

Instead, the undergraduate operating systems course that is an appropriate prerequisite for this
material covers the purposes of an operating system, the variety of designs possible, and the
traditional algorithms used in an operating system implementation. Two topics covered in some
depth in that course are concurrency and mutual exclusion. These topics are not exclusively part
of the operating system domain, but the undergraduate operating systems course is usually the
first one in which students are exposed to these topics.

There is a wealth of information to be covered in the undergraduate course, and it is rare that
students have many opportunities to engage in significant implementation tasks (except for
small “toy” projects). Indeed, it is usually the case that there is insufficient time in the course to
cover all of the background material.

1.2 The Approach

There are two parts to the material in these notes. Although they are presented sequentially, the
material in the first part will prove beneficial later.

1.2.1 Design and Implementation of the Tempo Operating System

We will first examine in detail the design and implementation of an operating system called
Tempo. This is not a “toy” operating system of the kind that is usually provided for use with
undergraduate operating system textbooks (with some exceptions). Instead, it is a complete
system that can boot and run on most typical x86-based personal computers.

There are numerous goals we hope to achieve by studying this system:

• Better understanding of the purpose of system calls: By examining the detail of how
system resources and services are provided to application programs, we can better
appreciate the facilities provided by those operating systems we typically use (e.g.
Microsoft Windows and UNIX varieties).

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 1


• Better understanding of design alternative and their effects: There are often multiple
approaches that can be taken to manage the resources of a computer system, each with
positive and negative consequences. A real operating system will allow us to examine the
effects of such design decisions.

• Better understanding of existing operating systems: By examining the design and

implementation of Tempo, we will gain insights into how popular operating systems deal
with similar issues.

• Better understanding of concurrency and mutual exclusion: Reading about concurrency

and studying classic algorithms for synchronization is valuable, but seeing the
implementation and use of these in a real operating system gives real understanding of
them. We know that modern processors have almost reached the “legal” speed limit, and
understand that only by utilizing multiple processes running on multiple processors will we
achieve additional performance gains. Multiple processes concurrently or simultaneously
working on the same data must be synchronized.

• Better understanding of how applications can use system services: Every application
uses the services of the operating system, but those services are usually hidden below a
layer of library functions. Application designers often overlook available facilities and
resources because they mistakenly limit themselves to the features provided by a particular
programming language. Even if only those language-provided facilities are used,
understanding the system services their implementations use will improve the application
designer’s understanding of the cost of those facilities.

1.2.2 Introduction to Real-Time1 Systems and Applications

The second part of these notes provides introductory material on real-time systems and
programming. Real-time systems have two parts: a real-time operating system and one or more
real-time applications. It is common for such systems to be dedicated to running those
applications (as opposed to attempting to be general-purpose, or all things to all applications).

If you could successfully enumerate all the computer systems and applications in use at any
instant, you would find that perhaps as much as ninety percent of those systems and applications
could be characterized using the term real-time. That’s right; although there are many PCs out
there, they represent only a small fraction of the computer systems in use. And most computer
scientists (and even a larger fraction of computer users) don’t have even a small understanding
of real-time systems and programming.

This part will introduce the basics of real-time programming, focusing on the system services
needed to ensure timely delivery of results. Several classic algorithms for real-time scheduling
and dealing with priority inversion (an undesirable situation that can occur unless carefully
avoided) are examined. Operating system design decisions that affect the capability of the
system to support real-time applications are also considered.

There is apparently no consensus on a canonical presentation of this term. Various other ways of writing it are
“realtime,” and “real time” (two words). It appears to be most frequently written as shown here, with a hyphen.

The Tempo Operating System

The Tempo Operating System 2

2.1 History
The name “Tempo”, the initial definition of system calls, and the first implementation were
associated with the textbook An Introduction to Real-Time Systems: From Design to
Networking with C/C++ by Buhr and Bailey (Prentice-Hall, 1999). Although usable, this effort
depended on MS-DOS for loading, input/output services, and first-level interrupt handling.
Since it used MS-DOS, it follows that it was a 16-bit system and used none of the features
provided by modern x86 processors.

The system was also primarily written using C++, but only a limited subset of the features of
that language. Modern operating systems (e.g. Microsoft Windows and virtually every “flavor”
of UNIX, including Linux) are written using C and assembly language. While object-oriented
paradigms are important in operating systems (as we shall see), the C++ language features often
result in the use of significant amounts of “hidden” code with unanticipated increases in running

2.1.1 Tempo/C
The first version of Tempo (apart from that used with the textbook) was developed in early
2000. The following list summarizes the major changes made in the system.

• Replacement of all C++ code: All of the C++ code in the original system was removed
and replaced by C and assembler language (using the Intel/Microsoft syntax). This
improved the usability of the system for education purposes, since it no longer had reliance
on the Borland 16-bit C++ compiler, but instead could use the more commonly available
Microsoft products. To enable clear distinction between the old C++ system and the new
system written in C, its name was changed to Tempo/C.

• System call redefinition: The C++ version of the system took advantage of the ability to
provide default values for certain parameters omitted from system calls. In particular, some
system calls have the ability to wait either an arbitrary (potentially infinite) amount of time
for completion, or for a user-specified maximum amount of time. If the timeout parameter
was not supplied, the assumption was made that the caller was willing to wait for
completion whenever it occurred. It was also the case that some system calls that could
benefit from having timeouts were not provided with them. The definition of these system
calls were rewritten to require explicit specification of the timeout parameter in all cases,
and to add timeouts to those calls that could use them but did not have them.

• Keyboard input: The original system had no provision for input from a keyboard, so a
system call was added to provide that capability.

• Examples: Many applications were developed to demonstrate the system calls provided by
the system.

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 3

The Tempo Operating System

• Distribution: The assembler and C source code for the system and the examples were
packaged together for ease of distribution. Those distributions used in the classroom were
packaged with the appropriate Microsoft tools (for which licenses were available).

2.1.2 Tempo/32
During the summer and fall of 2000, Tempo/C was completely rewritten and renamed
Tempo/32. As you can infer from the name change, the system was modified to utilize the 32-
bit features of modern x86 processors, including protected mode. Here is a summary of the
major changes:

• 32-bit protected mode: Except for the bootstrap loader (see below), the system now uses
the 32-bit instructions and registers in the x86 processor. Additionally, it makes use of the
protected mode features of the processors to provide two execution modes: kernel and user.
This is consistent with the approach taken by “real” operating systems, although it does
make the system more complicated than “toy” systems.

• Stand-alone booting: Instead of having to be started as an application from the MS-DOS

operating system, a floppy-disk bootstrap loader was added to Tempo. This was the only
place where 16-bit code was used (by necessity), since all x86 processors begin execution
after power-up or processor reset in “real” mode (which assumes all operands of
instructions are either 8 or 16 bits long, and physical addresses are limited to 20 bits).

• Flat address space: All x86 memory addresses (in the processor) have two components: a
segment and an offset within the segment. 16-bit real-mode programs are limited to 20 bit
addresses that are computed as 16 × segment-register-value + offset, which yields an
address that is 20-bits long2. Since at most 64KB or memory can be accessed with one
segment register value, programs that access large regions of memory are somewhat
cumbersome, requiring frequent changes to the segment register values. In protected mode,
the x86 processors provide more advanced segment facilities in which segments can have
almost arbitrarily large sizes. This feature allows us to make the segmentation almost
transparent, by arranging for all segments to begin with physical address 0 and have a size
of 4GB. Now code can use 32-bit linear addresses without undue concern about the
segment register setting.

• Limited use of x86 paging hardware: Tempo/32 also utilizes another feature found only
in protected mode — the paging hardware. Page tables (and directories, more later) enable
non-contiguous regions of physical memory, called pages, to appear contiguous to an
application program. Individual pages can be marked as present or not present, and can be
protected (read-only or read-write), so errant program activity can be trapped. Tempo/32
utilized the paging facilities, but not extensively, primarily as a demonstration of the
hardware features of the x86 processors.

• Microsoft development tools replaced: The Microsoft MS-DOS system, C compiler,

assembler, and linker were replaced by the GNU gcc C compiler, assembler, linker, and

There are a few cases where this value can be longer than 20 bits. For example, if the segment register
contains 0xfff0 and the offset is 0xfff0, the resulting address is 0x10fef0. We will touch on this again
when we talk about the A20 address line.

The Tempo Operating System

make utility (and a few others). All of the development tools and source code for the
system were thus freely available to anyone, with no licensed software required. All of the
scripts for building the system and running the examples were rewritten to use these tools.

• Cygwin used in the Windows environment: Since Microsoft Windows is ubiquitous in

many educational environments, Cygwin was employed to provide the necessary
development environment on Windows platforms. Cygwin is a popular freely-available
system which runs on Microsoft Windows and provides a near-perfect emulation of a
UNIX development environment and many of the popular UNIX/Linux development tools.

• Bochs used for emulated execution: Bochs is an open source x86 emulator that runs on
Microsoft Windows and UNIX/Linux systems3. It faithfully emulates the processor and
most of the common devices attached to a modern PC system. Although Tempo can be
booted and executed directly on a stand-alone system with no additional software support
(except the system’s BIOS, which we’ll cover later), doing so is somewhat cumbersome
when doing development. Rebooting a system is usually a time-consuming activity,
especially since the physical media (a floppy disk) must be created on the development
system, then inserted in the drive on the test system, which is then reset. Bochs can boot
directly from a file containing an image of a floppy disk (which the Tempo development
tools build), requiring substantially less time than if a real machine was used. Appropriate
shell scripts and configuration for the use of Bochs are included with the Tempo/32

2.1.3 Tempo/32 in Fall 2005

During the fall of 2005, additional features were added to Tempo/32.

• Simple hard-disk input/output: Hard disk drives are common on almost all PC systems,
so it was logical to add a device driver and simple system calls to allow blocks on a hard
disk to be read and written. That Bochs also emulates the disk controller and drive made
this a reasonable extension to Tempo/32.

• Existing system calls restructured: As with most large development projects, some earlier
work on system calls needed to be revisited. In particular, some of the original Tempo
system calls had flaws (which will be discussed later). Documenting the system calls and
guaranteeing that their implementation is consistent with their definition is necessary for
any system, Tempo included.

• New POSIX-like I/O, command-line arguments, and system calls for process
termination and awaiting process termination added: POSIX is a (set of) standards for
operating system services, including I/O system calls. The Tempo I/O facilities (still one of
the least highly structured system components) were modified so they looked more like the
POSIX definitions. The ability to pass arguments to the main function of a program in the
same manner as that done in UNIX systems was added. Two new system calls, kill and

Bochs is also capable of running on Apple Macintosh systems, and Tempo systems can be executed using
Bochs in that environment. Unfortunately, the other Apple development tools do not appear to be completely
usable for Tempo development, although this issue is being investigated.

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 5

The Tempo Operating System

waitproc, were added to allow forcible termination of a process and to wait for a process
to terminate.

• Code reorganization: The Tempo/32 source code was reorganized to facilitate reading and

2.1.4 Tempo/32 in Spring 2006

Some substantial additions were made to Tempo/32 in the spring of 2005:

• File system code enhanced: The simple file system developed with the hard disk device
driver and system calls was enhanced. The features it provides are similar in many ways to
those available in the traditional UNIX file system.

• Assembler and “C-minus” compiler ported to Tempo/32: A few tools developed for
another operating system project included a simple x86 assembler and a compiler for a
subset of C, appropriately named C-minus. These tools were ported to Tempo/32.

• New run system call provided: To accompany the new assembler and compiler, a new
system call was added to allow complete programs to be loaded from the filesystem on the
hard disk.

• Dynamic allocation of pages to processes: Since the “new-style” processes (loaded from
disk) are not “compiled-in” (as were all previous “processes”), it became necessary to do
dynamic allocation of primary memory for these. Structures to keep track of page usage,
and to allocate and free physical pages of memory were added. Additional attention was
required to the system code executed when a process was terminated, since the pages
allocated for such processes had to be reclaimed.

2.1.5 Tempo/32 in Summer and Fall 2006

Work during this period focused on improving the portability of the system and its usability in
multiple development environments.

• Additional work on loaded processes: The C-minus development tools, although usable,
were far from perfect. Instead, attention was turned to loading executables in different
formats — in particular, ELF (executable and loadable format) and PE (portable
executable). The GNU tools on a UNIX/Linux platform commonly produce ELF files, and
those tools when used with Cygwin produce the PE executables.

• Dynamic stack expansion for loaded processes: the size of the stack for a “compiled-in”
process is fixed at the time the process is created, and there is no way it can be enlarged.
Processes loaded from disk do not explicitly specify their stack size, and are given one page
of stack space by default. This is insufficient for some processes, and so some mechanism
was needed to dynamically cause the stack size to grow. The trigger for such growth is a
page fault, and code was added to the page fault handler to detect those faults caused by
stack overflow and then automatically add a page of memory to the stack for the process.

The Tempo Operating System

2.1.6 Current (2007) and Future Directions

A number of applications have been written for or ported to Tempo, including a full-screen text
editor, a BASIC interpreter, a Forth interpreter, and several simple shells. Current activity
includes reorganizing the input/output system, writing NIC (network interface card) drivers (the
National Semiconductor DP83815 chip driver is functional, and work is proceeding on a driver
for the Intel 8255x family of chips; unfortunately NICs aren’t as standardized as disk controllers
and the other support chips in PCs), and augmenting the standard C library for application use.
Once a few NIC drivers are stable, the next major project will be to port the TCP/IP
implementation from the XINU operating system to Tempo and add support for SMB-based
remote file systems. Remote and wake-on-LAN booting and porting of the FAT filesystem code
from XINU are on the visible horizon. The number of future development activities possible
with the Tempo system is almost limitless.

2.2 What is Tempo?

From the discussion of Tempo’s history you may have already formed some ideas about what
the system looks like. But let’s look at some specific characteristics.

• Tempo is a stand-alone system. It does not depend on any other software to boot or run,
except a standard PC system’s BIOS (Basic Input/Output System). This is good, since it
requires us to understand everything that an operating system needs in order to run; and
from an educational perspective, this is appropriate. It is also somewhat problematic, since
if we want a feature or function, we must provide it ourselves.

• Tempo is a monolithic, non-preemptible kernel. Monolithic means that all components

of the operating system kernel are linked together at the time the system is built. A feature
found in many modern systems is the capability to dynamically load some software after
the system has been booted. In particular, device drivers can be dynamically loaded and
unloaded, which is particularly useful for USB devices. But Tempo doesn’t do that — yet.
Non-preemptible means that when a process is executing code inside the operating system
kernel, it cannot be preempted by the occurrence of an interrupt. For example, this means
that if the programmable interval timer “ticks” while we are executing inside the kernel,
this “tick” will not be recognized until we leave the kernel and return to a user application
(or the idle process). This means that Tempo may be slow to recognize interrupts. It is
worth noting that until recently most operating systems (except those specifically designed
for real-time purposes) were designed as monolithic kernels. For one thing, they’re easier to
design and implement.

• Tempo provides two different kinds of “processes.” The first, and original, type of
“process” provided by Tempo is linked into the system when it is built. The code and data
for such processes is always part of the system, even when they aren’t needed. In addition,
care must be taken to ensure that the external names used by these “processes” do not clash
with those external names used by the kernel, since they share the same namespace during
the linking process. This type of process is closer to the objects known as “kernel threads.”
The second type of process is more traditional. Its executable code and data are prepared
separately from the kernel of the system, stored on a secondary storage device (like a disk
drive), and is allocated storage and loaded from disk only on demand (using the run

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 7

The Tempo Operating System

system call). Tempo supports executable files in several formats, including ELF, PE, and
the unique format used by the C-minus compiler.

• Tempo uses priority scheduling. The “golden rule” of priority scheduling is that at any
instant, the process that is running is the highest-priority ready-to-run process in the system
(or is one of a set of such highest-priority processes). Of course the non-preemptible
character of the Tempo kernel means that should a process with a higher priority logically
become ready to execute while a lower priority process is executing a system call, then we
will have to wait until that system call completes (or the process blocks) before the higher
priority process is given a chance to execute.

• Tempo uses Round-Robin or Run-To-Completion scheduling. Depending on current

settings, processes with the same priority will take turns using the CPU, each running for at
most a quantum of time before relinquishing the CPU to other ready processes at the same
priority. Alternately, the system will allow a process to use as much CPU time as it wants
(subject to the priority “golden rule”), relinquishing the CPU only when it terminates
execution, faults, blocks, or explicitly yields the processor (using the yield system call) to
another process at the same priority.

• Tempo has traditional counting semaphores with timeouts. Semaphores are the most
well-known process synchronization and interprocess communication (IPC) tool. Tempo
provides a pool of semaphores and system calls for allocating and initializing a semaphore
(newsema), freeing a semaphore when its use is no longer required (freesema), and
performing P and V (down and up) operations. If a semaphore’s count is 0 at the time a
down operation is performed, the system allows the process to block indefinitely, never
block (to do polling), or block for at most a specified maximum period of time.

• Tempo has signals and messages. Each process has a fixed number of queues to which
signals or messages may be directed. Tempo’s signals and messages are synchronous,
unlike those provided by UNIX. This means that a process will not be interrupted by the
arrival of a signal or message, but must explicitly check for the presence of a signal or
message. A signal is similar to those provided by UNIX in that it provides a numbered,
anonymous notification of an event. Tempo counts signals that have been delivered but not
yet received by a process, unlike UNIX4. A message is signed by its sender (that is, the
sender’s process identification is attached to the message), and includes a 32-bit message
that, in some cases, can effectively be used as a pointer to a larger data structure. Messages
are queued in FIFO order on each process’ signal/message queues. An individual queue
may be masked (or unmasked) to prevent (or allow) recognition of signals and messages on
that queue. Messages and signals are recognized in order from the lowest numbered queue
to the largest, effectively providing them with priorities.

• Tempo provides separation of user and kernel execution. The Intel x86 architecture
provides four privilege levels, numbered 0 to 3. Most operating systems, Tempo included,
use only two of these, 0 and 3. Level 0, the most privileged, is used by programs executing
inside the kernel. Programs executing outside the kernel use level 3, the least privileged.

We shall have much more to say about signals, in particular POSIX signals, when we consider real-time

The Tempo Operating System

Certain instructions (e.g. input/output) cannot be successfully executed when executing at

level 3, and only the kernel has the capability to access all primary memory.

• Tempo provides POSIX-like I/O facilities. The system calls for performing input/output
are similar to those specified by the POSIX standards:

― open(path,mode) — open an existing file

― creat(path) — create a new file

― mkdir(path) — create a directory

― close(fd) — close an open file

― read(fd,buffer,size) — read from an open file

― write(fd,buffer,size) — write to an open file

― seek(fd,offset,origin) — set the position that will next be read or written

― remove(path) — delete a file

• Tempo development is done using open-source tools.

― gcc — GNU c compiler

― ld — GNU linker

― make — build utility

― objcopy — copy and translate object files between formats

― dd — raw file copy (for disk images)

― Cygwin — UNIX environment for Microsoft Windows

― Bochs — PC hardware system emulation for Microsoft Windows, Linux, BSD, etc.

― Shell scripts for Tempo system compiling, linking, disk image creation, etc.

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 9


Processes 3

Processes are used to represent the executable objects in a system. The operating system itself is
not a process, although there may be one or more processes created to support the actions of the
operating system (primarily for convenience).

In Tempo, there are two different kinds of executable objects. Historically (at least in Tempo’s
history) a process was (or is) a separate thread of execution with its code and data linked
together with that of the operating system kernel and device drivers5. In other systems these
might be appropriately called “kernel threads” since they run in the address space of the kernel.
Since they are linked together with the kernel, care must be taken to avoid defining external
symbols that are the same as those in the kernel, since there is only a single namespace.

The second kind of executable object is appropriately called a process, since it is not statically
linked with the kernel, but is loaded (in Tempo, from a disk) into primary memory allocated for
it only at the time it is executed. As just mentioned, the code and data for the historic processes
in Tempo is always present in the system, occupying primary (and virtual) memory, even
though they may not currently be candidates for execution.

3.1 Process Objects

Each Tempo process, regardless of its type, is represented in the system as an entry of type
struct Proc (h/types.h)6 in the array named proctab (kernel/sys.c). The number of entries
in this array is a constant named NPROC (h/sysparm.h). That is, the number of processes that
can concurrently exist in the system can be no larger than NPROC. This is a classic example of
static allocation in an operating system. At least as recently as the 2.2 kernel, Linux7 also
employed static allocation for the array holding these process descriptors. Only the objects
identified in this array are capable of being selected by the operating system for execution.

struct Proc entries (which are alternately called process table entries or process
descriptors) that do not currently represent a process are identified by the value
PROCESS_FREE (h/sysparm.h) in the state field of the structure. When it is necessary to
create a new process, one of these unused entries must be allocated. If no free entries are
available, the process creation, of necessity, must fail. As we shall see later, when Tempo needs
an unused process table entry, it performs a linear search through the array for the first available
unused entry. Here is another example of a design decision in an operating system. We could, if
desired, keep a list of unused entries, and when one is needed, we could simply “pluck” it from
the head of the list (assuming the list wasn’t empty). This would certainly make things faster at
the cost of complicating the code and making it more difficult to understand. The linear search

The code and data for “normal” processes — not threads — could also be provided in the same file as the
kernel. That is, the distinction between a kernel thread and a process is not the source of its code and data.
When we reference the Tempo source code, we will usually identify the file being referenced in this manner.
See, for example, Understanding The Linux Kernel by Bovet and Cesati (O’Reilly, 2001).

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 11


decision was made to favor simplicity and readability (and the probability of correctness). And
how much faster would the process descriptor allocation be with the linked list? The current size
of NPROC is 20, and with a pedagogic system like Tempo, we are unlikely to be using many of
those entries at the same time.

3.1.1 Process States

As we just seen, there is a state field in every process table entry. The content of the field, as
expected, describes the state of the process. Conceptually, every process is either ready to be
executed (“ready” or PROCESS_READY in Tempo), currently being executed (“running” or
PROCESS_CURRENT in Tempo), or is incapable of being executed because it is waiting for
some resource (e.g. completion of an input operation, a semaphore, a message, or the expiration
of a timer). Processes in this last state are “blocked.” The complete list of process states in
Tempo can be found in file h/sysparm.h.

Some operating systems may choose to use a single value of a field like state to identify
blocked processes, with a separate field giving the reason the process is blocked. In Tempo
there are multiple blocked states, one for each reason a process might be blocked. The
difference between these approaches is illustrated in the diagrams below.

Figure 1. Three-state process transition diagram

Terminated Running Ready Nonexistent


Figure 2. Tempo’s process transition diagram

Terminated Running Ready Nonexistent

Blocked … Blocked
1 n

There are several observations we should make about the differences in these figures. Although
conceptually they appear to have significant differences, this is not really the case. If we group
all the blocked states in Tempo, we have the same set of states shown in the first figure (where a
separate field in the process table entry is used to record the reason a process is blocked). There


is, however, another difference, and this is the presence in Tempo of transitions from any state
directly to the terminated state. In UNIX systems, for example, a process that is not actually
running cannot be terminated! We will discuss this later when UNIX/POSIX signals are
considered in detail.

We note that the “terminated” and “nonexistent” conditions are really the same in Tempo,
corresponding to a state field value of PROCESS_FREE, as noted earlier. In UNIX systems
there is a state between terminated and nonexistent; processes in this transitory state are said to
be “zombie” processes, a condition we will revisit again.

3.1.2 Process Priorities

Another field of the process table entry is priority (h/types.h). As you might expect, this
field holds the current priority associated with the process, which may be between
LOWEST_PRIORITY and HIGHEST_PRIORITY (both defined in h/sysparm.h). There is
actually another allowed priority, which is one smaller than LOWEST_PRIORITY. This
priority is used only for the idle process, which runs only when all other processes are blocked.
By guaranteeing that the idle process priority is always smaller than any legal priority for
“normal” processes, we guarantee that the idle process will never be executed if any other
process is capable of being executed.

3.1.3 Process Queues

Each process may be found on one or more queues. Some queues are formed by linking together
process table entries using the prev and next fields. Another important data structure that
contains lists of processes is the array of queues named readyList (kernel/sys.c). This array
has one entry (the head of a queue) for every possible process priority (including the priority for
the idle process). The list of processes on one of these queues is the set of ready processes (that
is, processes in the PROCESS_READY state). When the kernel needs to obtain a ready process
to execute, it invokes the getready function (kernel/sys.c) that searches through the
readyList queues, from highest priority to lowest priority, for the first non-empty queue. If
such a queue is located, then the process at the head of that queue is removed, and a pointer to
the process table entry for that process is returned.

Additional queues containing processes may be present, and we will examine them when the
various system call implementations are considered.

3.1.4 Process Identification

Within the kernel itself, processes are most frequently identified by a pointer to their process
table entry. This is, of course, just a memory address, and is certainly inappropriate for user
processes to use when then need to make reference to a particular process. For this purpose,
most operating systems use some sort of generic “process ID”. In UNIX systems, for example, a
process ID is just a small integer, which may just be the subscript of the process descriptor in
the process table. Tempo just assigns a unique sequential integer to every new process. Since
this is a 32-bit integer, this means that if the system runs long enough without being rebooted,
and enough processes are created, that ID will wrap back around to 0. The function pid2a
(kernel/sys.c), which takes a process ID as an argument, will translate a process ID to the
corresponding pointer to the process table entry, if it exists, or NULL otherwise.

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 13


3.1.5 Other Process Components

As we shall see later, a process has two separate stacks associated with it, one for use when it is
running in user mode, and one for use when it is executing code within the kernel.8
Additionally, every process has values stored in various processor registers when it is executing.
Since a process executing in user mode can not predict when it will be interrupted by an
external event (such as an input/output operation completion, or a timer expiration), it cannot
anticipate when the contents of these registers must be saved so another process can use the
CPU’s registers; that is the operating system’s responsibility. A convenient place to save the
contents of the registers is on the stack, and that is exactly what happens. After processing the
interrupt, the operating system kernel will restore the register contents for the interrupted
process and return to exactly the point in the code at which the interrupt occurred.9 It is,
however, necessary to retain the address of the user’s stack in the process table entry, since the
kernel must have some way to locate the user’s stack in order to restore the registers!

3.2 Program Preparation

We are going to divert our attention momentarily from issues unique to the operating system to
discuss (in this section) some of the “mechanical” aspects of the C and assembler code used in
operating systems (and other applications), and (in the next section) some details of how C
functions use the stack. The observations made here are true for all types of programs, not just
operating systems. However it is critical for operating system designers to understand these
topics in more detail that the typical application programmer.

3.2.1 Review of Program Preparation

Figure 3 illustrates the basic steps used in preparing any program for execution, regardless of
the programming language or operating system being used. This does not, however, apply to
interpreted code such as that written in PERL or PHP (although it does apply to the interpreter).

Figure 3. Program Preparation for Execution

Source or Object
Code Assembler Code

… Linker Executable
(Loader) Program
Source or Object
Code Assembler Code

Object Linker
Libraries Script

A third stack, not unique to the process, is used during process termination activities.
For most processors, an interrupt is always recognized between instructions.


The essential steps in program preparation are as follows:

• Prepare source program(s). One or more source programs are prepared (for example,
source programs written in C). These are stored in appropriately named files. For some
languages, additional related source files may be required, such as header files. Although
these are not shown in Figure 3, their existence is assumed.

• Compile or assemble the source program(s). The appropriate compiler (and

preprocessor) or assembler is used to process the program and produce object code that is
also stored in a file (an object code file, sometimes called an object module). Errors (and
possibly warnings) detected during this step must be corrected (in the source and/or header
files) and the compilation or assembly repeated.

• Link the object code files. The linker is invoked to combine the object code files into a
single executable file. The linker may also use libraries of previously prepared object code,
either implicitly or explicitly specified, in resolving external references.

3.2.2 The Linking Process

We will not discuss compilation further in these notes, but we must pay careful attention to the
actions taken by the linker. This development tool is sometimes called a loader (indeed, the
GNU linker’s name is “ld”), but it does not perform loading — that is the responsibility of the
operating system.

A linker has several tasks to perform:

• Identify definitions of and references to external identifiers, and resolve the references
to the corresponding definitions. Let’s consider an example. When you write a program
that uses the qsort function, you usually do not actually provide the source code for qsort.
Instead, you expect the previously prepared and compiled version of qsort, stored
somewhere in a object code library, will be retrieved and used in conjunction with your
program. But when your source program is compiled, the compiler does not know where in
memory the qsort function’s entry point will be located at execution time. Only the linker
knows this, and so it is the linker’s responsibility to put the appropriate memory address in
the instruction from your program that invokes qsort. The linker must do this for all
external references, keeping track of the definitions in a symbol table. Some Tempo
systems have more than 700 externally-defined symbols.10

• Recognize the different sections in each object module and decide where they will be
placed in memory at execution time. A typical object module will include several
sections. The “text” section contains executable code (and sometimes read-only constants;
ELF and PE format object files use the “rodata” — read-only data — section for this
purpose). The “data” section contains static data (variables declared with the static keyword

Many modern operating systems support dynamic linking and loading of code modules at execution time.
That is, the actual resolution of an external reference does not take place until the program is executed. This
idea, which also allows multiple programs to share one copy of commonly-used code (like qsort), was actually
used in much earlier systems (e.g. Multics).

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 15


in C, or many variables declared outside a function). The “bss” and COMMON sections are
typically used for variables that are shared between object modules. The linker, guided by
the linker script, will usually collect all of the text sections and group them so they will be
placed in one region of memory at execution time, then do the same for the remaining

• Adjust addresses in code and data objects that are marked relocatable. Compilers and
assemblers may occasionally need to generate instructions and data items that contain the
addresses of other objects. As noted above, if these objects are defined in other object
modules, an external reference can be used to provide the address of the object, since it has
an externally-defined name. But if it an object at a location in the same object module, it
may not have an explicit name, so the compiler or assembler generates an address relative
to the beginning of the section in which the object appears. These addresses must be altered
by the linker so that refer to the actual address at which the object will appear when it is
being executed. This process is called relocation.11

• Write an executable file containing the resulting combined sections of code and data,
with all relocation completed and all external references resolved. This file will usually
contain information organized in the same manner as an object module, except it will need
no further relocation and will have no unresolved external references. Of course it is
possible that relocation was unsuccessful or some of the externally-referenced symbols
could not be resolved. For example, suppose your program mistakenly made a reference to
a function named qsrt instead of qsort. The compiler or assembler could not detect this
error, but the linker certainly can (unless the system being used actually has such a function
defined in an object code library used by the linker).12

3.2.3 Execution
Assuming we now have a object code module marked executable by the linker, we must
consider how it is actually executed. There are several steps required.

• Allocate and initialize a process table entry for the new process. As you know, a
process is used to record many of the dynamic aspects of a program in execution. The
executable object code file represents the static program – when it is not being executed.
When you type the name of a program on a command line in a UNIX system, or click on
the icon representing an executable program in a graphical user interface, the command
interpreter will request execution of the program. This requires that creation of a new
process associated with the program.

Many modern processors provide instructions that can utilize code-relative addresses, eliminating the need
for some relocation. For example, a looping structure will usually require a (possibly conditional) branch
instruction at the end of the loop back to its beginning instruction. A branch to a negative offset relative to the
program counter can often be used for that instruction.
Many linkers also have the capability of producing partially-linked files that require further linking and/or
relocation before they can be executed. This is useful, for example, if you have a large number of functions that
are reasonably static – they’re robust and need infrequent modification – that you use in a number of other
programs. The object code modules for these functions can be partially linked, saving time when linking them
repeatedly with other object code modules.


• Allocate appropriate memory resources for the program. Every process has regions of
physical memory for code, data, stack, bss, and its other sections. Some of these regions
may be shared with other processes (such as the text region, when multiple processes are
executing the same program), but each process must have private regions of memory for its
stacks. If sufficient memory is not available, then the program cannot be executed.

• Load the executable program into primary memory, if necessary. Unless the code and
data is already present in memory (because another process was already executing the
program), the various sections of the executable object code file are copied into the
memory regions allocated for the process. Some regions of memory (in particular, the bss
and COMMON sections) are expected (by the compiler and the programmer) to contain
zeroes at the beginning of execution, and the operating system will also perform this task at
this time.13

• Prepare the initial contents of the kernel and/or user-mode stacks. In most systems,
programs begin execution assuming that environment information and information from the
command line that invoked the program will be found at well-defined locations on the
stack. The initial contents of processor registers will also be obtained from the stack. We
will have more to say about this step later.

• Mark the process as ready for execution. Once the process table entry has been
initialized, memory and stack space has been allocated, the code and data has been loaded,
and the initial stack contents have been prepared, the process is capable of being selected
for execution by the operating system.

3.3 Stacks
3.3.1 Stack Usage
Understanding how the stack is used during program execution is necessary if we are to
understand process implementation. A stack is used for several purposes in a typical program:

• A stack is used to store a function’s local variables. The variables declared inside a C
function, unless explicitly declared as static or extern, will have the auto storage
class. Programmers almost never write the auto keyword explicitly because, as its name
implies, it is the default storage class for local variables. The storage for these variables is
allocated on a function’s stack when the function (or block) containing their declarations is
entered, and that storage is reclaimed when the function or block is exited. This behavior is
common to most modern programming languages like C, C++, and Java.

• A stack is used for temporary variables. Any processor has a limited number of registers
that can be used to hold the results of computations. RISC processors typically have many
more registers than CISC processors, but they are still a limited resource. When sufficient

Many operating systems support execution of programs that are not completely loaded into memory. For a
program to execute, all it requires is that the current instruction and its operands be present in memory. Such
systems must have the capability of dynamically allocating memory and loading additional portions of the
executable program and data when they are actually referenced. Tempo does not yet support this facility.

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 17


numbers of registers are not available to complete a computation, temporary storage

elsewhere must be used, and that storage is usually on the stack.

• A stack is used to store arguments to functions and the return addresses from
functions. The code generated for a function invocation by compilers for most modern
programming languages will push each of the function’s arguments on the stack, then
execute a call instruction to the function. That call instruction will push the address of the
instruction after the call on the stack. During the function execution it accesses function
arguments at known locations on the stack (relative to the top of stack address when the
function was entered), and on completion, it returns to the address pushed on the stack by
the call instruction. Functions typically leave results that don’t require much storage in
processor registers.

• A stack is used to save the contents of processor registers during interrupt processing.
Interrupts are the mechanism used to report significant or exceptional events. Typical
sources of interrupts are protection violations (e.g. trying to write into memory that is
marked read-only), computational errors (division by zero), reports of events considered
significant by devices external to the processor (a disk read operation completes, or a timer
“ticks”), or an explicit interrupt generated by a program to request system services. Many
interrupts are generated asynchronously – that is, without regard to what the processor is
doing at the time the interrupt is generated, but others may occur synchronously with the
processor’s execution of an instruction. For example, the interrupt signaling division by
zero will naturally occur only as a result of and at the time of a divide instruction’s
execution. Regardless of the source of the interrupt, when the processor recognizes it, it
will save the contents of all or some of its registers on the stack. The details differ between
processor families, but this behavior is typical.

3.3.2 Processor Stack Implementation

Space for a stack (both its current contents and space for its growth) is reserved by the operating
system before a process begins execution. In some operating systems, the space reserved for a
stack may be increased if it outgrows the allocated region. Other systems may allocate a fixed
amount of space for a stack that cannot be increased during the process execution. Tempo
exhibits both of these behaviors (for the two different kinds of “processes”).

It is typical for a processor to have a register called the stack pointer (the esp register14 in the
Intel x86 processors). This register contains the address of the memory location holding the data
item at the top of the stack. If the stack grows downward in memory (as it does in the Intel x86
processors), a push instruction will decrement the stack pointer so it points to the new top of
stack location, and store the item being pushed at that location. A pop instruction will copy the
value at the top of the stack to a processor register and increment the stack pointer’s value.

The operating system will set the stack pointer appropriately at the beginning of process
execution. The stack pointer setting for a process will not be modified when the operating
system handles interrupts or performs services on behalf of other processes. But managing the
stack, and thus the stack pointer, is the responsibility of the process itself.

The esp register is the name used for the 32-bit stack pointer. When an x86 is in 16-bit mode, the stack
pointer is called the sp register.


3.3.3 Intel x86 Assembly Language Basics

Most of the code for modern operating systems is written in C. There are exceptions, of course,
but UNIX and its variants (e.g. Linux, Solaris, BSD) and Microsoft Windows use C for the
majority of the code. Some components of the operating system must, however, be written in
assembly (or assembler) language, and this is also true of Tempo. Application programs never
use some types of instructions, so compilers for high-level languages usually have no statements
that can generate those instructions.

In order to be able to understand the assembly language code in Tempo we must spend just a
little time exploring the Intel x86 assembly language.

Unfortunately, there is no canonical definition of assembly language for the x86. There are two
major “flavors” of assembly language in popular use – the so-called Intel/Microsoft syntax and
the AT&T syntax. To avoid confusion, we will only consider the syntax used by Tempo, which
is the AT&T syntax. This is also the variant used by the assembly language source components
of Linux and by the GNU assembler that is used to build Linux and Tempo.

As usual in assembly language, most instructions have an optional label, a mnemonic for a
machine language instruction (e.g. add), and register or memory operand specifications (most
instructions have two). There are also pseudo-operations (sometimes called pseudos, pseudo-
ops, or directives) that do not correspond to machine language instructions, but are used instead
to instruct the assembler to do things like reserve memory, define initialized memory locations,
or mark a symbol as an external definition. Comments may appear by themselves on separate
lines or be added at the end of instructions.

Operands for machine language instructions are usually written with the source operand first
and the destination operand second15. The destination operand identifies the register or memory
that will usually be modified by execution of the instruction. For example, the statement

movl %eax,total

will be translated by the assembler to an instruction that will “move” (copy) the contents of the
processor’s eax register to the four bytes of memory at the location identified with the symbol

Register names are always prefixed with a percent sign (%) to distinguish them from other
symbols, as shown in the example above. Constant operands are always prefixed with a dollar
sign ($). Integer values are written as they would be in C: 12, 014, and 0xc all have the same
value. The statement

movl $0x80000000,%eax # set hi-order bit

causes the assembler to generate an instruction that sets the high-order bit of the eax register to
1 and the remaining bits to 0. This statement also includes a comment, which is prefixed with a
sharp sign (#).

Amazingly, the operands are written in the opposite order –with the destination operand first – in the
Intel/Microsoft syntax, which can cause a great deal of confusion for developers who must use both assembler

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 19


Mnemonics for many instructions in the Intel x86 processor can be used with operands of
various sizes. For example, the mov mnemonic is used to generate instructions that copy 8, 16,
or 32 bits (or 64 bits on a 64-bit processor). In some cases, the assembler can determine which
instruction variant is required from the operands, but when it isn’t possible to do so, the
mnemonic must be written with a single-letter suffix that explicitly indicates how many bits are
to be moved. Specifically, ‘b’ is used for byte (8-bit) operands, ‘w’ for word (two-byte or 16-
bit) operands, and ‘l’ for longword (four-byte or 32-bit) operands. Mnemonics in Tempo’s
assembly language code usually always include the operand size suffix, even if it is not
required. This makes it easier to read and understand the code.

3.3.4 Memory Operands16

Memory operands can have up to four components, depending on the particular instruction: a
displacement, a base register, an index register, and a scale factor. The displacement is usually a
constant or the label of an instruction or variable, and is 8, 16, or 32 bits long. The base register
is a general purpose register (eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, esi, or edi) or the stack pointer
register (esp), and the index register is another general purpose register (but not the stack
pointer). The scale factor is 1 (which is implied if it is omitted), 2, 4, or 8. Each of these (except
the scale factor) can be positive, negative, or zero. During execution, the value of

offset = displacement + base + index × scale

is computed as the effective address by the processor, and it is added to the base of the (implied
or explicit) segment register to determine the actual memory address of the operand17.

The general assembly language format for a memory operand is


It is not necessary to specify all four components of a memory operand in every instruction. If
no base, index, or scale is required, then only the displacement need be specified. If only a base
register is needed, then the index and scale may be omitted. Most instructions in Tempo use
only a displacement, or a displacement and a base register.

Memory operands also require reference to a segment register (as mentioned earlier in section
2.1.2). By default, operands that refer to instructions (such as branch and call instructions)
implicitly use the code segment register (cs). Instructions that reference the stack (like push
and pop) implicitly use the stack segment register (ss), and instructions that reference data
objects implicitly use the data segment register (ds). If the implicit segment register is
inappropriate, a segment register override can be specified.

Typical memory operands are illustrated in table 1.

For complete details, see section 3.7 in volume 1 of the IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer’s
If paging is being used, the address resulting from combing the base address of the segment and the effective
address is further translated; we will cover this activity later in the notes.


Table 1. Assembler Format for Typical Memory Operands

movl $4,count Store the constant 4 in the memory location at

addl $12,(%esp) Add 12 to the longword (4-bytes) pointed to by the
stack pointer register esp.
cmpb %al,2(%ebx) Compare the byte in the al register (low order 8-bits
of the eax register) with the byte in the location
whose address is the sum of the value in the ebx
register and the constant 2.
subl %eax,tbl(,%ecx,4) Subtract the longword in the eax register from the
longword in tbl with the index given in the ecx
register. Paraphrasing this as C code, we might
write int tbl[100]; tbl[ecx] -= eax;

3.3.5 Stack Frames

Each function (or block) has a portion of stack space it uses for local and temporary variables,
and for the function’s return address (that is, the address of the instruction following the call that
invoked the function). This is called a stack frame. During the execution of the function, the
bottom of the stack frame (or some other fixed location relative to the bottom of the frame) will
have its address stored in a processor register, normally called the frame pointer register. In the
Intel x86 processors, this is usually the ebp18 register.

To call a function, the compiler will generate code to push the function arguments on the stack,
and then generate the call instruction. For C programs, the last argument is pushed first, with the
other arguments following in order from right to left. The called function will first push the
current content of the frame pointer register on the stack, copy the stack pointer register’s
contents to the frame pointer register, and then reserve space on the stack for the function’s
local variables. In the x86 this means the ebp register is pushed on the stack, the esp register is
copied to the ebp register, and the esp register is decremented to reserve space for the local

An example will illustrate these ideas. Let’s consider the simple C program shown in Figure 4.
This program has a main function with three local variables (x, y, and z) and a second function
f with two arguments (a1 and a2) and a local variable (temp). Also shown is an edited
version of the assembler code generated by the gcc compiler for this program.

The 16-bit frame pointer register in the Intel x86 is called the bp register. This naming pattern applies to most
of the other processor registers as well.

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 21


Figure 4. A Simple C Program and Equivalent Assembly Language Code

Line Statement
1 int f(int a1, int *a2)
2 {
3 int temp;
4 temp = a1 * 3;
5 *a2 = temp;
6 Return a1 – 5;
7 }
9 void main(void)
10 {
11 int x, y, z;
12 x = 12;
13 z = f (x, &y);
14 }

Line Statement C Line

1 f: 1
2 pushl %ebp
3 movl %esp, %ebp
4 subl $4, %esp 3
5 movl 8(%ebp), %edx 4
6 movl %edx, %eax
7 sall %eax
8 addl %edx, %eax
9 movl %eax, -4(%ebp)
10 movl 12(%ebp), %edx 5
11 movl -4(%ebp), %eax
12 movl %eax, (%edx)
13 movl 8(%ebp), %eax 6
14 subl $5, %eax
15 leave
16 ret
17 main: 9
18 pushl %ebp
19 movl %esp, %ebp
20 subl $12,%esp 11
21 movl $12, -4(%ebp) 12
22 leal -8(%ebp), %eax 13
23 pushl %eax
24 pushl -4(%ebp)
25 call f
26 addl $8, %esp
27 movl %eax, -12(%ebp)
28 leave 14
29 ret


When the main function begins execution, the ebp register is pushed on the stack (line 18) and
the esp register is copied to the ebp register. It is important to note at this point that main is just
like any other function (although this isn’t true for C++), and it is entered with ebp pointing to
the stack frame of whatever called it (usually special code provided by the C compiler). On line
20, 12 is subtracted from the esp register, reserving 3 longwords or 12 bytes for the three integer
variables x, y, and z (4 bytes or 32 bits each). At this point, the stack looks like this:

Caller’s frame pointer (previous ebp) ebp

Storage for main’s variable x

Storage for main’s variable y
Storage for main’s variable z esp

On line 21 of the assembler source we see the constant 12 moved into the memory location that
has an effective address equal to the sum of -4 and the contents of the ebp register. Recall that
the stack grows downward, toward smaller addresses, in the x86, so this is the the effective
address of main’s variable x, which is consistent with the C statement x = 12;

We now turn to the execution of line 13 of the C program: z = f (x, &y); This will
require calling the function f with two arguments, the value of x and the address of y. Recall
that arguments to a function are pushed on the stack in right to left order, so we expect to see the
address of y pushed first, followed by the value of x. Line 22 of the assembler program uses the
instruction lea (load effective address) to compute the effective address of the memory
operand 8 bytes below the location to which the ebp register is pointing. Not surprisingly, this
is the location containing y. The effective address is stored in the eax register that is then
pushed on the stack (line 23). Line 24 pushes the value of x using the same operand we saw in
line 21. Now that both arguments have been pushed, we call the function f on line 25.

The call instruction pushes the return address on the stack and transfers control the address
specified by its operand, which is clearly the instruction of line 1 of the source code. In this
case, the return address is that of the instruction on line 26. The function f begins with code
very similar to that used when main began execution: the ebp register’s contents are pushed on
line 2 – saving the pointer to main’s stack frame), the esp register is copied to the ebp register
on line 3 – establishing the stack frame pointer for f, and the stack pointer is reduced by 4 on
line 4 to allocate space for the local variable temp declared in f. The stack now looks like this:

Caller’s frame pointer (previous ebp)

Storage for main’s variable x
Storage for main’s variable y
Storage for main’s variable z
Address of main’s variable y
Value of main’s variable x
Return address from f (line 26)
main’s frame pointer value ebp
Storage for f’s variable temp esp

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 23


Line 5 of the assembler code uses the operand 8(%ebp) to reference the location on the stack
where the value of argument 1 (a1) is located. Once again recalling that the stack grows
downward toward smaller addresses, 8(%ebp) refers to a location higher in memory than the
location pointed to by the ebp register. This value is copied to the edx register. On line 6 that
value is also copied to the eax register, which is then shifted left one bit (by the sal
instruction on line 7), effectively multiplying it by 2. To that value is added (on line 8) the
contents of the edx register, giving us the value 3 × a1. On line 9, that value is stored in
temp, which is four bytes below the location to which ebp points.

The next line of the C program, line 5, stores the value of temp into the memory location
pointed by the second argument, a2: *a2 = temp; Line 10 of the assembler code copies the
value of the second argument, which is 12 bytes above the location pointed to by the ebp
register, to the edx register. Line 11 copies the value of temp to the eax register, and finally line
12 copies that value to the location pointed to by the edx register (which is the location to which
a2 points). The x86 architecture does not normally allow an instruction to have two memory
operands, which is why it is necessary to copy at least one of the operands to a register. The
compiler did not optimize the code we are examining (on purpose), which is why it is somewhat
longer than required.

The last line of function f, line 6, computes the value of a1 – 5, and the assembler
instructions on lines 13 and 14 should be easy to understand. The value of this expression is left
in the eax register, which is where the calling program expects the result. The leave
instruction is a one-byte instruction equivalent to copying the contents of the stack pointer
register (esp) to the base pointer register (ebp), then popping the stack into the base pointer
register. This reestablishes the esp and ebp register contents as they existed immediately after
the call instruction on line 25. The ret (return) instruction pops the stack into the processor’s
eip register (the program counter, or next instruction address), which returns control to the
main function.

The purpose of line 26 may not be immediately obvious at this point. Recall that the main
function pushes two argument values on the stack prior to calling f. Although f referenced these
values, the stack pointer on return from f was exactly the same as it was immediately after the
call instruction was executed. Either the main function (the caller) or the called function (f)
must take responsibility for removing those two arguments from the stack (or, saying it more
correctly, restoring the stack pointer to its value before the arguments were pushed). We now
see that line 26 effectively “pops” two 32-bit quantities from the stack, discarding their values.

Line 27 stores the result of the function call in main’s variable z (which is 12 bytes below the
location pointed to by the ebp register. Finally, main executes a leave and ret instruction,
just like f, to return to its caller.

Whew! If that appeared to be laborious, you’re right – a lot of work was performed to
accomplish a simple (nonsensical) computation. But understanding exactly what is happening to
the stack in this example is very important to our later understanding of how the operating
system deals with interrupts and service requests from application programs.


3.3.6 The Initial User-mode Stack for a Process

When the main function of a process begins execution, it expects to find two arguments (on the
stack). And since it is a function, it also expects to find a return address on the stack. Something
other than the main function is responsible for establishing these initial stack contents. In many
systems, there is code provided by the compiler libraries that will prepare the stack as required,
dealing with whatever mechanism is used by the operating system to provide the needed
information. In Tempo, the operating system itself prepares the stack appropriately for the main

The two arguments main expects are traditionally called argc and argv. argc is an integer
that specifies the number of arguments that were provided on the command line. For example,
in UNIX, the command line

echo do it "to it"

specifies four arguments: echo, do, it, and “to it” (with three spaces between to and
it). So the main function for the echo program should find that its argument argc has the
value 4.

The second argument, argv, is a pointer to an array of pointers to null (zero-byte) terminated
strings representing the command line arguments, followed by an additional null pointer. Figure
5 shows what echo should see when it is invoked with the command line shown above. The
required stack contents are shown on the left, and the additional storage that must be initialized
is shown toward the right.

Figure 5. Initial Stack Contents, argv Array, and Command Line Arguments

Null pointer to i t
Pointer to 'to it'
i t
Pointer to 'it'
Pointer to 'do' do
Pointer to 'echo'
e c ho

pointer to array of pointers (argv)

4 (argc)
main’s return address

Although an application programmer probably doesn’t think much about it (if at all), the storage
occupied that the argv array and the character strings to which it points occupy storage that
must be part of the address space that belongs to the process. We know that argv, argc, and

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 25


main’s return address are on main’s stack, but where is the storage for the argv array and the
command line argument strings? Is it something that the application programmer can explicitly
allocate in the main program? No, since the application programmer has no way of knowing
how many command line arguments will be supplied or how long each of the strings will be.
There may be an expectation of a particular number and type of character string arguments, but
the reality is not under the control of the application programmer – the person who types the
command line that invokes the program controls the number and length of those strings.

One alternative is to use some of the stack space for the argv array and the command line
arguments. This is the solution used in Tempo. Those items are allocated storage on the stack
immediately below (at higher addresses) than the initial stack contents expected by the main
function. The code to initialize the user stack is somewhat intricate, and is found in the
functions _newproca and _run (both in kernel/sys.c). We will examine it in detail later.

The other item on the stack when the user’s main function begins execution is the return
address. As we shall see, there are several methods by which a process can terminate, and one
(perhaps the most traditional) is for the main function to return. As we have seen, the return
from a function (any function, even main) restores the frame pointer and stack pointer registers
used by the function’s caller, and then executes a ret instruction to transfer control back to the
caller. The main function for Tempo processes is not called in the traditional manner (with a
call instruction), so there really isn’t a normal return address available. Instead, Tempo
supplies the address of a special termination function called processDone (kernel/sys.c) as the
return address.

3.3.7 Names
As you read through the source code for the Tempo system you will find some naming
conventions that are unusual, at least to an application programmer. Two of these are most
obvious, the prefixing of some names with an underscore, and the name Main used instead of
main for the function with which a process begins execution.

Externally-defined symbols in C programs (and usually those written in other languages) are
prefixed by the compiler with an underscore when they are emitted into an object code module.
Within the C source code, the programmer uses the name without the underscore; it is only the
linker that sees the name with the underscore prefix. Indeed, if the C programmer should write
an externally-defined symbol name with an explicit underscore prefix, then the linker will see
the name as having two prefixed underscores, one explicitly written by the programmer and the
other implicitly added by the compiler.

The assembler, on the other hand, does not such prefixing of externally-defined symbols. So if
we wish to reference a C function from assembler source code we must explicitly write the
symbol with the underscore prefix. This also means that externally-defined symbols in the
assembler source code that do not begin with an underscore cannot be referenced from C
programs, since the linker will not perform the appropriate resolution of the names.

Assembler symbols are marked as external definitions by specifying them as operands to the
.globl pseudo-op. For example, the “function” xmain (kernel/kernel.s) is actually named
_xmain in the assembler source code so it can be referenced from C code:


.globl _xmain

The other naming oddity, using Main instead of main for the function with which a process
begins execution, is due to an apparent inadequacy (or requirement) in the Cygwin version of
the GNU C compiler. Since there is no main function in the operating system (which begins
execution with an explicit branch from the bootstrap loader), the name main should not be
considered special. In fact, it is possible to use the name main with processes when the system
is built using the Linux GNU C compiler. When the name main is used with the Cygwin
compiler, however, it insists on forcing the linking of additional object code from library
modules (in particular, the code that prepares command line arguments and passes them to the
main function). The only way (so far) that has been found to avoid this problem is to not use
the name main for any functions. This is also done when the system is built on UNIX/Linux
platforms for consistency. That is, it is desirable for the same source code to be used regardless
of the platform used for building the system.

3.4 The Process Table Entries

We are now ready to take our first look at the contents of an entry in the process table. As you
recall, one of these entries is associated with every process in the system, regardless of its state.
The purpose and use of some fields in the process table entries will not be clear at this point, but
we will revisit them at appropriate points in the future.

Let us first just look at the actual C structure used for the process table entries, struct Proc
(toward the end of h/types.h). It appears in a slightly edited form in Table 2.

3.4.1 Self-identifying Structures

Like any large software effort, it is inevitable that errors will be made during the development
of an operating system. Since it must manipulate a large number of different data structures,
usually identified by a pointer to the structure, a common mistake such as using the wrong
pointer value will have significant and far-reaching effects. A common technique that can be
used to identify such problems is to make the commonly-used structures self-identfying. In
Tempo, many structures begin with a field named tag. When the structure is first initialized, this
field is set to a value that uniquely identifies the type of structure in which it appears. Later,
when the structure is used, the tag field can be queried to determine if it has the value
appropriate to the type of structure expected. If it does not, then an error can be reported
immediately, avoiding spending a great deal of time later attempting to backtrack to the source
of the error.

3.4.2 Types and typedefs

C is not a strongly-typed language. It is possible, however, to give names to types of objects that
are used frequently, even if the actual types are simple things like integers and characters. The
mechanism used to accomplish this is the typedef declaration. The syntax for such a
declaration is basically the keyword typedef followed by what appears to be the declaration
of a new variable using existing type names. For example, consider the following declaration:

typedef struct Proc *Process;

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 27


Without the keyword typedef, this would declare that Process is a pointer to a struct
Proc. As a type definition, however, this makes Process a new type name. Now pointers to
struct Procs can be declared with the type Process, making the code somewhat more

Several such type name definitions appear in the h/types.h file. These frequently are named for a
data structure with the suffix “_t” to indicate it is a type name. For example, sem_t is used to
describe the type of the variable that holds a semaphore’s identifier, and pid_t is used to
describe a variable that holds a process identifier.

Table 2. struct Proc

struct Proc
tag_t tag;
pid_t pid;
Process next;
Process prev;
struct Queue *queue;
int priority;
int state;
int stksize;
unsigned int *stkbase;
unsigned int *kstkbase;
int signaledOn;
int timedOut;
Process dnext;
unsigned int delta;
unsigned int *ksp;
pid_t waitingon;
int exitstatus;
unsigned int eventaddr;
struct m_header *mfree;
unsigned int *ptaddr;
unsigned int staddr;
int badSema;
unsigned char wakeupstat;
char *brkbase;
char *brkcurr;
unsigned int tdlo, tdhi;
unsigned int stklo, stkhi;
struct EQ eventQueue[NQUEUE];
struct FD fd[NFD];
char env[MAXENV];
char workdir[MAXPATH+1];


3.4.3 Basic Information

The first few fields in the process table entry provide basic information. pid contains the
unique integer that identifies the process in application programs. Recall that in the kernel we
usually use a pointer to the process table entry for this purpose.

The fields next and prev are used to construct doubly-linked or singly-linked lists of process
table entries. Perhaps the most visible lists constructed using these links are those pointed to by
the entries of the readyList array (kernel/sys.c). Each entry in this array is of type struct Queue,
which has fields named tag, head and tail. head and tail are of type Process, which
we now know are just pointers to process table entries. There is one entry in readyList for
every possible priority that a process (including the idle process) may have. When the system
must locate a ready process to replace the current process (when it terminates or becomes
blocked), it will search the readyList array, from the highest priority entry downward, until
if finds a non-empty queue – which means there is at least one ready process with that priority,
which must be the highest possible priority associated with any ready process in the system.

The queue field in the process table usually identifies the queue on which the process is
located (that is, it is a pointer to the struct Queue containing the head and tail pointers
for the queue). This is not always the case, however.

The last three basic information items are priority, state, and stksize. priority, as its
name implies, is the priority associated with the process. state, again somewhat obviously,
identifies the state of the process (all possible state values are given in h/sysparm.h). stksize
informs us as to the size of the user-mode stack associated with the process; the units for
stksize are 4Kbyte pages.

3.4.4 The Other Fields

We are going to defer consideration of the remaining fields in the process table entries until they
are encountered in the discussion of other features of the system. We will observe, however,
that the majority of these fields are used to record information about memory utilization by the
process, information about the process that is changed by the execution of other processes or
interrupts (which the affected process is not running), environment strings for the process, and
information about files the process has open.

3.4.5 Credentials
Information missing from the Tempo process table entry that is found in those for other systems
(like UNIX and Microsoft Windows) is that which would generally be called “credentials.” In
particular, we note that Tempo does not have usernames, passwords, user identification
numbers, or group identification numbers. These things could be added to the system, if desired,
but in a simple pedagogically focused system, they would only tend to obfuscate. And we
certainly don’t want that!

3.4.6 Process Ancestry

Another category of information not used by Tempo is related to process relationships. In UNIX
systems, the parent of a process and its child processes (created with the fork system call) are

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 29


identified by fields in the process table entry. (Technically, a general tree is used in UNIX so a
process can have an arbitrarily large number of children without requiring a variable number of
fields in the process table entry to identify them.) Since Tempo does not have individual user
identification, all processes are have the same ownership, so we do not need to validate the
owner of a process that attempts to affect another process (e.g. send it a signal or kill it).

3.5 Transition Between User and Kernel Mode

As you may recall, the primary functions of an operating system are to manage the resources of
the system (both the hardware and the information resources), and to provide the user with a
virtual machine that is far simpler to use than the basic hardware. To achieve those goals, the
operating system retains control of the resources and allows user processes to utilize them by
issuing requests for service; these requests are usually named system calls.

Actually, the typical application programmer may not use many system calls directly in an
application, but may rely on a library of functions or the interpreter for a high-level language to
make the needed system calls. For example, programs in C or C++ use library functions to
perform input/output, and these in turn may make system calls to carry out the C/C++
program’s requests. A Java program is compiled to produce instructions for a virtual machine,
but it still uses functions from libraries, and the virtual machine interpreter is dependent on
system calls to provide interpretation of physical input/output instructions.

3.5.1 Making a System Call

Making a system call is essentially very similar to calling an ordinary function. Each system call
has a set of arguments that specify the details of the service being requested and perhaps
provides one or more pointers identifying where results should be placed. System calls almost
always provide an indication of success or failure.

Perhaps the major difference between a system call and an ordinary function invocation is that it
requires a transition between user mode and kernel mode execution. In user mode a process is
prohibited (by the processor) from taking actions that might adversely affect other processes or
shared information resources19. For example, in user mode a process may not execute
input/output instructions, disable interrupt recognition, access memory not explicitly made
available to it, halt the CPU, attempt to execute data as instructions, or change the data
structures used by the processor to map virtual to physical addresses. These actions are
permitted when a user process is executing in kernel mode, but then it is constrained to execute
only the code provided by the operating system. Hopefully that code has been carefully
prepared to eliminate the possibility that user processes will accidentally or intentionally cause
it to fail or produce undesirable results.

In Tempo, the x86 instruction int $0x30 is used to make a system call. Prior to executing
this instruction, the process must have placed a number identifying the particular system call
being requested in the eax register (see h/syscall.h for a complete list), and the ebx register

Actually, such actions may be requested, but the processor recognizes them and generates an exception or
fault that is handled by the operating system. In many cases, the offending process will then be terminated.


must either contain the system call’s parameter or point to a region of storage that contains the
parameters (if more than 32-bits are required).

For example, to change its priority a process will use the setprio system call. A single
integer parameter is used to specify the requested priority, and the system call number is 11. So
the following sequence of instructions could be used to request setting the priority to 5:

movl $11,%eax # setprio system call number

movl $5,%ebx # requested priority
int $0x30 # make the system call

It is considerably more convenient for application programmers to write in a higher-level

language, so a function is typically provided for each system call with the same parameters as
the system call. The function will place the parameters in the appropriate registers and execute
the int $0x30 instruction. In Tempo, these functions are found in kernel/libs.c. The setprio
function looks like this:

int setprio(int prio)

return syscall(SYSCALL_SETPRIO,(void *)prio);

The function syscall is written in assembler language (kernel/liba.s). Its arguments are the
values to be placed in the eax and ebx registers, and it returns the value left in the eax register
by the system call:

.globl _syscall
movl 4(%esp),%eax # put syscall# in %eax
pushl %ebx # ebx must be saved for C calls
movl 12(%esp),%ebx # put param ptr in %ebx
int $0x30 # execute the system call
popl %ebx # restore the ebx register

3.5.2 The Effects of a System Call

When the x86 processor executes an int $0x30 instruction (when the processor is executing in
protected mode) it first uses the interrupt code (0x30) as an index to an array of 8-byte
descriptors (the Interrupt Descriptor Table, or IDT). The descriptor at this location provides the
following information20:

• The code segment to be accessed. In the case of the system call descriptor, the segment
will be that containing the operating system code (SYS_CODE_SEL).

The descriptor also specifies a few other things that are not of interest to us here. See section 4.8.3 in the Intel
x86 System Programming Guide for more detail.

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 31


• The entry point for the procedure to be executed. This will be the primary entry point
for all system calls, isr30 (kernel/kernel.s).

• The privilege level required for a caller trying to access the procedure. For a system
call, this will be 3, the lowest privilege level provided by the processor. Thus code
executing at any privilege level can make a system call.

When the system call is made from user mode (privilege level 3), the processor’s privilege level
is changed to 0 and a stack switch occurs. The particular stack to be used is specified in a
special segment called the Task State Segment21. This stack switch is performed to guarantee
sufficient stack space exists for the kernel’s execution (since the amount of space remaining on
the user’s stack cannot be guaranteed at the time of a system call).

The privilege level and stack switch do not occur if the system call is made from within the
kernel, as it is already at privilege level 0 and is using a kernel stack.

In addition to (possibly) switching stacks and changing privilege level, the processor will also
save sufficient information to allow the system to return to the program after the system call has
been completed. In the case of a simple call instruction, this information is just the address of
the instruction after the call (that is, the value of the eip register). For a system call (or any
interrupt) the processor will also save the selector for the code segment (cs), the eflags
register and, in the case of a privilege change, the stack segment selector and stack pointer
register (ss and esp). The IF flag in the eflags register will also be cleared to prevent the
processor from responding to external interrupts.

3.5.3 Handling the System Call

The handling of any Tempo system call begins at isr30 (kernel/kernel.s). The following steps
are taken for any system call:

• The system call number (in the eax register) is validated. If the number in the eax
register does not correspond to an existing system call, the request is rejected and an
appropriate error code is returned to the caller in the eax register.

• The interrupt number (0x30), the user’s segment registers, and the user’s general
purpose registers are saved on the kernel stack. Since the system call code will need to
change the values in the processor registers, these are saved so they may be restored before
the call returns. The interrupt number is also saved (for reasons we will consider later).

• Segment registers are set to reference kernel data segments. The kernel’s code and
stack segment registers were set appropriately as a result of the int instruction, but the
registers used to access segments containing data must be explicitly changed.

• The address of the function that will handle the particular system call is obtained. The
sftab (“system function table”) array is indexed by the value in the eax register (the
system call number) to obtain the address of the function that will deal with this particular
system call.

See section 4.8.5 of the Intel 86 System Programming Guide for more detail.


• The content of the ebx register is pushed onto the kernel stack. Recall that the ebx
register contains the system call parameter, or a pointer to a block of storage containing the
parameters. By pushing this onto the stack, it makes it available to a C function as an

• The reschedule flag (_rs) is set to 0. When a system call or external interrupt has been
completed, the kernel will use the value of the reschedule flag to decide if it should return
to the process that was previously executing (_rs = 0), select a (potentially different)
process for execution (_rs =1), or terminate the current process (_rs = 2). The default is
to return to the process that was running.

• A call instruction is executed to transfer control to the function that will handle the
system call. This is a traditional call, and will save the return address on the stack.

3.5.4 After the Call Has Been Handled

Once the work of the system call has been completed, the parameter is removed from the stack
and the result of the call (in the eax register) is saved in the stack location where the caller’s
original eax register contents were saved. In this way, the system call’s results will be available
in the eax register when the system returns to user mode.

It then remains to either return control to the process that made the call, to terminate the process,
or – in the event the system call may have changed the execution eligibility of the current
process – to make a general selection of the highest priority ready process in the system. The
value in the reschedule flag (_rs) informs as to which of these cases applies.

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 33

Interrupt Handling

Interrupt Handling X

This chapter describes interrupts and how Tempo deals with them.

X.1 x86 External Interrupt Hardware

Figure 1 is a simple block diagram of the external interrupt hardware on a typical x86 system.

Figure 1. Simple x86 System External Interrupt Hardware

Slave PIC Master PIC

IRQ 08 IRQ 00
IRQ 09 IRQ 01 CPU’s
… A IRQ 02 … A Interrupt
IRQ 14 IRQ 06 IF Flag
IRQ 15 IRQ 07

The Master PIC and the Slave PIC are external interrupt controllers like an Intel 8259A chip.
The acronym PIC can be interpreted as meaning either Programmable Interrupt Controller or
Priority Interrupt Controller; the device is programmable and it does prioritize simultaneous

The lines labeled IRQ00 through IRQ15 are lines (e.g. wires) that carry signals representing
external interrupt requests from devices (like a disk drive or the programmable interval timer).
When a device detects a condition that is of interest to the system (e.g. the timer determines that
a specified time interval has elapsed), it generates a signal on its interrupt request line,
informing the PIC that an external interrupt is being requested.

Inside each PIC is an arbitration circuit (shown as a circle labeled “A” in the figure). When
more than one of the IRQ lines coming into the PIC are set to request an interrupt, the
arbitration circuit decides which of them will be passed on. How it makes this decision is
determined by the PIC’s programming.

X.1.1 Masking Interrupt Recognition

There is also a logical switch associated with each IRQ line connected to a PIC. Each switch
controls whether the signal from the corresponding interrupt line is passed to the arbitration
circuit. When the switch is open (as shown in the figure), we say the interrupt request line is
“masked,” and any signal on that line is blocked from reaching the arbitration circuit. It is
important to note, however, that masking the interrupt request line does not result in the removal

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 35

Interrupt Handling

of the interrupt request signal itself. If the interrupt request line is later unmasked (effectively
closing the switch), the signal will then be considered by the arbitration circuit22.

In early systems there was only one PIC (that is, one 8259A chip) that could handle 8 interrupt
request lines. As systems became more advanced, the need for more than 8 interrupts was
recognized, so a second PIC was added. The CPU basically has only a single external interrupt
request line, so the output of two PICs cannot be sent directly to the CPU. Instead, the output of
the Slave PIC is directed to an interrupt request line on the Master PIC. Specifically, IRQ02 is
receives the input from the Slave PIC. Masking IRQ02, then, masks recognition of IRQ08
through IRQ15.

The output of the Master PIC is connected to a pin on the CPU itself. When the Master PIC
decides to pass an interrupt request on to the CPU, it signals the CPU on this pin. But the CPU
can also mask recognition of all external interrupts by controlling the IF Flag bit, which
logically controls the state of the switch labeled “IF Flag” in Figure 1. When the IF Flag bit is 0,
the switch is open, and interrupt requests from the Master PIC are deferred much as an
individual interrupt request to a PIC is deferred when it is masked. As before, clearing the IF
Flag bit does not cause the PIC to abandon its efforts to interrupt the CPU; it just prevents the
CPU from recognizing the request for the time being.

The IF Flag is part of the EFLAGS register in the processor, and can be controlled in several
ways. The CLI instruction will clear the flag (causing external interrupts to be ignored), and the
STI instruction will set the flag23. Each of these instructions is privileged, and will cause a
general protection fault if executed in a user program. The POPF instruction, which pops the
stack into the EFLAGS register, may also affect the IF Flag setting if it is executed by suitably
privileged code. Attempting to clear the IF Flag with a POPF instruction in user programs is
ignored, and does not cause a general protection fault.

Clearing the IF Flag does not prevent the processor from recognizing processor-generated
exceptions – internal interrupts (e.g. divide by zero or a page fault).

The interrupt hardware in modern systems is more complicated than what has been presented
here, including local APICs (Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controllers), system-based I/O
APICs, and NMIs (non-maskable interrupts). The basics still apply, however, and we will not
consider these advanced concepts.

X.1.2 CPU Recognition of External Interrupts

Eventually, the CPU will have the IF Flag set and an interrupt request will be signaled from the
Master PIC. At that time, the following actions will take place.

This behavior is similar to the way electrical wiring and switches in your home operate. If you should turn off
a lamp switch and put your finger in the socket, you will not be shocked (at least you shouldn’t be – if your
home is wired correctly). If you should later turn on the lamp switch – with your finger still in the socket, then
sparks will fly, since the electrical current was still waiting, just on the other side of the switch. Warning: do
not try this at home!
The interrupt recognition is actually not enabled until after the execution of the instruction following STI.
This allows a RET instruction, for example, to be completed before interrupt recognition is enabled. See the
Intel Instruction Set Reference manual for details.

Interrupt Handling

• The CPU completes the execution of the current instruction. Interrupt requests may be
signaled by the Master PIC at any time, but the CPU does not respond to them until it has
completed the instruction it is currently executing. (Some machines, like the DEC VAX-11,
can respond to interrupt requests in the middle of long-running instructions, but the x86
architecture doesn’t behave this way).

• The CPU sends an interrupt acknowledgement signal to the Master PIC. Since the
Master PIC may have to wait until the current instruction is completed and the IF Flag is
set, there must be some way to inform it when the CPU has actually recognized its request.
That is the purpose of this acknowledgement signal.

• The Master PIC does priority resolution and reports to the CPU. At this time the
particular interrupt request to be communicated to the processor is determined, and the
Master PIC communicates this information to the CPU.

• The CPU uses the interrupt number (from the PIC) to select an interrupt service
route (interrupt handler), and then invokes it. The service routine (interrupt handler) for
the particular external interrupt is called.

• The interrupt handler responds to the interrupt and sends an End of Interrupt (EOI)
to the PIC. Interrupts at the same or lower priority than the one being serviced are
inhibited until the PIC receives an End of Interrupt command from the CPU. A higher-
priority interrupt will be recognized and passed on to the CPU and acknowledged (unless
the IF Flag is clear).

XXX – More to come

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 37

Memory Management

Memory Management X

This chapter describes how Tempo manages the memory in the system.

X.1 Memory Addresses

Figure 1 is a simple block diagram of an x86 system that focuses on memory addresses. In
protected mode24, an x86 processor has a physical address space of 4GB25. This physical
address space is mapped to read-write memory (RAM), read-only memory (ROM), and memory
on some I/O devices.

During execution, the processor generates logical addresses consisting of a segment selector
and an offset. Segment selectors (usually specified implicitly by the type of item being
referenced – code, data, or stack) identify a segment descriptor that provides (among other
things) the base address of the segment. The segment’s base address and the offset are added to
produce a linear address. Each segment descriptor used by the Tempo kernel has a base address
of zero, so the linear address is always equal to the offset component of the logical address.

If paging is not being performed by the MMU (memory management unit – actually part of the
processor, but shown separately in Figure 1) then the logical address becomes the physical
address. If paging is being performed, then the MMU will use a page directory and a page table
to transform the linear address into a physical address. We will discuss paging later.

Figure 1. Simple x86 System


Linear Addresses

Physical Addresses

Memory I/O Devices

In real mode, which is in effect when the processor is reset (or initially receives power), XXX
Starting with the Pentium Pro, it is possible to address 64GB using processor extensions. We will not cover
that feature in these notes.

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 39

Memory Management

X.1.1 Available Physical Memory

Look again at Figure 1 and recall that there are three different kinds of physical memory: read-
write memory, read-only memory, and I/O device memory. Read-write memory, or RAM, is the
traditional memory that can read or written by suitably privileged programs. Read-only
memory, or ROM holds the instructions and static data the BIOS uses to perform system and
I/O device initialization immediately after the system is powered up or reset. The third category,
I/O device memory, may be unfamiliar, but is very common. I/O devices may provide access to
their registers by mapping them into the physical address space, or on the x86, by mapping them
into the I/O address space (where they can be accessed using the processor’s IN and OUT

It should be obvious that the operating system cannot utilize the physical memory regions
occupied by ROM or I/O device memory for arbitrary purposes. In order to avoid doing so, the
operating system must have complete information about the regions those types of memory

X.2 Determining Available Memory

XXX – BIOS Information

XXX – Approaches to determining memory usability, and problems that may result.

XXX – More to come

Ethernet Services

Ethernet Services X

This chapter describes the Ethernet facilities provided by Tempo. It is very definitely a work in

X.1 Brief Introduction to Ethernet

Ethernet is the dominant type of local area networking used today. New PCs have Ethernet
devices provided on the system board, and hundreds of different add-in Ethernet devices are
available for older PCs. Ethernet network wiring is commonly installed in new buildings, and
even in new homes.

Ethernet frames

Flavors of Ethernet (10 base T, 100 base TX, gigabit Ethernet, etc); wireless

Full duplex, half duplex

Introduce the acronym NIC.

X.2 The Tempo Ethernet Services

During system initialization, Tempo locates all Ethernet NICs in the system and attempts to
initialize them. Although the electrical (or wireless) connections between Ethernet NICs are
standardized, and Ethernet frames from one NIC are usable by all others, there is no such
standardization in the software interface to the NIC from a host operating system. Instead, every
different type of NIC must have a unique driver prepared for it. There are drivers for a few types
of NICs available for Tempo, but if no driver is available, then Tempo will be unable to use the

There are two primary services provided by Tempo that may be used to access NICs for which
drivers are available: nicread and nicwrite.

We may later add services that allow specification of multicast addresses, and retrieval/resetting
of statistical information (e.g. number of good/bad frames sent/received).

X.2.1 nicread
nicread has three arguments:

• int nicnum: The first argument is an integer that identifies the previously initialized
NIC from which a frame is to be read. If this argument is incorrect, nicread will return

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 41

Ethernet Services

• char *buffer: The second argument is a pointer to the buffer to which a frame will be
copied. This buffer must be sufficiently large to hold a maximum-sized Ethernet frame
(1514 bytes). If this parameter is NULL (or otherwise invalid), nicread will return

• int timeout: The third argument is a typical timeout specification. If this value is
INFINITE (-1), then nicread will cause the process making the call to be blocked until
such time as a good frame is delivered to the process. A value of 0 is used to poll the NIC
to see if a frame is immediately available. If not, then nicread immediately returns
TIMEOUT. A positive non-zero value will cause the process making the call to block for at
most that many milliseconds before returning TIMEOUT or a received frame.

If a frame is successfully copied to buffer, then nicread will return a value between 60 and 1514
indicating the number of bytes in the frame.

If Ethernet support has not been enabled, nicread will return NONETSUP.

If the NIC identified by nicnum is inoperative (e.g. no carrier), nicread will return

If nicread returns successfully (with a value between 60 and 1514), the frame copied to the
buffer will have the MAC address of the receiving NIC in the first six bytes and the MAC
address of the sending NIC in the second six bytes. The frame checksum bytes are not copied to
the buffer; nicread will never return a bad Ethernet frame (e.g. a frame with an invalid size or
one with an incorrect checksum).

X.2.2 nicwrite
nicwrite has three arguments:

• int nicnum: The first argument is an integer that identifies the previously initialized
NIC which will be used to send the frame. If this argument is incorrect, nicwrite will return

• char *buffer: The second argument is a pointer to the buffer containing the frame to
be written. The first six bytes in this buffer must contain the MAC address of the
destination. The second group of six bytes in the buffer (bytes 7 to 12) is ignored, but the
frame actually written will have these six bytes replaced by the MAC address of the
sending NIC. The contents of the buffer pointed to by this argument will not be modified.
In particular, the caller of nicwrite is responsible for guaranteeing the Ethertype field (bytes
13 and 14 of the frame) is in network byte order. If this parameter is NULL (or otherwise
invalid), nicwrite will return NULLPARM.

• Size_t len: The third argument specifies the length of the frame to be written. This
value must be in the range 60 to 1514. If it is not, nicwrite will return BADVAL.

If Ethernet support has not been enabled, nicwrite will return NONETSUP.

42 Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time

Ethernet Services

If the NIC identified by nicnum is inoperative (e.g. no carrier), nicwrite will return

The process calling nicwrite will be blocked until the frame is accepted for transmission.
Successful return from nicwrite with a value of NOERROR does not necessarily mean the
frame was successfully transmitted or received at the destination, but only that it has been
accepted for transmission.

X.3 Generic NIC Data Structures

Each NIC that is located and successfully initialized (even if it is not actually operational) will
be identified by an entry in the _nicdev array (kernel/sys.c). The number of such devices is
specified by _numnic (kernel/sys.c), which will never be larger than MAXNIC (kernel/kernel.h
– XXX – should this be moved to h/sysparm.h?) If there are more than MAXNIC acceptable
NICs in the system, some of them will be unusable. Currently there is no report of this situation
during initialization, but this may be added in the future.

Each entry in the _nicdev array is of type struct nic (h/enet.h) and has the following

• unsigned char nic_bus: the PCI bus on which the NIC was found

• unsigned char nic_dev: the NIC’s device number on nic_bus

• int nic_force: used to force a particular speed and duplex setting to be used for the

• unsigned char nic_speed: the speed at which the NIC is operating. This may be
NIC_0, NIC_10, NIC_100, or NIC_1000, corresponding to a NIC that is inoperable
(e.g. no carrier) or operating at 10,100, or 1000 Mbps.

• unsigned char nic_duplex: either NIC_HALF or NIC_FULL, indicating whether

the NIC is operating in half or full duplex mode. The value in this field is undefinedif
nic_speed is NIC_0.

• Eaddr nic_maddr: six bytes containing the binary MAC address of the NIC

• Eaddr nic_baddr: six bytes containing the binary MAC broadcast address for the NIC

• unsigned long nic_rcvd: number of good frames received

• unsigned long nic_sent: number of frames accepted for transmission

• unsigned long nic_ierrs: number of input frame errors (e.g. frames dropped
because they were too long or too short, had bad checksums, or were received with no
space to store them – overruns).

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 43

Ethernet Services

• unsigned long nic_oerrs: number of output frame errors (to the extent that such
errors can be identified by the driver)

• int (*nic_write)(struct nic *, unsigned char *, unsigned

short len): pointer to a driver-specific function that will begin the sending of a frame

• void *nic_ext: pointer to a structure that is unique to the particular NIC; the contents
of this structure are opaque to the nicread and nicwrite system calls.

• int nic_ninq: the number of good received frames waiting delivery to a process

• sem_t nic_readsem: a semaphore on which processes calling nicread will block

while waiting for a frame; the count in this semaphore will be equal to nic_ninq.

• sem_t nic_writesem: a semaphore on which processes calling nicwrite will

block while waiting to send a frame; the count in this semaphore will be equal to 0 when a
process is executing nicwrite and 1 otherwise.

• struct inq nic_inq[MAXINQ]: an array containing descriptions of frames

available to be read by nicread. The first nic_ninq entries (with subscripts 0 to
nic_ninq-1) are valid.

• unsigned char bfree[MAXINQ]: an array of 0/1 values indicating if the

corresponding input buffer (pointed to by elements of the inqbuff array) is in use
(contains an unprocessed frame) or not. A value of 1 means the buffer is available for use.

• unsigned char *inqbuff[MAXINQ]: an array of pointers to buffers with at least

EP_MAXLEN bytes each.

• unsigned char rxbuff[MAXINQ*EP_MAXLEN]: a static storage area that will be

used to hold good received Ethernet frames that are available for use by nicread.

X.4 Initialization
The function enetinit (kernel/enetinit.c) is called during system initialization to identify and
initialize up to MAXNIC Ethernet devices. It currently can only recognize NICs on a PCI bus.

The function scans the PCI busses for devices that are identified as network controllers. It stops
after scanning all busses and devices, or MAXNIC devices have been identified and initialized.
When it finds a candidate device, it calls the initialization function in each of the known
Ethernet drivers. As soon as one of these successfully returns, the PCI bus scan continues. If all
the driver initialization functions have been called but none has returned successfully, we
conclude that this NIC is one for which we have no driver, and ignore the device. We may later
wish to report finding devices without drivers.

44 Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time

Ethernet Services

X.4.1 Individual Device Initialization

The initialization function for each NIC is called with three arguments, a pointer to the struct
nic that should be prepared for the device, the PCI bus number on which the device was found,
and the device number of the NIC on the specified PCI bus.

Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time 45


XX – More to come

46 Advanced Operating Systems — Design, Implementation, and Real Time

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