TL 212 en 2021 06

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Group standard TL 212

Issue 2021-06
Class. No.: 50211

Descriptors: Ofl-w180, Ofl-w610, Ofl-w620, Ofl-w630, Ofl-w640, Ofl-w660, Ofl-w670, Ofl-w680, Ofl-w690, Ofl-w695,
Ofl-w699, aluminum, aluminum casting, aluminum part, anodizing process, brake caliper, cast alloy,
oxide coating, pure aluminum, surface protection

Oxide Coatings on Aluminum Parts

Surface Protection Requirements

Previous issues
TL 212: 1974-10, 1984-08, 1985-07, 2000-10, 2002-08, 2006-12, 2013-02, 2015-03, 2016-12

The following changes have been made to TL 212: 2016-12:
a) Section 4.2 "General requirements": Notes on assembly aids added
b) Section 4.3 "Appearance": Coating thickness tolerance from Table 3 explained and require-
ments in Table 3 revised
c) Section 4.5 "Corrosion resistance": Requirements amended to also apply to ASSY parts
d) Section 4.7 "Thermal stability": Note on testing amended
e) Section 4.8 "Weather resistance": PV 3929 superseded by PV 3930
f) Standard edited

1 Scope
This standard defines the requirements for anodic oxide coatings on parts made of pure aluminum
and aluminum wrought alloys as per German Institute for Standardization standard DIN EN 573-3,
as well as for brake calipers made of cast alloys as per DIN EN 1706.
The individual surface protection types and the corresponding requirements are described below.
They are generally distinguished by their field of application.
The coatings are suitable for decorative interior and exterior automotive components. However,
they can also meet functional requirements, e.g., such as those for components in the engine com-
partment and chassis areas.

Always use the latest version of this standard.

This electronically generated standard is authentic and valid without signature. A comma is used as the decimal sign. Page 1 of 9
The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version controls.

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent
of one of the Volkswagen Group’s Standards departments. | internal
© Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft VWNORM-2019-10
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2 Abbreviations
ABS Anti-lock brake system
ASSY Assembly
EPDM Ethylene propylene diene rubber
GS Anodizing method using direct-current voltage/sulfuric acid
GSX Anodizing method using direct-current voltage/sulfuric acid and oxalic acid

3 Designation
As per Volkswagen standard VW 13750, section "Designation."

4 Requirements

4.1 Surface protection (Ofl) types

4.1.1 Decorative applications

See table 1. These protective coatings are used in particular for interior and exterior parts subject
to moderate corrosion loads (e.g., for trim elements or as window weatherstrips). In order to ensure
a score-free appearance, decorative aluminum surfaces must always be polished.
Web marks on profile surfaces are impermissible in the visible area.
Parts to be anodized that are adjacent to one another when installed must always be manufactured
using semi-finished products of identical quality (preferably from extrusion profiles).

Table 1
Surface pro-
Ofl-w610 Ofl-w620 Ofl-w630a) Ofl-w640a) Ofl-w660 Ofl-w670
tection type
Oxide coating Anodized using, e.g., GS or GSX Anodized using, e.g., GS or GSX
method; sealed method; dyed and sealed
Transparent (silver) Dyed Transparent (silver)
color (surface
Finish Matteb) Glossy Matteb) Glossy Matteb) Glossy
a) Due to their specific resistance, dyed surfaces may only be used in special cases and following examination and production rec-
ommendation by the respective brand's Materials Engineering department.
b) A special pickling step (E6) (as per DIN 17611) is required in the process in order to produce the specific matte surface structure.
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4.1.2 Technical/functional applications

See table 2.
These coatings are used primarily for corrosion and/or wear protection.
In the case of anodized brake calipers, the requirements for type 10 as per VDA 237-300 apply.
In the case of brake caliper surfaces that are in the area that is directly visible to the customer, the
more stringent surface appearance and function requirements listed below for surface protection
type Ofl-w699 apply. The corresponding brake caliper housing surfaces must have a uniform sur-
face coloring and structure that matches the corresponding parts (e.g., brake caliper bracket). Suit-
able mechanical and/or chemical pre-treatment and coating methods must be used for this pur-

Table 2
Surface protec-
Ofl-w180 Ofl-w680 Ofl-w690 Ofl-w695 Ofl-w699
tion type
Method Anodized with a Anodized Hard-anodized Cast surface blas-
transparent coat- ted and/or pickled
ing and hard-anodized
Post-treatment - Impregnated with -
Application/exam- Surface protection Surface protection Surface protection Surface protection Surface protection
ple coating for low coating for moder- coating primarily coating primarily coating for brake
corrosion protec- ate corrosion pro- for stringent wear for stringent wear calipers in the
tion requirements tection require- protection require- protection require- area that is directly
(e.g., ABS valve ments (e.g., mas- ments and/or strin- ments, for optimiz- visible to the cus-
block) ter cylinder, steer- gent corrosion pro- ing antifriction tomer
ing gear hous- tection require- properties, and/or
ing/cover) ments (e.g., piston stringent corrosion
ring groove) protection require-

4.2 General requirements

Anodically produced oxide coatings with corrosion protection properties must always be hydrother-
mally sealed. Preferably, this must be done in demineralized boiling water at temperatures of at
least 96 °C or steam for a duration of 3 minutes/µm of coating thickness. Cold impregnation with
nickel fluoride/cobalt fluoride is also permissible provided that it is carried out properly (post-treat-
ment at a temperature of at least 60 °C) and in combination with hot sealing.
For installing trim elements, the liquid assembly aids being used must be matched in terms of ma-
terials to the seal and to the aluminum part and must not negatively affect the resistance of the
Approval of first supply and changes as per Volkswagen standard VW 01155.
Material conformity as per VW 91101.
For sample inspection tests, at least four parts must be delivered.
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The following information must be documented for all components to be examined or tested:
1. Material (as per drawing)
2. Specialized surface processing company
3. Surface processing steps (as per the specifications in table B1, "Designation system for sur-
face pre-treatment," in DIN EN ISO 7599)
4. Anodizing company and system
5. Process steps used
(cleaning/activation/polishing/anodizing/cold sealing/hot sealing)
6. Coating date
7. Color
The protective coatings must not have any pores, cracks, damage, or other flaws impairing corro-
sion protection and/or the specified appearance.

4.3 Appearance
These requirements apply to surface protection types Ofl-w610, Ofl-w620, Ofl-w630, and Ofl-w640.
The specimens are evaluated with the naked eye and under natural light.
The component properties with regard to finish (e.g., gloss level or structure) and color must be
evaluated as per the released original sample. Appropriate boundary samples for monitoring con-
formity of production must be specified by the appropriate quality specialists.
The part finish must be free of polishing flaws, scratches, damage, or similar flaws that impair the
appearance of the part. The whole surface of the component must not have any cloudiness, shad-
ow-like areas, or loss of gloss.
The appearance must correspond to the original sample of the respective brand. The visual re-
quirements as per VW 50196 apply. For adjacent parts, smaller tolerances apply.

4.4 Coating thickness

The coating thickness is determined as per DIN EN ISO 1463 or DIN EN ISO 2360.
The procedure in DIN EN ISO 1463 applies in borderline cases.
The average coating thickness is determined using a metallographic specimen at a sufficient num-
ber of measuring points. For determining this value, at least three local individual measured values
in the cross section must be used.
For an example, see figure 1 and figure 2: Five measuring points on the visible surface of the com-
ponent and determination of the average coating thickness at measuring point 1 as an average
value from three local individual values in the cross section
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Figure 1 Figure 2

The requirements of table 3 apply.

For special areas relevant to function, the measuring point must be specified in the drawing. In the
case of functional areas that are difficult to access, a reference point can be used. The correlation
between this reference point and the functional area must be verified.

Table 3
Surface protection type Coating thickness (µm) Tolerance (µm)
Ofl-w180 ≥2 2 to 5
Ofl-w610/Ofl-w620 ≥8 5 to 10a)
Ofl-w630/Ofl-w640 ≥ 12 8 to 15a)
Ofl-w660/Ofl-w670 ≥2 -
Ofl-w680 ≥8 8 to 15
Ofl-w690/Ofl-w695 > 25 -

Piston bore: ≥ 20 µmb)

Ofl-w699 -
Cast surface (exterior): ≥ 10 µm
a) The tolerance is permissible only for U-shaped extruded profiles where, for physical reasons, smaller coating thicknesses can be
produced on undercut inner areas (e.g., inner areas of sunshade rails) than on outer surfaces of the components.
b) For hard-anodized coatings on cast alloys with a silicon content > 7% (of engine pistons), it is only permissible to have points at
which the coating thickness is zero if this does not have a negative impact on the functionality of the surface. The coverage rate of
the surface must be at least 85% of the examined measurement length. The width in the metallographic cross section at which the
coating thickness is zero must not exceed 60 µm.

4.5 Corrosion resistance

4.5.1 General
Before testing, the components must be cleaned using isopropanol. The components must be tes-
ted completely up to a length of 500 mm or, at a minimum, a section of this length must be tested.
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4.5.2 Testing in a neutral salt spray atmosphere

Test method as per DIN EN ISO 9227, neutral salt spray test
The components must be tested in their as-installed position. If condensate collects on horizontal
surfaces, a tilt angle between 15° and 25° to the vertical can be implemented.
Components that contact EPDM (e.g., window weatherstrips) must be tested as individual parts
and also in the ASSY. After the test, the surface may only be rinsed and rubbed dry. The use of
polishing pastes or commercially available polishing products is not permitted.
240 h for surface protection type Ofl-w180
480 h for the remaining surface protection types
– Individual parts: No change in the surface appearance, no loss of gloss
– For window weatherstrips with EPDM seals and cores made from aluminum, there must not be
any voluminous corrosion on the back-side cut area.

4.5.3 Testing in constant condensation-water atmosphere

These requirements apply to surface protection types Ofl-w610, Ofl-w620, Ofl-w630, and Ofl-w640.
Test: 5 cycles as per DIN 50018 – AHT 2,0 S.
– No change in the surface appearance due to corrosion
– If trim elements exhibit slight staining or cloudiness after testing, it must be possible to remove
it using wadding polish or a commercially available light polishing product.

4.6 Sealing quality

4.6.1 Absorptive power

These requirements apply to surface protection types Ofl-w610 and Ofl-w620.
Testing as per DIN EN ISO 2143
Absorptive power ≤ characteristic value 1

4.6.2 Alkali resistance (only for trim parts used in the vehicle exterior)
These requirements apply to surface protection types Ofl-w610, Ofl-w620, Ofl-w630, and Ofl-w640.
Test method:
At the beginning of the test, the surface must be cleaned with isopropanol and then dried.
A part of the length of the specimen is submerged in a test solution not containing aluminum as per
table 4.
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Table 4
Test solution for surface protection
Ofl-w610, Ofl-w620, Ofl-w630, and Ofl-w640
pH value (theoretical) pH = 12,5
Initial solution made of 1,27 g of sodium hydroxide
4,64 g of sodium phosphate dodecahydrate
(corresponds to 2 g of sodium phosphate) and
With the addition of
0,33 g of sodium chloride (corresponds to 200 mg of chlor-
Dissolved in distilled water and then topped up to 1 l
Half of the specimen is submerged in this test solution at a temperature of 18 °C to 20 °C for
10 min.
The surface of the specimen is then rinsed with distilled (or demineralized) water and dried in air.
Before the evaluation, the specimen surface being evaluated is rubbed by hand for a maximum of
30 s. For this, the specimen surface to be evaluated may be treated with a commercial paint pol-
ishing product or with an aqueous suspension of magnesium oxide and polishing cotton. The medi-
um used for polishing must be separately indicated in the test report.
After submersion in the test solution with a pH value of at least 12,5, visual surface changes that
significantly impair the appearance, such as a pronounced white border where the specimen was
submerged, are not permissible. In order to distinguish between losses of gloss that are barely dis-
cernible, small, or close to the limits of acceptance, boundary samples must be agreed upon with
the supplier (see figure 3).

1 Grade 1, OK 4 Grade 4, Not OK
2 Grade 2, OK 5 Grade 5, Not OK
3 Grade 3, Not OK
Figure 3 – Comparison of boundary samples with grades 1 to 5
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4.7 Thermal stability

These requirements apply to surface protection types Ofl-w610, Ofl-w620, Ofl-w630, and Ofl-w640.
Before the test, the component’s surface must be cleaned with isopropanol.
Test: 1 h at 100 °C
The components are aged in an oven preheated to the test temperature (without humidity control).
The evaluation is ideally performed in the oven (auxiliary equipment: LED flashlight with side illumi-
nation), after opening the oven door, otherwise within 1 min during the cooling phase.
Requirement: No visible cracks in the oxide coating
The requirements apply both to individual parts and also to ASSY parts.

4.8 Weather resistance

These requirements apply to surface protection types Ofl-w630 and Ofl-w640.
Testing as per Test Specification PV 3930, irradiation dose of 2 year cycles
Requirement: No change in the surface appearance

4.9 Coating hardness

These requirements apply to surface protection types Ofl-w690 and Ofl-w695.
Test: Vickers microhardness as per DIN EN ISO 4516
Requirement: 450 HV 0,025 to 550 HV 0,025
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5 Applicable documents
The following documents cited in the standard are required for the application of this standard:
Some of the cited documents are translations from the German original. The translations of Ger-
man terms in such documents may differ from those used in this standard, resulting in terminologi-
cal inconsistency.
Standards whose titles are given in German may be available only in German. Editions in other
languages may be available from the institution issuing the standard.

PV 3930 Non-Metallic Materials; Weathering in Humid, Hot Climate (Exterior)

TL 182 Duplex Coating on Aluminum Parts; Surface Protection Requirements
VW 01155 Vehicle Parts; Approval of First Supply and Changes
VW 13750 Surface Protection for Metal Parts; Surface Protection Types, Codes
VW 50196 Decorative Exterior Parts in Non-Body Color; Determining Color and
VW 91101 Environmental Standard for Articles; Material and Chemical Conformity
DIN 17611 Anodized products of wrought aluminium and wrought aluminium alloys -
Technical conditions of delivery
DIN 50018 Testing in a saturated atmosphere in the presence of sulfur dioxide
DIN EN 1706 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Castings - Chemical composition and
mechanical properties
DIN EN 573-3 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Chemical composition and form of
wrought products - Part 3: Chemical composition and form of products
DIN EN ISO 1463 Metallic and oxide coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Micro-
scopical method
DIN EN ISO 2143 Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Estimation of loss of absorptive
power of anodic oxidation coatings after sealing - Dye-spot test with prior
acid treatment
DIN EN ISO 2360 Non-conductive coatings on non-magnetic electrically conductive base
metals - Measurement of coating thickness - Amplitude-sensitive eddy-
current method
DIN EN ISO 4516 Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Vickers and Knoop microhard-
ness tests
DIN EN ISO 7599 Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Method for specifying decorative
and protective anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium
DIN EN ISO 9227 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests
VDA 237-300 Oberflächenschutz von Bremssätteln aus AL-Gusslegierungen

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