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Quarter 1
Week 3 (Lesson 2)

Capsulized Self - Learning

Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City
Capsulized Self - Learning Empowerment Toolkit

Sources of Fruit bearing Trees
TOPIC Taking Care of Fruit Tree Seedlings
Layout Design for an Orchard Garden
1.Sources of fruit bearing trees CODE
2.How to take care for seedlings
3.Prepare layout design of an orchard garden TLE6AG-0c-4
using the information gathered.
Identify the steps in preparing the site for an orchard
OBJECTIVES Prepare layout design for an orchard

IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the learner’s activity and
assessment sheets provided separately.

Let’s Be Informed




Our country is famous for its delicious Papaya is a fruit rich in Vitamins A, B and C and
mangoes. Although there are other varieties, aids in the digestion of food. A good and tasty
the carabao mango is the most sought after and dessert, especially when sweet, papaya is an
exported in other countries. acceptable appetizer or dessert of people of all
Mango fruits are of these varieties: ages. The unripe fruits are also valuable for
1. Carabao or super mango. This variety is some main dishes as tinola and ginataan.
the favourite of most people around the Because of it’s papain, a protein-spitting
world with its perfect blend of sweet enzyme obtained from the juice of unripe
and sour taste, soft, succulent with a papaya, helps tenderize meat and used as an
pleasant odor. aid in digestion.
2. Pico. This is a smaller in size from the
carabao variety but just as sweet, even Most homeyards grow papaya trees.
when it’s not yet ripe. They are planted by direct seeding, that is,
3. Indian mango. This originated from planting papaya seeds in a hole and cover with
India. It bears plenty of fruits the whole ¼ inch of soil. After planting, in 10 to 15 days,
year round. It is a favourite appetizer by seeds will germinate.
most teeners. There is the so-called male and female
Mango tree comes from seed. papaya. The male plant, only produce flowers
but do not bear fruit. However, it is necessary
for pollination. When planting, allow one male
plant to grow for every 15 to 20 female
papayas. Intercropping is a method where
papaya can be grown together with
coconuts, coffee, pineapple or bananas. It
increases farm income and prevent the
growth of weeds and/or grasses.

2|Pa ge
Health Benefits of Rambutan (from Sources of fruit-bearing trees
Fruit-bearing trees are available and sold in
different stages of growth and ready to be
1. Decreases Unwanted transplanted. Among their sources are:
Fat. (rambutan seeds) It lessens  Commercial Nursery – Run by
the body fat private individuals usually offering
2. Skin Care. (raw rambutan landscaping materials and services.
seeds) For healthy, softer and  Agricultural Institution – A school
gentle skin that offers a course related to
agriculture and other plant studies.
3. Hair Care. (rambutan leaves) For
 Department of Agriculture –
excellent hair regrowth
Responsible for any agricultural
4. Treats Dysentery. (rambutan skin) activities in terms of vegetables
5. Treats Diabetes. (dried fried and fruits .
rambutan seeds)  Bureau of Plant Industry – They
6. Cures Fever. (dried rambutan skin) develop scientific improvement
7. Increases Energy. for each plant specie in a locality
8. Strengthen Bones. and adjacent places.
9. Increases Immune System. Can
easily enhance bones because of
its high calcium, phosphorus and
iron content
10. Anti-Cancer. It consists of anti- Dalandan Farm, Bayombong, Nueva
oxidants components Viscaya, Philippines
11. Protector of Free Radicals. It’s
rich in gallic acid Dalandan or kahel
12. Rich in Vitamin C. originated from China. This fruit is
13. Blood Formation. Rich in iron that flattened and turns yellow or reddish
help avoid anemia orange when mature. It consists of 10-
14. Healthy Digestion. It’s rich in fiber 14 segments easily separated from one
that helps prevent bowel another to form an open core.
15. Improve Sperm Quality and
Prevent Cancer

Durian Fruit, Davao City, Philippines

The Durian fruit is popular due to
its strong aroma and unique taste. It is also
grown in Thailand and and Indonesia. Many
Grace’s Lanzones Farm, Guyam, Indang Cavite, often says. “ It smells like hell, but it tastes
like heaven”. The flesh is rich in
carbohydrate, proteins, vitamins ( thiamine,
It has 200 fully grownedlanzones that earn riboflavin and Vitamins A and C), and
minerals (calcium, phosphorous, potassium
about 120,000 to 150,000 per harvest.
and iron). The flesh is eaten fresh or
processed into jams, marmalade, spread,
pastillas, or flavouring for ice cream,
candies, cakes and rolls.

3|Pa ge
1.Fruit-bearing trees propagated by the sexual method (use of seeds):

2.Some are propagated asexually or by artificial methods

Avocado (grafting)
Banana ( rhizomes)
Star apple (marcotting)
Chico ( marcotting or inarching)
Guyabano (grafting)
Guava (marcotting)
Langka (marcotting)
Duhat (marcotting
Macopa (marcotting)
Pineapple (suckers)
Mango (grafting)
Strawberry ( runners)
Siniguelas (cuttings)

4|Pa ge
Taking Care of Fruit Tree Seedlings
Here are some ways to keep plants healthy:
 Water the plants twice a day.
 Do this in the early morning and in the late afternoon.
Apply fertilizer in the soil. Use organic

 Cultivate the soil around the plants to allow the roots to breathe.

 Exterminate pests or insects.

The following are recommended for best results:

a. Water the plants.

b. Mix powdered chili or juice of the leaves of the neem tree with water. Keep this overnight.
Use the mixture for watering
c. Fumigate the tree or plant using charcoal and dried leaves.

d. Remove insects and pests using hands or tweezers.

 Pull the grasses or weeds surrounding the plants because they compete for the nutrients
which are intended for the plants.

 Remove dried leaves and cut carefully the dried or infected branches.

Monitor the growth of plants.

5|Pa ge

Good site preparation and layout are extremely important in successfully establishing fruit plantings.
Eliminating potential problems before planting will reduce money and effort needed in later
management practices for this long-term investment.
Layout Systems in Orchard Planting
After preparing the site and determining the size of the orchard, you must next decide on a planor
arrangement for the orchard.
The plan showing the arrangement of plants in an orchard is known as the “orchard layout”. There are several
systems of planting, these are the following:

The plan showing the arrangement of plants in an orchard is known as the “orchard layout”. There are
several systems of planting, these are the following

1.Square Method- this is the simplest and easiest method. Trees are planted in a square-shaped
position,with some distance measurement.

2.Rectangular Method- this method are formed from four adjacent trees that are in rectangular
shape.trees are planted in the same wayas in square method except the distance between the rows
of trees are more than the distance of the columns.

3.Quincunx or diagonal method-in this method trees are planted in the same way as in square
method except for the addition of a tree in the center of each square called a filler crop. Trees with
shorter life are placed in the middle so by the time the main trees or main crop grown into full size the
central trees will finished their life cycle.

4.Equilateral Triangle or hexagonal method- in this method trees are planted at the corner of the
equilateral triangle,where six triangle are joined forming a hexagon shape with a seventh tree in the
center. Distance between trees and from the central are equal.

5.Contour or terracing method- in this method planting is done in a hilly areas by connecting all
points of the same elevation across the slope from a base line, maintaining a space of each row.
6|Pa ge
SAQ-1: What are the heath benefits from fruit trees?

SAQ-2 : What are the different orchard layout ?

Let’s Practice!

1.Put a check on practices which you have experienced doing and an X mark on those you have not
experienced doing.

Practices √ or X
Planted fruit trees
Harvested fruits
Sold fruits
Ate fruits everyday
Took care of fruit bearing trees

2. Draw a layout design of an orchard garden of your choice. Identify the plants that you are going to

Key Points

# An orchard is a piece of land where trees are maintained for commercial production.
#Proper planning and layouting of an orchard is very important to ensure proper growth of trees.
#Layout of orchard must be studied and selected according to the type of land area.
Fruit trees provide us shade fresh air, good ambience, income, vitamins and minerals, they serve as appetizer,
dessert and aids digestion.

I.Identify the following. Write your answers on the blank before each number.

7|Pa ge
________ 1. The kind of mango that has a mixed taste, both sweet and sour.

________ 2. The mango that originated in India.

________ 3. The most common sought mango variety and exported in other countries.

________ 4. The enzyme found in papaya that helps tenderize meat.

________ 5. A popularly known fruit due to its strong aroma and unique taste.

________ 6. This fruit originated from China.

________ 7. Fruits grown in Indang, Cavite.

________ 8. This fruit has plenty of health benefits.

________ 9. It is the leading fruit grown in the Philippines and a consistent top dollar earner.

________ 10.A private individuals usually offering landscaping materials and services .

II.Identify the term being described in each statement. Write your answer on the line.

_________1.This refers to fixing the position of tress in an orchard.

_________2.This is a piece of land where trees are maintained for food or commercial production.
_________3.This is a method wherein planting trees are similar to square method but the distance of the row
Of trees is longer than columns.
_________4.This is the simplest and easiest method wherein trees are planted in four corners forming a
_________5. This is an imaginary lines that connects all points with equal elevation across a slope.

Home Economics and Livelihood Education Josephine C. Bernardino, Maria Gracia A.

Fulgenuo Estifania Gloria L. Lee Alma L. Paragas Edita T. Rafael

REFERENCE/S Coordinator: Estifania Gloria L. Lee

Gloria A. Peralta, et al. The Basic of Better living 6 Learning and living in the 21 st

This learning resource contains copyrighted materials. The use of which has not been specifically authorize
by the copyright owner. We are making this learning resource in our efforts to provide printed and e-copy
learning resources available for the learners in reference to the learning continuity plan of this division in this
DISCLAIMER time of pandemic.
This LR is produced and distributed locally without profit and will be used for educational purposes only.
No malicious infringement is intended by the writer. Credits and respect to the original creator/owner of the
materials found in this learning resource.

Written by:


Teacher I
Labuan Central School

8|Pa ge
Learner’s Activity and Assessment Sheets





SAQ 1: What are the heath benefits from fruit trees?


SAQ 2:What are the different orchard layout?


Let’s Practice!

Put a check on practices which you have experienced doing and an X mark on those you have not
experienced doing.

Practices √ or X
Planted fruit trees
Harvested fruits
Sold fruits
Ate fruits everyday
Took care of fruit bearing trees

2. Draw a layout design of an orchard garden of your choice. Identify the plants that you are going to

9|Pa ge
Let’s see how much have you learned today!

Directions: Identify the following. Write your answers on the blank before each number.
________ 1. The kind of mango that has a mixed taste, both sweet and sour.
________ 2. The mango that originated in India.
________ 3. The most common sought mango variety and exported in other countries.
________ 4. The enzyme found in papaya that helps tenderize meat.
________ 5. A popularly known fruit due to its strong aroma and unique taste.
________ 6. This fruit originated from China.
________ 7. Fruits grown in Indang, Cavite.
________ 8. This fruit has plenty of health benefits.
________ 9. It is the leading fruit grown in the Philippines and a consistent top dollar earner.
________ 10.A private individuals usually offering landscaping materials and services .

II.Identify the term being described in each statement. Write your answer on the line.

_________1.This refer to a fixing the position of trees in an orchard.

_________2.This is a piece of land where trees are maintained for food or commercial production.
_________3.This is a method wherein planting trees are similar to square method but the distance of
Of trees is longer than colunms.
_________4.This is the simplest and easiest method wherein trees are planted in four corners
Forming a square.
_________5. This is an imaginary lines that connects all points with equal elevation across a

10 | P a g e
Topic: Sources of Fruit bearing trees
Learning Competency:
.Sources of fruit bearing trees
2.How to take care for seedlings
3.Prepare layout design of an orchard garden using the information gathered.

1.Carabao Mango 1.layout of an orchard
2.Indian Mango 2.Orchard
3.Carabao Mango 3.Rectangular Orchard
4.papain 4.Squre Method
5.Durian 5.Contour or terracing
10.Commercial Nursery

11 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Zamboanga City



Learning Area: TLE – Agriculture Grade Level: ____6________

Title: Sources of Fruit bearing Trees, Taking Care of Fruit Tree Seedlings, Layout Design for an
Orchard Garden
Quarter: __1_______________________________________________________________
Week: ____3_______________________________________________________________
Learning Competency: 1.Sources of fruit bearing trees, 2.How to take care for seedlings,
3.Prepare layout design of an orchard garden using the information gathered.


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12 | P a g e
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13 | P a g e
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14 | P a g e
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Name/s Signature/s
Evaluator/s: NIEL P. ENRIQUEZ ________________________

HOMER B. AGUSTIN ________________________

ERIC R. BENITO ________________________

Date accomplished: _____July 8,2020__________

. This tool is anchored on the Guidelines in ADM Content Evaluation, Guidelines in
ADM Layout Evaluation and Level 2 DepEd Evaluation Rating Sheet for 2 DepEd Evaluation
Rating Sheet for Story Books and Big Books.

Summary of Content Findings, Corrections and Review for Locally Developed


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15 | P a g e
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16 | P a g e

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