How To Teach Listening Skills For Starters-Movers-Flyers

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- Happy Kids English - 1.

Part 1: Describing people and matching names



Presented by
Ms. Phuong Ha

1. What are the objectives of teaching listening skill?

2. What are the common difficulties of students when studying

listening skills?

3. What are the causes?



LISTENING TEST (Sample Reference From Flyers Test)

➢ Pre-activity 1
Aim: To practice the names that may appear.
Materials: Sheets of paper or notebooks

1|How to teach listening skills by Ms. Phuong Ha

Procedure: ➢ Pre-activity 2
• Write the names that may appear Aim: To practice vocabulary for descriptions
• Put students into pairs/groups.
• Give each pair the word cards from the worksheet.

• Drill the names and ask students to repeat.

• Read out eight of the names in random order and ask students to
write them down. Check answers by getting individual students to say
a name each in order.
• Put students in pairs. They take turns choosing four names and
spelling these to their partner.

2|How to teach listening skills by Ms. Phuong Ha

➢ Post-activity:
• Write the following headings on the board: Aim: Practice describing appearance.
1 clothes 2 physical appearances 3 actions.
• Students group the cards into the categories, for example, coat and
glasses belong to group 1, curly and straight belong to group 2, and
smiling and running belong to group 3.
• Have the students compete against other groups, the fastest group that
finishes categorizing will win.

➢ While-activity
• Ask students to turn to SB. Look at the picture together and get students
to read the names written at the top and bottom of the picture.
Procedure: Prepare magazine pictures of different-looking people for
• Play the recording and pause it after the example. Go through the
students. Students work in pairs and take turns to describe a random person
example with the class, making sure they understand what they need to
to other students to guess.
• Play the rest of the recording. Students draw a line from the names to
the appropriate people in the picture.
• Let students listen to the recording again.
• Check answers by writing the names on the board, and have the
students write the description to the person that they chose.

3|How to teach listening skills by Ms. Phuong Ha

2. Part 2: Fill in the given form with the information provided in a Materials:

➢ Put students into pairs.
➢ Give student A a copy of Card A from the worksheet, and student B a
copy of Card B.
➢ Pre-activity ➢ They take it in turns to ask each other questions so they can fill in their
Aim: To practice listening for and writing information (i.e. names and form.
numbers). E.g: What time is the tennis lesson?
➢ Go round helping where necessary.
➢ Students then compare the completed information exchange forms to
check their answers.
4|How to teach listening skills by Ms. Phuong Ha
➢ While-activity
• Ask students to turn to SB. Look at the form together and get students to
think about what kind of information is missing.
• Play the recording and pause it after the example. Go through the
example with the class, making sure they understand what they need to
• Play the rest of the recording. Students listen and fill in the missing words
on the form.
• Let students listen to the recording again.
• Check answers by giving two options for each number on the board. Have
the student choose the correct answer that they heard. The wrong answer
should be the false information that is also mentioned in the dialogue. • Students each take turns choosing from the word cards and take turns
spelling these to their partner.

➢ Post-activity:
Aim: To practice the alphabet and spelling.
• For this part of the Listening Exam, students need to be confident
about the names of the letters of the alphabet. Choose words from
the FLYERS WORD LISTS to fill in the game cards.
• Give out a copy of the board game to each pair of students.

5|How to teach listening skills by Ms. Phuong Ha

3. Part 3: Match the name with a suitable picture.

➢ Pre-activity
Aim: To practice identifying vocabulary from pictures.

6|How to teach listening skills by Ms. Phuong Ha

• Put students into pairs.
• Give each pair a copy of the worksheet. Get students to cut out the
pictures (or the teacher can do this prior to the lesson)
• Ask them to place the pictures onto the Bingo worksheet in random
orders. Read out a list of the items in random order and students put a
cross if they have that picture on their worksheet.
• Any student who has 4 crosses in a row (vertical or horizontal), wins the
• With the same set of pictures, get students to turn the pictures face down
on their desks. In pairs, each student picks up a picture, and without
showing their partner, describes the picture for their partner to guess the
word, e.g. You can take it on holiday. It’s often silver or black. (a camera)
➢ Post-activity:
➢ While-activity
Aim: To practice matching pictures to names.
• Ask students to turn to SB pages 6 & 7. Look at the list of words or
Materials: recycle materials from Pre-activity.
names and the set of pictures with the class.
• Play the recording and pause it after the example. Go through the
example with the class, making sure they understand what they need to
• Play the rest of the recording. Students listen and match the illustrated
names with the pictures, A to H.
• Let students listen to the recording again.
• Check answers by having the students say their answers to each
question. At the same time, write the names on the board with two
options, and have the students choose the word that they think was
mentioned for each name.
• Replay to check

• Write the following names on the board: Betty, David, Emma, Robert, Sarah,
and Michael.

7|How to teach listening skills by Ms. Phuong Ha

• Place a set of picture cards from Worksheet 3 on a table at the front of the 4. Part 4: Listen to 5 different dialogues and choose the correct
class. picture to answer the given questions.
• Say Robert likes playing football. He practices every day. He always takes
his sports bag with him when he goes. Ask a student to come to the front
and pick up the relevant picture card and place it next to the correct name,
E.g. sports bag next to Robert. Ask the rest of the class if they agree.
• Repeat with the following sentences and different students.
o Sarah likes sweets but she doesn’t eat them every day. Her favorite kind
of sweet is chocolate.
o Betty has got a new pair of socks. They are pink and blue with monkeys
on them.
o Michael goes to music lessons on Saturday. He’s learning to play the guitar
but not the piano.
o It was Emma’s birthday last week. I gave her a new T-shirt. It’s got spots
on it.
o My friend David can’t find his pencil case. He thinks that he lost it at school.

➢ Pre-activity
Aim: To practice grouping sets of vocabulary.

8|How to teach listening skills by Ms. Phuong Ha

Procedure lay the rest of the recording. As students listen to the questions, they look
at each set of pictures and tick the correct box, A, B or C.
Let students listen to the recording again. Check answers by having some
students write their answers on the board.

➢ Post-activity:
Aim: To practice listening for details
• For each question in Part 4, prepare a sub-question with 3 multiple
• Put students into pairs. • Replay the dialogues, ask the students to listen, and choose the
• Give each pair a set of cut-up picture cards from the worksheet. correct answer.
• Students work together to sort the picture cards into lexical sets of three.
Check answers. In their pairs, they take turns naming the objects or
actions depicted in each card.
• Ask them to write a description of each card to test spelling. Go round
checking their answers.
➢ While-activity
Ask students to turn to SB. Look at the five questions together and get
students to think about what differences they can see in each set of
Play the recording and pause it after the example. Go through the
example with the class, making sure they understand what they
need to do.

9|How to teach listening skills by Ms. Phuong Ha

5. Part 5: Listen to 5 descriptions, color and write.

• Give the student a picture with familiar-colored objects.
• Have the students work individually, read the description in exercise 1 and
write the color next to it.
• Then, have the students read the description in exercise 2 and color the
other objects in the picture.

➢ While-activity
• Ask students to turn to SB. Look at the picture with the class and ask
them to name items and actions in the picture. Explain that they will listen
to instructions in the form of a conversation between an adult and a child.
• Play the recording and pause it after the example. Go through the
➢ Pre-activity example with the class. Make sure students understand that they will
Aim: To review colors and vocabularies. need to color three things in the picture and write one word.
• Play the rest of the recording. Students listen and follow the instructions.
• Let students listen to the recording again.
10 | H o w t o t e a c h l i s t e n i n g s k i l l s b y M s . P h u o n g H a
• Check answers by writing the colors on the board, (the teacher should
include one false color that is also mentioned in the tape), and have some
students write the description of the object or person on the board next
to the color that they heard.
• When it comes to writing, give out two confusing options and have the
students choose the one that they heard.

• Put students into pairs.
➢ Post-activity: • Give each student a copy of either Picture A or Picture B on the worksheet.
Aim: To practice giving and following instructions for coloring and writing. Student A colors three things in picture A and then writes something.
Materials: Student B does the same for picture B. Give them five minutes to do this.
• They now take turns giving their partner instructions on what to color and
write. It is important that they do not show their partners their pictures
so this activity is best done with students sitting back-to-back.
• When they have finished, they compare their pictures to check that they
look the same.

11 | H o w t o t e a c h l i s t e n i n g s k i l l s b y M s . P h u o n g H a

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