Impact Behavior of Automotive Bumper

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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(44), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i44/99924, November 2016 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

Impact Behavior of Automotive Bumper

Beam under Crashes
M. Balaji1*, S. M. Vignesh3, M. Srinivasagan2, J. Thiyagarajan3 and S. RajeshKumar3
Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM University, Chennai - 603203,Tamil Nadu,

India; [email protected]
Department of Automobile Engineering, SRM University, Chennai - 603203,Tamil Nadu,
India; [email protected]
Department of Mechatronics Engineering, SRM University, Chennai - 603203, Tamil Nadu, India;
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Objectives: This work is an attempt to present commercially used designs and analyze it to compare the impact behavior of
each design of bumper beams during head-on collisions Methods/Statistical Analysis: In order to avoid series of destructive
test for a new vehicle to be performed the necessity of economical design using finite element is performed in this study.
Parameters like materials, shape and thickness are considered for carrying out analysis with the help of Hypermesh 9.0 and
LS-DYNA software Findings: The main criterion to be discussed is energy absorbing Behavior of bumper beams during head-
on collisions. Analysis is carried out upto 20 millisecond. Results for different Designs and for varying thickness are obtained
and compared to study the impact Behavior of beams under study. Impact behavior of Bumper beam is analyzed based
on energy absorption of the beam and the displacement condition. Maximum nodal displacement is obtained for different
thickness and materials and plotted over the period of time Application/Improvements: Experimental setup has to be
developed for the testing of the model under crashes and to be analysed at operating condition.

Keywords: Bumper Beam, Bumper Rebound, Crashes, Energy Absorption, Investigate, Impact

1. Introduction addresses three components of bumper performance:

Geometry – vehicle bumpers need to be positioned at
The Bumper is one of the most important parts of a car, common heights from the ground and extend laterally to
found at the rear-most and front-most parts. It helps the corners in order to properly engage other vehicles in
the vehicle sustain tremendous impact while preventing low speed crashes.
the safety systems from being damaged. However, it Stability – vehicle bumpers need to be tall and wide
can reduce the injury of passengers especially during enough to remain engaged with the bumpers of other
high-speed impacts. It can somehow lessen the injury vehicles despite vehicle motion due to loading, braking,
that pedestrians can suffer after being hit by a car. The etc.
use of bumpers in a car is a legal requirement in most Energy-absorption – vehicle bumpers should absorb
jurisdictions. It is important to abide by this rule so as low speed crash energy without damage to other parts of
not to cause bad outcomes in case accidents happen. An the vehicle.
international RCAR working group has developed test
procedures to assess how well a vehicle’s bumper system
protects the vehicle from damage in low speed impacts.
2. Mechanics and Modelling
Damage in these tests closely replicates the damage It is important to distinguish between the two different
patterns observed in real world low speed crashes1 and types of impacts that occur, elastic and plastic impacts.

* Author for correspondence

Impact Behavior of Automotive Bumper Beam under Crashes

In an elastic impact a negligible amount of energy is The three main steps are:
lost between the two impacting bodies, for example, the • Build the model
collision of two billiard balls. A plastic impact involves a • Apply loads and obtain the solution
significant amount of energy dissipated in the collision. • Review the results
An impact between two vehicles or between one vehicle
and a rigid body, where the vehicles crumple on impact, When solving Dynamic problems with Fem, it
is an example of an Elastic-plastic impact. The impacting must be remembered that we use FEM only for spatial
phenomenon between an impactor and the front bumper Discretization and the temporal time Discretization
under collisions could be very complicated, since transient is always using the FEM. We divide the total response
and nonlinear analyses are involved. But, in designing time into much smaller intervals called time steps or
the front bumper, automobile manufacturers insist that increments. The equilibrium equation and the value of
the bumper system should not have any material crash unknowns are determined at (t+At) based on value of time
or failure. Therefore, up to that point, the total energy is t. Explicit methods are those in which the information at
conserved throughout the impact duration. Some simpler time step n+1 can be obtained in terms of previous time
conceptual designs are made according to Bumper steps and there is no dependence on the current time step.
standards and Dimensions referred from RCAR bumper Altair HyperMesh 9.0 includes many new features
test, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that can improve and automate your CAE processes. It is
laboratory Test procedures. Thickness is considered as Universal Finite element pre-post processor software. This
variable parameter and other dimensions are designed capability allows for consistent modeling practices for
under allowable sizes Sheet metal Design is involved 1D, 2D, and 3D elements. The basic modeling process in
for designing Bumper Beams. Using CATIA V5 R11 HyperMesh, given a mesh, involves the creation materials
the models are designed. Bumper is designed as per the and properties followed by the assignment of properties
Standards followed. Simpler Designs Profiles of Bumper to elements or components.
beams are taken into study and Modelled Using CATIA
v5 R11. Variable Parameters like Shape, thickness can
be modified from this basic Design in future for analysis
4. Processing
and Improvement. Options like Bends, Punch, and Rib The impactor, as a steel structure, was modelled with rigid
are used to create the model. These models are analysed solid impact elements according to precise dimensional
for the Energy absorption behaviour2 and categorise the drawings from the E.C.E. Standard. Material type 20
results to compare among the other designs. (mat-rigid) is assigned using Hypermesh 9.0 used for
further analysis in LS-DYNA. Bumper beam is assigned as
3. Modelling deformable structure is so called “MAT type 24”A, Piecewise
Linear Isotropic model. As shown, the impactor collide to
There was a general approach for all the aforementioned the bumper beam in straight direction and perpendicularly.
models, i.e. with different material3,4 shape and thickness Usually in all finite element study constraints plays a major
created in LS_DYNA. The CAD data of the bumper role. Bumper beam is constrained at both the ends as
structure was imported and the surfaces were created and shown in Figure 1. The impactor collides to the bumper
meshed. Since the average thickness of bumper was much perpendicularly with 18.6 mm/msec velocity (based on
smaller than the other dimensions5 of the part, the best LS-DYNA standard units) Parameters6 like thickness,
element for meshing was the shell element. Hypermesh is shape is varied for carrying out the analysis with constant
used to mesh the model and to give all the inputs and load velocity. Characteristics of Impactor remain constant for
conditions that can be directly exported to LS-DYNA. all the cases7. Thickness varies from 2mm to 4mm in the
Explicit Dynamic Analysis Finite Element Program increasing order of 0.25 mm.
is used to solve highly non-linear Transient Dynamic Hypermesh software is used to assign all loads and
Problems. LS-DYNA solver has Benefits of fastest explicit constraints that will be used in LS-DYNA for analysis.
features than any other explicit code in Market place. The Keyword file is exported from Hypermesh that is used in
procedure for an explicit dynamic analysis is similar to LS-DYNA solution manager to solve and LS-DYNA Pre/
any other analysis that is available in the ANSYS program. Post processor to produce results.

2 Vol 9 (44) | November 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
M. Balaji, S. M. Vignesh, M. Srinivasagan, J. Thiyagarajan and S. RajeshKumar

Case (i): Simple hat Profile is tested for impact plot for Impactor and bumper individually. Similarly by
behaviour for varying thickness 2mm to 4mm in the increasing thickness and by varying Materials results are
increasing order of 0.25 mm with three different materials plotted for comparison.
viz., Steel, Aluminium, PEP (Poly Ethylene Propylene) Analysis is to be carried out for other cases to find the
Case (ii): Double hat Profile is tested for impact appropriate condition for the different designs based on
behaviour for varying thickness 2mm to 4mm in the energy absorption behavior and nodal displacement.
increasing order of 0.25 mm with three different materials
viz., Steel, Aluminium, PEP (Poly Ethylene Propylene).
Case (iii): Oblique hat Profile is tested for impact
behaviour for varying thickness 2mm to 4mm in the
increasing order of 0.25 mm with three different materials
viz., Steel, Aluminium, PEP(Poly Ethylene Propylene).
Case (iv): Closed hat Profile is tested for impact
behaviour for varying thickness 2mm to 4mm in the
increasing order of 0.25 mm with three different materials
viz., Steel, Aluminium, PEP (Poly Ethylene Propylene).
Figure 2. Nodal Displacement at Bumper rebound

Figure 1. Fixed Constraints. Figure 3. Max. Nodal Displacement Plot over time.

5. Result and Discussion

The main criterion to be discussed is energy absorbing
Behavior of bumper beams during head-on collisions.
Analysis is carried out upto 20 millisecond. Results for
different Designs and for varying thickness are obtained
and compared to study the impact Behavior of beams
under study. Results for case (i) with thickness 2mm
and steel material is shown below. Similarly Results are
obtained for different thickness and materials. Max. Figure 4. Energy plot for Bumper system (Simple hat
Displacement is measured at the condition of Bumper profile Steel material 2mm).
Rebound i.e. the time at which the impactor gets Rebound
after hitting the bumper.
Impact behavior of Bumper beam is analyzed based
on energy absorption of the beam and the displacement
condition. Figure 2 shows the Nodal Displacement at the
bumper rebound condition. Figure 3 shows Max. Nodal
displacement plot over the period of time. A good bumper
should prevent the impact energy getting transferred to
the passengers also with a minimal thickness. Figure 4
shows the Energy plot for the Bumper system including
Bumper and impactor. Figure 5,6 shows the kinetic energy Figure 5. Kinetic Energy plot (Impactor).

Vol 9 (44) | November 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
Impact Behavior of Automotive Bumper Beam under Crashes

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