Section 12 - Welding Consumables - Cast Iron Electrodes

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Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Cast Iron 1

Welding Consumables
Cast Iron

Section 12 - Welding Consumables

Cast Iron 1

Welding of Cast Iron 2

Cast Iron Electrodes 8

Cast Iron MIG & TIG Wires 13

Cast Iron Oxy-Fuel Rods 15

Cast Iron Fluxes 19

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2 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Cast Iron

Welding of Cast Iron

Welding Consumables

Cast irons, like steels, are essentially alloys of iron and carbon, Perlitic Malleable Cast Iron
but whereas the carbon content of steel is limited to a maximum
of 2%, cast irons generally contain more than 2% carbon. If full graphitisation is prevented and a controlled amount of
carbon remains in the iron during cooling, finely distributed iron
To facilitate a better understanding of these materials, they carbide plates nucleate in the iron at lower temperatures. This
can be divided into five groups, based on composition and can be achieved by alloying with manganese, or by replacing the
metallurgical structure: white cast iron, malleable cast iron, grey second-stage anneal by a quench (usually in air or oil).
cast iron, ductile cast iron and alloy cast iron.

White Cast Iron

White cast iron derives its name from the white, crystalline crack
surface observed when a casting fractures. Most white cast irons
contain <4,3% carbon, with low silicon contents to inhibit the
precipitation of carbon as graphite. Microstructure of perlitic malleable cast iron (x200)

It is used in applications where abrasion resistance is important Due to the presence of iron carbide in the microstructure, the
and ductility not required, such as liners for cement mixers, ball strength and hardness of these castings are increased over those
mills, certain types of drawing dies and extrusion nozzles. of ferritic malleable cast iron.

Grey Cast Iron

Grey cast iron is one of the most widely used casting alloys
and typically contains between 2,5% and 4% carbon and
between 1% and 3% silicon.  With proper control of the carbon
and silicon contents and the cooling rate, the formation of
iron carbide during solidification is suppressed entirely, and
Microstructure white cast iron (x200) graphite precipitates directly from the melt as irregular, generally
White cast iron is generally considered unweldable. The absence elongated and curved flakes in an iron matrix saturated with
of any ductility that can accommodate welding-induced stresses carbon.
in the base metal and heat affected zone adjacent to the weld When a grey iron casting fractures, the crack path follows these
results in cracking during cooling after welding. graphite flakes and the fracture surface appears grey because of
the presence of exposed graphite.
Malleable Cast Iron
Malleable cast iron is produced by heat treating white cast iron
of a suitable composition. Iron carbide can decompose into iron
and carbon under certain conditions. This reaction is favoured
by high temperatures, slow cooling rates and high carbon and
silicon contents.

Ferritic Malleable Cast Iron Microstructure of grey cast iron (x200)

At room temperature, the microstructure therefore consists of The strength of grey cast iron depends almost entirely on the
temper carbon nodules in a ferrite matrix, generally known matrix in which these graphite flakes are embedded. Slow
as ferritic malleable cast iron. The compact nodules of temper cooling rates and high carbon and silicon contents promote full
carbon do not break up the continuity of the tough ferritic matrix, graphitisation, and the majority of the carbon dissolved in the
resulting in high strength and improved ductility.  The graphite iron at high temperatures is deposited as graphite on the existing
nodules also serve to lubricate cutting tools, which accounts for flakes during cooling. The structure then consists of graphite
the very high machinability of malleable cast iron. flakes in a ferrite matrix, referred to as ferritic grey cast iron.
If graphitisation of the carbon dissolved in the iron at high
temperatures is prevented during cooling, iron carbide
precipitates out and the matrix is perlitic (referred to as perlitic
grey cast iron). Ferritic grey cast iron is normally soft and weak.

Ductile Iron
Microstructure of ferritic malleable cast iron (x200) Ductile cast iron, also known as nodular iron or spheroidal
graphite (SG) iron, is very similar in composition to grey cast iron,
Ferritic malleable cast iron has been widely used for automotive, but the free graphite in these alloys precipitates from the melt
agricultural and railroad equipment; expansion joints and railing as spherical particles rather than flakes. This is accomplished
castings on bridges; chain-hoist assemblies; industrial casters; through the addition of small amounts of magnesium or cerium
12 pipe fittings; and many applications in general hardware. to the ladle just before casting.  The spherical graphite particles
do not disrupt the continuity of the matrix to the same extent
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Cast Iron 3

as graphite flakes, resulting in higher strength and toughness repaired. Fabrication errors, such as inaccurate machining and

Welding Consumables
compared with grey cast iron of similar composition. misaligned holes, can also be weld repaired.
Due to the widely differing weldability of the various classes of
cast iron, welding procedures must be suited to the type of cast
iron to be welded.

White Cast Iron

Because of its extreme hardness and brittleness, white cast iron
is considered unweldable.
Microstructure of SG cast iron with bulls eye ferrite (x200)
Malleable Cast Iron
Typical applications are agricultural (tractor and implement
parts); automotive and diesel (crankshafts, pistons and cylinder During welding, the ductility of the heat affected zone (HAZ)
heads); electrical fittings, switch boxes, motor frames and circuit of malleable cast iron is severely reduced because graphite
breaker parts; mining (hoist drums, drive pulleys, flywheels and dissolves and precipitates as iron carbide.  Although post weld
elevator buckets); steel mill (work rolls, furnace doors, table rolls annealing softens the hardened zone, minimal ductility is
and bearings); and tool and die (wrenches, levers, clamp frames, regained. Despite these limitations, malleable cast irons can be
chuck bodies and dies for shaping steel, aluminium, brass, bronze welded satisfactorily and economically if precautions are taken.
and titanium).
Because most malleable iron castings are small, preheating is
Mechanical Properties seldom required. If desired, small welded parts can be stress
relieved at temperatures up to 550°C. For heavy sections and
Due to the low toughness and ductility of cast iron (especially highly restrained joints, preheating at temperatures up to 200°C
white and grey cast iron), standard tensile and impact toughness and a post weld malleabilising heat treatment are recommended.
tests have limited applicability, and elongation and absorbed However, this costly practice is not always followed, especially
energy values are not always available. Some of the mechanical when the design of the component is based on reduced strength
properties of the different types of cast iron are shown in the properties of the welded joint.
table below.  The wide variation in mechanical properties within
a particular class of cast iron, as shown below, can be attributed Ferritic malleable grades display the best weldability of the
to a variation in microstructure. malleable cast irons, even though impact strength is reduced
by welding. Perlitic malleable irons, because of their higher
The machinability of grey, malleable and ductile cast irons combined carbon content, have lower impact strength and
is superior to that of carbon steel, and these alloys even higher crack susceptibility when welded. If a repaired area must
outperform free-cutting steel. The excellent machinability can be be machined, welding should be performed with a nickel-based
attributed to the lubricating effect of the graphite particles in the electrode.
microstructure. Grey cast iron has a very high damping capacity
(ability to quell vibrations) and is therefore well suited for bases MMA welding cast iron, using low carbon steel and low hydrogen
and supports, as well as for moving parts. electrodes at low currents, produces satisfactory welds in
malleable iron. If low carbon steel electrodes are used, the part
Welding should be annealed to reduce the hardness in the weld (due to
carbon pick-up) and in the HAZ.
Cast irons include a large family of ferrous alloys covering
a wide range of chemical compositions and metallurgical Grey Cast Iron
microstructures. Some of these materials are readily weldable,
while others require great care to produce sound welds. Certain As grey cast iron contains graphite in flake form, carbon can
cast irons are considered unweldable. readily be introduced into the weld pool, causing weld metal
embrittlement. Consequently, techniques that minimise base
A major factor contributing to the difficulty of welding cast iron metal dilution are recommended. Care must be taken to
is its lack of ductility. If cast irons are loaded beyond their yield compensate for shrinkage stresses, and the use of low strength
points, they break rather than deform to any significant extent. filler metals helps reduce cracking without sacrificing overall
Weld filler metal and part configuration should therefore be joint strength.
selected to minimise welding stresses.
Grey cast iron welds are susceptible to the formation of
MMA, flux cored arc, MIG, TIG and gas welding processes are porosity.  This can be controlled by lowering the amount of
normally used with nickel-based welding consumables to dilution with the base metal, or by slowing the cooling rate so
produce high-quality welds, but cast iron and steel electrodes that gas has time to escape. Preheat helps reduce porosity and
can also produce satisfactory welds in certain alloys. reduces the cracking tendency.  A minimum preheat of 200°C is
recommended, but 315°C is generally used.
Iron castings are generally welded to:
The most common arc welding electrodes for grey cast iron are
Repair defects in order to salvage or upgrade a casting
nickel and nickel-iron types. These electrodes have been used
before service,
with or without preheating and/or post weld heat treatment.
Repair damaged or worn castings, and Cast iron and steel electrodes must be used with high preheats
(550°C) to prevent cracking and the formation of hard deposits.
Fabricate castings into welded assemblies.
Ductile Cast Iron
Repair of defects in new iron castings represents the largest
single application of welding cast irons. Defects such as porosity,
sand inclusions, cold shuts, washouts and shifts are commonly
Ductile cast irons are generally more weldable than grey cast
irons, but require specialised welding procedures and filler 12
4 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Cast Iron

materials. Perlitic ductile iron produces a larger amount of Electrodes should be dried to minimise hydrogen damage and
Welding Consumables

martensite in the HAZ than ferritic ductile iron and is generally porosity. If machinability or optimum joint properties are desired,
more susceptible to cracking. castings should be annealed immediately after welding.
MMA, using nickel-iron electrodes, is the most common welding
technique for welding ductile iron. Most castings do not require
preheating, but preheats of up to 315°C are used on large

Table of Mechanical Properties of a Range of Cast Irons

Cast Iron Tensile Strength Compressive Strength Hardness Elongation Toughness

( MPa) ( MPa) (HB) (%) (J)
White 200 – 410 Not available 321 – 500 Very low Very low
Malleable 276 – 724 1 350 – 3 600 (perlitic and 110 – 156 (ferritic) 149 – 321 1 – 10 4 – 12 J @ 20°C
martensitic) (perlitic and martensitic)
Grey 152 – 431 572 – 1 293 156 – 302 <0,6 Very low
Ductile 345 – 827 359 – 920 143 – 302 2 – 20 16 – 27 J @ 20°C

Typical Applications for the Filler Metal Castings that have been in service are often saturated with oil or
Types Used for Welding Cast Iron grease. Exposure to high temperatures during the weld thermal
cycle can cause dissociation of these hydrocarbon compounds,
resulting in the formation of porosity in the weld. For this reason,
Filler Type Typical Application any surface oil or grease must be removed prior to welding,
Cast Iron Oxy-acetylene and arc welding of grey, ductile and using solvents or steam cleaning. The surface skin of the casting,
blackheart malleable irons where good colour match which may contain burned-in sand or other impurities from the
is required. Different consumables give either a flake mould, should also be removed. Castings that have been in
or a nodular graphite structure. service for extended periods of time may also require degassing
Ni Joining and repair of grey irons and for surfacing high by heating the casting uniformly to about 370°C for 30 minutes,
dilution welds in stronger grades. Produces a soft or for a shorter time to almost red heat (approximately 540°C),
peenable deposit. Special electrode coverings are using an oxy-fuel gas torch or circulating air furnace.
available to help repair deep cavities and blow holes.
If localised degassing is preferred, the weld area can be heated by
NiFe Joining and repair of ductile, blackheart malleable
depositing a weld pass, which usually becomes very porous, and
and higher strength grey irons.  Also used to join cast
iron to dissimilar metals and for welding austenitic then removing it by grinding. This welding and grinding operation
irons. Can also be used on irons with high sulphur and is repeated until the weld metal is sound. The weld may then be
phosphorus levels. completed as specified in the welding procedure. Castings that
have been impregnated with a plastic or glass sealer should not
Ni FeMn Similar applications to NiFe fillers, but a stronger,
more crack resistant deposit is produced. be repair welded, because the sealer may inhibit fusion or produce
excessive porosity in the weld.
NiCu Used when a soft peenable deposit with good colour
match is required on grey, nodular and blackheart It is also important that the outer surface of the casting and any
malleable irons.  Also useful for welding castings of ground surfaces be wiped with mineral spirits, such as acetone,
unknown type and composition. to remove residual surface graphite prior to welding. Residual
CuSn Mostly used for its good sliding and anti-seizing graphite inhibits wetting and prevents complete joining and
properties (i.e. for surfacing applications, particularly fusion.  When wetting difficulties are encountered, the following
on grey irons). cleaning methods can be used:
Cu Al Similar applications to CuSn, but with poorer surfacing
properties, yet higher strength. Electrochemical cleaning in a molten salt bath operating at
a temperature of 455–510°C in a steel tank. By passing direct
Cu Mn Ni Al Similar application to Cu Al fillers, but used where
current through the bath, a surface essentially free of graphite,
higher strength is required.
sand, silicon, oxides and other contaminants can be produced.
Abrasive blasting with steel shot is suitable for preparing
Practical Considerations the surfaces of ductile and malleable cast iron, but should
not be used for grey cast iron.
Base Metal Preparation Searing the surfaces to be welded with an oxidising
flame or heating the casting to about 900°C in a strongly
Proper preparation of a casting prior to welding is very decarburising atmosphere, may be suitable in some
important.  All traces of the defect must be removed from the applications.
casting, usually by chipping, grinding, arc gouging or flame
gouging. Dye-penetrant inspection is recommended to ensure Before any cleaning procedures are used in production, wetting
complete removal of all defects. Thorough cleaning of the joint tests should be conducted, using the proposed filler metal and
faces and adjacent material prior to welding is essential to welding procedure. The filler metal should be applied to a clean,
12 ensure successful repair welding and to prevent porosity and
wetting difficulties.
flat surface and then examined visually. If the surface is not
uniformly wetted, it has not been cleaned sufficiently.
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Cast Iron 5

Special Welding Techniques for Cast Irons

Welding Consumables
Grooving  Joint Face
Improved weld performance can be achieved by application of
several special techniques. These include:
Joint design modifications
Groove face grooving
Special deposition sequences and electrode manipulation.

Joint Design Modification

The technique of grooving the joint face before filling.
Full penetration welds are better than partial penetration ones,
This interrupts the line of the heat affected zone
since the crevice left unfused can act as a stress concentration,
increasing the risk of cracking. It is therefore advisable, where
possible, to modify joint design to allow full penetration weld
to be made, as shown below. Welds at changes in thickness can Improved joint strength can be achieved by driving or threading
suffer uneven expansion and contraction stresses during the studs into the joint face. These should be staggered as shown
welding cycle, and also are located at stress concentrations. below, so that a stud does not face another directly opposite it
A change in design to move the weld to a region of constant across the joint. Provided the studs are of material compatible
thickness is therefore beneficial in some cases, since the with the filler metal, this technique can help reduce underbead
weld is then removed from the ‘danger area’. A backing fillet cracking in the HAZ or along the fusion line.
weld can also be used to support a weld in a region of stress
concentration. Staggered Studs (Top view)

Poor Design Improved Design

Partial penetration welds Full penetration welds

50 mm

Uneven thickness Constant thickness

Staggered Studs (Cross section)

Without backing fillet weld With backing fillet weld

Screwing or driving staggered studs into the joint face before

Modifications to joint design that would lead to the minimisation of welding to improve joint strength
stress concentrations and therefore also reduce the risk of cracking in
cast iron welds

Groove Face Grooving Peening

Grinding or gouging grooves into the surface of the prepared By hammering (peening) a deformable weld bead, and thereby
weld groove, then filling the grooves with a weld bead, before putting it into a state of compressive stress, the tensile stresses
filling the whole joint, as shown opposite, is sometimes caused by thermal contraction can be opposed, thus reducing
recommended. This reduces the risk of cracking by deflecting the risk of cracking in and around the weld. This requires a
the path of a crack. Also, as with conventional buttering, the ductile weld metal. Nickel fillers are very suitable and, when
beads that are in contact with the casting, and therefore most welding brittle grey cast irons, this process is extremely
highly diluted, are deposited first, when the stresses on the useful. When stronger joints are required and iron-nickel
fusion line and heat affected zone of the weld are lowest. consumables are used, then peening must be done at higher
temperatures, while the metal is still sufficiently soft. Peening
can be mechanised or done manually. For manual work, a
13–19 mm ballpeen hammer is used to strike moderate blows
perpendicular to the weld surface. Mechanised hammers should
operate at 620 kPa and at 750–1 000 mm/min. The hammer
head should be no wider than the weld bead and should have a
radius equal to half the width.
6 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Cast Iron

Deposition Techniques and Electrode Manipulation Braze Welding

Welding Consumables

Since this process is particularly sensitive to the wetting of the

Arc Welding base metal surface by the filler, cleanliness of the iron before
Stringer or weave techniques can be used in depositing the weld welding is essential. This means that smeared graphite on the
bead, though weaving should be kept to within three times the surface after grinding must be removed.  The bronze welding rod
electrode core diameter. Minimum dilution will result from using is melted by contact with the base metal after preheating by
the stringer technique in the flat position, with the arc directed the gas flame to 425–480°C. The slightly oxidising inner cone of
at the weld pool rather than the base metal. When re-striking the flame should not be brought into contact with the consum-
the arc, this should be done on deposited metal, rather than able rod or the base metal. The rounded edges recommended
base metal, though any slag must first be removed. This can be for the joint faces in bronze welding increase the interface area
done with a cold chisel or chipping hammer. between the casting and the deposited metal.

In long welds, or welds on thick base material, depositing short, Cracking

staggered beads will help minimise distortion, by balancing
contraction stresses. Buttering of thick joint faces before filling in All cast irons have a common problem affecting their weldability,
the rest of the joint is recommended. This is particularly effective namely their high carbon contents. Welding of cast iron is
if the buttering layers are of a composition more tolerant to associated with rapid cooling of the weld pool and adjacent
dilution by the base metal. base metal, compared with the slower cooling rates experienced
during casting, and tends to produce undesirable microstructures,
To minimise penetration, short circuit dip-transfer modes should such as iron carbide and high-carbon martensite. Martensite and
be used with MIG, MAG and flux cored welding processes, and iron carbide are both very brittle and may cause cracking, either
arc lengths in MMA welding should be kept as short as possible spontaneous or during service. The degree of embrittlement
while still maintaining good weld shape. In general, the welding depends on the amount of iron carbide and martensite formed,
current should be kept as low as possible within the range which in turn depends on the cast iron composition and thermal
specified by the consumable manufacturer. treatment. The presence of hard, brittle martensite in the HAZ
also increases the risk of hydrogen-induced cracking.
Oxy-Acetylene Welding
Martensite in the HAZ may be tempered to a lower strength or
When depositing cast iron by the gas welding process, the torch a more ductile structure during post weld heat treatment, or it
flame should not be oxidising, as the resulting loss of silicon may be totally eliminated by ensuring very slow cooling rates
promotes the formation of brittle white iron in the deposit. after welding. Multiple-pass welding and minimum preheat and
Similarly, the tip of the inner cone of the flame should be kept interpass temperatures are commonly specified to retard the
between 3 and 6 mm from the casting surface, and should not cooling of cast iron welds and to prevent the transformation
actually touch. The welding rod should be melted by immersion to martensite.  Alternatively, welding procedures designed to
into the molten weld pool, and not melted directly by the torch reduce the size of the HAZ, and thus minimise cracking, can be
flame. used. Methods of accomplishing this include:
Two types of sequence are recommended for depositing cast Reduction of heat input
iron by gas welding. With the so-called ‘block’ sequence, filler Use of small-diameter electrodes
metal can either be deposited in blocks of ~2,5 cm, before filling Use of low melting point welding rods and wires
between the blocks. With the so-called ‘cascade’ sequence, thin Use of lower preheat temperatures.
layers are deposited, with each one being slightly longer than
the preceding one. Both the block and cascade sequences are
illustrated above

Block Sequence of Bead Deposition

Cascade Sequence of Bead Deposition

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Cast Iron 7

Cast Irons

Welding Consumables
Type MMAW FCAW Gas Welding Gas Brazing
Grey Cast Iron Afrox Ferroloid 1 Filmax FN55 Super Silicon Fluxobronze M15
Afrox Ferroloid 2 Filmax Ni-1 Afrox M15 Bronze
Afrox Ferroloid 3 Afrox Nickel Bronze DB
Afrox Ferreloid 4
Afrox Transcast 55
SG and Nodular Cast Iron Afrox Ferroloid 1 Filmax FN55 Super Silicon Fluxobronze M15
Afrox Ferroloid 2 Filmax Ni-1 Afrox M15 Bronze
Afrox Ferroloid 3 Afrox Nickel Bronze DB
Afrox Ferreloid 4
Afrox Transcast 55
White Cast Iron (Chilled NR NR NR NR
Malleable Cast Iron Afrox Ferroloid 1 Filmax FN55 Super Silicon Fluxobronze M15
Afrox Ferroloid 2 Filmax Ni-1 Afrox M15 Bronze
Afrox Ferroloid 3 Afrox Nickel Bronze DB
Afrox Ferreloid 4
Afrox Transcast 55
1 Use Afrox Transcast 55 for joining, build-up and crack repairs.
2 Use Ferroloid 4 for cosmetic repairs.
NR = Not Recommended

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8 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Cast Iron

Cast Iron Electrodes

Welding Consumables

Afrox Ferroloid 1

Afrox Ferroloid 1 is a Monel®-cored electrode which deposits a

machinable nickel-copper weld on cast iron without preheating.
The weld metal gives an excellent colour match with the casting,
thus making the electrode eminently suitable for the repair and
rebuilding of components. The electrode has a smooth arc and
the deposit is sound and neat in appearance. The slag is easily

This electrode is suitable for the repair of all commercially
available irons such as grey, blackheart malleable and nodular
spheroidal graphite irons, with or without preheating.

AWS A5.15 ENiCu-B (carbon content modified)
EN ISO 1071 ENiCu-B (nearest)

Typical Chemical Analysis (All weld metal)

% Carbon 0,40 - 1,10 % Copper 25,0 - 30,0 max
% Manganese 2,25 max % Nickel 60,0 - 70,0
% Silicon 0,75 max % Iron 3,0 - 6,0
% Sulphur 0,025 max

Packing Data
(DC+ AC 70 OCV min)
Diameter Electrode Length Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (mm) (A) (kg)
3,15 350 65 - 95 5,0 W075803
4,0 350 100 - 130 5,0 W075804

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Cast Iron 9

Afrox Ferroloid 2

Welding Consumables
Afrox Ferroloid 2 is an all-position, basic coated electrode for the
strength welding of cast iron and for joining mild steel to cast iron.
The electrode uses a mild steel core wire and deposits a steel weld
metal, which tends to rust.  A good colour match between the weld
and casting should not be expected.

Afrox Ferroloid 2 is used mainly for the repair of grey, i.e. failed
iron castings and defective components with and without the
application of a preheat. In both cases, the weld metal and heat
affected zone are unmachinable after welding and finishing can
only be achieved by grinding.

AWS A5.15 ESt
EN ISO 1071 ESt (nearest)

Typical Chemical Analysis (All weld metal)

% Carbon 0,15 max % Sulphur 0,03 max
% Manganese 0,30 max % Iron Bal.
% Silicon 0,03 max % Phosphorous 0,03 max

Packing Data
(DC+ AC 70 OCV min)
Diameter Electrode Length Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (mm) (A) (kg)
3,15 350 70 - 105 5,0 W075813
4,0 350 90 - 120 5,0 W075814

10 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Cast Iron

Afrox Ferroloid 3
Welding Consumables

Afrox Ferroloid 3 is an all-positional electrode depositing a nickel-

iron alloy weld which is machinable without undue difficulty. The
weld metal after machining provides a close colour match with
the casting. The electrode has a smooth soft arc and is easy to use
with a small slag volume, which is readily removable.

This electrode has been specifically designed for the strength
welding of high duty cast iron, such as meehanite, malleable and
spheroidal graphite or nodular irons. It is ideal for welding thick
sections of different types of cast irons to each other or to steel.
It can be used to weld high-phosphorous castings and to join
thin sections of gray cast iron to themselves or to other ferrous
materials. Although preheating is recommended, the electrode
can be used where no preheat has been applied.

AWS A5.15 ENiFe-CI
EN ISO 1071 ENiFe-2 (nearest)

Typical Chemical Analysis (All weld metal)

% Carbon 2,0 max % Iron Bal.
% Manganese 1,0 max % Nickel 45,0 - 60,0 max
% Silicon 4,0 max % Copper 2,5 max
% Sulphur 0,03 max

Packing Data
(DC+ AC 70 OCV min)
Diameter Electrode Length Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (mm) (A) (kg)
2,5 350 70 - 90 5,0 W075822
3,15 350 90 - 120 5,0 W075823
4,0 350 120 - 140 5,0 W075824

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Cast Iron 11

Afrox Ferroloid 4

Welding Consumables
Afrox Ferroloid 4 is a nickel cored electrode designed to produce
machinable welds in cast iron, without any preheat. When used
in the recommended manner, the fusion zone is extremely narrow
with hard areas of heat affected iron at a minimum. Welds are free
from cracks and porosity, and exhibit mechanical properties ad-
equate for cast iron. The colour match of the deposit approximates
that of cast iron.

This electrode has been specifically designed for the rectification
and repair of all commercial grades of cast iron, where machining,
after welding, is to be carried out. Preheating and post weld heat
treatment is not required in many applications where the location
of the defect or shape of design is such that high stresses are not
developed. Control of heat input is essential, particularly avoiding
local heat build-up.

AWS A5.15 ENi-CI
EN ISO 1071 ENi-Cl (nearest)

Typical Chemical Analysis (All weld metal)

% Carbon 2,0 max % Iron 8,0 max
% Manganese 1,0 max % Nickel 90,9 min
% Silicon 4,0 max % Copper 2,5 max
% Sulphur 0,03 max

Packing Data
(DC+ AC 70 OCV min)
Diameter Electrode Length Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (mm) (A) (kg)
2,5 350 40 - 90 1,0 W072832
2,5 350 40 - 90 5,0 W075832
3,15 350 60 - 105 1,0 W072833
3,15 350 60 - 105 5,0 W075833
4,0 350 90 - 135 5,0 W075834
5,0 350 150 - 190 5,0 W075835

12 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Cast Iron

Afrox Transcast 55
Welding Consumables

Afrox Transcast 55 is an all-position electrode having a bimetal

core wire and depositing a nickel iron alloy weld metal, which
is machinable without undue difficulty. The weld metal after
machining provides a close colour match with the casting. The low
electrical resistance of the core wire avoids heat build-up in the
electrode and ensures consistent arc and flux characteristics.

This electrode has been specifically developed for strength
welding of high duty cast irons such as alloyed cast iron,
meehanite, and malleable and nodular irons. It is ideal for welding
various types of cast irons to each other or to steel.
It may also be used to weld high phosphorous castings and to join
sections of grey iron to same or to ferrous materials. Although
preheating is recommended, the consumable can be used without
preheating the parent material.

AWS A5.15 ENiFe-CI
EN ISO 1071 ENiFe-2 (nearest)

Typical Chemical Analysis (All weld metal)

% Carbon 2,0 max % Iron Bal.
% Manganese 1,0 max % Nickel 45,0 - 60,0
% Silicon 4,0 max % Copper 2,5 max
% Sulphur 0,03 max

Packing Data
(DC+ AC 70 OCV min)
Diameter Electrode Length Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (mm) (A) (kg)
3,15 350 80 - 125 Sleeve (2 electrodes) W072933
3,15 350 80 - 125 1,0 W072934
3,15 350 80 - 125 5,0 W075933
4,0 350 90 - 150 5,0 W075934

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Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Cast Iron 13

Cast Iron MIG & TIG Wires

Welding Consumables
Afrox Filmax Ni-1
Afrox TIG Ni-1
Afrox Ni-1 solid wires for TIG and MIG welding are designed to Applications
give a low carbon pure nickel deposit with the addition of tita-
nium for refinement and de-oxidation. They are used for joining Applications include tanks and vessels, process pipework
pure nickel to itself, for buffer layers, and for cladding joint faces and heat exchangers, in chemical plant for salt production,
and flanges. The solid wire is also useful for welding cast iron to chlorination and evaporation of caustic soda. Also used for
give a soft low strength deposit.  Afrox Filmax Ni-1 is also excel- handling corrosive alkalis and halides. Repair and rebuilding of
lent for metal spraying. standard grades of grey cast irons and malleable cast irons.

Materials to be Welded
ASTM-ASME BS DIN Proprietary alloys
UNS N02200 NA11 2.4066 Nickel 200 and 201 (Special Metals)
UNS N02201 NA12 2.4068 Nickel 99.6 and 99.2 (VDM) 2.4061

AWS A5.15 ENi-CI
EN 18274 Ni 2061 (NiTi3)

Typical Chemical Analysis (All weld metal)

% Carbon 0,15 max % Nickel 93,0 min
% Manganese 1,0 max % Titanium 2,0 - 3,5 max
% Silicon 0,75 max % Copper 0,25 max
% Sulphur 0,015 max % Iron 1,0 max
% Phosphorous 0,03 max % Aluminium 1,5 max

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the as welded condition)

0,2% Proof Stress 355 MPa
Tensile Strength 585 MPa
% Elongation on 4d 35
% Elongation on 5d 31
% Reduction of Area 65
Hardness cap/mid 155/185 HV

Packing Data
(DC+ AC 70 OCV min)
Diameter Pack Mass Item Number Diameter Pack Mass Consumable Item Number
(mm) (kg) (mm) (kg) Length (mm)
1,0 15,0 W077672 1,6 5,0 1 000 W077667
1,2 15,0 W077673 2,0 5,0 1 000 W077668
1,6 15,0 W077674 2,4 5,0 1 000 W077669

14 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Cast Iron

Afrox Filmax FN55

Welding Consumables

Afrox Filmax FN55 solid MIG welding wire is designed to

deposit Fe-55% Ni weld metal for the repair and joining of cast
iron. The NiFe alloy is suitable for welding all grades of cast iron
but particularly for spheroidal graphite (SG), nodular or ductile
irons and some alloy cast irons. It provides compatible strength,
ductility and toughness, coupled with good machinability. The NiFe
consumables can also be used on some of the high alloy austenitic
irons (Ni-Resist). The flake graphite grades are welded with a
preheat of 300-350°C but the SG grades are best buttered using
low heat input, and low temperature techniques to avoid HAZ hot
cracking. Note the martensitic Ni-Hard cast irons and white irons
are generally considered to be unweldable because they are too
crack-sensitive.  The NiFe consumables are also suitable for weld-
ing transition joints between cast iron and cast steels, and cast
iron and mild/low alloy steels.

Typical components are machine bases, pump bodies, engine
blocks, gears and transmission housings.

Materials to be Welded
A602, A47, A338, A220 2789 – SG irons
6681 – Ductile irons

DIN 17745 2.4472
BS 2901Pt5 NA47

Typical Chemical Analysis (All weld metal)

% Carbon 0,15 max % Nickel 52,0 - 60,0
% Manganese 1,0 max % Iron Bal.
% Silicon 0,5 max % Copper 0,5 max
% Sulphur 0,02 max % Cobalt 2,0 max
% Phosphorous 0,03 max

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the as welded condition)

0,2% Proof Stress 230 MPa
Tensile Strength 400 MPa
% Elongation on 4d 24
Hardness cap/mid 150 HV

Packing Data
(DC+ AC 70 OCV min)
Diameter (mm) Pack Mass (kg) Item Number
1,0 15,0 W077695
1,2 15,0 W077696

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Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Cast Iron 15

Cast Iron Oxy-Fuel Rods

Welding Consumables
Afrox Super Silicon Cast Iron

A general purpose high silicon, square section rod for gas welding,
and rebuilding grey cast irons.  The weld deposit is machinable and
gives an excellent colour match with similar corrosion resistance
to the base metal. It is widely used for rebuilding and repairs to
cylinder heads, water pumps, etc.

Typical Chemical Analysis (All weld metal)

% Carbon 3,0 - 3,6 % Sulphur 1,5 max
% Manganese 0,5 - 1,0 % Phosphorous 0,015 max
% Silicon 2,0 - 2,5

Typical Mechanical Properties

(All weld metal in the as welded condition)
Melting Range 1 100ºC - 1 150ºC
Tensile Strength 230 MPa
Approximate Brinell Hardness 285 HB

Brazing/Welding Parameters
Process Oxy-acetylene
Flame Setting Neutral
Flux Cast iron flux (Item Number W001524)

Packing Data
Diameter Electrode Length Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (mm) (kg)
5,0 500 5,0 W000372
6,0 500 5,0 W000373
10,0 500 5,0 W000374

16 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Cast Iron

Afrox M15 Bronze

Welding Consumables

A widely used brazing and bronze welding rod depositing metal

which has good tensile strength. This versatile brazing rod is
ideally suited for sheet metal work such as motor bodies, tubular
and galvanised iron fabrication as well as for copper and for
brazing cast iron, and heavy steel sections. The product may be
used for fusion-weld brass.

AWS A5.27 R CuZn-C
Rod Identification
M15 Stamped

Typical Chemical Analysis (All weld metal)

% Copper 56,0 - 60,0 % Iron 0,25 - 1,2
% Manganese 0,01 - 0,50 % Tin 0,80 - 1,10
% Silicon 0,04 - 0,15 % Zinc Bal.

Typical Mechanical Properties

Melting Range 860ºC - 890ºC
Tensile Strength 460 MPa
Approximate Brinell Hardness 125 HB

Brazing/Welding Parameters
Process Oxy-acetylene
Flame Setting Neutral (depending on base metal)
Flux Use with Afrox M15 Brazing Flux (Item Number W001553)
or Afrox Liquid Flux (Item Number W001555)

Packing Data
(DC+ AC 70 OCV min)
Diameter Electrode Length Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (mm) (kg)
2,0 750 5,0 W000504
3,2 750 5,0 W000500
5,0 750 5,0 W000501
6,3 750 5,0 W000502

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Cast Iron 17

Afrox Fluxobronze M15

Welding Consumables
A general purpose flux coated bronze alloy used for bronze
welding and brazing copper, cast iron, steel sheet and for light
assembly work. This low fuming brass rod is fast flowing and
leaves minimal flux residue. The fast flowing nature of the alloy
reduces heat input which causes distortion.

AWS A5.27 R CuZn-C

Typical Chemical Analysis (All weld metal)

% Copper 56,0 - 60,0 % Iron 0,25 - 1,2
% Manganese 0,01 - 0,50 % Tin 0,08 - 1,10
% Silicon 0,04 - 0,15 % Zinc Bal.

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the as welded condition)

Melting Range 860ºC
Tensile Strength 440 MPa
Approximate Brinell Hardness 120 HB

Brazing/Welding Parameters
Process Oxy-acetylene
Flame Setting Neutral

Packing Data
Diameter Electrode Length Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (mm) (kg)
2,5 450 5,0 W000375
3,2 450 5,0 W000376

18 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Cast Iron

Afrox Nickel Bronze DB

Welding Consumables

A versatile 10% nickel bronze alloy rod suitable for bronze welding
and brazing of steel, cast iron and copper alloys. Since the weld
deposit work hardens in service, the rod is ideal for building up
worn or broken parts such as gear teeth, bearings, valve seats and
faces. It is widely used for maintenance work.

Typical Chemical Analysis (All weld metal)

% Copper 46,0 - 50,0 % Lead 0,05 max
% Nickel 9,0 - 11,0 % Aluminium 0,01 min
% Silicon 0,04 - 0,25 % Zinc Bal.
% Phosphorous 0,25 max

Typical Mechanical Properties

Melting Range 800ºC - 910ºC
Tensile Strength 530 MPa
Approximate Brinell Hardness
As Deposited 150 HB
Work Hardened 320 HB

Brazing/Welding Parameters
Process Oxy-acetylene
Flame Setting Neutral (depending on base metal)
Flux Use with Afrox M15 Brazing Flux (Item Number W001553) or
Afrox Liquid Flux (Item Number W001555)

Packing Data
Diameter Electrode Length Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (mm) (kg)
1,5 700 5,0 W000520
2,0 700 5,0 W000522
3,2 700 5,0 W000521

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Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Cast Iron 19

Cast Iron Fluxes

Welding Consumables
Afrox Cast Iron Flux

Afrox Cast Iron Flux is a grey powder with a melting point of

850ºC recommended for use when grey cast irons are welded
with Afrox Super Silicon cast iron rods. This flux may be used
with water to form a paste.

Packing Data
Container Mass (g) Item Number
500 (jar) W001524

Afrox M15 Brazing Flux

Afrox M15 Brazing Flux is a white powdered flux with a

melting point of 800°C. It is recommended for use when
brazing or bronze welding mild steel, copper, brass, cast iron,
and galvanised iron. For galvanised work, mix powder with
water to form a paste and paint onto both sides of joint to
protect heated zinc from flame and atmosphere.

Packing Data
Container Mass (g) Item Number
500 (jar) W001553

Afrox Liquid Flux

Afrox Liquid Flux, used in conjunction with a liquid fluxing unit,

is particularly suited to production brazing or bronze welding
applications where cost and time savings are important, i.e. in
the motor industry and the refrigeration industry.

Packing Data
Container Mass (l) Item Number
5,0 (container) W001555


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