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Douglas E. Peplow1
products (particles, energies, and intensities) that contained
Abstract—The specific gamma-ray dose constant represents the
gamma effective dose rate due to a point source of unit activity 496 nuclides. They combined the gamma-ray emission data
of a given nuclide at 1 m. New tabulations of specific gamma- from the 453 nuclides that have gamma emissions above
ray dose constants have been made using current gamma emission 10 keV with the 1977 American National Standards Institute/
data from the SCALE 6.2.3 software package and International American Nuclear Society (ANSI/ANS) 6.1.1 photon-
Commission on Radiological Protection Publication 107, com-
bined with the effective dose per fluence conversion coefficients flux-to-dose conversion coefficients (ANSI/ANS 1977).
(antero-posterior orientation) of International Commission on The intention of the 1977 standard was for “use by shield
Radiological Protection Publication 116. SCALE data cover designers to calculate whole-body dose [equivalent] rates
1,264 nuclides, and International Commission on Radiological to radiation workers and the general public.” In the current In-
Protection Publication 107 data include 1,192 nuclides, with only
774 nuclides in common between the two sets. ternational Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)
Health Phys. 00(00):000–000; 2019 terminology (Endo 2016), these coefficients would be used
Key words: dose equivalent; gamma radiation; modeling; dose as- for computing “operational quantities” that can be measured
sessment; radioisotope with appropriately calibrated instruments. This coefficient
(dose equivalent rate per unit flux) is specified as a set of
INTRODUCTION four polynomials covering the energy range of 10 keV to
15 MeV. The specific gamma-ray dose constant G of each
UNGER AND TRUBEY published a list of specific gamma-ray nuclide was computed as
dose constants (Unger and Trubey 1982) that could be used
to quickly gauge the relative importance of different radio- 1 X
G¼ Yi D ðEi Þ; ð1Þ
active nuclides in dosimetry and radiological assessment. 4pr2 i
This constant is simply the gamma effective dose rate 1 m
away from a point source of unit activity of the nuclide in a vac- where r = 100 cm, Yi is the number of gammas of energy Ei
uum. This represents a simplistic case—no self-attenuation, no emitted per decay, and D is the energy-dependent dose coef-
air scatter, and the whole-body effective dose rate. Direct beta ficient. Only photons in the range of 10 keV to 15 MeV
exposure and bremsstrahlung are not included. Since 1982, im- were considered because of the range of the flux-to-dose
proved gamma-ray emission data have become available for conversion coefficients. Unger and Trubey (1982) com-
many more nuclides, and improved dose response functions puted specific gamma-ray dose constants for 453 nuclides.
(effective dose rate per fluence) have been issued. Using the In their final list of 454 dose constants, Unger and Trubey
more current emission data and the latest dose response, new added a value for 137Cs of 1.017  10−4 mSv h−1 MBq−1. This
sets of specific gamma-ray dose constants have been tabulated. is simply the product of the branching fraction of the decay to
Ba (94.6%) and the computed specific gamma-ray dose
constant for 137mBa, 1.075  10−4 mSv h−1 MBq−1. They
Unger and Trubey added this nuclide as a convenience feature. In applying this
Unger and Trubey (1982) used a list of nuclides from set of dose constants to data sets that contain activities of both
DRALIST.DAT (ORNL 1981, LANL 1992) and their decay Cs and 137mBa, users must be careful not to double count
the gamma rays that are actually coming only from 137mBa.
1 More recently, Smith and Stabin (2012) computed and
Nuclear Nonproliferation Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
The author declares no conflicts of interest. listed exposure rate constants for more than 1,100 nuclides.
For correspondence contact Douglas E. Peplow, PO Box 2008, MS These differ from the Unger and Trubey (1982) specific
6165, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6165, or email at [email protected]. gamma-ray dose constants in that the mass energy absorp-
(Manuscript accepted 19 May 2019)
0017-9078/19/0 tion coefficient in air for each gamma line (men/r)i is in-
Copyright © 2019 Health Physics Society cluded inside the sum of eqn (1) and the radius term r is
DOI: 10.1097/HP.0000000000001136 excluded from eqn (1).
www.health-physics.com 1

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2 Health Physics Month 2019, Volume 00, Number 00

Fig. 1. The photon flux-to-dose conversion coefficient (dose equivalent rate per unit flux) from the ANSI/ANS (1977) report and the effective dose
per fluence conversion coefficient from ICRP Publication 116 (ICRP 2010).

Fig. 2. The ratio of the photon conversion coefficients (effective dose per fluence from ICRP Publication 116 [ICRP 2010] to the dose equivalent
rate per unit flux from the ANSI/ANS [1977] report).

Recent gamma emission data the gamma-ray and x-ray emissions. Of these nuclides,
The ORIGEN depletion/decay codes (Wieselquist 1,192 have photon emissions above 10 keV. That publica-
2015) in the SCALE 6.2.3 package (Rearden and Jessee tion includes air-kerma constants, which are similar to the
2018) contain data on isotopic decay emissions for 1,277
Table 1. Specific gamma-ray dose constants recomputed using the
radioactive nuclides, with 1,264 emitting gammas above original gamma emission data and the 1977 dose coefficients that differed
10 keV. The current decay, gamma-ray emission, and by more than 0.1% from the published values.
x-ray emission data used by SCALE/ORIGEN come Constant (mSv h−1 MBq−1)
from ENDF/B-VII.1 evaluations. The SCALE data do not
Nuclide Unger and Trubey (1982) This study Difference
include nuclides with atomic number (Z) above 99 nor
−7 −7
metastable states above the first. The SCALE package
Si 1.306  10 1.304  10 −0.15%
was first released in the early 1980s with a focus on US
Zn 8.990  10−5 8.898  10−5 −1.02%
Zn 8.924  10−5 8.914  10−5 −0.11%
Nuclear Regulatory Commission applications and has been 95m
Tc 1.939  10−4 1.935  10−4 −0.22%
under continuous enhancement since then. 99
Tc 1.24  10−10 1.242  10−10 0.12%
ICRP Publication 107 (ICRP 2008) lists 14 types of 185
Os 1.310  10−4 1.304  10−4 −0.49%
emitted particles from 1,252 radioactive nuclides, including

Copyright © 2019 Health Physics Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Specific gamma-ray dose constants c D.E. PEPLOW 3

specific gamma-ray dose constants except that they use the

ICRP 116 (2010)
dose coefficient

1.1499  10−9
1.1555  10−9
1.2123  10−9
1.2133  10−9
1.2166  10−9
1.2169  10−9
1.2246  10−9
1.2248  10−9
1.2259  10−9
1.2260  10−9
1.2269  10−9
1.2270  10−9
1.1407  10−8
Sv h−1 (cm2 s)
mass energy-transfer coefficient for air instead of the flux-
to-dose conversion coefficient. Because the energy depen-
dence of the mass energy-transfer coefficient for air and of
the flux-to-dose conversion coefficients are different,
a simple conversion between an air-kerma and a specific

(38 lines below 10 keV)

gamma-ray dose constant is not possible—each quantity
2.15960  10−2
3.97665  10−2
3.80062  10−3
7.36411  10−3
4.12184  10−5
5.59465  10−5
8.02939  10−4
1.56417  10−3
8.37388  10−6
1.13569  10−5
1.12660  10−4
2.16085  10−4
8.97393  10−1
must be found using the basic energy and yield data.
g per decay

Only 774 of the nuclides listed in ICRP 107 are


contained in the SCALE data. ICRP 107 contains 418 nu-

clides not listed in the SCALE data, and SCALE has 490
nuclides not listed in the ICRP 107 data. The two sets to-
gether have data on 1,682 nuclides with gamma or x rays
3.18187  10−2
3.22056  10−2
3.63167  10−2
3.63920  10−2
3.66424  10−2
3.66586  10−2
3.72447  10−2
3.72607  10−2
3.73469  10−2
3.73496  10−2
3.74247  10−2
3.74270  10−2
6.61657  10−1
ICRP 107 (2008)

above 10 keV.
Energy MeV

Recent effective dose per fluence conversion coefficients

ICRP Publication 116 (ICRP 2010) contains the latest
Table 2. Photon energies and yields for 137mBa from different data sets with the corresponding dose coefficients for each photon.

recommended values for the effective dose per fluence for

neutrons, photons, and several charged particles. These values
ICRP 116 (2010)

1.1499  10−9
1.1553  10−9
1.2121  10−9
1.2131  10−9
1.2247  10−9
1.1407  10−8
Sv h−1 (cm2 s)
dose coefficient

were computed for incident radiation striking phantoms in

several orientations. Values for photons are presented for dis-
crete energies over the range of 10 keV to 10 GeV. Effective
dose is a whole-body protection quantity (Endo 2016) that
cannot be measured with a dosimeter. These values are
(1 line below 10 keV)

appropriate for comparing the overall exposure of people to

2.1043  10−2
3.8387  10−2
3.6743  10−3
7.0939  10−3
2.2441  10−3
8.9900  10−1
SCALE 6.2.3 (Rearden and Jessee 2018)

g per decay

external ionizing radiation. A comparison of the ICRP 116

photon effective dose per fluence coefficients using the

antero-posterior (AP) orientation (the highest coefficients

among the orientations up to 6 MeV) and the 1977 ANSI/
ANS 6.1.1 coefficients is shown in Fig. 1. Note that the dose
rate computed with the ICRP 116 coefficients will always
3.1817  10−2
3.2194  10−2
3.6304  10−2
3.6378  10−2
3.7255  10−2
6.6166  10−1

be lower than the dose rate computed with the ANSI/ANS

Energy MeV

6.1.1 coefficients. For low-energy gamma rays, the difference

between the two conversion coefficients is very large. The
ratio of the ICRP 116 coefficients to the ANSI/ANS 6.1.1
coefficients is shown in Fig. 2. Using the newer conversion
coefficients will have an impact on the final specific gamma-
ANSI/ANS (1977)

ray dose constants, especially for radionuclides that emit only

ANSI/ANS (1977)

dose coefficient
rem h−1 (cm2 s)

rem h−1 (cm2 s)

5.1810  10−7
5.0607  10−7
4.1164  10−7
1.4614  10−6


5.0624  10−7
4.1164  10−7
1.4614  10−6
dose coefficient

5.1757  10

low-energy photons.

Recalculating the Unger and Trubey values

Before the constants were recomputed with new gamma
emission data and a new dose response function, they were
(1 line below 10 keV)

recomputed with the original DRALIST.DAT and the 1977


3.8197  10−2
1.3900  10−2
8.9980  10−1
g per decay
g per decay

2.0703  10



Table 3. Specific gamma-ray dose constants for 137mBa.

G (mSv h−1 MBq−1)
Unger and Trubey (1982)


Unger and Trubey (1982) published value 1.075  10−4

DRALIST emission data (ORNL 1981) and

3.2194  10−2
3.6400  10−2
6.6165  10−1
Energy MeV

1.075  10−4
Energy keV

3.1817  10

ANSI/ANS (1977)

SCALE 6.2.3 (Rearden and Jessee 2018) emission

data and ICRP 116 (2010) 8.228  10−5
ICRP 107 (2008) emission data and ICRP 116 (2010) 8.216  10−5


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4 Health Physics Month 2019, Volume 00, Number 00
Table 4. Specific gamma-ray dose constants, Γ, computed from SCALE 6.2.3 gamma and x-ray emission data (Rearden and
Jessee 2018) and ICRP 116 dose coefficients (ICRP 2010), with units of mSv h−1 MBq−1.
Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ
−6 −9 −4 −4
4 Be 7 7.074 × 10 45m 7.162 × 10 75 2.519 × 10 31 Ga 66 2.741 × 10 74 1.058 × 10−4
46 2.574 × 10−4 67 2.237 × 10−5 75m 4.112 × 10−5
5 B 12 4.392 × 10−6 46m 1.281 × 10−5 28 Ni 56 2.297 × 10−4 68 1.337 × 10−4 76 5.584 × 10−5
47 1.554 × 10−5 57 2.379 × 10−4 70 9.359 × 10−7 77 1.155 × 10−6
6 C 15 2.520 × 10−4 48 4.206 × 10−4 59 5.342 × 10−11 72 3.251 × 10−4 78 1.634 × 10−4
49 1.166 × 10−7 65 6.740 × 10−5 73 4.848 × 10−5 79 4.645 × 10−6
7 N 13 1.441 × 10−4 50 3.912 × 10−4 67 4.739 × 10−6 74 3.455 × 10−4 80 7.282 × 10−5
16 3.165 × 10−4 69 3.129 × 10−4 74m 6.133 × 10−6 81 2.999 × 10−5
22 Ti 44 2.294 × 10−5 72 2.215 × 10−4 75 4.451 × 10−5 82 3.585 × 10−5
8 O 19 1.169 × 10−4 45 1.229 × 10−4 73 4.689 × 10−4 76 3.076 × 10−4 82m 3.423 × 10−4
51 5.224 × 10−5 74 2.892 × 10−4 77 1.094 × 10−4 83 2.907 × 10−4
9 F 20 1.861 × 10−4 75 4.339 × 10−4 78 2.989 × 10−4 84 3.472 × 10−4
23 V 48 3.711 × 10−4 76 2.552 × 10−4 79 2.310 × 10−4 85 1.091 × 10−4
10 Ne 23 2.295 × 10−5 50 1.670 × 10−4 77 2.596 × 10−4 80 3.058 × 10−4 86 4.041 × 10−4
52 1.709 × 10−4 78 2.375 × 10−4 81 2.485 × 10−4 87 2.545 × 10−4
11 Na 22 2.851 × 10−4 53 1.326 × 10−4 82 4.676 × 10−4 88 2.719 × 10−4
24 4.278 × 10−4 54 4.745 × 10−4 29 Cu 62 1.421 × 10−4 83 1.518 × 10−4 89 5.635 × 10−5
24m 6.700 × 10−5 64 2.618 × 10−5 84 3.670 × 10−4 90 2.987 × 10−4
25 5.533 × 10−5 24 Cr 48 6.259 × 10−5 66 1.249 × 10−5 85 8.983 × 10−5 91 1.614 × 10−4
49 1.500 × 10−4 67 1.662 × 10−5 86 1.676 × 10−4 92 1.139 × 10−4
12 Mg 27 1.168 × 10−4 51 4.567 × 10−6 68 1.262 × 10−4
28 1.747 × 10−4 55 7.717 × 10−8 69 6.779 × 10−5 32 Ge 66 9.675 × 10−5 34 Se 72 7.504 × 10−6
70 4.357 × 10−4 68 1.022 × 10−7 73 1.556 × 10−4
13 Al 26 3.215 × 10−4 25 Mn 52 4.384 × 10−4 72 3.083 × 10−4 69 1.241 × 10−4 73m 3.709 × 10−5
28 1.974 × 10−4 54 1.107 × 10−4 75 2.398 × 10−4 71 1.023 × 10−7 75 5.640 × 10−5
29 1.640 × 10−4 56 2.027 × 10−4 76 2.167 × 10−4 71m 2.298 × 10−5 77m 1.289 × 10−5
30 3.372 × 10−4 57 1.339 × 10−5 77 2.836 × 10−4 73m 1.317 × 10−6 79m 2.410 × 10−6
58 6.065 × 10−6 78 3.470 × 10−4 75 5.066 × 10−6 81 1.136 × 10−6
14 Si 31 1.081 × 10−7 68 3.411 × 10−4 79 1.875 × 10−4 75m 8.013 × 10−6 81m 3.000 × 10−6
80 3.034 × 10−4 77 1.451 × 10−4 83 3.197 × 10−4
15 P 34 3.477 × 10−5 26 Fe 55 2.340 × 10−14 77m 1.030 × 10−5 83m 1.215 × 10−4
59 1.474 × 10−4 30 Zn 63 1.531 × 10−4 78 4.005 × 10−5 84 5.841 × 10−5
16 S 37 2.695 × 10−4 65 2.101 × 10−4 65 7.222 × 10−5 79 3.777 × 10−5 85 2.131 × 10−4
69 8.371 × 10−10 79m 1.599 × 10−4 86 2.360 × 10−4
17 Cl 36 2.020 × 10−8 27 Co 55 2.655 × 10−4 69m 5.927 × 10−5 80 2.033 × 10−5 88 1.222 × 10−4
38 1.626 × 10−4 56 4.238 × 10−4 71 4.286 × 10−5 81 3.306 × 10−4 89 1.247 × 10−4
38m 9.187 × 10−5 57 1.785 × 10−5 71m 2.138 × 10−4 81m 1.538 × 10−4 90 1.203 × 10−4
58 1.307 × 10−4 72 2.121 × 10−5 82 3.197 × 10−4 91 1.904 × 10−4
18 Ar 41 1.558 × 10−4 58m 3.050 × 10−9 73 1.422 × 10−5 83 2.621 × 10−4 92 1.831 × 10−4
60 3.062 × 10−4 74 1.208 × 10−4 84 1.867 × 10−4 93 2.827 × 10−4
19 K 40 1.833 × 10−5 60m 6.244 × 10−7 75 2.149 × 10−4 85 1.761 × 10−4 94 1.553 × 10−4
42 3.244 × 10−5 61 1.502 × 10−5 76 6.971 × 10−5 86 2.004 × 10−4
43 1.352 × 10−4 62 1.875 × 10−4 77 2.368 × 10−4 87 2.862 × 10−4 35 Br 75 1.715 × 10−4
44 2.619 × 10−4 65 1.169 × 10−5 78 1.949 × 10−4 88 2.091 × 10−4 76 3.335 × 10−4
66 2.922 × 10−4 79 4.603 × 10−4 89 2.174 × 10−4 77 4.562 × 10−5
20 Ca 47 1.162 × 10−4 67 1.031 × 10−4 80 3.855 × 10−4 77m 3.316 × 10−6
49 2.904 × 10−4 68 4.088 × 10−4 81 4.063 × 10−4 33 As 69 1.582 × 10−4 78 1.458 × 10−4
72 3.937 × 10−4 82 2.025 × 10−4 71 8.001 × 10−5 79m 2.297 × 10−5
21 Sc 44 2.821 × 10−4 73 2.329 × 10−4 83 2.271 × 10−4 72 2.424 × 10−4 80 1.053 × 10−5
44m 3.880 × 10−5 74 4.001 × 10−4 73 1.283 × 10−7 80m 6.104 × 10−6

Continued next page


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Specific gamma-ray dose constants c D.E. PEPLOW 5
Table 4. (Continued)
Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ
−4 −4 −4 −5
82 3.492 × 10 90 1.937 × 10 96m 5.267 × 10 97 9.100 × 10 99 1.271 × 10−10
82m 1.627 × 10−6 90m 3.517 × 10−4 97 1.757 × 10−4 97m 9.833 × 10−5 99m 1.839 × 10−5
83 9.673 × 10−7 91 2.284 × 10−4 97m 2.695 × 10−4 98 4.184 × 10−5 100 1.046 × 10−5
84 1.901 × 10−4 92 1.959 × 10−4 98 2.623 × 10−4 98m 3.556 × 10−4 101 4.821 × 10−5
84m 3.484 × 10−4 93 2.331 × 10−4 98m 3.395 × 10−4 99 4.185 × 10−5 102 1.059 × 10−5
85 7.877 × 10−6 94 2.199 × 10−4 99 1.327 × 10−4 99m 7.281 × 10−5 102m 3.076 × 10−4
86 3.484 × 10−4 95 2.375 × 10−4 100 2.072 × 10−4 100 9.169 × 10−5 103 3.514 × 10−5
87 3.254 × 10−4 96 2.311 × 10−4 101 1.779 × 10−4 100m 2.936 × 10−4 104 2.284 × 10−4
88 3.124 × 10−4 97 8.807 × 10−5 102 3.298 × 10−4 101 4.347 × 10−5 105 8.756 × 10−5
89 1.623 × 10−4 98 1.605 × 10−4 103 1.877 × 10−4 102 2.628 × 10−4 106 2.298 × 10−4
91 4.636 × 10−5 99 1.582 × 10−4 104 3.548 × 10−4 103 2.152 × 10−4 107 6.714 × 10−5
92 3.026 × 10−4 100 3.065 × 10−4 105 2.133 × 10−4 104 3.384 × 10−4 108 3.404 × 10−4
93 1.159 × 10−4 101 1.887 × 10−4 106 3.102 × 10−4 104m 3.534 × 10−4 109 8.710 × 10−5
94 1.465 × 10−4 102 3.732 × 10−4 107 1.442 × 10−4 105 2.576 × 10−4 110 3.518 × 10−4
95 1.035 × 10−4 108 1.963 × 10−4 106 3.253 × 10−4 111 1.513 × 10−4
96 2.424 × 10−4 38 Sr 82 2.108 × 10−6 107 3.151 × 10−4 112 3.929 × 10−4
97 1.929 × 10−4 83 1.104 × 10−4 40 Zr 86 4.535 × 10−5 108 4.970 × 10−4 113 2.362 × 10−4
85 7.163 × 10−5 87 1.292 × 10−4 109 2.536 × 10−4 114 3.725 × 10−4
36 Kr 76 5.994 × 10−5 85m 3.139 × 10−5 88 5.764 × 10−5 110 4.609 × 10−4 115 2.057 × 10−4
77 1.474 × 10−4 87m 4.628 × 10−5 89 3.709 × 10−5 111 6.864 × 10−5 116 3.419 × 10−4
79 3.635 × 10−5 91 9.244 × 10−5 89m 8.649 × 10−5 112 1.535 × 10−4 117 2.105 × 10−4
79m 6.400 × 10−6 92 1.607 × 10−4 90m 2.384 × 10−4 113 9.789 × 10−5 118 3.523 × 10−4
81 1.604 × 10−6 93 2.450 × 10−4 95 9.883 × 10−5
81m 1.900 × 10−5 94 1.699 × 10−4 97 2.046 × 10−5 42 Mo 90 7.504 × 10−5 44 Ru 95 1.642 × 10−4
83m 5.559 × 10−7 95 1.186 × 10−4 98 7.065 × 10−5 91 1.375 × 10−4 97 3.676 × 10−5
85 3.150 × 10−7 96 1.237 × 10−4 99 1.196 × 10−4 93 3.287 × 10−6 103 7.013 × 10−5
85m 2.261 × 10−5 97 2.318 × 10−4 100 3.688 × 10−5 93m 2.895 × 10−4 105 1.012 × 10−4
87 9.149 × 10−5 98 8.340 × 10−5 101 6.806 × 10−5 99 2.058 × 10−5 107 4.521 × 10−5
88 2.124 × 10−4 99 1.469 × 10−4 102 2.901 × 10−5 101 1.779 × 10−4 108 8.945 × 10−6
89 2.205 × 10−4 100 6.817 × 10−5 103 1.728 × 10−4 102 2.673 × 10−6 109 2.018 × 10−4
90 1.636 × 10−4 101 4.179 × 10−4 104 1.701 × 10−4 103 1.325 × 10−4 110 5.276 × 10−6
91 1.987 × 10−4 102 1.976 × 10−4 105 1.411 × 10−4 104 3.221 × 10−5 111 3.577 × 10−4
92 1.770 × 10−4 103 2.375 × 10−4 106 1.465 × 10−4 105 7.268 × 10−5 112 1.156 × 10−4
93 2.480 × 10−4 104 1.984 × 10−4 107 3.196 × 10−4 106 7.949 × 10−5 113 1.707 × 10−4
94 1.457 × 10−4 105 3.190 × 10−4 108 1.743 × 10−4 107 6.422 × 10−5 114 1.712 × 10−4
95 3.794 × 10−4 109 3.567 × 10−4 108 8.959 × 10−5 115 3.969 × 10−4
96 1.862 × 10−4 39 Y 86 4.490 × 10−4 110 2.140 × 10−4 109 2.654 × 10−4 116 2.066 × 10−4
97 2.504 × 10−4 87 6.446 × 10−5 110 3.609 × 10−5 117 2.101 × 10−4
98 2.242 × 10−4 87m 4.444 × 10−5 41 Nb 89 1.715 × 10−4 111 3.554 × 10−4 118 1.841 × 10−4
99 4.422 × 10−4 88 3.153 × 10−4 90 2.466 × 10−4 112 1.979 × 10−4 119 3.793 × 10−4
100 2.464 × 10−4 89m 1.178 × 10−4 90m 1.259 × 10−5 113 4.074 × 10−4 120 2.047 × 10−4
90 2.622 × 10−10 91 3.333 × 10−6 114 2.466 × 10−4
37 Rb 79 2.022 × 10−4 90m 9.034 × 10−5 91m 5.790 × 10−6 115 2.867 × 10−4 45 Rh 100 3.262 × 10−4
81 7.200 × 10−5 91 3.867 × 10−7 92 2.027 × 10−4 101 4.407 × 10−5
82 1.554 × 10−4 91m 7.403 × 10−5 92m 1.275 × 10−4 43 Tc 93 1.903 × 10−4 101m 4.663 × 10−5
83 6.991 × 10−5 92 3.210 × 10−5 93m 5.977 × 10−7 95 1.088 × 10−4 102 7.121 × 10−5
84 1.202 × 10−4 93 1.169 × 10−5 94 2.100 × 10−4 95m 9.600 × 10−5 102m 2.931 × 10−4
86 1.178 × 10−5 93m 9.557 × 10−5 94m 2.835 × 10−6 96 3.342 × 10−4 103m 5.253 × 10−7
86m 7.651 × 10−5 94 9.755 × 10−5 95 1.027 × 10−4 97 3.672 × 10−6 104 1.735 × 10−6
88 7.580 × 10−5 95 1.150 × 10−4 95m 1.131 × 10−5 97m 2.993 × 10−6 104m 1.035 × 10−5
89 2.617 × 10−4 96 8.138 × 10−6 96 3.253 × 10−4 98 1.898 × 10−4 105 1.123 × 10−5
Continued next page


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6 Health Physics Month 2019, Volume 00, Number 00
Table 4. (Continued)
Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ
−6 −4 −4
105m 6.529 × 10 108m 2.268 × 10 128 3.385 × 10 134m 2.676 × 10−4
106 2.829 × 10−5 109m 2.970 × 10−6 129 5.201 × 10−4 50 Sn 113 6.369 × 10−6 136 2.846 × 10−4
106m 3.734 × 10−4 110 4.200 × 10−6 130 2.925 × 10−4 113m 4.104 × 10−6 137 1.150 × 10−4
107 4.498 × 10−5 110m 3.599 × 10−4 131 2.227 × 10−4
117m 2.533 × 10−5 138 3.375 × 10−4
108 4.466 × 10−5 111 3.814 × 10−6 132 2.554 × 10−4
119m 3.484 × 10−6 139 7.035 × 10−5
109 4.335 × 10−5 111m 1.867 × 10−6 121m 1.411 × 10−6
110 4.573 × 10−5 112 8.585 × 10−5 49 In 107 1.897 × 10−4
123 8.713 × 10−7 52 Te 115 2.750 × 10−4
110m 3.122 × 10−4 113 9.975 × 10−6 109 8.727 × 10−5
123m 2.051 × 10−5 117 1.968 × 10−4
111 5.102 × 10−5 113m 2.975 × 10−5 111 6.141 × 10−5
125 4.189 × 10−5 118 6.011 × 10−6
112 3.198 × 10−4 114 3.255 × 10−5 111m 6.653 × 10−5
125m 4.932 × 10−5 119 1.066 × 10−4
113 9.003 × 10−5 115 5.443 × 10−5 112 3.819 × 10−5
126 1.032 × 10−5 119m 1.916 × 10−4
114 3.585 × 10−4 115m 5.906 × 10−5 112m 7.315 × 10−6
127 2.327 × 10−4 121 8.422 × 10−5
115 1.536 × 10−4 116 1.935 × 10−4 113m 3.806 × 10−5
127m 8.085 × 10−5 121m 3.295 × 10−5
116 3.905 × 10−4 116m 3.073 × 10−4 114 2.543 × 10−7 128 9.218 × 10−5 123 1.597 × 10−8
117 1.932 × 10−4 117 1.464 × 10−4 114m 1.274 × 10−5 128m 2.583 × 10−4 123m 2.341 × 10−5
118 3.426 × 10−4 117m 1.095 × 10−4 115m 2.473 × 10−5
129 1.323 × 10−4 125m 1.096 × 10−5
119 1.863 × 10−4 118 3.452 × 10−4 116 2.395 × 10−6
129m 2.325 × 10−4 127 7.032 × 10−7
120 3.927 × 10−4 118m 2.184 × 10−4 116m 3.029 × 10−4
130 1.315 × 10−4 127m 3.301 × 10−6
121 1.799 × 10−4 119 1.668 × 10−4 117 9.758 × 10−5
130m 1.156 × 10−4 129 9.417 × 10−6
122 3.761 × 10−4 120 3.966 × 10−4 117m 1.395 × 10−5
131 3.254 × 10−4 129m 6.384 × 10−6
120m 2.222 × 10−4 118 9.588 × 10−6
132 1.736 × 10−4 131 5.773 × 10−5
46 Pd 99 1.720 × 10−4 121 1.661 × 10−4 118m 3.486 × 10−4
134 1.407 × 10−5 131m 1.803 × 10−4
100 2.384 × 10−5 122 1.527 × 10−4 119 9.661 × 10−5
135 1.762 × 10−4 132 3.728 × 10−5
101 5.265 × 10−5 122m 4.866 × 10−4 119m 1.778 × 10−6
136 6.929 × 10−5 133 1.509 × 10−4
103 4.601 × 10−6 123 1.986 × 10−4 120 3.183 × 10−5
137 1.133 × 10−4 133m 2.093 × 10−4
107m 2.255 × 10−5 124 4.172 × 10−4 120m 3.691 × 10−4
134 1.222 × 10−4
109 8.982 × 10−8 125 2.557 × 10−4 121 1.210 × 10−4 51 Sb 115 1.268 × 10−4 135 4.776 × 10−5
109m 1.691 × 10−5 126 4.523 × 10−4 121m 1.034 × 10−5 117 2.987 × 10−5 136 2.154 × 10−4
111 6.193 × 10−6 127 2.649 × 10−4 122 7.239 × 10−5
118 1.136 × 10−4 137 6.782 × 10−4
111m 5.327 × 10−5 128 4.436 × 10−4 122m 3.790 × 10−4 118m 3.369 × 10−4 138 2.915 × 10−4
112 1.590 × 10−6 129 2.574 × 10−4 123 1.336 × 10−4 119 7.066 × 10−6 139 2.811 × 10−4
113 1.690 × 10−5 130 1.412 × 10−4 123m 8.816 × 10−6 120 6.537 × 10−5 140 2.072 × 10−4
114 3.762 × 10−6 124 2.884 × 10−4
120m 3.201 × 10−4 141 3.616 × 10−4
115 3.376 × 10−4 48 Cd 107 5.745 × 10−6 124m 4.471 × 10−4
122 6.195 × 10−5 142 1.791 × 10−4
116 2.370 × 10−5 109 4.832 × 10−6 125 1.477 × 10−4
122m 1.509 × 10−5
117 3.625 × 10−4 111m 4.236 × 10−5 125m 1.435 × 10−5
124 2.279 × 10−4 53 I 121 5.969 × 10−5
118 6.335 × 10−5 113m 1.375 × 10−8 126 2.860 × 10−4
124m 6.115 × 10−5 122 1.355 × 10−4
119 1.553 × 10−4 115 2.732 × 10−5 126m 5.089 × 10−4
125 6.313 × 10−5 123 2.846 × 10−5
120 1.359 × 10−4 115m 4.194 × 10−6 127 1.936 × 10−4
126 3.767 × 10−4 124 1.475 × 10−4
121 3.739 × 10−4 117 1.350 × 10−4 127m 4.882 × 10−5
126m 2.135 × 10−4 125 1.239 × 10−5
122 1.960 × 10−4 117m 2.383 × 10−4 128m 2.141 × 10−4
127 9.549 × 10−5 126 6.223 × 10−5
123 4.071 × 10−4 119 1.760 × 10−4 129 2.399 × 10−4
128 4.138 × 10−4 128 9.807 × 10−6
124 2.758 × 10−4 119m 2.167 × 10−4 129m 4.881 × 10−5
128m 2.559 × 10−4 129 6.901 × 10−6
121 2.063 × 10−4 130 4.036 × 10−4
129 1.827 × 10−4 130 2.924 × 10−4
47 Ag 103 1.143 × 10−4 121m 2.433 × 10−4 130m 2.355 × 10−4
130 4.334 × 10−4 130m 1.582 × 10−5
105 7.130 × 10−5 123 2.289 × 10−4 131 3.222 × 10−4 130m 3.323 × 10−4 131 5.468 × 10−5
105m 1.584 × 10−7 123m 2.708 × 10−4 131m 2.992 × 10−4 131 2.158 × 10−4 132 3.004 × 10−4
106 1.008 × 10−4 124 2.570 × 10−4 132 5.858 × 10−4 132 3.236 × 10−4 132m 4.755 × 10−5
106m 3.715 × 10−4 125 2.052 × 10−4 133 2.145 × 10−5
132m 3.203 × 10−4 133 8.444 × 10−5
107m 3.266 × 10−6 126 3.043 × 10−4 134 8.527 × 10−5
133 2.550 × 10−4 133m 2.146 × 10−4
108 2.638 × 10−6 127 5.208 × 10−4 135 2.076 × 10−4
134 1.049 × 10−5 134 3.376 × 10−4
Continued next page


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Specific gamma-ray dose constants c D.E. PEPLOW 7
Table 4. (Continued)
Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ
−5 −4 −5 −4
134m 3.868 × 10 140 2.033 × 10 147 4.076 × 10 156 3.749 × 10 153 1.137 × 10−5
135 1.908 × 10−4 141 9.304 × 10−5 148 1.541 × 10−4 157 2.296 × 10−4 155 1.577 × 10−5
136 2.618 × 10−4 142 1.068 × 10−4 149 3.301 × 10−4 158 3.300 × 10−4 156 1.718 × 10−5
136m 2.732 × 10−4 143 5.565 × 10−5 150 3.800 × 10−4 159 1.870 × 10−4 157 5.081 × 10−5
138 1.611 × 10−4 144 5.095 × 10−4 151 3.762 × 10−4 158 4.666 × 10−5
139 3.102 × 10−4 145 7.745 × 10−5 152 5.165 × 10−4 60 Nd 140 7.353 × 10−6 159 5.939 × 10−5
140 4.084 × 10−4 146 4.552 × 10−4 153 1.743 × 10−4 141 1.371 × 10−5 160 9.233 × 10−5
141 3.195 × 10−4 147 3.088 × 10−4 154 3.614 × 10−4 141m 9.365 × 10−5 161 2.749 × 10−4
142 2.633 × 10−4 148 3.305 × 10−4 155 2.040 × 10−4 147 2.253 × 10−5 162 1.441 × 10−4
143 6.386 × 10−5 149 1.448 × 10−4 149 5.579 × 10−5 163 3.280 × 10−4
144 2.377 × 10−4 150 1.147 × 10−4 58 Ce 134 7.332 × 10−6 151 1.125 × 10−4 164 1.925 × 10−4
151 1.244 × 10−4 135 1.179 × 10−4 152 2.397 × 10−5 165 2.336 × 10−4
54 Xe 122 1.329 × 10−5 137 8.718 × 10−6 153 3.373 × 10−5
123 8.938 × 10−5 56 Ba 128 1.295 × 10−5 137m 1.038 × 10−5 154 6.285 × 10−5 63 Eu 145 1.626 × 10−4
125 4.317 × 10−5 129 5.097 × 10−5 139 2.659 × 10−5 155 3.016 × 10−4 146 3.135 × 10−4
125m 1.965 × 10−5 131 7.371 × 10−5 139m 9.443 × 10−5 156 9.662 × 10−5 147 6.302 × 10−5
127 4.416 × 10−5 131m 1.340 × 10−5 141 1.169 × 10−5 157 1.662 × 10−4 148 3.027 × 10−4
127m 2.681 × 10−5 133 6.387 × 10−5 143 4.220 × 10−5 158 1.282 × 10−4 149 1.253 × 10−5
129m 1.353 × 10−5 133m 1.210 × 10−5 144 3.163 × 10−6 159 3.071 × 10−4 150 2.183 × 10−4
131m 5.354 × 10−6 135m 1.108 × 10−5 145 1.104 × 10−4 160 1.712 × 10−4 150m 7.168 × 10−6
133 9.387 × 10−6 136m 2.519 × 10−4 146 4.656 × 10−5 161 3.454 × 10−4 152 1.538 × 10−4
133m 8.476 × 10−6 137m 8.228 × 10−5 147 7.832 × 10−5 152m 3.915 × 10−5
134m 2.533 × 10−4 139 6.619 × 10−6 148 7.376 × 10−5 61 Pm 141 1.014 × 10−4 154 1.606 × 10−4
135 3.581 × 10−5 140 2.641 × 10−5 149 2.970 × 10−4 143 4.607 × 10−5 154m 1.312 × 10−5
135m 6.100 × 10−5 141 1.223 × 10−4 150 1.204 × 10−4 144 2.189 × 10−4 155 1.011 × 10−5
137 2.567 × 10−5 142 1.371 × 10−4 151 1.370 × 10−4 145 7.873 × 10−6 156 1.476 × 10−4
138 1.316 × 10−4 143 1.463 × 10−4 152 1.789 × 10−4 146 1.060 × 10−4 157 4.409 × 10−5
139 1.276 × 10−4 144 8.606 × 10−5 153 3.608 × 10−4 147 7.190 × 10−10 158 1.637 × 10−4
140 1.455 × 10−4 145 2.192 × 10−4 154 1.806 × 10−4 148 7.196 × 10−5 159 4.543 × 10−5
141 1.298 × 10−4 146 1.117 × 10−4 155 2.229 × 10−4 148m 2.736 × 10−4 161 3.142 × 10−4
142 1.441 × 10−4 147 5.405 × 10−5 156 1.910 × 10−4 149 1.691 × 10−6 162 4.310 × 10−4
143 3.007 × 10−4 148 1.424 × 10−4 157 3.455 × 10−4 150 1.849 × 10−4 163 3.521 × 10−4
144 1.706 × 10−4 149 2.021 × 10−4 151 4.755 × 10−5 164 5.024 × 10−4
145 3.352 × 10−4 150 2.048 × 10−4 59 Pr 139 2.097 × 10−5 152 3.674 × 10−5 165 3.713 × 10−4
146 1.823 × 10−4 151 3.655 × 10−4 140 7.837 × 10−5 152m 1.921 × 10−4
147 2.235 × 10−4 152 2.142 × 10−4 142 6.695 × 10−6 153 1.221 × 10−5 64 Gd 146 4.369 × 10−5
153 2.857 × 10−4 143 1.203 × 10−12 154 2.061 × 10−4 147 1.780 × 10−4
55 Cs 127 6.451 × 10−5 144 3.359 × 10−6 154m 2.116 × 10−4 149 7.843 × 10−5
128 1.262 × 10−4 57 La 133 2.263 × 10−5 144m 3.194 × 10−6 155 1.193 × 10−4 151 1.332 × 10−5
129 4.482 × 10−5 134 1.026 × 10−4 145 2.488 × 10−6 156 2.136 × 10−4 153 2.009 × 10−5
130 7.240 × 10−5 135 8.510 × 10−6 146 1.218 × 10−4 157 1.133 × 10−4 155m 1.200 × 10−5
131 6.681 × 10−6 136 6.047 × 10−5 147 1.091 × 10−4 158 2.474 × 10−4 159 8.897 × 10−6
132 1.012 × 10−4 137 7.049 × 10−6 148 1.187 × 10−4 159 1.333 × 10−4 161 5.733 × 10−5
134 2.109 × 10−4 138 1.512 × 10−4 148m 1.289 × 10−4 160 3.210 × 10−4 162 5.972 × 10−5
134m 5.288 × 10−6 140 2.780 × 10−4 149 4.406 × 10−5 161 1.561 × 10−4 163 1.639 × 10−4
135m 2.128 × 10−4 141 3.172 × 10−6 150 7.291 × 10−5 162 3.446 × 10−4 164 1.200 × 10−4
136 2.512 × 10−4 142 2.580 × 10−4 151 5.532 × 10−5 165 3.108 × 10−4
137 2.369 × 10−10 143 3.108 × 10−5 152 2.051 × 10−4 62 Sm 143 7.333 × 10−5
138 2.784 × 10−4 144 2.909 × 10−4 153 1.747 × 10−4 143m 9.242 × 10−5 65 Tb 151 1.403 × 10−4
138m 5.437 × 10−5 145 5.200 × 10−5 154 3.544 × 10−4 145 1.499 × 10−5 152 1.849 × 10−4
139 3.423 × 10−5 146 1.464 × 10−4 155 2.058 × 10−4 151 2.176 × 10−9 153 5.376 × 10−5
Continued next page


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8 Health Physics Month 2019, Volume 00, Number 00
Table 4. (Continued)
Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ
155 2.985 × 10−5 170 6.993 × 10−7 188 2.763 × 10−7 197m 3.287 × 10−5 208 4.837 × 10−9
156 2.530 × 10−4 171 1.155 × 10−7 198 5.763 × 10−5 209 7.396 × 10−7
156m7.777 × 10−6 172 5.737 × 10−5 75 Re 181 1.128 × 10−4 198m 7.936 × 10−5 210 1.105 × 10−9
157 1.518 × 10−6 173 5.584 × 10−5 182 2.377 × 10−4 199 1.382 × 10−5 211 1.079 × 10−6
158 1.087 × 10−4 182m 1.544 × 10−4 200 3.487 × 10−5 211m 2.177 × 10−6
158m5.173 × 10−6 70 Yb 166 1.656 × 10−5 183 2.500 × 10−5 213 5.012 × 10−9
160 1.468 × 10−4 167 4.295 × 10−5 184 1.211 × 10−4 80 Hg 193 1.040 × 10−4 214 1.109 × 10−8
161 7.529 × 10−6 169 5.140 × 10−5 184m 5.420 × 10−5 194 3.031 × 10−7 215 4.253 × 10−8
162 1.498 × 10−4 169m 2.916 × 10−11 186 3.188 × 10−6 195 2.819 × 10−5 216 2.043 × 10−9
163 1.123 × 10−4 175 1.167 × 10−5 186m 3.420 × 10−6 195m 2.806 × 10−5 218 1.209 × 10−9
164 2.907 × 10−4 177 2.600 × 10−5 188 8.458 × 10−6 197 1.206 × 10−5
165 1.025 × 10−4 188m 1.213 × 10−5 197m 1.182 × 10−5 85 At 216 3.801 × 10−7
71 Lu 169 1.484 × 10 189 8.015 × 10−6 199m 2.697 × 10−5 217 2.976 × 10−8
66 Dy 155 8.911 × 10−5 169m 2.686 × 10−8 203 3.491 × 10−5 218 1.018 × 10−5
157 5.284 × 10−5 170 2.842 × 10−4 76 Os 182 6.351 × 10−5 205 8.207 × 10−7
159 9.851 × 10−6 171 9.189 × 10−5 183 8.991 × 10−5 206 1.470 × 10−5 86 Rn 218 1.050 × 10−7
165 4.200 × 10−6 171m 9.067 × 10−8 185 9.604 × 10−5 219 8.375 × 10−6
165m 2.927 × 10−6 172 2.544 × 10−4 189m 9.034 × 10−6 81 Tl 200 1.733 × 10−4 220 8.814 × 10−8
166 7.834 × 10−6 172m 8.984 × 10−9 190m 2.242 × 10−4 201 1.468 × 10−5 222 5.498 × 10−8
167 7.571 × 10−5 173 3.028 × 10−5 191m 1.218 × 10−5 202 6.759 × 10−5
168 5.713 × 10−5 174 1.758 × 10−5 193 9.497 × 10−6 204 2.061 × 10−7 87 Fr 220 1.558 × 10−6
169 3.633 × 10−5 174m 1.059 × 10−5 194 7.532 × 10−7 206 1.730 × 10−8 221 4.143 × 10−6
176 6.972 × 10−5 207 3.121 × 10−7 222 2.432 × 10−5
67 Ho 159 5.895 × 10−5 176m 2.329 × 10−6 77 Ir 188 2.365 × 10−4 208 3.618 × 10−4 223 8.369 × 10−6
159m 1.487 × 10−5 177 4.918 × 10−6 189 1.296 × 10−5 209 2.632 × 10−4
161 1.236 × 10−5 177m 2.448 × 10−5 189m 3.392 × 10−5 210 3.094 × 10−4 88 Ra 220 6.645 × 10−7
161m 1.580 × 10−5 190 2.084 × 10−4 222 1.325 × 10−6
162 2.456 × 10−5 72 Hf 172 1.942 × 10−5 191m 1.182 × 10−5 82 Pb 200 3.198 × 10−5 223 1.994 × 10−5
162m 8.717 × 10−5 173 5.948 × 10−5 192 1.167 × 10−4 202 5.562 × 10−7 224 1.504 × 10−6
163m 3.453 × 10−5 175 5.321 × 10−5 192m 3.581 × 10−7 203 4.715 × 10−5 225 3.551 × 10−6
164 6.079 × 10−6 177m 1.453 × 10−4 193m 1.168 × 10−7 205 5.552 × 10−7 226 1.054 × 10−6
164m 9.667 × 10−6 178m 1.458 × 10−4 194 1.249 × 10−5 205m 1.282 × 10−4 227 2.099 × 10−5
166 4.187 × 10−6 179m 3.614 × 10−5 194m 8.586 × 10−6 207m 1.992 × 10−4 228 1.044 × 10−7
166m 2.183 × 10−4 180m 1.433 × 10−4 196 2.994 × 10−5 210 1.177 × 10−6
167 5.152 × 10−5 181 7.632 × 10−5 211 8.726 × 10−6 89 Ac 224 3.468 × 10−5
168 1.151 × 10−4 182 3.463 × 10−5 78 Pt 188 3.124 × 10−5 212 2.120 × 10−5 225 2.669 × 10−6
170 2.278 × 10−4 189 6.889 × 10−5 214 3.463 × 10−5 226 1.953 × 10−5
170m 8.994 × 10−5 73 Ta 177 1.160 × 10−5 191 4.437 × 10−5 227 1.742 × 10−7
178 1.827 × 10−5 193 2.404 × 10−7 83 Bi 205 2.065 × 10−4 228 1.149 × 10−4
68 Er 161 1.295 × 10−4 179 4.851 × 10−6 193m 1.933 × 10−6 206 4.271 × 10−4
163 8.272 × 10−6 180 8.598 × 10−6 195m 1.230 × 10−5 207 2.025 × 10−4 90 Th 226 1.451 × 10−6
165 7.873 × 10−6 182 1.663 × 10−4 197 3.610 × 10−6 208 2.606 × 10−4 227 2.393 × 10−5
167m 1.461 × 10−5 182m 2.438 × 10−8 197m 1.187 × 10−5 210 4.546 × 10−11 228 7.109 × 10−7
169 5.019 × 10−10 183 4.376 × 10−5 199 2.223 × 10−5 210m 3.783 × 10−5 229 1.833 × 10−5
171 5.490 × 10−5 199m 4.914 × 10−5 211 6.892 × 10−6 230 2.904 × 10−7
172 7.140 × 10−5 74 W 178 2.821 × 10−6 212 1.349 × 10−5 231 5.336 × 10−6
181 7.284 × 10−6 79 Au 193 2.562 × 10−5 213 1.801 × 10−5 232 3.542 × 10−7
69 Tm 165 7.620 × 10−5 183m 2.123 × 10−5 194 1.337 × 10−4 214 1.783 × 10−4 233 5.555 × 10−6
166 2.455 × 10−4 185 8.121 × 10−9 195 1.392 × 10−5 234 1.318 × 10−6
167 2.409 × 10−5 185m 3.847 × 10−6 195m 2.959 × 10−5 84 Po 206 1.555 × 10−4
168 1.747 × 10−4 187 7.627 × 10−5 196 6.910 × 10−5 207 1.682 × 10−4 91 Pa 228 1.765 × 10−4

Continued next page


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Specific gamma-ray dose constants c D.E. PEPLOW 9
Table 4. (Continued)
Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ
−5 −6 −7 −4
229 1.077 × 10 240 1.479 × 10 240 5.024 × 10 246m 1.262 × 10 248m 8.051 × 10−6
230 9.188 × 10−5 241 2.886 × 10−10 247 2.031 × 10−5 249 1.221 × 10−11
231 6.685 × 10−6 93 Np 234 1.337 × 10−4 242 4.327 × 10−7 250 1.161 × 10−4
232 1.253 × 10−4 235 1.850 × 10−6 243 4.796 × 10−6 96 Cm 240 6.246 × 10−7 251 1.276 × 10−5
233 3.229 × 10−5 236 2.656 × 10−5 244 3.666 × 10−7 241 7.354 × 10−5
234 1.983 × 10−4 236m 7.914 × 10−6 245 5.448 × 10−5 242 5.587 × 10−7 98 Cf 246 3.821 × 10−7
234m 2.058 × 10−6 237 6.319 × 10−6 246 2.209 × 10−5 243 2.000 × 10−5 248 3.591 × 10−7
238 7.664 × 10−5 244 5.112 × 10−7 249 4.745 × 10−5
92 U 230 7.281 × 10−7 239 2.670 × 10−5 95 Am 239 3.603 × 10−5 245 1.595 × 10−5 250 3.791 × 10−7
231 1.533 × 10−5 240 1.567 × 10−4 240 1.361 × 10−4 246 3.818 × 10−7 251 1.770 × 10−5
232 5.698 × 10−7 240m 4.367 × 10−5 241 5.413 × 10−6 247 4.496 × 10−5 252 4.486 × 10−7
233 2.806 × 10−7 241 5.638 × 10−6 242 3.551 × 10−6 248 3.297 × 10−7 253 1.564 × 10−6
234 5.019 × 10−7 242m 1.568 × 10−6 249 2.669 × 10−6
235 2.421 × 10−5 94 Pu 236 5.845 × 10−7 243 9.940 × 10−6 251 1.547 × 10−5 99 Es 251 1.470 × 10−5
236 4.413 × 10−7 237 9.102 × 10−6 244 1.116 × 10−4 252 2.918 × 10−5
237 2.187 × 10−5 237m 3.076 × 10−6 244m 2.153 × 10−6 97 Bk 245 3.656 × 10−5 253 1.950 × 10−7
238 3.560 × 10−7 238 5.314 × 10−7 245 4.720 × 10−6 246 1.165 × 10−4 254 4.609 × 10−6
239 8.444 × 10−6 239 8.931 × 10−8 246 1.207 × 10−4 247 2.148 × 10−5

ANSI/ANS 6.1.1 response. The results were compared emission data does have an impact on the computed spe-
with the Unger and Trubey published values (which had cific gamma-ray dose rate constants.
four significant figures) to validate the programming. Of
the 453 nuclides, all but 6 constants were within 0.1% of
the published values. The ones that differed from the pub- RESULTS
lished values by more than 0.1% are listed in Table 1. For
99 Using both the newer gamma emission data and the
Tc, the value listed by Unger and Trubey had only three
ICRP 116 photon effective dose (AP) per fluence conver-
significant figures, since the exponent had two digits.
sion coefficients, most of the dose constants would be ex-
Each of the other nuclides was checked, and the gamma
pected to decrease, since the ICRP 116 coefficients are
emission data in DRALIST.DAT sometimes differed from
always less than the ANSI/ANS 6.1.1 coefficients in the
the values shown in Unger and Trubey, but not by enough
10 keV–15 MeV energy range. Except for a few nuclides
to cause the difference seen in the final value of the con-
for which SCALE and ICRP 107 had many more gamma
stant. Perhaps precision/rounding off in the original calcu-
rays listed than did the older data set, using the newer emis-
lations was an issue, or typographical errors were made in
sion data and the ICRP 116 conversion coefficients did re-
preparing the published tables.
sult in lower specific gamma-ray dose constants for the
nuclides listed in Unger and Trubey (1982).
New emission data with old dose coefficients As an example, photon energies and yield data for
To determine if the new gamma emission data would Ba from different emission data sets are shown in
have an impact on the specific gamma-ray dose constants, Table 2, and the final computed specific gamma-ray dose
a similar program was used to compute the constants from constants are listed in Table 3. The Unger and Trubey report
the more recent SCALE data and 1977 ANSI/ANS 6.1.1 used a fixed format for the energies and yields, but the orig-
flux-to-dose coefficients. It resulted in many changes in inal data in the DRALIST.DAT file had more significant
values, especially for the higher Z nuclides. The SCALE figures. The photon energies and yields, as they are listed
data contained 1,277 nuclides but did not include 21 listed in their data sets, are shown in Table 2. After the product
in DRALIST.DAT. For the 433 nuclides common to both of the yields and conversion coefficients was summed,
SCALE and DRALIST.DAT, the value of the specific the surface area of 4pr2 (with r = 100 cm) and appropriate
gamma-ray dose constant using the SCALE data was unit conversions were applied to compute the specific
within ±10% for 293. Using SCALE data, the constant in- gamma-ray dose constants. When the 1977 ANSI/ANS
creased by more than 10% for 56 nuclides and decreased by 6.1.1 flux-to-dose conversion coefficients (rem h−1) were used,
more than 10% for 84 nuclides. The newer gamma multipliers of 106 Bq MBq−1 and 10 mSv rem−1 were applied.

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10 Health Physics Month 2019, Volume 00, Number 00
Table 5. Specific gamma-ray dose constants, Γ, computed from ICRP 107 gamma and x-ray emission data (ICRP 2008) and
ICRP 116 dose coefficients (ICRP 2010), with units of mSv h−1 MBq−1.
Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ
−6 −4 −4 −4
4 Be 7 7.074 × 10 49 2.897 × 10 58 1.092 × 10 77 1.451 × 10 76 6.248 × 10−5
58m 3.063 × 10−9 78 4.005 × 10−5 77 2.909 × 10−5
6 C 10 9.789 × 10−5 21 Sc 42m 3.905 × 10−4 60 3.062 × 10−4 79 2.642 × 10−5
43 1.209 × 10−5 60m 6.234 × 10−7 33 As 68 3.263 × 10−4 81 1.599 × 10−6
7 N 16 3.165 × 10−4 44 1.460 × 10−4 61 1.502 × 10−5 69 2.249 × 10−5 81m 1.896 × 10−5
44m 3.877 × 10−5 62 1.879 × 10−4 70 4.090 × 10−4 83m 4.953 × 10−7
8 O 14 2.343 × 10−4 46 2.574 × 10−4 62m 3.222 × 10−4 71 3.900 × 10−5 85 3.150 × 10−7
19 1.169 × 10−4 47 1.554 × 10−5 72 1.134 × 10−4 85m 2.261 × 10−5
48 4.206 × 10−4 28 Ni 56 2.297 × 10−4 73 1.407 × 10−6 87 9.149 × 10−5
9 F 17 3.898 × 10−8 49 1.166 × 10−7 57 1.754 × 10−4 74 6.375 × 10−5 88 2.123 × 10−4
50 3.923 × 10−4 65 6.740 × 10−5 76 5.584 × 10−5 89 2.206 × 10−4
10 Ne 19 6.161 × 10−9 77 1.191 × 10−6
24 7.621 × 10−5 22 Ti 44 2.294 × 10−5 29 Cu 57 1.463 × 10−5 78 1.634 × 10−4 37 Rb 77 7.462 × 10−5
45 4.182 × 10−7 59 5.588 × 10−5 79 4.645 × 10−6 78 3.222 × 10−4
11 Na 22 1.552 × 10−4 51 5.224 × 10−5 60 3.393 × 10−4 78m 2.837 × 10−4
24 4.280 × 10−4 52 1.903 × 10−5 61 2.628 × 10−5 34 Se 70 4.173 × 10−5 79 8.200 × 10−5
62 8.696 × 10−7 71 7.982 × 10−5 80 2.538 × 10−5
12 Mg 27 1.168 × 10−4 23 V 47 9.320 × 10−7 64 7.660 × 10−7 72 7.570 × 10−6 81 3.251 × 10−5
28 1.748 × 10−4 48 2.980 × 10−4 66 1.249 × 10−5 73 6.206 × 10−5 81m 3.529 × 10−6
50 1.670 × 10−4 67 1.662 × 10−5 73m 7.694 × 10−6 82 1.763 × 10−5
13 Al 26 2.035 × 10−4 52 1.709 × 10−4 69 6.821 × 10−5 75 5.640 × 10−5 82m 3.541 × 10−4
28 1.975 × 10−4 53 1.326 × 10−4 77m 1.289 × 10−5 83 6.988 × 10−5
29 1.640 × 10−4 30 Zn 60 7.525 × 10−5 79m 2.382 × 10−6 84 8.313 × 10−5
24 Cr 48 6.064 × 10−5 61 6.110 × 10−5 81 1.118 × 10−6 84m 5.508 × 10−5
14 Si 31 1.082 × 10−7 49 1.603 × 10−5 62 5.069 × 10−5 81m 3.038 × 10−6 86 1.178 × 10−5
51 4.572 × 10−6 63 1.914 × 10−5 83 3.299 × 10−4 86m 7.649 × 10−5
15 P 30 1.691 × 10−7 55 7.717 × 10−8 65 7.096 × 10−5 83m 1.218 × 10−4 88 7.138 × 10−5
56 1.596 × 10−5 69 8.371 × 10−10 84 6.010 × 10−5 89 2.624 × 10−4
16 S 372.695 × 10−4 69m 5.929 × 10−5 90 1.937 × 10−4
381.830 × 10−4 25 Mn 50m 4.511 × 10−4 71 4.288 × 10−5 35 Br 72 2.408 × 10−4 90m 3.517 × 10−4
51 6.765 × 10−7 71m 2.169 × 10−4 73 6.222 × 10−5
17 Cl 34m 1.626 × 10−4 52 3.957 × 10−4 72 2.157 × 10−5 74 3.751 × 10−4 38 Sr 79 2.742 × 10−5
38 1.553 × 10−4 52m 1.682 × 10−4 74m 3.699 × 10−4 80 4.783 × 10−5
39 1.764 × 10−4 54 1.107 × 10−4 31 Ga 64 2.577 × 10−4 75 6.384 × 10−5 81 6.767 × 10−5
40 4.143 × 10−4 56 2.027 × 10−4 65 3.422 × 10−5 76 2.557 × 10−4 82 2.070 × 10−6
57 1.339 × 10−5 66 1.956 × 10−4 76m 8.673 × 10−6 83 7.499 × 10−5
18 Ar 41 1.558 × 10−4 58m 2.949 × 10−4 67 2.250 × 10−5 77 4.453 × 10−5 85 7.159 × 10−5
43 1.801 × 10−4 68 4.970 × 10−6 77m 3.330 × 10−6 85m 3.138 × 10−5
44 2.225 × 10−4 26 Fe 52 2.455 × 10−5 70 9.359 × 10−7 78 1.222 × 10−5 87m 4.609 × 10−5
53 2.558 × 10−5 72 3.181 × 10−4 80 7.404 × 10−6 89 1.136 × 10−8
19 K 38 2.260 × 10−4 53m 3.800 × 10−4 73 4.975 × 10−5 80m 6.043 × 10−6 91 9.244 × 10−5
40 1.833 × 10−5 55 2.340 × 10−14 74 3.591 × 10−4 82 3.467 × 10−4 92 1.607 × 10−4
42 3.244 × 10−5 59 1.474 × 10−4 82m 1.600 × 10−6 93 2.841 × 10−4
43 1.352 × 10−4 61 1.715 × 10−4 32 Ge 66 6.212 × 10−5 83 9.673 × 10−7 94 1.699 × 10−4
44 2.644 × 10−4 62 7.155 × 10−5 67 6.024 × 10−5 84 1.904 × 10−4
45 2.082 × 10−4 68 9.968 × 10−8 84m 3.484 × 10−4 39 Y 81 2.571 × 10−5
46 3.013 × 10−4 27 Co 54m 3.630 × 10−4 69 9.005 × 10−5 85 8.466 × 10−6 83 5.316 × 10−5
55 1.557 × 10−4 71 1.011 × 10−7 83m 3.793 × 10−5
20 Ca 45 9.220 × 10−14 56 3.963 × 10−4 75 5.066 × 10−6 36 Kr 74 3.899 × 10−5 84m 3.913 × 10−4
47 1.289 × 10−4 57 1.785 × 10−5 75 4.092 × 10−5 85 5.605 × 10−5
Continued next page


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Specific gamma-ray dose constants c D.E. PEPLOW 11
Table 5. (Continued)
Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ
−5 −4 −4 −4
85m 8.722 × 10 93m 2.900 × 10 102m 2.931 × 10 48 Cd 101 2.022 × 10 113m 4.033 × 10−6
86 4.029 × 10−4 99 2.036 × 10−5 103m 4.918 × 10−7 102 9.837 × 10−5 117m 2.536 × 10−5
86m 3.071 × 10−5 101 1.830 × 10−4 104 1.732 × 10−6 103 2.004 × 10−4 119m 4.447 × 10−6
87 6.418 × 10−5 102 2.673 × 10−6 104m 1.031 × 10−5 104 3.910 × 10−5 121m 1.447 × 10−6
87m 4.324 × 10−5 105 1.114 × 10−5 105 1.208 × 10−4 123 8.714 × 10−7
88 3.150 × 10−4 43 Tc 91 1.665 × 10−4 106 2.829 × 10−5 107 8.637 × 10−6 123m 2.056 × 10−5
89m 1.178 × 10−4 91m 5.873 × 10−5 106m 3.734 × 10−4 109 7.686 × 10−6 125 4.203 × 10−5
90 3.623 × 10−10 92 3.558 × 10−4 107 4.499 × 10−5 111m 4.236 × 10−5 125m 4.939 × 10−5
90m 9.055 × 10−5 93 1.745 × 10−4 108 4.468 × 10−5 113m 1.247 × 10−8 126 1.030 × 10−5
91 3.867 × 10−7 93m 1.032 × 10−4 109 4.340 × 10−5 115 2.733 × 10−5 127 2.378 × 10−4
91m 7.406 × 10−5 94 3.407 × 10−4 115m 4.194 × 10−6 127m 7.756 × 10−5
92 3.211 × 10−5 94m 1.535 × 10−4 46 Pd 96 1.472 × 10−4 117 1.352 × 10−4 128 9.218 × 10−5
93 1.180 × 10−5 95 1.087 × 10−4 97 2.072 × 10−4 117m 2.395 × 10−4 129 1.324 × 10−4
94 9.755 × 10−5 95m 9.539 × 10−5 98 5.374 × 10−5 119 1.928 × 10−4 130 1.315 × 10−4
95 1.167 × 10−4 96 3.341 × 10−4 99 1.012 × 10−4 119m 2.718 × 10−4 130m 1.159 × 10−4
96m 7.361 × 10−6 100 2.390 × 10−5
40 Zr 85 7.124 × 10−5 97 3.498 × 10−6 101 4.556 × 10−5 49 In 103 2.205 × 10−4 51 Sb 111 8.348 × 10−5
86 4.573 × 10−5 97m 2.912 × 10−6 103 4.582 × 10−6 105 1.476 × 10−4 113 8.210 × 10−5
87 1.127 × 10−5 98 1.923 × 10−4 109 3.008 × 10−6 106 3.637 × 10−4 114 2.286 × 10−4
88 5.758 × 10−5 99 1.271 × 10−10 109m 1.689 × 10−5 106m 2.220 × 10−4 115 7.854 × 10−5
89 1.219 × 10−4 99m 1.840 × 10−5 111 6.265 × 10−6 107 1.430 × 10−4 116 2.079 × 10−4
89m 8.426 × 10−5 101 4.829 × 10−5 112 1.550 × 10−6 108 4.730 × 10−4 116m 3.794 × 10−4
95 9.883 × 10−5 102 1.059 × 10−5 114 3.764 × 10−6 108m 2.422 × 10−4 117 2.723 × 10−5
97 1.175 × 10−4 102m 3.015 × 10−4 109 8.201 × 10−5 118 7.478 × 10−6
104 2.654 × 10−4 47 Ag 99 1.779 × 10−4 109m 8.387 × 10−5 118m 3.383 × 10−4
41 Nb 87 3.520 × 10 105 1.045 × 10−4 100m 2.303 × 10−4 110 4.141 × 10−4 119 6.986 × 10−6
88 4.274 × 10−4 101 1.088 × 10−4 110m 1.214 × 10−4 120 6.138 × 10−6
88m 4.018 × 10−4 44 Ru 92 1.912 × 10−4 102 3.268 × 10−4 111 6.149 × 10−5 120m 3.201 × 10−4
89 6.359 × 10−5 94 7.398 × 10−5 102m 1.797 × 10−4 111m 6.651 × 10−5 122 6.194 × 10−5
89m 6.837 × 10−5 95 1.445 × 10−4 103 7.592 × 10−5 112 7.542 × 10−6 122m 1.496 × 10−5
90 4.072 × 10−4 97 3.673 × 10−5 104 3.335 × 10−4 112m 7.248 × 10−6 124 2.288 × 10−4
91 3.053 × 10−6 103 7.018 × 10−5 104m 1.424 × 10−4 113m 3.835 × 10−5 124m 6.115 × 10−5
91m 5.830 × 10−6 105 1.030 × 10−4 105 7.555 × 10−5 114 3.020 × 10−7 124m2 2.471 × 10−10
92 2.030 × 10−4 107 4.522 × 10−5 105m 1.552 × 10−7 114m 1.272 × 10−5 125 6.381 × 10−5
92m 1.274 × 10−4 108 9.243 × 10−6 106 1.528 × 10−5 115m 2.476 × 10−5 126 3.767 × 10−4
93m 5.802 × 10−7 106m 3.718 × 10−4 116m 3.003 × 10−4 126m 2.135 × 10−4
94 2.082 × 10−4 45 Rh 94 3.312 × 10−4 108 2.233 × 10−6 117 9.805 × 10−5 127 9.569 × 10−5
94m 2.781 × 10−6 95 2.188 × 10−4 108m 2.268 × 10−4 117m 1.390 × 10−5 128 4.193 × 10−4
95 1.027 × 10−4 95m 9.671 × 10−5 109m 2.906 × 10−6 118 9.588 × 10−6 128m 2.588 × 10−4
95m 1.115 × 10−5 96 4.169 × 10−4 110 4.211 × 10−6 118m 3.499 × 10−4 129 1.868 × 10−4
96 3.255 × 10−4 96m 1.123 × 10−4 110m 3.598 × 10−4 119 1.041 × 10−4 130 4.335 × 10−4
97 9.110 × 10−5 97 1.109 × 10−4 111 3.814 × 10−6 119m 8.728 × 10−6 130m 3.550 × 10−4
98m 3.596 × 10−4 97m 2.310 × 10−4 111m 1.819 × 10−6 121 1.214 × 10−4 131 2.564 × 10−4
99 2.652 × 10−5 98 1.161 × 10−4 112 8.587 × 10−5 121m 1.020 × 10−5 133 3.227 × 10−4
99m 8.408 × 10−5 99 7.618 × 10−5 113 1.003 × 10−5
99m 8.059 × 10−5 113m 3.045 × 10−5 50 Sn 106 1.397 × 10−4 52 Te 113 1.561 × 10−4
42 Mo 89 2.807 × 10−5 100 3.206 × 10−4 114 3.256 × 10−5 108 9.890 × 10−5 114 1.426 × 10−4
90 8.080 × 10−5 100m 1.158 × 10−5 115 5.839 × 10−5 109 2.548 × 10−4 115 1.950 × 10−4
91 2.184 × 10−6 101 4.404 × 10−5 116 2.457 × 10−4 110 4.501 × 10−5 115m 2.469 × 10−4
91m 1.176 × 10−4 101m 4.370 × 10−5 117 1.465 × 10−4 111 2.464 × 10−5 116 2.026 × 10−5
93 3.250 × 10−6 102 4.977 × 10−5 113 6.336 × 10−6 117 1.575 × 10−4
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12 Health Physics Month 2019, Volume 00, Number 00
Table 5. (Continued)
Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ
−6 −6 −4 −6
118 5.934 × 10 133 9.497 × 10 132 1.935 × 10 138 9.610 × 10 144 2.320 × 10−5
119 1.035 × 10−4 133m 8.395 × 10−6 132m 8.556 × 10−5 139 2.711 × 10−5 145 1.596 × 10−4
119m 1.922 × 10−4 135 3.582 × 10−5 133 1.550 × 10−5 139m 2.101 × 10−4 146 3.068 × 10−4
121 8.408 × 10−5 135m 6.047 × 10−5 134 1.085 × 10−5 140 7.354 × 10−6 147 6.715 × 10−5
121m 3.294 × 10−5 137 2.583 × 10−5 135 8.513 × 10−6 141 9.980 × 10−6 148 3.027 × 10−4
123 1.031 × 10−8 138 1.312 × 10−4 136 8.380 × 10−6 141m 9.380 × 10−5 149 1.259 × 10−5
123m 2.317 × 10−5 137 6.854 × 10−6 147 2.209 × 10−5 150 2.173 × 10−4
125m 1.044 × 10−5 55 Cs 121 3.599 × 10−5 138 1.518 × 10−4 149 5.406 × 10−5 150m 6.176 × 10−6
127 7.034 × 10−7 121m 6.187 × 10−5 140 2.780 × 10−4 151 1.126 × 10−4 152 1.544 × 10−4
127m 3.218 × 10−6 123 5.148 × 10−5 141 3.172 × 10−6 152 2.397 × 10−5 152m 3.997 × 10−5
129 9.417 × 10−6 124 2.933 × 10−5 142 2.586 × 10−4 152m2 1.212 × 10−5
129m 6.343 × 10−6 125 4.899 × 10−5 143 3.108 × 10−5 61 Pm 136 2.460 × 10−4 154 1.614 × 10−4
−5 −5
131 5.780 × 10 126 4.450 × 10 137m 1.553 × 10−4 154m 1.246 × 10−5
131m 1.910 × 10−4 127 6.038 × 10−5 58 Ce 130 6.642 × 10−5 139 3.274 × 10−5 155 1.009 × 10−5
132 3.742 × 10−5 128 2.669 × 10−5 131 1.491 × 10−4 140 1.865 × 10−5 156 1.477 × 10−4
133 1.521 × 10−4 129 4.490 × 10−5 132 4.265 × 10−5 140m 3.116 × 10−4 157 4.439 × 10−5
133m 2.404 × 10−4 130 9.474 × 10−6 133 2.915 × 10−5 141 2.843 × 10−5 158 1.637 × 10−4
134 1.223 × 10−4 130m 1.505 × 10−5 133m 2.210 × 10−4 142 9.218 × 10−6 159 4.505 × 10−5
131 6.649 × 10−6 134 7.321 × 10−6 143 4.607 × 10−5
53 I 118 1.422 × 10−4 132 1.007 × 10−4 135 1.173 × 10−4 144 2.189 × 10−4 64 Gd 142 6.575 × 10−5
118m 3.939 × 10−4 134 2.110 × 10−4 137 8.792 × 10−6 145 7.704 × 10−6 143m 1.838 × 10−4
119 5.389 × 10−5 134m 5.203 × 10−6 137m 1.036 × 10−5 146 1.059 × 10−4 144 5.167 × 10−5
120 2.254 × 10−4 135m 2.127 × 10−4 139 2.644 × 10−5 147 7.259 × 10−10 145 2.319 × 10−4
120m 3.629 × 10−4 136 2.789 × 10−4 141 1.173 × 10−5 148 7.197 × 10−5 145m 8.700 × 10−5
121 4.519 × 10−5 137 2.393 × 10−10 143 4.241 × 10−5 148m 2.737 × 10−4 146 4.363 × 10−5
122 2.266 × 10−5 138 2.784 × 10−4 144 3.187 × 10−6 149 1.697 × 10−6 147 1.921 × 10−4
123 2.845 × 10−5 138m 5.441 × 10−5 145 1.141 × 10−4 150 1.851 × 10−4 149 7.822 × 10−5
124 1.140 × 10−4 139 3.424 × 10−5 151 4.767 × 10−5 151 1.333 × 10−5
125 1.254 × 10−5 140 2.003 × 10−4 59 Pr 134 3.236 × 10−4 152 3.688 × 10−5 153 2.021 × 10−5
126 6.077 × 10−5 134m 1.840 × 10−4 152m 1.971 × 10−4 159 8.464 × 10−6
128 9.804 × 10−6 56 Ba 124 5.147 × 10−5 135 5.245 × 10−5 153 1.232 × 10−5 162 5.974 × 10−5
129 7.128 × 10−6 126 8.041 × 10−5 136 1.988 × 10−4 154 2.091 × 10−4
130 2.924 × 10−4 127 2.404 × 10−5 137 1.723 × 10−5 154m 2.253 × 10−4 65 Tb 146 3.337 × 10−4
130m 1.579 × 10−5 128 1.294 × 10−5 138 7.091 × 10−6 147 2.398 × 10−4
131 5.483 × 10−5 129 2.161 × 10−5 138m 2.985 × 10−4 62 Sm 139 1.015 × 10−4 147m 1.865 × 10−4
−4 −4
132 3.006 × 10 129m 2.093 × 10 139 9.068 × 10−6 140 5.030 × 10−5 148 2.216 × 10−4
−5 −5
132m 4.807 × 10 131 7.186 × 10 140 4.737 × 10−6 141 1.126 × 10−4 148m 3.850 × 10−4
133 8.451 × 10−5 131m 1.336 × 10−5 142 6.696 × 10−6 141m 2.120 × 10−4 149 1.656 × 10−4
134 3.366 × 10−4 133 6.378 × 10−5 143 1.203 × 10−12 142 7.999 × 10−6 149m 1.551 × 10−4
134m 4.495 × 10−5 133m 1.218 × 10−5 144 3.359 × 10−6 143 1.015 × 10−5 150 2.580 × 10−4
135 1.912 × 10−4 135m 1.104 × 10−5 144m 3.095 × 10−6 143m 9.238 × 10−5 150m 3.322 × 10−4
137m 8.216 × 10−5 145 2.496 × 10−6 145 1.523 × 10−5 151 1.396 × 10−4
54 Xe 120 6.068 × 10−5 139 6.639 × 10−6 146 1.242 × 10−4 151 2.149 × 10−9 151m 1.174 × 10−5
121 1.147 × 10−4 140 2.641 × 10−5 147 6.968 × 10−5 153 1.187 × 10−5 152 1.609 × 10−4
122 1.328 × 10−5 141 1.227 × 10−4 148 1.242 × 10−4 155 1.579 × 10−5 152m 1.089 × 10−4
123 5.585 × 10−5 142 1.373 × 10−4 148m 1.289 × 10−4 156 1.734 × 10−5 153 5.014 × 10−5
125 4.287 × 10−5 157 5.717 × 10−5 154 2.592 × 10−4
127 4.414 × 10−5 57 La 128 2.650 × 10−4 60 Nd 134 5.012 × 10−5 155 3.005 × 10−5
127m 2.673 × 10−5 129 5.301 × 10−5 135 8.360 × 10−5 63 Eu 142 2.981 × 10−5 156 2.534 × 10−4
−5 −4
129m 1.342 × 10 130 1.955 × 10 136 3.838 × 10−5 142m 3.420 × 10−4 156m 7.777 × 10−6
−6 −5
131m 5.409 × 10 131 6.324 × 10 137 1.160 × 10−4 143 4.349 × 10−5 156m2 7.448 × 10−7
Continued next page


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Specific gamma-ray dose constants c D.E. PEPLOW 13
Table 5. (Continued)
Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ
157 1.067 × 10−6 165 7.879 × 10−6 178 1.552 × 10−5 75 Re 178 1.533 × 10−4 195 9.581 × 10−6
158 1.087 × 10−4 167m 1.436 × 10−5 178m 1.523 × 10−4 179 1.428 × 10−4 195m 5.418 × 10−5
160 1.468 × 10−4 169 5.008 × 10−10 179 4.266 × 10−6 180 1.454 × 10−4 196 3.156 × 10−5
161 7.605 × 10−6 171 5.492 × 10−5 180 1.926 × 10−4 181 1.128 × 10−4 196m 3.469 × 10−4
162 1.497 × 10−4 172 7.469 × 10−5 181 8.033 × 10−5 182 2.375 × 10−4
163 1.124 × 10−4 173 1.144 × 10−4 182m 1.540 × 10−4 78 Pt 184 1.059 × 10−4
164 3.151 × 10−4 72 Hf 167 −5
3.430 × 10 183 2.517 × 10−5 186 9.629 × 10−5
165 1.025 × 10−4 69 Tm 161 1.479 × 10−4 169 7.344 × 10−5 184 1.205 × 10−4 187 7.869 × 10−5
162 1.807 × 10−4 170 6.493 × 10−5 184m 5.407 × 10−5 188 3.127 × 10−5
66 Dy 148 9.620 × 10−5 163 1.696 × 10−4 172 1.913 × 10−5 186 3.183 × 10−6 189 6.903 × 10−5
149 1.945 × 10−4 164 4.284 × 10−5 173 5.959 × 10−5 186m 3.336 × 10−6 191 4.474 × 10−5
150 4.163 × 10−5 165 8.173 × 10−5 175 5.320 × 10−5 188 8.490 × 10−6 193 2.351 × 10−7
151 1.755 × 10−4 166 2.414 × 10−4 177m 3.322 × 10−4 188m 1.179 × 10−5 193m 1.957 × 10−6
152 4.397 × 10−5 167 2.418 × 10−5 178m 3.204 × 10−4 189 8.067 × 10−6 195m 1.239 × 10−5
153 1.197 × 10−4 168 1.720 × 10−4 179m 1.343 × 10−4 190 1.849 × 10−4 197 3.920 × 10−6
155 9.006 × 10−5 170 6.876 × 10−7 180m 1.435 × 10−4 190m 1.296 × 10−4 197m 1.286 × 10−5
157 5.296 × 10−5 171 1.167 × 10−7 181 7.643 × 10−5 199 2.802 × 10−5
159 9.969 × 10−6 172 5.738 × 10−5 182 3.482 × 10−5 76 Os 180 1.991 × 10−5 200 9.278 × 10−6
165 4.071 × 10−6 173 5.591 × 10−5 182m 1.294 × 10−4 181 1.773 × 10−4
165m 2.924 × 10−6 174 2.415 × 10−4 183 1.061 × 10−4 182 6.310 × 10−5 79 Au 186 1.286 × 10−4
166 8.041 × 10−6 175 1.461 × 10−4 184 3.485 × 10−5 183 9.110 × 10−5 187 1.226 × 10−4
167 7.568 × 10−5 176 2.403 × 10−4 183m 1.298 × 10−4 190 2.536 × 10−4
168 5.721 × 10−5 73 Ta 170 4.565 × 10−5 185 9.635 × 10−5 191 8.509 × 10−5
70 Yb 162 3.813 × 10−5 172 1.720 × 10−4 189m 9.982 × 10−8 192 2.217 × 10−4
67 Ho 150 1.418 × 10−4 163 6.406 × 10−5 173 6.377 × 10−5 190m 2.242 × 10−4 193 2.582 × 10−5
153 8.453 × 10−5 164 1.005 × 10−5 174 8.630 × 10−5 191 1.324 × 10−5 193m 2.879 × 10−5
153m 8.068 × 10−5 165 3.970 × 10−5 175 1.424 × 10−4 191m 1.147 × 10−6 194 1.293 × 10−4
154 1.633 × 10−4 166 1.663 × 10−5 176 2.626 × 10−4 193 9.885 × 10−6 195 1.374 × 10−5
154m 2.802 × 10−4 167 4.337 × 10−5 177 1.168 × 10−5 194 7.637 × 10−7 195m 2.934 × 10−5
155 5.776 × 10−5 169 5.451 × 10−5 178 1.654 × 10−5 196 1.177 × 10−5 196 6.927 × 10−5
156 2.098 × 10−4 175 5.719 × 10−6 178m 1.697 × 10−4 196m 3.679 × 10−5
157 7.794 × 10−5 177 2.572 × 10−5 179 4.582 × 10−6 77 Ir 180 1.372 × 10−4 198 5.761 × 10−5
159 5.957 × 10−5 178 5.501 × 10−6 180 8.667 × 10−6 182 1.181 × 10−4 198m 7.810 × 10−5
160 2.285 × 10−4 179 1.360 × 10−4 182 1.644 × 10−4 183 1.395 × 10−4 199 1.403 × 10−5
161 1.239 × 10−5 182m 3.986 × 10−5 184 2.315 × 10−4 200 3.500 × 10−5
162 1.941 × 10−5 71 Lu 165 1.110 × 10−4 183 4.453 × 10−5 185 1.037 × 10−4 200m 2.774 × 10−4
162m 7.621 × 10−5 167 1.998 × 10−4 184 2.158 × 10−4 186 2.087 × 10−4 201 4.880 × 10−6
164 6.096 × 10−6 169 1.677 × 10−4 185 2.279 × 10−5 186m 1.502 × 10−4 202 2.246 × 10−5
164m 9.479 × 10−6 169m 2.557 × 10−8 186 1.965 × 10−4 187 4.737 × 10−5
166 4.174 × 10−6 170 2.896 × 10−4 188 2.427 × 10−4 80 Hg 190 3.049 × 10−5
166m 2.227 × 10−4 171 9.227 × 10−5 74 W 177 1.278 × 10−4 189 1.298 × 10−5 191m 1.947 × 10−4
167 5.331 × 10−5 171m 8.693 × 10−8 178 2.727 × 10−6 190 2.086 × 10−4 192 4.125 × 10−5
168 1.168 × 10−4 172 2.554 × 10−4 179 1.031 × 10−5 190m 1.025 × 10−7 193 1.076 × 10−4
168m 1.311 × 10−6 172m 8.824 × 10−9 179m 9.116 × 10−6 190m2 9.832 × 10−6 193m 1.339 × 10−4
170 2.257 × 10−4 173 3.071 × 10−5 181 7.193 × 10−6 191m 1.198 × 10−5 194 3.010 × 10−7
174 1.757 × 10−5 185 8.361 × 10−9 192 1.167 × 10−4 195 2.876 × 10−5
68 Er 154 1.059 × 10−5 174m 1.096 × 10−5 185m 3.873 × 10−6 192m 3.509 × 10−7 195m 2.967 × 10−5
156 1.333 × 10−5 176 6.976 × 10−5 187 6.286 × 10−5 192m2 8.295 × 10−7 197 1.203 × 10−5
159 1.218 × 10−4 176m 2.324 × 10−6 188 2.781 × 10−7 193m 1.728 × 10−7 197m 1.459 × 10−5
161 1.330 × 10−4 177 5.176 × 10−6 190 2.393 × 10−5 194 1.249 × 10−5 199m 2.720 × 10−5
163 8.316 × 10−6 177m 1.469 × 10−4 194m 3.280 × 10−4 203 3.452 × 10−5

Continued next page


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14 Health Physics Month 2019, Volume 00, Number 00
Table 5. (Continued)
Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ
−7 −4 −4 −4
205 7.730 × 10 205 2.068 × 10 87 Fr 212 1.401 × 10 232 1.259 × 10 246 2.290 × 10−5
206 1.758 × 10−5 206 4.276 × 10−4 219 5.143 × 10−7 233 3.331 × 10−5
207 3.188 × 10−4 207 2.026 × 10−4 220 1.704 × 10−6 234 1.966 × 10−4 95 Am 237 5.464 × 10−5
208 2.610 × 10−4 221 4.278 × 10−6 234m 2.102 × 10−6 238 1.192 × 10−4
81 Tl 190 9.121 × 10−5 210 4.496 × 10−11 222 2.579 × 10−5 235 3.326 × 10−9 239 3.769 × 10−5
190m 2.776 × 10−4 210m 3.761 × 10−5 223 1.019 × 10−5 236 1.139 × 10−4 240 1.374 × 10−4
194 8.084 × 10−5 211 6.837 × 10−6 224 7.076 × 10−5 237 8.180 × 10−5 241 6.029 × 10−6
194m 3.237 × 10−4 212 1.344 × 10−5 227 6.396 × 10−5 242 3.488 × 10−6
195 1.488 × 10−4 213 1.818 × 10−5 92 U 227 1.804 × 10−5 242m 1.429 × 10−6
196 2.155 × 10−4 214 1.787 × 10−4 88 Ra 219 2.471 × 10−5 228 1.000 × 10−6 243 1.007 × 10−5
197 6.107 × 10−5 215 3.495 × 10−5 220 6.647 × 10−7 230 6.949 × 10−7 244 1.109 × 10−4
198 2.448 × 10−4 216 1.041 × 10−4 221 5.996 × 10−6 231 1.581 × 10−5 244m 2.613 × 10−6
198m 1.705 × 10−4 222 1.326 × 10−6 232 5.484 × 10−7 245 4.943 × 10−6
199 3.704 × 10−5 84 Po 203 2.002 × 10−4 223 2.107 × 10−5 233 2.899 × 10−7 246 1.069 × 10−4
200 1.720 × 10−4 204 1.595 × 10−4 224 1.503 × 10−6 234 4.862 × 10−7 246m 1.267 × 10−4
201 1.485 × 10−5 205 2.012 × 10−4 225 3.580 × 10−6 235 2.443 × 10−5 247 2.028 × 10−5
202 6.760 × 10−5 206 1.626 × 10−4 226 1.078 × 10−6 236 4.335 × 10−7
204 2.061 × 10−7 207 1.686 × 10−4 227 2.294 × 10−5 237 2.324 × 10−5 96 Cm 238 1.311 × 10−5
206 1.618 × 10−8 208 3.009 × 10−9 228 7.356 × 10−7 238 3.489 × 10−7 239 3.868 × 10−5
206m 3.306 × 10−4 209 8.457 × 10−7 230 1.184 × 10−5 239 8.539 × 10−6 240 5.853 × 10−7
207 3.084 × 10−7 210 1.298 × 10−9 240 2.030 × 10−6 241 7.404 × 10−5
208 3.596 × 10−4 211 1.098 × 10−6 89 Ac 223 2.859 × 10−6 242 6.195 × 10−6 242 5.247 × 10−7
209 2.632 × 10−4 212m 8.222 × 10−6 224 3.481 × 10−5 243 2.068 × 10−5
210 3.400 × 10−4 213 5.031 × 10−9 225 2.796 × 10−6 93 Np 232 1.634 × 10−4 244 4.516 × 10−7
214 1.109 × 10-8 226 1.953 × 10−5 233 1.423 × 10−5 245 1.709 × 10−5
82 Pb 194 1.406 × 10−4 215 2.516 × 10 −8
227 1.736 × 10−7 234 1.349 × 10−4 246 7.816 × 10−7
195m 2.108 × 10−4 216 2.043 × 10−9 228 1.131 × 10−4 235 1.635 × 10−6 247 4.501 × 10−5
196 7.126 × 10−5 230 6.577 × 10−5 236 2.601 × 10−5 248 1.536 × 10−4
197 1.877 × 10−4 85 At 204 2.883 × 10−4 231 6.100 × 10−5 236m 7.954 × 10−6 249 2.679 × 10−6
197m 1.591 × 10−4 205 1.309 × 10−4 232 1.346 × 10−4 237 6.878 × 10−6 250 1.555 × 10−3
198 6.391 × 10−5 206 3.098 × 10−4 233 7.023 × 10−5 238 7.653 × 10−5 251 1.575 × 10−5
199 1.298 × 10−4 207 2.545 × 10−4 239 2.811 × 10−5
200 3.183 × 10−5 208 3.932 × 10−4 90 Th 223 1.178 × 10−5 240 1.439 × 10−4 97 Bk 245 3.605 × 10−5
201 1.051 × 10−4 209 3.090 × 10−4 224 3.384 × 10−6 240m 4.411 × 10−5 246 1.159 × 10−4
201m 5.118 × 10−5 210 3.646 × 10−4 226 1.421 × 10−6 241 6.112 × 10−6 247 2.207 × 10−5
202 4.450 × 10−7 211 5.906 × 10−6 227 2.024 × 10−5 242 3.253 × 10−5 248m 8.688 × 10−6
202m 2.684 × 10−4 215 2.468 × 10−8 228 6.846 × 10−7 242m 1.249 × 10−4 249 9.843 × 10−11
203 4.676 × 10−5 216 3.902 × 10−7 229 1.572 × 10−5 250 1.161 × 10−4
204m 2.744 × 10−4 217 3.539 × 10−8 230 3.956 × 10−7 94 Pu 232 9.989 × 10−6 251 1.456 × 10−5
205 4.507 × 10−7 220 6.421 × 10 −5
231 5.728 × 10−6 234 1.101 × 10−5
210 1.122 × 10−6 232 3.420 × 10−7 235 1.521 × 10−5 98 Cf 244 5.572 × 10−7
211 8.828 × 10−6 86 Rn 207 1.172 × 10−4 233 5.482 × 10−6 236 5.690 × 10−7 246 3.886 × 10−7
212 2.144 × 10−5 209 1.486 × 10−4 234 1.836 × 10−6 237 8.912 × 10−6 247 1.761 × 10−5
214 3.670 × 10−5 210 8.415 × 10−6 235 7.407 × 10−6 238 5.218 × 10−7 248 4.990 × 10−7
211 2.437 × 10−4 236 5.043 × 10−6 239 2.282 × 10−7 249 4.771 × 10−5
83 Bi 197 1.934 × 10−4 212 4.619 × 10−8 240 4.919 × 10−7 250 1.504 × 10−6
200 3.122 × 10−4 218 1.050 × 10−7 91 Pa 227 4.017 × 10−6 241 2.853 × 10−10 251 1.936 × 10−5
201 2.124 × 10−4 219 8.446 × 10−6 228 1.808 × 10−4 242 4.300 × 10−7 252 5.369 × 10−5
202 3.530 × 10−4 220 8.816 × 10−8 229 1.064 × 10−5 243 4.304 × 10−6 253 1.272 × 10−6
203 2.914 × 10−4 222 5.499 × 10−8 230 9.102 × 10−5 244 2.655 × 10−6 254 1.968 × 10−3
204 3.777 × 10−4 223 4.751 × 10−5 231 7.703 × 10−6 245 5.597 × 10−5
Continued next page


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Specific gamma-ray dose constants c D.E. PEPLOW 15
Table 5. (Continued)
Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ Nuclide Γ
−5 −5 −5 −5
99 Es 249 5.949 × 10 251 1.666 × 10 254m 6.613 × 10 100 Fm 251 2.374 × 10 254 1.258 × 10−6
250 1.749 × 10−4 253 1.862 × 10−7 255 7.976 × 10−8 252 4.615 × 10−7 255 4.292 × 10−6
250m 7.340 × 10−5 254 4.912 × 10−6 256 8.780 × 10 −7
253 1.240 × 10−5 256 1.456 × 10−3
257 2.309 × 10−5

When the ICRP 116 effective dose (AP) per fluence con- 1,264 nuclides, and the ICRP 107 emission data include
version coefficients (Sv h−1) were used, multipliers of 1,192 nuclides. Digital files are available from the author.
106 Bq MBq−1 and 103 mSv Sv−1 were applied.
Acknowledgment—The author would like to thank Keith F. Eckerman of Oak
Table 4 lists the specific gamma-ray dose constants for Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) for his guidance and the supply of digital
1,264 nuclides using gamma-ray emission data from SCALE data. Thanks also to suggestions from reviewers Keith C. Bledsoe, Scott O.
6.2.3 and the ICRP 116 effective dose (AP) per fluence con- Schwahn, and David A. McLaughlin of ORNL, and Robert B. Hayes of
North Carolina State University.
version coefficients. Table 5 lists the specific gamma-ray This manuscript has been authored by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract
dose constants for 1,192 nuclides using gamma-ray emission DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the US Department of Energy (DOE). The US
government retains and the publisher, by accepting the article for publication,
data from ICRP 107 and the same conversion coefficients. acknowledges that the US government retains a nonexclusive, paid-up, irrevo-
The conversion constants were found using a log-log interpo- cable, worldwide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this
lation of the ICRP 116 effective dose per fluence values and manuscript, or allow others to do so, for US government purposes. US DOE
will provide public access to these results of federally sponsored research in ac-
were done for each gamma line individually. cordance with the US DOE Public Access Plan (http://energy.gov/downloads/
For nuclides that have emission data listed in both the American National Standards Institute/American Nuclear Society.
SCALE data and in ICRP 107, the values computed in this Neutron and gamma-ray flux-to-dose-rate factors. LaGrange
study were compared using the ratios of their differences to Park, IL: American Nuclear Society; ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977
(N666); 1977.
their averages. The ratio R is defined as Endo A. Operational quantities and new approach by ICRU. Ann
ICRP 45:178–187; 2016.
International Commission on Radiological Protection. Nuclear
R¼ ; ð2Þ decay data for dosimetric calculations. Oxford: ICRP; Publica-
2 ðG SCALE þ G ICRP107 Þ tion 107; 2008. DOI 10.1016/j.icrp.2008.10.004.
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and has a range of [−2, 2] (when one or the other value is 0). coefficients for radiological protection quantities for external
radiation exposures. Oxford: ICRP; Publication 116; 2010.
Of the 774 common nuclides, 627 (81%) were within 10% of DOI 10.1016/j.icrp.2011.10.001.
each other (|R| < 0.1). The SCALE emission data produced Los Alamos National Laboratory. UNGER: effective dose equiv-
lower specific gamma-ray dose constants (R < −0.1) than alent for specific radionuclides. Los Alamos, NM: Los Alamos
the ICRP 107 data for 56 nuclides, 19 of which were very National Laboratory; RSIC Data Library DLC-164; 1992.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory/EG&G Energy Measurements.
low (R < −2/3 or G SCALE/G ICRP107 < 1/2). The SCALE emis- DRALIST: radioactive decay data for application to radiation
sion data produced higher specific gamma-ray dose con- dosimetry and radiological assessments. Oak Ridge, TN: Oak
stants (R > 0.1) than the ICRP 107 data for 91 nuclides, 37 Ridge National Laboratory; RSIC Data Library DLC-080; 1981.
of which were very high (R > 2/3, or G SCALE/G ICRP107 > 2). Rearden BT, Jessee MA. SCALE code system version 6.2.3. Oak
Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory; ORNL/TM-2005/
The two tabulations of specific gamma-ray dose con- 39; 2018.
stants were kept separate because there were no objective Smith DS, Stabin MG. Exposure rate constants and lead shielding
criteria to determine which value should be kept for the nu- values for over 1,100 radionuclides. Health Phys 102:271–291;
clides common to each emission data set. Some applications 2012. DOI 10.1097/hp.0b013e318235153a.
Unger LM, Trubey DK. Specific gamma-ray dose constants for
could use the average value of G SCALE and G ICRP107, but nuclides important to dosimetry and radiological assessment.
other applications might want the higher value (more con- Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory; ORNL/
servative) of the two. RSIC-45/R1; 1982.
Wieselquist WA. The SCALE 6.2 ORIGEN API for high perfor-
SUMMARY mance depletion. In: ANS MC2015—joint international confer-
ence on mathematics and computation (M&C), supercomputing
Two sets of specific gamma-ray dose constants were in nuclear applications (SNA) and the Monte Carlo (MC)
method; Nashville, TN; 19–23 April 2015. LaGrange Park,
tabulated using current photon emission data sets and the lat- IL: American Nuclear Society; 2015.
est effective dose (AP) per fluence conversion coefficients
from ICRP 116. The SCALE photon emission data cover ■■

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