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Submitted: 21 November, 2021 Accepted: 02 March, 2022 Published: 08 January, 2023 DOI:10.22514/sv.2022.



Complexity measures, an analysis for electromyography

and its possible application to spinal cord injuries
Dragos Arotaritei1 , Mariana Rotariu1 , Mihai Ilea1 , Marius Turnea1, *, Catalin Ionite1 ,
Iustina Condurache1 , Andrei Gheorghita1

Department of Biomedical Sciences, Abstract
Faculty of Medical Bioengineering,
University of Medicine and Pharmacy
The objective of this paper is to propose a new method for classifying the
“Grigore T. Popa”, 700454 Iasi, Romania Electromyography (EMG) signal in discriminating among neurogenic and myopathic for
patients that have Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI). The method can have possible connections
*Correspondence with physical processes and the main assumption in this approach is that the different
[email protected]
(Marius Turnea)
forms of neurologic conditions have different information encoded in EMG, possibly
quantifiable by EMG complexity measures. This approach is the main contribution
in this paper and the results can open new possibilities to investigate the presumable
connection of SCI with chaotic components in EMG signals as descriptors for neurologic
type of diseases. In comparison with other methods (machine learning and deep
learning), the main objective of this paper is to extract knowledge with less effort,
that is, to use selection of features and neural network classifiers in a simpler manner
with acceptable results. In a prospective study, the three types of EMG were used
as time series in order to calculate the complexity of signals (normal, myopathic and
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) as neuropathic type, because used database has
no neuropathic EMG records as result of patients’ SCI). The combinations of the most
frequent measures of complexity (for biomedical signals) were used for the classification
(Approximate Entropy, Sample Entropy, Reyni Entropy, Lempel Ziv Entropy and T-
complexity). The classification reached 100% for both training case and discrimination
of myopathy and 0.8663 accuracy for the three classes. These results suggest a
possibility that the complexity can be a good indicator of type of disease using EMG
with perspective study in EMG. The obtained results were in accordance with results
from literature obtained by Machine Learning and Deep Learning. The prediction
of SCI’s evolution in time can be also investigated using coefficients of complexity,
but the preliminary results showed that, due to large variability of the individual, the
mathematical model is nonlinear and its analytical formula is difficult to be guessed in
this stage of research. However, the classification using a simple multilayer perceptron
(MLP) and Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) gives satisfactory results, comparable
with the ones published in literature using Deep Learning but in a much simple manner.

EMG; Machine learning algorithms; Time series complexity; Optimal threshold;
Classification algorithm

1. Introduction tracted parameters from EMG were used to classify the assisted
and independent standing of persons during rehabilitation pro-
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) impairs the ability to perform activ- cedures and further to a prediction algorithm that is rank-
ities of daily living (ADL) including locomotion; even almost ing the effectiveness of muscle activation patterns generated
45% of SCI patients have residual function in upper members. for standing. The analysis of EMG and/without spinal cord
epidural stimulation (scES) is complicated by involving an
According to the level of injury, the patients are classified analysis of EMG signal including Short-Time Fourier Trans-
as having paraplegia or tetraplegia [1] and the International form (STFT), Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), Spectral
Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord In- power density, EMG linear envelope, and the Non-Negative
jury (ISNCSCI) are used for determining the level and severity Matrix Factorization (NNMF) algorithm for normalization in
of the injury. The treatment and rehabilitation period for SCI the dimensionality reduction process [3, 4].
patients is long, expensive and exhausting in all cases [2]. Ex-

This is an open access article under the CC BY 4.0 license (

Signa Vitae 2023 vol.19(1), 65-76 ©2023 The Author(s). Published by MRE Press.

The relationship between EMG and SCI is investigated in coder, PLS-partial least squares regression, etc.). The main
many papers, sometimes with different objectives. EMG was advantage of this type of approach, is that, due to small number
used after pre-processing, as input in a classifier with two of variables used in classification, the algorithms are fast, easy
classes: normal and neuropathy in [3] and spatial filtering to be implemented with small resources (easy to be applied
using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and possible in- to wearable devices, e.g.) and possibly more intuitive and
vestigation of statistics Z-score in neurogenic change proposed related to physical processes. The main disadvantage is that
in [4]. An interesting work proposed a clustering method to the search of features cannot be exploited exhaustively in the
classify two groups of changes, neurogenic and myopathic case of signal processing (frequency analysis, spatiotemporal
changes in [5]. The classification is based on values of Z-score measures, and so on). The ability of researchers plays an
of each subject that also calculate the complicated index based important role in choosing the group of features considered the
on EMG areas and a linear regression that separates the two most useful to be used as inputs of classifier.
clusters [5]. The surface electromyography (sEMG) is used in [15] to
Spatial filtering [6] was used to improve the classification determine the neuromuscular disorders (normal, myopathy,
using group of muscles having “myopathy” or “neurogenic” and neuropathy). A two-stage binary classifier is used and the
changes versus normal cases in direct relationship with SCI. accuracy obtained is 86.9% [15]. In [16], the authors proposed
Patterns in EMG and sEMG are very useful in rehabilitation a novel method to extract features from EMG records, Normal-
process and evaluation of progress in rehabilitation [7, 8]. ized Weight Vertical Visibility Algorithm (NWVVA). Three
Sophisticated predictor as artificial neural networks (ANN) can classifiers were used (k-nearest neighbor, multilaye r percep-
be used in prognostic using variables collected in one year (as tron neural network, and support vector machine) with 98.36%
included subjects’ age at the time of injury, sex, American accuracy [16]. Five statistic features for three classes were
Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale (ASIA) scores, proposed in [17]: Autoregressive (AR), Root Mean Square
etc.) in [9]. In [10] authors proposed an EMG score calculated (RMS), Zero Crossing (ZC), Waveform length (WL) and Mean
for muscle contractions using a 6-point scale to assess the Absolute Value (MAV), with maximum accuracy 86.3%. In
recovery after acute SCI in man for 12 muscles. [18], the authors consider the frequency domain of EMG
There are no significant papers that deal with complexity as features using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and
modification in EMG signals as result of SCI. However, there Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) as classifiers for diabetic and
are efforts to analyze the EMG signals using complexity mea- non-diabetic patients. An interesting review of ML methods
sures as fuzzy approximate entropy to detect stroke-changes is presented in [19]; however, it is not an exhaustive survey,
effect in muscle activation [11]. In [12], the authors inves- there are algorithms not included. A complex method for fea-
tigate the possible relationship between Root Mean Square ture extraction with hyperparameter optimization and Bayesian
(RMS) and fuzzy entropy (FuzzyEn) of EMG, also recording decision is proposed in [20]. The accuracy measure is given as
the possibility to use FuzzyEn that could potentially be used Area Under the ROC (AUC) with a score of 81.7% (muscle-
as indicator for spasticity. A proposal is made in [13] to level) and 81.5% (patient-level) [20].
use Sample Entropy (SampEn) as a biomarker in order to Deep Learning Approach [21, 22] (including LSTM-
investigate the trend (almost horizontal) when the surface area Long Short-Term Memory and CNN-Convolutional Neural
of EMG epoch increases. Three groups are investigated by Networks) gives new solutions to classification problems,
plotting logarithmic values of SampEn vs. area of EMG epoch: having the advantage that the input vector (in the discrete
healthy subjects (control group), subacute stroke group and 1D signals case) can be very high (vector with a size of the
chronic stroke subjects [13]. magnitude of thousands of elements) and the Deep Neural
An interesting application of classification of patients that Networks (DNN) is able to classify these vectors using
have knee osteoarthritis (one of the most important lower limb pretrained Neural Networks (NNs). The training of DNN
disabilities) and people that are healthy is proposed in [14]. requires many computing resources and also the practical
Features forming sEMG are extracted using entropy measures implementation is difficult for low-cost hardware as body
(SampEn, AppEn, and FuzzyEn) and multivariate analysis of sensor area network (wearable application) used in biomedical
variance (MANOVA) is used over 2 × 4 (group × muscle). applications. A summarization of few important papers
The entropy-based features were clustered using Fuzzy C- in this direction is given in Table 1. High-density surface
Mean (FCM) algorithm and the best classification is made by electromyography (HD-sEMG) was used as input for deep
FuzzyEn with 88% accuracy and 88.57% specificity. learning networks in order to classify 27 finger gestures in
Machine Learning (ML) algorithms can be seen as part [23]. A connection between sEMG (surface EMG) and limb
of artificial intelligence (AI) and proved to be a successful kinematics is made in [24] using a database for 65 isometric
solution for a large array of problems, including classification hand gestures. A deep learning approach for classification of
of biomedical signals. The signals are usually pre-processed, stance/swing phases and prediction of the foot–floor-contact
followed by a feature selection (as part of pattern recognition signal for treadmill walking is proposed in [25]. An approach
problems) used in various types of classifiers. The features EMG-based gesture recognition using ADANN (Adaptive
selection are bases on empirical selection (as number and type) Domain Adversarial Neural Network) for generation of
or mathematical approaches which calculate a selection of features is proposed in [26]. A good start for the application of
them that contribute most significant to results (PCA-principal DNNs in biomedical signal processing is the review by [27].
component analysis, kernel PCA, ICA-independent compo- The complexity measures of time series were successfully
nent analysis, LSA-latent semantic analysis, isomap, autoen- used for the analysis of Electroencephalogram (EEG) and Elec-

TA B L E 1. Selected summary of state of the art in EMG classification.

Ref Application Algorithms/Techniques Database availability Results
[3] 2 classes: normal and FFT, Power spectrum N/A RMS (Root Mean Square) =
neuropathy 1.1893
[4] 3 classes: normal, myopathy PCA, clustering index (CI) N/A HD-sEMG, classes based CI
and neuropathy between 0 and 1
[5] 2 classes: neurogenic and clustering index, Z-score, linear N/A 95% Specificity, 92% and 61%
myopathic regression sensitivity
[9] patient’s level of injury, 5 levels Artificial Neural Networks National Spinal Cord Injury 85% accuracy
Model Systems Database
[11] complexity of the generated fuzzy approximate entropy N/A N/A validation
EMG signals decreases due to (fApEn), ANOVA, Bonferroni
muscle damage after stroke post hoc test
[12] level of spasticity root mean square (RMS) and N/A 2-D map results, no validation
fuzzy entropy (FuzzyEn)
[13] three classes: healthy subjects logarithmic values of SampEn N/A Regression lines for separations
(control group), subacute stroke vs. area of EMG epoch; of classes, R2 = 0.782
group and chronic stroke
[14] two classes approximate entropy, sample N/A 92% of accuracy, 91.43%
entropy, and fuzzy entropy; sensitivity and 93.33% of
Fuzzy C-Mean specificity
[15] normal, myopathy, and 42 features, random forest N/A 86.9% accuracy
neuropathy classes classifier
[16] healthy, myopathy, and normalized weight vertical Physionet and EMGLAB 98.36% accuracy
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis visibility algorithm for feature
(ALS) classes extraction, k-nearest neighbor,
multilayer perceptron neural
network, and support vector
machine classifiers
[17] normal, myopathy, and five statistic features, EMG lab database highest accuracy 86.3%
neuropathy classes multilayer perceptron
[18] two classes: diabetic and discrete wavelet transforms N/A 95.45% accuracy
non-diabetic (DWT), multilayer perceptron
[20] two classes: normal and Bayesian technique N/A Area Under the ROC (AUC)
ALS/IBM (Amyotrophic score 81.7% (muscle-level) and
Lateral Sclerosis/Inclusion 81.5% (patient-level)
Body Myositis
[23] 27 finger gestures, 2D dataset 3D CNN Architecture CapgMyo and CSL-HDEMG highest accuracy 98.9%
[24] 65 isometric hand gestures N/A Open access N/A
[25] classify gait events (proper Multilayer NN with deep N/A highest accuracy 95.28 ± 0.5
stance and swing phases) and learning approach
[26] eleven hand/wrist gestures Adaptive Domain Adversarial N/A highest accuracy 81.38%
Neural Network (ADANN):
CNN, ConvNet, Grad-CAM
The notations in Table 1 are: FFT (Tast Fourier transform); N/A (not available); PCA (Principal Component Analysis); HD-
sEMG (High-density surface electromyography); EMG (Electromyography); ANOVA (Analysis of variance); EMGLAB (http:
//; CNN (convolutional neural network); CSL-HDEMG (a database,
research/motion-recognition); NN (Neural Network); Grad-CAM (Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping).

trocardiogram (ECG) signals. In [28], Lempel-Ziv complexity in [30]. A non-exhaustive selection of complexity measures
measure (LZ) was used for dichotomous classifier in focal and (used in this paper) is [31–37]: Lempel-Ziv (LZW) [31, 32],
non-focal EEG sign. The same algorithm was used to detect approximate entropy (AppEn) [33] Sample Entropy (SampEn)
arrhythmias in [29]. [34] and Rényi Entropy (RenyEn) [35].
The major complexity measures and major entropy mea- The main motivation for this approach is the construction
sures that are often used as measure complexity are identified of simpler classifiers, with feature extraction related to com-

plexity of signals. The complexity of signal can be related 2.1 Lempel-Ziv Complexity
to EMG disorders due to SCI, and the supposition is that
the different level of complexity can reveal somewhat the P sequence of symbols of incremental length (starting with
information coded in signal, in a different manner for normal length 1) is examined from left to right in the string S. Each
and a different manner for abnormal, disorder that can be fused new pattern as subsequence of consecutive strings from S is
for classification of normal/type of abnormality. counted by a counter c(n).
The challenges for this approach are mainly the consuming
Let’s denote by S = s1 , s2 · · · , sn a finite length of
time for complexity analysis and the availability of many
symbols, and S (i, j) = si , si+1 , · · · , sj ϵ S, i < j is one
records for database with many EMG disorders. Different
substring that starts at i point and end at position j. The null
muscular groups can have different EMG complexities, so a
set is denoted by S (i, j) = {}. Let Q and R be substrings of
general approach for all the muscle affected by SCI is difficult
type QR the concatenation of them and let’s denote by QRD a
to be constructed.
sequence obtained after the last character of QR is deleted (D
Our contribution refers to: (a) usage of different complexity
is the common notation for deleted). In a scan procedure, the
approaches to discriminate the muscular disorders, and (b)
string S is parsed from left to right in order to obtain distinct
combination of different complexity approaches in order to
strings. Let’s denote by B(S) the set of basic words. A substring
increase the accuracy of classification of disorder types.
S(i,j) is compared with the strings from B(S), substrings up to
The objective is to provide an alternative to other j-1, that is S(i,j-1). If S(i,j) is present, no new component is
approached and a possible correlation of different types present, B(S(i,j-1)) is updated to B(S(i,j)), and S(i,j) is updated
on neural disorder with complexity in EMG signal. to S(i,j+1), and the process is repeated until the end of string.
The results can have implications in the design of a monitor- If S(i,j) is not present, a new component is found and a dot is
ing device using a small microcontroller as wearable device. placed after S(j). The dots mark all the new distinct strings
found in the parsing process. The process repeats until j = n (n
2. Methods is the length of string S). The start process begins with S (1,1),
the first symbol in the string S.
The main work proposed in this paper is based on the obser-
vation from plotted graph of papers [3] and [4]. The linear The algorithm is constructed from two operations: compar-
regression analysis in both papers suggests that a linear dis- ison and accumulation. The number of symbols is denoted by
criminator is not a satisfactory classification of EMG signal for α, and the superior limit of n is given by:
healthy subjects, for EMG collected from subjects with stroke
or Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). The main idea is that the cor-
responding EMG signal from persons that have neurological
lim c (n) = b (n) = n/log α n (2)
disorder can be somewhat quantified in a coded information to n→∞
the corresponding type of disorder, that has different causes—
different effects in EMG coding information. The counter of complexity n normalized is usually defined
The basis for time series complexity calculus is the bi- as:
narization schema, that is the real values of time series are
transformed in a sequence of symbols, the most common being
“0” and “1” [32]. The most used method for binarization of
X = {X0 , X1 , · · · , Xn−1 }time series in a binary time series C (n) = (3)
S = {S0 , S1 , · · · , Sn−1 }is based on threshold (one, two or
more levels) [28], based on a threshold (that can be the mean
value between the maximum and minimum of X): where n is the apparition rate for new patterns. In order
{ to compare different time series, the length of them must be
1 xj ≥ th the same. The main idea is that the uncertainty is decreased,
sj = (1)
0 xj < th the information is increased and the dynamics of complexity is
more predictable. The measure of complexity can be used to
In our case, th = min (X) + (max (X) − min (X)) /2. classify different levels of dynamics and a classifier based on
The three types of EMG signals (normal, myopathy and neuro- these measures is investigated in this paper.
genic) are collected from literature, signals pre-processed with
For example, the string 0111010100010 is parsed as 0 1 11
artifacts removed. All the sequences are analyzed from left to
010 100 010 and the complexity measure is calculated for c(n)
right. In our case, the number of symbols α = 2 (two binary
= 5 and n = 13, so C(n)= 1.7079.
values, “0” and “1”).
There are few approaches that can be used for a good choice
of th extracted from all the sequences (related to statistics): 2.2 Approximate Entropy
median value, average value or empirical value extracted from
standard deviation. Our choice of the average values is con- Approximate Entropy (ApEn) is a measure or regularity in time
sistent with approaches from literature. In some cases, a series data, a measure of randomness of data [33, 38]. Let’s
single threshold cannot be enough for application, thus, more denote a series of patterns of length p (smallest integer for
thresholds can be used (3 of 4 thresholds, according to [21]). patterns that are not intersected in pairs), derived from X(n).

( n )
1 ∑
1 ∑
ApEn (p, r, n) = log CiP (r) H (α) = log pα (8)
n−p+1 1 − α 2 i=1 i
N −p
1 ∑ The entropy requires the estimation of probability and one
− log CiP +1 (r)
n − p i−1 of the most used methods is the calculus of histogram. A good
choice in our case is α ∈ [2 10], interval chosen by empirical
trials. In the case of α = 2 is about the collision entropy and it
where r is a parameter (tolerance of comparison and Cip (r)
is a common choice for Rény entropy in applications as start
is the correlation integral (e.g., r = 0.2, p = 2). By statistical
point of analysis of time series.
point of view, the ApEn is a method used to quantify the
amount of regularity and the unpredictability of fluctuations
for a given time-series data. This can be seen as to form 2.5 T-code
the theory of information as a coded binary information if The computation of T-complexity is approached by using T-
the data is converted in binary string and the complexity of codes, a novel method of self-synchronizing codes, which has
information can be interpreted as pattern for unpredictability been proposed by Tichener [39] and presented in detail in [40].
or randomness. One alphabet with a set of symbols is used to construct the
first level of augmentation (an essential term used in T-code).
2.3 Sample Entropy This set of symbols is memorized in this first level. The next
levels of augmentation are deployed iteratively by removing
Sample Entropy (SampEn) is a measure of complexity, differ- a chosen T-prefix and annexing it to the list of code words
ent from Approximate Entropy (ApEn). The main advantage [40]. T-decomposition is an inverse operation and it assays
of this measure is that self-similar patterns are not counted. the sequence of T-prefixes having as result the total distinct
Let’s take a template vector of length m as Xk, m = xk + prefixes with which the complexity is computed.
1, xk + · · · , xk + m2, a sub-vector X, and r as a tolerance The T-code applies to substrings by means of a window W
value. Sample entropy is the probability that having a distance of finite length. Let A be an alphabet set with finite length,
between a set of two sub-strings lower than r, to also have a uw—the merging of two strings u and w, and uk—the merging
subset of sub-strings length m+1 that have a distance between of k copies of string u. The recursive formula [40]:
them lower than r. The matching is usually based on a
Euclidean metric distance.
∪ } ∪ { kj +1 }
The calculation of SampEn, for two numbers, A (vector {
Sj = Pji s | s ∈ Sj−1 \ {Pj } Pj (9)
pairs of length m+1) and B (vector pairs of length m) is done i=1
can build the series of T-code, where S0 = A, Pj is a prefix,
SampEn = – log (A/B) (5) Pj is a string, kj is a natural number and s is also a string. In
(k , k , …,k )
tree theory it is usually noted by S(p11, p 2 ,…,pnn) . If we have
a binary alphabet, A = {0, 1}, for instance, a T-augmentation
presented as tree is shown in Fig. 1. By means of the algorithm
dc (Xi, m , Xj, m ) = max (xi+k , xj+k ) (6) named T-decomposition, for a certain string, the sequence is
k=1,…, m
parsed as follows:

dc (Xi, m , Xj, m ) < r (7) s = Pnkn Pn−1
…P1k1 A (10)

The main parameters are the length of window and r (a

choice can be r = 2 × std = 6; std—standard deviation and ∑

length of window m = 2). tc = log 2 (kj + 1) (11)


2.4 Rényi Entropy The T-complexity of the string s is calculated by Eqn. 11 and
used as feature in classification in the next section.
Rényi Entropy generalizes the shannon entropy, and can be
used as measure of complexity. Let’s denote by pi the prob-
ability for a random variable to take a given value out of n
2.6 Classification using Neural Network
values, and by α, the order of entropy measure. As α increases, Classification and clustering are two methods in machine
the measure is more sensitive to occurrence of values with learning algorithms used in pattern identification that have
higher probability, meanwhile the values occurring less are some similarities. Sometimes, the clustering methods are the
small representatives. The Rény entropy is given by: first step in classification in order to obtain a linear separation

(1, 1)
F I G U R E 1. Intermediary T-code, computed for S(1, 10) = {0, 11, 1100, 1011}.

of the classes or a simpler mathematical form of classifier. The main performance metric for multiclass classifier in ma-
In our case, it is about supervised classification, that is, the chine learning algorithms (computed from confusion matrix)
classes are known, so the numbers of clusters are predefined, are: Accuracy (Acc), Precision (Pr) and Recall (Re). Let’s
so a known classifier is considered (excellent performances denote by True Positive (TP) the elements labeled as positive
mathematically demonstrated by universal approximation by the model and they are actually positive, False Positive (FP)
theorem), neural networks (NN) [41], Multilayer Perceptron the elements that have been labeled as positive by the model,
(MLP). but they are actually negative, True Negatives (TN) are the
There are various architectures and types of NNs proposed elements correctly classified by the model, and False Positive
in literature but doing a tradeoff between complexity (the (FP) the elements that have been labeled as positive by the
simplicity of NN is preferred) and performance, a simple model, but they are actually negative. In order to be coherent
multilayer feedforward NN is chosen (Fig. 1). with results from the other papers presented in state of the art,
Let’s denote by X = {x1 , x2 , · · · , xn } the input vector only Acc was used [43].
of features, Y = {y1 , y2 , · · · , yn } the output vector, T =
{t1 , t2 , · · · , tn } the targets, the relationship input-output can
be written in matrix form (for k layer): Acc = (14)
TP + TN + FP + FN

( nj ) In our case, the main interest is the correct classification, that

∑ is how performing is our classifier (the Acc measure).
yjk =φ k
wji • xk−1
i + θj (12)
2.7 Classification using clustering
The Self-Organizing Tree Algorithm (SOTA), introduced by
1 [44] combines self-organization features maps (SOM) with
φ (x) = (13)
1 + e−x+θ hierarchical clustering in order to produce a tree (that can be a
growing neural network) where the final nodes are clusters [45,
where wij k are the weight of connection between neurons i 46]. The binary tree topology in SOTA algorithm selects in the
from layer k-1 and j from layer k, xi k the output of neuron i in first step a node that has the largest heterogeneity and splits it
the layer k, θj the threshold of sigmoidal function of activation into two nodes (the daughter cells). The tree continues to grow
(Eqn. 10) of neuron j from layer k and yj k the output of neuron until all the observations are mapped to leaf nodes [46]. An
j in the layer k (Fig. 2). implementation in R language is provided by [47], the clValid
The usual choice of a NN feedforward classifier is rep- package. An interesting new application is bioinformatics is
resented two hidden layers with sigmoidal function and one proposed in [48] demonstrating the very good performance of
output layer with linear function of activation in order to SOTAs algorithm in this particular case.
prevent saturation at output. In [49] the authors proposed a novel algorithm adaptive dou-
The experiments used also ELM-AE as this is presented in ble SOM (ADSOM) that eliminated biases from the set of pa-
[42]. The hidden layer in ELM-AE network has nodes with rameters allowing a more efficient clustering. ADSOM com-
parameters randomly generated and after that, they are made bines SOM and position vector (bidimensional) with parameter
orthogonal. training. A recent approach that uses the SOM algorithms

F I G U R E 2. Typical architecture for MLP.

F I G U R E 3. Normalized complexity vs. threshold level used in binarization.

and other packages for unsupervised clustering algorithms in a emglab/Signals/N2001/index.html) with three types of
bioinformatic analysis is proposed in [48]. signals: normal, myopathic and ALS (that can be considered
as neuropathic).
3. Results and Discussions From this data base, a selection is made taking into account
only the records from Biceps Brahii muscle (BB) in order to
Even the threshold can modify the results substantially if only reduce the variability due to muscle type. The data set was
one complexity measure is used. In Fig. 3, the LZ algorithm split in two (random normal distribution): 70% of records for
is applied to a random (uniform distribution) time series of train and 30% for tests (around 10 seconds each record). There
213 = 8192 sample, a typical length number of samples for are 150 records from 10 patients for normal case, 3 patients
signals processing in biomedical engineering. It can be seen with myopathy, 53 records and 6 patients with ALS, 98 records,
form Fig. 3, that a simple modification of threshold from 0.5 to filtered and 60 Hz frequency removed by a Notch filter.
0.6 modifies the complexity value by 0.0381, in some methods The approximate entropy, sample entropy and Rényi En-
being enough to overlap the classes (Fig. 3). tropy are subjects of intense and exhaustive analysis [55–59]
In this paper we used a measure of threshold (single thresh- and the short presentation of them in methodology is motivated
old), binary alphabet of “0” and “1”, based on simple statistics by non-repeating approaches. The input layer in NNs has
as 0.5. numerical values for all five complexity measures, and the
EMG was pre-processed to remove artifacts [50–54]. output target is three classes: ALS, Myopathy and Normal.
A larger database is N2001 ( From Figs. 4,5 it can be see that the myopathy is clearly

F I G U R E 4. Combination of complexity measure in a 2D Map.

piecewise linear separable from the rest of the classes with TA B L E 2. Accuracy (Acc) for selection of 4 from 5
100% accuracy in both training and test cases. The problem complexity measures.
arises from ALS and Normal separation, which in the actual Variable out Acc
stage is difficult to explain, but probably more specific records
RenyiEn 0.8314
are necessary related to neuropathy and related to SCI not ALS.
SampEn 0.7965
The accuracy of classification for all classes, that is the cor-
rect classification, is 86.6% in training stage and 82.95% in test AppEn 0.8256
stage, that are acceptable results for automatic classification, in AppEn 0.8256
accordance with the results from literature. T-complexity 0.6337
It would be interesting to evaluate the rough sensitivity for
each type of complexity, that is, the influence of each type of
complexity to good classification (Table 2). It is clear from this Using N2001 database, a set of data was constructed: 60
table that each type of complexity contributes to a good result; records—normal, 60 records-myopathy, and 52 records—
the most interesting is T-Complexity that can dramatically ALS. The SOTA clustering algorithm is an unsupervised type
decrease the quality of classifier. and 5 clusters were found using Euclidean distance [47], as in
The experiments take into account SOTA algorithm [47]. Fig. 6.

F I G U R E 5. Three-class confusion matrix.

F I G U R E 6. Clusters using SOTA algorithm.


It can be seen that cluster 1 has 135 records and cluster 2 has entropy.
31 records; taking into account that the maximum correct clas- In the future research, a more extended EMG database
sified records, there can be 60 (as the dataset was constructed) will be used and more classes will be included to develop
results that the misclassification is at least 75 + 21 = 96 records, the assertion from this paper. Also, Graphic User Interface
the accuracy is below (172–96)/172%, that is 44.19%, making (GUI) will be developed in MATLAB in order to help the user
this solution unfeasible. This means that the SOTAs algorithm manipulate the data and select the pairs of algorithms used
is not a feasible solution, but for this selection of features of for complexity calculus. Other algorithms that calculate the
EMG signal (complexity), this solution is unfeasible. complexity will be taken into account and a heuristic method
The results are in accordance with recent approaches related of efficient time series binarization is under development.
to the connection between SCI and EMG [53]. This study has The main benefit of this approach can be considered to be a
no taken into account the influence of age in EMG. It is known simpler approach of classification of different neural disorders
that the muscle response decreases with age but the studies and the possible discussion the content of information in EMG
related to this problem are very poor in quantitative aspects in each case. It is worth mentioning that the accuracy of
[54]. The study can be useful in developing new research in detection between health and non-health (myopathy and ALS)
muscle activity prediction for COVID-19 and post COVID-19 is 100% in both train and test case. The accuracy decreases
patients [53], even the quantification (quantitative approach) only in the case of classification in myopathy and ALS so a
related to COVID-19 effects over muscle model is a subject of tool based on this approach to detect the existence of neural
debate. disorder can be the second benefit of this approach.
There are some limitations of the proposed method. ApEn
and SampEn are very sensitive to their input parameters [55,
56]. Optimal values are actually found by empirical methods A UTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
but there is no mathematical formulation yet for this problem
DA, MR, MI, MT, and AG—designed the research study; DA,
applied to the approach in this paper. The proposed method
MR, MT, and AG—performed the research; MI—analyzed the
cannot detect the progression of neuropathy, so the records at
data; CI and IC—wrote the manuscript, all authors read and
different moments of evolution of disease can produce values
approved the final manuscript.
of complexity that have not studied yet [57]. The previous
results that use T-Complexity [58, 59] can be a solution of the
problem. An inherent limitation is due to number of different E THICS APPROVAL AND CONSENT TO
patients in database used in this approach. A much larger PA R TICIPATE
database (in number of patients) are not available yet and the
further research will be extended inasmuch such a database is Not applicable.
In the next steps of this research, other measures of complex-
ity will be the subject of Python package, e.g., Wavelet Packet
Entropy [60] and also the diffusion entropy [57]. Thanks to all the peer reviewers for their opinions and sugges-
4. Conclusions
A novel method for classification of EMG is proposed in this F UNDING
paper. Also, a new approach was proposed to classify the
This research received no external funding.
EMG records that apply to SCI, the complexity measure. The
application of LZW and a 2D map for fusion of different
complexity values for the same signal is a new solution for CONFLICT OF INTEREST
EMG signals in classification problems. The method is useful
for both short data sets and long datasets but some preliminary The authors declare no conflict of interest.
results showed that accuracy increase for short sequences of
datasets and multiple thresholds (the tree thresholds produce
a notable increase of accuracy, but the choice of them vas set
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