Combining Gyroscope and Electromyogram Analysis For The Detection of Resting Tremor and Muscle Activity in Parkinson's Disease
Combining Gyroscope and Electromyogram Analysis For The Detection of Resting Tremor and Muscle Activity in Parkinson's Disease
Combining Gyroscope and Electromyogram Analysis For The Detection of Resting Tremor and Muscle Activity in Parkinson's Disease
Shouvik Sarkar
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Assam University,Silchar
Abstract:- In this paper, we focus on designing and As with other tremors, there are fundamental differences
implementing a wearable device for detecting Parkinson's between resting tremors associated with Parkinson's disease
disease (PD) symptoms by analyzing resting tremors and and other tremors, such as their characteristic frequency, their
abnormal muscle activity which contribute to PD progression and pathophysiology. However , there are
combining gyroscope and electromyogram(EMG) similarities in their appearance , occurrences which leads to
analysis. Using advanced sensor technology, real-time data misdiagnosis of resting tremor associated with PD and other
about movement and muscle activity is captured by the tremors . Misdiagnosis occur regarding the symptoms that can
device. Here, we outline a hardware framework for mimic PD such as essential tremors , dystonic tremors or other
optimizing data acquisition by identifying sensors to be neurological disorders[5] . Thus , due to overlapping of such
used, their placement and integration strategies. In order symptoms ,a reliable and accurate diagnosis is needed .
to analyze data, machine learning algorithms are used to Moreover, misdiagnosis can lead to improper medications ,
distinguish between tremors and muscle activity that are ineffective treatement , progression of the disease to a more
specific to Parkinson's disease and normal movements complicated stage. Despite these challenges , the accurate
using classification technique. By enabling proactive diagnosis is highly dependent on clinical expertise , specialist
healthcare interventions and customized patient consultation , and also includes previous history and physical
management strategies, the proposed device represents a examination . Neuroimaging and DAT scans have been a
promising tool for the detection of early-stage potential option to diagnose PD[6,13].However, it takes a huge
Parkinson's disease. time for the whole procedure,which can pose serious threats to
Keywords:- Parkinson’s Disease(PD), Resting Tremor,
Muscle Activity, Gyroscope, Electromyogram(EMG). Methods combining gyroscope and electromyography
(EMG) electrodes[8,9,10] is a subject of growing interests as
I. INTRODUCTION they are readily available , non-invasive , cost-effective
diagnostic tools . Combination of these provides a satisfactory
A tremor is a rhythmic, involuntary , shaking movements accuracy and diagnosis of resting tremor and abnormal muscle
of the body . Resting tremor is a type of tremor that occurs activity associated with PD . However , accuracy is not enough
mainly at rest and not specifically engaged in any movement. for validation of the disease . It requires validation from
Resting tremor is a very important symptom of physician or a clinical expert . In this work , we proposed of
PD[1,4].Worldwide, an estimated 7–10 million people are creating a smart wearable device by detecting tremor , muscle
living with PD and its occurrence increases with age, being rare activity associated with PD using gyroscope and EMG
before age 50 and more common in men than in women[2,3]. analysis. Recently, the application of machine learning
The occurrence of PD increases with age and PD affects 1% of techniques has increased in healthcare monitoring systems.
the population above 60 years of age. It typically involves Here , we have utilized SVM – based classifier to classify
movement of limbs , wrist or other parts of body. In most cases, resting tremor associated with PD and abnormal muscle
it operates at a frequency between 2 and 6 Hz. activities. This can be used to accurately predict the occurance
of the disease and can take actions accordingly.
Our work comprises of the following steps : (1)hardware circuitry , (2)data acquisition , (3)data preprocessing ,(4)feature
extraction , (5)dimensionality reduction and (6)classification . The schematic diagrams are provided below.
A. Hardware Circuitry
In this work , we used the following components : (1)arduino uno which acted as central processing unit and control interface
, (2)EMG sensor and electrodes which helped in capturing muscle activity data , (3)Gyroscope sensor(GYROSCOPE) which helped
detecting resting tremor and abnormal movements associated with PD , (4)buzzer which helped for real time monitoring feedback
based on symptom detection ,(5)LCD which was used to display real-time data and system status. And finally used machine learning
model on arduino to classify and analyze sensor data for detecting PD . User interacts with the device through a push button to start
the monitoring process and upon pressing the button the device starts the data acquisition from EMG sensor and gyroscope .
an additional parameter known as gamma, which controls how individual classification using SVM. To evaluate the
far the influence of a single training example reaches. We did performance we found out the accuracy[7] , and the
a grid-search as a method of model selection to adjust the SVM performance metrics precision, recall , F1 score as in the
parameters. The range of gamma was { 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001}. classification report .
For better understanding of our device we also employed
Accuracy was computed to check the performance of our CONCLUSION
device. As mentioned earlier we computed both individual and
overall accuracy of our method. For individual computations , This work provides potential benefits by early detection
the best result came for muscle activity detection from EMG of PD enabling timely intervention . This helps the clinical
sensor of about 98% and for resting tremor detection we got professionals to track the disease progression and improve
accuracy approximately about 80% . The overall accuracy of treatment efficiency. This device can be enhanced by
our method to detect PD is approximately about 80%. Talking incorporating more advanced sensors such as heart monitoring
about the performance metrics (in individual cases) is given in sensors , temperature sensors to detect more symptoms related
TABLE II. We conducted tests under diverse environmental to PD that can provide more details about this disease and can
conditions and also measured response time from symptom be more helpful for medical experts to diagnose PD[11,12] .
onset to device alert activation that is of buzzer and LCD update More enhancements can be done by refining of machine
displaying the results. During the work we encountered with learning (ML) algorithms by exploring more complex
various challenges , more particularly EMG sensor readings symptom recognition and classification[16,17] . Future
were initially affected by electrical noise and required adequate developments and research could focus on remote monitoring
filtering techniques to enhance signal-to-noise ratio , and for and telemedicine integration by securely transmitting data to
gyroscope sensor which measures the angular rate that providers of healthcare . This also can provide personalized
indicates changes in the orientation or rotation speed of the treatment adjustments through real-time data thereby helping
device that can further detect tremor activity and can be in dosage management and required medications. Clinical
quantified. For this data, due to drift over time , it needed trials and research could be done by standardizing tremor
periodic calibrations to maintain the accuracy. We have taken related metrics and providing high-resolution data for
the gyroscope data in terms of degrees/seconds which we evaluating and introducing new therapies .
converted further into hertz by using the formula :
Currently , wearable technology is very important in
(𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦) healthcare monitoring particularly for chronic disease like PD
𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦(𝐻𝑧) = [12,18]. Early detection of PD and timely monitoring is helpful
for both patients and clinical professionals for improvement
We have taken the EMG sensor data in terms of and treatment efficiency . This can potentially improve patient
microvolts(µV). This represents the amplitude of the electrical outcomes and quality of life. Further , enhancing the device’s
potential produced by the muscle contraction. We also utility in both clinical practice and research can help paving
performed model optimizations by tuning machine learning the way for more effective management of PD.
hyperparameters[19] to enhance model performance and
reduce computational load on Arduino Uno.
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