Beg Elem ReadingComprehension
Beg Elem ReadingComprehension
Beg Elem ReadingComprehension
Reading comprehension
Read the article and choose the correct 5 The ‘wellderly’ are …
option. a over 100 years old.
b over 80 years old.
1 What do scientists investigate to try and c elderly people with health problems.
understand long life?
a people’s lifestyles and where they 6 According to the article, …
live a some places have an unusual number
b genetic factors and environmental of very old people.
factors b Italy and Japan are very healthy
c people’s diet and what kind of places to live.
activities they do c people who live in small villages live
2 What do diabetes, heart problems and
high blood pressure have in common? 7 The typical reason people give for their
a They are common illnesses in old age. long life is:
b Scientists can learn a lot about age a diet
when they study these illnesses. b a secret
c People in Ecuador don’t suffer from c there are many different reasons
these illnesses.
8 Laron syndrome …
3 What do some people from Ecuador and a is a problem for people with diabetes.
Okinawa have in common? b is only found in Ecuador and Hawaii.
a They have diabetes. c is the result of a genetic condition.
b They have a genetic syndrome.
c They live long healthy lives. 9 Laron syndrome shows scientists that …
a some people don’t grow tall.
Read the article again and choose the b there is a genetic reason for old age.
correct option. c some conditions only affect men.