Edicion RNA Leishmania
Edicion RNA Leishmania
Edicion RNA Leishmania
DOI 10.1007/s00436-010-2190-6
Received: 14 August 2010 / Accepted: 6 October 2010 / Published online: 4 December 2010
# Springer-Verlag 2010
Abstract RNA editing in trypanosomatids is an elaborate detect full-size transcripts by Northern blotting in promas-
form of post-transcriptional processing that inserts and tigotes of L. braziliensis, led us to the suggestion that the
deletes uridines in many mitochondrial pre-mRNAs, pro- strain used in this study (M2904) lacks of critical RNA
viding the genetic information needed to create functional guides for a complete edition of ND8 transcripts.
transcripts. The process has been extensively analyzed in
Trypanosoma brucei, Crithidia fasciculata, and Leishmania
tarentolae. However, few data exist on this mechanism in Introduction
pathogenic Leishmania species. Here, we show evidence
that this process also operates in Leishmania braziliensis, Protozoan parasites of the genera Leishmania are causative
being the first time that RNA editing has been described in agents of a group of diseases, known as leishmaniases.
a species of the Viannia subgenus. A partially edited These range from the spontaneously healing cutaneous
transcript corresponding to the NADH dehydrogenase lesions arising from Leishmania major infection to muco-
subunit 8 (ND8) gene was identified in L. braziliensis cutaneous leishmaniasis usually associated with Leishmania
promastigotes. Sequence analysis allowed the identification braziliensis and the often fatal visceralising disease, caused
of the maxicircle-encoded cryptogene, which shows a high by Leishmania donovani, in the Indian sub-continent, and
degree of sequence conservation with the corresponding Leishmania infantum (Leishmania chagasi), in Latin
cryptogenes in other Leishmania species. Although an America and the Mediterranean basin (Bañuls et al.
edition pattern could be postulated for the ND8 transcripts 2007). World Health Organization (WHO) epidemiologi-
in L. braziliensis, attempts to isolate completely edited cal data indicate that there are over two million new cases
transcripts by RT-PCR were not fruitful; instead, many of leishmaniasis each year in 88 countries, with 367
transcripts with partial and unexpected editing patterns million people at risk (http://www.who.int/health-topics/
were isolated. This data, together with our inability to leishmaniasis.htm). Leishmania parasites undergo a dige-
netic life cycle, differentiating from the promastigote form
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article in the insect vector, the phlebotomine sand fly, to the
(doi:10.1007/s00436-010-2190-6) contains supplementary material, amastigote form in the lysosomal compartment of the
which is available to authorized users. macrophages of mammals.
C. Ramírez : C. Puerta Leishmania, and related trypanosomatids of the genera
Laboratorio de Parasitología Molecular, Trypanosoma, derive from one of the earlier evolutionary
Departamento de Microbiología, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana,
lines diverging from the common trunk of eukaryotes
Bogotá, Colombia
(Moreira et al. 2004). As a reflection of their evolutionary
C. Ramírez : J. M. Requena (*) distance to most of eukaryotes, they possess several
Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (CSIC-UAM), distinctive features and surprising molecular mechanisms
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,
(Donelson et al. 1999). Perhaps one of the most fascinating
c/ Nicolás Cabrera 1,
28049 Madrid, Spain molecular mechanisms operating in these organisms is RNA
e-mail: [email protected] editing of their mitochondrial transcripts (Estevez and
732 Parasitol Res (2011) 108:731–739
Simpson 1999). RNA editing is a unique post-transcriptional Apart from T. brucei, L. tarentolae, and C. fasciculata,
RNA maturation process that in trypanosomatids involves in which the mitochondrial RNA editing has been studied
the addition or removal of uridine (U) residues at precise extensively, there are few reports of editing in other species
sites of mitochondrial transcripts. This process creates of the class Kinetoplastea (Simpson et al. 2000). Until
initiation and termination codon, corrects frameshifts, and recently, mammalian-infecting Leishmania species were
builds entire open-reading frames from nonsense DNA not analyzed for the presence of RNA editing. Ibrahim and
sequences. The mitochondrial genome of trypanosomatids co-workers (Ibrahim et al. 2008) described that L.
is also peculiar; it consists of a network of two classes of donovani coxII gene is edited in an identical manner as
topologically interlocked circular DNA molecules: maxi- the homologous gene in L. tarentolae. Recently, a more
circles and minicircles (Schneider 2001; Lukes et al. 2005). complete picture of the RNA editing process in this
There exist about 50 copies of the maxicircle DNA (20– species has been reported (Nebohacova et al. 2009). In L.
40 kb in size, depending on the species), they are similar in major, after analysis of the maxicircle sequence and its
composition and contain the complement of genes typically comparison with the L. tarentolae maxicircle sequence, it
found in the mitochondrial genomes. Minicircles are smaller has been suggested that the RNA editing process should
molecules (0.65–2.5 kb), heterogeneous in sequence, that are be equivalent to that described in L. tarentolae (Yatawara
found in 5,000–10,000 copies per organelle. Some of the et al. 2008). More recently, a study on the editing process
maxicircle genes (termed cryptogenes) encode transcripts in Leishmania mexicana amazonensis has been published
that need to be remodeled by RNA editing in order to (Maslov 2010). However, no data have yet been reported
convert them into translatable mRNAs. The genetic infor- on the existence of RNA editing in any Leishmania
mation dictating RNA editing of particular transcripts is species of the subgenus Viannia. Thus, this study provides
specified by short transcripts called guide RNAs (gRNAs), the first experimental evidence of active RNA editing in L.
most of them encoded in the minicircle DNAs (Arts and braziliensis, a species of the subgenus Viannia, which
Benne 1996). cause cutaneous and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis in
The first description of RNA editing was provided by Latin America (Martinez et al. 2010).
Benne et al. (1986) and was based on the finding of a major
transcript of the cytochrome oxidase subunit II (coxII)
containing four nucleotides non-encoded in the DNA and Materials and methods
that corrected the frameshift in the Trypanosoma brucei
coxII gene. Soon thereafter, additional examples of RNA Parasites
editing were reported in T. brucei and in two other
trypanosomatids, the saurian parasite Leishmania tarentolae Promastigotes of L. braziliensis (MHOM/BR/75/M2904)
and the insect parasite Crithidia fasciculata, which became were grown at 26°C in Schneider's medium supplemented
model organisms for studying RNA editing (Arts and with 20% heat-inactivated fetal calf serum and 100 ng/ml
Benne 1996; Simpson and Shaw 1989). Twelve of the 17 of 6-biopterin (Sigma–Aldrich). This strain was provided
pre-mRNAs encoded in the mitochondrial genomes of by the Centro Internacional de Entrenamiento e Inves-
these trypanosomatids were shown to be edited (Stuart tigaciones Médicas (Cali, Colombia).
et al. 1997). Some pre-mRNAs are extensively edited
(pan-edited) and this remodeling may affect more than RNA extraction and RT-PCR
50% of the final sequence. However, the extent of editing
within a given gene may be different between species Total cell RNA was isolated from L. braziliensis promas-
(Seiwert 1995; Simpson et al. 2000). Another remarkable tigotes using Total Quick RNA extraction kit (Talent, Italy).
feature is the co-existence in the mitochondrial steady- First strand of cDNA synthesis was carried out on L.
state RNA population of completely unedited, partially braziliensis total RNA using oligo-dT primer and a cDNA
edited, and completely edited forms for each gene synthesis kit (Pharmacia LKB). Amplification of edited
transcript (Simpson and Shaw 1989). RNA editing is transcripts was performed by RT-PCR on poly(T)-primed
believed to proceed in the 3′ to 5′ direction; however, cDNA using specific primers: LbND8-D, 5′-TTTTA
partially edited RNAs with aberrant patterns of editing are GTGTT TTTAA TAATT ATATG-3′; and LbND8-R, 5′-
frequently observed at the transition of unedited to edited TACTC GTATA ATAAT TAAAC AAAAC-3′. RT-PCR
sequences, in which editing sites contain wrong number of products were separated on agarose gels, visualized under
Us, non-edited sites are edited, and 5′ sites are edited UV transilluminator and purified using the Favorgen gel
before complete editing of 3′ sites. The frequency of this purification kit (Biotech Corp., Taiwan). Finally, the
class of aberrant transcripts is both transcript and species amplification product was cloned into the pCR2.1 T-vector
dependent (Benne 1994). (Invitrogen).
Parasitol Res (2011) 108:731–739 733
(Souza et al. 1992). In both species, only short stretches Assuming that the 600D cDNA was probably an editing
at both ends of the ND8 transcripts are not edited. intermediate of the ND8 transcript, we analyzed sequence
However, despite these tremendous editions, the final conservation between L. tarentolae G1cryptogene and the
amino acid sequences are highly conserved (Thiemann putative homologous region in L. braziliensis. In addition,
et al. 1994). we included in the comparison analysis the sequences for
this cryptogen in L. donovani (Nebohacova et al. 2009) and similarity) with the ND8 protein from other Leishmania
L. amazonensis (Maslov 2010), which have been recently species (Fig. 4). This analysis showed the existence of a
determined. Figure 2 shows the alignment of ND8 probable frameshift (denoted by “+” in Fig. 3) in the edited
cryptogenes from these four Leishmania species, evidencing region of the 600D cDNA, suggesting that a misedition took
remarkable sequence conservation, which suggests both a place in the original transcript. RNA editing intermediates
selective pressure to maintain the DNA sequence and, with unexpected patterns of editing in which uridines are
probably, a functional importance for these cryptogenes. inserted at sites not normally edited are frequently observed
This high sequence conservation prompted us to deduce a (Sturm and Simpson 1990). Another noticeable finding of
theoretical edited transcript for L. braziliensis ND8 based on the deduced ND8 sequence, also occurring in the L.
the edited ND8 transcript sequence in L. tarentolae (Gao tarentolae sequence, is that the tryptophan residue is coded
et al. 2001). As shown in Fig. 3, it was possible to deduce a by the UGA stop codon. Reassignation of the UGA codon to
hypothetical edition pattern that fits perfectly to the tryptophan occurs in many mitochondria including the ones
cryptogene sequence and, more importantly, codes for an from trypanosomatids (Schneider 2001). In summary, these
amino acid sequence sharing 93% of identity (97% of data suggest that ND8 transcript in L. braziliensis needs to be
pan-edited to become a functional mRNA and the 600D oligonucleotide (5′ TACTC GTATA ATAAT TAAAC
cDNA represents only a partial, misedited intermediate. AAAAC 3′), located in the edited region of the 600D cDNA.
Based on the edition pattern deduced for the L. braziliensis These oligonucleotides, and oligo(dT)-primed cDNA from L.
ND8 transcript (Fig. 3), we designed a forward oligonucleotide braziliensis, were used to specifically PCR-amplify edited
(5′ TTTTA GTGTT TTTAA TAATT ATATG 3′), located in the ND8 sequences. After cloning of the RT-PCR product, ten
5′-end, non-edited sequence of the cryptogene, and a reverse cDNA clones were analyzed by restriction analysis. The inserts
of the clones had a size lower than the expected for the cytochrome b and subunit III of cytochrome oxidase in L.
completely edited RNA, which would be around 550 nt tarentolae (Sturm and Simpson 1990). In summary, our
(Fig. 3). Four of them (clones B, C, F, and H) were sequenced observations suggest that the editing process, at least for the
(Fig. 5). As expected from their insert size, all clones central domains of the ND8 transcript, is quite indiscriminate,
correspond to partial edited intermediates. The extent of adding and deleting variable numbers of uridines at many
edition found in these clones was lower than that observed in sites, and that the editing in these central domains does not
the clone 600 D. Nevertheless, the 3′-ends of the sequences progress in a strictly consecutive 3′ to 5′ direction.
showed an edition pattern identical to that found in clone 600 Since it was not obtained evidence of complete edition
D; however, in upstream regions, the sequences were either of the ND8 transcripts in L. braziliensis by RT-PCR
unedited or misedited. The existence of “unexpected” editing amplification, we carried out a Northern blot analysis using
patterns, which are inconsistent with strictly progressive 3′ to the insert of clone 600D as probe (Fig. 6). RNA samples
5′ editing has been previously documented (Sturm et al. 1992; were obtained from promastigotes growing either at the
Sturm and Simpson 1990). In two of the clones (F and H; logarithmic or stationary phase; also RNA samples were
Fig. 5), the uridine predicted to be misedited in the 600D obtained from promastigotes submitted to heat shock
transcript (Fig. 3; see above), was missing. This finding treatment. In all lanes, a hybridization band of about 0.3–
reinforced the conclusion that this uridine residue was 0.4 kb was observed, but transcripts with higher size,
misadded by the editing process in the 600D transcript. accounting for a complete edited transcript, were not found.
Since all ND8-derived cDNA clones had a different In summary, our data suggest that ND8 transcripts in L.
sequence and, more importantly, they contained many braziliensis (MHOM/BR/75/M2904) promastigotes are
miseditions, it can be postulated that incomplete editing mostly edited in a partial manner. This strain, chosen for
intermediates must be abundantly generated during the L. braziliensis genome sequencing (Laurentino et al. 2004;
editing process of the ND8 transcript in L. braziliensis; it is Peacock et al. 2007), has been propagated axenically for long
likely that the editing of this transcript is very prone to time (in our hands during the last two years) and probably it
error. Abundant, imprecisely edited transcripts have been has experienced a loss of critical gRNAs needed to achieve a
found in the editing process of many trypanosomatid complete editing of ND8 transcript. Apparently, in cultured
mitochondrial RNAs (Decker and Sollner-Webb 1990). In trypanosomes, the NADH dehydrogenase complex is not
fact, partially edited mRNAs are substantially more
abundant than mature mRNAs for extensively edited 1 2 3 4 5
transcripts (Koslowsky et al. 1991). Remarkably, for all
the ND8-derived cDNAs (Fig. 5), the 3′ portion was
identical and correctly edited, the central region was
partially edited (and misedited in some positions) and the
5′ portion was unedited. These features suggest the
existence of several editing domains in the L. braziliensis ND8
ND8 transcript; additionally, these findings are consistent
with a 3′ to 5′ global direction of the editing. However,
within a given domain (i.e., the central region of ND8
cDNAs), editing appeared to be both indiscriminate and
disorganized. Thus, in this region, there are incompletely
edited sites that contain either too many or too few uridines
relative to the edited sequences. Furthermore, some sites
were found to be incompletely edited in more than one way rRNA
in different clones, suggesting that there is no single way to
edit a site during the editing process. For example, clone
Cl-B (Fig. 5) contained an insertion of 11 uridines in a site
where only one uridine must be inserted. Also, this clone
contained insertions at sites where edition is not expected to Fig. 6 Northern blot analysis of ND8 transcripts in L. braziliensis
occur. Perhaps more striking was the observation that an promastigotes. Four micrograms of total RNA from promastigotes
encoded adenine, present in the cryptogene, seems to have growth at 26°C (lane 1) or incubated for 1 h at 32°C (lane 2), 35°C
been deleted during editing process, as deduced from the (lane 3), or 37°C (lane 4), and from promastigotes at the stationary
phase of growth (lane 5) were electrophoresed as described in
sequence of the Cl-F cDNA (Fig. 5). However, clones “Materials and methods”. The insert of 600D clone was used as
displaying unexpected patterns in which purine residues are probe. As load control, the ethidium bromide-stained agarose gel is
deleted have been found in partially edited mRNAs for shown (bottom panel)
738 Parasitol Res (2011) 108:731–739
functional and not used for energy production (Benne 1994). this species may be a labile genetic trait. However, to verify
Disruption of RNA editing by prolonged cell culture has whether gRNA loss did occur in L. braziliensis strain
been documented in L. tarentolae (Thiemann et al. 1994) M2904, a complete characterization of both maxicircle and
and L. donovani (Nebohacova et al. 2009). In L. tarentolae, minicircle sequences needs to be done, and a comparison with
species in which this phenomenon has been studied more those of recent isolates of this species should be carried out.
extensively, transcripts of the G1–G5 cryptogenes are pan- Furthermore, determination of possible differences in RNA
edited in a recently isolated strain (LEM125), but not in the editing between promastigotes and amastigotes, using serial
UC strain which has been axenically cultured for many analysis of gene expression (Ouakad et al. 2007; Li et al.
years. At least 32 minicircle-encoded gRNAs, present in 2008), would help to deciphering the actual importance of
LEM125, were found to be absent in UC strain (Thiemann et this process in Leishmania. This is likewise the emphasis in
al. 1994). The L. tarentolae G1 transcript is the homologous the next stage of our research.
to the L. braziliensis ND8 transcript, reported in this work.
As shown in Fig. 2, both cryptogenes are highly conserved, Acknowledgements Genome sequence data from the Sanger Institute
sequencing projects (GeneDB) were invaluable for this work and their
suggesting that similar edition pattern must occur to obtain
provision in the public domain is gratefully acknowledged. This work
the mature ND8 mRNA. In fact, the RNA edition of G1/ was funded by grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
ND8 transcripts, experimentally demonstrated, is highly (BFU2009-08986), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and
conserved in both species (Fig. 3) and yields nearly identical the Instituto de Salud Carlos III within the Network of Tropical Diseases
Research (RICET RD06/0021/0008 - FEDER) to JMR, and the
amino acid sequences for the deduced proteins (Fig. 4). The
Colciencias Research project No. 1203-405-20233 to CP. CR is the
complete edition of G1 transcript in L. tarentolae requires the recipient of a predoctoral fellowship from Colciencias (Colombia). Also,
sequential use of 13 gRNAs (Gao et al. 2001; Thiemann an institutional grant from Fundación Ramón Areces is acknowledged.
et al. 1994). The edition of the partially edited ND8 in the
600D cDNA would need of the use of gRNAs equivalent to
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