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Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 105(4): 504-511, July 2010

Phylogenetic analysis of Biomphalaria tenagophila (Orbigny, 1835)

(Mollusca: Gastropoda)
Liana K Jannotti-Passos1/+, Jeronimo C Ruiz2, Roberta L Caldeira3, Silvane MF Murta2,
Paulo Marcos Z Coelho4, Omar S Carvalho3
Moluscrio Lobato Paraense 2Laboratrio de Parasitologia Celular e Molecular 3Laboratrio de Helmintologia e Malacologia Mdica
Laboratrio de Esquistossomose, Instituto de Pesquisas Ren Rachou-Fiocruz, Av. Augusto de Lima 1715, 30190-001
Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil

Mitochondrial DNA of Biomphalaria tenagophila, a mollusc intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni in Brazil,
was sequenced and characterised. The genome size found for B. tenagophila was 13,722 bp and contained 13 mes
senger RNAs, 22 transfer RNAs (tRNA) and two ribosomal RNAs (rRNA). In addition to sequencing, the
drial DNA (mtDNA) genome organization of B. tenagophila was analysed based on its content and localization of
both coding and non-coding regions, regions of gene overlap and tRNA nucleotide sequences. Sequences of protein,
rRNA 12S and rRNA 16S nucleotides as well as gene organization were compared between B. tenagophila and Biomphalaria glabrata, as the latter is the most important S. mansoni intermediate host in Brazil. Differences between
such species were observed regarding rRNA composition. The complete sequence of the B. tenagophila mitochon
drial genome was deposited in GenBank (accession EF433576). Furthermore, phylogenetic relationships were esti
mated among 28 mollusc species, which had their complete mitochondrial genome deposited in GenBank, using the
neighbour-joining method, maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood bootstrap. B. tenagophila was positioned
at a branch close to B. glabrata and Pulmonata molluscs, collectively comprising a paraphyletic group, contrary to
Opistobranchia, which was positioned at a single branch and constituted a monophyletic group.
Key words: Biomphalaria tenagophila - mitochondrial genome - phylogenetic

The phylum Mollusca constitutes the second largest

animal phylum and encompasses seven classes, namely:
Gastropoda, Polyplacophora, Cephalopoda, Bivalvia,
Scaphopoda, Aplacophora and Monoplacophora (Brusca
& Brusca 2007). The

phylum has a long geological history and approximately 35,000 species are known. Biom
phalaria (Gastropoda) molluscs are known to have originated during the Jurassic era and endured a wide range of
environmental changes, resulting in the development of
survival mechanisms such as self-fecundation, diapause,
aestivation, capacity to survive into deep trenches and
high prolificacy (Paraense 1955), making them currently
adapted to different environmental conditions.
Biomphalaria tenagophila is an important species
concerning schistosomiasis transmission in Southern
Brazil. This species has been the focus of investigations,
as it comprises susceptible (Paraense & Corra 1978)
populations and one population that is resistant to Schis
tosoma mansoni, which is from the Biological Reserve
of Taim in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
These molluscs have already been challenged by different S. mansoni strains and variable number of miracidia, yet remained resistant to infection (Santos et al.

Financial support: FAPEMIG, FIOCRUZ

+ Corresponding author: passoslk@cpqrr.fiocruz.br
Received 30 January 2009
Accepted 18 December 2009
online | memorias.ioc.fiocruz.br

1979, Bezerra et al. 2003, Martins-Souza et al. 2003,

Rosa et al. 2004, 2006, Coelho & Bezerra 2006). Several
studies have been carried out in order to gain a better
understanding of resistance traits, including molecular
approaches using nuclear DNA regions (Pires et al. 1997,
Spatz et al. 1999, Barbosa 2001, Rosa et al. 2005, Barbosa et al. 2006), but little is known about the genes related
with the resistance phenotype in this population (Santos
et al. 1979, de Freitas et al. 1985, Rosa 2002).
Studies using mitochondrial DNA have been pursued, as they provide further knowledge on extra-nuclear
genetic information (Avise 1986). The mitochondrial
DNA (mtDNA) molecule is a double-closed circle coding
13 messenger RNAs (mRNA), 22 transfer RNAs (tRNA)
and two ribosomal RNAs (rRNA). This molecule contains non-coding regions with different sizes, including
transcription start and replication sites (Wolstenholme
1992). Fractions of these non-coding regions may be duplicated, resulting in mtDNA molecules of different sizes
in some organisms. In molluscs, mtDNA is also a circular
molecule in which mitochondrial genes (Boore & Brown
1994) and sequence order (Lecanidou et al. 1994) are organized in varied patterns compared with mtDNA from
other organisms. Moreover, mtDNA size varies within
the phylum Mollusca. Among the Biomphalaria species,
Biomphalaria glabrata mtDNA is the only completely
sequenced mitochondrial genome (DeJong et al. 2004).
In the present paper, the B. tenagophila mtDNA
genome was completely sequenced and characterized,
and genome organization was analysed concerning its
content and localization of both coding and non-coding
regions, as well as gene overlapping regions. Nucleotide

Phylogenetic of B. tenagophila Liana K Jannotti-Passos et al.

sequences of 12S and 16S subunits of the ribosomal

RNA and gene organization in B. tenagophila and B.
glabrata were compared. In addition, the phylogenetic
relationship was estimated among 28 mollusc species,
for all of which the complete mitochondrial genomes
were available in GenBank, through the neighbourjoining method (NJ), maximum parsimony (MP) and
maximum likelihood (ML).

Molluscs and DNA extraction - The B. tenagophila

cephalopodal region was used as a DNA source. Specimens of this species were sent from the Biological Reserve of Taim originating from the colony at Federal
University of Minas Gerais Interdepartmental Group
for Schistosomiasis
and then kept under laboratory conditions at the Lobato Paraense Mollusc Rearing Sector of the Ren Rachou Research Center-Fiocruz. This
fragment was incubated in a buffer extraction solution
(50 mM Tris-HCl -a GIBCO pH 8.0; 50 mM EDTA, 100
mM NaCl, SDS 0.5%) added to 20 g/mL proteinase
K for 12 h at 37C. The snail DNA extraction was carried out using kit Wizard (Promega), according to the
manufacturers instructions.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) - Universal primers [LCO and HCO (Folmer et al. 1994)], 16Sar and
16Sbr (Palumbi 1996), 12Sai and 12Sbi (Simon et al.
3 (designed from B. glabrata sequence) and CB3 (Kocher et al. 1989) were used to amplify part of the regions
of COI, 16S, 12S and Cytb, respectively. These regions
were directly sequenced from PCR products, after enzyme purification with ExoSap (GE Healthtech).
PCR amplifications were performed in a final volume of 10 L. Each reaction mixture was devised as
follows: 1 ng template DNA, 5 pmoles of each primer,
200 M each nucleotide (dNTP- PROMEGA) and 0.8
units of TaqDNA polymerase High-fidelity (Invitrogen) in a buffer solution containing 10 mM Tris-HCl,
pH 8.5, 50 mM KCl, 1.5 mM MgCl 2.
Samples were amplified in a thermocycler (Programmable Thermal Controller, MJ Research Inc, model
PTC-100) according to the following cycle program: an
initial cycle consisting of a denaturation step of 3 min at
95C, an annealing step of 1 min at 50C and an extension step of 30 s at 72C followed by 34 cycles of 1 min
at 95C (denaturation), 1 min at 50C (annealing) and 1
min at 72C (extension), and a final extension step of 7
min at 72oC. After obtaining nucleotide sequences, specific primers were designed (Table I).
These primers amplified four B. tenagophila mitochondrial DNA fragments: COI-16S, 16S-Cyb, Cyb12S and 12S-COI. This ensured that every mtDNA nucleotide was included.
The thermocycler program involved 30 cycles: an
initial cycle containing a denaturation step of 1 min at
94C and an annealing and extension step of 15 min at
68C, followed by 29 cycles of 15 s at 95C (denaturation) and 15 min at 68C (annealing and extension)
[Long PCR (Cheng et al. 1994)].


Molecular cloning of PCR products (COI-16S, 16SCyb, Cyb-12S, 12S-COI) - Molecular fragments generated by PCR were cloned in different plasmids according to size: the 2,200 bp fragment (COI-16S) was cloned
in TOPO TA cloning (Invitrogen - Life Technologies),
the 2,800 bp fragment (Cyb-12S) was cloned in pGEM-T
EASY (Promega) and the fragments of 4,500 bp (16SCyb e 12S-COI) in TOPO XL PCR cloning (Invitrogen
- Life Technologies). The protocol followed the manufacturers instructions. The TOPO 10 F` strain from
Escherichia coli bacteria was transformed with recombinant plasmids.
Genome assembly and sequencing analysis - The
shotgun sequencing reads obtained from 521 DNA templates, including those obtained using the 54 primers
specifically designed for primer walking were analysed
using PHRED/PHRAP/CONSED (Ewing et al. 1998, Ewing & Green 1998, Gordon et al. 1998) in order to read
sequencer trace data, write the base calls and quality values, assemble shotgun DNA sequence data and to visually
inspect, edit and finish the alignments. A PHRED quality
value of 20, which corresponds to an error probability of
1/100 in the base call at each position of the read and a
minimal overlap of 50 bp with 92% identity were used as
initial constraints in the clustering for genome assembly.
Tandem Repeat Finder software was used to find and
analyse repeats in the B. tenagophila assembled genome.
Repeat Masker (AFA Smit & P Green, unpublished observations) together with Repbase databank (http://www.
girinst.org) were used to identify known repeats and
mask low complexity regions in the mollusc genome.
Analyses of the B. tenagophila assembled genome
using different algorithms such as BLAST and FASTA
were carried out using different databases including:
the protein database from National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), the database of Clusters of
Orthologous Groups of proteins (http://www.ncbi.nlm.
nih.gov/COG/), a simple modular architecture research
tool (SMART) (http://smart.emblheidelberg.de/), protein families database of alignments and HMMs (http://
www.sanger.ac.uk/Software/Pfam/) and Gene Ontology (http://www.geneontology.org/). Locally compiled
mollusca and ribosomal RNA DBs were built by parsing public databases.
The annotation and graphical output of the B. tena
gophila genomic sequence was performed with an ARTEMIS (http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Software/Artemis/) and
in-house developed PERL scripts to analyse and format
the results. All in silico searches and analyses described
above, together with specific pipelines and PERL scripts
developed during this work, were run in a local server using in-house copies of databases and software.
The search for tRNA genes in genomic sequences
was performed using a combinatorial approach using
ab initio predictions made by tRNAscan-SE software
together with similarity searches against a locally compiled tRNA database.
The visualisation of comparative genome analysis between B. tenagophila and B. glabrata was performed using ACT software (http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Software/).


Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 105(4), July 2010

Specific primers


Phylogenetic inference and genome analysis - Putative

gene products of the assembled genome were compared to
the available complete proteomes of other mitochondrial
genomes together and with general protein DBs such as to
the non-redundant protein data set from NCBI in order to
investigate the evolutionary relationships among them.
Clustal W (Thompson et al. 1994) and MAFFT (Katoh & Toh 2008) were used to perform a global multiple
sequence alignment between the structural features annotated in the predicted genomes and proteomes of B. tena
gophila and B. glabrata. Analysis reports showing the statistics for the multiple alignments were obtained through
the use of Alistat software (Krogh et al. 1994).
The methods used for phylogenetic reconstruction, using protein amino acid sequences (except for ATP8), were
MP, NJ and ML. The MP and NJ were performed using
algorithms provided in Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony (PAUP v. 4.0) (Swofford 2002). MP analyses were
carried out through heuristic searches by rearranging the
branches. This method involves moving branches in order
to achieve new topologies through a new reorganization.
This procedure was performed by sectioning the tree into
two pieces and connecting them to other parts of the tree
in a process named tree bisection and reconnection.
In total, 10,000 random replications were created. This
process was carried out with the characters with unroots
and unweights and the gaps introduced in the alignment
process being treated as data errors and topological restrictions were not applied. In order to test the reliability
degree of the phylogenetic trees, the bootstrap method
(Felsenstein 1985) was used with 10,000 pseudo-replications. For genetic distance analysis, NJ (Saitou & Nei
1987) was generated by the model Kimura-2 parameter,
including 10,000 pseudo-replication bootstraps. The ML
method, using the JTT model (Whelan & Goldman 2001)
of amino acid evolution with Gama variation rate, was
carried out with PHYML software (Guindon & Gascuel
2003) by aligning protein amino acid sequences (except
for ATP8). In order to test the reliability degree of phylogenetic trees, bootstrap values (Felsenstein 1985) with
100 replications were used. As the outgroup, the mollusc
species Katharina tunicata (Polyplacophora) was included in phylogenetic analyses.
Table II shows molluscs used in the phylogenetic


mtDNA content - B. tenagophila mtDNA was completely sequenced and characterised. The genome size
encompasses 13,722 bp. This genome codes for two rRNAs, 13 protein genes and a set of 22 tRNAs. The proportion of AT was 75.78%. Nine non-coding regions ranging
from 1-54 bp consisted of a total of 110 bp. The largest
non-coding regions were located between the NAD1 and
NAD4L genes and between COIII and tRNAIle, consisting of 54 and 42 bp, respectively. Nineteen overlapping
regions were found in B. tenagophila mtDNA and the
largest overlap was found between NAD4L and Cytb
genes comprising 29 bp.
The tRNAscan software identified six out of the 22
tRNA (Asp, Asn, Thr, Val, Ala, Pro). The other tRNAs
were identified by nucleotide alignment with its correspondent in B. glabrata and B. tenagophila tRNA had an
average size of 63 bp.
The genes found in the mitochondrial genome coding for proteins were analysed based on the mitochondrial genetic code of invertebrates. Most protein-coding
genes were located on the plus strand (NAD5, NAD1,
NAD4L, Cytb, COII, NAD4, NAD2, COI, NAD6).
Genes coding the ATP6, ATP8, NAD3 and COIII proteins were located on the minus strand.
Regarding protein size, COII, NAD2, NAD4 and
NAD4L were longer in B. tenagophila than in B. glabra
ta. The protein with the largest size difference between
the two species proteins was NAD1, which was 11 additional amino acids shorter in B. glabrata. The sizes of
NAD1 and NAD6 were smaller in B. tenagophila than in
B. glabrata. For ATP8, ATP6, NAD2, NAD4 and COIII,
the termination codon is likely completed by adding an
A during mRNA transcription. The least conserved protein was ATP8, with 60% identity in the two species and
the most conserved protein was COI, with 98% identity
between these two species.
Four mtDNA initiation codons were found in B.
tenagophila, namely: ATT (in 5 proteins), ATA (in 5
proteins), ATG (in 2 protein) and TTG (in 1 protein).
The stop codons were TAA (in 6 proteins) and TAG (in
2 proteins), which have been described for mitochondrial genes (Wolstenholme 1992). Incomplete stop codons
were found in five proteins (ATP6, ATP8, COI, COII,
NAD3, NAD4).

Phylogenetic of B. tenagophila Liana K Jannotti-Passos et al.


Molluscs used in the phylogenetic study

Accession (GenBank)


Lampsilis ornata
Haliotis rubra
Lophiotoma cerithiformis
Nautilus macromphalus
Lottia digitalis
Ilyanassa obsoleta
Aplysia californica
Octopus ocellatus
Crassostrea virginica
Mytilus trossulus
Watasenia scintillans
Sepioteuthis lessoniana
Sepia officinalis
Roboastra europaea
Placopecten magellanicus
Mytilus galloprovincialis
Albinaria coerulea
Todarodes pacificus
Octopus vulgaris
Biomphalaria glabrata
Graptacme eborea
Mytilus edulis
Siphonodentalium lobatum
Crassostrea gigas
Cepaea nemoralis
Loligo bleekeri
Pupa strigosa
Katharina tunicata


Lam orn
Hal rub
Lop cer
Nau mac
Lot dig
Ily obs
Apl cal
Oct oce
Cra vir
Myt tro
Wat sci
Sep les
Sep off
Rob eur
Pla mag
Myt gal
Alb coe
Tod pac
Oct vul
Bio gla
Gra ebo
Myt edu
Sip lob
Cra gig
Cep nem
Lol ble
Pup str
Kat tun

Ribosomal RNAs 16S and 12S comprised 981 and

708 nucleotides, respectively. Sequence identity found
between B. glabrata and B. tenagophila was 88% for
rRNA 16S and 84% for rRNA 12S.
The same mitochondrial gene order was found in
both B. tenagophila and B. glabrata (Fig. 1).

species belonging to the Scaphopoda class (Gadelida)

that are located in Group III with a bootstrap value of
100%. Group II comprised the Gastropoda class in all
tree topologies, including Pulmonata and Opistobranchia sub-classes, which was supported by a bootstrap
value of 100%. Group III was located in a basal position in relation to Groups I and II. In MP and ML trees,
one species of the Scaphopoda class (Dentaliida) and
another species of the Bivalvia class (Protobranchia sub
class, Heterodonta super order) were closely positioned.
In the NJ tree, three species were closely positioned,
being two species of the Scaphopoda class (Dentaliida
and Gadelida) and the same species of the Bivalvia class
(Protobranchia sub class, Heterodonta super order). This
group was supported by the following bootstrap values:
97% (NJ), 94% (ML) and 74% (MP). Group IV included
species of the Cephalopoda class in all tree topologies,
supported by a high bootstrap value of 100%. Group V
comprised species of the Gastropoda class (Protobranchia sub class) in all tree topologies, supported by 100%
bootstrap values in both NJ and ML and 82% in MP.

Phylogenomic analysis - mtDNA amino acid sequences of 29 organisms from the Mollusca phylum were
aligned (except for ATP8) and used for phylogenomic
positioning analysis of B. tenagophila and B. glabrata in
comparison with other molluscs.
Regardless the phylogenetic methodology, the trees
showed similar topology, comprising five groups. Group
I: MP bootstrap, 94% (Fig. 2), ML bootstrap, 99% (Fig.
3) encompassed six molluscs of the Bivalvia class (Protobranchia sub class, Pteriomorphia super order), one
species of the Gastropoda class (Prosobranchia) and
one species of the Scaphopoda class (Gadelida). In the
NJ tree (Fig. 4), this group clustered the same molluscs
when compared with MP and ML trees, except for the


Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 105(4), July 2010

Fig. 1: gene rearrangements in the Biomphalaria tenagophila and Biomphalaria glabrata mitochondrial genomes. No transfer RNAs (tRNA)
was found among ND6, ND5, ND1, ND4L and Cytb genes, but the following tRNAs were identified: between Cytb and COII genes for Asp, Cys
and Phe; between COII and ATP8, six tRNAs (Tyr, Trp, Gly, His, Gln, Leu); between ATP8 and ATP6, tRNA Asn; between ATP6 and rRNA 12S,
two tRNAs (Arg and Glu); between rRNA 12S and NAD3, tRNA Met; between NAD3 and NAD4, two tRNAs for Ser; between NAD4 and COIII,
tRNAThr; between COIII and NAD2, tRNA Ile; between NAD2 and COI, tRNA Lys; between COI and rRNA 16S, tRNAVal and between rRNA 16S
and NAD6, three tRNAs (Leu, Ala, Pro).


In the present paper, B. tenagophila mtDNA was

fully sequenced and characterized. Its genome consisted
of 13,722 bp, which was approximately the same size as
most sequenced mollusc genomes and comprised two
rRNA genes, 13 protein genes and 22 tRNA genes. The B.
tenagophila mtDNA size is larger than that of B. glabrata
(13,670 bp), which is the smallest mollusc mitochondrial
genome sequenced to date. The AT nucleotide content
was slightly higher in B. tenagophila (75.78%) than in B.
glabrata (74.6%). The protein-coding genes found in the
plus and minus strands of B. tenagophila were the same
those in B. glabrata.
The B. tenagophila tRNA set showed an average size
of 63 nucleotides, with the exception of tRNAGlu consisting of 69 nucleotides. This small size and the compact
mtDNA in molluscs may account for shifts in tRNA
secondary structure due to a reduction in chain size (Yamazaki et al. 1997).
Gastropods are the largest class of the phylum Mollusca and exhibit the highest diversity in morphology
and ecology. However, phylogenetic relationships of gastropods have been controversial and there are many gastropodan subgroups whose systematic positions are still
ambiguous (Salvini-Plawen & Steiner 1996).
In the current paper, tree topologies obtained through
different methods, including the NJ, MP and ML meth-

ods, were similar. The only specimen of the Bivalvia class

that was not positioned in Group I is a fresh-water mollusc, Lampsilis ornata, whose ATP8 coding gene is in the
mtDNA. The other specimens belonging to the Bivalvia
class are marine and have no ATP8 coding gene located
in mtDNA. The specimens of the Gastropoda class were
located in different groups and specimens belonging to
the sub-class Opistobranchia and to the sub-class Pulmonata were clustered in Group II. Most Prosobranchia
specimens were located in Group V and only one species
of this subclass, Lottia digitalis, was always located in
Group I (Bivalvia). The mtDNA of L. digitalis is considerably larger than that of most Prosobranchia and possesses
repetitive regions. Indeed, the mtDNA size in L. digitalis
(26,836 bp) is more similar to those of Bivalvia species.
In addition, this mollusc has only 20 tRNA coding genes,
whereas the other Prosobranchia molluscs have 22 genes.
These results show that the Gastropoda constitute a paraphyletic group. The molluscs belonging to the Cephalopoda class (Group IV) exhibited a fixed position in all tree
topologies, comprising a monophyletic group.
B. tenagophila and B. glabrata were located in the
same branch. However, both are more closely related
with Opistobranchia than with other Pulmonata, supported by high bootstrap values (98% and 100%). This
result suggests that Pulmonata is a paraphyletic group,
unlike Opistobranchia, which were located in a single

Phylogenetic of B. tenagophila Liana K Jannotti-Passos et al.


Fig. 2: the phylogeny of the mollusc. The tree was inferred from the
well aligned positions of the mitochondrial protein sequences (excluding ATP8), using maximum parsimony method. The bootstrap
values are shown in the tree for 100 replicates.

Fig. 3: the phylogeny of the mollusc. The tree was inferred from the
well aligned positions of the mitochondrial protein sequences (excluding ATP8), using maximum likelihood method. The bootstrap values
are shown in the tree for 100 replicates.

branch and thus, comprise a monophyletic group. The B.

glabrata and B. tenagophila molluscs were shown to constitute an Opistobranchia sibling group.
Knudsen et al. (2006) carried out a phylogenetic study
of molluscs using complete amino acid sequences of all
mitochondrial proteins (except for ATP8) and showed that
B. glabrata was located in a branch separated from Pulmonata (Albinaria and Cepaea), corroborating the hypothesis
that Pulmonata constitutes a paraphyletic group. Moreover, the authors showed that the order Basommatophora
was an Opistobranchia sibling taxon and that Opistobranchia and Euthyneura constitute a monophyletic group. Our
results support these data when accounting for another
Pulmonata, B. tenagophila. Note that the tree topologies
generated in our study were similar to those reported by
Knudsen et al. (2006), who have also used mtDNA amino
acid sequences, despite investigating a distinct set of mollusc species from ours.
Other phylogenetic investigations used nucleotide sequences as data sources. However, amino acid sequences
may provide more accurate data to compare organisms
and carry out phylogenetic inferences, since they are free
of synonym substitutions and thus less affected by high
rates of mutation (Foster et al. 1997). Accordingly, investigators have chosen to use amino acid sequences in order to
provide phylogenetic inferences for different organisms.

Grande et al. (2004) amplified a mtDNA region

(partial COI, rrnL, complete NAD6-complete, partialNAD5) of Gastropoda molluscs and used amino acid
sequences to undertake phylogenetic inferences on
Euthyneura (Opistobranchia + Pulmonata). The results
have precluded Gastropoda from being regarded as a
monophyletic group. However, Pulmonata organisms
are considered as a monophyletic group based on morphological features (presence of lungs and many species
have shells, despite the fact that they can be either modified or absent in some groups).
Noteworthy is that the analyses using the mitochondrial genome have provided more accurate results than
those based on individual mitochondrial genes (Whelan et al. 2001).
Our results suggest that the phylogenetic relationship of the phylum Mollusca is more complex than other
groups of organisms due to the wide variety of both
organisms and gene arrangement. Therefore, to better
understand the phylogenetic relationships within this
phylum, a larger number of mollusc species should be
sequenced. Our results and conclusions may raise many
issues concerning the current classification of the phylum Mollusca, suggesting further studies of biology, ultrastructure, behaviour and genetics, to corroborate these
findings obtained through a phylogenetic approach.


Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 105(4), July 2010
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