2022 Q4 Valley Line West Quarterly Dashboard

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Valley Line West LRT


This dashboard provides an overview of progress and performance of the Valley Line West LRT Project and a summary of work completed by
Marigold Infrastructure Partners (MIP) and the City.


COST PERFORMANCE Current cost performance is good. The project remains on budget.
Measures the cost efficiency of the project

SCHEDULE PROGRESS Current schedule performance is moderate; however, no key dates have
Measures the schedule status of the project shifted as per latest schedule.

SCOPE PERFORMANCE There have been no significant changes to either Marigold Infrastructure
Measures the current status of scope changes Partners (MIP) scope of work or other City-contracted scope of work.
compared to the baseline scope

PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS The most common public inquiries for the period are related to questions
Most common public inquiries for the period about traffic issues, construction impacts, damage claims, access closures
and pedestrian access/detours.

A summary of construction progress along the alignment. A
Several examples are showcased in pictures.

Marigold Infrastructure Partners (MIP) work in Q4:

Work continued across the alignment during this quarter. MIP
demolished the existing Stony Plain Road Bridge at the end of
December, with traffic reopening on Groat Road on January 3 (Photo
A). Piers construction continued throughout the period along the
Elevated Guideway on 87 Avenue, including Y-piers construction, pile
installation, and segmented girder manufacturing (B photos). In Area
4, ongoing drainage and other utility work was underway, including Area 3 - Stony Plain Road Bridge Demolition
soil cell installation (Photo C). At Gerry Wright OMF-B, the building pad
rough grading was completed and CFA pile testing (Photo D) and piling B
for the building started in December. At Lewis Farms, work was
underway on various items, including the southwest Park & Ride,
retaining wall, access road, utility work, completion of piling, and
commencement of grade beams for the storage facility.

Hyundai-Rotem Company (HRC) work in Q4:

During this quarter, submittal reviews for the Preliminary Design
Review were ongoing. In October, HRC visited Edmonton to participate
in integration meetings with the City and MIP. Members of the City
Area 6 - Elevated Guideway Piers Construction
team visited South Korea in December for preliminary design review
(PDR) technical workshops and to view the LRV mock-up and provide
initial comments.
Area 8 Area 7 Area 6 Area 5

Area 9
Area 4 Area 3 Area 2 Area 1


Area 6 - Elevated Guideway Area 6 - Elevated Guideway Pier Area 4 - Soil Cell Installation on Area 9 - CFA Pile Testing at Gerry
Segmented Girders Caisson Installation 153 Street Wright OMF-B

3 Stony Plain Road Bridge Demolition (commenced Dec 29) January 3, 2023

6 Piling work along Elevated Guideway October 2022

6 Erection of gantry crane at Elevated Guideway December 2022

8 Lewis Farms Storage Facility piling November 2022

9 Pembina pipeline replacement work November 2022

LRV Preliminary Design Review workshops with HRC in South Korea December 2022


3 Start of piling for Stony Plain Road Bridge Q1 2023

7 Start of piling for Anthony Henday Drive Bridge west approach Q1 2023

8 Structural steel erection to commence at Lewis Farms Storage Facility Q1 2023

LRV Delivery of the LRV Mock-Up from South Korea March 2023


The highlights correspond to the areas of the alignment on the map above.

Area 3: Stony Plain Road Bridge piling to commence. construction to continue and superstructure steel
Areas 4 and 5: Drainage work will continue over the next erection to commence.
three months. Area 9: OMF Building B piling to continue.
Area 6: Y-Piers construction for Elevated Guideway to Light Rail Vehicles (LRVs): Hyundai-Rotem Company (HRC)
continue. to visit Edmonton in Jan/Feb for ongoing integration
Area 7: Preparations for piling on the Anthony Henday meetings, including with MIP.
Drive Bridge west approach. Preparations for receiving LRV Mock-Up will be underway
Area 8: Lewis Farms site drainage and utilities work to throughout Q1.
continue. Lewis Farms Storage Facility grade beam

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