JPR Practical Program

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1. Write any program to check multiple conditions using if statement.

2. Write a program to make the use of logical operators.

3. Write a program to check no is even or odd.
4. Write a program to make use of ternary operator.
5. Write any program to check switch-case statement using character datatype.
6. Java Program to Check Whether an Alphabet is Vowel or Consonant
7. Write any program using if condition with for loop.
8. Write any program to display pyramids of stars/ patterns using increment/decrement.
9. Write a program to Display Fibonacci Series using for loop
10. Write a program to make use of ternary operator.
11. Write any program to check switch-case statement using character datatype.
12. Java Program to Check Whether an Alphabet is Vowel or Consonant
13. Develop a program to show the use of implicit typecasting
14. Write a program to implicitly typecast lower range data type to larger storage size data
15. Develop a program to show the use of explicit type casting.
16. Write a program to convert variable of basic datatypes and show result of explicit

17. Demonstrate use of at least two types of constructors.

18. Write a program to implement different types of constructors to perform addition of
complex numbers.
19. Write a program to show the use of all methods of String class.
20. Write a program to implement all methods of StringBuffer class
21. Write a program to implement multidimensional array.
22. Write a program to display array elements using for-each loop.
23. Write a program to convert String value into Integer Wrapper class object.0
24. Write a program to make use of Character Wrapper class methods.
25. Write a program to convert Integer object value into primitive datatype byte, short and
double value.
26. Develop a program to display the rate of interest of banks by method overriding method.
27. Develop a program to extend 'dog' from 'animal' to override 'move()' method using super
28. Develop a program to implement the multilevel inheritance.
29. Develop a program to calculate the room area and volume to illustrate the concept of single
inheritance (Assume suitable data wherever necessary)
30. Develop a program to find area of rectangle and circle using interfaces.
31. Define a package named myInstitute include class named as department with one method
to display the staff of that department. Develop a program to import this package in a java
application and call the method defined in the package.
32. Develop a program which consists of the package named let_me_calculate4 with class
named calculator and a method named add to add two integer numbers. Import
let_me_calculate package in another program( class named Demo) to add two numbers.
33. Write a program to create two thread one to print odd number only and other to print even
34. Write a program to demonstrate the ArithmeticException.
35. Write a program to demonstrate ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
36. Develop a program to accept a password from the user and throw "Authentication Failure"
exception if the password is incorrect.
37. Define an Exception called "NotMatchException" that is thrown when a string is not equal to
"India". Write a program that uses this exception.
38. Develop a basic applet to display "Welcome to the World of Applet".
39. Develop a program to implement all methods of applet.
40. Develop a program using control loops in applets.
41. Write a program to create animated shape using graphics and applets. You may use
following shapes: Polygons with fill polygon method
42. Develop a program to draw a polygon.
43. Develop an applet for drawing a human face.
44. Develop a program to draw any 2 of the following shapes: a. Cone
45. Develop a program to draw any one of the following: a. Square inside a circle b. Circle inside
a square.
46. Develop a program to copy characters from one file to another.
47. Develop a program to write bytes to a file.

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