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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,571,802 B2

BOWman (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 11, 2009
(54) CONVEYOR BELTSKIRTASSEMBLY 5,513,743 A * 5/1996 Brink ...................... 198.836.1
5,816,388 A 10, 1998 Bowman
(75) Inventor: Houston R. Bowman, Sacramento, KY 5,913.404 A 6/1999 Bowman
(US) 5,927.478 A 7, 1999 Archer
6,557,697 B1 5/2003 Bowman
(73) Assignee: Martin Engineering Company, 6,575,294 B1 6/2003 Swinderman et al.
6,763,935 B2 7/2004 Ostman
Neponset, IL (US) 2002/0175050 A1* 1 1/2002 Wiggins ..................... 198.525
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this OTHER PUBLICATIONS
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 69 days. Snap-Loc Dust Seal System Technical Product Bulletin, Argonics,
Inc., Apr. 2001.
(21) Appl. No.: 11/828,475 Flexiskirt Conveyor Sealing System brochure, Arch Environmental
Equipment, Inc., 2007.
Gordon At-Last-A-Seal Conveyor Sealing System website page,
(22) Filed: Jul. 26, 2007 Arch Environmental Equipment, Inc.,, 2007.
(65) Prior Publication Data Pos-A-Seal Skirtboard website page, Dust Control, Inc., www.
US 2009/OO26O47 A1 Jan. 29, 2009 EZ-Mount Skirting System website page, ASGCO Manufacturing,
Inc.,, 2007.
(51) Int. Cl. * cited by examiner
B65G 2L/20 (2006.01)
(52) U.S. Cl. ................................................... 198/836.1 Primary Examiner Mark A Deuble
(58) Field of Classification Search .............. 198/836.1, (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Thompson Coburn LLP:
198/836.3,836.4 Clyde L. Smith
See application file for complete search history. (57) ABSTRACT
(56) References Cited
A conveyor belt skirt assembly adapted to be attached to a
side wall of a conveyor mechanism to retain conveyed mate
3,024,893 A 3, 1962 Lambert .................. 198.836.1 rial on a conveyor belt of the conveyor mechanism. The
RE31,249 E 5, 1983 Stahura conveyor belt skirt assembly includes a skirt having a gener
4,874,082 A 10, 1989 Swinderman ally vertical leg member and an inclined foot member
4,989,727 A 2f1991 Gordon attached to the bottom end of the leg member. A bracket
5,048,669 A 9, 1991 Swinderman including an arm and a finger pivotally attaches the skirt to the
5,129,508 A * 7/1992 Shelstad .................. 198.860.3 conveyor mechanism.
5,154,280 A * 10, 1992 Mott .......................... 198.525
5,267,642 A * 12/1993 Gharpurey et al. ....... 198.836.1
5,350,053 A 9, 1994 Archer 10 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets


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U.S. Patent Aug. 11, 2009 Sheet 1 of 4 US 7,571,802 B2
U.S. Patent Aug. 11, 2009 Sheet 2 of 4 US 7,571,802 B2
U.S. Patent Aug. 11, 2009 Sheet 3 of 4 US 7,571,802 B2



FIG. 4 FIG 5 FIG 7

U.S. Patent Aug. 11, 2009 Sheet 4 of 4 US 7,571,802 B2
US 7,571,802 B2
1. 2
CONVEYOR BELT SKIRTASSEMBLY FIG.3 is an exploded view of the conveyor mechanism and
conveyor belt skirt assembly of FIG. 1.
BACKGROUND FIG. 4 is an end view of an alternate embodiment of the
The present disclosure is directed to a conveyer belt skirt FIG. 5 is an end view of the skirt of FIG. 4 shown in a
assembly for retaining conveyed material on a conveyor belt generally L-shaped configuration.
of a conveyor mechanism, and in particular to a skirt assem FIG. 6 is a side elevational view of the mounting mecha
bly including a generally L-shaped skirt. nism and of the backing member with a retention bracket.
Conveyor mechanisms include moving conveyor belts that FIG. 7 is a cross sectional view taken along line 7-7 of FIG.
carry and transport bulk material. Conveyor mechanisms 10 6.
often include conveyor belt skirt assemblies for use in FIG. 8 is a perspective view of the mounting mechanism
attempting to contain the conveyed material on the conveyor and backing member of FIG. 6.
belt and to prevent the conveyed material from spilling over DETAILED DESCRIPTION
the side edges of the conveyor belt. The conveyed material 15
can apply a large force to the skirt assembly in a direction
transverse to the direction of conveyor belt movement which FIG. 1 shows two conveyor belt skirt assemblies 10
may outwardly deflect the skirt of the skirt assembly such that attached to a conveyor mechanism 12. The conveyor mecha
the conveyed material may flow between the conveyor belt nism 12 includes a movable conveyor belt 14 having a central
and the skirt assembly and over the side edges of the conveyor longitudinal axis 16. The conveyor belt 14 includes a gener
belt as spillage. During operation conveyor belts periodically ally linear first side edge 18 and a generally linear second side
mistrack to either the left or the right of their center position edge 20 that are generally parallel to one another and the
Such that a skirt assembly may drop off the side edge of a central axis 16. The conveyor belt 14 may be generally trough
mistracking conveyor belt whereupon the skirt assembly pre shaped such that it includes a center section 22 and two
vents the conveyor belt from returning to its proper center inclined edge sections 24 that extend respectively between
tracking position. 25 the center section 22 and the first and second side edges 18
and 20. The conveyor belt 14 includes a top load carrying
SUMMARY Surface 26 adapted to receive and Support bulk material. Such
as sand, gravel, coal and like. The conveyor mechanism 12
also includes a housing including two elongate and spaced
A conveyor belt skirt assembly adapted to be attached to a 30 apart side walls 28. Each side wall 28 includes a bottom edge
side wall of a conveyor mechanism to retain conveyed mate 30 that is spaced apart from and above the load carrying
rial on the conveyor belt of a conveyor mechanism. The surface 26 of the conveyor belt 14. Each side wall 28 is
conveyor belt skirt assembly comprises a skirt adapted to be located above a respective edge section 24 of the conveyor
attached to the side wall of a conveyor mechanism. The skirt belt 14. Each side wall 28 includes a general planar interior
comprises a leg member including an upper portion having an 35 Surface 32 and a generally planar external Surface 34.
upper end and a lower portion having a lower end. The upper The conveyor mechanism 12 may include a wear liner 38
portion includes a first inner wall and a first outer wall and the attached to the interior surface 32 of each side wall 28. The
lower portion includes a second inner wall and a second outer wear liner 38 includes an elongate generally linear bottom
wall. The skirt also includes a foot member extending edge 40. The bottom edge 40 of each wear liner 38 is spaced
between a first end and a second end. The first end of the foot
40 apart and above the load carrying Surface 26 of the conveyor
member is attached to the lower end of the leg member. The belt 14 at an inclined edge section 24. A load Zone is formed
foot member is disposed at an angle with respect to the lower above the conveyor belt 14 and between the opposing side
portion of the leg member. The foot member is adapted to walls 28 and wear liners 38 for the receipt of bulk material.
extend into a gap formed between the side wall of the con The side walls 28 and wear liners 38 are adapted to inhibit
veyor mechanism and the conveyor belt to retain conveyed 45 conveyed bulk material from spilling over the edges 18 and 20
material on the conveyor belt. The conveyor belt skirt assem of the conveyor belt 14. The side walls 28 and wear liners 38
bly also comprises a mounting mechanism including a are usually made from metal. Such that a gap is normally
mounting member adapted to be coupled to the upperportion provided between the bottom edges 30 and 40 of the side
of the leg member of the skirt and a bracket. The bracket walls 28 and wear liners 38 and the load carrying surface 26
includes an arm having a first end and a second end and a 50 of the conveyor belt 14 to prevent the side walls 28 and wear
finger attached to the second end of the arm. The first end of liners 38 from damaging the conveyor belt 14 during move
the arm is adapted to be pivotally connected to the mounting ment of the belt 14 with respect to the side walls 28 and wear
member and the second end of the arm is adapted to be liners 38. Bulk material may therefore pass through the gap
pivotally connected to the conveyor mechanism. The finger is from the load Zone to the exterior of the side walls 28 and spill
adapted to be located between the second end of the arm and 55 over the side edges 18 and 20 of the conveyor belt 14. The gap
the conveyor mechanism Such that the finger spaces the arm also allows for easier replacement of the belt and components
from the conveyor mechanism to thereby position the skirt Such as idlers. The Smaller the gap the less material that
with respect to the conveyor mechanism. escapes but then service becomes more difficult. The gap may
also trap abrasive or tramp materials and damage the belt.
60 Therefore many operators prefer a large gap of 1-inch or
more. However, the larger the gap the more the force exerted
by the bulk material on the sealing system.
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a conveyor mechanism As shown in FIG. 1 a conveyor belt skirt assembly 10 is
including the conveyor belt skirt assembly of the present attached to the exterior surface 34 of each side wall 28. Each
disclosure. 65 skirt assembly 10 includes a backing member 48. The back
FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view taken along line 2-2 of FIG. ing member 48 includes an elongate generally rectangular
1. plate member 50 having a generally linear lower edge 52 and
US 7,571,802 B2
3 4
a spaced apart and parallel linear upper edge 54. The plate outer wall 106 between the inner edge 108 and outer edge
member 50 includes two or more ears 56 that project 110. The skirt 66 extends longitudinally between a first end
upwardly from the upper edge 54. A fastener 58, such as a 116 and a second end 118. The skirt 66 may be formed from
lynchpin, is attached to and extends outwardly from each ear a resilient elastomeric material. Such as urethane.
56 of the backing member 48. Each fastener 58 includes a The skirt assembly 10 also includes a mounting mecha
central axis 60. Each fastener 58 includes a generally cylin nism 130. The mounting mechanism 130 includes a mounting
drical shaft having a first end attached to the ear 56 and a member 132 having an elongate plate-like strip member 134
second end including a diametrical bore adapted to remov that extends between a first end 136 and a second end 138.
ably receive a retainer member, such as a cotterpin or the like. The strip member 134 includes a generally planar first surface
The central axis 60 of each fastener 58 is generally perpen 10 140 and a parallel generally planar second surface 142. The
dicular to the plate member 50 and side wall 28. The backing mounting member 132 also includes two or more fasteners
member 48 is adapted to be attached to the exterior surface 34 144. Such as lynch pins, that are attached to the first Surface
of the side wall 28 by welding or the like such that the lower 140 of the strip member 134 and that extend outwardly gen
edge 52 of the backing member 48 is generally parallel to and erally perpendicular to the strip member 134. Each fastener
above the bottom edge 30 of the side wall 28. The lower edge 15 144 includes a generally cylindrical shaft. The first end of the
52 of the backing member 48 is thereby spaced apart from the shaft is attached to the strip member 134 and the second end
load carrying surface 26 of the conveyor belt 14 and forms of the shaft includes a diametrical bore adapted to removably
part of the gap with the surface 26 of the conveyor belt 14. receive a retainer member, such as a cotter pin or the like. The
The conveyor belt assembly 10 also includes a skirt 66. The fasteners 144 are spaced apart from one another the same
skirt 66 includes a generally vertical leg member 68 and an distance that the fasteners 58 of the backing member 48 are
inclined foot member 70 extending outwardly from the bot spaced apart from one another. Each fastener 144 includes a
tom end of the leg member 68. The leg member 68 includes an generally linear central axis 146. The strip member 134 of the
upper portion 72 having an upper end 74. The upper portion mounting member 132 is adapted to be located in the pocket
72 also includes a generally planar inner wall 76 and a gen formed by the upper portion 72 of the leg member 68 of the
erally planar outer wall 78 that is spaced apart from and 25 skirt 66 such that the first surface 140 of the strip member 134
generally parallel to the inner wall 76. The upper portion 72 of is located adjacent to and in engagement with the inner wall
the leg member 68 includes two or more apertures 80, such as 76 of the upper portion 72 of the leg member 68. Each fastener
elongate slots, that extend between the inner and outer walls 144 of the mounting member 132 extends through a respec
76 and 78. The leg member 68 also includes a lower portion tive aperture 80 in the upper portion 72 of the leg member 68.
84 having a lower end 86. The lower portion 84 includes a 30 The mounting mechanism 130 also includes a clamping
generally planarinner wall 88 and a spaced part and generally member 150 in the form of a generally plate-like strip mem
parallel planar outer wall 90. The lower portion 84 is attached ber. The clamping member 150 extends between a first end
to the upper portion 72. The outer wall 78 of the upper portion 152 and a second end 154. The clamping member 150
72 and the outer wall 90 of the lower portion 84 are generally includes a generally planar first Surface 156 and a spaced
co-planar with one another. The inner wall 76 of the upper 35 apart and generally parallel planar second surface 158. The
portion 72 and the inner wall 88 of the lower portion 84 are clamping member 150 includes two or more apertures 160,
located generally parallel to one another. The inner wall 76 of Such as elongated slots, that extend between the first and
the upper portion 72 is inwardly offset from the inner wall 88 second surfaces 156 and 158. The apertures 160 are spaced
of the lower portion 84 thereby forming a pocket. The thick apart from one another the same distance that the fasteners
ness of the lower portion 84 between the inner and outer walls 40 144 of the mounting member 132 are spaced apart from one
88 and 90 is greater than the thickness of the upper portion 72 another. The second surface 158 of the clamping member 150
between the inner and outer walls 76 and 78. is adapted to be located adjacent the outer wall 78 of the upper
The foot member 70 of the skirt 66 extends between a first portion 72 of the skirt 66 with the fasteners 144 of the mount
end 96 and a second end 98. The first end 96 of the foot ing member 132 extending through respective apertures 160.
member 70 is attached to the lower end 86 of the leg member 45 The upper portion 72 of the leg member 68 of the skirt 66 is
68. The foot member 70 includes a generally planar inner wall thereby located between the strip member 134 of the mount
100 that extends from a generally linear inner edge 102 to a ing member 132 and the clamping member 150. A retainer
generally linear outer edge 104. The inner edge 102 is member is removably attached to the second end of the fas
attached to the inner wall 88 of the lower portion 84 of the leg tener 144 to removably retain the skirt 66 and clamping mem
member 68 at the lower end 86. The outer edge 104 is gener 50 ber 150 to the mounting member 132. The strip member 134
ally parallel to the inner edge 102. The foot member 70 also of the mounting member 132 and the clamping member 150
includes a generally planar outer wall 106 that extends extend generally the entire length of the upper portion 72 of
between a generally linear inner edge 108 and a generally the skirt 66 between the first and second ends 116 and 118 of
linear outer edge 110 that is generally parallel to the inner the skirt 66.
edge 108. The inner edge 108 of the outer wall 106 is attached 55 The mounting mechanism 130 also includes two or more
to the outer wall 90 of the lower portion 84 of the leg member brackets 170. Each bracket 170 is generally J-shaped and
68 at the lower end 86. An end wall 112 extends generally includes a plate-like arm 172 having a first end 174 and a
transversely between the outer edge 104 of the inner wall 100 second end 176. The first end 174 of the arm 172 includes an
and the outer edge 110 of the outer wall 106. The inner wall aperture 178 adapted to receive a fastener 144 of the mounting
100 and the outer wall 106 are generally parallel to one 60 member 132. The second end 176 of the arm 172 includes an
another. aperture 180 adapted to receive a fastener 58 of the backing
As shown in FIG. 2 the foot member 70 is disposed at an member 48. The arm 172 includes a generally planar interior
inclined obtuse angle with respect to the lower portion 84 of Surface 182 and a generally parallel planar exterior Surface
the leg member 68 such that the skirt 66 is generally 184.
L-shaped. The outer wall 106 of the foot member 70 is 65 The bracket 170 also includes a generally plate-like finger
adapted to be placed in engagement with the load carrying 190 having a first end 192 and a second end 194. The finger
surface 26 of the conveyor belt 14 along the entire width of the 190 includes a generally planar interior surface 196 and a
US 7,571,802 B2
5 6
generally planar exterior surface 198. The finger 190 includes The width of the outer wall 106 of the foot member 70
an aperture 200 coaxially aligned with the aperture 180 of the between the inner edge 108 and outer edge 110 allows the
arm 172 and that is adapted to receive a fastener 58 of the conveyor belt 14 to mistrack a Substantial sideways or trans
backing member 48. The finger 190 is spaced apart from and verse distance before the skirt 66 can fall off the conveyor belt
generally parallel to the arm 172, with the second end 194 of 5 14 over a side edge of the conveyor belt 14. As shown in FIG.
the finger 190 being located transversely across from the 2, the conveyor belt 14 would need to horizontally mistrack to
second end 176 of the arm 172. The length of the finger 190 the left a sufficient distance such that the first side edge 18 of
between the first end 192 and the second end 194 is substan the conveyor belt 14 would move beyond the outer edge 110
tially shorter than the length of the arm 172 between the first 10 of the outer wall 106 of the foot member 70 before the skirt 66
end 174 and second end 176. A connector member 204 would fall over the side edge 18. Because the skirt 66 is made
extends between and attaches the second end 194 of the finger from resiliently flexible material, the foot member 70 can
deflect with respect to the leg member 68 to accommodate
190 to the second end 176 of the arm 172.
The bracket 170 is pivotally attached to the backing mem variations in the angle of inclination of the edge section 24 of
ber 48 by inserting the fastener 58 through the aperture 200 in 15 the conveyor belt 14 to maintain full contact between the
outer wall 106 of foot member 70 and the Surface 26 of the
the finger 190 and through the aperture 180 in the second end conveyor belt 14 and to also accommodate sagging of the
176 of the arm 172. The bracket 170 is pivotal about the axis conveyor belt 14 between idler roller supports.
60 with respect to the backing member 48. The bracket 170 is As shown in FIG. 1, the arms 172 of the brackets 170 are
also pivotally attached to the upper portion 72 of the skirt 66 inclined from the fastener 58 downwardly and forwardly to
by inserting the fastener 144 of the mounting member 132 the fastener 144. When the arms 172 are inclined downwardly
through the aperture 80 in the upper portion 72 of the skirt 66, and forwardly
the aperture 160 in the clamping member 150, and the aper moving forwardas inshown a
in FIG. 1, and the conveyor belt 14 is
direction as shown by the arrow in FIG.
ture 178 in the first end 174 of the arm 172. The bracket 170
1, the brackets 170 will allow
is pivotal with respect to the skirt 66, mounting member 132 upwardly and downwardly in engagement the skirt 66 to pivot or float
with the Surface 26
and clamping member 150 about the axis 146. As shown in 25 of the conveyor belt 14 to thereby maintain engagement of the
FIG. 2, the exterior surface 198 of the finger 190 of the bracket outer wall 106 of the foot member 70 with the Surface 26 of
170 is adapted to engage the outer surface of the backing
member 48 thereby selectively positioning the arm 172 and the conveyor belt 14 in response to undulations of the con
veyor belt 14. If desired, the angle of inclination of the arms
leg member 68 of the skirt 66 at a desired transverse location 172 can be reversed such that they extend downwardly and
with respect to the plate member 50 of the backing member 48 30 rearwardly
and the side wall 28. The upper portion 72 of the leg member will press thefrom the fasteners 58. In this case the arms 172
skirt 66 downwardly into engagement with the
68 is located transversely between a plane containing the
interior surface 196 of the finger 190 and a plane containing belt 14 when the belt 14 is moving in the direction of the arrow
in FIG. 1. The thickness of the foot member 70 between the
the interior surface 182 of the arm 172. The lower portion 84 walls 100 and 106 is shorter than the height of the gap such
of the leg member 68 is located transversely between a plane 35 that the foot member 70 has room to move vertically
containing the exterior surface 198 of the finger 190 and a upwardly without engaging the side wall 28, wear liner 38 or
plane containing the interior surface 182 of the arm 172. backing member 48 thus allowing the skirt to relieve obstruc
As shown in FIG. 2, the foot member 70 is attached to the tions and automatically adjust for wear of the skirt. If desired,
leg member 68 of the skirt 66 at an obtuse angle and is different types of skirts such as, for example, the skirts dis
generally parallel to the angle of inclination of the inclined 40 closed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,816,388, 5,913,404, 6,557,697 and
edge section 24 of the conveyor belt 14. The outer wall 106 of 6,575,294 may be used in connection with the mounting
the foot member 70 is adapted to engage the load carrying mechanism 130, with the mounting mechanism 130 provid
surface 26 of the conveyor belt 14 along its entire width ing the same self-adjusting operational features in connection
between the inner edge 108 and outer edge 110. The foot with these skirts.
member 70 also extends from the lower end 86 of the lower 4s An alternate embodiment of the skirt 66 is shown in FIGS.
portion 84 of the leg member 68 through the gap between the 4 and 5 as skirt 210. The skirt 210 includes many of the same
conveyor belt load carrying Surface 26 and the bottom edges structural features as the skirt 66 and similar features are
of the side wall 28, wear liner 38 and backing member 48 into identified with the same reference number. The skirt 210
the load Zone of the conveyor mechanism 12. includes a hinge 212 that pivotally connects the lower end 86
In operation, conveyed material in the load Zone of the 50 of the leg member 68 to the first end 96 of the foot member 70.
conveyor mechanism 12 is in contact with the inner wall 100 The lower portion 84 of the leg member 68 includes a gener
of the foot member 70 and will press the outer wall 106 of the ally planar bottom wall 214that extends from the bottom edge
foot member 70 into engagement with the load carrying Sur of the outer wall 90 to the hinge 212. The bottom wall 214 is
face 26 of the conveyor belt 14. A seal is thereby created disposed at an inclined angle with respect to the outer wall 90.
between the foot member 70 and the surface 26 of the con- 55 Such as approximately forty-five degrees, although other
veyor belt 14 that inhibits the passage of conveyed material angles may be used. The foot member 70 includes a generally
between the outer wall 106 of the foot member 70 and the planar top wall 216 that extends from the top edge of the outer
surface 26 of the conveyor belt 14 such that the conveyed wall 106 to the hinge 212. The top wall 216 is inclined at an
material remains in the load Zone and does not pass through angle with respect to the outer wall 106, such as approxi
the gap and spill over the edge 18 of the conveyor belt 14. The 60 mately forty-five degrees, although other angles may be used.
skirt 66 seals the gap between the surface 26 of the conveyor As shown in FIGS. 4 and 5, the hinge 212 is formed by a
belt 14 and the bottom edges of the sidewall 28, wear liner38, relatively thin section of resiliently flexible material between
and backing member 48 closed. The engagement of the foot the inner walls 88 and 100 and the inner edges of the bottom
member 70 with the conveyor belt 14 prevents or inhibits the and top walls 214 and 216.
lower portion 84 of the leg member 68 from deflecting out- 65 As shown in FIG. 4, the foot member 70 is generally
wardly in response to transverse forces applied to the skirt 66 coplanar with and parallel to the leg member 68. Similarly,
by the conveyed material. the inner wall 88 and inner wall 100 are generally coplanar
US 7,571,802 B2
7 8
and parallel to one another, and the outer wall 90 and outer bracket 230 will engage the clamping member 150 to prevent
wall 106 are generally coplanar and parallel to one another. transverse movement of the clamping member 150 and also
The bottom wall 214 and top wall 216 form a generally the skirt 66 outwardly away from the backing member 228
V-shaped groove that extends the length of the skirt 210. The and side wall 28 beyond a selected distance. While the reten
skirt 210 may beformed from a resilient elastomeric material, tion bracket 230 will resist sidepressure applied to the skirt 66
such as rubber. Rubber extrusions must often be flat or self and transverse movement of the skirt 66, the retention bracket
Supporting until they are cured. The configuration of the skirt 230 will allow the skirt 66, mounting member 132 and clamp
210 as shown in FIG. 4 is therefore advantageous for use ing member 150 to float vertically upwardly and downwardly
when the skirt 210 is extruded with a rubber material. The within the channel 246. One or more retention brackets 230
hinge 212 allows the foot member 70 of the skirt 210 to be 10 may be located between adjacent ears 56 of the backing
pivoted with respect to the leg member 68, as shown in FIG. member 228, and may also be located outwardly from each
5, at various different angles of inclination with respect to the ear 56.
leg member 68, such that the skirt 210 is generally L-shaped Various features of the invention have been particularly
as shown in FIG. 5. The foot member 70 may therefore be shown and described in connection with the illustrated
pivoted with respect to the leg member 68 such that the outer 15 embodiments of the invention, however, it must be under
wall 106 of the foot member 70 may fully engage the surface stood that these particular arrangements merely illustrate and
of the side edge 18 or 20 of the conveyor belt 14. The skirt 210 that the invention is to be given its fullest interpretation within
operates in the same manner as the skirt 66. the terms of the appended claims.
FIG. 6-8 show an alternate embodiment of the backing What is claimed is:
member 48 as backing member 228 in connection with the 1. A skirt adapted to be attached to a side wall of a conveyor
mounting mechanism 130. The backing member 228 is con mechanism to retain conveyed material on a conveyor belt of
structed substantially similar to the backing member 48 and the conveyor mechanism, said skirt comprising:
similar structural features are identified with the same refer a leg member including an upper portion having an upper
ence number. The backing member 228 includes one or more end and a lower portion having a lower end, said upper
inverted generally U-shaped retention brackets 230. The 25 portion including a first inner wall and a first outer wall,
retention bracket 230 includes a plate-like connector member said lower portion including a second inner wall and a
232 having a bottom end 234 that is adapted to be connected second outer wall; and
to the upper edge 54 of the plate member 50 of the backing a foot member extending between a first end and a second
member 228, such that the connector member 232 is gener end and having an inner wall and an outer wall, said first
ally coplanar with the plate member 50. The connector mem 30 end attached to said lower end of said leg member, said
ber 232 may be integrally formed with the plate member 50 or foot member being disposed at an angle with respect to
may be attached thereto by welding, fasteners or the like. If said lower portion of said leg member;
desired, the retention bracket 230 may be separate from the whereby said foot member is adapted to extend into a gap
backing member 228 such that the connector member 232 formed between the side wall of the conveyor mecha
may be connected to the exterior surface 34 of the side wall 35 nism and the conveyor belt to retain conveyed material
28, or other stationary structures by welding, fasteners or the on the conveyor belt and said outer wall of said foot
like. member is adapted to engage the conveyor belt; and
The connector member 232 also includes a stop member wherein said first and second inner walls and said first and
236 such a generally planar and plate-like member. The stop second outer walls of said leg member are each generally
member 236 extends from a tip 238 at a bottom end 240 to a 40 planar, and said inner wall and said outer wall of said
top end 242. The stop member 236 is generally parallel to and foot member are each generally planar.
spaced apart from the connector member 232 and the plate 2. A skirt adapted to be attached to a side wall of a conveyor
member 50 of the backing member 228. A spacing member mechanism to retain conveyed material on a conveyor belt of
244 extends between and connects the top end 242 of the stop the conveyor mechanism, said skirt comprising:
member 236 to the top end of connector member 232. The 45 a leg member including an upper portion having an upper
spacing member 244 is generally planar and plate-like and is end and a lower portion having a lower end, said upper
generally perpendicular to the connector member 232 and portion including a first inner wall and a first outer wall,
stop member 236. A channel 246 is formed between the stop said lower portion including a second inner wall and a
member 236 and the connector member 232 and plate mem second outer wall;
ber 50. The channel 246 includes an opening 248 between the 50 a foot member extending between a first end and a second
tip 238 of the stop member 236 and the connector member end, said first end attached to said lower end of said leg
232 and plate member 50. The channel 246 also includes a member, said foot member being disposed at an angle
side opening 250 between each side 252 of the stop member with respect to said lower portion of said leg member,
236 and the connector member 232 and plate member 50. As a hinge attaching said foot member to said leg member,
shown in FIG. 7, the channel 246 is adapted to receive the 55 said hinge adapted to allow said foot member to pivot
mounting member 132 and clamping member 150 of the with respect to said leg member, and
mounting mechanism 130 between the stop member 256 and whereby said foot member is adapted to extend into a gap
the connector member 232 and plate member 50. The mount formed between the side wall of the conveyor mecha
ing member 132 and clamping member 150 extend through nism and the conveyor belt to retain conveyed material
the channel 246 through the respective side openings 250. 60 on the conveyor belt.
Although not shown in FIGS. 6-8, the leg member 68 of the 3. A conveyor belt skirt assembly adapted to be attached to
skirt 66 or 210 would also be located within the channel 246. a side wall of a conveyor mechanism to retain conveyed
In some installations, the skirt assembly 10 may be sub material on a conveyor belt of the conveyor mechanism, said
jected to extreme outward side pressure from the conveyed conveyor belt skirt assembly comprising:
material which would attempt to move the skirt 66 trans 65 a skirt including a leg member and a foot member, said leg
versely away from the side wall 28 and backing member 228. member having an upper portion and a lower portion,
In such situations, the stop member 236 of the retention said upper portion having an upper end, a first inner wall
US 7,571,802 B2
and a first outer wall, said lower portion including a a mounting member coupled to said upper portion of said
lower end, a second inner wall and a second outer wall, leg member of said skirt;
said foot member extending between a first end and a a bracket including an arm having a first end and a second
second end, said first end of said foot member attached end, and a finger attached to said second end of said arm,
to said lower end of said leg member, said foot member 5 said first end of said arm adapted to be pivotally con
being disposed at an angle with respect to said lower nected to said mounting member, said second end of said
portion of said leg member; arm adapted to be pivotally connected to the conveyor
a mounting member coupled to said upper portion of said mechanism, said finger adapted to be located between
leg member of said skirt; and said second end of said arm and the conveyor mecha
an arm having a first end and a second end, said first end of 10 nism Such that said finger spaces said arm from the
said arm adapted to be pivotally connected to said conveyor mechanism to thereby position said skirt with
mounting member, said second end of said arm adapted respect to said conveyor mechanism.
to be pivotally connected to the conveyor mechanism; 6. The conveyor beltskirt assembly of claim 5 wherein said
finger is spaced apart from and generally parallel to said arm,
a retention bracket having a stop member forming a chan- is said finger being attached to said second end of said arm by a
nel, said leg member of said skirt adapted to be located connector member.
in said channel, said stop member adapted to limit trans 7. The conveyor belt skirt assembly of claim 5 wherein said
verse movement of said skirt second end of said arm includes a first aperture and said finger
whereby said foot member is adapted to extend into a gap includes a second aperture, said first and second apertures
formed between the side wall of the conveyor mecha- 20 being coaxially aligned with one another.
nism and the conveyor belt to retain conveyed material 8. The conveyor belt skirt assembly of claim 7 including a
on the conveyor belt. fastener adapted to attach said second end of said arm to the
4. The conveyor belt skirt assembly of claim 3 including a conveyor mechanism, said first aperture of said arm and said
backing member having a plate member, said retention second aperture of said finger adapted to receive said fastener.
bracket attached to said plate member. 25 9. The conveyor belt skirt assembly of claim 5 wherein said
5. A conveyor belt skirt assembly adapted to be attached to finger of said bracket includes an outer wall located in a first
a side wall of a conveyor mechanism to retain conveyed plane and said arm of said bracket includes an inner wall
material on a conveyor belt of the conveyor mechanism, said located in a second plane, said leg member of said skirt being
conveyor belt skirt assembly comprising: located between said first plane and said second plane.
a skirt including a leg member having an upper portion and said10.skirt
30 The conveyor belt skirt assembly of claim 5 wherein
a lower portion, said upper portion having an upper end, said lowerincludes a foot member attached to said lower end of
a first inner wall and a first outer wall, said lower portion posed at angle withofrespect
portion said leg member, said foot being dis
to said leg member.
including a lower end, a second inner wall and a second
outer wall; k k k k k

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