Readiness in Adopting A Blended Learning Approach in Science: Challenges Encountered and Breakthroughs

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Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.

6894382, ISSN 2822-4353

Research Article

Readiness in Adopting a Blended Learning Approach in Science: Challenges

Encountered and Breakthroughs

Elsa L. Cajucom*, Ivy N. Lopez, Jimmy E. Valdez, Julieta A. Villanueva,

Weyalein L. Balonquita, Judy Ann F. Sonday
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

The aim of this research was to determine the teachers' and students’ readiness on blended learning. Also, the
struggles encountered by the teachers as well their best practices in the blended learning modalities were
identified. To attain the level of readiness of the students and teachers to the new normal educational learning
methods, an adopted but modified survey instrument was used. To determine the personal experiential accounts on
the challenges and difficulties encountered under the new normal educational learning modalities and their
breakthroughs or good practices in providing solutions, open-ended questionnaire was employed. Data revealed
that the most available gadget of the respondents was mobile phone while the least was desktop computer. The
level of readiness of the teachers and students in blended learning modalities was generally high. Among the six
dimension of readiness, only online learning scored low for both teachers and students. Teachers most common
difficulties encountered in blended learning were unstable internet connectivity, insufficient time to prepare
learning materials, captivating students’ focus in learning, and difficulty in addressing individual needs of their
learners. The most common worst experiences they had were the following: online engagement thru chats,
teaching problem- solving skills online, unavailability of materials for the experiment, and the academic
dishonesty of the students. From the difficulties that the teachers have encountered, all of them looked for better
internet service provider, trained themselves how to do the recording for the video lessons using online resources
or through departmental tutorials, used alternative household materials for the experiment, and consistent online
interaction to the learners thru personal chats via messenger and text as well as sent emails. For them, the best
practices that are worth sustaining are preparation of pre-recorded video lessons and the extensive use of the
features of the SMU LMS. As an output of this study, recommendations towards an enhanced blended learning
thru the SMLP features in teaching and learning science were provided.

Keywords: Blended Learning, Readiness, Science, Challenges Encountered, Breakthroughs

Introduction traditional face-to-face approach. As technology

becomes an integral part of our daily lives, it is hard to
Today’s emerging situations has led schools to move imagine that it will not have a dominant role in our
from traditional face-to-face classrooms to the new education system. In emergent situations like the
online classrooms. The transition to online teaching Covid-19 pandemic, educators must totally embrace
and learning challenges the expectations and roles of educational technology and online learning (Obaṅa,
both teachers and learners. According to Redman 2020).
(2011), this shift in education offers new opportunities
but also new challenges to all the members of the Secretary Leonor Briones of the Department of
teaching and learning process. Education (DepEd) emphasized that the Philippines
has been using online instruction for decades already,
The Philippines’ educational system has already been citing the University of the Philippines as one of the
experiencing various challenges in the past 8 years schools which specializes in distance education for the
since its sudden shift from the Basic Curriculum longest time and those who take up education and
Education to the K-12 Curriculum when it is put into study education are already exposed to this distance
another level and dimension of a more challenging and blended learning (Custodio, 2020). Thus, it is
technology-based teaching and learning process clearly pointed out that education must be delivered
brought forth by the Covid-19 pandemic. and sustained in any circumstances we are facing and
in every possible way with respect to the learners’
This forced schools to shift their courses to online needs and conditions.
learning and that has been very challenging. With this Although this inevitable phenomenon has shaken
new reality, educators all over the world have an schools unprepared for the unforeseen change, it
opportunity to re-think about how education is to be promoted ingenious ideas of how educators must
delivered to succeed. Despite the technological continue and sustain the teaching and learning process
advancements, educators still largely favour the for all students who in fact have different learning

Cajucom et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6894382, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

abilities, styles, resources, and filial support. On top of struggles encountered by the teachers as well their best
that, some students need to do the remote learning in practices in the blended learning modalities were
an almost impossible way due to the lack of facilities identified. Specifically, it sought to answer the
and slow internet connection that fuel the success of following questions:
implementing various blended learning modalities.
1. What is the level of the teachers’ readiness in
Apparently, the availability of web-based resources the blended learning modalities?
and high-speed internet infrastructure has extended the 2. What is the level of the students’ readiness in
opportunities to conduct blended learning and new the blended learning modalities?
ways of distance learning beyond virtual classroom 3. What are the teachers' struggles in teaching
webinars (Connie, 2015). Schools all around the world science using the blended learning modalities?
are increasingly using blended approaches that 4. What are the best practices done by the
combine online and face-to-face teaching and learning. teachers in implementing the blended learning
Given that there is the abrupt and devastating entry of modalities in teaching science?
the corona virus disease-2019 (COVID-19) into the 5. What recommendations can be provided to
educational system picture, the pressing question for enhance the SMU Multi-Modality Program of
educators now is this: How will the education system the school?

In a logical sense, teachers’ knowledge and readiness Literature Review

in implementing the different blended learning
modalities must be on par with their digital skills to
Blended Learning
efficaciously meet the expectations of their learners in
experiencing a fruitful teaching and learning process
The history of blended learning vividly tells us that it
using blended learning.
neither emerged from the onset of the digital age nor
the Covid-19 pandemic but during the times when
The integration of digital technology into teaching,
postal services were used to send and receive lessons
learning and assessment is a complex and challenging
and feedback (Pappas, 2015). Undeniably, blended
process that goes well beyond introducing digital
learning has become an integral part of educators’
technology in schools. Integration requires carefully
desire to fulfil their noble duties and to sustain these
considering within the broader context of schoolwide
improvement issues such as change management, responsibilities in diverse ways and means utilizing
educational leadership, teacher professional various resources available.
development, evaluation systems and sharing best
Education is not just about academics but also learning
practices. First, schools face external issues
time management, discipline, and blending learning
surrounding insufficient equipment or connectivity and
helps both students and teachers to learn according to
inadequate technology training. If teachers and
their own pace and schedule. Blended learning
students do not own an adequate computer and a fast
consolidates the best of both traditional and digital
internet connection, implementing online or virtual
methods of education while classroom learning is
learning is unfeasible. Furthermore, if teachers are not
important to incorporate overall discipline. Hence,
provided practical training on new technologies, they
online learning helps students to customize their
will not be capable of using them to their full potential
education. Blended learning methods enable students
(Obana, 2020).
to explore information or guidance online, which can
More than the students, teachers are feeling the be accessed any time they need and classroom learning
pressure of implementing the blended learning helps to build better relations between the learner and
modalities most especially the online distance the teacher. Extra-curricular and various other hands-
learning. The inevitable digital skills that that come on activities help students to build their socio-personal
along with it demands new knowledge and training for effectively and online learning offers a wider selection
teachers to successfully utilize technology-based of content and information they need for the overall
media. physical and psychological development of their
personality. Blended learning makes it easy for
Research Questions learners to communicate about their assignments,
announcements, test results or anything else they
This study aimed to determine the teachers' and might need to know from their teachers and makes
students’ readiness on blended learning. Also, the assessment and evaluation more personalized and

Cajucom et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6894382, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

effective. Education becomes less expensive and more learning is greater (Finch & Jacobds, 2012). In fact,
accessible to a wide range of learners. Blending Amro, Mundy and Kupczynski (2015) pointed out that
learning helps students to explore technology and use educators in various levels face challenges in meeting
different tools or techniques for learning, for example, the needs of online learning while maintaining
PowerPoint, Virtual classrooms, Video lectures, etc. students’ learning.
Blended learning improves the quality of education
and information assimilation while making teaching Research indicates that blended approaches involve a
more efficient and productive (Das, 2021). range of advantages for students including, flexibility
(Pratt & Trewern, 2011), student engagement and
However, the effective implementation of blended motivation, development of independent learning
approaches is a complex process, especially when (Parkes et al., 2011) and new ICT skills. Most
aiming for educational change rather than importantly, e-learning, including blended approaches,
supplementing traditional practices (Davis, 2008). is regarded as a means for educational reform,
Research indicated that some of the main challenges modernization of schools, and increased access to a
that emerge are linked to students and their readiness world-class education (Powell & Barbour, 2011).
to learn in a blended environment teachers and their
commitment and capability to effectively teach In a study conducted by Ventayen et al. (2020), they
through blended approaches (Parkes et al., 2011), and concluded that the majority of respondents were ready
school leaders and their provision of adequate support for Open and Distance Education regardless of their
to teachers and students (Stevens, 2011). statuses. The study showed that the teachers were
ready when it comes to technology facets and that
In a research conducted regarding the teachers’ teachers were equipped with a computer whenever
intrinsic and extrinsic readiness for blended learning in they are at home or at the office. Hence, this analysis
Malaysia, the findings showed that the individual reflected that teacher can travel with computers and
innovation level was high but the specific information there will be no hindrance in conducting an online
technology level was moderate. This indicated that the lesson. Besides, respondents have access to their
teachers were not prepared to know how to implement internet more often and can search for anything on the
teaching and learning using blended learning and were internet for their needs. It also revealed that the
unprepared to implement it. From this we can ascertain respondents were competent in using E- mail and in
that the teachers who were very opentowards a new the word processing software, capable of downloading
innovation in their lives might also be so open towards files and attaching it to an email, knowledgeable on
accepting more specific innovation such as the usage using presentation software such as PowerPoint,
of blended learning in their teaching. While this study familiar in creating lesson through blogs other
found that 78.8% of teachers had Internet access at websites and were comfortable in using Social
home and 90.8% had personal computers, these Networking Technologies such as Facebook and
aspects did not guarantee that the they would be Twitter. These findings reflected a great realization
excited to learn new technology and pedagogy towards that in a digital era like this, it does not take so much
creating a 21st century teaching environment which things to learn and understand in order to be ready to
includes blended learning and its usage. This could be take the exigent steps to adapt with the fast-paced
due to the teachers’ lack of new knowledge about the world challenged by an inescapable circumstance such
variety of teaching methods from time to time and this as this pandemic. It is the teachers’ ingenious
caused them to be less innovative. As such, teachers’ initiatives to explore and enhance what became a part
knowledge about blended learning is important to of them in their daily work as educators that will drive
prepare them to utilize the approach effectively in their them to acclimatize to the continuous struggles and
teaching and learning (Noraini Mohamed Noh et al., challenges, they will continue to face in the
2019). implementation of blended learning.

Laal and Ghodsi (2012) mentioned that the transition Indeed, schools especially educators’ ingenuity has led
in classroom practices ultimately rely on teachers. It to an extensive effort in extracting resources relevant
requires them to learn new strategies to cater the to the effectiveness of implementing the blended
demands of online learning. And although the trend of learning modalities. This is reflected in the many
education has changed, the primary concern of every efforts of Philippine schools to positively undertake
educator should always be to maximize student extra miles in support of this educational innovation.
learning (Laal, 2013). As compared to face-to-face
education, the demands and challenges of online A new era of teaching and learning has redefined the

Cajucom et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6894382, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

delivery of instruction at Lyceum of the Philippines performance of students. It increases the collaboration
University-Laguna. Teachers and students have among participants. More information can be gathered
harnessed the power of digital technology by using by using technology and sharing of information can be
Blackboard Open LMS, an online learning done not only within the campus but across the world.
management system platform of the school. With more The flexibility and accessibility of the method make it
than half of the teacher population using Blackboard to more interesting and challenging. It provokes students
deliver content and perform assessments, blended to complete their task in given time. Current
learning has now become the new norm. Blended generation of students are digital natives, they are born
learning is an approach to education that combines with the Internet network, and now they are
face-to-face and online learning. Recent studies prove experiencing the transition from the old to the new
that blended learning is more superior to traditional web-based technology, which is more participatory,
methods in delivering specific course outcomes. This more collaborative. The development of blended
is why LPU-Laguna has fully embraced digital learning in the school system is still at its initial stage.
education by educating, simplifying and monitoring In the era of ICT, the use of technology will not only
the use of LMS not to replace, but to enhance the create a better learning but also connects students with
current status of classroom instruction (Catapang, outside world. Now there is a high time for countries
2018). to use technology in the field of education and let the
students discover the knowledge of their choice
Similar optimism was written in an article published (Singh, 2015).
by The University of the Philippines (UP) stating that
the COVID-19 pandemic that shut down the world BE-LCP in the Philippines in the time of
merely catalysed this overdue transformation of higher COVID-19 Pandemic
education in general and UP education in particular.
The work during this unprecedented time is In the Philippines, DepEd operationalizes the Basic
challenging but exciting, too, as opportunities open up Education Learning Continuity Plan in the time of
for higher education institutions, including UP, to COVID-19 (BE-LCP) that requires the complementary
experiment with new and creative ways of delivering and broader roles of parents, guardians and other
programs and courses, and to institutionalize household partners, and members of the community to
innovations that enhance learning. Indeed, the “new support the learning process of the students at home
reality” has revealed possibilities that were perhaps not (DepEd Order No. 012 s. 2020). The Learning
as obvious before. Physical infrastructure is required to Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) is the Department of
support remote learning. UP is currently undertaking Education's major response and commitment in
several initiatives to prepare its infrastructure, protecting the health, safety, and well-being of
including: maintaining its institutional subscription to learners, teachers, and personnel (Montemayor, 2020).
Zoom for faculty meetings, webinars, workshops, And with the belief that learning must not stop on
synchronous classes, student group work and account of the pandemic, the Philippine educational
interactions; discussing with telecommunication sector is keen on exploring the viability of blended
companies the procurement of gadgets, Internet learning approach. Though not entirely new, the
connectivity, support for educational data packs, features of blended learning are seen as a possible
computer loans and subsidies for financially remedy for the shift from traditional face-to- face
challenged students and faculty; launching fundraising instruction to combination of modular and e-learning
and resource generation campaigns among UP alumni system of education. However, many are still doubtful
and private sector donors for computers and laptops as to its feasibility as it seems very unlikely that it will
for students; and, exploring the use of TV and radio as on average replace the learning lost from school.
an alternative to the Internet for areas with poor Given the growth of blended teaching and learning in
signals or Internet connectivity (Llaneta, 2020). Philippines and internationally and the complexity of
educational change as a result of Information and
The use of blended learning technology in classroom Communication Technologies (ICT), it is apparent that
teaching and learning process is an innovative method. there is a need for further research on the use of
It combines the quality of both online learning and blended approaches in schools and the implications for
classroom method. It does not only create interest in key stakeholders to inform professional and
learning through audio-visual aid but also develops organizational development. How students and
better understanding and group feeling among student. teachers are ready in this approach of teaching and
There is no doubt that the new technology used in learning must be explored. Furthermore, it is important
teaching and learning process enhances the to determine their struggles and how do they overcome

Cajucom et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6894382, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

these struggles in order to facilitate continuous Education-Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP)

learning and teaching. initiative will make it possible for schools all over the
country to continue the 2020-2021 academic year and
As a further response to the challenges posed by that this technique of distance learning will be
Covid-19 in the lives of learners and educators in the implemented in three ways—through online classes,
Philippines, DepEd Secretary Briones has introduced modular learning through printed or digital materials,
the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE- and through broadcasting classes via TV and radio.
LCP) to uphold quality education fitted to whatever She explained that schools may choose from any of
circumstances they are experiencing at the moment. these methods to conduct classes to the students.

The BE-LCP covers the essential requirements of Enrolment in the current school year started last June 1
education in the time of COVID-19, such as the most by text messaging or online means. As of September
essential learning competencies (MELCS), multiple 2021, the DepEd said enrolment in public and private
learning delivery modalities for teachers, school schools had reached 23,987,944 students nationwide.
leaders and learners, required health standards in At least 22,019,105 had enrolled in public schools
schools and workplaces, and special activities like while 1,923,179 in private schools. The DepEd also
Brigada Eskwela, Oplan Balik Eskwela, and reported that over 1 million devices and gadgets, tools
community partnerships. for blended learning, had been received by 93 percent
of teachers and students nationwide. But a survey by
Despite best efforts to address the challenges faced by the department showed that majority of 700,000
the Philippines’ educational system, such development teachers still lacked gadget and internet access, which
seems to be more complicated in the field where are necessary for blended learning. The Philippine
teachers and students experience the reality than in Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ) cited the
journals and books that offer guidelines in survey in a report, saying 13% of respondents did not
implementing the different learning modalities in this have laptops or computers. Out of the 87 percent who
pandemic situation. The DepEd’s Information and had gadgets, only 41 percent had internet connections.
Communications Technology Service (ICTS) has The survey also found that 49 percent had mobile
summarized some of the critical challenges that we phone signals but no internet connections in their
face, as well as the updates on ongoing initiatives, in households. At least 10 percent didn’t have both. The
relation to distance learning technologies: difficulties of access to information communication
technology (ICT) are felt most by students. Children
Access to the internet is a major limiting factor to
from impoverished areas were likely to be at a
online learning. This can be mitigated by loading
disadvantage at the start of classes. Aside from
digital materials into the devices of learners.
difficulty in access to internet services with enough
Teachers would have to be trained in the use of
speed for blended learning, increasing internet
technology for learning delivery. DepEd has already
subscription costs also hound learners and instructors.
conducted two online training programs this year
Hardware and software, must haves in blended
with 17,000 Participants each on the use of
learning, could be costly to everyone—educators,
technology in teaching. This will be expanded, but
students and parents (Baclig, 2020).
there are teachers with limited knowledge in ICT, as
well as with no internet access. Despite the reports on the challenges faced by those
Early grade levels need to be closely supervised by
parties affected, the optimism of Briones gained
parents in the use of technology. Orienting the
support from the Palace spokesman Harry Roque Jr. in
parents will be a major challenge, and there are
a statement released in an article of The Manila Times
questions as to whether parents are ready to take on
this role.
(2020), ‘Challenges’ await blended learning’ where he
Senior high school vocational tracks have classes said, “The system may not be perfect and there may be
that require hands-on sessions in laboratories that issues as we shift to flexible learning, which includes
may not be applicable in home-based approaches modular learning and supplemented by broadcast and
even with technology. online classes; but we are confident that DepEd would
DepEd has migrated its systems into Cloud Servers address these challenges.”
that can be scaled up to meet the increasing demand
for technology-based education. Access however, as they are all aware, is another issue
of utmost concern and they have devised various
Despite the drawbacks of blended learning, DepEd modalities to ensure that online learning is only one of
Secretary Leonor Briones asserted that the Basic the options among all others in this new learning

Cajucom et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6894382, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

environment. Their field units will determine the most than that. It involves a paradigm shift in pedagogy
appropriate combinations or strategies for every through an understanding of the blended learning
locality as the look into addressing equity concerns of model by teachers, parents and students. The balance
our constituents in this new arrangement (DepEd, of online and offline tasks is a critical aspect to
2020). Hence, this study was very timely to contribute consider while designing the timetable and lesson plan.
to data that will strengthen the determination of the This model helps learning to continue beyond the four
most appropriate alternative learning strategies in this walls of the classroom, allows students’ choice and
time of pandemic. flexibility to learn at their pace, creates more
opportunities for collaborative tasks along with
Flexible Learning Modalities providing opportunities to rethink the mode of
assessments & feedback. Virtual education has opened
E-learning up possibilities of rethinking the way we are doing
teaching & learning. The use of educational
E-Learning is “the use of internet and digital technology tools can begin to transform the classroom,
technologies to create experiences that educates fellow and most of it depends on the creative agency of the
human beings” (Horton, 2001 as cited by Bose, 2003). teacher (Karthik, 2020).
E-Learning was born during the dot-com frenzy, and
the term “e-Learning” was not well known until a few In the Philippines, the term "e-learning" is used
years ago. But now the term is common, especially in synonymously with online learning and concerns the
the University community. In 1999, more than 50% of online delivery of instructional content as well as
US college students were planning to have Internet associated support services to students. This article is
access from their dormitory rooms, and virtually all primarily based on experiences at the University of the
were planning to have access from campus locations. Philippines Open University (UPOU). It showcases the
Today, more than 90% of students have accessed development of e-learning in the country from just a
Internet, with 50 percent accessing Web daily, and supplement within once-a-month face-to-face (FTF)
nearly 40% of all college courses using Internet sessions in a university learning center to more
resources (OECD, 2001 as cited by Bose, 2003). extensive use of a learning management system (LMS)
as a venue for academic discussions as well as learning
As a network technology, the Internet creates, fosters, assessments, sharing learning resources and content,
delivers, and facilitates learning, anytime and and students submissions of course requirements. Also
anywhere. In distant modes of education, it provides discussed is how the mobile phone is being used to
connections to outside computers (Wheeler, 2003). bridge the digital divide and make the digitally
Network technologies also make possible delivery of excluded sectors of the Filipino society become part of
individualized, comprehensive, dynamic learning the online learning program of the university. The
content in real time, aiding in the development of mechanisms being used to ensure quality education in
knowledge communities. By making them accountable e- learning as well as the challenges faced by e-
and accessible, it links learners and practitioners with learning institutions is extensively detailed (Dela Pena,
experts and enables people and organizations to keep 2009).
pace with the rapid changes that define the Internet
world. It is a force that gives people and organizations Blended Learning (BL)
the competitive edge, permitting them to participate in
the rapidly changing global economy. Clearly, the One of the most fundamental distinctions among
penetration of Internet in the post-secondary sector is different online learning activities is whether they are
significant. offline, blended or conducted purely online - online
instruction serves as a replacement for face-to-face
In response to the current situation where COVID-19 instruction (e.g., a virtual course), with attendant
pandemic exists, educators have been instrumental in implications for school staffing and cost savings
finding new ways to ensure learning continues for (Bakia, Shear, Toyoma, & Lasseter, 2012). Purely
children by developing online and offline learning online instruction may be an attractive alternative for
materials; learning about the working of video cost reasons if it is equivalent to traditional face-to-
conferencing tools to be able to meet students face instruction in terms of student outcomes. Blended
regularly and conducting mental & social well-being learning, on the other hand, is expected to be an
sessions during the start of the school day and at enhancement of face-to-face instruction. Many would
closure. Virtual school is not just about taking a lesson consider blended learning applications that produce
through a video conferencing tool; it involves more learning outcomes that are merely equivalent to (not

Cajucom et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6894382, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

better than) those resulting from face-to-face mode of distance learning under consideration is
instruction without the enhancement a waste of time modular learning. In this time of COVID-19
and money because the addition does not improve pandemic, Filipino students prefer modular learning.
student outcomes. Different online and offline Modular learning is a form of distance learning that
pedagogical approaches will promote different uses Self-Learning Modules (SLM) based on the most
learning experiences by varying the source of the essential learning competencies (MELCS) provided by
learning content and the nature of the learner’s activity DepEd. The modules include sections on motivation
(Nguyen, 2017). and assessment that serve as a complete guide of both
teachers’ and students’ desired competencies. Teachers
Blended Learning is a modern educational strategy will monitor the learners’ progress through home visits
that has replaced e-learning gradually in most (following social distancing protocols) and feedback
educational institutions. According to Salama (2005), mechanisms, and guide those who need special
BL is a logical and scientifically acceptable alternative attention.
to e-learning, has higher yields, is less expensive, and
incorporates more sophisticated types of learning. BL Based on data gathered via DepEd’s National Learner
is a term that explains the various attempts made by Enrolment and Survey Forms (LESFs), 8.8 million out
teachers to incorporate the element of technology into of the 22.2 million enrollees (39.6% of total
the traditional classroom setting, because of the respondents) preferred modular distance learning for
efficiency this arrangement brings. BL aims at the upcoming school year. Meanwhile, 3.9 million
interactive learning, resulting in the blending or enrollees (17.6%) were partial to blended learning
mixing of a teacher’s role in a traditional classroom (which uses a combination of different modalities), 3.8
with that in the virtual one. The technology applied in million (17.1%) preferred online learning, and 1.4
BL is often intended to generate optimal performances million and 900,000 enrollees preferred TV-based and
by students. The systems are intended to promote radio-based learning, respectively. In a public
learning by facilitating the integration of visual cues secondary school in San Carlos City, Pangasinan,
and educational concepts. modular learning also emerged as the most preferred
learning mode. According to their local LESFs,
The use of virtual environments acts to capture the learners cited the lack of available gadgets and internet
attention of the audience involved while augmenting connection as the main reasons why they preferred
interactions between subject parties (Graham, 2013). modular learning over online learning (Manlangit,
BL combines forms of direct and indirect online Paglumotan, & Sapera, 2020).
learning and usually involves the internet and intranet,
while indirect learning occurs simultaneously within Asynchronous Learning
traditional classes. Blended learning is defined as
learning using different means connected together to Asynchronous learning is characterized by different
teach a particular substance. These methods may discourse features and may be used for different
include a combination of direct lecturing in the pedagogical purposes (Romiszowski & Mason, 2004).
auditorium, online communication, and self-learning. It has been argued that asynchronous communication
Julie believes that blended learning is a newly used may provide more student control and flexibility
term, but it was prevalent before; it blends various (Kearsley, 1995). It is the most common type of
educational patterns of computer and adds e-learning communication in distance and online education (e.g.,
through the internet; it includes e-mail service, in e-mail, discussion board) ever since the days of
addition to traditional education where the teacher has correspondence studies (e.g., letters). Asynchronous
the biggest role (Hashimi and Azzawi, 2007). communication allows online students to log on to the
class at any time, think about what has been written
Modular Learning and formulate considered replies when they wish
(Palloff & Pratt, 1999). Thus, students have more time
Online learning is not the only type of distance for reflection (Hansen et al., 1999) since discussions
learning. While the COVID-19 pandemic sent usually are scheduled for the entire course or a longer
educational institutions scrambling to move classes time period (e.g., a week). The advantageous
online, many forget that there are other modes for “anytime, anywhere” feature of asynchronous
distance learning. For instance, the Department of communication makes it unavoidable in online
Education (DepEd) developed TV/radio-based education. Students with other obligations such as
instruction methods to utilize existing technologies family and work may still participate on weekends, at
that reach rural areas. However, the most popular night or in small chunks throughout the day since all

Cajucom et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6894382, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

communication is stored (Haythornthwaite & Kazmer message for academic interactions

2002). However, this feature may in some cases be (GMAI).
disadvantageous since the postings can be accessed by 2. The Class Advisers will create the
all participants including the teacher and create a fear GCAI/ GMAI. The purpose for such
of public ridicule (e.g., Contreras-Castillo et al. 2004). should be made clear to students in the
SMU Multi-Modality Program of SMU Junior HS 3. All subject teachers will be added to the
and Science High School class GCAI/ GMAI.
4. The GCAI/ GMAI is primarily for
In response to the New Normal in the educational sending information/ activities and
landscape brought about by the COVID- 19 crisis, general reminders. It is also a platform
Saint Mary’s University Junior High School and for student-friendly discussions
Science High School resiliently adopts a flexible between the teacher and the students
learning modality for school year 2020-2021 called 5. Sending and discussion of activities and
SMU Multi-Modality Learning Program (SMLP). general reminders should be done by
SMLP uses multiple flexible learning modalities like the subject teachers in the GCAI/
modular and technology- aided instruction delivered GMAI following the daily class
initially via Distance Learning or Independent schedule.
Learning offline and online until the government 6. Rem inders/ follow up on non-
allows the conduct of Face-to-Face Delivery of co m p li an ce , in a ct iv i ty , non-
Instruction in School. participation etc. should be done
through pm/ text/ call/ email or any
With the help of the home and community, the school individualized electronic means to the
closely monitors the implementation of the SMLP to student concerned and his/ her parents/
ensure the continuity of delivering excellent Catholic guardians for protection of privacy.
education to students in the midst of crisis while 7. Answering of student queries could be
keeping the learners’ safety of paramount importance. done in the GCAI/ GMAI if it concerns
The features of the SMU SMLP are as follows: all; otherwise, it will also be done
through pm/ text/ call/ email or any
1. CLASS SCHEDULE, SUBJECT TEACHERS individualized electronic means for
& CLASS ADVISERS protection of privacy.
1. Like in the traditional classroom set up, 3. MODULAR & TEXTBOOK- BASED
a class schedule will be followed and a INSTRUCTION (MTI)
subject teacher is assigned per subject. 1. Independent Learning Activities (ILA)
The class schedule shall be strictly such as reading texts, written exercises
followed to avoid overlapping and or drills, learning packages, manageable
procrastination in the accomplishment performances will be given to students.
of learning activities and desired output. These shall be accomplished at home
2. The subject teachers will exhaust all according to the class schedule.
means to give input and closely monitor 2. The textbooks shall be the main
the learning activities to ensure that reference material for ILA. Teacher-
students are on task as scheduled. made worksheets/ activity sheets and
3. A class adviser is assigned to help in modules will also be used.
the shepherding of learners, monitoring 3. All ILA shall be individualized.
their learning participation and Allowed activities that require group
gathering of feedback from parents/ interaction are those that will only
guardians and students. involve the members of the household
2. BASIC COMMUNICATION PLATFORM (e.g Family Disaster Plan for AP;
FOR INDEPENDENT LEARNING: GCAI/ Hazard Mapping at Home (Science);
GMAI Rosary Praying (CFE); Cookery,
1. While students are at home for Housekeeping (TLE), etc.). However,
Independent Learning, the basic for group activities initially done last
communication platform between them school year and are expected to be
and their teachers is the group chat for completed this school year (e.g. Science
academic interactions (GCAI) or group Research and Statistics, Science

Cajucom et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6894382, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Research, Practical Research 2), group The National Academic of Sciences (2020) stated that
interaction may be done via zoom, teaching and learning in a modern classroom is no
messenger, text, call, email. longer an act of transferring knowledge. Further, the
4. ILAs are both formative and summative act of teaching has become a multidisciplinary
in nature, depending on the purpose and enterprise to develop critical thinking, interaction, and
nature of the ILA. collaboration among learners. Given these
5. The list of Independent Learning multidisciplinary changes in curriculum and its relative
Activities together with electronic learning objectives, the need to collaborate in order to
resources such as videos, PowerPoint, create learning environments has gained momentum in
presentations, tutorials etc. will be this decade or so. Instead of teacher-centered
sorted in folders and will be saved to approaches, the focus has shifted to learner-centered
the students’ flash drives on a and learning-centered strategies. In the current
d esig nated schedule. educational landscape, learners are no more the empty
4. TECHNOLOGY- ASSISTED INSTRUCTION vessels to be filled in, rather they need to be the co-
(TAI) creators of knowledge; they should be willing to take
1. To help students understand complex ownership of their learning and contribute to the
competencies/ lessons, subject teachers development of knowledge.
will prepare podcasts and/ video
recording of themselves teaching or The implementation of blended learning became
explaining the lesson or demonstrating inevitable in the teaching and learning process of
an activity using a specific format. universities, where one would “redefine higher
2. Subject teachers may also use other education institutions as being learning centered, and
electronic resources like downloaded facilitate a higher learning experience” (Garrison &
video clip s, audio r eco rd in g, Kanuka, 2004, p. 104). However, the e-learning
PowerPoint etc. as supplementary readiness of students must be taken into consideration
materials. in the movement towards a blended learning model of
instruction. It would be unwise for universities to
3. All technology-assisted resources shall
impose a blended learning environment on students
be prepared collaboratively by the
without first identifying their readiness and needs
s u b j e c t t e a c h e r s d u r i n g the
(Adams etal, 2018).
c h e ck ed by the Su b jec t Area
The findings of the study of Adams et al (2018)
Coordinators and the Principal.
revealed a moderate level of e-learning readiness,
4. These electronic instructional materials
which suggests the importance of making students
will be saved in the students’ flash
aware of the technology in e-learning, and the
drives on a designated schedule to
availability of technological resources. As such, future
address the concern of those who have studies could involve larger sample sizes to ensure the
difficult or no internet connection. data are presentable and generalizable. Furthermore,
These will also be uploaded to SMU interviews are needed to explore further the possible
LMS for those with internet connection. reasons to explain such findings. In consideration of
5. ONLINE INTERACTION AND SERVICES these findings, higher education institutions should
1. In its aim of providing online have a re-prioritization of fund allocations towards
connectivity to learners, SMU is identifying students’ characteristics, and their
making negotiations with some readiness for a blended learning environment. Future
companies to provide free internet blended learning research may look more specifically
access to students without internet into how pedagogy and course designs affect students’
connections. current engagement in a blended learning model of
2. Google Classroom, Messenger Chat, instruction. Besides that, what specific blended
Zoom, and the like could be used by learning strategies are most effective for different
teachers for supplemental synchronous subjects or fields of study, and the various learner
or asynchronous interaction for those types would be valuable areas for exploration. In
who have net connectivity. addition, support systems and training programs need
to be in place to ease the transitional process from
Teachers’ and Students’ Readiness in Science traditional methods to a blended learning model of
Teaching and Learning Using the Blended learning instruction (Rasouli, Rahbania & Attaran, 2016).

Cajucom et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6894382, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Instructors must know how to be facilitators of losing focus on learning in classroom due to
learning, assessors of student competencies, and considerable class size, limited access of online
advocates of self-explored learning (Kumar, 2017). lessons caused by Learning Management System
(LMS) severe crash, difficulty of online interaction
Similar results were found by Mondal, Majumber, and with teachers and classmates, lack of experience and
Mandal (2019) when they studied the effect of blended skills for digital tools, and time management for two
learning strategy for secondary science students. Based learning modes. Further, Larsen (2012 investigated
on the study, learning style does not have influence on how to best train the teachers in BL pedagogy and
the students’ critical thinking, problem solving, online teaching technology and a measure of the
science process skills and science achievement after students’ perceptions of the BL environment with
being exposed to blended learning strategy. However, respect to its productiveness. The study sought to
the effective blending of online learning with face-to- discover how students experienced the teacher’s
face instruction can improve higher order thinking and practice and behavior and the extent to which these
science learning among secondary school students. factors affected student perceptions of the course and
Moreover, blended learning strategy is considered as BL environment in general. Findings indicated that the
one of the new initiatives of pedagogical approaches teachers needed a fairly minimal amount of
for integrating ICT in science education. Even the pedagogical and technical training to employ BL
University of Dares Salaam in Tanzania, which have successfully. Collaborative planning also proved very
been implementing blended learning programs for over beneficial, together with technical and pedagogical
five years, a study made by Mtebe & Raphael (2013) support throughout the semester. Students were found
still have found out some challenges that need to be to work more autonomously and focused while
resolved to realize the expected benefits. Challenges becoming more responsible for their own learning.
include outdated learning resources, unavailability of This enabled the teachers to better provide
instructors during online sessions & under-utilization personalized assistance, keep better track of student
of LCs, and technical difficulties. In addition, progress, and cover more materials. Students also liked
Raymond (2019) found in his study entitled, High learning in the BL environment and indicated they
School Teacher Perceptions of Blended Learning, that would prefer this to more conventional classes. Lastly,
high school teachers’ positive views of the usefulness teacher practice and behavior were found to have
of technology had a direct correlation to their attitude minimal influence on student perceptions of the BL
toward adapting blended learning pedagogy. environment though some results suggested that
Participants acknowledged the importance of teacher experience might be a predictor of student
electronic technology in the classroom. Hinkhouse satisfaction with their teachers.
(2013) investigated blended learning in the high school
science classroom, found out that students preferred On the other hand, various studies have found that
the access of self- paced content in the online modules teaching strategies has considerable impact on their
even though they were not motivated to complete the achievement outcomes (Schmid et al., 2014).
assigned modules. Researchers have investigated the pedagogical and
theoretical aspects of technology integration (Mantri,
Other factor may impact student learning is their Dutt, Gupta & Chitkara, 2008) wherein they found that
readiness to learn in the middle grades employing there are mixed effects of technology integration on
blended learning. Sriwichai (2020) explored the student learning outcomes. Further, they have found
students’ readiness for learning English course through that higher levels of collaboration and cooperation
blended learning environment and investigate among students could be achieved by employing
problems and challenges that the students faced in technology to enable, support and facilitate discussions
their learning. Findings revealed that students’ (p. 321). Schmid et al. (2014) explored the impact of
readiness for learning English through blended technology-enhanced instruction in postsecondary
learning was at slightly high level. They tended to be education and reported that learning is best supported
able to learn English through the combination of two when students are engaged in active and meaningful
different learning modes. They believed that learning exercises via technological tools that provide cognitive
English in face-to-face classroom and online learning support. (p. 285). Al-Fahad (2009) found that
mode motivated them to be more self-disciplined and somehow, a large number of students have available
responsible for their own learning, and encouraged mobile phones and that these mobile phones can be
them to set up their own English learning plans and used to enhance the students’ learning by providing
learning goals. However, the major problems and timely information. Further, his study confirmed the
challenges the students confronted in learning included importance of mobile devices for its flexible

Cajucom et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6894382, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

availability, improving the communication between learners, but with some limitations which could be
students and teachers. According to Baepler, Walker, scaffolded by synchronous sessions. Based on the
and Driessen (2014), in an active learning classroom, findings, the researcher suggested a blend of both
student faculty contact could be reduced by two-thirds synchronous and asynchronous paradigms to create an
and students achieved learning outcomes that were at ideal environment for e-language learning in Pakistan.
least as good, and in one comparison significantly Similar study was conducted by Malik et al. (2017) on
better than, those in a traditional classroom (p. 227). the students' preferences to use asynchronous and
Borokhovski et al. (2016) tried to map out the added synchronous e-learning resources. Findings revealed
value of planned collaborative activities versus statistically significant difference in students'
unplanned grouping of students in the context of responses regarding effectiveness of synchronous and
postsecondary education. They reported that the asynchronous e-learning activities. Male students
designed- based treatments outperformed contextual preferred synchronous as well as asynchronous e-
treatments on measures of achievement and they learning activities more than female students at higher
strongly suggested the value of planning and education level. Students were found to have greater
instructional designing in technology integration in interest in synchronous activities when they had credit
post-secondary education (p. 15). in terms of marks.

Likewise, Nguyen (2017) conducted a study on online Moallem (2015) stated that the emergence of the
learning activities on learning outcomes of students newer web synchronous conferencing has provided the
who participated in the blended learning course, opportunity for a high level of students to students and
focusing specifically on skill-based courses. The students to instructor interaction in online learning
learning outcomes or results of a learner are usually environments. However, it is not clear whether
measured by scores, knowledge or skills gained in the absence or presence of synchronous or live interaction
course. In blended learning courses, the learning will affect the learning processes and learning
outcomes can be assessed according to many criteria. outcomes to the same extent for all learners with
In this study, interactive activities such as various characteristics, or whether other factors that
teacher–student interaction, student–student compensate for the absence of the live interaction can
interaction, student–content interaction and be identified. The researcher investigated whether
student–technology interaction are considered. various communication methods (synchronous,
Undergraduate students participated in the blended asynchronous and combined) impact factors such as
learning course in which formative assessment was self-regulation, social presence, immediacy and
used to evaluate student learning outcomes by the intimacy, collaboration and interaction and learning
combination of different learning activities through a process and outcomes. Multiple sources of data were
learning management system. The quantitative results used to test the consistency of the findings and to
obtained by using regression analysis of data from the exam in e various factors across different
system showed that the students who effectively communication methods. The results suggest that
interacted with learning activities in the course have factors other than communication methods maybe
better results. Quantitative analytical results indicated responsible for learner self- regulation. There is,
that student–student interaction has a greater impact on however, a relationship between student satisfaction,
student learning outcomes. These learning activities perception of social presence and immediacy and
are used for interactive activities as suggestions for communication methods. The synchronous and
teachers to design and implement learning activities combination methods appeared to provide the highest
for blended learning courses. Though Kyndt et al level of social presence followed by the cognitive and
(2013) have explored the effects of face-to-face emotional support.
cooperative learning in this regard, few studies has
attempted to investigate the effect (s) of asynchronous Politis and Politis (2016) worked on the relationship
learning on student performance in both online and b etween an online learn ing en v iro nm ent
face-to -face modes collectively across varied levels of (synchronous), which is supported by Blackboard
formal education and subject domains. Collaborate, and the skills and traits of knowledge
acquisition, assessed the influence of online learners’
In the work of Perveen (2016), e-language learning motivation on knowledge acquisition skills and traits,
analytics based on the constructivist approach of and proposed alternative Blackboard Collaborate
collaborative construction of knowledge was assessed. layout and structure derived from the process of a
The findings revealed that asynchronous e-language critical reflection. The study revealed three major
learning was quite beneficial for second language (L2) findings. First, easy access of the Blackboard

Cajucom et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6894382, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Collaborate and an effectively designed structure is more effective than traditional teaching method in
enhanced learners’ problem understanding and the teaching -learning process of chemistry lesson
communication. It also improved the personal traits of namely gases and their applications. This may account
conceptualization, tolerance and amiability that are to the fact that modular teaching provides students
essential for knowledge acquisition. Second, the opportunity to learn at their own pace according to
readiness of the online learners with educational their level & needs. In their study, it was
communication technologies had a positive influence recommended that chemistry teachers should be
on their liberal arts knowledge. Third, learners’ provided with training in module writing and teaching.
attested motivation to embark on synchronous online
classes enhanced their knowledge acquisition skills Furthermore, student readiness to learn and teacher
and traits. Finally, alternative Blackboard Collaborate competence are linked. In a survey of 42,754 high
layouts and structures are recommended aiming at school students, Yazzie-Mintz (2010) reported a
encouraging future researchers to further investigate majority of students stated that material presented in
the relationship between the knowledge acquisition class was not interesting, which contributed to their
skills and traits of learners and an online synchronous disengagement in class. Further, 35 percent of the
learning environment. students surveyed stated their boredom stemmed from
a lack of interaction with their teacher. Both the
Another case study on Asynchronous Discussions & student’s readiness to learn and the teacher’s
Assessment in Online Learning made by Vonderwell, competence is essential to student learning. Hence, it is (2007) indicated that there are several also crucial to determine the readiness of the teachers
dimensions that affect students learning and in engaging in to the new normal learning education
assessment through online discussion. Self-regulatory methodologies. How competent are these teachers to
cognitions, learner autonomy, writing skills and deliver the skills and knowledge intended to their
structures can affect the assessment activities and students? The pioneering innovation of virtual
assessment as a process. communication and community requires both teacher
and student to engage, interact, and contribute to
In the Philippines, Lim (2017) emphasized the learning in new ways. The challenge is that simply
advantages of asynchronous communication tools. One providing opportunities for interaction and
of the advantages mentioned is that its availability collaboration does not provide assurance that students
anytime and anywhere. Because students can access will approach their learning in deep and meaningful
these tools 24/7, it provides them more time to study ways. The role of learner in blended learning
and reflect on the topics of discussion. The modern environments constitutes multiple roles and
learning management systems incorporate various responsibilities. This creates role complexity, as
asynchronous communication tools in order to have participants must assume varying degrees of
evidences of collaboration which may form part of the responsibility to monitor and regulate the dynamics of
grading system. This type of communication is very the learning community (Graham, 2013).
useful even if there are too many students in the online
classroom. The sad part here is that, some students Teachers’ and Students’ Attitude towards the New
may not get immediate feedback thus prolonging their Normal Learning Modalities
agony in unclear terms. Learners may have the
tendency to be irregular in participation and sometimes Despite the current pandemic hampered education all
students that are not well disciplined may tend to copy over the world, virtual learning and ease of access to
paste some assignment from the internet, thus making internet services highlight facilitated the learning
them liable for plagiarism. Written ideas may system. Schools, colleges, universities, and instructors
sometimes be interpreted, and again it’s hard to get instantly adopted online sources to continue their
immediate feedback for clarification purposes. Other educational journey through video conferencing
researchers also showed the effectiveness of modular applications and modules (International Labour
method. The work of Sadiq, Sadia, and Zamir (2014) Organization, 2020). As noted by (Habes et al., 2019),
have found that modular teaching is more effective in improved communication technologies mostly
teaching-learning process as compared to ordinary facilitated the learning systems as accessibility to
teaching methods because in this approach, students social media is a useful source of information and
learn at their own pace. On the other hand, Duyan, & communication. Both students and teachers consider
Victorio (nd) suggested that modularization promotes online technology as a positive part of their learning
positive changes on students’ attitude towards teaching system. Even besides online sources, many countries
and learning. Their study found that modular teaching also launched television broadcast to support distance

Cajucom et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6894382, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

learning during the pandemic (UNHCR, 2020). For towards online learning, study management, online
(Sultan Alam, 2020), prioritizing distance learning, interaction and learning flexibility are more likely to
primarily through online systems, is a “paradigm shift adapt to blended learning. Kazu and Demirkol, (2014)
in education.” The jammed wheels of education raised studied the effect of blended learning environment
certain uncertainties regarding the future of students, model on high school students’ academic achievement
but it also highlighted the significance of technology in where they found that the students who are exposed to
our lives. In this regard, (Muhaisen, 2020) also blended learning are academically more successful
considered online learning as a useful tool to overcome than students who have studied in traditional learning
educational challenges. Generally, both students and environment. It was also found out that the academic
teachers are equally responsible to accept online success of the students who were exposed in blended
learning which helps to continue the learning process learning in which online learning and face to face
as access to education is today more convenient learning environment, is higher.
through online learning systems (Ali, 2019). However,
many argue that the current crisis is not a normal shift Adesope, and Ahiakwo (2016) studied the Perceptions
from formal to informal education rather, it is an of Educators on Modular Object- Oriented Dynamic
educational crisis as well. Thus, if tackled Learning Environment (MOODLE), an open-source
strategically, this urgent shift can bring several learning management system. Adesope and Ahiakwo
positive outcomes for both the students and the found out that this learning system benefits educators
instructors (Adnan, 2020). and help them collaborate with students effectively.
However, the provision and maintenance of internet
Manlangit, Paglumotan, & Sapera (2020) stated that co n n ectiv ity when using this mode was a
attitude can alter every aspect of a person's life, reco mm endation.
including their education. The student attitudes on
learning will determine their ability and willingness to Pfiffner et al. (2013) conducted a study of 17 girls and
learn. Apparently, if the student have a negative 40 boys in second through fifth grades in order to
attitude towards the education are not altered, a student determine how direct parent intervention and
is unlikely to continue his education beyond what is involvement improved attentiveness of students and
required. Such that, it is also considered that if a increased performance on academic tasks. They report
student have negative attitude towards the new normal that structured support at home leads to greater student
learning modalities, their education will not be behavioral and academic outcomes. However, in this
changed or altered and vice versa. Thus, crucial role of time of pandemic, it is very crucial to understand the
teachers in this time of pandemic is to changing readiness of the students in the new normal learning
students’ negative attitudes towards learning and education which is blended learning. It is also
convey them to be of positive attitude towards the new important to determine how do students apt to the new
normal learning modalities. Likewise, a very learning methodologies like modular and online
significant consideration that needs to be addressed is teaching and learning.
determining the factors driving the attitude and using
this information to bring about change specially these In a longitudinal study of 3,649 middle grades
students are more of self-paced condition. This can students, Orthner et al. (2013) discovered that between
affect their performance in the course. Celik, Birol and sixth and eighth grades, the measures of psychosocial
Huseyin Uzunboylu (2015) made a comparative study engagement declined in most students. One factor that
on High School Students’ Attitude Towards Distance countered the decline in psychosocial engagement was
Education in 2015, where they found that internet the presence of teachers who provided a meaningful
usage increasing in the year 2014 causes neither context for the students. In those cases, student
positive nor negative attitude towards learning when engagement did not decline but instead was
compared to year 2010. This is caused by fast change maintained at higher levels. Lounsbury (2017) argued
in the usage aims of internet. Moreover, the use of that engaging students in their learning perpetuates
technology is also important to be considered such that principles of democracy that are crucial for their
this study deemed to. Misbah, et al. (2017) education. Lounsbury also stated that building
recommends that advance education establishments relationships with students is particularly important in
must give serious attention to providing adaptable the middle grades.
online opportunities.
The SMU Multi-Modality was piloted this S.Y.
Tang, Chung Meng & Lee Yen Chaw (2013) found out 2020-2021 as contained in the Learning Continuity
in their study that students having positive attitude Plan duly submitted and approved by the Department

Cajucom et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6894382, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

of Education. Accordingly, from all the gaps presented

and discussed, there is an apparent need for a
framework to prepare teachers and students in learning
science effectively through blended learning This which consisted of 4 measurement scales, where 4=
study was conceptualized then to determine the “Strongly Agree”, 3 = “Agree”, 2= “Disagree” and 1=
teachers’ and students’ readiness on blended learning. “Strongly Disagree.” The third part of the
Moreover, the challenges encountered and their questionnaire pertained to the struggles and
interventions conducted were mapped out in this study. breakthroughs of the teachers in blended learning
From the data that were gathered, a proposed blended modalities. It consisted of open- ended questions to
learning framework in science was formulated. enable the respondents to give answers on their own

Methodology Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers sought the approval of the school

Research Design principal. Thereafter, the questionnaire was distributed
via google form to make it more convenient to gather
This study employed a descriptive-survey research from the respondents following the mandate on
design that aimed to determine the readiness, COVID-19 health protocols. The gathered data were
struggles, and breakthroughs of the teachers in the automatically entered to the database as soon as they
blended learning modalities. finished answering. The data gathered were collated
and subjected to descriptive statistical treatment.

Purposive sampling was employed in the selection of Results and Discussion

respondents. All students were invited to access the
google form but their participation was voluntary. The
research instruments were crafted using google form Level of Students’ Readiness using Blended
and then were sent to the class GCAIs during the Learning Modalities
science subject schedule of the teachers. The student
participants were given adequate information about the Respondent’s Profile
study and their parents’ consent have been obtained. In
addition, the data was also treated with utmost Table 1. Available Gadgets at Home

Furthermore, all science teachers were advised to

participate in the research survey. All of the science
teachers have experienced teaching both in face-to-
face and blended learning modalities in the junior high
school level handling science subjects.

Research Instrument

The research survey instrument adapted from Juan

(2021) was utilized to determine the readiness, The 49 respondents have identified which gadgets are
struggles, and breakthroughs of teachers in the blended available in their own homes. One student can identify
learning modalities. This survey questionnaire more than one gadget which explains why the total of
consisted of three parts. The first part was all about the the frequency is more than the number of respondents.
profile of the respondents. The profiles enlisted the
Based from Table 1, mobile phone is the most
respondents’ gender, grade level, and subjects
available gadget, followed by laptop, TV, tablet and
they were teaching. Evaluation of the teachers’
PC, respectively. The gathered data implies that each
readiness in blended learning modalities was the
student has at least one available gadget that they have
second part. This consisted of six dimensions;
in their home. And that, the others have even multiple
classroom learning, online learning, online interaction,
gadgets. It shows that based on availability of
technology, learning management, readiness for
blended learning. The questions adopted a Likert scale

Cajucom et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6894382, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

materials, the learners are ready for the blended Table 3. Readiness of Teachers in Blended Learning
learning. Though, one limitation of the data is that Modalities along the Six Dimensions
sharing of gadgets with siblings/cousins/relatives were
not looked into.

The Level of the Students’ Readiness in the

Blended Learning Modalities

Table 2. Readiness of Students in Blended Learning

Modalities along the Six Dimensions

Based from the table, it can be seen that the level of

readiness of the teachers in the classroom setting is
much higher as compared to online learning. All other
dimensions were high, though it can be observed that
the lowest among them is online interaction.

However, the effective implementation of blended

approaches is a complex process, especially when
Table 2 reveals that generally, the level of readiness of
aiming for educational change rather than
the students in blended learning modalities is high,
supplementing traditional practices (Davis, 2008).
with an overall mean of 2.92. Among the six
Faculty members do not feel properly prepared to
dimensions, five dimensions have high level of
teach online, according to Lichoro (2015). However,
readiness, while online learning is the only dimension
identifying skills to educate faculty to teach online
where level of readiness is considered low (mean =
remains a priority, and by doing so, proper authorities
2.33). This implies that the students prefer more to
will be able to provide recommendations on how to do
have face-to-face learning, since their level of
so. Research indicated that some of the main
readiness for online learning is generally low.
challenges that emerge are linked to students and their
readiness to learn in a blended environment teachers
This result is also supported by the fact that
and their commitment and capability to effectively
Philippines, in general, is not yet ready for online
teach through blended approaches (Parkes et al.,
schooling. The country is unable to sustain online
2011), and school leaders and their provision of
education for the majority of its pupils, and the effort
adequate support to teachers and students (Stevens,
will be unsuccessful for the vast majority of the
country (Kritz, 2020) especially that e-learning,
including blended approaches, is regarded as a means Struggles on the Blended Learning Modalities in
for educational reform, modernization of schools, and
increased access to a world-class education (Powell &
Barbour, 2011).
What are the challenges/difficulties have you
Level of Teachers’ Readiness Using Blended encountered in teaching science using the blended
Learning Modalities learning modalities?

Teachers, when asked about the difficulties they have

Table 3 below shows the level of readiness of teachers
encountered in teaching science, have varied answers.
in blended learning modalities along the six
It has something to do with internet connection,
dimensions. The overall mean of all dimensions was
materials/resources used, engagement of the learners
3.04 which is described as high. Among the six
to the lesson and use of laboratory for the experiments.
dimensions, 5 of which have means described to be
high and only one is very low. Learning management Adesope, and Ahiakwo (2016) found out that learning
is the dimension which has the highest computed mean management system benefits educators and help them
(mean = 3.46). On the other hand, online learning collaborate with students effectively. Furthermore,
obtained the lowest mean (mean = 2.31). Misbah, et al. (2017) recommends that advance
education establishments must give serious attention to

Cajucom et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6894382, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

providing adaptable online opportunities. Thus, best and worth sustaining?

provision and maintenance of internet connectivity is
important. The best and worth-sustaining teaching experiences or
activities of the teacher- respondents are the
Catapang suggested also in her paper that by preparation of teacher-videos, and the maximization of
educating, simplifying, and monitoring the use of LMS the use of the Learning Management System (LMS).
by the teachers to enhance the current status of
classroom instruction. What is/are your best practice/s in coping science
teaching using the blended learning modalities?
As compared to face-to-face education, the demands
and challenges of online learning is greater (Finch & In coping with science teaching using the blended
Jacobds, 2012). In fact, Amro, Mundy and Kupczynski learning modalities, there are best practices
(2015) pointed out that educators in various levels face highlighted by the teacher-respondents, like the
challenges in meeting the needs of online learning provision of teacher videos, conducting synchronous
while maintaining students’ learning. zoom meeting once in a while to check on the
students, providing a more continuous learning
What worst experience did you encounter in teaching approach, learning to adapt to the challenges of the
science using the blended learning modalities this new normal in education.

The teacher-respondents also had their share of worse Conclusion

experience even when the class is online. There are
specific instances like unresponsive students, difficulty
Based from the results, the following conclusions were
explaining the lesson, unavailability of materials for
arrived at: (1) Students and teachers are ready to
laboratory works at home and academic dishonesty.
engage in a blended learning environment. (2)
Breakthroughs on the Blended Learning Modalities Teachers go through various struggles in implementing
blended learning modalities. These difficulties have
in Science
different effects in their teaching and it has challenged
them to think of ways to maximize the learning of
From the challenges/difficulties you have
students. (3) The struggles of teachers in teaching
encountered in teaching science using the blended
science using the blended learning modalities are
learning modalities, what actions have you taken to varied. (4) The teachers are innovative in finding ways
solve them? to provide pro-active solutions in delivering their
lessons in a blended learning environment.
In dealing with the difficulties encountered in teaching
science, the teacher-respondents find a new service The following suggestions were formulated to further
provider, learn skills in editing and making videos for improve the study: (1) Teachers who struggle in
the students, provide differentiated activities to the carrying out differentiated learning can use effective
learners, benchmark with other teachers about their groupings based on what resources are available to
best practices, communicate with the learners students, their geographical locations, their interests,
individually when there’s difficulty, maximize use of knowledge or skills and devise project-based activities
textbook. consolidating long-term learning objectives instead of
providing short -term tasks which might be
How did you manage the worst experience you have burdensome for their learners and for the teachers as
encountered in teaching chemistry using the blended well, considering the frequency of the repetitive cycle
learning modalities? of sending, fetching and marking students output in
just a short period of time. (2) The school
Teacher-respondents learned to handle their worst administration should provide skill-enhancing
experience by doing the following: learning to handle seminars along instructional material planning and
the situation at hand, honing their skills in delivering designing, so as to equip teachers the necessary skills
the lesson, providing the video for the lessons, crafting instructional materials that can meet the
reminding the learners the true goal of education. demand of the current situation. Furthermore, the
school should see to it that teachers have reliable
What teaching experiences or activities in science internet connection since the delivery is greatly
using the blended learning modalities do you find internet-dependent. (3) Teachers who cannot carry out

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(2017). An embedded fuzzy analytic hierarchy process for
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Saint Mary’s University - Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines
Pappas, Christopher. 2015. The history of blended learning. Judy Ann Sonday
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Sriwichai, C. (2020). Students’ readiness and problems in learning

English through blended learning environment. Asian Journal of
Education and Training, 6(1), 23-34, 2020 ISSN(E): 2519-5387

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