p63 Expression3

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Int. J. Biol. Sci.

2010, 6 428

International Journal of Biological Sciences

2010; 6(5):428-442
© Ivyspring International Publisher. All rights reserved
Research Paper

Increased invasiveness and aggressiveness in breast epithelia with cytop-

lasmic p63 expression
Yi-Hsuan Hsiao1,2, Yan A. Su3, Horng-Der Tsai2, Jeffrey T. Mason4, Ming-Chih Chou1 , Yan-gao Man4
1. Institute of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan
2. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Changhua Christian Hospital, Taiwan;
3. Department of Gene and Protein Biomarkers, GenProMarkers, Inc. Rockville, MD, USA;
4. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology and American Registry of Pathology, Washington DC, USA

Corresponding author: Yan-gao Man, MD., PhD., Director of Gynecologic and Breast Research Laboratory, Department of
Gynecologic and Breast Pathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology and American Registry of Pathology. Tel:
202-782-1612; Fax: 202-782-3939; E-mail: [email protected]. Or Ming-Chih Chou, MD., PhD., Professor, Department of Sur-
gery, Member, Board of Trustees, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan. Tel: 886-4-24730022; Fax:
886-4-24723229; E-mail: [email protected]

Received: 2010.07.16; Accepted: 2010.08.05; Published: 2010.08.08

Our previous studies revealed that pregnancy associated breast cancer (PABC) had signifi-
cantly reduced nuclear p63 expression in myoepithelia, while intense cytoplasmic p63 ex-
pression in associated epithelia. Our current study assessed these epithelia using immuno-
histochemistry with a panel of aggressiveness and invasiveness related markers and com-
parative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) with over 30,000 DNA probes. These epithelia
showed several unique alterations, including (1) immunohistochemical and morphological
resemblance to invasive cancer, (2) significant gain in copy numbers of DNA coding genes for
morphogenesis, angiogenesis, and metastasis, and (3) significant loss in copy numbers of DNA
coding genes for tumor suppressors, cell adhesion, and macromolecular complex assembly or
intra-cellular trafficking. Detected array-CGH alterations correlated well with in vivo ex-
pression of a number of corresponding proteins tested. These findings suggest that aberrant
sub-cellular localization of p63 expression in normal or hyperplastic appearing epithelial cells
may significant contribute to increased invasiveness and aggressiveness of these cells.
Key words: breast epithelia, pregnancy associated breast cancer, p63 expression, invasiveness and

Pregnancy-associated breast cancer (PABC), alterations of the microenvironment and extracellular
which occurs during pregnancy or within one year of matrix [3,4]. Neither the molecular or cellular me-
delivery, is the second most common cancer in preg- chanisms, nor the specific molecules linking to ag-
nant women [1-3]. A normal full-term pregnancy is gressiveness and invasiveness of PABC, however,
believed to be one of the most effective means to de- have been identified.
crease the lifetime-risk of breast cancer, whereas Promoted by the fact that the myoepithelium is
PABC is associated with the most aggressive clinical the sole source of several tumor suppressors, includ-
course and the highest mortality rate among breast ing maspin, Wilms’ tumor 1 (WT-1), p63, and p73,
malignancies [1-3]. These seemingly conflicting im- which show significant paracrine inhibition on tumor
pacts are believed to result from aberrant proliferation cell growth and invasion in vitro [5-10], our recent
and differentiation of stem cells, and pathological studies compared the expression of these tumor sup-

Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2010, 6 429

pressors in PABC and the stage, grade, and age tumor suppressors, including maspin (clone:EAW24),
matched non-PABC. PABC were found to have sev- WT-1 (clone: 6F-H2), p63 (clone: 4A4), p53
eral unique alterations, including (1) the absence of (clone:DO-7), p73 (clone:24) (Novocastra Laboratories
p63 and WT-1 expression in a vast majority of myoe- Ltd, Newcastle, UK), and proliferation marker Ki-67
pithelial cells, and (2) intense cytoplasmic p63 ex- (clone:MM1; Dako, Carpinteria, CA). The expression
pression in a subset of normal or hyperplastic epi- of these markers in myoepithelial and associated ep-
thelial cells, which are arranged as segregated clusters ithelial cells of the same acini at different sections
or lobules [11]. were digitally photographed and reviewed under
Our findings appear to have significant scientific high magnification in a standard computer. Second,
and clinical implications for several reasons. First, as the physical distribution of these acini was examined
the p63 gene encodes multiple protein isoforms that to determine whether they were exclusively or prefe-
regulate p53, p73, and other tumor suppressors rentially associated or shared a similar morphological
[12,13], aberrant p63 expression may result in aberrant or immunohistochemical profile, with invasive le-
expression of these tumor suppressors. Second, as p63 sions.
is required for normal development of the breast and Immunohistochemistry for all antibodies was
other organs [12,13], aberrant p63 expression may carried out using protocols provided by manufactur-
result in structural defects of breast tissues, making ers. Double immunohistochemistry was carried out
them more acceptable to external or internal insults using our published protocol [17]. To assess the spe-
that promote carcinogenesis. Third, as cytoplasmic cificity of immunostaining, three technical approaches
p63 expression is associated with poorer patient sur- were used. First, different controls, including (1) the
vival in lung cancer and tumor grade in meningiomas substitution of the primary antibody with normal
[14,15], aberrant p63 expression may have oncogenic serum, (2) the omission of the secondary antibody
properties that contribute to tumor aggressiveness from the immunostaining sequences, and (3) serial
and invasiveness. dilutions of the primary antibodies, were used.
Thus, our current study attempted to further Second, the same immunostaining protocol was used
elucidate the cellular and molecular profiles of these on the same cases, but substituting with a different
normal or hyperplastic appearing epithelia with cy- detection system and chromogen. Third, the immu-
toplasmic p63 expression, to assess: (1) whether they nostaining procedure was repeated at least twice us-
harbor aberrant expression of other tumor suppres- ing the same protocol and under the same condition
sors or malignancy-associated changes, and (2) and immunostained sections were independently
whether they differ substantially in DNA copy num- evaluated by two investigators. A given cell was con-
bers compared to morphologically similar counter- sidered immunoreactive when distinct immunoreac-
parts without cytoplasmic p63 expression. tivities were seen consistently in its membrane, cy-
toplasm, or nucleus, while all negative controls were
Materials and Methods devoid of immunostaining.
Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue blocks To assess whether they differ substantially in
from 20 cases of PABC used in our previous studies DNA copy numbers compared to their morphologi-
[11] were used for our current study. All cases were cally similar counterparts without cytoplasmic p63
diagnosed during the pregnancy or within 3-months expression, normal or hyperplastic lobules with uni-
of postpoterm. No clinical following-up data, how- form cytoplasmic p63 expression in acinar cells from 4
ever, were available for these patients. For compari- PABC cases and morphologically comparable lobules
son, 20 cases of stage, grade, and age matched (the same histological type, grade, and similar archi-
non-PABC were selected from the files of our institute tecture and size) without cytoplasmic p63 expression
and our own tissue bank. Consecutive sections at 4-5 from 4 non-PABC cases were microdissected with a
μm thickness were prepared and placed on positively 30G1/2 needle, as previously described [18]. Micro-
charged slides. From each tissue block, the first and dissected cells were subjected to DNA extraction and
last sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin array-comparative genomic hybridization (ar-
(H&E) for morphological classification using our ray-CGH).
published criteria [16]. Array-CGH was carried out using previously
To assess whether these normal or hyperplastic published protocols [19,20] with minor modifications.
acini harbored aberrant expression of other tumor Briefly, genomic DNAs were extracted and purified
suppressors and malignancy associated alterations, using a QIAamp Kit (Cat. No. 56404, QIAGEN, Va-
two technical approaches were used. First, sets of six lencia, CA, USA) following the manufacturer’s in-
consecutive sections were immuno-stained for known structions. The purity of each DNA sample was indi-

Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2010, 6 430

cated by 1.8 of the A260/A280 ratio. Two micrograms on their functions. The p-values for genes with func-
of purified genomic DNA were labeled with fluores- tional annotation report were calculated using a
cent Cy3-dUTP using a DNA Labeling Kit (Cat. No. modified Fisher’s Exact Test (DAVID Bioinformatics
42671, Enzo Life Sciences, Farmingdale, NY, USA) Resources 2009; http://david.abcc.ncifcrf.gov/). Sta-
following the manufacturer’s instructions. Hybridiza- tistical significance was set at a p-value <0.05 and FDR
tion was carried out using a Human OneArray DNA ≤ 5%.
microarray (Cat. # HOA004, Phalanx Biotech Group, As it is very difficult, if not impossible, to quan-
Palo Alto, CA, USA) that contains 30,968 human ge- titatively measure the expression of mRNA or protein
nome probes and 1,082 experimental control probes. levels in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tis-
All microarray experiments for each DNA sample sues, validation of the array-CGH results was con-
were performed in triplicate. ducted using immunohistochemistry with specific
Prior to data analysis, identification numbers, antibodies to assess whether alterations detected by
symbols and names of all genes on commercial chips array-CGH correlated with in vivo protein expression
were updated according to the Human UniGene Build in adjacent tissue sections. As a number of altered
#218 (ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/repository/UniGene/, genes detected by array-CGH are essential for mor-
January 5, 2009) using the probe ID and ENSG num- phogenesis, angiogenesis, adhesion, and macromo-
ber came with the gene chips, since the original lecular complex assembly or intra-cellular trafficking
commercial annotation was based on the Human [24-31], our study compared the vascular density,
UniGene Build #163 (Cat. # HOA004, Phalanx Biotech expression of cell adhesion molecules, and immuno-
Group). Gene ontology, chromosomal band regions, reactivities of luminal secretory products between
and phenotypes were compiled from Entrez PABC and non-PABC with antibodies to Tenascin
(ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene) and DAVID Bio- (clone:T2H5), E-cadherin (clone:36B5) (Lab Vision,
informatics Resources 2009 (http://david.abcc. Fremont, CA), D2-40 (clone:D2-40;Signet, Dedham,
ncifcrf.gov). MA), CD34 (clone: QBEbd/10), CD45 (clone:
The loss or gain of DNA copy numbers in PABC 2B11+PD7/26), and ß-catenin (clone: 17C2) (Dako,
was calculated by comparison with those in Carpinteria, CA).
non-PABC as previously described [19,20]. The ar-
ray-CGH database was constructed using the File- Results
Maker software (FileMaker Pro, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, All selected PABC and non-PABC cases con-
USA). Data filtering and selection were performed as tained normal, hyperplastic, and neoplastic compo-
described previously [19]. The normalization method nents. The overall expression pattern and frequency
[21] in software R version 2.7.1 (The R Foundation for of all antibodies were consistent with the description
Statistical Computing) was used to normalize micro- of the manufactures and those of our previous studies
array data. The normalized data was used to compute [9-11]. All negative controls were consistently devoid
the ratios of genomic DNA probes coding for each of immunoreactivities to any of these antibodies. Of
gene between PABC and controls, and to cluster genes 20 PABC, 8 harbored a large number of epithelial cells
based on similarities in gain or loss of DNA probes by arranged as lobules or large acinar clusters, in which
using software Cluster version 3.0 [22]. Cluster tree all or near all cells uniformly expressed high levels of
and heatmap reflecting gain, loss, or no change in cytoplasmic p63, and 12 harbored variable numbers of
DNA probes of genes were visualized using software cytoplasmic p63 expressing cells blended with cells
MapleTree (http://rana.lbl.gov/EisenSoftware.htm). without p63 expression. None of 20 non-PABC har-
Statistical calculations were performed on trip- bored epithelial cells with cytoplasmic p63 expres-
licate using XLSTAT 2006 (XLSTAT, New York, NY, sion.
USA). Gain or loss of DNA copy numbers were iden- A vast majority of these lobules or acinal clusters
tified arbitrarily by >1.2-fold change in the averaged with cytoplasmic p63 expression were segregated
ratios of the background-subtracted mean intensities from their counterparts by inter-lobular stromal tis-
between PABC and non-PABC. Moderated t-statistic, sues with a distinct boundary. In tissues that were not
raw p-values, log2 fold changes in DNA copy num- associated with, or distant from, malignant lesions,
bers, and false discovery rate (FDR) on multiple sta- cytoplasmic p63 expression was seen in about 20-50%
tistical testing were calculated using the LIMMA of the acinar cells, and nuclear p63 expression was
package in software R/Bioconductor (version 2.7.1, seen in morphologically distinct myoepithelial cells
the R Foundation for Statistical Computing) [23]. To (Fig 1a-d). In tissues associated with or adjacent to
reveal biological functions of altered genes, gene on- malignant lesions, cytoplasmic p63 expression was
tology analysis was conducted to group genes based seen in all or nearly all normal or hyperplastic acinar

Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2010, 6 431

cells, as well as adjacent cancer cells, while nuclear ARL17P1, ARHGAP6, NDUFS8, TNF, UBE2C,
p63 expression was absent in all or nearly all mor- GOLGB1, HIST2H4B, NUP188, TBCC, MTA1, LOXL3,
phologically distinct myoepithelial cells (Fig 1e-h). EGR4, SPARCL1, LRRC4,.DAP, and ATF1, are known
Compared to their morphologically similar to be involved in morphogenesis, angiogenesis, and
counterparts in non-PABC, these normal or hyper- organization of cellular components and organelles
plastic lobules with cytoplasmic p63 expression Nine genes (20%), including PBX4, KCTD13, NDUFS8,
showed the following unique alterations: TNF, HIST2H4B, MUPCDH, KCDT3, GPR115, and
ADAMTS17, are known to involve in macromolecular
1. Simultaneous reduction or loss of expression of multiple
complex assembly and intra-cellular trafficking. Five
tumor suppressors
genes (11.1%), including SMC1B, KIF22, TNF, UBE2C,
In consecutive sections immunostained for dif- and MTA, are known to involve in controlling the cell
ferent tumor suppressors, strong immunoreactivities cycle.
to maspin were consistently seen in all or nearly all Array-CGH detected alterations in DNA copy
myoepithelial cells (Fig 2a-b). In contrast, only 10% to numbers were in agreement with in vivo protein ex-
30% of maspin positive cells showed WT-1, p63, or pression in adjacent tissue sections. In sections im-
p73 expression (Fig 2c-h). munostained for angiogenesis-related marker D2-40
2. Morphological and immunohistochemical resemblance and CD34, strong and uniform immunoreactivities, in
to invasive cancer cells addition to those seen in lymphatic ducts and blood
vessels, were also seen, in myoepithelial cell layers,
These normal or hyperplastic lobules adjacent to which often formed a ring-like structure surrounding
invasive lesions consistently harbored isolated cells or each of the acini (Fig 5). In adjacent sections immu-
cell clusters that were strongly immunoreactive to p53 nostained for tenascin, a neonatal protein that facili-
and Ki-67 (Fig 2i-l). These cells were exclusively lo- tates early morphogenesis and tumor invasion [32],
cated at the site immediately adjacent to invasive le- strong immunoreactivities were consistently detected
sions and shared a very similar immunohistochemical within epithelial structures with focally disrupted
and morphological profile with invasive counterparts, myoepithelial cell layers, and also at the junctions
which consistently showed diffuse cytoplasmic p63 between pre-invasive tissues and invasive lesions (Fig
expression (Fig 3a-d). In addition, some isolated and 5e-f), which consistently harbored detached individ-
morphologically distinct malignant cells with diffuse ual cells or cell clusters that were strongly immuno-
cytoplasmic p63 expression were consistently seen reactive to p53 (Fig 5g-h).
within these normal or hyperplastic lobules (Fig 3e-h). In contrast to reduction or loss of tumor sup-
3. Significant gain or loss of DNA copy numbers in 45 pressors in the myoepithelium, secretory products
chromosomal loci in all 4 PABC cases within the acinar lumen of most lobules in PABC were
strongly immunoreactive to p63 and WT-1, but not to
Array-CGH detected significant DNA copy
any of other antibodies used in the study. The pattern,
number changes in 45 chromosomal loci. Of these, 30
intensity, and location of these immunoreactivities
showed significant gain (≥1.2 fold), and 15 showed
were similar with the peroxidase and alkaline phos-
significant loss (≤0.8 fold) in all PABC samples, com-
phatase detection systems using DAB or AR-red
pared to non-PABC. Table 1 lists the chromosome
chromogens (Fig 6). Pre-treatment with H2O2, lava-
band regions, statistic values, and harbored genes.
mison, or biotin failed to eliminate or reduce immu-
The heat map and clusters in figure 4a-b visualize
noreactivities to WT-1 or p63. The substitution of the
intuitive common differences of these 45 genes be-
p63 and WT-1 primary antibodies with PBS or normal
tween the 4 paired DNA samples.
serum, however, resulted in total negativity (not
4. Alterations in morphogenesis, angiogenesis, adhesion, shown). In sections immunostained for E-cadherin or
and intra-cellular trafficking related genes beta-catenin, these acini consistently showed sub-
The known corresponding genes with the ab- stantial reduction or absence of expression of these
normal genomic DNA belong to three functionally molecules, compared to their adjacent morphologi-
distinct but correlated groups (Table 2). Twenty genes cally similar counterparts without cytoplasmic p63
(44.4%), including PBX4, SMC1B, KIF22, KCTD13, expression (not shown).

Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2010, 6 432

Table 1. Significant gain or loss of DNA copy numbers in altered chromosomal loci of PABC

Log-FC-T/C: log 2 of fold changes (FC) between tumor (T) and control (C) samples. Moderated t-statistic, raw p-values, log2 fold changes in
gene expression, and false discovery rate (FDR) on multiple statistical testing were calculated using the LIMMA package in software
R/Bioconductor. The statistical significance was set at a p-value <0.05 and FDR ≤ 5%.

Table 2. Biological functions and names of known genes affected by their genomic DNA gain or loss in PABC

Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2010, 6 433

Figure 1. Acinar cell clusters or lobules with cytoplasmic p63 expression. Sections from paraffin embedded
tissues of PABC were immunostained for p63 (brown or red). Circles identify normal appearing lobules in which all acinar
cells show cytoplasmic p63 expression. Thin and thick arrows identify cells with nuclear and cytoplasmic p63 expression,
respectively. Asterisks identify invasive tissue components. In tissues without or distant from malignant lesions, both
cytoplasmic and nuclear p63 expression cells are seen (a-d), whereas in tissues harbored or adjacent to malignant lesions
(e-h), all or nearly all cells within a given lobule uniformly show high levels of cytoplasmic p63 expression. a, c, e, and g:
100X; b, d, f, and h: a higher (300X) magnification of a, c, e, and g, respectively.

Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2010, 6 434

Figure 2. Reduced expression of other tumor suppressors in myoepithelium of PABC. A set of 6 consecutive
sections of PABC were immunostained for maspin, WT-1, p63, p73, p53, and Ki-67, respectively. Circles identify normal
appearing lobules in which all or nearly all acinar cells show cytoplasmic p63 expression. Thick arrows identify the myoe-
pithelial cell layer in different sections. Thin arrows identify isolated tumor cells with p53 and Ki-67 expression. Note that
all or nearly all the myoepithelial cells uniformly express maspin, whereas only about 10-30% of maspin positive cells show
WT-1, p63, or p73 expression. Also note that these normal appearing lobules harbor some isolated p53 positive tumor cells
and have an elevated cell proliferation index. a, c, e, g, I, and k: 80X; b, d, f, h, j, and l: a higher magnification (200X) of a, c,
e, g, I, and k, respectively.

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Figure 3. Morphological and immunohistochemical resemblance to invasive cancer cells. Sections from 4
PABC cases were immunostained for p63 (brown). Circles identify normal or hyperplastic lobules in which all or nearly all
cells show high levels of cytoplasmic p63 expression. Arrows identify adjacent invasive cancer cells. Note that some cells
within these normal or hyperplastic appearing lobules and their adjacent invasive counterparts share a very similar im-
munohistochemical or morphological profile. a, c, e, and g: 100X; b, d, f, and h: a higher (300) magnification of a, c, e, and g,

Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2010, 6 436

Figure 4. Significant gain or loss of DNA copy numbers in lobules with cytoplasmic p63 expression. Micro-
dissected cells from 4 cases of PABC and 4 cases of morphologically similar non-PABC were subjected to array-CGH. Gain
or loss of DNA copy numbers were identified arbitrarily by >1.2-fold change in the average of the background-subtracted
mean intensity ratios between PABC and control samples. (A) Data normalization; (B) Heat map and clusters; (C) Control
samples. The triplicate microarray experiments were performed for each sample.

Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2010, 6 437

Figure 5. Elevated expression of angiogenesis and growth-related genes. A set of four consecutive sections
adjacent to sections used for array-CGH were immunostained for morphogenesis and angiogenesis-related biomarkers.
Arrows identify aberrant expression of D2-40 and CD34 in myoepithelial cell layers, and aberrant expression of tenascin and
p53 at the junctions between pre-invasive tissues and invasive lesions. Note that significantly higher expression of these
markers were seen in normal appearing lobules adjacent to, compared to those distant from, invasive lesions (asterisks). a,
c, e, and g: 80X; b, d, f, and h: a higher (200) magnification of a, c, e, and g, respectively.

Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2010, 6 438

Figure 6. Elevated expression of macromolecular complex assembly and intra-cellular trafficking related
genes. Two sets of four consecutive sections adjacent to sections used for array-CGH were immunostained for p63, WT-1,
and maspin. Circles identify acinal lumen with high level of secretory products. Note that strong p63 and WT-1 immu-
noreactivities were seen in these luminal secretory products, while maspin is only seen in the myoepithelium. 100X.

Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2010, 6 439

Discussion and Conclusions pathways: (A) Genetic defects in myoepithelial cell

self-renewal-related genes. As both p63 and WT-1 play
The overall expression pattern of p63 expression significant roles in the early developmental of several
in the myoepithelium and biological presentations in organs and systems [42,43], it is possible that at the
associated epithelium seen in our current study are in early stage of breast morphogenesis, the breasts of
total agreement with those of our previous studies these patients may have exposed to certain external or
[9-11] and reports from other groups [5-8]. Our cur- internal insults that may have been causing perma-
rent study, however, has detected several unique al- nent damages in DNA structures of some primitive
terations in normal or hyperplastic tissues of PABC stem cells. These DNA structural damages resulted in
that have not been previously reported, including: (1) the inactivation of, or defects in, myoepithelial cell
immunohistochemical and morphological resem- renewal-related genes, which impaired the myoepi-
blance to adjacent invasive cancer, (2) significant gain thelial cell replenishment process to replace the aged
of DNA copy number in chromosomal loci harbored or injured myoepithelial cells, resulting in a “se-
morphogenesis, angiogenesis, and metastasis related nesced” myoepithelial cell population with signifi-
genes, including early growth response 4, lysyl oxi- cantly reduced p63 and WT-1 expression. Consistent
dase-like 3, and metastasis associated 1 [24-26, 29], with this possibility is the fact that the expression of
and (3) significant loss of DNA copy number in maspin, a tumor suppressor that is not involved in
chromosomal loci harbored tumor suppressor, cell early development [6], is not affected in all PABC
adhesion, and macromolecular complex assembly or cases in this study. (B) Simultaneous activation and pro-
intra-cellular trafficking related genes, including liferation of multiple tumor stem cells. The DNA struc-
Sparc-like 1, cytohesion 1 interacting protein, and tural damages may have also caused the inactivation
G-protein coupled receptor115 [27,28,31]. Detected of, or defects in, cell cycle control- and apopto-
array-CGH alterations correlated well with in vivo sis-related genes in the epithelial cell population,
expression of a number of corresponding proteins which allow these cells to proliferate to form clusters
tested. of ducts or acini with the same genetic defects. These
Together, our findings suggest that normal or acinar or duct clusters may progress rapidly after ex-
hyperplastic appearing acinar cells with cytoplasmic ternal or internal insults, leading to the early occur-
p63 expression may represent a biologically more rence of breast cancer at young ages. On the other
aggressive cell population, which could potentially hand, these clusters may become maturation-arrested
progress to invasive lesions without undergoing after a few cycles of cells divisions, but retain the po-
through the stage of in situ cancer. Consistent with tential for unlimited proliferation and multi-lineage
this possibility are a number of reports: (1) a subset of differentiation [44]. During the last few weeks of
morphologically normal breast tissues share similar pregnancy, these clusters are activated and simulta-
genetic and immunohistochemical profiles with ma- neously proliferating in responding to a sharp in-
lignant counterparts [33-35], (2) some “healthy” men crease of estrogen, progesterone, and other hormones
between 19 and 29 years old had a spectrum of le- [1-3]. In agreement with this possibility is the fact that
sions, including hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma clinical morphological examinations have shown that
[36], (3) prostate tissues from some “healthy” men or a vast majority of the breast tumors are generally
morphologically normal prostate tissues harbored a confined within a “sick” lobe [45].
DNA phenotype that is identical to that of prostate Our immunohistochemical studies consistently
cancer [37,38], and (4) significant gene expression showed a significant reduction or loss of nuclear p63
abnormalities were detected with microarrays using and WT-1 expression in a vast majority of the myoe-
RNA extracted from microdissected histologically pithelial cells, while significantly increased cytoplas-
normal terminal ductal-lobular units (TDLU) of some mic p63 expression in associated epithelial cells in
breast tissues [39]. PABC. Our array-CGH, however, failed to detect sig-
Normal or hyperplastic appearing acini with nificant gain or loss in the genomic DNA that harbor
cytoplasmic p63 expression are likely to be formed genes coding for these two proteins. This disparity
from genetically altered progenitors for two main could potentially result from the following epigenetic
reasons: (1) TD and TDLU are the primary, if not the alterations: (1) Aberrant intra-cellular transportation of
exclusive, site of progenitor cells, and (2) A vast ma- the p63 protein. Similar to the p53 protein, p63 is syn-
jority of breast malignancies are derived from TDLU, thesized in the cytoplasm and constantly transported
which recapitulates the processes of early morpho- through the nuclear pore complex into the nuclei
genesis [40,41]. The formation of altered TD and as- [46,47]. A number of factors, including alterations of
sociated acini is likely to result from two correlated the elements and molecules involved in p63 nuc-

Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2010, 6 440

leo-cytoplasmic transportation could significantly which directly cause genomic or cellular damages that
impact the p63 intra-cellular trafficking, and conse- trigger a cascade reaction of malignant transformation
quently alter its sub-cellular localization [46,47]. (2) [52]. Consistent with these possibilities are the facts
Formation of protein-protein complexes. A previous study that our array-CGH revealed that all 4 PABC cases
from our lab showed that only cells exhibiting secre- had a significant gain or loss in their genomic DNA
tory changes or secretory carcinomas had cytoplasmic harboring genes involved in morphogenesis, angi-
p63 expression [48]. Thus, it is possible that secretory ogenesis, and controlling the cell cycle.
products in PABC may form protein-protein com- No definite conclusions, however, could be
plexes with p63, which prevent the import of p63 drawn at present for two main reasons: (1) our study
protein into the nuclei. Consistent with this possibility is the first one to assess the correlation between
is the fact that some proteins could form pro- myoepithelia and associated epithelia in PABC with
tein-protein complexes with p53, which results in ac- array-CGH and immunohistochemistry, and (2) our
cumulation of p53 in the cytoplasm [46]. (3) Interac- sample size is small and the clinical follow-up data are
tions with WT-1 protein, which results in the secretion of not available. On the other hand, if confirmed, our
both proteins into the acinar lumen. Consistent with this study will be the first one to provide in vivo evidence
possibility is the fact that the secretory products that suggests a correlation between reduced tumor
within the acinar lumen of most lobules in PABC were suppressor expression in the myoepithelium and in-
strongly and uniformly immunoreactive to antibodies vasive behavior in the associated epithelium. Since
against p63 and WT-1, but not to any of other antibo- degradation of the myoepithelium is an absolute
dies used in the study. In addition, our array-CGH pre-requisite for breast tumor invasion, our findings
analyses detected a number of factors that are closely would have significant implications. Scientifically,
involved in cellular organelle and molecular organi- these would suggest that the development of thera-
zation and transportation. Since previous studies have peutic agent to stimulate myoepithelial cell
shown that cytoplasmic localization of p63 is asso- self-renewal or to prevent myoepithelial cell degra-
ciated with poor patient survival in lung cancer and is dation may be more effective than the traditional ap-
also associated with tumor grade in meningiomas proaches for breast cancer intervention and preven-
[14,15], aberrant expression and sub-cellular localiza- tion. Clinically, as a vast majority of the breast ma-
tion of p63 and WT-1 may represent a novel mechan- lignancies are originated from TDLU, the develop-
ism for tumor aggressiveness and invasiveness. If ment of more applicable methods to quantitatively
confirmed, our findings could have significant impli- assess the expression of p63 and WT-1 expression in
cations: (1) changes of the tissue microenvironment this site may be more effective than other approaches
may have direct impact on carcinogenesis, and (2) for early detection of breast cancer. In addition, the
manipulation of the sub-cellular localization may elucidation of the mechanism of cytoplasmic p63 ex-
have significant therapeutic value. pression may lead to the development of new thera-
The specific cellular or molecular mechanism peutic agents to target cancer-related molecules in the
accounting for a correlation between tumor suppres- cytoplasm or even in nuclei.
sor expression in the myoepithelium and biological
behavior in the associated epithelium is unknown, but Acknowledgement
it is likely to result from aberrant tumor suppressor This study was supported in part by grant
expression and focal disruptions in the myoepithe- 2006CB910505 from the Ministry of Chinese Science
lium. As the epithelium is normally devoid of both and Technology Department, grant 30801176 from
blood vessels and lymphatic ducts, and thus, totally The National Natural Science Foundation of China,
relies on the stroma for its needed materials for nor- grants DAMD17-01-1-0129, DAMD17-01-1-0130,
mal functions and even survival, a focal myoepithelial PC051308 from Congressionally Directed Medical
cell layer disruption could have several consequences, Research Programs, grant BCTR0706983 from The
including (1) an increase of permeability for oxygen, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, and grant
nutrients, and growth factors, which selectively trig- 2008-02 from US Military Cancer Institute and Henry
gers the exit of stem or progenitor cells from quies- M. Jackson Foundation.
cence [49], (2) exposure of luminal cells to different The opinions and assertions contained herein
cytokines, which facilitates tumor angiogenesis [50], represent the personal views of the authors and are
(3) physical contact between luminal and stromal not to be construed as official or as representing the
cells, which facilitates epithelial-mesenchymal transi- views of the Department of the Army or the Depart-
tion (EMT) and cell motility [51], and (4) physical ment of Defense.
contact between luminal and immunoreactive cells,

Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2010, 6 441

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