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Original Research ajog.


Survival outcome prediction in cervical cancer: Cox
models vs deep-learning model
Koji Matsuo, MD, PhD; Sanjay Purushotham, PhD; Bo Jiang, MS; Rachel S. Mandelbaum, MD; Tsuyoshi Takiuchi, MD, PhD;
Yan Liu, PhD; Lynda D. Roman, MD

BACKGROUND: Historically, the Cox proportional hazard regression progression-free survival when compared with the Cox proportional hazard
model has been the mainstay for survival analyses in oncologic research. regression model (mean absolute error, 29.3 vs 316.2). The deep-learning
The Cox proportional hazard regression model generally is used based on model also outperformed all the other models, including the Cox pro-
an assumption of linear association. However, it is likely that, in reality, portional hazard regression model, for overall survival (mean absolute
there are many clinicopathologic features that exhibit a nonlinear asso- error, Cox proportional hazard regression vs deep-learning, 43.6 vs 30.7).
ciation in biomedicine. The performance of the deep-learning model further improved when more
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare the deep- features were included (concordance index for progression-free survival:
learning neural network model and the Cox proportional hazard regres- 0.695 for 20 features, 0.787 for 36 features, and 0.795 for 40 features).
sion model in the prediction of survival in women with cervical cancer. There were 10 features for progression-free survival and 3 features for
STUDY DESIGN: This was a retrospective pilot study of consecutive overall survival that demonstrated significance only in the deep-learning
cases of newly diagnosed stage IeIV cervical cancer from 2000e2014. model, but not in the Cox proportional hazard regression model. There
A total of 40 features that included patient demographics, vital signs, were no features for progression-free survival and 3 features for overall
laboratory test results, tumor characteristics, and treatment types were survival that demonstrated significance only in the Cox proportional hazard
assessed for analysis and grouped into 3 feature sets. The deep- regression model, but not in the deep-learning model.
learning neural network model was compared with the Cox propor- CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that the deep-learning neural
tional hazard regression model and 3 other survival analysis models for network model may be a useful analytic tool for survival prediction in
progression-free survival and overall survival. Mean absolute error and women with cervical cancer because it exhibited superior performance
concordance index were used to assess the performance of these 5 compared with the Cox proportional hazard regression model. This novel
models. analytic approach may provide clinicians with meaningful survival infor-
RESULTS: There were 768 women included in the analysis. The median mation that potentially could be integrated into treatment decision-making
age was 49 years, and the majority were Hispanic (71.7%). The majority of and planning. Further validation studies are necessary to support this pilot
tumors were squamous (75.3%) and stage I (48.7%). The median follow- study.
up time was 40.2 months; there were 241 events for recurrence and
progression and 170 deaths during the follow-up period. The deep- Key words: Cox proportional hazard, cervical cancer, deep learning,
learning model showed promising results in the prediction of survival prediction

G lobally, cervical cancer remains the

most common gynecologic ma-
lignancy.1 In 2012, more than one-half a
survival predictions are also important
because they may provide clinicians a
way to gauge treatment outcomes.
predict individual survival based on
clinicopathologic data have been devel-
oped.3 The utility of these frameworks
million women were estimated to have Traditionally, proportional hazard have been examined in various settings
been diagnosed with this disease. models have been used to estimate sur- related to translational and clinical
Because nearly one-third of the patients vival. Although it is possible to predict medicine,4e13 but the utility for survival
succumb to their disease within the first survival outcomes of individuals, these prediction remains relatively under-
5 years from diagnosis,2 improvement in models typically have focused on differ- studied. With regards to survival anal-
survival remains the ultimate treatment ences in patient cohorts and not on ysis, deep-learning models, which is a
goal in the clinical setting. To this end, survival prediction. Moreover, these ap- class of machine learning models, can
accurate prediction of survival is critical proaches make linearity assumptions model automatically survival risks using
in precision medicine. Individual and thus cannot model the nonlinear nonlinear risk functions and to predict
relationships that may be present in a individual survival outcomes from
real-life setting, which reflects the learned representations.
Cite this article as: Matsuo K, Purushotham S, Jiang B, complexity of biomedicine. Therefore, Our previous preliminary study
et al. Survival outcome prediction in cervical cancer: Cox novel solutions that can include these demonstrated that deep-learning models
models vs deep-learning model. Am J Obstet Gynecol potentially nonlinear variables are in have superior accuracy for survival pre-
great demand to predict individual sur- diction in women with recurrent cervical
0002-9378/$36.00 vival accurately. cancer compared with the conventional
ª 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Recently, deep-learning frameworks analytic approaches.14 These results
based on multilayer perceptrons to prompted us to conduct another pilot

MONTH 2019 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e1

Original Research GYNECOLOGY

(PFS) and overall survival (OS) were

AJOG at a Glance examined.
Why was this study conducted?
Cox proportional hazard regression models have been the mainstay of survival Study definition
analyses for oncologic research based on assumptions of linear association; Cancer stage was based on the 2014 In-
however, there are many clinicopathologic features that exhibit nonlinear cor- ternational Federations of Gynecology
relations in clinical medicine. and Obstetrics classification.16 PFS was
defined as the time interval between
Key findings initial cervical cancer diagnosis and the
Deep-learning neural network models recently have been implemented as useful first disease recurrence/progression or
analytic approaches in biomedical research in the evaluation of nonlinear cor- death from cervical cancer. OS was
relations. In this pilot study of women with cervical cancer, the deep-learning defined as the time interval between
neural network model showed promising results and demonstrated higher per- initial cervical cancer diagnosis and
formance, exhibiting lower mean absolute error and higher concordance index death from any cause. Patients who were
compared with the Cox proportional hazard regression models for survival transferred to hospice for terminal can-
analysis. cer condition at the last follow-up eval-
uation were also recorded as death
What does this add to what is known? from cervical cancer, as previously
In the future, this novel analytic approach may have the potential to provide described.17 This allocation was based on
salient survival information that can assist clinicians via integration into the the rationale that time to death after
treatment decision-making process. hospice transfer is considerably short
(approximately 3 weeks).18 Patients
without these survival events at the last
study to examine the performance of vital signs, laboratory test results, tumor follow-up evaluation were censored.
deep-learning neural network models in characteristics, treatment types, and
survival analysis for women with newly survival outcomes were collected from Statistical consideration
diagnosed cervical cancer. The objective medical records. The primary objective of this study was
of this study was to compare the per- to compare the accuracy of survival
formance of deep-learning neural Clinical information prediction between the deep-learning
network models with that of conven- Patient demographics at cervical cancer neural network model and the conven-
tional Cox proportional hazard regres- diagnosis included age, race/ethnicity, tional approach with the CPH model.
sion (CPH) models to predict survival in body mass index (kilograms/square The secondary objective of this study was
women with newly diagnosed cervical meter), and medical comorbidities to examine the clinicopathologic prog-
cancer. (hypertension and beta-blocker use, nostic factors across the 2 analytic
diabetes mellitus, and hypercholester- approaches.
Materials and Methods olemia). Vital signs obtained at the initial To examine the study objective, the
Eligibility criteria cancer diagnosis included systolic and following subtasks were set: for patient i,
After Institutional Review Board diastolic blood pressure and heart rate. given the medical features vector Xi, bi-
approval was obtained at University of In our practice, intake vital signs nary event indicator (censor variable) di ,
Southern California, a retrospective routinely are measured at all clinic visits. predict patient’s survival (PFS/OS sur-
study was conducted to examine Vital signs are taken in an upright posi- vival time prediction task). Regarding
consecutive cases of newly diagnosed tion after >10 minutes at rest. Labora- preprocessing, because the size of the
stage IeIV invasive cervical cancer that tory test results at cervical cancer dataset was relatively small, to train,
was diagnosed and managed at the Los diagnosis included leukocyte count, he- cross-validate, and test the model prop-
Angeles CountyþUniversity of Southern moglobin level, and platelet count and erly, the whole dataset was split into 10
California Medical Center between blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, bicar- folds while preserving the percentage of
January 2000 and December 2014. A bonate, and albumin levels. data for censored patients and uncen-
previously established division database Tumor characteristics included his- sored patients. We trained the models on
for cervical cancer was used to identify tologic subtype (squamous, adeno- 8 folds, validated it on another fold, and
eligible cases.15 This study excluded carcinoma, adenosquamous, and tested it on the remaining fold. We then
cases with preinvasive cervical dysplasia, others) and cancer stage (I, II, III, and tested the model 10 times to ensure that
sarcoma, and metastatic tumors to the IV). Initial treatments after cervical every fold had been tested.
uterine cervix. Patients lacking clinico- cancer diagnosis included primary To set the analytic approach for the
pathologic information at cervical can- hysterectomy, systemic chemotherapy, deep-learning model, 3 groups of fea-
cer diagnosis were also excluded. Among and/or radiotherapy. For survival tures set (FS) were examined (Table 1):
eligible cases, patient demographics, outcomes, progression-free survival FS1 represents patient baseline

1.e2 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2019 GYNECOLOGY Original Research

Patient demographics (N[768)
Features set Features set
Features set 1 (20 features) Measure 2,a n (%) Measure 3,b n (%) Measure
Age, y 49 (41e58) Histologic condition Beta-blocker use
Race/ethnicity, n (%) Squamous cell 578 (75.3) No 710 (92.9)
White 64 (8.3) Adenocarcinoma 137 (17.8) Yes 54 (7.1)
Black 48 (6.3) Adenosquamous 31 (4.0) Primary hysterectomy
Hispanic 551 (71.7) Other 22 (2.9) No 559 (72.8)
Asian 101 (13.2) Stage Yes 209 (27.2)
Others 4 (0.5) I 372 (48.7) Radiotherapy
Body mass index, kg/m2c,d 28.0 (24.3e32.8) IA1 91 (11.8) No 297 (38.7)
Hypertension, n (%) IA2 21 (2.7) Yes 471 (61.3)
No 569 (74.5) IB1 160 (20.8) Chemotherapy
Yes 195 (25.5) IB2 100 (13.0) No 699 (91.0)
Diabetes mellitus, n (%) II 167 (21.9) Yes 69 (9.0)
No 654 (85.6) IIA 30 (3.9)
Yes 110 (14.4) IIB 136 (17.7)
Hypercholesterolemia, n (%)e II NOS 1 (0.1)
No 701 (91.8) III 156 (20.4)
Yes 63 (8.2) IIIA 7 (0.9)
Vital signs at diagnosis IIB 149 (19.4)
Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg 125 (112e140) IV 69 (9.0)
Diastolic blood pressure, mm Hg 72 (65e80) IVA 11 (1.4)
Heart rate, beats/min 79 (70e89) IVB 58 (7.6)
Laboratory test Unknown 4 (0.5)
White blood cell, 10 /L 9
8.3 (6.6e10.0)
Platelet, 109/L 300 (244e451)
Hemoglobin, g/dL 12.3 (10.2e13.4)
Blood urea nitrogen, mg/dL 12.0 (9.0e15.0)
Creatinine, mg/dL 0.6 (0.5e0.8)
Bicarbonate, mEq/L 25 (23e27)
Albumin, g/dL 4.1 (3.7e4.4)
Included the demographics for features set 1 and the 16 listed tumor features; b Included the demographics for features set 1, the 16 tumor features for features set 2, and the listed treatment
features; c Data are given as median (interquartile range); d Missing 20 data; e Missing 4 data.
Matsuo et al. Survival outcome prediction in cervical cancer. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2019.

characteristics (20 features), including association between the extent of fea- metrics. In other words, our deep-
age, race/ethnicity, body mass index, tures and survival prediction in various learning model predicts both mean ab-
vital signs, comorbidities, and pre- analytic approaches. solute error and concordance index by
treatment laboratory results; FS2 rep- Our proposed deep-learning model jointly optimizing the 2 subnetworks,
resents FS1 and tumor characteristics has a hierarchic structure and uses fully each of which optimize these parameters
(20þ16¼36 features), including histo- connected feed-forward neural networks separately. We compared baseline
logic type and cancer stage; FS3 repre- in the lower layers of the model and 2 models (CPH,19 CoxLasso,20 Random
sents FS2 and treatment type (36þ4¼40 subnetworks (fully connected layers) to Survival Forest,21 and Cox Boost22) to
features). The rational of this sequential optimize jointly the concordance index our proposed deep-learning model
split-grouping strategy is to examine the and mean absolute error evaluation (Figure) on the provided dataset for 2

MONTH 2019 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e3

Original Research GYNECOLOGY

Study schema for survival analysis

Patient baseline characteristics were entered in various analytic models that included the deep-learning neural network model to examine survival
Matsuo et al. Survival outcome prediction in cervical cancer. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2019.

tasks (PFS/OS predictions) with 3 optimization of the negative log-partial and CoxLasso24 have been proposed in
different sets of features (FS1e3). The likelihood function, which is measured literature. Although these modeling ap-
results shown here are an average of 10 by the concordance index score. In proaches are not used frequently, we
test folds (from cross validation) in addition, our model uses another sub- have included them for comparison to
terms of concordance index and mean network of deep neural networks to see how they perform with respect to
absolute error. minimize the mean absolute error be- proposed models. CoxBoost is a semi-
Mean absolute error is the absolute tween the actual survival time and the parametric survival model that is
difference between the original survival predicted survival time for individual designed to handle high-dimensional
time (ground truth) and the model’s patients. Thus, our proposed model datasets by fitting the Cox models with
predicted survival time measured in jointly optimizes the concordance index likelihood-based boosting for competing
months. Lower mean absolute error score and mean absolute error simulta- risks.24 CoxLasso, a semiparametric
means a better performing model. neously to accurately predict survival of survival model, is another variant of the
Concordance index can be interpreted as individual patients. Cox model and is regularized with the
the fraction of all pairs of subjects whose CPH is a popular semiparametric Lasso L1 penalty.25e27 It treats the
predicted survival times are ordered model for survival analysis. It estimates number of non-zero coefficients as a
correctly among all subjects that can the risk function hðXi Þ of the event tuning parameter and simultaneously
actually be ordered. In other words, it is occurring (eg, died of cancer) for patient selects with the regularization param-
the probability of concordance between i based on observed covariates/features eter. Also, it fits a varying coefficient Cox
the predicted and the observed survival. Xi with the use of a linear function: model by kernel smoothing, with the
Higher concordance index means better hðXi Þ ¼ Xi b, where b is the coefficient aforementioned penalties. Random
performing model.23 of Xi .19 It measures the impact of the Survival Forest is a popular nonlinear
Our proposed deep-learning model covariates and assumes that the log- machine learning model for survival
for survival analysis uses a subnetwork of hazard of every patient is a linear com- analysis.21 It is used to estimate the risk
deep neural networks with a single bination of the patient’s features. function of patients. Random Survival
output node to estimate the survival In addition to standard CPH, other Forest is a tree model that is based on the
risks hq ðXi Þ of patients i by the modeling variants such as CoxBoost24 random forest method, and it can

1.e4 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2019 GYNECOLOGY Original Research

The CPH model was compared with

the deep-learning neural network model
Comparison of Cox proportional hazard regression model vs deep-learning
for PFS in FS3 (Table 2). The results were
neural network model for survival (feature set 3)
an average of 10-fold evaluation in terms
Concordance index,a Mean absolute error,b of concordant index and mean absolute
meanstandard meanstandard error. The deep-learning model had
Model deviation deviation significantly better predictions
Progression-free survival (241 events) compared with the CPH model, with
Cox proportional hazard regression 0.784  0.069 316.2  128.3c >10-fold difference between the 2 ana-
lytic approaches (mean absolute error
CoxBoost 0.783  0.068 29.4  4.0
for CPH vs deep-learning: 316.2 vs 29.3).
CoxLasso 0.787  0.066 28.8  4.3 However, performance of the deep-
Random Survival Forest 0.766  0.065 29.7  4.3 learning model was similar when
Deep Learning 0.795  0.066 29.3  3.4 compared with other baseline models for
PFS in FS3 (mean absolute error: 29.4 for
Overall survival (170 events)
CoxBoost, 28.8 for CoxLasso, 29.7 for
Cox proportional hazard regression 0.607  0.039 43.6  4.3 Random Survival Forest, and 29.3 for
CoxBoost 0.606  0.039 37.2  3.5 deep-learning). Similar findings were
CoxLasso 0.606  0.038 39.2  2.4 observed for the results of concordance
index (Table 2). Similar trends were
Random Survival Forest 0.600  0.054 33.4  4.4
observed in FS1 and 2 for mean absolute
Deep Learning 0.616  0.041 30.7  3.6 error and concordance index as in FS3
Results of features sets 1 and 2 are shown in Supplemental Table 1. (Supplemental Table 1).
A higher concordance index means better performing model; b A lower mean absolute error means better performing model; The comparison was then made for
Convergence failed: the Newton-Raphson algorithm was used for the estimation of the coefficients in the Cox model that was
most likely the cause for this convergence failure.45 OS in FS3 (Table 2). The deep-learning
Matsuo et al. Survival outcome prediction in cervical cancer. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2019. model outperformed all the other
models. That is, the mean absolute error
of the deep-learning model was the
generate ensemble estimates for the cu- backend.30 The Statistical Package for lowest among the tested analytic ap-
mulative hazard function. Social Science software (version 24.0; proaches (30.7 for deep-learning, 33.4
For survival analysis that uses the IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY) was for random survival forest, 37.2 for
multivariable CPH model in a conven- also used for conventional analyses other CoxBoost, 39.2 for CoxLasso, and 43.6
tional approach, conditional backward than deep-learning analysis. The for CPH). The performance of the CPH
method was used to retain only the sig- Strengthening the Reporting of Obser- model was the lowest among the tested
nificant covariates with a probability vational Studies in Epidemiology guide- models. Similar findings were seen for
value of <.05 in the final model.28 All the lines were consulted when we outlined the performance of concordance index
covariates with a probability value of this retrospective cohort study.31 (Table 2). Similar trends were observed
<.05 in the univariable analysis were in FS1 and 2 for mean absolute error and
entered in the initial model. This is due Results concordance index as in FS3
to relative small sample size and event There were 802 patients who had a (Supplemental Table 1).
number to avoid overfitting. Covariate diagnosis of cervical cancer. Among Next, performance of the deep-
selection and grouping was based on a those, 34 patients who lacked vital signs learning model was examined across
priori criteria.14,15 Magnitude of statis- at initial diagnosis were excluded, and the 3 FSs (Table 2 and Supplemental
tical significance was expressed with the remaining 768 women were exam- Table 1). Performance of the deep-
hazard ratios and 95% confidence ined for the analysis. Patient de- learning model improved with more
intervals. mographics are shown in Table 1. The features in that the concordance index
All statistical analyses were based on median age was 49 years, and most of the became larger as more features were
2-tailed hypotheses, and a probability patients were Hispanic (71.7%). Most of added in the model (concordance index
value of <.05 was considered statistically the tumors were squamous histologic for PFS: 0.695 for FS1, 0.787 for FS2, and
significant. For this study, the CPH condition (75.3%) and stage I disease 0.795 for FS3, respectively). Similar
models were implemented with the use (48.7%). The median follow-up time of trends were observed for OS (concor-
of the CoxPHFitter function of Python- censored cases was 40.2 months (inter- dance index: 0.538 for FS1, 0.534 for
package lifelines,29 and the deep- quartile range, 16.7e69.9 months). FS2, and 0.616 for FS3, respectively).
learning models were implemented in There were 241 women who had recur- Finally, clinicopathologic features that
Python with the use of the Keras deep rence or progression of disease and 170 were associated with survival were
learning package with tensor-flow deaths during the follow-up time. compared between the CPH model and

MONTH 2019 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e5

Original Research GYNECOLOGY

the deep-learning model. Specifically,

results of the multivariable CPH models
Survival predictors in deep-learning model (feature set 3)
and the deep-learning model for FS3
Progression-free survival Overall survival were compared (Tables 3 and 4). The
results of the deep-learning model vali-
Features P value Features P value
dated the CPH model by demonstrating
Hysterectomya 6.93E-69 Radiotherapya 8.04E-29 concordant clinicopathologic features
a a
Albumin 2.53E-34 White 4.25E-05 for PFS in that vital signs (heart rate),
Hemoglobin a
4.89E-32 Hispanic a
6.27E-04 laboratory test results (blood urea ni-
a a trogen, creatinine, and albumin), tumor
Stage IVB 1.59E-27 Hysterectomy 2.19E-03
characteristics (cancer stage and histo-
Stage IA1a 1.89E-27 Bicarbonatea 1.64E-02 logic type), and treatment type (hyster-
a a
Stage IB1 8.61E-26 Stage IVB 2.96E-02 ectomy and radiotherapy) were
Chemotherapy a
2.33E-25 Heart rate a
3.17E-02 associated significantly with PFS in both
a a analytic approaches. On the contrary,
Stage IIIB 4.09E-25 Blood urea nitrogen 4.33E-02
certain patient demographics (age, body
Heart rate 5.16E-19 Black 5.42E-02 mass index, race/ethnicity, and hyper-
Plateleta 3.08E-17 Platelet 5.76E-02 tension), laboratory test results (leuko-
Radiotherapy a
1.14E-09 Age 6.83E-02 cyte count, platelet count, hemoglobin
level, and bicarbonate level), and treat-
White blood cell 1.09E-08 Chemotherapy 7.07E-02 ment factors (chemotherapy and beta-
Creatinine 4.79E-08 Creatinine 7.62E-02 blocker use) were the significant cova-
Blood urea nitrogen a
1.78E-07 Stage IIIA 8.64E-02 riates for PFS that were seen only in the
deep-learning model, but not in the
Bicarbonatea 7.84E-07 White blood cell 1.05E-01
CPH models (10 features; Table 5).
Agea 1.77E-05 Stage IVA 1.06E-01 For OS, the deep-learning model was
Stage IVA 5.83E-04 Body mass index 1.06E-01 concordant with the CPH model in that
Black a
9.45E-04 Hypercholesterolemia 1.57E-01 vital signs (heart rate), laboratory test
a results (blood urea nitrogen), tumor
Hispanic 1.00E-03 Diabetes mellitus 1.71E-01
characteristics (cancer stage), and treat-
Other histologic conditionsa 5.17E-03 Systolic blood pressure 1.80E-01 ment type (hysterectomy) were associ-
Stage IIB 6.44E-03 Stage IIA 1.97E-01 ated significantly with OS in both
Hypertension a
1.30E-02 Asian 2.10E-01 analytic approaches. Contrary, certain
clinicopathologic factors were signifi-
Body mass index 1.61E-02 Diastolic blood pressure 2.40E-01 cant only in the deep-learning model,
Beta-blocker use 1.70E-02 Stage IA1 2.68E-01 but not in the CPH models (patient de-
Asiana 3.65E-02 Stage IIIB 2.91E-01 mographics with race/ethnicity, labora-
a tory test results with bicarbonate level,
Adenocarcinoma 4.80E-02 Other histologic conditions 3.01E-01
and treatment type with radiotherapy).
Hypercholesterolemia 1.22E-01 Stage IB1 3.58E-01 Moreover, there were 3 clinicopathologic
Stage IB2 2.78E-01 Beta-blocker 3.66E-01 factors that were significant only in the
Systolic blood pressure 2.94E-01 Squamous 4.08E-01 CPH model, but not in the deep-
learning model (laboratory test results
Squamous 3.92E-01 Adenocarcinoma 4.28E-01
with platelet count, creatinine level, and
Diastolic blood pressure 4.14E-01 Hypertension 4.49E-01 albumin level; Table 5).
Diabetes mellitus 4.87E-01 Albumin 4.62E-01
Stage IIIA 5.38E-01 Stage IIB 4.74E-01 Comment
In this second pilot study, our analysis
White 5.53E-01 Hemoglobin 4.98E-01
demonstrated that a deep-learning neu-
Adenosquamous 6.18E-01 Stage IB2 5.05E-01 ral network model is superior to con-
Stage IIA 6.92E-01 Adenosquamous 5.54E-01 ventional linear regression modeling in
Covariates are listed based on the statistical significance.
survival prediction for women with
Significant covariates (P<.05). Results for features sets 1 and 2 are shown in Supplemental Tables 2 and 3.
newly diagnosed cervical cancer.
Matsuo et al. Survival outcome prediction in cervical cancer. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2019. In a review of the previous literature, an
increasing number of studies are inte-
grating deep-learning models into analytic

1.e6 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2019 GYNECOLOGY Original Research

Multivariable analysis for Cox proportional hazard regression models for survival
Progression-free survival Overall survival
Features Hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) P value Hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) P value
Histologic condition .001a,b
Squamous cell 1
Adenocarcinoma 1.61 (1.12e2.32) .011a
Adenosquamous 2.82 (1.45e5.44) .002a
Other 1.77 (0.96e3.26) .07
Stage <.001a,b <.001a,b
I 1 1
II 2.81 (1.77e4.46) <.001a 1.80 (1.04e3.10) .034a
III 5.15 (3.22e8.25) <.001a 2.97 (1.75e5.02) <.001a
IV 12.1 (7.49e19.4) <.001a 10.2 (5.86e17.7) <.001a
Primary hysterectomy
No 1 1
Yes 0.17 (0.10e0.31) <.001 a
0.26 (0.12e0.56) .001a
No 1
Yes 0.24 (0.16e0.36) <.001a
Laboratory test (per unit)
Platelet (109/L) 1.002 (1.001e1.003) .007a
Blood urea nitrogen (mg/dL) 1.02 (1.01e1.04) .006a 1.03 (1.01e1.05) .006a
Creatinine (mg/dL) 0.84 (0.72e0.98) .024 0.83 (0.71e0.98) .024a
Albumin (g/dL) 0.59 (0.46e0.75) <.001a 0.46 (0.35e0.62) <.001a
Vital signs
Heart rate (bpm) 1.02 (1.01e1.03) .001a 1.01 (1.01e1.02) .021a
All significant covariates (P<.05) on univariable analysis that are shown in Supplemental Table 4 were entered in the initial full model, and conditional backward method was used to retain only
significant covariates (P<.05) in the final model; b P value for interaction.
Matsuo et al. Survival outcome prediction in cervical cancer. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2019.

approaches in oncologic research. Most of radiographic testing efficacy,39,40 generalizability to other cervical cancer
these studies are related to either diag- genomic analysis, and early symp- populations was not possible. In the cur-
nostic work-up, such as radiographic toms,43 but there have been only a few rent study, a larger number of unselected
image analysis and cytopathologic inter- studies that have examined oncologic consecutive cases of women with cervical
pretation, or genomic/molecular analysis outcome.14,44 cancer, which included nonsurgical cases,
for biomarker discovery; studies that use In an analysis of surgically treated were included for analysis, which provided
deep-learning models for survival pre- women with early-stage cervical cancer more meaningful results for
diction in oncology patients remain (n¼102), various deep-learning models interpretation.
limited to date. Specifically in the area of were tested for 5-year OS prediction with We previously have examined the per-
cervical cancer research, the utility of the use of clinicopathologic features formance of deep-learning neural
deep-learning has been used for inter- mainly from surgical-pathologic speci- network models in the prediction
pretation of cervical cytologic testing,32,33 mens.44 Their main finding was that of survival of women with recurrent cer-
human papillomavirus-related risk algo- certain neural network algorithms are su- vical cancer who have a limited life-
rithm development,34 colposcopy inter- perior for survival prediction compared expectancy (3 and 6 months).14 An
pretation,35 tumor tissue with conventional linear regression enormous amount of data points (>5000)
identification,36,37 cervical cancer models. Because their study population that included patient demographics,
screening algorithm evaluation,38 was limited only to surgical cases, symptoms, vital signs, laboratory test

MONTH 2019 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e7

Original Research GYNECOLOGY

Summary of clinical-pathologic factors between Cox proportional hazard regression model and deep-learning model
Progression-free survival Overall survival
Deep-learning Cox proportional hazard Deep-learning Cox proportional hazard
Features Concordant only regression only Concordant only regression only
Patient — Age — — — —
— Body mass index — — Race/ethnicity —
— Race/ethnicity — — — —
— Hypertension — — — —
Vital signs Heart rate — — Heart rate — —
Laboratory test Blood urea White blood cell — Blood urea Bicarbonate Platelet
results nitrogen nitrogen
Creatinine Platelet — — — Creatinine
Albumin Bicarbonate — — — Albumin
— Hemoglobin — — — —
Tumor Cancer stage — — Cancer stage Radiotherapy —
Histology type — — — — —
Treatment type Hysterectomy Chemotherapy — Hysterectomy — —
Radiotherapy Beta-blocker use — — — —
Blank space with indicates no feature.
Matsuo et al. Survival outcome prediction in cervical cancer. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2019.

results, tumor characteristics, and treat- are present in survival data. Of note, in learning model (Table 5). The ability to
ment types were time-sequentially exam- our previous study, we found that a highlight these features without explicit
ined after recurrence. The deep-learning number of clinical-laboratory factors feature engineering may represent an
model was compared with a linear demonstrated a nonlinear association example of this benefit of deep-learning
regression model for survival prediction. with survival and implied that use of a models.
The analysis found that the deep-learning neural network model would be more Third, our study suggests that the
model is superior to the CPH model to appropriate than a linear regression performance of the deep-learning neural
identify women with limited life- model in clinical medicine.14 network model will perform better when
expectancy. Taken together, all 3 studies, Second, deep-learning models are able large feature sets are used. The strength
which included the current study, have to not only automatically learn feature of the deep-learning model in handling
shown consistently that deep-learning representations from raw clinical data large feature sets, because of its ability
neural network models may be useful without explicit feature engineering but to learn feature representation, may be
analytic tools for survival prediction in also can fit censored survival data with beneficial particularly in biomedical
women with cervical cancer, given its su- the use of nonlinear risk functions. In research because inclusion of many var-
perior performance compared with the other words, deep-learning models are iables in conventional linear regression
linear regression model. powerful at learning nonlinear relation- models may result in overfitting.
Strengths of the deep-learning neural ships that are present in the data, and A limitation of deep-learning
network model for survival analyses in they easily can handle censoring in sur- models is that these models are
oncology research are in the following vival data. Thus, selection bias because of computationally expensive to train,
threefold. First, as described earlier, this the process of demographic grouping and usually their predictions might be
model exhibits an improved fit for vari- can be eliminated in the deep-learning hard to interpret. For instance, in our
ables with a nonlinear relationship, model. For instance, there were several analysis of OS, there were some fea-
which is applicable when examining features that were not identified as sur- tures that were identified as significant
real-life factors. Unlike CPH and its vival predictors in the conventional an- prognostic factors only in the CPH
variants, deep-learning approaches can alytic approach but were found to be model, but not in the deep-learning
model nonlinear risk functions that significant prognosticators in the deep- model (Table 5). Albumin level, for

1.e8 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2019 GYNECOLOGY Original Research

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bumin level was the strongest predic- model is a new analytic tool that has e7.
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Systematic assessment of cervical cancer
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nificant in the deep-learning model is likely become more widespread in the panels for deep learning-based early diag-
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1.e10 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2019 GYNECOLOGY Original Research

Comparison of Cox proportional hazard regression model and deep-learning neural network model for survival
Features Outcome Model Concordance indexa Mean absolute errorb
Set 1 Progression-free survival Cox proportional hazard regression model 0.696  0.072 322.2  129.7
CoxBoost 0.696  0.072 30.2  3.8
CoxLasso 0.699  0.070 30.4  2.5
Random Survival Forest 0.694  0.073 30.0  4.2
Deep learning 0.695  0.080 29.3  3.4
Overall survival Cox proportional hazard regression 0.520  0.059 37.2  2.7
CoxBoost 0.520  0.059 40.9  4.0
CoxLasso 0.521  0.059 40.8  5.0
Random Survival Forest 0.538  0.051 33.6  4.3
Deep learning 0.538  0.042 30.9  3.7
Set 2 Progression-free survival Cox proportional hazard regression 0.785  0.064 329.5  133.4
CoxBoost 0.785  0.063 28.8  4.1
CoxLasso 0.785  0.064 29.9  3.8
Random Survival Forest 0.771  0.070 29.8  4.3
Deep learning 0.787  0.063 29.7  3.5
Overall survival Cox proportional hazard regression 0.511  0.045 37.6  3.0
CoxBoost 0.511  0.045 39.5  2.8
CoxLasso 0.512  0.049 38.9  2.5
Random Survival Forest 0.527  0.053 33.6  4.3
Deep learning 0.534  0.051 30.7  3.7
There were 241 events for progression-free survival and 170 events for overall survival events among 768 cases.
A higher concordance index means a better performing model; b A lower mean absolute error means better a performing model.
Matsuo et al. Survival outcome prediction in cervical cancer. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2019.

MONTH 2019 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e11

Original Research GYNECOLOGY

Survival predictors in deep-learning model (features set 1)
Progression-free survival Overall survival
Features P value Features P value
Albumina 1.57E-60 Diabetes mellitusa 2.35E-04
a a
Hemoglobin 3.08E-54 Hispanic 1.39E-03
a a
Heart rate 1.35E-31 White blood cell 3.29E-03
a a
Platelet 1.06E-22 Creatinine 5.95E-03
Agea 4.18E-10 Whitea 1.25E-02
a a
Creatinine 1.41E-08 Black 1.64E-02
White blood cell 4.69E-08 Hypercholesterolemia 5.36E-02
Bicarbonate 6.81E-08 Body mass index 5.38E-02
Blood urea nitrogen 2.81E-07 Albumin 6.44E-02
Blacka 2.71E-05 Blood urea nitrogen 7.02E-02
Hispanica 4.35E-03 Diastolic blood pressure 8.40E-02
Hypertension 5.35E-03 Bicarbonate 8.98E-02
Asian 5.30E-02 Hypertension 1.37E-01
Body mass index 6.62E-02 Platelet 1.46E-01
Systolic blood pressure 1.01E-01 Asian 1.63E-01
Hypercholesterolemia 2.13E-01 Other race 1.84E-01
Other race 2.25E-01 Heart rate 1.94E-01
Diastolic blood pressure 3.14E-01 Systolic blood pressure 2.21E-01
White 4.28E-01 Age 2.29E-01
Diabetes mellitus 4.30E-01 Hemoglobin 3.50E-01
Covariates are listed based on the statistical significance.
Significant covariates (P<.05).
Matsuo et al. Survival outcome prediction in cervical cancer. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2019.

1.e12 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2019 GYNECOLOGY Original Research

Survival predictors in deep-learning model (features set 2)
Progression-free survival Overall survival
Features P value Features P value
Hemoglobina 2.15E-38 Albumina 3.37E-06
a a
Albumin 3.87E-38 Bicarbonate 1.59E-05
a a
Sage IVB 1.53E-37 Hispanic 1.69E-03
a a
Stage IIIB 7.00E-30 Stage IIA 5.83E-03
Stage IB1a 7.62E-30 Body mass indexa 6.10E-03
a a
Stage 1A1 4.75E-27 Stage IA1 2.50E-02
a a
Heart rate 8.12E-19 White blood cell 4.52E-02
Platelet 4.00E-15 Diastolic blood pressure 5.68E-02
Creatinine 3.06E-08 Hemoglobin 6.10E-02
White blood cella 4.21E-08 White 6.18E-02
Blood urea nitrogen 1.10E-07 Diabetes mellitus 6.64E-02
Age 1.02E-06 Heart rate 7.42E-02
Bicarbonate 1.39E-05 Black 8.59E-02
Stage IVA 8.64E-05 Asian 9.46E-02
Blacka 8.58E-04 Other histologic condition 1.11E-01
Hypertensiona 1.44E-03 Creatinine 1.17E-01
Hispanic 1.51E-03 Blood urea nitrogen 1.35E-01
Stage IIB 6.82E-03 Platelet 1.63E-01
Other histologic condition 9.65E-03 Systolic blood pressure 1.66E-01
Body mass indexa 1.47E-02 Hypertension 1.66E-01
Asian 2.10E-02 Stage IIIA 1.68E-01
Adenocarcinoma 3.56E-02 Stage IIIB 1.83E-01
Stage IB2 2.12E-01 Stage IIB 1.84E-01
Systolic blood pressure 2.27E-01 Age 1.91E-01
Hypercholesterolemia 3.08E-01 Squamous 1.99E-01
Squamous 3.19E-01 Adenosquamous 2.16E-01
Diastolic blood pressure 3.65E-01 Stage IB1 2.24E-01
Stage IIA 4.58E-01 Hypercholesterolemia 2.36E-01
Diabetes mellitus 4.78E-01 Adenocarcinoma 2.54E-01
White 4.84E-01 Stage IVB 3.28E-01
Stage IIIA 4.87E-01 Stage IVA 3.73E-01
Adenosquamous 5.88E-01 Stage IB2 3.95E-01
Covariates are listed based on the statistical significance.
Significant covariates (P<.05).
Matsuo et al. Survival outcome prediction in cervical cancer. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2019.

MONTH 2019 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e13

Original Research GYNECOLOGY

Univariable analysis for survival outcome
Progression-free survival Overall survival
Features Hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) P value a
Hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) P valuea
Age, y 1.02 (1.01e1.03) <.001 1.02 (1.01e1.03) .003
Ethnicity .001 <.001
White 1 1
Black 1.97 (1.05e3.67) 2.34 (1.16e4.70)
Hispanic 0.84 (0.52e1.37) 0.72 (0.40e1.28)
Asian 1.27 (0.72e2.23) 1.29 (0.67e2.49)
Histologic condition .043 .002
Squamous cell 1 1
Adenocarcinoma 0.89 (0.63e1.26) 0.72 (0.46e1.11)
Adenosquamous 1.02 (0.54e1.93) 0.72 (0.29e1.75)
Other 2.23 (1.24e4.00) 2.80 (1.51e5.19)
Stage <.001 <.001
I 1 1
II 3.25 (2.22e4.78) 3.98 (2.39e6.62)
III 6.15 (4.27e8.87) 8.15 (5.06e13.1)
IV 20.9 (14.0e31.1) 30.0 (18.2e49.4)
Primary hysterectomy <.001 <.001
No 1 1
Yes 0.15 (0.10e0.25) 0.10 (0.05e0.19)
Radiotherapy .003
No 1
Yes 1.57 (1.17e2.11)
Primary chemotherapy .001 <.001
No 1 1
Yes 5.17 (3.82e7.00) 6.37 (4.53e8.95)
Laboratory test
White blood cell, 109/L 1.06 (1.03e1.10) .001 1.07 (1.03e1.11) .001
Platelet, 10 /L9
1.003 (1.002e1.004) <.001 1.004 (1.003e1.005) <.001
Hemoglobin, g/dL 0.82 (0.78e0.86) <.001 0.81 (0.76e0.85) <.001
Blood urea nitrogen, mg/dL 1.02 (1.01e1.03) <.001 1.02 (1.01e1.03) <.001
Creatinine, mg/dL 1.17 (1.11e1.24) <.001 1.18 (1.11e1.25) <.001
Bicarbonate, mEq/L 0.92 (0.88e0.95) <.001 0.89 (0.85e0.93) <.001
Albumin, g/dL 0.39 (0.31e0.48) <.001 0.30 (0.23e0.38) <.001
Heart rate, beats/min 1.03 (1.02e1.04) <.001 1.03 (1.02e1.04) <.001
All the covariates that are shown in Table 1 were examined; the covariates with P<.05 are shown in this Table.
Considered significant.
Matsuo et al. Survival outcome prediction in cervical cancer. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2019.

1.e14 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2019

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