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Case Study Fine Motor Development Children: Developmental Coordination Disorder

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 296

International Conference on Special and Inclusive Education (ICSIE 2018)

Case Study Fine Motor

Development Children: Developmental
Coordination Disorder
Mar'atus Sholihah Suparno
Yogyakarta State University Yogyakarta State University
Yogyakarta, Indonesia Yogyakarta, Indonesia
maratussholihah.2017@student.uny.ac.id suparnoplb@uny.ac.id

Abstract—The importance of fine motor development The rest of this paper is organized as follow: Section II
because children need to use hand skills. One of the causes of describes the literature review. Section III describes the
fine motor retardation is Developmental Coordination Disorder proposed methodology. Section IV presents the obtained
(DCD). The movements of children with DCD are often results and following by discussion. Finally, Section V
described as uncoordinated movements, and children often
experience difficulties in activities and sports that usually
concludes this work.
develop where other children can do easily. The purpose of this II. LITERATURE REVIEW
study was to determine cases of impaired child development
coordination. The research method used is qualitative with case Research shows that there is a correlation between motor
study design. One child was involved in the study. The results of competence and physical activity. Children who are more
this study indicate that Developmental Coordination Disorder physically active are more likely to show a higher level of
(DCD) affects several other aspects and developments at a later motor skills than children who are not active [6]. Children's
stage. Further research will be discussed. fine motor development is also affected by folic acid in food
to increase the outcome of birth and postnatal growth and
Keywords—fine motor, developmental, coordination disorder development. In addition, folic acid in reducing the risk of
birth defects and women who receive preconception
I. INTRODUCTION supplements of folic acid have good growth in fine motor
The importance of fine motor development because development [7].
children need to use hand skills such as eating and holding Fine motor skills are the use of small muscles involved in
toys. Many daily activities require second-hand skills so movement. McHale and Cermak's research states that children
children learn to manipulate toys or objects using their fingers, spend between 30% and 60% in school to perform fine motor
muscles, and visual perception [1]. tasks [8]. Children with strong fine motor skills show high
Fine motor development is influenced by the times, where academic performance.
the average child spends more time using various media such
as television, gadgets, and computers. This affects the lack of A. Developmental Coordination Disorder
activity in children's fine motor usage. Children's fine Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) or impaired
motorbike must be sharpened well. The use of gadgets developmental coordination in which conditions are
increased by an average of 30 minutes per day, unlike the characterized by delays in motor skills. This condition is a
previous five years [2], [3]. disorder that occurs in motor skills that are not suitable for the
Given the importance of children's fine motor skills, age of the child in general. Children who have this problem
prevention should be done so that this does not happen. Fine are usually considered 'clumsy' or awkward. The thing that
motor development can be hampered due to Developmental happens when a child has this problem is that the child has
Coordination Disorder (DCD) [4]. Developmental motoric difficulties that interfere with learning and the
Coordination Disorder is a neurological development implementation of motor-related activities, including
condition characterized by poor motor skills that interfere with children's fine motor development [9]. Motor difficulties will
individual activities in everyday life, including academic have a broad impact on health and quality of life, for example
children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)
achievement [5].
are less physically active than their peers. Another impact is
The movement of children with DCD is often described as that children with DCD experience more cognitive difficulties
an uncoordinated movement, and children often experience and are at risk of being overweight and obese and this risk
difficulties in activities and sports that usually develop where seems to increase in more severe motor disorders.
children can easily do so. However, the research did not
explain in detail about the solution given. And our study In line with that opinion, children with motor coordination
explains the use of gadgets as a means to reduce problems such as Developmental Coordination Disorder
Developmental Coordination Disorder in children's fine (DCD), often experience challenges in carrying out motor
motor. Based on the background exposure mentioned above, activities where balance is needed [10]. Research conducted
the authors want to express / assess theoretically the use of by Cacola, et al. in [4] describes the following criteria for the
iPad as a means to reduce Developmental Coordination diagnosis of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)
such as (1) motor skills below the expected level and not like
Disorder in fine motor skills in early childhood.

Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). 396
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 296

the average ability of a friend. (2) difficulties in carrying out widespread use of touch screen tablets may not be beneficial
daily activities such as the ability to write / hold toys. (3) for the late development of school children, in addition to
Occurs at the beginning of the development period; (4) motor tablet use has a positive and negative impact on children [13]
difficulties that affect cognitive, visual disturbances, and
neurological conditions that affect the movements that must Exploring suspected motor deficits between individuals
be done. with impaired coordination of development and defining DCD
(etiology, neuropsychology, and brain base), motor learning
Developmental Disorder Disorder (DCD) is a (measurement of learning, methods to increase skill
development of a neurological condition characterized by a acquisition, practice and feedback [16]. In this study aimed at
significant reduction in motor competence in the absence of testing the effectiveness of summer camps in improving motor
neurological or intellectual deficits. DCD affects around 6% function and improving self-efficacy. which is significant in
of school-age children to significantly affect their capacity to child satisfaction performance in summer camps. While no
do basic things, related to motorbikes in their daily activities. measurable changes in self-efficacy are observed but summer
It is now well documented that the impact of DCD transcends camps offer an alternative in improving functional skills of
the motorized domain of cognitive executive dysfunction and children with DCD [17].
develops irregular affective, interpersonal and academic
functions. Physical health of individuals with DCD increases Active video game guide (exergame) leads to learning y
the incidence of obesity, cardiovascular respiratory disease better and repetitive transfer of practice. The results of the
and arterial stiffness [11]. study were two groups of participants (TD and DCD)
increased and game performance. There are no significant
Millennium children are considered 'native digital' differences in positive transfers to balance tasks between
because they tend to learn in different ways because of training schedules. Children with and without DCD learn
exposure to different experiences for interactive learning quite well when playing [18].
environments. Technology can offer children the opportunity
to participate in a pleasant learning environment. iPad III. METHODOLOGY
technology is increasingly integrated into education and The type of research in children Developmental
growing supporting evidence for the use of various Coordination Disorders (DCD) is a case study. This study was
technologies such as iPad and Nintendo. Technology has been conducted in April for 3 weeks. Research subjects who
used to improve different performance components such as experienced fine motor development disorders were children
balance of motor coordination and short-term visual memory. with the initials ZA. ZA is one of the students in the Surakarta
However, there is currently limited research on the use of iPad SLB B / TK group who experienced fine motor impairment.
as a therapeutic tool for children with a lack of visual motor-
sensory and motor skills [12]. Data collection methods in this interview are interviews
and observations. Interviews are conducted to find out the
Based on research found several facts entertainment-based condition of a child who has an obstacle.
entertainment activities are increasing rapidly, and the number
of children who use tablet touch screens are increasing every IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
year. Even some time is used to play tablets. In a recent report,
the general media surveyed 1384 parents of children aged 0-8 TABLE I. INTERVIEWS
years [13]. The researchers found that 52% of children aged No Questions Answers Description
5-8 years accessed smartphones, iPads, tablets and other 1 To what extent does ZA The difficulty of ZA in moving
devices. 22% of parents see this as a 'temporary caregiver' and develop fine motor your hand, like when you want
keep the child calm for a while. Touch screen tablets have characteristics? to draw or learn to write the
become one of the most desirable gifts for children. Digital letter
technology has changed the way children learn, play, and 2, what do you make a ZA's finger movement skills are
interact socially [14]. reference to detect not like his friends. There is a
interference experienced by delay in participating in playing
Without any intervention, children with DCD will not ZA? activities like friends.
experience any improvement so in this case. To improve 3 Is ZA able to follow the ZA sometimes enthusiastically
learning well? follows learning activities, but
performance, children with DCD need to develop appropriate several times the concentration
problem solving skills, such as the ability to identify and is often disrupted so that it lacks
correct errors. The need to develop problem solving skills in focus. On the one hand, the
children with DCD to enable them to improve their motor responsible teacher must help
skills. Otherwise, impaired cognitive-motor function can limit keep the child's attention to the
activities being carried out.
their ability to benefit from interactions with the environment
4 Does this DCD affect other Yes, of course. Influence on
and compromise their psychosocial development. Thus, the aspects of development? cognitive, where ZA becomes
use of iPad is used to reduce the risk of Developmental more frequent and distracts and
Coordination Disorders (DCD). has difficulty concentrating
5 What do teachers do to help Additional teachers are ready to
Results for the effects of fine motor skills training on ZA in the learning process? accompany ZA specifically. So
arithmetic abilities, where arithmetic scores from the fine the focus of class teachers is not
motor training group showed improvement after the 3-week divided in the conditioning of
intervention period, whereas in the control group no [15]. other children
Furthermore, it appears that fine motor skills have a
significant influence on arithmetic abilities. Use of technology Based on the Table I above, interviews that have been
in reducing fine motor problems. In conclusion, in the conducted, it can be analyzed as follows: with this DCD

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 296

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