MQ Quaid Et Al 2023

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Progress in Oceanography 214 (2023) 103016

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Broad-scale benthic habitat classification of the South Atlantic

Kirsty A. McQuaid a, b, *, Amelia E.H. Bridges a, Kerry L. Howell a, Tiago B.R. Gandra c,
Vitor de Souza d, Jock C. Currie b, Oliver T. Hogg e, Tabitha R.R. Pearman f, James B. Bell e,
Lara J. Atkinson g, h, Diane Baum i, Jarbas Bonetti d, Alvar Carranza j, k, Omar Defeo l,
Thomas Furey m, Maria A. Gasalla n, Neil Golding o, Shannon L. Hampton p, Sebastián Horta q,
Daniel O.B. Jones r, Amanda T. Lombard s, Eleonora Manca t, Yamandú Marin u,
Stephanie Martin v, Pål Mortensen w, Cecilia Passadore x, Nils Piechaud a, Kerry J. Sink b, s,
Andrew Yool r
School of Biological and Marine Sciences, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK
Marine Programme, South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, South Africa
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande, Brazil
Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil
Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Lowestoft, UK
South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute, Falkland Islands, UK
Egagasini Node, South African Environmental Observation Network, Cape Town, South Africa
Biological Sciences Department, University of Cape Town, Cape Town
Ascension Island Government, Ascension Island, UK
Centro Universitario Regional del Este, Universidad de la República, Maldonado-Rocha, Uruguay
Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Montevideo, Uruguay
Departamento de Ecología y Evolución, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay
INFOMAR, Marine Institute, Galway, Ireland
Oceanographic Institute, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Aquarius Survey & Mapping, Peterborough, UK
International Ocean Institute - Southern Africa, Cape Town, South Africa
Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas, Ministerio de Ambiente, Uruguay
National Oceanography Centre, European Way, Southampton, UK
Institute for Coastal and Marine Research, Nelson Mandela University, Gqebera, South Africa
Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough, UK
Ciencia y Tecnologia Marina, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay
Government of Tristan da Cunha, UK
Institute of Marine Research, Norway
Vida Silvestre Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay


Keywords: Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) has become a priority for many states wanting to develop national blue economy
Seafloor mapping plans and meet international obligations in response to the increasing cumulative impacts of human activities
Habitat mapping and climate change. In areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ), MSP is proposed as part of a package of so­
Habitat lutions for multi-sectoral management at the ocean basin scale. To facilitate planning, maps showing the spatial
Classification systems

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (K.A. McQuaid), [email protected] (A.E.H. Bridges), [email protected]
(K.L. Howell), [email protected] (T.B.R. Gandra), [email protected] (V. de Souza), [email protected] (J.C. Currie), oliver.hogg@ (O.T. Hogg), [email protected] (T.R.R. Pearman), [email protected] (J.B. Bell), [email protected] (L.J. Atkinson), diane.baum@ (D. Baum), [email protected] (J. Bonetti), [email protected] (A. Carranza), [email protected] (O. Defeo), thomas.furey@marine.
ie (T. Furey), [email protected] (M.A. Gasalla), [email protected] (N. Golding), [email protected] (S.L. Hampton), [email protected]
(S. Horta), [email protected] (D.O.B. Jones), [email protected] (A.T. Lombard), [email protected] (E. Manca), [email protected]
(Y. Marin), [email protected] (P. Mortensen), [email protected] (C. Passadore), [email protected] (N. Piechaud), [email protected]
(K.J. Sink), [email protected] (A. Yool).
Received 17 June 2022; Received in revised form 20 December 2022; Accepted 12 March 2023
Available online 17 March 2023
0079-6611/© 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
K.A. McQuaid et al. Progress in Oceanography 214 (2023) 103016

Spatial distribution distribution of marine biological diversity are required. In areas lacking data, like the South Atlantic, environ­
Bioregionalisation mental proxies can be used to predict these distributions. We undertook broad-scale benthic habitat classification
Atlantic Ocean, South Atlantic Ocean of the South Atlantic, employing two top-down approaches spanning from national waters to ABNJ. The first was
non-hierarchical and clustered groups of environmental variables prior to combination; the second was hierar­
chical and clustered Principal Components of environmental variables. Areas of agreement between the two
approaches were identified and results compared with existing national and global classifications and published
biodiversity patterns. We highlight several habitat classes we can be cautiously confident represent variation in
biological diversity, such as topographic features, frontal systems and some abyssal basins. We also identify
critical gaps in our knowledge of regional biogeography and advocate for collaborative effort to compile benthic
species records and promote further exploration of the region to address these gaps. These insights into the
distribution of habitats have the potential to support sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity beyond
national jurisdiction, enable transboundary and ocean basin scale management, and empower nations to make
progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals.

1. Introduction spatial or area-based management policies. For example, Regional

Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs), responsible for fisheries
The marine environment is under increasing pressure from human management, designate bottom trawl closures for the protection of
activities (Halpern et al., 2019) and the effects of climate change (Levin vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) (e.g., CM 06/06, 2006; CM 30/
& Le Bris, 2015). In oceanic bottom waters particularly, where climate 15, 2015), and the International Seabed Authority (ISA), responsible for
velocities are faster than at the surface (Brito-Morales et al., 2020), ac­ overseeing seabed mining, develops Regional Environmental Manage­
tivities such as demersal fishing and oil and gas extraction are expanding ment Plans (e.g., ISA, 2011). There is thus no coordinated MSP for all
(Ramirez-Llodra et al., 2011), and the commencement of seabed mining sectors in ABNJ, and this is problematic for a number of reasons, not
appears increasingly imminent (ISA, 2021). In the South Atlantic, cu­ least because biodiversity in ABNJ tends to be poorly mapped and un­
mulative impacts are increasing at some of the highest rates globally derstood (Glover et al., 2018), but also vulnerable to disturbance and the
(Halpern et al., 2019). Over the last two decades, Marine Spatial Plan­ cumulative impacts of human activities and global climate change
ning (MSP) has gained traction as a solution for managing multiple uses (Ramirez-Llodra et al., 2011).
of the ocean and thus supporting integrated, multi-sector management Ongoing work on a new global agreement on the conservation and
(Ehler & Douvere, 2009). The international agenda for MSP has seen sustainable use of marine biological diversity of ABNJ (called the
increased attention related to the concepts of blue growth and devel­ Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) agreement) provides
opment of sustainable blue economies (Schultz-Zehden et al., 2019). an opportunity and foundation for the development of MSP in ABNJ
This has been brought to prominence through the launch of the United (Wright et al., 2021). It is hoped that the new agreement could allow for
Nations (UN) 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, of which Sus­ MSP at various scales, including whole ocean basins (Wright et al.,
tainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 “Life Below Water” calls for 2021). Many deep-sea organisms show widespread distributions and are
ecosystem-based management and area-based conservation strategies transboundary, both between Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) and
(UNGA, 2015). This is supported by the UN Decade of Ocean Science for between EEZs and ABNJ (McClain & Hardy, 2010). Although there are
Sustainable Development, which establishes a framework to support large gaps in our understanding of how populations are connected
nations in generating improved ocean science to achieve the SDGs (UN, (Hilário et al., 2015; Baco et al., 2016) and how species distributions are
2021). MSP has thus become a priority for many nations due to inter­ predicted to shift under climate change (Pecl et al., 2017; Sweetman
national obligations (Simcock et al., 2021). While varying levels of po­ et al., 2017; Gianelli et al., 2023), for many species, MSP at the ocean
litical will, technical capacity and date of commencement have affected basin scale would represent a key transition in management approach to
progress in MSP, numerous national policies and development plans (e. an ecologically relevant scale (Bell et al., 2021; Combes et al., 2021).
g., Angola, Brazil) have identified this process as a key tool for managing MSP is underpinned by information on the spatial distribution of
increasing human activities and achieving economic as well as conser­ human activities and marine species, features, or habitats. Accordingly,
vation objectives (Finke et al., 2020; Gerhardinger et al., 2019). Some nations undertaking MSP require ecological maps at varying spatial and
nations have already adopted specific MSP legislation (e.g., South Af­ temporal scales. Here and throughout we use the term habitat to refer to
rica), while others are in the development phase (e.g., Namibia and the a set of environmental conditions that support a distinct benthic faunal
Falkland Islands1), or the need to implement it is recognised (e.g., community, and habitat maps thus convey information on the (generally
Uruguay) (Brickle et al., 2019; RSA, 2019a; Finke et al., 2020; predicted) distribution of different species or faunal assemblages. These
MVOTMA, 2019; Marín et al., 2021). maps can be derived from bottom-up predictions of species distribu­
In national waters, MSP brings together all sectors operating in a tions, based on the modelled relationship between biological and envi­
targeted area, and thus also the relevant management authorities and ronmental data (i.e., species distribution modelling, e.g., Howell et al.,
governing institutions (Ehler & Douvere, 2009). In areas beyond na­ 2016; Howell et al., 2022; Ross & Howell 2013), or, where there is
tional jurisdiction (ABNJ), where no single nation or organisation has insufficient biological data, top-down classification of environmental
sole responsibility for governance and management, the situation is surrogates to represent biological diversity (e.g., Roff & Taylor, 2000;
more complex and there is not yet a legal framework to support this Harris & Whiteway, 2009; Howell, 2010; Clark et al., 2011; Evans et al.,
(Altvater et al., 2019; Blythe et al., 2021). Currently, the various sectors 2015; McQuaid et al., 2020). Other investigations, notably in Europe,
in ABNJ operate under sector-specific frameworks and employ their own apply top-down classification schemes of environmental variables and
use available biological data to fine-tune significant thresholds for likely
changes in habitats for each abiotic layer (Vasquez et al., 2015; Vasquez
et al, 2021).
A dispute exists between the Governments of Argentina and the United In the South Atlantic, a number of nations have undertaken benthic
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning sovereignty over the
and pelagic habitat mapping and/or classification to varying degrees
Falkland Islands. Statements are made without prejudice to the authors’ gov­
using different approaches. Only a few have carried out continuous
ernments’ views on sovereignty in the region. Contents of this manuscript are of
habitat mapping of the entire EEZ. These include South Africa (Sink
scientific nature and do not imply any opinion or position with respect to
sovereignty issues. et al., 2019), Namibia and Angola (Holness et al., 2014), and Brazil

K.A. McQuaid et al. Progress in Oceanography 214 (2023) 103016

(Magris et al., 2020). Some have classified and mapped specific areas of respectively.
the maritime zone, including parts of Namibia and Angola (Harris et al., The South Atlantic consists of five principal basins, the Argentine,
2013), Uruguay (Defeo et al., 2009; Hernández-Molina et al., 2016), Brazil, Guinea, Angola, and Cape Basins. Major topographic features of
Brazil (Gandra, 2020; Gandra et al., 2020), Saint Helena (Pike et al., the region include the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) and associated trans­
2018), the Falkland Islands (Golding & Black, 2020; Pearman, 2021) verse ridges, the Rio Grande Rise, and the Walvis Ridge, and the large
and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (Hogg et al., 2016a; Patagonian shelf (Fig. 1). There are also three major fracture zones, the
Hogg et al., 2018; Hogg et al., 2021). In some areas, fine-scale mapping Agulhas-Falkland Fracture Zone (AFFZ), the Rio Grande Fracture Zone
and species distribution modelling have been undertaken of benthic (RGFZ) and the Romanche Fracture Zone (RFZ). Several inhabited and
habitats and assemblages (Nolan et al., 2017; Bridges et al., 2021), cold- uninhabited oceanic islands are found across the region, including Saint
water corals (Carranza et al., 2012; Taylor et al., 2013; Buhl-Mortensen Helena, Ascension Island, Tristan da Cunha, the Falkland Islands, and
et al., 2017; Carranza et al., 2021), VME taxa (MVOTMA, 2016; Brewin South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. The oceanography of the
et al., 2020; Bridges et al., 2021; Downie et al., 2021) and targeted South Atlantic is dominated by the presence of an oligotrophic sub­
endangered species (Magris et al., 2020). In others, ecologically tropical gyre running anticlockwise in surface and intermediate waters
important areas like seabird foraging and breeding grounds (St Helena (McDonagh & King, 2005), with more productive subtropical and sub­
Government, 2016; Carneiro et al., 2020; Requena et al., 2020), kelp antarctic front systems to the south (Peterson & Stramma, 1991). In
forests (Pike & Medcalf, 2019; Bayley et al., 2021), and important addition, there are sites of upwelling and associated increased primary
nursery and spawning areas (Defeo et al., 2009) have been mapped, as productivity off the coast of southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia and
well as specific features like hydrothermal vents, seamounts (SGSSI Angola) (Lutjeharms & Meeuwis, 1987) and South America (Brazil,
Government, 2013) and submarine canyons (Hernández-Molina et al., Uruguay and Argentina) (Gonzalez-Silvera et al., 2004).
2016). A number of global habitat classifications have also been pro­
duced and are relevant to the South Atlantic (e.g., UNESCO, 2009; Harris 2.2. Benthic environmental data
& Whiteway, 2009; Harris et al., 2014; Watling et al., 2013; Sayre et al.,
2017; Clark et al., 2011; Spalding et al., 2007; Keith et al., 2020; Costello In this study we have adopted the definition of “habitat” originally
et al., 2017, see Table S1), as is a recent Atlantic-scale landscape map­ proposed in the scope of the project MESH (“Development of a frame­
ping of the near seafloor (Schumacher et al., 2022). work for Mapping European Seabed Habitats”2),) to refer to “both the
These mapping efforts have used a range of methods and input physical and environmental conditions that support a particular bio­
variables. Of relevance to habitat classifications in the South Atlantic, logical community together with the community itself” (MESH, 2008).
most have adopted hierarchical approaches, supported by statistical and The environmental data used in this study are thus those variables
spatial analyses (Table S1). These classifications have focused mostly on thought to be important drivers of faunal distribution. Importantly,
the benthic environment and have used a range of environmental vari­ these are broad-scale habitats and communities rather than biotopes.
ables, the most common being depth, topography, oceanography, pro­ Justification for the inclusion of each variable is provided below. Input
ductivity and substrate or sediments. In several cases, these mapping data come from freely available global datasets (Table 1). Prior to their
efforts have been used to support spatial management within EEZs, for combination in analyses, all environmental variables were resampled to
example the identification of Elements of Ecological Relevance and 5 arcmin resolution using a bilinear interpolation method (NCAR, 2014)
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Uruguay (Brazeiro & Defeo 2006; in ArcGIS v10.7 and reprojected to WGS84 if they had been in a different
Defeo et al., 2009), Ecologically or Biologically Significant Areas projection.
(EBSAs) in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (Harris et al.,
2022), Brazil (Brazil, 2007) and Ghana (Peace Gbeckor-Kove, pers. 2.2.1. Topography
comm.), and MPAs in South Africa (RSA, 2019b). Although species show preference for certain depth ranges, this
To facilitate MSP and an integrated approach to management that varies with geographic location and reflects correlations between depth
supports the achievement of national and international obligations at and the variables actually driving species distributions, such as tem­
various spatial scales, continuous ocean basin scale habitat maps are perature and food supply (Evans et al., 2015; Bridges et al., 2022). Some
required (Ehler & Douvere, 2009). Such mapping efforts have not been variables have a relatively constant relationship with depth across lati­
undertaken with a focus on the South Atlantic. This study brought tudes (such as pressure and, to a lesser extent, light), while others do not.
together habitat mappers, biodiversity experts and ocean managers of Given the scale of the study area, spanning a wide geographic area, we
several South Atlantic bordering nations with the aim of producing a therefore excluded depth from our analyses, and instead used those
broad-scale benthic habitat classification for this area. Owing to the variables thought to actually drive patterns in species distributions.
large geographic area and scarcity of biological data across the region Topographic variation influences species distributions through fac­
(OBIS, 2021; Bridges et al., 2023), broad-scale, top-down approaches tors such as current speed, sedimentation and food flux to depth
were used to classify environmental surrogates and identify distinct (Hecker, 1990; Rice et al., 1990; Durden et al., 2015; Stefanoudis et al.,
physical habitats, which we assume support distinct biological com­ 2016; Simon-Lledó et al., 2019; Perez et al., 2020b). Slope acts as a
munities (Roff et al., 2003; Verfaillie et al., 2009; Galparsoro et al., surrogate for local hydrodynamics (Guinan et al., 2009), with steep
2014). Two statistical approaches were explored and their results con­ slopes enhancing current velocity (Genin et al., 1986) and affecting
trasted with existing ecosystem maps and knowledge of biodiversity in parameters such as local sediment composition and productivity. Highly
the region. simplified, topography can act as a surrogate for substrate type, with
plains and shallow slopes generally representing soft sediment habitats,
2. Methods while seamounts and complex features are more likely to provide areas
of hard substrate.
2.1. Study region Bathymetry data were obtained from the General Bathymetric Chart
of the Oceans (GEBCO, 2020) gridded bathymetry data at approximately
This study focuses on the South Atlantic, which here is defined as 450 m resolution. GEBCO data were resampled to 10 km resolution in an
approximately 7◦ 0′ N to 60◦ 0′ S and 36◦ 33′ E to 67◦ 15′ W (Fig. 1). This equal area projection, Mollweide, and bathymetric derivatives were
boundary comes from the International Hydrographic Organization’s then generated in ArcMap 10.7 using the Benthic Terrain Modeler
definition of the South Atlantic (Flanders Marine Institute, 2020), but is
extended north, south, and east to include the entire EEZs of Brazil,
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, and South Africa, 2

K.A. McQuaid et al. Progress in Oceanography 214 (2023) 103016

Fig. 1. The South Atlantic study area showing basins and topographic features of the region. The limits for the study area are the International Hydrographic
Organization’s South Atlantic boundaries (Flanders Marine Institute, 2020), extended north, south, and east to include the entire EEZs of Brazil, South Georgia and
the South Sandwich Islands, and South Africa, respectively. AFFZ = Agulhas Falkland Fracture Zone, AnB = Angola Basin, ArB = Argentine Basin, BB = Brazil Basin,
CB = Cape Basin, GB = Guinea Basin, GS = Guinea seamount chain, MAR = Mid-Atlantic Ridge, PS = Patagonian Shelf, PP = Pernambuco Plain, RFZ = Romanche
Fracture Zone, RGFZ = Rio Grande Fracture Zone, RGR = Rio Grande Rise, VT = Vitória-Trindade seamounts, WR = Walvis Ridge. Bathymetry layer from the General
Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) 2020 gridded bathymetry data (

extension (Wright et al., 2005). Slope was determined as the largest Menzies, 1969). Current velocity also drives near-seabed dispersal of
change in elevation between a cell and its three nearest neighbours. organic matter, influencing patterns of abundance and community
Bathymetric Position Index was derived at both broad and fine scales structure of benthic assemblages, particularly suspension feeders (Gage
(called BBPI and FBPI, respectively). BBPI was derived with an inner and Tyler, 1996; Durden et al., 2015).
radius of 1 and an outer radius of 10, giving a scale factor of ~100 km Thus, benthic temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, sili­
and thus identifying large geomorphological features, such as abyssal cate, phosphate and current velocity were included in the study.
plains. FBPI was derived with an inner radius of 1 and an outer radius of Oceanographic data at the seafloor were obtained from Bio-ORACLE v2,
2, with a scale factor of ~20 km. This finer scale layer identified features a set of global-scale surface and benthic geophysical, biotic and envi­
in the scale of tens of kilometres, such as seamounts, abyssal hills and ronmental data (Assis et al., 2017; Tyberghein et al., 2012) and
canyons. manipulated as described in Table 1.

2.2.2. Oceanography 2.2.3. Productivity

Temperature controls the fundamental metabolic processes of or­ Productivity is one of the key determinants of community structure,
ganisms, and changes in temperature therefore alter species abundance function and diversity in both shallow (Künitzer et al., 1992) and deep
and diversity (e.g., Rowe and Menzies, 1969). Together with salinity, (Levin et al., 2001; Smith et al., 2008) ecosystems. In the South Atlantic,
temperature data also provide insight into the distribution of different chlorophyll-a concentration has been shown to drive benthic megafauna
water masses (Bryan and Lewis, 1979; Emery and Meincke, 1986), abundance and biomass (Kröncke & Türkay, 2003; Kröncke et al., 2013).
which affect species connectivity through transport and mixing and thus Data on particulate organic carbon (POC) flux to the seafloor were ob­
influence species distributions (Tyler & Zibrowius, 1992; Howell et al., tained from the MEDUSA-2.0 model, an intermediate-complexity
2002; Miller et al., 2011). biogeochemical model of the marine carbon cycle (Yool et al., 2013).
Oxygen is a key driver of benthic diversity, particularly where oxy­ The MEDUSA-2.0 model estimates seafloor organic carbon flux using
gen levels are low (Levin and Gage, 1998; Levin et al., 2001), with variable C:N ratios for slow- and fast-sinking detrital matter. A subset of
communities showing reduced species richness and density in oxygen the model was prepared for this study, as described in Table 1 (Yool,
minimum zones (Wishner et al., 1990; Levin and Gage, 1998). In deep 2022).
waters, the concentrations of major nutrients differ with water masses
(Levitus et al., 1993) and although biogeochemistry is more important in 2.2.4. Biogeography
surface waters and pelagic environments where it affects productivity, A biogeography layer was produced to allow for differentiation be­
differing nutrient concentrations can drive responses in benthic com­ tween habitat classes that were environmentally similar, but
munities, through seafloor food webs and benthic-pelagic coupling geographically distant, and therefore unlikely to support the same or
(Henley et al., 2020). Finally, benthic currents affect sediment particle similar biological communities (for example habitat classes identified in
size distribution, which influences species distributions (e.g., Rowe and the Arctic and the Antarctic). Biogeography provides information on

K.A. McQuaid et al.
Table 1
Summary table of benthic environmental input data. “Classification Approach” indicates the approach each variable was used in.
Variable Description Units Original Manipulation Source Classification
cell size Approach

Bathymetric position index Measure of where a referenced location is NA 450 × 450 m Created in ArcGIS from GEBCO bathymetric model using Benthic Terrain Modeler GEBCO Hierarchical &
– broad scale (BBPI) relative to the locations surrounding it extension. Inner radius 1, outer radius 10, scale factor is ~100 km (2020) non-hierarchical
Bathymetric position index Measure of where a referenced location is NA 450 × 450 m Created in ArcGIS from GEBCO bathymetric model using Benthic Terrain Modeler GEBCO Hierarchical &
– fine scale (FBPI) relative to the locations surrounding it extension. Inner radius 1, outer radius 2, scale factor is ~20 km (2020) non-hierarchical
Slope Gradient, or rate of maximum change in z- ◦
450 × 450 m Created in ArcGIS from GEBCO bathymetric model using Benthic Terrain Modeler extension GEBCO Hierarchical &
value (2020) non-hierarchical
Salinity Mean benthic salinity at mean depth for PSS 5×5 NA Bio-ORACLE Hierarchical &
the period 2000–2014 arcmin v2 non-hierarchical
Temperature Mean benthic temperature at mean depth ◦
C 5×5 NA Bio-ORACLE Hierarchical &
for the period 2000–2014 arcmin v2 non-hierarchical
Productivity Mean particulate organic carbon flux to mmol. C 5×5 Output from the MEDUSA model (Yool et al., 2013) regridded from ORCA0083 to NEMO 5 Yool (2022) Hierarchical &
seafloor for the period 2006–2015 m− 2 d-1 arcmin arcmin non-hierarchical
Dissolved oxygen Mean benthic dissolved oxygen mmol.m− 5×5 NA Bio-ORACLE Hierarchical
concentration at mean depth for the period arcmin v2
Nitrate Mean benthic nitrate concentration at mmol.m− 5×5 NA Bio-ORACLE Hierarchical

mean depth for the period 2000–2014 arcmin v2

− 3
Phosphate Mean benthic phosphate concentration at mmol.m 5×5 NA Bio-ORACLE Hierarchical
mean depth for the period 2000–2014 arcmin v2
Silicate Mean benthic silicate concentration at mmol.m− 5×5 NA Bio-ORACLE Hierarchical
mean depth for the period 2000–2014 arcmin v2
Current velocity Mean benthic current velocity at mean m.s− 5×5 NA Bio-ORACLE Hierarchical
depth for the period 2000–2014 arcmin v2
Biogeography Biogeographic provinces NA NA Developed using the outputs of water mass structure analysis (see non-hierarchical Multiple Non-hierarchical
approach) and published biogeographic classifications where possible (e.g. Vinogradova, (see text)
1997; Watling et al., 2013; Zezina, 1997)

Bio-ORACLE v2:
Yool (2022):
Biogeography layer:

Progress in Oceanography 214 (2023) 103016

K.A. McQuaid et al. Progress in Oceanography 214 (2023) 103016

how and when species may have evolved, and therefore sheds light on ‘fpc’ package (Hennig, 2015) in R (R Core Team, 2019). CLARA clusters
species distributions from an evolutionary standpoint (Vinogradova, data points around the medoids (similar in concept to centroids, but
1997). taken as the median from within the dataset rather than its geometric
Although there are a number of existing benthic biogeographic ‘centre’) and is appropriate for use with large datasets. Prior to clus­
classifications (e.g., Spalding et al., 2007; Watling et al., 2013), few span tering, all variables were rescaled to have equal variance and a common
both national waters and ABNJ. Therefore, a new biogeography that scale of 0–1. Clustering was carried out on:
covers the entire study region was created. This new biogeography was
developed using the outputs of a water mass structure analysis (1) FBPI, BBPI and slope to produce a topography layer;
(described below) in the knowledge that water mass structure is a driver (2) Salinity and temperature at the seafloor to produce a benthic
of biological community structure (Howell et al., 2002; Miller et al., water mass structure layer;
2011; Tyler & Zibrowius, 1992) and is therefore a key determinant of (3) POC flux to the seafloor to produce a benthic productivity layer.
biogeography (e.g., Watling et al., 2013). Discrimination between
different basins was achieved by following large offshore water mass Clustering was carried out on each variable or class of variables (e.g.,
structure boundaries (classes 1–7, see Fig. 2) within each basin and topography) separately to support equal weighting of each variable class
followed published biogeographic classifications where possible (Cost­ in the classification through the inclusion of a single layer representing
ello et al., 2017; Sink et al., 2019; Vinogradova, 1997; Watling et al., each class. This was deemed appropriate as there is currently insufficient
2013; Zezina, 1997). The boundaries of these offshore water masses evidence to support weighting the importance of variables in driving
were extended to intercept with land to produce a full coverage bioge­ species distributions in the South Atlantic. CLARA requires a user-
ography layer. The split between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans was defined number of clusters for the output. Clustering was therefore
informed by South Africa’s 2018 national ecosystem type classification run iteratively for each analysis, testing 2 to 40 clusters to identify the
(Sink et al., 2019) at the ecoregion level, where the division between the most parsimonious number of clusters. Clustering performance was
“Benguela’’ and “Agulhas’’ ecoregions was extended southwards to evaluated using average silhouette width (ASW) (Kaufman & Rous­
intercept with an Antarctic water mass. Importantly, the aim was to seeuw, 1990) and the Calinski-Harabasz index (CH) (Calinski and Har­
create a simple biogeographic model to separate unconnected water abasz, 1974) (both built into the CLARA function), with the best-
masses, and not to produce a new biogeography for use beyond this performing cluster solution identified as the iteration that scored high­
study. est across both indices. The decision on the number of clusters was
further refined through expert judgement based on literature. This
2.3. Classification approaches approach of using expert judgement is seen in other classifications (e.g.,
Sherman, 1986; Spalding et al., 2007; UNESCO, 2009; Watling et al.,
This study used two different methods to classify benthic environ­ 2013; Harris et al., 2014; Sutton et al., 2017) and ensured that the final
mental variables and produce two separate habitat classifications. The variable layers depicted features known to be important in the distri­
first approach, termed the ‘non-hierarchical approach’, combined pre- bution of deep-sea habitats. Where literature was used to support
clustered environmental variables to produce a non-hierarchical classi­ decision-making this is indicated, and meant that in some cases, the
fication. The second approach, termed the ‘hierarchical approach’, number of clusters chosen was not the highest scoring. Boxplots were
clustered principal components derived through Principal Component produced of the original input variables against the clustering solutions
Analysis (PCA) of input environmental variables to produce a nested, to characterise each cluster.
hierarchical classification. Both approaches used slightly different var­ The ‘Combine’ tool in ArcGIS v10.7 was used to combine the outputs
iables, as outlined in Table 1 and explained in the respective sections of the clustering steps with the biogeography layer to produce the final
below. The classifications were carried out at a global scale, to avoid habitat classification. This tool combines multiple rasters into a new
issues that arise with retrospectively changing model extent, and then raster with each output cell assigned a class that represents a unique
cropped to the study area extent (Fig. 1). Reproducible code for these combination of input values. The final classification was therefore a
analyses is available at: raster layer, with each cell assigned a habitat class representing a
Atlantic-Benthic-Habitat-Classification. different set of environmental conditions and reflecting habitat hetero­
geneity across the region.
2.3.1. Non-hierarchical approach
This method uses a two-step approach to classify environmental 2.3.2. Hierarchical approach
variables, based on McQuaid et al. (2020). The hierarchical approach identified and then clustered principal
Input variables were selected based on Howell (2010) who proposed components (PCs) of input environmental data. A number of benthic
a four-tier hierarchical classification system for the deep sea structured classifications in the region have included data on nutrient concentra­
by biogeography, depth, substratum and biology. Although other factors tions and current velocity (e.g., UNESCO, 2009; Hogg et al., 2016a;
may drive species distributions in the deep sea (e.g. see description of Karenyi et al., 2016; Sayre et al., 2017; Gandra, 2020; Table S1), and
environmental data above), those identified by Howell (2010) are pro­ unlike the non-hierarchical approach, inclusion of additional variables
posed to be the most important. Owing to the nature of the non- as potential drivers of distribution does not influence the number of
hierarchical classification methods used, inclusion of additional vari­ output habitat classes in the hierarchical approach. Thus, the following
ables or groups of variables greatly increases the number of output benthic environmental input data were selected: salinity, temperature,
habitat classes. A very high number of classes can impede the effec­ slope, FBPI, BBPI, silicate, nitrate, phosphate, dissolved oxygen, current
tiveness or usefulness of a classification (Hancock, 2013) and thus we velocity and particulate organic carbon flux to seafloor.
chose to include only those variables thought to be the most important. PCA was used to compute new, linearly independent variables (PCs)
Based on this, the approach used data on biogeography, water mass that captured most of the variation in the original data (Legendre &
structure (a more globally relevant variable than depth, based on tem­ Legendre, 1998). This step acted to reduce the number of variables in the
perature and salinity), topography (acting as a surrogate for sediment analysis without the need to manually assess the input of each variable.
composition/substrate, based on FBPI, BBPI and slope) and productivity Prior to PCA, all environmental variables were standardised to have zero
(a strong driver of biology). means and equal variance, and only those PCs with eigenvalues>1.0
Environmental variables (or classes of variables) were clustered were retained in the analyses, in-line with the Kaiser-Guttman criterion
using a k-medoids, non-hierarchical clustering algorithm called Clus­ (Legendre & Legendre, 1998).
tering Large Applications (CLARA; Kaufman & Rousseeuw, 1990) in the The new PCs were then clustered using the same k-medoids

K.A. McQuaid et al. Progress in Oceanography 214 (2023) 103016

algorithm as above, CLARA (Kaufman & Rousseeuw, 1990), to produce Table 2

the final habitat classification. It is important to note here that the use of Average silhouette width (ASW) and Calinski-Harabasz (CH) index scores for
the term “hierarchical” to describe this approach refers to the nested clustering on 2–40 iterations, showing the first 12. Bold indicates clustering
nature of the classification whereby upper levels of the classification solution selected. WMS = water mass structure, POC = particulate organic
were further subdivided, and not to the clustering algorithm, which was carbon. * = CH values x107.
non-hierarchical. The determination of the number of clusters in the No. clusters Topography WMS POC flux
output and further refinement followed the same methods as the non- ASW CH x106 ASW CH x106 ASW CH x106
hierarchical approach.
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
The PCA and clustering process was repeated for each output cluster 2 0.57 4.17 0.92 1.53* 0.93 1.18*
in isolation, to give a second level of clustering nested within the first. 3 0.52 4.02 0.57 8.75 0.89 1.14*
This was carried out on the original input data, to capture environmental 4 0.27 2.68 0.56 1.07* 0.62 7.77
variation within each cluster in question. This process was then repeated 5 0.29 3.37 0.54 8.92 0.71 1.07*
6 0.31 2.66 0.49 1.01* 0.60 9.44
to give a third level of clustering, thus identifying habitat classes at 7 0.36 2.40 0.50 1.04* 0.54 8.35
increasing detail across the region. The outputs of each level of clus­ 8 0.29 2.77 0.48 9.43 0.55 7.60
tering were raster layers, with each cell assigned a habitat class repre­ 9 0.39 2.68 0.41 8.55 0.58 7.56
senting a different set of environmental conditions. Nested clustering 10 0.35 2.39 0.43 8.44 0.50 7.77
11 0.38 2.42 0.54 9.00 0.52 7.22
was only carried out on those habitat classes occurring within the South
12 0.34 2.43 0.61 7.50 0.54 6.59
Atlantic, and not at a global scale (see previous section on Biogeog­
raphy). For the first level of the classification (level 1), boxplots were
produced of the original input variables against the clustering solutions hierarchical approach. This involved calculating cluster membership
to characterise each cluster and decision-trees were constructed to un­ values and a confusion index for each clustering, as per Hogg et al.
derstand which environmental variables were driving the splits in (2016a). Cluster membership calculates the relative inverse distance
classes. squared between each data point and the centroids of all of the clusters.
All analyses were run in R 4.1.1 using the rasterPCA function of the High membership values indicate that a data point is well characterised
RStoolbox package (Leutner et al., 2019) to carry out PCA analysis, the by membership to one cluster. The confusion index is then calculated
CLARA function of the fpc package (Hennig, 2015) for clustering, and using the two highest membership values for each data point, to quantify
the rpart function of the rpart package (Therneau et al., 2019) to produce the uncertainty associated with the clustering of each point. Confusion
decision trees. index values range from 0 to 1, with values approaching 1 indicating
greater uncertainty in the clustering solution between two or more
2.4. Confidence maps
Analyses were run in R 4.1.1 using a custom script (see Supple­
mentary Material).
Confidence layers showing cluster stability were produced to
accompany (1) initial clustering of input variables for the non-
hierarchical approach, and (2) output classification maps for the

Fig. 2. Outputs of initial clustering for the non-hierarchical approach on variable classes to represent (a) topography, (b) water mass structure (WMS), and (c)
seafloor productivity, as well as (d) outputs of the biogeography layer for the South Atlantic. Clusters 1–7 for WMS are indicative of offshore water masses, while
clusters 8–12 are considered inshore water masses.

K.A. McQuaid et al. Progress in Oceanography 214 (2023) 103016

Fig. 3. Environmental characteristics of initial output clusters of the non-hierarchical approach. Boxplots show the median, first and third quartiles as well as the
maximum and minimum observed values. The × axis gives cluster numbers.

3. Results scores and ability to better capture broad patterns in topography across
the region; reflecting substrate hardness, a driver of diversity in the
3.1. Non-hierarchical approach South Atlantic (Bridges et al., 2021). When assessed against GEBCO
bathymetry, these clusters were described as ‘hills and ridges’, ‘plains
3.1.1. Initial clustering and biogeography and shallow slopes’ and ‘seamounts and complex features’ (Fig. 2a). The
For all initial clustering, ASW and CH scores were highest for two latter included features like seamount complexes, guyots and trenches.
clusters. However, this did not capture the complexity of biologically For water mass structure, the second highest ASW scoring iteration of 12
relevant variation in each variable at the ocean basin scale and so de­ clusters was selected. Although this was not matched with high CH
cisions on the number of clusters were supported by expert opinion and scores, the resultant clusters showed similarities to some biogeographies
literature. For topography, the second highest score for both ASW and and water mass distributions in the literature (Menzies et al., 1973;
CH was three clusters. This iteration was selected based on its high Vinogradova, 1997). This clustering also recognised different water

Fig. 4. Final habitat classification for the South Atlantic produced through the non-hierarchical approach of combining layers of clustered environmental variables.
The habitat map shows 204 habitat classes within the study area, denoted by different colours.

K.A. McQuaid et al. Progress in Oceanography 214 (2023) 103016

masses above and below the 1000 m contour, a boundary supported by Table 4
biological data (Pequegnat, 1983). The water mass structure clusters Average silhouette width (ASW) and Calinski-Harabasz (CH) index scores for
showed clear tendencies as being either ‘inshore’ or ‘offshore’ (Table 2, clustering on 2–40 iterations at level 1, showing the first 12. Bold indicates
Figs. 2-3), and thus discriminated between coastal water bodies result­ clustering solution selected.
ing from tidal and wind-driven currents, and larger oceanic water bodies No. clusters ASW CH (x106)
driven by thermohaline circulation. Finally, for POC flux to the seafloor, 2 0.63 1.52
the second highest scoring iteration for both ASW and CH was three 3 0.38 1.41
clusters. However, these groups only differentiated between POC flux to 4 0.48 1.79
the seafloor between inshore/coastal waters and offshore/deep waters. 5 0.40 1.62
6 0.41 1.79
Five clusters had the next highest score for ASW and CH, and this was 7 0.35 1.65
selected as they reflected known variation in POC in ABNJ, for example 8 0.46 1.58
the separation of offshore areas in temperate latitudes that are known to 9 0.46 1.49
receive higher POC flux to depth than adjacent areas (e.g. around Tristan 10 0.47 1.66
11 0.47 1.24
da Cunha, see Lutz et al., 2007). Most of the region (and particularly
12 0.46 1.64
ABNJ) was covered by a ‘very low’ productivity class, with inshore
waters dominated by higher productivity (Fig. 2c). This was expected as
POC flux to the seafloor is known to decrease with depth (Lutz et al., Angola Basin separated from the Cape Basin to the south by the Walvis
2007). Ridge. Differentiation in habitat classes on either side of the MAR was
Three biogeographic regions were identified for the South Atlantic observed northwards of 38◦ S, as well as between temperate and tropical
(Fig. 2d). Major splits were identified between the Atlantic and Ant­ areas.
arctic, driven by water mass structure, and between the Atlantic and
Indian Oceans by the southward extension of a split in the South African 3.2. Hierarchical approach
ecosystem classification between the “Agulhas” and “Benguela” ecor­
egions (Sink et al., 2019). 3.2.1. PCA and clustering: Level 1
The PCA on environmental variables across the study area revealed
3.1.2. Final non-hierarchical classification four PCs with eigenvalues greater than one, which together explained
The final broad-scale habitat classification produced with the non- 74% of total variance (Table 3). Concentrations of nutrients and oxygen
hierarchical approach proposed 204 benthic habitat classes in the explained most of this variance and were strongly correlated with PC 1.
South Atlantic (Fig. 4). These classes reflected variation in environ­ Nitrate, phosphate and silicate were highly correlated and thus loaded
mental conditions (at 10 km resolution, Table S2) and are assumed to on the same PC. PC 2 was correlated with FBPI and BBPI, showing an
support distinct groups of faunal communities at this scale. The influence of topography, while PC 3 was correlated with temperature
boundaries between classes will include transition zones that are not and PC 4 with salinity.
captured by the classification. The cluster selection indices (ASW & CH) suggested that the four PCs
There were clear distinctions between inshore and offshore habitat were best clustered into two groups (Table 4). However, this was not
classes, with higher variability in habitat classes concentrated inshore of expected to sufficiently represent biologically relevant variation across
the continental rise. Inshore habitat classes (based on clusters 8–12 of the region and thus the second highest scoring iteration of four clusters
the water mass structure layer, Fig. 2b) formed 43% of the total number was selected. Similar to the non-hierarchical approach, this clustering
of habitat classes, but only 0.5% of the total extent of the study area. This broadly captured patterns from existing biogeographies based on bio­
was also reflected in the geographic size of habitat classes, with a small logical data (Menzies et al., 1973; Vinogradova, 1997; Fig. 5a). Two of
number of classes covering large areas (>200 000 km2, mostly seen in these clusters were large and covered the majority of the region,
abyssal plain areas), and a large number of classes covering smaller including most of ABNJ: a north-eastern and “offshore” South Atlantic
areas in the region. cluster (Class 1); and a southern and north-western South Atlantic
The classification identified several large abyssal plain areas (Fig. 4), cluster (Class 3). The boundary between these extends along the Walvis
reflecting the Argentine Basin (bounded to the south by the Patagonian Ridge to the MAR at around 40◦ S. The boundary follows the MAR
Shelf and to the north by the Rio Grande Rise), the Brazil Basin (split by northwards to the equator, where it broadly follows the Romanche
the Vitória-Trindade seamount chain), the Pernambuco Plain and the Fracture Zone towards South America. Class 1 was characterised by high
Romanche Fracture Zone, the Guinea Basin and seamount chain, and the dissolved oxygen and mid-range nutrient concentrations, while Class 3
was characterised by low dissolved oxygen and high nutrient concen­
trations, with little variability at low temperatures (Fig. 6). The two
Table 3
remaining cluster groups were much smaller in extent, and included a
Correlations between environmental input data and PCs for level 1, with vari­
shelf cluster (Class 2), and one around deep-water trenches in the Ant­
ance explained and eigenvalues. Strong correlations (<-0.6 or > 0.6) are shown
arctic Polar Front region between approximately 45◦ S and 60◦ S,
in bold; weak correlations (<-0.3 or > 0.3) removed for clarity.
belonging to a larger global cluster (not presented here) (Class 4). Class 2
Environmental variable PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4
was characterised by high POC flux to the seafloor when compared to all
FBPI 0.756 − 0.391 other classes, high current velocity and temperature, and low nutrient
BBPI 0.829 − 0.326 concentrations, with high variability in salinity and temperature. This
Slope − 0.395 − 0.517
Salinity ¡0.790
reflects cases where major river systems meet the Atlantic, such as the
Temperature 0.387 0.434 0.646 Amazon River in northern Brazil. Class 4 had the lowest nutrient con­
POC 0.511 0.454 centrations and lowest dissolved oxygen, with sloped topography rela­
Dissolved oxygen 0.756 − 0.340 − 0.394 tively lower than surrounding areas. The splits between habitat classes
Nitrate ¡0.983
as seen in the decision-tree analysis were driven by nutrient concen­
Phosphate ¡0.975
Silicate ¡0.940 tration (specifically nitrate), temperature, and POC flux to seafloor
Current velocity 0.341 0.427 (Fig. 7).
Variance explained (%) 34.93 16.43 12.67 10.04
Cumulative variance (%) 34.93 51.36 64.02 74.06 3.2.2. Final nested hierarchical classification
Eigenvalue 1.96 1.34 1.18 1.05
The PCA explained a high proportion of total variance for repeated

K.A. McQuaid et al. Progress in Oceanography 214 (2023) 103016

Fig. 5. Outputs of clustering Principal Components of environmental input data to produce a nested hierarchical habitat classification. (a) Highest level of classi­
fication showing Classes 1 to 4 (level 1); (b) second level of classification showing subclasses of habitat Classes 1 to 4 (level 2); and (c) third level of classification
showing further subdivision of level 2 (level 3).

clustering of Classes 1 to 4 produced in the first and second levels of the approach, in most cases the highest scoring iterations were those with
hierarchical approach (>70% and > 64%, respectively). See supple­ two clusters. In these cases, the second highest scoring iterations were
mentary material for the resultant PCA eigenvalues, percent variance selected.
explained, clustering solutions and key environmental drivers (Tables S3 At the second level of clustering, subdivisions in Class 1 were driven
and S4), and environmental properties of habitat classes in the first two by nutrient concentrations. Owing to the global nature of the classifi­
levels of nested clustering (Table S5). As with the non-hierarchical cation, some classes did not show much additional variation in the South

K.A. McQuaid et al. Progress in Oceanography 214 (2023) 103016

Fig. 6. Boxplots showing environmental characteristics of the four habitat classes in level 1 produced through clustering of PCAs for the hierarchical approach.
Boxplots show the median, first and third quartiles as well as the maximum and minimum observed values. Units for each variable are described in Table 1; POC has
been log transformed to better show patterns.

clustering of Class 2, a shelf habitat class, followed by oceanographic

variables, productivity and slope. This was reflective of the high vari­
ability in these environmental drivers in shallower waters on continental
margins. Subdivisions in Class 3 were driven first by temperature, and
then nutrient concentrations and BBPI, as this class stretched from polar
to temperate and even tropical waters (Fig. 5b). Finally, Class 4 showed
no further differentiation in the South Atlantic.
A third level of clustering produced a more detailed classification
layer, with a total of 132 habitat classes in the South Atlantic (Fig. 5c).
This re-clustering split a large habitat class to the east of the MAR and
north of the Walvis Ridge into several new classes associated with
varying topography around the MAR, Rio Grande Rise and the Walvis
Ridge. Habitat classes with complex topography were also identified on
Fig. 7. Decision-tree for clustering Principal Components of environmental transverse ridges to the west of the MAR and around the Agulhas Ridge
data in level 1 of the hierarchical approach. Units are given in Table 1. Per­ in ABNJ off South Africa. The third level of clustering showed two large
centages indicate the percentage of observations in each Class. habitat classes in both the Brazil and Cape Basins characterised by flatter
topography, one with higher current velocity and nutrient concentra­
Atlantic when re-clustered (i.e. greater variation was observed in other tions than the other. A large habitat class occurring in subpolar frontal
parts of the world), and this was the case for Class 1 (Fig. 5b). Nutrient regions and the Argentine Basin was also further divided, exhibiting
concentration was also the most important factor driving level 2 latitudinal and longitudinal splits of the higher-level class, with bottom

K.A. McQuaid et al. Progress in Oceanography 214 (2023) 103016

Fig. 8. Confidence maps for clustering of initial input data for the non-hierarchical approach (a-c) and Principal Components for the hierarchical approach (d).
Confusion index (CI) values are mapped over clustering outputs, showing areas of greater uncertainty at transitions between clusters and within-cluster uncertainty.
High CI values (>0.75) are shown in black (and white for POC) and indicate lower confidence in clustering. For the non-hierarchical approach, maps show CI for
clustering (a) FBPI, BBPI and slope to produce a topography layer, (b) salinity and temperature to produce a water mass structure (WMS) layer, and (c) POC flux to
seafloor to produce a productivity layer. For the hierarchical approach, map shows CI for clustering (d) Principal Components at the highest level of the classification.

temperature being the primary driver of habitat differentiation (Fig. 5c). and again on and near boundaries between clusters.
Observations within the Argentine Basin clustered together to produce a For the first level of the hierarchical cluster approach, the highest
single cluster characterised by low temperatures and high current ve­ confusion index values were again observed at boundaries between the
locity (reflecting circulation of Antarctic Bottom Water in this area), and four classes (Fig. 8d). However, there was also uncertainty within clas­
flat topography with very little variability. To the south of this was a ses. Class 2, particularly, showed high uncertainty on the continental
warmer class around 45-55◦ S, with higher dissolved oxygen and lower margins of Africa and South America, which may likely be linked to high
nutrient concentrations, and finally a selection of habitat classes around environmental variability in these areas and therefore difficulty placing
the Subantarctic front. This latitudinal pattern was also split longitudi­ observations in a single cluster.
nally, with different classes between South Georgia and the South
Sandwich Islands, and another broad split around 10-20◦ E. 4. Discussion
The final habitat classifications are available to download at:
https://github. We produced two broad-scale benthic habitat classifications of the
com/DeepSeaCRU/South-Atlantic-Benthic-Habitat-Classification. South Atlantic using different approaches. Here we reflect on their po­
tential validity by identifying areas of agreement between the two ap­
proaches and comparing the outputs with previously published patterns
3.3. Confidence maps of biological diversity and relevant global, national and finer-scale
Confusion index confidence maps revealed which areas are less or
more certain in their assignment to cluster groups. For the non-
hierarchical approach, areas of greater uncertainty for topography 4.1. Areas of agreement
clusters were located at the boundaries between clusters, which was to
be expected (Fig. 8a). This was evident particularly between the ‘plains 4.1.1. Cape and Angola Basins
and shallow slopes’ cluster and both the ‘hills and ridges’ and ‘sea­ Differentiation between the Cape and Angola Basins was consistently
mounts and other complex features’ clusters, which had smaller spatial identified through this study and is supported by knowledge of water
extents. Clustering of water mass structure had the greatest extent of bodies (Kopte et al., 2017), examination of macro- and megabenthic
high confusion index values (Fig. 8b). Although much of it was focussed communities (Kröncke et al., 2013; Brix et al., 2015), previous global
around transitions between classes, particularly around the Subantarctic biogeographies (Watling et al., 2013; Sayre et al., 2017; Watling &
Front system, there were also large areas of uncertainty in the Cape and Lapointe, 2022) and a recent Atlantic-scale seafloor classification
Angola Basins and around the Falkland Islands. Finally, clusters of POC (Schumacher et al., 2022). Class boundaries highlighted a sharp division
flux to the seafloor showed areas of greater uncertainty (shown in white in water masses, marked at the African coast by the Angola-Benguela
in Fig. 8c) close to land masses, where there is higher variability in POC, Front situated between 15◦ and 17◦ S off the coast of Angola and

K.A. McQuaid et al. Progress in Oceanography 214 (2023) 103016

Namibia (Kopte et al., 2017). The hydrographic boundary between Schumacher et al., 2022). These fronts potentially drive latitudinal dif­
classes may be caused by the isolation of the majority of Antarctic ferences in benthic communities owing to different bottom water masses
Bottom Water from the deep eastern South Atlantic by the Walvis Ridge and productivity (e.g., Clarke, 1992; Mackensen et al., 1993; von der
and MAR (Connary and Ewing, 1972; Shannon & Chapman, 1991) and Meden et al., 2017); however, the high variability in environmental
the extension of North Atlantic Deep Water into the southern hemi­ conditions and the lack of biological data from this area, with a focus on
sphere (Larqué et al., 1997). Strong differences in macro- and mega­ the pelagic and Southern Ocean (e.g., Petryashev, 2007; De Broyer &
faunal communities have been recorded between the Guinea, Angola Danis, 2011; Kaiser et al., 2013), preclude definitive statements. In both
and Cape Basins, linked to differences in water mass structure and food approaches of the current study, the habitat classes represented a tran­
availability (Kröncke et al., 2013). Habitat differentiation closely sition to sub-zero temperatures. In the North Atlantic, distinct benthic
mirrored the bottom-occurring Ecological Marine Units of a global faunal communities have been observed in cold (sub-zero) and warm
clustering of oceanographic variables (Sayre et al., 2017) and a global (above zero) waters (Bett, 2001; Narayanaswamy et al., 2005; Howell
biogeographic classification (Watling et al., 2013). The latitudinal split et al., 2007), suggesting that this distinction between classes may be
in nearshore habitat classes between Angola and Namibia was also biologically relevant. Therefore these class boundaries could represent
identified in a global biogeographic classification by Costello et al. some change in benthic communities, although the exact location of the
(2017), who analysed the largest available biological dataset from the front boundaries is not clear (see high CI values in the water mass
Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS), as well as in a classifi­ structure layers of the non-hierarchical approach). As the locations of
cation of coastal and shelf areas based on biological data by Spalding the fronts migrate seasonally, transition zones in the benthic habitats
et al. (2007). It is worth noting that Costello et al. (2017) included both and assemblages may be pronounced in these areas. The potential
benthic and pelagic records, with a high proportion of the latter. This driving role of these front systems for benthic communities should be
nearshore differentiation was not reflected in Schumacher et al. (2022), investigated, including the collection of more data.
although their Atlantic-scale classification identified only 9 classes
across the Atlantic. High CI values were located at class boundaries, 4.1.5. Seamounts, hills and ridges
which is to be expected as habitat classes include a transition zone be­ Both classifications showed a clear influence of topography, identi­
tween classes. High CI values were also recorded in southern parts of the fying habitat classes for elevated or depressed topographic features that
Cape Basin for the water mass structure layer of the non-hierarchical were distinct from adjacent, flatter habitat classes. This is supported by
approach. biological studies where hills, ridges, seamounts and trenches have
different fauna from adjacent plain areas (e.g., Molodtsova et al., 2008;
4.1.2. Argentine Basin Durden et al., 2015; Cuvelier et al., 2020; Jamieson et al., 2021). Both
Both approaches classified abyssal habitats in the Argentine Basin classifications also differentiated between habitat classes on the flanks
together with colder waters of the Subantarctic and Polar fronts. This and summits of seamounts, which is expected to mirror biodiversity
delineation is supported by Costello et al. (2017) and a study of abyssal patterns (e.g., Baco, 2007; Clark et al., 2011). The classifications showed
tunicates from the Argentine Basin showing that these were more similar some distinction between seamounts in different geographic areas,
to Antarctic fauna than other Atlantic basins (Monniot & Monniot, aligning with a global classification of seamounts (Clark et al., 2011) and
1976). Increased diversity of bivalves, gastropods, and isopods has also examination of seamount image data from UK Overseas Territories in
been observed in the Argentine compared to the Cape Basin, although the South Atlantic (Bridges et al., 2021). Clark et al. (2011) proposed
this was potentially linked to high and variable POC flux to seafloor different classes of seamounts in the Angola Basin, MAR, Walvis Ridge,
recorded in the latter (Rex et al., 1993). Although distinction between South Georgia, and at approximately 52◦ S south of South Africa. This
the Cape and Argentine Basins was not proposed by Watling et al. (2013) was mirrored in the non-hierarchical approach and, to a lesser extent,
or Schumacher et al. (2022), these were based on environmental, and the hierarchical approach. Bridges et al. (2021) showed distinct benthic
not biological, data. Low CI values in the Argentine Basin indicated high assemblages associated with seamounts around Tristan da Cunha
confidence around this classification. compared to those around the tropical Ascension Island and Saint Hel­
ena. The small and localised habitat classes around these topographic
4.1.3. Patagonian and Brazilian shelf split features could exaggerate transition zones, explaining the high CI
Distinction between habitat classes on the Patagonian Shelf and values.
adjacent continental slope, and those on the Brazilian shelf and slope
between 33 and 38◦ S, was identified by both classifications and is sup­ 4.2. Areas of less certainty
ported by knowledge of water mass structure in the region. Class
boundaries are likely linked to the Subtropical Shelf Front (Piola et al., While there are patterns of agreement between the two approaches
2000) and probably represent the limit for the Northern Argentine presented here and previously published classifications, many areas of
Mound Province, the largest coral mound province worldwide (Stein­ uncertainty remain that require further interrogation of environmental
mann et al., 2020). This latitudinal split in nearshore habitat classes was data, classification approaches and, most importantly, biological data.
reflected in Costello et al. (2017) and although Watling & Lapointe One of the key differences between the approaches was the number of
(2022) did not propose separate biogeographic provinces for this region, habitat classes produced (204 vs 132), but the outputs also diverged in
their analysis of anthozoan data using Infomap Bioregions (Edler et al., other ways.
2017) did differentiate between two different ‘Bioregions’. Low CI
values supported this split, although there was low confidence in Habitat 4.2.1. Abyssal basins
Class 2 in the EEZs of Uruguay and Argentina at level 1 of the hierar­ There is some evidence that suggests different faunal communities
chical approach. may occur in the Cape and Angola Basins (Kröncke et al., 2013; Brix
et al., 2015) and that variations occur in a range of faunal groups across
4.1.4. Frontal systems the Atlantic at 31◦ 30′ S (Vinogradova et al., 1990). However, there are
The two approaches in this study showed habitat differentiation very little data available in the South Atlantic to resolve biological
between 40 and 50◦ S, reflecting the dynamic Subtropical, Subantarctic patterns among other abyssal basins, and there is a lack of consistency
and Polar fronts (Giglio & Johnson, 2016). This mirrored previous both in outputs of this study and previous global scale biogeographies as
classifications that proposed latitudinal splits from the South Atlantic to whether they should be considered different habitats. The separation
into Subantarctic and Antarctic or Southern Ocean classes (Watling of the Brazil, Angola and Argentine Basins has been thought to occur in
et al., 2013; Costello et al., 2017; Watling & Lapointe, 2022; the abyssal fauna, based on sample data (Vinogradova, 1997). Watling

K.A. McQuaid et al. Progress in Oceanography 214 (2023) 103016

et al. (2013) distinguished between abyssal biogeographic provinces 4.3. Performance at a finer scale
north and south of the equator and between the Cape and Brazil Basins.
The former was not observed in either classification from this study, In this section we compare our results with the outputs of national
while the latter was reflected in the non-hierarchical approach. Both and finer-scale classifications (Table S1) and knowledge of biodiversity.
approaches and Watling et al. (2013) proposed different habitat classes
north and south of the Rio Grande Rise. None of these aforementioned 4.3.1. South Africa
boundaries were reflected in Costello et al. (2017). Analyses based on Both the hierarchical and non-hierarchical approaches aligned
different dissimilarity matrices by Costello et al. (2017) did show some broadly with the South African national ecosystem classification per­
differentiation between the Cape and Brazil basins, but this appears to formed by Sink et al. (2019), although there were areas of disagreement.
be driven by a low number of data points and included pelagic records. A key boundary in the South African classification was the separation
The non-hierarchical approach proposed a longitudinal division of between areas influenced by the southern Benguela and southwest In­
habitat classes in ABNJ between Angola and the MAR driven by POC flux dian Ocean Currents. This was present in the non-hierarchical approach,
to the seafloor. While this pattern was partly reflected in the Atlantic- owing to the biogeography layer that was informed by Sink et al. (2019).
scale classification (Schumacher et al. 2022), it was not captured by The hierarchical approach did not capture this separation as distinctly in
the hierarchical approach nor any global classifications. In addition, deeper waters, where the influence of those ocean currents may become
large patches of high CI values were observed in the southern Cape and less pronounced. Both classifications reflected class boundaries for deep
Guinea Basins for water mass structure clustering in the non-hierarchical waters reasonably well, and differentiated between inshore and offshore
approach, leading to uncertainty over these habitat classes. To our waters. The spatial distribution of classes on the western margin broadly
knowledge, no broad-scale analysis of benthic biodiversity patterns in mirrored the national classification, but in southern and eastern parts of
abyssal ecosystems has been undertaken in the South Atlantic. Biological South Africa’s EEZ, classes were less well-matched. Similar to the na­
data is required to determine whether deep areas across the South tional classification, the outputs of this study also identified the Agulhas
Atlantic support different benthic communities. Bank, seamounts and the Agulhas plateau, although in some cases they
grouped with other areas that differed from the national classification.
4.2.2. Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Our study, together with existing biogeographic classifications 4.3.2. Prince Edward Islands
(Watling et al. 2013; Sayre et al., 2017; Schumacher et al., 2022), pro­ Both classifications proposed latitudinal class boundaries repre­
posed different habitat classes either side of the MAR north of approx­ senting the Subantarctic and Polar fronts present in the Prince Edward
imately 40◦ S, driven predominantly by oceanographic variables and Islands (PEI) EEZ and captured by an ecosystem classification of this
related nutrient concentrations (for the hierarchical approach). This area (von der Meden et al., 2019). However, the classifications did not
pattern came out strongly in both classifications, with high CI values reflect changes in habitat class resulting from the Indian Ocean
associated only with class boundaries or transition zones. While some temperate current to the north and the Ob and Lena Polar Front to the
studies suggest that the MAR limits dispersal (e.g., Zardus et al., 2006; south, as captured in the PEI classification. Key topographic features of
Etter et al., 2011; Bober et al., 2018), others do not (e.g., Brix et al., the region included rift valleys and troughs, although our classifications
2015). Broad community-level studies of benthic fauna are required to did not differentiate shelf habitat classes from spreading ridges and
better understand whether or how these communities differ to the east seamounts, as is seen in the PEI classification.
and west of the MAR, and among the oceanic islands.
4.3.3. Falkland Islands
4.2.3. Shelf and slope habitats An unsupervised classification of the Falkland Islands Conservation
Towards the continental slope and shelf, both classifications re­ Zones (FCZ) (Pearman, 2021) was based upon the same GEBCO-derived
flected changing environmental conditions between deeper and shal­ variables and physical oceanographic variables as our classifications,
lower waters, as well as increased variability in conditions over smaller although the latter were derived from different models. The non-
spatial scales compared to the large ABNJ. For example, both classifi­ hierarchical approach picked up slope and broad bathymetric varia­
cations captured the substantial gradients in POC flux between shallow, tion, but there were many classes compared to the FCZ classification.
inshore waters and deep offshore waters that drive patterns in benthic The hierarchical approach distinguished broad-scale bathymetric
biomass (Rex et al., 2006; Smith et al., 2008; Ramirez-Llodra et al., changes such as the slope, the Falklands Trough and the Burwood Bank.
2010). Our classifications showed some depth-related differentiation
between bathyal habitats in the South Atlantic, unlike Watling et al. 4.3.4. Brazil
(2013), but several of the same habitat classes were observed off both While the non-hierarchical approach delineated the continental
South America and Africa (particularly in the hierarchical approach). slope and shelf break well, shelf habitat classes were not reflective of the
Spalding et al. (2007), Costello et al. (2017) and Sayre et al. (2017) national classification (Magris et al., 2020) and were driven particularly
differentiated between shelf and slope classes off these continents, and by water mass structure. Overall, the hierarchical approach performed
analysis of hydromedusae, whose life cycle includes a benthic stage, better, differentiating known features on the shelf break and deep ocean;
showed that 40–50% of species recorded on one coast of the South phosphate, dissolved oxygen and current velocity played an important
Atlantic were not recorded on the other (Bouillon, 1999). There was also role in separating shelf classes, although shelf ecosystems fell mainly
some divergence in shelf and slope classes between approaches. For under the same class.
example, on the South African western shelf, the non-hierarchical
approach presented a mosaic of different habitats, whereas in the hier­ 4.3.5. Uruguay
archical approach there were fewer classes and these were more strongly A national marine ecosystem classification has not yet been devel­
related to depth bands. In some cases, there were also high CI values oped for Uruguayan waters. However, some advances have been made
associated with shelf and slope habitat classes (e.g., Patagonian Shelf). in the identification and mapping of coastal and marine areas of high
National datasets could play an important role in determining which relevance for biodiversity conservation (Brazeiro and Defeo, 2006;
approach, if either, best represents patterns of biodiversity, but also in Defeo et al., 2009; FREPLATA, 2004; MVOTMA, 2016) and the spatial
exploring whether shelf and slope habitats on either side of the Atlantic extent and evolution of >30 human activities and associated use con­
are the same. This highlights another key knowledge gap in the region. flicts (Marín et al., 2021). Our classification system may be used as a
start to advance national-level MSP, since some preliminary cross-
validation results suggest that known broad-scale distribution patterns

K.A. McQuaid et al. Progress in Oceanography 214 (2023) 103016

of benthic biodiversity fit reasonably well within both the hierarchical deep-water species ranges expected to be disproportionately affected by
and non-hierarchical approaches (Alvar Carranza, pers. comm.). warming (Brito-Morales et al., 2020). Initiatives to manage these pres­
Nevertheless, some spatially discrete elements of ecological relevance, sures cover a broad but patchy spectrum of activities and offer protec­
such as submarine canyons and the influence of discharge from the Río tion at varying levels, from MPAs within EEZs (e.g., RSA, 2019b), to
de la Plata, were not captured in the current classifications. fisheries restrictions for highly migratory species (e.g., through the In­
ternational Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, or the
4.3.6. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna), agreements
Habitat classification and mapping work at South Georgia and the and management bodies for specific regions (e.g., the South East Atlantic
South Sandwich Islands is advanced compared to many areas of the Fisheries Organisation, or the Convention for the Conservation of Ant­
South Atlantic. This comparison draws from unsupervised hierarchical arctic Marine Living Resources), or transboundary arrangements (e.g.,
classifications at South Georgia (Hogg et al., 2016a; 2018), regional the Joint Technical Commission for the Maritime Front in the area of
bathymetric data (Hogg et al., 2016b), a bioregionalisation of the South mutual interest for Uruguay and Argentina).
Sandwich Islands (Hogg et al., 2021; Hollyman et al., 2022) and expert Ocean basin scale MSP is required to support these organisations and
knowledge of the wider Scotia region. Both approaches effectively initiatives, and manage multiple, cumulative pressures, and sustainable
delineated broad-scale topographic features such as the islands’ conti­ use and conservation of BBNJ through a holistic, multi-sector approach.
nental shelves, submarine banks such as the North Georgia Rise and In the absence of comprehensive biological data, as is the case in the
Tyrell and Herdman Banks, the South Sandwich Trench and the East South Atlantic, approaches such as those proposed here can act as an
Scotia Ridge. To a lesser extent they also reflected some of the region’s indicator to identify important biological and ecological areas. This
oceanographic discontinuities (e.g., different water masses). For the could be through identification of regions of habitat heterogeneity used
non-hierarchical approach, the classification did not correspond to as a proxy for biological diversity, key topographic or oceanographic
previous attempts to classify habitats in this region or to known bio­ features that may be considered priorities for MSP, or a representative
logical discontinuities. There was however some differentiation between range of essential habitat types for protection. This first step of mapping
the shelf, shelf break and slope at South Georgia, and some of the to implement large-scale MSP (Ehler & Douvere 2009; Gandra et al.,
geomorphological features of the shelf were picked out (e.g., some of the 2020) could support ocean basin scale management aspirations under a
glacial cross-shelf troughs). There was differentiation between habitat new BBNJ agreement (Wright et al., 2021). The comparative reflections
classes around northern and southern South Sandwich Islands, and this presented here highlight areas of agreement between the two ap­
was in-line with the most recent assessment of the region (Hogg et al., proaches that could be used to inform decision-making in a marine
2021; Hollyman et al., 2022). The hierarchical approach picked up spatial planning context; in other areas where there was disagreement
major topographic features. The inner and outer South Georgia shelf and the outputs should be treated more cautiously. The two models could be
slope were represented, potentially identifying some regions of topo­ used to explore other questions and scenarios, with decision-making
graphic complexity, seamounts, topographic peaks and areas of steeper guided by commonalities in the results. Their use may also be deter­
slope. There were however also clusters that didn’t appear to correspond mined by specific needs; for example, the non-hierarchical approach is
to any known bathymetric, biological or oceanographic discontinuities. easier to interpret as clusters capture information on environmental
conditions while the hierarchical approach relies on PCs. The former
4.3.7. Tristan da Cunha also limits the number of variables based on ecological relevance, as is
The Tristan da Cunha EEZ has a variable oceanographic regime, common in the selection of variables for species distribution modelling
spanning the South Atlantic Gyre, the subtropical convergence zone, and (e.g., ICES, 2021).
into Subantarctic waters. This is a strong driver of local differences in While this study made use of the best available global datasets for
habitat type, especially of pelagic and demersal species, and some input variables understood to influence benthic habitats, there remains
distinction between benthic seamount communities has been observed, nonetheless a level of unquantified error in such broad-scale, modelled
likely driven by the spatial distribution of different water masses spatial datasets, particularly in areas with little scientific exploration or
(Bridges et al., 2021). Both approaches closely represented the position monitoring. The impacts of such potential errors are expected to decline
of these two fronts (Fig. 5). However, the relative position of these fronts as the quality and resolution of data improve with time. What is more,
changes seasonally (Smythe-Wright et al., 1998), highlighting that the the absence of biological data and the broad scale of the classifications
classifications presented here are averaged over longer periods and that (10 km) prevent the identification of habitat variation at finer scales.
their accuracy depends on the level of inter-annual variability in a given This is relevant when considering features where strong gradients in
location. Seasonal changes in riverine input and sea surface temperature environmental conditions and hence biological variation may occur at
can substantively shift oceanographic properties, resulting in more or scales less than 10 km. Validation of such classifications with biological
less similar adjacent areas between seasons (Bell et al., 2021). data is essential to ensure that models used in decision-making are
representative of biologically relevant variation in environmental con­
4.4. Application to broad-scale marine spatial planning ditions. The difficulties of gathering enough meaningful biological data
to capture variation at a scale relevant to the models or classifications
The South Atlantic is heavily utilised for a number of different ac­ highlight the importance of a precautionary approach in assessment and
tivities (see review by Bridges et al., 2023). Pelagic and demersal fish­ decision-making processes in the South Atlantic. Concerted effort to
eries are active on both the continental shelves of Africa (FAO, 2004) collate such a dataset from benthic OBIS records, national datasets or
and South America (e.g., Brewin et al., 2020; Marín et al., 2020), as well new, targeted exploration under a coordinated programme (e.g., Chal­
as in ABNJ (FAO, 2020). Maritime transport is important along Africa, lenger 1503) would help to address key questions in the South Atlantic
South America and connecting the Indian Ocean with the Atlantic and support validation going forward.
(UNCTAD, 2021), and oil exploration is increasing (Zhang et al., 2019). While acknowledging these uncertainties and limitations, we are
Marine pollution (Ryan et al., 2019; Hatje et al., 2021) and factors confident that some of the patterns found likely represent real biogeo­
affecting human health (Escobar et al., 2015) are also on the rise, and graphic differences in biodiversity. Importantly, the broad-scale classi­
seabed mining, having occurred for decades off the coast of Namibia fications presented here do not overwrite national or regional efforts but
(Schneider, 2020), is increasingly imminent elsewhere in the South can act as a starting point in areas where finer scale efforts are still in
Atlantic (SBEC, 2018; Montserrat et al., 2019; Perez et al., 2020a).
Climate change is also impacting ocean circulation and resource distri­
bution and availability (Gianelli et al., 2019; Franco et al., 2020), with 3

K.A. McQuaid et al. Progress in Oceanography 214 (2023) 103016

development, empowering nations to make progress towards achieving aforementioned funding sources had no involvement in study design,
SDGs by providing insight into the potential distribution of habitats and data collection, analysis and interpretation, or manuscript writing.
thus supporting national-level MSP. Such classifications can also provide
a broader context for understanding national-level mapping, where Appendix A. Supplementary material
transboundary habitats or species may be of importance.
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
CRediT authorship contribution statement org/10.1016/j.pocean.2023.103016.

Kirsty A. McQuaid: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software,

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Bridges, A.E.H., Howell, K.L., Amaro, T., Atkinson, L., Barnes, D.K.A., Bax, N., Bell, J.B.,
Acknowledgments Bernardino, A.F., Beuck, L., Braga-Henriques, A., Brandt, A., Bravo, M.E., Brix, S.,
Butt, S., Carranza, A., Doti, B.L., Elegbede, I.O., Esquete, P., Freiwald, A., Gaudron, S.
M., Guilhon, M., Hebbeln, D., Horton, T., Kainge, P., Kaiser, S., Lauretta, D.,
The authors acknowledge with thanks support from: the UKRI GCRF Limongi, P., McQuaid, K.A., Milligan, R.J., Miloslavich, P., Narayanaswamy, B.E.,
funded One Ocean Hub [Grant NE/S008950/1] (KM, KH, JB, KS, LA, JC, Orejas, C., Paulus, S., Pearman, T.R.R., Perez, J.A., Ross, R.E., Saeedi, H.,
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