P3 HW 27th Oct PLET - TB - 3A - MT

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27-10-2022 P.

3 English Revision Part A

Zac is talking with his mum. Listen to the conversation. Choose the
best answer by blackening  the circle.

 How do you make the potato salad? Put the pictures in the
correct order.

1 2 3 4

 A. 4  2  3  1  B. 2  4  3  1
 C. 2  3  4  1  D. 4  3  2  1

 Where do you think Zac is going?

 A. the kitchen  B. his bedroom
 C. the supermarket  D. the bathroom

 Mum and Zac need to buy _____ for the salad. (You can choose
more than one answer.)

 A.  B.  C.  D.

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 Which fast food shop does Zac want to go to?
 A. Benny’s  B. Tammy’s
 C. Danny’s  D. Dicky’s

 Zac likes this fast food shop because _____ .

 A. it is near his home  B. he likes fast food
 C. the pizzas there are tasty  D. it has potato salad

 ____ is $18.

 A.  B.  C.  D.

 What did Mum NOT order?

 A.  B.  C.  D.

 How much did Mum pay for the food?

 A. $82  B. $80
 C. $28  D. $18

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Part C
Linda is reading her friend’s blog.
  http://www.blogworld.comx/erica.choi

12th November (Saturday)

It’s my dad’s birthday today! Right now, we’re

having a buffet lunch at Bright Hotel. There are

many different kinds of food for us to choose from.

Dad loves the fried noodles because they have mushrooms

and tomatoes in them. Mum likes chicken congee but there
isn’t any at the moment. She’s waiting for a new pot to come. I
like sweet BBQ chicken wings. There are only five left so I
need to get them now!

Dad likes ice cream so I will make him a chocolate strawberry

sundae after dinner tonight. It’s easy to make. Do you want to
know how? First wash and cut some strawberries. Scoop the
ice cream into a bowl. Then add some chocolate sauce and
put the strawberries on top. Yum! Dad will love it!
Tick () the correct sentences or underline the mistakes. Write the
correct words in the blanks.
 Erica is writing this blog entry in the evening. _____________
 There are some chicken wings at the buffet. _____________
 Dad’s birthday is on 12th October. _____________
 Erica will make a sundae after lunch. _____________

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Answer the questions in complete sentences.
 Why are Erica and her parents having a buffet lunch?

 What is in the fried noodles?

 Is Mum eating chicken congee? Why / Why not?


Complete the recipe. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from
the blog entry.

Chocolate strawberry sundae

You need:

 6  __________________

 1 tub of ice cream

 some chocolate  _______________


1)  ___________ the strawberries and ⓫ ___________

them into halves.

2) Scoop the ice cream into a bowl.

3) ⓬ ___________ some chocolate sauce to the ice cream.

4) Put the strawberries on top.

5) Sit down and enjoy your sundae!

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Part D
Kenny is reading an advertisement.

Joyful Fast Food

Celebrate the opening of our new shop in Kowloon Mall (Shop 806)
on 20th October (Saturday) with us!
You can enjoy these special offers ONLY on that day! Don’t miss out!

Spend over $120

Get a can of cola and get $20 off
for FREE from your bill!
All pies – Buy two
1 p.m. to 3 p.m.!
get one FREE!

Spend over $60

and get a hamburger Buy a breakfast set and
for FREE! get a coupon book!

*Breakfast sets are served from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Circle the correct answers.

 Kenny’s mum wants to get a coupon book. She needs to
buy some food at the fast food shop ____ .
A. after 3 p.m. B. before 11 a.m.
C. from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. D. after 6 p.m.

 Kenny spends $68 at the fast food shop in the evening. What
can he get for free?
A. B. C. D.

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 An apple pie is $9. How much will you pay for three apple
A. $0 B. $18
C. $27 D. $36

 Kenny’s dad is at the fast food shop at 2 p.m. He spends

$135. What offers can he get? (You can choose more than
one answer.)
A. $20 off B. a free breakfast set
C. a hamburger D. a free can of cola

Part E
Mum and Dad are on the phone. Circle the correct answers and fill
in the blanks with the correct words.
any   
x1 x 50 x0
 x0  x3
a lot of

Mum:  Is / Are there ____________ butter?

Dad : Yes, there is / are ______________ butter.
Mum:  Is / Are there _________________________________ ?
Dad : Yes, there is / are _______________________________ .
Mum:  Is / Are there _________________________________ ?
Dad : No, there isn’t / aren’t ____________________________ .
Mum:  Is / Are ______________________________________ ?
Dad : No, there isn’t / aren’t ____________________________ .
Mum:  Is / Are ______________________________________ ?

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Dad : Yes, there is / are _______________________________ .

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Part F
Jeff is ordering some food on the phone. Look at the pictures and
finish the conversation.
Shop Assistant
x2 Jeff

x1 x1 $32 $19 $24 $11

SA : Good afternoon. Happy Pizza House. How may I help you?

J : I want to order some food, please.
SA : What would you like?
J :  ____________________ is a  of
mushroom and cheese pizza?
SA : It’s  ________________________ dollars.
J : How about a  of onion rings?
SA : It’s  ________________________ dollars.
J : OK.  ____________________ is a  of
chicken wings?
SA : It’s  ________________________ dollars.
J : How about a  of apple juice?
SA : It’s  ________________________ dollars.
J : Hm … May I have ⓫ _________ of mushroom
and cheese pizza, ⓬ _________ of onion rings
and ⓭_________ of apple juice, please?
SA : Sure. That’s ⓮ _______________________ dollars altogether.
May I have you address, please?
J : It’s …

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Part G
Finish what Harry says with the words given. Circle the answers
and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given.
bake mix pour put put

I love egg pudding! It’s easy to make.

 First / Then __________ an egg and a
cup of milk into a bowl and __________
them together.  First / Then __________
the mixture into a cup.  First / Then
__________ it into the oven and
__________ it for thirty minutes.

Part H
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given.
Miss White ____________ (teach) cooking at a children’s centre.
She always ____________ (have) interesting ideas.
Right now, Miss White _________________ (teaching) a class. She
____________ (take) out a watermelon, some strawberries and some
peaches. ‘We ________________ (not like) fruit!’ a boy says. ‘Let’s
____________ (make) a fruit pizza,’ Miss White says. ‘I’m sure you will
love it!’
The children ____________ (wash) the stawberries and peaches
and cut them into small pieces. Miss White ____________ (cut) the
watermelon into triangles. Then the chilren ____________ (put) the
strawberries and peaches on the watermelon slices. ‘They ___________
(look) like real slices of pizza!’ the boy says. He ⓫____________ (eat) a
slice. ‘What ⓬______ you ___________ (think)?’ Miss White asks.
‘Yummy!’ says the boy. All the children enjoy the fruit pizza very much.
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Part I
Underline the mistakes and write the correct words in the blanks.

   


 Ada wants three boxes of pizza. _______________

 There are some sandwich. _______________

 Cut the mushrooms and put it into a bowl. _______________

 The box of cherries is twenty dollars. _______________

   


 There are a lot of ham. _______________

 A: How many is a cup of tea? _______________

B: It’s eighteen dollars.

 There isn’t some cheese in the cupboard. _______________

 Fry the egg on the pan for five minutes. _______________

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Part J
Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

  

 

 Mum isn’t feeling well today. Let’s cook her some

________________ for dinner.

 David has ________________ for lunch on Mondays.

 Lucy is thirsty. She wants a ________________ of water.

 There are some eggs. There is some ________________ too.

We can make an omelette.

 A: Let’s play a guessing game. I’m red and round. I’m juicy.
You can find me in salads. What am I?
B: I know! A ________________ .

 This soup isn’t very tasty. May I have some ________________ ,


 Cindy is a healthy girl. She eats a lot of ________________ every


 A: Do you like ________________ ?

B: No, I don’t.

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