The Best of CML 1980 To 1989

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Continental Mathematics

For information on the Continental Mathematics League, please contact:

CML, Inc.
P.O. Box 2196
St. James, NY 11780
(631) 584-2016

CML offers a set of Math League Questions for grades 2, 3 and two different
levels of questions for grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Also, a Calculus League is
available as well as Computer Contests (PASCAL and C++).
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Continental Mathematics League

Welcome to The Best of CML - 1980 to 1989, an accumulation of some of the most
challenging questions presented to CML participants during the 1980's.
Questions 1 - 103 were asked at the grade 4-6 level while questions 104 - 211 were
used at levels from grade 7 through grade 9. Please keep in mind that, while a question
is designated for a particular grade level in our Meets, it may be appropriate to a variety
of other levels.
The book has a multitude of uses -
it may be used as a supplement to "Gifted and Talented" curricula
it may be used as a source for "extra-credit" questions
it may be used as a source for "the problem of the week"
it may be used as a preparatory guide for participation in
mathematics contests or leagues such as CML
most importantly it may be used to help students improve basic
problem-solving skills
With this sampling of some of the most provocative questions that were posed to
students during the past nine years, you have at your fingertips a resource for many
enjoyable classroom experiences.
Edited by:
Henry Hull
Joseph Quartararo
Herman Ramakers

Spring 1989

P.O. Box 2196 ST. JAMES, NEW YORK 11780 (631) 584-2016



Grades 4-6

Questions 1-103 ................................................................................................. 4-18

Grades 7-9

Questions 104-211 ............................................................................................. 19-35

Grades 4-6

Solutions 1-103 ................................................................................................... 36-50

Grades 7-9

Solutions 104-211 ............................................................................................... 51-67

page 3
q Questions
Grades 4 - 6

1.) Jim has 4 more brothers than sisters. How many more brothers than sisters does
his sister Mary have?

2.) A clock having the numbers 1 to 12 on its face chimes once for 1 o'clock, two times
for 2 o'clock, three times for 3 o'clock and so on. How many times does a clock
chime between 2:45 P.M. Tuesday and 2:45 P.M. the following day?

3.) The distance from Adams City to Biscayne is 107 miles. The distance from
Biscayne to Callicoon is 32 miles. What is the shortest possible distance from
Callicoon to Adams City?

4.) Joe can buy a dozen doughnuts for 80 cents. If he spends $16.00 for doughnuts and
sells them for a total of $21.60, how much did he charge for each doughnut?

5.) Nine families live in a trailer park. Each family has less than seven members. If
there are fifty-one people living in the trailer park, what is the least possible num-
ber of people in any one family?

6.) John and Bill agree to share some candy bars in the following way:
John gets 1, Bill gets 1
John gets 2, Bill gets 1 + 2
John gets 3, Bill gets 1 + 2 + 3
John gets 4, Bill gets 1 + 2 + 3 + 4
After the first 5 sharings, Bill will have more candy bars than John.

7.) A is a certain number larger than 1. B is a certain number larger than 1. Which of
the fractions has the largest value?
a) A b) A c) A+1 d) A-1
B B+1 B-1 B+1

page 4
Grades 4 - 6

8.) Bottle A is 1 /2 full of water. Bottle B will hold 12 pints of water. When the contents
of bottle A are poured into bottle B, bottle B is 3/4 full of water. How many pints
does bottle A hold when full?

9.) A train has 3 passenger cars. The number of people in car 2 equals the sum of the
people in car 1 and car 3. At a station 5 people go from car 3 to car 2 and 7 people
go from car 2 to car 1. Also, 6 people from car 1 get off the train. How many more
people are now in car 2 than in car 1 and car 3 combined?

10.) The measures of the three angles of any triangle must add to 180°. In the triangle
ABC angle A has a measure of 30°. Angle B is 4 times as large as angle A. How
many degrees are there in angle C?

11.) Mr. Brown was going to sell 10 candy bars at 160 each. Two candy bars spoiled and
could not be sold. At what price must each of the remaining 8 candy bars be sold
so that he will receive the same amount of money as he would have received for
the 10 candy bars?

12.) How many triangles are there in the diagram at the right?

13.) Find the number that C represents in the subtraction problem 6 * #

at the right. (Whenever a symbol appears more than once, it -C 8 #
represents the same number each time.) 1 (&

14.) You are the first generation and your two parents are the 2nd generation of your
family. Your two pairs of grandparents are the 3rd generation. How many people
are in the 6th generation of your family?

page 5
CM Questions
Grades 4 - 6

15. In the figure at the right all

angles are right angles. If AB = 18,
BC = 2, CD = 6, DE = 3, HG = 8
and HA = 8, find the area of the
shaded region.


16.) On Monday, Mike had 450 football cards. On Tuesday, he lost 40 cards. On Wed-
nesday, he won 50 cards. He then put his cards into 4 equal stacks. How many
cards were in each stack?

17. Bob and Carol are teenagers. Bob is two years older than Carol. If the digits of
Carol's age are reversed, the new number would be three times as large as Bob's
age. Find Bob's age.

18.) Both Ken and Lucy have baseball cards. If Lucy gave Ken 10 of her cards, they
would have the same number of cards. However, if Ken were to give Lucy 10 of
his cards instead, then Lucy would have 5 times as many baseball cards as Ken
would have. Find the total number of baseball cards both Ken and Lucy have.

19.) There were 5 horses in a race, "A", "B", "C", "D", and "E". "A" did not win. "B" came
in 20 yards behind "A". "D" came in 10 yards ahead of "C". "E" came in 15 yards
ahead of "B". Which horse won the race?

20.) Two teams decide a touchdown is worth 5 points and a field goal is worth 3 points.
What is the highest score a team cannot reach with any combination of touch-
downs and field goals?
r- 20' --
21.) In the diagram at the right, sections with the IyI t I r I
r I t y l

same letter have the same length. Find the

length of a "y" section.
page 6
q Questions
Grades 4 - 6

22. Five spoons and 2 glasses weigh as much as 3 plates. One plate weighs as much
as 1 spoon and 1 glass. How many spoons weigh as much as 1 glass?

23. Bill writes the number 1. He then skips one number and writes the number 3. He
then skips two numbers and writes the number 6. He then skips three numbers
and writes the number 10. If he continues this pattern, what number will Bill write
after he skips 10 numbers?
24. ABCD is a square. AB = 12. Other lengths are shown.
Find the total area of the two shaded regions. 12 L3

25. Nancy went shopping with a certain amount of money. In the first store she spent
1 /2 of her money. In the second store she spent 1 /4 of her money. In the third store
she spent 1/8 of her money. She then had $9 left. How much money did Nancy
have when she started her shopping?

26. Mr. Allen and Mr. Baxter are both walking east on Main Street. Mr. Allen walks
one block in one minute and Mr. Baxter walks 3 blocks in 2 minutes. At 1:30 P.M.
Mr. Allen is 4 blocks ahead of Mr. Baxter. At what time will Mr. Baxter catch up
to Mr. Allen?

27. Eight women form a tennis club and arrange for each person to play each other
exactly once. How many tennis matches must be arranged?

28. In the product 7x8x9x10x11 x12, which one of the six numbers should be increased
by 1 to cause the greatest increase in the product?

29. Denise operates a machine in a factory that produces a ball point pen every five
seconds. She starts work at 8:00 A.M., has half-an-hour off for lunch, and stops
work at 4:00 P.M. How many ball point pens does she produce each day?
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q Questions
Grades 4 - 6

30. Three painters, all working at the same rate, paint 2/3 of a house in 6 hours. The
following day only one painter returns. How many hours will the painter, work-
ing at his regular speed, need to finish painting the house?

31. 30,000 bananas are packed in boxes. There are 500 bananas in each box. Equal
numbers of boxes are then put on carts. If 10 carts are needed, how many boxes
are there on each cart?

32. Numbers beginning with 0 are presented on a screen,

as shown. There are no spaces between digits. Zero
is the first digit listed. If 40 digits can fit in the row,
what is the last digit in the row?

33. David and Allen flipped baseball cards. Each time a player won the flip, the loser
gave him one card. When they finished, David had won 3 times and Allen had 8
more cards than when he started. How many times did they flip cards?

34. Arthur invented a new system for counting eggs. He showed the class these
Arthur's System Our System
3 dozen 5 eggs 35 41
5 dozen 7 eggs 57 67
What number in our system would be worth 81 in Arthur's System?

35. Jerry has chickens and sheep. In his field he counts 17 heads and 60 feet. How
many sheep does Jerry have?

36. At a drive-in movie there is a fixed charge for the driver and one passenger and
an extra charge for each additional passenger. If six people must pay $8 and three
people must pay $4.25, what is the fixed charge for the driver and one passenger?

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1q Questions
Grades 4 - 6

37. An ancient ruler is 9 inches long. The only marks that remain are at 1 inch, 2 inches,
9 inches and one other mark. It is possible to draw line segments of whole number
lengths from 1 inch to 9 inches without moving the ruler. What inch number is on
the other mark?

38. Alex is a faster runner than Bob. Alex runs 3 yards every second. Bob runs 2 1/2
yards every second. Alex gives Bob a 30 yard head start in a race and reaches the
finish line exactly 2 seconds before Bob. How many yards did Alex run?

39. There are two large blocks and four small blocks on a scale. The six blocks weigh
a total of 26 pounds. The small blocks weigh the same and the large blocks weigh
the same. Two small blocks together weigh 1 pound less than one large block. How
many pounds does one small block weigh?

40. The figure at the right shows a rod

with black beads and white beads. How many beads must be slid from the right
side to the left side so that one-fourth of the beads on each side are black?

41. The nine regions in the diagram at the right are to be

colored. No two regions that touch one another can
have the same color. What is the least number of colors
that can be used?

42. Rick has 10 coins in his pocket (no silver dollars). He does not have exact change
for a dollar, a half-dollar, a quarter, a dime, or a nickel. How much money does
Rick have in his pocket?

43. Two watches are set at 7:00 A.M. One watch runs 3 minutes fast every two hours.
The other watch runs one minute slow every two hours. At what time the next day
will the faster watch be one hour ahead of the slower watch?

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CM Questions
Grades 4 - 6

44. Carlos and Peggy weigh 121 pounds together. Peggy and Gina weigh 95 pounds
together. If all 3 children weigh 174 pounds together, then Peggy's weight is

45. On a weight scale, 5 plums and 1 apple balance with 1 pear. Two apples and 1 pear
balance with 11 plums. Fruit of the same kind weigh the same. How many plums
would balance 1 pear?

46. Five bags contain a total of 50 tennis balls. The first and second bags contain a total
of 21 tennis balls, the second and third contain 20 tennis balls, the third and fourth
contain 21 tennis balls and the fourth and the fifth contain 27 tennis balls. What is
the total number of tennis balls in the first and fifth bags?

47. John agreed to mow Mrs. Lewis' lawn 20 times last summer for $150 and a new
radio. After he mowed the lawn 10 times, he received $30 and the radio. What is
the value of the radio?

48. One skip = 3 hops, and 1 jump = 2 skips. How many hops are there altogether in
a hop, a skip, and a jump?

49. Cookies were missing, taken by either Tim, Kim or Jim. Each made a statement to
their mother: Kim: Jim took the cookies.
Jim: That is true.
Tim: I did not take the cookies.
If at least one of them lied and at least one of them told the truth, then who took
the cookies?

50. Mr. Avery has 3-foot boards and 4-foot boards. If he puts the 3-foot boards in a line,
they have the same total length as the 4-foot boards put in a line. Altogether he has
between 1.6 and 25 boards. How many 3-foot boards does he have?

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q Questions
Grades 4 - 6

51. A group of 30 people went to a ballgame, some in cars and some on a bus. Going,
15 people rode in the bus and 5 people rode in each car. Coming back, 4 people
rode in each car. How many people came home by bus?

52. In a 3-hour examination of 320 questions, there are 40 questions on science. Twice
as much time is given to each science question as to the other questions. How
much time is allotted to the 40 science questions?

53. Alice and Cindy start together and race their bikes around a circular track at con-
stant speeds. Alice takes 8 minutes to go 1 lap and Cindy takes 5 minutes. How
long will it take for Cindy to be exactly 1 lap ahead of Alice?

54. In the multiplication problem at the right, A3

find the sum of the digits D + E. x BC

DE6 6

55. Mr. Bond packages shirts in 2 different size boxes. Box "A" holds 5 shirts and box
"B" holds 12 shirts. He packages 99 shirts using more than 10 boxes. How many
boxes of the "A" type did he use?

56. On the line A ' I ' c 3 p all the distances from 1 to 5 can be found between
two of the points: AB = 1, AC = 2, CD = 3, BD = 4 and AD = 5. On the line
1 I
1 I
IEF =1 and EG = 2. Find GH and HI so that there
are all the distances from 1 to 9.

57. Each different letter represents a different digit and AC, BC and CH represent 2-
digit numbers. A letter represents the same digit each time it appears. AxB = B;
BxC = AC; CxD = BC; and DxE = CH. Find the digit that E represents.

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q Questions
Grades 4 - 6

58. The figure at the right is formed by 8 squares

of the same size. The area of the figure is 128
square feet. The perimeter of the figure is

59. In a strange land a clock has only 10 hours on its face. The hour hand moves 6 units
as the minute hand moves 60 units. At 6:00 A.M. the minute hand is on the number
10 and the hour hand is on 6. In how many minutes will the two hands next be

60. What is the unit's digit for the product oft x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9?

61. If S is the sum of the remainders when each number in the list 18,11,15, 29, 48) is
divided by 5, what is the remainder when S is divided by 5?

62. Each circle represents a bag and the number of

dollars in each bag. As many bags can be taken
as long as no two are on the same diagonal line.
The largest amount of money that can be taken is

63. Find the smallest number that must be added to 70808 so that the digits would
read the same backward or forward.

64. At 6:00 A.M. trains start from station Qx and station(y . All trains from station
to station( and from@y to © take one hour. A train leaves each station for the
other at the same time every 5 minutes. If a train leaves station@x at 2:00 P.M., how
many trains will it meet _Qn the way (not at the station)?

page 12
1L Grades 4 - 6

65. The average of a list of 6 numbers is 43. If two numbers are added to this list, the
average is 51. What is the average of the two numbers that were added to the

66. Don, Liz and Tom are playing bingo. There are 25 squares on a bingo card. When
bingo is called, Tom has 8 blank spaces. This is 3 more blank spaces than Liz has.
How many spaces does Liz have covered?

67. Jim and Barbara each want to buy the same kind of pen. Jim still needs 240 to buy
the pen and Barbara still needs 40 to buy the pen. If they combine their money, they
still do not have enough. What is the most the pen could cost?

68. Today Janet's age in years is three times her dog's age in months. In one year, the
dog's age in months will be 2 times Janet's age then, in years. Today Janet is
years old.

69. The classrooms in Hank's school are numbered 1 to 12. The first teacher opens all
the doors. The second teacher closes the doors of the even-numbered rooms. The
third teacher changes every third door, opening the ones that are closed and
closing the ones that are open. How many of the 12 doors are open after the third
teacher finishes?

70. Mr. Baker, Mr. Carpenter, and Mr. Plumber work as a baker, a carpenter, and a
plumber. None of them has a job which is the same as his name. Mr. Carpenter's
wife is the baker's sister. What is Mr. Plumber's job?

71. A stairway has less than 20 steps. If Tony goes up 2 steps at a time, then one step
is left at the end. If he goes up 3 steps at a time then 2 steps are left. If he goes up
4 steps at a time then 3 steps are left. How many steps does the stairway have?

page 13
q Questions
Grades 4 - 6

72. In the 1800's a wagon train had 96 wagons each carrying the same number of
people. When 12 wagons broke down each of the other wagons had to carry one
more person. How many people were there in each wagon originally?

73. A piece of wire 66 mm. long is cut into two pieces. One piece is shaped into a square
and the other into an equilateral triangle (a triangle with 3 equal sides). Each side
of the square is twice as long as each side of the triangle. The area of the region
inside the square is sq. cm.

74. In a certain cave 2 bats could see out of the right eye, 3 could see out of the left eye,
exactly 4 could not see out of the left eye and exactly 5 could not see out of the right
eye. What is the smallest number of bats in the cave?

75. A palindromic number reads the same forwards as it does backwards: i.e. 252,
3773. If a number is added to its reversal and this is repeated enough times, then
a palindromic number is formed. For example choose 58; 58 + 85 =143,143 + 341
= 484 which is palindromic. What is the lowest number of additions needed to
reach a palindromic number if 78 is chosen?

76. Eighteen people, numbered 1-18, are equally spaced around a round table. What
is the number of the person directly across from the person numbered 6?

77. The year 1961 has the rare property of reading the same when the paper is turned
upside down. Only 0, 1, 6,8 and 9 form digits upside down. When is the next year
after 1961 that has this property?

78. The first time Larry plays a video game, he is knocked out in 30 seconds. The next
time he plays 30 seconds longer, and the third game is 30 seconds longer than the
second. Larry is able to play 30 seconds longer each game. It costs him 25¢ to play
a game. How much will it cost Larry to last 4 minutes before he is knocked out?

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q Questions
Grades 4 - 6

79. A palindromic number reads the same forwards as backwards. For example: 88,
373, 6776. How many palindromic numbers are there between 10 and 200?

7 29
80. Three equal fractions such as 62 = 14 - 58 uses all nine digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
once and only once. Find two 2-digit numbers, ab and cd, so that 6 = is = a also
use these nine digits.

81. John is taller than Henry. Henry is shorter than Mike. Mike is older than Richard
who is John's older brother. The heights of the boys are such that the older they
are, the shorter they are. The second tallest boy is

82. The arrangement a C b means a - (b x c). For example, 32 means 7 - (2 x 3) _
7 - 6 =1. Find the number 21 3 6 + 30 7 3 represents.

83. Mr. Roberts has 20 students in his class. He has enough balloons to give each stu-
dent 3 balloons. Ten students want only one balloon each. How many balloons can
Mr. Roberts give to each of the remaining students if he wishes each of them to
have the same number of balloons?

84. Debbie has 42 marbles and Chris has 24 marbles. How many marbles should
Debbie give to Chris so that they both have the same number of marbles?

85. Phil had 2 quarters, 1 dime and 3 pennies. Paul had 2 nickels. Phil gave 3 of his
coins to Paul. Paul then had 10 more than Phil. What 3 coins did Phil give to Paul?

86. Amy ran around the track 3 times for a total of 810 meters. B A

The track distance from B to C is 80 meters and from

D to A is 50 meters. The distance from A to B is the same
as from C to D. The distance from A to B is meters. c C D

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q Questions
Grades 4 - 6

87. A dollar is changed into 9 coins. There are more dimes than nickels and no pen-
nies. How many nickels are there? (Quarters and half-dollars may be used.)

88. Two hamburgers and two colas cost $4.20. Two orders of french fries and two
colas cost $2.64. If one hamburger, one order of french fries and one cola cost $2.65,
what is the cost of one cola?

89. A container half full with water weighs 12 pounds. One-third of the water in the
container is poured out. The container and the remaining water weighs 9 1 /2
pounds. The weight of the container when empty is ?

90. Jill runs 3 times as fast as Sarah. But Alice runs 4 times as fast as Sarah. When Alice
and Jill race 60 yards, Jill will be yards behind when Alice crosses the 60
yard line.

91. Steve has 8 small cubes all of equal weight and 4 large cubes also of equal weight.
One large cube weighs the same as 3 small cubes. If the total weight of all 12 cubes
is 10 pounds, the total weight of 2 small cubes plus 1 large cube would be

92. In the addition problem at the right, find the largest possible RAT
sum by substituting the digits 1, 3, 5, 7 for the four letters. BAT
(A letter represents the same digit every time it appears. + TAB
Different letters represent different digits.)

93. In the problem at the right, find the number RST

represented by the digits R, S, T. x741

page 16
q Questions
Grades 4 - 6

94. It takes Sophia 15 minutes to walk from her home to where her bike is being re-
paired. It takes her only 5 minutes to ride home. She lives 3/4 of a mile from the
bike store. If Sophia were to ride her bike for 1 hour at that rate she would ride

95. Laura and Rebecca had a race. Rebecca was given a 30-yard headstart (Laura 30
yards behind the starting line). When Laura crossed the finish line, Rebecca had
run 150 yards and was 15 yards behind Laura. How many yards did Laura run?

96. Three open switches are in a row: X\_ , _ y \_ , _ z

z can be opened or closed at will. y can be opened or closed only if z is closed.
x can be opened or closed only if y is closed and z is open. If all 3 switches are open,
then what will be the fewest number of switch changes to get all three in closed

97. Al, Bob, Carl and Don are on swings side by side. They start off together but go
at different speeds. Al crosses the beginning point 20 times a minute, Bob 12 times
a minute, Carl 4 times a minute and Don 8 times a minute. During the 1st minute
a ter they start swinging, all four boys were together at the "starting point" exactly

98. How many whole numbers between 200 and 699 have no digits repeated within
the number?

99. Starting with the counting numbers from 1 to 103 eliminate all those divisible by
5. Add 1 to each remaining number and again eliminate those divisible by 5. Once
again add 1 to each remaining number and eliminate all those divisible by 5. How
many numbers remain?

page 17
q Questions
Grades 4 - 6

100. When it is 9:00 A.M. in New York, it is 8:00 A.M. in Chicago, 7:00 A.M. in Denver
and 6:00 A.M. in Los Angeles. Use this information to solve the following problem:
Beth left New York in a plane at 5:00 P.M. On the same day Joanne left Los Angeles
by plane. After a 3-hour flight by Beth and a 6-hour flight by Joanne, they landed
at the same time in Chicago. What time was it in Los Angeles when Joanne left to
fly to Chicago?

101. Elaine, a printer, is going to hand-set the page numbers for a book. It takes her one
minute to set a single digit on the page. She starts at noon and finishes at 3:33 P.M.
that day. How many numbered pages does the book have?

102. A counselor wanted to divide apples equally among some boys, If he gave them
5 each, then he would have 10 apples left over. One boy said he did not want any
apples. The counselor then gave 6 apples to each boy and had 3 apples left over.
How many boys were there?

103. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

If a counter is placed or finishes its move on an odd-numbered square, then it

moves 3 to the left, and if it finishes on an even-numbered square it moves 5 to the
right. Counter A is placed on square 7 and counter B on 6. It takes B fewer
moves than A to reach 15.

page 18
q Questions
Grades 7 - 9

104. A pumpkin farm charges a fixed amount for the first three pumpkins purchased
and an extra amount for each additional pumpkin purchased. If the cost of seven
pumpkins is $15.00 and the cost of ten pumpkins is $21.00, what is the fixed charge
for the first three pumpkins?

105. If K x 23 x 54 = 105, find K.

106. Find the first possible case where a set of consecutive whole numbers satisfies the
following description: prime, composite, prime, composite, perfect square, com-
posite, prime, composite, prime. (Your answer should consist of 9 consecutive
whole numbers.)

107. Four (4) is the smallest perfect square number that meets the following require-
a) If it is decreased by one, the new number is a multiple of three.
b) If it is increased by one, the new number is a multiple of five.
What is the next perfect square that meets both requirements?

108. Freida must take a 4-hour examination containing 200 questions, 50 of which are
math questions. Twice as much time should be allowed for each math question as
for each other type question. What is the total number of minutes she should allow
for the math questions?

109. Tour A leaves every 15 minutes and takes 2'/2 hours to complete. Tour A passes
the waterfall halfway through the tour. Tour B leaves every 15 minutes and takes
1 hour to complete. Tour B passes the waterfall one-fourth of the way through the
tour. If John takes Tour A at 1:30 P.M., when should Bob take Tour B so that the
two tours arrive at the waterfall at the same time?

110. Find the least number of triangles into which a hexagon maybe divided by draw-
ing diagonals in the hexagon.

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GL Questions
Grades 7 - 9

111. A row of seats in a stadium has 100 seats. If 12 people sit in a row so that there are
2 empty seats between any person and the next person, how many empty seats in
the row are not between the two end people?

A x x x x B
112. ABCD is a rectangular region with
area 336 square inches. How many Y Y

inches are there in the perimeter of

the large rectangle ABCD? x x

D y Y Y C

113. A circle is inscribed in square ABCD.
E, F, G and H are the midpoints of the
sides of square ABCD. If the area of the 0
shaded region is it - 2 square units, find 00
the length of AB. A E B


114. In the rectangle ABCD, AB = 12, AD = 4.

Find the area of the shaded region.

115. A new train goes 20% further in 20% less time than an old train. By what % is the
average speed of the new train greater than that of the old train?

116. A merchant buys cloth at $1.60 per yard. At what price per yard should he list the
cloth so that he may sell it at a discount of 20% from the list price and still make
a profit of 20% of the sale price?

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q Questions
Grades 7 - 9

117. A six-pointed star (as shown) is formed by taking C

equilateral triangle ABC, flipping it over to form

triangle DEF, and placing the 2nd triangle on the
first so that all sides intersect at trisection points.
Express, in simplest form, the ratio of the area of
the entire star to the area of the original triangle ABC?

118. Find the average of all numbers from 1 to 100 that end in 2.

119. A runner wishes to travel 1100 meters. She plans to do this by first running 200
meters at the rate of 8 meters per second, then walking 200 meters at the rate of 2
meters per second and then repeating this process until she has gone 1100 meters.
How many seconds did she need in order to travel the full distance?

120. A rectangular lawn is 120 feet long and 80 feet wide. Ted's lawn mower cuts a path
one foot wide. If Ted started along the outside of the lawn and mowed around the
outer portion of the uncut lawn twenty times, what fractional part of the lawn had
he mowed? (Your answer must be in simplest form.)

121. The Port Royal football team scored one-third its points in the 1st quarter, one-
fourth its points in the 2nd quarter, one-sixth its points in the 3rd quarter and the
remaining points in the 4th quarter. If the Port Royal team won by 2 points and the
combined scores for both teams was 70 points, how many points did the Port
Royal team score in the 4th quarter?

122. AEFL is a square. MF, LN, AB, BC, CD, DE LN MF

are all equal segments and have a length of
1 unit. Find the area of the shaded region. 4


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q Questions
Grades 7 - 9

123. A train starts its 221 mile trip at 7:30 A.M. If the train travels at an average speed
of 34 miles per hour and stops exactly four minutes at each of ten stations, at what
time in the afternoon will it arrive at its final destination?

124. One news carrier can deliver 75 newspapers in 2 hours. How many newspapers
can 4 news carriers deliver in 3 hours?

125. AO is the radius of the larger circle and the diameter

of the smaller circle. Find the ratio (in simplest form)
of the area of the shaded region to the area of the larger

126. A 4-liter mixture of milk and coffee is 20% milk. A liter of pure coffee is added to
this mixture. What percent of the new mixture is milk?

127. A model train follows the "figure eight" as shown

making a complete loop of both circles arriving
back at A. If the train covers 16n ft. and the radius
of the large circle is 6 ft., find the radius of the
smaller circle.

128. Each edge of a cube is increased by 50%. The percent of increase in the surface area
of the cube is: a) 50 b) 125 c) 150 d) 300 e) 750

129. Two cups, A and B, are exactly the same size and half filled - A with only milk and
B with only coffee. A teaspoon of coffee is taken from B and mixed thoroughly
with the milk in A. Then, a teaspoon of the new mixture in A is transferred to B.
Which of the following statements is true? 1) There is more coffee in A than milk
in B. 2) There is less coffee in A than milk in B. 3) The amount of coffee in A and
milk in B are exactly the same.

page 22
Grades 7 - 9

130. The star is formed by 2 congruent equilateral

triangles which intersect at trisection points.
Rectangle BDHJ is drawn. If a side of the equilateral
triangle (AE) is 6 inches, find the area of rectangle BDHJ.

131. One edge of a ruler is to be marked in inch units and 6 inch units. How many
different marks are needed from the 2-inch mark to the 3-inch mark, including
those 2 marks?

132. The face of a clock is divided into 60 equal units. The hour hand moves 5 units
every hour. At 9 A.M. the minute hand is 45 units behind the hour hand. In how
many minutes will the minute hand be one unit behind the hour hand.

133. If Joan races her bicycle at 15 miles per hour, she will pass a checkpoint at 11:00
A.M. Sue, starting together with Joan, races her bicycle at 10 miles per hour. She
passes the same checkpoint 2 hours later. How many miles is the checkpoint from
where the girls started?

134. In the addition problem at the right, A, B, C, D and E ABCD

represent different digits. Everywhere a particular ABCD
letter appears it represents the same digit. ABCD
Find the digit "B" represents. EBEA

135. If the first day in a year is a Tuesday, then the first day in the next year advances
one day to be a Wednesday. If it is a leap year, then it advances 2 days. If Jan. 1..
1901 was a Tuesday, then what day of the week will it be on Jan. 1, 2001? (There
are 25 leap years in this period.).

136. A "Druid" and a "Meef"weigh 7 pounds. Two "Meefs" and one "Zarp" weigh 9
pounds. A "Druid" and a "Zarp" weigh 4 pounds. How many pounds does one
"Meet' weigh?
page 23
1V Questions
Grades 7 - 9

137. An escalator moves up at a rate of so many steps per second. A man walks up the
escalator at his own rate of one step per second and reaches the top in 20 seconds.
The next day his rate was 2 steps per second and he reached the top in 16 seconds.
How many steps does the escalator have?

138. On Arbor Day a group of students planted a tree that was 10 feet high. Each year
the tree increased its height by x feet. During the sixth year it increased its height
by 11 of the height it had reached at the end of the fifth year. How many feet high
was the tree at the end of the sixth year?

139. A mixture of green dye contains 3 pints of blue dye and 1 pint of yellow dye. A mix-
ture of orange dye contains 2 pints of red dye and 2 pints of yellow dye. If the green
mixture and the orange mixture are used to fill a one gallon pail, what percent of
the new mixture is yellow dye?

140. Alan is a faster runner than Bill. Alan runs 3 yards every second; Bill runs 2 yards
every second. Alan gives Bill a 35 yard headstart in a race and reaches thei finish
line exactly 2 seconds before Bill. How many yards did Alan run?

141. Standings in a soccer league after each team played every other team once:
Won L= Ties Fgr Against
Scotland 3 0 0 7 1
England 1 1 1 2 3
Wales 1 1 1 3 3
Ireland 0 3 0 1 6
If Scotland beat England 3-0, what was the score of the game between England and

142. Each different letter represents a different digit and AC, BC and CH represent 2-
digit numbers. A letter represents the same digit each time it appears. A x B = B;
B x C = AC; C x D = BC and D x E = CH. Find the digit H represents.
page 24
q Questions
Grades 7 - 9

143. A 3-digit number, ABC, when multiplied by 321 gives a ABC

product with the digits 1, 2 and 3 occupying the last 3 x 321
places of the product. Find the number represented by ---
ABC. ----

144. Al is 100 yards from Bill and Bill is 300 yards

from Chuck. They all move to the right at
i 300

constant speeds. In 6 minutes Al overtakes A B
Bill and in another 6 minutes Al overtakes
Chuck. How many minutes did it take Bill to overtake Chuck?

145. A motel is owned by three people. Mrs. X owns 5 of the motel, and Mr. Y owns
twice as much as Mr. Z. What fraction of the motel does Mr. Z own?

146. A train traveling 88 feet per second takes three seconds to enter a tunnel and
another thirty seconds to pass completely through it. What is the length of the train
in feet?

147. In 1928 there were four dates in which the month times the day was equal to the
year (last 2 digits). 1/28/28; 2/14/28; 4/7/28; 7/4/28. In which year of this
century are there the most of these kinds of dates and how many?

148. Clock "A" loses 1 minute a day and clock "B" gains 15 minutes a day. If clock "B"
is 17 minutes ahead of clock "A", then how many days will it take clock "B" to be
30 minutes ahead of clock "A"?

page 25
(11 Questions
Grades 7 - 9

149. How many different routes are there from
point A to point B, if the movement must
be to the right or down?

150. What is the unit's digit in the number 4478?

151. Tom climbs stairs 5 steps at a time and Bob goes up 4 steps at a time. At a certain
step, Tom is 9 steps from the top and Bob is 2 steps behind Tom. What is the fewest
possible number of steps for these stairs?

152. On Monday a store put out 10 watermelons to be sold and some were sold. On
Tuesday the number left over was doubled and again the same number were sold
as on Monday. On Wednesday the number left over was tripled and the same sold
as on Monday leaving none left over. How many were sold each day?

153. Each of 5 people have a car with a full one-gallon gas tank. Each car goes 10 miles
on a gallon. They all can carry at most 5 ohe-gallon cans of gasoline. They start
together and wish to have one car go as far due west as possible and yet have all
the cars return. Only unopened cans can be transferred to other cars. What is the
most miles due west that one car can go?

154. Thirty students took a test. The average grade for the whole class was 70 and the
average of the twenty who passed was 80. What was the average of those who

155. Joe walks to Hank's house in 12 minutes. It takes Hank only 8 minutes to walk the
same distance to Joe's house. Joe walks to Al's house in 8 minutes. It takes Al 12
minutes to walk the same distance to Joe's house. If Joe walks at the same rate to
both his friends, what is the ratio of Hank's rate of walking to Al's rate of walking?

page 26
q Questions

156. There are 120 numbers that can be formed using all 5 digits 1, 2,3,4 and 5. There
are 24 of these numbers beginning with each digit. If these numbers are arranged
in increasing order: 12, 345; 12, 354; 12, 435; 12, 453 up to 54, 321. Which one of
these numbers is the 75th in this order?

157. John runs at a constant speed from A to E to C.
Tom runs at a constant speed from B to C. When
John gets to point E, Tom is ahead by 30 yards.
When John reaches point C he is yards 110 yds.
ahead of Tom.

158. Mr. G. and Mr. H. work in the same building and live next to one another. Mr. G.
travels by bus and Mr. H. travels by train. The train route is 11 miles longer than
the bus route. The bus travels at a rate 3 of the rate of the train. They start at the
same time and arrive together. What is the distance of the route taken by the train?
159. There are 6 empty cans and 3 boxes filled with
the same number of marbles. Each can is given uu 0000000000

12 of the marbles in each box. Each box now has

12 more marbles than each can. How many
HH 1

marbles did each box have at the beginning? uu 0000000000


160. Mike is assigned to find the speed of the current of the Lima River. He tosses a leaf
into the river. The leaf takes 9 seconds to pass under a bridge 33 feet wide. Find
the speed of the current in miles per hour. (5280 feet =1 mile)

161. How many whole numbers from 100 to 1000 contain the digit 6 exactly twice?

162. There is a train depot in each of 7 cities. Each train depot has a direct line
of communication with the other depots. How many lines of communication are
there among the 7 cities?

page 27
Grades 7 - 9

163. The average of A and B is X. The average of C, D and E is Y. What is the average
of A, B, C, D and E in terms of X and Y?

164. A piece of cardboard like the one shown at the right

is made up of five congruent squares and has an area
of 80 square inches. If the cardboard was folded along
the dotted lines in order to make a box (with no top),
the volume of the box would be cubic inches.

165. Two glasses of the same size contain pure orange juice. One is 1 /3 full and the
other is 1 /4 full. Both are filled with water and poured into a container. Half of
the mixture is poured back into one of the glasses. What part of this is pure orange

166. ABCD is a rectangle. E is the midpoint of AD and

F is the midpoint of CD. EF is the diameter of circle O.
If AB = 16 and BC = 12, find the area of circle O.
(Express your answer in terms of n.)

167. There are less than 15 houses on one side of the street that are numbered 2, 4, 6,
etc. Mrs. Lewis lives in one of these houses. The numbers of all the houses num-
bered below hers have the same sum as all those numbered above her. How
many houses are on her side of the street?

168. Willis has an equal number of nickels, dimes and quarters. He can put the same
number of each of the three types of coins in 8 bags. All of this money can be put
into 7 bags with equal numbers of nickels, dimes and quarters. The same condition
can be done with 6 bags but not with 5. What is the smallest amount of money con-
tained in all the bags?

169. Two apples and three bananas cost 330. Four apples and seven bananas cost 710.
The cost of one apple and five bananas is 0.
page 28
q Questions
Grades 7 - 9

170. The evil warlord, Beldark, has locked the beautiful princess, Alcana, in a dungeon.
Before he lets her out she must find the first perfect square number larger than 100
where the sum of the digits is not a perfect square. Help her by finding that
number. (62 = 36, 36 is a "perfect square".)

171. Multiplying 4 times 2178 gives an answer that is the reverse of 2178; 4 x 2178 =
8712. Find the four digit number that when multiplied by 9 does the same thing.

172. A man cycles to work alongside a railroad track at 6 M.P.H. Every day he arrives
at a crossing at the same time that a train does. One day he was 50 minutes late and
was overtaken by the train 6 miles from the crossing. In how many minutes will
the train reach the crossing?

173. The year 1961 has the rare property of reading the same when the paper it is on
is turned upside down. Only 0, 1, 6, 8 and 9 form digits upside down. What is the
next year after 1961 that has this property?

174. Scott gave Ken an amount of money equal to what was in Ken's pocket. Ken then
gave Scott an amount of money equal to what Scott had left. Ken now had $10 and
Scott had $8. How much money did Ken originally have in his pocket?

175. There are 24 numbers that can be formed from the digits 1, 2, 3 and 4 using each
digit once and only once. (Each digit appears 6 times in each of the 4 places. _ _ _
What is the sum of these 24 numbers?

176. For the numbers: 1, 2,3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8 , 9,10,11, 12,13,14,15, the numbers less than
8 add up to 28 and those more than 8 add up to 84. Pairs of numbers, one on each
side of 8, can be interchanged to change these sums. What is the fewest number
of interchanges that will make the sums on either side of 8 equal?

page 29
q Questions
Grades 7 - 9

177. The numbers 3, 4, 5 and 5, 12, 13 are the sides of two right triangles. So
are the numbers 3a, 4a, 5a and 5b, 12b, and 13b, where a and b are any two counting
numbers. Find the smallest numbers for a and b so that the perimeters of the two
triangles will be equal.

178. A man walked at a constant speed of 4 M.P.H. A car moving at a constant speed
passed him. From the moment it that it passed him to its disappearance around
the corner, the man took 18 steps and, walking on, reached the corner in 126 more
steps. What was the speed of the car in M.P.H.?

179. Mrs. Green has a square garden 40 feet on J G

each side. She wished to have cement walks K F

laid along the diagonals, and presents the

diagram shown to her gardener. AB = CD =
DE=FG=GH=IJ=JK=LA=2feet. Ifit
costs $4 a square foot to lay cement, what L E
will it cost Mrs. Green for her cement walk?

180. Car A and car B start together. Car A travels once around a circular track at 30
M.P.H. Car B travels in the opposite direction at 20 M.P.H. until he passes car A.
From this point, at what speed must car B travel to finish once around the track
at the same time that car A does?

181. Volume = area of base x height

A tank of water has a base of 6 square feet and a water Metal
height of .5 feet. A metal cube with a base area of 1 square u

foot and a height of 1 foot is placed on the bottom of the

tank. How high will the water rise?

page 30
q Questions
Grades 7 - 9

182. The numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29..... are
prime numbers. The length of each side of scalene
triangle ABC is a prime number. Its perimeter is
also a prime number. Find the smallest possible
perimeter. (Remember that a side of a triangle cannot
be larger than or equal to the sum of its other 2 sides.)

183. The figure represents an intersection of highway ®

with streets ® and ©. Twenty percent (20%) of the
traffic on OA turns onto®and 25% turns onto© .

On Saturday, between 9 A.M. and 10 A.M., 300 cars

came along highway ® . How many of these cars
continued through the intersection?

184. Joe lives at the corner of a rectangular park 11 miles long by z mile wide. Every
day at 5:00 P.M. he leaves from the corner to jog once around the park. At 5:10 P.M.
his neighbor also leaves from the same corner every day to jog once around, only
in the opposite direction. If they pass each other at the opposite corner (half-way
around) at 5:30 P.M., then the neighbor's jogging rate is m.p.h. more than
Joe's jogging rate.

185. An escalator in a department store moves down at the rate of 64 steps per minute.
Julie can walk fast up ordinary steps at the rate of 96 steps per minute. In the store,
there are 48 steps from one level to another. Julie decides to walk fast up the down
escalator. How long will it take her to go up one level?

186. A number is said to be a "palindrome" if it reads the same from right to left as it
does from left to right. Examples of palindromes are 14641, 2222, and 393. How
many palindromes are there between 10,000 and 20,000?

page 31
CM Questions
Grades 7 - 9

187. Al and Bob each have a different number of baseball cards. They decide to "flip"
a card. After each "flip", the loser must double the number of cards of the other
person. After 4 "flips", Al lost the first two "flips" and won the last two "flips". Each
boy now has 16 baseball cards. How many baseball cards did Al start with?

188. In bowling, a "handicap" is determined by subtracting your average bowling

score from 180, then finding 80% of this difference. Sue bowls games of 120, 217
and 143. What is her "handicap"?

189. If two sides of a square field were 4 feet longer,* 4

the field would contain 176 more square feet of
area. The area of the original square field is
_ square feet. * as shown -

190. Find the smallest possible integer which when divided by either 3,4 or 5 will have
a remainder of 2.

191. The number 1125 has prime factors of 3's and 5's only (3x3x5x5x5). How many
positive perfect square numbers other than 1 are factors of 1125?

192. Lou can walk the 2 miles to school at the rate of 6 m.p.h., or ride his bike
at 12 m.p.h. One day zhe begins riding, but afters of the way he gets a flat and has
to walk his bike the rest of the way. This slows his walking rate hbt one-third. How
many minutes did it take Lou to get to school that day?

page 32
q Questions
Grades 7 - 9

193. To organize a game, a teacher numbered her 27 students from 1 to 27. The game
involves leaving the room when the teacher calls a number that is a factor of the
student's tag number, and re-entering the room when another factor of the
student's tag number is called. For example, student 6 leaves on 1, re-enters on 2,
leaves on 3 and re-enters the room on 6. How many students are out of the room
when all 27 numbers have been called?

194. If the symbol b c =axb-
find the value of
(Express your answer in simplest form)

195. Mr. Lewis takes a train home every work day at 4:00 P.M. arriving at the station
at 6:00 P.M. Every day, driving at the same rate, his wife meets him at the station
and drives him home. One day he takes the train an hour early and arrives at the
station at 5:00 P.M. His wife leaves the house to meet him at the regular time, so
Mr. Lewis begins to walk home. She meets him along the way and they arrive
home 20 minutes earlier than usual. How many minutes did Mr. Lewis walk?

196. Ross and Atacus, starting together, ran a 500 yard race, each running at a constant
speed. When Ross crossed the finish line, Atacus was exactly 25 yards behind
Ross. They decide to run the race again, this time Ross starting 20 yards behind the
original starting line and each running at his same constant speed as before. This
time wins by yards.

197. If2+4+6+8+10..... +200+202=10,302, find the sum of4+8+12+.....+


page 33
1V Questions
Grades 7 - 9

198. Six boy scouts on a camping trip discover that the amount of pancake mix
they prepared for breakfast will make only one and one-half pancakes for each of
them. For each of them to have exactly two pancakes, they must add enough mix
to equal the original amount. a) z b) c) 4 d)

199. The large rectangle at the right is divided x

into 5 congruent rectangles. If x + y = 10,
find the area of the rectangular region
labeled "A". Y A

x x x

200. Hank has more money than Joe and Al combined. Joe has exactly twice as much
money as Al. Al has more money than Steve. Hank has exactly four times as much
money as Steve. None of the boys have more than 18¢. The total amount of money
the four boys have is 0.

201. George has 2 quarters, 2 dimes and 2 nickels. Using at least one of the 6 coins, how
many different amounts of money can he make?

202. A and B are two different digits. They represent these same two digits in the two-
digit number AB, the reversed two-digit number BA, and a three-digit number
AOB having zero for the middle digit. If AB subtracted from BA gives the same
difference as BA subtracted from AOB, then what number is AB?

203. Lisa, Renee and Donna are each wearing one ring. One of these rings is red,
another is blue, and a third is green. The 3 girls are eating at a round table. Donna
passes the salt to her right to the wearer of the green ring. Renee passes the juice
to the person on her right who passes it to her right to the wearer of the red ring.
The color of each girl's ring is: Donna ;Renee ;Lisa

204. A parking garage charges $K for the first hour or fraction of an hour and $ K for
each hour thereafter. Bill parked 7 times as long as Ray. If Ray parked for z3 hour,
Bill paid times as much as Ray.

page 34
q Questions
Grades 7 - 9

205. Ann and Betty, two cyclists, start at the same time. Ann starts at point A and Betty
at point B, and travel towards each other at constant speeds A - , ' B.
They pass each other in 30 minutes and Ann, headed for point B, arrives there in
another 20 minutes. In how many more minutes, a fterAnn arrives at point B, will
Betty arrive at point A?

206. Isosceles AAOB, where AO = AB, has a vertex angle

of 100°. Point 0 is the center of a circle whose radius
is 6. Find the area of the shaded region. (Your answer
may be left in terms of n.)

207. Turtle A and turtle B start from the same point and travel in opposite directions
towards two bits of food. Both turtles reach their food in one hour. Turtle A's speed
was 3 m.p.h. and turtle B's was 4 m.p.h. If each turtle had gone in the direction the
other turtle took, turtle A would have reached the food minutes after
turtle B reached its food.

208. Al and Beth had a relay race against Chuck and Diane. They all move at constant
speeds. Al goes half the distance at 4 ft. /sec. and Beth the other half at 6 ft. /sec.
Chuck goes half the distance at 3 ft./sec. How fast must Diane travel the second
half so that the race is a tie?

209. Train "A" is 200 ft. long. Train "B" is 400 ft. long. They run on parallel tracks each
traveling at constant speeds. When moving in the same direction, "A" passes "B"
in 15 seconds A, . In opposite directions they pass each other in
5 seconds-A,._ B B How fast is each train moving? (use ft. /sec.)

210. A man is digging a hole. He is 510" tall. When we come upon him he tells us that
he is done and, when he is finished, his head will be 3 times as far below ground
as it is now above ground. How deep will that hole be when finished?

211. Tom and Burt are to take turns removing either 1 or 2 marbles from a circle. There
are 7 marbles. The person selecting the last marble is the loser. If Tom goes first and
each of them makes the best possible removals, then who will lose the game?

page 35
Grades 4 - 6

1.) (6) When looking at Mary compared to Jim, she picks up one brother (Jim) and
loses one sister (herself). Or, assume 7 boys and 2 girls are in the family. Jim (one
of the boys) has 6 brothers and 2 sisters. Mary has 7 brothers and only 1 sister.

2.) (156) Adding 1 through 12 and multiplying by 2 will give the correct total. The
easiest way to count the 1 through 12 is to add 1 + 12, 2 + 11, etc. or 13 x 6 = 78

3.) (75) The shortest possible distance from Callicoon to Adams City will occur
if Callicoon is between Adams and Biscayne. Under this condition Callicoon will
be 75 miles from Adams City (107 - 32 = 75).

4.) (9 or 90 Joe can purchase 20 dozen doughnuts for $16.00 at 80Q per dozen.
(16-00-- .80 = 20). There are 240 doughnuts in 20 dozen. The price charged for each
doughnut, therefore is 90 (21.60 = 240 = $.09 or 9¢).

5.) (3) To find the least number of people possible in one family, it is necessary to
find the maximum number of people in the other 8 families. Eight (8) families can
contain at most 48 people (8 x 6 = 48). Hence, there are at least 3 people in the re-
maining family.

6.) (20) john Bill Difference

1 1 0
2 3 1

3 6 3
4 10 6
5 15 10
20 total difference

7.) (c or B±1) A positive fraction increases in value when either its numerator gets
larger or its denominator gets smaller. In this case, both situations exist. Therefore,

has the largest value. page 36
Grades 4 - 6

8.) (18) Bottle B holds 12 pints of water. When the contents of bottle A are poured
into bottle B, bottle B is 3/4 full. Therefore, the contents of bottle A was 9 pints (3/
4 of 12 is 9). Since bottle A contained 9 pints of water when it was 1 /2 full, it will
hold 18 pints of water when it is full.

9.) (2) When 5 people go from car 3 to car 2, there will be 10 more people in car 2 than
cars 1 and 3 combined (car 3 loses 5, car 2 gains 5). When 7 people go from car 2
to car 1, there will be 4 more in cars 1 and 3 combined than in car 2. When 6 people
get off the train it will leave 2 more in car 2 than in car 1 and car 3 combined.

10.) (300) Angle A contains 30°, angle B contains 120° (30 x 4 = 120). Since the three
angles must add to 180°, angle C must contain 30° (180 - 150 = 30).

11.) (200) 10 candy bars at 160 each would total $1.60. With only 8 candy bars to be
sold, Mr. Brown would have to sell them at 20¢ each to receive $1.60.

12.) (13)The 13 are: 0 ABC, A BDG, 0 BGE, 0 ADF, A DGF, 0 GFE, 0 EFC, 0 BDE,

13.) (4) # - # = 0, so * must be 0. If * is 0, the C must be a 4 in the subtraction


14.) (32) By doubling the number of people in each successive generation, there will
be 32 people in the 6th generation.
Generation 1 234 5 6
No. of people 1 2 4 8 16 32

page 37
cmj Solutions
Grades 4 - 6

15. (96) Since AH = 8, DE = 3, BC = 3, FG must equal 3. Since AB = 18, HG = 8,

CD = 6, FE must equal 4. By extending lines FG and DE up to AB, the figure is
divided into 3 rectangles of area 64, 20 and 12. Total area = 96.

16.) (115) By Wednesday, Mike had 460 cards. Putting 460 cards into 4 equal stacks
results in 115 cards in each stack (460: 4 = 115).

17.) (17) Three times a teenager's age will result in a number between 39 and 57.
Therefore, Carol's age must either be 14 or 15. (Reversing the digits will result in
a number from 39 to 57). If Carol is 15, Bob is 17 and 51 is 3 times 17.

18.) (60) If, when Lucy gave Ken 10 cards they had an equal amount, Lucy must have
started with 20 more cards than Ken. Therefore, when Ken gave Lucy 10 cards, she
would have 40 more cards than Ken. When looking for two numbers that are 40
apart where the larger is 5 times the smaller, 10 and 50 are the only two numbers
that satisfy those statements. Therefore, Ken started with 20 cards and Lucy with
40 cards.

19.) (D) Since A did not win, neither did B or E. Thus, either D or C won, but D came
in 10 yards ahead of C; so D won.

20.) (7) Any total larger than seven can be obtained using multiples of 3 and/or 5.

21.) (8) Two "r" sections and one "t" section have a length of 20'. Since two "r" sections
plus one "t" section plus one "y" section have a length of 28', the "y" section must
have a length of 8 feet.

page 38
Cli Grades 4-6

22. (2) Since 5 spoons and 2 glasses weigh as much as 3 plates and one plate weighs
as much as one spoon and one glass, five spoons and two glasses weigh as much
as three spoons and three glasses. Thus, two spoons weigh as much as one glass.

23. (66) Following the chart below:

No. 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55
Skip 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Next No. 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55 66

24. (60) The two shaded rectangles both have a length of 12 and they have a com-
bined width of 5 (12-7). Thus, their total area is 60 (5x12).

25. ($72) Since she had spent 7/ 8 of her money (1 /2 + 1/4 +1/8), she had 1/8 of her
money left after shopping in the three stores. If $9 is 1 /8 of her original money, she
must have started shopping with $72.

26. (1:38 P.M.) Mr. Baxter must "make-up" 4 blocks. He "makes-up" one block
every 2 minutes. Therefore, in 8 minutes he will catch up with Mr. Allen.

27. (28) The first woman plays 7 opponents. The second woman, 6 additional
opponents, etc. 7+6+5+4+3+2+1 = 28.

28. (7) 7x(8x9x10xlix12)=(7x8x9xlOx11)x12.However, (8x9xlOxllxl2)

is greater than (7x8x9xlOxll). By increasing the 7 by one, the result is one more
(8x9xlOxllxl2) instead of one more (7x8x9xlOxll).

29. (5400) By producing a ball point pen every five seconds, the machine produces 12
pens each minute. Since she operates the machine 71/2 hours daily, it produces

page 39
Grades 4 - 6

30. (9) Since the three painters painted 2/3 of the house in 6 hours, they could have
painted the whole house in 9 hours. Thus, one man, working alone, could have
painted the whole house in 27 hours. He will, therefore, need 9 hours to paint the
remaining 1/3 of the house.

31. (6) 60 boxes are needed to pack 30,000 bananas (30,000s 500 = 60). Since 10 carts
are needed to pack 60 boxes, 6 boxes are on each cart.

32. (4) 0.....9 take up 10 spaces. That leaves 30 more spaces to be taken up by 15 2-
digit numbers. 15 2-digit numbers starting with 10 ends with 24. The last digit is

33. (14) If David won 3 times, then Allen must win 11 times to end up with 8 more
cards than when he started. (3 + 11 = 14).

34. (97) 81 means 8 dozen 1 egg or 8 x 12 + 1 = 97.

35. (13) If each sheep had 2 feet, then the total number of feet would be 34 (17 x 2
= 34). The extra 26 feet (60 - 34) is determined by the additional 2 legs for each
sheep. 26 2 = 13. He has 13 sheep and 4 chickens.

36. ($3 or 3) Since six people paid $8 and three people paid $4.25, three people
had to pay $3.75. Thus, each additional person paid $1.25. Subtracting $1.25 from
$4.25 (the charge for 3 people) leaves $3 as the fixed charge for the driver and one

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Cli Grades 4 - 6

37. (6) The numbers 1, 2, 6, and 9 can determine the other measures in the follow-
ing manner: 3 = distance from 6 to 9; 4 = distance from 2 to 6; 5 = distance from 1
to 6; 7 = distance from 2 to 9; 8 = distance from 1 to 9.

38. (210) Alex gains 1/2 yard every second, so it will take him 60 seconds to over-
come the 30,yard lead. Since he finishes 2 seconds ahead of Bob, he has a 5 yard
lead at the finish. It would take him 10 seconds to gain 5 yards on Bob. In all, Alex
ran for 70 seconds (60 + 10). 3 x 70 = 210 yards.

39. (3) By adding one pound to the scale, 2 small blocks plus that one pound
would equal a large block. Do this again and the equivalent of 4 large blocks would
weigh 28 pounds (26 + 2). A large block, therefore, weighs 7 pounds and a small
block 3 pounds.

40. (6) Two black beads with 6 white beads at the left, and one black bead with 3
white beads at the right will result in 1/4 of the beads on each side being black.

41. (3) R = Red; B = Blue; W = White

42. ($1.19) For each kind of coin, Rick can have at most: 1 half-dollar, 1 quarter,
4 dimes, 1 nickel, and 4 pennies. All these can be used except the 1 nickel. They
make up the 10 coins (.50 +.25 +.40 +.04 = $1.19).

43. (1 or 1:00 P.M.) The faster watch gains 4 minutes every 2 hours. It will take
30 hours to gain 60 minutes. In 30 hours it will be 1:00 P.M.

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Grades 4 - 6

44. (42) Since all 3 children weigh 174 pounds and Carlos and Peggy weigh 121
pounds, Gina must weigh 53 pounds (174-121 = 53). Since Peggy and Gina weigh
95 pounds together, Peggy must weigh 42 pounds (95 - 53 = 42).

45. (7) Substitute 5 plums and 1 apple for 1 pear. This will give 3 apples and 5
plums balancing 11 plums. Therefore, 3 apples balance 6 plums, or 1 apple bal-
ances 2 plums. Since 5 plums and 1 apple balance 1 pear, then 7 plums will also
balance 1 pear.

46. (11) The first bag contains 50 - (2nd & 3rd + 4th & 5th) or 50 - (20 + 27) = 3. The
fifth bag contains 50 - (1st & 2nd + 3rd & 4th) or 50 - (21 + 21) = 8. 3 + 8 = 11.

47. ($90) Since he received $30 and the radio for 10 mowings, he should receive $120
for the remaining 10 mowings ($150 - $30). For 20 mowings he should receive $240.
The value of the radio, therefore, is $90 ($240 - $150).

48. (10) The hop is 1, the skip is 3, and the jump is 6 (1 jump = 2 skips = 6 hops).
1 +3+6=10.

49. (Kim) If Jim took the cookies, then all of them told the truth. If Tim took the
cookies, then all of them lied. If Kim took the cookies, then Kim and Jim lied, but
Tim told the truth.

50. (12) Every four 3-foot boards will equal three 4-foot boards in length. The
total number of boards will be a multiple of 7. There are a total of 21 boards. There-
fore, there are twelve 3-foot boards and nine 4-foot boards.

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Cli Grades 4 - 6

51. (18) Going, 15 people took the bus and the remaining 15 people went by car.
Since 5 people rode in each car, there were 3 cars. Coming back, 12 people rode in
the 3 cars and 18 (30 - 12) came home by bus.

52. (40 minutes) Count each science question as 2 units. 2 x 40 = 80. In terms of time,
the science questions represent 360 or 9 the total time. Since 3 hours = 180 minutes,
9 x 180 = 40 minutes. (Counting each science question twice represents 360 ques-


53. (13 3 or equivalent) In 40 minutes, Cindy completes 8 laps to Alice's 5 laps,

and is 3 laps ahead. Therefore, in 3 x 40 = 13 3 minutes Cindy will be one lap

54. (8) C must be 2. B must be 6 since 3 x B = - - 8. A3

Since C is 2, A must be 4, since 8 + 8 has a unit's x BC
digit of 6. Now, 43 x 62 = 2666. --
D+E=2+6=8. --8
DE6 6

55. (15) Multiples of 5 end in a zero or a 5. To add to 99 shirts, the multiple of 12 must
end in a 4 or a 9. The multiples of 12 to test are 24 and 84. 84 + 15 = 99. 7 box "B"
and 3 box "A". This is not more than 10. 24+75=99. 2 box "B" and 15 box "A".

56. (GH = 4) 1 1 11 1 4 1 3 1

(HI=3) E F G H I

EF=1,EG=2,HI = 3, GH = 4, FH = 5, EH = 6, GI = 7, FI = 8, EI = 9.

57. (8) In sequence; AxB = B so A = 1. BxC = 1C soB=3,C=5. 5.5xD = 35 so D =

7xE=5HsoE=8 andH=6. (If BC = IC and B = 6, C =2 is chosen, it fails to meet
the criterion of the next step.)

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Cli Grades 4 - 6

58. (72) 128 = 8 =16. The area of each square is 16 square feet. Each side of the square
is 4 feet. The perimeter is 18 x 4 = 72 feet.

59. (40) The minute hand is 6 x6 = 36 units behind the hour hand. Every 10 minutes
the minute hand gains 9 units on the hour hand. In 40 minutes it will gain 36 units.

60. (0) Since 5 x 2 = 10, any number times 10 will have a zero for the unit's digit.

61. (1) S = 3 + 1 + 0 + 4 + 3 = 11. When 11 is divided by 5, the remainder is 1.

62. (18) From the 1st row take 3 and 4; 2nd row take 3; 3rd row take 1 and 4th row
take4and3. 3+4+3+1+4+3=$18.

63. (99) The next number where the digits read the same forward or backward
would be 70907. (Such a number is called a palindrome.) 70808 + 99 = 70907.

64. (23) As the train leaves station (x, there are 11 trains from station© on the way.
12 more trains will leave station(y) before the train from Qx arrives. 11 + 12 = 23.

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Cli Grades 4 - 6

65. The sum of the first six numbers is 43 x 6 = 258. The sum of all eight numbers is
51 x 8 = 408. The two new numbers add to 150 (408 - 258) so their average is 75
(150-- 2).

66. (20) Liz has 5 blank spaces (Tom had 3 more blank spaces than Liz). If Liz has
5 blank spaces, then she has 20 covered spaces.

67. (270) The pen could cost from 240 to 270 to meet the required conditions. If the
pen were to cost 280, Jim would have 40 (to be 240 short); and now Barbara's
money plus Jim's 40 would be enough to buy the pen.

68. (6) Age Now Age in 1 Year

Janet (yrs.) Dog (mos.) Janet (yrs.) Dog (mos.)
3 1 4 13
6 2 7 14

69. (6) The second teacher closes 6 of the 12 doors. The third teacher will close 2
doors and open 2 doors so that 6 of the 12 doors are still open. (Feel free to explain
to your class why teachers have nothing else to do but open and close doors.)

70. (Baker) Mr. Baker is not the baker. Mr. Carpenter is not the baker since his
wife is the baker's sister. Therefore, Mr. Plumber is the baker.

71. (11) Find the least common multiple of 2, 3 and 4. This is 12. One less than a
multiple gives the largest possible remainder. 12 -1 = 11.

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Grades 4 - 6

72. (7) 96 -12 = 84 wagons. 84 people were transferred from 12 wagons. 84 =12 =
7. There were 7 people on each wagon originally.

73. (144) If a side of the square were the same length as a side of the triangle, then
the 66 cm. would be divided into 7 pieces (4 for the square, 3 for the triangle). In-
stead, the 66 cm. should be divided into 11 pieces (4 + 4 + 3) since the length of a
side of the square is twice that of the triangle. Therefore, each side of the square
is 12 cm. and each side of the triangle 6 cm. (12 x 4 + 3 x 6 = 66). The area of the square
region is 12 x 12 = 144 sq. cm.

74. (7) There are 3 possible ways of arriving at 7. The simplest is: 2 with perfect
sight,1 blind only in the right eye and 4 totally blind. (The other two possibilities
are reached by starting with 3 totally blind and then 2 totally blind.)

75. (4) 78 + 87 = 165; 165 + 561 = 726; 726 + 627 = 1353; 1353 + 3531 = 4884.

76. (15) On the face of a clock, the difference between the numbers opposite one
another is always 6 Q/ 2 of 12). In this case, the difference between the numbers
opposite one another will always be 9 (1/2 of 18). Since 15 - 6 = 9,15 is opposite

77. (6009) It must be after 2000. The smallest digit for the thousand's place is 6. Then
9 must be in the unit's place. Place two zeros in between to get the next year after

78. ($2) In 8 games it will be 4 minutes before he is knocked out. 8 x .25 = $2.00

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Cli Grades 4 - 6

79. (19) There are 9 two-digit palindromes. The palindromes between 100 and 200
are of the form 1A1, where "A" could be any one of the ten digits. 9 + 10 = 19.

80. (ab = 27; cd = 54) The remaining digits are 2,4,5 and 7. The fraction must equal
27 1
i. Thus, the numerator must be 24,25 or 27. 54
= -2.

81. (Richard) Richard is shorter than John since he is John's older brother. Mike is
shorter than Richard since he is older then Richard. Henry is shorter than Mike.
From tallest to shortest: John, Richard, Mike, Henry.

82. (12) 21 3 6 = 21-(6x3) = 21-18 = 3. 3073 = 30-(3x7) = 30-21 = 9.

9+3= 12.

83. (5) There are 60 balloons (20 x 3). Since 10 students take 10 balloons, the re-
maining 10 students can share the remaining 50 balloons. Each will get 5 balloons.

84. (9) The difference between 42 and 24 is 18. If Debbie gives up 9 marbles and
Chris gains 9 marbles, they will have the same number of marbles (42 - 9 = 33,
24 + 9 = 33).

85. (1 quarter and 2 pennies) Together Phil and Paul have 730 (Phil has 630 and
Paul 100). Phil must end up with 360 and Paul 370 in order for Paul to have 10 more
than Phil. Therefore, Phil gave Paul 270 (63 - 36 = 27) in 3 coins. 1 quarter and 2
pennies = 270.

86. (70) Once around the track is 810 3 = 270 meters. 80 + 50 = 130 meters. 270 -
130 = 140 meters for the distance from A to B and from C to D. Therefore, the dis-
tance from A to B is 140 T 2 = 70 meters.

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Cli Grades 4 - 6

87. (1) 50 25 10 5
1 2 6
2 3 4
1 7 1

88. (770) All 3 together cost $2.65. One hamburger and one cola cost $2.10 ($4.20 +
2). Therefore, the french fries must cost $ .55 ($2.65 - $2.10). Since one french fries
and one cola cost $1.32 ($2.64 + 2) and the french fries are 550, then the cola must
cost 770 ($1.32 -.55).

89. W/2 lbs. or 4 lbs. 8 oz.) One-third of the water weighs 2'/2 lbs. (12 - 9'/2). The
water originally in the container weighed 7'/2 lbs. (3 x 21/2). The container, there-
fore, weighs 12 - 7 '/ 2 = 4'/ 2 lbs.

90. (15) Jill will run 3 yards for every 4 yards Alice runs. When Alice runs 60 yards
(4 x 15), Jill will run 3 x 15 or 45 yards. Therefore, Jill will be 15 yards behind Alice
at the end of the race.

91. (21/2) The 4 large cubes weigh the same as 12 small cubes, so 20 small cubes
(8 + 12) weigh 10 pounds. Each small cube weighs' /2 pound and each large cube
1 1/2 pounds. Two small cubes plus 1 large cube weigh 21/2 pounds.

92. (1549) For 3 digits appearing in the hundred's place, 3,5 and 7 will yield the great-
est sum. Therefore, A = 1. Since T appears most often in the unit's place, let T = 7,
B = 5 (B appears once in the unit's place), and let R = 3. 317 + 517 + 715 = 1549.

93. (567) 01 T must be 7.02 S must be 6 since 6 + 8 = 14.

R must be 5, carry the 1, then 6 + 9 + 1 + R = 21, RS7 R67
x 741 x 741
R = 5. --7 -67
--8 -68
-9 9_
147 147

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Grades 4 - 6

94. (9) It takes her 5 minutes, or 1 /12 of an hour, to ride 3/4 of a mile. In one hour
she can ride 12 x 3/4 = 9 miles. The 15 minutes to walk to the repair shop is not

95. (195) Since Rebecca ran 150 yards, had a 30-yard headstart, and lost to Laura by
15 yards, Laura must have run 150 + 30 + 15 or 195 yards.

96. (5) 1 2 3 4 5
000 - OOC - OCC - OCO - CCO -> CCC

97. (4) Times past starting Passes starting point

Name point each minute every second
Al 20 3
Bob 12 5
Carl 4 15
Don 8 7.5
From the chart above, all participants pass the starting point every 15 seconds.
Thus, they will pass it together 4 times every minute.

98. (360) There are 5 choices (2,3,4,5,6) for the hundred's place, 9 remaining choices
for the ten's place and 8 remaining choices for the unit's place. 5 x 9 x 8 = 360.

99. (42) 20 numbers are eliminated the first time (multiples of 5 through 100).
20 numbers are eliminated the 2nd time. By the 3rd time, 103 has reached 105 and
21 numbers are eliminated. 103 - 61 = 42 numbers remain.

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Cli Grades 4 - 6

100. (11 or 11:00 A.M.) Beth flew 3 hours, arriving in Chicago 8:00 P.M. New York
time or 7:00 P.M. Chicago time. Joanne arrived in Chicago 7:00 P.M. Chicago time
and, therefore, left Los Angeles 1:00 P.M. Chicago time or 11:00 A.M. Los Angeles

101. (107) From 12:00 noon until 3:33 P.M. is 3 hours and 33 minutes, or 180 + 33 = 213
minutes. The first 9 pages take 9 minutes. There are 90 pages (10 - 99) that contain
2 digits. They take 180 minutes. 213 - 189 = 24 minutes left. Therefore, there will
be 8 pages containing 3 digits each (100 - 107). There are 107 numbered pages in
the book.

102. (13) If the counselor gave each boy 5 apples, he would have 15 apples left over
(5 from the boy who did not want any plus 10 he had left over). After giving each
boy 1 additional apple he has 3 left over. Therefore, 12 boys received apples and
1 boy did not. There were 13 boys total.

103. (3) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A7 4 9 6 11 8 13 10 15 It takes B 3 fewer moves
B6 11 8 13 10 15 to reach 15.

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Cli Grades 7 - 9

104. ($7.00 or 7) If seven pumpkins cost $15.00 and ten pumpkins cost $21.00, the
extra three pumpkins must cost a total of $6.00 and thus sell for $2.00 each. Since
each additional pumpkin sells for $2.00, four pumpkins sell for $8.00 and the fixed
price of the first three pumpkins is $15.00 - $8.00 or $7.00.

105. (20 or 22x5)Kx23x54=101and101=25x55,K=22x5or20.Also 23x54=8x625

or 5000 and 105 = 100,000 and, again, K = 20.

106. (5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13) A suggestion for solving a problem of this type is to

start with the perfect square about which the other numbers are symmetric.

107. (49) By examining each perfect square, in order, above 4 the first case in which
both requirements are fulfilled is 49. (48 is a multiple of 3 and 50 is a multiple of

108. (96) Since each math question takes twice as much time as each question of
other types, we could say that the test is broken into 250 parts instead of 200 parts
[150 + (2 x 50)]. Of the 250 parts, 100 (50 questions at twice the time) are in mathe-
matics. Thus 100 ors of the test time should be devoted to the mathematics ques-
tions. 5 of 240 minutes (4 hours) is 96 minutes.

109. (2:30 or 2:30 P.M.) Since Tour A leaves at 1:30 P.M., it will pass the waterfall at
2:45 (halfway through the 21/2 hour tour). In order for Tour B to pass the waterfall
at 2:45 P.M. it must leave at 2:30 P.M. Since it passes the waterfall 15 minutes after
the beginning of the tour (I/4 of the way through the hour tour).

110. (4) By starting all diagonals from the same vertex the hexagon can be divided
into a minimum of 4 triangles.

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Grades 7 - 9

111. (66) Of the 100 seats in the row, 12 are occupied by the people and 22 are in the
space between each pair of people (11 spaces x 2 seats per space). This accounts
for 34 seats. Thus, there are 66 seats (100 - 34) that are not between any two of the

112. (76) The opposite sides of a rectangle are equal, thus, 4x = 3y. There are 7 con-
gruent rectangles all of area 48 (3 = 48). xy = 48 and y = s x. Substituting x(4 x) _
48; -4 x2 = 48; x2 = 36; x = 6 and y = 8. The perimeter is 6x + 5y = 6(6) + 5(8) = 76.

113. (2) One fourth of the area of the shaded region = 4 area of
the circle - the area of the right triangle (n - 2) = 4 nx2 - 2 x2;
n-2=nx2-2x2=x2(it-2);x2=1 andx=1. 4

114. (12) Triangles AGE and CHE are congruent by AAS or ASA. The sum of the
areas of the triangles AGE and DEH is equivalent to the area of triangle DEC which
is 12. (2 (12)(2)) DC = 12 and the height = 2AD.

115. (50 or 50%) If a is the rate of the old train, then the rate of the new train is 1st or
32 dt' The new train's rate is i2dt greater than the old train's or 50%.

116. (2.50 or $2.50) If x equals the sale price then $1.60 = x -.2x and x = $2.00. If
y is the list price then y -.2y = $2.00 and y = $2.50.

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Cli Grades 7 - 9

117. (3) Diagonals HK, GJ, IL will meet at point P

forming 6 equilateral triangles from the regular
hexagon HGLKJI. The entire star consists of 12 con-
gruent equilateral triangles and the original triangle
ABC consists of 9 congruent equilateral triangles.
Thus, the ratio is 19 = 3 F

118. (47) The numbers are 2, 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, 72, 82, 92. The outside pair (2 & 92)
have an average of 47. The next pair (12 & 82) have an average of 47, etc. Since there
is an even number of members in the set, the average of the entire set is also 47.

119. (325) She needs 25 seconds to run the first 200 meters (200= 25) and 100 seconds
to walk the next 200 meters ( 200 = 100).
The first 400 meters, therefore, require 125 seconds, the next 400 meters require
another 125 seconds. The next 200 meters (running) require 25 seconds and the
final 100 meters (walking) requires 50 seconds. A total of 325 seconds (125 + 125
+ 25 + 50) is needed to travel the 1100 meters.

120. (2/3) A lawn 120 feet by 80 feet has an area of 9600 square feet. After mowing
around the uncut portion twenty times, the remaining area would be 80 feet by 40
feet or 3200 square feet. Therefore, 6400 square feet or 2/3 of the lawn had been

121. (9) With a combined score of 70 points and the Port Royal team winning by 2
points, the score of the game was 36 to 34. In the first quarter the Port Royal team
scored 1 /3 of 36 or 12 points, in the second quarter 1 /4 of 36 or 9 points, and in the
third quarter 1 /6 of 36 or 6 points. Therefore, the team scored the remaining 9
points in the fourth quarter.

122. (8) Each shaded region is a parallelogram having a base of 1 and a height of 4.
Thus, each region has an area of 4. The total shaded area is 8.

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Cli Grades 7 - 9

123. (2:40 P.M.) 221 T 34 = 6 2; thus, the actual travel time is 6 hours 30 minutes. Add
to this the ten 4-minute stops and the total is 7 hours 10 minutes. Therefore, the
train arrives at its final destination at 2:40 P.M.

124. (450) Since one carrier can deliver 75 newspapers in 2 hours, 4 carriers could de-
liver 300 newspapers in 2 hours. Four carriers could deliver 150 newspapers in 1
hour and 450 newspapers in 3 hours.

125. ($) If the radius of the small circle is k, then the radius of the large circle will

be 2k. The ratio of the area of the small circle to that of the large circle is or 4.
Thus the ratio of the area of the shaded region (half the smaller circle) to that of the
large circle is 1.

126. (16%) 20% of 4 liters =.8 liter, so there is.8 liter of milk in the original mixture. In
the new mixture of 5 liters there is still .8 liter of milk. 'S = 16%.

127. (2 ft.) Since the radius of the large circle is 6 feet, its circumference is 12nft. Thus,
the circumference of the small circle is 4nft. making its radius 2 feet.

128. (b or 125%) If each edge is increased by 50%, an edge k units long would be
z z
increased to i k units. Thus, the new (larger) surface area will be 6(2k)2
or 2
whereas the surface area of the original (smaller) cube was W. The increase in
area was 7.5k2 or 125% of the original area.

129. (3 or equal) After both transfers of milk and coffee were made, there is some
coffee in the milk. That coffee is replacing milk. That milk (that is being replaced)
must be in the coffee.

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Cli Grades 7 - 9

130. (4I) BD = DE = 2. HE= 4. HD = 2V3 --by the Pythagorean property. Thus, the
area of the rectangle is

131. (13) 2, 2 8, - - - - -, 3 would be 9 marks. Additionally, 26, 2 3, 2 and 2 5 would

be needed. 3

132. (48) Every 12 minutes the minute hand gains 11 units on the hour hand. In 48
minutes (4 x 12), it would have gained 44 units (4 x 11) and be one unit behind the
hour hand.

133. (60) At 11:00 A.M. Joan will be at the checkpoint while Sue will be 20 miles
behind (at 10 M.P.H. she passes the checkpoint 2 hours later). It will take Joan 4
hours to be 20 miles ahead of Sue, since she is traveling 5 M.P.H. faster. In 4 hours
Joan has travelled 60 miles.

134. (3) Since E is less than 10, A =1 or 2. Since 4D is even, A = 2. Then, D = 3 or 8.

Either way, we carry an odd number to the tens place making E = 9. If D = 3 we
are led to a dead end. Thus, D = 8; carry 3 to the tens place forcing C to be 4 (4x4+3
= 19). We carry 1 to the hundreds place forcing B to be 3 (4x3+1 = 13).

135. (Monday) In 100 years there will be a rotation of 125 days (100 + 25 extra).
125 -= 7 = 17 remainder 6. Six days after Tuesday is Monday.

136. (4) Since a "Druid" and a "Meef "weigh 7 pounds while a "Druid" and a "Zarp"
weigh only 4 pounds, a "Meef' must weigh 3 pounds more than a "Zarp". So, if two
"Meefs" and a "Zarp" weigh 9 pounds, 3 "Meefs" would weigh 12 pounds or one
"Meef' 4 pounds.

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Cli Grades 7 - 9

137. (80) On the first day he took 20 steps (one step per second and took 20 seconds).
The next day he took 32 steps (2 steps per second and took 16 seconds). The
difference of 12 steps must be equalized by the difference of 4 seconds. This means
that the rate of the escalator must be 3 steps per second. 3.20 + 20 = 80 or
3.16+32= 80.

138. (20) Let x = the number of feet the tree grows each year. At the end of the fifth
year it is 10 + 5x feet high. During the sixth year it grows 10 + 5x feet. Thus,
=x; x= 12. 6x3
10 feet. 10+10=20.

139. (37 2 or 37 2 %) 3 pints blue + 1 pint yellow = 4 pints green.

2 pints red + 2 pints yellow = 4 pints orange.
Thus, 3 of the 8 pints are yellow. a =371% %

140. (240) Alan gains i yard every second, so it will take him 70 seconds to overcome
the 35 yard lead. Since he finishes 2 seconds ahead of Bill, he has a 5 yard lead at
the finish. It would take him 10 seconds to gain 5 yards on Bill. In all, Alan ran for
80 seconds (70 + 10). 3 x 80 = 240.

141. (2-0) Each follow logically: England played 3 games. England lost to Scotland
3-0. (That is their loss and all goals scored against.) England ties Wales 0-0. (That
is their tie.) England beat Ireland 2-0. (That is their win; no goals scored against.)

142. (6) Insequence; AxB=BsoA=1. BxC=lCsoB=3,C=5. 5xD=35so

D=7. 7xE=5HsoE=8andH=6. (IfBC=lCandB=6,C=2ischosen,itfails
to meet the criterion of the next step.)

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Cli Grades 7 - 9

143. (963) C must be 3. 3 63 963

x 321 x 321 x 321
3 63 963
6 26 26
9 9 9
3 23 123

144. (18) Since it took Al 12 minutes to overtake Chuck (made up 400 yards), he is
halfway (200 yards) in the 6 minutes it took to overtake Bill. Bill has, therefore,
gained 100 yards on Chuck in 6 minutes. It will take Bill 3 x 6 or 18 minutes to gain
300 yards.

145. ( 5) Mr. X and Mr. Y owns of the motel together. Since Mr. Y owns twice as
much as Mrs. Z, divide the s into 3 equal shares. Therefore, one of those shares (or
the part Mr. Z owns) is of the motel ( of s = s
s 3

146. (264) Length of train = 88 x 3 = 264. At 88 feet per second it took 3 seconds to pass
the entrance to the tunnel. The rest of the information in the problem is super-

147. (1924; 7) Find the number less than 31 with the most divisors.
1/24/24; 2/12/24; 3/8/24; 4/6/24; 6/4/24; 8/3/24; 12/2/24.
148. (5) Clock "B" gains 2 s = minutes each day. It must gain 13 minutes.
135 = 5.

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Cli Grades 7 - 9

1 1
149. (36) A point that can be reached from 2 other 3

points by going right or down adds the numbers 6 6 6

of these points. A point reachable from one point, 12
6 18
keeps the same number. 36
6 B

150. (6) 4' = 4, 42 =16, 43 = 64, 44 = 256. Notice that if 4 is raised to an odd power the
unit's digit is 4 and if raised to an even power the unit's digit is 6. Since 478 is even,
the unit's digit is 6.

151. (19) The number must leave a remainder of 4 when divided by 5:9,14,19,24,
etc., and a remainder of 3 when divided by 4 (if Bob was on the same step as Tom
the remainder would be 1): 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, etc. The smallest number is 19.

152. (6) Let x = number sold. To be sold # Sold Left over

10 x 10-x
20 - 2x x 20 - 3x
60-9x x 60-10x=0

153. (50) After 10 miles, one car can transfer a gallon to each of the other cars and
return. After another 10 miles, a second car can do the same and so on. The fifth
car loaded up goes the last 10 miles and returns. 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 50 or; the
car started with 6 gallons and received 1 gallon from each of the other 4 cars. It
can travel 50 miles out and still return.

154. (50) The whole class scored 2100 points. Those who passed scored 1600 points.
Thus, those ten who failed must have scored 500 points. 500 = 10 = 50.

155. (4) Rate is distance = time. The ratio of Hank's rate to Joe's rate is i
d iz
The ratio of Al's rate to Joe's rate is 3 d

Therefore, the ratio of Hank's rate to Al's rate is =-

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Cli Grades 7 - 9

156. (41,325) 24 start with each of 1, 2 and 3 for the first 72 (24 x 3) of these ordered
numbers. The 75th number must be the third number starting with 4. 41,235;
41,253; 41,325.

157. (8) At point E, John has run 550 yards to Tom's 330 + 30 = 360 yards; or 55 yards
for every 36 yards. When John runs 110 yards more (2 x 55), Tom will run 72 yards
(2 x 36). 360 + 72 = 432. Tom is 8 yards behind John.

158. (4 mi.) Since the rate of the bus is the rate of the train, every mile the bus
travels, the train travels 1 mi. The train
3 gains z mile for every mile by the
bus. Since the train route is 1z mile longer, the bus must travel 3 miles to arrive at
the same time as the train. Thus, the train route is 4 miles.

159. (48) Each can receives 3 x lZ = a of a filled box of marbles. Each box loses
6 x z = 2 of a filled box. Each box has!-2 -4 =14 of a filled box more than each can.
Therefore, 12 marbles represents i of a filled box. A filled box contained 4 x 12 =
48 marbles at the beginning.

160. (2 9 sec. ( 5280 feeet) ( 3100 ur = 2 mile/hour.

z) Z

161. (26) There are 8 where the ten's digit and unit's digit are 6, not counting 666.
There are 9 where the hundred's digit and the ten's digit are 6, not counting 666.
There are 9 where the hundred's digit and the unit's digit are 6, not counting 666.
8+9+9= 26.

162. (21) Between 2 cities there is one line. Between 3 cities add 2 for a total of 3 lines.
Between 4 cities add 4 more for a total of 7 lines ... 7 cities add 6 more. 1 + 2 + 3
+ 4 + 5 + 6 = 21.

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Cli Grades 7 - 9

2X +3Y ) Since the average of A and B is X, A + B = 2 X. Similarly,

163. 5
C + D + E = 3 Y. The average of the 5 numbers A. B, C, D and E therefore,
is (2X53Y).

164. (64) Since the cardboard has an area of 80 square inches and is made up of 5 con-
gruent squares, each square must have an area of 16 square inches. Thus, each
square has sides 4 inches long. The box will be a cube having edges 4 inches long
and will, therefore, have a volume of 64 cubic inches.

165. ( a) I - 4
12 ;
4 = ii . The mixture will contain 24 parts of which 7 are pure orange

166. (2570 ED = 6, DF = 8. By the Pythagorean Theorem, EF = 10. The radius of circle

0 is 5 and the area of circle 0 is 251t (A = 1tr2).

167. (8) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 . There are 8 houses.

30 30

168. ($67.20) The number of each kind must be the smallest number divisible by
8, 7 and 6. 8 x 7 x 3 = 168. 168 nickels = $8.40, 168 dimes = $16.80 and 168
quarters = $42.00. $42.00 + $16.80 + $8.40 = $67.20.

169. (34) Since two apples and three bananas cost 330, four apples and six bananas
would cost 660. Four apples and seven bananas cost 710, so one banana costs 50.
Thus, one apple costs 90. Therefore, one apple and five bananas cost 90 + 250 = 340.

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Cli Grades 7 - 9

170. (256) 121- 4; 144 - 9; 169 16; 196 16; 225 9; 256 13 (not a perfect

171. (1089) If the product of a 4 digit number times

9 is a 4 digit number, the thousand's digit must
be a 1. The hundred's digit must be a 0, so that
nothing carries to the thousand's place.
1 9' 9

- 1




172. (10) It will take the man 60 minutes to reach the crossing (he is 6 miles away and
traveling at 6 M.P.H.). Since he is 50 minutes late, the train is normally 10 minutes
from the crossing at that point. Therefore, the train will reach the crossing in 10

173. (6009) It must be after 2000. The smallest digit for the thousand's place is 6. Then
9 must be in the unit's place. Place two zeros in between to get the next year after

174. ($7) Working backwards: Ken 10 14 (10+4) 7('of14)

Scott 8 4 (Zof8) 11

175. (66,660) Each digit appears 6 times in each of the 4 places. 6 (1+2+3+4) = 60.
The unit's column will total 60. Put down 0 and carry the 6. The ten's column will
total 60 + 6. Put down 6 and carry 6. The same for the hundred's and thousand's

176. (3) 82 - 28 = 56. 56 -= 2 = 28. 28 will have to be the total of the differences be-
tween these pairs of numbers. Interchange 1 and 15 (difference of 14); interchange
2 and 14 (difference of 12); interchange 7 and 9 (difference of 2). The sums on either
side of 8 are now the same, namely 56.

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Cli Grades 7 - 9

177. (a = 5, b = 2) 3 + 4 + 5 =12; 5 + 12 + 13 = 30. The lowest common multiple of 12 and

30 is 60. 60 = 5 x 12 and 60 = 2 x 30. Therefore, a = 5, 15 + 20 + 25 = 60; and b = 2,
10 + 24 + 26 = 60.

178. (32 M.P.H.) The car travelled 18 + 126 = 144 steps while the man took 18 steps.
144 =18 = 8. The car travelled 8 times as fast as the man is walking. 8 x 4 = 32 M.P.H.

179. ($1216) The triangles formed are isoceles right

triangles. The base = 36, half the base = 18 and, there-
fore, the altitude = 18. The area of the walk is the area
of the garden minus the area of the 4 right triangles.
40x40=1600.4(2.36.18)=1296.1600-1296=304. 18
Cost = 304 x $4 = $1216.
2 36 2

180. (45 M.P.H.) At the point of passing, car A has traveled WO or 1 times as fast as
car B and 112 times the distance. Since the distances are reversedz from this point,
car B must travel l times as fast as car A. 30 x 1.5 = 45 M.P.H.

181. (.1 foot) Let h = new height of water. V = base area x height. 6h = 6x.5+lxh.
5h = 3; h = s = .6 . .6 -.5 = .1 Since .6 = new height, the water rose .1 foot.

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Cli Grades 7 - 9

182. (23) 5 + 7 + 11 = 23. While 3 + 5 + 11 = 19, the sides of a triangle could not be 3,
5, 11 since 11> 3 + 5. (2, 2, 3 is not scalene.)

183. (165) Sixty cars (20% of 300) turned onto (B) and 75 cars (25% of 300) turned onto
©. 60 + 75 =135; 300 -135 =165. Or 55% of 300 = 165.

184. (2) Joe jogs 2 miles (1.5 + .5) in 30 minutes, or 4 m.p.h. The neighbor jogs 2 miles
in 20 minutes, or 6 m.p.h. 6 - 4 = 2.

185. (11 minutes or 90 seconds) Julie goes up the down escalator at the rate of
32 steps per minute (Julie's 96 steps/minute - escalator's 64 steps/minute). Since
there are 48 steps from level to level, 48 z- 32 =11 minutes.

186. (100) All the palindromes between 10,000 and 20,000 must be of the form 1 ABA1.
Since there are 10 choices for "A" and 10 choices for "B", there are 100 palindromes
between 10,000 and 20,000.

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Grades 7 - 9

187. (25) The total number of baseball cards is 32 (16 + 16). Working backwards:
Al Bob Al Bob
16 16 implies 8 24 after 3rd game
8 24 implies 4 28 after 2nd game
4 28 implies 18 14 after 1st game
18 14 implies 25 7 before 1st game

188. (16) 120+217+143=480. 480T3=160.180-160=20. 80%of20=16.

189. (400) The additional 176 square feet is:

4x+4x+16=176 4 4
8x = 160 x
x = 20. x
The original square field contains
20 x 20 = 400 square feet. 4

190. (62) Since the number sought has a remainder of 2 when divided by 3, 4 or 5, two
less than the number would be the smallest positive integer -divisible by 3,4 or 5.

191. (3) The perfect square numbers which are factors of 1125 are 3 x 3, 5 x 5, and
32 zx 5.

192. (32 or 32 minutes 30 seconds) s of 2 miles = z mile. At 12 m.p.h. it would take

5 minutes
z to travel one mile, or 2 minutes z to travel the! mile. His walking rate
is slowed by 3, so his walking rate is now 3 (6) = 4 m.p.h. It would take 30 minutes
to walk the 2 miles with his bike. 30 minutes + 2 minutes = 32 minutes.
z z

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Grades 7 - 9

193. (5) The students who will be out of the room are those whose tag number has
an odd number of factors. Only perfect squares have an odd number of factors.
The 5 students out of the room are those whose tag numbers are 1, 4, 9,16 and 25.

194. (80)
/ \ = 17x5-5 = 80.

195. (50) The arrival home 20 minutes earlier than usual is attributable to his
walking. (If he had waited at the station, he would have arrived home at
the regular time.) For the 20 minutes saved (all of which was driving time), half
of that driving time, 10 minutes, he was still walking. (The time "out" for the car
must equal the time "in".) He, therefore, walked for 50 minutes (60 minutes - 10
minutes in the car).

196. (Ross, 6) Atacus runs 475 yards to Ross' 500 yards. The ratio of their speeds
is or 20 . For the 520 yards Ross will run in the 2nd race, Atacus will run -9
or 19 x 26 = 494 yards. Therefore, Ross will win by 6 yards.

197. (5100) Let A represent the required sum and let B represent the remaining
A = 4+8+12+16+20+.....+196+200
B = 2+6+10+14+18+.....+194+198+202
A-B = 2+2+ 2+ ................... +- 202
50 times

A+B= 10,302 and A - B = 100 - 202 = -102.

Adding, 2A = 10,200 and A = 5100.
Or: by pairing the first and the last, the second and next to last, etc.

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Cli Grades 7 - 9

198. (b or 3) The present mix will make 9 pancakes (6 x 1 ). They must make 3
more pancakes so that each scout will have 2 pancakes. They
z must add 9 or 3 of
the original amount to make 12 pancakes.

199. (24) x + y = 10 and, since opposite sides of a rectangle are congruent, 3x = 2y. If
y = z x, then i x = 10 and x = 4, y = 6. The area of the rectangular region labeled
"A" is 6x4= 24.

200. (350) Hank must have an amount of money less than 180 which is a multiple of
4 (he has 4 times as much money as Steve). The only amounts which satisfy all the
criteria are: Hank 160, Joe 100, Al 54t, Steve 40. 16 + 10 + 5 + 4 = 350.

201. (16) George can make any amount from 50 to 800 that is a multiple of 5.

202. (16) If AOB - BA results in a two-digit number (since AOB - BA = BA - AB), then
A must equal 1. Since 1B1 and - BB give the same result, then the unit's digit
must be the same. For B -1 and 1- B to have the same unit's digit, B must be 6.
AB=16. (61-16=45; 106-61=45.)
203. (Donna red, Renee green Lisa blue)
Donna cannot be on Renee's right so Lisa
must be.
(Blue) L D (Red)

204. (3) Ray paid $K. Bill parked 3 z hours. Bill paid $K for the first hour and
($ 3 K) (3) or $2K for the remaining 212 hours. Bill paid a total of $3K, or 3 times
what Ray paid.

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Cli Grades 7 - 9

205. (25) Ann's 30 minutes + 20 minutes = 50 minutes. They meets of the distance
from point A to point B. Therefore, it took Betty 30 minutes to travels of the dis-
tance from point B to point A. To travel the entire distance will take Betty
75 minutes (30 x i ). Since Ann's total time was 50 minutes, Betty will arrive at
point A 25 minutes after Ann reaches point B.

206. (4n) Since < 0 = < B, < 0 = 40°. The area of a circle whose radius is 6 is 361E. The
shaded region of the circle is 9 of the circle (40° is 9 of 360°). Therefore, the area
of the shaded region is 9 of 36n or 4n.

207. (35) A's food must have been 3 miles away while B's food was 4 miles away.
Traveling at 3 m.p.h., A would reach B's food in 1 3 hours or 80 minutes, while
B would reach A's food in a hour or 45 minutes. 80 - 45 = 35.

208. (12 or 12 ft. /sec.) To run 12 feet, Al would take 3 seconds, Beth would take 2
seconds and Chuck would take 4 seconds. In a 24 foot race, Al and Beth would take
5 seconds. Since Chuck took 4 seconds to run the first half, Diane must run the
remaining 12 feet in one second in order to tie. (For any other distances, times
would be multiplied by a constant factor.)

209. (A: 80 ft./sec.) "A" gains 600 feet on "B" in 15 seconds. Therefore, "A" travels
(B: 40 ft./sec.) 40 ft./sec. faster than "B". "A" and "B" travel a combined dis-
tance of 600 feet in 5 seconds. They have combined speeds of 600 = 120 ft. /sec. "A"
travels at 80 ft. /sec. and "B" at 40 ft. /sec.

210. (160" or 13' 4") Let x be depth now. 4x = finished depth. 4x = 70 + 3 (70 -
4x=70+210-3x;7x=280;x=40. 4x40=160".

211. (Tom) Going backwards: one marble left is a losing position; 2 or 3 is a winning
position; 4 is losing; 5 or 6 winning; 7 is losing.

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