A Systematic Literature Review On Neuromarketing Inbranding, Advertising and Consumer Behavior

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

A Systematic Literature Review on Neuromarketing

in Branding, Advertising and Consumer Behavior
Kareem Mohamed Abdelhafiz Mahfouz Hussein1 (Phd) Dr. Bahire Efe Ozad2
Research Scholar, Communication and Media Studies, Assistant Professor, Communication and Media Studies,
Eastern Mediterranean University, Eastern Mediterranean University,
Famagusta, Cyprus Famagusta, Cyprus

Abstract:- The concept of neuromarketing, utilizing consumers. By understanding the psychology behind
neuroscience techniques to understand consumer consumer decisions, marketers can gain a competitive edge
behavior and preferences, is discussed extensively, and create a successful marketing strategy and
including its advantages and disadvantages. The understanding the interplay between brands, advertising and
potential applications of neuromarketing in advertising, consumer behaviour is key to unlocking the secrets of
branding, consumer behavior, and user experience are successful marketing. Modern life is filled with
explored, showcasing its ability to revolutionize how advertising daily. Billboards, television advertising, and
brands engage with customers. The article also of course the internet all promote it. One of the most
underscores the importance of conducting systematic effective marketing tactics available has been recognized as
literature reviews to deepen understanding, identify it. The goal of advertising is to connect with potential
research gaps, and address ethical considerations and customers, foster connections, raise awareness, and
limitations associated with neuromarketing. The time eventually boost revenue by promoting a business's goods
frame of the systematic literature review was for 18 years and services or building consumer recognition for the
of publications from 2004 to 2022. We were able to company's brand. Richard W. Mizerski & Dennis White
examine deeply the possibilities of the future potential (1986) assumed that consumer emotions have a substantial
neuromarketing and the positive attitudes through impact on purchase and consumption decisions for a wide
consumer psychology and behaviour perspective as variety of items. and they mentioned an example in the
marketers will have a better understanding of consumer candy and snack business, where consumer responses are
behaviour, attention and emotions. While the ethical a result of a significant number of emotionally charged
difficulties and limitations should be covered in detail circumstances that can be used in advertising strategy.They
and discussed. concluded that consumers may be taught to buy a brand
while they are in emotional states they want to change or
Keywords:- Neuromarketing, Consumer Behaviour, user extend through the use of emotions. The concept of direct
Experience, Real Eye, Eye Tracking, Advertising, Branding, and indirect instigation of certain emotional states, as well
SLR. as the use of emotions in a reinforcement paradigm, opens
up several new prospects for advertisers. From the products
I. INTRODUCTION we buy to the places we go, we often make decisions based
on the brands we associate with. Advertising is the primary
The brand strength approach to brand equity is based way that brands communicate with consumers, and it has a
on the idea that brand equity is not something that can be major impact on consumer behaviour. Through advertising,
easily measured. It requires looking into the reasons why a brands create an image that influences our purchasing
brand is popular with consumers and the actions that the decisions, and this can create lasting loyalty to a brand.
company has taken to build up this strength. Keller (1993) Advertising also helps to inform consumers about the
mentioned that it also takes the consumer-based brand benefits of a product or service and can be used to promote
strength approach to brand equity, which means that brands new products or services. By understanding how brands,
need to be tested based on how well they meet certain needs advertising and consumer behaviour are connected,
of the target audience. These needs are important because businesses can create more effective strategies to attract and
they represent the value proposition of a given product or retain customers. In today's digital world, technology is
service. Brands need to have a strong value proposition if revolutionizing the way businesses advertise. From using
they want their brands to be popular with consumers and social media platforms to reach a large, worldwide
have high equity scores. The modern consumer is audience, to using artificial intelligence to understand
bombarded with brands, advertising and messaging, all consumer preferences, technology is transforming the way
vying for their attention. From the moment we wake up in businesses convey their messages. From facial recognition
the morning to the time we go to bed, we are exposed to an software to analytics-driven targeting, technology is
array of messages, promotions and products. It is easy to allowing businesses to reach potential customers more
become overwhelmed and confused by the sheer volume of effectively and efficiently. By embracing technology in
information that is available. However, understanding how their advertising strategies, businesses can gain a
brands, advertising and consumer behaviour interact can competitive edge in the marketplace and build a more
provide invaluable insights into how to effectively market to successful presence. There is no doubt that technology is

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
changing the way companies advertise, and businesses neuroscience approaches to assess and understand how
need to stay up to date with the latest developments to people interact concerning marketing and advertising.
ensure success. In recent years, neuromarketing has been Kenning and Linzmajer (2012) described neuromarketing as
gaining popularity and changing the way businesses a subfield of consumer neuroscience that developed out of
advertise their products and services. Neuromarketing is the interest in neuroeconomics' cutting-edge methods.
practice of using neuroscience and psychology to Consumer neuroscience examines problems with
understand consumer behaviour and create more effective consumption and marketing by utilizing methods and
marketing strategies. It combines elements of psychology, research from neuroscience. Consumer neuroscience is a
sociology, and data science to uncover insights about brand-new multidisciplinary field that combines
consumer behaviour that traditional marketing research psychology, neurology, and economics to study how
can't. As Neuromarketing research tools most used within advertising and marketing strategies affect the brain
the eye-tracking tests through Realeye 11,0 and gaze- physiologically. Khushaba et al. (2014) have undertaken
recorder webcam-based software have recently been used to research that has demonstrated that it is possible to predict
determine what visual elements or designs are the most customer behavior by determining the most frequent
effective. They also help marketers understand where decision-making stages that customers will utilize in a
people look when viewing an image or advertisement. - specific situation.
Eye tracking can be conducted through software that is
integrated into websites or advertisements. Alternatively, it  Overview of Neuroscientific Tools and the
can be conducted in person with specialized equipment. Neuromarketing Research Tools
Secondly, brain activity analysis helps determine how Kenning et al., 2007a; Boz et al., 2017; Stasi et al.,
effective a marketing campaign is. It can also indicate the 2018) In their studies, they have hypothesized that the
areas of an advertisement that are most effective as the various metrics employed by consumer neuroscience tools
Brain activity can only be measured in person. It requires can be broadly categorized into two groups:
specialized equipment that can detect electrical impulses neurophysiological tools and physiological tools. The
in the brain. Thirdly, the automated facial coding tests electrocardiogram (ECG), electrodermal activity (EDA), the
measure the degree to which emotions are evoked by a facial muscles' fEMG, eye-trackers (ET), and voice pitch
marketing campaign. It can also indicate how effective the analysis are a few physiological tools or techniques that can
campaign is at engaging audiences and it is conducted measure both voluntary and involuntary reflexes. These
through software that can be integrated into websites. reflexes consist of focusing on and following visual cues or
Finally, The Voice response tests measure how likely movements of the mimetic facial muscles (facial
people are to purchase a product or service. It also indicates expressions). Brain activity is measured and recorded using
how likely people are to recommend that product or neurophysiological equipment (or procedures) to investigate
service to others as can be conducted through software that consumer behavior. Electroencephalography (EEG),
is integrated into websites. It can also be conducted in positron emission tomography (PET), magneto
person with specialized equipment. encephalography (MEG), functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI), and transcranial magnetic stimulation are
II. LITERATURE REVIEW examples of neurophysiological instruments(TMS).
Typically, these tools are categorized based on the metrics
Neuromarketing has become a significant component they use. Common metrics include eye tracking, facial
of branding and advertising. It is a cutting-edge technique coding, brain activity, voice recognition, and physiological
that has been created to learn more about consumer behavior responses. Each sort of evaluation can provide illuminating
and responses to marketing campaigns and initiatives. This details about how individuals react to various stimuli in
comprehensive study of the research will offer an terms of their ideas, feelings, and deeds. Brain activity can
understanding of how neuromarketing is being used in reveal how much a person remembers about a product or
branding and advertising. It will examine current studies, service. Eye tracking, for example, can reveal which
examine trends and techniques now in use, and give a sections of an advertisement or website receive the greatest
thorough understanding of the industry. Additionally, a attention through examining the eye gazes, fixations and
comprehensive examination of the effects and potential of facial coding analysis.
neuromarketing in branding and advertising will be
provided. The analysis of the research will assist in  Overview of the Neuromarketing Role in Advertising
understanding how neuromarketing may be used to offer and Consumer Behavior
insights into consumer behavior and preferences as well as In their research paper, Nazarova, R., and Lazizovich,
techniques for enhancing the efficiency of marketing efforts. T. K., (2019) they have classified neuromarketing as a
Finally, this SLR will serve as a priceless tool for strategy for influencing consumer behaviour in the
comprehending the state of neuromarketing today and its contemporary world where neuromarketing is applied in
possible applications in branding and advertising. domains like marketing as the first requirement for
developing a strong brand is for the business to
 Overview on Neuromarketing and it’s Definitions communicate closely with consumers on all levels of
Babiloni (2012) defined the most commonly used consumer perception. The feelings and emotions that
definition of consumer neuroscience, also known as customers experience when interacting with a company's
neuromarketing, is that it is a field of study that applies brand or product can be identified thanks to neuromarketing

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
techniques. Second, product innovation and design. What neuroscientific tools have been used to research
Neuromarketing has tools at its disposal that allow it to neuromarketing through branding, consumer emotions and
gauge how customers respond to new product developments behavior?; and Q4: What research gaps have been found in
(for example, an updated design). Such reactions can be neuromarketing, advertising, branding and consumer
characterized as emotionally charged, instinctively behavior? These research questions aimed to provide an
occurring, and defying the marketer’s logical forecasts. The understanding of the neuromarketing, consumer behaviour
effectiveness of advertising was the third usage as people and Advertising landscape. The search process entailed
are frequently unaware of their reactionsince advertising perusing the databases with the keywords of neuromarketing
has an impact on their subconscious. The ability to observe and Advertising, neuromarketing, Branding, and Consumer
how this occurs by using neuromarketing. Fourth, the effect Behavior. The ideas were chosen depending on the research
on the choice to buy for example when a person purchases questions and context outlined in the previous section. The
the influence of various aspects (for example, the ambience search was conducted in Late November 2022, and the
in a store), and frequently it cannot be explained logically. amount of time devoted to the search was dependent on the
Neuromarketing investigates exactly what influences a researcher's availability until an exhaustive search was
consumer's purchasing choice. The Fifth usage was online achieved. The search revealed a total of 11,400 documents
commerce within the ability to successfully establish, in Google Scholar. The assessment phase aims to evaluate
manage, and grow an online business while gently and decrease the number of papers applicable to the subject
influencing users' online behavior is made possible through analysis. Criteria have been set for inclusion and exclusion;
neuromarketing. Lastly, when it comes to entertaining these include the title, journals and abstracts being evaluated
Interests, attitudes, and preferences of modern consumers for meeting the following conditions: having the primary
are primarily influenced by their interactions with current study relate to neuromarketing in advertising
types of entertainment. Neuromarketing examines into communication and consumer behaviour, having the
the specific effectsthese factors have on our behavior. research concern neuromarketing in branding and consumer
behaviour, and the context study being in regards to
III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY consumer behaviours, decision-making and perception.
After conducting a deep screening, 38 articles were initially
Xiao Y and Watson M (2019) argued that a systematic identified as relevant documents. However, upon applying
literature review should be conducted in a category the exclusion criteria of only peer-reviewed journals or
descriptive manner. This implies that a narrative review, proceedings written in English and published after 2004,
textual narrative synthesis, meta-summary, metanarrative, plus accounting for redundancy and re-putative articles, the
and scope review are some of the different ways data can be number of articles was reduced to 15.
selected, analyzed, and integrated into the review.
Furthermore, a scoping review should be conducted to IV. DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS
provide a comprehensive summary of what has been done,
including the methodology, findings, variables, possibilities,  Related Articles in Neuromarketing, Branding,
and limitations of the research. Despite the lack of emphasis Advertising and Consumer Behavior and Decision-
on the quality of the research, scoping reviews must remain Making
thorough. The relevant articles containing Neuromarketing Through the creation of a line graph demonstrating a
or advertising studies were then identified and sorted into systematic literature review for 15 articles in the time frame
categories such as Neuromarketing, consumer behaviour, between 2004 and 2022, it is evident that the research into
branding, and advertising communication. understanding, analyzing and examining the role of
neuromarketing in advertising, branding and consumer
 The Process: Planning, Scope, Searching and Assessing behaviour has been ascending, with a noticeable peak
The purpose of this Systematic Literature Review occurring between 2019 and 2022. This is evident through
(SLR) is to identify a comprehensive view of potential the positive slope of the graph, implying a positive
avenues for future research in the fields of neuromarketing, correlation between the variables.
branding, consumer behaviour and advertising, to fill
existing research gaps. An SLR is conducted utilizing four
steps and Google Scholar, due to its broad selection of
publications, was used for the SLR with a search range of
18 years, from 2004 to 2022. Following the initial
brainstorming and literature search, the scope of the
research was shaped to gain answerable research questions
for the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on
Neuromarketing, Advertising, Branding and Consumer
Behaviour. The four research questions that were developed
from this process were: Q1: What academic research papers
and case studies have been conducted in the area of
neuromarketing, branding, advertising and consumer
behavior?; Q2: What methodologies have been used to
utilize the covered academic research in the SLR?; Q3: Graph 1 A Scale of Neuromarkting Publications in
Last 18 years

IJISRT23JUN691 www.ijisrt.com 2039

Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
By drawing a table to represent our SLR articles preference and consumer decision-making through studied
identifying the author and article title, topic area and date of previous research between 2004 to 2022. We found that
publication to show the collected data for answering RQ1 almost 46.6% of the articles were examining consumer
and showing the study’s trend. There were 3 main topic behaviour and emotions in advertising, 40% were on
areas in the context of advertising and branding that consumer decision-making as a topic area and 13.3% of the
contribute to consumer behaviour & emotions, consumer studies were conducted on consumer preference.

Table 1 Represent our SLR Articles

No Author and Article title Year Topic Area
1) McClure, S. M., Li, J., Tomlin, D., Cypert, K. S., Montague, L. M., & Montague, 2004 Consumer preference and
P. R. - Neural correlatesof behavioral preference for culturally familiar drinks Decision-Making
2) Suomala, J., Palokangas, L., Leminen, S., Westerlund, M., Heinonen, J., & 2012 ConsumerBehavior
Numminen, J. - Neuromarketing: Understanding customers' subconscious
responsesto marketing.
3) Balconi, M., Stumpo, B., & Leanza, F. - Advertising, brandand 2014 Consumer Decision-Making
neuromarketing or how consumer brain works.
4) Nyoni, T., & Bonga, W. G.-. Neuromarketing Methodologies: More Brain Scans 2017 Consumer Decision-Making
or Brain Scams?
5) Baraybar-Fernández, A.,Baños-González, M., 2017 Consumer behaviorand
Barquero-Pérez, Ó., Goya-Esteban,R., & De-la-Morena-Gómez, A. - Evaluation of emotions inadvertising
emotional responses to television advertising through neuromarketing.
6) Cuesta, U., Martínez-Martínez, L.,& Niño, J. I. A case study in neuromarketing: 2018 Consumer behaviorand
Analysis of the influence of music on advertising effectivenes through eye- emotions inAdvertising
facial emotion and GSR.
7) Shaari, N. A. S., Syafiq, M. M. J., 2019 Consumer behaviorand
Amin, M. K. M., & Mikami, O. -Electroencephalography (EEG) application in decision-making
neuromarketing-exploring thesubconscious mind.
8) Oliveira, J. H. C. D., & Giraldi, J. 2019 ConsumerBehavior
D. M. E. - Neuromarketing and itsimplications for operations management: an
experiment with two brands of beer.
9) Golnar-Nik, P., Farashi, S., & Safari, M. S. - The application of EEG power for the 2019 Consumer Decision-Making
prediction andinterpretation of consumer decision-making: A neuromarketing
10) Gill, R., & Singh, J. - A study of neuromarketing techniques for proposing cost 2020 Consumer Behavior and
effective information driven framework for decision making. Decision-Making
11) Baños-González, M., Baraybar-Fernández, A., & Rajas-Fernández, M. - The 2020 ConsumerBehavior
application of neuromarketingtechniques in the spanish
advertising industry: Weaknesses and opportunities for development.
12) Singh, J., Goyal, G., & Gill, R. -. Use of neurometrics to choose optimal 2020 Customer Preference,
advertisement method foromnichannel business. Consumer decision-making
13) Naim, A. - Neuro-Marketing Techniques for Proposing Information Driven 2022 Consumer Decision-Making
Framework for Decision Making.
14) Ahmed, R. R., Streimikiene, D., Channar, Z. A., Soomro, H. A., Streimikis, J., & 2022 Predicted consumerbuying
Kyriakopoulos, G. behavior
L. - The Neuromarketing Concept in Artificial Neural Networks: A Case of
Forecasting and Simulationfrom the Advertising Industry.
15) Martinez-Levy, A. C., Rossi, D.,Cartocci, G., Mancini, M., Di Flumeri, G., Trettel, 2022 Consumer emotions through
A., ... & Cherubino, P. Message framing,non-conscious perception and advertising and predict a
effectiveness in non-profit advertising. Contribution by neuromarketing research. communication’sperformance

 Methodologies has been used in Neuromarketing participants to examine their impact on the consumer
through Advertising, Branding and Consumer. behaviour, emotions, preference and decision-making.
Through the collected data of quantitative and While, on the other hand, almost 26.667% of the chosen
qualitative methods of research. We found that most of the articles were qualitative research through interviews and
articles were quantitative with a percentage of 73.3% literature reviews for providing a better understanding of the
through conducting experiments and case studies by using adoption of neuroscientific tools in advertising, branding
neuroscientific tools like eye-tracking, facial code and marketing with some early limitations such as the lack
expressions, electroencephalography and functional and huge expenses of the techniques.
magnetic resonance imaging on a specific number of

IJISRT23JUN691 www.ijisrt.com 2040

Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 2 Represent our SLR Articles
No Author and Article title Year Methodologies
1) McClure, S. M., Li, J., Tomlin, D., Cypert, K. S., Montague, L. M., & Montague, P. R. - 2004 Quantitative
Neural correlatesof behavioral preference for culturally familiar drinks
2) Suomala, J., Palokangas, L., Leminen, S., Westerlund, M., Heinonen, J., & Numminen, J. - 2012 Quantitative
Neuromarketing: Understanding customers' subconscious responsesto marketing.
3) Balconi, M., Stumpo, B., & Leanza, F. - Advertising, brandand neuromarketing or how 2014 Quantitative
consumer brain works.
4) Nyoni, T., & Bonga, W. G.-. Neuromarketing Methodologies: More Brain Scans or Brain 2017 Qualitative
5) Baraybar-Fernández, A.,Baños-González, M., 2017 Quantitative
Barquero-Pérez, Ó., Goya-Esteban,R., & De-la-Morena-Gómez, A. - Evaluation of
emotional responses to television advertising through neuromarketing.
6) Cuesta, U., Martínez-Martínez, L.,& Niño, J. I. A case study in neuromarketing: Analysis 2018 Quantitative
of the influence of music on advertising effectivenes through eye-tracking,facial emotion
and GSR.
7) Shaari, N. A. S., Syafiq, M. M. J., 2019 Quantitative
Amin, M. K. M., & Mikami, O. -Electroencephalography (EEG) application in
neuromarketing-exploring thesubconscious mind.
8) Oliveira, J. H. C. D., & Giraldi, J. 2019 Quantitative
D. M. E. - Neuromarketing and itsimplications for operations management: an experiment
with two brands of beer.
9) Golnar-Nik, P., Farashi, S., & Safari, M. S. - The application of EEG power for the 2019 Quantitative
prediction andinterpretation of consumer decision-making: A neuromarketing study.
10) Gill, R., & Singh, J. - A study of neuromarketing techniques for proposing cost effective 2020 Qualitative
information driven framework for decision making.
11) Baños-González, M., Baraybar-Fernández, A., & Rajas-Fernández, M. - The application of 2020 Qualitative
neuromarketingtechniques in the spanish advertising industry: Weaknesses and
opportunities for development.
12) Singh, J., Goyal, G., & Gill, R. -. Use of neurometrics to choose optimal advertisement 2020 Quantitative
method foromnichannel business.
13) Naim, A. - Neuro-Marketing Techniques for Proposing Information Driven Framework for 2022 Qualitative
Decision Making.
14) Ahmed, R. R., Streimikiene, D.,Channar, Z. A., Soomro, H. A., Streimikis, J., & 2022 Quantitative
Kyriakopoulos, G.
L. - The Neuromarketing Concept in Artificial Neural Networks: A Case of Forecasting and
Simulationfrom the Advertising Industry.
15) Martinez-Levy, A. C., Rossi, D., Cartocci, G., Mancini, M., Di Flumeri, G., Trettel, A., ... 2022 Quantitative
& Cherubino, P. Message framing, non-conscious perception and effectiveness in non-
profit advertising. Contribution by neuromarketing research.

 Variables in Neuromarketing, Branding, Advertising specifically EEG classified it as a great technique to explore
and Consumer behaviorSelected Researches. valid consumer preferences in the case of consumer
decision-making. Singh, J., Goyal, G., & Gill, R. (2020)
 Consumer Choice and Preference conducted a study to evaluate omnichannel advertisement
Michela Balconi, Frederic L., et al. (2014) explored channels within a high-precision camera and the usage of a
the usage of EGG as a neuroscientific tool to provide neuroscientific tool which was the galvanic skin response
consumer responses to explicit consumer preferences and its sensors through 40 participants watching a set of cosmetic
impact on the evaluation of consumer goods within a case advertisements to measure its effectiveness in recorded
study of selected 15 women of age 20 to 40 years old at neuro-metric data and also through making a questionnaire
university of Milan through watching 5 different for a sample of randomly 415 participants of age over or
commercial advertisements on a screen positioned 100 cm equal to 25 years old on 3 advertisements for dove, ponds
distance from their eyes and they were required to scale and Detol to answer what was the major domain for the
each advertisement on a rate from 1 to 6. Repeated product in the advertisements and it was found that 34.5%
measures ANOVA for analysing different measurements of did. While the GSR sensor was used to validate through the
the same attribute through a group of related dependent precision calculated when the facial analyzer works and
variables coherently with the EEG measurements and the based on their results, they have concluded that the values
frontal brain log-transformed asymmetry. They assumed of GSR recorded through the product’s social media pages
that the results were positive when the consumer was have more variety of facial expressions than the
exposed to engagement through rewarding advertisements advertisements but, they have also assumed the positive
which showed how the consumer brain works and trend line of neuromarketing and the flexibility in measuring

IJISRT23JUN691 www.ijisrt.com 2041

Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
the consumer emotive response and preference which helps be a very flexible technique for predicting consumer
also in the evaluation of the products, design and packaging. behaviour through advertising of specific brands.

 Consumer Behavior and Emotions  Consumer Decision-Making

Suomala, J., Palokangas, L., Leminen, S., Westerlund, Golnar-Nik, P., Farashi, S., & Safari, M. S. (2019)
M., Heinonen, J., & Numminen, J. (2012) used EEG and used EEG as a neuroscientific tool through different mobile
fMRI which were able to measure and record the electrical phone brand advertisements to predict consumer preference
activity of the brain the blood flow and oxygen levels inside and decision-making behaviour in shopping. Their results
the brain where they have classified it as the best showed that 87% of high accuracy of the EEG sensors in
neuroscientific tools to be used in neuromarketing. Their predicting consumer decision-making behaviour and within
research results through the five phases of the consultative the accuracy of 63% in distinguishing the preferences of like
selling process with a virtual customer journey illustrate the and dislike. They stated that more neuroscientific tools
usability of neuroimaging at each step of customer should be used once for more accurate results. Cuesta, U.,
engagement for the investigation of consumer behaviour and Martínez-Martínez, L., & Niño, J. I. (2018) conducted an
perception and the neuroimaging reveals brain activity, experiment using three different neuroscientific tools as
which can assist marketers in identifying and reducing galvanic skin response, facial code expression and eye-
unfavourable sensations in customers, including anxiety, tracking by examining 19 women within watching a
uncertainty, danger, and risk, to increase customers' perfume brand advertisement. While 10 watched the
propensity to purchase. The advantage of neuroimaging is advertisement silently with no music and the other 9
that it can accurately predict how customers will respond watched the other version with music. The results showed
to marketing stimuli even with a limited sample size of test there that consumer emotion, joy and engagement were
subjects. While the limitation of the research was the higher in the advertisement with music while there were not
chosen brand (Nokia) which already has a strong value in too many differences in consumer attention in both types of
Finland and the small groups of participants. Oliveira, J. H. advertisements. They assumed the positive trend line of the
C. D., & Giraldi, J. D. M. E. (2019) conducted an usage of neuroscientific tools in the detection of consumer
experiment between two different alcoholic beverages decision-making, emotions and even brand perception.
brands to measure visual attention within eye-tracking Martinez-Levy, A. C., Rossi, D., Cartocci, G., Mancini, M.,
technique through advertisements which tried also to Di Flumeri, G., Trettel, A., ... & Cherubino, P. (2022)
classify consumer loyalty and behaviour towards brand’s measured consumer emotions through non-profit
equity to one brand over the others where it can improve organizations advertisements like Unicef which most of
weak brand or develop new ideas and marketing campaigns their advertisements would be for donations and awareness
for a strong brand through better consumer experiences. to the public sphere using eye tracker as Tobii pro-X2-30
While the limitations of the attention control mechanisms screen-based of 30 Hz frequency and a galvanic skin
using the neuroscientific tool were not well answered, response as neuromarketing techniques within 72
especially within the operation management and the visual participants in Milan and Rome on a short advertisement
attention of a strong brand on consumers has better value trimmed clip from a documentary called Earth in Italian
within associative effects. language. The research results show a great advantage over
traditional marketing techniques for neuromarketing in the
Ahmed, R. R., Streimikiene, D., Channar, Z. A., evaluation of framing the messages, perception,
Soomro, H. A., Streimikis, J., & Kyriakopoulos, G. L. performance, and issues in real communication within the
(2022) examined 585 participants through a single prediction of consumer emotion, engagement and
advertisement for the predictive consumer behaviour using a perception.
neuroscientific tool which was fMRI but programmed and
transformed through artificial intelligence and it’s a neural  Research Gaps in Neuromarketing on Advertising and
network which it was cost-effective and unique. While Consumer beahvior
stating that human behaviour is very complex within The future studies and recommendations that have
different stimuli and external factors far from the been suggested by previous researchers may fill in the gap
advertisement or brand effect. They assumed that the neural in the future study of Neuromarketing and advertising
network has coincided with the human brain so it can also communication.

Table 3 Represent our SLR Articles

No Author and Article title Year Recommendations and Future Research
1) Suomala, J., Palokangas, L., Leminen, S., 2012 They concludedthat the results and the methodology can be
Westerlund, M., Heinonen, J., & Numminen, J. - used not only for evaluating the purchaseprocess but also
Neuromarketing: Understanding customers' for testing new product and serviceconceptsand
subconscious responsesto marketing. applications, especially in the high-tech industry.Their
publication recommended future researchsubjects in
2) Balconi, M., Stumpo, B., & Leanza, F. - 2014 Their resultsshowed that EEG measurements andthe
Advertising, brandand preferenceranking has strongcoherence and suggested for
neuromarketing or how consumer brain works. future researches tofocus more aboutthe importance of EEG

IJISRT23JUN691 www.ijisrt.com 2042

Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
as a neuroscientific tool for detecting the consumer response
for decision-making to the goods.
3) Nyoni, T., & Bonga, W. G.-. Neuromarketing 2017 They believed thatin Neuromarketingwhere marketerscan
Methodologies: More Brain Scans or Brain simply targetthat magic spot inthe consumer’sbrain but, it
Scams? cannot be a replacement ofthe traditionalmarketing tools and
strategies. While, companies shouldbe more encouraged for
this transformation in a professional way and awareness
to the ethical issues.
4) Baraybar-Fernández, A.,Baños-González, 2017 They mentionedthe positive trendline of theneuroscientific
M.,Barquero-Pérez, Ó., Goya-Esteban,R., & De- tools efficiency in marketing and advertising. While,the
la-Morena-Gómez, A. - Evaluation of emotional limitations ofthe high expensesandmeasurementscosts But
responses to television advertising through theyrecommended that researchers shouldchase the
neuromarketing. excitingexperiments or theconsumer behaviorand preference
withdoing more examinations.
5) Shaari, N. A. S., Syafiq, M. M. J., 2019 They stated thatLarge surveys might becomeoutdated since
Amin, M. K. M., & Mikami, O. - sofew respondents can accurately assess the value of
Electroencephalography (EEG) application in marketing products. However,the topic of neuromarketing is
neuromarketing-exploring thesubconscious mind. still in its infancy as there are many variables that need to
be investigated,such as the enormous 10 billion neural
6) Golnar-Nik, P., Farashi, S., & Safari, M. S. - The 2019 They mentionedthat only a small number of research have
application of EEG power for the prediction and focused on the Impact of advertisement content on the brain
interpretation of consumer data-based decision-making process.Theirresults could
decision-making: A neuromarketing study. serveas a foundation forfurther researchinto how the
brainprocesses the contents ofadvertisements through larger
sample sizes and other data collection techniques, likefMRI,
may also beemployed.
7) Baños-González, M., Baraybar-Fernández, A., & 2020 They recommendedthat However, itwould be wise to carry
Rajas-Fernández, M. - The application of out further research to Examine the limitations and the
neuromarketing techniques in the Spanish issues it claims,some of which are as serious as thelack of
advertising industry: Weaknesses and standardized measures of thediversity oftechnologies, and if
opportunities for development. the perception theindustry has ofthese methods issupported
by theavailability ofdifferent providers.When considering
research designs for market.
8) Martinez-Levy, A. C., Rossi, D.,Cartocci, G., 2020 The recommendedthat to find a set ofneurophysiological
Mancini, M., Di Flumeri, G., Trettel, A., ... & indicators that canforecast the effectiveness of
Cherubino, P. Message framing,non-conscious communication, additional researchshould concentrateon
perception and effectiveness in non-profit various sorts ofcharity initiatives.Additionally, it's
advertising. Contribution by neuromarketing important to pinpoint thedemographic groups that can be
research. more or less amenable to receiving such communications,
paying particularattention to age andgender disparities.
Regarding the theoretical implications, thiswill improve the
outcomes in particular segmentcases and revealany
variations. In terms ofmanagement consequences,itwould be
beneficialto target particularcampaigns associated with
certain segments inorder to reducepositioning expenses.
Thesesubjects are setaside for upcoming development.

V. CONCLUSION While the use of an SLR for neuromarketing can

provide a number of benefits, it is important to consider the
The use of an SLR for neuromarketing can provide a potential limitations of this approach. One limitation is that
number of benefits. It can help to identify gaps in existing an SLR is limited by the availability of data. If data is
research and uncover potential areas of further exploration. It not available for a particular topic, it is not possible to
can also provide reliable, valid data that can be used to conduct an SLR for that topic. Another limitation is that an
inform future research. An SLR can also help to develop SLR is limited by the quality of the data. Poor-quality data
hypotheses and guide future research.The use of an SLR can may lead to inaccurate or incomplete results. Finally, an
also help to ensure the accuracy of research findings. By SLR is limited by the number of studies available. If there
synthesizing and analyzing data, an SLR can help to identify are not enough studies available for a particular topic, it may
any inaccuracies or inconsistencies in the data. This can help not be possible to conduct an SLR for that topic.
to ensure that the research is reliable and valid.

IJISRT23JUN691 www.ijisrt.com 2043

Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The 4 main research questions are the focus of SLR measurements, like those of brain activity, can be fairly
research. Based on the SLR, the results in the context good. Other methods, such as face coding, are less accurate,
sectors of advertising communication and neuromarketing which can make comparing various measurements
have been discussed. In the 15 articles included in this challenging. In the absence of uniformity, there isn't a set
review, the application of neuroscience to marketing and of accepted practices because the neuromarketing sector is
advertising in particular has been discussed. In general, still rather young. As a result, the outcomes differ depending
neuroscientific approaches used in marketing and on the company we pick and employ. The High prices and
advertising communication are still in their infancy and lack significant costs. While many of the neuromarketing
the research that is necessary to keep up with the industrial techniques are reasonably priced, some are very pricey.
revolution 3.0 while taking into account the high When preparing a marketing campaign, these expenses
measurement costs of those instruments. The method of data should be taken into account. Lack of long-term data since
extraction has been thoroughly applied and explained. The some neuromarketing metrics, such brain activity, only
author thinks that this SLR contributes to the development provide information about a campaign's efficacy at a
of neuroscientific tools for marketing and advertising specific point in time, making the data only useful during the
communication. Anyone wishing to do academic or campaign. and lastly It is extremely complex to interpret
industrial research on neuromarketing, branding, or data, such as the data obtained using neuromarketing
advertising may utilize the study as a starting point. approaches. Although it offers useful information, it might
be challenging for marketers to understand. As a result,
 Possibilities and Advantages using the data to make judgments can be challenging.
Neuromarketing has several advantages over
traditional methods of marketing research. First,  Recommendations for Future Research
neuromarketing offers a more holistic understanding of In order to maximize the potential of neuromarketing,
consumer behavior by taking into account both conscious there are several recommendations for future work and
and unconscious responses. By using brain imaging and research. First, there should be a greater emphasis on
eye-tracking, neuromarketing can provide insights into the developing best practices for using neuromarketing
subconscious and emotional responses of consumers, which techniques. Recently, Eye-tracking on the webcam based on
can be used to craft more effective marketing strategies. Real-eye software 11.0 on higher frequencies and affordable
Second, neuromarketing is more cost-effective than prices has recently become available, especially for
traditional methods of marketing research. By using academic purposes. This technology combines insights from
neuroscience techniques, neuromarketing can provide eye-tracking, emotion recognition, and declarative surveys
insights into consumer behavior at a fraction of the cost of in one tool, allowing participants to take the test at home or
traditional marketing research. Finally, neuromarketing can in a sterile lab environment. The option to filter results using
be used to gain insights into consumer behavior, emotions tags that you can establish on your own like tag by the
and preferences in real-time, allowing marketers to make survey answers, or the ability to compare results for
quick and effective decisions. Neuromarketing can also be different target groups by simply filtering them, such as
used to measure the effectiveness of different types of the perception of an advertisement by men and women or
advertising and branding. By using neuroscience techniques, by people of different ages, and It's easy to see the climax
marketers can measure the impact of different types of and whether one exists or changes the perception of an
advertising and branding on the brain and how this impacts advertisement. It is possible for someone to have
a consumer's decision-making process. This can be used to intentionally provided a false response, refuse to
identify which types of advertising and branding are most acknowledge it (as in the ad), or not be aware that they did.
effective and which types are less effective. Finally, This style of inquiry allows us to reply on a behavioural
neuromarketing can be used to measure the impact of level rather than a declarative one. Additionally, it allows us
different types of marketing on consumer emotions and to save money before the campaign begins, allowing us to
attitudes. By using neuroscience techniques, marketers can devote more money to the ads that receive the best ratings.
measure the impact of different types of marketing on the With the new software that allows for eye-tracking, surveys,
brain and how this impacts a consumer's emotions and and facial expression coding using a web camera based, the
attitudes. This can be used to create more effective entire inquiry may be finished in a single day. Results are
marketing strategies that will have a greater impact on made available as soon as a participant completes the
consumers. assignment. This will help ensure that the data collected is
accurate and that the results are interpreted correctly.
 Limitations and Challenges Second, there should be a greater emphasis on replicating
However, neuromarketing also has some neuromarketing data in order to validate the results and
disadvantages. First, there is still a lack of consensus on the ensure that the data is generalizable. Finally, there should be
best methods for using neuromarketing techniques. This can a greater emphasis on understanding the ethical
lead to confusion and misinterpretation of results. Second, implications of neuromarketing research, as this has the
neuromarketing data can be difficult to interpret, as the data potential to have a significant impact on consumer behavior,
is often complex and nuanced. Finally, neuromarketing data emotions and attitudes.
can be difficult to replicate, as it is based on individual
responses and not on generalization trends. The following
clearly expresses the limitations: The precision of some

IJISRT23JUN691 www.ijisrt.com 2044

Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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